Episode 02: Cosmic Imperative / Re: CH2: S [Day1|1900hrs] Show us what you got!
Last post by Pierce -Tessa smiled as she heard her comrades telling their wiley tales from the battlefield. It was nice to hear the teambuilding she meant to inspire through this exercise rather than the frustration she caused from the Borg incident. Still, it was fun she thought to herself.
"Interesting story. You know, that reminds me the time that Lauren and I thought we could defeat the Dominion when we were training on MIMAS Station."
She began re-telling the story of how the alarm klaxons wailed, a symphony of impending doom. "My heart pounded against my ribs like drums. Space, once a vast, comforting blanket, now felt like a suffocating void. Lauren's voice, usually so bright and infectious, crackled through the comms to me in my own shuttle, "Be ready Tess! Incoming!"
Four Breen battlecruisers were before us. My stomach churned anxiously as I sat panicking around them. These vessels were nightmares given from their cold designs radiating an overwhelming power. "I'm reading four Breen battlecruisers and several scout ships. I think we should turn back!" I yelled into my comms, my voice trembling. I slowed my flight trainer, seeking refuge behind the cold, unyielding mass of Mars’ moon."
Tessa paused to reflect on that day that changed her life forever. The day she thought she'd lost her best friend.
"Lauren, ever the daredevil whom I learned from, ignored my plea. "Oh, come on Tess! This is fun!" Her laughter was so lively despite our terrifying reality. She scanned the Breen vessels, a reckless act that drew the immediate attention of a scout ship. Energy weapons fired through space. I watched, paralyzed with fear, as Lauren expertly dodged the blasts, her small shuttlecraft a nimble insect dancing before giants. I was in such awe at her fluid movements."
She smiled warmly, without the wild abandon she usually held in her antics. Almost oddly so.
"My own vessel was soon targeted. The Breen scouts, like predators headed my way with their weapons spitting energy death. Pew-Pew!" She grinned breaking the silence and the tension of her memory before falling back into the story.
"Thankfully, my training kicked in and I spiraled and weaved my little flight trainer with a blur of motion. But inside, I was screaming franticly. This wasn't a simulation. This was real. This was war.
And Lauren’s voice, strained now, came over the comms. "Hey Tess, in case I don't make it out of here alive, I'm transmitting the data to you so you can send it to command." A chilling premonition, one that quickly became a horrifying truth for me. As the data finished transferring and I pocketed the isolinear chip, another wave of enemy fire hit Lauren’s shuttlecraft. "Hold on, Jenn!" I cried out, desperation clawing at my heart strings.
But it was too late. She told me to take it to command and get out of the line of fire while she drew them away. Then, static. And then, a blinding flash, a silent explosion that ripped through the void. Lauren was gone and so was my best friend.
My scream was swallowed by space as my tears blurred my vision. I watched in horror as the debris of her shuttlecraft drifted away. In that moment, something inside me shattered... I was broken. The thrill of the mission evaporated, replaced by a cold, gnawing dread. I felt utterly alone, adrift in a sea of grief and fear."
She realized her demeanor had changed and she'd started to cry reliving that story. But heck, it was meant to help them understand why she was nuts. Afterall, with this much death, one had to grow accustomed to losing their friends in battle. Especially as renegades.
"My time was short though as a Breen battlecruiser broke formation, its massive form bearing down on me. It locked weapons and fired, my small ship erupting in flames. I thankfully activated the emergency transport just before the explosion. I rematerialized in the transporter room, but the battle, the loss, stayed with me... The image of Lauren’s shuttle exploding was seared into my mind. I found I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat. The sounds of the ship hummed with the memory of weapons fire. I was broken.
Years later, I ended up on the Theurgy after many other placements and at shoreleave several months ago, I found myself in a Vulcan healing chamber. The Vulcan mindmeld was my last chance, a desperate attempt to purge the trauma that had taken root in my mind. I relived it all – the cold of space, the deadly energy blasts, Lauren's final words. The Vulcan healer helped me confront the memories that caused my mind to fall into a childlike state and to finally understand them, and let go. But not all of it. Some wounds, I knew, would always linger.
That is until I learned that Lauren was MIA and re-enlisted and joined us here on the Theurgy. The reunion was awesome! Seeing her alive brought back the trauma but this time I wasn't alone. Lauren was there."
Tessa wiped the tear from her eye. Took a swig of her drink and then cackled. "All that to say, we all have our traumas, but it's how we deal with it that matters."
OOC - Sorry for the loooooong delay. Went ahead and "FIN" the scene as it's been on a while and ran out of steam. Also, wanted to help evolve Tessa some with my current headspace as I want her to lean into more of a 2nd in command role for the Wolves rather than a crazy pilot. Used a lot of her backstory from MIMAS and recycled some of it for this story.