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* Before the ''Theurgy´s'' arrival, a damaged ship arrived to the [[Starbase 84]]. After being lost beyond [[Romulan]] space for three years, the Luna-class ship ''[[USS Resolve]]'' returned to [[United Federation of Planets|Federation]] space and received a hero’s welcome at [[Starbase 84]]. Soon, joy turned to dismay as an Tal-Shiar operative was murdered on the starbase, and one of the ''Resolve´s'' crew was wrongly arrested as a suspected accomplice. While ascertaining as to why his officer was imprisoned, [[Tristan Kendrick|Captain Kendrick]] – Commanding Officer of the ''[[USS Resolve|Resolve]]'' - enacted a jail-break when the situation turned sour. Alongside his [[operations]] officer, [[Tristan Kendrick|Kendrick]] also liberated a [[Romulan]], [[Drauc T'Laus]], who through his telepathic abilities could reveal that the murder was related to a nameless Romulan traitor with Starfleet rank.
* Before the ''Theurgy´s'' arrival, a damaged ship arrived to the [[Starbase 84]]. After being lost beyond [[Romulan]] space for three years, the Luna-class ship ''[[USS Resolve]]'' returned to [[United Federation of Planets|Federation]] space and received a hero’s welcome at [[Starbase 84]]. Soon, joy turned to dismay as an Tal-Shiar operative was murdered on the starbase, and one of the ''Resolve´s'' crew was wrongly arrested as a suspected accomplice. While ascertaining as to why his officer was imprisoned, [[Tristan Kendrick|Captain Kendrick]] – Commanding Officer of the ''[[USS Resolve|Resolve]]'' - enacted a jail-break when the situation turned sour. Alongside his [[operations]] officer, [[Tristan Kendrick|Kendrick]] also liberated a [[Romulan]], [[Drauc T'Laus]], who through his telepathic abilities could reveal that the murder was related to a nameless Romulan traitor with Starfleet rank.

* When investigating the murder, [[Ian Hawthorne|Captain Hawthorne]] - Commanding Officer of [[Starbase 84]] - would not authorize the decryption of the only known surveillance recording of the murderer right away, instead dismissing the officers who handed over their findings. Shortly afterwards, the entire ''Resolve'' crew were warranted for arrest, forcing them both to escape [[Starbase]] <nowiki>security</nowiki>. The development would verify their suspicion that it was [[Ian Hawthorne]] who was the Romulan collaborator and traitor. Understanding why his crew was wrongly accused, [[Tristan Kendrick|Kendrick]] led a mission to detach his ship from the starbase and attempt to escape. This, just as ''[[USS Theurgy|Theurgy]]'' arrived at [[Starbase 84]].
* When investigating the murder, [[Ian Hawthorne|Captain Hawthorne]] - Commanding Officer of [[Starbase 84]] - would not authorize the decryption of the only known surveillance recording of the murderer right away, instead dismissing the officers who handed over their findings. Shortly afterwards, the entire ''Resolve'' crew were warranted for arrest, forcing them both to escape starbase <nowiki>security</nowiki>. The development would verify their suspicion that it was [[Ian Hawthorne]] who was the Romulan collaborator and traitor. Understanding why his crew was wrongly accused, [[Tristan Kendrick|Kendrick]] led a mission to detach his ship from the starbase and attempt to escape. This, just as ''[[USS Theurgy|Theurgy]]'' arrived at [[Starbase 84]].

* The the battle that followed, Captain [[Ian Hawthorne]] sent the whole Air Group of the starbase to destroy the ''[[USS Resolve|Resolve]]'', but before the Luna-class starship's <nowiki>warp</nowiki> core detonated, the ''Theurgy]'' used its top saucer's unique docking feature to evacuate the surviving ''Resolve'' crew.  
* The the battle that followed, Captain [[Ian Hawthorne]] sent the whole Air Group of the starbase to destroy the ''[[USS Resolve|Resolve]]'', but before the Luna-class starship's <nowiki>warp</nowiki> core detonated, the ''Theurgy]'' used its top saucer's unique docking feature to evacuate the surviving ''Resolve'' crew.  

Revision as of 18:54, 7 March 2022

Image: The USS Theurgy´s voyage since the crew was declared traitors. The red line represent the time before Episode 01, ranging from November of 2380 to Janurary of 2381, and the yellow line shows the voyage thereafter.

In a failed plot to destroy the Federation, Romulan Praetor Shinzon was defeated at the Battle of the Bassen Rift, leaving Senator Tal’aura to take the reigns as the new Praetor, with the support of Fleet Commander Tomalak. Commander Donatra openly opposed the new Praetor, and began a rebellion backed by the strength of the Romulan 3rd and 5th Fleets. Additionally, the Reman people openly demanded a continent on Romulus and reparations for hundreds of years of slavery. A Romulan blockade of Remus was the Praetor’s reply, as well as cutting food and medical supplies to the sister planet.

The Federation sent Starfleet ships to aid in deescalating the growing tensions, among them the USS Theurgy and all ships led by Captain Riker on the USS Titan. The efforts were, unfortunately unsuccessful. Affairs within the Romulan Empire deteriorated quickly for the Federation; with the continued Reman upheaval and skirmishes with Donatra’s opposition fleet. Open Civil War began in 2380 when Donatra was able to capture and hold a number of key agricultural worlds, establishing the Imperial Romulan State. When returning to base in San Francisco after a long diplomatic mission to Romulus during the aforementioned events, the USS Theurgy enjoyed some shore-leave.

By the time, in November of 2380, her Commanding Officer - Captain Jien Ives - was supposed to get a new commissioning, but coincidence had it otherwise. When the Senior Staff of the ship and Ives gathered for what was supposed to be the last time, they happened to uncover something disturbing. Live transmissions, voices of Starfleet Command. They were hearing talks about the future of the Federation, its downfall at the hands of the speakers, and how their 'kin' would overturn the Federation Council. Yet most chilling of all, was that they spoke about each other in third person, as if addressing strangers, referring to themselves as "skin-puppets". The Theurgy´s crew recognized the voices and knew them to be the Commander in Chief, the Chief of Staff, and the Chief of Starfleet Operations. It wasn't just those three individuals involved, however, since other admirals were mentioned too. Judging by what they overheard, it was clear that these impersonators had been operating for months... perhaps even years.

