USS Honsho

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The USS Honshu
Image © Paramount

The USS Honshu (NCC-60205) was a 24th century Federation Nebula class starship operated by Starfleet.

Nator 159’s cadet cruise was aboard the Honshu in 2366.

In 2374, the Honshu was responsible for transporting former Cardassian leader Dukat to stand trial for war crimes at Starbase 621. Captain Benjamin Sisko was also aboard and was scheduled to testify at the trial.

At approximately 1030 hours on the second day of the three day voyage, the ship was intercepted and destroyed by a wing of Cardassian destroyers. At least three of the starship's escape pods and a shuttlecraft managed to escape.

The USS Defiant and the USS Constellation were assigned to retrieve survivors. The Defiant recovered at least fifteen survivors, including Sisko. (DS9: "Waltz") (Source: Memory Alpha)