Star Trek: Theurgy

Out-of-Character Message Boards => Main OOC Board => Topic started by: KittyKat on June 13, 2011, 05:32:10 PM

Title: Main OOC Thread
Post by: KittyKat on June 13, 2011, 05:32:10 PM
Here announcements will be posted, questions can be asked and plans be made. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 15, 2011, 01:42:39 PM
I will take this opportunity to send out a request to the players!

I am compiling a little movie for the RP, and since I do not know the names of the models or actors that some people have submitted for character pics. please let me know where or how I might find videos that would apply for the project. I am using Windows Movie Maker, so I am limited in what kind of formats I can use...

Furthermore, Sci-fi fighting, explosions, space battles, space scenery movies, and all such things to fill out the tribute/ad for this rp are most welcome too.

I have an ample stock of footage already, so don't be surprised if your contributions does not fit into it. In short, I hold the creative licence and in the progress, things might not add up well with the "wrong" kind of shots (either/both quality and content-wise).

For last, thank you everyone for your awesome posts so far! :)


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 21, 2011, 03:40:03 PM
Update on the movie project:

It is completed, but I am having issues with Windows Movie Maker (it won't convert the project file to any kind of result atm) but hopefully I will be able to resolve it momentarily. otherwise, I have to start over using another software. *grumbles* Hate to have my time wasted... Perhaps a codec or two will do the trick.

Anyway, let me know if you have any requests for the movie, but I have already solved many questions over PM to you guys.



Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 22, 2011, 03:50:58 PM
Update on the movie project:

I have spewed burning blood upon Windows Movie Maker (piece of shit product) and damned it to eternal agony in the deepest pits of hell...

...and instead ordered the Pinnacle Studio 15 HD suite. While not free, it will serve to make the result a bit more professional. It does also mean, however, that I have to remake the whole thing. Yet at least I have collected the material and I have a sequence visible in Movie Maker that will save me considerable time.

In related news, we still have new members in the cue, and I am waiting eagerly for their applications.

Furthermore, feel free to add me on AIM, MSN, Yahoo or whatever be your preference. The necessary info can be found on the left side of this post.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 01, 2011, 09:31:28 AM
The USS Theurgy Group Recruitment Promo (

For your viewing pleasure (I hope). Feedback is most welcome!

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: KittyKat on July 01, 2011, 09:50:12 AM
ooohhh I likes :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Ascornfilm on July 11, 2011, 03:13:02 PM
First off, awesome vid!

Secondly, I must admit, with all my problems in RL, I've forgotten where/what my guys were up to. Had we worked anything out?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 12, 2011, 01:36:02 AM
Thanks! As for your chars, here are we go:


- Nerina and Nathaniel in the Prologue (which you just replied to, and I look forward to see how it might develop)

- William and Edena in Chapter 2: Contamination (if you guys feel up for it!)

- Jovela is yet to be introduced into Episode 1, and as I recallit, you were on the fence on what to do with her. Feel free to have her show up during the uncoming scene in the Medical Lab (Chapter 3: Violation). She might easily be the timely entrance that tips the scales and saves Amikris and Lucan from being contaminated. Just keep your eyes open to the development. Kittykat and I have some rudimentary ideas for the progress, but nothing solid besides... well... I would hate to reveal a part of the outcome in advance... *grins and glances to Kitty*


- I am greatly looking forward to take the scene forward in Taylor's quarters! I figure with all that is going on, Thea is bound to try and address her concerns... ;) Please send me a PM if you wanna brainstorm a bit.


- See note about Edena and William above, as well as the Nathaniel and Nerina scene.

- Now that Jien and Nathaniel have finished up in Chapter IV, I will soon be posting the plot development for that morning after the (now being written) incident in the Med Lab (Chapter III). I just need to know a bit more about the outcome before I can post there. Though I guess I can... now that I give it some thought... post something that sets the scene for the crew (as in, the progression of the contamination aboard.) I'll look into that tomorrow now that its 1.40 am here in Sweden.

In other news....

As I have mentioned to a few of you, we have new writers incoming, and do not be surprised to find a few new faces surfacing from the crew aboard the ship. They are stuck on RL issues currently, but these are likely to resolve themselves eventually.



Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: KittyKat on July 21, 2011, 10:47:11 PM
Anyone interested in joining for humanity's good? a game i'm starting :P I have a large NPC cast avalible for players and you can play custom PCs if i approve em
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 24, 2011, 03:40:46 AM
Sorry for the delay in posting folks, I was out last night and had a terrible hangover today. Its 03.35 am my time and I am just about coming awake... heh. In my lesser inspiration towards making qualitative posts this day I have instead spent some time on graphics, and I am happy to inform that Version 1.2 of the Promotion Trailer for the USS Theurgy Group is almost finished.

Furthermore, I just wanted to say how fun it is to read up on the great development in the story. We have had some great activity lately and I suppose it comes with some new blood in the crew manifest, heh. Anyway, you will all find posts up from me shortly.

If you have any story development you wish to discuss with me, I am available over PM, MSN etc.

Best Regards,

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: WyteKnyte on July 24, 2011, 06:21:13 AM
Looking forward to seeing the new promo! You did a great job with the last one.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 24, 2011, 02:55:06 PM
Thanks! The new version is actually (finally) up now. Here is an additional link: The USS Theurgy Promotional Trailer Ver. 1.2 (

As always, feedback is most welcome.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Ascornfilm on July 24, 2011, 03:17:44 PM
It kicks ass.

That is all.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on July 24, 2011, 07:25:11 PM
I concur. That was an excellent promo video
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 25, 2011, 09:49:00 PM
Sounds great! Glad to hear you are considering to join up. You may find more info about general rules and joining right here on this board in case you have only checked out the Group Request thread.

I look forward to read your application if you do decide to join us in this story. Please don't hesitate to contact me over PM to discuss rank and position as well as general ideas for your character concept.

Best Regards,

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 25, 2011, 11:32:32 PM
A short list of positions I wish to be filled (at the top of my head, since there are many more available), be it by new or current members of the group that does not already have a couple of characters running. PM your questions to me!



The Quartermaster trains and supervises crewmen in bridge operations, repairs, and protocols and sets the agenda for instruction in general ship and starbase operations for the different department officers; maintains the vessels/facilities log, the vessels/facilities clock, and watch and duty assignments for all bridge personnel; may assume any bridge [i.e. CONN] or Operations role [i.e. transporter] as required.

The Quartermaster is also responsible for helping any Officer or NCO who has questions regarding any function of the vessel/facility, giving advise on how to obtain the desired information or directing them to the correct individual. In addition, the Quartermaster oversees the various assigned yeoman. Ensuring that they are assigned as required to the various Departments.

Quartermasters ensure that all officers and crew perform their duties consistent with Starfleet directives. The Quartermaster reports to the Executive Officer.

Captain's Yeoman

The Captain's Yeoman position is for NCOs (not Line Officers, see GR and Joining post on this board) who wish to continue as administrators. Use of a Yeoman's services is completely at the discretion of the Commanding Officer. File work, and sensitive message transport are but two examples of the Yeoman's possible duties. In a sense, this position can be translated into being the Captain's secretary.


Chief Flight Deck Operations Officer

The Chief Flight Deck Operations Officer has the primary responsibility of the Fighter Assault Bay. S/he oversees all of the Flight Deck activity, and organises the flight schedules. S/he also personally oversees and guides many launches and landings.

The Chief Flight Deck Operations Officer is a Section Head and reports directly to the SCO and the XO.


Chief of Security

The Chief Security Officer is called Chief of Security. Her/his duty is to ensure the safety of ship and crew. Some take it as their personal duty to protect the Commanding/Executive Officer on away teams. She/he is also responsible for people under arrest and the safety of guests, liked or not.

S/he also is a department head and a member of the Senior Staff, responsible for all the crew members in her/his department and duty rosters.

S/he is responsible for the ship's weapon system, and is also the COs tactical advisor in Starship Combat matters.

The Chief of Security should be aware of current Diplomatic situations and up to date on the latest technological capabilities of all threat alien races, and even the capabilities of allied alien species.

There is much more to tactical than simply overseeing the weapons console on the bridge. Tactical maintains the weapons systems aboard the ship/starbase, maintaining and reloading photons magazines. Tactical planning and current Intelligence analysis [if no Intelligence operatives are aboard] is also overseen by the tactical department. Edena Rez will, however, is in charge of Intelligence matters.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: WyteKnyte on July 25, 2011, 11:50:02 PM
I've seen other games out there split Security/Tactical into two separate departments (Security in gold, Tactical in red), which always made more sense to me than having two very different departments combined into one. Would you possibly consider separating the two for this game?

Great work on the new promo vid, by the way!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 25, 2011, 11:58:42 PM
That idea has been at the forefront of my mind, but I have chosen to postpone that decision given the fact that we have neither a Chief of Security nor a Chief Tactical Officer at this given time. It is agreed, of course, that it makes more sense to have these separate.

Thanks for your kind words and your wise input! Depending on interest and the applications I receive, I will be splitting the position in two.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: KittyKat on July 26, 2011, 12:10:41 AM
you know i'm willing to take on either or both :P lol but you limit my character number *cries*
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: WyteKnyte on July 26, 2011, 12:12:23 AM
I do have a very basic idea for a potential Chief of Security, but I was holding off in case a new writer came along and wanted the position. But if it's okay to have two characters who are department chiefs, and if you're going to end up splitting Security and Tactical, I think I might start brainstorming harder and actually start filling out the details for the idea.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: KittyKat on July 26, 2011, 12:51:21 AM
Lucan when Cir'Cie and/or Adam dies :P can I have another character lol :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 26, 2011, 12:56:20 AM
Well see, depends on if you'll be a good kitten. ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 26, 2011, 01:29:09 AM
WyteKnyte: When/if you at some point during your brain-storming decide to make the character, let me know so that I might reserve the position for you. As for now, I will leave it open for new members. All I require is a PM with your decision and the skeleton of a character concept when/if such a time comes. :)

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: WyteKnyte on July 26, 2011, 01:33:08 AM
You'll likely get a PM from me sometime later tonight, though since you're six hours ahead of me you'll probably be asleep by then.  :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Ascornfilm on July 27, 2011, 03:24:27 PM
Well... I do have a Yeoman character from the game I borrowed Jovela from. She'll need to be adapted slightly (she's sort of halfway between Jovela and Nerina right now, so she'll need some change) but I do like her... But then I'm probably playing too many characters already. But it's all good.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 28, 2011, 05:02:15 PM
Hmm, yeah you already have the XO Nerina whom work closely with the Captain (which the Yeoman also well), along with Jovela and William (& Felicity), so I'd rather we wait and see if there are any new members who wish to fill the spot, but I will keep it in mind in case there are no takers. Thanks for understanding and have in mind that I don't shut the door on that completely.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Ascornfilm on July 29, 2011, 02:43:32 PM
Right, it's cool. But I do have a way to explain her abscene, if/when it comes up.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 01, 2011, 09:38:46 AM
Brief Service Announcement:

Felicity Version 2.0 has been installed in Below Decks for your enjoyment. William updated her just prior to the ship's arrival at Niga. See Crew Manifest for more information (click the Spoiler button).

Furthermore, I have noticed that House of Eros has changed around their URLs a bit, so I will make sure to update the links on the Crew manifest as well as other parts of the Board as soon as I can.

That is all. ;)

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: KittyKat on August 02, 2011, 10:46:01 PM
I resign it was a pleasure to work with you have fun
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 02, 2011, 11:26:02 PM
I'm sorry to hear that you feel this way.

If you change your mind, you must know that you are always welcome back. As I said over PM, for the remainder of the Episode, I will NPC your characters in a fashion that will make the story progress, which will enable you to return before it had run its course. By the time of Episode 2, I will substitute your characters with new NPCs for the positions they hold (Amatras foremostly), so you have until then to reconsider.

Yours Sincerely,

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 07, 2011, 01:28:43 PM
A new top-of-the-head list of positions I wish to be filled (since there are many more available), be it by new applicants or current members of the Group that does not already have a couple of characters running. PM your questions to me! This info is also available in the request thread.


Chief Tactical Officer & Asst. Chief Tactical Officer

The Tactical (TAC) Officer position is responsible for the operation of all defence and weapon systems aboard a starship (shields, phasers, photons, etc.) Tactical also scans and provides data on all encountered vessels.

The Chief Tactical Officer (CTO) on the Bridge must also coordinate with the Cheif Security Officer (CSEC) on duty. In the absence of a CSEC, Tactical handles all intruders and away team security. The Tactical Officer is the backbone of the ship. When ordered to by the Captain he fires weapons, raises shields, and determines damage done to the enemy. He also can handle communications for the ship if necessary.

If at all possible, the CTO will be in charge of the tactical station in time of battle. If this is not possible, then an Asst. CTO will be in charge. If possible, the opposing force shall be disabled before destruction unless the Commanding Officer orders otherwise. Under no circumstances shall the TAC officer fire on a seriously disabled or unarmed vessel with the intent to destroy unless good and provable cause is present or a ranking officer orders it. Unless the enemy is considered superior, or under special circumstances (i.e. the Borg), the object of defence shall not be to kill or destroy, only disable.

The Tactical officer must know the correct balance of damage inflicted to the other ship for each firing of the phasers and photons. Tactical coordinates with OPS in running the Tachyon beam to scan for other cloaked ships. There is much more to tactical than simply overseeing the weapons console on the bridge. Tactical maintains the weapons systems aboard the ship/starbase, maintaining and reloading photons magazines. Tactical planning and current Intelligence analysis [if no Intelligence operatives are aboard] is also overseen by Tactical. Lt. Commander Edena Rez, however, is in charge of Intelligence matters aboard the Theurgy.

Chief CONN Officer / Helmsman  [Due to lack of activity and correspondence from the current Helmsman, this position is now available for any takers. He may return before the end of Episode 01, a last try to establish communication will be made if an applicant comes along.]

The Chief CONN Officer or the Helmsman (HELM), is responsible for all flight control operations of the ship, navigation, course plotting, manual flight, and position verification. The Helmsman may also act as Communications officer if need be. This position is usually filled by the best pilot on the ship and can pilot any shuttles, if necessary, and assault craft.


The Quartermaster trains and supervises crewmen in bridge operations, repairs, and protocols and sets the agenda for instruction in general ship and starbase operations for the different department officers; maintains the vessels/facilities log, the vessels/facilities clock, and watch and duty assignments for all bridge personnel; may assume any bridge [i.e. CONN] or Operations role [i.e. transporter] as required.

The Quartermaster is also responsible for helping any Officer or NCO who has questions regarding any function of the vessel/facility, giving advise on how to obtain the desired information or directing them to the correct individual. In addition, the Quartermaster oversees the various assigned yeoman. Ensuring that they are assigned as required to the various Departments.

Quartermasters ensure that all officers and crew perform their duties consistent with Starfleet directives. The Quartermaster reports to the Executive Officer.

Captain's Yeoman

The Captain's Yeoman position is for NCOs (not Line Officers, see GR and Joining post on this board) who wish to continue as administrators. Use of a Yeoman's services is completely at the discretion of the Commanding Officer. File work, and sensitive message transport are but two examples of the Yeoman's possible duties. In a sense, this position can be translated into being the Captain's secretary.


Chief Flight Deck Operations Officer

The Chief Flight Deck Operations Officer has the primary responsibility of the Fighter Assault Bay. S/he oversees all of the Flight Deck activity, and organises the flight schedules. S/he also personally oversees and guides many launches and landings.

The Chief Flight Deck Operations Officer is a Section Head and reports directly to the SCO and the XO.

SCO - Squadron Commanding Officer & Fighter Pilots [Due to lack of activity and correspondence from the current SCO, this position is now available for any takers. He may return before the end of Episode 01, a last try to establish communication will be made if an applicant comes along.]

The Tactical Conn are the ace pilots of the Theurgy. These are usually comprised of the Chief Flight Operations Officer, the SCO, the Fighter Pilots and the ship's shuttle pilots; however, some Engineering personnel are also assigned specifically to the Tactical Conn personnel which might be stationed on a vessel or base.

The Fighter Pilots are exceptional in their field and are adept at piloting small manoeuvrable craft in dangerous situations. They are the main line of defence on most planetary stations and Federation stations, and have proven useful in close combat whilst serving on a starship as well. The Theurgy, however, have a sole squadron of fighters (12 fighters remaining of the former 16 total). Given their solitary roles, they are designated the Lone Wolves. For more information about Tactical Conn, please read up on the Deptartment on our Group Board (

The SCO has the designation Wolf 01, and the designation Wolf 09 has been taken by Lt.JG Nathaniel Isley. As for how the applicant's character becomes SCO, should that be his/her fancy, please consult the GM in order to learn the circumstances of the new SCO's promotion.


Asst. Chief Medical Officer

The Asst. Chief Medical Officer (CMO) is of course the closest colleague to the Doctor of the ship. The Asst. CMO is responsible for the physical well being of the crew. The Asst. CMO will also perform studies on alien and unknown life forms; and will give medical assistance to anyone or anything that needs it.

In addition, as the senior second medical authority on a vessel, all field related missions will require consultation with the Asst. or CMO. One of the unique powers given to the Chief Medical Officer is the ability to relieve a ship's CO of his or her duty if it is determined he or she is medically unfit. This power is not taken lightly, however, for if the CMO is proven to be out-of-line, he or she will be accountable for putting the crew in possible danger by removing the Commanding Officer.


Chief Engineer & Asst. Chief Engineer [Due to lack of activity and correspondence from the current CENG, this position is now available for any takers. He may return before the end of Episode 01, a last try to establish communication will be made if an applicant comes along.]

The engineering section is run by the Chief Engineer (CENG), who is responsible for all personal within Engineering. Engineering handles nearly all mechanical aspects of the ship, but first and foremost is the warp and impulse engines. They are also responsible for the power requirements of the ship. Engineering also does nearly all the diagnostics and maintenance of the ships systems, and ensure the weapon systems have power to operate at a given moment.

Asst. Chief of Operations

The Asst. COps officer is - all below stated when the COps is off duty - responsible for coordinating ship activities so as to not overload any systems. He/she also handles communications, hailing, ship to ship, away teams, diagnostics, etc. Asst. COps also handles all transporter operations, and monitors away teams status. OPS fills in for Helm when necessary.

In addition, a ship's Asst. COps may be responsible for providing general status information to the computer and to individual departments to inform them of any changes that might affect their normal operations. During alerts, the Asst. COps is also responsible for the allocation of power from the ship's warp reactor and fusion generators to permit the vessel to meet any demands made of it.


Chief Science Officer & Asst. Chief Science Officer [Due to one player leaving the Group, the CSCI position is now available for any takers. She may return before the end of Episode 01, and will be contacted to discuss the matter of stepping aside.]

Science is responsible for all scans, reports, and other types of pertinent data on all types of encountered phenomenon; planetary, stellar, and otherwise. They conduct surveys and studies of same. A science officer will usually accompany away teams. The Chief Science Officer (CSCI) can have a staff of up to two other persons on the bridge.

Temporal Affairs

The Temporal Affairs Officer is basically a scientist who has a speciality in temporal and/or quantum mechanics and spends most of the time studying and cataloguing temporal events. This can include the effect of time travel, time sickness, temporal causalities, and temporal incursions.

In addition the normal Starfleet Directives, the Temporal Officer also has to abide by the Temporal Prime Directives. The Temporal Officer works closely with the Chief Science Officer, but ultimately reports directly to the Captain on events that could drastically affect the ship, it's crew, or the known time-line.

Send your application or note of interest so that I may reserve the position for you!

USS Theurgy GM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on August 07, 2011, 05:22:59 PM
Just FYI: I should have my post up later this evening. Been out and about all morning, and more errands this afternoon. Thnx for the  patience

Sent from my HTC Hero - powered by Sprint
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 21, 2011, 08:23:26 AM
Hi there everyone!

My muse abandoned me yesterday in means of writing (hangover, quite frankly...) but I feel a bit better today. I'll write posts after I have posted this.

As usual, when I am in yesterday's kind of state, I am far more inclined to do graphics instead. Thus, I decided to do something I did not quite have time for when we started up this RP. As many of you know, we have a non-canon species aboard named the Ash'reem, and my efforts to make graphics for these three character's of Kittykat was... quite rushed and not given the proper time such a challenge would demand. Now, however, in the hopes to convey what this species look like (as well as try and making Kittykat come back some day, heh), I have some new character images for the Ash'reem. Kittykat was fond of them, which was my main priority. Without further a due, here they are:

My Ash'reem Tribute

Amatras: [Show/Hide]

Large workshop drafts: [Show/Hide]

Arcorn: [Show/Hide]

Large workshop drafts: [Show/Hide]

Amikris: [Show/Hide]

Large workshop drafts: [Show/Hide]

Since the URL to the Ash'reem info have been broken with the update of House of Eros, I post the link to the species description here too: (

These images will appear in the next version of the promotional trailer too, and hopefully, Kittykat might appear here as well and play them as they originally was meant to - me merely trying to do my best to represent them as best as I can in this Episode. :)

Disclaimer: I have used images of Na'vi (Avatar franchise) I've found online and modified them a great deal, all except in Arcorn Neotin's case, where I had to start from scratch... The real people behind the make-up, so to speak, are Angelina Jolie (Amatras), Lars Burmeister (Arcorn) and... Amikris I do not know. Anyone have a guess? Can't find the name through image-search...

That's all.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: WyteKnyte on September 01, 2011, 03:22:07 AM
Hey everybody. I'm really sorry for the overdue replies in both Chapter IV and the Prologue. Reality decided to throw me a curveball. But things seem to be back under control, so I should be able to reply in a more timely fashion again.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on September 01, 2011, 03:24:29 AM
No worrires, I've still been trying to word my prologue post right. Real life, it screws with ya
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 03, 2011, 11:16:31 AM
Yeah, no worries on any account. I have personally returned to work after my summer vacation this week so I had a couple of days where I had to get into gear again, but I will also be able to reply in a timely fashion.

I am holding my thumbs for that Ascornfilm will be showing up again (along with WildRanger and MasterRat) but I've decided to move on to Chapter V and start the Senior Staff Briefing tonight. I will still be posting in the Prologue and Chapter IV first though, and get things sorted a bit. I look forward to see what kind of direction the plot takes at the meeting, since I will be giving you guys a lot of creative freedom in directing the course of the story here. I have a manuscript, of course, in case you just wanna roll with that, but I believe that it would be awesome if we could expand on it. :)

Glad to hear you guys are well, and I look forward to see where we end up with this story (even though I have a resolution in mind... *enigmatic smile*)

Best Regards,

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: WyteKnyte on September 29, 2011, 02:05:21 PM
Hey everybody. I am truly sorry for falling off the face of the earth for the past couple weeks or however long it's been. A combination of factors, mostly involving my personal life and some hardware issues with my computer, kept me away. I'm really, really sorry, and I hope I haven't held the game up too much.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 29, 2011, 02:15:39 PM
No worries man, we all have been a bit busy.

Kitty is about to post later tonight, so if you want, you can beat her too it. Otherwise, Jien is bound to act on Natalie's strong recommendation right in the wake of her shout to him - shutting out (or attempting to do so) the infected from the ship's systems. So, suggested posting order:

- WyteKnyte / Kittykat
- WyteKnyte / Kittykat
- Jien, Lucan, etc...

If you guys don't make it tonight, I will post ahead of you, and you can react upon the progress as of that moment on. :)

Glad to have you back Wyte!

Best Regards,

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on September 29, 2011, 02:49:12 PM
no need to feel too bad Wyte . We all get swamped now and then :)
Sent from my  HTC Hero - powered by Sprint
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 03, 2011, 08:57:48 AM

Hello peeps :)

just getting back into roleplaying on here again. I've been roleplaying on other sites for awhile and I've been kept quite busy on them, but, now things are slowing down a bit.
I saw the link for this in your post in my introduction thread Lord Lucan, and thought, that looks interesting. Saw the promo video too, awesome job btw ;)

I've got to get caught up on what all has happened so far but, that shouldn't be a problem. So, permission to join the USS Theurgy sir!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 03, 2011, 09:03:59 AM
Permission will be granted once you submit a character application and gets approval, Gladiator. ;)

I will be leaving for Turkey tomorrow morning, back on the 11th. Take your time on the character sheet and to familiarise yourself with the ongoings so far. If you have any questions up-front, today, then I will try to make time and answer them. Most info is available on the board here or in the request thread in the Seeking section of HoE.

If you have any questions while I am gone, I am sure that my fellow co-writers in this story will be able to accommodate you with an answer or two.

I'm very happy that you'd like to join, and I look forward to see what kind of character you come up with!


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: KittyKat on March 05, 2012, 11:14:30 PM
It seems Lord Lucan left us....does anyone want this game to continue or should we let it die?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on March 06, 2012, 01:02:40 AM
I would not be apposed to seeing this revived, but I'm not exactly up to running it myself
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: KittyKat on March 06, 2012, 01:57:19 AM
Understood perhaps we'll have ot discuss how best to do it?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on March 06, 2012, 02:59:31 AM
*nod* provided theres any other actual interest >.>
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: KittyKat on June 28, 2012, 08:09:12 PM
We are back in business and I got the first new post of the game woot :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on June 28, 2012, 09:37:13 PM
*pat pat*
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: FallenRanger on June 30, 2012, 12:29:01 AM
So am I introing again?  :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: KittyKat on June 30, 2012, 12:31:56 AM
oh by being savagely raped by Cir'Cie and a dozen security personel? j/k
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: FallenRanger on June 30, 2012, 12:34:18 AM
Is she the one with the green eyes? I'd tap that.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: KittyKat on June 30, 2012, 12:37:03 AM
yeah green eyed vulcan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: FallenRanger on June 30, 2012, 12:38:48 AM
Raped by hot Vulcan or make it to safety...the choices I face...
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 30, 2012, 12:52:09 AM
lol, as for your query, you can choose how you intro yourself in the next Chapter, which is a starter that I am working on along with helping new people with their bios etc. I might send you a few suggestions if I come up with any.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: FallenRanger on June 30, 2012, 12:52:33 AM
Keep me updated please mate!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 30, 2012, 01:48:04 AM
Almost 2 am here and I need to sleep. The post is almost finished, but my idea is that the SCO turns up during the fray. Be it through an air-lock or turning up around a corner with phasers blazing, I'll leave to you. The set up will be that they are beset in an unexpected way before they reach Edena Rez' quarters.

I hope that suffices to get some ideas pop up, Ranger! The post wll be up in about 12 hours from this time-stamp since I need to sleep now.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: FallenRanger on June 30, 2012, 02:27:19 AM
I'm actually going to have to bow out Lucan, it's gone too far without me and I have no clue what's going on.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on June 30, 2012, 03:12:12 AM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 30, 2012, 09:41:27 AM
Aw, I'm sorry to hear that. I had hoped that the summary would have helped you in that regard, along with the outcome of Chapter V.

I don't understand what I could have missed or if I have disappointed you somehow, but since I'm doing all that I can possibly do to help everyone in this revival of the rp, I guess that regardless if you have an issue about things or not, I could not have done anything more, so be that as it may.

Unless you ask me otherwise or change your mind, I will have your character vanish/die in the fray and remove the current SCO from the crew manifest when it is next updated with new characters. I hope this is fair to you since there might be people who would like the SCO position.

Hope we get to RP in some other regard and take care!

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 01, 2012, 12:46:57 PM
We have a new character on the Crew Manifest!

His name is Lin Kae, addressed informally as Kae due to his halfblood Bajoran heritage. He is a Lieutenant of the Engineering Department and his special field of study is holographics - having grown up amongst them due to childhood illness.

Here is the link to the Crew Manifest:

The link to Kae's biography can be found under Engineering. Oh, and Kae is played by our veteran role-player Kurohigi.

More characters and new players are inbound, so stay tuned!

Best Regards,


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: WyteKnyte on July 02, 2012, 05:21:28 AM
Hey everybody!

Lucan was able to get a hold of me as well, and fortunately RL has calmed down to the point where I can return to the game with the rest of you. I was really pleased when I found out Lucan was back and wanted to get this game going again. I had a lot of fun with it and was disappointed to see it go.

For those of you who I've written with in other games in the past, I apologize for disappearing, too. Things in my personal life took some really strange turns and I really didn't have time for any kind of writing. But like I said, things should be good, now. I'm looking forward to writing with you all again!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 03, 2012, 12:18:31 PM
A warm welcome back to Wyte!

I would like to take the opportunity to mention that I have changed pics and RL-model for my dear evil CMO. If you check the Crew Manifest, he is now based on the actor who plays Damon Salvatore in the Vampire Diaries. I had a mind to change him to the Britt who played Dr. Gaius Balthar in Battlefield Galactica (for obvious reasons, with that character secretly  halfway siding with the aliens like Lucan is secretly one of the enemy in our story), though I went with a older version of Mr. Ian Somerhalder instead because he has that... "mischievous" glint in the eye.

Images: [Show/Hide]

There will be a new member posting here shortly, so stay tuned!


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on July 03, 2012, 01:35:28 PM
Huzzah, new members. and new pictures even
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: WyteKnyte on July 03, 2012, 06:04:40 PM
Good choice, Lucan. I think Somerhalder fits the not-so-good Doctor better than Callis would have.

Speaking of which, I also changed the RL-model for David Grayson, and Lucan was kind enough to do up some new pics for him. I've already updated David's bio on the Crew Manifest, but I'll post the pics here, too.


Thanks, Lucan!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on July 03, 2012, 06:15:03 PM
I gotta say, good call guys, on both counts. I'm gonna stick with Kat for Natalie tho. No changes for me
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on July 07, 2012, 08:49:19 PM
Hello everyone.  I have to say I'm really excited and nervous about joining this great group of writers.  I love Star Trek though admit the technical stuff typically sails right over my head.  That said, I will endeavor to research as much as I can and ask questions so hopefully I will not look entirely like a kindergartener.  :)  I welcome advice and interaction with anyone and more than anything hope to enjoy the adventures with you all.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on July 09, 2012, 04:14:25 AM
yay, so glad you joined Searcher!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on July 09, 2012, 04:42:42 AM
I just couldn't resist any longer so had to!  *laughing*  Having worked with you and Taquera both before I'm quite pleased to be accepted and definitely looking forward to getting to know the others in the group as well.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: WyteKnyte on July 11, 2012, 08:03:48 AM
Welcome to the game, Searcher! I'm looking forward to writing with you.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on July 11, 2012, 08:12:38 AM
Thanks Knyte!  I'm looking forward to writing with you as well.  From the line in your avatar section, I'm thinking you're a Serenity fan as well.  I have the movie and entire series on DVD.  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: WyteKnyte on July 11, 2012, 08:30:44 AM
Oh yeah, I love both the show and the movie. I'm a big Joss Whedon fan in general, actually. I'd love to take part in a game set in that universe one of these days. I think someone tried to get one started last year, and I'd hoped to join, but then I got sidetracked by that pesky real world.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on July 11, 2012, 08:36:06 AM
I loved the series but the movie killing Wash totally blew it for me.  I hated Joss for that one!!  That game had the potential to be awesome and I was on board with it, had my entire character sheet and big background done.  Then the GM just disappeared without ever starting the game.  Quite frustrating.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on July 11, 2012, 01:17:04 PM
That happens from time to time, never fun.

I should have a post up sometime this evening, for those waiting on me. Its halfay done, work has just been..hectic
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on July 11, 2012, 11:47:01 PM
*chuckles*  It happens a lot with games being run by actual systems.  Combat time things bog down and then people get frustrated having to wait and they tank.  I don't even want to think how many D&D 3.5 characters I've built and then tossed aside.

I hope works lets up on you some and you have a chance to breathe a little.  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on July 12, 2012, 01:35:32 AM
Heh, i'll let you know in...a few months? >.> i love getting pulled into fix projects that are behind :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: WyteKnyte on July 22, 2012, 10:42:53 AM
Hey everyone. Sorry for not getting a post in during the last day or two, I've had a busy weekend. I will get a post up tomorrow/later today, I'm just too tired to focus on writing right now.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 22, 2012, 10:56:03 AM
No worries at all. I did not manage to post with Ida last night either. I was literally standing up while finishing the sorry excuse of a post just so that I would not nod off by the laptop all the time. I'll have the Captain's Yacht segment of the post up shortly.

In related news, we have a new member about to join the Group, and he will announce himself as soon as his character sheet is finished and approved.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on July 22, 2012, 05:30:33 PM
Oh hey, speaking of posts, I am actually working on one. Honest.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on July 26, 2012, 04:03:11 PM
Hello all,

I have been talking with the captain so to speak on jointing the RP as Wolf 12 once the First episode is winding down into epilogue mode.  The big Problem I am facing is what interactions my character has had with the crew before he went MIA presumably KIA.  THe race is a race I made up called Vulpinians, a canine humanoid with the ability to shift into 3 unique forms. Natural anthro-canine, Non furred Humanoid, and Bestial quadrupedal canine.  He has a friendly, flirtatious, kind , soft spoken, and amorous personality that prefers feminine personalities for friendship and sexually is strait.  He has a mild form of holo-addiction.  His ship was destroyed presumably with him killed was early in the fleeing from Federation authorities in one of the earliest engagements with Federation vessels the Theurgy had.  He came on board the Theurgy the same day the Mark 3 fighters arrived.

I prefer not to assume any friendships of interactions with role played characters and instead have any interactions approved first by their respective players. To be honest, I would prefer if some of you could collaborate with me on getting a feel for how he sees his fellow crew members and how they see him.

If ya want further info on him feel free to hit me up in the Chat room or IM/PM me.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on July 27, 2012, 04:43:17 PM
Welcome to the game, Iron.  There are some fabulous writers here and even though I'm new too, I'm having a total blast.  Sent you a PM, figure Wolves have a little passing knowledge of each other.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: WyteKnyte on August 03, 2012, 06:55:41 AM
Hey guys, just wanted to announce that I've created a new character who will be joining the story once Episode 02 gets started. You can read his bio here. (

He's a member of the Lone Wolves, he was badly injured during that last battle just prior to Episode 01 and has spent the whole episode unconscious in Sickbay. I'm looking forward to bringing him into the game, he should be a lot of fun.  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 03, 2012, 11:19:47 AM
Hello all,

Aye, yet another Fighter Pilot of the Lone Wolves have surfaced with a face and a name. :)

With the growing numbers of pilot-characters, I thought I'd add some more info to the Tactical Conn part of the board. It has its own post now with some cool gadgets and info:


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on August 03, 2012, 01:26:01 PM
Its pretty awesome to see the Tac Conn unit get built out. Got a lot of interesting new characters :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on August 03, 2012, 04:27:25 PM
Yay! more members to the squad.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 15, 2012, 12:29:56 AM
A quick announcement! Taguiera has decided to dedicate his time and effort into writing our current Asst. Chief of Engineering, one lovely Irish-Bajoran lady named Nicole Howard. Check the crew manifest for more info.

Furthermore, it has come to my attention that me posting the Epilogue passed at least two members by completely unnoticed at first, so I just wanted to say that I will henceforth send you all PMs when a new Chapter/Episode comes up. That is, unless someone has not posted in this OOC thread, and I can announce stuff here that generates a notification to your inboxes. :) This, so that you all don't have too much reading to do when you do find the new stuff.

Looking forward to finishing the Epilogue and letting you all roam free in an interlude-thread between Episode 1 and 2. Unofficial R&R with free-form roleplay for an IC duration of 1-2 weeks (or longer depending on your wishes)


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on August 15, 2012, 01:43:48 AM
Oh cool another character from Mars. Word
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 15, 2012, 03:42:06 PM
So, Episode 01 almost done, so I would like to take a moment to thank everyone for the awesomeness you have contributed with in the creation of this story and this crew.

Feedback on the episode? Which were your favourite parts and what would you like to have focused more on? Pace and how I am doing as GM, what I can do better etc? The word is free. If I note some kind of pattern in your replies, I might post a poll or something.

Again, thank you for everything so far!


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on August 16, 2012, 06:13:26 AM
I just wanted to put this out there for everyone to know.  I am very much lookign forward to my character being recovered from the transporters when the time comes. Secondly i have read almost all of the story skipping a few parts here and there to make sure i read all the meat of the story as it was.   all that will be required for my character to be up to date on.  as for the events of his recovery i wont spoil much but it will include first him debriefing the captain on his actions in the fire fight that lead to his being trapped in the buffer then all that Lucan will have to do for my character to be caught up will be for him to give me a datapad with a run down on what has happened since he went MIA.  just letting you all know I am very aware OOC of what has happened and my character will learn of important things via reading it via debriefing.   Just letting yall know I am up to date on everything and eagerly await making my first post.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on August 16, 2012, 07:00:13 AM
Lucan, from what I can tell so far you are running the game very well.  The pacing for the most part is quite good.  Also, I appreciate the gentle prods and you have been tremendously helpful with questions outside of the game.  You certain had me biting my nails wondering if I was going to absolutely fail or blow up.  :D

Ironferrox, I'm looking forward to another Wolf coming home and a chance to build on the budding friendship that had started before you were 'lost' in the battle.  The game is exciting for sure!

I'm working on a second character to pull in, tidying up her back history right now and hope to have her in for Lucan's perusal within the next 24 hours.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on August 16, 2012, 07:09:01 AM
oooh what kinda character is she cause i was considering adding a civilian to the crew at some point that was hiding in a secret safe room that regal had in below decks.  Ironicially once he saw the chaos was an orgy he was all FFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUU cause he couldn't get the saleroom to open and he was locked out of the fun to be had in the infection.  Anyone else think that would be hilarious.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on August 16, 2012, 07:18:43 AM
No civilian, sorry!  Eve is a Starfleet trained nurse.  That would be rather amusing, being locked away from all the "fun" though from the looks of things it wasn't all fun.  Lots of owies as my child would say.  :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on August 16, 2012, 07:24:15 AM
lol well what makes it funny is the civilian i had in mind was a ferengi male ship cook.  now can you see why he initially was hide like a coward then wait wtf its an orgy NO FAIR!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on August 16, 2012, 07:28:20 AM
*snorts with mirth*  "My lobes .... my looooooooooohbs!"

Soooo many levels of wrong there.  It's way past my bedtime since my mind is warping faster than 9.9.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: WyteKnyte on August 16, 2012, 07:29:52 AM
Glad to hear you're adding a new character, Searcher. The more, the merrier! She's going to be a nurse? Maybe she could be present when Khorin wakes up from his coma. (I imagine someone would have to be.) What do you think?

lol well what makes it funny is the civilian i had in mind was a ferengi male ship cook.  now can you see why he initially was hide like a coward then wait wtf its an orgy NO FAIR!
That's actually a pretty awesome idea. Would this Ferengi also have bartending experience? We could use one now with Mr. Regal out of action.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on August 16, 2012, 07:41:21 AM
WyteKnyte, not sure if she would be there when he awakens ... all up to Lucan.  She's not on board yet and will be found in the next Episode.  She will certainly knock him back unconscious if required.  :D  *cough*hypospray!*cough*
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 16, 2012, 07:51:28 AM
Actually, our new Head Nurse will be picked up during a brief away mission during the Interregnum between Ep 1 and 2, so not in the next episode, but no worries Wyte, I have a plan already for Khorin's awakening. Something that will be arranged for within a couple of days as long as the last few question-marks are straightened out in the Epilogue.

The Ferengi chef idea is a good one, IronFerrox, but I like I've previously mentioned, I would like you to first establish your Wolf-character before submitting a secondary character. I realise that you could have done so already by now, but we'll see how it goes. I would certainly not mind a Ferengi Lounge Manager if not simply for the DS9-nostalgia, lol.

Thanks for the feedback, Searcher! Most appreciated and thank you for your kind words. If anyone else would like to leave feedback on what you liked and what could have been better, it would be awesome else I wouldn't know how to improve things from my end.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: WyteKnyte on August 16, 2012, 08:32:36 AM

As far as feedback goes, Lucan, I agree with pretty much everything Searcher said. It's tough to coordinate a story like this when a bunch of different people are telling it (especially with a year-long gap in the middle!), but you've done an excellent job so far. You're very good about keeping in contact with the writers and answering questions promptly when they're brought to you. Whatever mishaps there might have been, you seem to have already recognized them and are making steps to correct them (such as informing players when new chapters are posted, etc.)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 16, 2012, 03:58:16 PM
Thanks for the feedback Wyte! Glad I know I'm doing ok so far. As for the hiatus... Was it a full year? It felt shorter. *shrugs*

Oh, here is something that is a part of the new trailer project of mine, but since it s a stand-alone thing too, I thought I'd post it here. Its fairly large, so it might take some loading time.




Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on August 18, 2012, 11:50:38 PM
So I'm guessing with the new thread actually going now I should go ahead and post for Skye?  I was waiting on getting Iron's Wolf out of the pattern buffer since there was an indication to not post unless were willing to recant and edit.  I can go ahead and plow on if that's what's needed though.  :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 19, 2012, 01:10:11 AM
You can keep it very vague and open in the Interregnum thread, Searcher, since Miles Renard left her, Lucan and Lin Kae behind and left the shuttle bay. In my latest post, I give the only pointers needed, with how Miles is grounded because of stuff before he got stuck in that buffer. As for what happens Skye specifically besides the attendance in Transporter Room 01 in the Epilogue? Nothing much, if at all, so no worries. I think you can safely post in the new thread. :)

Let me know if you have any further questions!

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on August 19, 2012, 01:20:30 AM
That was kind of my hope.  Just didn't want to plow through too much and be told I messed up the carrot patch by making rows for taters.  :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 19, 2012, 10:19:16 PM
A short announcement that a new character has been added to the Crew Manifest, as Searcher has compiled for us a new Nurse by the name of Eve Jenkins. She is to be encountered on Nimbus III by the away team.

Furthermore, all you whom write pilots in the Lone Wolves squadron... If you look really really closely on the Crew Manifest, you will notice something new. It is another "Spoiler" button, located right next to the white bar on top of the Tactical Conn Dept. section. It is a helpful little Squadron Layout table which might come in handy to keep track of all your fellow wolves. When I made it, I realised that our dear Nathaniel Isley lacks a callsign, unless I am mistaken. Kurohigi, do you want us to give you a callsign or would you rather pick one yourself? :)


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on August 19, 2012, 11:53:28 PM
nice Lone wolves organizational chart I Really like it.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on August 20, 2012, 12:58:08 AM
haven't considered any call-signs before.  Not sure what would be one suited to Isley
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 21, 2012, 04:33:19 PM
Here is inspiration for your choice kurohigi:

As the page says, if you don't pick one, we will. *grin*

Further news: Brutus has now entered the story with his secondary character: Lt.JG Sarresh Morali. Well, at least his character sheet is up, and the Theurgy's new Temporal Affairs Officer will enter the actual story soon enough.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on August 21, 2012, 04:45:08 PM
((to be honest since we already had an Iceman, and since Isley is a bit of a loose canon who has trouble with rules and protocal, Miles was gonna start calling him Maverick whether he liked it or not.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on August 21, 2012, 06:05:34 PM
Oooo!  I like Maverick but I was peeking through the link Lucan suggested and since he's supposed to be half-Vulcan and they do meditation and stuff there was one that caught my attention.

Eagle driver, got it when he squeezed off a shot with his gun during training and hit the target - without using the computer - said it reminded his squadmates of luke using the force to kill the death star.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on August 21, 2012, 06:30:04 PM
lol that would be the most ironic name ever since he is so non-vulcan in attitude ((for biological reasons lol))  that it woudl be hillarious to call him zen just for the irony of him being the least zen person in the damn squad.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on August 21, 2012, 06:36:14 PM
YUP!   :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on August 22, 2012, 01:44:30 AM
Both Maverick and Zen sound like interesting choices.  Both are fitting, albeit with one in a more ironic sort of way.  If I had to choose, I would say Maverick though.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on August 22, 2012, 01:48:53 AM
Don't forget Goose!  :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on August 22, 2012, 07:54:51 AM
he can name the computerized RIO Goose lol.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on August 23, 2012, 04:53:53 PM
Regarding the epilogue thread I think that we have found a good dropping off point for that scene and I will be making a separate topic for our characters meeting in Below decks. I will be posting the topic link  it to this message when the topic is made.

Thread is open to any and starts in below decks.  People who know about the gathering are Carver and Isley and any members of the Wolves they told.  Below decks is not locked so anyone who wishes to walk in can unless someone locks the door. If the doors are locked I will post that the door is locked in the topic title.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 04, 2012, 04:33:09 PM

I'm taking the opportunity to announce that we have three new NPC's listed on the Crew Manifest.

Two are new, though still familiar faces from Episode 01, and one face is KittyKat's old Vulcan Science Officer named Cir'Cie. I would like to take a moment to thank KittyKat for helping me write up the character sheets for the two "new" NPC's, and their pictures and links can be found below. Following the links, I have posted an explanation about playing NPC's in this role-play.

( Ens. Hannah Slaverton   Fighter Pilot [Wolf-04] [NPC] (
Actress: Megan Fox

( Cdt. Ester Hamburg      Asst. Engineering Officer [NPC] (
Actress: Hayden Panettiere

( Ens. Cir'Cie            Science Officer [NPC] (
Actress: Unknown (Jolene Blalock look-alike)

What is an NPC?

An NPC (stands for Non-Player-Character) is a character whose sole purpose is to provide entertainment, role play and/or target practice for the players on the Group RP. They serve to enhance role-play by giving players a more realistic experience. NPC's can be for special events or everyday use, and they do not role-play with complex story or purpose but rather serve as enhancers to the player experience. In the ST:TGY rolplay, the NPC's are available to all members and it is only required that you all try to play them in the same general way when you borrow them (I will not be policing this, but try to make some continuity in this). The possibilities are almost limitless, and an NPC is a fun character that the player doesn't have to be deeply attached or committed to, which allows the player to explore the freedom of letting anything happen to it.  However, I ask you all to treat them well enough, and not go maiming or killing them on a whim.

- Fin

That is all,

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: KittyKat on September 04, 2012, 04:52:50 PM
*evil grin* I have horrible vile ideas for poor Ester :P a plot crossing a few episodes likely :P in which Adam will try to seduce her :P trick her and then black mail her :P *evil grin* and we'll see how she gets out of that situation if at all :P

I think Ester and Nicole might be friends not sure
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 05, 2012, 07:03:25 PM
Aaaaaand here is the last missing Lone-Wolf that has been named in Episode 01 yet now has a face and a story. Her with callsign: Ranger.

( Lt.JG Evelyn Rawley     Fighter Pilot [Wolf-07] [NPC] (
Actress: Nathalie Portman

She has no Valkyrie, and is currently in rehabilitation after massive surgery in Sickbay. Her background story can be reached through the link above.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on September 05, 2012, 07:30:46 PM
Oooooooohhhhh look ... Charlie's Angels have joined the Valkyrie troop.  Two brunettes and a blonde just like the original series.  And all of them hell on wings.   :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on September 05, 2012, 08:23:36 PM
Facepalm at searcher's comment.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on September 05, 2012, 08:28:20 PM
*blows raspberries at Iron*  Whaaaaaat?   ::)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 06, 2012, 03:01:05 AM
Haha. I updated Rawley's bio towards the end with some info on her standpoint with the conspiracy, and about why she would insist on keeping her scars. I also cleared up a few typos i made in the middle of the night yesterday.

I had half a mind to make Rawley one of my own characters, as well as she turned out, but I reckon I have enough writing to do with my other ones. Fun to see that you liked her too IronFerrox, since you posted with her already.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on September 07, 2012, 12:40:43 PM
Prospective ideas for rearrangement of Lone wolves squadron for Episode 2

Flight Group One
Wolf 01: Miles Renard
Wolf 02: Skye Carver
Wolf 03: -----------
Wolf 04: -----------

Flight Group Two
Wolf 05: Khorin Douglas (once he recovers)
Wolf 06: Evelyn Rawley (once she recovers)
Wolf 07: -----------
Wolf 08: -----------

Wolf 09: Nathaniel Isley
Wolf 10: Hannah Slaverton
Wolf 11: -----------
Wolf 12: -----------

2 pilots are currently MIA along with their Valk's,
1 pilot is in stasis
1 valk is destroyed
1 is Damaged beyond repair

There will be One pilot that is left without a Valkyrie that is as of yet unnamed.  There is a possibility that the grounded pilot will be Evelyn Rawley instead of an unnamed one.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on September 07, 2012, 12:45:21 PM
In Skye's history, her teammate Lt. Josh Reynolds was killed and his Valkyrie destroyed.  Not sure if you factored that into all that info so just letting you know.  Awesome work though!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: KittyKat on September 07, 2012, 01:22:03 PM
hmmm perhaps all pilots should report to med bay for physicals following the infection :P and such hehe :P *gives amikris something to do?*
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on September 07, 2012, 02:15:47 PM
humm true there Searcher, i didnt factor that in as lucan didnt seem to note any Pilots KIA in his squad chart.   Another possibility is Josh is considered one of the MIA pilots as no body was recovered.  I was really not wanting to have only a 11 ship squad also which would be the case if Josh was not listed as one of the MIA's on the thing.

as for the idea of everyone needing a checkup is intriguing but well there are already 2 pilots in the sickbay in recovery and one is off ship  though there is one pilot who has just been cleared back for flight duty in terms of no longer under disciplinary action and may need to get a final checkup before he begins his regular shifts again.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 07, 2012, 02:26:21 PM
Quite correct, that is one KIA, Valk gone, and one MIA - should a future member make a miraculous return. Which number was which again?

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on September 07, 2012, 02:28:00 PM
I don't remember ever assigning a number to him, trying to leave that open for you Lucan.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on September 07, 2012, 02:30:18 PM
numbers 5 and 15 were MIA If we switched Hannah to 15 on the chart and 4 to being the KIA then that woudl work with the structure of 03 and 04 being point and wing of the same element. In that case 4 and 5 would be KIA and MIA and Hannah would be 15 instead of 4.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 07, 2012, 02:41:42 PM
No changing of Hannah's number since its established already in the story. Here is the updated chart with Reynolds added:

Squadron Organisational Chart
Wolf-01 | Callsign: Iceman    
Lt.Cmdr. Jaru Rel (in stasis)

Wolf-02 | Callsign: --------  
Unnamed Wolf

Wolf-03 | Callsign: Kestrel   
Ens. Skye Carver

Wolf-04 | Callsign: Nightmare 
Ens. Hannah Slaverton

Wolf-05 | Callsign: Jaws      
Lt. Josh Reynolds (KIA, no Valk)

Wolf-06 | Callsign: Hardtop   
Lt.JG Khorin Douglas

Wolf-07 | Callsign: Ranger    
Lt. Evelyn Rawley (Valk. dmg)

Wolf-08 | Callsign: --------  
Unnamed Wolf

Wolf-09 | Callsign: Maverick  
Lt.JG Nathaniel Isley

Wolf-10 | Callsign: --------  
Unnamed Wolf

Wolf-11 | Callsign: --------  
Unnamed Wolf

Wolf-12 | Callsign: --------  
Unnamed Wolf

Wolf-13 | Callsign: Iron Fox  
Lt. Miles Renard (Valk. DIA)

Wolf-14 | Callsign: --------  
Unnamed Wolf

Wolf-15 | Callsign: --------  
Valk. and Wolf MIA

Wolf-16 | Callsign: --------  
Unnamed Wolf

Hence, on the patrol that Lt. Josh Reynolds was killed and Skye went missing, the second element in Flight 1 and first element of Flight 2 was deployed. The bond between the two characters arose because this was a common rotation set by the former SCO. I think that works best for sake of contingency.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 11, 2012, 12:40:26 PM
We have had a stowaway! *glare*

Taguiera's new character can be found here:

( Scosche Bellde'side     Stowaway ( [Show/Hide]

A celebrity, no less. A gold medallist in the Galactic Olympics. The biography can be found at the link above.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Taguiera on September 11, 2012, 05:38:14 PM
As has been mentioned, I have a new character and would like to see if anyone has any thoughts about interacting with him.  For the moment, he's hidden away, but he'll have to emerge soon and it would work nicely if someone were to find him when he does.  I thought to use Lucan's Esther character, but do not wish to overburden him and would appreciate someone else stepping up.  If nothing else, he could probably use a checkup and, if Esther did find him, would probably be required to go to Medical, which would provide Amikris with something to do.

@Kittykat- Nicole and Esther are definitely acquainted with each other, given Nicole would be her boss.  I'm not against them being friends (or more :) ), but nothing has been discussed as far as that goes, just yet.  At the moment, though, I would say they have been around each other long enough to know a great deal about each other.  It would appeal to Nicole to take Esther under her wing and mentor her.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on September 11, 2012, 05:51:42 PM
Hey Taq!  Depending on the timing, Skye could actually be going into the hold to see if there's anything needed for the Valkyries or really any kind of supplies that might be stored there.  If she spotted the gymnastics equipment, she'd likely start using them in a moment of horseplay.  She was never good enough to compete past regional level but she wasn't too bad either.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Taguiera on September 11, 2012, 05:58:15 PM
I hadn't actually fit in where and when he was discovered, though he would likely be in an uninhabited part of the ship, something not too damaged, but maybe a section not often used while the ship's all in one piece.  If she comes in, he'll probably find a place to hide until she leaves, though if she's searching for useful stuff, she may come across his stash of food (or him), and wonder who or why the area has been in use recently.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on September 11, 2012, 06:09:42 PM
Well the whole point is to find him!  *laughing*  What sort of things had you envisioned in that holding area?  She would certainly be looking for useful things and go there thinking no one else has probably looked there so there might be a gold mine of parts or something.  Gimme a little direction and my snooper will say "BOO!"  :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Taguiera on September 11, 2012, 06:21:05 PM
We'll go with Deck 11, a small unnumbered cargo area.  Deck 11 has cargo holds 9 through 12, and, I would imagine, has smaller cargo rooms that aren't quite big enough to be called holds.  There would be several pieces of equipment in the room, a long unpadded beam, ropes with rings hanging from the ceiling, a pair of elevated steel bars, one about 4 feet taller than the other.  In other circumstances, they would likely be taken for what they are, but in the middle of a cargo area, it'll be interesting to see what she makes of them.  As for the other equipment in the room... I'm really not sure what else there would be.  Maybe pieces of transparent aluminum for the fighter's cockpits stacked against one wall?  He would likely have been given a sleeping bag/blanket and a pillow, but little else, so she might find his sleeping stuff rolled up in a corner out of the way.  I imagine there'd be a small cabinet for him to store his rations in which would be almost empty aside from empty bags, and a 5-gallon bottle of water, as well, mostly empty as well.  He might also have had a single pad, something to read books from.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on September 11, 2012, 06:37:49 PM
Sounds good to me.  You want to start the intro or shall I?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Taguiera on September 11, 2012, 07:26:46 PM
Perhaps I should start, being the new character and all.  Is there a particular thread that would make sense, IC time wise?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on September 11, 2012, 07:32:39 PM
Let's see ... was it a week that the Relativity was taking care of the crew and plants?  I'm guessing Miles was taken out of the transporter buffer sometime in that timeframe.  Then there was some time before Skye, Lucan, and Kae went to Nimbus III.  Hmmm ... maybe it's best to just say in the middle of everything.  :P  And lead on MacDuff and I shall follow.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Taguiera on September 11, 2012, 07:57:41 PM
I was more wondering which thread to put the start in.  Specifically, where is Skye during this interlude?  Where is the best place to put him, when and where Skye can find him?  I don't want to put the starting post in a thread where Skye is already doing something else.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: KittyKat on September 18, 2012, 08:50:58 PM
EVERYONE LETS GIVE A BIG ROUND OF APPLAUSE FOR THE NEWBIE :P Letina Kett...thank you for donating your VERY FIRST POST to this game...its an honor.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on September 18, 2012, 08:55:00 PM
Welcome aboard, Letina!  We hope you enjoy your tour of duty with us.  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 19, 2012, 03:22:47 PM
As you have already noticed, we have a new member. The Crew Manifest has been updated with our new Ensign in Security: Marija Ferik!

Welcome to the House of Eros, Letina, as well as the Star Trek: Theurgy RP!


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Latine Kett on September 19, 2012, 03:42:41 PM
Thanks for the welcome everyone! I very much appreciate it. I'm truly excited about this rp. It already has so much depth in both character and storyline that I'm already in love with it. Oh, and fun sex times of course :p I can't wait to play with you all!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on September 19, 2012, 03:45:16 PM
Welcome aboard.  I'm sure you will find a rather excitable bunch here, always eager to interact with a new face.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 12, 2012, 05:27:55 PM
Hi everyone!

Been here and getting back into gear since Monday, with work demanding most of my time. I saw some activity whilst I was gone, but nonetheless I will continue working on the start-up stuff for Episode 02. I reckon some of you are waiting to get a main storyline to work on instead of the free-form role-playing in the Interregnum.

I reckon there are some posts due before Episode 02 starts, and I need the weekend to get some work down on the start-up stuff, so feel free to wrap stuff up before we get going again. I know I owe a post or two as well, so I will get to it as soon as I can.

Great to be back and looking forward to get the show rolling again!


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: KittyKat on October 12, 2012, 09:28:55 PM
Then i better figure out how to proceed with Nicole and Ester for Adam :P and finish up physicals and such for Amikris  :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on October 14, 2012, 10:49:12 PM
Just got back from vacatin myself. I can try and push around a bit with sarresh >.>
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on October 14, 2012, 11:41:01 PM
I'm still in the process of relocation.  moved in but still need to set up a better internet connection then 1 GB a month on my cell phone.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Taguiera on October 18, 2012, 09:54:04 AM
Been a few days and I am hoping Lucan hasn't been sucked into the deep, dark mysteries of RL.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 18, 2012, 12:58:07 PM
lol, hell no, but I am neck-deep with work but I will be getting things in motion as soon as I am able to. You have my word on it. Sorry for the delay folks! :)

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on October 20, 2012, 09:49:24 PM
heh, that's fine. Just glad to hear the main thread will be resuming soon

Added to post 10/26/12 after watching an episode of TNG

I have discovered that there are no Starfleet regulations prohibiting romantic involvement between co-officers. This Is extrapolated from a line in Star Trek: The Next Generation Episode 144, Season 6 episode 19 "Lessons"

The line involves Captain Picard talking to Counselor Troi. which he states that he is aware there are no regulations forbidding a captain and a co-officer under their command from engaging in a romantic relationship.

From this it can be extrapolated that there would not be any regulations forbidding sexual liaisons or romantic relationships between consenting officers as the most possible taboo that could exist would most likely be a relationship between a commanding officer and a lower ranking officer under their direct command. since this instance is not taboo or regulated then it can safely be assumed there are no regulations forbidding such romantic relationships.

The episode in question took place in year 2369 Stardate 46693.1.

Just thought it would be handy that there is a siting that exists that states that canonically, consensual actions between officers is not in any way forbidden however certain consequences including bqases that can develop from said relationships can result in breeches of conduct.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Taguiera on November 08, 2012, 01:31:07 PM
Wanted to say I appreciate all of Lucan's hard work and dedication to this thread and hope he's still wanting to continue, it having been a while since I've seen anything from him.  I know it's a lot of work to be the game master of any game, much less a game like this and would have to think long and hard before I even tried running something like this myself.  So, in an effort to be patient, I hope everything's going good with Lucan and that he'll be back soon.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 12, 2012, 03:35:45 AM
Thanks for the kind words, and please bear with my current work-situation, for I will be returning full throttle as soon as I can. :)

/Lucan, neck deep in two positions and handing over one of them to a successor.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: KittyKat on November 12, 2012, 12:39:07 PM
any idea when? :P we could possibly run a mini-episode off topic if you the mean time
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 12, 2012, 02:12:14 PM
Well, I had planned to start working on Ep 02 together with you guys and launch it at the 10th of October at the very earliest (since I returned from my vacation then). Now it's the 12th of November so I'm a month late due to me having to pull double positions plus instructing my successor. Further details, which I shall not bore you with, are major negotiations and extensions of contracts stretching throughout November. I will not make any excuses other than for keeping you in the dark since I kept telling myself I could pull the Star Trek: Theurgy rp along too during this damnable transition period. Alas, since you guys seem eager to get going, I can only offer a late apology for this delay.

That said, I have given my word to you guys and I have the full intention to keep it. I have invested far too much time and devotion into this storyline and my characters to give up on it, added with such promise for the future of the role-play. You should not have to worry about me giving up on it since the rp stands to the contrary. The major issue that might make me throw in the towel is if too many of you quit and too much character-related continuity is lost in the story, but as it stands, it seems only WyteKnyte has vanished as far as I can tell.

Actually, it might just be it helps me to set a date for you guys (as well as myself) to get things in order again. How about you guys give me until Sunday the 18th to have all my characters rolling again and we settle as much as possible (that we need to) in the Interregnum. I cannot deliver a starter for Ep02 by Sunday, but at least I am back, since I first need to get the stone rolling again, so to speak.

So, again, sorry for the month-long RL lateness, but as long as you want the story to continue, I will too.

As for a mini-plot, I am all ears and it might just be such ideas can be incorporated as sub-plots to the major one, depending on content.

Anyway, with your agreement, I will be up to speed this weekend.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on November 13, 2012, 12:39:18 PM
Sounds great I am in no rush atm to be honest.  Also hell at least the reasons the rp has been slow on getting back to central plot is cause of work on your part better to have it stagnate because of more important factors in life than just because of something minor after all.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: WyteKnyte on November 17, 2012, 01:57:07 AM
Hello everybody.

I've already sent a PM to Lucan (though I doubt he's gotten yet, since I just sent it a few minutes ago), but I just want to apologize to all of you for disappearing like that. It's been a really difficult couple of months, been dealing with some financial issues and various family dramas. I didn't really have time to hop online and do any writing, but I should have at least taken a moment to let you all know what was going on. Unfortunately I was just so distracted by everything else that I just never was able to get around to it.

I was either in the middle of a plot with people or had plans to start one, and by vanishing like I did I pretty much left them all in a bind. I'm deeply sorry about that. I've been on the other side of such situations and it's incredibly frustrating, and I feel terrible for having done it to all of you.

If my characters haven't been banished to the ether, would you all be willing to let me return? Life's settled down now, and I really miss this game and writing with you all.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 19, 2012, 09:37:03 AM

Welcome back WyteKnyte, glad you got around your RL obstacles just like I did. Of course you are welcome to return to the story since I have not subjected your characters to some horrible fate that would put them in stasis for an indefinite duration of time. So please, join in. They are right where you left them, which would be Sickbay for Khorin and... wherever you made Grayson and Nelis end up during the voyage to Nimbus III.

Speaking of which, I posted a while ago in the Interregnum chapter and have yet gotten any reply, so with the low activity during my absence, I feel obligated to check if everyone are about and not. So far, I have reckoned that Taguiera, Searcher, Wyte, IronFerrox, Brutus, Kitty and Kurohigi (with limited internet access atm) have posted recently and are likely to get back into it, but what about our new addition to the group?

Latine Kett, I sent you a PM a couple of days ago, but are you around? Has anyone heard of her since she posted with her Ensign in the Interregnum a while back?

IronFerrox, forgot to mention this, but thanks for the info on the canon/non-canon regulations stuff about relationships aboard. Taboo alright, perhaps even an understatement, given the overhanging risk for personal matters affecting the way one carries out one's job aboard. Given the fact that we rp our stories in ST: Theurgy in order to create plot-driven strong scenes of erotica (among so many other things, naturally) I am sure that we can all - in a reasonably plausible way - work with or/and against the loose regulations.

Anyway, I owe some e-mail replies, and we have a potential new member that have helped with character feedback, so stay tuned and keep posting! :)

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Taguiera on December 11, 2012, 09:56:20 AM
Another 3 weeks have gone by and, while I sympathize, having a full time job myself, the length of the wait between posts here is just getting to be too long.  Is there any relief in sight?  Or, is this group dead or dying?  I want to keep playing my characters, as I enjoy and like them, but I, unfortunately, do not have Mother Teresa's patience.  I don't want to leave, but I can't stay if there's no posting going on.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on December 11, 2012, 10:01:42 AM
I've started back up in a side thread with one of my characters. And didn't Lucan make a post recently? I didn't check for tags cause I've been busy myself, but I too don't want to see this rp die. It's the whole reason I joined HoE :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on December 11, 2012, 10:05:27 AM
damn there were actually replies I had to make all this time, so I may have been the cause of the delay to some extent.  The posts came in between the period of time in which my internet was limited to a mobile hot spot.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: KittyKat on December 11, 2012, 10:06:44 AM
We could introduce our own version of Q to entertain us in the meantime? Eris anyone? or Eros? or Hecate (sp?) or Dionysus? :P lol
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on December 11, 2012, 10:11:19 AM
*facepalms*  I haven't been watching closely enough and need to catch up myself.  Been dealing with some cardiac issues with my younger son and a few other real life issues, simply got lost in the shuffle.  I'm taking him to an appointment in a little bit but will get in tonight to read and make replies.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on December 11, 2012, 10:16:33 AM
We could introduce our own version of Q to entertain us in the meantime? Eris anyone? or Eros? or Hecate (sp?) or Dionysus? :P lol
I actually suggested that as a potential plot to Lucan, using a Q to create a bit of a comedic plot line, let him mess with people, create pairings that might not happen otherwise, just a bunch of stuff that RPers could agree upon beforehand.  Like, say for example someone wanted to have a character gender-switch for a brief time, or maybe in the case of my Trill her personalities all getting bodies of their own.  Even just zapping two characters into a room and saying they can't leave if they don't hook up first.

thought it would be amusing.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: KittyKat on December 11, 2012, 10:18:38 AM
and let me guess he said it had to be Q no other options :P right?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on December 11, 2012, 10:24:43 AM
No, the Q part was just my idea.  Going with an omnipotent being, but the idea you bring up of using some sort of figure with comparable power but with some kind of origin is interesting.  We already saw Apollo in TOS, so it would work to have it as some other powerful alien mistaken for a god.

I'm just of the opinion that it should be a good laugh.  The Infection plot was all about survival, so this plot should be about amusement.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: KittyKat on December 11, 2012, 10:27:41 AM
yeah but when i brought it up to Lucan months ago he was borderline hostile to the idea insisting that it had to be Q, even though there are over 2300 god-like beings just in human history that could have been aliens :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on December 11, 2012, 10:40:48 AM
I would be supportive of the idea of it being one of those mythical figures.  I'm sure if that got enough favor he would agree.  The Q do have little regard for human reproduction.  Hell, they do it by touching fingers!  Using a mythical character allows for it's own rules to be written, not to follow those of the Q, and of course gives some room to either find a way to stop the god or at least appease it enough that it leaves the crew alone.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: KittyKat on December 11, 2012, 10:43:27 AM
I know :P plus how funny would it be to have Dionysus turn the crew into ferretts or something and the crew have to figure out how to run the ship at 1/20th their normal size...and how to reverse the process :P hehe or some other interesting plot
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Taguiera on December 11, 2012, 10:44:32 AM
The historical figure of Lilith is an interesting one to have show up, though the idea would require some fleshing out.  Lilith was, by at least 3 different ancient civilizations, considered a succubus.  How or when she would come aboard the Theurgy is a thought I haven't had yet, but I can see characters coming across her, either alone or in pairs or more, and falling under her sway, then falling unconscious.  As she would feed off of sexual energy, there are certainly obvious ways of subduing her.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: KittyKat on December 11, 2012, 10:46:44 AM
*nods* well we have one easy way for her to come onboard....the shuttle that Lucan had sent to get supplies on the world in the inbetween rp time :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on December 11, 2012, 10:50:39 AM
Dammit!  Don't give away Eve's secret!!!  *laughing*
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: KittyKat on December 11, 2012, 06:12:00 PM
So what does everyone propose we do?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Taguiera on December 11, 2012, 06:21:25 PM
If someone's willing to work out something, I can be emailed at or IM'ed at  I'm willing to organize ideas, but I do not have the time to come up with entire plot.  If we go with Lilith, then I suggest coming up with pairings and how her powers work exactly and how we expect to expel her from the ship... or, if not expel, then to integrate her.  I'm also willing to play Lilith in either outcome and before that.  She would certainly make an interesting addition to the crew, I think.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on December 11, 2012, 06:22:41 PM
I know Lucan has some plans for another interesting plot, but I would be in favor of doing this mythical figure one before that one, just because i think it would be much more lighthearted and allow for people to convey more of their current character's personalities.  We have seen how people react in a crisis, so we should see how they work in response to what amounts to an all-powerful prankster.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: KittyKat on December 11, 2012, 06:39:40 PM
thats what 3 of us that agree or are we up to 4 or 5 ? :P i think we're at majority arn't we?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Taguiera on December 11, 2012, 07:33:51 PM
So far, it's just the 3 of us.  Again, I'm all for developing a plot in conjunction with someone.  Email or IM at
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on December 11, 2012, 07:39:19 PM
I guess we can wait to see what others have to say about the idea.  Searcher is active enough, and I believe Brutus is online today, so if they were in agreement, that would be enough of a majority.  If Lucan is still unavailable, we could perhaps do this episode until he is better able to get online, meaning that the GMing would fall to those who feel like they have a good direction for it.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on December 11, 2012, 07:44:31 PM
I'm indifferent. I know Kitty is a pretty big fan of Apollo ;) and I also know that Lucan intended to do a Q ark. I know that the Greek gods have been mentioned in the books (New Frontier series in particular) so using them would not be out of place, provided we consider the book universe cannon for our little RP.

So Um, count me as on the fence? I'm good either way
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on December 11, 2012, 07:50:52 PM
So in terms of the character you are on the fence, but how about the plot?  You like the idea of doing the plot Brutus or would you prefer to wait for the plot that Lucan has in mind, which would follow the same sort of serious tone that the last one did?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on December 11, 2012, 08:22:29 PM
/me rolls his shoulders in a shrug "eh, i figured there would be lots of dark and dreary fun in this rp, but plot wise...again, I'm up for either. They could both be fun in their own way"
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on December 11, 2012, 08:30:37 PM
I wouldn't mind something like that but only if it doesn't interfere with Lucan's plans.  If he does need more time and says he wouldn't mind something like this we could certainly give it a go.  Have to admit Apollo is yummy ... ahem ... so an aye from me if it's okay with Lucan.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: KittyKat on December 11, 2012, 08:32:44 PM
heh Eros might be more your style Searcher ;P handsome just like Apollo only with the ability to inspire lust in others :P and enjoying manipulating the feelings of others :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on December 11, 2012, 08:34:53 PM
Eve would definitely find Eros appealing.  Skye loves music, old Earth stuff particularly that lends well to dirty dancing.  :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: KittyKat on December 11, 2012, 08:36:13 PM
Sounds fun then huh? or we could go with the lilith idea, or Eris if we just wanted general chaos to reign on the ship :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on December 11, 2012, 08:38:54 PM
I have to admit I don't know anything about Lillith or Eris so will google them.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: WyteKnyte on December 12, 2012, 12:11:33 AM
Yikes, I'm away from the computer for a few days and all kinds of stuff happens.  :D

I'm totally down for the godlike being appears and creates chaos idea, whether it be Lilith or Eris or whoever else. A quick bit of fun after such a dreary and serious mission would be good. As long as it doesn't get in the way of Lucan's plans, of course.

As for posting, I'm working on something with Taguiera, to whom I owe a reply (which I'll get started on as soon as I finish this post). Searcher, are you still interested in finishing what we were working on? I know you've been focusing on your son's medical problems, so I didn't want to pester you.  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on December 12, 2012, 12:28:31 AM
*big hugs*  Yes, WK I am still interested.  I'm playing catch up all over.  I'm starting to fizzle right now and need to get some sleep but will get right on those for you when I emerge from my cave in the morning.  :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on December 12, 2012, 04:05:46 PM
sounds like some interesting concept If yall don't mind I would like in on this side plot too.

Also I think i recall an actual Q that was in TOS (if you trust the EU stuff.)) From my understanding the energy being child in "The squire of Gothos" that literally used the enterprise and its crew as its toys, Is a member of the continuum, As were its parents, and In some of the novels its revealed that The Q that loved to torment Picard is his God Father.

As for Apolo from my understanding that was Apollo and is an alien of a separate race of Highly evolved aliens that isn't a member of the continum.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: KittyKat on December 12, 2012, 05:42:21 PM
I know their not members of the continuum...if anything they'd be the Olympians or something :P but they had similar power given the technology that special effects could do in TOS.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on December 12, 2012, 06:10:12 PM
ya, the Olympians (there are more then one, again, read New Frontier :D ) are seperate from the Q. And in the books, you're right, Q is revealed to be Trelane (sp?) 's Godfather
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: KittyKat on December 12, 2012, 06:33:16 PM
how did the olympians play out in the new fronteir anyways? which ones revealed themselves?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on December 12, 2012, 06:52:53 PM
I dont exactly remember which ones showed up, just taht I'm pretty sure one of the crewmembers was descended from them
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Latine Kett on December 13, 2012, 11:34:56 AM
Holy shit yes I'm alive!

I know I've got a lot of PMs and replies to make to a lot of people and I probably won't have the time right now, I just wanted everyone to know I'm hopefully back indefinitely now. There's a whole bunch of long stories and whatnot for my neglect of this rp, but suffice it to say that between work and overhauling my house I've had little to no time to be here. Still, I should have checked in at some point, so I'm sorry everyone.

But I'm back now. I'm reading up a little on the OOC thread right now. So long as the GM is okay with it I would likewise be up for the Q/God plot you all have in mind. It would work especially well for my character who isn't exactly the most open person to physical interaction, especially sex. Anyone who wants to rp or continue anything we had in the works, PM me and let me know.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Taguiera on December 14, 2012, 12:42:05 PM
Ok, here's what I'm thinking, after talking with a few of those who IM'ed/emailed me.  I'd like to set up a number of pairings, with situations to explain why those pairs are together at a specific time, and where they are when our mystery god shows up and influences them into lust for whomever they're with.  For instance, if my character Nicole and Ester (an NPC) are working together in Engineering, it makes sense, since Nicole's the chief engineer and Ester's Assistant Engineer.  And, if Lilith/Eros/Aphrodite shows up and zaps them, then they start making out in Engineering, regardless of whatever else is going on.  I'd like to have at least 4 pairings to start with, and I'll take it from there.  So, who wants to be with whom? :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on December 14, 2012, 02:10:16 PM
Well I was looking at the roster and came up with a few possibilities as for who miles might be around when the deity begins spreading her chaos.   To be honest I have no real preference but I do have some ideas for scenarios of the scene where things start before our deity walks by.

Of course there's the XO who he could be submitting a report to when the chaos begins.

He could be around medical where Nurse Eve Jenkins is as he could be trying to get some of the injured pilots released for at the very least simulation training.

Him being around any member of security coudl make perfect sense as security is stationed everywhere on the ship.

Another idea would be him conversing with either Nicole, Trying to get the repairs to either the holodecks for sim purposes to be prioritized a little higher.  Or Ester who could be working in the Hangar facilitating some of the repairs there.

And of course there's either of the two Female NPC Pilots. who he could be talking to.

Finially theres Skye who is assigned now as his wingman and since she has just returned from being off ship as her SCO she would likely have to submit some form of report on the flight to him.

Of course since I mentioned the NPCs I woudl be willing to RP any male or female NPC character should someone want an incident to occur with one of them.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Taguiera on December 14, 2012, 02:21:27 PM
Thanks for the reply, it's a good list.  I'd like the players of the characters to speak up, if they're interested.  Nurse Jenkins and Skye are Searcher's character, Nicole is my own and the XO Edena is Kuroghi's.  Also, if someone is willing to play an NPC or two, that could be helpful.  I'm assuming my own characters will be involved in the interactions at some point, but I'd prefer to try and stay out of the initial pairings as long as possible, as I intend to play the mystery god, which is going to be busy enough.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on December 14, 2012, 02:34:38 PM
I'm game, tho I've no real idea on pairings for Natalie. Sarresh is already making some headway in that department tho XD
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on December 14, 2012, 02:37:02 PM
WK and I are working on something between Eve and Khorin which could easily fit into this scenario.

Skye is a busy body and could be just about anywhere, working with WK on a scene with David and Skye as well.

There could easily be more than one pairing so no one has to be locked into choosing just one I would think.  Skye is hetero only so it would usually to be a male crew member though I realize a god could make things different.  You want a pissed of pilot, that would certainly do the trick.  Eve prefers men but is more in the emotional/sensual aspects so sometimes a woman is nice too.

I'll help out where I can with female NPC's if needed.

Edit:  I just now saw the time.  I have to shower and get ready to pick up kids from school.  Older son has a Christmas choir concert tonight so it will be late before I can get back to do more.  *pouts*
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: WyteKnyte on December 14, 2012, 05:00:15 PM
As Searcher said, we're working on things for both Eve/Khorin and Skye/David and either could work with the scenario. I think Eve/Khorin might be the better fit of the two, though.

Taguiera and I are working on a scene with Garen and T'Less, though right now it's kind of apart from all of this. Tag, do you think we should rework any of it to make it fit, or just keep it as something that happens separately?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Taguiera on December 14, 2012, 05:11:53 PM
I was just thinking her return to his office could be quickly followed by MGod's presence... would certainly break the ice.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: WyteKnyte on December 14, 2012, 05:39:27 PM
I was just thinking her return to his office could be quickly followed by MGod's presence... would certainly break the ice.
Heh, yep, that'd definitely do the trick. Sounds good to me!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Taguiera on December 14, 2012, 05:47:29 PM
Interestingly, I don't really have to choose a god/goddess.  My idea for MGod is that it is neither male nor female, but able to shift form between the two at will, meaning she could once have been, in Norse mythology, Freya and Freyr.  In Roman, Fecunditas or Feronia or Libera and Inuus or Picumnus or Robigus.  Greek gods would be easiest, as they actually have a hermaphroditic god, Aphroditus.  So, I have my idea for what to play, I'm just waiting on situations to arise for it.  I have a few ideas about that, as well and as soon as I have a pair or more of scenes to do, I'll get to work.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on December 14, 2012, 08:44:57 PM
Edena is available, though I should note that such a powerful being does have other advantages.  Edena is a Trill with three former personalities in her mind.  A playful omnipotent being might take advantage of that and split them apart into separate beings. 

Also, rather then just instilling lust in everyone, there is room for more games to be played simply by placing people in situations.  The infection plot had everyone in control of lust, so it would be more interesting to have characters in control of themselves, but not the situation.  Some god just decides to throw two people (or maybe more if you want things to get really interesting) into some locked location without any clothes.  what happens from there happens.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Taguiera on December 14, 2012, 10:30:57 PM
I would love to hear your ideas, Kurohigi.  A PM, perhaps?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: KittyKat on December 14, 2012, 11:19:38 PM
That sounds like something Eris or Dionysis would do LOL
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on December 14, 2012, 11:22:45 PM
yea I gotta say i like the idea of the god/goddess not rally makiing them act but putting them in a scenario where such things could occur would make more sense.   r another possibility would bee having them seem to loose controll for a moment and seconds later find themself having lost their composure and embarrassed having taken things no further than making out.

Also Kuro if you would not mind I would prefer my character to be stuck in said scenario with Edena as she has had more actual interaction with Miles at this point than most other characters in the RP.  Also since she is his direct superior officer anything that happens would become much more complex because of it.


Also I think the idea woudl be less causing people to act on lust but I like the idea of Dionysis as well God of wine well what does alcohol tend to do Lower inhibitions. so the idea of what happens being less sudden make-out and more Inhibitions being mystically lowered. that would to me make more sense
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on December 14, 2012, 11:49:07 PM
I think q (undercase q, as in the son of the main Q) is a good example.  He ran around with all that power and what did he do?  Turned the Warp Core into a dance club, zapped the clothes off of Seven of Nine, anything that amused him.  Why just think pairings when there are other things to make it interesting?  Maybe a couple find themselves zapped to a Risan resort, maybe another pair into the jefferies tubes, maybe the Vulcans get their Pon Farr jump started, while other people have gender swapping, race swapping or even body switching.

ironferrox, for the case of Edena, there would be a few options if she was split up into her personas.  You got her main Edena persona, the more sexually aggressive and creative Illya, or the romantic and experienced Kiya, the former two likely getting their bodies from their prime to go with their knowledge and memories.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on December 15, 2012, 12:01:52 AM
heh exactly! He never made anyone do anything he was just well... lets face it q was an internet troll with reality altering powers.

AS for gender swapping and  such things I do have a concept of Miles as a female so if he gets gender swapped or even duplicate made of him that's gender swapped I can play her as an NPC.
By the way if said Fem Miles (Milly) ends up happening at any point she is at best flirty fox girl and at worst a seductive vixen.

As for what one of Edena I have no clue but if she does get split it woudl be funny if Miles in in the middle of a meeting with her when she gets split.  ((BTW when it comes to his superior officer Miles is very Professional so it would probably take one of her more forward personality to cause him to do anything.))
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on December 15, 2012, 08:55:53 AM
With Natalie, the more I think about it, her job could place her pretty much anywhere on the ship at any given time: Operations is in charge of all kinds of subsystems, so she could be doing work on ODN conduits in the Medical bay when Eve is present. Rerouting environmental controls as a security patrol passes, deep down in engineering assisting the CEO or anyone else there. Or simply on the bridge during the alpha shift, interacting with any number of NPC's or Officers. so, for her, I still don't see a specific paring (Aside from the captain, whom she is supposed to start training with in the somewhat near future, but , if Lucan is out....:) )

Sarresh is a little more tricky. He'd either be on the bridge, in science department, or maybe somwhere fiddling with the deflector dish control. he'd probably be spending most of his time (more then he'd like) in the presence of one or another ash'reem.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on December 15, 2012, 12:15:56 PM
Gender/body swapping could actually turn out quite comical.  I just started watching Farscape on Netflix and a couple of days ago saw an episode where six of the characters were switched around.  John in Aeryn's body and Chiana in Dargo's body ... those were some hilarious scenes.  Kuro is absolutely correct that there are some wonderful possibilities other than pairings, giving everyone a chance to be creative and stretch imagination and writing skills.  One scenario I just thought of would be Skye checking in on Lin Kae.  She's feeling like a big sister to him and if they were swapped, she'd take his body and roll in mud or something to show him he can do things like that and not worry about germs, etc.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Latine Kett on December 16, 2012, 09:56:06 AM
Just wanted to put in my two cents and say that if anyone needs another player for any idea with NPCs I would be delighted to play some of them in whatever scene you all might like.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Taguiera on December 17, 2012, 06:14:16 PM
All right, I have a decent idea of how to proceed now, but I'm still waiting on a few more scenarios from folks.  I think I can come up with a few from what's been offered here, but I want to get as many of our players involved as possible.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: KittyKat on December 17, 2012, 06:23:32 PM
I'm all for Adam being turned into a girl :P that'd be funny.  As for my Ash'reem characters ... not sure what to do with them.  :P alot of conditions that would be interesting to play them through might also be lethal to them, or I wouldn't be sure how to proceed with. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on December 17, 2012, 07:45:11 PM
For your Ash'reem, the god could probably mess with them a bit to make things less lethal for them.  Just think of whatever crazy conditions you would want to enact.  This kind of plot can make the impossible possible after all.  All you need to figure out which characters or even just RPers you might want to interact with that you might not have had the chance to.  The plot can invent the reasons why it happens. 

That's the case for everyone too, so for those considering just who their characters would be around, go crazy with the ideas!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Taguiera on December 18, 2012, 06:58:19 PM
I could use someone to play with Brutus, specifically with Natalie, I think, though Saresh isn't out.  It doesn't have to be a PC, an NPC will do just fine.  Also, there's completely new thoughts for it, as well, including playing a celebrity off the subspace network, something like that.  I'm willing to work with just about anything.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on December 18, 2012, 09:01:12 PM
If Kuro agrees, I'd love to have a Skye and Lin Kae interaction.  I think there could be a lot of comic relief there as well a deep bond that could be made.

If needed, I could try to run an NPC guy to interact with Natalie.  I've thought about stretching my writing and that might be a good trial if Brutus agrees.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on December 18, 2012, 09:06:19 PM
I wouldn't have Kae with anyone but Skye right now.  Too much potential fun, but a pre-built story that hasn't seen a payoff yet.

That would leave Isley and Edena (with Edena being four potential characters if she was split into her former hosts) for anyone who wants to interact with those characters.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Taguiera on December 18, 2012, 09:11:54 PM
I added multiple new threads for various characters.  For instance, IronFerrox's Miles will be having a briefing with Edena, unless you object, Kuro.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on December 18, 2012, 09:39:23 PM
I have no objections.  I will try to get a post up tomorrow night, but tonight looks unlikely for me getting any posts done.  Too much to do to dedicate my time towards a quality post.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on December 18, 2012, 10:25:43 PM
Searcher: I'm game for some fun and more then willing to help ya stretch your writing styles
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: KittyKat on December 18, 2012, 10:47:58 PM
anyone want anything with my charactesr?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on December 18, 2012, 11:16:32 PM
I coudl NPC someone I guess Since miles will be busy at first with the XO

Also I am assuming the meeting is Tactical Conn Department report where he is briefing her on any anomalies with Fighter patrolls that occured, and the tactical conn division's post mission Analysis on the Away mission.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Taguiera on December 19, 2012, 08:25:49 AM
Iron, that sort of detail I would leave to you and Kuro.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on December 19, 2012, 10:08:12 AM
actually that sentence was meant for kuro lol... I guess i shoulda specified who i was talking to heh
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on December 19, 2012, 05:23:13 PM
Kittykat: I wouldn't mind putting Isley with one of your Ash'reem.  We could use it for a bit of exposition while we're at it; a chance to have our characters speak about themselves to flesh out their characters, maybe allow you to talk more about the Ash'reem race within the RP.  If that sounds like a good idea to you, we can discuss what kind of points we want to touch on within such an encounter, as well as what kind of circumstance the two would find themselves in.

ironferrox: A meeting would be the easiest to explain why the two end up in one place together.  Taguiera, maybe we can OOC when we are prepared for interference by the god?  That would seem the best way to make it it is properly put in place.  I think splitting the personalities of Edena and them all ending up in different locations would be vthe best way to work things.  Leaving Miles with Illya, her most sexually outspoken former host, would probably be the best pairing.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Taguiera on December 19, 2012, 05:49:23 PM
An OOC would be fine.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Taguiera on December 19, 2012, 05:50:03 PM
Did you have something you wanted to do with the other personalities?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on December 19, 2012, 06:35:12 PM
I leave them open to anyone who is interesting in playing with them.  There would be Edena herself, her heterosexual female doctor who is experienced but submissive in a romantic setting, and her heterosexual male Starfleet Intelligence officer with a dominant streak
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 20, 2012, 03:12:24 AM
Hi everyone!

Contract negotiations extended throughout December, but now, just before Christmas, I have signed the last one of them. Furthermore my successor in my old position is now successfully (finally) slipping the old weights from my shoulders.

*uncorks champagne and sprays everyone*

No amount of words can describe the relief I feel now at the end of this period, and I as I have read up on the OOC thread above, I am further thrilled that you guys have decided to move on with the mini-plot during my absence! After my last post in the Interregnum, where there was no reply at first, I thought you guys had directed your attention elsewhere. Discouraged at first, I discovered the other day loads and loads of unread messages on this board.

So thank you for taking the initiative and rolling with the god-plot, and I gladly welcome all the mayhem it will bring.

Aside from the gladness I feel, I also regret my shortcomings in the past couple of months. I know, for one, that Taguiera might be less than impressed with me in regards to replies to the two scenes we have over e-mail. I hope you and I can come to some kind of solution for the ovedue endings of those scenes, and I will move to suggest a resolution in my coming replies.

I will now read up on the new logs and try to mould the ending of the Away-mission into the new ongoings. I have some reading up to do.

Please, if you have need of me in some capacity or character, let me know now and here? I know I Scosche needs a position on board, for one thing.

One last request: I know you guys have plenty of e-mail scenes finished/partly finished. Would you mind posting them on the board so that I can wrap my head around what has/hasn't transpired? Please? Just make sure to title them according to the board's standard format.

Ok, I could write more, but I will try to make up for my absence instead (somehow).

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 20, 2012, 08:42:17 AM
Oh, btw, at this point, I do not object to the god/godess being something else than Q. It seems there is a popular idea to have it something else, and I would not care to make a big issue of it for the sake of a mini-plot before Ep 02 begins.

If the god is a mystery at the start, we can resolve the matter of its identity here as we go along.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Taguiera on December 20, 2012, 08:43:48 AM
Scosche has been assigned to Security, but I could use a scene between him and Ives, something about how he got on board, an interrogation, if you will.

Also, if you have some time to IM with me, I would enjoy hearing whatever thoughts you might have for the MG mini-plot.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on December 20, 2012, 10:58:36 AM
Yay glad to see ya back Lucan!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: KittyKat on December 20, 2012, 11:10:02 AM
I'm up for it Kuro :P amikris? Amatras? Arcorn? :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on December 20, 2012, 09:24:02 PM
Amikris or Amatras would both be acceptable, simply a matter of which one you think would be better suited for the purpose of the plot.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: KittyKat on December 20, 2012, 09:25:33 PM
Well exactly what do you want ot happen in said plot?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on December 20, 2012, 09:40:19 PM
I say put the two in a vulnerable situation.  They get zapped off to some place they can't get out of, maybe naked just to try and make biology take it's course.  Rather then just jump straight into anything naughty, they would probably try to escape first, and after that fails, maybe just get to know each other.  Good chance for character development I think.  I suppose the best way to make the choice of which Ash'reem is to ask which one you would like the chance to play, maybe reveal a bit about herself or just her race in general, as Isley could play a bit of an audience surrogate by being the one who gets things explained to him.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: KittyKat on December 20, 2012, 09:42:30 PM
Ami'kris is definitely more likely to play, as her genes are screaming "Screw everything in sight" well her brain is saying "control, constraint...don't give in with other races" :P Amatras is more likely to explain her people :P as she knows more then Ami'kris about them :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on December 20, 2012, 09:50:16 PM
Sounds like Amatras would be the better option of the two then.  I suppose it also adds an extra bit of intrigue, since she has a current mate in Arcorn.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: KittyKat on December 20, 2012, 09:51:32 PM
Amatras would simply reply "What is Monogamy? what stupid idea you mammals come up with"
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on December 20, 2012, 10:07:27 PM
Isley would probably approve of that statement lol

If there are any particular things you want to have them discuss, just let me know in the PMs and I will be sure Isley is asking the right questions.  As for how it would start, I don't see anything that would put the two of them together, so I would just call it a random act by the mysterious god randomly throwing them together, thus the plot wouldn't begin until they were zapped into their sealed location.  Sound about right to you?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 21, 2012, 04:57:03 AM
I favour Dionysus (the alien mistaken as a god in yore years of Earth) to be the mysterious god: (

Reasons being that he seems a great choice for the things in store for the plot, quite simply. Question is, perhaps the name Dionysus is a bit too affiliated with Earth's Greek mythology. Perhaps some variation of the name? Something similar but more adapted to an alien lifeform? Some linguistic resemblance that would become "Dionysus" in the crude written word of humans and passed down in history?

Thoughts and ideas? I am thinking along the lines of Thje-no-yssies? *chuckles and shrugs*

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: KittyKat on December 21, 2012, 06:10:04 AM
Brachus then? the roman equivalent of Dionysus and not quite as well know n. or a hybridization of the two ? Brach-nysus??
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 21, 2012, 06:48:50 AM
Hmm... perhaps. Then again, check the Epithets-section in that link earlier:

Eleutherios ("the liberator"), an epithet for both Dionysus and Eros.

Eleu, for short?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Taguiera on December 22, 2012, 02:42:45 PM
What I've come up with is something more generic, I guess the word is.  As most planets out there would have a history of gods, myths and legends, I see no need to paint everything with an Earth brush.  My MG will be more like a one for all, someone who's visited a lot of planets in their early history and gave rise to the legends of there having been a god of fertility on most, if not all, planets.

For example:
Klingons- Cymele (goddess)
Oritixx- Baliba'an (goddess)
Vulcan- Lia (goddess)
Andorian- couldn't find a name, but they have a "god" for fertility, as well.
Human- too many to list here

That's just a few.  Plus, to combine a fertility god/goddess with a chaos god/goddess (Loki), it would still likely be found in most Star Trek planets' histories.  Even the Ash'reem probably would have one, though I'll leave that decision specifically for KittyKat to decide on.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Latine Kett on December 25, 2012, 01:55:15 PM
Just FYI to everyone I'm gonna be doing posts after the New Years when everything's a little less hectic. Merry Christmas everyone!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 27, 2012, 08:29:27 AM
I have posted with both Jien Ives and Lucan now, with both being up for anything you guys want. Its the "Ante Meridiem" thread and open for anyone (with Scosche bound to make an appearance either way).

As for the god/alien, your thoughts sound good to me Taguiera, and I look forward to what you have in store once it makes an appearance. I have some ideas what might befall Jien Ives, but as for the rest, I welcome input.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 27, 2012, 03:20:50 PM
Hi again,

I added a post with ThanIda too in the same thread, for whomever wish to encounter her.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 27, 2012, 08:30:13 PM
New poster for your enjoyment, with some slight updates and new faces:

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 28, 2012, 09:20:09 AM
Hi people,

After finally being able to catch up on the new mini-plot after having chatted with Taguiera, I will naturally add my assistance as GM for the Group Rp to get "The Mysterious God Incident" plot-line evolve. Therefore, I have listed the affected threads below and what seems to happen next in each. I have also added my own requests for pairings of characters (based on availability, as I can see it), so I would love to get some answers from the affected writers (like a "yea" or "nay").

USS Theurgy Log: The Mysterious God Incident (Ante Meridiem)
- After Mr. Scosche has paid Captain Jien Ives a visit on the Bridge, he gets his commissioning as a Cadet in Security. After Cdt. leaves to report to Marija Ferik (se below), the god makes Jien vanish from Deck 01 and materialises the Captain in two places. He/She is now two separate individuals, divided by a permanent state of each gender.
    -- The male Jien Ives appears in Skye Carver's bedchamber/bath or together with with her in some way (Does this work Searcher? If she is previously engaged in this plot, another idea is that Jien Ives ends up with Kiya Rez (the famous and former doctor host of Edena Rez) whom will have a high interest in Jien Ives' unique physique as a Chameloid)
    -- The female Jien Ives appears in Nathaniel Isley's bedchamber/bath or whatever (Does this work Kurohigi? She could also end up with Jona Rez in some fashion)
- ThanIda zh'Wann ends up locked into a holding cell together with David Grayson, the power goes out, no one answers their calls, and they end up having to rely on each other to make their way out of the cell. (Does this work WyteKnyte?)
- Lucan cin Nicander answers a message on his computer and goes to the Gymnasium where Evelyn Rawley demands clearance to exercise there instead of the Rehabilitation Centre in Sickbay. During the argument, Lucan ends up in the female changing room before Rawley is sent away, and there, he becomes locked in alone with Natalie Stark somehow by the god's influence (her working out in the gym in order to begin martial arts training with Jien later on). (Does this work Brutus?)
- Thea is having a programming session with Lin Kae and the Mysterious God makes her human and him a hologram. Thea thus gets the missing biological pieces for the puzzle of her own sexuality, and she is highly interested to explore it (does this work Kurohigi?).

USS Theurgy Log: The Mysterious God Incident (Edena/Miles)
- This story is under-way, with the Mysterious God about to make an appearance. Rumour has it that Edena's three former hosts will materialise and spread across the ship... Next poster is either Kurohigi or Taguiera.
USS Theurgy Log: The Mysterious God Incident (Adam/Nicole)
- Adam Kingston has led the disobedient Ester Hamburg to her superior officer's office, and he watches as Nicole tries to console he Cadet. Next to post is Kittykat, followed by Taguiera as the Mysterious God.

USS Theurgy Log: The Mysterious God Incident (Eve/Khorin)
- Eve has come to check on Khorin's recovery from his wounds, and WyteKnyte is about to post next. Immediately following that, depending on what Searcher and WyteKnyte wants, the Mysterious God comes to visit.

USS Theurgy Log: The Mysterious God Incident (T'Less/Garen)
- T'Less has decided to return to Garren since their last counselling session (which turned out in a way that left them both in awkward positions). Next to post is Wyte Knyte, followed by the appearance of the MG at some convenient point.

USS Theurgy Log: The Mysterious God Incident (Marija/Scosche)
- This thread begins after Scosche has paid his visit to Jien Ives on Deck 01, and I'd recommend that Letine Kett posts in preparation for Scosche's arrival at the security office. She has been informed that she'll be getting a new Cadet situated, and the Mysterious God comes along too to help him get intimate with the inner workings of the Security Department...

Comment on the Mini-plot:

The nature of the Mysterious God I leave in Taguiera's capable hands. As for what has made the alien life-form come to the USS Theurgy specifically and cause mayhem, I do not know how much has been mentioned over chat at this point, but for sake of availability for all involved players, I will mention what Taguiera and I discussed.

The activities aboard the USS Theurgy during Episode 01 caught the attention of the alien, and being an entity that feeds/enjoys/revels in carnal pleasures and chaos, it has used its influence upon the physical world in order to get aboard the ship. How should remain a mystery at this given point, but it has come aboard, and it now (with it being disappointed in how orderly the crew conducts itself) seeks to make the crew and its activities become interesting again...

As for how the alien is thwarted... time will tell.

A helpful timeline:

Since there seems to be some confusion about when and what happened at which point in relation to whatever (*nod sagely*) I have tried to help everyone out with a time-line below:

Okay, I hope this helps things along somewhat. Oh, and again, please post the e-mail role-plays that are going on on this board as soon as you think you have a Chapter/Act/Part finished. Please also try to title the role-plays according to the board standard and in accordance with when (see the time-line) the events have occurred.

Best Regards,

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on December 28, 2012, 01:56:38 PM
Nathan Isley is expected to enter a plot with Kittykat's Amatras, and Lin Kae is supposed to have a body switching scenario with Skye, but I suppose that one still works if he just uses her body to go do a programming session with Thea.  There was some interest in Jona being used elsewhere, though a pairing with female Jien would probably be more interesting, consider they were both Starfleet Intelligence officers, and might have even known each other.

The body switch thing would throw a monkey wrench in your Skye/male Jien thing, but it might also be amusing to see Skye-in-Lin's body meet up with Ida, considering there was some dislike from Skye in the Infection plot.  That is, of course, up to Searcher.  I know in the end the plan was for Skye and Kae to meet back up and sleep together in what would be no doubt a strange turn of events for their body switch scenario.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 28, 2012, 04:41:08 PM
Ah, thanks for letting me know and I would hate to step upon pre-made plans/pairings for the plot. I think I can work with this in some other way, though:

- Male Jien Ives + Skye Carver Kiya Rez? (I forgot the add the question to you Kuro. I remember Kiya taking an interest in Jien's Chaeloid anatomy during a conversation between Jien and Edena)

- Female Jien Ives + Nathaniel Isley New applicant... (There is a new player whom today have submitted a first draft of a character sheet. If he is interested, I'll do that pairing, but if you could let me know how things turn out with the Jona thing, Kuro, I also like that idea.)

- ThanIda zh'Wann + David Grayson. See above for details. (Does this work WyteKnyte? With male Jien paired elsewhere, nothing prevents the Skye/Kae pairing. If Wyte has other plans, I would love to see if Skye-in-Kae's-body is paired with her, Searcher.  :) )

- Thea + Lin Kae. I had this idea that Thea would find out about Lin Kae's adventure with Rihen Neyah on Nibmus III and have a reaction to it, and with Skye Carver involved in all that as well, I (at least) am looking forward to fun RPing-times ahead. Yet unless anyone is interested in the hologram, I will sit this one out with Thea.

- Lucan cin Nicander + Natalie Stark. See above for details. (Does this work Brutus?)


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on December 28, 2012, 05:51:06 PM
Kiya is available and would probably work rather well with male Jien.  That pretty much covers all my characters as having something now, except for Edena herself, who is still available.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on December 28, 2012, 06:00:32 PM
Sorry, just catching up ... at the game store about to play a game of Vampire ... Skye would not do well with Ida at all.  That's one person she fully intends to keep as much space between them as possible.

I had talked with Brutus about making sort of a male NPC and it's someone I was considering app'ing who could come into the story when the next major plot comes around, a bartender who was on the other ship and seeing the bad stuff going on his own transfers over.  If Brutus likes the idea of Natalie having time with male Jien, then I will bow out of that idea.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on December 28, 2012, 06:06:24 PM
After the initial pairing scenario that involves Miles and Illya (sp?) plays out the majority of its action I was thinking that miles once he becomes suspicious of the strange happenings woudl request to speak with Thea's interface so after that initial pairing I was kinda hoping miles would end up in some form of adventure scenario with her.  Another idea would be Miles getting split into Furry Miles and Human Miles.  with one of them staying with Illya in the scenario the other somewhere else and ending up requesting assistance from Thea.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 28, 2012, 07:18:30 PM
IronFerrox: Ah, Thea would naturally respond to the request and we'll see what happens after that.

Searcher: Thanks for the reply on the ThanIda eventuality. Oh, and it was Lucan and not Jien Ives whom I thought could be paired with Natalie Stark (female Jien going to the new applicant's character and the male Jien Ives to Kiya Rez) but we'll see what Brutus thinks. :)


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on December 28, 2012, 07:23:07 PM
Edena-Miles thread is currently waiting for Taguiera to play his part and have the mysterious god separate Edena's personalities throughout the ship, leaving Illya with Miles in the XO Ready room.  After that, the remaining personalities would become available for interaction
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on December 28, 2012, 07:57:52 PM
yep, Also if we do a shape shift split, Furry miles woudl have more of the animal instincts than he usuially shows IE sort of a regression to a more primitive less reserved Vulpinian state.  Human woudl have none of the Extra human ability's of a vulpinian making him effectively human.   Which woudl include no tail, and ears not even being pointed.

If this happens Kuro, which of the two halves of the split do you want to be in the room with Rez.  I think it woudl make more sense if the Animalistic instinctual half gets left with Illya and the human side is separated to elsewhere.  But interactions between the less inhibited Side of Miles with Thea could prove interesting as well. So in the end I think I should leave it up to you to decide if he is getting split and what side stays with Illya.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: WyteKnyte on December 29, 2012, 12:05:25 AM
Hello, everyone! I hope you all had a nice Christmas, if you celebrate it that is. This time of year's a bit busy for me, so I've been out of commission for a few days.

Lucan, I'm definitely up for your scenario with Ida and David. Considering how we decided their dinner date ended, I think sticking them in a cell together and then seeing what happens will be a lot of fun. Would you like me to reply to your post in the Ante Meridiem thread, or have you decided on a different course?

Searcher and Taguiera, you'll both have replies from me up tonight.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 29, 2012, 02:07:05 AM
Hi Wyte, looking forward to writing the scene with David in the cell with Ida so sure, post in the Ante Meridiem thread when able to. :)

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on December 29, 2012, 02:49:26 AM
Illya would probably be best with the human, simply because she is bound t want to enjoy all the benefits of having a body, which would mean dragging him around like she's on a shopping trip.  Wouldn't want him instinctively driven entire for that sake.  Plus, I usually limit the degree of furry, and Miles' alternate form is past it lol
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 29, 2012, 09:46:07 AM
Well, on the contrary, I think it is up to you Miles if he is split or not. Naturally, Thea will answer the furry version too if called upon, but as you know already, I am not too big of a fan for the furry side either. Still, we'll see where the writing takes things since Thea might be motivated by the MG's meddling. Depends on what befalls them, I guess. Or, Miles remains whole with Ilya. *shrugs and smiles*

Oh, I will take the unforeseen chance to write a pre-scene with Searcher (Lucan & Eve) before the MG pairings transpires, which are Eve + Khorin and Lucan + Natalie? (Pending Brutus reply). This would mean that the thread with Khorin and Eve plays out an half an hour or so later than the Ante Meridiem thread. I don't think that this will cause any disturbances in plot's space-time continuum. :)

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on December 29, 2012, 11:38:29 AM
I was giving yall the decision because I know that ome people are completely squicked out by furry so I figured that it woudl be good if Kuro were to choose which one Illya was stuck with.

As for The furry side he can me more instinctual more prone to acting on impulse in these parts but since thea has no actual hormones or him to smell that may help curb that towards her partially.  Besides I see the plot with him and Thea being more them trying to unwravel the mystery.  So it woudl be less of a sexual geared plot and more an action mystery plot with him trying his best to curb his more primal urges.  the good thing is his furry form is the best suited in hand to hand combat so if an action scene came up at least he has that going for him.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on December 29, 2012, 12:55:56 PM
I'm up for whcih ever. I know Searcher was looking forward to stretching her creative side on the NPC. I also know that sticking natalie in the same room with lucan can only lead to trouble.

Been away and busy and...stuff the last few days. Sorry if i seem a tad out of it ^^;
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 29, 2012, 05:25:52 PM
Well, on the Lucan + Natalie thing, I think it boils down to whether or not Searcher wants to write up the NPC or not, but was he not supposed to be defecting from the other "friendly" ship in Episode 02? Since this mini-plot transpires before that, would that not make it easier to decide? I mean, just because the MG puts Lucan and Natalie together in this mini-plot does not mean that they are married or anything. It only serves to... spice things up, doesn't it? ;)

Anyway, I suppose the ball falls in your court again, Searcher. :)

As for the Miles + Thea thing, sounds awesome, IronFerrox, but I will not completely put aside the idea that Thea wishes to explore what it means to have a human body (if ever so briefly). Experience-wise, it will do her really well. Imagine, for a hologram, to have that kind of first-person experience as an organic. The Doctor in Voyager got to experience it in Seven-of-Nine's body in some episode in Season 7, after all.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on December 29, 2012, 05:46:18 PM
That was a really good episode!  I thought Jeri Ryan did very well acting like the doctor.

As far as the NPC guy I was thinking of, if Brutus wants Natalie to pursue something with Lucan then I would wait and app Rory for when the other ship comes into play with the main plot. 

My original thought for him was a bartender during the daytime or alpha player's hours who was caught up in all the mess with the infection.  He would be someone who might be less intimidating, someone Natalie might be able to just talk to about what happened with the infection ... sort of share their misery in their cups together.

Just trying to offer options and be flexible!  :)  I'll gladly leave it up to Brutus/Natalie and go with the flow as always.  Either way is fine and dandy with me.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on December 29, 2012, 06:12:56 PM
I suppose if Thea got turned into "a real girl" for a brief period, it might make her more open to what Lin Kae is trying to do for her too, in helping her to become a more complete individual.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 29, 2012, 06:30:00 PM
An excellent point what I had in mind already, though I failed to convey in detail in my last post in this OOC thread. For her to know and experience means that it awakens a desire to be more than she is, and Lin Kae is her key towards that goal. :)

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on December 29, 2012, 06:38:58 PM
During the Nimbus III mission, Kae said that Skye inspired an idea in his mind.  That was accurate, as Searcher's actual post back then did give me an idea for what Kae might work on to further help Thea along.  The thought could possibly be described as a step towards the creation of the Mobile Emitter.  Still working out some finer details, but it would basically be a holographic projector which could project Thea in places where there are no built in emitters.  Something spherical which projects her around it, making the emitter her heart of sorts, moving as she moves.  Instead of being something on her shoulder, like the Voyager emitter, this would be something inside the hologram, serving almost like a vital organ in a way.  Damaging it would mean shutting down the hologram, while complete destruction would destroy the hologram that was transferred into it.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 29, 2012, 07:21:57 PM
I favour the idea a great deal, and not only because it allows Thea to move outside the ship, but because I think her a bit over-powered in her current ship-based existence. I mean, to damage Thea, you would have to attack the computer core of the ship or hack her in some way. She had a passive state and a holographic phaser at hand always.

If she was to have a "heart" that contained exclusively her programmed sentience and her holographic projection (excluding the ship-functions that are left behind to be handled by the main computer), and that heart was her weakness as well, it would balance her a bit. She would have to have a transporter signature on her "heart" as well as combadge functionality. It is also a good detriment that she cannot make herself "passive" and pass through any solid matter, at least not anywhere that her material "heart" can pass through.

*shrugs* Suffice to say, I welcome some rp-exploration of this idea in the near future. *nod nod*


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on December 29, 2012, 07:33:49 PM
I imagine it would work similar to the Doctor, in which she could be transferred between the ship's computer banks and the emitter, but to further the need to make this object an important part of her, perhaps Kae designs this to store all the extended programs he is placing into her.  It was noted that the Doctors expansions, be it photography, daydreaming or the command hologram, all used up memory aboard the ship.  This emitter could contain everything that makes Thea who she is, making it not just her hart but her very being.  It would have it's own power (which would require charging) and memory to fit all these additional programs, while being back in the ship would render her a more simplified version of herself.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on December 29, 2012, 07:34:34 PM
Hmmm, I'm torn between the mayhem of Lucan or the soothing understanding that Natalie might get from NPC bartender! Ahhhhh indecision!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on December 29, 2012, 11:01:33 PM
well to be honest Miles is more than open to a encounter in that way with Thea I was just saying if you didnt want to RP out the whole furry thing I Understand.  Actually that's another part of why he has been more than overly chaste in his actions in the Federation.  He knows most humans and many other member species in the Federation aren't attracted to his species' more canine appearance.  If Thea made the idea of consent clear to him though gicven the directions his hormones woudl be pulling him in he would most certainly be grateful to her for helping him keep his sanity in the situation.

Anyways Lucan i will leave it up to you how far things woudl go between Miles and Thea.  But, I will say Miles woudl be more than willing if she were.  I just figured Thea would be naturally more interested in being professional.  To put it bluntly Miles is the type who is super aware of the taboo of sexual harassment and is ultra careful not to try and do anything that could even be implied as such.   Most of his reluctance to being overtly Flirty with his crew-mates is due to his not wanting to cross any lines.    I guess you could say its almost a fear of being seen as a creeper so to speak. 

Besides Captain Ives seems to be a very Proper and regimented captain, and as such Miles does all he can to make sure he walks the line of proper behavior under his/her command.

Also Thea with a heart sounds like an awesome idea.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on December 30, 2012, 08:49:13 AM
Hello everyone! It would appear that I'm the newest writer in the group ^^ I've just posted up my character info in the manifest and I'm looking forward to meet you all. I'll be busy reading up on miniplots and other events at the moment but feel free to Pm me if anything is on your mind :) Also feel free to ask away if you people want to know more about me :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 30, 2012, 02:00:59 PM
A warm welcome to you Nolan, even though I welcomed you in our correspondence before you joined. I will take the moment to announce that your character is now listed on the Crew Manifest as well as the Squadron Organisational Chart (appears when pressing the "Spoiler" button next to the white Lone Wolves bar on the Manifest)

Furthermore, I have moved to update the Request thread with fresh info, just FYI everyone. If you guys have people you want to recommend the RP, feel free and make sure they send me a PM.

I suggest you two, Searcher and Brutus, take your time and decide what you want to do in the mini-plot (regarding the choice of Lucan/NPC) and announce it here when you have come to a decision. :)


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on December 30, 2012, 03:57:57 PM
Glad to see another wolf in active duty.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on January 01, 2013, 12:17:39 AM
Glad to see another wolf in active duty.

Reguarding the Split of miles I have decided there are three forms.  Two for actual plots and one that will act as more an NPC type character.

For lack of confusion I am giving each form a seperate name in narration though all can be refered to in character by any name variation that Miles goes by

The Completely human form will be designated as "Miles"

the Natural form will be called  "Renard" (which is one of the french words for fox)

Finially there Canine animal form "feral" form would be the term used by the furry community.  I am designating  this one as the Rusty Fox or simply "Rusty" (given his rust colored fur).  This form appears almost identical to the earth species Chrysocyon brachyurus  Common name: Maned wolf (( ( )) 

For size comparisons to human and other wolf species here is a chart. (

This form can be placed into different threads if anyone wants it to show up.  Compared to the other two forms Rusty is a extremely intelligent canid but not to the point of full fledged Human level inteligence.  Essentially he is much like an extremely intelligent working dog.  His primary instinct given there are no females of his species is not to mate but to find food and a safe form of shelter.  However given the vulpinian military man at the core of his personality He has protective instincts towards those who appear to be in danger of undeserved harm and could potentially attack an aggressor with the same level of force as a Police K-9 Unit.   He can recognize doors and other familiar objects but due to being in this four legged form he is less able to easily manipulate Controls.  Essentially he knows what button to push because of a instinctual memory as Miles but can only hope he mashes the right one with his paw, nose, claw whatever.  This is only the case for more obvious controls like things he used every day like doors.  complex things like computer interfaces are just curious blinky lights to him.  His personality is primarily outgoing and  friendly. but can be violent if he is threatened or if another who seems to be an innocent is threatened.  His vocalizations are limited in this form to canid sounds and gestures common to his and similar species barks, growls, whines, whimpers, yips, canine gestures, etc.

As mentioned if you want him to show up in your thread just ask I can play as him or control of him can be shared between us where you can partially control him  him as a helpful NPC "animal companion" type character.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on January 01, 2013, 03:06:33 PM
Seeing that he dropped in the hangar bay, I think Thomas can "notice" it for the first time.  From there he might startle the wolf so it runs off, might lead to a merry wolf hunt (possibly with other chars) as Thoms might want to figure out why there's a wolf running around on board.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on January 01, 2013, 05:29:13 PM
Especially when the wolf looks identical to his SCO's Animal form.

Also I sent lucan a IM over MSN asking if your conversation with Thea is at the same time as when Miles and Rez were split into their different forms.   If you both want it to be at that time here is what would be noticed by your character and here is what can be noticed by Thea Lucan in his post mention the sound of a thud in the direction of Fighter Wolf 01 and that in their direction they probably wouldnt see him

Thomas would possibly hear a mild thud like a sack of something being droped to the floor from approximately 4 ft up (Basicially it woudl be like a side of beef packed in flour and in a Fur sack dropped from 1-2 meters in the air and landing on a Hard surface  from a  distance of across the entire fighter bay.  Visually he woudl be able to see nothing as fighter wolf 01''s shadow is over the creature and it is hidding with the fighters landing legs between it and you blocking your line of sight.

Thea woudl have the same visual from her location but being the ai of she ship she has the option to playback shipboard sensor and camera logs located in the direction of the sound. 
These logs woudl reveal Miles's Animal form's side appearing in the camera's view under the fighter.
At this point it appeared to be falling at a rate of approx 10 miles per hour. 
It continued to fall for 1 meter for a length of time of 0.19 seconds
It impacts the ground at a speed of nearly exactly 14 miles per hour  suggesting a nearly exactly 2 meter fall.

Upon hitting the ground the creature appears dazed and looks towards the two in the shuttle bay it appears to look inquisitively looking at one then the other then backs up putting the landing leg of the fighter between the two and it while appearing to peek around the corner of the landing legs to keep an eye on them.  The canid is showing body language indicative of caution. with no signs of Agression or Submission.

The appearance of the creature matched Miles animal form but its actions suggests a level of intelligence lower than Miles would in this form and possibly no higher than a Social species of Pack canine like found in the Terran Gray wolf (Canis Lupus)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 01, 2013, 06:47:40 PM
Opened up a new thread for the two scenes between Jien Ives in two version together with Kiya Rez and Thomas Ravon. In this thread, the meeting with Scosche Bellde'side has already happened on Deck 01. I will open up RP-wise with a lengthy post on the morrow, but the place-holder is up for the time being.  Being almost 1 am here, I will be retiring for the evening now.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on January 01, 2013, 07:25:29 PM
Right os, I' am all kinds of fail when it comes to getting back to y'all. After some thought, I do want to stick Natalie with Lucan, given they have something of a history, what with being trapped together for a while.

That said, once this new episode starts, I look very forward to inflicting poor natalie on your new character, Searcher. Since I do want to get to write with you at some point.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 02, 2013, 07:43:10 AM
No worries, it was the holidays and many are inactive at that time. i did not think any of it and you did leave a notice about it. :)

Anyway, let's chat when we can about how we go about the pairing of Lucan and Natalie. Catch you soon.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Taguiera on January 03, 2013, 04:25:28 PM
I have asked Lucan to take over game mastering for the MG subplot.  I've been pretty busy and know I won't be able to give the story the attention it deserves.  I am not abandoning any of my characters, just turning over this particular duty to the original game master, so I look forward to continuing.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 03, 2013, 05:05:23 PM
I will make a survey of the ongoing threads and move things along where I am able. If you have any special requests, or made plans with Taguiera that you wish me to accommodate, please send me a PM or post here!


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 07, 2013, 07:02:22 AM
Greetings fellow writers!

What with the surge of activity in relation to the mini-plot, and with the understanding that it might be difficult to start Episode 2 in mid January since people won't have wrapped up their stuff by then (me included), I have a resolution, so here is the announcement:

- The Mini-plot becomes Episode 02
- The upcoming Episode becomes Episode 03, and starts beginning of February (depending on demand/readiness)
- The posts adhering to Episode 02 are retitled to "EPISODE 02: The Mysterious God Incident [XXX/XXX] (depending on pairing)
- Taguiera, Ironferrox and Kurohigi (unless I have missed anyone) would you please rename the threads you have started according to the previous point as soon as you are able to?
- In due time, I will post a new thread in Episode 02 where we merge all the pairings into a single sequence of event, where the threat of the MG is addressed in full force.
- The aforementioned thread will also be the last chapter in this Episode, making it a significantly shorter Episode than Episode 01, yet nonetheless a chapter of great relevance in the USS Theurgy's story
- A placeholder Interregnum post will then be set up for events that takes place between Episode 02 and 03.
- Episode 03 will start really hands-on with the arrival of the "allied" ship and the Red Alert being sounded aboard the Theurgy.
- Kurohigi and I have been in correspondence about some details in Episode 03 that will be changed for better effect, and we are individually working on ship-relevant info and NPC character sheets. Material such as this will be forthcoming here as well as in Episode 03 once it begins.

In other news, I am excited about the upcoming Star Trek movie. The footage looks great and I like the casting of the villain. I hope this movie will be just as good as the last one.

That is all,

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: WyteKnyte on January 07, 2013, 10:31:38 PM
Sounds good, Boss!

Yeah, I'm really looking forward to Into Darkness, too. I managed to find a copy of the nine-minute preview online (it was blurry, but good enough to see what was going on) and it looks like it's going to be a lot of fun. I actually hope it'll be even better than the last one which, while still very enjoyable and easily one of the best Trek films, could have been a bit better. But they filmed that during the 2007 Writer's Stike, so they weren't allowed to make any alterations to the script (or even ad lib dialogue!) like you can normally do while filming a movie. So the story and dialogue probably will be sharper and tighter in the sequel.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 17, 2013, 11:23:13 AM
Short notice: While I now have 5 different scenes to reply to as of the replies today and last night, I would definitely have been posting just about now. I have guests in my house, though, so I will write replies during the day and evening tomorrow so that I am not such a poor host. :)

Also, Brutus, are you still available for a scene with Lucan and Natalie? Then, unless you have any preferences, I will set them up in a new thread tomorrow as well.

Looking forward to see development on the other threads too, and if any of you need the MG to appear, let me know? I would not like to barge in on people's scenes unless asked. Most likely I'd ruin stuff for you more than bring excitement.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 20, 2013, 05:06:20 PM
Update of the poster, including Wolf-11 Lt.JG Thomas Ravon.


Getting a bit crowded with faces...


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on January 21, 2013, 10:24:28 AM
Looks awesome though :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 23, 2013, 07:52:12 PM
Been doing a lot of research the last two days for the last part of Episode 02. I am happy to announce that with the awesome help from IronFerrox and Taguiera, I do believe we have a nice finish for the Episode. I have also done some graphics, and I have a picture to show right away: the Mysterious Goddess (who's name remains a secret for now).

I have done some more, but I'll save that for later in the Episode. I will be posting on the morrow, and with the research I've made, I might have some surprises in store.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Taguiera on January 23, 2013, 11:16:11 PM
Very nice!  Look forward to the rest of the Episode.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on January 23, 2013, 11:34:25 PM
mmmhmm, its been a fun read so far.
Lucan: working up a post for you, but bear in mind I'm looking at a long day tomorrow and at least a 12 hour shift friday (into Saturday) so it might take a few more days.

If I owe anyone else a post, pm me?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on January 26, 2013, 08:19:21 PM
I may be away from posting for a bit, my main computer has went fubar and i am down to only having access to my laptop which has a lot smaller screen.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on January 27, 2013, 04:44:02 AM
I should be able to finish up my posts today, but I'll be out for about a week. Going on a trip for a small week so I'll be back to posting after that.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Taguiera on February 01, 2013, 03:54:03 PM
Just so y'all aren't caught unaware, I've caught some kind of bug, bit of a fever and allergy/sinus headache.  It might be a day or two before I can write replies, though I will no doubt try.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on February 01, 2013, 06:36:57 PM
/me sits down with a big ole mug of hot apple cider, in his easy chair, and sets to work on that post he owes

Tag, hope you get better soon
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on February 02, 2013, 05:36:17 AM
Back from vacation, will get back to posting ^^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on February 07, 2013, 10:26:56 PM
I'm having a horrible blonde moment ... dashing all around taking boys to scout functions, etc. ... where should Skye and Kae post?  Will there be a seperate thread for the bridge or should we post in the Ante thread?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 08, 2013, 03:17:21 AM
Ah, well two possibilities and one recommendation of my own.

I posted in yours and kuro's thread here: (

So, depending on whether you guys want to have your characters wake up by the sound or not, discussing how to go about the situation and getting dressed and what not, I would recommend you continued writing in your thread for that immediate response to the security alert. Please read the OOC notice at the link above. During that interaction, unless they reach the same conclusion, I could have Jien asking Kae to get to the bridge and thus getting Skye in the bargain. I will keep an eye on how things develop. This would be my recommendation.

Or, you could wait for a couple of days more, and a new thread will open up where Kae and Skye can turn up. So, up to you guys!


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 08, 2013, 07:18:18 PM
Brutus: a cue from Amatras to Sarresh

Your chance to have a character there on the Bridge for the finale of the episode. ;)


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 09, 2013, 05:23:47 PM
Attention everyone; new thread: (

This is the last leg of the Episode... the grand finale due to unfold.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 09, 2013, 07:48:00 PM
Needless to say, post way, and if you have any questions as to how to proceed with your characters coming to the Bridge, let me know over PM and I'll try to help you out with some inspiration.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on February 10, 2013, 09:00:30 AM
Luck doesn't seem to be on my side the last few days. Recovering from surgery so I will post once my brain functions normally again after the narcotics work out.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on February 24, 2013, 12:56:39 AM
Good luck on getting to feeling better and all, and sorry for the late reply on that note.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Taguiera on March 01, 2013, 11:49:04 AM
I'm guessing this group has died...
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on March 01, 2013, 01:59:41 PM
I don't know suddenly Lucan stopped posting and i haven't seen him online since the day of my last RP post.  he asked me to modify my post that day and seemed eager to post a reply then he never posted again. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on March 01, 2013, 02:09:07 PM
I know I owe a post. Haven't been in a good headspace for writing that character tho :(
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 01, 2013, 03:05:02 PM
This group has most certainly not died, and I have meant to be posting as soon as all characters have gathered up in the main bridge or replied back to me. If you would just post Brutus and WyteKnyte, I mean to move on with this.

Sure, I could take David, Scosche and Ida to the Bridge by means of Ida's viewpoint, but Brutus, you have not brought Sarresh Morali to the Bridge yet either. Even though I feel that the Lucan/Natalie scene is far from as progressed as I would like it to be in order to enter the finale of the Episode, Amatras Neotin has called for his presence on the Bridge (see OOC notes). While I would happily have posted earlier with what I have , I feel that I need to get replies too. I admit its a bit small-minded of me, and as the GM I should not be silent out of principle, but I am in for the enjoyment too and not just the administration of the story. I just feel its a bit discouraging that the posting order needs to be the GM every second or third post, you know?

Brutus, please reply at your earliest convenience, preferably with Natalie too and not just Sarresh, and Wyte, if you do not bring the Security group to the Bridge with David, I will do so with Ida with my next post.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Taguiera on March 01, 2013, 03:13:37 PM
It is heartening to hear from everyone and know we haven't lost the game.  As a DM, I understand the hesitancy in assuming other players' characters have done something, especially when you don't have the consent of the player, and that is as it should be.  Though, unless Lucan has heard from Wyte after 2 weeks... well, neither have I about the thread I share with him for T'Less and Garen.  I'll PM him, I suppose.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on March 01, 2013, 03:17:18 PM
I'm out to A dinner tonight, Lucan, but I'll try and wrap my head into the right place this evening when I get home. (I simply cannot give you a post that does justice from my cell phone)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on March 01, 2013, 11:15:05 PM
Heh Only reason neither of my characters have gotten to the bridge is kinda obvious. 

Kinda waiting on the next post by Thea to move "Renard" along.

As for "Miles" I am kinda waiting on Kuro's post as Illya.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on March 01, 2013, 11:49:29 PM
dammit I know I posted a reply like forever ago.  Great, looks like I have to remember it and get it posted again.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on March 02, 2013, 12:02:40 AM
sorry about that, probably just a stupid error with the site itself.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Taguiera on March 10, 2013, 10:42:01 AM
I think it's time.  If we're going to continue, we should do so.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 11, 2013, 01:36:50 AM
Agreed. Work-burden is a bit heavy, otherwise I would have posted Thursday/Friday last week. Was away this weekend, and while I hoped Wyte would get back during the weekend, I think we can move on and hope he gets back soon.

I think its safe to say that interest in a long-winded ending is quite low, so I will cut away a lot of the ideas I had come up with during my research and make the ending more straight-forward. Afterwards, I can share my notes with you all.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Taguiera on March 11, 2013, 08:59:30 AM
Agreed, especially with Wyte gone, I know at least 2 of my characters could use a bit of a reset on their current activities.  I appreciate that everyone hasn't given up on this group.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 12, 2013, 06:27:05 PM
I think people are just busy atm. Anyway, I have as of now 4 paragraphs of the new post and there will be more before I post from work on the morrow. Too late here now to manage to do this in one sitting (0.30 am now) but stay tuned on the Post Meridiem thread for tomorrow.

If you guys want, feel free to post before me in whatever capacity or character you want, for my post will take the entity to the Bridge and plenty of dialogue will ensue.

Feels great to to finish the Episode momentarily and set things up for the new events that follows. :)


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 13, 2013, 06:30:20 PM
Still chipping away at the monster post, and I have some time available at work tomorrow to finish it. I think it will turn out well, though.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on March 15, 2013, 07:28:15 PM
Time for "Fun times with Mythology"  Ishtar featured heavily in the epic of Gilgamesh.  Gilgamesh featured heavily in a certain episode of TNG.  If you don't know which one I have but one reaction.

Shaka, when the walls fell.

Also I gotta say the revelation of the godess leaves an interesting theological discussion to be had.  particularly a fun little lets spot the mythological references that allow us to piece together the line of gods and godesses that ishtar has been called.

She has already mentioned the following

Inanna (Sumerian)
Ishtar (Mesopotamian)
Aphrodite (Greek)
Venus (Roman)
Freya (Norse)
Tlazolteotl (Aztec)

Also she mentioned the Stealing of the Mes leading to humans being given the gift of civilization.  This means myths associated with the origin of human sentience also count as her domain this evokes the most famous stories of Inanna's theft of the Mes and later her imprisonment in the underworld (Sumerian and Mesopotamian), and the tragedy of the Titan Prometheus.

I am gonna start with pointing out a few of the other gods this character may or may not also be known as  and how about we all start the wild mass guessing as to her other names.

the love, fertility, sex godess
Asarte (Cannanite) Greeks literally adopted this goddess as Aphrodite
Inari Okami (shintoism) Shinto godess of fertility, Sake, and Foxes.**

**Miles people for centuries worshiped a creator goddess that bears an appearance in their mythology similar to hr angelic form (though much more like a anthropamorphic Vixen of course)  He has studied a lot of comparitive religion as a hobby seeing the many forms this same diety seems to have taken in human history and myths.  as a result he is very familiar with the Myths involving this particular deity  in fact his people still symbolically worship her though in a more gnostic spiritual ay than a literal worship of a goddess way.

The gift of knowledge to man
Promethius and the stealing of fire from mount Olympus and giving them to his creation, Man.  Zeus punished him by imprisoning him to a stone and having a eagle peck out his liver every day (it regenerated each day as well making it an endless cycle of torment)

The serpent (Christianity Judiasm Islam)  I think most of us know the whole Garden of Eden story God creates Adam, Man, and creates Eve, Woman, as his companion.  Tells them both don't eat of the tree of Knowledge of good and evil.  The serpent tempts Eve.  Sne in curiosity takes a bite and finds the fruit tasty and offers some to Adam he eats and in consequence man and woman are mortal and they are cast out of the garden into the wild where life is not as harmonious and bad stuff happens.   Some would argue that the knowledge of good and evil is Sentience and Free Will which without those civilization is not possible.

This alone paints a great comparison between the serpent and Prometheus but that really seals the comparison is the second half of the Prometheus story.

After Pormethius is punished Zeus wishes to punish man.  He creates a woman from the same substance man was created from and the Olympians gift her with many well gifts.  the most significant gift though is a Jar or a Pithos.  She was also given other gifts such as being taught needlework by the gods and the ability to speak and craft lies and deceit (this story is where the Greek, Roman, and later Christian belief of women being deceitful treacherous, and inherently evil most likely comes from BTW.)  Due to her being given many gifts she was named by the gods "All Gifted" or Pandora.  the first man was warned by Promethius not to accept gifts from Zeus but he did not listen and accepted the woman the gods crafted for man along with her gifts she came with.  At one point Pandora opened the Jar which was said to contain burdensome toil and sickness that brings death to men, diseases,  and a myriad other pains.  Upon opening the box and realizing what she was releasing Pandora quickly tried to shut the box trapping the last thing within the box within it forever.  That one thing trapped within Pandora's jar was hope.

Major similarity here is woman involved in the fall of man and "original sin" and created the building blocks of civilization.  This parallels the theft of the Mes.  This would indicate that in the ages of man humans have combined and rearranged aspects of the same being whom the crew of the Theurgy has encountered as this Mysterious Deity.

So oh yes indeed she who is known by many names was quite the little nod.  after all there is a being that often has called himself hee who has many names.  Oh how The Stones would be proud of you Lucan.
"Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name.  What's puzzling you is the nature of my game."
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on March 16, 2013, 07:59:53 PM
Current location of the Theurgy
The most recent interum plot took place near in and near the Nimbus system.  The Nimbus System is located, according to all the maps of Trek I have seen, along the Romulan Federation Neutral Zone in the "North" direction (I am defining galactic North as the direction towards the center of the Milky way. which is the direction used on most Trek charts and maps.

Here is a map spotlighting Sol and Nimbus.

Here is a link to  the full map  which spotlights the majority of major locations in the Alpha and Beta quadrants.

this one is a map of the milky way itself showing the quadrants and has a small overlap showing Explored space.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 27, 2013, 05:02:32 AM
Short comment, it is strange that Nimbus III appears in the Romulan neutral zone instead of the Klingon, since that is where Memory Alpha states that Nimbus III was located:

Quote from:
"Klingon" Neutral Zone

    See also: Federation-Klingon border

A neutral zone also existed along the Federation-Klingon border by 2285, referred to by the Klingons as the Federation Neutral Zone. In 2267, the development of Nimbus III as a "planet of galactic peace" began in the Neutral Zone. (Star Trek V: The Final Frontier) This neutral zone was violated by Commander Kruge in 2285. (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock)

For the record and reality of this story, Nimbus III is located in the Klingon-Federation Neutral zone, regardless how confused things might be canon-wise. The Klingon-Federation border was previously mentioned in the Interregnum and in the beginning of Ep02.

Also, thanks for the attempt to start a theological discussion, Ironferrox, yet it seems we are all fed up with the last leg of this Episode 02 and the interest of delving into the research I made pretty vane. I mean to wrap it today with another lengthy post of mine, and then set things in motion for everyone to do as they please in another place-holder Interregnum thread (between Ep02 and Ep03). Also, I will arrange for people to be able to post their EP03 characters somewhere and get things in gear for the next story, which most probably, and hopefully, will not be so taxing and forced as the conclusion of this Episode. I hope, however, that people enjoyed the story for the sake of reading it, even if it became sort of an abbreviated version of what I had in mind at first and not allowing for much of actual role"play".

My apologies for my shortcomings and in hope that the new part of the Theurgy's story will be more interesting for you guys to post in.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 27, 2013, 10:17:08 AM
Some notes:

- Everyone is very much free to continue rping in the wake of my last post in Post Meridiem. If you have pairings or ideas to implement right away after people disperse from the Main Bridge, go right ahead.

- The Interregnum thread will play out the following day. Meaning morning to evening the day after Post Meridiem. The day will end with the Senior Staff Meeting, which will be the start of Episode 03.

- Episode 03 begins at 2200 hrs with the Senior Staff Meeting, and notes to inspire you for the characters that are not in the Senior Staff will be forthcoming.

Placeholder for the Interregnum thread Ep02-03 will be up today.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on March 27, 2013, 12:39:30 PM
First time that I've witnessed a grand finale :D I must say I'm impressed by the effort and ideas that were put in to the story. Looking forward to the next episode ^^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 27, 2013, 06:16:57 PM
Thanks for your kind words. Means a lot. :)

- Interregnum thread Ep02-03 is up!

- Those with approved NPCs for Episode 03 can now post their character sheets at the top of our board, where I will make a NPC manifest as the sheets are posted. Searcher, I believe you have one character, yet we have several more on the way.

- Let me know what you want to write with me in Post Meridiem and/or the Interregnum thread!


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 02, 2013, 05:14:18 AM
First Storyline NPC is posted by IronFerrox: (

(Iron, please note that the new pic on the left end of the row has her rank insignia on the collar if you want to update your own post to show that instead)

Looking forward to see the rest of the character sheets posted there! Searcher has one of them, I believe. (I will be posting one myself soon)


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: AronGarrow on April 02, 2013, 04:51:42 PM
I guess I'll introduce myself here in anticipation of being fully inducted to the group - I have a character set up that would be part of the Harbinger crew, an Engineer who's been acting Chief during the Harbinger's recent troubles.

I've read over a lot of the plot and character sheets and have familiarised myself with the Goddess reveal. It would be great to work out ideas with all of you, I think it's definitely in place for any of the Harbinger characters to interact from the get go, so I look forward to that.

In a nutshell, he's not your typical Starfleet Officer in that he resented being forced by his parents into that career path. He was less committed to studying during his time in the Academy than he was putting himself about and he's still the same as an officer.

Hopefully everything goes well and he'll make an appearance soon :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 02, 2013, 06:18:54 PM
I've already extended my welcome, but here I am nonetheless to inform everyone that Aron's character (Alexander Rosek) has been added to the Storyline NPC list.

Aron, I have added the agreed picture to the list, but you did not add your own image to your character sheet, just FYI.

Midnight here, so I will have to get back to this planning of the initial steps of the Ep03 plot tomorrow.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 05, 2013, 10:01:08 AM
Two Storyline Characters of mine are up: (


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 06, 2013, 01:51:06 AM
Two ships added for the start of Episode 03! They are in the same topic that the Storyline NPCs are.

Many thanks goes to Kurohigi for his help with the specs of the USS Calamity. If there is a need to specify ship-specific details about the USS Harbinger, just drop me a PM about what you are interested in knowing or post it here. I will then move to add the information as soon as possible.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Taguiera on April 06, 2013, 08:54:40 AM
Was looking at the calamity and noticed this:
Emergency Speed: Warp 10 [Fail-safe makes this impossible with organic life on-board. 9,995 in this case]
Does this mean there were nearly 10000 people aboard the Calamity and it went to Warp 10 and now they're all dead?  If so, then my question is, for a ship who's crew compliment is about 400 or so, how and where did they put 10000 people?  Standing room only?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 06, 2013, 10:24:54 AM
 Hi! Nope, it means something entirely else that will be revealed in due time. :) The fail-safe you mention is well known. It won't be too hard to figure out once the Episode gets to the point where the Calamity appears.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 10, 2013, 09:36:26 AM
Given the recent low activity due to differing reasons, I need you all to please report your continued activity before Episode 03 begins.

I have sent a few PMs to those that have been away the longest duration of time, but since I have not gotten any replies from two of them, I have to do it this way instead since I fear the PM medium is inadequate:

The players who do not reply to this OOC post before Episode 03 begins will have their characters injured and placed in stasis during the initial fighting that will occur at the beginning of said Episode. Should the player of those characters wish to return with any/all characters, it will have to be cleared via PM to the GM first.

Episode 03 will begin 2013-04-20 depending on the following conditions:
- All who have pending character applications for the Harbinger have finished their character sheets
- Yours truly does not fall ill or becomes otherwise incapacitated to write the starter (yours truly falls ill twice a year at the most)
- The muse of yours truly sleeps on the job, which results in that said muse is promptly shot and replaced (recruitment process takes 24 hours)
- Yours truly may post Episode 03 earlier depending on enthusiastic response from you guys
- Yours truly does, in anguish, realise that the interest to continue our journey with the USS Theurgy is too low from you guys to merit more effort put into it

The last condition is one I do not believe true based on my IM-interactions, knowing instead that RL does steal time from creative writing. My wish for you to reply here is, however, merited because of the patchy silence.

Yours truly,

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Taguiera on April 10, 2013, 10:01:35 AM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: KittyKat on April 10, 2013, 01:00:13 PM
i'm in
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on April 10, 2013, 05:09:51 PM
I should be able to get you the character sheet I owe you by tonight.  Just gotta handle some business with a new vehicle before I start in on my writing for today.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 11, 2013, 10:38:52 AM
That is great guys. I am still waiting for a reply from the following writers:

- WyteKnyte
- IronFerrox
- Searcher
- Brutus
- Letine Kett
- Nolan
- Aron Garow

Also, I am pitching a new character concept for whomever is willing to consider it and does not already have a new character to introduce to the story. I will also pitch this character concept externally in our request thread. This is, also, a permanent storyline character:

A two-sided human woman, this one:

Dancer/Lounge Worker
Federations News Service Correspondent

= Undercover reporter

The key issue for the Theurgy is to spread the news about Starfleet Command's true nature. Having picked up scent about a possible scoop that has to do with one of the Starfleet Officers aboard the Harbinger, she would not feel it prudent to reveal herself. Once she ends up trapped on the Harbinger, following the even bigger scoop about Starfleet Command, she remains silent about her profession since it seems the Harbinger does not mean to spread the truth but rather leave the Federation behind. Her fears about her double identity makes her remain silent as well, for reasons well grounded in how the ship seems to be run. In Episode 03, she would find the Theurgy to have a mission where she can spread the truth and have her scoop, and therefore try to leave the Harbinger.

Oh, and if she is a Lounge Worker on the Harbinger, she will work together with Rory Callahan, Searcher's bartender character.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on April 11, 2013, 10:47:37 AM
I'm in. If there's no other interest in the reporter, I might be game to try that role.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: AronGarrow on April 11, 2013, 03:44:26 PM
Of course, I'm definitely in! :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on April 11, 2013, 03:51:06 PM
Still here and trying to figure out where I am to be honest.  I'm reading through all the most recent threads right now to get myself up to speed.  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on April 12, 2013, 12:06:40 AM
Yep I'm still In. 

Kuro, Miles basically would just nod in understanding and report there isn't any new bisnuess and leave.  I didnt feel there was enough in what he woudl do to warrant a real reply so go ahead and assume that plotpoint between them is wrapped up.  If you want to move onto another plot point just go ahead assume Miles left within a minuite after your last post
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on April 12, 2013, 08:40:20 AM
Still in!

Still working on the background story. Time hasn't been in my favor lately but I expect it to be done somewhere today or tomorrow.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 16, 2013, 04:40:42 AM
FYI everyone, I have sent a final PM to WyteKnyte and Latine Kett stating that unless they reply before the Episode begins, their characters will be injured and placed in stasis. After Episode 03 kicks off, and if anyone has ongoing scenes/e-mail transcripts/stories with either of their characters, please wrap those up to the best of your ability and post them when you find the chance.

The initial post of Ep03 is underway and it looks like we'll be on time for the launch on 2013-04-20. Looking forward to set things in motion.

Personally, I have no problem with continuing to write scenes in the Post Meridiem and Interregnum threads, so if you guys come up with things you want to go over before the events in Ep03, please feel free to use those threads. Just be mindful about the repercussions upon the character(s) and events you write in Episode 03 since they are also affected. Furthermore, the Interregnum thread is a great place-holder for new writers/characters that are commissioned as crew on the Theurgy, where they can introduce themselves prior to the events in Episode 03.

Also, I have put all our writing on this board into two PDF-files for back-up, and I have also put some work into making them more readable. If you are interested in safekeeping copies of these PDF-files, please PM me with an email address that you wish me to send them to. These could be good for our new members too since these are far easier to read than the forum posts if you want to read up on events so far.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 20, 2013, 07:33:19 PM
Still missing a few storyline character sheets (one being my own) and I am not content with the opening post for EP03 at this point in the middle of the night (my time) so I will delay the opening one more day. Heading to bed for now.

If you guys have any questions, don't hesitate to PM me.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 30, 2013, 05:30:11 PM
The next part of the Episode is shaping up nicely, and Nolan (plus Kittyat if she manages to do so in time) will post tomorrow before I set things in motion. Taguiera, if you have the time, please try to post with Scosche too so that its my turn with Ida in time for my next lenghty post.

Aron Garrow, I sent you a PM a while back, so please check your inbox. Need an answer soon enough on what I suggested.

Lastly, Searcher. Damn you wrote a hot lapdance... :)


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on April 30, 2013, 10:00:11 PM
*blushing hotly*  Thanks Lucan.  I wasn't sure exactly how to write one and hoped it would do ... feel quite good you enjoyed.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on April 30, 2013, 10:16:17 PM
Pretty sure we all enjoyed it ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on May 01, 2013, 05:23:12 AM
Think I can say the lone wolf who received it enjoyed it... ALOT. xD
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 01, 2013, 06:23:56 PM
IronFerrox has a wish to add another post to the Senior Staff Meeting before the Red Alert, and since I am not content with my very lengthy post just yet, and for the sake of giving time to some RL-burdened writers to get a chance to post as well (perhaps even replying to Iron's new arguments about Thea) along with the great need for the last Storyline NPC character sheets to be posted, I will hold off another day with the Red Alert.

Admittedly, its 20 minutes past midnight here and I have an early meeting, so this fits me perfectly in that regard as well ;) (not having to finish the post I have at 2 am or some such)

So, thank you IronFerrox for both giving me some time and adding some more upon the Senior Staff scene! I hope this sits well with the rest of you too, and you are not too bummed by another slight delay.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 08, 2013, 10:05:18 AM
I realise, with the slow flow of replies since late last week, that I might have thrown you all serveral curve-balls with my previous post. I think I have to make something clear given the history of the rp so far.

- There is no set posting order, so if you are waiting on each other, use this OOC thread to coordinate as needed (or you can use e-mails or PMs)

- Compared to this Episode, we have historically had a main storyline that has been rather linear - leaving less to you guys to affect the events that unfolds. Now, we are working together with a vaguely outlined manuscript found in the info posts at the top of our board, and as long as we work together to make the sequence of general phases unfold, I leave it to everyone to embellish and develop the story we write together as it unfolds. I do not sit with all the answers with this Episode, even if Kurohigi and I will affect a great deal by playing the two Captains of the Theurgy and the Harbinger. Initiatives and new ideas are more than welcome, even if we might have to force the story move on (sometimes at the cost of not waiting on someone that can't keep up).

- If you have questions or want advice on what your characters might do in their individual situations, please do ask for opinions from others. Draw inspiration from people that look objectively at it all. Contact me or Kuro if you are hesitant. For example, I take Brutus, whom I have corresponded with and found a great sub-plot that will unfold in Episode 03. *clandestine smile*

That is it for now. As always, feedback on the RP as a whole and what to improve on my end is most welcome. Send me a PM if there is something troubling you guys. :)


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 08, 2013, 05:33:42 PM
Taguiera just brought to my attention that there might be some major circumstances that I've missed to detail in my writing, and I realise that those major things that I do miss might be helpful to discuss OOC-wise. He had wished to ask me over IM and it just came to my attention that it should be worth knowing for everyone involved.

- The USS Harbinger was heading the Theurgy's way, and in detecting the hiding Starfleet ship, the Harbinger bridge crew thinks that the Theurgy is lying in ambush and comes in hot with weapons armed and ready (that latter part something I did write out), and this will give Tactical (Taguiera) enough info to make the rest up based on the info on the Akira-class ship specs (added with detectable damage status).

- Circumstances beyond this aboard the Harbinger will become available when Kurohigi posts with Captain Vasser, followed with further details in posts from the XO (me), Conn (Taguiera), Tactical Conn (Taguiera), Medical (Nolan), Engineering (Aron Garow) and general crew morale status (Searcher).

In short, if you need more input in order to post, post your questions here! :) No need to try and catch me over IM. Make the info public knowledge for the rest of the RP Group.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on May 08, 2013, 11:15:36 PM
Conn (Taguiera)  I thought i was Flight Conn on The Harbinger?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 08, 2013, 11:40:11 PM
Sorry, that was supposed to be Iron Ferrox for Conn. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on May 09, 2013, 11:51:35 AM
*blinks*  Morale officer ... me?  BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  *clears throat*  Ahem ... right.  I shall prepare as many bolstering taunts as possible.  :D  *checks mirror to see if she suddenly has Talaxian splotches*
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: KittyKat on May 10, 2013, 10:11:50 AM
I'm sorry to do this but i'll have to take a temperary leave from the game as real life is rather busy :(
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 10, 2013, 11:03:37 AM
As per agreement with Kitty, I will NPC her characters as needed for the EP03 plot. Should the case be that Kitty does not return in four weeks with a posting frequency of 2-3 post per week, the position of Chief Science Officer will be opened up for applicants - suggesting that the character Amatras Neotin becomes incapitated at this point and placed in stasis.

The reason for this is obviously that Kitty has been away quite a bit because of RL business, having not partaken in Episode 02 at all, and she cannot foresee if things lighten up for her in the near future. There are several one-on-one threads that remain unfinished from her end, and at this point, it is advisable that the partner in said threads make up an ending for the scenes - perhaps even posting a closure where applicable. If anyone of Kitty's writing partners in this RP wishes me to do so, I will NPC her characters to arrange this. Just contact me over PM in that case.

Best Regards,

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arielle on May 15, 2013, 04:37:14 AM
I'm throwing my hat into the ring.  Lucan has my character idea in the mail... (ignore the first one, I copied and pasted the wrong copy)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 15, 2013, 05:42:01 PM
A warm welcome to you Arielle! The character images are forthcoming and I will get back to you very soon. :)

Ah, something else:


The story so far has been compiled in the above PDF-files for sake of posterity. They have been proofread, ordered and novelised for easier reading since it is almost impossible to backtrack the story through the threads on the board. No need to jump between scenes every second post you read, but instead read the scenes one full event at the time. These files are available over email and is sent by the GM to potential and current members.

Please note that our General Rule X applies. These PFD-files are non-profit entertainment where no economical gain is perceived by any of its members as a result of the available media. Star Trek, Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, Star Trek: Enterprise, the Star Trek movies, etc. are © Copyright Paramount Pictures.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 16, 2013, 10:11:06 AM
FYI, with the blessing from Eros, I have posted an ad for our RP Group here: (

And here is the direct link to the post: (

Best Regards,

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arielle on May 17, 2013, 03:37:26 AM
Hey Lucan, you mentioned PDF files...but I haven't been able to locate them.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 17, 2013, 04:28:52 AM
PM me a random e-mail adress you use and I will send them to you. I have not made the above picture link to any download spot.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 17, 2013, 06:14:29 AM
Two new characters listed on the Storyline Characters manifest:

( Lt Diadeniera "Dee" Drovo  Chief of Security       USS Harbinger ( [Show/Hide]

( LtCmdr Phanatos Kilinvoss  Wing Commander          USS Harbinger [Show/Hide]

The second one is an NPC played by Taguiera, and the Biography is underway. He is mentioned here in advance for sake of name-dropping by the other Senior Staff on the Harbinger (now that they have launched their fighters). The last remaining squadron of Valkyrie MkIIs that this Wing Commander leads has yet to be named.

Arielle, let me know if you want to change how Dee's name is listed and I will fix it right away.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 17, 2013, 10:30:51 AM
Oh, I forgot one...

( Ms Rihen Neyah     Civillian Engineer          Yridian Shuttle [Show/Hide]

Her bio is forthcoming, even if she is a reoccurring character. :)


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on May 17, 2013, 03:25:09 PM
Hey Miles ... when you say Valk Two, you talkin' to Skye or someone else?  Because trust me Skye has PLENTY to say about that thing in the shuttle.  :P  I gotta go pick up my kid from school but I'll be back and try to get a post soon!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 18, 2013, 06:07:26 PM
Updated poster:


In other news, now things are going to turn really gritty in EP03... Thanks goes to Brutus for Sarresh's belated warning.

Naturally, it is too late now. *quiet smile*

Oh, the Harbinger Bridge might not get the warning from Sarresh, yet a bird as whispered in my ear that there is another kind of commotion heading there... with a new character presented by Searcher in a short while, and consequently, our new member Arielle will be getting a fabulous way to introduce her character to take care of that situation.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on May 18, 2013, 10:17:08 PM
And there's Rory in his Irish silliness finally posted.  For a little idea of what he sounds like, here's a fun song ...

And an interview ...

I figure this will give a better idea of how he sounds and that way I won't annoy anyone trying to write a dialect and making it sound like the Lucky Charms Leprechaun.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 21, 2013, 05:01:42 AM
Major development in the EP03 thread, and in hopes of not sounding like a taskmaster, I have tried to help you guys with the OOC note in the post. Please remember that this assistance is a guideline and that it is not meant to feel like I am forcing you to do certain things.

In other news, given the current situation of the RP and its pending combat scenes, I have updated this info-post:

I have changed and added some info on the MVAM functionality and also included helpful guides for Tactical to use when writing in MVAM mode. These guides include attack and defensive patterns that can also, besides for the Chief Tactical Officer, be a great help for those of you whom write Valkyrie pilots. Please, however, add the description of the named pattern in some way in your post otherwise the readers will have to go to the above link in order to derive what the hell your pilot is doing.

When the Theurgy and the Harbinger manages to work together in fighting off and fleeing from the Calamity ship, there will be celebrations all over in the Acamar System! Hiding in paradise, the two crews will join in wet festivities...

Best Regards,

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on May 27, 2013, 02:49:37 PM
Just a bit of clarity on my last post: I've got a bit more to push things along, but I'm trying to let everyone else get a bit in too before Sarresh snaps out of his own head ;)

So, if y'all have something you want to post, please, please don't wait on me :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 27, 2013, 08:05:01 PM
Short note:

Rihen Neyah is now listed on the Crew Manifest with biography and updated puictures: (


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 31, 2013, 07:28:58 PM
Two things:

1. A warm welcome to A Gentleman And A Scholar (one person, mind you all) who is our latest addition to the group! :) He plays a Weapons Scientist that came aboard the Harbinger specifically to exploit the weak spots in the Valkyrie-program's latest prototype fighters. Rennan Cooper having been the central driving force behind the project, he knows more about the Lone Wolves' shiny toys than anyone else. It is with bitter-sweet irony that the Harbinger also ended up as outlaws, and Junior Lieutenant Cooper now has to use his extensive knowledge to safeguard the technology he once built instead of destroying it. I hope you will have a great time in the RP, Gentleman!

2. Being that Brutus will be posting very soon with Sarresh and Natalie to make things progress, I will post after him for sake of efficiency in the storytelling. Gentleman, the intro sequence we spoke of, you could possibly hold off until after I post just for the sake of the Calamity being more vulnerable then. Then again, Rennan's plan requires some time of flight between point A and B, so either way should work depending on your availability. Oh, and Searcher, looks like - despite the dire situation - Rory has some alone-time with the ravishing Chief of Security in the Lounge, lol. I suppose there is no time like the present... J/K ;)


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 03, 2013, 07:26:18 AM
Short note: I have tried to help you guys some with colour-coding to the Deck Layout for the USS Theurgy. (

I don't know why I have not done so earlier. Much easier to navigate by department colours (grey locations not affiliated with a sepcific department).


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 03, 2013, 09:03:22 AM
Another short note, since I made the mistake myself:

A change in my last post with Evelyn Rawley shooting on the Calamity.

...The Hellbournes did not fully penetrate the Calamity's shields but made some headway before they went off, tearing apart the ablative armour. Screaming in elation, fury and hidden fear, she punched a button to switch to her remaining micro-torpedo ordnance - consecutively spewing a full spread into the already tearing shields of the enemy.

I came to realise myself that it was only the phaser arrays that had been recalibrated with Sarresh Morali's super-programming from the future. Hard-points have a tougher time getting through the advanced kinds of shields that the Calamity possess.

Phasers are not to play with though, if judging the Into Darkness battles. ;)


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 03, 2013, 04:47:50 PM
Hi all!

Our dear SCO wanted some more info on the externally mounted hard point options that are available to the Valkyries, and it has been on my list. However, I have not had the time to compile the info beyond the names, so IronFerrox helped me out a great deal to give you some more intel on what it is that your Valkyrie can mount before heading out to battle:

Check the Tacitcal Conn info here: (

Again, thanks IronFerrox for helping out with this info.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 04, 2013, 03:36:39 PM

Sadly, both Kittykat and Taguiera are no longer members of the group because of irregular and lacking posting activity. They were both approached beforehand and given time to try and get back in gear, yet RL came to draw focus and kill inspiration for them, which consequently hampered the progress and affected the story.

Moreover, members are expected to actively play all their characters, which is even more important when playing characters in the Senior Staff. This termination is made for the sake of the RP Group as a whole. Moreover, it might feel good for them to not have to feel any stress about not being able to keep up with the events in the storyline and have people waiting for them.

Lieutenant Amatras Neotin, Lieutenant T'Less and Lieutenant Commander Howard will succumb to injury and placed in stasis at first given opportunity in order to open up the Senior Staff positions of Chief Science Officer, Chief Tactical Officer and Chief Engineer. As for Cadet Amikris Neotin, Cadet Scosche Bellde'side, Junior Lieutenant Arcorn Neotin and Junior Lieutenant Adam Kingston, they may become subject to injury when opportunity presents itself and also placed in stasis (yet listed as NPC for all the group to use until then). However, the Senior Staff positions are vital to the storyline and must therefore be opened up for active players to fill as soon as possible.

Should the case be that they wish to return to the RP Group sometime in the future, with their characters "revived" from stasis, they are more than welcome to do so. However, because of their recent posting activity, it is doubtful that their characters may end up in a Senior Staff position.

Best Regards,

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 05, 2013, 08:33:34 PM
A FYI for everyone involved, I will be posting after Searchers pending piece with Eve Jenkins is up so that I can write for Security meeting up with Medical personnel on the way to the Shuttle Bay.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on June 08, 2013, 04:08:09 PM
I'm working on that post ... now that I have stuff mostly packed and trying to get my brain to work on something other than hoping I don't forget the toothpaste or my contact lenses.  :P

Yes, I am going on vacation though for a mother it's not really vacation.  We head out tomorrow (Sunday the 9th) and won't come back for a week (Saturday the 15th).  My internet time will be severely limited since the resort we are staying at has wifi in the lobby and restaurant but NOT the hotel rooms.  O.o ...

I know Rory is back in the bar on Deck 5 with the lovely security guard and he's not too essential anyway.  Fox, you can assume Skye is following your lead and firing at will and doing her best to keep you both safe.  Now ... to reread and try to make an Eve post that makes sense so poor Lucan can get the ball rolling again.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on June 13, 2013, 10:25:54 AM
Will reply to the Prologue either late tonight or tomorrow afternoon/evening. I think I can squeeze some paras out in between my studying :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on June 13, 2013, 11:20:49 PM
hi yall sorry for my lack of activity over the past week.  I began work at my new job last week and things have been rather hectic for me. I assure everyone that I am still here I just have had a bit of a rough and hectic but overall pleasant week.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 19, 2013, 07:24:28 PM
The new Chapter is up, as promised! (

Read the OOC note for further information.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 20, 2013, 06:39:19 PM
A place-holder post for the hot springs have come up: (

Please note the OOC notice and that the events in this thread occurs after the speech in the "Bloody, but Unbowed" thread.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 22, 2013, 03:25:20 PM
Thought I'd show you all that our RP has been featured on the front page of one of the 7 yahoo groups that I put up the recuitment add in, just follow the link to the Yahoo group here: (


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 27, 2013, 11:04:34 AM

I added a NPC for everyone to play within reason. He has been a reoccurring character during the story so I thought I'd set a face on him.

Crew Manifest listing: (

( Ens Cale Winterbourne   Helmsman [NPC] (


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: AronGarrow on July 01, 2013, 01:47:15 AM
Hi all,

I had applied for a position as one of the Harbinger crew a while ago, shortly afterwards I had an accident whereby I broke my arm/hand in several places. I've just started regaining function after physiotherapy and can now type (albeit very slowly). I'm still very much interested in writing with this group and Lucan has been kind enough to allow me the opportunity to rejoin with my initial character.

I'll draft up an introduction post and get it submitted today and finally, apologise once again for my absence.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 01, 2013, 05:35:04 AM
Welcome back Aron!

Attention everyone: The General Rules of the Star Trek: Theurgy Group RP has changed. Please review the updated rules below and verify that you have done so here in the OOC thread. Please comment on the changes if you have feedback to give. The major changes are in the top two points:


The goal of minimum post lengths is to get you used to developing the storyline, setting, and characters within your posts. Post length should consist of more than two hundred [200] words per post [equals roughly 3 paragraphs].

More important than post length, however, is writing a good reply. This includes: II. Being that this is a forum-based message board role-play, the GM will mostly be working with solo-posts on the board in the main storyline, yet this does not forbid joint-post [play-by-email interactions] between two or more writers in the group on the following conditions:
III. The main storyline is run by the Game Moderator, who is ultimately responsible for the well-being of the group and the story. Any problems, concerns, questions or complaints may be directed to the Game Moderator via PM. [Contact Auctor Lucan (;u=2491)] The Game Moderator may put the characters of inactive writers in stasis for the sake of opening positions for new applicants to the RP. If a writer is inactive, it may affect the whole RP if s/he has characters in key positions.

IV. Any group member may start a new thread for individual scenes. These threads are fully private; no one else should post in them without being invited by the person who started the thread. Please make sure you specify which Episode the scene belongs to, though, and that the board's threads have the same title layout. Example: CHAPTER XX: The title of the scene you write [Character 1/Character 2/Etc.]

V. Characters need not appear in a single thread at the time, and are thus free to be in several different scenes at once [provided that the scenes follow each other in the story and does not happen simultaneously]. As to avoid confusion, crew members are to specify in OOC notes when scenes takes place in relation to others. Furthermore, it is encouraged that individual scenes are handled so that they correspond with ongoing missions in such a realistic manner as possible [for the sake of not disrupting the space-time continuum]. Logic and common sense are the rules-of-thumb here.

VI. While the core purpose of this Group is to create fan fiction in a Star Trek setting that follows a storyline, it is also the intent to allow full creative freedom in terms of character development and relationships on board the USS Theurgy. Whatever affairs between line officers may occur may, and may not, be prone to a discussion with their closest superior officer [given Federation polices] - yet this only when in agreement between each involved writer. The OOC suggestion for such a discussion or disciplinary action may be kindly suggested by any involved party for sake of story-development.

VII. Just as it is expected that no writer will be harassed or judged for submitting explicit content to this Group in the House of Eros, nor will judgement be passed - or a player harassed - if a character, plot-element or random notation is not 100% in alignment with Star Trek canon. While the setting remains in the Star Trek universe, a creative license has been issued to applicants in combining elements from the series, novels and fan-fiction spanning the world wide web. All who wish to participate in the USS Theurgy story have chosen to do so to write good stories of their own design, and to do so in peace. However, it is strongly encouraged that each writer - to the best of his or her abilities and knowledge - strive to keep themselves within Star trek canon. [See Memory Alpha (] If in doubt, contact the GM.

VIII. One of the pillars of role-playing is remembering you are writing an interwoven story with many other writers. Though your character is important to you, others' characters are equally important to them. Though there is great freedom in role-playing, please remember others' characters will also be affected by your actions. It is expected that writers will respect the characters and creations of other writers; those who have been around role-playing groups know of the golden rule to write only for those characters they themselves have created. If there are instances you require another writer's character to participate in a story development, you have one option: contact that writer!

IX. Make sure to enjoy yourself to the best of your capacity, with or without the support of the main storyline.

X. This role-play group functions solely as a non-profit entertainment for writers where no economical gain is perceived by any of its members as a result of the available media. Star Trek (, Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, Star Trek: Enterprise, the Star Trek movies, etc. are © Copyright Paramount Pictures (
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on July 01, 2013, 10:28:17 AM
Read! Thanks for the update ^^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: AronGarrow on July 01, 2013, 02:23:31 PM
Read the updated notes and now putting my post into words :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 02, 2013, 09:57:49 AM
New thread in Chapter 01: (

This takes place after the Thermal Springs starter.

Everyone, please reply here when you have read the updated General Rules.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on July 02, 2013, 10:01:41 AM
I've read the rules.

I'll try and get active again shortly. Things have been hectic at work :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on July 02, 2013, 05:44:24 PM
rules read.  back from a vacation and hoping to get caught up in posts between work shifts
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on July 03, 2013, 08:05:15 AM
yup reread the rules.

I think I may be a bit interested in the "ring of fire thread.  I am assuming it takes place at some time late that evening shortly after most events in the lounge and the current time in the thread is sometime before midnight that same day. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Gentleman_and_a_Scholar on July 05, 2013, 12:17:07 PM
Read the new rules.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 05, 2013, 08:51:06 PM
Hi guys!

While I do not celebrate 4th of July like some of you, I have been slammed at work the last two days at work. Yet even though some of you guys still owe the group a couple of posts after the celebrations - I shant mention names ;) -  I will post tomorrow in the Ring of Fire thread, where Aron Garow and I will be writing a fight scene. I will reply in this thread as frequently as possible so you will not have to wait this long for me worthwith, Aron.

Oh, I thought I might show you guys a little preview of a work-in-progress which I think you might like:

Screen-caps: ( ( (

That's right! There is a new recruitment trailer in the making! Its been a while and the old one seems fairly old with the influx of new characters and the absence of those characters that are in stasis. I think it might take another week or two until I am satisfied with the quality of the trailer but you guys will be the first to see it. I am using Pinnacle Studio HD Ultimate Collection and it comes with a few nice features that Windows Movie Maker did not have back when I made the last version.

As for your question, Ferrox, the timetable is like this:
- Speeches on the plain between the ships were held att 19.30
- The frivolities that takes place in the Thermal Springs Lounge begins at 20.30
- The announcement and the commencement of the sparring takes place at 22.00

While Alexander Rosek and Jien Ives are the ones that fight first, I more than welcome that a spar between two other combatants is written simultaneously - the two new writers in a fight just have to be clear/vague in their writing in regard of referring to the fight that just ended. Example: "When the Harbinger's Chief Engineer and Captain Ives was done with their sparring, T'Rena produced two new names from the roster in her PADD..."

Do you have anyone to write a spar with, Ferrox? If not, I'd be happy to oblige with someone else than Jien! :)

Hope 4th of July was good to those that were celebrating!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: The Counselor on July 08, 2013, 06:45:47 PM
Hi everyone!

I'm Lori, and I wil soon write Lt. Hayden O'Connor, Chief Counselor aboard the Theurgy (currently Chief Counselor of the Harbinger).

I've been involved with Trek and modern RPGs for 15+ years, though this is the first RPG I've been involved with that structured scenes and threads the way you do, so please forgive me as I feel my way through how the Theurgy works.  I'm used to players writing with one another off-line and posting the finished joint post for all to read.  I'm also accustomed to the writing being a bit more linear, so forgive me if I seem hopelessly confused for awhile.

Just to tell you a bit more about me, counselors are my favorite roles to play and I've been playing them in one form or another since I've been RPing.  I'm also a therapist off-line working toward state licensure.  My passion is working with survivors of trauma, so Theurgy's grittier setting appealed to me immediately, and based on past events, it appears I'll stay busy.  Please feel free to contact me if you're interested in getting some counseling going or just some basic interaction.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 08, 2013, 07:07:54 PM
Welcome Lori!

To celebrate the return of Aron Garow as well as Lori's arrival to our midst, I have taken the time to update our poster:

This will be made visible in the Mission Statement and Archive post on our board as well as in the request thread.

The Promotional Trailer project is going well for now, and I might be able to publish it this week unless I run into unforeseen trouble.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 09, 2013, 07:51:29 PM
It's finished!

Awesome fun project, this. I hope you guys find it worth watching as well. I poured a few hours into it and my computer had to rebooted countless times, but it's finally uploaded and all. Given the time it took, some feedback would be awesome.

USS Theurgy Promotional Trailer - Version 2.0 ( (edit: changed to Vimeo, better features)

I used Photoshop CS5, Pinnacle Pro Studio Ultimate Collection, Windows Movie Maker and coffee. Lots of coffee.

Why would I do this? I thought that was in the GM job description? No? Oh, well, like with writing and making regular graphics, there is no ultimate goal in making the trailer, but for the satisfaction one gain in the process. Call me a nutcase, but I love doing it.

Ahem, that did not come out right... But of course, I love doing that too. *grins*


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on July 11, 2013, 11:53:26 PM
I thoroughly enjoyed the video and found myself wishing it really were a movie!  Excellent work Lucan and I appreciate all the effort you put in for the game.  *big hugs*
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 12, 2013, 05:51:40 PM
Thank you for your kind words, Searcher. :) Warms the heart to hear that others than myself like the result of this project.

Would be a shame if I'd upset anyone with how I portrayed their characters in the trailer, so let me know here or over PM or IM (which you guys seem to prefer, I realise) if you are not content. With the Vimeo set-up, its easy for me to revise and replace the trailer with a new version without having to update all the different links that leads to it.



Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: AronGarrow on July 14, 2013, 08:53:22 AM
I love the new trailer that you created! It's really professional looking and has a great score too :D

Edit: I'm starting to get the hang of posting here, if anyone wants to RP, I'm free. I think I want to have Alex become linked intimately with another male, whether it's genuine or for other reasons, I'm all up for plotting :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on July 14, 2013, 05:46:59 PM
I liked the trailer, Lucan.  I felt my characters were represented accurately, while the other, more inhuman characters had some good tricks (using as using a blue tint to scenes for Ida to make her actress look more Andorian) were nice touches to give it a good feel.  In many places, it felt authentic, not just a fan trailer but something real.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 15, 2013, 07:01:30 PM
Thanks Aron and Kuro! I have posted the trailer on tumblr too besides linking to it in the add I showed you guys some time ago.

Sadly, it seems that the guy who initially wanted to play a female Romulan Chief Science Officer has vanished, so I leave the CSO positon open again.

Lastly, I need your help guys!

It seems the Harbinger's SCO was injured in the battle...

( LtCmdr Phanatos Kilinvoss  Wing Commander          USS Harbinger (

The fact that he has decided to keep this "badge of honour" is a testament to a few things.
I do need your help with a callsign, since he has had none until this point. I have a few suggestions, but perhaps you guys have more?
Pick your favourites or hit me with what you got!


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on July 15, 2013, 07:47:11 PM
Given his name is Phanatos and if he wore a mask on one side of his face, you could call him Phantom (as in Phantom of the Opera).  Might be a little too simplistic for other's taste but that would be my suggestion ... other than Scarface.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 18, 2013, 11:49:00 AM
Agreed, Phantom is the perfect choice given his name is Phantos and the Phantom of the Opera scarring resemblance. Such a simple and perfect choice, even though very few would get the PotO reference in 2381, lol. Must have been someone with a cultural eye in his Squadron who came up with that.

Since a couple of you have been wondering, I'd thought I'd post a simple and easy guide for the timetable of the Chapter 01 threads! In chronological order, here is what is going on...
There, I hope this helps you all with some kind of bird's perspective on things. :) It might even show you new potential development for your ideas.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: AronGarrow on July 20, 2013, 04:38:53 AM
Due to unforeseen circumstances, I'm not going to have much time to write from 2 weeks onwards. I'd love to keep my character open, but I can't guarantee regular posts. I'd like to speak with you Lucan in regards to this matter on AIM. Hopefully I can catch you at some point today.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on July 20, 2013, 01:37:45 PM
Will be chucking in a post tomorrow or the day after. :) Also for those who are in joint post with me, I'll get back to you as well by tomorrow I hope.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 26, 2013, 07:25:56 AM
Hello all!

My name's Jane and I just joined up with a new science officer for the Harbinger, Elaja Dawson. I've been looking for a decent Star Trek rp for a while now and I happened across the Theurgy rp. I have to say I'm very excited as it looks like the best one I've seen thus far. I really can't wait to play with you all!

I was also interested in setting up some single rps if anyone else likes my character enough to do so. I would love for one of the Theurgy crew to have a past history with her so we might catch up or have a tearful reunion when we finally run into one another again. Elaja has also been all around the universe in her youth, so there are plenty of openings to have known her even outside of Starfleet.

Aside from that, it's nice to meet everyone and I hope we have lots of fun together :3
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on July 26, 2013, 09:21:57 AM
Welcome aboard Jane :D Hope you'll find your way in our web of stories ^^

You might have sparked some of my interest with mentioning a reunion. Perhaps she could have met Thomas at some point. Feel free to Pm me or anything for more details :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arielle on July 26, 2013, 03:10:36 PM
As much as I hate to do this I'm afraid I have to bow out.

I love this game so much but Real Life has trampled upon my freedoms and these iron shackles of reality just do not allow me the time and creative juices I desire to dedicate to it.

Thank you Lucan for being such a wonderful support.  You are an exceptional writer and GM.

Perhaps when I win the lottery or my Life Situation changes I'll come back but for right now I wish you all the best.  I'll still try to come back from time to time and be a fly on the wall reading the excellent story as it unfolds.

As far as Diadeniera, I give Lucan full creative control to dispatch of her as he sees fit.

With Bittersweet Hugs,

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 26, 2013, 07:34:36 PM
Greetings everyone!

Sad to see you leave Arielle, and thank you for your kind words. If you ever decide to come back to us with a new character, please know that you will always be welcome back. Thank you especially for telling me about your situation and letting me know in advance instead of just vanishing or trying to hold on to something that won't work out for either party. I will put out a new add in the Yahoo Groups about our need for a Chief of Security.

On a much more joyful note, I welcome Jane AKA Elaja Dawson to the group! Her character being the Asst. Chief Science Officer aboard the Harbinger, she might be seen soon aboard the Theurgy given the personnel exchange. That is, unless she defects to the Theurgy later on when things are not so lovey-dovey between the two crews anymore...

Today, Nolan and I made great headway on a joint-post between Dr. Nicander & Dr. Duv. We expect to be able to post it within a weeks time at the latest.

Finally, I would like to thank Gentleman_and_a_Scholar for some awesome help. He has assisted me with a damage report for the Theurgy and the Harbinger, makings things clearer for everyone what the repairs to be made are and what kind of priority they have in the grand scheme of things. I have contributed with some lingering damage to the Theurgy from our previous Episodes, and I will be adding this report to our info posts on this board.

USS Theurgy (Priority Alpha):
USS Harbinger (Priority Beta):

That is all,

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 03, 2013, 06:18:06 PM
Hi there people!

I just set up a Deviant Art account in our RP Group's honour: (

If you want larger pictures of your characters, you might find a few there. Its a slow process to resize and upload all the pictures, yet more will come up in due time. Let me know if you spot any errors too.

The Deviant Art account is there to gain attention from new potential members too (but I think that is quite obvious so I needn't say more).


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 06, 2013, 10:31:02 AM
I know this is an extremely late response but thanks for the welcome Nolan! I would be interested in doing such with your character, but my only internet access at the moment is through an iphone so its going to be a bit until I have a device that gives me the flexibility to make lengthy posts.

By next week I should be super active if you're willing to wait until then.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on August 06, 2013, 02:53:13 PM
I'm willing to wait, but I'm leaving on holiday halfway next week for two weeks. So I won't be super active anymore as I normally should be. With some luck we could discuss a few things before I leave and perhaps we'll see where we get :) Hope to see you soon again ^^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 19, 2013, 07:15:17 PM
Hello everyone!

I have updated our poster on the board and the request thread, not to mention our Deviant Art account, to a wider model:


Here is the full size version for those who want it as a wallpaper or something: LINK (


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 21, 2013, 07:04:37 PM
Fun statistics

I am so excited about this that I have to share it with you guys...

You know our new promotional trailer on Vimeo? It is just about to hit 100 plays since I posted it one month ago. Its 99 plays right now. Our last one got a total - ever - of 56 plays on YouTube... and it was up for well over a year.

Furthermore, some statistics from our Deviant Art gallery of graphics, here is what the summary tells me:

"auctorlucan has 278 pageviews total and the 107 deviations were viewed 4,748 times." Explanation: "Pageviews" is the profile main page of the account, whereas the images were viewed a total of 4,748 times. The fact that this is even more amazing is that I posted our all of our graphics the 14th of August and onwards, and I had posted no artwork at all before that. This means that the numbers began to climb to the aforementioned amount starting mere 8 days ago. O_O

So, if we aggregate these numbers, how many new people will be aware of what the House of Eros, the Star Trek: Theurgy RP Group and our story in three months from now? A year? Its inconclusive since we do not know the actual number of people behind the "plays" or the "views", but I think its safe to assume a few more might take interest and join us on our voyage. :)

That's it, thanks for partaking in my excitement, lol.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on August 21, 2013, 11:51:58 PM
"auctorlucan has 278 pageviews total and the 107 deviations were viewed 4,748 times." Explanation: "Pageviews" is the profile main page of the account, whereas the images were viewed a total of 4,748 times. The fact that this is even more amazing is that I posted our all of our graphics the 14th of August and onwards, and I had posted no artwork at all before that. This means that the numbers began to climb to the aforementioned amount starting mere 8 days ago. O_O
Meanwhile, my personal Deviantart account has gotten 4,021 pageviews in five years.  This tells me that I need more naked Andorian chicks in my DA if I want the views. lol
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 22, 2013, 04:30:04 PM
Speaking of which, I have added a few more of those that I found laying about on my harddrive - creations from some very bored evenings of writer's block, I admit.

Want to 'friend' ~auctorlucan on DA; kuro? I don't know your alias there. :)


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Imaginette on August 24, 2013, 04:52:24 PM
A wild new player has appeared! -Doodlydoodlydoodlydoo! Battle music!-

Hello everyone! I look forward to playing alongside you all!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on August 24, 2013, 06:10:13 PM
Dammit I knew I shouldn't have been walking in tall grass.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on August 24, 2013, 09:56:52 PM
Right when I ran out of pokeballs! :) Welcome to the group. Enjoy your stay.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on August 24, 2013, 10:54:10 PM
BTW Imaginette I read your character profile.  Nice concept IMO.  Given miles familiarity with 20th and 21st century Terran Fiction (Particularly his affinity for Sci-Fi, and Fantasy in the years Leadign to the Eugenics wars and up to First Contact  including Japanese anime and manga) Don't be too suprised if miles has a certain knickname he woudl have in mind for her affinity for computer hacking and her cyberneticially enhanced body.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 27, 2013, 05:57:16 PM
I have had to update the time-schedule to fit in a meeting between Jien Ives and Declan Vasser, where Tamika Remmington will be joining them too. No worries about this, it works, but I might have to run this by you all again to know where and when things stand. :) Also, a warm welcome to you, Imaginette, even if I have extended thus to you over PM already.

In chronological order, here is what is going on in Chapter 01 after the starter, ordered by thread names on the board...
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 10, 2013, 04:23:49 AM
A link to our new Tumblr blog: (


I will be replying today Ironferrox. Imaginette? You are up in the "Bloody. but Unbowed" thread. Lori? Make sure to post our Joint Post when able. :)


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: The Counselor on September 10, 2013, 09:20:31 PM
Posted!  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 11, 2013, 04:47:24 AM
Awesome, Lori! I will send you a starter for the next time Jien Ives and Hayden O'Connor meets.

That's all for now! Chapter 02 will be up as soon as we have gotten a bit further with the current active scenes, but it won't be long.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 13, 2013, 07:16:23 AM
...and Chapter 02 is up! Don't forget to read the OOC note at the bottom of the post! (



Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: The Counselor on September 19, 2013, 02:13:23 AM
Hi all,
I'll be leaving early tomorrow for Tampa and returning late Thursday of next week for a visit with my family.
I will have my IPAD and plan to write while away, but please forgive me if tags are not as prompt during that time.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: AkiraRevile on September 24, 2013, 03:38:57 PM
Hi there! Just stopping by to introduce myself, since our lovely GM has approved me to play our new Chief of Surgery. Looking forward to writing with y'all!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RosariaRosette on September 24, 2013, 05:55:49 PM
Welcome to the USS Theurgy Akira ^-^

I suppose I should introduce myself as we'll Pilot Seung, Soo Young reporting for duty  :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on September 25, 2013, 11:12:11 PM
Welcome to all the new faces!!! :D Will be getting out a post tomorrow or the day after. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 26, 2013, 10:06:12 AM
Welcome indeed! We also have a third writer lined up that will be saying hello soon enough so stay tuned.

A new part of Chapter 02 has been posted: (

More of these are coming up, and I will announce each here and provide ideas and suggestions for them here or over PM. As for the above, Brutus and A_Gentleman_and_a_Scholar are the two directly involved from the start, yet as you might be able to tell from the OOC note, the Lone Wolves Squadron will also be involved soon enough. Those writing pilots will be notified in due time.

Also, here is the updated poster of ours, visible on Deviant Art as well as assorted info/posts here on House of Eros:


That is all for now, and I hope to get yet another thread for Chapter 02 up today if I have the time to finish it.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Escapis on September 26, 2013, 01:17:08 PM
Hello from me, newbie number 3.  I'm playing a Security Officer from the Harbinger and just wanted to give a big friendly 'hi' OOC, before I get all IC and start waving my phaser about.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 26, 2013, 02:11:52 PM
Welcome Escapis! :)

Already, I have a scene for you (and many others) to play in: (

Hope this new part of Chapter 02 might peak everyone's interest and inspire to become the awesome scene that it has the potential to be! I have plenty of outcomes in mind for it, so we'll se how it goes.

FYI, I play Captain Vasser and Edena Rez there until Kurohigi gets back.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 26, 2013, 09:23:59 PM
Psst... Slight update, ahem, I thought the pink underwear was a bit over the top so the prisoner got standard issue blue undies, lol. Reason she is not wearing uniform is that she might use the garments to hang herself or some other mischief. This by orders from T'Rena, logically. :)


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: AkiraRevile on September 26, 2013, 09:33:12 PM
Psst... Slight update, ahem, I thought the pink underwear was a bit over the top so the prisoner got standard issue blue undies, lol. Reason she is not wearing uniform is that she might use the garments to hang herself or some other mischief. This by orders from T'Rena, logically. :)



I'd half expect (and entirely hope :p ) that she'd be allowed no clothing at all if we're worried about her strangling herself, but you're the skipper so your call. :p
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 26, 2013, 10:12:11 PM
Haha, good point there. *grins* Starfleet issue panties and bras are vile, dangerous things. Straight up ninja stuff right there. Let's just say the undies are there to keep the Brig Officers from doing inadvisable mischief instead. *nod nod*


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 27, 2013, 12:33:40 AM
I know, its a rip-off, but I could not help myself. I know its how you might be envisioning it anyway.


Now, I will give it a rest...



Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 01, 2013, 09:19:01 AM
A (for me) exciting update on the below :) :

Fun statistics

You know our new promotional trailer on Vimeo? It is just about to hit 100 plays since I posted it one month ago. Its 99 plays right now. Our last one got a total - ever - of 56 plays on YouTube... and it was up for well over a year.

Furthermore, some statistics from our Deviant Art gallery of graphics, here is what the summary tells me:

"auctorlucan has 278 pageviews total and the 107 deviations were viewed 4,748 times." Explanation: "Pageviews" is the profile main page of the account, whereas the images were viewed a total of 4,748 times. The fact that this is even more amazing is that I posted our all of our graphics the 14th of August and onwards, and I had posted no artwork at all before that. This means that the numbers began to climb to the aforementioned amount starting mere 8 days ago. O_O

Vimeo-trailer: 188 views! Closing in on 200...

DeviantArt: 1,132 pageviews (front page) total and the 159 deviations (images) has been viewed 19,889 times (!). 160 comments has been left on the images and they been favourited" by Deviant Art members 1,490 times in total.

While the account holds a lot of Andorian photo-manipulated nudity, I am so happy to learn that the image with the most comments is our poster: "Star Trek: Theurgy" (Link: Theurgy[/i]-385531874] ([i)) with 15 comments, while the most favourited one is "Tamika-Remmington-Study-02" (Link: (, with 82 favourites. The most viewed deviation is "Tamika-Remmington-Study-01" with 971 views (Link: (

Sorry for taking some of your time with, but it has me really excited. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 07, 2013, 10:47:52 PM
Hi Everyone! I am new to both The House of Eros and Star Trek Role Playing. For various reasons I won't be participating in the RP but I am having a lot of fun reading the stories. I will admit I came here because I was curious about ST Erotica. That and one of the characters being represented by Rachel McAdams. :D
I stayed because you people have real talent for combing intriguing characters, compelling stories and erotica.
I'm making my way through the stories and looking forward to the current stories once I catch up.
I loved Outbreak by the way because of the reasons I mentioned.
Having a lot of fun here so Thank You all for that.
Best Regards
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 09, 2013, 10:58:41 PM
Its awesome that we've got a fan and please, if you have specific questions to any of us writing the Star Trek: Theurgy saga, just ask away here. Even better, if there is something you specifically like, let us know about it here too.

Hope will enjoy the rest of the story that has developed since Episode 01: Outbreak.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 10, 2013, 01:28:12 AM
I am definetly a fan! I've read all the stories now so I'm up to date on them. I've enjoyed all of them. I meant to compliment all of you on the vividness of your writing. That's also a factor on why I like the stories so much. My crappy brain forgot to mention that in my previous post. I don't just mean vividness in the erotic sciences but also in detail in the characters.
I did forget to ask if there was any significance to the use of the name Theurgy?
Best Regards to everyone.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 10, 2013, 02:53:01 PM
Argh!! That was suppose to be erotic scenes not erotic sciences. I guess I was distracted by all the smut here. :D....I'm only kidding!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 10, 2013, 09:19:53 PM
Sorry for another post. I have a "brain problem" that effects my memory and concentration. I'm not always aware it's happening. It can make it difficult to communicate. For instance I may intend to post something and mention five points but will only remember to do four. It can be frustrating as hell and makes creative writing difficult which is why I am only a Fan here and not an active Role Player which I would be if I could. I am writing this as an explanation not a bid for sympathy. Please bare with me if I don't always make myself clear 100%. I'm happy to clarify anything if need be.
Basically this is a long winded way of saying I forgot to ask some questions in my last post. I'm more than happy to let you all know what things I like in the stories but couldn't that be consider Spoilers? Since I'm not actually a RP member is it out of line for me to make suggestions or mention things I'd like to see happen?
My apologies for rambling on. It comes from the brain problem and trying to get my points across.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 14, 2013, 12:03:05 PM
Hi there everyone!

I forgot to mention that I was going to have guests over this weekend and I had little time to write, but I will be catching up asap.

I did forget to ask if there was any significance to the use of the name Theurgy?

theurgy [ˈθiːˌɜːdʒɪ] n. pl. -gies
(Christian Religious Writings / Theology)
a.  the intervention of a divine or supernatural agency in the affairs of man
b.  the working of miracles by such intervention

The common misunderstanding is that it refers to magic, yet rather more fitting as a ritual of invocation. It is referring to its MVAM mode, which should constitute for a miraculous change in a tactical situation where one ship becomes three yet functions/moves in complete tactical harmony with one another against the enemy. The MVAM-mode is initiated by a kind of ritual too, where the CO initiates the countdown to the decoupling sequence and then invokes attack patterns as "spells", if you forgive me the crude comparison, in order to work these tactical miracles.

Also, its not too far-fetched from standard starship/class names, like Galaxy, Odyssey and Discovery. The USS Calamity has a similar name to the Theurgy because of obvious reasons.

Since I'm not actually a RP member is it out of line for me to make suggestions or mention things I'd like to see happen?

You are more than welcome to try and make suggestions or mentions as long as you respect the fact that it is up to the writers to decide what happens with/to their characters in the story. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 14, 2013, 03:36:28 PM
I'd say Theurgy is the perfect name for the Starship given it's new mission.
Thanks for the information.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 14, 2013, 04:49:12 PM
No worries about it. :)

In other news; Given the inactivity of Imaginette with her Tamika Remmington character, and with no replies to my PMs since over a month back, I have today ended her membership of the group. Her character made little impact on the story so far, so there is no need to have her NPC:ed in order to fill a critical IC role.

IronFerrox has expressed interest in overtaking the character pictures that I made of Tamika for a character of his own making, and since the graphics are mine, I will let him create a tertiary character based on those graphics. Looking forward to see what you come up with!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 16, 2013, 01:13:31 AM
Showcasing my recent work:


I considered to change Ives female form's RL model due to the fact that Tila has never been representative as Jien beyond her physical appearance in some of my images (where she is holding a sword and/or have that stern commanding look in her eye). Tila was never chosen for her personae in the first place, which should be quite obvious when reading Captain Ives in the story.

Yet after looking around for alternative actresses that had images with the same quality, I found that there were no real good alternatives that I could use in order to edit all of my female Jien images, so I ended up deciding to stick with Jien having Tila's appearance. Looking around, I found mtrl to make the above picture, where Jien - for once - smiled faintly while drinking her Aldebaran whiskey.

/end inconsequential rant, please continue.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 16, 2013, 03:18:21 AM
I'm no fan of Tila but I do like this and the other pics you've made with her. For me, they work because I see  Jien Ives not what's her face.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 22, 2013, 03:33:09 PM


I know that times are busy for many of us - me included - burdened as we all are with work, family, friends and fornication in order to make either of the aforementioned. As per request, I will be unravelling the tangled mysteries of the current story timeline, since there might be some confusion as to when events occur in relation to others.

I will be green-marking scenes that are (in my opinion) finished and where there are no more posts needed for the sake of the story, and I will mark scenes that needs to be finished in yellow, as well as naming [the next poster]. [Names written in white] are posters that may wish to expand on the scene for enjoyment and/or closure.

CHAPTER 01 (Plays out during a single evening)

In chronological order, here is what is going on in Chapter 01, with thread names in white.
CHAPTER 02 (Begins the day after Chapter 01 and extends 5-7 days into the future)

In chronological order, here is what is going on in Chapter 02 after the starter with the holographic right speech, with thread names in white. Time is measured in days and hours after Arcorn Neotins death as he fell from the Theurgy's hull at the end of the speech.

Soon enough, when we have finished some of the yellow scenes above, we are to start up Chapter 03, where both ships will be having to make emergency take-offs in order to avoid a series of volcanic eruptions... only to find how Starfleet has detected them in their emergency.

Chapter 02, as you all might reckon if I have not told you already, will function as a place-holder time-frame where new characters (even writers) and scenes may be written freely up to the point where Chapter 03 starts.

I hope this has provided the requested overview of In-Character events, and I look forward to read everyone's upcoming posts! :) If you have new ideas to incorporate into the story, just let me or the involved writers know.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 28, 2013, 03:59:48 PM
Story Overview updated! See above.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 29, 2013, 10:32:38 PM
We have a "new" character aboard:


Provisional Chief Warrant Officer
Selena "Luna" Ravenholm
Acting Chief of Operations
USS Harbinger

Having overtaken the character of a wayward writer, IronFerrox now plays Luna, and she has somewhat of a multi-facetted background...

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 13, 2013, 04:33:11 PM
Hi everyone!

A couple of clarifications to the latest development in the Shades of Untruth thread, which the need thereof was made clear by questions from IronFerrox this morning. Read the latest post first, else there are spoliers ahead. Here is what you might need to know (Questions in yellow and Answers in green):

(14:02:55) IronFerrox: Just wow
(14:09:47) Auctor Lucan: Wow, as in what the fuck? :)
(14:10:20) IronFerrox: Yes
(14:10:24) IronFerrox: As in WTF
(14:10:58) IronFerrox: I actually had her pegged for not an enemy
(14:11:19) IronFerrox: I was thinking Ok just naive Ensign who believes everything Fleet says
(14:11:51) Auctor Lucan: That was kind of the idea and I am glad that impression as conveyed.
(14:16:11) IronFerrox: I am kinda confused at what the positions of characters are right now.
(14:16:27) Auctor Lucan: Basically they were all in front of the forcefield
(14:16:42) Auctor Lucan: front row, second row, kinda fleeting
(14:16:50) IronFerrox: Yeah
(14:17:00) IronFerrox: Ida it seems just got engaged in hand to hand with the Ensign?
(14:17:29) Auctor Lucan: Yeah, Vessery and Ida were positioned to the right and left of the forcefield.
(14:17:35) Auctor Lucan: With rifles and hand phasers.
(14:17:54) Auctor Lucan: The Harbinger's CSec - Dee - in front with the others.
(14:17:47) IronFerrox: And Lucan got pulled into the forcefield and got sizzled a little?
(14:18:01) Auctor Lucan: Yeah.
(14:18:34) IronFerrox: Anyways I am assuming the Ensign is in some form of superhuman level of athletics?
(14:18:41) IronFerrox: as well as increased strength?
(14:19:01) Auctor Lucan: Yes. Not your average joe, anymore.
(14:19:33) Auctor Lucan: It was kind of implied with her being one of the enemy and what she did in so little time.
(14:19:25) IronFerrox: Also, flesh-puppets. Interesting choice of words.
(14:20:04) Auctor Lucan: Yeah, fitting, eh?
(14:20:06) IronFerrox:  Being with that kind of symbiotic parasite she is the term fits
(14:20:40) IronFerrox: I man I am sure the beast in side Lucan sees all the others as nothing but potential hosts.  Potential Puppets made of flesh and bone.
(14:20:56) Auctor Lucan: Halfway true
(14:21:03) Auctor Lucan: At least the parasite thinks so
(14:21:26) Auctor Lucan: What the host thinks, or what remains or has become of him thinks, I try to illustrate in my writing.
(14:21:33) IronFerrox: yea.
(14:21:47) IronFerrox: I take it the Parasite went an did a full take over just now on her?
(14:22:03) Auctor Lucan: Indeed.
(14:22:46) IronFerrox: Also, mask of death face.  Are we talking an actual physical change or we just talking contorted in such rage and alien personality that no human experssion really fits?
(14:22:58) Auctor Lucan: The latter.
(14:23:21) IronFerrox: Ok, so no actual apparent physical change?
(14:23:26) Auctor Lucan: Nope.
(14:25:20) Auctor Lucan: The questions you ought to ask yourself is whether or not this was a ploy that both alien parasites were in on, to alleviate Lucan above all kind of suspicion, while the prisoner were to draw all the attention, or if it was as simple as Acreth not knowing that Nicander was one of her own.
(14:25:39) IronFerrox: I am not really sure.
(14:26:16) IronFerrox: Also just the whole apparent realization I can't help but think for a moment there the Medical Investigator of Lucan himself for once shown through.
(14:26:44) IronFerrox: I wonder if Lucan actually knows himself the actual biochemical processes of his own parasite
(14:27:43) IronFerrox: I mean, that seemed like a legit epiphany?
(14:29:00) Auctor Lucan: Oh, but Lucan, oh, Lucan lives in a enactment of himself all the time. He is constantly using a façade as an impeccable Starfleet CMO.
(14:29:14) Auctor Lucan: He is a master of deception.
(14:29:27) Auctor Lucan: All he does and says, most of the time, serves his own purposes.
(14:29:28) IronFerrox: In other words his entire being is a façade within a façade?
(14:30:00) Auctor Lucan: Yes. there are many reasons for why I titled the thread just so.
(14:30:11) IronFerrox: Yeah, exactly.
(14:30:26) IronFerrox: If you tell a lie that is big enough...
(14:30:36) IronFerrox: No one will question it as anything but the truth
(14:30:45) Auctor Lucan: Exactly.
(14:32:19) Auctor Lucan: If you constantly live and breathe and use lies to fabricate your place in the world, the fake image becomes the real one... even for the deceiver. Hence, Lucan is turning over to the good side by degrees and with the help of the love of those around him.
(14:32:41) IronFerrox: yea
(14:33:37) Auctor Lucan: I leave it to the players to chose how much love Lucan is given, and thus dictates the pace of his character development.
(14:33:57) IronFerrox: Yeah,  I see a chance he can be redeemed.
(14:34:05) IronFerrox: But not likely, too much hate within.
(14:34:15) Auctor Lucan: Yeah, some way to go still.
(14:34:27) Auctor Lucan: With him being a genocidal maniac even before he was joined.
(14:34:35) IronFerrox: If he would let go of that want for vengeance I see him as having a strong enough will to usurp control of himself
(14:35:00) IronFerrox: of course maybe its that genocidal maniac that is the only thing keeping his own will from being absorbed?
(14:35:35) Auctor Lucan: Indeed, there is a rare strength in him that challenges the beast inside him.
(14:36:19) IronFerrox: Maybe the only reason he is more than just a flesh puppet is because he has other things he wants to do? His spirit. His hate. His will to have his vengeance is too strong to let some parasite take it from him?
(14:36:32) Auctor Lucan: Indeed.
(14:36:40) IronFerrox: Too bad that his means of getting what he wants makes him have to pretend to have friends. Pretend to care.
(14:37:06) Auctor Lucan: Perhaps that pretence is his salvation though.
(14:37:19) Auctor Lucan: Pretence leading to real empathy.
(14:37:42) IronFerrox: Over time these beings you hate... some of them slowly inevitably become instead of 'people I have to kill', and become 'people tolerate', then 'people I will allow to live'.
(14:38:01) Auctor Lucan: Yes, while he constantly excuses his own mercy with the fact that the evil alternatives might blow his cover.
(14:38:07) IronFerrox: Bullshit.
(14:38:20) IronFerrox: You've got an emotional attachment.
(14:38:30) Auctor Lucan: Exactly, but he does not admit it.
(14:38:38) Auctor Lucan: He cannot admit that to himself.
(14:38:43) Auctor Lucan: for that would be to betray Kisane.
(14:41:26) Auctor Lucan: As you can see, eventually, the story's antagonist may just turn out to be an anti-hero instead.

There, hope that helps for those in doubt as to what actually happened. :) If you have any questions, please pose them here so that everyone might get the answers!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on November 16, 2013, 05:07:33 PM
/me steps up to the podium and waves to get everyone's attention.

Right, so, hi there! As i'm sure y'all noticed, the Star Trek Theurgy section of the boards looks...different. All those threads are gone, and there's sub forums now. Lucan asked me to help clean up/organize things a bit. The idea being that there are a lot of story threads across multiple episodes, and it would be beneficial to group them all together by episode. So we got some child boards made, and then I got to spend some time moving all the threads.

Part of the idea here is to make things look less cluttered and easily navigable for potential new players.

So, all your currently active threads for episode 3 are in the episode 3 child board. Please go there to keep your rp's up and running :) For now, the main section will just include OOC thread and other information threads, unless I am mistaken.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 19, 2013, 04:38:44 PM
Cudos to Brutus for helping out with cleaning up this board of ours. I hope it has not served to become a source of confusion for everyone, but I firmly believe this is for the better. Judging from the IM reactions I've had, it seems to be taken as an improvement, at least.

Oh, I have told some of you that I have begun playing the Mass Effect video games the last couple of weeks...

...and here is me ENRAGED that they stole my idea to use the Invictus poem ( in Mass Effect 3! How dared they have Ashley Williams recite it after she recovered from her wounds (not a major spoiler, so sue me). I should phone BioWare and make some bloody heads roll for this! Damnable rip-off I say! :)

Anyway. As you were.

For sake of trying to be original, I should have gone with a clever little haiku instead.

Great games btw.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 19, 2013, 04:58:54 PM

New Joint-Post between Searcher and I is up: (

Takes place during the same morning as "Hidden Assets", only elsewhere on the powered-down Theurgy starship.


/Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 19, 2013, 11:25:49 PM

A fresh overview on where things stand since there has been some progress and new development happening OOC over IM and e-mail.

Again, I will be green-marking scenes that are (in my opinion) finished and where there are no more posts needed for the sake of the story, and I will mark scenes that needs to be finished in yellow, as well as naming [the next poster]. [Names written in white] are posters that may wish to expand on the scene for enjoyment and/or closure.

CHAPTER 01 (Plays out during a single evening)

In chronological order, here is what is going on in Chapter 01, with thread names in white.
CHAPTER 02 (Begins the day after Chapter 01 and extends 5-7 days into the future)

In chronological order, here is what is going on in Chapter 02 after the starter with the holographic right speech, with thread names in white. Time is measured in days and hours after Arcorn Neotins death as he fell from the Theurgy's hull at the end of the speech.

I hope this update has provided the requested overview of In-Character events, and I look forward to read everyone's upcoming posts! :) If you have new ideas to incorporate into the story, just let me or the involved writers know.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: The Counselor on November 22, 2013, 01:33:29 AM
I've completed my reply to the Shades of Untruth thread.  I'm sorry for the accidental incomplete posting!  That's what I get for posting tired and not saving it.  I've left it open as to whom Hayden gets to first!

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 06, 2013, 12:06:38 AM

[Update!] The Interregnum 02-03 PDF is finished and available. I will probably mail it out to those that I have emails to in order to save this PDF for sake of posterity (if the site goes down, etc.) If anyone else is interested in this new PDF, please contact me over PM.

In other news, we have a new writer working on her character sheet for the Captain's Yeoman, and also, our dear Adakoch21 is also gearing up to eventually play our new Chief Science Officer.

I hear Thanksgiving took a lot of time from everyone but I am looking forward to advancing the story into the next Chapter quite soon, just to get everyone up to space and danger once more. :)


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 10, 2013, 10:11:39 PM
A tribute to our fighter pilots:


Original image can be found here (

Feedback is most welcome!


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 14, 2013, 12:36:16 AM

Chapter 03 is in the works! Doing this again for sake of reviewing status before start of the next part of the story. A fresh overview on where things stand since there has been some progress and new development happening OOC over IM and e-mail.

Like before, I will be green-marking scenes that are (in my opinion) finished and where there are no more posts needed for the sake of the story, and I will mark scenes that needs to be finished in yellow, as well as naming [the next poster].

CHAPTER 01 (Plays out during a single evening)

In chronological order, here is what remains to complete in Chapter 01, with thread names in white.
CHAPTER 02 (Begins the day after Chapter 01 and extends 5-7 days into the future)

In chronological order, here is what is left to complete in Chapter 02 after the starter with the holographic right speech, with thread names in white. Time is measured in days and hours after Arcorn Neotins death as he fell from the Theurgy's hull at the end of the speech.

I hope this update has provided the requested overview of what is left before Chapter 03, and I look forward to read everyone's upcoming posts! :)

I have already started writing on the introduction to the next Chapter, with several situations that needs to be resolved by your characters. I think it will be good, and somewhat of a revolutionising layout for the initiation of the next leg of the story. I can but hope you will agree with me.

In order to get there, however, we need to finish more of the current scenes, and especially those in Chapter 01! Check for your names in orange. Depending on our collective posting frequency, we can have the next Chapter up and running at the end of the month.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: The Counselor on December 21, 2013, 12:11:57 AM
Hi all,

I'll be leaving on Saturday for a week to spend the holidays with my family. I will have my IPAD for writing but I'm not sure how often I'll be answering tags while I'm away.

Happy Holidays to all!

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 03, 2014, 04:19:59 PM
Exciting update on the below :) :

Fun statistics

You know our new promotional trailer on Vimeo? It is just about to hit 100 plays since I posted it one month ago. Its 99 plays right now. Our last one got a total - ever - of 56 plays on YouTube... and it was up for well over a year.

Furthermore, some statistics from our Deviant Art gallery of graphics, here is what the summary tells me:

"auctorlucan has 278 pageviews total and the 107 deviations were viewed 4,748 times." Explanation: "Pageviews" is the profile main page of the account, whereas the images were viewed a total of 4,748 times. The fact that this is even more amazing is that I posted our all of our graphics the 14th of August and onwards, and I had posted no artwork at all before that. This means that the numbers began to climb to the aforementioned amount starting mere 8 days ago. O_O

Vimeo-trailer: 300 views today!

DeviantArt: 2,600 pageviews (front page) total and the 183 deviations (images) has been viewed 37,312 times (!). 302 comments has been left on the images and they been favourited" by Deviant Art members 2,180 times in total.

While the account holds a lot of Andorian photo-manipulated nudity, I am so happy to learn that the image with the most comments is our poster: "Star Trek: Theurgy" (Link: Theurgy[/i]-385531874] ([i)) with 17 comments, while the most favourited one is Selena ''Luna'' Ravenholm - Study 02 (, with 134 favourites. The most viewed deviation is also Selena ''Luna'' Ravenholm - Study 02 ( with 1,458 views.

Sorry for taking some of your time with this again, but it has me really excited. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 04, 2014, 02:52:28 AM
Congratulations! I Watch your Deviantart Page as purpleh2o.I would encourage everyone to check out your amazing work on DA.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on January 14, 2014, 06:22:51 PM
Hi everyone :)

I'll be joining the crew shortly and wanted to say hello and what have you before I dive in :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on January 15, 2014, 05:37:34 PM
Welcome aboard ^^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 16, 2014, 01:29:30 AM
Welcome aboard indeed!

And furthermore, I will humbly direct everyone's attention to top of the Episode 03 board and tell you all that Chapter 03 has been posted! Therefore, I will be sending out a Group Report to everyone, and wish you all pleasant reading.

I do hope the development will be to everyone's satisfaction, regardless if your characters won't like at all what is going on.

Preamble: A storm swept in over the valley on the sixth day, and on the seventh morning, the Master of My Fate thread and Chapter 03 begin.

Reading tip: Find some epic music to listen to while you read up. ;)



Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: PapillonBeryl on January 19, 2014, 04:50:22 PM
Good morning, everyone.  I just got my visa stamped and my PCS orders are in hand to join you.  I'll be posting soon and my character's profile has already gone up:

I'll be on the slower end of posting due to RL constraints but I should be able to meet the requirements to remain an active member.  If not, well, I'm even lower than a Red Shirt on the hierarchy of survival chances.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RosariaRosette on January 20, 2014, 08:01:38 AM
Hi everyone I know I've been gone for quite a long time but I'm back and ready to try to get some posting done. Once again sorry for making everyone I've been posting with wait.m :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 20, 2014, 02:30:28 PM
A warm welcome to PBeryl and an equally warm welcome back to Adakoch, whom has been sorely missed.

In general, I have received heart-warming feedback on the new Chapter that has been launched, which is kind of surprising considering what a bitch I have been towards your characters. Please, do not hold back the hate. Such things fester.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on January 21, 2014, 04:12:27 AM
Happy to see you are back to being able to post Ada,
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 21, 2014, 08:52:26 PM
New poster:


Some new faces, that's all. :)


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 22, 2014, 09:44:48 PM
Swamped at work today and dead tired. I will be replying to everyone tomorrow. :)


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on January 23, 2014, 01:36:26 PM
Slacking behind on posting schedules. Will try to chuck in a reply tomorow.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on January 23, 2014, 09:45:54 PM
I can see me!   :D

Hello fellow new person and returning person :)

Lucan, I heard that sleep is good for curing tiredness :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on January 25, 2014, 11:11:47 PM
Hey guys, saw this thanks to a FB page and thought it might be helpful when writing descriptions of our current predicament. (
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 25, 2014, 11:39:14 PM
Yeah sleep might be good once in a while. :)

Great link! Thanks a bunch. :) A string of words come to mind. "Mordor farting diabolical birth to hellfire." Or something like that...

Oh, it slipped my mind, but I would like to give all the credit to Nolan for his idea to have the tectonic event during their take-off. This Chapter would not have been the same without his advice, so thank you Nolan!


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on January 26, 2014, 12:16:44 AM
"Mordor farting diabolical birth to hellfire."

Lucan, you win the internet today for that one  :D  Laughing like a maniac here!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 04, 2014, 02:39:35 AM
Had trips to make over the weekend, swamped at work today and I have made character images for a new applicant tonight so the two posts I owe will be up tomorrow. Pardon the slight delay!


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: PapillonBeryl on February 05, 2014, 12:40:29 PM
Just made a slight edit to my latest post.  Hope it doesn't catch anyone off guard.  There were no responses yet so it should be safe.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on February 08, 2014, 12:19:38 AM
Feel the rage Lucan... feel it and know you are evil!

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 08, 2014, 01:35:49 AM

Was it something I wrote?   <_<   >_>


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: PapillonBeryl on February 09, 2014, 12:36:40 AM
Actually, it was.  So much melodrama. 

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Cathreen Dawinter on February 09, 2014, 12:40:16 AM
Hello everyone,

First I would like to thank Auctor Lucan for helping me work on my character sheet and getting me interested in the group. I am really looking forward to writing with all of you and am looking forward to the stories we will be crafting. I would also like to thank all you for letting me be a part of your group.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on February 09, 2014, 12:52:56 AM
Welcome aboard ^^ Hope to read some of your stuff soon here.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Cathreen Dawinter on February 09, 2014, 02:44:04 AM
Thank you. I am looking forward to writing with you.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on February 09, 2014, 04:04:33 PM
Welcome welcome!

I've only just joined too but I'm loving it already (even though Lucan is evil :P ).  I look forward to seeing you in-game :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on February 09, 2014, 04:15:50 PM
/me waves to the new people then gets back to writing >.>
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: PapillonBeryl on February 10, 2014, 01:10:00 AM
Should Thea still answer the combadge for the Shield Generator thread?  It looks like she's been pulled off of transport duty in the Theurgy Bridge thread.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 10, 2014, 07:47:03 AM
No worries, that happened before Thea went to rescue Eve Jenkins so she is back by then. :) Also it does not have to be the holographic projection of Thea that people are talking to. She can handle multiple conversations as well as any starship computer can, with pelple asking from her all over the ship. Awesome that youcaught a possible discrepancy and made certain. :) /Lucan via mobile phone
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 17, 2014, 03:33:16 PM
Random thought:

In order for the good Chief Medical Officer to verify that all of the crew is who they really are and doesn't have an alien parasite up their arses, he would have to make reeeeeeal sure there is nothing up there. Tricorders can only tell so much.



Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: PapillonBeryl on February 17, 2014, 04:31:03 PM
WTF?!!  Hell fucking no.  You try that shit and Narik will be doing a lot worse than cursing in Ferengi.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 17, 2014, 04:39:42 PM
I imagine she would too.... if it came to that. *grins*


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on February 17, 2014, 05:33:32 PM

Luuuuuuuuuuuuucan!  Bad.  No anal probing.  That went out with Area 51!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 17, 2014, 06:37:07 PM
I don't want to be anal about it but I thought such probing goes *in*. ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on February 17, 2014, 06:50:22 PM
You are beginning to make an arse of yourself :P

Really starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel.

Did you know arseholes always forget the punchlines to jokes?  Yeah, they might begin well but by the end they've rectum!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: The Counselor on February 19, 2014, 12:04:38 AM
We interrupt this anal probe talk to bring you Lori's away notice!

Hi all,
Just a heads up that I'll be leaving this Thursday to visit family, and I'll return some time Thursday of next week.  With the exception of the days spent traveling, I will be around for writing via my IPAD here and there, so I won't be totally AFK, but a bit more sporadic.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 19, 2014, 02:25:33 PM
Sounds good, Lori!

Attention everyone, with the help of an old site I was on, and with great updates and changes, I have expanded upon the Department Information pertaining to Starfleet Security: (

Please post your feedback or comments on the listed information here in the OOC thread so that I can make updates as required.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on February 19, 2014, 03:10:59 PM
Looks good, I like it a lot.

Can't think of anything you missed.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on February 19, 2014, 04:17:55 PM
Those thoughts going on within the corrupted Ensign.

Cant tell if Tainted by the warp by the Prince of Pleasure or if she took the berserker pack from the DooM comic.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 19, 2014, 04:24:53 PM
Thanks! Good to hear Banshee. IronFerrox, I know none of the two references, but the idea of the plotline's enemy has been with me a long time. Sonja Acreth's mind is the advanced state of Dr. Nicander's, suffice to say, and like with all good horror, I have drawn inspiration from the Necronomicon in describing what goes on inside her.

I have now also added a new NPC, which is based on the character of an applicant who bailed on us. The original character sheet was merely a messy first draft, which has now been given my touch and additions. The original writer told me - upon deciding to not join us after all - that I was free to use this character as an NPC, and I have now decided to do so after changing things around a bit.

Anyway, here is the link to the character sheet: (

Zaraq is the USS Theurgy's new Master-at-Arms, who transferred over from the Harbinger during the week on Theta Eridani IV. He is mainly there for sake of the continued plot, and he may and may not survive Part 2 of this Episode, opening up the Master-at-Arms position once more.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: PapillonBeryl on February 19, 2014, 11:07:58 PM
I guess I have some reading to do since those last couple of posts in this thread have me totally baffled.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on February 20, 2014, 12:47:48 AM
Splitting skin. Tearing guts. Biting eyes. Ripping flesh. Splitting bone. Blasting new orifices. Fuck them with rifle. Firing. Laughter. Laughter in rain. Blood rain. Flesh-puppet gone, gone, gone...:  Thoughts from the mind of the Enemy.

I was saying this line of thought reminded me of the Doom Comic.

Particularly page 3's RIP AND TEAR rant.  I suggest imagining the Doom marine is voiced by The Ultimate Warrior.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 20, 2014, 03:56:39 PM
Eh, that may just have been the worst and pointless comic I have ever had the misfortune to browse through. I want the spent moments of ever having laid eyes upon it back. Pardon me, but whatever happened to the innocence and classic narration of the spiderman comics of my youth? lol I don't want to step on any toes here, but does anyone read this filth? I sound like a cranky old man, I know, and perhaps I am just getting too old. I just don't understand. :)

PBeryl, all the answers you may seek is in this thread, Shades of Untruth, which occurred in the beginning of the week the two ships have spent on Theta Eridani IV. (

Let me know if you have any specific questions on the present development, and that goes for all of you!


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 21, 2014, 01:05:12 AM
Sadly, Gentleman_And_A_Scholar is no longer a member of the group because of irregular and lacking posting activity. He was approached beforehand and given time to try and get back in gear, yet without any response whatsoever, RL evidently came to draw his focus. This termination of membership is made for the sake of the Group as a whole.

Character Rennan Cooper will succumb to injury at first given opportunity in order to open up the position of Chief Tactical Officer. Should the case be that the writer wish to return to the Group RP sometime in the future, he is more than welcome to do so.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 21, 2014, 01:26:27 AM
Hello there everyone!

Here is a status report of current events in the RP, and whom is next to post in the remaining threads. I have maked finished threads in Chapter 03 in green, and those left to finish yellow. We are oh, so very close to ending this leg of the story and leave the planet! There are surprises aplenty for then so lets give this "shore-leave" on Theta Eridani IV a grande finale!

Chapter 03:

EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 03: Master of My Fate]

Crisis #01 | Transport Centre

Crisis #02 | USS Theurgy Bridge Next poster: Valarie
Crisis #03 | USS Harbinger Bridge Next poster: Cathreen Dawinter

Crisis #04 | Crane Malfunction

Crisis #05 | Choice of Decent Next poster: The Counselor

Crisis #06 | Shuttle Extraction
Crisis #07 | Shield Generator Next poster: Searcher
Crisis #08 | Triage Centre
Crisis #09 | Volcanic Skies Next posters: Searcher, Kurohigi and Adakoch (in independent order)

Crisis #10 | Thermal Springs Next poster: Auctor Lucan, waiting for Valarie in Crisis #02      

Previous Chapters:
EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 02: The Captain's Yeoman] Next poster: Valarie

EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 02: Reunion] Next poster: Adakoch

EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 01: The Ring of Fire] Next poster: Adakoch (One last to wrap up?)

Note: I have taken the liberty to tie up loose ends in the threads where we were waiting on Gentleman_and_a_Scholar.

Let me know if you need help or inspiration!


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on February 21, 2014, 03:26:55 AM
Eh, that may just have been the worst and pointless comic I have ever had the misfortune to browse through. I want the spent moments of ever having laid eyes upon it back. Pardon me, but whatever happened to the innocence and classic narration of the spiderman comics of my youth? lol I don't want to step on any toes here, but does anyone read this filth? I sound like a cranky old man, I know, and perhaps I am just getting too old. I just don't understand.

Glad you enjoyed it.  Trust me it is not meant to be enjoyed only endured.

BTW you want true pain Are you familiar with the Interactive Video Cassette Board games of the 90s?  Watching those cassettes or worse gathering enough people together to play one of those games.  That is true suffering.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on February 21, 2014, 10:54:17 AM
Lucan. You're not stealing my goddamned bird! :P Also, great post, will wait with my post till the others chuck in ^^
<mumbles something about a boy and fleshsacks...>
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on February 21, 2014, 04:41:34 PM
Your bird... It seems a certain two members of the squadron forget who ends up assigning craft to pilots.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on February 21, 2014, 05:17:14 PM
Got an Eve post for ya Boss ... now to figure out Skye's post and I'm caught up again.  Rory is hiding in Below Decks, probably chugging a pint of some sort and cursing in Irish.  :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on February 22, 2014, 12:38:28 PM
You wouldn't Iron! :o Pull rank to get the newest toys? Tsk tsk :(
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: PapillonBeryl on February 22, 2014, 03:42:42 PM
Okay.  Read the Shades of Untruth thread. 

Why the hell did I agree to this?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: PapillonBeryl on February 22, 2014, 05:10:23 PM
PBeryl, all the answers you may seek is in this thread, Shades of Untruth, which occurred in the beginning of the week the two ships have spent on Theta Eridani IV. (

Let me know if you have any specific questions on the present development, and that goes for all of you!



Now it's time for me to probably rehash questions that have already been asked.

1.  Is anyone aware of Nicander's state?  If so, who and to what level?  Are rumors circulating in hushed undertones or anything?
2.  If Acreth is an advanced state of Nicander's position, how quickly is Nicander healing from the contact with the brig shield?  Since Acreth seems to take energy shots and her damage resistance is marked upon I would assume Nicander has some advanced healing capability based on his state.
3.  It seems Nicander has a dual personality.  He's not as advanced in being taken over by the parasite based on your comment above, Lucan, yet he is aware of his state and is supporting the parasite position based on the posts in the Shades of Untruth thread (such as making sure there is no telepath/empath in the interrogation group and commenting about meeting Acreth on this or some other plane).  He was also providing the Harbinger and Theurgy crews with clues to the nature of the parasites (interphasal and such) to the point where Acreth beld him against the force field - was Acreth aware of Nicander's position and was helping him maintain cover by attacking him or was she acting in response to the apparent revelation of her nature?
4.  How do the parasites work in general?  Nicander stated that IP critters slowly take over their hosts and the hosts are unaware until their mind is gone.  He also mentioned the other parasite that the crew experienced where the control seems to be immediate.  Where is Nicander on this level of autonomy?
4.  What rumors are circulating through the two crews now?  Are the rumors on the Harbinger any different than the rumors on the Theurgy?
5.  If the IP are interphasal and can't be detected by normal tricorder scans, then why the hell are you talking anal probes?
6.  Do we need to be concerned about acquiring more IPs haphazardly?  Or are there set conditions that need to be met to introduce the parasite to a host?

Would you like more questions? XD
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 22, 2014, 09:39:19 PM
1.  Is anyone aware of Nicander's state?  If so, who and to what level?  Are rumors circulating in hushed undertones or anything?

Answer: The only rumours that are circulating concerns the outcome in Shades of Untruth, where it has been revealed as a fact that they actually have one of the unknown enemies captured. Also, obviously, that they seem to be dangerous since Acreth could get out and have the Harbinger's Chief of Security killed. Whereas there were digital evidence from before Episode 01 as to the fact that Starfleet Command has been overtaken, now the proof is a living and breathing specimen in the Brig. I suppose the rumours would be akin to having a monster in the basement, and no one knows for sure what it is, only that it does in fact exist.

No one besides Nicander knows about Nicander's true nature. No one has any level of knowledge as to him being involved, and he is not the kind to draw suspicion either, going out of his way to be the model Chief Medical Officer. He is the long-term antagonist of the Theurgy story, and one might compare him to several characters with a double nature, with Gaius Baltar, Yagami Light and Dexter being a few of them.

2.  If Acreth is an advanced state of Nicander's position, how quickly is Nicander healing from the contact with the brig shield?  Since Acreth seems to take energy shots and her damage resistance is marked upon I would assume Nicander has some advanced healing capability based on his state.

Answer: He has an advanced capacity for healing, yet as the end of Shades of Untruth states, his injuries were not too bad to begin with. He got away with a couple of days of rehabilitation. Worth to take into account as well is the advanced medical care that can be expected upon in the Star Trek universe as of the year 2381. TNG, DS9 and Voyager all have examples of miracle recoveries due to medical instruments like subdermal regenerators and such. So, his recovery was not too noteworthy.

3.  It seems Nicander has a dual personality.  He's not as advanced in being taken over by the parasite based on your comment above, Lucan, yet he is aware of his state and is supporting the parasite position based on the posts in the Shades of Untruth thread (such as making sure there is no telepath/empath in the interrogation group and commenting about meeting Acreth on this or some other plane).  He was also providing the Harbinger and Theurgy crews with clues to the nature of the parasites (interphasal and such) to the point where Acreth beld him against the force field - was Acreth aware of Nicander's position and was helping him maintain cover by attacking him or was she acting in response to the apparent revelation of her nature?

Answer: Your question is twofold so I will start with his dual personality. It would save me some time to refer you to Dr. Nicander's character sheet, and the turmoil inside him has been depicted throughout the roleplay, but in short, Nicander was a vengeance-bent Caroôn man before he was joined. From the moment he was joined, he is also loyal to his mysterious "kin", and he has a voice in his mind that clearly comes from the parasite. Whereas the parasite had deep inclinations towards violence and murder, Nicander is the balancing counterpart. In his pursuit for vengeance, as a charismatic and exotic professional in the medical field, he has been a deceiver since early years in his life. In contradiction to the beast inside, he is always in control, manipulating events and people around him to get what he wants. The quirk about it is that he now *is* joined, and has dual interests in current events because of what he has become. So, its not an easy question to answer, but yes, he has a dual nature.

As for why he feeds stale breadcrumbs of the truth about the parasites' nature to the Theurgy and Harbinger COs is not because of disloyalty towards his 'kin', for if you re-read the very last post with Dr. Nicander in Shades of Untruth, he reveals the hidden ongoings that transpired in the Brig. Sonja's cover was already blown, and they both saw a way to raise Dr. Nicander above any kind of suspicion. Moreover, if Dr. Nicander is the one leading the project to find the means to detect the enemies in their midst... I think he will be just a little bit partial about the outcome and his way to influence the method of the scans, don't you? *grins*

4.  How do the parasites work in general?  Nicander stated that IP critters slowly take over their hosts and the hosts are unaware until their mind is gone.  He also mentioned the other parasite that the crew experienced where the control seems to be immediate.  Where is Nicander on this level of autonomy?

Answer: As you may realise by now, you might want to take what Dr. Nicander said before he was zapped with a wee pinch of salt. *grins* The crew never experienced any of what he spoke about, however. His theories were strictly theories and had no solid reference to events in the roleplay so far. The enemies that the crews are dealing with are, however, fully aware that they have been 'joined' and they are perfectly fine with it. Brainwashed, in a sense. This includes Nicander, for he was not too keen on being joined before he was, yet right afterwards, he accepted the new facet of his existence. He did not lose who he was, at least not as far as he was/is concerned, but became more. Whether or not that is true... I leave it to the players to determine over the course of the story.

5.  What rumors are circulating through the two crews now?  Are the rumors on the Harbinger any different than the rumors on the Theurgy?

Answer: Please see the answer to Question 1 in regard to Sonja Acreth. As of this moment in the story, the rumours are mainly speculation about what Sonja Acreth and the enemies that have taken over Starfleet are - added with who knows how many political functions in the United Federation of Planets. They are falsely branded traitors to the Federation, so you can just imagine what kind of worries and speculation that are circulating. Will they be absolved if they manage to uproot the enemies, despite the fact that they have had to defend themselves against the pursuing starships?Thye have killed countless innocent brothers and sisters in Starfleet just to preserve the truth about Starfleet Command. Will the pressure to have them all punished be too great? As for the Harbinger and the Theurgy respectively, its a wee bit early for discord or something like that. Right now, there is great relief in that they are not alone. Rumours may detail different kind of officers, with the XO of the Harbinger being a frosty Vulcan bitch, as opposed to Captain Vasser being a solid and tested leader on that ship. On the Theurgy, we have a former Starfleet Intelligence XO and a Chameloid Captain who is both a man and a woman. Go figure what rumours may come of those profiles. The darkest kind of rumours would be born from the paranoia about not knowing if the person next to you is like Sonja Acreth...

6.  If the IP are interphasal and can't be detected by normal tricorder scans, then why the hell are you talking anal probes?

Answer: Heh, that was a joke. ;)

7.  Do we need to be concerned about acquiring more IPs haphazardly?  Or are there set conditions that need to be met to introduce the parasite to a host?

Answer: There is an example of how Dr. Nicander was joined in his biography. I will say no more on the matter as of this point in the story. :)

8. Would you like more questions? XD

Answer: Absolutely! I love to do 'interviews' concerning the story. I may be referencing posts and scenes with links as required. If there was anything I missed, all players should feel free to add their thoughts too.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on February 22, 2014, 10:08:58 PM
You wouldn't Iron! :o Pull rank to get the newest toys? Tsk tsk :(
  No just reminding you that it is not either of their decisions to make.  Technicially it is the captains and XO's to make but logic would dictate they woudl leave it to the SCO to determine who flies what ships and with what orders.    :D
Besides all Miles woudl want do do with personally it is take it for a test drive.  Probably not his style of ship anyways.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: PapillonBeryl on February 22, 2014, 11:10:02 PM
No one besides Nicander knows about Nicander's true nature. No one has any level of knowledge as to him being involved, and he is not the kind to draw suspicion either, going out of his way to be the model Chief Medical Officer. He is the long-term antagonist of the Theurgy story, and one might compare him to several characters with a double nature, with Gaius Baltar, Yagami Light and Dexter being a few of them.


As you may realise by now, you might want to take what Dr. Nicander said before he was zapped with a wee pinch of salt. *grins* The crew never experienced any of what he spoke about, however. His theories were strictly theories and had no solid reference to events in the roleplay so far. The enemies that the crews are dealing with are, however, fully aware that they have been 'joined' and they are perfectly fine with it. Brainwashed, in a sense. This includes Nicander, for he was not too keen on being joined before he was, yet right afterwards, he accepted the new facet of his existence. He did not lose who he was, at least not as far as he was/is concerned, but became more. Whether or not that is true... I leave it to the players to determine over the course of the story.


Rumours may detail different kind of officers, with the XO of the Harbinger being a frosty Vulcan bitch, as opposed to Captain Vasser being a solid and tested leader on that ship. On the Theurgy, we have a former Starfleet Intelligence XO and a Chameloid Captain who is both a man and a woman. Go figure what rumours may come of those profiles. The darkest kind of rumours would be born from the paranoia about not knowing if the person next to you is like Sonja Acreth...


 There is an example of how Dr. Nicander was joined in his biography. I will say no more on the matter as of this point in the story. :)

You're trying to get me to read more, aren't you.  :P

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on February 22, 2014, 11:30:06 PM
Gaius Baltar was from Battlestar Galactica, Yagami Light is from Deathnote and Dexter is a series whose main character is called Dexter.  They're all characters who appear to be good but are actually rather wicked underneath.

Reading is fun.  Plus the story is good so it's worth a read ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: PapillonBeryl on February 23, 2014, 01:13:17 AM
But I have other things to be reading.

...And writing.   :'(
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on February 23, 2014, 01:21:55 AM
Quote from: PapillonBeryl
You're trying to get me to read more, aren't you.  :P

there is a rule here much like a rule on 4chan their rule is Always Lurk Moar

Our rule is Read Moar

Gaius Baltar was from Battlestar Galactica, Yagami Light is from Deathnote and Dexter is a series whose main character is called Dexter.  They're all characters who appear to be good but are actually rather wicked underneath.

Reading is fun.  Plus the story is good so it's worth a read ;)
Lucan needs to eat more potato chips to be as awesome as Kira though
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: PapillonBeryl on February 23, 2014, 01:41:58 AM
I just read Nicander's bio.  Yet more evidence Lucan is an ass man.

And I see what you mean about taking the words of Nicander with a grain of salt.  An assworm and an interstitial parasite don't seem to be one and the same...
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: PapillonBeryl on February 26, 2014, 03:57:06 PM
Just posted in the Shield Generator thread.  It's short and to the point.

Question - What is the plan for Narik?  Is she going to be kept on the Theurgy?  Will she be transported to the Harbinger?

I don't know what you have planned for the Harbinger and Acreth but if you want someone to fight engineering fire with engineering fire then Narik can probably counter anything Acreth tries to do to the Harbinger.  Or is the Harbinger is going to explode in a spectacular fireball?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 26, 2014, 06:38:43 PM
Narik does belong to the Harbinger, but now is not exactly the easiest time to fetch a Transport over to the Harbinger. Besides the evident crisis and the imminent need to leave the planet, I believe Acreth messed up the Transporter signals. Iron Ferrox? Do you recall the nature of the problem since you brought the details of the idea to the game? Furthermore, the most dire problem atm is Acreth herself getting into the Bridge witha phaser rifle, whereas Engineering problems she may have/will cause are secondary.

I leave it to TheBanshee to decide whether or not requesting Thea to beam Narik back to the Harbinger or if Tia Marlowe will want to have Narik stay. Either way is fine with me, and I can, if needed, continue throwing problems your way regardless where Narik ends up, PBeryl. ;) The Chapter, however, is coming to a close quite soon.