Ives and the Senior Staff of the Theurgy opted to try and investigate, collect proof, build a case, and expose how many they were. Yet after mere hours, their efforts were compromised. With their arrest or assassination imminent, they had to run, meaning to take the truth to someone that would hear them out. They had to flee Earth, since orders from Starfleet Command were issued to destroy the Theurgy on the charges of treason. TheTheurgy managed to leave the Sol System but they were persecuted across Federation space for two months. Hounded by their own fleet. At every turn, they were protecting the truth against all odds, forced to fight their brothers and sisters in Starfleet, whom were all ignorant of the usurpers that were giving them orders. As best as they might, they tried to disable their pursuers, beseeching them to hear them out, but the enemy was too influential, and they were many, all peddling the lies that Captain Ives and his crew defected to the Romulan Star Empire when they failed to negotiate peace at Romulus. Command also forbid any kind of communication with the Theurgy, claiming that the Ship A.I. would be able to use the subspace link to overtake other starships.

After enduring the two months of gruesome chase through the Alpha Quadrant, the Theurgy - damaged and hunted to an utterly desolate part of the Alpha Quadrant - finally managed to hide from the Task Force that had been deployed to destroy them. It was named Task Force Archeron, led by Admiral Sankolov - one of the admirals they knew to be compromised. By that time, it was January of 2381, and the ship was in need of repairs. Without allies, the situation seemingly hopeless, yet morale was gradually returning to the crew following the Captain's new mission statement. The truth be their witness, they would restore Starfleet to the Federation Council, and enlighten their fleet about the immediate danger they unknowingly were in by carrying out the orders of Starfleet Command.

Read below to find the database entries of the Theurgy´s voyage following the above events in chronological order.


EPISODE 01: Outbreak

LCARS Database Report - USS Theurgy NX-79854
  • 24th of January: Stardate 57442.04. The Theurgy managed to shake of pursuit from Task Force Archeron in the Borderlands after having been chased for 2 months.
  • They found an uncharted M-Class planet in the Mahéwa System and settled into orbit in order to replenish supplies and repair the ship.
  • Two crewmembers - ThanIda zh'Wann and Cir'Cie - were contaminated by flora on the planet, and caused an outbreak of the Niga virus, named after the planet.
  • At the behest of the plants, the minds of the infected were intent of interplanetary pollination – the spreading of the infectious flora. The parasitic pollen propagated itself within the infected - spreading itself through bodily fluids to new victims. The main symptoms of the intoxication were suppression of all sexual inhibitions and a rising urge to copulate with as many others possible.
  • The virus almost took over the whole crew, since the Ship AI’s surveillance sensors had a programming flaw of non-disclosure - making her unable to report sexual activities of the crew - but the outbreak was halted by the timeship USS Relativity. The ship brought the antidote that Doctor Nicander developed before he was infected back to the past and stopped the outbreak before it could spread through the galaxy. All memory engrams that the brain formed during the time as infected were subject to the antidote as well, which kept the infected from remembering what they'd done under the influence of the virus. This aided immensely in the recovery process.
  • The USS Relativity revealed how the Infested planted the virus there specifically for the Theurgy and her crew, suggesting how the Infested were using time-travel to further their goals. Captain Ives then ordered the uninhabited planet Niga destroyed.

INTERREGNUM: Between Episodes 01 & 02

LCARS Database Report - USS Theurgy NX-79854
  • Two weeks later, the 7th of February, Stardate 57477.24. After repairs following the the Niga Incident, the course was set for the Nimbus system, where the crew hoped to trade for spare parts and supplies that their replicators could not provide. They crawled slowly along an asteroid field in the Klingon-Federation Neutral Zone to avoid detection by Starfleet and whilst doing so, Captain Ives ordered an away team to head for Nimbus III and Paradise City, where the team might begin to trade ahead of their arrival.
  • The team located a missing industrial replicator, and while broken, Engineer Lin Kae could repair it, and in payment for this service to the local civilian engineer who was in possession of the replicator - Rihen Neyah - they were allowed to replicate spare parts and supplies that were crucial to the repair of the Theurgy.
  • Aboard the Theurgy, the effects upon morale were still troubling the crew after the outbreak they suffered in the Mahéwa System. Yet gradually, Counsellor Garen Nelis made progress with keeping the repercussions to a minimum. Since Squadron Commander Taylor Lucas was put in stasis due to the grave injuries he suffered during the Niga Incident, the pilot Miles Renard was promoted to Lieutenant Commander and given the position as leader of the Lone Wolves Squadron. W
  • In the Science Department, the Ash'reem man by the name Sarresh Morali struggled with his role on the USS Theurgy after having been transferred from the timeship USS Relativity. His memories of the potential future were wiped because of the temporal directive and he was only allowed crude equipment to detect another incursion like the one in the Mahéwa System. Bitterly, he regretted Captain Ducane of the Relativity abandoning him in the late 24th century. Blaming Captain Ives for demanding his transfer, the only comfort he found in his situation was the fact that there was other Ash'reem aboard.
  • Little did the crew know that the Niga Incident had drawn attention from a being unlike any of them met before – drawn there because of its ancient nature.

