USS Eagle (NCC-956)
From Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki
The USS Eagle (NCC-956) was a 23rd century Federation Constitution-class starship operated by Starfleet.
The USS Eagle was commissioned in the mid 23rd century. During the Babel delgation, StarFleet Command confirmed an alien attack on the other Federation starships. While the enemy was defeated, Starships USS Essex and USS Eagle suffered heavy damage, but made it back to StarFleet HQ. In 2269, The USS Eagle was given the first of many refits to the Constitution II program. At this time, the Eagle was given to the command of Captain Whitten.
Alan James Pierce joined the crew of the Eagle as an Ensign in 2278 and remained about the cruiser for many years. Eventually rising in the ranks to becoming Lt. Commander and Executive Officer aboard the vessel by 2282. His last year aboard was in 2286 before he was lost in a secret intelligence mission.
In 2293, the Eagle was assigned a colony resupply mission. The ship was named on a Starship Mission Assignments chart on the USS Enterprise-A bridge. Later that year, the USS Eagle under the command of Captain K. Garretson, along with the USS Excelsior and the USS Potemkin, was selected for the primary operational phase of the abandoned rescue mission code-named "Operation Retrieve", which would have rescued Captain James Kirk and Doctor Leonard McCoy from Rura Penthe in 2293. According to the plans, the Eagle was to provide protection on the Potemkin's port flank as this ship retrieved the two Starfleet officers.
The Eagle was deactivated shortly after the end of the Federation-Klingon Cold War in 2293 as part of a mutual disarmament treaty and due to its age and inability for further refits. The USS Eagle was decommissioned, and was reactivated following the Tomed Incident of 2311 albeit briefly, when it was believed that war with the Romulans was eminent. The Eagle was serving as a training vessel for decades to come until it was given more upgrades to bring back into the Battle of Wolf 359 when it was destroyed with loss of all hands.