Engineering NPCs

From Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki

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The following is a list of named non-player characters who served in the Engineering Department during the USS Theurgy’s battles against a corrupt and compromised Starfleet.

Deck Operations

Chief Petty Officer Ada Thomason

Chief Petty Officer Ada Thomason

Chief Petty Officer Ada Thomason was a human female who served as an avionics chief aboard the USS Theurgy in 2381. She was born in the late 2330’s ago and served as the senior avionics mechanic for the Lone Wolves’ cutting edge prototype Mk III Valkyries. Chief Warrant Officer First Class Sten Covington the Theurgy’s Chief of Flight Deck Operations (commonly known as Chief of the Deck or Deck Chief, or Senior Deck Chief) considered her his right hand.

Petty Officer Dam

Petty Officer Dam

Petty Officer Dam was an avionics technician who served aboard the USS Theurgy in 2381. Dam escaped Dor'GhItlh Squardon’s attack on the Fighter Assault Bay by following Tessa Lance through the Jeffries tubes that were exposed by the ongoing repairs to the damaged caused by the Calamity’s first attack. Dam was placed in Lieutenant (jg Lance’s distraction party before being stunned by a phaser blast from Harbinger pilots Smoke and Titan in a corridor on the Theurgy’s deck five.

Petty Officer De Serres

Petty Officer De Serres

Petty Officer Petty Officer De Serres De Serres' was an avionics technician who served aboard the USS Theurgy in 2381. During the invasion and mutiny aboard the Theurgy by the officers and crew of the Harbinger he escaped the Fighter Assault Bay with his fellow deck hands through the Jeffries tubes to the ship’s lounge known as Below Decks where they met Wenn Cinn.

He joined Sten Covington and Tessa Lance’s distraction party that was joined by Fasha after encountering resistance on the Theurgy’s deck five. After being redirected to Deck Two, De Serres and the rest of the distraction party rendezvoused with Natalie Stark, Aisha S'Iti, and Rory Callahan to retake the bridge. De Serres was too burly to fit through the Jeffries tubes leading up to the bridge so he accompanied Natalie Stark and Sten Covington in the turbolift. Where he and the deck chief were the first through the door when they took the bridge from Vasser’s men.

Petty Officer First Class Adara Hussein

Petty Officer Adara Hussein

Petty Officer First Class Adara Hussein was an avionics technician who served aboard the USS Theurgy in 2381. Her ancestry was described as "Persian" and she was five feet, three inches (1.6 meters) tall. During the takeover of the Theurgy by the officers and crew of the Harbinger she assisted in building the makeshift barricade to in the Fighter Assault Bay that blocked Tessa Lance’s fighter and kept it from leaving the Fighter Assault Bay to join the other Lone Wolf Valkyries in intercepting the invading Dor'GhItlh Squardon. When the mutinying crewmembers entered the Fighter Bay, she pulled Lance behind the barricade before the pilot got shot.

After escaping the Fighter Bay by escaping through the Jeffries tubes, Hussein and her fellow deck hands found themselves in the ship’s lounge known as Below Decks where they met Wenn Cinn. Hussein joined Lieutenant Lance’s distraction party they encountered Thea and Fasha on Deck Five before regrouping with Natalie Stark, Aisha S'Iti, and Rory Callahan on Deck Two to retake the bridge. Hussein crawled through the Jeffries tubes with Tessa Lance to Deck One and stunned a Bolian crewmember loyal to Vasser’s agenda after Tessa Lance dropped her phaser.

When the Calamity attacked the Theurgy Hussein and her fellow deck hands accompanied Fasha and Lance back to the Fighter Assault Bay where she helped Wolf-07 into her hardsuit and gave her Hannah Slaverton’s Valkyries to fly in lieu of her damaged one.

Petty Officer Kumal Koothrapali

Petty Officer Kumal Koothrapali

Petty Officer Kumal Koothrapali was an avionics technician who served aboard the USS Theurgy in 2381. During the invasion and mutiny aboard the Theurgy by the officers and crew of the Harbinger he escaped the Fighter Assault Bay with his fellow deck hands through the Jeffries tubes to the ship’s lounge known as Below Decks where they met Wenn Cinn.