EPISODE 02: Whatever Gods May Be

LCARS Database Report - USS Theurgy NX-79854
  • Six days after departing the Mahéwa System and successfully gathering supplies from Nimbus III, on the 13th of February - Stardate 57489.45 - the Theurgy was visited by an omnipotent alien entity. It was only through divine intervention – literally – that the crew could continue their mission.
  • During the time that this entity visited the ship and cast things into chaos, it became evident that it might have been a figure that shaped mankind's early history, not to mention many other early cultures in the galaxy. To various extents, the entity was once the figurehead of all religious beliefs pertaining to love, sexuality, and war. It was known by many names, yet on Earth, she was most popularly known as Ishtar, Inanna, Aphroditie, Venus, or Freya.
  • The alien life-form was attracted to the elevated pheromone-levels that the collective crew had emanated during the Niga Incident. It had made its way aboard the ship, expecting the same levels to await her. However, with the outbreak ended and the crew cured from the Niga virus, Ishtar was disappointed and tried to coerce the crew to once again enjoy carnal celebrations. Ishtar started to subject the crew to harbour feelings towards others, and also forced the crew to interact in ways and in places that would lead to increased pheromone levels. She did this to keep her new home hospitable, and to gain the energy she needed in order to break free of the prison in her own dimension.
  • When the Ishtar Entity was forced to reveal herself, the present crew on the Main Bridge was taken to the entity's prison. Trying to force her visitors to empower her directly, her endeavours were noticed by her captors. These aliens released the crew of the Theurgy after sending the Ishtar Entity into a deeper and more remote realm of existence.
  • After having been returned to their own time and place, the effects of the Ishtar Entity’s actions on the ship was nullified, since they were all returned to a point of time before she began to toy with the crew. Still, the crew was allowed to remember what transpired while they had suffered the attentions of the visitor. After being returned to their ship in this fashion, Ives called for a Senior Staff meeting for the evening the next day. Before this meeting, the crew was given time to reflect upon what happened to them, and to come to terms with certain revelations about themselves and their religious views.
  • While some had a crisis of faith, others found solace in the fact that the entities they encountered once started out as themselves were – travelling space in search for the meaning of life.

INTERREGNUM: Between Episodes 02 & 03

LCARS Database Report - USS Theurgy NX-79854
  • Evening, same day as the Ishtar Entity left the Theurgy. It was the 13th of February - Stardate 57489.45 - and before the scheduled Senior Staff meeting.
  • During the Ishtar visit, Captain Ives had briefly been split into to separate individuals - one male and one female - and Thea had been transformed in an organic human woman. Other crewmembers had experienced similar things, like the Trill First Officer - Edena Rez - who's former hosts of the Rez symbiont had come alive again, walking the ship as if they never died. One of which were Jona Rez, who showed his ruthless nature when they tried to isolate the Ishtar entity and in doing so, had no compunction about torturing the entity once she was caught. While it never happened, it showed the bridge crew who their First Officer's symbiont used to be.
  • Through the day, the crew took the opportunity to process the events that had just transpired, which had both allowed for new acquaintances to be made and also destroyed friendships between others.
  • In the Holographic Laboratory, Lin Kae showed Thea what he had been working on since he had visited Nimbus III. With the help of the industrial replicator, he had the parts to finish a project he had been theorizing and working on for years. The schematic he showed the A.I. was of a mobile emitter, which he would tailor to fit Thea's hardware and software. It would give her a subspace synchronization link to keep her in perfect data synchronisation with the ship's systems. Moreover, the emitter would not only rely on isolinear storage capacity, but a photonic storage library that could not only accommodate Thea's original projection, but also expand upon it with upgraded sensor mapping. If he could digitize organic senses into photonic subroutines, the emitter would be able to store the massive amount of data such a sensory mapping would generate. A project began to allow Thea to feel the world around her like an organic might, and thus helping her feel as alive as when the Ishtar entity had made her human for a brief time.
  • As the Senior Staff convened in the evening, the Theurgy reached the Hromi Cluster.

EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul | Part 1

LCARS Database Report - USS Theurgy NX-79854
  • Evening, 13th of February - Stardate 57489.45. The Senior Staff meeting is ended prematurely when a Federation starship is detected on sensors. The Theurgy encountered the USS Harbinger outside the Hromi Cluster but even as the ship used to belong to Task Force Archeron, Captain Vasser showed no hostile intent. It was revealed that the Harbinger shared the Theurgy's fate, being persecuted as traitors as well.
  • After being sent to hunt the Theurgy down, Captain Vasser and his crew discovered a certain Ensign Sonja Acreth sending subspace messages back to Earth, and while not knowing as much as the Theurgy, Vasser had cause to doubt the legitimacy of his orders to destroy the Theurgy. Doing so openly, however, provoked an immediate response from Starfleet Command, and the Harbinger was also branded traitors. Being an Akira-class warship that served as a carrier for a wing of forty Federation Warp Fighters, they survived much in thanks to their Tactical CONN pilots, most of whom had been killed in action.
  • Just as the two starships were in brittle communications with little trust between them, they were attacked by third single starship. Together with the Harbinger , the Theurgy fought this hunter sent by their common unknown enemy - a starship from the future. A ship named the USS Calamity, with an completely holographic crew compliment, and under complete command of it's Ship A.I.
  • During this battle, half of the Senior Staff on the Theurgy was shot down on the Main Bridge by the Calamity's A.I - Cala - who infiltrated the Theurgy with a mobile emitter. An emitter which was beamed to a civilian shuttle that was caught in the crossfire and taken aboard the Theurgy mid-battle.
  • In the end, the Calamity was forced to make a tactical retreat after a rigged shuttle detonated its warp core next it. The Theurgy and the Harbinger sent their surviving Valkyrie pilots to leave a false warp trail so that the two starships could fly to Theta Eridani IV in the Acamar System on impulse. Once the two ships landed and began damage assessments, and the Valkyrie-pilots returned, a memorial ceremony was held on the plain between the two ships. Many people were recovering in the Triage Centre, others in the hot springs area, and a full week of repairs on the damaged starships began.
  • During the week on Theta Eridani IV, the two crews worked together to repair the ships after the encounter with the Calamity. Furthermore, with the Theurgy being the superior starship, Captain Vasser urged to transfer the majority of his crew to the Theurgy-class ship. The Harbinger was to function as tactical distraction, and its systems were refitted to be run by a skeleton crew. The new crew compliment served to patch up the holes in the Theurgy’s ranks after all the fighting it had gone through after leaving Earth nearly three months earlier.
  • During the week, an attempt to interrogate Ensign Sonja Acreth was made in the Harbinger’s brig, but it nearly resulted in the death of both starship's Captains and their present Executive Officers. Acreth revealed herself to be one of the enemies - the Infested - and they proved themselves to me far more than power-hungry instigators. Acreth nearly escaped before she was returned to her holding cell. She managed to kill the Harbinger’s Chief of Security, showing inhuman strength and speed combined with a second personality. It was in that way the theory that Starfleet Command - together with any other unknown factions that had been overtaken at that point - were joined with parasitical aliens that existed in some kind of flux, making them undetectable inside their host bodies.
  • The 22th of February - Stardate 57514.95O - was the eight day of repairs on Theta Eridani IV. It was the day at which the Calamity found them once more. She attacked the valley that they had set down in with orbital strikes, and sent down her own swarms of warp fighters - the futuristic AC-507 Mk I Reavers. As if orbital strikes and the Reavers were not enough, the Calamity triggered a planet-wide tectonic event with her orbital strikes - making all the sleeping volcanoes in the area erupt and the ground to heave in unrest. The two crews lived in modular shelters since the two starships were powered down, and while a pre-arranged defense-plan was set in action, there were many casualties before the two ships could ascend.
  • Once they broke through the atmosphere and the sensors could penetrate the volcanic activity the ships left behind, they found the Calamity gone already. The reason for which was the arrival of Task Force Archeron.

EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul | Part 2

LCARS Database Report - USS Theurgy NX-79854
  • Having left the atmosphere of Theta Eridani IV, the Calamity had already taken off at maximum warp for an unknown reason, leaving her Reavers behind to finish to job. Because of the Gamma-radiation from the restless planet, sensors did not show the reason why she left until they finished their ascent. The reason for which was the arrival of Task Force Archeron.
  • Had it not been for two allies aboard the USS Archeron - the leading Odyssey-class ship of the Starfleet task force - both the Theurgy and the Harbinger would have been destroyed. Intelligence Officer Carrigan Trent deployed a virus through the fleet's shared subspace network and powered down all the ships, merely life-support uncompromised. The virus also vented all shuttle bays, leaving all the crews without communications or means to pursue the theurgy, much less the ability to leave their drifting starships. Commander Trent defected to the Theurgy, taking a shuttle he had secured ahead of time, and with him came also another officer - someone who was presumed dead. His body had been picked up during the last battle that the Archeron had fought with the Theurgy. His name was Wenn Cinn, and he was the former Chief of Security on the Theurgy, claiming to have been restored to life by the Prophets.
  • During the repairs on Theta Eridani IV, engineers on the Theurgy and the Harbinger developed two cloaking devices, and they served to save the lives of both crews before the virus took effect throughout the Task Force Archeron - hiding them from the initial attack. When virus had claimed all the starships in orbit of Theta Eridani IV, the Theurgy let the shuttle carrying Trent and Wenn Cinn dock. After that, the Theurgy and the Harbinger fled separate ways towards an agreed-upon rendezvous point in a Class-9 nebulae deep into Klingon Neutral Zone space.
  • Two days after leaving Theta Eridani IV, on 24th of February - Stardate 57519.98 - the Theurgy and the Harbinger met up again and remained hidden in the nebula in order to regroup where the Calamity may not find them. Taking the opportunity to do so, one of the civilians that had aboard - Rihen Neyah - arranged a Festival of the Moons upon one of the Theurgy´s holodecks in order to let the two harried crews have one last "shore-leave" before they were to set out anew.
  • Unbeknownst to the crews of the both the Theurgy and the Harbinger, the Harbinger’s First Officer - Commander T'Rena - had convinced Captain Vasser that resisting the enemy that had taken over Starfleet Command was futile. She showed the Captain the only conclusion of the mission that she saw based on what Acreth had told them at Theta Eridani IV. She had deduced that the only means through which to survive was to retreat. A plan was formed to hijack the Theurgy and take the crews of both ships into unknown space, starting a colony away from the pending development. In order to make the crews to follow any order given, T'Rena used mind-melds to brainwash key members of both crews to come around to her way of thinking, just like she had done to Captain Vasser.
  • The event held on the holodeck presented a good opportunity for her to approach as many of the two crews as possible, turning them over to her influence through the course of the night.

EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul | Part 3

LCARS Database Report - USS Theurgy NX-79854
  • 25th of February, 2381, Stardate 57522.49. At noon the day after the holographic Festival of the Moons, Captain Vasser sprang the planned mutiny against Ives, overtaking the Theurgy. He did so with the help of the mind-melded Selena Ravenholm, by her deactivating Thea and letting the Theurgy rely on the auxiliary starship computer. Captain Vasser threw Captain Ives and First Officer Rez into the Brig and killed anyone who opposed him.
  • Commander T'Rena - through Captain Vasser - managed to hold the Theurgy for almost two hours, despite the heavy resistance of Ives' crew. Aboard the Harbinger, Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann was supposed to become the new Cheif of Security, but since she had yet to be mind-melded by T'Rena, she was instead thrown into the brig. There, she teamed up with the ship's chief medical officer, Doctor Amelya Duv and Dor'GhItlh Squadron’s Ensign Christopher Slayton, and escaped the brig to try and take over the bridge of the Akira-class ship.
  • Aboard the Theurgy, Carrigan Trent and acting Chief Engineer William Robert "Billy Bob" O'Connell managed to escape the coup on the bridge and got to one of the Battle Bridges to contest Vasser's command. Wenn Cinn led a number of Tactical CONN officers and enlisted Fighter Bay Ops personnel in an effort to liberate Captain Ives and Commander Rez.
  • Those loyal to Captain Ives had nearly managed to secure command of the Theurgy when the USS Calamity intercepted them. A great battle was fought both aboard the Theurgy against those loyal to Vasser, as well as against the Calamity, but in the end, Captain Ives prevailed thanks to the people still loyal to him. The last remaining Vector of the Calamity was destroyed when ThanIda zh'Wann, Doctor Duv, and Ensign Slayton set the Harbinger on a collision course with the nightmare ship. The remaining Harbinger officers had already set the Akira-class ship to self-destruct and abandoned ship, so the three officers used the opportunity to the best possible advantage before escaping the doomed ship. During the fighting, both Captain Vasser and Commander T'Rena were killed in action.
  • The Theurgy found itself manned with the remnants of the crews from both ships, whose spirit and loyalties had been tested to their limit. In the aftermath, Doctor Maya and Ensign Cir'Cie helped restore the minds of those still believing in T'Rena's vision of the future. The question now was, would the two crews be able to coalesce and function as a unit?

