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The Scourge Award Poll 2017

Awarded to a player in recognition of their willingness and ability to put their character through extraordinary personal hardship, be it suffering through sickness or personal crisis, through which the writer contributed superb posts relevant to the situation. The writer who gains this award is a master at torturing their character(s) for the enjoyment of others.

The poll will run for 7 days, in which those who cast their vote should take a few minutes to read the linked scenes first. The nominee(s) who get the most votes will receive the Scourge Award. If you are a Nominee, you may not vote on yourself.

Here are the nominations!


Nominee: @Kaligos

Primary Reason: For the character Hi'Jak, in recent memory.

Motivation & Links (same as Nomination 2) by Triage: To put it bluntly, I don't know anyone else who can so willingly or blatantly subject characters of their own creation or under their management to unspeakable horrors and pain. Auctor details out the harm inflicted upon his character in such a manner of creativity and clarity that I believe the readers can feel the character's pain as well. And of course, the sympathy you'd feel for those suffering individuals in writing. Kaligos puts the P in pain when it comes to what he subjects Hi'Jak to, be it emotional or physical suffering. The most telling moment was when Hi'Jak lost his sight, and the effects he suffered from a backfiring old Disruptor pistol.

For Kaligos' character Hi'Jak,2146.msg13400.html#msg13400


Nominee: @Auctor Lucan

Primary Reason: For the character Rihen Niyah, in recent memory.

Motivation & Links (same as Nomination 1) by Triage: To put it bluntly, I don't know anyone else who can so willingly or blatantly subject characters of their own creation or under their management to unspeakable horrors and pain. Auctor details out the harm inflicted upon his character in such a manner of creativity and clarity that I believe the readers can feel the character's pain as well. And of course, the sympathy you'd feel for those suffering individuals in writing. Kaligos puts the P in pain when it comes to what he subjects Hi'Jak to, be it emotional or physical suffering. The most telling moment was when Hi'Jak lost his sight, and the effects he suffered from a backfiring old Disruptor pistol.

For Auctor Lucan's character Rihen Niyah,2080.msg11928.html#msg11928


Nominee: @Brutus

Primary Reason: For the character Sarresh Morali

Motivation & Links by Auctor Lucan: The Ash'reem species absorb water through their skin and hair, so when Sarresh Morali decided to try and reach his mate - Amikris Neotin - who floated on a piece of sizzling driftwood in the middle of an acidic lake, Sarresh knew that he might not survive. He wanted to reach her so that they could both transport to the Theurgy, but alas. Amikris Neotin was also the last hope for the Ash'reem, who were already doomed to extinction because of their fertility rates. In Amikris were the DNA that could correct the flaw in their people's genome. Amikris was, however, lost, and Sarresh Morali ended up in stasis without eyes, ears, a shred of skin or hair, and with both lungs and throat seared by the acid.

Before then, Sarresh Morali had been recruited to serve on the 29th century timeship Relativity at a young age. He returned to his original timeline after volunteering to aid the Theurgy on her mission. Morali underwent MEM (Memory Engram Manipulation) treatment to keep his knowledge of the future from disrupting the time stream. He had an implant installed in his head that had tech that can detect a temporal breach. When such a breach happened, Morali regained his memories so that he could try and thwart the enemy threat to the Theurgy. The MEM treatment, however, also made him forget he volunteered for the mission (perhaps knowing he could potentially save Amikris and his people, and knew he would fall in love with her? Who knows.) So, as many regrets as he has, hating the mission, he has not only lost his posting on the Relativity, his mate, his people, and his unique knowledge of the time stream, he also lost his Ash'reem body.

He had to undergo DNA re-sequencing and become human in order for Dyan Cardamone's Asurian healing cells to work on his body. He was saved in this fashion because of his importance to the mission, but it is still a mission he loathes, having lost all that he holds dear. Through the ocular implants he wears instead of his lost eyes, he sees Thea's voyage into the unknown forks of the time stream with loathing, with little left to fight for.

Swimming across an acidic lake to save his mate:,1059.0.html

Thank you in advance for your voting in this award category!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan


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