USS Repulse

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The USS Repulse
Image © Paramount

The USS Repulse (NCC-2544)was an Excelsior class Federation starship operated by Starfleet in the late 24th century. (Source: Memory Alpha)

From 2371 to 2375, Evoras served as a tactical officer aboard the Repulse. During this time she earned a promotion from lieutenant (junior grade) to full lieutenant, despite her tendency to second guess her commanding officer in the heat of battle.

In 2373, the commanding officer of the Repulse was Captain Gannek of Tallar.

Ensign Devyrie Okhala had her cadet cruise aboard the Repulse after graduating from Starfleet Academy in 2376. A squadron of fighters was aboard to train the pilots of the newly formed Tactical CONN department.