INTERREGNUM: Between Episodes 03-04

LCARS Database Report - USS Theurgy NX-79854
  • During the week after the battle against the Calamity, there was a Search-and-Rescue operation launched to find the crew that had abandoned the Harbinger in escape pods before it was destroyed. Lieutenant Commander Natalie Stark was given command of the Theurgy’s yacht - the Manta-class advanced scout USS Allegiant - to find those who had fled the doomed starship and bring them back alive despite any residual brainwashing from the late Commander T'Rena. Doctor Maya participated in the away mission to help restore the minds of the Harbinger officers. A memorial service was held in the Theurgy’s fighter bay for those lost in the battle.
  • Repairs and preparations began for a new mission to Starbase 84. Since one of her former hosts - Jona Rez - took over her body and betrayed Captain Ives during the face-off against Captain Vasser, Edena Rez stepped down as First Officer. Lieutenant Commander Carrigan Trent was promoted to her position and to his former rank of Commander, succeeding Edena Rez as the Theurgy's new XO.
  • Later during the week, a mission to the Black Opal station was launched, with the aim to restock the torpedo magazines on the Theurgy and get fresh supplies. The mission was meant to be executed without casualties on either side, but poor luck and the intervention of a Romulan warbird intervened and the station had to be scuttled. The Black Opal station's commanding officer - Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Dewitt - and her staff were invited to join the Theurgy’s crew. They accepted after learning what had really happened to Starfleet Command, and seeing how the Theurgy crew had defended them against the Romulan ship.
  • On the sixth day, all aboard the Theurgy were allowed to record personal logs for their friends and family in case they wouldn't survive the upcoming mission to Starbase 84. They took the opportunity to settle unfinished business among themselves, and to say their goodbyes. The logs were meant to be dispersed across Federation space along with the message about the true nature of Starfleet command.

EPISODE 04: Simulcast

LCARS Database Report - USS Theurgy NX-79854
  • 5th of March, Stardate 57547.63. The crew of the Theurgy had prepared for a whole week to undertake a daring mission to Starbase 84. Situated at the edge of Romulan space, the starbase was fitted with a ‘whistleblower’ system – a wartime device capable of broadcasting an unstoppable signal alerting the Federation to an imminent Romulan invasion. Ives planned to use the system to override the subspace comms restrictions placed on the Theurgy and send a message that detailed the truth of Starfleet Command. The only issue? It was impossible to hide the source of the transmission, meaning every ship and station would know where the Theurgy was at.
  • Before the Theurgy´s arrival, a damaged ship arrived to the Starbase 84. After being lost beyond Romulan space for three years, the Luna-class ship USS Resolve returned to Federation space and received a hero’s welcome at Starbase 84. Soon, joy turned to dismay as an Tal-Shiar operative was murdered on the starbase, and one of the Resolve´s crew was wrongly arrested as a suspected accomplice. While ascertaining as to why his officer was imprisoned, Captain Kendrick – Commanding Officer of the Resolve - enacted a jail-break when the situation turned sour. Alongside his operations officer, Kendrick also liberated a Romulan, Drauc T'Laus, who through his telepathic abilities could reveal that the murder was related to a nameless Romulan traitor with Starfleet rank.
  • When investigating the murder, Captain Hawthorne - Commanding Officer of Starbase 84 - would not authorize the decryption of the only known surveillance recording of the murderer right away, instead dismissing the officers who handed over their findings. Shortly afterwards, the entire Resolve crew were warranted for arrest, forcing them both to escape starbase security. The development would verify their suspicion that it was Ian Hawthorne who was the Romulan collaborator and traitor. Understanding why his crew was wrongly accused, Kendrick led a mission to detach his ship from the starbase and attempt to escape. This, just as Theurgy arrived at Starbase 84.
  • The the battle that followed, Captain Ian Hawthorne sent the whole Air Group of the starbase to destroy the Resolve, but before the Luna-class starship's warp core detonated, the Theurgy] used its top saucer's unique docking feature to evacuate the surviving Resolve crew.
  • While this happened, the dying Captain Kendrick had made it onto the Resolve´s aerowing shuttle, and in determination of ending the threat that Ian Hawthorne presented to the Federation, he flew inside Starbase 84's recreational dome and attacked the Executive Office Complex's top floor, which held the Command Center. Kendrick's shuttle was attacked, loosing altitude, but in order to contain the M/ARA detonation, he crashed the shuttle into the Command Center, and killed Ian Hawthorne.
  • Outside the starbase, Task Force Archeron arrived in full force, and Ives gave the order to call for aid from the Asurian fleet, which had been cloaked yet present during the battle - a hidden ally made with the help from the crewmember Dyan Cardamone. The Asurians gave the Theurgy time to send the Simulcast, beam back all the boarding parties on the starbase, and to have all warp fighters dock with the Theurgy. Unfortunately, the sacrifice of the Asurians was in vain, since Edena Rez' former host - Jona Rez - had tampered with the message in the Simulcast, sending out a false recording of Ives threatening the Federation rather than warning them of the parasitic threat in Starfleet's ranks.

