Star Trek: Theurgy

Star Trek: Theurgy Anthologies => Aldea Prime => Topic started by: trevorvw on May 20, 2019, 06:00:03 AM

Title: Day 02 [1404 hrs.] One Bald Head & Many Ridges
Post by: trevorvw on May 20, 2019, 06:00:03 AM
STARDATE 57561.57
MARCH 12, 2381
1404 hrs.

[ Lt. Cmdr. Kai Akoni | Chief of Security's Office | Deck 7 | USS Theurgy ] @Stegro88

Kai leaned back in his chair and rubbed his eyes. Apparently they had become dried out while reading all the paperwork in front of him.

One of the downsides of being the Chief, he mused to himself as he lifted his large frame out of the chair and stretched his back out by standing up straighter than normal. He lamented the fact that it had been days since he had been able to visit the gym. It was normally a place where he kept himself grounded and in top physical shape; without it though, he felt a little out of place. 

He chuckled to himself slightly while starting to make his way to the replicator. 

Out of place..Understatement of the century right there he thought as he reached the replicator.

"Raktijino. Strong." he ordered to the computer and watched the large cup with steam wafting off the top of it, materialize in front of him. He proceeded to grab the cup and take a mouthful of the deliciously warm liquid. He was thankful to have a replicator in his office as there wouldn't be enough Raktijino for today. The newly minted Lieutenant Commander walked around his office and quickly came to the conclusion that he'd have to hang some pictures or art or something on the walls. As it stood now, the office felt like a fairly sterile environment.

He took another sip from the mug in his right hand as he made his way back to over to his desk and sat down. He stared at the proverbial mountain of paperwork sitting in front of him as he concluded that he had probably not done this much paperwork while he was aboard the Endeavour.

He picked up a PADD in front of him and looked at the header. It was a message from Petty Officer First Class Mickayla MacGregor reporting in. That was a name he hadn't heard in, what felt like, weeks. He smiled when he saw that she was reporting in. He was glad that she survived their ordeal and he'd heard broad strokes about what she went through. Even then, it'd be nice to see her again and catch up in person.

Not only that, it'd give me a break from all this paperwork, Kai thought to himself, rather amusingly, before putting the PADD back down on his desk.

He reached for the communicator on his left chest and tapped it.

"Akoni to MacGregor, do you have time for a meeting Petty Officer?"
Title: Re: SD 57561.57: One Bald Head & Many Ridges
Post by: Stegro88 on May 25, 2019, 05:10:09 AM
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | Personal Quarters | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy | Aldea ] Attn: @trevorvw

She’d heard people talk about a post counselling session period where your mind just didn’t want to compute what you had just gone through. About the realisations you might have experienced or the revelations revealed to you that you had been blind to before. But this was the first time that Mickayla had experienced it for herself. And after 3 hours, she was getting a little tired of it. It felt like her mind had been put through a blender and was struggling to sort itself back out again. And her now fully Klingon nature found that incredibly frustrating.

"Akoni to MacGregor, do you have time for a meeting Petty Officer?" came the familiar voice of the Chief of Security from the Endeavour. She hadn’t even realised that he was alive and onboard the Theurgy until that moment.

“I wonder who else survived the Endeavour?” Mickayla wondered idly as she picked up her uniform jacket and activated her combadge. “Of course, sir,” Mickayla acknowledged. “I’ll be right there.” It was only after she had closed the channel that she realised that she had no idea where Akoni was. “Thea, where is Lieutenant Akoni?”

“Lieutenant Commander Akoni is in the Chief of Security’s officer on Deck 7,” came the A.I’s reply.

“Thank you,” Mickayla said as she donned her jacket and exited her quarters. The trip across to the Security centre on Deck 07 of Vector 02 was uncomplicated and she soon found herself standing outside the entrance to the security centre, wondering if she was going to be accepted or reprimanded. She hadn’t seen Akoni since before the attack on the Endeavour and a lot had changed in that time, especially with her. She looked, behaved and thought differently to the Petty Officer that she was. “Get it over with,” she told herself as she straightened up and entered.

Entering, she saw the heavily guarded room to her left that rumour had it contained one of the parasites that the Theurgy believed to have infiltrated Starfleet Command. Mickayla hadn’t seen any evidence of that yet so in her opinion, the jury was still out.

“He is expecting, Petty Officer,” the duty officer said to her without introduction. “Go right in.” 

