Engineering NPCs

From Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki

The following is a list of named non-player characters who served in the Engineering Department during the battles against a corrupt and compromised Starfleet.

Lieutenant Commander Solkar

Lieutenant Commander Solkar was a male Vulcan who was the USS Theurgy’s first Chief Engineering Officer before his untimely death in January of 2381. He was replaced by six engineers in two months leading many aboard the Theurgy to believe the Chief Engineer’s position was cursed.

Ensign Carla Abner

Ensign Carla Abner
image by Sci-Fi Avatars

Ensign Carla Abner was an Engineering officer serving aboard the USS Harbinger in 2381. She was mentally conditioned by T'Rena to follow Declan Vasser’s eugenics agenda. Before the Harbinger was destroyed she and a number of other survivors managed to flee in an escape pod to planet Aeron-2514. She was rescued by Natalie_Stark, ThanIda_zh'Wann, [[Aisha_S'Itii], and Doctor Maya who had taken the USS Allegiant on a Search And Rescue mission to recover the Harbinger’s survivors. After her mental conditioning was dispelled and her proper loyalties were restored, Ensign Abner assisted in the recovery of other survivors, risking her life on Varcae to provide covering fire against the hostile fauna and leaving the safety of the Allegiant’s loading bay to help ThanIda zh'Wann. She was brought back to the USS_Theurgy and joined its crew, replacing one of the many casualties the carrier had taken since fleeing Federation space.

Ensign T’sebl Felr

Ensign T’sebl Felr
image by Sci-Fi Avatars

Ensign T’sebl Felr was a young man from the planet Vulcan who served as the engineering officer at Black Opal Station when it was scuttled in 2381. He was the only officer in the Engineering department aboard the undermanned depot station and had only two cadets as fulltime engineers under his command. Like most serving aboard the outpost, he was completely unprepared for the supply raid executed by the USS Theurgy in March of 2381. He was captured by Theurgy’s boarding party and evacuated to the carrier when the outpost’s discovery by the Romulans necessitated its scuttling. It is assumed that he was informed about the truth of Starfleet Command and joined the Theurgy’s engineering department.

Cadet Vitaly Stanimir

Cadet Vitaly Stanimir was an engineering assistant spending his cadet cruise at Black Opal Station. He reported to Ensign T’sebl Felr during his time on the station. When the crew of the by Theurgy took over the station he was easily overpowered and subdued. After an attack by the Romulans made it necessary to scuttle the station, Stanimir was taken aboard the Theurgy where he was briefed on the true state of affairs at Starfleet Command and encouraged to join the Theurgy’s engineering department.

Cadet Zhong Wu

Cadet Zhong Wu was an engineering assistant spending his cadet cruise at Black Opal Station. He reported to Ensign T’sebl Felr during his time on the station. When the crew of the by Theurgy took over the station he was easily overpowered and subdued. After an attack by the Romulans made it necessary to scuttle the station, Wu was taken aboard the Theurgy where he was briefed on the true state of affairs at Starfleet Command and encouraged to join the Theurgy’s engineering department.

Chief Petty Officer Jeff Kowalski

CPO Jeff Kowalski
by Karma Sincliar

Kowalski was a transporter chief aboard the USS Theurgy in 2381.

He was assigned to Transporter Room Nine during the supply raid on Black Opal Station. While the rest of the transporter operators informed Master Chief O’Connell of their readiness, Kowalski was still performing diagnostics.

He was working Transporter Room Two during the mission to Starbase 84, and tasked with transporting William O’Connell, CWO Gimli Luff, SCPO Verguy Cam, CPO Amlas Keyah, CPO Lavar Manfredi, PO1 Matthew Johnson, and PO1 Jean Paul Rivard to the reactor room of the station.

Chief Petty Officer Curt Lucas

CPO Curt Lucas
Image © Paramount

Chief Petty Officer Curt Lucas was a was an engineer serving aboard the USS Harbinger in early 2381. Before the Harbinger was destroyed in a collision with the USS Calamity, Lucas and a number of other survivors managed to flee in an escape pod to Planet KE 286583 S, also known as Varcae. While being marooned for two nightmarish days four of his fellow castaways were killed by the native flora and fauna, including the ranking officer, Lieutenant Jacqueline Cody leaving him in command of the other two remaining survivors, Crewman Amy Jenson and Crewman Loclan Tsan. They were rescued by Natalie Stark, ThanIda zh'Wann, Aisha S'Iti, and Doctor Maya who had taken the USS Allegiant on a Search And Rescue mission to recover the Harbinger’s survivors. After being rescued he joined the USS Theurgy’s Engineering department.