INTERREGNUM: Between Epsiodes 04-05

LCARS Database Report - USS Theurgy NX-79854
  • After the Battle of Starbase 84, the Theurgy escaped into the Azure Nebula. The mission to send the Simulcast was a complete failure. The Devoted of Morali grew more aggressive, and Ives' authority could be in question by both hir original crew, as well as the crew from the USS Resolve. Forsaken as they were, would the crews aboard the Theurgy unite or scatter, and would the Asurians - who suffered grievous losses at Starbase 84 - vow vengeance upon them all?
  • On the first day - the same day as the battle - Captain Ives gathered all the new personnel aboard to brief them about the true threat to the Federation, perhaps even the Galaxy as a whole. With a new crew aboard, the chain-of-command had to be sorted out, and through the late evening and morning the day after, interviews were made and reports were sorted out so that the high-ranking officers from the Resolve could get important positions aboard the Theurgy. The integration of the Resolve crew was not without friction, but in the end, the command structure aboard was preserved.
  • On the second day, it became evident that the Devoted would not give up on their faith. They tried to usurp command of the ship and hand it to Sarresh Morali, even though he denounced them. In the coup attempt, several officers died, not counting the ones that the Devoted attacked individually the night before and through the second and third day the Theurgy conducted repairs in the Azure Nebula. As of the situation aboard was not tense enough, a viral outbreak that sprung from the Resolve forced Main Sickbay to issue a quarantine protocol. The Virus was known as Virus 117, and while no one died directly from the outbreak, some members of the crew were incapacitated for a long time.
  • On the third day spent in the Azure Nebula, a strange puzzle box found on Starbase 84 activated the Omega Directive, forcing Captain Ives to contain the knowledge of the molecule aboard hir ship, and to take measures to have it destroyed. Only Vivian Martin and Hi'Jak of the Science department were aware of the directive, but the latter had to leave on an away-mission to a derelict Klingon outpost named SuD Lang. It was a site inside a coreless moon that Sera vers Aldnoah claimed had the dilithium crystals the crew needed to repair the Theurgy's warp drive.
  • Led by ThanIda zh'Wann, the away-team was not just sent to collect the crystals, but to send a personal message from Captain Jien Ives to High Chancellor Martok - a message made in hope to set the record straight and to gain aid from the Klingon Empire in undermining the conspiracies of Starfleet Command. Scientist Hi'Jak, however, betrayed Ives and the crew in the belief that he knew better - being an agent of the Imperial Intelligence agency. Instead of Martok, the message ended up in his son's hands, along with orders to destroy SuD Lang. In the battle that ensued, along with the loss of one Lone-Wolf pilot, ThanIda zh'Wann was killed in action.
  • That was not all, however. For beneath SuD Lang, Heather McMillan found an ancient city of her ancestors named Tyn'Akir, and in its archive, she could have found the key to thwart the parasites. The question was if they would make it back safely to the Theurgy with both the archive and the dilithium crystals, since their shuttle had been damaged in the battle with the Klingons. Also, would the Imperial Intelligence officer betray them again, or would he be killed by the rest of the away-team because of what he'd done?

EPISODE 05: Courage is Fear | Part 1

LCARS Database Report - USS Theurgy NX-79854
  • While the Theurgy conducted repairs in the Azure Nebula, she was intercepted by the Asurians that sought vengeance for the defeat at Starbase 84. Yet they weren't alone, since they brought reinforcements in the form of a dreadnought never seen before in the Alpha Quadrant - an advanced ship that belonged to the mysterious Savi. Yet no more had the engagement began when Task Force Archeron entered the Azure Nebula, and the crew of the Theurgy faced impossible odds of survival. Was the truth finally going to die with them? By March 2381, various actors and conflicts had begun to concentrate on the Azure Nebula. Most crucial, however, was the initiation of a third invasion of the Alpha Quadrant by the Borg Collective.
  • Following the failures of their first two invasions of the Federation, and significant losses during conflicts with Species 8472 and the USS Voyager, the Borg were forced to resort to unconventional means to reach the Alpha Quadrant. Thus, in early 2381, two Borg cubes discovered a subspace aperture within Borg space that led to the Azure Nebula. The cubes promptly used the 50,000 lightyear shortcut and emerged in the Alpha Quadrant, swiftly moving to reconnoiter the sector, while the Collective amassed a large armada on the other end of the subspace tunnel. The invasion had begun, and the Borg Queen entered the Azure Nebula on a Tacitcal Cube ahead of the invading force - joining the two scouting cubes in Federation Space.
  • It didn’t take long before the Borg vanguard encountered resistance. One cube engaged and destroyed a Federation starship, the USS Endeavour. The other cube found and engaged the USS Cayuga, inflicting heavy damage and forcing the crippled Federation vessel to flee into the Azure Nebula. Still, Borg jamming prevented either the Endeavour or the Cayuga from warning the Federation of the threat. However, good fortune ensured that the Cayuga’s distress call was answered by a vector of the renegade USS Theurgy, which rendered assistance and spread the word of the Borg threat.
  • Meanwhile the Tactical Cube that carried the Borg Queen was discovered by a fleet of eleven Starfleet ships from Task Force Archeron, which had been hunting the Theurgy. The ensuing battle would prove to be savage. All eleven starships were lost, with all their crews either killed or assimilated, but against all odds, the Starfleet force did succeed in destroying the Borg cube. Their sacrifice, at the cost of nearly four thousand lives, would prove crucial. Shortly after the battle, the other two Borg cubes reached the debris field of the battle, and initiated the Royal Protocol - using a female drone to create the new Borg Queen.
  • At the same time, the USS Theurgy was locked in a battle for survival after it was forced to separate into three vectors to enact the Continuance Protocol.


