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'''F’Rell of the 12th House''' was a Warp Field Engineer & Theorist on the ''[[USS Resolve|USS Resolve]]''. F’Rell of the 12th House aided in the opposition against the parasites that compromised [[Starfleet Command]] in the end of the 24<sup>th</sup> century.
'''F’Rell of the 12th House''' was a Warp Field Engineer & Theorist on the ''[[USS Resolve|USS Resolve]]''. F’Rell aided in the opposition against the parasites that compromised [[Starfleet Command]] in the end of the 24<sup>th</sup> century.

== Biography ==
== Biography ==

Revision as of 16:34, 24 January 2017

F rell 01 by auctor lucan-d91l6j1.png
Personnel FileCiv-blank.png
Name:F’Rell of the 12th House
Position:Warp Field Engineer & Theorist
Birthplace:The T'fanrell Home World
Height:13 feet long (about 4 meters)
Eye color:Silver
F’Rell enjoys collecting interesting odds and ends for study at a later time.
In addition she enjoys reading, reading practically anything.
Service Record

F’Rell of the 12th House was a Warp Field Engineer & Theorist on the USS Resolve. F’Rell aided in the opposition against the parasites that compromised Starfleet Command in the end of the 24th century.


F’Rell was born in the 7th house, where she would spend much of her childhood. She would swim through the halls of the vast structure with her family. She was close to her brothers and sisters, though not much more than would be expected. For much of her childhood she spent a good deal of time either reading anything she could or collecting anything she found interesting. She would get into a good deal of trouble for stealing things or breaking into secret files to read anything she could get her appendages on. Her collection was purged a number of times with the various items being returned to their proper owners.

At about the age of 34 she began her formal training. She showed great skill in engineering, especially in matters of warp theory. During these years she continued to indulge her hobby of collecting, though instead of stealing she was now either able to request things for her collection, which would be purged once a year and all items either returned or given to interested parties. The a collection of some of the stranger and rarer objects she managed to get her appendages on still remains in the university where she went, her status as a collector becoming somewhat legendary there.

At the age of 56 she was deemed old enough to leave the House and decide on which house she would be a member of. She spent a number of years making a decision, taking the time she was without a House to explore on her own. During her exploration she would send unique and rare items to the university where they were added to a new collection. The new collection was considered to be her best as it contained some ancient artifacts. Her hobby had very quickly become a hobby of archeology. Something she has proven very good at.

When she finally selected a house, the 12th House. This was after she decided to become a full time archeologist and spent a long weekend with a group of members of the house digging through the ancient remains of a temple. In it she found stone tablets depicting star formations unlike any anyone had ever seen. The discovery caused some stir amongst scholars and she became a bit of a media darling. In the end she elected to step back and go back to collecting as a simple hobby. She decided that simply being around people doing the digging and bringing her wonderful oddities would be enough.

At the age of 82 she decided to invest her time in researching newer warp field theories. She would write a few papers of her own, getting published in a few scientific and engineering publications. She led a moderately quiet life, publishing a few papers a yea, roughly one each year would get picked up by on of the major engineering or scientific publications. By the time she turned 95 all of her papers were getting picked up, though she would publish less often than ever before. She preferred to life quietly, rather than being a big player in the engineering and scientific community.

At the age of about 110 she published a paper hinting at the possibility of speeds that could outclass warp. The slipstream device was conceptual nut to crack. She was invited to work on the latest generation of faster than light ships. She was involved in the creation of some newer star ships, though in the end it was another team to crack the nut that was the slipstream drive, though the first versions were so big only the largest of their starships could handle it. Over the next few years she would help in figuring out how to fit it in shuttles. Shuttles she would in the endlessly test for the next 60 years.

At the age of 170 she at last helped perfect the technology, allowing their shuttle to travel farther than ever before. These new ships would allow the T'fanrell to explore strange new areas of space and escape before confrontation with anyone. The idea of avoiding contact had been standard practice and even more so after the outbreak of the Dominion war and incidents observed during the conflict. With the new technology she was able to finally spend some time in space. She spent the requisite year in the deep ocean before she was able to leave the her home world. She would even go out on several missions of her own. She did this for many years, but in the end her ship was wrecked on a small moon.

Stranded on an alien planet at the age of 186 she had little choice but to call for help. She set up a distress beacon, calling for help from anyone in the area. She was in the end rescued by a Federation ship, the USS Resolve. As this was the first real face-to-face encounter with an alien species she realized she would have to be careful with anything she might say or do. She was viewed as a bit of an oddity, being put through a complete barrage of medical tests. She made the decision to keep her heritage mostly a secret, refusing to answer questions about her home world, her people, or any technology such as slipstream drive. She would instead amaze with her knowledge of warp field theory.

Personality Profile

To some F’Rell might seem immature or in some cases detached. But this more deals with the concept of being fluid. As with all of her race she views things as fluid and ever changing. She has an obsession with collecting things that she finds interesting. This has resulted in a love of archeology, an activity she spent years of her life on.

She is constantly on the look out for new things to try or new things to learn. To her the universe is full of such wonderful things. She loves to learn and will gladly share everything she has learned about any given subject at the drop of a hat.

F’Rell has no idea how to deal with violence and aggression. In her short time with aliens she has found it to not be as uncommon as some would like to think it is. When confronted with violence it is her first instinct to run and hide, waiting until it is safe to come out again. If confronted she will usually do what it requested of her, for no other reason than to avoid confrontation. The only time she stands her grand is when she feels the safety of others is at stack. At which time she will gladly lay down her life to protect theirs.

Physical Profile


F’Rell is not as long as some members of her race, but at almost 4 meters long she is a sight to behold as she swims through the air, her light blue to almost see through skin dotted with deep purple spots. Her skin is slightly tougher than most of her race as before she left her home world she spent a full year in the deeper water to toughen it up.

If one were to touch it it would be the light and slightly oily skin, not unlike a gelatin with a slightly thicker skin. Though the ability to control the pressure in specific regions means that if she so chooses she could feel like as if she were more deflated, not unlike a slick balloon after it has been inflated and deflated.

Her bright silver eyes drift around her environment, only stopping to look at an individual when she wishes to speak to them. Her long whisker like tendrils vibrate as she speaks, sounding not unlike an electric base guitar being bowed. She has a total of 32 usable tentacle like appendages with which she can interact with the world around her. She does not have any obvious sexual organs and to the untrained eye it is next to impossible to determine what gender she is.