USS Draco

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Revision as of 00:41, 21 October 2016 by DocM (talk | contribs)
The USS Draco in 2374
Image © Paramount

The USS Draco was a 24th century Federation Centaur-class destroyer operated by Starfleet. In 2374, the Draco was mobilized with a large fleet to take part in the Federation/Klingon offensive “Operation Return. to retake the Bajor system.” While serving aboard the Draco Petty Officer Aisha S'Iti was entrusted with piloting a shuttle tasked with landing on Bajor and aiding in the retaking of the planet assisting the Bajoran Militia. Due to her role in the mission she was promoted to PO2 and given the role as secondary conn officer of the Draco.

Shortly after the retaking of Deep Space 9 the Draco was tasked with being part of the defensive force operating out of Starbase 211. This force's main task was being a defensive net for the Betazed System as part of the 10th fleet. Unfortunately the Dominion fleet attacked while the group was undergoing training exercises leading to the capture of Betazed and its surrounding colonies. In the ensuing battle Aisha S'Iti was able to pilot the ship out of the system after the retreat was ordered.

(It is not currently known if the Draco is still commissioned as if 2381.)