As for what happens to the Harbinger, what on Earth made you think I would reveal the outcome? *grins* Joke aside, unless someone screws up too much, the Harbinger should get out of the valley eventually.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on February 27, 2014, 12:47:39 AM
The transporters were turned off via a admiral level security lockout code.  Essentially an admiral flipped the switch and placed a lock on it not even a captain can turn back on.  her only option woudl be a brute force hack into the transporter systems.  Currntly the codes beign input into the ops station are just that as transporters are the next system that will be reactivated.  Full phaser controls are next on the priority list after that.  given that she is a bit distracted at the moment the transporter hack may take up to a couple more minutes or may complete within seconds.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on March 01, 2014, 01:59:38 AM
I hope I'm not the only one who opened the spoiler tag for the new Chief Science officer Simon Tovarek and instantly shouted "Science bitch!" lol
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on March 01, 2014, 08:02:21 PM
Hope no-one thinks I'm just not responding.  Just want to make sure no-one else wants to post before I do :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 02, 2014, 12:52:25 PM
I am at my summer cottage and had guests yesterday, so I will make sure to post in the Harbinger Bridge Crisis tonight.

Kuro: Indeed! Though I had it in mind when making the character pictures for Nolan's new char. I have not seen as much from Breaking Bad as I'd like to, but I knew about Aaron Paul's character's tendencies even before I started watching, lol.

Banshee: If there is anyone else atm, it's Searcher reacting to either yours or Pberyl's post, but with the new orders in the USS Theurgy Bridge Crisis from Edena Rez, I might show up there with ThanIda zh'Wann. I do think, however, that she will show up in order to finish that Crisis, so I think you can safely post away! :) I personally think it will be interesting to see if Tia will already exercise her new position of command in Engineering to offer Narik a new/better contract, (provided Tia likes to have Narik aboard) and can motivate her actions for her new XO and CO if they get out of there.

All: Oh, I have posted the last Crisis now (#10, where Captain Ives finds Sarresh Morali), and I have locked the Crises that I think are finished. Please try to make some headway in the remaining Crises so that I can wrap up this part of the story with them all leaving Theta Eridani IV (unless something unforeseen happens). It would be a shame to keep the people who are done with their Crises waiting too long.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 03, 2014, 01:01:04 PM
*sighs, writing this up again after the post being lost after midnight yesterday*

As I meant to write last night, time was cut short for me to post in the Harbinger thread, and I devoted the little time I had to read up on all the wonderful posts you guys made this weekend. Also, I finalised a graphics project that has been on the backburner for months now, the last missing images now complete and the update made. Anyway, I will be posting in the following threads today:

Crisis #03 | USS Harbinger Bridge
Crisis #07 | Shield Generator
Crisis #02 | USS Theurgy Bridge
Crisis #10 | Thermal Springs

As for the graphics I have made, you may want to take a look at the USS Theurgy's crew manifest and click on the "spoiler" buttons next to the characters you play: (

What I have done, which might not be apparent, is that I have collected all the individual character images into rows of 4 image slots and saved them all (4 slots at the time) into single shiny .png files. So its four images in one, basically. The reason I had to do this was because the amount of code required for a single image made the old method almost break the posting-limit for a single post since we had so many images contained in a single post. This way, I could cut down the amount of code in the Crew Manifest and take the opportunity to make the template frames look better.

Some character images did not look good with the new glass effect, but I have strived to substitute them for new character images instead. I am, however, always prepared to replace them with something else so just PM me with your requests and ideas!

If you guys like the new look, and don't want to change back, I will be doing the same update to the Harbinger's manifest, which should not take too long now that the image hosting and edits has been arranged for.

Oh, and since Hayden O'Connor, our Chief Counsellor, has decided to save our NPC Science Officer - Cir'Cie - whom you may remember best as an infected "antagonist" in Episode 01, I took the time to update her character images too:

( Ens. Cir'Cie             Science Officer [NPC] ( (

The model is Mollie Sue Steenis-Gondi, in case anyone was wondering, and Cir'Cie - like other NPC:s - is available for everyone to use.

Looking forward to feedback if you have time to give it.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: PapillonBeryl on March 03, 2014, 02:11:23 PM

Oh, and since Hayden O'Connor, our Chief Counsellor, has decided to save our NPC Science Officer - Cir'Cie - whom you may remember best as an infected "antagonist" in Episode 01, I took the time to update her character images too:

( Ens. Cir'Cie             Science Officer [NPC] ( [Show/Hide]

The model is Mollie Sue Steenis-Gondi, in case anyone was wondering, and Cir'Cie - like other NPC:s - is available for everyone to use.

That just sounds so wrong...
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: PapillonBeryl on March 03, 2014, 02:13:59 PM
As for what happens to the Harbinger, what on Earth made you think I would reveal the outcome? *grins* Joke aside, unless someone screws up too much, the Harbinger should get out of the valley eventually.

What on Earth made you think I expected a real answer?  ;)  I'm used to coming up empty handed during fishing trips.  Doesn't mean I don't keep trying.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on March 03, 2014, 02:16:13 PM
@ Lucan: Nice redesign of the char pics ^^

@ Papillon: Wrong never sounded so right? :P Also admire the spirit to keep trying so Lucan would give away something :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on March 03, 2014, 02:17:40 PM
/me chuckles, clealry amused

I do like the redesign on the pictures, Lucan. And saving effort on coding the profiles is always a bonus.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 04, 2014, 01:21:56 AM
Thanks for the feedback so far! And yes, that came out exactly the way I intended, PBeryl, lol!


Crisis #03 | USS Harbinger Bridge
Crisis #07 | Shield Generator [PBeryl first, wrapping her POV]
Crisis #02 | USS Theurgy Bridge
Crisis #10 | Thermal Springs [Tomorrow]
Chapter 02: The Captain's Yeoman [Tomorrow]

We need posts from Kurohigi and Searcher in Volcanic Skies and The Counselor in next in Choice of Decent! Adakoch, you are up in Reunion and may chip into events in Volcanic Skies at any time too! :)


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on March 04, 2014, 07:25:47 AM
Expanded information on my most recent post in the Harbinger bridge thread.

Selana "Luna" Ravenholm's personal sidearm is a weapon of her own design and construction and is called the "Mark 3 Paralizer." 

Mark 1 was a very highly customized Tazer like weapon and the Mark 2 was a reverse engineered Ferengi energy whip that she had constructed to stun via Electricity much like a tazer.  The mark 3 is the logical extension of her previous 2 designs.

The paralizer is constructed using a variety of plastics composites and other materials that match the same components of her artificial limbs.  It contains no standard power cell instead has a certain amount of charge approx 1 hour of active (turned on and continuous) use.  It is charged through her artificial limbs and as such can be recharged at nearly any time. (for each 1 second of use it requires 3 seconds of charge.)  as such it is extremely hard to detect on shipboard sensors as a weapon.

The paralizer is a 2 weapons in one system.  It fires rounds via electromagnetic propulsion.  (low power rail gun mechanism)  and on average the projectile hits with roughly the same velocity as a paintball.  Its round are small Barbed projectiles similar in shape to a cocklebur.

This burred projectile is designed to either stick to clothing or pierce skin (from 10 ft away on average the burr will embed halfway into the skin of someone shot.  The burr projectile is coated with a Paralytic neurotoxin that cause in most species known to the Federation a interruption of most nervous functions resulting in essentially being frozen still.  With most the effect wears off in approximately 30 minutes to an hour  ((in the case of serious or lethally allergic reactions to the poison the handle of the gun has a compartment with multiple single dose vials of the antidote.))

When fired the Burrs are attached to a thin fulfillment strand that leads back to the gun allowing for the gun to be used in its second function.
By folding the gun over the gun reshaped to form into a sabre hilt and guard shape and upon the pull of the trigger in this state an arc of electricity is sent through the filaments then back to the gun creating an arc of electricity that appears fuchia in color.  Do to the specific weight that the filaments are calibrated to and the wight of the barb itself  this arc when detached and allowed to hand free in the air behaves much like a whip.

Due to micron sharp barbs and shape of the projectile the projectile can be fired at a surface and if it attaches the user can either use it as a grapple like object or can use it as a means to pull a loose object closer to them  (Think legend of zelda hookshot.  Or better that grabby whip in skyward sword.)  This is accomplished by the fact that the filaments are made of a material with a very high tensile strength when electrified. but susceptible to being cut by sheering when not.

In addition the slide is made that it cuts the filament if it is pulled back.  (if you fire two barbs only the second will have a still attached fulfillment.  If you fire one and pull back the slide then you manually cut the filament.

The gun when fully loaded contains 7 burrs  in addition to the gun itself being in that which compartment there is room for 3 reloads (28 burrs total on her person at once.)

As for how severely the shocking and affects Acreth after the initial few seconds I leave that up to Lucan.

Trivia about the weapon.

It is heavily in appearance on Samus Aran's Paralizer sidearm from the Metroid series (particularly how it is portrayed in Super smash Bros Brawl  when it is used by "zero suit samus") See pic below

The noise it makes when fired can best be described as sort of the kind of harsh quick metal on metal ping I imagine like a louder sharper noise than if you were to try and use a sledgehammer to hammer a railroad spike into a Hole meant for a much smaller rivet.

The sound of the snap is like plastic snap holds snapping into place and the hissing noise of the "whip" lighting is meant to be kinda like the click Hiss of a soda can being opened combined with the snap-hiss Noise used in star wars for when a Lightsaber is turned on.

I said the handle folds into a saber shape for an intentional homage/parody to the word Light Sabre.

What the gun itself looks like.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 06, 2014, 01:20:28 AM
It's a cool gun, Iron! Came to excellent use in the Harbinger thread just now too. :)

Speaking of the Harbinger, everyone, I have now also updated the character images on the Harbinger's Crew Manifest and updated Cala's pictures as well: (

I did not update the Calamity's puppet CO and XO since I only had one picture each for those holograms.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 10, 2014, 10:07:48 PM
Death Montage - Part 01

Given the amount of death scenes throughout the story, the idea came to me that I would compile them all for your reading "pleasure" here in the OOC thread. I will have to divide the list in two parts because of the amount of text, but if you are interested to learn how people were killed/put in stasis, just click the "spoiler" buttons next to each name. Enjoy!

( Cmdr. Nerina             Former Executive Officer ( [Show/Hide]

( Lt. Rennan Cooper        Former Chief Tactical Officer ( [Show/Hide]

( Lt. T'Less               Former Chief Tactical Officer ( [Show/Hide]

( Lt. Lawrence O. Lance    Former Chief CONN Officer ( [Show/Hide]

( Lt. Ben Vessery          Former Chief of Security ( [Show/Hide]

( Lt. Diadeniera Drovo     Former Chief of Security, USS Harbinger ( [Show/Hide]

( Lt.Cmdr. David Grayson   Former Chief of Security ( [Show/Hide]

( Lt. JG Adam Kingston     Former Security Officer ( [Show/Hide]

( Ens. Marija Ferik        Former Security Officer ( [Show/Hide]

( Cdt. Scosche Bellde'side Former Asst. Security Officer ( [Show/Hide]

( Lt.Cmdr. Jaru Rel    Former Squadron SCO  [Wolf-01] ( [Show/Hide]

( Lt. JG Khorin Douglas    Former Fighter Pilot [Wolf-05] ( [Show/Hide]

Continues below...
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 10, 2014, 10:09:07 PM
Death Montage - Part 02

( Lt. Garen Nelis          Former Chief Counsellor ( [Show/Hide]

( Lt. JG Jovela            Former Head Nurse ( [Show/Hide]

( CPO. Nolak Kalmil        Former Chief Engineer ( [Show/Hide]

( Lt.Cmdr. Nicole Howard   Former Chief Engineer ( [Show/Hide]

( Lt. Alexander Rosek      Former Chief Engineer [NPC] ( [Show/Hide]

( Lt. JG Arcorn Neotin     Former Engineering Officer ( [Show/Hide]

( Cdt. Ester Hamburg       Former Asst. Engineering Officer [NPC] ( [Show/Hide]

( Lt. Amatras Neotin       Former Chief Science Officer ( [Show/Hide]

( William "Bill" Regal     Former Bartender/'Special Adviser' ( [Show/Hide]

- Fin
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 13, 2014, 02:37:37 PM
Since the Harbinger's enemy prisoner, Sonja Acreth, survived her escape - locked up as she will be by Dyan Cardamone again - I went ahead and made some new graphics for her listing on the Harbinger Crew Manifest:

( Ensign Sonja Acreth           Prisoner                    USS Harbinger ( [Show/Hide]

I have yet to write a biography, though. I might just do that as soon as I have the time.

As for remaining posting in Chapter 03, here goes:
Crisis #02 | USS Theurgy Bridge
- Valarie is to post next, followed by a new applicant. Then it is finished.

Crisis #03 | USS Harbinger Bridge
- Cathreen Dawinter is to post next, followed by Kurohigi. Then it is finished.

Crisis #05 | Choice of Decent
- The Counselor is to post next. Then it is finished.

Crisis #07 | Shield Generator
- Searcher is to post next.

Crisis #09 | Volcanic Skies
- Adakoch21 is to post next, yet I may post in the interim with Rawley and Lucan. Then it is finished.

Crisis #10 | Thermal Springs
- Brutus is to post next, then I can end the chapter after that, getting the show on the road again, so to speak.

As you can see, there is not too much left, so I hope everyone that have finished their Crises won't have to wait too much longer.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on March 15, 2014, 03:10:26 PM
Good day.

Lucan, I am hoping to join this particular RP and as I do not know what sort of notifications this site has, could you please check your PMs at your convenience? Thank you.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 15, 2014, 04:12:28 PM
On my cell. I got it. :) Will reply when i get home.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on March 15, 2014, 05:39:15 PM
Thank you. Looking forward to your reply and input.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: PapillonBeryl on March 15, 2014, 07:20:12 PM
Despite how many characters Lucan kills people still want to join the RP.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 15, 2014, 09:20:23 PM
Hush, PBeryl. lol

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on March 16, 2014, 03:58:14 PM
*Majel Barrett computer voice*
Warning. New player approaching, Leonal-class, warp factor six. Armaments: claws, quantum torpedoes, Type VII "Cutting Wit" phaser banks. Cargo: words. Registration: out of date and likely forged. Recommendation: destroy with extreme prejudice and report to Starfleet Command.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on March 16, 2014, 06:36:29 PM
Welcome Leonal!  Looks like you are going to get on famously here :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RavenVess on March 16, 2014, 09:00:54 PM
The sound of buzzing comes from the door to the room as figure slowly walked into the room. She wear a bright smile on her face as she looked around the room. "Evening everyone, I am glade to be aboard this game. I will be playing Tessa, 007, Wolf-07. It so great to be apart of this game."
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on March 16, 2014, 09:44:05 PM
Yay new bloods!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RavenVess on March 16, 2014, 09:58:00 PM
Yep New Blood, new fun can be had.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on March 16, 2014, 10:22:42 PM
And loads of fun we'll have indeed... <grins> Welcome to the both of you and enjoy your stay!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on March 17, 2014, 04:55:24 AM
Lieutenant Commander Carrigan Trent, Intelligence Officer...

Soon coming to a fugitive renegade starship near you.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on March 17, 2014, 01:07:12 PM
YAY! New crewmates :)  Hello one and all, you crazy brilliant bunch!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 21, 2014, 02:43:36 PM
I just saw the new trailer for Star Trek: Renegades, published 21st of December.

YouTube Link: (

Odd how familiar that poem the new Captain writes on the wall is... I somehow seem to remember another Captain citing it on the 20th of June last year. (

Between this instance, and the fact that I just discovered that the second verse was used in Mass Effect 3 by character Ashley Williams, I feel less and less convinced I found a gem when I came across that bloody poem, lol.

Alternatively, Tim Russ is ripping us off.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on March 21, 2014, 10:23:41 PM
It always amazes me when i watch these things, because I never expect the actors to be legit. But we've got a lot of familiar faces in that trailer. I can never tell if they're doing it cause they enjoy new twists on career defining roles, or if the pay is good ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on March 23, 2014, 07:56:00 PM
I'm still trying to catch up on my assigned reading... I hope everyone can be patient with me while I detox from my disastrous trip. :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RavenVess on March 23, 2014, 09:30:50 PM
I got my first post up YAY... Though I may have over looked said reading but not fully... because I don't get to used computer as much as I like because I am borrowing my mother's computer and I forgot what I was I was suppose to read but I don't think I messed anything up with my post. It was not much of an introductions of a my character really... but yet I think it will do well..
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on March 25, 2014, 09:38:30 PM
Hooray, I finally popped my Star Trek: Theurgy cherry!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on March 25, 2014, 10:03:46 PM
How did it feel? :) Also nice posts you guys ^^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on March 25, 2014, 10:22:31 PM
I do hope you enjoyed it as much as I did ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on March 25, 2014, 10:30:01 PM
 ;D it felt great! And I'm hardly sore at all!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RavenVess on March 26, 2014, 05:17:52 AM
I have to say I am having fun with posting as Tessa.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 26, 2014, 05:11:42 PM
Hi there everyone!

Please check your PMs. I sent an unfinished copy of the Group Report first so read the second one.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on March 26, 2014, 07:45:02 PM
Good report. Now I am simply trying to think up a post.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 26, 2014, 11:14:03 PM
And a great post it was!

For those that have yet to read their Report, and for all those that are reading our story without being active members (Gulliver, Arielle etc.) here is the relevant excerpt about the most recent development:

Our dear heroes have just managed to leave Theta Eridani IV in the nick of time, only to find themselves facing a whole fleet of Federation starships awaiting them outside orbit. This was revealed at the end of Crisis #10 ( for those of you that have yet to read that far. Pardon the minor spoiler. >_> I urge everyone to catch up on Crisis #10 ( first, before attending to the continued events.

Furthermore, an Epilogue has come up ( where events that fit into the time-frame between leaving the planet surface and engaging the fleet outside orbit may take place. In this epilogue, you will at the very least be introduced to an old face of the Theurgy crew. So old that he pre-dates Episode 01, yet has nonetheless being a recurring name in the story so far.

So, Part 1 of Unconquerable Soul has come to a close, and that means that a new sub-board has been created (, and I urge you to click the "NOTIFY" button up in the right corner of the new board. The Prologue, where the threat of the incoming Starfleet pursuers will be addressed, is split into two short parts, where one will deal with the initial encounter (, and the second part takes place somewhat into the near future ( aboard one of the enemy ships, the USS Archeron.

The main plot of this Episode has not too much to do with this encounter with Starfleet, and I promise you all that things will quiet down real quick. You all may be weary of combat after Part 1 of this Episode, and I am fully aware of that. My intentions with the encounter is in part a plot device for later events, but also for sake of introducing two new characters to the story. So for all those who are anxious to have your characters... "socialise", you needn't wait for much longer. *grins*


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on March 27, 2014, 11:36:07 AM
And finally, I am in business.

Hold on to your shorts...
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on March 27, 2014, 03:34:17 PM
*chuckles*  Lucan, you are thorough as always and seeing more new people who are so enthusiastic is wonderful.  Your compliments are appreciated though for Skye's combat post I have to get 98% of the credit on that one to Iron Ferrox.

It isn't that I don't like to do combat posts, it's that I am not familiar with all the lingo and know without a doubt I come up woefully short when I try to make them on my own.  I can have her talk smack and yes, she's one who always plays head bangin' music while she fights, but as far as maneuvers and different types of attacks ... I'm pretty clueless.

It's truly daunting, especially when I read IF, Kuro, and Nolan's combat posts.  Those guys are truly in the know and pull it off quite well.  I love Star Trek and have watched the movies and series (except DS9 because I just couldn't get into the characters for some reason) but despite that I never truly picked up on the scientific aspects.  It was the emotional aspects I grasped.  *shrugs with a lopsided grin*  I figure my best contribution so far is Rory drunk and staggering around the valley.  :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 27, 2014, 04:28:10 PM
Hah, seems as though I am never thorough enough since I failed to mention Rory properly in the Report! :) I should have added what I wrote to you over PM after I read your Rory post. *chuckles* I can't wait to see him find his way to Below Decks and take over the place.

As for you writing combat scenes, I do remember someone joining the RP at the end of Episode 01 and who single-handedly (besides a naked Nathaniel Isley trapped on the Captain's Yacht) made sure to keep the infected from taking off into space and contaminating the whole Galaxy, and not only that, also using a tractor beam to send the Yacht's Warp core away at a safe distance before it detonated. A detonation, mind, that served to help the USS Relativity to find its way to the Theurgy in the timestream. ;)

Technical lingo aside, your Skye seems to do what she is best at with a certain *ahem* flare.

Also, thank you CanadianVet for awesome morning-time reading. If that wasn't a good character introduction, I don't know what is. :)



Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on March 28, 2014, 03:10:09 AM
Searcher, the technobabble is fairly easy to come up with. Mostly you can make it up as you go. And when in doubt, there is a number of us geeks you can quiz.

And in the case of Skye as a fighter pilot, you don't really need all the "attack pattern (insert technobabble here)" stuff.  But to describe her flying, a suggestion I can make is to look up aerobatic maneuvers, WW2 aerial combat for dealing with other fighter-sized threats and anything you can find about Wild Weasel missions and close air support for working against starships and ground targets. Of course you'd have to adapt for the Star Trek environment and for working in space. For inspiration on that front, the recent Battlestar Galactica series gives a pretty detailed glimpse of fighter-based space combat.

And Lucan, I aim to please. Glad you enjoyed it. I was really hoping to make Trent's peculiar sense of humour come through and I think I succeeded.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: PapillonBeryl on March 28, 2014, 05:18:23 AM

I urge everyone to catch up on Crisis #10 ( first, before attending to the continued events.

What is a fourth degree burn?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Cathreen Dawinter on March 28, 2014, 05:34:13 AM
A fourth degree burn is one that extends through entire skin, and into underlying fat, muscle and bone. Basically it destroys everything. No natural healing from it.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: PapillonBeryl on March 28, 2014, 06:43:08 AM
I've never heard of it before.  Interesting. 


I guess I could have just googled (

Burn Classification

Note: The list below shows 4 burn degrees. While most of the public does not recognize the 4th degree, it is the correct term. The table below, with 3 degrees, is also correct. Both are acceptable.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: PapillonBeryl on March 28, 2014, 06:55:14 AM
Okay, I feel way outclassed.  It seems everyone has multiple characters.  How in the world do you do it?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on March 28, 2014, 05:05:37 PM
I only have one! ;) but in my case, having multiple characters is easier when your brain is a fevered fountain of creativity. The last Star Trek RP I was in, I played a male Andorian XO, a female Denobulan nurse, a male human engineer with a prosthetic arm, and a female human yeoman (who looked like Helena Bonham Carter).
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on March 28, 2014, 10:49:49 PM
Think I'm at three now. Yet I always have the urge to get more so I can be everywhere lol. It's pretty fun to have very different chars and I'm guessing somewhere in my mind I must have a personality disorder... Because they're all seperate voices and minds working in my head lol. Anyway posted my bit in "Under the Bludgeonings of Chance | Part I"

Off to bed now cause I have a weekend full of work...
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 29, 2014, 01:27:45 AM
PBeryl: I can only speak for myself but I find it a great way to be more involved in the story, with several point-of-views helping to tell the story.

Nolan: Great post with Tovarek!

I have a bit of a conundrum. As IronFerrox and I discovered months ago, there are several Star Trek star charts out there, where two are the most accepted ones:

Chart 1: (

Chart 2: (

There is a problem in how the Nimbus System (which the Theurgy was recently passing through) is located in two different places in the above charts. In Chart 2, it places the the system in the area of space where the the Klingon Empire, the Romulan Star Empire and the UFP meet in the middle of the chart. On this map our current location is misnamed Acmar, whereas Chart 1 clearly shows "Acamar (Theta Eridani)". Chart 1 does not, however, display the Nimbus System anywhere close to that location. In Chart 1, you can find Nimbus at the top edge of the Romulan Star Empire. Furthermore, the Starbases in the region are different in the two charts. To top it off, the Hromi Cluster is not visible in Chart 2 either, and we used that reference in the RP as well.

For sake of orienting everyone, and the fact that it is clearly mentioned in Memory Alpha that Nimbus is on the Klingon border, we will officially use Chart 1 in this RP, but with the modification of where the Nimbus System is located.

....I think I will make a chart of our one to reflect this, cutting out the relevant section from Chart 1 and editing it, but now, it's 1.30 am here so I am heading to bed. :)


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: PapillonBeryl on March 29, 2014, 02:46:08 AM
Is Ashreem new in this RP.  I googled the term to try and do some research while at work and the only links that came up were to the RP on HoE or Lucan's DA page.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 29, 2014, 07:44:39 AM
Here comes the notes about the Ash'reem species. This is no species of my own creation, but that of KittyKat, whom has left the RP.

Ash'reem - The Amphibious Frog People

Almost extinct, this very rare Warp-capable species does not only have so low birth-rates that they may only spawn one child every 100 years, but their planet is dying too - the waters being corrupted by the minerals released from the underwater volcanoes and earthquakes that tear the bottom of the sea apart. Their shore-outposts and underwater cities are slowly coming to ruin.

Ash'reem are as free-spirited -promiscuous - as they are due to their low birth-rates and the need to make their species survive. Both male and female Ash'reem have a life-expectancy of 200 years. They are a new member of the United Federation of Planets, and in hopes to get assistance with the survival of their kind, they have sought to enlist people in Starfleet and assisted in many scientific fields to show their good will. The USS Theurgy has been fitted with residential pool in one of the Senior Staff quarters in order to host the Neotin family.

Their skin in naturally warm and moist. They retain water with their skin and hair in order to survive out of the water for extended periods of time. Prolonged dehydration is fatal.

All Ashreem have six webbed fingers, four regular ones and two thumbs, one on either side of the main four. At the centre of the palm of an Ash'reem, a secretion duck synthesizes and secretes a thick paste that encourages cellular regeneration and growth, well acting as an anti-inflammatory agent and antibiotic. This is a key component to their long life-expectancy, where they use the paste to regenerate each other.

Ash'reem bones are naturally hollow and soft, only being comprised one fourth by actual bone the rest being cartilage. This makes Ash'reem extremely flexible yet sometimes seen as clumsy when walking, often seeming to sway slightly on their legs but are exceptionally graceful in the water - seeming to fly more then swim.

They have pheromone ducts underneath their arms, three on each side, where the top one emanates their own feelings and the other two are sensitive receptors that picks up on the environment around them. That is why they wear plastic bio-wraps underneath their uniforms, to suppress the full effect and not disturb other personnel on a starship too much by projecting their feelings and state-of-mind upon others.

Both male and female Ash'reem exhibit hair on their heads but no where else in their bodies. Ash'reem hair serves a function of water retention, readily absorbing water into itself and holding onto it slowly feeding it into the scalp to replenish lost fluids. Their hair's silk like feel assists in retaining water around their scalp and absorbing it from their environment, allowing for long trips out of the water. However most Ash'reem require a bath or shower at least once every fourteen hours if remain healthy, dehydration sets in after thirty six hours.

Ash'reem eyes are always exceptionally large, as they evolved to live and hunt in dark waters. Ash'reem eyes vary in colour although green is the most common. They have to use goggles in light environments since they live in the dark waters normally. Prolonged exposure to bright light might damage their eyes permanently.

They have no true ears, instead having an external tympanum that covers where a human ear would be and more delicate inner ears to discern subtle notes within the greater sound. Ashreem communicate amongst themselves with their pheromones and body language more than words. Although they are fully capable of communicating verbally, as in using Federation Standard, they find it awkward at times. Their natural spoken language is in the range of infrasonic waves that are inaudible to many other races.

Ash'reem lack teeth as most would consider them, instead having a stretching tongue and rough muscular plates inside their mouths that help grind up food. They are quite agile with their tongues and able to thrust them out of their mouths with effort, and then much like a squid can control its arms movement, it can be used to show affection. Extended, their tongues can stretch two feet. It is an evolutionary relic from a time where they used their tongues as close-quarters weapons, and they can still break bones with the impact if they thrust their tongues out - their whole gullet and chest supporting the oral attack.

Check the Deviant Art gallery or the Crew Manifest for pictures!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RavenVess on March 30, 2014, 05:12:37 AM
*chuckles*  Lucan, you are thorough as always and seeing more new people who are so enthusiastic is wonderful.  Your compliments are appreciated though for Skye's combat post I have to get 98% of the credit on that one to Iron Ferrox.

It isn't that I don't like to do combat posts, it's that I am not familiar with all the lingo and know without a doubt I come up woefully short when I try to make them on my own.  I can have her talk smack and yes, she's one who always plays head bangin' music while she fights, but as far as maneuvers and different types of attacks ... I'm pretty clueless.

It's truly daunting, especially when I read IF, Kuro, and Nolan's combat posts.  Those guys are truly in the know and pull it off quite well.  I love Star Trek and have watched the movies and series (except DS9 because I just couldn't get into the characters for some reason) but despite that I never truly picked up on the scientific aspects.  It was the emotional aspects I grasped.  *shrugs with a lopsided grin*  I figure my best contribution so far is Rory drunk and staggering around the valley.  :P

Searcher- After I had read this post of your it made me think I really didn't know much about a lot of about names of tricks or flight patterns for a fighter plane, I am sure it should be the same thing for a space fighter. I don't know if anyone else feels this way because no one has really brought this up  as far as I know so I went and started to dig up helpfully links for everyone to used. I hope this could help us all make a better post during flying and fighting parts of the story.

Basic fighter maneuvers, Combat spread (
Air combat maneuvers (

I hope these sites are helpfully to everyone.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on March 30, 2014, 05:31:21 AM
I might not play a Valkyrie pilot, but might I suggest you also look into close air support flying and aircraft carrier operations. These would be good analogues for working with Theurgy as the carrier and the fighters going after actual starships.

Also, other resources you might want to consider for fighters in space, the old TV show Space: Above and Beyond, while cheesy as fuck, could be helpful, as well as the Viper scenes of the recent Battlestar Galactica show.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: PapillonBeryl on March 31, 2014, 10:27:34 PM
I'm loaded down with RL during the next two weeks.  I hope to get a post or two written this weekend, though.  Sorry for the interruption in your service. ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on March 31, 2014, 11:35:45 PM
I keep having character ideas, but running 2 so far seems to be stretching my limits as is, given my less than frequent posting ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on April 01, 2014, 08:16:41 AM
I wonder if Auctor will let me play a Na'vi? :D but without the creepy rape braid.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 01, 2014, 10:38:29 AM
Ah, if you are referring to the Ash'reem pictures and species, then you'll have to settle for a moist, amphibian, short and six-fingered Na'vi that needs to wear goggles all the time.

As for the actual Na'vi, no, I am not too keen on incorporating cross-franchise species. I would just as little accept actual Krogan, Turian, Asari and Salarian characters. ;)  

(Come to think of it, photoshopped Salarians might have fit the Ash'reem better as a visual representation of their species than the Na'vi)


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on April 01, 2014, 10:41:56 AM
Yeah, in hindsight it wouldn't even really be a Na'vi at all. James Cameron's ego is big enough as it is. What I really wanna play is a >7' tall blue-skinned feline humanoid with carbon-fibre reinforced skeleton and big yellow eyes.

Also I have another cool original species I made called Novemites! ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: PapillonBeryl on April 01, 2014, 12:21:37 PM
I don't think Navi would have survived everything Lucan has dished out;
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 01, 2014, 09:32:09 PM
She would be ded. D-E-D.

Also, because I love you all, I'm developing a new trailer with all our new faces featured. :)

(and i am drunk currently)

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on April 01, 2014, 10:00:52 PM
Ooh a drunken Lucan who loves us all?

Perchance it is time to ask for all those things we want and because he loves us he will let us have them!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on April 01, 2014, 10:09:30 PM
I would like to be half-Betazoid, half Klingon and half Romulan. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 02, 2014, 03:51:43 PM
Despite the fact of me being drunk last night I am truthfully working on a new version of our Promo Trailer (see my signature).

What takes the most time for me is always the endless questing on YouTube for clips of the RL representations of your characters, so if you have a couple of minutes to spare, it would help me immensely if you could PM me hyperlinks to high-quality clips of your characters. That way I can download them all in wait for their turn to be edited into the trailer.

If you all could do this, it would cut down the editing time for me by more than half. Naturally, some of you may have difficulty finding viable clips (like with a Boslic character), and for those there are few alternatives than to use the character pictures I have already made for you.

Also, there is further development in the Prologue, and if you have questions as to how you might proceed with your characters, just PM me so that I can help you out with a few thoughts and suggestions.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on April 03, 2014, 09:42:40 AM
Here's some good stuff for Fedd.

Another possibility:
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on April 03, 2014, 03:32:03 PM
reguarding the map post lucan made recently.  Since we are in the Theta system as mentioned I noticed this places us in very close proximity to the Azure Nebula.  i think we should avoid that area.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on April 03, 2014, 04:11:44 PM
I should probably know better, but here I go anyway...


EDIT: Nevermind, a quick google search provided me with the answer.

I say we give it a quick visit :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on April 04, 2014, 12:25:48 AM
Sorry for the comms silence regarding play, been involved in a horse rescue this week. Should get stuff up tomorrow
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on April 04, 2014, 12:26:13 AM
Year is 2481 or so... do we really want to buzz a 5+ fleet of ships all with quantum slipstream drives... and thats if we are lucky.  If not lucky then we buzz a borg invasion fleet.   Yea lets do that.  That's a perfect idea.

Also IMO that place is just flat out unlucky.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Cathreen Dawinter on April 05, 2014, 05:23:39 AM
 :P*yawns and stretches out* watched the mummy returns and now its time for bed. I did want to ask you guys if you where going to beam Dyan over before they escape or after?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 05, 2014, 07:54:57 AM
I am sorry to hear you had to watch such filth. ;)

Before! I will have Ida run down to meet up with Dyan in my next post, going up as soon as Captain Vasser has gotten a word in on Sankolov.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: PapillonBeryl on April 05, 2014, 03:06:02 PM
One long week of fun is over.  Another is yet to come.  I will be on continued radio silence during the week.  I hope to get a couple of posts down this weekend, though.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Cathreen Dawinter on April 05, 2014, 04:27:12 PM

Lucan, how can you call the mummy returns such filth? lol. I watched the mummy then the mummy returns had a good dose of Ardeth Bay hehe
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 07, 2014, 07:00:58 PM

Today's Theurgy PSA: The new Promotional Trailer is 80% done. Its based on the old one with some updates, mostly with the character reels being updated but also with our new logo and some minor modifications to the intro and ending.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on April 08, 2014, 08:43:03 AM
Freakin' sweet!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 09, 2014, 03:47:31 PM
The new Promotional Trailer is finally finished!

Vimeo is converting it as I post this, but you guys should be able to see the time left for it to finish if you click the link in my signature or right here:

Star Trek: Theurgy Promotional Trailer Ver. 2.2 (

If the conversion is finished when you read this, you will have access to the trailer and I would love some feedback since it took me a week or so to finish in my spare time. Updates have been done depending on available mtrl (clips) and whether or not I was content with older sections as they were. So, I have not neglected any one of you in terms of updates to some character reels, but I simply did not want to ruin what I had already accomplished the last time I did this.

Notice all the flying windows? All of them have been adjusted to show what I want when they fly by the screen. Its a tedious calibration, I tell you. Two frames this way, two frames that way, to catch that kiss or punch or whatever. Please bear this in mind and be kind, because I remain an amateur at this. :) Oh, and I know the music transition is a trainwreck already, lol. Its not the easiest song to work with.



Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on April 10, 2014, 01:16:53 AM
I came.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 10, 2014, 01:25:22 AM
Hah! Best  two-word review I ever got. Thanks! :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on April 10, 2014, 05:49:05 AM
Best review I ever got was in high school.  "That was the best thing I have ever read and I, sir, have read Schindler's List"
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RosariaRosette on April 10, 2014, 08:57:08 AM
*faints from an overdose of fangirlgasms*
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RavenVess on April 11, 2014, 08:27:32 PM
YAY! For the video! I like it very much so but I didn't see Zaraq in there.

I did post for Tessa so YAY!

And to everyone I hate this but I love this all the same time but who likes moving and dealing with packing and unpacking driving from one place to the other. Though this is a started of a whole new chapter in my life and I happy for it yet just want it to be done already. I will try to post as much as I can after around about a two weeks from moving and unpacking and what ever else we must do to call the place home.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on April 13, 2014, 11:58:53 PM
Cool song IN the thread Raven.  I have a few questions.

1: are the lyrics from something or did you write them yourself?

2: do you have a melody in mind for how the song is sung?

3: If not either and its really more of a poem/song of your own creation then what genre is it.

Myself I get the vibe of a haunting lullaby.  Something similar to that come little children song in Hocus Pocus.   Let's just say Selena Ravenholm knows why that's what comes to mind to me.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RavenVess on April 14, 2014, 12:46:15 AM
1. The song was made up by me.
2. I haven't got a melody for it yet. I plan on working on it and sing it myself on YouTube. Which I post on here and maybe add to my post.
3. Well I have to say its freestyle poem/song and I would label it as lullaby/inspresional.

Thank iron fox. Though come little and mix of I see fire from the hobbit movie is what it makes me of.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on April 14, 2014, 03:42:26 AM
1. The song was made up by me.
2. I haven't got a melody for it yet. I plan on working on it and sing it myself on YouTube. Which I post on here and maybe add to my post.
3. Well I have to say its freestyle poem/song and I would label it as lullaby/inspresional.

Thank iron fox. Though come little and mix of I see fire from the hobbit movie is what it makes me of.
no prob Glad I wasn't too far off trying to shoehorn the words into Come little children's melody wasn't too far off.

also wow now we can have RP related  OC that isn't lucan's image manipulation or promo videos.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RosariaRosette on April 14, 2014, 03:54:23 AM
Hey everyone, Just thought I'd pop in and let everyone know I'm not dead.

I've been kinda busy lately so I'm sorry I haven't posted as much as I used to.

I'm hoping things will settle down for me soon so I can get back into the rhythm of things.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on April 14, 2014, 05:14:53 AM
I didnt figure ya were heh, Hoping things work out for ya soon.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 16, 2014, 03:33:52 PM
RavenVess: Zaraq is a part of the current plot in Episode 3, and depending on the outcome, I might add him as well to the promo trailer. I would have had difficulty with him regardless because of his unique look. Like I said over PM, great song too!

Adakoch: Hope to see you return to us as soon as you can!

Everyone: (

As you all can see at the bottom of the above link, I have finally gotten around to clarify the chain of command when it comes to Warrant and Provisional Officers comparing to Line Officers and NCOs. Here is the relevant image, but if you have trouble knowing what the rank insignias mean, look at the link above.


I will be making some more edits to this, and with Dyan Cardamone's rank needs to be changed to Petty Officer 1st Class instead of 3rd, like I thought initially when I advised you Cathreen Dawinter. I also need to edit the gold/steel variance in some pictures of NCO rank insignias. My fault for not researching this more thoroughly from the start!


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Cathreen Dawinter on April 17, 2014, 04:35:48 AM
Ok Lucan I changed her class on her character sheet. Is there an other places I need to change?  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on April 18, 2014, 05:17:59 AM
I gotta ask... Where is everyone?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on April 18, 2014, 03:17:47 PM
figuratively (why no recent posts) or literally (locations that we live)?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on April 18, 2014, 03:23:39 PM
Central Canada, roommate hogging the bandwidth. :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 18, 2014, 05:40:03 PM
Cathreen Dawinter: I think that was all that you needed to fix but I will get back to you if I find more locations! :)

Here is the answer, as best as I know, to the figurative question:

- Auctor Lucan: Active
- Kurohigi: Active with high work demands
- Brutus: Active (In many Roleplays and admitting himself a slow poster. Welcomes floggings.)
- Searcher: Active with high family demands
- IronFerrox: Active
- Nolan: Active (recent death in the family, word pending on return)
- The Counselor: Active with high work demands
- AdaKoch21: Active but with high work demands
- Valarie: Active now (will post today unless something unforeseen happens))
- TheBanshee: Active
- PapillonBeryl : Active
- Cathreen Dawinter: Active
- Leonal: Active
- RavenVess: Active (moving and has sketchy internet access)
- CanadianVet: Active

Everyone if free to correct me as needed! :)

The literal answer is a town in the Stockholm archipelago, Sweden.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on April 18, 2014, 09:07:14 PM
Wednesday:  Massive blackout that affected the whole of the north of Scotland [Show/Hide]

Thursday:  No internet access at college and had to catch up with shit-ton of work at home instead

Today: Finally getting sorted out.  Breathe... just remember to breathe...
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on April 19, 2014, 03:41:00 AM
BTW to answer the questions myself If I'm not posting its either writers block with the story, I am out of the mood for the RP, (when I get out of the mood it tends to last between a week and a month. It's these times that my replies seem to be kinda half assed and I don't really put much effort into them.)  or I am just not checking the thread cause I got lazy and need a kick in the ass to tell me, "Hey people are waiting for you to post something."

As for where I am In real life I live in Southeastern Oklahoma, USA. In a very small town.  Like post office, school couple churches and a Middle of nowhere country general store. ((If I would ever learn to hunt or fish I would be living in a literal paradise.))
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Cathreen Dawinter on April 19, 2014, 10:39:03 PM
I feel your pain IronFerrox. I live in a small town in Arkansas. The only thing we have here are houses. No store, no fire department, no cops. Nothing but houses and cows. *sighs* SOOOOO boring here.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 19, 2014, 11:48:24 PM
Now it is finished! I made our own starchart based on one of those I showed here in the OOC thread a couple of weeks ago.

This should help everyone get oriented, and if you have any feedback or feel that I should add something to this, let me know.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on April 20, 2014, 10:05:33 AM
Right, I'm back in action (or I think I should be). Time to do some reading up.
As for where I am: Belgium, North west of the small country by the seaside next to a major port.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RavenVess on April 22, 2014, 10:57:56 AM
Cathreen Dawinter: I think that was all that you needed to fix but I will get back to you if I find more locations! :)

Here is the answer, as best as I know, to the figurative question:

- Auctor Lucan: Active
- Kurohigi: Active with high work demands
- Brutus: Active (In many Roleplays and admitting himself a slow poster. Welcomes floggings.)
- Searcher: Active with high family demands
- IronFerrox: Active
- Nolan: Active (recent death in the family, word pending on return)
- The Counselor: Active with high work demands
- AdaKoch21: Active but with high work demands
- Valarie: Active now (will post today unless something unforeseen happens))
- TheBanshee: Active
- PapillonBeryl : Active
- Cathreen Dawinter: Active
- Leonal: Active
- RavenVess: Active (moving and has sketchy internet access)
- CanadianVet: Active

Everyone if free to correct me as needed! :)

The literal answer is a town in the Stockholm archipelago, Sweden.



I was packing things up when this post was made the next few days I was moving and setting things up in my new home. The place needs a lot of work but I got net back so I have time to do things but I also have to divide my time between a few forums, and job hunting as well as visiting people I know online.

RavenVess- Active- and job hunting-
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on April 24, 2014, 09:54:49 PM
Ladies and gentlemen, coming soon to the USS Theurgy...

CWO1 Sten Michael Covington, Chief of Flight Deck Operations.

In English, what that means is they all shuttlebay and fighter bay operations go through him. That's maintenance, parking spots, logistics, sweeping, mopping, the kind of air freshener in the cockpit, you name it.

While they are on board, auxiliary craft, fighters included, "belong" to him. And unless the Captain is on his flight deck, he is the voice of the top deity of your choice.

Pilots, be aware, this fellow is pushing 60 and has 40 years in Starfleet. And while a number of you may or may not technically outrank him, he is not some crewman to be bossed around. Although it would be fun to have one of you try  ::)

Seriously, he's there to primarily look after the whole rear echelon of the fighter squadron and keep the flight deck running smoothly. Simple stuff really.

Other people playing enlisted types, his door is always open if you need a chat with something like a Sargent-Major. Got issues with officers unjustly busting your balls, want a drink, need someone to talk to about your issues that doesn't have a degree from Starfleet Academy, or try and start an NCO band, he's your man.

All in all, just trying to add to the story here.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 24, 2014, 10:03:59 PM
Heh, now that you have mentioned him here, you might just as well post his character sheet in the Crew Manifest thread. I will then update the manifest so that it has the listing and link to your post. :)

Just remember that Covington operationally reports to the SCO and Jien Ives is not the kind to tolerate unjustified insubordination on his ship. ;) Just to add another layer of intrigue to the IC situation.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 26, 2014, 09:33:08 PM
An updated tribute to the Lone Wolves Squadron (with some new faces):

Link: (

Click the hyperlink above. The image was too wide to show directly here in the OOC thread.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on April 27, 2014, 03:27:22 AM
I like Sten being in the pic. Reinforces he is the "man on the ground" for the squad. and is an honorary member of the Wolves themselves rather than ust a guy who works in the bay they share with him.  alo noticed the range eng jumpsuit with shite undershirt.  Also subtlety reinforces that he is engineering division with a heavy area of focus in tac conn operations.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on April 28, 2014, 09:04:37 PM
Hello, I'm new and just joined the crew.  I'm introducing Doctor Maya, a female Vulcan neurologist who looks like my avatar.  This is my first time RPing on line and I'm still learning how to navigate around this site  I've come into the middle of something that's so complex and intricate that I'm completely lost! 

I made Maya a quiet introvert who doesn't make waves to explain why she's been onboard all this time but always off camera, but I may have shot myself in the foot.  I don't seem to have a way to integrate her into the story!  If anyone wants to use her in a storyline feel free to give me my cue.  Perhaps I've made this character too isolated.  I figure the best way to get her in the action is to let her be a friend or a sounding board for other characters.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 28, 2014, 09:09:10 PM
Lol, I told you I'd cue you into the major storyline as soon as possible but its always good to throw some hooks out there for side-plots.

While new to roleplaying on a forum like this, at least I can vouch for your writing skills.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RavenVess on April 28, 2014, 09:18:00 PM
Hello, I'm new and just joined the crew.  I'm introducing Doctor Maya, a female Vulcan neurologist who looks like my avatar.  This is my first time RPing on line and I'm still learning how to navigate around this site  I've come into the middle of something that's so complex and intricate that I'm completely lost! 

I made Maya a quiet introvert who doesn't make waves to explain why she's been onboard all this time but always off camera, but I may have shot myself in the foot.  I don't seem to have a way to integrate her into the story!  If anyone wants to use her in a storyline feel free to give me my cue.  Perhaps I've made this character too isolated.  I figure the best way to get her in the action is to let her be a friend or a sounding board for other characters.

I am sure you will get some used out of Maya... soon because they willingly gave my character a gun. She a pilot not a foot soldier! I sorry I had to throw that out there because I thought it was funny.. but I am sure being fairly new to this game and was able to get in there rather fast thanks to Auctor and other players.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on April 28, 2014, 10:18:43 PM
Yep I'm sure You'll fit right in If you have ever done Roleplaying like D&D then your imagination in that game will be your greatest ally here.  as for my own personal tips I would say that my own experiences have taught me that This is sort of light writing fanfiction th diffference being you are simply writing for one character in the story and you write their story so to speak and react to the others stories.  I in fact like to refer to Online RP as Cooperative/Collaborative Fan-fiction.  Either way its nice to always see another new face.

More faces = more writing = more chaos.  Beautiful chaos.  The ruinous powers would be pleased.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on April 28, 2014, 11:03:01 PM
Thanks guys.  Is it possible that she has formed a connection with any of your characters?  If any of your guys need to emote, she makes a good listener.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on April 28, 2014, 11:46:32 PM
It's good to see IF posting here so I know my Oklahoma neighbor is okay.  I'm a little worried about my fellow Arkansan, Cathreen.  I hope you are okay and will breathe easier when I see a post from you.

Some of you may not know, but we had a devastating tornado rip through our state last night and there's so much death and destruction.  We were lucky in my area though just a few miles down the road, a man and his two daughters were lost.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on April 29, 2014, 12:06:23 AM
It's good to see IF posting here so I know my Oklahoma neighbor is okay.  I'm a little worried about my fellow Arkansan, Cathreen.  I hope you are okay and will breathe easier when I see a post from you.

Some of you may not know, but we had a devastating tornado rip through our state last night and there's so much death and destruction.  We were lucky in my area though just a few miles down the road, a man and his two daughters were lost.

You talking about the one that Touched down in Mayflower?  Channel 5 is talking about that storm right now.

As for myself the rotation that was spotted near Rich mountain (just north of Mena) Passed a few miles south of me right before it intensified.  and started rotating.  Worst we got from it was a torrential downpour and a little pea sized hail.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on April 29, 2014, 12:13:16 AM
Yeah, the hook and tornado actually started in my county and just kept getting stronger as it went along.  It hit Mayflower and stayed on the ground through Vilonia (which is absolutely devastated for the second time in just a handful of years) and onward to the northeast corner of the state.  They tracked it and said it basically stayed on the ground for the three hour jaunt through the state.  Even with significant warning ahead of time, it was still one of the most brutal storms we've had and there's never really a way to fully prepare.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 29, 2014, 12:23:01 AM
I am so sorry to hear about the tornadoes in your areas. As for your question about Cathreen, Searcher, she did post a couple of hours ago in Part II.

All: New thread posted for Sickbay events directly following the Prologue. (


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on April 29, 2014, 12:26:40 AM
I hadn't received a notification there but I'm really glad to hear she's posted.  WHEW!

I'll be away from the computer for a few hours now.  Gotta get ready and go to the Scout Court of Honor.  My older son has achieved Life status so is just a few steps away from Eagle Scout.  Tonight they celebrate his achievement though so I'll be there with handfuls of tissues.  :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 29, 2014, 01:05:11 AM
I posted a Below Decks thread too for all the Lone Wolves! (


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on April 29, 2014, 01:55:16 AM
Glad to see a new face, and that the old faces are still alive after that storm. I got a buddy whose parents are out that way - scary stuff. We're getting whats left of the storm front here in VA over the next few days - no tornados expected, but still, icky.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on April 29, 2014, 02:43:36 AM
Bless you AL.  I send Maya to sickbay immediately.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on April 29, 2014, 03:32:48 AM
I hadn't received a notification there but I'm really glad to hear she's posted.  WHEW!

I'll be away from the computer for a few hours now.  Gotta get ready and go to the Scout Court of Honor.  My older son has achieved Life status so is just a few steps away from Eagle Scout.  Tonight they celebrate his achievement though so I'll be there with handfuls of tissues.  :D
  Grats to your kid on that one.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: PapillonBeryl on April 29, 2014, 04:15:23 AM
I am so sorry to hear about the tornadoes in your areas. As for your question about Cathreen, Searcher, she did post a couple of hours ago in Part II.

All: New thread posted for Sickbay events directly following the Prologue. (



Is this a jab at me?  *angelic pose*

I'll see about getting something posted tomorrow.  I ended up on kid and family duty all weekend so I was unable to write. 

Seriously, though, thanks for creating supplementary threads.  It just didn't feel right to throw the Sharesh storyline right into the midst of the CO encounters.  It would be like reading about Pip from Great Expectations then jumping into Shelley's Frankenstein with no segue.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on April 29, 2014, 10:55:14 AM
Glad to hear you all survived the tornadoes! European habitnts have very little (to no) experience with them. Worst we get is heavy storms but nothing that severe. Also welcome to our newest writer ^^ Looking forward to write with you!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 29, 2014, 04:24:54 PM
Attn: Kurohigi, Valarie, TheBanshee, Leonal & Nolan! New Supplemental thread posted: (

PBeryl: No worries at all! It was highly needed on all fronts. :)


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: PapillonBeryl on April 30, 2014, 06:21:30 PM
Was Red Alert or Battlestations ever called in this latest interaction with Starfleet?  I don't recall but then my memory isn't the best.  I'm trying to figure out where and what Narik was up to from the time she left Sickbay until she returns there for the supplementary thread.

Nevermind, I found where it was.

"Jesus Christ," said Winterbourne, eyes wide. "We are dead..."

"Red Alert!" proclaimed Jien, hands made into fists by her sides where she stared upon the viewscreen. "Can we get away?"

"I might have a minimal chance to escape," said Thea, referring to herself as a ship, "


Red Alert has been issued on both ships. Current status for the departments are as follows:

Engineering/Operations: Addressing issues that may have arisen because of the volcanic tremors before leaving the ground and the high degree of ash in the air on the planet. People that in the last minutes were Transported to the transport buffers are to be freed into the Transporter Rooms. Further orders are pending from the Chief Engineer and Chief of Operations respectively.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: PapillonBeryl on April 30, 2014, 08:14:07 PM
New question:  When was the Red Alert canceled?

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 30, 2014, 11:18:14 PM
The Red Alert was changed to Yellow Alert in this post:

Obviously, it is after the fleet was shut down and they activated the phasing cloak. In order to bring aboard the shuttle, they dropped the cloak for a while to allow Carrigan Trent and Wenn Cinn to come aboard. They they cloaked again, and sped off to leave the fleet behind before any ships were restored to full power.

It has not been covered in my posts, but Yellow Alert should have been cancelled as soon as they were not under hostile threat, meaning when they had gained themselves enough distance between the dead fleet and themselves. In fact, PBeryl, you should feel free to have Yellow Alert cancelled in your post, and thus leaving her with an opening to leave Engineering and head to Sickbay if that is still your intent. :)

Did I miss anything? Its late and I am heading to bed. Thanks for the reading and I look forward to your post in Sickbay!


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on May 02, 2014, 12:32:57 AM
Too bad it didn't work out.   :(
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: PapillonBeryl on May 02, 2014, 01:54:22 AM
The Red Alert was changed to Yellow Alert in this post:

Obviously, it is after the fleet was shut down and they activated the phasing cloak. In order to bring aboard the shuttle, they dropped the cloak for a while to allow Carrigan Trent and Wenn Cinn to come aboard. They they cloaked again, and sped off to leave the fleet behind before any ships were restored to full power.

It has not been covered in my posts, but Yellow Alert should have been cancelled as soon as they were not under hostile threat, meaning when they had gained themselves enough distance between the dead fleet and themselves. In fact, PBeryl, you should feel free to have Yellow Alert cancelled in your post, and thus leaving her with an opening to leave Engineering and head to Sickbay if that is still your intent. :)

Did I miss anything? Its late and I am heading to bed. Thanks for the reading and I look forward to your post in Sickbay!



Okay, can do.  Here's what I'm working with as a timeline for how long the different conditions were active (from Narik's perspective):
* Narik arrived in Sickbay and spoke with LT Marlows before going to Engineering (T=0)
* CAPT Ives arrived in Sickbay, gave the order to come to him in two hours with suggestions for restoring Sarresh, then went to the Bridge.  (T=5 min)
* CAPT Ives ordered Red Alert (T=7 minutes)
* LT Marlowe beamed into Engineering and installed the cloaking device (T=8 to 12 mins)
* CAPT Ives ordered evasive maneuvers and cloaking (T=12 min)
* Plasma conduit ruptured (T=13 min)
* CAPT Ives ordered Yellow Alert (T=17 min)
* CAPT Ives in the Hangar Bay and that plotline (T=18 to 30 min) (Not like Narik knows this is happening, though)
* Yellow Alert canceled (T=35 min) as Ives heads to the Conference Lounge.

Please let me know how off the mark this is.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 02, 2014, 01:58:06 AM
Your timetable looks good to me! Thanks for clearing that up. :)


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on May 02, 2014, 02:00:36 AM
I'll be posting soon. I derped and somehow missed Duv's reply to Fedd. ;D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on May 02, 2014, 02:33:16 AM
Where do the other prologues fit in this timeline?  Is it red or yellow alert in Sickbay and "Below Decks"?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 02, 2014, 02:40:21 AM
Yellow alert in Sickbay and Below Decks. Not in the Conference Lounge thread.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on May 02, 2014, 03:38:50 AM
Looks like I have some reading to do!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Cathreen Dawinter on May 04, 2014, 05:25:30 AM
Don't usually post in the ooc thread but I came across this picture and laughed so hard I wanted to share it with my one and only fave star trek group. Hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on May 05, 2014, 03:50:01 AM
Typing on a tablet from a hotel room. Away From my nice comfy keyboard for one more night. Should be able to get online properly tomorrow night,though cannot vouch for how much time I will have to post that night.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 06, 2014, 01:24:39 AM
Thanks for the update Kuro and thanks for the laugh, Cathreen! :)

Too late for me to post with Rawley or Nightmare in Below Decks tonight so I will save that one for tomorrow.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 08, 2014, 11:15:26 PM
Oh, something long overdue has been done. I have taken some time tonight to update ThanIda zh'Wann rubbish character sheet, lol.

Ida has had a previous incarnation in another roleplay, years ago, and upon re-reading the version for our story, I found that I had neglected to give the character sheet the appropriate amount of time and attention to convert her background story to fit her current profession (she was a fighter pilot in that old story). Motivational factors did not add up, writing quality abysmal, and the worst thing of all was that the personality profile section did not reflect how I have played Ida in our story at all. It was as if she was someone entirely else when re-reading that.

So, no need at all for anyone to read it - and I may still not be content with it -  but for those interested, here is the updated character sheet of ThanIda zh'Wann: (


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: PapillonBeryl on May 09, 2014, 01:05:39 AM
Good-bye!--no, do not grieve that it is over,
   The perfect hour;
That the winged joy, sweet honey-loving rover,
   Flits from the flower.

Grieve not--it is the law. Love will be flying--
   Yes, love and all.
Glad was the living--blessed be the dying.
   Let the leaves fall.

-blatantly plagiarized from "A Farewell" by Harriet Monroe

I am taking my leave from the group.  Personal writing style preferences and life's decision to throw obstacles in my way are pushing me away from RP.  I leave Narik in Lucan's more than capable *cough* (at least wait until I've left the thread before you start using those hands, Lucan) *cough* hands.  I enjoyed my brief participation and look forward to lurking about and seeing how the story progresses.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Cathreen Dawinter on May 09, 2014, 02:13:25 AM
Its sad to see you go PapillonBeryl. I wish I had the chance to write with you but I do wish you the best in life.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on May 11, 2014, 11:31:37 PM
PB- take care of what you need to take care of. We understand.

On an unrelated note, wanted to chime in for a minute as an 'old' player to the group. 

We've got a lot of (from my view point) new writers in the group lately, and I've been able to write and interact with a few of y'all so far in a couple of the new threads. Just wanted to say I am having a blast right now. Fresh faces and interactions are giving me a fresh perspective on my first character, Natalie, and y'all are giving me a chance to grow her from what she started as. Its fun to have her getting into some (light) conflict with some of the crew, while at the same time having a chance to explore some of the demons haunting her. And on the flip side, my comatose, near dead Sarresh might just be in some very capable hands, so I'm looking forward to getting to write him again in the (relatively) near future.

Seriously, y'all's characters are a blast. Keep up the good work, guys and gals.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on May 12, 2014, 01:44:39 PM
Take care PB! Hope we'll hear from you soon either way :)

Also Brutus, it is pretty fun to see Natalie "open up" more and more ^^ And I think you're right though, new people are giving this Rp quite a great boost to write from new perspectives.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 12, 2014, 04:03:59 PM
Hi everyone!

Indeed, new blood makes things flow quicker in the threads, and pulls everyone along. Great posting overall and exciting times!

Like I have said over PMs, PBeryl, thank you for your time with us and the wonderful scenes in Chapter 3 in the first part of Unconquerable Soul. I am glad that you wanted to give this story a try even if Group Role-play didn't turn out to be your cup of tea in the end. I am equally pleased that you discussed this with me at length before leaving instead of just falling silent on me. I hope that you will continue to find the story interesting even after you leave, and don't be afraid to pose questions here in the OOC thread if you want to.

On another note, Valarie has not been able to keep up with the story and as of Friday last week, she has decided to leave the Group too. Her RL-situation has not enabled her to partake in recent events,  and while she would have liked to stay, the prospects for the future does not seem to look any better. She played the character Cameron Henshaw, the Captain's Yeoman, and while Valarie cannot continue writing with us actively, she had generously offered Cameron to be inherited by someone else (like IronFerrox inherited Selena Ravenholm - formerly known as Tamika Remmington - after that writer bailed after a single IC post).

Therefore, Cathreen Dawinter (who only has a single character in form of Dyan Cardamone aka Sar-unga Neleo) has offered to take over Cameron Henshaw, and will resume posting in her threads as soon as she has wrapped her head around the scenes. I have issued a full creative licence to Cathreen to play Ensign Henshaw in whatever way she likes that doesn't fully contradict events in the story so far, chalking up any personality differences to have occurred because of the trauma she has undergone in sleeping with Jien Ives in loosing her sister Lisa Hawthorne on Theta Eridani IV etc.


In related news, PBeryl was been equally generous in leaving us, so if anyone who would like to overtake our civilian Boslic engineer, named Narik Cinsaj, and both doesn't have too many characters and also believe they can keep up posting for another one, should contact me with such a request over PM. My policy on this is very loose, meaning that the one who cries out first and I think can keep up with playing her gets to inherit the character. I issue the same creative licence to the writer who inherits Narik Cinsaj, even if Jien Ives did not sleep with her. If there are no takers, Ms Narik Cinsaj will still be kept as an NPC that is available to be played for all writers in the Group (within reason, of course).


On a side note, Kurohigi has updated his signature to explain his sudden absence, just a heads up for those waiting outside the Conference Lounge. I will be posting with Thea in the meantime.

Best Regards,

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on May 13, 2014, 04:21:05 AM
With regards to Kurohigi's situation, I understand how this stuff can go. 44-hour work days and 27-day work weeks (and while still in country, not overseas) and I are old friends.

All I can say is I hope there is an end in sight for that mess and and you'll get some downtime soon.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on May 13, 2014, 04:30:05 AM
Good luck K.  We'll just assume that your characters have 'the night shift.'
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 15, 2014, 04:53:18 PM
Hi again everyone!

Sadly, neither Adakoch21 nor RavenVess are members of the Star Trek: Theurgy Group anymore because of lacking posting activity. They were both approached weeks ago and given time to try and get back in gear. They were given a second chance after that, giving them a date to get back to me, yet without any IM or PM response whatsoever, RL evidently came to draw their focus completely. This termination of these memberships are made for the sake of the Group as a whole.

Both these writers played Lone Wolves pilots, and since they are unique with their designations and numbers in the squadron, with no replacement pilots available, and I toiled for hours to make their character images, I have decided that their characters needs to either be inherited by someone else (like Cameron Henshaw was inherited by Cathreen Dawinter) or made NPC:s for the Group as a whole to play (like Rawley and Nightmare already are in the Lone Wolves Squadron).

Therefore, Leonal (who only has a single character in form of Lieutenant Sjaandin Fedd) has offered to take over Tessa May Lance, and will resume posting in her threads as soon as he has studied the current version and made revisions as he see fit in a new character sheet. Again, I have issued a full creative licence to Leonal to play Tessa in whatever way he likes that doesn't fully contradict events in the story so far.


If anyone who would like to overtake our Human/Betazoid pilot, named Soo Young "Oracle" Seung, and both doesn't have too many characters and also believe they can keep up posting for another one, should contact me with such a request over PM. Again, my policy on this is very loose, meaning that the one who cries out first and I think can keep up with playing her gets to inherit the character. I issue the same aforementioned creative licence to the writer who inherits Oracle. If there are no takers, she will still be kept as an NPC that is available to be played for all writers in the Group (within reason, of course). I will personally finish the threads on the old board where this character is still active if there are no immediate takers.


On a side note, Nolan and I are writing a Joint Post with Tovarek and Thea where details regarding the phasing cloak will be revealed. The JP will be posted as soon as it'f finished. Looking forward to the continuation of all threads on our new board! :)

Best Regards,

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on May 18, 2014, 08:58:03 PM
I at least have the long weekend now, so that's been my chance to play catch up.  Until I know for sure if I can have my weekends back from work, I'm gonna refrain doing any posts that are unnecessary, just to be sure I don't lock anyone up if work continues to keep me too busy.  I also give Lucan permission to control my characters if my absence is too long and a scene needs completion while I am unable to perform my duties.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 20, 2014, 12:28:53 AM
Thanks for letting us know, Kuro! Please keep me posted on the development. :)


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on May 20, 2014, 12:53:01 AM
I'm still hungover from my weekend at the sci-fi con but I should be able to post soon. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 21, 2014, 09:45:36 AM
Hope you had a great time at the convention! Any Star Trek related things there?


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 21, 2014, 11:28:56 AM
Current Story Overview:

Threads on the old board:
EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 01: The Ring of Fire] - Next poster: IronFerrox
EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 02: Unusual Courting] - Next poster in PM Joint-Post: Leonal
EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul [Chapter 02: The Captain's Yeoman] - Next poster: Cathreen Dawinter

Threads on the new board:

PROLOGUE: Under the Bludgeonings of Chance [Part I] - Finished

PROLOGUE: Under the Bludgeonings of Chance [Part II] - Finished
PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Below Decks] - Next posters: Searcher & Nolan

PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Sickbay] - Finished

PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Conference Lounge] - Next posters: Nolan & Leonal, characters leaving
CHAPTER 01: Find Me Unafraid [0630 hrs.] - Next poster: The Counselor
CHAPTER 01: Breakfast in the Neutral Zone [0700 hrs.] - Next poster: CanadianVet

CHAPTER 01: Aquatic Denominator [0800 hrs.] - Next poster: Doctor Maya
CHAPTER 01: The Intelligence Officer [1000 hrs.] - Next poster: CanadianVet

The Prologue takes place the same morning and during the day that they left Theta Eridani IV, while Chapter 01 takes place the day after they left Theta Eridani IV. As per request, I hope this info might help!

Upcoming threads will advance the story further, with the Harbinger and Theurgy meeting at the rendezvous point. It's just a matter of time for me to write the new starters as soon as I can. :)


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on May 21, 2014, 07:00:23 PM
Just an fyi - work has been damned nasty since last Thursday. I may be slow in responding.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RavenVess on May 21, 2014, 09:14:36 PM
Not that I want to do this but I am having personal reason... I will not be much of a posting rate that is required for this game... so I am going to back out. I hope that someone will find Tessa to their liking. Auctor I will try to post through the co-writing between Tessa and Zaraq so that thread will be ended and will tied up any of the loose ends that I may have cause. After the time I need to myself I will think about rejoining at that time. If anyone really wants to know may asked me in PM about what is going on. I am sorry to leave you all in this time but I find there is no other way from holding everyone up from a great story...

Thank you
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on May 22, 2014, 08:11:29 PM
Hope you had a great time at the convention! Any Star Trek related things there?
Oh, yes! There was a starship bridge simulator, great fun. I got to be weapons officer. We kicked large amounts of ass.

Sorry for lack of posts. My work schedule was changed abruptly and everything is topsy-turvy right now.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 24, 2014, 12:24:41 AM
Will be playing host to guests for the entire Saturday ending with a stag night for a friend, but I will most likely catch up with my posting Sunday afternoon.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 24, 2014, 12:50:03 AM
Oh, before I go to bed, I'll just want to show you all a work-in-progress. For while it is not done and there is more to add, this might help engineers and Lone Wolves alike with some terminology and placement for components on our Valkyries (ignore grey texts since they are not relevant yet):


When finished, I will share it again.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 25, 2014, 11:07:57 PM
New topic posted that, initially, holds vital info for everyone about the effects of the Phasing Cloak that the Theurgy and the Habringer is using! :)



Ps. I am catching up on posts as quick as I can Ds.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 30, 2014, 12:47:15 AM

Hi there everyone! An announcement that is quite graphics-oriented...

First of all, here is the new poster with some new faces:


Furthermore, as you may have noticed above, I have finally decided to change the RL-model for Captain Jien Ives' female form (FemIves).

When I created the character and made his/her graphics, I scoured the internet for a fitting image and I found the images of a woman that held a katana over her shoulder ( I was sold immediately, found more pictures of her and thought no more of who the woman was while spliced her face in next to Mark Dacascos (MaleIves). Over the years, it has become more and more apparent that this Tila Tequila was a... I feel that 'skank' does not quite suffice, but I will go with that description of her. Not only has she released 3 self-directed sex tapes but she is so high on drugs she thinks she is one of the illuminati. Seeing videos of her talking made it apparent that having Tila as my FemIves did not add up too well with the type of persona our Captain Ives has. In fact, her face might make applicants take the RP and the story less seriously.

Therefore, after some brainstorming with Leonal, I have found the ideal choice for who stars as FemIves in our story. Has anyone happened to see Melinda May in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D? Now there is a tough woman who could pull off the role as Commanding Officer. A woman who - if she smiles at all - just smiles quite faintly and has that unblinking kind of stare that easily intimidated people. The actress name is Ming-Na Wen:


Here is the new miniature images for the Crew Manifest:


Here is an updated image of her from our boudoir on DeviantArt (which is safe in regard to our site rules):


There are two more images on our DeviantArt page's boudoir, but you will have to find them on your own there: (

The work to rinse all our graphics from Tila Tequila continues, and I will soon be updating the covers for our PDF-files with the story so far. First, however, I will be writing due posts in the story!


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on May 30, 2014, 01:46:38 AM
My God!  She's perfect!  Ten out of ten for casting!  A plus!     ;D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on May 30, 2014, 01:55:39 AM
As a watcher of Agents of SHIELD, I like the change.  The Cavalry is here lol
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on May 30, 2014, 04:11:53 AM
Love the change too.

Ming Na Wen does the quiet intensity I picture femIves radiating extremely well. Along with the ability to take intensely brutal and decisive action.

Not to mention adding to the RP's credibility is always a good thing.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on May 30, 2014, 06:43:50 AM
so you are calling her FemIves...  Mass Effect is having A shall we say massive effect on your character terminology isn't it?

Helo I'm Lt. Commander Renard; and this is my favorite bar on the Theurgy.

BTW never watched S.H.I.E.L.D.  (Only watched the movies Still havent seen Winter Soldier.)  How is Agents?  I have heard good things just havent watched any Eps yet.  If I watch every episode of it till current will There be any spoilers for Winter soldier or do they seperate movie from TV enough to avoid spoils.

Still Excelent choice for Retconned Fem Ives.

BTW I am working on a better character Appearance for Renard.  I still like tennant but I think i could have done a bit better than vulcan eared human with a fox tail for the discription.  I think It woudl be a little better If I updated the physical appearance info to be more inline with something Like a Wild Elf from the Roleplaying Pathfinder setting.  As for the eyes I have a perfect image for the exact eyes he has.  these are Miles Eyes  In the Animal form they fit into the head exactly as on the pic of the fox there.  In the "furry" form there is a slight bit of Schlera "the whites of the eyes" around them.  IN non furred form there is a normal human ratio of Schlera to Iris to pupil.  In all three forms the pupil and iris are unchanged in terms of color and shape.  anyways I thought I woudl let you know I was thinking about making a better more specific and less bland discription for miles in the near future

On a side note (joke) Furfags overwhelmingly support shipping Renard and Neleo
sorry I was looking up Maned wolf anthros and this was a result and i immediately thought, "wait bat wings on a maned wolf? Sounds like an hybrid of our two races to me!"
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Cathreen Dawinter on May 30, 2014, 06:56:18 AM
*almost dies laughing* Oh my god havn't even slept together and already have a grown kid. lol. It does look like a hybrid between them which is funny.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on May 30, 2014, 06:57:21 AM
If I watch every episode of it till current will There be any spoilers for Winter soldier or do they separate movie from TV enough to avoid spoils.
  The later half of the season tie closely to Winter Soldier.  There is one episode that is practically a crossover, after which a central villain of the movie becomes the primary antagonist for the rest of the series.  If you're worried about spoilers (or want to get some references from the movie made by the show) watch Winter Soldier first.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on May 30, 2014, 07:07:06 AM
*almost dies laughing* Oh my god havn't even slept together and already have a grown kid. lol. It does look like a hybrid between them which is funny.
  I thought you would get a kick out of seeing that.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on May 30, 2014, 07:33:02 AM
Nice job on the photos, Auctor. I knew Ming-Na Wen would be perfect for the part. *sees the bikini shot* Aaaaaaand now I've had my first-ever dirty thoughts about her. Good job.

On an aside note, Wen also voiced the character of Mulan.


Oh hey look, there's Ives on the poster! ;D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on May 30, 2014, 07:40:03 AM
with that post, Leonal, you've won the internet tonight as far as I'm concerned! lol
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on May 30, 2014, 07:42:55 AM
Thanks! :D But I don't want the internet. It's full of questionable porn, misogyny, viruses and bronies. Can we re-gift it to someone else?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on May 30, 2014, 07:53:41 AM
sorry, you gotta take the good with the bad.  I gotta agree with your list of questionable content though  :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on May 30, 2014, 07:55:47 AM
that feel when you can probably look on your harddrive and find a pony related porn with misogonistic content that would cause people to get sick...Fuck my life
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on May 30, 2014, 08:06:58 AM
Misogyny isn't about porn, buddy. It's about how people act. :) And I have nothing against people who look at cartoon ponies... that way. I'm sure I've probably fapped to weirder things in my lifetime. ;) and I still watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, but I distanced myself from the bronies because...
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on May 30, 2014, 08:23:31 AM
Misogyny is definitely something detestable.  Frankly, it only belongs in plots meant to help you hate a character even more then you already do (so it figures heavily into a plot Searcher and I just started, where she is gonna get to play some kick ass females fighting to defeat an empire full of misogynists ^^)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on May 30, 2014, 08:26:18 AM
I can't even do that because every time I think about misogynists I just get so mad I can't think.

I mean, I was physically and mentally abused by a woman for decades and somehow managed not to become a misogynist, because I have a brain, so WHAT the hell is THEIR EXCUSE YOU ASSHOLES

whoops, sorry there I go again
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on May 30, 2014, 08:30:49 AM
Heh, I was saying I probably have a pic on my harddrive that combines all 4 of your complaints about the internet.

but yea.  I just like the show too and kinda like to troll people who overreact to pony images.

Also i think most of the mysogony on the internet isnt actual woman hate but a case of small dick syndrome.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on May 30, 2014, 08:35:45 AM
Well, the problem is that only a minority of men are actual misogynist assholes; but the problem is so prevalent (hashtag Yes All Women) is ubiquitous because nobody calls them on their bullshit.

Did you see all the YouTube comments about that dickwad that went on the shooting rampage? "Well girls, maybe this will make you think twice before friendzoning some guy."


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on May 30, 2014, 08:38:02 AM
I'm okay with playing the role in a story, mainly because I have always had an affinity for playing villains, as well as being given the "master" role in BDSM themed plots, which leads to some posing as a dominating figure over women.  It's just the people who honestly believe the crap about superior and inferior genders that get to me.,  That can go both ways, as I have seen some hardcore feminists who make me just as disgusted as a misogynist.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on May 30, 2014, 08:39:58 AM
Yeah, which gives a black eye to feminism sadly.

because some dudes whine about "well why isn't there a men's rights/movement/whatever"

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on May 30, 2014, 01:24:10 PM
However, the more mainstream version of feminism isn't about women being on the same standing as men, it is to give them a leg up over men.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for gender equality. But it has to be across the board. For one, I do not agree with the lower fitness standards for the Canadian Armed Forces old XPRESS test and I much prefer the Battle Fitness Test that is the standard for field units. In my age bracket, the XPRESS test threshold a woman had to reach to be exempted from testing the following year wasn't even enough for me to pass that test. The BFT, on the other hand, has fixed thresholds of time, distance and workload.

So in terms of gender equality, the BFT requires everyone to meet the same set of standards. And as a section head (yes, I was one), I would empower by weaker female personnel by giving them more time to work up for the test during regular hours if the workload allowed for it.

As for men's rights, we have a few groups like that in Canada and with reason. Particularly in family court, men have a serious disadvantage. By default, they consider all men are unfit to be parents in their eyes and must prove to the judge why they would be a better parent, or even fit to be with their children unsupervised, than their abusive/absentee/alcoholic/etc mother. It's happened to a few buddies of mine going through divorce. And the same goes with the Ontario Family Responsibility Office, which oversees child support payments. If an otherwise responsible father (not a deadbeat who goes off the grid to not pay child support) misses a payment for any reason, including when it I through no fault of his own like a problem with payroll or a banking error, they will come down on him like a ton of bricks and suspend his driver's license, freeze his passport, send the cops to his door and get him locked up until the money is paid up (happened to someone I know). And unless she's loaded, a woman will always get a free pass from them.

And if it comes to he Human Rights Tribunals, a straight man will ALWAYS lose to a woman, as "men have always been privileged and therefore cannot be discriminated against on the basis of gender".

Sorry about the rant here. I'm all for gender equality, so long as it is across the board and not selective.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on May 30, 2014, 03:41:26 PM
However, the more mainstream version of feminism isn't about women being on the same standing as men, it is to give them a leg up over men.

Disagree with you HARDCORE on that one, buddy. And while it's true that men get an unfair shake in some circumstances (the domestic court thing you mentioned, as well as domestic violence (, most "Men's Rights Associations" are completely unnecessary (and consist of chauvinists who feel threatened by feminism). I had a coworker tell me yesterday he thinks women want to be raped (and yes, I live in Canada). 1 in 5 American women will be raped at college. Once we correct that imbalance, then we can start worrying about starting men's rights groups.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on May 30, 2014, 03:54:12 PM
ya know I did have a long rant about why bronies became hated as well as my thoughts on feminism and SJWs (social justice warriors)  but i then said fuck it.

I'll just say I am for Equal rights for all but I am sick of the mentality that equal means protected from hearing about people with differing opinions.

Equal means just that legally on equal ground that dont mean you are protected from having to exist on the same planet as Nazi's.  Equal means they have a right to express their opinions butdont have a right to act on them.  If some moron wants to stand on a street corner saying "Jews did 911 and floride is an Illuminati Reptilian conspiracy to steralize the white man." then fine let them.  Cool let the say it i'm no offended its my Equal right to go "HAHAHA! ur a fukin moron."
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on May 30, 2014, 03:57:37 PM
SJWs are the reason I stopped reading Shortpacked :D and uh, I was talking about rape, not free speech. Although that is an hilarious comparison and I would say it's true.

ya know I did have a long rant about why bronies became hated
I hope it ended with the words "because of bronies" because bronies only have a reputation because of stuff bronies did. Not all bronies are creepy assholes, but every creepy asshole brony is a brony.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on May 30, 2014, 06:41:23 PM
Have to put my forum moderator hat on guys and gals - discussions of this nature belong in the Embrace the flames section of the broads, or the politics section, I suppose. They have no place in the rp ooc thread. I understand y'all didn't plan to get sidetracked into the conversation, but if y'all plan to continue, take it elsewhere.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on May 30, 2014, 10:12:28 PM
I hope it ended with the words "because of bronies"
Not the exact last words but pretty much yea most hate of the show hate is fandom's fault.

As for you brutus... yea god point thanks for shovign the thread back onto the tracks.

Everyone be warned though lest it rear its ugly head again
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on May 31, 2014, 08:14:35 AM
So isn't that technically bringing it up again? ;)

So uh, how 'bout that Theurgy? I feel like I've an uphill battle to really integrate Fedd into the crew. :) How would I find my best course of action?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on May 31, 2014, 04:47:25 PM
well Below decks thread is occurring a couple hours before he had to show up to his meeting in the conference room. He could show up there not knowing that its swamped with the wolves.  it isnt like below decks is closed for everyone else after all.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on May 31, 2014, 05:48:05 PM
Well, I need to integrate Trent as well. Would a meeting between the CTO and the IntO to go over the tactical reports of the encounters with the Calamity be a possibility?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on May 31, 2014, 05:59:15 PM
Heh technically both of these would occur at separate times if he wanted to be in both. 

The meeting you mention vet would be part of the current chapter and below decks is a supplementary of the previous one.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on May 31, 2014, 08:38:23 PM
well Below decks thread is occurring a couple hours before he had to show up to his meeting in the conference room. He could show up there not knowing that its swamped with the wolves.  it isnt like below decks is closed for everyone else after all.
Well, Fedd did say he wanted a drink. :) Might also be a good time to reintroduce Tessa as well.
Well, I need to integrate Trent as well. Would a meeting between the CTO and the IntO to go over the tactical reports of the encounters with the Calamity be a possibility?
Yes. Would you like to make it a Joint post?

Sorry for not replying sooner; HoE is being incredibly sketchy when accessed via my phone.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on June 01, 2014, 07:00:54 AM
Leonal, I'd rather individual posts. It's just a preference.

If you're open to that, I'll fire up a new thread when my brain actually works.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on June 01, 2014, 07:05:24 AM
Alright, I'll be about once I finish work tomorrow. Zzzzzzz.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 02, 2014, 02:11:51 AM
Quick announcement!

Since the Prologue threads are wrapping up, save for Below Decks which might continue a bit further since it extends through the entire day (same day as the morning where they left Theta Eridani IV and found Task Force Archeron waiting above the atmosphere )... I will reveal what may have been hinted already in some of the threads.

Chapter 01, which takes place the day after and begins with Wenn Cinn and Carrigan Trent being cleared by Deputy zh'Wann, will end with another Below Decks scene at 2000 hrs (give or take). This might be helpful for everyone to know in planning ahead, because this scene will be open for all characters, and not mainly the Lone Wolves heading there after being dismissed (like in the Prologue).

This scene will set off with a show from Rihen Neyah (and perhaps Doctor Maya does a number afterwards?), using her Risan showmanship to ease things up after all the crap the crews went through on TEIV. Crews, indeed, because this show marks the time when the Theurgy and Harbinger rendezvous. Celebration for being alive and together again, much to talk about come the morrow, and yet darker things will already be stirring underneath the surface....

This evening of celebration is supposed to give everyone a chance to have their character(s) take it easy and socialise freely before the major plotline kicks in for real again. Things might not be so merry for the characters anymore after that point... Consider this an opportunity not to be wasted! :)

The starter post for the show will be coming up in the next couple of days. If anyone has subplots or ideas to discuss with me to augment the story at this point, feel free to PM me anytime. Now, it's 2.11 am so I am heading to bed. G'night!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on June 02, 2014, 04:50:28 AM
Really? A G.I. Joe reference? :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Cathreen Dawinter on June 02, 2014, 05:03:14 AM
If Sar-unga is out of sickbay in time she shall be there  :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on June 02, 2014, 06:08:49 AM
Really? A G.I. Joe reference? :D

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on June 02, 2014, 06:16:14 AM


On an aside, I likely won't post tonight. I got Facebook-raped by a social justice warrior whom I thought was my friend (and is now posting attention-seeking diatribes about me on tumblr). Now I am depressed.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 02, 2014, 10:23:44 AM
Err... lol, if there was a G.I. Joe reference, it was entirely unintentional. :)

Oh, I forgot to say - given the late hour yesterday - that I was happy to read the collective reaction to switching RL-resemblance for FemIves (indeed a honorary reference towards the great Mass Effect game series). I had no idea that Ming-Na Wen played the voice of Mulan until Leonal told me, so it really throw the choice in an even more perfect glimmer. I only ever saw the Swedish dubbing when I was a child.

The image with the sword... I wonder if I could make that with... *eyes light up as he stands slowly, and speaks in the voice of Barney Stinson* Challenge accepted! *mad laughter*



PS .Sorry to hear about what happened, Leonal. DS.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on June 02, 2014, 01:17:08 PM
I know this is a serious RP and it's honestly all I could think of for a title to the thread. It is, after all, about finding out about their enemy. And I didn't have enough space in the title line to properly quote Sun Tzu so I had to fall back on something that fit the bill.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on June 02, 2014, 01:23:41 PM
Good luck Leonal.  
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on June 02, 2014, 02:54:56 PM
Err... lol, if there was a G.I. Joe reference, it was entirely unintentional.

yea its a reoccurring line from the end of the episode PSA's.  most of them would end with the kid saying.

"And now I know"

and the member of GI Joe replying "And knowing is half the battle!"

then the psa would end withthe melodic gi joe title being said with the logo shown.

Result is many kids such as me who grew up on that show have the exchange engrained in our head as

"And now I know, And knowing is half the battle. GEEE IIII JOOOOEEEE!"
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on June 02, 2014, 02:56:45 PM
Sorry CV I didn't mean to rip on it. :-) been a crappy night.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on June 04, 2014, 01:59:12 AM
No need to apologize.

And yes, that tidbit from my childhood is what popped to my mind when I couldn't find a good title. And like I said, didn't have the space to quote Sun Tzu lol
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on June 06, 2014, 06:07:30 AM
Ladies and gentlemen (and others), I'd like to introduce the Theurgy's newest crewmember Master Chief William Robert "Billy Bob" O'Connell!


Chief O'Connell is about as different from Ensign Maya as possible.  He's an enlisted puke, so if any of you officers need to give an order to someone, Billy Bob's your man.  If anyone who's enlisted wants to share a beer with Billy Bob 'Below Decks', he's up for that too.  Now that I've got a second character I'll probably be changing my handle again.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 10, 2014, 08:36:41 AM
Hey guys, I'm Josh, aka Rising. I'm new to HoE, and just got my character, Laxton Amani, approved for RP. You can see his images and biography in the crew manifest. I urge you to skim it, I worked really hard, as well as you all did, to make my character interesting. I'm really fun when you get to know me, so ask me anything you want, whether it be about Star Trek, my character, or personal life (to an extent). I'm happy to be part of your crew, nonetheless, and I can't wait to hop on the adventurous train of this RP.

Best of days,

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Cathreen Dawinter on June 10, 2014, 03:22:33 PM
Welcome to the group. I can tell you everyone here is nice and easy to work with. I am looking foreword to writing with you.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on June 10, 2014, 04:33:36 PM
Welcome to te group! Hope you enjoy your time here ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on June 10, 2014, 07:47:05 PM
Welcome, welcome.  More fresh meat new people are always welcome here :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on June 10, 2014, 11:22:04 PM
Ah, another poster playing 'Remember the New Guy.'  I can relate.   Welcome aboard Rising. (
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on June 11, 2014, 05:01:17 AM
Welcome to our little corner of the web.

Rising, feel free to join the Damage thread. All pilots are doing basic maintenance jobs since all the fighters are grounded because of the volcanic crap they've sucked in and the deck itself needing to be checked out after the combat landings.

And Maya, here's a thought: how about Billy Bob pops his head in too? Sten could use extra hands with the structural assessment of the deck and it substructure and to get the dents pounded out of the deck. Not to mention Sten might have asked him, one senior NCO to another, if he could lend a hand?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on June 11, 2014, 05:29:57 AM
Why shucks, CV.  Billy Bob'll be glad to.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 13, 2014, 12:36:30 AM

Chapter 02 starter has been posted, and for sake of reference it takes place on the same day as Chapter 01, only at 9 pm in the evening. Here is the link: (

I will be waiting for as many as possible to write their characters arriving to the event before Rihen Neyah stops juggling knifes and declares the festival opened. Don't forget to read the OOC note and PM me if you have any questions. You may of course post your questions here as well.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 13, 2014, 07:04:54 PM
With the change of the RL model for FemIves, I have made a new portrait and put it in the DeviantArt gallery:

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on June 14, 2014, 05:04:56 PM
sorry i have been away fr a bit the last week or so.  Shit went on IRL with recieving dental bills that were supposed to be covered by insurance but weren't and I had to deal with that.  
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on June 14, 2014, 05:47:56 PM
Just to let you all know I'm alive.  Sorry for the delay, I've been a bit busy this week.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: The Counselor on June 15, 2014, 01:46:42 AM
Hi all,

I will be leaving Sunday for a week to visit family and go to Disney World with my nieces (15 and 10) who've never been before. 

I will have my IPAD with me and I anticipate writing some, but it'll be sporadic.  I'll be back online beginning Monday, June 23, 2014.

Take care!

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on June 17, 2014, 02:51:24 PM
gonna try and get some posting done on HoE today, but I had a tooth pulled yesterday and the medication is messing with my ability to concentrate on writing, so that may slow me down over the course of this week.  Just trying to get some stuff done during my lucid moments lol
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 18, 2014, 12:25:06 PM
Story Overview

Greetings everyone and hope RL treats you well out there! :)

I figured I'd take a few moments to compile a story overview for everyone to help keep track of current events in the Episode. The below list of threads is chronological, starting with the Prologue and ending with Chapter 02. I may just as well mention that I have posted a second time in the Festival of the Moon event ( that sets things off for everyone to start celebrating. Don't forget to read the OOC notes in that latest post of mine!

I will mark the finished threads in green and the active ones in yellow.

PROLOGUE: Under the Bludgeonings of Chance [Part I]

PROLOGUE: Under the Bludgeonings of Chance [Part II]

PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Below Decks] Next poster: Searcher
PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Conference Lounge] Next poster: Cathreen Dawinter
PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Sickbay]

CHAPTER 01: Find Me Unafraid [0630 hrs.] Next poster: TheBanshee & The Counselor

CHAPTER 01: Breakfast in the Neutral Zone [0700 hrs.]

CHAPTER 01: Aquatic Denominator [0800 hrs.]

CHAPTER 01: Among the Stars [0900 hrs.]
CHAPTER 01: The Intelligence Officer [1000 hrs.]
CHAPTER 01: Damage [1120 hrs.] Next poster: IronFerrox & Doctor Maya

CHAPTER 01: Visiting Hours [1400 hrs.] Next poster: Cathreen Dawinter

CHAPTER 01: Knowing is Half the Battle [1500 hrs.] Next poster: Leonal

CHAPTER 01: The Third Wolf Awakens [1700 hrs.] Next poster: Rising
CHAPTER 01: Exigency of Life [1930 hrs.] Next poster: Nolan/Searcher/Cathreen Dawinter

CHAPTER 02: Lohlunat ... [NEW!] Next poster: Everyone! (See OOC notes)

On the old Part 1 board ( I am only missing the finishing development between Tessa May Lance (Leonal, where is that character sheet? ;) ) and Zaraq in Unusual Courting (

Don't hesitate to contact me with ideas for scenes in Chapter 02 or even before then (in the Prologue or Chapter 01) if it fits better.

Edit: Here is the new poster I had to make with all the additions of characters we have:

( (

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on June 18, 2014, 09:51:48 PM
Just gonna throw my characters out there for interactions, preferably with new characters/RPers I haven't had a lot of involvement with.  There so many new faces and I haven't written with most of you.  Pretty much all my characters will be wearing horga'hn, for varying reasons
Declan Vasser (Willing)
Edena Rez (nudged into it by her former hosts)
Nathaniel Isley (willing)
Lin Kae (has no idea what it is, thinks it's just a decoration)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on June 19, 2014, 03:34:43 PM
as for my characters.

Miles will approach Rihen,  he has never been to Risa though has been tempted to take a shore leave there (he usuially takes his shore leave to the major Federation ember and ally homeworlds (for a while he had been trying to get a diplomatic visa to visit Romulus for instance) as a means of seeing the planet as he believes seeing a homeworld/homeland of a people is the best means to understand their culture.  As such Risa isn't the highest on his list as he prefers his shore leaves to be a bit of armature anthropology/comparative theology (kinda like Picard's archaeologist side)
as such he will probably not immediately take one of the amulets and instead seek her out to ask her about the item and the cultural significance as he feels wearing it without the proper cultural understanding would be an insult to the culture of the people it means so much to.

Selena will be Eh what the hell and end up getting distracted from her "mission"to find her gun probably.  she may possibly try and approach the master at arms and ask if he would lie to set up an appointment time for her to fully divulge all detains and the like of the weapon he has in his possession.  she may even use a sort of femme fatale sort of seduction for this willing to give him nearly anything to secure said appointment.

Aisha will probably shout at one of the holograms from her spot at the waters edge to have one of them bring one to her as she cant wait to embark on whatever festivities are in store.   (if any players are interested I would prefer her to be involves in some form of group sex her fantasy thats running in her head at the moment is wanting to be gangbanged.  Preferably taking a very submissive almost a willing psuedo-rape role.  she has never had anything like this but finds tonight to be the perfect time to let go of any inhibitions of sense of shame.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 20, 2014, 02:44:01 AM
First off, I'd like to mention that its Midsummer's Eve tomorrow night so I may not be able to get online any - playing the host to several guests at this Swedish tradition. I will be returning and posting as soon as I can afterwards though.

Secondly, as for Lohulnat, I see and agree to some potential pairings between several characters. Mind you all that my suggested pairings are merely suggestions and totally open to be changed around. I am merely brainstorming here! Oh, and while the pairings below may be deemed sexual in nature given the setting and the statuette pendants, it does not necessarily have to be so either. That being said, here goes...

Miles and Rihen, sure! Miles would have to wait a bit until her performance is finished though. In the interim there are other pairings to focus on? Otherwise I think it would be funny to see Miles and Maya in a scene as well, and she is performing as well.

Like Zaraq and Selena, perhaps, but I don't know, would not - like you say - Selena be more interested in what Vasser may be doing around Suraya Bay, only to be disturbed by someone that ruins her attempts to spy and overhear conversation? Still, I would not object to playing Zaraq if you had Selena go after him to learn about her weapon! Otherwise, I see potential in Selena and Carrigan Trent for bionic reasons and perhaps being future colleagues...

Aisha group sex scene by the edge of the water? I could lend a character to this purpose, but I do not know who at the top of my mind. Zaraq may be inclined to such a thing. Perhaps the party girl Nightmare with the right incentive or set up but she'd be another woman. Would need a couple of more male characters for this to work , I think.

As for Vasser, unsure which one of my characters may fit best so I refrain from making a suggestion atm. Perhaps Sar-unga or Cameron Henshaw?

Edena, I'd say ThanIda zh'Wann from my own gallery but we already had a scene between them in the Thermal Springs. Oh, I'd personally see some kind of development between either Wenn Cinn, Sjaandin Fedd, Carrrigan Trent or Simon Tovarek and Edena for some reason, lol.

Isley. Oh, I think we have begun to set things up between this fine gentleman and Captain Ives already, but would it be too much to raise the stakes even higher here? *enigmatic smile* At least some conversation wouldn't be too bad in order to establish a greater turn-out later on, eh? Otherwise, perhaps Amelya Duv might be a match here?

Lin Kae. We have already mentioned Miles and Rihen, but for various reasons - the tampering with the industrial replicator on Nimbus III being one of them - it would be interesting to write a short reunion scene between these two. Don't know if Lin Kae feels bad for indirectly forcing Rihen to follow along on their voyage?

Here are random ideas for my own characters:

Jien Ives: Isley being one suggestion already. Skye Carver another where she tries to teach him/her to dance? Not sure how far it might go, but some sexual tension between Ives and Trent might be interesting to work with too.

Nicander: Eve Jenkins if the obvious date here! Nicander is bisexual though so he could be with anyone and find it beneficial for his hidden agenda, lol. Would be interesting to write Nicander in a homo(sexual) scene since that had yet to occur. Otherwise he might seduce Natalie Stark again, lol.

T'Rena: Open for suggestions here! Wenn Cinn, Sjaandin Fedd, Carrrigan Trent or Simon Tovarek?

Winterbourne: Open for suggestions here! This guy prefers men generally.

zh'Wann: Open for suggestions here! Wenn Cinn, Sjaandin Fedd, Carrrigan Trent or Simon Tovarek?

Thea: Open for suggestions here! Chief O'Connell?

Rawley: Open for suggestions here!

Please don't shoot me if I may have forgotten to name a character or two here! It would then be with no intention to leave anyone out. Like I said, this was merely at the top of my mind and there are many more writers and characters here that can add to this brainstorming process!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Cathreen Dawinter on June 20, 2014, 03:21:33 AM
Either works for me. As of right now until someone says other wise both characters are open for grabs so to speak
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on June 20, 2014, 05:26:11 AM
Well with Miles and Rihen I was just thinking more a conversation and him getting one of the amulets is all.  Of course he will have to make it a point to say hi for Neleo since the two were so rudely interrupted in sickbay.  IF the two retreat to somehere else or part ways I dont know yet but whoudl miles find himself alone again I am sure he coul find someone to keep him company.  Perhaps the slightly more apt to smile vulcan will peak his interest or he could always do for a reunion with Thea as they havent had much of a chance to see each other since the ishtar incident.

As for the scene with him and rihen I was just saying he may need the right cultural understanding in order to wear one was all.  So I imagine she will be free and looking for a partner in someone else after a short talk with Miles.

AS for your suggestion with Selena I like it.  It would be interesting for her to start spying on Vasser and perhaps get caught by someone else while eavesdropping.   I certainly wouldn't object to it being Trent.  given his virus he implanted in the fleet his programming abilities  and him being Intel definitely interest her.

as for Aisha I dont really know who would work best I wouln't object to other females in the group situation though the real thing I was going for was an opportunity for her to get triple penetrated and possibly left exhausted and covered nearly head to toe in quickly drying cum.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Cathreen Dawinter on June 20, 2014, 05:37:59 AM
I could easily see her and fluffy retreating some :)where they won't be bothered *grins*  though the tail is fair gain.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on June 20, 2014, 07:43:35 AM
Trent is going to be there, albeit somewhat uncomfortable with it but he'll make a good faith effort to mingle and have a good time.

As for hooking up during the party proper? He's got something for Trill all right. So Amelya Duv or Edena, look out. But I'd be open to other encounters as they present themselves.

And I'd be open to creating some sexual tension towards a later encounter with FemIves.

And Sten will be there as well. And seeing how he traded somewhat suggestive comments with Rawley, maybe we can line those two up?  Oh, and he'll probably play some rocking tunes too. Enya is all well and good but this is a party, right?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on June 20, 2014, 01:47:43 PM
Maya won't be on stage forever.  After her song, she's ready to mingle.   :-*  When it comes to partners, she's pathetically easy.  There probably isn't anybody onboard that couldn't seduce her if they tried.  That said she's currently interested in Wenn Cinn (the dead guy), Mister Trent (he's broken and doctors like to heal people), and Rihen Neyah (who she admires for being so liberated).   She's up for anything from a physical relationship to just a friend to drink coffee with, she's not choosey.  Trouble is, nobody wastes their time on a Vulcan and Maya never initiates intimacies on her own.  Once you befriend her you have a friend for life, but who bothers trying to make an emotional connection with a Vulcan?

Billy Bob isn't quite as ready to mingle but I think it would be interesting to see sparks fly between him and MCPO Aisha S'Iti.  They're both chiefs, and they're both around the same age, he's a cowboy and she's an injun, and they both fought in the Dominion War on the same side.  The fact she's a Cardassian is just icing on the cake because conflict is what drives drama.  
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on June 20, 2014, 10:39:39 PM
When I finally get them there:

Tatiana is useless at speaking to members of the opposite sex in any situation that isn't work.  She'll probably get flustered and try to excuse herself in some way.  Up to you if you wish to persevere ;)

Cinn is just back from the dead, depending on how things go in the lead up he might be wanting to remember what it's like to be alive... fully alive.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on June 21, 2014, 12:02:46 AM
Has been ages since I got the time to post on here. So good to see everyone is still alive and kicking. Now to the more brain stormy part of my post.

First of I have Thomas Ravon walking around, not sure if he'll be actually at the event so perhaps someone might need to persuade or encourage him.

Secondly, I have Amelya Duv who will be attending the event for sure after the hard work on Sarresh. She'll probably be in the mood for a nice drink or a good talk that might or might not lead to something more. Trent can sure try to pick her up, so cheers for the heads up. Anyone else who would try to take a shot at her feel free to do so.

Finally I still have Simon Tovarek. He'll also be attending and looking to mingle. Perhaps he could try and stall Tatiana to leave with question about the cloaking device. Or he might stumble upon Aisha in her willing pose. Could also mix with anyone else so feel free to nudge him if you are interested.

That was me for now, going to sleep now cause I have another work shift in the morning.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on June 21, 2014, 01:22:41 AM
Havent made a call one way or another yet as to if Natalie ends up at the holodeck or not.  Just before the festivities kick off, she's checking on on Rory; It'll depend on whether or not they end up going to the holodeck together, separately, or not at all ;)

Sarresh is still bubbling away in a stasis pod at this point, unless we're gonna wake him up in time for the festivities, and I can guarantee the last thing he'll want to do is mingle with any of you lot. He's gonna be a bundle of fun when he wakes up :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on June 21, 2014, 07:50:02 AM
in terms of characters I have never really interacted with that I would be interested to, I'll just list off and see where that goes:
Eve Jenkins
Tatiana Marlowe
Natalie Stark
Dyan Cardamone
Amelya Duv
Selena Ravenholm

works out I think, as I believe those are all different RPers.  Just a matter of which ones end up available and if I have a character they're interested in.  Lucan, I'm sure we will be RPing more in the future as well, but I think I should interacts with the other RPers as well if the opportunity presents itself :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on June 23, 2014, 11:16:30 PM
Y'know what I love about this place?  The depth of the characters!  I've read this story from the first post and Ida had always come across as a bit of a loose cannon... looks like I found out why!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on June 23, 2014, 11:22:44 PM
I must again apologise for my relative lack of posting lately. I've acquired some kind of eye irritation that makes viewing a computer screen for any length of time nightmarish.

I've tried posting from my phone, but there seems to be some sort of bug. Whenever I post on my mobile browser, HoE completely freezes up on me.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 24, 2014, 01:25:35 AM
So call me a dork, but since we are dealing with so many characters and we have hundreds of ways to combine them, I felt the need to make a spreadsheet for us all to keep track of the Festival of the Moon! Otherwise it would have become a trainwreck to try and sort out what is going on and when.

In the left column you can find the name of your character, and the columns next to it are the suggested order of the pairings suggested so far.

Some of you have left incomplete requests or suggestions, so I suggest that you try and iron out the specifics of your First, Second and Third meeting for the evening. Anyway, here goes!
         Chapter 02 Pairings            First Meeting      Second Meeting      Third Meeting   
          Cpt. Jien Ives             Ens. Skye Carver?       Lt Cmdr. Carrigan Trent        Lt. Sjaandin Fedd   
          Cmdr. Edena Rez             Open! (see kuro post)               
          Cpt. Declan Vasser             CWO Selena Ravenholm & Ida       PO1 Dyan Cardamone         
          Cmdr. T'Rena             Ens. Cir'Cie                 Ens. Cir'Cie & Lt. Sjaandin Fedd         
          Lt Cmdr. Carrigan Trent              Lt. Amelya Duv       Cpt. Jien Ives         
          Lt. Sjaandin Fedd             Ens. Cameron Henshaw       Cmdr. T'Rena & Cir'Cie       Cpt. Jien Ives   
          Ens. Cale Winterbourne              Group Sex Scene               
          Ens. Cameron Henshaw               Lt. Sjaandin Fedd               
          Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854              Open!               
          MCPO Aisha S'Ithi             Group Sex Scene       Group Sex Scene         
          Lt Cmdr. Wenn Cinn                Open!       Open!       Ens. Maya   
          Lt. JG ThanIda zh'Wann              CWO Selena Ravenholm       Open!         
          Lt. JG Zaraq             Group Sex Scene       Group Sex Scene?         
          PO1 Dyan Cardamone             Ens. Maya                 Cpt. Declan Vasser       Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard     
          Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard               Ms. Rihen Neyah          Open!       PO1 Dyan Cardamone   
          Ens. Skye Carver                  Cpt. Jien Ives?               
          MCPO Soo Young Seung                            
          Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley               Open!       CWO1 Sten Covington             
          Lt. JG Tessa May Lance                            
          Lt. JG Nathaniel Isley               Open! (see kuro post)               
          Ens. Hannah Slaverton                              
          Lt. JG Thomas Ravon              Open (needs persuation)               
          Lt Cmdr. Lucan Nicander               Lt. Eve Jenkins?       Open!       Open!   
          Lt. Amelya Duv             Lt Cmdr. Carrigan Trent                
          Lt. Eve Jenkins                    Lt Cmdr. Lucan Nicander?               
          Ens. Maya                       PO1 Dyan Cardamone       Ms. Rihen Neyah          Lt Cmdr. Wenn Cinn      
          Lt. Hayden O'Connor                               
          Lt. Tatiana Marlowe               Lt. Simon Tovarek (cloak-talk)       Open (shy)         
          Lt. Lin Kae                Open! (see kuro post)               
          MCPO Billy Bob O'Connell              Group Sex Scene?       Group Sex Scene?         
          Lt Cmdr. Natalie Stark                Mr. Rory Callahan                   
          CWO1 Sten Covington                 Musical Performance       Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley           
          CWO Selena Ravenholm             Cpt. Declan Vasser & Ida               
          Lt. Simon Tovarek                  Lt. Tatiana Marlowe (cloak-talk)       Group Sex Scene?         
          Lt. JG Sarresh Morali               -        -        -    
          Ens. Cir'Cie                       Cmdr. T'Rena       Cmdr. T'Rena & Lt. Sjaandin Fedd         
          Mr. Rory Callahan                 Lt Cmdr. Natalie Stark                  
          Ms. Narik Cinsaj                               
          Ms. Rihen Neyah                Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard         Ens. Maya                   
I hope this will make things clearer on what the plans are. It's clearer for me anyway, and I feel confident to start up a couple of scenes in the next couple of days according to the above. I suggest you all do the same!

Please let me know if you want to move or change stuff!


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Cathreen Dawinter on June 24, 2014, 01:41:29 AM
Ok but only because you said to do it. Auctor you are a nerd. But I like the idea I think it will make things easier to figure out.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on June 24, 2014, 01:52:48 AM
Best use of a spreadsheet ever!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on June 24, 2014, 05:11:14 AM
Sounds good to me.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on June 24, 2014, 05:19:07 AM
 MCPO Billy Bob O'Connell               Group Sex Scene?    Harsh dude!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on June 24, 2014, 05:23:02 AM
The sooner we all admit that we want to gangbang Nathan Fillion, the sooner we achieve world peace.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on June 24, 2014, 05:50:03 AM
Hey, at least it's not Sten lol

Nobody needs to imagine Liam Neeson like that.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 24, 2014, 10:59:13 AM

Thank you all for the positive feedback on the spreadsheet! Like I said, I felt the dire need to make it for us all to keep track of the scenes to come.

I have done some updates, but you can still find the name of your character in the left column, and the columns next to that are the suggested order of the pairings suggested so far. I have mainly made sure to visualise potential pairings between Kurohigi's characters and the characters that he'd like to RP with. I leave it to you guys to find the connections you like.
         Chapter 02 Pairings            First Meeting      Second Meeting      Third Meeting   
          Cpt. Jien Ives             Ens. Skye Carver?       Lt Cmdr. Carrigan Trent        Lt. Sjaandin Fedd   
          Cmdr. Edena Rez             Lt Cmdr. Wenn Cinn          Open! (see Kurohigi's post)         
          Cpt. Declan Vasser             CWO Selena Ravenholm & Ida       PO1 Dyan Cardamone         
          Cmdr. T'Rena             Ens. Cir'Cie                 Ens. Cir'Cie & Sjaandin         
          Lt Cmdr. Carrigan Trent              Lt. Amelya Duv       Cpt. Jien Ives         
          Lt. Sjaandin Fedd             Ens. Cameron Henshaw       Cmdr. T'Rena & Cir'Cie       Cpt. Jien Ives   
          Ens. Cale Winterbourne              Group Sex Scene       Group Sex Scene         
          Ens. Cameron Henshaw               Lt. Sjaandin Fedd       Open!         
          Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854              Open!               
          MCPO Aisha S'Ithi             Group Sex Scene       Group Sex Scene       Open! M/F   
          Lt Cmdr. Wenn Cinn                Cmdr. Edena Rez       Open!       Ens. Maya   
          Lt. JG ThanIda zh'Wann              CWO Selena Ravenholm       Open!         
          Lt. JG Zaraq             Group Sex Scene       Group Sex Scene         
          PO1 Dyan Cardamone             Open!       Cpt. Declan Vasser       Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard     
          Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard               Ms. Rihen Neyah          Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854        PO1 Dyan Cardamone   
          Ens. Skye Carver                  Cpt. Jien Ives?               
          MCPO Soo Young Seung                            
          Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley               Open!       CWO1 Sten Covington             
          Lt. JG Tessa May Lance                            
          Lt. JG Nathaniel Isley               Open! (see Kurohigi's post)       Open! (see Kurohigi's post)         
          Ens. Hannah Slaverton                              
          Lt. JG Thomas Ravon              Open! (needs persuation)               
          Lt Cmdr. Lucan Nicander               Lt. Eve Jenkins?       Open!       Open!   
          Lt. Amelya Duv             Lt Cmdr. Carrigan Trent        (A Kurohigi character?)         
          Lt. Eve Jenkins                    Lt Cmdr. Lucan Nicander?       (A Kurohigi character?)         
          Ens. Maya                       Group Sex Scene       Ms. Rihen Neyah          Lt Cmdr. Wenn Cinn      
          Lt. Hayden O'Connor                               
          Lt. Tatiana Marlowe               Lt. Simon Tovarek (cloak-talk)       (A Kurohigi character?)         
          Lt. Lin Kae                Open! (see Kurohigi's post)       Open! (see Kurohigi's post)         
          MCPO Billy Bob O’Connell              Open!       Group Sex Scene?         
          Lt Cmdr. Natalie Stark                Mr. Rory Callahan                   
          CWO1 Sten Covington                 Musical Performance       Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley           
          CWO Selena Ravenholm             Cpt. Declan Vasser & Ida       (A Kurohigi character?)       Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854    
          Lt. Simon Tovarek                  Lt. Tatiana Marlowe (cloak-talk)       Group Sex Scene?         
          Lt. JG Sarresh Morali               -        -        -    
          Ens. Cir'Cie                       Cmdr. T'Rena       Cmdr. T'Rena & Sjaandin         
          Mr. Rory Callahan                 Lt Cmdr. Natalie Stark                  
          Ms. Narik Cinsaj                               
          Ms. Rihen Neyah                Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard         Ens. Maya                   
Like I said, I will start up a couple of scenes in the next couple of days according to the above. I suggest you all do the same!

Here is the current list as I see it for the "First Meeting":

Initiated Scenes:
Lt Cmdr. Carrigan Trent - Lt. Amelya Duv [CanadianVet & Nolan]
Lt. Sjaandin Fedd - Ens. Cameron Henshaw [Leonal & Cathreen Dawinter]
PO1 Dyan Cardamone - Ens. Maya [Cathreen Dawinter & Doctor Maya]
Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard - Ms. Rihen Neyah [IronFerrox & Auctor Lucan]
Lt. Tatiana Marlowe - Lt. Simon Tovarek (cloak-talk) [TheBanshee & Nolan]

Pending Scenes:
Group Sex Scene [IronFerrox, Auctor Lucan & Doctor Maya]
Cpt. Declan Vasser - CWO Selena Ravenholm & Ida [IronFerrox, Kurohigi & Auctor Lucan]
Cmdr. T'Rena - Ens. Cir'Cie [Auctor-Lucan]
Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley - CWO1 Sten Covington (after musical performance) [Auctor Lucan & CanadianVet]
Lt Cmdr. Natalie Stark - Mr. Rory Callahan (Current Chapter 01 scene) [Brutus & Searcher]

Awaiting Yea or Nay:
Cpt. Jien Ives - Ens. Skye Carver [Auctor Lucan & Searcher]
Cmdr. Edena Rez - Lt Cmdr. Wenn Cinn [Kurohigi & TheBanshee]
Lt Cmdr. Lucan Nicander - Lt. Eve Jenkins? [Auctor Lucan & Searcher]

Please let me know if you want to move or change stuff!

Doctor Maya, I listed O'Connell for the scene with Aisha S'Ithi since you mentioned an interest in such a meeting, but the nature of the scene did not add up with the reserved state of mind he is in, so I leave it to you to mention alternative meetings you'd see for him. :)

The Chapter 02 starter thread ( is open for everyone to post in with your characters. If you are more comfortable replying there, that's cool, yet there might be a lot of traffic there if everyone posts in that thread. In order to not let a specific pairing of conversation (or sex) take over that starter thread, I think that all one-on-one scenes that become too "exclusive" - in lack of a better word - should emigrate into a new thread on the board where such a scene can play out without sending notifications to numerous non-involved writers.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on June 24, 2014, 03:46:01 PM
looking at the "spreadsheet I have a few ideas for my own characters t fill in the blanks

MCPO Aisha S'Ithi                Group Sex Scene          Group Sex Scene          Open!  
(I was thinking two rounds of group sex and the opn slot I was thinking someone else sees her there in the sand exhausted limp and naked and decides it might be kind to help her back to some quarters (their own or hers is irrelivant where she gets treated to a much more personal experience.  I am pretty much open to whoever, Male or Female for this.)

Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard                  Ms. Rihen Neyah             Open!          PO1 Dyan Cardamone
If ya dont mind, Miles would probably like to catch up with Thea after all it has been a while since they had a chance to so much as talk aside from through her computer interface.

 CWO Selena Ravenholm                Cpt. Declan Vasser & Ida          (A Kurohigi character?)
I'm pretty muh open to whatever but for her final scene I know its redundant for me to mention the same character with two of mine but since she's open I think selena being a hacker would very much like to get to know the Theurgy on a much more personal level.  If anything she would probably seek out the AI just to try and get to know her better.  it it turns into a physical interaction then selena would relish the opprotunity to bond with a computer in a way she has never gotten to experience before.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 24, 2014, 08:39:01 PM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 25, 2014, 12:39:46 AM
Quick Announcement to Avoid IC Confusion:

Wenn Cinn was seen arriving by a lot of people in the morning of the Prologue (Day 1). Rumours spreading has the ship knowing about this and Carrigan Trent at the point when they are both shot and released from the Brig (Morning on Day 2, also Chapter 01).

At the end of Day 2, by 2100 hrs (Start Chapter 02), Wenn Cinn has been reinstated to the office of Chief of Security and Carrigan Trent is the new Intelligence Officer. The reports have gone out across the ship, but I suppose it is one thing reading about it and listening to hearsay from the Flight Hangar scene... and to actually see Wenn Cinn back on his feet.

So, no need to make any huge fuzz over the sight of Wenn Cinn by the time of Chapter 02. :)


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on June 25, 2014, 01:58:30 AM
This may sound strange but Ensign Maya is MUCH more open to the group sex scene than Chief O'Connell is.   O'Connell isn't ready for one on one and Maya just wants to be included in whatever anybody else is doing. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 25, 2014, 02:11:33 AM
Ok, spreadsheet updated!

Note: For the First Meeting, this leaves O'Connell open just as well as Dyan Cardamone/Sar-unga Neleo is left open (even though there is a current scene between Maya and Dyan, perhaps a bonus scene? lol).

Off to bed. 2 am here. G'night people!


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Cathreen Dawinter on June 25, 2014, 03:41:03 AM
Then since her first meting is open if anyone would like it she will probably be hanging close to the bar.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 25, 2014, 09:17:18 AM

OBS: Since (at least for me) the OOC thread has switched to page 16, I am reposting current relevant information (with updates) below.

The below list of threads is chronological, starting with the Prologue and ending with Chapter 02. I will mark the finished threads in green and the active ones in yellow. Just click on each thread to get there.

PROLOGUE: Under the Bludgeonings of Chance [Part I] (

PROLOGUE: Under the Bludgeonings of Chance [Part II] (

PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Below Decks] Next poster: Searcher (
PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Conference Lounge] (
PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Sickbay] Next poster: Doctor Maya (

PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Cleaning Up] (Upcoming!) Next poster: Leonal

CHAPTER 01: Find Me Unafraid [0630 hrs.] Next poster: The Counselor (

CHAPTER 01: Cobalt & Iron [0715 hrs.] Next poster: TheBanshee (

CHAPTER 01: Breakfast in the Neutral Zone [0700 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Aquatic Denominator [0800 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Among the Stars [0900 hrs.] (
CHAPTER 01: The Intelligence Officer [1000 hrs.] (
CHAPTER 01: Damage [1120 hrs.] Next poster: CanadianVet (

CHAPTER 01: Visiting Hours [1400 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Knowing is Half the Battle [1500 hrs.] Next poster: Leonal/CanadianVet (

CHAPTER 01: Exigency of Life [1930 hrs.] Next poster: Anyone! (

CHAPTER 01: A Place to Lay My Head [2000 hrs.] Next poster: Searcher (

CHAPTER 02: The Festival of the Moon [Plus Adherent Threads] Next poster: See spreadsheet below (

On the old Part 1 board ( I am only missing the finishing development between Tessa May Lance (Leonal, where is that character sheet? ;) ) and Zaraq in Unusual Courting (

CHAPTER 02: The Festival of the Moon

The name of your characters are the left column, and the columns next to that are the curently suggested order of the pairings.
         Chapter 02 Pairings            First Meeting      Second Meeting      Third Meeting   
          Cpt. Jien Ives             Ens. Skye Carver       Lt Cmdr. Carrigan Trent        Lt. Sjaandin Fedd   
          Cmdr. Edena Rez             Lt Cmdr. Wenn Cinn          Lt. Simon Tovarek              
          Cpt. Declan Vasser             CWO Selena Ravenholm       PO1 Dyan Cardamone         
          Cmdr. T'Rena             Ens. Cir'Cie                 Ens. Cir'Cie & Sjaandin         
          Lt Cmdr. Carrigan Trent              Lt. Amelya Duv       Cpt. Jien Ives         
          Lt. Sjaandin Fedd             Ens. Cameron Henshaw       Cmdr. T'Rena & Cir'Cie       Cpt. Jien Ives   
          Ens. Cale Winterbourne              Open!       Open!         
          Ens. Cameron Henshaw               Lt. Sjaandin Fedd       Open!         
          Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854              Open!       Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard         CWO Selena Ravenholm   
          MCPO Aisha S'Ithi             Ms. Rihen Neyah          Open!       Open! M/F   
          Lt Cmdr. Wenn Cinn                Cmdr. Edena Rez       Open!       Ens. Maya   
          Lt. JG ThanIda zh'Wann              Open!       Open!         
          Lt. JG Zaraq             Open!       Open!         
          PO1 Dyan Cardamone             Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard         Cpt. Declan Vasser       Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard     
          Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard               PO1 Dyan Cardamone       Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854        PO1 Dyan Cardamone   
          Lt Cmdr. "Phantom"             Ens. Maya                         
          Ens. Skye Carver                  Cpt. Jien Ives       Lt. JG Thomas Ravon          
          MCPO Soo Young Seung                            
          Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley               CWO1 Sten Covington           Open!         
          Lt. JG Tessa May Lance                            
          Lt. JG Nathaniel Isley               Open! (see Kurohigi's post)       Open! (see Kurohigi's post)         
          Ens. Hannah Slaverton                              
          Lt. JG Thomas Ravon              Open! (needs persuation)       Ens. Skye Carver              
          Lt Cmdr. Lucan Nicander               Lt. Eve Jenkins       Open!       Open!   
          Lt. Amelya Duv             Lt Cmdr. Carrigan Trent        Lt. Lin Kae            
          Lt. Eve Jenkins                    Lt Cmdr. Lucan Nicander       (A Kurohigi character?)         
          Ens. Maya                       Lt Cmdr. "Phantom"       Ms. Rihen Neyah          Lt Cmdr. Wenn Cinn      
          Lt. Hayden O'Connor                 MCPO Billy Bob O’Connell                
          Lt. Tatiana Marlowe               Lt. Simon Tovarek (cloak-talk)       (A Kurohigi character?)         
          Lt. Lin Kae                Open! (see Kurohigi's post)       Lt. Amelya Duv         
          MCPO Billy Bob O’Connell              Lt. Hayden O'Connor           Open!         
          Lt Cmdr. Natalie Stark                Mr. Rory Callahan                   
          CWO1 Sten Covington                 Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley         Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley           
          CWO Selena Ravenholm             Cpt. Declan Vasser       (A Kurohigi character?)       Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854    
          Lt. Simon Tovarek                  Lt. Tatiana Marlowe (cloak-talk)       Cmdr. Edena Rez         
          Lt. JG Sarresh Morali               -        -        -    
          Ens. Cir'Cie                       Cmdr. T'Rena       Cmdr. T'Rena & Sjaandin         
          Mr. Rory Callahan                 Lt Cmdr. Natalie Stark                  
          Ms. Narik Cinsaj                               
          Ms. Rihen Neyah                MCPO Aisha S'Ithi       Ens. Maya                 Open!   
Like I have said, I will start up a couple of scenes in the next couple of days according to the above. I suggest you all do the same!

Here is the current list as I see it for the "First Meeting":

Finished Scenes:
Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard - Ms. Rihen Neyah [IronFerrox & Auctor Lucan]
PO1 Dyan Cardamone - Ens. Maya [Cathreen Dawinter & Doctor Maya]

Initiated Scenes:
Lt Cmdr. Carrigan Trent - Lt. Amelya Duv [CanadianVet & Nolan]
Lt. Sjaandin Fedd - Ens. Cameron Henshaw [Leonal & Cathreen Dawinter]
Cpt. Declan Vasser - CWO Selena Ravenholm[IronFerrox, Kurohigi (& Auctor Lucan)]
Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley - CWO1 Sten Covington [Auctor Lucan & CanadianVet]
Ms. Rihen Neyah - MCPO Aisha S'Ithi [IronFerrox & Auctor Lucan]
Cmdr. Edena Rez - Lt Cmdr. Wenn Cinn [Kurohigi & TheBanshee]
Lt Cmdr. "Phantom" - Ens. Maya [Auctor Lucan & Doctor Maya]
Lt. Tatiana Marlowe - Lt. Simon Tovarek (cloak-talk) [TheBanshee & Nolan]
Lt. Eve Jenkins - Lt. JG Nathaniel Isley [Kurohigi & Searcher]

Pending Scenes:
Cmdr. T'Rena - Ens. Cir'Cie [Auctor Lucan]
MCPO Billy Bob O’Connell - Lt. Hayden O'Connor [Doctor Maya & The Counselor]
Cpt. Jien Ives - Ens. Skye Carver [Auctor Lucan & Searcher]
Lt Cmdr. Natalie Stark - Mr. Rory Callahan (Current Chapter 01 scene) [Brutus & Searcher]

Awaiting Yea or Nay:

Please let me know if you want to move or change stuff!

The Chapter 02 starter thread ( is open for everyone to post in with your characters. If you are more comfortable replying there, that's cool, yet there might be a lot of traffic there if everyone posts in that thread. In order to not let a specific pairing of conversation (or sex) take over that starter thread, I think that all one-on-one scenes that become too "exclusive" - in lack of a better word - should emigrate into a new thread on the board where such a scene can play out without sending notifications to numerous non-involved writers.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on June 25, 2014, 08:10:10 PM
I think a dance lesson would be good so Skye would be open for a bit of a scene with the captain and then she'd probably work on persuading Thomas to come to the holodeck.

I wasn't sure what to do with Eve since there are many she could interact with though she will be at the holodeck.  She will always welcome Lucan's attentions.

Still recovering from the long vacation, overdid things and dealing with extra pain so please forgive my slowness but I am trying to catch up with everything.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 26, 2014, 10:02:55 AM
Spreadsheet and story overview updated!

I have put it on my list to have Lucan approach Eve Jenkins where she is currently at, but since Lucan has hogged Eve to himself most of the story, I leave it open to anyone to beat Lucan to it. ;)

As might be apparent above, I have quite a few scenes active so possible candidates should have a day or two to win the eye of our sweet Head Nurse (just beware of the daydreams she inflict upon people at this point in the story!).

Glad to hear Jien will get the opportunity to dance a bit! :) The starter for that scene is on my list as well unless you want to set the scene Searcher.



Ps. Updates are made from PMs too, so you all might notice a few more pairings. Ds.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 27, 2014, 02:50:31 AM
Update: New Chapter 02 locations!

I just posted two placeholders for threads that everyone can use as they see fit!

CHAPTER 02: Steam-pools [2130 hrs.] (

This location is set up based on the reference to the steam-pools on Risa (see popular attractions): (

Descriptions of the area is open for everyone to work out as your characters go there.

CHAPTER 02: Subterranean Gardens [2130 hrs.] (

The only canon description available for these gardens is "Subterranean Gardens with luminescent plants." These are also mentioned in the link above. Free to expand upon as well if your characters goes there.

That's it for tonight. G'night!


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on June 27, 2014, 06:28:01 AM
Just letting everyone know, I'm very much enjoying the thread. I meant to be posting at least twice a day but life keeps tripping me up! Gonna do my best.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on June 27, 2014, 11:57:11 AM
I'm laptopless for the next 24-36 hours. Replies may be badly written (on the Kindle), slow or non-existent.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on June 28, 2014, 10:39:49 AM
Won't be able to post for the next 48 hours due to marriage in the family.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on June 29, 2014, 02:21:19 PM
I'm back... bit longer than expected - blame wine ;)

I'm going to try and get through as much today as I can as I am on a people-avoidance day :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 01, 2014, 02:40:13 AM
As is evident I am a bit spread thin all over the Theurgy roleplay so the number of scenes I am writing in lowers the frequency in which I post a wee bit but not by much. Gradually, my posts are going up on the board and into e-mail Joint Posts (aside from Group administration).

There is no need sending me reminders since no one is forgotten (I have my list) and I do not want to be stressed out when I am enjoying the story as much as I do now. I want it to remain fun and not a burden.

2.39 am here now and heading to bed. G'night...


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on July 01, 2014, 02:49:54 PM
Happy Canada Day folks.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on July 02, 2014, 05:51:34 AM
Happy Canada Day folks.
And that is why I won't be able to post until tomorrow. :P goodnight errybody
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on July 05, 2014, 12:29:20 AM
apologies for delays in posting.  Been busy here between work, house shopping, and starting up a group game of my own on another site
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 07, 2014, 01:53:38 AM
It's awesome that you guys keep everyone posted on busyness and such here in the OOC thread!


Some minor additions and changes plut an update to current posting order in the Prologue and Chapter 01 threads.

Since Dr. Nicander dismissed everyone in Exigency of Life so that they could prepare for the holodeck event, he is alone in the Morgue doing eye-surgery on Dr. Miko Dauntless' corpse if anyone (present or not in the scene so far) would like to swing by him for a chat before he gets to join in on the holodeck. In retrospect of writing that sentence, could anyone think of a more romantic location and setting than that? lol! Here is the link for those interested:

I am happy to inform everyone that I am on vacation at my summer house now and I have therefore an abundance of time for writing. My previous OOC post about reminders was required since I got several of them at the same time, but that shouldn't have to happen anytime soon from this point on.

That said, feel free to hit me with posts and hit me hard. ;)


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 07, 2014, 02:43:35 AM

Please be informed that there has been an announcement about notifications: (

You can restore your notifications with the Account Settings, just clicking the boxes as you prefer. Please make sure to read the announcement though.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on July 07, 2014, 09:20:13 AM
Got a few posts out but still owe a couple more.  It's after 2 a.m. though and I need a bit of a nap first.  Sorry it's taking me a bit but I'll get there eventually!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on July 08, 2014, 12:44:49 AM
I must apologize for my recent absence. Work has been stressing me out and I had a hectic weekend. What little downtime I had was spent vegetating on the couch watching Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on July 08, 2014, 04:13:30 AM
I must apologize for my recent absence. Work has been stressing me out and I had a hectic weekend. What little downtime I had was spent vegetating on the couch watching Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
by the clone wars do you mean the cgi series they made after ep 3 came out or the regular cartoon miniseries that came out as hype for ep 3. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on July 08, 2014, 04:14:42 AM
The latter. I got all excited when I found out there was a sixth season on Netflix.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on July 08, 2014, 04:30:07 AM
The latter. I got all excited when I found out there was a sixth season on Netflix.
only good things imo that came out of that clone wars cgi fest is the dark lightsaber that the one merc has. the delta squad cameo and Gregor.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on July 08, 2014, 04:33:11 AM
Well I disagree. :) They showed us a lot of things the prequels should have shown us, like Anakin and Obi-Wan being buds, or Anakin taking little, subtle baby steps towards the Dark Side (as opposed to genocide and COLD-BLOODED CHILD MURDER), while still being a fun space adventure. Importantly, stuff like the Mortis arc and Master Yoda's arc from the end of season 6 helped put the magic back in Star Wars.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on July 08, 2014, 05:49:08 AM

Please be informed that there has been an announcement about notifications: (

You can restore your notifications with the Account Settings, just clicking the boxes as you prefer. Please make sure to read the announcement though.



I wondered why my notifications stopped.  I had to do a system restore on my computer just to access this site!  I wonder how many of our posters will go AWOL while patiently waiting their turn.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 08, 2014, 10:12:40 AM
I have contacted all our writers in some way to let them know about the notifications.  We should be ok.



There are two places where you all change your notification preferences. First the forum notifications at the account settings and secondly, you restore your notifications for Personal Messages in that separate preferences menu that you can access when checking your PMs.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on July 10, 2014, 03:10:31 PM
hey there sorry i havent been replying recently, my work schedule changed a bit and I am still adjusting t the slightly different hours.  Also i have been helping a friend with homework and the like in acollege course and as a result my personal computer time has went down just a bit.  I shoul be back to posting normal this afternoon
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on July 10, 2014, 03:22:26 PM
Unlike Lucan, I had a strict "no roleplay" ban enforced on my vacation lol. However I'm back (and in one piece) so I will be trying to post tonight. If anyone has any pending replies they need from me (already saw your post, Searcher :D ), just shoot me a forum pm. Dunno if/when I'll be on the chat today, and frankly pm's are better for me for planning and such.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on July 11, 2014, 05:17:45 AM
Apologies to everyone I'm currently in a scene with. I have a family reunion all weekend, so I likely won't be able to reply frequently. I'll try to have something up soon but it's all up in the air right now.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on July 11, 2014, 06:25:16 PM
I'll be out this weekend as I'm helping out at a festival. Will get back to posting on Monday I think. Sorry for those who are still waiting for a reply from me :<
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on July 11, 2014, 06:38:15 PM
C'mon guys!  It's summer, we have to enjoy it while we can!!!  Go, have fun and we'll be around when you get back - unless we're out partying too hehehe.

I've been running around like a blue-arsed fly the last couple of weeks, job hunting mostly but the odd pony-shaped distraction appears too ;)  I've had two interviews this week alone, it's mad I tell you!  I am flying on and posting when I can, the rest of the time I am thinking about what to say when I reply so I can streamline the whole process a bit. 

So yeah, what I'm getting at is that I've been pretty busy too so I apologise for delays but I will get back to you all as soon as I can :)

Much love xxx
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: The Counselor on July 12, 2014, 02:29:28 AM
I'd like to apologize to the group for my lack of activity and generally poor response times.  I'm sure it's created some frustration and perhaps hurt feelings, and most unfortunate of all, left you all with the impression I don't care about you as writing partners or the game as a whole.  This is not at all how I feel.

The bottom line is, I stretched myself too thin with other writing projects, and to remain with this awesome group, I'm going to focus on re-prioritizing.  You all are excellent writers, and I apologize sincerely for not being more considerate of you and your contributions.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on July 12, 2014, 05:36:08 AM
hey sorry that i said i woudl make replies and i never got around to them I am trying to write a few right now but for sake of quality of the replies I will make no promises that i will post thm tonight.  In fact I figure i will post tomorrow.  sorry about that stuff came up last couple days and time got away from me again.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 12, 2014, 02:46:34 PM
Thank you for letting us know that you really like to make the Theurgy story a priority and be here more, The Counselor! I am looking forward to writing a follow-up scene between Jien Ives and Hayden O'Connor after her little brush with death down on Theta Eridani IV.

Also, like I have already mentioned, it's great that you all post here to inform the Group about your whereabouts and posting plans so that the rest of us can plan out time accordingly!

Please PM me if you want to make additions or changes to the spreadsheet since I will be posting an update in a day or so. Is Nathaniel Isley and Eve Jenkins a new paring, for example?


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on July 13, 2014, 04:34:55 AM
it's certainly isley's intention lucan lol
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on July 18, 2014, 02:46:04 PM
Will be out a bit longer than expected. Who knew moving out would be so time consuming x.x
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on July 22, 2014, 05:38:09 PM
I owe everyone a huge apology, I've been MIA thanks to a nasty sinus infection.  Hoping the medication will start to kill it dead and my brain will begin to function properly again very soon.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on July 22, 2014, 08:33:30 PM
'S okay, Banshee. Hope you feel better!

My girlfriend ended up in the E.R. last night. We sat there for like four hours, still don't know what's wrong. Abdominal pain. I'm free all day today so I'll likely get some posting done to get my mind off things. But I felt I ought to explain what happened.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on July 22, 2014, 09:04:33 PM
Ouch, hope you feel better soon Banshee.

Leonal, abdominal pain is quite vague to diagnose directly. Hope the test results show something more and I hope your girlfriend will feel better soon.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on July 23, 2014, 02:54:20 AM
They think it's her appendix. She's having surgery in the morning.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on July 25, 2014, 06:17:39 AM
So yeah, her appendix nearly exploded and killed her, but after the surgery she is 100% fine. :D I hope to resume posting tomorrow.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on July 25, 2014, 05:35:28 PM
Hehe, nasty things when they get inflamed. Nothing some small surgery and antibiotics can fix though  ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on July 26, 2014, 02:09:39 AM
Yeah. Mostly I'm pissed at the E.R. for letting her writhe in pain for three and a half hours.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on August 02, 2014, 04:50:22 AM
Hey folks.

I'm finding myself in a bit of a funk these last two weeks or so and I can't seem to be able to write much of anything worth reading. I try, but it's just not coming to me.

As such, I apologize for my lack of activity and hopefully my funk will pass soon.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on August 06, 2014, 03:24:00 AM
As the great Red Green once said, "I'm pulling for ya. We're all in this together."
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on August 06, 2014, 04:47:24 AM
Speaking of posting, I'll try and get my responses up soon - it's been busy at work with people leaving the company or on vacation. The joys of doing the work of 4 people above my pay grade ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 09, 2014, 02:16:40 AM

Hello everyone! Hope summer treats everyone well out there and I look forward to truly getting the story rolling again now that we are getting back into gear after vacationing and enjoying the sun. Please make sure you read the notice below about the spreadsheet and the nixing of the third meeting.

The below list of threads is chronological, starting with the Prologue and ending with Chapter 02. I will mark the finished threads in green and the active ones in yellow. Just click on each thread to get there.

PROLOGUE: Under the Bludgeonings of Chance [Part I] (

PROLOGUE: Under the Bludgeonings of Chance [Part II] (

PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Below Decks] Next poster: Searcher (
PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Conference Lounge] (
PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Sickbay] Next poster: TheBanshee (

PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Cleaning Up] (Upcoming!) Next poster: TheBanshee

CHAPTER 01: Find Me Unafraid [0630 hrs.] Next poster: The Counselor (

CHAPTER 01: Cobalt & Iron [0715 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Breakfast in the Neutral Zone [0700 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Aquatic Denominator [0800 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Among the Stars [0900 hrs.] (
CHAPTER 01: The Intelligence Officer [1000 hrs.] (
CHAPTER 01: Old Comrades  [1100 hrs.] Next poster: TheBanshee (

CHAPTER 01: Damage [1120 hrs.] Next poster: CanadianVet (

CHAPTER 01: Visiting Hours [1400 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Knowing is Half the Battle [1500 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Exigency of Life [1930 hrs.] Next poster: CanadianVet? (

CHAPTER 01: A Place to Lay My Head [2000 hrs.] Next poster: Searcher (

CHAPTER 02: The Festival of the Moon [Plus Adherent Threads] Next poster: See spreadsheet below (

On the old Part 1 board ( I am only missing the finishing development between Tessa May Lance (Leonal, where is that character sheet? You have had all summer to finish it! ;) ) and Zaraq in Unusual Courting (

CHAPTER 02: The Festival of the Moon

The name of your characters are the left column, and the columns next to that are the currently suggested order of the pairings.
         Chapter 02 Pairings            First Meeting      Second Meeting         Third Meeting      
          Cpt. Jien Ives             Ens. Skye Carver       Lt Cmdr. Carrigan Trent           Lt. Sjaandin Fedd      
          Cmdr. Edena Rez             Lt Cmdr. Wenn Cinn          Lt. Simon Tovarek                    
          Cpt. Declan Vasser             CWO Selena Ravenholm + Ida       PO1 Dyan Cardamone               
          Cmdr. T'Rena             Ens. Cir'Cie                 Ens. Cir'Cie & Sjaandin               
          Lt Cmdr. Carrigan Trent              Lt. Amelya Duv       Cpt. Jien Ives               
          Lt. Sjaandin Fedd             Ens. Cameron Henshaw       Cmdr. T'Rena & Cir'Cie          Cpt. Jien Ives      
          Ens. Cale Winterbourne              Beach Group Scene       Open!               
          Ens. Cameron Henshaw               Lt. Sjaandin Fedd       Open!          Lt. Simon Tovarek           
          Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854              Open!       Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard            CWO Selena Ravenholm      
          MCPO Aisha S'Ithi             Beach Group Scene       Open!          Open! M/F      
          Lt Cmdr. Wenn Cinn                Cmdr. Edena Rez       Open!          Ens. Maya      
          Lt. JG ThanIda zh'Wann              Cpt. Declan Vasser + Ravenholm       Open!               
          Lt. JG Zaraq             Open!       Open!               
          PO1 Dyan Cardamone             Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard         Cpt. Declan Vasser          Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard        
          Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard               PO1 Dyan Cardamone       Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854           PO1 Dyan Cardamone      
          Lt Cmdr. "Phantom"             Ens. Maya                               
          Ens. Skye Carver                  Cpt. Jien Ives       Lt. JG Thomas Ravon                
          MCPO Soo Young Seung                                  
          Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley               CWO1 Sten Covington           Open!               
          Lt. JG Tessa May Lance                                  
          Lt. JG Nathaniel Isley               Lt. Eve Jenkins              Open! (see Kurohigi's post)               
          Ens. Hannah Slaverton                                    
          Lt. JG Thomas Ravon              Open! (needs persuation)       Ens. Skye Carver                    
          Lt Cmdr. Lucan Nicander               Open!       Open!          Open!      
          Lt. Amelya Duv             Lt Cmdr. Carrigan Trent        Lt. Lin Kae                  
          Lt. Eve Jenkins                    Lt. JG Nathaniel Isley         Lt Cmdr. Lucan Nicander?               
          Ens. Maya                       Lt Cmdr. "Phantom"       Ms. Rihen Neyah             Lt Cmdr. Wenn Cinn         
          Lt. Hayden O'Connor                 MCPO Billy Bob O'Connell                      
          Lt. Tatiana Marlowe               Lt. Simon Tovarek (cloak-talk)       (A Kurohigi character?)               
          Lt. Lin Kae                Open! (see Kurohigi's post)       Lt. Amelya Duv               
          MCPO Billy Bob O'Connell              Lt. Hayden O'Connor           Open!               
          Lt Cmdr. Natalie Stark                Mr. Rory Callahan                         
          CWO1 Sten Covington                 Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley         Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley                 
          CWO Selena Ravenholm             Cpt. Declan Vasser + Ida       (A Kurohigi character?)          Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854       
          Lt. Simon Tovarek                  Lt. Tatiana Marlowe (cloak-talk)       Cmdr. Edena Rez          Ens. Cameron Henshaw        
          Lt. JG Sarresh Morali               -        -           -       
          Ens. Cir'Cie                       Cmdr. T'Rena       Cmdr. T'Rena & Sjaandin               
          Mr. Rory Callahan                 Lt Cmdr. Natalie Stark                        
          Ms. Narik Cinsaj                                     
          Ms. Rihen Neyah                Beach Group Scene       Ens. Maya                    Open!      
Since many are still writing their first meetings, and just about two months have gone by doing that, I reckon we need to cut the third meeting otherwise we will be writing the Festival of the Moon until Christmas. We might all pick up some speed now come August, but the story must go on in order to open up for more character and plot development. Therefore please PM or post here what you would like to do about the third and second meetings!

Crew Manifest Polish

Some of you might already have noticed, but I have made a slight improvement (I hope) to our Crew Manifest. I basically just polished the graphics so that they turned out more shiny, but I also made the department bars a bit longer (same width as the images when you click "spoiler show"). Please let me know here or over PM if everything looks ok or if I have mucked up something for you guys. I realise that one's monitor size and screen resolution comes into play, but if the majority of you think the Crew Manifest is too wide now, I will make amends.

Upcoming Chapter

Want to know what happens next?

Now (Chapter 02): The Festival of the Moon.

Chapter 03: Next morning. Sarresh Morali is awakened. A Senior Staff meeting is held on the Theurgy with Vasser and T'Rena present. This meeting entails a battle plan for the next engagement with the Calamity and the course they take to thwart the enemy. Much will be revealed at this point, but what is more important is that this Chapter will, after some brief build-up, also drive a sharp wedge into the alliance between the Theurgy and the Harbinger... at the cost of many lives.

This is just a brief heads-up, since extensive plans have been made with different parts of the Group for the continued story in this Episode.

Sneak Peak

Finally, we have a potential new member incoming, and I just finished a character image for him. So here is your sneak peak:

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Cathreen Dawinter on August 09, 2014, 11:52:56 PM
Hey everyone,

Sitting in Mc Donalds on their Wifi letting everyone know our internet got fried in a lightning storm and I will be out until we get it back on. It shouldn't be too long but I did want to let everyone know what was going on.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on August 13, 2014, 05:15:11 AM
Hey folks.

I think my mojo is coming back. Hopefully I'll be able to post more from this point on.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 14, 2014, 11:28:03 PM
A long overdue project of mine that has finally gotten somewhere. I think IronFerrox in particular will like it.

Please let me know what might be further improved:


Raw phase:

Finished for critique:

Thank you in advance!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on August 15, 2014, 09:48:18 PM
How in the name of all that is holy did you do that???  I am seriously impressed.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 15, 2014, 10:20:22 PM
Thank you! :)

Like always I used Photoshop CS5 and I used the top picture as a template to start with. I then found the head of Quorra from Tron via google and spliced her head into the picture. I had to use different arms than the original arms - obviously - and I found a real life image of Selena's gun via google as well (as opposed to the drawn one shown here in the OOC thread a couple of months ago).  The cybernetic attribute of the limbs were made from copying sections of them and using tools like bevel, emboss, drop shadow, contour and inner glow. The texture of the skin and the colouring was made by desaturating the skin areas and using plenty of red and yellow with the tool Curves, then just brushing out the texture in order to attain the porcelain/doll texture on the artificial limbs. I also found the new torso (with the side-boob) via google and changed colouring and shape to fit the image. The glossy sheen on her cheek and on her limbs were made with a white lighting brush and blurred before being applied to the skin sections. Damage (scars) and the soot on the walls etc. are different brushes that I painted with manually - "by hand" so to speak.

Pardon the long explanation... but you asked. ;)


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Endeavour on August 16, 2014, 11:02:20 PM
Sneak Peak

Finally, we have a potential new member incoming, and I just finished a character image for him. So here is your sneak peak:

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator

Hello everyone, I would happen to be that newcomer. I already PMed Auctor a character sheet and I am currently waiting to see what he has to say about it. It shouldn't be too long before I get to join the crew (that is, if Auctor accepts me). Anyways, hey!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Cathreen Dawinter on August 18, 2014, 04:43:59 AM
Welcome to the group Endeavour. I also wanted to let everyone know internet is back up. We got a new router and a faster internet speed so when needed I should be able to post no problems.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on August 18, 2014, 04:46:07 AM
my current situation is listed in my signature.  August is a hectic month for me, but I will be trying to get posts out
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on August 18, 2014, 10:48:27 PM
I suppose everyone's noticed, but I have to apologize for how much my posting has slowed down lately. I'm starting college in a few weeks so I've been running around arranging stuff for student loans, registration etc. My bad, and I shall fit in what I can soon.

Oh, and welcome, endeavor!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 19, 2014, 12:48:01 AM
Welcome Endeavour indeed and thank you all for informing the Group about disturbances in your posting. Something that I will partake in myself as my return to work after the vacation has left me with precious little time in the evenings for writing, time that I have spent administrating the Group through PMs and IMs. Not time wasted at all but rather the opposite, as we for example now have a new crewmember on the Crew Manifest.

I think, though, that I may have plenty of time in the afternoon tomorrow to post where I am due. :) I will be posting a new spreadsheet too, concerning the resolution of cutting the third meetings of the festival in benefit of story progression. Also, we have Endeavour's character Connor Matthews that will enter the story in truth... Stay tuned!


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on August 19, 2014, 04:07:38 PM
Welcome Endeavour to our lovely little group!

As for postingwise, I just returned from a 3 days festival. Posting will be slow with work swelling up once more but I'll be able to get one or two posts out in the next coming days. Hope you guys are all having fun during the last days of holiday (or well it's holiday in Europe)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on August 19, 2014, 05:21:29 PM
Provided I get out of work at a reasonable time and that I'm not dead on my feet I intend to post tonight. We're losing another full time employee from my team at the end of the week and the consultant we hired to replace him hasn't started work is hectic, again.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 21, 2014, 01:59:12 AM
Hi there everyone!

We have yet another applicant inbound but no images have been finished so there will be no sneak peek just yet. :)

Regarding the third meetings during the Festival of the Moon:

         Chapter 02 Pairings            First Meeting      Second Meeting         Third Meeting      
          Cpt. Jien Ives             Ens. Skye Carver       Lt Cmdr. Carrigan Trent                
          Cmdr. Edena Rez             Lt Cmdr. Wenn Cinn          Lt. Simon Tovarek                    
          Cpt. Declan Vasser             CWO Selena Ravenholm + Ida       PO1 Dyan Cardamone               
          Cmdr. T'Rena             Ens. Cir'Cie                 Ens. Cir'Cie & Sjaandin               
          Lt Cmdr. Carrigan Trent              Lt. Amelya Duv       Cpt. Jien Ives               
          Lt. Sjaandin Fedd             Ens. Cameron Henshaw       Cmdr. T'Rena & Cir'Cie               
          Ens. Cale Winterbourne              Beach Group Scene       Open!               
          Ens. Cameron Henshaw               Lt. Sjaandin Fedd       Open!          Lt. Simon Tovarek           
          Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854              Open!       Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard            CWO Selena Ravenholm      
          MCPO Aisha S'Ithi             Beach Group Scene       Open!               
          Lt Cmdr. Wenn Cinn                Cmdr. Edena Rez       Open!          Ens. Maya      
          Lt. JG ThanIda zh'Wann              Cpt. Declan Vasser + Ravenholm       Open!               
          Lt. JG Zaraq             Open!       Open!               
          Ens. Connor Matthews             Open!       Open!               
          PO1 Dyan Cardamone             Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard         Cpt. Declan Vasser          Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard        
          Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard               PO1 Dyan Cardamone       Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854           PO1 Dyan Cardamone      
          Lt Cmdr. "Phantom"             Ens. Maya                               
          Ens. Skye Carver                  Cpt. Jien Ives       Lt. JG Thomas Ravon                
          MCPO Soo Young Seung                                  
          Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley               CWO1 Sten Covington           Open!               
          Lt. JG Tessa May Lance                                  
          Lt. JG Nathaniel Isley               Lt. Eve Jenkins              Open! (see Kurohigi's post)               
          Ens. Hannah Slaverton                                    
          Lt. JG Thomas Ravon              Open! (needs persuation)       Ens. Skye Carver                    
          Lt Cmdr. Lucan Nicander               Open!       Open!               
          Lt. Amelya Duv             Lt Cmdr. Carrigan Trent        Lt. Lin Kae                  
          Lt. Eve Jenkins                    Lt. JG Nathaniel Isley         Lt Cmdr. Lucan Nicander?               
          Ens. Maya                       Lt Cmdr. "Phantom"       Lt. Hayden O'Connor              Lt Cmdr. Wenn Cinn         
          Lt. Hayden O'Connor                 MCPO Billy Bob O’Connell        Ens. Maya                         
          Lt. Tatiana Marlowe               Lt. Simon Tovarek (cloak-talk)       (A Kurohigi character?)               
          Lt. Lin Kae                Open! (see Kurohigi's post)       Lt. Amelya Duv               
          MCPO Billy Bob O’Connell              Lt. Hayden O'Connor           Open!               
          Lt Cmdr. Natalie Stark                Mr. Rory Callahan                         
          CWO1 Sten Covington                 Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley         Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley                 
          CWO Selena Ravenholm             Cpt. Declan Vasser + Ida       (A Kurohigi character?)          Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854       
          Lt. Simon Tovarek                  Lt. Tatiana Marlowe (cloak-talk)       Cmdr. Edena Rez          Ens. Cameron Henshaw        
          Lt. JG Sarresh Morali               -        -           -       
          Ens. Cir'Cie                       Cmdr. T'Rena       Cmdr. T'Rena & Sjaandin               
          Mr. Rory Callahan                 Lt Cmdr. Natalie Stark                        
          Ms. Narik Cinsaj                                     
          Ms. Rihen Neyah                Beach Group Scene                     
From what I can determine, I need the involved writers in the below pairings to post here or PM me with what they want to do. If you are content with just nixing the pairing, then just say so, but otherwise tell me which second meetings you want to change in order to fit in the affected third meeting.

What to do about:
1. Simon Tovarek and Cameron Henshaw?
2. Thea & Selena Ravenholm? (IronFerrox, you want Thea to meet Miles or Selena in the second meeting?)
3. Ens. Maya and Wenn Cinn?
4. Miles Renard and Dyan Cardamone?

Btw! Those who have wrapped their First Meetings should feel perfectly free to start up the next meeting when the other writer is available for it! I also have some more intrigue to add soon enough, namely through T'Rena being at the Festival... *enigmatic grin*


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on August 21, 2014, 02:51:19 AM
After what happened between Maya and Phantom, I don't know if Maya will be returning to the holodeck tonight.  We'll find out if the new counselor can put her back in the party mood or if it will take a medical emergency to get her back to the holodeck.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on August 21, 2014, 04:05:03 AM
to update my internet status during my move, I will likely only lose the weekend, as I will have my internet connection in my new place on the 25th.  For the sake of a weekend, I can always hotspot my phone to get posts done.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on August 21, 2014, 10:37:18 AM
Hahahaha Wenn finding out what happened to Maya. Wow that would be bad.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on August 21, 2014, 12:53:58 PM
But it would be drama!  We'll see if Auctor Lucan allows it.    8)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 21, 2014, 01:54:58 PM
Lol, I am certainly not against drama but with Maya now in session with Counsellor O'Connor and we are cutting the third meeting I can't see how it will fit in with IC timing. :) I am sure there will be drama enough anyway too.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on August 26, 2014, 08:06:44 PM
((the original plan with Dyan and Miles was to meet up About Midnight in the gymnasium area of the ship (one of the fighting/sparring mats most likely) so this wouldn't even occur within the holodeck Unless she is opposed I was going to propose that we could start that thread sometime very soon.))

As for The middle meeting for Dyan (the meeting with Capt. Vasser)  If Kuro and Dawinter want to either Dyan can interupt the current conversation between Selena, Ida, and Vasser, or Her and Kuro could go ahead and play out that scene at a time period noted as after the current scene is finished.

If Selena gets out of that scene she will probably head to the computer room (trying to dig up dirt on Vasser obviously and Thea may interrupt Selena inquiring what she is up to.  Selena could of course say something like she wanted to see the computer systems of a ship with such an advanced AI up close (which is true as well)  the conversation could easily turn to wanting to get to know the AI system a little better, perhaps intimately better.

In the mean time I can start up a scene where Miles meets up with Thea.  They can talk for a bit, possibly things get physical, possibly not  then Thea could get interrupted by noticing something is going on in the computer core.

((At the very least this means Miles and Thea get to catch up a bit and miles gets to hear how her improvements have been going, after all it was her experience with him the first time that made her realize how human she wanted to be.))
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Cathreen Dawinter on August 27, 2014, 12:16:57 AM
I am not oppose at all. I also wouldn't mind Dyan interupt the current conversation though it would probably be this weekend. Which brings me to my second reason for posting here. School starts tomorrow along with the nursing program. I have seven classes and clinicals this semester so posting is going to be slow for me I wanted to let everyone know.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 27, 2014, 01:16:19 AM
Festival of the Moon Development

As long as Kurohigi is ok with Dyan Cardamone/Sar-unga Neleo showing up before things get out of hand between the three (Vasser, Ida and Selena), I would certainly not mind to have Ida reflect and question the transformation and implication of the Petty Officer's mission aboard the Harbinger. Would serve for an interesting encounter! Also, I can post a new thread where Thea observes something plot-important happening *smiles enigmatically* and setting the scene for Miles to find her there. This thread will not only lead on to the encounter in the computer core between Thea and Selena (since she has left Vasser, Ida and Dyan behind in our current thread) but also entail a scene between Sjaandin Fedd and two other characters that have been planned between Leonal and I. I hope to be able to post this new thread on the morrow since it's over 1 am here now.

New Member

Also, I would like to take the opportunity to welcome Zenozine, our newest member in our Group RP! He plays Nurse Vojona, who's transfer to the Theurgy from the Harbinger was just made now that the ships have rendevouzed:

( Ens. Hylota Vojona           Nurse ( [Show/Hide]

Larger images of Hylota Vojona can be found in our DeviantArt gallery:

Now, if anyone has a character that is available for interaction in the Festival of the Moon, Hylota has just arrived there so make sure to make the Nurse feel welcome! ;) Otherwise I might have T'Rena or some other closet villain sink his/her teeth in her...

Information on Non-Canon Species

Zenozine has, with the addition of this medical officer, introduced a new non-canon species named the Ovri to this roleplay as well, and the details about the Ovri can be found behind the "spoiler" button in Hylota Vojona's character sheet for the time being. My plans are, however, that since we have a few non-canon species at this point, we might post the information of these species in a more easily accessible spot on our main board. A new information thread above this OOC thread, perhaps, with info about the Ship AI:s, the Ash'reem, the Asurians, the Câroon, the Nevomites, the Vulpinians and the Ovri. Perhaps even with compiled details about some canon species too, like the Andorians and the Boslic, which doesn't have that much information on them in Memory Alpha.

That's all for now! Please let me know over PM if you have any ideas for the plot or the sub-plots to share.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on August 27, 2014, 02:53:06 AM
You seem to have forgotten a certain species in that list there.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on August 27, 2014, 04:04:26 AM
Dyan is the second meeting for Declan after Selena/Ida, so setting a prior meeting could help set up him coming back to see her later for their second scene.

Note: Tomorrow is a flight day for me.  I'll better know how much time I'll have online when I get to where I am going, but tomorrow will be net-less, given I leave at 9 am and arrive close to midnight
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 27, 2014, 08:44:57 AM
Ah, but of course! I must be growing senile or it was just the late hour lobotomising me. The Vulpinans too, certainly, as they are the non-canon species with perhaps the most information to them over the years we have been running this story. They almost seem canon to me at this point. The list has been corrected and sorry for the overlook. Especially since you have invested so much time and effort into the creation of the species.

Btw, did you all know that we had a 3 year anniversary back in the 5th of May this year? I certainly forgot, lol.

Kurohigi: Certainly! Then let's wait for Cathreen DaWinter to come briefly crashing the scene with Sar-unga and we'll see how things go. :)


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Endeavour on August 28, 2014, 11:06:12 PM
Hey guys. Sorry for my lack of posting. My computer crashed and I was forced to buy a new one.  I'm back now though.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on August 29, 2014, 06:44:16 AM
I keep getting unexpected guests at my house! But I shall be back on the bike after work tomorrow. Sorry for the delay!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on September 02, 2014, 09:40:27 PM
Sorry for the delay folks, been a bit wiped - I'm coming off some meds and I've been losing days.  Such fun!  It is getting better I hasten to add, the thing is that on the good days I tend to do too much and feel like death over a candle for the next couple.  I know, I'm a muppet, I can't help it ;)

I'm compos mentis for just now so I will try and reply to all tonight :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Zenozine on September 03, 2014, 08:45:59 PM
sorry, just posting her so I get any updates from this thread.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on September 04, 2014, 05:57:29 AM
Hey, everyone! Tessa May Lance has returned, with yours truly at her helm. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on September 04, 2014, 07:01:30 PM
Downed with a heavy cold or a flu, not sure what it is yet. Sorry for the lack of posting, will be back in the weekend I hope.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 06, 2014, 01:07:56 PM

Hello everyone! Summer is over and people are getting back into gear. Since people have been really diligent in keeping the Group updated about their whereabouts, I do not have to spread the word from my PMs like I use to do. All things considered, this time of the year people tend to be busy starting up their jobs (like me) and their studies again, but I am confident that with the new Chapter that will be launching within the next couple of weeks, activity will be picking up a bit again.

As I have said previously, we will be removing the third meeting in Chapter 02, and this is reflected in the new spreadsheet. The only ones who have not told me what they have decided upon are the writers of Simon Tovarek and Cameron Henshaw, which was a third meeting that was on the spreadsheet.

Prologue & Chapter 01 Progress

The below list of threads is chronological, starting with the Prologue and ending before Chapter 02. I will mark the finished threads in green and the active ones in yellow. Just click on each thread to get there.

PROLOGUE: Under the Bludgeonings of Chance [Part I] (

PROLOGUE: Under the Bludgeonings of Chance [Part II] (

PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Below Decks] (
PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Conference Lounge] (
PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Sickbay] Next poster: TheBanshee (

PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Cleaning Up] (Upcoming!) Next poster: Leonal

CHAPTER 01: Find Me Unafraid [0630 hrs.] Next poster: Finished? (

CHAPTER 01: Cobalt & Iron [0715 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Breakfast in the Neutral Zone [0700 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Aquatic Denominator [0800 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Among the Stars [0900 hrs.] (
CHAPTER 01: The Intelligence Officer [1000 hrs.] (
CHAPTER 01: Old Comrades  [1100 hrs.] Next poster: Auctor Lucan (

CHAPTER 01: Damage [1120 hrs.] Next poster: Finished? (

CHAPTER 01: Visiting Hours [1400 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Knowing is Half the Battle [1500 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Awakening [1700 hrs.] Next poster: Endeavour (

CHAPTER 01: Exigency of Life [1930 hrs.] Next poster: Auctor Lucan (

CHAPTER 01: A Place to Lay My Head [2000 hrs.] Next poster: Searcher (

On the old Part 1 board ( I am only missing the finishing development between Tessa May Lance (Leonal, the character sheet may be finished and superb but the JPs are still waiting ;) ) and Zaraq in Unusual Courting (

CHAPTER 02: The Festival of the Moon

The name of your characters are the left column, and the columns next to that are the currently suggested order of meetings.
         Chapter 02 Pairings            First Meeting      Second Meeting      
          Cpt. Jien Ives             Ens. Skye Carver       Lt Cmdr. Carrigan Trent       
          Cmdr. Edena Rez             Lt Cmdr. Wenn Cinn          Lt. Simon Tovarek           
          Cpt. Declan Vasser             CWO Selena Ravenholm + Ida       PO1 Dyan Cardamone      
          Cmdr. T'Rena             Ens. Cir'Cie                 Ens. Cir'Cie & Sjaandin      
          Lt Cmdr. Carrigan Trent              Lt. Amelya Duv       Cpt. Jien Ives      
          Lt. Sjaandin Fedd             Ens. Cameron Henshaw       Cmdr. T'Rena & Cir'Cie      
          Ens. Cale Winterbourne              Beach Group Scene       Open!      
          Ens. Cameron Henshaw               Lt. Sjaandin Fedd       Open!      
          Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854              Open!       Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard        
          MCPO Aisha S'Ithi             Beach Group Scene       Open!      
          Lt Cmdr. Wenn Cinn                Cmdr. Edena Rez       Open!      
          Lt. JG ThanIda zh'Wann              Cpt. Declan Vasser + Ravenholm       Open!      
          Lt. JG Zaraq             Beach Group Scene       Open!      
          Ens. Connor Matthews             Open! (Sickbay)       Open! (Sickbay)      
          PO1 Dyan Cardamone             Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard         Cpt. Declan Vasser      
          Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard               PO1 Dyan Cardamone       Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854       
          Lt Cmdr. "Phantom"             Ens. Maya                 Open!      
          Ens. Skye Carver                  Cpt. Jien Ives       Lt. JG Thomas Ravon       
          MCPO Soo Young Seung              Ens. Hylota Vojona       Open!      
          Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley               CWO1 Sten Covington           Open!      
          Lt. JG Tessa May Lance              Open!       Open!      
          Lt. JG Nathaniel Isley               Lt. Eve Jenkins              Open!      
          Ens. Hannah Slaverton                Open!       Open!      
          Lt. JG Thomas Ravon              Open! (needs persuation)       Ens. Skye Carver           
          Lt Cmdr. Lucan Nicander               Open!       Open!      
          Lt. Amelya Duv             Lt Cmdr. Carrigan Trent        Lt. Lin Kae         
          Lt. Eve Jenkins                    Lt. JG Nathaniel Isley         Lt Cmdr. Lucan Nicander?      
          Ens. Maya                       Lt Cmdr. "Phantom"       Lt. Hayden O'Connor          
          Ens. Hylota Vojona             MCPO Soo Young Seung        Open!      
          Lt. Hayden O'Connor                 MCPO Billy Bob O’Connell        Ens. Maya                
          Lt. Tatiana Marlowe               Lt. Simon Tovarek (cloak-talk)       (A Kurohigi character?)      
          Lt. Lin Kae                Open! (see Kurohigi's post)       Lt. Amelya Duv      
          MCPO Billy Bob O’Connell              Lt. Hayden O'Connor           Open!      
          Lt Cmdr. Natalie Stark                Mr. Rory Callahan                
          CWO1 Sten Covington                 Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley         Open!      
          CWO Selena Ravenholm             Cpt. Declan Vasser + Ida       (Leaving for the Computer Core)      
          Lt. Simon Tovarek                  Lt. Tatiana Marlowe (cloak-talk)       Cmdr. Edena Rez      
          Lt. JG Sarresh Morali               -        -       
          Ens. Cir'Cie                       Cmdr. T'Rena       Cmdr. T'Rena & Sjaandin      
          Mr. Rory Callahan                 Lt Cmdr. Natalie Stark               
          Ms. Narik Cinsaj                 Open!       Open!      
          Ms. Rihen Neyah                Beach Group Scene       Open!      

Chapter 02 "The Festival of the Moon" Progress

The below list of threads is chronological, starting with the opening ceremony. Just like earlier, I will mark the finished threads in green and the active ones in yellow. Just click on each thread to get there.

CHAPTER 02: The Festival of the Moon [2100 hrs.] Next poster: Kurohigi (Edena Rez) (

CHAPTER 02: 3 Joint Posts - The Counselor & Doctor Maya [2115 hrs.] Next poster: The Counselor
(I need a thread name to post a place-holder! :) )

CHAPTER 02: By the Moonlit Sea [2120 hrs.] Next poster: IronFerrox (

CHAPTER 02: The White Sands of Risa [2120 hrs.] Next poster: CanadianVet (

CHAPTER 02: Steam-pools [2130 hrs.] Next poster: Leonal (

CHAPTER 02: Moonlight Walk [2130 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 02: Distant Cabana [2130 hrs.] (
CHAPTER 02: By The Luminescent Plants [2130 hrs.] Next poster: TheBanshee (

CHAPTER 02: Ikara Nightclub [2140 hrs.] Next poster: Searcher (
CHAPTER 02: Untouched Sands [2145 hrs] Next poster: Kurohigi (

CHAPTER 02: Cliffside Pathways [2150 hrs.] Next poster: Kurohigi (

CHAPTER 02: Behind the Amphitheatre [2200 hrs.] Next poster: Auctor Lucan (

Btw! Those who have wrapped their First Meetings should feel perfectly free to start up the next meeting when the other writer is available for it! (Or perhaps even before that, if the second writer wants to write in two places in time during Chapter 02)

Non-Canon Species Information

As you all may have noticed, the place-holder and one of our species have been posted on our main board! ( Make sure to take your time discovering the Ovri.

Upcoming Chapter

Given how things have come to run a bit slow, I think its time we start wrapping up the Festival of the Moon at our own leisure. Some of you may opt to skip the second meeting as well if you feel so inclined, and you may all certainly continue write in Chapter 02 as the story moves on to Chapter 03. Just keep in mind that the evolving events in Chapter 02 may have effects on Chapter 03 since it plays out the morning after the holodeck event.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on September 07, 2014, 06:38:38 AM
Hello, all. As you may know, I started college this week so things have been a bit hectic. Now that I have settled into a routine I can play catch up. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on September 08, 2014, 12:14:19 AM
Hey all, I'm going to be sans-internet for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this coming week.  I might be back on on Friday night but I'm not promising.  Anyone I'm waiting for, it would be a nice treat to come home to a message ;)  I'll try not to leave anyone hanging before I go
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on September 11, 2014, 04:29:57 AM
Still haven't found the time to post, everyone. Sorry. I feel singularly responsible for our delays. Trouble is, I can't post from college because our internet blocks House Eros. :( I'll keep at it though, likely post tomorrow.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on September 11, 2014, 04:32:16 AM
gotta love college, a time when sexual experimentation is at an all time high, you're legal to view content about such things, and they block it lol
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on September 12, 2014, 09:12:29 PM
I have arrived back at home but I am knackered so won't be replying until tomorrow, hope you don't mind guys but I'd rather not write complete drivel!  :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on September 13, 2014, 04:46:27 AM
I don't know when I'll be able to reply. Hopefully Sunday morning.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on September 15, 2014, 03:53:42 PM
I'm still connected to the wound vac after surgery in mid-August and have had a few follow up appointments as well as dealing with the kids.  I'll try this afternoon to get out a post or two but it may be tomorrow before I have a real chance to be in front of my computer for more than ten minutes at a time.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on September 18, 2014, 03:59:31 PM
Oooh Oooh... this came up on my Facebook feed and well I thought of all of us!  I do love a good new word or two :D (
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on September 19, 2014, 04:42:27 PM
That's a lot of words for black. Do like it though :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on September 20, 2014, 11:10:30 PM
I think I need a couple of days.  The black dog has me and I'm not in a good place right now.  I'm sorry.  Graduating with a Bachelor's should be a time of celebration but all I feel is sad.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Leonal on September 22, 2014, 08:44:04 AM

I've given this a tonne of thought, and it's looking like I will have to quit the group.

As it stands, I've taken way too long to post. It's becoming more and more apparent that balancing a full-time education, a part-time job, and a serious relationship is becoming too much to handle.

Make no mistake, I love you guys and this group, and it pains me to quit. If there was another way I would take it.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 23, 2014, 03:29:52 PM

Hello everyone! :)

Posting is on the slow side in general and in this spirit I have ended up contributing to the silence a wee bit because of work and celebrations on this end. The time I've had left has been contributed to OOC talks and administration and for the people that I have IC threads with I can but apologise for the momentary silence. I am catching up, though, and I hope I did not leave anyone concerned because of my lack of time.


Sorry to hear about the post surgery complications and I hope you know that my thoughts are with you. I saw you managed to post a bit and its really cool how you solider on with this and the kids and all. We all are looking forward to you being able to write with us more but not at the expense of your health and your RL committments. The Ikara Nightclub thread is still there for when you have the time and feel inspired, among the other threads you are in, and I need not tell you how excited I will be when the reply pops up eventually.


Awesome colour chart! I will be adding it to our tumblr feed when I get home. :)

Sorry to hear the black dog bit you, purple rain pouring and all, but I hope that you will have recovered by this time that I write this though. If not, perhaps we can have a chat about scenes that may inspire you.


You know that I am aware of your commitments IRL, and that I am not surprised by your decision to leave us. I will say here that it's really sad for the group and the plans we've made that you find yourself unable to continue writing with us, and that is just a minor thing compared to the great loss of you as a writer in the story. Even more so, in that even if what you did write were awesome contributions to the evolving events, we loose the funny and easygoing writer of Sjaandin Fedd.

Thank you so much Leonal for your inspiring time with the Group, but I hope to find you over IM even if you have left us. Perhaps I can keep you up to date with the story, at the very least, for the time when you may want to return someday. :)

Upcoming Chapter Status

Before the last days where I was away, I did manage to work some more on the upcoming chapter starter. Its nowhere complete yet, but I just want to let everyone know that the story will go on and that while there is no immediate stress about doing so, we should work to finish the current threads we have so that we can make time for the continuation of the story.

Crew Changes:

We have a new character in the pipeline as well, and with Leonal leaving us, I have some further administration to handle with the crew manifest.

Lastly, there are couple of writers that have not posted in a while so I will be contacting people to see if they are still around. A census, if you will, and as you all know with this roleplay, we'll just see how much meat will be fed to the grinder of the upcoming fighting/battles and how many characters are inherited by present members. Grim, but we need to free up positions on our crew manifest for new members.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on September 24, 2014, 04:06:08 PM
Nothing beats good old drama where people die...

Sorry to hear you're leaving us Leonal. I was looking forward to stalking Fedd with more mind games but alas.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 26, 2014, 09:21:11 PM
I could not help but post a short teaser from the new Chapter that I am working on. I hope you will enjoy.

[ USS Theurgy | Main Sickbay | Deck 07 | 0605 hrs. ]

A sharp hiss cut the air.

It was the sound when the lid of the cryogenic stasis unit decompressed, and finally opened. Residues of cold mist rose into the air. The person inside had been gradually thawed during the night, yet the thawing had fogged up the glass compltetely, so the results of the Asurian blank cell treatment remained a surprise for the three people standing around the opening unit. Of course, the tricorders had been unanimous in the vitality readings, yet it remained to be seen what kind of appearance the DNA resequencing had resulted in. Were they awakening a freak from its slumber? A grotesque excuse of a survivor that would never accept the thing he had become, all for the sake of the truth and the mission?

"Nurse Vojona, Doctor Maya, please prepare to help me move him to the biobed," said Lucan as he looked down into the unit, the mist having cleared from the face. He reached down and opened one eye, confirming what the tricorder had already stated. Just to be sure, he raised a small palm beacon - its light casting the dancing mist into brilliance above the patient's countenance.

There. Oh, I might also take the opportunity to say that the new chapter will consist of 8 new threads posted all at once (see 'Master of My Fate' on the previous board for reference), with scenes set chronologically through the next day... leading up to the proverbial boiling point.

That was all for now!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Zenozine on September 26, 2014, 09:25:40 PM
this should be good from the looks of it. I would also like to ask if I have at all proven that I can handle a second character?  Because as times goes on I would like to throw in Hylota's brother.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 26, 2014, 09:30:02 PM
Certainly! Send me a character application over PM and we'll go from there. :)


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Zenozine on September 26, 2014, 09:31:01 PM
I will do that, but probably later on or next week.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on September 27, 2014, 12:03:06 AM
I could not help but post a short teaser from the new Chapter that I am working on. I hope you will enjoy.

[ USS Theurgy | Main Sickbay | Deck 07 | 0605 hrs. ]

A sharp hiss cut the air.

It was the sound when the lid of the cryogenic stasis unit decompressed, and finally opened. Residues of cold mist rose into the air. The person inside had been gradually thawed during the night, yet the thawing had fogged up the glass compltetely, so the results of the Asurian blank cell treatment remained a surprise for the three people standing around the opening unit. Of course, the tricorders had been unanimous in the vitality readings, yet it remained to be seen what kind of appearance the DNA resequencing had resulted in. Were they awakening a freak from its slumber? A grotesque excuse of a survivor that would never accept the thing he had become, all for the sake of the truth and the mission?

"Nurse Vojona, Doctor Maya, please prepare to help me move him to the biobed," said Lucan as he looked down into the unit, the mist having cleared from the face. He reached down and opened one eye, confirming what the tricorder had already stated. Just to be sure, he raised a small palm beacon - its light casting the dancing mist into brilliance above the patient's countenance.

It's aaaallllllive

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on September 30, 2014, 01:04:56 AM
Connectivity is down on my end.  Expect delays.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 01, 2014, 01:41:42 AM
Chapter 03 is up!

This is just a brief announcement that the first half of Chapter 03 is up for your perusal and - hopefully - enjoyment. I promised you 8 starter threads and there will be, but these first 4 should be sufficient to keep everyone occupied until it is time to delve further into the evolving story. I reasoned that if I were to lay out all the upcoming events, I would invite disaster since neither us are entirely sure what may happen in the first 4 threads, which might contain actions that would radically change the starting points of the last 4 threads that are due soon enough.

The four first starters for Chapter 03 has been stickied to the top of the board so that they are easy to keep track of (thanks for that Brutus). The four threads are numbered chronologically and have time stamps when you click on them, which will reveal that they take place in the morning after the Festival of the Moon.

Here is a brief overview of the starters (with links):

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [01: Resurrection] (

Here, Nurse Vojona will start assisting Maya and Nicander with some eye surgery of Sarresh Morali. Then, when that is finished, Maya will be doing some neuro-pressure treatment while simultaneously treating Morali's newly grown skin with a healing agent (read Aquatic Denominator for more info on this).

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [02: Shock & Denial] (

Here, there are plenty of openings for some Day After antics. There is also some forshadowing taking place here for the major plot. Options: 1) Check the "Attn: Anyone" tags and call dibs on them here (or post right away, as you see fit) 2) Post your own hangover setting with your character and tag it with "Attn: Anyone", leaving the random pairing open to join the scene. 3) Post your dedicated post to a pairing of your character and someone specific, as agreed over OOC channels. Like "Attn: Auctor Lucan". Note also that this thread forbids characters Nicander, Maya, Vojona and Morali (naturally) to partake since they are in Sickbay already.

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [03: Pain & Guilt] (

Sickbay again, where the eye surgery and the treatment of Morali's nervous system and skin has been finished, and its up to me, Zenozine and Maya to make sure we do not have any contingency errors by starting up this thread ahead of time. Here, involved people have been gathered to attend to Morali's awakening. For sake of reference, this is Sarresh Morali's new appearence. I hope it is ok that I reveal this in this fashion, since people need to know at this point:


Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [04: Anger & Bargaining] (

This is the Senior Staff Meeting, where Carrigan Trent has the first item on the agenda. It's a large gathering of characters and writers working in once scene, but I am confident we can sort out necessary posting order over OOC channels. If nothing else, right here in the OOC thread. Please read in, post your characters as they are in attendance, and I hope you will all enjoy the development.


Now that Chapter 03 is up and going, its a good time to start finishing off your old threads in the Prologue, Chapter 01 and Chapter 02. I have some posting to do there as well, so please, no one should feel stressed out about Chapter 03 being up already. Take is easy and enjoy your writing!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 01, 2014, 02:24:21 PM
Quick note: TheBanshee caught that I forgot to change the time stamp for the Senior Staff Meeting [04: Anger & Bargaining] to 0900 hrs. to make room for the awakening of Sarresh Morali in sickbay at 0800 hrs. So, the Sickbay scene takes places 0800 hrs. and the Senior Staff Meeting is at 0900 hrs.

That is all!

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 04, 2014, 12:00:35 AM
Quick note! Packing and trying to finish graphics tonight led to less writing. Going on a short vacation but I will be writing nonetheless, perhaps only with minor disturbances. See signature for dates and I will be posting away as best as I might. I will, however, not be able to do graphics since I am not bringing the big 17 inch laptop with me.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on October 07, 2014, 05:31:55 AM
As someone who just spent the last month marathoning through Two Broke Girls, I have a new appreciation (and attraction) to Natalie Stark, simply for being played by Kat Dennings, who is as funny as she is sexy lol
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 09, 2014, 12:22:03 AM
Heh heh, she is quite lovely indeed, and since I have a been collecting new image mtrl for our dear Lieutenant Commander Natalie Stark, I hope to give Brutus some more character imagery when I have the time for it. Images for the human Sarresh Morali does take a priority though, and those will likely be finished after I return from this vacation to Mallorca. In short, I have a lot to deliver to Brutus in the graphics department.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 16, 2014, 10:36:42 AM
Hi there everyone!

Just wanted to give you an update on what sleepovers are still available in "02: Shock & Denial". There are still unforeseen bed-partners available! lol

[ Rihen Neyah ] Attn: Anyone[Show/Hide]

[ Evelyn Rawley ] Attn: Anyone [Show/Hide]

[ ThanIda zh'Wann ] Claimed by Wenn Cinnn [Show/Hide]

[ Soo Young Seung ] Attn: Anyone [Show/Hide]

[ Narik Cinsaj ] Attn: Anyone [Show/Hide]

So! If you might consider either of these options, post a reply directly or contact me over PM in advance. :)


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on October 20, 2014, 04:50:04 PM
Was reading up on new posts with my morning coffee - Dr. Maya, gotta say, "race lift" made my morning. Well played ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on October 20, 2014, 09:54:16 PM
That should get quote of the Chapter!  :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 21, 2014, 02:17:47 AM
Lol, good one indeed.

I have the pleasure to announce that Zenozine has submitted his secondary character, namely Hylota's twin brother, Vinata Vojona. He is also a nurse working under Eve Jenkins as soon as he waked up after his injuries from Theta Eridani IV.

Since I have been doing the character graphics for Vinata Vojona (Ovri being challenging to make too), I am a bit behind in my replies on the board but have no fear, I will attend to them as soon as possible - starting tomorrow since its a quarter past 2 am here. The Senior Staff Meeting thread is my top priority since it involves so many and you have been waiting for my input there long enough. I had hoped to see more replies from attending characters before I let my entire ensemble speak up, but now is a perfect time to move things along.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Zenozine on October 21, 2014, 02:21:00 AM
And to everyone I am sorry for eating up his time making my non human characters, please do not lynch me.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on October 21, 2014, 05:26:14 PM
I won't be able to do any homework for a few days, one of the cats ate through my Ethernet cable and my Hodges fix has died. I've ordered new ends and a crimping tool so I'm hoping they'll be here soon
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on October 22, 2014, 02:25:02 AM
Take all the time you need Zenozine.  Schedule changes have made it difficult for me to keep up with simming so there's room for another lovable quirky alien in sickbay. 

(Not giving up on Maya but I'm not ready to play a second character right now)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Zenozine on October 22, 2014, 02:28:02 AM
Alright then, glad to hear you are not mad at me.  :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 24, 2014, 01:05:07 AM
I have updated our poster with the latest crew changes.

( (
[Click on image for full size]

In that regard, sadly, Endeavour is no longer a member of the Star Trek: Theurgy Group anymore because of lacking posting activity. He was approached weeks ago and given time to try and get back in gear. He was given a second chance after that, giving him a date to get back to me, yet without any IM or PM response whatsoever, RL evidently came to draw his focus completely. The termination of this membership has been made for the sake of the Group as a whole.

If anyone who would like to overtake our Brig Officer, named Connor Matthews, and both doesn't have too many characters and also believe they can keep up posting for another one, should contact me with such a request over PM. Again, my policy on this is very loose, meaning that the one who cries out first and I think can keep up with playing her gets to inherit the character. If there are no takers, he will still be kept as an NPC that is available to be played for all writers in the Group (within reason, of course) until his demise in a battle to come.


Best Regards,

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on October 25, 2014, 05:07:23 PM

I am still awaiting the arrival of RJ45 connectors but have the crimping tool ready for when they get here so I can fix my ethernet cable.

I have a job... unfortunately it is about 300 miles away and starts a week on Monday.  I am not even sure if their internet will let me access this site but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.  Posts may be a bit rough and ready if I try it on my phone but I will do this if push comes to shove and hope you all forgive me! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 26, 2014, 08:44:19 AM
Congratulations on the new job! We are certainly keeping our fingers crossed both in the regard that it works out for you and that you will still be able to write with us all! Hope to catch you on IM to learn more.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on October 26, 2014, 12:07:20 PM
I've been working all weekend and have more to do today. I know I owe a few posts but I might not get to them till Tuesday.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on October 26, 2014, 12:39:17 PM
No worries Brutus.   I don't like my reply on our thread together and I appreciate getting some time to revise it!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on October 28, 2014, 05:17:28 PM
GRRR! I hate computers!!!

Managed to get my hands on two RJ45's to try and fix this bloody connection and both didn't take all the contacts (probably partly thanks to three helpful kittens who were helping me so helpfully).

So I re-bodged the original and it is working so far... with a few occasional wire-wiggles.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on October 29, 2014, 10:10:39 AM
Posting rate will be slower than expected. Busy RL schedule is to 'blame'. Will be back once I can to reply to everyone!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on October 29, 2014, 10:25:40 PM
No worries Brutus.   I don't like my reply on our thread together and I appreciate getting some time to revise it!

Saw an update to this today, and since I've been at home sick (still working) i figured i'd knock out a response.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 31, 2014, 02:07:37 PM
Hi all!

Busy week with late evening work to make presentations so I fell a wee bit behind in posting. Sorry Zenozine who has waited the most days for my replies, but I will be catching up now.

Kurohigi, are you able to post with Lin Kae and your ensemble in "04: Anger & Bargaining"? I feel like our holographic specialist, if anyone, might have something to say on the matter of Cala and reprogramming her (or, returning her to her original state of mind). Let me know if you want some ideas of my own to add to yours.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Zenozine on October 31, 2014, 06:28:56 PM
It i quite alright, I have other RPs to take up my time, as well as drawing things.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Endeavour on November 01, 2014, 03:52:15 AM
Wow. It's been a long time since I've been on HoE. Let me first say how sorry I am for going silent on all of you for no apparent reason. That was beyond immature. The reason I haven't been on lately is because I went on... I guess you could call it an adventure. You see my father has passed. I had my time to grieve and mourn, but that's not the reason I was gone. In his will, my father informed me that I apparently had a sister. June's her name. I was so enthralled by the fact that I had this long lost sister that I began researching everything I could about her. I've been all over my country, finding answers that often led to more questions. It eventually led me to Italy, where I found her with her own family. I have a niece. Being an only child, I never believed I'd be able to say that. Haha. I have to say that was one of the most awkward times I've ever experienced. Over the course of a week I was finally able to convince her we were siblings. I brought her back to America with me and brought her to our father's resting place. After a couple of days. she left for Italy and I stayed here.

Again, I'm sorry for my immaturity. I can only hope that I can be welcomed again.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Zenozine on November 01, 2014, 04:04:36 AM
well I was not here when you were and when you left, but I must say, that is much more important than an RP group. I am happy to hear you managed to connect to your family, I am happy for you if that is worth anything. All I can say is that with you coming back if you end up making a new character I would be more than willing to RP with you.

And I would not call that immaturity, you simply got caught up in the whirlwind of life. The important thing is you managed to get through all of that and came back here with a great story.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on November 01, 2014, 06:06:44 AM
I don't know if my vote counts but I'm willing to welcome you back Endeavour.  Contact Auctor Lucan and discuss it.   Fortunately you weren't in a thread with anybody's characters (that I'm aware of) so you didn't leave a scene hanging.  Your character was in sickbay and hasn't been released yet.  From a storytelling perspective no harm done. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Zenozine on November 01, 2014, 06:10:55 AM
Well if that is the case my characters are able to be used if you are let back in.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 01, 2014, 09:38:20 AM
Welcome back to the Group and the story Endeavour! Check your PM inbox for my extended welcome and notes on the current status of the story.

I have updated the Crew Manifest to return Connor Matthews from NPC-status, and like I wrote in the PM, you are free to post in your current thread again. I would suggest wrapping up that scene in a couple of post so that you can jump straight to Chapter 03, where - as I write this - have come up with a perfect way to have Connor checked up upon and released from Sickbay. Zenozine, I think we can easily have Maal and Hylota go to Connor's biobed in "01: Resurrection", right? Unless you want Hylota to have Maal all to herself? lol

Speaking of Maal, he has been with us from Episode 01 as a supporting character, so I actually think its long overdue that I make a character sheet for him and make him an official NPC in Sickbay. I will be working on that in the next couple of days as time allows for it. Posting is my priority, of course.

Anyway, welcome back Endeavour!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Zenozine on November 01, 2014, 03:48:40 PM
Hylota and Maal can go an do that. I did not really have anything planned for the two of them. It would be fun to have them check up on another new patient so Hylota can meet more of the crew to her new ship and possibly have them mistake her as a man and her frozen brother as a woman.

And I think a Maal character sheet should be made,I went looking for him before and I was confused when I did not find him.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on November 01, 2014, 08:50:57 PM
That sounds like a wild time you've had there Endeavour! Glad you're back though and good on you for tracking your sister down :) 

In other news I am at my new place of work and I can get access to here :) YAY!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Endeavour on November 02, 2014, 01:01:13 PM
Thank you guys for understanding. I knew there was a reason as to why I liked you all so much. Oh and it's great to meet you Zenozine.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Zenozine on November 02, 2014, 06:24:26 PM
Likewise, I am also working to set things up so you can be brought into the story again at the Med bay with Auctor Lucan. it is in this thread so we should be getting to you fairly soon. Since if I read things correctly you were in the med bay, when Hylota and Maal do their rounds you could jump in there. My guess is Auctor Lucan would be setting something up here.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 05, 2014, 02:30:45 PM

I am doing a quick one for Chapter 03 this time around, here goes:

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [01: Resurrection]

Main Sickbay
Brutus is next here, unless Doctor Maya posts again now that Lucan has left some instructions.

Recovery Wards
I will be posting next there.

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [02: Shock & Denial]

I will be posting with Rawley and Cinsaj, while Kurohigi, IronFerrox and TheBanshee are up in other scenes here.

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [03: Pain & Guilt]

I left some instructions for Nolan's and Maya's characters, that they would tell Sarresh about the medical treatment he has undergone:

Then, Lucan turned to Dr. Duv and Dr. Maya. "Will the two of you please explain the procedure, starting with the aquatic denominator we found and the DNA resequencing, followed by the neuro-pressure and epidermis treatment?" He then looked towards Sar-unga, "You might need to explain your role as well, because otherwise, the patient will not give credit to anything we explain. Can you do that?"

Since Doctor Maya has already posted with some inner reflections about Sarresh's situation, I say Nolan goes next.

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [04: Anger & Bargaining]

Currently, the argument about whether Thea may try and save her daughter, Cala, or if they should simply destroy their adversary is raging during the Senior Staff Meeting. Next posters are TheBanshee with Cinn and Tia's opinions, The Counselor with Hayden and Brutus with Natalie. Cathreen DaWinter, you may of course have your Yeoman speak up with her opinion as you see fit. After that, while free for everyone to interject in any way you like along the way, Kurohigi will go last with Edena Rez and with Captain Vasser's own verdict (possibly with Lin Kae again as well). After that, I will end the current topic and dish out one last announcement with Ives before ending the Chapter.

What is next?

After the last bit happens in the Senior Staff Meeting, the second half of Chapter 03's starter scenes will be posted, and things go... somewhat out of hand.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Endeavour on November 07, 2014, 09:49:58 PM
Sorry for late posting. I now have more work hours so my posting will not be as active as it used to be. Although weekends I'm off.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 08, 2014, 01:34:36 AM
No worries and thanks for letting us know, Endeavour!

Also, everyone, we have a new NPC (or old, considering he has been around since the start). Nurse Maal can now be found on the Crew Manifest.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on November 11, 2014, 12:01:36 PM
My apologies to everyone in the group that are still waiting for my replies. A bit swamped in RL issues at this time but I should be back somewhere tomorrow or in the coming days to catch up on my posts.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on November 15, 2014, 06:43:50 PM
Right.  After two weeks in my new job I quit and returned home.  Illegal payment, broken equipment of vital importance, poor training and poor management were major factors in this decision but unless you are used to horse yards it would make no sense if I explained it fully - WAY too much jargon involved ;)

I have also now fixed my ethernet cable sooooo.... I'M BACK BABIES!

I'll still do what I wanted to, it'll just take a bit longer is all :)  Even if it takes me until I'm 80 I'll fulfil my dream.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 19, 2014, 12:30:26 AM

The writing of the progress from 04 and forth in Chapter 03 goes on, progressing steadily! It's somewhat of an elephant to butcher and eat up in pieces though, hence the delay. We also have a new applicant member that I am working with biography and graphics-wise.

Just to keep you all in the loop and to ask for a bit more patience before I... well... crap out the elephant all over out board, lol. My apologies for the slight delay folks!

As for 04: Anger & Bargaining, it would be awesome if no characters continued the debate further from this point on since I might have to rewrite my replies in that case.



Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 22, 2014, 02:52:38 AM

I have the pleasure to announce that I managed to finish a few things tonight and posted them on the board, among others the conclusion to the Senior Staff meeting. In order to move things on, I took a few liberties with everyone present in their silent reactions to the new orders, and I hope you all agree with how it kicked things into motion in thanks to that grim silence.

I also posted two new starters for Chapter 03, and the admins will soon help me mark them in blue and stick them to the top of the board along with the rest of the Chapter 03 threads.

If anyone has questions on the progress that has been made, please do not hesitate to ask. Be it here in the open for the benefit of all to learn more about what is going on, or via PM/IM if you'd rather confer with me privately.

Happy reading!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 24, 2014, 01:59:12 AM

Hello everyone!

More threads will be coming up for Chapter 03, but I figured I wouldn't heap it all upon you right away for sake of suspense and to give you a chance to wrap your lingering old scenes. Tonight, I will take a moment to post a new Story Overview to help everyone remember which threads have missing posts fin the Prologue, Chapter 01 and Chapter 02. I will also list Chapter 03 with suggested posting orders.

The below lists of threads are chronological, starting with the Prologue. Just browse the lists below quickly and check for your names in white. I will mark the finished threads in green and the active ones in yellow. These are all links, so just click on each thread to get there.

Prologue: Under the Bludgeonings of Chance

PROLOGUE: Under the Bludgeonings of Chance [Part I] (

PROLOGUE: Under the Bludgeonings of Chance [Part II] (

PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Below Decks] (
PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Conference Lounge] (
PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Sickbay] (

PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Cleaning Up] ( Next poster: TheBanshee

Chapter 01: Find Me Unafraid

CHAPTER 01: Find Me Unafraid [0630 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Cobalt & Iron [0715 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Breakfast in the Neutral Zone [0700 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Aquatic Denominator [0800 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Among the Stars [0900 hrs.] (
CHAPTER 01: The Intelligence Officer [1000 hrs.] (
CHAPTER 01: Old Comrades  [1100 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Damage [1120 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Visiting Hours [1400 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Knowing is Half the Battle [1500 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Awakening [1700 hrs.] Next poster: Endeavour (

CHAPTER 01: Exigency of Life [1930 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: A Place to Lay My Head [2000 hrs.] Next poster: Searcher (

CHAPTER 02: The Festival of the Moon                                 
CHAPTER 02: The Festival of the Moon [2100 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 02: The White Sands of Risa [2120 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 02: By the Moonlit Sea [2120 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 02: Steam-pools [2130 hrs.] Next poster: Cathreen Dawinter (

CHAPTER 02: Moonlight Walk [2130 hrs.] (
CHAPTER 02: Distant Cabana [2130 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 02: Ikara Nightclub [2140 hrs.] Next poster: Searcher (

CHAPTER 02: Cliffside Pathways [2150 hrs.] Next poster: Cathreen Dawinter (

CHAPTER 02: By The Luminescent Plants [2130 hrs.] (
CHAPTER 02: Unspeakable [2140 hrs.] Next poster: The Counselor (
CHAPTER 02: Untouched Sands [2145 hrs] Next poster: Searcher (

CHAPTER 02: Beach House [2200 hrs] Next poster: TheBanshee (

CHAPTER 02: Behind the Amphitheatre [2200 hrs.] Next poster: IronFerrox (

CHAPTER 02: Under the Subterranean Waterfalls [2330 hrs.] Next poster: Nolan (

CHAPTER 02: The System's Core [2330 hrs.] Next poster: IronFerrox (

CHAPTER 02: Lovers' Quarrel [2350 hrs.] Next poster: Cathreen Dawinter (

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [01: Resurrection] Next poster: Endeavour, Doctor Maya (
Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [02: Shock & Denial] Next poster: Canadian Vet, IronFerrox & Auctor Lucan (
Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [03: Pain & Guilt] Next poster: Nolan, Brutus, Searcher or TheCounselor (
Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [04: Anger & Bargaining] Next poster: Finishing Posts from All Participants (optional) (
Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [05: Isolation & Depression] Next poster: TheBanshee, then Canadian Vet & Cathreen Dawinter (
Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [06: The Turn] Next poster: All Lone-Wolf Writers, Renard might want to check his office... (
Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [07: Reconstruction] Next poster: TheBanshee (since Tia is the CEng) (

The Old Board

On the old Part 1 board ( I am only missing the finishing development between Tessa May Lance and Zaraq in Unusual Courting ( Doctor Maya, would you like to finish this JP quickly with me? PM me in that case.

Non-Canon Species Information

As you all may have noticed, the place-holder and one of our species have been posted on our main board! ( I know I have species to add here when I can find the time, and some of you out there have unique species too. I have PMed you with the form, but let me know if you guys want it again!

And Lastly...

I have received a lot of positive feedback on the latest development and I would like to take a moment to thank you all for your encouragement. With you guys, its really easy to motivate yourself and continue this saga, and I am really excited about the upcoming threads in Chapter 03, which will be the triggers for the Grande Finale of this Episode!

In Episode 01, the Theurgy was about to be fully infected, all hope lost in the last fighting that took place, and it was a really cool sequence of events that lead to the finish. In Episode 02, there might not have been so much fighting and action, but the drama and the theological revelations turned out really cool anyway. Episode 03, Part 1 ended with the Theurgy and the Harbinger trying to leave Theta Eridani IV, and I must say that the moral dilemmas combined with the tectonic event was just about one of the coolest things I have had the pleasure to participate in roleplaying-wise.

Now, we stand before the finale of Part 2... and I must say I think it holds the promise of being the best one yet.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 24, 2014, 12:53:44 PM

Need I say more?

( (

Click on the image for a larger version.

Let's just say its a headache to keep track of as GM... If I have forgotten some scene, let me know, lol. Oh, and obviously, I could only fit in the alive and active characters, else it would have been even larger.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on November 24, 2014, 03:16:52 PM
Thats a thoroughly complete chart lol
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on November 25, 2014, 06:41:23 AM
I shall be consulting that chart often!  lol.   Here's a belated announcement.  Despite the hectic schedule that the holidays have graced us with, I have decided to adopt Tessa May Lance as my character.  A revision to her background will be a sure sign of quicker replies from me.  Until then, delays and excuses are the order of the day.  lol.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on November 26, 2014, 03:06:38 PM
Y'know Maya, I think I might actually be falling in love with O'Connell.  Brilliantly written and such great characterisation :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on November 26, 2014, 11:53:36 PM
And to think that I was giving up on that character!  Of course!  He's an engineer!  He just needed a scene in engineering!   ;D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on December 04, 2014, 12:37:52 PM
Sorry guys, I know I'm holding things up but I've been a bit busy this week and won't likely get to post until Saturday.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on December 04, 2014, 01:31:01 PM
Well, in that case getting Tia Marlowe hospitalized was pure genius!   8)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 06, 2014, 02:39:21 PM
Regarding Reconstruction:

Quote from: Doctor Maya's OOC note in Reconstruction
I'm assuming that Brutus and I need to revise our entries regarding the number and severity of causalities in Engineering.  It seems unlikely that  More than one engineer was strewn out across the deck, hanging over railings - or worse, crumpled in smoking piles, with flesh burned off their bodies from explosions.  The damage wasn't that great; I assume that Cir'ce wanted to sabotage the cloaking system, not blow the ship up.  The mandatory combat at the climax hasn't started yet.  We're fugitives and Starfleet isn't sending replacement personnel to us.  If the Theurgy took permanent casualties this often the ship would soon be empty.

Well, yeah, perhaps. It does not say any numbers, really, and I like the "special effects", but you are correct that the attempt was not to blow the ship up or kill too many personnel. But the crewman, which was aptly named Dom Fuk, might have screwed up with the sabotage considering that he was the one doing it and not Cir'Cie.

I am ok with how it is right now but if you guys want to make slight updates to align things more feel free to do so. I think the potential danger and the cost of lives can be chalked up to Dom Fuk's shortcomings, though. Cir'Cie merely wanted to sabotage the potential use of the Phasing Cloak, that's all, since the cloak is considered key to going to Starbase 84, which Vasser and T'Rena does not want them to do because of the risks and the estimated chance of failure of the ballsy enterprise.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 09, 2014, 01:32:38 AM

Hi there everyone!

I have the pleasure to announce that a new thread has been posted in Chapter 03, named Acceptance. Here is the link: (

As you will notice, it specifically pertain to events that evolve on the Harbinger just before, during and after the Theurgy experience some... ahem... difficulties in Main Engineering. Kurohigi, Nolan and IronFerrox, since your characters belong aboard the Harbinger at this point in time, happy reading and I look forward to see what we make of it.

It does not have to wind on to be a drawn out affair though, [glow=limegreen,2,300]since the last part of Chapter 03 is coming up soon enough.[/glow]


The below lists of threads are chronological, starting with the Prologue. Just browse the lists below quickly and check for your names in white. I will mark the finished threads in green and the active ones in yellow. These are all links, so just click on each thread to get there.

Prologue: Under the Bludgeonings of Chance   [glow=limegreen,2,300]FINISHED![/glow]

PROLOGUE: Under the Bludgeonings of Chance [Part I] (

PROLOGUE: Under the Bludgeonings of Chance [Part II] (

PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Below Decks] (
PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Conference Lounge] (
PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Sickbay] (

PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Cleaning Up] (

Chapter 01: Find Me Unafraid

CHAPTER 01: Find Me Unafraid [0630 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Cobalt & Iron [0715 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Breakfast in the Neutral Zone [0700 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Aquatic Denominator [0800 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Among the Stars [0900 hrs.] (
CHAPTER 01: The Intelligence Officer [1000 hrs.] (
CHAPTER 01: Old Comrades  [1100 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Damage [1120 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Visiting Hours [1400 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Knowing is Half the Battle [1500 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Awakening [1700 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Exigency of Life [1930 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: A Place to Lay My Head [2000 hrs.] Next poster: Searcher (

CHAPTER 02: The Festival of the Moon                                 
CHAPTER 02: The Festival of the Moon [2100 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 02: The White Sands of Risa [2120 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 02: By the Moonlit Sea [2120 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 02: Steam-pools [2130 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 02: Moonlight Walk [2130 hrs.] (
CHAPTER 02: Distant Cabana [2130 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 02: Ikara Nightclub [2140 hrs.] Next poster: Searcher (

CHAPTER 02: Cliffside Pathways [2150 hrs.] Next poster: Kurohigi (

CHAPTER 02: By The Luminescent Plants [2130 hrs.] (
CHAPTER 02: Unspeakable [2140 hrs.] Next poster: The Counselor (?) (
CHAPTER 02: Untouched Sands [2145 hrs] Next poster: Searcher (

CHAPTER 02: Beach House [2200 hrs] Next poster: Kurohgi (

CHAPTER 02: Behind the Amphitheatre [2200 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 02: Under the Subterranean Waterfalls [2330 hrs.] Next poster: Kurohigi (

CHAPTER 02: The System's Core [2330 hrs.] Next poster: IronFerrox (the new plans, remember?) (

CHAPTER 02: Lovers' Quarrel [2350 hrs.] Next poster: IronFerrox (

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [01: Resurrection] Next poster: Brutus | Auctor Lucan (
Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [02: Shock & Denial] Next poster: Kurohigi (
Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [03: Pain & Guilt] Next poster: Brutus, The Counselor & Searcher (independent order) | Nolan (
Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [04: Anger & Bargaining] Next poster: Finishing Posts from All Participants (optional) (
Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [05: Isolation & Depression] Next poster: TheBanshee (
Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [06: The Turn] Next poster: IronFerrox (
Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [07: Reconstruction] Next poster: Brutus (

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [08: Acceptance] ( Next poster: IronFerrox | Nolan    [glow=limegreen,2,300]NEW![/glow]

So, there you all have it!

Lastly, some great plans for the continuation of the story is taking place, and at a more opportune time, I will post the manuscript here for everyone to comment and take part of. It does not pertain to Episode 03, but the upcoming Interregnum 03-04 section of the story.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Absinthe on December 17, 2014, 09:10:25 AM
Hey Everybody,
Just a hello from me to everybody here. My new character has been approved and I look forward to jumping into the story here shortly. I have some catch up reading to do, but it shouldn't take me to long~
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on December 17, 2014, 10:43:50 AM
Welcome aboard!  Will your Trill be joining us too?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Absinthe on December 17, 2014, 01:39:30 PM
Welcome aboard!  Will your Trill be joining us too?
Right now I'm just bringing in my Yoeshin character. I might bring in my Trill eventually, but I want to get the feeling and pulse of the RP first.
I posted my new character in the Crew Roster section.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Absinthe on December 18, 2014, 05:24:36 PM
Woot~ I did my first replies and Lahkesis is officially in the story. I hope I did them ok~
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on December 19, 2014, 05:10:46 PM
Two posts down, two to go. Trying to be a bit active and catch up today.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on December 21, 2014, 11:33:55 PM
Seems the last thunderstorm did something unpleasant to our internet connection.  The speed is varying even more wildly than usual :(

For the tech heads amongst us, how do these sound: I pinged google three times and these were the averages... 51ms, 1352ms and... wait for it... 2775ms.

'Net provider and line peeps are aware of it but it doesn't look like they're gonna do much about it.  Keeping fingers crossed it stabilises itself out at a decent speed.  *sigh*

I'm not even sure I can post this but here goes...
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on December 22, 2014, 07:13:16 PM
Hey everyone, just informing you guys that I just got placed on nightshift. So posting will be sporadic and slow I'm afraid. Also with the upcoming days, expect less posting.
Hope to see you guys soon and Merry Christmas and a happy new year.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: The Counselor on December 23, 2014, 12:48:30 AM
Just wanted to say Happy Holidays to all!  I have family here through the new year but I'll be writing/reading as I can. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Absinthe on December 23, 2014, 07:21:32 AM
My brother gets in from Seattle in the next day or so, so my life is about to go from mildly hectic to full blown insane. So I most likely won't be able to do a heck of a lot until the new year... Sorry
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on December 25, 2014, 09:11:37 PM
Whether you celebrate this season or not please accept my best wishes and fond regard for you all.

My day has been blighted by a nasty re-emergence of a cold, a suspected broken bone in my foot and an internet connection that can't decide if it wants to work or not.  Despite this it has been a  lovely day with the family.  I hope everyone has had a lovely day.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 26, 2014, 02:11:01 AM
Merry Christmas everyone! Here in Sweden we celebrate on Christmas Eve so I have spent the evening making character graphics for a new applicant to the Group. Hope you all have a great time wherever you are! I will be using my days off to finish the writing that is needed to be done for the next part of the story so don't be surprised if the last part of Chapter 03 (Part 09) turns up soon.

Sorry to hear about your setbacks, Banshee and Nolan. Hope things work out despite working hours and internet connectivity. We sure don't want to loose you!

Best Regards,

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Axius on December 28, 2014, 05:07:13 AM
Hello, all! I am Erica Johnson, and I will be playing MCPO Axius vel Onea, a new fighter pilot for the Lone Wolves.

Super excited to get started, and would to get to know all of you!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on December 28, 2014, 05:34:55 PM
Welcome to the group! Hope you ill find everything to your satisfaction here :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on December 29, 2014, 06:14:17 AM
There's a second Câroon onboard?  This is either something real good or something real bad!   :D  I'm looking forward to RPing with you Erica but I suspect that Nicander is Quake's regular doctor.   ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Axius on December 29, 2014, 06:33:44 AM
Yup! Lucan recommended the race to me after struggling with finding the right one. And I'm sure Maya could've taken care of him while he was down!  :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 31, 2014, 02:51:19 AM

I have the pleasure to announce that the last part of Chapter 03 is now up! Enjoy!

Chapter 03 The Captain of My Soul [09: Deception] (


Now, this surely raise a lot of questions. I will cover the major stuff now. No, there is no set posting order at this given point. I may not wait for everyone to post before moving along to avoid loss of pace in this thread. Please try to post expediently if you can. This thread will lead to the grand finale, and consecutively... the arrival of the Calamity.

I mean to be posting again in the new thread where I detail the given scenarios for the Lone Wolves and the Sickbay staff. That being said, however, I do welcome if you guys could help me set the scene in those locations for when I move in with Harbinger teams, but if you can't make it I totally understand.

TheBanshee, I mean to discuss ideas for Wenn Cinn whenever you are available. Cathreen Dawinter, I am thinking that Sar-unga will be on the Theurgy too, perhaps together with Wenn Cinn. If for no other reason but because she is still under medical observation by Nicander.

More info may be forthcoming but I think you guys can write plenty with this this much for the time being. :)

Personally, I am greatly looking forward to write the continuation of the new scene on the Bridge as soon as there have been some replies there.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 31, 2014, 01:44:17 PM

I added some OOC guidance at the bottom of my 09: Deception post, as well as a map over the bridge to help you guys get your bearings.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 31, 2014, 11:51:30 PM
It's now 2352 hrs. here in Sweden and I wish you all a Happy New Year!

Looking forward to 2015 with you guys and whatever our story has in store for us.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Absinthe on January 01, 2015, 03:24:58 PM
Happy 2015~
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 01, 2015, 08:58:48 PM

Hi there again! Hope you all have a great start on the new year, even if the 1st of January often experience the repercussions of New Year's Eve...

I just wanted to inform you all that at the advise of CanadianVet, I have posted another thread that will keep IC-events  separate from the development on the Main Bride of the Theurgy and the Harbinger:

As you can see from the OOC note, this thread will depict scenes across the Theurgy aside from the Main Bridge, with the Flight Hangar and Sickbay included. I advise you all to press "NOTIFY" in the right corner in order to keep up with the development aboard the ship before Chapter 04: Invictus comes up.

I will of course post here and send PMs when needed to keep everyone posted on the development in this new thread as well.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Ps. I saw that you changed username, Sirus, from Ayjn Orin so I have taken the liberty to update the Crew Manifest accordingly. Ds.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Absinthe on January 09, 2015, 12:41:19 AM
Hey, my home internet is down right now and its stupid cold right now so i cant get to the internet to do much of a post right now. Im on a phone so i cant really do much. ~Stark
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on January 09, 2015, 01:26:48 AM
Thanks for the heads up Sirius.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 13, 2015, 12:57:38 AM
New applicants inbound, hence the slight silence the past day or so posting-wise since I am helping there, but I am still here. Also making cool graphics to aide in the hostile takeover posting (for the Sickbay scene, for instance).


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 14, 2015, 12:58:00 AM
Hi there!

Posting the new layout for Sickbay for your viewing and feedback. Please click the image to zoom to a larger version where it is easier to read the blue texts.

( (

This is based on the following image, being the familiar rendering of Main Sickbay for a Prometheus-class starship:


The above can be seen as the round area on the new Sickbay layout.

Hope this helps all our writers with characters in Sickbay to orient themselves in the Hostile Takeover thread, which I will be posting in soon now that I can wrap my own head around the place. This will likely be tomorrow since its 1 am here in Sweden now.

I will, of course, update out Ship & Department Info ( post on our board with this new layout. Please reply here or send me a PM with your feedback.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheBanshee on January 14, 2015, 08:38:46 PM
Sorry I've not been on guys, we had no power for a couple of days then a few hours after it came back it went off again. Hoping the weather has calmed a bit but another storm is due in and I've no idea if we'll have power tomorrow.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 17, 2015, 12:17:11 AM
Hi there everyone!

In collaboration with IronFerrox, I now present to you the floor plan of the Fighter Assault Bay (more commonly called the Flight Hangar, the hangar etc.) in which the Tactical CONN squadron of Mk III Valkyries are housed and where the fighter pilots usually hang out. I have tried to make this as easy to understand as possible, but for sake of reference, you are now looking at the port-side corner of the hangar since it is quite large, and I have tried to illustrate this with the round lens area with the reduced scale.

( (

This floor plan should come in handy when writing the development in Supplementary: Hostile Takeover, where the Lone Wolves and Sten Covington's deck crew is beset by assailants from the Harbinger crew. All you who play Lone Wolves should have received a PM from IronFerrox with some further information.

Please let me know if you have any questions or feedback!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on January 17, 2015, 01:09:06 AM
amazing work Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Axius on January 17, 2015, 02:19:39 AM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 17, 2015, 02:25:57 AM

Since its 2.30 am here (after graphics and shooting out PMs to new members and old), and I know Sickbay in particular needs a post from me to make things moving there in Supplementary: Hostile Takeover, please rest assured that my IC posting order is as follows:

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [Supplementary: Hostile Takeover]
- Cir'Cie & Dr. Nicander
- Thea (pending post/reply from Kurohigi)
- Assorted Lone Wolves

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [06: The Turn]
- Assorted Lone Wolves

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [09: Deception]
(still waiting on posts from Cathreen Dawinter & Brutus but I am willing to move things on anyway if required)
- Ives, Fedd, T'Rena, Zaraq

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [08: Acceptance]
- Ida
- Security guards

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [04: Anger & Bargaining]
- Jien Ives

Let me know if I have missed anything!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on January 17, 2015, 02:37:03 AM
Nothing ya missed just need to make sure you know that After Dawinter and I finish our Scene in lovers quarrel we will be creating a set set of posts in chapt 3: 02 dealing with them waking up.

I have chosen to not begin that scene until the Quarrel thread is finished just for sake of It playing out in order.  Just letting ya know so you wont close out that thread and so you will know even if the post is late in the thread it will be taking place near the same time as the early posts in the thread.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on January 17, 2015, 02:41:42 AM
Love the graphics, Lucan. I'm /still/ working tonight, so look for mw to finish that post tomorrow
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Cathreen Dawinter on January 17, 2015, 11:32:31 PM
I wanted to let everyone know posts might be a little late. Sunday/mondayish. I had to go to the ER today with back spasums and the pain pills they got me are going to knock me out. I haven't forgotten everyone just anything and I will get posts out as soon as I can.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on January 18, 2015, 12:39:23 AM
Take your time. Chronic pain and I are old friends so I can definitely understand where you're coming from.

Get to feeling better, we ain't going nowhere.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 25, 2015, 10:24:36 PM

In the case you have read in 09: Deception about Captain Vasser's speech over the intercom, which is to be heard across the whole of the ship, I feel that I need to point out that the progression time-wise is much further along on 09: Deception than in Supplementary: Hostile Takeover. In other words, Vasser's speech over the intercom is not yet to be heard in Sickbay or in the Flight Hangar.

To keep track of this and not disrupt the space-time continuum, I think its easiest if I establish when Vasser's speech is heard in Hostile Takeover, so you all need not worry about that part. Vasser's diabolical intentions will resound across the whole Theurgy in due time, and to the best dramatical effect, hopefully.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 03, 2015, 01:51:33 PM

Hi there everyone!

I have the pleasure to announce that I am sketching and writing up the next leg of the race since the overall majority of the current chapter is coming to a close. In order to determine how much we have left to write in past events, I will post a Story Overview here and suggest posting order if so required. I will also add a note about the overall status of the thread, like when it ought to be finished.


The below lists of threads are chronological, starting with the Prologue. Just browse the lists below quickly and check for your names in white. I will mark the finished threads in green and the active ones in yellow. These are all links, so just click on each thread to get there.

Prologue: Under the Bludgeonings of Chance   [glow=limegreen,2,300]FINISHED![/glow]

PROLOGUE: Under the Bludgeonings of Chance [Part I] (

PROLOGUE: Under the Bludgeonings of Chance [Part II] (

PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Below Decks] (
PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Conference Lounge] (
PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Sickbay] (

PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Cleaning Up] (

Chapter 01: Find Me Unafraid

CHAPTER 01: Find Me Unafraid [0630 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Cobalt & Iron [0715 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Breakfast in the Neutral Zone [0700 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Aquatic Denominator [0800 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Among the Stars [0900 hrs.] (
CHAPTER 01: The Intelligence Officer [1000 hrs.] (
CHAPTER 01: Old Comrades  [1100 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Damage [1120 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Visiting Hours [1400 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Knowing is Half the Battle [1500 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Awakening [1700 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Exigency of Life [1930 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: A Place to Lay My Head [2000 hrs.] Next poster: Searcher ( (Finishing erotic scene underway)

CHAPTER 02: The Festival of the Moon                                 
CHAPTER 02: The Festival of the Moon [2100 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 02: The White Sands of Risa [2120 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 02: By the Moonlit Sea [2120 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 02: Steam-pools [2130 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 02: Moonlight Walk [2130 hrs.] (
CHAPTER 02: Distant Cabana [2130 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 02: Ikara Nightclub [2140 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 02: Cliffside Pathways [2150 hrs.] Next poster: Kurohigi ( (Finishing erotic scene underway)

CHAPTER 02: By The Luminescent Plants [2130 hrs.] (
CHAPTER 02: Unspeakable [2140 hrs.] Next poster: The Counselor ( (Is this one finished?)
CHAPTER 02: Untouched Sands [2145 hrs] (

CHAPTER 02: Beach House [2200 hrs] Next poster: TheBanshee ( (Finishing erotic scene underway)

CHAPTER 02: Behind the Amphitheatre [2200 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 02: Under the Subterranean Waterfalls [2330 hrs.] Next poster: Nolan ( (Finishing erotic scene underway)

CHAPTER 02: The System's Core [2330 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 02: Lovers' Quarrel [2350 hrs.] Next poster: Cathreen Dawinter ( (Finishing erotic scene underway)

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [01: Resurrection] (
Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [02: Shock & Denial] Next poster: Kurohigi ( (Finishing erotic scene, one more scene to be added)
Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [03: Pain & Guilt] Next poster: Sirus ( (Finishing erotic scene underway)
Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [04: Anger & Bargaining] Next poster: The Counselor ( (2-3 more posts?)
Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [05: Isolation & Depression] Next poster: TheBanshee, then CanadianVet ( (2-3 more posts)
Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [06: The Turn] Next poster: Searcher ( (2-3 more posts?)
Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [07: Reconstruction] (

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [08: Acceptance] ( Next poster: Nolan (1-2 more posts?)

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [09: Deception] ( Next poster: Brutus, then Cathreen Dawinter (3 more posts)

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [Supplementary: Hostile Takeover] (
- Recovery Ward in Sickbay | Next poster: Auctor Lucan (2-3 more posts?)
- Medical Storage in Sickbay | Next poster: Searcher (Finishing erotic scene underway)
- Surgical Suite 02 in Sickbay | Next poster: Sirus (2 more posts)
- Corridor in Sickbay | Next poster: Auctor Lucan (3 more posts)
- Digital Oblivion | Next poster: Auctor Lucan (Finishing scene underway)
- Fighter Assault Bay | Next poster: IronFerrox, Ericajohn, Doctor Maya and then CanadianVet (Searcher independently) (5 more posts?)
- Class-9 Nebula (Lone Wolves Squadron) | Next poster: Kurohigi, then Nolan (5 more posts?)


As you all can see, there are numerous threads that will be closing simultaneously, and therefore I have begun work on Chapter 04, which will be the last Chapter of this Episode.

The loose manuscript will be that, in so many words, the Captain Ives loyalists will retaliate and attempt to retake the ship, meanwhile drastic measures (like torture) is deployed upon prisoners for sake of leverage to quell the retaliation. When the timing is opportune, however, the Calamity will strike, and both crews will be forced to work together to face her, and deploy the gravametric mines as planned. Then, the outcome is determined by chance, all depending on how things play out.

How you all play it out.

One Chapter is a small amount of threads to cover all of the above, but I believe it can be done, and perhaps favourably so, since things will not be drawn out needlessly. Keep in mind to make each post count and make scenes evolve, always, instead of merely being reactions to unfolding events.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on February 08, 2015, 07:17:00 PM
While I told Lucan about it I forgot to mention here - I'm in the process of moving into a new house, and over the next few days in particular, my internet access at home is going to be very sparse to nonexistant. I'll try and get my posts up over the next week, but there may not be any posting till next weekend, as an fyi.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on February 11, 2015, 01:47:13 PM
FYI to everyone, life has seized up most of my time for the moment. Will try to get replies out as soon as I can so I'm hoping so in the next coming days.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 11, 2015, 10:14:12 PM
Crew Changes

Sadly, TheBanshee is no longer a member of the Star Trek: Theurgy Group anymore because of RL-issues, but if things will resolve themselves for her, she will be most welcome back and us. I hope she will. The writing of this story has become a source of stress for her, and that is the least she needs right now, so therefore she will be stepping away.

In regard to her primary character, Chief Engineer Tia Marlowe, she is conveniently enough undergoing heart surgery and it has not been established when she will recover from that. I will, however, NPC Tia Marlowe in the Supplementary: Breakfast thread with Nolan so that the scene can be finished. If TheBanshee returns, then that scene won't be "old luggage" that needs to be picked up again and she can start with a clean slate after her recovery.

Naturally, Doctor Maya's Billy Bob O'Connell will be Chief Engineer after the dust settles in this Episode, officially being given the position and overtaking the role pending Tia Marlowe's recovery. Should Marlowe make a complete recovery IC-wise, then the leadership of the Engineering Department will be something that we have to sort out IC-wise. I figure there are many parameters to take into account, like Marlowe's health after her surgery and ability to perform her duties to the fullest, for instance. Are you ok with this, Maya?

Then we have the important story-character of Wenn Cinn (being returned to life by the Prophets and all) that I will NPC as required to finish current threads (Chapter 02: Beach House with Kurohigi and Chapter 03: Isolation & Depression with CanadianVet and Cathreen Dawinter).

However, if anyone would like to overtake our Chief of Security as a character, and both doesn't have too many characters and also believe they can keep up posting for another one, should contact me with such a request over PM. My policy on this is very loose, meaning that the one who cries out first and I think can keep up with playing him gets to inherit the character. The number of Senior Staff positions will also be a factor to take into consideration, since the position of Chief of Security would be best suited for someone who does not already have a character in such a position. If there are no takers at this point, Wenn Cinn will still be kept as an NPC that is available to be played for all writers in the Group (within reason, of course) until either TheBanshee returns or we have new members that would be willing to take over playing Wenn Cinn.

Link to bio and images below:

( Lt Cmdr. Wenn Cinn           Chief Security Officer [NPC] (
( (
  - Played by Auctor Lucan (

Best Regards,

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 15, 2015, 12:52:25 AM
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

I have the pleasure to announce that starter threads for Chapter 04 are 40 % finished, so I urge everyone to start posting their finishing scenes in the old parts of the story.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 21, 2015, 10:46:01 PM
New Graphics

I made this when I was inspired by how things turned out for those of the Lone Wolves who managed to launch from the Fighter Assault Bay in Hostile Takeover. Enjoy!


I added this to my latest post as well. The image is a photoshopped melting pot of over 14 different images.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Zenozine on February 22, 2015, 05:39:55 AM
In regards to the incident in the corridor outside the Recovery ward, now that that series of events is dying down you should be able to hear Vinata weeping in the recovery ward where Maal has been wounded and Patrick, the mutineer left to guard the entrance has been subdued.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 22, 2015, 01:25:50 PM
No worries, this has been addressed in a PM sent to involved people in the Sickbay scene. It might be a bit implausible to hear Vinata's crying through the sliding doors and all the way down the corridor for everyone present, but since Maya knows what the situation was in the Recovery Ward, she + others will be heading back there.


I would say 80 % done with planning and writing, so please continue as far as you guys like in the current threads in wait for me to finish.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 23, 2015, 06:41:49 PM

[ Uncharted Planetoid | Surface Temperature: - 30 ⁰ Celsius | Surface Gravity 0.81 g | 1300 hrs. ] Attn: Nathaniel Isley & Ravon


Overhead, the Class-9 nebula lit the overcast heavens in gold, and the pelting blizzards howled across the frozen planet. The orange light made you think that it wasn't as cold as the readings in the Valkyrie said, but with most of its hydrosphere locked up in massive glaciers, it was barely habitable by any definition. The atmosphere simply couldn't trap enough heat from the Red Dwarf that it circled, but that had at least allowed for an easier atmo-entry for the Lone Wolves.

Evelyn Rawley released the seal of her canopy, letting more of the rigid air inside. Standing up, she saw her fellow Wolves climb out of their crafts. Her white space suit protected her from the worst of the cold, and her oxygen supply would last for at least three hours. Her eyes scanned the vista of the icy mountainsides and wondered if there could be anything alive out there. They had no sensor readings of their own any more, so it was anyone's guess, and that compelled her to pick up her Type III rifle before she jumped down to the ground. She pressed a button on her suit to close the cockpit behind her.

It had been a tactical choice to land on the planet regardless of the conditions, because the constituent compounds and elements in the orange nebula - with it's sensor-deceiving properties - had effected the planet's atmosphere too. At first, they had jumped to Warp, then doubled back to mask their warp signature, and then touched down much closer to the nebula than comfortable. They would be hidden from the Harbinger and its fighters if they followed, at least, but the need for decisions was pressing, and so was the need to repair their Valkyries as best as the conditions would allow them to. Rawley trudged through the ankle-deep snow and shielded the visor of her helmet with her free hand, trying to locate Maverick and Razor.

Razor. Thomas might have saved her from Hannah in the hangar, but that had not diminished Rawley's memory of what he had done to her that morning in her quarters. And then there was the rape-murder of Narik Cinsaj shortly afterwards. Then... the mutiny. Circumstances? She did not believe in them. She saw Maverick and walked up to him. "Wolves Three and Eight said they'll scout the perimeter," she said into the microphone in her helmet as she neared him. "So what the bloody hell should we do now? How the fuck could this happen, anyway?"

She spotted Razor then, barely hearing Nathaniel's answer... and she made her decision. She glanced towards Isley, hoping he wouldn't do anything foolish, before she raised her rifle against Thomas and powered it up. "Not one step closer," she said in cutting syllables. "So, let's hear it. How come you tried to rape me, saying you can't remember doing so, and then that Boslic woman met the same fate shortly afterwards? Come on, Thomas. You are a part of all the shit that has gone down today. I am fucking certain of it. So spill it out."

Hope you enjoyed this sneak-peak of the next Chapter! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 25, 2015, 11:39:24 AM
New Security Office Layout

While working on the upcoming events in Chapter 04, I have been forced to update the map of Security's base of operations aboard the Theurgy with some more detail. The old floor plan looked like this:


And here is the updated version:

( (

[Click on Image for full-size] (

Based on the positive feedback on the floor plans I made for the Fighter Assault Bay and Sickbay, I am sure this will come in handy. I have also added it to the Department Info thread on our main board (where this OOC-thread can be found).

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on February 27, 2015, 06:38:17 PM
Sad day for all us Star Trek fans :(
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 28, 2015, 02:34:43 AM
Indeed it is. May he rest in peace, and somehow, I am hoping that he knows how millions of fans mourn his passing today.

I've posted Chapter 04 of this Episode a short while ago, and I don't know about you guys, but I will dedicate my writing of this part of the story to this man who has touched the hearts of so many. Here are the links.

Chapter 04: Invictus [01: Subjection] (

This thread, named 01:Subjection, will contain the scenes with all characters that are captive by the current circumstances in the story, be it in the brigs of the two starships, strung up in a Ready Room or if they are stranded on a distant planet. This thread will eventually be continued in 03: Liberation, where the prisoners will somehow be set free, as soon as the IC-events in 03 affect the captives.

Chapter 04: Invictus [02: System Reboot] (

This thread, named 02:System Reboot, will contain the scenes with all characters that are involved in the effort to reclaim the Theurgy ship's systems from Vasser and T'Rena. This thread will eventually be continued in an upcoming thread in due time, at which point will be determined as things evolve.

Chapter 04: Invictus [03: Liberation] (

This thread, named 02: Liberation, will contain the scenes with all characters that are involved in the effort to free Captain Ives, Commander Rez, SCO Renard and Petty Officer Cardamone. This thread will eventually be continued in an upcoming thread in due time, at which point will be determined as things evolve.

As of now, all three threads start at the very same time: 1300 hours, which is one hour after Supplementary: Hostile Takeover in the previous Chapter. It is free to make up what has transpired during the hour that has gone by since the hostile takeover based on what has been suggested in the new threads. Lastly, please make sure to tag your posts by [Character] and/or [Location] for ease of reading.

Brutus will soon be re-organising the threads on the board so that Chapter 04 is on top.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 02, 2015, 01:58:19 AM
Hello everyone!

I just wanted to take a moment to announce that Zenozine has expressed an interest in inheriting the character named Wenn Cinn, our tank-built Bajoran Chief of Security. Currently, Zenozine is reading up on the character and the scenes he has been in since the point when he (re)joined the story at the beginning of this Episode. At this point, Zenozine has told me that there are no greater changes planned for Wenn Cinn in terms of RL-model or an altered persona.


So, the Prophets were right after all! The Wenn must be of the Theurgy.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 02, 2015, 09:16:42 PM
Hi again everyone!

I just wanted to share my latest illustration of the Theurgy's Deputy Chief Security Officer, Lieutenant Than'Ida zh'Wann:

DeviantArt link:

I would love some feedback if you have any!


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 07, 2015, 08:41:26 PM

Hello everyone. Over the course of the years, I have slowly been revealing the nature of the enemy that has taken over Starfleet Command and an - as of yet - unknown number of other political seats of power in the Galaxy. You have gradually been fed hints and clues though the inner workings of Dr. Nicander's mind and his biography. Captain Ducane of the USS Relativity also divulged the repercussions of the Niga Incident if Commander Rez hadn't managed to leave the recording of the Theurgy's last hours behind for the Relativity to find. One of the questions that lingered was, at the time, why the enemy wanted to reduce the people of the Galaxy to what the virus had made them all into.

Then, there was the end of Episode 02: "Whatever Gods May be". There, most of you might not think there was a clue as to what the enemy was, but if you read the passages where Ishtar was banished from her temple and before the bridge crew faced Metatron, you will actually get a rather clear hint of where she ended up.

Well, perhaps not so clear back then, but as of now, in Episode 03, you have been able to read about the conclusion that the enemy are parasites that exist in flux with the dimension that our crew possess. Also, you have glimpsed the inner workings of Sonja Acreth's mind. You have read what happens in the long run to the minds of the people that are hosting the parasites. You may even have concluded that Dr. Nicander is not at all as far along as Acreth is, and that our dear CMO struggles to maintain his own mind and priorities. While control is slipping, his doubts grow, and he does not know what will happen to him.

Most recently, in Chapter 03, Sonja Acreth was interrogated in the Theurgy's Brig, and some rather important clues were dropped as to what the true goal of the enemy actually is. Moreover, some answers about the Niga virus were answered. This happened in CHAPTER 03: The Captain of My Soul [05: Isolation & Depression] ( in case you are interested to catch up.