He joined Sten Covington and Tessa Lance’s distraction party that was joined by Fasha after encountering resistance on the Theurgy’s deck five. After being redirected to Deck Two by Thea, Koothrapali and the rest of the distraction party rendezvoused with Natalie Stark, Aisha S'Iti, and Rory Callahan to retake the bridge.

Tessa Lance estimated Koothrapali’s height and weight to be roughly analogous to that of herself, Fasha, and Aisha S'Iti, small enough to fit through the tight and narrow Jeffries tubes between the USS Theurgy’s Decks One and Two.

Petty Officer Jacque Marquette

Petty Officer Jacque Marquette

Petty Officer Jacque Marquette was a human male appointed as a fighter ordinance technician who served aboard the USS Theurgy in 2381. When infiltrators from [[U.S.S._Harbinger|Harbinger] attacked the Fighter Assault Bay on deck fifteen he was ordered by Sten Covington, to arm himself and bring the weapons stored in the hidden locker in the office Covington shared with Miles Renard. Before he could do so, he was stunned by a phaser beam fired by Tessa May Lance in a case of mistaken identity. Due to the amount of ordinance that Dor'GhItlh Squardon fired into the Fighter Bay when they boarded, it is likely that Petty Officer Marquette was killed or severely wounded.

Petty Officer Phuc

Petty Officer Phuc

Petty Officer Phuc was a fighter technician who served aboard the USS Theurgy in 2381. Dam escaped Dor'GhItlh Squardon’s attack on the Fighter Assault Bay with Sten Covington, Axius vel Onea, Tessa May Lance, and the other deck apes by going through the Jeffries tubes that were exposed by the ongoing repairs to the damaged caused by the Calamity’s first attack. Phuc was placed in LieutenantLance’s distraction party before being stunned by a phaser blast from Harbinger pilots Smoke and Titan in a corridor on the Theurgy’s deck five.

Petty Officer Suvok

Petty Officer Suvok

Petty Officer Suvok was an avionics technician who served aboard the USS Theurgy in 2381. During the invasion and mutiny aboard the Theurgy by the officers and crew of the Harbinger he escaped the Fighter Assault Bay with his fellow deck hands through the Jeffries tubes to the ship’s lounge known as Below Decks where they met Wenn Cinn.

He joined Sten Covington and Tessa Lance’s distraction party that was joined by Fasha after encountering resistance on the Theurgy’s deck five. After being redirected to Deck Two by Thea, Suvok and the rest of the distraction party rendezvoused with Natalie Stark, Aisha S'Iti, and Rory Callahan to retake the bridge. Tessa Lance considered Suvok and civilian musician Rory Callahan to be “as tall as trees” and unsuited for squeezing through the narrow ducts between Decks One and Two in order to retake the bridge clandestinely.


Chief Petty Officer Lavar Manfredi

Chief Petty Officer Lavar Manfredi

Chief Petty Officer Lavar Manfredi was a male human with the position of propulsion chief aboard the USS Theurgy when it was a fugitive from Starfleet. CPO Manfredi was born in New Orleans, a city on Earth’s North American continent in the mid 24th century. During the plasma relay failure caused by Crewman Dom Fok, he was present although his actions during this crisis were not recorded. He was at his station in main engineering during the Theurgy’s final engagement with the Calamity and reported the damage to shields four and five and loss of power on the warp power conduits. After the battle he informed Master Chief William Robert "Billy Bob" O'Connell of Crewman Fok’s location after the battle was over. Two days later, Chief Manfredi instructed Petty Officer Zil Arex to replace the plasma relays after the punishment they had taken from Fok’s sabotage, even the ones that hadn’t been damaged. Manfredi was also present in main engineering the day after when Rihen Neyah was evaluated by O’Connell and awarded the provisional rank of warrant officer, walking in on their meeting at one point when O’Connell attempted to comfort her. He was trusted with running main engineering during the weapon storage raid on Starfleet’s Black Opal facility the next day and to all accounts kept main engineering running even when a Romulan Warbird appeared unexpectedly.