“Thank you,” Mickayla acknowledged before walking around to the Chief of Security’s office. A single knock and the door opened, granting the Klingon entry.

“Petty Officer Mickayla MacGregor reporting as ordered.”
Title: Re: SD 57561.57: One Bald Head & Many Ridges
Post by: trevorvw on May 26, 2019, 06:12:13 AM
[ Lt. Cmdr. Kai Akoni | Chief of Security’s Office | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] . @Stegro88

The woman that had announced herself as Petty Officer Mickayla MacGregor stood before him. Her voice was practically the same; it still had the same feel, the same intonations. But there was something slightly different about it. It was a little deeper, which surprised him even given what had happened to her. The appearance was the biggest difference, which had still caught Kai a little off guard. He had heard what happened aboard the Savi ship, but had not fully been briefed. Some of the horror stories he had heard almost seemed too terrible to be true, but he knew better. Nevertheless, the woman standing before him was more or less, the same person he knew from the Endeavour.

”At ease Mickayla, and please, have a seat,” he said, motioning to the small couch in the corner of the room. As the petty officer made her way over to the couch to sit down, Kai took a few steps towards the replicator. "Raktijino. Strong," Kai ordered. He asked Mickayla if she wanted anything to drink.

As he got to the chair, he noticed that MacGregor was sitting, even if it was a little rigidly. Kai lowered himself into the chair and took a sip of his Raktijino. As he took in the delicious aroma, he quickly realized that he’d never tire of the taste. The nutty, smoky flavour followed by the rich, luscious aftertaste left him always satisfied, yet wanting more. Crisp, sharp and pleasant was how he liked both his women and his Raktijino's.

He looked at MacGregor again and noticed she was still tense. ”Relax. This is as informal as it gets. That’s an order,” he finished saying as a large smile spread across his face. He hoped his friendly smile would be enough to help her loosen up, but he had a habit of also unintentionally smiling creepily at people. Something he had thought he should work on, but also wasn't sure how as he couldn't exactly change his face. The petty officer seemingly relaxed a little, but not all the way. Kai figured that would be as good as she would do, so he figured he may as well take it.

He looked into MacGregor’s eyes, and noticed they were different. Not just in appearance, but there was just something dissimilar that he just couldn't put his finger on.

Kai shook his head as he began to speak. ”I can’t even imagine what you went through over there. I’m just happy that you made it out alive. I need good people here that I can trust. I’m sure you have a million questions, and I will try and answer them,” he paused, as he took another sip of his Raktijino before continuing.

”I just have a question for you first. Are you okay? Like actually okay?”
Title: Re: SD 57561.57: One Bald Head & Many Ridges
Post by: Stegro88 on June 01, 2019, 06:40:44 AM
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | Chief of Security’s Office | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy | Aldea ] Attn: @trevorvw

Standing in the centre of the room, Mickayla was afforded a clear view of former security chief of the Endeavour and the Theurgy’s new one. And thankfully, he didn’t appear to have changed any in the time they had been separated following their former ship’s destruction by the Borg. Although it did raise the question, of how he and the others from Nebula-class vessel, ended up on the Theurgy.

She could tell the moment when he noticed how different she looked. The way his face, and especially his eyes, shifted slightly. But he didn’t say anything about it. He didn’t try to offer any platitudes or apologies. And for that, Mickayla was grateful.

Despite the direction to relax and have a seat, Mickayla found herself unable to do the former and the latter, while accomplished, was still uncomfortable. She wasn’t sure if it was everything that had happened to her or simply that she was now sitting across from one of the only people aboard who knew about her before the Versant.

“No, thank you sir,” Mickayla responded to Akoni regarding if she wanted a beverage. She was already nervous enough and didn’t think that a shaking cup in her hands was needed as more proof. Akoni got himself a cup of Raktijino, a drink she knew he consumed as if it filled his veins, before sitting down as well. He again asked her to relax, stating that this was as informal as it got. And yet Mickayla still felt like she had been summoned to the principal’s office.

“That would be Captain Ives’ ready room you idiot,” Mickayla chastised herself as she took a deep breath and slowly released it. Looking up, she could see Akoni looking at her, studying her. “Probably wondering trying to determine how much of a homicidal maniac I am. Don’t blame him.”

But then Akoni shook his head and began to speak. It was about what Mickayla had thought he would start with. No idea what you went through. Happy you’re alive. I’ll answer all your questions but I have one of my own first. How are you? That last bit felt like an armed plasma grenade held in her hand in the middle of a firefight to Mickayla. The moment she let it go, it was no one’s friend. 