Yet many questions remain, of course, and I would not be a very good storyteller if I were to reveal too much at once. What I can do... is to leave you yet another hint.

If you have a couple of minutes to spare, I would recommend reading this article: LINK ( A word of caution though. You might want to finish eating first...

So, I will just leave that there, and you may begin your own speculations. *enigmatic smile*

Thank you for your time.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Ps. Oh, and if you have access to it, I might even recommend watching a classic sci-fi horror flick named "Event Horizon". I watched it back when it premiered, and it has not been until recently that I realised how it might have inspired me to the story of this Group RP. Ds.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on March 07, 2015, 09:17:18 PM
That link reminded me of that GIF where a worm or the sorts crawls out of a spider. Very weird stuff... Will try to find a reference.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 11, 2015, 10:48:10 PM

Thank you so much everyone who have had the time to answer the poll that was sent out last week. The answers have all been very insightful for me and has helped me a bit in some decisions that lies ahead. There are still a couple of writers who haven't replied to the poll yet but I mean to compile the results for you all in due time.

I will also make an effort to keep the results from showing character or writer names so that those who wish to be anonymous in the results can remain so.


Time for another story overview, so that everyone is up to date on who's up in each thread. The below lists of threads are chronological, starting with the Prologue. Just browse the lists below quickly and check for your names in white. I will mark the finished threads in green and the active ones in yellow. These are all links, so just click on each thread to get there.

Prologue: Under the Bludgeonings of Chance   [glow=limegreen,2,300]FINISHED![/glow]

PROLOGUE: Under the Bludgeonings of Chance [Part I] (

PROLOGUE: Under the Bludgeonings of Chance [Part II] (

PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Below Decks] (
PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Conference Lounge] (
PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Sickbay] (

PROLOGUE: Supplementary [Cleaning Up] (

Chapter 01: Find Me Unafraid

CHAPTER 01: Find Me Unafraid [0630 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Cobalt & Iron [0715 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Breakfast in the Neutral Zone [0700 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Aquatic Denominator [0800 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Among the Stars [0900 hrs.] (
CHAPTER 01: The Intelligence Officer [1000 hrs.] (
CHAPTER 01: Old Comrades  [1100 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Damage [1120 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Visiting Hours [1400 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Knowing is Half the Battle [1500 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Awakening [1700 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: Exigency of Life [1930 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 01: A Place to Lay My Head [2000 hrs.] Next poster: Brutus ( (Finishing erotic scene underway)

CHAPTER 02: The Festival of the Moon                                 
CHAPTER 02: The Festival of the Moon [2100 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 02: The White Sands of Risa [2120 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 02: By the Moonlit Sea [2120 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 02: Steam-pools [2130 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 02: Moonlight Walk [2130 hrs.] (
CHAPTER 02: Distant Cabana [2130 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 02: Ikara Nightclub [2140 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 02: Cliffside Pathways [2150 hrs.] Next poster: Cathreen Dawinter ( (Finishing erotic scene underway)

CHAPTER 02: By The Luminescent Plants [2130 hrs.] (
CHAPTER 02: Unspeakable [2140 hrs.] (
CHAPTER 02: Untouched Sands [2145 hrs] (

CHAPTER 02: Beach House [2200 hrs] (

CHAPTER 02: Behind the Amphitheatre [2200 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 02: Under the Subterranean Waterfalls [2330 hrs.] Next poster: Kurohigi ( (Finishing erotic scene underway)

CHAPTER 02: The System's Core [2330 hrs.] (

CHAPTER 02: Lovers' Quarrel [2350 hrs.] Next poster: Cathreen Dawinter ( (Finishing erotic scene underway)

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [01: Resurrection] (
Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [02: Shock & Denial] (
Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [03: Pain & Guilt] Next poster: Doctor Maya ( (Finishing erotic scene underway)
Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [04: Anger & Bargaining] Next poster: The Counselor ( (1 more posts)
Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [05: Isolation & Depression] (
Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [06: The Turn] (
Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [Supplementary: Unfit for Duty] Next poster: The Counselor (Joint-post)

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [07: Reconstruction] (

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [08: Acceptance] (

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [09: Deception] ( Next poster: Kurohigi, then Cathreen Dawinter (2 more posts)

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [Supplementary: Hostile Takeover] (
- Recovery Ward in Sickbay
- Medical Storage in Sickbay Next poster: Searcher (1 more post)
- Surgical Suite 02 in Sickbay
- Corridor in Sickbay Next poster: Brutus (2-3 more posts)
- Digital Oblivion
- Fighter Assault Bay
- Class-9 Nebula

Chapter 04: Invictus

CHAPTER 04: Invictus [01: Subjection] (
- USS Theurgy, XO Ready Room Next poster: Brutus
- USS Theurgy Brig Next poster: Cathreen Dawinter & Kurohigi
- USS Harbinger Brig Next poster: Nolan
- Unnamed Planet Next poster: Nolan
CHAPTER 04: Invictus [02: System Reboot] (
- Holographic Lab Next poster: Searcher/Kurohigi
- Main Engineering Next poster: Auctor Lucan
- Outside Warp Core Control Room Next poster: Auctor Lucan
- Living Quarters Next poster: Auctor Lucan
CHAPTER 04: Invictus [03: Liberation] (
- Below Decks Next poster: Zenozine (Wenn Cinn)
- Main Sickbay Independent order: The Counsellor, Brutus, Zenozine, Searcher
- Jefferies Tubes Next poster: Zenozine


As you all can see, in just a handful of posts, we will be finishing Chapters 02 and 03. To those who are straggling, please try to wrap these up as soon as you can so that we all may focus on the present Chapter 04: Invictus. As an extra measure to reach our busy writers, I will be sending this over PM as well.


I figured I'd help our busy writers by letting everyone in the Group know what people are up to OOC and why some replies may be lagging a bit right now. Here is the current status as far as I know:
Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on March 16, 2015, 10:34:11 AM
Informing you guys that I might remain dark for next couple of days. Hectic work and a bit of a busy life are keeping me from posting. See you guys soon!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 17, 2015, 01:48:54 PM
New Deck 01 Layout

Hi there! Just wanted to show you all our new floor plan for deck 01, where the main bridge is located.

Here is the old floor plan:


And here is the new one:


As you can see, there isn't that much of a change, only some improved graphics, really. I just wanted it to resemble our other new floor plans. Let me know if anyone has any questions on it. I am not fully happy with the colours in this one, so I might revert it to black and white when I have the time.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on March 20, 2015, 12:28:53 PM




Clumsy me!

Hi everyone!

I've just joined the crew of the Theurgy.

I am two parts personality, and seven parts crash.

Do not bother asking what that meant, because even I do not know!

Now all that said, I'm joining as pacifist biologist, you can see my profile in the Crew Manifest thread. :)

I look forward to meeting all of you in person...or should I say, in character?

In any case, live long and prosper!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Zenozine on March 20, 2015, 05:35:50 PM
Well Always A Healer I loo forward to seeing you in the RP.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on March 20, 2015, 08:52:31 PM
Ask, and ye shall receive (!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 22, 2015, 03:11:14 AM

Theurgy[/i]-385531874]( ([i)
Theurgy[/i]-385531874]Click Image For Full Size ([i)


Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on March 26, 2015, 09:38:48 AM
Welcome to the Rp always a healer! Hope you'll enjoy your time here ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 27, 2015, 09:28:55 PM

Hi there everyone!

Unless you've already read it, Lieutenant Commander Carrigan Trent has just gained limited access on one of the Battle Bridges in 02: System Reboot ( Doing so, he has made a ship-wide announcement over the intercom to rally the crew to the Ives loyalists' side. A very inspiring speech that not only incorporates the plot development of the story, but the character development of Carrigan Trent over the course of Episode 03: Unconquerable Soul. Excellent work, CV, and thank you for the reading.

Like I said when Vasser dealt his speech at the end of Chapter 03, I ask you all to delay incorporating the speech into the individual scenes you all have in 01: Subjection, 02: System Reboot and 03: Liberation. The reason is that Carrigan Trent only delivered this speech after having fought and accidentally killed Sjaandin Fedd, and Billy Bob O'Connell managed to stun two mutineers in Main Engineering. They then had to make their way to a completely other deck than they were first upon. Therefore, since all scenes started at the exact same time, it is most reasonable that Carrigan Trent's speech is heard over the intercom only at the end of your current scenes in this part of the story.

To best preserve the space-time continuum in regard to the speech over the intercom in all our scenes, I propose that I initiate that speech in my posts or PM one of you with a green light when the time is right.


I would like to remind you all to reply to the poll I sent out when you have time to do so. I would like to get at least two more replies before I present the results to the Group as a whole. Always a Healer, you have not been sent the poll for the simple reason that you have not been with us long enough to easily submit any answers, but if you are still interested in filling out the poll to the best of your ability, please PM me and I will send the poll to you as well.

Thank you all for your time and keep up the excellent writing! Before long, I will be posting the starter for Chapter 04: Invictus [04: Retaliation].

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 01, 2015, 10:49:52 PM
Everything good comes to an end...

This decision has been a long time coming, but now it is time.

After compiling the poll results and seeing how some of you have secretly hated just about everything I've done the past four years, I keenly felt how it was the final straw. There were numerous negative comments about my organisation skills but even more scathing remarks about my writing, which felt incredibly unfair since English is my second language. All the characters I have been writing to make the story move forward got poor grades from a lot of writers, some even getting 1 or 2 at the most, which feels to me like a clear indication that I am wasting my time. Time that I should be spending more with family and friends.

On this 1st of April, I hereby declare the Theurgy story ended. Everyone died. The bad guys won. I hope you find better venues for your writing.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator No More

Ps. If I write a couple of posts tonight, it will merely be for sake of trying to improve and find some closure. Ds.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Zenozine on April 01, 2015, 11:13:28 PM
On a side note I am sorry for not posting, but I have been off my game lately due to a lack of sleep.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on April 01, 2015, 11:44:42 PM
Everything good comes to an end...

This decision has been a long time coming, but now it is time.

After compiling the poll results and seeing how some of you have secretly hated just about everything I've done the past four years, I keenly felt how it was the final straw. There were numerous negative comments about my organisation skills but even more scathing remarks about my writing, which felt incredibly unfair since English is my second language. All the characters I have been writing to make the story move forward got poor grades from a lot of writers, some even getting 1 or 2 at the most, which feels to me like a clear indication that I am wasting my time. Time that I should be spending more with family and friends.

On this 1st of April, I hereby declare the Theurgy story ended. Everyone died. The bad guys won. I hope you find better venues for your writing.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator No More

Ps. If I write a couple of posts tonight, it will merely be for sake of trying to improve and find some closure. Ds.

I must say, this is a shock.  I can only hope I wasn't a major contributor to the factors that made your decision.  I for one don't blame you.  This was a Herculean task you set for yourself and even if the feedback was 100% positive it's amazing you kept this going as long as you did.  You put a lot of work into this and I'm sorry it had to end on a bitter note.  Good luck in all of your endeavors and take comfort in the fact that you now have time to spend with your family and friends. 

Good luck and God Bless,
Doctor Maya
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 01, 2015, 11:46:19 PM
Happy Aprils fools to you too Doctor Maya. ;)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Ps. Who is not grinning widely at all right now. Ds.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on April 02, 2015, 12:03:50 AM
Lucan, you glorious son of a bitch...
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Absinthe on April 02, 2015, 01:07:30 AM
Not funny... Got scared...
Not smiling...
Plotting revenge...
Ate Pizza...
Better now...
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on April 02, 2015, 01:33:17 AM
/me snerks
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on April 02, 2015, 01:44:02 AM
Lucan, you glorious son of a bitch...

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Zenozine on April 02, 2015, 04:59:04 AM
...Ok did he really fool you all? It is April first and he mentioned the date in the post! And come on, would any of us say that Auctor Lucan is bad with his characters?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Cathreen Dawinter on April 02, 2015, 05:10:11 AM
*peeks up from OB book* Mildly amusing *goes back to reading about babies*
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on April 02, 2015, 07:17:03 AM
Crikey o'reilly! I nearly fell off my chair (and I did anyway, for an entirely unrelated reason) when I read that! I was shouting to myself "I just bloody started!"

In any regard, that was a good one, Mr. Lucan. I do look forward to seeing a response from you and Zenozine in our interactions soon. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 06, 2015, 11:41:38 PM
The Captain's Yeoman - Ens. Cameron Henshaw - has a new player!

Because of RL constraints and not quite warming to her, Cathreen Dawinter will no longer be playing the Captain's Yeoman. Always a Healer - who has now changed name to Triage - will be playing the Ensign instead. An updated version of the character sheet has been posted in the Crew Manifest (link below):

( Ens. Cameron Henshaw         Captain's Yeoman
  - Played by Triage

The tentative ambition is that Cameron will be joining Wenn Cinn's group in 03: Liberation ( at the earliest convenience, with the ambition to clear her own name after Sjaandin Fedd incriminated her on the Main Bridge in Chapter 03: Captain of My Soul [09: Deception] ( As always when one of our players inherit a character, Triage has been issued a creative licence in writing the character instead of adhering to the way she was played by Valarie or Cathreen Dawinter, and the obvious reason for these changes IC-wise will be the emotional trauma she has suffered of late in the story.

That's all for the moment and good luck with the new character Triage!

best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Axius on April 11, 2015, 09:10:07 PM
Just thought I'd let everyone know that I changed my display name from "ericajohn" to "Axius," the name of my character. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on April 12, 2015, 01:16:45 AM
Don't make the same mistake I did!  I'm still wracking my brains for a better handle than the one I've chosen.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on April 12, 2015, 04:23:41 AM
I just chose the name that i have used on other sites when i signed up here. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on April 12, 2015, 06:43:24 AM
Don't make the same mistake I did!  I'm still wracking my brains for a better handle than the one I've chosen.

How about, "The Doctor"? :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 12, 2015, 11:58:43 AM
The Câroon Species

After getting some invaluable help from Axius, we have together taken the required time to finalise the species sheet for the Câroon. While not entirely complete since there are a lot of different Regions to cover in their society, it is at least enough there to use in the Star Trek: Theurgy role-play. Here is the link:


I have heard that they kind of resemble the Last Airbender people, and while I reckon that might be the case even though I am unfamiliar with the franchise, they are actually loosely based on the Sea Folk of the Wheel of Time - a fantasy series by the late Robert Jordan.

If you have any suggestions for addendum or questions, I welcome if they are sent to me over PM instead of posted directly in the Non-Species sheet.

FYI, we will soon have a new species sheet there in the form of the Radiants, and as soon as IronFerrox and Cathreen Dawinter finds the time, we might even see the Vulpinians and Asurians there too.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 13, 2015, 01:23:18 AM

There are still a couple of writers who haven't replied to the poll yet but I mean to compile the results for you all as soon as they are in. As I have previously stated, I will also make an effort to keep the results from showing character or writer names so that those who wish to be anonymous in the results can remain so.


Time for another story overview, so that everyone is up to date on who's up in each thread. I slimmed it down this time around since we have so many finished threads. I will only show the unfinished threads below, and please PM if something is unclear or left out.

The below lists of threads are chronological, starting with the Prologue. Just browse the lists below quickly and check for your names in white. I will mark the finished threads in green and the active ones in yellow. These are all links, so just click on each thread to get there.


Prologue: Under the Bludgeonings of Chance     [glow=limegreen,2,300]FINISHED![/glow]

Chapter 01: Find Me Unafraid     [glow=red,2,300]ALMOST FINISHED![/glow]
- Chapter 01: A Place to Lay My Head [2000 hrs.] Next poster: Searcher ( (Finishing erotic scene underway)

Chapter 02: The Festival of the Moon    [glow=red,2,300]ALMOST FINISHED![/glow]                        
- Chapter 02: Lovers' Quarrel [2350 hrs.] Next poster: Cathreen Dawinter ( (Finishing erotic scene underway)

Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul     [glow=red,2,300]ALMOST FINISHED![/glow]
- Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [03: Pain & Guilt] Next poster: Doctor Maya ( (Finishing erotic scene underway)
- Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [Supplementary: Unfit for Duty] Next poster: The Counselor (Joint-post)
- Chapter 03: The Captain of My Soul [09: Deception] ( Next poster: Kurohigi (Finishing post from Captain Vasser)
- Note: I checked and I think the threads in Supplementary: Hostile Takeover are ok to end where they are.

Chapter 04: Invictus     [glow=blue,2,300]CURRENT CHAPTER![/glow]

Chapter 04: Invictus [01: Subjection] (
- Deck 01, XO Ready Room Posting order: Nolan, Auctor Lucan, Brutus
- Deck 01, Corridor (w. Callahan) Next poster: Auctor Lucan
- Deck 02, Senior Officer Quarters (w. Aisha S'iti) Next poster: Auctor Lucan
- USS Theurgy Brig (Renard & Neleo) Next poster: Cathreen Dawinter
- USS Theurgy Brig (Ives & Rez) Next poster: Kurohigi
- USS Harbinger Brig (zh'Wann & Duv) Next poster: Nolan
- Unnamed Planetoid Next poster: Kurohigi
Chapter 04: Invictus [02: System Reboot] (
- Holographic Lab Posting order: Kurohigi, Auctor Lucan, Searcher
- Battle Bridge (to be continued...)
- Corridor, En Route Upper Computer Core (to be continued...)
Chapter 04: Invictus [03: Liberation] (
- Below Decks Suggested posting order: CanadianVet, Zenozine, Doctor Maya, Triage, Axius (leave Below Decks)
- Main Sickbay Independent order: Auctor Lucan, Doctor Maya, The Counselor, Brutus, Zenozine, Searcher
- Waste Management Posting order: Zenozine (edit), Triage (edit), Auctor Lucan

To those who are straggling, please try to wrap the yellow threads in the old Chapters as soon as you can so that we all may focus on the present Chapter 04: Invictus, not to mention when [04: Retaliation] comes up.


Ran out of time tonight with lots of moderation stuff to do, including a new applicant to work things through with. Posts will come up tomorrow!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: DocReno on April 16, 2015, 08:49:00 PM
Hello everybody, my name is Wil and I've just joined as Ensign Chris "Husker" Slayton, one of the Harbinger's pilots that's feeling the urge to defect.

I'm looking forward to working with you all.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on April 16, 2015, 10:25:04 PM
Welcome to Theurgy, Wil. :)

Live long, and prosper
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on April 16, 2015, 10:36:04 PM
Hello and welcome to the RP.  Always nice to see someone new join.

To all of those i didn't say hi to earlier Hi to yall too nice to see yall here.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Absinthe on April 26, 2015, 09:16:32 PM
Hey guys,
Sorry I haven't posted recently. My computer crapped out and I've been struggling to get it working. I plan to post one more in the next day or so.
Thank you for being patient.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RosariaRosette on April 28, 2015, 01:02:42 AM
Greetings all I'm Rosaria just signed on as a member of the Lone Wolves Squadron hope to see you all in RP  :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on April 28, 2015, 01:21:01 AM
Welcome aboad. And no worries, stark
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 28, 2015, 02:01:09 AM
Looking forward to your return, Stark.

Welcome aboard, Rosaria! I have just now posted the opening for your character:

I hope you can work with it and just PM me if you have any questions. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on April 28, 2015, 03:35:04 AM
My computer did the same thing Stark.  And Wil and Rosaria, welcome aboard the Theurgy
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 28, 2015, 02:49:35 PM
Status Update

The cluster of ending posts for the myriad of current scenes in Chapter 04: Invictus are 80% finished, where Carrigan Trent's public speech on the intercom will be heard on the Theurgy. Non-Theurgy scenes will also have their endings, of course. I am, of course referring to these well-known threads:

CHAPTER 04: Invictus [01: Subjection]   
CHAPTER 04: Invictus [02: System Reboot]   
CHAPTER 04: Invictus [03: Liberation]

New threads to continue current events are the following, and the POVs that I will be writing in each of the scenes listed is within [brackets]:

Chapter 04: Invictus [04: Retaliation]
- Shuttle-bay [Liberation team, Narrator]
- Brig Interrogation Room(s) [Zaraq + Riptor, Zaraq leaves.]
- Corridors [Distraction team, Zaraq]

Chapter 04: Invictus [05: Anodyne]
- Attack on Medical Labs [Smoke & Titan]
- Attack on Main Sickbay [Phantom]
- Cargo-hold, Deck 02 [Lucan + 2 Harbinger Pilots]

Chapter 04: Invictus [06: Insurgency]
- Morrigan Rising [Narrator or Hannah]
- Vector 3 Battle Bridge [T'Rena]
- Upper Computer Core [Thea + Rihen]

Chapter 04: Invictus [07: Calamity]
- Harbinger [Ida + Trujillo]
- Uncharted Planetoid [Rawley]
- Main Bridge [Cala]

All the above starting posts is a heavy undertaking, so I hope you can understand why it takes me some time to complete them and to give them my best. That being said, I'd say they are 60 % finished. More scenes may be added to each thread as required, and scenes in some of these threads may lead to the other threads.

And yes, in 07: Calamity, she will strike again...

I know some of you are eagerly waiting for this development, so I thought I'd give you a status update from my writing sessions. If I would make an estimate, I think all of the above posts will be posted in the middle of next week at the latest!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on April 28, 2015, 03:45:43 PM
Welcome back Sirus and Maya! Also a warm welcome to you Rosaria. Also I might have missed a few new people... So welcome to everyone!!
Also to keep you guys in the loop, I'll be off for a holiday starting 5/5 till 12/5 with no or very limited internet access. So expect little to no responses from me.

Kind regards
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 03, 2015, 01:15:59 AM
Thanks for the update, Nolan! I hope you understand if we make your characters tag long with the evolving events without actively playing them or interacting too much with them during that time. This in order to prevent things from being halted too much.


An hour ago, I posted my (most likely) last posts in 01: Subjection and 03: Liberation. I will also be posting in 02: System Reboot as soon as Kurohigi and Searcher posts with Lin Kae and Skye Carver.

I am working on the 4 starter posts I mentioned last in this thread, and I will post them as soon as possible. I am currently in Oslo, Norway, on vacation but I am still around, as you can see.

Don't forget to read the OOC notes at the bottom of the posts in 01 and 03, and remember, it is only characters present on the USS Theurgy that may hear the speech on the intercom. A speech that will be continued in the new starters posts, so please don't interject with replies to Carrigan Trent just yet.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 05, 2015, 03:02:08 AM

The new threads to continue current events have been posted! There were some slight edits to the former list to streamline the story better as a whole. It is optional to post in the old threads as well as the new if that makes more sense to you. I don't want to ask you all to write two posts instead of one for each of your characters, though, but I can imagine that there is a lot to digest in the intercom dialogue for your characters so it might be a good idea to spread out the reactions if you want to.

First, unless you have read up on the ending posts of [01: Subjection] (, [02: System Reboot] ( and [03: Liberation] (, do so now (those were links btw).

Then, you all have these new threads:

Chapter 04: Invictus [04: Retaliation] (
Attn: Zenozine, Doctor Maya, CanadianVet, Axius, Triage & RosariaRosette.
(Later, in the Brig, also IronFerrox, Cathreen Dawinter & Kurohigi)

Chapter 04: Invictus [05: Anodyne] (
Attn: Brutus, Searcher, The Counselor, Doctor Maya, Triage, IronFerrox, Nolan, Zenozine, Sirus & RosariaRosette

Chapter 04: Invictus [06: Calamity] (
Attn: IronFerrox, Kurohigi, Searcher, CanadianVet, Doctor Maya, DocReno, Nolan & RosariaRosette

OBS: Until the party in the Shuttle Bay in [04: Retaliation] arrives to the Brig, Kurohigi, IronFerrox and Cathreen Dawinter continues to play out the scenes in the Brig with me in the old [01: Subjection] thread.

In order to read the dialogue between T'Rena and Carrigan Trent in its entirety, which most people on the Theurgy will be able to hear on the intercom, you should read the paragraphs in italics in the different relevant sections of the starter posts above. In 06: Calamity, I chose to only include T'Rena's reply since it fit best, but Carrigan's last public dialogue is available in 04 and 05, which should suffice quite well for the affected scenes.

As much writing as this was, not to mention the time to plan it all, I am still excited about getting so close to the finishing battle with the Calamity with the above events. 06: Calamity will lead directly into the battle with the namesake for the thread, and it makes sense since the Harbinger and the Lone Wolves are in that thread too (space battle arrangement). Also, I would like to give special thanks to CanadianVet for writing up the intercom dialogue from Carrigan Trent, which permeated the transition between the old threads and the new ones in Chapter 04: Invictus.

I hope you guys are as excited as I am about the development of the story but if you have any questions or wishes for minor edits, please let me know and I will reply as soon as I can. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator

Ps. Next order of business if the compilation of the poll results, which you guys have been waiting for since far too long. Ds.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on May 05, 2015, 03:29:52 AM
It figures that the action would start moving when my internet connection is down AND I have company over at the same time!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Zenozine on May 05, 2015, 03:43:28 AM
I have to ask before I start writing, would Vinata be noticed if he jumped from his spot at the desk and hide behind the wall of the surgical suite. I just want to know if Phantom would see him as he tried to get around behind him.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 05, 2015, 09:07:50 AM
Maya: Tsk, tsk, your loss. ;)

Zenozine: Lol, that is a very good question. If we were playing a DnD game, I'd make you roll a dice for it. As it is, I am not a fan of such things, so I suggest that if you want to make Vinata do so, do it in a way that makes it plausible to the readers and co-writers. That is, don't have him jump or do sudden moves, but from under the blankets in which he is hiding, slip down behind the desk and then make use of how Phantom appreciates Doctor Maya's derrière to slip behind one of the circular walls. If you give me a couple of hours, I will soon have the time to make a tactical map over the current situation in Sickbay for the benefit of both the writers with characters in the med labs as well as in the CMO Office.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Zenozine on May 05, 2015, 09:14:13 AM
XD for my own amusement I rolled a d20, Vinata epicly failed his escape attempt an landed flat on his face with a 2 being rolled. But o not worry, I figure with Vinata being under several blankets curled tightly into a ball he would not b spotted he Phantom has more interesting things to focus on. I was thinking that Vinata would sneak away with a blanket an use it to blind Phantom and buy someone time to act.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 05, 2015, 09:45:19 AM
Sounds like a plan!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Zenozine on May 05, 2015, 09:48:58 AM
I am still gonna wait for a simple map so I do not mess things up.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RosariaRosette on May 05, 2015, 09:50:09 AM
Give Phantom a good fist to the noggin for me  :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Zenozine on May 05, 2015, 09:51:17 AM
Vinata might deliver a kick that could shatter bones.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RosariaRosette on May 05, 2015, 09:53:04 AM
Even better! But let's aim that kick to shatter something else.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Zenozine on May 05, 2015, 09:55:24 AM
Into the crotch? (If Vinata started that he might keep kicking and not stop after what he went through.)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RosariaRosette on May 05, 2015, 09:59:43 AM
After what Phantom did to the Lone Wolves den? If Vinata doesn't do it Fasha will eventually.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Zenozine on May 05, 2015, 10:03:00 AM
Fesha can join him, he needs to work through his problems after the rape anyways.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 05, 2015, 01:29:54 PM

Below you can find the result of 9 answers to the poll. We currently have 15 writers excluding yours truly, but I can't remember how many we were when the poll was sent out. I have removed "Not sure" replies to some sections to put this within the posting character limit.

Does your GM generally need to increase, decrease, or keep to the same posting length when he writes?
Do you feel lost and without direction in the game? If so, how would you like to be informed about story development?
Name one thing you want me to continue doing as GM.
Name one thing you want me to stop doing as GM.
Name one thing you want me to start doing as GM.
List the times/periods in the last couple of Chapters where the story seemed to drag on, you were bored, or the energy in the Group seemed the lowest.
Do you feel rail-roaded in the story? (meaning: you get pushed into an IC-situation you do not want to write) If so, when was this?
Are you enjoying playing your character(s), and if not, what would you like to happen to them?
Is your GM fair or do you feel he favours any particular player over the others?
Would you like to see graphics, maps or floor plans used more often, particularly in combat situations?
For each of the following scenes/events, rate them 1-10, 10 being best.

A. Repairs and R&R on Theta Eridani IV (Part 1 of Episode 03: Unconquerable Soul)
Average: 7,4
"Was really out of the writing mood at this point though, score reflects my mood at the time, otherwise 5."
"Pretty fun."

B. Escaping from the surface of Theta Eridani IV during the tectonic event
Average: 7,8
"I got to put my character through utter hell, how could I know enjoy it?"

C. Fooling Starfleet and escaping while cloaked into the KNZ
Average: 7
"Brilliant plot twist with Trent's actions."
"Good but nothing special."

D. The Festival of the Moon
Average: 6
"I cheated and snuck off to someone elses quarters ;)"
"It was an alright story, but I felt that it a poor place for a character to get introduced to the story, it was good for existing player I am sure but as my opening, I felt a little out of place there."

E. Senior Staff meeting (and related events)
Average: 7,2
"Gotta be honest staff meetings aren't really fun to write that said the story elements that occurred were great.  Reading it is great but not overall a fun to write as other parts."
"Good, but nothing special."
"Not your fault.  Many of the players didn't proofread their replies or clarify their entries, making them hard to read."
"It was average as far as RPs go I was not there, big things and the things I was doing were more fleshing out my second character at this point."

F. Mutiny & Hostile Takeover
Average: 8,8
"Most fun i have had in writing the RP thus far."
"Fantastic fun."
"Again average, I had not been tied into anything big and my characters did not seem to have much bearing on the plot. I interacted with at most 3 different people an the GM for about 90% of the time. I did feel I would be getting into more stuff in the future and my characters were going to get recognized in things."

G. Beginning of Chapter 04: Invictus
Average: 8,5
"So far its great, cant really give it a vote though but ranking between 9 and 10 so far."
"More action!"
"I am much more involved in the story, with a new character who is more tied into the key story I am RPing with many of the other Role Players, and even my smaller characters seem to be able to be included in the story."

For each of the characters listed, rate them in terms of interest level or how entertaining you found them, from 1-10, 10 being the best.

A. Captain Jien Ives, USS Theurgy
Average: 8,4
"Great character entertaining story driver wouldn't really say i have had fun with interactions with Ives though."
"Solid CO character with a gender bending twist."
"Strangely enough I'm as interested in his/her counseling technique as I am in his captaining."
"Need more interaction."

B. Dr. Lucan cin Nicander, USS Theurgy
Average: 8,5
"You magnificent bastard."
"Lucan's a devious bastard and I love him for it."
"Too scary but I've had the most exposure to this character and I get a kick out of him doing the right thing for the wrong reasons."
"I do not feel I can really comment on anyone other than Lucan who I would mar as an 9, he is interesting, I want to know more about him and he is very well written. everyone else I have not interacted with or spent any real time with to make any rating."

C. Deputy ThanIda zh'Wann, USS Theurgy
Average: 6,1
"Not really interacted with her."
"She's fun, and has had a rotten run of luck, but I don't have much interaction with her."
"I have an unfair reaction to ThanIda because she is 'Miss Fanservice,' but I'm starting to warm to her."

D. Evelyn Rawley, Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
Average: 6,1
"At least her assholishness seems to fit in line with her character though."
"Don't do much with her either, but she's hilarious."

E. Soo Young Seung, Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
Average: 4,6
"Would have loved to see more of her actual original player playing her she seemed interesting and there was a good concept behind her.  Cant really make much judgement on her though since you have taken her over."
"Pretty ambivalent about her. Won't miss her if she croaks."

F. Hannah von Slaverton, Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
Average: 5,5
"I really need to interact with this character more."
"No real interaction with her, but she was amusing."

G. Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854, Ship A.I. USS Theurgy
Average: 8
"Probably my favorite character, probably cause she reminds me of a female data but with fully functioning emotions."
"One thing I loved about Voyager was the way the doctor grew as a person. Thea's doing the same. No complaints from me."
"I used to hate her but now I like her."

H. Ensign Cale Winterbourne (deceased), former Helmsman on the USS Theurgy
Average: 5,3
"Didn't really find him that interesting but it was okay role-playing out scenes with him knowing that his budding friendliness with X would come into play as a motivating factor for X's disgust with the Coux."
"I'll miss Cale, but you have too many NPC's to keep track of."

I. Phantos "Phantom" Killinvoss, former Wing Commander on the USS Harbinger
Average: 6
"Honestly dont really care bout him either way."
"Creepy bastard. Can never decide where he stands morally."
"Too scary but still interesting; it takes a lot of talent to make that work."

J. Captain T'Rena, former First Officer of the USS Harbinger
Average: 6,6
"Really interesting character. Can't wait to see someone snap her neck."
"Well done villian. Looking forward to the possibility of her getting spaced at some point."
"Too scary." (GM Note: Didn't even leave a rating!)
"Can't wait to see her get what's coming to her."

K. Lieutenant Zaraq, former Master-at-Arms hailing from the USS Harbinger
Average: 4
"Honestly I have no interest in him at all, he served the needed function for a scene or two involving characters of mine."
"Only fun thing about him was the avatar image."
"Can't wait to see him get what's coming to him."

L. Rihen Neyah, exiled Risian and Civilian Engineer on the USS Theurgy
Average: 5,1
"I don't really care bout her much to be honest I would like to see more of her acting on Risian culture showing that she is more than a mindless slut but that her openness to sexuality is a deep rooted part of her cultural identity.  Would like to see more of what makes Risians why they are the way they are."
"Like the avatar chosen, and seems like a fun character, no real interaction that I can recall."

M. Ensign Cir'Cie, Vulcan Botanist in the Science Dept. USS Theurgy
Average: 5,2
"Not interacted with her hardly at all."
"I didn't like her when she was X's character; still she's a useful plot device."
"Not seen her in action that much yet."
"This score is grossly inaccurate since I've never met the 'real Cir'Cie'."
N. Ensign Sonja Acreth, parasitically joined Operations Officer (imprisoned)
Average: 7,7
"Creepy as hell. Great addition to the plot."
"Also a good villain, but I don't think either of my characters has done much involving her."
"Too scary."  (GM Note: Didn't even leave a rating!)
"Scary. As. Fuck."

O. Your Choice: Narik Cinsaj, Engineering Consultant
Average: 9
"Sorry to see her go."

O. Your Choice: Daniel "Riptor" Ritwer
Average: 8
"X and Y should kill him together for what he did to Cinsaj."

O. Other
"This entire section was hard to answer since you put so much effort in each of your characters.  It's hard to judge one over the others.  Looking at the scores I gave, it's obvious that the characters my characters interacted with are benefitting from favoritism."
On a scale of 1-10, 10 being best, rate your role-playing experience in the Star Trek: Theurgy Group RP. If you have no opinion, please say so. Also, can you think of what might make the Group RP score a rating of 10?

Average: 8,8

Name one thing the next Episode should have more of.
Name one thing the next Episode should have less of.

Comments? I will post my conclusions soon.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 05, 2015, 04:12:40 PM

I have decided to reply to the poll here on the OOC thread with my own conclusions, comments and explanations. To know what I am referring to, check the Poll Results above.

Does your GM generally need to increase, decrease, or keep to the same posting length when he writes?

Unanimously, you have said that I should keep to the same posting length. One comment suggested that I would limit my posts to 2 characters at the time for ease of reading, and I will bear this in mind and favour doing so over posting with 3+, but it might be hard to live by this at all times.

Do you feel lost and without direction in the game? If so, how would you like to be informed about story development?

While some of you have been lost, it seems like I take accurate measures to help, either by sending personal notes or answering questions over PM or IM. Overall, I reckon that the guidance I gave you all, with story overviews and prompts is working okay. One comment in particular stood out:

I truly don't want to overtax you, Lucan, nor do I want to give you the sense you need to constantly hold my hand, but I LOVE when you PM me with suggestions for how you see X helping out.  Sometimes I forget the complex history of the game, and you give me other angles to explore (or you help me see why my ideas aren't feasible given what's ahead) that I wouldn't otherwise consider.

I will bear this in mind and send such notes when I think there is due cause for it, but on the other hand, I do not want to direct you all too much with notes about what your characters should think or do. I find great enjoyment in reading your characters act and think for themselves without my direction, and I promise, I will make every effort I can to incorporate news ideas into the story. The request was, I realise, to high-light connections that your characters *should* be drawing because of this and that. Connections that might not be entirely clear to new or old writers, and this is something I will bear in mind. I don't think I can do this on a regular basis (foreseeing and sending notes unbidden), but I always enjoy brainstorming after being requested to do so.

Name one thing you want me to continue doing as GM.

Indeed, I have every intention to 1) Keep the story going and moderate it as I have 2) Post chapter progress and update lists here in the OOC thread, so no worries there 3) Still be involved and encouraging. I do not feel like I have to change anything in my routine in these regards.

Name one thing you want me to stop doing as GM.

Nothing much received here besides a spelling oversight. My bad!

Name one thing you want me to start doing as GM.

The fun thing here was that one of you wanted me to add characters while another wanted me to kill off the surplus, lol! I am not sure what to make of that, but I will keep as many NPCs alive as might be needed in the stories to come, but I am no fan of having too many of them. They might not all be Redshirts to me, but some more than others, and in the true spirit of Star Trek... they may all die one day or another. I also noted a comment about Department Objectives, and I will keep it in mind for future reference. It might be a good way to offer direction in a more conventional storyline than in the current Episode.

Possibly create an OOC (on topic) and an OOC (Off topic) a group chatroom via a browser friendly IRC or similar thing.  Alternatively a creation of an Off topic OOC thread for non Roleplay related OOC talk amongst us players.

The first alternative is not very feasible since we are hosted by House of Eros and HoE has its own chatroom and plenty of discussion threads on its main board. I am not sure how much use we will have for an off-topic OOC thread on our own board when we have plenty available on the main site, but if there are more of you who want a second OOC thread for discussions not pertaining to the Theurgy story, then I will take it under advisement. Please post your comments here about that.

List the times/periods in the last couple of Chapters where the story seemed to drag on, you were bored, or the energy in the Group seemed the lowest.

Several comments suggested that the Festival of the Moon was somewhat of a drag, which was made evident in the score it got in the ratings below, and I agree in the most part. However, it did have its uses and helped build up to the later events, so I am not sorry we held Lohlunat on the holodeck. It might have been shortened a bit more, but I did cut the Chapter down a lot mid-way through it (removing one IC encounter from the original three possible in the spreadsheet) since posting had gone down and people wanted to move on.

As for the nature of events in the Festival, writing erotica - not to mention the portrayal of your own character's reaction to events in his or her life - is and remains optional to all our writers in their written expression. We strive for realism, but as for psychological burdens and how they accumulate, I don't think there is one sci-fi (or police) TV-show out there that can capture the true toll of their characters' accumulated experiences. I will not tell our writers that they can't write their characters in this or that way because of something that happened to them earlier in this adventurous (and sometimes dark) story we write. That being said, I am definitely not pro-rape in any regard, which some of you may already know. More on this later on.

If someone wants help knowing what to read and not to read, however, I will gladly send some notes, so no worries there.

Do you feel rail-roaded in the story? (meaning: you get pushed into an IC-situation you do not want to write) If so, when was this?

The gist of it all is that if you stay in touch with me over PM or IM things will work out fine if this should happen. I will aim to reply as quickly as I can to sort out things like these.

Are you enjoying playing your character(s), and if not, what would you like to happen to them?

A lot of character-based comments, and again, please let me know if you have ideas for your characters and I will do my utmost to incorporate them into the storyline. I have several examples, but one of the most prominent ones is the sub-plot where Brutus' character Sarresh Morali was genetically re-engineered into a human after taking a bath in an acidic lake. That whole arc spanned 3-4 chapters (I think), and it was based on a member request. Brutus and I worked together to make it happen, and this in the middle of the major storyline.

Is your GM fair or do you feel he favours any particular player over the others?

I was especially pleased to hear that no one thought I was playing favourites, since that is something of the worst a GM can do. I make every effort for everyone to have their characters shine through in the story, but I can only do so much as to suggest and present opportunities, then it is up to you guys to actually play your characters. And like I have said, I do help out as much as I can with direction if you guys need it, but its not something I shove down your throats. I want you to make your own imprints to the evolving events!

Would you like to see graphics, maps or floor plans used more often, particularly in combat situations?

LOL, ok, ok. I get it. I will do more of those.

For each of the following scenes/events, rate them 1-10, 10 being best.

Looking over the scores that the different Chapters got, it seems evident you guys like action and conflict far more than sex on the beach. Got it, lol. The scene what got the most varied opinions was the Senior Staff Meeting, and I can understand how some likes such scenes a lot, and others don't. It will always be a necessity to lesser or greater extent to keep things as realistic as possible when writing the governing of a ship, but it can be done effectively and to the point. I tried to restrain posting length in that thread, but the next time, I think I will (after the intro of each topic) actually set a maximum word limit to the following posts and encourage quicker and more dynamically conversational posting between the Senior Staff members.

For each of the characters listed, rate them in terms of interest level or how entertaining you found them, from 1-10, 10 being the best.

As for this section of the Poll, I just want to thank everyone for the input. A lot of flattering and warm comments on my primary characters and a clear indication given to me which ones of the NPCs might be killed off at some point. I was also pleased to see that the villains of the current plot invoked a lot of ill will towards them, and some were so scary that they were not even given a rating (as if they would jump out of your monitor and kill you?).

My personal reflection is that some of you still don't see Ida or Rihen the way I do, but that is up to me to fix somehow, lol.

On a scale of 1-10, 10 being best, rate your role-playing experience in the Star Trek: Theurgy Group RP. If you have no opinion, please say so. Also, can you think of what might make the Group RP score a rating of 10?

The Group RP got an Average Score of 8,8 points!

A lot more than I had expected, and some added many warm words to embellish that score. Thank you, and I hope to raise that score with the next poll if I can. :)

Name one thing the next Episode should have more/less of.

A lot of good advise in the last section. I have saved it all and will have it under advisement as we proceed. As for linearity, which one comment detailed, I would love to try and have it... but as you may already guess, it is quite hard to keep events streamlined when we are all collectively writing 40 characters that all wants their time in the spotlight, so I do try to keep to the ground rules for story composition but it gets... tough at times, to say the least.

Oh, and I love how one member wrote "more smut!" and another urged towards for "less sex!". It just goes to show how I will leave the sex scenes in our story optional to write and read for all members. Again there was the call for more action, and with the ship going to Starbase 84 eventually, I think we'll have our fill. Psychological repercussions of what the crew has been through there is absolutely room for, but its a choice for each writer.

I whole-heartedly share the opinion about less rape, though, since with the latest portion of the plot, I come to shy away from those scenes more and more. I found myself deeply disgusted writing the recording of Narik Cinsaj being raped, feeling truly sick and dirty afterwards, and have after that tried to keep it on a more okay storytelling level. I am far more ok with mind-control aspects, but as one of you said, we have had elements of that throughout three Episodes now, and its quite enough, lol.

That's it! The OOC thread is open for discussion about the poll results and my comments!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 06, 2015, 12:31:56 AM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 11, 2015, 12:30:35 AM

Just letting you all know that I am on a business trip to Berlin these next three days so while I have my work computer to write on in the evenings, I do not have access to my graphics software on the home computer. Therefore, those of you who are waiting for character images or species graphics will have to wait a bit for them. Sorry for the delays!

Speaking of graphics, I know I said I'd make a new tactical map for Sickbay a while ago but things have kept getting in the way. As it stands, Vinata Vojona has done his best to restrain Phantom from behind with a blanket in the main surgical suite in the CMO Office, while Ryuan Sel has started shooting at the Harbinger Pilots Freya and Riptide, who are standing in the entrance to Medical Lab 01.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Zenozine on May 11, 2015, 12:49:31 AM
Actually Vinata has not moved in yet, he is waiting for the opportune moment for rushing to attack with his blanket.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 11, 2015, 05:23:03 PM
Ah, that's right! Sorry and thanks for the clarification!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Axius on May 16, 2015, 06:55:57 PM
It pains me very much to tell you that as much as I have loved my time here at Theurgy, I will not be able to continue roleplaying with you.

While short-lived, I have enjoyed my time here so much, and loved every second of it. I regret not being able to play out the characters that you and I created together, I really was looking forward to it. I thank you endlessly for all the hard work you have put into this game, and being such amazing people with such confounding creativity.

This is the most in-depth, detailed, interesting roleplay I've seen in my history of Star Trek. I just don't have the time to continue it, and I feel like I owe you an explanation. When I first started, like I might have said before, I had been putting it off for a while because I didn't know when I was moving out. I was moved into a new house by the time I sent in my application for Axius, and all was well. I was living with my mother who does not receive income and supporting the both of us. However, the cost of the house began to rise in utilities, and my paycheck was barely enough to have a little money to save after groceries and bills. But then my mother broke her leg, and I had for the expenses, and have a full time nurse at the house when I was at work. I didn't have enough money, so I took in more hours. Now my workload is interfering with my free time for the game, I don't feel it's fair for me hold everyone back in the story while giving myself more stress. I hate it, but it happens.

God bless you for everything you have done, and I wish you and everyone in the story a wonderful continuance. You all have created a masterpiece in which I lived in for a short second, and I am grateful for such. If you have any questions, please let me know and I will try my best, but at this point I simply can't keep up with the story.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 19, 2015, 02:24:12 AM
Thank you for your kind words and the time you wrote with us. So sorry that you're leaving and you'll be missed. Good luck in the future, and please stay in touch, but I can understand how RL takes up a lot of time.  I would especially like to thank you for inspiring ideas that came to me in relation to SB84, which will be detailed to the Group as a whole later on. I will be playing Axius as an NPC for the time being and we'll see what happens.


I have posted a lot today but I still have two more to write, the next one being Anodyne (in three locations) followed by Calamity (two locations). I will get to them tomorrow, and to those who have been waiting for others in almost two weeks in Anodyne, I hope to pick up the pace with some effective and fun progress.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 21, 2015, 03:14:00 AM
It is finished! A big project of mine has come to an end. I hope you all like the update to the Lone Wolves Group image. Click the image for a larger version:

( (
[ Click for Larger Version ] (

This image also depicts the flight suits that they have always worn. I will be updating the Tactical Conn info with more info on the suit, but that won't be tonight since its 3 am in the night here, lol. The never-used atmosphere version (Class A?) will be removed as well. With the completion of this project I will be able to make additional individual character images for the Lone Wolves too.

Good night!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 21, 2015, 04:03:17 PM

( (
Click Image For Full Size (

With some new faces and the new Lone Wolves Squadron image inserted instead of the old one.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on May 22, 2015, 08:20:13 AM
Holy fuckballs.  That image is amazing.  well those images but Seriously that squadron image. is perfect.    Also thank you for the changes to Miles's Appearance.

Cant wait till you make an info post about the suits in the dept info thread detailing them.  I Can only hope to see an image of the helmet in that post heh.  I can only imagine how the helmet that matches that hardsuit looks.

BTW I have been playing old Space fighter squadron sims in the last week.  bought all of wing comander and the star wars X wing series off of GoG and for good measure reinstalled tachyon the fringe too.  Reecently been binge playing some space fighter stuff.  ALso rewatched all of cowboy bebop recently and been looking for a good download of either Robotech or the original Japanese version Super Dimensional Fortress Macross.  Needless to say when Miles gets back in the cockpit I will be more than eager to apply some fresh memories of Space fighter action into my writing.  ANy other good recomendations for games anime TV etc to inspire space fighter stuff.

P.S.  I didn't forget Battlestar Galactica I just don't know whether to watch the old series first or watch the modern remake.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 22, 2015, 10:12:52 AM
Thanks for the feedback! When I find a good font, I will be adding numbers to the chests of the suits. I will use the same fonts on the shoulders of the female suits in the image, move the Tac Conn emblem to the right side of the female chests and add numbers on the left side of their chests too.

As for the helmets, as I have stated on the DeviantArt page for the new Lone Wolves Squadron image, I take no credit for the original designs I have been photoshoping. Original images used: 1), 2), 3), 4) . Due credit has been given to Chris Chui, Teruyuki and Yuka after contacting them, artists who's fantastic art can be found here: &

I hope you all won't be too disappointed in the lack of an aggressive design, but I am going to use Chris Chui's helmet design for both the female and male Tac Conn suits: . I have already checked, and the two designs work really well with the helmet in my own opinion, and it is also not too far off from the design of the cannon 2373 space suit helmet:

I might, if I have the time, edit Chris Chui's space suit above and make it Star Trek: Theurgy's standard EVA suit.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 22, 2015, 11:10:36 AM
Ps. You must watch the remake of Battlestar Galactica. Ds.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on May 22, 2015, 01:48:39 PM
And you MUST play Battlestar Galactica Online, all of you! :P

But yes, watching the remake is good too. Plus, I like that they concluded the storylines in an interesting way.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on May 22, 2015, 02:15:03 PM
I've played Galactica online, though it was in the early stages. Got too boring after a while ^^
But yes, BSG's remake is definitely worth a watch!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on May 22, 2015, 03:47:47 PM
I got the board game.  Roll snake eyes, your character needs therapy  8)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 25, 2015, 12:08:24 PM

I have done a minor overhaul of the collected Tactical Conn information post in the Ship and Department Info thread:

Reading this old information again made me spot numerous mistakes, like how some edits were not made in all places of the text, causing some contingency errors in the descriptions. So, I spent some time weeding out all such stuff when adding the new information about the Tactical Conn Exosuits (as depicted in the Lone Wolves Squadron image) and the section about Squadron Spirit. Formerly, we had one section describing the background of Tactical Conn and a separate one for the Valkyrie production history, but now I have merged the two sections into one for ease of reading and cutting out some irrelevant stuff. If you spot any mistakes, please let me know in that case so that I can fix it.

Besides the edits, the important additions are the Tactical Conn Exosuit info as well as the text about Squadron Spirit, where you will find some images of off-duty stuff.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Zenozine on May 26, 2015, 02:14:36 AM
You now I think Vinata is going to be unfit for duty for a while after this mutiny, first he gets raped, then strangled, now he has a bleeding burnt corpse laying on top of him...I do not think we will ever be able to stand he smell of cooked meat ever again.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on May 26, 2015, 05:17:21 AM
Lucan awesome work on the reworking of the tac conn page.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Absinthe on May 26, 2015, 11:33:32 AM
You now I think Vinata is going to be unfit for duty for a while after this mutiny, first he gets raped, then strangled, now he has a bleeding burnt corpse laying on top of him...I do not think we will ever be able to stand he smell of cooked meat ever again.

True, I think most of the crew could use some R&R after this little mutiny. lol
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on May 26, 2015, 04:15:24 PM
R & R that involves no surprise assaults and murders. Yes please.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Absinthe on May 26, 2015, 08:50:23 PM
We should have a celebration, some festive occasion for a lot of character interaction. Maybe even give it a them, you know since this is a SciFi roleplay we should name it after some celestial body, like the sun or that big glowing rock that is most visible at night. A festive occasion named after that thing...

I wonder what it should be called...

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 26, 2015, 10:41:32 PM

Heh heh, well, a quick update from my end.

In 01: Subjection, Kurohigi and Cathreen Dawinter are next in their respective scenes with Rez and Cardamone. I am next to post with Riptor in one of the interrogation rooms. This thread ends as soon as Zenozine and Triage beams their characters into the Brig, where events will continue in 04: Retaliation (see below).

[02: System Reboot] - Finished!

[03: Liberation] - Finished!

In 04: Retaliation, CanadianVet is next followed by RosariaRosette - the latter ending the Distraction Team scene in that thread. With my next post in the Deck 02 scene in 05: Anodyne (see below), the former distraction team characters will be given an opening to show up. In the shuttle bay, Zenozine is next, about to arrange for transport into the Brig (if I have the time, I might be posting with Axius here too).

I will be posting with Cir'Cie in 05: Anodyne soon, about to help Vinata get out, I think. As for the corridor scene on Deck 02 in that thread, I am still waiting on Brutus and Searcher before separating the groups into the cargo hold team and the strike team going for the Bridge (plus adding the former distraction team).  I am also waiting on Brutus and Searcher for the scene in the Medical Labs.

In 06: Calamity, Kurohigi is next to post with Lin Kae and Nathaniel Isley respectively. Nolan is next to post in the Harbinger events, and CanadianVet could be next to post with Carrigan Trent in the Battle Bridge fight against T'Rena. Alternatively, Doctor Maya could post instead, choosing whether or not O'Connell attacks T'Rena while unarmed to allow for Trent to get up and join in - both of them fighting her simultaneously.


After some discussion between Kurohigi and I, the decision is that I will take over playing Declan Vasser for the remainder of this Episode. I am sketching out some ideas for how to best make use of the Commodore's POV when fighting the Calamity, and you will notice when my plans come into play there.

Let me know if you guys have any questions!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on May 27, 2015, 04:58:18 AM
We should have a celebration, some festive occasion for a lot of character interaction. Maybe even give it a them, you know since this is a SciFi roleplay we should name it after some celestial body, like the sun or that big glowing rock that is most visible at night. A festive occasion named after that thing...

I wonder what it should be called...


Didn't we just have one of those the night before this mutiny began.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on May 27, 2015, 05:04:40 AM
That we did.

Perhaps an interregnum and/or supplemental threads where people deal with the stress, trauma and the like would be more suitable?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on May 27, 2015, 05:42:05 AM
I'm probably with that. Just burrow a hole and hide in it for a while. :P But more likely go out and talk to people and make friends. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 27, 2015, 10:12:29 AM
I already have plans that will accommodate for whatever people want to write directly after this Episode, so no worries there.

Once the crisis is resolved, two new sub-boards will be created in close succession.


Which will accommodate anything you want to happen on the ship (within reasonable bounds, lol). There will be room for individual character development, debriefings, promotions, drinks in Below Decks, repairs (lots of them...), funerals, speeches... You get the idea. I vaguer that the need for repairs - alone - will require a week of respite. Threads will likely be organised by days of the week, and I might have to make a spread-sheet to visualise when in the week-calendar threads occur. So, one week, before...

EPISODE 04: STARBASE 84 (working title)

We have numerous new characters that are about to be introduced, a couple from present members at least two new applicants are sitting on their hands and waiting for us to come to Starbase 84. Hence the need for us to have two boards, where I can create a Prologue thread where I can work with the new character introductions on Starbase 84. The prologue will be scenes on the base and the new characters there. Chapter 01 will be the Theurgy moving in to board the base, and the focus will be to carry out the plan to broadcast the message about the parasitic threat. As you can imagine, this Episode will be no longer than a 1/4 of the length of the gargantuan double feature of Unconquerable Soul. The Theurgy's crew are supposed to board the base before/mid-battle against Starfleet ships, Tactical Conn will have a lot on their hands to make it work, and in the end, a number of personnel on SB84 will end up on the Theurgy.

The reason why I have made this an Episode of its own is that I have found a neat way to tie the boarding of the base to the major plotline, more so than with just the need to get the word out. I will say no more at this point, but I think you will like it. Also, we will all have to take into account the obvious when we may be writing on two sub-board simultaneously. And that is, of course, this General Rule of ours:

V. Characters need not appear in a single thread at the time, and are thus free to be in several different scenes at once [provided that the scenes follow each other in the story and does not happen simultaneously]. As to avoid confusion, crew members are to specify in OOC notes when scenes takes place in relation to others. Furthermore, it is encouraged that individual scenes are handled so that they correspond with ongoing missions in such a realistic manner as possible [for the sake of not disrupting the space-time continuum]. Logic and common sense are the rules-of-thumb here.

So, when your characters partake in the action whilst boarding Starbase 84, I encourage that you all have your characters focus on the task at hand and don't reflect too much on what has happened in threads on the Interregnum board. You will all, of course, know if your characters have been promoted and been given new positions. Contingency by logic and common sense, and keeping in touch with me if in doubt.

If you have any questions on this, please ask away here or over PM.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 29, 2015, 09:29:38 AM
Eun Sae Ji

Since the introduction of this character is crucial to an upcoming scene in Chapter 04. Invictus, I was up until 4 am last night to finish the character images of our - no more nameless - Head of Fighter Propulsion in the Fighter Assault Bay.

( PO1 Eun Sae Ji               Head of Fighter Propulsion (
  - Played by RosariaRosette

As for which department she will officially belong to, since she is not a Tactical Conn pilot, Eun Sae hail from Engineering even if her position place her in the Flight Hangar under the command of Sten Covington. It's just the same as Sten Covington officially belonging to Operations, but his position as Chief of the Deck makes him leader of the hand-picked team that work in the Flight Hangar. Eun Sae beig a technican, she belong to O'Connell. This team working in the Flight Hangar of the Lone Wolves would be the same team that is mentioned in the Tactical Conn info. In other words, in a contemporary work-place, Sten would claim his pay-check from Natalie Stark, while Eun Sae would do so from O'Connell. Yet even if they technically belong to Operations and Engineering respectively, they work on a full-time assignment in the Fighter Assault Bay, and where Sten Covington is Eun Sae's *real* everyday superior officer.

More info can be found in Eun Sea's character sheet. Well done in the making of this character, RosariaRosette!

Now that the application process is finished, I will resume writing and responding to PMs. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 29, 2015, 05:02:50 PM

Before you click on the spoiler-button below this sentence, please make sure to read the last post I have made in 05: Anodyne (link) ( with Cir'Cie.


The revelation of this has been a long time coming, but now it has been made. How unfortunate that the strike-team is unaware of what they are up against... *grins* My thoughts lead me to a scene in Into Darkness, where Khan single-handedly killed dozens of Klingons, and how he was immune to being stunned by Nyota Uhura at the end of the movie.
Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on May 29, 2015, 06:57:43 PM
Well it DID weaken him a bit at least, though it kinda pissed him off more than anything else.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RosariaRosette on May 29, 2015, 08:13:42 PM
Fitting that his model played the T-1000 in the Terminator movies...Alrighty who has some molten steel we can dip him in?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on May 30, 2015, 10:56:35 AM
Not to brag too much but outside of statements made in the rp proper Selena called it.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on May 30, 2015, 06:01:55 PM
And don't forget, he also commanded a top-secret special operations unit and was the COB on a ballistic missile submarine.  Come to think of it, that's probably where he got his mutinous tendencies.

Now, we might not have a foundry on hand but a phaser cranked high enough would do the job, and without introducing any impurities in an entire batch of steel.  However, it might scorch the upholstery a little, and the smell might bother some.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Absinthe on May 31, 2015, 12:11:40 AM
Can't simple hand phasers burn through half a building on the highest setting, not to mention reduce a humanoid to dust? I mean genetic engineering is no match for a phaser set to vaporize/disintegrate  (such a fun word, disintegrate, especially when said slowly).
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on June 01, 2015, 05:23:34 AM
yes but remember the ives loyalists still prefer to follow the rules of Starfleet and would prefer not to kill if at all avoidable.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Absinthe on June 01, 2015, 06:01:47 AM
Site to site transporter? I Mean we do know where he is and it's not like he can fight that? I mean one second he'[s on the bridge, the next he's in the brig...
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on June 01, 2015, 06:29:43 AM
Yes, the Ives Loyalists largely play by the rules. But it could be argued that Vasser earned himself a summary conviction for the crimes of mutiny, treason, murder, conspiracy, sabotage, unlawful detainment and probably a whole lot more.  And with that list of charges, it could be equally argued that the death penalty is warranted.  But why is it I can picture the "gentleman's way out" being presented to him in the form of a locked room and a phaser locked on a lethal setting with just enough juice for one shot?

As for site to site transport, I'm given to understand that at this time, transporters are down due to the damage to the power systems.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 02, 2015, 12:30:55 AM
Not only has Declan Vasser been around the block. In some alternate universe of 1997, by some quirk of irony, Declan Vasser and the female form of Jien Ives were fighting on the same side in "Hong Kong 97", featuring Robert Patrick & Ming-Na Wen (available on YouTube, last I checked?).

They both looked a bit younger then...

Indeed, Transporter Systems were deactivated as a result of the sabotage, one of many systems shut down to conserve the critical loss of plasma.

As for the fate of Declan Vasser, it will be interesting to see what happens next... :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 06, 2015, 09:16:35 AM

Sadly, Kurohigi is no longer a member of the Star Trek: Theurgy Group because of RL-issues. Please see the below PM to for further detail:

I am currently working 12 hour shifts 7 days a week to complete a number of asbestos removals, while also hosting my parents for the first time in the three years I have lived on the other side of the country from them.  I have had no time or privacy to be making posts until just now, nor do I expect that to change much over the next few weeks.  With this added on to my usual plate, I think I am left with the decision that I must bow out of the group.  I do not have the time to truly dedicate to keeping in pace with the other writers, and I will only be a hindrance if I continue to try and do so.

In my next post in 01: Subjection, I will have Edena Rez step down as First Officer in her dialogue with Captain Ives in their shared holding cell, this because of the reason that Edena Rez feels that she cannot serve Captain Ives to the requirements of the set mission parameters because of Jona Rez' presence inside herself. This in the sense that Jona is too big of a liability to be serving in a First Officer position and is better served in a Intelligence Officer capacity. Furthermore, the manifestation of one of the Rez symbionts former hosts - Kiya - was forced into being intimate with Jien Ives during Episode 02: Whatever Gods May Be, and after the the Ishtar Entity was banished, Edena Rez now retain those memories. While secondary, this is something that Edena believes undermines their working relationship.

After stepping down, Edena Rez does, however, maintain her rank of Commander after her resignation from Executive Officer of the USS Theurgy, and as an NPC, she will be serving as Chief Intelligence Officer aboard until her ultimate fate is decided (inherited or subject to injury/death/stasis to open up the CIO position for new applicants). See the next section for more info on that.

Given recent events in our current Episode, the obvious IC-sense of it, and deliberations of my own before asking him if he is ready to step up and meet the high expectations I have, CanadianVet has agreed to have Carrigan Trent assume the Executive Officer position on the USS Theurgy. In-Character, this will become official during INTERREGNUM 03-04, and Carrigan will be then be promoted to the rank of Commander.


Initially, I will be NPC:ing Kurohigi's characters in the remaining scenes of Episode 03 as required. If the writers are still available, I tend to give those leaving us the chance to make wishes as to the fate of their characters. So, upon asking if kurohigi was willing to let any other member of the Group inherit his characters, he has replied with this blessing and request:

I would be okay with my characters being adopted by others, as I feel there has been enough characters dying from all the members that left, though I also wanna feel comfortable with the hands they are placed in.  To that regard, I would like to hear from those members who might be interested in adopting my characters, just to her what insights they might have bout playing the characters, and allow me to feel they are being taken into good homes, so to speak.

Characters have successfully been inherited by other writers before, Wenn Cinn and Cameron Henshaw being two of them, so links to biographies can be found below, and as required, I will be able to provide anyone interested with information about what the characters have been up to so far in the story:

( Cmdr. Edena Rez              Executive Officer Chief Intelligence Officer ( (
  - Formerly Played by Kurohigi

( Lt. JG Nathaniel Isley       Wolf-09 [Maverick]
  - Formerly Played by Kurohigi

( Lt. Lin Kae                  Holographic Specialist
  - Formerly Played by Kurohigi

So, if anyone would like to overtake these characters, and A) doesn't have too many characters and B) also believe they can keep up posting for another one, they should contact me with such a request over PM. My policy on this is very loose, meaning that the one who cries out first and I think can keep up with playing him gets to inherit the character after a word with Kurohigi. The number of Senior Staff positions will also be a factor to take into consideration, since the position of Chief Intelligence Officer would be best suited for someone who does not already have a character in a Senior Staff position. If there are no takers, the characters will still be kept as NPCs that are available to be played for all writers in the Group (within reason, of course) until either we have new members that would be willing to inherit them or they become subject to death/injury/stasis.

Sorry for not posting IC-wise the last couple of days, but now you know why. New posts will be coming up as soon as I've written them.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on June 08, 2015, 01:45:21 PM
Hey Lucan?  I gotta say you did the EMH great.  Just the right kind of abrasiveness came through in its speech.  I could almost hear Robert Picardo delivering those lines.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 08, 2015, 02:00:47 PM
Heh, thank you. I do try to give the character justice when he comes into play. More posts upcoming.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 10, 2015, 10:12:16 PM
Hi everyone. I'm a fan of the story  that's been away for awhile. I'm happy to see I have a lot of catching up to do. I started again from the beginning and read Outbreak again.  I want to compliment everyone who worked on. An intriguing story with interesting characters. I particularly like how vivid the writing is. Best of all, considering the nature of the story, it is eroticism that is truly erotic. I had forgotten how intense the last chapter was particularly for Natalie Stark. I look forward to reading  what I've previously missed.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 11, 2015, 02:46:57 AM
Hi Gulliver! Thanks for all the positive feedback on DeviantArt as well. If you are about to read up on the story, I will make sure to send you the PDF books instead so that you won't have to jump around between the scenes in the threads that you read. Its good to see you come checking in again.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 11, 2015, 03:23:46 AM
Thank you Auctor Lucan.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on June 11, 2015, 04:08:10 AM
We get fans commenting here. How awesome is that?

/me may or may not be grinning like the Cheshire Cat
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 11, 2015, 01:38:40 PM

Since 06: Calamity has become pretty long already, I plan to post a new thread soon, which will more or less cover these events:

1 ) Aisha heads up via the Turbolift ahead of the rest to enter the Bridge, she announces her successful entry via combadge to the strike team before stepping in.
2 ) The 2 Jefferies tubes teams in the strike team move up next, taking care of the patrolling sentries, teams led by Fasha and Tessa respectively.
3 ) Once both the above teams says "clear" to Natalie Stark, the remaining Bear Cubs (1 or 2? I forget) follow her and Sten Covington up via the turbolift
4 ) Aisha is by then handling the graviton mines, and the collective strike team enter the bridge in a show of force and not with phasers blazing - this to not disturb bridge operations mid-flight from the Calamity. O'Connell will hopefully be able to assist Aisha from Engineering with enough juice to keep a steady and high enough warp factor despite the sabotage.
5 ) At this point, there is the factor of Vasser and his actions to weigh in, and Carrigan Trent will be arriving as well.
7) The Lexorin will be released via Life Support systems somewhere around here
8 ) Somewhere at this point, the fight against the Calamity is underway as well
9 ) As soon as Captain Ives and Commander Rez are liberated, they will also head to the Bridge and show up in this thread, but will arrive after Trent
10 ) Miles Renard, also liberated from the Brig, will be heading for the Valkyries, likely summoning all Wolves here, and Sten will likely be going down there too with the Bear Cubs
11 ) Thea has, by then, already launched the Reaver that was sitting on the Flight Deck
12 ) The Lone Wolves who were on the ice planet will be arriving
13 ) Ida, Slayton and Duv will be arriving with the Harbinger too
14 ) End game

Intentionally, there are a lot of holes in the above list, but a lot is depending on yours, Calamity's and Vasser's actions.

After this, there is only an Epilogue thread coming up with a couple of short scenes, and where I will leave it up to all of you to depict how the Episode ends for all your characters respectively.

I think we are starting to see the end on the horizon, right? :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on June 11, 2015, 04:45:44 PM
I'm just wondering, perhaps Gulliver would care to join us?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 11, 2015, 05:56:49 PM
If I could join you I would. I suffer from an Alzheimer's like Neurological condition so creative writing is not something I am capable of any more. At least not well enough that I'd want to share it with the world.
I'll settle for being a fan and appreciating the talents of the group. Thank you anyway.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on June 12, 2015, 04:40:13 AM
I'm certainly glad you are enjoying our work :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 13, 2015, 01:05:09 PM
I've now read the first two episodes and the extra bits. I enjoyed it quite a bit. Lots of interesting characters and fine attention to characterization. I particularly like the developments between Natalie and the doctor.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 18, 2015, 01:17:49 AM
Good to hear you are making progress, Gulliver, and indeed, the story arc with Stark and Nicander ranging from Episode 01 to Interregnum 02-03 was great! Brutus and I had a lot of fun writing that, but alas, now Natalie has found a boyfriend (I guess?) in an Irish barkeeper, so she may have her happily ever after despite all that she has been through.

Progress Update

I have been busy with the below business, new character graphics and other moderation-through-PMs, but posts are in the making - the new thread included now that IronFerrox has posted with Aisha S'Iti in Anodyne.

The Former First Officer - Commander Edena Rez - Has a New Player!

Since Kurohigi left us, I have been NPC:ing his characters as required. Now, however, Triage will be playing the resigning First Officer instead. As of yet, there has been no update of the character sheet in the Crew Manifest, so a link to the old one can be found below:

( Cmdr. Edena Rez              Executive Officer Chief Intelligence Officer(?) (
  - Played by Triage

As always when one of our players inherit a character, Triage has been issued a creative licence in writing the character instead of adhering to the way she was played by Kurohigi. There is, however, a lot of backstory to read up on since Edena Rez have been with us since Episode 01, so I will keep playing Edena Rez until Triage is ready. As to what Edena Rez will be doing after she has resigned, it has yet to be determined, so we'll see how things go at the end of this Episode.

That's all for the moment and good luck with the new character, Triage!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on June 18, 2015, 08:31:17 AM
Thanks @_@

I'll try to do my best.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 18, 2015, 02:39:10 PM
Glad to see Edena Rez will be remaking in the story.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 18, 2015, 11:23:15 PM

Sorry for taking some of your time with these statistics below, but it has me really excited. :)

Vimeo Promotional Trailer

You know our promotional trailer on Vimeo? It is now hit an amazing 1255 plays since I posted the latest version almost 2 years ago. To put this into perspective, one of our older trailers got a total - ever - of 56 plays on YouTube... and it was up for well over a year. The number of plays increased dramatically when I joined STPMA and TrekCore over six months ago and posted links to our Star Trek: Theurgy story. I have also used some Yahoo Groups to advertise Star Trek: Theurgy, but only with a minor effect. The Vimeo trailer is also linked from our Tumblr blog.

DeviantArt Gallery

Furthermore, some statistics from our DeviantArt gallery, here is what the statistics summary tells me today:

Tumblr Blog

As of today, our Tumblr blog- where I mainly post our DeviantArt images, some writing tips and reblogg art and writing resources etc. - has a total of 39 followers. I think this is a fairly low number, but I think that given time, our images will be reblogged more and more, and we will attract more followers.

The most liked or reblogged post was an image of Natalie Stark that I posted recently, which got 39 notes. Link: Unfortunately, i can't seem to find any info on how many notes our blog has gotten in total since it was created.

Constant Commissioning Requests on DeviantArt

Over the last couple of years, there have been many people who has asked me to make commissioned artwork for other members on DeviantArt, be it artists themselves or fellow roleplayers or GMs on other Star Trek simms. I think the most flattering request came in during the past couple of days. I will mask his/her name out of respect:[Show/Hide]

No reply yet... I wonder why? Hmm...


Anyway, I know you guys like the story and all, which the Poll I sent out showed quite clearly, but with all the above... I think I just wanted to let you know that your characters and the depictions of them are not as anonymous as you might think. They are all given plenty of exposure to the Star Trek fandom, and while Gulliver is the only reader that have joined and posted in this thread, I often see "Guests" listed on Who's Online and reading our threads. I hope you all realise how successful this roleplay group is compared to many other simms out there, and how grateful I am towards you all that you want to write this story with me.

Lastly, I wrote something in an old Group Report I sent out a year ago, and I think it captured something important. Therefore, I added the text to the front page of our DeviantArt gallery:

Artist | Hobbyist | Digital Art

Some people have asked me why I spend so much time on the Theurgy project. The simple answer is that it's fun, and I love both writing and making graphics. But besides this, I have a story to tell, and I want a rewarding way to tell it. Perhaps it’s a bit selfish in the context of a role-playing group, but I am merely referring to the major plot-line. The big brush strokes, because the plot must always leave enough room for all our writers to add upon the story in their own unique ways so that we are all enjoying ourselves. It must be an equal win-win rule to the development, because the creative input of our writers adds upon the story in a way that I could never have done if I wrote this story by myself.

These are my biggest motivators: Our writers; with their unique characters; the way they write them; the opportunity to depict them visually with character images; how they make the major storyline come to life in a way I never would have managed on my own, and because they enrich the story with their own desire to make their characters come to life.

With this quote of mine, I bid you a great evening, and I hope you will like the upcoming posts of mine.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 19, 2015, 02:37:52 AM
I am very happy to be a fan both here and at Deviantart. The statistics you showed for DA were interesting to see. Congratulations on your success.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 19, 2015, 01:54:58 PM
New Thread! - CHAPTER 04: Invictus [07: Undoing]

The new thread is up! This will be the last one besides the Epilogue. Link:

More posts will be coming up in the old threads too! I will post them as soon as they are finished.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on June 27, 2015, 05:19:01 AM
Just a shout out to Auctor Lucan for his awesomeness in writing XD

You are amazing! I hope we get to write together for a long time.

This applies to all of you as well, fellow writers. I am honoured to be able to write alongside with each and every one of you, past, present and future! I hope to meet and interact with all of you with my characters at one point or another.

Bless you all! <3
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Zenozine on June 27, 2015, 05:57:42 AM
Sorry, I am so sorry that I have been so slow to respond. I have be doing a lot of little jobs lately. I was going to write up responses around noon where I am, but I ended up instead spending the last 10 hours doing a home repair might take me a while longer, but I will get my response up tonight.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: The Counselor on June 28, 2015, 09:34:31 PM
Hi all,

My family's here for the next three weeks, so my online time may be a bit more erratic than usual.  I won't be completely AFK the whole time, and I will be replying to JPs/posts when I can, but I just wanted to offer a heads up!

I'm also going to fix my last reply in the sickbay thread so it gives folks more to react to.  So sorry for the confusion!

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 03, 2015, 01:35:14 AM
Star Trek: Theurgy Announcement

Hi there everyone!

On the side, I have been working on a little project for you all. I got some help to create this, in particular from someone you might recognise when listening to it. I was so excited that he agreed to do this for us!

Click the image-link below to see this short teaser on Vimeo for what's to come.

( (

I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I have enjoyed making it, even if I had some help this time around. I would love to get some feedback! Its awfully quiet here in the OOC thread sometimes!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Ps. Before you all start jumping down my throat... the answer is - of course - no, its not really him, but it might just have been right? ;) Ds.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Absinthe on July 03, 2015, 01:37:30 AM
Awesome! Just awesome!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Zenozine on July 03, 2015, 03:01:38 AM
Simplistic yet interesting, very nice.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on July 03, 2015, 06:09:23 AM
I love it.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: DocReno on July 03, 2015, 06:35:55 AM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on July 03, 2015, 06:43:01 AM
Very nice. 

Finially got my post with Aisha done tonight, Now I need to get to work on a post with Miles.  Looks at time, Nevermind, I'll do that tomorrow.

Reguarding things in my post

Hope noone had someone at tactical in already  if so I apologize for creating an NPC to take the station for my post.  If someone hs a character who is supposed to be at tactical jus tell me and i will edit my post as needed.  Otherwise info on the two NPCs introduced think of them as literially extras on the set though i doubt we will ever see them again. 

Manning tactical is
I took this image from some random Star trek RP (google image searched "young Female security officer Star trek" and it was a result)  I imagine this is what she looks like minus being a bajoran.  (literally just random character image to place with the character and the name i made was random as hell too.  I was picturing her as barely out of academy and either Harbinger or Theurgy was her first assignment.  I imagined her as being either a Human or Unjoined trill though the idea of having her being one of the few and very rare Orion's working for the Federation was a thought I had as well.

As for the NPC of the yellowshirt crewman male guard.  I dont know why this image seems to peronify the way i was imagining the character but it does.  To me the expression to me to me just reads, I dont give a fuck about anything,  I have no morals, and if i dont get anything out of it then it don't matter.

so yea theres some faces to place on the NPCs i just threw out there.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on July 03, 2015, 05:38:40 PM
Pretty impressive video. Looking forward to what the future holds!

As for posting, summer madness has arrived in my town which means double work pressure in the hospital where I work. I'm trying to fill in my time as good as I can to get replies out, yet keep in mind that I have serious delays while writing them out.

EDIT: Should have replied to all my posts, PM me if I missed anything ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on July 03, 2015, 05:44:29 PM
That was astounding. For a second I thought my characters were going to jump out of my head and join the show...

Wait...oh...ouch...they just did. Don't mind the blood, folks, just my creative juice bursting out in a freaky manner.

Still alive, and still astounded.

And that voice...




I'ma go faint now.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on July 03, 2015, 11:30:04 PM
Amazing Picard-ian voice!  I'm looking forward to the finished version.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 04, 2015, 11:30:49 PM
Lol, this is the finished version since its a stand-alone project. A teaser, if you will, for Episode 04.

The large trailer is another project entirely, but I have some additional Picard monologue to add to it once I can get around to update the trailer.

Glad to hear you guys liked it too!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on July 05, 2015, 02:54:47 PM
First time writing as Edena Rez (and Jona) in Retaliation. Hope I did okay. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 06, 2015, 01:03:47 AM
It looked great! I will be replying with a short post with Ives to finish that scene in 04: Retaliation and then set things up for a continuation in 07: Undoing. Getting too late here though so it won't be tonight. I was up to 3 am last night and feeling the effects now.

Best Regards,

Auctor lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on July 07, 2015, 01:56:07 AM
Auctor, you just went Terminator with Declan. :P

Great writing and emotional output there. I totally felt the fear and tension.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 07, 2015, 02:06:16 AM
Thank you! :) I am glad that the subtle T2 reference came off as it should, heh heh.

Can't wait to read who is taken hostage!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RosariaRosette on July 08, 2015, 04:36:00 AM
Sorry I haven't been able to post lately everyone internet issues and work have sort of been working against me in tandem hopefully I can get one done tonight.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on July 18, 2015, 02:41:01 PM
FYI for everyone, I'm currently stuck with night shifts at work. Needless to say, these shifts are not great for roleplaying and our pretty much wrecking havoc in my posting schedules. Will get back to posting once I'm more awake and return to my daily rhythm/routines.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 19, 2015, 01:53:59 AM
Thanks for the information, Nolan! It's awesome that you guys share your posting situation here in the OOC thread so that the whole group is made privy to the information. Otherwise, I will have to PM what little I know between you guys when you wonder why there have not been any replies of late.

As I have PM:ed to some of you about lately, RosariaRosette and IronFerrox are next to post in 07: Undoing when it comes to the development on the Theurgy's main bridge and the flight hangar. Hopefully they can get to their posting soon. I think that the other active scenes are less confusing about who is next to post, and the writers are aware that its their turn, me included.

New Character Introductions

As you may have seen here: ...we have had a few new characters listed for the upcoming Episode. Here they are, with links to their character sheets:

( Ens. Six                      Forensic Scientist Officer  Starbase 84 (
  - Played by Vystori

( Cpt. Tristan Kendrick         Commanding Officer          USS Resolve (
  - Played by Triage

( Ens. Krystal Tancredi         Fighter Pilot               USS Resolve(
  - Played by Triage

( F'Rell                        Warp Field Specialist       USS Resolve (
  - Played by Sirus

Some of these characters will belong to the crew of the USS Resolve, which will be docked at Starbase 84 during the time of the Theurgy's arrival.

With this list, I take the opportunity to welcome - in advance - our newest member of the Star Trek: Theurgy Group! Namely, Vystori (who is also a forum moderator here on House of Eros, just like Brutus). Looking forward to what stories may come of all these new characters as soon as I can get that sub-board up and post the first couple of threads.

New Non-Canon Species: T'Fanrell (and two familiar ones)

New information on our non-canon species has been added to our board, this in terms of three species. Two we all might be familiar with, and one is brand new: the T'fanrell. Here are the image-links:

( ( ( (

With the addition of these, only the Asurian species lack some info, but in related news, Cathreen Dawinter has ceased to reply to PMs and emails. Checking her profile on House of Eros, she was last active 2015-06-12, so let's all hope she is alive and well out there. With any hope, she will give us a life-sign soon. In the meantime, I will try to resolve her character's scenes in the current episode, but after that, I will either let Dyan Cardamone's presence on the ship fade into the background, or if enough time as passed, put her up for being inherited by anyone interested. If there are no takers, she will probably be killed off during the Starbase 84 scenes.

I think that's all for now! Looking forward to you guys posting and to let us all end this Episode with a bang. :) Then, the Interregnum 03-04 and Episode 04: Simulcast sub-boards will be created for us all to delve as deep as we want to into character development and introductions.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on July 19, 2015, 10:32:16 AM
Hey and stuff has been keeping me busy. But I've made a reply now, sorry especially to Auctor Lucan, for keeping you waiting over a week plus. Hopefully I won't be delayed like this ever again.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on July 20, 2015, 02:27:23 PM
I know that feeling. My posts have been trickling in somewhat, but I got a post up with Sarresh that I owed. So the scene in the corridors can roll on.

Off for more caffeine!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on July 22, 2015, 01:49:37 AM
Help! I don't know what to do! How do I screen fighters? I mean, do I instruct the fighters on what to do or just tell them what's where and going on? I mean I'm not sure what I'm supposed to write in response to Carrigan Trent's order. @_@
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on July 22, 2015, 04:34:01 AM
Help! I don't know what to do! How do I screen fighters? I mean, do I instruct the fighters on what to do or just tell them what's where and going on? I mean I'm not sure what I'm supposed to write in response to Carrigan Trent's order. @_@

Basically running communication and coordination between the Theurgy and her fighters. It was one of the things that Natalie was running. Keeping the fighters in the loop for any orders changes, status updates (what we see versus what they see) and plotting formations, i'd wager. Least thats what I had Natalie doing.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on July 22, 2015, 05:08:16 AM
Okay as the one playing the SCO since the start of ep 2 heres basicially a mission ops rundown.  You know in fighter pilot movies like top gun and you hear the guy at the radio looking at the radar being a combination of air traffic control and giving orders to the pilots on behalf of the captain.  thatsd bassicially mission ops's job.  Since theurgy has longer range sensors and better ones than the fighters the theurgy can usuially identify more about all enemy or friendly craft in the starship's "airspace"  and all information from the fighters is relayed to the mission ops desk including recon information and their sensor data the mission ops desk is able to cordinate data and relay information between the bridge and the pilots.

Information mission ops generially has access to a 3d sensor display showing all "contacts" able to be seen by the theurgy and the starfighter's sensors.

mission ops recieves a com feed from the starfighters and maintains radio contact with the squadron and can listen in on or send a signal to any some or all of the fighters in flight.

as a general rule comunication from the bridge to the squadron comes from the captain to mission ops and mission ops relays the information to the squadron channel or to the SCO to mission ops direct line.  since the captain has to deal with the hectic nature of starship battle often times the Mission ops person has to make decisions regarding issuing orders to the squadron without the captain's direct orders (which is why its often the station of the XO since the XO has chain of command authority over the SCO.

What the acting captain ordered is for the wolves to set up a fighter screen this is a general tactic in fighter engagements.

a fighter screen is essentially orders for fighter craft to engage other fighter craft as their primary targets.  Essentially ordering a starfighter screen is to inform the pilots that their primary objective is the protection of a given craft aka an Escort mission.  their primary targets are any craft attempting to attack their objective with other fighters being primary targets and only engaging larger targets once the airspace is free of fighters.

IN this situation setting up a fighter screen means go to mission ops chair open a com link to Wolf 01 (the sco's ship) inform that primary objective is protection of the USS Theurgy Secondary objectives are protection of other mission craft (the harbinger, the other wolves, the type 2 valks etc)  Tertiary objective is destruction of the Calamity.  In terms of target priority their primary targets are enemy fighters attacking the theurgy, Secondary targets are Fighters attacking their fellow fighters (wingman protection) or targeting the Harbinger, tertiary targets any fighters attempting to escape quaternary target the Calamity.

TLDR version Welcome to military air traffic control.  Fighter screen means order the wolves to destroy all enemy fighter craft.  Essentially making the wolves act as a screen preventing enemy fighters from being able to harm the Theurgy.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on July 22, 2015, 05:53:42 AM
Help! I don't know what to do! How do I screen fighters? I mean, do I instruct the fighters on what to do or just tell them what's where and going on? I mean I'm not sure what I'm supposed to write in response to Carrigan Trent's order. @_@

Crap, sorry Triage I really didn't think of that!  I really ought to have given you a shout via PM after my last post.  Thankfully, we have good folks like Brutus and Iron Ferrox to save the day when yours truly drops the ball.  ::)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 22, 2015, 09:08:29 AM
Thanks guys for the help with the explanation! Excellent rundown and the only two tidbits that I can add is that 1) Mission Ops is also the communication centre to any away teams, hence Mission Ops instead of Flight Ops. 2) The Harbinger is not present yet, but due to arrive in a couple of minutes at maximum warp. Protection of the Harbinger is - right then - not a viable option.
Best of luck with your upcoming posts, Triage and it was great that you asked for help here on the OOC! (Evidently so, with the swift and thorough replies!)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on July 22, 2015, 12:44:54 PM
Thanks so much, guys. Now I won't make Cameron sound like a complete idiot on a microphone, hopefully. So, to be clear, Wolf 1, does not yet have all the above mentioned orders, right? And Cameron will be relaying them now? I think I can manage that.

I am in the meantime, officially scared for Edena Rez, because nothing I can think of presents a high chance of survival for her. Augments are nasty and basically a T-1000, and Edena's just squishy... >.< I wish I had a cyborg character now...I'm sure you've all watched Star Trek, Into Darkness? Khan freaking squashed a man's front of his daughter. I can only imagine what he'd do to schizophrenic Trill.

Thanks again for all the information and advice. When it comes to air battles, I'm a mud-marcher/groundpounder. Aerospace lingo is new to me. Which is even sadder since I have a fighter pilot coming in soon >.< Totally gonna cover up my stupidity on the lingo with a hillbilly accent and speech and just shoot my act off like a maniac.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on July 22, 2015, 03:17:49 PM
yes miles has currently received only the order to launch.  in my last post miles sent a transmission to mission ops requesting orders regarding target priority and objectives.  he is currently assuming primary objective is protection of the Theurgy since scramble orders typically are only given in situations when the home base is threatened.  the part he needs clarified the most is whether their mission is primarily to engage enemy fighters (space superiority), or to preform strike operations against the Calamity (hit and fade bombing).
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on July 22, 2015, 09:54:43 PM
It's pretty much just occured to me that IC-wise Cam might not really know how to direct fighters either.  However, re-reading my last post, Trent's instructions are such they can be pretty much relayed word-for-word and still make sense to the pilots out there.  As for pushing telemetry to the fighters, I'd imagine it would be fairly straightforward process of using the information Tovarek is already cleaning up for the tactical plot and forwarding it to each Valkyrie, almost like sending an email to multiple addressees. 

And besides, Henshaw will see Wolf-01 with Miles Renard on board is out there and she's bound to recognize that all he needs is broad mission parameters and he can handle the details and execution at the sharp end of things.

And besides, that's how Trent is doing things.  Barring a few specifics, he's giving broad yet clear directions to the Bridge crew and lets everyone do their jobs as best they know how without the need to micromanage.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on July 23, 2015, 04:55:56 AM
A quick announcement.

I completed my anatomy course with a B and wont have class again until Thursday august 13th.  Next up Physiology.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on July 23, 2015, 05:23:47 AM
Rock on!  Enjoy the break!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on July 24, 2015, 04:46:33 PM
Congrats Iron!

Meanwhile, Vet, Lucan, Zenozine, I've posted. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on July 27, 2015, 02:39:23 PM
Diplomacy: the art of saying "nice doggy" until your Bajoran gorilla can get into position  :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on July 27, 2015, 03:15:52 PM
Right? That was freakin' awesome, Zeno! :D

Thank you for saving Edena. My little Trill was this close to death. :S

Can I have a nice loyal pet robot killer bodyguard or something for her please? Ooh, I know! A personal Horta!

Anyways, I totally loved how Wenn Cinn just like came up behind him, shoots, and end of story.

Some people love a dramatic, long, dragged out fight, especially since Declan Vasser's a friggin' Augment. But I can appreciate an anticlimatic and swift ending to a hyped up villain. It was poignant, significant, and very well-deserved. So excuse me while I fangirl over Wenn Cinn for a minute...


*Fangirl over*

But I do feel bad for Dyan. She was like, all excited to get her chance to hunt her "prey", and in comes the (quote) Bajoran gorilla.

You know, I was half expecting Wenn Cinn to use his bare hands to snap Declan's neck, really. Like just moments before I read that he used his rifle, I was totally expecting a neckbreaker attack. Though a rifle was more affirming. Not even an augment can survive that.

Great posts everyone! :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Zenozine on July 27, 2015, 06:05:48 PM
Well I am glad that Cinn managed to get mixed up in all of this and ended up being tricked into coming along. I can only imagine how hectic thing are going to be getting for Cinn now.

As for how the "Bajoran Gorilla" handled hings, lets think about this, Declan had a hostage, we just watched Declan preform great feats of strength, and he might have super human endurance. If he had spoke up Cinn would have jeopardized the clear shot he had. there is a time to be a hero, and a time to be a soldier, and the soldier gets the job done. As cool as it would have been for Cinn to perform a Metal Gear Solid style take down it is unlikely he could have pulled it off, and since Dyan would have wanted Declan to likely look her in the eye as she killed him, Cinn knew he need to end this, one shot clean and simple, no bravado, no games, just an objective that needed to be completed. Also lets not forget how quickly Ives could have been in danger there.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on July 27, 2015, 06:15:33 PM
I thoroughly agree.  And while killing Vasser with his bare hands might have been hugely satisfying and rate an impressive "cool factor" rating there's no telling just how strong an Augment's neck muscles are so Cinn could have struggled in vain while he'd put a very permanent crimp in Edena's day before feeding Cinn his own face.

So the quick, clean and brutally efficient shot in the back of the head was the professional thing to do and much more in keeping with the no-nonsense approach of a veteran officer.  And it has a coolness of its own.

And besides, considering just how quickly he died without the chance of a reflexive muscle contraction, thanks to a vaporized brain stem, all Dyan would have to do to look him in the eye would be to flip Vasser onto his back.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 28, 2015, 01:27:44 AM
Haha! I loved your post for all the aforementioned reasons, Zenozine. Thanks for the read! :)

Besides, we already had the dragged-out, dramatic fist-fight in the Episode, this in the form of T'Rena's fight with Carrigan Trent and O'Connell. Furthermore, I think Zenozine's good taste in terms of Wenn Cinn's actions also sticks within the spectrum of what the character was originally supposed to be: the hardened soldier that sometimes ends up doing what Captain Ives can't for the sake of the mission because Ives has to live up to the ideals of the crew to some extent, despite what they are going through. Another layer to this interesting working relationship is how these two comrades since the Theurgy's commissioning butt heads over manner-of-approach and methodology. This not meaning that Wenn Cinn would resort to the things Vasser or T'Rena migt in order to ensure smooth operation. The way I understand it, and Zenozine should correct me here if he has other ideas for his inherited character, Wenn Cinn is a Bajoran Occupation survivor first and Starfleet Officer close second.

I'm looking forward to your post with Edena Rez in that scene, Triage, before I post again with Ives (and Dyan). :)

As for the grand space battle against the Calamity, I am itching to post there again with numerous characters, but at the very least (since people should feel free to take the chance to post more about what they do to fight the Calamity) I want to give IronFerrox and RosariaRosette the opportunity to post with their characters exterminating some Reaver-arse now that Thea sent them the Reavers' shield harmonics and helping so that they can target them by ordinary means. Since your post ended at the time when Quake was killed, Doc M. (previously named Doctor Maya), you should feel free to post again as well so that Tessa can take advantage of shooting right through the Reavers' shields. Personally, I think IronFerrox should post next and give Maverick's group orders that I can implement in my next post.

Tomorrow morning, I will be posting with Rihen Neyah (+ Thea, Lin Kae, Skye Carver & the EMH) in the corridor scene.

In Sickbay, The Counselor is next, posting with Hayden O'Connor in response to Hylota Vojona when she can since she has the family staying over this week. I might be able to figure out an opening for me to post there as well with Thea and/or Cir'Cie too. Perhaps, unless the IC-timing becomes convoluted, I can have Doctor Nicander arrive here after the scene with Heather McMillan in the turbolift.

We are so bloody close to ending the Episode now, guys, so take your chance to post what you want to add to the current scenes now that you have the chance! I would hate to rob you of the opportunity by ending the fighting for you.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Zenozine on July 28, 2015, 02:48:49 AM
Well I am glad that my post was well received. I am trying to portray Cinn as less of the by the book officer and more of a Bajoran playing at being a Starfleet officer. He does a job and respects the crew as his post demands, but when no one is looking, the glove come off and he will do what is need to ensure that the crew survives, even at the cost of his own standing or life. There is a time for ideals, and there is a time for action, Cinn leave ideals to Ives, he will be there waiting if action is needed.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on July 29, 2015, 12:44:30 AM
If the chief security officer shoots a genetically augmented superman who can outdraw him, outshoot him, and outthink him in the front that is good shooting.  If the chief security officer shoots a genetically augmented superman who can outdraw him, outshoot him, and outthink him in the back that is good judgment!   ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vystori on July 29, 2015, 12:59:09 AM
Hey guys,

Just popping in really quick to say hello and introduce myself since I'm so new to this rp. I can't say I'm not just a tiny bit nervous to be working with all of you lol, but I'm also looking forward to it quite a lot. I've been keeping in touch with Auctor to make sure I'm ready to post when it's time to introduce my character, Six. :D Let me know if you have any questions and what have you. For now I will be taking it in baby steps to try and get used to writing in group again. It's not something I've done in quite a while. Do feel free to PM me though if you have insight, suggestions, needs, or whatever else and I'll work with you happily. I am a big fan of collaboration and communication so please do any time. ^___^

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 29, 2015, 01:55:27 AM
The Holographic Specialist - Lieutenant Lin Kae - Has a New Player!

Since Kurohigi left us, I have been NPC:ing his characters as required. Now, however, DocReno will be playing the Theurgy's Holographic Specialist instead. As of yet, there has been no update of the character sheet in the Crew Manifest, so a link to the old one can be found below:

( Lt. Lin Kae                  Holographic Specialist
  - Played by DocReno

As always when one of our players inherit a character, DocRenohas been issued a creative licence in writing the character instead of adhering to the way he was played by Kurohigi. There is, however, a lot of backstory to read up on since Lin Kae have been with us since Episode 01, so I will keep playing Lin Kae until the end of Episode 03.

That's all for the moment and good luck with the new character, DocReno!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on July 29, 2015, 02:13:04 AM
Welcome aboard, Vys ;)

And congrats, DocReno. I'm sure we'll all be interested to see where you take things with this character.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on July 29, 2015, 03:02:29 AM
love the direction yall took with Vasser.  There is a fine line between heroics and strategy.  Its important to know that good guys shouldn't fail to adhere to the first rule in the evil overlords checklist.  No one! is too important to kill with a stealthy bullet to the back of the head.

that said woulda been cool to see the combat there Bajoran Riddick and a fallen angel esque fighter vs augment T1000 that woulda been an interesting fight.  I mean Cinn has to have a certain advantage I mean guy got brought back from the dead by a race of quasi dietys.  In D&D terms that pretty much marks him as a "chosen one" type of hero.

That said for cinn to get into position and execute the kill.  How many levels in Rogue does that Bajoran have

Oh and welcome Vystori glad to see a new face around.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Zenozine on July 29, 2015, 04:09:26 AM
Well blieve me, I was tempted to do something like a "Catchy one liner" or "catchphrase" before he shot, I was also tempted to have him say something witty, but thinking about what Cinn had been through that day, crawling through vents to gather gear, making a tactical decision to send off his fellow crew as a distraction while he broke out his captain, putting his team at risk of sexual assault for the sake of an ambush, and then finding the cruel conditions that prisoners were kept in, no there was no need for a one liner or witty farewell, Vassr was a monster, he was too dangerous to leave alive for an instant longer so Cinn did what needed to be done and put the beast down and ended a threat to the Theurgy.

Also I imagine it as though Cinn does not see himself as a Chose One, but more an idiot that let himself get killed before his time and he was lucky enough to be sent back to do the job right this time.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on July 29, 2015, 10:23:52 AM
Either way Zeno. It was a rather fitting and cool post to read ^^

Good luck Reno with the new character! Looking forward to what you'll do with him.

And welcome to the club Vystori!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 03, 2015, 01:17:35 AM
New Species Sheet

Compiled my notes on Andorians into a species sheet for you all, in case you are interested in what *our* official notes are on the Andorian species (loads of discrepancies out there):

Also, since Andorians are not non-canon, I have changed the name of the thread on our main board from Non-Canon Species to Species Specifications. This opens up for people to post sheets on Vulcans and others too, naturally, but only if required, I'd say. If there are no characters in our story of that species, it won't be listed.

Best Reagards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 03, 2015, 02:09:09 AM
Termination of Membership - Cathreen Dawinter

Sadly, Cathreen Dawinter is no longer a member of the Star Trek: Theurgy Group anymore because of lacking posting activity. She was approached continuously the past two months, me having been forced to NPC her character to resolve the scene in the Brig. Without any IM or PM response whatsoever, RL evidently came to draw her focus completely.

If anyone who would like to overtake this Asurian - for whom there is no species details beyond what can be found in her character sheet - and both 1) doesn't have too many characters and 2) also can keep up posting for another one, should contact me with such a request over PM. Again, my policy on this is very loose, meaning that the one who cries out first and I think can keep up with playing her gets to inherit the character. If there are no takers, Dyan Cardamone will still be kept as an NPC that is available to be played for all writers in the Group (within reason, of course) until her demise in a battle to come.

( PO1 Dyan Holly Cardamone     Security Officer [NPC]
  - Formerly Played by Cathreen Dawinter

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on August 03, 2015, 02:18:33 AM
I may have to get to work on sheets for the Catians, and consequently the Xinti and the Ferasan races too. 

*Note the Xinti are based heavily on Larry Niven's species of the same name In the "Known Space" series.  Niven wrote the episode of ST the animated series. that they appeared in.  ((Yes the animated series is Canon in fact given how involved Roddenberry was with it I would argue it is more cannon than anything of TNG and onward that was made after his death.))

As for the Catians they tend to have conflicting into on them.  In the animated series the stand in for Uhura was a catian female named M'ress.  The live action male catians looked a lot like what I would define as a Were-cat.  IN the Modern Alternate universe series reset Catians are shown as almost entirely human but with feline tails.  Clearly Abrams would rather Kirk be shown bedding a couple of anime style catgirls rather than sleeping with the canonical furries of the Star Trek universe.

the ferasans were a Reimagining of the Xinti that were featured as a playable race in Star Trek Online the reason for the departure from the original version is supposedly due to conflicts with the Niven estate.

Reguarding to the relationships between the three races.  The Xinti are known to be a Patriarical race that had a conflict with earth shortly after earth's first contact with Vulcan.  They are known to be slavers and view women property rather than people.  (I would not be suprised if the ferengi werent partially inspired by them but replacing the concept of slavers with that of an amoral capitalistic mentality)

Supposedly the catians are a cousin race that evolved on an abandoned Xinti colony world.

Consequently the origin of the Ferasan race in STO is they are a divergence from the Catian race that took on a more militaristic demeanor.

Needless to say its hard to sort out the canon from the non canon with these three races.  What I can say is I directly based the idea of the vulpinians on the simple fact that if star trek can have anthro cats they can have anthro foxes too.  Also Catians in STO are the Starfleet's suppliers of fighter carriers.

Reguarding some other Star trek iconic races.  It should be important to know that despite the existence of "Orion slave girls" the Orion are a matriarchal race and the females are not "sold into sexual slavery"   The Orion's possess powerful pheromones that allow the females of the race to exert a certain kind of psuedo telepathic dominance over males of many species.  they intentionally masquerade as being "slaves" as a means to be placed in the possession of wealthy and or powerful individuals whom they can then essentially puppet without their knowledge.   "Orion slave girls" are not helpless slaves.  The males also posses powerful pheromones as well but not to the extent of the females of the race.  Or rather the females are able to resist the males pheromones while the males are not able to resist their counterparts.
THis is why in STO both the males and females of the species have the racial ability "Seduce"
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 03, 2015, 02:25:07 AM
Ahem, not too keen on posting all kinds of trek species in that thread. See edit of my previous post here. If there are no characters of the species present in the story (NPCs doesn't count) then they will not be listed here. Then Memory Alpha will serve just as well.

Hope you understand. I am not able to make graphics for all those species.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on August 03, 2015, 02:30:29 AM
Regarding the character of Cardamone.  Her role player and I had been establishing a certain relationship between Miles and her.  As such if her new roleplayer would like to continue this relationship and would like details on certain agreements between the two of them I would be happy to share them. 

If you wish to overtake her character and wish to terminate the relationship, as having a sort of romantic tie it isn't your kind of thing, or given my characters rather unique appearance (essentially being a furry for lack of a better term), and certain aspects of the kinds of sexual acts the two happened to share with each other.   I would ask the relationship ends in a way that is explained story wise and as such would end in a way that fits the personalities of both of our characters.  Given the amount of in story build up that has been made I feel it would be wrong to just ignore their previous bonds and such aside as if nothing happened.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on August 03, 2015, 11:58:16 PM
Please bear with me these next few days while I try to find time to make a reply for my chars. I should be able to make one today. Sorry to those waiting on me. :/
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on August 04, 2015, 12:58:16 AM
I think I'm speaking for everyone here when I say that life has this annoying tendency to happen and get in the way of posting and that we understand.

But at any rate, thanks for the heads-up.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on August 08, 2015, 06:48:09 AM
Dear all,

I deeply apologize for the length of my delay in replying. These have been the most difficult and challenging two weeks of my life so far, and it's affected my performance both here and in real life. In addition to being threatened with job loss after only working for three months, less than that, actually, and compromising my place here in Theurgy, I had a slight bout of depression and anxiety. Don't live in the greatest neighbourhood in the world, and my country's on the verge of civil riot. House has shown signs of being broken into, and I live alone with my mum, so I haven't gotten very good sleep or been in the best state of mind.

This might come as a bit of a surprise to you, Lucan since I didn't mention this in our PM.

Anyhow, I just thought I'd explain what's been happening to me a bit, so that hopefully, you'd understand, and I apologize again for my slow responses, compared to when I first started and was responding within seconds at a time. I can't say I'll ever be that fast again anytime soon unless someone can help me find an online job that pays me enough to keep my head above water, and also have the time to spare to follow my passions of writing and roleplay.

Still, I should be able to reply within the day from here on out. I actively check Theurgy on my Tab, so I can even respond from there if need be.

Anyways, live long, and prosper.

I shall be writing a reply now.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 08, 2015, 12:21:34 PM
Replied to the PM, and I am sorry to hear about these further details to your RL situation. I hope things will quiet down where you live and that things will become easier at work - that you get the recognition that you deserve there. Sleep deprivation, while merely the product of all other horrible things you mention, is a hellish detriment to trying to write when you do find some time for it.

I may not have any online job suggestions, but the first months at a new job in a new industry (especially) are always tougher, so I hope you will find things become easier for you, which I am certain they will if you just continue to do your best and make your employers content with your performance. You may have the eye on you in the beginning, but they will find other new employees to devote that time on, I am sure.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on August 08, 2015, 01:39:31 PM
Life happens, and sometimes it happens in messy ways, all at once, and all over the place. RL always comes first. So you focus on what you need to focus on. Be safe, as best you can, and carry on with that job. We will be here when you need a good distraction, and I think everyone in the group understands that your response time needs to take a.back seat to other concerns.

In short, good luck, and we understand :)

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on August 08, 2015, 03:38:40 PM
Thanks so much for understanding. :)

I've posted now.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on August 10, 2015, 12:29:38 PM
Shall I post a reply for Captain Ives and the others in Undoing, or will we be moving to the next chapter?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 10, 2015, 01:21:44 PM
07: Undoing Information

In 07: Undoing, I will be posting with Thea/Ives next now that the remaining mutineers have been brought up, IC-wise presenting the Lexorin dispersal solution combined with Maya and Cir'Cie's help to solve that bit. I will also post one last time with Nicander in Sickbay.

Besides me, RosariaRosette will post with Fasha and Eun Sae, and IronFerrox wanted to post with Miles and Aisha after my post. That's it, though! We are done!

Epilogue Information

It's now time for everyone to post once per character in the Epilogue, where everyone may pick a time during the afternoon and evening on that same day, depicting  their character in a scene that brings closure to this story we have written together. Don't forget to mention when - during the same day as the battle was - that your Epilogue post takes place!


If you can't think of a scene or don't want to post since you feel that you have nothing to add to what you have already posted earlier, please inform me via PM so that I can cross your name from my Epilogue list.

If people want to write out scenes together, instead of posting once on their own, that is perfectly alright too. Just make sure to inform the one you are to write with.

I will be posting here again soon with information about Interregnum 03-04!

If you have feedback or want to discuss the Episode's ending, feel free to post here!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on August 11, 2015, 05:07:52 PM
For anyone who wants to go psycho seeing someone arguing with herself, enjoy Edena Rez's post in the Epilogue. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on August 11, 2015, 08:50:07 PM
Just read that post. Quite entertaining to see one person hold such a complex discussion with herself.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Absinthe on August 12, 2015, 11:56:31 AM
Sorry I've been away for so long. I've been busy with life recently and without internet access, beyond my not-so-smartphone which I can't post from, so it's been insane.

Anyway I managed to get a couple of posts up, including the first Lahkesis Saugn in a long time. I hope they read ok and give some insight, at least the Lahkesis Saugn one.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on August 13, 2015, 01:45:25 PM
I would be the last person to fault you, Sirus. I've been there myself already.

In the mean time, Auctor, I really don't know why, but Henshaw just makes me so...wordy. >.<

Brace yourself for the verbal diarrhoea.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on August 13, 2015, 03:09:51 PM
There's nothing wrong with that.  Sometimes, characters just run away from you.  Or that's just the way they want to be written.  Hell, I put out a wall of text just for Trent to have a shower and crawl into bed!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on August 13, 2015, 03:16:18 PM
Nothing wrong with being wordy on a writing site. Tho verbal diarrhoea is a hell of a way to describe it lol.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 14, 2015, 02:13:11 AM
It was a great post Triage, no worries there. :)

I am planning on posting with Ives and with Nicander next in the Epilogue and the Aisha/Ives scene, but since people are starting to wrap up Episode 03 for their characters, I have the below to present to you:


DAY 01
Chain of Command 

- 0900 hrs. XO Promotion 
DAY 02
Memorial Services 

DAY 03

DAY 04
Restocking the Ship 

DAY 05
Senior Staff Meeting 

DAY 06
Battle Preparations 

DAY 07
Messages to Loved Ones


As you may discern, the above calendar is a means for us all to keep track of the threads we might post in the Interregnum. Day 01 is the day after the battle with the Calamity. I have only added one thread so far, this being the thread that will depict Carrigan Trent being offered the XO position and what would immediately follow that.

I have also added a general focus for each day of the week that the Interregnum lasts. Yet despite the focus - or theme - for each day, this should not feel restrictive for you all. It is merely a means to keep track of the days and what happened which day. Away-missions might last for more than one day, so I will opt to fill in the multiple-day duration of away missions into the calendar.

When you post your threads on the board, or inform me about the intention of writing threads here or via PM, I will be updating the above calendar and post it in this thread.

Furthermore, please adhere to the formatting of the thread starters as well as the standard of subject layout we use. Here is some code to help you out:

New thread subject:
Code: [Select]
DAY XX: Your Title [XXXX hrs.]

New thread header:
Code: [Select]
[size=12pt][color=white]DAY XX: Your Title [XXXX hrs.][/color][/size] 

[b][ Character Name | Location | Deck XX ][/b]  [i]Attn: Character 1, Character 2 etc.[/i]

That's all for tonight in regard to the Interregnum, but tomorrow, I will be brainstorming a lot of ideas for all of your characters and post my ideas here. Ideas which may be discarded or included in the calendar after I hear back from you. It will be an organic discussion too, people entirely free to make suggestions of their own about what they want to write.

So I hope we all become inspired, and let me know where to schedule your time for your characters.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 15, 2015, 02:42:06 AM
Thread Suggestions for Interregnum 03-04

Hello everyone! Like I said yesterday, I will start to write out some ideas that come to mind for threads that could be interesting to write/read. Please consider these as suggestions and I would love if you all could comment by number on the suggestions that would involve your own characters (yea/nay/what?/etc.). This, so that we can see if we have a match of interest between involved writers, then we'll fit the scene into the calendar. In no particular order, here are some ideas of mine, and I hope you may like some of them at least.

There! I have more, but I think that would do to initiate the talks. Please let me know if any of these are to your liking by posting here in the OOC.

Moreover, please bear in mind that the above ideas are not inluding the seven "official" posts for each day that I will be writing, which will all pick up on the themes suggested for the days. Here is what I had in mind for each say and what everyone can post reactions to since they are all affected.

DAY 01
Chain of Command 

This day is dedicated to promotions and changes in the crew manifest. The inaugural post here would be Ives offering the XO position to Carrigan Trent, but other promotion scenes would be handled in majority on this day as well. This because the ship needs to have an established chain-of-command.

DAY 02
Memorial Services

Funeral services and dedicated words to those who died in the mutiny and the battle with the Calamity. Burial in space, caskets sent off into the oblivion? Not entirely decided yet. A day of mourning those lost.

DAY 03

Besides promotions, there are also awards and medals to hand out, commendations etc. Perhaps a good day to visit Below Decks in the evening?

DAY 04
Restocking the Ship

Using Trent's info, the Theurgy visits a hidden Federation weapon silo to restock before the coming battle. This might entail some fighting for an away-team?

DAY 05
Senior Staff Meeting

A brief such covering the planning of the raid against SB84.

DAY 06
Battle Preparations

Drills for the boarding parties are held during the whole week, but perhaps depicted more in detail here since it follows the Senior Staff Meeting.

DAY 07
Messages to Loved Ones

The day before the suicide mission to SB84. This would be the time where everyone makes personal logs to their loved ones in the Federation, talking about what has happened, the truth about Starfleet Command, and that they might not survive in the ambition to spread the truth. Everyone saying their farewells in their personal logs.

So, we will see how ambitious we are about all of this, but the skeleton framework is in place so that we can fill it as much as we want to. Let me know if you have additional ideas by posting here in the OOC.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 15, 2015, 09:36:53 AM
Termination of Membership - Searcher

Sadly, Searcher is no longer a member of the Star Trek: Theurgy Group because of lacking posting activity. The reason behind the drop in activity is RL burdens and lacking time to keep up with the story, but despite this, she took the time to wrap the remaining scene she had with Eve Jenkins in the Medical Labs, and for that I am very grateful.

As for Searcher's characters, which are Eve Jenkins, Skye Carver and Rory Callahan, she has expressed her will that no one inherits them because she is not comfortable with anyone else playing them for the continuation of the story. This, of course, will be respected and the only time her characters will be played will be by me and only so far as our General Rules state in regard to opening up the positions that her characters currently hold:

III. The main storyline is run by the Game Moderator, who is ultimately responsible for the well-being of the group and the story. Any problems, concerns, questions or complaints may be directed to the Game Moderator via PM. [Contact Auctor Lucan] The Game Moderator may put the characters of inactive writers in stasis for the sake of opening positions for new applicants to the RP. If a writer is inactive, it may affect the whole RP if s/he has characters in key positions.

Thank you for the years you have been writing with us, Searcher, and I hope you find enjoyment in all your future writing endeavours.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on August 15, 2015, 02:43:45 PM
Wishing you the best of luck, searcher
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on August 15, 2015, 04:14:57 PM
Sad to see you go Searcher. The best of luck in life and hope to hear from you from time to time.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on August 15, 2015, 06:19:16 PM
I didn't really want to leave and was hoping when school started back Monday things would be easier for me but my life is just filled with too much right now and I know it's not fair to you guys to wait on me.  I enjoyed my time here and will miss you guys.  *big hugs*
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: The Counselor on August 16, 2015, 04:32:38 AM
Best of luck Searcher! I completely understand the pressures of real-life and hope you can rejoin us soon.

I just wanted to echo what Lucan said about threads with Hayden. I would absolutely love to write with anyone, whether it's a quick counseling chat, something more extensive, or even something social. I would expect Hayden would check in with just about everyone, especially those who were brainwashed. 

If you don't want to thread, that's cool.  Perhaps folks could mention seeing her off-camera?

In any case, I know she'll be busy!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on August 16, 2015, 09:50:53 PM
Just a heads up for all you guys. Going to a festival from Wednesday 19/8 till Sunday 23/8. So posting and the checking of posts or pms will be very slim to non existant.

On another note, I like the ideas you had in mind Lucan. If the other players are open for the ideas as well I'd say we're in business.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 17, 2015, 09:21:27 PM

We have 200 watchers on DeviantArt!
That means that whenever one of your character images are posted in our gallery, 200 people have asked to know about it and see it.

*dances an excited little jig.*

Ahem, that's all.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on August 18, 2015, 02:21:06 PM
Always nice to see folks paying attention to the art work ;)

Question about your post in.interregnum, Canadian vet - hard to tell, for me, if you were saying Stark and O'Connel were on the bridge with the rest of the senior staff and were surprised by it, or that they were not, and Trent wasn't surprised given gow much they had to do....

I haven't had coffee yet this morning, makes sorting things.out slow for me ^^;;;;
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on August 18, 2015, 07:15:47 PM
Trent is surprised they are there considering the extensive workload they both are looking at and would have an easier time dealing with if they were in their office/engineering where they wouldn't have to deal with Bridgy stuff  8)

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on August 19, 2015, 09:29:15 AM
lol, nice post and a surprise for Trent, Ives. XD

In the mean time, my mind is so much trash right now, but have fun with my replies for Cameron and Edena. :P

Somehow I'm imagining Edena might have a running gag of interrupting couples in the middle of intimacy. :P

Might not happen, but my need for comedy is saying it's possible. Congratulations to Trent and all the promotions due here and there. :)

Also, that's great to know how popular the story of Theurgy's becoming.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 20, 2015, 12:37:12 AM

I have updated the calendar and gathered all required information below. Important to remember: The Interregnum is supposed to be free-form role-playing. You may post whatever threads you want to write there with how many you like as long as you don't blow up the ship, so to speak. One thing to have in mind is that repairs and drills for the the boarding of SB84 should permeate the whole week, and we have named the days for specific major events that will be posted as I write them out, but besides that, you are all free to make shit up as you please, okay? However, despite the focus - or theme - for each day, this should not feel restrictive for you all. It is merely a means to keep track of the days and what happened which day. Away-missions might last for more than one day, so I will opt to fill in the multiple-day duration of away missions into the calendar.

This is supposed to be your vacation from the more linear storytelling of the Episodes. When you guys post your thread starters, I will simply add them to the calendar. All I request is that you try to adhere to the formatting of the thread starters as well as the standard of subject layout we use. Here is some code to help you out:

New thread subject:
Code: [Select]
DAY XX: Your Title [XXXX hrs.]

New thread header:
Code: [Select]
[size=12pt][color=white]DAY XX: Your Title [XXXX hrs.][/color][/size] 

[b][ Character Name | Location | Deck XX ][/b]  [i]Attn: Character 1, Character 2 etc.[/i]


DAY 01
Chain of Command 

- 0500 hrs. Renard/Husker
- 0900 hrs. XO Promotion 
- 1100 hrs. ThanIda/Husker
- 1115 hrs. Natalie/Trent
- 1200 hrs. -> Away-Mission
- 1400 hrs. Simon/Heather
DAY 02
Memorial Services 

<- 1000 hrs. Away-Mission
- 1200 hrs. Funeral Ceremony
DAY 03

DAY 04
Restocking the Ship 

DAY 05
Senior Staff Meeting 

DAY 06
Battle Preparations 

DAY 07
Messages to Loved Ones

Day 01 is the day after the battle with the Calamity.

DAY 01
Chain of Command 

This day is dedicated to promotions and changes in the crew manifest. The inaugural post here would be Ives offering the XO position to Carrigan Trent, but other promotion scenes would be handled in majority on this day as well. This because the ship needs to have an established chain-of-command.

DAY 02
Memorial Services

Funeral services and dedicated words to those who died in the mutiny and the battle with the Calamity. Burial in space, caskets sent off into the oblivion? Not entirely decided yet. A day of mourning those lost.

DAY 03

Besides promotions, there are also awards and medals to hand out, commendations etc. Perhaps a good day to visit Below Decks in the evening?

DAY 04
Restocking the Ship

Using Trent's info, the Theurgy visits a hidden Federation weapon silo to restock before the coming battle. This might entail some fighting for an away-team?

DAY 05
Senior Staff Meeting

A brief such covering the planning of the raid against SB84.

DAY 06
Battle Preparations

Drills for the boarding parties are held during the whole week, but perhaps depicted more in detail here since it follows the Senior Staff Meeting.

DAY 07
Messages to Loved Ones

The day before the suicide mission to SB84. This would be the time where everyone makes personal logs to their loved ones in the Federation, talking about what has happened, the truth about Starfleet Command, and that they might not survive in the ambition to spread the truth. Everyone saying their farewells in their personal logs.

Thread Suggestions for Interregnum 03-04

Please consider these as suggestions and I would love if you all could comment by number on the suggestions that would involve your own characters (yea/nay/what?/etc.). This, so that we can see if we have a match of interest between involved writers, then we'll fit the scene into the calendar.

Please let me know if any of these are to your liking, or if you have additional ideas, by posting here in the OOC.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on August 20, 2015, 01:10:28 AM
CanadianVet - thanks for clarifying :)
Nolan - I'm in for the chat b/t our characters. Can't remember if I confirmed that with y'all or not.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 21, 2015, 02:02:55 PM
Starbase 84 Specifications Update

Hi there everyone! Some of you have created characters that will be introduced in the Prologue of Episode 04: Simulcast. Either they are characters commissioned to the stabase, or they are a part of the crew of the USS Resolve, which will be docking at SB84 in the prologue and meet with the base commander, which will be played by me. I have a character sheet for him underway, but it is not finished yet.

I do however have the pleasure to announce that DocReno will be playing the Chief Tactical Officer on the Resolve (character application process underway) and Brutus will be playing Starbase 84's Cheif of Security (same there). Current characters on the base and the Resolve is listed here:

As you might notice at the bottom of that listing, I have also added Starbase 84's technical specifications and some helpful blueprints that a fantastic illustrator made available on his homepage (see disclaimer). Pay special attention to the "Sheet 5: Administration/Recreational Module" sheet, where I imagine that a lot of the scenes in the Prologue will be played out. Yet without further a due, here it is the preliminary version of the information (barring required edits as we find discrepancies and need to add stuff for the mission):

Starbase 84                          Ournal-class                Federation[Show/Hide]
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Zenozine on August 23, 2015, 07:34:34 AM
Sorry I have been dead for so long, things just came in a wave for me, had to do a lot of carpentry work lately and it has been eating all of my time. And couple this with a lot of writers block and I have just been out of it all.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 23, 2015, 09:33:06 AM
Sorry to hear that Zeno. Writer's Block is a bitch. Looking forward to when you can post, and unless you have seen them already, you'll find some PM's from me with info to help you out in your inbox.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Zenozine on August 23, 2015, 09:41:16 AM
Yes I have seen them, I have to post in the epilogue for Hylota and possibly Cinn, and the on Day 1 900 hours I will have to pot with Cinn handing back command of the ship to Captain Ives.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on August 24, 2015, 10:41:52 AM
Right, back from the festival and after three showers I still feel like there's dirt all over my body and that I'm still wearing earplugs.
That said, I'll be starting to post while catching up!

@ Brutus, A chat between our chars is good for me too, though I thought I had given an all green for every possibility with all my chars. So Looking forward to it ^^

Now back to reading and posting!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on August 24, 2015, 01:45:52 PM
Welcome back. I'm pretty sure you gave an all good as well. I ess just saying I'm in too, I think :)

/me wanders off for coffee!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 27, 2015, 12:39:27 AM

Hi there!

While I have had the flu for a couple of days, making it hard to focus on writing, I have been able to work on some graphics for you all.

IronFerrox has devoted a lot of time to the layout and information about the Theurgy's Yacht, and therefore I can only take credit for the visualisation of this project and the final touches to the design. It was incredibly rewarding as an artist to work with, and I can but hope you guys like the result.

Without further a due, I present the Captain's Yacht!

Captain's Yacht (the Allegiant)


Vessel Name:         USS Allegiant (commonly ref. as "the Yacht")
Registry:                    NX-80978
Class:            Project Manta Prototype (Manta-class Advanced Scout)
Role:            Multi-Purpose Scout (Exploration, SAR, Tactical)
Constructed:            Antares Fleet Yards & Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards
Commissioned:            December 21st, 2379
Dedication:            "Let my armies be the rocks and the trees and the birds in the sky."
Dimensions:            20 x 25 x 6 meters
Full Impulse:            0.856c
Standard Cruising Speed:            Warp 5.2
Maximum Cruising Speed:            Warp 7.5
Emergency Speed:            Warp 8.56 [for an 2h duration]
Defense Abilities:            390 Isoton/s Shields (comparable to Valkyrie Mk. III specs)
11.1cm Type II Ablative Hull Armor (11.5cm OCP) (comparable to Valkyrie Mk. III specs)
FSQ-2 Deflector Shield
Tractor beam system
Class 5 Sensor Array
(x 2) LF-9X4 Compact Warp Drives
FIE Impulse Engine
Standard RCS Thruster Assembly
Standard Navigational Sensor Suite
Transporter Systems (2 pads, capable of beaming up to 6 people at once)
Mission configurable cockpit (1,2, or 4 person setup)
Spartan crew quarters for 10 (can easily be rearranged adding cots for passengers)
Small crew lounge with basic replicator and head (lounge can be converted to room for additional passengers.)
Advanced life support capabilities (even if the entire ship was packed with people at a standing room only capacity, atmospheric systems will last longer than maximum approved mission duration of 2 months*)
Tactical Abilities:            x 4 Type VI Phaser Arrays
x 2 Type XII Pulse Fire Phaser Cannons
x 3 Mk 25 Direct-Fire Micro Torpedo Launchers (55-round 12cm Type IV Micro-torpedoes each) 2 forward 1 aft
Armory (locker-sized)
Crew Compliment
Standard crew: 5 (Commanding officer, Pilot, Operations officer, Tactical officer & Medical officer
Spartan crew: 2 (Commanding officer & Pilot)
Minimum crew: (1) Pilot
Maximum crew: 10 (Commanding officer, CONN officer, Operations officer, Tactical officer, Communications officer, Engineering officer, Mission specialist, Medical officer & Security officers (2)
Passenger compliment: Standard operations allow up to 20
Maximum occupancy:  Untested

The Yacht, like many of the other things stationed on the USS Theurgy, is an experimental prototype. When it was decided that the Theurgy would serve as an experimental testbed for both a fighter squadron of the new mark 3 Valkyries and for a new system of computer interface (the Ship A.I.) it was decided that for a Captains Yacht they would integrate the prototype for the newest in the aeroshuttle series of scouting vessels into the hull of the saucer vector. It was an augmented version of the Talon-class scout, only refereed to as Project: Manta by the Advanced Starship Design Bureau.

Project Manta was the culmination in a long line of mission-specialized auxiliary craft starting with earlier development of the Peregrine-class Federation Attack Fighter.  The successful deployment of this ship for patrols near the Cardassian DMZ led to the development of a hybrid Runabout-fighter geared towards atmospheric flight and combat but also equipped with specialized sensor packages allowing for detailed planetary scans. This project led to the aeroshuttle-design, though it never gained much widespread use. Its advanced sensor package and atmospheric capabilities were further fine-tuned into the development of the Talon-class scout ship, which had gained much more widespread use within the Federation as a deep-space reconnaissance craft and as a medium sized military transport.  Given the Talon's advanced sensors and its capabilities to be further amplified, small sleets of these crafts could be deployed along the Federation's various neutral zones to aide in the detection of cloaked ships. 

Another notable accomplishment of the Talon-class was how its size and flight-profile was used in the development for the first wave of experimental fighters in the Valkyrie-project.  With the commissioning of a Mk III iteration of the Valkyrie Attack Fighter, the Talon-class scout ship was becoming outclassed and it was becoming apparent that in an arms-race where a single fighter could potentially destroy the scout, improvements were required to be made in order to keep the aeroshuttle-series a viable tactical choice.

It was with this in mind that development began on the first prototype of the new Exploration Scout.  The exploration scout would be viable for much longer mission lengths and would house a larger crew while still retaining the "aerowing" design that had made the series excel in atmospheric situations. It was decided that in lieu of a standard Talon-class scout being embedded into the Theurgy's hull as a Captains Yacht, the Theurgy would have its hull modified to have the Manta instead. Just like it's registry, it was also given an official name besides 'the Yacht', and that was the Allegiant.


Interior Layout


The cargo bays can be easily converted into passenger quarters by moving bunk cots as beds. Each warp nacelle is powered by a separate warp core, both of which feed into the opposite side's "nacelle" as well.  In the event that one core is ejected, the ship should, theoretically, be able to fly at low warp velocities.

The cockpit is holds one central seat with two control stations behind it, creating a copilot and tactical desk as well as a Captain's chair against the back wall.  During missions, the Co-pilot may act in both a Communications and Ops capacity, in some cases in a Mission-Ops type role as well.  Basically, if its a duty other than sensors, flying, firing weapons, or operating shields, then it is probably going to be handled via the Co-pilot's station. As a general rule - like the helm of a starship - the pilot's job is to fly. If there is no one at Tactical, then the pilot flies, controls weapons, and controls shields, similar to the role of a Tactical CONN officer when piloting a fighter.

Adjacent to the cockpit is the Sensor and Sciences room.  Sensor room has a small porthole to the front. Captain's observation room has a large transparent aluminium window similar to observation lounge windows. If the captain is not aboard the yacht, the Captain's Quarters and similar rooms are locked and are not to be entered.  If the captain wishes for the ranking officer of the ship to be given the use of the Captain's luxuries, then it is the Captain's right to grant that single officer access for duration of the mission.

This information above has been added at the bottom of this post for easy access:


I have the pleasure to announce that Brutus has decided to join with a tertiary character, this in the shape of:

( Lt. Komial Dotnihl            Chief Security Officer      Starbase 84 (
  - Played by Brutus

While I have not finished writing the character sheet, I have decided (with some help from some of you guys over IM) who will be the face-claim for the Base Commander. With the lack of black representation in our crew roster, the role of the new Episode's antagonist has been given to Taye Diggs. Images will be forthcoming, but here is one that I have not added a uniform to just yet:


That's all for now! I will be posting away as soon as this snot-filled skull lets me.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Absinthe on August 29, 2015, 10:29:46 AM
Hey guys, I'lll be dealing with some irl shit for a bit and won't have much time to post. Hopefully things will settle in a week or so. Please be patient in waiting for my next post. ~Stark
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on August 29, 2015, 11:28:09 AM
Hope all goes well for you, Sirus!

In the mean time, I've posted.

And holy shit, Auctor! I have ship envy right now! I LOVE that little captain's yacht!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on August 29, 2015, 12:14:36 PM
Hey guys, I'lll be dealing with some irl shit for a bit and won't have much time to post. Hopefully things will settle in a week or so. Please be patient in waiting for my next post. ~Stark

Life happens. Take what time ya need. Our thread at least will still be there when its all sorted :)

Best of luck!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 29, 2015, 01:39:13 PM
Thanks for the information Sirus and its awesome that you let us all know here in the OOC. Looking forward to your return and your posting in "Supplementary: All Jammed Up"!

Thank you also Triage for your feedback on the yacht. If anyone of you find any errors or discrepancies, don't hesitate to PM me or to post here with suggestions for improvements.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 31, 2015, 12:55:56 PM

Here are the promotions that I see makes a lot of sense. These are optional to write out scenes for, but they should involve the Department Heads besides the promoted character at the very least. So, go over this and arrange for new threads in the Interregnum as you guys see fit. Pending = To be incorporated into the Interregnum. Optional = To be decided OOC (and then written).

Former Lt. Cmdr. Carrigan Trent     [ Finished   | Promotion to Cmdr. & Executive Officer ]
Former MCPO Aisha S'Iti             [ Pending    | Promotion to Lieutenant ]
Former PO1 Ryuan Sel                [ Pending    | Promotion to CPO (or Ensign) & new Master-at-Arms ]
Former Lieutenant Duv               [ Unfinished | Promotion to Asst. Chief Medical Officer ]
Former Ens. Maya                    [ Pending    | Promotion to Lt. JG ]
Former Ens. Hylota Vojona           [ Pending    | Promotion to Lt. JG & Head Nurse ]
Former MCPO "Billy Bob" O'Connell   [ Optional   | Promotion to Lieutenant ]
Former Ms. Rihen Neyah              [ Optional   | Promotion to a Provisional rank in Engineering ]
Former Ms. Selena Ravenholm         [ Pending    | Promotion to a Provisional rank as Encryption Specialist in Ops. ]
Former PO1 Eun Sae Ji               [ Pending    | Promotion to CPO/Ensign ]
Former Ms. Heather McMillan         [ Optional   | Promotion to a Provisional rank in Science/Medical ]

If you guys have more suggestions for promotions, please PM me as soon as you can!


I have updated the calendar. Important to remember: The Interregnum is supposed to be free-form role-playing. You may post whatever threads you want to write there with how many you like as long as you don't blow up the ship, so to speak. This is supposed to be your vacation from the more linear storytelling of the Episodes. When you guys post your thread starters, I will simply add them to the calendar. All I request is that you try to adhere to the formatting of the thread starters as well as the standard of subject layout we use. Here is some code to help you out:

New thread subject:
Code: [Select]
DAY XX: Your Title [XXXX hrs.]

New thread header:
Code: [Select]
[size=12pt][color=white]DAY XX: Your Title [XXXX hrs.][/color][/size] 

[b][ Character Name | Location | Deck XX ][/b]  [i]Attn: Character 1, Character 2 etc.[/i]


Threads in italics are not posted yet. Blue threads are events that span several days. Each entry is now also a link.

DAY 01
Chain of Command 

- Time Judges All [0500 hrs.] (
- Rejuvenation [0900 hrs.] (
- The Path Ahead [0915 hrs.] (
- New Life [1000 hrs.] (
- Misgivings [1100 hrs.] (
- ThanIda/Husker [1100 hrs.]
- Encouragement [1115 hrs.] (
- 1200 hrs. -> Away-Mission
- A Fresh Start [1230 hrs.] (
- Meeting of the Minds [1300 hrs.] (
- Simon/Heather [1400 hrs.]
- A Quiet Chat [2100 Hrs] (
DAY 02
Memorial Services 

<- 1000 hrs. Away-Mission
- Funeral Ceremony [1200 hrs.]
DAY 03

DAY 04
Restocking the Ship 

DAY 05
Senior Staff Meeting 

DAY 06
Messages to Loved Ones

Day 01 is the day after the battle with the Calamity. Day 07 is now reserved for events in Episode 04: Simulcast.


One thing to have in mind is that repairs and drills for the the boarding of SB84 should permeate the whole week of the calendar, and we have named the days for specific major events that will be posted as I write them out, but besides that, you are all free to make things up as you please. However, despite the focus - or theme - for each day, this should not feel restrictive for you all. It is merely a means to keep track of the days and what happened which day. Here is the explanation for what will happen during the days of the Interregnum: [Show/Hide]


Please consider these as suggestions and I would love if you all could comment by number on the suggestions that would involve your own characters (yea/nay/what?/etc.). This, so that we can see if we have a match of interest between involved writers, then we'll fit the scene into the calendar:


Please let me know if any of these are to your liking, or if you have additional ideas, by posting here in the OOC.


Here are the characters that are available to be inherited as per our usual procedures. Drop me a PM if you are interested in either one of them!

( Lt. JG Zaraq                 Master-at-Arms [NPC]
  - Available to be played by all members

( PO1 Dyan Holly Cardamone     Security Officer [NPC]
  - Available to be played by all members

( Lt. JG Nathaniel Isley       Wolf-05 [Maverick] [NPC]
  - Formerly Played by Kurohigi

( PO1 Maal                     Nurse [NPC]
  - Available to be played by all members

( Ens. Cir'Cie                 Science Officer [NPC]
  - Available to be played by all members

That is all!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on September 02, 2015, 01:01:51 PM
Just a heads up - went on a trip starting yesterday to.visit some family and I grabbed the wrong laptop charger. Damn thing's battery was dead by the time I hit the hotel. Posts will come once I'm home Thursday or Friday. Don't want to try to post a bunch of threads from my phone >.<
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Absinthe on September 02, 2015, 04:12:43 PM
Ok, still dealing with shit in my personal life, but I managed to get a post up. I think the Lahkesis one is good where it stands and I ould happily continue in the Interregnum. I hope that works.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on September 03, 2015, 11:26:12 PM
Heads up, will try to get some posts out tomorrow. if not it'll probably be for after the weekend.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: DocReno on September 04, 2015, 01:00:30 AM
It's cool Nolan. Take your time, mate.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 04, 2015, 01:37:51 AM

It's great that everyone leaves notes here when they have to be away for a bit!

I have the pleasure of announcing that Episode 04: Simulcast has been opened for posting! I have PMed those of our writers that have characters at Starbase 84 and the USS Resolve, and I look forward to writing in the Prologue with them until the Theurgy arrives at the base in Chapter 01. Here is the link:

Episode 04: Simulcast | Prologue: "Homecoming" (

Furthermore, I have also finished the character sheet for Ian Hawthorne, the Base Commander of Starbase 84 (click the link):

( Cpt. Ian Hawthorne            Commanding Officer          Starbase 84
  - Played by Auctor Lucan

That is all for now! Next in line for me is starting up the away-mission in the Interregnum, where Stark, Maya, zh'Wann and S'Iti will go and collect survivors in the Harbinger crew's escape pods. I also have a few promotion threads to start up.

Hope this posts finds you all well!

Edit: After a fresh-eyed read through and some feedback, I have amended Hawthorne's character sheet with some details and updates.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on September 12, 2015, 10:18:14 PM
@sirus - liked the post. RE: your OOC statement; I'm more than willing to leave that scene as is and we can pick up a new thread for them dealing with the aftermath.

@nolan - Also liked your post. I'm happy to wait for Cir'Cie to show up before i post again.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 16, 2015, 11:19:42 AM

Hi there everyone! I figured it was time for an update for you all. Here is the list of active threads organised chronologically and by board, and all of these are links to click. I have also added posting reminders about who is next to post in all of them:

EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul | Part 2

EPILOGUE: Precepts By Which We Survive (
   1) One last post from CanadianVet with Sten Covington, ending the scene, no more posts required in the Fighter Assault Bay.
   2) One last post from The Counselor with Hayden O'Connor, ending the scene.
   3) With both these scenes finished, I will post one last time with Jien Ives, then I am locking this thread.


DAY 01: Time Judges All [0500 hrs.] Next poster: IronFerrox (
DAY 01: Rejuvenation [0900 hrs.] Next poster: Auctor Lucan (unless you guys want to post in reaction to the development) (
DAY 01: The Path Ahead [0915 hrs.] Next poster: Auctor Lucan (
DAY 01: New Life [1000 hrs.] Next poster: The Counselor (
DAY 01: Lost in the Mind [1015 hrs.] Next poster: Doc M. (
DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.] Next poster: Auctor Lucan (
DAY 01: Encouragement [1115 hrs.] Next poster: Brutus (
DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.] Next poster: Auctor Lucan (
DAY 01: SAR Away-Mission [1150 hrs.] Next poster: 1) Brutus 2) IronFerrox 3) Doc M. (My suggestion) (
DAY 01: Healing | Part 1 [1220 hrs.] Next poster: Anyone (
DAY 01: A Fresh Start [1230 hrs.] Next poster: Nolan (
DAY 01: Meeting of the Minds [1300 hrs.] Next poster: 1) Brutus 2) Nolan (
DAY 01: The First of Many Propositions [1400 hrs.] Next poster: Triage (
DAY 01: An Empty Pack [2030 hrs.] Next poster: 1) Doc M. 2) Triage 3) RosariaRosette (Fasha arriving) (
DAY 01: A Quiet Chat [2100 hrs.] Next poster: Triage (

DAY 02: Back From the Dead [0800 hrs.] Next poster: Zenozine (
DAY 02: Poker Night [2000 hrs.] Next poster: IronFerrox (

EPISODE 04: Simulcast

Episode 04: Simulcast | Prologue "Homecoming" (
- Base Commander's Office Next poster: 1) Triage 2) DocReno
- Promenade & Recreational Dome Next poster: Sirus & Triage (meeting with Ensign Six)
- Brig Next poster: 1) RedBaron 2) Brutus

There! I know from the poll that you guys like these so I figured I'd make a new one. Hope you guys feel like you've gotten a better grasp on the current ongoings.


Second on the list is the new Lone Wolves Squadron organisational chart, which I had thought IronFerrox communicated after completion but when backtracking PMs, I couldn't find it. So, here it is for all you fighter pilot writers out there:

Wolf-01 | Callsign: Iron-Fox 
Lt. Cmdr. Miles Renard
Flight/Element Leader

Wolf-02 | Callsign: Kestrel  
Ens. Skye Carver [NPC]
Fighter Pilot

Wolf-03 | Callsign: Morrigan 
Lt. JG Fasha
Flight/Element Leader

Wolf-04 | Callsign: Husker
Ensign CJ Slayton
Fighter Pilot

Wolf-05 | Callsign: Maverick
Lt. JG Nathaniel Isley [NPC]
Element Leader

Wolf-06 | Callsign: -------- 
Unnamed Wolf
Fighter Pilot

Wolf-07 | Callsign: GoldenEye 
Lt. JG Tessa May Lance
Flight/Element Leader

Wolf-08 | Callsign: -------- 
Unnamed Wolf
Fighter Pilot

Wolf-09 | Callsign: Ranger   
Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley
Element Leader

Wolf-10 | Callsign: --------
[Later Krystal Tancredi]
Fighter Pilot

Wolf-XX | Callsign: Razor [MIA]   
Lt. JG Thomas Ravon
Element Leader

If you guys have any questions, feel free to ask here or over PM. Please CC IronFerrox as well in this matter.


I figured I would take the opportunity to inform you that we have a new writer by the name RedBaron, and here is his character, who is currently in Starbase 84's Brig, awaiting transfer:

( Mr. Drauc T'Laus              Imprisoned Mercenary        Starbase 84
  - Played by RedBaron


Lastly I figured that I would inform you all about things I have in the pipeline, so to speak. I will refrain from putting them in order of estimated completion, but rather give you the gross list of things that I have planned for:

- Memorial Service at noon on Day 02
- Arranging for planned character meetings, commendations and disciplinary actions on Day 03 in the Interregnum
- Update our poster (removing inactive/killed characters and adding new)
- Update Lone Wolves Squadron image (same)
- Making two new front pages for the PDF books (INT 03-04 & EP04)
- Finish the PDF books for both parts of EP03
- Update 1) the Deck Layout image and 2) refine the information on the USS Theurgy, which is not a regular Prometheus-class starship but rather a Mk II Tactical Carrier, acting as a testbed for prototype tech like the Valyries, Thea and the Allegiant. Updating all this might force me to have old things retconned, but I want to avoid that as much as possible. (I need help with this project!)

If there is anything more that you are hankering for me to add to this list, please let me know.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on September 16, 2015, 11:35:27 PM
To all of you involved in the Star base 84 interactions, I just wanna say I'm intrigued by all the characters and the progress of the storylines there.

And also, their developments are already so interesting.

Ian Hawthorne is a very interesting man. It's hard to get a fix on him, but I like him so far. Impressive writing and work, Auctor!

Looking forward to seeing more of Keval, T'Frell and Six as well. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vystori on September 17, 2015, 12:20:23 AM
Thanks Triage! =3

I've been having a lot of fun developing her as a character. I'm looking forward to more interactions with everyone's characters as well. Should be interesting to see how she talks to and behaves around them. :D

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 18, 2015, 02:02:56 AM
In Rememberance

The memorial service has been posted for Day 02, held at noon. Here is the link:

Enjoy, and make your contribution to the scene.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on September 18, 2015, 02:31:04 AM
Works taken a turn for the suck, especially today and tomorrow. I owe about 5 posts - haven't forgotten y'all, time. I'll try/intend to post over the weekend while I'm still working not from home!)

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 19, 2015, 05:04:11 PM
Hi everyone!

Feedback requested on the below description of Thea's set-up. Does it make complete sense to people?

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on September 19, 2015, 06:22:51 PM
Protect Thea!


Sorry, that was random, I know. But it's Keira Knightley. :P

Anyways, just need a little help clearing things up on Below Decks. Because I'm starting to feel confused about who the heck's bartending right now.

I'd put Edena Rez as just one of the people hanging out at the bar rather than just taking over Rory's position. Or is there more than one bartender? I noticed some of the people posting there are either positioning Edena as being behind the bar, or Rory, or an unnamed female. I'm not sure what's going on. So, hoping for some clarity from the others. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 19, 2015, 07:23:08 PM
I'll clear up the continuity with my next post there, and perhaps I will have to take some liberties with the sequence of events and dialogue to do it. Hopefully, everyone will be on the same page then.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on September 20, 2015, 03:47:34 PM
Will have to read up about Thea. Anyway, I think I might have some free time (finally) tomorrow in the afternoon, so expect my replies to start coming out around that time.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 20, 2015, 05:36:41 PM
Seems my DA link went inactive.  Here is the relevant description again for everyone's review.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on September 21, 2015, 09:42:40 PM
I want to join the rp, and I have some ideas for how I want to make my character, (Line officer, science division probably human) and I am working out where and how I join the crew, but just wondering what else if anything I should know? (I already read the history and took note of the stuff in blue, I'm probably going to be one of the crew from the harbringer who was injured and wakes up in one of the sickbays a few days later... seems like the easiest jumping on point.)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 21, 2015, 10:09:57 PM
Hi there Kaligos!

No worries, I will be replying to you at length over PM and give you all the guidance you need. :) I have been busy over the weekend with family but now I am catching up with the PMs.


Aside from the Thea description, here is a floor plan for below decks, heavily inspired by Ten Forward, I think. It should serve, though.


Feedback is most welcome in both regards!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on September 21, 2015, 10:16:31 PM
The only piece of feedback I can offer right now would be to rotate the head 90 degrees to the left so the door is to the main room.  Right now, anyone who needs to take a leak would have to go through the bar office and storage to get there.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 21, 2015, 10:20:16 PM
Ah! The head was for the personnel only but I see your point, of course the guests would need somewhere to go too, lol. It will have to be two doors, one to the lounge and one to the lounge workers' area.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 22, 2015, 12:04:25 AM


Easy fix, but it works. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on September 22, 2015, 05:38:55 PM
Liking the layouts.

CanadianVet: re: ooc comment in encouragement - agree with you, we're good to end that scene

RedBaron, Lucan: re: Homecoming - working on my post, sorry for the delay. It's the largest of the ones that I owed, and with with being as ...heavy as it is, I just haven't had time to finish it :(
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vystori on September 22, 2015, 07:51:51 PM
Hey guys,

I had intended to post over this weekend for you, but we lost our AC and our house was just entirely too hot to think well enough to write properly. Now that it's fixed and we have cool air again though I'll be starting to work on my post tonight. =3

Just wanted to give y'all a brief update. =3

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RedBaron on September 22, 2015, 10:09:44 PM
Hello everyone glad to be apart of this, I am very shy about my writing talents. I hope you all get to know and love Drauc (Dur-rock by the way) i had fun making him.  

Thanks for letting me know sorry i didn't see this earlier.  :o 

Liking the layouts.

CanadianVet: re: ooc comment in encouragement - agree with you, we're good to end that scene

RedBaron, Lucan: re: Homecoming - working on my post, sorry for the delay. It's the largest of the ones that I owed, and with with being as ...heavy as it is, I just haven't had time to finish it :(
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on September 23, 2015, 03:00:25 AM
Hello everyone, It's a pleasure to meet you all officially.

I posted earlier with questions, and Lucian was very helpful in helping me bring my ideas to life. Just got to wait to figure out which scene he would be good in joining.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 23, 2015, 09:21:29 PM

While this might be a bit ahead of time, with Krystal Tancredi not having become a Lone-Wolf yet, here it is. As you can see, I have also added Eun Sae Ji since she belongs right next to Papa Bear. Lastly, I gave Fasha and Tancredi the right number on the shoulder of their exosuits. Enjoy.

( (

[Click Image to Enlarge]

Let me know if you guys want to change something or polish some aspect of the image!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on September 23, 2015, 10:35:36 PM
Would everyone okay if Hi'Jak joined the events happening in the promenade on Starbase 84 in the prolog thread?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 24, 2015, 01:23:26 AM
I think its an excellent idea! Please let Vystori post with Ensign Six first, then you can have Jack become drawn there because of F'Rell. Imagine his interest in F'Rell because of the his field of science? He would be comparing her to deep sea creatures, I reckon.

It's great that connection is made between the Resolve crew and those on SB84 that is bound to end up on the Theurgy. I will be sending out some barebone ideas for development in the prologue too.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vystori on September 24, 2015, 02:21:16 AM
He would be comparing her to deep sea creatures, I reckon.

Oh noes! I already did that. D:! When I chatted with Sirus that was how they described F'Rell, was like a jellyfish. Oh dear I hope I didn't overstep. o:
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on September 24, 2015, 02:43:27 AM
Not at all, in fact Six's comparison allowed a perfect entrance for Jack. As he could make a few more educated guesses about F'Rell than most people.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on September 24, 2015, 01:23:04 PM
And now, Krystal will turn into a hamster of war. :P

Love the updated Lone Wolves picture, Auctor. It looks great! :D

All eyes go to Papa Bear and Eun though, simply because they just stand out. :P

Nice replies, Vystori and Kaligos. :) Mine's coming in a bit.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vystori on September 24, 2015, 02:14:38 PM
Thanks Triage. I actually felt a bit bad about my post because it was so short. I'm not usually so small in the posting area. xD

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on September 24, 2015, 05:28:10 PM
Nah, not all posts need to be walls of text. I once wrote a 1,000-word long post, but it felt forced, and I cut it down to a 300-word post, which felt better to me. Sometimes, long-winded isn't good. Sometimes. But if you feel it should have more, then you know, that's what the "modify" button is for :D

I don't think there's any replies I need to make for Cameron Henshaw at the moment, right? >.>

Also, Auctor, feel free to post with Ian Hawthorne first, then I'll fire up a reply with Tristan. :)

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 24, 2015, 06:17:11 PM
No replies for Cameron atm, per say, but I am still waiting for everyone to post in reply to the Memorial Service, where characters may spay respect to the dead before Ives holds his short speech and the caskets are beamed out into space.

DAY 02: In Remembrance [1200 hrs.] ( Attn: All

As for Ian Hawthorne, I am waiting for Brutus to post with Komial in a post he has already begun writing, where she will come by and then leave for the Brig, meeting with Drauc.

Next in line for me writing-wise is Zaraq + a last post with Jien Ives before I lock the Epilogue thread and close EP03 definitively and entirely. CanadianVet, will you be wrapping the scene with Covington or should we consider the Hangar scene closed?

In Below Decks, Doc M. is next with Tessa May Lance, then I can post with Rawley's follow-up question.

I am waiting for Zenozine to post with Wenn Cinn and Hylota respectively in separate threads, and Wenn Cinn's presence is also requested in "Back From the Dead" (

What I can write is a post with Ida in the SAR Away Mission thread, and I will tonight. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 24, 2015, 11:47:21 PM

Here is the latest version with all our new faces! Hope you all like it.

( (
[Click image for full size]

In case you are wondering, I had to leave Rihen Neyah out of it as well as our NPCs: Zaraq, Dyan Cardamone, Maal & Cir'Cie.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vystori on September 30, 2015, 09:08:29 PM
Hey guys,

I know it's my turn to post, and I just wanted to let you all know I haven't forgotten. I've been sick the last few days so I'm working on getting better. Soon as I'm able I'll get you all out a post though. ^___^

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 02, 2015, 08:42:28 AM

Hi there everyone! I figured it was time again for an update for you all! Oh, while it's not a big thing in Sweden, Happy Halloween!

Here is the list of active threads organised chronologically and by board, and all of these are links to click. I have also added posting reminders about who is next to post in all of them:

EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul | Part 2

EPILOGUE: Precepts By Which We Survive (
I will post one last time with Zaraq and Jien Ives in the Epilogue, then I am locking this thread. I can also start working on the PDF book.


DAY 01: Time Judges All [0500 hrs.] Next poster: Next visitor in Renard's office (anyone) (
DAY 01: Rejuvenation [0900 hrs.] ( Finished!
DAY 01: The Path Ahead [0915 hrs.] Next poster: Zenozine (
DAY 01: New Life [1000 hrs.] Next poster: The Counselor (
DAY 01: Lost in the Mind [1015 hrs.] Next poster: Sirus (
DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.] Next poster: Zenozine (
DAY 01: Encouragement [1115 hrs.] ( Finished!
DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.] Next poster: DocReno (
DAY 01: SAR Away-Mission [1150 hrs.] Next poster: 1) Brutus 2) 2) Doc M. 3) IronFerrox (
DAY 01: Healing | Part 1 [1220 hrs.] Next poster: Anyone (
DAY 01: A Fresh Start | Part 1 [1230 hrs.] Next poster: Nolan (
DAY 01: A Fresh Start | Part 2 [1240 hrs.] Next poster: IronFerrox (
DAY 01: Meeting of the Minds [1300 hrs.] Next poster: Nolan (
DAY 01: The First of Many Propositions [1400 hrs.] Next poster: Triage (
DAY 01: An Empty Pack [2030 hrs.] Next poster: DocReno (
DAY 01: A Quiet Chat [2100 hrs.] Next poster: Triage (

DAY 02: Back From the Dead [0800 hrs.] Next poster: Doc M. (
DAY 02: In Remembrance [1200 hrs.] Next poster: Everyone except Canadianvet, Nolan & Doc M. (
DAY 02: Digital Relations [1500 hrs.] Next poster: Doc M. (
DAY 02: Poker Night [2000 hrs.] Next poster: CanadianVet (

EPISODE 04: Simulcast

Episode 04: Simulcast | Prologue "Homecoming" (
- Base Commander's Office Next poster: Triage
- Promenade & Recreational Dome Next poster: Vystori
- Brig Next poster: Brutus

There! Please PM me or post here is there are any questions. :)


FYI, Brutus is busy at work but will hopefully be able to post in the SB84 Brig and the SAR Away-Mission this weekend. DocReno's desktop computer has died and he is writing from a tablet last I heard. Vystori has been ill but is on the recovery. Other writers are likely busy with ordinary IRL routines, and we have Halloween coming up right? I admit to not being well versed in that tradition so I don't know the dates.


I will again inform you all about things I have in the pipeline. I will refrain from putting them in order of estimated completion, but rather give you the gross list of things that I have planned for:

- Memorial Service at noon on Day 02
- Update our poster
- Update Lone Wolves Squadron image
- Updated the floor plans with better headers
- Made an additional NSFW image that can be found in our DeviantArt Gallery
- Made a description of Thea's systems
- Updated the Tactical Conn Exosuit image with specs and a header added Image: [Show/Hide]
- Added specifications of for the kind of Escape Pod that the USS Harbinger had, posted in the SAR Away-Mission thread
- Write a kind of bare-bone manuscript for the Prologue of Episode 04: Simulcast. Just some general idea without being too specific and lock you guys to write specific things. This will hopefully be sent today.
- Arranging for planned character meetings, commendations and disciplinary actions on Day 03 in the Interregnum
- Making two new front pages for the PDF books (INT 03-04 & EP04)
- Finish the PDF books for both parts of EP03
- Update 1) the Deck Layout image and 2) refine the information on the USS Theurgy, which is not a regular Prometheus-class starship but rather a Mk II Tactical Carrier, acting as a testbed for prototype tech like the Valyries, Thea and the Allegiant. Updating all this might force me to have old things retconned, but I want to avoid that as much as possible. (I need help with this project!)

If there is anything more that you are hankering for me to add to this list, please let me know.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on October 04, 2015, 05:06:57 PM
Notes on my Homecoming post:
If anyone wants to run a Medical NPC of some form, feel free to chime in and swing on by the brig. Totally optional though, as the scene can be resolved without a medic present. Figured I'd put an offer out there though.

As for calling the medical wing Sector General - stole the idea from the more recent run of Deep Space Nine novels, all set after Nemisis. I'll spare y'all spoilers, but the idea that a starbase 'sickbay' was far more like a hospital in its own right really stuck with me, and I figured it'd be best to steal that idea and incorporate it here as well.

Time to go play with SAR.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on October 04, 2015, 06:37:29 PM
Last time I remembered Halloween should be around 31 October. Or at least it is here. Not sure if it's on the same day in the rest of the world. Anyway schedule is swamping me to hell, but I got some replies out!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Zenozine on October 05, 2015, 01:54:04 AM
I am sorry...just going to step back for a bit, my granfather just passed and I am feeling an emptiness right now. Just give me a few days to collect myself.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on October 05, 2015, 07:00:56 AM
Keeping you in prayer, Vystori, get well soon.

Just recovered from serious air poisoning myself, so I know how not fun being sick is.

Nolan, nice replies. :)

Zenozine, my deepest condolences to you and your family. Take your time. :(

Hope everyone else is doing well. See you all in the game.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 05, 2015, 04:28:21 PM
Sorry to hear about your loss, Zenozine. My deepest condolences. We will be here when you feel ready and/or want distraction. Take care of yourself.

Regarding the rampant illnesses in the group, I have been feeling under the weather myself too, but nothing too serious. I suppose it's that time of the year. Looking forward to your reply with Six, Vystori, and I love the recent writing from all of you on the boards.

My replies are due and will come up as soon as I get to finish them!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vystori on October 07, 2015, 01:26:32 AM
Zenozine: My condolences for your loss. :(

Everyone else: I finally posted. xD Sorry it took so long. I was a bit sicker than I would have liked to admit. It took a bit for the brain fog to subside. Hopefully my post is well enough though. =3 I had a good giggle writing it. :D

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Zenozine on October 07, 2015, 04:47:45 AM
Thanks for everyone who who has had kind things to say, it has been something we knew was coming for a long a time, the man had been holding out for years, in the end it is both sad and reliving to know he is gone after seeing how time had caught up to him. I am feeling better now, and I will get to my posts again.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on October 08, 2015, 04:09:22 AM
This might come across as odd, but I was reading the latest post in the SAR mission thread and I was reminded of a logic problem that was right common in grade school, involving ferrying a cabbage, a sheep and a wolf across a river without anything being eaten but only being able to carry one item in the boat at a time...
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vystori on October 08, 2015, 05:56:30 AM
This might come across as odd, but I was reading the latest post in the SAR mission thread and I was reminded of a logic problem that was right common in grade school, involving ferrying a cabbage, a sheep and a wolf across a river without anything being eaten but only being able to carry one item in the boat at a time...

I totally remember that riddle and I told it to my kids to see if they could figure it out too! :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 08, 2015, 09:42:35 AM
I am familiar with the riddle, and I can understand how the situation would remind you of that, lol. Not a perfect fit but the problem nonetheless reminiscent.

Oh, btw, you need to take the goat across on the first crossing, return alone, and when you bring the wolf across secondly, you must take the goat with you on the way back to get the cabbage on the third crossing. On the fourth crossing, you take the goat across a second time.

Sorry, I could not help myself. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on October 08, 2015, 04:16:58 PM
I know it is my turn in the promenade I will post on the weekend
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Absinthe on October 09, 2015, 12:08:40 AM
Hey, Sorry I haven't been around that much. My life has been kind of hard recently and it's been difficult getting inspiration for writing. I will try and post tomorrow.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on October 09, 2015, 03:02:27 PM
I am familiar with the riddle, and I can understand how the situation would remind you of that, lol. Not a perfect fit but the problem nonetheless reminiscent.

Oh, btw, you need to take the goat across on the first crossing, return alone, and when you bring the wolf across secondly, you must take the goat with you on the way back to get the cabbage on the third crossing. On the fourth crossing, you take the goat across a second time.

Sorry, I could not help myself. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
ah yes a classic one.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on October 09, 2015, 04:41:38 PM
Indeed .fun logic problem, that.

Looking forward to all the posts. I'm working on my SAR one and will hopefully have a reply tonight.

Sirius, if you need to pick my brain for anything bt Sarresh and Sel just shoot me a pm and I'll be happy to bounce ideas around.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on October 10, 2015, 07:28:12 PM
Work is hectic like hell, might get to replying somewhere next week or in the weekends. Sorry for the wait guys!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on October 13, 2015, 02:16:44 AM
I have company over this week.  Expect delays in my posts.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on October 15, 2015, 12:23:58 PM
First few posts are out, the rest will follow.

Also, welcome to all the new players that I seemingly missed when they posted hello.
Looking forward to playing with all of you!

Back to work, so I think I should have replies out for everyone by the end of the week.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nyla on October 16, 2015, 01:54:11 PM
...Now I feel awkward for saying hello just after Nolan posted! *Waves awkwardly anyways*
I just wanted to introduce myself and hope that I can add to your roleplaying experience with my character A'vura, I'm not the best at writing but I apologise ahead! I really look forward to getting started and interacting with you all!
-Nyla / A'vura
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on October 17, 2015, 03:09:25 AM
Well hello Nyla, welcome to Theurgy!

Now, that SAR mission... That's one ballsy move right there!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on October 17, 2015, 04:16:07 AM
A little swamped at work right now. I'm hoping to get a post in tonight. See you all later. And welcome, Nyla!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nyla on October 17, 2015, 06:30:56 AM
Thanking you ^v^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on October 17, 2015, 10:05:19 AM
No need to feel awkward Nyla! A warm welcome to you too ^^ Looking forward to playing with you too.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RosariaRosette on October 18, 2015, 03:06:06 AM
just an update on me. I've been a bit busy at work lately but I should be able to get some posts up tonight.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 18, 2015, 01:07:42 PM
Hi there everyone! Welcome to Nyla, and judging by your writing in Homecoming, you certainly don't have any reason to be ashamed of your writing.:)

Sparring Thread Announcement

A new thread has been posted for the evening of Day 2:

DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.] (

Specifically, it is a sparring tournament for all interested. I have entered Jien and Ida to be challenged by anyone posting first. The one who posts first should not challenge both, however, since that would be hogging all the fun for yourself.

Consider this thread a tribute to the Battlestar Galactica episode "Unfinished Business".

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on October 18, 2015, 01:52:31 PM
Look for stuff from me tomorrow most likely :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on October 18, 2015, 05:41:08 PM
Replied for Krystal Tancredi. ^_^

And Nyla, if you're looking for Tristan, I can have her run into him and ch'Rayya if he's in agreement for it. We could all convene for a little private talk?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on October 19, 2015, 07:43:08 AM
as previously asked in PM I have posted for Hi'Jak so we can keep the plot train a chugging.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nyla on October 20, 2015, 12:04:45 AM
Thanks! And I'd like to sort something, that'd be cool =]
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on October 21, 2015, 10:16:11 PM
Sorry for my lack of posting recently, had a physiology exam over the nervous system and i think it ate my lunch lel.

I think i got caught up on my posts ((SAR away mission awaiting a post from Lucan)

Phasmids I think i'll make a post soon (like friday at latest.)  i think there are another few people who might be able to post before me so thats not as big of a rush unless anyone needs me to post there ASAP.

Are there any threads waiting for a post from Miles, Aisha or Selena aside from those two?  if so please PM me the link to said thread and i will get right on the reply for it.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nyla on October 21, 2015, 10:33:13 PM
I hope your exam went well ^v^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 24, 2015, 02:26:23 AM
Replies are coming, people, I have just been busy moderating through PMs with applicants and sorting out stuff. :)

1) I will post in the SAR mission and get the current scenario settled

2) I will post with the mysterious Romulan at SB84

3) I will also post with Jien Ives in Sickbay

4) With Rihen Neyah in the corridor

Thanks for your patience!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on October 24, 2015, 10:23:50 PM
I hope your exam went well ^v^

actually it did! Made an 81 without the curve 90 with the curve added in.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 25, 2015, 10:13:12 PM

Hi there everyone! Those who are interested in Star Trek Online and in ships of the trek universe in general might have recognised the non-canon Gryphon-class attack fighter being used as our Mk III Valkyrie. The reason was as simple as me having played in simms earlier where the Gryphon fighter was used as the go-to fighter. Yet after comissioning a fellow artist to help us out, and he being somewhat of a genius when it comes to 3D modelling and spaceship/sci fi fighter design, we might not have to be borrowing the Gryphon design for the Lone Wolves' squadron's fighters.

What you see below is an original design he made just for us, so this is not a fighter that any other simm is using. It is not finished yet, but I wanted to give you all a preview of the design since... well, I am really excited about this project! While our Mk III Valkyrie is my concept, Pinarci ( is the artist that made this come to life for us. While the Gryphon-class was the original reference, you can clearly see that there have been some improvements to it. No more blocky, boxy nose-cone and angular lines, but a smooth design far more aerodynamic than the original fighter:


Like I said, it is not finished yet since the commissioning includes more details to the design. The bussard collectors need textures and there are no hard-points underneath the wings, but the image shows where the project is heading.

Looking forward to your feedback!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 25, 2015, 10:30:09 PM
PS. I forgot to mention that the commission includes an animation as well, and here is a still from it:


The animation will be in HD resolution and it will be one of many new additions to the new promotional trailer that I am working on. Yes, there is a new trailer in the making, and it will be - I think - a great improvement from the latest one. I hope you all will agree with me when you see it. While some elements from the old trailer might reoccur, the music, pace and timing of it will be new and more high-paced.

Anyway, that's all for now!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on October 25, 2015, 11:26:25 PM
after seeing that... I kinda want to fly one now... too bad I play a scientist.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 26, 2015, 12:52:06 PM
Heheh, well, Junior Lieutenant Nathaniel "Maverick" Isley is still available to be inherited, and he is one of the Lone Wolves that fly these things. ;)

Glad to hear you like it. Anyone else have any feedback?

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on October 26, 2015, 01:21:29 PM
And when we raid a supply depot, who's to say we can't lay our grubby little paws on crated, some-adult-assembly-required Mk III's meant as front-line replacements?  And more pilots at SB84?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 26, 2015, 02:08:59 PM
Heh heh, indeed! I think that down the line, we have several fighters that are really damaged (like Khorin "Hardtop" Douglas'), which only needs spare parts. This might be parts from Phantom's Mk II fighters, and scrap from the Mk I Reavers. If there are adult-assembly Mk IIIs available, there just might be enough parts to go around. Like you said, there will be pilots on SB84 and the Resolve too.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nyla on October 26, 2015, 11:21:19 PM
Feeling a little bit down lately and lacking inspiration, will respond to threads and PMs and such soon. Sorry!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 27, 2015, 03:35:23 AM
Sorry to hear that Nyla and let me know if you want to brainstorm potential development. Take care and we are looking forward to your posts when that muse shows up!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on October 28, 2015, 03:35:42 PM
Those fighters look pretty awesome! They do remind me of a crossover from BSG's raptors only more fighter lined and some game I used to RTS with. Looking forward to the trailer of them and to our new trailer as well!

As for posts, I should be working on those during the rest of the week so I think I should have everybody satisfied (or so I hope) by the end of the week.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on October 28, 2015, 09:46:17 PM
Plan to post for my characters that have outstanding tags tomorrow :) been a busy couple of work days.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 30, 2015, 09:11:32 AM
Lone-Wolf Nathaniel "Maverick" Isley Has a New Player!

Since Kurohigi left us, Triage and DocReno has taken over two of his characters, leaving me to NPC the last one as required. From today, however, Kaligos will be playing Nathaniel "Maverick" Isley of the Lone Wolves.

( Lt. JG Nathaniel Isley       Wolf-05 [Maverick]
  - Played by Kaligos

As always when one of our players inherit a character, Kaligos has been issued a creative licence in writing the character instead of adhering to the way he was played by Kurohigi. It is also entirely optional whether or not Kaligos revises the character sheet to fit his own take on Nathaniel Isley, this by posting a new sheet at his leisure.

There are five present threads where Nathaniel Isley could make an appearance (links here in chronological order):

1) DAY 01: Time Judges All [0500 hrs.] ( Speaking with Renard about his decision about Ravon
2) DAY 01: Healing | Part 1 [1220 hrs.] ( Rihen Neyah is at the Mess Hall
3) DAY 01: An Empty Pack [2030 hrs.] ( Greeting the new Lone-Wolf "Husker"
4) DAY 02: In Remembrance [1200 hrs.] ( Saying farewell to the lost ones before Jien's speech
5) DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.] ( Challenging ThanIda zh'Wann, fun EP01 references

Post wherever you like to and good luck with the new character, Kaligos!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on October 30, 2015, 02:55:36 PM
Best laid plans of mice and men and all that jazz. Got my SAR post in this morning. I don't think I have any other pending work, but if i do, drop me a line and I'll tackle it. For now, I'm just doing catch up reading.

work work work work, right?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on October 31, 2015, 04:56:28 AM
It is really awkward playing a character that you didn't create so I am just going to say this in the group thread.

Nathanial may not be the person you remember, No two writers have the same vision. I took him because his profile called him the anti-vulcan, and yet I have been told to play him with an edge of logic over his emotions. I intend to bring the emotions out more than that. I'm not sure if I'm going to write a new entry for him, but I'm considering it. I want to give him a few posts see how he feels and how I can revise him.

^^; but if people could take it easy on the continuity when dealing with Nathan I would be greatful. I have the highlights, and I've read the important threads, but I don't know everything about this characters history with all of you. I don't know who were his friends, who were his enemies, and most importantly I don't know the wolves.

I'm entering into a very challenging role because he is one of the original wolves, and while I have read the tactical con officers references and the crew manifest a hundred times, I'm entering a very well established team basically as a pod person. So please forgive me if I don't know your character at first sight... Nathan has been through a rough day.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Zenozine on October 31, 2015, 07:36:05 PM
I have nothing but sympathy for you Kaligos, I got lucky when I took on Wenn Cinn, I could rewrite him since he had come back from the dead, and even then it feels a bit weird stepping into the shoes of an established character who was used, died and came back before I had really gotten into the group. I wish you luck with the character you have inherited.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on November 01, 2015, 02:42:28 PM
Kaligos, you could always play off the different way you write Islay as a result of cumulative stresses affecting him.  Especially having to leave a friend and comrade in arms behind to die.  And if you like, I could underscore that change of behaviour with a Sten post in that thread with Miles to kinda draw a line between the "old" and "new" Islay?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on November 01, 2015, 06:15:37 PM
That's kinda what i was thinking Canadian, that the stress has been getting to him, and so he is in a phase of adjustment especially since that mission was his first command. And yeah I would appreciate the post with Sten, sorry if I was cutting into something important between you and the boss.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 02, 2015, 12:21:23 AM
I have no doubts you will do fine, Kaligos. Whatever discrepancies may occur, I can fix them. Now, on to something you guys might like...

Our Mk III Valkyrie Model Now Complete + Weapon Systems

Feast your eyes on this render, and you'll see how I need your help where it says [INSERT NAME].


We have two brand new weapon systems that can be mounted on the Valkyries, state-of-the-art, and they will be picked up during the upcoming raid on that weapon storage facility. As you can see, they are somewhat extraordinary... especially that huge thing in the middle. So, the word is free people, let's brainstorm what the hell those things are, and what kind of punch they hold. *grin*

Currently, our commissioned artist is working on the animation of this model, so there are more things to come, but the model itself is finished.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on November 02, 2015, 02:03:50 AM
Well, the big sucker could be the tetryon pulse launcher that's in the original post about the Valkyries. 

As for the twin guns?  Twin rapid-fire mass drivers.  Shred right through unshielded hulls like they're made of wet tissue paper.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on November 02, 2015, 02:40:54 AM
-drools slightly- Do want! do want! do want!

I was thinking that the big thing could be a high powered disruptor cannon. In DS9 the cardassians used them a lot and they were highly effective against non shielded enemies. Memory alpha says they are "less elegant, but more destructive than phaser weapons." and that they don't do much against shields.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 02, 2015, 01:40:31 PM
Great ideas! Some brainstorming from my end in response.

At first, I never thought that huge thing could fit inside the lower part of the Valkyrie's hull, but then I looked more closely and made this image below, which does show that it is possible that it is the tetryon pulse cannon. The rigg arrangement have to be some kind of fold-out system, where it drops down and then is pushed forward and locked in its deployed position. That thing surely lives up to its pre-stated weakness of reducing craft maneouverability, that's for sure! I liked the disruptor idea too, Kaligos, and I looked long and hard at the possibility of a subatomic disruptor variation ( However, being that it is a weapon of the 29th century, I don't think it's perfectly feasible. With it being the tetryon canon, we would also have made it visible in the 3D model.

So considering the size of the weapon, what would motivate to add it to the Valkyrie in the first place? Considering the size, it should have some great benefits too, so I tried to explain the different types of weapons and find a balance between them, and I hope you guys can agree with me on these texts, and I had to add/change some stuff to the Mk III:s


In the DS9 handbook, it said that the micro torpedoes were 13 cm, which is ridiculously small and couldn't make much of a difference in a fight, therefore, I increased the size to 50 cm including the fins (for atmospheric flight as needed). Oh, that's why all the torps in the larger image have fins, btw, since the Valkyrie is supposed to have excellent atmospheric capabilities as well, including weaponry.

That leaves us with the two-barrel weapon system, which can be picked up at the weapon storage facility.

I like the idea of mass drivers, probably coil-version instead of a railgun, but we have a problem here with the need for ballistic weaponry when we have the phaser technology. Why use phaser cannons to whittle down shields, and then switch to a ballistic system, when you can just as well keep firing with what you have? The phasers have higher yield than ballistics too, so what could possibly give these mass drive guns the edge it needs to motivate their existence? I have had this discussion with IronFerrox before, but it might need some more viewpoints.

So, everyone, how do we make Trek-lore friendly mass driver gatling guns? I am all for an idea where the best defence against it would be using one's deflector to handle the projectiles, but we need some realistic kind of shells, material (or magic) to make the rounds shield-piercing. If we go so far as to have them nix the shields altogether, we are still talking about a rapid-fire weapon that can quickly run out of ammunition. That way, we have a kind of balance that doesn't make the weapon system completely over-powered.

Good grief what nerds we are...

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on November 02, 2015, 04:44:07 PM
Okay, reading from above...

The twin-mount?  No longer effective against shields, but unshielded targets would still be highly vulnerable.  I would say it used the same kind of magnetic accelerator system as torpedo tubes, but launches, say, a 5-10 gramf ferrous-sleeved osmium (one of the densest materials on the periodic table) dart at, say, ten percent the speed of light (which, in addition to the speed of the fighter, would be damn fast, up to about .35c assuming full impulse)? 

I would say the advantage would be rate of fire, with each barrel on the mount firing at 1500 rounds per minute each (effective rate, per mount, 3000 rpm, 6000 if two mounts are installed), and due to the rate of fire and some small servos on each barrel, impacts can be collimated in order to be on top of each other.  And because it is a straight kinetic weapon, it would shear right through ablative armour the way phasers can't.  And it would not have the problem phasers would have in high-particulate environments or where an energy weapons discharge could ignite volatile materials.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on November 02, 2015, 05:09:04 PM
With the larger cannon it's hard to note if it's mounted under or above the Valkyrie, and honeslty it would impact maneuverability a lot less if it was positioned under the ship. The curved nose gives the gun a good hiding mount so it doesn't impact the sleek style that the ship has if it were above it.

also for the cannons... why not have them as flack guns? a deffensive type of gun that shoots shells at incoming missiles, the gun when mounted looks like has full maneuverability, it could be an automated weapon that takes down incoming missile fire. like deploying the flares of old. give a pilot a little more extra protection? instead of having another gun that is designed to rip apart an enemy have a new defensive option for the ships?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 02, 2015, 05:49:13 PM

Why not a combination of both? Like you say, Kaligos, nautical warships already have gatling guns programmed to take out enemies ashore, detecting metallic or glass reflections and swivelling around to open fire in matter of seconds. A two-in-one system would be ideal, and also validate the necessity of the weapon despite its non-existent shield-penetration. Good ideas from you both.

So, are everyone aboard with the specs CV suggested? And can we have a name for it? I have no suggestions.

As for where the large gun is mounted, it is below the ship. I think it shows better in this image I made with one of the renders:


The image also shows a few possible weapon arrangements. Hope that helps.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on November 02, 2015, 07:34:10 PM
LOVING THE FLAK CANON IDEA! I myself was thinking it could be something like an automated version of the ball turret on an old B17 bomber.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on November 02, 2015, 09:19:58 PM
Btw my idea on the rate of fire for the dual cannons was similar to the Bofors 40mm (2 rounds per second per barrel)  resulting in potentially 8 rounds burst fire mode (in 1 second) or if all fired at once 2 (4 round shots) or any combination of possible rates of fire there.  My thoughts on the twin canon is that its designed for 2 roles.  Anti missile (torpedo) countermeasure, and soft (unshielded) target elimination.  As such its usuially part of a bombing run/deep space strike weapon configuration.  When approaching a target below the ship's horizon the tracking systems will lock onto the target and open fire on it alowing continuious fire from various angles ((as long as you keep the target below the artificial horizon the gun can fire at it.  As such excellent weapon for Bombing runs.  Also lets say that you get tagged by a ground to air torp or missile or for that matter a photon torp from an enemy ship.  Angle yourself to the torpedo to be off your keel (ventral side) and the twin guns cover your ass there.  okay so someone is at your dorsal side and fired at you.  Invert and now the guns are facing the torp; dead torp, alive wolf.

as for the tech of the weapon I agree Dense metal but how about we steal a bit from another sci fi

Mass effect. use something stable and easily available like lead (near limitless ammo as a result since you can replicate non rusting surgical steel easily and since you are literally using small amounts of it a single decent size chunk of it in the would last more than an entire mission's duration.  now for the Trek twist on ME's Zero point energy thing.  Use a warp field bubble.

SO the two bulges on the barrel wrap up the say 1g piece of lead in a warp field bubble (this would the size of the smallest version of bird shot #9 and flings it out at just above warp 1.  Now here's the kicker.  Since the craft is at combat speed the realspace speed is going to just above the momentum of the craft (near  1000 K/s) However the barrel's function is to send the piece at warp speed with a dissipating warp field this means as soon as the fragment hits something the subspace shell is gone forcing the metal fragment back into real space. 

Now as we know F=ma  Mass is near zero but still exists.  Even at small amounts though what is it's acceleration.  Well acceleration would be  the amount of speed it decelerates to upon impact.  299,792.458 km/s is speed of light and its real space speed is 1000km/s  this means the acceleration is near the same as the speed of light the difference is negligible.

result is a 1g piece of surgical steel decelerating at 295,000 km/s the result is 295 KiloNeutons of force exerted over a small area.  given that I am sure the old enterprise got pelted with micrometeors all the time and were warded off by the deflectors its safe to say that navigational deflectors will knock any "bullets" like this away and shields will take a bit of a pounding before being harmed at all by it.  Torps, unshielded things, soft targets, large starships sittingin dock though.   Oh yea this would be one hell of a good weapon to use on those targets.

BTW CV your bullets woudl hurt a lot worse BTW.   but where would we put them all.  seriously at smallst they are what the size of .22 LR and if they fire at a rate of 25 per second then how many can we store in a single one of the weapon devices?

with the slower rate of fire of 2 per second and the size of nearly 1 mm each ( i estimate yours are about what 4-5 times the volume of the 1gram ones. so lets see 12.5 times slower rate of fire and 4 in the space of 1 I estimate we could potentially pack an ammount that can giv us 50 times the time of sustained fire as your idea.

BTW I do like you idea better i just cant imagine where we would store the ammo unless we are creating hammer-space technology in them too.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on November 02, 2015, 09:29:46 PM
what if it had a replicator built into it's feeder? since it would need actual ammo, and the replicators can well make it (especially if we used the surgical steel idea) than wouldn't it make sense to have the feed of the machine gun litterally making ammo, at the expense of Battery power? I imagine it would be a bit more energy expensive than firing rounds with a phaser... but not by much, i mean Federation has had replicators for close to over a hundred years by now.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on November 02, 2015, 11:12:09 PM
Iron Ferrox, the F/A-18, as an example, carries IIRC 570 rounds of 20mm for it's M61A2 Vulcan and that puppy can crank out up to 6600 rounds per minute, and the Phalanx CIWS is wrapped around that same gun, though tuned to around 4500 rpm.  Those are burst-fire weapons, not meant to pour it on like water from a hose.  However, I like your collapsing warp bubble idea. 

 And say we adjust projectile masses, say to the tune of 3 grams each and each barrel carries 3000 rounds in the attached hopper, it would allow for a maximum of two minutes sustained fire per gun, which is considerable and for a weight of 9 kilos of ammunition, or just south of 20 pounds, per barrel which ought to be manageable.   If doctrine was to fire, say, one-second bursts from just one twin-mount at a time ammuntion consumption could be kept down to extend the combat endurance; especially if the option to just pour it on was made unavailable by way of a hardware interlock that isn't accessible while in flight, kinda like the burst limiter in the M16 family of rifles.  But if you use something denser and harder like tungsten or even depleted uranium, the size of each round would decrease dramatically while having absolutely devastating terminal effects.  And if the guns can swivel and collimate, they would make for a wonderful air-supportm strike and anti-torpedo defence either for self- or area-defence. 

As for a name, I'd say something pretty self-explanatory, like the M-142 Rapid Fire Mass Driver Rapid-Fire Twin-Mount.  Or just M-142 in common parlance.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on November 02, 2015, 11:21:01 PM
And I'd like to add that the more rapid rate of fire might be necessary with a fighter.  Between the mounts' traversing speed, a fighter's more limited computer capability and the human at the controls, when using that weapons system to swat torpedoes out of space the ability to smoke one with just one round every half-second could be difficult to justify.  So a "wall of steel" approach, like the Phalanx CIWS, might be necessary to effectively stop incoming torpedoes, especially since they are fairly small targets, moving rather fast and being engaged from a moving platform.  In this case, quantity most definitely becomes a quality of its own.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 03, 2015, 12:03:43 AM
Awesome ideas being spit out here, and I will try to coalesce it all into a draft for the weapon system's specifications. So far, we have a name, which I shortened with the use of an abbreviation because it was a bit of a mouthful. I think it should be named the M-142 RF Mass Driver Twin-Mount.. And with that name set, I could complete this baby:


Before I publish this on DeviantArt and give due credit to the artist I hired to make this into reality, I would love if you guys could troubleshoot this for me since I have stared myself blind at it at this point. Have I got everything right? Your stamp of approval means a lot.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on November 03, 2015, 04:17:47 AM
A few things 1: Your description of the tetrion pulse phase cannon in the graphic before seems to not be what we used it for in an earlier situation.

as such I propose what will pick up a type 2 tetrion canon.  The difference would be as follows.

Type 1 Tetrion Canon: a canon that charges and fires a pulse of tetrion particles at a target though its uses are limited the resulting charged beam can disable systems near where it hits and has been known to cause localized shielding systems failure.

Type 2 Tetrion Canon (Tetrion linked Pulse-phase Cannon): This weapon Has two modes of fire.  IN its primary fire mode a small beam of tetrion articles is fired at a target essentially Painting a target for fire.  After painting the target the canon makes minor adjustments to its aim and firres its primary weapon a charged Pulse phaser blast.  This pulse phaser blant is far stronger than the typical phase bursts from the wing mounted pulse phasers and is more comparable to the Pulse phraser canons on a Defiant class Starship in terms of strength of Phaser shot.  Most importantly the telemetry data from the tetrion beam can be linked to other ships in the squadron or with other Starfleet vessels engaged in a battle effectively painting the target for allied ships in an operation.  This allows for coordinated strikes on a single location from multiple vessels. 

Using a squadron of fighters equipped with Type 2  Tetrion canons linked to a heavy weapons emplacement has been shown to be an effective defense against cloaked warships as all it takes is one fighter to spot the cloaked vessel by bouncing a Tetrion pulse off of it and this signal can be sent to all other fighters and weapons emplacements to fire on the location of the cloaked ship.

Alternately the weapon can, like its type 1 counterpart, fire a concentrated tetrion beam at its target causing the disabling or shield softening effects.

Finially there is the biggest change to the Type 2 Tetrion canon.  Like the M142 Twin Mount  the type 2 tetrion canon is mounted on a swiveling joint that allows for the needed changes in targeting precise locations on targets.  With Tetrion canons slaved to a single ship.  as such the leader can assign a single ship in the squadron to paint the target and open fire.  while all other ships in the squadron preform space superiority while having their canons deployied.  Though the aerodynamics and manverability of the squadron wil be dininished somewhat all tetrion canons can be linked to fire at a single target while the pilots concentrate on other tasks such as dogfighting or covering the ship on the "bombing run."

As such given its ability to independently track targets in motion the canon is primarily a siege weapon that has very limited use in fighter to fighter operations and often diminishes the ability of the fighter in a dogfight scenario.  but its use is very effective as a means of air to surface or fighter to starship bombardment.

A general Deep space strike loadout would utalize both the Type 2 Tetrion Pulse Phase Canon as a primary weapon for bombardment while in flight and Dual Twin mounts as a means of anti projectile countermeasure and for added Punch against those tricky armors that are resistant to energy weapons, and against soft targets.  Used in conjunction the Valkyrie mark 3 is much more efective in a bomber role than with a more traditional loadout.

Future potential iterations of the weapon platform

At some point in the next 10 years some R&D guy or a pilot or someone will try and rig the phaser to fire as a beam rather than a pulse canon.  the result will be the inadvertent effect of having a concentrated Phaser beam fired with a residual cone of tetrion particles around it.
after further research is donee it will be discovered that the dammage this weapon causes is a partial bypassing of shields and a concentrated burn from phaser fire on the target hull.

The type 3 will take advantage of this ths creating a weapon which is able to partially bypass shields and deal limited direct phaser dammage to a hull directly.  however a Fighter size craft does not contain the necessary power generators to fully test the limits this weapon system has to offer.

The type 4 tetrion canon prototype beecomes a forward mounted directly forward firing phaser beam that is located on the underside of a starship's hull drawing power directly from the power generators of its warp engines this weapon is capible of decent shield penetration but at the cost of being not quite so great against abblative and energy deflecting armors and has a slow firing rate.  Also ends up plagued with malfunction usues that cause the engines to blow coolant storage cells.

given the disaster that is  the type 4 tetrion prototype a project is sparheaded by the advanced starship design bureau named Project yamato.  This project is to create a ship built around the use of what the tetrion canon is theoretically capable of.  The USS Yamato is built as a prototype that holds the first fully functioning  newly named Prototype Phaser Spinal Lance  THis weapon creates a massive burst of tetrion particles that cones around a concentrated phaser beam The Particles cause a hole in an enemy ships shields.  The phaser beam then pierces directly into the hull and is of such high heat that it is capable of piercing all the way through most ship hulls.  High heat resistant armors, Energy deflecting armors and ablative armors tend to absorb enough of the phaser energy to prevent full penetration and torpedoes are necessary to effectively damage these armors.

   The yamato had to have Two major design changes to effectively use this weapon.  1 The warp core had to be divided into a main warp core and a secondary auxiliary warp core and  to stabilize the auxiliary warp cores systems a third warp nacelle was necessary.  The auxiliary warp core is the one fed into the weapon and as a result the phaser shot is less a traditional phaser blast but a concentrated beam of warp Plasma. that has been produced via the matter antimatter reaction in the auxiliary engine.  as a result it takes a while to rebuild the necessary energy to fire another shot. 2: the deflector dish had to be redesigned to function as the tetrion particle focusing array that the lance uses.

IN some year before 2495 the USS Yamato enters into service.  In an alternate timeline the yamato is so sucessful in its weapon design that in the yar 2495 at the time Admiral William T Riker had the USS enterprise D  as his personal flagship. It had been refit and modified with Yamato type modifications including the third nacelle and the inclusion of the Phaser spinal lance proving that the weapon was now developed enough to be installed on other ship classes even older out-dated ones.

Essentially its my idea that the combination of tetrion pulse and Phaser cannons leads to the development of that badass laser gun from All Good Things."

TLDR version might want to include that this is the type 2 since we established using the tetrion beam as a disabeling/Anti shield device in last episode. so that there isn't a discrepancy in if its a BFG pulse phaser canon then why haven't we used it a lot more.  Also would be a shame to not have that System fryer as a secondary fire option on the canon.  My idea is Right now the valks have the type 1 (fires the tetrion beam.  What we get soon is a type 2 which is much more awesome.  also since its underslung and we are in space (no wind resistance) why wouldn't the canon have a maneuverable tracker like the twin mount does.  would make it even more effective as a bombardment weapon if the pilot can still at least evade somewhat while its firing occasional shots at an enemy.

Second part
Over many iterations the underslung canon on the valks becomes the basis of the laser gun on the 3 nacelle enterprise D in All good things.  would be funny to think that its the crazy combination of tetrion and phasers that results in the whole shield bypassing and drilling through  qualities that thing had.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 03, 2015, 01:52:08 PM
You are referring to the image of the ventral side of the Valkyre right? I had no intention to post that on DA, merely give a visual guide to you guys. Space-constraints disallowed me to list all features, but you have come up with a lot of new ones I'd love to implement. My intention was never to nix the "EMP-beam" feature, but add another one to it, so we are basically on the same page there, only I want the Type 2 features (only named Type 1) right from the onset of the Mk III Valkyrie program. So, I think we can go with 80 % of what you have suggested for a number of reasons.

The Type 1 Tetryon Pulse Cannon has had the following features from the start, quoting you a bit:

Primary Firing Mode: A small beam of tetryon articles is fired at a target, painting a target for fire. Achieving target-lock on the painted target, the cannon still needs to be directed towards the target, but it can do minor adjustments to its aim to compensate for flight movement. The charging of the subsequent pulse phaser blast is initiated when right when the tetryon beam is lit, and with a delay of five seconds, the cannon fires a bolt far stronger than the wing-mounted phaser cannons. Furthermore, the telemetry data from the tetryon beam can be synchronised into the squadrons and the Theurgy's targeting systems, allowing for coordinated strikes on a painted target. The cannon is effective against cloaked enemies since all it takes is one Lone-Wolf to manage to bounce a Tetryon pulse off of it, then the target will be painted and visible in the targeting systems.

Secondary Firing Mode: A concentrated tetryon beam is fired at its target, compromising enemy shields and even disabling them after depending on enemy shield strength and regeneration ratio.


1) It is obviously too big for it to be a swivel cannon, I don't think the rig can allow it, especially since there is gravity even in space. The barrel and the software can, however, track a painted target within a 20 degree angle during the charging sequence (where the pilot needs to keep the target in its sights). This allows for some writing suspense and a challenge to compensate for the kick that the cannon holds.

2) The charging takes 5 seconds, so it might be hard to hit moving targets unless its from a long distance, the fighter can maintain its course, and the targetting software have time to compensate. For optimum usage, this weapon should be used as a over-powered sniper rifle.

3) With the heavy charge of the cannon's bolts, and given how the warp plasma conduit runs through the primary phaser coupling for added punch, the warp drive can't compensate for continued fire. After five bolts being fired, the fighter pilot is risking to short-circuit the Valkyrie unless s/he shuts down auxiliary systems and reroutes spare power to the phaser coupling.

4) There is still gravity in space, and depending on how strong it is, manoeuvrability will be heavily impaired when the cannon is extended.

The reasons why we can't have them be picking up a Type 2 iteration at the weapon research facility are these:

A) The cannons are a part of the Valkyries, with a retractable deployment rig and with a seamless fit into the belly of the ship. Unless the cannon was developed specifically for the Mk III Valkyries, I can't see an integral part of the fighter being switched out. And even if the cannons found in the research facility were meant for these Valkyries specifically, there is still a small window of time to made heavy changes to the attack fighters before they reach Starbase 84. The Mass Driver Twin-Mounts won't be the same kind of heavy hurdle to install since they ought to be adapted to fit hard-point slots and comes with its own software upgrade to LCARS targeting systems.

B) You mentioned that it would be hard to explain why the cannon's Primary Firing Mode has not come to use in the battles the Lone Wolves have fought so far, but I don't think its that hard to explain considering the disadvantages of the weapon and the nature of the battles they have fought. I don't think there is any need to have any of the scenes retconned either.

Episode 01, Maverick and Kestrel were stopping infected Wolves and crew aboard shuttles from going to Warp, but did not want to kill them. In Episode 02, there were no Valkyries launched as far as I can recall, and in Episode 03, we have three major battles where the Lone Wolves were deployed. In the first battle with the Calamity, the Reavers were right in their faces after surprising them, and they were too quick and merciless to be locked on to with the cannon. The way they were harried, they could not sniper-shoot the Calamity either, since she was also firing right back at them with next century ordinance. Second battle, the Calamity never entered Theta Eridani IV's atmosphere, resorting to orbital strikes, so again, the problem would be to paint the Reavers given how quick they are, and extending the cannon down on the planet would impair manoeuvrability. The Valkyries were never deployed against Task Force Archeron, and in the last battle against the Calamity, the Lone Wolves were - again - preoccupied with trying to ward off the Reavers from Thea. The gravity of the proto-star would have fucked up manoeuvrability too.

So, no problem with future iterations to develop into that weapon in All Good Things, but the Valkyries already have - and will keep - the Type 1 version with the features mentioned above. I hope that is okay! :)

Unless someone spots any errors in the larger image, I will publish it on DeviantArt.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on November 03, 2015, 09:32:03 PM
awesome makes perfect sense to me. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Absinthe on November 05, 2015, 06:22:32 AM
Hey, just letting people know hat my posts might suffer as it is no NaNoWriMo and I need to write A LOT this month...
Just a heads up.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on November 06, 2015, 06:29:02 PM
I'm sorry for my lack of posts lately, I'm kinda racking my brains trying to get into my characters' heads lately.  Hopefully I'll be able to crank out a few this weekend.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on November 06, 2015, 06:39:45 PM
Hey, just letting people know hat my posts might suffer as it is no NaNoWriMo and I need to write A LOT this month...
Just a heads up.
had never heard of that but I hope you get some good writing done!

On an aside I would like to let you guys know that i will try and get caught up on replies today but will likely not be able to respond again till next tuesday due to needing to study for a Physiology test.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on November 08, 2015, 05:24:48 PM
Having some trouble getting some free time. But I'm still here, and will try to get to my threads asap. I might have to keep them short, but I'll make sure they cover all that needs to be covered, and hopefully I won't be holding anyone back too much. So sorry about this. I love you guys. <3
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 09, 2015, 11:26:41 PM
Hold on to your pants, folks. Big news ahead. :)



Given the successful project to give the Mk III Valkyrie Attack Fighter a look of its own (instead of borrowed from non-canon sources on the net) Pinarci has agreed to take on another project, and that is the actual appearance of Thea! Since the Theurgy has features unique to it, it has been established that it is a Mk II Prometheus-class ship (more on the name later). Some of the unique features is a new warp core arrangement compared to the divided canon set-up, the presence of a Captain's Yacht, the hangar where the Valkyries are housed and Thea's instalment into the ship systems.

So, I know some of you all will find it mind-boggling that the Theurgy has had a different appearance than the canon Prometheus-class design. You might be thinking that its too late to change something like that, but I can assure you that the project is not just about making a 3D model and rendering it into new images. If you all could be a bit open-minded about the change, I will give you a run-down of the entirety of this project, which has a few steps to it.

1) Pinarci creates the new Prometheus ship model, and once its finished, we will have new images of the Theurgy. There are progress renders being traded back and forth already (examples above), and Pinarci is making good headway. The difficulty is the MVAM concept, but he is confident he will manage to pull it off. Judging by the renders so far, he has the right idea, and I trade messages with him daily, giving feedback and requesting changes. In a couple of weeks, he will be done.

2) Next, when we have the model, I promise to retconn ALL of the artwork we have where the Theurgy is visible. With a 3d model, I can twist and turn it in all angles I could possibly need, and then insert them into the old artwork. That means all the PDF covers since Episode 01, our Promo Poster, character images where Thea can be seen. I literally mean all of the images, just like I will do so with the images where the old Valkyrie model can still be seen.

3) While I do the above, Pinarci and other animators that I hire will be creating animations of the Theurgy, which will be showed here, but more importantly, be central to the two (2!) new trailers I will be making.

4) The first trailer is a shorter one, but longer than the Episode 04 teaser I showed you a couple of months ago. There won't be any character reels, focus instead being on the story overall. The new Valkyrie and Theurgy models will be revealed here, unless I upload the raw animations somewhere before that and post the links here.

5) The second trailer will be reminiscent to the old 6-minute trailer we now have on Vimeo (link can be found in my signature). Here, there will be character reels and Captain Picard will be the narrator. This is a huge project for me, but I have made progress already. The new song has been picked, new and old character clips are under way, but I will refrain from revealing more at this point.

So, I think you guys will have an easier time wrapping your minds about the way Thea has always looked once we have completed a few of these steps, right? :)

Also, we have established a hundred times or more that Thea is a "Prometheus-class" ship, albeit an upgraded one. The official prototype name could be Mk II Prometheus-class, but how about this: Thea has an NX-registry, for evident reasons as she is the testbed for a lot of cutting edge tech. My idea is that while it wasn't officially decided yet by the R&D teams supervising the construct of the Thea prototype, mass production of more ships like her would have to constitute the evident name-change, right? Like the Theurgy-class.

In short, Thea could be the first ship of the Theurgy-class line of starships, only yet to earn her official class-name. This would explain her altered appearance from the regular Prometheus-class ship as well. Is this something you guys can buy, or am I overreaching in terms of plausibility here? :)

This idea was something IronFerrox first coined, more than two years ago, and after a lot of time in the back of my mind, and with the help from Pinarci, I mean to make it a reality. I hope you guys appreciate the time, effort and money I put into this, since I am doing it for us all and the story we write.


Since people are a bit busy and posting is a bit slow, I figured it was time for an update for you all. Here is the list of active threads organised chronologically and by board, and all of these are links to click. I have also added posting reminders about who is next to post in all of them:

EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul | Part 2



DAY 01: Time Judges All [0500 hrs.] Next poster: 1) CanadianVet 2) Kaligos 3) IronFerrox (
DAY 01: Rejuvenation [0900 hrs.] (  Finished!
DAY 01: The Path Ahead [0915 hrs.] (  Finished!
DAY 01: New Life [1000 hrs.] Next poster: The Counselor (
DAY 01: Lost in the Mind [1015 hrs.] ( Finished!
DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.] Next poster: Zenozine (
DAY 01: Encouragement [1115 hrs.] (  Finished!
DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.] (  Finished!
DAY 01: SAR Away-Mission [1150 hrs.] Next poster: 1) Brutus 2) IronFerrox (
DAY 01: Healing | Part 1 [1220 hrs.] Next poster: Anyone (
DAY 01: A Fresh Start | Part 1 [1230 hrs.] Next poster: DocReno (
DAY 01: A Fresh Start | Part 2 [1240 hrs.] ( Finished!
DAY 01: Meeting of the Minds [1300 hrs.] ( Finished!
DAY 01: The First of Many Propositions [1400 hrs.] Next poster: Nolan (
DAY 01: An Empty Pack [2030 hrs.] Next poster: 1) Kaligos (Maverick arriving) 2) RosariaRosette 3) DocReno 4) Doc M. (
DAY 01: A Quiet Chat [2100 hrs.] Next poster: CanadianVet (

DAY 02: Houseguest [0130 hrs.] Next poster: CanadianVet (
DAY 02: Goldeneye's Confession [0700 hrs.] ( Finished!
DAY 02: Back From the Dead [0800 hrs.] ( Finished!
DAY 02: In Remembrance [1200 hrs.] Next poster: Everyone who has not told the GM otherwise (
DAY 02: Critical Vacancy [1230 hrs.] Next poster: Triage (
DAY 02: Mistress-at-Arms [1400 hrs.] Next poster: Sirus (
DAY 02: Digital Relations [1500 hrs.] Next poster: Doc M. (
DAY 02: Chaotic Order [1715 hrs.] Next poster: Triage (
DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.] Next poster: RosariaRosette & Kaligos (
DAY 02: Healing | Part 2 [1830 hrs.] Next poster: Zenozine (
DAY 02: Poker Night [2000 hrs.] Next poster: IronFerrox (

DAY 03: Phasmids [0900 hrs.] Next poster: 1) DocReno 2) CanadianVet (
DAY 04: Subconscious Repression [1955 hrs.] Next poster: The Counselor (

EPISODE 04: Simulcast

Episode 04: Simulcast | Prologue "Homecoming" (
- Below the Subspace Acquisition Grid Next poster: Nyla
- Promenade & Recreational Dome Next poster: Triage (Bringing Tristan and Keval to the group on the Promenade)
- Brig Next poster: 1) Brutus 2) RedBaron
- Crew Quarters Next poster: Vystori (interim post)
- ? (Probably Below the Subspace Acquisition Grid) Next poster: RosariaRosette (Sera's inaugural post)


I figured I would take the opportunity to inform you that we have a new character by the name Sera vers Aldnoah, awho is currently in Starbase 84. She is played by RosariaRosette.

( Ms. Sera vers Aldnoah         Explorer                    Starbase 84
  - Played by RosariaRosette

The biography will likely be posted tomorrow!


I will be posting the starter for the mission to the weapon storage facility where the Theurgy can restock its torpedo magazines in a couple of days. If people have ideas for that mission ahead of time, please post them here in the OOC or PM me with your thoughts. Otherwise, I will set us up as best as I might.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nyla on November 10, 2015, 07:22:05 PM
Hey guys, took a while for everything to straighten out (especially with a week of all nighters at work) but I'll be a little more active from now on. I really am sorry though for leaving like that, it wasn't professional and I'll get responses asap!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 11, 2015, 01:39:29 AM
Welcome back Nyla! Hope things have resolved themselves a bit on your end.


With the help from two other artists, I have compiled this little feature of our fighters. It took me a few hours, but I hope you guys enjoy.

( (

These animations will be seen in the longer trailers that I mentioned earlier too.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on November 11, 2015, 05:28:17 AM
Awesome video! Very much impressed

Also, I'm back. Went and did.a thing involving rings and vows and tiny island's in the Caribbean but yeah. Should be positing tomorrow.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on November 11, 2015, 02:23:58 PM
Haha, awesome! Congratulations Brutus! :D

Video looks pretty nifty I must say! A bit sad by the lack of weapon discharges, yet I can only imagine how much trouble that must be to incorporate that into a video. Either way, lovely work!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on November 13, 2015, 08:53:49 PM
First the Valkyries, and now Theurgy herself?  My friend, you are on a roll here!

I really like the idea of ditching the canon Prometheus-class and coming up with something to really call our own, gives us plenty of flexibility in the future, too.

And here's a few suggestions of my own: provisions for "hardpoints" along the outer hull to strap on additional mission equipment, like communcations and telemetry arrays so she could be used in a command ship function, extra sensor pallets for a number of reasons (like McGyvering a Calamity-style barrage jamming system, or having a fully-integrated, multiple point-of-view platform for surveilance or scientific observation) or weapons platform (say, dedicated point-defence clusters instead of stealing emitters from the main phaser strips?) and anything else in-between.  And of course, that would come with an increase in power and computer capability budgets to make everything work.

And since we're doing some re-jigging, maybe adding the possibility of a flag bridge, where an admiral/task force commander could coordinate multiple ships operating together instead of taking up room on the main bridge, where the captain is busy commanding his own ship?  Basically, I guess I'm saying Theurgy should be made into more than just a kickass tactical asset, she should be intended to serve as a proper flagship as well. 

And since we're coming up to the resupply run, I'm thinking the depot we're going to raid will essentially be a huge-ass cargo bay complex, meant to be used by forward-deployed starships in active operations against the Romulans.  So she's going to be stocked full of every bit of ordnance we can think of, spare parts that can't be readily replicated, raw materials for the replicator tanks, maybe a dozen or so crated Valkyries meant to be operational replacements... Even fresh food, maybe?  Hey, who'd be up for secondary magazines and storage spaces being set up board? Basically, I'm thinking Theurgy would be "brought back to establishment" and then some.  So once she'd all fixed up, she'd be effectively in as-good, if not a better shape than if she was fresh out of drydock.

Anyone has any thoughts?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 13, 2015, 09:47:41 PM
Great initiative! I would love if people could chime in on the development. I will wait a moment on the vrdict on the above until I hear others too, but I like it overall. Right now, I will take this opportunity to post some progression renders that I got only an hour ago:


Pinarci insisted on expanding upon the Valkyrie video above in this thread, and since I was unhappy with the other artist's render of the pilots in the cockpits, Pinarci went all in and decided to model the pilots from scratch based on our artwork. Version 2 of the Valkyrie animation will also feature enemies - or at least one - that the fighters will be firing upon. Hence the images in the top left.

The other images are gradual changes to the MVAM set-up. Hard to explain since this is a process with twists and turns, not even mentioning language barriers since Pinarci - like me - writes English as a second language. I like the way things are heading, and eventually, we will be able to see the full three-part composition of Thea.

So, we have these ideas from CanadianVet:

1)  Provisions for augmentations along the outer hull to strap on additional mission equipment (smart thing, even if they are exposed, I will keep it in mind)

2)  Maybe adding the possibility of a flag bridge, where an admiral/task force commander could coordinate multiple ships operating together (My comment here being that in a way, the Main Bridge could be that, but I'll think on it. If she is to be a flagship, maybe she needs a bit more mass too... the Prometheus-class is quite small compared to the Sovereign-class.)

Good ideas on the weapon storage facility! I am almost done with the starter and I will keep it in mind for the last revisions.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on November 13, 2015, 10:02:30 PM
Well, "along the outer hull" doesn't necessarily mean the hardpoints or the equipment pallets are unarmoured.  When not in use, each hardpoint could have the same armour as the outer hull itself in the form of a cover and each pallet could have its outer surface no different than anything else on the surface of the ship, sharing the same vulnerabilities and defences as the "fixed" hardware, making them basically plug-and-play attachments that would seamlessly integrate into the hull proper.

As for the flag bridge, Theurgy might not be suitable to be the flagship of a major formation, but smaller tactical gatherings of ships?  And the concept of a flag bridge is a dedicated facility to command a formation of ships, independent of the ship it's on.  Say, if we had Admiral Bob on board, Ives is on the main bridge, commanding Theurgy proper as Bob's flag captain and as a unit within a formation/squadron/what have you.  So when Bob gives an order, it goes to what ships need to carry it out, via each ship's captain.  And Bob would have his own "flag bridge crew" to manage to overall situation, from ships' statuses and the overall space around them.  They would be independent of Theurgy's crew proper and not involved at all in her operation between sending directions from the admiral and receiving reports. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on November 13, 2015, 10:57:31 PM
Reminds me of the set up for ships in David Webers Honourverse series...could be good.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 14, 2015, 12:59:00 AM
Thanks for the clarification on the pallets! Makes better sense now, and it all depends on standardisation in the R&D department for ship-models to come if these are supposed to be plug-and-play assets to the ship.

As for the flag bridge, I understand the function and the concept, and I agree with it overall. I even have a stock image to work with it as a mock-up of the concept:


The problem I have is this: how does this benefit our story? It is not likely the Theurgy would have a bunch of admirals on it to use it as intended. While it is a good idea, the use for this area on the ship would be limited. If it were to be used for something else, as an office area, we are removing people from the Main Bridge and perhaps spreading the characters out thin. So, what is in it for us, specifically?


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on November 14, 2015, 01:36:54 AM
Reminds me of the set up for ships in David Webers Honourverse series...could be good.

That's exactly where the idea came from.  David Weber is probably the best sci-fi writer I've ever come across.  And I would think it would be a fitting tribute.

And as for a function, at some point Theurgy will start gathering allies and there will eventually be a need for a command and control facility for a squadron or task force.  And in the immediate?  I'm thinking using that as the Intelligence cell since it would be ideally set up for that sort of purpose.  And it could also do the same kind of duty as the War Room on Babylon 5 after the Shadow War as the broadcast center for "The Voice of the Resistance" as it would already have access to a pretty advanced communications setup without having to McGyvver a studio from scratch.

Now, for the equipment pallets, I could see Starfleet standardizing that sort of add-ons to be the same size and shape and use the same connectors to the ship so they could be used across a number of classes of ships without needing any time in drydock.  Just one of those work pods and a guy on the hull in an EVA suit could be all that's needed to make it happen while underway.  And a number of those pods could be also acquired at the front line.  Say, originally intended for the Archeron as one of the testbeds for that feature, but conveniently the Prometheus MkII/Theurgy-class prototype could have been designed with that capability from the get-go. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on November 14, 2015, 07:22:15 PM
Still keep an eye on the game, even though I have retired from it, and the talk of retconning the class of the ship caught my attention.  One thing that came to mind when I read the idea of it was that, since there has been events which bring time travel into the game on occasion, couldn't the change of class from a prototype Prometheus class to a Theurgy class, as well as any changes being made to it's features, be explained by a butterfly effect?  Some measure of time travel into the past altered the course of events and changed the Theurgy to it's own class of vessel.  It would be similar to the Year of Hell, where the Voyager dealt with the Krenim temporal weapon ship. 

The butterfly effect might also allow players a chance to adjust things about their profiles they might like to change, and to chock that up to the butterfly effect as well.  Such a change would almost be unnoticed by the crew, as it would essentially rewrite history, and the only thing which might realize the change would be some manner of temporal equipment on-board the ship, which in turn could turn into a bit of a mystery to solve.

All that is just a suggestion that came to mind when I heard the idea, and I hope it might at least prove useful for something or another.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 16, 2015, 03:01:00 PM
I have given the war room/flag bridge idea some thought and I am 80 % aboard on the concept, and mostly because of the long-term implementation since I feel it is completely superfluous now, since the Main Computer Core provides this space for the people working in Intelligence.

My idea is that, as a hybrid of the idea, the Main Computer Core looks like the picture above, and was meant to offer the opportunity to used as a Flag Bridge if so required. It makes sense to me in several ways: 1) When Thea was shackled, she had a team of computer scientists puppettering/watching her. They were meant to have a work space in the Main Computer Core. Back then, in Episode 01, we had scenes taking place that would fit the area in the image too. 2) Jien Ives offered Carrigan Trent to use the Main Computer Core when he came aboard, and with that kind of space, it would make sense to offer it to Trent. Looking back, the bare-bone description of the office fits too. 3) The location is ideal to protect Admirals, being at the very centre of the ship, well protected.

If I add Thea's brain to the image, below the hologram of he planet, it would serve its double purpose seamlessly, and the use of the term Flag Bridge or War Room has not yet been coined, being that it was originally supposed to be dedicated to holding Thea's chains, so to speak.

Excellent idea, Kurohigi! Good to see you are still interested in reading the story and thanks for your input. I do wonder if our members feel like they want to change their characters around a little bit, and in that case, it opens for a fantastic opportunity to have that change occur over-night between Day 03 and 04. I even have a few minor changer in mind for my own characters, but I would not like to shove these changes down people's throats just because of them, so I think I will have make a poll out of it for every member to partake in and decide. If the majority wants character changes due to an unknown butterfly effect, we'll do it. Then we can change the class of the ship to Theurgy-class, and even if everyone is oblivious to any changes having occurred. The one who would pick up on the changes would be Sarresh Morali, and on SB84, Kaligos character Hi'Jak (with his degree in Temporal Mechanics and the time he has on his hands).

Changes to characters would then have to be approved by me over PM, and added as a new paragraph in all character sheets respectively. For sake of making everyone aware of updated characters and past events of theirs, I will announce changes here on the OOC thread.

So I will set up a poll, and we'll see if there is interest in this. Thanks again, Kurohigi!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on November 16, 2015, 07:02:48 PM
I'll also add, since the time frame of this game is close to the time frame of Star Trek Online, that one feature added to the Oddessy-class Starships (of which the Enterprise following the Sovreign class was one) was that the Captain's Ready room has a private transporter pad and turbolift.  It's a small detail, but would make it easier for the captain to access his/her ready room without obstruction (I would guess the turbolift itself might even connect directly to his/her quarters.)  There is also an image of the bridge layout, if any of the design elements would be useful:
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on November 16, 2015, 07:37:29 PM
Definitely like the idea of Implementing butterfly effects in the RP.  In fact These butterfly effects can periodicialy be used as a means to retcon things that we cant Write out of the Rp itself with a canon reason for the retconning.

For example lets take characters who have been written out via "stasis"  Perhaps some of the characters end up in a state of temporal flux. where in one timeline they died and in another they lived. As a result the character is written out of the RP without being on screen killed off and if the RPer comes back then the character can be brought back into sync with reality.

IN addition lets say a character joins and there are several posts pertaining to them then they just disappear perhaps the explanation for characters just moving on as if they never were talking to them (for story progression) is because they only existed in a state of temporal flux to begin with and the other characters literally forget talking to them.

Essentially this mans any plotholes in the RP can be summed up with SOmething happened butterfly flapped its wings on the fourth wall itself and caused wibly wobly timey wimey ball esque things to happen and that's why noone questions the plothole.

Essentially it is the answer to any question of inconsistency.
Thats just my thoughts on the convenince of this idea.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 16, 2015, 08:57:21 PM
Thanks again Kurohigi! I have not played Star Trek Online but I keep hearing that I should. As for the turbolift, while I see the comfort factor in it, I am not too keen on changing the Deck 01 floorplan again, so I will probably refrain from doing that. Interior design, however, is something entirely else. The linked image was very very tiny. Do you have a larger one?

Essentially this mans any plotholes in the RP can be summed up with something happened butterfly flapped its wings on the fourth wall itself and caused wibly wobly timey wimey ball esque things to happen and that's why noone questions the plothole.

Essentially it is the answer to any question of inconsistency.
Thats just my thoughts on the convenince of this idea.


Excuse me? Plotholes? Inconsistencies? *snort* How dare you suggest that our story would be nothing but 100 % accurate and consistent with Trek lore, not to mention the attendance to absolute realism in how things are developing within those bounds? ;)

That being said, should some itty-bitty detail stray anywhere close to implausibility, then the butterfly's wings may just - indeed - flap it away without delay.

Jokes aside, good call on the returning members and characters idea!

Remaining question: Is it ok with everyone that I make a floor plan and use the image of the war room to illustrate the Main Computer Core? This, with the added possible functionality of a Flag Bridge should there be need of such?

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on November 16, 2015, 09:56:36 PM
strange that the image is small.  Should have been 1280 x 720.  I have a link for a 1440 x 810:
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on November 16, 2015, 10:12:17 PM
I just sent this PM to Auctor Lucian but I figured I would share my idea here as well and see how people respond to it

I don't know, on the one hand Hi'Jak gets a new storyline, on the other hand i'm not really sure how this storyline would even play out. "Suddenly things are different!" okay then what?

It would be interesting if it leads to something more dire down the line, since the butterfly effect is a way of describing temporal flux and the multiverse theory it would be interesting to have something big happen because of it. Off the top of my head a collision with the mirror universe! I'll admit it I'm a sucker for the Terran Empire.

since the ship would be in a state of quantum flux we could have characters passing through from the empire and Federation we could use this as a way to explain characters who have gone missing or even who show up rather suddenly. Maybe there was a collision of some sort and the Theurgy hit the other universes Theurgy eventually we could end up with a mixture between the two war ships explaining the changes to deck layout with more than just "oh some choices were altered here."

Basically the two ships could be entangled through a sort of temporal rift which would slowly be ripping the two ships apart, causing things to change, or be altered in subtle ways. Kinds of déjà vu interactions could appear as the crew interacts with the ship. Minor things at first.

Of course I'm not going to say no to something that would have one of my characters at the for front of a story, but I think that just having Theurgy in flux with no purpose behind it is kind of moot.  I'm not saying that this would be something for episode 4, but we could start laying down building blocks for it.

Have character ghosts walking around as the crews start to interact with the other realities the butterfly effect represents. Temporal anomalies popping up through the ship and then suddenly failing to register (since it's not really time energy but rather multiple world theory)

Have Thea herself start to have memories from other worlds as her AI brain starts interacting with the Terran Empire's database (since she would still be connected to that worlds network instead of being severed like our Thea is.) So she would suddenly have orders and memories from a much more violent world.

We could even have some full on infiltrators.

It could lead into something bigger where Theurgy is getting torn apart be the presence of the other timeline, and it's up to two ideally opposed crews to work together to either dislodge one of the ships, or a war where they are desperately trying to destroy the other ship from the converging timeline.
it could even lead to a new way crew members can join. Left over people from the Terran Empire slowly adjusting to life on a Federation vessel sounds like a great story line to me.

These were just my thoughts off the top of my head for story line ideas revolving around the idea of a butterfly effect.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on November 16, 2015, 11:57:31 PM
re reading that I am suddenly reminded why I do not write in the early morning. I'm not exactly the most articulate or well written person before my morning coffee, I will try to modify that so it makes more sense and is less riddled with spelling errors later when I have a little more free time on my hands.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on November 17, 2015, 12:46:17 AM
@CV yes, yes, Weber is fantastic

Re: butterfly effect and the teran empire - could be fun
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 17, 2015, 12:44:52 PM
I don't know, on the one hand Hi'Jak gets a new storyline, on the other hand i'm not really sure how this storyline would even play out. "Suddenly things are different!” okay then what?

Ah, I am confident we can make this sub-plot for Hi'Jak and Sarresh Morali interesting, and far more so than the "These are some mighty peculiar readings... Oh, crap!" For Hi'Jak, it could be a tie-in for his defection, and not just for him, but for Six, Drauc, Sera and the Resolve crew as well. His readings would further confirm Captain Ives and the Theurgy's story about what is really going on. And this is just for starters. Besides his readings, there is also Drauc's translation of what A'vura heard the Romulan say. Then there is Six's forensic evidence etc. etc.

Several comments here have brought up the OOC benefits and the liberties it grants ship and asset development for the group, so that on its own should merit the occurrence of the butterfly effect in my opinion.

It would be interesting if it leads to something more dire down the line, since the butterfly effect is a way of describing temporal flux and the multiverse theory it would be interesting to have something big happen because of it. Off the top of my head a collision with the mirror universe! I'll admit it I’m a sucker for the Terran Empire.


I am not at all adverse to having the butterfly effects that transpire now in the Interregnum and in Episode 04 leading to something bigger down the line, not at all, but as to the details, we need to think it through and tie it into events following the secret (currently imagined) ending of Episode 04. A bit too early to tell, and what you are describing has a scope that would make up an entire Episode of its own, if not two of them. In short: Yes! But let's take it slow to begin with.

As for the Terran Empire... Before I make my stand in regard to that, I might have to wash that loathsome episode from the end of ENT out of my eyes... The one where Scott Bakula, in his customary over-acting, even sets a new record for it. ENT has some golden nuggets, but a lot of it is unwatchable because of Bakula, and that Episode even makes me nauseous.

Of course I'm not going to say no to something that would have one of my characters at the for front of a story, but I think that just having Theurgy in flux with no purpose behind it is kind of moot.  I'm not saying that this would be something for episode 4, but we could start laying down building blocks for it.


I don't think its moot at all considering the benefits and possible liberties to the story, and indeed, like previously stated, building blocks are good, but I am adverse to building the whole foundation without a blue print of the finished house. ;) So I think we can take it slow, and see what happens. Slight changes, strange occurrences, readings alluding towards what is going on, all fine. Ghosts and Terran Empire agents slipping through, naw. Not yet anyway.

To further build upon the temporal occurrences down the line, and also sticking to the story about our enemy and the current state of the Federation, I see a great opening to tie it closer to the core story. Given the enemy's ties to one or more factions of the Temporal Cold War of the 29th century (which has been referenced on several occasions in our story since Episode 01), and the recent revelation of the enemy's end goal (, it is to me obvious that the butterfly effect is a build-up set in motion by the enemy to tear apart the order of space-time itself - reducing everything to the primordial soup of energy that they intend for this Galaxy and all the rest of them.

Down the line, and during the gradual build-up, we can weave fantastic stories. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 17, 2015, 12:51:40 PM
Ps. Nice Bridge, Kurohigi! While entirely too spacious for the Theurgy, I like the design elements in it. We won't have a transporter at the back of it, but I really like the floor and the duty stations. I will see if I have an opportunity to visualise the Main Bridge in a new way. I'll add it to my project list. DS.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on November 17, 2015, 04:33:22 PM
Never watched ent I don't like prequels so the moment I learned it was before the original series I ignored it

The DS9 and TOS episodes were good.

Any way you seem to have it packed down. So I guess I needn't worry.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on November 17, 2015, 06:11:21 PM
I really like the idea of the computer core being able to double as a flag bridge.  After all, on a starship real estate would be at a premium and with a new class of ship (butterfly effect or no), you'd want to be able to pack as much capabilities as possible without sacrificing anything. 

I hope I'm not too far out to lunch here, but I kinda picture the Theurgy/Prometheus MkII class as being intended from the keel up to be a multirole platform.  Yes, she is wrapped around a combat-centric design, but its intent is to be able to keep itself safe on long-range deployments.  The ability to add on mission-specific modules that I mentioned would be the way to tailor the "base" model for its intended purposes.  Say if she was going to deploy in a flagship role, the main computer core/flag bridge gets manned and you fit various command and control and telemetry equipment to the hardpoints.  You need her to be fitted out for combat?  Tactical pallets with various payloads from point defence clusters to extra shield emitters or Calamity-style EW systems (those might be McGyvered using Trent's knowledge and basic sensor pallets).  For science?  Additional sensor modules, and with the ship's capability to separate, there would be three hardened, fully integrated and autonomous observation platforms sharing full sensor data instead of fragile probes with a pre-set mission profile.  And whether we get said pallets from the raid on the supply depot or in the ship's stores as part of the butterfly effect, having some on hand could be interesting.

As for Kuro's bridge plan, THAT is a flag bridge.  Throw on a holo-display in front of the command dais where the UFP crest is and a console for the command staff to manipulate the data for a more efficient display and you've got the kind of command facility that could run an entire fleet-level engagement.  Honestly, I'd think that would be the sort of facility to be found more on a starbase or a dedicated command ship, not that canon states there are any of those in the inventory.  But if Archeron pokes her ugly head back in, I could see her main bridge being repurposed to that setup and the ship being actually commanded from her secondary command deck.  Sankolov does strike me as enough of a dick to kick the captain off his bridge and out of his own ready room, after all...

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 18, 2015, 12:59:35 AM
Main Computer Core | Flag Bridge

( (

[ Click For Full Size] (

There we go! Hope you guys like the subtle LCARS update on all the screens and the depiction of Thea's brain under the transparent aluminium dome. I implemented the UFP logo too, just like in the Star Trek: Online picture.

The idea of pallets to change hardware depending on the mission at hand is great, and it doesn't require Pinarci to update anything in the current design either since the changes occur below the hull. I can simply mark the areas which open up. As for how we gain access to the pallets, I think we can have a combination of having them in the cargo bays and finding additional ones at the weapon storage facility.

We'll see if the Archeron makes a second appearence in Episode 04. Might just be possible, that. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on November 18, 2015, 04:01:15 PM
As time hasn't really been on my side lately I'm doing my best to keep up with the pretty nifty and ongoing discussion here. A lot of it looks good and sounds great, but I can't help but shake the feeling that it's going to end up a bit too grand in the end.

I like the idea of butterfly effects to help us in plots and story lines, but we shouldn't use them too much in my opinion. Same thing with the reformatting of the ship. It all sounds wonderful and even a bit magical to me. Don't get me wrong, the ideas and possibilities are brilliant and endless. But in the end, I'm not 100% convinced that it feels right.

Again, if I'm the only one having a problem with it. I'll adapt and gladly give it all a try and who knows I might even change my mind. But right now, I feel a bit baffled?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on November 18, 2015, 06:11:58 PM
Hello everyone.

I hope you're all doing well wherever you are, and having a good time. :)

So...I've been away from here quite a while now, about two, maybe even three weeks (time just flies these days), and I hope you weren't too worried or anything, but I've been bogged down with work, and IRL stuff. However, while I thought I could balance everything out and not suffer anything that resembled a burnout, I am dangerously close to one. So before it begins affecting my performance at work, I need to nip this in the bud.

What I'm trying to say, is, I'm, very much to my own regret, handing in my resignation to control over the characters of Cameron Henshaw, Edena Rez (and Kiya, Illya and Jona), Krystal Tancredi and Tristan Kendrick.

To all of you whom I have been writing with, or am in the middle of writing with, I sincerely apologize, and I enjoyed every single moment with each and every one of you. I really wish I had more time to spend so I could personally witness and be a part of the epic moments when my characters developed through their interactions with yours. So again, I'm so sorry, and I'll miss writing with you all.

To Auctor, you especially, I'm very sorry. I know all the efforts and sometimes stress you go through to keep everything together, you're an incredible leader and storyteller, and I'll always look up to you when it comes to leadership and maintenance of a whole story that's told through so many people. And your art! My God, you're a photoshopping genius, and I know you sometimes spent hours on end to make all those graphics and images for everyone's characters, and the pain of watching all that hard work sometimes go to waste because of how short their existence can be. Honestly, this is why I took so long to write this. I really, really tried to find the time and muse to write my characters. I mean I once wrote for 149 characters, all with individual developments across three sites, I thought, 4 in one site shouldn't be impossible, but there it was, I couldn't even write for one, and rather than drag this out to an inevitable result, I had best leave with some measure of least I think.

And I changed my mind about my initial request to you in my PM. Rather than let all that work and effort go to waste, don't kill Krystal. If there's someone willing to take her for a try and adopt her. I say let them. Same with Tristan, though what you do with him I leave entirely up to you. Actually that goes for all characters. I am fully turning over control and reins to you, Auctor, to do with as you please. I would urge all of you, if you have space to spare, to try and take on Cameron Henshaw and Edena Rez. Though they weren't my creations, I have found them to be such deep, profound and unique characters with so much potential and soul, killing them would be like killing a real person, and there is so much untapped and unexplored possibilities still in them. I'm just glad to have had the opportunity to even write here, however brief my time was. :)

So the story of my excuse for being so sure about leaving, it's just me and my mum, and my mum's over seventy. I'm the sole support and I handle the finances for everything. My work takes up 14 hours of my days, for six days of a week, leaving me just one day off to rest, recover and do stuff. I count fourteen because I include getting up, getting ready, heading to work, and coming back, all of which covers 14 hours total, give or take an hour or  two at most, and then I have just about enough time for a meal, maybe watch some TV with mum, and then bed, rinse, repeat. In between I guess I can write a li'l, if it's the only thing I do. I'm not saying other people couldn't find the time to write here even if they have less time than I do as it is, but I'm saying I can't handle it. I have been thinking on this over the last two weeks now, and figuring if I really can do it, when it hit me: If I'm trying to force myself to write, then something is wrong.

I mean, I love Star Trek, and I LOVE Star Trek: Theurgy. It was like being a literal part of the Star Trek Universe. Hell I personally think we are a part of the Star Trek universe, and that this is probably something I'm gonna miss like crazy the minute I hit the "post" button for this message. But I have to look after my job, and it's not fair to leave you guys hanging for weeks at a time.

So again, Auctor, I am so, so sorry. :( I know I talked and made a lot of big promises and reassurances of my abilities to cope, and now I'm proving I can't. But I think it's better I just ended it now rather than dragging it on. I hope you'll be able to forgive me eventually. Maybe even let me back someday, when I've settled things down in my life, and when I'm not struggling to survive every single day.

Just to let you all know, the situation in my country is still ongoing, and there's a potential dictatorship beginning. Taxes and prices are going up, daily consumables are almost rising to the prices of an arm and a leg, so there's that. yeah, fun times.

Well, I can go on, but I think I've covered the gist of it all. I'll just take my leave here, with a goodbye, I'll miss you all, and I'll drop in as often as I can, to keep on reading your stories, and I pray blessings for each and every one of you. Be well, take care, and I'll see you some time. :)

Take care of Heather, guys. She's a goofball and so clueless, but she'll be a great help, I know it.

Signed with love,
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 18, 2015, 09:11:34 PM
Hi Triage,

I recognise how you must think me angry with you, me having argued that more than three characters never work out on several occasions, and that it always leads to the writer resigning and leaving characters behind - characters that not only I have spent time on making images for, but others have helped integrating into the current storyline. You need not worry on that account, and especially since the way in which you resign help a lot with conflicting feelings.

That you take the time and effort to write a post like this is such a nice way to go about it. If you check the post directly underneath our Crew Manifest, and the list of writers that have left us since we started out, I can tell you that more than half of them just simply stopped replying to PMs and posts, vanishing without showing the respect to the Group to explain what was going on. I realise, of course, that with the great effort I put into this project, a sense of guilt might make them unable to face up to their responsibility towards the Group or to me personally to inform about their choice, but that might be as it may. It just goes to show what a nice and responsible person and writer you are, and I can but thank you for all the warm-hearted words you leave behind on behalf of me personally and the story as a whole.

If your IRL issues resolves themselves, and you feel confident about returning, then you should know that you will always be welcome here. Perhaps you will only be writing one or two characters then, to ensure that you won't burn yourself out, but either way it goes, we will be here. This story has yet to be fully told, and we have been at it for 4 years already, so you can rest assured that we will be here for many years to come. I am certain that you will find yourself back here at some point, as long as you want to return.

As for your characters, I have given it some thought, and here goes:

1) Heather McMillan

Her being a civilian scientist, she doesn't hold a senior staff position or something like that, so she could simply be made a NPC until someone wants to inherit her, or you return to play her again. If someone is interested in playing her, just PM me and we go from there. No reason to kill her off since she is not in the way of some new applicant, really.

2) Cameron Henshaw

Her being the Captain's Yeoman, and the off- and on-duty relationship with the Captain, I am very keen on having someone take over playing her. The relationship is one thing, for sure, but Henshaw is also Mission Ops now, and the Captain's own Morale Officer - unoffically keeping tabs on the crew. There having been a mutiny, that is a pretty high priority task atm. Lastly, but perhaps most importantly, Cameron Henshaw is also the adopted daughter of Episode 04's antagonist, Ian Hawthorne. There is some great things ahead if someone would just take Henshaw into consideration.