EPISODE 05: Courage is Fear | Part 2

LCARS Database Report - USS Theurgy NX-79854
  • After numerous engagements with the Asurians, Klingons and the rest of Task Force Archeron, the three Theurgy vectors finally reunited. However, thanks to the USS Cayuga - as well as survivors of the USS Endeavour - the crew of the Theurgy now knew of the Borg threat and, faced with the prospect of an all-out Borg invasion, the Theurgy raced to the heart of the Azure Nebula and the apertures. It was there that the USS Cayuga, in conjunction with a Klingon fleet under the personal command of Chancellor Martok, engaged the Borg cube that guarded the subspace aperture. In the following hour, the Klingons sustained heavy losses. Out of the twelve ships which started the battle, several were destroyed while yet more were assimilated. The Klingon flagship, the battleship IKC Negh’var, sustained serious damage, but nevertheless, the Klingons successfully defended the Cayuga.
  • During the hour, however, more of High Chancellor Martok's forces arrived to the field of battle. Unfortunately for the Klingons, however, they were compromised from within. N’Garen, a weapon’s officer onboard the Negh’var, was secretly infected by one of the parasites that had taken clandestine control of Starfleet Command. Seeking a Borg victory, N’Garen drained energy from the Negh’var´s shields, allowing Borg drones to board the battleship, with drones even beaming into the Bridge so that N’Garen herself could be assimilated. With that, the parasites would be able to infect the Borg Collective itself, a key step to the final victory of plunging the entire galaxy into darkness and chaos. Nevertheless, the Martok and his bridge crew swiftly demonstrated their skill at close-range combat. The Klingons countered the boarding action with their signature bladed weapons, their bat´leths and d´k taghs, with Chancellor Martok himself fighting the Borg in personal combat. N’Garen saw an opportunity to assassinate the Chancellor, but after exposing herself for what she was, she was swiftly overwhelmed and killed by the Klingons.
  • Finally, after an hour of battle and bloodshed, the USS Theurgy decelerated out of warp to join the battle. Under the command of acting captain Wenn Cinn, the once formidable multivector dreadnought had suffered considerable damage in the previous week. Many of its crew, including Captain Jien Ives and the ship’s artificial intelligence, Thea, had been taken captive by the Savi. All three vectors had sustained heavy damage, preventing the use of the Theurgy’s potent Multi Vector Assault Mode, while the vessel’s squadron of warp fighters were similarly diminished. The Lones Wolves squadron, along with the Allegiant and the surviving Klingon ships, used the debris field around the Borg Cube to maneuver in cover, fighting desperately.
  • Eventually, a new vessel arrived: the Versant, a five kilometer long Precept-class ship of the Savi Flotilla. Following the liberation of the ship’s prisoners, a mix of captives from the USS Endeavour and the USS Theurgy, they had proceeded to gain control of the goliath ship and bring it to the battlefield. Thus, under the command of Captain Ives and with the aid of the AI Thea, the Versant opened fire on the Borg Cube with its graviton beam lances, inflicting catastrophic damage on the Borg Cube. Three large holes had been punched clean through the Cube’s hull. Seizing the opportunity, the surviving Lone Wolves regrouped to launch a daring attack. At the orders of Lieutenant Commander Thomas Ravon, the fighters flew directly through the holes in the Cube, firing their weapons on the unshielded interior of the vessel as they went before emerging on the other side. The density of the metal mass reflected the shockwaves of the blasts, and the effect was a lot more emphasised than any exterior impact could possibly be. The damage proved catastrophic, crippled the Cube’s ability to fight. The Versant and the Theurgy later finished off the Borg ship with a final barrage, permanently destroying it.
  • The sudden appearance of Doctor Nicander on the bridge of the Theurgy offered a solution - one which Captain Ives saw merit in. The officers on the Versant held a device powered by what the Borg termed “Particle 010”, but what the Federation knew as the “Omega Molecule”. If detonated, the particles were capable of unfathomable destruction that would undoubtedly destroy the subspace tunnels as well as affecting the local subspace strata for lightyears around the Azure Nebula. Warp travel in the region would be rendered impossible for millennia. Since it could not be done remotely, the plan - desperate as it was - involved someone staying behind the detonate Omega device while the Theurgy, Cayuga and the Klingons fled at maximum warp. Two volunteers stood out: Doctor Lucan Nicander, who's credibilty was low because of him being infected by a parasite, and Captain Wenn Cinn, whom the Bajoran Prophets had manipulated events to make the sacrifice.
  • The decision was made, and Captain Ives gave hir orders. The Versant prisoners were beamed back home to the Theurgy, while the Omega device was taken by Wenn Cinn onto a shuttlecraft. Too heavily damaged to escape the Omega detonation, the Theurgy moved to access a different aperture, although they didn’t know where it would lead. The Omega detonation, as feared, was enormous. The subspace tunnels were instantly destroyed, as were the hundreds of Borg cubes that were already flying through them as the tunnels collapsed. The Azure Nebula was ignited in an explosion even brighter than a supernova, with the light due to be visible across the entire galaxy for decades to come. Warp travel would become impossible in the vicinity of the Azure Nebula after the detonation, stranding millions of people and five inhabited planets without warp drive. The farthest the shockwave reached was the Nimbus System, but Starbase 84 was spared.
  • While the Negh´var had been disabled, more Klingon ships had arrived before the detonation, so Martok could escape on the IKS Vor'nak. The Cayuga survived, successfully outrunning the blast at high warp, as did Task Force Archeron, having been warned by the Cayuga of the threat as they approached the battlefield. The third Borg invasion had been thwarted. While the Federation and the Klingon Empire each lost dozens of ships in the effort, the victory saved hundreds of billions of lives throughout the Alpha and Beta Quadrants and permanently closed off the Borg beachhead.
  • For the Savi, the battle was the start of an enormous upheaval. The presence of the parasites was exposed, as was their corruption of Savi culture and society, while the Savi themselves were exposed to both the Federation and the Klingon Empire. For the USS Theurgy, the battle was extremely costly. Many lives were lost, including Lieutenant Commander Wenn Cinn, dozens of crewmen and a full third of the Lone Wolves. The Theurgy itself came close to destruction during the battle, and even after emerging from an aperture several hundred lightyears away, the ship was barely spaceworthy.
  • Nevertheless, it had been a victory. The plans of the Infested had been foiled, while the Borg threat had been neutralised. As a result of the battle, the crew of the Theurgy gained an alliance with the Klingon Empire after Chancellor Martok personally witnessed the truth of their claims about the parasitic threat. As such the Theurgy set a course for the world of Aldea, a vassal world of the Klingons, where the Theurgy could make repairs, find safe harbour... and rest.



