Tessa Lance
From Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki

Rank: Lieutenant (junior grade)
Callsign: Goldeneye
Species: Human
Age: 26)
Gender: Female
Birthplace: Phoenix, Proxima Colony, Alpha Centauri system
Height: 5'7” (1.7 m)
Weight: 154 lbs (69.85 kg)
Eyes: Green-gold
Hair: Brown
Ballroom dancing
Crime fiction
Space Piloting
Background Summary
2155: Born in the city of Phoenix on Proxima Colony in the Alpha Centauri system.
2173: Enrolled in Starfleet Academy.
2175: Enrolled in Tactical Conn Academy, sent to the emercency evacuation station on Mimas during the Breen attack on Earth.
2376: Cadet cruise aboard USS Nez Perce.
2377: Graduated and promoted to ensign. Assigned USS James Kirk.
2378: Assigned to USS Theurgy
2380: Promoted to Lieutenant (junior grade).
Tessa May Lance was a fighter pilot who served aboard the USS Theurgy during the battles against the corrupted Starfleet Command in the late 24th century.
Early Years
Tessa May Lance had a wonderful childhood with all of the benefits that the United Federation Planets could give her. Cheerleader, homecoming queen, she was one of the ‘popular girls.’ She had no emotional scars growing up; nobody molested her as a child. She had never experienced poverty, neglect, or intolerance. Life was good.
She was shaken out of her comfortable little world by the Dominion War. She had enrolled in Starfleet to fly starships and explore strange new worlds but Starfleet needed warriors so that’s what she trained for. Thankfully a four year course lasted longer than a two year war and she was spared getting into any major engagements. She was able to benefit from Starfleet’s experience on the front lines. After serving aboard the James Kirk for a year, she was handpicked to fly the Valkyrie Mark III prototype. Her commanding officer in charge of the Valkyrie Mark III program, Lieutenant Commander Taylor Lucas, recommended her for a promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade when her first tour with the Lone Wolves Squadron ended.
On the Run
Tessa began her second tour on Theurgy with a promotion and a buoyant feeling, optimistic about a fresh start on a fresh ship, but that did not last long. With her ship and crew's flight from Starfleet, Tessa lost all of the people she cared about. All her friends and loved ones, who previously had been a subspace channel away, were cut off. Trapped in a tiny room whose walls were made of loneliness, she all but threw herself at the infected crewmates during the Niga outbreak. The rest is still a blur. In the aftermath she found her surroundings changing and her pool of potential friends shrinking. During the Ishtar Incident (or at least her temporally-displaced memories thereof) she recalls aggressively taking on two men and one woman, and coming to the conclusion that all gods are false, pretenders, and her destiny is her own to forge, for better or worse. Then Calamity struck—literally.
Harbinger of Treachery
A ship from the future calling itself the Calamity attacked the carrier with superior weaponry twenty years in advance of the Theurgy’s. When the Harbinger contacted the Theurgy and arranged for a sharing of information and personnel Tessa Lance noticed the brutal nature of the Harbinger’s Dor'GhItlh Squardon. When the Harbinger’s commanding officer Comodore Delcan Vasser attempted a coup against the Theurgy Tessa fled the Fighter Assault Bay with the deck crew and a fellow pilot by going through the Jeffries Tubes. She was horrified to see one of her fellow pilots shoot another down and had difficulty trusting Lt. Commander Wenn Cinn when he took command of the effort to take the ship back. She later participated in the retaking of the bridge and was back in the cockpit in time for the final battle with the Calamity.
Tessa has no physical scars, because they are all mental and psychological. The betrayal of Starfleet and becoming a fugitive has shattered Tessa’s safe little world and took her sense of identity with it. She was once a cheerful optimistic patriot but now she doesn’t know what to believe or who to trust anymore. The threads are beginning to fray as she finds herself regressing into a childish mindset in order to cope.
Physical Profile
Although she is blessed with the Amazonian bone structure from her mother's side and the almost-preternatural grace of clan Lance, Tessa has become extremely clumsy lately. She is pleasant to look at, with high cheekbones, silky hair and a figure that would make a Renaissance sculptor drop his chisel. No scars to speak of, although she has a birthmark in a rather intimate spot.