[ Dominic Winters (https://uss-theurgy.com/w/index.php?title=Dominic_Winters) | Pilot’s Locker Rooms | Vector 2 | Deck 16 | ATTN: @joshs1000
Dominic made his way through the corridor leading to the Pilot’s locker room, needing to plunder his locker for one reason or another. The interlude they had was not to be squandered as it was only a matter of time before they had to go into the next battle and he had no idea when that was. He loved to fight out there, do battle with a thinking foe that could try and outsmart you or get lucky with a shot that might end things. It was the challenge that helped everyone grow and become someone or something new, stronger, better.
When the door hissed open, Dominic had not expected to find anyone else inside the Locker room and paused when he felt something being… off in there. His hand slipped to the phaser pistol and slowly, shifted to stalk his way into the room and look around. Dom’s pupils dilated to let in all the light they could as he near-silently stalked his way through until he spied the moving, wet tail of Lok. Dominic paused a moment and figured he’d play it cool for now. He had seen the damage done to the lockers of the flight deck crew and they were rather crispy so he was not going to judge someone who was running the flight deck needing a shower. He figured he might of been heard with the suit’s servos or not being so quiet in sneaking in. But if he hadn’t, Dom tapped his larger locker with a hand to let the other know he was present.
“Enjoying yourself in there?” He asked with a slight teasing tone to his voice.