LCARS Database Report - USS Theurgy NX-79854
  • After the Battle of the Apertures, where the USS Theurgy stopped the Borg Invasion and the plans of the Infested, High Chancellor Martok arranged safe port for the Theurgy at Aldea. With the Theurgy in drydock for repairs in the Aldea Prime Shipyards, the weary crew was able to breathe at last, no longer persecuted, and with the Klingon Empire as their new ally. Martok also ordered the knowledge of the Theurgy´s whereabouts to be classified. It was a time for healing, and to find strength, while Thea was restored for the continuation of the mission.
  • After having decrypted the real Simulcast, the Head of Covert Operations in Starfleet Intelligence offered to aid the Theurgy in a message delivered to Captain Ives. The message from Admiral Andersson was brought by a new crewmember, and it was played for the Senior Staff. Instead of sending a reply to Rear Admiral Andersson immediately, unwilling to give up the coordinates of the ship on a whim, Captain Ives decided to speak with the man directly through a subspace buoy. The Allegiant was launched, and successful contact was made with Admiral Anderson, which was the beginning of a cooperation between the Theurgy and the Admiral. A cooperation which would yield both intel and new trusted officers travelling to Aldea to replenish the ranks of the Theurgy.
  • In Captain Ives' absence from the Theurgy, Nicander was interrogated by Commander Ducote and other officers in Medical and Science. Nicander was convinced to discern whether or not there were other Infested aboard or in the vicinity of the ship, and a means through which to screen for the parasites was found through an anyonic phase variance. Both the transporter systems as well as the airlocks of the Theurgy are fitted with anyonic emitters to keep the Infested from stepping aboard the ship.
  • In the interest to utilise Heather McMillan´s diminished abilities as a Radiant, a project was launched to mimic her transphasic luminescence by artificial means. With Nicander being the example of its utility, the luminescence had been found to sever the connection between the host body and that of the parasite. The parasite remained, but the host retained control of their body and mind. The project was successful, and a transphasic light cannon is mounted outside of Nicander's holding cell, so that if the Doctor aided the mission by using his Farsight ability - being able to see through the eyes of other Infested - and his mind would be overtaken by the parasite anew, the cannon could be used again to sever the connection between the Nameless Darkness and the host. This way, the Doctor could aid the mission with his ability and still retain his sanity.
  • On the tenth day of the repairs, the first recruits that Admiral Anderson recruited for the Theurgy´s benefit arrived to Aldea. The next day, Carrigan Trent was murdered, and the perpetrator, a Lt JG Brett Hansen, was arrested. The man had lost his pregnant wife aboard the USS Dauntless after Trent gave the order to fire upon the ship in the Azure Nebula, almost two weeks prior.
  • Later, whilst investigating a strange sensor reading, an away team encountered the Savi outside the city Aldea Prime. They were lured there for the sake of opening negotiations without alerting the Aldean authorities about the Savi's existence. During the event, the unexpectedly alive Echtand qi Versant sought to cooperate with the Theurgy on its mission to end the threat of the Infested. The Voice survived via the means of having made a duplicate of himself before he died, and the copy made from the second containment beam was given the medical treatment he needed after the events in the Azure Nebula had unfolded. In exchange for intel uniquely sourced from Doctor Nicander's Farsight ability, granting the Savi rebels the means to learn what the Scion High Council planned during their civil war, the Voice offered technology that might aid the Theurgy. Most prominently in the form of a Quantum Slipstream Drive, which with the power output of the Theurgy´s warp core would allow the ship to travel 60 LY at a time, with one day of cooldown in-between each use. Moreover, a delegation of Savi engineers came to serve aboard the Theurgy, to aid in the installation.
  • Unaware of the presence of a Savi dreadnought in orbit of Aldea - namely the Erudite - First Appointee Radue of the Aldean Defence Committee, leader of the Aldeans, invited the Theurgy crew to a closed off, seaside dress party down on Aldea. The futuristic and luxurious palace was guarded by Klingons to keep out any unwanted guests that didn't have the security clearance to know the true identities of the Theurgy crew. The occasion celebrated is how the Aldeans managed to isolate the bug in the Gestalt Program with the help of the Theurgy crew.



EPISODE 02: Advent of War

LCARS Database Report - USS Theurgy NX-79854
  • In the interest of inciting war, they detonated a thalaron bomb in Paris, right in the city where the President of the UFP has her office. The President, Nanietta Bacco, managed to survive the incident, but when Starfleet Intelligence cited that Praetor Tal'Aura of the Romulan Empire was the most likely to be behind the attack, she authorised Starfleet to investigate and act on this threat to the Federation.
  • Aboard the Theurgy, in the wake of the event in Paris, Captain Ives sought aid from the sole Infested that had been cut off from the influence of his parasite - Doctor Lucan cin Nicander - and the Doctor used his dormant connection with the Nameless Darkness to learn whether or not the Infested were connected to the development. With this Farsight ability, and despite his fear to be overtaken once more, he did it still for the benefit of the mission. He saw the inside of the Romulan Senate Chamber, and the Praetor debating with Romulans around her. He also saw a holographic display in the centre of the Senate chamber showing the fallout in Paris. The proof was plain, in how the Praetor was one of the Infested.
  • Suddenly, something happened to the Doctor before the Captain's eyes. Nicander stood up straighter and levelled eyes shining white against Jien. The words that spilled from his shining mouth seemed to come from beyond the confines of the present. "You could have enjoyed your end in ignorant bliss, revelled in pleasure while the Queen claimed you all. Yet now, you will all die in full awareness of what will come for you. You brought this upon yourselves. More cities will fall, and there is naught you can do to stop this war. Make the attempt at your peril, for we've just begun."
  • Meanwhile, a rival to Martok - Gorka, son of Margon - revealed the location of the Theurgy to Starfleet Command and the Federation as a whole. The rival also challenged the decision by the High Chancellor to side with Captain Ives, seeking to undermine Martok's power in the Klingon Empire for his own gain. A chase through the Klingon Empire began, where the Theurgy used the Quantum Slipstream drive that the Savi gave them in order to bring Chancellor Martok and his closest companions to the Klingon home world and the High Council before Gorka did.
  • During this voyage, new intel reached the Theurgy´s crew, where they learned that the Infested were also targeting Breen space as well as the Andorian home world. An away team was deployed aboard the Alliegiant, which the Savi rebels helped bring to both objectives and thwarted the plan to incite the Breen and the Andorians to war. Meanwhile, the crew of the Theurgy made great efforts to bolster faith in Martok in the Great Houses, by means of revealing Gorka's true nature - a Klingon motivated by vengeance and who didn't hesitate to dishonour himself to thwart Martok.
  • After a battle between Martok loyalists and followers of Gorka - in what would come to be called the Battle of the Houses - Gorka was defeated, and the Klingon Empire found new unity under Chancellor Martok. A unity against the new threat of the Infested, which was no more just a rumour in the Beta Quadrant. The Chancellor sent the real Simulcast, which was meant to have been sent from Starbase 84, and the truth about Starfleet Command would not so easily be suppressed any more.
  • Yet it remained to be seen if it was too late, since the Infested Praetor had declared war against both the Federation as well as the Klingon Empire.


Changes to the story may have occurred, and if so, they can be found listed on the Butterfly Effect Changes page.