Nicole Howard (KIA)

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Nicole 01 by auctorlucan-d6ghha2.png
Personnel FileY-o4.png
Name:Nicole Howard
Rank:Lieutenant Commander
Position:Chief Engineer
Orientation:  Heterosexual
Birthplace:Utopia Planitia, Mars
Height:5ft 8in
Weight:132 lbs
Eye color:Hazel
Played by:Julie McNiven
Chaos theory
Starfleet Academy, class of 2375.
Service Record

Nicole Howard briefly served as Chief Engineer for the USS Theurgy replacing Nolak Kalmil before she was put in stasis. She aided in the opposition against the parasites that compromised Starfleet Command in the end of the 24th century. Howard was put in stasis after sustaining fatal injury, and may be treated once the USS Theurgy can get the medical assistance required. She was replaced by Alexander Rosek.



Father: Thomas Howard, Engineer on Utopia Planitia Mother: Ilva Joktasa, Bajoran who escaped Bajor during the Cardassian Occupation

Early life

Born too early, Nicole’s mother died during her birthing, leaving Nicole with only her father to tend to her. Her father, however, found it difficult to look at the fiery, red-headed girl, who, aside from her hair, reminded him of her mother. Giving in to drinking to escape the memories, he soon was demoted at work, and, throughout Nicole’s life, barely managed to maintain a stable job. As a consequence, Nicole learned to fend for herself, her quick wit and resourcefulness keeping her from starving on more than one occasion. By the age of ten, she had pickpocketed her way through most of the species on Mars, only occasionally getting caught, but quick to talk her way out of any trouble.

As she matured into her teens, she made herself useful to a gang known as the Blood Reds, supposedly after the crimson Martian twilight, as a fixer, keeping most of the myriad of contraptions they stole in repair and fixing what their thievery brought in for further sale. Finally, her connection with the gang landed her in a set of complications she was unable to get out of. An expensive electric cycle belonging to a visiting Starfleet officer turned up missing, as one of Nicole’s gang mates had stolen it. Unfortunately for Nicole, the gang member had taken it for a joy ride before bringing it to her and, as she was nearly finished disabling the onboard tracking device, the gang hideout was stormed by the local police.

Having a troubled past, the sentencing judge knew she had little future if she wasn’t forced to shape up. Giving Nicole the choice of either prison or joining Starfleet, Nicole chose Starfleet and arrangements were made for her to attend the Academy on Earth. Throughout her educational career at the Academy, she frequently tested high, but her anti-authoritarianism caused again and again to fail several courses. When she finally graduated, she was in the bottom 20% of her class.

Her first assignment, an ensign aboard a class 9 cargo vessel, there was little for her to do and even less for her to get in trouble with. Instead, she had little choice but to follow the regulations and strive enormously to find a better posting, which came in the way of a promotion to Lieutenant first class aboard a Nova-class science vessel at the very edges of Federation space. Again, she ran into the problem of isolation from trouble. With a crew of 80, there was little for her to do, especially on the frontiers of deep space, except her job. To those she managed, she was equal parts bitch and friend. She constantly struggled with her inner nature to give into chaos, and lose the binds of the command structure she was in, but managed, in the end, to find herself another promotion.

This time, aboard the USS Theurgy as a full Lieutenant and Assistant Chief Engineer, she had hoped to find more freedom and, perhaps, enjoy her life as she’d known it before joining Starfleet. However, things did not fall into place as she’d hoped. Instead, she, along with the rest of the crew, ended up on the run from Starfleet, though part of her enjoyed the irony. She’d joined Starfleet to escape being a criminal and, now, here she was, considered a criminal by all of the Federation.

During the infection aboard the Theurgy, she was among the first to be infected and, while she can’t remember much about it, finds the lack of control deeply disturbing. Much as she enjoys the thought of external chaos, she very much likes being in control of herself and her surroundings, something the infection stole from her.

Personality Profile

Nicole Howard was a fierce friend to those who get to know her, but those friends also knew her by her fierce, if mostly concealed, hatred for anything having to do with authority. Despite this, she has managed to become a highly competent engineer and Starfleet officer.

Physical Profile

Intense red hair. Measurements, 34C-23-33.