USS Absolution

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The USS Absolution was a 24th century Federation starship operated by Starfleet.

Ian Hawthorne served aboard the Absolution as chiefoperations officer from 2359 after serving aboard the USS Principle until he transferred to the USS Dorian in 2364. He was serving aboard the Absolution when he proposed to his wife Trish and they had their daughter Lisa. The Absolution was sent to deal with the Aven Insurgency where Hawthorne earned the Starfleet Medal of Valour by negotiating a settlement that brought an end to the hostilities between the miners on Aven III and the mine owners.

(It is not been revealed what class of starship the USS Absolution was, but it is likely that it was an early 24th century vessel such as an Ambassador, Constellation, Excelsior, or Miranda class.)