“Sir, respectfully, that is not an easy question to answer,” Mickayla admitted, forcing herself to keep her hands casual. She’d developed something of a habit since the Versant, of interlacing her fingers to distract herself from her surroundings. “After everything I have been through; the Borg, the Savi, having my DNA changed. What person, anywhere, could be okay?”

“As I told Commander Hathev this morning, I have nothing left but this uniform. I have no ties but what it represents. And yet here I am on a declared renegade ship from the very fleet the uniform represents, so I’m not even sure I have that anymore either,” Mickayla explained as best she could. There was no point lying about seeing the counsellor. While the content of the sessions might be private, the fact that she was going to them was not.

“Sir, all I want now, is a purpose. I need something to focus on while I work through everything else,” Mickayla pleaded. She also wanted answers but they could wait. “Oh, and permission to modify a phaser rifle into something that can kill a Savi Scion. If one of those bastards comes back, I want to be ready for it.”
Title: Re: SD 57561.57: One Bald Head & Many Ridges
Post by: trevorvw on June 12, 2019, 01:40:08 AM
[ Lt. Cmdr. Kai Akoni | Chief of Security’s Office | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ]


He asked the question if she was okay, however as soon as the question left his lips, he knew that it’s not something he should have asked.

You’re an idiot Kai thought to himself as he listened to Mickayla’s answer.

He stared at her as she explained how she felt and admitting to both Kai and herself that the only thing she had left was the uniform.

On one hand, Kai admired her honesty about the reality of the situation that Mickayla had now found herself in. It was practically an impossible situation, but here she was, trying to make the best of it. On the other hand though, Kai felt sad for her that all she had was the uniform, but she was questioning that. Kai paused after he thought that and thought a little more about the situation. 

A week ago, the Endeavour crew were serving aboard their ship in relative safety. The Theurgy crew were a bunch of traitors and no one could understand why an entire ship would betray the Federation. Fast forward to the present time, and here they were, having been through a hell of a week, now serving aboard the Theurgy.

Mickayla had finished talking and had also finished with an odd request. It may have been a request that caught Kai off guard, but one that made sense considering all that had happened.

”Mickayla, listen. I can’t imagine what you’ve been through…I understand you need a purpose. Hell, that’s why I’m Chief here now. I needed one too and I’m not going to deny you that purpose. Your request to modify the phaser rifle is approved. I’d like to see a prototype before the end of the week.”

Kai raised the mug in his right hand to his mouth and downed another mouthful of the delicious liquid. He looked into Mickayla’s eyes.

”But..keep yourself free, I might need you later this week. We’ve had a request from the Aldean government for some reconnaissance work planet-side. I don’t have any specifics as of yet. Is there anything else right now?” Kai asked as he awaited the young woman’s reply before she could be dismissed and find her purpose.

Sorry @Stegro88 for the late reply!
Title: Re: SD 57561.57: One Bald Head & Many Ridges
Post by: Stegro88 on June 20, 2019, 02:52:20 AM
[ PO1 Mickayla MacGregor | Chief of Security’s Office | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy | Aldea ] Attn: @trevorvw

"End of the week? Shit!” Mickyala exclaimed silently. It was already Thursday and Akoni had given her until Sunday to have a prototype. “I’m not even sure how I want to modify a rifle to do what I want it to do and now I have to have one ready in 3 days.”

“Ah, yes sir,” Mickayla acknowledge the directive from the Chief of Security. “And going down to the planet sounds like it could be interesting, sir. I guess now I’ll be able to blend in a little better than everyone else at least. Thanks to my new look.”

“One that I never wanted,” Mickayla added thoughtfully, wondering if there was anything else, she needed to speak to the officer before her about. She was half tempted to ask about a gym session; she knew that he enjoyed them from her short time aboard the Endeavour but figured that would be an inappropriate question to ask.

“Will that be all sir?” Mickayla asked after nothing came to mind.

"That'll be all for now, you're dismissed." Kai said before turning to Mickayla and adding as almost an afterthought, "Oh and once again, it's nice to have you back.”

“Thank you, Sir,” Mickayla said before turning and exiting the office. She had a lot to do and a lot to think about now and she didn’t feel like tarrying. And she wanted to get her uniform off as soon as possible before she tore it from scratching.


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