Chief Petty Officer Lavar Manfredi

CPO Lavar Manfredi
Image © Paramount

Chief Petty Officer Lavar Manfredi was a male human with the position of propulsion chief aboard the USS Theurgy when it was a fugitive from Starfleet. CPO Manfredi was born in New Orleans, a city on Earth’s North American continent in the mid 24th century. During the plasma relay failure caused by Crewman Dom Fok, he was present although his actions during this crisis were not recorded. He was at his station in main engineering during the Theurgy’s final engagement with the Calamity and reported the damage to shields four and five and loss of power on the warp power conduits. After the battle he informed Master Chief William Robert "Billy Bob" O'Connell of Crewman Fok’s location after the battle was over. Two days later, Chief Manfredi instructed Petty Officer Zil Arex to replace the plasma relays after the punishment they had taken from Fok’s sabotage, even the ones that hadn’t been damaged. Manfredi was also present in main engineering the day after when Rihen Neyah was evaluated by O’Connell and awarded the provisional rank of warrant officer, walking in on their meeting at one point when O’Connell attempted to comfort her. He was trusted with running main engineering during the weapon storage raid on Starfleet’s Black Opal facility the next day and to all accounts kept main engineering running even when a Romulan Warbird appeared unexpectedly.

Petty Officer Zil Arex

Petty Officer Zil Arex
Image © Paramount

Petty Officer Zil Arex was a male Bolian who served in the Theurgy’s Engineering department during the Theurgy’s battles with Starfleet. Zil Arex grew up in the Xilmophia on Bolarus IX. He was present in main engineering during the Theurgy’s final battle with the Calamity and assisted Master Chief O’Connell with repairs to plasma relay five. After the battle he could not locate Crewman Fok. Two days after the battle, he was subject to a tongue lashing from Master Chief O’Connell for taking apart a plasma relay that didn’t need repairs but was saved by the timely arrival of Thea. The next day, he walked in on O’Connell and Rihen Neyah in the chief engineer’s office after the master chief had accidentally dropped her rank pin into her cleavage. One day later, Petty Officer Arex was posted in the Theurgy’s Transporter Room Three during the weapons raid on Black Opal Station.

Petty Officer Dylan Cobb

Petty Officer Dylan Cobb was a maintenance engineer aboard the Theurgy in 2381. Before leaving the position of Maintenance Chief, Master Chief William Robert "Billy Bob" O'Connell assigned Petty Officer Cobb the task of making sure that the furniture on the Theurgy’s bridges didn't come loose in combat. Apparently Petty Officer Cobb hadn't gotten around to the Vector 3 Battle Bridge before the mutiny and hijacking by from Harbinger’s officers and crew, for Commander T'Rena experienced no difficulty tearing a chair out of the floor and pushing it into Master Chief O'Connell when she attempted to wrest the Battle Bridge from the control of Lieutenant Commander Carrigan Trent.

Petty Officer First Class Matthew Johnson

PO1 Matthew Johnson
image by mandarhobbit

Petty Officer First Class Mathew Johnson was an enlisted engineer assigned to the USS Theurgy’s propulsion division. Immediately after the plasma overload caused by Crewman Fok’s sabotage, William O’Connell ordered Petty Officer Koizumi to get Johnson and Chief Manfredi to assist him in resetting plasma relays four and six.

During the mission to Starbase 84, he beamed over to the space station as part of Thea’s and William O’Connell’s support team, assigned to take over the reactor room and override the base’s systems.

Petty Officer Tenchi Koizumi

PO Tenchi Koizumi
Image © Paramount

Petty Officer Tenchi Koizumi was a male human in his early twenties who worked in the Theurgy’s Engineering department during the Theurgy’s battles Starfleet. He grew up in the city of Kyoto on the Isle of Japan off the east coast of Earth’s Asian continent. He was present in main engineering when the plasma relays failed and assisted Master Chief William O’Connell in powering down the plasma relays and venting the plasma from the EPS conduits. He reset relays four and six manually with Chief Manfredi and Engineer Johnson’s assistance. The next day, at the beginning of the USS Theurgy’s final battle with the USS Calamity he reported on the condition of the plasma relays from the upper gallery of main engineering on deck nine. During the weapons storage raid on Black Opal Station three days later he manned Transporter Room Two beaming up Starfleet personnel and sending the wounded directly to Main Sickbay.