Petty Officer Zil Arex

Petty Officer Zil Arex

Petty Officer Zil Arex was a male Bolian who served in the Theurgy’s Engineering department during the Theurgy’s battles with Starfleet. Zil Arex grew up in the Xilmophia on Bolarus IX. He was present in main engineering during the Theurgy’s final battle with the Calamity and assisted Master Chief O’Connell with repairs to plasma relay five. After the battle he could not locate Crewman Fok. Two days after the battle, he was subject to a tongue lashing from Master Chief O’Connell for taking apart a plasma relay that didn’t need repairs but was saved by the timely arrival of Thea. The next day, he walked in on O’Connell and Rihen Neyah in the chief engineer’s office after the master chief had accidentally dropped her rank pin into her cleavage. One day later, Petty Officer Arex was posted in the Theurgy’s Transporter Room Three during the weapons raid on Black Opal Station.

Petty Officer Tenchi Koizumi

Petty Officer Tenchi Koizumi

Petty Officer Tenchi Koizumi was a male human in his early twenties who worked in the Theurgy’s Engineering department during the Theurgy’s battles Starfleet. He grew up in the city of Kyoto on the Isle of Japan off the east coast of Earth’s Asian continent. He was present in main engineering when the plasma relays failed and assisted Master Chief William O’Connell in powering down the plasma relays and venting the plasma from the EPS conduits. He reset relays four and six manually with Chief Manfredi and Engineer Johnson’s assistance. The next day, at the beginning of the Theurgy’s final battle with the Calamity he reported on the condition of the plasma relays from the upper gallery of main engineering on deck nine. During the weapons storage raid on Black Opal Station three days later he manned Transporter Room Two beaming up Starfleet personnel and sending the wounded directly to Main Sickbay.

Petty Officer Eetak Zol

Petty Officer Eetak Zol

Petty Officer First Class Eetak Zol was a Ktarian female from Ktaria VII who was assigned to the propulsion division of the Theurgy’s Engineering department during the Theurgy’s battles against a corrupt and compromised Starfleet. After Master Chief Master Chief William Robert "Billy Bob" O'Connell was placed in charge of the Engineering department she was assigned to third watch because of O’Connell psychological need to avoid women. She discovered his discomfort when she asked to be reassigned to first watch two days after the Theurgy’s final battle with the Calamity. She walked in on O’Connell’s meeting with Rihen Neyah in the chief engineer’s office and fled when he shouted at her.

Crewman Dom Fok

Crewman First Class Dom Fok

Crewman Dom Fok was a twenty year old male human assigned to the Theurgy’s plasma relay monitoring station in main engineering during the USS Theurgy’s battles with Starfleet. After the evacuation from Theta Eridani IV and the escape from Task Force Archeron, Fok was psychically indoctrinated by Ensign Cir'Cie into following Vasser and T’Rena’s agenda. His first act of sabotage was to set the plasma relay controls to overload the plasma conduits causing an explosion in main engineering that fatally injured then acting chief engineer Tatiana Marlowe. After that he joined the mutineers, and was part of Sjaandin Fedd’s pursuit party when they were chasing Carrigan Trent and William O’Connell through the decks of the USS Theurgy before splitting from the main group to follow O’Connell into main engineering. He was overpowered by O’Connell before getting stunned by a stray phaser beam fired by fellow mutineer Ensign Collin McArthur. He was awoken by Master Chief O’Connell at the beginning of the Theurgy’s final battle with the Calamity and instructed to get back to his station. After the battle when traces of Lexorin had been vented through the starship, the mental hold over Fok weakened and he felt remorse for his actions. He hid in the chief engineer’s office before O’Connell found him and escorted him to main sickbay where Maya and Cir'Cie could undo the mental tampering and restore his original loyalties.

Crewman Poe

Crewman Poe of the USS Theurgy was injured during the plasma relay emergency caused by Dom Fok’s sabotage. After the destruction of the Calamity, Crewman Fok expressed regret for the injuries he had caused Crewman Poe and Tatiana Marlowe, indicating that Poe’s injuries were probably fatal.


Johnson was an enlisted engineer assigned to the USS Theurgy’s propulsion division. Immediately after the plasma overload caused by Crewman Fok’s sabotage, William O’Connell ordered Petty Officer Koizumi to get Johnson and Chief Manfredi to assist him in resetting plasma relays four and six.


Kowalski was an enlisted man aboard the USS Theurgy who was assigned to Transporter Room Nine during the supply raid on Black Opal Station. While the rest of the transporter operators informed Master Chief O’Connell of their readiness, Kowalski was still performing diagnostics.