3) Edena Rez

Before Triage took over Edena, there were plans to have Nolan inherit the Rez symbiont, fact being that Amelya Duv is an unjoined Trill. I had Nolan online over IM already when you posted, and Nolan has shown interest in the original plan to have Amelya Duv become Amelya Rez. I will honour Kuro's original wish to keep him in the loop if Edena Rez were to be inherited by someone else, so I will PM Kurohigi and Nolan separately about this. This would also open up the Lounge Proprietor position aboard the Theurgy as well for new characters/members.

4) Krystal Tancredi

She being a fighter pilot on the USS Resolve at Starbase 84, I figure that she might be an NPC to begin with. If no one would be interested in playin her, she could either go out in a blaze of glory in the final battle or, alternatively, if you would return before that - Triage - you could simply pick up playing her again. I don't see her becoming one of the Lone Wolves, though, unless someone actively plays her. Worst-case scenario, she will be an NPC up until the end of Episode 04.

5) Tristan Kendrick

I could use some help from someone playing Tristan Kendrick, though, since he is a plot-driving character in Episode 04. It would, also, be a temporal undertaking, him being an Episode-based character and not intended to be played actively after Episode 04 comes to an end. If someone would be willing to do this, it would be awesome!

So, there we go. Some kind of contingency plan, and to to let you - Triage - know that there will be an opportunity to take up playing Heather McMillan if you decide to return, and if you return before too long, you would have Krystal Tancredi too. Take care of your mother, and take care of yourself. Don't give up on your writing, because it would be such a shame for a talent such as yours to go to waste.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on November 19, 2015, 10:34:51 PM
Sad to see you go Triage! Hopefully life will get better soon. I do hope that you may one day find the time and strength to come back to us. Until than, good luck in your future endeavors.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on November 22, 2015, 11:41:59 PM
hey sortry to see you go triage.  Also sorry i have been so unabe to post when i said I would post.  the days i thought i wouldnt be usy ended upbeing a lot busier than i thought they would be this last week and frankly I think I will have just as hectic of a time posting until after the first week of December is over. 

Thankfully, Our Final is going to be a take home final and as such I will be trying to complete it on Thursday the 3rd. and out last test will be on that same thursday in class.  ((I will try and get caught up on posts today. I apologize if I forget to post in any threads where I am needed.))
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vystori on November 23, 2015, 03:54:37 AM
Sorry folks for my delayed post. I know it's just a filler post for now until the plans for my character get worked out in more detail but I told Lucan I'd have it posted like a week ago. Managed to get the flu (thanks kids~) that had me offline for a few days at least. All better now though so PM me or tag me here if you need me to collaborate more with you regarding planning. :D

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 23, 2015, 01:50:08 PM
Thank you for letting the whole group know about changes in posting activity!

DAY 04: Weapon Storage Raid [0750 hrs.]

The raid on the weapon storage facility has been initiated in the Interregnum! Head over here to read it:

Like it says in the OOC note, the plan is that the Lone Wolves launch at Ives' order and deploy the tetryon pulse canons underneath their Valkyries, and in a coordinated attack, they blast out the Black Opal's systems. Communication, targeting systems, sensors, everything. Only then, the Theurgy move in to beam down the three security teams, each team six people strong. The Lone Wolves are free to land at the Black Opal, and together with Security, move into the base to secure it. Amendments or additional "last moment" ideas are welcome, and presented in response to this post. Let's try this without a layout of the base at first, and if required, I can make a map, but lets keep this basic and quick so that we can move on to Episode 04 before too long.

Posting order is free, but if there is a lack of posting activity, I will set an order just to make things move along, or I will simply push events forward.

Butterfly Effect Vote = 11 Members in Favour

The vote closes in a couple of hours, but 11 have already voted in favour of the butterfly effect. Despite the unanimous vote, no one has requested to have any changes made, but here are two things that has happened as of Day 04:

1) The USS Theurgy is - and always has been - a Theurgy-class prototype ship and not a Mk II Prometheus one. I have no progress renders to show at this point, but at least the name change is easy enough to remember for the time being.

2) I have long wanted to change Evelyn Rawley's callsign from 'Ranger' to 'Ghost', and this will be a fact as of the thread above (and IC-wise her callsign has, as far as our characters know, always been 'Ghost'). Small thing, but worth for everyone to know, at least those who write Lone-Wolf characters.

That is all for now!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on November 23, 2015, 04:56:18 PM
Unless there are any objections, I'll have Sten join the boarding party to head up the resupply operations along with whatever enlisted people will be involved in the tagging and transporting of supplies.  Do we have anyone who wants to lead the Theurgy end of the process? 

Ida will of course be in overall charge of the boarding proper as the senior officer on the ground and commanding the security/kinetic component.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 23, 2015, 05:16:46 PM
Slight correction if I may. Rank-wise, Lieutenant Commander Wenn Cinn will be the senior officer on the ground during and after the boarding operation, commanding Security with Ida and Ryuan Sel leading the secondary and tertiary security teams that beam down. In addition and following in the wake of security, Ops with Sten Covington in charge beams down to manage to loading operations. COps Natalie Stark could oversee it all from the bridge, perhaps?

That being said, I leave it open to all kinds of complications during the loading, crew on the base hiding and suddenly throwing a wrench or two into the loading operations.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on November 23, 2015, 08:23:50 PM
Who is going to be leading the wolves in the attack?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 23, 2015, 08:27:55 PM
I figured Wolf-01, personally. But would you rather have Miles Renard pass on this one, IronFerrox?

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 25, 2015, 05:13:26 PM

All right, a rundown on current development projects and where I might need some help form you guys. Also, a new fun project up for everyone to weigh in on.

Mk II Valkyrie (Harbinger Fighters)

Since we are left with a handful of old Mk II Valkyries, IronFerrox had the idea that the old images we used for the Mk III could be the Mk II instead, the only thing that needs fixing is to make them grey since they have been described as grey on too many occasions to retconn now. What I need from you guys is help to write up the specs for them, but compared to other projects below, they are a low-priority.

Mk III Valkyrie (Pinarci's new weapon systems)

The Twin-Mount

IronFerrox and CanadianVet had awesome ideas, but I find myself short of time to compile the specs into an easy to understand paragraph of text. This text needs to be added to the Tac Conn info on our board.

Tetryon Pulse Phase Cannon

Same thing here, while an old weapon, the pros and cons I listed here in the OOC needs to be compiled into a single paragraph description that makes it clear what it is capable of.

Theurgy-class Starship Specifications

Pinarci may be making the 3d model, but it is up to us to go over the old specs of our Mk II Prometheus ship and update it to fit the new Theurgy-class. This one is a Priority, I think.

The New Accipiter Rifle

I bought these stock images on, and figured we could put the design to use. These could be the standard armament in the cockpits of the Reavers, so a handful of these could be recovered from the debris. What I need from you guys is to give this rail-gun looking rifle specs, and I think it could be reminicent of the twin-mount idea, but perhaps even better, a tetryon pulse phase cannnon that can be carried around? Feast your eyes on these and I will photoshop them eventually: ( ( ( (

Hope you like it!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on November 25, 2015, 08:16:36 PM
I figured Wolf-01, personally. But would you rather have Miles Renard pass on this one, IronFerrox?

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Yea, Miles is leading the Wolves in both Airborne and ground operations on this mission.  In the air he answers to mission ops and when on the ground the wolves are redesignated as security division and as such he reports to Cinn.  SOme of the wolves will land while others remain in a airborne patrol.  It will be up to the individual Roleplayers whether their pilot was assigned to a ground ops role or whether they remain in air patrol.  The highest ranking Wolf remaining in the air during ground operations becomes the pack leader in the air while miles leads the wolves on the ground recieving orders from Sten.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on November 26, 2015, 01:34:32 AM
Unless there are any objections, I'll have Sten join the boarding party to head up the resupply operations along with whatever enlisted people will be involved in the tagging and transporting of supplies.  Do we have anyone who wants to lead the Theurgy end of the process? 

Master Chief O'Connell will be happy to man the Theurgy's transporter room during the operation.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Absinthe on November 27, 2015, 02:23:48 PM
Hey, just so people know I changed my forum name back to Absinthe and Fine Wine. That way my forum name matches my account name once more. Plus I like the way it sounds. Anyway just an FYI
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 27, 2015, 09:26:52 PM

Do we have anyone who wants to lead the Theurgy end of the process?

Master Chief O'Connell will be happy to man the Theurgy's transporter room during the operation.

Excellent Doc M! I will leave it up to you which transporter room he operates from but we have a couple of them. Ida will be leaving from one, Ryuan Sel another, and Wenn Cinn from a third one. Sten Covington will also be leaving from one of the three aforementioned (unclear in the post, from what I remember). Brutus! Natalie Stark being on the Bridge, she has the bird's perspective on all transporter operations during this raid. DocReno! Since O'Connell won't be at his station on the main bridge, Lin Kae is most welcome to man the Engineering station, standing in for O'Connell.



With Nolan showing great interest in Cameron Henshaw, there have been a lot of discussions back and forth (where also Kurohigi was involved in regard to Nolan's inheritance of the Rez symbiont for Amelya Duv). Early on, we decided to wait a week to see if there was anyone else interested in Cameron Henshaw since Nolan already has a few characters, but with no interest shown from the group, here is the result.

Nolan will take over Cameron Henshaw as of this day, and play her in full as if she was one of his own. In this inheritance, a butterfly effect has made it so that she - at some point - decided to grow out her hair instead of keeping the haircut in the above images. So, as of Day 04 and the Black Opal raid, Cameron Henshaw looks like this:

(Note to those with DA accounts: There might just be a new image of Cam in the DeviantArt boudoir gallery of ours too...)

As you may be thinking, this would leave Nolan with a lot of characters to handle, so in the interest of Group transparency and clarity in regard to my loose policy about 3 characters maximum per member, here is Nolan's character gallery:

1) Amleya Duv
2) Simon Tovarek
3) Cameron Henshaw
4) Edena Rez (light trial period until symbiont is transferred and Edena is put in stasis)
5) Thomas Ravon (MIA, potentially returning at some point)

Nolan raised a very good point about getting to know Edena Rez as the character she currently is before she is eventually absorbed into Amelya Duv, so my demandis that Nolan let me step in and help him whenever needed. I still remain worried that Nolan, like Triage, would burn out his creativity with so many characters to write for, me having experienced the backlash of having a lot of characters and scenes to keep track of. It is not just in terms of writing, but reading up on all the posts that you need to. In short, I will step in and NPC characters of Nolan's choosing as required to keep him from being stressed out about all the writers that may be waiting for him.

A second benefit of not putting Edena Rez in stasis right away is that if Triage or Kurohigi returns before that, they both retain the possibility of playing her again. As of now, Kurohigi's work situation has not improved, and while he gave it serious thought, he still felt that he would not be able to give the Group the attention it deserves.

So, Nolan will be trying his hand at writing for Edena Rez as well, but perhaps not with the 100 % dedication of the top three characters in the list above.



I could still use some help from someone playing Tristan Kendrick, since he is a plot-driving character in Episode 04. It would be a temporal undertaking, him being an Episode-based character and not intended to be played actively after Episode 04 comes to an end. If someone would be willing to do this, it would be awesome!


A reminder about the help I need compiling info on the listed projects below, as well as opening a discussion about the new Accipiter rifle:



In order to document the changes of the butterfly effect, I have retitiled the poll and added a post underneath it which I will be updating as required with new impacts of the butterfly effect. Here is the current list and the link:
Link: (

If anyone out there have requests about changing their characters or their past, PM me about it and I will approve it, announce it and add it to this listing.


For all those interested in the development of the new starship model, I have some bitter news.


As he worked on the saucer section, which was the last one to finish, Pinarci ran into problems. In his own words:

"I did detect a big problem with the ship and it seems that connections don't work, I did try to correct it but more I play with the object it goes bad. It is best I start with a clean start. Since I know exactly how she needs to be I will build her from the zero up to this point. I am sending you and and image and you go on with 'customer has a request', don't close the order. I am starting fresh up, with a clean geometry." - Mehmet Pinarci

It seems the intricate model lost cohesion, resulting in a set-back all the way back to square one. Him being a trooper about it, though, he seems none too discouraged by it. We have a delay, but better that than a model that doesn't fit together. I am cheering him on for all of us, and I will be posting progress renders here in the OOC thread on a regular basis.

That is all for now!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on November 28, 2015, 12:57:30 AM
Okay, Sten is just outside Transporter Room 1 with 15 other resupply boarders, and there are another 16 waiting at Transporter Rooms 2 and 3.  The way I wrote it, Security will beam in first and as soon as the "clear" is given, the resupply crews will be beaming over in 2 waves from 3 different transporter rooms and then, they will go shopping... Viking-style.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 02, 2015, 03:38:28 PM

After posting in the prologue today, I realised that it might be better starting up a new thread instead given how I have turned the heads of time forward three hours at Starbase 84. So, I split up my long post, by 1) letting the Prologue end with A'vura getting stunned and carried to the Brig, and 2) starting up this thread for all the writers in Episode 04:

Chapter 01 "Tensions Rising" (

I will also send this link over PM to those who write in Episode 04. The Theurgy will either arrive at the end of this new Chapter or at the beginning of the next depending on what kind of headway we make.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on December 02, 2015, 04:13:04 PM
Been caught up in work/rl/nanowrimo. That last one is done tho (successfully!) So I'll be trying to post later tonight for at least some of what I owe

Lucan, if you can shoot me a pm with thread lists I'd much appreciate it.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 02, 2015, 04:17:57 PM
No problem! I will send it as soon as I can.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 03, 2015, 09:03:15 PM

Alright! I need your help again everyone! Check the link below and cast your vote within 14 days! :)


Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 05, 2015, 10:38:32 AM
Hi everyone! Look what they found in the cockpits of the Reavers? The Mistress-at-Arms will be posting a demonstration thread at the phaser range, but here are the specs. :)



Model: RG-M1506 PT-10 Accipiter (RailGun - Mach 15 model 06 Phased Tetryon level 10)
Weight unloaded: 6 kg
Weight loaded: 7 kg (1 kg Battery Pack)
Total Length: 120 cm with gyro-stabilization
Trigger Pull: 0.5 kg to 3.5 kg (user adjustable)
Battery Pack Capacity: 0,5 hours of constant tetryon beam fire. 2000 tungsten carbide 5 mm bullets/4000 Warp Field Bursts
Railgun Bolt Velocity: 18,375.66 km/h
Effective Bolt Range: 1 km
Scope: 4cm x 5cm Long- & Close-Range incl. Biomimetic Exographic Targeting Sensor
Safety: Trigger Finger Print Scanner, Scope Retinal Scanner, Grip Biometrics Scanner

This state-of-the-art heavy support rifle hail from next-gen technology. It was recovered from the cockpits of destroyed Reavers in the last battle against the USS Calamity and there are 5 individuals of these weapons. They are not freely distributed to officers on the Theurgy without consent of two members of the Senior Staff. The first Accipiter was recovered from the Reaver that Evelyn Rawley landed in the hangar after the escape from Theta Eridani IV, yet with the grip and retinal scanners, it was useless until Thea could derive the code that restored the weapons to their factory settings. Obviously, the Accipiter was meant as a heavy infantry support weapon and not pilot standard issue, but for the holograms in the Reavers, the weight of these weapons were not a disadvantage, and thus became standard gear in the cockpits.

The Accipiter features a new hand-held RailGun system. A Rapid Loader Replicator creates an 7 mm Tungsten Carbide bullet which is then loaded into the Micro Warp Field Generator. The generator creates a short lasting warp field around the bullet. The bullet, now virtually weightless, is pushed through a magnetic field which pushes the bullet up to speeds of Mach 15. This entire process takes less than .0006% of a second. This allows the gun to shot a maximum of 1500 bullet per minute. Though meant to be fired in bursts this gun can fire for a solid 20 seconds before it will need to be reloaded. Due to this new system the device can launch a projectile at high velocity without any muzzle flash or burst or chemical propellent.

It should be noted that due to the high rate of fire firing for more than 15 seconds solid risks a catastrophic overheat. Due to size and weight limitations and a high rate of fire the supercooling conductor inside the device, a cooling conduit designed to convert residual heat into additional power for the machine, may be overloaded and cease to function. At which time the device will no longer be able to get rid of excess heat. Though the parts  are rated to a high heat tolerance the Biomemetic materials in the sight will fail at temperatures exceeding 540 K. In addition the overheated housing my cause damage to any organic tissue in contact with the device.


The device has a number of unique firing options. This includes 3 unique settings for the railgun, an experimental railgun dry firing feature that creates a burst of concussive force, and a newly designed Phased Tetryon Beam Emitter.

Railgun Firing Options

The first firing mode for the rail gun bullets only fires a single shot each time the trigger is pulled. This is ideal for hitting an unshielded target within a 1 km range. Next is a burst of 10 bullets per trigger pull (0,5 second burst). This option is ideal for combat in tight corridors and in situations where it is best if ammunition is reserved. In addition the first 2 options allow for a great deal of control. Finally the third option allows for a continual firing. This option is ideal for dealing with a large number of targets and situations where aiming at individual targets is no longer an option.

Warp Concussion Mode

A new experimental feature allows for the railgun to be fired without a projectile. Instead the device creates a short lasting warp bubble and launches it at high velocity. Within 3 meters of the gun the warp bubble will dissolve and create a concussive force which can be used to repel targets that are swarming the shooter, break up debris, or push objects to heavy to normally be moved. This option is still highly experimental, and though field tests have shown it to be useful, it should only be used on the single shot setting of the device.

Phased Tetryon Beam

Tetryon beams weaken and disable most types of shielding while not damaging organic tissue, making this emitter the preliminary firing option before switching to the railgun once a shield has been disabled. The Phased Tetryon Beam Emitter uses this technology in parallel with phaser emitter technology, a standard issue that is commonly found in the majority of Starfleet handphasers and rifles. The combination of the two emitters allows for a single beam that can not only weaken and disable shields but can also stun a target. This allows for a single weapon that can do the job it would normally take 2 unique beams weapons to do. In addition, there are a number of stun settings that can be used, from the low stun setting which can disable most adults to maximum stun setting which is strong enough to immobilize a Soong-type android.  The reason why there is no kill-settings in the emitter is that it would render the effect of the tetryon beam inadequate of breaking down shields.

Tetryon Sensor Marker

In addition, thanks to a unique targeting sensor in the scope, it is possible to use the tetryon emitter to mark targets, making for a near permanent weapon lock on that target as long as it is within a 20 degree angle in front of the Accipiter's muzzle. This unique feature allows for continual target lock even when other sensors can no longer pick up the target due to obstructions. Though the range and power of the lock is highly variable, it is still useful in situations where visible contact with the target cannot be maintained.

If anyone spots typos or errors, please let me know and I will update this text before I add it to the Security Dept. info on our board. Absinthe! I have made some updates to the specs, so keep this in mind for the demonstration thread. Moved some decimals and numbers around for sake of plausibility, and removed the kill-setting on the tetryon beam emitter.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vystori on December 10, 2015, 06:53:22 PM
Hey party people,

Just giving y'all a heads up here. Between the 18th of Dec. and the 6th of Jan. my kids will be out of school for their Christmas vacation. Since we do in fact celebrate the holidays things will be utter chaos and crazy over here, not to mention that my oldest son and I will be spending a portion of that time up North away from the house for a private vacation. I will be here sparsely, if at all. So please do bear with me. I will try to keep up in that time, but if I cannot you are aware of the reasoning why.

Thanks in advance, and happy holidays to you all. =3

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: The Counselor on December 14, 2015, 04:13:20 AM
Hi all,

Just wanted to chime in and let everyone know I'm still alive!  This is a particularly busy time for me, but the good news is, I expect to have free time over the holidays. 

I'm catching up on the reading overall and expect to have posts up in a day or two.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 17, 2015, 03:07:30 AM
Thanks for letting us know, Lori.


Here is a concept image of Thea's new look. It's a large image, so it might take a while for you guys to load it. This is not the finished model, but a concept image for what it is supposed to look like when it is finished. (

Hope you all like the design!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Zenozine on December 17, 2015, 06:19:55 AM
Very nice, quite impressive to say the least.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RosariaRosette on December 17, 2015, 09:31:45 AM
Hi everyone first of all I wanted to apologize for my extremely long absence from the group. I'm so sorry to everyone involved in any threads with me for the hold ups I've put you all through. Lately work has been piling up due to the coming of the holidays. Work is still taking up quite a bit of time but I will really try to put the effort forth to try and be more active in the coming weeks. I'm sorry for my inactivity and hope you can all forgive me.

Also I promise to try and communicate any future absences to the group here better in the future as well.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on December 18, 2015, 05:14:23 AM
As for me, my last final is tomorrow so I should be able to catch up afterwards.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 18, 2015, 03:14:58 PM
Thanks for the updates!


The two first challengers have been defeated, but it was a very close call for the Deputy to win her match. So, if anyone feel so inclined, Jien Ives and Deputy zh'Wann are available for any new challengers on the Theurgy! (

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on December 20, 2015, 11:03:47 PM
Will try to get posting somewhere this week. Christmas, New year and exams are causing some mayhem though. So bear with me.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 24, 2015, 11:15:35 PM
We celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve here in Sweden tonight so I will not get much done, but my posts are due asap.

Merry Christmas everyone!
Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RosariaRosette on December 25, 2015, 03:00:06 AM
Merry Christmas everyone!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on December 28, 2015, 11:52:14 PM
Now that a new year is starting, I thought I'd share some ideas I had for light hearted group scenes in the Interregnum.  Auctor Lucan and I discussed them and I nearly forgot about them but I thought I'd run them up the flagpole and see who salutes them.

My first idea was a "Back to Boot Camp" idea to restore the military discipline of the cast and give some of the non-Starfleet cast some training.  This can be covered with a short scene with a drill instructor and anyone who has "volunteered" for the remedial training.  Odds are the faceless NPC's from the Harbinger are getting this training off stage.  Although usually drill instructors are senior NCO's (Gunnery Sergeants and Chief Petty Officers) there aren't that many in the cast.  (I think that O'Connell and Covington are the only senior enlisted men who are player characters at this time.)  That doesn't mean that an officer can't be the drill instructor or that a temporary NPC can't be made up on the spot to be the drill instructor in this scene.

My second idea would be that the crew attempt to restore morale by attempting to put on a play.  I picture a light hearted scene where our characters try out for roles they are not suited for, read their lines melodramatically or too stilted, misunderstand stage directions, etc.  Remember, just your characters are trying out for a play, doesn't mean they know how to act.  If this idea is taken, the play should be a work that was written in the late 21st or early 22nd century so no one will be expected to be familiar with it, but some of us can pretend to be.  Alternatively it can be a work of Shakespeare.  

Let me know if you're interested and we can work out the details.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RosariaRosette on December 29, 2015, 03:16:48 AM
Just a quick update from me work has me loaded down right now but I'll try to get posts going soon. Please bear with me :)

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 30, 2015, 10:36:01 AM

Great initiative, Doc M. Please speak up everyone and I will help out as best as I might. Now, since people are celebrating the Holidays, I figured it was time for an update for you all so that you know where your posting is at when you get back in gear. As usual, here is the list of active threads organised chronologically and by board, and all of these are links to click. I have also added posting reminders about who is next to post in all of them.

Some of you might have been verified by email about this already, but I have proceeded to lock and sticky threads that are finished so that it is easier to keep track of all the threads.


DAY 01: Time Judges All [0500 hrs.] Next poster: 1) CanadianVet 2) Kaligos 3) IronFerrox (Long overdue, this one. Can it be wrapped?) (
DAY 01: Rejuvenation [0900 hrs.] (  Finished!
DAY 01: The Path Ahead [0915 hrs.] (  Finished!
DAY 01: New Life [1000 hrs.] Next poster: Zenozine (
DAY 01: Lost in the Mind [1015 hrs.] ( Finished!
DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.] Next poster: Zenozine (
DAY 01: Encouragement [1115 hrs.] ( Finished!
DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.] ( Finished!
DAY 01: SAR Away-Mission [1150 hrs.] Next poster: Doc.M. (
DAY 01: Healing | Part 1 [0730 hrs.] ( Finished!
DAY 01: A Fresh Start | Part 1 [1230 hrs.] ( Finished!
DAY 01: A Fresh Start | Part 2 [1240 hrs.] ( Finished!
DAY 01: Meeting of the Minds [1300 hrs.] ( Finished!
DAY 01: The First of Many Propositions [1400 hrs.] ( Finished!
DAY 01: An Empty Pack [2030 hrs.] Next poster: Kaligos & DocReno (
DAY 01: A Quiet Chat [2100 hrs.] ( Finished!

DAY 02: Houseguest [0130 hrs.] Next poster: RosariaRosette (
DAY 02: Goldeneye's Confession [0700 hrs.] ( Finished!
DAY 02: Back From the Dead [0800 hrs.] ( Finished!
DAY 02: In Remembrance [1200 hrs.] Next poster: Everyone who has not told the GM otherwise (
DAY 02: Critical Vacancy [1230 hrs.] Next poster: DocReno (
DAY 02: A Friendly Chat [1300 hrs.] Next poster: The Counselor (
DAY 02: Mistress-at-Arms [1400 hrs.] Next poster: Absinthe (
DAY 02: Digital Relations [1500 hrs.] ( Finsihed!
DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.] Next poster: DocReno & Any Challenger for ThanIda zh'Wann (
DAY 02: Healing | Part 2 [1830 hrs.] Next poster: Zenozine (
DAY 02: Poker Night [2000 hrs.] ( Finished!

DAY 03: Unfinished Business [0610 hrs.] Next poster: Kaligos (
DAY 03: Phasmids [0900 hrs.] ( Finished!
DAY 03: The Accipiter [1400 hrs.] Next poster: 1) Absinthe 2) CanadianVet & Anyone present (
DAY 03: Midnight Oil [2345 Hrs] Next poster: CanadianVet (
DAY 04: Weapon Storage Raid [0750 hrs.] Next poster: 1) Zenozine / CanadianVet / IronFerrox 2) Anyone independently. Board the base! (
DAY 04: Subconscious Repression [1955 hrs.] Next poster: The Counselor (

EPISODE 04: Simulcast

Episode 04: Simulcast | Prologue "Homecoming" ( Finished!

Chapter 01: Tensions Rising (
  - Below the Acquisition Grid Next poster: Brutus (Krystal & Keval arrives next)
  - Tristan & F'Rell with two security guards Next poster: Absinthe
  - Krystal & Keval Next poster: DocReno
  - Brig Scene Next poster: RedBaron as according to PM (Tristan & F'Rell arrives next)
  - Science Department Scene Next poster: Auctor Lucan


In Day 01, I will be posting a thread with Zaraq where he starts out training Amelya Duv in required combat field medic skills, toughening her up a bit for away-mission roles. Day 05 will be heavily influenced by the outcome in the Weapon Storage Raid, with gear and weapons found there being the focus. The rapid fire twin-mounts will be one of the things that needs to be fitted on all the Valkyries, for example. Day 05 would be a good one for the ideas mentioned above in this thread, right Doc. M?

I will be posting a starter for Day 06 too, where everyone can have their characters leave personal logs for their friends and family. Not only that, but this day is the last one before they arrive at Starbase 84, so this would be the last chance before the suicide mission to say and do what they want to, speaking with those they have grown close to, and find some measure of closure before the battle.

Episode 04 has become somewhat of a waiting game, but as soon as RedBaron and Brutus posts there, I am confident the evidence found will kick things off and lead into an interesting set-up for when the Theurgy arrives, which will be right at the end of Chapter 01.


I will be posting development as soon as I find the time to compile some images from the renders I've got, but I am excited about the progress!


So far, we have only tried to have our surviving NPCs from writers that have left us inherited by present members in our Group. An idea came to me where I would compile ads for House of Eros, STPMA, TrekCore, Yahoo Groups, Tumblr & DeviantArt. In those ads, I would be offering our NPC characters specifically, asking people to take over playing them in our story. For some characters, it might be tough for new applicants to learn the back story, and for others, it will be easier. I would have to prepare summaries when any applicants contact me about the characters, but as for the initial ads, I will be able to use the characters graphics to invoke some interest. Furthermore, I am going to give the applicants creative licenses to rewrite the biographies before approval, but some things will have to remain despite the Butterfly Effect, like their names and character images, for example.

If anyone would like me to make ads for specific NPCs of ours, let me know here or over PM, and I will make them my priority.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on January 01, 2016, 07:22:53 AM
Hey everyone, sorry for a lengthy two week absence. I have been a little under the weather after dealing with family garbage for the past few days, the good news is that the new year is just that a new year, and it seems that as of the 3rd things will be getting back to normal. However I will be gone all day on the 2nd, I've decided to go see a doctor, which means a 6 hour drive into the city, finding a clinic, getting treated, and then maybe going to see star wars if I have the energy (because the theater on the island i live in can't afford the ability to play the movie.)

I'm also to be returning to college come the 4th, but it seems like I will be back to posting, my goal is to get myself all caught up on Eros for the new year, so that I can take things easier come school times.

All in all I appologize for my insensitive timing of absence, and would like you to know that both Nathan and Hi'Jak will be returning come 2016.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 03, 2016, 08:05:55 PM
Thanks for the update!

Here is a belated and small Christmas Present for you all! A compressed rar file with Thea computer sounds. (

Since the vote for voice actress fell on Tarnia, she made these sounds for us as according to the transcripts of a standard Starfleet computer. Just a fun little thing, really.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Havenborn on January 05, 2016, 07:59:00 AM
Hello everyone, I'm a new player to Star Trek: Theugry but I've been roleplaying for years, most of it online as well as most of it being Star Trek based.  My character's name is Daniel Roman Havenborn and I've joined as the Resolve's Squadron Commanding Officer.

I'm excited to get into the game and I'm looking forward to roleplaying with everyone and I hope that you all enjoy roleplaying with me.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on January 05, 2016, 02:06:19 PM
Awesome to hear; welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on January 06, 2016, 12:39:44 AM
Welcome aboard, havenborn.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on January 06, 2016, 01:10:15 PM
Welcome to the group Haven! Hope to see you soon in game ^^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: DocReno on January 08, 2016, 09:17:23 PM
I just wanted to apologize to everyone for how long it's taking me to get my posts out and the patience with them, I hope to have my computer back up and running soon.

By that same point, I wanted to thank you all for having the patience with them.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 12, 2016, 02:28:27 AM



This is the last chance for writers of the Lone Wolves and the Security officers that have boarded the base to write out their individual achievements in fighting the Starfleet personnel posted at the Black Opal. Next time I post, I will be writing Lieutenant Commander Dewitt ordering the base personnel to stand down and yield their weapons to the Theurgy's people. Next poster is IronFerrox.

After that announcement on the PA system, Doc M. and CanadianVet, it is your show to start re-supplying the Theurgy as quickly as possible.


He might already have posted here, but I figured I would take the opportunity to formally welcome Havenborn. Here is his character, who is already facing a moral dilemma in Episode 04:

( Lt. Daniel Havenborn          Squadron Commanding Officer USS Resolve
  - Played by Havenborn

Looking forward to writing with you, Havenborn!


As you all might have guessed, Nyla has left us. Yet given the plot-essential role of the Acting Chief of Operations on the USS Resolve and her meeting with the Romulan in Episode 04, Vystori has kindly offered to play A'vura Zeshryr.

( Ens. A’vura Zeshryr           Act. Chief of Operations    USS Resolve
  - Played by Vystori

As always when one of our players inherit a character, Vystori has been issued a creative licence in writing the character instead of adhering to the way she was played by Nyla. It is also entirely optional whether or not Vystori revises the character sheet to make her own take on A'vura Zeshryr, this by posting a new character sheet at her leisure.


Now that RosariaRosette was satisfied with the biography of Sera vers Aldnoah and she has posted it for everyone, I figured I would take the opportunity to link it here for you all. Sera was announced earlier in this thread, but now the sheet was finished:

( Ms. Sera vers Aldnoah         Explorer                    Starbase 84
  - Played by RosariaRosette


( Cpt. Tristan Kendrick         Commanding Officer          USS Resolve [NPC]
  - Available to be played by all members within reason

I could still use some help from someone playing Tristan Kendrick, since he is a plot-driving character in Episode 04. It would be a temporal undertaking, him being an Episode-based character and not intended to be played actively after Episode 04 comes to an end. If someone would be willing to do this, it would be awesome!



ThanIda zh'Wann is available for a spar with the first one who posts in the sparring tournament. Surely someone is willing to go around against Ida? She is already beaten bloody by Nathaniel Isley so it will likely be she that looses to your character.

Link: DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.] (



With the recovery of the Accipiter rifle, a new thread has been posted by Absinthe for all Senior Staff members on the Theurgy as well as any Lone Wolves available to attend. Here, the people gathered will be given a taste of what the Accipiter can do. Read up and post away:

Link: DAY 03: The Accipiter [1400 hrs.] (



A reminder about the help I need compiling written info (only texts) on the listed projects below. Please PM me if you can take on a project and ease my burden.

Theurgy-class Starship Specifications

We may be getting a 3D model soon, but it is up to us to go over the old specs of our ship and update it to fit the new Theurgy-class. This one is a priority.

Mk III Valkyrie (Pinarci's new weapon systems)

The Twin-Mount

IronFerrox and CanadianVet had awesome ideas, but I find myself short of time to compile the specs into an easy to understand paragraph of text. This text needs to be added to the Tac Conn info on our board.

Tetryon Pulse Phase Cannon

Same thing here, while an old weapon, the pros and cons I listed here in the OOC needs to be compiled into a single paragraph description that makes it clear what it is capable of.

Mk II Valkyrie (Resolve & Harbinger Fighters)

Since we are left with a handful of old Mk II Valkyries, IronFerrox had the idea that the old images we used for the Mk III could be the Mk II instead, the only thing that needs fixing is to make them grey since they have been described as grey on too many occasions to retconn now. What I need from you guys is help to write up the specs for them, but compared to other projects below, they are a low-priority.



In order to document the changes of the butterfly effect, set for Day 04 in the Interregnum, here is the current list and the link:
Link: (

If anyone out there have requests about changing their characters or their past, PM me about it and I will approve it, announce it and add it to this listing. Remember that the day set for the changes to occur is Day 04 and onwards.


As usual, here is the list of active threads organised chronologically and by board, and all of these are links to click. I have also added posting reminders about who is next to post in all of them.


DAY 01: Time Judges All [0500 hrs.] Next poster: 1) CanadianVet 2) Kaligos 3) IronFerrox (Long overdue, this one. Can it be wrapped?) (
DAY 01: Rejuvenation [0900 hrs.] (  Finished!
DAY 01: The Path Ahead [0915 hrs.] (  Finished!
DAY 01: New Life [1000 hrs.] Next poster: The Counselor (
DAY 01: Lost in the Mind [1015 hrs.] ( Finished!
DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.] ( Finished!
DAY 01: Encouragement [1115 hrs.] ( Finished!
DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.] ( Finished!
DAY 01: SAR Away-Mission [1150 hrs.] Next poster: Brutus (
DAY 01: Healing | Part 1 [0730 hrs.] ( Finished!
DAY 01: A Fresh Start | Part 1 [1230 hrs.] ( Finished!
DAY 01: A Fresh Start | Part 2 [1240 hrs.] ( Finished!
DAY 01: Meeting of the Minds [1300 hrs.] ( Finished!
DAY 01: The First of Many Propositions [1400 hrs.] ( Finished!
DAY 01: Healing | Part 2 [1840 hrs.] Next poster: Nolan (
DAY 01: An Empty Pack [2030 hrs.] Next poster: Kaligos & DocReno (
DAY 01: Off-Duty Treatment [2030 hrs.] Next poster: Zenozine (
DAY 01: A Quiet Chat [2100 hrs.] ( Finished!

DAY 02: Houseguest [0130 hrs.] Next poster: RosariaRosette (
DAY 02: Goldeneye’s Confession [0700 hrs.] ( Finished!
DAY 02: Back From the Dead [0800 hrs.] ( Finished!
DAY 02: In Remembrance [1200 hrs.] Next poster: Everyone who has not told the GM otherwise (
DAY 02: Critical Vacancy [1230 hrs.] Next poster: DocReno & Nolan (
DAY 02: A Friendly Chat [1300 hrs.] Next poster: The Counselor (
DAY 02: Mistress-at-Arms [1400 hrs.] Next poster: Absinthe (
DAY 02: Digital Relations [1500 hrs.] ( Finsihed!
DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.] Next poster: DocReno & Any Challenger for ThanIda zh'Wann (
DAY 02: Healing | Part 3 [1830 hrs.] Next poster: Zenozine (
DAY 02: Poker Night [2000 hrs.] ( Finished!

DAY 03: Unfinished Business [0610 hrs.] Next poster: Kaligos (
DAY 03: Phasmids [0900 hrs.] ( Finished!
DAY 03: Between Meetings [1200 hrs.] Next poster: CanadianVet (
DAY 03: The Accipiter [1400 hrs.] Next poster: Absinthe +Anyone present (
DAY 03: Midnight Oil [2345 Hrs] Next poster: CanadianVet (
DAY 04: Weapon Storage Raid [0750 hrs.] Next poster: 1) IronFerrox 2) Anyone independently. Last chance to write some fighting! (
DAY 04: Subconscious Repression [1955 hrs.] Next poster: The Counselor (

EPISODE 04: Simulcast

Episode 04: Simulcast | Prologue "Homecoming" ( Finished!

Chapter 01: Tensions Rising (
  - Drauc, A'vura, Tristan & F'Rell with two security guards Next poster: Vystori
  - Six, Krystal & Keval Next poster: Vystori
  - Science Department Scene Next poster: RosariaRosette
  - USS Resolve Sickbay Next poster: Havenborn
  - Base Commander's Quarters Next poster: Brutus

That is all for now!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vystori on January 13, 2016, 02:27:04 AM
My posts are in, in the same post. I hope that's okay. I still divided them so they'd be easy to read and follow. <3 Yay formatting~ x3

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on January 15, 2016, 02:05:04 AM
taking a few days personal leave, will be back on the 18th.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: FollowTomorrow on January 15, 2016, 02:35:42 AM
Good evening everyone!

I'm a new join, I've just posted my character sheet and species sheet. I've been roleplaying on chats for about nine-ish years now, and I've been playing tabletops for about four years. I'm still sort of new to forum roleplaying, but I hope we'll all get along famously!

I'm playing Suq, an Efrosian engineer!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on January 15, 2016, 01:47:50 PM
I doubt it will be too different for ya.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: FollowTomorrow on January 16, 2016, 06:40:49 PM
I hope not! Still, I'm always open to criticisms about my writing or roleplaying. Practice makes perfect and all! :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on January 16, 2016, 07:47:27 PM
Welcome to the group Follow!

To my other players/writers. I will be getting back to writing soon. Exams have been keeping me occupied. Will be posting soon!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Absinthe on January 23, 2016, 12:58:15 AM
Hey guys,  I would like to apologize for my long absence. I have had a very difficult new year. I have been taking care of my mom after her surgery (she had a total knee replacement a little less than 2 weeks ago). To make matters worse my depression started acting up after I ran out of medicine. I am finally back on it, but getting back up to 100% will take time.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on January 23, 2016, 03:20:53 AM
Take your time, there is no rush.  Take care of your mother, and take care of yourself first and foremost.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 25, 2016, 02:03:45 AM
Yeah, take care of yourself Absinthe. Hope things are looking up for you from now on.

On my end, I have had a busy week and weekend, and the time I have had available I have been administrating new applicants and the Theurgy-class project. I owe a couple of posts, but I am confident I can sort those out tomorrow, Monday.

Also, someone caught my eye, and I would love if you guys could sort something out in my head with this poll I posted:

Link: Change of Actress for Captain Jien Ives? (

The final renders for the new Theurgy-class ship is pending, but here are a few low-resolution images in the progress updates:

Link: Theurgy-class Project Updates from Omardex (

Once the renders are finished, I will likely be answering most questions you might have by making a schematic like the one of the Voyager found here:

Link: Starship Schematics Example | Voyager (

That's all for tonight. Looking forward to the posts ahead and to being able to write tomorrow! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: FollowTomorrow on January 25, 2016, 03:21:19 AM
Those renders are so professional looking! I'm excited to see the finished renders!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on January 25, 2016, 03:41:21 AM
I like the curvature of 00072/00073.  The design has a sleekness to it that I would expect from future generation ships, making the whole thing flow more than models where nacelles are just jutting out on struts.  The curvature gives it more of a structurally sound feeling.  I also like the sharper looking forward section of the ship as opposed to the 00064 render, which felt too wide, and made me think too much of the Voyager design.  With Theurgy being more of a combat oriented ship, it makes sense for it to trim a lot of fat and look more maneuverable, which would mean less bulk and more aerodynamic looks.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Searcher on January 25, 2016, 03:48:06 AM
Brenda Song isn't quite so new.  She was one of the main characters on Suite Life of Zack and Cody and then Suite Life on Deck with Zack and Cody, a Disney Channel tween-young teen show.  She also did a movie for Disney called Wendy Wu: Homecoming Warrior.  She is very lovely but I'm not sure she has enough of the edge that female Ives has.  Ming Na suits the captain quite well in my opinion because she has maturity, beauty, and can totally kick ass.  Just my two cents.  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on January 25, 2016, 07:28:52 AM
I've had a super rough week, but their's good news. I finished the treatment I was given for my medical issues. After I sleep out the last of the treatment and get through to the other side, and then work on catching up with school work (cause I kinda lost a week there as well) I should be back in action and working to catch up on my threads in Theaurgy.

forgive my absense, but I should be back.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on January 25, 2016, 02:00:32 PM
Close call to swap Ming for Brenda. Though Brenda eyes younger and to my tastes a little more attractive than Ming, I do believe that Ming holds the stature and the looks of a captain more. So I think I'll vote for Ming.

Otherwise, everything else is looking fiiiine!

Absinthe, take good care of yourself! And hope to hear from you soon Kaligos ^^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 25, 2016, 08:39:30 PM
Hi again everyone!

I like the curvature of 00072/00073.  The design has a sleekness to it that I would expect from future generation ships, making the whole thing flow more than models where nacelles are just jutting out on struts.  The curvature gives it more of a structurally sound feeling.  I also like the sharper looking forward section of the ship as opposed to the 00064 render, which felt too wide, and made me think too much of the Voyager design.  With Theurgy being more of a combat oriented ship, it makes sense for it to trim a lot of fat and look more maneuverable, which would mean less bulk and more aerodynamic looks.

00072/00073 is actually Vector 03, the tertiary hull of the three parts. The Theugy-class goes MVAM, just like the Prometheus-class, and the sleek design was indeed a great improvement from what the bottom section of the Prometheus-class' looked like. The 00064 render is the whole ship in SOM mode, and I think you will like it when shown from another angle, since that one does make the forward section of it quite big. You should see the concept image earlier in this thread for sake of reference in order to figure out which part of the ship is which. Glad you still pop in here! :)

Brenda Song isn't quite so new.  She was one of the main characters on Suite Life of Zack and Cody and then Suite Life on Deck with Zack and Cody, a Disney Channel tween-young teen show.  She also did a movie for Disney called Wendy Wu: Homecoming Warrior.  She is very lovely but I'm not sure she has enough of the edge that female Ives has.  Ming Na suits the captain quite well in my opinion because she has maturity, beauty, and can totally kick ass.  Just my two cents.  :)

Close call to swap Ming for Brenda. Though Brenda eyes younger and to my tastes a little more attractive than Ming, I do believe that Ming holds the stature and the looks of a captain more. So I think I'll vote for Ming.

Thanks for popping in you too Searcher! And thanks for letting me know what Brenda Song has been up to until she showed up in Dads. If the votes turn out to be in her favour, I know where to look for in terms of mtrl for the trailer. :)

As for her being a figure of authority in the same way Ming-Na Wen is, I understand what you two mean, and in that regard, I would agree. However, the same could definitely be said fro Tila Tequila, wouldn't it? What I was getting at is that regardless of the actress/model/face-claim, our characters in this story are still our own. I have not played Jien Ives any differently since the beginning, regardless what woman happened to be portrayed in her character images.

What I am trying to say is that I try to pick face-claims that *look* the way I envisioned my characters. Take ThanIda zh'Wann, for example, who's face is from a clothing model that I happened to fancy, but who likely cannot act if her life depended on it. I like to believe that we bring life to our characters, us writers, and not the people we chose in our character pictures. That is just a personal reflection/preference, really, and I do not begrudge people who pick face-claims because of the actors/actresses. I am just telling you guys why I would suggest Brenda Song as an alternative to Ming-Na Wen - an actress that indeed have all those qualities you guys listed. If this was a TV-show, it would be a no-brainer to pick the latter.

Yeah, the vote is a tie at this point, which makes it pretty difficult for me still. I had hoped for a majority on either alternative to put this idea to rest or bring it to life, but unless anyone is prepared to change their votes based on what I have written above, I guess I will have to give it some more thought, lol!

I see that you have already begun to post again, Kaligos, so welcome back! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Drana on January 26, 2016, 03:43:13 AM
The Big Cheese recommended that I introduce myself, and even though I am utterly terrible at introductions, let's give it a shot.

Name's Drana, nice to meet you all. I'll be playing Melissa, a new engineering type lady who fixes up all the guns and such. Lucan and I already working out a fun way to get her rocking and rolling in this crazy thing, so hopefully I'll be able to start annoying the entire lot of you very soon! :P

So, uh, yeah, hello and stuff, hi, hey, Drana doesn't know how to end posts. (
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on January 26, 2016, 04:02:50 AM
Welcome Drana, I can't wait to read your work!

It's okay I don't know how to do things either.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: FollowTomorrow on January 26, 2016, 04:09:39 AM
Hiya Drana! Welcome aboard! I'm also in engineering  :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on January 26, 2016, 09:41:16 AM
Welcome aboard to everyone that joined our merry crew (or will soon join our merry crew). I think I missed a couple of welcomes, but hey, here it is. Looking forward to play with all of you and have fun!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 28, 2016, 01:30:02 AM
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Click Image For Full Size (

With this first image, the Theurgy-class is officially unveiled, and with it, the first of many images to come were this ship will be featured. Not only will new images be shown here while the post-production work of all the renders are completed, but all old images in our DeviantArt gallery that features the Prometheus-class will be updated to feature this ship instead. We will, in short, retcon the story up to this point in regard to the Theurgy's appearance and class.

Omardex made this model in Cinema 4D and rendered it in Thea Render, which is quite ironic given that the A.I. of the ship is named Thea, eh?

Next in line will be the schematics from all angles, showing the ship and its features.

I need help from you people to update the specifications for the Theurgy! Thanks in advance for that.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 28, 2016, 09:18:49 PM
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[Click For Full Size] (

The second render's post production is complete, and here is Thea decoupling into MVAM-mode - showing all the Vectors separated.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Drana on January 29, 2016, 08:25:06 AM
So yeah, that design is pretty much now the sexiest thing in this RP.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 30, 2016, 01:05:26 AM
I'm certain Thea would be really flattered hearing you say that. :)

Theurgy-class Starship Schematics | Dorsal View

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[Click For Full Size] (

The dorsal view is finished! Everyone, please troubleshoot this if you want, here or over PM, but have in mind that more will be discerned in the ventral view.

The "broadside pod launcher platforms" on the black hull sections is the incorporation of the pallet system that was mentioned earlier here in the OOC, and the "trinary passive/active defence pod platforms" too. Suggestion for name changes is welcome, but the latter platform have larger pods, fitting three pods of the former kind behind the hatches. The "broadside" platform pods are used for starboard and port launches of torpedoes (and other hard-points), nicely complementing the forward and aft torpedo launchers on past Federation starships. It is also the reason for the open sections on the saucer section - allowing for the broadside pod platforms to be used even when the ship isn't in separated in MVAM.

The rest should be pretty straight forward and clear. Note the compact pulse phaser arrays, which is a development in how this kind are so efficient they do not need to span half the hull of the ship (like the commonly do on starship designs).

Besides the four forward torpedo launchers on the saucer, there are four more launchers close to the deflector dish too, so Thea is quite lethal from that end too, not just when she gives the enemy a broadside volley.

Furthermore, Thea is much larger than the Prometheus-class ship she used to be. She used to have 16 decks, but as you all can see, the fighter assault bay is seen from the dorsal view, giving her a lot more decks below Deck 15 (where the Lone Wolves hangar is located). So, we need to update her specifications, as well as her deck layout. Again, I could use some help with all of this.

Hope you all like Thea's face-lift!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: FollowTomorrow on January 30, 2016, 01:28:39 AM
I'm going to have to agree with Drana. That's one good lookin' ship!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on January 30, 2016, 02:15:21 AM
I was against changing the Theurgy from a Prometheus class but I've got to admit, the new Theurgy is a fine looking ship!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 03, 2016, 01:44:36 AM
I am so happy to hear you guys like how this long project turned out! Here is another two images completed a couple of days ago:

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[Click For Full Size] (

That one turned out pretty good, if I might say so myself. More images of Thea's new "me" are underway, schematics included.

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[Click For Full Size]

Given the number of currrent and actively played characters, I have been forced to move one department in the poster to the left corner, and I reckon I will have to start over with the image now that we have run out of space, but it's not my top priority. I have no idea how a new poster might look a this point in time.

What is my top priority is writing a couple of posts that I owe. I am almost finished with another Weapons Raid post with Ives and Dewitt (80 % done but its almost 2 am here tonight, time and sleep-deprivation catching up to me), but there are more of them in line. I also have a back log of PMs which I have to reply to, and I hope work will allow me to got to those too tomorrow. It has been a busy couple of weeks, but I am not alone in that, so I look forward to all of the posts to come.

Lastly, I am in conversation with Eros about something potentially awesome for us as a Group, but it's too early to tell if it can be made a reality. I don't want to create expectations, but hopefully, it will be awesome. *enigmatic smile*

Hope you all have a great day over there!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: FollowTomorrow on February 03, 2016, 07:14:13 PM
I love the one where the Theurgy is zooming through space the most.
What is this secretive plan you tempt us with? My curiosity is through the roof! : O
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on February 03, 2016, 11:45:49 PM
Ha, plot twist! Loved it ^^ Also curious to what you have in mind with Eros Lucan. The plot thickens... I would say ^^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on February 07, 2016, 07:14:19 PM
Also, expect slower replies from my end due to inflamed muscles in my back and upper torso. Painkillers are making me a bit woozy and thus not so  great to write. Hope to get back at it somewhere next week.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on February 07, 2016, 09:42:15 PM
I'm no stranger to chronic pain, so take your time and rest up.  We ain't going anywhere.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 08, 2016, 01:19:38 AM
Yeah, take care of yourself Nolan and if you can post, it would be awesome, but not at the expense of your health! Take it easy. RosariaRosette sent me a notice of a short absence too, and she meant to post here as well, but it seems I beat her to it.

Incidentally, we are waiting for Cameron Henshaw to alert the Lone Wolves in the air about the incoming threat, so with Nolan getting better, I will write a post with Rawley where she acts on the intel that Henshaw ought to be sending over - thus freeing up the Lone Wolves writers to post. This including the character mentioned below. Amelya Duv was supposed to take Ryuan Sel off Maverick's hands too. I might be able to set that up with the characters I am writing on the base somehow - freeing up Maverick for Miles Renard's orders, whatever they might be.

So, to bridge the momentary absence of Nolan and RosariaRosette, I will be posting again much sooner than I thought, but we still need word from you, DocReno! ;)


I figured I would take the opportunity to inform you that we have a new character by the name Kanti MacTavish, whom with the loss of so many Lone Wolves was recruited from the CONN department to fill the seat of a Valkyrie. Read the biography for further explanation. She is played by Drana, Kalastria Asshole.

( Ens. Kanti MacTavish         Wolf-04 [Gun-Shy]
  - Played by Drana, Kalastria Asshole (

Well it's almost half past 1 am here, so I will be replying to a backlog of PMs before calling it a night, but my next post will be with Rawley.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on February 09, 2016, 12:55:36 AM
hey sorry for my lack of posting in the last few weeks.  I am still experiencing the same issue that has delayed me thus far and i think i owe it to all of you to let you know whats going on with me thats been causing the lack of posting.

for those of you not aware I work as a provider (personal care aide) in home health care.  approximately 2 and a half weeks ago I recieved a phone call from my boss telling me to get out to the house of an elderly man who was having issues.  I got out there and he was indeed having issues and i stayed with him.  shortly after he was no longer with my health care company.  This person suffers from a lot of issues relaed to not being able to provid3e for himself (essentially he is bedridden.  as a result i have been spending much of my time off work assisting him in my spare time until he gets a provider assigned to him.  (this hasnt been going well so this has caused me to keep being there instead at home.

On average I have been getting home after dark and not feling like doing anything aside from vegetating infront of netflix.  I apologize for how my absence may be affecting certain things.  I am trying to get caught up on posts but it may take a while to get everything taken care of.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: FollowTomorrow on February 09, 2016, 03:00:27 AM
: O Real life > RP, Iron. Take care of yourself too!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on February 11, 2016, 06:39:05 AM
I looked at the diagram and what you said, boss, and I had a thought. 

What if the bulk of Deck 16 was the parking garage for fighters, maintenance bays, tool cribs, spare parts, most of the fighter ordnance magazine spaces, workspaces, Miles' office, the briefing rooms, the change rooms, the lounge, etc, and the Deck 15 bay was just where they get launched and retrieved from?  You know, kinda like an aircraft carrier today?

So basically, the Valkyries "live" on Deck 16 and ride an elevator to the flight deck when needed, and just like on a modern carrier, the alert fighters are up on the flight deck and ready to go.  To be honest, I found the original arrangement to be a little cramped, so Theurgy growing bigger is something I see as an opportunity to rectify that.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RosariaRosette on February 13, 2016, 09:29:16 AM
Hey everyone I've been a bit busy with work as of late. So I haven't had much time to post lately. Thought I'd just keep everybody updated and give an explanation for my dissapearance. Hopefully I can get something up soon.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on February 13, 2016, 09:15:48 PM
Sorry I didn't mention it here, but I've been away for the most of this week due to midterms, I will be back in full capacity come either sunday or monday.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on February 14, 2016, 03:33:36 AM
I looked at the diagram and what you said, boss, and I had a thought. 

What if the bulk of Deck 16 was the parking garage for fighters, maintenance bays, tool cribs, spare parts, most of the fighter ordnance magazine spaces, workspaces, Miles' office, the briefing rooms, the change rooms, the lounge, etc, and the Deck 15 bay was just where they get launched and retrieved from?  You know, kinda like an aircraft carrier today?

So basically, the Valkyries "live" on Deck 16 and ride an elevator to the flight deck when needed, and just like on a modern carrier, the alert fighters are up on the flight deck and ready to go.  To be honest, I found the original arrangement to be a little cramped, so Theurgy growing bigger is something I see as an opportunity to rectify that.

Yea i had brought that up to lucan I have said suveral times that for the design of the fighter bay to fit in the theurgy as she previously existed as a promethius class the ship would be having to use some kind of time lord esque "Its bigger on the inside technology".
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 16, 2016, 01:21:16 PM

Greetings writers,

Busy days for many of us, but I am glad people are letting the whole group know about it here in the OOC. Here is a little update to keep everyone on the same page, and in regard to the pod launchers that will be detailed below, I am sure a lot of you have been scratching your heads trying to figure out what all that is about in the Weapons Raid thread.

First, some eye-candy for you all, and these tie into the reply to the Fighter Assault Bay idea mentioned here in this thread.


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While the idea to expand upon the size of the Fighter Assault Bay is a great idea, and the Prometheus-class made the area rather cramped, the problem with the Theurgy-class is that the separation plane between Vector 02 and Vector 03 runs right below Deck 15, which would disallow an elevator construction. However, if you look at the lower image above, you can see that we have a much larger ship now, and the Fighter Assault Bay can be wider than the bay doors. With this in mind, surely we can keep the hangar on one level, right? I might need to update the floor plan of the hangar anyway, but not to the degree I would if I were to add another deck to it and move around the rooms.

I still need help from you guys with the specifications of the Theurgy-class ship! Given the size in the images, and the fact that we are at Deck 15 just above the separation plane, I could use an estimate of the total length, height and width of the whole ship. I could also use an estimate on how many Decks she has now. I realise that you need me to finish the four diagrams for an accurate estimate, but perhaps this should help:

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[ Click For Full Size] (

Is that a total of 26(!) Decks, perhaps? How high are the decks of starships usually? What would be the total, and based on these unfinished images:

Dorsal view: Link (
Ventral view: Link (
Starboard view: Link (
Forward view: Link (
Aft view: Link (

...what would that generate in length? What about mass?

Of course, Omardex would normally be able to help up with this data, but the fact is that he hand-drew too many parts of the ship on his tablet so the dimensions he started out with doesn't apply to the finished model. Hence, we need to use eyes, rulers and mathematics for the task.



These texts below are from CanadianVet, inspired by the Honourverse-series tech. Please review and post comments and feedback here.


Since the Dominion War, Starfleet has been seeking options for engagement in the traditions torpedo gunnery blind spots along a ship's sides, as well as ways to provide a heavy enough long-range punch at a rate that could effectively saturate a target's defences, which would need to be a faster rate of launch than could be accomplished with individual torpedo tubes.  As such, torpedo pods and their associated launchers were developed.

As a result of this requirement, Starfleet Tactical R&D developed reusable pods carrying a number of torpedoes and an on-board power supply, launching mechanism, computer and control system, which are fed their targeting information from the launching ship or as the capability becomes available, from Pod Control Modules (part of Starfleet's Palletized Systems Module, or PSM, program).  However, despite the wish of some within Starfleet Tactical R&D, it was determined that using all-up main-tube torpedoes in the pods would be impractical in terms of mass and volume, they are designed to house and launch 15 of the newer, smaller, Mk XXVII torpedo and the sheer volume of fire in each pod was deemed an acceptable tradeoff for the much smaller individual warheads. 

But what makes pods most attractive is that they do not necessarily have to be activated and fired as soon as they are launched.  A ship could lay a pattern of pods and fire several of them at once (up to its maximum control capacity) into a massive salvo.  And given pods' extremely stealthy nature in their low-powered standby mode and their lack of immediately apparent signature when being deployed, a vessel could even lay several patterns and either launch a number of massive salvos or maintain a steady stream of fire for an extended duration in "ripple fire", reallocating fire control and telemetry links to a fresh pod after one has been fired. 

However, only a pod-laying ship has the on-board facilities to quickly reload and recondition a pod for launch after recovery.  On others, once a pod has been recovered each tube must be individually reloaded and its covers replaced before the computer can be flashed and its battery replaced.

However, pods are unarmoured and unshielded and as such are extremely vulnerable to enemy fire and collateral damage, and when actively engaged, an officer commanding a pod-equipped ship has to decide whether he would rather risk laying a larger pattern with a heavier salvo at the risk of his pods being damaged or destroyed before he can fire them, or launching individual pods and flushing them immediately, sacrificing weight of fire for any given salvo for the knowledge that he will not lose any full pod to enemy fire or proximity damage.

At this point in time, only a handful of ships in Starfleet are considered to be true pod-layers, with the Theurgy being the only one to have been intended from the keel-up with that particular capability.  A few have been refitted to that status, and all of them hae been attached to Admiral Sankolov for the time being. 

However, any starship can make use of them, keeping them internally in their shuttle bays or any external cargo hold with a large enough door to fit them.  Or even having them attached to their outer hull using magnetic grapples, although such would change its hull profile, which in turn would affect the efficiency of its warp field and lower its maximum speed.  Another disadvantage has to do with a pod's inherent fragility and should a hit come through and strike the pod, there is a chance the weapons my explode, with catastrophic implication for the ship to which the pod is in contact with.  Also, ships that have not been designed or refitted as pod-layers lack the telemetry capability to lay and control more than small patterns, the size of which is dependent on the ship's individual capabilities. 

That problem will eventually be alleviated with the issue of of Pod Control Modules, which were designed to give ships that are not designed or refitted to serve as purpose-intended pod launching platforms, yet expected to carry or control pods for a specific mission, the capability to control salvos of meaningful weight.  Each PCM can control up to 18 pods at a time.  However, such modules were unavailable when the intended testbed platform, the USS Theurgy, was commissioned and the alternate testbed, the Archeron, was deployed before they could be sent.  However, there are 4 such pallets forward-deployed to a classified location near the Romulan Neutral Zone.

Sequence of engagement with pods:

1- The Theurgy drops her pods (individual launch or laying patterns) alt. launching directly from hull
2- Targets are acquired and telemetry links are established to pods
3- Torpedoes are launched from pods
4- If applicable, control links are shifted to unused pods
5- Repeat as required
6- Spent and/or unused pods are recovered for reconditioning and re-loading

Specifications (for the Theurgy-class prototype):

Number of pod launcher arrays: 2
Number of launcher per array: 18
Internal capacity:
- Pods: 8 per launcher (total: 144 per array, 288 total)
- Reloads: 2 full loads per launcher (Total: 240 spare Mk XXVII torpedoes per launcher, 4320 per array, 8640 shipwide)
Maximum rate of launch: 4 per minute per launcher
Rate of Recovery: 1.5 per minute per launcher (once a launched pod has reached the launching hatch via tractor beam or auxiliary craft)
Reload time: 2 minutes per pod (full load)
Reconditioning time: Dependent on situation, minimum 3 minutes to change the on-board battery (2-12 hours recharge  cycle time, depending on available power), clearing the computer cache and replacing the tube covers, per pod, per launcher.

Control capabilities
- Internal: Maximum of 36 pods (maximum salvo weight: 540 torpedoes per salvo)
- With Pod Control Modules installed: Up to 18 additional pods per module (maximum salvo weight: 270 torpedoes)


Even after the number of recent conflicts, Starfleet's use of combat-centric vessels such as the Defiant and Prometheus classes remains a controversial issue.  And even after the Prometheus-class project proved to be a viable option, purpose-designed warships remain unpopular and Starfleet has been looking for ways to keep ships intended for battle in service without diluting their tactical potential by stripping away capabilities.  And, at the same time, Starfleet Tactical was seeking out ways to improve any vessel's combat potential without the need to build new hulls.

And when both requirements collided, the Palletized System Modules (PSM) program was born.  The concept is rather simple, and quite similar to the plug-and-play capability enabled by USB ports in the early 21st century.  A ship with PSM capability would have, under removable hull panels, universal connectors that would provide power and control linkages to to an standard-sized module which would provide additional capability to its host vessel.  The installation process for any module is rather simple: the external hull panel is removed and then stowed into a cargo bay or other facility, and either with the use of an auxiliary craft or an EVA the module is brought to its location and it is secured in place using maglocks and physical clamps. 

As it stands, only the Theurgy-class prototype has been designed from the keel up for this capability, but several ships including the USS Archeron and a handful of vessels in her task force have been refitted for it.  While building a new class that is intended to receive this capability is fairly easy, the refit process requires Starfleet engineers to readjust a ship's power budget, often involving changing its power plants altogether, in order to ensure every system can run properly.  This is one reason that when she was first designed, critics referred to the Theurgy-class as being over-powered and over-engineered, despite the fact that her hull can accommodate up to twenty-four (OOC NOTE: NUMBER TO BE ADJUSTED TO REFLECT THE NEW SCHEMATICS) additional pallets between her three vectors.

However, the PSM is intended to be a staple of future ship design, and theories surrounding the building of entirely modular starships are being explored at this time.

Types of pallets available at this time:

Sensor (broad-spectrum or specialized)
Communications, Command and Control (for ships that are not inherently flagships but could serve in that role)
Pod Control Modules (Only four have been produced so far and have been forward-deployed to a classified location near the RMZ)
Palletized Point Defence Modules
External Machinery Points
External Gantry Systems (ie: for repair ships)
Additional Shield Emitters
Additional Tractor Beams

Basically, Thea can lay pods or fire them directly from the broadside launcher platform, and the larger pallets can have point-defence systems installed. We have yet to settle on the current configuration... Sorry if this was a lot to wrap your heads around!



With FollowTomorrow showing great interest in Sar-unga and he will take over Dyan Cardamone as of this day[/color], and play her in full as if she was one of his own. In this inheritance, a butterfly effect has made it so that she has a new actress in the form of Emelia Clarke, and the Asurian species has gotten an overhaul as well (among other things, they don't have any wings any more). FollowTomorrow will be posting the new Asurian species sheet as well as Sar-unga's new character sheet as soon as possible. So far, I have only managed to finish one character image, but more will follow.



Since he is back and writing with us at 100% capacity, Kaligos has asked to take over playing Captain Kendrick in Episode 04. Notes will be sent to him about the current situation, and thank you so much for unburdening me in this way. I hope you will have a blast playing this NPC for the duration of his presence in the Star Trek: Theurgy story, Kaligos!


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That means that whenever one of your character images are posted in our gallery, 300 people have asked to know about it and see it.

We are almost at 200 followers on Tumblr too!


Posts will be coming forthwith, and with it, some further progress in the story. Looking forward to it!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Edit 1: Fixed the link to the second wallpaper.
Edit 2: Wrote platform instead of array when I mention the new Torpedo Pod Launcher Array
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on February 16, 2016, 04:29:23 PM
I have taken up the project of doing the math in lucan's previous post.  I ill be looking at all images of the ship and comparing them to the KNOWN dimensions of the mark 3 valkyrie to get an initial idea for the ship's dimensions (someone else can figure out mass) I will them be comparing that to a visual comparison of the ship's number of decks (based on the rows of windows) to get a better idea of the scale of the ship.

I will be making the initial dimensional scale each based on the idea of number of Valkyries that can fit in the from the fighter assault bay doors (pic related showing the likely new location of the FAB)

CV i was talking to Lucan and it is very possible that we may be using the repulsors on the fighters to function like elevators and storing the fighters verticially along the walls when not in use or undergoing maintenance.  Pilots will likely use ramped walkways to access their ships while in their stored platforms.

Finally by using the middle bay the pilots can use the flat surface of the vector separation plane as an artificial horizon for easier orientation of their ships for landing and takeoff operations.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on February 16, 2016, 05:50:57 PM
Sounds like a plan for fighter storage.  But might I suggest the use of physical cradles (with restraints) folding out of the bulkheads instead of solely trusting a powered system to keep the fighters in place?  Worse comes to worse, a pilot could fly out of his cradle manually if the repulsors/tractors are down... And a heavy and expensive piece of kit wouldn't come crashing down on the deck either in case of a power loss.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on February 17, 2016, 07:03:19 AM
I was actuially working ona reqork of the fighter bay floor plan based on the new Dimensions of the Theurgy.

The new dimensions for the U.S.S, Theurgy are 1145m L, 200m H and 375m W.

Here is a size comparison to other ships.

As such Two fighters can fit through the Fighter bay hangar door.  In addition This ship has a much larger compliment of Shuttles and workbees than the average ship as well as multiple runabouts (in addition to the manta class scout and the originially 16 valk 3s

Most importantly The sheer scope of the theurgy in terms of size and military potential can also explain the degree to which the Federation (or rather the infiltrators within the Federation) are going to in order to destroy us.  This is a ship roughly double the size of the current Flagship Has MVAM capibilities, was designed for WAR.  Contains a squadron of Fighter craft, and has a prototype scout ship with a sensor package that woudl make most deep space exploration vessels jealous.  and is outfitted with an advanced holographic interactive AI that can think quicker, more strategicialy, more indipendantly, and all in all is more able to advise a captain on strategy and target enemy vessels, more accurately than any other known AI systems and possibly equaling or exceeding Soong type androids in self awareness and indiependant thought, self awareness, and emotional complexity.

  In short from the perspective of the average Federation Civilian a ship like this going rogue no matter for what reasons is worrisome.

Given the scale of this ship it makes sense why a hole task force would be sent to take it on.  In all actuality Task force Archeron is possibly the minimum response to a potential threat of the Theurgy's capabilities.

To put something else in perspective.
These are the ships of star trek Nemesis, The Reman Warbird Scimitar, The Romulan Mogai class Warbird Valdore and The Starfleet U.S.S. Enterprise E.  The theurgy and Mogai class are very similar in overall size with the Mogai class having a similar Length to the Theurgy's width and the theurgy having a similar Length to the mogai class's width.

I would not be at all surprised if both the odessy class dreadnaught, and the Theurgy class Multi vector dreadnaught projects were rushed into production shortly after the first encounter with the new mogai class warbrd and after seeing the reman Scimitar in action. 

Given the chaos on romulus and remus it would not be surprising if the Federation rolled out both classes as a means of countering a romulan threat should they become desperate in this time of chaos.  Not to mention the borg likely see the Federation as no longer just something to assimilate but likly see it as a potential threat given the damage Janeway caused them recently.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 18, 2016, 03:21:57 PM
IronFerrox raises many valid points for why Thea would be such a big girl. I know some of you might be thinking along the lines of "over-powered nerd-dream", and that we will loose the element of Thea being the defiant ship surviving against all odds, but I think there is more to this than the evident. I think we are on to something important here plausibility-wise.

Think about it some, and you will see how it does explain why the majority of Starfleet buys into the idea that a task force like the Archeron fleet is necessary to take Thea down. Think also about what the average person in the Federation must be thinking knowing a ship like this has gone rogue. It explains why their voyage has been fraught with danger, being as hunted as they are, because it's the Theurgy of all ships that has gone rogue.

And as for why the Harbinger has pulled off getting away despite its inferior size, it was commanded by a Khan-level Augment. Vasser wasn't just physically strong, he was a ruthless tactical genius. Also, he had 40 Mk II Valkyrie Fighters to begin with, who all died like flies at his orders so that they could pull through.

Furthermore, Thea being this big explains how she can accommodate the surviving Harbinger crew so easily. It explains the Flag Bridge, since the Theurgy might have had become Starfleets new flagship once Thea had her trial run under Ives' command. She is still just a prototype after all. Moreover, we have VIP quarters, Residential Apartments, an Arboretum, a Yacht...  To fit all of that into a Prometheus-size ship makes no sense either, right? Look at the floor plan of Sickbay. the medical facilities are gargantuan in size for such a small ship too.

IronFerrox, I will double-check the measurements of the Valkyrie fighter one last time. I have sent a message to Pinarci asking him for help, because he did this render early on in the process, which would help us get a very exact measurement of the Valkyrie since there is a person present in the render. I have asked him to put the person at 180 cm height, and then asked for the true measurements of the fighter. I have a feeling that there might be a slight variation from the dimensions we used, so stay tuned.

Regardless of the true measurements of the fighter, I think the size should stand. The question is how much space there will be in the Fighter Assault Bay and how many can launch side-by-side.  If the difference is too much, I might consider scaling down the Theurgy from the size comparison above.

Lastly, I would love some reactions to this development. What do you guys think? Should Thea be such a big girl?

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Ps. I will be posting next in the Weapons Raid thread, and I have more character images of Cardamone to make too. Ds.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on February 19, 2016, 03:28:31 AM
Growth of the Starships does make sense in a way.  Considering the Odyssey class would be the latest ship of the line before Theurgy and it's size is so much more than a Sovereign or Galaxy class, it would seem that Starfleet does want larger ships, which hold greater crew compliments and technology, but what holds them back is both the technology to propel such ships at standard speeds and probably structural integrity that needs to be addressed.  In Enterprise, the future Enterprise-J was speculated to be two miles long, which is a clear indication of where Starfleet would go by the 26th century.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on February 19, 2016, 04:36:09 AM
Based on the fact that ships can theoreticially launch from the upper floor of the bay or the bottom floor themaximum that could leave the doors at the exact same time would be 4.    Technicialy if all the pilots coordinated the launches perfectly (back when it was a 16 ship squad) and lined up the ships in 2 ship at a time rows then you could launch the first 4 ship wave 2 top 2 bottom,  then another 4 ship wave (same arrangement) followed by a three ship wave then 2, 2 ship waves and finially the final ship launching.  if coordinated correctly all ships could leave one directly behind the other emptying the hangar bay in a matter of less than 10 seconds.

Now that there are 12 ships in the squadron  the launch could be done in 2 groups of 4 1 group of 3 and a final ship launched behind the group of three (these are based on my current fighter bay arrangement.

This can hold true as long as the valks have no greater than a 20 meter wingspan.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 19, 2016, 06:22:33 AM
IronFerrox, you need to send a PM showing that idea of a new Fighter Assault Bay so that I can have a look at it. I am not even sure we will redesign it at all since the whole elevator thing seems redundant if the place will get more space anyway.

Thanks for your input Kuro! :) Quite true.

Best Regards.

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 19, 2016, 10:07:00 AM
Here is what I got from Pinarci in regards to the measurements:

mehmetpinarci left you a message in your inbox:

Hello Auctorlucan here is Fighter's dimensions:

Length - 20.55 meters
Height - 3.47 meters
From wing tips width 13.93 meters.

I did a 3d print of the Valkyrie model, and I tried to measure it with a ruler, but I think that I rely more on Pinarci's measurements since he used a pilot model to measure with. I will update the Valkyrie specifications accordingly now.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on February 20, 2016, 02:19:34 AM
well I think that works for me too as long as the old hangar bay can fit within the part of the ship where it is.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on February 21, 2016, 06:13:26 AM
Now I understand:  The Prometheus class is a new destroyer while the Theurgy is a new carrier. like the Zumwalt and Ford classes of the US Navy.

Incidentally, I'm fighting a terrible cold.  Expect my replies to focus on threads with multiple players and for my responses to be short.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Absinthe on February 21, 2016, 06:35:18 PM
Hey, sorry my replies have been a bit late. I've been super busy recently. I should have replies up today.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 23, 2016, 03:35:19 PM
Hi there everyone! :)

Now I understand:  The Prometheus class is a new destroyer while the Theurgy is a new carrier. like the Zumwalt and Ford classes of the US Navy.

Not sure I follow but the idea is that Thea has been a Theurgy-class ship all along thanks to the Butterfly Effect, a Multivector Dreadnought. With this effect, Thea was never a Prometheus-class ship, and the only aspect that the Prometheus might have come up would be the fact that the Prometheus-class was the first starship out of the shipyards that had the Multivector Assault Mode feature, something that the Theurgy-class has adopted as well. Just a clarification in case it was needed.

Well I think that works for me too as long as the old hangar bay can fit within the part of the ship where it is.

Oh, it can fit even better than it did before, that's for certain. No worries there, and I have a lot of graphics projects on my list, but I will look at the Fighter Assault Bay again when I can. I will weigh in the possibility of having the fighter able to be hoisted up on the walls along the sides of the hangar, but I make no guarantees there. With the added space, they ought to be able to remain on the floor of the hangar too, so we'll see. Again, please PM me the layout you wanted to show me otherwise I can't take it into consideration. :)


Here is the link:

It pertains to the story's outcome at the Black Opal, and what the hell we'll do now that a Romulan warbird has come along. I had already settled on one of the alternatives (I won't tell you which one) but after corresponding with CanadianVet, I realised that I could put the outcome to your vote and see if you guys favoured any specific outcome.

Looking forward to the result!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 24, 2016, 02:02:16 AM

These have taken me a long time to finish, but hopefully, you will all find them worthwhile. Here are the schematics for Thea, and these ought to help everyone know they way around her new hull.

Theurgy-class Starship Schematics | Dorsal View

( (
[Click For Full Size] (

Theurgy-class Starship Schematics | Ventral View

( (
[Click For Full Size] (

Theurgy-class Starship Schematics | Starboard View

( (
[Click For Full Size] (

Theurgy-class Starship Schematics | Forward View

( (
[Click For Full Size] (

Theurgy-class Starship Schematics | Aft View

( (
[Click For Full Size] (

Now, when you have had the time to feast on all of that, here is another update that I will be making, as pointed out by IronFerrox that it needed to be done:


This will not force me to update the whole deck plan for the hangar, only requiring me to update the reduced scale to show its length and disposition. Given how har dpressed for time as I am, I hope you guys can settle for this minor revision instead of making an overhaul of the whole thing. I simply have to prioritise writing since I don't want to run behind on that more than I am.


I would love if you guys could find the time to try and troubleshoot the schematics and let me know if there are any errors there. Next step in the Theurgy Project is to make all the scpecs for the Theurgy-class ship, but thanks to IronFerrox, we have Thea's new measurement at least. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on February 24, 2016, 04:31:49 AM
Love the revision to the fighter bay and the Ship's updated information!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 24, 2016, 11:56:54 AM

Yeah, if someone could help me with a crude first draft for Thea's technical specifications, it would make my life a lot easier.

Like IronFerrox mentioned, the Odyssey and the Theurgy-classes were rushed into production because of the Romulan Civil War and the fact that there are war-mongering parasite-heads in Starfleet Command. So, my idea is that we could look at the specifications for the Odyssey when nailing down the Theurgy's. The difference between the specs in these two links are that the Odyssey-class was finished much earlier, and our story takes place before the implementation of the Quantum Slipstream drive. Furthermore, the hull and weaponry versions in the links might not apply to our year of 2381, so there is some amendment that needs to be done. So, here are two links to Odyssey-class specifcations:



The link to Thea's old specifications can be found here, and some of this stuff can be retained in the new specifications, like production year etc:

Also, when we decide on mass and number of decks etc, we could consult the size comparison chart I made and that IronFerrox posted before:


Once we have the technical specifications down, I have a second request:


Needless to say, if we go from 16 Decks to 32(ish), we need to redistribute all the locations on the ship across the decks. We are pretty heavy on locations on each deck as it is, so I think this can be done without us having to come up with a lot more locations than we already have. Here is the old deck layout:

Now, if someone feels like helping me out, there is no need to retain the complex formatting of the post to have all the locations divided between the three parts of Thea. If someone would rather just make it in a word document, I could work out the forum formatting to make it work. There are some locations on the ship that can't change floors, like the Fighter Assault Bay on Deck 15, and the Main Bridge on Deck 01, but Deck 07 is loaded with locations that could just as well be on another deck.

Please, if someone could find the time to help me with a draft for these two projects, I'll make him/her new character images or whatever to compensate for the trouble. I just feel like my time is not sufficient to wrap my head around the start-up of these two projects, so if you have some time to spare, let me know over PM or here in the OOC.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 25, 2016, 02:45:26 PM

Hello everyone! Aside from the requests for help above, here is an update on the Star Trek: Theurgy story progression.


I have finally found the time to set things up for us to write our characters' personal logs before the mission to Starbase 84. There was no rush, I imagined, since the Black Opal ordeal is not quite over yet, but with the vote posted and the majority favouring option 5 so far, I reckon we'll know enough to figure out where we are on Day 06. On Day 04, the Black Opal crew comes aboard the Theurgy, and on Day 05, the Twin-Mount hard-points are installed on the Valkyries. Drills and preparations will continue into Day 06, and here is what I posted as a starter for Day 06:

Link: DAY 06: Inner Space (

I reckon I will have to write a starter for Day 05 as well, preferably in the Fighter Assault Bay, where we establish that the Twin-Mounts are installed on the Valkyries. Otherwise, all days of the Interregnum week are available for any kinds of threads you guys want to write with me or someone else in the Group.



Currently, the Lone Wolves are to unload their hard-points into the Romulan Warbird. After Drana, DocReno, Doc M., Kaligos and IronFerrox have posted, the Theurgy will launch a full spread of quantum torpedoes from Thea's eight forward launchers - covering their escape and dealing another savage blow against the warbird. Note, IronFerrox, how Aisha S'Iti will have to turn Thea towards the warbird in the same post that you write Miles Renard, and you could also have Ravenholm fire off the Black Opal's phasers against the warbird.

Zenozine & Nolan, your characters have to deal with Romulan ground forces down on the Black Opal. Feel free to do whatever heroics you guys want, and let me know if you need me to play Romulans for you. It will be a brief fight, however, so try to cover as much ground as possible in your posts.

CanadianVet, after the Lone Wolves have done their thing, you can establish how Thea discharges the quantum torpedoes into the Warbird's shields, dealing even more damage. You wished to have Trent deploy more pods with Covington's help, so feel free to have them both deploy and fire off another pod-salvo. Leave it open-ended, and I will post the outcome (pending the result of the vote).



ThanIda zh'Wann is still available for a spar with the first one who posts in the sparring tournament. Surely someone is willing to go around against Ida? DocReno, I believe you have at least one more post to write with Husker here too in the other sparring ring.

Link: DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.] (



Another reminder: With the recovery of the Accipiter rifle, a new thread has been posted by Absinthe for all Senior Staff members on the Theurgy as well as any Lone Wolves available to attend. Here, the people gathered will be given a taste of what the Accipiter can do. Read up and post away:

Link: DAY 03: The Accipiter [1400 hrs.] (



In order to document the changes of the butterfly effect, set for Day 04 in the Interregnum, here is the current list and the link:
Link: (

If anyone out there have requests about changing their characters or their past, PM me about it and I will approve it, announce it and add it to this listing. Remember that the day set for the changes to occur is Day 04 and onwards.


As usual, here is the list of active threads organised chronologically and by board, and all of these are links to click. I have also added posting reminders about who is next to post in all of them. Note that I have not listed the finished threads!


DAY 01: Time Judges All [0500 hrs.] ( Next poster: Next poster: 1) CanadianVet 2) Kaligos 3) IronFerrox (This is long overdue, this one. Can it be wrapped? Please decide or post)
DAY 01: New Life [1000 hrs.] ( Next poster: Zenozine
DAY 01: SAR Away-Mission [1150 hrs.] ( Next poster: Brutus
DAY 01: An Empty Pack [2030 hrs.] ( Next poster: DocReno
DAY 01: Off-Duty Treatment [2030 hrs.] ( Next poster: Zenozine

DAY 02: Houseguest [0130 hrs.] ( Next poster: CanadianVet
DAY 02: A Friendly Chat [1300 hrs.] ( Next poster: The Counselor
DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.] ( Next poster: DocReno
DAY 02: Healing | Part 3 [1830 hrs.] ( Next poster: Zenozine

DAY 03: Unfinished Business [0610 hrs.] ( Next poster: Kaligos
DAY 03: The Accipiter [1400 hrs.] ( Next poster: Anyone present, asking for the demonstration to begin
DAY 03: New Hire [1500 hrs.] ( Next poster: Doc M.
DAY 03: Well-Earned Recognition [1500 hrs.] ( Next poster: Doc M.
DAY 03: Midnight Oil [2345 hrs.] ( Next poster: Canadianvet

DAY 04: Weapon Storage Raid [0750 hrs.] ( Next poster: Lone Wolves, Zenozine & Nolan, CanadianVet when the Lone Wolves retreats
DAY 04: Subconscious Repression [1955 hrs.] ( Next poster: The Counselor

DAY 06: Inner Space ( Next poster: Everyone!

EPISODE 04: Simulcast

Chapter 01: Tensions Rising (
  - Drauc, A'vura, Tristan & F'Rell in the Brig Next poster: RedBaron
  - Krystal & Keval outside the Brig Next poster: DocReno
  - Science Department Scene Next poster: Kaligos, Hi'Jak heading to Six
  - Forensics Lab Next poster: Vystori
  - USS Resolve corridors Next poster: Havenborn
  - Base Commander's Quarters Next poster: Brutus

That is all for now!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on February 25, 2016, 05:22:59 PM
Oh I do have some places to post..

So i'm experiancing some complications after the last surgery and meeting with doctors to schedual going back under the knife (minor surgery my ass) So i'm slightly delayed in my posting should have something up next week at some point.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on February 26, 2016, 02:50:40 AM
A project I have been working on since late last night.

Here's a good start for a U.S.S. Theurgy Master Systems Display.

First version shows the decks as an overlay against the image of the ship.
Second version made to fit the color scheme of an MSD

Edited the second after making the first image taking away one meter from deck 2 after noticing Deck 2 was 1 meter too big compared to the other decks.

I think i counted 32 decks
In these images 1 Pixel scales to exactly 1 meter

First shot to just show the decks on the ship image

Version 2 MSD style
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 26, 2016, 03:01:14 AM
Thank you for that awesome work, IronFerrox! :) So happy you took the time to sort that out, and I will happily make an MSD out of that, I mean, you have already done 90 % of the job so I will just polish it a little and add the separation plane.

Anxious as I am with the specifications for the Theurgy-class, I made a draft myself tonight. I put in the correct number of decks there too. If I could have some fresh eyes on this the group, I would be grateful.


Vessel Name:USS Theurgy
Starship Class:Theurgy-class
Starship Type:Multivector Dreadnought
Production Status:Advanced Prototype
Purpose:Exploration, Diplomacy & Deterrence
Constructed:Antares Fleet Yards & Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards
Commissioned:October 9th, 2378
Dedication:"Courage is fear, when it has said its prayers."
Personnel:Officers: 173
Enlisted Crew: 760
Passengers: 49
Dimensions:Length: 1145 m
Height: 200 m
Width: 375 m
Mass:4,709,700 ton in SOM (Standard Operation Mode)
Total mass divided between 3 vectors during MVAM (Multivector Assault Mode)

Computer & A.I.
Computer Cores:3 AC-16 Bio-Neural Computer Cores (Slaves)
Technical Specifications:LCARS 5
984 megaquads isolinear storage capacity
47 million data channels
575 trillion calc/sec
Subspace MVAM synchronisation link
Auxiliary ODN system (SOM only)
Auxiliary computer intercom software
Positronic A.I. Brain Core: Sentient Soong-Legacy Protoype (Master)
Autonomous A.I. Projection:Federation Isomorph Prototype Ver. 7.5
Technical Specifications:Autonomous A.I. projection
Stand-alone cortex processor w 60,000 operations/ns capacity
Stand-alone duranium crystal
7th gen emotion chip
Positronic sub-routine storage of 800 quadrillion b

Thruster Systems:Magneto-Hydrodynamic RCS Thruster Assemblies
Outlets/Vector:24 on Vector 01 (4 hidden during SOM)
22 on Vector 02 (16 hidden during SOM)
14 on Vector 03 (6 hidden during SOM)
= 34 during SOM (60 during MVAM)
Output:4.5 million newtons per outlet

Impulse Propulsion System:6 Sovereign-class IPS Engines
Power Output:85 gigawatts per engine
Standard Impulse Velocity:0.30c speed of light
Full Impulse Velocity:0.983c speed of light

Warp Drive System:1 Class 9 Tandem Sepratation Core + 1 Class 9 Warp Core
Power Output:250 petawatts + 145 petawatts
Standard Cruising Speed:Warp Factor 7,5
Maximum Cruising Speed:Warp Factor 9.2
Emergency Speed:Warp Factor 9.995 for an 25 h duration

Tactical Systems
Shields:Class 5 Regenerative Subspace Graviton Field
Power Output11.700 gigawatts
Standard Shield Range:20 m from hull

Defences:Heavy duranium/tritanium double hull
50 cm ablative hull armor
Structural integrity field

Phaser Systems:Type XII Pulse Phaser Arrays
Strength and Power Output:85 gigawatts
Effective Range:1,500,000 km
Bolts per Minute:240 bolts
Arrays per Vector:4 on Vector 01 (0 hidden during SOM)
12 on Vector 02 (6 hidden during SOM)
13 on Vector 03 (6 hidden during SOM)
= 17 in SOM & 29 in MVAM

Torpedo Systems:Pulse-Fire Launchers
Number of Forward Launchers:8 during SOM (10 during MVAM)
Number of Aft Launchers:2 during SOM (4 during MVAM)
Salvo per Launcher:5 torpedoes
Range:4.000.000 km
Full Complement:400 torpedoes
Torpedo Types:125 Quantum & 275 Photon

Broadside Pod Launcher Arrays: Integrated Torpedo Pod Systems
Torpedo Type:Mk XXVII Photon Torpedoes
Torpedo Yield:70 % of standard photon torpedoes
Number of Launcher Arrays:2 (1 on each side of the ship)
Pod Launchers per Array:18 during SOM (21 during MVAM)
Max Pod Complement:3 per launcher (54 pods per array during SOM, 108 in total)
Pod Ordinance:15 torpedoes per pod (810 torps per array during SOM, 1620 in total)
Maximum Launching Rate:15 seconds between pods
Pod Reload:2 minutes once a pod reaches the launcher via tractor beam or auxiliary craft
Max Reserve Torpedo Complement:Additional 500 torpedoes for pod reloads or Mk III Valkyries
Pod Control Capabilities:Max 36 deployed pods simultaneously (18+18 pods per array)
Up to 18 additional pods per module with PSM Pod Control Modules installed

Palletized System Modules (PSMs):Integrated Module Capability
Number of Dual Modules:16 (ventral side of the ship during SOM)
Number of Triple Modules:26 (dorsal side of the ship during SOM)
Installed Pallets:Sensors (broad-spectrum and specialized)
Communications, Command and Control (flagship complements)
Pod Control Modules (for control of additional torpedo pods)
Palletized Point Defence Modules (Automated phaser emitters against torpedoes, fighter and small craft threats)
Additional Shield Emitters
Additional Tractor Beam Emitters (to bring back torpedo pods to their launchers)

Sensor Systems: Multi-Modal Type
Range:22 light-years

Tactical Sensors:Multi-Modal Type
Range:22 light-years

Transporter System:Personnel & Cargo
Range:40.000 km

Navigational Deflector Dish:Molybdenum & Duranium Mesh
Power:6 Graviton Polarity Generators
Output:400 gigawatts
Field Strength:650 millicochranes

Tractor Systems:3-15 Gigawatt Multi-phase Graviton Polarity Source
Field Strength:480 millicochranes
Minimum Range:230 million tons at 2 km
Maximum Range:1 ton at 30.000 km

Support Craft:
Shuttle Bays:2 (Upper Shuttle Bay & Lower Shuttle Bay)
Craft Manifest:8 Type 9 Shuttles
8 Type 11 Shuttles
2 Danube-class Runabouts
1 ARGO-type Shuttle
8 Workbees

Fighter Assault Bays:1 on Deck 15
Craft Manifest:11 Mk III Valkyrie Federation Attack Fighter Prototypes (more info here: [insert link])
5 Mk II Valkyrie Federation Attack Fighters (unmanned fr. the USS Harbinger)

Captain's Yacht: USS Allegiant (more info here: [insert link])
Class:Manta-class Prototype
Role:Advanced Scout

CanadianVet, as you might notice, I felt I had to dial down the pod launcher system's specs. They were simply too OPed for Star Trek. Even a ship in Thea's size can't house that much ordinance. There is still a lot there, but with reference taken from other sources on the web, torpedoes in that many thousands is a no go, sorry. Good thing is that these specs don't force us to retconn the battle at the Black Opal either.

So, hope you guys can find the time to trouble-shoot this for grammar and capitalisation etc. I want it pristine and its 3 am in the night here. :)

Good night everyone!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 26, 2016, 11:08:56 AM
In wait for comments on the Theurgy-class specs above, I made a first draft for the MSD based on what you made, IronFerrox. Here we go:


As you can see, I have outlined the three Vectors as well as the saucer's warp nacelle. I have also marked out the Fighter Assault Bay and the Lower Shuttle Bay. I also marked out the Upper Shuttle Bay, and as you can see that bay extends out to the sides of the saucer-section - skirting around Vector 02's aft hull. One easily fails to forget when looking at an MSD that a starship is really wide too, so a cut-through view like this doesn't show the compartments on either side of the areas shown. I added the three computer cores too, but I did not have the time to add the warp core arrangement. So, consider this a first draft.

This will also help the kind soul who likes to help out with the Deck Layout project and redistribute the locations across the ship.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: The Counselor on February 29, 2016, 12:47:54 AM
Hi all,

I just wanted to let you know my mom is having surgery this week so I'm not quite sure what my computer access will be like as we help care for her, but I'll be getting to tags ASAP.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 29, 2016, 07:42:53 PM
Thanks for the update, Counselor! :) Looking forward to read your posts.

Here is something new in the story from Drana, and I want one of my own (as long as it doesn't have too much of an appetite):


( (

These are added to the Species Specifications ( thread now.

Oh, and here is some eye-candy for you all too:

( (
[Click For Full Size] (

I named it "Release the Wolves!" on DeviantArt. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on March 01, 2016, 04:09:09 AM
If Selena ever got a Rockhog she would name it Boulder.
I kinda hope noone gets that reference.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on March 01, 2016, 04:36:07 AM
@iron mlp right?

Also per rocks are the best
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: DocReno on March 04, 2016, 05:55:29 AM
I just wanted to apologize for my slow replies, I had to emergency surgery and while I was able to get one PM out to Auctor about it, the surgery happened and I have only felt well enough to get a proper reply up here.

I apologize for slowing anything down.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on March 05, 2016, 02:15:18 AM
Auctor and I have been discussing a few matters, and as a matter of game balance and to give the fighters some added punch, we've come to the following conclusions:

The pods no longer carry the Mk XXVII intermediate torpedo, but instead the same Mk V micro-torpedoes that the Valkyries carry internally.  The pods still pack 15 torpedoes each, but much smaller ones.  Also, the number of reloads will be re-adjusted, and those will be independent of the micro-torps carried for the fighters, as by my math a full complement of Valkyries would require 768 micro-torpedoes per full load...

And speaking of the fighters, the Mk V micro-torpedo is their primary anti-small craft torpedo, and it is a secondary warhead to be used against full-up starships.  In an anti-ship role, the Valkyries primary torpedo will be the Mk XXVII Intermediate torpedo, carried in 5-round under-wing launchers.  And we'll be carrying loads of those.

This is just a heads-up, while our esteemed leader looks over my numbers and makes the final call.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on March 05, 2016, 03:20:31 AM
My.positing has been curtailed this week from what id planned (namley the sar post) due to work and a trip to visit inlaws. Should be positing again on Monday.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 05, 2016, 09:03:59 AM
In regard to CV's update below, indeed, the Honourverse pod laying capability was much too overpowered in a Trek story-setting. The broadside arrays completely offset the import of any other weapon systems, and we have to cut back on the broadside array's capacity so that we do not render phasers and forward launchers on the Theurgy completely obsolete.

The Theurgy's specifications have been updated with new numbers, and one last edit I made was to cut back on the stock of additional micro-torpedoes per launcher (90 per launcher, a total of 1890 shipwide for the pods - exclusive of fighter stores). Here is the link to the specs:

So, lower yield on the torpedoes in the pods, and a plausible explanation added for the small torps. The pods are firing 15 torps in one go, so even if the Type V torps are inferior to the Mk XXVII's that the Valkyries have, the broadside array has 18 of them, and delivers quite a punch nonetheless. Not, however, so much as to make the other launchers obsolete, which holds warheads with far higher yield.

More posts are coming tonight!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Auctor and I have been discussing a few matters, and as a matter of game balance and to give the fighters some added punch, we've come to the following conclusions:

The pods no longer carry the Mk XXVII intermediate torpedo, but instead the same Mk V micro-torpedoes that the Valkyries carry internally.  The pods still pack 15 torpedoes each, but much smaller ones.  Also, the number of reloads will be re-adjusted, and those will be independent of the micro-torps carried for the fighters, as by my math a full complement of Valkyries would require 768 micro-torpedoes per full load...

And speaking of the fighters, the Mk V micro-torpedo is their primary anti-small craft torpedo, and it is a secondary warhead to be used against full-up starships.  In an anti-ship role, the Valkyries primary torpedo will be the Mk XXVII Intermediate torpedo, carried in 5-round under-wing launchers.  And we'll be carrying loads of those.

This is just a heads-up, while our esteemed leader looks over my numbers and makes the final call.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on March 06, 2016, 04:08:33 AM
So, lower yield on the torpedoes in the pods, and a plausible explanation added for the small torps. The pods are firing 15 torps in one go, so even if the Type V torps are inferior to the Mk XXVII's that the Valkyries have, the broadside array has 18 of them, and delivers quite a punch nonetheless. Not, however, so much as to make the other launchers obsolete, which holds warheads with far higher yield.

an observation here.  Not just are the micro torp pods potential effective as ship to ship weapons in a "broadside" Combat maneuver scenario but another very handy function of them is as the ship's primary means of defense against small fighter type craft.  as swarms of mark 5 torps could potentially prove to be an excelent means to hit smaller craft that are specialized to evade larger weapons such as a standard torpedo spread or regular phaser fire.  This coupled by the theurgy's Pulse phaser array when attacking in small "rapid" pulse fire mode is an effective offense and defense against smaller attacking craft.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on March 06, 2016, 04:28:48 AM
That is an excellent point.  But given the limited numbers of Mk V's embarked for the pods, I'd think that Theurgy's main phasers and her fully-integrated point-defence systems would be the primary method of dealing with incoming small craft.  After all, you don't have to destroy a fighter to get it out of the fight, just cause enough damage to convince the pilot to break off and return to base.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 06, 2016, 11:12:19 PM

Greetings writers!

Well, the Black Opal sub-plot is drawing to a close, where there are just some loose ends for the characters down on the base to sort out - namely how they fared against the Romulan ground forces. Zenozine, Nolan and FollowTomorrow, I look forward to read how you guys deal witht he Romulans before they are beamed out. I will be posting again soon to sort out any further loose ends made, and I am sure CanadianVet has ideas for Trent and Covington too. Dewittt is still present, and I will be posting with her again in a new thread as soon as the current one draws to a close.

A rimber about the DAY 06: Inner Space ( thread that RosariaRosette and I have posted in, where everyone are to submit their characters' personal logs unless you PM me that you will pass on that thread for some reason. Bear in mind that it is set on the eve before SB84, and that there is also ample opportunity to use Day 06 for other escapades you see fit your your characters. For while all recordings of personal logs goes into the linked thread above, but you want to write threads about anything else your characters does on the day before the mission to SB84 - with me or someone else in the group - you should post separate threads with this in the subject line:

Code: [Select]
DAY 06: Insert Title Of Scene [XXXX hrs.]

Next, some new eye-candy for you all:


( (
[Click For Full Size] (

( (
[Click For Full Size] (


The butterfly has fluttered its wings, and at the request of A'vura's new writer - Vystori - I have updated her character images:

Image 01:

Image 02:

Image 03:


Sadly, RedBaron is no longer a member of the Star Trek: Theurgy Group anymore because of lacking posting activity. He was contacted continuously, and in the end, I got this PM below from him, and decided to NPC his character Drauc T'Laus in my post yesterday.

I am truly sorry that I have neglected to inform you of what has been going on in my life, I will not how ever be able to return to posting for some time because at the moment I am in between job and I'm finding it hard to do anything but find a new one. If at all possible I would like to at some time in the future be able to re join this group because though my time was short I had fun writing with every one. Thank you for letting me know and again I am sorry for the long delay of my response.



If anyone who would like to overtake this surgically augmented Romulan and both 1) doesn't have too many characters and 2) also can keep up posting for another one, should contact me with such a request over PM. Again, my policy on this is very loose, meaning that the one who cries out first and I think can keep up with playing her gets to inherit the character. Given the reply above, it might be a temporary inheritance too, so beat that in mind. If there are no takers, Drauc T'Laus will still be kept as an NPC that is available to be played for all writers in the Group (within reason, of course) until he is put in stasis after a battle to come.

( Mr. Drauc T'Laus              Imprisoned Mercenary        Starbase 84 [NPC] (
  - Available to be played by all members within reason


In regard to using the pods with Mark V micro-torpedoes against fighters attacking the Theurgy or not, I personally think it depends entirely on the tactical situation. Thea's primary defence against enemy fighters are the Lone Wolves, but she also has a lot of pulse phaser arrays to use against the fighters, not to mention the point-defence modules for automated and swift defence against fighters and incoming ordinance alike. One situation where a broadside could be used against small enemy craft would be if there is an entire squadron flying in formation, and the deployed pods create an ambush for them. In short, it ought to depend entirely on what is going on.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 07, 2016, 02:59:20 PM

I just finished another Schematics Image of Thea when she is in MVAM, for your feedback:

( (
[ Click For Full Size] (

I will also be making a starboard view of Thea when she is in MVAM.


Also, I have some awesome news. Omardex has agreed to model the USS Allegiant for us! Needless to say, I look forward to the results, and I am confident our Manta-class scout will look really cool when brought to life by Omardex. I have given him a creative license for this project since it does not have to look exactly like the shuttle from Insurrection that I photoshopped, as long as it keeps the same overall outline (since it is already visible underneath the Theurgy-model).

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on March 07, 2016, 05:12:41 PM
I love it and love to hear the manta class is getting a design overhaul to fit the look of our post Dominion war starship design aesthetic.  Been loving the work already and will look forward to seeing their take on the manta class
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on March 08, 2016, 03:18:16 PM
Sadly the Flu has gotten to me. Expect some delays to my responses for the next couple of days.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on March 09, 2016, 02:08:51 AM
I hear you Nolan.  I'm still dripping, gasping, and coughing myself.    :(
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 09, 2016, 09:20:23 AM
Illness seem to be rampant around the globe at this time of year, my family is in the same state.

Oh, I finished another schematic which details the roles of the Vectors during MVAM:

( (
[ Click For Full Size] (

Hope it makes sense. Think of the Vectors as the helmet, the sword and the stallion. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on March 13, 2016, 11:29:48 AM
Hi all,

Just wanted to drop a quick message to introduce myself as my application has been approved!

I'll be playing Dr. Silim Parnak [Show/Hide]
, a Cardassian Exobiology academic. Auctor Lucan has wonderfully already put up some artwork. Many thanks on him for that :)

I look forward to writing with you all

Kind regards,
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on March 14, 2016, 12:12:53 AM
Welcome to Theurgy.  I for one am looking forward to interacting with you.  A noted exobiologist would be an excellent addition to the crew!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on March 16, 2016, 09:40:36 AM
Allow me to also extend a welcome aboard.

Oh and CV and Lucan allow me to unvelil my vision for the full version of the Theurgy's fighter assault bay.
While the Theurgy was equipped with only 16 prototype mark 3 valkyries the design of the theurgy class's second vector was made with the idea of being a major carrier platform in mind as well as a weapons platform.  as such the fighter assault bay was designed as having two floors.

As of so far the maintinance team and fighter pilots have only been using the Lower deck as a maintinance and fighter bay.

However the original design of the theurgy had operations much grander in scale envisioned.  The lower deck would function as an active fighter launch bay,essentially this bay would be for launching fighters and operates almost solely as a runway deck so to speak.

The upper deck while capable of launching fighters (the pilot has to thread the needle to speak when exiting the bay) serves as the fighter Parking lot,  Storage and, most notably is the Fighter Maintenance Bay.

In ideal circumstances a Theurgy class Multivector Dreadnaught's Tactical Strike carrier vector would have a compliment of 16 fighters in the Lower launch bay at all times ( and another 48 in the Fighter parking section of the Maintinance bay.) Ideally the chain of command would be one Commander or Captain ranked Tac-Conn officer acting as Theurgy Wing Commander with 3 Lieutenant Commander or Commander ranked Squadron Commanding Officers working under Him or her.  Each squadron would consist of  4 Flights, Each lead by either a Lieutennant or MCPO,  Each flight would consisting of 2 Two ship elements with a lead element of Lieutanant JG or SCPO  and wingmen could be of CPO or Ensign ranks. 

(While rare if the captain of the vessel feels a specific Noncom of MCPO rank or Warrant officer rank may be eligible for SCO or WC position though if this occurs it would be because the vessels captain or fleet admiral felt their experience or Specialization warrants the Captain/Commander tier post.  as such it is likely the Warrant officer or MCPO would be granted the job as a field command Comission and given a field promotion to the rank of Provisional Commander for a WC job or Provisional Lt Cmdr for an SCO one )

The full fighter compliment of 64 mark 3 Valkyries  would be flown by a team consisting of Tac Conn officers.  The tac conn officer breakdown would usually be 1 Captain rank Wing Commander, 2 Commander Rank SCOs 8 Lt Cmdrs (1 as an SCO and 7 as Flight Leaders) 14 Lt (5 as Flight leaders and 9 as Element Leaders) 10 Lt JGs (7 as element leaders and 3 as Wingmen) 29 Ensign Wingmen. 

In addition There would be an additional 32 Flight officers Pulled from the ranks of Ensigns, Chief Petty Officers, PO1s, and High Scoring 4th Year Cadets given an acting Ensign commission.  These flight officers are relief officers and get in flight time during routine Graveyard shift patrols with active pilot ensigns flying as their Element leaders. 

As a general rule Ensigns and  CPOs wouldn't have specific ships and are assigned comm IDs based on their assignment.  Most of the wingman ships would have a more generic wing number ranging from W01 to W32  If the wingman is a Lt JG then they are allowed to have an individual fighter and their name Rank and squad designation number and Callsign is painted on the wing designating that craft as theirs.

AS a note part of the reason for me rushing this info out was CV mentioning finding 3 dozen fighters on the station and I decided that I would create something to show that with a split fighter bay (lower deck 8 meter ceiling and upper deck 4 meters there was room to store all of the fighters we could want to pick up)  (IN fact we would have room for a total of 4 16 ship squads as far as "parking spaces" go.

IN addition it can be noted that the upper deck as the primary maintenance deck contains an office for the deck chief a shower/locker room for the cubs and a very large maintenance bay work space.

One of the most useful aspects of the Bay is the Mobile fighter transport platform.  THis platform locks into the upper deck in a way quite similar to the same systems that operate saucer docking latches on ships capable of separation but on a smaller scale.  As such even if power goes down the platform is locked into its upper position.  one of the best features of this platform is not only does it have room for 5 total fighters, even in locked upwards position the platform is in a position that allows for 2 fighters (if they are positioned in the two Takeoff position areas) to take off from it (though the pilot has to be cautious as they will be piloting their ,fighter with only 0.5 meters before they are dragging metal against the ceiling.

IN addition to being able to launch the purpose of this platform is to allow fighters to be transported from the upper maintenance deck to the lower launch deck very easily.

When the platform is in the lower position a space in the floor of the lower deck opens up allowing the platform to lock into place allowing for a continuous smooth surface on the bay floor. IN addition a similar hatch closes on the upper floor allowing the space where the platform was to be used as workspace as well  Built into the walls of the lower deck on both sides are numerous personnel/light cargo lifts that serve as an easy way of moving from the upper to lower deck

Hope yall like my idea enough to implement it.  I am sure Covington would love his cubs to have a bigger work space than before especially if its away from all the launching and such.  Besides Papa bear deserves his own office and a big area for his gearheads to do their jobs.  Of course they are always welcome in the fighter bay lounge and he is welcome in Miles office and all that.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Havenborn on March 16, 2016, 10:46:18 AM
I like the idea IronFerrox and it's got my vote for implementation.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 16, 2016, 05:14:12 PM
I hate to say this, and I already PMed you about it, but this won't do. I am so sorry you put all this effort into an idea I have to scrap... I wish you could have checked with me first.

I have double checked, and IronFerrox knows it too, but the ceiling height of the model won't allow for two hangar floors, with just a couple of meters to spare above the Valkyries. This makes safe takeoffs and landings impossible unless computerised, which kind of kills the concept of piloting and all the scenes we have written so far involving take-offs and landings, even as recently as the Black Opal thread, where a recovery shuttle was supposed to be able to tractor Skye's damaged Valkyrie into the hangar. If you check the Lone Wolves group image, you can see how high a ceiling have to be in a hangar.

Moreover, I don't care for giving the Theurgy such a huge carrier capacity. The empty slots of the original 16 are just enough for the Harbinger pilots' Mk II fighters, and that is all we need for the sake of the story.

Sorry for this, but I can't allow it.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 16, 2016, 07:08:01 PM
PS. There is plenty of room to have large work-shops on the starboard side of the hangar too. There, fighters can undergo heavy repairs without being in the way for launching operations and landings.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on March 16, 2016, 07:17:28 PM
I like the idea you're having Iron, yet I can't shake the feeling that it's a bit overpowered for the Theurgy roleplay. The amount of ships being able to get stored into it is admirable, but again perhaps too much for us. Plus just the sheer crew member size is a bit overwhelming as I read it. Because if I read it right, it would mean that our current staff is really short on numbers. As for the 48 other fighters, I think it makes it sound more like the Theurgy is more or less designed as a carrier base instead of a dreadnought.

However, I do like the idea of Sten having his own floor for fighter maintenance and office with showers and lockers. As it strikes me as a great idea as it could split the both departments a little.

Either way, I do also have to admit that I'm not entirely up to speed with the dynamics and measurements of the whole hangar thing, but it's just my view upon it.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on March 16, 2016, 11:31:20 PM
Right so, preface: its been a long week thats not even half way over yet, and i am short on sleep - ergo, math is hard. Very hard. As is visualizing layouts, so y'all please bear that in mind.

I've mostly stayed out of the discussion about the fighters in general - new armament, bay size, etc etc cause for the most part my characters aren't involved in flight ops, and just reading y'all's IC posts are thrilling enough for me :)

From what i've read of your post, IF, it sounds like we would be re-imagining the Theurgy class as a keel up fighter/carrier - similar to current US Aircraft carriers. In a modern aircraft carrier, there is the lower deck where maintenance and (I think) storage occurs, and then there is the top deck, exposed to the elements, that has the catapualt that launches a ship into the air, and also has all the catch cords for landing. its exposed to everything,  no ceiling, etc, etc.

But the Theurgy wouldn't be launching and landing the Valkries along the dorsal spine of the ship, in your example, but would be launching them from a kind of tube deck, enclosed in the hull? Kinda like battlestar Galatica, from what little i remember. Or am i reading it wrong, and both decks are 'full' bays?

Because in star trek, the Shuttle bays tend to take up about two decks worth of height with an upper portion sectioned off for control stations. You see this in TNG, and in the TOS Movies for the most part.   You don't really see any kind of launch elevator mechanism except in Deep Space Nine - the runabouts were stored that way. The bays in general are designed for shuttles and ships that can hover and land slowly, not the kind that need to be launched out - but they need the space to hover, and to even have one be above another should the need arise (towing one ship into the bay is the key ex there).

Point is, if i understand everything you're talking about, you've got a decent design for a carrier ship - but the Theurgy, from what i understand, even after its new rework, isn't supposed to be a full support fighter carrier. And i kinda feel that it would take away from what everyone else does on the ship, as well as make this ship very over powered. I am assuming that most ships in the fleet dont even have 16 fighters. I could see an argument for capacity for maybe 32, and being under stocked for various reasons (crew attrition, having to leave before a full compliment was deployed, etc, etc) and the same reasons could be why we don't have a fighter Captain assigned,  but having a whole wing? it does seem a bit much for the RP as currently stands.

(apologies for all typos and rambling)

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on March 16, 2016, 11:39:53 PM
Also, I know I'm a bit late to the party on this, but pet rocks. fucking a. We have pet rocks that coo like tribbles. Suddenly my shitty week is less shitty. Good job guys ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on March 17, 2016, 04:37:44 AM
Sorry I only started working with this idea because of CV's post in the black opal raid thread where he announced that he found 3 dozen production model mark 3 Valkyries on the base.  Figured since nothing was said about that then he must have ran that by you Lucan and therefore increasing the capacity for fighters on the theurgy must have been something that was being considered already.

I just took it upon myself to work out the space needed to make the idea of picking them up feasible.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vystori on March 17, 2016, 05:31:23 AM
Also a bit behind and late to the party, first let me thank you, Lucan, for posting my new images. Love them as usual and looking forward to making her a permanent character. Also please excuse my slow reply. Things got a bit nasty over here between some other duties and some household issues. Things seem to have calmed down though and I have posted for everyone so hoping that I can get right back on track. =3 Looking forward to seeing responses and having a great time thus far! :D

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 17, 2016, 09:53:16 AM
Thanks for the updates and for weighing in everyone.

First of all, my bad, I should have seen that line in CanadianVet's post and removed it. The layers of misunderstandings built upon my negligence, reading it like it was Valkyrie equipment and not actual Valkyries. The post has been edited and the 36 Mk III Valkyries removed, the major find in that bay being the RF Twin-Mount. The original 16 Valkyries were prototypes (11 remaining), and with them being on the Theurgy, mass production can't have begun unless they built them without performance data from the Lone Wolves or them as any kind of reference. I have no idea or estimate on how long it ought to take to make new prototypes, but even if it would be possible for there to be new Valkyries at the Black Opal, I think we have difficulty finding pilots for them as it is, so the addition of new ones would just take up a lot of space, especially since we are still dragging along 5 Mk II Valkyries from the late Harbinger pilots (except for your character, DocReno, lol).

Again, sorry that you spent the time making up the second deck for the Valkyries, and I should have caught fact that 36 brand new Valkyries were in that bay that Covington found. I am sure CanadianVet is sorry that you went through that trouble too, yet then again, if I ever approved of finding new Valkyries at the Black Opal in some old PM, it completely escapes me now. Did I say something about that, CV? I don't remember doing so, but if I did, I am sorry that I misspoke. It might be that I am the root to this whole mess, and it could be that I am spread too thin over the project and things are beginning to slip my mind. I can but hope that it won't cause any more problems.

But lets put this behind us now and look ahead, as I will cover three new things:

The Mk II Valkyries on the Theurgy

With Lieutenant Havenborn being the SCO on the Resolve, and his squadron - decimated as they are - are flying Mk II Valkyries. My idea was that given Havenborn's rank and role, there are two options here:

1) Havenborn steps in as Wolf-02 and second-in-command of the Lone Wolves whilst in flight, which would require him to learn the Mk III Valkyrie just like Husker had to.

2) Havenborn's pilots defects to the Theurgy as well, and he becomes the SCO of a second, small squadron on the Theurgy. It would only consist of 5 Mk II Valkyries, those from the Harbinger, and I got the idea from the animal kingdom, actually. LINK: (

This second squadron, the Ravens, could be forward scouts for the Lone Wolves, and yet as the article says, they both eat meat, meaning that they fight together.

So, Havenborn, what would your preference be, and what do the rest of the affected writers say? :)

The Starboard Side of the Fighter Assault Bay

In our current deck plan of the Lone Wolves' hangar, only the left side of it is shown. The round circle on the right side shows a reduces scale of the hangar, which I will be updating to show the new disposition of the hangar aboard the new version of the Theurgy. Here is the current version:


What I only had time to mention briefly yesterday was that the starboard side of the hangar will get some more space now too, and that would mean that there could be work-shops set up on that side that are not in the way for launching and landing operations. The work-shops would be ideal for heavy repairs and attaching those Rf Twin-Mounts while regular maintenance and hard-point ops could be done in the main hangar. This would allow for some more elbow room for Covington's and Eun Sae Ji's people.

Also, IronFerrox asked me how it could be that the Akira-class Harbinger could have had so many Mk II Valkyries, a whole Wing for the late Wing Commander Phantom, and the answer is that at an old sim of mine, an entire deck in the middle of the saucer of the Akira-class was a hangar, and while I don't have the deck plans from that sim, I found an image that shows how the disposition makes it easier to hold more fighters. In the image I found below (another ship entirely), the deck doesn't stretch all the way out to the edges, but I think you get the idea. I hope that answers your question, IronFerrox.


Anyway, I will update the old deck plan when I have the time for it. Right now, I have an applicant who wants to play a female Caitian, so that project will likely take me a while.

Upcoming Threads

I might have failed to announce it here, and that is really poor GMing of me since I am running behind on posting them because of work and this application process, but I do mean to post new starters for threads directly following the finished Black Opal one. I wanted to wrap that one up before it continued into infinity, but I promise, more threads about the aftermath of the Black Opal battle will be posted, I just have not had the time to make them. I locked the thread just two days ago, and I just have not had the time to write up the new starters, but I hope that when I do - hopefully tonight - I will have been able to give every character something to do. :)

So, sorry for being a bad, bad GM in my reading-skills and failure to communicate - not to mention not having posted new starters yet after locking the old thread - but I promise that I will do my best to improve.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Havenborn on March 18, 2016, 01:28:52 AM
So I'm liking the second option the best if there's no objection to it; though I'm not quite sold on the squadron name but I think I can learn to like it.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on March 18, 2016, 04:01:21 AM
I like the idea of 2 squadrons, and as such since there would be two squads with two SCOs, both would be members of the senior staff.  I would also nominate that the Ravens (if that comes to be their name) retain Covington as their squad XO as wel.l  This would make him not only an intermediary between the two squadrons if necessary but also places him at an equally important position with both groups.  IN situations where the two SCOs are in debate over a matter and it isn't necessary to have Trent resolve the disagreement as the superior officer Both of them could trust Covington to be a neutral Third party arbitrator and could agree to go along with his advice due to his Long term experience as one of the longest serving Deck ops Officers in the fleet.  As such his insight as a neutral arbitrator (or even as someone to propose a compromise or third option would likely be invaluable.

In flight both would report to the Mission ops desk and both SCOs would report directly to the ship XO, Trent.  As such the new SCO would be sharing the SCO/Deck Chief office with Renard and Covington.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on March 18, 2016, 04:59:29 AM
As a rule, Covington stays out of flight matters.  I see his role as the deputy in charge of the operation of the bay and the fighters' ground support.  Basically, while the birds are on board, he is the Voice of God, up to and including telling Miles a particular bird isn't space-worthy or fit for combat.  And perhaps if he has glaring doubts as to a pilot's readiness, but that could be unofficial and based on Miles relying on his experience in that field.  And of course, it would also be his job to advise the officers.

As for Trent, I could see him as the last line before involving Ives.  But as a rule, Trent doesn't much care for micro-managing, and if he has to step in, it better be good...
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 18, 2016, 10:27:09 AM
Sounds good on the chain-of-command.

However, the Assisting Chiefs of Operations, Engineering, Science, CONN, Medical, Counselling or the Deputy in Security are not on the Senior staff, and therefore Havenborn can't be that either, sorry. Only Department Heads are on the Senior Staff, and Renard has the higher rank of the two SCOs. Then again, if the representatives in the Senior Staff are indisposed, the Asst. Officers take their place, so Havenborn could end up in Senior Staff meetings anyway, just like the other officers in the different Departments.

As for a name for the second squadron, "the Ravens" is the most simplistic, yet perhaps also an abbreviation of a full name. Given the fact that the Mk II Valkyries look like the Mk III Valkyries used to do (image link ( before Pinarci brought our new design to life, the Ravens could be the colloquial term for White Ravens. I found this extinct species that the name could be based on, and I suggest it because of the white colour of the Mk II Valkyries:

Quote from: Wikipedia
In modern Faroese, the bird is called hvítravnur ("white raven"), older name gorpur bringu hvíti ("white-chested corbie").

If we are to make a second squadron, we really need to set the technical specifications for the Mk II as well... Can anyone help me with that? They could likely be reverse-engineered with the text and specifications of the Mk III.

With all the information we are collecting on weaponry, equipment and ships, we really need to make our own Wiki page to store everything in a coherent and accessible way. Does anyone have experience working with wiki pages? I could get a wiki since I have a domain for it, but I might need help with it from there on.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Havenborn on March 18, 2016, 11:03:56 AM
I've got no problem with Daniel serving as an Assistant Dept. Head, he was raised in a military society so he understands that's how it goes sometimes.

As for the squadron name I was thinking of the name Hellcat instead, mostly because I like the name.  However if a bird naming scheme would be better than what about Harrier or Kestrel.  I was thinking that those would fit better with the second squadron's mission profile.

Also I can help with the technical specifications of the Mark-II just tell me what you need help with.  It's been awhile but I've done work on a wiki before, but I can try my hand at it again if you'd like.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 18, 2016, 11:17:33 AM
I will let other weigh in on the name of the second squadron, but I like the White Ravens (the Ravens, for short) because there is an actual connection between ravens and wolves. Other birds doesn't have the kind of relation to to wolves like the ravens do. I welcome input from the whole group on this matter, and we might even set up a poll if we have more suggestions.

As for what I need help with, for starters, is if you take the Mk III specifications further down in the post here: and then change the specs in accordance with the production development text under "BACKGROUND INFORMATION: TACTICAL CONN". You will notice how improvements to the Mk II is written there, so the Mk II specs could be derived from that text. You can just PM me the results for the time being. Thanks in advance for this, and I will look into setting up a Wiki page on my domain first, and then I'll need help after that.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on March 18, 2016, 01:57:48 PM
Everything sounds good to me.just trying to make sure covington still has his footing as deck god and miles aint micromanaging someone else's squad.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on March 18, 2016, 05:40:56 PM
Sounds to me like Miles would effectively be an acting wing commander as well as SCO.  In that kind of situation, I'd say that while he would still have a finger on the Lone Wolves' pulse and some involvement in their routine operations, Maverick would be very much running the day-to-day stuff while Miles would also have Havenborn to manage. 

As for Sten's footing as the Chief of the Deck, the Lone Wolves already know him well enough, and I'd be really interested in seeing how the new pilots would deal with him.  Depending on when they were trained, they might have briefly crossed paths at the Academy.  Either when they were doing live flight training, with deck crew trainees acting as their ground crew, or when they were getting their initial briefs for flight decks, probably before they'd set foot on a holodeck set up as one, and then again before getting onto a live flight deck. 

But it certainly wouldn't hurt explaining the facts of life to them...

And, of course, the odd time here and there. 

After all, he did spend a chunk of the Dominion War training ground crews, between his work in fighter design and writing The Book in terms of maintenance and deck doctrine.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 19, 2016, 01:28:23 AM
A new poll has been posted to settle the matter of Tactical Conn getting a second squadron. Since the find of new Mk III Valkyries or not is kind of essential to the new threads in the aftermath of the Black Opal thread, I can't advance the story until we have settled this matter. I have set the vote to three days, and I am sorry that you guys have to wait until we have decided on this.

In the meantime, before the new threads come up, I recommend you write your posts in Inner Space, which I am confident that you can regardless of the aftermath of the Black Opal. The Inner Space logs are highly personal, and wouldn't be touching upon what the future of the situation in the Fighter Assault Bay will be. Those of you who have characters that are affected by the aftermath already knows about it, like Kaligos who write Nathaniel Isley, for example.

Here is the link:'

DAY 06: Inner Space (

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 19, 2016, 11:37:41 PM
Two quick things for you all:


Omardex has sent me a few progress renders of our Manta-class scout. He has yet to reach the texturing phase, so its just shapes for together atm. While the wings are true to the aeroshuttle scout seen in Star Trek: Insurrection, the scale of the Manta-class is a lot bigger. Hope you like!


If you guys have any ideas or requests on things that could be added or changed, let me know before Omardex is done with the modelling phase!


With the display of the Theurgy-class schematics, we have now passed 300 followers on Tumblr! If you guys want me to post anything specific there, let me know!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on March 20, 2016, 04:44:51 AM
Hey Folks,

Not sure if it's kosher for the new applicant to hijack a thread to say hello but as I couldn't find a welcome thread, here I am. :)

Just wanted to introduce myself as the new applicant who's going to play the Caitian that Auctor Lucan referred to in an earlier post. This is the character though if I'm not supposed to post the best picture of a Cait/Human hybrid I've seen, ever, then don't click the link [Show/Hide]

I've been writing on PBEM, Forum, and Nova based simms since around 2001 and despite the time I've been at this, I'd consider myself an average writer. Just started getting into 18+ simms outside of HoE in 2013 and last year, after seeing the graphics work Auctor did for this group, I had to pop in and have a look. What I saw impressed me enough that I abandoned an almost decade long (self imposed) ban on joining forum based simms to write with you folks. I'm working on a bio, first draft which Auctor has though I'm still hemming & hawing over being an engineer (a role I can write in my sleep) or a fighter pilot which I haven't written in years.

Hoping to have the bio done and approved before April 1st though I'll start actual posting around April 21st as I'm off for three weeks while I disappear to Hawaii on a cruise ship. Only place on earth it seems I can get away from my work for a few weeks as cellphones don't work in the middle of the Pacific, and work won't pay the approx $5-8/min to call me on the ship when they need me. :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 20, 2016, 12:27:03 PM
Nice of you to introduce ourself, SummerDawn! THough that was th old version of the image, I sent you a better one the other day. No matter, there will be more of them, and I will get back to you about the biography.


Here is something for you to feast your eyes on, just download it and see for yourselves. :)

This is the first batch of animations from Vira Lanka, the guy who has helped me with animating the Valkyries before. Hope you like it!

Theurgy-class Animations 01: (

If you don't want to download it, the animation is also available on our Tumblr at this link:

When you see the clip, bear in mind that Omardex's 3d model is way more detailed for images, but he was incredibly expensive to ask to animate, so I gave the 3d model to Vira Lanka, who doesn't use the same 3d program. So, he had to translate it, and after many turns back and fort, the detail level is acceptable, but nowhere near as good as Omardex's. Vira Lanka's rates are much better, but some detail was lost in the translation. I had to use some lens flares to cover up some bad looking stuff in the final edit, but it is tolerable now. I think and hope the next batch will look better too with more time for Vira Lanka to add detail.

There is more to come, not to mention the big trailer now that I am getting these animations made.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on March 20, 2016, 09:48:28 PM
Welcome aboard SummerDawn and to everyone else that I might have missed in the meantime!

Vids looks good Lucan. I can't wait for the trailer!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 21, 2016, 08:03:20 PM
Sad to see so little reaction to the animations given the time spent making them, alas, people are busy.


As of now, we are not accepting any new members until further notice. I already have three applicants in the process of joining and I cannot handle the recruitment process and run the story at the same time.

The three people who are in the pipe already will be joining us, but after that, I need a break so that I can drive the story forward with the little time I have available now that work has picked up. The current last applicants until recruitment is open again are SummerDawn, chXinya and VioletteTheViolent (coming here from DeviantArt).

The only way to join us now is to inherit a character already in the story and who has character images made for them. The list of available characters than can be inherited can be found in our joining info threads.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on March 22, 2016, 02:01:54 AM
Weekend hit rather hard, now that I have had a chance to sit down and watch the video...

god that is one sexy ship. Also can she actually separate at warp? To my knowledge the Enterprise D could only separate at impulse speeds, and the prometheus class vessel was never put into that situation..
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on March 22, 2016, 02:44:21 AM
Don't about Theurgy but TNG Tech Manual (Pg 27-28) states that saucer separation can occur at warp as the saucer will only drop from warp once clear of the stardrive's warp field. And the saucer impulse engine subspace driver coils will retain enough of the warp bubble to allow disipation over a two minute period, permitting a controlled drop from warp speed.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on March 22, 2016, 04:14:39 AM
From memory alpha

Though highly unadvised, it was possible to separate the saucer from the stardrive section at high-warp velocities. Used by Jean-Luc Picard during the first encounter with Q, the saucer was separated at a warp speed of 9.5. According to Data, it was highly impractical but possible, with no margin for error. The slightest mishap would have made this attempt deadly. It was also required to clear the saucer section from the stardrive section to ensure safety, because as soon as separation was over, the saucer section would start to lose speed, posing a danger to the stardrive section. However, Picard was able to successfully separate the saucer in order to protect the families of the Enterprise from the immense power of Q. (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint")

so yes not only was it done theoretically. It has been done on screen and in the first episode of TNG no less.

Since a Prometheus and subsequently Theurgy class has three separate Warp drives I imagine the high warp separation would require all three warp drives to come online and the ship to begin to project three overlapping but stable warp field bubbles.  Wen seperated fully the ship would close each bubble off so that it would encompass each vector individually resulting in no change in velocity while remaining at a constant warp vector.  That's my theory on what is going on at least.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 22, 2016, 02:27:04 PM
True! MVAM is possible during warp, and I imagine that it works like IronFerrox suggested. :)


With the result of the previous vote, we may not form a second squadron aboard the USS Theurgy, the Lone Wolves remaining the only named squadron on the title ship of our story, but it doesn't mean that the entirety of Episode 04 will have a lot of Mk II fighters in it, likely even the Episodes after that. Therefore, I have asked Pinarci to make us a second fighter, and this being the predecessor to the MK II that the fighter pilots on the USS Resolve will be flying. Moreover, these fighters will also be a part of the Theurgy's opposition, so it remains important we finally - finally - iron out what the MK II fighters really are and what they are capable of.

So, Havenborn, you are tasked with the specs of this fighter, but the whole group may now vote for their favourite concept design, numbered at the images below the poll. I hope you guys find a design that you like. So, vote by the numbers, and you may change your vote if you want to. Vote closes in 3 days.

Link to the new poll:

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 23, 2016, 12:47:25 AM

Half past midnight here in Sweden and I didn't finish the posts yet, but I am confident I will be able to do so during the day tomorrow. I hope you will enjoy the development as the Black Opal chapter comes to an end.

However, I would like to point something out to everyone since it might be worth repeating:

You do not need me to start new threads! Especially now in the Interregnum, I feel like I have become solely responsible for creating scenes for everyone's characters even if we don't have a linear main story plotiline to follow before we reach SB84. You do not need me to create your scenes unless you need me to settle some specific issue about timing etc. I am available on PM to handle that, and then you guys should go ahead and write what your characters are up to. It would make me feel less like I have to create the conditions in which everyone writes their characters. The Interregnum has less of a linear storytelling narrative, and rather free-form play for everyone to enjoy as best as they might.

So, if you guys are frustrated with waiting on me now that I have a tight schedule, perhaps you shouldn't. Instead, talk to each other and post the threads you want to write. ;)

Anyway, I am off to bed but stay tuned for tomorrow! I will be posting in other threads as best as I might too.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: FollowTomorrow on March 23, 2016, 05:07:20 AM
8D With this news that we can make our own threads, would anyone like a scene with Dyan? I'd love to be able to get into her head a little more!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 23, 2016, 04:01:38 PM
A chance to play Dyan has actually come up with this post below too!

[DAY 04: Aftermath [1300 hrs.] Attn: All (

This thread is for the benefit of the whole group of writers that have characters on the Theurgy, and its just a first post. At least one more will come up with will take care of the situation in Sickbay, where Lahkesis will be assisting Doctor Nicander in the treatment of Ryuan Sel. While that scene is for me and Absinthe, the thread is available for all other scenes in Theurgy's Sickbay as well in the aftermath of the Black Opal raid.

I owe a couple of more posts as well, and they are coming along as soon as they are written.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on March 23, 2016, 06:38:06 PM
8D With this news that we can make our own threads, would anyone like a scene with Dyan? I'd love to be able to get into her head a little more!

Would love to a thread where Miles and her hang out a bit after the mission wouldn't mind her and him meeting up in Below decks some time after he deals with the situation with Mav and after she gets back after everything with the opal is hashed out.

Possibly somewhere around 1600 hrs, maybe Miles accompanies the sec officers relieving her at Mav's quarters would be good since I have a thread where miles is with the counselor a little before 2000 hrs that day so there isn't any time conflicts.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 23, 2016, 09:47:07 PM
[DAY 04: Obligations & Priorities [1305 hrs.] Attn: Attn: All characters in Sickbay (

Like I sad, while the scene posted here is for me and Absinthe, the thread is available for all other scenes in Theurgy's Sickbay as well in the aftermath of the Black Opal raid.

More posts are on the way. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: FollowTomorrow on March 24, 2016, 12:07:10 AM
Would love to a thread where Miles and her hang out a bit after the mission wouldn't mind her and him meeting up in Below decks some time after he deals with the situation with Mav and after she gets back after everything with the opal is hashed out.

Possibly somewhere around 1600 hrs, maybe Miles accompanies the sec officers relieving her at Mav's quarters would be good since I have a thread where miles is with the counselor a little before 2000 hrs that day so there isn't any time conflicts.

I'd love to do a thread with you! I do have a question, and forgive me for my ignorance on the topic of forum rp's, but am I required to wait until my scene with Zaraq is done to start a thread with you, or can I do so now regardless? Thank you for your patience! :-[
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 24, 2016, 01:05:10 AM
The two of you may start a thread of your own at the given time that IronFerrox suggested, so no worries there! Please name your topic in the format already set on the board, though, so that everyone knows when the scene takes place.


Omardex just sent me a link to show me the status of the Manta-class yacht, and the link was a showroom in Sketchfab where you can turn the model around and look at it from any kind of angle. It was so neat I just had to give you guys the link too.

Sketchfab Showroom Link - Manta-class Advanced Scout (

The next phase is the texturing phase, obviously, so there is still a lot to do, but we are getting there!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on March 24, 2016, 01:16:05 AM
The Allegiant looks really cool, can't wait to see what it looks like finished.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: FollowTomorrow on March 24, 2016, 09:29:54 PM
Thank you lucan! I've made a thread. Please let me know if anyone has any comments or critiques about my writing. I know it's not the best yet, and maybe I should write more than what I do, but I have a hard time not being 'flowery'.  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on March 25, 2016, 05:23:12 AM
OOOH manta class lookin good!

Too bad my Toaster of a laptop dont have a vidya card for shit so all it lets me mess with is a normal 360 on one axis view instead of a fully 3d multiple axis view
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 28, 2016, 03:30:04 AM
Theurgy[/i]-Episode-01-Outbreak-Cover-Art-390257919]Star Trek: Theurgy, Episode 01: Outbreak Cover Art ([i)

While I was working on character images for a new applicant, I also updated the cover art for Episode 01 after an idea I had. Now, it features the Episode's two female antagonists on the cover, and the Niga plant is shown in a more omnious way. I also updated the ship to Thea's new class, but I did not have to the time to add the damages she suffered during the flight from Earth, which was just prior to the Episode's beginning. I might have time for it some other day. Enjoy!

Theurgy[/i]-Episode-01-Outbreak-Cover-Art-390257919]Star Trek: Theurgy, Episode 01: Outbreak Cover Art
( ([i)

Happy to see so many posts today, and I will be replying as soon as I can!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on March 30, 2016, 04:58:30 AM
Hello everyone, just wanted to introduce myself, I'm ChXinya, your newest Andorian buddy!  I may not be anywhere near as feisty as our ThanIda, but trust me, i can be a lot of fun ^^

I'll play the resident map-maker (a job made a lot harder when the Stellar Cartography lab got smashed back during the Niga event) so I guess if we get lost it's technically my fault (can I still blame Garmin in the 24th century?)

Our fearless leader went through all the trouble to make some pictures, so here I am:

Any questions for me?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on March 30, 2016, 06:29:20 PM
Welcome aboard ChiXinya and I hope you enjoy your time with us. I'm relatively new to the group too!

It's nice to see another non-pink skin around.  ;)

Auctor, I wasn't too sure on the Manta class when it was first announced, but after playing with the 3D model. She's definitely got curves to appreciate!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on March 30, 2016, 06:35:51 PM
Just thought I would tell you all now. I'm gonna be gone friday through sunday I have classes and will be presenting a research paper to 30 of my peers in class.

I might be able to read stuff, but I will not be able to post till monday.

Sorry Auctor, I will try to get a post for unfinished before I leave, but I can't make promises.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: FollowTomorrow on March 30, 2016, 08:37:57 PM
Welcome aboard ChXinya! and I must say, those are some majestic looking eyebrows : o are they sentient?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Drana on March 31, 2016, 05:51:08 AM
Welcome newbies, keep your arms outside the ride at all times and take care to ignore all safety warnings.

I should have a post up in the Aftermath thread soon, just been down lately with a cold and general post-convention fatigue.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on March 31, 2016, 06:06:57 AM
As for me, the semester is almost over so over the next few weeks I'll be getting ready for finals.  Yes, culinary students do have finals and they can be fucking grueling.  So my posting my slow down a little, especially during the last 2 weeks of April, and maybe the first of May as I take that time to recover.

There's days I wonder what possessed me to pick the culinary field for a second career, but somehow I always seem to remember that I love that stuff...
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on March 31, 2016, 09:25:58 AM
Welcome again to all the newcomers! Hope you all enjoy your stay aboard our wonderful starship. I also hope that everyone feels better soon and good luck on the finals CV!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on March 31, 2016, 10:17:36 AM
Welcome aboard new recruits.  If your characters are interested in a group activity aboard the Theurgy like a holodeck adventure, auditioning for a play, or a weekly poker game contact me, particularly if your characters were supposed to 'be here the whole time'.  We can start a thread and I'll do my best to catch you up and provide some onstage exposition.  Hm, come to think of it, that sounds like something to invite the 'old hands' to as well.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on April 01, 2016, 03:58:32 AM
Poker sounds like a blast!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 02, 2016, 10:16:26 AM
Indeed! Welcome to all you new writers in our midst and we are happy to have you. Thanks also to those that take the time to post their RL status in regard to writing, since it certainly helps me plan posting orders and such.

Now, here is something you might like!


Here is the current status of the texturing process: (

Omardex and I need your help with the finishing touches of the textures, with suggestions for the areas that are unfinished. You need not concern yourselves with the round tubes at the back, since I have an idea for them and will send Omardex my idea for these new kind of thruster engines. The phaser strips will be darker than the rest of the hull, and at the tips of the wings, where there is a wave-pattern now, there will be warp-coils. The impulse engine vanes at the back, those with four exhausts, so to speak, will be glowig red, just like on the Theurgy.

The help we need is panelling and details. I am thinking about adding small, subtle thruster assemblies at the front of the ship to allow for low-velocity control of the yacht, but any ideas you guys have for design is welcome at this point. I recommend looking at futuristic sport cars designs, especially at Lamborghini, Ferrari and those brands, to find ideas for cool details.

If you have ideas, please post them here, and I will take them to Omardex for consideration, but I might not be commenting on each entry, so don't be alarmed if I am silent - I am merely juggling this design progress along with applications, moderating the story and writing. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 02, 2016, 04:11:33 PM

IronFerrox and I have been looking at the difficulties of creating a new Deck Layout, and after a few trials and errors, even though IronFerrox managed to create the awesome starting-point of a new MSD for the Theurgy, we were having trouble going onwards from that point.

So, I figured why not ask an expert to help us out? So, indeed, I have now outsourced the project of making us a new Deck Layout and a really professional looking MSD to Alexander Richardson, AKA LCARSgfx, the very same artist that was hired to help making MSDs for Project Axanar. He has an Etsy-shop set up where you can browse his earlier work here: (

This file we will get will be a vectorised PDF that can be zoomed to infinity and still have a sharp image. If you browse the images in the shop, you will see the level of detail he is working in too. He has already started to work on making our MSD, and here are the first progress images he has sent me:


There we go! Hope you like the development, and while it might have cost a few bucks, we will get it state-of-the-art.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: FollowTomorrow on April 02, 2016, 06:52:09 PM
As much as I'd like to help, I'm not exactly sure how to go about giving suggestions for or making textures for the model. Do I link to textures online (that hopefully have a free-use license)? Or would I make some, and if I do how would I go about doing that? :,D I think it'd look neat to add some hand-painted features, like old Nose Art ( ( ). Maybe an alien lady lounging on the side or something. Just my two cents though
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on April 03, 2016, 03:11:11 AM
not so much keen on the pinup girls on the Allegiant idea.  That said I wouldn't be against the idea of  a few members of the wolves having a bit of nose art on their Valkyries if the Captain would permit such customization to the fighters.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on April 03, 2016, 02:40:05 PM
From a ground crew perspective, I'd be tempted to say no as well.  The art could obscure necessary labels, and something tells me the outer paint isn't just to make the ship look pretty but actually serves a real purpose.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on April 03, 2016, 03:25:48 PM
Wouldn't it be the exact same paint just different colors? Seems like flight decals would be pretty awesome.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on April 03, 2016, 04:53:32 PM
Mind you, I'd think that "successful combat sorties" markings might be appropriate.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Absinthe on April 03, 2016, 05:04:06 PM
I figure I should catch everyone here up on a few things going on with me. 2 days ago a buddy of mine's sewer line backed up and flooded his basement. I wound up helping out and took a nasty fall (a grate had been moved and there was a deep hole that was hidden under the disgusting water, one second I was walking, the next I had one leg in the whole). Anyway i got a nasty gash on my leg. I didn't notice it right away and though it hurt I paid it no mind until the next day when it started to burn. I went to see a doctor and long story shorter I now have a staph infection on the back of my right knee.
I should be fine, but for the next 10 days I need to take medicine every 6 hours. Combined with my insomnia it means I will be on next to no sleep for awhile. This means I won't be able to do much writing, it's hard to concentrate one getting anything done.
I might be able to pound out a couple of posts here or there, but I can't promise anything.
I will keep you all updated. Hopefully the medicine works and I don't need to do anything more serious then a simple set of antibiotics.
I hope you're all doing better than me and my friend,
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: FollowTomorrow on April 03, 2016, 10:37:38 PM
As far as the nose art debate goes: It's possible that the nose art could also be a sticker or magnet, something that won't really interfere with the paint on the outer shell. It's just a suggestion! That being said, I'd be happy to try my hand at designing nose art if any of the lone wolves would like something custom? I'm not the best artist out there but I'd love to give it a try  :)

Absinthe: D8 Best wishes to you and your friend and hope you're healing well. Please do keep us posted. Stay healthy!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on April 04, 2016, 01:26:09 AM
Staph infections are no joke, take care of yourself and get better.

As for the nose art and sucessful combat stories markings and such I had mentioned a while back that the fighter designated as Miles's wolf 01 had multiple paint additions in the form of "kill" silhouettes.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Julia on April 04, 2016, 07:26:37 PM
Hey there! ;)

I'm new, too, and happy to join your fabulous online roleplay group. It looks like a lot of fun, IC as well as OOC.
You can call me "Vio" or "Julia", I'm - probably to nobody's surprise - Star Trek fan and hope I'll make a great addition to your team. I'm looking forward to get to know you better, so feel free to message or talk to me. Especially if there's anything you think needs to be discussed.

@Absinthe and Fine Wine/Stark: It pains me to hear of your condition. I hope you'll get better soon!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on April 04, 2016, 07:37:40 PM
From one Cardassian to another, welcome aboard Julia!

I hope your meds are working Absinthe. Being ill is never fun.

Auctor, Just been looking over the LCARSgfx stuff. I bought an Akira class MSD from the guy a while back and can't wait to see what more he does for Thea.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Julia on April 04, 2016, 07:42:39 PM
Thank you, Arista, I'm very happy to be here. Also, I've read your posts with Parnak and they always crack me up. ;D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: FollowTomorrow on April 04, 2016, 08:33:34 PM
Hey Vio!!  C :
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on April 05, 2016, 06:10:23 AM
Hi everyone,

Long time.

How's things been? I miss y'all, just so you know. :)

Oh, and I'm keen to return to Theurgy. I saw however, that at present, recruitment is no longer open, and I'm not entirely certain I would like to just jump back in and handle my two original and still-available characters (Heather McMillan & Krystal Tancredi). But what would you suggest? Assuming my presence is welcome...



Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on April 05, 2016, 06:34:15 AM
yay the return of Hi'Jak's once and future drinking buddy!

welcome back Triage, I hope you are allowed to rejoin. -gives fruit basket as welcoming present-
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on April 05, 2016, 07:00:06 AM
Well hello Julia, and welcome back Triage!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 05, 2016, 10:01:13 AM
Hi there!

In regard to "bumper-stickers" on the Allegiant, not so sure about that. On the Valkyries, I think notches or marks of some sort for successful sorties are good. If the pilot wants some kind of drawings on the hull, it would be smaller and more discreet ones that doesn't go against Starfleet regulations. As for the Allegiant, I think Omardex needs help with the deflector dish look the most, so if you guys could PM me your preferred look for it or post it here, it would be awesome. I think we got the panelling and hull sorted by now.

Absinthe, sorry to hear about your staph infection, and its great that you tell us what's going on. Best of luck to your friend to sort all that out and I hope you get better soon. I will help you with arranging so that F'Rell comes on the Allegiant too with my upcoming post. You need not vest any thought on arranging that, and I will PM you with more details if so required.

While I have already said so over PM at the end of the application processes, a very warm welcome to all our new writers here on Star Trek: Theurgy. I look forward writing with all of you, and make sure you are able to have a great time as best as I can.

If you want to come back, Triage, a warm welcome to you too! Unfortunately, I am not accepting any new characters at this point, so you will have to make due with re-starting your two available characters. I hope this won't deter you in your choice to return. I will PM you in regard to this today, so stay tuned. I hope life is easier for you now and that you are in good health.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Julia on April 06, 2016, 12:07:48 AM
Thanks and hello to everyone!
And it would be cool if you returned to us, Triage.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: The Counselor on April 06, 2016, 03:56:05 AM
Welcome to all new arrivals!

Tags are coming from me tomorrow after work, but I just wanted to say how much I've enjoyed how things are developing. There's so much for a counselor to address, my biggest problem is trying to get to everybody!

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on April 06, 2016, 02:55:04 PM
Thanks, you guys

Oh, so, I'll be retaking Krystal Tancredi, just so everyone who's interacting with her is aware. Also, I've been practising up on my so-called southern drawl...which means I'm either gonna be worse, or even more goofy...or both. But it's sort of a given she's more than a little crazy, and I've been watching Deadpool, on repeat, which may not have been the smartest thing ever (hard to resist the urge to break the fourth wall). Anyway, point is, I will be writing Krystal, taking a little load off our beloved captain. :)

And if anybody would like to hear from little miss light-show, Heather McMillan, she's on the Theurgy privately hoping to geek out with somebody about anything and whatever, or about life, the universe and everything around it, and the answer's not "42"

By the way, just want to say props to Drana and her creativity of dialogues. Reading your posts along with Rose's Sera was highly entertaining. And I'm eager to see what the pair gets up to.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on April 06, 2016, 04:48:06 PM
Great to have you back Triage, and deadpool is a great choice in movie! I'll be sure to stay away from Tancredi on International Women's Day  ;)

I look forward to seeing your post and I imagine that Silim is about to get himself in a whole heap of trouble.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Julia on April 06, 2016, 08:32:20 PM
This isn't the first time I hear Deadpool is good, and I'm more often than not wondering what to watch, when I want to watch something. I will keep that one in mind.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 07, 2016, 01:54:35 AM
Hi there everyone! Got some new eye-candy for you all.


The second and final batch of animations from Vira Lanka is finished, and you can download it below. Hope you guys like these, since they are made from the ground up, with our model design, re-built to work in 3Ds, and then put in motion in uniquely created space environments, after over fifty revision requests from me to make them as best as they could be. Here are the download links:

Theurgy-class Animations 01: (
Theurgy-class Animations 02: (NEW!) (

If you don't want to download them, the animations are also available on our Tumblr at these links:

02: (NEW!)

The detail level is acceptable, and better in the second animation. Vira Lanka got the hang of it the second time around.


Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on April 07, 2016, 02:20:47 AM
-whistles and cat calls the ship-

Seriously though, the Theaurgy is very pretty I always love the Federation designs sleek and shiny with blue and chrome. The detail on the second animation with all the Valkyries flying around looks great, It's kinda fascinating to see the size difference, the Valkyries are like insects by comparison.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on April 07, 2016, 03:34:58 AM
They are insects by comparison. Reply made for Krystal. Enjoy, folks. And just so you know, normally I never swear, but Krystal's just the kind to pottymouth at a superior officer and it was too good to pass up. I also blame Deadpool. I totally, shamelessly blame him.

Not sure if I got everybody involved in the "Attn", so lemme know if I missed you :3
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on April 07, 2016, 10:45:23 AM
Welcome back Triage and hello to all the new faces (once more). Looking forward to writing with all of you in the near future!
Also, I need to deadpool again... But first I need to do my dishes with youknowwho. ^^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on April 08, 2016, 06:11:25 AM
When Tristan Kendrick yelled "Silence!", all I saw was...

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vystori on April 08, 2016, 06:40:31 AM
When Tristan Kendrick yelled "Silence!", all I saw was...


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 10, 2016, 03:49:46 AM

Hello everyone! I have some news to share on a few different fronts so I thought it was time to do one of these. Again, welcome to all the new and returning writers and I look forward to the stories we will weave together.


The Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki Database (

Indeed, not just talk and a fleeting idea any more. We now have our own "Memory Alpha" to build and store all the information we have been accumulating over the past 5 years we have worked on our story. The boards we have now are great, and they will be the heart of our little community since it is here we write and talk to each other, but when it comes to storing information in an accessible way, about our characters, ships, departments or tech, we are constrained by the character limit to each post, and finding information becomes an exercise in scrolling futility.

What we have now is an empty bookshelf, and I have yet to fix all the small details in the graphical layout (like green buttons and some text colours in the css stylesheet). It is now an empty bookshelf too, save for the sidebar menu and the entry of Captain Ives' character sheet. We have to stock this bookshelf with all the information we have in our info threads on this board of ours (including what I have marked in my PM inbox since the character limit have prevented me to add it).

It will be a lot of work, and I can't do it all myself. So, if members have experience with the coding markup used in wiki pages, please tell me and I will give you a login. It will be some work, and it will be repetitive, but once we have it all there, I think it will be a huge improvement. We will write here on our boards, and we will read up on relevant information in our database. I will add a link to the database in my signature when the time is due, and there will be a link above the Crew Manifest here on House of Eros, because I do plan to keep the actual Crew Manifest(s) here, but the links to the character sheets will lead to the database.

So, check it out! ( And please, let me know if you have the experience to work with wiki pages and can help out in stocking the bookshelf.


Sketchfab 3D Viewer (

Omardex is tweaking the final stuff on our Captain's Yacht after I left him my final feedback (adding the name of the hull, removal of some of the dirt on the aft, improvement of the blue, red and orange details etc.), but I can't entirely express how content I am with the results. Check it out for ourselves! It turned out a lot better than I could imagine, and once he has fixed the final stuff Omardex will render the model for us in all its glory. I will update the floor plan image with a top view of this model, and change the other images we have of the yacht.

Hope you all like the outcome as much as I do, and now that Omardex is finishing up, he has more work to do for us, but since we have not ironed out the details yet, I will postpone revealing what his next project(s) is/are. Sufficed to say, it will be awesome.


The work on our MSD continues, and I certainly do not envy this awesome guy's task. Thea's size has him slaving over adding all the miniscule details on all her decks, and its a slow progress since he is dragging and dropping desks, chairs and doorways into the decks. It is a slow progress, and I almost feel bad for outsourcing this work to him, but at the same time, I would never have managed to do anything remotely as great as what he is doing for us.

With the pending completion of our Manta-class scout, I showed it to him and asked what he could do for us in terms of adding it to the MSD, and this guy got back to me within the hour, showing the results below:


Complete with a waiting lounge, docking area and a maintenance bay just like the open space that we had surrounding the Allegiant in the grand finale of Episode 03, where Captain Vasser had his showdown with a few of our characters. This guys attention to detail and understanding of what I want in my requests are phenomenal.



After some silence from Pinarci, we have some unexpected progress in the Mk II Valkyrie Project too. You can check it out here:

It may not have been what we originally asked for, but overall, I'd say we are getting a really good fighter! These are the fighters on the USS Resolve as well as many other carrier ships and starbases in Starfleet, and so this fighter will be getting a lot of air-time, so to speak, in our story. The Lone Wolves has the Mk III prototypes, but the rest of the fleet has this version, so it is time (and $) well spent for sake of our story in my opinion.



The reason Stark Trek has endured for 50 years is not because it has cool space battles, remarkable aliens and iconic characters. It is because it's usually about something, often using social commentary about current issues in society to spark skepticism and question double standards in our society. Several times, we have done it here on Star Trek: Theurgy too, with the discussions about Thea's rights and access to her own systems and even theology.

Now, with my latest post in The Accipiter (, I would welcome if we used this weapon demonstration scene to look at the necessity of armament from different perspectives. The gun-debate is raging in the US, and paralells could be drawn here too. If you guys want to, I would love if we used the opportunity for something that is a cornerstone in our beloved fandom - one of the lasting trademarks of the Star Trek franchise.

Unfortunately, not everyone will be able to participate. The Accipiter demonstration has the Senior Staff on the Theurgy present, but I am open to having the department heads actually inviting some officers of theirs to attend too. So, for example, if ch'Xinya or McMillan would like to raise their voices in this thread, then Tovarek would have brought him along too, just like Miles Renard has brought along some of the Lone Wolves. As of now, it is not ironed out exactly who are present beyond what the beginning of the thread says, and if people want in on this, it is easily arranged for.

So, in short, post away, and there is no posting order set. Just have at it with how you'd have your characters argue the finer points about the issue that has been raised in my latest post. Link: DAY 03: The Accipiter [1400 hrs.] (


Arista has been kind enough to solve a problem that has been on my list for some time since the new Theurgy-class starship was completed and we implemented it into our story. The bridge module as it is shown on the 3D model suggest an entirely different floor plan for Deck 01, and LCARSgfx also changed it around a second time in his rendition of it, so a compromise/solution needed to be found. Entirely unbidden, Arista PMed me, where he had seen the problem and addressed it, asking if I wanted help. So, while the final graphics of it has yet to be finished, we will be getting a slightly changed bridge and a new set-up for Deck 01.

First, here is the (while a seamless result from Arista) cobbled together graphics from the web that suggests the new Main Bridge:


And here is the new Deck 01 floor plan, which makes a lot of sense to me:


These are rough drafts and not at all the final result. The doors are not marked out yet, but these will be the starting points for this upcoming graphics project of mine to solve. If people want to weigh in on the general outline, please, do so here or over PM! :)

Some key points from Arista:

Many thanks to you Arista for helping out with this, and I think the group will appreciate the focus on functionality and sense in this set-up.


As for posting orders and prompts, I have sorted that over PM the latest couple of days, so I will spare the time to update a list of the current threads and who should be posting next in them. If anyone is unsure who's next to post, just PM me and I will sort it out asap.

Oh, and we have never been as large a group as we are right now. Including me, we are 21 people around the world that are writing this story together, and I think it is amazing how this long-surviving fandom has drawn us together to tell the tales of our characters. I hope you all will stay with us as we enter the next phase in Episode 04, where the Theurgy arrives to raise the call to arms.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on April 10, 2016, 06:02:03 AM
Oooh sweet Jack what are you getting yourself into?!?

Urge to send Krystal to Hi'Jak's rescue rising. XD

Must not let any harm come to drinking buddy. B|
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on April 10, 2016, 06:31:56 AM
-drools and pants heavily-

We have a wiki now... O.O

That is so cool!

Also Hi'Jak gonna be hurt probably in more than one way, but it's always fun to watch.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on April 10, 2016, 11:26:47 AM
I'm really looking forward to getting the wiki up and running! It's going to look so cool when it's up full of content.

I hope you guys like the initial ideas about Deck 1 and the bridge that I put forward to Lucan. While the original edited 3/4 view bridge had both an Command and Executive officer chair in the centre, like a nova or intrepid class, after discussion we both thought it was best to revert to the original only one chair idea, which is what is reflected in my very rough layout suggestion.

Please understand it is very rough and not a real reflection of my work.  ;)  I was using it to suggest a layout without having to a large amount of time in placing doors, furniture and other items only to have to rip them out to change it up again. I'm quite pleased with the overall layout, and if you look at any of the dorsal view images of Thea, the shape should match the deck 1 module. I hope you all like it, or if have some suggestions you'd like to put forward please do so!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on April 10, 2016, 06:57:00 PM
wow I missed a lot over the last week while freakingout over loss of my previous car and having to get a new to me used one.  (dont worry it wasnt an accident, My engine clunked out on the way home from work and i barely got it back home.  and a few das later i had to go enroll for nursing classes. I am just now getting everything back to a normal schedule hence why i haven't been available hardly at all this last week

BTW all these ship designs look great IMO.  love the texturing on the manta class Allegiant and its location in the MSD.

For everyone I have threads with who are waiting on me to reply I will try and get something written in at least some of them tonight.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: FollowTomorrow on April 11, 2016, 05:57:51 AM
I wish I could articulate my excitement for the wikipedia idea but all I can come up with is excited screaming
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Absinthe on April 14, 2016, 01:36:54 AM
And with that, I am back. I am finally done with my antibiotics and though my leg is still a bit stiff I am much better. Thanks for all the kind words~
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on April 14, 2016, 09:22:09 AM
And with that, I am back. I am finally done with my antibiotics and though my leg is still a bit stiff I am much better. Thanks for all the kind words~

Welcome back! Glad you are feeling better :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 19, 2016, 02:14:19 AM

Omardex finished the scout and here are the results:

Sketchfab view (The textures are too advanced for sketch fab to capture them, but it looks okay):

The Allegiant Model in Sketchfab (

Updated an old image with the Theurgy to show the Allegiant Launching:

Theurgy[/i]-NX-79854-The-Allegiant-Launching-594856368]( ([i)

Exterior View:

Interior view:

And I also made a separate image of the Allegiant here:


Hope you guys like it!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on April 19, 2016, 02:18:06 AM

Okay I gotta admit each time one of these models gets finished it's more pretty than the last one. I mean the allegiant may actually be my favorite ship so far.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on April 19, 2016, 07:51:45 AM
It's like a mini-escort cruiser. :)

I it.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on April 19, 2016, 09:26:57 PM
All righty, I'm one final down, 4 to go.  My posting should become much more regular at the end of next week.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 22, 2016, 12:36:41 AM
I am leaving an update as well here, post being due from my end! :)

Today, I purchased a new summer house, so the last couple of days and evenings have been dedicated to that. Posts will now be coming very soon.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Absinthe on April 24, 2016, 08:26:58 PM
Sorry for my long silence. I've been dealing with a lot of shit recently and it's been hard to get the inspiration to write (or do much at all). Anyway I think I'm on an upswing so I hope to return to full activity soon. As for today. I aim to reply to a lot of stuff~
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 25, 2016, 12:12:03 AM
Good to have you back Absinthe, and hope things are easier for you now. Glad to have you back and see you posting again. I will be replying with Lucan soon enough.

LCARSgfx Progress Update

The MSD project is slow but steady progress, and the draft of the front half of the ship is finished, along with a good portion of  the back half too. Here are some images for you all:


Hope you guys like it, and I am certain this will be awesome once it is finished. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: The Counselor on April 27, 2016, 03:50:54 AM
Hi all,

I just wanted to give a shout out to the group that I haven't forgotten you all and I anticipate having posts done beginning Friday and through the weekend. Work has been absolutely insane and while that is getting me closer to my professional counseling license, it hasn't left much time or energy for writing.

Anyway, I just wanted to give a shout out and let you know I haven't forgotten anyone.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on April 27, 2016, 03:57:20 AM
As for yours truly, I am better than halfway done with the finals and I managed to crank out one post before my brain decided to call it a night.  But fear not, I should become much more prolific once classes end... and slept for about a week straight.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on April 27, 2016, 06:15:49 PM
Hi everyone! Just reporting in to give you all a heads up. I've got a busy work week ahead of me with no days off and a wedding next week too. So I'll try to keep some posts coming but I won't be able to make any promises. Things should lighten up around the second half of net week so I'll think I'll be able to reply to everyone after that.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on April 28, 2016, 01:45:50 AM
Only one nore final to go!  I might be able to post at sime point tomorrow, but more likely at some point during the weekend.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 29, 2016, 09:44:21 AM
It is awesome that everyone posts here and tells everyone where they are at activity-wise! It saves me loads of time having to update people about the whereabouts of the people that are due to post. Thank you so much for being team-players. :)


LCARSgfx has now sent me a black-and-white draft of the MSD, and the intention is now that everyone in the group can open it up in your preferable image editor, (MS Paint, Photoshop etc.) and give their feedback. It is a large image, so browse around the decks and do the following with your type-tools:

- Add large and colourful question marks (?) wherever there is an area that you don't recognise, and want to know what it is.
- Suggest edits as per your own reasoning, if you want. Again, with colourful texts and markers
- Write which areas of the ship you think are missing

You have until the 1st of May, Sunday, to submit your feedback to me at auctorlucan[a] or as an attachment in a post in reply to here in the OOC. Notice that there is an attachment option below the text area when you post? That is what you can use if you don't want to email the file you make.

If you need longer than the 1st of May, please let me know. :)

Here is the draft from LCARSgfx:

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 03, 2016, 12:32:01 AM

I got some feedback on the above, so thanks for that!

Now, I have something to show you. Fact is that with Thea being so big, there is no way we could just have a singular crew lounge. LCARSgfx has given us the opportunity to name a few more lounges than Below Decks, so I would love if people could post their name suggestions here in the OOC.


Seen above is one of the lists on the MSD, and there you can see the Forward Crew Lounge listed. This won't be Below Decks, so we need another name for that, and I am sure there will be a couple of more lounges added too.

Nolan has already suggested the Spearhead Lounge, but more suggestions are welcome!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on May 03, 2016, 12:45:01 AM
I don't know how many lounges will be involved all in all, but here is a suggestion.  Given the size of the crew we're looking at here, wouldn't it make sense if, say, Below Decks was the officers' lounge (where anyone who isn't a commissioned officer can only come in by invitation - but who isn't to say our few key senior enlisted/warrant officers can't have a standing invitation?), a lounge for junior enlisted an a senior NCO's/Chiefs/Warrants lounge somewhere?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on May 03, 2016, 12:45:55 AM
The part of me that loves double entendres would suggest the most forward lounge to be called "The Full Frontal".  ;)

Playing devil's advocate, would all the lounges require names? I would imagine only the most popular would get colloquial names, the others would be fine to be labelled things like "Forward Crew Lounge".

I do like Spearhead Lounge though. It has a nice ring to it. :)

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 03, 2016, 12:53:20 AM
Good points, and I am still waiting for LCARSgfx to get back to me with a number of lounges.

As for restricting the lounges based on rank, I understand the sentiment and it is very much in line with how it might work in the modern navy and/or military. However, this being a centuries evolved Star Trek setting, would such a setup still be relevant? I mean, in the shows, I am not sure I noticed that kind of atmosphere. I welcome more thoughts on this since I am not sure.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Havenborn on May 03, 2016, 01:00:31 AM
In the TMP era the Enterprise-A had a lounge for officers (or it was just the Captain's lounge, one or the other).  However on TNG there really wasnt, but the only ship we really saw was the Enterprise-D and that wasn't really a warship like the Theurgy is meant to be so it had a relaxed atmosphere with only a small number of areas that were restricted to ship's personnel.  On DS9 and VOY both the Defiant and Voyager were too small to really have separated lounges.

I'd imagine that on exploration type of ships there would be a more relaxed atmosphere however on warship types there would be that military type of atmosphere.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on May 03, 2016, 01:21:52 AM
It's possible that officer restricted lounges were the norm before the Theurgy went on the run and took so many casualties, but if so, by the Episode four the distinction is irrelevant.  And TNG has established the tradition of naming a lounge after the location.  "Ten Forward" was the location of the lounge, not just the name.  
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on May 03, 2016, 01:36:29 AM
Well, DS9 had the Wardroom, which typically is the name in a naval setting for where the officers hang out when they are off-duty, or at least in the Canadian Navy the term used to refer to the ship's officers collectively (I think the US term is Officer Country).

But something I've learned throughout my career is that sometimes, especially junior types want to have a space of their own that is distinct from where their bosses drink; and while I never reached a high enough rank to qualify belonging to a different mess, I can understand why the seniors and the officers would also need their own space.  I was actually part of an all-ranks mess for a time, and it sucked for everyone; basically no one could really relax because you could have your higher ups and/or your subordinates in the same facility. 

And especially with a crew that (at least on paper) could easily be well above a thousand people, there might even be a need for several lounges for the various rank levels, maybe even for each department.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 03, 2016, 01:55:19 AM
I guess the idea I had comes down to what you just mentioned, CV. In the Star Trek setting, would there still be a need for a we-and-them kind of mentality among the ranks. Would they still be unable to relax around each other when off duty? My thought was that it was bound to evolve into something other than a hierarchy and chain-of-command based on fear. Be it fear for superior officers or fear of the officer to be seen as less of the authority figure that he tries to be? But I now agree with Havenborn, that the ships would differ in this regard because of their missions. Perhaps the Theurgy would be more likely to adopt this set-up, like CanadianVet suggested, but with a more enlightened view on what makes officers into leaders besides the exploitation of fear that it originally spring from.

As for the current crew compliment. Well, true, there have been losses, but the Theurgy also inherited the great majority of the Harbinger's crew, so the number of crew has not really diminished that much. Just new faces, and a couple more now that the Black Opal's staff has come aboard. Lacking numbers of crew should not completely change the on-board protocol. Other factors might, like the way the Theurgy has seen much strife, and despite Ives' best efforts, some of the doctrine might have broken under the pressure.

Good call on the name thing, Doc M. I will have to verify where the line for Forward Crew Lounge points at in the MSD and see which Deck it is located on. The black-and-white copy suggests that it might be Fourteen Forward since I can clearly see a lounge there. I think the Spearhead Lounge might be more catchy, but that's just me.

Hey, loved your post in 06: Inner Space, Doc M. Awesome reading. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on May 03, 2016, 02:13:25 AM
a lot of the early episodes of Voyager season 1, talk about the we and them mentality aboard a starship. From Paris saying that ensigns don't sit with higher up, to Janeway talking about the air of mystery around captains, and how there is supposed to be a wall between them and the rest of the crew.

You can also see it a little in TNG where the bridge crew play cards, but the captain, and the lower ranks of the bridge crew do not attend.

I think that there is some separation of ranks, but it's more unwritten social rules than actual military protocol.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on May 03, 2016, 02:25:51 AM
Truth be told, it isn't so much an "us and them" sort of mentality as much as the ability to socialize with your peers without having to worry about looking foolish on either side of the chain of command. 

And I would like to offer a compromise.  Yes, there would be lounges for officers, senior NCO's/Warrants and enlisted, but how about an all-ranks facility as well, maybe one put together in an unused cargo bay as an impromptu addition to help with overall crew cohesion?  So people have the option to stay with people within their rank bracket, or not as the urge takes them?  And who's to say there can't be invitations extended to the other lounges? 

When I was on ship, inviting an officer (aside from the Chaplain, he was a special case and he could go wherever he wanted) or a petty officer into the Main Cave (main cafeteria, which doubled as the junior ranks' "club" needed a unanimous decision from everyone in there.  Perhaps a more relaxed policy could exist on Theurgy, whereas you could invite someone in, but you would be responsible for them in the meantime?  And it doesn't preclude standing invitations being extended either. 

Now, the Captain kinda has to stand aside.  Even with the more enlightened view of things, the Captain can't afford to be seen getting tanked in the lounge with the rest of the officers, or to be shooting pool with the Chiefs or darts with the enlisted.  The Captain is the only master on board after one's deity of choice.  Which is a reason why only a handful of people get to really know what's going on in the Captain's head.  Kirk had Spock, sort of.  Picard had Riker, Troi and Crusher (but she was a very old friend, mind you); Sisko really only had Dax but that's because they've known each other in some iteration for years, and Janeway had Chakotay and even he was kind of at arms' length.  And right now, Ives has Cameron and Trent, because one is outside the chain of command proper and the other is the XO and they really have to be on the same page. 

Perhaps an alternative for the Captain's social needs could be regular dinners?  I mean, who is to say the Captain couldn't have a private dining room available, or quarters big enough to entertain on invitation?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Drana on May 03, 2016, 02:47:48 AM
Sorry for the latency, this has been one of those weeks where I'm either getting shat on by customers or driven up the wall by my landlady. I'm housesitting for my mother later this week and should get some peace and quiet, so that should give me an opportunity to post and add something for Kanti to the Inner Space thread.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on May 03, 2016, 02:49:58 AM
Hey, it's all good :)

And what would you say at some point Kanti getting chewed out by Sten for not properly following her pre- and post-flight procedures? ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Drana on May 03, 2016, 03:03:23 AM
Sure thing, I'm always up for making my characters miserable in some new and exciting way.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on May 03, 2016, 03:13:59 AM
Would you care to get that ball rolling?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 03, 2016, 12:10:16 PM
Good call on a lounge for everyone, CV, and good points on the atmosphere, Havenborn. I did not even remember those things from VOY and TNG.

Then, Below Decks will be the place for everyone (since every kind of crew member has already gone there in the story). The Spearhead Lounge with its observation view in front of Thea would serve for diplomats, higher ranking officers etc., being the "fancy" place to go to with its view. Below Decks still has wall-monitors to show the exterior view of the ship, and I think they were actually repaired after the mutiny. I do remember they were broken through most of the story. As for Ives inviting people to dinner, we'll see, but I love the idea. :) Perhaps something for Day 06. One last supper before the arrival to Starbase 84? heh heh

LCARSgfx will get back to me regarding other available lounges as soon as he can. He is working on the colours of the MSD right now.


Gradually, our wiki is being filled up with the info on our child-boards, and in due time, we have enough to replace many of the threads we have here. The old threads and posts will be archived here on HoE, and I will post with links to substitute the info threads. The links will lead to different parts of the wiki. Our crew manifest and the storyline characters roster will lead to the character pages instead of the posted character sheets, but I do not mean to archive the old character sheets. As far as I am concerned, they can remain where they are.

I am asking everyone who can to please help out migrating the info to the wiki, since it is quite time-consuming, but well spent effort to organise all the stuff we have accumulated over the past 5 years.

Here is a link to the Wiki which you all can browse:

Might be hard to find them, but here are samples of some of the pages available right now:,_call-sign_%22Gun-Shy%22,_call-sign_%22Goldeneye%22

Notice in particular how Arista has spent a lot of time posting the information in our Species Specifications thread. He had added all the listed species, including the extensive info about the Vulpinians. (IronFerrox, you might want to give some cudos to Arista for that, lol)

Notice also how Doc M. has taken it upon himself to add our many NPCs to the wiki, and that the first page for those in Engineering has been posted:

More info will be added over time, but I ask that as many as possible chip in so that we can get this done in a reasonable amount of time. If you don't have a user account for the Wiki already, just let me know and I will create one.

That's all for now. I will be posting in Tensions Rising on several fronts next.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on May 03, 2016, 02:18:59 PM
Thanks AL.  If any of you out there have made up NPC's with names contact me and tell me about them.  Include the names of the threads they appeared in or where they were referred to and I'll put them on the Wiki. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on May 03, 2016, 02:50:45 PM
RE: Lounges

CanadianVet hits it on the head pretty well. When I worked in banking, there was a certain discomfort going to social events put on by senior brass at the company. Regardless of how professional you were on the job, you didn't want to let the bosses see your personal life as much. And you never knew who was listening if you got to bitching about higher ups. So you ended up on your best behavior instead of relaxing as you might have if you just went out with your co-workers at the branch level.

Same thing I noticed talking with Vets of the various branches of the Canadian Military. You couldn't be as free to relax, shoot the shit, and bitch about your bosses (or subs if you were high enough in the CoC) if you were in a setting where they were present.

RE: MSD / Graphix

Loving what's coming out of the artists. I'm no gfx guy so I'll just enjoy the shiny. :)

RE: Wiki

Liking what I'm seeing so far. Would love to get an account as I have some things I'd love to contribute as I'm familiar with wiki coding. :) Sent you a PM a while back Auctor with some ideas.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on May 04, 2016, 07:24:23 PM
hey guys I will post for everything when i get back from work today.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on May 08, 2016, 04:57:08 PM
Catching up on a few posts today. The work week's been pretty hectic lately. My company has picked up a few high profile projects and so unfortunately between that and outside commitments I'm not getting to my posts much until the weekends (when I'm not working those).

Still gonna plow through. If i'm leaving someone hanging, reach out to me in a PM and on any given night I'll try to get something out, but otherwise, expect me to be replying on the weekends.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 09, 2016, 01:03:47 AM
LCARSgfx finished our MSD!

[Click For Larger Size] (

Enjoy, and you'll notice that there are some new lounges based on suggestions. LCARSgfx will be making another black and white image so that you guys can browse the finer details not visible in this resolution. Lots of edits and tweaks, but its a relief that it is done so that we can make a deck layout table (finally). That will be the next step, and shouldn't take too long now.

Posts are upcoming from my end, and I hope this announcement finds you all well.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on May 09, 2016, 05:23:28 AM

She really is a beautiful ship.

Hey everyone big update for me and my activity.

I'm going on vacation for a week. Leaving my laptop and my work behind as I go out of town for a while. Come wensday I will be meeting up with my GF and getting away from the world as we know it.

I'm going to make sure I make my posts before I leave, but as of right now the hard cut off is Tuesday the 10th night time for my activity on this site, and I will be back some time around the 18th.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on May 09, 2016, 03:14:54 PM
Hey sorry i havent posted here in a while.  Been keeping my posts on the site to only RP threads due to lots of life stuff recently.  Amazing looking stuff on both the MSD and the Valk 2 fighter stuff.

Also Arista, Holy crap! I love how you did the vulpinian page!  Absolutely amazing transfer from my original page offsite into the wiki format.  I doubt I could have done half as good.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on May 13, 2016, 04:26:00 PM
Just to let you guys know that I'm going to head across the country and see some old friends.

I should have access to the internet but I may not be able to write any posts until Thursday the 19th. Feel free to drop me messages and things as normal :)

Hope you all have an amazing weekend!

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Absinthe on May 14, 2016, 03:38:29 PM
Guess who has a broken hand, ME! Writing takes forever these days so I'm gonna be AFK for a bit. Sorry.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on May 14, 2016, 03:41:47 PM
That suxs. :(

Go easy on the hand. Hope it heals quickly.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on May 15, 2016, 01:05:31 AM
I just got home from the Ottawa Comicon, and after sitting in on Ming Na Wen's Q&A panel, I might have a hard time seeing her as the ever-stern Jien Ives.  That woman has a wicked sense of humour.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on May 15, 2016, 07:12:05 AM
Ming Na's a goofball in real life. But she often plays all the super-serious characters in films. Just look at Melinda May of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

I just imagine Jien Ives to be like Melinda May while reading. Because if I picture her as Ming Na...yup, I keep expecting her to be jolly, laughing and friendly.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 15, 2016, 09:18:40 AM
Thanks again for all the updates everyone!

As for Ming Na as FemIves, yeah, Melinda May is there in my imagination as well. I am really excited about MaleIves joining SHIELDS too, Mark Dacascos going from Wo Fat to that new guy Mr. Giyera. I have been a fanboy of Dacasos' since I was in my early teens, and I am so glad his career has had an upswing of late. He has played in some awesome action movies, which might not be Oscars material, but damn fun nonetheless. His most prominent roles, for me, would be when he played in Crying Freeman, Only the Strong, Sabotage, Brotherhood of the Wolf, Cradle 2 the Grave, Alien Agent and in Hawaii 5-0. Some of those titles might not be that noteworthy to some, but having dabbled with martial arts, I looked up to Dacascos skills as much as I used to look up to Jean-Claude van Damme.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kurohigi on May 15, 2016, 05:02:13 PM
I liked Dacasos in the Crow TV series.  I loved the movies and though the series wasn't as strong, he brought good martial arts to it, even if it was more 90's tv martial arts, which was far less skillful than what he was truly capable of.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on May 16, 2016, 01:18:30 AM
Hai Guys!!

I know I've been pretty quiet the past few weeks (barely hitting my posting requirements to my shame) thanks to the insanity I call a job (project schedule management is so shoddy that it's a miracle anything gets done, and that my blood pressure has survived the insane deadlines), but things are finally calming down (*braces for inevitable scheduling train wreck*).

On a good note though, I just got back from STARFLEET International's (all caps is accurate, don't ask why, just something in the manual) Region 1 Summit.  Had a blast, got to hang out with a bunch of really old Trekkies (average age was at least in the upper 40s, could easily have been in the 50s).  When I find a spot to upload the pics I'll share them if you want.  ;)

I'm trying to get up to a faster pace and get posting at least twice a week if not more, we'll see how that works.  Hope everyone's having fun regardless!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on May 17, 2016, 06:47:20 PM
Howdy fellows!

Just reporting in. Some of you have been waiting for replies for quite a while now, so I'm sorry for the delays. I have exams and final papers that are due this week and spread over the next month. It has slowed me down quite ab it but I'm slowly getting to posting once more. So I hope that I have replies out for everyone by the end of the week!

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on May 22, 2016, 06:22:32 AM
My body has more or less re adjusted from all the travel, and I'm over the hill as far as vacation sickness goes. I return to work tomorrow which also means my posts are coming for those of you who have been waiting.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vystori on May 23, 2016, 09:53:27 PM
I'm going to be posting soon guys! I had a bit of a party this weekend for my mother in law's birthday, and this is the last week of school for my kids, so things have been a bit hectic and crazy on my end. xD

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on May 25, 2016, 06:56:48 AM
hey sorry i havent posted in a few days been trying to get as much school work done as possible early on so i dont have as much to worry about later on.  should be posting tomorrow
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Havenborn on May 25, 2016, 08:31:30 AM
So my Aunt died a couple days ago and I'm going to be gone on Thursday and Friday for the Visitation and Funeral so I'll try to get a post up on Saturday or Sunday.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on May 25, 2016, 12:26:01 PM
My sincerest condolences, havenborn. hit everyone with q double dose of feels, but I'm in the same situation. My grandmother passed Sunday, and the funeral is tomorrow. Earliest I'll be positing is this upcoming Sunday.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on May 26, 2016, 05:13:47 AM
Aw man, I'm sorry to hear about your Aunt and Grandma.  I lost my grandfather back in February, I know how it feels.  Thoughts are with you both.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on May 26, 2016, 09:54:48 AM
My condolences to everyone of you who has lost loved ones these past few months.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 31, 2016, 01:12:29 PM


Greetings everyone!

I figured that since it was a while since I made one of these, I would actually take the opportunity to do so now when I have some interesting stuff to show you guys.

First, I would just like to tell you all how much I appreciate your dedication to the story and to writing your characters. We are twenty writers contributing to this space opera and it is awesome to see how all the characters bounce off each other. The interregnum between Episodes 03 and 04 is winding down towards its ending, but I feel that there is more to be written for Day 05 and 06, which would be the last two days before they reach Starbase 84. The Theurgy's crew is about to enter the battle of the future and finally spread the truth across the entire galaxy, so I would assume there are some final farewells to be said and loose ends to tie up between lovers and friends of old. At the risk of encouraging overwhelming sentimentality, I do think there can be a lot of inspiration to be found when you all have this in mind.

However, as much as I would love to read that - and to write it, since I have several characters that needs closure - I will not be stalling the arrival to Starbase 84. As I have previously stated, the Theurgy will be arriving in Episode 04 at the end of Chapter 01. Therefore, as I said when I told everyone that we would be beginning Episode 04 ahead of time - before the Interregnum was finished - this presents a slight challenge for everyone involved. Those writing crewmembers on the Theurgy would have unfinished threads in the Interregnum as their characters undertake the mission to Starbase 84, and the best way writing said characters in two points of time simultaneously without continuity errors or discrepancies is to focus on the mission at Starbase 84. Please, try to avoid detailed references to the Interregnum if you feel that there might be some more scenes to write out there. It allows everyone to enjoy more threads in the interregnum if you want to indulge in such even if the mission to SB84 is underway.

I have some news to share, but first, please peruse the Story Overview and see if there are any threads you've forgotten to post in.


Below is a list with all the threads in the Interregnum and Episode 04, sorted chronologically with the oldest one first. The threads in green are finished already and the yellow ones are on-going. Also, all these are links to click, which ought to make it easy for those who wish to browse and read


DAY 01

DAY 01: Time Judges All [0500 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 01: Healing | Part 1 [0730 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 01: Rejuvenation [0900 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 01: The Path Ahead [0915 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 01: New Life [1000 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 01: Lost in the Mind [1015 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 01: Encouragement [1115 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 01: SAR Away-Mission [1150 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Auctor Lucan
DAY 01: A Fresh Start | Part 1 [1230 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 01: A Fresh Start | Part 2 [1240 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 01: Meeting of the Minds [1300 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 01: The First of Many Propositions [1400 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 01: Healing | Part 2 [1840 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 01: An Empty Pack [2030 hrs.] ( Next Poster: DocReno
DAY 01: Off-Duty Treatment [2030 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Zenozine
DAY 01: A Quiet Chat [2100 Hrs] Finished! (

DAY 02

DAY 02: Goldeneye's Confession [0700 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 02: Back From the Dead [0800 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 02: Critical Vacancy [1230 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 02: In Remembrance [1200 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 02: A Friendly Chat [1300 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Nolan
DAY 02: Mistress-at-Arms [1400 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 02: Digital Relations [1500 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Anyone! [glow=red,2,300]New Challenger Wanted![/glow]
DAY 02: Healing | Part 3 [1830 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Zenozine
DAY 02: Poker Night [2000 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 02: Houseguest [0130 hrs.] ( Next Poster: RosariaRosette

DAY 03

DAY 03: Unfinished Business [0610 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Kaligos
DAY 03: Phasmids [0900 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 03: Twitching [1100 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 03: Between Meetings [1200 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 03: The Accipiter [1400 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Anyone! [glow=red,2,300]Social Commentary Wanted![/glow]
DAY 03: Well-Earned Recognition [1500 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 03: New Hire [1500 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 03: Midnight Oil [2345 hrs.] Finished! (

DAY 04

DAY 04: Weapon Storage Raid [0750 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 04: Aftermath [1300 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Locker Room: 1) Drana 2) Doc M. Brig: DocReno
DAY 04: Obligations & Priorities [1305 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Surgical Suite 02: Absinthe ICU: Doc M.
DAY 04: Re-Connection [1600 hrs.] ( Next Poster: FollowTomorrow
DAY 04: The Flutter of a Pair of Wings [1750 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Brutus
DAY 04: Yeoman & Suspect [1830 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 04: Question of Wolven Error [1900 hrs.] ( Next Poster: CanadianVet
DAY 04: Subconscious Repression [1955 hrs.] ( Next Poster: IronFerrox
DAY 04: Recuperation [2130 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Nolan

DAY 05

DAY 05: Keeping Balance [0630 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Auctor Lucan
DAY 05: Creature Comforts [0930 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Triage
DAY 05: Climax Jump [1740 hrs] ( Next Poster: Auctor Lucan

DAY 06

DAY 06: Inner Space ( Next Poster: Everyone who hasn't posted yet
DAY 06: Fighting Shadows [1600 hrs.] ( Next Poster: RosariaRosette


PROLOGUE: Homecoming - Finished! (
CHAPTER 01: Tensions Rising ( Next Poster:
- Science Lab 17: 1) Kaligos 2) Auctor Lucan 3) RosariaRosette
- USS Resolve | Fighter Assault Bay: Auctor Lucan (Triage & Absinthe ad hoc)
- USS Resolve | Briefing Room: 1) Julia 2) Arista 3) Kaligos 4) Auctor Lucan 5) Drana 6) Vystori 7) DocReno


[ Click to Enter ] (

With numerous contributions from a lot of our members, I have the pleasure to announce that that our very own database is close to completion in regard to the information stored on the House of Eros forum. All the character sheets we have stored on the forum before have now been migrated to our Wiki, so please take a moment to browse the sidebar or search for a character you want to see in the search field. It is not a small feat, so it is worth repeating for clarity: All character profiles are there, along with the majority of the information housed on the House of Eros board.

There is still a lot to do, of course, and especially with the department pages. The info about the Mk III Valkyrie needs to be migrated to its own page, and I have only been able to create a few departmental emblems, but given time, these will be straightened out as well. If people feel compelled to help out but doesn't have an account, please PM me.

More additions to the NPC Pages [Link] (

Doc M. has been very active in compiling info about the NPCs that have been spotted through the story, and there are more to come. Doc M. has also been working on other pages with updated links and formatting, not to mention adding recent events to the end of some character pages. Big thank you for all your contributions, and you have taught me a great deal along the way.

Updated Technical Specifications for Thea [Link] (

Arista has recently done a tremendous job with this page, were the updated Theurgy-class version of Thea has been stored in a comprehensible way. The new Deck Listing is there as well, but still in need of some contributions. Locations are listed, but there might still be locations missing, so if anyone has a place on the ship that has been in the story but not been listed there, let me know and I will add it. Worth nothing is the accuracy in all of this, because the new Deck Listing is in line with LCARSgfx's MSD.

The USS Resolve is added [Link] (

Arista has also added the USS Resolve to the Wiki, with images courtesy of The Light Works. It might not be as extensive as Thea's information page, but it will serve the story.


[ Click For Progress Renders] (

With the sketch of the new bridge already shown in the OOC thread - based on a concept from Arista - our dear Vira Lanka has made some progress with the 3D model of the bridge. There is still a lot to be done, and many flaws to straighten out, but he is slowly getting there. Have a look for yourselves above. The images behind the link above are chronological in updates.

However, problems may befall this project because Vira Lanka's computer may not be able to handle many more objects, and each of these renders takes him about 25 minutes. Therefore, I will be asking him to make a few more updates, and then I will try to salvage the project by asking Omardex to take over - him having different hardware altogether. We'll see how it goes.


[ Link to DeviantArt] (

In case some of you did not see it on the board, in the discussion below the poll that was posted there a long time ago, the Mk II Valkyrie fighter is complete. Omardex finished the model and I have made some images of it too. These are the fighters that are on the USS Resolve, not to mention the USS Harbinger back in Episode 03. You can see the fighter in all its glory in the 3D model viewer below:


Here is also a second image:

Please take the time to read the descriptions on DeviantArt for due credit and an explanation for the title "Gryphon". Hope you guys like it, and Havenborn has agreed to make the specifications for these fighters, which is a predecessor to the Mk III Valkyrie that the Lone Wolves fly.


[ Click For Sparring Tournament Thread ] (

ThanIda zh'Wann is still standing after two matches against Nathanel Isley and CJ Slayton. A new challenger in needed, else she will be declared the winner of the tournament. This is a question of first dibs to challenge her, and I look forward to see another character in the ring. Otherwise, the Deputy will have the victory.


The reason Stark Trek has endured for 50 years is not because it has cool space battles, remarkable aliens and iconic characters. It is because it's usually about something, often using social commentary about current issues in society to spark skepticism and question double standards in our society. Several times, we have done it here on Star Trek: Theurgy too, with the discussions about Thea's rights and access to her own systems and even theology.

Now, with my latest post in The Accipiter, I would welcome if we used this weapon demonstration scene to look at the necessity of armament from different perspectives. The gun-debate is raging in the US, and paralells could be drawn here too. If you guys want to, I would love if we used the opportunity for something that is a cornerstone in our beloved fandom - one of the lasting trademarks of the Star Trek franchise.

The Accipiter demonstration has the Senior Staff on the Theurgy present, but I am open to having the department heads actually inviting some officers of theirs to attend too. So, for example, if ch'Xinya or McMillan would like to raise their voices in this thread, then Tovarek would have brought them along too, just like Miles Renard has brought along some of the Lone Wolves. As of now, it is not ironed out exactly who are present beyond what the beginning of the thread says, and if people want in on this, it is easily arranged for.

So, in short, post away, and there is no posting order set. Just have at it with how you'd have your characters argue the finer points about the issue that has been raised in my latest post. Link: DAY 03: The Accipiter [1400 hrs.] (


>> Click For Character Page (

With Zenozine not feeling like he can give the Chief of Security due justice, and with Arista showing great interest in Wenn Cinn, he will take over Wenn Cinn as of this day, and play him in full as if he was a character of his own. In this inheritance, a butterfly effect has made it so that he has a new actor in the form of Idris Elba (updated character images are pending, with the line still long). Good luck with your new character!


For last, I would like to tell you all how things are going with all the projects we have here on Star Trek: Theurgy. Some of them are mentioned above in this newsletter, and others are yet due for completion. Here is a list at the top of my head, and please don't shoot me if I have forgotten anything. There is no priority order either:

> Character Images (still a long line)
---- Selena Ravenholm
---- Aisha S'Iti
---- Miles Renard
---- Carrigan Trent
---- Six
---- Wenn Cinn
---- [Secret Character]

> Main Bridge 3D Model
---- LCARS screens from LCARSgfx
---- Vira Lanka Final Updates
---- Omardex taking over (hopefully)

> Updated Deck 01 Floor Plan

> Updated Fighter Assault Bay Floor Plan

> Reaver 3D Model by Pinarci

> [Secret 3D Model] by Pinarci

> Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki (to mention a few below)
---- Department Pages
---- Department Emblems
---- Starbase 84 Page
---- USS Harbinger Page
---- USS Calamity Page
---- Mk II Valkyrie Page & Specs
---- Mk III Valkyrie Page
---- Sabine Page & Specs
---- Update of Story Archive Page

> Opening Credits animation video (short)

> Promotional Trailer with Character Presentations (long)

> MSD & Floor Plan for the Manta-class Scout by LCARSgfx

> MSD for the Mk II Valkyrie by LCARSgfx

> MSD for the Mk III Valkyrie by LCARSgfx

> [Secret Project] by LCARSgfx

These are the ones at the top of my head, and like I said, if I have promised character images at some point, they are in my log even if they might not have shown up here. As for the story itself, I would love to write more scenes with my characters on the Theurgy if anyone out there have ideas they want to run by me. I have already written the post where the Theurgy arrives to Starbase 84, but I feel that there is need for some more closure in the Interregnum too. Looking forward to hearing from you all, and I hope you are enjoying Star Trek: Theurgy as much as I do moderating the story. Now that we are not accepting new members (the application processes taking away a lot of time from me), I have more time to work with all the projects listed above. I just have to make sure to not add too much new stuff to the list and we will be able to open the door for new members again.

Oh, and we now have 427 Watchers on DeviantArt, along with 379 followers on our Tumblr. And while I noticed the anniversary, I was unable to post about it... A belated congratulations to us all, I suppose, since we have been running Star Trek: Theurgy for 5 years as of the beginning of May (Est. 2011-05-10). With five years and still going strong, I look forward to continuing the story for as long as I am able to run it, which may be for many years more. Then, if I can't do it anymore, I hope that someone is willing take the reins in my stead.

Take care everyone, wherever you are.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on June 01, 2016, 07:30:19 AM
Check out the Wiki page on your character and make sure it's accurate.  Update what you see to include your characters' deeds "in front of the camera" and clear up any discrepancies in their backgrounds, personality profiles, or physical descriptions.  (And be sure to use the past tense, the Wiki is presented as a historical record.) 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 01, 2016, 02:23:36 PM
Indeed, thanks Doc M. I should have asked for that in the newsletter. Past tense is the way to do it and recent events in your characters' lives ought to be documented as well. Check your individual character pages for anything that needs an update.

Also, a huge thank you to SummerDawn who has been one of the contributors to the ongoing wiki project. SummerDawn is the creator of the department-coloured information boxes on the character pages, kindly transferring and editing those boxes from his own site so that it might fit the Theurgy wiki. The result is really awesome, where the information is filled into a form in order to generate colours and everything. A definite improvement than just putting the info into a thumbnail text field. I would not know how to code that kind of magic if my life depended on it, so thank you for that contribution specifically SummerDawn, and sorry for not adding it to the newsletter. I am spread a bit thin, that's all.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vystori on June 02, 2016, 08:03:25 PM
I'm heading up north for a mini vacation later tonight. I'll be MIA for the most part until later Monday night.. see y'all when I get back. :D

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on June 12, 2016, 12:50:57 PM
Have a safe and fun trip, Vystori!

Meanwhile, I've caught up in posts, looking forward to the excitement building up.

Viva la Tribble!


^ Don't mind me, just being random.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on June 12, 2016, 01:40:55 PM
Unexpectedly busy weekend is busy. However, working on posts on and off today as I can :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: The Counselor on June 20, 2016, 04:36:10 AM
Caught up myself and also looking forward to the action!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on June 23, 2016, 07:19:06 AM
Hey folks.  I know I owe some posts, but I'm a little swamped IRL right now.  I'm hoping to be able to get a few posts out this weekend, but I can't make any promises.

Nolan, Triage and anyone else waiting on me, sorry for making you wait, I should have sent this much sooner.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on June 23, 2016, 07:35:04 AM
Not to worry. I am in no hurry. Hope everything turns out all right for you. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on June 23, 2016, 02:05:03 PM
No problem, I know what it feels like to be swamped. I owe some people some replies as well, working on those, just can't find the time to catch up! Will try this weekend!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on June 24, 2016, 03:04:42 AM
Just so everyone is kept on the same page, I have surgery come tuesday, will be out of comission for one or two days depending on how strong the drugs are.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on June 24, 2016, 05:36:52 AM
I know it doesn't affect us in any way (hopefully), but has anyone seen these new "guidelines" for fan films CBS/Paramount released? (

To say it's a fundamental upset of how the fan film industry has been operating for decades would be an understatement.  Pretty much every established project just got their legs cut out from under them.

Good luck with the surgery Kaligos!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on June 24, 2016, 05:48:47 AM
the thing that erks me about that is the no additional episodes, seasons or sequels. So basically no way to carry over characters or do anything of note. Unable to reuse any sets that were made for the fan project. Basically a pain in the ass for everyone, all the other stuff I can kinda understand.

Star Trek doesn't even have anything slated for TV until 2018 when it's set to return with something new, so basically aside from the abrams movies (Which I don't hate, but I don't love either, they seem much too bent on spectical instead of an interesting story) we currently have nothing to fill the interregnum with.

I mean it's not like fan films tend to be very good, but fuck it at least it's something.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on June 27, 2016, 02:12:23 AM
I'd like to apologize to everyone I've left hanging.  There's a lot going on in RL on my end, including a temporary loss of internet access.  I'd like to assure everyone that these obstacles are temporary and hopefully I'll be available soon.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Havenborn on June 27, 2016, 10:19:29 PM
So are the airlock doors open?  Because I'm a little confused now as to how Komial can see Havenborn and Ejek.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 28, 2016, 03:37:33 AM
Indeed! To move it forward, the airlock is now open. Thus, Julia will be posting Ejek making both an answer to Havenborn, have the airlock opened, and finally answering Komial in her upcoming post. Likewise, in your post Havenborn, you could also have Daniel make a last comment to Ejek in response to whatever she has written, she opens the airlock, and Havenborn can answer Komial too.

Hope that is clear enough, otherwise, PM me and I will fill in the blanks as required. :)

Star Trek: Theurgy Artwork

Some eye-candy for you all! Hope you like these! They are the product of my work draining me of higher brain functions the past week and resorting me to do some artwork. Work is quietening down now, at last, so you all ought to expect an increase in activity from my end.

Anyway, here they are:

Dor'GhItlh Squardon

Ion Storm

Leaving Orbit

Ride of the Valkyries


Path to Redemption

Returning Home

Valkyrie Ascension

If you want to see them in larger sizes, they can be found in our DeviantArt gallery:

Here is also a retconned version of the Calamity, based on stock images I found on shutterstock. I thought them fitting, and while not my best work, here: (unedited) (unedited)

As you can see, I incorporated this models cannon as a retractable, hidden Phaser Spinal Lance, one that was revealed during the final battle of Episode 03 (some of you might remember that).

Finally, here is the Reaver that Pinarci has been making for us, and as soon as the hard-points are made for it, its finished. I only have an animation and some progress shots atm:



The design for the Reaver as I asked Pinarci to make it was based on a few inspirational sources, one of them being this lovely piece by Col Price: At the same time, I wanted the Reavers dark and menacing too, with the armoured cockpit as they were described in the story. I hope you all like the quad-nacelle arrangement as well as the heavy impulse engines, with one in the centre and two extended vanes. The small fins on top of the fighter are armament rigs, as well as some of the things on the big wings. They are to hold hard-points when they are finished.

I have more art-projects underway too, but nothing finished enough to show yet. Hope you all like these, and feedback is most welcome. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Havenborn on June 28, 2016, 07:14:19 AM
My only concern is that Havenborn has asked Randall to have Tancredi and K'Ren contact him so he can give them further orders, will that still take place before the airlock doors have/are opened?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 28, 2016, 07:28:35 AM
Triage and SummerDawn, please post in response to Havenborn's post so that he may leave orders to your characters before the airlock opens in his post and he chats with Security.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on June 28, 2016, 09:15:54 PM
Star Trek: Theurgy Artwork

Some eye-candy for you all! Hope you like these! They are the product of my work draining me of higher brain functions the past week and resorting me to do some artwork. Work is quietening down now, at last, so you all ought to expect an increase in activity from my end.

Anyway, here they are:

Well, I've got a bunch of new images for my pc backgrounds! Thanks a lot Lucan. I really love the Valkyrie ascending one.

That reaver looks incredibly badass too! I can understand why Ghost wanted to keep it for herself!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 28, 2016, 11:16:57 PM

Sadly, Absinthe is no longer a member of the Star Trek: Theurgy Group anymore because of lacking posting activity. He was contacted continuously, and in the end, I got a PM from him where he apologised and said that RL prevented him from being active and that he will have to withdraw from the story. He might return once he straightens things out, but his departure grants no foreseeable time. Therefore, his characters will either be killed or put in stasis during Episode 04, unless they are inherited by another writer.

If anyone who would like to overtake either of these character below and both 1) doesn't have too many characters and 2) also can keep up posting for another one, should contact me with such a request over PM. Again, my policy on this is very loose, meaning that the one who cries out first and I think can keep up with playing her gets to inherit the character. Given the reply above, it might be a temporary inheritance too, so bear that in mind. If there are no takers, the characters will be will still be kept as NPCs that is available to be played for all writers in the Group (within reason, of course) until they are put in stasis or killed during the battle to come.

Here they are, with links to their character pages:

( Ens. Ryuan Sel               Mistress-at-Arms
  - Formerly Played by Absinthe and Fine Wine

( Ens. Lahkesis Saugn          Medical Officer
  - Formerly Played by Absinthe and Fine Wine

( F'Rell                        Warp Field Specialist       USS Resolve
  - Formerly Played by Absinthe and Fine Wine

Worth mentioning also is that Zaraq (, Cir'Cie ( and Maal ( are all still available too.


Omardex did us a favour and translated Thea into a format compatible with Sketchfab, so now you guys can can take a proper look at her. The texture became a bit glossy in the translation, but I think she still looks reaaaally fine. ;)

First model, in SOM:

( (

Second model, in MVAM:

( (

Hope you guys like them, and don't forget to PM me if you are interested in either of the characters mentioned above.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on June 29, 2016, 01:03:21 AM
Pwetty art is making me kinda sea sick at the moment, but still very pretty.

Surgery was critical success, Will be back online probably tomorrow or day after once I've slept off the cocktail of drugs they had to use to put me under.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 01, 2016, 11:46:35 AM
Thanks for the kind words on the artwork! Here is some more:


After Arista took over playing Wenn Cinn, he requested to change from Vin Diesel to Idris Elba. A wish that I have now accomodated.

Image 01


Image 02

( Commander-Wenn-Cinn-618713021

Image 03


Image 04

( Commander-Wenn-Cinn-Sparring-618534612

Crew Manifest (which has been updated)


Wiki Character Page

HoE Character Sheet (until we change the links to the Wiki)

This was a fun project, and it turned out better than I'd hoped. Still not too happy about the shirtless one where he is facing forward, I might replace that with something else but I have not found a good match yet. So, I left it out of the Crew Manifest image so that the wide image with the worm-hole could fit.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on July 03, 2016, 08:16:07 PM
wow love the new appearance of the calamity and the reavers as well as al of the new artwork.  Amazing work for all of it!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Julia on July 04, 2016, 02:43:29 AM
Those new artworks are absolutely amazing, and I love how the Wiki turns out.

I'll have a visitor from 13th to 20th of July, and am uncertain if I'll be able to post that week at all. Just wanted to let you know early enough. I know my activity level has dropped, but I hope the worst part is over and posts by me will, again, come quicker from now on. Except for that particular week. ^^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on July 04, 2016, 12:51:20 PM
Artworks are awesome! Makes me feel a bit sad we don't have any actual Reaver tech left. Anyway great images, really submerges you more into the story in my opinion!

Also, Cinn looks a bit more menacing in my eyes now.

Speedy recovery Kaligos! And enjoy the visitors Julia ^^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 05, 2016, 02:10:58 AM

Thanks for all the kind words, and here is some more eye-candy for you all:

[ Click for Full Size ] ([i)

The U.S.S. Theurgy before its commissioning in 2378. Vector assembly complete, internal construction commencing while the three parts of the ship are integrated in SOM (Standard Operation Mode) for the first time.


Sadly, Drana is no longer a member of the Star Trek: Theurgy Group anymore because of lacking posting activity. She was contacted continuously, but even though she has come on the site a couple of times, she has not replied, so I suppose I should interpret that as a silent acceptance to her membership being terminated. So, since Drana made no request to not have them put up for inheritence, her two characters will either be killed or put in stasis during Episode 04, unless they are inherited by another writer.

If anyone who would like to overtake either of these character below and both 1) doesn't have too many characters and 2) also can keep up posting for another one, should contact me with such a request over PM. Again, my policy on this is very loose, meaning that the one who cries out first and I think can keep up with playing her gets to inherit the character. If there are no takers, the characters will be will still be kept as NPCs that is available to be played for all writers in the Group (within reason, of course) until they are put in stasis or killed during the battle to come. I will likely write them in my next post in Tensions Rising, just to solve the scene in the Briefing Room on the Resolve.

Here are the characters, with links to their character pages:

( Ens. Kanti MacTavish         Wolf-08 [Gun-Shy] [NPC]
  - Available to be played by all members

( PO1 Melissa Wright            Weapons Maintenance Officer Starbase 84 [NPC]
  - Played by All Members Within Reason

Worth mentioning also is that Zaraq (, Cir'Cie ( and Maal ( are all still available too, along with those that Absinthe left behind (see earlier post in this thread for links)

It's sad to see members leave, and even more sad when they do so without a word about why they do so.


The deck plan update of the Fighter Assault Bay is nearly finished, and along with it, the Deck 01 plan as well. They will be showcased here soon, perhaps as soon as tomorrow.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on July 05, 2016, 07:30:47 AM
For those of us here who aren't just fans of star trek and science fiction but are fans of  Real life science and space exploration, looks like we are one step closer to taking the big leap into the final frontier.

Juno looks to be in a stable 53.5-day orbit around Jupiter and has oriented itself towards the sun.  In other words Nasa now an activel transmitting solar powered probe in a stable orbit around Jupiter after a 1.8 billion mile 5 year journey.

Once it makes the big orbits it will begin several 15 day orbits during the science phase of its mission before it concludes its mission via a controlled decent into Jupiter itself within the year 2018.

In short  Congrats to NASA Earth now has a satellite/probe orbiting Jupiter.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on July 05, 2016, 02:26:05 PM
Right, so, thats a lot of awesome art, Lucan! Like, drool worthy art.

Havenborn - Sorry if my post made things a little bit difficult. wasn't inteded to do anything but help move the story along.

Member loss - that always sucks, but RL comes before anything else. I wish them all the best.

my Posts  - are over do. The past two weeks at work have been hell, and then i was gone for a much needed weekend away with the wife. I'll be traveling home today (posting this from the hotel while she gets ready to check out) and should be able to focus on posts tomorrow, hopefully.

Jupiter Probe - is awesome. I read about that earlier this morning and am suitably geeking out.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 08, 2016, 11:34:50 AM

Thanks for all the kind words on the artwork! :) I do make it for all you guys after all.


( Ens. Ryuan Sel               Mistress-at-Arms
  - Played by SummerDawn

With Absinthe leaving us, and with SummerDawn showing interest in Ryuan Sel, he will take over playing her as of this day, and play her in full as if she was a character of his own. Good luck with your new character! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 09, 2016, 01:21:09 AM

I have the distinct pleasure to show you all the new deck plan for the Fighter Assault Bay. Below is a small image for sake of this forum's limited view, but here are links that will show you the bay in its full glory:

Theurgy[/i]-Fighter-Assault-Bay-507520121]([i]Theurgy[/i]-NX-79854---Fighter-Assault-Bay-small.png) ([i)
LINK: Full Resolution DeviantArt View:


Not only has the Fighter Assault Bay got itself a face-lift. Here is also THea's Deck 01! This is based on Arista's rough draft, and like the FAB above, it was a collaboration between me and LCARSgfx that resulted in the below deck plan. Hope you all like it too!

Theurgy[/i]-Deck-01-Layout-520808399]([i]Theurgy[/i]-NX-79854---Deck-01---small.png) ([i)
LINK: Full Resolution DeviantArt View:


Oh, this exceeded all my expectations. While Vira Lanka made good stuff, his animations were made with a translated 3D Max copy, but check this out. This is the original Thea model put into motion. It is simplistic, but majestic. I added the sound and the logo at the end, that's all.

[ Link to Tumblr post with the clip, make sure to hit HD! ] (

Hope this finds you all well and now that I am on vacation for 5 weeks, I should be able to pick up in activity after some intense work weeks behind me. :)

Looking forward to the feedback on these whenever you guys find the time.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on July 09, 2016, 01:36:34 AM
Wow these are awesome! and also that animation is very pretty... was anyone else expecting it to go to warp or was it just me?

The deck plans really help to actually visualize how this ship works.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on July 09, 2016, 02:02:09 AM
I definitely appreciate the bridge deck layout. There's a lot more up there than just the bridge and the captains ready room on this ship :)

The animation of Thea was pretty sweet as well. I really liked the liquid animation for the logo at the end (but the ship stole the show).
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on July 09, 2016, 06:30:47 AM
Thank you Auctor,

Loving the artwork by the way. Pretty epic stuff we're seeing.

I hope people enjoy my take on Ryuan Sel. The gruff exterior everyone sees is only the surface of the women and I hope to bring a bit more soft center to the character. Her confidence in her invincibility was shattered during the black opal raid and like a phoenix , a wiser and perhaps softer Sel will emerge, a girl confident in her abilities but also aware of her limitations and more open to life emerging from the ashes of her former self. Look forward to seeing how the starbase raid shapes up. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 10, 2016, 12:20:40 AM
Oh, quite so. :) Lovely new avatar too, SummerDawn.

Hmm, I figured that the animation deserved something more, so I asked someone to help out making it even better - adding his voice to it. So happy he agreed. Take a look at the updated version, and needless to say, please unmute it. *grins*

[ New link to Tumblr post with the updated clip ] (

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on July 10, 2016, 12:23:41 AM
XD that is an awesome soundalike. I laughed my ass off when I heard that.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on July 14, 2016, 01:16:32 PM
Just to inform you all, I will be away for a week starting on monday 18/7 till monday 25/7.
So I won't be able to reply, but I will be able to read.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on July 15, 2016, 07:16:30 PM
[ Melissa Wright | Briefing Lounge | U.S.S. Resolve ] Attn: Kaligos, Vystori, All others

"...I have a date."

My life is complete.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on July 15, 2016, 09:24:26 PM
Just to inform you all, I will be away for a week starting on monday 18/7 till monday 25/7.
So I won't be able to reply, but I will be able to read.

Like Nolan, I too will be away over the same period (No, we're not running away together before anyone asks ;) )

I will definitely read all the updates and I will attempt to post where possible.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vystori on July 20, 2016, 02:51:15 PM
Hey guys sorry I was afk for a while.. everyone in my house got pretty sick all at once and I've been tending to all of that over the last week or so. I realize I'm up on the posting order so give me a day or two and I'll have a post up for Six and A'vura as soon as I can! :D

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Julia on July 22, 2016, 01:16:43 PM
Hey guys!

Just a quick note that I'm back. And it's my turn, as I see it. Right? I'll make sure to post soon.
Thanks to everyone who replied to my last message, too. =)

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: The Counselor on July 24, 2016, 12:16:32 AM
I'm more of a TNG and beyond fan, but I saw the new movie yesterday and was very entertained. I'm not one of those fans who has canon information memorized, and I'm sure those who do will have gripes, but I thoroughly enjoyed the ride and would encourage anybody interested to go see it!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on July 24, 2016, 12:56:14 AM
I saw it yesterday too and I loved it. Finally one of the new Trek movies actually felt like Trek!

I'm more of a TNG and beyond fan, but I saw the new movie yesterday and was very entertained. I'm not one of those fans who has canon information memorized, and I'm sure those who do will have gripes, but I thoroughly enjoyed the ride and would encourage anybody interested to go see it!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 26, 2016, 03:07:44 AM


Hi everyone! I have yet to see the new Star Trek movie but I am thrilled to hear people are saying that it was good! I will make sure to see it as soon as possible, perhaps even as soon as tomorrow if fortune favours me. As for Star Trek: Theurgy, we have a big day today. Not so much an anniversary, since we had our 5 year birthday back in May, but today, a gargantuan project that a lot of people have been contributing to has become finished enough to implement into our day-to-day writing. I am talking, of course, of our Wiki database!

As of today, I have archived all our old information threads and character sheets, and I have updated the links in our Crew Manifest ( as well as Non-Crew Listings ( (where characters on the USS Resolve etc. are listed) so that all links now lead to the Wiki database instead. But not only have the links in our two remaining threads on the main board been updated, for we still need to reach the information in the Wiki easily enough from here on our Forum, right? I mentioned it in passing when the project started out, but here it is: our new Wiki link-page here on House of Eros!

( (

This link page is supposed to be a short-cut to the different parts of the Wiki, but we cannot possibly add all the existing pages to it. That being said, you will notice that all (ALL) characters are listed there, and that is including the NPCs that Doc M. has tirelessly been adding to the Wiki over the past few weeks. The majority of them have faces too, and I hope you all can appreciate just how much work Doc M. has put into this project, not just in terms of the NPCs, but in updating pages across the whole Wiki too. Thank you so much, Doc M., for the 641 updates you've made this far!

I have mentioned others before as well as we have been working on the Wiki, and I take this opportunity to thank Arista, SummerDawn and IronFerrox again for all the help. I have no idea how many hours I have spend on the Wiki personally, and I am not sure I want to know. I think it looks pretty good even if there is always need for improvements in the Wiki design. I would have liked to finish the Department pages before we launched the Wiki, but I decided that we'll go ahead anyway so that we can start using it. There will always be things to add to the Wiki, so make sure to ask for a login whenever you guys want to make a first contribution! I hope everyone out there can appreciate how much work this has been, but more importantly, how much better a solution this is when we need to look something up while we write our posts.

Feedback on this is is most welcome, and make sure to check the main board ( of ours and try out clicking your characters' names just to make sure they go to the Wiki instead of the old character sheets.

AC-507 Mk I Reaver

I also have the pleasure to announce that Pinarci finished the Reaver for us, and it turned out much better than I'd imagined. Check the images below!

[ DeviantArt link for Full Size ] (

[ DeviantArt link for Full Size ] (

I am working on the Reaver's page on our Wiki, but its only 50 % finished or so. Here it is anyway, and it might be work checking just to see those new weapons from the future up close. Link:


I also thought I'd showcase this new piece I finished, and I hope you Lone Wolves writers out there like it as much as I do. :)

[ DeviantArt link for Full Size ] ([i)


What started out with a quick job to give our Captain's Yacht, the USS Allegiant, a Master Systems Display become a bit more after LCARSgfx started to work on it. He found, in his experience and know-how, that the Manta-class scout would be perfectly able to have two decks instead of one, and after some lengthy discussions and me making sure the story we have written this far would not need to be updated if we did it, I approved the idea. So, not only did we get an MSD for the Allegiant, but a new deck plan as well. Check below, and I hope you also like the last one - where she is seen docking with Thea.

[ DeviantArt link for Full Size ] ([i)

[ DeviantArt link for Full Size ] ([i)

[ DeviantArt link for Full Size ] ([i)

[ DeviantArt link for Full Size ] ([i)


Worth mentioning is also that I have organised our artwork a bit so that it is easier to find graphics pertaining to the different ships we have in our story. You can check the sub-folders on the left hand side here:


Oh, we have over 500 watchers on Deviant Art now! That means that when we (I) am ready, and we announce that recruitment of new members is open again, 500 people will learn about it when I make a journal entry on DeviantArt. We also have over 400 followers on Tumblr, so perhaps there is someone there that want to jump aboard too? We'll see. As of now, I have no time-frame in mind for when we ought to open up for new recruits again. What I would like to do, personally, is to finish the trailer project too since that would prevent me from having to redo the work I have done so far on that project - new characters prolonging that huge project(s) since they would like to be in it too with their characters.

As for posting, summer does steal some time from people, but I am confident that those who are next in their respective threads will come around to post soon enough so that we can make the story hit the next phase. Likewise, if there are people out there wanting to write any particular scenes in the Interregnum, now is the time, since we can't be writing there indefinitely. We will have the Theurgy reach Starbase 84 in just a couple of weeks, so make sure you have had your fill of writing R&R. I will be sending out personal posting reminders over the course of the next couple of days to help people along as best as I might.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: DocReno on July 26, 2016, 04:58:08 AM
Hm..wouldn't mind trying out one of those Reavers with Husker.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 26, 2016, 09:16:02 AM
Yeah, heh, they are quite menacing.

Dammit... that's what I get for doing things 3 am in the morning. I was supposed to give you this link in the newsletter!


It is our new link page leading to pages on the Wiki. :)

It can be found on our main board. Well, there you go!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 28, 2016, 12:10:44 PM

I took the time to compile a new overview so that everyone knows what's next for them. Don't forget the threads Inner Space and the Accipiter, for example, where a lot more people can participate. Tonight, I will be sending out individual posting notices too, all in friendly spirit and not meant to nag at you all. :)

Below is a list with all the threads in the Interregnum and Episode 04, sorted chronologically with the oldest one first. The threads in green are finished already and the yellow ones are on-going. Also, all these are links to click which ought to make it easy for those who wish to browse and read the story too.


DAY 01

DAY 01: Time Judges All [0500 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 01: Healing | Part 1 [0730 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 01: Rejuvenation [0900 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 01: The Path Ahead [0915 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 01: New Life [1000 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 01: Lost in the Mind [1015 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 01: Encouragement [1115 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 01: SAR Away-Mission [1150 hrs.] (
DAY 01: A Fresh Start | Part 1 [1230 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 01: A Fresh Start | Part 2 [1240 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 01: Meeting of the Minds [1300 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 01: The First of Many Propositions [1400 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 01: Healing | Part 2 [1840 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 01: An Empty Pack [2030 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Doc M.
DAY 01: Off-Duty Treatment [2030 hrs.] (
DAY 01: A Quiet Chat [2100 Hrs] Finished! (

DAY 02

DAY 02: Goldeneye's Confession [0700 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 02: Back From the Dead [0800 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 02: Critical Vacancy [1230 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 02: In Remembrance [1200 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 02: A Friendly Chat [1300 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Mistress-at-Arms [1400 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 02: Digital Relations [1500 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Healing | Part 3 [1830 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Poker Night [2000 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 02: Houseguest [0130 hrs.] ( Next Poster: RosariaRosette

DAY 03

DAY 03: Unfinished Business [0610 hrs.] (
DAY 03: Phasmids [0900 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 03: The Beginning Of A New Life [1100 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 03: Twitching [1100 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 03: Between Meetings [1200 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 03: The Accipiter [1400 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Anyone! (DocReno had interest?) [glow=red,2,300]Social Commentary Wanted![/glow]
DAY 03: Well-Earned Recognition [1500 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 03: New Hire [1500 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 03: Midnight Oil [2345 hrs.] Finished! (

DAY 04

DAY 04: Weapon Storage Raid [0750 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 04: Aftermath [1300 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Obligations & Priorities [1305 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Nolan
DAY 04: Scotch & Fire [1400 hrs.] ( Next Poster: RosariaRosette
DAY 04: Jumping the Shark [1421 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Doc M.
DAY 04: Re-Connection [1600 hrs.] ( Next Poster: IronFerrox
DAY 04: The Flutter of a Pair of Wings [1750 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Brutus
DAY 04: Yeoman & Suspect [1830 hrs.] Finished! (
DAY 04: Question of Wolven Error [1900 hrs.] ( Next Poster: 1) IronFerrox 2) CanadianVet 3) Auctor Lucan 4) Kaligos
DAY 04: Subconscious Repression [1955 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Recuperation [2130 hrs.] ( Next Poster: CanadianVet

DAY 05

DAY 05: Keeping Balance [0630 hrs.] ( Poster: chXinya
DAY 05: Resuming Duties [0900 hrs.] ( Poster: Auctor Lucan
DAY 05: Creature Comforts [0930 hrs.] ( Poster: Triage
DAY 05: Redux [1400 hrs.] ( Poster: SummerDawn
DAY 05: The Crossroads [1430 hrs.] ( Poster: DocReno
DAY 05: Climax Jump [1740 hrs] ( Next Poster: DocReno

DAY 06

DAY 06: Inner Space ( Next Poster: Everyone who hasn't posted yet
DAY 06: For Sake of the Galaxy [1500 hrs.] ( Next Poster: SummerDawn, see Arista's cue. Everyone else present, ad hoc.
DAY 06: Fighting Shadows [1600 hrs.] ( Next Poster: RosariaRosette
DAY 06: Late Night Liaison [0045 hrs.] ( Next Poster: CanadianVet


PROLOGUE: Homecoming - Finished! (
CHAPTER 01: Tensions Rising ( Next Poster:
- USS Resolve | Briefing Room: 1) Vystori 2) Kaligos
- Jefferies Tubes SB84: 1) RosariaRosette 2) Kaligos 3) Auctor Lucan
- Docking Pylon: 1) Brutus 2) Havenborn 3) Julia. DocReno ad hoc.
- USS Resolve | Aerowing: Auctor Lucan

There we go! The critical development for the story to enter Episode 04 in full is that the opportune time for the Theurgy needs to arrive, and right now, I think that is when the Aerowing has launched from the Resolve - stirring things up and distracting Starbase Security. Vystori and Kaligos, if the two of you post in the Briefing Room, the latter giving clearance to launch to the Aerowing, we are ready to go! I will then post with Drauc and Ian Hawthorne both. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on July 28, 2016, 07:40:03 PM
Well folks, I'm headed out on holidays.

I'll be gone from the evening of the 28th of July, and I should be back on the 14th of August.

I'll be mostly incommunicado for the time being, and I certainly can't guarantee I'll be able to do more than occasionally poke my head in.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Julia on July 28, 2016, 11:21:18 PM
I have watched 'Star Trek: Beyond' and I can only agree with the few of you who've already commented on it and said it was cool. :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on August 02, 2016, 12:41:19 AM
Just a heads up, I'll be flying off to Alaska tomorrow afternoon (Aug 2) and won't be back until the following Monday (Aug 8).  This shouldn't affect any posting from me, but just in case....
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on August 03, 2016, 06:37:31 PM
Hey everyone, Sorry for being away for so long. I kind of had to sort out some personal stuff in my life as well as another surgery that partially reset my recovery. I'm back now and feeling a lot better.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 08, 2016, 01:24:12 AM
Hi there! Thanks for the updates on leave-takings and returns everyone, and I will likely go and see Beyond a second time before it is removed from the theatres. Good to hear you are back in health too, Kaligos, and I will make sure to send you a note about your next post in Tensions Rising so that we can tie up loose ends and get on with the next phase of the story. :)

Now, two updates for everyone!

The Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki Database has a new URL!

If anyone has tried to access the wiki by using their own locally saved hyperlinks, you will likely have noticed that one hour ago, that link ceased to work. The reason why is that I changed the URL to something shorter, and I did so because of the HoE forum's character limit-per-post. The limit would prevent further links to be added to our Wiki shortcut link page here on the main board, so by shortening the URL of the pages on our Wiki, we can now add a lot more links to it before the character limit-per-post kicks in.

The old URL looked like this:

And the new one looks like this:

I have already updated all the links on the the Wiki link page:

...the Crew Manifest for our Theurgy-based characters: well as the Non-Crew Listing for characters on SB84 or the USS Resolve: the changed URL should only be a problem if you guys have locally saved links to the Wiki. In that case, you need to update it to the new URL, but that's all there is to it. :)

New Link to the Main Page (

Some parts of the Wiki might still be cached, I've noticed, like the Recent Changes link in the bottom of the sidebar, but that should sort itself out in a couple of hours. In the meantime, please update the URL manually after you click that link, and it should still work if you want to go check what has happened lately on the site.

New Artwork!

Since Pinarci finished making us the Reavers, I have been making some new images featuring this mean machine. Have a look below and feedback is always welcome:

The Thing That Should Not Be
[ Click For Full Size ] (

Launching the Reavers
[ Click For Full Size ] ([i)

The Temporal Breach
[ Click For Full Size ] ([i)

Reaver Patrol
[ Click For Full Size ] (

Scorching the Distance
[ Click For Full Size ] (

Reaver Ascension
[ Click For Full Size ] (

I have also updated the USS Calamity's page on the wiki:

In that process, I also found a fitting stock image that could represent Cala's mobile emitter, so I added that too:

Cala's Mobile Emitter
[ Click For Full Size ] ([i)

Next in the Story

As I have mentioned before, we are on the very verge of introducing the Theurgy into Episode 04! Kaligos, you wlll be getting a PM from me with some notes to tie things up, and the rest of you, stay tuned! More posts of mine to come. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on August 09, 2016, 01:13:31 AM
i love this artwork.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on August 09, 2016, 06:51:02 AM
Ugh, as much as I love flying, that was absolute torture.  I'll never fly Delta again.

On a good note, I'm back from Alaska so it's back to business as usual for me!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on August 14, 2016, 05:40:18 AM
Well, I just got home. 

I know I owe replies aplenty, but once I get myself situated again, I'll be getting cracking on those. 

2 weeks holiday, and a chance to unplug for the duration, did me good but it's good to be home. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: The Counselor on August 14, 2016, 07:14:24 PM
Hi everyone,

Just a heads up. I will be going on vacation to Pennsylvania, starting August 16 -September 2.

With the exception of the three days  of travel each way to get up and back, I will have all my electronic devices with me and I expect to get some writing time in between spending time with my family and friends.

I'm not sure exactly how much writing time I'll have, but I'm going to do my best not to fall too far behind in my JPs since I go through writing withdrawal if I'm completely cut off. :-) I'm going to go head and put myself on extended LOA, but you'll still be receiving replies from me until Tuesday.

See everyone on the flip side!

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 16, 2016, 01:46:34 AM
Tensions Rising Ended

Hi there everyone and thanks for leaving notices here about your comings and goings!

Just a short notice about Episode 04, where I have ended Chapter 01: Tensions Rising with a long post of mine. I figured that the situation was ideal for a break and a new Chapter in the Episode, and I have written the starters for the next Chapter already. It is, however, almost 2 am here in Sweden and I have not proofread the starters yet, so I will make sure to post it all tomorrow.

In the meantime, feel free to read up on the ending of Tensions Rising!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 16, 2016, 01:32:41 PM
Said and done, here are the new starters in Episode 04: Simulcast (click the links ot read them):

Episode 04: Simulcast | Chapter 02 "Crucible" (

Here is the chapter where everyone on the Theurgy can post. There is a suggestion that CanadianVet posts next, followed by Brutus, but feel free to jump in and post reactions to Ives' speech ahead of him if you guys want. I know that the anticipation for this starter has been high, and I hope it lives up to everyone's expectations.

Episode 04: Simulcast | Chapter 03 "Loyalty" (

Here continues the story for those on the Resolve (as well as Hi'Jak and Sera vers Aldnoah, who are trying to reach the Sabine). See the notes about suggested posting order, and aside from the scenes introduced in this starter, SummerDawn is next to post with K'Ren on the Aerowing, just as Kaligos is next to post in Starbase 84's Jefferies tubes with Hi'Jak.

Post away everyone, and I am really excited about the way things are going in Episode 04. :)

New Feature on the Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki

SummerDawn has arranged it so that we now have rank isignias on the Wiki's character pages! With tireless coding, and fixing the pages a little from my end too, all characters now have rank insignias below their character images. Before, these could only be seen on the Crew Manifest here on HoE, but now the ranks are more plain in our database as well.

Many thanks to SummerDawn for the update! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 18, 2016, 02:07:25 AM
Hi again everyone! I have some eye-candy for you all, as well as a reveal of a new craft in our story


This one in huge (3452x1939), and with really good detail. I hope you like the compilation, featuring four of our crafts in the same image.

[ Click for Full Size on DeviantArt] ([i)


As you may remember from For the Sake of the Galaxy (, a drone was mentioned, and here it is - the joint design between Nolan and me developed by a new 3D artist that was willing to help us out:

[ Click for Full Size on DeviantArt] (

[ Click for Full Size on DeviantArt] (

Our new benefactor, aside from Omardex and Pinarci, is Kalashnikov89 ( Furthermore, it is not just the visuals of the drones that's completed, but the wiki page as well, so feel free to read up at your own leisure:


These drones will be playing a role at Starbase 84, able as they are to both act as decoy ships and also equipped with (small) phasers and able to carry one torpedo each into the fray. I hope you like this expansion to our story and available crafts that we have, and many thanks to Nolan, who came up with the original idea for these.

That's it for now, and I will be posting in For Sake of the Galaxy, Scotch & Fire and Fighting Shadows tomorrow, but I have time for more if anyone cares to post more replies tonight. Have a great evening and please leave comments and feedback here.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on August 20, 2016, 02:07:54 AM
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this but the USS Theurgy has a new deck arrangements after the temporal "butterfly effect" has changed the starship from a Prometheus class to the first ship of a new class.  Check out the USS Theurgy's wiki page to find out which deck your characters are on before beginning a scene.   It's a whole new starship now!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on August 20, 2016, 03:06:11 PM
Quick heads up for everyone, I will be away most of next week on work and Internet access will be iffy most of that time.

For those who don't know, I am an IT person by trade so it may seem funny that an IT guy is going to places for work where Internet access is iffy. Not all of North America is 100% blanketed by cell towers and fast cheap high speed internet. In some remote places, the cellphone doesn't work, internet comes in by satellite, and voice communication is done by either hardline, or by commercial radio. It is in this technology dead zone that four small beacons of light shine forth, remote offices I keep running in the midst of such technological darkness. :D :D :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on August 20, 2016, 04:22:08 PM
Don't forget your floppy disks!  You might need them in such a place...
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on August 21, 2016, 03:09:05 PM
Hi everyone!

I'm back!

You didn't know I was gone to begin with, did you?

My bad. Had a few personal problems to deal with.

They're dealt with, and I'm back. Raring to go!

I wanna interact with more crew members on either ship or starbase!

My characters are a skittish biologist Radiant named Heather McMillan, and a rowdy, psychotic, quasi-suicidal pilot named Krystal "Meony" Tancredi. Take your pick, and if you pick Tancredi, also make sure your will and so on is in order.



Anyway, hope you all have a good day/evening/whatever wherever you are!

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on August 21, 2016, 03:13:32 PM
Ha Ha. :P

It may be out of the way but the tech that's there isn't that stone age. Computers are 2013 vintage, run well, and give me less trouble then the ones closer to home. I'm just going onsite this week because we have new routers to install that'll support better traffic control over the Satellite links up there.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on August 22, 2016, 08:31:30 AM
hey sorry i havent posted in a while things are hectic here at college.  I have my first exam in my first semester of nursing coming up wednesday.  I will try and make posts sometime wednesday afternoon.  sorry for the delays.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 25, 2016, 08:58:56 AM
Thanks for all the status updates here, and for those who have been away a little bit during the past couple of week, welcome back!

