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Topic: CH2: S [Day1|1900hrs] Show us what you got! (Read 10523 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: CH2: S [Day1|1900hrs] Show us what you got!

Reply #25
[ Dominic Winters | Holodeck 3 | Vector 2 | Deck 21 | The Ranger ATTN: @Dumedion @Pierce

He wondered why they were treating him like a complete rookie fighter pilot. He knew full well that things could go tits down, balls up the moment they entered the arena that was battle. Heck, even patrols could go that way if you were not careful or just had an unlucky roll of the dice. Putting his ego away for the moment Atlas understood that these ladies were here to get to know him and his skills, what he can do, and what his flaws are. Dom had been rather harsh in his own judgment of the two.

“Yeah, sorry about killing the Sim. Tell you what they do move! I am so glad there’s no RIO involved either, least they complain about getting sick when I pull a high-G turn.” Dominic’s right ear twitched in the form of the Kzint grin. “I like the assessment, formidable. We all can complement each other while in flight.” He nodded lightly. “Going Borg is not a good look for anyone, weird myriad attachments aside that I am sure someone would find an unusual use for.” he joked lightly.

When Shadow brought up his tactic not potentially working he brought the back of his hand up to his forehead like he was feigning a dramatic injury. “Oh, you wound me!” He then chuckled. “Yeah, it's a good trick to run with when you want to surprise your enemy. I bet it would have worked unless, of course, Goldeneye here can see the future eh?” He teased.

He liked the mention of food and when Shadow’s stomach growled his ear twitched in that direction as well and that seemed to tell him that food was a good idea despite her own statement. “Three hours? So no food until 2200? Oh no. This cannot do. How about we sit, break out some snacks from the replicator and snack here with each other? Share a story or two and then go back into the sim. How’s that sound?” He asks, his right ear twitched. “We can learn about each other differently. Eh? Just no Jamie Oliver or those who followed his style of cooking. Ick.” Dominic poked his tongue out in a ‘bleh’ kind of manner. "Maybe as part we can introduce each other to snacks and bits we prefer."

Re: CH2: S [Day1|1900hrs] Show us what you got!

Reply #26
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance | FAB | Deck 16 | Vector 2 | The Ranger] Attn: @Dumedion @Krajin  [Show/Hide]
Tessa Lance couldn’t help but giggle as she crunched on her heavily buttered popcorn, catching Atlas's ear twitch with every bite. She tossed a popcorn kernel playfully at him, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Hey, Atlas! You think my crunching's annoying now? Just wait till we’re in the middle of a firefight and I decide to snack!" She winked, then turned her attention to Talia. "Shadow’s right, you do get used to it eventually. Besides, life's too short to stress about popcorn noises."

She leaned in, her voice dropping conspiratorially. "Now, as for this training, expect the unexpected, kiddos. Because out there," she waved her hand dramatically, "things can go sideways real fast. You gotta be ready to pivot, dance, and maybe even do a little jig if it helps."

Tessa Lance's eyes lit up at the mention of snacks. She gave a playful wink, her signature quirky smile broadening. "Oh, you had me at snacks, big guy. Let's raid the replicator and see what we can find!" She tossed another handful of popcorn into her mouth, the crunch echoing in the room. "And hey, if you're lucky, I'll let you in on my secret popcorn recipe. It's got extra butter and just the right amount of salt."[/color]

Giving Atlas a playful nudge. "So, what do you say? Let's grab those snacks, share our tales, and then jump back into the sim. Because if there's one thing I've learned as a veteran pilot, it's that bonding over food and stories makes us a stronger team. And besides," she added with a smirk, "We need to keep those energy levels up for the next round of chaos."

Tessa handed Atlas a handful of her buttery popcorn, her grin wide and infectious. "Consider this your initiation. Welcome to the Wolves, Atlas. Now, let’s see who can tell the best flying story while we munch away. Go on, big guy, your turn!"

Re: CH2: S [Day1|1900hrs] Show us what you got!

