IKS Negh'var

From Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki

The IKS Negh'Var (IKS-7500) was a Klingon Empire starship, a Negh'Var-class dreadnought/strike cruiser/battleship in Klingon Defense Force service in the 24th century.

Service history and disposition

The Negh'Var was designed mainly by Kurak, daughter of Haleka, and commissioned in the year 2372. (TNG novel: Diplomatic Implausibility)

It was made the flagship of the Klingon fleet, serving as the command vessel for Chancellors Gowron and Martok during the Dominion War, and the conflict with the Federation that preceded it. One of the Negh'Var's first actions was the attack on Deep Space 9 in the year it was commissioned. (DS9 episode: "The Way of the Warrior"; Decipher RPG module: Starships; TNG video game: Birth of the Federation; DS9 novels: The Left Hand of Destiny, Book One, The Left Hand of Destiny, Book Two; WizKids modules: Tactics, Attack Wing)