I have this to show you guys:

Star Trek: Theurgy 3D Printing Workshop (

So far, the Gryphon, the Valkyrie and the Reaver are in the making, and as for Thea herself, she will be printed in two parts and glued together in the middle. The delay there is that the STL file used for 3D printing takes a lot of time to prepare. For those who knows what geometry versus textures are on a 3D model, then you will know the difficulty when I say that the Theurgy model has 80 % of its detailing done in textures (using Substance Painter) as opposed to geometry, and would therefore not show up in a 3D print. Hence, Thea's details are re-made in the STL file.

The fighters measure to ca 20 cm in length, which equals roughly 8 inches. I have opted against painting them, instead applying a glossy black base coat before finishing the silver look with a high-end chrome spray product (the kind you use for cars).

I will just have to figure out where to put all these when they are done, lol!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: FollowTomorrow on August 28, 2016, 09:30:12 PM
Every time I look there's some sort of new cool thing going on in Lucan's corner. I wish I had that time and resources to dedicate to the group :,D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 29, 2016, 01:53:55 AM
Thanks, glad you like the Theurgy-related stuff. :)


Well, the butterfly has flapped its wings, and Lin Kae is no longer - and never were - played by Jeremy Gilbert. Instead, here is the new face of our Holographic Specialist:


Welcome aboard the show, Robert Pattinson! I do have to say that DocReno made a good choice here in his ambition to make this character to his own liking.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on August 29, 2016, 05:45:52 AM
So long as he doesn't start sparking in direct sunlight...
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Zenozine on August 29, 2016, 06:41:20 AM
Just for that Vet I am wanting to write a gratuitous character description of Lin Kae in the terrible Twilight style.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on August 29, 2016, 07:13:20 AM
Someone please get Kristin Stewart on board now, for giggles. :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: DocReno on August 29, 2016, 11:58:55 AM
Amusingly enough I chosen Pattinson for Kae's new actor because I was looking for an actor that would fit better and after watching him in "Water for Elephants"-my mind clicked and the creative process went on it's merry little way.

Another aspect was looking for an actor who fit the general "look" of someone who spent more time in a lab then anywhere else and you have to admit-he's pale enough for that ;)

And CV, no...he doesn't sparkle :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on August 29, 2016, 12:30:50 PM
DocReno, Patterson is a good choice. I know what it's like when you see an actor and it just clicks into place. Besides, it's obvious Kae doesn't sparkle; However don't let me him into the Triwizard Tournament or he'll end up at the hands of Peter Pettigrew ;)

FollowTomorrow, 'Unfuck things' made me laugh so hard I almost snorted some my coffee. Good job :)

Lucan, I love the 3d printed fighters but I think we all want to know when we can see our grand lady instead ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 29, 2016, 01:34:57 PM
Haha, yeah, Thea will be shown as soon as the STL file has been finished, showing all kinds of detail otherwise lost.


In the meantime, I felt a bit nostalgic so I made this new part of the Wiki:
You can see this list on our Wiki link page here on House of Eros, and also in the side-menu on the Wiki itself. If there is any location featured in our story that is not on this list, please let me know and I'll see if I can add it too.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on August 29, 2016, 02:07:03 PM
Everyone beat me to the sparkle jokes lol! Nice job tho - he looks very convincing in.the role and the photo manipulation for the nose is spot on
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on September 01, 2016, 10:08:48 AM
Bit of inactivity on my end. Blame my exams! :D Should be back and posting in a day or two. Just wrapping up the final ones.

As for Robert as Lin Kae, looks good! Also, I will literally die laughing if someone makes Taylor Lautner a character as a vulpinian.

@ Lucan, I wish I had a 3D printer :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on September 01, 2016, 12:35:32 PM
Reg: posting - had guests stay longer than planned and work go off the deep end this week. Posts to follow on weekend, hopefully
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on September 02, 2016, 05:46:19 AM
You know, I was really hoping to hold back on the sparkle jokes, but you guys just went ahead with them anyways :P

Who's ready for the 50th?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 06, 2016, 02:59:33 AM


I took the time to compile a new overview so that everyone knows what's next for them. Don't forget the threads Inner Space and the Accipiter, for example, where a lot more people can participate.I will be sending out individual posting notices too, all in friendly spirit and not meant to nag at you all. :)

Below is a list with all the threads in the Interregnum and Episode 04, sorted chronologically with the oldest one first. The threads in green are finished already and the yellow ones are on-going. Also, all these are links to click which ought to make it easy for those who wish to browse and read the story too.


DAY 01

DAY 01: Time Judges All [0500 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Healing | Part 1 [0730 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Rejuvenation [0900 hrs.] (
DAY 01: The Path Ahead [0915 hrs.] (
DAY 01: New Life [1000 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Lost in the Mind [1015 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Encouragement [1115 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.] (
DAY 01: SAR Away-Mission [1150 hrs.] (
DAY 01: A Fresh Start | Part 1 [1230 hrs.] (
DAY 01: A Fresh Start | Part 2 [1240 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Meeting of the Minds [1300 hrs.] (
DAY 01: The First of Many Propositions [1400 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Healing | Part 2 [1840 hrs.] (
DAY 01: An Empty Pack [2030 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Off-Duty Treatment [2030 hrs.] (
DAY 01: A Quiet Chat [2100 Hrs] (

DAY 02

DAY 02: Goldeneye's Confession [0700 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Back From the Dead [0800 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Critical Vacancy [1230 hrs.] (
DAY 02: In Remembrance [1200 hrs.] (
DAY 02: A Friendly Chat [1300 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Mistress-at-Arms [1400 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Digital Relations [1500 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Healing | Part 3 [1830 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Poker Night [2000 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Houseguest [0130 hrs.] ( Next Poster: CanadianVet

DAY 03

DAY 03: Unfinished Business [0610 hrs.] (
DAY 03: Phasmids [0900 hrs.] (
DAY 03: The Beginning Of A New Life [1100 hrs.] (
DAY 03: Twitching [1100 hrs.] (
DAY 03: Between Meetings [1200 hrs.] (
DAY 03: The Accipiter [1400 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Anyone! (DocReno had interest?) [glow=red,2,300]Social Commentary Wanted![/glow]
DAY 03: Well-Earned Recognition [1500 hrs.] (
DAY 03: New Hire [1500 hrs.] (
DAY 03: Midnight Oil [2345 hrs.] (

DAY 04

DAY 04: Weapon Storage Raid [0750 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Aftermath [1300 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Obligations & Priorities [1305 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Scotch & Fire [1400 hrs.] ( Next Poster: RosariaRosette
DAY 04: Jumping the Shark [1421 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Doc M.
DAY 04: Re-Connection [1600 hrs.] (
DAY 04: The Flutter of a Pair of Wings [1750 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Yeoman & Suspect [1830 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Question of Wolven Error [1900 hrs.] ( Next Poster: 1) Kaligos 2) IronFerrox 3) CanadianVet 3) Auctor Lucan 4)
DAY 04: Subconscious Repression [1955 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Recuperation [2130 hrs.] ( Next Poster: CanadianVet

DAY 05

DAY 05: Keeping Balance [0630 hrs.] ( Poster: chXinya
DAY 05: Resuming Duties [0900 hrs.] ( Poster: Zenozine
DAY 05: Creature Comforts [0930 hrs.] ( Poster: Triage
DAY 05: Sheep in Wolf's Clothing [1200 hrs.] ( Poster: Auctor Lucan
DAY 05: Redux [1400 hrs.] ( Poster: SummerDawn
DAY 05: The Crossroads [1430 hrs.] ( Poster: CanadianVet
DAY 05: Climax Jump [1740 hrs] (

DAY 06

DAY 06: Inner Space ( Next Poster: Everyone who hasn't posted yet
DAY 06: For Sake of the Galaxy [1500 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Nolan
DAY 06: Fighting Shadows [1600 hrs.] ( Next Poster: RosariaRosette
DAY 06: Late Night Liaison [0045 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Nolan


PROLOGUE: Homecoming (
CHAPTER 01: Tensions Rising (
CHAPTER 02: Crucible (listed by characters) (
- Main Bridge: 1) Simon Tovarek, then eventually, when the boarding teams below have posted 2) Natalie Stark
- Transporter Room 01 (Alpha Boarding Team): 1) Wenn Cinn 2) Dyan Cardamone
- Transporter Room 02 (Bravo Boarding Team): 1) Ryuan Sel, stepping in 2) Thea
- Transporter Room 03 (Charlie Boarding Team): 1) Cameron Henshaw 2) ThanIda zh'Wann
- Sickbay (Entrance): 1) Heather McMillan 2) Vinata Vojona
- Sickbay (Isolation Ward 01): 1) Hylota Vojona, giving birth 2) Heather McMillan
- Fighter Assault Bay: All Lone Wolves, Eun Sae Ji & Sten Covington
- Stellar Cartography: Shall, reporting to bridge

CHAPTER 03: Loyalty (
- Jefferies Tubes SB84: 1) RosariaRosette 2) Kaligos 3) Auctor Lucan
- Bridge > Air-Lock on Deck 01: 1) Kaligos, getting everyone outside in their suits, ending post there 2) Arista, Parnak on the Bridge
- Docking Pylon: 1) Julia, escaping to the Resolve 2) Havenborn, same 3) DocReno, cover fire 4) Brutus
- Aerowing: SummerDawn

There we go! I will be sending out personal posting reminders too. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 08, 2016, 03:54:18 AM
Glad to see so much posting being done!

Here is a finished project I have indulged in the past couple of days:


( Ens. Six                      Forensic Scientist Officer  Starbase 84 (
  - Played by Vystori

Image 01:
( (

Image 02:
( (

There is a third image to be found in the boudoir gallery on DeviantArt too, but we can't link it here given our site-rules. Head on over to the BA and start searching.

Hope you all like the updated look of Ensign Six!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Julia on September 08, 2016, 02:13:52 PM
Love the new looks of Lin Kae and Six. The latter has a very interesting one, and the former... I'm impressed, I must say. Wouldn't have guessed Pattinson makes such an excellent Bajoran engineer. oO
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on September 08, 2016, 09:53:36 PM
Can you believe that Star Trek is 50 years old today!?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on September 08, 2016, 09:57:45 PM
Can you believe that Star Trek is 50 years old today!?

Crazy isn't it?

I hope you're all enjoying some Trek today, whether it's watchng Movies or TV, reading the books or writing posts.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on September 08, 2016, 11:04:39 PM
My celebration is watching all of the firsts: The Man Trap, Encounter at Farpoint, Emissary, Caretaker, and The Motion Picture.  Last night I got to go to a local theater/cafe who was showing "The best of the worst". Turned out to be The Royale and Spock's Brain XD
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 09, 2016, 12:08:53 AM
We all should take a moment to reflect, and commemorate the franchise somehow. I decided since a couple of weeks back that I'd do so by doing the following:


It is hard to put to words what Star Trek means to me, much less what it has meant for science, society and the potential betterment of mankind. Yet regardless what may have compelled us to begin with, when we were first introduced to this phenomenon, be it the characters, the stories, the technology or the vision of the future, we know how much it has affected us... even if it may be hard to put into words.

Celebrating the 50-year anniversary, Star Trek: Theurgy now re-opens recruitment - more writers are now welcome to add upon our grand, independent story. For while not all 3D-modelling has been completed yet, and there is still more non-character artwork to be done, what better way is there to commemorate the Star Trek franchise... than to make sure the stories can continue?

Announcements have been made on DeviantArt and on Tumblr, with almost 1000 followers/watchers notified. I also put up the recruitment notice here on House of Eros.

So! We might be getting some new members, and while I had ambitions far too great about finishing some stuff before doing so, I realise that we cannot just shut out the new blood either. It will be interesting to see if we have a cue, heh.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on September 09, 2016, 02:05:52 AM
I've been celebrating the 50 year anniversary by working my way through DS9, and now Enterprise, and I will start on Voyager once I finish the last season of Enterprise.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on September 09, 2016, 03:58:40 AM
Still can't stand enterprise don't know how your watching it Canadian, but I loved voyager, and I really should get around to watching DS9 someday.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on September 09, 2016, 04:13:49 AM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on September 09, 2016, 02:56:44 PM
What's wrong with Enterprise? (Excluding "A Night in Sickbay")
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on September 12, 2016, 02:14:09 AM
I just logged in to notify all of you that my computer has died.  I'll be absent for a little while until the issue is resolved.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Mathis on September 17, 2016, 04:17:54 AM
Greetings everyone! I wanted to come and introduce myself a bit. I'm a new writer for Star Trek: Theurgy, and I'm super excited to dive in and interact with everyone. I've been lurking around for a couple of days, devouring character bios, the story archive, and I'm through the prologue of the current episode, hopefully getting through Chapter 1 tonight.

I'm writing Derik Veradin (, a young, cocky, CONN officer who's being slightly retconned in as the as previously unnamed Acting Chief Conn Officer for the USS Resolve. I look forward to lots of fun interactions with everyone.

As for me, I'm a 30 year-old male, (about to be 31 in 3 hours, but for right now I'm just 30, damn it ;) ) IT professional living in Kansas City, USA. I've been doing online writing/roleplaying since middle school when I wrote in my very first Star Trek Sim, Upsilon Fleet, may it rest in peace. I've known the GM for quite a while now, having written with him in three other online writing groups and we recently reconnected and while we were reconnecting, he was telling me about how awesome this group was so I had to come check it out.

Other random facts about me: I grew up with Voyager so the nostalgia factor pretty much makes it my favorite series with DS9 as a close second. My favorite characters are The Doctor, Odo, and Garak, and growing up I had huge crushes on Tom Paris and Dr. Bashir. I'm addicted to reality TV(Survivor, Big Brother, RuPaul's Drag Race, etc) and watch too much TV in general, and I use way too many emoji. In rereading this I deleted four... I really do have a problem, lol.  :-[

Anywho, I'm likely to keep on rambling so I'll stop. If you have any questions ask away, I'm excited to be here and to join in the story with all of you. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Julia on September 17, 2016, 11:40:58 AM
Welcome to the group, Mathis! And Happy Birthday. :D
(My character, Ejek, informs me that being 30 is a great accomplishment and nothing to be ashamed of - not even for 3 hours. ;))

...And I think I might have a similar problem on the emoji front. ^^° Also grew up with Voyager, so the nostalgia factor there is greatest for me as well. I only recently, meaning a few years ago, even watched the whole of DS9, but since then it's my close second, too. Or maybe the two series are on par; I have a very hard time picking all-time favourites. Those things are subject to change for me, always depending on where my current interests lie, and I wouldn't want it any other way. Can't dwell on the very same thing forever, though I do like to come back to it, rediscover it and/or look at it from a very different angle, every now and then.

Very happy to find you play a "new" Resolve character. It's cool to see our crew growing. =)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on September 17, 2016, 05:04:25 PM
Welcome Mathis!

A friend of Lucan's is a friend of ours. I hope to make you feel like part of the family quickly.

DS9 is my favourite even though I watched TNG as it came out in the UK
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on September 20, 2016, 04:27:04 AM
I have a houseguest for the next little while, so my posting will be a little disrupted.  I will try to get caught up at the earliest opportunity.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on September 22, 2016, 06:03:08 AM
Quick Question about one of the latest posts.

Dr Nicander has been discreetly screwing a bunch of the crew correct? And the suggestion he knocked up the one Ovri is correct? Just trying to get an idea for just how big an @ssh0le he is. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on September 22, 2016, 12:04:16 PM
Welcome welcome :)

Posting update: hope to be post for my characters on Friday night or Saturday morning my time. It's been one of those crazy months.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on September 26, 2016, 04:09:08 PM
Dr Nicander has been discreetly screwing a bunch of the crew correct? And the suggestion he knocked up the one Ovri is correct? Just trying to get an idea for just how big an @ssh0le he is. :)

Hi SummerDawn,

Noticed that no one's replied so I thought I'd throw my hat into the ring (so to speak). Dr Nicander has been screwing a bunch of the crew with various levels of discretion. Apparently he seems to be a popular guy in that regard, but it's Maal who's the father of Hylota's baby.

Now onto the question of his Asshole...ness. I think it's a bit of a Jekyl and Hyde situation. I've been reading back onto the old stories and there are a few times where Lucan does or wants to do the right thing but is either pushing or taken in the wrong direction by the parasite that lives within him. I think the Jury is out of whether he actually is a good guy or not, but I think everyone agrees that the parasite makes him sometimes act on his worst instincts.

Don't forget that he is still the Chief Medical Officer and has saved numerous lives. Also, Lucan and Cinn are currently reminiscing about old times in the topic "Good Old Times" So you never know, you may find some of the nice things he's done there. ;)

Anyway, TL:DR verison - He's a bit of a asshole but not completely.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on September 26, 2016, 05:36:21 PM
Hey Arista,

I noticed after reading a bit more that Maal is the daddy, during the whole sex crazed parasite invasion situation the Theurgy faced. :) I found bits of it on here through search but I think I'll have to go to the PDF archives to get up to speed. It's just a bit daunting to read that much. :)

Good old complex characters, a bit anti-hero, a bit villan, all devious.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on September 26, 2016, 05:58:45 PM
Quick Question about one of the latest posts.

Dr Nicander has been discreetly screwing a bunch of the crew correct? And the suggestion he knocked up the one Ovri is correct? Just trying to get an idea for just how big an @ssh0le he is. :)

to follow up on arista's post I have talked to lucan( the GM) a lot on what kind of a person Lucan (the character) is .  from what I have gleamed a lot of the dark actions of him serve two goals that are currently aligned.  The beast within or the parasite as we could call it is one of the unknown enemy and obviously wants the Theurgy either destroyed or its crew recaptured.  However Lucan himself is on his own on a quest for vengeance against members of hi own people and wishes to turn the Theurgy into a form of giant suicide bomb to use against them.  As such this aspect of his wants seems to conflict with the parasite in he still has need for the ship and its crew for his own ends and resists actions of the parasite that would undermine His personal goals for vengeance.  IN a certain way its his vengeful plot that has saved the however his personal plot REQUIRES the ship and therefore he can't let it just be put back in their hands.

This being said as the story goes on the person within him does tend to develop relationships and feelings that may in turn influence him to stray from the wishes of the parasite and may aide in convincing him to stray from his original suicidal plot for vengeance.

If I were to name tropes that his methodology tends to revolve around I would say he tends to have MO's that are likened to what could be called Xanatos gambits.  (named for the multilayered plots of the Gargoyles villain Xanatos (who funnily enough was voiced by Jonathan Frakes)  another possibly fit is what would be called the "magnificent Bastard" aka an asshole that due to their amazing cunning and ability to out think the heroes allows him to remain one step ahead.  essentially it would be a cross between a respected rival/villain and that fucking asshole you hate.    Adding to his ability to remain hidden, is the fact that he might also embody the charisma of a charming Rogue.

I would sum him up as that guy that you love to hate as a reader but because of his charismatic facade the protagonists cant help but at the very least like if not in many cases fall in love with.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 27, 2016, 03:23:23 AM
Hi there everyone!

Yeah, well, after these two thorough accounts on the devious Dr. Nicander, I really have nothing to add, lol. I feel like I would go into details no one would care about if I added some shades of grey to his actions, so I will simply say that he does a lot of good things for all the wrong reasons. Of course, he does a lot of bad things for the same reasons, but over time, his act as an immaculate and charismatic doctor serving the crew has come to make him form a conscience, undermining his old, sworn pursuit of vengeance. After all, if you spend all waking hours telling the same lies, they tend to become the truth. Also, all he has done and aims to do he has - and will do - because of love. That is a love to his lost woman Kisane. Should people around him come to substitute the memory of Kisane, his dark motivations become less relevant.

Two small amendments, if I may?
1) Maal impregnated Hylota before the mutiny in Episode 03. Ovri have pregnant a really short time, hence the imminent birth in Crucible. :)
2) Another reason why the parasite fails to take over Nicander completely is because of his Câroon genetics, which prevents all emphatic or telepathic leverage on his mind. He is both the worst and best host, in how he can serve his purpose as a host for a much longer time (purpose of lending order to the chaos-nature of the parasites and furthering their goals in a structured and cunning way) but he is also the worst possible host because he retains a lot of his free will, and might oppose the goals of the unknown enemy if it is in his interest.

Time for some news! :)


[Click Image for DeviantArt Gallery] (

Since the thread Loyalty in Episode 04 has now reached the point where Starbase 84 launches its forces in response to the Theurgy's arrival, I was happy to unveil the AC-347 Knight-class Interceptor, our latest space craft in the story. Kalashnikov 3D, who made the Tovarek FTR Drones, modelled this design of mine, and it turned out really good in my own humble opinion. The Knights were designed for fast response, territorial defence. Albeit being at a disadvantage in a prolonged engagement, the Knight was made to strike fast, hard and then regroup for another pass if so necessary. With its heavy phaser cannons and ability to hold auxiliary armament, each pass that these interceptors make will count. They are not deployed alone either, but will attack in large numbers with synchronised strikes. They are, however, not Space Superiority Fighters, like the Valkyries, and are ill equipped for prolonged combat since they have a lesser manoeuvrability, but they are the first to engage if territory is compromised.

As for how the Knight measures up against the Mk II and III Valkyries, the two latter are space superiority fighters whereas the Knight is an interceptor, so in a sustained dogfight, the Knight would end up on the loosing side. However, should the Knights be in superior numbers, they could outrun and gun down every last one of the Valkyries long after they'd call for retreat. The Knights have superior warp capabilities, and their heavy pulse fire cannons has enough yield to wear down the shields of the Valkyries rather quickly.

For more information, here is the new page in our Wiki: AC-347 Knight-class Interceptor (


Like I said, I am really excited about how everything is coming to a head in Episode 04! Right now, the USS Resolve has cast off its moorings, its aerowing is loose in the spacedock, and soon, the Sabine will be launching as well. Thea has hacked Flight Ops when she beamed aboard the base (which is about to happen in Crucible), and she has not only locked the docking clamps to the resident starships at SB84, but also sealed the bay doors, effectively preventing any starships or fighters from engaging the Theurgy. Ian Hawthorne has ordered the whole Tactical CONN Air Group at the base to launch, but as the Interceptors try to get out there, the bay doors remain shut. Effectively, that is preventing Wing after Wing of squadrons from getting out, and with the low manoeuvrability of the Intercpetors coupled with their drag-racer speed, that has turned the insides of he spacedock into a nightmarish blender of Knights trying to throttle down and not crash into the interiors of the base or each other. As this happens, the Resolve and its aerowing needs to stay out of harms way, and find some way to escape the starbase.

Characters on the Resolve that should go to (or stay on) the Resolve's bridge:
Tristan Kendrick (Command chair)
Keval ch'Rayya (Tactical station)
Derik Veradin (Helm)
A'vura Zeshryr (Ops station, when Kendrick arrives)
Suq-Reylin-Efreya Xan (Engineering station)
Zelosa Ejek (Supporting staff)
Six (Supporting staff)
Silim Parnak (Supporting staff)

Characters that should go to the Resolve's Fighter Assault Bay and prepare to launch:
Daniel Havenborn (Leading remaining four Mk II Valkyrie pilots, K'Ren on the aerowing)
Krystal Tancredi (Leading Tribble Squadron, reporting to Havenborn)

Once everyone are in place, see above, I have another surprise up my sleeve about how they are to get out of the starbase. ;)

Meanwhile, on the USS Theurgy...

In Chapter 02: Crucible, all the boarding team characters are in place. So, Brutus will be posting how Natalie Stark orders all three transporter rooms to beam over the teams. Immediately after or during the transports, Starbase 84 goes to Red Alert, raising shields and also raising questions about whether or not the boarding teams made it over there. With the base on Red Alert, the Theurgy's cover seems to have been blown, and I will have Captain Ives order Red Alert and releasing the Lone Wolves after Brutus has posted with Natalie Stark. Ironically, it was because of what happened inside the spacedock on SB85 that made the base go to Red Alert... but no one on the Theurgy knows that. Its not like they can hope their cover has not been blown if the base raises its shields.... Neat, huh?

Boarding Team 01: Entry point will be underneath the subspace acquisition grid, with a bit of climbing to do in order to get inside the communication relays on top of the base. Starbase security will move to intercept, with their presence there quite obvious to internal sensors.
Boarding Team 02: The first thing Thea will do, when on SB84, is to handle the base's bay doors and docking clamps. Next, she and O'Connell will try to take over the fusion reactor core of the base.
Boarding Team 03: They will beam in as close as possible to the Command Centre in the Executive Offices Complex (EOC), and both Ryan Sel and ThanIda zh'Wann (+ 4 redshirts) will be escorting Cameron Henshaw to her adoptive father, Ian Hawthorne, in the hopes to make him stand down. Good luck with that, Nolan! :)


Just some eye-candy for you all. :)

[ Click for DeviantArt Gallery 2560x1600 Download Link ] ([i)


Sadly, RosariaRosette is no longer a member of Star Trek: Theurgy because of lacking posting activity. For over a month, she has failed to reply to PMs and emails, and it would seem she has been swallowed up by RL commitments. Therefore, her characters will either be killed or put in stasis during Episode 04, unless they are inherited by another writer.

If anyone who would like to to take over either of these character below, and both 1) doesn't have too many characters and 2) also can keep up posting for another one, should contact me with such a request over PM. As always, my policy on this is very loose, meaning that the one who cries out first and I think can keep up with playing the character gets to inherit him/her. If there are no takers, the characters will be will still be kept as NPCs that are available to be played for all writers in the Group (within reason, of course) until they are put in stasis or killed during the battle to come. I will personally handle any threads that needs to be finished, playing these NPCs as required.

Here they are, with links to their character pages:

( Lt. JG Fasha                 Wolf-03 [Morrigan]
  - Formerly Played by RosariaRosette

( PO1 Eun Sae Ji               Head of Fighter Propulsion
  - Formerly Played by RosariaRosette

( Ms. Sera vers Aldnoah         Explorer                    Starbase 84
  - Formerly Played by RosariaRosette

Worth mentioning are also Kanti MacTavish, Lahkesis Saugn, F'Rell, Zaraq, Cir'Cie and Maal, whom are also available (look them up on the Wiki).


We still have some unfinished threads in Interregnum 03-04, but I am confident we can handle those without too much trouble. I will be sending out personal posting reminders as needed. If anyone wishes to write with me in a one-on-one thread, please let me know and we'll see if we can squeeze that into the Interregnum too. Furthermore, I would like to welcome our new member Mathis, whom is an old acquaintance of mine from my years of writing. I have noted that he has already made a grand entrance with his character Derik Veradin, who is now challenged to keep the USS Resolve from being hit by interceptors inside Starbase 84's spacedock. Good luck with that! *grins*

We have no other current applicants, as far as I am aware, but there are a few - I hear - that are considering whether or not to join us. Time will tell.

That's it for now, and hope this finds you all well out there!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on September 27, 2016, 05:24:06 PM
So if we wanted to do some back story on characters, write some scenes here and there that are outside the main storyline but help add depth and/or explain who they are of why they did something, is there a place for that? My last tag with K'Ren & Drauc brought up some ideas that'd be backstory but aren't part of, or affaect the main storyline, but I kinda want to write in some ways.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on September 27, 2016, 05:35:11 PM
Just as a heads up, I'll try to post in crucible tomorrow :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 28, 2016, 10:45:39 AM
That's awesome Brutus, hope you can make it but don't feel stressed out about it. :)

SummerDawn: I think you weaved the backstory into your post beautifully, but if you want to write it out in full, I would recommend you add it to K'Ren's biography as a new section to it, where we all can partake in that specific part of her background story. If you add it there, you could post here with a link to it, or ask me to include it in the next newsletter. Either way works for me.


In addition to the newsletter, I took the time to compile a new overview so that everyone knows what's next for them. Don't forget the threads Inner Space and the Accipiter, for example, where a lot more people can participate.I will be sending out individual posting notices too, all in friendly spirit and not meant to nag at you all. :)

Below is a list with all the threads in the Interregnum and Episode 04, sorted chronologically with the oldest one first. The threads in green are finished already and the yellow ones are on-going. Also, all these are links to click which ought to make it easy for those who wish to browse and read the story too. PO means Posting Order (if applicable, and always suggestions/recommendations).


DAY 01

DAY 01: Time Judges All [0500 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Healing | Part 1 [0730 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Rejuvenation [0900 hrs.] (
DAY 01: The Path Ahead [0915 hrs.] (
DAY 01: New Life [1000 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Lost in the Mind [1015 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Encouragement [1115 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.] (
DAY 01: SAR Away-Mission [1150 hrs.] (
DAY 01: A Fresh Start | Part 1 [1230 hrs.] (
DAY 01: A Fresh Start | Part 2 [1240 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Meeting of the Minds [1300 hrs.] (
DAY 01: The First of Many Propositions [1400 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Healing | Part 2 [1840 hrs.] (
DAY 01: An Empty Pack [2030 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Off-Duty Treatment [2030 hrs.] (
DAY 01: A Quiet Chat [2100 Hrs] (

DAY 02

DAY 02: Goldeneye’s Confession [0700 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Back From the Dead [0800 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Critical Vacancy [1230 hrs.] (
DAY 02: In Remembrance [1200 hrs.] (
DAY 02: A Friendly Chat [1300 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Mistress-at-Arms [1400 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Digital Relations [1500 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Healing | Part 3 [1830 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Poker Night [2000 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Houseguest [0130 hrs.] ( Next Poster: CanadianVet

DAY 03

DAY 03: Unfinished Business [0610 hrs.] (
DAY 03: Phasmids [0900 hrs.] (
DAY 03: The Beginning Of A New Life [1100 hrs.] (
DAY 03: Twitching [1100 hrs.] (
DAY 03: Between Meetings [1200 hrs.] (
DAY 03: The Accipiter [1400 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Anyone! [glow=red,2,300]Social Commentary Wanted![/glow]
DAY 03: Well-Earned Recognition [1500 hrs.] (
DAY 03: New Hire [1500 hrs.] (
DAY 03: Midnight Oil [2345 hrs.] (

DAY 04

DAY 04: Weapon Storage Raid [0750 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Aftermath [1300 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Obligations & Priorities [1305 hrs.] (
DAY 05: Alien Therapy [1400 hrs.] ( Next Poster: The Counselor & Doc M. (joint-post)
DAY 04: Scotch & Fire [1400 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Auctor Lucan (wrapping the thread)
DAY 04: Jumping the Shark [1421 hrs.] ( Next Poster: DocReno
DAY 04: Re-Connection [1600 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Free Images [1630 hrs.] ( Next Poster: chXinya
DAY 04: The Flutter of a Pair of Wings [1750 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Yeoman & Suspect [1830 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Question of Wolven Error [1900 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Subconscious Repression [1955 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Hidden Forces [2000 hrs.] ( Next Poster: FollowTomorrow
DAY 04: Recuperation [2130 hrs.] ( Next Poster: CanadianVet

DAY 05

DAY 05: Keeping Balance [0630 hrs.] (
DAY 05: Resuming Duties [0900 hrs.] ( Poster: Zenozine
DAY 05: Creature Comforts [0930 hrs.] ( Poster: Triage
DAY 05: Sheep in Wolf's Clothing [1200 hrs.] (
DAY 05: Redux [1400 hrs.] (
DAY 05: The Crossroads [1430 hrs.] ( Poster: CanadianVet
DAY 05: Climax Jump [1740 hrs] (

DAY 06

DAY 06: Inner Space ( Next Poster: [glow=red,2,300]Everyone who hasn't posted yet![/glow]
DAY 06: For Sake of the Galaxy [1500 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Nolan
DAY 06: Fighting Shadows [1600 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Auctor Lucan (wrapping the thread)
DAY 06: Good Old Times [2100 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Arista
DAY 06: Late Night Liaison [0045 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Arista


PROLOGUE: Homecoming (
CHAPTER 01: Tensions Rising (
CHAPTER 02: Crucible (listed by characters) (
- Main Bridge: 1) Natalie Stark & Sarresh Morali 2) Captain Ives, calling Red Alert 3) Carrigan Trent, going to MVAM
- Transporter Room 01 (Alpha Boarding Team): Wenn Cinn, after Natalie Stark orders the Transporter Room to beam them over
- Transporter Room 02 (Bravo Boarding Team): Chief O'Connell, after Natalie Stark orders the Transporter Room to beam them over
- Transporter Room 03 (Charlie Boarding Team): ThanIda zh'Wann, after Natalie Stark orders the Transporter Room to beam them over
- Sickbay (Entrance): 1) Doc M, in response to Heather's display, added with the two Ovri passing by and leaving (already in the corridor now) 2) Heather McMillan
- Sickbay (Corridor): 1) Hylota Vojona 2) Dr. Nicander & Maal
- Main Engineering: 1) Lin Kae 2) Rihen Neyah
- Fighter Assault Bay: 1) IronFerrox, after Captain Ives orders them to launch 2) All Wolves Launching!
- Stellar Cartography: Shall, after response from the bridge

CHAPTER 03: Loyalty (
- Shuttle Bay Corridors: 1) Hi'Jak 2) Sera vers Aldnoah
- Air-Locks to the Bridge: 1) Suq 2) Six + A'vura 3) Keval ch'Rayya 4) Ejek 5) Tristan Kendrick 6) Derik Veradin (Very Loose PO)
- Air-Locks to the Fighter Assault Bay: Krystal Tancredi & Daniel Havenborn (No PO)
- Docking Pylon/SB84 Command Centre: Ian Hawthorne, after Kendrick is on the Resolve's bridge
- Aerowing: K'Ren

There we go! I will be sending out personal posting reminders too. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on September 28, 2016, 03:12:08 PM
SummerDawn: I think you weaved the backstory into your post beautifully, but if you want to write it out in full, I would recommend you add it to K'Ren's biography as a new section to it, where we all can partake in that specific part of her background story. If you add it there, you could post here with a link to it, or ask me to include it in the next newsletter. Either way works for me.

I probably phrased that wrong. My world of PBEM RPG, there's backstory and back story. :D K'Ren's backstory in her bio is good and I'm not ready to muck with it quite yet. What I wanted to possibly do was write out stories of events that took place in her past. These would be actual written posts similar to what we're doing in the main storyline, but are backdated to some point in her past. Essentially it's a way of telling in more dramatic fashion, what might only be a sterile few sentences on her bio.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 28, 2016, 06:55:46 PM
Ah, I see. So you are more or less suggesting a new child board on our main board that contains threads that don't fit into the Episodes, having occurred before and/or altogether outside the main story? I suppose there is no harm in that, but I am not sure if it's merited to create a new board if there will only be couple of threads there. I reckon it's a matter of whether or not there is enough interest in the group for such a child board, if others want an opportunity to write out past events. If there is not enough interest for it, I am reluctant to create another board for it. Of course, should there not be enough interest in that, then the previous solution I suggested will have to be the way to go about it. My meaning was not to muck with the current biography, but to add upon it with In-Character scenes. It would have to be in fanfic (one-writer) format though, unless created with joint-posting using PMs.

So, unless anyone has anything against me doing so, I will put it to a Poll for all the members, and we'll see if there are enough people out there that have stories to write on such a board. The new poll will be posted later tonight.


With RosariaRosette leaving us, and with Mathis showing great interest in Sera vers Aldnoah, he will take over her as his character as of this day, and play her in full as if she was a character of his own. The policy, as I've said, was 'first dibs', so after Mathis have read up on the Câroon species and re-read some posts where she was featured, he will be able to be posting with Sera quite soon. Furthermore, Kaligos, there is no need for concern about the plans you and I have made for Sera and Hi'Jak, because Mathis has been fully briefed about the loose ideas for their immediate future and the launch of the Sabine. Furthermore, I encourage that the two of you make plans of your own as required.

Good luck with your new character, Mathis!

( Ms. Sera vers Aldnoah         Explorer                    Starbase 84
>> Click for Character Page

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 28, 2016, 10:52:09 PM
EPISODE 04: Simulcast | Chapter 03: Loyalty | Spacedock Visual Guide

Hi there! After getting a request for it, I have made the below visual guide for the current situation in the spacedock inside SB84.


Click the image for full resolution ( and please PM me or reply here if you have any questions! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 28, 2016, 11:16:29 PM
New Poll posted! (Link) (

Please click above and submit your vote within 7 days. Thank you! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on September 30, 2016, 04:22:50 AM
Best laid plans of mice and men - got sick Wednesday evening. Still riding it out. Will try to post  in the next few days.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: The Counselor on October 02, 2016, 12:42:14 AM
Sorry to hear you're sick, Brutus.  Feel better soon.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on October 06, 2016, 12:22:14 AM
Hi everyone, been swamped at work and home lately. Sorry for the delay. Will try to get a reply up before this week's end. Please bear with me a bit more.

Mathilda Week-Shod
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on October 06, 2016, 03:13:01 AM
No worries, Triage, we've all been there :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: DocReno on October 06, 2016, 05:20:42 AM
I'm with you on that one, Triage

(-heads back into Universitywork insanity-)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on October 07, 2016, 02:27:33 PM
Hey Folks,

Gonna try to get caught up tag wise but this weekend is Canadian Thanksgiving so some of us north of the 49th will be in a Turkey coma this coming weekend. :) If I don't get tags out before end of day, I shall tag when I regain consciousness.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on October 09, 2016, 04:21:23 AM
Edited my latest post. Hope it wasn't too much. But Havenborn and Kaligos, something for you both. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on October 09, 2016, 11:46:29 AM
Hi guys, (and girls and other invited transgendered species)

Just to apologise about my slow progress this last week or so. I'm a bit ill and been travelling but I'm going to try to get out as many posts as possible within the next week.

Take care,
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on October 09, 2016, 06:43:26 PM
So I almost didn't notice, but thanks to some pointers on the site and Skype I feel the urge to say this.

Happy Birthday to Lucan!

Seeing he's probably one of the biggest wheels (if not the engine) of our RP group. I think he deserves a special Hooray on this day! :D

Thought I'd share it with you guys ^^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on October 10, 2016, 01:36:10 AM
Hey so Nathan is out of the Brig, and while I know it's a little late to ask this, but does anyone want to have a talk with the former pilot?

There's still a day and a bit left to have a chat with the oldest Chief Petty Officer on the ship?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on October 11, 2016, 11:28:58 AM
Informative message for all:

I'll be out on holidays with limited to no internet usage from today till sunday. So expect delays if you're waiting for a reply from me.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on October 12, 2016, 05:33:50 PM
Happy birthday, Auctor! Hope you're having a blast with friends and family!

And Kaligos, if no one else has offered yet, I'll be happy to.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on October 12, 2016, 10:04:51 PM
Hey Folks,

Quick heads up that I will be delayed a few days getting my tags responded to. I picked up a bug from my 4yr old Nephew and not sure if it's a cold or a flu (bad cold if it isn't flu) so I've been working half days and passing out when I get home. Gotta love NyQuil ( ) and Coffee ( ) (Warning: It's Dennis Leary, nuff said)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on October 13, 2016, 07:47:46 PM
A few days ago I sent the following message to Auctor lucan over skype

"I deeply apologize for delaying the RP but I think I dont really have any time for the RP anymore.  I wish I could stay up with it but I am finding less and less time to devote to a long term RPG.  I would be glad to continue to be around as a second opinion on ship design ideas and story developments.  I just dont think I will have much if any time to RP in the near future.  As for selena and aisha I'll let you decide what to do with them.
 As for miles my preference is that you NPC him as necessary.  Near the end of the battle I was thinking something could happen and for the theurgy to get away Miles remains behind to fend off what he can as a distraction or something.  THis would allow a scenario where he is MIA for as long as necessary.
Though no one knows it I would imagine he gets away from the fight but has no clue where the Theurgy went.  I imagine in the process he returns to his home world knowing he has nowhere else to go for the moment.  I imagine if the RP is still around after my nursing school is done and I have a job nursing I may be able to come back to it.  I estimate this may be a few years though for that."

I want to assure everyone that despite leaving the RP for what will likely be a long while that I enjoyed every second of it and I am only doing so due to a lack of spare time to devote to Roleplay.  Nursing school can be difficult after all.  Honestly this is the best RP I have ever been a part of and i sincerely hope that once I finish nursing school that the RP is still around for me to rejoin.  I will still occasionally pop into the OOC here hopefully.   Anyways I hope everything in the rp continues to go great until I am able to return to posting.   You have no idea how much I have enjoyied roleplaying with you all and building this story.  I really hope most of you are still around when i come back.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on October 13, 2016, 08:04:17 PM
Iron, it was good to have you around for the few threads that we did together. I wish we had more chances to work together.

You are a great writer, but really I'm just happy to hear that you will be following something important to you. Nursing school is very difficult, I've known a few people who have gone through it, and I have to say I'm always impressed by people who go down that path. It is a tiring one, but damn if it isn't worth it.

Good luck in all future endeavors, we will miss you.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on October 14, 2016, 02:25:39 AM
This is a huge loss for us Iron but RL marches on.  It's going to be hard, since you were not the designer for much of the tech that the characters use.  I feel like one of the producers for the TV show died.  Good luck in all your endeavors. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on October 14, 2016, 08:15:55 AM
So sad to see you leave Iron, though I completely understand.  I have a lot of friends who went into nursing and I've heard all sorts of storied from them on how much focus and effort it took to keep up with their schooling.

Good luck with things, and I know we'all be ready and waiting if you get a chance to return to the Pack.  Have a howl on us ^^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 14, 2016, 12:22:06 PM
Like others have said before me, it is so sad to see you leave us after all these years, IronFerrox, but we hope to have you back sooner rather than later. Your enthusiasm and dedication to this story we have been writing for over five years will be sorely missed. Also, I think you know - just as well as the rest of us - that this adventure our characters are on would never have been the same without you. Thank you for bowing out as gracefully as you have, and you have my word that Miles Renard will be available (if Missing-in-Action) at the time you return to us.

Likewise, I look forward to keep chatting with you online whenever you find the time. Of course you are welcome to post here in the OOC whenever you want, because Star Trek: Theurgy will be here for many years to come.

In this regard, Aisha S'Ithi and Selena Ravenholm are both available for inheritance. Here is the generic announcement in that regard, but I do hope you guys are interested in taking over either of these fantastic characters of IronFerrox's.


If anyone who would like to to take over either of these character below, and both 1) doesn't have too many characters and 2) also can keep up posting for another one, should contact me with such a request over PM. As always, my policy on this is very loose, meaning that the one who cries out first and I think can keep up with playing the character gets to inherit him/her. If there are no takers, the characters will be will still be kept as NPCs that are available to be played for all writers in the Group (within reason, of course) until they are put in stasis or killed during the battle to come. I will personally handle any threads that needs to be finished, playing these NPCs as required.

Here they are, with links to their character pages:

( Lt. Aisha S'Iti              Chief Conn Officer
  - Played by IronFerrox

( PWO Selena Ravenholm         Communication Specialist
  - Played by IronFerrox

Please PM me with your interest as soon as possible. :)

Now, brace yourselves for something that doesn't happen every day...


I realise, as I write this, that literally no one is still around from the time when MasterRat last wrote with us. He was with us right from the start, participating in the beginning of Episode 01. Brutus joined shortly after MasterRat left us, so I suppose it is only I who recall how good a writer MasterRat was (is). I particularly remember a great scene where his primary character - Chief Engineer Nolak Kalmil - preformed a spacewalk where he sealed a hull breach with a structural integrity field, only to get injured at the end. The details escape me now, five years having passed since then. Those who have read our PDF books, like Arista and ch'Xinya, might remember reading about Nolak Kailmil, though.

MCPO Nolak Kalmil - Former Chief Engineer
( (

So, after the Theurgy visited the Black Opal, Doctor Nicander got his hands on the right kind of prosthetic vertebrae that Nolak needed in order to be restored from stasis and to a life not reduced to being a vegetable on a biobed. During one of the later days in Interregnum 03-04, Doctor Nicander will preform the surgery, and after that, we will set things up so that Nolak has a place and task during Episode 04. Since Billy Bob O'Connell is beaming over to Starbase 84, it does make sense that Kalmil remains in Main Engineering.

As to who gets to be Chief Engineer now that Nolak returns, it will be settled as we go along writing his recovery. Doc M., check your inbox for more info on that. :)

MasterRat is only returning with Nolak, because his secondary character (Lawrence O. Lance ( was accidentally killed by ThanIda zh'Wann at the end of Episode 01. Here is the link to Nolak Kalmil's character page: MCPO Nolak Kalmil ( Updated character images are in the making.

Anyway, welcome back to the story MasterRat, and I hope you'll be able to stay with us this time around!


After having conducted a poll about the potential interest for this kind of writing opportunity, it became clear that a lot of people were interested in writing scenes that would fit best on this board.

Link: Director's Cut Board (

This board serves as a place where all our writers are can write scenes that didn't make it into the main story-line of Star Trek: Theurgy.

These scenes could, for example be:
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: MasterRat on October 14, 2016, 07:55:54 PM
Oh man, missed opportunity for great RP from the biobed,

Nurse fetch my soup with a straw please, oh and my bedpan needs changing.  :P

As for those old post, I should reconfigure them a bit, my writing was ok, but the spacing was horrid noob work and made my eyes bleed  >.<

Thanks for the awesome intro Auctor Lucan, glad to be back, great artwork as well.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on October 14, 2016, 08:45:24 PM
Been swamped all week. Hoppppefully i'll get to do some posts this weekend but it is debatable. We're getting in to that really busy time at work.

IronFerrix - its a shame to see you go, but RL trumps any of this. I wish you the absolute best of luck with your classes :)

Master Rat - Holy crap I remember reading some of your posts when i was playing catch up before posting myself; welcome back.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on October 15, 2016, 08:31:19 AM
From someone who has left and returned, IronFerrox, I know how much of a jerk Real Life can be, so I wish you the very best in all your endeavours. And I hope we will get to see you again soon


OOOH SELENA RAVENHOLM! QUICK! Someone grab her! Do it! Grab her! Save the cyborg! DO IT!


DO EET! Because you are a wonderful, awesome person! Do it! ADOPT THE CYBORG!

What the hell was in those mushrooms?!?

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Zenozine on October 15, 2016, 08:50:22 AM
Well welcome back MasterRat, we never met and I hope we might cross paths here, and considering the medical nature of YC's return he might cross paths with one of mine for checkups after this mission.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: MasterRat on October 15, 2016, 10:04:20 PM
Thanks man,

I'll set my phaser to stun and poke you with a stick.  "Is it alive, smells dead to me"
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on October 16, 2016, 08:12:00 PM
Welcome back Masterrat, interesting to see one of the eldest faces returning to the Rp. Looking forward to playing with you!

Alas, I also feel sadness to see you leave Iron. As a nurse practitioner however, I wish you the best of luck during your training! I know how hard and how much it takes at times. Also, if you'd need any advise or help, feel free to message me up :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Mathis on October 17, 2016, 08:10:00 AM
Never got a chance to write with you, Iron, but all the best wishes in your schooling and training, it'll all be worth it and I look forward to your possible return. :)

Welcome, MasterRat. I'm still new around here, but I look forward to our characters meeting at some point.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 18, 2016, 11:33:55 PM

Your call was answered, Triage!

With IronFerrox leaving us, and with chXinya showing great interest in Selena Ravenholm, he will take over her as his character as of this day, and play her in full as if she was a character of his own. The policy, as I've said, was 'first dibs', so after chXinya have read up on Ravenholm and re-read some posts where she was featured, he will be able to be posting with her quite soon.

Good luck with your new character, chXinya!

( PWO Selena Ravenholm         Communication Specialist
  - Played by chXinya

In other news, we have two new characters incoming, both entering the story via the Black Opal. As soon as the character application processes are finished, they will be announced here. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 19, 2016, 03:17:48 AM
Oh, hey, guys. You know what? We happened to pick up a Gorn at the Black Opal. Yeah, and... um... he is in Engineering too. So, O'Connell, he is your responsibility now. Deal with it. ;)


( PO2 Sithick                  Engineer
  - Played by Kaligos

There is also a Gorn page coming up on the Wiki, but it is not quite finished yet. It will be announced when it is, though.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: MasterRat on October 19, 2016, 03:24:04 AM
A GORN!    *plays the music from the Arena episode of Star Trek original series!

Watches Kirk lose his shirt again.

Holy hell in a hand basket! thats flipping awesome!



p.s.  Awesome News for the Android, good luck and many great rp to both chXinya, and Kalogos.  
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 19, 2016, 11:40:39 PM

Hi there everyone! Kalashnikov 3D has agreed to host two models for us on Sketchfab, this being the Mk III Valkyrie and the Interceptor. They can be found below by just klicking the images. Have fun twisting and turning them around all you like.

Sadly some details were lost in the translation from Blender to Sketchfab, but most of it is there anyway. Don't forget that you can pan the lighting in the viewer by using ALT + the left mouse button. Click the ? for more control options.

( (

( (

These demo viewers are of course available on the Wiki too, accessible in the technical specifications pages.



Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on October 20, 2016, 12:59:04 AM
A GORN!    *plays the music from the Arena episode of Star Trek original series!

Watches Kirk lose his shirt again.

Sir Alexander Dane: I see you've managed to get your shirt off.

Is it too late for some Thermians to make a cameo on SB84?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on October 20, 2016, 01:01:29 AM
Galaxy Quest is still the greatest movie ever made.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 26, 2016, 09:03:48 PM

Hi there everyone! We have a new member! Today, Even Angels Cry (;u=1464) joins us with the Black Opal's dedicated shuttle pilot, Jaya Thorne. She came aboard the Theurgy on Day 04 in the Interregnum, and a new thread will be posted on that board for both Jaya Thorne and Sithick, where the personnel on the Black Opal learn the truth about Starfleet Command and conform to the Theurgy's objective and Captain Ives' command.

( PO1 Jaya Thorne              CONN Officer
  - Played by Even Angels Cry

In Episode 04, with some training for it on the Theurgy since she came aboard, Jaya Thorne will be piloting the Allegiant. Her old commander on the Opal (Jennifer Dewitt ( is the officer in charge on the scoutship, along with many other known people from the Opal. Besides Jaya, Kaligos' new character Sithick will be down in the warp core room on the Allegiant together with Cadets Zhong Wu and Vitaly Stanimir ( The Engineering Officer on the bridge of the Allegiant is Sithick's old superior officer on the Black Opal, Ensign T'sebl Felr (

Here is the link to the post in Episode 04 which both Even Angels Cry and Kaligos can post in reply to:

The post has been edited to include Thorne at the helm and Sithick down in the warp core room.

Welcome Even Angels Cry and I look forward to writing with you!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on October 26, 2016, 09:40:57 PM
Woo!! Welcome to the fold Even Angels!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on October 26, 2016, 09:51:49 PM
Hi hi hi!  I'm looking forward to writing with you!  And I know my username is long, so EAC seems to work best cuz its only 3 letters!  lol ^_^

Im so excited to bring Jaya aboard!  Thanks for having me!!

~ EAC/Angels/Keiko
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on October 27, 2016, 12:12:22 AM
Welcome aboard the ship! Hope you'll enjoy your time with us, that is if we don't kill ourselves in the current chapter :D
Looking forward to playing with you and all the rest of the chars joining us!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on October 27, 2016, 12:34:06 AM
Hey, thanks for joining us EAC. I'm sure you'll feel like part of the family pretty darn soon! We're a friendly lot over here

If you want any helping catch up on the history or want a partner to write with, let us know. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on October 27, 2016, 01:09:38 AM
@.@ thank you!  there's so much  history! it's daunting!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Julia on October 28, 2016, 11:38:50 PM
Welcome on board EAC! =)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: MasterRat on October 28, 2016, 11:58:41 PM
All your base are belong to us!
Take off every zig!

So greetings and salutations, Even Angels Cry.  Hope you enjoy, and stay a while. May all your RPs be with a smile.

Peace and fun travels,
Master of Rodents aka an idiot typing at a keyboard.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on October 30, 2016, 03:57:26 PM
Christ work has been hell the past two weeks. 60 hour work weeks say what?

To our newest member, Welcome! I saw Lucan post up the full scale images for your girl on DevArt - as I told him there, she got the booty ;) looking forward to getting to play with you. Also looking forward to seeing how a GORN! fits on the ship :D (I may have been watching Arena on tv Friday might, maybe >.>).

Playing some catch up in post reading today. Not sure if i'll get posts up or not ,but Looking forward to seeing where we are, and if i can cook up something useful from my characters :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vystori on October 30, 2016, 08:35:42 PM
Hey there Angels.. Let me tell you I was super intimidated too when I first joined up.. I still constantly ask Lucan for help. xD But I'm betting you'll do just fine here. Welcome aboard and have fun~ <3

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on October 31, 2016, 02:48:06 AM
How a Gorn fits on a starship?  Very carefully to avoid cracking his skull on door coamings?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on November 01, 2016, 12:25:33 AM
A Gorn walks into a bar. Carrigan Trent grins and ducks under it.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on November 01, 2016, 07:12:45 AM
You guys are so nice!  Ok now i must go make posts!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 02, 2016, 04:02:51 PM

As you all want me to do it, I took the time to compile a new overview so that everyone knows what's next for them. Don't forget the threads Inner Space and the Accipiter, for example, where a lot more people can participate.I will be sending out individual posting notices too, all in friendly spirit and not meant to nag at you all. :)

Below is a list with all the threads in the Interregnum and Episode 04, sorted chronologically with the oldest one first. The threads in green are finished already and the yellow ones are on-going. Also, all these are links to click which ought to make it easy for those who wish to browse and read the story too. PO means Posting Order (if applicable, and always suggestions/recommendations).


DAY 01

DAY 01: Time Judges All [0500 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Healing | Part 1 [0730 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Rejuvenation [0900 hrs.] (
DAY 01: The Path Ahead [0915 hrs.] (
DAY 01: New Life [1000 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Lost in the Mind [1015 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Encouragement [1115 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.] (
DAY 01: SAR Away-Mission [1150 hrs.] (
DAY 01: A Fresh Start | Part 1 [1230 hrs.] (
DAY 01: A Fresh Start | Part 2 [1240 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Meeting of the Minds [1300 hrs.] (
DAY 01: The First of Many Propositions [1400 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Healing | Part 2 [1840 hrs.] (
DAY 01: An Empty Pack [2030 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Off-Duty Treatment [2030 hrs.] (
DAY 01: A Quiet Chat [2100 Hrs] (

DAY 02

DAY 02: Goldeneye’s Confession [0700 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Back From the Dead [0800 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Critical Vacancy [1230 hrs.] (
DAY 02: In Remembrance [1200 hrs.] (
DAY 02: A Friendly Chat [1300 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Mistress-at-Arms [1400 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Digital Relations [1500 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Healing | Part 3 [1830 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Poker Night [2000 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Houseguest [0130 hrs.] (

DAY 03

DAY 03: Unfinished Business [0610 hrs.] (
DAY 03: Phasmids [0900 hrs.] (
DAY 03: The Beginning Of A New Life [1100 hrs.] (
DAY 03: Twitching [1100 hrs.] (
DAY 03: Between Meetings [1200 hrs.] (
DAY 03: The Accipiter [1400 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Anyone! [glow=red,2,300]Social Commentary Wanted![/glow]
DAY 03: Well-Earned Recognition [1500 hrs.] (
DAY 03: New Hire [1500 hrs.] (
DAY 03: Midnight Oil [2345 hrs.] (

DAY 04

DAY 04: Weapon Storage Raid [0750 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Aftermath [1300 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Obligations & Priorities [1305 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Opalescent Integration [1315 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Auctor Lucan
DAY 04: Scotch & Fire [1400 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Jumping the Shark [1421 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Doc M.
DAY 04: Re-Connection [1600 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Free Images [1630 hrs.] ( Next Poster: ch'Xinya
DAY 04: The Flutter of a Pair of Wings [1750 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Yeoman & Suspect [1830 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Question of Wolven Error [1900 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Subconscious Repression [1955 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Hidden Forces [2000 hrs.] ( Next Poster: FollowTomorrow
DAY 04: Recuperation [2130 hrs.] ( Next Poster: CanadianVet

DAY 05

DAY 05: Keeping Balance [0630 hrs.] (
DAY 05: Resuming Duties [0900 hrs.] ( Poster: Zenozine
DAY 05: Creature Comforts [0930 hrs.] ( Poster: Triage
DAY 05: Sheep in Wolf's Clothing [1200 hrs.] (
DAY 05: Alien Therapy [1400 hrs.] ( Next Poster: The Counselor & Doc M. (joint-post)
DAY 05: Redux [1400 hrs.] (
DAY 05: The Crossroads [1430 hrs.] ( Poster: DocReno (Revision)
DAY 05: Changing Ways [1500 hrs.] ( Poster: Kaligos
DAY 05: Climax Jump [1740 hrs] (

DAY 06

DAY 06: Late Night Liaison [0045 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Arista
DAY 06: A Chief Returns [0600 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Doc M.
DAY 06: For Sake of the Galaxy [1500 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Nolan
DAY 06: Fighting Shadows [1600 hrs.] (
DAY 06: Good Old Times [2100 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Arista
DAY 06: A Special Request [2245 hrs.] ( Next Poster: DocReno
DAY 06: Inner Space ( Next Poster: [glow=red,2,300]Everyone who hasn't posted yet![/glow]


PROLOGUE: Homecoming (
CHAPTER 01: Tensions Rising (
CHAPTER 02: Crucible (listed by characters) (
- Main Bridge: 1) Tovarek 2) Stark+Sarresh
- Transporter Room 01 (Boarding Team 01): 1) Wenn Cinn 2) FollowTomorrow 3) Kaligos 4) ch'Xinya
- Transporter Room 02 (Boarding Team 02): Chief O'Connell
- Transporter Room 03 (Boarding Team 03): Ryuan Sel
- Sickbay (Entrance): 1) Heather McMillan 2) Free Posting (Open for ideas)
- Stellar Cartography: Shall (a lot of activity "on the horizon")
- USS Allegiant: Jaya Thorne (evasive manouvres)
- Lone Wolves Squadron: 1) Husker (also NPCing Fasha) 2) Doc M. (also NPCing Hurl) 3) Iron Fox + Rawley

CHAPTER 03: Loyalty (
- SS Sabine: 1) Sera vers Aldnoah 2) Hi'Jak
- Bridge: Very Loose Posting Order (none, really): Kendrick, Suq, A'vura, Veradin, Parnak, Ejek
- Landing in Fighter Assault Bay: 1) Krystal Tancredi 2) Daniel Havenborn (Keval ordered to stay in cockpit after landing)
- Docking Pylon: Ian Hawthorne/base Security (in response to Komial)
- Aerowing: K'Ren (Re-docking with the Resolve, then heading to the Fighter Assault Bay)

There we go! I will be sending out personal posting reminders too. :)


More eye-candy for you all. :)

[ Click for Full Size at DeviantArt ] ([i)

[ Click for Full Size at DeviantArt ] ([i)

[ Click for Full Size at DeviantArt ] ([i)

[ Click for Full Size at DeviantArt ] ([i)

I would love some feedback on these two. :)


Indeed! Doc M. has gone out of his way and made sure to collect all mentioned starships in character backgrounds and put them into a Category on our Wiki. Here it is, and its quite a lot of ships!

Link: Starships (

Some fun coincidences has become clear with this work, one - for example - being that Daniel Havenborn and the late Sjaandin Fedd served on the same ship, namely the USS Persephone (

Doc M. is doing fantastic work on the Wiki and it would never have been the same as it is without him. I can but tip my hat in gratitude. Well, that and making him a new character image for Chief O'Connell :)



Since we are stokcing up on a lot of ships, I figured I'd just as well make an account of my own instead of having Omardex and Kalashnikov 3D host our models for us. So here it is, our own new page (yet to be listed on the Wiki):

Link: Star Trek: Theurgy on Sketchfab (

So far we have these models there:
- SS Sabine NX-59846
- AC-507 Reaver-class Warp Fighter
- AC-409 Valkyrie-class Warp Fighter
- AC-347 Knight-class Interceptor
- Tovarek-class FTR Drone

Omardex will be uploading Thea (in SOM and MVAM) this week, along with the Allegiant and the Gryphon fighter. Take your time and have a look. :)


For last, I can say that one of my secret projects are developing nicely, and I hope to stun you all soon with the reveal. Also, we now have 600 watchers on DeviantArt, which means that if I would post a character image of yours, that many people have requested to be notified about it. It's really exciting that we have such an audience! Furthermore, we have one potential new member that I am waiting for, a character application in the making.

Hope you all are having a nice time when this finds you and take care!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on November 03, 2016, 03:53:12 AM
Anyone think that tonight's World Series game is one the Siskos will be studying in another 350 years?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 03, 2016, 12:48:38 PM
Heh, well, never watched the world series, sorry.



This page should have come up a long time ago but it got lost among all other things. Arista has kindly helped me out with compiling what is known about this expanded universe weapon, and there will be more pages detailing all other kind of weaponry too. The reason why this weapon is important is because the majority of the characters in the boarding parties on Starbase 84 are using this weapon. It was first referenced in the thread For Sake of the Galaxy (link ( and discussed in that senior staff meeting as a valid option to avoid having phaser fire detected by the base's internal sensors.

Here is the link to the new wiki page:

If people can help out compiling pages for the common phaser weapons and the isomagnetic disintegrator, it would be awesome! Just let me know in that case.

That's all for now! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on November 04, 2016, 05:41:37 PM
Anyone think that tonight's World Series game is one the Siskos will be studying in another 350 years?

Yes. Absolutely. It's been 108 years since the Cubs won a world series!  Their victory was long overdue :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 06, 2016, 12:27:25 PM

Now, Omardex has uploaded the models he has made for us to our account, so we now have all our models in the same place. In sketchfab you can spin and turn the models however you want with your mouse, and it might be helpful wrapping your heads around the design and functionality of the ships in the story. If not, at least they do look cool, don't they? :)

[Click to visit our Sketchfab page] (

I will be adding the page to the Wiki as well, so you'll find the link permanently present there. Hope you all have a nice weekend, and I will be replying to some PMs later tonight since my daughter is having a little birthday celebration.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: MasterRat on November 06, 2016, 02:30:09 PM
It's 5am on a Sunday morning, do you know where your brain is?

Amazing Work Omardex, keep them coming :D Warp Speed ahead!

Face-plant back on a pillow and sleep,

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on November 09, 2016, 10:50:47 PM
Now that results of the American presidential election are in, all I can say is:

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on November 09, 2016, 11:06:18 PM
Regarding yesterday, there isn't much I can say about that.

Except, as they say in Newfoundland: "Whale oil beef hooked".
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on November 09, 2016, 11:19:57 PM

Honestly, I woke up this morning, the sun still came up, my coffee was brewed, my office was where I left it, and my internet didn't explode. So far so good.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on November 11, 2016, 07:47:34 PM
In order to distract myself from current events. I decided to get on with some more wiki editing, Lucan asked me (presumably as security chief!) to help write articles for the weapons we will use on Theurgy So let me present to you the following!


Here is the link to the new wiki page: (

I scowered the internet and various WIKIs to enable this page. I also attempted to clear up all the type-IIIa/b/c/e stuff going on to try to streamline the writing process for all of you. Now, the page is currently a wall of text as it is waiting for lovely pictures from our dear GM, but at least the information is there.

Some of you may be asking yourself "Arista, you admirable and attractive bastard. Where does my favorite Phaser Rifle fit in this new world order?" Well, it's relatively simple, and to prove the point, I've uploaded the visual guide I used myself while putting together the article.

( (

Is there a Red arrow pointing away from your phaser rifle of choice? It's outdated and was replaced by the unit the arrow is pointing to! Unless there is a specific reason why you would have one (Read Sel hoarding the EVA Type-III because she loves them) then I'm afraid you're stuck with the Phaser Rifle as seen in Star Trek: Nemesis.

If you guys have any questions or comments, please let me know. However in future hopefully it's easier for you all to know what type of Phaser you are wielding.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on November 11, 2016, 08:21:34 PM
Cool Arista. :)

I'm going to toss a couple sciency pages up here as well that I put onto the Theurgy site this morning. These are complete except for some formatting and are used with permission from the USS Wolff PBEM RPG (my site).

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on November 11, 2016, 09:59:22 PM
I'm going to toss a couple sciency pages up here as well that I put onto the Theurgy site this morning. These are complete except for some formatting and are used with permission from the USS Wolff PBEM RPG (my site).

That's some really cool information! Good job
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 14, 2016, 03:28:49 PM
Truly magnificent work on all these new Wiki pages people!

With some help from SummerDawn, we also have this new page I have been working on:


We had a uniforms and rank page on House of Eros before we made the Wiki, and it has been on my project list forever to re-make both. Now, with some help with texts from SummerDawn's Wolff Wiki, I got the incentive to complete this new page, which I would love to get some feedback on. I know that this can be expanded upon a lot, but the listed information should be the overall scope regarding Starfleet rank (and uniforms):

Link: Rank & Uniforms (

Note: Yes! The Butterfly Effect has given all female officers a skirt option. ;)

With all the new pages, and this one, I have started a new drop-down menu in the sidebar named General Information, which you can find on the Wiki now but will also soon be added to the link page here on House of Eros. Under General Information, you can now find this rank page as well as the two new ones that SummerDawn has re-made for Star Trek: Theurgy.


I leave you all with this little teaser, which is bound to make you wonder what secret project is in the final stages. :)

( (
[Click For Full Size] (

Posts are upcoming in Crucible and Loyalty.

Have a great day! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 15, 2016, 07:02:50 PM
I am still chipping away at the large posts in Crucible and Loyalty, getting some done between tasks at work, and I might have either or both up later tonight.

In the meantime, here is something Jetfreak-7 on DeviantArt made for us!


Archeron[/i]-Star-Trek-Theurgy-645890137]( ([i)
Archeron[/i]-Star-Trek-Theurgy-645890137][ Click For Full View ] ([i)

We also have a new Wiki page for Task Force Archeron here:

Hope you like it! It was a collaborative effort between Jerfreak-7 and I to make this work, but he had all the models for the render. :) My contribution was nominal in the post-render work.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 21, 2016, 01:02:26 PM

( (

This is something everyone who have characters on the Theurgy should have their characters know about by the time of Day 4 or 5.

Story Excerpt: Captain Ives, The Flutter of a Pair of Wings

"And that is another reason why I have tolerated that unbecoming attitude you hold, but from here on out, I have higher expectations. We are about to reach Starbase 84, and since there are still people aboard this ship that are not convinced this mission is advisable, I will expect you to not fan those flames in any way, because too much is riding on a favourable outcome at the starbase. Unless you have already thought of it, as a Starfleet Officer from the Relativity, people do look up to you, and with your... 'resurrection', the enlisted crew think of you as something of a living and breathing miracle. If you, especially you, act insubordinate towards me in public, then you might spark something among those who have yet to make up their minds about the mission."

It was true, the TAO was getting a bit of a following, and while Ives was not concerned about that in itself, now that Morali was up and about again, his actions would gain a lot more attention than when he was recovering after his reconstructive surgery. There were mixed feelings, of course, because of how he was not human from birth, but what had happened at the acidic lake on Theta Eridani IV had become quite a story. On the Theurgy, alone and exposed as they were, rumours spread at warp speed, and a tale of heroism and self-sacrifice like that of Morali's - misguided as Ives thought his actions had been - they were embellished beyond recognition too. As it were, Ives own involvement was barely mentioned any more.

"All I ask," he said to him, "is that you try to avoid causing another mutiny to the best of your convenience."

- DAY 04: The Flutter of a Pair of Wings [1750 hrs.]

This new following of Sarresh Morali is something I would love if it could be established for foreshadowing reasons, so if you can incorporate that somehow in your posts from Day 04 and onwards, it would be awesome.

Basically, Sarresh Morali getting a dip in acid and made human has made him somewhat of a messiah figure in desperate times for the crew. Added with the fact that he is from the 29th century and fighting for the Theurgy's crew, able to predict when the enemy sends something through a temporal breach, his fate has gotten a lot of attention. (Well, he is not from the 29th centruty, technically, but he has been there and served there before on the USS Relativity, the ship that came to the crew's rescue at the end of the Niga Incident)

As for what the growing cult does, its really harmless at this point, idolising him and putting up images in the lounges, making songs and giving him titles.

Everyone should feel free to expand upon this development however they wish! :)

Character Page:


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 21, 2016, 01:44:15 PM
PS. Wenn Cinn might actually have returned from the dead, but if one might make a Battlestar Galactica comparison between Wenn Cinn and Sarresh Morali, then Wenn Cinn is getting the Starbuck treatment after she returned from the dead - suspected of being a cylon parasite-head. Meanwhile, Morali made the ultimate sacrifice for his mate, and saved the crew from the Niga plants, so he gets the Gaius Baltar treatment (sans harem, at least for the time being, lol).

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on November 22, 2016, 11:46:25 PM
Oh, but harems are fun! Everyone should have one!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: MasterRat on November 24, 2016, 08:54:21 PM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Havenborn on November 24, 2016, 09:13:41 PM
Happy Thanksgiving.

Also Daniel would love to have a harem, not that he'd ever admit that though.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on November 24, 2016, 09:40:13 PM

Happy Thanksgiving to our American comrades. Enjoy yourselves, and remember... Romulan Ale is illegal this side of the neutral zone ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on November 24, 2016, 09:52:52 PM
Happy thanksgiving to our fellow Americans! Also, what's wrong with a harem ^^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on November 24, 2016, 10:13:20 PM
Well, I didn't set out to become space Jesus, but if anyone wants to hop in and get me a harem, I'm all for it ;)

Also, happy thanksgiving
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on November 24, 2016, 10:31:45 PM
Well, I didn't set out to become space Jesus, but if anyone wants to hop in and get me a harem, I'm all for it ;)

I for one welcome our new benevolent overlord.

May his ruling be long and just.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on November 25, 2016, 06:08:04 AM
Hey Everyone.

I keep telling Auctor that Kendrick's post will be up, but the truth is i'm the midst of finals and black friday. come sunday I will have less school too worry about, and a little more freetime but honestly right now i'm just being crushed under the weight of demands.

Oh and happy turkey day to the americans, i currently hate all of you for black friday it was a terrible idea and you know it.

If none of you hear from me it will be because i was trampled to death tomorrow.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: MasterRat on November 25, 2016, 10:20:08 AM
We Americans love you, but we love your money more. :D  Enjoy the stampede be safe out there.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 01, 2016, 02:43:50 AM


Greetings fellow Theurgists! Given the Chapter transition in Episode 04, I reckoned it was time for some news. :)

Furthermore, I wanted to show you all some of our newest additions to the story! I think you will be excited to see some of them at least.


Again, I took the time to compile a new overview so that everyone knows what's next for them. Don't forget the threads Inner Space and the Accipiter, for example, where a lot more people can participate.I will be sending out individual posting notices too, all in friendly spirit and not meant to nag at you all. :)

Below is a list with all the threads in the Interregnum and Episode 04, sorted chronologically with the oldest one first. The threads in green are finished already and the yellow ones are on-going. Also, all these are links to click which ought to make it easy for those who wish to browse and read the story too. PO means Posting Order (if applicable, and always suggestions/recommendations).


DAY 01

DAY 01: Time Judges All [0500 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Healing | Part 1 [0730 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Rejuvenation [0900 hrs.] (
DAY 01: The Path Ahead [0915 hrs.] (
DAY 01: New Life [1000 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Lost in the Mind [1015 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Encouragement [1115 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.] (
DAY 01: SAR Away-Mission [1150 hrs.] (
DAY 01: A Fresh Start | Part 1 [1230 hrs.] (
DAY 01: A Fresh Start | Part 2 [1240 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Meeting of the Minds [1300 hrs.] (
DAY 01: The First of Many Propositions [1400 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Healing | Part 2 [1840 hrs.] (
DAY 01: An Empty Pack [2030 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Off-Duty Treatment [2030 hrs.] (
DAY 01: A Quiet Chat [2100 Hrs] (

DAY 02

DAY 02: Goldeneye's Confession [0700 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Back From the Dead [0800 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Critical Vacancy [1230 hrs.] (
DAY 02: In Remembrance [1200 hrs.] (
DAY 02: A Friendly Chat [1300 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Mistress-at-Arms [1400 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Digital Relations [1500 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Healing | Part 3 [1830 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Poker Night [2000 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Houseguest [0130 hrs.] (

DAY 03

DAY 03: Unfinished Business [0610 hrs.] (
DAY 03: Phasmids [0900 hrs.] (
DAY 03: The Beginning Of A New Life [1100 hrs.] (
DAY 03: Twitching [1100 hrs.] (
DAY 03: Between Meetings [1200 hrs.] (
DAY 03: The Accipiter [1400 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Anyone! [glow=red,2,300]Social Commentary Wanted![/glow]
DAY 03: Well-Earned Recognition [1500 hrs.] (
DAY 03: New Hire [1500 hrs.] (
DAY 03: Midnight Oil [2345 hrs.] (

DAY 04

DAY 04: Weapon Storage Raid [0750 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Aftermath [1300 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Obligations & Priorities [1305 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Opalescent Integration [1315 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Even Angels Cry
DAY 04: Scotch & Fire [1400 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Jumping the Shark [1421 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Doc M.
DAY 04: Re-Connection [1600 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Free Images [1630 hrs.] ( Next Poster: ch'Xinya
DAY 04: The Flutter of a Pair of Wings [1750 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Yeoman & Suspect [1830 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Question of Wolven Error [1900 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Subconscious Repression [1955 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Hidden Forces [2000 hrs.] ( Next Poster: FollowTomorrow
DAY 04: Recuperation [2130 hrs.] (

DAY 05

DAY 05: Keeping Balance [0630 hrs.] (
DAY 05: Resuming Duties [0900 hrs.] ( Poster: Zenozine
DAY 05: Creature Comforts [0930 hrs.] ( Poster: CanadianVet
DAY 05: Sheep in Wolf's Clothing [1200 hrs.] (
DAY 05: Alien Therapy [1400 hrs.] ( Next Poster: The Counselor (joint-post)
DAY 05: Redux [1400 hrs.] (
DAY 05: The Crossroads [1430 hrs.] (
DAY 05: Changing Ways [1500 hrs.] ( Poster: Arista
DAY 05: Climax Jump [1740 hrs] (

DAY 06

DAY 06: Late Night Liaison [0045 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Arista
DAY 06: A Chief Returns [0600 hrs.] ( Next Poster: MasterRat (Revision)
DAY 06: For Sake of the Galaxy [1500 hrs.] (
DAY 06: Fighting Shadows [1600 hrs.] (
DAY 06: Good Old Times [2100 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Brutus
DAY 06: Memories [2230 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Nolan
DAY 06: A Special Request [2245 hrs.] ( Next Poster: DocReno
DAY 06: Inner Space ( Next Poster: [glow=red,2,300]Everyone who hasn't posted yet![/glow]


PROLOGUE: Homecoming (
CHAPTER 01: Tensions Rising (
CHAPTER 02: Crucible (listed by characters) (
CHAPTER 03: Loyalty (
CHAPTER 04: Usurpation (
 - Boarding Team 01: Suggested PO: 1) Wenn Cinn 2) Ravenholm 3) Isley 4) Cardamone
 - Boarding Team 02: Suggested PO: 1) O'Connell 2) Thea
 - Boarding Team 03: Suggested PO: 1) Sel 2) Hawthorne 3) zh'Wann
 - Shuttlebay 17-C: Suggested PO: 1) Komial 2) Hi'Jak 3) Sera

CHAPTER 05: Battle of Starbase 84 (
 - Vector 01 of the Theurgy| Main Bridge: 1) Natalie Stark + Sarresh Morali 2) Carrigan Trent 3) Tovarek
 - Vector 02 of the Theurgy | Main Sickbay: 1) Doc M. taking command 2) Heather MacMillan 3) Hylota & Vinata Vojona 4) Hayden O'Connor
 - Vector 03 of the Theurgy | Main Engineering: 1) Lin Kae 2) Rihen Neyah + Carla Abner 3) Nolak Kalmil
 - Lone Wolves Squadron: 1) Husker 2) Goldeneye 3) Iron Fox & Ghost
 - USS Resolve | Main Bridge: 1) Six & A'vura 2) Tristan Kendrick 3) Keval ch'Rayya 4) Depends on Development
 - USS Resolve | Fighter Assault Bay: After Kendrick's/Keval's post 1) Havenborn 2) K'Ren 3) Krystal Tancredi
 - USS Allegiant: 1) Jaya Thorne 2) Sithick

There we go! I will be sending out personal posting reminders too. :)


This project is a work-in-progress, where Kalashnikov is helping us making a pulse phase pistol. Here is the current state of the 3D model, and as you can see, it's only a geometry without texture at this point. I sure would love to get feedback on this project at this stage!

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[ Click For Sketchfab 3D View] (

During the Dominion war, it became apparent that single beam particle weapons were ineffective against large groups of Jem'Hadar. As such, Starfleet Security desired the ability to fire multiple short pulses of energy. The Type-III rifle was easily modified with a change of beam emitter, but due to the smaller size, the Type-II hand phaser was unable to be modified in such a way. With the need of a small weapon for use in close combat situations with the capability of pulse fire, the variant Type-II Pulse Phase Pistol was created. Not only to be easily distinguishable between the conventional Type-II and the pulse fire variant, but to also account for an increased need for stability and accuracy, this Type-II weapon took design elements of more traditional handheld weapons, incorporating a pistol-like grip and hard sight points along the top of the device.

Because of the difference in shape and fire pattern, Starfleet personnel required further training on this weapon in addition to standard phaser proficiency. As such, the Type-II Pulse Phase Pistol was standardly reserved for Security and Tactical Conn personnel. /Wiki text by Arista


Now, here is something I have shown you a sample of earlier, and I hope you will like...

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Wiki Link:
Sketchfab Link:
DeviantArt Link:

This is the first iteration of the Valravn-class Warp Fighter. With origins in the Interceptor Program, which gave Starfleet the Knight-class Interceptors, this fighter was designed to make the interceptor role in Starfleet obsolete. This, in how it is the perfect combination between an space superiority fighter and a fast response interceptor. The Valravn are capable of fast response, territorial defence, but also prolonged engagements. They can strike fast, hard and then regroup for another pass if so necessary, and like traditional space superiority fighters - like the Valkyries - their high manoeuvrability can also hold their own in a dogfight.

The Valravn-class Warp Fighters is the kind of crafts that are commissioned to the Vesta-class USS Orcus, and the 16 crafts are the only ones assembled. As for who is the commanding officer of the Orcus... that you all have to see soon. *grins* In the meantime, I suggest you read up on these on the Wiki.

The original design was inspired by a sketch made by David Heidhoff (, and with his and his client Brian Choi's consent, I had this fighter commissioned by Kalashnikov. The model was made in Blender and rendered in VRay.


Latest Wallpaper: "Into the Celestial Glare"
[ Click for Full Size at DeviantArt ] ([i)

Latest Character Study: "Sel"
[ Click for Full Size at DeviantArt ] (

Just some eye-candy, heh. HoE site rules does allow for this modest amount of nudity in images, so I thought I'd show this piece from the boudoir in the newsletter here too.


[ Click for Full Size ] (

Arista got inspired and updated the layout for the Theurgy's Security Office! I'd say it is a great improvement, and I was very happy to see it. Take a look and see for yourselves.


I am really, really excited about the development in Episode 04. Finally the Resolve and the Theurgy are out of the starbase, and the Battle of Starbase 84 can truly begin. Likewise, on the base, its just a little bit further for the boarding teams to reach their main objectives. It's going to be great, and I hope you all share my enthusiasm. There is a lot of story intrigue in store for you all...

Hope you all are having a nice time when this finds you and take care!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vystori on December 01, 2016, 09:07:40 AM
Hey guys I'm just giving a quick update on something..

It seems as though my gallbladder might be failing. I've been pretty sick now for almost 2 months and it's progressively getting worse. I know I'm up for posting and I'm going to try and have something for you all on Friday, however, if I get much worse than I have been getting I'll likely go to the ER to expedite things and either get treatment for it or have it surgically removed instead. I'll do my best to keep you all posted, and if not, I'll at least leave a note with Lucan and he has my written consent to relay what I tell him here to you all.

Best regards,
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 01, 2016, 09:20:45 AM
Thank you for the update here Vystori. I think I speak for many here when I say I hope you'll get better soon, and if you have to go in for an operation, my thoughts will be with you and I hope you'll have a painless recovery. Many hugs!

As for the posting order, I think that given what Mathis has just posted with Derik Veradin on the Resolve, we'll move around the loose posting order set so that FollowTomorrow is next to post with Suq - reacting to the Resolve's inability to go to warp. On Friday, if you are feeling up to it Vystori, then you can chime in with Six and A'vura. Don't worry if you can't make it though!

Looking forward to the feedback people might have on the new fighter and hand phaser etc.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on December 01, 2016, 11:00:24 AM
Praise the maker, I have survived black Friday and all the ridiculousness that goes with it.

I agree with you Kaligos, it is a dumb day, but most stores make more in that single weekend  than they do in the entire first quarter of the year.  And we all know how we Americans like our money. Just look who we picked for president *facepalm*

Vystori, I hope you get better sooner rather than later :) sorry to hear you might be out for a while though.

And Lucan, the images are amazing!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on December 02, 2016, 02:55:17 PM
EAC: I stayed away because quite frankly, there were no good sales to be had. Everything on sale I didn't want, and the couple items I was interested in, not on sale.

Vys: Thoughts are with you girl. Hoping things turn out for the good.

Auctor: Liking the update. Office layouts are cool, but I'm also a blueprint geek so that is expected. Sel's looking hot. Anyone feel the urge to 'exercise' with her?

On the fence about the AC-477. I like the broad winged design as it's akin to the Broadsword class fighter from other Trek Simms I am on. [Show/Hide]
Not so sure about the whole bussard & wing extension out the front as it seems to impact the visual sight lines of the pilot tho. Neat looking craft though, even if it doesn't entirely feel Federation or even Trek to me. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 02, 2016, 02:58:47 PM
No worries, like the Swedish saying goes. Taste is like the ass: split. :)

Oh, but please remember that the sight for the pilot and the RIO is unimpeded because of the TVD function in their helmets.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on December 02, 2016, 03:14:56 PM
Or my fave quote. "Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one." :P

I know the TVD is there but I guess I'm also a purist and the Mark 1's never fail. (Well, they do but if a modern fighter pilot loses them he's fucked anyways.) My pilots also tend to have ground support background so the Mark 1's are extremely usefull even in a modern cockpit with all the HUD & TVD systems available. Speaking of TVD, the latest generation Eurofighter AFAIK has a TVD system now. They moved the HUD display into the helmet and the fighter tracks the pilots head movements. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on December 02, 2016, 03:22:09 PM
Auctor: Liking the update. Office layouts are cool, but I'm also a blueprint geek so that is expected. Sel's looking hot. Anyone feel the urge to 'exercise' with her?

Glad you like the design of our security centre, out of all of us, Sel would probably be the one spending the most time there. (That's why she gets the super cool double desk!)

After staring ridiculously long at the old Security centre design, I wondered what if the bullpen where most security officers used the workstation was circular instead. Everything progressed from that. So far, I'm managed to suggest new designs for Deck 1 and the Security Centre, but don't worry, I promised Lucan that I wouldn't be touching Sickbay! ;)

Also, I'd love to train with Sel, although I'm sure Cinn would be too busy concerned about her gods.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 02, 2016, 03:29:52 PM
Since Even Angels Cry and I posted so closely together in the new thread battle of Starbase 84, its easy to miss what just happened to the USS Resolve. So far, two people missed the post, so I have decided to post it here too.

So, Derik can't make the Resolve jump to warp. Then, Suq reaches the conclusion that ship is sabotaged, and then, I posted this:

[ USS Resolve | Main Bridge | Deck 01 ] Attn: All Resolve Bridge Crew

After the Efrosian made his announcement, another hail came to the Resolve. Once it was opened, Ian Hawthorne's face was seen on the viewscreen.

"Going somewhere, Kendrick?" he said, but there was no jest in his tone - the words belying the darkness in his stare. On the contrary, the fact that the Resolve had tried to flee the battle had been apparent on Starbase 84's sensors, and he did not stay the Sword of Damocles. "You should have surrendered when you had the chance."

Then, the transmission ended, with no chance for a reply.

Within five seconds, the first Interceptor opened fire against them. Then the second, and the third. In short order, the Resolve's shields were bombarded by pulse phaser cannons, Interceptors sweeping across overhead and carving lines into the dorsal hull when the emitters couldn't regenerate the shield quickly enough. Five Interceptors became ten, then fifteen. A whole squadron had made its pass, cutting its mark, a whole pack tearing at the Resolve with its teeth. Within thirty seconds, when the first squadron had made its pass, a second squadron followed. Sixteen more interceptors going for the ventral side of the already damaged Luna-class ship, releasing photon torpedoes into the deflector dish and the starboard nacelle. Without mercy or delay, Commander Jared Salazar had ordered his pilots to take out the Resolve...

...and unless something was done quickly, the shield generators would not keep up, and the ship would be destroyed within minutes.

The lights flickered on the bridge with each jarring impact. Hull breaches sprung where the shields failed all across the ship. Life-signs vanished from the internal sensors. Consoles detonated in bright conflagrations. Sparks rained from the ceiling like sediment sinking to the bottom of a glass. Smoke from fires welled up, and burning plasma shot from the bulkheads. The noise on the bridge was deafening, and warning klaxons were heard on all decks.

On Starbase 84, Captain Hawthorne watched the viewscreen that showed the Resolve's plight - hiding a faint smile as he watched its dance of death.

Just making sure everyone are on the same page. :) Oh... Um... Kendrick or Keval might want to release the wolves by now?


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on December 02, 2016, 07:04:27 PM
Also, I'd love to train with Sel, although I'm sure Cinn would be too busy concerned about her gods.

I don't see why Cenn couldn't at least approach her. From my original read of her before I took her on, I kinda got the impression her belief in the pah wraiths was more a rebellion against the faith she'd been taught growing up then it was a real firm belief in them. And with her I'm kind of steering her towards less of a belief in them, eventually she may just abandon her faith all together or come back into the fold. Just not sure right now.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on December 02, 2016, 07:15:19 PM
Fantastic image's lucan. Vys, as I said earlier, do get better soon. The new security layout is also quite epic.

Sarresh would be happy to have a work out again with Sel at some point ;)

Posts - hopefully up this weekend
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on December 02, 2016, 08:18:24 PM
Hey Brutus,

We survive the assault on the starbase, Sel will give Sarresh whatever sort of workout he wishes.  :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 03, 2016, 03:32:13 AM

It seems the faceless Chief Science Officer on the USS Resolve was a woman, and a really nice lady too!

( Lt Cmdr. Vivian Martin        Chief Science Officer       USS Resolve
( (
  - Played by Hastata-Nerada

Please welcome Hastata-Nerada, our newest Theurgist, whom will be writing Lieutenant Commander Vivian Martin. Hastata-Nerada is an old acquaintance of FollowTomorrow the way I hear it, and a friend of FollowTomorrow is a friend of ours. Welcome aboard!


This is a helpful page for everyone to know about, where some finer details about our story is ironed out. Here it is: LINK (

In short, there are no slipstream drives, we have Tactical CONN and parasites in Starfleet Command etc. etc. Oh, and the parasitic invasion in TNG Episode "Conspiracy" didn't happen. We have used the same premise but made the aliens harder to detect and more nasty, basically. Also, there is some info on the current political situation. Many thanks to Arista for the help with a few sections there!

That's all for this short update!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on December 03, 2016, 03:53:55 AM
Well if "Conspiracy" never happened then that helps explain why no one thinks that such an infestation is possible.

Sorry I've been so quiet everyone, new job on top of holidays really screws up your schedule...
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on December 03, 2016, 09:49:12 AM
Welcome Hastata-Nerada! Thanks for joining us :)

I look forward to writing with you. Don't worry, we're a friendly group here :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on December 03, 2016, 11:59:19 AM
Welcome aboard, Hastata-Nerada! Always fun to get new players. enjoy writing with us!

SummerDawn - looks like sarresh has a whole new incentive for survival XD
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on December 03, 2016, 04:06:55 PM
Welcome to the group Hatasha-Nerada! Looking forward to get some writing done with you ^^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on December 03, 2016, 08:05:44 PM
Hey, thanks for the kind words everyone!

I've been following along for a while, and it's good to finally be here. ^^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on December 03, 2016, 08:14:09 PM
Welcome to the family. Can't wait to meet a new fellow science officer
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on December 04, 2016, 01:16:55 AM
Welcome to the fray Hastata! ^_^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on December 05, 2016, 02:01:25 AM
Welcome welcome welcome Hastata!  Just remember: if you want to make Admiral some day don't be afraid to use your underlings as human shields. ^^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on December 05, 2016, 02:05:46 AM
And that, kids, is how redshirts were invented.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on December 05, 2016, 03:20:23 AM
Heh. The smart ones find ways to avoid VIP & Away Team assignments. :)

Welcome aboard Hastata, BTW. I write K'Ren on the Resolve & Ryuan Sel on the Theurgy.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on December 05, 2016, 05:38:49 PM
hey whats up, lucan showed me the pics for the new fighter ship class.  Not particularly the traditional Federation design but I think i see where he is going with this. 

First off general design wise I freaking love it for the design of a space superiority fighter.  It screams that its built for atmospheric or space conditions, the engines scream that its agile maneuverable and hard to hit.   the way the wings sweep tell me this thing will fly amazingly in an atmosphere.  and the swept forward guns directly tied into the engines can tell me one thing about the general power behind them.  from looks alone this ship is built to channel power strait from engines into weapon systems.  It likely can divert power on the fly dumping excess engine power strait into the guns and vice versa.  essentially Looking at it it looks like something designed for combat and particularly deadly in the hands of a skilled pilot who knows how to utilize the ships design and abilities for their full worth.

From a trek perspective I can see some of the ways its less Federation looking than most however I gotta say dispute the distinctly unique design the componants are clearly standard Federation style just attached with a different aesthetic in mind.  it looks far too deadly and unfriendly to be traditional Federation design but given we are dealing with an invasion within all levels of the Federation who says the aesthetics arent their aesthetics.  its very possible that the change in appearance from the valkyrie isn't just functional but heavially influenced by the federations current puppeteers aesthetic tastes. 

When I was thinking of Wulpinian craft some of my ideas incorperated a swept forward wing design linking guns into engines.  Its possible the Federation was just borrowing a bit of vulpinian starfighter aesthetics from some of their joint projects with them in recent years.  hell who is to say that this couldn't have been part of the result of thinktanks of both factions developing a ship with vulpinian fighter functionality and Federation technology and components. 

either way I like the design it definitely has a fearsome aesthetic and looks like a craft built to kill other crafts of its type.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on December 05, 2016, 05:48:01 PM
When you put it that way IronFerrex, it makes sense.

It doesn't fit my idea of traditional Trek esthetics but as a fighter design independent of that, it does have a certain aggressive quality about it. And as you say, who's to say it doesn't come from a Federation think tank. The Vulpininas, the Caitians, and any number of Federation races may have had some input into it. I could see Caitian influence in the design, pounce on your prey and take them down with a single swift killing strike. High power weapons tied into the engines for that first strike capability.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Mathis on December 06, 2016, 08:20:02 AM
Welcome, Hastata! I write Derik Veradin, the Resolve's helmsman and Sera Vers Aldnoah, a yet independent scavenger caught up in the mess that is SB84. :) I look forward to writing together.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: MasterRat on December 06, 2016, 02:44:05 PM
Greetings and Salutations, Welcome to the party Hastata, may your journey be a pleasant one.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 06, 2016, 05:14:42 PM


Today, Julia informed me that she will likely be too busy to participate in Star Trek: Theurgy in the foreseeable future, perhaps only able to return in the first quarter of 2017. She went ahead and asked Arista to play Ejek for her until she returns, which he agreed to. So, Arista is now playing both the Cardassians on the Resolve's bridge (the other being Slim Parnak, Arista's first character).

Hope you will be able to return to us all sooner rather than later, Julia, and stay safe until then!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 07, 2016, 12:12:45 PM
Oh, in regard to the debate about the AC-477 Valravn looking like a Federation craft or not, excellent points raised about the influx of design elements from all Federation worlds. In the creation of the Tactical CONN crafts for Star Trek: Theurgy, I may have taken liberties with the interpretation of licensed and cannon work to create things that work for us, but in terms of design, I take inspiration from John Eaves and Tarlochan "Han" Randhawa, who made the conceptual work for Star Trek: Invasion (PS1). Haydn Dalton was the Lead Designer and Producer for the game, but it was Han that made the fighter concepts:

Star Trek: Invasion was the Playstation game that originally featured the Mk I Valkyrie ( in Star Trek: Theurgy:


But the Mk I Valkyrie was not the only ship Han designed for the game. He also made these, some used and some not:



Gryphon-class (which was likely the namesake for Andrew Gillespie's design of the Mk II Valkyrie we have (, but looks nothing like the below fighter):

And then, we have Star Trek: Invasion's upgrade of the Mk I Valkyrie, namely the Valor-class (correct me if I got that wrong, but I saw it on Memory Beta):

As you can see, just like the Valravn, this iteration of the Valkyrie fighters does have forward-swept arms, so I maintain that regardless of very plausible Federation member races' influence on the Advanced Starship Design Bureau ('s work, and even if the alien parasites might have something to do with it (aside from the increased resources and means to increase production rate), the conceptual design for the Valravn is not too far off. I was also inspired by David Heidhoff's conceptual images, who's art can be found here (, and specifically his Viper Tech Fighter concept for the game Core Overload:


The above fighter was drawn as an inspirational lodestone for the creators of the game in terms of how the fighters in the game should generally look like, but as far as I am aware, it was never actually a playable fighter in the game. So, I contacted David and spoke with him about making a fighter for our non-profit little fan project here, and when he saw the result, he really liked it. On David's recommendation, since he had made the image above for Core Overload, he asked me to email the game developers as well, and both Brian Choi and Emory Irpan agreed to let us make the Valravn fighter and introduce it to the Star Trek universe.

As you can see, the overall shape of the fighter can be seen in David Heidhoff's art, but what had to be done was to give it Star Trek propulsion systems. So, together with Kalashnikov 3D, I did not just introduce the colour-scheme of the Valkyries and some Federation shuttles, but I fitted it with proper warp nacelles. If you look closely at the Valravn's nacelles, you will see that some elements are reminiscent of Mark Rademaker's Vesta-class starship's nacelles:

( (
[ Image by Mark Rademaker]

The Vesta-class starship is featured in the expanded Trek univesre in terms of novels and Star Trek: Online, but very soon, the vesta-class will play a role in Star Trek: Theurgy.

So, with a long-winded introduction, here is...


( (
[ Vesta-class ship by Mark Rademaker]

Here is the new page on our Wiki, describing this sub-variant of the Vesta-class, a carrier that houses the prototype Valravn fighter:


The USS Orcus is the first ship in this carrier sub-variant line of the Vesta-class, with twenty prototype Valravn-fighters. The Orcus was supposed to join Task Force Archeron and help hunting down the Theurgy. In late February of 2381, the USS Orcus found the task force adrift, orbiting Theta Eridani IV without means of communication or propulsion. As many of you know, the Task Force was victim to a computer virus of Commander Trent's design. It was only with the help of the USS Orcus "clean" software that the entire task force could exit orbit and take up the hunt again. Task Force Archeron immediately set a course towards Starbase 84 - meaning to intercept the USS Theurgy if Captain Jien Ives had decided to put the advanced Theurgy-class starship of in his supposed Romulan masters' hands.

The Orcus is, however, the fastest ship in the Task Force, and will be arriving first on the scene in the Battle of Starbase 84 So, ch'Xinya, feel free to post with Shall detecting this ship on long range sensors, with an ETA of 2 minutes, travelling at its maximum warp factor of 9,98.

Oh, furthermore, DocReno will be playing the Orcus' Commanding Officer NPC, and its Husker's brother: Marcus Alexander Slayton. More info on this NPC will be announced by the time the Orcus appears. :) DocReno is also the one with the idea to introduce another carrier ship at this point in the story, whishing to play Marcus Slayton by doing so, and while I was admittedly a bit hesitant at first, and in the dialogue between him and I, the starship in question and its name has undergone a lot of back-and-forths. In the end, we have ended up with the Orcus, which name is from the same mythology as the name Vesta. Another name that figurated was the USS Challenger, but that name was taken already. Yesterday, DocReno and I were able to finish the Wiki page together, and a huge thank you should go to him for not only making a lot of the page, but convincing me to implement another carrier in the story. Otherwise, the Valravn would not have been so easily introduced...

...not could new applicants be able to enter the story in a new way. Stay tuned, and you will all soon see a new member arriving with the first Valravn-pilot.

Hope this lengthy OOC post finds you all well! :) Thank you again, DocReno , for sticking to your guns.

I just wanted to show you these, since they might, at some later point, be introduced to the story as well:

Klingon Fighter Concept art from Star Trek: Invasion:

Romulan Fighter Concept art from Star Trek: Invasion:

That's all for now! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on December 08, 2016, 02:09:51 AM
I loved playing Invasion back in my younger days!  Was never very good at it though, which is surprising since I was one of the best flight-sim pilots in my circle of friends.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 09, 2016, 12:45:06 AM
Current Posting Order in "Battle of Starbase 84"

Since we have events playing out across a lot of places in the new thread Battle of Starbase 84 (, I feel that we need to try and establish a chronological sequence of events between some of you who are about to post. Therefore, here is a posting order to preserve the space-time continuum and make it easier to write for for everyone, and I have/will have contacted these writers so they know what's afoot:

Current Posting Order
When all the above have posted, I will post with Ives and advance the story to the next phase! *grins in excitement* Then, below, we have ad hoc posters at this short juncture, which can be found below. So, these characters can chime in whenever their writers deem fit during the above order, adding upon the development in the story however they wish. I am available for brainstorming too, of course.

Ad Hoc Posting:
Looking forward to all your posts! CanadianVet, you are not listed above since Ives will be replyig to Trent, and we go from there.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on December 09, 2016, 05:07:40 AM
I don't know if its the same for all of you as it is for me, but as a major fan of Star Trek, actual, flesh and blood astronauts have always held a special place in my heart.

John Glenn died today, and that just sucks :(

I find it unsurprising, but a fitting tribute, that there already exists a USS John Glenn in the expanded Star Trek universe (from the Ships of the Line calendar, 2011)


Godspeed, John Glenn. Welcome to the Final Frontier.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on December 09, 2016, 05:13:31 AM
May he rest in peace.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: MasterRat on December 10, 2016, 10:29:26 PM
We've came a long way since those early days of the Mercury space program. A single cell phone now has more computing power then the whole command center back in those days. They say he's the last American Hero. May his spirit inspire us all to reach for the stars and achieve our goals. Godspeed and may he rest in peace. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on December 10, 2016, 11:04:47 PM
If you hadn't said something here about John Glenn, I wouldn't have known.  It's sad how a Hero like that isn't all over the news when he dies, but our fairweather celebrities are.  He's an amazing man and he inspired generations of kids to grow up and be like him.  I met him once, when I used to live in Florida.  I lived close enough to Kenedey Space Center that I could see the launches from my house, but I did officially attend several.  I tried to go to two or three every year.  I had several friend's families who worked for NASA and I was there with my best friend at the time when John Glenn went back up on the Discovery Shuttle (mission STS-95; October 29, 1998; thank you wikipedia!).  My friend's dad was able to get us special tickets to be in the building when he exited and he shook our hands.  It was an amazing experience and I'll never forget it.

May he find his place among the stars.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 12, 2016, 01:24:20 PM

We have our first character hailing from the USS Orcus! Here she is:

( Lt. JG Devyrie Okhala         Flight Leader               USS Orcus (,_callsign_%27%27Dragon%27%27)
  - Played by Burningtransformation

Welcome aboard Burningtransformation! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on December 12, 2016, 02:09:16 PM
Welcome Burningtransformation!

I hope you enjoy yourself! Don't be afraid to ask any questions you may have. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on December 12, 2016, 02:24:01 PM
Oh hey, freshmeat! Er, I mean, Welcome aboard!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: MasterRat on December 12, 2016, 03:55:13 PM
Welcome Burningtransformation, BTF for short?   Remember, don't press the big shiny red button, I don't know what it does but i'm sure it makes waffles or something. Anyways welcome to the crew and hope you enjoy.  Activate the warp drive and full speed ahead.  Unless this is SW and the hyperdrive always malfunctions.  (I'm sure to get a little flak for this comment).

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on December 12, 2016, 10:21:29 PM
As Patrick Stewart said in his seminal role as Doctor Gandalf the Barbarian: "May the Force ever be in your favour, Mister Potter."
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on December 13, 2016, 05:37:48 AM
Welcome Burningtransformation!

I hope you enjoy yourself! Don't be afraid to ask any questions you may have. :)
Thank you! I appreciate it greatly. The level of detail in this writing is amazing, so I'll be asking lots of questions to keep up the pace :)
Oh hey, freshmeat! Er, I mean, Welcome aboard!!
For some reason I read that as "freshman" and expected a hazing ritual to start. Thanks ;)
Welcome Burningtransformation, BTF for short?   Remember, don't press the big shiny red button, I don't know what it does but i'm sure it makes waffles or something. Anyways welcome to the crew and hope you enjoy.  Activate the warp drive and full speed ahead.  Unless this is SW and the hyperdrive always malfunctions.  (I'm sure to get a little flak for this comment).

BTF works just fine. I respond to lots of things :D
Also, I like waffles-so maybe push the waffle button?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on December 13, 2016, 06:38:45 AM
No Burning I just told you that is the button that kills everyone!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on December 13, 2016, 06:40:14 AM
Does anyone have tape? I want to put some tape over the death button!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on December 13, 2016, 07:12:28 AM
Hi BTF!  We should call you Waffles for short!  Can we call you Waffles?  It's a great name, really!

*steals the button and runs away*

Oh, and Welcome to Theurgy!!  I play Jaya Thorne ^_^  Good luck out there on your new ship and all!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on December 13, 2016, 10:29:11 AM
All these new players! So many people I'd like to RP with :D Welcome BTF/Waffles. Hope we'll meet soon out there in space!

*Lays a banana peel for EAC to trip on, hopefully triggering the kill button accidentally*
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on December 13, 2016, 03:45:08 PM
Welcome everyone!

And posted for Heather and Krystal in the battle. Enjoy!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: MasterRat on December 13, 2016, 09:35:29 PM
Heads up folks, I'm going to be MIA, for the next 4 or 5 days. House sitting for a buddy of mine. I'll work on a few ideas and piece together another post while I'm out and tinker with it once I return. Anyways, you guys have fun and don't do anything crazy like blow me up. Master Chief Kalmil will haunt your souls by putting holes in your soles.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on December 14, 2016, 08:23:07 AM
No Burning I just told you that is the button that kills everyone!
I am Groot.
Does anyone have tape? I want to put some tape over the death button!
Death button? You said it was a waffle button :(
Hi BTF!  We should call you Waffles for short!  Can we call you Waffles?  It's a great name, really!

*steals the button and runs away*

Oh, and Welcome to Theurgy!!  I play Jaya Thorne ^_^  Good luck out there on your new ship and all!
I respond to many names-Waffles is as good as any ;)
Thank you for the welcome. I've been enjoying reading up on the pass missions, the level of detail you all put in to the posts, and found it incredibly enjoyable.
Does your user name refer to a song? I know a song with that line in there.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 14, 2016, 11:48:32 AM
KRK-9009 MK IV Overseer

It is time to show this vessel, which some of you might recognise from Earth's history. :) Here is the link to the Wiki page! (




Some context? Sure. These are the fighter saucers of the Asurian people (

Still no clue? Dyan Cardamone, or Sar-unga Neleo as was her birth name, is an Asurian. She was the alien infiltrator that helped restore Sarresh Morali ( to health, partaking in the Phoenix Project that had to turn him into a human instead of an Ash'reem (

Anyway, Captain Ives and Commander Trent alone knows it, but Ives and Dyan Cardamone managed to convince the Asurian government to help the Theurgy at the Battle of Starbase 84, so when things turn sour, they will call the cavalry. The cavalry, in this instance, being thirty of these Overseer saucers, equipped with graviton beams that can make a real mess in all directions at once.

All credit for the invention of the Overseers goes to FollowTomorrow, who put in a lot of work in researching and compiling the info on these crafts.

As for the saucers, they are not an original design this time, but stock images from shutterstock that I bought. Edits made in Photohop CS5. Same goes for the image of the Sheromi below (who uplifted the Asurians) and the Asurian motherships seen on the updated Asurian page (



Indeed, it is the very aliens in our popular culture. Now with a name. :)

So, a little art, and a little hope for the battle. Hope this finds you all well.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on December 15, 2016, 04:26:38 AM
I hope there's an understanding about where the probes can go...
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on December 15, 2016, 06:18:00 AM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on December 15, 2016, 07:15:48 AM
This looks ridiculously awesome.
KRK-9009 MK IV Overseer

It is time to show this vessel, which some of you might recognise from Earth's history. :) Here is the link to the Wiki page! (




Some context? Sure. These are the fighter saucers of the Asurian people (

Still no clue? Dyan Cardamone, or Sar-unga Neleo as was her birth name, is an Asurian. She was the alien infiltrator that helped restore Sarresh Morali ( to health, partaking in the Phoenix Project that had to turn him into a human instead of an Ash'reem (

Anyway, Captain Ives and Commander Trent alone knows it, but Ives and Dyan Cardamone managed to convince the Asurian government to help the Theurgy at the Battle of Starbase 84, so when things turn sour, they will call the cavalry. The cavalry, in this instance, being thirty of these Overseer saucers, equipped with graviton beams that can make a real mess in all directions at once.

All credit for the invention of the Overseers goes to FollowTomorrow, who put in a lot of work in researching and compiling the info on these crafts.

As for the saucers, they are not an original design this time, but stock images from shutterstock that I bought. Edits made in Photohop CS5. Same goes for the image of the Sheromi below (who uplifted the Asurians) and the Asurian motherships seen on the updated Asurian page (



Indeed, it is the very aliens in our popular culture. Now with a name. :)

So, a little art, and a little hope for the battle. Hope this finds you all well.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Dam025 on December 16, 2016, 11:45:37 PM
Hello everyone of the Theurgy, I have finally registered to the site with the aim of hopefully joining. Not sure if it okay to write dtraight in here or contact Lucen first via PM? But thought it be polite for me to come and say hi to you all. I have been following theurgy for quite some time now, first by loving the work put into the RP and then actually reading the posts and the amazing characters here ( got to chapter 3 of episode 4. ) And it got me wanted to return to star trek RP's in which I have been absent in for very long time.

I have spoken to Lucen on Deviantart and am starting to work on a couple of character idea's, One I have for a pilot, if things go well I made make more characters in the future.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 16, 2016, 11:51:12 PM
Good to see you here and of course it is okay to post here in the OOC even if you have no character to write just yet! :)

Looking forward to see the first draft of your character, and until then, look around all you want and I hope you like the story development.


( (
[ Click to view it in 3D on our Sketchfab page ] (

You saw the progress image a couple of weeks ago, and now I have the pleasure of showing you the finished thing! As you can see, the colours are very alike the dustbuster Type-II hand phaser, but this weapon can actually be aimed accurately with the sights on top of it. If you check the back of it, you can also see the traditional phaser settings controls. If you click the image, you get to its Sketchfab page, and if you hold ALT while dragging your mouse, you can change the lighting.

The design was inspired by John Eaves’s conceptual phaser drawings for TNG, and it was modelled by Kalashnikov 3D, who also made the Knight-class Interceptor, the Valravn-class fighters and the Tovarek-class drones.

Link to the phaser's Wiki Page:

During the Dominion War, it became apparent that single beam particle weapons were ineffective against groups of Jem’Hadar. As such, Starfleet Security desired the ability to fire multiple short pulses of energy. The Type-III rifle was easily modified with a change of beam emitter, but due to the smaller size, the Type-II was unable to be modified in such a way.

With the need of a small weapon for use in close quarter situations, this handphaser variant Type-II Pulse Phase Pistol was created. Not only to be easily distinguishable between the conventional Type-II and this pulse fire variant, but to also account for an increased need for stability and accuracy, this new weapon took design elements of more traditional handheld weapons, incorporating a pistol-like grip and hard sight points along the top of the device.

Because of the difference in shape and fire pattern, Starfleet Personnel required further training on this weapon in addition to standard phaser profiency. As such, the type-II Pulse Phase Pistol was standardly reserved for Security and Tactical Conn personnel.

Feedback would be welcome!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on December 17, 2016, 12:21:49 AM
Just looking at it... either FemIves is tiny or that pistol is the Star Trek equivalent of the H&K Mk23 or the IWI Desert Eagle in .50AE...
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 17, 2016, 12:32:02 AM
Ming-Na Wen is 1,63 m / 64' 2".

So indeed, quite tiny. :) But it is not meant to be a very small pistol either. The pulse phaser tech would need some room, I figured. ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: DocReno on December 17, 2016, 10:46:07 PM
*Steps out of the shadows that is the Winter Finals with a large amount of lumber, nails, pizza subs, and Barqs Root beer*

Hello to all the new players and welcome, madman with a plan getting ready for a posting spree-so don't mind me.

Sorry about taking so long to get back to things but one of the major drawbacks to working for a University is helping people do and get through Finals and one of the students that I know actually pulled a Rimmer (yes, I am doing a Red Dwarf reference here for that one) and's been a long couple of weeks.

Expect posts up soon and I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!

*starts to hum something from steam powered giraffe as he steps into a covered area with his tools*
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 18, 2016, 12:37:26 PM
After some consideration I fixed this image to make the new phaser a little bit smaller:



Just waiting for DocReno and Havenborn to post there before I chime in again. Posting underway in Usurpation. :)

Hope you all are having a great weekend! I am trying to get tickets to see Rogue One tonight so we'll see how that goes.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Dam025 on December 19, 2016, 09:17:52 PM
Thanks for the welcome gus, things are going well working on my first character for the RP, Just got one large piece to do and then hopefully they'll be ready to join in the space adventure :)

On another note, I have almost fully ready up on all of the IC posts for Episode 4.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on December 19, 2016, 10:59:17 PM
Nice to hear you are progressing well with your character biography. I look forward to hearing what new fighter pilot we have coming up!

Well done on getting read up too. There's a lot of information in those old posts. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 22, 2016, 03:08:23 AM
Hi there everyone!

Work is being a bitch but more posts are on the way. Pardon the slight delay, but after tomorrow, there will be more time available. With my mind scrambled by all the deadlines, I have found therapy in some artwork and Wiki work.






Here is his character page on the Wiki! LINK (


I have also updated our joining page a bit, hoping to make things easier for our new applicants:

Lastly, I also found a cute image of Leah Dizon,t he actress for K'Ren, so I made a quick image of her too:



Now, it is over 3 a.m. so I am withdrawing. G'night!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on December 22, 2016, 02:50:03 PM
As always, amazing artwork Auctor. :)

And welcome aboard to our latest Theurgians. It's always great to see new talent join us, join a family of wonderful writers, well everyone but me, my writing is lousy.  ::)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: MasterRat on December 22, 2016, 11:34:34 PM
Love the Red Dwarf Reference, just finished reading that book in fact great stuff!

As for your writing skills SummerDawn, oh put a sock in it your writing is great, so keep up the great work and keep posting!

For you new folks, welcome to Space, it's cold, dark, big, and always has room for more great writers and cannon fodder for shooting at,  pew pew pew  boom!  I just sunk your battleship!

And as always, Auctor and the rest of the Art Crew, just bloody amazing work.  Non-stop goodness and eye candy for our Star Trekkie souls.

Anyways, Peace out and Happy Solstice Everyone,  (Yesterday) May you see many more!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on December 23, 2016, 01:36:35 AM
Oh great, James Bond is the newest enemy captain.  We're screwed  ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on December 23, 2016, 05:28:54 AM
Better yet, you've got James Bond going up against John Reese...
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Dam025 on December 24, 2016, 09:43:38 PM
Just wanted to say happy holidays everyone! :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 24, 2016, 11:38:41 PM
Since we are celebrating Christmas on Christmas Eve here in Sweden, and  now that all my guest a have gone home, I'll take the opportunity to say Merry Christmas to all our Theurgists! :)

I reckon the majority of you will be busy tomorrow, but since I'm done,  I will likely be posting in Battle of Starbase 84 instead.

So, Merry Christmas! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on December 25, 2016, 12:34:55 PM
Merry Christmas to all.

In the UK, Christmas has sort of transcended religion. In fact my Jewish, Muslim and Sikh friends are often more excited than the rest of us!

But anyway, I hope you can all find some joy around this festive period.

I will likely be posting in Battle of Starbase 84

The Christmas present we all deserve :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on December 25, 2016, 03:16:46 PM
Morning from the US West Coast.

Happy Holidays, or whichever greeting is appropriate for your religious or non-religious observances. Hoping everyone gets a chance a chance to relax and spend time with friends and/or loved ones today, enjoying a good meal, and bracing for the barrage of boxing day sales tomorrow. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Dam025 on December 25, 2016, 04:20:46 PM
Hopefully either later tonight after all the family festivities and meal, I shall hopefully then be able to provide a present to the Theurgy in the form of my Pilot character, just some little tweaks to be done and then hopefully get the green light to join you lot!. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on December 25, 2016, 07:15:00 PM
Cool cool. I write K'Ren, callsign 'Neko,' one of Resolve's surviving TacConn (fighter) pilots. Looking forward to seeing you write with us.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 26, 2016, 04:43:11 PM



Kaligos has finished the details about the Gorn species, and it is now available on the Wiki.


New progress has been made in Episode 04! Check the board:

A posting order has been suggested at the bottom of my latest post in Battle of Starbase 84. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on December 26, 2016, 05:21:04 PM
Oh, and all new and new-ish people writing pilots, I own Chief Warrant Officer Sten "Papa Bear" Covington, Theurgy's flight deck voice of God Chief of the Deck.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on December 27, 2016, 03:36:28 AM
Haha, wow. No, people, you should just regard Sten "Papa Bear" Covington as the Voice of God.

Keep in mind, he's been the representative of at least two religious behemoths, punched wolves, trained Batman, Obi-Wan AND Darth Vader, and taking his child from him is tantamount to suicide. So, yes.

In the mean time, wow, Auctor Lucan, you sure know how to make a dramatic entrance! USS Orcus. Sounds scary just imagining it.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: The Counselor on December 27, 2016, 04:30:19 AM
Happy Holidays to you all!

Loving the stories.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on December 27, 2016, 05:37:26 AM
Merry (belated) Christmas to all here and a Happy New Year.

I apologize for my silence, but my family got the stomach flu as part of the holiday festivities. Working on nursing back to health and reading up.

Hope everyone had a great holiday.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Mathis on December 27, 2016, 08:39:17 AM
Hey all! Happy Holidays and a warm welcome to burningtransformation and Dam025. :)

I've been a bit elusive this month. I'm in charge of ordering all new IT equipment for my department and the end of the year always includes a slurry of fun, "Hey, get me these dozen quotes by tomorrow morning so we can spend our money by EoY!" emails from my boss, lol. Now that that is all over, life will return to a more manageable crazy.

Hope everyone's doing well and has a great new year.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 28, 2016, 01:14:00 AM
Thanks for all the updates and comments here in the OOC! :) Now, fellow Theurgists, here is a belated Christmas gift!








Hope you all like them! They can now also be found on our Wiki:

Feedback would be awesome!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: FollowTomorrow on December 28, 2016, 02:48:48 AM
These feel very true to the show, I love them  :D Are there 3d models that i could download and use for reference, or are these just extremely well done drawings?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on December 28, 2016, 04:28:28 AM
The images appear to be similar to interior cutaways found all over the internet, most of which are derived from drawings found in "Startrek: The Magazine", or "Startrek Fact Files." In any event, Auctor has done his usual amazing work on these images. What sources he worked from, these are way beyond anything I've seen on the internet. And I thought the ones I found for my RP site were among the better ones on the internet. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on December 28, 2016, 04:48:39 AM
Nicely done.  Although, you'd think that Chiefs and Warrants might get junior officer accomodations.  After all, they would have the time in, right?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on December 28, 2016, 07:15:14 AM
Uh oh, I thought Sten had his own room?  Maybe he's lucky enough to not have a roommate? I doubt Jaya will be. But we can hold out hope. Or maybe with all those years of service came a room upgrade perk!  Either way, discretion will be key :)

And Waffles (aka BurningTransformation), my name hails from the days of Xanga accounts and LiveJournal and MySpace. I heard the lyric "even the angels cry..." and decided it would be my name.

...aww crap, I've just dated myself.... anywho, there will be posts again now that my job has ceased in kicking my ass :)  Miss Thorne must fly the Allegiant to safety!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 28, 2016, 10:23:10 AM
Thanks for the kind feedback! I posted here late last night and I forgot to mention what I wrote on DeviantArt. I can only take partial credit for these since they were a commissioning by Bobye2 ( He did his best to accommodate the detailed requests I had for these quarters, but its hard to convey what you have in mind to another artist. Here are two of the raw originals he delivered to me some time ago that I only now got around to redo:



I flipped the top one (with the edits needed for that) and re-did those family quarters into the Captain's quarters, making the bedroom into a private study. The bottom one was supposed to be Ives' quarters (hence the sword), but I turned it into the Dept Head's quarters instead. I had to do a lot of work on the bathrooms, since Bobye2 couldn't do those the way I wanted them. The final touches was colouring and details like the bed and paintings on the walls etc.

As for the more senior NCOs getting Junior Officers' Quarters, I will re-title them to show that MCPOs and CWOs get to have the Junior Officers' Quarters too (not WOs, SCPOs or CPOs, who has the shared NCO quarters with their own bedrooms).

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on December 28, 2016, 11:47:18 AM
Uh oh, I thought Sten had his own room?  Maybe he's lucky enough to not have a roommate? I doubt Jaya will be. But we can hold out hope. Or maybe with all those years of service came a room upgrade perk!  Either way, discretion will be key :)

Oh man, perhaps we should make an NPC that is Thorne's long suffering roommate? Completely aware of Jaya's (mis)adventures in the bedroom but silently accepts it as she is the best roommate that the NPC has had. After all, I'm sure Jaya would pick up her own dirty socks ;)

The images look great. Pretty close to what I had in mind when describing Cinn's bedroom in the 'Late Night Liaison' thread.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on December 28, 2016, 03:25:56 PM
In her bio jaya's roommate was sithick because someone needed to share with the seven foot tall lizard and they arrived at black Opel around the same time. He would probably be happy to keep the same roommate thou her not so much.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 29, 2016, 12:01:43 PM


Greetings fellow Theurgists! Again, I took the time to compile a new overview so that everyone knows what's next for them. Don't forget the thread Inner Space here a lot more people can participate. I will be sending out individual posting notices too, all in friendly spirit and not meant to nag at you all. :)

Below is a list with all the threads in the Interregnum and Episode 04, sorted chronologically with the oldest one first. The threads in green are finished already and the yellow ones are on-going. Also, all these are links to click which ought to make it easy for those who wish to browse and read the story too. PO means Posting Order (if applicable, and always suggestions/recommendations).


DAY 01

DAY 01: Time Judges All [0500 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Healing | Part 1 [0730 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Rejuvenation [0900 hrs.] (
DAY 01: The Path Ahead [0915 hrs.] (
DAY 01: New Life [1000 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Lost in the Mind [1015 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Encouragement [1115 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.] (
DAY 01: SAR Away-Mission [1150 hrs.] (
DAY 01: A Fresh Start | Part 1 [1230 hrs.] (
DAY 01: A Fresh Start | Part 2 [1240 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Meeting of the Minds [1300 hrs.] (
DAY 01: The First of Many Propositions [1400 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Healing | Part 2 [1840 hrs.] (
DAY 01: An Empty Pack [2030 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Off-Duty Treatment [2030 hrs.] (
DAY 01: A Quiet Chat [2100 Hrs] (

DAY 02

DAY 02: Goldeneye’s Confession [0700 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Back From the Dead [0800 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Critical Vacancy [1230 hrs.] (
DAY 02: In Remembrance [1200 hrs.] (
DAY 02: A Friendly Chat [1300 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Mistress-at-Arms [1400 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Digital Relations [1500 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Healing | Part 3 [1830 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Poker Night [2000 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Houseguest [0130 hrs.] (

DAY 03

DAY 03: Unfinished Business [0610 hrs.] (
DAY 03: Phasmids [0900 hrs.] (
DAY 03: The Beginning Of A New Life [1100 hrs.] (
DAY 03: Twitching [1100 hrs.] (
DAY 03: Between Meetings [1200 hrs.] (
DAY 03: The Accipiter [1400 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Anyone! [glow=red,2,300]Social Commentary Wanted! (Due to close)[/glow]
DAY 03: Well-Earned Recognition [1500 hrs.] (
DAY 03: New Hire [1500 hrs.] (
DAY 03: Midnight Oil [2345 hrs.] (

DAY 04

DAY 04: Weapon Storage Raid [0750 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Aftermath [1300 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Obligations & Priorities [1305 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Opalescent Integration [1315 hrs.] ( Next Posters: 1) Even Angels Cry 2) Kaligos 3) Arista
DAY 04: Scotch & Fire [1400 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Jumping the Shark [1421 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Doc M. (Please wrap this one up now)
DAY 04: Re-Connection [1600 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Free Images [1630 hrs.] (
DAY 04: The Flutter of a Pair of Wings [1750 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Yeoman & Suspect [1830 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Question of Wolven Error [1900 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Subconscious Repression [1955 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Hidden Forces [2000 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Recuperation [2130 hrs.] (

DAY 05

DAY 05: Keeping Balance [0630 hrs.] (
DAY 05: Resuming Duties [0900 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Zenozine
DAY 05: Creature Comforts [0930 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Triage
DAY 05: Sheep in Wolf's Clothing [1200 hrs.] (
DAY 05: Alligator Shoes [1300 hrs] (  Next Poster: Doc M.
DAY 05: Alien Therapy [1400 hrs.] ( Next Poster: The Counselor & Doc M. (joint-post)
DAY 05: Redux [1400 hrs.] (
DAY 05: The Crossroads [1430 hrs.] (
DAY 05: Changing Ways [1500 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Kaligos
DAY 05: Climax Jump [1740 hrs] (

DAY 06

DAY 06: Late Night Liaison [0045 hrs.] (
DAY 06: A Chief Returns [0600 hrs.] (
DAY 06: For Sake of the Galaxy [1500 hrs.] (
DAY 06: First Circle of Hell [1535 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Auctor Lucan
DAY 06: Fighting Shadows [1600 hrs.] (
DAY 06: Visitations [1600 hrs.] ( Next Poster: 1) Even Angels Cry 2) Kaligos 3) Auctor Lucan
DAY 06: Good Old Times [2100 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Brutus
DAY 06: Memories [2230 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Nolan
DAY 06: A Special Request [2245 hrs.] ( Next Poster: DocReno (What is the status here?)
DAY 06: Inner Space ( Next Poster: [glow=red,2,300]Everyone who hasn't posted yet![/glow]


PROLOGUE: Homecoming (
CHAPTER 01: Tensions Rising (
CHAPTER 02: Crucible (listed by characters) (
CHAPTER 03: Loyalty (
CHAPTER 04: Usurpation (
 - Boarding Team 01: Suggested PO: 1) Ravenholm 2) Wenn Cinn 3) Isley 4) Cardamone
 - Boarding Team 02: Suggested PO: 1) O'Connell (edit of post) 2) Thea
 - Boarding Team 03: Suggested PO: 1) Henshaw 2) Sel 3) zh'Wann
 - Komial's Office: Suggested PO: 1) Komial 2) Mackenzie

CHAPTER 05: Battle of Starbase 84 (
 - Vector 01 of the Theurgy| Main Bridge: 1) Carrigan Trent 2) Natalie Stark 3) Tovarek
 - Vector 02 of the Theurgy | Main Sickbay: 1)  Hylota & Vinata Vojona 2) Hayden O'Connor 3) Dr. Nicander
 - Vector 03 of the Theurgy | Main Engineering: 1) Rihen Neyah 2) Nolak Kalmil 3) Lin Kae
 - Lone Wolves Squadron: 1) Goldeneye 2) Husker 3) Ghost
 - Grey Wolves & Tribble Squadron 1) K'Ren 2) Krystal Tancredi 3) Havenborn
 - USS Resolve | Main Bridge: 1) Tristan Kendrick 2) Depends on Development
 - USS Allegiant: 1) Jaya Thorne 2) Sithick
 - SS Sabine: 1) Sera vers Aldnoah 2) Hi'Jak
 - USS Orcus: 1) Marcus Slayton 2) Dev

There we go! I will be sending out personal posting reminders too. :)

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 31, 2016, 11:05:53 AM

Having already popped up here in the OOC, here is just the official announcement that Dam025 is now a writer at Star Trek: Theurgy. :)

( Lt. JG Alessia Garcia         Flight Leader               USS Orcus
  - Played by Dam025

Click above to see the character page for this new Valravn fighter pilot, about to launch from the USS Orcus together with Dev, Burningtransformation's pilot.

Welcome aboard, and Happy New Year to you all!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: MasterRat on December 31, 2016, 05:03:10 PM
Welcome aboard DAMO25,

Happy New Years Eve, may 2017 bring you many great roleplay posts, and even if you are the 'Enemy', I'll turn a blind eye if you accidentally jam your 'pew pew pew' guns.

Anyways, may your travels on this spinning rock in space be filled with joy!

Der Rat
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Mathis on January 01, 2017, 04:52:07 AM
Yesss, I <3 Michelle Rodriguez. If they end up on the same team, her and Derik should be friends. :)

Happy New Years everyone, may you all have safe and fun celebrations.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on January 02, 2017, 03:01:42 AM
Hello everyone i hope your first day of a new year was good.

I just wanted to take a moment to address something so that the entire group knows. When I screw up a character's name it's not meant to be malicious. I'm not used too doing group rp's Theurgy is my first of this kind of rp, and the roster is massive.

I have dyslexia, it's not something I talk about often, but it makes writing down things like names that don't have a spell check that much harder.

I don't have the best memory so I often make the same mistake more then once, that's because that is how I read your name. When I put down Tancridi instead of Tancredi for example it's because I read allowed and it sounds like it has two I's and my brain disconnects from what is actually written on the page.

I am sorry if I cause anyone frustration in the long run, it's a weakness i'm trying to work on.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on January 02, 2017, 05:01:54 AM
I too seem to have something like that.  I can miss something someone put in their last post even though I've read it three times!  You're not alone kaligos.  Hang in there.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: DocReno on January 02, 2017, 10:33:32 AM
It's alright, Kaligos, because the important thing is that you're doing a killer job of writing despite having the problem. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: MasterRat on January 02, 2017, 10:47:29 AM
No problems here Kaligos, I think I sometimes misspell my own character's name from time to time. So keep up the good work and happy new years.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 03, 2017, 12:15:49 AM

As of yesterday, we passed the 700 mark in terms of watchers on DevianArt! That mans that whenever I post a character image or announce a wanted position, 700 people have asked to be notified about it. Here are some other stats: [Show/Hide]

What's a surprise to me is how popular some of the more recent ones got, like the nsfw Vivian Martin and Ensign Six Studies (which I we can't link because of site rules). They were not posted that long ago and we've had the gallery for over 3 years, lol.


Hastata-Nerada helped me the other day on the Wiki of ours, adding locations on the Theurgy's deck listing that were not yet mentioned. Specifically, a lot of different science laboratories. Thanks again for that, Hastata!

Looking it over, however, I realise that we might expand on it a bit more. Here is the link:

As you all can see, the listing is split into columns for each Vector. Doc M. spotted how the Battle Sickbay was missing on Vector 03, so that is fixed. I have worked some on it, but we could do a lot more. If the whole group could take a minute or two and look it over, and PM me or post here with your suggestions, it would be awesome. Areas within larger areas could be listed too, like the Brig is listed under the Security Center.

In order to tell which deck things should be on, click the MSD on the top of the list and look around, counting the decks from the top. Thanks in advance!


Here is the current status in the battle in terms of posting order:

Vector 01 of the Theurgy| Main Bridge: 1) Carrigan Trent (after Havenborn has posted) 2) Natalie Stark 3) Tovarek

Vector 02 of the Theurgy | Main Sickbay: 1) Hylota & Vinata Vojona 2) Hayden O'Connor 3) Dr. Nicander

Vector 03 of the Theurgy | Main Engineering: 1) Rihen Neyah 2) Nolak Kalmil 3) Amelya Duv

Lone Wolves Squadron: 1) Ghost (After ch'Xinya has posted)

Grey Wolves & Tribble Squadron 1) Krystal Tancredi & Havenborn both, separate situations

USS Resolve | Main Bridge: 1) Parnak & Ejek (after Stark has given green light for evacuation over comm) 2) Derik Veradin 3) Keval 4) Kaligos

USS Allegiant: 1) Jaya Thorne 2) Sithick

SS Sabine: 1) Sera vers Aldnoah (After Havenborn has posted) 2) Hi'Jak

USS Orcus: 1) Dev + Garcia (no set order) 2) Terror & Sniper (+ Marcus Slayton if he has a reply from Ives)


Here is the Usurpation thread's status too!

Boarding Team 01: 1) Wenn Cinn 2) Isley 3) Cal Reagar (Ravenholm has hacked the lift at this point)

Boarding Team 02: 1) Thea 2) O'Connell

Boarding Team 03: 1) Sel 2) Ida 3) Henshaw

Komial's Office: 1) Komial 2) Mackenzie



The past months, I have had most of the models in Star Trek: Theurgy 3D-printed and chrome-painted. As a Christmas-gift to myself, they were shipped to me in time for the Holidays but were a little bit delayed before I got my hands on them today. I only had time to take a single photo of them (above), but I will be taking more photos and posting them on DeviantArt in a couple of weeks. For now, I am just happy they got to Sweden without being damaged, and its really cool to be able to hold them in your hands.

Here is the page with the progress updates for the 3D-printing, and if you want to print as well, you can go to the homepage linked at the top and ask for a quote (depends on what you want to do yourself and what print material you ask for): Star Trek: Theurgy 3D Printing Workshop ( Just tell them you are a writer at Star Trek: Theurgy and which model you want, and they already have the STL print files.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on January 03, 2017, 07:41:06 AM
Welcome Dam025! We're glad to have you!

And holy hell I finally finished that freaking post!  I've only been working on it since December 23rd >.<

Other posts elsewhere will trickle in  :-\ sorry for the delays everyone. But happy new year!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on January 03, 2017, 12:28:27 PM
Welcome aboard!

Food poisoning and step throat has kept me from positing with Komial and Natalie but hopefully I'll be able to do that tomorrow
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on January 03, 2017, 02:05:15 PM
Welcome aboard to everyone I might have missed again x.x
Hope you get well soon Brutus and Happy new year to everyone ^^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 03, 2017, 11:00:01 PM
Sorry to hear about the illnesses going around. I have heard a lot of you guys have got the flu over Christmas, and I hope it will all pass soon. Not to jinx myself, but I have managed so far to not get the flu this year.



Those of you who have already read Nolan's latest post in Battle of Starbase 84 already knows about this, bit since there are members who have no idea who this is, I figured it was good to make an announcement for it. Especially since with the Butterfly Effect (, Ravon was given an update in form of a new actor and an updated biography. Click here:

( Lt. Thomas Ravon          Wolf-XX [Razor]
  - Played by Nolan

Long story short, Ravon went MIA at the end of Episode 03, and he has spent a week on an icy planetoid repairing his Valkyrie so that he could return. Luckily, one of the Reavers he disabled before he went down himself crashed virtually on top of his Valkyrie, so he did not have to drag all the pieces too far before welding it all together with his phaser - fighting off the fauna on the planetoid as he did it. The result is the Hybrid:

>> Click to view Wiki Page (

This ungainly monstrosity of patchwork handles like shit, but it is juked up with a lot of Reaver armament to compensate for it. Unreliable to fly, Reaver tech messing with all his systems (communication systems included, since he could not immediately contact Miles Renard or his fellow Wolves, instead hoping the Theurgy can pick up his signal), Ravon is back, and flying this junk for as long as it holds together. If it makes it through the battle, it might serve best on display in one of the Lounges, lol.

Ravon's first gambit was to save Goldeneye and Ghost both, but there are still six Knight-class Interceptors chasing the Sabine, until Havenborn can post, that is.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Havenborn on January 03, 2017, 11:36:41 PM
I would love a pair of Quantum Pulse Phaser Cannons for my Mark-II.  The Hybrid actually looks pretty cool, I like the blend of both the Reaver and the Valkyrie.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Dam025 on January 04, 2017, 04:30:20 PM
I want to say thank you for the warm welcomes!

The group is much larger than i am used to but I am hope to fit in well and get into rythem. And that fighter looks awseome! sounds like the band is getting back together along with some new defectors! ^.^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 06, 2017, 03:41:22 AM
Rarely do I want to show unfinished work, but this one I will make an exception for. It is a huge project, and the visual guidance in this image ought to be helpful for everyone writing in the battle:



I have taken some liberties with the timing in the image, showing here the Resolve about to dock with Vector 01, even if the USS Orcus and her Valravns have arrived in the top right corner (they arrived after the Resolve docked in the story).

Like I said, this is unfinished, and when it is done, I will show the results here again.

G'night! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: MasterRat on January 06, 2017, 09:57:40 PM
Anything he says is unfinished, expect a masterpiece. LOL

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on January 06, 2017, 10:23:37 PM
Oh that's FABULOUS!!  great work, even if it -is- unfinished! :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on January 06, 2017, 11:18:56 PM
Fantastic. Very helpful :)

Hey all, I just posted my first post and I would greatly appreciate feedback, places were things could have had more detailed or less detail, etc.

As I get my feet under me with this new character I will get more details, and more information in each post, but please bear with the roughness.

Thank you in advance.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: FollowTomorrow on January 08, 2017, 12:24:26 AM
I have to say that my favorite thing right now is that Kendrick cannot open his mouth without shit going the fuck down. Every single time he talks, shit goes down. Poor captain

I think your post is just fine BT  :D It can be kind of overwhelming to make your first post here but you did wonderful! No worries!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 08, 2017, 02:23:18 AM
The post was great, BT!



Hope you all like how it turned out. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on January 08, 2017, 06:31:38 AM

That is amazing!

I don't know how you do it, Auctor, but you're the Rembrandt of our time!

In the meantime, I know it's a long post, but I owe so much due to my lateness. Apologies to all that had been waiting. Krystal's a hot mess of emotions and vengeance, so she's not the most sensible pilot around town.

Also, I've tried to make sure to include everyone that I think is involved or had made a response of any kind that requires my attention, and responded in kind, but I may have missed one or two, and for that, I apologize. It was not intentional. If any edits are required, feel free to let me know. Otherwise, bless. :3

Hopefully I won't take so long before replying again. So long as life lets me...

Hope you're all doing well this new year. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: FollowTomorrow on January 08, 2017, 07:21:13 PM
omg look at that 8O That's the resolve right there! We're on fire!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on January 08, 2017, 07:24:53 PM
Tis a flesh wound,

Your nacelles off!

No it isn't.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on January 08, 2017, 08:10:32 PM
Tis a flesh wound,

Your nacelles off!

No it isn't.

Well what's that floating out there in space then?

I've had worse!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on January 08, 2017, 11:09:48 PM

OMG you guys are killing me! :'D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: DocReno on January 08, 2017, 11:18:06 PM
"We are no longer the White Wolves that say NI..we are now the White Wolves that say Ekke Ekke Ekke Ekke Ptang Zoo Boing!"

"Oh great Wolves, what do you ask of us?"

"We wish you to chop down the tallest starbase in the universe..with a HERRING!!!"

...I know, not as good possible but I just couldn't help myself :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: MasterRat on January 08, 2017, 11:51:24 PM
"She turned me into a newt."
"A newt?"
"I got better! Burn the Starbase anyways!"

There just to get in the spirt of things, glad to see we have a growing crew. Going to be fun keeping up with all these amazing post. Keep up the great work folks, and may your travels in space be a safe one.

Is the Starbase made of wood? We can build a bridge out of it.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on January 09, 2017, 12:47:00 AM
Oh man how I miss the fun and craziness we get in here.  I'd jump in myself but I'm too tired from debating if it's Hoth or Andoria outside XD
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on January 09, 2017, 12:49:51 AM
If you can see AT-ATs outside it's hoth. If not, it's Andoria. ;)

If it is Andoria, be sure to look out for sexy blue people!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on January 09, 2017, 02:06:31 AM
Wow Auctor, that image of the Battle of Starbase 84 really makes the action come alive!

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Dam025 on January 09, 2017, 02:00:17 PM
Sorry I have not posted yet, I am very new to posting orders, something I have not done. I swear I saw it somewhere but I am not exactly sure where to jump a post in for the IC.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on January 09, 2017, 03:36:02 PM
Since it's your first post you can jump in at any point in time and then you are added to the current post order most important thing is to tag the others in the scene.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 10, 2017, 12:20:32 AM
Thank you all for your kind words on the image I have been working so much on. I am quite content with it, even if I continue to find small flaws in it and correct them. I am sure that I will be able to shelve it any day now, lol. Also, thanks for the Monty Python laughs. Never gets old. :)

Dam025! Feel free to chime in and post In-Character whenever you have the time. Here is the thread: ...and you should take special note of Burningtransformation's post with Dev and bounce off that. After you have posted, DocReno will post with the SCO of the White Wolves and take the whole squadron out into the battle. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vystori on January 14, 2017, 05:23:57 AM
My post is going to be a bit longer waiting than I anticipated. I had to work today and I have to work again tomorrow.. not sure what Sunday is looking like for me yet.. But I'll try to get my post out tomorrow if I can..

Sorry for the delay though guys.. I'll post as soon and as fast as I can and keep you posted~

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on January 15, 2017, 01:47:41 PM
Medical Emergency at my place.   Expect delays.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on January 17, 2017, 08:16:06 PM
Hey sorry for the long silent treatment. Chx can have the next post.

My in class schooling was this week so I get 0 days off and will basically be running my self into the early grave this week expect me to be a little slow on posts.

Sorry for the delays.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on January 17, 2017, 10:15:01 PM
I hear that. 

Would you believed a culinary student would be under piles of homework?  You better believe it!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on January 20, 2017, 03:21:16 AM
I hear that. 

Would you believed a culinary student would be under piles of homework?  You better believe it!
Hopefully it's edible is all I can say.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 24, 2017, 12:21:21 PM


Greetings fellow Theurgists!

Exciting times in Episode 04: Simulcast, where we are getting close to a chapter change, and this chapter change will take us into the last two chapters of the Episode! Here is the brief presentation of my plan for them, which can also be found in the story overview at the end of this newsletter.

CHAPTER 06: Friend or Foe
This Chapter will contain the scenes between the fighter pilots of the Theurgy, Resolve and Orcus as well as the Allegiant's effort to determine if the Boarding Teams are still alive. Moreover, the scenes for the Boarding Teams will be finished here too (with a timely tie-in to Chapter 07, of course). Please try to limit comm traffic outside the fighter squadrons or the boarding teams so that it won't complicate things in Chapter 07. Exceptions can certainly be made though! :)

CHAPTER 07: Cost of Duty
This Chapter will depict the evolving intrigue aboard the Theurgy's vectors, including the development between (the battle between) the captital ships: the Theurgy, the Resolve, the Orcus and the Chester (the Defiant-class ship that just left Starbase 84).

Starters coming up soon, depending on how quick you are to post in Chapters 04 and 05! :) Please try to set some time off for your posting so that we can write out the grand finale at last. I am really excited about revealing all the things I have kept secret from you guys for so long, with foreshadowing that has happened as far back as Episode 01 of our story. I am certain many of you will be surprised, some of you might even be distraught, but overall, I think you guys will enjoy the dramatic development.

Now, what's next? Ah, yes...


>> Title: "Patrol". Click For Full Size (1920 ([i)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 24, 2017, 05:29:16 PM

( F'Rell                        Warp Field Specialist       USS Resolve
  - Played by Hastata-Nerada

Soon after the newsletter came out, Hastata-Nerada contacted me and wanted to take over playing F'Rell. So he will take over her as his own character as of this day, and play her in full as if she was a character of his own. The policy, as I've said, is 'first dibs', so he will be posting in Battle of Starbase 84, where F'Rell needs to evacuate the Resolve. Moreover, if there are any changes of consequence to the character, they will be announced later on and listed in the Butterfly Effect listing ( The same goes for the T'fanrell species page (

Good luck with your new character, Hastata-Nerada! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on January 26, 2017, 08:25:16 AM
As always, your work and your collaborations are stunning.  I don't know how you manage it.  :D 

I also want to apologize for the delay on my part.  I've been ill for a while and have been spending most of my time sleeping or working.  But I did just catch up on things here this evening, so hopefully my posts are to everyone's liking.  ^_^

And to our lovely new players, Waffles and Dam, you're both doing just fine!  No need to worry :)

I can't wait to see what lies ahead in the next chapters!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 29, 2017, 02:45:48 AM
Thank you for your kind words! :)


As you can see here:

We have unfinished sections for:

EPISODE 03: Unconquerable Soul | Part 3 (


INTERREGNUM: Between Episodes 03-04 (

If someone who is familiar with these parts of the story could go out of their way and help me finishing the synopsis for those two, sending me the text over PM, I would compensate the member with an additional character image. The policy is first dibs on who delivers the texts first (not the one who says they'll do it). :) Please remember to write it in past tense if you decide to help out.

Thanks in advance!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on January 29, 2017, 10:55:33 AM
It's nice to see that Hi'Jak is doing an impression of his favourite Lego character.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on January 29, 2017, 03:09:11 PM
Personally I always thought the series finally of that show was kinda weak. I mean some random one shot character just shows up and chucks some pants at the guy. Also I never got my taco. All in all disappointing day.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on January 30, 2017, 06:15:36 AM
Personally I always thought the series finally of that show was kinda weak. I mean some random one shot character just shows up and chucks some pants at the guy. Also I never got my taco. All in all disappointing day.
Still a better ending than what Quantum Leap got.  And that crossover/reboot attempt they had back in the early 2000s...quite an interesting idea, having Sam leap into a Starfleet captain? Ambitious....
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on January 30, 2017, 06:21:16 AM
Still a better ending than what Quantum Leap got.  And that crossover/reboot attempt they had back in the early 2000s...quite an interesting idea, having Sam leap into a Starfleet captain? Ambitious....

I kind of regard that entire reboot show as bad fan fiction in all honesty, good opening music though.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 30, 2017, 03:23:08 PM
*chuckles at the shots fired at ENT*



Before the holidays, Julia said she needed to step away for a while, but after checking in on her the other day, she told me she can't give Theurgy any time due to RL issues. Therefore, her membership has ended, and after speaking with Arista, he was given the option to put Ejek out for inheritance by another writer since the arrangement that he'd play Ejek was temporary.

Arista decided, however, to take on Ejek on a permanent basis, and he'll play her as if it was his own character. Therefore, if you are interested in scenes between your characters and Ejek, be it counseling sessions or other things, you should make plans with Arista. Good luck with your new character! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on February 03, 2017, 04:47:02 PM
Wow CV. Great post in Battle of Starbase 84. I really like the name you chose for the reaver and that Papa Bear is off out to kick ass.

Although I wouldn't be surprised to see him drag all those sorry pilots back by the scruff of their neck if they misbehave ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Dam025 on February 10, 2017, 01:28:37 AM
Hey all! hope everyone  doing well :)

I know I have been pretty quite but i did get my post up on the battle of SB84! so hopefully you guys like it and i wsh to apologize for holding the group up as it was not my intent. Look forward to posting with you more though as you are an awesome group and very nuch enjoy reading the posts :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 10, 2017, 11:35:16 AM
No worries Dam025!

Oh, I just got a question if everything is supposed to play out in Chapter 6, but it's simply that I have been unable to rewrite my Chapter 07 starters yet. Sorry for the delay people, but I will post the starters for Chapter 7 as soon as I possibly can, and I will be sending a new newsletter as well that help explain what's next.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 12, 2017, 05:12:46 PM
Two new chapters are now up in Episode 04: Simulcast! ( :) Links here:

Chapter 06: No Cosmic Justice (

Chapter 07: Cost of Truth (

I also sent you guys a new newsletter that shows suggested posting order for both of these new chapters and their many different scenes. Check you inboxes!


Auctor Lucan

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on February 14, 2017, 12:11:46 AM
Great write up. This is an interesting development :)

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on February 14, 2017, 01:54:04 PM

Just a heads up that tags from me may be slow to non-existent over the next couple weeks. I finally have schedules for my projects at work and I'm looking at being out of town 7-8 of the next 10 working days. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 14, 2017, 05:16:17 PM
Happy Valentine's Day!  ;)

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on February 15, 2017, 07:11:17 PM
Well there's a way to make sure most male crewmembers will stand at attention...
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on February 16, 2017, 02:30:55 AM
Is this part of the new propaganda program?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 16, 2017, 10:18:11 AM
Haha, well, propaganda or not, the Valantine's Day card wasn't just for the male crew. I think a fair share of the female crew would have liked it too. :)

Then again, to appease the feelings of neglect from the remaining female crew, and some of the male crew as well, here is the belated second card!



Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on February 25, 2017, 10:54:15 PM
So, I'm all for typing up posts in Word or some other processor in case my browser decides to lose my message. So, what do I do when my Word program decides to lock up and lose my work?


Posting today...finally.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 27, 2017, 10:10:43 AM

Hi there everyone! It is my pleasure to announce our newest member, Striker N7. He will be writing the Resolve's First Officer Leon Marquez, the enigmatic person that has only been mentioned in passing throughout Episode 04. His current username, when I write this, is Raptor, but he will be changing it to Striker N7 now that he has been approved.

( Lt Cmdr. Leon Marquez         Executive Officer           USS Resolve
  - Played by Striker N7

Above is a link to the character page, and Striker will be posting as soon as possible in No Cosmic Justice, where he will enter our story. Feel free to ask him any questions you might have, and all those who write Resolve characters might want to sort out the backstory between the XO and your characters respectively. I know Striker has a lot of ideas already in this regard since it came up during the application process.

Welcome aboard!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on February 27, 2017, 06:16:47 PM
Welcome Striker!

I hope you enjoy writing with us. I for one look forward to finding out what the xo has been up to while this has been going down.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Mathis on February 27, 2017, 08:25:43 PM
Welcome, Striker!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on February 27, 2017, 08:28:50 PM
Welcome Striker

Sorry about the ship, I know it's normally the first officers job to destroy these things :P.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on February 28, 2017, 04:55:14 AM
Welcome aboard. I'm the writer behind K'Ren and Ryuan Sel. Sel you've never met, K'Ren has been one of your crew these past few years, a survivor of numerous fighter skirmishes. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: DocReno on February 28, 2017, 08:32:59 AM
For once I didn't crash and/or blow up a ship...

*tries to look innocent*

Alright, but Keval didn't blow up the Harbinger! ;)

Welcome Striker, Welcome. You need me man, just hit me up.

Plays Keval, former CTS/SO (Chief Tactical and Security/Second Officer) of the Resolve.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on February 28, 2017, 05:43:55 PM
Welcome aboard Striker! Hope you'll find the new ship accommodations to your liking :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triton on February 28, 2017, 09:02:01 PM
Thank you all! From what I've seen and read, I think I've come to the most promising group endeavor I've come across, and I'm glad to be a part of it. I'm still trimming the loose threads and plot holes from the past, particularly the USS Resolve Crew. I look forward to filling in the past. I'll be getting in touch soon with PMs and skype.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: MasterRat on March 01, 2017, 12:25:46 AM
Welcome aboard Striker, may your journey into the stars be filled with adventure and excitement.  Peace.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on March 01, 2017, 06:05:38 AM
Just an FYI, the Kasheeta I mentioned in my newest post is one of the species you see in the background of the Federation Council chambers in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home.  Looked them up on Memory Alpha.  ^^  Always fun looking up the more obscure stuff  ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 02, 2017, 05:48:21 PM


Greetings fellow Theurgists!

This may be the most important newsletter in the 6 years we have been running this story. I hope you are sitting down as you read this. Do not worry, though, because it's something really good, and you should not be worried at all.

Given the size of our story, and how many we are, it has gradually become apparent how we might have outgrown the hosting on House of Eros. At the start, it was a perfect solution, where being hosted here gave us immediate access to a large user base, and we could grow from four people, to six, and then to eight. By the time we reached the first Interregnum, we were nine or ten people (I can't recall), and since then, the story has simply continued, and grown. We had somewhat of a dip in Episode 02, part of it my own fault, but when we got through the ending of Whoever Gods May Be, and entered the second Interregnum, we have kept up the pace. Next, with some personal trepidation towards the immensity of it, we undertook the sprawling plot of our three-part feature Unconquerable Soul. It lasted from the 21st of April in 2013 to the 9th of October in 2015, the latter not just my birthday, but Thea's commissioning date. Yes, you read it right, Unconquerable Soul lasted for two and a half years of active writing, accumulating in 2910 posts, and considering our minimum word count, that is roughly a half a million words between us.

Since then, weary, some of us needed some respite from all the death-defying action, and we launched Interregnum 03-04 and Episode 04 simultaneously, so that all those who wished to engage in free-form role-playing and also the major story line could both write what they wanted to. Now, we are nearing the end of both, where the last threads on the Interregnum and Simulcast are both almost finished. We are writing a major turning point in the Theurgy story, and everyone are partaking in the greatest battle for the future and the galaxy I have ever had the privilege to write in a simm before. Furthermore, we are more than twenty active writers now, and we have accumulated so much detail and independent canon that we were forced to start a Wiki in order to store everything in an accessible way.

For a long time, it has been apparent that we have outgrown our hosting at House of Eros. Yet do not misread me, we could never have come so far as we have unless it had been for Eros. Arista put it quite eloquently, in how we have been renting an area at the mall for six years, but now, we really need to get our own building. So that is what I have done, slowly started to build the foundation, raised the walls and put a new roof over our heads. Currently, I am working on the interior design, making sure we have everything we need inside it, and within a week, I hope to launch it - to show you our new home for writing the story.

Immediately, I want to allay your concerns. :)

Months ago, Eros promised me to help moving all our posts to our new site, and he is working on the SQL file these days, so nothing will be lost except for, perhaps, your personal message histories. But then again, nothing prevents us from remaining members on House of Eros too and have access to those messages. In fact, I will remain here as a Forum Moderator, still helping Eros run the site, and I would imagine Brutus will too. There has been some commotion on the announcement page this week, with some staff removal, but it's an isolated event, because even if the ones who tried to use their position to recruit to a site that allowed for underage sexual role-playing had remained site staff and helped Eros run this site, I would still have remained here. It is the least I can do considering how Eros has let us write the story here for so long.

Furthermore, I would never settle for anything less in quality when it comes to our new forum. Therefore, I have opted for an Elkarte board, which has all the SFM features we have here and more. Here is a list of extra things available (listed from their site):
I aim to make the transition from this board to the new one as smooth as possible, and in that spirit, I have already created user accounts for you all, and I will be giving you login details as soon as it is launched. I might not have added avatars to all your accounts, and you will have to update to your emails, but I am sure the last work on your forum profiles will not be too time-consuming to add.

In the meantime, before the new forum is finished, we continue to write here, and if we finish Interregnum of Simulcast before we launch the site, all the better, but it does not matter in the end whether we finish them here or on the new site. With the transfer of the posts, it hardly makes any difference.

On the flip-side, I realise that all of you who have threads ongoing elsewhere here on House of Eros will not be 100 % happy with this decision, having to have two sites to log into instead of one, but if there is anything I can do to convince you to come with me to our new forum, I will do my utmost to meet those requests. I do not wish to loose any of you in this transition. Eros has given us a fantastic opportunity in becoming stand-alone, and I had never thought it possible until I started to talk with him about it a few months ago. We all owe Eros not just for the years he has hosted us, but in his generosity of time and effort to make this transition happen.

Now, I will not show you the fledgling new design of the forum yet, because it is not ready enough to display. There is still a lot of design I haven't fixed yet, but I can tell you what the child-boards are on the new board as of the launch-date. Here they are:

Out-of-Character Message Boards
OOC Main Board
R&D Board

Star Trek: Theurgy Story
Episode 04: Simulcast
Interregnum 03-04
Episode 03: Unconquerable Soul | Part 2
Episode 03: Unconquerable Soul | Part 1
Interregnum EP 02-03
Episode 02: Whatever Gods May Be
Interregnum EP 01-02
Episode 01: Outbreak
Director's Cut

Alternate Universe Boards
Alternate Universe Stories (Note: Any franchise, not just Star Trek)
Character Profiles

Off-Topic Boards
Star Trek Discussion Board
General Off-Topic Discussion
Writing Tutorials & Resources
Controversial News, Politics & Religion

I am still working on the description of all these, so bear with me. I just wanted to show you the rough idea I had in mind at this point.

Now, as I have to head home from work, I will leave this here and open up for questions, be it here in the OOC, over PMs or Skype. I hope you are all as excited as I am about this, and if you have concerns about this move, I hope to answer them as best as I can.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on March 03, 2017, 01:18:53 AM
/me settles in and waits for fireworks
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on March 03, 2017, 03:08:20 AM
Run for your lives!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Mathis on March 03, 2017, 10:00:59 AM
I'm excited by the idea. Can't wait to see the new digs. :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 03, 2017, 11:59:56 AM

I got a question about the loss of the user base here at House Eros if we moved to our own forum, and I figured it would be good to add the answer here for everyone's benefit. I will not be PMing this reply since it might be too much traffic for you guys, and I know you all read this thread anyway.

I have the advantage of knowing roughly how you all found Star Trek: Theurgy, and these last years, I think we've only had one or two that joined us because of the exposure here on House Eros. In other words, that you were writers here on House of Eros before you joined us. The rest of our latest new members have joined House Eros because of Star Trek: Theurgy, just so that you could write with us. From the start, we had no other means of exposure to attract new writers than the Group Request thread, but as my artistic skills grew better, and I set up our DeviantArt gallery, most of you now find your way here because you saw a character or ship image somewhere, and looked us up.

So, these days, here are our means of reaching new writers:
If we move to our own forum, the only exposure we would loose would be the last one, unless Eros kindly lets us leave something behind for people to find us. It has not been discussed yet, so we'll see what we end up with there.

Lastly, House of Eros has kind of filled the role a Star Trek sim fleet would, like Bravo Fleet, Theta Fleet or Obsidian Fleet etc., but with the big difference that only a small percentage of House of Eros have had any interest in Star Trek whatsoever. If we feel that we absolutely cannot survive on our own, despite all the means we have to reach new writers in the above list, then we have the option of putting up an add on Facebook or something where we tell the Fleets out there that we would be interested in joining either of them, as long as they know we'll not change anything about our forum, story, rules or ratings for their sake. Given our size and what we could bring to them, they should feel privileged to have us listed as a member site. *smiles*

I hardly think we'll need a fleet though, and I keep hearing we - as a successful, independent Star Trek sim - should stay away from all the OOC drama pertaining to such memberships. Allegedly, they do not contribute more than they drain you of energy.

I hope this has answered the question in full, and that you agree with the fact that we should still be able to have access to new blood. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on March 04, 2017, 01:09:22 AM
Quite exciting news. Thank you for sharing and I look forward to more. I believe this calls for a drink (spoilered because image is so big)

And that image was too good not to share.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: DocReno on March 04, 2017, 06:17:56 AM
As a former member of a few of those umbrella sim groups that Auctor mentioned, I can honestly say that we've got more fire then they did around this time.

I was in the NEO branch of Bravo Fleet and was hoping to create a few of the things that I use for the Slayton family there and it is still a very beautiful thing to use almost a decade and a half later but eventually after a while, those sims shut themselves down due to over extending themselves.

What I'm trying to say is in much more simpler terms, there is a certain fire, a spark that is only making us get even better and be brighter.

Let us keep up the great work shall we? ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on March 06, 2017, 03:43:20 AM
As a former member of a few of those umbrella sim groups that Auctor mentioned, I can honestly say that we've got more fire then they did around this time.

I was in the NEO branch of Bravo Fleet and was hoping to create a few of the things that I use for the Slayton family there and it is still a very beautiful thing to use almost a decade and a half later but eventually after a while, those sims shut themselves down due to over extending themselves.

What I'm trying to say is in much more simpler terms, there is a certain fire, a spark that is only making us get even better and be brighter.

Let us keep up the great work shall we? ;)
Yes, sir.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: DocReno on March 06, 2017, 09:46:39 AM

I'll have you know that I work for a living  ;) ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 07, 2017, 02:14:37 AM

Due to RL issues with lacking time to write at all, Dam025 has decided to pull out. This, after they have been holding up a lot of writers in No Cosmic Justice. As according to our General Rules, I have just had to step in and post with Alessia Garcia in order to unlock the scene of battle and let DocReno post with Sniper and Terror.

With their membership in Star Trek: Theurgy terminated, Dam025 will not be allowed to post here until they have re-applied to the group. Re-admittance to write with us will only be granted once they have faith that they will be able to post frequently and not keep the group waiting for weeks between posts.

The matter about the Alessia Garcia character being available for inheritance is undecided. Having spent many hours on the character images of her, I do not want the character or the work to go to waste, but at the same time, Dam025 says they may return when RL matters ease up, but there is no telling when that will be.

For the time being, as required, I will post with Garcia as an NPC, but only in terms of absolute necessity, and no more. I will not be writing her in any one-on-one threads in the upcoming Interregnum, and I might even re-purpose the character images to some other use.

If any potential applicants for this group reads this, think over your RL situation before applying to join. We do not accept inactive writers, and I will try to take measures to avoid this situation from occuring again.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: The Counselor on March 07, 2017, 04:17:26 AM
In the spirit of communicating, my reply to Hylota and Maal is coming tomorrow.  I apologize for holding things up.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on March 07, 2017, 09:40:12 PM
My reply with Jaya is also coming.  I had some reading to catch up on, but the post is happening today!  Sorry for the wait :)

Also, Welcome Striker!  I play Jaya Thorne, a recent acquisition to the Theurgy due to them blowing up her previous posting... haha.  She pilots the Allegiant and once this battle is over, she's due for some R&R and multiple crew interactions!  It is good to have you and I look forward to writing with you!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on March 08, 2017, 04:30:44 AM
Hey, it was blow up the station (after getting everyone off it, along with everything of value not nailed down they could carry... and a few things that were nailed down after fetching a crowbar) or leave it out there for the Romulans and Sankolov to make use of it...
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on March 08, 2017, 06:40:23 AM
It did blow up in spectacular fashion.  Just saying :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on March 08, 2017, 10:56:18 PM
But where's the kaboom? The Earth Shattering Kaboom?

In other news >.> Not sure how I feel about a Deatheater as my new Star Trek Captain :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: DocReno on March 09, 2017, 01:38:32 AM
Say what now, Brutus my lad??
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on March 09, 2017, 02:10:27 AM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 11, 2017, 07:04:55 AM

At around 1 pm EST this Saturday, Eros will be doing some site maintenance and he will try to be done as soon as he can, but did not wish to give a time estimate right now.

Expect to find HoE broken around that time, but nothing will be lost and it will be over as soon as possible.


( Lt. JG Alessia Garcia         Flight Leader               USS Orcus
  - Played by Even Angels Cry

In the interest of preserving the storyline with some Valravn fighter pilots on the Orcus defecting to the Theurgy, and having someone write one of the Flight Leaders that is key to make it happen (the character having had a previous affiliation with pilots on the Theurgy) I have granted Even Angels Cry leave to write Alessia Garcia. In this case of inheritence, Dam025 might return if they can maintain an active presence, but since we can't wait for that now, EAC will play Alessia as if she was her own.

Furthermore, EAC has made some changes to the character in her inheritence, the most prominent thing being the change of Alessia's callsign from Stormraven to Angel. This change has been implemented in the few posts mentioning the callsign Stormraven already, the posts so far edited in this regard along with the edits EAC made on the character page on our Wiki. Should Dam025 return, the old version of the character is kept, but the callsign change will not be returned to Stormraven. Again, it is unlikely Dam025 will return based on current information.

Have fun writing your new character EAC! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on March 11, 2017, 04:31:36 PM
Since I'm still getting used to the writing schedule, who is next up in "No Cosmic Justice?"

I feel like I can post but didn't want to step on toes.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 11, 2017, 04:34:08 PM
You definitely can and should! :)

I will make sure and send out a newsletter as soon as I can so that everyone are on the same page.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on March 11, 2017, 05:39:37 PM

Hopefully I didn't miss a detail on anything. Let me know if there is any corrections needed.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 12, 2017, 06:51:00 AM
Excellent post! I posted again myself, dealing out some opposition and a PO for the space battle in No Cosmic Justice.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on March 12, 2017, 07:15:35 PM

I will make sure and send out a newsletter as soon as I can so that everyone are on the same page.

That would be much appreacted from my end. I've spent the past 5 days feeling like ass while getting over strep throat. I'm a wee bit out of sorts on where things are lol
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 13, 2017, 07:09:07 PM


Greetings fellow Theurgists!

The work on the new board continues, and I hope to show something soon. The layout is done, but there is some struggle with copying all our posts because of SQL compatability. Eros and I managed to copy them all over once, but there was some formatting issues within the posts where 30 % of the posts were broken off mid-way because we used symbols not accounted for. Because of this, we can focus on wrapping the current threads here on HE and move over to the new forum as of Interregnum 03-04. So, no worries, just a little bump on the road.

Here is the story overview! Please try to make time for posting so that we can finish this leg of the race. :)


Below is a list with all the threads in the Interregnum and Episode 04, sorted chronologically with the oldest one first. The threads in green are finished already and the yellow ones are on-going. Also, all these are links to click which ought to make it easy for those who wish to browse and read the story too. PO means Posting Order (if applicable, and always suggestions/recommendations).


DAY 01

DAY 01: Time Judges All [0500 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Healing | Part 1 [0730 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Rejuvenation [0900 hrs.] (
DAY 01: The Path Ahead [0915 hrs.] (
DAY 01: New Life [1000 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Lost in the Mind [1015 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Misgivings [1100 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Encouragement [1115 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.] (
DAY 01: SAR Away-Mission [1150 hrs.] (
DAY 01: A Fresh Start | Part 1 [1230 hrs.] (
DAY 01: A Fresh Start | Part 2 [1240 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Meeting of the Minds [1300 hrs.] (
DAY 01: The First of Many Propositions [1400 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Healing | Part 2 [1840 hrs.] (
DAY 01: An Empty Pack [2030 hrs.] (
DAY 01: Off-Duty Treatment [2030 hrs.] (
DAY 01: A Quiet Chat [2100 Hrs] (

DAY 02

DAY 02: Goldeneye's Confession [0700 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Back From the Dead [0800 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Critical Vacancy [1230 hrs.] (
DAY 02: In Remembrance [1200 hrs.] (
DAY 02: A Friendly Chat [1300 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Mistress-at-Arms [1400 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Digital Relations [1500 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Finding Strength [1800 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Healing | Part 3 [1830 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Poker Night [2000 hrs.] (
DAY 02: Houseguest [0130 hrs.] (

DAY 03

DAY 03: Unfinished Business [0610 hrs.] (
DAY 03: Upgrades [0805 hrs.] ( Next Poster: ch'Xinya
DAY 03: Phasmids [0900 hrs.] (
DAY 03: The Beginning Of A New Life [1100 hrs.] (
DAY 03: Twitching [1100 hrs.] (
DAY 03: Between Meetings [1200 hrs.] (
DAY 03: The Accipiter [1400 hrs.] (
DAY 03: Well-Earned Recognition [1500 hrs.] (
DAY 03: New Hire [1500 hrs.] (
DAY 03: Midnight Oil [2345 hrs.] (

DAY 04

DAY 04: Weapon Storage Raid [0750 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Aftermath [1300 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Obligations & Priorities [1305 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Opalescent Integration [1315 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Scotch & Fire [1400 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Jumping the Shark [1421 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Re-Connection [1600 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Free Images [1630 hrs.] (
DAY 04: The Flutter of a Pair of Wings [1750 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Yeoman & Suspect [1830 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Question of Wolven Error [1900 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Subconscious Repression [1955 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Hidden Forces [2000 hrs.] (
DAY 04: Recuperation [2130 hrs.] (

DAY 05

DAY 05: Keeping Balance [0630 hrs.] (
DAY 05: Resuming Duties [0900 hrs.] (
DAY 05: Creature Comforts [0930 hrs.] ( Next Poster: CanadianVet
DAY 05: Sheep in Wolf's Clothing [1200 hrs.] (
DAY 05: Alligator Shoes [1300 hrs] (  Next Poster: Doc M.
DAY 05: Alien Therapy [1400 hrs.] ( Next Poster: The Counselor & Doc M. (joint-post)
DAY 05: Redux [1400 hrs.] (
DAY 05: The Crossroads [1430 hrs.] (
DAY 05: Changing Ways [1500 hrs.] ( Next Poster: Kaligos
DAY 05: Climax Jump [1740 hrs] (

DAY 06

DAY 06: Late Night Liaison [0045 hrs.] (
DAY 06: A Chief Returns [0600 hrs.] (
DAY 06: For Sake of the Galaxy [1500 hrs.] (
DAY 06: First Circle of Hell [1535 hrs.] (
DAY 06: Fighting Shadows [1600 hrs.] (
DAY 06: Visitations [1600 hrs.] ( Next Poster: 1) CanadianVet 2) Auctor Lucan 3) ch'Xinya
DAY 06: Good Old Times [2100 hrs.] ( Next Poster: 1) Brutus 2) Arista 3) Auctor Lucan
DAY 06: Memories [2230 hrs.] (
DAY 06: A Special Request [2245 hrs.] ( Next Poster: 1) Nolan 2) The Counselor 3) DocReno
DAY 06: Inner Space ( Next Poster: [glow=red,2,300]Everyone who hasn't posted yet![/glow]


PROLOGUE: Homecoming (
CHAPTER 01: Tensions Rising (
CHAPTER 02: Crucible (listed by characters) (
CHAPTER 03: Loyalty (
CHAPTER 04: Usurpation (
CHAPTER 05: Battle of Starbase 84 (

CHAPTER 06: No Cosmic Justice (
 - Boarding Team 01: 1) Cardamone 2) Isley 3) Ravenholm (can also post next)
 - Boarding Team 02: 1) Komial + Thea + O'Connell JP (Auctor sends starter)
 - Boarding Team 03: 1) Sel 2) Marquez 3) Henshaw 4) Hawthorne/Ida/Drauc
 - Wolves Defending Vector 02 & 03: 1) Tancredi 2) Razor 3) Havenborn 4) Terror+Sniper+Husker 5) Angel 6) Dragon 7) Covington and Rawley JP
 - USS Allegiant: 1) Dewitt 2) Sithick 3) Jaya Thorne

CHAPTER 07: Cost of Truth (
 - Vector 01 of the Theurgy | Main Bridge: Posting order on this bridge scene (+the watching conference lounge) is very loose here, so please all you with characters present, chime in as soon as you can write a reply. That is, unless I am missing anyone who already posted, Brutus (Stark + Sarresh), Nolan (Tovarek), DocReno (Keval), Kaligos (Hi'Jak) and Vystori (A'vura + Six, the latter bringing Parnak and Suq to Conference Lounge).
 - Vector 01 of the Theurgy | Battle Sickbay: 1) F'Rell 2) Liam Herrold
 - Vector 02 of the Theurgy | Isolation Ward 02: 1) Hylota (+Vinata in ER/ICU) 2) Maal 3) The Counselor
 - Vector 02 of the Theurgy | Corridors: Nicander + MacMillan Joint-Post (Auctor Lucan sends starter)
 - Vector 03 of the Theurgy | Main Engineering: 1) Lin Kae 2) Duv 3) Rihen Neyah
There we go!  I will be sending out individual posting notices too, all in friendly spirit and not meant to nag at you all.  :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on March 13, 2017, 07:50:03 PM
Fabulous!  Thank you! And thank you for the announcement as well! I look forward to playing Alessia with all of you! If you haven't read her back story since the announcement, do take a peek at it. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on March 14, 2017, 03:30:46 PM
Good to know things are coming along!

I'll have the next F'Rell post out soon.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: MasterRat on March 17, 2017, 10:34:39 PM

Let us spread the word.

Just figured out how the image system worked.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on March 18, 2017, 11:08:16 PM
Playing catch up on reading before posts - hopefully getting my posts up by tomorrow night, if not sooner. Been killer busy at work
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on March 20, 2017, 01:34:37 AM
Curse your sudden, but inevitable betrayal!

Not exactly the message of hope we were all looking for, I guess that makes the crew much more crazy looking.

As for the away teams

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: DocReno on March 20, 2017, 02:18:22 AM
I wanted to apologize for my post not being up as quickly as I wanted them to but with mid-terms, setting up things for my replacement since I am changing departments at the University where I work, and various smaller RL issues (like an internet provider that was trying to tell me that my bill hadn't been paid even though I paid it on the first...)-it just seemed like this week wasn't my week to try and get anything serious done.

For that, I apologize.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 20, 2017, 02:38:15 AM
No worries. I reposted my post so that yours ended up before mine, where the Archeron fleet appeared. Next poster in Cost of Truth is Nolan.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on March 20, 2017, 02:50:03 AM
I'm not sure which i find more amusing: that Starfleet appropriately named a Defiant class ship after Ben Sisko, or that we snuck in the Defiant to the task force ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on March 20, 2017, 11:19:01 PM
My goodness, Brutus, what a post! Great job!

Seems everyone is bringing their 'A' games lately. I'm going to have to step up my writing :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: FollowTomorrow on March 20, 2017, 11:40:06 PM
Arista I totally agree. Everyone's been writing awesome! Also, I call first dibs on punching Ian Hawthrone in the family jewels when we meet him.

He's not related to the altered transmission, but if I blame him for everything bad that happens I feel better
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on March 21, 2017, 12:00:16 AM
That assumes somebody in the assault team doesn't 'accidentally' discharge a phaser on a high enough setting to leave his brains (or his balls) a charred stump.  :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on March 21, 2017, 12:08:00 AM
Omg! Wtf just happened in the other thread?! I hadn't been reading it until today! Thanks for the heads up Kaligos!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on March 21, 2017, 12:13:20 AM
If you meant me EAC, I was being silly. It's been rather tempting in the base assault with Ida, Sel, Drauc & co, to just end the threat that is Ian Hawthorne with a well placed burst from a phaser on a high setting. :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on March 21, 2017, 02:20:15 AM
That assumes somebody in the assault team doesn't 'accidentally' discharge a phaser on a high enough setting to leave his brains (or his balls) a charred stump.  :P
That's what transporters are for ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on March 21, 2017, 04:41:58 AM
This is what happens when work schedules you to close and then open, but you have ideas for a post and MUST type them out!  Maybe I will sleep, maybe I will not.  But since I need to be awake in 7 hours, I'm sensing a 3 hour nap in my future, haha!

That said, posts incoming for Jaya and Alessia!

EDIT:  I was right!  Done with 1 post just in time for a 3 hour nap!  3.5 if i fall asleep fast!  XD  Ah well, Alessia will come after work tomorrow!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on March 21, 2017, 05:13:20 PM
Did someone say they missed Kendrick?

That assumes somebody in the assault team doesn't 'accidentally' discharge a phaser on a high enough setting to leave his brains (or his balls) a charred stump.  :P
That's what transporters are for ;)

Sorry for breaking all of your dib's but in terms of killing Hawthorne.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: FollowTomorrow on March 21, 2017, 07:24:17 PM
Kendrick deadass flies his ship right up to Hawthrone's face like

and I'm over here like
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on March 21, 2017, 07:30:43 PM
All that's missing is Kendrick blasting "Flight of the Valkyries" over the comm line.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on March 22, 2017, 11:29:26 AM
Aaaaaand watch as Hawthorne responds to Kendrick like so:

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: FollowTomorrow on March 22, 2017, 07:38:08 PM
If that's what hawthorne does I swear to god i'll be so pissed lol
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Mathis on March 23, 2017, 06:27:46 AM
That was a super satisfying post to read. 😃
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on March 23, 2017, 11:28:19 AM
Oh hey, we have fwiends!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on March 26, 2017, 03:23:41 AM
So who's been running to the Andromeda galaxy in the past week?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on March 26, 2017, 03:29:34 AM
Not me I don't care for mass effect.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Mathis on March 26, 2017, 03:50:07 AM
I have been. :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 26, 2017, 04:22:50 AM
I have just gotten to Eos yet, but I like the game so far. Found a great female Ryder face to use online too (standard one sucked).


It is my pleasure to announce our newest member, Esyel. She will actually write one of our very, very oldest characters in terms of first appearance in the story. Having been in stasis since the Niga Incident, Nurse Jovela will be resuscitated first thing come the Interregnum 04-05. Jovela used to be Head Nurse before Eve Jenkins and Hylota Vojona, and we'll see how it pans out In-Character with that position now that Jovela will be doing a recovery and Hylota is giving birth during the Battle of Starbase 84! Zenozine, Esyel and I will sort it all out eventually, lol.

( Lt. JG Jovela                Nurse
  - Played by Esyel

As you can see, Natasha Yi still plays Jovela, and the above is a link to the updated character biography, where bigger versions of the new character images are available too. Esyel took her time to update the background story and her personality a bit, but still kept some parts to honour the story of her so far. In case anyone has yet to read Episode 01, Jovela was shot down by Thea, who was being puppeteered from the computer core by the infected aboard the ship. It will be really interesting to read this character's second chance at life.

Welcome aboard, Esyel!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 26, 2017, 04:27:04 AM
Esyel post:

Walks in, takes a deep breath, and waves


I am definitely not new to RPing or Eros, but I am with Star Trek, for the most part. More so compared to other fandoms I know and am familiar with, anyway.

Nice to meet you all and I definitely look forward to seeing how everything plays out!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on March 26, 2017, 04:31:24 AM

*so much squeeeee*

Super welcome to Theurgy!!!!!!! What a great twist of fate!! I hope you love it here and I look forward to our possible interactions! 

I play 2 characters: Jaya Thorne, currently piloting the Allegiant... and Alessia Garcia, a fighter pilot with the White Wolves from the USA Orcus who has just defected to the Theurgy :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 26, 2017, 04:33:41 AM
Esyel post:

Smirks and giggles

You can thank Kaligos-ototo. He convinced me (finally xD) to give this a try. So.... here I am!

I have been sneaking peeks at everyone and their respective characters. Yours look very interesting, as does everyone else~

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on March 26, 2017, 04:36:32 AM
Well then, welcome aboard the Theurgy
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on March 26, 2017, 04:46:55 AM
:D hooray for that!  I'm sure you'll fit in perfectly!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Havenborn on March 26, 2017, 05:00:21 AM
Welcome Esyel, hope you have a fun time here.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on March 26, 2017, 05:22:20 AM
I have just gotten to Eos yet, but I like the game so far. Found a great female Ryder face to use online too (standard one sucked).


It is my pleasure to announce our newest member, Esyel. She will actually write one of our very, very oldest characters in terms of first appearance in the story. Having been in stasis since the Niga Incident, Nurse Jovela will be resuscitated first thing come the Interregnum 04-05. Jovela used to be Head Nurse before Eve Jenkins and Hylota Vojona, and we'll see how it pans out In-Character with that position now that Jovela will be doing a recovery and Hylota is giving birth during the Battle of Starbase 84! Zenozine, Esyel and I will sort it all out eventually, lol.

( Lt. JG Jovela                Nurse
  - Played by Esyel

As you can see, Natasha Yi still plays Jovela, and the above is a link to the updated character biography, where bigger versions of the new character images are available too. Esyel took her time to update the background story and her personality a bit, but still kept some parts to honour the story of her so far. In case anyone has yet to read Episode 01, Jovela was shot down by Thea, who was being puppeteered from the computer core by the infected aboard the ship. It will be really interesting to read this character's second chance at life.

Welcome aboard, Esyel!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Walks in, takes a deep breath, and waves


I am definitely not new to RPing or Eros, but I am with Star Trek, for the most part. More so compared to other fandoms I know and am familiar with, anyway.

Nice to meet you all and I definitely look forward to seeing how everything plays out!
I'm so excited to not be the newest Theurgy player...but still newest as far as House Eros goes. So, maybe I'm still new...(hyperventilates)

Anyway, welcome :)

So who's been running to the Andromeda galaxy in the past week?
No thanks.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: MasterRat on March 26, 2017, 08:56:29 AM
Welcome aboard Esyel,

Hope you enjoy writing with us. So have fun, enjoy, and excited to have new people to keep this adventure alive and nail biting fun.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 26, 2017, 08:58:45 AM
Esyel post:

Thanks everyone for the welcome! I'm definitely excited to see how things end up playing out!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on March 26, 2017, 10:52:47 AM
Welcome Eysel! Hope you'll feel home soon with us.

I'm getting sucked into andromeda as we speak so I'll do my best to keep up with posts! Work isn't giving me a break either.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Mathis on March 27, 2017, 01:50:49 AM
Welcome, welcome!

Hope to get to write with you soon.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: The Counselor on March 27, 2017, 04:00:13 AM

Replies tomorrow all!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on March 27, 2017, 02:45:41 PM
For the record, last 2 weeks have been hellish, and I'm hoping to be able to post...

And spend more time poking around Andromeda, see what sort of trouble I can get into.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: DocReno on March 28, 2017, 03:08:50 AM
Actually used a bit of Andromeda and The Expendables for influence in my last post to be honest.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on March 29, 2017, 03:46:47 PM
Thanks everyone for the welcome! I'm definitely excited to see how things end up playing out!
Hopefully real life gets better. Look forward to writing with you  8)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: MasterRat on March 29, 2017, 06:27:45 PM

It won't hurt, I'm a professional.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on March 30, 2017, 03:35:15 AM
I'm a professional too...just not at that.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on April 03, 2017, 02:51:28 PM
Jeeze you even ported over the OOC posts? Daymn dude, that's some serious dedication.

/me applauds
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: MasterRat on April 04, 2017, 02:13:54 AM
Llama Llama Llama, Testing 1, 2, 3,  The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.   Ground Control to Major Tom.  In the garden of Eden  baby,

Second Star to the right and straight on till morning.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on April 04, 2017, 02:33:23 AM
Feedback: the default layout alternates the colors of posts on mobile: every other message is pale ass link on white background and almost impossible to read on a phone. Plus the login option does not appear unless I rotate the screen. Anyone else have this issue using an Android phone/Chrome browser??
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on April 04, 2017, 02:35:32 AM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: FollowTomorrow on April 04, 2017, 04:32:52 AM
I am not having that issue at all Brutus, I'm posting from my android phone, using a chrome browser. It looks similar to the PC version of the site
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on April 04, 2017, 05:13:11 AM
Weird and annoying. I should have a new phone in the next week, so I'll compare then and see if i still get the same issue.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on April 04, 2017, 10:37:52 AM
I am having this issue as well on my phone. Was trying to find a way to fix it but it seems beyond me atm.  I have made due by highlighting the text of someone's post as if I we're going to copy it. That allows me to read the white words of the white background for alternating posts.

I have an android (Samsung galaxy note 3) and use Chrome as well, but I don't think that's the issue.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 04, 2017, 10:40:48 AM
Hi there!

From the upcoming newsletter in the making:

"I am not too keen on the layout for the cellphone view of the forum. Like Brutus just mentioned in the Main OOC thread, the results can be a bit skewed, colours not coming out right. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to the results either, just wonky overall. Therefore, until I have had Elkarte staff agree to completely disable the mobile view of our forum, making all devices only show the desktop version of it, I recommend you switch to Desktop view when accessing the forum on your cellphones. It might be Elkarte staff or John74 is able to fix the mobile view too, so we'll see how it turns out. For now, just use the desktop view until further notice. You can switch to it in your phone's setting easily enough."

Hope it helps for the time being! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on April 04, 2017, 10:54:39 AM
OK cool!

 So here is something interesting that i just noticed because I opened this post with my phone in a different position than before. When I have my phone vertical,  every other post is white on white and no one has signatures or titles.  When I turn my phone horizontal, the issue is fixed and I can see and read everything normally (as well as everyone's signatures and titles)

It's crazy weird but there you go.  Try turning your phone sideways and see if it fixes things for you
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 04, 2017, 10:59:22 AM
Like I said.... wonky.  Thanks EAC! :)

Waiting on word from Elkarte staff on this issue.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on April 04, 2017, 01:46:20 PM
Wow, yeah, that works. Pain for typing tho hahaha....weeeeird
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 04, 2017, 03:47:58 PM
Yeah, I have been told by Elkarte staff what to do, but it goes over my ability, so I will have to ask for help from my webmaster, lol.


In other news, I have just put us in cue to have the site SSL protected, changing the URL of the site to https://. We will see if all links will be automatically redirected, even if my web provider company swears they will. If all links are broken, I will switch back and make the switch when I have the time to fix all the links everywhere (again).

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on April 04, 2017, 07:43:47 PM
Lol  I skimmed your post and saw Protection and my mind went someplace else XD
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 04, 2017, 11:36:48 PM
Ha ha, EAC. I take no responsibility for where your mind might venture...  (laugh)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on April 05, 2017, 01:52:46 AM
Shouldn't that be a disclaimer in all posts? "Not responsible for where reader's minds go while reading."
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on April 05, 2017, 03:38:10 AM
Lol yes it should be,  but then again my mind tends to live in the gutter   *IN\ LOVE*
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on April 05, 2017, 03:39:37 AM
Lol yes it should be,  but then again my mind tends to live in the gutter   *IN\ LOVE*
Lol Well, I won't hold that against you :)

As a general question, is there a place to post ideas for character growth to kind of flesh out before posting?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on April 05, 2017, 05:05:29 AM
Director's cut maybe? or just OOC if its brainstorming, and not actually story writing.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on April 05, 2017, 05:48:50 AM
Yeah, it's more brainstorming than actual posts. Developing ideas and having some suggestions to make it fit in to the overall world, that sort of thing. One aspect, when Dev is finally on the Theurgy is holodeck programs of interest to pass the time, etc.

Again, just kind of spitballing and wasn't sure were that would be appropriate. Nothing pressing, obviously, with the transition. Just thinking out loud.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 05, 2017, 11:07:06 AM
Awesome post in Director's Cut, Waffles. :) Thanks for the read. If you want to write with someone in that scene, then DocReno's and EAC's characters ought to be there, right?


I am updating links all over the place from http:// to https:// so you can all update your own saved links to and for the forum and wiki respectively.

Not sure why Chrome still says the site isn't secure, but John74 will be installing an auto-redirect script for all site traffic to https://, so perhaps that will solve the issue.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on April 05, 2017, 04:56:39 PM
Thanks, Auctor!

Also, just a head's up on the tech side, I've got a partial secure connection. Firefox is saying that the images may not be secure. Not sure if that helps or confuses.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 05, 2017, 05:01:47 PM
Thank you, it does help. All links to DeviantArt are http://, so I am ahunting...

With a joint venture between John74 and I, the site may be secure on the morrow. With all the Wiki content, its quite a lot to go through.

Eventually, I will ask everyone to look around for errors in this regard, but atm, it's a work in progress. I will keep you all posted!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 06, 2017, 01:20:56 AM

One does not realise how much pages and links one have accumulated until one does something like this. The entire site, forum and wiki, should all be secure now, marked by that little quality stamp of a green padlock before the url in your browsers.

Now, please keep in mind that if you upload or link an insecure image in a post - preceded by http:// instead of https:// - that page of the site will loose the green padlock. Nevertheless, the site will still be secure if that happens.

Please, look around at your leisure and let me know if you find any pages I missed.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 06, 2017, 11:30:04 PM

Well, since we already had the forum page and the wiki page in separate folders on my domain, I made a quick and easy slider main page for the parent, (

Nothing fancy, and no images you haven't seen before, but just a clean first impression.

Now, after the hours spent on the SSL protection and this page, I am quite fed up with programming for a while, lol.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on April 07, 2017, 12:48:48 AM
The amount of time you have spent on this is staggering.  Thank you for all your efforts, all of you who have helped with this project! !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on April 07, 2017, 02:09:29 AM
Indeed. Thank you for all the hard work, as it sounds incredibly frustrating.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 07, 2017, 10:22:22 AM
A bit, indeed. But I am glad you all like what's been done to the place. :) More's to come, but I need to purge my head from coding with some prose right about now...

Upcoming info will be about the ranking system and the custom fields of your member profiles, but I will get to that eventually. For now, you can all sort the Member List ( by posts numbers and you will get an idea about the ranking system, and the Custom Title option is at your Forum Profile page.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: MasterRat on April 08, 2017, 12:08:31 AM
Llama Llama Llama, Testing 1 2 3.  

It's been a wild week, I'll get to working on a post in the near future.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 08, 2017, 12:29:11 AM
Relax, MasterRat. I have a post with Rihen and Thea coming up, so you can reply to that soon. Post up tomorrow, likely. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on April 08, 2017, 06:24:14 AM

Komial! Why, Brutus!

In all seriousness though it was probably a fitting death for her. The inability to take a traitors hand is pretty much a death sentence, but I'm very sad to see her go.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 13, 2017, 01:15:05 PM
Komial was a delight, and Brutus gave her an awesome ending. Thanks for telling us her story!

Oh, for those who feared we might not get any traffic if were weren't hosted on House of Eros, this is the second day in a row I have seen around 35 guests on our forum at the same time:


I think there might be a connection to me posting on Facebook and DeviantArt, showing our new bridge, so I think it might not be a daily thing, but its good to know people can find their way here. :)

Let's hope some of them are considering to join!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on April 14, 2017, 06:11:32 PM
Just so everyone knows i will be out of town till Monday.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on April 17, 2017, 06:09:04 AM
Just got done with the busy holiday weekend, but planning on posting tonight.

Hope every one had a happy Easter :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 17, 2017, 11:18:27 PM

It is my pleasure to announce our newest member, Steelphoenix, who will write Deacon, a Kzinti defector who was held in protective custody on Starbase 84.

( ( Deacon                    Defector, Starbase 84 ( 
  - Played by Steelphoenix (

The way in which Deacon will get aboard the Theurgy is still to be decided on, but there are great ideas for it currently being discussed over PM.

Welcome aboard, Steelphoenix!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on April 18, 2017, 02:13:50 AM
Welcome! Always glad to have new people :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on April 18, 2017, 02:30:40 AM
Oh man, Kzinti? Very, very nice choice. They showed up in the Animated series and the old Starfleet battles game, right?

Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on April 18, 2017, 04:56:25 AM
Thank you, Auctor!   Hello everyone!

Welcome! Always glad to have new people :)

Thank you very much (my typing is suffering... my PC just died three hours ago and I'm working off my Mac instead; please forgive slow responses and typos right now... I have the skills of a toddler on my Mac :D )

Oh man, Kzinti? Very, very nice choice. They showed up in the Animated series and the old Starfleet battles game, right?

Welcome aboard!

Indeed.  Larry Niven snuck them in and they've been lingering unofficially in the periphery every since.  In fact, if Enterprise had been renewed for another season, it was going to feature the Kzinti next.  I'll probably end up mixing and matching elements from their canon appearances with their Known Space counterparts and their Starfleet Universe counterparts as well.  :)  I supposed I should start reading all those Man-Kzin Wars books fast... :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Havenborn on April 18, 2017, 05:44:35 AM
Just a heads up I'll have a post up sometime this week, Saturday at the latest.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on April 18, 2017, 11:05:12 AM
Welcome aboard!

Hope you enjoy your time with us. We're a friendly bunch really. If you've got any questions, please feel free to shout.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on April 18, 2017, 11:15:29 AM
Are we friendly? I thought we just got depicted as war seeking rebellious scum! :o

Either way, welcome aboard phoenix! Hope you have a blast with us ^^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on April 18, 2017, 12:46:05 PM
Are we friendly? I thought we just got depicted as war seeking rebellious scum! :o

We're the friendliest war seeking rebellious scum you've ever seen.  :p

Defect from the Federation. We have candy!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on April 18, 2017, 06:27:39 PM
Welcome Steel phoenix!  :D I notice you've just beamed yourself aboard my craft. ... *giggles* glad to have you aboard!  (laugh)   (laugh)  (laugh)

I play Jaya Thorne, the current pilot of the allegiant. I also play Alessia Garcia, a valravn fighter who has defected from the Orcus.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on April 18, 2017, 06:39:34 PM
We have candy?  Since when?  Nobody told me that!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on April 19, 2017, 03:21:24 AM
Welcome Steel phoenix!  :D I notice you've just beamed yourself aboard my craft. ... *giggles* glad to have you aboard!  (laugh)   (laugh)  (laugh)

I play Jaya Thorne, the current pilot of the allegiant. I also play Alessia Garcia, a valravn fighter who has defected from the Orcus.

I did.  Please try not to hurt the floating 6'8" pussycat... he's really quite adorable when you get to know him.   :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on April 19, 2017, 03:35:00 AM
*hides the candy*

Welcome Steel phoenix!  :D I notice you've just beamed yourself aboard my craft. ... *giggles* glad to have you aboard!  (laugh)   (laugh)  (laugh)

I play Jaya Thorne, the current pilot of the allegiant. I also play Alessia Garcia, a valravn fighter who has defected from the Orcus.

I did.  Please try not to hurt the floating 6'8" pussycat... he's really quite adorable when you get to know him.   :D
You might enjoy reading David Gerrold's Star Wolf chronicles, which describes genetically enhanced beings who resemble rather large cats.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on April 19, 2017, 03:41:32 AM

It is my pleasure to announce our newest member, Steelphoenix, who will write Deacon, a Kzinti defector who was held in protective custody on Starbase 84.

( ( Deacon                    Defector, Starbase 84 ( 
  - Played by Steelphoenix (

The way in which Deacon will get aboard the Theurgy is still to be decided on, but there are great ideas for it currently being discussed over PM.

Welcome aboard, Steelphoenix!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

I completely missed this because it happened while I was away, but hello Steel pheonix. I play Nathanal Isley (Half Romulan Half Human), Hi'Jak (Half Human, Half Klingon) and Sithick (The Gorn)

I hope that we have more chances to rp together and I hope you enjoy your time with us.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on April 19, 2017, 03:45:22 AM
Shouldn't Deacon be wearing a pink uniform? ;)

Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on April 19, 2017, 04:00:52 AM
Shouldn't Deacon be wearing a pink uniform? ;)

Welcome aboard!

Hah actually, as I understand it, the reason they wore pink in the Animated Series was because the guy who designed them for the show was color blind, so he only saw them as shades of grey.  :)  But I thought about it... and then realized I looked tacky as hell in pink.  :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on April 19, 2017, 04:41:18 PM
Gotta love the 70's. Only inthat decade could a colorblind person get he job of picking colors, and no one really questioned his choices XD
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on April 19, 2017, 05:39:00 PM
I just looked over the Kizinti and the Elysian alliance. The gorn were apparently members. I did not know of this when I wrote the wiki on the gorn.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on April 19, 2017, 05:44:11 PM
Elysia was located in a pocket dimension and made up of lost wanderers, so I think you're okay? I'm pretty sure anyway...
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on April 19, 2017, 05:46:12 PM
As I recall, that is correct - the alliance wasn't a galactic power, just a subset in a trapped dimension. No real impact on Gorn politics.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on April 20, 2017, 01:38:31 AM
You will be punished by the laws of Gorn and Kzin.  Just kidding.  :)  I'm still drafting the Theurgy entry on the kzinti... it'll be a hodge podge for a little while. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on April 20, 2017, 01:46:45 AM
Feel free to hit me up in Skype or pm. I can help brainstorming for planets I love world building.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on April 20, 2017, 02:02:23 AM
I would be happy to brain storm as well. With Skype running like garbage on my machine, PM is the most reliable way right now.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on April 20, 2017, 02:23:02 AM
The laws of Gorn and Kzin have nothing on the Spanish Inquisition! (Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on April 20, 2017, 02:24:14 AM
Oh, great.  Now there's going to be fur everywhere.  That stuff always shows on dark uniforms.  Time to replicate some lint brushes.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on April 20, 2017, 03:02:18 AM
Those Starfleet issue roombas are gonna be working overtime hahaha.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on April 20, 2017, 03:18:40 AM
Those Starfleet issue roombas are gonna be working overtime hahaha.

And now I got the mental picture of a serious conversation as people are walking and tripping on one of these damn things.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on April 20, 2017, 03:26:06 AM
Hahahah just the other day I was musing on a potential conversation that culminated in the comment "And tribbles.. have you ever eaten a tribble?  Like coughing up a hairball... in reverse."
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on April 20, 2017, 03:32:50 AM
Somehow, I could see Triage's Heather McMillan lose her lunch over that...
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on April 20, 2017, 03:38:13 AM
Sithick has eaten tribble you just need to cook it better.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on April 20, 2017, 03:45:17 AM
Sithick has eaten tribble you just need to cook it better.

Wouldn't it be easier to list what Sithick HASN'T eaten?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on April 20, 2017, 03:51:59 AM
Human but it's on the bucket list.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on April 20, 2017, 03:58:54 AM
Human but it's on the bucket list.
Aaand I just choked on my drink laughing.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on April 20, 2017, 04:08:33 AM
Human but it's on the bucket list.

Pfft.... and you call yourself a carnivore.  You even cooked the tribble.  *shakes head disapprovingly*  :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on April 20, 2017, 04:17:35 AM
Human but it's on the bucket list.

Pfft.... and you call yourself a carnivore.  You even cooked the tribble.  *shakes head disapprovingly*  :D

excuse me but Sithick, is a better more civilized carnivore, one who will eat you with a fork and knife for he is not impolite.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on April 20, 2017, 04:24:41 AM
XO's notes: do not assign Deacon to galley duty; crew health concerns.

PS: keep an eye on Sithick's replicator requests and run regular full roll calls of all human personnel.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on April 20, 2017, 04:28:33 AM
Human but it's on the bucket list.

Pfft.... and you call yourself a carnivore.  You even cooked the tribble.  *shakes head disapprovingly*  :D

excuse me but Sithick, is a better more civilized carnivore, one who will eat you with a fork and knife for he is not impolite.
Remind not to be assigned to dangerous away missions with either officer. Knowing the way things role, it will be a life or death mission that results in cannibalism :S     

Also, the civilized carnivore reminded me of a joke:
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on April 20, 2017, 04:39:01 AM
XO's notes: do not assign Deacon to galley duty; crew health concerns.


Mind you, the real Deacon is not as over-the-top as I'm playing him in this thread.  ;) 
Makes me wonder if Sithick and Deacon of the Mirror Universe are like... meak little salad eaters...
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on April 20, 2017, 04:54:36 AM
PS: keep an eye on Sithick's replicator requests and run regular full roll calls of all human personnel.

On a Federation ship? Good luck, also come on we can spare one space janitor! It's for science tasty, tasty science!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on April 20, 2017, 04:57:21 AM
PS: keep an eye on Sithick's replicator requests and run regular full roll calls of all human personnel.

On a Federation ship? Good luck, also come on we can spare one space janitor! It's for science tasty, tasty science!
Go grown your own human, like any mad scientist.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on April 20, 2017, 05:42:55 AM
Go grown your own human, like any mad scientist.
I'm pretty sure Phlox is dead of old age by now... (and there was much rejoicing amongst the Valakians that day I'm sure.)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on April 20, 2017, 06:08:25 AM
Go grown your own human, like any mad scientist.
I'm pretty sure Phlox is dead of old age by now... (and there was much rejoicing amongst the Valakians that day I'm sure.)
It's a day long remembered.

Maybe just stop by the cloning facility the Dominion left behind?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on April 20, 2017, 04:21:36 PM
Go grown your own human, like any mad scientist.

Martin's on the job
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triton on April 20, 2017, 08:05:01 PM
Sithick is so invited to Striker's weekly WWII Holoprogram combat simulator:  Sithick shows up for the Pacific Island-hopping campaign, in USMC camouflage and helmet, B.A.R. in each hand, and the opposition running in terror, screaming 'Gojira!'

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: DocReno on April 20, 2017, 08:24:27 PM
(Sticks his head up while helping students for pre-finals)

HEY!....I resemble that remark ; )
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on April 20, 2017, 10:39:19 PM
Striker I know you are joking but you have no idea the impact on sithicks character being invited to such an event would have.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triton on April 21, 2017, 12:53:54 AM
Julian Bashir had his 007 holonovels, I have my WW2 holoprogram, merely meant for basic combat training, with the backdrop of Earth's past, pre-high technology. In theory, any crewmate, human or otherwise, Security/Ops/Command or otherwise, can join in on this weekly gig, even the CONN guys can have [O'Brien:] "Their crack at the Jerries!" from a propeller combat aircraft-- might I recommend the F-6F Hellcat, P-38, P-51 or P-47?

Assuming that was Gorn appetites was the tone of the joke: taking a chomp out of a photonic holo-character (enemy axis trooper), first coining 'Gojira!' in the holonovel's pseudo-timeline. Given holographic objective mode or not.... yikes.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on April 21, 2017, 02:05:24 AM
And I'm about to give Trent one of my own interests so he can blow off stress: Lichtenhauer-tradition historical fencing!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on April 21, 2017, 02:43:02 AM
So does that mean K'ren and Deacon can have a holo-program where they are competing viral internet meme stars?  Cats are quite popular on the interwebz, y'know.  :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on April 21, 2017, 04:39:26 AM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on April 24, 2017, 04:38:01 AM
All I'm saying is that someone is gonna try throwing cat nip at them.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on April 24, 2017, 04:53:42 AM
Brutus, You assume that'll turn K'Ren into some sort of wired, sky high kitty? What if catnip turns her into an amorous sex kitten? :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on April 24, 2017, 05:06:42 AM
I take no responsibility for anyone's reactions ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on April 24, 2017, 05:25:07 AM
Kzinti prefer zheerekti but, if we're talking amorous sex kittens... Deacon has no objections.  :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 24, 2017, 12:23:56 PM

It is my pleasure to announce our newest member, TharinAlk, who will write TharinAlk th'Thane, the Theurgy's Chief Diplomatic Officer.

( Lt Cmdr. TharinAlk th'Thane  Chief Diplomatic Officer ( 
( (
  - Played by TharinAlk

He was put in stasis before Episode 01, in the first month of the desperate flight through Federation Space. His injuries could not be treated until after the Battle of Starbase 84, and given the state of things aboard the Theurgy after the catastrophic failure of the mission to the starbase, we really do need Alk's skills aboard the ship to mediate between the different factions that will form.

Moreover, when the Theurgy lost Alk, the crew was left with a bare skeleton detachment of remaining diplomatic relations officers, who virtually all got killed in the months to follow. As of Interregnum 04-05, only one or two might be found alive, albeit in Sickbay, leaving Alk as the sole Diplomatic Officer on active duty.

Welcome aboard, TharinAlk, and good luck! I have a feeling your character may need it...  ;)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on April 24, 2017, 12:36:35 PM
Welcome aboard!

I hope you enjoy your stay with us! Let us know if you have any questions. We'll help where we can.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on April 24, 2017, 02:47:46 PM
Oh hey, a diplomatic officer. Thats gonna be useful!

Welcome aboard :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on April 24, 2017, 02:56:18 PM
A diplomatic officer.  An Andorian diplomatic officer, on a renegade starship.,.

That'll be a fun job!

Now, with regards to the kitties we have on board, who's going to be the first to be allergic to their fur?  Or make mention of their shedding?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on April 24, 2017, 06:22:56 PM

It is my pleasure to announce our newest member, TharinAlk, who will write TharinAlk th'Thane, the Theurgy's Chief Diplomatic Officer.

( Lt Cmdr. TharinAlk th'Thane  Chief Diplomatic Officer ( 
( (
  - Played by TharinAlk

He was put in stasis before Episode 01, in the first month of the desperate flight through Federation Space. His injuries could not be treated until after the Battle of Starbase 84, and given the state of things aboard the Theurgy after the catastrophic failure of the mission to the starbase, we really do need Alk's skills aboard the ship to mediate between the different factions that will form.

Moreover, when the Theurgy lost Alk, the crew was left with a bare skeleton detachment of remaining diplomatic relations officers, who virtually all got killed in the months to follow. As of Interregnum 04-05, only one or two might be found alive, albeit in Sickbay, leaving Alk as the sole Diplomatic Officer on active duty.

Welcome aboard, TharinAlk, and good luck! I have a feeling your character may need it...  ;)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Welcome aboard. Hopefully there is double training as a clinical psychiatrist.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TharinAlk on April 24, 2017, 11:14:15 PM
Hey all,
Glad to be here and looking forward to writing with you all!

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on April 25, 2017, 01:39:13 AM
Hey all,
Glad to be here and looking forward to writing with you all!

Welcome aboard!  Yay, I'm no longer the new guy!  :D

Now, with regards to the kitties we have on board, who's going to be the first to be allergic to their fur?  Or make mention of their shedding?

I don't know about K'Ren, but Deacon takes great care in his personal grooming.   :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on April 25, 2017, 03:15:38 AM
Hey, another set of blue balls!  Ida better watch out, all we need is a shen now and the shenanigans can have some lasting repercussions....
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on April 25, 2017, 03:19:53 AM
Hey, another set of blue balls!  Ida better watch out, all we need is a shen now and the shenanigans can have some lasting repercussions....
I see what you did there.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on April 25, 2017, 03:22:31 AM
Hey, another set of blue balls!  Ida better watch out, all we need is a shen now and the shenanigans can have some lasting repercussions....
I see what you did there.
Heh, now I do too!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TharinAlk on April 25, 2017, 03:30:56 AM
Hey, another set of blue balls!  Ida better watch out, all we need is a shen now and the shenanigans can have some lasting repercussions....
I see what you did there.
Heh, now I do too!

It took me a few moments and some character bio clicking to get it.   Lol very amusing.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on April 25, 2017, 04:38:52 AM
I laughed, A lot.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on April 25, 2017, 04:52:02 AM
LOL you guys crack me up!

Welcome TharinAlk!  I can't say I know much about Andorians, but we're happy to have you!  Good luck with that diplomacy thing, I think both my characters are the "shoot first questions later" type.... but whatever floats your boat!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on April 25, 2017, 05:28:43 AM

I don't know about K'Ren, but Deacon takes great care in his personal grooming.   :)

So long as neither decides to hack out a hairball on the deck, I think we'll be ok.  Even if they shed and some people are allergic.  We'll get engineering to whip up some roombas and sickbay to replicate some antihistamines.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on April 25, 2017, 05:30:50 AM
Dr. Nicander will be replicating a lot of Benadryl lol
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on April 25, 2017, 05:34:26 AM
That's not a hairball... it's a Tribble.  I thought we covered this.  :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on April 25, 2017, 05:38:35 AM
Can't speak for those K'Zin brutes but considering that Caits have moved past that particular form of grooming themselves, and they don't eat food with fur on it, I doubt you'll have to worry about hairball hacking. And I will note that as grooming is something caits are very fastidious about, so the amount of dander is quite minimal, no more then the hairless ape's we serve with. (laugh)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on April 25, 2017, 05:45:09 AM
Slight aside here, but I've been watching SFDebris's DS9 reviews and I just love his nickname for the USS Defiant: USS Ben Sisko's Motherf'in Pimp Hand.  Has quite the ring to it I think....
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TharinAlk on April 25, 2017, 06:16:46 AM
LOL you guys crack me up!

Welcome TharinAlk!  I can't say I know much about Andorians, but we're happy to have you!  Good luck with that diplomacy thing, I think both my characters are the "shoot first questions later" type.... but whatever floats your boat!

He fully recognizes that some things do need to be shot first.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on April 25, 2017, 06:19:15 AM
"Alright, monkeys... stop waving those guns around.  We've already lost the war.  Four of them, in fact."
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TharinAlk on April 25, 2017, 06:42:16 AM
"Alright, monkeys... stop waving those guns around.  We've already lost the war.  Four of them, in fact."

Better they wave guns than the alternative.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 25, 2017, 08:53:24 AM
Are you quite certain Nicander would be handing out Benadryl, if such an opportunity presented itself to him? ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on April 25, 2017, 02:37:13 PM

What would Nicander's solution for allergies be?

"Well, crewman. I'm going to have to test and see how badly affected by the allergens you are. If you could step over to the bio bed here, lie down on your back, spread your legs and fantasize my monster dick is the captain's we'll get you right tested up."

I'm still trying to decide if Sel needs to come back to Nicander for more 'testing' to see if the Deltan pheremones are affecting her. (laugh) ( thread ref (,1147) )
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on April 25, 2017, 04:20:20 PM
fantasize my monster dick is the captain's

Why do I imagine you like this?

Sometimes I worry about you, Kitty.

Only sometimes though ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on April 25, 2017, 04:23:39 PM
LOL. Funny thing is, that particular thread was between Auctor Lucan and Absinthe. Before my time.  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 25, 2017, 05:11:45 PM
LOL Well, Nicander is all for an in-depth diagnosis and if he is to be thorough about it, he should use the best instrument for it, right? And if memory serves, Sel was quite pleased with his treatment too. ;)

We'll see if Nicander will be around for a follow-up examination once the Episode is over...


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on April 25, 2017, 05:19:12 PM
Nicander: "Oh, you're not interested?  Well just close your eyes and think of Earth."
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on April 25, 2017, 06:15:36 PM
LOL. 'In Depth' is right. In any event, Ryuan now has Sarresh to help with some 'in depth' counseling if she needs some.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on April 25, 2017, 06:29:06 PM
Mutual counseling session in the near future hahah
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on April 25, 2017, 07:03:05 PM
Andorians are always up for a group therapy session!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Mathis on April 25, 2017, 10:44:01 PM
Man, go on vacation to Orlando for Star Wars Celebration and miss all the fun cat talk. Welcome to Steel and Tharin! I write for Derik and Sera, look forward to meeting your characters in the future. Being as I'm a huge cat fan in real life, Derik and Sera will likely love Deacon, lol. Dunno about those Andorians though... ;)

Also, apparently my characters will need to schedule physicals with Nicander... :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on April 25, 2017, 10:58:17 PM
Well that's what you get for going to the dark side, Mathis. ;)

Hope you had a great time in Orlando! I haven't been there in a very long time
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TharinAlk on April 25, 2017, 11:08:27 PM
Andorians are always up for a group therapy session!

Is that what it is being called now?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on April 25, 2017, 11:38:29 PM
I tried calling them quads but the Krogans wouldn't stop snickering.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TharinAlk on April 26, 2017, 02:20:09 AM
Being an Andorian marriage counselor is probably a nightmare.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on April 26, 2017, 02:28:53 AM
We don't have marriage counselors on homeworld... we keep harems and the females keep their mouths shut.  Of course the males have a hell of a fatality rate competing over said females.  Do they have a counselor for perpetual cock block?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on April 26, 2017, 04:20:46 AM
Andorian marriage counselors?  I thought you called those "referees" and "corner men".
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on April 26, 2017, 08:44:19 PM
Man, go on vacation to Orlando for Star Wars Celebration and miss all the fun cat talk. Welcome to Steel and Tharin! I write for Derik and Sera, look forward to meeting your characters in the future. Being as I'm a huge cat fan in real life, Derik and Sera will likely love Deacon, lol. Dunno about those Andorians though... ;)

Also, apparently my characters will need to schedule physicals with Nicander... :D
Star Wars Celebration looked amazing. Hope you had fun :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Mathis on April 26, 2017, 08:47:30 PM
It was super fun. Did four days of Star Wars Celebration and a day of Harry Potter world at Universal Studios. Really good, very nerdy vacation. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triton on April 26, 2017, 10:06:49 PM
Being an Andorian marriage counselor is probably a nightmare.
Andorian marriage counselors?  I thought you called those "referees" and "corner men".
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on April 26, 2017, 10:10:49 PM
Being an Andorian marriage counselor is probably a nightmare.
Andorian marriage counselors?  I thought you called those "referees" and "corner men".
Best commercial ever :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TharinAlk on April 26, 2017, 10:34:14 PM
Being an Andorian marriage counselor is probably a nightmare.
Andorian marriage counselors?  I thought you called those "referees" and "corner men".
Best commercial ever :)

Oh my this was toooo perfect!   And yes best commercial ever!!!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on April 26, 2017, 11:23:39 PM
Orlando is definitely on the bucket list.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on April 27, 2017, 06:02:39 PM
EAC, that was a very well written post.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Mathis on April 27, 2017, 06:59:08 PM
^ Agreed, much kudos.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on April 27, 2017, 07:05:35 PM
Seconded and thirded, the motion has passed!  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triton on April 28, 2017, 09:36:13 PM

That makes... 8.

Thumbs up of approval.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on May 02, 2017, 06:29:02 AM
Fifthed? Is that even a thing, but that makes 10 thumbs. :D

I loved that writing, EAC! Beautiful artistry of text and emotionally packed.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on May 02, 2017, 03:49:07 PM
At least one post should be out today. If possible, I'll get more.

By the way, after all that's happened, it amuses me that the resolve crew are probably going to be remembered because after being saving them, one of them threw up on the conference lounge carpet.

Looking at you FollowTomorrow ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on May 02, 2017, 04:13:54 PM
I have an upcoming post with Sithick still due which should be up tonight, and also since I had Nathan go to the fighter bay, i'm thinking he will be the one to intercede on Drauc and Krystal to get them some medical attention if that's okay with everyone.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 02, 2017, 04:19:27 PM
Kaligos: Unfortunately, Drauc and Tancredi are in the Upper Shuttle Bay, not the Fighter Assault Bay. It would be awesome if you could post with Sithick, regardless what you decide with Nathan. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vystori on May 02, 2017, 05:24:41 PM
Hey you guys.. I just spoke with Lucan and he asked that I update everyone here. I ended up getting really sick recently. It knocked me down pretty hard here. I'm here still though and will be posting within a week or so once I'm fully better again. Sorry for the delay guys and thanks for your understanding.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on May 02, 2017, 05:37:42 PM
Oh my! Sorry to hear that Vystori. I hope you feel better soon!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on May 02, 2017, 08:40:52 PM
Hey you guys.. I just spoke with Lucan and he asked that I update everyone here. I ended up getting really sick recently. It knocked me down pretty hard here. I'm here still though and will be posting within a week or so once I'm fully better again. Sorry for the delay guys and thanks for your understanding.
That sucks. :( Get well soon!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Mathis on May 02, 2017, 11:47:31 PM
That's no fun, hope you feel better soon.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on May 03, 2017, 01:47:06 AM
Hey you guys.. I just spoke with Lucan and he asked that I update everyone here. I ended up getting really sick recently. It knocked me down pretty hard here. I'm here still though and will be posting within a week or so once I'm fully better again. Sorry for the delay guys and thanks for your understanding.

Health first, all else second!  :) Take care of yourself.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on May 03, 2017, 05:56:51 AM
Agreed. Get well soon but look after you first.

I know what it's like getting knocked down.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on May 04, 2017, 05:28:19 AM
Welp, the 4th of May has become a bit of a holiday around here, and I know a number of people who wonder just what it's all about.  Luckily, Tim Russ did a video to explain just why the 4th is such a big deal in our day and age:

Tim Russ Explains the 4th of May (

May the 4th be with everyone!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on May 04, 2017, 05:40:32 AM
With May 4th coming up, allow me to celebrate with this quote by Patrick Stewart, in his seminal role as Headmaster Gandalf in the epic Assassin's Creed: May the odds ever be in your favour, Mister Anderson."
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on May 04, 2017, 05:59:39 AM
Personally I'll focus my attention on the 9th.  It's my birthday, so that makes it better in my books.  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Mathis on May 04, 2017, 06:47:40 AM
May the Fourth be with you, always.

Oh, and live long and prosper. ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 04, 2017, 07:06:39 AM
May the 4th be with you all!

I will post the ending of Cost of Truth today,  but keep the thread unlocked for any stragglers for yet another day. I will also set up two Epilogue threads for optional posting. Then, set a bit later, the Interregnum will begin tomorrow as well!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on May 04, 2017, 06:17:08 PM
Personally I'll focus my attention on the 9th.  It's my birthday, so that makes it better in my books.  :)

I had a birthday too! We're like twins ;)

May the 4th be with everyone and have a great day. Also, please get better and don't allow a chest cold to linger for a month like me.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on May 04, 2017, 06:38:29 PM
With May 4th coming up, allow me to celebrate with this quote by Patrick Stewart, in his seminal role as Headmaster Gandalf in the epic Assassin's Creed: May the odds ever be in your favour, Mister Anderson."

Hahahahahaah CV!!

Thank you everyone for your kudos on my posts! :D I don't always think they are up to snuff.

And I hope you get better quick Vystori!

Also, you can add me to the birthday club! Sunday is mine! I'm having an exciting cinco de mayo/guardians of the galaxy/sex toy/board game/alcohol filled party weekend and then next week I'm on vacation!

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on May 04, 2017, 07:19:33 PM
I had a birthday too! We're like twins ;)

Happy birthday!  :D  I think we should hereby claim this month for our own personal use.  :D

Also, you can add me to the birthday club! Sunday is mine! I'm having an exciting cinco de mayo/guardians of the galaxy/sex toy/board game/alcohol filled party weekend and then next week I'm on vacation!

Hah!  Happy birthday to you too!  Me, I'm just going to be visiting friends in Wisconsin [I have the whole week off for vacation too :D ] and we'll be enjoying Guardians of the Galaxy that day as well.  :) 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on May 04, 2017, 10:12:26 PM
Thank you.

I went to the DMV and got my  new license. I know....I know...everyone tells me to slow down.

With May 4th coming up, allow me to celebrate with this quote by Patrick Stewart, in his seminal role as Headmaster Gandalf in the epic Assassin's Creed: May the odds ever be in your favour, Mister Anderson."

Hahahahahaah CV!!

Thank you everyone for your kudos on my posts! :D I don't always think they are up to snuff.

And I hope you get better quick Vystori!

Also, you can add me to the birthday club! Sunday is mine! I'm having an exciting cinco de mayo/guardians of the galaxy/sex toy/board game/alcohol filled party weekend and then next week I'm on vacation!

What in the wide world of sports does that kind of party look like? O_o

Happy Birthday!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on May 04, 2017, 10:37:29 PM
What in the wide world of sports does that kind of party look like? O_o

Happy Birthday!

Playing checkers while hammered on tequila and mescal, with a bootleg copy of Guardians of the Galaxy on the laptop and vibrators near at hand?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 04, 2017, 10:50:42 PM
Sounds like a Tuesday to me. :)

Jokes aside, sounds awesome, lol! ('cept the mescal, not my personal cup of tea)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on May 04, 2017, 10:57:17 PM
Haha more or less yes. Except it's the events of the entire weekend lumped into one sentence.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on May 06, 2017, 05:41:17 AM
What in the wide world of sports does that kind of party look like? O_o

Happy Birthday!

Playing checkers while hammered on tequila and mescal, with a bootleg copy of Guardians of the Galaxy on the laptop and vibrators near at hand?
Vibrating checkers is so boring though.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on May 06, 2017, 06:34:26 AM
I'm still trying to wrap my head around the idea of a party with that combination of activities....
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on May 06, 2017, 04:44:05 PM
I'm still trying to wrap my head around the idea of a party with that combination of activities....
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on May 06, 2017, 05:22:50 PM
Personally I'm more affronted that there wasn't an invite issued to us all. Is anyone here secretly a pilot with a plane who fancies a round the world trip to take us?

I'll bring Hasperat! ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on May 06, 2017, 05:26:33 PM
Okay but we have to fly united, the tickets are cheap right now, but the pilot gets to slap one random passenger in the face... Personally I like my odds.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on May 06, 2017, 06:44:30 PM
Well, given I was supposed to be on a flight to Wisconsin this very minute but I had to delay my flight to Tuesday because I'm sick... I'll have to bow out.  But I'll raise a glass of canar or some romulan brandy in your honor.  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 07, 2017, 01:41:23 AM

Full Resolution:

Hope you guys like it.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on May 07, 2017, 09:39:09 PM
Looking good! I'm always a sucker for a good bit of eye candy.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on May 09, 2017, 05:20:38 AM
So the party weekend was most fabulous! I wish you all could have made it!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on May 09, 2017, 05:39:48 AM
Great to hear!  I'm nosy enough to ask for details, but meh, some things are best left unsaid  (laugh)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on May 09, 2017, 05:42:33 AM
Lol you want to know what kind of dildos we had/bought don't you?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on May 09, 2017, 05:48:19 AM
Actually no XD  As I said last week I've just been trying to figure out how such a combination of activities work.  The closest I've even been to was one that just pulled out some hentai after most of the group fell asleep (and even then nothing happened, just a ton of dirty jokes in the morning).
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on May 09, 2017, 05:44:47 PM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on May 09, 2017, 05:45:33 PM
I think it is funniest if left up to one's imagination :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on May 09, 2017, 06:04:42 PM
Okay but we have to fly united, the tickets are cheap right now, but the pilot gets to slap one random passenger in the face... Personally I like my odds.
How did I miss this!? I'm losing my touch. Too much cake.

Airplane was ahead of its time.
Obligatory "Hunger Games" reference
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on May 09, 2017, 06:07:37 PM
 hahahaha love those memes
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on May 09, 2017, 07:07:36 PM
I too am curious how these all fit together but also uncertain if I wish to find out. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triton on May 10, 2017, 07:25:35 AM
With May 4th coming up, allow me to celebrate with this quote by Patrick Stewart, in his seminal role as Headmaster Gandalf in the epic Assassin's Creed: May the odds ever be in your favour, Mister Anderson."

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 10, 2017, 09:28:42 AM
A quick note:

I am stretched really, really thin right now. I promise, I am bending over backwards to get to the Interregnum as quickly as possible, and it isn't helpful to keep bothering me about it. I love the enthusiasm, and I long to write there too, and I am well aware it is overdue.

Please, respect that my time is limited, and don't expect replies immediately. I need to make priorities, and I have three new character applications to process with three character images each, and those are stalling me.

EDIT: With this in mind, I am closing recruitment for the time being. No new characters until we're on track with the Interregnum. The three in the pipeline now are the last ones.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triton on May 10, 2017, 07:45:34 PM
Jests and good fun aside, Thanks, Lucan!  I'm looking forward to the next phase of Theurgy's Adventures.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 11, 2017, 12:39:27 AM

Angel and Dragon were not the only actively played characters defecting from the Orcus after all. Meet Shinigami - or Minjae Soh - another White Wolf that just landed in the Lower Shuttle Bay after the battle:

( Ens. Minjae Soh              Fighter Pilot, USS Orcus (,_callsign_%22Shinigami%22) 
  - Played by Esyel (,_callsign_%22Shinigami%22)

Looking forward to seeing what may come of this young wolf, and it's awesome that we have another pilot flying a Valravn-class fighter! Makes it worth the time to design it and have it modelled it for the story. Oh, Nolan, Shinigami knows Thomas Ravon from the USS Kusanagi too. One of the reasons he defected.

I listed Shinigami in the Non-Crew Listing for the time being, because I plan to move all characters over to the Theurgy's crew manifest in one big haul, allotting positions to all characters previously commissioned to the Resolve, Orcus or Starbase 84.

Good luck with your new character, Esyel! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Mathis on May 11, 2017, 02:46:32 AM
Woot, new character!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Esyel on May 11, 2017, 03:20:50 AM

I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how he plays out, especially since he's beginning at Ensign, whereas Jovela has a promotion already. Of course, I intend to get them both up in the ranks. It'll just be a bit more interesting to watch Minjae since he was made completely from scratch.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on May 11, 2017, 03:26:34 AM
As a former captain I can say that rank is not all it's cracked up to be. I'm kind of glad that all of my characters are lower ranked save for jack. 

That said it is always fun to watch a character progress.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on May 11, 2017, 07:19:06 AM
Sweetness. Glad to have some more members to the family. Looking forward to fleshing this all out.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on May 11, 2017, 10:28:30 AM
Yay for more pilots! I do wonder if I can distract Minjae with apples at some point...

Looking forward to play with all the new faces and characters now that we're back on the run! Promising times ahead ^^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Esyel on May 11, 2017, 10:37:49 AM

Damnit, I didn't realize so many of you knew Death Note.

No, Nolan, you can't.

Minjae isn't the same person as Ryuk. Enough said. :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TharinAlk on May 11, 2017, 12:05:34 PM
I just made the connection.  I read Death Note a few years ago on a recommendation and I thought it was good.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on May 11, 2017, 01:03:54 PM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TharinAlk on May 11, 2017, 01:35:37 PM
Apples?  Are those not a somewhat round tree fruit native to the planet earth?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on May 12, 2017, 02:25:54 AM
Take your time :)  we'll all be here when you're ready.  It's ok to breathe every now and again, hehe

And yay! New character!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triton on May 12, 2017, 10:10:25 PM
TOS: The Apple, Guest Starring Ryuk.


"Captain's lo-- captain's 'personal' notepad:

Enterprise used its phaser banks against an oppressive Snake-headed god named
Vaal, and the inhabitants of the world are now free to determine their own destiny."

"Has anyone seen the crate of apples our security personnel were ordered to secure from the planet? Or the personnel in question? Their names were..."

*Switches logs*

Well met and all that, Jovela.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 16, 2017, 01:26:22 AM
Well, I have posted a lot on our new Interregnum 04-05 board, and I already finished off Cost of Truth. Now, it is 1.25 a.m., and I have to retire. I had wanted to send out a newsletter today too, but it will have to wait for tomorrow when I have a few more brain cells to work with.

Until then, read up, see where you are due, and post away. Specifics will come with the newsletter. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on May 16, 2017, 05:34:19 AM
Ok I've been awol on vacation with my friends but very much like that stray cat you fed once, I'm back.  :D  And welcome new character.  And now I'm going to have to go watch Death Note again... and maybe follow it up with a little Mirrai Nikki...
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 17, 2017, 12:57:37 AM
A new newsletter has been sent out to your inboxes, and even if I wanted to fit everything into it, there is one thing I'd like to post here instead.

You can count it in different ways, either the first post in the story, the day we got the child board on House of Eros or when the recruitment add was first posted, but either way you slice the cake...

...Star Trek: Theurgy celebrates its 6-year anniversary this week!

*dances a little jig*

Now, I'm not big on birthdays, but I'm happy to have you all here to celebrate it somehow, lol. Six years and still going strong, and we'll write for years to come.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on May 17, 2017, 03:55:39 AM
Happy birthday to us!!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on May 17, 2017, 04:00:26 AM
Happy birthday, everyone!  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on May 17, 2017, 04:12:54 AM
Woo hoo! Six years, long time.  I say we have a party in BelowDecks and the drinks are on the XO's tab!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on May 17, 2017, 04:24:39 AM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on May 17, 2017, 05:16:19 AM
Jesus we're ollllld in internet years. Been writing in this for 6 years now...holy fuck
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Mathis on May 17, 2017, 07:57:17 AM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on May 17, 2017, 08:09:14 AM
I'd like it to be around for six more years please.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 17, 2017, 12:38:47 PM
Quick note: Having written in haste, I realise I messed up the timing of this thread, putting down 1800 hrs. instead of 1700 hrs:

Prologue 05: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.] (,2028.0.html)

So, as Thea illustrates in the post, there is a 2 hour window of time to start threads in between that thread above and Chapter 01: Nebula Entry - set at 1900 hrs. - where all the new crew is gathered in the Fighter Assault Bay. Such new prologue threads should be numbered Prologue 06, 07 etc.

Sorry for the confusion! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 18, 2017, 12:22:14 AM

( (

After a lot of work went into it, Steelphoenix has just finished the Kzinti ( page! Have a look, it's a lot info, but it's all very well set up. It was an awesome read!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 18, 2017, 12:41:40 PM
Plot Idea Listing Updated!,2031.0.html

Read up and add your ideas to the list. You can also use the list to find matching ideas and writers to work the scenes with.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Havenborn on May 19, 2017, 01:08:33 PM
Hey all, just as a heads up I'm going to be out of town today, and tomorrow and will be without internet.  I will be returning sometime on Sunday so I will try to get any responses either Sunday or Monday depending on how I feel when I get back.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TharinAlk on May 20, 2017, 07:49:46 AM
Same here, I will be gone until Monday.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on May 20, 2017, 07:57:58 AM
anyone know a reliable english to klingon translator? I need it because reasons.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on May 21, 2017, 04:30:27 AM
anyone know a reliable english to klingon translator? I need it because reasons.
Believe it or not, Bing translate has two Klingon dictionaries to work with, as well as this site (
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on May 21, 2017, 05:30:02 AM
Actually, since Klingon is a fully developed language, there are quite a few online translation resources.  Here's another in addition to what Burningtransformation provided:

And then there's this amusing site:
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on May 21, 2017, 05:31:54 AM
Speaking Klingon: how to cover your interlocutor in spit while sounding like you're tossing your cookies.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on May 21, 2017, 05:52:10 PM
I got a new computer, and then immediately got locked out of my old skype account. PM Me with your skype contact info if you want to chat ^^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triton on May 21, 2017, 08:19:24 PM
My version of Klingon is to speak Spanish with my dad in a guttural Klingon accent with shades of Shatner-ese, and by that logic, he's a native speaker.

I heard there's a college scholarship somewhere for anyone that speaks Klingon. I didn't believe it until I found someone singing Eminem's 'Without me' in Klingon on Youtube.


So, here's my latest reason for marginal inactivity. Kinda unsettling, but shit happens. *shrug*:
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 22, 2017, 11:20:19 PM

It is my pleasure to announce the return of an old member, namely Absinthe, who will resume writing Doctor Lahkesis Saugn, a Teslyliac duplicate working as a Medical Officer on the Theurgy since the beginning of its voyage. She is, for short, actually a plant, and not the mammal she appears to be.

( Ens. Lahkesis Saugn          Medical Officer ( 
  - Played by Absinthe (

While Absinthe also created the characters Ryuan Sel and F'Rell - along with the original version of the T'fanrell species - they have said they are really impressed with how the characters have been played by SummerDawn and Hastata-Nerada respectively, and will stake no claim to play either Ryuan Sel and F'Rell. Instead, the sole focus will initially be on the Doctor Saugn character.

Welcome back, Absinthe! Glad to have you back, and happy to hear RL has sorted itself out. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on May 22, 2017, 11:24:51 PM
Welcome back absinthe!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on May 23, 2017, 01:29:20 AM
Welcome back  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on May 23, 2017, 03:28:13 AM
Welcome back Absinthe!!  That's a wicked cool plant lady!