Reply #27
[Ens. Talia "Shadow" Al-Ibrahim | Holodeck 3 | Vector 2 | Deck 21 | The Ranger] Attn: @Krajin @Pierce 

Shadow had to check her initial reaction to Atlas’ idea; while a snack wouldn’t hurt, (she'd just have to log the caloric intake mentally and adjust accordingly), this wasn’t supposed to be a social affair – but in the end she decided to just go with it. After Javert, Talia reminded herself, we may not get another chance to just…spend time together. Besides, it wasn’t like the old man was peeping on their every move. They were still in the holodeck; as far as Janus or anyone else was concerned, they were still training.

A wry smile curled her lips at the thought.

“Sure,” Talia agreed as she fell in line with them towards the Den. “Pita bread and hummus for me, maybe some lamb kabobs,” she shrugged to herself, as the others conversed. A smirk was thrown in Goldeneye’s direction at her wingmate’s warning. No shit, Shadow thought to herself; in the short while they’d known each other, Tessa had proven herself to the epitome of unpredictability – in and out of the cockpit. Flying with her would require constant adaptation, which suited Shadow just fine. Stagnation led to complacency. Everything changed over time, or it simply died; she had no intention of dying.

Atlas seemed of a decent sort, as far as Talia could tell, anyway. Her own social skills being what they were, she counted it as ‘so far, so good’ and aimed to keep it that way. She’d made a mess of plenty of first impressions already. The towering Kzin met her eyes and Talia grinned at the opportunity to hear of his exploits; having read up on him, briefly, she wondered if he’d stick to his war-time missions or delve into the alleged ‘piracy’ activities. Either way, hearing about them would be better than reading.

As for herself, Shadow’s grin faded I little in self-consciousness; she had no stories to share, at least, very little in the realm of combat anyway. She shrugged to herself again. Doesn’t matter. She could eat, and listen, and try her best to bond with these people that risked it all with her every time a scramble order went out. It was the least she could do.

“Well,” a dark brow arched up at Atlas as they walked with a smile. “Let’s hear it.”

ooc – sincere apologies for being so late to reply.


Re: CH2: S [Day1|1900hrs] Show us what you got!

Reply #28
[ Dominic Winters | Holodeck 3 | Vector 2 | Deck 21 | The Ranger ATTN: @Dumedion @Pierce

Dominic ordered from the Replicator a meat platter to snack on, along with a pair of chopsticks over the use of a fork or similar tools as they were inherently messy and this would in some weird little way test his dexterity while the suit was on. He pulled up a crate and parked his butt on it with one leg crossed over the other and the platter resting against him. “Stories, stories..” He picks up a vegetable and eats it.Taking his time to get the positions of the sticks correct and get the mechanics of it all working. Sure enough, though many who knew the carnivorous nature of a Kzint may see this as crazy or ludicrous.

“So. Stories.. You want one of mine.. I am not about to relive the Dominion war. I already have a reminder and plenty of shit from that. Pretty sure none of you want that either..” He muses. Flexing his right hand slightly and doing that thing all men do when it comes to tongs, chopsticks, and everything else by testing them by clicking them together. Granted, that hand had those implanted claws in them.

“Alright. When I was first getting into the conn role. When I graduated the Academy, I was posted to the USS Akira. I worked as first shift conn, handled third shift tactical on occasion and flew the shuttles. Now the Akira was the Prototype, first of the Class, and is the testbed for many of the upgrades that go into the class. Now I have built a bit of a reputation for flying the Akira like I stole it. My first combat run was against some Orion Pirates. Now we had just had an impulse drive upgrade so things had been a little shaky. We were investigating some pirate activity along a trade route which as you can guess turned out to be Orion Pirates: three Corvettes and a Brigand class. Now the engagement was a little hairy, we got ambushed by two corvettes first, we crippled one corvette and after scoring an engine kill on the second, we had the damn Brigand plus another Corvette show up. We were outnumbered and outgunned just from force multiplication and well, we engaged.”

Dominic eats a bit and then continues on. “I got told to perform evasive maneuvers. Sooooo.. I pushed the Akira and made the cruiser dance. Phasers, Torpedoes.. We won! But I have the captain some new grey hairs when we took on the Brigand and danced around its disruptors. I think I taught the crew how to make an Akira dance and that it can really, really move. Engineering though.. really disliked me.”

He looked pleased as punch. “What about you two?”

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