USS Ahwahnee

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The USS Ahwahnee
Image by Euderion

The USS Ahwahnee (NCC-71620)was a 24th century Federation Cheyenne class starship operated by Starfleet.

In 2360, Ensign T'Panu, M.D., graduated from Starfleet Academy and was assigned to the Ahwahnee where she served as a medical doctor.

On January 1, 2367, the Ahwahnee, along with 39 other starships, fought the Borg at the Battle of Wolf 359. The heavily damaged ship was discovered by the USS Enterprise-D after the battle. (TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II")

In December of 2367, Doctor T'Panu was promoted to lieutenant (junior grade) and was assigned to the USS Berlin.

In January of 2368, the Ahwahnee joined Captain Picard's fleet that blockaded the Klingon-Romulan border during the Klingon Civil War. The ship was one of twenty-three assembled for the fleet and was one of the seventeen chosen for the tachyon network. Identified by its name and registry number, the ship's position in the network was monitored from the USS Enterprise-D.

(TNG: "Redemption II", okudagram)