And sorry to hear about your troubles, Striker.  I can only imagine how bad that must suck :(
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on May 23, 2017, 04:08:58 AM
Hoo boy, I feel kind of awkward about taking over F'Rell now. So uh... hey Absinthe! I hope I didn't mess her up >.>
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Absinthe on May 23, 2017, 08:40:52 AM
Hi Everyone~

I am glad to be back at long last.  My life has been a total mess, but it looks like I am finally in a place where I can return to doing stuff like this.

Also, I have read the posts involving F'Rell and Sel and though I see things I would not have personally done, I understand that I have no place to critique how others handled them. That is not to say that I didn't like what was done, only that it isn't how I would have done it. As complicated as it sounds I am happier that they got new writers to take their stories in in and exciting directions and I look forward to reading more from them.

Anyway, I am looking forward to writing again with you guys and expect me to post more sooner than later~
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Mathis on May 23, 2017, 09:49:19 AM
Welcome back!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on May 23, 2017, 10:07:24 AM
Welcome back!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on May 23, 2017, 03:54:40 PM
Welcome back!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on May 23, 2017, 04:18:57 PM
Welcome back Absinthe,

Glad your back and I hope I didn't butcher Ryuan too badly.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: DocReno on May 23, 2017, 11:48:32 PM
To Absinthe-Welcome back to the asylum, does you straight jacket still fit? ;)

To everyone else on the Klingon language-there is a former University of Arkansas employee & University of Arizona student who has her doctorate in Klingon back in the mid to late 1990s by the name of Teresa Wells-Haven.

She actually actually fought for her Bachelor's and Master's on the language and won every time.

I can honestly say that sharing this is a good thing considering it's apart of her legacy now at no less then three major state Universities (Arkansas, Arizona, and Hawaii) where she worked as a professor who earned her right in thanks to her love of that language.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on May 24, 2017, 09:32:53 PM
Wow that's awesome!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Absinthe on May 25, 2017, 09:20:38 AM
Also, just so peeps here know I have started using my Skype again. My skype name is [Show/Hide]
Feel free to shoot me a message there if you want to talk plot or want to to a joint post with me, both are good.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Esyel on May 26, 2017, 05:29:00 AM

Sorry everyone. This week's been really shitty, especially for what emotional sanity I do have left. I will be trying to get back to everyone either later this week or next week. Promise.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on May 26, 2017, 07:20:54 PM
Take care of yourself Eysel. RL comes first :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 27, 2017, 06:23:05 AM

One of the kids woke me early so I put the time to good use and made this Story Overview for you all. Check below to see where you are due to post! :)

These are all links and put in descending chronological order, except for the Due Starters section, which has no particular order, really. Given the early hour, I might have missed something, and in that case, please go ahead and post here.


Prologue 01: Focal Point | Day 01 [1600 hrs.] (,2025.0.html) Next Poster: CanadianVet

Prologue 02: Loose Ends | Day 01 [1600 hrs.] (,2021.0.html)
- Main Sickbay | Decontamination Chamber | Deck 11 - Next Poster: MasterRat
- Main Sickbay | Isolation Ward 02 | Deck 11 - Next Poster: 1) The Counselor 2) Zenozine 3) Auctor Lucan

Prologue 03: The New Pack | Day 01 [1600 hrs.] (,2024.0.html)
- Upper Shuttle Bay | Deck 11 - Next Poster: DocReno (Also NPCing the EMH, perhaps? Later continued in Strength in Unity (,2034.0.html))
- Main Sickbay | Deck 11 - Next Poster: 1) Even Angels Cry 2) Kaligos 3) Absinthe (Esyel can also join with Jovela)
- Lower Shuttle Bay | Deck 21 - Next Poster: 1) BurningTransformation 2) Esyel (Continued in Strength in Unity (,2034.0.html))

Prologue 04: The Last Lone Wolves | Day 01 [1600 hrs.] (,2020.0.html) Next Poster: 1) Kaligos 2) CanadianVet 3) Auctor Lucan (Might end there)

Prologue 05: Strength in Unity | Day 01 [1630 hrs.] (,2034.0.html)
- Tactical CONN Briefing Room | Deck 16 - Next Poster: Nolan, but Even Angels Cry, BurningTransformation and Esyel can post asap (+ Triage with Krystal Tancredi?)

Prologue 06: Washing Away the Memories | Day 01 [1700 hrs.] (,2028.0.html)
- Below Decks Lounge | Table 1 - Next Poster: Havenborn
- Below Decks Lounge | Table 2 - Next Poster: 1) Nolan 2) Steelphoenix 3) DocReno

Prologue 07: Two Stray Threads | Day 01 [1700 hrs.] (,2036.0.html) Next Poster: Mathis

Prologue 08: Loose Gears | Day 01 [1700 hrs.] (,2037.0.html) Next Poster: FollowTomorrow (JP?)


Chapter 01: Nebula Entry | Day 01 [1900 hrs.] (,2029.0.html) Next Poster: Anyone present (will post again with Ives after a minimum of 5 replies)

Chapter 02 Fanatical Interests | Day 01 [1930 hrs.] (,2035.0.html) Next Poster: 1) chXinya 2) Auctor Lucan

Chapter 03: A Lost Voice | Day 01 [2330 hrs.] (,2030.0.html) Next Poster: TharinAlk


Interrogation of Doctor Maya | Day 01 [2300 hrs.] (No Link Yet) Starter Poster: Arista

Dyan Cardamone Grieving | Day 01 (No Link Yet) Starter Poster: 1) FollowTomorrow 2) To Be Decided

K'Ren Awakening in the Recovery Ward | Day 01 [2200 hrs.] (No Link Yet) Starter Poster: 1)
 SummerDawn 2) Auctor Lucan

Alessia & Minjae speaks privately with Thomas Ravon | Day 01 [1645 hrs.] (No Link Yet) Starter Poster: Even Angels Cry or Esyel (After Strength in Unity (,2034.0.html))

ThanIda zh'Wann bashes Devoted on Day 01 (Target wanted, starting the scene) (No Link Yet) Starter Poster: Anyone

Drauc T'Laus bashes Devoted on Day 01 (Target wanted who starts the thread) (No Link Yet) Starter Poster: Anyone

Rawley bashes Devoted on Day 01 (Target wanted who starts the thread) (No Link Yet) Starter Poster: Anyone

Rawley sort things with Ravon | Day 01 (No Link Yet) Starter Poster: Auctor Lucan (before/after bashing Devoted but after The Last Lone Wolves (,2020.0.html))

Sera sleeping in the Sabine | Day 01 (No Link Yet) Starter Poster: Mathis

Natalie Stark goes to Below Decks | Day 01 (No Link Yet) Starter Poster: Brutus (Or joins Washing Away (,2028.0.html))

Jaya Thorne seeks out the people who helped the Allegiant (No Link Yet) Starter Poster: Even Angels Cry (Or joins Washing Away (,2028.0.html) dep. on injuries)

Drauc T'Laus meets Jovela in Sickbay | Day 01 (No Link Yet) Starter Poster: Auctor Lucan (Or enters later in The New Pack (,2024.0.html))

To Absent Friends | Day 01 [2355 hrs.] (No Link Yet) Starter Poster: Striker N7 (After Nebula Entry (,2029.0.html))

Sarresh checks up on Sel | Day 01 (No Link Yet) Starter Poster: SummerDawn


Note 01: Virus spreads over the ship during Day 01 and Day 02, symptoms begin during the night Everyone should try to foreshadow this plotline

Note 02: Senior Staff interviews conducted during end of Day 01 and morning Day 02 (Happens off screen, and results announced at noon on Day 02)

Note 03: The naming convention for new posted threads is this:

Prologue or Chapter XX: Name of Thread | Day XX [XXXX hrs.]

This is the way all new threads should be named. Day 01 is the same day as the Battle of Starbase 84. For simplicity, leave the XX after Chapter or Prologue as XX and let the me fix the number since I may have to edit the chapter number of other threads too. You must, however, select which day and hour of the day the thread occurs.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 29, 2017, 10:06:16 AM

I didn't have time to add these sections of the story overview, but here they are! :) Check the post above as well. Looking forward to your posts.


DAY 05: Creature Comforts [0930 hrs.] (,1169.0.html) Next Poster: CanadianVet (Finished after that?)
DAY 06: Good Old Times [2100 hrs.] (,1181.0.html) Next Poster: 1) Arista 2) Auctor Lucan (Finished after that?)
DAY 06: A Special Request [2245 hrs.] (,1185.0.html) Next Poster: 1) The Counselor 2) DocReno (Finished after that?)
DAY 06: Inner Space ( Next Poster: Every character in the Interregnum


Deleted Scene: Supply Run, Interrupted (,1204.0.html) Next Poster: Mathis
Deleted Scene: Razor's Log: Crashed and Marooned (Ongoing) (,2008.0.html) Next Poster: Nolan
Deleted Scene: Off Duty Hours (,2004.0.html) Next Poster: 1) BurningTransformation 2) EvenAngelsCry 3) DocReno 4) Esyel

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on May 30, 2017, 03:12:21 AM
Hello everyone it's been a while.

I kind of owe a small explination for why i haven't been posting. When I graduated from university, they took my laptop, I ordered a new better laptop through my job where I am the head of the technology department, but it took a few days for it to get here, and for me to set it up.

Today I finally installed MS word again, which means that I am at 100% posting ready.  I will be catching up on all my threads tonight.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Esyel on May 30, 2017, 03:33:51 AM
Ugh. Sorry everyone.

Too much unneeded/unwanted drama.

I'm back now though, and ready to resume.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on May 30, 2017, 09:02:58 PM
I'm Looking forward to Wednesday,  when I will once again have a day off. I really need to remind myself NOT to pick up shifts on EVERY day I have off during the week. X.X

It makes for an exhausted me.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Mathis on May 30, 2017, 11:45:02 PM
For plot planning purposes, do the Theurgy shuttlebays use any kind of mass lifting equipment to move landed shuttles around or would they just fly them? I gotta think there's something for if shuttles breakdown in the way of operations, right?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: FollowTomorrow on May 31, 2017, 01:56:44 AM
I would imagine the ship could beam the shuttle into the right place, but ultimately the answer would fall on what is most efficient power-wise, and that may very well be thw shuttle equivalent of putting it in neutral and pushing it around lol!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triton on May 31, 2017, 10:22:50 PM
One bad turn takes another, just lost my jeep to expired plates to make up for my stolen truck; and now I don't have my dear 4x4, so I've been working double time at jobsites to make up for lost time. It's paying off, and Finals are almost over. I'm borrowing a neighbor's truck to get around but it's, meh enough. Theurgy is one of the few stars in my night sky, so,

Lemme at 'em.

Where would I be now, I figure there's some breathing room between sickbay and maybe getting lunch somewhere with some of the new pack. Just wondering where I can send my dynamic duo (and pooch) to interact.

I can start the To absent friends thread Sometime today or tomorrow. Any takers to keep the details going?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on May 31, 2017, 11:33:58 PM
Wow! Good use indeed!

Sorry everyone. This week's been really shitty, especially for what emotional sanity I do have left. I will be trying to get back to everyone either later this week or next week. Promise.
I hear ya. Playing catch up is no fun, but i'm a getting there.

Hang in there
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 31, 2017, 11:39:29 PM
Some answers/comments. :)

For plot planning purposes, do the Theurgy shuttlebays use any kind of mass lifting equipment to move landed shuttles around or would they just fly them? I gotta think there's something for if shuttles breakdown in the way of operations, right?

Actually, if so required, there are also maglock traveling cranes in both shuttlebays and the Fighter Assault Bay. So, if that is a viable option for what you had in mind, Mathis, then you have that too, aside from making shuttles and fighters taxi around. Given the fact that shuttles doesn't have landing gears, the cranes might be the best option.

( (

Hope that helps!

Where would I be now, I figure there's some breathing room between sickbay and maybe getting lunch somewhere with some of the new pack. Just wondering where I can send my dynamic duo (and pooch) to interact.

Just a comment that lunch seems a bit late on Day 01 since it plays out between 1600 hrs and midnight, but that's all. Dinner would fit better! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on June 01, 2017, 02:59:08 PM
I owe a few posts - hope to be free this weekend to make them. Uggggh, work.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Havenborn on June 02, 2017, 04:04:01 AM
I'm going to be out of town this weekend, starting tomorrow, and while I'm fairly sure that there will be wifi access I don't know how much time I'll have to actually make any posts.  Should I not get to any outstanding posts before I leave, and assuming I can't get to them while gone, I will get to them as soon as I can next week,
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 02, 2017, 10:26:48 PM

Hi there everyone! Arista was kind enough to set up our wiki database with a page for the Azure Nebula, and I have now added some info that slipped through my fingers earlier:

Azure Nebula (

Note the new Radiation section, and here is a quote from CanadianVet's latest post in Focal Point:

"Also, the shield modifications so we can survive in the nebula are ready to go.  Good news is, their power consumption is low enough we can run only one out of four shield emitters and maintain coverage so we can effect repairs, so we can cycle them every few hours and not degrade any of the emitters.  Unfortunately, the new harmonics are leaving our shields completely useless in battle."  Indeed, that had been an engineering issue they had run into when the plan to hide in the Azure Nebula for an extended period had been decided upon; the particularly intense levels of Delta and Thermionic radiation that would interfere with sensors and hide them from outside observation were such that the navigational deflector would not be sufficient to handle them on their own and would have to be supplemented by the shields; however, the harmonics required for an extended stay were incompatible with those that were used in combat and trying to combine them in any way led, in simulations, to a complete collapse of the shield bubble that would leave them completely vulnerable to incoming fire and radiation for at least a good half hour.  Therefore, if they intended to survive in the hostile environment of the nebula without the unusually high levels of radiation starting to break down everything in the ship, technology and crew alike, within a few hours they had to sacrifice their ability to fight in anything but the outermost areas of the nebula... where sensors might pick them up from the outside. 

I have also updated the section in Nebula Entry where Ives described the Azure Nebula, mentioning the radiation.

To be clear, the fighters and shuttles can also utlise this kind of shield harmonics, and it is important that Tactical CONN set up patrol routes during the repairs, since long range sensors are pretty much useless. Only diminished short range sensors work well enough to glean anything in the radiation field. Just remember that the pilots will have to navigate through clusters of combustive sirillium gas pockets too!

Piece of cake, right? ;)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Mathis on June 05, 2017, 04:58:56 AM
Hey all, wanted to let you know I'm still around and working to catch up on posts. Life and work have been crazy and I had to work overtime this week and when I have the chance to catch up on threads I have just enough time to read a post or two before something pulls me away so I'm never quite caught up enough. I'm planning on catching up on all my posts this week. My apologies to anyone waiting on me. :\
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on June 05, 2017, 10:18:20 AM
Hi all,

I apologize for my absence as of late. I had some things come up and life had thrown a curve ball but I will be getting some posts out tomorrow.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: The Counselor on June 06, 2017, 02:36:18 AM
Hi all,

This is just a heads up that I will need to be Semi-LOA from today through June 23 and then again starting July 17 (though I will send out another notice at that time). 

As some of you may know, my sisters and their families are coming for their once per year visit before the Air Force sends them back to work. 

I *will* be reading and writing, I’ll just need a bit more patience, since we’ll be mostly unscheduled.

I apologize for any inconvenience, but I want to enjoy my family while I can.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on June 06, 2017, 05:45:12 AM
Update on the Azure Nebula

Hi there everyone! Arista was kind enough to set up our wiki database with a page for the Azure Nebula, and I have now added some info that slipped through my fingers earlier:

Azure Nebula (

Note the new Radiation section, and here is a quote from CanadianVet's latest post in Focal Point:

"Also, the shield modifications so we can survive in the nebula are ready to go.  Good news is, their power consumption is low enough we can run only one out of four shield emitters and maintain coverage so we can effect repairs, so we can cycle them every few hours and not degrade any of the emitters.  Unfortunately, the new harmonics are leaving our shields completely useless in battle."  Indeed, that had been an engineering issue they had run into when the plan to hide in the Azure Nebula for an extended period had been decided upon; the particularly intense levels of Delta and Thermionic radiation that would interfere with sensors and hide them from outside observation were such that the navigational deflector would not be sufficient to handle them on their own and would have to be supplemented by the shields; however, the harmonics required for an extended stay were incompatible with those that were used in combat and trying to combine them in any way led, in simulations, to a complete collapse of the shield bubble that would leave them completely vulnerable to incoming fire and radiation for at least a good half hour.  Therefore, if they intended to survive in the hostile environment of the nebula without the unusually high levels of radiation starting to break down everything in the ship, technology and crew alike, within a few hours they had to sacrifice their ability to fight in anything but the outermost areas of the nebula... where sensors might pick them up from the outside. 

I have also updated the section in Nebula Entry where Ives described the Azure Nebula, mentioning the radiation.

To be clear, the fighters and shuttles can also utlise this kind of shield harmonics, and it is important that Tactical CONN set up patrol routes during the repairs, since long range sensors are pretty much useless. Only diminished short range sensors work well enough to glean anything in the radiation field. Just remember that the pilots will have to navigate through clusters of combustive sirillium gas pockets too!

Piece of cake, right? ;)


Auctor Lucan

Sounds like fun to me ;)

Also, managed to post in to the main thread. Just need to wrap up two more posts and then be caught up.

Thank you, Auctor, for keeping us on track. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triton on June 06, 2017, 06:47:21 AM
I'm ready to start "To Absent Friends", is it a prologue for the header or a Chapter itself? I suspect it's the former, but don't want to muddle things up per the master plan.

"Give the word, Sir." -- Malcolm Reed, ENT: Countdown.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on June 06, 2017, 08:13:49 AM
I'm ready to start "To Absent Friends", is it a prologue for the header or a Chapter itself? I suspect it's the former, but don't want to muddle things up per the master plan.

"Give the word, Sir." -- Malcolm Reed, ENT: Countdown.

Striker, I suspect the layout is such that anything occurring prior to 1900 hours on Day 1 [ie - anything before Chapter 1: Nebula Entry (,2029.0.html)] would be a prologue.  So far, it appears we have:

* 1600 hours: Prologue 1: Focal Point (,2025.0.html), Prologue 2: Loose Ends (,2021.0.html), Prologue 3: The New Pack (,2024.0.html), Prologue 4: The Last Lone Wolves (,2020.0.html)
* 1630 hours: Prologue 5: Strength in Unity (,2034.0.html)
* 1700 hours: Prologue 6: Washing Away the Memories (,2028.0.html), Prologue 7: Two Stray Threads (,2036.0.html), Prologue 8: Loose Gears (,2037.0.html)
* 1715 hours: Prologue 9: Sar-unga Grieving (,2043.0.html)
* 1830 hours: Prologue 10: Seeds of Malefaction (,2045.0.html)

* 1900 hours: Chapter 1: Nebula Entry (,2029.0.html)
* 1930 hours: Chapter 2: Fanatical Interests (,2035.0.html)
* 2200 hours: Chapter 3: Land of the Living (,2044.0.html)
* 2230 hours: Chapter 4: What Goes Around... (,2047.0.html)
* 2300 hours: Chapter 5: Where there is Smoke... (,2046.0.html)
* 2330 hours: Chapter 6: A Lost Voice (,2030.0.html)

Day 2 is locked until the completion of Chapter 1, if I recall correctly.  From my recollection of the plot ideas thread, "To Absent Friends" was recommended to take place around midnight day 1, so potentially chapter 7 at 2330 or immediately once day 2 is unlocked.  If you want it earlier in the night on Day 1 (say 2100 hours), that would likely necessitate Auctor renumbering the subsequent chapters just to keep them in chronological order.

(Just thought I'd help Auctor out, he can always correct me if I got anything wrong; please don't neuter the kzinti...)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 06, 2017, 08:35:11 AM
On my phone. Thanks for the help Steelphoenix and thanks for the updates from the rest. Striker, you can put this as the subject when you post a new thread:

Chapter 7: To Absent Friends [2330 hrs.]

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on June 06, 2017, 12:24:19 PM
Wow, what a really crappy week. RL reared its head. Ill have a post up tomorrow. Maybe even two. Apologies for delays
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on June 07, 2017, 12:37:33 AM
Weekly Poker Game
During the last Interregnum the senior enlisted personnel aboard the Theurgy, had a weekly poker game.  During this game writers can take the opportunity to share gossip and let the readers know what is common knowledge aboard the  Theurgy.  It’s also a good time introduce events happening offstage that might be better as exposition than devoting an entire scene to it, such as crewmembers falling victim to the mystery disease or encounters with the Devoted.  And it’s a great way to write for a ‘cool old guy’ and comment on the story so far.  To be invited to this game, one must be enlisted, with at least ten years’ experience in Starfleet and be chief petty officer or higher.  Currently there are three PC’s who fill that criterion:

Current PC senior NCOs

MCPO WR O’Connell played by Doc M.
MCPO Nolak Kalmil played by MasterRat
CWO Sten Covington played by CanadianVet

CPO Eun Sae Ji played by Auctor Lucan is only 24 years old according to her bio and this game is meant for seasoned enlisted men who have been serving in Starfleet for fifteen years or more.  Whether or not she’s invited depends on whether or not Covington extends an invitation.

CPO Liam Herrold is only 26 years old and is so new that it’s likely that no one has considered inviting him to the game since he hasn’t proven himself in the old chiefs’ eyes.  Maybe next week.

It’s unlikely that any provisional warrant officers like Selena Ravenholm and Rihen Neyah are considered Starfleet enough to be invited so I’m assuming they won’t be there.

Current NPC senior NCOs

If other players who aren’t playing chiefs want to get in on this game, there are plenty of NPCs that have been introduced that you can write for (with Auctor Lucan’s permission of course).   Check the Wiki NPC pages to find out about them if you want to play one of them.

Senior Chief Petty Officer Verguy Cam (a Tactical NPC) was beamed up but if he survived it’s likely he’s still in sickbay and is unable to attend.  I’m mentioning him in case any player who isn’t playing a chief petty officer wants to play him during the game, if so, and with Auctor Lucan’s okay he can have a miraculous recovery or was only stunned.. 

Senior Chief Petty Officer Calvin Reagar (a Security NPC) was last seen getting shot on Starbase 84.  Although it’s possible that his SAFTI gear prevented his death and one of the Theurgy’s transporter rooms locked onto his combadge and beamed him back if he’s still alive he’s likely in sickbay or in stasis.  Still, if anyone wants to play him check with Auctor Lucan to see if he’s still alive.

Chief Petty Officer Amlas Keyah (a Security NPC) was last seen getting beamed off Starbase 84 after getting shot.  It’s likely her SAFTI gear and the surgeons in sickbay kept her from dying.  Perhaps she was only stunned and is available to attend the game.

Chief Petty Officer Jacques Hebert (a medical NPC) is available to attend the game but he can always be ‘on duty’ and miss the game if no one wants to play him.

Chief Petty Officer Jeff Kowalski (an engineering NPC) the Theurgy’s transporter chief is available to attend the game but can always be realigning the Heisenburg Compensators if we want to keep the gathering small.

Chief Petty Officer Curt Lucas (an engineering NPC) is a newcomer to the Theurgy but he’s served in Starfleet long enough to be invited to the game.

Chief Petty Officer Lavar Manfredi (an engineering NPC) was stunned early in the fight in Starbase 84’s reactor room and was beamed to safety.  It’s likely he was released from sickbay and is available to attend the game.

Chief Warrant Officer Gimli Luff (an operations NPC) was hit during the shootout in Starbase 84’s reactor room.  It is likely he was only stunned and was released from sickbay in time for the chief’s weekly poker game if anyone wants to play a Tellarite.

Chief Petty Officer Erik Randall of the Resolve was likely evacuated with the rest of the crew to the Theurgy  and works for Covington now.  If so this is a great time to introduce him to the rest of the chiefs and make him officially part of the crew.

And of course, there’s nothing to stop a player from making up a grizzled NPC CPO of his/her own.  
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 07, 2017, 11:32:06 AM
Status update on the NPCs! :)

CPO Eun Sae Ji is only played by me if absolutely necessary (99 % of the time it is not).

CPO Liam Herrold may show up if invited.

Senior Chief Petty Officer Verguy Cam (a Tactical NPC) - Stunned in the battle, on his feet Day 02

Senior Chief Petty Officer Calvin Reagar (a Security NPC) - Dead

Chief Petty Officer Amlas Keyah (a Security NPC) - Stunned in the battle, on her feet Day 02

Chief Petty Officer Jacques Hebert (a medical NPC) - Sickbay full time during Day 01 at least

Chief Petty Officer Jeff Kowalski (an engineering NPC) - Available

Chief Petty Officer Curt Lucas (an engineering NPC) - Available

Chief Petty Officer Lavar Manfredi (an engineering NPC) - Stunned in the battle, on his feet Day 02

Chief Warrant Officer Gimli Luff (an operations NPC) - Stunned in the battle, on his feet Day 02

Chief Petty Officer Erik Randall of the Resolve - Dead

I think we need to add a cross-symbol or something next to the characters that are dead in the NPC listings on the wiki, to prevent people from using redshirts that have died...


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on June 07, 2017, 12:29:31 PM
Yeah... little crosses would be useful.  Some of us may wish to engage in seances and dark ritual... er.. I mean... pay our respects.  :)

That aside, in the ongoing effort to flesh out the various locations of the ship, Auctor and I have put together a dedicated page for Below Decks ( in the wiki detailing its layout, features and key holographic personnel.  Comments are always welcome!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 07, 2017, 10:00:35 PM

Good work from Steelphoenix on this all around. Just throwing in the updated floor plan for the Below Decks Lounge too:


More info at the link Steelphoenix provided: Below Decks (


At our wiki database, I have now added crosses next to the names of the NPCs that are already dead.

I saw that Edgar Rogers was used in Seeds of Malefaction, so his name will have to be changed out, but besides that, I don't think we have any more mistakes with dead NPCs walking. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on June 07, 2017, 11:15:00 PM
I notice my initial comment about having no washrooms on site was heeded in the redesign :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on June 07, 2017, 11:52:36 PM
Yeah just make sure you go across the hall and don't break into Deacon's room to do your business :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on June 08, 2017, 12:47:29 AM
Yeah just make sure you go across the hall and don't break into Deacon's room to do your business :D

I'm pretty sure only K'Ren might consider a litter box an appropriate facility to do her business :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on June 08, 2017, 01:09:54 AM
Well, what happens between two consenting cats in the privacy of one's litterbox....  :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triton on June 08, 2017, 02:09:54 AM
I'm ready to start "To Absent Friends", is it a prologue for the header or a Chapter itself? I suspect it's the former, but don't want to muddle things up per the master plan.

"Give the word, Sir." -- Malcolm Reed, ENT: Countdown.

Striker, I suspect the layout is such that anything occurring prior to 1900 hours on Day 1 [ie - anything before Chapter 1: Nebula Entry (,2029.0.html)] would be a prologue.  So far, it appears we have:

* 1600 hours: Prologue 1: Focal Point (,2025.0.html), Prologue 2: Loose Ends (,2021.0.html), Prologue 3: The New Pack (,2024.0.html), Prologue 4: The Last Lone Wolves (,2020.0.html)
* 1630 hours: Prologue 5: Strength in Unity (,2034.0.html)
* 1700 hours: Prologue 6: Washing Away the Memories (,2028.0.html), Prologue 7: Two Stray Threads (,2036.0.html), Prologue 8: Loose Gears (,2037.0.html)
* 1715 hours: Prologue 9: Sar-unga Grieving (,2043.0.html)
* 1830 hours: Prologue 10: Seeds of Malefaction (,2045.0.html)

* 1900 hours: Chapter 1: Nebula Entry (,2029.0.html)
* 1930 hours: Chapter 2: Fanatical Interests (,2035.0.html)
* 2200 hours: Chapter 3: Land of the Living (,2044.0.html)
* 2230 hours: Chapter 4: What Goes Around... (,2047.0.html)
* 2300 hours: Chapter 5: Where there is Smoke... (,2046.0.html)
* 2330 hours: Chapter 6: A Lost Voice (,2030.0.html)

Day 2 is locked until the completion of Chapter 1, if I recall correctly.  From my recollection of the plot ideas thread, "To Absent Friends" was recommended to take place around midnight day 1, so potentially chapter 7 at 2330 or immediately once day 2 is unlocked.  If you want it earlier in the night on Day 1 (say 2100 hours), that would likely necessitate Auctor renumbering the subsequent chapters just to keep them in chronological order.

(Just thought I'd help Auctor out, he can always correct me if I got anything wrong; please don't neuter the kzinti...)

Thanks, Cat-man, But if you're wrong, Safari time.; I hate to be the Peter Griffin to Lucan's Reaper in this reference:
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 08, 2017, 11:52:18 AM

There is radio silence from our new member TharinAlk, me having tried to contact him via PM or email for some time now. Let's hope nothing bad has happened to him, and that he is well. At the same time, if he lost interest and decided to bail, just feeling too guilty to tell me...

...let's just say it's not the first time someone exploits me to make character images and then runs off with them to use at another site. Things like these are incredibly discouraging for me, making me want to close recruitment altogether. It takes me a lot of hours making the art for the site, the character images included, and when people are so disrespectful that they 'steal' artwork (but more importantly, my time) - art I have always done and will always do for free - it puts a big damper on my energy and motivation.

Sorry for the brief rant, and I hope TharinAlk both is okay and that he might return from whatever might have kept him, but in the meantime, I will have to put him down as Inactive. I might also have to somehow re-purpose the images of his character. I will also have to re-purpose the thread starter A Lost Voice to feature some other new (or old) character that is takes out of stasis on Day 01. This change of the story also includes editing some posts in Focal Point to have Captain Ives ask to have someone else be taken out of stasis instead.

Anyway, back to posting.

EDIT: If anyone wants to play the character left behind, that might work too, of course.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 08, 2017, 01:15:35 PM

Oh, btw, for those who didn't read the Epilogue of Episode 04. it is now also available as a story excerpt at the database's Niga page:

Niga (

Personally, I think the Epilogue becomes especially poignant in relation to the first story excerpt on the page, where the Theurgy arrived at the planet in Episode 01. Anyway, back to writing.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on June 08, 2017, 02:54:31 PM
Hey. We Caitians are more civilized then that. We had plumbing in our litter boxes back when Humans were still pooping out holes in the floor of second story buildings onto the street below. Ignorant apes, thinking they invented the flushing litterbox.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on June 09, 2017, 05:21:07 AM
it is once again that time of week where I get to be a person again for 3 days.  This time I will make some posts... just.. oh where to start! 

Expect at least one tonight.  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on June 09, 2017, 01:22:29 PM
it is once again that time of week where I get to be a person again for 3 days.  This time I will make some posts... just.. oh where to start! 

Expect at least one tonight.  :)
I don't get personhood status back until tonight ;) posts halfway written. Will finish today :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on June 09, 2017, 02:00:17 PM
What is this personhood thing you speak of?  I get to work at quarter past wht the fuck, and I get home completely bushed, albeit after a civilized number of hours, smelling of onions and hate.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on June 09, 2017, 06:03:25 PM
 Yes I have noticed we all seem to be in the same  boat with this work - life balance currently 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on June 09, 2017, 06:27:15 PM
This is my freaking escape from life... I spend as much time here as I can.  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on June 09, 2017, 08:15:09 PM
My life is good.  Bit i love writing. It is a passion of mine and I devote time to it as I can.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triton on June 09, 2017, 11:49:43 PM
Writing is my own happy place.

I finally finished my finals, but have to now shift attention to certain work hours and email correspondence. I have a draft handy to start 'to absent friends', will post within 48 hours.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 11, 2017, 03:53:45 AM

While Striker has already been playing him as an NPC, here is the full character page of Jimmy Mariner!

( James "Jimmy" Mariner    Security Officer ( 
  - Played by Striker N7 (

But that's not all....


Indeed, Absinthe has decided to take on playing a character of old, namely Nicole Howard, one of our past Chief Engineers. She will not, however, be able to return to active duty, so the current set-up officer-wise in Engineering is unaffected. Her injuries have caused her memory loss and she might have a long road of rehabilitation to be able to walk again. Check the character page for more info.

( Lt Cmdr. Nicole Howard        Chief Engineer Adviser ( 
  - Played by Absinthe (

The threads Lost Voice and Focal Point will be edited so that they deal with Nicole Howard being taken out of stasis instead of TharinAlk th'Thane, whom will simply not have existed in the first place unless his writer shows up again. More notifications about edits will be given to affected parties.

That's all for now. :) Almost 4 am now, so I am retiring to bed, lol.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on June 11, 2017, 04:05:21 PM
Haha, welcome back former chief engineers! It's like they're all being brought back out of stasis! :D Good to see Howard back, looking forward to how she'll play out with the extensive damage post Calamity.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on June 11, 2017, 05:17:30 PM
Well the ship does need a lot repairs... so the more chief engineers the better!  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 16, 2017, 03:27:12 AM

Here is our newest NCO and Hastata-Nerada's third character! :)

( PO1 Morgan Song              Engineering Officer ( 
  - Played by Hastata-Nerada (

But that's not all....


Indeed, we have a new member, and his name is Jack Noble. Please welcome our 24th member!

( Ens. Jack Calum Noble        Security Officer ( 
  - Played by Jack Noble (

3.30 am here... so I think it is time for bed now, lol. Sorry for any mistakes made.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on June 16, 2017, 04:00:23 AM
Oh look Grant Gustan playing a security officer, let me guess part of the CSI team?

Later on lets get him by lighting and have him become a speedster!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Mathis on June 16, 2017, 05:59:55 AM
Yay new characters! Welcome Jack!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 16, 2017, 08:46:09 AM
Ops! I mistakenly forgot to change Security Officer to Engineering Officer when I did Morgan Song. He is not in security, but Engineering, lol!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on June 19, 2017, 05:58:28 AM
Hello! I apologize for my absence as of late.  For whatever reason, I have stopped getting email notifications for this forum.  I just figured everyone was as busy as I have been lately so there have been few response.  But it is my fault for making that assumption and not coming here to verify it.

So, what's the reason for being busy, you ask?  I auditioned for a musical and got a part.  We started rehearsals 3 weeks ago and our performance is in 4 weeks (mid July).  This means that right now, I work 30-40 hours a week and go to rehearsal 9-12 hours a week.  Across the next month, that rehearsal time increases as we get closer to the show.  I remember doing this in college and not being so exhausted by it all, but as a non-college adult, this schedule is wearing me out.

I guess what I'm saying is that posts will continue to be slow-coming until the show is over because i don't usually have the energy to write after 8 hours of work and 3 hours of rehearsal.  :(  I am really sorry for this.  I forgot (and didn't expect) it to be so physically demanding and time intensive.

Oh, the musical is Pirates of Penzance.  I am Isabel.  I have lines, but no singing solos.  It's crazy and fun and exhausting and it will be over in one more month.

But enough about me!  Hello new characters!!!!  So nice to see you!!  The art is lovely as always!!  How exciting to have new pictures and faces!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on June 20, 2017, 02:53:23 AM
Ohhh newbies!! Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on June 20, 2017, 12:43:41 PM
Someone was saying earlier that they stopped getting messages from the board: I just checked and about 80% of the messages I recieved from had been flagged as SPAM by gmail, despite my purposefully adding the address to my contracts. Those filters still pick up on automated messaging from sites like this, and House of Eros as spam, and possibly ' not from' . I have removed all of these from the spam folder via my phone app but I had to log onto gmail directly, vai my computer browser this morning before work (ie right now as i prep to leave) to create a new LABEL and apply that to the contact. In theory, this should keep future messages from going to the spam folder (instead they'll end up in a Theurgy folder).

Please note that - if you use GMAIL - this cannot be done via the app, and has to be done via a computer browser. Not the mobile browser. This isn't a bug, either, this is a planned feature. Google wants you to have to log into the desktop to make this change for security reasons they don't really delve into.

Thus ends your friend email usage public service announcement.

PS: Lucan, we may want to make a note of this somewhere else on the forum: create a label for emails from , not just adding it to your contacts, to prevent site traffic as being flagged spam.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 20, 2017, 01:16:07 PM
Thanks Brutus! I already have that set-up, but I imagine it might be needed for others too. I will make sure to include it in the next newsletter as well.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on June 20, 2017, 03:46:52 PM
Hello! I apologize for my absence as of late.  For whatever reason, I have stopped getting email notifications for this forum.  I just figured everyone was as busy as I have been lately so there have been few response.  But it is my fault for making that assumption and not coming here to verify it.

So, what's the reason for being busy, you ask?  I auditioned for a musical and got a part.  We started rehearsals 3 weeks ago and our performance is in 4 weeks (mid July).  This means that right now, I work 30-40 hours a week and go to rehearsal 9-12 hours a week.  Across the next month, that rehearsal time increases as we get closer to the show.  I remember doing this in college and not being so exhausted by it all, but as a non-college adult, this schedule is wearing me out.

I guess what I'm saying is that posts will continue to be slow-coming until the show is over because i don't usually have the energy to write after 8 hours of work and 3 hours of rehearsal.  :(  I am really sorry for this.  I forgot (and didn't expect) it to be so physically demanding and time intensive.

Oh, the musical is Pirates of Penzance.  I am Isabel.  I have lines, but no singing solos.  It's crazy and fun and exhausting and it will be over in one more month.

But enough about me!  Hello new characters!!!!  So nice to see you!!  The art is lovely as always!!  How exciting to have new pictures and faces!!
New people! Hooray!

Also, I must apologize for my own silence. I let Auctor know, but I got diagnosed with nerve pain through the jaw, which pretty much meant that I was in severe pain, and terrified that it was a problem with a crown on a tooth. Turns out, it's a nerve, which is managed by meds.

Long story short, lots of pain, lots of appointments, and managing it now. Glad to be catching up :)

Also, thank you to Kaligos for setting up Discord.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on June 20, 2017, 08:00:49 PM
Thanks brutus!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 22, 2017, 01:54:27 AM
Staff Announcement is up in Day 02:,

Day 02 is opened, and I hope you all like how things are progressing. No new posts started later than 1500 hrs. on Day 02, though. the latest time possible to post threads being 1500 hrs. Now, I am off to bed. G'night!

Note: The ship is in MVAM, so Thea will have to site-to-site transport people around as required.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 26, 2017, 02:00:40 PM

Please welcome our 25th member, namely Douglas Everton. He joins the story with Tanithil Heilana, a RIO from the White Wolves Squadron.

( Lt. JG Tanithil Heilana      Wolf-12 RIO [Boogeyman] (,_callsign_%22Boogeyman%22) 
  - Played by Douglas Everton (,_callsign_%22Boogeyman%22)

His Valravn was destroyed in the Battle of Starbase 84, and when he tried to engage his ETS system, the USS Orcus's transporter systems were too badly damage to accept Tanithil into its buffers. Instead, Thea picked up on the transporter signal, and given how a lot of the White Wolves defected to the Theurgy, she decided to bring him in. With his life-signs weakening, Thea beamed him directly to one of the EMH, who had to postpone surgery until Day 02 given that the pilot is of a unique species. Namely, the Si'Loren:

>> Click for more information (

Since Doctor Nicander is preoccupied with another stasis-revival, it would be awesome if I could get some help with the starter thread! :)

Everton will be writing the inagural post, but we need a nurse or a doctor there when Junior Lieutenant Heilana opens his eyes!

Welcome aboard!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on June 26, 2017, 02:11:53 PM
Hi there!! Welcome to the RP, and the community as a whole.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on June 26, 2017, 02:15:32 PM
Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Douglas Everton on June 26, 2017, 06:34:22 PM
thanks, all look forward to putting my writing skills to work for the first time in ages
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Douglas Everton on June 27, 2017, 03:30:29 AM
so which of you lovely ladies wants to play nurse for tanithil when he wakes up? :stuck_out_tongue:
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Burningtransformation on June 27, 2017, 05:27:50 AM
Welcome. Love the character!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Douglas Everton on June 27, 2017, 05:37:26 AM
thanks was 4 years of work look forward to kicking some space ass with you and the rest of the boys n gals
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on June 27, 2017, 09:18:43 PM
Welcome aboard! Hope to see you up and about soon!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on June 29, 2017, 03:48:55 AM
 Welcome!! Both my ladies are mechanically inclined and both prefer piloting to anything medical, otherwise I'd offer my services.  Plus they are both about to get very sick.  :) but hooray for new faces! I'm certain I'll write with you eventually.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 30, 2017, 10:55:29 AM

Since Komial Dohtnil bit the dust at the end of the Battle of Starbase 84, Brutus felt he wanted to introduce another character to the story.

( Ens. Faye Eloi-Danvers        Acting Chief Diplomatic Officer ( 
  - Played by Brutus (

As you may remember, the writer who joined with the Chief Diplomatic Officer TharinAlk th'Thane ( vanished before he even began to write, so the idea is that Brutus' new Betazoid here was a part of the diplomatic delegation aboard the Theurgy. TharinAlk was spaced before Episode 01, and Ensign Eloi-Danvers almost died too, but will be revived on Day 02. She will soon be named Acting Chief Diplomatic Officer on the Theurgy, and perhaps she might aid with the Devoted instead of TharinAlk th'Thane, along with any other situations best suited to her abilities.

Looking forward to take part in this new character's story!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on June 30, 2017, 03:03:52 PM
Pretty stuff Brutus! Looking forward to what she'll have in her to partake in negotiations in the future ^^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on June 30, 2017, 03:51:20 PM
Thanks! I thought the idea of a Diplomatic Officer/contingent on the ship was a good idea: it made a lot of sense that the ship would have officers of that persuasion, given their orignal mission, and since everything went tits up at SB84, there seemed to be a great need. So I was all for that new guy - aaaaaaaaaaaaaand then he vanished.  Didn't want to see the possible plot threads dropped we are (after a few name changes) with Faye.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on June 30, 2017, 07:05:14 PM
She looks perfect and that name is absolutely lovely!  (L)

I look forward to seeing her in action and she and Heather should have threads!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on June 30, 2017, 07:45:57 PM
Oh Fanged God... a full blooded telepath... that should set Deacon on edge.  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on July 01, 2017, 04:04:51 PM
Is that me, or is a telepathic diplomatic officer kinda like cheating in face-to-face meetings? 

But then again, if you ain't cheating, you ain't trying hard enough.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on July 03, 2017, 05:32:16 PM
Sometimes the only way to win is to cheat ;)

I can see how Faye might set Deacon on edge. And I'm all for a threat at somepoint b/t her and Heather :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 04, 2017, 11:20:17 AM

Since people have been loosing their posts when writing in the Quick Reply window, I have disabled it for everyone, but if you want to get the Quick Reply window back (even if it won't save Drafts of your posts), you can enable it again in your forum settings.

In order to reply to posts now, you simply hit "REPLY", and your posts will be saved as you write. In order to retain a Draft of your post, you return to the thread you were going to reply in, hit "REPLY", and at the very, very bottom of the reply page, you can find the list of recent drafts. Just click the one you want to use when you resume writing.


Oh, and I also enabled the Likes function for posts. Not sure how much I will be using it myself, but it's a nice little feature pre-installed on this forum. Feel free to use it, and please don't get discouraged if your posts are not getting likes. Given how many posts we are dishing out and that most doesn't read any other threads than the ones they are active in, a lack of likes really means nothing at all.


EDIT: There is also a Mention function now, so when you write @ and then a forum name, there will be a notification for the mentioned member. Might not be useful outside OOC posts, but if used in the story, I would like those to be reserved for OOC sections at the bottom of posts so that they don't clutter the IC texts (such will be a bitch to remove when making the PDFs).

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 04, 2017, 11:18:46 PM

After careful deliberation, taking into account a lot of different factors, the final decision has been made to terminate Douglas Everton's membership.

The offences he committed are too many to list here in detail, and he received several warnings before he ended up banned from our site. Aside from personal attacks against people, aggressive tendencies, and an unhealthy focus on writing smut as opposed to story, the final straw came when he began posting porn in the Discord chat, this being the moving gif kind with full phallic penetration. This, alluding towards doing the displayed act against another member. That offence alone was, however, just a small part of the collective offences he managed to make during his short tenure here at Star Trek: Theurgy. In the end, the safe atmosphere and the health of our sim needed to be protected.

The result is that he has no longer access to the Discord chat, he can't enter this site from his IP, and his character and species have all been removed from the Wiki. Moreover, the two threads he had managed to post in has been removed from the story, and the member has been sent his character and species texts via email. The artwork of his character, however, is ours to re-purpose for some other use.

These things are never fun, but from the reactions I have got so far, this ban was more than merited.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 06, 2017, 11:11:52 AM

Yesterday, member Jack Noble contacted me over Skype and asked me to delete his character without explanation, so I have now proceeded to delete his character as he requested and when I tried to ask him why, he had blocked me on both Skype and Facebook. I can only guess, but he was likely feeling guilt guilt about it. I can but hope he won't be using his character images in his own sim, but perhaps I should not assume the worst.

Regardless, this being the third set of character images done in vain, counting TharinAlk, Everton and Jack Noble, the character application process for new members will be updated. Se below.


New members will not have character images made for them until they have posted In-Character 25 times + been a member for 1 month. This way, hyper-active members that dish out a lot of posts in a short time will have to remain members for a month minimum before they are granted character images. It also means members who just participate in an OOC capacity for one month but only posts In-Character a handful of times will still have to be more active before they get character images.

On the Crew Manifest and on the Character Page, images with an error message will be seen until the new member meets the above criteria, and images are made for them.

If new members joins with acceptable character images of their own, this is no issue, and will get the help needed to have them visible on the Crew Manifest and their character page.

This update does not affect the application process for old members in any way.

EDIT: The Joining the Crew page has now been updated.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Mathis on July 06, 2017, 06:17:15 PM
Hey everyone. I need to apologize for my delay lately. I just got back from a week and a half vacation where I was told I'd have internet and plenty of free time... I instead had awful internet and was asked to help watch my dozens of nieces & nephews (and cousin's kids) at the reunion. I tried to play the 'not my spawn' card, but I was countered with the 'you got free airfare and lodging' card so... :)

It was still fun, but yeah, I'm behind. Soon as I catch up on the 200ish emails and outstanding work stuff today, I'm planning to knock out a post or two.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on July 06, 2017, 06:57:04 PM
Hello everyone. I must also apologize for the two weeks or so that I haven't been doing my best in keeping up with posts. I have been absent from the discord for most of the time, and I have been delaying my posts.

Yesterday I finally got to sit down with a psychologist, and among some amusing discoveries came the realization that I am deppressive, and have high anxiety. I mean yeah I kinda knew that already, but now I can seek out treatments that work for me.

I have also been working most days but now I have two days off so I should be able to get caught up.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on July 06, 2017, 07:46:25 PM
*offers hugs and support*
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on July 07, 2017, 02:37:45 AM
At least, as you said, now you know where things stand and you can get the treatment/assistance you need :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on July 08, 2017, 11:28:24 AM
Hello my friends. I too must apologize for my long silence. I have found myself stressed beyond  my capacities between juggling my work schedule and this musical that I am in. I have been doing nothing but work and rehearsal for nearly 2 months now. I sleep occasionally and eat rarely because I am too stressed out to have an appetite and too busy to relax or sleep.

These last three weeks have been the worst yet, but it's not over.

Next week is dress and tech rehearsals because next weekend is the show!!!!!! I'm so nervous/happy/scared/excited/exhausted/can't wait/over it.... lol.  Then I have 3 days off and my life will return to normalcy.

I am aware that I handle stress poorly.  I tend to avoid everything and everyone because I can't make decisions (I agonize over the outcomes and convince myself that nothing I do/choose/say will be right) and I just cry all the time.  I do not know how to fix that. But yesterday and today I am finally feeling the burden start to lighten. I cannot promise posts this weekend, but I will try.  If I am unsuccessful, you can expect them around Monday the 17th. The day after the final show.

Im very sorry for the delay. I also know I should have written this much sooner. I apologize for that too. I didn't want to let anybody down..
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on July 08, 2017, 11:47:09 AM
IRL always takes precedense (probably spelt that wrong)

But do what you have to do. We'll be here waiting for you.  (L)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on July 08, 2017, 05:53:02 PM
Real life happens.  Best of luck.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on July 08, 2017, 06:32:36 PM
Good luck EAC!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on July 12, 2017, 09:44:26 PM
Best of luck EAC! *Wonders if there would be any way to sneak peek the show.*

In other news, posting on my end is going to be a bit slower as work is kicking up a notch. Should try to poke a post when I have the time.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on July 12, 2017, 10:01:11 PM
I know them work feels. Best of luck!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 14, 2017, 11:34:28 AM

After having played two characters for years, @CanadianVet has now taken the step to add one more. Here she is!

( PO2 Eliska Bremmer            Security Officer (  
  - Played by CanadianVet (

She was the Master-at-Arms on the Resolve before she joined the crew of the Theurgy. Now, she is a security officer, and I really like the balance of her character flaws and her experience. Looking forward to take part in this new character's story!

Thank you @steelphoenix for the help on the first image on the left hand side above, which I merely touched up, adding effects and background to. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Mathis on July 20, 2017, 05:15:11 PM
Woot! Grats on the new character, and yay for another Resolve family member. ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on July 20, 2017, 06:16:27 PM
Looking forward to see Eliska Bremmer in action!
I've caught up on several posts and will do the rest after the weekend. I'll be unreachable for the next three to four days, but I'll probably lurk on my phone for responses and such. Hear you in a few days boys and girls!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on July 21, 2017, 06:12:07 AM
Yay a new character! She's lovely! I look forward to meeting her.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on July 24, 2017, 02:32:28 AM
Hi everyone, sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've been going through some very rough and emotionally exhausting stuff in my life, and a lot of really bad things I really don't want to get into. I'll try to get through it as fast as possible, but that's what's going on at the moment. So I'm sorry it's taking so long, and I'm sorry to everyone who's been waiting on me.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on July 24, 2017, 05:20:30 AM
Sorry to hear that, Hastata. I pray all will be well soon for you.  (L)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on July 24, 2017, 07:28:31 AM
Good luck Hastata.   We've all been there.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Mathis on July 24, 2017, 11:41:08 PM
Big hugs and well wishes, Hastata.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on July 25, 2017, 06:40:51 PM
Best of luck and strength Hastata! We'll be waiting for you, but take your time. Take care of yourself first :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 30, 2017, 02:35:54 AM

We have a new member, TrexelCat, having found us through DeviantArt, and after some discussion on character concepts, we found a solution in how they will play Thea's LMH (Long-term Medical Holographic program).

( EVE Program AK-1 DMSA-656     LMH (  
  - Played by TrexelCat (

Eve (as she prefers to be called) ended up deactivated during the first battle against the Calamity, and only now - after the Battle of Starbase 84 - her encryption will be lifted and she'll be re-activated.

Before anyone asks, our new policy for new members to only get character images after 1 month + 20 posts is still a good new rule to use. In this case, however, it will be a half-way so, since TrexelCat will get his last character image for Eve after he has met the criteria. The reason why I could make images now was because I am getting help from Absinthe with another image project, freeing up my time. :)

Welcome aboard, TrexelCat! Looking forward to your introduction here and to see you on Discord.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on July 30, 2017, 02:56:36 AM
Welcome to the family, Trexelcat! Hope you have fun here. If you want threads to get started, let me know! And join us on Discord chats if you have the time. Looking forward to writing with you!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Mathis on July 30, 2017, 03:32:29 AM
Welcome! Love the new character and look forward to interacting.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TrexelCat on July 30, 2017, 03:35:29 AM
Hello! Not really sure what else to put here. Huge fan of Star Trek. Most anything I create revolves around Star Trek, even the graphics for my stream are Star Trek related(shh, it's a secret). I maintain a deviant art page, it's how I found y'all. My name there is the same as here. In fact, my name just about everywhere is the same as here so if you were to do a search on my forum name, you might end up finding out more than you were ready for.

Anywho, meow. Yep.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on July 30, 2017, 03:45:06 AM
 Well, if that isn't an invitation to be all stalkery....

I mean... hi, welcome.  :D 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on July 30, 2017, 04:49:41 AM
Howdy and such!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on July 30, 2017, 10:47:01 AM
Welcome aboard the funhouse/ship Trexelcat/Eve. Looking forward to seeing our EMH in the field ^^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Mathis on August 01, 2017, 09:24:17 PM
Hey all, wanted to give you a quick update. I'm in the process of finalizing/accepting a job offer with a company in a different state which, while very exciting, is causing no small amount of stress and anxiety. It's a fantastic opportunity but I'm trying to make sure I have all my ducks in a row with the move, my bills, banking situation since I use a local credit union, etc. It's one of the reasons I've been writing a bit slower as of late as well.

I've been told to expect the official offer today and have to finalize my move to start in the new place on August 21st. Eeek, lol.

In the meantime, there are a few projects at home and work I'm going to try to finish up by the end of my time here so that's even more fun on top of it and less downtime.

I appreciate all of your patience while I sort all of this out and get everything under control.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on August 01, 2017, 10:58:00 PM
Best of luck with the move Mathis! Always fun to have a new challenge lined up!
We'll hear you when you're ready ^^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on August 02, 2017, 03:07:00 AM
Wow, awesome Mathis!  Though are you sure you can't push the move a day before or after?  Don't want to miss the eclipse (assuming you can see it where you're at).
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 04, 2017, 03:43:08 AM

Triage has already spilled the beans on this one in chat, but it is not until now that her character application has been approved. Here she is:

( Lt. JG Sinead O'Riley         Engineering Officer ( 
  - Played by Triage (

She is a woman from the Resolve who served in Security until she evacuated unto Thea, where she will return to her career as an engineer. A huge thank you to Absinthe for the help with the second image, and since he made the a couple of more, there might be additions to the character page when those are finished.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 06, 2017, 02:25:41 AM

Please remember to reply to the Star Trek: Theurgy Sim Poll, which can be found in your inboxes.

At this rate, I have to set an end-date, since it has taken a long time without getting all your replies in. The last day to reply to the poll will therefore be 2017-08-13. If you have not replied before then, your opinions and suggestions for improvements etc. won't be compiled in the results. Hope you can make the time for it! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 06, 2017, 02:39:55 AM

I got this PM today:

Hey, Auctor,

Sorry for the silence. I am going to have to step away though, as real life is just proving too much for me to keep up here. Something has to give, and unfortunately, it's writing.

I appreciate all the work you did with the character, and your help, but now just isn't a good time.

I wish you the best of luck with the new site and thank you for all the chances you have given me!

So, sadly, Burning "Waffles" Transformation has decided that they can't keep up with the sim, and will therefore bow out. I replied stating that, perhaps, the barely begun story about Dev below might continue with another writer, should there be anyone willing to inherit her:
( Lt. JG Devyrie Okhala         Wolf-11 [Dragon] (,_callsign_%27%27Dragon%27%27)  
  - Formerly Played by Burningtransformation (,_callsign_%27%27Dragon%27%27)

In case there is anyone interested in writing this character, please PM me at your earliest convenience! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triton on August 06, 2017, 03:31:34 AM

Triage has already spilled the beans on this one in chat, but it is not until now that her character application has been approved. Here she is:

( Lt. JG Sinead O'Riley        Engineering Officer ( 
  - Played by Triage (

She is a woman from the Resolve who served in Security until she evacuated unto Thea, where she will return to her career as an engineer. A huge thank you to Absinthe for the help with the second image, and since he made the a couple of more, there might be additions to the character page when those are finished.


Auctor Lucan

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: The Counselor on August 09, 2017, 04:30:29 AM
Just wanted to apologize for not getting posts out tonight like I said I would.  With family visiting for a couple more weeks, my time is not my own.  Still, I expect to have posts up if not tomorrow night (a work day for me), Thursday.

I am reading as I can and am eager to find Hayden's voice again.  Goodness knows, everyone could use a shrink, lol!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 11, 2017, 01:26:54 AM

Please welcome our latest member, namely Josie. They join the story with Ensign Zrinka Agaixot, callsign "Honey Badger", but she prefers to be called Rini. She was one of the original Lone Wolves - squadmate with Razor, Goldeneye, Rawley and Isley. She was put in stasis after the first battle with the USS Calamity, back in Part 1 of Episode 03.

( Ens. Zrinka Agaixot           Wolf-02 [Honey Badger] (,_callsign_%22Honey_Badger%22)  
  - Played by Josie (,_callsign_%22Honey_Badger%22)

This rather flamboyant half-Betazoid has been through some darkness in her life, with latent emotional scarring in the foundation of her extrovert manner. Reading the character application, and learning how balanced Rini is in flaws and strengths, it is my absolute pleasure to welcome Josie to our sim. I really look forward to see in which direction her story will go now.

Welcome aboard!


Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on August 11, 2017, 01:29:54 AM
More meat for the grinder! 

Welcome to our little corner of the Interwebs.  Oh, and I also play the Chief of the Deck, so we'll have loads of chances to interact. 

And looking at Rini's profile, I think she'd get along GREAT with Eliska!

Looking forward to seeing you post, and joining us on the Discord channel!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on August 11, 2017, 01:35:11 AM
Oh hey, someone else playing a Betazoid (well, half, but still) welcome!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on August 11, 2017, 01:36:51 AM
Oh look, a fellow empath... I mean... I have no idea what you're talking about... stop looking at me like that...

(OOC - Welcome aboard :)  )
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Josie on August 11, 2017, 04:48:49 AM
G'day, my name's Josie Laugesen.. *carwheels around*

I'm a rather.. eccentric Aussie girl with Danish heritage, and well, I've been called a scoundrel more then a few times (especially by my girlfriend).  Also, incredibly hyper, flamboyant and people tend to notice me - like I currently have my hair colored blue with some of my natural dark blond coming through.  I've also been told that I probably fell out of the cradle a lot as a child.

Thanks for all the welcoming, and looking forward to writing with you all. My char is rather quirky and loves socializing, so will be meeting up with others. Bobo loves being around people too - well, except for people with bumpy foreheads. 

One of the things that lead me to Rini is that I've actually got an Australian Private Pilot Licence in light aircraft - Cessna's, so I can fly anywhere in Australia, and most places in the world.

I've been into Star Trek since very young, and enjoy writing.. Have been on other sites - both Trek and other genres.

Oh, and on another note, I will try to keep to American spelling and leave out some of the Aussie slang/quirks. But I apologise if I mess it up.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on August 11, 2017, 05:06:49 AM
Oh, and on another note, I will try to keep to American spelling and leave out some of the Aussie slang/quirks. But I apologise if I mess it up.
But where's the fun in that?  Bring on the Aussie!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on August 11, 2017, 05:13:44 AM
My ex was from New South Wales. It'll be interesting to see I remember any of the slang she used. I say go for it
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on August 11, 2017, 05:53:10 AM
Don't worry yourself about the spelling!  This Canadian shamelessly writes about colours and honours and neighbours.  And besides, that sort of stuff gives writing its life and character, you know?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on August 11, 2017, 11:09:51 AM
Huzzah! New people :D

Welcome aboard, I wouldn't mind any Aussie slang and no worries about spelling since I imagine all of us make them throughout the story.

Also, extra kudos to you for bringing out the lovely face claim! She was in my top five for new characters.

Anyway, hope you enjoy your time here and looking forward to your story!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on August 11, 2017, 12:21:30 PM
Welcome aboard to the neverending party, Josie! I look forward to writing with you. And please, don't hold back on the slang or spelling. I love those.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on August 11, 2017, 12:36:03 PM
Welcome aboard! Great to have you here.

I look forward to seeing Rini in action.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on August 11, 2017, 02:16:29 PM

Welcome aboard Josie.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on August 11, 2017, 04:27:15 PM
Hah don't hold yourself back on our account.  Throw in all the Sheilas, brekkies, barbies and whatever else you'd like.  We can handle it.  :D

Of course, looking at that middle image, Deacon is convinced there's another crew member he's going to have to hide the booze from.  (He's almost convinced that at this point, Starfleet needs to recreate Alcoholics Anonymous...)  :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Esyel on August 12, 2017, 12:53:25 AM
First thing's first; welcome aboard, Josie!

Second, I wanna apologize on my silent treatment. A lot of it was pretty irresponsible on my behalf. I'm working on that flaw, I promise.

On a high note though [finally], I have a bit of why I've been focused on other things.

After living in homeless shelters for far too long [about the past 9-10  years, something like that], me and my husband finally got accepted and are going to move into an apartment for the first time in a very long time. It'll be a 2 BR and we're absolutely hyped about it.

We're gonna discuss over dinner whether we agree to move on the 21st of this month or the 11th of September.

Either way, we're secured and have a new place to look forward to; one we're incredibly ecstatic about!

I'm gonna try to catch up soonish. Thanks for the patience!

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on August 12, 2017, 02:31:51 AM
Congrats Esyel!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on August 12, 2017, 08:26:07 AM
That Is fantastic news. Best of luck with your impending move!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Esyel on August 12, 2017, 10:35:06 PM
Thanks everyone~

After a bit of talking with m y husband, we agreed to take the first move-in date, which is the 21st of August. As such, I'll be occupied getting the unit we are residing in for the next 8-9 days cleaned, our stuff ready, etc. It'll likely be easier to reply after getting settled in, though I'll see about getting some posts in before then.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 13, 2017, 12:47:55 AM

I have one less character because of the Devoted.

( Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley          Former Fighter Pilot  [Wolf-02] (,_call-sign_%22Ghost%22) 
- Formerly Played by Auctor Lucan (,_call-sign_%22Ghost%22)

In the thread Day 01 [2300 hrs.] Where There is Smoke... (,2046.0.html) (note the Day), Evelyn Rawley and Thomas Ravon were attacked by Devoted, and Rawley ended up getting her neck cut by a parsteel blade. While clinging to life with her teeth and nails, she was put into stasis due to her blood loss. She would have been scheduled for surgery if the outbreak of Virus 117 hadn't occurred the morning after, and now she will remain in stasis until Medical can catch a break.

Since this happened on Day 1 (albeit late), it might have some ripple-effects in some later threads. Nolan - writing Thomas Ravon - might make a couple of edits in his posts to reflect on the close call with Rawley, and he would be filing a report to Security about what happened. One evident thing that has also changed is that when Ravon made his speech to the Lone Wolves on Day 02 (,2088.msg11430.html#msg11430), where he showed everyone the new Squadron Org Chart (, Rawley's name wasn't listed for Wolf-02, but instead, Josie's character Honey Badger was listed as Wolf-02 instead. How? Because Medical informed Ravon about the scheduled recovery of Honey Badger, whereas Rawley's return remains unknown.

I will leave it up to @Nolan if the department head speech is edited to include any mention of Rawley and/or Honey Badger, but sufficed to say, the Wolves who knew Rawley might just have lost a sister, depending on if Medical can bring her back. So, I leave it to everyone's discretion if any edits or future references are made towards this development in Tactical CONN.

The OOC reason for Rawley being put into stasis is because a) I had no immediate plans with her, and b) because there was no place in the Lone Wolves Squad Org Chart for a returning Lone Wolf from the Theurgy. New Valravn fighter characters from the Orcus is easier, because they will just replace any currently listed NPCs from that squadron.

That's all for now!


Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on August 13, 2017, 01:51:22 PM
Hi All,

Just a quick alert to let you know that I'm on holiday!

I will be back within the week and I have my laptop with me, but replies may take longer than usual. I spent this morning trying to catch up on all my tags but I'm still behind with a couple. Please forgive me if you haven't had a tag from me just yet.

Hope you all are well, I will be checking in on the forum occasionally!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 14, 2017, 12:04:35 AM
Thanks for the head's up, Arista!


This foul-mouthed Brit below:

( Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley          Former Fighter Pilot  [Wolf-02] (,_call-sign_%22Ghost%22) 
- Formerly Played by Auctor Lucan (,_call-sign_%22Ghost%22)

...who was just put in stasis. I have put her on the list of Available Characters (, where I am counting on her to remain indefinitely. Instead, I have decided to pick up a new character from that aforementioned list. Namely:

( Lt. JG Devyrie Okhala         Wolf-11 [Dragon] (,_callsign_%27%27Dragon%27%27)
  - Played by Auctor Lucan (,_callsign_%27%27Dragon%27%27)

Indeed, Devyrie "Dev" Okhala, who arrived from the USS Orcus during the Battle of Starbase 84, will be my new inherited character. Since Burningtransformation left us, no one has made any show of interest in playing her, so I figured I'd invigorate my writing with a new character to replace the trusty old Rawley. This way, I can still have a pilot out there during the battles, and help narrate story development through Devyrie's eyes too.

I will need some time to figure out how to write her, and make some further edits to her character page, but eventually, I want to give this character some more screen time.

That's all for now! :)


Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on August 14, 2017, 09:59:38 PM
Update time, it's update time.

Some will have noticed my posting has slowed a lot. There are a few reasons to this, the biggest I will now share with all of you.

Two weeks ago it was announced that we would be getting two international students in this house because the wage the university paid us would help cover the cost of the house.

The house visit is on wensday.

Also a hard drive of mine died, and when it died it took with it my MS word, and a lot of my notes.

So I am behind, and I am cleaning my house. Expect me to stay behind till the end of the week. sorry.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 15, 2017, 02:53:44 AM

Got a bit carried away with a side-project on my list tonight. Here is the new face of Drauc T'Laus: Mads Mikkelsen.


This character was never meant to be a pretty boy (like Skeet Ulrich, the original actor), but rather someone who looks like they have been through hell and back again. A once Starfleet officer and lab experiment, now Dominion War veteran turned Romulan raider and mercenary after his twin brother died, and who only now is growing a conscience once more - trying to redeem himself by doing the right thing. On top of that, a powerful empath as a result of the experiments he suffered at the hands of his native people, where his Romulan ridges were removed to enable his abilities.

Here are the full-size images:

( (

( (

( (

Thanks for the kind words on the development of these on Discord, where I posted the progress as I did these.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on August 15, 2017, 04:48:14 AM
These are arguably some of the Best work you've done. And you've done a lot of fantastic fantastic work.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on August 15, 2017, 05:35:33 AM
That last one is the face of a supervillain who is gonna mess your sh*t up... And I mean that in a good way.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 18, 2017, 09:14:46 PM
Replies to the poll has been posted! :)

Theurgy Sim Poll 2017 Conclusions (,2117.msg11834.html#msg11834)

Please continue discussion there if anyone needs to do a follow-up on something. Furthermore, those who did not send in their replied to the poll in time can also comment as well there.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 19, 2017, 12:13:45 PM

Please welcome our latest member, namely Jm Von Cat. They join the story with Petty Officer First Class Varder Ridun, a Bajoran Security Officer. He was put in stasis in an engagement with Task Force Archeron before Episode 01.

( PO1 Varder Ridun              Security Officer ( 
  - Played by Jm Von Cat (

Before he came aboard the Theurgy, Ridun served aboard the USS Angelo, the same ship which Nicole Howard served on, so @Absinthe, perhaps this guy can jog her memories a bit? :)

Welcome aboard, and I look forward to reading your character's story post-stasis!


Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on August 19, 2017, 12:18:37 PM
Welcome to the greatest place in the universe! You're going to have lots of fun here.

When you have the time, do join our Discord chat group. Always fun to meet us goofing around there.

If you're up for threads, feel free to hit up any of us and we'll toss you right in with us so don't worry, you won't sink. Plus one of us is a sea dwelling creature. Anyways, welcome once again, and may your journey be blessed.

Live long, and prosper.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Jm Von Cat on August 19, 2017, 12:35:38 PM
Well then, heya all. Little new Kiwi here, though I must admit pretty far from home.  ::Waves frantically::

Looking forward to getting into it all with you lovely people, though you may grow to hate me for my amazingly terrible puns. ^.^
Also never mind any kiwi speak you lota people might be subjected to, i'm sure its mostly legible!

And uh yea! Hi. Now lets see about this little discord thing...
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Josie on August 19, 2017, 02:43:54 PM
Oooo.. A Kiwi.. The land where sheep are scared. on long lonely nights.

G'Day, Jm.  I'm an Aussie :-)

Oh, and don't mess with the Kiwi - us Aussies are protective of our little flightless brethren across the strait.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on August 19, 2017, 02:51:26 PM
Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on August 19, 2017, 02:53:33 PM
Welcome aboard. As your chief, I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun together!

As Triage says, we're a good group here. Any questions feel free to ask.

Also, I'm not sure you're needed to protect him @Josie, every kiwi I've met is definitely capable of putting me in my place  ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on August 19, 2017, 02:55:38 PM
And a Kiwi now?


Now, I'm just going to throw this out there: All Blacks or Wallabys?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on August 19, 2017, 03:20:01 PM
Welcome to the group! Hope you'll enjoy your time with us and looking forward to write with you.

Also, with a kiwi onboard we're one step closer to achieving world wide membership!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on August 20, 2017, 12:06:48 AM
 Jm Von Cat, leave Ridun's schedule open for DAY 02: 1415 hrs!  There may be summons for Security to report to Main Engineering on Deck 25 and I'd prefer a player character to respond over a nonplayer character if possible.  As a matter of fact, it would be nice if the Tactical department was free at that time too.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Jm Von Cat on August 20, 2017, 04:21:09 AM
Jm Von Cat, leave Ridun's schedule open for DAY 02: 1415 hrs!

He may be around, I am unsure though as I believe he is being revived from stasis that same day. Assuming that happens early enough it is defiantly a thing to do.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 21, 2017, 12:19:27 AM

It is my pleasure to announce our newest member, Blue Zephyr. They will actually write a well known character to us, and one that has been acting as an NPC since the original writer left us. Blue Zephyr had originally planned to join with a character made by themrself, but after finding....

( CPO Eun Sae Ji                Head of Fighter Power & Propulsion [NPC] (
  - Played by Blue Zephyr (

...our Head of Power & Fighter Propulsion Systems in the Fighter Assault Bay! So, once more, Eun Sae Ji has a writer, and Blue Zephyr took their time to read up on the character's past before now. They have, of course, the creative license to rewrite her character page and play her differently than she used to be played, and I personally look forward to what they decide to do with this character. Moreover, they will start up writing in the new thread Of Valkyries & Valravns, so there are plenty of people to write with there.

Welcome aboard, Blue Zephyr! The floor is yours. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on August 21, 2017, 12:23:06 AM
Huzzah, more new players! Welcome aboard, see you on the flight deck!
Feel free to join us on Discord for a chat ^^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on August 21, 2017, 12:23:47 AM
Welcome aboard!

We're a friendly bunch. I hope you enjoy being in our little family.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on August 21, 2017, 12:25:27 AM
Oh wow, two new players in as many days. Welcome aboard :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on August 21, 2017, 01:25:56 AM
Welcome to the family, BZ! Hope you have a fun time with us.

Drop by on Discord chats whenever you have the time!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Jm Von Cat on August 21, 2017, 02:10:15 AM
Welcome mate, now your here I am no longer the newest!.. But not by much :P
They really are a friendly bunch here.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: BZ on August 21, 2017, 02:57:38 AM
Hey guys!  Thanks for the warm welcome!!!  I'm looking forward to starting Sae Ji's career again and getting to know all the people personally that she has already met.  I'm leaving her history and connections the same, but she'll be changing personality just slightly.  She'll be a bit more sarcastic and likes the curse words more than her initial self but overall she'll remain mostly the same.  Or at least how her bio portrays her!  I can't wait to write with you guys!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on August 21, 2017, 04:52:49 AM
So many new people!  I almost feel old hat now.  :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Mathis on August 21, 2017, 05:31:06 AM
Welcome to the new members! Excited to interact with you and your characters. :)

Quick update to everyone about me: My move went well, drove the 16 hours Friday and I'm mostly unpacked. I start my new job tomorrow morning and am getting back into my normal routines which means you should all be seeing posts from me again here very soon. :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on August 21, 2017, 06:14:22 AM
That's Great news, @Mathis
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TrexelCat on August 24, 2017, 10:48:46 PM
I want to apologize if it's taking me a little bit to reply to posts. Currently in negotiations with my work about getting better hours and better pay. Lately I've been living on, quite literally, borrowed money to keep a roof over my head.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on August 26, 2017, 12:39:23 AM
Oh my gosh! So much had happened in a month!!  Welcome to everyone new!! It's always exciting to get new members in.  And for those of us struggling, it will get better. I know it. I've been there.

We're a supporting and friendly group, so don't be afraid to lean on us.  :) we understand.

Now that my own life isses have calmed down i find myself not only able to write again, but eager to do so!  So if anyone wants a thread with Jaya or Alessia, let me know. The majority of my plans for them terminated on day 1, so they're mostly free now.  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 27, 2017, 10:23:04 AM

Please welcome our latest member, namely Jfiddle! They join the story with Ensign Vereyn Kiiz, a Transporter Specialist in Operation. He's an original Theurgy crewmember, but he was put in stasis after the first battle with the USS Calamity, back in Part 1 of Episode 03. Given the extent of the injuries he sustained to his leg, he has returned to duty with a limp, and he might be in due need of counselling as well, since he was given quite a scare.

( Ens. Vereyn Kiiz              Transporter Specialist (  
  - Played by Jfiddle (

It's my pleasure to welcome Jfiddle to our sim, who also runs his own sim on the side. He is also a digital artist talent, who made the first draft of the two images on the right in the above three. I really look forward to see in which direction Kiiz's story will go, and how the former hosts of his symbiont manifests themselves.

Welcome aboard!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on August 27, 2017, 01:38:20 PM
Oooh a Joined thrilling!

Welcome aboard, Jfiddle! We hope you enjoy it here with us.  :)

We're quite a big, goofy, happy family, located all around the galaxy so I doubt you would ever have a dull moment.

Come by the Discord chat when you can, and if you're ready for threads hit us up here in PMs or in chat.  ( good )

I love your character concept, so I am eager to see Kiiz in action.

Again, welcome aboard!

Live long, and prosper.  (L)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on August 27, 2017, 01:39:18 PM
Welcome aboard Jfiddle! Interesting profile and character you have there. Lookin forward to seeing him in indulge himself in the story.

Feel free to join us on Discord for a chat, we're all a friendly bunch.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on August 27, 2017, 02:48:01 PM
Waaaaaaait wait wait wait wait. Someone actually made a Ops character that isn't from the flight deck? It's not just meeeee any more :3

Welcome aboard! I'm the writer behind an emotional diplomat, and disgruntled time traveling Frankenstein, and the Chief of Operations. (and i haven't had coffee yet this morning so please bear with me). I'm thrilled to have another Operations character on the sim.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on August 27, 2017, 03:56:42 PM
Welcome to the world of tomorrow. It's cool to see a transporter operator.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Jfiddle on August 27, 2017, 04:12:44 PM
Hey guys! Thanks for all the welcomes! I am super excited to be here!  I made Kiiz specifically for this sim, so I am also excited to see how he turns out!

Thanks again!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: BZ on August 27, 2017, 04:42:36 PM
Welcome Jfiddle!  Now I'm not the newbie anymore!!!  To all former writers, please shift all hazing rituals planned in advance to Jfiddle as he is now the newbie.  Please collect your well fitted and perfectly sculpted straight jacket on the way through the door.  All newbies get to share the cot in the trash chute until Quarters can be assigned.

LOL anyway!  Welcome, looking forward to seeing you in Discord!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Jm Von Cat on August 27, 2017, 10:39:23 PM
Welcome to this collective of people mate, good to see yet more new faces around. Makes mine look older :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Josie on August 28, 2017, 12:44:13 AM
Mmm.. nice.. Rini is going to have to shift vectors a lot *grins playfully*

Welcome aboard,  Jfiddle.

Don't worry, still working on Jm Von Cat.   *baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah*
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on August 28, 2017, 05:39:25 AM
Welcome!! We're happy too have you :) Nice choice in face claims, too.

I play Jaya, an enlisted woman who loves a good time... and Alessia, a fighter pilot who's into spirituality and various athletic activities.

Hopefully one or both of them will bump into Kiiz  ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 30, 2017, 12:48:09 AM

Please welcome our 29th member, namely Top Hat. He joins the story with Nator 159, a Hermat in Operations.

( Lt. JG Nator 159              Operations Officer (  
  - Played by Top Hat (

This hermaphrodite species, Hermat, can be found in the extended universe of Star Trek literature. Upon joining our sim, Top Hat went out of his way to compile a full wiki entry of the species too! Here they are:

>> Click for more information (

Welcome aboard, Top Hat!

But wait, that's not all, because....


Ejek was not the only counsellor on the Resolve, this woman being another one that has been on the 3-year voyage beyond Romulan space, and evacuated to the Theurgy during the Battle of Starbase 84.

( PO1 B'Nila                    Counselor (  
  - Played by Absinthe (

This character is not a canon species either, but actually an original creation by Absinthe! It was a really cool creation, and I am really excited about adding it to our own canon. Here they are, the Elsarians:

>> Click for more information (

Enjoy the reading, people! It's a lot, but these are really cool characters and species. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: BZ on August 30, 2017, 12:59:19 AM
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!  Yay!  Welcome @Top Hat So happy to FINALLY have you here.  :)

And awesome characters and images!  Can't wait to see you guys live!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on August 30, 2017, 01:00:17 AM
Awesome. More ops personell
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Jm Von Cat on August 30, 2017, 01:07:40 AM
Ehy, another new person. Good to have you mate.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on August 30, 2017, 01:09:24 AM
Hey folks,

Sorry about my recent absensce the past week. I've had one day off in the past two weeks and I'm out of town again the next two days so just running ragged. Will get to my tags and hoping to start a few new ones when I get some time. I'll try and take pictures as where I'm off to tomorrow is rugged country.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: MasterRat on August 30, 2017, 02:25:44 AM
Greetings and Salutations  Top Hat.

Now time for your hazing.... bring out the honey, and bears.   Muahahahahah.  Welcome.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on August 30, 2017, 07:20:50 AM
Hello, folks! Good to be able to post at last - made something of a rod for my own back with my species choice, I think :D

Catching up currently and working out how best to get involved. See you all in game soon! But about that hazing... I'll give piss-poor odds on those bears :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on August 30, 2017, 07:36:51 AM
Yas!! New characters!  Welcome Top hat!!  So good to have you here!  We tend to keep any hazing to a minnimum, unless you're felinoid XD

And what an awesome new character, Absinthe!

I hope to see them both around :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on August 30, 2017, 11:04:36 AM
Welcome aboard Top Hat and looks like an interesting character!

Also great work on B'Nila Absinthe ^^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on August 30, 2017, 05:31:27 PM
Logistics update: I'm going to be at a convention starting tonight through Sunday. I have no idea when I'll be able to post during that time, if at all. Currently I don't owe any posts, just waiting on replies in threads like the drinking Blind one and the asurian call. My apologies in advance if my being away the rest of the week causes delays.

Natalie has two "new" ops personell to meet with and I do want to get those threads sorted, she please feel free to pm me on the board's while I'm away if ya have any ideas!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Mathis on August 31, 2017, 09:15:48 PM
Welcome Jfiddle and Top Hat! Excited to see new faces. Also, yay, another gorgeous uhh I mean, well-rounded Trill! 😉
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 01, 2017, 09:43:59 AM

I have added a lot of my own suggestions to the Award Suggestion thread. A lot of these come from an old site I used to run, being old creations of mine, only now changed for this sim. Please chime in and tell me which should be removed, changed or added. :)

Awards Suggestion Thread (,2147.0.html)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on September 01, 2017, 08:00:45 PM
Belated welcome, Top Hat! Hope you enjoy yourself here!  (L)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 02, 2017, 10:06:49 AM
I have word that our Trekyards episode will be released today, so stay tuned for a link. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 02, 2017, 06:34:24 PM

It's out! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on September 02, 2017, 09:03:57 PM
Hah I watched the whole episode as much as I know about the ship and the show I still feel officially out-geeked.  :D  Good job.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on September 02, 2017, 09:31:14 PM
Hey everyone a bit of an update for everything going on in my life at the moment.

As I said in the discord, I broke a tooth and had to spend last night at the hospital, i'm about to go to a dentist appointment for an emergency bridging or extraction in about 20. Which is why i haven't posted today despite it being my one and only day off for the next five days.

I am also about to start a second job yay, that isn't paying me, boo, but is giving me three credits of universty, yay, which also means a lot of extra work "can i go home now?"

the short answer is no. I can not go home now.

This has hit my wallet pretty hard, and it's also about to hit my personal time.

For the next three months past september 12th, I will be working every single day.

Which means if you thought I could be slow to post before oooh boy you haven't seen anything yet. Sadly I can't get a meseeks to do all of this for me, so I am going to be at a snails pace just trying my best to catch up.

Which means my focus will be on plot important threads, such as putting her back to gether, and the away mission when i have a chance to post those will be my top priorities. After that if i'm all caught up on those then i can move onto my more character directed threads.

Anyway just wanted too keep you all in the loop.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Havenborn on September 05, 2017, 06:51:41 PM
Okay so since we're getting close to the point where Daniel will have to give out orders to the other two pilots, @Josie and @Doc M. my question to the two of you is where would you like your characters to be?  On the moon with the away team, in space flying patrol with Daniel, somewhere else?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 05, 2017, 07:34:47 PM
Okay so since we're getting close to the point where Daniel will have to give out orders to the other two pilots, @Josie and @Doc M. my question to the two of you is where would you like your characters to be?  On the moon with the away team, in space flying patrol with Daniel, somewhere else?

*nudge nudge* Here is a thread where we can discuss the Sabine mission.,2144.0.html

No worries though! :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 06, 2017, 04:19:44 PM

Here we go:

Story Workshop (,2153.0.html)

Read up and pitch your plot ideas!


Instead of separating the Stasis and Available Characters pages on the wiki, and in the interest of clarity, I have put all characters - in stasis or not - that are available for inheritance on the same page. This should make more sense to new and old members who are interested in knowing which characters are available for inheritance.

You may notice that a few of those listed on the stasis page are not available, and that's because of varying reasons. One, for example, is how Searcher - an Inactive Theurgist - asked that her characters weren't inherited by someone else, and thus, Eve Jenkins is not available.

Here is the link: Available Characters (

If you are interested in either of these characters, and don't have too many already, make sure to PM me. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 07, 2017, 02:01:07 AM

Please welcome our 30th member, namely Aeolus. He joins the story with the Betazoid Tamren Jhenal, a civilian Diplomatic Attaché that helped negotiate with all kinds of aliens during the USS Resolve's voyage.

( Tamren Jhenal                 Diplomatic Attaché (  
  - Played by Aeolus (

While declared Persona Non Grata by the High Court of Betazed for being a Dominion collaborator, Tamren was forbidden from setting foot on his homeworld or any of its colonies. His right of inheritance to any sacred artifacts or ancestral lands were stripped as well. He was, however, granted permission to use his hereditary titles, which aided him in his services to the Federation. This, before he - in the hopes of reuniting with his husband - requested passage on the Resolve, only to find himself three years separated from him instead.

During the Battle of Starbase 84, his bad luck persisted, as he wasn't just made a traitor to the Federation as well, but he also sustained cranial trauma while evacuating to the Theurgy. Hopefully, when he wakes up in Sickbay, he'll remember the people around him.

Welcome aboard, Aeouls!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on September 07, 2017, 02:30:41 AM
Welcome aboard, @Aeolus ! As a fellow betazoid player, this should be veeeeery interesting!!

Tamren has a hell of a sense of style :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Mathis on September 07, 2017, 02:36:31 AM
Welcome, welcome, @Aeolus to our growing family! I must also commend Tamren on his style and can't wait for Derik and/or Sera to meet/reconnect with him.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on September 07, 2017, 02:43:48 AM
Welcome @Aeolus ! I can't wait for Morgan to reconnect with this stylish Betazoid.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on September 07, 2017, 02:48:15 AM
Welcome aboard! Looking forward to the role of this Betazed attaché :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Aeolus on September 07, 2017, 03:11:47 AM
Hey all!  Thank you SO much for the warm greetings!  I can all ready tell this is a very welcoming game.  I look forward to roleplaying with you all!

Special thanks to @Mathis and @Hastata-Nerada for letting me include Derik Veradin and Morgan Song in my character's backstory.  And @Auctor Lucan, you truly blew me out of the water with your photomanips!

@Brutus and @Nolan: you two have a great cadre of characters.  I can't wait to interact with them!

Thank you again, guys!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on September 07, 2017, 03:36:08 AM
Another lousy telepath to poke around in my head... I mean.... Welcome aboard, @Aeolus ! :D

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on September 07, 2017, 04:16:38 AM
I'd like to apologize to everyone who I owe posts to, I've been under a lot of stress lately thanks to some bad happenings in my life lately. So it;s been kind of messing me up lately and that's why I haven't been posting much. Writers block and all that.

So yeah, sorry again about all that.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on September 07, 2017, 04:27:45 AM
Drool alert.


Welcome to our family! Hope you have a ton of fun and a jolly good time! (L)

Do join us on Discord chats when you can. You can meet most of us in real time there! :D

Again, welcome! Live long and Prosper!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TrexelCat on September 07, 2017, 04:35:41 AM
Do join us on Discord chats when you can. You can meet most of us in real time there! :D

Except me. I'm transmitting from eight thousand years in your future. But, yeah. Welcome!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Jm Von Cat on September 07, 2017, 05:31:04 AM
Welcome around mate, certainly seems like an interesting character you have there.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Aeolus on September 07, 2017, 05:39:00 AM
Thank you, @steelphoenix, @Triage, @TrexelCat, @Jm Von Cat for the welcome!  And I have to say, Triage, I was a fraction of an inch going to make my character the ambassador to Miraposa colony.  When I saw Sinead was Bringloidi, I cracked up!

Do join us on Discord chats when you can. You can meet most of us in real time there! :D

Except me. I'm transmitting from eight thousand years in your future. But, yeah. Welcome!

Psssssst!  What are next week's lottery numbers?  We can totally split it!  90/10 split!   (laugh)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on September 07, 2017, 08:25:04 AM
Welcome, @Aeolus! Guess that makes me the second newest. :) I loved reading Tamren's bio; looking forward to seeing him about the ship!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on September 07, 2017, 08:44:43 AM
YAAAASSSSS  Another new member!!  Welcome welcome @Aeolus !!  Your Betazed is quite stunning, especially in those remarkable robes!  Love the character concept!  I look forward to posting alongside you, and I hope to see you around Discord as well, at your leisure of course.

And dear @Hastata-Nerada , don't worry about us.  We will all eagerly await whatever tasty nibbles of posts you are able to feed to us, whenever you are able to write them.  I hope things in your life settle down soon though. Living with stress and hard/bad times takes a toll on your body as well as your mind.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Absinthe on September 07, 2017, 08:57:27 AM
Welcome aboard @Aeolus~ Cool character! If he needs a Head shrink or a Plant-Based Doc, you know who to call. Or if he get's stuck in sickbay and wants to hang out with a poor confused half-bahoran that too.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on September 07, 2017, 06:28:16 PM
@Aeolus, if you like, Sinead will be up and available for threads. I'm sure he'll have fun talking to her. (L)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Aeolus on September 07, 2017, 09:15:29 PM
Thank you, @Top Hat!  Your character profile was excellent also!  My first post will probably been in Defrosting (,2126.msg11869.html#msg11869), so keep a biobed open for me!   :)

Thanks @Even Angels Cry!  It's like, "move aside, Lwaxana, there's a new fashionable Betazoid in town." Lol.  And I'll have to look up Discord.  It's a chat group for gamers, yes?  I'm not that tech-savy.  Hench the diplomat characters.

@Absinthe and @Triage, I'll PM you two to see what we can arrange for a posting!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TrexelCat on September 08, 2017, 03:08:34 AM
Psssssst!  What are next week's lottery numbers?  We can totally split it!  90/10 split!   (laugh)
Temporal Prime Directive. You know I can't give you that kind of information.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 08, 2017, 01:31:39 PM
Just a quick note that Dr. Nicander will be joining the Defrosting thread too, stepping out of the surgery he has been preforming at the time. Catch some of you there!

Edit: Not surgery, I realised he was actually down there in the Fighter Assault Bay during the Nebula Entry briefing, so he will have returned to Sikckbay from there, and the surgery of Nicole Howard is about to commence after Defrosting. Anyway, he'll be there. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on September 10, 2017, 05:33:45 PM
Best fellow writers!

I know I've been slacking with replies lately and I'll try to get as much of them done as I can these few coming days. However, starting from Friday till the week after. So 15- 22 September, I will be out of the country for a much needed holiday. Plan is to not think about internet or anything else and just soak up as much sun and swim time as I can. So I won't be dealing out any replies during that time. If I do find a wifi spot, I might use it to get some reading done, yet I hate posting with smartphones.

So just giving you all a heads up!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on September 10, 2017, 05:36:30 PM
Enjoy the time off and the vacation!! Consider me officially envious haha.

I need to go on another out of country trip :D - course that means i need to get my passport renewed :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Esyel on September 10, 2017, 05:37:45 PM
Best fellow writers!

I know I've been slacking with replies lately and I'll try to get as much of them done as I can these few coming days. However, starting from Friday till the week after. So 15- 22 September, I will be out of the country for a much needed holiday. Plan is to not think about internet or anything else and just soak up as much sun and swim time as I can. So I won't be dealing out any replies during that time. If I do find a wifi spot, I might use it to get some reading done, yet I hate posting with smartphones.

So just giving you all a heads up!
Have a lovely vacation!

Don't worry. I hate using phones to post also. Suffice to say, it royally sucked when I forced myself to do so before we got our internet set up at the new place. xD

Enjoy, Nolan! <3
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on September 10, 2017, 08:10:46 PM
 Oooh a beach vacation would be fabulous right now. You enjoy yourself!! Consider me officially jealous.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 13, 2017, 01:30:05 PM

A lot of new things are in the works, but I really don't have too much to show so that it would merit sending a newsletter. Nonetheless, I have finished with this story overview, which I think will be helpful for you all. :)

Currently, we are writing in Day 02 of the Interregnum, with both Day 01 off limits for posting new thread starters. The Sabine Away Mission has begun on Day 03.

Now, however, you all may post starters on Day 03 up until 1000 hrs., which is concurrent with the Sabine Away Mission. :)

So, here are the posting rules for the Interregnum at the moment:

Exceptions to these rules are made by me, so please feel free to PM me if you are in dire need to get something done on Day 01, for example.

Lastly, we have a common way of naming new threads. The naming convention is, in short, simply this:

Day XX [XXXX hrs.] Insert Title Of New Thread

In the below lists, you'll see where we're at right now. The threads are in chronological order, and links to click.

DAY 01

Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Focal Point (,2025.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Loose Ends (,2021.0.html) Next poster: MasterRat
Day 01 [1600 hrs.] The Last Lone Wolves (,2020.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1600 hrs.] The New Pack (,2024.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1630 hrs.] Strength in Unity (,2034.0.html) Next poster: Nolan (One final post)
Day 01 [1700 hrs.] Loose Gears (,2037.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1700 hrs.] Two Stray Threads (,2036.0.html) Next poster: Mathis
Day 01 [1700 hrs.] Washing Away the Memories (,2028.0.html) Next poster: DocReno
Day 01 [1715 hrs.] Sar-unga Grieving (,2043.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1830 hrs.] Seeds of Malefaction (,2045.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1900 hrs.] Nebula Entry (,2029.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1910 hrs.] Defrosting (,2126.0.html) Next poster: Aeolus (Important that Nator leaving is not noticed. Jm Von Cat & Jfiddle may post here too)
Day 01 [1930 hrs.] A Doctor's Mechanic (,2053.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1930 hrs.] Fanatical Interests (,2035.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2000 hrs.] Colorful Confluence (,2085.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2030 hrs.] Meeting of Minds (,2054.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2200 hrs.] Drinking Yourself Blind (,2049.0.html)
- Next poster by Table: 1) DocReno 2) Brutus 3) Arista
- Next poster by Bar: 1) Even Angels Cry 2) Steelphoenix
Day 01 [2200 hrs.] Land of the Living (,2044.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2200 hrs.] Wolves Need Wings (,2077.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2200 hrs.] Your New Roomate (,2086.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2230 hrs.] Intentions &amp; Aftereffects (,2082.0.html) Next poster: Triage
Day 01 [2230 hrs.] What Goes Around... (,2047.0.html) Next poster: Esyel
Day 01 [2300 hrs.] A Late Night Thank You (,2060.0.html) Next poster: CanadianVet
Day 01 [2300 hrs.] Where There is Smoke... (,2046.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2315 hrs.] Depth of Guilt (,2059.0.html) Next poster: 1) Arista 2) Kaligos 3) Doc M. 4) The Counselor ends the thread.
Day 01 [2330 hrs.] A Lost Voice (,2030.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2330 hrs.] Beauty and the Beast (,2062.0.html) Next poster: CanadianVet
Day 01 [2330 hrs.] Making a Splash (,2061.0.html) Next poster: SummerDawn
Day 01 [2330 hrs.] To Absent Friends (,2055.0.html) Next poster: Is this Finished?
Day 01 [2355 hrs.] Just Want To Sleep (,2097.0.html) Next poster: Arista
Day 01 [2400 hrs.] Late Night Talk (,2110.0.html) Next poster: Hastata-Nerada
Day 01 [2400 hrs.] Passing On The Torch (,2101.0.html) Next poster: DocReno

DAY 02

Day 02 [0005 hrs.] The Blues (,2094.0.html) Next poster: Mathis
Day 02 [0007 hrs] Rally and Riposte (,2161.0.html) Next poster: Top Hat
Day 02 [0530 hrs.] Hidden Messages (,2075.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [0530 hrs.] Steamed Therapy (,2157.0.html) Next poster: Kaligos
Day 02 [0730 hrs.] Morning Stretch (,2149.0.html) Next poster: chXinya
Day 02 [0920 hrs.] Came for the Pets, Stayed for the Friendship (,2124.0.html) Next poster: Triage
Day 02 [0930 hrs.] Poisonous Effects (,2072.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1000 hrs.] Senior Staff Announcement (,2063.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1015 hrs.] Alive (,2067.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1030 hrs.] Once Upon a Time, I Dreamt I Was a Butterfly... (,2064.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1100 hrs.] The Wrath of Time (,2066.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1130 hrs.] Social Visit to the Lost (,2073.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1200 hrs.] New Department Head Speeches (,2088.0.html) Next poster: 1) DocReno, setting the scene for the meeting 2) chXinya
Day 02 [1225 hrs.] New Quarters of the Rising Sun (,2092.0.html) Next poster: DocReno
Day 02 [1230 hrs.] Cultural Misunderstandings (,2090.0.html) Next poster: CanadianVet
Day 02 [1230 hrs.] New meets Old (,2148.0.html) Next poster: 1) Jm Von Cat 2) Arista 3) Striker N7 (?)
Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Fluid Dynamics (,2089.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1300 hrs.] An Unusual Asset (,2121.0.html) Next poster: Arista
Day 02 [1315 hrs.] Though I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow (,2074.0.html) Next poster: Nolan
Day 02 [1330 hrs.] First Impressions (,2084.0.html) Next poster: CanadianVet
Day 02 [1345 hrs.] Vivisection of Kludge (,2128.0.html) Next poster: Nolan
Day 02 [1400 hrs.] Continuing Education (,2083.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1400 hrs.] Everything Old (,2079.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1400 hrs.] Just Checking In (,2087.0.html) Next poster: Arista
Day 02 [1415 hrs.] Putting Her Back Together (,2080.0.html)
- Next poster Nebula: 1) Even Angels Cry 2) Kaligos 3) Auctor Lucan 4) MasterRat/Jm Von Cat
- Next poster Bridge: 1) Auctor Lucan 2) Brutus 3) CanadianVet 4) Striker N7
- Next poster Vector 02 + Main Engineering: 1) Triage 2) Doc M. 3) FollowTomorrow
- Next poster Jefferies Tubes 213166AA: 1) Doc M. (w. Maya) 2) Kaligos 3) Hastata-Nerada
Day 02 [1430 hrs.] EVE Program AK-1 DMSA-656 (,2099.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1450 hrs.] Wakey Wakey (,2109.0.html) Next poster: Josie
Day 02 [1500 hrs.] Koreans, Coffee, and Chit Chat (,2131.0.html) Next poster: Jm Von Cat
Day 02 [1530 hrs.] Particular Preliminary Prescriptions (,2123.0.html) Next poster: Triage
Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Into the Wild Blue Yonder (,2095.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Serendipity and Vicissitude (,2093.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Valkyries & Valravns (,2122.0.html) Next poster: 1) CanadianVet 2) Auctor Lucan 3) Blue Zephyr 4) Josie
Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Fighting with the Devil (,2127.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Big Mouth Beatdown (,2160.0.html) Next poster: Triage
Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Connecting the Dots (,2150.0.html) Next poster: 1) SummerDawn 2) Striker N7 3) Steelphoenix
Day 02 [1800 hrs.] Movies and Memories (,2132.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1800 hrs.] Patrol Guidelines Clearly State! (,2137.0.html) Next poster: Even Angels Cry
Day 02 [1800 hrs.] Whose Coming to Dinner? (,2152.0.html) Next poster: Jfiddle
Day 02 [1830 hrs.] An Unorthodox Session (,2158.0.html) Next poster: TrexelCat
Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Flight Tests (,2134.0.html) Next poster: Nolan
Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Garden Greenery (,2135.0.html) Next poster: Hastata-Nerada
Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Precarious Parlay (,2105.0.html) Next poster: 1) Brutus 2) CanadianVet 3) FollowTomorrow 4) AuctorLucan
Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion (,2108.0.html) Next poster: 1) Hastata-Nerada 2) Steelphoenix
Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Checking Up, In, & Out (,2151.0.html) Next poster: Blue Zephyr
Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Two Techs in a Turbolift (,2107.0.html) Next poster: Triage
Day 02 [2100 hrs.] A Long, Hard Day (,2133.0.html) Next poster: CanadianVet
Day 02 [2100 hrs.] Painters 'R Us (,2136.0.html) Next poster: Josie
Day 02 [2200 hrs.] Mea Culpa (,2129.0.html) Next poster: Nolan

DAY 03

Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Seeking Hope | Away-Mission (,2130.0.html) Next poster: Free Banter PO
Day 03 [1000 hrs.] The Coreless Moon | Away-Mission (,2146.0.html) Next poster: Loose PO: 1) Striker N7 2) Havenborn 3) Mathis etc.


Deleted Scene: Supply Run, Interrupted (,1204.0.html) Next poster: Mathis
Deleted Scene: Razor's Log: Crashed and Marooned (,2008.0.html) Next poster: Nolan
Deleted Scene: Off Duty Hours  (,2004.0.html) Next poster: 1) Even Angels Cry 2) DocReno 3) Esyel 4) Auctor Lucan

That's all for now! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on September 13, 2017, 01:52:50 PM
Totally not taking full advantage of Jhenal's serendipitous lack of properly functioning telepathy for that sickbay exit or anything...
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on September 13, 2017, 03:02:21 PM
didnt realize i was up next in parlay. I'll re read that and get a post up today, ideally :)

Lot of stuff going on IRL from now thru the weekend, with family visiting in town. May be sparse for a bit - may not. we'll see :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on September 13, 2017, 06:15:58 PM
Wasn't sure where exactly to put this but I just wanted to send a shout out to @Doc M. for their outstanding work on the wiki. Specifically in regards to the USS Cortes. I was double checking some of my background on Faye for an upcoming post and clicked the link for the wiki page on the ship she went to, and there was sooo much more information than I'd orignally found on the ship when i'd poked around the internet before choosing a name. Doc did a great job on blending my vision for its mission with established canon, and while the update was made back in July and I'm just now noticing it, i wanted to call it out.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 13, 2017, 07:29:47 PM

Today, I also sent it out personal and convenient little thread reminder lists to some of the members who are in a lot of threads at the same time. Like I wrote, it is for when you can get to them, not that you were supposed to get to them right now, lol. The empahsis is on friendly posting reminders, nothing else.

So, to avoid confusion of the intent, they were convenient personal list to work with, not to get stressed out about. This has been said before and I will keep saying it so that you don't get the wrong idea. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on September 13, 2017, 07:42:05 PM
Hey guys, just wanted to let everyone know I'm getting ready to move to a new apartment and my posting time is next to none until the first week of October, hopefully.

Because I'm a lazy pig, my mum is on me like an livid targ that hasn't eaten in months to finish packing/throwing junk so she gets mad if I try to play or write on the computer.

Just a heads up to everyone okay? I'll still be around on Discord because my phone at least I can use.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Josie on September 20, 2017, 07:36:55 AM

I've got some things coming up at the moment, and may be busy until about Sunday or so, maybe later.

Firstly, going to have to do more work coz there has been some illnesses and I will be running more yoga classes.

Secondly, my ex has managed to get him in a serious fight and it is likely that instead of the short stay in jail, he could possibly be in there for 3 to 5 years now.

I have to figure out how to explain that to a six year old, who's testimony against his dad got his dad put in there in the first place.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on September 20, 2017, 07:51:38 AM
Sounds.. interesting, Josie, if only in the proverbial sense. Hope it's not too rough!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on September 20, 2017, 08:13:29 AM
Good luck Josie!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: FollowTomorrow on September 20, 2017, 12:52:38 PM
Real life before rp! You have my best wishes Josie
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on September 20, 2017, 03:34:41 PM
Good luck with all of that, @Josie   RL before RP

Which, I've been swamped IRL with work and family stuff since Friday. Slowly replying to threads. If I owe anyone  a post please shoot me a PM on the forum.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Josie on September 24, 2017, 03:37:55 AM
Hi, I'm back into a mental state that I'll be doing writing.

My son told me not to worry so much, and also told me that he knew about my girlfriend & to invite her around.

Expect more craziness from Zrinka ;-)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on September 26, 2017, 12:46:22 AM
Aren't kids awesome?

And scary how they seem to figure things out long before you mean to explain it....
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TrexelCat on September 28, 2017, 03:33:47 AM
Okay, sorry all but posting from me is going to be limited to the weekends, at least for a while while I acclimate to my new job. It's really kicking my butt physically as it's something I've never done before and really hard work. Pays amazing though. But I come home just ready to crawl into bed and sleep for 10-12 hours.

I apologize if this holds things up with posts that are waiting on me, I just can't wrap my brain around anything during the weekdays at the moment.

I'm not leaving! Meow! Just.. Trying to get used to the new stuff going on in my life. Posting should pick up more as I get used to things.

Have fun!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on October 01, 2017, 01:51:57 AM
Wasn't sure where exactly to put this but I just wanted to send a shout out to @Doc M. for their outstanding work on the wiki. Specifically in regards to the USS Cortes. I was double checking some of my background on Faye for an upcoming post and clicked the link for the wiki page on the ship she went to, and there was sooo much more information than I'd orignally found on the ship when i'd poked around the internet before choosing a name. Doc did a great job on blending my vision for its mission with established canon, and while the update was made back in July and I'm just now noticing it, i wanted to call it out.

Why thank you Brutus.  I must say that fixing the inconsistencies between the established cannon found on Memory Alpha and the PC's biographies has been a challenge but now I'm starting to relax and recognize that there are many differences between the Star Trek Theurgy timeline and the Paramount one.  I do ask that new players check Memory Alpha's website when naming ships they have served on so they don't say they joined the crew of a vessel the year after a ship was destroyed or anything.  I know that it's not a requirement, but it would certainly make things easier on my end.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Absinthe on October 01, 2017, 04:39:59 PM
Hey guys,

I've been going through a rough patch recently with the new Star Trek show coming out. I have strong feelings about it that I don't want to go into here, but let's just say I've been floating the idea of "taking a break from Star Trek" and this has brought up the concern that I may be leaving the Theurgy. The thing is I love writing on the Theurgy. It is one of the highlights of my day, pounding out a new post is great. Though I must admit my inspiration levels have dipped in this past week since the premier.

My issue is more with the the current Star Trek show than with anything else. I've seen every episode of Star Trek ever released, ever movie, a handful of book, audio plays, and even some fanworks. Star Trek was a massive part of my life and now I have to decide if I will miss some new Trek or is I will watch a show I am not fond of (putting it very mildly) just so I can keep this odd 100% thing going. It tears my mind in two.

I just know that right now when I wind up debating DSC stuff I wind up getting stressed and I just feel like getting away. Only I don't know how to do that either. I just feel like I want out of the community as a whole. And kind of like I may need to step away from the Discord for awhile too, but I also love chatting with people there. I am posting this here because I need to explain myself and I feel like I must explain myself to the group.

I have even considered writing an essay up as to what Star Trek is to me and how a show that has none of the ships or logos I know can feel more like Star Trek to me than a shit that has all the right logos and sound effects. But I can't decide if this would just result in me bitching again and writing a long winded rant about why I don't like Star Trek Discovery, something no one needs.

I don't know what to do right now, but until I have some concept I plan to be active here. I will write my characters to the best of my abilities, though it may take me a little longer to build up enough steam sometimes. I really do have no clue how I want to progress with this and until I know I don't want to burn any bridges.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on October 01, 2017, 11:20:43 PM
Do what I'm doing.  Don't watch Star Trek Discovery and watch Seth McFarlane's The Orville instead.  Problem solved.

(I don't have access to the special channel Discovery comes on in my area.  It could be the best show in the universe; I wouldn't know.)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 02, 2017, 11:59:00 AM
Star Trek: Discovery is great so far, and I hope it lasts through its first season with the same quality, and that it will continue to improve in more seasons to come.

The Orville is awesome too, though. :)


After sending several posting reminders without answer, and given the chance to return to active status or inform us whether or not he means to stay and write with us, Aeolus short tenure as a member here on Theurgy has ended.

Since he only posted once In-Character with his character Tamren Jhenal, the easiest thing to do was simply to remove that post in Defrosting and for me to edit the one I wrote in response with Nicander, removing any mentioning of this Diplomatic Attaché. So, the existence of Tamren Jhenal as a character has been removed since it is the easiest thing to do in this premature state of story progression involving the character. In short, there was never any Diplomatic Attaché named Tamren Jhenal on the Resolve.

I hope to be able to use the backgrounds or re-purpose the character images I made for this character somehow.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on October 02, 2017, 02:09:55 PM
Do what you gotta, @Absinthe. I hope you find a comfortable point to settle on.

Re: Aeolus - a shame; I liked his writing and character. Not to mention the work on his portraits!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on October 02, 2017, 04:08:01 PM
I hope everything is ok with them. Working on the betazoid background had been enjoyable
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 05, 2017, 11:30:03 AM

Because of his tough RL commitments, it is a joint decision between Arista and I that he will no longer be playing his inherited characters Wenn Cinn or Zelosa Ejek anymore. Arista will, of course, remain a member in our sim and continue writing his own character Silim Parnak whenever he has the time for it. I am really happy about Arista staying with us still, and I look forward to continue writing the thread that we have set up between Captain Ives and this really funny and dubious Cardassian.

As for the scenes Wenn Cinn and Zelosa Ejek are in right now, I will be jumping in to solve those threads in the interim before these two awesome characters get new writers. This will not be too tough for me, hoping that people will enjoy the way I handle it. Especially in regard to Wenn Cinn, who is my own original character concept that TheBanshee, Zenozine and Arista have all done an awesome job in playing. Our Chief of Security is a really important character in the story, and I hope that whomever is interested in him is able to really commit him or herself to writing him.

As for Zelosa Ejek, her story has barely begun, last being seen in the To Absent Friends thread on Day 01, so I think she will be easy to inherit too, should there be any taker. She is really hot too, lol!

( Lt Cmdr. Wenn Cinn            Chief Security Officer (  
  - Formerly Played by Arista (

( Lt. JG Zelosa Ejek            Asst. Chief Counselor (  
  - Formerly Played by Arista (

If you would like to inherit either of our available characters, you should contact me over PM and I will be able to provide all information about what the characters have been up to so far in the story, as well as potential development for them. Please consider also how you, as the new writer of the character, has a creative license to change the way s/he is played.

Here are our current available characters, aside from the two above: Available Characters (

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: MasterRat on October 06, 2017, 08:32:49 AM
Just a heads up folks,

Due to a lot of personal life issues, Drama, and a break Up. I have decided to suspend my character interactions to NPC control.   I shall miss you all and thank you for the adventure you have all contributed to this site. May your travels be long and as always, live long and prosper.    
Your friend,
Master Rat Ruler of worlds and owner of Sauerkraut Gum.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on October 06, 2017, 11:13:34 AM
Sorry to see you go MasterRat. I hope you'll come back when things get better for you.

In my own world, as you can see Lucan and I agreed to put two of my characters up for new homes due to my poor health and inability to commit to all three. Firstly, I'd like to apologize to those I have kept waiting for so long. Believe me, it wasn't my intention. I honestly thought I could get a point where I would improve and I could ensure all three got the love they deserve. Whether that, a sense of pride or just an absolute desire to retain the characters, in the end it was something I needed to let go of. I'm sad to see them up for adoption, but in the end, I believe it will be better in the long run, not only for myself, but the group and the characters as well.

I hope you all forgive me for overstretching for so long and not asking for help sooner. It's certainly not one of my proudest moments.

In good news, my health is slowly on the recovery and as such, I will be still here, although in a diminished capacity. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on October 06, 2017, 02:49:57 PM
@MasterRat  wish you the best of luck with everything. Its been a pleasure writing with you as always, and ive got my fingers crossed that things take a turn for the better.

@Arista - basically the same to you! Focus on RL needs first. It seems like you and lucan have come to a good arrangement  to help facilitate that while staying an active member :) looking forward to continuing threads with Parnak.

As for myself - Life is a bit busy this month with multiple projects coming to fruition at work and a seemingly increasing erosion of the concept of a work/life balance. That said Im feeling fairly sure that i can keep up with the active threads. If i owe anyone a post anywhere, I'd appreciate a quick pM to let me know just in case i've lost track :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on October 09, 2017, 06:44:16 PM
@Auctor Lucan


I seriously wish you are having a good one, you have done so much for this rp, that I felt writing this post and thanking you for another successful rotation around the sun was the least I could do.

The site says you are 36, that is 13149 days including best estimation for leap years that you have been alive, congratulations.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on October 09, 2017, 08:08:34 PM
@Auctor Lucan  omg happy birthday!!!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on October 09, 2017, 08:19:06 PM
Happy Auspicious Day of Fortuitous Birthing :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on October 09, 2017, 08:22:41 PM
Happy birthday @Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 09, 2017, 10:52:02 PM
Thank you everyone! I got a Nespresso coffee machine from my wife and I love it. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Jm Von Cat on October 10, 2017, 01:12:38 AM
o.o Im a little late but still, Happy birthday Auctor!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on October 10, 2017, 01:40:49 AM
Another birthday has snuck up on us, Auctor.  May this be the start of many more to come.   /:+
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on October 10, 2017, 04:30:06 AM
The wife bought you a nespresso machine? Yeah, shes a keeper for sure :D Happy birthday (again ;) )
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triton on October 10, 2017, 10:43:11 PM
Happy Birthday, Auctor!

I've been having a roller coaster of IRL drama the last few days in more ways than one, and luckily I'm still hanging on-- you win some, you lose some, and the rest you break even; in my case a bit of all three. IRL hasn't kicked me out cold just yet, though it has delayed me some.

It's time to post after a few edits and re edits to replies prepared. My best wishes and respects to Arista and Master Rat as well.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 14, 2017, 07:44:38 PM

As of today, Chief Security Officer Wenn Cinn is played by chXinya, who was quite ideal in taking over this reborn Bajoran in the story since he has read it from Episode 01 and has a good grasp on what what this character has endured so far. chXinya will be re-reading some key scenes before he starts up posting with Wenn Cinn, but I am really happy that his story may continue.

( Lt Cmdr. Wenn Cinn            Chief Security Officer (  
  - Played by chXinya (


After some back-and-fourth with ideas raised and discarded, the end result is that the character F'Rell will switch back to her original writer and creator, Absinthe! This means Hastata-Nerada will merely be playing Vivian Martin and Morgan Song for the time being, and Absinthe will be playing a total of three characters, F'Rell, B'Nila and Lahkesis Saugn.

( F'Rell                        Warp Field Specialist (  
  - Played by Absinthe (

Indeed, Absinthe will not be playing Nicole Howard any more, since she never really took off after her stasis-revival. So, her fate will be decided in this thread, which is still ongoing: Day 02 [1930 hrs.] In Memory of When We Used to call "In Love" (,2176.0.html)

To those with new characters, good luck and I hope you'll have a blast telling their stories! :)


This has been on my list forever, but I was finally able to take the time and update some images of Ravenholm. Here they are, showing her sleeve- and legless uniform. Her collar is not too high either since she needs to be able to use the dataport in the back of her neck. There will also be another image posted in the Boudoir. ;)




Her character page can be found here: Selena Ravenholm (

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TrexelCat on October 15, 2017, 11:51:14 PM
I swear, I'm not dead, and I will be making posts soon-ish. Working two jobs is taking more out of me than I expected. However, this will no longer be a problem in two weeks as I've put in my two weeks notice at my crappy under paying job and I will definitely have more time and energy for this stuffs. Yay!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: The Counselor on October 16, 2017, 04:40:12 AM
Happy belated birthday, Auctor!!

I am also not dead but fighting an ear infection and feeling pretty blah.   I'm on good drugs now, I think, and will be posting ASAP.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 18, 2017, 10:54:38 AM

Sadly, Esyel has decided that they can't keep up with the sim, and will therefore bow out. In doing so, she has requested that Minjae Soh is not inherited. I was asked that Minjae is KIA in the story or hidden away somehow, alternatively assigned to a solo mission in case Esyel returns. So, in accordance with the General Rules, only I will write the actions of Minjae but not using his POV, and only until he has been extracted from the story. I will also see if I can re-purpose his character images somehow.
( Ens. Minjae Soh               Wolf-14 [Shinigami] (NPC) (,_callsign_%22Shinigami%22) 
  - Played by Auctor Lucan (,_callsign_%22Shinigami%22)

Esyel's second character, which she inherited in the first place, is however available for inheritence again, should anyone be interested in her. She is currently active in one thread with my character Drauc T'Laus, but if there are no takers, I will NPC her to get my character out of the scene. (I look forward to being able to write Drauc during Day 02 and 03 if there are anyone interested).

( Lt. JG Jovela                 Nurse (NPC) (  
  - Formerly Played by Esyel (

I got this message to you from Esyel though:

Do encourage any of the others (since you make posts for when members leave) to reach out to me via Skype or Discord though, as I'd love to stay in touch despite all of this.

So, while Esyel will not be permitted to use our Discord channel, I have her Discord ID in case you want to send her a friend request.

In case there is anyone interested in writing Jovela, or any other Available Character (, please PM me at your earliest convenience! :)


Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on October 18, 2017, 02:41:43 PM
Hey Folks,

Just wanted to apologize for not responding to posts and such over the past week and a bit. As I mentioned to Auctor earlier in the week I had to take a few days off last week to regain some emotional balance in my life before I could jump back into RPing.

The background on all this is that I suffer from depression in real life, a story I won't get into on here but you are welcome to ask in private if you wish. And for those who know and understand depression, it's not a simple, here have some drugs you'll feel better kinda of thing. The drugs help but even with that help, and counseling for the trigger in my case, one's emotional balance can be rather fragile. Add in the fact this summer was insane at work so I was running ragged so didn't have time to breathe and regain that balance, something had to give and it was last week, when things finally sorta calmed down, that things snapped a little.

So ended up taking a good chunk of last week off from my online life everywhere to spend with my wife and just regain that balance. Of course I'd then get into a fight with a coworker Monday so yesterday was shot as far as anything given I had to regain that center again, defuse the bomb, and straighten out my work life. Life right. :)

Today thankfully is the first day that things are quiet at work, I'm feeling normal again, and plan to jump into RPing again with replies just as soon as I have a few minutes spare of my break.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 18, 2017, 10:16:48 PM


Indeed, I ran into @Omardex again at Artstation and he has now registered on our Forum. For those who doesn't know, Omardex was the one who modelled my design of the Theurgy and the Allegiant, and who made the updated version of the Gryphon-class fighter that Andrew Gillespie made many years ago.

I conducted a short interview with Omardex, which has now been posted here (,2183.0.html). If you have any additional questions for him, feel free to post them there. :)

So, please give a warm welcome to Omardex, who is a bit busy with some really cool projects, but still might be available for more Theurgy work! *enigmatic smile*


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on October 18, 2017, 10:19:28 PM
Yo!! Welcome board. Needless to say we're all fans
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on October 18, 2017, 10:25:13 PM
Hey! Welcome aboard Omar!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Omardex on October 18, 2017, 10:39:55 PM
Thanks! glad to be back to the project.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Jm Von Cat on October 18, 2017, 11:11:38 PM
o.o interesting to see you and welcome to this dark little corner.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on October 19, 2017, 02:21:57 AM
Welcome Omar! Stunning work! We're glad to have you!!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 20, 2017, 04:06:04 PM

As mentioned in the last newsletter, here is the lottery result of the random encounters for Day 03!


This idea was very liked when mentioned on our Discord server. It is a little writing exercise called Random Encounters. The setup is simple, where I have made a list in MS Excel of our actively played characters in two columns next to each other. Then, I made a third column that is optional, but pretty helpful in giving ideas, where locations aboard Thea is listed. What I did next was that I randomised the columns, like a lottery, and we end up with the writing challenge for your all.

The challenge posed will be for all of you to write short threads during Day 03 where the characters that end up next to each other in the randomised columns interact in some way or fashion. The two writers that have been paired need to figure out a way to do it, and the third column will suggest a location for the two characters to meet. The writer with a character in the left column is the one who posts the starter.

I hope you will all see this as a chance to have your characters end up interacting with characters they normally wouldn't, and that you all may find new writing partners in the long run when doing this.

Oh, and no, it is not required that the paired characters have sex in the location listed, just to be perfectly clear, lol!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Josie on October 21, 2017, 05:09:52 AM
@Auctor Lucan for the Random Encounter threads, has the date range extended yet past the Away Mission? and do you have any ideas on how long that might last?

Asking coz Zrinka is out on it, and in the list, I can see two threads I want to plan out. I'm OCD enough to fret about it.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 21, 2017, 03:43:46 PM
@Auctor Lucan for the Random Encounter threads, has the date range extended yet past the Away Mission? and do you have any ideas on how long that might last?

Asking coz Zrinka is out on it, and in the list, I can see two threads I want to plan out. I'm OCD enough to fret about it.

On my phone but I will PM you asap. 😀
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 22, 2017, 10:41:45 AM

As of today, Assistant Chief Counselor Zelosa Ejek is played by FollowTomorrow!

( Lt. JG Zelosa Ejek            Asst. Chief Counselor (  
  - Played by FollowTomorrow (

I am really happy to see someone take over playing this character, because unless I had so many characters already, I would have done so myself. Good luck writing this hot Cardassian, FollowTomorrow! :)

She was not included in the Random Encounters list, however, so please let us all know how you would like to re-introduce her to the story with us! I am sure there are plenty of writers out there that would like to have their characters have a session with her, lol!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on October 23, 2017, 07:12:25 AM
Auctor... just want to make sure... I was under the impression the away mission would take almost all day on Day 3.  Is that not correct?  Because I think Deacon got paired with Sera and I could swear that's on that mission.  Just trying to plan out Deacon's day and why he'd be in a transporter room :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 23, 2017, 02:38:18 PM
Auctor... just want to make sure... I was under the impression the away mission would take almost all day on Day 3.  Is that not correct?  Because I think Deacon got paired with Sera and I could swear that's on that mission.  Just trying to plan out Deacon's day and why he'd be in a transporter room :)

Might as well reply here for everyone's benefit, especially those who have characters on the away team.

Let's see. The Sabine mission sets off at 0700 hrs., right? So there is technically time for such encounters from 0001 hrs. on Day 03. Unfortunately, we might have to wait a bit on determining when the mission members return, since that is as of yet unclear. However, it will be on the same day, and there will be time for Random Encounters post-mission.

I think that we ought to know when - and in which condition - the Sabine away team returns to the Theurgy in about 2 weeks? At last we should know those things well enough to write new threads in the evening of Day 03 and be really fuzzy about the details whenever our characters think back on the mission and the fallout of those events.

Hope that is an answer that works for you all! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 27, 2017, 10:51:39 AM

As an initial step of the Awards Program, I have now handed out service badges to all active writers in the sim. :)

You may find them below your avatars on the forum. Next phase is to finish the graphics for all the other awards... *hikes up sleeves*

The progress of the Award creation process can be found here: The Awards Thread (,2147.msg13086.html#msg13086)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on October 27, 2017, 07:33:10 PM
Those badges look great!! Awesome work!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on October 29, 2017, 01:51:45 AM
Hey everyone,

I'm afraid my posting speed is going to slow down quite a bit because of a lot of things happening in my life right now. I'll still be posting, but the rate in which I do is going to be somewhat reduced I'm afraid. To those who I owe posts to, I am so sorry, I'll try to get to you as soon as I can.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on October 29, 2017, 02:07:19 AM
Take all the time you need, @Hastata-Nerada
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 29, 2017, 12:14:13 PM

These are the different kind of awards in the sim. To earn these, you either participate in the story actively or get nominated when nominations are made for the listed awards. See further down in this post for nomination rules and how you nominate someone you find eligible for an award when nominations open.


These are handed out to our writers for participation in the story at various stages or for dedicated, active membership.

( (
The Niga Service Badge

Awarded for participation in Episode 01: Outbreak.

( (
The Ishtar Service Badge

Awarded for participation in Episode 02: Whatever Gods May Be.

( (
The Theta Eridani IV Service Badge

Awarded for participation in Part 1 of Episode 03: Unconquerable Soul.

( (
The Lohlunat  Service Badge

Awarded for participation in Part 2 of Episode 03: Unconquerable Soul.

( (
The Calamity Service Badge

Awarded for participation in Part 3 of Episode 03: Unconquerable Soul.

( (
The Simulcast Service Badge

Awarded for participation in Episode 04: Simulcast.

( (
Ye Olde Mug Badge

For writing in the sim for three or more continuous years.

( (
Ye Olde Mug of the Ancients Badge

For writing in the sim for five or more continuous years.


These are handed out to members who have devoted a lot of time and energy into help building our community in some way.

( (
Awarded to a writer who has recruited at least three writers to the sim. Alternatively, for mentoring five or more Applicants and writing starting threads with them upon joining.

( (
Awarded to a writer in thanks for helping to keep the GM sane. The writer may have taken initiative to play an active role in a project or significant plot, been a helpful posting partner, given OOC administrative assistance, or simply was extra supportive, encouraging, or making the GM laugh.

( (
Awarded to a writer who has produced graphics for the sim in a consistent and exemplary manner, be it making character images for applicants or graphics for the site as a whole.

( (
Awarded to an writer who goes through extreme, even insane measures to get an administrative project done for the sim, well beyond any kind of expectations from the GM.

( (
Awarded to a writer for devoting extraordinary time and energy to create and maintain the Theurgy wiki database for the benefit of the sim and its writers. This medal recognizes these efforts and acknowledge the blood, sweat and tears they pour into facilitating the community and the rich Theurgy lore.

( (
Awarded by the GM in appreciation for any act or contribution to the sim which is especially superogatory, rising above and beyond expectations.


These are awards given for writing feats in our story.

( (

Awarded to the main contributing writers in an action scene that stands out way above the norm in terms of pace, thrill, scope and stakes.

( (

Awarded to the main contributing writers in a humorous scene or situation that stands out way above the norm in terms of inducing laughter for the readers.

( (

Awarded to the writers of an erotic scene that stands out way above the norm in terms of emotion, adherence to character, atmosphere and steaminess.

( (

Awarded to the main contributing writers in a dramatic scene or situation that stands out way above the norm in terms of keeping the readers on the edge of their seats and wondering what may come next.

( (

This is dedicated to a writer who mines Stark Trek canon for technical or cultural details, or built a species that truly stand out in originality. To read posts from this writer is to feel as if one is walking in the shoes of a real person in the Star Trek universe. Details should have long-lasting effects on the Theurgy story as a whole.

( (

This award is bestowed on a writer who demonstrated extraordinary character development and depth of writing. The character's plot goals are long-term with life-altering changes.

( (

Awarded to a writer who through real-life crisis keep current with plot despite an overwhelming level of events occurring or mounting obligations. The player may be only able to post at a minimum level for up to three months, but their contribution is consistent and focused.

( (

Awarded to a player in recognition of their willingness and ability to put their character through extraordinary personal hardship, be it suffering through sickness or personal crisis, through which the writer contributed superb posts relevant to the situation. The writer who gains this award is a master at torturing their character(s) for the enjoyment of others.

( (

Often we see the completion of a character's life; yet this character's story has a beginning, a middle, and an ending. The writer not only willingly self-terminated their character, but did so in a dramatic and/or endearing way. The ending must be in "a blaze of glory" with superior epic or poetic quality.

( (

This award is nominated by anyone, but only handed out once every year to the most outstanding writers in the sim.


Here are the rules for Award Nominations:

All nominations will be added to the poll that will determine the winner of the award. 


All nominations should be posted in the announced nomination thread posted on the forum before the nomination time expires. Optionally, an anonymous nomination may be made to the Game Moderator via PM on the forum, who will then post the nomination after the nomination time expires without revealing the name of the member that made the nomination.

For sake of posterity, the information above has been added to this page: Awards (

This page has also been added to the top menu under "Community".

Announcement for the first nominations will be made soon! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 31, 2017, 01:01:22 PM

On the note of Awards, I would also hereby like to hand out the first of the Sim Contribution Awards. Namely the Builder's Hammer.

( (
Awarded to a writer for devoting extraordinary time and energy to create and maintain the Theurgy wiki database for the benefit of the sim and its writers. This medal recognizes these efforts and acknowledge the blood, sweat and tears they pour into facilitating the community and the rich Theurgy lore.
The Recipient is, as many have already guessed...

Doc M.

With 2,409 edits made on the Wiki since we started it up, there is no other eligible challenger for this award. Not only has @Doc M. devoted hours on maintaining our NPC pages:

Wiki Link: Non-Player Characters (

...because even more hours have been spent by the recipient of this award to set up a starship database with all the ships mentioned in the background stories of all our characters:

Wiki Link: Starships (

On the bottom half of the page, you can likely find the ships that you just happened to mention in your character(s) stories, and aside from the major story ships listed there (like the Theurgy, the Harbinger, the Resolve etc.), Doc M. has been adding them all. This is a huge effort made just for the sake of keeping record of the time before the Theurgy story, and it helps me immensely when handling joining applications, where I can help new members in making them serve on the same ship as other characters have, and anchor them into the story even before they begin to write on the boards.

As if this isn't enough, Doc M. is constantly adding links and correcting spelling all over the wiki whenever there is time for it, and it is impossible to pick pages where they have made these kinds of small edits, because there are hundreds of them. They are also able to divide their time between the wiki and the forum to contribute to many stories, offering the highest quality writing in doing so. This is the first time this award is given, and it could be given to no better inaugural recipient than Doc M. The sim is truly lucky to have such an outstanding contributor.

So, thank you, Doc M., for the gargantuan effort you have put into the Wiki, and it would never have been anything like it is today unless you had given it the love you have. Consider this award a small token of our appreciation. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on October 31, 2017, 01:04:15 PM
Here here! Well earned indeed!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on November 01, 2017, 02:44:20 PM
Well earned award @Doc M. Enjoy it and pat yourself on the shoulder for it. More than deserved for what you did to our little community :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Jm Von Cat on November 01, 2017, 10:19:42 PM
Very much a congratulations in order, alongside a damn good work.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on November 01, 2017, 10:41:57 PM
Congrats @Doc M.!

Well deserved!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on November 02, 2017, 12:50:33 AM
Thank you everyone.  It is indeed an honor.  And I must say that the awards and service badges look great. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 03, 2017, 09:14:01 AM

Please remember to submit your nominations for the Suus Mahna and Pon Farr Awards before the 8th of November! Here is the link to the nomination thread with all the relevant information:

All is Fair in Love & War | Award Nominations (,2191.0.html)

So far, no nominations have been made for either of the award categories, neither in the thread nor submitted via PM to me. If there are no nominations made, no award will will be given this year in these two categories.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on November 03, 2017, 09:50:32 AM
Hi all,

Just a quick heads up. Today I get keys to a new house. As such over the next week or so, I'm going to be moving! My replies may be a little slower than normal. If that's the case, I do apologise and I intend to get back regular schedule as fast as possible.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on November 05, 2017, 02:06:12 PM
Little PSA: I have work done on most of the posts I owe but do to RL issue I haven't been able to focus, buckle down, and finish any of these yet. And odds are that won't be happening until Wednesday. I just wanted to give a heads up to everyone and apologize for the delays.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on November 05, 2017, 10:46:20 PM
Heads up to all my fellow writer friends! As of Wednesday I'll be off for a week to the UK for a roadtrip. I should have internet access, but won't be hauling a portable with me, just my phone. So I'll pop in and out to read replies and such but won't get to posting until the week after. So I'll try to get back to most of you before I leave and sorry for the inconvenience.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 06, 2017, 07:00:14 PM

There seems to be an Unread Message icon for some users without any message to be read in their inboxes, and I am not sure why, but its something I will fix as soon as possible as soon as I hear from Elkarte staff. It's likely something I can fix tonight.

EDIT: Fixed now!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 07, 2017, 11:42:22 PM

Since there were a few flaws in the last one, me lacking time to dot every "i" and cross every "t", I am posting a fresh story overview here in the Main OOC thread, so that we are all on the same page about who is next to post where. Posting frequency is quite low, and the Random Encounters are not taking off as they should (I also have to start these threads), so I hope we can all get things rolling again so that we can reach the next part of the story sooner rather than later. Remember that the Random Encounters can happen on Day 02 as well, of course.

Currently, we are writing in Day 02 and 03 of the Interregnum, with Day 01 off limits for posting new thread starters. The Sabine Away Mission has begun on Day 03. You may - as of this Newsletter - post starters on Day 03 up until 1400 hrs., which is concurrent with when the Sabine Away Mission has ended and they - at the earliest - might have gotten back to the Theurgy.

So, here are the posting rules for the Interregnum at the moment:

Exceptions to these rules are made by me, so please feel free to PM me if you are in dire need to get something done on Day 01, for example. Lastly, we have a common way of naming new threads. The naming convention is, in short, simply this:

Day XX [XXXX hrs.] Insert Title Of New Thread

In the below lists, you'll see where we're at right now. The threads are in chronological order, and links to click.

DAY 01

Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Focal Point (,2025.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Loose Ends (,2021.0.html) Next poster: Zenozine
Day 01 [1600 hrs.] The Last Lone Wolves (,2020.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1600 hrs.] The New Pack (,2024.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1630 hrs.] Strength in Unity (,2034.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1700 hrs.] Loose Gears (,2037.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1700 hrs.] Two Stray Threads (,2036.0.html) Next poster: Mathis
Day 01 [1700 hrs.] Washing Away the Memories (,2028.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1715 hrs.] Sar-unga Grieving (,2043.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1830 hrs.] Seeds of Malefaction (,2045.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1900 hrs.] Nebula Entry (,2029.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1910 hrs.] Defrosting (,2126.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1930 hrs.] A Doctor's Mechanic (,2053.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1930 hrs.] Fanatical Interests (,2035.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2000 hrs.] Colorful Confluence (,2085.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2030 hrs.] Meeting of Minds (,2054.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2200 hrs.] Drinking Yourself Blind (,2049.0.html)
- Next poster by Table: 1) Arista 2) Brutus 3) DocReno
- Next poster by Bar: 1) Steelphoenix 2) Even Angels Cry 3) Kaligos
- Outside Bar: 1) Even Angels Cry 2) Auctor Lucan 
Day 01 [2200 hrs.] Land of the Living (,2044.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2200 hrs.] Wolves Need Wings (,2077.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2200 hrs.] Your New Roomate (,2086.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2230 hrs.] Intentions & Aftereffects (,2082.0.html) Next poster: 1) Kaligos 2) Triage
Day 01 [2230 hrs.] What Goes Around... (,2047.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2300 hrs.] A Late Night Thank You (,2060.0.html) Next poster: Even Angels Cry
Day 01 [2300 hrs.] Where There is Smoke... (,2046.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2315 hrs.] Depth of Guilt (,2059.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2330 hrs.] A Lost Voice (,2030.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2330 hrs.] Beauty and the Beast (,2062.0.html) Next poster: Triage
Day 01 [2330 hrs.] Making a Splash (,2061.0.html) Next poster: Brutus
Day 01 [2330 hrs.] To Absent Friends (,2055.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2355 hrs.] Just Want To Sleep (,2097.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2400 hrs.] Late Night Talk (,2110.0.html) Next poster: Havenborn
Day 01 [2400 hrs.] Passing On The Torch (,2101.0.html) - Finished!

DAY 02

Day 02 [0005 hrs.] The Blues (,2094.0.html) Next poster: Mathis
Day 02 [0007 hrs] Rally & Riposte (,2161.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [0020 hrs.] Brief Respite (,2173.0.html) Next poster: Zenozine
Day 02 [0530 hrs.] Hidden Messages (,2075.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [0530 hrs.] Steamed Therapy (,2157.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [0730 hrs.] Morning Stretch (,2149.0.html) Next poster: Even Angels Cry
Day 02 [0800 hrs.] The Final Verdict (,2170.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [0920 hrs.] Came for the Pets, Stayed for the Friendship (,2124.0.html) Next poster: Triage
Day 02 [0930 hrs.] Poisonous Effects (,2072.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [0930 hrs.] Thorny Redemption (,2174.0.html) Next poster: Nolan
Day 02 [1000 hrs.] Senior Staff Announcement (,2063.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1015 hrs.] Alive (,2067.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1030 hrs.] Once Upon a Time, I Dreamt I Was a Butterfly... (,2064.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1030 hrs.] Touching Base (,2181.0.html) Next poster: Brutus
Day 02 [1100 hrs.] The Wrath of Time (,2066.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1130 hrs.] Herbal Therapy (,2185.0.html) Next poster: Absinthe
Day 02 [1130 hrs.] Social Visit to the Lost (,2073.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1200 hrs.] New Department Head Speeches (,2088.0.html) Next poster: chXinya
Day 02 [1225 hrs.] New Quarters of the Rising Sun (,2092.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1230 hrs.] Cultural Misunderstandings (,2090.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1230 hrs.] New meets Old (,2148.0.html) Next poster: 1) Striker N7/Jm Von Cat 2) chXinya
Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Fluid Dynamics (,2089.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Garden Greenery (,2135.0.html) Next poster: Hastata-Nerada
Day 02 [1300 hrs.] An Unusual Asset (,2121.0.html) Next poster: Arista
Day 02 [1300 hrs.] A Bird Made of Wax (,2187.0.html) Next poster: CanadianVet
Day 02 [1315 hrs.] Though I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow (,2074.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1330 hrs.] First Impressions (,2084.0.html) Next poster: chXinya
Day 02 [1345 hrs.] Vivisection of Kludge (,2128.0.html) Next poster: Nolan
Day 02 [1345 hrs] Sword of Damocles (,2164.0.html) Next poster: Hastata-Nerada
Day 02 [1400 hrs.] Continuing Education (,2083.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1400 hrs.] Everything Old (,2079.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1400 hrs.] Just Checking In (,2087.0.html) Next poster: chXinya
Day 02 [1415 hrs.] Putting Her Back Together (,2080.0.html)
- Next poster Nebula: 1) Kaligos 2) Auctor Lucan 3) Even Angels Cry/JM Von Cat
- Next poster Bridge: 1) Brutus 2) Auctor Lucan 3) CanadianVet 3) Striker N7
- Next poster Vector 02: 1) TrexelCat 2) FollowTomorrow 3) Auctor Lucan
- Next poster Jefferies Tubes 213166AA: 1) Kaligos 2) Doc M.
Day 02 [1430 hrs.] EVE Program AK-1 DMSA-656 (,2099.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1450 hrs.] Wakey Wakey (,2109.0.html) Next poster: Josie
Day 02 [1500 hrs.] Koreans, Coffee, and Chit Chat (,2131.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1530 hrs.] Particular Preliminary Prescriptions (,2123.0.html) Next poster: TrexelCat
Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Into the Wild Blue Yonder (,2095.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Serendipity and Vicissitude (,2093.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Valkyries & Valravns (,2122.0.html)
- Bosses talk: Nolan (Ending conversation?)
- Pilots talk: 1) Josie (in reply to Doc M.) 2) Doc M. 3) Triage 4) Even Angels Cry
- Mech talk: 1) Havenborn 2) Blue Zephyr
Day 02 [1620 hrs.] Grindstone (,2184.0.html) Next poster: Brutus
Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Fighting with the Devil (,2127.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Big Mouth Beatdown (,2160.0.html) Next poster: 1) Brutus 2) Arista 3) Triage
Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Connecting the Dots (,2150.0.html) Next poster: 1) Steelphoenix 2) SummerDawn 3) Striker N7
Day 02 [1700 hrs.] New Life (,2182.0.html) Next poster: 1) Triage 2) chXinya 3) Auctor Lucan
Day 02 [1700 hrs.] To Choose Wisely or Poorly (,2175.0.html) Next poster: Hastata-Nerada
Day 02 [1800 hrs.] End of the Day (,2180.0.html) Next poster: Kaligos
Day 02 [1800 hrs.] Movies and Memories (,2132.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1800 hrs.] Patrol Guidelines Clearly State! (,2137.0.html) Next poster: Even Angels Cry
Day 02 [1800 hrs.] To Weaponize Light (,2178.0.html) Next poster: Triage
Day 02 [1800 hrs.] Whose Coming to Dinner? (,2152.0.html) Next poster: Jfiddle
Day 02 [1830 hrs.] An Unorthodox Session (,2158.0.html) Next poster: TrexelCat
Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Flight Tests (,2134.0.html) Next poster: Josie
Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Precarious Parlay (,2105.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion (,2108.0.html) Loose PO: 1) Steelphoenix 2) Triage 3) Hastata-Nerada 4) Zenozine
Day 02 [1930 hrs.] In Memory of When We Used to call "In Love" (,2176.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Checking Up, In, & Out (,2151.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Two Techs in a Turbolift (,2107.0.html) Next poster: Triage
Day 02 [2100 hrs.] A Long, Hard Day (,2133.0.html) Next poster: CanadianVet
Day 02 [2100 hrs.] Painters 'R Us (,2136.0.html) Next poster: Josie
Day 02 [2200 hrs.] Mea Culpa (,2129.0.html) Next poster: Brutus

DAY 03

Day 03 [0600 hrs.] Breakfast of Champions (,2130.0.html) Next poster: DocReno
Day 03 [0600 hrs.] Morning of the Kissogram (,2130.0.html) - Finished!
Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Seeking Hope | Away-Mission (,2130.0.html) Next poster: Free Banter PO
Day 03 [0700 hrs.] A CAPital conversation (,2130.0.html) Next poster: Even Angels Cry
Day 03 [1000 hrs.] The Mind Darkly (,2172.0.html) Next poster: Absinthe
Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Mysteries & Appointments (,2186.0.html) Next poster: Kaligos
Day 03 [1000 hrs.] The Coreless Moon | Away-Mission (,2146.0.html)
- SuD Lang Command Center: 1) Auctor Lucan 2) Kaligos
- Dilitium Storage & Mining Ops: 1) Mathis 2) Striker
- Ruins of the Lightborn: 1) Triage 2) Doc M. 3) CanadianVet
Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Zoom-Zoom | Away-Mission (,2188.0.html) Next poster: 1) Havenborn 2) Auctor Lucan
Day 03 [1300 hrs.] Facultas Conveniendi (,2171.0.html) Next poster: Brutus


Deleted Scene: Razor's Log: Crashed and Marooned (,2008.0.html)Next poster: Nolan
Deleted Scene: Off Duty Hours  (,2004.0.html)Next poster: 1) DocReno 2) Auctor Lucan 3) Even Angels Cry

Let me know if I missed anything or if you want to brainstorm development in each scene! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on November 08, 2017, 03:18:08 AM
These are so handy, thanks for making the story overviews @Auctor Lucan !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 09, 2017, 10:10:29 AM

Hello everyone! Thank you to those who took their time to make nominations in the Suus Mahna and Pon Farr award categories. Now, the nomination time has expired, and two polls have been posted, one for each award category:

Suus Mahna Award Poll 2017 (,2196.0.html)

Pon Farr Award Poll 2017 (,2197.0.html)

The polls will run for 7 days, in which those who cast their votes should take a few minutes to read the linked scenes first. The nominee(s) who get the most votes will receive the Suus Mahna or Pon Farr award respectively. If you are a Nominee, you may not vote on your own scene(s).

Thank you in advance for your voting in these award categories!


Meanwhile the polls are run, I have decided to open up for nominations in two new award categories, since I would like to award as many of the writing awards as possible now in 2017. It is a balance, of course, where we can't have too many nominations open at the same time either. Then, very few of you would have the time to make the nominations you want to make.

Nominations for these two Writing Awards are now open until the 16th of November, where two separate polls will be posted on the 17th of November for the two award categories and their nominated scenes respectively. The two polls will be public, and of course, those casting the vote will need to read the scenes nominated before casting their vote in the poll.

The awards? :) This time, they are these:

( (
Awarded to the main contributing writers in a humorous scene or situation that stands out way above the norm in terms of inducing laughter for the readers.

( (
Awarded to the main contributing writers in a dramatic scene or situation that stands out way above the norm in terms of emotional impact, keeping the readers on the edge of their seats and wondering what may come next.

Here is the thread where you post your nominations:

Tears & Laughter | Award Nominations (,2198.0.html)

You may also submit your nominations anonymously via PM to me. I look forward to read your nominations!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 10, 2017, 09:59:21 AM

After sending several posting reminders without answer, and given the chance to return to active status or inform us whether or not he means to stay and write with us, Jfiddle's short tenure as a member here on Theurgy has ended. He has not logged in for almost a month so I hope he is okay.

His character, Vereyn Kiiz, has been in two threads, the latest an ongoing one with Brutus. My recommendation to Brutus is that he edits his last post to end the thread, and Kiiz can become an NPC of ours. Since he is a Trill, perhaps the host has an unfortunate accident and one of our unjoined Trill can get the symbiont? There are a few possibilities I can foresee, but either way, he remains listed as an NPC for the time being.

( Ens. Vereyn Kiiz              Transporter Specialist [NPC] ( 
  - Available to All Players (

If someone cares to inherit Transport Officer Kiiz, please let me know. If not, I hope to be able to use the backgrounds or re-purpose the character images I made for this character somehow.


I would also hereby like to hand out a second Sim Contribution Award. Namely the GM's Commendation.

( (
Awarded by the GM in appreciation for any act or contribution to the sim which is especially superogatory, rising above and beyond expectations.

The Recipient is...


When I decided on a recipient for this inaugural commendation, I considered a lot of aspects of what made the Theurgy community what it is today. I realised that the greatest difference from when we were hosted at House of Eros was the lack of our Discord Server, and I further realised how all of our current writers are there. Our chatroom has brought us all together in a way that we merely could via individual Skype accounts or in PMs before.

True, the chatroom will never negate the need for PMs here on the forum, since its incredibly awkward and time-consuming to try and keep up with all that is chatted about in the channels. News and announcements are lost, I can never keep track on plot ideas in the maelstrom of voices there, and there is no kind of ease in maintaining accessible posterity. So, the forum still the main platform of this community, and not just because of the story development on the boards.

However, Kaligos saw the potential and created the Discord chatroom for us all, and despite my initial reservations, look at us now, and how we can all chat on a daily basis and trade ideas for one-on-one threads in real time. The Discord chat has become a glue that binds us together rather than us being on islands all around the world and sending PMs for every little minor idea. Now, we can write a PM when it's important, when we need to keep something for posterity, or when we ask for it. I know many still prefer PMs over Discord DMs, and I am certainly one of them, but I feel the chat and the Forum's inbox are in no competition with each other since they cover different kinds of communication.

So, thank you @Kaligos for convincing me to trade Skype for Discord, and in doing so, making Theurgy the kind of community it is today. You may protest and say it was a small thing to practically do, but regardless the initial effort, I think I am not alone when I say that your contribution to the sim is worthy of this commendation. Consider this award our collective token of appreciation. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on November 10, 2017, 02:08:24 PM
Waking up to that message made me blush. Thank you @Auctor Lucan.

To those i rp with sorry i have been slow the last few weeks ive been finishing my education. Im wrapping up my second to last course this month and gaduating in april. Hard to believe ive been at university for three years but its all about to pay off.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: The Counselor on November 12, 2017, 05:48:14 PM
You deserve the kudos, Kaligos! 

Just chiming in to say I continue to enjoy all that I've been reading here and am so excited to have Absinthe helping out on the Counseling side.  Hayden is dedicated to her work, but oh boy, she could use a friend in her trench!  LOL

In any case,. I'm here, and though I will be visiting family for most of the coming week, the 6 hour car ride will allow me to catch up and get inside Hayden's head to put fingers to keyboard.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 15, 2017, 08:47:24 AM

Tomorrow is the last day to vote on the nominations in the Suus Mahna and Pon Farr award categories. The two polls can be found here:

Suus Mahna Award Poll 2017 (,2196.0.html)

Pon Farr Award Poll 2017 (,2197.0.html)

The nominee(s) who get the most votes will receive the Suus Mahna or Pon Farr award respectively. If you are a Nominee, you may not vote on your own scene(s). Thank you in advance for your voting in these award categories!


There have only been a single nomination for one of these awards, and the nomination time expires tomorrow as well. I have no anonymous nominations in my PM inbox either.

( (
Awarded to the main contributing writers in a humorous scene or situation that stands out way above the norm in terms of inducing laughter for the readers.

( (
Awarded to the main contributing writers in a dramatic scene or situation that stands out way above the norm in terms of emotional impact, keeping the readers on the edge of their seats and wondering what may come next.

If there are more nominations made, two separate polls will be posted on the 17th of November for these two award categories. Here is the thread where you post your nominations:

Tears & Laughter | Award Nominations (,2198.0.html)

You may also submit your nominations anonymously via PM to me. I look forward to read your nominations!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on November 16, 2017, 12:13:37 PM
I have done a nomination for both awards.  Sorry I didn't get to it sooner.  :)'

And congratulations Kaligos!!!!  I must say I love the discord server chat.  It was a fabulous idea and you definitely deserve the award!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 17, 2017, 10:53:01 PM
The votes in the two recent polls are in, and here are the results!


( (
Nomination: In a series of posts, CanadianVet and Auctor Lucan set out to create one very epic battle of the fates that would determine the course of events that would follow. Shoutout to Doc M. as well for that glorious portrayal with Billy Bob. All the participating writers did not hold back on providing a very detailed description of the characters and the scenery as they engaged and interacted in mortal combat.

More importantly, they did not encroach on becoming unnecessarily long-winded or monotonous. The flow of writing was smooth, perfect and just right, keeping the pace, holding the interest and the progress constant. Every post was a cliffhanger as the outcome was genuinely uncertain until it came about. And it was an epic ending for a major villain in the story.

Invictus (,1116.msg6982.html#msg6982)

( (
Nomination: They did an excellent job of keeping an appropriate focus on the biological imperative behind the act of love making but at the same time balanced it with K'Ren's and Deacon's personal history and their motivations. There are some aspects that stands out from the norm of scenes like these, and K'Ren being in heat is just one of them. There is also the dramatic build-up to the scene, with Deacon undergoing surgery to survive Virus 117, and the Devoted making an attempt at his life.

Link: Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Serendipity and Vicissitude (,2093.0.html)


Because of his tough RL commitments, Mathis will no longer be playing his inherited characters Sera vers Aldnoah anymore. Mathis will, of course, remain a member in our sim and continue writing his own character Derik Veradin, and this in a more timely manner in terms of posting frequency I am really happy about Mathis staying with us still, and I look forward to continue reading the threads where Derik Veradin is involved.

As for the scenes Sera vers Alndoah is in right now, I will be jumping in to solve those threads in the interim before this awesome characters get a new writer. This will not be too tough for me, hoping that people will enjoy the way I handle it. Sera, the one flying the unique ship Sabine, is a really important character in the story, and I hope that whomever is interested in her is able to really commit him or herself to writing her.

( Ms. Sera vers Aldnoah         Explorer (NPC) (  
  - Formerly Played by Mathis (

If you would like to inherit this character, you should contact me over PM and I will be able to provide all information about what the character has been up to so far in the story, as well as potential development for her. Please consider also how you, as the new writer of the character, has a creative license to change the way s/he is played.

Here are our current available characters, aside from the two above: Available Characters (


Lastly, thank you to those who took their time to make nominations in the Pakled Order and Inner Light award categories. Now, the nomination time has expired, and two polls have been posted, one for each award category:

Pakled Order Award Poll 2017 (,2204.0.html)

Inner Light Award Poll 2017 (,2205.0.html)

The polls will run for 7 days, in which those who cast their votes should take a few minutes to read the linked scenes first. The nominee(s) who get the most votes will receive the Pakled Order or Inner Light Award respectively. If you are a Nominee, you may not vote on your own scene(s).

Thank you in advance for your voting in these award categories!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 18, 2017, 03:20:15 PM

It just came to my attention that @Omardex , the 3D artist that brought Thea's design to life, celebrates his birthday today. Congrats! 😀


Our art has a big audience by now, and still growing. We just passed the 1000 watchers milestone on DeviantArt and 500 on Tumblr. It's quite incredible, really.

That's all for now! 😀

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on November 21, 2017, 04:06:41 PM
Hi all, Sorry for the lack of communication lately. I've been rather busy at work with some ridiculous shifts, as well as moving house. I had intended the move to go faster but some complications with the new house delayed factors.

I'm going to be quiet for a little longer as I've just had a call to say that my last living grandparent has about 48 hours left to live and as such, I'm going to rush across the country to see if I can make it there in time to say goodbye.

Wish me luck.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on November 21, 2017, 05:36:40 PM
@Arista Godspeed and best of luck.

@Kaligos  I'm a little late in replying to this, but congratulations on the much deserved award. The Discord chat has fused us into an even tighter knit community, and its all because you had an idea and ran with it. Well done sir, well done :)

Slowly making my way through my posting backlog. Its going to be a busy week but its a week without work, or (hopefully) health issues so I'd like to think i can make some progress :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 21, 2017, 10:06:31 PM

The timing for when we closed recruitment and character creation was very untimely for one of our newer members, namely Blue Zephyr. She had joined us by inheriting Eun Sae Ji, with plans to create a character of her own creation soon. I closed this opportunity in front of her nose, and Blue Zephyr has felt that she is kind of locked only writing one character, showing that she has no problems posting often. Moreover, her character concept fit the story in the Sabine Away Mission, since her new character joins the story through the Klingon carrier IKS Hakkarl, which just arrived in the thread Zoom Zoom.

Her character can be found here:

( Zyrao Natauna                 Strategist (  
  - Played by Blue Zephyr (

This El-Aurian has a long backstory, suffering from bad experiences in her long life, but she's quite resourceful too. Hope you like her, for I know that I do! :)

So, recruitment is still closed until further notice, this exception being fair because Blue Zephyr was merely playing an inherited character.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on November 22, 2017, 11:07:26 AM
Oooh a fun new character!!  That's awesome @Blue Zephyr!  Can't wait to see her in action!

@Arista, I hope the trip is a good one and you make it in time.  Prayers and best wishes following you all the way!

In other news, I have been stricken with a rather virulent virus and have had a posting delay because of it.  I apologize.  This year has not been a great one for my health.  I finally saw the doctor on Monday and he mandated that I take 2 days off work to recover.  Not the best timing from a work perspective (literally the busiest week of the year for retail), but so far great for my health and my posts!  I've been able to rest and catch up on my writing so.. I feel like it's good timing there.  I hope to get most things caught up before my shift on thanksgiving, since I don't know how much time I'll have between Thursday and next Tuesday to fit them in around work and sleep.  :)  I may chime in on Discord a bit, but I'm going to mostly focus on replying to things and taking naps, haha.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Josie on November 22, 2017, 02:31:35 PM
@Blue Zephyr very cool character idea there. you probably should expect Zrinka to hit on her though ;-)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: BZ on November 22, 2017, 02:39:20 PM
Thanks guys!  I'm so excited to really get into the meat of who Zyrao is and everything that she can be in the future.  @Even Angels Cry I hope you feel better!  Make sure you take as many naps as possible!  @Josie she is MORE than welcome to try.  I'm excited to put Zy into some fun situations!!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 26, 2017, 10:12:24 AM

The votes in the two recent polls are in, and here are the results!


( (
Between Tessa Lance and Billy Bob, Doc M never fails to make me laugh.  With both those characters, Doc M brings in a great deal of much needed comic relief, but without beating us over the head with gratuitous slapstick comedy, compromising the humanity and three-dimensional aspects of the characters or turning the characters themselves into buffoons whose sole reason for existing is to lighten the mood.  But he brings a levity to this sim, which to be fair tends to be pretty grim and helps keep things into perspectives, and the rest of us on our toes with the way they behave. 

Links:,2146.0.html@msg13120,1197.0.html - Frankly, any thread with Billy Bob O'Connell.

( (
Nomination & Links by Even Angels Cry:
Up until the meeting with Ian Hawthorne, I (like many others) didn't know what to expect.  There had been a few posts to indicate his condition (affected my parasites) and I didn't think negotiations would go as planned, but in no way did I see any of these bombshells coming.  Each time one of the threads was updated, I found myself clicking immediately to read what had been posted.  As the grisly story unfolded further, there were several shocking key moments.  I have listed them below as my nomination links, and each of them left me dangling on the edge of a cliff, waiting for the next piece of the story.  In total, the story as a whole was a true piece of epic writing and each author should be celebrated.  There were many excellent action and combat scenes, but this particular award is for dramatic writing with emotional impact, and I have not yet read a scene that affected me as much as this one or in as many places & with as many characters throughout it.

There are a multitude of phenomenal posts here, but I will link a few that stand out to me.

Ian Hawthorne showing a glimmer of humanity in his final moment-,1202.msg10105.html#msg10105
Ryuan Sel making an impossible choice -,1202.msg10057.html#msg10057
Tristan Kendrick doing the unthinkable -,1202.msg9852.html#msg9852
Cameron Henshaw when the truth was revealed-,1201.msg9841.html#msg9841


Nominations for two new Writing Awards are now open until the 3rd of December, where two separate polls will be posted on the 4th of December for the two award categories and their nominated scenes respectively.

This time the awards are these:

( (
This is dedicated to a writer who mines Stark Trek canon for technical or cultural details, or built an species that truly stand out in originality. To read posts from this writer is to feel as if one is walking in the shoes of a real person in the Star Trek universe. Details should have long-lasting effects on the Theurgy story as a whole.

( (
This award is bestowed on a writer who demonstrated extraordinary character development and depth of writing. The character's plot goals are long-term with life-altering changes.

Here is the thread where you post your nominations:

Science & Soul | Award Nominations (,2209.0.html)

You may also submit your nominations anonymously via PM to me. I look forward to read your nominations!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Absinthe on November 26, 2017, 10:41:23 AM

I just wanted to say congrats to Auctor, Summerdawn, Kaligos, and Nolan.

You guys did awesome in those scenes and I tip my cap you you, even if my initial reaction was to say something like this -
(I am just being funny with this and in no way wish to imply I am upset or anything like that. There will be other awards and I don't write to win awards, I write for the love of the praise I get for writing! (that was also a joke) )

Anyway, sorry for the long delays between my posts. I don't have an excuse other than I am slow and I am trying to only do posts when I have it in me and not force myself to do them. So it takes me forever, sorry.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on November 26, 2017, 11:22:02 AM
Congratulations to my fellow writers who won. You've all deserved it!
Also thank you for all those who have voted on us.

On another note, posting on my end might slow down as I'm planning to move to a new apartment in the next coming days. My provider for internet and television can't keep up, so I might be off desktop internet for a week or two. I'll check in with mobile, but expect delays nevertheless.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on November 26, 2017, 06:08:04 PM
Congratulations one and all!  Well deserved acknowledgement for your ongoing labors of love.  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on November 27, 2017, 05:07:18 PM
Congratulations to you all! You're an inspiration to the rest of us! :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 02, 2017, 11:58:37 PM

Today, @Hastata-Nerada should be proud to reveal his new contribution to our story, namely the Kataan species!

>> Link to the Species Page (

A submission of excellent quality, and perhaps foreshadowing the appearance of a character of this species further down the line. Thank you so much for the time and research you put into the creation of the Kataan, and for wanting them added to our site.

I hope you all will all enjoy the reading, because they are well worth the time. :)


A final reminder that the deadline for nominations closes today. These are the awards:

( (
This is dedicated to a writer who mines Stark Trek canon for technical or cultural details, or built an species that truly stand out in originality. To read posts from this writer is to feel as if one is walking in the shoes of a real person in the Star Trek universe. Details should have long-lasting effects on the Theurgy story as a whole.

( (
This award is bestowed on a writer who demonstrated extraordinary character development and depth of writing. The character's plot goals are long-term with life-altering changes.

Here is the thread where you post your nominations:

Science & Soul | Award Nominations (,2209.0.html)

You may also submit your nominations anonymously via PM to me. I look forward to read your nominations!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on December 03, 2017, 05:51:26 AM
I want to apologize to all those who have been waiting so patently for replies from me.  The past few weeks have been particularly difficult with work going into an overdrive for the impending holidays (we shut down for half a week for Thanksgiving then a full week for Christmas-New Years so everything that would normally be done then has to be done ahead of time).  This has been compounded by the end of DST, which completely threw my pattern off (I've caught myself falling asleep around dinnertime the past few weeks).

Thankfully I've managed to get my feet back under me along those fronts, so I'll be able to start posting more regularly again.  I'll do my best to catch up as quickly as I can, my plan is to focus on the longest-waiting threads first, and work my way up through the list.

If anyone needs me to reply by a certain time give me a poke and let me know, college taught me that deadlines are a great way to get my creative juices flowing. ^^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 03, 2017, 10:40:11 PM

Hello Theurgists! Thank you to those who took their time to make nominations in the Researcher's Medal and Depth of Character award categories. Now, the nomination time has expired, and two polls have been posted, one for each award category:

Researcher's Medal Award Poll 2017 (,2212.0.html)

Depth of Character Award Poll 2017 (,2213.0.html)

The polls will run for 7 days, in which those who cast their votes should take a few minutes to read the linked scenes first. The nominee(s) who get the most votes will receive the Researcher's Medal or Depth of Character award respectively. If you are a Nominee, you may not vote on yourself, but you are free to vote on your fellow competitors.

Thank you in advance for your voting in these award categories!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 04, 2017, 12:44:26 PM


Today, I am posting a fresh story overview here in the Main OOC thread, so that we are all on the same page about who is next to post where. Posting frequency is still quite low, and the Random Encounters are still not taking off as they should, so I hope we can all get things rolling again. Remember that the Random Encounters can happen on Day 02 as well, of course.

Because of the lull in posting, I will have to end the Interregnum prematurely, and kick things off along the lines of the Story Workshop result with a new Episode that will feature the Asurians, the Sheromi and Task Force Archeron, doing that story as an Episode instead of sub-plots in this Interregnum. The new idea is that Episode 05 starts off right after the Away Mission ends, sometime around 1500 hrs. on Day 03.

So, stay tuned for more information on this, and just to be clear, those who wish to keep writing in the Interregnum can still do that since a lot of Day 02's late evening and the first half of Day 03 remains unwritten. The story must, however, go on to inspire new development. :)


Currently, we are writing in Day 02 and 03 of the Interregnum, with Day 01 off limits for posting new thread starters. The Sabine Away Mission has begun on Day 03. You may post starters on Day 03 up until 1400 hrs., which is concurrent with when the Sabine Away Mission has ended and they - at the earliest - might have gotten back to the Theurgy. So, here are the posting rules for the Interregnum at the moment:

Exceptions to these rules are made by me, so please feel free to PM me if you are in dire need to get something done on Day 01, for example. Lastly, we have a common way of naming new threads. The naming convention is, in short, simply this:

Day XX [XXXX hrs.] Insert Title Of New Thread

In the below lists, you'll see where we're at right now. The threads are in chronological order, and links to click.

DAY 01

Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Focal Point (,2025.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Loose Ends (,2021.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1600 hrs.] The Last Lone Wolves (,2020.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1600 hrs.] The New Pack (,2024.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1630 hrs.] Strength in Unity (,2034.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1700 hrs.] Loose Gears (,2037.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1700 hrs.] Two Stray Threads (,2036.0.html) Next poster: Kaligos
Day 01 [1700 hrs.] Washing Away the Memories (,2028.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1715 hrs.] Sar-unga Grieving (,2043.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1830 hrs.] Seeds of Malefaction (,2045.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1900 hrs.] Nebula Entry (,2029.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1910 hrs.] Defrosting (,2126.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1930 hrs.] A Doctor's Mechanic (,2053.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1930 hrs.] Fanatical Interests (,2035.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2000 hrs.] Colorful Confluence (,2085.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2030 hrs.] Meeting of Minds (,2054.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2200 hrs.] Drinking Yourself Blind (,2049.0.html)
- Next poster by Table: 1) DocReno 2) Brutus 3) Arista
- Next poster by Bar: 1) Even Angels Cry 2) Steelphoenix 3) Kaligos
- Lower Shuttle Bay: 1) Even Angels Cry 2) Auctor Lucan 
Day 01 [2200 hrs.] Land of the Living (,2044.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2200 hrs.] Wolves Need Wings (,2077.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2200 hrs.] Your New Roomate (,2086.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2230 hrs.] Intentions & Aftereffects (,2082.0.html) Next poster: 1) Kaligos 2) Triage
Day 01 [2230 hrs.] What Goes Around... (,2047.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2300 hrs.] A Late Night Thank You (,2060.0.html) Next poster: CanadianVet
Day 01 [2300 hrs.] Where There is Smoke... (,2046.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2315 hrs.] Depth of Guilt (,2059.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2330 hrs.] A Lost Voice (,2030.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2330 hrs.] Beauty and the Beast (,2062.0.html) Next poster: Triage
Day 01 [2330 hrs.] Making a Splash (,2061.0.html) Next poster: SummerDawn
Day 01 [2330 hrs.] To Absent Friends (,2055.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2355 hrs.] Just Want To Sleep (,2097.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2400 hrs.] Late Night Talk (,2110.0.html) Next poster: Havenborn
Day 01 [2400 hrs.] Passing On The Torch (,2101.0.html) - Finished!

DAY 02

Day 02 [0005 hrs.] The Blues (,2094.0.html) Next poster: chXinya
Day 02 [0007 hrs] Rally & Riposte (,2161.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [0020 hrs.] Brief Respite (,2173.0.html) Next poster: Zenozine
Day 02 [0530 hrs.] Hidden Messages (,2075.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [0530 hrs.] Steamed Therapy (,2157.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [0730 hrs.] Morning Stretch (,2149.0.html) Next poster: chXinya
Day 02 [0800 hrs.] The Final Verdict (,2170.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [0920 hrs.] Came for the Pets, Stayed for the Friendship (,2124.0.html) Next poster: Triage
Day 02 [0930 hrs.] Poisonous Effects (,2072.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [0930 hrs.] Thorny Redemption (,2174.0.html) Next poster: Kaligos
Day 02 [1000 hrs.] Senior Staff Announcement (,2063.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1015 hrs.] Alive (,2067.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1030 hrs.] Once Upon a Time, I Dreamt I Was a Butterfly... (,2064.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1030 hrs.] Touching Base (,2181.0.html) Next poster: Nolan
Day 02 [1100 hrs.] The Wrath of Time (,2066.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1130 hrs.] Herbal Therapy (,2185.0.html) Next poster: Absinthe
Day 02 [1130 hrs.] Social Visit to the Lost (,2073.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1200 hrs.] New Department Head Speeches (,2088.0.html) Next poster: chXinya
Day 02 [1225 hrs.] New Quarters of the Rising Sun (,2092.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1230 hrs.] Cultural Misunderstandings (,2090.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1230 hrs.] New meets Old (,2148.0.html) Next poster: 1) Jm Von Cat 2) chXinya 3) Auctor Lucan (finishes the thread)
Day 02 [1300 hrs.] A Bird Made of Wax (,2187.0.html) Next poster: Kaligos
Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Fluid Dynamics (,2089.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Garden Greenery (,2135.0.html) Next poster: Kaligos
Day 02 [1300 hrs.] An Unusual Asset (,2121.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1315 hrs.] Though I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow (,2074.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1330 hrs.] First Impressions (,2084.0.html) Next poster: CanadianVet
Day 02 [1345 hrs] Sword of Damocles (,2164.0.html) Next poster: 1) Nolan 2) Hastata-Nerada (switching to Morali's location) 3) Brutus
Day 02 [1345 hrs.] Vivisection of Kludge (,2128.0.html) Next poster: Nolan
Day 02 [1400 hrs.] Continuing Education (,2083.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1400 hrs.] Everything Old (,2079.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1400 hrs.] Just Checking In (,2087.0.html) Next poster: FollowTomorrow
Day 02 [1415 hrs.] Putting Her Back Together (,2080.0.html)
- Next poster Nebula: 1) Kaligos 2) Auctor Lucan 3) Even Angels Cry (Last post)
- Next poster Bridge: 1) Brutus 2) Auctor Lucan (Last post)
- Next poster Vector 02: 1) TrexelCat 2) FollowTomorrow 3) Auctor Lucan (Last post)
- Next poster Torpedo Dismantling: 1) Kaligos 2) Doc M. (Last post)
Day 02 [1430 hrs.] EVE Program AK-1 DMSA-656 (,2099.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1450 hrs.] Wakey Wakey (,2109.0.html) Next poster: Josie (Finished?)
Day 02 [1500 hrs.] Koreans, Coffee, and Chit Chat (,2131.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1530 hrs.] Particular Preliminary Prescriptions (,2123.0.html) Next poster: TrexelCat (Finished?)
Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Into the Wild Blue Yonder (,2095.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Serendipity and Vicissitude (,2093.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Valkyries & Valravns (,2122.0.html)
- Pilots talk: 1) Josie (in reply to Doc M.) 2) Doc M. 3) Triage 4) Even Angels Cry (Everyone wrap this one?)
- Mech talk: 1) Havenborn 2) Blue Zephyr (Is this scene a go?)
Day 02 [1620 hrs.] Grindstone (,2184.0.html) Next poster: Brutus
Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Fighting with the Devil (,2127.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Big Mouth Beatdown (,2160.0.html) Next poster: 1) Brutus 2) Arista 3) Triage
Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Connecting the Dots (,2150.0.html) Next poster: 1) Striker N7 2) SummerDawn 3) Steelphoenix
Day 02 [1700 hrs.] New Life (,2182.0.html) Next poster: 1) chXinya 2) Auctor Lucan 3) Triage
Day 02 [1700 hrs.] To Choose Wisely or Poorly (,2175.0.html) Next poster: Hastata-Nerada
Day 02 [1800 hrs.] End of the Day (,2180.0.html) Next poster: Kaligos
Day 02 [1800 hrs.] Movies and Memories (,2132.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1800 hrs.] Patrol Guidelines Clearly State! (,2137.0.html) Next poster: Even Angels Cry
Day 02 [1800 hrs.] To Weaponize Light (,2178.0.html) Next poster: Steelphoenix
Day 02 [1800 hrs.] Whose Coming to Dinner? (,2152.0.html) Next poster: Brutus (Edit last post to end the scene)
Day 02 [1830 hrs.] An Unorthodox Session (,2158.0.html) Next poster: TrexelCat
Day 02 [1830 hrs.] Size Matters (,2199.0.html) Next poster: Hastata-Nerada
Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Flight Tests (,2134.0.html) Next poster: Josie
Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Precarious Parlay (,2105.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion (,2108.0.html)
- By the Bar: 1) Zenozine 2) Steelphoenix 3) Hastata-Nerada
- By the Table: 1) SummerDawn 2) Auctor Lucan
Day 02 [1930 hrs.] In Memory of When We Used to call "In Love" (,2176.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Checking Up, In, & Out (,2151.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Two Techs in a Turbolift (,2107.0.html) Next poster: Triage
Day 02 [2100 hrs.] A Long, Hard Day (,2133.0.html) Next poster: CanadianVet
Day 02 [2100 hrs.] Painters 'R Us (,2136.0.html) Next poster: Josie
Day 02 [2200 hrs.] Mea Culpa (,2129.0.html) Next poster: Nolan

DAY 03

Day 03 [0530 hrs.] Fresh Wounds (,2194.0.html) Next poster: TopHat
Day 03 [0600 hrs.] Breakfast of Champions (,2130.0.html) Next poster: Striker N7
Day 03 [0600 hrs.] Morning of the Kissogram (,2130.0.html) - Finished!
Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Seeking Hope | Away-Mission (,2130.0.html) Next poster: Free Banter PO (Finished?)
Day 03 [0700 hrs.] A CAPital conversation (,2130.0.html) Next poster: Even Angels Cry
Day 03 [0700 hrs] Tensions Rising (,2202.0.html) Next poster: chXinya
Day 03 [0800 hrs.] When In Need Of A Tech (,2203.0.html) Next poster: Kaligos
Day 03 [0900 hrs.] True by Untruth (,2206.0.html) Next poster: The Counselor
Day 03 [1000 hrs.] The Mind Darkly (,2172.0.html) Next poster: Steelphoenix
Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Mysteries & Appointments (,2186.0.html) Next poster: Kaligos
Day 03 [1000 hrs.] The Coreless Moon | Away-Mission (,2146.0.html)
- SuD Lang Command Center: 1) Auctor Lucan 2) Kaligos
- Dilitium Storage & Mining Ops: 1) Striker N7 2) Auctor Lucan
- Ruins of the Lightborn: 1) CanadianVet 2) Triage 3) Doc M.
Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Zoom-Zoom | Away-Mission (,2188.0.html)
- Hakkarl Bridge/Nebula: 1) Havenborn 2) Auctor Lucan 3) Josie
- Hakkarl Ready Room: 1) Blue Zephyr 2) Auctor Lucan
Day 03 [1015hrs.] Letter and Spirit (,2208.0.html) Next poster: Nolan
Day 03 [1300 hrs.] Facultas Conveniendi (,2171.0.html) Next poster: Brutus
Day 03 [1400 hrs.] AC-477 Valravn Flight Test (,2193.0.html) Next poster: Blue Zephyr


Deleted Scene: Razor's Log: Crashed and Marooned (,2008.0.html)Next poster: Nolan
Deleted Scene: Off Duty Hours  (,2004.0.html)Next poster: 1) DocReno 2) Auctor Lucan 3) Even Angels Cry

That's where we are at right now. :)


Here is the result of the random encounters for Day 02 or 03 (up until 1400 hrs.)!


The two writers that have been paired need to figure out a way to do it, and the third column will suggest a location for the two characters to meet. The writer with a character in the left column is the one who posts the starter. I have taken the liberty to cross out the threads already started with green lines, and used yellow for scenes where the writers have expressed wishes to forego the scene due to different reasons. Either the scene has already happened, one or two writers are overburdened, a member has left or a character is in no state to see anyone (injured/dead/stasis/etc.)

If anyone wants to cross out more scenes on this list, feel free to contact me! These encounters are not meant to be mandatory, but a fun thing, so please don't feel forced into anythig, lol.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on December 04, 2017, 11:50:18 PM
Don't forget that December is the big holiday month.  I suspect that posting is going to be sluggish until January.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on December 05, 2017, 03:38:25 PM
Update to the writers involved with my merry bunch of characters.
I'm hoping to resume posting somewhere next week as my move is getting finalized. If internet and the sorts are decently and steadily hooked up I should be able to find some time to get some actual posting done.
Hope to hear from you all and I'm looking forward to read up on the various threads!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 06, 2017, 03:08:17 AM


I might tinker some more with it, but it's finished for the evening, and I hope you like it. :)

More information:

First six chapters chalked up for Episode 05: Protectors of Truth. Prologue and Chapter 1 synopsis finished too. Those two will be in the first phase of the Episode. Chapters 2 to 5 will be the second phase, posted simultaneously. So, to begin with, there will be 2 threads, and then, when those have run their course, there will be 4 new ones.



Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TrexelCat on December 08, 2017, 08:40:21 PM
Okay, I want to start with, I'm not dead. I'm very much alive and I intend to stay that way.

My absence was unavoidable. My primary computer decided to go tits up and die on me leaving me with only a phone and a laptop that I can't find the power cord for. I was however able to visit a friend on the weekends and borrow his computer to use for gaming.

I wish to apologize for any inconveniences this may have caused, trying to write posts from a 4 in(10 cm) screen is really hard. This post is to say that I have managed to get my computer into a functional state once more, which took far longer than I would have liked due to not having as much personal time for these things as I would have liked. I will get to working on some posts here shortly.

Again, I'm sorry for my abrupt vanishing act, couldn't be helped. But I'm returning.


P.S.: I'm absolutely horrid at letting people know when tings go sideways, I'm not actually used to needing to do that as I'm often in groups or around people who could care less if I'm there or not. So I feel absolutely horrible that I didn't hold up that end of things when crap hit the fan on my end.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on December 08, 2017, 08:56:11 PM
The important thing is, you're back!

So a big hug from me here.

And how's E.V.E.? I mean your actual computer A.I.?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 10, 2017, 10:48:42 PM

The votes in the two recent polls are in, and here are the results! :)


( (
Primary Reason: For their submissions of the T'fanrell & Elsarian species
Motivation and Links from the GM:
We have a several non-cannon and canon species in our database, and a lot of them is really well wrought in terms of detail and level of scientific description. I could nominate a lot more, but these very thoroughly described. These contributions to the sim really elevates the storytelling and when reading the posts of characters belonging to these species, they stay true to what they are. As I said, many more could be nominated for their species write-ups, but there will be other times this award is opened for nominations, so I chose to put these in the first batch. Thank you for the time you put into these!

The T'fanrell:
The Elsarian:

( (
Primary Reason: The characters Hi'Jak & Sithick, demonstrating dedication to their character development and history.
Motivation & Links:
For Hi'Jak:
From the start, as linked below, both writers have remained true to their characters' development and progress, regardless of for better or for worse, it never changed, and they also paid attention to the consequences of their choices. The actions and choices made by CanadianVet for Carrigan Trent still reflect up to the present, and for Hi'Jak, every thread of his shows his development and progress. Kaligos constantly keeps us guessing until he so reveals what he wants us to know about the half-Klingon, and he's not afraid to explore routes of progress some would balk at. I believe they both truly deserve this award.

For Sithck: At first look, one could easily mistake Sithick as a silent, brooding background bit of security muscle, as likely to give you a grunt as a pounding in the face if you step out of lines, but Kaligos has managed to take a 9 foot tall conglomeration of scales and teeth and turn them into a sympathetic character with a tragic background and atypical interests.  By making him approachable, it encourages interactions with the crew and leads to some rather unexpected pairings and encounters which in turn leads to a greater exploration of his origins, even if they aren't the norm for one of his species.

For Kaligos' character Hi'Jak:,2146.msg12960.html#msg12960

For Kaligos' character Sithick:,2049.75.html


Nominations for two new Writing Awards are now open until the 17th of December, where two separate polls will be posted on the 18th of December for the two award categories and their nominated scenes respectively.

This time the awards are these:

( (
Awarded to a writer who through real-life crisis keep current with plot despite an overwhelming level of events occurring or mounting obligations. The player may be only able to post at a minimum level for up to three months, but their contribution is consistent and focused.

( (
Awarded to a player in recognition of their willingness and ability to put their character through extraordinary personal hardship, be it suffering through sickness or personal crisis, through which the writer contributed superb posts relevant to the situation. The writer who gains this award is a master at torturing their character(s) for the enjoyment of others.

Here is the thread where you post your nominations:

Dedication & Suffering | Award Nominations (,2219.0.html)

You may also submit your nominations anonymously via PM to me. I look forward to read your nominations!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on December 10, 2017, 10:54:05 PM
Congratulations!!! Well deserved victories.

Apologies on my posting rate. I have started posts for a few threads, but it's been super busy lately IRL.  I'll be trying to post over the next week.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Mathis on December 12, 2017, 10:17:50 PM
Hey all. You all might have noticed how absent I've been lately, especially where writing is concerned. My life is still crazy, I'm moving across the country again to an even better job, but it means my living situation and everything has changed four times in the last 3 months and while it's all leading to something great, I feel stressed pretty much all the time and everything short of gaming and show-watching fills me with crazy amounts of social anxiety. I'm really hoping that in 6-12 months I'll be stable at my newest job with a place of my own and a cat :) and be in a place to put the required investment that being a member here entails. I don't want to hold back others' stories because I can't get my shit together at the moment.

So that said, I'll be leaving the site, and by extension the discord server, hopefully temporarily. You are the best writing community that I've been a part of and will miss you guys. If anyone that hasn't already wants to send me a friend request on Discord, I'll gladly accept. Wish all of you well, and hope to return soon. (L)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 12, 2017, 10:34:03 PM

FYI, for those wondering, I will be NPCing Derik up until an unfortunate accident that puts him in stasis, opening up the Chief CONN Officer position. Any scenes Derik is required in up until then will be handled by me.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on December 13, 2017, 02:44:41 AM
Best of luck to you, Mathis.   I hope you find the peace and satisfaction you're looking for in very short order.  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 14, 2017, 03:10:00 PM
Today, on the 14th of December, I am handing out another Sim Contribution award, and this in the form of...

( (
Awarded to a writer in thanks for helping to keep the GM sane. The writer may have taken initiative to play an active role in a project or significant plot, been a helpful posting partner, given OOC administrative assistance, or simply was extra supportive, encouraging, or making the GM laugh.

This award, if you read the description, has a wide range of applications, and for the life of me, I could not narrow it down to one Theurgist getting this award, because there are so many of you who make my life as GM both easier and rewarding, so, I decided to hand it out to five of our writers.

I don't think this will devalue the award in itself, since all five given this award have done amazing things for the story and the sim as a whole. They are all great contributors in their own right, and since this is the first year we have these awards, I wanted to recognise old efforts (that only so many of us here still might remember). So, this does not take away from any recent contributions and efforts of newer writers, since I could easily give out more of these, but all in good time. I have somewhat of a backlog of gratitude to show. :)

And the recipients. in alphabetical order, are:






And what about this one?

( (
Awarded to a writer who goes through extreme, even insane measures to get an administrative project done for the sim, well beyond any kind of expectations from the GM.

Who else can this go to?  :)


I hope these small tokens of my appreciation shows how thankful I am for all of your efforts in making this sim what it is today. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on December 14, 2017, 04:21:00 PM
I want to apologize for the delays in my posting. The holidays are the busiest time of year for me because of my job (retail) and I'm usually exhausted by the time i get home.  I have tried to post responses as i have the energy, but they are few and far between.

That said, i have a trip planned this weekend and dont know if i will get to post or not.  :) if not, then hopefully next week will be better.. x.x

The good news is that i can see the end of the tunnel! I have the week after christmas off so i can relax and recover.  So whatever i cant get to before christmas, ill get to then.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Jm Von Cat on December 14, 2017, 08:43:59 PM
Congrats and good job to all of you above people :D, I can say I have seen your works all over the place throughout my browsing of both the wiki and the forum.

That aside I should get to posting soon enough, just had a rather unfortunate event happen. So I have a funeral to prepare for.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 15, 2017, 08:52:46 PM


Well, before Episode 05 starts and recruitment opens up, I want to finish this bloody thing. :) I need your help guys and gals!

Please go hunting for good youtube clips showcasing your actors/actresses/models and send me the hyperlinks via PM, please also send me the time index for moments in the clips you especially like. I can, however, not promise that all clips will make the final cut of our new trailer.

As for those with very exotic/alien characters, I will make do with what I can, using parallax effects and such on my own artwork to try and bring them to life a bit. Please don't have too much expectations though, since that is very hard to do, and takes a lot of time for me. Results vary with the images and what I can do with them.

When I get your PMs, I will label them and catalogue them for use. Things get lost on Discord though, and it would take forever to track things there, so PM is the way to go. :)

Your characters will, individually, get about 4 seconds of screen-time, so keep that in mind. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: FollowTomorrow on December 17, 2017, 03:39:11 AM
I'd like to say that I don't expect any of mine in the film and don't want to make you do any more work with my characters than you've already done! If you'd specifically like one of mine I will surely find some film for you, but I am already more than satisfied with the animations you've already made!

I wish I could help you with the animating, but all my (limited) expertise is in hand drawn animation. I wish you the best of luck, Wizard Lucan!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 17, 2017, 10:58:20 PM
Thank you FT! :)


An early Christmas gift for you all! As of now, you can personalise the Theurgy site - forum and wiki - by choosing which of our featured vessels you want displayed on the right hand side of the site! As for how you can do it, check this explanation to learn how you navigate to the selector.

> > Full Resolution (

Merry Christmas!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triton on December 18, 2017, 05:45:57 PM
This looks and sounds like fun! I'll find something for my boys to star in the clip. I just can't send you anything just yet, Auctor-- but I can't wait ;)

I'm having blue screen issues and need to get a new laptop sometime by or around Christmas-- just a polite headsup.  I have a cargo run due in Montana before christmas-- comes with a nice payday; I'm going to get a laptop for video editing and hopefully photoshop. Finals are done, so once I get a new laptop, I'll be back on schedule.

--I hate blue screens of death--
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 18, 2017, 08:59:52 PM
Thanks for the update, Striker!

As for the youtube clips that are sent in, I notice that you guys are really into this new trailer coming up, but some of you have been sending me 3-4 clips per character, and I have to say again, please don't get your hopes up about what will be seen of your characters in the trailer.

So, expect to be dissapointed in how much of your character is seen, because it is 3-4 seconds that your character might appear in this trailer. It is very fast-paced, and will clock in well below 4 minutes. The old trailer was over 6 minutes, and has half the amount of characters that we have now. That should say something about the challenges I face. :)

On the flip side, I really, really love that you all send in things to pick from! Just please don't get the idea that something from the clips will be seen in the trailer, because in the final cut, I have to pick something that fits in terms of timing and placement when the slot comes up. Realise also that this is exceedingly difificult to time to a song, etc. etc.

So, please continue to send clips, but don't expect that much of them to show up! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on December 20, 2017, 06:36:01 AM
Update to the personal story that is my life.

As of december 30th I will be walking away from the job i have had for the last two years. I've already cut down my expenses to as small as I can make them, and I have two paychecks left before the well runs dry, and I have a student loan that is underway, so I have about three months left before the lights go dark and I'm forced to live off the land as a crazy forest hermit, so...

Lets just put that up in the corner (

So aside from finishing school in the time aloted to the continuation of my existence, come end of December expect my activity on this site to actually increase, and then baring future employment, expect me to vanish come april as my back up plan is to go into the woods with my swords and my bow and arrow, and to hunt the tourists that camp there for sport and food.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 20, 2017, 09:15:42 AM
So sorry to hear this, Kaligos. Hope you find a better employer.


Hello Theurgists! Thank you to those who took their time to make nominations in the Writer's Heart and Scourge Award categories. Now, the nomination time has long expired, but the two polls have finally been posted, one for each award category:

The Writer's Heart Award Poll 2017 (,2230.0.html)

The Scourge Award Poll 2017 (,2231.0.html)

The polls will run for 7 days, in which those who cast their votes should take a few minutes to read the linked scenes first. The nominee(s) who get the most votes will receive the Writer's heart or Scourge Award respectively. If you are a Nominee, you may not vote on yourself, but you are free to vote on your fellow competitors.

Thank you in advance for your voting in these award categories! I would have posted the polls sooner, but the trailer and work has eaten up my time entirely. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 21, 2017, 05:19:39 PM

Some stuff I brought up in chat when I had some spare time at work, but which should be here too for sake of posterity and ease of access to the info (instead of reading up on the channel in chat). :)


The upgraded Valravn is selectable on the forum's theme instead of the old one now. Renders and finalised 3D model in progress.


Omardex made us custom landing gears for the Valravn. They are original, but I really like them:


She's got a nice, new ass too, with this engine assembly:


Close-up on the detailing of that impulse engine outlet. Please notice the scorch marks from the auxiliary thrusters! :)


Cockpit texturing is still work-in-progress, but in this view, where the glass of the cockpit is removed, you can see her LCARS screens added for the pilot and the RIO. As I said, more to come in the cockpit texturing, but then, it will be finished. I will show what it looks like with its glass canopy replaced then.


This screenshot shows the Valravn from the dorsal side, where you can notice details like the sockets in which the hard points are to be attached, underneath the wings and under the forward-swept arms:


These are just screenshots from a 3D viewer, making the hull texture come out a bit matte, but Omardex gave us a couple of test renders too! Behold her in all her new glory... :)


Omardex said he had really enjoyed upgrading our Valravn, adding yet more hours to the realisation of her design. Kalashnikov did an awesome job with the first rendition of her, which served as a basis for this new model. Kalashnikov has been on vacation and worked on the Cayuga up until recently, and I am so happy that Omardex wanted to do this completion of the Valravn. As I said earlier, there is still come work to do on the cockpit, but soon, the Valravn project will be finished. :)


Furthermore, the new trailer is 85 % done! I will pause now to catch up on posting. Another reason I have paused is because a new Theurgy animation is being rendered too, which takes forever... I also have 6 frame agreements to negotiate at work and settle them before the turn of the year, so it's a bit... hectic atm. :) Still, posts will be rolling up on the forum today.

I can say that I feel the trailer will turn out really good, in any case a definite improvement from the former one. The music of choice has a very quick rhythm to it in the trailer, to the transitions match it, making it really adrenaline-pumped and cool. With all the hours I have put into it here and there the last year or two, added with this latest sprint... I would not dare to venture a guess on how much time in total (including animation renders and the parallax effects done) this project have taken. About 30 hrs. minimum? Something like that. A lot of the character images done over the years is included too, and I have lost count on those.

It is a huge project, but it s also a kind of collection of old work put into it as well, showcasing so much of the sim in just so many minutes. The boring time, for me, is to search for viable clips, which I felt I needed help with, and I made sure to ask for help this time.


That's all for now, just a short update. Progress is being made on the Sheromi and Ep 05 starter threads too, and when the trailer is finished, and Ep 05 is up, we will slowly be able to start up recruitment again, but there might be some waiting time involved depending on how things are then. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on December 21, 2017, 09:15:22 PM
Quick note to everyone that I will be away the 22nd through the 27th visiting family out of town. I'm going to try and get any tags waiting on me done by end of day today so I don't leave anyone hanging for a week.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on December 21, 2017, 10:12:34 PM
I know I'm a little behind on posting... I blame work, but I will do my best to get everything caught up this weekend :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on December 23, 2017, 06:25:39 PM
Took a couple of hours to buckle down and write out replies to all my 1-on-1 threads while the wife enjoyed a bath. Now its off to lunch, so the two 'group' threads I owe for will have to wait until later. God, but getting away to an inn was a good idea. Great for sitting down and focusing on writing for a bit :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 25, 2017, 07:39:36 AM

Finally, it's finished. Merry Christmas everyone! :)

Crank up the sound and enjoy!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TrexelCat on December 25, 2017, 06:11:03 PM
(,100):origin()/pre00/252c/th/pre/f/2017/359/a/3/merry_christmas_by_trexelcat-dbxri9c.png) (
E.V.E. would liked to wish all who celebrate it a Merry Christmas, and a happy new year!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Jm Von Cat on December 26, 2017, 04:48:49 AM
Merry Christmas, I do hope you all had a good and at least somewhat enjoyable day.

To those I owe posts too, I should be on that tomorrow or the day after.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Absinthe on December 27, 2017, 06:37:55 AM
I have a lot of family stuff to deal with and work on top of that so I will be getting much less sleep so I won't be able to do much writing until it is all over around January 3rd. Just FYI. I might get some posts done, might not. We'll see.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Josie on December 28, 2017, 06:46:25 AM
I'm having trouble keeping up with things and gonna have to pull out for awhile.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 28, 2017, 09:53:05 AM
Sorry to hear this Josie! As I wrote in my PM to you, and for the knoweldge of the rest of the sim, Honey Badger will go MIA during the mission at the Coreless Moon, and I will only NPC her to that extent in that mission. Should you want to return at some point, Rini might appear at any point during Episode 05.

I will also resolve any current scenes Rini is in during Interregnum 04-05, but I will not be starting any new threads with her. Unless Josie tells me otherwise, this character is not available for inheritence.

Hope that you can return someday, Josie! Take care of that awesome kid of yours.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on December 28, 2017, 10:00:48 AM
Come back to us soon, Josie! :(

Keeping you and your family in prayer. Best wishes to you and your family, that life will be better from here on.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 28, 2017, 02:13:50 PM

The votes in the two recent polls are in, and here are the results. Since Josie left the sim, her nomination for the Writer's Heart award is no longer valid, because she she didn't live up to the criteria of the award where one would still be posting consistently and attentively despite RL obligations. With only one vote in difference, it is only fitting that the runner-up gets this first award below.


Primary Reason: EAC is excellent in communicating her absences, and always delivers top quality writing

Motivation: Another writer that qualifies for this award is EAC, who really goes out of her way to read and follow the story aside from the posting she does. Despite the heavy writing involved as we finished Episode 04, she kept on delivering, and even later on in the Interregnum, despite being in a play, she has stayed active. Besides the quality of her writing, I also want to make this nomination because she has an exemplary standard in communicating with the writers on the sim when she is busy and when she expects to post next. No threads forgotten, and never rushes the writing itself.


Primary Reason: For the character Sarresh Morali

Motivation & Links: The Ash'reem species absorb water through their skin and hair, so when Sarresh Morali decided to try and reach his mate - Amikris Neotin - who floated on a piece of sizzling driftwood in the middle of an acidic lake, Sarresh knew that he might not survive. He wanted to reach her so that they could both transport to the Theurgy, but alas. Amikris Neotin was also the last hope for the Ash'reem, who were already doomed to extinction because of their fertility rates. In Amikris were the DNA that could correct the flaw in their people's genome. Amikris was, however, lost, and Sarresh Morali ended up in stasis without eyes, ears, a shred of skin or hair, and with both lungs and throat seared by the acid.

Before then, Sarresh Morali had been recruited to serve on the 29th century timeship Relativity at a young age. He returned to his original timeline after volunteering to aid the Theurgy on her mission. Morali underwent MEM (Memory Engram Manipulation) treatment to keep his knowledge of the future from disrupting the time stream. He had an implant installed in his head that had tech that can detect a temporal breach. When such a breach happened, Morali regained his memories so that he could try and thwart the enemy threat to the Theurgy. The MEM treatment, however, also made him forget he volunteered for the mission (perhaps knowing he could potentially save Amikris and his people, and knew he would fall in love with her? Who knows.) So, as many regrets as he has, hating the mission, he has not only lost his posting on the Relativity, his mate, his people, and his unique knowledge of the time stream, he also lost his Ash'reem body.

He had to undergo DNA re-sequencing and become human in order for Dyan Cardamone's Asurian healing cells to work on his body. He was saved in this fashion because of his importance to the mission, but it is still a mission he loathes, having lost all that he holds dear. Through the ocular implants he wears instead of his lost eyes, he sees Thea's voyage into the unknown forks of the time stream with loathing, with little left to fight for.

Swimming across an acidic lake to save his mate:,1059.0.html


Nominations for the two last Writing Awards are now open until the 4th of January, where two separate polls will be posted on the 5th of January for the two award categories and their nominated scenes respectively.

This time the awards are these:

( (
Often we see the completion of a character's life; yet this character's story has a beginning, a middle, and an ending. The writer not only willingly self-terminated their character, but did so in a dramatic and/or endearing way. The ending must be in "a blaze of glory" with superior epic or poetic quality.

( (
This award is nominated by anyone, but only handed out once every year to the most outstanding writers in the sim.

Here is the thread where you post your nominations:

Final Award Nominations (,2233.0.html)

You may also submit your nominations anonymously via PM to me. I look forward to read your nominations!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on December 28, 2017, 08:27:21 PM
OHMIGOSH!!!! Never did i ever think i would win one of these awards! Thank you everyone!

With the Christmas season winding down, my time is freeing up. I should be caught up within a week or so :)

I do want to apologize for taking so long at times but you guys are the best. I love you all and i love this story and my characters!

I also hope you're all enjoying the character developments that Alessia and Jaya are having right now!! They're super fun for me to write!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 31, 2017, 02:14:15 PM
My guests are arriving in a few, but I wanted to take the time to wish you all a Happy New Year! January will be exciting, since Episode 05: Courage is Fear will be launched as soon as the write-ups are finished. I will also be sending out a Story Overview tomorrow or the day after that depending on how long my guests are staying. Once Episode 05 has been rolled out, I will be opening up recruitment and character creation again.

That being said, I will be restrictive in allowing new characters to present member, and I will only allow new characters if the applicant's posting frequency is good enough. If posting frequency has been too low or infrequent, then I can't allow new characters to be added. Please keep this in mind before applying, and don't be surprised if I have to say no based on In-Character posting frequency.


On the 29th of December, @Nolan had been an active member on the sim for 5 years, and therefore, he has earned this token of long service to the story. Time flies, and I still remember when he came aboard with Thomas Ravon, joining in the middle of Episode 02 and the Ishtar visiting Thea. Since then, he has been a steady and reliable presence in the telling of the Theurgy story, adding Amelya Duv and Simon Tovarek as original characters, having Thomas Ravon go MIA for quite some time, and inheriting Cameron Henshaw in the process too. As of Episode 05, Amelya Duv will officially become Amelya Rez, his character joined with the Rez symbiont.

Thank you Nolan for your long service, and I hope you are able to stay with us for five years more (and even longer!) :)


A reminder about the final Award Nominations for 2017. Since we are dealing with the prestigious Golden Chevron this time around, I am disinclined to show favouritism by nominating anyone for it, so that means that all of you guys need to take a few minutes and nominate those who you think should be included in the poll. So far, we have two nominees, but no anonymous nominations sent via PM to me yet.

Here is the thread where you post your nominations:

Final Award Nominations (,2233.0.html)

You may also submit your nominations anonymously via PM to me. I look forward to read your nominations!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 02, 2018, 12:33:07 AM

Figured we'd start 2018-01-01 with a Story Overview, to help us all catch up on who posts where. I had to do it myself in order to see which threads I have to finish now that Josie left us. A new feature time is also the date in which the last reply was made, helping everyone prioritise threads they have forgotten or which they are straggling with.

I also wanted to post this before Episode 05 comes up, to help people catch up before the story continues. :) Another post about Episode 05 will be made asap.

We are still writing in Day 02 and 03 of the Interregnum, with Day 01 off limits for posting new thread starters. The Sabine Away Mission has begun on Day 03. You may post starters on Day 03 up until 1400 hrs., which is concurrent with when the Sabine Away Mission has ended and they - at the earliest - might have gotten back to the Theurgy. So, here are the posting rules for the Interregnum at the moment:

Exceptions to these rules are made by me, so please feel free to PM me if you are in dire need to get something done on Day 01, for example. Lastly, we have a common way of naming new threads. The naming convention is, in short, simply this:

Day XX [XXXX hrs.] Insert Title Of New Thread

In the below lists, you'll see where we're at right now. The threads are in chronological order, and links to click.

DAY 01

Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Focal Point (,2025.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Loose Ends (,2021.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1600 hrs.] The Last Lone Wolves (,2020.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1600 hrs.] The New Pack (,2024.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1630 hrs.] Strength in Unity (,2034.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1700 hrs.] Loose Gears (,2037.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1700 hrs.] Two Stray Threads (,2036.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1700 hrs.] Washing Away the Memories (,2028.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1715 hrs.] Sar-unga Grieving (,2043.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1830 hrs.] Seeds of Malefaction (,2045.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1900 hrs.] Nebula Entry (,2029.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1910 hrs.] Defrosting (,2126.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1930 hrs.] A Doctor's Mechanic (,2053.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1930 hrs.] Fanatical Interests (,2035.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2000 hrs.] Colorful Confluence (,2085.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2030 hrs.] Meeting of Minds (,2054.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2200 hrs.] Drinking Yourself Blind (,2049.0.html)
- Next poster by Table: 1) Brutus 2) Arista 3) DocReno (Latest Reply: 2017-12-10)
- Next poster by Bar: 1) Steelphoenix 2) Kaligos (Ending thread?) (Latest Reply: 2017-12-10)
Day 01 [2200 hrs.] Land of the Living (,2044.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2200 hrs.] Wolves Need Wings (,2077.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2200 hrs.] Your New Roomate (,2086.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2230 hrs.] Intentions & Aftereffects (,2082.0.html) Next poster: Kaligos (Ending thread?) (Latest Reply: 2017-12-30)
Day 01 [2230 hrs.] What Goes Around... (,2047.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2240 hrs.] Sisterly Love (,2228.0.html) Next poster: Even Angels Cry (Latest Reply: 2017-12-27)
Day 01 [2300 hrs.] A Late Night Thank You (,2060.0.html) Next poster: CanadianVet (Latest Reply: 2017-11-16)
Day 01 [2300 hrs.] Where There is Smoke... (,2046.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2315 hrs.] Depth of Guilt (,2059.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2330 hrs.] A Lost Voice (,2030.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2330 hrs.] Beauty and the Beast (,2062.0.html) Next poster: CanadianVet (Latest Reply: 2017-12-22)
Day 01 [2330 hrs.] Making a Splash (,2061.0.html) Next poster: SummerDawn (Latest Reply: 2017-12-23)
Day 01 [2330 hrs.] To Absent Friends (,2055.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2355 hrs.] Just Want To Sleep (,2097.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2400 hrs.] Late Night Talk (,2110.0.html) Next poster: Havenborn (Latest reply: 2017-10-06)
Day 01 [2400 hrs.] Passing On The Torch (,2101.0.html) - Finished!

DAY 02

Day 02 [0005 hrs.] The Blues (,2094.0.html) Next poster: chXinya (Latest Reply: 2017-12-27)
Day 02 [0007 hrs] Rally & Riposte (,2161.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [0020 hrs.] Brief Respite (,2173.0.html) Next poster: Zenozine (Latest Reply: 2017-12-22)
Day 02 [0530 hrs.] Hidden Messages (,2075.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [0530 hrs.] Steamed Therapy (,2157.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [0730 hrs.] Morning Stretch (,2149.0.html) Next poster: Even Angels Cry (Latest Reply: 2017-12-08)
Day 02 [0800 hrs.] The Final Verdict (,2170.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [0920 hrs.] Came for the Pets, Stayed for the Friendship (,2124.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [0930 hrs.] Poisonous Effects (,2072.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [0930 hrs.] Thorny Redemption (,2174.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1000 hrs.] Senior Staff Announcement (,2063.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1015 hrs.] Alive (,2067.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1030 hrs.] Once Upon a Time, I Dreamt I Was a Butterfly... (,2064.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1030 hrs.] Touching Base (,2181.0.html) Next poster: Nolan (Latest Reply: 2017-12-23)
Day 02 [1100 hrs.] The Wrath of Time (,2066.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1130 hrs.] Herbal Therapy (,2185.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1130 hrs.] Social Visit to the Lost (,2073.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1200 hrs.] New Department Head Speeches (,2088.0.html) Next poster: DocReno (Latest Reply: 2017-12-15)
Day 02 [1225 hrs.] New Quarters of the Rising Sun (,2092.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1230 hrs.] Cultural Misunderstandings (,2090.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1230 hrs.] New meets Old (,2148.0.html) Next poster: 1) Jm Von Cat 2) chXinya 3) Auctor Lucan (Ends Thread) (Latest Reply: 2017-12-08)
Day 02 [1300 hrs.] A Bird Made of Wax (,2187.0.html) Next poster: CanadianVet (Latest Reply: 2017-12-07)
Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Fluid Dynamics (,2089.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Garden Greenery (,2135.0.html) Next poster: Hastata-Nerada (Latest Reply: 2017-12-15)
Day 02 [1300 hrs.] An Unusual Asset (,2121.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1315 hrs.] Though I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow (,2074.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1330 hrs.] First Impressions (,2084.0.html) Next poster: chXinya (Latest Reply: 2017-12-07)
Day 02 [1345 hrs] Sword of Damocles (,2164.0.html) Next poster: 1) Nolan 2) Hastata-Nerada (switching to Morali's location) 3) Brutus (Latest Reply: 2017-12-17)
Day 02 [1345 hrs.] Vivisection of Kludge (,2128.0.html) Next poster: Blue Zephyr (Latest Reply: 2017-12-26)
Day 02 [1400 hrs.] Continuing Education (,2083.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1400 hrs.] Everything Old (,2079.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1400 hrs.] Just Checking In (,2087.0.html) Next poster: chXinya
Day 02 [1415 hrs.] Putting Her Back Together (,2080.0.html)
- Bridge: 1) CanadianVet 2) Striker N7 (Last Bridge Scene Reply: 2017-12-11)
Day 02 [1430 hrs.] EVE Program AK-1 DMSA-656 (,2099.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1450 hrs.] Wakey Wakey (,2109.0.html) Next poster: Josie Auctor Lucan (Finishes Thread, Latest Reply 2017-09-12)
Day 02 [1500 hrs.] Koreans, Coffee, and Chit Chat (,2131.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1500 hrs.] Allegiant Check Up (,2223.0.html) Next poster: SummerDawn (Latest Reply 2017-12-14)
Day 02 [1515 hrs.] Untimely Offer (,2225.0.html) Next poster: Even Angels Cry (Latest Reply 2017-12-15)
Day 02 [1530 hrs.] Particular Preliminary Prescriptions (,2123.0.html) Next poster: TrexelCat (Latest Reply: 2017-10-24)
Day 02 [1530 hrs] Discussing Certain Assets (,2221.0.html) Next poster: Nolan (Latest Reply: 2017-12-22)
Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Into the Wild Blue Yonder (,2095.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Serendipity and Vicissitude (,2093.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Valkyries & Valravns (,2122.0.html)
- Pilots talk: 1) Josie Auctor Lucan (in reply to Doc M.) 2) Doc M. 3) Triage 4) Even Angels Cry (Latest Reply... Way back.)
- Mech talk: 1) Havenborn 2) Blue Zephyr (Latest Reply: 2017-12-15)
Day 02 [1620 hrs.] Grindstone (,2184.0.html) Next poster: Brutus (Latest Reply: 2017-12-31)
Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Fighting with the Devil (,2127.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Big Mouth Beatdown (,2160.0.html) Next poster: 1) Brutus 2) Arista 3) Triage (Latest Reply: 2017-10-22)
Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Connecting the Dots (,2150.0.html) Next poster: 1) SummerDawn 2) Steelphoenix 3) Striker N7 (Latest Reply: 2017-12-07)
Day 02 [1700 hrs.] New Life (,2182.0.html) Next poster: 1) chXinya 2) Auctor Lucan 3) Triage (Latest Reply: 2017-12-22)
Day 02 [1700 hrs.] To Choose Wisely or Poorly (,2175.0.html) Next poster: Hastata-Nerada (Latest Reply: 2017-12-22)
Day 02 [1800 hrs.] End of the Day (,2180.0.html) Next poster: Hastata-Nerada (Latest Reply: 2017-12-15)
Day 02 [1800 hrs.] Movies and Memories (,2132.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1800 hrs.] Patrol Guidelines Clearly State! (,2137.0.html) Next poster: Even Angels Cry (Latest Reply: 2017-11-16)
Day 02 [1800 hrs.] To Weaponize Light (,2178.0.html) Next poster: Steelphoenix (Latest Reply: 2017-12-02)
Day 02 [1800 hrs.] Whose Coming to Dinner? (,2152.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1830 hrs.] An Unorthodox Session (,2158.0.html) Next poster: Absinthe (Latest Reply: 2017-12-16)
Day 02 [1830 hrs.] Size Matters (,2199.0.html) Next poster: Hastata-Nerada (Latest Reply: 2017-12-22)
Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Flight Tests (,2134.0.html) Next poster: Josie Auctor Lucan (Latest Reply: 2017-10-16)
Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Precarious Parlay (,2105.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion (,2108.0.html)
- By Table 1: 1) Triage 2) Zenozine (Latest Reply 2017-12-17)
- By Table 2: 1) Steelphoenix2) SummerDawn (Latest Reply 2018-01-01)
Day 02 [1930 hrs.] In Memory of When We Used to call "In Love" (,2176.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Brave Shores (,2222.0.html) Next poster: Nolan (Latest Reply: 2017-12-20)
Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Checking Up, In, & Out (,2151.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Two Techs in a Turbolift (,2107.0.html) Next poster: Triage (Latest Reply: 2017-12-19)
Day 02 [2000hrs] Dinner Plans (,2234.0.html) Next poster: Even Angels Cry (Latest Reply: 2017-12-28)
Day 02 [2100 hrs.] A Long, Hard Day (,2133.0.html) Next poster: FollowTomorrow (Latest Reply: 2017-12-30)
Day 02 [2100 hrs.] Painters 'R Us (,2136.0.html) Next poster: Josie Auctor Lucan (Editing Final Post) (Latest Reply: 2017-10-29)
Day 02 [2200 hrs.] Mea Culpa (,2129.0.html) Next poster: Nolan (Latest Reply: 2017-12-23)

DAY 03

Day 03 [0530 hrs.] Fresh Wounds (,2194.0.html) Next poster: TopHat (Latest Reply: 2017-12-27)
Day 03 [0600 hrs.] Breakfast of Champions (,2130.0.html) Next poster: Striker N7 (Latest Reply: 2017-11-25)
Day 03 [0600 hrs.] Morning of the Kissogram (,2130.0.html) - Finished!
Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Seeking Hope | Away-Mission (,2130.0.html) - Finished!
Day 03 [0700 hrs.] A CAPital conversation (,2130.0.html) Next poster: Even Angels Cry (Latest Reply: 2017-11-17. Finished?)
Day 03 [0700 hrs] Tensions Rising (,2202.0.html) Next poster: chXinya (Latest Reply: 2017-12-15)
Day 03 [0800 hrs.] Putting the Argo back in Gargoyle (,2235.0.html) Next poster: Even Angels Cry (Latest Reply: 2017-12-30)
Day 03 [0800 hrs.] When In Need Of A Tech (,2203.0.html) Next poster: Nolan (Latest Reply: 2017-12-28)
Day 03 [0900 hrs.] True by Untruth (,2206.0.html) Next poster: The Counselor (Latest Reply: 2017-12-09)
Day 03 [0900 hrs.] Time to Reflect (,2227.0.html) Next poster: Jm Von Cat (Latest Reply: 2017-12-17)
Day 03 [1000 hrs.] The Mind Darkly (,2172.0.html) Next poster: Steelphoenix (Latest Reply: 2017-12-15)
Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Mysteries & Appointments (,2186.0.html) Next poster: Auctor Lucan (Latest Reply: 2017-12-28)
Day 03 [1000 hrs.] The Coreless Moon | Away-Mission (,2146.0.html)
- Corridors, En-Route to Transporters: 1) Auctor Lucan 2) Kaligos (Last Reply: 2017-12-28)
- Atrium, En-Route to Docking Bay: 1) Auctor Lucan 2) Striker N7  (Last Reply: 2017-12-30)
- Ruins of the Lightborn: 1) CanadianVet 2) Triage 3) Doc M. (Last Reply: 2018-01-01)
Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Zoom-Zoom | Away-Mission (,2188.0.html)
- Hakkarl Nebula: 1) Havenborn 2) Auctor Lucan 3) Blue Zephyr (Latest Reply: 2017-12-29)
Day 03 [1015hrs.] Letter and Spirit (,2208.0.html) Next poster: Nolan (Latest Reply: 2017-12-27)
Day 03 [1300 hrs.] Facultas Conveniendi (,2171.0.html) Next poster: Hastata-Nerada (Latest Reply: 2017-12-27)
Day 03 [1400 hrs.] AC-477 Valravn Flight Test (,2193.0.html) Next poster: Auctor Lucan (Latest Reply: 2017-12-29)
Day 03 [1400 hrs.] Storm's Break (,2226.0.html) Next poster: Triage (Latest Reply: 2017-12-28)
Day 03 [1400 hrs.] The Herald of War (,2218.0.html) Next poster: Steelphoenix (Latest Reply: 2017-12-28)


Deleted Scene: Razor's Log: Crashed and Marooned (,2008.0.html)Next poster: Nolan (Latest Reply: 2017-07-28)
Deleted Scene: Off Duty Hours  (,2004.0.html)Next poster: 1) Auctor Lucan 2) Even Angels Cry 3) DocReno (Latest Reply: 2017-12-10)

That's where we are at right now. :)


Here is the result of the random encounters for Day 02 or 03 (up until 1400 hrs.)!


As you know, the two writers that have been paired need to figure out a way to do it, and the third column will suggest a location for the two characters to meet. The writer with a character in the left column is the one who posts the starter. Like the last time, I have taken the liberty to cross out the threads already started with green lines, and used yellow for scenes where the writers have expressed wishes to forego the scene due to different reasons. Either the scene has already happened, one or two writers are overburdened, a member has left or a character is in no state to see anyone (injured/dead/stasis/etc.)

If anyone wants to cross out more scenes on this list, feel free to contact me! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 04, 2018, 01:05:03 AM

After sending several posting reminders without answer, and given the chance to return to active status or inform us whether or not she meant to stay and write with us, The Counselor's membership had to be terminated due to inactivity.

( Lt. Hayden Quinn O'Connor     Chief Counselor (NPC) (  
  - Formerly Played by The Counselor (

She played the Chief Counselor, Hayden O'Connor, and she's been a member for a long time, but in the end, we need to have active members in order to drive the story forward.

As for the position of Chief Counselor, Hayden will be reported for negligence of her duties, which led to her failing to foresee the dangers of letting Doctor Maya remain on active duty. By letting Maya continue to serve in Sickbay despite all that Hayden learned from Maya about her black-outs and her being a victim of rape, Maya was able to preform inoculations of hallucinogens to three known patients; Thomas Ravon, Lin Kae and Nathaniel Isley. All three committed acts not entirely their own, which put the crew at great risk and among many other things, resulted in the death of Ensign Skye Carver. That Hayden knew about Doctor Maya's black-outs became known to the crew in a recorded hearing of Doctor Maya, which was held after she released Sonja Acreth from the Brig during the Battle of Starbase 84. 

Hayden O'Connor will therefore be demoted and removed from her position as Chief Counselor, and Asst. Chief Counselor Zeloza Ejek will instead become Acting Chief Counselor (since she is not a full Lieutenant yet, but this makes no difference in terms of her duties and responsibilities). Having been Acting Chief Counslor on the Resolve for quite some time, she will be deemed more than up to the task.

( Lt. JG Zelosa Ejek            Asst. Chief Counselor (  
  - Played by FollowTomorrow (

These rank and position changes will be implemented in the Crew Manifest as soon as this has been played out In-Character in the story, which I will have to do myself, largely in the thread Truth in Untruth. FollowTomorrow will likely become highly involved in the transition as well, of course.

The character Hayden O'Connor will not be made available for inheritance, but instead become an NPC pending a less fortunate fate during Episode 05.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on January 04, 2018, 01:07:37 AM
Speaking of which, I will have replies on all the threads waiting for me this weekend.  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on January 04, 2018, 09:01:39 AM
Well hello 2018! So glad to be here with all of you :) i hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas and New Year!  Here's to another year with the sim!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Absinthe on January 04, 2018, 01:34:07 PM
Just want to say thank you for everyone's patience. I am finally back. Though I my replies might be a bit slow still, but that's just cause it's still me.

Anyway, with my slow output it might not be a good idea for me to start to many threads. So if you want to duck out of the random threads with me, feel free. I plan to try and start them within the next week.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 05, 2018, 03:06:07 AM

>> Link to the New Episode 05 Sub-Forum (,22.0.html)

Today, Episode 05 has officially begun in the form of the cold open to this new part of our story. Chapter 01: Protectors of Truth will be posted once it's finished, but for now, please enjoy the first starter.

Prologue: Awakening (,2237.0.html)

Since it is a tad late, I will be posting about the upcoming Award Polls tomorrow instead. Enjoy the reading!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on January 05, 2018, 08:56:18 AM
Do I spy the Borg in the back there?

Oh man, I'm not sure which of us or them I feel most sorry for.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 05, 2018, 11:56:20 AM

Hello again Theurgists! Thanks you all for the kind words on the start of Episode 05! :)

Thank you also to those who took their time to make nominations in the Blaze of Glory and Golden Chevron categories. The nomination time has expired, and the two polls have been posted, one for each award category:

The Blaze of Glory Award Poll 2017 (,2238.0.html)

The Golden Chevron Award Poll 2017 (,2239.0.html)

The polls will run for 7 days, in which those who cast their votes should take a few minutes to read the linked scenes first. The nominee(s) who get the most votes will receive the Blaze of Glory or Golden Chevron respectively. If you are a Nominee, you may not vote on yourself, but you are free to vote on your fellow competitors.

Thank you in advance for your voting in these award categories!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 06, 2018, 03:10:24 AM

A "new" species has added to the story in the form of the Savi, otherwise known as the Sheromi by the Asurians. These will be heavily featured in Episode 05. It was quite a write-up to make, but totally worth it. Next for me is to make pages for their Precept ships and their Initiators, which will be finished as soon as possible. :)

>> Click to see the Species Page of the Savi (

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: FollowTomorrow on January 06, 2018, 03:46:22 AM
My Sheromi... *sniffle, single manly tear* They grew up so fast!

8P I can only nitpick two things;
"They [Scions] also had a life expectancy of 400 years, four times longer than the Antes." Antes live about 50 years, so I think that would mean they live 8 times as long as an Antes.

Right and left brained humans are a myth, we all use our brains about equally on both sides and both sides participate in language, creativity, quantitative, reasoning, etc. Moreover, individual neurons and neuron clusters can take on different responsibilities depending on demand; i.e.; a person who has no ears may find their temporal lobes being used for other things besides hearing.
There are right and left brained differences, but to base a societal structure on the neuronal density of one side of the brain compared to the other might lead to quite a lot of wrong caste assignments. 8P However, that's with humans. Sheromi can be different--and if they were predominantly organized in that way, it would make brain damage much more debilitating in them than it would be in us. After all, humans can stand to lose an entire half of their brain, sometimes more, and retain most, if not all of their facilities, save for some issues concerning vision and coordination in the missing hemisphere.

That's not really a big deal though. That's just me nitpicking, and honestly I don't think it takes away from the enjoyability and believability of the Savi race. I'm so happy with what you've done and I'm excited to see them--and bash some Sheromi mooks!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 06, 2018, 11:11:47 AM
That's awesome feedback! Thank you! I have corrected these issues now, and I'm happy that there weren't any more issues with it. I finished it in the middle of the night, lol.

Happy to hear you like the Savi (while some of us might keep calling them the Sheromi for some time)! I might also improve upon the images some before I wrap up the project. I have been in contact with an artist on Artstation about using his artwork for the Sheromi, but since I have yet to hear back from him, I am using stock images I bought from Shutterstock for the time being. I will tell you if I change the visual stuff for the Savi. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 07, 2018, 09:59:04 AM
Savi artwork updated late last night! A great improvement in my meaning, not using stock images from Shutterstock any more. Press Shift÷F5 to reload the page and clear the image cache. ☺

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: DocReno on January 07, 2018, 06:35:09 PM
I wanted to take a moment and share something rather important with the everyone, even though a couple of you have known that I've been giddy about something this past couple of weeks.

On January the 7th, 1998-I watched with great joy as my very first post for Star Trek: Babylon appeared on the IC mailing list with my very first character, Ensign Marcus A. Slayton, reporting for duty to the ship's chief engineer for the first time.

That's right-1998.

That is my milestone that I wanted to share will all of you here today: my TWENTY YEAR milestone!

Twenty years of writing characters across sims ranging from Star Trek to Star Wars to both kinds of Battlestar Galactica to Stargate SG-1 to CSI to Super Heroes & Doctor Who, it really didn't matter as long as the story was interesting enough for my attention to be caught and drag me in.

I have been apart of some pretty awesome events over the years such as the Weber-verse "Triad War" and the Bravo Fleet "Borg War" to even a Federation Civil War in two separate sims, Hell I have even been apart of large groups of sims such as the late Nova Horizons, Alpha, Bravo, and Obsidian Fleets as well as the UCIP or the United Confederation of Interstellar Planets.

Now I'm here, being apart of another killer story along another killer group of writers that I can share this milestone with since this is now my "home sim", the one sim that I hang my hat on because this is where I'll come back to.

So pop open a bottle of your favorite drink and raise a glass to you all because you're all an incredible bunch and I'm glad to be sharing this milestone with you all-Cheers!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 08, 2018, 05:37:16 PM

Make sure you read the OOC note too. :) Got to run, but all info needed should be there.

Chapter 01: Protectors of Truth (,2242.0.html)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 09, 2018, 09:47:57 AM

New thread in Episode 05 for Tactical Conn and Fighter Bay Ops! :)

Chapter 01: Supplemental | New Pack, Old Teeth (,2244.0.html)

Since we have not progressed far enough in the Sabine mission, I will not be posting a Supplemental thread for the Sabine yet. Hope the ones next to post in the Sabine mission can make time for it soon so that we can move on to Episode 05.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 10, 2018, 01:47:11 AM

It is my pleasure to announce our newest member, Kaylex Ren. They will actually write a well known character to us, and one that I have been NPCing since Esyel left us. Kaylex Ren did not wish to apply with a character of their own, and saw no problem in us having closed new character creation. No, they took a fancy to playing this Nurse, who has been around since Episode 01 to varying degrees!

( Lt. JG Jovela                 Nurse (  
  - Played by Kaylex Ren (

It is Nurse Jovela! She will be breathed life into with the help from this latest member of ours, and since you all know what happened in the Prologue of Episode 05, Kaylex Ren is in for a very dramatic first scene, depicting what happened after Dylan Cobb attacked this nurse. ;) Didn't see that one coming, did you?

Kaylex Ren has already read up on the character's past before now, even the stint in Episode 01, and as always with inherited characters, they have the creative license to rewrite her character page and play her differently than she used to be played, and I personally look forward to what they decide to do with this character. Moreover, they will re-start writing Jovela in the thread What Goes Around, for those who want to read up on the new development there.

Welcome aboard, Kaylex Ren! The floor is yours. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on January 10, 2018, 01:50:50 AM
Welcome aboard Ren! If you ever want to write any threads just let me know!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on January 10, 2018, 01:52:16 AM
Welcome to the family, Kaylex! Hope you have fun here. Take your time to acclimatize and hit us up when you're ready to have threads!

My characters will visit sickbay often
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on January 10, 2018, 05:40:22 AM
Welcome aboard!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kaylex Ren on January 10, 2018, 07:35:37 AM
Thank you all for the warm welcome! First things first, "Kaylex Ren" is a joint account for an engaged couple, Alex & Kay. We are both passionate writers and have both been huge fans of Star Trek since childhood so being able to co-create a character who we felt is so in tune with ourselves and thus playing a unique part in the beautifully immersive expansion of our favorite fandom that is Star Trek: Theurgy is both a great pleasure and a privilege. Please look forward to our forthcoming addition to Jovela's story in "What Goes Around" tomorrow and we will be picking up the action packed scene in Sickbay soon after. Thank you again for inviting us to be a part of this fantastic voyage to where no one in Starfleet records has gone before. 😊
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Absinthe on January 10, 2018, 08:39:14 AM
Welcome aboard, both of you~ And welcome to Sickbay. It's a bit messy right now, but then again thanks to our CMO, it's always far more complicated in Sickbay than it is safe to think about.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 10, 2018, 11:29:05 AM

Here are the polls:

The Blaze of Glory Award Poll 2017 (,2238.0.html)

The Golden Chevron Award Poll 2017 (,2239.0.html)

Voting closes on the 12th. Thank you in advance for your voting in these award categories! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on January 10, 2018, 11:55:56 AM
Welcome to you both, @Kaylex Ren! I am officially no longer the newest around haha. Good to have you with us!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Jm Von Cat on January 10, 2018, 06:04:35 PM
Welcome aboard the pair of you, we shall see you around.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kaylex Ren on January 10, 2018, 06:48:03 PM
Thank you again! As promised, we posted the continuation of "What Goes Around..." (,2047.msg13823.html#msg13823) and have updated Jovela's service record to reflect the events mentioned there in ( We are eager for feedback and once again, feeling ever so lucky to be here! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on January 10, 2018, 07:58:12 PM
Welcome Kaylex, I look forward to writing with you at some point in the future.

The link to our Discord chatroom can be found in the top menu.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on January 10, 2018, 09:27:41 PM
Welcome Kaylex!!  How exciting to have you both here and writing with us! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on January 10, 2018, 09:48:32 PM
Welcome aboard Kaylex. Interesting to see a couple give this a try. Meet you on the writing field!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kaylex Ren on January 11, 2018, 03:17:09 AM
Good evening, all! As you maybe have noticed, we have updated Jovela's bio once again to include more details about her personality and interests as well as introducing a cuddly character who has, it turns out, been on board with the Risian nurse from the beginning;  Rhyannen, the Midnight-hued Risian Lunarian Caracal, rescued from captivity and death by Jovela as a cub. These two have had a very close bond such as many people have with their real life service animals and thus, during Jovela's period in stasis, it must have been exceptionally difficult for Rhyannen to be isolated from her surrogate mother so our question is this. Is there anyone who was serving aboard Theurgy from the time of the Niga Incident until Jovela's awakening just before the Battle of Starbase 84 who may have been available to care for her companion? While we could always shoehorn a logical explanation using an unknown NPC, we thought that we might first see if anyone else feels like their character might have needed Rhyannen's company, even as Rhyannen was needing company in Jovela's absence. It is an opportunity for someone important to Jovela to have formed a close bond with Rhyannen as well. We look forward to hearing from you all.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on January 11, 2018, 03:27:20 AM
I'm not entirely sure as I was not the writer of the character at the time, but I have been told by outside sources that Jovela and Nathaniel Isley have had interactions in the past, as they were both founding members of the crew he could have helped to look after Rhyannen during her stay in stasis and we can write a thread in Day 02 where she comes to pick the pet up from him if you both so desire (or later he is free most of the time since he is my least used character)

This would A) Give Nathan something more humanizing to look after and I would only require the edit of one or two posts.

and B) Since Jovela is already in close with Drauc T'Lars it builds a connection between Jovela and Nathan which is important because it can help him come to the terms that he is related to Drauc, and half romulan.

(I was also hoping to do a brother x Jovela sandwhich down the line, but that is a conversation for another day and time)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kaylex Ren on January 12, 2018, 01:23:38 AM
Woopsie daisy, everybody. Sorry to spam you all with the announcement of that thread. One of us is practically a hopeless Luddite  and we are also still just getting the hang of things around here. Thank you all for your patience, assistance and enthusiasm for our joining this good ship and crew.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 12, 2018, 01:54:55 AM
Haha! I was worried the forum was malfunctioning. Glad to hear it was just a mistake. ;)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: BZ on January 12, 2018, 03:04:00 AM
Welcome welcome!  Looking forward to seeing you around on the board!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 12, 2018, 09:15:17 PM

The votes in the two final polls are in, and here are the results! :)


Primary reason for nomination: For the death scene of Komial Dotnihil


Motivation & Links: Episode 04 was a long affair in how it spanned both the time before the Theurgy arrived to Starbase 84, as well as the climatic battle that followed. While not everyone wrote in the former half of the Episode, one of the antagonists depicted there left a deep impression with many writers. The antagonist - if one may call her that - was Komial Dotnhil, who was loyal to Captain Hawthorne because of their past together. She was the lover of the parasite-infested base commander too, fooled by his charms and even if she grew suspicious towards him in the end of her story, she remained loyal to the end. This was a deeply tragic character in how one felt for her, wanted her to learn the truth, and hoped that she might become a part of the Theurgy crew. Sadly, her fate was sealed in the final battle of Episode 04, where she met her end before her time, in a fall much reminiscent to that of Emperor Palatine in The Return of the Jedi. I nominate @Brutus for this tragic character's rise in our hearts, and her steadfast loyalty  until her bitter end. It is not often one cheers for the enemy like one did for Komial Dotnhil. :)

Link - Komial's Death:,1201.msg9945.html#msg9945

Motivation & Links by Kaligos: When I think about the most outstanding writers there are a few that come to mind, but I also have to look at everyone I have written with, and pick out the best of them. I actually have two people I will be nominating for this award, the person I have the most fun with, and the person that has forced me to improve the most over the year.

With EAC I see the flip side of this, EAC's posts are a joy to read, and out of everyone in the sim probably one of the writers I enjoy working alongside the most. She brings the fun to this rp, and it would be hard for me not to nominate her. From the very first thread we were in together I have been watching the progress of her characters Jaya Thorne and Angel, and have been thrilled to have my characters working along side her.


POLL RESULT NOTICE: It just so happened that @Even Angels Cry and I ended up with the same number of votes in this poll, and since I feel there should only be one winner of the Golden Chevron Award each year, I would like to give up my Golden Chevron for EAC's sake, since I truly think she deserve it, and I hope she will continue making as much time as she can for this sim.

Thank you, EAC, for the scenes with your girls so far, and we all look forward to reading more about them. :)

This concludes the Awards season for 2017, and I feel I would have liked to hand out more awards, but here is where we ended up this year. So, come the fall of 2018, we'll start up with the awards again, and we'll see if we'll add any awards until then too.

I will be making service badges for Episode 05 eventually, and add them to all members who have begun posting in the new Episode. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on January 12, 2018, 09:21:50 PM
Omg that's so freaking cool!!  Thank you guys!! Really it means a lot that you enjoy my work, even when it's late Lol!!!

And @Brutus, congratulations!! I cried at that death scene.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triton on January 13, 2018, 11:14:05 AM
@Kaylex Ren Welcome aboard! Two heads are better than one... even if that name does sound a little like Kylo Ren xD

As many of you know I was making an arduous but adventurous delivery from Los Angeles to the state of Montana recently, roughly near the Canadian Border.

It was the closest I've been to one of those snowy climates many of you were used to, so I had my first snowball fight, made my first snow angel (froze my butt doing so). The adventure had its perils and pitfalls, close encounters and fair share of memorable encounters. Like when a family of deer lept across my path to welcome us to their state before I drove through a storm in slippery roads at night without a gas station or cell coverage. My faithful Truck pulled through.