Petty Officer Keith Sanford

Petty Officer Keith Sanford was a starship repair technician serving aboard Starbase 84. He was killed aboard the USS Resolve when an console in the starship’s main engineering section overloaded and exploded. The explosion was determined to be an act of sabotage. He was survived by a mother who lived in a city floating above the Sol system’s second planet Venus.

Petty Officer Eetak Zol

Petty Officer Eetak Zol
image by Karma Sinclair

Petty Officer First Class Eetak Zol was a Ktarian female from Ktaria VII who was assigned to the propulsion division of the Theurgy’s Engineering department during the Theurgy’s battles against a corrupt and compromised Starfleet. After Master Chief William Robert "Billy Bob" O'Connell was placed in charge of the Engineering department she was assigned to third watch because of O’Connell psychological need to avoid women. She discovered his discomfort when she asked to be reassigned to first watch two days after the Theurgy’s final battle with the Calamity. She walked in on O’Connell’s meeting with Rihen Neyah in the chief engineer’s office and fled when he shouted at her.

Crewman Dom Fok

Crewman Dom Fok
Image © Paramount

Crewman Dom Fok was a twenty year old male human assigned to the Theurgy’s plasma relay monitoring station in main engineering during the USS Theurgy’s battles with Starfleet. After the evacuation from Theta Eridani IV and the escape from Task Force Archeron, Fok was psychically indoctrinated by Ensign Cir'Cie into following Vasser and T'Rena’s agenda. His first act of sabotage was to set the plasma relay controls to overload the plasma conduits causing an explosion in main engineering that fatally injured then acting chief engineer Tatiana Marlowe. After that he joined the mutineers, and was part of Sjaandin Fedd’s pursuit party when they were chasing Carrigan Trent and William O’Connell through the decks of the USS Theurgy before splitting from the main group to follow O’Connell into main engineering. He was overpowered by O’Connell before getting stunned by a stray phaser beam fired by fellow mutineer Ensign Collin McArthur. He was awoken by Master Chief O’Connell at the beginning of the Theurgy’s final battle with the Calamity and instructed to get back to his station. After the battle when traces of Lexorin had been vented through the starship, the mental hold over Fok weakened and he felt remorse for his actions. He hid in the chief engineer’s office before O’Connell found him and escorted him to main sickbay where Maya and Cir'Cie could undo the mental tampering and restore his original loyalties.

Crewman Poe

Crewman Poe served aboard the USS Theurgy in 2381 and was injured during the plasma relay emergency caused by Dom Fok’s sabotage. After the destruction of the Calamity, Crewman Fok expressed regret for the injuries he had caused Crewman Poe and Tatiana Marlowe, indicating that Poe’s injuries were probably fatal.

Crewman Russell Rodriquez

CWM Russell Rodriquez
image by Sci-Fi Avatars

Crewman Russell Rodriquez was an isoliniar technician who served aboard the USS Harbinger in when it fled Federation space and allied itself with the USS Theurgy in 2381. Before the Harbinger was destroyed in a collision with the USS Calamity, Rodriquez and a number of other survivors managed to flee in an escape pod to planet Aeron-2514. They were rescued by Natalie Stark, ThanIda zh'Wann, Aisha S'Iti, and Doctor Maya who had taken the USS Allegiant on a Search And Rescue mission to recover the Harbinger’s survivors. After his mental conditioning was dispelled and his proper loyalties were restored, Ensign Rodriquez was given temporary duties as a Medical orderly, helping Doctor Maya with Crewman Loclan Tsan who had inhaled toxic gas prior to being rescued from the planet Varcae. When Maya asked Rodriquez to fetch medication from her medkit, Crewman Rodriquez was forced to remind the greenblooded physician that he was an isoliniar technician, and not a trained nurse. Maya excused him and called for Petty Officer Third Class Edgar Rowland. After the USS Allegiant returned to the Theugy, he served aboard the carrier under the supervision of acting chief engineer William Robert O'Connell.