It wasn't all bad of course-- not by a long shot, just a real adventure. I got a new laptop for my troubles. I really needed that, as my other machine gradually died, and I was about to get Tourettes Syndrome on account at cursing at my computer's blue screens of death. In step with the new year, and in homage to the entire trip, I'd like to officially change my name on the Forums and on Discord.

Hence forth I shall be known as Triton. Formal change in callsign effective immediately.

Unfortunately, my home was affected by weather I'm sure many of you were affected by recently, particularly those of you on the East Coast. Good news is that repairs were wholly taken care of today while the new laptop was established. This is excellent news for me. Within hours of this post, it's time to Theurgize more often than before. :D

Helm: Set a course for Theurgizing, maximum warp. We've got a battle to rejoin and some tides to turn.

Congrats to EAC and Brutus. Marquez spotted her spots on his way onto Theurgy for the first time, so that character was a notable one in my book, a timestamp of my arrival to the sim. Qapla! EAC, always a good read ;) 

Once again, Welcome Kaylex Ren :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 14, 2018, 10:00:49 PM

A Story Overview follows, to help us all catch up on who posts where. A new feature time is also the date in which the last reply was made, helping everyone prioritise threads they have forgotten or which they are straggling with.

In the Interregnum, we are still writing in Day 02 and 03, with Day 01 off limits for posting new thread starters. You may post starters on Day 03 up until 1400 hrs., and Episode 05 begins at 1500 hrs. Here is a guide:

Exceptions to these rules are made by me, so please feel free to PM me if you are in dire need to get something done on Day 01, for example. Lastly, we have a common way of naming new threads. The naming convention for the Interregnum is this:

Day XX [XXXX hrs.] Insert Title Of New Thread

And the naming convention for Episode 05 is this:

Chapter XX: Supplemental | Title of the Chapter's Concurrent Scene

In the below lists, you'll see where we're at right now. The threads are in chronological order, and links to click:


DAY 01

Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Focal Point (,2025.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Loose Ends (,2021.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1600 hrs.] The Last Lone Wolves (,2020.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1600 hrs.] The New Pack (,2024.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1630 hrs.] Strength in Unity (,2034.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1700 hrs.] Loose Gears (,2037.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1700 hrs.] Two Stray Threads (,2036.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1700 hrs.] Washing Away the Memories (,2028.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1715 hrs.] Sar-unga Grieving (,2043.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1830 hrs.] Seeds of Malefaction (,2045.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1900 hrs.] Nebula Entry (,2029.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1910 hrs.] Defrosting (,2126.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1930 hrs.] A Doctor's Mechanic (,2053.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [1930 hrs.] Fanatical Interests (,2035.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2000 hrs.] Colorful Confluence (,2085.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2030 hrs.] Meeting of Minds (,2054.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2200 hrs.] Drinking Yourself Blind (,2049.0.html)
- Next poster by Table: 1) Arista 2) DocReno 3) Brutus (Latest Reply: 2018-01-09)
- Next poster by Bar: 1) Steelphoenix 2) Kaligos (Ending thread?) (Latest Reply: 2017-12-10)
Day 01 [2200 hrs.] Land of the Living (,2044.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2200 hrs.] Wolves Need Wings (,2077.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2200 hrs.] Your New Roomate (,2086.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2230 hrs.] Intentions & Aftereffects (,2082.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2230 hrs.] What Goes Around... (,2047.0.html) Next poster: Kaylex Ren (Latest Reply: 2018-01-12)
Day 01 [2240 hrs.] Sisterly Love (,2228.0.html) Next poster: Even Angels Cry (Latest Reply: 2017-12-27)
Day 01 [2300 hrs.] A Late Night Thank You (,2060.0.html) Next poster: CanadianVet (Latest Reply: 2017-11-16)
Day 01 [2300 hrs.] Where There is Smoke... (,2046.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2315 hrs.] Depth of Guilt (,2059.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2330 hrs.] A Lost Voice (,2030.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2330 hrs.] Beauty and the Beast (,2062.0.html) Next poster: Triage (Latest Reply: 2018-01-12)
Day 01 [2330 hrs.] Making a Splash (,2061.0.html) Next poster: SummerDawn (Latest Reply: 2017-12-23)
Day 01 [2330 hrs.] To Absent Friends (,2055.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2355 hrs.] Just Want To Sleep (,2097.0.html) - Finished!
Day 01 [2400 hrs.] Late Night Talk (,2110.0.html) Next poster: Havenborn (Latest reply: 2017-10-06)
Day 01 [2400 hrs.] Passing On The Torch (,2101.0.html) - Finished!

DAY 02

Day 02 [0005 hrs.] The Blues (,2094.0.html) Next poster: chXinya (Latest Reply: 2017-12-27)
Day 02 [0007 hrs] Rally & Riposte (,2161.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [0020 hrs.] Brief Respite (,2173.0.html) Next poster: Auctor Lucan (Latest Reply: 2018-01-14)
Day 02 [0530 hrs.] Hidden Messages (,2075.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [0530 hrs.] Steamed Therapy (,2157.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [0730 hrs.] Morning Stretch (,2149.0.html) Next poster: Even Angels Cry (Latest Reply: 2017-12-08)
Day 02 [0800 hrs.] The Final Verdict (,2170.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [0920 hrs.] Came for the Pets, Stayed for the Friendship (,2124.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [0930 hrs.] Poisonous Effects (,2072.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [0930 hrs.] Thorny Redemption (,2174.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1000 hrs.] Senior Staff Announcement (,2063.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1015 hrs.] Alive (,2067.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1030 hrs.] Once Upon a Time, I Dreamt I Was a Butterfly... (,2064.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1030 hrs.] Touching Base (,2181.0.html) Next poster: Brutus (Latest Reply: 2018-01-03)
Day 02 [1100 hrs.] The Wrath of Time (,2066.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1129 hrs.] Reaching Out (,2251.0.html) Next poster: Kaylex Ren (Latest Reply: 2018-01-12)
Day 02 [1130 hrs.] Herbal Therapy (,2185.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1130 hrs.] Social Visit to the Lost (,2073.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1200 hrs.] New Department Head Speeches (,2088.0.html) Next poster: chXinya (Latest Reply: 2018-11-04)
Day 02 [1225 hrs.] New Quarters of the Rising Sun (,2092.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1230 hrs.] Cultural Misunderstandings (,2090.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1230 hrs.] New meets Old (,2148.0.html) Next poster: 1) chXinya 2) Auctor Lucan (Ends Thread) (Latest Reply: 2018-01-13)
Day 02 [1300 hrs.] A Bird Made of Wax (,2187.0.html) Next poster: CanadianVet (Latest Reply: 2018-01-13)
Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Fluid Dynamics (,2089.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Garden Greenery (,2135.0.html) Next poster: Hastata-Nerada (Latest Reply: 2018-01-10)
Day 02 [1300 hrs.] An Unusual Asset (,2121.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1315 hrs.] Though I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow (,2074.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1330 hrs.] First Impressions (,2084.0.html) Next poster: CanadianVet (Latest Reply: 2018-01-04)
Day 02 [1345 hrs] Sword of Damocles (,2164.0.html) Next poster: 1) Brutus 2) Nolan 3) Hastata-Nerada (Latest Reply: 2018-01-09)
Day 02 [1345 hrs.] Vivisection of Kludge (,2128.0.html) Next poster: Blue Zephyr (Latest Reply: 2018-01-13)
Day 02 [1400 hrs.] Continuing Education (,2083.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1400 hrs.] Everything Old (,2079.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1400 hrs.] Just Checking In (,2087.0.html) Next poster: chXinya (Latest Reply: 2018-01-04)
Day 02 [1415 hrs.] Putting Her Back Together (,2080.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1430 hrs.] EVE Program AK-1 DMSA-656 (,2099.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1450 hrs.] Wakey Wakey (,2109.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1500 hrs.] Allegiant Check Up (,2223.0.html) Next poster: SummerDawn (Latest Reply 2017-12-14)
Day 02 [1500 hrs.] Koreans, Coffee, and Chit Chat (,2131.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1515 hrs.] Untimely Offer (,2225.0.html) Next poster: Even Angels Cry (Latest Reply 2017-12-15)
Day 02 [1530 hrs.] Particular Preliminary Prescriptions (,2123.0.html) Next poster: TrexelCat (Latest Reply: 2017-10-24)
Day 02 [1530 hrs] Discussing Certain Assets (,2221.0.html) Next poster: Nolan (Latest Reply: 2018-01-11)
Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Into the Wild Blue Yonder (,2095.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Serendipity and Vicissitude (,2093.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Valkyries & Valravns (,2122.0.html)
- Mech talk: 1) Havenborn 2) Blue Zephyr (Latest Reply: 2017-12-15)
Day 02 [1620 hrs.] Grindstone (,2184.0.html) Next poster: Brutus (Latest Reply: 2017-12-31)
Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Fighting with the Devil (,2127.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Big Mouth Beatdown (,2160.0.html) Next poster: 1) Brutus 2) Arista 3) Triage (Latest Reply: 2017-10-22)
Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Connecting the Dots (,2150.0.html) Next poster: 1) Steelphoenix 2) Striker N7 3) Steelphoenix (Latest Reply: 2018-01-07)
Day 02 [1700 hrs.] New Life (,2182.0.html) Next poster: 1) chXinya 2) Auctor Lucan 3) Triage (Latest Reply: 2018-01-05)
Day 02 [1700 hrs.] To Choose Wisely or Poorly (,2175.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1745 hrs.] Hallway Briefing (,2195.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1800 hrs.] End of the Day (,2180.0.html) Next poster: Hastata-Nerada (Latest Reply: 2018-01-08)
Day 02 [1800 hrs.] Movies and Memories (,2132.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1800 hrs.] Patrol Guidelines Clearly State! (,2137.0.html) Next poster: Even Angels Cry (Latest Reply: 2017-11-16)
Day 02 [1800 hrs.] To Weaponize Light (,2178.0.html) Next poster: Steelphoenix (Latest Reply: 2017-12-02)
Day 02 [1800 hrs.] Whose Coming to Dinner? (,2152.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1830 hrs.] An Unorthodox Session (,2158.0.html) Next poster: Absinthe (Latest Reply: 2018-01-05)
Day 02 [1830 hrs.] Size Matters (,2199.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Flight Tests (,2134.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Precarious Parlay (,2105.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion (,2108.0.html)
- By Table 1: 1) Triage 2) Zenozine (Latest Reply 2018-01-14)
- By Table 2: 1) SummerDawn 2) Steelphoenix (Latest Reply 2018-01-14)
Day 02 [1930 hrs.] In Memory of When We Used to call "In Love" (,2176.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Brave Shores (,2222.0.html) Next poster: Nolan (Latest Reply: 2018-01-03)
Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Checking Up, In, & Out (,2151.0.html) - Finished!
Day 02 [2000hrs] Dinner Plans (,2234.0.html) Next poster: Even Angels Cry (Latest Reply: 2018-01-10)
Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Two Techs in a Turbolift (,2107.0.html) Next poster: Hastata-Nerada (Latest Reply: 2018-01-13)
Day 02 [2030 hrs.] Meeting in the Myriad (,2248.0.html) Next poster: Hastata-Nerada (Latest Reply: 2018-01-12)
Day 02 [2100 hrs.] A Long, Hard Day (,2133.0.html) Next poster: CanadianVet (Latest Reply: 2018-01-02)
Day 02 [2100 hrs.] Lizards of a Scale (,2200.0.html) Next poster: Arista (Latest Reply: 2018-01-04)
Day 02 [2100 hrs.] Painters 'R Us (,2136.0.html) Next poster: - Finished!
Day 02 [2200 hrs.] Mea Culpa (,2129.0.html) Next poster: Brutus (Latest Reply: 2018-01-03)

DAY 03

Day 03 [0300hrs] Trusting Pains (,2241.0.html) Next poster: TrexelCat (Latest Reply: 2018-01-09)
Day 03 [0530 hrs.] Ca Sau Ham Tieu Xanh (,2224.0.html) Next poster: Absinthe (Latest Reply: 2018-01-10)
Day 03 [0530 hrs.] Fresh Wounds (,2194.0.html) - Finished!
Day 03 [0600 hrs.] Beginning of the Day (,2243.0.html) Next poster: Hastata-Nerada (Latest Reply: 2018-01-13)
Day 03 [0600 hrs.] Breakfast of Champions (,2130.0.html) Next poster: Striker N7 (Latest Reply: 2017-11-25)
Day 03 [0600 hrs.] Escaping Reality (,2229.0.html) Next poster: Even Angels Cry (Latest Reply: 2017-11-27)
Day 03 [0600 hrs.] Morning of the Kissogram (,2130.0.html) - Finished!
Day 03 [0700 hrs.] A CAPital conversation (,2130.0.html) Next poster: Even Angels Cry (Latest Reply: 2017-11-17. Finished?)
Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Seeking Hope | Away-Mission (,2130.0.html) - Finished!
Day 03 [0700 hrs] Tensions Rising (,2202.0.html) Next poster: Blue Zephyr (Latest Reply: 2018-01-05)
Day 03 [0800 hrs.] Putting the Argo back in Gargoyle (,2235.0.html) Next poster: Striker N7 (Latest Reply: 2018-01-10)
Day 03 [0800 hrs.] Reactive Magnetism (,2240.0.html) Next poster: Arista (Latest Reply: 2018-01-10)
Day 03 [0900 hrs.] True by Untruth (,2206.0.html) - Finished!
Day 03 [0800 hrs.] When In Need Of A Tech (,2203.0.html) Next poster: Kaligos (Latest Reply: 2018-01-11)
Day 03 [0900 hrs.] Searchlights (,2215.0.html) Next poster: CanadianVet (Latest Reply: 2018-01-12)
Day 03 [0900 hrs.] Time to Reflect (,2227.0.html) Next poster: Jm Von Cat (Latest Reply: 2018-01-12)
Day 03 [1000 hrs.] The Mind Darkly (,2172.0.html) Next poster: Steelphoenix (Latest Reply: 2018-01-10)
Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Mysteries & Appointments (,2186.0.html) Next poster: Kaligos (Latest Reply: 2018-01-12)
Day 03 [1000 hrs.] The Coreless Moon | Away-Mission (,2146.0.html) - Finished!
Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Zoom-Zoom | Away-Mission (,2188.0.html) - Finished!
Day 03 [1045 hrs.] Setting Sun | Away Mission (,2250.0.html)
Next poster: 1) Havenborn  2) Striker N7  3) Doc M. 4) Kaligos 5) Triage  5) Blue Zephyr (Latest Reply: 2018-01-14)
Day 03 [1015hrs.] Letter and Spirit (,2208.0.html) Next poster: Nolan (Latest Reply: 2018-01-10)
Day 03 [10:15 hrs.] Shuffling the Deck (,2236.0.html) Next poster: FollowTomorrow (Latest Reply: 2018-01-12)
Day 03 [1100 hrs.] Caracal Caretaking (,2252.0.html) Next poster: Kaylex Ren (Latest Reply: 2018-01-14)
Day 03 [1300 hrs.] Facultas Conveniendi (,2171.0.html) Next poster: Brutus (Latest Reply: 2018-01-05)
Day 03 [1400 hrs.] AC-477 Valravn Flight Test (,2193.0.html) - Finished!
Day 03 [1400 hrs.] Storm's Break (,2226.0.html) - Finished!
Day 03 [1400 hrs.] The Herald of War (,2218.0.html) Next poster: Steelphoenix (Latest Reply: 2018-01-09)


Prologue: Awakening [ Day 03 | 1500 hrs. ] (,2237.0.html) Next poster: 1) SummerDawn 2) Jm Von Cat 3) Auctor Lucan (Latest Reply: 2018-01-13)
Chapter 01: Protectors of Truth [ Day 03 | 1507 hrs. ] (,2242.0.html) Next poster: Brutus, chXinya, DocReno (+ All who have yet posted) (Latest Reply: 2018-01-11)
Chapter 01: Supplemental | New Pack, Old Teeth (,2244.0.html) Next poster: (All Tac CONN & Fighter Bay Ops who have yet posted) (Latest Reply: 2018-01-13)


Deleted Scene: Razor's Log: Crashed and Marooned (,2008.0.html)Next poster: Nolan (Latest Reply: 2017-07-28)
Deleted Scene: Off Duty Hours  (,2004.0.html)Next poster: 1) Even Angels Cry 2) DocReno (Latest Reply: 2018-01-02)

That's where we are at right now. :)


I cleaned up the Random Encounters list, removing those either begun already or removed on request.


I want to remind everyone that this list is entirely optional, of course, and that you should contact me if you want to remove an encounter from it. The writer of the character in the left column start the thread, and the listed location is entirely optional.

That's all for now!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 18, 2018, 04:12:46 PM


Hi there! I have the pleasure to announce that as far as what's needed for the first part of Episode 05, the Savi are finished. This, in the form of these new pages in our database (click the headers):

The information about the species.

One of the four flagships of the Savi Flotilla, which will be featured in Episode 05.

The combat crafts that will be a part of the opposition that the Savi will pose.

The two first NPCs in the Episode, Echtand and Semathal.

I will be making images for the listed Asurians in the last page too, but not today, I think. Hope you like the result of the huge project, and I do think we have something awesome in form of antagonists in this Episode. :)

Feedback is most welcome!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: BZ on January 18, 2018, 05:13:28 PM
Wow!  That looks amazing!  You do such phenomenal work!  Kudos to you and all you do to make this site so badass!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: FollowTomorrow on January 18, 2018, 06:50:26 PM
I'm so proud!!! I couldn't be more thrilled that these little back story bugs have a spotlight of their own now! and they look so good too!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 19, 2018, 04:27:05 PM
Thanks for all the kind feedback on the Savi! :)


Since sim recruitment is about to start up soon, I went over our old General Rules and made some updates to it, mainly clarifying things and adding one thing of consequence that I hope will aid in story progression when we have a lot of writers writing concurrently in the new Episode. Here is the new "I.".

I.Post length should consist of more than two hundred (200) words per post (equals roughly 3 paragraphs), and our writers should always try to reply in all their current threads within one (1) week. The goal of minimum post lengths is to encourage you to develop the storyline, setting, and characters within your posts. If a writer can't keep up their posting frequency for Real Life reasons, they should always communicate with their co-writers and the GM and tell them when they might be able to post again.

More important than post length, however, is writing a good reply. This includes:
  • Reacting to the other character's actions and speech. If a character does something, have your character react. Otherwise, it looks like your character is ignoring the other characters, or that you as a writer are not fully reading the replies you are given.
  • Giving the other writer enough to react to. This ties in very heavily with length. Be sure to describe various aspects of your character's interaction for clarity. (Examples: If your character speaks, does s/he speak in a particular tone? Does s/he use a facial expression? Does s/he physically react to the other character's words or actions?)

Every single post you write should always be spell-checked and proofread for proper grammar and accuracy. Mistakes are human, but a quick read-over is an easy way to ensure the whole group enjoys the story even more. The immersion of the scene shouldn't be broken by too many errors when reading up on the development.
This is more or less how things are done already, but with a firmer deadline on when replies are due in all one's threads, this should have a few positive consequences:
 1) You won't generally have to wait for your co-writers for more than a week, certainly not for months.
 2) Overall story progression in the main story will be quicker, keeping Episodes from being run for years at the time.
 3) The deadline will also keep writers from spreading themselves out thin across 10+ threads, knowing that they have to reply within a week.
 4) Writers will also only request to create as many characters as they can keep up with.

This rule change may be more difficult to meet for some writers, but remember what it said above: "If a writer can't keep up their posting frequency for Real Life reasons, they should always communicate with their co-writers and the GM and tell them when they might be able to post again." This only makes it more important to keep your co-writers informed when you are over-encumbered and can't meet the deadline.

This rule change has been requested a few times over the years, and I feel that now is a good time to finally implement it. I think this will have many positive effects.

Here is a link to the General Rules ( page.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 20, 2018, 03:09:02 AM

I have the pleasure to announce that Hastata-Nerada will be writing someone that - for me - is an awesome throw-back to the past. :)

( Lt. JG Khorin Douglas         Wolf-02 [Hardtop] (  
  - Played by Hastata-Nerada (

Please meet Khorin Douglas, you who don't know this face. One of the original Lone Wolves, just like Razor, Goldeneye and Isley, once serving under SCO Jaru Rel and then Miles Renard. Khorin was put into stasis during the first battle against the Calamity, just like Honey Badger, and will be removed from stasis during Day 02. He will have designation Wolf-02 as of Episode 05, since Josie's character Rini won't make it back from the Sabine Mission.

Looking forward to reading this guys new adventures!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: BZ on January 20, 2018, 03:18:36 AM
WHOOOOOO can't wait to meet him!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triton on January 22, 2018, 01:33:18 AM
Well obtained, Hastata!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 22, 2018, 01:45:12 AM

Since Vystori left us, the Orion woman that's second in command in the Operations department was left an NPC until today. Because now, Triage will write...

( Lt. JG A’vura Zeshryr         Asst. Chief of Operations (
  - Played by Triage (

For those unfamiliar with A'Vura Zeshryr, she was the Acting Chief of Operations on the Resolve by the time they made it back to Federation space and Starbase 84. When wandering the base, finally back, she came across a Romulan. A Romulan that almost took advantage of her, but who was killed right before her eyes. While she got away with her modesty intact, she was arrested for his murder. Captain Kendrick forcibly freed her and Drauc T'Laus from the brig, having enough evidence to call foul play, and brought them both back to the Resolve. When the Battle of Starbase 84 unfolded, A'vura ended up aboard the Theurgy along with the rest of the Resolve's crew. Once aboard, she was promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade and made Asst. Chief of Operations.

I look forward to reading this character's new adventures in the Interregnum and in Episode 05. Have fun with her, Triage!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 23, 2018, 10:51:22 PM

Hello everyone! Hope you are all okay out there!

Carrigan Trent has found that this guy....

( CWO1 Sten Covington           Chief of Flight Deck Operations (NPC) ( 
  - Available NPC for Anyone (

...isn't talking to him anymore, and he finds it exceedingly difficult to continue writing him. It has been ongoing for a few months now, and instead of keep trying, he has decided to give up Sten Covington for inheritance. Until someone takes him on, the Chief of the Deck is an NPC to be used in posts in and around the Fighter Assault Bay. Keep the guy big and gruff, and he will continue to be the Chief of the Deck even if he is not actively played any more.

That's all for now!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 25, 2018, 11:57:31 AM

The cold open of our new Episode has been concluded!

Prologue: Awakening [ Day 03 | 1500 hrs. ] (,2237.0.html)

For those that haven't read it yet, I recommend it because it has a major storyline plot development in the end that many have been both dreading and looking forward to. Have a read, and realise... that things will never be quite the same again. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Zenozine on January 25, 2018, 02:53:16 PM
That was good, I do feel I should add one thing I would have added if I had another Hylota post, she would have kept assaulting Cobb while he was pinned, so I think she might end up in some level of trouble, if not removed from duty to get counseling.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 25, 2018, 02:55:05 PM
Once Nolan posts the starter, you can have Hylota still do so, until she sees what happened to Nicander. :)

That was good, I do feel I should add one thing I would have added if I had another Hylota post, she would have kept assaulting Cobb while he was pinned, so I think she might end up in some level of trouble, if not removed from duty to get counseling.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 27, 2018, 02:31:45 AM

This is an official welcome back to the story for Amelya Duv, now being Amelya Rez - the new host of the Rez symbiont. :) It is far too early to say anything about how the symbiont might manifest itself in terms of persona in the new host, but a new chapter has begun for both the symbiont and for Amelya!

( Lt. Amelya Rez                Asst. Chief Medical Officer (  
  - Played by Nolan (

Nolan just posted her awakening in the new part of Episode 05: Courage is Fear, and the thread can be found here:

Chapter 01: Supplemental | Untruth No More (,2264.0.html)

This is the continuation for the exciting development in the CMO Office, and the loose posting order follows (everyone may skip ahead in line if they feel so inclined):
1) @SummerDawn 2) @Kaylex Ren  3) @Zenozine 4) @FollowTomorrow 5) @TrexelCat 6) @Jm Von Cat 7) @Doc M.

Can't wait to continue the scene, writing as the unmasked demon doctor...  (6)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 31, 2018, 01:25:05 PM

Indeed, we have a new member! The first one since recruitment opened up again. She writes for Laurel Okhala, who was the Asst. Chief CONN Officer aboard the USS Endeavour, until that ship went missing in late Febuary, before the Battle of Starbase 84.

( Ens. Laurel Okhala            CONN Officer, Unknown ( 
  - Played by @YasyraTrill (

As a Romulan and Human hybrid, she is also Devyrie Okhala's sister. When Episode 05 progress a bit further, you will see this character make an unsuspected appearance. This character is listen on the Non-Crew Listing, here ( There will be a lot more other characters listed here throughout Episode 05, until they will all eventually be listed on the Theurgy's Crew Manifest.

Welcome aboard, YasyraTrill! Hope you'll have a great time with us all. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on January 31, 2018, 01:29:25 PM
Welcome aboard! Looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Absinthe on January 31, 2018, 01:30:29 PM
Welcome to the show... Avoid Sickbay!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on January 31, 2018, 01:51:38 PM
Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on January 31, 2018, 02:30:12 PM
Welcome aboard (almost)! Looking forward to see what Laurel will have in mind for us. I'm always happy to see new faces though ^^
Hope to see some writing of you soon!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on January 31, 2018, 05:16:05 PM
A Half-Hooman Half-Romulan! Nice! I (L) it!

Welcome aboard to one of the greatest sites on Earth! We hope you have lots of fun and make fond memories with us! Looking forward to writing with you!

But yes, stay out of Sickbay!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: YasyraTrill on January 31, 2018, 06:11:39 PM
Hi everyone,

Thanks for the welcome! I can’t wait to dive into the story :)

I will avoid sickbay to the best of My ability!

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: BZ on February 01, 2018, 01:54:19 AM
Welcome Yasyra!  I have a feeling we'll be writing a lot together!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 01, 2018, 04:10:12 PM

It is my pleasure to announce our newest member, @JosiahDorn. They will actually write a well known character to us, and one that just recently became available for inheritance. Namely, our dear Chief of the Deck, Sten Covington. May he live forever!

( CWO1 Sten Covington           Chief of Flight Deck Operations (  
  - Played by JosiahDorn (

JosiahDorn did not wish to apply with a character of their own at this time, but may do so once they have learned the ropes on the site. Sten will be breathed life into again in Episode 05, and if there are any old threads that someone want to continue where Sten was involved, they should now contact Josiah about it.

Josiah has already read up on the character's page before now, and as always with inherited characters, they have the creative license to rewrite his character page and play him differently than he used to be played. I will, however, send a synopsis about Sten's past to Josiah so that they know the gist of what has happened earlier in our story.

Welcome aboard, Josiah! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on February 01, 2018, 04:13:44 PM
Welcome aboard!

As sten and Natalie have a solid working relationship z at some point if you'd like to do a thread with them, let me know :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on February 01, 2018, 04:21:55 PM
So many new faces lately! Welcome, folks!

Don't mind the grouchy canid in the corner. S/he will likely forget what annoyed hir as soon as it leaves the room.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on February 01, 2018, 05:42:58 PM
Welcome aboard Josiah Dorn! Glad to see you here and looking forward to writing with you! (L)

Hit us up for threads when you're ready to begin.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on February 01, 2018, 05:57:54 PM
Yay new people!!! Welcome @YasyraTrill  and @JosiahDorn

I will be sending you a PM @JosiahDorn , since my character Jaya Thorne is currently in the middle of an entanglement with Sten. I was planing on simply fading out with my next post butt you may have other ideas.   ;)

And huzzah! Dev's sister is joining us! I'm sure that will be exciting!!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triton on February 01, 2018, 09:01:46 PM
Remember, gang: No one steal any tools or equipment from the hangar deck, because what Sten lacks in latinum, he makes up for with a very particular set of skills. If you return them soon, that'll be the end of it. If not, Covington will find those responsible.... and he will take his tools back.

Welcome, @YasyraTrilland @JosiahDorn. I'd been meaning to introduce Sten to the CTO, who was an ex-Runabout test pilot in his ensign years before the class was removed from the prototype.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: JosiahDorn on February 02, 2018, 04:22:00 AM
Thank you for the warm welcome!

As sten and Natalie have a solid working relationship z at some point if you'd like to do a thread with them, let me know :)
Sure.  Just point me towards it if/when you start it since I'm still getting used to where threads are hidden outside of the main story areas!

Hit us up for threads when you're ready to begin.

Thanks.. just let me know what you have in mind?  I'm open for just about anything though I have to figure out all the meta-relationships Sten already has going to keep the flow! :D

I will be sending you a PM @JosiahDorn , since my character Jaya Thorne is currently in the middle of an entanglement with Sten. I was planing on simply fading out with my next post butt you may have other ideas.  ;)

I look forward to exploring continuations to the current entangling situation and future Role-play possibilities!
Remember, gang: No one steal any tools or equipment from the hangar deck, because what Sten lacks in latinum, he makes up for with a very particular set of skills. If you return them soon, that'll be the end of it. If not, Covington will find those responsible.... and he will take his tools back.
 I'd been meaning to introduce Sten to the CTO, who was an ex-Runabout test pilot in his ensign years before the class was removed from the prototype.
Every good grease monkey takes his tools seriously!  Look forward to whatever RP I can get!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 02, 2018, 09:49:11 AM

Greetings Theurgists!

With great thanks to @Absinthe for helping out with the bases for her character artwork, may I present to you Blue Tiran, Blue Zephyr's latest character here on Theurgy. Keep a lookout for this character's robotic owl too, an interactive PADD interface named Albert. :)

( Lt Cmdr. Blue Tiran            Chief Engineer, USS Endeavour ( 
  - Played by Blue Zephyr (

Just like Laurel Okhala, this woman served on the USS Endeavour before it went missing in late February, just before the Battle of Starbase 84. You all can expect upcoming scenes from that ship on the Director's Cut board.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: JosiahDorn on February 02, 2018, 10:17:40 AM
Yay. Can’t wait to meet her. (:
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on February 02, 2018, 03:36:37 PM
Blue! What a treat! After Zyrao another one :D Can't wait to see what this one has in mind for us ^^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on February 02, 2018, 06:15:51 PM
Ooooh! Can't wait to meet her!

(Plus I've always been a fan of Katie McGrath, it's good to see someone picking her up)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on February 05, 2018, 05:59:36 AM
Sorry for everyone waiting on a reply from me... you will get posts tomorrow night.   The brain just has not been cooperating tonight. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 07, 2018, 12:35:48 AM

Greetings Theurgists!

May I present to you Marlee Hailey, TrexelCat's latest character here on Theurgy. :)

( Marlee Hailey                   Astrophysicist ( Marlee_Hailey)  
  - Played by TrexelCat ( Marlee_Hailey)

Just like Laurel Okhala and Blue Tiran, this civilian Astrophycisist served on the USS Endeavour before it went missing in late February, just before the Battle of Starbase 84. She did not, however, end up on an escape pod with the aforementioned women, but rather took shelter in a shuttle. Together with some Starfleet people who also ended up on that shuttle, they are now following a warp trail getting colder by the moment... right into the deepest reaches of the Azure Nebula.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 07, 2018, 09:41:52 AM

It is my pleasure to announce our newest member, @StarDuster. They will write a rather well-known character to us, who has been in a supporting role since all the way back to Episode 01. She was even one of the main antagonist during the Niga Incident, and as might be read on her updated character page, she still suffers from the consequences. She is our serene Botanist in hydroponics, Cir'Cie!

( Ens. Cir'Cie                  Science Officer (Botany) (  
  - Played by StarDuster (

StarDuster did not wish to apply with a character of their own at this time, but may do so eventually. Cir'Cie will be breathed life into again in the Interregnum, and if anyone wants a scene with this Vulcan, they should contact StarDuster about it.

As always with inherited characters, StarDuster has the creative license to rewrite her character page and play her differently than she used to be played. I have, however, updated the old character page with recent events in the story and sent a synopsis about Cir'Cie's past to StarDuster so that they know the gist of what has happened to her so far.

Welcome aboard, StarDuster! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triton on February 07, 2018, 09:49:06 AM
Fascinating! Welcome, @StarDuster, Looking forward to interactions!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: YasyraTrill on February 07, 2018, 09:51:45 AM
Oooh more Endeavour people :D

Also welcome @StarDuster can't wait to read some of your stuff :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on February 07, 2018, 10:07:44 AM
Lovely new character @TrexelCat Looking forward to meeting her ^^

Also @StarDuster , welcome aboard the forums! Hope to write with you soon :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on February 07, 2018, 10:13:24 AM
Nice character, @TrexelCat!

Welcome aboard @StarDuster! Looking forward to writing with you. (L)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on February 07, 2018, 05:19:14 PM
Welcome @StarDuster !!  All these new people and new characters!! How exciting!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on February 09, 2018, 06:25:56 PM
About the Continuance Protocol, so I take it we have three captains basically taking charge of each vector, and we're going to have to get out of there fast and also fend off boarders, AND of course make a rescue attempt. But all without Thea's help...or we have a limited form of Thea without her positronic brain.

I'm rather curious at the strategy.

If it's any help, when I created and wrote Captain Kendrick, I had established he was cautious but more than willing to take things on even if they have the superiority over him, when he took a damaged ship, hid in an asteroid field, conducted repairs and then reengaged a superior force of hostiles, earning victory.

I suppose the odds are fiercely against us here though, but even so, what are the strategies in your minds, captains? Are you going to go somewhere, get repairs done asap and then rejoin to reengage when we have a better fighting chance? We obviously have a tactical disadvantage right now. Retreat seems like the best option to me. But we can come back when we have something better with us...?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: JosiahDorn on February 09, 2018, 07:58:23 PM
The only part of Thea that is gone now is her Emitter, one of the Boarding crews is after her positronic brain, so we still have the brain for now, but I think one of the goals is to reboot Thea, she is inoperable as of right now?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 09, 2018, 09:56:53 PM
My comment on the present situation, yes tactical retreat is a must. However! There is also a point where each Captain has to make damn hard choices, as will be made evident in the upcoming Chapters. Like, a) save the abducted crew b) protect the truth and continue the mission c) an equally important matter yet-to-be-revealed. It will not be so clear cut, and anything can happen. :)

Awesome that you brought up Thea, since I didn't detail that too much. Back in Episode 03, Thea was separated to her emitter as well, but she is still there in an intercom manner. She is still there in voice but not in body. I don't have time to go into it in detail atm, but I will make sure to address that IC if needed. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on February 10, 2018, 01:17:43 AM
I'd say... retreat, regroup, effect repairs, prepare defences and countermeasures...

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: StarDuster on February 10, 2018, 02:58:57 AM
Thank you everyone! I unfortunately am battling the flu right now, but I hope to be up and about soon.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on February 11, 2018, 05:32:28 PM
Hey everyone, just a heads up. 

My shifts for next week are nuts, so don't count on me being able to post all week.  I'll still be able to read, and start rattling ideas in my head, but writing's going to be a no-go.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 13, 2018, 01:34:55 PM
Hi there everyone! :)

I was looking at my list of threads in the Interregnum and I got this result:

Day 01 [1900 hrs.] Nebula Entry
Day 01 [1700 hrs.] Washing Away the Memories
Day 02 [0530 hrs.] Hidden Messages
Day 02 [1030 hrs.] Once Upon a Time, I Dreamt I Was a Butterfly...
Day 02 [1400 hrs.] Everything Old
Day 02 [1415 hrs.] Putting Her Back Together
Day 02 [1430 hrs.] EVE Program AK-1 DMSA-656
Day 02 [1700 hrs.] New Life
Day 03 [0600 hrs.] Escaping Reality
Chapter 01: Protectors of Truth

Day 01 [1600 hrs.] The New Pack
Day 01 [1900 hrs.] Nebula Entry
Day 01 [2200 hrs.] Land of the Living
Day 02 [0815 hrs.] Fighter Bay Operations
Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Valkyries & Valravns
Day 02 [1830 hrs.] Size Matters
Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion
Day 03 [1400 hrs.] AC-477 Valravn Flight Test
Chapter 01: Supplemental | New Pack, Old Teeth

Day 01 [1900 hrs.] Nebula Entry
Day 01 [2200 hrs.] Drinking Yourself Blind
Day 01 [2230 hrs.] What Goes Around...
Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Mysteries & Appointments

Day 01 [1600 hrs.] The New Pack
Day 01 [1900 hrs.] Nebula Entry
Day 01 [2200 hrs.] Drinking Yourself Blind
Day 01 [2240 hrs.] Sisterly Love
Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Valkyries & Valravns
Chapter 01: Supplemental | New Pack, Old Teeth

Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Loose Ends
Day 01 [1900 hrs.] Nebula Entry
Day 01 [1700 hrs.] Two Stray Threads
Day 01 [1900 hrs.] Nebula Entry
Day 01 [2355 hrs.] Just Want To Sleep
Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Into the Wild Blue Yonder
Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Seeking Hope | Away-Mission
Day 03 [1000 hrs.] The Coreless Moon | Away-Mission
Day 03 [1045 hrs.] Setting Sun | Away Mission

Day 01 [1900 hrs.] Nebula Entry
Day 01 [1930 hrs.] Fanatical Interests
Day 01 [2230 hrs.] What Goes Around...
Day 02 [0930 hrs.] Thorny Redemption
Day 02 [1230 hrs.] New meets Old
Day 02 [1530 hrs.] Discussing Certain Assets
Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Into the Wild Blue Yonder
Day 02 [1745 hrs.] Hallway Briefing
Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Seeking Hope | Away-Mission
Day 03 [1000 hrs.] The Coreless Moon | Away-Mission
Day 03 [1045 hrs.] Setting Sun | Away Mission

If you read carefully, you will be able to see that I have openings left for threads with these characters, so if you are interested, just PM with your idea for a scene with your character(s) and mine! :)

I did not list Captain Ives or Nicander up there because they are pretty swamped, lol!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 16, 2018, 02:08:43 AM

Greetings Theurgists!

May I present to you Ranaan Ducote, @Top Hat 's latest character here on Theurgy!

( Cmdr. Ranaan Ducote            Former Executive Officer, USS Endeavour ( 
  - Played by Top Hat (

Just like Marlee Hailey, Laurel Okhala and Blue Tiran, this character served on the USS Endeavour before it went missing in late February, just before the Battle of Starbase 84. This is, no less the missing First Officer of the ship, and unbeknownst to his betrothed - Blue Tiran - Ducote managed to get aboard the same shuttle that Marlee Hailey did. Together with some other Starfleet officers  who ended up on that Runabout shuttle, the USS Niger, they are now following a warp trail into the Azure Nebula, trying to learn where the Borg came from.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: JosiahDorn on February 16, 2018, 05:18:48 AM
lots of new characters coming in. woot. (:
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on February 16, 2018, 04:08:50 PM
Awesome new face!

Thread related: I might be taking a few more days before I'll get replies flowing out. A bulk of nightshifts has my bio rhythm quite jumbled up and I am getting zero inspiration due to sleep deprivation. Anyway, just keeping you all in the loop and I'll get back to you all when I have some decent sleep.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on February 16, 2018, 04:15:11 PM
I'm really looking forward to learning the story of the crew of the Endeavour.

And @Nolan - take your time.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 19, 2018, 12:41:46 PM

Greetings Theurgists!

May I present to you Salem Martin, twin brother to Vivian Martin, @Kaligos 's latest character here on Theurgy!

( Lt. JG Salem Martin             Acting Chief Tactical Officer, USS Cayuga (  
  - Played by Kaligos (

This is the first character commissioned to the USS Cayuga, but one more is in the making. The Cayuga will be introduced in Episode 05 after this first encounter with the Versant, but as soon as there are more characters added to the Cayuga's crew roster, the writers of those characters will be able to depict scenes aboard the Cayuga on the Director's Cut board, just like the writers of Endeavour characters are doing now.

Hope you will have a great time with your new character, @Kaligos ! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 21, 2018, 01:39:36 AM
Greetings Theurgists!

Two items today, so let's get to it.


Come say hi to Patches, who joins us today with a Caitian and Human hybrid, and also the Chief Counselor on the USS Endeavour!

( Lt. R'Rori                      Chief Counselor, USS Endeavour ('Rori)  
  - Played by Patches ('Rori)

After the Endeavour was destroyed, R'Rori was one of those who ended up on an escape pod leaving the wreckage. She ended up together with Blue Tiran and Laurel Okhala, and they were all picked up by the Versant. Until the adventure can start up in Episode 05, the sky is the limit as to what scenes might be written aboard the Endeavour on the Director's Cut board.

Welcome aboard, Patches!


Secondly, may I present to you Eli Barlow, Josiah Dorn's new  character here on Theurgy. :)

( Lt. Eli Barlow                  Chief Medical Officer, USS Cayuga (  
  - Played by Josiah Dorn (

Just like Salem Martin, this doctor served on the USS Cayuga before it went missing - having been attacked by the Borg and left adrift in the Azure Nebula. Until the adventure can start up in Episode 05, the Director's Cut board is where to go in order to write with other characters aboard the Cayuga.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on February 21, 2018, 01:59:57 AM
Heyyyyy, welcome Patches!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Jm Von Cat on February 21, 2018, 02:01:37 AM
Welcome Patches, looking forward to seeing you around.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: JosiahDorn on February 21, 2018, 02:18:27 AM
Welcome patches!!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on February 21, 2018, 05:21:08 AM
Welcome aboard Patches. Nice to see a fellow Caitian aboard the ship. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: patches on February 21, 2018, 06:31:25 AM
Thank you for the welcome!

SummerDawn, it is probably obvious but seeing K'Ren inspired me to write up R'Rori. <_< Playing hir should be pretty fun!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on February 21, 2018, 06:47:45 AM
I'm certainly looking forward to writing their first official meeting, most likely in R'rori's office after Ep5 is over. :) Both Caitian/Human hybrids but their lives couldn't be any more different.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on February 21, 2018, 07:13:11 AM
Welcome, patches! Good to have you here.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on February 21, 2018, 07:19:19 AM
Welcome!  :)  It appears the ship is going to need a bigger litter box.   :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TrexelCat on February 21, 2018, 07:43:39 AM
That's all.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Absinthe on February 21, 2018, 11:42:43 AM
Welcome to The Barge of the Dead! Where we make our way to Gre'thor! Try not to fall off! BWAHAHA!


I mean welcome to the USS Theurgy, where things are going much better than that. lol
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on February 21, 2018, 01:42:36 PM
Welcome welcome
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on February 21, 2018, 01:45:07 PM
Huzzah for new faces! Welcome aboard and may your time aboard this ship be prosperous! If not, I hope you don't die in a very painful way as many before us have done so....

I mean... Welcome aboard and enjoy the writing! :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on February 21, 2018, 04:39:19 PM

We're all gonna die.

But still! Have fun!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on February 21, 2018, 08:48:42 PM
Welcome, welcome, welcome!

We're a friendly bunch here. Hope you enjoy yourself :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triton on February 21, 2018, 11:26:15 PM
Sharky's increasingly outnumbered by felines. But He's friends (And fellow "The Sovereign Lion" holonovel veterans with) K'ren, so any friend of hers is a frend of the Pit Bull's. Welcome Aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: patches on February 22, 2018, 06:16:32 AM
I'm certainly looking forward to writing their first official meeting, most likely in R'rori's office after Ep5 is over. :) Both Caitian/Human hybrids but their lives couldn't be any more different.

Yeah, it'll be an interesting meeting for sure! The biology might be broadly similar, but they are such different personalities and histories that writing out that interaction could be really, really fun.

If I die, all I ask is that it's a good death or a spectacular one. ;) I got super excited when Blue showed me this place! It really seems like a good place focused on telling a story (or number of stories)!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 22, 2018, 09:00:37 AM
Quite so, Patches! Looks like you are already settling in just fine. :)


With the momentary break in handling joining applications, I posted in the middle of the night in Protectors of Truth, where the Sabine has finally arrived. Sorry for the typos because of the late hour, but I think it reads okay now:

The Sabine Arrives at last! (,2242.msg14679.html#msg14679)

Next, I will be posting in New Pack, Old Teeth with Liam and Devyrie's slightly confounded RIO, lol.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on February 23, 2018, 02:22:16 AM
Hello my friends!

Sorry for the delay in my posting. There are 2 reasons for this.  The second reason i mentioned yesterday on our discord server.. i have managed to come down with the flu. It's done a great job of kicking my butt this week.  I swear I've slept more on the last 4 days than i have in the last week or two.  I'm getting over it slowly.. probably another couple days of sleeping until i feel somewhat normal again.

The first reason, however, is a little different. I've recently begun taking medication for something I've been dealing with on my own for a long time.   It helps, tremendously actually, but it causes me to lose my focus. I have a hard time concentrating on anything for more than a few minutes now. I'm working through it and trying to get a handle on that, but it makes writing hard. I used to write a post in an hour or two. Now it takes me that long just to write a paragraph. If you've read my posts then you see my issue, lol.  

I don't mean to keep you all waiting. I'll get replies up as soon as i am able. But first... sleep.

Also a big welcome and hello to the new writers and new characters! I will see you around the site!

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 25, 2018, 12:27:34 PM

Indeed, we have another new member! @Griff writes for Lillee t'Jellaieu!

( PO3 Lillee t'Jellaieu         CONN Officer ('Jellaieu)  
  - Played by Griff ('Jellaieu)

As a CONN Officer on the USS Theurgy, Lillee was previously commissioned to pilot a Rear Admiral by the name Sobral. When the Admiral came aboard the Theurgy in November of 2380, Lillee ended up trapped aboard Thea as she escaped the rest of Starfleet. As of March in 2381, when Lillee was resuscitated from medical stasis, it remains unknown if she aided in the opposition against the parasites, since back home, she has two children that are now orphaned and left alone.

I 'd also like to thank Steelphoenix for the collaboration on the character images!

Welcome aboard, @Griff ! Hope you'll have a great time with us all. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on February 25, 2018, 12:31:45 PM
Welcome aboard Griff!

The Romulan contingent is getting strong now!  :p
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on February 25, 2018, 01:40:56 PM
Welcome to the show, Griff. Good to have you!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on February 25, 2018, 02:33:32 PM
Thanks for the warm welcome, folks! And an added thank you to Auctor Lucan and SteelPhoenix for the superb visualisation of Lillee. Hopefully my writing does her and this sim justice.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: YasyraTrill on February 25, 2018, 06:49:44 PM
Oh shoot, another Romulan in the same department. @Auctor Lucan it's a good think that Aurum will never no, he would flip. Anyway welcome aboard. I can't wait for our characters to interact, once Laurel is actually aboard.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triton on February 25, 2018, 08:43:53 PM
First-- or any one to wind up being a Tal Shiar mole meets the airlock.
Otherwise, Jolan Tru, to our Rihannsu!

It seems Donatra opened up a new glastnost with the Federation after all.
Welcome, Griff!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Jm Von Cat on February 25, 2018, 09:43:26 PM
Another Romulan, guess they are in season now.
Whatever the case with that, welcome aboard Griff.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: JosiahDorn on February 26, 2018, 12:59:51 AM
Wabbit season.. Duck season... wabbit season.. Romulan Season.. Be careful in sickbay!

And welcome to the site!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on February 26, 2018, 05:00:13 AM
To everyone I owe posts to: I will get to it after I am done moving, but right now I'm in a bit of a tight spot, so I would appreciate it if you could spare me a bit of patience as I sort through my life.

Thank you!

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 26, 2018, 03:58:15 PM

Greetings Theurgists!

May I present to you Anya Ziegler, former First Officer on the Theurgy and now Commanding Officer of the USS Cayuga!

( Cpt. Anya Ziegler               Commanding Officer, USS Cayuga (  
  - Played by Arista (

Arista will be playing Ziegler for the duration of Episode 05, and we'll see what may come of her as the story develops. This set-up can be likened to how Kurohigi played Captain Vasser in Episode 03, and both Triage and Kaligos played Captain Kendrick during Episode 04.

The Cayuga will be introduced in Episode 05 after this first encounter with the Versant. Both Arista and the writers of characters under her command on the Cayuga will be able to depict scenes aboard the ship set adrift by the Borg on the Director's Cut board, just like many of the writers of Endeavour characters are doing now.

Hope you will have a great time with your new character, @Arista! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on February 26, 2018, 09:58:12 PM
Huzzah! A new character and new players! Looking forward to write with all the new faces.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 27, 2018, 12:37:21 PM

I wrote a starter for this side-story that I hope the writers of Endeavour characters will enjoy:

USS Endeavour: We Are the Borg (,2302.0.html)

Like Rogue One is to the Star Wars saga, I hope that both the Endeavour and the Cayuga engagements with the Borg - and the threads leading up to it - will become cherished side-stories that will add both depth and scope to the main storyline. Have fun!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on February 27, 2018, 05:59:38 PM
Hello, and welcome to all of our new players.

Some people may have been wondering over the last few days, hey where's Kaligos? he hasn't posted for a while. Also why is his name different on discord on the site?

Well the person behind the computer has not changed, he has however started to job hunt, and wanting to set things up a little differently he has changed his username on both discord and here to match with a very old name I used about 9 years ago. I did this because with a change of email it is suddenly way harder for people to google my writing. yet i can associate it with my twitch account on discord.

It seemed a lot easier than making a new twitch account at least in my mind. plus i have been meaning to change my email for years.

As for why Maso hasn't been posting, I've been busy with some real life nonsense trying to find a job. Time till crazy forest hermit is still there in the background ticking away till i find some other source of income. Job hunting + school = very little time for writing.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 28, 2018, 03:50:04 AM
Greetings Theurgists!

I have three items today, so let's begin with...


May I present to you Winter Bannin, @DocReno's latest character here on Theurgy!

( Lt. Winter Bannin               Chief Security Officer, USS Cayuga (  
  - Played by DocReno (

She is the new Chief of Security on the Cayuga, after her predecessor was killed by the Borg attack. She was the Deputy before then, and Captain Anya Zigler gave her a field promotion to Lieutenant. The writers of Cayuga characters are able to depict scenes aboard the Cayuga on the Director's Cut board, just like the writers of Endeavour characters are doing now.

Hope you will have a great time with your new character, @DocReno !


After having moved to another part of the states and gotten back into gear with his writing, @Mathis returns to us today! :) Welcome back to Theurgy, Mathis, and Derik Veradin is right where you left him.

( Lt. JG Derik Veradin          Acting Chief CONN Officer (  
  - Played by Mathis (

You have some reading to do in Episode 05 to catch up with current events, and there are a lot of new members here since recruitment re-opened. See you on Discord soon enough! :)


The Joining the Crew page has been simplified, and a new character submission form has been added to the wiki to save me some time in the character application process. Here is the new joining page:

Joining the Crew (

Now, applicants will be able to submit their characters directly into the wiki with a form that generates a character page, which makes the version management of the character page easier for everyone involved.

The problem is that I have been hardcoding all character pages manually, but now even those who don't know wiki markup can make a character page. So, the new process would be that the applicant would be chatting with me about what they want to write in terms of a character concept, and then I give them a wiki login and the link to the character page submission form. This will also remove the version management done over PMs on the forum in how the Applicant can use the same form to make edits on that very page they have generated. I can make edits too, and both will have their edits visible in the wiki's edit history.

Thank you to those who have had the time to test the form, and your feedback has really been helpful in getting this huge project finished at last. Thank you especially @Griff , who came up with the idea to also have a copy-paste-friendly template available for those who would rather work on their characters offline and then add the character into the form when they are ready. This template ( has been made available too.

That's all for tonight! Now, I am off to bed. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on February 28, 2018, 01:20:08 PM
Welcome back @Mathis ! So pleased to have you with us again. You'll find Derik where we left him. Don't worry, we've been dusting him and changing his sheets to keep him fresh.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 03, 2018, 07:22:29 AM


A quick announcement about the fact that in Director's Cut, the Cayuga has now engaged the Borg inside the Azure Nebula.

USS Cayuga: Resistance is Futile (,2305.0.html) Attn: @JosiahDorn @DocReno @Masorin

This would occur well before Episode 05, since when we reach the Cayuga in the main story, the ship is adrift. This is also the inaugural post with Anya Ziegler, the Cayuga's Captain and also the Theurgy's former First Officer (before Episode 01).

Thank you @Arista for setting this up, and to all writers with characters aboard the Cayuga, have a blast depicting how the ship fought back and the crew wasn't assimilated.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on March 06, 2018, 07:58:39 PM
Replies might be a day or two late from me this week, folks. Apologies.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on March 07, 2018, 08:53:04 PM
Greetings again to all.

I am happy to announce that I can finally say I got a job. I can now turn off this counter time till crazy forest hermit clock, because as of today I have the income i need to sustain my current quality of life. This plus new anti depressant drugs have greatly decreased my anxiety and allowed me to focus on my schooling.

I am now technically a part time assistant manager of a local card and board game shop. I mean the only other employee is the owner of the store, but what would you call the guy who opens and closes the shop if the owner can't be around?

I wanted to have a shift at the job before I wrote this announcement, but yes as of today I can put my bow back on the wall where it belongs because as of the end of march i will have the cash needed to make rent.

The backwoods of canada need no longer fear that I may go off to the forest to hunt my fellow humans for food and sport.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on March 10, 2018, 10:47:36 AM
An update from yours truly:

My flu had finally been beaten into submission. Still have a cough but that's normal.

My ear infection is also cleared up.  No more pain or pressure.  Huzzah.

And in celebration.... I've been in the ER the last 2 nights.  I'm having some kind of allergic reaction. Itchy red hives appearing all over my skin and face.  Got 1 prescription yesterday and 2 more today.  Hopefully we get this under control.  I am so sorry to delay my posting even further but here's hoping i can get caught up by Monday night. 

And that i don't make a 3rd consecutive visit to the ER tomorrow.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TrexelCat on March 10, 2018, 07:44:38 PM
I would like to apologize if it takes me a little longer to get my replies to posts I'm involved in. I'm right now in the process of moving from one living arrangement to another. My computer(s) will be the last thing to be moved so every spare moment I have when I'm not moving large heavy things is spend writing them, but I am anticipating that they won't be finished by the time I have to disconnect my computer for the move. Anticipate a day, two tops for replies. So, please don't despair, They are coming, just might be a little slower than normal.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 11, 2018, 03:16:09 AM

The past couple of weeks, we’ve had some annoying issues with Internal Server Error messages and pages showing up blank. This issue is known about and I have a ticket with the provider. Hopefully this issue will be dealt with swiftly, and I will keep you all posted about the development.

My suggestion in the meantime is to make sure to keep backups of what you write since the Drafts function on the forum might become unreliable, the auto-save feature not working as it should.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 12, 2018, 12:06:00 AM
Greetings Theurgists!


Come say hi to Gadget, who joins us today with a Cardassian, and also the Chief CONN Officer on the USS Cayuga, namely Ensign Mektari Dumral!

( Ens. Mektari Dumral             Acting Chief CONN Officer, USS Cayuga (  
  - Played by Gadget (

After the Cayuga was left adrift, Ensign Dumral's two higher ranking officers on the ship - both the Asst. Chief CONN Officer and the Chief CONN Officer (these two NPCs are not named yet) were assimilated by the Borg. It is yet undecided if they were killed. Mektari Dumral got the assignment of Acting Chief CONN Officer by Captain Ziegler. This is bound to be quite interesting in regard to @Masorin 's character Salem Martin, the Chief Tactical Officer, who was a POW during the Dominion War and is not too keen on Cardassians... :)

Until the adventure can start up in Episode 05, the sky is the limit as to what scenes might be written aboard the Cayuga on the Director's Cut board.


In our fictional universe, the beautiful actress Rhona Mitra plays Ensign Dumral as of Episode 05, after her previous character - Aisha S'iti - was killed in Episode 04. Some of you may know S'Iti as the late Cardassian at the helm of the Theurgy:


There are two explanations, which you can pick between however you like. 1) Since Gadget wanted to use Rhona Mitra, I have now retconned Aisha S'Iti to have been played by Jamie Murray as a Butterfly Effect ( You will find all Aisha's images updated to show Murray instead. The images of Murray in Cardassian makeup are actually old leftovers from an Applicant that bailed during the application process, leaving me with some unused images that now could be put into good use:


What I did was to touch up and remaster the old Siti images to fit Ensign Dumral's physical description. Aisha's scales were greener because of some continental deviation from the standard grey scales we saw on the shows. Ensign Dumral, however, has the traditional scales and the blue inverted teardrop on her forehead.

2) The second explanation is pretty fun too. Gadget and I have been discussing this idea that her actress, Rhona Mitra, was forced to briefly step away from the show at the end of Episode 04 because of conflicting contracts, where she was legally bound to play some other part in a movie or series, but after her other gig was completed or the series was cancelled, she went back to the Theurgy show with the wish to continue working with the director. Her original character was, unfortunately, killed off in Episode 04. However, the fans were really upset by the death of Aisha S'Iti, and the decision was made to tailor a new Cardassian character for Mitra that would not just welcome her back to the family and the studio, but also appease the fans.

Either way you all want to think about this quirky development, welcome aboard, @Gadget ! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on March 12, 2018, 12:15:09 AM
As one Cardassian to another. Welcome Aboard!

You'll also find I'm writing Anya Ziegler on the Cayuga, so we'll have plenty of chance to interact. :)

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: FollowTomorrow on March 12, 2018, 12:20:05 AM
yaaay! Cardassian party!! We should have a thread with all three Cardassians and call it 'keeping up' :3
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on March 12, 2018, 12:22:22 AM
Hey! Welcome Mektari!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: YasyraTrill on March 12, 2018, 12:24:01 AM
Welcome :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Gadget on March 12, 2018, 01:15:28 AM
Hey everyone! Thanks for the warm welcome, it’s a real pleasure to be here. I can’t wait to start posting with you all!

I’m also happy to hear there’s a couple of other Cardassians, this should be really fun later on down the road.

This looks like a wonderful sim, I’ll do my best to add to this cool story you guys have going on :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Jm Von Cat on March 12, 2018, 05:57:35 AM
Welp, time to continue the warm welcomes. I hope you enjoy your time here Mektari.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Mathis on March 12, 2018, 06:02:08 AM
Welcome! :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on March 12, 2018, 01:44:38 PM
welcome aboard!!

I wonder, will the 'crew' see a similarity  should they meet her?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 12, 2018, 07:02:23 PM
I wonder, will the 'crew' see a similarity  should they meet her?

I think that the In-Character Butterfly Effect is a bit different than the OOC one. This one is a bit too much OOC to make sense in the story. If I were to think freely, the IC implications of this change would be that Aisha S’Iti and Mektari Dumral is the same Cardassian woman, only she ended up with both different pigmentation, name, parents and background story. It would be one major rewrite of the past in her concern, but who knows?

That being said, I don’t mind that the fourth wall is gently stroked once in a while in this sense, since the Butterfly Effects in our story has randomly changed quite a number of things. I think the page (under Community) describes this kind of brief consternation on the part of the characters quite well.

In that respect, perhaps when the Theurgy crew sees her, they are reminded about Aisha S’Iti, but perhaps they would think its because its another Cardassian woman at the helm of another ship, and not because the Aisha Siti they knew was played by Jamie Murray instead of Rhona Mitra. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 12, 2018, 07:27:42 PM

I got a PM late last night from JosiahDorn:

I have been ill for a bit and even though I intended on posting, I haven't been in a position to do so while I was sick.  I am on the mend now but have been thinking and decided that I don't think I can keep up and that this is probably not the best use of my time.  Thanks for the fun while it did last.


This means that, since his second character Eli Barlow was just recently created but never introduced in the story about the Cayuga, I will be deleting the character altogether from the wiki and try to reuse the character images I made somehow, changing the heads on them or something. It also means that the CMO position on the Cayuga is available for new applicants again.

( Lt. Eli Barlow                  Chief Medical Officer, USS Cayuga (  
  - Pending Deletion (

It also means that, since Chief Sten Covington was been inherited by JosiahDorn, our grizzled Cheif of the Deck is available for inheritence again too. I will, of course, be NPCing him in Episode 05, where he is currently fighting the Savi that boarded the ship.

( CWO1 Sten Covington           Chief of Flight Deck Operations (NPC) (  
  - Available to be played by all players (

I’ll be updating the site to this effect soon since I am on my tablet atm. That’s all for now! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TrexelCat on March 12, 2018, 09:57:18 PM
Okay, so it might take me a little more time to post. Have to iron out some network issues.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Gadget on March 14, 2018, 07:44:25 AM
Hey everybody! Small note but I realized quickly how easily it’s going to be to get my character mixed up with my username, so I’m going to start going by Gadget when talking OOC to clear things up.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: patches on March 14, 2018, 08:37:00 AM
I had a mild crush on Gadget from Rescue Rangers, so I approve.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on March 14, 2018, 01:48:06 PM
Rescue Rangers, that was a lifetime ago. :)

Just a heads up for folks, I will be online sporadically the next few weeks due to work related pressures. Originally there were also some family related pressures as well but those seem to have eased for now so I'm just busy at work, and in the mood to strangle specific members of my family for putting me through this past weekend. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: patches on March 15, 2018, 01:15:19 AM
I'm going to take a trip to see some family for a few days while taking a bit of a break from the family I'm currently living with right now, so I'll be mostly offline for until this weekend.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on March 16, 2018, 12:51:25 AM

I got a PM late last night from JosiahDorn:

I have been ill for a bit and even though I intended on posting, I haven't been in a position to do so while I was sick.  I am on the mend now but have been thinking and decided that I don't think I can keep up and that this is probably not the best use of my time.  Thanks for the fun while it did last.


This means that, since his second character Eli Barlow was just recently created but never introduced in the story about the Cayuga, I will be deleting the character altogether from the wiki and try to reuse the character images I made somehow, changing the heads on them or something. It also means that the CMO position on the Cayuga is available for new applicants again.

( Lt. Eli Barlow                  Chief Medical Officer, USS Cayuga ( 
  - Pending Deletion (

It also means that, since Chief Sten Covington was been inherited by JosiahDorn, our grizzled Cheif of the Deck is available for inheritence again too. I will, of course, be NPCing him in Episode 05, where he is currently fighting the Savi that boarded the ship.

( CWO1 Sten Covington          Chief of Flight Deck Operations (NPC) ( 
  - Available to be played by all players (

I’ll be updating the site to this effect soon since I am on my tablet atm. That’s all for now! :)


Auctor Lucan

Quick, somebody adopt Covington before he's killed off!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 17, 2018, 03:00:35 AM

Today, @Hastata-Nerada should be proud to reveal his newest contribution to our story, namely the Ryn species!

>> Link to the Species Page (

A submission of excellent quality! Thank you so much for the time and research you put into the creation of the Ryn, and for wanting them added to our site. But that's not all...


Here is Hastata-Nerada's new character of the Ryn species, a civilian diplomat on the Cayuga!

( Iris Cyrene                     Diplomat, USS Cayuga ( Iris_Cyrene)  
  - Played by Hastata-Nerada ( Iris_Cyrene)

She will be appearing on the Director's Cut board at first, and just like all other new characters, they will appear in Episode 05 soon enough. It has been a tough challenge to depict the Ryn, but in the end, it was totally worth it. :) Thank you for the privelage, Hastata-Nerada!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on March 17, 2018, 04:42:38 PM
Hello my dear friends!

Today is St. Patrick's Day and i hope you are all having a great time and wearing your green.

I have an update on my health! Medicines are working and i feel better today than i have in a month! Almost 100%finally!!!!

Thank you for bearing with me with me while i was plague- stricken.  This is an awesome community and you all have become good friends to me.  I will be replying to long overdue threads this weekend and hope to make some headway before i go back to work on Tuesday.

Once I'm back to being caught up I'd love to discuss ideas for the next interregrum and current plot.  I'll be on discord so feel free to message me there or shoot me a PM.

And a great big welcome to our new writers and characters!! Can't wait to see how you all fit into the plot and meet everyone in game!

Love you guys!

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 18, 2018, 03:22:35 PM
Good to hear that you are getting better, EAC! :) We've kept the boards warm for you.


Come say hi to both @Fife and @trevorvw , who both joins us today with two characters who were aboard the USS Endeavour. They play the destroyed ship's former Chief Tactical Officer and Chief Security Officer respectively.

( Lt. Cross                       Former Chief Tactical Officer, USS Endeavour (  
  - Played by Fife (

( Lt. Kai Akoni                   Former Chief Security Officer, USS Endeavour (  
  - Played by Trevorvw (

After the Endeavour was destroyed, Lieutenant Cross (Fife's character), ended up on the escape pod that was picked up by the Savi, while Lieutenant Akoni (Trevorvw's character) ended up on the ''USS Niger'' together with First Officer Ranaan Ducote and Astrophysicist Marlee Hailey.

Until the adventure can start up in Episode 05, the sky is the limit as to what scenes might be written aboard the Endeavour on the Director's Cut board. I believe there are already a few ones that Fife and Trevorvw can jump into right away, like the one where the Borg attacks the Endeavour.

Welcome to you both (and the hunks you write, lol)! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: YasyraTrill on March 18, 2018, 04:38:21 PM
Wooo! New Endeavour peeps :) The escape pod is gonna be cozy!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on March 18, 2018, 05:34:50 PM
Welcome aboard to all the new faces! :D Can't wait for the regroup ^^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: trevorvw on March 18, 2018, 05:48:24 PM
Hi all!

I’m looking forward to contributing to this wonderful story you’ve all crafted. It’s fantastic and you’re all wonderful writers and I hope to contribute in a meaningful way!

It’s going to be fun!!



Lt. Kai Akoni
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on March 18, 2018, 05:57:13 PM
Whoa, The Rock is in the house! 

That Runabout's going to be cramped lol
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on March 18, 2018, 06:22:47 PM
Hey! Thanks for the warm welcome! I'm pretty stoked to dive in!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: patches on March 18, 2018, 07:56:16 PM
So that’s three hybrids in the pod?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: BZ on March 19, 2018, 01:52:34 AM
Welcome all new people!

A heads up for myself.  I've got a lot going on in my personal life at the moment.  My father was admitted into hospice care this past Friday, much quicker than we expected.  Spring Break just ended for my kids so I should be able to keep up more fully but I'm running back and forth to my dad's every so many days to hang with him and help out while I can.  So I may be slow to respond or need a couple extra days.  If I'm up, PLEASE send me a message, discord is easiest, because I try to monitor the site but honestly my days are all running together at this point.  But anyway, I'm going to try to keep up as best as I can, and thanks in advance for all the understanding I'm sure you'll give.  (Because ya'll are awesome)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on March 19, 2018, 04:01:02 AM
So many new players~~ welcome aboard.

EAC - good to hear you're on the mend
Blue - best of luck!

I think ive caught up on posts. not sure if im actually up yet on protectors. I hope to be a bit more responsive in the next week. Just depends on how bullshit work is.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on March 19, 2018, 05:15:27 AM
Can you smell what Kai Akoni is cookin'?   ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on March 19, 2018, 06:02:01 AM
I'm waiting to see if Trevorvw uses the Rock's trademark eyebrow raise!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 19, 2018, 10:25:47 AM

It is my pleasure to announce our newest member, @Lisavw! They will write a rather well-known actress new to the Star Trek franchise. This, in the form of the character T'Panu, the Chief Medical Officer on the USS Cayuga.

( Lt. T’Panu                      Chief Medical Officer, USS Cayuga (’Panu)  
  - Played by Lisavw (’Panu)

She will be appearing in the threads on the Director's Cut board at first, and just like all other new characters, she will appear in Episode 05 soon enough. Welcome aboard, Lisavw! (As you may already have guessed, @Trevorvw and @Lisavw know each other, but I leave it to them to explain how) :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: lisavw on March 19, 2018, 03:55:36 PM
Hello, everyone!!

Well as you guessed, I'm the newbie! I'm very excited for our adventures!!

Thank you for the welcome and all the work you've all put in so far!!

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on March 20, 2018, 12:27:26 AM
Eeeek new people!  *feral starship cat watches from the corner, tail twitching*  :D  j/k  Welcome aboard all. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 21, 2018, 03:26:24 AM

Here is the link!

Chapter 02: The Versant [Day 03 | 2100 hrs.] (,2320.0.html)

Enjoy! Now I sleep. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Zenozine on March 22, 2018, 06:41:50 AM
This is mostly just to let people know I will likely be a bit long between responses for a bit. Sensitive family matters have arrived and death does not look far off two grandparents, this news although something I am not letting overwhelm me this time, has left me unable to find the inspiration I need to write more often than I would like, so I will write when I can, but for now I will likely be a bit slow to respond.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on March 22, 2018, 10:20:56 AM
Maybe the Savi are keeping Hylota Vojona and Vinata Vojona drugged, which is why they might have few scenes this episode.  Or possibly they were injured and not abducted at all and when Real Life eases up on you they can recover and return to duty.

Good luck and Stay Strong Z.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 23, 2018, 12:47:07 AM

Here is another theme option, found among the other vessels under Look and Layout here on the forum. :)


Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 23, 2018, 12:54:15 AM

John47, our webmaster, is working on a feature on the wiki so it is online again as soon as possible.

EDIT: Wiki back online, update work continues but the wiki won't have to go down any more.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on March 23, 2018, 10:23:24 PM
Im gonna be out of reach for a few days. We had a significant fire in my house today. Living and kitchen areas are fucked.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triton on March 25, 2018, 11:46:23 AM

So, I hate to add to the 'sorry but IRL calls' list, but I'm going on a vacation with the family from tomorrow sunday to next wednesday. I may or may not have wifi up there, but if I'm tagged or if a thread I'm in is updated, I'll do my best to get to it in a timely manner. I might have discord access.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on March 25, 2018, 02:27:40 PM
That actually reminds me (how I'd forget is beyond me)... I will be gone most of April on Vacation. April 10th we board a cruise ship bound for Hawaii and don't get off until the 25th. I'm actually off work from the 7th to the 30th. It is a month early but I am celebrating 10 years of marriage to a lovely, sexy, and very understanding wife who lets me write aliens for fun. :)

I do have free (sorta) internet access aboard the ship, so I will be doing my best to respond to tags but if you don't see me or hear from me for a while, I'm probably either drinking and carousing (with my wife of course), playing tourist, or otherwise occupied enjoying things not involving my regular daily routine.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 26, 2018, 11:09:26 PM

It is my pleasure to announce our newest member, @Veridian! They will write an Android, but not one of Soong's creations, but a rejected prototype from the Romulan Star Empire.

( Lt. Vanya                       Chief Science Officer, USS Cayuga (  
  - Played by Veridian (

An interesting read, this character, and I am happy to welcome our first Android in our story, especially since it isn't a Soong model! She will be appearing in the threads on the Director's Cut board at first, and just like all other new characters, she will appear in Episode 05 soon enough. Welcome aboard, Veridian!  :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on March 26, 2018, 11:16:25 PM
Welcome Veridian!

Nice  android!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on March 26, 2018, 11:19:37 PM
Come with me if you want to live.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: trevorvw on March 26, 2018, 11:20:43 PM
Welcome!! Such an intriguing character...stoked to have you!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Veridian on March 26, 2018, 11:59:27 PM
Thank you all for the welcome.  I stumbled across this page and was hit by a burst of inspiration.  I'd like to thank Auctor for his amazing work on giving my character a fantastic visual appearance,   
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on March 27, 2018, 12:16:14 AM
Welcome welcome!

The Cayuga is starting to fill up. How exciting!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on March 27, 2018, 03:52:35 AM
So many new people... soon we shall outnumber the Federation... this war will be won by attrition!  To victory!

Sorry... I mean, welcome.  *follows a laser pointer out of the room*
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on March 27, 2018, 07:23:16 AM
Welcome! Love the character. Very cool concept.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 27, 2018, 03:52:45 PM

To keep you all in the loop:

Identified - The earlier resolving of this issue was premature. Some of our customers have regained access to their webhosting, but some customers in Europe are still experiencing issues with time-outs or blank pages while trying to access websites.

Our Engineering team has identified the issue and is doing all they can to get our systems back to normal as soon as possible.
No data will be lost because of this issue.

Next update no later than 14:30 CEST.
Mar 27, 13:57 CEST

I am sure that a solution is pending. I have found that reloading the page after submitting posts and getting a blank page actually keeps the post getting posted, if you just persist in updating that particular blank page until the post is made or message is sent.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 28, 2018, 11:00:22 AM

Yet another new member! It is my pleasure to announce, @Numen! She will be writing Kelleshar “Shar” sh'Zenne, who used to be the Asst. Chief of Operations on the Endeavour.

( Lt. JG Kelleshar sh'Zenne       Former Asst. Chief of Operations, USS Endeavour (  
  - Played by Numen (

She will be appearing in the threads on the Director's Cut board at first, and just like all other new characters, she will appear in Episode 05 soon enough. Welcome aboard, Numen!  :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on March 28, 2018, 11:06:12 AM
More Endeavour friends! Welcome!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on March 28, 2018, 11:31:39 AM
Thank goodness.  With Ida dead and gone I was afraid that all of those pictures from the 'Andorian Studies' ( NSFW collection on DeviantArt would become outdated and meaningless.  Long live the ladies from Andoria!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on March 28, 2018, 11:55:18 AM
Hi hi! Thanks Lucan for your work and hello everyone
I'm so happy to participate in the forum :)
Thanks for the welcome @Tophat I am looking forward to writing with you and the rest of the crew of Endeavour to introduce you to my impetuous andorian.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on March 28, 2018, 01:49:01 PM
Best writers of our lovely group! Welcome to all the new faces first of all once more!
Secondly, apologies to those who are waiting for posts. Life has become pretty much non existent for me as we're finalizing the steps of merging two hospitals into one (with all the problems and... well just more problems). The first part of the hospital has been moved and now my ward and hospital will be up next. To make matters even worse (or more fun) I'm the one in charge of emptying my ward of material and patients. Needless to say, I'm swamped in work right now.

However replies should be flowing out by Friday or the weekend.  So expect fresh replies soon!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on March 28, 2018, 06:41:19 PM
Welcome aboard Numen! Come on in, it's nice and cozy in the escape pod! lol
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: trevorvw on March 28, 2018, 06:46:11 PM
Welcome Numen!!! Look forward to having more Endeavour people!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on March 28, 2018, 07:41:57 PM
thanks all guys! Mainly to my endeavour pals since i'm partial to them.... a lot of people in a little space (pod) i'm afraid XD
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 29, 2018, 09:07:39 AM

It is my pleasure to announce our newest member, @Stegro88! They will write a Reman named Lorad:

( Lorad                           Former Reman Military NCO, Nameless Reman Shuttle ( Lorad)  
  - Played by Stegro88 (

Quite an original character concept, and it was a pleasure working on the images for this guy. Moreover, I am happy to welcome our first Reman in our story, and Stegro88 will be compiling a species page for the Remans on our wiki next. Lorad will be appearing in the threads on the Director's Cut board at first, and just like all other new characters, he will appear in Episode 05 soon enough. Welcome aboard, @Stegro88 !  :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on March 29, 2018, 10:05:40 AM
woah! That's an interesting character to interact with :D
Welcome to the last shipment of newbies Stegro88!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triton on March 29, 2018, 11:29:21 AM

To all new players:

You're all Welcome Aboard! *queue the handhake montage!*

So, I hate to add to the 'sorry but IRL calls' list, but I'm back from a vacation, but I'll get cracking on catching up to where I'm needed. This new list of players is exciting!

Z, stay strong.
Sorry about the house, Masorin.
EAC, get better, homegirl.
SD, -- Grats on the news.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on March 29, 2018, 12:11:01 PM
Wow. Our ranks keep growing! Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on March 29, 2018, 01:14:50 PM
Hi everyone,

Thanks for allowing me the opportunity to contribute to his ever expanding body of work. I wanted to try a character that would both allow me an interesting 'in' to the crew while also giving me the ability to step back and learn. That and I imagine some of his interactions with some of the crew should be quite, intense. Possibly.

Thank you to Auctor Lucan for his amazing work on the images. They are beyond amazing. Thank you to Numen, Triton and Brutus for the welcomes.

I hope I don't let you down.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 29, 2018, 04:55:21 PM

The first Chapter of Episode 05 is winding down to its end. Please make sure you read the final posts from me in the Chapter and get your posts in as soon as possible. I plan to close the Chapter in 7 days, if so possible. In the meantime, I will be setting up Chapters 03, 04 and 05, each for their separate Vectors and their own adventures. More info will be forthcoming on the details of the Continuance Protocol, and I hope you are all excited to take the story to the next phase. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on March 30, 2018, 12:37:19 AM
Separate vectors, Continuance Protocol, this sounds interesting. Looking forward to seeing where this goes.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Veridian on March 30, 2018, 09:11:39 PM
Welcome aboard   I am looking forward to sharing the adenture with my fellow new starters :) 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Mathis on March 31, 2018, 03:25:40 PM
Welcome to all the new writers! Can't wait to write with all of you.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on April 01, 2018, 12:50:29 PM
Hi all,

Just a quick update if you've been waiting for me. My laptop died. I got a new one today, and while it is nice and shiny, there is still the constant windows updates it needs to do before it is ready. I've got word back and i'll be working on getting up posts as quickly as I can.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 02, 2018, 02:42:16 AM

As the new Chapters are coming up, I am making some minor adjustments and additions to the Continuance Protocol. This, as you may notice, especially in regard to off bridge departments like Security and Medical.

But what will happen next? All three acting Captains of the Theurgy's three Vectors - the Helmet, the Sword and the Stallion - all have the same kind of PADD for this protocol in their possession. The purpose of the protocol is to preserve the truth and make sure the mission has the best chance of being continued, and it was meant for emergency situations where the ship and crew might be entirely compromised.

The Captains enters the coordinates and time of the execution of the Continuance Protocol into the PADD. Doing so triggers an algorithm. The time and the coordinates auto-generate the time and place of the first, second and third rendezvous point. These rendezvous will, therefore, have the same location and time, so the Vectors can operate independently. These rendezvous points are separated by 24 hours, give or take, depending what the algorithm generate.

If the three Vectors can't meet at any of these three times - with a window of 1 hour set at each location where the Vectors might show up - each Vector is on its own. Then, they will have to continue the Theurgy's mission separately, to ensure that the truth doesn't die with the crew. Oh, and of course the algorithm takes into account charted space, and doesn't have them meet up in the middle of a star etc. For the duration of the protocol, each CO of the three Vectors are their Captains, and if the ship can't reintegrate, the Captains remain COs in full capacity.


This pre-set Transporter sequence was made by Captain Ives and will divide the crew as follows below. Unmentioned crew are not transported from their current location. This deployment of personnel has parameters that take into account the absence of crew too, so it works even if some of the crew was just abducted by the Savi.

Vector 01 - Helmet Main Bridge Staff

Commanding Officer: Carrigan Trent
Executive Officer (Mission Ops): Jennifer Dewitt (Auctor Lucan)
Tactical: Leon Marquez, Jonas Arisaka (NPC) & Tarsi sh'Zhan (NPC)
CONN: Derik Veradin
Operations: A'vura Zeshryr
Science: Vivian Martin, Morwen Angharad (NPC) & Edgar Rowland (NPC)
Engineering Station: Suq, Morgan Song & Lavar Manfredi (NPC)
Communications: Selena Ravenholm & Faye Eloi-Danvers
Off bridge:
(Auxiliary Engineering): Ens. Carla Abner (NPC)
(Security): Ens. Ryuan Sel + PO1 Dyan Cardamone
(Medical): EMH Mk I

Vector 02 - Sword Battle Bridge Staff

Commanding Officer: Wenn Cinn
Executive Officer: Simon Tovarek
Tactical: Keval ch'Rayya
CONN: Jaya Thorne
Operations: Nator 159
Science: Tyreke Okafor (Auctor Lucan)
Mission Ops: Cameron Henshaw
Off bridge:
(Auxiliary Engineering): Curt Lucas (NPC)
(Security): Ens. Colin McArthur + PO1 Varder Ridun + PO2 Eliska Bremmer
(Medical): Doctor Rez + LMH + Nurse Jovela

Vector 03 - Stallion Battle Bridge Staff

Commanding Officer: Natalie Stark
Executive Officer: Zelosa Ejek
Tactical: Lt. Masuda Yukimura (Auctor Lucan)
CONN: MCPO Mala Kariko (NPC) + PO3 Lillee t'Jellaieu
Operations: Lieutenant JG Yvette Conway (NPC)
Science: Cir'Cie
Off bridge:
(Main Engineering): Billy Bob O'Connell
(Security): Ens. Mariner + Ens. Six
(Medical): EMH Mk II


That in your last posts in Chapter 01, you should have your character beamed to their Vectors. Check the list! :)

When the new Chapters start up, there will be refined lists showing who are present at which Vectors, since unlisted crew end up where they happen to be at when Chapter 01 ends, and the three Vectors goes their separate ways.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 03, 2018, 02:52:30 PM

Look! I made a new character for myself! :)

( Lt. Tyreke Okafor             Science Officer (Synthetic Biology) (  
  - Writer: Auctor Lucan (

This one started out as an NPC, but as the ideas kept coming, I decided to not have him an NPC but a character of my own. This is the Science Officer that will be serving on the bridge of Vector 2 during Episode 05. He is an original Theurgy crewmember but has been in stasis since the Theurgy was attacked by the Calamity at Theta Eridani IV, before the battle at Starbase 84. He woke up from medical stasis during Day 02 in the Interregnum and has returned to active duty in time for the new Episode.

I also made an actual NPC, or rather, I made a character page for a pre-existing NPC since I will likely be writing a lot from his perspective. He won't be on the crew manifest, so I made no more than one image for him. This is Masuda Yukimura:

Lieutenant Masuda Yukimura
> > Click for New Character Page (

Lieutenant Masuda Yukimura was the XO of Black Opal Station and also doubled for Tactical. Yukimura will serve as the Tactical Officer on Vector 3, under the command of Lieutenant Commander Natalie Stark, the Commanding Officer and acting Captain of the Stallion.

I might be making a page for Jennifer Dewitt as well, but only if time allows. Dewitt was the CO of the Black Opal, and now serves as XO on Vector 1 in Episode 05. Stay tuned and we'll see. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on April 03, 2018, 10:08:20 PM
OMG so many new people and new characters!!  How exciting!!!  In my own world, I have gottena new laptop (Friday) and am working on downloading and importing all the things... it's proving to be time consuming but it's so nice to have a new computer!!!  I am feeling 100% better, which is great.  But I was sick for so long that I fell behind in life as well as in my writing.  So, it has been an uphill struggle trying to pull myself back to handling things.  I'm almost there.  :) 

What this means in a more practical sense for all of you is that I will be very restrictive on creating any new threads for a while.  My characters will of course interact in the required group threads, but individual things and one on one things I need to dial back on.  At least until I get my life straightened out again.

I'm always around on Discord and always available for PM's if ya'll wanna talk about anything at all.  For those of you that I'm writing in the interregnum with, I plan on responding to everything before the week is out and we can go from there.

Once again I thank you all for your patience and understanding.  You guys really are the best.  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Gadget on April 05, 2018, 04:27:17 AM
Hey guys! Just checking in to let everyone know that I won’t be around for a tad bit. I just bought my first house and settled in, then I’m going to a convention and then starting a new job. All the scary new life things! :p

Anyway a lot of time’s going to be eaten up, but I should be able to post soon, say a week or so. Hope to be back and playing with you all soon!

Loving all the new characters too, fun stuff to read! :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: FollowTomorrow on April 05, 2018, 11:32:14 PM
Congratulations Gadget!! Best of luck in your life!!

I'd like to say that chapter 05 is turning out to be very confusing for me. It's not that I have many questions, it's that I have absolutely no idea what's going on. even after reading, it's like my brain can't hold all that information at once. To make it worse, Suq is an engineer on one vector and Ejek the XO...

I have a hard time in general with big threads like this, but especially now, with important characters in play, I'd really, really appreciate any advice that could be given. I am not a clever or strategic man, but I happen to be playing at least one character who is.

I suppose in the end it's on me for playing outside my skillset, but I would like advice if anyone has any.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on April 05, 2018, 11:38:49 PM
Congratulations Gadget!! Best of luck in your life!!

I'd like to say that chapter 05 is turning out to be very confusing for me. It's not that I have many questions, it's that I have absolutely no idea what's going on. even after reading, it's like my brain can't hold all that information at once. To make it worse, Suq is an engineer on one vector and Ejek the XO...

I have a hard time in general with big threads like this, but especially now, with important characters in play, I'd really, really appreciate any advice that could be given. I am not a clever or strategic man, but I happen to be playing at least one character who is.

I suppose in the end it's on me for playing outside my skillset, but I would like advice if anyone has any.

I'd like to be able to help ya mate. But I'm currently at "Hurry Up And Wait" in regards to the main story. Hoping to get Lorad's first DC post up at some point today, my time.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TrexelCat on April 06, 2018, 08:02:39 AM
Okay, so right now I'm dealing with some pretty heady real life shit at the moment, so it might take me a bit longer than the posting rules time limit to make posts. I mean, I can make posts, but they are probably going to be ultra crap.

Just know, that it may take longer for me to post than what might be considered normal for me or others. Just.. Dealing with some emotionally heavy things at the moment.

Have fun.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on April 06, 2018, 05:51:25 PM
Take your time trexel cat.

Man what started as a bit of smoke has gone viral i have strep throat. So thats fun getting anti inflam and anti biotics.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on April 06, 2018, 11:19:56 PM
@Masorin that doesn't sound pleasant. Hope you're doing ok.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on April 07, 2018, 01:34:19 AM
*comfort* @Masorin ... I hope you feel better soon.  My co-worker just got strep throat yesterday as well so something must be going around.  Take care of yourself.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 07, 2018, 05:07:47 PM


Chapter 03: From the Ashes (,2331.0.html)

This is the starter for Chapter 03: From the Ashes. Since Ziegler is Stark's former First Officer, the first and second Rendevouz with the other Vectors will be missed, since the Stallion will remain with the Cayuga and assist in her repairs as well as its own. This thread denotes the first encounter, and all Supplemental Threads that are started will either have to be set before this time of 1130 hrs. on Day 04, or afterwards. Just like in the interregnum, Supplemental threads are started at your leisure! Supplemental threads relating to the Stallion or the Cayuga should be named Chapter 03: Supplemental [ Day X | YYYY hrs. ] Insert Title, and they should extend no further than the end of Day 05.

These are the main tasks to solve, your Mission Objectives in this Chapter:


Primary Objectives:
- Brief Captain Ziegler about the truth of the Theurgy's mission and the Savi
- Brief Stark and Ziegler about the Borg threat to the Federation
- Return main power to the Cayuga, w. the help from O'Connell's department
- Before the third Rendevouz opportunity with the other Vectors, find where the Borg came from
- Either just the Stallion makes it to the third Rendevouz, or the Cayuag does too

Secondary Obectives:
- Bonding between the two crews, any one-on-one scenes
- Implementing new ideas or tech for fighting the Borg and/or the Savi

New objectives may be added depending on development.

Known staff on the Stallion:

Vector 03 - Stallion Battle Bridge Staff

Commanding Officer: Natalie Stark @Brutus
Executive Officer: Zelosa Ejek @FollowTomorrow
Tactical: Lt. Masuda Yukimura (Auctor Lucan) @Auctor Lucan
CONN: MCPO Mala Kariko (NPC) + PO3 Lillee t'Jellaieu @Griff
Operations: Lieutenant JG Yvette Conway (NPC)
Science: Cir'Cie @StarDuster
Engineering: Nameless NPC (appointed by O'Connell)
Off bridge:
(Main Engineering): Billy Bob O'Connell @Doc M.
(Security): Ens. Mariner + Ens. Six @Triton
(Medical): EMH Mk II
(Counseling): B'Nila (Injured)

Known staff on the Cayuga:

USS Cayuga Crew

Commanding Officer: Anya Ziegler @Arista
Executive Officer: KIA
Tactical: Salem Martin @Masorin
CONN: Mektari Dumral @Gadget
Operations: [Unknown, Vacant Position]
Science: Vanya @Veridian
Off bridge:
(Main Engineering): [Unknown, Vacant Position]
(Security): Winter Bannin @DocReno
(Medical): T'Panu @lisavw
(Civilian): Iris Cyrene, a Ryn Diplomat @Hastata-Nerada

Happy reading, and I look forward to your posting! @Brutus and @FollowTomorrow , you go first here, and try to establish communication with the Cayuga quickly, but everyone with present characters should feel free to set up Supplemental threads at your leisure. You have the mission objectives for the Chapter, and we go from there. I am present with Masuda Yukimura, but since he is an NPC, feel free to have him played in your posts as well if so required.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 09, 2018, 01:41:49 PM


Chapter 04: Charades [ Day 04 | 1130 hrs. ] (,2332.0.html)

That's the starter for Chapter 04: Charades. This thread denotes the hour when the USS Niger and the Sword will cross paths, and all Supplemental Threads that are started will either have to be set before this time of 1500 hrs. on Day 05, or afterwards. No posting order in the Brig, but every writer with a character there has 7 days to reply. @Top Hat posts next in the bridge scene with Nator and Ducote both, the latter setting the scene on the USS Niger.

Just like in the interregnum, Supplemental one-on-one threads are started at your leisure! Supplemental threads should be named Chapter 04: Supplemental [Day XX|YYYY hrs.] Insert Title, and can extend as far back as right after the battle with the Versant and all the way up to 2100 hrs on Day 05, where the second Rendevouz will be missed due to a hostile threat to the Sword.

These are the main tasks to solve, your Mission Objectives in this Chapter:


Primary Objectives:
- The USS Niger is to dock with the Sword, landing inside the Fighter Assault Bay (where Tacitcal CONN can "welcome" them aboard)
- Have Ranaan Ducote and the crew of the Niger briefed about the Theurgy's mission and the Savi
- Have Wenn Cinn & Tovarek etc. briefed about the Borg threat to the Federation
- Conduct "An Interview with a Parasite" in the Brig, learning what options and opportunities there are. Multiple outcomes.
- Make a new Squadron Org Chart for the remaining Lone Wolves.
- Before the third Rendevouz opportunity with the other Vectors, find where the Borg came from
- A hostile force will show up and make it so that the Sword miss the second Rendevouz
- Either the Sword makes it to the third Rendevouz, or it doesn't.

Secondary Obectives:
- Bonding between the Endeavour survivors and the crew of the Sword, or any one-on-one scenes for that matter
- Study of Savi remains left aboard after the battle, learning to know the enemy
- Implementing new ideas or tech for fighting the Borg and/or the Savi

New objectives may be added depending on development.

Battle Bridge & Closest Deck Interior Blueprint: [Show/Hide]
Known staff on the Sword:

Vector 02 - Sword Battle Bridge Staff

Commanding Officer: Wenn Cinn @chXinya
Executive Officer: Simon Tovarek @Nolan
Tactical: Keval ch'Rayya @DocReno
CONN: Jaya Thorne @Even Angels Cry
Operations: Nator 159 @Top Hat
Science: Tyreke Okafor @Auctor Lucan
Mission Ops: Cameron Henshaw @Nolan
Engineering: Nameless NPC (appointed by Curt Lucas)
Off bridge:
(Auxiliary Engineering): Curt Lucas (NPC)
(Security): Ens. Colin McArthur (NPC) + PO1 Varder Ridun @Jm Von Cat + PO2 Eliska Bremmer @CanadianVet
(Medical): Doctor Rez @Nolan  + LMH @TrexelCat + Nurse Jovela @Kaylex Ren + Doctor Maya @Doc M.
(Tactical CONN):
Thomas Ravon @Nolan
Tessa May Lance @Doc M.
Daniel Havenborn @Havenborn
Krystal Tancredi @Triage
Christopher Slayton @DocReno
Alessia Garcia @Even Angels Cry
Sten Covington (NPC)
Liam Herrold @Auctor Lucan
Eun Sae Ji @Blue Zephyr
Sithick @Masorin

Known staff on the Niger:

USS Niger Crew

Commanding Officer: Commander Ranaan Ducote @Top Hat
Other officers:
Lieutenant Kai Akoni @trevorvw
Astrophysicist Marlee Hailey @TrexelCat
X Unknown additional crewmembers
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on April 09, 2018, 02:06:10 PM
Just throwing this on the thread again as a reminder:

I will be gone most of April on Vacation. April 10th (tues) we board a cruise ship bound for Hawaii and don't get off until the 25th. I'm actually off work from the 7th to the 30th. It is a month early but I am celebrating 10 years of marriage to a lovely, sexy, and very understanding wife who lets me write aliens for fun.  :)

I do have free (sorta) internet access aboard the ship, so I will be doing my best to respond to tags but if you don't see me or hear from me for a while, I'm probably occupied enjoying things not involving my regular daily routine.

@steelphoenix && @Nolan I will respond to our threads as I can.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Mathis on April 09, 2018, 08:44:11 PM
Hey all, I'm a day or two behind on the threads I'm in. Moving to my new apartment plus extra rehearsals for the symphony chorus concert this weekend ate up more time than expected, but I'll be getting them out tonight or tomorrow night at the latest.

Hope you're all doing awesome.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 10, 2018, 03:46:08 PM


Chapter 05: Vertex [ Day 06 | 0810 hrs. ] (,2333.0.html)

This is the starter for Chapter 05: Vertex. This thread features the hour when the Helmet waits for the third and final Rendezvous, and a showdown with Task Force Archeron begins right in the Rendevouz zone. All Supplemental Threads that are started will have to be set before this time of 0810 hrs. on Day 06, but not afterwards. Just like in the interregnum, Supplemental one-on-one threads are started at your leisure! Supplemental threads should be named Chapter 05: Supplemental [Day XX|YYYY hrs.] Insert Title, and can extend as far back as right after the battle with the Versant and all the way up to 0810 hrs on Day 06, where the third Rendevouz will be set.

In the coming battle, regular shields operable by 50 %, with some emitters still needing to keep out some radiation. Sensor range limited to 10 000 meters. Next poster: @CanadianVet , after he has posted, a seven day response time begins for all all bridge crew officers. Other departments will respond when alerted by the Captain or other bridge crew.

These are the main tasks to solve, your Mission Objectives in this Chapter:


Primary Objectives:
 - Survive (or don't, your call) The other Vectors might not arrive.
 - Retroactively write the way F'Rell worked with the bridge crew to escape the Savi fighters
 - Retroactively write the implementation of tactics from Zyrao Natauna, and/or have them utilised against Savi fighters
 - Retroactively write the scenes involving ch'Xinya's particle sensor
 - Retroactively write the scenes involving the detection, study and almost finished installation of the Reman cloak.
 - Retroactively write the scenes involving the augmentation of the Helmet's warp core.
 - Retroactively write the study of Savi remains left aboard after the battle, learning to know the enemy
 - Retroactively write scenes where Drauc T'Laus offers to aid to Security after his recovery

Secondary Obectives:
 - Retroactively write any one-on-one scenes leading up to Day 06, 0810 hrs. Currently known scenes:
   # Confrontation and settlement between Captain Trent and Zyrao Natauna
   # Dyan Cardamone setting the record straight. Drauc vouches for her when Dyan reports to the Captain and then the Helmet's Chief of Security, Ryuan Sel.
   # Lorad meeting Dewitt, followed by Captain Trent and Ryuan Sel.
 - Implementing new ideas or tech for fighting the Savi

New objectives may be added depending on development.

Main Bridge & Deck 01: [Show/Hide]
Known staff on the Helmet:

Vector 01 - Helmet Main Bridge Staff

Commanding Officer: Carrigan Trent @CanadianVet
Executive Officer (Mission Ops): Jennifer Dewitt @Auctor Lucan
Tactical: Leon Marquez @Triton , Jonas Arisaka (NPC) & Tarsi sh'Zhan (NPC)
CONN: Derik Veradin @Mathis
Operations: A'vura Zeshryr @Triage
Science: Vivian Martin @Hastata-Nerada & Morwen Angharad (NPC)
Engineering Station: Suq @FollowTomorrow , Morgan Song @Hastata-Nerada  & Lavar Manfredi (NPC)
Communications: Selena Ravenholm @chXinya  & Faye Eloi-Danvers @Brutus
Off bridge:
(Auxiliary Engineering): Ens. Carla Abner (NPC) + F'Rell @Absinthe
(Security): Ens. Ryuan Sel @SummerDawn + PO1 Dyan Cardamone @FollowTomorrow
(Medical): EMH Mk I @Auctor Lucan
Drauc T'Laus @Auctor Lucan
Lorad @Stegro88 
Zyrao Natauna @Blue Zephyr
Sera vers Aldnoah @Auctor Lucan

Inbound ships from Task Force Archeron:

Task Force Archeron | Search Force Alpha
1x Odyssey-class
 - USS Archeron
   Known crew:
   # Admiral Sankolov @Auctor Lucan
   # First Officer Marcus Slayton @DocReno
2x Sovereign-class
 - USS First Minister
 - USS Monarch
1x Defiant-class
 - USS Benjamin Sisko
1x Akira-class
 - USS Dauntless
1x Intrepid-class
 - USS Bellerophon
2x Luna-class
 - USS Asterion
 - USS Defiance
2x Galaxy-class
 - USS Challenger
 - USS Sydney
1x Rigel-class
 - USS Akagi
1x Saber-class
 - USS Yeager
1x Excelsior-class
 - USS Berlin
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 11, 2018, 12:00:17 PM

Here are the new discussion threads, made available for all kinds of ideas and questions: :)

EP05 CH02 The Versant (,2335.0.html)

EP05 CH03 From the Ashes (,2336.0.html)

EP05 CH04 Charades (,2337.0.html)

EP05 CH05 Vertex (,2338.0.html)

Also, I forgot to mention it in the Newsletter, but no new threads may be posted in the Interregnum without permission, since the focus should now be on Episode 05, where you are free to set up all kinds of Supplemental threads for your characters. Ongoing threads in the Interregnum can be finished at your leisure. Only the creation of new threads is closed. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on April 12, 2018, 10:46:43 PM
Today I learned that you can work towards a goal with everything you have for 5 years, sacrifice so much time and effort into the void, and then be told in a meeting that though i have continually improved as I have gone through the work... that it's not enough and i have little to no chance of field work. That I despite the years of study and my whole hearted desire to work in a field.

I am unable to demonstrait the skills required to proceed into field work or teach a class. The places I am lacking are all related to my disability, and though I can improve it is... much too slow for the liking of anyone, and too far behind to gain the required strength needed.

In other words... I can't be an Education Assistant.

Despite all my improvement I have hit the same wall I hit 5 years ago, I'm not cut out for fieldwork. It doesn't matter how much I want too be in the field, I don't have the physical or emotional connection possible to do the work.

So my goal, my career, the trying and struggling for five years of my life... all meaningless.

I want to go home and rethink my life.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on April 12, 2018, 11:05:33 PM
I'm incredibly sorry to hear that @Masorin

While I don't know the exact level of your pain, I can only empathise.

We're here if you need us. Take care of yourself.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 12, 2018, 11:07:00 PM
*hugs* I'm so sorry that you were denied in such a brusque fashion. The only thing I have to offer is my own experiences, that the obvious path it is the only path to future success in your career or personal life. In my experience, that's far from the truth. Prospective employers will care about what you did with the education you received, and the ways you showed initiative and passion, not the grades or ranking or personal opinions of other people.

I don't think there is one right way to get where you want to be. People are taking non-traditional paths through their employments and studies, looking to alternative learning experiences. I managed to change from the clothing industry to the construction industry, and without any construction background, I am negotiating terms and conditions for all crane rental in Sweden, because I applied myself to learn everything I could, and even learned to operate cranes myself, even if I'm a manager at a head office.

I have friends that studied abroad, but the greatest success I have seen in unlikely candidates in my line of business is internships. A lot of different experiences can help you find a way to your future career or an equivalent you might not have thought of yet. There’s a good chance you’ll end up loving wherever you go, but if you don’t, keep in mind that you’re never truly stuck as long as you don't give up. There are always options.

Take care of yourself and we're here for you.


Auctor Lucan

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on April 12, 2018, 11:39:28 PM
AL's eloquence and Arista's concision are a tough act to follow, so I will simply add that I think you've had quite enough of a suckfest lately, and could do with the universe throwing you a bone.

Here for you, too. For what it's worth.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on April 13, 2018, 12:45:01 AM
Hey @Masorin, sorry to hear that. We're all still here for ya, as evidenced by the above posts. If there is anything we can do, please say so.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on April 13, 2018, 07:55:14 AM
@Masorin I know we haven't really spoken before, so this may not mean much.

I can only imagine what you're going through must be extremely frustrating and discouraging. I've been in the position where you work so hard and give something your all only to be turned down time and again. I may not know your exact situation, but I've been in a similar boat.
I found that sometimes we focus so hard on one thing and give that thing our all, and as a result we get tunnel vison. In focusing so much on what we see as the only goal we care about, we can miss out on other opportunities we may not have considered. I know it's a rough spot to be in, but sometimes we need to hit that wall to force us to stop and look at other possibilities. Maybe being an Education Assistant would have been a great career for you, but that's not to say that there isn't another career for you that will make you feel just as happy and fulfilled, if not more so. I myself trained for one specific career, gave it my all, busted my ass, and dedicated years of my life trying to get a job in that field. I was repeatedly turned down, overlooked, and disregarded. It took me reaching the point where I accepted that I wouldn't be able to work in that field before I found my current career, which I absolutely love and find so fulfilling.

I hope this doesn't sound preachy or condescending, that is certainly not my intention.

You obviously have lots of people who care about you in the Theurgy community. I know any of us would be there if you needed to talk.

Take care of yourself!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 15, 2018, 05:57:32 PM

After sending several posting reminders, and given the chance to return to active status and post in the threads they were active in, Kaylex Ren's membership had to be terminated due to inactivity. We need to have active members in order to drive the story forward.

( Lt. JG Jovela                 Nurse (NPC) ( 
  - Available for Inheritance (

She played Nurse Jovela, who is now available for inheritance, should anyone be interested in her as a character of their own. If I have the time, I will try to wrap up the threads she was in, namely Reaching Out, Caracal Caretaking and What Goes Around... in the Interregnum. Here is more info on Inheritance:

That's all for now!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: FollowTomorrow on April 15, 2018, 05:59:29 PM
<:c that toally bummed me out yo. I was having fun in the Reaching Out thread with her...
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TrexelCat on April 15, 2018, 11:32:56 PM
I am still around. It's just going to take me a little bit to get my mind back into things. I want to reach out and apologize to: @Griff, @Masorin, @Auctor Lucan, @Top Hat, @trevorvw, @Blue Zephyr and @YasyraTrill for letting posts I am in with y'all sit like they have.

I know I've brought it up in Discord, but as the nature with chat programs it's been shuffled up and lost, and not everyone is in Discord. And I was rather a bit vague in my earlier OOC posting earlier. But my Mom ended up in the hospital recently due to a stroke. So I've been back and forth from home to the hospital, spending great amounts of mental energy helping her through her therapy classes and all in all not really sleeping that much. So my brain by the time I actually have time to sit down is quite literally mush.

So to those I listed/tagged, I do plan to continue threads we are a part of, and soon. And for anyone else that was possibly looking to start something with Eve or Marlee, I welcome such. It's just going to take me a little bit to get back on my game.

Just know I am still here though! And have been regularly checking in at the site and reading new things posted! It's how I know Triage went on a *like everything!* rampage recently. Hehe.

Anywho, have fun all! Because if you're not having fun, why do it?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on April 16, 2018, 01:20:11 AM
Well, Jovela looks fun. Lol
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 16, 2018, 02:02:27 PM

It is my pleasure to present two new Cayuga characters, namely Ekon and Mairsa!

( CPO Ekon Okotie-Eboh            Operations Officer, USS Cayuga (  
  - Writer: Fife (

( Mairsa                          Rogue KDF Officer, USS Cayuga (  
  - Writer: Absinthe (

Ekon is a hybrid El-Aurian/Human (phew, not on the Versant) and Mairsa is a rogue Klingon Defence Force officer and also Hi'Jak's sister! They will be appearing in Chapter 03: From the Ashes, where @Arista is next to post in order to set the scene on the Cayuga.

More characters to come. I will likely have to close down character creation and recruitment after the upcoming ones are finished since we have a story to tell, and we have more than enough characters as there is to write.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 18, 2018, 12:24:23 AM

They keep coming, here being the latest one. Security Officer Kino Taer!

( PO2 Kino Taer                 Security Officer ( 
  - Writer: Patches (

Patches' new character has been in stasis and will be waking up on the Theurgy after the Continuance Protocol was excecuted. Just after the Theurgy left Earth, she suffered heavy cranial trauma, so bad that she had to get an ocular implant for her right eye. Because of earlier injuries, she also has both a lower leg and a full right arm prosthetic, both grafted with synthetic flesh.

Looking forward to reading this one's story! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: patches on April 18, 2018, 12:32:46 AM
I'm super excited to write Kino's part in this story! It'll be a blast. ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 18, 2018, 09:32:44 PM

After having violated the Play Nice rule on Discord, trying to push for IC development against the wishes of another member, DocReno was about to be banned from Discord for a month, before the ban could be issued, he chose to quit the sim instead.

The other member was trying to be nice, but despite repeatedly being told off, the member still felt a lot of pressure and passive aggressiveness. This development has been going on for months, but the final drop came today, causing this development.

More information is forthcoming on potential Inheritance, but DocReno has asked me to kill off Christofer Slayton.

Please make sure you read the chat rules.

UPDATE: Since there were a lot of questions in regard to this, I would like to emphasise how this was not a casual decision in the slightest, since the offended member provided a lot of screencaps of the long development, and warnings were given along the way. The development has been known about for a long time, but only today there was a formal complaint which I acted on as according to the rules.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 20, 2018, 01:05:30 AM

Who was the Chief Medical Officer on the Endeavour? No other than this guy:

( Lt. Elro Kobol                   Former Chief Medical Officer, USS Endeavour (  
  - Writer: Mathis (

Doctor Elro Kobol  escaped the Endeavour aboard the USS Niger, and he makes his entry into the story in Chapter 04: Charades, where the Niger is about to dock with the Sword. He might also appear on the Director's Cut board.

Looking forward to reading this hunk's story! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 20, 2018, 10:50:47 AM

What about the Chief Science Officer on the Endeavour? Who was he now again? Ah, that's right...

( Lt Cmdr. Vael Kaeris            Former Chief of Science, USS Endeavour (  
  - Writer: Steelphoenix (

Vael Kaeris is a Bactrican male, his species looking Asian in nature, and when the Endeavour was destroyed, he ended up on the USS Niger. Vael will therefore make an appearance in Chapter 04: Charades, and in applicable threads on the Director's Cut board. The Niger is filling up, and there are a lot of hunks on that Runabout + Marlee to dampen the testosterone fog... Yet given the large amount of female characters we already have, the story is really in want of the hunk-mobile. :)

Thank you for the opportunity to work on this new character, @steelphoenix ! His images are all collaboration pieces between Steel and I, and I really like how they came out. Looking forward to read this guys story!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 20, 2018, 05:01:45 PM

Remember T'Less? Most of you don't, but here she is, with a new faceclaim. :) Give a warm welcome to Vox!

( Lt. T'Less                    Tactical Officer (  
  - Writer: Vox (

I will let you all read up on the character page what's happened to her, since I am in a hurry home from work.

Welcome aboard, @Vox and I am looking forward to read this old character's continued story! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on April 20, 2018, 05:04:26 PM
Welcome Vox! :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on April 20, 2018, 05:40:19 PM

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Mathis on April 20, 2018, 05:46:47 PM
Welcome to the family, Vox! Can't wait to write with you. 😀
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on April 20, 2018, 05:51:27 PM
Now there is a character i havent seen around in a while. Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on April 20, 2018, 07:17:37 PM
Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Jm Von Cat on April 20, 2018, 09:19:54 PM
Welcome aboard mate.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on April 20, 2018, 09:41:01 PM
Now there is a character i havent seen around in a while. Welcome aboard!
With a whole new look!

Great work, Boss! Love the new look.  (L)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on April 21, 2018, 01:59:15 AM
G'day @Vox ,

I too look forward to reading what you write. Should be an interesting explanation about where she got a heart.

You'll find everyone here is a great bunch of people. They have been a great help to me so far and I am sure they (and I, if I can) will be to you as well should you need it.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vox on April 21, 2018, 03:08:28 AM
Hi everyone!

Thanks for the warm welcome, I look forward to writing with all of you as well :)

@Triage Coffee, Tea or Phaser Pistol, sounds more like a game of which of these doesn't belong :P That being said however Mamma always said you can never have too many phaser pistols, especially if you're being hunted across the galaxy.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on April 21, 2018, 05:36:23 AM
But, if she is... intrigued enough by a partner, Eliska would be more likely to ask "Coffee, tea, or me?"
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vox on April 22, 2018, 01:11:29 AM
I would imagine if she was intrigued enough she'd ask for two things as logically they'd probably work up a thirst.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on April 22, 2018, 02:23:26 AM
Ok and on THAT note, I'm going to refrain from making any of the dirty comments going through my mind lest we be kicked out into the land of Boudoir...

Welcome aboard all the newbies!  :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on April 22, 2018, 03:25:37 AM
Ok and on THAT note, I'm going to refrain from making any of the dirty comments going through my mind lest we be kicked out into the land of Boudoir...

Welcome aboard all the newbies!  :D

You've never held back before... at least not on the board.  This isn't the Discord channel!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on April 22, 2018, 04:15:17 AM
Ok and on THAT note, I'm going to refrain from making any of the dirty comments going through my mind lest we be kicked out into the land of Boudoir...

Welcome aboard all the newbies!  :D

You've never held back before... at least not on the board.  This isn't the Discord channel!

Spoken like someone who has no idea how truly vulgar I can be.  :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on April 22, 2018, 04:35:49 AM
You... you think you can faze me?  Challenge accepted!  :p
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triton on April 22, 2018, 11:18:24 AM

There's also TR-Series Rifles to test out, namely the TR-120 in our arsenal for your inspection. Welcome, Vox, one Tactical officer to another, it's good to have a counterpart in the other vectors. Looking forward to exchanging stories of life on Vulcan!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on April 23, 2018, 02:35:51 AM
Everyone, I would like to apologize for my lack of posting recently.

I currently have no money, no way to cash any checks, and I'm about to lose my only place of residence.

Added to that, my job is draining me so much that I can't focus on posting in the little time I do have.

So I'm sorry, I don't know what else to do, I'm trying my best but it's not good enough.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: patches on April 23, 2018, 05:58:57 AM
I'd say to focus on securing yourself first and we'll make due until you can safely grace us with your wonderful presence once more!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on April 23, 2018, 07:33:04 AM
That sounds supremely shit and stressful, HN. I second patches' sentiments - look after yourself first, and we'll be here after :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on April 23, 2018, 08:08:11 AM
As echoed above. Look after you and yours first. The rest is secondary. We'll be here when you get back.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 23, 2018, 09:20:17 AM
Indeed, take care, and please try what I messaged you about. It's another option to explore. The sooner the better.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vox on April 23, 2018, 05:17:07 PM

There's also TR-Series Rifles to test out, namely the TR-120 in our arsenal for your inspection. Welcome, Vox, one Tactical officer to another, it's good to have a counterpart in the other vectors. Looking forward to exchanging stories of life on Vulcan!

Thanks for the welcome Triton, looking forward to it too :)

HN that's awful, hope everything works out for you sooner rather than later.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on April 23, 2018, 05:55:16 PM
Keeping you in prayer HN. You'll get through this.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 23, 2018, 10:00:25 PM

Our newest member, @Multificionado , will do what @Vox decided to do. He'll write an old, well-known character of ours. This one is likely a dear character to many who have read the story, and a character whom I have been writing for almost six years since she first appeared in the beginning of Episode 03. She's no other than...

( Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley          Fighter Pilot [Ghost] (,_call-sign_%22Ghost%22)  
  - Writer: Multificionado (,_call-sign_%22Ghost%22)

Multificionado has been given a synopsis of this character's past and read the most important threads where she has been active, and I feel confident he'll write Rawley both true to her old self, but also with a somewhat new voice. There has been no changes decided about her character yet, so until further notice, Rawley's past will remain the same.

Rawley will be waking up in Chapter 04: Charades as well, and she might as well wake up on the opposite side of the ward from where Doctor Maya is in After Untruth, right? Please let me know if that's okay, @Doc M. ? :) Rawley just needed a blood transfusion and some treatment for knife wounds.

Welcome aboard Multificionado!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on April 23, 2018, 10:03:46 PM

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Multificionado on April 23, 2018, 10:47:04 PM
Thanks. And I like chicken. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on April 23, 2018, 10:51:41 PM
Hi all,

It's been a while and I thought I'd send out a quick message, just to let you know what's going on over the last few weeks.

Firstly, I'd like to apologise for not posting much lately. It's because I've been getting little sleep and as such, have been finding it hard to concentrate, both at work and at home.

In good news, the reason behind this is the safe arrival of my son. He's doing fantastic, my wife and I couldn't be happier - even if we could be more well rested. :)

His sleep schedule has started to even out a bit, and as such, I feel like i'm able to get on with more. Expect more posts from me, however I'm going to limit the amount of threads I'm in until I fully get to grips with my new interrupted sleep cycle. So no new threads from me for the meantime.

Welcome aboard Multificionado, Vox and anyone else I haven't specifically welcomed. It's a great time to join the group!

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vox on April 23, 2018, 11:11:14 PM
Thanks Arista and congratulations on the birth of your son :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on April 23, 2018, 11:27:39 PM
Hello, everyone.

I have been telling Auctor that I plan to return 'tomorrow' for the last three days, so I'm posting this as a quick update.

As of may I work only on weekends, I am trying to take the new time frame to work on myself mind and body getting back some of the muscle and such that I lost not just due to being laid out flat for three weeks, but also from my surgery two years ago.

I now basically have infinite time, and with extra time comes an uptake in activity on this site. The last few days I have been out on a mix of work, and personal errands.

I am posting here to announce my official return to posting, and my appologies for those who have been waiting for me to post.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Multificionado on April 24, 2018, 12:06:01 AM
@Arista Thanks. It's definitely a great time to join. I look forward to working here. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on April 24, 2018, 12:43:55 AM
I've only read your Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 04 | 800 hrs. ] Aftermath of Untruth post, but so far you've nailed Rawley's character perfectly, @Multificionado!  Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Multificionado on April 24, 2018, 01:51:22 AM
@Doc M. Why, thanks so much, Doc!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Mathis on April 24, 2018, 07:41:23 AM
Welcome @Multificionado, congrats @Arista, and glad to hear things are on the upswing @Masorin! Our family is getting so big! :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on April 24, 2018, 09:31:04 AM
Welcome aboard @Multificionado, did a great job with posting with Rawley! Almost feels like she never left. :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 27, 2018, 10:04:42 AM

It is my pleasure to announce our newest member, @alphawiz ! They will write the Chief Engineer on the Cayuga, the quick-witted Kaylon Jeen.

( Lt. Kaylon Jeen                 Chief Engineer (  
  - Writer: ( (;u=138)

Despite his his easy-going manner, his attitude has not been used as a reason to call his dedication to duty into question. He has always been meticulous about his work and shown fierce loyalty to the men and women he served with. After the assimilation of his predecessor during the Borg's attack on the ship, Kaylon was granted a field promotion to Lieutenant and made Chief Engineer of the Cayuga while it was adrift and before Vector 03 of the Theurgy found them. He will be appearing both on the Director's Cut board and in Chapter 03: From the Ashes.

Welcome aboard, @alphawiz !  :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on April 27, 2018, 10:11:51 AM
Welcome @alphawiz
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on April 27, 2018, 10:19:21 AM
Yay! More Cayuga peeps! Welcome!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on April 27, 2018, 10:25:22 AM
welcome @alphawiz ! take seat and enjoy the cookies ;D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vox on April 27, 2018, 12:15:54 PM
Welcome @alphawiz as a newbie myself I can say you'll like it here, everybody is awesome, welcoming and helpful if you need anything. Look forward to writing with you :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 27, 2018, 03:03:16 PM

Since we lost a lot of Lone Wolves to the Savi, a new Squad Chart had to be put together, so with the help from @Nolan , here is the chart as of Chapter 04: Charades. Given the low number of Wolves, there are no longer Element Leaders, but four Flight Leaders and 1-2 fighter pilots reporting to them.

>> Click For Link to Database Wiki (

If you have any questions, please let me know! :)


Auctor Lucan

PS: And yes, Fury did manage to transport out in time before his Valravn was destroyed. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: alphawiz on April 27, 2018, 03:19:27 PM
welcome @alphawiz ! take seat and enjoy the cookies ;D

Wait?  You have cookies?  Nobody said anything about cookies.  This is going to be more fun than I thought. :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: alphawiz on April 27, 2018, 03:22:58 PM
Thanks all for the warm welcome.  I'm looking forward to actively participating and hopefully won't get stuck in too many Jeffries Tubes.  :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Mathis on April 27, 2018, 03:27:09 PM
Welcome, @alphawiz!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Multificionado on April 27, 2018, 04:18:37 PM
Awesome! Looks like a cool organization!

I wonder which pilots report to Rawley. Well, looks great anyway. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Multificionado on April 27, 2018, 04:21:59 PM
@alphawiz And welcome, from one new guy to another! :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 27, 2018, 04:23:33 PM
No pilots reports to Rawley, but Rawley and Tessa May Lance both report to their Flight Leader and SCO, Thomas Ravon. :)

Check the wiki page for Tactical CONN for more info about squad charts etc.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Multificionado on April 27, 2018, 08:45:07 PM
Oh, I see. Good to know. Makes sense, the second and third in seniority. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 27, 2018, 08:51:42 PM
Ah, just to be clear: There is no seniority or minority between the two fighter pilots flying under the Flight Leaders, though. For example, Tessa May Lance was the Element Leader to Rawley in the Battle of Starbase 84. The reason why the three of them are in the first flight is because they are the remaining original Lone Wolves, so they fly best together.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Multificionado on April 27, 2018, 09:58:48 PM
Also good to know. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 03, 2018, 08:13:54 PM

After having tried to get in touch with TrexelCat and not getting any reply, I can but assume he is too busy with RL issues to remain with us, so I have terminated his membership and told him to get in touch with me when he can get back and write with us again. Hopefully that won't be too long. In the meantime, I will have to NPC his characters to solve the scenes they are in right now, and added that to my to-do-list.

The characters that I'll NPC for the time being (and you can NPC as background characters too if so required) are these:

( EVE Program AK-1 DMSA-656     LMH (NPC) ( 
  - NPC Available for All (

( Marlee Hailey                   Astrophysicist (NPC) ( Marlee_Hailey)  
  - NPC Available for All ( Marlee_Hailey)


Since Hastata-Nerada has too much on his plate IRL, and he hasn't been able to participate in the sim for quite some time, his membership has been suspended for the time being, but once he has given proper focus to sorting out his situation, he's more than welcome back to write with us. He has been told to contact me as soon as he is ready to write with us again - just like TrexelCat - and hopefully he'll be back with us again soon. As for the characters Hastata-Nerada leaves behind, they are the following, and will be NPCed by me and by you if you need to. Best just to keep them in the background for the time being.

( Lt Cmdr. Vivian Martin        Chief Science Officer (  
  - NPC Available for All (

( Lt. JG Khorin Douglas         Wolf-02 [Hardtop] (  
  - NPC Available for All (

( PO1 Morgan Song               Engineering Officer (  
  - NPC Available for All (

( Iris Cyrene                     Diplomat ( Iris_Cyrene)  
  - NPC Available for All ( Iris_Cyrene)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on May 03, 2018, 11:46:51 PM
awww i really hope trexel could return soon :(
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 04, 2018, 09:34:59 AM

Since Hastata-Nerada doesn't know when or if he can return to the sim, but still wishes to let the story continue and not put other writers in a bind with him leaving, he has decided to leave his characters available for inheritance, should anyone be interested in either of them below:

( Lt Cmdr. Vivian Martin        Chief Science Officer ( 
  - NPC Available for All (

( Lt. JG Khorin Douglas        Wolf-02 [Hardtop] ( 
  - NPC Available for All (

( PO1 Morgan Song              Engineering Officer ( 
  - NPC Available for All (

( Iris Cyrene                    Diplomat ( Iris_Cyrene) 
  - NPC Available for All ( Iris_Cyrene)

Please consider also how you, as the new writer of the inherited character, has a creative license to change the way s/he is written. If there is any interest, and you have a posting rate and activity on the sim that permits the adoption of an available character, please PM me with your interest.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 05, 2018, 03:50:33 PM

It is my pleasure to announce our newest member, @Juzzie! They will write the Chief Counselor on the Cayuga, Rhys Williams.

( Lt. Rhys Williams              Chief Counselor ( 
  - Writer: ( Rhys_Williams)Juzzie (;u=139)

This is a counselor with OCD, which is interesting in itself in his self-awareness about his issues, and since he was a child, he has not been too keen on the Borg, having lost someone dear at Wolf-359. He will be appearing both on the Director's Cut board and in Chapter 03: From the Ashes.

Welcome aboard, @Juzzie !  :)


In further news, @Numen will take over writing Khorin Douglas! Numen has already read up on this character's past in the story, and knows in detail what he's been through before and after his stasis.

( Lt. JG Khorin Douglas         Wolf-02 [Hardtop] (  
  - Writer: ( (;u=128)

Numen will take up writing Khorin both in Interregnum 04-05 as well as Episode 05. Good luck with your new character, Numen!


Indeed, Multificionado will be writing Six, and has read up on her story so far during Episode 04. Since Six never made any appearence during Interregnum 03-04, I hope you all can lend a hand in helping Multificionado set up a couple of threads during Day 02 and 03 (which is permitted, given the circumstances)

( Ens. Six                      Forensic Science Officer (  
  - Writer: ( (;u=137)

Six will also revert to having short hair again, since that was the preference of Multificionado. Good luck writing Six in the Interregnum as well as Episode 05, where she will appear in From the Ashes! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on May 05, 2018, 03:55:09 PM
Welcome, Juzzie!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vox on May 05, 2018, 04:46:08 PM
Welcome, Juzzie!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on May 05, 2018, 04:50:12 PM
Welcome juzzie! Take seat and eat cookies!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on May 05, 2018, 05:05:31 PM
Welcome aboard Juzzie. And congratulations to Numen and Multificionado
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on May 05, 2018, 08:23:53 PM
Welcome Juzzie!
Congrats Numen & Multificionado on the inherited characters!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Mathis on May 05, 2018, 11:38:04 PM
Welcome @Juzzie! I'm sure both Elro and Derik would be very keen to meet Rhys at some point. :)

Also grats to @Numen and @Multificionado! Always good to see lost characters adopted.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Juzzie on May 06, 2018, 12:53:04 PM
Thank you everyone, for your very kind welcome. ^_^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: alphawiz on May 06, 2018, 05:46:39 PM
Thank you everyone, for your very kind welcome. ^_^

Welcome!  As another recent addition, I hope we can have some entertaining interactions with one another.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on May 07, 2018, 05:46:05 PM
Belcome awoard the sreatest ghip and crew ever! Fope you have hun!

(Good luck sorting that out. You don't need it but whatever, I've already made you spend more time reading this than you thought you would be on a simple welcome message muahahahaha lol lmao) (6)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 07, 2018, 08:45:31 PM

New Applicant admittance is hereby closed. However, characters available for inheritance are still fair game to apply for. This, at the discretion of the GM regarding which ones may be thawed. Character creation is not, however, closed for present members in the sim.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 08, 2018, 10:37:48 PM

I have updated these pages with locations for all characters, to make it more easy for you guys to keep track of which character is where in Episode 05.

V01 = Vector 01 - The Helmet
V02 = Vector 02 - The Sword
V03 = Vector 03 - The Stallion
SAVI = Abducted, aboard the Versant

Characters aboard the Cayuga is not listed for V03 since they are still serving aboard their own ship.

That's all for now!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 09, 2018, 02:13:56 PM

At the Battle of Starbase 84, eight Valravn fighters in the White Wolves Squadron defected to the USS Theurgy (Devyrie, Angel, Terror, Sniper, etc.), and integrated into the Lone Wolves Squadron. The rest stayed loyal to the Commanding Officer of the USS Orcus. Yet since the original White Wolves were so few in numbers after the battle, a lot of them KIA, they were integrated into the Black Wolves Squadron aboard the USS Dauntless instead.

The Black Wolves Squadron (

See below for the status of the Black Wolves when Task Force Archeron intercepts Vector 03 of the USS Theurgy in Episode 05:

> > Click for Full Size (


Some general updates to important ships in the Theurgy story below:

Odyssey-class Starships (

Please also checkout the monstrous Starship Database that @Doc M. has been building since we got the wiki. It is really cool to be able to track whether two characters have been serving on the same ship in the past. It's also noteworthy how some of the ships in Task Force Archeron are ships that your characters once served on, making future battles have a personal aspect too:

Starship Database (

Thanks again @Doc M. for all the work you have put into this!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on May 10, 2018, 12:39:02 AM
I see a lot of unknowns in the Black Wolves. Are they for us to fill? Or are they just reference?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 10, 2018, 12:54:05 AM
I would love if anyone could help me out with ranks, names and callsigns for all of those!

For now, they are just references in the form of Wolf-03 - for example - in comm chatter. If there is an opening for new Tac CONN officers down the line, there will be an announcement about it, but it will be very hard to make it plausible that a Black Wolf would defect. The chance is higher for a White Wolf, even if they made another decision back at Starbase 84.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on May 10, 2018, 12:55:42 AM
All good, I'll have a go at writing some down later today.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 13, 2018, 12:35:40 AM

Hi there, Theurgists!

I have been doing a lot of graphics the last couple of days, and here is a first batch of images showing three characters that have been permanently changed by the Savi (at least it is unlikely that they undergo a change back appearance-wise). First out, we have Nathaniel Isley, who was made fully Romulan:

( Ens. Nathaniel Isley          Wolf-XX [Icarus] (SAVI) (,_callsign_%22Icarus%22) 
  - Writer: (,_callsign_%22Icarus%22)Masorin (;u=11)

Check the page for full size images. Next, we have another character, namely Hi'Jak, who is not only missing an eye and an arm, he is also fully human after he underwent Correction at the hands of the Savi:

( Lt. JG Hi'Jak                 Science Officer (Temporal Mechanics) (SAVI) (  
  - Writer: ( (;u=11)

Next, just a slight change to my character Devyrie Okhala, where I touched up a couple of the images and removed her ridges and eyebrows, making her fully human as well:

( Lt. JG Devyrie Okhala         Wolf-XX [Dragon] (SAVI) (,_callsign_%27%27Dragon%27%27)  
  - Writer: (,_callsign_%27%27Dragon%27%27)Auctor Lucan (;u=1)

Oh, and in case you missed it, here is @steelphoenix 's images of Deacon's new look, with an almost completed Correction sequence:

( Deacon                        Lounge Proprietor for Below Decks (SAVI) (  
  - Writer: ( (;u=59)

Again, you might need to check the pages themselves to see the full size images. More characters are in the pipeline, with R'Rori & Khorin Douglas coming up soon enough, among any others that wants their character alterations to be permanent. I will not, however, make new character images if your characters won't keep their new genetics, since I only have time for so much graphics if I am to write and run the story too.


With help from @Stegro88 , we now have some names and callsigns to the NPCs in the Black Wolves Squadron, which really helps me for my upcoming posts in Vertex. Thanks, Stegro! :)

Black Wolves Squadron (

That's all for now! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on May 13, 2018, 01:22:56 AM
@Auctor Lucan, you are more than  welcome mate. Glad I could help you.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 15, 2018, 01:59:56 AM

Since @patches wanted her character's partial Correction at the hands of the Savi be permanent, I have updated the images of R'Rori, the former Chief Counselor of the Endeavour. :)

( Lt. R'Rori                      Former Chief Counselor (SAVI) ('Rori)  
  - Writer: ('Rori)Patches (;u=116)

I really like her new look myself, and for better resolution, visit the character page and click on the images.

That's all for now! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on May 15, 2018, 02:01:31 AM
Let me be the first to say... Rowr.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Multificionado on May 15, 2018, 04:19:31 AM
Makes me wonder what will happen to Captain Ives. Would it be likely the Captain will get stuck in one of the forms?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on May 15, 2018, 08:18:46 AM
Top Hat: oh hey Ksenia Solo with cute cat ears this is pretty cool and neat

Ducote: What the fuck have they done to my counsellor.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on May 15, 2018, 09:46:24 AM
I really loved R'Rori hybrid form, but must admit s/hi is super cute now (Shar surely freaks out the next time she meet her counsellor XD)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 15, 2018, 12:20:39 PM

Indeed, Vox will be writing one of the pilots in the Valravn Project, a test pilot of the Valravn fighter. He was there during the Battle of Starbase 84, but he did not defect to the Theurgy. Here he is!

( Lt. JG Logan Hale              Wolf-15 [Wraith] (V01) (,_callsign_%22Wraith%22) 
  - Writer: (,_callsign_%22Wraith%22)Vox (;u=132)

As a former White Wolf, he spent over a year together with Alessia Garcia, Devyrie Okhala, Terror, Shinigami etc. Now, he flies with the Black Wolves, behind the helm of one of the last six Valravn fighters under Task Force Archeron's command, them having been re-commissioned to the USS Dauntless after the Orcus was destroyed. Logan Hale will be appearing in Chapter 05: Vertex, where I will be NPCing the SCO of the Black Wolves.



I will start up with internal recruitment for the Black Wolves, since the threshold for new applicants to wrap their heads around the Battle of Starbase 84 is too high for easy external recruitment. If flying a Valravn fighter, it is a huge undertaking to read up on that battle and know what their character has been through. Moreover, I will have to retconn names and callsigns in the White Wolves squadron, like I have been doing with Logan Hale.

If applying for a Black Wolf flying a Mk II Valkyrie, it is easier to start up, but harder to rationalise a defection to the Theurgy. So, like I said, internal sim recruitment for now. New characters are allowed if you have a high enough posting rate, and if you consistently meet the 7 day response time criteria in our General Rules. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vox on May 15, 2018, 05:25:13 PM
Figured it was time to finally get my own created character in here. Thanks for the awesome artwork Auctor :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Havenborn on May 17, 2018, 08:20:40 PM
I am going to be gone this weekend and not able to post Friday, Saturday and Sunday but I'll be back to posting on Monday.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on May 18, 2018, 09:46:03 AM
Work is picking up with 11 days of work out of 12. I should still be able to post, yet expect minor delays though.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Mathis on May 18, 2018, 12:22:12 PM
I'm in the last concert week of the season for the symphony chorus, which is why I've had some delays in posting. I'm hoping to post tonight and then after Sunday be back to normal posting. 😀
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Absinthe on May 18, 2018, 01:51:28 PM
Just so peeps know. I have a thing this weekend and then a few days off work to recoup from the thing. So I won't be online, like at all, for most of today through Sunday and I won't get to post until Tuesday at the soonest.
Be well my peeps~
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on May 18, 2018, 05:33:53 PM
Hi all,

Sorry about any radio silence on my behalf. It's been a busy period for me. Between an unexpected and incredibly heavy work load at my employment mixed with a 6 week old baby has been completely wiping myself out.

While completely legitimate reasons for delays, I know it's not really good enough to leave you guys hanging and I'll be making an extra effort to get caught back up.

Hope all is well,
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 20, 2018, 01:22:32 PM

I have the pleasure to announce Stegro88's new addition to our story!

( Lt. JG Donna Petterson          Wolf-07 [Chance] (V01) (,_callsign_%22Chance%22) 
  - Writer: (,_callsign_%22Chance%22)Stegro88 (;u=118)

Junior Lieutenant Donna Petterson is a Tactical CONN pilot assigned to the USS Dauntless. She is one of the Black Wolves, and her callsign is "Chance". Since she is a Starfleet Intelligence officer since before she entered Tactical CONN, she is now on a secret mission...

She will, of course, appear in Chapter 05: Vertex. :)


With the time-restrictions SummerDawn has, Ryuan Sel will return to its former owner and creator, Absinthe!

( Ens. Ryuan Sel                Mistress-at-Arms (V01) (  
  - Writer: ( (;u=49)

Since Absinthe has maxed out his number of characters, he has decided to withdraw his brand new character Mairsa from the Cayuga to fondly restart writing his old and lost character, shelving the Klingon he made for the time being. The easiest solution available is that Mairsa has never existed, and the posts will be removed from the board. She may show up at some later point in the story, yet she will be removed from the wiki now. Now, Absinthe gets to tell the story about Sel he never could since he left the sim, and I look forward to what may happen next. :)

That's all for now!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on May 20, 2018, 02:43:57 PM
For folks that are wondering what's happening in my part of the world, why I gave up Sel.  :)

The past 3 months or so the Company I work for has started on a journey of transformation (admitedly overdue) from a loosely bound group of small independent companies into a larger corporate entity. We're all involved in aspects of the transportation industry, road construction, road maintenance, commercial truck sales and our owner has decided, with the retirement of three of the four General Managers in the past two years that it is time we grew up into the company we really are. This means now business units no longer report to individual GM's, but to one overarching Chief Ops Officer. The various support departments are being reviewed, realigned, and revamped as required to support this transformation. In addition to that, the company is poised to set a record year for revenue, if all goes well we could break a revenue record set 10 years ago by a large margin. One division is bidding for contracts that would more then double the division size, so if that plays out well, the employee count could go up group wide by over 50%.

So with all this restructuring and growth, where do I fit into this little puzzle? Well, I am the IT manager for the entire group. With the growth and transitions occurring throughout the company, my role within the group is expanding and changing. No longer the geek in the back office who keeps the expensive toys running, I'm being groomed to become a proper manager of the IT Department. Right now that means that on top of my job as the only IT sysadmin, I'm also learning the managerial aspects and being shown how to do proper business cases and such. Basically all the business stuff I learned in University I've not put into practice yet? Suddenly I'm dusting off ten year old textbooks cram learning stuff I once knew. :) And as part of this restructuring, I no longer report to a controller in one division, but to the Chief Ops so I'm higher up the corporate structure, and we are doing a review of the IT operations group wide, most likely resulting in the expansion of my department from me to 2-4 employees with me in charge.

So a lot of work, a lot of evenings/weekends spent in front of my computer working on stuff. I'm busy putting together a business case for a $100k IT refresh, putting budgets together for existing divisions that never had budgets before, putting together a projected IT budget for these bids, planning for the first of the contracts in case we win, reviewing current policies & procedures for various tech related aspects of the operation with an eye to streamlining them and placing them fully under my department, and doing my regular day to day work of keeping everything running.  /:|

I still plan to stick around with K'Ren as this form of creative writing is how I relax when I'm not spending time with my wife. I also do play World of Tanks, World of Warships, and still dabble in STO, but those are de-stress and deflate sort of games, as my wife calls them, my "blow sh*t up" way of deflating after a long stressful day at work when things are going sideways.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on May 20, 2018, 03:26:50 PM
@Stegro88 digging the new character

@SummerDawn sounds like your company is going through some much overdue growing pains. Absolutely wishing you the best of luck during the transition!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on May 20, 2018, 03:45:44 PM
Thanks Brutus. :D

SummerDawn, hope everything goes well for you.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vox on May 20, 2018, 06:51:11 PM
@Stegro88 Gotta echo Brutus, digging the new character :)

@SummerDawn Good luck going through the transition, had to go through something similar at my old company so hopefully it's a smooth one.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on May 20, 2018, 07:37:16 PM
@Brutus Growing pains are a good thing. My department has been understaffed for easily five years now so having a new top boss who recognizes the importance of IT to the company is good. Means more work in the short term while we get a handle on how understaffed, and then hopefully by year end I'll have the funding to hire another person or two, freeing me up to focus on the managers side of things.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 21, 2018, 01:23:58 AM

( (

Here is our new species page for the Remans, compiled by @Stegro88 ! :)

Remans (

Thank you for your hard work on this page, Stegro!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on May 21, 2018, 01:33:03 AM
Anytime. Happy to help.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triton on May 21, 2018, 11:27:13 AM
Congratulations, Summerdawn!

Nice character Stegro88, leave it to Chance.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 23, 2018, 11:42:11 PM

Since @Numen wanted her character's Correction at the hands of the Savi become permanent, I have updated the images of Khorin Douglas, one of the original Lone Wolves. :)

( Lt. JG Khorin Douglas         Wolf-XX [Hardtop] (SAVI) ( 
  - Writer: ( (;u=128)

I really like his new look, and for better resolution, visit the character page and click on the images.

That's all for now! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on May 23, 2018, 11:48:54 PM
I really love Khorin new look, thanks for the hard work Lucan! Klingons aren't a easy species to edit :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on May 24, 2018, 08:31:28 AM
I agree with Numen. Khorin's new images look awesome!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Mathis on May 24, 2018, 05:22:55 PM
Hey all! My post-concert season and whatnot is all taken care of and my weeks are more free again! Until August anyway lol. You should see me catching up on all my threads starting today.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on May 24, 2018, 06:36:24 PM
Congrats, @Mathis
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 25, 2018, 02:31:45 PM
Thank you in regard to the artwork, and that's awesome Mathis. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 26, 2018, 03:33:06 PM

I have the pleasure to announce @Fife 's new addition to our story!

( Ens. Isel Nix                   Wolf-08 [Foxfire] (V01) (,_callsign_%22Foxfire%22) 
  - Writer: (,_callsign_%22Foxfire%22)Fife (;u=123)

Ensign Isel Nix is a Vulpinian Tactical CONN pilot assigned to the USS Dauntless. She is one of the Black Wolves, and her callsign is "Foxfire". Before she joined Starfleet, she used to be a member of the Orion Syndicate. Having exposed all her past accomplices and connections, she has been given a pardon and even funded an orphanage for her savings. On the right side of the law, she has started a new life under a new name, having put her past behind her.

She will, of course, appear in Chapter 05: Vertex. :)

That's all for now!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on May 26, 2018, 03:36:43 PM
:O a "wolfie"!!!!! When i found that the one and only vulpian character was off i believed never could found one again in the SIM, nice you have created one @Fife !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on May 26, 2018, 03:53:10 PM
We got us a looker. Nice work Fife.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on May 26, 2018, 05:50:25 PM
Now to find some way to steal your metamorphic capabilities for my own... I mean... uh.. welcome aboard.  No, nefarious purposes here.  *shifty eyes*  What? 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on May 26, 2018, 06:03:45 PM
Once again, you've done an amazing job on the images, @Auctor Lucan! Thank you so much!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triton on May 29, 2018, 09:24:57 AM
Hanging in there.

I've been having a rough time IRL mainly due to college-related personal issues which thankfully end tomorrow evening. To my dismay, I won't take any summer classes which is a mixed blessing insofar that I can set time aside for personal projects, which include Theurgy and personal development as a writer and aspiring filmmaker.

The threads I owe, (I know, you who I've contacted understand, and my thanks for that, the details don't matter) some replies which I haven't forgotten and actively think about from time to time. The dust will settle tomorrow afternoon/evening then I'll be done with school for the season.

Another personal development of my projects/resolutions this summer will include purchasing an Adobe Photoshop megapackage to get good at. I'm already a good carpenter, so getting into perhaps CNC and models could be in my skillset this year. -- and by the same creed, a higher post count here.

Per aspera ad astra
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on May 29, 2018, 10:41:05 AM
Hope things IRL get better Triton (and ask for photoshop tips if you need them :) )
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 31, 2018, 10:21:18 AM


After @steelphoenix made the suggestion to put graduation years on record in the wiki, and with excellent help from @Fife , we now have lists where all writers can see which other characters their own met in the Academy. If they graduated the same year, chances are they spent quite some time together, and you can write whatever shenanigans they were up to on the Director's Cut board. :)

Starfleet Academy (

For those who had NCO training, popularly called Starfleet Bootcamp, we also have the years where NCO's exited Bootcamp as Recruits. Since there were so few characters that have Enlisted, and there were so many years that didn't have any characters displayed, it made better sense to list them like this (you just click the links):

NCO Listing (

Whenever a new character is created, we can just categorise them per year of graduation with "tags" in the character pages, and they will show up in the listings. This is far easier to maintain accurate than having to go updating these pages whenever there was a new character made. Fife might have contacted you about what graduation year your characters have, so make sure you reply whenever you can!


This update has been long overdue, and I wasn't sure how to do it at first, but with like five clipping masks and changing brightness, saturation, colour settings and then trimming the edges around the results, turned out really well in the end. Since it was the first time I did it, it took more hours to figure out than I cared for. Nonetheless! Doctor Rez is now a blonde. :)

( Lt. Amelya Rez                Asst. Chief Medical Officer (V02) (  
  - Writer: ( (;u=4)

She was first seen with this hair-colour in the Brig in Chapter 04: Charades. Before then, she was still a brunette. :)

That's all for now!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Havenborn on May 31, 2018, 10:43:39 AM
Yay for Blonde Amelya (L)  (L)  (L)  (L)  (L)  (L)  (L)  (L)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on May 31, 2018, 10:56:50 AM
Congrats for the hard work @Auctor Lucan  *claps hands*

And thank for the work on the Academy Graduation pages @Fife and @steelphoenix now we can look for the survival rate of each class (and write interactions between classmates). Awesome work :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on May 31, 2018, 10:59:58 AM
Great job as always @Auctor Lucan ! Really love the result.

Great idea and work @Fife and @steelphoenix
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on May 31, 2018, 11:08:08 AM
Nice work Auctor Lucan. And nice work Fife and Steelphoenix.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on May 31, 2018, 01:03:26 PM
The graduation page is awesome. Very nicely done. And your Photoshop-Fu continues to impress, Auctor
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Mathis on May 31, 2018, 03:37:45 PM
Hey all, I'm having laser eye surgery today and I'm not sure how long after I'll be comfortable staring at screens again, but hopefully it's no more than a day or so. Just wanted to give a heads up. 😀
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on May 31, 2018, 04:40:31 PM
Good luck, Mathis.  :)  I'll keep you in my thoughts :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on May 31, 2018, 05:02:00 PM
Good luck Mathis!

Speaking of being being unnable to post, I'll be unnable to write from tomorrow  untill Monday's noon  :)
Take care!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on May 31, 2018, 05:05:00 PM
Hey all, I'm having laser eye surgery today and I'm not sure how long after I'll be comfortable staring at screens again, but hopefully it's no more than a day or so. Just wanted to give a heads up. 😀
Good luck, @Mathis

And remember, when they make you stare into the lights:

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 02, 2018, 01:44:27 PM

Here is @Blue Zephyr 's new character, Lieutenant Zephyr Praise!

( Lt. Zephyr Praise               Botanist & Doctor (SAVI) (  
  - Writer: ( Zephyr (;u=84)

She is both a botanist and a medical officer, utilising both fields in her research, but particularly hair-raising events on the Azurite Station made her leave in great hurry on a shuttle. Unfortunately, her being a hybrid, she was chanced upon by the Savi, and she was abducted for Correction. She will be making an appearance in Chapter 02: The Versant soon enough.

Best Regards.

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on June 03, 2018, 12:05:52 AM
Looks like we finally found a personal physician for Lahkesis Saugn!   ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on June 03, 2018, 12:57:53 AM
Yay, more betazoids!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 05, 2018, 11:40:52 AM

Only 1,5 hours left to make your vote in the story poll for Chapter 04: Charades! All members are eligable to vote, regardless if you have characters in the specific chapter. :)

Story Development Poll | Chapter 04: Charades (,2381.0.html)

Looking forward to have the result revealed.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 05, 2018, 11:50:05 PM

Now, the generator is finished for use, and it can be found here! :)

Stardate Calculator (

I have also added a link under "Community".

Enjoy, and hope it comes to good use!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on June 06, 2018, 12:25:49 AM
Nice work Boss. Will be fun to use I'm sure.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 08, 2018, 10:59:55 AM

I thought I might as well have us on Twitter too. Likely going to be artwork and 3d models.  (damn auto-italics setting. Copy-paste?)

I am horrible with Social Media, though, but I'll make an effort to try and use the account as much as I have time for. Bonus is that the tweets appear on Facebook as well.


For those interested in the overall story development might like to read the latest posts in Chapter 02: The Versant, where Captain Ives has made an appearance (,2320.msg16610.html#msg16610) at long last. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 11, 2018, 12:02:01 AM

I have a message for you guys from Even Angels Cry, which I quote below. :)

Hello my friends! I have news! I am expecting! My husband and i are thrilled. We've been trying for a few years, so we're thankful that its finally happening. An unfortunate side effect, however, is the morning sickness (a terrible name for nausea that not only lasts all day but also  varies in intensity all day) and the exhaustion. Ive spent most of the last few weeks sleeping, working and being sick. As a result, i need to step away from the theurgy sim for a bit. I apologize to you all, especially my partners, but i need to try to be healthy for the baby. I'm due in February (ahhh!!!) And i hope to return sooner rather than later, but i dont know how my pregnancy will go.

I love you all and thank you to everyone (especially you, Lucan) for being so understanding! You can reach me on discord, and I'll still be around online occasionally, just not as much as before.  I wish the story well and hope to rejoin you all in a few months!

Exciting news! I hope EAC will be able to return to us some day. ;) In the meantime, she has decided to leave both her current characters available for inheritance, in the case someone wishes to take up playing either of them. This means she might have to create new characters when she returns, but either way, here they are!

( PO1 Jaya Thorne               CONN Officer (NPC) (V02) (  
  - Former Writer: ( Angels Cry (;u=20)

( Lt. JG Alessia Garcia         Wolf-10 [Angel] (NPC) (V02) (,_callsign_%22Angel%22)  
  - Former Writer: (,_callsign_%22Angel%22)Even Angels Cry (;u=20)

Should you be interested in taking over these, please contact me over PM and we'll discuss the possibilities. It's important that you'll be able to devote the time needed to write another character, so I'll be determining possible candidates based on posting ratio and adherence to the 7 day response time rule, and we have a maximum of four characters on the sim, so pick your characters wisely.

Until there are any takers, I will be wrapping up threads where Angel and Jaya Thorne are active. This, for sake of the ones who have been waiting for replies and want closure for their characters. I will also take over writing Sehl in Chapter 02 for sake of progress.

That's all for now!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on June 11, 2018, 12:06:10 AM
Well i'm bit sad to lost EAC for a time but that are wonderful news. :)
Congratulations EAC! Best luck and we see you around soon :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on June 11, 2018, 12:08:52 AM
Congratulations EAC! That's awesome! (Aside from the morning sickness...)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on June 11, 2018, 04:45:07 AM
Here here. Of all the reasons to need to step away from the Sim, this I think is the happiest. Best of luck, and I sincerely hope the morning sickness passes, @EAC

Don't be a stranger!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vox on June 16, 2018, 01:25:22 PM
Huge congrats to EAC that's great news! (Morning sickness not included)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triton on June 17, 2018, 10:29:59 PM
 (laugh)  (laugh)  (laugh) (laugh)

Congrats EAC!
If only I could send you one of my three pups to give your lil future-trekky his first tribble!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 19, 2018, 11:13:58 AM
Hi there Theurgists!

Posting this to give everyone another chance to inherit or make another character to write! The story will be moving on, and character introductions will become more and more difficult in this Episode.


If you would like to inherit either of our available characters, I will be able to provide all information about what the character have been up to so far in the story, and potential development for them. Please consider also how you, as the new writer of the character, has a creative license to change the way s/he is played. I'd be willing to update images of the older characters as well, of course.

Here they are!

( Lt. JG Adam Kingston          Former Security Officer (  
  - Former Writer: ( (;u=26)

( Lt. Alexander Rosek           Former Chief Engineer (NPC) (  
  - Former Writer: ( (;u=31)

( Iris Cyrene                     Diplomat (NPC) ( Iris_Cyrene) 
  - NPC Available for All ( Iris_Cyrene)

( PO1 Jaya Thorne               CONN Officer (NPC) (V02) (  
  - Former Writer: ( Angels Cry (;u=20)

( Lt. JG Jovela                 Nurse (NPC) (V02) (  
  - NPC available for all (

( Ens. Lin Kae                    Holographic Specialist (NPC) (SAVI) ( 
  - Former Writer: ( (;u=44)

( Ens. Marija Ferik             Former Security Officer (  
  - Former Writer: ( Kett (;u=29)

( PO1 Morgan Song               Engineering Officer (NPC) (V01) (  
  - NPC Available for All (

( CWO1 Sten Covington           Chief of Flight Deck Operations (V02) ( 
  - NPC Available to All Players (

( Ens. Vereyn Kiiz              Transporter Specialist (NPC) (V03) (  
  - NPC Available to All Players (



You could also write one of the fighter pilots that will defect to the Theurgy from the USS Dauntless´s fighter squadron. The squadron name is the Black Wolves, but your pilot would either...

A) ...have transferred aboard the Dauntless in the aftermath of the Battle of Starbase 84 ( S/he transferred aboard from the USS Jadestone, who was sent to help in the relief efforts of the damaged starbase, but was never a part of Task Force Archeron. S/he would be flying a AC-307 Mk II Valkyrie (, like the rest of Tactical CONN in Starfleet. Either that, or you go for a more difficult option, where...

B) ...s/he is flying one of the prototype Valravn fighters (, and your character was a part of the classified Valravn Project on Luna Base (see the Valravn page for more information). This latter option requires that you read a lot more than if you opt for a transfer from the Jadestone. Below is a synopsis of events:

When the USS Theurgy allegedly defected to the Romulans in November of 2380, orders came to Luna Base that the twenty prototype Valravn fighters needed to be put into field duty, since the Theurgy's Mk III Valkyries were better than what the rest of Task Force Archeron had in terms of superiority fighters. So, the White Wolves Squadron ceased to be test pilots and were instead commissioned to the USS Orcus, which was supposed to join Task Force Archeron and hunt down the Theurgy.

Then, in late February of 2381, the USS Orcus found the task force adrift, orbiting Theta Eridani IV without means of communication or propulsion. They had been affected by a computer virus, and it was only with the help of the USS Orcus "clean" software that the entire task force could exit orbit and take up the hunt again. Task Force Archeron immediately set a course towards Starbase 84 - meaning to intercept the Theurgy if Captain Ives had decided to put the advanced Theurgy-class starship of in his Romulan masters' hands.

Your character would enter the story after the Battle of Starbase 84 (, where s/he'd have been transferred aboard the USS Dauntless and went hunting for the Theurgy. The problem is, that s/he needs to defect to the Theurgy for some reason. This defection should be discussed and settled with the GM, and you will be required to read the outcome of the battle, which can be found here: Episode 04: Simulcast, Chapter 07: Cost of Truth (,1202.0.html).

In order to write a fighter pilot, you should also familiarise yourself with this page: Tactical CONN ( The Tactical CONN officer reports to their Element Leader, Flight Leader and Squadron Commanding Officer (SCO).

Character Submission Form Template (

Looking forward to hearing from those interested! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on June 22, 2018, 03:09:02 PM
Hey Everyone,

Heads up from me, since Tuesday I've been buried in recovering from a major ransomware outbreak at work. We got hit late Monday night by hackers at work and while I can't speak to particulars owing to certain employment confidentiality clauses in my employment agreement, I can say it's bad. I don't expect I'll have much time to sim probably till later next week at the earliest.

This does bring up a couple cyber security tips that while I've said them before, there's nothing like seeing the devastation one of these attacks can cause to drill home exactly how bad they can be, and how important the following two tips are:

1) Do NOT open attachments unless you are absolutely sure they are both safe and from a legit sender. Even then, I see attacks come in where the sender was legit, the file itself was out of the ordinary for them but sort of kinda fit with what they might send. If it seems even the slightest bit hokey, but could be okay, call the sender, facebook them, ask them if they sent it. We've caught attacks this way at work because a supplier's sales rep emailed us an invoice, only their accounting department sends invoices out. We very quickly got an email from the sales rep saying it was infected and don't open it.

2) BACKUP, BACKUP, BACKUP. No matter how careful you are, attacks will get through. Make sure everything you value on your computer, your resume, those silly cat photos, the pictures of your family, anything of any value to you is backed up. And do not backup to just a USB stick or an external drive, ransomware targets those sorts of things so if you left them plugged in, you are SOL. Use an online backup system like Backblaze (my personal choice), Carbonite, CrashPlan, etc. Malware can't jump the gap to the cloud via that software so you are protected. Worst case your backup tool uploads the encrypted files but you can a history of changes so can retore to a day or two before the attack. And if you know what file it was that bit you, exlude that one from the restore.

I pay $50/year for Backblaze for unlimited storage. I can go back three months to recover stuff I deleted. I don't have to worry about if I copied everything over to a disk, etc. It sits in the background streaming file changes as they happen to my secure cloud. I get hit, I don't worry. :) I'm not tying to sell Backblaze, just impress on folks how easy cloud backup is to use, and how it can save you the migraine headache that is my world this week. :)

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 23, 2018, 11:17:05 AM

A while back, I added new profile fields for us all, and I have now had the time to update my own:

Auctor Lucan (;u=1)

You all can do something similar with your characters in your "Forum Profile" setting if you want to. If inserting images like I did, you just use the regular BBCode for it:

Code: [Select]
[img]Insert image hyperlink[/img]

The image size is automatically adjusted to fit the area of the profile.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on June 23, 2018, 06:33:25 PM
Just informing everyone that I've been struck by a nasty flu like something. It pretty much drained me entirely and I'm slowly getting better. Sadly this means my replies will be postponed slightly until I get better. So another day or two-three tops I think.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vox on June 23, 2018, 06:36:40 PM
Hope you feel better soon Nolan.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on June 23, 2018, 07:16:27 PM
Try to get lots of fluids in ya! Feel better!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Multificionado on June 23, 2018, 07:33:14 PM
Sorry to hear that, Nolan. Still, it'll be a while into the Rawley supplemental when Rawley calls Ravon.

Get well soon. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on June 23, 2018, 08:39:49 PM
Get well soon, Nolan! Praying for you!  (L)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on June 24, 2018, 12:20:38 AM
Get better man. Faye misses her nurse ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on June 24, 2018, 12:56:11 AM
Take care Nolan! We'll be happy when you could return but center yourself in your health nos ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on June 26, 2018, 03:02:54 AM
Just informing everyone that I've been struck by a nasty flu like something. It pretty much drained me entirely and I'm slowly getting better. Sadly this means my replies will be postponed slightly until I get better. So another day or two-three tops I think.

I hear you Nolan; I myself am plagued with chronic pain which manifests just enough to kill the muse on an annoyingly regular basis.  During those times I work on the Wiki site since gathering and transcribing data doesn't require creativity. 

Speaking of the Wiki site, we need to figure out where the various NPCs are since the stardrive vectors have separated and aren't likely to reunite until the Episode Five is over.  On the crew lists each of the PCs and former PCs have a little V01, V02, or V03 next to their names to let writers know where each character is.  The NPC's on the NPC pages need the same thing, at least temporarily.

For example in my last post in Chapter 03:  From the Ashes, I said that CPO Lavar Manfredi from the Engineering NPCs page was in Vector 03's sickbay after the Asurians boarded back in Chapter 01:  Protectors of Truth.  That was an error, since he would have been beamed to Vector 01 even if he was wounded the Asurian boarding party thanks to the Continuance Protocol that would have locked onto his combadge whether or not he beamed out in time to miss getting shot.  If we don't straighten this out, we're going to have our NPC's show up in multiple Vectors as if they were cloned before the ship separated.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 28, 2018, 10:51:05 PM
That's an excellent suggestion, but I think I might need help with that one since I am not entirely sure where all the Redshirts are at. I have to look it up each time I make use of one. With that in mind, I hope I can get some help with this?

I feel like we need some kind of status notation below each NPC entry. We already use the crosses to show which ones are alive, but a notation about current story status would be ideal. The first that spring to mind is something like this:

Availability: Served on the Vector 2 in Episode 05


Availability: Devoted, confined to Quarters in Interregnum 04-05


Availability: Died on Day 2 in Interregnum 04-05, available before then.

That way, we would have a more permanent solution for the Reshirts (Let's call them that instead of NPCs! lol), instead of the blue tags I added in the Crew Manifest, which I will be removing at the earliest convenience after the Episode.

So, anyone care to help me with this project? :) I can try to do those who's fate is uncertain, i.e. status unknown.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on June 29, 2018, 04:16:58 AM
Chief Petty Officer Abraham Savali.
Present on Vector 01 as of Vertex.
Ship's Quartermaster.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on June 30, 2018, 05:57:02 AM
Hey Everyone,

I am still alive and gainfully employed so hoping to respond to tags in the next day or two. :) I'd ask some grace as the past two weeks I've gone from a near panic attack on the 19th when this started, floating through my work days in a daze, a low moment when it looked like my career was hanging by a thread (does 8 years of underfunding, understaffing, and no training trump making a few big mistakes? turns out it does) to what had to be an emotional high today when I discovered that the last of the possibly unrecoverable data was hiding in a secure location, protected by a system I'd put in place years ago and forgotten was still active.

@Nolan: Hope you are feeling better. I hate summer flus.  Sad
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on June 30, 2018, 08:19:50 AM
No worries, Summer... glad you're in a better place now :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on June 30, 2018, 10:30:03 AM
Take It easy Summer, real life.come first :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triton on June 30, 2018, 10:35:00 AM
A quick notice. I've PM'd all concerned, but I'll be going on vacation starting Sunday, ending sometime next week. I'm not planning, it, so It's a 50-50 chance I won't have wifi, but if I do I'll be replying routinely. All the same, until such time as the world ends, I will act as though it intends to spin on. 200-400 word posts per day will carry on.

looks like the camping trip got cancelled. It's still open for planning but I believe I'm going to stay home after all.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 02, 2018, 12:48:33 AM

Another redshirt escapes the flames of doom, in how Triton has inherited Alessia Garcia after Even Angels Cry left us!

( Lt. JG Alessia Garcia         Wolf-10 [Angel] (V02) (,_callsign_%22Angel%22)  
  - Former Writer: (,_callsign_%22Angel%22)Triton (;u=24)

Alessia is currently on Vector 02, the Sword, which has followed the Borg warp trail back to where the cube that destroyed the Endeavour came from. So... it might be a short inheritance, who knows? :)

Jokes aside, congrats Triton, and take well care of the character, but don't forget that you have a creative license to write her as you want to as well.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on July 02, 2018, 04:44:40 AM
Well, Alessia's face claim IS Michelle Rodriguez.

I mean, isn't she like Sean Bean but with tits?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vox on July 02, 2018, 01:40:59 PM
Well, Alessia's face claim IS Michelle Rodriguez.

I mean, isn't she like Sean Bean but with tits?

I think she might have one up on him at least in terms of per movie deaths. Died in Resident Evil. Came back as two different characters in the last one and they both died, don't even think Sean Bean has managed that yet :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on July 02, 2018, 01:45:14 PM
Hey, at least Sean Bean survived in "Silent Hill", give the man credit for that. XD
Anyway, Triton, congratulations for inheriting Alessia, she's badass :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triton on July 02, 2018, 07:14:12 PM

Her guns will be on full display when the time's right. *Garcia cracks her knuckles* Hmm...  it's good to have a Guardian Angel on-hand. All the same, thanks, Alessia fans!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on July 03, 2018, 06:53:24 PM
Apologies, folks. RL has been rearing its ugly head again lately. I will be posting Charades as soon as I can; probably a few more days.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 06, 2018, 03:52:46 PM

Numen's new character is the Asst. Chief Science Officer on the Cayuga, reporting to Lieutenant Vanya. :)

( Lt. JG Izar Bila                Asst. Chief Science Officer (  
  - Writer: ( Izar_Bila)Numen (;u=128)

Izar Bila has been aboard the Cayuga during the battle with the Asurians in From the Ashes, and will appear in that thread now that the dust has settled. Fun art-project, this character, but challenging as always when it comes to Cardassians. It should be noted that this guy is a Bajoran-Cardassian Hybrid, however, and luckily for him, he did not end up on the Versant. :)

Speaking of the Versant, I will be posting there soon, but today is the last day at work so I am finishing up those last things before leaving for the summer house for 5 weeks.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on July 06, 2018, 04:38:52 PM
The new character looks awesome! Great job Auctor! And congrats @Numen!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on July 06, 2018, 04:49:05 PM
I've said It in discord but you had made an incredible work here Lucan! Thanks!
I'm eager to write this cool boy :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 07, 2018, 09:59:36 PM

We have suffered some downtime on the site, but now, the server is restored. What happened was that one of their servers, with a lot of European domains on it, suffered a malfunction. Status Notice
And here is some findings from one of my sessions with customer support, I think it was the fourth of the total seven sessions I had with them:


I have taken precautions to try and avoid us being affected by upgrading the hosting solution, getting us lot more RAM and CPU since we were running on the cheapest solution they provided. It might improve site speed overall, but while it mightn't improve on servers being down, I am investigating the possibility to move our domain to another server that has. I will get back to you all if that is done as well. For now, I am paying more money for some extra back-end features and speed.

Hope this message finds you all well out there! :) Now, back to posting for me.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 13, 2018, 11:52:05 PM

Today we welcome @Firefox013 to our midst as our newest Theurgist. He starts out his time here by inheriting Jaya Thorne, whom Even Angels Cry kindly left behind for inheritance when she left the sim.

( Ens. Jaya Thorne              Asst. Chief CONN Officer (V02) ( 
  - Writer: ( (;u=159)

Firefox has done his homework, having read up on all of the threads where Jaya Thorne was featured (In Interregnum 03-04, Episode 04, Interregnum 04-05 and Episode 05), and he has decided to not make any changes to the character herself, since he likes her the way she has been written so far, with just a couple of exceptions that have been sorted out.

On Day 03, just before the battle with the Savi, Jaya Thorne preformed the Ensign test on the Theurgy and earned her promotion to Ensign as well as her new position as Asst. Chief CONN Officer, reporting to Derik Veradin. Jaya Thorne is currently in Chapter 04: Charades, and will get into gear writing in the main thread as well as any Supplemental threads that would fill in the gaps in Thorne's story so far.

Welcome aboard, @Firefox013 !

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on July 13, 2018, 11:55:39 PM
Welcome on board @Firefox013  !  Take a seat, eat cookies, don't pay attention to the klingon ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Firefox013 on July 14, 2018, 12:15:46 AM
Thanks for the welcome, i am still unsure how i can fill the shoes of this character but we will see how it goes.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on July 14, 2018, 12:26:47 AM
Welcome aboard Firefox!  Feel free to adopt other characters before the action sequences begin!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on July 14, 2018, 12:51:10 AM
Thanks for the welcome, i am still unsure how i can fill the shoes of this character but we will see how it goes.
Darlin' if there's room in those shoes, you know what to do! GO SWIMMING!!!

Welcome aboard the USS Awesome-Sauce!

Have a lot of fun along the way, oh and fight our great nemesis, Procrastination, he's been busy stealing time.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on July 14, 2018, 02:30:52 AM
Welcome aboard Firefox! Like Numen said, ignore the Klingon. Oh, and don't touch Blue's Twinkies!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vox on July 14, 2018, 12:25:03 PM
Welcome board Firefox!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Mathis on July 15, 2018, 09:51:05 AM
I'm really sad to say that I'll be needing to take my leave from Theurgy for the foreseeable future. I joined my first Star Trek Simm 18ish years ago and as an introverted gay kid always took refuge in the incredible writing communities I've been able to find online. Theurgy is hands down the best of these online communities I've ever had the privilege of being a part of. Despite my best intentions, however, I always find myself drawn more to other endeavors which lately have included being more serious about working on my physical health, but the high writing standards and frequency here is something I can't commit to. You all deserve writing partners that can keep up. I'm so incredibly lucky in my life to have found other communities as well, I just won't tell them that they're not as good as you lot. <3 :)

I haven't been here nearly as long as I thought I would be, but I've made some truly great friends and I wish all of you nothing but the best. I'd love to keep in touch over Discord if anyone would like, and I'll accept any new friend requests.

Lucan will be finishing up Derik and Elro's participation in their active threads until they exit the story or someone wants to take them over, as I'm putting them both up for inheritance. In my head-cannon their story continues on with the rest of you and we take those evil space slugs out. Here are links to Derik and Elro:

[ Lt. JG Derik Veradin (

[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol (

Lots of love,
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on July 15, 2018, 10:17:49 AM
Sad to see you go @Mathis ! Hope life will find you well in the future. Don't be a stranger and feel free to hit us up when you can/ are able to. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on July 15, 2018, 10:19:56 AM
Fair seas and following winds, Mathis. I hope to see you here again!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Juzzie on July 15, 2018, 10:23:21 AM
Aww well hope to see you around again soon Mathis.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on July 15, 2018, 10:27:32 AM
Oh! Sad to see you leave! Don't hesitate in say hi now and then, feel free to reach us in discord :(
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on July 15, 2018, 05:22:15 PM
Best of luck to you, Mathis.  I understand the desire to work on one's physical health... I personally wish I had the motivation to do it more than I do.  You'll always have a home here :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 16, 2018, 02:09:45 AM

Well, it seems we weren't without a Chief CONN Officer for long, lol. Please say hi to JayLatte, who will be writing Derik Veradin! :)

( Lt. JG Derik Veradin          Acting Chief CONN Officer (V01) (  
  - Writer: ( (;u=160)

JayLatte was considering to pick up Alexander Rosek from stasis, but when Mr. Veradin became available, he decided on our Trill helmsman from the Resolve instead. :) JayLatte will be writing in the scenes where Derik Veradin is present now, and has just about caught up reading about the current events.

Welcome aboard, @JayLatte ! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on July 16, 2018, 02:13:06 AM
Hi @JayLatte ,

Looking forward to working with you.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Firefox013 on July 16, 2018, 02:16:21 AM
Hey welcome to the other new guy, i picked up Jaya a few days ago meself. Best of luck.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Firefox013 on July 16, 2018, 02:35:50 AM
I didn't know Mathis, but i wish him the best in the future and maybe, one day, he will return.

This farewell only strengthens my will to want to do better and i hope i can.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vox on July 16, 2018, 02:53:51 AM
Welcome @JayLatte and sorry to see yougo Mathis, all the best and hopefully one day you'll return.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on July 16, 2018, 07:07:17 AM
Welcome on board @JayLatte ! Hope you enjoy your trip with us :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on July 16, 2018, 08:49:02 AM
Welcome aboard! :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: JayLatte on July 17, 2018, 07:55:16 AM
Thank you for the warm welcome! And I apologize for not stopping by sooner. I believe I've chatted with some of you on the discord, but I'm incredibly excited to get into the story and just completed my first post in Vertex. Hopefully it fits the mold and you guys will enjoy it! :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vox on July 19, 2018, 02:54:56 PM
Hi everyone,

Life is going to be a bit hectic for me over the next two months or so, with work and moving home and as a result I unfortunately won't have much time to be able to post for both my characters, as such I'm putting T'Less up for inheritance if anybody would like to write her. The link to her wiki page is below.

T'Less (

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on July 19, 2018, 04:31:53 PM
Sad to hear you have to give up on T'Less. Hope she gets adopted soon! Hope to have you back among our midst when life settles down for you Vox!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 19, 2018, 11:58:48 PM
Yeah, sorry to hear you're so busy @Vox  but I look forward to see you writing Logan Hale. I have added T'Less to the Available Characters page, and she is ready to be inherited by a present member or a new Applicant.


Because of RL commitments, YasyraTrill has been unable to keep up with the story progression in Episode 05 or posted in her other threads in a timely manner. Until she is able to write with us again at full capacity, her membership has been suspended.

( Ens. Laurel Okhala              Former CONN Officer (NPC) (SAVI) (  
  - Former Writer: ( (;u=107)

It is uncertain if Laurel Okhala (Devyrie Okhala's sister) will be available for inheritence, but she has been added to that page for the time being, but she might be removed when I eventually get a reply back from YasyraTrill. I will be going over all the current threads Laurel Okhala is active in, and post in order to tie up any loose ends.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on July 23, 2018, 04:35:49 PM
Small update on my part today marks the first day of my 27th year of being alive.

To celebrate im going to the city for 3 days. I thought i could get some posts done. But it seems my schedual for this trip is jammed full.

I will be back wensday afternoon provided my plane does not crash.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vox on July 23, 2018, 05:50:49 PM
Happy Birthday Masorin, hope you have a great time and that you have a safe flight both there and back :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 26, 2018, 01:52:25 AM

Because of RL commitments, Starduster has been unable to keep up with the story progression in Episode 05 or posted in his other threads in a timely manner. Until he is able to write with us again at full capacity, his membership has been suspended. He wanted to leave you all a message, though!

StarDuster: I would like to thank everyone for being pleasant and excellent writers. The Theurgy is an incredible place to be a part of and though my time there was short and not as active as I would have loved to have been, I will miss being part of it. I wish everyone the best in their continuing writing.

This means that this Vulcan Botanist is available for inheritance again:

( Ens. Cir'Cie                  Science Officer, Botany (NPC) (V03) (  
  - Former Writer: ( (;u=113)

I will be going over all the current threads Cir'Cie is active in, and post in order to tie up any loose ends. I will likely be writing from her POV in From the Ashes too, where the Asurians are making life difficult on the Cayuga.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 07, 2018, 10:38:50 AM

I got this message from Gadget the other day:

I am so sorry to do this, but by the end of it I’m going to have to stop writing. I really don’t want to but my work isn’t letting up like I thought and I’m just so terribly exhausted. I don’t even have time to read everybody else’s posts much less write one of my own.

I really am terribly sorry. I know you put a lot of work into this and it has to be hard to deal with people dropping out. I really hope it doesn’t cause you a lot of trouble.

My apologies again,

Gadget played this Cardassian on the Cayuga:

( Ens. Mektari Dumral             Acting Chief CONN Officer (NPC) (  
  - Former Writer: ( (;u=121)

It is uncertain if Mektari Dumral will be available for inheritance, but she has been added to that page for the time being. She might be removed when I eventually get a reply back from Gadget. I will be going over all the current threads Mektari is active in, and post in order to tie up any loose ends.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 10, 2018, 11:48:08 PM
Okay! So we have a bit of a switcheroo and a new character to introduce!


A couple of years ago, Cameron Henshaw was written by Triage, until she had to temporarily step away from the sim. Now, she will write her again! :)

( Ens. Cameron Henshaw          Captain's Yeoman (V02) (  
  - Writer: ( (;u=17)

This means that Nolan will no longer writing Henshaw in new threads to come, but he will help Triage out by handling Henshaw's bit in the thread Charades. Nolan will also finish up any current Supplemental threads with Henshaw until further notice.


Triage has been in correspondence with me over the past couple of months about not really being able to "tune into" this character, A'vura Zeshryr, so the decision has been made to have A'vura return to NPC status, so that Triage could focus fully on getting back into gear with Cameron Henshaw instead.

( Lt. JG A’vura Zeshryr         Asst. Chief of Operations (V01) (  
  - Former Writer: ( (;u=10)

I will personally play A'vura in the single thread she is active in atm, as far as I am aware, namely Fox Hunt. If anyone is interested in inheriting this character, please PM me at your leisure. :)


So! Nolan was capped out at four characters, and he couldn't come up with new and exciting ideas for Cameron Henshaw. So, he wanted to make a new character instead. And viola!

( PO2 Kythalie Benmual            Security Officer (  
  - Writer: ( (;u=4)

Please meet the latest character addition in the Theurgy opus! This is Kythalie Benmual, a Betazoid security officer on the Cayuga, who also served on the Resolve for two years before Captain Kendrick and his crew were lost. She transferred to the Cayuga mere days before the space anomaly caught the Resolve, so this woman will likely know plenty of present characters in the story. I suggest you all talk to Nolan about possible backstories between Kythalie and your character(s)!

That's all for now, and I look forward to read Kythalie's story! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on August 10, 2018, 11:54:31 PM

Very cool all around!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on August 11, 2018, 12:10:15 AM
Interesting changes!

Congrats on the new character @Nolan! If you want to have a thread between the Cayuga NCOs, let me know!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on August 11, 2018, 01:28:01 PM
Gladly @Fife! Anyone else who's eager to write up new threads feel free to hit me up. I'm all ears :) Looking forward to introduce Kythalie to the story!

Furthermore congratulations again @Triage take good care of Cam! I hope you'll enjoy writing her as much as I did. May she live a long and prosperous life under your writing skills ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on August 11, 2018, 10:35:40 PM
Woho! really want to see this girl rocking around the Cayuga
Congrats Nolan!
And neat to hear Henshaw was re-adopted for Triage, surely she'll continue being awesome, congrats to you too!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on August 12, 2018, 12:12:15 AM
Gladly @Fife! Anyone else who's eager to write up new threads feel free to hit me up. I'm all ears :) Looking forward to introduce Kythalie to the story!

Furthermore congratulations again @Triage take good care of Cam! I hope you'll enjoy writing her as much as I did. May she live a long and prosperous life under your writing skills ;)
Thanks, Nolan, so much! And yes, I will take good care of her and thank you also for giving me a swollen head. :P

EGO 1701% boosted.

Thank you also, @Numen. :)

Looking forward to seeing Kythalie in action. Lots of Asurians running loose, maybe she can do something about them.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 13, 2018, 01:23:38 AM

This human Tactical Officer started out as an NPC of trevorvw's in a Director's Cut thread, but with some brainstorming, we have now found a way to introduce her into the current story. Here she is, Annika Van der Berg!

( Lt. JG Annika Van den Berg      Tactical Officer (ALLEGIANT) (  
  - Writer: ( (;u=124)

She will be appearing shortly in the thread Scouting Mission, and I look forward to reading her story.

Congrats on your new character, @trevorvw ! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on August 13, 2018, 01:31:59 AM
Congrats, Trevor :)  And because I couldn't keep myself from saying it....


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: lisavw on August 13, 2018, 03:51:39 AM
I’m super excited to see how she progresses and to have another person in the Scouting Mission!! :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on August 13, 2018, 08:10:19 AM
Great character @trevorvw ! Looking forward to seeing more of her!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Havenborn on August 13, 2018, 11:36:25 AM
I second that SteelPhoenix.

Congrats Trevorw on the new character.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 13, 2018, 12:14:42 PM

Indeed, we have a new member, @The Ostrich , and they will be taking over writing the Theurgy's Chief Science Officer, Vivian Martin!

( Lt Cmdr. Vivian Martin        Chief Science Officer (V01) (  
  - Writer: ( Ostrich (;u=162)

For the past week or so, The Ostrich has been reading up on all of Vivian Martin's old threads, getting well acquainted with her story so far. Currently, Vivian Martin is on Vector 01, so The Ostrich will be posting with her in Vertex, along with any new Supplemental threads where Vivian Martin might appear. If there are old threads that were ended prematurely when the former writer of this character left the sim, and the other writer(s) involved would like to continue the scenes, you can just contact The Ostrich, and upon agreement, the old threads will then be unlocked.

Welcome to Theurgy, @The Ostrich ! :) Hope you'll have a great time in our community, and don't forget to swing by on Discord if you like to. The server can be found in the top menu now that you are no longer an Applicant.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: trevorvw on August 13, 2018, 03:16:45 PM
Welcome!! It’s super fun here, hope you have just as much fun!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on August 13, 2018, 04:02:07 PM
Congrats @trevorvw and @The Ostrich on the new characters!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 18, 2018, 11:56:17 AM

Hi everyone! In case you are wondering what's happening on the forum, and why threads are split and moved around, it has become apparent that Episode 05 has to be split in two. Therefore, we have a new board, named Part 2, and I am now working on setting things up fully.

Continue posting as usual, checking the new board if you are missing a thread, and more information will come when I am finished with all the work involved. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 18, 2018, 04:49:22 PM

( (,23.0.html)

Now, I think I have split, edited and moved the threads that needed moving, and we now have Part 2 of Episode 05 up and running! Here are the current threads:

Prologue: Insurgency [ Day 05 | 2315 hrs. ] (,2412.0.html)
Earlier named Chapter 06: Insurgency, on the old board.

Chapter 01: Blood For Blood [ Day 05 | 0800 hrs. ] (,2429.0.html)
"Chapter 03: From the Ashes" continues here, from the point where the Asurians broke out of the Brig on the Cayuga

Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ] (,2430.0.html)
"Chapter 04: Charades" continued here, from the point where Martok appeared with the IKC Rotarran

I have also moved two Supplemental threads there, since they belong to Prologue: Insurgency, taking place right after or during the arrival to the Maintenance Bays. All other Supplemental threads, besides those belonging to the Prologue, should be posted on the old board until further notice. :)

After the Poll relating to Vertex is finished, a new Chapter will be posted for those with characters in the finished Vertex thread.

Please notice also this thread, which has become the Epilogue of Part 1 of this episode! It ought to be an interesting read for everyone:

Epilogue: Scouting Mission [ Day 05 | 0800 hrs. ] (,2409.0.html)

If there are any questions about this change, please let me know and I will clarify! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Multificionado on August 18, 2018, 08:29:37 PM
Who's the lady on the left, I wonder? :) (not Zeigler)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 18, 2018, 08:48:55 PM
Time will tell. ;)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 21, 2018, 11:40:10 PM


The Scouting Mission that the Allegiant has undertaken has led the away team to a debris field of a large battle. What happened there is still not entirely revealed, but the thread might give you some clues. Yet this most recent post contains the result of Story Poll that was concluded yesterday. In the Poll, you could vote if the Allegiant ought to stay or leave the debris field, since two Borg cubes just dropped out of warp outside it:

Recent post: The Allegiant goes into hiding (,2409.msg17876.html#msg17876)

But wait... Who's that drone they saw standing on the escape pod? She seems familiar somehow. Nah, it has to be my imagination.


Now, this Vulcan tactical officer is someone you all know really well by now. After all, she has been in the story since Episode 01. She was there during the Niga Incident, serving as the Theurgy's Chief Tactical Officer. She endured the shenanigans of the Ishtar Entity in Episode 02, until she was shot in the heart by the holographic A.I. of the USS Calamity in Part 1 of Episode 03. She was recently taken out of stasis during Episode 05, resuscitated by Doctor Maya and returning to duty as a Tactical Officer on the Sword, reporting to Keval ch'Rayya. Oh, well, ch'Rayya just died in the battle against the Rotarran, so I guess T'Less is CTO on the Sword now. Anyway, here she is, this well-known face:

( Lt. T'Less                    Tactical Officer (V02) ('Less)  
  - Writer: ('Less)Top Hat (;u=88)

Perhaps you might be interested, for some reason, to check a cool page of ours here, named Butterfly Effects ( I added an entry there at the bottom, about how one character (T´Less ( and another (T'Less ('Less)) is connected through such an effect. I don't know, perhaps it might be interesting?

The efforts of the Theurgy crew is affecting the timeline, and in this most recent change, two Vulcans happened to change career paths. The changes have been implemented on the forum, using the word censor to make the word T´Less (but using ' instead of ´) become T'Less in all old posts on the forum.  The wiki has been updated too, all pages where T´Less was featured changed into T'Less instead.

You might want to check my most recent post in Vantage Points (,2430.msg17743.html#msg17743) too, where Tyreke Okafor foreshadowed this change a bit. ;)

Anyway, congratulations @Top Hat , and thank you for writing this "old" face in the story.  (laugh)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Juzzie on August 21, 2018, 11:42:49 PM
Nice Top Hat. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on August 22, 2018, 12:16:29 AM
Congrats on the new character @Top Hat!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on August 22, 2018, 05:53:00 AM
Congrats on the new character, @Top Hat
@Auctor Lucan  when do we get a boudoir shot of the new tac officer? ;)

now i have to figure out how much of a seizure Sarresh is going to get over this. I'd appreciate knowing exactly what time the ripple occurs so I can have a bit of fun with it ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on August 22, 2018, 07:11:38 AM
Cheers, folks :) I'm excited to start writing her. Post in Vantage Points soon.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 23, 2018, 11:04:34 AM

Don't forget to vote! All members may affect the course of the story with this decision, which will have big consequences regardless the outcome. :),2428.0.html

Thanks in advance for your vote!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Firefox013 on August 24, 2018, 10:06:08 AM
So, I have been posting as often and as regularly as i can, also allowing time for everyone to do their part but feeling like there;s something maybe lacking in my posts, I am sure theyr'e good but, i think they can be better, just not sure how i can better them much as i am already doing my best to keep up in this battle and everything.

Any help is welcome heh.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on August 28, 2018, 09:00:35 AM
Apologises to those waiting for me. Starting with Blood for Blood, that post will be up tonight and the rest of the backlog will be completed over the next few days.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on August 30, 2018, 02:01:15 PM
After a conversation in Discord, I've managed to made a spread-sheet with the timeline of Episode 5 (,  showing time current battles /borg encounters. I'll try to update all the battles or encounters that had happened in the older chapters but i'll thank that you PM here or DM me on discord any data you want that it's show here and is pertinent for most of the theurgist ( character dead, battles, etc.).

I'll update it with the new developments so feel free to use it as much as you want :D

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on August 31, 2018, 08:00:16 PM
I wanted to give a brief apology and explanation for why I haven't been very active for the past week.

So something I haven't really talked about but, it really hurts to use my hands/arms right now, the pain started about a month ago, at first it was just a dull burning in the early morning, and it would fade through most of the day, but lately it has gotten worse with a few cramps a day. I went to the doctors last week and last Tuesday, I'm waiting for test results to see if I have early onset arthritis, or if this is some form of repeated strain injury to my hands.

As you would imagine not being able to type for a good portion of the day without being in pain has kinda messed up my writing output. I'm waiting for my doctor to put me on some meds which should help the situation, in the meantime I ask for patience. As you can see by getting this up, today seems to be one of my better days, so I am trying to post for people today.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Havenborn on August 31, 2018, 08:20:42 PM
I picked up a bug at work on Wednesday and it's just been kicking my ass, I'll be getting posts up as soon as I'm feeling better, which will hopefully be soon.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 06, 2018, 09:09:44 PM

Indeed, we have a new member, @EricMatthias , and he will be taking over writing a character that only the oldest of our members might remember, namely, the Security Officer Adam Kingston!

( Lt. JG Adam Kingston          Security Officer (V03) (  
  - Writer: ( (;u=168)

For the past couple of days, EricMatthias has been reading up on Adam Kingston and made some edits to his personality and career. Since the A.I. hologram of the USS Calamity bashed his head in against a railing on the bridge, the changes to his personality has nothing to do with a butterfly effect, but because that part of his brain was damaged. The plating of his skull has been grafted with synthetic flesh, and the seam is hard to notice.

Currently, Adam Kingston is on Vector 03, so EricMatthias will be posting with him in Blood For Blood, along with a new Supplemental thread where Kingston is resuscitated post surgery.

Welcome to Theurgy, @EricMatthias ! :) Hope you'll have a great time in our community, and don't forget to swing by on Discord if you like to. The server can be found in the top menu now that you are no longer an Applicant.


Masorin will instead be focusing on writing his other three characters, so Nathaniel Isley is now available for Inheritance in case someone is interested!

( Ens. Nathaniel Isley          Wolf-XX [Icarus] (NPC) (SAVI) (,_callsign_%22Icarus%22)  
  - Former Writer: (,_callsign_%22Icarus%22)Masorin (;u=11)

Isley has been Corrected by the Savi, and is now a full Romulan fighter pilot. He has a rich background in the story, and is also the brother of Drauc T'Laus. He is currently on the Versant, and until someone takes over writing him, I will NPC Isley for the time being. Masorin has, however, said that he's willing to continue a thread on the Director's Cut board, where Isley is featured in his Academy years.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on September 06, 2018, 09:12:42 PM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on September 06, 2018, 09:16:21 PM
Welcom EricMatthias.

And I'm not the first person to play Isley, hopefully I won't be the last. In all honesty I've been falling out of favor with the character for a while, and with the added RL barriers focusing on someone that was difficult to write already became a little too difficult. I am happy to refocus, and hopefully work up my other characters, as well as maybe figure out why my hands are in non stopped pain.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on September 06, 2018, 10:26:53 PM
Welcome on board @EricMatthias ! Take a seat and enjoy!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on September 06, 2018, 10:40:25 PM

All, I'll be a few more days on replying. We lost internet when some idiots cut all the cables in the neighborhood. It's taking an inordinate amount of time to restore and trying to post over the poor 3g signal just isn't happening :(
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on September 06, 2018, 11:02:51 PM
Hey, more fresh meat!  Now, how many chiefs of Security will we have on board?  I'm counting 3.  4 if you count Ida's time in that slot on Harbinger...

And @Brutus that fucking sucks... Hope their asses get kicked quite thoroughly.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: trevorvw on September 07, 2018, 12:44:51 AM
Welcome aboard!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: EricMatthias on September 07, 2018, 01:32:14 AM
Thank you for your welcome! I hope to make it a good run~!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on September 07, 2018, 02:18:48 AM
Welcome aboard @EricMatthias!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triton on September 07, 2018, 03:51:07 AM
Welcome! Good to have another hand in Security, especially if Mr. Statham's aboard.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 07, 2018, 02:24:33 PM


As his request, we shall now call him "Nalon" instead. :)

Congrats, it's been a great 7 years, man!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on September 07, 2018, 02:27:53 PM
All hail the allmighty Nalon the Epic!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on September 07, 2018, 02:43:25 PM
Haha! Thanks for making up these amazing titles. Nalon the Epic approves of this!

Also, welcome aboard @EricMatthias Hope you feel welcome on this crazy ship of lunatics!
Looking forward to write with you ^^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: BZ on September 07, 2018, 03:55:17 PM
Since you cool people call me BZ instead of Blue Zephyr anyway, I've decided to embrace it and change my screen name.  So to everyone from now on, BZ = Blue Zephyr :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on September 07, 2018, 04:39:17 PM
All hail Bee Zee! Busy?

And I shall be known as...something. congratulations, Nalon. Now for the next goal.

Welcome to Theurgy, Eric! Have a blast! :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Jm Von Cat on September 08, 2018, 04:06:12 AM
Welcome and congrats to where and whom they belong.

Side note, I will be availible and posting in three to four days. Been a little lot hectic recently going up and down the state to try get a living.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 08, 2018, 01:00:23 PM


It's for the writers with characters on the Versant. :) You can all read it here:,2447.0.html#info_18198

And as for where you might want your character to go, you can state your preferences here, in the old Plot Discussion thread:,2335.msg18199.html#msg18199

You have three days to do so, then I will have Nerina pick for you In-Character.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on September 10, 2018, 03:13:10 AM
This is a bit of an early heads up, things could change rapidly so I could easily be jumping the gun, but I figured I'd let you all know before I forget to let you all know:

I'll be doing everything I can to get any posts I have due done asap (preferably no later than Wednesday) as I'm right in the center of the hurricane projection cone.  If it stays on the current track I'm due to get a lot of rain come Thursday and there's no telling what that'll do to me power/communication wise.

Again, this is just a preemptive FYI, as far as I know I'm in no danger, just might lose power or internet when/if the storm hits.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on September 10, 2018, 03:42:31 AM
From where I see it, you getting through that storm takes priority. Stay safe out there.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on September 10, 2018, 04:20:05 AM
For what it's worth, it looks like that hurricane is gonna cut a pretty big swath across NC and VA . Good times. A few of us might drop off towards the end of the week if it follows suit.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on September 10, 2018, 01:58:42 PM
Hope all of you hurricane people will remain safe and not have too many troubles!

In a valiant effort to move as far away of possible hurricanes, I shall be off on a holiday to the sun for the next coming days. I should be back on Wednesday next week, so expect a whole lot of replies being spammed to you. Until than, enjoy the feeling and days of calmness as you'll be able to get caught up and remain caught up.  ;)

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on September 10, 2018, 02:15:45 PM
Hope everyone in the areas with the hurricane warnings is alright. Stay safe!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 13, 2018, 09:37:24 AM

With his RL burdens lifting a bit, SummerDawn has decided to implement a new character, namely the Asst. Chief Engineer on the Cayuga!

( Lt. JG Kala Marika              Asst. Chief Engineer (  
  - Writer: ( (;u=15)

Kala was, also, the nameless officer in the Engineering compartment on the Allegiant during the away-mission, and in her inaugural post will be in Vantage Points, where she will be stepping off the Allegiant, and set her first steps on one of the Theurgy's Vectors.

Oh! Some of you might remember the face and name of this character as a NPC CONN Officer, right? Well, you are mistaken. There was never any Kala Marika serving in the CONN department on the Theurgy. Perhaps you were thinking of Mala Kariko ( At least when I am looking at all old posts on the forum and in the NPC pages of our Wiki, I can't find any Kala Marika there, but only a Mala Kariko. Easy mistake to make, I guess? :)

(This was totally a Butterfly Effect that had this Bajoran of SummerDawn's chose another department in this universe we are writing in. :) )

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 16, 2018, 02:32:38 AM

We have a new Klingon warrior in the story. This, in form of Stegro88's Mickayla MacGregor!

( P01 Mickayla MacGregor          Security Officer (SAVI) ( 
  - Writer: ( (;u=118)

Mickayla is @Stegro88's newest character, and while she used to be a Klingon/Human hybrid serving on the USS Endeavour under the command of Lieutenant Kai Akoni, the escape pod she was on after the Endeavour was destroyed was picked up by the Savi (just like the escape pod that Blue Tiran, Shar, Cross, R'Rori and Laurel were on). Petty Officer Mickayla is now fully Klingon, and she will be introduced on the Verdant retroactively in Supplemental threads as well as in the latest chapter: True Nature.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on September 16, 2018, 07:06:06 AM
Congrats on the new character @Stegro88!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on September 16, 2018, 07:25:57 AM
Thanks @Auctor Lucan for your amazing work with the images. You have once again surpassed yourself with their execution and quality.

And thanks @Fife for all your help with putting her together. I couldn't have done it nearly as fast or as well without you.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on September 16, 2018, 09:58:33 AM
Yay! Another klingon around! Congrats @Stegro88
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 17, 2018, 04:43:58 PM

Without any replies on PMs since a couple of weeks back, Vox's membership has been terminated. I can only hope they are okay, and that if they feel like writing actively with us again, that they will contact me. Here is the character Vox wrote in the thread FoxHunt:

( Lt. JG Logan Hale               Wolf-15 [Wraith] (NPC) (V01) (,_callsign_%22Wraith%22) 
  - Former Writer: (,_callsign_%22Wraith%22)Vox (;u=132)

Until further notice, and since I have not gotten any indication towards any wishes to the contrary, Logan Hale has been added to the Available Characters page, and may be inherited by another writer or new Applicant. I would caution against a quick inheritance of this character, however, since there may be a chance that Vox get back in touch with us. Regardless of his willingness to return, he might express an unwillingness to leave Logan Hale up for adoption, and this is something I will respect in that case.

Either way, I will NPC Logan Hale for the time being in FoxHunt to progress the story.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Multificionado on September 17, 2018, 05:03:12 PM
Shame to hear he's gone. Still, I have to say, Logan Hale certainly provided further indications of one recurrence, that of using faceclaims of Agents of SHIELD actors. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triton on September 18, 2018, 08:09:56 AM
Hello, Theurgists.  -- Don't worry, I'm not leaving the Sim -- Just letting a few of you know I'm rebounding back on track to post more. Besides the occasional MMO I can squeeze into late in the day (when I'm tired) after either construction work or office/emails/web design, you all have been hearing me on Discord via android or a a handful of visits via laptop. I've been extremely late closing final orders for my business. Thus I've been put into a difficult past week. Which is bearing fruit at long last. There's a degree of an IRL Scare/standoff with my landlady I've mentioned. She's holding her cards, I'm holding mine, so it's a standoff I intend to win.

The Good News, however, is that I'm finally over the bulk of my workload and can divert my attention to catching up and replies; personal time off-- I hope, under the circumstances.   Multi: It looks like that JP won't happen. It's one of those "Cover for me at work" deals, where I'm doing the covering. But Even with promises for a week off, It's best to raincheck this one JP. But post via Rawley and I can reply to it. :V:
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 19, 2018, 03:48:53 PM

Today, after inheriting two characters, @Multificionado has added a character of his own making to the story! This, in the form of Gideon Drake, a Tactical Officer that used to serve on the USS Endeavour.

( Lt. JG Gideon Drake             Tactical Officer (SAVI) ( 
  - Writer: ( (;u=137)

After the Endeavour was destroyed, he ended up on the same escape pod as Mickayla MacGregor, and was - like her - picked up by the Versant. The Savi removed his Bajoran heritage, and he is currently among the rest of the abductees in Blue Tiran's hideout. Multi has read up on the events so far on the Versant, and is now ready to start writing in True Nature, as well as any fitting Supplemental threads set before then.

Congrats on the new character @Multificionado ! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Multificionado on September 19, 2018, 04:02:16 PM
My thanks. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on September 19, 2018, 04:27:38 PM
Congrats on the new character @Multificionado! If you'd like to do a DC thread with Cross to get some interaction between Gideon and the grumpy Vulcan, let me know!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on September 19, 2018, 05:04:13 PM
Congrats for the new character! Hope we meet IC soon :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: trevorvw on September 19, 2018, 05:18:22 PM
Congrats on the new character!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 20, 2018, 12:04:44 PM

After a couple of initial posts, our new member JayLatte could not keep up with the sim, his RL taking him away from us. He wrote Derik Veradin, whom he'd inherited from Mathis.

( Lt. JG Derik Veradin          Acting Chief CONN Officer (NPC) (V01) (  
  - Former Writer: ( (;u=160)

This means Derik Veradin is again available for inheritance by another writer, new or old. If anyone is interested in writing the Chief CONN Officer of the Theurgy, please PM me for more information. I will personally (for the second time, heh) NPC Derik Veradin to solve any unfinished threads he was in, so no worries there for those who have been waiting on replies. :)

Oh, about inheritance, please consider how you, as a new writer of an old character, have a creative license to change the way s/he is played. We want you to make the character your own, change things as you see fit, and update details on the character page to your heart's content. They merely have to remain the same person in the broader sense, i.e. in terms of name, race, position, rank and images.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on September 22, 2018, 11:14:32 AM
A tornado touched down in Ottawa. I'm safe, but I'm going to be in the dark for at least several more hours. Looks like a hell of a mess out there.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 24, 2018, 10:45:39 PM

Indeed, we have a new member, @TWilkins , and they will be taking over writing the Endeavours's former Chief Medical Officer, Elro Kobol ! (Unfortunately, as you all know, the Endeavour was destroyed.)

( Lt. Elro Kobol                   Former Chief Medical Officer (V02) (  
  - Writer: ( (;u=169)

For the past week or so, TWilkins has been reading up on all of Kobol 's old threads, old and present, getting well acquainted with his story so far. Moreover, he has completely rewritten Elro Kobol 's character page in accordance with his own preferences, making Kobol  his own.

Currently, Kobol  is on Vector 02, so TWilkins will be posting with him in Vantage Points and Aftermath, along with any old and new Supplemental threads where Kobol  might appear. He has already prepared a post for the old Director's Cut thread We Are The Borg, which depict the destruction of the Endeavour and how the Doctor will end aboard the Runabout USS Niger.

Welcome to Theurgy, @TWilkins ! :) Hope you'll have a great time in our community, and don't forget to swing by on Discord if you like to. The server can be found in the top menu now that you are no longer an Applicant.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on September 24, 2018, 10:50:33 PM
Welcome, @TWilkins! Good to have Kobol  written again; I'm looking over the revisions to the bio now.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on September 24, 2018, 10:53:33 PM
Yay! Nice to have another Endeavourist around! Would take a look to the changes too, welcome on board!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Jm Von Cat on September 24, 2018, 11:00:21 PM
Welcome around and aboard mate.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on September 24, 2018, 11:01:33 PM
Welcome aboard!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Veridian on September 24, 2018, 11:26:13 PM
Just a heads up, I'm off to a Klingon Banquet between Thursday and Monday
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on September 24, 2018, 11:30:47 PM
Welcome @TWilkins!

Also, take it easy with the blood wine @Veridian!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: patches on September 25, 2018, 12:10:35 AM
Hi @TWilkins! I play the Endeavour’s former Chief Counselor, R’Rori. Our characters would have worked closely together so if you want to discuss that, feel fee to PM!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 25, 2018, 12:46:10 AM

Recently, @EricMatthias joined us to write Adam Kingston, but after just a couple of days, he vanished, not having logged on to the site since the 10th of September. Nor has he replied to PMs or Discord DMs since then. I can but hope he is well, and that nothing serious has happened. His membership has been suspended for now, and I will be NPCing Adam Kingston as needed in Blood For Blood to progress that thread, where the character just made an appearance.

( Lt. JG Adam Kingston          Security Officer (NPC) (V03) (  
  - Former Writer: ( (;u=168)

Adam Kingston is back in the Inheritance roster for the time being as well, but let's hope @EricMatthias reappears and begins to write actively with us.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TWilkins on September 25, 2018, 01:39:09 AM
Hello Everyone!

I much appreciate the warm welcome here! I have never done anything along these lines before so I imagine I'll be relying on you all for some support! I have been writing for years but purely on my own and one or two author colab projects so this is a whole new kettle of fish!

@patches Yes I was planning to message you as I know that R'Rori and Elro would have worked closely and I wanted to mention their relationship in my 'We are the Borg' post that I am currently working on.

Hope everyone is having a good day/evening/night/morning!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on September 25, 2018, 09:27:22 PM
Welcome to Theurgy! Hope you enjoy the stay!

Some people were saying on chats how maybe Heather should've typed in rainbow. I wanted y'all to see how that would look like.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triton on September 26, 2018, 11:04:04 AM
Welcome to Theurgy! Hope you enjoy the stay!

Some people were saying on chats how maybe Heather should've typed in rainbow. I wanted y'all to see how that would look like.

That.... ...looked difficult to accomplish
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 27, 2018, 12:47:16 AM

It has long been my ambition to make this for us, but now, it's done. I present our official...

Warp Factor Calculator (

Read the info on the page for more information, and thank you @Top Hat for the idea to refine the results into the units shown. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on September 28, 2018, 05:32:03 AM
Hey Everyone,

Sorry about short replies today. I'm prepping for an exam early next week and wanted to make sure I got my posting commitments done before the weekend. Was supposed to do the exam tomorrow but I'm about two modules behind on this course so going to focus on that over the weekend, try and get the exam done early next week, Tuesday most likely.

First actual professional certification in my field since I graduated university, and while it's a basic certification, it's foundational to everything we're doing at work right now as we build a new IT department from the ground up. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vox on September 29, 2018, 04:13:43 AM
Hey everyone,

Just a post to let everyone know I'm back. I got sick and ended up having to stay in hospital for a week, which meant I wasn't able to reply to Auctor's PM and let him know hence the termination, I'm since on the mend and back home now so here I am, sorry about that.

With that said welcome to the new people, congrats to Multi on his new character....and yet another Agents of Shield faceclaim :P and good luck to Summer on the exam!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on October 01, 2018, 10:41:37 AM
This week would be a bit complicated for me due i need to meet lots of deadlines plus an 4 days animation event at which i must attend. So this week i'll probably only post in main threads / main supplementals. From Thursday to Sunday i'll probably spend most of the day on the event, so i'll be mostly unavailable.

Anyway don't hesitate in send me a PM/DM on Discord if I need post/read/be around for whatever reason, i'll answer them ASAP. I'll try to keep my reading up to date so the return to the usual pace won't take too long.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on October 01, 2018, 01:31:55 PM
@SummerDawn  huzzah! Kick some butt at The exam if you haven't already taken it!

@Vox   that's some major unpleasantness. I hope you continue to get better. And welcome back.

@Numen you got this! Go be awesome :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 04, 2018, 04:04:57 PM

Hi everyone!

We have a new Story Development Poll! Check it out and cast your votes within 3 days. :)

Story Development Poll #4: Should Dewitt Remove Carrigan Trent From Command In Knife's Edge? (,2472.0.html)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 06, 2018, 01:25:32 AM

A couple of days ago, @TWilkins offered to add something to the Medical Department wiki page, and now, it is done! We now have a new section there that have all known Star Trek medicines and drugs listed, and not just that, but he has even categorised them all by their different kinds of medical usage. Check it out!

Drugs and Medicines (

Dammit how I have longed for this. I don't know how much time I have spent researching meds when writing this story, lol! Thank you so much @TWilkins!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TWilkins on October 06, 2018, 01:31:29 AM
Thank you @Auctor Lucan

There’s a few medications I deliberately missed out, some of the more obscure ones from Kirk’s era that had replacements in later series. But as I said, I’m more than happy to help with anything like this 👍🏻👍🏻

(I offered for this specifically because of how much time I also spend looking for drugs on the Memory Alpha)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on October 06, 2018, 11:51:58 PM
Thank you TWilkins, from all of us in the medical department!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 08, 2018, 03:57:50 PM

Nominations of the XO role is open, everyone!

I have made the obvious nominations already, but I am all ears to include more in a poll:

New XO Nomination Thread (,2474.0.html)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 10, 2018, 09:35:05 AM

Here is a new 3D project underway!

Mk III Valkyrie OOC Refit Project
>>> Click to see project development. (,2478.0.html)

Hope you like how it's turning out, for I sure do. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 11, 2018, 12:36:25 PM

Here is the newest character in the Theurgy story, one with the callsign "Meerkat", and who will show up real soon:

( CWO3 Liliana Walton             Wolf-13 [Meerkat] (V01) (,_callsign_%27%27Meerkat%27%27) 
  - Writer: (,_callsign_%27%27Meerkat%27%27)Patches (;u=116)

Chief Warrant Officer 3rd Class Liliana Walton, callsign "Meerkat", is the Flight Leader to @Vox 's character Logan Hale, and she would have been the one that Hale's wingmate Blizzard returned to in the thread Fox Hunt. Walton will hear what went down, and soon come to the Theurgy's aid in Knife's Edge. Congrats on the new character, @patches ! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 11, 2018, 02:23:27 PM

You can find the poll here, and it runs for 3 days, starting now. :)

New First Officer Poll (,2479.0.html)

Looking forward to see what you prefer!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 12, 2018, 01:18:55 AM

Since the Mk III Valkyrie Refit Project is underway, I am in ongoing correspondence with Omardex about the design aspects and the 3D re-modelling of the design, and in this conversation, he dropped a bit of a bomb on me. He told me that after he made Thea's 3D model, he has secretly been working on an official Star Trek-licensed game, making ship models for Star Trek: Timelines (!

He's been very secretive about it, only alluding to something big now and then when we've chatted, but today, he could reveal what he's been working on and been so busy with. Here is what he told me about what he's done:

Quote from: Omardex
You can tell the writers, the project is already public, the ships are in the wiki I just don't have the models on hand to create cool images for you guys.

I did these ones, and their variations, listed:
- Jem'Hadar Battleship
- Romulan Valdore-type Warbird
- Breen Warship
- Orion Syndicate Interceptor
- The Xindi-Insectoid starship (not public yet).

The Valdore was my favourite of all those, the shapes were hard as hell to create but the ship is gorgeous! The game's Creative Director did the most iconic, all the Enterprises, and most of the Federation ones. I wanted to do the Odyssey, but time constrains...

When I got the job, the nail in the coffin was the Theurgy project and an Odyssey project (another Trek based project I did after the Allegiant, for a Norwegian guy). Talking to them about my involvement with your project gave confidence to the Disruptor Beam team (the developer of the game) to contact me via their Creative Director. They sent the Xindi insectoid ship first (odd because it's the last one not published yet). Super hard-to-do ship, they were happy though, and decided to send more ships my way. The most odd was the Breen warship. It was like piling containers one of top of other. Odd shaped banana ship...

I'm really thankful for letting me participate in your project. The knowledge I gained battling with the unknown, before reaching to the models and render we enjoy today. I hope the goals with the models so far were achieved and that all of your community is thrilled.

Personally, I think it's so cool that we have a 3D artist that started out working on models for us, which then led to him working on a licensed Star Trek product. The Valkyrie Refit Project won't be finished for some time, but it's awesome working with him. I will continue to post updates on the R&D board during the project. :)

Just wanted to share!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vox on October 12, 2018, 01:50:59 AM
That's awesome will have to keep an eye out for those ships next time I play Timelines.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: patches on October 12, 2018, 02:56:37 AM
Thanks for letting me bring Lily into this sim, AL! :)

For anyone who is curious and wants the tl;dr of her history, CWO3 Liliana Walton is a 20 year veteran in flying small craft, meaning anything from a shuttle to a larger runabout. Since Starfleet began using Peregrine-class runabouts as a type of fighter craft, her career has taken a further specialization towards fighters in particular. She's even trained others on the Peregrine and Valkyrie Mk II for a few years. If your character was at the Tac Conn Academy Flight Range between 2374-2377 (maybe very early 2378 depending on how fuzzy we want to make the transfer to Luna Shipyards), chances are they at least saw her around there. Here's her service record in brief:

2360-2364, Crewman -> PO3, USS Nautilus
2364-2370, PO3 -> PO1, USS Hiroshima
2370-2374, PO1 -> CPO, USS Thunderchild
2374-2377, SCPO, Tac CONN Academy Flight Range
2378-2381, CWO3, Luna Shipyards, Valravn project
2381-2381, CW03, USS Orcus
2381-Current CWO3, USS Dauntless
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 14, 2018, 09:57:54 AM

Now it's just 4,5 hours left to vote for the next XO on the Theurgy.

Link: Next XO Poll (,2479.0.html)

Hope you all can make it there and submit your vote in time. :)


The earlier LCARS screens we had in the Gryphon fighter on Sketchfab had miscellaneous LCARS that Omardex added to it, but given the fact that I since then have compiled fighter LCARS screens from LCARS gfx, the 3D model has now been updated with something far better than the previous patchwork of random screens.

>> Link to Sketchfab 3D Model Viewer (


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 14, 2018, 02:31:35 PM

With a clear majority in votes in the poll, the outcome has been decided:


The will of the sim is that Commander Ranaan Ducote should be the Theurgy's new First Officer at the end of Episode 05 !

The transition will have to be planned and made In-Character down the line, and there is yet a lot to happen in the story before then, so we'll see how this all pans out. Thank you all who took part and voted in the poll! Thank you also for not wanting me to write both the First Officer and the Captain. I have quite enough on my plate as it is, lol!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Veridian on October 15, 2018, 09:54:47 PM
Right another update from me. 

 I've had some bad news I've been feeling sorry for myself for the past couple of weeks, coupled with a very busy time at work.  

I've decided to "keep calm and carry on" and the work thing has settled, relatively speaking.  

I will however, be out of touch from Wednesday PM until Monday at a Star Trek event 

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 15, 2018, 11:04:15 PM
Thank you for the update Veridian! No worries at all, take care of yourself and have a great time! :)


After some due thought and careful deliberation, @FollowTomorrow has decided to take on the challenge of writing a character that has been with us since Episode 01. This, namely being Nathaniel Isley!

( Ens. Nathaniel Isley          Wolf-XX [Icarus] (SAVI) (,_callsign_%22Icarus%22)
Before Correction:
After Correction:
  - Writer: (,_callsign_%22Icarus%22)FollowTomorrow (;u=13)

Above, you see him both as he used to be before the Correction in Episode 05, and after the Savi did their number on him. @FollowTomorrow has yet to decide if Isley wishes to undergo more surgery for a reversion later on, and there might also be some personality changes made on the character page in due time. It is worth mentioning that, like always when a character is adopted, @FollowTomorrow has a full creative license in both editing the character as well as writing him, and because of what has happened on the Versant, changes will be completely plausible too!

Currently, @FollowTomorrow is reading up on the long synopsis I wrote for him, but he will henceforth be posting with Isley in True Nature - where he is about to try and save Ives from Savi captivity.

I am really excited to see this dear old character getting a new writer, and I can't wait to read his continued story. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 19, 2018, 11:13:53 AM

Please welcome our newest Theurgist, @Argyros ! He will be writing out Acting Chief CONN Officer, Derik Veradin.

( Lt. JG Derik Veradin          Acting Chief CONN Officer (V01) (
  - Writer: ( (;u=177)

Argyros has been reading our story for over a year, and has now decided to join us in contributing to this magnum ops of a space opera. He's caught up on current events and will be posting in Knife's Edge after @CanadianVet and @Triton have posted with Trent and Marquez respectively. Moreover, Argyros will be making some small updates to Derik's character page, and will be posting here when it is time to read up on that.

Welcome aboard @Argyros !


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TWilkins on October 19, 2018, 11:37:47 AM
@Argyros Welcome to the Theurgy!! 🎉🎉🎉
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on October 19, 2018, 02:08:03 PM
Welcome on the ship/sim!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on October 19, 2018, 05:03:50 PM
Congrats on your new inherited character @FollowTomorrow!!

And welcome to the Sim @Argyros!

**Also, congrats @patches on bringing Lily to the Sim!! (Bit late, but I haven't been on much in the last little while.)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on October 19, 2018, 05:09:24 PM
Welcome on board @Argyros !
Seat comfy, we've cookies :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on October 19, 2018, 05:47:40 PM

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Argyros on October 20, 2018, 04:20:43 AM
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! I look forward to being a part of this amazing story. I welcome pointers from each of you amazing writers if at any point you've got some to give! XD
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on October 20, 2018, 07:58:48 PM
This is something I have mentioned in the discord, but wanted to make official here on the OOC.

I'm going on vacation! October 29th-november 15th, I will be out of country away from wifi, unable to chat over discord or post online. I will be out on a tropical beach enjoying the warm air while the rest of canada freezes over.

Hopefully when i get back I will have a sun burn or two.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 21, 2018, 04:11:43 PM
Nice! Have a great time, @Masorin !


Today, I am happy to announce @Firefox013 's new character Sephiria Arn!

( Lt. JG Sephiria Arn             Wolf-14 [Scylla] (V01) (,_callsign_"Scylla")
  - Writer: (,_callsign_"Scylla")Firefox013 (;u=159)

Sephiria - callsign Scylla - is a fighter pilot who was assigned to the White Wolves Squadron and fought against the Theurgy at Starbase 84. She did not defect then, yet at a later date, when flying with the Black Wolves, she will be defecting to the Theurgy along with her Fight Leader, Liliana "Meerkat" Walton, and her squadmates Logan "Wraith" Hale, Donna "Chance" Petterson and Isel "Foxfire" Nix. Scylla will soon appear in the Chapter named Knife's Edge.

Congrats on the new character, @Firefox013 ! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on October 21, 2018, 04:35:34 PM
Congrats on the new character @Firefox013!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Firefox013 on October 21, 2018, 09:08:20 PM
Eeeeeee! She looks like someone you really don't wanna mess with hehehehe
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triton on October 21, 2018, 11:30:09 PM
Welcome to the sim, Argyros! and congratulations Patches, Fox and FT!
* Happy Birthday, Auctor! Sorry I didn't greet that in time!

I've been buried with work lately but dug my way out for a day to post.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 22, 2018, 11:39:24 AM

Hi there! Got this information the other day from our provider:


PHP versions 5.6 and 7.0 approach the end of the road. PHP 5.6 will expire on December 31, 2018, and PHP 7.0 on December 3, 2018. This means that those versions will no longer be supported or updated. The decision has been taken by and is beyond's control.

The PHP version of your site is currently 5.6. We will upgrade it to PHP 7.2, which is the highest available version and guarantees you the longest service life. Your PHP version will automatically be upgraded during the first half of November.

After the upgrade, you will still be able to downgrade to PHP 5.6 and 7.0 temporarily. However, the downgrade will not be possible after 3 December. If your site has PHP 5.6 or 7.0, it will automatically upgrade to 7.2.

You should prepare your site for the PHP update as soon as possible. It gives you more time to fix any code-related issues. Learn more about preparing your PHP upgrade page.

So, more work to be done on the site...

But! My ambition is that you will neither experience any downtime in the preemptive fix nor in me writing and progressing the story. If I fail in either capacity, you know why, unlikely as it is.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on October 25, 2018, 10:04:56 AM
Hey folks

I'm out of town this weekend and maybe Monday. I don't anticipate it will affect my posting schedule or anything, but I will be of limited availability until then.

Have a good weekend, all!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 03, 2018, 10:19:46 AM

I have to run out the door, but the reunion between the Cayuga, Sword and Stallion is underway!,2503.0.html

Read the OOC info, but more info to come soon. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 04, 2018, 02:21:06 AM

Further information in regard to the Reunion thread that has been posted follows, as promised. I will start with a visual aid in what's going on. I think this will help shed some light on the situation.


So, in this thread, @chXinya should post with Wenn Cinn contacting both the the Stallion and the Cayuga, and despite what Yukimura may think is most prudent in that regard in my post, of course there can be a physical meeting taking place too instead of just a shared hail on he bridges. 40 minutes allows for some talking to be done, and Stark + Ziegler learning more about the Borg threat.

As I wrote in the OOC note of the thread, the result of the IC discussion in this thread, should be that the Cayuga sets a course towards the apertures in the heart of the Azure Nebula, and in wait for the Theurgy to reintegrate into one ship, Ziegler will start out trying to prevent the Borg invasion (together with the Klingon forces present there, who doesn't know the Cayuga's affiliation with the Theurgy lest mistakes are made in that regard.) Meanwhile the Sword and the Stallion should reintegrate under the command of Captain Wenn - since he has held his rank of Lt. Commander for a longer time.

Please bear in mind that the V2 and V3 Vectors heading to the Rendezvous does not mean that they are ignoring the Borg threat to the Federation. It is simply the last chance to reintegrate the ship, and therefore the decision should be that the Rendezvous is made. In no way or form has the Theurgy officers turned their back to the Borg threat just because it's only the Cayuga that will set a course for the apertures. Think of it like this: The Borg threat is still the highest priority, or at least it should be for many reasons. Ranging from cost of life in the Federation to Nicander saying the the abductees are already dead on the Versant. The Cayuga is the [ii]forerunner [/I] to go to the apertures, that's all.

The crucial quirk of this situation, is the haste in which the ships part in different directions after the three COs are finished talking, and they give the order to leave. This haste, is to prevent officers that you OOC want to end up on the Theurgy, but IC would rather be on the Cayuga. I can't stress the importance of this enough. If your characters are to end up on the titular ship of this story, now is the time. This goes for both the Cayuga officers and the Endeavour officers. I leave it to everyone to come up with viable explanations or situations that make your characters end up on the Theurgy. Sickbay is a viable option, since sickbay is destroyed on the Cayuga. It could be that officers on the Cayuga just happens to be on the Theurgy, perhaps still alseep, or whatever you come up with.

The secondary option, to have your character end up on the Cayuga instead, will make it difficult for a natural transfer to the Theurgy later on. It can be done, but that would be very circumstantial and a lot is still uncertain about the story progression in the end.

One possible aspect of the development is that the COs talking and making this decision not known until right before the Theurgy goes to warp, catching Cayuga officers on the Theurgy unswares, and preventing the Endeavour officers to transport to the Cayuga. Still, be creative!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on November 04, 2018, 09:01:38 AM

So, in this thread, @chXinya should post with Wenn Cinn contacting both the the Stallion and the Cayuga, and despite what Yukimura may think is most prudent in that regard in my post, of course there can be a physical meeting taking place too instead of just a shared hail on he bridges. 40 minutes allows for some talking to be done, and Stark + Ziegler learning more about the Borg threat.

I definitely think a physical meeting would be the more interesting to read/write.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 04, 2018, 01:15:08 PM
Sure thing, unless anyone has a strong aversion towards it, I suggest @chXinya summons and arrange for transports for Stark and Ziegler to the Sword, and since Ducote is the ranking officer from the Endeavour, he ought to attend as well.

I leave it to @Brutus to decide if Yukimura attends as well since he reports to her. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Multificionado on November 04, 2018, 01:59:25 PM
I concur on the physical meeting. And I also agree that Ducote be in attendance as well.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: patches on November 04, 2018, 03:46:53 PM
Probably a good idea to have a science officer there to explain the beam settings needed to close the hole. There’s multiple apertures.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on November 04, 2018, 04:48:42 PM
Luckily enough, there is a science officer standing right next to Ducote.  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on November 04, 2018, 04:55:16 PM
There are several on board, so whoever will be needed would be call :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 07, 2018, 09:09:12 PM

Hi there!

Ran into some problems with the site PHP upgrade, so I had to restore a backup. I manually saved all the posts done since the backup, though, so if they are missing, they can be found below.

Sorry for the inconvenience in reposting them!


Auctor Lucan


[ Lt. Cross | Unknown ] @Auctor Lucan @Stegro88 @Multificionado

Cross could hear the thrumming strikes of something hitting the wall of the cell they currently occupied. The Vulcan pushed himself to his feet, holding the gown in one hand and using the other to support himself against the bulkhead as he staggered upright. Turning his head, he could see Mickayla as she repeatedly hammered her fist into the bulkhead. Cross took notice of the fact that the she-Klingon was completely naked as he struggled to get a hold of himself, straining to focus his mind as the Klingon's vocalized rage boomed in his ears. The Vulcan turned and rested his back against the wall as he watched the scene, his teeth grinding as he took long deep breaths as part of his battle for control over his own mind.

Movement caught the Vulcan's notice then, his eyed being drawn to the source. Some sort of apparatus moved on the ceiling, aiming itself at MacGregor's back as she continued her hateful tirade against their captor. Cross opened his mouth to call out a warning, but too late. The cannon fired, striking MacGregor in the back. The Vulcan bit back a curse as the Klingon woman sagged, slumping against the section of bulkhead that now stood bloodied from her futile assault. Mickayla slid to the floor, and the Vulcan's now keen hearing managed to pick out the words she whispered as silence fell over the cell.

"Royal was my race."

Cross watched, mesmerized, as the bare flesh of Mickayla's back rose and fell, proof of her continued survival. A sedative then. Cross found himself relieved that they hadn't outright killed MacGregor as they had the other crewman in the fluid-filled pods. Cross shrugged into the medical gown that he had retrieved from the cell's single bunk, securing it in place before stepping forward. Drake had draped another of the gowns over the still form of MacGregor, the thin material of the gown veiling much of her nakedness from view, though her bare shoulders and legs were still visible beyond the hem of the garment. Cross took more deep breaths as he drew closer to MacGregor, the greedy inhalations and forceful exhalations serving to take the edge off the rage that flowed through him. Cross spared only passing a glance for their captor, who appeared to be the same bulb-headed grey alien who had spoken to them before, though Cross couldn't be certain. Between the fact that his mind was still clouded by the onslaught of his new emotions, and the fact that these aliens all looked alike, it could have been a completely different creature for all he knew. Cross knelt down beside MacGregor's slumbering form and hesitantly reached a hand forward, resting it on Mickayla's shoulder. It was only once his skin made contact with hers that he realized his mistake.

The momentary contact caused a spike in the chaotic battle within his head, his anger spiking once more. Cross reeled backwards, loosing his footing and ending up lying on the floor scrambling for footing as a growl resounded deep within him like some sort of feral creature. Cross turned his attention to Drake, his eyes wide and his teeth bared as he stared at his now Human one-time subordinate. The Vulcan's eyes jumped from Drake to MacGregor, then to the window through which the grey alien who spoke to them stood peering in, then back to Drake as Cross scrambled backwards, his eyes holding a mixture of fear and hatred as he felt his back come into contact with the wall.

Focus on your breathing, Cross. Cross told himself amid the mental chaos, Breathe!

The Vulcan attempted to follow his own commands, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he forced the air in and out, concentrating on the sensation of the act as a focus for his mental struggle. He had to maintain control. If he lost himself, if he gave in to the rage that coursed through him, who knew what he would capable of. 


[ Ensign Isel "Foxfire" Nix | Wolf-08 | Azure Nebula ]

Isel had seen the small craft approaching the Dauntless from the port side and wondered what the hell it was doing there. Then the craft, which appeared to be a runabout, had detonated in spectacular fashion, the blast causing a stir in both the Dauntless and the nebula around her. The Dauntless' impulse engines flickered, their power appearing to be momentarily disrupted by the runabout's suicide run. Isel absently wondered if there had been anyone aboard the runabout, though that hardly mattered in here and now. If there had been a pilot, they were nothing more than space dust now.

Foxfire's thoughts were interrupted when she heard Chance's transmission and glanced out of her cockpit, seeing Chance's fighting off her starboard wing. The Vulpinian let out a long breath when she saw that Chance was still alive and in one piece, though there was no guarantee of that remaining the case as they still had the Dauntless to contend with.

"Roger that, Chance. Follow my lead." Isel replied over the comms, giving her Human lover a thumbs-up before turning back to her controls and bringing her fighter about so that they'd be attacking from the ventral aspect of the starboard side. "Let's hit this bitch hard and fast and get the fuck outta here! Use Hell-Hounds set impact detonation." Isel called to the fighter off her wing as she readied herself for the attack run. "Attack pattern Delta-4, Chance. Drive those torps home quick while they're still recovering. Target is the starboard nacelle." Isel drew in a deep breath before calling the final command. "Execute!"As she growled the final word, she pushed her fighter up to speed for the attack run, arming her Hell-Hound hardpoints. The Vulpinian's brows knit together in concentration as she targeted the starboard nacelle while at the same time attempted to maneuver and avoid the fire still coming from the Dauntless as it struggled to recover from the runabout's attack. Even so, the diminutive pilot couldn't resist the urge to add another quip for the woman in the other cockpit. "And for fuck's sake, lover, don't be stingy with the torpedoes!" Isel added cheekily.

"When am I ever stingy with you, you vixen." Chance responded. The Vulpinian grinned as she imagined Donna rolling her eyes in her own cockpit.

A moment later the fighter let out a small beep, confirming the targeting lock. "Target locked! Firing Hell-Hounds!" Isel reported, punching in the command even as she spoke. Isel watched the twin cluster bombs streak off, making a beeline for the Dauntless' nacelle. A moment later another pair of torpedoes raced forward from off to Isel's right as Donna let loose with her own payload.

"Bombs away, let's... Fuck! Incoming!"

The Dauntless was wounded, but she was hardly crippled, and once their torpedoes were away the two fighters were quickly forced to take evasive action as the Dauntless fought back with her ventral phaser array. The first shot of the Dauntless' phasers streaked past, coming dangerously close to Isel's port wing, the Vulpinian just barely having gotten out of the way by putting herself into a corkscrew maneuver. As it was, her shields still took a light glancing hit from the beam, leaving them once again diminished. Luckily for Foxfire, someone aboard the Dauntless had been paying attention and had realized their plight, and the ventral phasers quickly redirected their fire to intercepting the incoming torpedoes that threatened their warp nacelle.

The Dauntless' second volley managed to knock off one of Isel's torpedoes, the third taking one of Donna's as well, though they could hardly hope to destroy them all. The remaining pair of torpedoes found their mark, detonating as they struck the Starboard nacelle and sending their payload of smaller ordnance to spread damage across the body of the nacelle. The numerous explosions left a series of deep scores in the outer casing of the warp nacelle, the power faltering as a result of the massive damage inflicted by the multiple strikes. What was left of the Dauntless' starboard nacelle finally flickered and died as the two Gryphons streaked away from the Akira-Class starship.

"Starboard nacelle is down. That'll stop them going to warp anytime soon, though they can still pursue at impulse." Isel said over the comms as she put her fighter through it's paces, flying through a series of evasive maneuvers as the Dauntless turned her ventral phasers back on the two offending fighter craft. A quick glance at her sensors told her they were far from being in the free and clear, however. "Shit, the Dauntless is coming about to a pursuit coarse, and I'm picking up weapons signatures. Looks like the Dauntless hasn't given up just yet." Isel keyed open a channel to the other two pilots in the area.

"Meerkat, Scylla, this is Foxfire. The Dauntless is still pursuing the Theurgy at impulse." Foxfire reported, "If you ladies would care to have a go at knocking out their impulse capabilities, Chance and I will try to use our ECMs to keep some of their torpedoes away from the Theurgy as it withdraws." Isel grunted as she sent her Gryphon into a hard turn, rolling herself laterally to just narrowly avoid another lance of phaser fire from the Dauntless. "And watch yourselves. They're plenty pissed at this point!" Isel spared a quick glance at sensors to make sure Chance was still in one piece, having lost sight of the woman during her mad evasive actions. "Chance, we'll try and disengage without getting our asses blown off. Arm your ECM. We may need to try and help screen the Theurgy from some of those torpedoes." 


[ Ens. Krystal "Meony" Tancredi | Public Baths | Deck 6 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan
The initial shock of finding the Romulan she'd been days in the search for suddenly being right there before wore off after a moment and the girl blinked, shaking her head a little while she continued to thread water right where she was. Rommie Romulan, that was the name she applied to him due to the embarrassing fact that until now, she still didn't know his name. I mean, just how many Romulans were there on board the ship? She could've tried looking up a name list, but nooooo...Meony was much too busy getting assimilated into a new crew, learn the agenda of the ship, get the snot beaten out of her, risk rupturing the protective coil in her brain and spend some quality time with Jimmy.

"Yeah, Ah guess..." said Meony, as she swam to the side and pulled herself out of the water, settling on the edge and leaving her bare legs dangling in the water. Once comfortable, she looked over at the Romulan, tucking a lock of hair behind her ears, "'z about yerself? Ah been lookin' fer ya better part o' th' last few days."

She studied him, wondering if he showed symptoms of Virus 117 or if the innoculation worked like a charm. It ought to. Dr. Lynn would never mess up, ever, and since Romulan physiology was almost virtually identical to Vulcans, very little modifications were needed to immunize the newcomers. Ah crap, he knew her name, and had her at a decided disadvantage. "Ah'm sorry, but what's yer name agin?" She blushed a little as she asked this, and gave the man an apologetic smile. 


[ Ens. Ryuan Sel | Sel's Quarters | Deck 5 | USS Theurgy]  Attn: @Brutus 

Sel had to pull herself back. She had to move back away from her man. "Okay, let's get cleaned up first," she said with a smile as she quickly gave him another kiss. "Then I'm going to go to the sickbay. I'll let you know when I'm done and you can meet me back here, 'kay? Then we can finish where we left off."

Two Hours Later

The red candle flickered as Sel tapped the back of her head against the panel of the dresser it sat on. In her hand hung a data PADD and on it was the test she had hesitated on. She'd been back from sickbay for almost twenty minutes. They'd run a complete battery of tests on her. The fetus inside her was fine, healthy and growing quite nicely. Though not pure Bajoran, her body was handling it quite nicely. She'd been given an injection to aid with the process, just to keep her immune system from reacting to her child, and then came the decision. The genetic profile of the baby. Normally people asked for it just to find out details like gender and things like that, but for Sel it was far bigger as she knew it would confirm who the father was.

She didn't know why she had agreed to it, she didn't know why she had read the results when the PADD was handed to her. But now, in her quarters once more, she felt as if her world was on the verge of coming crashing down. She wanted to run and hide, but there was nowhere to hide. Nowhere she could go that she could escape the problem. It was now inescapable.

Some part of her wanted to go back and tell them to remove the thing from her. She didn't want it anymore. She didn't want it growing inside her. She wanted it to be...

She fought back tears and looked at the genetics report again.

She couldn't summon Sarresh back now. She couldn't face him. She couldn't look him in the eye and tell him that the life now growing inside her was...

She threw the PADD with her not inconsiderable strength at the wall and watched as the screen broke and the internal workings shorted out. Not that it would do any good, the evidence was in her file and in her body. Her sin now made flesh and she had never really thought of it in that way. It wasn't fair. 


[ Ens. Ryuan Sel | Public Baths | Vector 1 | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Brutus

The world moved around them and Sel didn't care. She ignored as a few people left, stragglers who were there alone departed. She caught what looked like a J'Naii sneaking away and was mildly disappointed she didn't get a better look at whatever was in between that one's legs, but her primary focus was on Sarresh, was on his skin touching hers.

And yet she could feel a pang of a fear building inside her, growing as the new life within her body continued to grow. She had given herself completely to it. She had decided that she would carry their child and she would birth it when the time came, yet there was still the unspeakable fear that her life would be cut short, that at any time it would be over and when that happened it would not just be her who was cut down, it would be her child as well.

"I know," she breathed, her voice trembling ever so slightly. "I just..." She let out a breath and buried her face into his chest, holding onto him a little too tightly. "I just can't help but be a little... scared." She wouldn't have admitted fear to anyone else and the word was spoken at barely above a whisper. It was humiliating that of all things, this scared her. But she couldn't escape it. "Why did it have to be here? Why did I have to meet you here, why not somewhere else? Somewhere safe..." 


[ Lahksis Saugn "Nicotiana" | Entering the Auxiliary Reactor  | The Versant]

She was bleeding. At some point between the moment, she had engaged the scion and the moment it had fallen it had hit her and torn her flesh open. An arm, her left one, hung uselessly at her side and dripped the thick viscous fluid of her internal structure onto the floor. She held onto the rifle with her only useful hand and continued to fire. She had to keep the path clear, she had to ensure that Hi'Jak could do his job and that it would not all be in vain. Her life had but one purpose at that moment, she had to protect him and ensure that he got the box. Nothing else mattered.


The voice cut through the fray and for a moment she did not know where it had come from. She did not immediately know it and she was too busy. Though the beast was dead, the vermin remained and her rifle no longer permitted her to kill. She had to stun them. When they got close she swung it like a great club, when she could she shot. Bolts of fire shot past her. Though some would strike her, for some reason her body did not react to them. She felt them, burning at her flesh, but the pain meant nothing. All that mattered was keeping the walkway clear. She would do that.

When a bolt struck her knee and she was forced to drop down she only continued her work. Her head was spinning and she was aware of the puddle beneath her, she could feel her skin hardening and yet she pushed against it. She held herself as best as she could. She had to hold her ground. She had to protect her master. 


[ Ens. Ryuan Sel | Vivian's Quarters | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @The Ostrich 

Even though Sel's brain was still swimming in alcohol she was able to focus enough to lick at the spots where it seemed Vivian made the most noise when she licked. She was by far no expert at this and indeed was kind of sloppy, her face quickly getting covered in a mix of saliva and the other woman's juices, but she was none the less eager to please. She felt oddly satisfied, giving someone else pleasure. As if that was enough, she was useful at that. She'd restricted herself to only Sarresh for so long now that with him gone she had not really given anyone pleasure in so long it had gnawed at her mind. She had been lost in a depressed, frustrated haze.

And she pushed her tongue deeper, probing, pushing, licking. She wanted to taste more and more. She pushed her tongue into the other woman's hole and moved it around the edge, then back up to kiss and lick at her clit. She pressed herself in, rubbing the ridges of her nose against Vivia's clit slowly, inhaling the scent of her oh so wet sex. It was so different from licking a man, where they were rigid and seemed to fill her mouth, it was as if she had to reach out with her tongue so much more to sample the taste of a woman. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 13, 2018, 12:40:32 AM

After some sporadic posting, our member Veridian could not keep up with the sim, his RL likely taking him away from us. He wrote Vanya, the CSO on the Cayuga:

( Lt. Vanya                       Chief Science Officer (NPC) (
  -Former  Writer: ( (;u=127)

This means Vanya is available for inheritance by another writer, new or old. If anyone is interested in writing the CSO on the Cayuga (who has to end up on the Theurgy in Reunion), please PM me for more information. I will personally NPC Vanya to solve any unfinished threads she was in, so no worries there for those who have been waiting on replies. :)

Oh, about inheritance, please consider how you, as a new writer of an old character, have a creative license to change the way s/he is played. We want you to make the character your own, change things as you see fit, and update details on the character page to your heart's content. They merely have to remain the same person in the broader sense, i.e. in terms of name, race, position, rank and images.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 15, 2018, 10:54:03 AM

Hi there everyone! Today, it has been 3 months since @The Ostrich joined us, and he is now eligible to introduce a character of his own. And here she is, after a butterfly fluttered its wings, Jhoza, callsign Blizzard has come to take Junkrat's place in the Black Wolves squadron. :)

( Lt. JG Jhozahosh sh'Avhennes    Wolf-16 [Blizzard] (V01) (,_callsign_%22Blizzard%22)
  - Writer: (,_callsign_%22Blizzard%22)The Ostrich (;u=162)

The past hour, while at work, I have been editing old posts in Episode 04 and 05 to make this change, where the human NPC named Junkrat never existed in the story, but Jhoza has been with us the whole time instead. I could not replace the callsign alone, since Junkrat was refered to as a man. So! It was actually Jhoza who flew with Wraith in Fox Hunt and later in Knife's Edge, where she reappeared after having talked with Meerkat and Scylla about defecting to the Theurgy, just like Wraith, Chance and Foxfire had just done. In @The Ostrich 's first post with her, Blizzard will be preforming a combat landing in the Helmet's shuttle bay. Happy to have her aboard! :)

Here are those that graduated the same year as her from Starfleet Academy (

As always with the Butterfly Effect changes, they pass largely unnoticed by In-Character, with only some cursory, unvoiced confusion, since when the characters think about it, Blizzard has been there all the time.

Like, who's Junkrat anyway? Odd, her callsign is Blizzard. Everyone knows this, and she most certainty isn't a human man. Whatever was I thinking about? ;)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vox on November 15, 2018, 03:01:47 PM
The Butterfly Effect also known as the 'I've been on a three day bender and now I have no idea what's going on in my life' hangover...or is that just me?

To @The Ostrich love the character and nice to have a face for my new wing woman, I will do my best not to make a "There's something different about you but I can't quite put my finger on it." comments with Wraith the next time they see each other.  :p
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on November 15, 2018, 04:17:05 PM
Congrats on the new character @The Ostrich!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 20, 2018, 04:59:07 PM

Greetings Theurgists!

Just letting you all know that I'm working on the PHP update of the site, but posts are coming too, most done tonight Swedish time. I ran into some problems with the database but I've gotten the solution from the programmers at Elkarte.

Hope this message finds you all well out there! :)

EDIT: Ended up working on the site some more tonight. Update yet finished but progress made.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Absinthe on November 21, 2018, 10:39:44 AM
The long overdue update to F'Rell's bio is up. After I left ages ago, another person took over my beloved F'Rell and added quite a bit to her. With all that was added and with the improvements to my own writing style, the bio felt more than a little out of date. This update more than doubles the length of what was there and includes so much more information.

Check out the new update here (
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: patches on November 22, 2018, 01:43:37 AM
Hi there, guys! My home Internet situation has become a little more unreliable this week so I'm not going to be able to get any posts up until next week, likely. December may hold some surprises as well as we're going to be moving in January so I'll keep y'all posted as necessary.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on November 22, 2018, 02:04:12 AM
Hi Everyone,

Just letting you know that I will be going on Holiday between 12/12/2018 and 21/12/2018. Specific dates unknown but that's the window. Internet Connectivity will be severely limited and probably only in the evenings so I will attempt to respond to posts at that time. But there might be a delay.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on November 22, 2018, 08:46:38 AM

Test #2

Logout Test
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on November 22, 2018, 08:54:24 AM
Logout Test
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on November 22, 2018, 09:10:56 AM
Test: reply
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on November 22, 2018, 09:11:15 AM
Test: quick answer
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 22, 2018, 10:05:58 AM

I ran a test on the site, and the Wiki appears to be working fine now. I have detected a couple of problems still, with the help from Numen and Stegro. There is a session verification error, preventing login and logout of the forum, and I got a problem with updating pages on the forum, such as the Crew Manifest. This has been very educational, and progress has been made.

Wiki Database - Check!
Forum - Work Continuing


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on November 22, 2018, 02:59:36 PM
Family is in town for Thanksgiving so I'm going to be scarce till probably Sunday. I know I owe post's - if I can I will get to them.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 26, 2018, 03:40:33 PM

Well, after three days of work, a webmaster friend and I will be trying a different approach. The forum is restored, with only a few posts lost in the crossfire of updates and halted updates, and I will be PMing those posts I have available to those who need it, so that they can re-post them.

Instead of upgrading the current forum to a later iteration, since the upgrade tool is buggy and just won't cooperate, a completely new forum will be made for us, which should work with PHP 7.2.

So, the sequence would be:
1) New forum installation in a separate folder entirely (separate from this forum)
2) Adding the present forum's theme to the new forum
3) Adding the addon/packages to the new forum (and upgrading them if needed)
4) Patch existing database into the new forum

The new forum's settings will be generating data into a database, but that database will be scrapped and replaced with the one we are feeding posts into, now and onwards. So, resume posting, and a new forum will be made from the ground up in the meantime.

I will be sending PMs now, and if you have any questions, please go ahead and post them here so that everyone can draw benefit from the answers. :)

I am so, so sorry for the inconvenience this has caused, and I have been doing my best, even having the Elkarte staff patched into this progress.

EDIT: If you have problems logging in/out, please try Incognito/Stealth Mode on your browser and let me know the result in Discord or at This is a test phase.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on November 26, 2018, 06:04:59 PM
Should we post ahead with replies already or should we wait for the forum transfer? Or is there no risk in them being lost?
When would the transfer to a new forum happen?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 26, 2018, 06:16:13 PM
There will be no risk of post losses this time around since atm, we'll be working on a new forum, completely unaffiliated with this one. Then, we will make that forum read this database as-is. Think of it like... we're making the frame for the picture we're currently painting. We'll just switch the frames, instead of polishing our current frame (which we have been doing for the past 3 days or so without result). In the end, it's just a matter of changing the frame without editing the database.

The new frame should be in place before the end of the week depending on how it goes. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 27, 2018, 09:11:51 AM
Please remember that if you have problems logging in atm, try incognito mode, and let me know how it goes!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on November 28, 2018, 01:31:30 PM
test: quick answer
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on November 28, 2018, 01:31:42 PM
test: reply
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on November 28, 2018, 01:32:20 PM
test: reply & tag

(tags not working)

test: edit/Modify
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 28, 2018, 03:52:14 PM

Hi there everyone! I have great news in how I finally managed to kill the bug that was causing the Session Verification errors when the site was running on PHP 7.2. Doing so, this old forum will still be usable after the 1st of December (since our provider is discontinuing our current PHP 5.6 setting then), and there is no urgent haste in transferring everything to a new forum. 

There were a few issues that occurred with PHP 7.2, like the Mentions feature not working and you can't type names in the To: field in Personal Messages to get a pop-up with the members. You can, instead, click "Send Personal Message" underneath their avatars. Moreover, PHP 7.2 prevented me from editing pages like the Crew Manifest and the Calculators. Nonetheless! Killing this Session Verification bug means that the site will not break and stop us from logging in and posting after the 1st of December. And! Until the 1st of December, I may even be able to fix the broken stuff with the mentions and the drop-down name menus, along with the editing feature of our site pages. If I do fix those errors, it would mean we don't even need a new forum.

Still, our current forum is a 1.0.9 version of Elkarte, and it is recommended to use the latest 1.1.5 version, so we may need that new forum eventually, but we don't have to move everything there by the 1st of December. Better yet, we will be able to keep posting as we've been doing before, only without the Mentions function (for the time being).

I will keep you guys posted if I do manage to fix those errors too, along with status updates on a potential new forum.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 01, 2018, 04:48:55 PM

This is hardly a surprise to those that are reading Chapter 04: True Nature, but with some Savi science and in inspiration from the Voyager epsode Jetrel, Heather is about to be resurrected from her disintegrated state. When she re-materialises, she will not be quite the same, her DNA having to be patched to a small degree with a Xenexian genome.

( PWO Heather McMillan          Science Officer (Biology) (
  - Writer: ( (;u=17)

With bright purple eyes and a new face, it remains to be seen what this will entail for her Radiant abilities. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 02, 2018, 11:41:36 PM

While the wiki database seem to have some connectivity problems atm, I still managed to complete this change of faces. Since the character Laurel Okhala didn't get any takers after her original writer left, she was killed of recently on the Versant. However, there was interest from CV to change facelcaim for his character Eliska Bremmer, really liking Alicia Vikander to play the part of his security officer, a Butterfly Effect has occured, where Eliska and Laurel have both changed appearances. Here they are!

( PO2 Eliska Bremmer            Security Officer (V02) (
  - Writer: ( (;u=6)

( † Ens. Laurel Okhala            Former CONN Officer (SAVI) (
  - Former Writer: ( (;u=107)

Please bear in mind that the only reason I do something like this is because the edit was so slight, and the latter character is dead and won't reappear in the story. I will not be changing faces for everyone's characters on a whim. ;)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 03, 2018, 12:37:27 AM

Hi again! So, it's the 3rd of December (Swedish time) and the site has switched to PHP 7.2. Luckily, I have squashed the bugs that prevented us from using the forum already, so until the new forum is finished, we can continue to write here. :)

Known issues:

This means, however, that I will not be able to update the Crew Manifest or the Non-Crew Listing pages any more, and the Mentions function won't be working without using Quote. Moreover, writing a new PM on the forum will have to be done by clicking "Send Message" underneath the Theurgist's avatar, since the drop down list of name suggestions in the "To:" field won't be working. These are small bugs that I have yet to find and squash, and my primary focus will be to finish the new forum so that we have a long term solution instead of patching the old forum. I might be able to find the last bugs on this old forum, but if I do, I will let you know.

EDIT: Mentions and Personal Messages work again, the dropdown lists with names now appearing again when you start to type names. :) I found and squashed the bug. Now, I just need to figure out the problem with updating pages on the forum (the wiki pages are unaffected, so it's just the Crew Manifest, Non-Crew Listing and the calculators that aren't letting me update them).


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on December 04, 2018, 11:57:10 PM
Hello crew of the combined Stallion and Sword vectors!  Just wanted to let everyone know I added the current bridge staff list to the end of my latest post so give it a look.  Also note that I changed it to the Vector 3 bridge since it wasn't damaged thanks to Klingons.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 05, 2018, 01:43:08 PM

I have managed to reinstall an addon named Simple Portal and restored ability to edit the crew manifest pages. I still have some layout work to do on the main Community portal page, with white lines and an error message appearing, but the bug is removed.

However, in removing the bug, the functionality of our Stardate and Warp Factor Calculators are not compatible with PHP 7.2. I wil simply have to make them work using another solution. Won't be today though.

Have a great day!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 06, 2018, 10:30:08 AM

Indeed, we have a new member, @Cosmos , and they will be taking over writing the Cayuga's Chief Science Officer, Lieutenant Vanya! (Unfortunately, as you all know, Vanya will loose her position as she ends up on the Theurgy in Reunion.)

( Lt. Vanya                       Chief Science Officer (
  - Writer: ( (;u=184)

For the past day, Cosmos has been reading up on all of Vanya's old threads, old and present, getting well acquainted with her story so far. Moreover, they have added and changed a bit in Vanya's character page in accordance with their own preferences, making Vanya their own. In their words, "I hope to take the character in a few new ways, while preserving what has come before. Putting my 'spin' on the concept with out destroying the past."

Currently, Vanya is on Vector 03, so Cosmos will be posting with her in Reunion. Moreover, they might take up any old or new Supplemental threads where Vanya has been/will be present.

Welcome to Theurgy, @Cosmos ! :) Hope you'll have a great time in our community, and don't forget to swing by on Discord if you like to. The server can be found in the top menu now that you are no longer an Applicant.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on December 06, 2018, 10:49:04 AM
Welcome, Cosmos! Refreshments in the corner.

Good to have you.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TWilkins on December 06, 2018, 11:44:26 AM
Welcome to the Theurgy @Cosmos! Look forward to writing with you!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on December 06, 2018, 01:44:59 PM
Welcome to the club @Cosmos !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on December 06, 2018, 04:43:47 PM
Welcome aboard, Cosmos! Hope you have a great time here and enjoy every single moment of your life! (L)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on December 06, 2018, 05:24:00 PM
Welcome aboard @Cosmos ! I write another of the Cayuga's science officers, so don't hesitate in PM me if you want to write something together :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 06, 2018, 06:09:01 PM

Okay guys, @chXinya has posted, so now it is time to haul ass and finish this chapter. 7 days of posting has begun for all involved characters in all three Vectors, especially those with characters on the two Bridges!

Chapter 03: Knife's Edge [ Day 06 | 0840 hrs. ] (,2437.msg19596.html#msg19596) (link to chXinya's post)

Please make sure you all post as soon as you can. If you want to participate in the scene where the Theurgy merges into one ship again, and flees from right underneath Admiral Sankolov's nose, now is the time.

It is all really free-form too. It's been 1 hour since the Cayuga and the two merged V2 and 3 vectors parted way. I don't think you actually need much direction here. Subdue the last boarders, fire up the crazy warp solution on Vector 01 with the help from the warp cores on Vectors 02 and 03, and blast off. This can be done meanwhile Tactical CONN are in their fighters in the Fighter Bay, ready to launch as needed. There are Bellerophon crew being rescued via Transporters on both Vectors 01 and the merged 02 and 03. This means Security has plenty to do in order to keep the saved officers in line, not to mention medical officers.

I hope you all can squeeze out posts soon enough, because otherwise we end up in a waiting game and I have to accelerate the plot without much more input. Have fun and don't wait for others. Just barge on ahead and if there are discrepancies, I'll handle it. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Cosmos on December 06, 2018, 06:21:58 PM
Thank you all for the welcome.
I've spent a good deal of time reading through some of your former threads and have just been floored by the quality and ability of the writers here. I hope to live up to your standards and contribute to this wonderful story that you have built together.  I look forward to interacting with you all with the rather interesting character that I've been so graciously allowed to take over, as well as unique characters in the future.

Please bare with me as I struggle to hit the ground running and try and catch up with you all. Your work here is nothing short of amazing and it's a bit humbling to join such a group of writers. Hopefully I'll fit in with out too many grievous wounds.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on December 06, 2018, 08:33:53 PM
Welcome aboard @Cosmos!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 06, 2018, 11:25:26 PM

I have the pleasure of annoucing yet another Theurgist today, namely @fiendfall ! They will write Morgan Song, who's off on Vector 01 and trying to fix the plasma leak right now in Knife's Edge. :)

( PO1 Morgan Song               Engineering Officer (V01) (
  - Writer: ( (;u=183)

@fiendfall decided to keep Morgan Song as-is for the time being, leaving the character page unedited, but they might make some changes later on if they change their mind about it. That being said, they might alter some mannerisms and details about the character in current writing too, and I look forward to take part in this guys continued story.

Happy to have you aboard, and welcome to Theurgy! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on December 06, 2018, 11:26:35 PM
Two in one day! Welcome, fiendfall!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on December 06, 2018, 11:27:15 PM
Two new happy new faces in one day?  Nice.

Hope you survive the infodump and find a nice home here!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on December 06, 2018, 11:27:26 PM
yay! another newbie! welcome!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Cosmos on December 06, 2018, 11:29:38 PM
Welcome Fiendfall! Another new person. Takes pressure off me.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on December 06, 2018, 11:42:38 PM
*purrs* Fresh meat. :)

j/k. Welcome aboard @Cosmos and @fiendfall .
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on December 07, 2018, 09:05:11 AM
Thanks folks! Glad to be here :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TWilkins on December 07, 2018, 12:20:31 PM
We've spoken in the Discord, but yes, welcome @fiendfall!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 07, 2018, 03:56:45 PM

Since it is a bit cumbersome to call the merged Vectors 02 and 03 something, here is a new addition to the wiki in regard to MVAM modes of the Theurgy, aside from the names of the separate Vectors (Helmet, Sword and Stallion):

Vector 01+02 "The Soldier"
This rarely utilised combination of the saucer section and the middle section of the Theurgy is called the Soldier, named thus in the event that the stardrive section - Vector 03 - functions as a lifeboat, leaving the other two Vectors merged for battle, perhaps covering the escape of Vector 03.

Vector 02+03 "The Ranger"
This combination of the second and third sections of the Theurgy is called the Ranger, since it lacks the Helmet and yet has the best propulsion and fighting capabilities of the Theurgy.

So, if needed, you can call the V2+V3 ship The Ranger from here on out. Let's make it official in your posts as needed, and feel free to edit old ones if you feel so inclined.

If any of you have suggestions on added text to the above, feel free to PM me. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on December 07, 2018, 04:39:45 PM
Welcome to Theurgy, Fiendfall! Hope you have a blast here, and beware of trouser snakes. You'll get that reference when you've been here a while more...
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on December 07, 2018, 05:00:41 PM
AL, would V1+V3 be "the Defender" or "the Crusader" perhaps?

And welcome all our newbies!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on December 08, 2018, 05:20:33 PM
Considering that the earlier combos makes the Soldier and the Ranger, and assuming that Vector 01 can join with Vector 03 without Vector 02 in between, I think the Helmet and Stallion combined would make the Knight? The Rook?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 09, 2018, 03:01:37 AM
Defender, Crusader, Knight or Rook... Hmm...

Not sure what's best there. In the context of Vector 03 being a lifeboat and the fastest, and the Helmet being the fortified command ship of the three, with the main bridge and having the AI's brain installed, we're looking at a held-back position while the Sword would be either fighting at the front line or having been destroyed. I think it would require more of a defensive aspect to the name?

Eager to hear more ideas!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on December 09, 2018, 03:28:39 AM
Okay, so ideas reminiscent of holding the line and not giving an inch?

How about The Legionary, or the Hoplite?  Perhaps the Pikeman?  Schiltron? 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 09, 2018, 08:10:12 AM
Not sure, sounds a bit commonplace.


Or Destrier?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on December 09, 2018, 04:04:26 PM
Chanfron is a piece of horse armour, while Destrier is just another name for a man-at-arms/knight's warhorse.

That combination of V1 and V2 you described, being there to hold the line while V3 escapes spoke to me of holding the line. Cavalry doesn't hold the line, they break it.

Oh, other idea: the Spartan. Or even just a codeword rather than name for the assembly, something like the "Leonidas Protocol", where a skeleton crew would man V1 and 2 and their job is to make a glorious last stand against overwhelming odds.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 09, 2018, 04:25:20 PM
I think you mixed up the Vectors. I am talking about The Helmet and The Stallion together, where the former would be the Chanfron on the Stallion, making it a Destrier. The Chanfron is a horse's "helmet" after all. I'll go with The Destrier for that rare combination.

As for V1 and V2, I'm open to suggestions. Not sure on The Spartan though even if I don't remain convinced about The Soldier.

Chanfron is a piece of horse armour, while Destrier is just another name for a man-at-arms/knight's warhorse.

That combination of V1 and V2 you described, being there to hold the line while V3 escapes spoke to me of holding the line. Cavalry doesn't hold the line, they break it.

Oh, other idea: the Spartan. Or even just a codeword rather than name for the assembly, something like the "Leonidas Protocol", where a skeleton crew would man V1 and 2 and their job is to make a glorious last stand against overwhelming odds.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on December 09, 2018, 04:32:46 PM
Yes, it would appear I mixed up the Vectors indeed.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on December 10, 2018, 08:29:13 AM
Just in case anyone missed my previous post.

From tomorrow 11/12/18 to 21/12/18 AEDT, I will be on holiday. I will have some internet connectivity and a computer with me but available time will limit my thread responses. I will endeavour to reply in a timely manner to those threads I am a part of.

Best way to reach me during this time is a PM here on the forum or a DM on Discord. Please do not hesitate to do either.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on December 10, 2018, 07:05:23 PM
How about "Bulwark" for the combination of V1 + V3?


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on December 11, 2018, 05:59:07 AM
I just got some news that will likely slow me down at some point in the next year.

My mother has stopped Chemo treatments, and not in the good way. we aren't entirely sure what happens here on out, but my brothers will be coming out to the island to pay respects, and say good bye. We think it will likely be around... idk summer of 2019? I mean they told me she was gonna die back when i was 11, so doctors + time estimations are bs.

There may be a leave of absence around the time it gets really bad.

I mostly just wanted to let ya'll know, and maybe hopefully see if anyone wants to have a chat.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 13, 2018, 10:27:18 PM

Chapter 03: Knife's Edge has been concluded! Ýou can read the dramatic conclusion here:

Link: Chapter 03: Knife's Edge [ Day 06 | 0840 hrs. ] (,2437.msg19761.html#msg19761)

I know there are stragglers who have not met the 7 day deadline that began on the 4th of December, when ch'Xinya posted with Wenn Cinn. Today is the 13th of December, and I have to move the story forward for the sake of the while sim. If anyone has planned to post in Chapter 03, you are too late, and you will have to make Supplemental threads instead.


Now begins 1 (one) In-Character hour of Supplemental threads for the whole crew (and non-crew) aboard the Theurgy. This means all three Vectors. I would have made it more than 1 hour if the current warp speed wouldn't have taken the ship out of the Azure Nebula. This means between 0900 hrs. and 1000 hrs. on Day 06. The only characters not included in this are the abductees on/off the Versant and Captain Anya Ziegler, who is on the Cayuga. For one hour, the Theurgy is locked in it's crazy warp jump, preventing any course changes. The challenge is to make sure the Theurgy survives the duration without blowing up things aboard. Engineers and Ops can have fun with that as best as you wish. Furthermore, these Supplemental threads should be named Chapter 03: Supplemental [ Day 06 | XXXX hrs. ] Insert Title.

Have fun! :)


The starter for Chapter 05 will be posted next week, and it will begin when the In-Character hour is up, and the Theurgy drops out of warp. It is yet to be revealed if they indeed reach the fourth planet in the Ithacae System or not, because the crew does not know that the warp jump will last for one hour. More information will be sent out via Newsletter. 


I will reply by department:


Captain Wenn Cinn is the Commanding Officer of the Theurgy, with Lieutenant Commander Stark as First Officer. In an upcoming Supplemental thread, they will take command on the Main Bridge of the Theurgy, and @chXinya announces the bridge crew for the duration of the hour locked in warp in this Supplemental thread. This thread will deal with the aftermath of Dewitt and Trent, the latter learning about Heather McMillan and the intent to address the Borg threat instead of heading to the Versant. Regardless what anyone may think about Dewitt removing him from command, justified or not, it won't matter, since Trent will not have any interest in command any more at this point. It remains to be seen In-Character what tasks he may preform depending on Chapter 05 development.

Neither Tactical nor CONN has much to do on the bridge, since no ships can catch up with them and the course is locked.


The Acting Cheif of Security, appointed by Wenn Cinn since he is Captain, is Kai Akoni at this point, with Adam Kingston as Deputy.

All boarding teams from the Dauntless have been taken care of, most still alive and confined to the Brig/a cargo hold. Survivors from the Bellerophon are either treated in the three sickbays under Security surveillance, or confined to cargo holds. All these newcomers on the Theurgy needs to be briefed and told about the mission, and any characters interested in such scenes are free to chip in. Since it's only one hour we're dealing with here, the likelihood of the survivors/boarders defecting to the Theurgy's mission is small, to say the least.

Until further notice Commander Trent is confined to VIP quarters on Deck 11, with guards posted outside.

Doctor Nicander is still in the Temporary Holding cell, and available for further questioning by authorised officers.


After the Theurgy has jumped to warp, Red Alert is ended, and @Nolan will post a Supplemental thread at his leisure detailing the Fighter Assault Bay + the invitation for the White Wolves in the Upper Shuttle Bay to head down to the Fighter Assault Bay for a short debriefing/introduction. This thread should be available for all Tactical CONN and Fighter Ops characters, aside from any new Supplemental threads started for these characters.


The three sickbays are filled to the rafters with injured crew from the Theurgy, the Bellerophon and boarders from the Dauntless. The EMH Mk 1 and 2 are available as required. The LMH (Eve) is still deactivated since the Savi compromised her program's stability. Counselling might help Faye in Diplomatic corps to talk the newcomers about settling down and not fighting the Theurgy crew?


Thea looks like swizz cheese. Do I need to say more? O'Connell is back in command, and Suq is Asst. Chief of Engineering again. Moreover, this T'fanrell designed warp jump can cause more problems if you guys want during the hour that the Theurgy is locked in warp. The ship being reintegrated again also suggests a lot of allocation of material and crew which could not be done during the extent of the Continuance Protocol.

As for Operations, with Stark as First Officer, Nator is Acting Chief of Operations, and s/he may name hir Asst. Chief of Operations.


CSO Martin is in command here, and there are a lot of scientists available for a Supplemental thread where they can put their heads together abour the Borg threat. I suggest @The Ostrich posts a Supplemental thread where Martin gathers all available scientists for a briefing and assessment of the situation. Lieutenant Simon Tovarek is Asst. Chief Science Officer.


As usual, Civilians do whatever the "#¤%& they want. But! Zyrao may be involved with the Command characters regarding Dewitt and Trent. F'Rell will likely be in Engineering. Parnak may help in Science. Lorad may want to check in on Samala, all things considered? Just ideas.
Hope this helps and inspires! As previously mentioned, Chapter 05 will come up next week. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on December 17, 2018, 10:47:24 PM
I am not in breach of any 1-week deadlines yet (that I know of! Shoot me a PM if so) but I wanted to give a heads-up that I am suffering from a (hopefully short and sharp) stomach bug or other and so it might be a couple more days for those waiting on me.

Thanks for your patience, folks. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 20, 2018, 12:28:38 AM

Hi there everyone! Three months have passed since @TWilkins joined us, and he is now eligible to introduce a character of his own. And here he is, Y'Lev, even though he may first be known as Crewman Galo...

( Y'Lev                         Syndicate Dominus (V01) (
  - Writer: ( (;u=169)

Y'Lev is a field agent working for the Orion Syndicate, tasked with investigating the atypical behaviour of Starfleet's Task Force Archeron. After taking regular injections to suppress his pheromones from his vicinity, as per Starfleet regulations, he has infiltrated the USS Bellerophon under the alias Crewman Galo, working in Operations. He has survived the destruction of the Bellerophon in the Azure Nebula and just been beamed aboard Thea.

Looking forward to read how he fares in his mission! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: FollowTomorrow on December 20, 2018, 12:36:50 AM
Mmm, tasty tasty orions...doc always did say i need to eat more greens :P

sorry, had to make the pun <3
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Jm Von Cat on December 20, 2018, 12:48:25 AM
What a fancy looking green boy.
I do rather like that outfit.

Congrats on the character, hope he lasts a little while.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Cosmos on December 20, 2018, 04:58:54 AM
Interesting looking character. Looking forward to meeting him.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 21, 2018, 02:04:07 AM

I have the pleasure to announce that I managed to restore the Warp Factor and Stardate calculators after we switched to PHP 7.2. Please go try them out if you have the time?

Warp Factor Calculator (

Stardate Calculator (

They are updated from PHP to HTML. In the previous versions there was a bug that made me using PHP pages even though HTML was enough. This time I reversed the way and went back to HTML only.

I have yet to figure out the cause for the red error message at the bottom of the Community front page of the site, but I will take another stab at it tomorrow. Now, I'm done coding for the evening. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on December 23, 2018, 05:31:00 AM
I'm alive. So the Doctors tell me anyway.
I'm finally home and back in front of a computer so I can hopefully begin to work on some posts.
Thank you to everyone for having the patience with me.
I will try to get caught up as soon as I am physically able.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Cosmos on December 23, 2018, 06:54:13 AM
Glad that you're on the mend Stegro. Glad to have you back.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on December 23, 2018, 12:37:03 PM
Hope you feel better soon Steg!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 24, 2018, 03:03:27 AM

Let the Battle of the Apertures (,2542.0.html) begin. :)

I will also take this moment to say Merry Christmas and I hope you're all having a nice time. Many talks about to be had in regard to this new chapter, and it will be a slow start given the holidays. Hope you all like it nonetheless, and don't forget to read the OOC note too.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on December 24, 2018, 10:20:23 AM
Happy Holidays to all of you! Great Christmas Eve present you got for us there @Auctor Lucan!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Multificionado on December 25, 2018, 11:07:58 AM
Just to let everybody know: I'm going off on a vacation, and I'll be back in early January 2019 (sometime in the first week). Won't be able to make or reply to posts for a while, but I hope y'all will understand. And I will be back to writing.

I wish y'all a very Merry/Happy Christmas!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vox on December 25, 2018, 02:08:35 PM
Merry Christmas everybody, hope everybody has a fantastic time and if you don't celebrate the holiday then happy Tuesday!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 25, 2018, 03:56:18 PM

Hi there! Hope you are all having a great Christmas! Here is a new wiki page I made for you all, as a means of keeping everyone in the loop about what's going on in the final Chapter of Episode 05: Courage is Fear. Check it out!

Episode 05 Situation (

I have made this page as a starting point, but it will be updated continuously as I chat with you all about additional ideas or changes. :)


Auctor Lucan

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on December 27, 2018, 03:28:02 PM
Just a head up! I'll be out of town till december 30, probably with no internet or low-speed one. I'll try to catch up the 2 threads i owe today, but probably can't write till New Year. Enjoy the food and such! ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 31, 2018, 02:11:03 AM



Hi there! Tomorrow is New Year's Eve and it's been a really exciting year writing Episode 05! We are at the end of it too, with the final Chapter posted and available. I thought I'd post a brief update and clarification about what's ahead.

As previously mentioned, I made a new wiki page as a means of keeping everyone in the loop:

Episode 05 Situation (

Then, I PMed you all about additional ideas or changes, opening up for discussions and requests concerning your characters. It is a means to let you all have a say in the development, instead of me just telling you all how it's going to be. I am very open to discuss the situation and answer questions. Of course, the time is short before the Battle of the Apertures commence on the Theurgy's part, and there won't be any time for a visit to the Coreless Moon (even if I liked that idea, @Triton !).

When the Holidays are over, please make sure to reply to the PM I sent you, even if it's just a confirmation that the info listed is correct on the page, and you don't have any real requests of your own to make at this point. :)


Okay, here is a clarification on Supplemental Threads for you all. This might seem a bit lengthy, even repetitive, but it's just to shed any doubts after some questions were raised on Discord. :) Awesome that people let me know when I have been unclear!

Chapter 03: Knife's Edge ended at 0900 hrs., and as I wrote earlier, you all have 1 hour of time for Supplemental threads between 0900 hrs. and 1000 hrs. These threads have the naming convention Chapter 03: Supplemental [ Day 06 | XXXX hrs. ] Insert Title.

A few days ago, I posted the beginning of Chapter 05: Battle of the Apertures (,2542.0.html), and it is situated on the Main Bridge of the Theurgy, where Dyan Cardamone has just now made an appearance, saying she got a message from Thea on the Versant. In this scene, the Theurgy has dropped out of warp at 1005 hrs., and they are just a stone's throw away from the Coreless Moon.

Now, remember the Episode 05 Situation ( page? This page is a guide to help you set up Supplemental Threads for Chapter 05, all of them starting around 1000 hrs. @Nolan has already posted one such Chapter 05 thread, namely A New Pack Rises (,2545.0.html). There, Thomas Ravon has announced the new Squadron Organisation Chart, just before the Theurgy drops out of warp. This is an example for you, but you should use the Episode 05 Situation ( page to set up relevant Supplemental threads, or just post in Chapter 05: Battle of the Apertures (,2542.0.html) is that's your preference, even if your character might not be on the Main Bridge.

Of course, the naming convention for Chapter 05 threads is Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 1000 hrs. ] Insert Title. The important thing here is to keep the start-time at 1000 hrs. for the time being, running parallel with Battle of the Apertures (,2542.0.html). Once certain upcoming decisions have been made on the Main Bridge, I will be able to open up for a time span of Supplemental threads between 1000 hrs. and XXXX hrs.

So, post away at your heart's content, and if you want to write even more, there are still old Chapters in Episode 05 that you can write Supplemental threads for, along with the Interregnum 04-05 board and Director's Cut board scenes from your characters' pasts.


I fell in love with the Shutterstock images of this "girl" a long time ago, and she is the means in which some of the Corrections on the abductees will be unmade. I present to you, the Savi android name V-Nine!

( V-Nine                          Medical Android (SAVI) (
  - Writer: ( Lucan (;u=1)

She just made her first appearance in True Nature (,2447.msg20088.html#msg20088), where all the abductees have been gathered on the bridge of the Versant. Hope you enjoy writing your last posts in that thread, before I close it.


Sadly, I can't keep writing so many characters actively, and I have decided that I'll let someone else breathe more life into this character, whom I love but I just simply couldn't give enough attention to. If anyone feels like taking him over before a new Applicant might do it, just PM me.

( Lt. Tyreke Okafor             Science Officer (Synthetic Biology) (NPC) (V02) (
  - Former Writer: ( Lucan (;u=1)

More information about Inheriting an Available Character can be found here: Available Characters (


Let's take this story into it's eight year this May, and thank you everyone for making this community as awesome as it is. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vox on January 01, 2019, 01:25:42 PM
Happy New Year everybody, hope 2019 is a great one for us all!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Absinthe on January 05, 2019, 07:54:58 AM
I know people are mad at me. I don't want to air any grievances here and now, this isn't the place for such things. My life has recently taken a turn and I've found myself becoming increasingly negative and frustrated over the past weeks. My GF was diagnosed with cancer and chemo has not been going well. This strain alone has been taking it's toll on my creative abilities and my abilities to be perhaps as nice as I once was, as tolerant.

I'm not saying this as some lame excuse of my behavior, but rather to explain the headspace I find myself in. I have actually been trying to hold in much of my negativity as of late, but it seems that I have become toxic to be around, to say the least.

I cannot and will not be the reason why others feel unwelcome here, or anywhere. I had hoped I had in some way expressed that even though I have a heavy dislike of certain TV shows and movies currently out that I do not feel it is because of any people in them, but rather because of the climate around them and the writing in them. But my words have only seemed to craft a hostile environment around me.

The word negativity has been thrown around and yes, I must admit my outlook has been negative recently. I find it hard to be positive when I see issues and my life IRL has been such a mess. But that is neither here nor there. I find myself falling into my own darkness and despair and I feel I cannot in good conscience remain in this group. I have always strived to "fix the problem" and now it is clear the problem is me and the answer is simple, I need to just not be on the Discord.

It is clear to me that is causing the majority of the tension around me and I need to distance myself from it. I will still use discord to chat with people, but I don't think I will be joining the group discord again. If you want to talk to me, you can still find me there and I am always more than happy to talk, but for the sake of the people I have made uncomfortable and hurt, I cannot be in that place anymore. It's just not good for anyone involved.


(Yes I know a little bit ago this said I was quitting, but I was stressed, cut me a break. I still love being here and I still like it here, but I need to distance myself a little.)

Postscript - I would like to apologize to those who I have upset and thank those who have reached out to me with concern about my growing negativity and depression in the recent weeks. I have not been myself and I don't even know who that is to be anymore anyway. All I know is I am tired of being seen how some people seem to see me and I think it better if I simply stop being seen at all, at least on the open chat.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Absinthe on January 06, 2019, 06:27:26 AM
As a final postscript to all the drama, I must admit that in a fit of pique I unfriended and deleted a number of conversations on discord with a number of people when I made my post quitting. And as I am no longer a member of the official group discord I cannot reopen conversations and I do not have the handles of many of the people I enjoy talking to, so I cannot get them back. Thus if people want to get a hold of me I will need people to get in touch with me (if you have not heard from me in the last 24 hours, this means I no longer can message you).

Finally, I wish to apologize once more for my behavior. I have been thinking about where my negativity a lot over the past day and I think it comes down more to the personal drama in my life. Like what you like, if this new show and the new movie brings you joy, find joy in them. If it brings you into this fandom, all I can do is be happy that the fandom will grow.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 08, 2019, 01:01:45 PM

Because of the length of the prefix in our Supplemental threads, people are hitting the max character limit when adding the title. Also, in our email notifications, we can't always see which thread it is when it's a Supplemental being replied to, because the subject line is too long. Therefore, I will be editing all the threads in Episode 05 from....

Chapter XX: Supplemental [ Day YY | ZZZZ hrs. ] Insert Title


CHXX: S [DYY|ZZZZ] Insert Title

Please notice that you can always add a header to your threads which has the non-abbreviated title at the top of the first post.

So, don't be alarmed if the Ep05 boards will be looking funny, since it will take me an hour or so to get this done. :)

Let me know if there are any questions!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 09, 2019, 10:47:29 PM

( (

Today, the last post in True Nature was posted, and with a great twist in the end. Here is the link to the final post:

Chapter 04: True Nature (,2447.msg20234.html#msg20234)

Without spoiling your reading, let me just add that before our characters on the Versant shows up in Chapter 05: Battle of the Apertures, there is also a Supplemental thread posted to let you all write in the interim between the Chapters. That Supplemental can be found here:

CH04: S [D06|1005] To Arms! (,2554.0.html)

This is the main Supplemental thread for activity on the Versant's bridge following the conclusion of Chapter 04: True Nature. If you guys want to set up Supplemental threads of your own, you can use the naming convention CH04: S [D06|1005] Insert Title. Please don't let more than an hour last in these Supplemental threads, though, since they will be arriving at their destination soon enough.

Thank you all so much for the adventure on the Versant, and I hope that - as challenging as the situation was for the characters - that you all enjoyed writing outside the comfort zone of the Theurgy. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 10, 2019, 10:13:09 PM

In May last year, @Hastata-Nerada left us to take care of his Real Life situation, and now, he feels confident about returning to us! He will take it slow, however, and will be writing an inherited character in form of Tyreke Okafor.

( Lt. Tyreke Okafor             Science Officer (Synthetic Biology) (V02) (
  - Writer: ( (;u=21)

He has decided to not make any character changes either, rather wanting to get back into gear slowly and without taking on too much. He has a lot of reading to do, but will be wrapping his head around the current situation in the story. It's really great to see him back in the fold, and that he's sorted out his RL situation at last. :)

This might be a good time to mention this as well: To those who are writing inherited characters created by Hastata-Nerada, there is no cause to feel guilty or anything like that now that he has returned. Inherited characters are yours to write as you deem fit, as in accordance with the rules of the sim, and it is one of the reasons why we can write this almost 8 year long continuity of a story.

Please give a warm welcome back to this old Theurgist! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on January 10, 2019, 10:14:47 PM
HN! Welcome back!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on January 10, 2019, 10:15:23 PM
Welcome back!

So good to have you with us again. You have been missed immensely.  :) 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on January 10, 2019, 10:18:06 PM
Welcome back Hastada! it's good to see you again.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on January 10, 2019, 10:32:57 PM
Nice to have you around again!!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vox on January 10, 2019, 11:13:19 PM
Welcome back HN, glad to hear your real life issues are getting back on track! :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on January 11, 2019, 12:35:57 AM
Hey everyone! It's great to see you all again! And to those who I haven't met yet, it's great to see you too!

Thank you all for the warm welcome, I'll be glad to get back into the swing of things.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triton on January 11, 2019, 03:22:18 AM
I had a particularly bad internet blackout (Via a power line transformer which overloaded and shut down a couple of square blocks' worth of power for a day but was eerily beautiful to watch when it happened) shorty after Christmas. Running my wifi for my laptop on Android (which was charging at the time, also afflicted) was very spotty, so I took care of both matters best I could-- because Winter Semester began this week, and I had to sort out my schedule, on one-bar internet to a high-volume registration site. But I got my schedule set in stone as of today.

Which, I have to say is a matter of some note: I'm going to regiment my time, but on weekends, I have more of a writing schedule. I'll be on more often as each week rolls by, particularly Thursdays and weekends between study and homework. It's a rough first week, but maybe it'll smoothen out and I'll have more time to balance.

I'm sorry about the setbacks but time to get a move on, luckily it was the holidays :P . I was particularly waiting to see how 'new pack' went on. And... hehe, others.

Welcome back, HN!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 11, 2019, 02:21:00 PM

Check this out! @Numen made this: :)


It's a baby Scion, and it's now an emoji on Discord as well. Should we name it? For now, it's at least Chibi Scion.

Thank you so much Numen for this contribution to the sim: a little Scion mascot! lol


Auctor Lucan

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on January 11, 2019, 02:23:39 PM
Well done @Numen . It's cute.

Also, welcome back @Hastata-Nerada
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on January 11, 2019, 03:18:24 PM
*officially creeped out by Scion-chan*


And welcome back, HN!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on January 11, 2019, 04:28:39 PM
WELCOME BACK, HASTATA-NERADA! WE'VE MISSED YOU! IF YOU NEED ANYTHING WE'RE ALL HERE FOR YOU. Also, be wary of eating grey goop, it might be a former crewmate. OTHER THAN THAT, HAVE FUN!!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Cosmos on January 11, 2019, 05:31:48 PM
Love the Scion!

Good work Numen!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Multificionado on January 11, 2019, 07:41:32 PM
I concur. :D Excellent job!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 13, 2019, 09:37:53 PM

@Multificionado contacted @Absinthe , asking for new character images where Evelyn Rawley had some longer hair, and here is the result! I merely helped out with some backgrounds and lighting effects. Here she is in her new look!

( Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley          Wolf-02 [Ghost] (V02) (,_call-sign_%22Ghost%22)
  - Writer: (,_call-sign_%22Ghost%22)Multificionado (;u=137)

Since she came out of stasis, Rawley began to use a wig, which had longer hair than depicted above. The above is, however, her real hair, which has grown out over time since the Theurgy fled Earth. Soon in the story, Rawley will be ditching the wig and just have her natural hair-length instead.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on January 14, 2019, 06:46:56 PM
Just want to give everyone a heads up that I may not be able to get tags out this week. I'm trying to get some free time in the evenings but a major IT project (that's been in the works since last October and impacts over 200 users) is going live Thursday morning so I'm buried in last minute tests and validation of peripheral items to ensure a smooth transition onto the new platform.

Once this is out of the way we don't have any major projects planned for the first half of FY 2019 so things should calm down a bit. We're also hiring a new IT person for one division, along with two more in the spring if we hear about contracts in the next two weeks. :) That means less brushfires to fight (for me) and more time to focus on what I do best. :) And that means actually getting home at a normal hour, always a bonus.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 16, 2019, 09:57:15 AM

Today, @Multificionado added his fourth character to the sim, in the form of Hana D'Marque!

( Ens. Hana D'Marque              Science Officer (
  - Writer: ( (;u=137)

She is one of the survivors of the Bellerophon, and even before that, she was a survivor of another ordeal entirely. One that still stays with her, despite her attempts of recovery. This scientist has her forte in the geosciences, and might become a great complement for the Science Department. That is, is she won't end up in the brig...

Looking forward to reading her story, @Multificionado ! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TWilkins on January 16, 2019, 10:01:37 AM
@Multificionado Awesome looking new character!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: The Ostrich on January 16, 2019, 10:10:04 AM
She looks like an interesting and well developed character, I look forward to meeting her in the sim!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 16, 2019, 01:46:48 PM

Today, you can read how Captain Wenn Cinn made the decision on where the Theurgy would go (unfortunately, it wasn't to Risa):

Chapter 05: The Battle of the Apertures [ Day 06 | 1005 hrs. ] (,2542.msg20413.html#msg20413)

With this post, now that we are on course towards the apertures in the heart of the Azure Nebula at a warp speed of 9.95 (which is as fast as the Theurgy can go atm due to all the damage), 7 days of posting now begin where all reactions to Captain Wenn's decision should be posted on the bridge. When 7 days have passed, I will turn the hands of time one hour forward in this Chapter 5 thread, and the Theurgy will join the Battle of the Apertures. Please bear in mind that Martok and his fleet plus the Cayuga will have been fighting the Borg Queen for that hour, so please mind the debris field when we drop out of warp. :)

This post also opens up for Supplemental threads set between 1005 and 1110 hrs on Day 06, which is the time for this last leap through the Azure Nebula. These threads should have the naming convention CH05: S [D06|XXXX] Insert Title, and it is the last chance you all have to write any scenes prior to the battle. Bridge officers may call in relief officers in order to leave the bridge for such scenes, of course. The only thing important to keep in mind, is that at 1100 hrs., the Red Alert will be sounded, meaning all hands to battle stations, since it would only be 10 minutes until they drop out of warp. So, the threads you may write in the hour between 1005 and 1110 hrs must have a Red Alert at 1100 hrs., if the scene is depicted at that minute.

Hope this announcement finds you all well, and have a great day! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vox on January 16, 2019, 02:47:39 PM
Wait we're not going to Risa? You mean I got out my good beach wear for nothing?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 17, 2019, 02:53:34 AM

@Stegro88 has added his fourth character to the sim today as well! Here is Lorad's sister, Samala. :)

( Samala                        Civilian (V01) (
  - Writer: ( (;u=118)

She was on the same shuttle as Lorad, but she's been in stasis on Vector 01 since Lorad came aboard. Samala will be taken out of stasis just in time for the Battle of the Apertures, since she'll aid the Theurgy crew in getting that Reman cloaking device operational. Looking forward to reading her story!

Have fun writing her, @Stegro88 ! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vox on January 17, 2019, 03:05:06 AM
Loving the new Character Stegro!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on January 17, 2019, 03:10:02 AM
Congrats on Samala, @Stegro88!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triton on January 17, 2019, 03:27:19 AM
So. That's a Remulan. Most impressive.

Update -- I just got a new internet provider... And It's a major solution to so many obstacles :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on January 17, 2019, 09:18:39 AM
Yay! Glad she'll be around soon!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Cosmos on January 17, 2019, 12:51:30 PM
Both the new characters look interesting. I look forward to reading and interacting with them. Good work guys.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 18, 2019, 10:40:37 AM

The following has been added to our General Rules because of popular interest:

A non-player character (NPC), also known as a non-playable character, is any character in the story which is not controlled/owned by a single player. NPCs in Star Trek: Theurgy are available to be included in the posts of all writers, with a few common sense exceptions, like Story NPCs ( (commonly controlled by the GM) and the pets belonging to the characters of other writers. Such pets are not listed on the NPC pages (, but instead available on the character pages of the aforementioned characters. It is also common sense that relatives and spouses belonging to the characters of other writers are off limits unless you get permission from that writer.
This text has also been added to our NPC page on the wiki. I prefer to not go into deeper detail than this, keeping at "common sense" level. It goes without saying that NPC abuse will not be tolerated. Abuse is determined on a case-to-case basis.

This addition was not made because any NPCs were being abused, but a result of ironing out the existence of "pets" like Albert and Sharky. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on January 18, 2019, 06:29:58 PM

Maybe my brain is still fried from work yesterday but was there a pre-existing guidelines around the creation of NPC's? Do we have to get approval to create an NPC? Or can we create the NPC with a basic blurb about them and faceclaim, then upload them to the wiki? I know I followed some guideline when I first made Kala as an NPC, just don't recall off the top what that was. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 20, 2019, 02:04:40 PM

It's always been free to create an NPC entry in the NPC pages in the wiki database, just writing a paragraph or two and picking an image from SciFi Avatars or some such, as long as due credit is given to the source. The faceclaims or NPCs are not really claimed, since as soon as someone wants to make a PC with that face, the NPCs image has to be removed or changed to something else.

Key here is moderation. We should not waste time making NPCs unless they are critical or needed for something specific. Focus should be on writing our PCs.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on January 21, 2019, 08:23:43 PM
I won't go overboard, scout's honor. :)

Also, so everyone knows the insane day I had Thursday is done, the project went off pretty good. Could have gone smoother but it didn't go as sideways as I was bracing for. Still a long day. In the 24hr period from 6pm Wednesday when migration started, to 6pm Thursday when I finally got home, I slept all of maybe 5hrs, and ended the 24hr period with a 3hr highway drive home so I was pretty bagged Firday at work. :)

I am finally settled again to life so will be responding to tags in the next 24hrs. Lot of posting to catch up on reading
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 21, 2019, 10:45:23 PM

The reports about this Theurgist's behaviour towards his fellow members have been numerous, varying in degree of infraction upon our rules over the past couple of years, but, with the two most recent reports about his conduct, his membership has been terminated.

The Star Trek: Theurgy sim endeavour to deliver quality writing opportunities to its members and to keep the creative environment on the site safe, friendly, and professional. This community hold itself to high standards of ethical conduct in an effort to ensure our members feel welcome. Therefore, it is required that members never engage in inappropriate behaviour e.g. sexual discrimination, emotional abuse, threats or disruptive speech.

Given the long and unchangeable nature of this Theurgist's inappropriate behaviour in this sim, and the many times he has been encouraged to improve, it has been decided that a Discord ban is not enough to preserve the health of this community. While he will be free to use the characters of his own creation in another sim (Leon Marquez and James Mariner), they will will not be put up for inheritance by another writer. Instead, they will be removed from the story by lethal means at the earliest possible convenience, so that their positions open up for other characters.

The pilot character that isn't of his creation (Lt. JG Alessia Garcia) will be NPC:ed by me until it is adopted by another writer. She can now be found on the Available Characters page.

( Lt. JG Alessia Garcia         Wolf-10 [Angel] (NPC) (V02) (,_callsign_%22Angel%22)
  - Original Writer: (,_callsign_%22Angel%22)Dam025 (;u=23)

These decisions are never easy, but with great respect towards the writers that have been abused by this Theurgist, and with no sign of improvement happening, enough is - eventually - enough.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 22, 2019, 11:54:09 PM

@Arista pointed out something awesome today, and that's how over the course of Episode 05 so far, a few members have earned a prestigious Award. Namely, the Ye Olde Mug Badge!


Those who have been actively writing in the sim for over 3 continuous years have earned this badge, and aside from those who already have it, here are the new recipients! :)

Zenozine (;area=summary;u=8)

Triage (;u=17)

Masorin (;u=11)

Havenborn (;u=12)

FollowTomorrow (;u=13)

Congratulations, Theurgists! Now, it's just two more continuous years until you earn the Ye Olde Mug of the Ancients Badge (;area=membersAwards;a_id=10)!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vox on January 22, 2019, 11:56:01 PM
Congrats all!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on January 22, 2019, 11:57:13 PM
Wohoy! Can we call you the old gang? Congrats!!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Cosmos on January 22, 2019, 11:58:14 PM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Jm Von Cat on January 22, 2019, 11:59:38 PM
Congratulations to all you folks \o/
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on January 23, 2019, 12:00:03 AM
WOOT! Wow, I can't believe it, but I managed to reach 3 years here! Yay! Also congrats to my fellow award winners! Here's to many more to come!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on January 23, 2019, 12:01:12 AM
Congrats Writers
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on January 23, 2019, 12:14:48 AM
Congratulations everyone! I can't believe it's been three years already.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: FollowTomorrow on January 23, 2019, 12:52:54 AM
oh boy, im old!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on January 23, 2019, 01:03:03 AM
Congrats! Here's to 3 more years a least!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on January 23, 2019, 01:30:53 AM
3 more years! Wooo
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 23, 2019, 02:01:41 PM



Here is a new thread, featuring the crew of the Allegiant, set before the Battle of the Apertures:,2572.0.html

If you have a character that you want to be on the Allegiant, post here or PM me, and I will add you to the the short crew manifest at the bottom of that post. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TWilkins on January 23, 2019, 05:22:01 PM
Congrats to all of the writers who've got their new mugs! :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on January 23, 2019, 05:39:35 PM
Ya'll getting old in this sim... Congratulations xD
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 24, 2019, 10:53:45 PM

Here is the continuation of Chapter 05, set 1 hour after the Theurgy set its course towards the heart of the Azure Nebula!

Chapter 05: The Battle of the Apertures (,2542.msg20664.html#msg20664)

Please make sure to read the OOC note for situational awareness, and info about upcoming Supplemental threads to complement this main Chapter 05 thread. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 26, 2019, 10:41:50 PM

Give your warmest welcome to @Kinvarus , who joins us today as our newest Theurgist. :) He will be taking up Alessia Garcia, who barely got to warm the NPC shelf at all since she became available, lol.

( Lt. JG Alessia Garcia        Wolf-06 [Angel] (V02) (,_callsign_%22Angel%22)
  - Writer: (,_callsign_%22Angel%22)Kinvarus (;u=193)

I have spent the last two hours writing a synopsis for Kinvarus so that he knows what's afoot and what's happened earlier in the story, and while he has a bit of reading to do still, he will be taking up writing Alessia in Replacements, New Pack Rises and Space Trash Rampage at the earliest convenience.

Welcome aboard, Kinvarus, and I look forward to seeing you on Discord if you fancy to chat with us there! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on January 26, 2019, 10:46:58 PM
Welcome Kinvarus! Come on board and take the welcome cookies :3

Due Alexia is spanish native feel free to ask me anything you need, Google translate mess with it too much xD
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Cosmos on January 26, 2019, 10:55:07 PM
Welcome! Glad to have someone new to write with. Looking forward to it.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Jm Von Cat on January 26, 2019, 11:04:19 PM
Welcome aboard and around Kinvarus.
Looking forward to writing with ya.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vox on January 26, 2019, 11:22:47 PM
Welcome aboard Kinvarus, you struck gold since Numan usually has all the good cookies or so I've been told :P
Looking forward to writing with you in the future.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TWilkins on January 27, 2019, 01:00:46 AM
Nice to see a new face crop up. Welcome aboard this apparent voyage of the damned. Look out for Borg and Klingons and Orions and everything else.  ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on January 27, 2019, 01:50:44 AM
Hello @Kinvarus. You picked a good time to join us.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on January 27, 2019, 03:47:41 AM
Hello @Kinvarus! Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kinvarus on January 27, 2019, 05:17:44 AM
Hi everyone! Thanks for the warm welcomes and the cookies :)
I look forward to jumping in and writing with you all.

To Numen thanks! The last time I had to speak any Spanish was back in school over a decade ago so I'll definately be hitting you up for that and yes Google Translate has it's moment's, as funny as they can be there's nothing like thinking you wrote a good piece of dialogue only to be told you randomly mentioned pizza mid sentence for no reason xD
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on January 27, 2019, 05:35:31 AM
No worries mate. If you need help with anything or want someone to write a supplemental thread with, let us know.

But full in the moment but happy to work something out at the earliest opportunity.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on January 27, 2019, 11:38:25 AM
Welcome aboard @Kinvarus ! Hope you'll enjoy your stay at our fun crew! :D
If you have any questions for Tac Conn, feel free to ask ^^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 27, 2019, 12:23:00 PM

Here are the relevant threads, and you should all have somewhere to post now (all except for those on the Versant, who have a thread ongoing already). Please make sure you read the OOC notes for more information in the starters. :)

Battle of the Apertures (relevant post linked):,2542.msg20664.html#msg20664

No Milk Run,2574.0.html

Space Trash Rampage,2575.0.html

Storm Glass,2576.0.html

Soon, I will be posting objectives and tasks in all these threads, giving your characters stuff to handle in a way you like them to, giving you creative freedom in achieving those objectives. :) Stay tuned, but now, you should start up posting and setting the scenes for your characters! 7 days have begun in Storm Glass, for example, as well as in No Milk Run and the bridge scene in Battle of the Apertures. Remember to have fun! Not often a situation like this comes along, so have at it!

Oh, and the Versant is due to arrive soon as well, perhaps even changing the tide of the battle....


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 29, 2019, 02:58:32 PM

Now that the battle has begun, this page below has been updated. If you have any requests or ideas to add, or want to make any changes, please PM me and I hope we'll be sorted out. Please let me know if I got any location wrong too, lol!

Episode 05 Situation Page (

I take this opportunity to remind those who write characters on the Main Bridge to post asap in Chapter 05: Battle of the Apertures (,2542.msg20664.html#msg20664). There is no need to wait for orders etc. The unfolding scene itself should be enough to write about, not to mention the initiatives to report findings or make suggestions etc. to Captain Cinn. Have at it! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 29, 2019, 11:07:28 PM

Over the course of this writer's membership at the Theurgy sim, he has ceaselessly overstepped the bounds of character abilities and realism. While energetic and enthusiastic, and not in the least hostile, he ceaselessly caused disruptions. It was noticed early on that he wasn't experienced with this kind of writing, but it has been the lasting hope that he'd adapt and improve, and truly grow into the writing style required on a site like this. This sim endeavour to deliver quality writing opportunities to its members and to keep the creative environment in its appropriate tone and Star Trek realism.

Yet given the unchangeable nature of this writer, and the many times he has been encouraged to improve - with many hours spent on trying to make him adapt - enough has to be enough.

There have been a total of 12 complaints made because of the aforementioned issues, and it has become clear that his inexperience as a writer in a group environment has become too disruptive to ignore. I need to stress that it's not that Multi has been intentionally rude. Quite he opposite, and that's why this decision had not been easy.

The heart of the issue was that his great energy consonantly needed to be directed, both by co-writers and yours truly. So, since Multi wasn't able to direct his creativity and energy on his own, others have been forced to do so, and that's not what this sim was made for. This sim wasn't made for writers that are so very inexperienced in writing with a lot of other people.

The characters of Multi's own creation (Gideon Drake and Hana D'Marque) will not be put up for inheritance by another writer, but instead removed from the story by some means at the earliest possible convenience. The characters that aren't of his creation - Rawley and Six - will be NPC:ed by the Game Moderator until they are adopted by another writer.

Multi has been advised to try and focus on writing stories of his own first. He still has great potential as a writer, but his talent don't work within the constraints of this writing environment. I wish him well in all his future writing endeavours, and I am sorry that he couldn't adapt to our kind of storytelling.

Here are the characters now available for inheritance:

( Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley          Wolf-02 [Ghost] (NPC) (V02) (,_call-sign_%22Ghost%22)
  - Former Writer: (,_call-sign_%22Ghost%22)Multificionado (;u=137)

( Ens. Six                      Forensic Science Officer (NPC) (V03) (
  - Former Writer: ( (;u=137)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 04, 2019, 11:06:34 PM

Today, a new Theurgist joins us, and this in the form of @Lex Dalton , who will be taking over Nurse Jovela!

( Lt. JG Jovela                Nurse (V02) (
  - Writer: ( Dalton (;u=194)

While Jovela may have been in stasis from injuries during the majority of the story so far, the fact remains that she’s a character that goes all the way back to Episode 01. With this in mind, @Lex Dalton has some reading to do still, so please give them some time to wrap their head around the story so far. Still, they have taken their time to make some edits to Jovela in terms of her characteristics and personality, along with some details in her background story. I like the update in how it deals with consequences for her injuries, and how she will be seeing a counselor to overcome some of her issues.

Welcome aboard, @Lex Dalton , and if you care to chat, we tend to hang out on our Discord server, which you can find in the top menu.

Best Regards.

Auctor Lucan

PS. Since I am doing this membership approval over my tablet, being on a skiing vacation, I will have to add your name to the Crew Manifest when I get home. All other pages should, however, be updated by now! DS.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on February 04, 2019, 11:08:10 PM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Cosmos on February 04, 2019, 11:09:05 PM
Welcome to the group!

I look forward to writing with you.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: The Ostrich on February 04, 2019, 11:09:16 PM
Welcome Lex, glad to have you aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TWilkins on February 04, 2019, 11:12:51 PM
Welcome to the crew @Lex Dalton! Jovelia is one of the main members of the Medical Team so I’m really looking forward to working with you in the future! :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on February 04, 2019, 11:15:28 PM
Welcome aboard Lex.  Let those of us with characters in the medical department know if you need a "recovery scene" before the big battle so Jovela can get back on duty.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on February 04, 2019, 11:20:05 PM
Welcome aboard @Lex Dalton

Enjoy writing Jovela! :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on February 04, 2019, 11:27:09 PM
Welcome aboard, @Lex Dalton!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vox on February 04, 2019, 11:27:29 PM
Welcome to the madhouse :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: lexdalton on February 04, 2019, 11:39:48 PM
Thanks for the welcome all, I have a ton of reading to do. A "recovery scene" would be great and give me a chance to make a load of posting mistakes before getting onto duty!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on February 05, 2019, 07:02:13 AM
Yay! A new crewmember!
Take a seat and take some welcome cookies, i hope you enjoy our little ship Lex :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on February 05, 2019, 07:34:11 AM
There's nothing little about our ship! Oh hai Lex! Welcome aboard! Looking forward to writing with you, and please don't hesitate to scream for help.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kinvarus on February 05, 2019, 12:33:56 PM
Welcome Lex, I'm the other newbie here but it'sa great community and I'm sure you'll fit in well here. Look forward to writing with you in the future :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on February 05, 2019, 01:32:11 PM
@Kinvarus! I am so sorry! I forgot to roll out the welcome mat for you too! Gah! If you need any help or just wanna talk or just wanna, I dunno, pet a hamster, don't be a stranger!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kinvarus on February 05, 2019, 09:52:41 PM
Hahahdon't worry Triage it's all good :) Thanks! and I'm always up for petting an adorable hamster :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on February 06, 2019, 12:26:10 AM
Hello Kinvarus! Hello Lex! So sorry about the lateness of these.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kinvarus on February 11, 2019, 12:05:13 PM
Thanks Hastata, hello to you too!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 13, 2019, 09:59:40 AM

Today, I have the distinct pleasure of announcing the return of an old Theurgist. One who joined at the end of Episode 01. Namely...

( Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard         Former Wolf Leader [Wolf-XX] (,_call-sign_%22Iron-Fox%22)
  - Writer: (,_call-sign_%22Iron-Fox%22)IronFerrox (;u=52)

Indeed, @IronFerrox has returned to us! Miles Renard, who is his remaining character, will be reappearing during the Battle of the Apertures, flying a Valkyrie do damaged his power signature resembles some small civilian freighter. As for how the character survived, it will be revealed IC over time. In any case, please give your warm welcome back, and expect Miles Renard - the Lone Wolves' former SCO - to appear soon in Space Trash Rampage. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: lexdalton on February 13, 2019, 10:09:09 AM
Welcome back!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on February 13, 2019, 10:22:18 AM
Holy spaceballs! @IronFerrox welcome back to the journey! Great to see you back! :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on February 13, 2019, 10:35:29 AM
Welcome back @IronFerrox ! I hope you enjoy the site again! :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on February 13, 2019, 11:04:34 AM
Darn, good stuff. It’s great to have you back.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on February 13, 2019, 12:31:51 PM
@IronFerrox!  The legend returns!  Welcome back old buddy!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on February 13, 2019, 06:06:05 PM
*cackles evilly*  At last, my opportunity to steal some of his shapeshifting DNA.... MUAHHAHAH

I mean, welcome back.  No nefarious plans here.  Nope, none.  Please sign this medical releas... err, readmission form.  No, the fine print is meaningless, harmless really.  Just a formality...
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on February 14, 2019, 12:29:32 PM
No explanation needed as to how Miles survived, he's a Time Lord after all, right? ;)

Great to see you again!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 14, 2019, 11:39:17 PM
>> Click For Full Resolution (
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 21, 2019, 09:03:22 AM

A new security officer has joined the fold, and this in form of @Cosmos new character, Junior Lieutenant Zark! She is not like most Andorians, as you may find when checking her personality profile. I recommend reading the character page. :)

( Lt. JG XamotZark zh’Ptrell      Combat Medic (
  - Writer: ( (;u=184)

Since the Cayuga's sickbay was destroyed, Zark ended up trapped on the Theurgy when the two ships briefly met up in the thread named Reunion. She will first be introduced in Reunion, and then jump right into Chapter 05, in the thread Storm Glass.

Have fun writing your new character, @Cosmos !


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: The Ostrich on February 21, 2019, 09:06:25 AM
ANOTHER ANDORIAN!!! Now you are officially one of the blue ones Cosmos! I look forward to meeting her in character!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on February 21, 2019, 09:12:48 AM
Very nice @Cosmos and very nice @Auctor Lucan. Once again, your skills are proven incredible.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on February 21, 2019, 10:00:51 AM
Yay! Welcome to the andorian rampage! I mean.... Cute tea party
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on February 21, 2019, 09:16:03 PM
Congrats on the new character!

I just wanted to give a shout out to apologise for getting a little behind on some threads. Work has unexpectedly gotten very busy and has been kicking my ass.

I aim to try to get caught up ASAP. Thanks for your patience and sorry for those who are waiting.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: patches on February 22, 2019, 02:33:33 AM
Ooooh, a combat medic. Nice! :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on February 22, 2019, 02:52:57 AM
Once you go blue, you'll always stay true.   ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 24, 2019, 09:48:20 AM

For those of you who haven't noticed, Space Trash Rampage and No Milk Run have had some new development. This, pertaining to the retaliation of the Borg Queen, the arrival of the Versant, and what it does next. Read up and have fun with the objectives! :)

CHAPTER 05: BATTLE LOG [ DAY 06 | 1110 HRS. ] SPACE TRASH RAMPAGE (,2575.0.html)

CHAPTER 05: BATTLE LOG [ DAY 06 | 1110 HRS. ] NO MILK RUN (,2574.0.html)

For those who already read these, it might be worth checking the available objectives again, since I got some help from @Stegro88 with adding some new ones, mainly related to crazy stunt they are all in for next.

I will be posting in the other two soon, even though there are a few stragglers who have not chimed in yet with their characters.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Absinthe on February 25, 2019, 08:31:42 PM
Okay, I am too fucked up right now to do this...
I am taking a mental health hiatus from pretty much everything...
I am sorry, but I don't have it in me...
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 25, 2019, 09:42:22 PM
Take care of yourself Abs and keep us posted. Looking forward to have you back but take care of yourself first.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on February 26, 2019, 03:56:04 AM
Hey Everyone!

Just wanted to do some shameless self-promotion while I was thinking about it.  Just posted the JP Masorin and I had been working on in my thread "From the Front".  There's still plenty of room for people to write up an interview with Selena if they want, or if you're feeling really adventurous, I'm always up to more JP's for the thread.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 26, 2019, 02:21:48 PM

Today, @fiendfall unveils a character of their own creation, this in the form of the Vulcan Counselor Hathev!

( Lt Cmdr. Hathev                 Counselor (
  - Writer: ( (;u=183)

New to practising counselling again, she might not have a high position to go alongside her rank, but she is one of those who survived the Bellerophon's destruction. Rescued by the Theurgy, and she'll start out her adventure avoiding the Borg drones that got aboard the Theurgy in Storm Glass.

Looking forward to read her story, @fiendfall ! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on February 26, 2019, 02:25:10 PM
Congrats @fiendfall ! :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on February 26, 2019, 02:40:15 PM
Cool new character @fiendfall !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on February 26, 2019, 02:54:47 PM
Thank you!! I'm pumped to write her :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Cosmos on February 26, 2019, 04:10:31 PM
Very interesting choice @fiendfall. Look forward to meeting her.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on February 26, 2019, 06:29:30 PM
Congratulations, Fiendfall. She looks like a very interesting character. Looking forward to seeing her in action. Also, all my characters need counselors.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on February 26, 2019, 07:12:34 PM
Woo! More green-blooded hobgoblins around.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on February 27, 2019, 01:27:01 AM
@fiendfall congrats!  She looks interesting all right.  And I think she's one of only a few named characters who has kids, too :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on February 27, 2019, 08:03:17 PM
Congratulations on the new char @fiendfall !

In other news, I'll be postponing my posts for the weekend. Heavy work schedules and very little free time is preventing me to write up anything decent for the past days and upcoming days, but expect a storm of replies to follow soon ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 27, 2019, 08:52:29 PM

Check it out!

CHAPTER 05: BATTLE LOG [ DAY 06 | 1120 HRS. ] DROPSPACE (,2596.0.html)

Make sure to read the OOC note too, and most importantly, have fun!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 01, 2019, 12:41:52 AM

This one is quite a dilemma.

Story Development Poll #4 | Who Stays Behind? (,2598.0.html)

You have three days to make your vote! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 01, 2019, 01:55:24 AM

Here is a brainstorming thread for you all to post your ideas about where the story takes the Theurgy next!

Brainstorming: The Next Destination (,2599.0.html)

The Theurgy is likely to use an aperture to escape the Borg and the Azure Nebula before the Omega Device is activated. The listed suggestions are merely listed as examples for now.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 03, 2019, 11:36:22 AM

We're closing in on the end of the Episode and I figure I'd help you all out with a general posting reminder. I've also added the deadlines and links to the latest development, so that you can see where the story progression is at.

CHAPTER 05: THE BATTLE OF THE APERTURES [ DAY 06 | 1110 hrs. ] (,2542.msg21217.html#msg21217)
Brutus posted 2019-02-27 (Deadline for all: 6st of March)
Remaining posters: @Argyros @The Ostrich @steelphoenix @Hastata-Nerada @Cosmos @Masorin @fiendfall @Arista

CHAPTER 05: BATTLE LOG [ DAY 06 | 1110 HRS. ] NO MILK RUN (,2574.msg21182.html#msg21182)
Posted 2019-02-22 (Deadline for all: 1st of March)
Remaining posters: @Masorin @patches @Vox @The Ostrich

CHAPTER 05: BATTLE LOG [ DAY 06 | 1110 HRS. ] SPACE TRASH RAMPAGE (,2575.msg21195.html#msg21195)
Nolan posted 2019-02-25 (Deadline for all: 4th of March)
Remaining posters: @Griff @Kinvarus

CHAPTER 05: BATTLE LOG [ DAY 06 | 1110 HRS. ] STORM GLASS (,2576.msg21262.html#msg21262)
Posted 2019-02-28 (Deadline for all: 7th of March)
Remaining posters: @Absinthe @fiendfall @alphawiz @FollowTomorrow @Nolan @TWilkins @lisavw @Juzzie @trevorvw @CanadianVet @patches @Arista

CHAPTER 05: BATTLE LOG [ DAY 06 | 1120 HRS. ] DROPSPACE (,2596.0.html)
Posted 2019-02-27 (Deadline for all: 6th of March)
Remaining posters: @FollowTomorrow @SummerDawn @Brutus @patches @Fife @Absinthe @chXinya @Zenozine

Hope these help, and of course there are Supplemental threads that aren't listed here like "Injustice" and "Deflectors, Cloaks and Daggers".

Looking forward to the posts! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 03, 2019, 05:47:25 PM

Good news, everyone ! The 5th and final Story Development Poll has been posted! :) You have three days to vote.

Story Development Poll #5 | Aperture Destination (,2600.0.html)

Looking forward to the results! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 06, 2019, 11:46:49 PM


A new Story Development Poll has been posted, because of the result of Round 1 in the Destination Poll. With only 2 votes difference between the two options that were in majority, the result was too even. We do have the time for a second 3 day poll, and with 11 votes that ended up in the minority options, this second poll could shift this result a great deal. Furthermore, only 29 Theurgists voted, and we being 36 right now, we have 7 who didn't vote at all.

Here is the new poll!

Story Development Poll #6 | Aperture Destination: Final Round (,2601.0.html)

This final poll will be held for 3 days, after which the results will be revealed.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 08, 2019, 12:21:04 PM

For the past month or so, @Masorin has been in the process of taking on a fourth character. After careful thought and deliberation, and me willing to let him do it, he decided to take on writing a present Lone Wolf in the story, namely:

( Lt. JG Devyrie Okhala         Wolf-XX [Dragon] (SAVI) (,_callsign_%27%27Dragon%27%27)
  - Writer: (,_callsign_%27%27Dragon%27%27)Masorin (;u=11)

A synopsis with links and information about Devyrie has been sent over, but after some reading and some expansion made on her Personality Profile, Masorin will start writing Devyrie "Dragon" Okhala henceforth in Space Trash Rampage and the story to come. Come congratulate him on his new character!


Since I do need to write a fighter pilot in order to further story progression in Tactical CONN situations, and since she was mine to begin with, I have decided to reclaim this lovely gal:

( Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley          Wolf-02 [Ghost] (V02) (,_call-sign_%22Ghost%22)
  - Writer: (,_call-sign_%22Ghost%22)Auctor Lucan (;u=1)

I have not exactly been impressed with the way her interim writer illustrated her, with oddities like wigs and over-use of the word "snogging", so I have spent a couple of hours going over the threads with Rawley since she came out of stasis in Episode 05. Doing so, I have made a lot of edits to the threads in her regard. I have purged the word "snog" completely, altered dialogue a bit, and completely scourged away the barest mentioning of any wigs or vanity (how do you use a wig together with a helmet anyway?). Rawley has been restored to what she used to be, back when I wrote her, and I mean to write her as she's always been since she first appeared before Episode 03, Part 1. The Butterfly Effect has set things back to order, and Rawley is once again the rough and scarred little fighter pilot she's always been, for better or worse. :)

I will resume writing her again in Space Trash Rampage henceforth, and I look forward to it. I've missed her quite a bit.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 09, 2019, 02:38:57 AM

I got a PM a short while ago from Vox, who told me he's decided to step away from writing so that he can take care of his mother, who suffered health problems a while back. He doesn't know when he'll be able to return, if at all, but he has decided to let his character Logan Hale - callsign Wraith - become available for inheritance.

( Lt. JG Logan Hale               Wolf-15 [Wraith] (NPC) (V01) (,_callsign_%22Wraith%22)
  - Former Writer: (,_callsign_%22Wraith%22)Vox (;u=132)

If anyone eligible to take over a character is interested, you can PM me here on the forum about inheriting this or any other available character. Please make sure to read up on the info at the top of this page, in such a case: Available Characters (

Thank you for your time writing with us Vox and like I said in the PM, make sure to contact us if you care to return some day. Take care of yourself and your mother.


Unless you have already done so, please take a moment to vote in the Destination Poll.

Story Development Poll #6 | Aperture Destination: Final Round (,2601.0.html)

32 out of 36 Theurgists have voted, so if you are one of the remaining 4, please check it out! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 09, 2019, 09:16:15 AM

After Absinthe rage-quit the Discord a couple of weeks ago because of the new era of Star Trek and suspended his own membership - going on a hiatus - he has now terminated his membership permanently.

He did so when the question arose about the fate of his characters, since hadn't logged on to the site for some time. The window of opportunity to do something about his characters and opening up positions (like Mistress at Arms) were closing in Chapter 05, and he has decided that he will not be leaving any of his characters for inheritance. He wants them all to die.

It's unfortunate that Abs' issues with current Star Trek overshadowed his writing, and it's not the first time these issues have come up. The #spoilers-dsc-negative channel on Discord was created on request because of him to allow such issues to be muted, but apparently there was no interest in constructive debate either.

Since he wants his characters killed off, unfortunately, I have to honour that request. Therefore, Ryuan Sel, Doctor Lahkesis Saugn, B'Nila and F'Rell will meet their demise in Chapter 05 before the conclusion of the Episode. This will be handled by me, since as per the General Rules I can NPC them until they die, but I can also delegate the illustration of these deaths to the available writers in the thread(s). As of this moment, I have not made any plans towards this end, so I will contact writers about this in due time.

It's unfortunate, but if Absinthe changes his mind and wants to return eventually, he'll be welcome to, on the condition that he has resolved his issues of franchise progression and can focus on the writing.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 12, 2019, 02:07:59 PM

On the R&D board, I've posted some wiki pages that I would love to get some feedback on. Check it out!,2603.0.html

Looking forward to your comments. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 18, 2019, 12:43:38 PM

While this may have been a long time coming, due to the infrequent - or complete lack of - posting from these two members, Patches and Zenozine are no longer members. They are, however, welcome back when/if they get more time to write with us.

Several PMs and Discord messages were sent to Zenozine without reply, and in the lack of any other stated preference, his two sibling characters Hylota and Vinata Vojona will be made available for inheritance:

( Lt. JG Hylota Vojona          Head Nurse (NPC) (
  - Former Writer: ( (;u=8)

( Ens. Vinata Vojona            Nurse (NPC) (
  - Former Writer: ( (;u=8)

In the meantime, I will NPC these two Ovri. One thing I will do is to have Hylota step down from her role as Head Nurse in sickbay, opening up that position for an active writer (unless anyone wishes to inherit her first). Moreover, I will write a scene in the Epilogue of the current Episode where Hylota sends her egg off to her Ovri homeworld. Alternatively, if I do hear back from Zenozine and he doesn't wish for his characters to be iherited, Hylota and Vinata both may travel with the egg to Ovri space, thus exiting the characters from the story that way.

As for Patches, real life obligations with studies have prevented Patches from keeping up with her threads, and she has wished to take a hiatus for the time being. This means her characters will not be made available for inheritance, but will have to go into cryogenic stasis on the Theurgy until the time where Patches does return to write with us actively. These are the characters that will put on ice:

( PO2 Kino Taer                 Former Security Officer (
( (
  - Former Writer: Patches (;u=116)

( CWO3 Liliana Walton           Former Flight Leader (,_callsign_%27%27Meerkat%27%27)
  - Former Writer: (,_callsign_%27%27Meerkat%27%27)Patches (;u=116)

( Lt. R'Rori                    Former Chief Counselor ('Rori)
  - Former Writer: ('Rori)Patches (;u=116)

I think I will be able to handle Walton being injured and towed to the Theurgy when I post next in No Milk Run, and R'Rori may have been injured by the Savi before she was beamed to the Theurgy in Dropspace, requiring her to be put into stasis on the ship afterwards. Possibly, I can NPC the two Ovri handling this in that thread. As for Kino Taer, there are Devoted close to her, so that could be handled with their shenanigans in Storm Glass.

Furthermore, since Patches have left a lot of threads open without replies for a long time, I will be NPCing her characters as needed to finish up these threads:

CH05: BL [D06|1110] No Milk Run (as previously stated),2574.0.html

CH05: BL [D06|1120] Dropspace (as previously stated),2596.0.html

CH05: BL [D06|1110] Storm Glass (as previously stated),2576.0.html

CH04: S [D06|1005] To Arms! (I will also write the Ovri siblings here),2554.0.html

CH03: S [D06|0915] Smokejumpers (Attn: @Top Hat @CanadianVet ),2533.0.html

CH03: S [D06|0910] Replacements (Attn: @Kinvarus ),2528.msg20746.html#msg20746

USS Thunderchild: A New Home (Attn: @Nolan ),2482.msg19060.html#msg19060

USS Endeavour: It's ... Complicated (Attn: @BZ  ),2296.msg15123.html#msg15123

If there are any more threads that have been dropped by either of the writers, please notify me and I will of course handle them too. I will be working on tying up all loose ends over the course of this week, and the Epilogue will open up as soon as the last stragglers in the Chapter 05 threads have posted.

It's unfortunate that these two Theurgist couldn't remain active enough, but if they can return and maintain an active presence, they will be more than welcome back.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 24, 2019, 02:07:05 PM

Well, we have our first Interregnum character up. It's Adisia, made by @The Ostrich !

( Adisia                         Syndicate Venator (
  - Writer: ( Ostrich (;u=162)

She is a relatively new arrival to the planet, one of those representing the Orion Syndicate's interests in the planet. A great read, and a character with many Orion and/or Syndicate-related personality flaws. It will be highly interesting to read her story, including if she might change alliances or end up on the Theurgy in the end. It will all depend on how things unfold in the Interregnum....


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on March 25, 2019, 01:55:54 AM
Best fellow writers! Life has been rather hectic on my end and I'm working to get back to all of you. I am however going on holiday for a good week (though I'll be back by friday) I might miss some deadlines, but I'll do my utmost best to get back to you all during the weekend!

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Cosmos on March 25, 2019, 04:29:40 AM
Gratz on the Orion, Ostrich!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on March 25, 2019, 04:47:55 AM
Quick heads up that I probably won't be able to post till Wednesday. We've got a new IT tech starting Monday and I've been asked as the senior sysadmin (only one until 9am tommorow) to show him the ropes and get him acquainted with our systems.

This guy is hopefully the first of one or two more we desperately need to mange our workload. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on March 25, 2019, 07:07:37 PM
Congratulations on the new character, @The Ostrich

As many of you know I've been sick with the flu since about Tuesday evening last week. It is still kicking my ass pretty handedly. I haven't worked since Tuesday night. If I owe a post I do apologize and could use a reminder, as I've been fairly out of it. May still be a few days before I reply.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 26, 2019, 01:23:22 AM

Without further a due, here is the Epilogue starter!

Epilogue: For the Win [ Day 06 | 1430 hrs. ] (,2604.0.html)

I warmly recommend setting up Supplemental threads, and the info on the time and such can be found in the OOC note. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 26, 2019, 03:56:08 PM

I have decided against an Interregnum. I felt that the crew can still soldier on, and Thea can still crawl her way where they need to go. I was thinking they could take on the Tholians now, since I heard they use(d) the Azure Nebula. It will be so much fun!

Just kidding of course. No plans to include the Tholians atm. There won't be an Interregnum though. I bet you are asking why?

Because we just wrote the Season 1 finale of Star Trek: Theurgy. :)

This means that the time spent in Aldea Prime Shipyards, Aldea Prime, the Aldean wilderness, the Epsilon Mynos System and perhaps even beyond... will all be stories we write in an Anthology between Seasons 1 and 2. Effectively, it will still work like an Interregnum, with structure, time and away missions. It will just be called an Anthology since Aldea Prime will be a sandbox for us. A place where the Theurgy might spend a whole In-Character month, perhaps longer depending on the development. Story-wise, I think this solution is obvious, in how the theme has been persecution and them being on the run for the whole of Season 1, but now, they have a first ally, and the development can take a new direction in Season 2.

Work is still ongoing to get all the needed info and structure in order, but I really look forward to open the board for Aldea Prime, since we'll be able to write really free-form. Please do try and wrap up all your ongoing threads in Episode 05, though, since it's a prerequisite in order to have all the info I need for the Aldea Prime commencement. :)

Oh, I do have a little something that I hope will get you all excited. It's the cover art for the Aldea Prime Anthology! Check it out:

When Episode 05 is finished, I will move the Anthologies boards to the top of the forum for easy access, which includes these two as well:


To give better structure and order, and perhaps also inspire, Director's Cut has been split into canon and non-canon Theurgy stories. For sake of familiarity Director's Cut will still be called Director's Cut, but the new board now holds all What If scenes, aptly named Parallel Universes:


I took the opportunity to do some new cover art for these boards too. Old members might remember how the Theurgy was a Prometheus-class ship to begin with, and therefore such a ship was chosen for the Parallel Universes board. You may also notice the Butterfly Effect wings. ;)

So, if you have two characters you want to meet even if one of them are dead? Want them to be Syndicate pirates? Want them to be Admirals? Your imagination is the limit. Just post in the Parallel Universes board.

If I missed any What If threads in Director's Cut that needs to be moved, just let me know!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 01, 2019, 11:05:34 AM

On Discord today, it was observed that we have a big imbalance between male and female characters. @TWilkins saw that we have 26 actively played males and 42 actively played females. I'm personally guilty of adding to that imbalance with my characters, but I will not be able to correct this with my characters alone.

Therefore the best solution will be be if V-Nine - the Savi surgical android that just came aboard from the Versant - "slips" a bit when she restore all those that were Corrected by the Savi. She is a prototype, after all, so one has to understand that some things might fall under her radar, such as which sex to ascribe those who she treats.

So! Here is the list of characters that will be turned male in the beginning of the Aldea Prime storyline we'll be writing:

Devyrie Okhala, callsign ''Dragon''
Heather McMillan
Mickayla MacGregor
Zephyr Praise

There is also chance that she may do this to any character that she treats after the Battle of the Apertures, so if you want your character to turn male, please PM me!

That's all for now.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on April 01, 2019, 11:08:05 AM
I blinked. Then I laughed.

Very good, AL!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kinvarus on April 01, 2019, 02:44:52 PM
lol that's a damn good one AL.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on April 01, 2019, 04:03:47 PM
K'Ren gets "misassigned" as a male.

V-Nine gets "misassigned" as a tin can five second after Deacon finds out.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on April 01, 2019, 09:03:52 PM
This assumes Deacon that K'Ren doesn't open that tin can herself (hisself?) before he has a chance to 'accidentally' reassign V-Nine to tin can duty.  :p

On the work front, my wednesday slipped and feel badly so is in hospital a week. :| Probably not till tonight or tommorow night can I get replies out. I will tho, promise. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on April 01, 2019, 10:18:51 PM
I mean, I was having fun playing a woman, but I think I welcome 'Devin' males are more in my comfort zone.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 02, 2019, 12:31:00 AM

All right, I think some of you may have been waiting for this, and here it is - finally - the new Crew Manifest that we collectively should work to establish. We are not quite there yet, with some promotions having to be done, some interviews, some talks etc., but with reservation for members leaving/joining, this is it!

Crew Manifest (

And here is the Non-Crew Listing ( where people on Aldea and it's vicinity will be appearing.

So, I think there are some questions that I can answer up-front. Like:

What's the deal with two Asst. Chiefs in most Departments?

Answer: The reasoning is that the Theurgy is a prototype ship, the first with MVAM capacity of such size. Therefore, given the field experience gained in Episode 05, and demands of the mission overall, the necessity of dedicating officers to the different Vectors has opened up. Hence, there being two second-in-command roles per department. These two have the same authority, and the Dept. Head has the veto between them, should there be some kind of conflict between them in some matter.

Wait, what about now? I mean, before we manage to make our character get that rank/position?

In the interim, below, we already have Acting Chiefs for all the departments:

Okay, but how soon should this happen?

As soon as plausible, preferably, so that we can enter some kind of normalcy and focus on adventures in the Epsilon Mynos System. :)

I have ideas for my characters and roles that aren't listed. What do I do?

You PM me here on the forum, and I can either explain why it won't work or I will work to implement it, depending on the specific request.

What the /&&%#¤" is a Mission Liaison Officer, and what's a Klingon Empire Liaison Officer? What's Dewitt and Zyrao up to?

Here, from Star Trek Adventures:

Fleet Liaison Officers:
A fleet liaison represents the interests of the fleet, and Starfleet as a whole, to one of the Federation’s allies. A Starfleet officer will represent the Federation, though some situations may allow other fleet liaison officers; for example, a joint Klingon-Federation task force may include a Klingon Empire liaison. These officers report to superiors and allow cooperation between allies.

The Theurgy may not be a fleet, but it has a mission. So Jennifer Dewitt will be the Theurgy's Mission Liaison Officer while they are on Aldea, and Zyrao Natauna could be the Klingon Empire Liaison Officer, and the voice of the Emire and Martok. So, Jennifer represents the Theurgy when dealing with the Aldean Defence Committee (for example), and Zy is Martok's Liaison Officer on the Theurgy. Jennifer might represent the Theurgy to other factions as well, but Aldea us first up. Jennifer... is also off the ship a lot, operating to further the mission off-ship instead of stirring up things with Trent, lol. Dewitt will also get the opportunity to regain some trust and credibility after having deposed Trent, while Trent may work to restore his image in Intelligence.

What? Is Mektari Dumral aboard the Theurgy? Wasn't she on the Cayuga in the Battle of the Apertures?

A Butterly flapped it's wings, and we had to fill the V3 CONN officer spot. :) The posts where the NPC Dumral was featured on the Cayuga has been edited.

That's all for now, but if there are things I forgot to explain, just let me know!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 02, 2019, 02:17:51 PM

Upon request @Doc M. wished to have Billy Bob be Propulsion Chief on Vector 03 instead of Maintenance Chief, and he will also be the dedicated Chief Engineer on the Allegiant when it is deployed. Propulsion Chiefs for Vectors 01 and 02 are NPCs for the time being. Moreover, I forgot to list how Sithick was to be promoted to Chief Petty Officer upon taking over Liam Herrold's role in the Fighter Bay. Furthermore, @fiendfall wished his character Morgan Song to become the Maintenance Chief of Vector 2, the other two Maintenance Chiefs played by NPCs for now. With this position, Morgan will also be promoted to CPO.


Please don't think that it will be me who'll go around with with Ives to promote all officers and give them new assigments. This is not something I can make the time for. It is up to all of you, it being your responsibility to facilitate the promotions and changes of positions. Department Head characters play a crucial role in this, so start talking amongst yourselves and set up the scenes needed.

In-Character, it might be that Ives authorises the promotion within departments "off screen", but I will not be writing scenes for all these characters. I don't have the time, so don't sit on your hands and wait for me to swing by, lol. :) I will likely only be involved in the promotions and changes of positions for the Senior Staff (Department Heads), or where I have a character in charge, like Liam Herrold in the Fighter Bay.

If there are any questions, please PM me!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on April 03, 2019, 12:31:19 AM
If there is a month between the last episode and the next, we can probably just say the changes took place in that time off stage.  Simple and no need to bother our overworked moderator.  If we want to have the reorganization on stage, there are always Director's Cuts.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Havenborn on April 03, 2019, 10:12:13 AM
New Epilogue thread for those that might be interested:
EPIL: S [D06|1200] Hope For the Best... (,2623.msg21751.html#msg21751)

There are openings for 1 Ops Officer, 1 Tactical Officer, 2 Engineers, and 2 Security Officers.  Contact Auctor Lucan for details and interest.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on April 03, 2019, 03:33:44 PM
Hi Everyone,

Just wondering if anyone has an NCO that needs a roommate. PO1 Mickayla MacGregor has yet to be assigned quarters so I am seeing if anyone would be interested in a roommate for her.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on April 03, 2019, 09:00:20 PM
Hey everyone minor update time.

So as I posted about a month ago i lost my job unexpectedly and I have been doing a hard job hunt ever since. Today I finally got my confirmation email, and starting tomorrow I have a new job. The details are pretty vague at the moment, just that I will be working anywhere from 5-18 hours a week, and mostly on weekends.

I'm posting this update here because I have several meetings to attend, and so my posting will be slowed down a touch over the next few days/weeks while i get my house in order and put to rest this whole jobless situation.

I should be slowed down for no more than a few weeks, but I only have like 4 active threads.

This is also why I have been slow in getting back to people on directors cut threads, i've been prioritizing the plot threads I am involved in.

Also small aside, does anyone want to do anything with Salem Martin? I still haven't put him in any epilogue threads yet.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on April 04, 2019, 12:43:11 AM
If Martin was injured, there is always the generic "talk to the doctors in sickbay" thread.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kinvarus on April 04, 2019, 01:30:50 AM
Congrats Masorin that's excellent news! Good luck with the new job :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 04, 2019, 09:46:02 AM

Please check your inboxes! :) Last date to reply is 2019-04-11. Looking forward to your replies.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on April 04, 2019, 04:39:16 PM
Wanted to state this here too, since not everyone uses the discord.

There will be a staff meeting at 1700 with all acting department heads, as listed below:

Tactical: Lt. T'Less
Security: Deputy zh"Wann
Medical: Dr. Rez
Science: Lt.Cmdr Martin
Counselling: Lt. (jg) Ejek
TacCon: Lt. Cmdr Ravon
Ops: Lt. Cmdr Stark
Flight Ops: CPO Herrold
Engineering: MCPO O'Connell
Helm: Lt. (jg) Veradin

@Top Hat , @Auctor Lucan , @Nolan , @The Ostrich , @FollowTomorrow , @Doc M. , @Argyros

 Please keep 1700hrs open as your characters are needed :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on April 05, 2019, 02:42:20 AM
Please PM me and give me the link when you start it.  For some reason I don't always get an email when a thread starts.  Nowadays an automatic notice that a new thread has started is the exception to the rule.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on April 05, 2019, 06:04:01 AM
Please PM me and give me the link when you start it.  For some reason I don't always get an email when a thread starts.  Nowadays an automatic notice that a new thread has started is the exception to the rule.

Happy to oblige
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Juzzie on April 05, 2019, 10:12:38 PM
I would like to apologies again for my lack of activity.  I realise I seem to have to make this apology once every couple of months.

Hopefully this is the last time I will have to make these apologies.

I have a lot of reading to catch up on.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on April 06, 2019, 02:20:51 PM
@Juzzie - you're keeping us in the loop and thats good enough for this board. We're all rooting for you, and looking forward to seeing more posts when you do catch up.

also, all y'all. I just want to point out that this? This right here?

Post #1000.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on April 06, 2019, 11:09:01 PM
Congrats on 1000, @Brutus!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TWilkins on April 07, 2019, 11:48:44 PM
Good evening all,

As of the ending of Storm Glass my green boy has been dragged into security by the hair with the intention of having him thrown in the Brig (though with no solid evidence against him aside from being a member of the Bellerophon crew). He is using his alias and he has a whole load of cover story ready to spew out at whoever wants to listen.

Now, I was wondering if anyone who had a character in security (or in another position who may be qualified to do so) to interview/interrogate him and establish whether or not he needs to be thrown into the Brig. It shouldn’t be a long thread, and hopefully it should be quite a humorous one, so if anyone is interested in helping out with it, let me know.

It could take place anytime between 1130 and 1430 hours, so if anyone is free, do let me know!

And congrats to @Brutus for being a champ!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 08, 2019, 01:26:40 AM

Today, @CanadianVet expands our Science Department with an brainiac from the USS Bellerophon!

( Lt. JG Hieronimus Smith       Science Officer (Quantum Astrophysics) (
  - Writer: ( Hieronimus_Smith)CanadianVet (;u=6)

His nickname is Hats, short for Hieronimus Alcibiades Thaddeus Smith, and he'll be freed from the cargo bay that housed the Bellerophon crew at 1430 hrs, which is one hour after Commander Hathev was promised the release under specific conditions (Hathev representing the Bellerophon crew at that point, which can be read about in EPIL: S [D06|1330] Olive Branch (,2611.0.html)).

Congrats on the new character, @CanadianVet ! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 09, 2019, 10:11:48 PM

Please remember to reply to the Sim Poll that was sent out on the 4th of April. :)


Auctor Lucan


Please check your inboxes! :) Last date to reply is 2019-04-11. Looking forward to your replies.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on April 11, 2019, 12:37:42 AM
Hi Everyone,

Just wondering if anyone has an NCO that needs a roommate. PO1 Mickayla MacGregor has yet to be assigned quarters so I am seeing if anyone would be interested in a roommate for her.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 11, 2019, 02:38:45 AM

Please remember to reply to the Sim Poll that was sent out on the 4th of April. :)

Less than 50 % have answered the poll, so please try to make time for it, otherwise I don't feel we have enough to go on in terms of ensuring a good sim development for everyone.


Auctor Lucan


Please check your inboxes! :) Last date to reply is 2019-04-11. Looking forward to your replies.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 11, 2019, 10:53:38 AM

After not having logged into the site for weeks, latest post almost a month old, and with me trying both Discord and PM in vain to reach him, I have terminated Alphaqiz' membership. He used to write Kaylon Jeen, the former Chief Engineer on the Cayuga:

( Lt. Kaylon Jeen               Asst. Chief Engineer (NPC) (V2) (
  - Former Writer: ( (;u=138)

His character is now an NPC for the time being, and I have put him up as available for inheritance lest I hear anything else from Alphawiz about his preferences in that regard.

@Doc M. , I feel that since Alphawiz isn't going to post in For the Win, we could do it one of two ways. Either you NPC him in reply to my post with Jien Ives in that thread, or the two of us remove those two posts that we wrote to set up the integration of Kaylon Jeen into the crew. I am personally leaning towards the latter, but if you feel like NPCing Jeen for a reply when O'Connell leaves the bridge, I'll wait for your post. Let me know either way you prefer it via PM.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 12, 2019, 12:00:23 AM



Hi there everyone! :)

Well, the poll time has expired, but I have been told that there are some last stragglers about to send in their replies, so I'll be adding them to the final compilation as they come in. I can't be waiting for too long though since you all deserve to see the result and get my replies to all the points that have been raised. As I write this, we have a 84,3 % attendance, which is pretty good, even though I still hope for a few more replies.

Like the earlier times in which these polls have been made, I will not leave any stone unturned, and give you all the comments you need. The public results when compiled and posted will be rendered anonymous in how I will mask character and writer names, but since that is not a perfect solution for some of your replies (them being too personal in nature and masking them won't help), I will be contacting those who have such comments via Discord or PM. Of course, in due time, I will be discussing the results with all of you personally, in conjunction with the results on the Main OOC board.

That's all for now, but stay tuned!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 13, 2019, 03:17:40 AM

Here we go! :)

THE RESULTS! (,2643.0.html)

I will be commenting on all of this tomorrow, but now it is late. Thank you all for participating!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 14, 2019, 11:15:10 AM

While his sister Hylota Vojona will be leaving the Theurgy with her egg, @Griff will take over writing her brother, Vinata Vojona!

( Ens. Vinata Vojona            Nurse (
  - Writer: ( (;u=114)

Griff has been sent an extensive synopsis on Vinata's story so far, along with info about which other characters the nurse would know and what their affiliations have been so far. It is TBD if Griff will be making edits on the Ovri and the character pages, but I really look forward to reading the continued story of the Ovri aboard the Theurgy. The Ovri are unique to this sim, and it's awesome to see the legacy continue even if the original writer of the species and the Ovri characters left us.

Have fun with your new character, @Griff !


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on April 14, 2019, 01:31:25 PM
Thanks. I hope that I do Vinata justice.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on April 14, 2019, 01:35:35 PM
Good luck!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on April 15, 2019, 09:57:24 AM
Just a heads up to all my fellow writers out there! I'm starting one a 9 day work week (the joys) and my internet company has decided to work on cables and what else in the town I live in. So I'm expecting delays needless to say, but I'll do my best to keep things flowing.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 15, 2019, 11:51:03 AM

Late last night, I finished my comments.

Sim Poll Conclusions 2019 (,2643.msg21975.html#msg21975)

Please feel free to post your comments there! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 17, 2019, 08:31:59 AM

@Arista has been helpful once more with this, and pointed out something awesome last night, and that's how over the course of the past couple of month, a few members have earned a prestigious Award. Namely, the Ye Olde Mug Badge!


Those who have been actively writing in the sim for over 3 continuous years have earned this badge, and aside from those who already have it, here are the new recipients! :)





Congratulations, Theurgists! Now, it's just two more continuous years until you earn the Ye Olde Mug of the Ancients Badge (;area=membersAwards;a_id=10)!


I have managed to have personal poll discussions with the majority of you, but I got a comment that perhaps there isn't any interest in having those, so I have decided to pass the ball to you all. If you have yet to go over the poll replies with me personally on Discord or via PM, you can PM be and we'll set up a time for it. :)

No need wasting time if there is little interest in a personal sit-down about how you are feeling about the sim overall.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on April 17, 2019, 10:16:55 AM
Wait.... what?  I was just talking to my friend about the Sim today and she asked how long I'd been here and I told her "about three years".... forgot there was a badge that went with that!   :D  Thank you very much and congratulations to my fellow "Class of Three Years Ago" recipients.  :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on April 17, 2019, 10:21:07 AM
Congrats to the old butt...i mean MUG bearers!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 18, 2019, 01:22:18 PM

Here is the link to the new squad chart, as in accordance with the already announced Crew Manifest:

Lone Wolves Squad Chart - Aldea Prime (

Let me know if you find any typos an such! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 23, 2019, 04:59:59 PM

Hi there Theurgists!

In order to make access streamlined and allowing me to avoid having to update more than one place with character links, I have now removed the Characters drop-down menu on the wiki, since all the characters were already listed as they should on the Crew Manifest and the Non-Crew Listings pages. The redundancy of the Characters drop-down menu wasn't worth the time to re-do it after the Manifest was updated.


So, if you used the Characters drop-down on the wiki, you'll find that all the links to our characters are already present on either the Crew Manifest page or the Non-Crew Listing pages.

That's all for now! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 23, 2019, 11:46:47 PM

Hi there Theurgists! Today, @TWilkins introduces their new character, namely Otheusz, whom the Theurgy crew will encounter on Aldea!

( Otheusz                        Grey Scars Member (
  - Writer: ( (;u=169)

We're due for Aldea soon, but perhaps someone on the Theurgy might have had a run-in with Otheusz' Grey Scars before they settled into one of the ghost cities on Aldea? In that case, it might be a good idea to set up a Director's Cut thread.

Looking forward to reading his story, @TWilkins !


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 24, 2019, 05:17:37 PM

A new thread/post of import in the sense of IC information has been posted here: :)

EPIL: S [D06|2100] Shipwide Call (,2652.0.html)

Optional posting there for all characters aboard in reaction to Ives speech, wherever they may be. You can also implement it in other Supplemental threads, set during the speech, or in reaction to its contents in Supplemetals set at a later point in time.

That’s all for now, but I will also write a post set at 0230 hours, when the Theurgy arrive at the Aldea Prime Shipyards, and that post will be a single post ending of Season 01, with a credits roll and everything. :) Once that is up, the post that follows in my writing schedule is the Aldea Prime Anthology starter!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 26, 2019, 12:47:19 PM

The ending of Episode 5 and Season 1 has come, and I decided to illustrate it in a classic credits roll, and let the image at the top speak for itself. Here it is!

Credits [D07|0230] And on the Seventh Day... (,2654.0.html)

I had to split the credits into two posts for some strange reason...

Hope you like! :)


Auctor Lucan

Ps. This was also post 21,000 on this forum! @Stegro88 wanted me to point that out since I happened to ninja that from him. *grins*
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on April 26, 2019, 12:51:42 PM
Biand lives! Long live Biand! <3
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on April 26, 2019, 12:56:57 PM
The Savi will remain! Bi-and Bi-and!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 26, 2019, 04:42:37 PM

Since @Lex Dalton has stopped to reply to PMs, Discord messages and has ceased to visit the site altogether, it being a month since the last post, their membership has been terminated. Moreover, since @Firefox013 might say he means to post but never does - because of numerous RL difficulties - their membership has been terminated as well. Both were given chances to become active again, but sadly, they were no longer participating in the storytelling.

This means that we have two new available characters, namely Asst. Chief CONN Officer Jaya Thorne and Head Nurse Jovela.

( Lt. JG Jovela                 Head Nurse (NPC) (
  - Former Writer: ( Dalton (;u=194)

( Ens. Jaya Thorne              Asst. Chief CONN Officer (V2) (NPC) (
  - Former Writer: ( (;u=159)

As for Sephiria Arn, she will not have survived the Battle of the Apertures, succumbing to her wounds in sickbay before she could get medical treatment (too many wounded in line). If any available characters in a sickbay thread can establish that in the story, it would be most appreciated.

That's all for now!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 29, 2019, 01:30:24 AM

Well, originally, @Even Angels Cry had thought to wait with returning to us until recruitment opened up once more, meaning to bring a new character in doing so. The character was virtually finished, so she'll keep it for a later time. But! When she saw that her original character on the Theurgy was available again, she abandoned the new character concept so that she may once again write this old character of hers:

( Ens. Jaya Thorne              Asst. Chief CONN Officer (V2) (
  - Writer: ( Angels Cry (;u=20)

So, I will be writing a synopsis for @Even Angels Cry to help her wrap her head around Episode 05 and Jaya Thorne's adventure.

So, please give your warmest welcome back to EAC! I look forward to reading Jaya's continued story! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on April 29, 2019, 01:33:14 AM
wellcome back @Even Angels Cry so glad you've return!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on April 29, 2019, 01:44:52 AM
Hello friends!

Some of you know me. Some of you joined during my hiatus and haven't met me yet. Don't worry, I'm sure you will  /:+  I created Jaya Thorne and I am thrilled to be able to return to writing her! Those of you involved in scenes with her, please reach out to me so that I know where to post and what to read over. If you were interested in writing a scene with Jaya, please reach out and we can discuss. Similarly if she has created tension among characters for whatever reason, please reach out and we can discuss. PMs here are easier to track than Discord messages.

I am happy to be back and excited to write with you all again!

Lots of love,
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kinvarus on April 29, 2019, 01:47:31 AM
Welcome back EAC, it seems I inherited one of yours during your absence :P

I look forward to writing with you in the future :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on April 29, 2019, 01:49:14 AM
OhHolyShit you're back!! Hiiiii~ @Even Angels Cry
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on April 29, 2019, 02:02:43 AM
Welcome back EAC, it seems I inherited one of yours during your absence :P

I look forward to writing with you in the future :)

Ah! Alessia! To be fair, she wasn't my creation, but I did enjoy playing her. I hope you are having just as fun of a time!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kinvarus on April 29, 2019, 04:11:25 AM
Ah! Alessia! To be fair, she wasn't my creation, but I did enjoy playing her. I hope you are having just as fun of a time!

I am thank you! She's a fun character, I hope you have fun now that you have your character back too!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on April 29, 2019, 07:02:20 AM
Excellent news, EAC! Welcome back!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on April 29, 2019, 11:18:01 AM
Welcome Back @Even Angels Cry! Good to say an old face back in the fold. Hope to write with you soon!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on April 29, 2019, 07:51:24 PM
Welcome back and all that good stuff. It’ll be interesting to see your take on Jaya.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on April 29, 2019, 08:14:42 PM
Posts from me might be a little slow this week. Sorry, folks.

Please do hijack if I hold things up.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 30, 2019, 01:09:24 AM

>> Click For Full Resolution (

While the Epilogue is still very active, Season 1 has now been moved down on our forum to make way for the new chapter in our story, namely the Aldea Prime Anthology that will last for a minimum of 1 month In-Character time between Seasons 1 and 2. Here is the board:

Aldea Prime (,25.0.html)

And here is the first post that sets it all off:

SD 57558.47: Aldean Dawn (,2657.0.html)

Please make sure to read the OOC information below that pinned post very carefully, and take note of the naming conventions for new theads on the board. Making threads require the use of our Stardate Calculator. More info to be found at the link above.

Hope you all like this starter, and I look forward to seeing you wrap up your Epilogue threads gradually and then start writing in the Anthology full-time.

Also, if you check the forum, you will notice that the Director's Cut board (,10.0.html) (for Theurgy canon threads set before or during Season 1) and the Parallel Universes - "What if?" board (,24.0.html) (for pretty much anything you want to happen in different timelines with your characters) are more accessible as well, just beneath the Aldea Prime (,25.0.html) board.

There is still a lot of work to be done, with OOC discussion threads for plotting and some more work done on the wiki for Aldea and the Aldeans, but now, the Anthology is accessible to post in. :) Please make sure to PM me if you have any questions!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 30, 2019, 03:54:57 PM

Today, a new Theurgist joins us, and this in the form of @AlyFox , who will be taking over Head Nurse Jovela!

( Lt. JG Jovela                 Head Nurse ( 
  - Former Writer: ( (;u=210)

@AlyFox has some reading to do still, so please give them some time to wrap their head around the story so far, but they have taken their time to make some edits to Jovela's background story.

Welcome aboard! If you care to chat, we tend to hang out on our Discord server, which you can find in the top menu.

Best Regards.

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on April 30, 2019, 04:01:12 PM
Welcome onboard @AlyFox ! Sit comfy and enjoy the cookies! :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on April 30, 2019, 04:01:59 PM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TWilkins on April 30, 2019, 04:03:20 PM
Welcome to the madness @AlyFox

I write Elro Kobol , the new Chief Medical Officer, so if you ever want to talk about working together in sickbay, never hesitate to contact me!

Good luck reading up on everything so far for Jovelia!

Hope to catch you on Discord soon! We're a mad bunch, but friendly :D

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kinvarus on April 30, 2019, 04:16:00 PM
Welcome to the madhouse @AlyFox 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on April 30, 2019, 04:21:14 PM
Greetings and salutations
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on April 30, 2019, 06:06:32 PM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on April 30, 2019, 06:12:47 PM
Returning to sanity, welcome aboard AlyFox, and have fun with Jovela. Hopefully we can do a Jovela/Vinata thread at some point and see how these two nurses work. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on April 30, 2019, 07:16:02 PM
Welcome aboard Alyfox! Hope to see you soon in the story!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Jm Von Cat on April 30, 2019, 08:38:31 PM
Welcome to the crew, and see you around ^-^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on April 30, 2019, 11:51:51 PM
Welcome @AlyFox !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on May 01, 2019, 01:40:22 AM
Wow.  I don't pay attention for a few days and things just go insane here  :p

Welcome back @Even Angels Cry, glad to have you return to us.

And welcome to our collective madness, @AlyFox, I hope you'll enjoy your time here :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: AlyFox on May 01, 2019, 03:23:44 AM
Awe thanks everybody! I'm excited to be here and look forward to writing with all of you!

@Numen Well I certainly do like cookies :)

@TWilkins Thanks! I certainly will although thinking about it I suppose it would be a little odd if the CMO and head nurse didn#t work together in sickbay that would make for a pretty...unique shall we say medical team :P And thanks based on what Auctor linked me in his last PM I might need a bit of that luck.

@Griff Thanks Griff! That sounds great, I look forward to finding that out too!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on May 04, 2019, 02:34:53 AM
@AlyFox, out of curiosity, have you found your way to our Discord?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 05, 2019, 01:31:27 AM

Here is something we really need, another counselor, brought to us by @Numen ! :)

( Ens. Seren                    Counselor (
  - Writer: ( (;u=128)

He's an original Theurgy crewmember that has been in stasis since before Episode 01. He knows about the Infested when he is thawed, and he will be able to help some of the crew come to terms with the 5 month persecution throughout Federation space. I had great fun making the images, the chosen actor excellent for making a Vulcan. :)

Looking forward to read his story, @Numen !


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on May 05, 2019, 01:34:19 AM
Excellent call
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on May 05, 2019, 01:36:05 AM
Yay! thank you so much to help me flesh this pointy eared boy.
Looking forward write him in the story, meeting new (and old) patients ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on May 05, 2019, 03:25:12 AM
Congrats on the new character @Numen!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on May 05, 2019, 07:47:51 PM
@Numen awesome character! I am hoping to create a thread with a counselor so Jaya can come to grips with herself. Shes struggling. Perhaps we can work something out!

@AlyFox welcome to the story!!!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on May 05, 2019, 08:52:15 PM
yay! thanks @Even Angels Cry i'm game for any sesion as soon as the hobgoblin is out of the ice i'll DM you asap ^^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 06, 2019, 03:55:05 PM

>> Click To Visit (

Here is something I got help from @Stegro88 and @Numen to make:

Joint Post Tutorial (

Make sure to read the etiquette rules at the bottom of the page, but I have also updated our General Rules ( Earlier, you were supposed to send copies to me, but that's proven redundant since the whole purpose was a safe-guard against group writing contradicting development in the same threads or space-time continuum. Instead, it has been clarified that joint posts must always adhere to development in the thread/story, and if mistakes have been made at some point, the JPs must be edited after being posted to preserve continuity.

I recommend that all who have not written these before try it out at least once! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on May 06, 2019, 04:15:59 PM
All kudos for @Stegro88 and @Auctor Lucan here! I just sit after made the JP to see others working. Nice job guys!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Havenborn on May 07, 2019, 05:37:32 PM
Just a heads up, I will be out of town from 5/10 - 5/12 [Friday - Sunday] and will not have reliable internet access, I will be back sometime on Sunday.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 08, 2019, 12:24:14 AM

A couple of days ago, I got this PM from @Kinvarus :

Hey AL,

I was in a car accident a few days ago and am looking at a pretty long road to recovery so I'm afraid I'm going to have to drop out of the Sim for a while to focus on that. Hopefully once I'm in a better shape I'll be able to return but for now I'm afraid it's not on the cards.

As a result of this and not knowing the current timetable on my recovery and return I'm happy for Alessia to go up for inheritance.

Thanks and all the best for now, hopefully we'll talk again at some point in the future.


I have written some more with Kinvarus and learned that he might very well make a full recovery, and that it's likely he will return to us eventually. I sure look forward to having him back with us!


A friend of @Kinvarus happened to be applying to join the sim at the same time, yet neither of them knew until the accident that they were both having an interest in the Theurgy sim. @Revan , the friend, had wanted to write with Kinvarus, but given what happened, the request was made that @Revan might inherit Alessia Garcia, since he was having difficulty picking an Available Character during the joining process. So, coincidence and fortune in how we have a new Theurgist amongst us instead, but I still hope that Kinvarus' recovery is swift and without any lasting pain, so that they might both write together here at some point.

( Lt. JG Alessia Garcia         Wolf-13 [Angel] (,_callsign_%22Angel%22)

  - Writer: (,_callsign_%22Angel%22)Revan (;u=212)

Good luck carrying on the legacy of writing Alessia Garcia, @Revan , and welcome to the sim! :) You can find us on Discord if you care to use the chatroom, and I will be sending you the synopsis of Alessia's story so far via PM in a short while. Oh, perhaps you can chat with Kinvarus - if he is available - about what his ideas were for the character?

In any case, I look forward to seeing your writing on the forum!


Please also welcome aboard @DaValle ! This Theurgist is from Germany but has shown a great talent for English. Therefore, he joins us today to continue honing his skills and in doing so, he is inheriting Kaylon Jeen, one of the two Asst. Chief Engineers!

( Lt. Kaylon Jeen               Asst. Chief Engineer (V2) (
  - Writer: ( (;u=217)

@DaValle will soon be sent a synopsis for Kaylon so that he knows what this Trill has been up to since he entered the story aboard the Cayuga. Kaylon Jeen was the Chief Engineer on Captain Ziegler's ship, and has ended up on the Theurgy by happenstance during Episode 05. He will be reporting to Commander Blue Tiran.

Welcome aboard the sim, @DaValle ! As a non-native English writer, I know your challenges, so don't hesitate to ask us if you need help!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on May 08, 2019, 12:30:26 AM
welcome to the sim @Revan and @DaValle ! I hope you enjoy the place, we have cookies :D
@Davalle nice to have another non native around, it's difficult with some stuff but rewarding :)

And @Kinvarus  i hope you could recover soon and get back to us if you want to but, overall, take care of yourself. My best wishes for you :(
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: AlyFox on May 08, 2019, 12:52:25 AM
Welcome to @Revan and @DaValle as a fellow newbie myself I can attest to what Numen says about the cookies :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on May 08, 2019, 01:28:34 AM
Welcome aboard @Revan and @DaValle :D
@Kinvarus I am wishing you a Good and speedy recovery. Hope to see you back fighting fit and with us soon.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on May 08, 2019, 02:01:12 AM
I hope your road to recovery is smooth @Kinvarus! We'll try to keep Theurgy in one piece until you get back!

Welcome to @Revan and @DaValle! We're glad to have you aboard!

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on May 08, 2019, 02:36:43 AM
Hi everyone! Thanks for the warm welcome. I look forward to getting to know you all and writing with you.

I would like to thank @Kinvarus for suggesting I ask Auctor about inheriting Alessia from him and to Auctor for allowing me to do so, I will do my best to live up to her current legacy and continuing it. Hopefully Kinvarus will have a speedy and smooth recovery and we'll be seeing him back here one day.

Also a welcome to my fellow newbie @DaValle before ending this inrto with the most important thing of all....

Where are these cookies and are there chocolate chip? :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: DaValle on May 08, 2019, 04:05:22 AM
Well let’s start it.

So first of all thank you Auctor Lucan for this kind introduction and then thank you all for your hearty greetings. I hope that I’ll be able to do my part on the Theurgy because I’m 100% sure that I’ll have fun here.

Oh and before I forget it. I also hope that you’ll recover very soon @Kinvarus but for the mean time I’m pretty sure that @Revan (Hi by the way) will take good care about Alessia.

I guess you’ve recognized that I’m not a good introduction writer but at least it has nothing to do with the language I’m writing in but more with the brain I’m using… This is not really better or? Anyway you’ve mentioned cookies! Where do I get those?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on May 08, 2019, 07:30:02 AM
Welcome DaValle and Revan! I hope Kinvarus recovers soon.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on May 08, 2019, 01:42:15 PM
Speedy recovery for you @Kinvarus!

Welcome @DaValle and @Revan, hope you guys will enjoy your time aboard the ship. See you in the story soon enough!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 09, 2019, 09:00:23 AM

After several tries to reach out over PM on the forum or via Discord, Cosmos appears to have become too busy IRL to keep up with the sim. Therefore, his membership has been terminated and his two characters have been made available for inheritance:

( Lt. JG XamotZark zh’Ptrell    Combat Medic (NPC) (
  - Former Writer: ( (;u=184)

( Lt. Vanya                     Asst. Chief Science Officer (V2) (NPC) (
  - Former Writer: ( (;u=184)

Is there are any threads in which either of these characters are active and needs some closure, I will be NPCing these two characters until we have an Applicant or current Theurgist inheriting them. Luckily, it seems we have a big influx of Applicants at the moment, so these characters might just get new writers soon enough.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on May 09, 2019, 12:59:38 PM
Just a heads up: I'll be away of town from friday noon to monday morning more or less, so my chances of posting will be narrow. I think the oldest thread i owe post is 1-2 days old, so i guess it won't be a great concern.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 10, 2019, 09:47:31 AM

Greetings Theurgists!

Today, @patches returns to us after having pulled through a tough period in RL, and she will return gradually, merely starting up with one of the characters she left behind. This, in the form of Chief Warrant Officer Liliana "Meerkat" Walton!

( CWO3 Liliana Walton           Wolf-13 [Meerkat] (,_callsign_%27%27Meerkat%27%27)
  - Writer: (,_callsign_%27%27Meerkat%27%27)Patches (;u=116)

In the Battle of the Apertures, Lily was hurt towards the end of the tunnel run through the Borg cube, and her RIO - Bulkhead - had to fly their Valravn through the aperture from the back seat of the cockpit. Patches will be detailing the kind of injury her character suffered, as well as the damages to the front of the cockpit. She will be waking up in Sickbay instead of being put into stasis, which was the original idea at the time when Patches left us. As for Kino Taer and R'Rori, however, they will have been put into stasis units after the battle due to sustained injuries, and when Patches is ready, they will be thawed and re-enter the story.

Oh attention @Nolan @Revan @Masorin @The Ostrich because this affects your Lone Wolves: Given the demise of Sephiria "Scylla" Arn and the RIO Sehl "Talon" th'Chilnes, and with the return of Devyrie "Dragon" Okhala from her abduction by the Savi, the RIO named Vinnie "Fury" Ferris will return to be Devyrie's RIO since they have longer experience together in the cockpit. Meanwhile, Sephiria's Andorian RIO - Asav "Whiteout" Th'rehrol - will become Alessia "Angel" Garcia's new RIO. If you are confused by this paragraph (which is completely understandable, lol), just check the bottom row of the Squadron Org Chart (, where Meerkat will remain Flight Leader for the four remaining Valravn fighters (which makes the most sense IC).

Welcome back @patches ! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: trevorvw on May 11, 2019, 05:56:01 PM
lisavw and I will be away until Wednesday just so you all know!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on May 13, 2019, 06:10:20 AM
Heyo everyone.

Just a heads up that I'll be away from May 25th to June 7th. I'm going to be working out of town on a large contract and as it involves setting up the IT systems in several offices, basically building networks from the ground up with only the internet already running, my days will be busy. And as we're pre-building the networks before I go out on the contract, the next two weeks (till I leave) I'll be slow responding to tags as we're working 10 hour days (sometimes 12's) to get everything done and ready for this contract.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 13, 2019, 02:15:34 PM

( (

Today, more information has been added to the database about the Aldea Prime Shipyards, the city of Aldea Prime, and the Aldeans themselves. This info should prove enough to help you all write your characters outside the Theurgy starting on March 11 in 2381 (the first day they are docked for repairs):

Aldea Prime Shipyards (

The City of Aldea Prime (

and... the Aldeans (

You will be able to read more about the different areas your characters can visit, but there are some important things to bear in mind if the Aldeans are going to let your characters enter the city. First and foremost, they have to be unarmed to be let into the city. They may, however, bear arms in the shipyards, but then only in the line of duty aboard the Theurgy. If your character is a security officer, they can bear arms if their specific assignment or task requires it, but there is no reason why a scientist, a pilot or an engineer - for example - would wear weaponry in the shipyards (just like it is aboard the Theurgy).

If the Theurgy crew can't follow the rules and leave their weaponry on the ship, then the Aldean Defence Committee might decide that visitor's right to Aldea Prime will be rescinded for everyone on the Theurgy.


A Federation tricorder can emit an alien lifesign. Likewise, the Theurgy crew will have been given their own Aldean hexagonal communicators, which will have the same kind of feature. The communicators will be able to mask the life-sign of the wearer so that Humans may appear to be Aldean gestalts (see the Aldean page). Humans will therefore be posing as Aldeans, and that means they also need a false identity. And, such false identities will have been distributed to the Human crew of the Theurgy by the Aldean Defence Committee. You decide what kind of alter-ego your character has on the planet. The communicators will, of course, replace the combadge your character normally wears, having the same features installed so that they may be contacted while down in the city.

What about other species? As you may read on the pages, aliens are allowed to trade or work on Aldea, but they need paperwork for it. Your non-Human (looking) character would have to have a trading license for specific goods, as well as a false identity. Again, the Aldeans will distribute this, and the data will be available in the aforementioned Aldean communicators.

How about money to spend? As you may read above, the Aldeans use a currency named Stars, and a considerable amount of funds will be added to the communicators. Cash currency looks like latinum coins, more or less, with the Aldean logo on them, and can be withdrawn on the planet if so needed (but digital currency should suffice.)

Aldean stars are good to use in the Aldea Prime Shipyards as well, be it in the Aldean barber shops or the Klingon bars. Oh, and Aldean dresses (chlamys ) can either be replicated or ordered at an Aldean tailor shop, for those who are to pose as Aldeans.


I hope this information is enough for you all to work with. Please also read the OOC message in the pinned thread on the Aldea board, named Aldean Dawn (,2657.0.html). There, you can find departmental information for your characters.

Please, wrap your threads in the Epilogue and move over to March 11 and the Aldea Prime Anthology when you are ready to chill!

Oh, and there will be away missions and plot ideas posted in due time, but don't wait on that. Start up your character-based plots and find writing partners!

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 13, 2019, 04:02:30 PM

Here is the result of our new Random Encounters lottery! We did this in Interregnum 03-04 too, opening up for opportunities of character interaction one might not expect. Please bear in mind that while these threads may be posted tomorrow or months from now, both writers have to agree to ditch a random encounter.

Better yet, it is encouraged that encounters may be traded among yourselves instead. If you have been paired with two characters of your own, you may also trade with a different writer in the same position. This happened to me as well with Thea being paired with Dewitt, but I may have solved this with Triage already, who had two of hers paired too. :)

The location (third column) is a part of the challenge, to come up with why they would encounter each other there, but if you can't come up with a reason for the listed location, you can consider the location optional.

Hope you like the pairings, and if not, you may still like them when you actually come up with an idea and write it out!


Have fun! The progress of this list will be followed up over time.

EDIT: Some switches made, and some due.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: patches on May 13, 2019, 04:47:32 PM
Looks like Liliana Walton will be meeting Sithick at Holodeck 5 and Dyan Cardamone at Glorious Song of Victory (klingon bar, shipyards). I'm finishing up the last of my finals today so I'll reach out to you two over PMs here or you can just start a thread and I'll post later this week.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on May 15, 2019, 07:37:38 AM
IM seeing Miles and Zyrao meeting in the glassed walkways on Aldea Prime.  And Miles meeting with "Ens. Shall" In a resuturaunt on the Shipyards.

Due to the whole Necessity for fake identities and all that Miles Alias is that of Todd MacLeod,  Dossier shows him as a pilot (Escort, or transport/cargo) for hire who makes side money as a bounty hunter.  The dossier will show that he left the Inari system and the Rolor Nebula shortly after the Vulpinian civil war ended becoming a spacer and taking his years of experience in the Vulpinian civil war as a means to make ends meet in the wilds of space as war experience was quite a good experience for the kinds of person who is hired to keep pirates from seizing your ship.  His record shows that he began turning in bounty's as a consequence of the wanted pirate ships he destroyed in combat as an escort pilot.

Yes I know what I chose for an alias and I regret nothing...
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TWilkins on May 16, 2019, 03:14:50 PM
Hey Gang!

Just wanted to reach out, as I've got a certain zappy boi who will need introducing to the story at one point during the anthology, and I wanted to just reach out to see who was interested in being a part of that.

There's been a lot of talk of pirate attacks/hunting pirates and the such, and since Otheusz is a pirate, it seems that a thread along those lines would be an ideal place to introduce him.

Now I don't mean that we need to do any threads immidiately, but if anyone happens to have any thoughts along these lines, do let me know, and we can perhaps look at setting something up.

Hope everyone is well in other news, and that all of our new arrivals have been settling in comfortably? (Always reccomend that you check out the discord group, it's actually pretty fun)

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on May 16, 2019, 03:35:40 PM
I'm up to help you with your zappy boi introduction! Of all my characters i think Khorin is the one with more chances to meet him, or maybe Bila if he try to reach the black market for.... "reasons"

Feel free to reach me in discord to brain storm a bit? maybe we can put a full Wolves/squadron on this if other writers are game too :)

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on May 16, 2019, 04:15:09 PM
Depending on how and when you introduce him, I'd be happy to assist in the effort if it can be arranged.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on May 18, 2019, 06:20:40 AM
Apologies to anyone awaiting a tag from me.  My friend is in from out of state for the weekend and doesn't go home until Tuesday morning so I likely will be unable to post until then... I beg your patience   :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on May 18, 2019, 12:32:31 PM
When it comes to scheduling times for these random encounters, what is our time frame?  From Stardate what to Stardate what?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 18, 2019, 02:14:56 PM
Hi! Check this earlier announcement for which dates are available right now:,1002.msg22221.html#msg22221

There, you can see that the pinned post at the top of the board has important OOC information, among other things the dates of the first week at Aldea. Only the first week is available now.

The Random Encounters, however, can happen week 2, 3 or 4 as well. No rush in other words! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 20, 2019, 12:52:53 AM

Since it's hard to count by day since the creation of the sim was a process, this is still an anniversary for us, in how the Theurgy sim is now 8 years old!

I don't have any fresh and fun ideas on how to celebrate this occasion, but if I come up with something, I will let you all know. Also, I am welcome to any ideas you all might have too. For those who have yet to see it, it could be worth checking last year's anniversary post (,2383.0.html), which featured a lot of our character art. As for now, having arrived to Aldea and our shore-leave after Season 1, my suggestion is to make the most of this time to build upon your characters and have fun! We've already started up the Random Encounters, generating a lot of new threads for the Aldea Prime Anthology, but we have yet to start working on away missions and on-duty assignments. Those will come too, of course, but to begin with, it could be a good idea to explore off duty story potential first.

Suggestions for the 8th year anniversary can either be PMed or posted here, or you guys can chat on Discord about what you feel might be fun, :)


While the Crew Manifest ( was updated with new positions and rank at the onset of the Aldea Prime Anthology, the work to update all the wiki character pages lagged behind a bit. Luckily, @Arista found the time to help out with this, and all characters aboard the Theurgy should now have their correct rank, position and service record listed (in those bios that have service records listed). Thank you @Arista for helping us all out!

I would have announced this earlier, but I am currently also editing the intro texts on character pages so that it no longer says "it is unknown if X would help the Theurgy against the parasitic threat in the 24th century", now instead saying that they serve on the Theurgy.

Please bear in mind that you all should take the time now and then and update your character pages. Some, like @steelphoenix and @fiendfall , even take the time to add threads in which their characters were featured in the story, but this is optional. If I were to add such lists with threads, it would be a lot of links, but it does look great. Check out the character pages of Morgan Song (, Hathev ( and Deacon (

That's all for now! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on May 20, 2019, 01:18:49 AM
8 years is an amazing achievement, massive congrats to you AL & to everyone involved in that journey!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on May 20, 2019, 01:32:18 AM
Happy Birthday to Theurgy and congrats to everybody who has been involved. Here's to another 8 years!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on May 20, 2019, 03:34:39 AM
Good Lord we've been around long hahaha. Here's to another 8!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on May 20, 2019, 10:16:42 AM
8 years is an amaizing milestone!  Hope the story keep going for another 8 years...or more!:D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on May 20, 2019, 12:12:22 PM
If anyone wants to add thread links to their characters' wiki profiles but isn't sure about formatting, here's what I use for reference:

===Episode title===
* [thread link THREAD TITLE - Day | time] ''Type of thread: Description''

So on Hathev's page:

===S01E05 Courage is Fear: Part Two===
====Chapter Five====
* [,2576.0.html Storm Glass - Day 06 | 1100 hrs] ''Battle Log: Battle of the Apertures''
* [,2611.0.html Olive Branch - Day 06 | 1330 hrs] ''Supplemental: Hathev joins the Theurgy''
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 20, 2019, 01:30:33 PM


Today, we celebrate two Theurgists who have been members of the sim for 5 years, and therefore, they have earned this token of long service to the story. Namely, @CanadianVet and @Doc M. !

Time flies! Thank you both for your long service, and I hope you are able to stay with us for five years more (and even longer!) :)



The Epilogue may not be finished yet, but I have taken the time to assign you all service badges for your dilligent writing through Epsiode 05: Courage is fear. Since it was a double feature, you get two badges, and if you want to change the order in which they are displayed underneath your avatars, you can can click "Favourite" next to your awards under "My Awards" in your Accounts Settings. Doing so, the one you have Favorited will jump to the far left in the row. Doing so in the sequence you want lets you show your awards in the order you prefer (the sorting mechnaism is not 100 % so you may have to fiddle around with it some).

If I have forgotten to assign anyone with a service badge, you can PM me! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on May 20, 2019, 01:38:30 PM
congrats to the old old theurgists!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on May 20, 2019, 02:19:33 PM
Congrats you two!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on May 20, 2019, 02:33:35 PM
Congratulations to all for holding out this long with us! :D More congratulations to the new old people!
Hurray for the new shiny badge!

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: BZ on May 21, 2019, 01:46:44 PM
Hey guys, just a heads up.  Life is crazy as crap right now.  I thought it would settle down after my kids' birthday party but nope, not yet.  So bear with me.  I'm not gone, I'm just slower than BZ norm, and will be trying to get poasts out as I can.  Hopefully things will settle down soon and I'll be back to rocketing out posts at Warp 9. 

~Thanks, BZ
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on May 21, 2019, 04:47:16 PM
It's all good! Life happens sometimes.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on May 22, 2019, 06:37:51 PM
Happy Simaversary everyone :)

I know there are still some posts I owe... friend has gone home but I am now sick and it doesn't leave me prolonged periods of functionality... doing my best to get to what I owe as quick as I can.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on May 23, 2019, 12:22:02 AM
Eight years, and I've been in five of them.  Pretty amazing when you think of it.   /:+
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on May 23, 2019, 01:35:51 AM
Yep, 5 years... one of the old folks here...

Why do I feel an urge to shake my fist in the air and yell at the young whippersnappers to get off my lawn?  :p
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on May 23, 2019, 02:19:43 AM have a lawn here? *looks around his little space* I don't even have a window.  :P

*As one of the new young whippersnappers here, checks to make sure he's not on the lawn*
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 23, 2019, 02:32:49 AM

Upon popular request, here is a dedicated thread for writing ads and requests! (,2688.0.html) In this thread, you post your ideas for your characters and enlist other writers in partaking in the events. You can also post open requests, simply asking it anyone care to write something (specific or general) on the Aldea Prime board (,25.0.html).

So, post your ideas there, along with any ideas for the other two Anthology boards, namely the What If (,24.0.html)and DC (,10.0.html) boards!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 23, 2019, 09:53:46 PM

RL situation having improved, @Vox returns to us today, and resumes playing Logan Hale!

( Lt. JG Logan Hale             Wolf-XX [Wraith] (Off Duty) (,_callsign_%22Wraith%22)
  - Writer: (,_callsign_%22Wraith%22)Vox (;u=132)

At the end of the Battle of the Apertures, Wraith was put into medical stasis pending surgery, and he is due to be thawed on March 12 (the second day after arrival to Aldea). He won't be ready for flight duty until week 2 at Aldea, so he has no designation or place in the Lone Wolves squad chart yet. The Valravn is still under heavy repairs anyway, but Logan Hale will still be available for threads off duty on March 12 onwards. :)

It has yet to be decided how extensive this pilot's injuries were, and if he will need limb replacement etc.

Welcome back to the sim, @Vox ! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on May 23, 2019, 09:54:44 PM
Welcome back!!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on May 23, 2019, 09:56:05 PM
Hey! Welcome back!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on May 23, 2019, 09:59:46 PM
Welcome back, Vox!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: patches on May 23, 2019, 10:07:34 PM
Awesome, I'm glad you're back, Vox!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on May 23, 2019, 10:07:58 PM
Welcome back, Vox!

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on May 23, 2019, 10:08:57 PM
welcome back @Vox !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vox on May 24, 2019, 12:45:23 AM
Thanks everyone! Glad to be back.

@Triage Lol well since you demanded it I think it's only fair you get it :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on May 24, 2019, 07:54:27 AM
Welcome back @Vox!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 24, 2019, 03:47:58 PM

Indeed, we have a new writer on the site, and this in form of @Zodiac , who takes up writing our Combat Medic:

( Lt. JG XamotZark zh’Ptrell    Combat Medic (
  - Writer: ( (;u=221)

I will be sending over some reading of Episode 05 as well as links to threads where Zark has been featured, so Zodiac will have some homework to do before they are ready to start writing in earnest. It's also unknown how much editing will be done to Zark at this point - if any - but I am sure @Zodiac can reveal that in due time.

Welcome aboard, @Zodiac ! Looking forward to see what you make of this Andorian character.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: trevorvw on May 24, 2019, 03:52:18 PM
Welcome Zodiac!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on May 24, 2019, 03:52:58 PM
Welcome Aboard Mate. Let me know if I can help in any way.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on May 24, 2019, 03:53:21 PM
Welcome to the madhouse
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on May 24, 2019, 03:59:48 PM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on May 24, 2019, 04:05:47 PM
Welcome aboard! Glad to have you here ^^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on May 24, 2019, 04:46:43 PM
welcome on board @Zodiac  feel free to sit around and make yourself comfy... and enjoy the cookies! :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on May 24, 2019, 04:55:25 PM
Welcome back @Vox  and welcome to the party @Zodiac
Hope you both enjoy your stay here and see you soon on the boards!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on May 24, 2019, 05:05:35 PM
Hey! Welcome, @Zodiac !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on May 24, 2019, 06:43:44 PM
Welcome to the Theurgy, @Zodiac!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on May 24, 2019, 06:48:29 PM
Welcome @Zodiac! Party in the Spearhead; @Arista is buying.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vox on May 24, 2019, 06:52:04 PM
Welcome to the club @Zodiac hope you enjoy it here.

As for me thanks @Fife and @Nolan it's great to be back :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on May 25, 2019, 01:19:36 AM
No worries Zodiac.  Zark is a new character so there's still time to change everything about her if you need to.  When I took over Tessa May Lance I read what had come before and decided that if it wasn't 'on stage' it wasn't official so I completely changed her Wiki page.  There isn't tons of precedent preventing you from making this character yours.   /:+
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on May 25, 2019, 02:51:21 AM
@Vox, welcome back!  Good to see you again!

@Zodiac, and welcome to our little slice of the internet.  Hope you enjoy your stay!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Zodiac on May 25, 2019, 05:33:26 PM
Thanks everybody! Really happy to be here and looking forward to jumping in once I've got all the reading Auctor gave me done. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on May 26, 2019, 03:54:41 PM
Heyo everyone.

Just a heads up that I'll be away from May 25th to June 7th. I'm going to be working out of town on a large contract and as it involves setting up the IT systems in several offices, basically building networks from the ground up with only the internet already running, my days will be busy. And as we're pre-building the networks before I go out on the contract, the next two weeks (till I leave) I'll be slow responding to tags as we're working 10 hour days (sometimes 12's) to get everything done and ready for this contract.

Quick update that yes I am away, currently commuting to the job site, work starts Monday. :) Two 6hr drives with a fully loaded F350 and 8000# travel trailer in tow. :) I may have WiFi at the campground I'm staying at, or Cell service, don't know yet. If I have okay internet, I may get online more in the evenings, don't know for sure, will know better when I get to my home for the week.

Keep everyone posted.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: KittyKat on May 27, 2019, 02:53:05 PM
Greetings, its been a very long is everyone doing?  Glad to see atleast 3 Theurgists stuck around after i left.  I hear turnover was a pain :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on May 27, 2019, 03:19:23 PM
Ah, Hi there.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on May 27, 2019, 03:34:10 PM
Greetings, its been a very long is everyone doing?  Glad to see atleast 3 Theurgists stuck around after i left.  I hear turnover was a pain :)

Welcome welcome, you have a lot of reading up to do.  ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on May 27, 2019, 11:50:10 PM
Greetings, its been a very long is everyone doing?  Glad to see atleast 3 Theurgists stuck around after i left.  I hear turnover was a pain :)

KittyKat?  I thought you were a myth!  Does the legend return?

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on May 28, 2019, 08:12:49 AM
Hey everyone, update time.

the last month was pretty rough so I'll just go over the highlights of where i have been and why I haven't really been around in chat much.

So at the start of the month my arms really started to hurt, and so I went to the doctors, I have consistant nerve damage in both my arms, when asked why this hasn't been an issue before, after running some tests it turns out I have lost about 5% mobility in my hands. 5% doesn't sound like much, but my hands won't stop shaking now things are constantly slipping out of my grip, it's been... not great especially when i am trying to play a card game professionally and can no longer shuffle a deck on my own.

That's where the month started. This is also the first full month of my new job, and i've yet to really adjust. My schedule is really inconsistant some days i'm working night shift, some times i have day shift, and I'm constantly being told to work more hours than I actually can. they scheduel me for 25-30 hour shifts at which point i have to tell the manager that I'm part time with a limit of 15 hours a week.

then my check from the government didn't show up, and i have to see a legal advocate tomorrow because of course that had to happen.

So the honest truth is lately my attention has been elsewhere, but hopefully tomorrow when i meet with the legal advocate I can sort out this chaos with my government check nonsense and get the money owed to me. cause seriously that was like 900$ and I need that for bills.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on May 28, 2019, 09:32:25 AM
The very first poster of the OOC awakens :D I hope this'll be more than just a quick hello @KittyKat
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on May 31, 2019, 02:28:16 AM
Hello everyone, update to my update.

My meeting went simultaneously the best way, and worst way it could have gone. I have now secured the last portion of paperwork for future funds that will amount to about 1200$ a month... forever the bad news is that it will take 3 months for that money to get to me.

in the meantime, sacrifices have to be made, and one of those sacrifices is my own internet will be cut off tomorrow, I will have my phone, but I will be unable to post for a while since I will be behind on bills.

um... I'd like for my characters to be okay, i'd like to retain control over them, but i understand that this is a leave of absence, i'm sorry to all of my partners.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on May 31, 2019, 03:12:21 AM
Sorry to hear that Masorin, that sucks but real life always comes first. Good luck and we'll see you when you get back.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 31, 2019, 11:50:25 PM
No worries @Masorin ! Thanks for the heads up and I am glad things worked out with the compensation you're owed. I'll speak with you privately about the ongoing threads and figure something out.


Come say hello to @Jubbles , who's writing for Mektari Dumral after Gadget abandoned her as a character in the beginning of Episode 05! She's one of the two Asst. Chief CONN Officers - Jaya Thorne being the other one - and they report to Derik Veradin. The three of them are the designated helm officers of Vectors 1, 2 and 3 if the ship splits up in MVAM mode.

( Ens. Mektari Dumral           Asst. Chief CONN Officer (V3) (
  - Writer: ( (;u=223)

There will be some updates made soon on Mektari's character page, and in Jubbles own words, it might entail "editing some of the wording and details, maybe adding slightly more family info and changing her hobbies a little." Writing her, the Loner aspect of the character will likely be downplayed too, but I will let the writer explain that further, not to mention explaining what she's been up through during the Battle of the Apertures.

Welcome aboard the Theurgy, @Jubbles ! Come say hi on Discord if you want, and I'll PM you in a bit.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on June 01, 2019, 12:01:13 AM
Welcome @Jubbles !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on June 01, 2019, 12:03:38 AM
Welcome on board @Jubbles ! Sit comfy with us, we have cookies! :D

I've been wanting that someone adopted Meki for long time! She and my mongrel share service on board the Cayuga, so if you want to plot something about how they behave with the other feel free to PM me!

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on June 01, 2019, 12:09:35 AM
Welcome to the madhouse! We do have cookies!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vox on June 01, 2019, 02:07:37 AM
Welcome, I hope you enjoy the character and your time here!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on June 01, 2019, 04:31:47 AM
Yes, welcome aboard!

I have mentioned this in chat, but I"m a bit under the weather and thus I'm going to be slow over the next few days. I've got a lot of things IRL to do and being sick while doing them isn't going to leave much in the way of energy for posting and plotting.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on June 01, 2019, 08:53:30 AM
Welcome aboard @Jubbles!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Jubbles on June 01, 2019, 06:22:43 PM
Thank you all for the warm welcome. I can't wait to get started, I'm going to do a little work on her bio wiki and then find some trouble to get into. 

As Auctor stated, I want to change up her drives a little, allowing her to be a little less antisocial than as written. And maybe write a little more about her family, though I'm not sure how relevant that will be to our story.

Looking forward to writing with you all.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 01, 2019, 10:33:49 PM

It would seem another writer has found their way to us, this in the form of @Jesaya , who will inherit Vanya, one of the two Asst. Chief Science Officers! :)

( Lt. Vanya                     Asst. Chief Science Officer (V2) (
  - Writer: ( (;u=225)

Vanya was first written by Veridian, later inherited by Cosmos before he vanished from the sim. Jesaya might be expanding upon the character page soon, which I will allow them to talk about should that be the case. I have advised them to make a post in the old DC thread Resistance is Futile, which featured the Cayuga being attacked by the Borg before Episode 05, and the process of informing them about the old Vanya threads has begun.

Welcome aboard, @Jesaya ! Looking forward to read Vanya's continued story. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on June 01, 2019, 10:41:24 PM
Welcome @Jesaya & @Jubbles ! Good to see so many new faces :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on June 01, 2019, 10:46:45 PM
Welcome @Jesaya nice to see another new face around here to join us. Looking forward to writing with you in the future.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on June 01, 2019, 10:48:07 PM
Hey! Welcome @Jesaya !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on June 01, 2019, 11:26:35 PM
@Jesaya welcome!! I'm so happy to see someone electing to write Vanya. She ended up having a major part in the backstory of one of my characters and if love to continue to explore where things were headed there if it's something you'd be interested in
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on June 02, 2019, 02:10:32 AM
Welcome aboard Jesaya.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on June 02, 2019, 05:38:00 AM
So many new faces!

Welcome aboard @Jesaya!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Jesaya on June 02, 2019, 06:38:45 AM
Thanks everybody, really happy to be here and looking forward to writing with all of you :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on June 02, 2019, 01:52:08 PM
hey hey @Jesaya welcome onboard! Look around at your leisure and sit comfy, we have cookies :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Zodiac on June 02, 2019, 03:22:08 PM
Yay! Another Newbie! Hi @Jesaya welcome, like Numen says there are indeed cookies and they are delicious :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on June 02, 2019, 05:03:15 PM
Hello newlings @Jesaya and @Jubbles
Hope you'll both enjoy your time here! Let the festivities begin!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on June 02, 2019, 05:36:58 PM
[eurobeats from next room intensify]

Welcome to you newcomers! Looking forward to seeing you on the boards.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on June 03, 2019, 09:48:44 AM
FYI to my writing partners, I'm doing my best to catch up on my backlog, however starting from the fifth of June till the thirteenth, I won't be around for posts. A well needed holiday looms over the horizon! So expect delays in posts and such ^^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on June 04, 2019, 10:26:43 PM
Apologises to those waiting for me. I have not been well and it has just made me super tired all the time. I took some time over the weekend on holiday to see if I can energise myself, but so far it hasn't worked.

I'm going to go to see my doctor to see if there is anything else they can do, but in the meantime. I am trying to work on posts as fast as I can.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: AlyFox on June 05, 2019, 03:24:48 AM
Hope you feel better soon @Arista
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on June 05, 2019, 03:26:46 AM
Hope you get well soon @Arista !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on June 05, 2019, 04:10:45 AM
@Nolan enjoy your holiday!

Hope you feel better @Arista!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on June 09, 2019, 08:44:31 AM
hey Um welcome everyone i haven't said hi to... Sorry I haven't stopped by in here sooner but things have been kinda crazy here where i live.  I've been busy with my job and my hours have been a bit more scattered than usual due to having to work different hours than normal because of people missing work days due to the flooding in the area. 

For those of you who are living in dry areas and are wishing for rain I wish you all could have some of our rain cause frankly we've had about as much as we can tolerate at this point.  I think im now at a point i can do RPing as i should be doing If anyone wants to discuss setting up a scene with the former Squad commanding officer and current Wolf 05 pilot Miles Renard, or need the pilot to pop in for a moment in another scene just hit me up via PM or on discord and i'll be happy to discuss whatever you have in mind.

To all the new faces @AlyFox , @Revan , @DaValle , @Zodiac , @Jubbles  and @Jesaya  Welcome and have fun.

to any returning Theurgists like me heh welcome back and i'm hoping to get back into the swing of everything for real really soon.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 11, 2019, 03:21:35 PM

Hi there everyone! :)

I took the time to go over the boards and check what the current forum status is, and here are my findings. Use Ctrl+F to find your username?

EPIL: S [D06|1700] Patch Job Date: 2019-06-11 - 0 days ago Next poster: 7 days for all
EPIL: S [D06|1150] Loss of Devotion Date: 2019-06-11 - 0 days ago Next poster: Zodiac
EPIL: S [D06|1300] Rather On the Nose Date: 2019-06-09 - 2 days ago Next poster: Triage
EPIL: S [D06|1300] Klingons On Parade Date: 2019-06-09 - 2 days ago Next poster: Numen
EPIL: S [D06|1900] Picking Up The Pieces Date: 2019-06-09 - 2 days ago Next poster: Masorin
EPIL: S [D07|0101] This Is A Place For The… Date: 2019-06-08 - 3 days ago Next poster: Nolan
EPIL: S [D06|2345] Exodus Date: 2019-06-08 - 3 days ago Next poster: Auctor Lucan
EPIL: S [D06|1830] Good Business Date: 2019-06-08 - 3 days ago Next poster: Hatata-Nerada
EPIL: S [D06|2100] Shipwide Call Date: 2019-06-08 - 3 days ago Next poster: Open for all!
EPIL: S [D06|1445] Shelthreth Date: 2019-06-07 - 4 days ago Next poster: ch'Xinya
EPIL: S [D06|2110] Renewal Date: 2019-06-05 - 6 days ago Next poster: Even Angels Cry
EPIL: S [D06|1200] Hope For the Best... Date: 2019-06-05 - 6 days ago Next poster: Jm von Cat/Auctor Lucan
EPIL: S [D06|2234] Nightcaps Date: 2019-06-05 - 6 days ago Next poster: Nolan
CH05: S [D06|1015] On the rocks? Date: 2019-06-05 - 6 days ago Next poster: The Ostrich
EPIL: S [D06|1230] Overcrowding Date: 2019-06-04 - 7 days ago Next poster: Twilkins
EPIL: S [D06|1700] The Calm After the Storm Date: 2019-06-04 - 7 days ago Next poster: 7 days for all
EPIL: S [D06|1200] Android Aquantainces Date: 2019-06-04 - 7 days ago Next poster: Alyfox
EPIL: S [D06|1900] Conservatory Evaluation Date: 2019-06-03 - 8 days ago Next poster: Twilkins
EPIL: S [D06|2000] Memorial Terrace Date: 2019-06-02 - 9 days ago Next poster: Top Hat
EPIL: S [D06|1700] Stress Relief Date: 2019-06-02 - 9 days ago Next poster: BZ
EPIL: S [D06|2100] Old Songs, New Friends Date: 2019-06-01 - 10 days ago Next poster: Trevorvw
EPIL: S [D06|1925] A Meeting of Minds Date: 2019-05-29 - 13 days ago Next poster: Juzzie
EPIL: S [D06|1910] Cutting Down the Workload Date: 2019-05-28 - 14 days ago Next poster: Jesaya
EPIL: S [D06|2000] New Roommates Date: 2019-05-27 - 15 days ago Next poster: Masorin
EPIL: S [D06|1400] The Walking Wounded Date: 2019-05-27 - 15 days ago Next poster: Triage
EPIL: S [D06|1530] What is it about you... Date: 2019-05-27 - 15 days ago Next poster: The Ostrich
EPIL: S [D06|1730] Hollow to Whole Date: 2019-05-25 - 17 days ago Next poster: Top Hat
CH03: S [D06|0940] Family First Date: 2019-05-21 - 21 days ago Next poster: Masorin
EPIL: S [D06|1140] Wolf Pack Reunited Date: 2019-05-17 - 25 days ago Next poster: Masorin
EPIL: S [D06|1800] Seeking Treatment Date: 2019-04-23 - 49 days ago Next poster: The Ostrich
SD 57558.47: Aldean Dawn Date: 2019-06-11 - 0 days ago Next poster: 7 days for all
SD 57569.63: Wanting A Second Opinion Date: 2019-06-11 - 0 days ago Next poster: Nolan
SD 57568.68: bISolnISbe'taHmeH yIyep ma'rIch Ides Date: 2019-06-11 - 0 days ago Next poster: Numen
SD 57563.68: Market Value Date: 2019-06-11 - 0 days ago Next poster: SummerDawn
SD 57561.35 Drinking Devils Away Date: 2019-06-11 - 0 days ago Next poster: BZ
SD 57569.89: Breaking The Silence Date: 2019-06-11 - 0 days ago Next poster: Nolan
SD 57561.24: Finding Yourself Date: 2019-06-10 - 1 days ago Next poster: Auctor Lucan
SD 57561.14 Sapient Situations Date: 2019-06-10 - 1 days ago Next poster: BZ
SD 57563.55: On Solid Ground Date: 2019-06-10 - 1 days ago Next poster: Fiendfall
SD 57564.28: A Different Kind Of Therapy Date: 2019-06-10 - 1 days ago Next poster: Alyfox
SD 57558.73: Acting on a Thawt Date: 2019-06-10 - 1 days ago Next poster: Auctor Lucan
SD 57561.14: First Steps Date: 2019-06-10 - 1 days ago Next poster: Fiendfall
SD 57563.87: Fragility Date: 2019-06-10 - 1 days ago Next poster: BZ
SD 57569.42: Life’s a Beach Date: 2019-06-10 - 1 days ago Next poster: Fife
SD 57561.25: Boomerang Date: 2019-06-09 - 2 days ago Next poster: Nolan
SD 57558.73: Do You Speak Spy? Date: 2019-06-09 - 2 days ago Next poster: Auctor Lucan
SD 57559.57: Correction Correcting Corrections Date: 2019-06-09 - 2 days ago Next poster: Fife
SD 57567.04: Shift ends, work starts Date: 2019-06-08 - 3 days ago Next poster: DaValle
SD 57558.42: Adjustment Period Date: 2019-06-08 - 3 days ago Next poster: ch'Xinya
SD 57574.78: Take a seat, Sir Date: 2019-06-08 - 3 days ago Next poster: Nolan
SD 57569.42: Fictitious Past Futures Date: 2019-06-08 - 3 days ago Next poster: CanadianVet
SD 57561.14: Cardassian Rhapsody Date: 2019-06-08 - 3 days ago Next poster: Numen
SD 57558.63: Correctional Aftermath Date: 2019-06-08 - 3 days ago Next poster: Triage
SD 57560.93 Baggage Claim Date: 2019-06-07 - 4 days ago Next poster: BZ
SD 57561.56: All Thawed Out Date: 2019-06-07 - 4 days ago Next poster: Alyfox
SD 57564.7: Musings by Starlight Date: 2019-06-07 - 4 days ago Next poster: Triage
SD 57559.47: A New Chapter Begins Date: 2019-06-06 - 5 days ago Next poster: Alyfox
SD 57559.57: Explanations and Reparations Date: 2019-06-06 - 5 days ago Next poster: Fife
SD 57563.92: Have You Eaten Yet? Date: 2019-06-06 - 5 days ago Next poster: Patches
SD 57563.76: Transporter Malfunction Date: 2019-06-06 - 5 days ago Next poster: Nolan
SD 57563.55: Into Blue Depths Date: 2019-06-05 - 6 days ago Next poster: Top Hat
SD 57569.42: Working at Warp 10 Date: 2019-06-05 - 6 days ago Next poster: DaValle
SD 57560.94: Making Amends Date: 2019-06-05 - 6 days ago Next poster: Even Angels Cry
SD 57563.87: Spiked Coffee & Crew Gazing Date: 2019-06-05 - 6 days ago Next poster: Patches
SD 57561.46 Meticulously Microscopic Date: 2019-06-05 - 6 days ago Next poster: Hastata-Nerada
SD 57563.24: A Day in the Life of Albert Tiran Date: 2019-06-04 - 7 days ago Next poster: (BZ solo thread)
SD 57561.77: Reprieve by the Sea Date: 2019-06-03 - 8 days ago Next poster: BZ
SD 57565.98: The Spirits that Be Date: 2019-06-02 - 9 days ago Next poster: Triage
SD 57559.05 Bridge Officer Test Date: 2019-06-02 - 9 days ago Next poster: Fife/Trevorvw
SD 57561.88: Tranquility Interrupted Date: 2019-06-02 - 9 days ago Next poster: Triage
SD 57564.91: Klingon Bar Flies Date: 2019-06-02 - 9 days ago Next poster: Lisavw
SD 57562.16: Back to the Grind Date: 2019-06-02 - 9 days ago Next poster: Trevorvw
SD 57561.57: One Bald Head & Many Ridges Date: 2019-06-01 - 10 days ago Next poster: Trevorvw
SD 57579.26: Camellia Sinensis Date: 2019-05-28 - 14 days ago Next poster: Triage
SD 57562.29: Celebrating & Commiserating Date: 2019-05-28 - 14 days ago Next poster: Trevorvw
SD 57566.48: A Spy And A Pilot Walk Into A Bar Date: 2019-05-26 - 16 days ago Next poster: The Ostrich
SD 57559.2: New Officers & Old Acquaintances Date: 2019-05-23 - 19 days ago Next poster: Masorin
[2376/Starfleet Academy] When Worlds CollideDate: 2019-06-11 - 0 days agoNext poster: Fife
[2372] Course CorrectionDate: 2019-06-09 - 2 days agoNext poster: Fiendfall
[2381/Earth] Meet The TiransDate: 2019-06-05 - 6 days agoNext poster: Top Hat
[2373] Starfleet Academy - More Precious Than…Date: 2019-06-01 - 10 days agoNext poster: Triage
[2374] Starfleet Academy - The Stars In Our EyesDate: 2019-05-30 - 12 days agoNext poster: Numen
2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of TroubleDate: 2019-05-27 - 15 days agoNext poster: Nolan
Escape Of The ApacheDate: 2019-05-17 - 25 days agoNext poster: Stegro88
2378 - One Thing After AnotherDate: 2019-05-17 - 25 days agoNext poster: Twilkins
2374 - When The Hammer FallsDate: 2019-05-15 - 27 days agoNext poster: The Ostrich
USS Cayuga: Resistance is FutileDate: 2019-05-09 - 33 days agoNext poster: Any Cayuga Char.
[2380] Ghosts in the machineDate: 2019-05-09 - 33 days agoNext poster: Arista
Counseling in BlueDate: 2019-04-17 - 55 days agoNext poster: Jesaya
[ Mission Log #007 | Stardate: Classified | Year: 2372 ]Date: 2019-04-14 - 58 days agoNext poster: Stegro88
[2377/Starfleet Academy] Eleven Minutes LateDate: 2019-04-14 - 58 days agoNext poster: Twilkins
[2376] Help in the HimalayasDate: 2019-03-30 - 73 days agoNext poster: The Ostrich
[2376] Klingon CavalryDate: 2019-03-16 - 87 days agoNext poster: BZ
[2374] | Where Did It All Go Gornish?Date: 2019-02-21 - 110 days agoNext poster: Masorin
Efrosian MattersDate: 2019-01-15 - 147 days agoNext poster: FollowTomorrow
[2372 Starfleet Academy] Week 1Date: 2019-01-05 - 157 days agoNext poster: Jesaya
[2375/Earth] Home is where the Darkness isDate: 2018-12-24 - 169 days agoNext poster: Jesaya
[2372 Starfleet Academy] Checking in.Date: 2018-12-18 - 175 days agoNext poster: Jesaya
Starfleet Academy: A Midsummer Night's HeatDate: 2018-10-27 - 227 days agoNext poster: Masorin/FT?
USS Thunderchild: A New HomeDate: 2018-10-26 - 228 days agoNext poster: Patches
[2385/Caitia Prime] Life continuesDate: 2018-10-22 - 232 days agoNext poster: Steelphoenix
Encrypted Correspondence: Closing The DistanceDate: 2018-09-22 - 262 days agoNext poster: BZ
USS Cayuga - Minor ProceduresDate: 2018-09-11 - 273 days agoNext poster: Jubbles
Lone Wolves Squadron: Razor's Log…Date: 2017-07-28 - 683 days agoNext poster: Nolan
USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths Date: 2019-03-21 - 82 days agoNext poster: Unknown
Murder On 84 (What if)Date: 2019-03-09 - 94 days agoNext poster: Unknown
USS Theurgy - The Start of LifeDate: 2019-02-21 - 110 days agoNext poster: To be locked?
Please let me know which of the old threads (especially in Director's Cut) that won't be continued and should be locked. PM me in that case!

Bear in mind that we should always try to reply in our current threads within 7 days, and neglecting to do so breeds more inactivity among other writers - others thinking that its fine to leave writing partners waiting indefinitely. If we start to neglect threads we loose our pace and then we'll end up with an inactive sim overall.

Director's Cut and What If threads are secondary to the top two boards, of course, but with the story moving into Aldea, it opens up for more active posting in those boards as well, and I'd like to lock the finished threads in order to keep those board up-to-date as well. :)

No hard feelings in posting this, of course! I am very busy myself and I struggle to post in due time as well, so I completely understand if one might miss the deadlines by a couple of days, but please, don't let the threads pile on so that we get more of these red numbers? lol


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 12, 2019, 11:44:51 PM

Well, John and I were done with the site upgrade as earlier announced here in this thead, but there was an error message on the front page that we had dealt with before. Everything was working smoothly and it was just bugfixing left, and then all of a sudden in the process, we got a database error message, completely out of nowhere since we weren't working on the database at all.

So, unfortunately, we've had to restore the backup made at 09:00 am CET this morning. That means that after 02:00 pm and up until now, at 23:40, any posts made were lost in us having to restore the backup. I am so, so sorry for anyone who posted during this time, and had I known that file-edits could somehow lead to a database error, I would not have given the clearance to post at 02:00 pm today.

Lesson learned, and instead of doing this upgrade live on the forum next time, John will be setting up a beta environment to spare you all this trouble again. He extends his deepest apologies to you all for the inconvenience, since it was his edits that caused this error.

Now, however, you can post! This forum will not be meddled with until I tell you well in advance. Again, sorry for the troubles!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 14, 2019, 09:58:35 AM

Having recovered enough to start writing again after his accident, @Kinvarus returns to us today! He was very moved by all the well-wishes posted here, and in the current stage of his recovery, he is ready to participate in the story again. He returns to write Vivian Martin, our Chief Science Officer!

( Lt Cmdr. Vivian Martin        Chief Science Officer (
  - Writer: ( (;u=193)

Kinvarus has been sent a synopsis of her story with links to all her past threads, and I have asked them to contact @The Ostrich to discuss the transition, i.e. which threads are inherited for completion and which are continued until the end with the former writer.

Welcome back aboard, @Kinvarus ! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on June 14, 2019, 10:00:17 AM
Welcome back @Kinvarus Have a speedy recovery and great to have you back!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on June 14, 2019, 10:13:05 AM
Welcome back @Kinvarus! Good to see you again.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on June 14, 2019, 11:01:19 AM
welcome back @Kinvarus ! Take it easy for now, but glad to have you around again!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on June 14, 2019, 11:16:48 AM
@Kinvarus  Well look whose risen again. Maybe you should have Auctor change your name to Lazarus :P Welcome back buddy!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on June 14, 2019, 11:57:12 AM
Welcome back @Kinvarus!  Your perseverance inspires us all!   ( good ) 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on June 14, 2019, 03:58:42 PM
Welcome back @Kinvarus and I hope your recovery is going well.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on June 14, 2019, 04:01:22 PM
Welcome back @Kinvarus! Glad to hear you're on the mend.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on June 14, 2019, 04:07:58 PM
Welcome back @Kinvarus !  Enjoy the CSO chair!  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kinvarus on June 14, 2019, 06:21:38 PM
Hi everyone. First of all thank you all so much for the well wishes when I left and the welcome backs too, I was touched by them all and it's appreciated :) Second it's great to be back! I've missed writing with everyone so after I'm all caught up with what I need to be I'm looking forward to diving in and getting back into things :)

@Nolan Thanks Nolan! It's more slow and steady than speedy but it is going well and it's good to be back!

@Top Hat It's good to see you too Top Hat :)

@Numen Thanks Numen I'll do my best :)

@Revan Funny. You're a comedy genius :)

@Doc M. Awe *blushes* Thanks Doc

@Masorin Thanks Masorin, admittedly it's slower than I'd like but them's the breaks....quite literally in my case :P But in all seriousness it's going well thanks, Doc's say I'll make a full recovery eventually.

 @Fife Thanks Fife, I'm glad too! ;)

@steelphoenix Thanks, I'm sure I will. I can say this though the chair sure is comfy :)

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on June 14, 2019, 06:37:06 PM
@Kinvarus Why thank you, I try :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kinvarus on June 14, 2019, 08:33:21 PM
@Revan Always the smartass :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on June 14, 2019, 08:51:27 PM
Hey that joke was both smart and funny, you've gotta give me that at least.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 17, 2019, 09:21:32 AM

Please go submit your votes in the poll within 3 days, thank you! :)

Poll Link: Aldea Prime Thread Naming Convention (,2725.0.html)

That's all for now!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 20, 2019, 10:05:52 PM

Result: LINK (,2725.0.html)

The result is clear, with a majority over 77 %, you prefer to switch naming convention on the Aldea Prime Anthology board, and I will honour your wishes by renaming the subjects accordingly. It will take me a few minutes but I think this will help everyone situate where their characters are at each day through the anthology.

The new naming convention is:

Day XX [YYYY hrs.] Insert Title, with Day 01 being the 11th of March 2381.

Thank you so much for your participation!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 24, 2019, 10:08:29 AM

As of today, 14 days of the Anthology are open for new threads, meaning that Day 01 to Day 14 are available! :)

Furthermore, after the Elkarte people couldn't help me find a solution for using the forum's Calendar ( help us get an overview of these first two weeks on Aldea, I decided on a simple Wiki solution. Check it out!


This calendar is available for everyone to edit, and it should list major events such as away missions, official promotions, announcements over the intercom and when Versant abductees undergo cosmetic surgery or DNA re-sequencing. Note: cosmetic surgery will be taking 1 hour In-Character, while DNA re-sequencing will take ca 8 hours (plus one full night's sleep). V-Nine ( alone can do the latter, but cosmetic surgery can be done by other medical officers.

Examples of non-major events are regular off-duty meetings and most random encounters. We do not want the Calendar to be a copy of the Aldea Prime board with all threads listed, but only things that may affect everyone, or should be known by most of the crew.

Please add stuff, and if you want to link to threads you use this format:

[https:insert-hyperlink Link Title]

First, it's the link to the thread, marked in blue, and then what you name the link, above marked in orange. Please note the brackets around both. That's how you do links in wiki markup! :)

This new Aldea Prime Calendar is available directly from the board with a new link in the board description. I also added a link to the Aldea wiki page. That's all for now, but since work is winding down for the summer, I will be able to add more events to the Calendar and post about them in the Aldea Anthology OOC Thread (,2688.0.html).

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 24, 2019, 12:40:55 PM

Here is a new away-mission to volunteer for! :)

The Inside Man (,2688.msg23216.html#msg23216)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 26, 2019, 03:19:31 AM

> > Click For Link (

Hi there everyone! :)

If you have a moment, please check out the new featured function on the sim, which can be found below the Aldea Prime Calendar (

There, you can see the Story Objectives idea, which I would love to have some feedback on. Moreover, I'd like suggestions on Rewards in the bottom table, so please PM me if you don't want to reply here with your feedback. Please note that the Tokens are meant to be a fun addendum and not a requirement for everyone to drive plot forward or posting new threads. The Tokens will likely be meant for major events and more development of the main story line about the Infested, as well as other important scenes.

The reason why it's on the same page as the Aldea Prime Calendar is because the Objectives might be listed in the Calendar, so having both the Calendar and the Objectives on the same page allows for easy access.

There are no Objectives listed yet, and there will be more Rewards added as well, but it was worth showing you guys this new feature at this stage to just get some thoughts on the setup. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on June 26, 2019, 03:23:43 AM
Loving it and cannot wait to get started on it. It is all so very exciting.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Jesaya on June 26, 2019, 03:40:12 AM
Looks like fun, can't wait to get started either!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on June 26, 2019, 04:01:22 AM
Iiiinteresting.  You have my attention, sir.  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on June 26, 2019, 04:20:25 AM
A very interesting little incentive mechanic for meeting certain story based goals. I think it'll go over well. Looking forward to seeing it in action before I can really comment though :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 27, 2019, 02:07:49 PM

Hi there everyone!

It likely hasn't gone anyone by that the site broke this morning, and while the problem was identified and it won't happen again, @john74 didn't make a backup of our live database because he was working in an adjacent one (so he shouldn't have needed to do that). All posts recovered from another file has been PMed to those affected for re-posting.

Simply put, given the troubles we had with the first attempt to update the version of our Elkarte Forum, namely how our Simple Portal addon broke the forum, the project was moved to a clone forum, listed under /beta in our file directory. There, I asked @john74 , who's better at this than me and he being our on-call webmaster, to update the clone forum and solve the bug in a safe environment.

Only for some reason, the Simple Portal addon's database discrepancy spilled over to our live database, likely because of how edits are saved by that addon. We had a separate database, and a separate clone forum, but somehow, the addon found the live database's tables and saved there instead.

The decision has now been made that with the instability and outdated nature of the Simple Portal addon, I will deactivate Simple Portal when we have found alternative solutions. Simple Portal gives us the Stardate Calculator page, the Warp Factor Calculator page, the Crew Manifest, the Non-Crew Listing, the Discord login page, and a page showing the Awards of ours. All these can be done making separate html pages or something like that, or using the wiki. The key thing it gives us really is the front page with the video.

So, there will be no site updates at all until these features on our site has found new homes. And when they have a new home to be shown in, we will throw Simple Portal in the trash, so that we then can update our forum to Elkarte 1.0.10.

So, it's safe to post again, and @john74 wanted to tell you all that he is so sorry for breaking the forum for a few hours, and if he had known the behaviour of the addon better, he would have backuped the live database as well.

So, posting can resume, and there will be no site-work done until further notice. No one will be messing with the database, so check your inboxes for recovered posts and sorry for the troubles.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 04, 2019, 11:46:37 PM

While @Griff will continue writing Vinata Vojona to finish current threads, the character is now available for inheritance. @Griff would rather wish to focus on writing Lillee - the character they joined with - so here is the last remaining Ovri on the Theurgy:

( Ens. Vinata Vojona            Nurse (
  - Writer: ( (;u=114)

Vinata has said farewell to his sister Hylota Vojona - who left on a shuttle with her egg just before the arrival to Aldea.

If you're interested in inheriting Vinata Vojona, please PM me. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 05, 2019, 02:20:32 PM

Check them out, read the rules, and PM me when you have 1) assembled a writing group, and 2) posted the first post in the thread. :)


Hope you like them! Many more to come!

An edit to the Story Objective rules has been made as well:

- In order to earn Story Tokens, one of the writers will have to PM the GM with a link to the starting post of the thread that is meant to fulfil the Objective. This means that in order to have an Objective marked as "In Progress", the starting post must have been made.
- The starting post should also show who will be participating in the thread, which is usually done with Mentions (seen as @Auctor Lucan). This means the participants needs to agree on having their characters present for the thread.
- The Story Tokens earned by the writers will be handed out once the thread is Completed, which requires another PM to the GM, who will update the list of accumulated Tokens per writer.
Only threads that have been written in accordance with the General Rules will qualify. This means both post lengths as well as posting deadlines.
- You may only earn Story Tokens in one Story Objective at the time. This means that in order to earn Tokens in a new thread, the old one must be finished before the new one is started.
- Writers may of course also participate in the Objectives without earning Tokens, which will be clearly specified in the thread in such a case. These writers are additional to the Objective, and do not take a slot from those who do wish to earn Tokens.

- End of Excerpt

It may lead to an additional writer in some Objectives now and then, but better that than having a system that is too restrictive for those who just want to write.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TWilkins on July 05, 2019, 02:35:22 PM
Hey Guys,

The objective 'Pirate Gang Kidnapping' would be the PERFECT opertunity to introduce Otheusz to the Sim, I've dropped out of my other objective thread in order to go ahead with it.

So, would anyone else be interested in being a kidnapee for my new boi's pirate gang?

Let me know if people are interested :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on July 05, 2019, 02:48:36 PM
I'm definitely game to tackle Vector 03's Hull with another writer. Kala needs something to keep her busy and not go stir crazy after the events of the past week.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 05, 2019, 03:45:40 PM
PS. Announcement updated with a Story Objective rule edit. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on July 05, 2019, 04:40:33 PM
I think Nator would be up for joining in with that, @SummerDawn! It'd be a non-token-earning thread for me, too, if anyone else wanted to join.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on July 06, 2019, 01:12:15 AM
I'm definitely game to tackle Vector 03's Hull with another writer. Kala needs something to keep her busy and not go stir crazy after the events of the past week.

Now I have this vision in my head where K'Ren pops around on the outside of the windows at Below Decks to wave at Deacon... :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on July 06, 2019, 05:42:48 AM
I suspect that Billy Bob would be a better choice to join Kala in the hull repair scenario.  He started the work on it back in Episode 05:  Courage is Fear and may as well see it through to the end.  Of course with Kala Marika's background at the San Francisco Shipyards, who else would be the officer assigned to supervise the hull repairs?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on July 06, 2019, 10:56:28 AM
Quick FYI, this weekend I won't be able to post and I'll be limited in being online. i owe quite some posts, but I'll get the post grinder up on Monday! Enjoy the weekend ^^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on July 06, 2019, 08:37:10 PM
@Top Hat @Doc M.

I'm game for anyone who wants to join me. I'm wanting the credits but if folks want to pitch in even if they're not wanting credits, I'm fine. A through and through on a hull is not exactly a small job so there'd be a team working it.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on July 06, 2019, 08:38:51 PM
I'm definitely game to tackle Vector 03's Hull with another writer. Kala needs something to keep her busy and not go stir crazy after the events of the past week.

Now I have this vision in my head where K'Ren pops around on the outside of the windows at Below Decks to wave at Deacon... :D

The mental image of that will amuse me for some time. :) (laugh)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 07, 2019, 01:12:52 AM

Today, @fiendfall throws another hat into the ring, this in the form of former Starfleet Intelligence officer Inej Avirim! :)

( Ens. Inej Avirim            Investigations Officer ( Inej_Avirim)
  - Writer: ( Inej_Avirim)Fiendfall (;u=183)

After leaving SFI, Inej entered Starfleet Security instead, where he has a focus on investigative duties, but is just as capable as others in Security to handle the regular tasks. Inej is the first character that arrives to Aldea to join the Theurgy's ranks because of the events in The Inside Man (, where the Theurgy has gained an ally in the Head of Covert Operations in Starfleet Intelligence. It was this inside man, Rear Admiral Joseph Nerva Andersson, that helped Inej find his way to the Theurgy.

Looking forward to reading his story, @fiendfall ! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: trevorvw on July 07, 2019, 01:20:16 AM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on July 07, 2019, 01:25:50 AM
Thanks! & massive thank you to AL for all your hard work on the character, your patience is endless & your editing skills legendary
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on July 07, 2019, 02:09:32 AM
Congrats on the new character @fiendfall!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on July 08, 2019, 08:43:19 PM
Hey! Just a quick note. Replies will be postponed on my end for a few more days. Ive managed to come down with viral gastroenteritis and bronchitis. Lucky me! So naturally i dont feel so great and im spending most of my time sleeping right now. And coughing my lungs out. So fun.

Im headed back to the doctor on Wednesday to make sure it's getting better and not worse. So fingers crossed.

I apologize for the delay. But posting will resume when i can stay awake for more than 20 minutes at a time!

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on July 08, 2019, 08:55:32 PM
Get better soon, EAC. No fun at all!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on July 08, 2019, 09:10:16 PM
Hope you feel better soon EAC that sucks
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on July 09, 2019, 12:36:26 AM
Oh no! Here's hoping for a speedy recovery, good luck EAC!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CanadianVet on July 09, 2019, 01:02:53 AM
Look after yourself EAC and take all the time you need to bounce back.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on July 09, 2019, 01:03:32 AM
Sorry to hear that EAC! Feel better!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on July 09, 2019, 06:01:34 PM
Get well soon, EAC! Keeping you in prayer.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on July 09, 2019, 11:37:39 PM
Yo! Take it easy EAC and take care of yourself. We'll be here waiting for you when you feel better! :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on July 15, 2019, 08:33:48 PM
Just a head up!  IRL shit is hitting hard my little mountain, so i'll have problems to keep the pace i'd been keeping.  I'll try to provide replies as fast as i can, but some delays would be expected.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 16, 2019, 11:25:17 AM

It's been a long time coming, with numerous reports against how this member has behaved towards others in the sim. The difficulty in this decision has been how the infringements and bad conduct has perpetually been in the dark grey area. Recently, however, it has become worse, with new reports about the behaviour becoming too much for other writers to bear, where there were attempts made to manipulate events and characters in favour of his own. This was made even worse in how there was no IC and OOC separation between his characters, and he was not being objective about the opinions and wishes of other people in relation to the story.

The final decision was made after going back in time and reviewing reports of old, and comparing them to the recent ones. It was found that, despite numerous warnings, explanations and talks about how one ought to best co-write stories with others, there has been no improvement, and eventually, one has to realise that there is no hope of improvements any more. What truly tipped the scales was how it was shown to me how he behaved towards his fellow writers outside the Discord channel, in how he ceaselessly tried to manipulate other writers to write things they did not agree with.

Even though the Theurgist has been writing with us a long time, I can't play favourites because of a lengthy membership tenure. As disruptive as his presence has been time and time again, enough has to be enough.

I will NPC Carrigan Trent, Eliska Bremmer and Hats in order to remove them from current events in the story, until a point where they might be KIA and removed from the story all together. If there is a wish from CV to have his character available for inheritance, this will be honoured.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 19, 2019, 10:12:51 AM

Hi there everyone! Hope this finds you all well out there. :)

I took the time to go over the Aldea Prime and Episode 05 boards and check what the current forum status is, and here are my findings. Use Ctrl+F to find your username?

ThreadLast PostDays AgoNext Poster
Day 01 [0730 hrs.] Aldean Dawn2019-06-1138(Anyone)
Day 03 [1500 hrs.] Room to Breathe2019-07-181Jubbles
Day 05 [2130 hrs.] Odd Requests and Operational Reviews2019-07-181Fife
Day 07 [1730 hrs.] The Edge of Light2019-07-181Auctor Lucan
Day 05 [1707 hrs.] Scrying through the Storm Front2019-07-181Kinvarus
Day 05 [1307 hrs.] Tan lines2019-07-181Brutus
Day 05 [2381 hrs.] Breaking the Silence2019-07-181Griff
Day 02 [0800 hrs.] Samples Extraction, What Else2019-07-181BZ
Day 03 [1015 hrs.] Chimera2019-07-181TWilkins
Day 02 [1920 hrs] Sphenopalatine Ganglioneuralgia2019-07-172Arista
Day 05 [2357 hrs.] Breaking point2019-07-172BZ
Day 02 [2317 hrs.] Party In Aldea Prime Baby!2019-07-172Nolan
Day 03 [1200 hrs.] Spiked Coffee & Crew Gazing2019-07-172Patches
Day 10 [1900 hrs.] Proving A Point2019-07-172Stegro88 / New Contender
Day 01 [1855 hrs.] Correction Correcting Corrections2019-07-172Fife
Day 03 [1500 hrs.] A Different Kind Of Therapy2019-07-172AlyFox
Day 03 [1410 hrs.] When Is One In Command?2019-07-172Auctor Lucan
Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Life’s a Beach2019-07-172Fife
Day 08 [2130 hrs.] Searching For Ghosts | Silver Shadows Part 022019-07-172Stegro88
Day 02 [1500 hrs.] Reprieve by the Sea2019-07-172Auctor Lucan
Day 02 [1100 hrs.] Boomerang2019-07-172Nolan
Day 06 [1910 hrs.] Take a Seat, Sir2019-07-163Nolan
Day 12 [1200 hrs.] Drinking Devils Away2019-07-163BZ
Day 03 [2230 hrs.] The Comfort of Kin2019-07-163Griff
Day 03 [0900 hrs.] Into Blue Depths2019-07-163BZ
Day 05 [0900 hrs] Weaponizing Innocence2019-07-163Triage (unsure)
Day 03 [1345 hrs.] Market Manipulations2019-07-163FollowTomorrow
Day 06 [0910 hrs] Old And New2019-07-154Auctor Lucan
Day 06 [2345 hrs] Far From the Tree2019-07-154Numen
Day 03 [1230 hrs.] Have You Eaten Yet?2019-07-154Patches
Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Traitorous Revenant2019-07-154Nolan
Day 01 [1900 hrs.] A New Chapter Begins2019-07-154AlyFox
Day 02 [0900 hrs.] Adjustment Period2019-07-154Stegro88
Day 05 [2000 hrs.] Fictitious Past Futures2019-07-154Auctor Lucan
Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Meticulously Microscopic2019-07-145Numen
Day 11 [0850 hrs.] Welcome Aboard The Kut'luch | Silver Shadows Part 042019-07-145Stegro88 (Unsure)
Day 04 [1300 hrs.] Castles by the Sea2019-07-145Numen
Day 03 [1200 hrs.] Fragility2019-07-145Iron Ferrox
Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Tranquillity Interrupted2019-07-136Triage
Day 03 [1700 hrs.] Cloaked Run | The Inside Man P32019-07-136(1 day left!)
Day 01 [0955 hrs.] Acting on a Thawt2019-07-127Numen
Day 03 [0930 hrs.] Wolves Reunited2019-07-127Vox
Day 03 [2100 hrs.] Musings by Starlight2019-07-118Stegro88
Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Working at Warp 102019-07-109Doc. M
Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Transporter Malfunction2019-07-109Numen
Day 01 [1000 hrs.] It’s Logical to Ask for Help2019-07-109Fiendfall
Day 05 [1000 hrs.] bISolnISbe'taHmeH yIyep ma'rIch Ides2019-07-0910Numen
Day 03 [0913 hrs.] Bladesmiths2019-07-0910FollowTomorrow
Day 03 [0800 hrs.] On Solid Ground2019-07-0811FollowTomorrow
Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Lending A Hand2019-07-0712Stegro88
Day 01 [2000 hrs.] Explanations and Reparations2019-07-0712Stegro88
Day 02 [2100 hrs.] Celebrating & Commiserating2019-07-0712Trevorvw
Day 01 [1500 hrs.] The Next Chapter2019-07-0613FollowTomorrow
Day 02 [1058 hrs.] Finding Yourself2019-07-0415FollowTomorrow
Day 03 [1115 hrs.] Market Value2019-07-0415The Ostrich (SP should NPC Thea's reply)
Day 04 [0708 hrs.] The Spirits that Be2019-07-0415FollowTomorrow
Day 02 [0900 hrs.] Cardassian Rhapsody2019-07-0415FollowTomorrow
Day 05 [0600 hrs.] Scientific Curiosity Killed Them Both2019-07-0316Masorin
Day 08 [1425 hrs.] Anomaly Detected | The Silver Shadows Part 012019-07-0118Stegro88 (Unsure)
Day 01 [1023 hrs.] Intercepting a Flying Mammal2019-07-0118Lisavw
Day 02 [0805 hrs.] Making Amends2019-06-2920Even Angels Cry
Day 04 [1415 hrs.] Once Upon a Time in a Holodeck2019-06-2722Even Angels Cry
Day 03 [0600 hrs.] A Day in the Life of Albert Tiran2019-06-2722BZ (solo-thread)
Day 01 [2000 hrs.] A Bit of Light Reading2019-06-2524Even Angels Cry
Day 04 [1300 hrs.] A Spy And A Pilot Walk Into A Bar2019-06-2029The Ostrich
ThreadLast PostDays AgoNext Poster
EPIL: S [D06|1150] Loss of Devotion2019-07-172Zodiac
EPIL: S [D06|1700] The Calm After the Storm2019-07-172Auctor Lucan
EPIL: S [D06|1330] Liaison Discretions2019-07-145BZ
EPIL: S [D06|2100] Old Songs, New Friends2019-07-145Trevorvw (FIN edit)
EPIL: S [D06|1300] Rather On the Nose2019-07-118Triage
EPIL: S [D07|0101] This Is A Place For The Broken Hearted2019-07-109Numen
EPIL: S [D06|1700] Stress Relief2019-07-0811BZ
EPIL: S [D06|2100] Shipwide Call2019-07-0415(Anyone)
EPIL: S [D06|1800] Seeking Treatment2019-07-0217Masorin
EPIL: S [D06|1925] A Meeting of Minds2019-07-0217FollowTomorrow
EPIL: S [D06|1445] Shelthreth2019-07-0118chXinya
EPIL: S [D06|2000] New Roommates2019-06-3019Masorin
CH05: S [D06|1015] On the rocks?2019-06-2128Masorin
EPIL: S [D06|2110] Renewal2019-06-2029Jm Von Cat
Please let me know which of the old threads that won't be continued and should be locked. PM me in that case! :)

In general, we have been very good at informing our writing partners when RL issues are getting in the way, so let's keep doing that! ( good ) Most of the red numbers are from Theurgists who have given a heads up about their absence, and that's perfectly okay. Still, bear in mind that we should always try to reply in our current threads within 7 days, and neglecting to do so breeds more inactivity among other writers - others thinking that its fine to leave writing partners waiting indefinitely.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on July 19, 2019, 10:23:24 AM
I'm hoping to clear my due posts in the next few hours, or at least cut them down some. Otherwise, everything will be up to date come Monday Night.

Apologies to all.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on July 19, 2019, 09:23:36 PM

I am getting better! Fever is gone. Sore throat and mouth sores have gone away too. Still fighting the upper respiratory bit and that dumb ear infection, but on the whole I'm like... 80%! I hope to get replies out tomorrow while hiding in my Air conditioned house from the 108° F weather.

Thanks for being patient with me!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on July 20, 2019, 07:18:58 PM
I got my post up for the away mission, but I won't be getting back to the rest of my posts till probably monday.

Today is my moms birthday, and for those who don't know it will likely be her last birthday. My entire extended family has been in and out of my house last two weeks. Even as I wrote this I'm actually getting ready to go to a party at the beach to celebrate the life she has had and the passing that will be happening.

For those whom are only finding out because of this post my mom has terminal cancer, and there is no more treatments. It's been a long fight, about 10-20 years with a few different remissions, but it is now unlikely that my mom will live past 2019. So that's what I have been dealing with.

Have a great day, i'll be back once family leaves.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on July 20, 2019, 08:52:27 PM
What a bittersweet thing, Masorin. My condolences.

I hope the celebration is altogether too bright and noisy than any party has right to be!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 22, 2019, 02:58:34 PM

This morning, I got a PM from Jesaya:

Hi Auctor,

I just found out from a mutual friend of mine and Vox's (they were both in the same Star Wars The Old Republic guild together apparently) that he sadly passed away a few days ago :( Sadly his guild doesn't know much beyond the fact that he passed but he must have mentioned to some people there that he wrote here and I'd mentioned it to my friend, which is why he let me know. Apparently Vox had been planning on seeing if I wanted to write something with him once he found out :( anyway I knew you'd want to know.


It wasn't that long ago he posted either. As a writer, I still find myself without proper words. I hope his family and closest will be okay, and that he didn't suffer, whatever it may have been that afflicted him.

Before this announcement, I have taken the time to chat with the two writers that had threads with him after he returned to the sim, and after some shared words about what happened and some thought, we've decided that it's easiest to just have Logan Hale's threads - where he was thawed from stasis after the Battle of the Apertures - moved to the What If board. There, the two threads will still be available, and it would be scenes in line with "What if Logan Hale returned to duty directly after the battle?". In other words, in the story, Logan Hale will remain in his stasis chamber.

( Lt. JG Logan Hale             Wolf-XX [Wraith] (,_callsign_%22Wraith%22)
  - Former Writer: (,_callsign_%22Wraith%22)Vox (;u=132)

As I write this, I feel like I am not entirely comfortable with leaving this character available for inheritance, knowing what has happened. It feels... wrong, unsure as I am whether Vox would like Logan Hale's adventures to continue or not. As a writer, I am unsure if I would be comfortable taking over this character after the first writer passed away as well. I think that, in respect towards Vox, his character will remain as he was in memory and in the story.

If anyone knows differently, having chatted with him at some point about the topic of inheriting characters, please PM me and I will consider changing this decision.

I hope you are in a happy place, @Vox , wherever you are. Thank you for enriching our story, and for writing with us.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on July 22, 2019, 03:03:18 PM
Ah, hell. 😢 Rest easy, @Vox
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on July 22, 2019, 03:05:06 PM
Hope you're in a better place @Vox 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on July 22, 2019, 03:05:58 PM
Fair seas and following winds, Vox, with the sun on your back and birds in the sky.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on July 22, 2019, 03:16:51 PM
I didn't expect this news :(
Hope you have peace whatever you are Vox, DEP
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on July 22, 2019, 03:18:38 PM
Well said AL.

Rest easy @Vox I was glad to know you and got to write with you, you will be missed my friend.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on July 22, 2019, 04:00:17 PM
Rest easy @Vox

May we meet again.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on July 22, 2019, 06:31:16 PM
May ye rest in peace @Vox
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 22, 2019, 10:18:09 PM

In wake of @Vox ’s passing, it was only fitting to post the memorial ceremony held for the whole crew at noon on Day 02:

Memorial Ceremony (,2764.0.html)

This thread is open for posting by all who are available at that hour. Afterwards there is a separate thread posted by @Nolan for the Lone Wolves specifically, where not just the dead Lone Wolves are to be remembered, but the news about the medical condition of Logan Hale is revealed. It can be found here, and is open for all Lone Wolves:

Losing One of Our Own (,2763.0.html)

Both are a small token, however small a gesture, in remembrance of @Vox .


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 22, 2019, 11:08:11 PM

So.... I got this on Discord, from the afterlife, apparently.  (laugh)


I'll just restore the Crew Manifest and all the other pages now, but at least the Memorial Ceremony is up! lol

@Nolan , you may have do make an edit to the Lone Wolves thread as well. But in any case, great news and damn what a scare! Happy to have you back, @Vox ! *chuckles and shakes head*


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on July 22, 2019, 11:11:29 PM
Huzzah! So glad everything's okay @Vox !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on July 22, 2019, 11:14:20 PM
ZOMG Vox you beautiful human being! I'm so glad you're not dead! Come here so I can hugs you!

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on July 22, 2019, 11:30:37 PM
@Vox ! Great to have you back from the twilight zone!
Also kudos on making @Auctor Lucan post up his memorial terrace scene post haste!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on July 22, 2019, 11:36:19 PM
glad you has return from the dead @Vox ! you're currently our resident schrodinger writer XD
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on July 22, 2019, 11:36:43 PM

Great news, though! Welcome back?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on July 22, 2019, 11:41:31 PM
Oh, wow. That is a hell of a false alarm. Jeeeze haha. Dude, glad you're not dead, @Vox

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vox on July 23, 2019, 04:23:54 PM
Awe you guys thanks!

Now give me your brains I'm hungry num num num :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on July 24, 2019, 10:45:55 AM
Welcome back from beyond the grave @Vox ;)

Also just a quick heads up for folks, I'm away from Friday to Monday and will be without internet. I'm working to get posts due over the weekend out today/tomorrow but I might still get a smidge behind on a thread or two. I'll get everything replied to ASAP once I'm back :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 29, 2019, 02:02:16 AM

Today, @Aharon joins us, and they will be writing Vinata Vojona! :)

( Ens. Vinata Vojona            Nurse (
  - Writer: ( (;u=236)

Aharon has been reading up on all of Vinata's extensive backstory, and the edits so far to the character will be a change of voice actress for him. As of this inheritance, after a butterfly flapped it's wings, Vinata has always been voiced by Mischa Barton. Another edit that will be revealed in the story is how - while initially asking V-Nine to restore his male genitals in the beginning of the first week on Aldea - Vinata will likely instead decide to keep his female parts instead. This is actually very much in line with the character's past development in the story, when the character was written by Zenozine, which Aharon was likely inspired by.

Welcome aboard the Theurgy, @Aharon ! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: lisavw on July 29, 2019, 02:06:35 AM
Welcome aboard @Aharon ! See you around sickbay!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Jesaya on July 29, 2019, 02:08:56 AM
Welcome @Aharon looking forward to seeing you around. Hope you enjoy your time here!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on July 29, 2019, 02:09:37 AM
Welcome @Aharon
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on July 29, 2019, 02:13:47 AM
Welcome to the madhouse @Aharon
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on July 29, 2019, 02:17:57 AM
Welcome aboard @Aharon !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on July 29, 2019, 02:24:39 AM
Welcome aboard, @Aharon!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Aharon on July 29, 2019, 03:10:22 AM
Hello All,

Thank you for the warm welcome @Auctor Lucan and crew.

I am looking very much forward to writing with you all. As Auctor mentioned, I have been doing a lot of background reading on Vinata and the Theurgy-verse in general this past week. You seem like an amazing group of writers and I have really enjoyed reading the high-quality content you produce.

Very happy to be here and take on this character. I am hoping to do Vinata justice.


- Aharon

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on July 29, 2019, 05:38:24 AM
Welcome to the Theurgy, @Aharon . I'm sure you'll fit right in, and do Vinata justice.

As a general heads up, I'll be out of town starting Wednesday morning. I'll be attending GenCon, and there will be very little free time for posts. I may (or may not) be popping in and out of chat but I'd be very surprised indeed if I make a post after Tuesday evening, until I'm home again some time on the 5th of August. I'm going to try to make sure I nail any posts I owe tomorrow or Tuesday but if not, my apologies for making folks wait until the following week.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on July 29, 2019, 08:06:41 AM
Holy cats Aharon, you're adopting a character as alien as Vinata?  You're a better writer than I am Gunga Din.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on July 29, 2019, 10:54:36 AM
welcome on board @Aharon ! Sit comfy and have some cookies, hope you enjoy the SIM :D

@Brutus have fun in the Con! ^^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on July 29, 2019, 10:41:13 PM
@Aharon welcome welcome!

I'm now officially back in the land of internet and will be pushing owed replies out asap. Thanks for your patience folks!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on July 29, 2019, 11:11:20 PM
I'm glad that Vinata is in good hands. Have fun with him (well, her now) @Aharon! I didn't write him/her for long, but if you ever want to chat about Vinata, I'm always available.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on August 02, 2019, 11:36:48 AM
Seems I'm late to the party... But nevertheless welcome aboard @Aharon
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 06, 2019, 03:08:18 AM

It's time for @Revan to add a character of their own making to the story, and this in the form of Zaryn Kolari!

( Lt. Zaryn Kolari              Intelligence Officer ( (
  - Writer: ( (;u=212)

Lieutenant Kolari will be one of the new recruits that Rear Admiral Joseph Nerva Andersson sends to the Theurgy to aid in the mission, and this unjoined Trill may just be right in time in his arrival to save the Arn symbiont that's in carefully maintained stasis after Sephiria Arn died in the Battle of the Apertures... Should it be that Zaryn Kolari will be the one to take over the Arn symbiont, the character page will be updated with altogether different character traits - especially in the Personality Profile section.

Looking forward to read his story, @Revan !


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on August 06, 2019, 11:04:27 AM
Congrats for the new character Rev!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on August 06, 2019, 11:50:35 AM
Thanks Numen! Looking forward to writing him :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on August 06, 2019, 12:15:35 PM
Congrats @Revan !! Love the cute new spyboi
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on August 06, 2019, 05:10:32 PM
Congratulations on the new character @Revan!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on August 06, 2019, 05:31:07 PM
Congrats on the new character Rev!

Sorry I'm late on this thread
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on August 06, 2019, 06:14:25 PM
Just a head up! I'll be out of town between 8/8 to 11/8 more or less, but i'll have access to discord.
I'll try to catch up before this so i guess there wouldn't be any problem.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 07, 2019, 11:19:25 PM

I got this DM from Jubbles:

Hello. So I'm not finding inspiration to write Mektari, or anything at all at the moment, honestly. I love your forum, I love the stories and I'll be sure to keep reading the work you all write, but I don't appear to have the muse and I don't want to waste any more of your time or anyone else's.

After some talking about it, and him thanking for the help in getting situated into the story, Jubbles has left. This means that Mektari Dumral is again an Available Character.

( Ens. Mektari Dumral           Asst. Chief CONN Officer (V3) (NPC) (
  - Former Writer: ( (;u=223)

If anyone is interested in inheriting an Available Character (, you can PM me about it here on the forum.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 11, 2019, 12:11:33 AM

Today, we have to new Theurgists to welcome. First, we have @SilverShadow , who will take over writing Mektari Dumral after Jubbles left us.

( Ens. Mektari Dumral           Asst. Chief CONN Officer (V3) (
  - Writer: ( (;u=239)

SilverShadow has read up on Meki's story so far and is ready to resume telling this CONN officer's story. Whatever edits made to the character will likely be small.

Next, we have @Sqweloookle , or Sqwe , who now write our Master-at-Arms!

( Lt. JG Adam Kingston          Master-at-Arms (V3) (
  - Writer: ( (;u=240)

Sqwe has also read up on Kingston's past, and the edit to the character so far is that he'll have a different sexual orientation, other edits unknown at this point.

Welcome aboard both of you! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on August 11, 2019, 12:12:56 AM
Welcome @SilverShadow and @Sqweloookle !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on August 11, 2019, 12:13:53 AM
Daymn. That was fast! Welcome aboard, y'all!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on August 11, 2019, 12:19:35 AM
Nice to see you finally get approved @SilverShadow although I knew it wouldn't take long :P Welcome

And welcome @Sqweloookle, hope you both have fun here.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on August 11, 2019, 12:33:54 AM
Welcome to you both! Good to see these characters picked up :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on August 11, 2019, 12:37:26 AM
yay! Newbies! take a seat and get comfy, we have cookies!  (laugh)
Nice to see our Master at Arms having a new writer @Sqweloookle  welcome!
@SilverShadow I'm suuuuuuuuuuuuuper happy you adopted Meki! feel free to reach me here or in discord to developt some Cardie's plot, Bila and her served on the Cayuga together ^^. Promise I don't bite, Rev could tell you
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on August 11, 2019, 12:49:35 AM
Welcome aboard @SilverShadow and @Sqweloookle!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on August 11, 2019, 01:12:40 AM
@SilverShadow Well Numen does bite but only if you want her too ;) Or did you want me to simply say that you don't bite at all @Numen :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Aharon on August 11, 2019, 02:37:44 AM
Welcome @SilverShadow and @Sqweloookle!!! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on August 11, 2019, 02:42:56 AM
Welcome to the Theurgy folks!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on August 11, 2019, 06:43:42 AM
Hey everyone and thank you all for the welcome.

I hope to be on Theurgy for as long as possible. It has been epic reading your posts and I have been pining to join so when I saw you could inherit characters I was first unsure as I would hate to disrespect the character's creator by playing him how I wanted to. Though I liked his bio so decided to contact Auctor Lucan and see if I could play Adam Kingston.
Thank you again for the chance to participate on Theurgy!

I also love how many polls and togetherness this sim has, most sims I am on have the GM simply direct the mission with no crew input.

Let the fun begin muahahahahaha
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on August 11, 2019, 09:57:19 AM
Welcome aboard @SilverShadow and @Sqweloookle Hope you guys enjoy your stay here and find a lot of fun in writing your chars!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SilverShadow on August 11, 2019, 03:41:09 PM
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!

I've had a great time reading through the story ever since @Revan told me about this place and have looked forward to joining you all based on all the nice things he had to say about you all. I look forward to getting to know you all and writing with you in the future!

@Numen Hi! Rev told me I should expect to hear from you, I look forward to talking with you very soon :D

To my fellow newbie @Sqweloookle welcome as well! Here's to us both having a great time here! :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on August 11, 2019, 03:44:50 PM
You as well @SilverShadow, here's to taking this sim by storm, lol
Thanks @Nolan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on August 11, 2019, 05:13:36 PM
Welcome, new folk! Glad to have you.

Don't break anything. The Hermat is grumpy enough.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on August 11, 2019, 05:19:40 PM
Welcome new people! It's nice to have some new faces.

Just a little FYI for everyone. I've been struggling with back pain for the last two weeks. It got worse overnight last night and I ended up in the emergency department at my local hospital.

I'm on much stronger painkillers to try to deal with the crippling pain and will be seeing how it goes, however the pain does make it rather difficult to concentrate for any length of time. As such I may be slow to reply.

Here's hoping I make a speedy recovery!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on August 11, 2019, 05:27:25 PM
Hey @Top Hat, thanks for the welcome, lol I promise not to break anything... much.

Oh that's not good @Arista, thanks for the welcome, I too hope for your speedy but full recovery!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on August 11, 2019, 05:55:23 PM
@Arista take care of yourself! Health is important, we'll be around when you fell better. Hope you recover asap!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vox on August 11, 2019, 06:11:21 PM
New people! Yay!

Welcome @SilverShadow and @Sqweloookle always happy to see new people join us! I hope you both enjoy your time here.

@Arista sorry to hear that, hope you feel better soon!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on August 12, 2019, 09:32:27 AM
Would anyone like to join me for Story Objectives: Pirate Gang Kidnapping, Investigate the Gestalt Deaths and Aldean Kaijus Rising!?

Thanks @Vox
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TWilkins on August 12, 2019, 02:44:28 PM
@Sqweloookle I would be more than happy to participate in the Objective: Pirate Gang Kidnapping with you.

The Objective concerns the Grey Scars Pirate gang, whom are currently hosts to one of my characters, this thread being the perfect way to introduce him. He'd be serving as the kidnapper side of things, but I'm definately up for getting involved with this!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on August 12, 2019, 03:08:36 PM
@Sqweloookle I would be more than happy to participate in the Objective: Pirate Gang Kidnapping with you.

The Objective concerns the Grey Scars Pirate gang, whom are currently hosts to one of my characters, this thread being the perfect way to introduce him. He'd be serving as the kidnapper side of things, but I'm definately up for getting involved with this!
Cool @TWilkins , I was thinking Adam would be doing some scouting of the Grey Scars' ghost city in preparation for a security team to come and deal with whatever criminal activity is going on there. On his way back to the Capital, Otheusz could mannap Adam. He leaves his Aldean weapon and communicator behind so Security will pick up the trail when Adam doesn't check in as scheduled. What you think?

I'm wondering if anyone else would like to either be nabbed or be the rescue party?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on August 12, 2019, 03:22:45 PM
Depending on timings I've got a Security boi who could join one side or t'other. Y'all wanna take this to PMs?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 14, 2019, 10:57:53 PM

It is my pleasure to announce our newest member, @Lady Nyx . They will write an ooooold character to us, who has been in a supporting role since all the way back to Episode 01. As one of the main antagonist during the Niga Incident, and as might be read on her updated character page, she still suffers from the consequences. She is our serene Botanist in hydroponics, Cir'Cie, who now has company there with @BZ 's Zephyr Praise after the Battle of Starbase 84!

( Ens. Cir'Cie                  Science Officer (Botany) ( 
  - Writer: @Lady Nyx (

As always with inherited characters, Lady Nyx has the creative license to rewrite her character page and play her differently than she used to be played. So far, our newest Theurgist has given no indication about edits.

Welcome aboard, Lady Nyx! :)


It's time for @Fife to add a third character to the story, and this in the form of Scruffy Leblanc!

( PO1 Scruffy Leblanc            Systems & Maintenance Engineer (
  - Writer: ( (;u=123)

Scruffy came aboard via the USS Bellerophon, just like Lt Cmdr. Hatev and undercover Syndicate operative Y'Lev, who's posing as A'vura's brother aboard the Theurgy. Scruffy also has some prior experience working with Blue Tiran...

Looking forward to read his story, @Fife !


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: lisavw on August 14, 2019, 11:01:17 PM
Welcome @Lady Nyx ! Hope you enjoy it here!! :D Congratulations on the new character @Fife ! I’m looking forward to reading his scruffy storyline! Ha I’m funny ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: BZ on August 14, 2019, 11:02:36 PM
@Fife Scruffy is live!!!!!  I'm so excited for alllllll our fun stuff we have planned.

and welcome @Lady Nyx!!!!!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on August 14, 2019, 11:04:12 PM
Yay new person! Welcome @Lady Nyx, I hope you enjoy your time with us :)

And congrats to @Fife on the new character.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on August 14, 2019, 11:05:02 PM
Welcome aboard @Lady Nyx! Good to have another Vulcan aboard! I'm sure Numen and Fiendfall will be thrilled as well!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on August 14, 2019, 11:05:18 PM
Haha glad to see Scruffy's here at last @Fife ! Can't wait to see what you do with him :P

& welcome @Lady Nyx ! So great to see Cir'Cie get adopted :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on August 14, 2019, 11:21:38 PM
Welcome @Lady Nyx , Hope you'll enjoy your time with our Vulcan officer and have a blast writing here!

Also, cool new char @Fife
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on August 14, 2019, 11:25:10 PM
Welcome @Lady Nyx ! Hope you enjoy writing Cir'Cie!

And congrats on the new character @Fife !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on August 14, 2019, 11:38:56 PM
Welcome one and congrats the other!

Good to have you, @Lady Nyx. Pull up a seat.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: DaValle on August 15, 2019, 12:24:14 AM
What a nice new char @Fife and welcome aboard @Lady Nyx
Ohh and Cir'Cie is back in the game. I guess Kaylon still remembers her.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on August 15, 2019, 12:33:49 AM
welcome on boar @Lady Nyx !
And yay! so glad scruffy is here!!!! @Fife *pulls his curls*
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on August 15, 2019, 01:00:23 AM
Congrats @Fife and welcome aboard @Lady Nyx
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on August 15, 2019, 04:55:48 AM
Welcome aboard @Lady Nyx !  ;)
I fear you will regret that name choice @Fife but congratulations :p
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Lady Nyx on August 15, 2019, 12:09:43 PM
Hi everyone!

Thanks for the warm welcome! I'm really happy to be here and look forward to writing with you all :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SilverShadow on August 15, 2019, 01:37:13 PM
Yay! Another newbie! Welcome @Lady Nyx :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Jesaya on August 15, 2019, 04:30:03 PM
Welcome to all the new people! Hope you all have a great time with us and your characters :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kinvarus on August 15, 2019, 11:25:15 PM
Jeez I'm gone for a few days and we get four new members and left with only one available character for inheritance? Nice.

Hello new people! Hope you all have a great time here. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 19, 2019, 12:54:42 AM

Today, a Character Survey was sent out, and all Theurgists may find new writing opportunities! Please reply before the 1st of September.[/size] :)

The purpose of this survey is to help me play matchmaker between writers, finding common interests and character development during the Aldea Prime Anthology. If you fill out this survey and send it back to me, I'll contact you as soon as ideas and matches have been found between current writers. While I will use a spreadsheet to find matches, the results of the survey and the matches will not be publicly posted. Instead, the results will be communicated via PM when applicable.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 19, 2019, 03:59:48 PM

Hello Theurgists!  (L)

A couple of weeks back, we faced a situation where it was unknown if a writer wanted their character to be available for inheritance. It was believed the writer had passed away, but thankfully so, that wasn't the case.

An idea that was put forth was to allow everyone to state their own preference in regard to the fate of their characters should something unforeseen happen. While I moved to make this feature, I realise that I never properly communicated it. So here is how you state your preference in regard to the fate of your characters if you vanish or leave the sim!


It should be pretty clear from the image how you do it, but if there are any questions, feel free to PM me!  ;)

Also, should you find yourself with too many characters, that you don't have the time or interest to write for anymore, there is no stigma to give them up for inheritance either. :)

Just PM me if you are harbouring such thoughts, and I will work something out with you. We have a high interest among Applicants, and many are more than willing to try out the sim with a character that is established in the story already. That way, they can get a feel for the story and the community. Moreover, the joining process is a lot simpler, where no character creation is required.

Hope this finds you all well out there, and on a personal note, I am back at work from my summer vacation now.  /;-D

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on August 20, 2019, 11:11:33 AM
Just a quick heads up for everybody, my ISP has some major faults along it's network and there's currently no ETA on when it will be fixed, meaning currently internet goes from anything between it's usual 100MB at best to less than 1MB at it's worst to simply flat out not working at all or any point between there, what fun. Needless to say I'll be around when it's working but if it suddenly dies for a few days that's why I'm not around. Just wanted to give everybody a heads up.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 20, 2019, 02:33:09 PM

I got this message from The Ostrich today, which will both explain things and tell us their wishes in regard to the story of Adisia and Jhoza:

Hi AL, I think we need to be honest with ourselves here. I'm consistently falling behind and leaving threads untouched for weeks at a time. Life and university have been hitting me hard recently, and they don't look like they will be letting up any time soon. In light of this, I think the best option would be for me to step back from Theurgy. Hopefully one day life will ease up and I will be able to return.

In regards to my characters.

Adisia can go up for adoption. She is mid-scene with a kidnapped K'Ren, and Deacon seemed poised to swoop in to rescue her soon. The thread is called Market Value, and along with the DC titled When The Hammer Falls, these are the only places I've written her.

Jhoza...she is my baby. I cannot see another writer keeping her true to my image of who she is, so I would like to request that she NOT go up for adoption. I am happy for her to be NPCed in any threads where she is currently active. Once those threads are concluded my in universe explanation for her vanishing is this; She is deserting. Her family means too much to her, so she shall board a transport on Aldea bound for Andoria to get her family and take them somewhere safe until the parasite threat is dealt with. It also means she still lives within this universe and could potentially return if/when I ever do.

I would like to say that Theurgy is an amazing place, and I wish you and all the other writers the best, and hope you continue going strong for many years to come.

We had a chat after this message came to me, where I asked if he was really sure about it etc. etc., and in the end I told Ostrich that as soon as he feels he is ready, I want him back with us. :)

Well, then we have this girl that will become an NPC, and I will contact the affected writers about what might be done there. She's also added to the Available Characters list.

( Adisia                         Syndicate Venator (NPC) (
  - Writer: ( Ostrich (;u=162)

Then we have the deserting Lone Wolf, which will return to her family:

( Lt. JG Jhozahosh sh'Avhennes    Wolf-16 [Blizzard] (,_callsign_%22Blizzard%22)
  - Writer: (,_callsign_%22Blizzard%22)The Ostrich (;u=162)

I told Ostrich that if they return, Jhoza might just have a change of hearts and come back. Since she's a Lone Wolf, though, it means @Vox 's Logan Hale will become Wolf-16 as of Day.... 10? If anyone has any requests to change the Day in which Jhoza vanishes from the ship and Aldea, just let me know!

Right, I think that just about covers it, and if you're reading this Ostrich, thank you so much for the time you've spent fleshing out the story (so far! since I want you back here!).


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on August 20, 2019, 03:47:10 PM
Sorry to see you depart @The Ostrich
I hope you get the chance to return to us soon.

@Auctor Lucan instead of Jhoza deserting, could we potentially have one member of her family be extremely sick and Admiral Anderson gets a message through? Jhoza could be granted a leave of absence? Less of a negative impact on the character, for when/if they return?

Just an idea.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kinvarus on August 20, 2019, 04:17:43 PM
Sorry to see you depart @The Ostrich hopefully we'll see you back around here soon.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 20, 2019, 04:33:56 PM
Good thinking, @Stegro88 ! Problem is that it might be less compelling for Jhoza to abandon her ill family member and return to the ship if The Ostrich decides to return, and it's a looong way to Andoria. Deserting, however, might have been a spur of the moment, and she comes back with the hope of forgiveness when she's come to terms with her situation. Perhaps she might even have managed to speak to the family before she returns. The negative impact on the character can be as nominal as we want it, all depending on the circumstances of how she comes back.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Argyros on August 20, 2019, 07:51:15 PM
Awwwww. Sad that @The Ostrich is leaving. I understand the reasoning though and deeply sympathize.

Best of luck bud! Hope you can rejoin us at some point!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on August 20, 2019, 10:37:05 PM
Just had a thought, with Jhoza leaving the ship could it be linked with the current “familial” situation going on with the Andorians on board?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on August 20, 2019, 11:37:54 PM
that's a nice idea for the egg, actually!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on August 21, 2019, 12:02:30 AM
And nevermind. Discussed it with Ostrich and they didn’t want to do it. No worries.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on August 21, 2019, 08:49:41 AM
minor update,

Hey everyone, i just wanted to put this out onto the site before i loose connection again. I'm trying to get caught up, and work through posts, i got all but 2 done today. and the two remaining I will get to those thursday.

I feel like there is a lot on my plate at the moment, like I'm kinda going crazy, in the past month i've been stabbed in the eye, started the process of finding a new home, talked to my boss about leaving my job. So I said f it, i need a vacation.

I'm flying down to the city for four days while a family member that i don't want in my house is visiting with my dying mom. To get away from all the drama, and recharge i'm gonna spend the 27th-31st of august in the city away from my hidden island, on beautiful beaches, lush gardens, generally being a tourest and visiting old friends i haven't seen in a few years. Maybe have a few drinks while i'm there.

Basically I'm gonna take some me time and get away from all the chaos that is my life for a few days, hopefully i'll come back more refreshed than when i left.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 21, 2019, 03:17:11 PM

Today, @Bastila joins us, and they will be writing Marija Ferik, who will be thawed from stasis as of Day 05 in the Aldea Prime Anthology. :)

( Ens. Marija Ferik            Security officer (
  - Writer: ( (;u=244)

As you can see, since Marija had just one photomanipulated image, Bastila got the chance to update Marija's faceclaim. The same was done for @EricMatthias when he inherited Adam Kingston since I had not really done any images for him, merely using google. In any case, Bastila is about to update the physical description of Marija in accordance with the change of actress, and In-Character, this occurrence is described as a Butterfly Effect. Now, please give your warmest welcome to our newest Theurgist!

Looking forward to reading her continued story, @Bastila ! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on August 21, 2019, 03:26:49 PM
Welcome aboard @Bastila! Good to see one our last crew members brought out of stasis! Hope to write with you soon!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on August 21, 2019, 03:28:49 PM
Welcome to the Theurgy!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on August 21, 2019, 03:30:15 PM
Welcome welcome @Bastila !! Hope you enjoy Marija :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on August 21, 2019, 03:31:09 PM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: DaValle on August 21, 2019, 03:31:23 PM
Welcome aboard @Bastila ... wait Bastila @Revan what are you saying about this?
Still welcome aboard the Theurgy.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on August 21, 2019, 03:43:01 PM
Welcome @Bastila !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on August 21, 2019, 03:43:30 PM
Glad to have you with us @Bastila
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on August 21, 2019, 03:45:39 PM
Welcome on board @Bastila !!! Site is comfy and @Revan has cookies ;3
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on August 21, 2019, 04:06:53 PM
Welcome aboard @Bastila!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on August 21, 2019, 04:17:01 PM
Welcome fellow newbie! Happy to help ya out anyway I can, I'm a PM away :) Welcome @Bastila  !!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: AlyFox on August 21, 2019, 05:12:12 PM
Hello @Bastila welcome to our little corner of the internet, I'm sure you'll have a great time here. Love the new changes you've made to Marija and her new faceclaim too! I look forward to writing with you in the future :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Bastila on August 21, 2019, 07:20:51 PM
Hi everyone! Thanks for the warm welcomes. I'm really looking forward to jumping in, getting to know everybody and writing with you!

Also you have a Revan here and he has cookies? Well I guess I have to meet him then, who doesn't love cookies after all? :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on August 21, 2019, 07:45:09 PM
Hi @Bastila welcome to the Theurgy! I hope you have a great time here and look forward to writing with you at some point. I'm sure we can both look forward to many jokes coming our way soon enough :P

As for Numen's report that I have cookies, this is true and you can gladly have some.  I rarely give them out, most people have to steal them so you'll see plenty of that I'm sure, especially by @Kinvarus he is a cookie thief, watch that one :P

Also love the choice of Melissa Benoist for Marija and your work on her bio, I look forward to reading more of her adventures as you get settled.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Doc M. on August 22, 2019, 01:19:44 AM
I'd like to apologize to all my fellow writers for my sporadic and lackluster participation as of late.  This summer everyone in my immediate household is suffering from a medical complaint, ranging from trivial to life-threatening.  Even though I'm the one with the trivial medical problem, the situation is so distracting that the muse just doesn't seem to visit much when I sit down in front of the computer.  Thankfully none of my characters are in story critical threads right now.

I'm not giving up, but I am going to change the priority of which thread I update to whichever one is easiest for me to write, rather than which thread has been in line the longest.  I'm not quitting, I just feel that those who are waiting on me deserve some kind of explanation. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 22, 2019, 02:57:25 PM

It's time for @Hastata-Nerada to add a character of their own making to the story, and this in the form of Lt. Erev-Sae-Reyanad Xan, Intelligence Officer!

( Lt. Erev-Sae-Reyanad Xan              Intelligence Officer ( Xan) (
  - Writer: ( Xan)Hastata-Nerada (;u=21)

Xan will be one of the new recruits that Rear Admiral Joseph Nerva Andersson sends to the Theurgy to aid in the mission, and judging by the name, there might be some affiliations aboard the ship already? lol The character page is a great read, and it was a pleasure making the images of this Klingon-Efrosian hybrid. :)

Looking forward to read his story, @Hastata-Nerada !


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on August 22, 2019, 03:02:36 PM
Congrats, HN!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on August 22, 2019, 03:21:19 PM
Yay congrats for the new boi HN!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on August 22, 2019, 04:36:13 PM
Sexy and interesting hybrid. Congratulations HN!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on August 22, 2019, 04:41:10 PM
Congratulations on the new character, HN!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on August 23, 2019, 04:44:43 AM
Thanks everyone! Can't wait to start writing him!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Iron Ferrox on August 23, 2019, 06:06:00 AM
Hello Sorry I haven't been participating much, I have not really felt a need to go out of my way to try and seek out RPs and as such I feel like I may be Neglecting the RP group somewhat.  If someone would like to try and have Miles interact in a scene or something feel free to DM me, at any time.  I know in discord I'm showing as Idle pretty much around the clock due to the fact that I am not often at my computer but Please feel free to DM if you would like to setup a scene Where Miles will be around or if you would like to setup some kind or Scene with me.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on August 23, 2019, 07:22:55 AM
@Iron Ferrox Heh don't worry... Deacon just wants to harvest your genetic material so he too can learn to shapechange.  Ssshh shhhh it's alright... the drink he gave you was completely harmless.... you're being paranoid... there, shhh, just rest.... that's right.... oh?  what?  No no, this isn't a Savi gene extractor... shhhh you're dreaming.... shhhhh shhhh


Just kidding :)  But seriously I would love to steal your metamorphic capabilities
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 23, 2019, 02:30:31 PM
We have a Rawley/Miles thread on my list, @Iron Ferrox , but I need to close a thread or two first. Stay tuned though!

Yeah, that's not going to happen @steelphoenix .  /;-D


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 23, 2019, 02:39:17 PM

It's time for @Nolan to add a character, and this in the form of Lt. Jonathan Byrne, who's been posing as an Aldean gestalt!

( Lt. Jonathan Byrne              Undercover Operative ( (
  - Writer: ( (;u=4)

Contrary to other officers in the intelligence branch, Byrne was one of the recipients of the real simulcast, being the "apprentice" of Jona Rez, and thus selected to know the truth without having Rear Admiral Andersson as a middleman. Byrne was also the undercover operative that took over on Aldea after Jien Ives' years as an undercover operative ended there, but the two never met prior to the Aldea Prime Anthology.

Looking forward to read his story, @Nolan ! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on August 23, 2019, 04:01:36 PM
Jeez a lot of Intel guys coming out of the woodwork now :P

Congrats on the new character Nolan!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on August 23, 2019, 04:37:32 PM
Congrats on the new character @Nolan!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on August 23, 2019, 05:01:11 PM
Sexy undercovers operative... did I say that lol Congrats @Nolan !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on August 23, 2019, 05:50:45 PM
More hot spybois! Congrats @Nolan !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on August 23, 2019, 05:59:55 PM
congrats for your new spiboi @Nolan   (laugh)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on August 23, 2019, 09:51:54 PM
We have a Rawley/Miles thread on my list, @Iron Ferrox , but I need to close a thread or two first. Stay tuned though!

Yeah, that's not going to happen @steelphoenix .  /;-D


Auctor Lucan

Dream killer.  j/k :)

Now for the alternate universe story... "What if Deacon could shapechange?"  :D

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 23, 2019, 10:52:26 PM

Today, @Carden joins us! They will be writing Adisia, our dear Orion Venator. :)

( Adisia                        Syndicate Venator (
  - Writer: ( (;u=246)

As you may already know, she is a relatively new arrival to the planet, one of those representing the Orion Syndicate's interests in the Epsilon Mynos system. Since @Carden will be taking over writing Adisia in her two currently ongoing threads, I think it's appropriate that @steelphoenix @SummerDawn @TWilkins and @Carden compare notes and find a way to get both Y'Lev and Adisia aboard the Theurgy and aiding the mission. Since there might be harmonising ideas between the four of you, I suggest a PM or Discord discussion over it. I know both @TWilkins and @Carden has ideas that may just coincide, at least! :)

Welcome aboard, @Carden , and please let me know if there is ought I can do to help out in this delicate story-entry story, lol.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on August 23, 2019, 10:55:50 PM
Another newbie! Welcome @Carden, and pull up a chair to the table.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on August 23, 2019, 11:07:36 PM
Welcome aboard @Carden!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on August 23, 2019, 11:23:55 PM
Adisia is also in a DC thread.

If that helps anys.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TWilkins on August 23, 2019, 11:26:34 PM
It’s a pleasure to meet you @Carden! I look forwards to raising some hell with you.

Let me know if you’d like to talk via PM or on our Discord server!

Let’s show these Starfleeters how it’s done ;)

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on August 23, 2019, 11:43:08 PM
Welcome @Carden to the family, as fun and disfunctional as it is :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on August 24, 2019, 12:23:07 AM
Welcome welcome @Carden !! So many new faces, I love it :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Carden on August 24, 2019, 01:45:14 AM
Hi everyone!

I'm really happy to be here after reading through the story and @AlyFox nice words about you all. Really looking forward to joining in and writing with you all in the future at some point :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on August 24, 2019, 01:58:53 AM
Hello @Carden ! Welcome to the fun
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: AlyFox on August 24, 2019, 02:27:05 AM
Hi @Carden glad to see you got approved! Welcome to the funhouse :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on August 24, 2019, 06:46:18 AM
Welcome aboard to all the new faces. :)

@Carden : Adisia is in a three way thread that includes @steelphoenix and myself. We'd love to have you help us continue the story and see where it goes.

@All : I'm going to be away next week on a well earned and overdue vacation. I'm taking off for a week to go on an Alaskan cruise (not my first) so while I do have internet, it's somewhat limited given it's satellite based. I'm also trying to unplug this cruise, first time in ten years I'll have been able to if I succeed. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on August 24, 2019, 07:43:13 AM
Welcome @Carden to the sim! Aren't they (Adisia and Y'lev) already on Theurgy crew @Auctor Lucan ?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 24, 2019, 07:45:11 AM
Y'Lev is aboard the ship posing as s Starfleet officer from the Bellerophon. Adisia is down on Aldea. :)

Welcome @Carden to the sim! Aren't they (Adrisia and Y'lev) already on Theurgy crew @Auctor Lucan ?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 24, 2019, 10:25:02 AM

Hi there everyone! Please remember to send in your character surveys if you want my help finding writing partners. It’s also a great chance to let me help you achieve that which you want to happen with your character(s) during the Aldea Prime Anthology. I will be sending the survey out to the new Theurgists (who joined after it was first sent out) and the last day to submit it will be the 1st of September.

Moreover, the story also have a couple of questions about the site and I welcome feedback and suggestions on improvements.

Hope this finds you all well and have a great weekend!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on August 24, 2019, 12:42:37 PM
bit late to the party but... welcome on board @Carden !!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 27, 2019, 03:22:04 PM

After having tried to get a hold of Jm Von Cat for a couple of weeks, with his latest post being almost 3 months old, I got no replies. After having tried both both PMing and Discord, it would seem like they might have lost interest and decided to leave us.

Since they stated No Preference in regard to the fate of their characters, I have decided to put up Varder Ridun for inheritence:

( PO1 Varder Ridun              Security Officer ( 
  - Formerly Played by @Jm Von Cat (

Since their character was only featured in one thread, namely Reneval (,2680.msg22886.html#msg22886)with @Even Angels Cry , I will be taking over writing Varder as an NPC until that thread is finished. If someone eligible to inherit a character would be interested, just PM me! :)


Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 27, 2019, 04:55:12 PM


Greetings Theurgists!

For those Theurgists who use Discord (, I have gone over my work calendar to find slots for 2019 in which I could host regularly scheduled voice chat sessions. Since we have Theurgists around the globe, it's hard to accommodate every time-zone, but these are the times were I can be available. Listed times will be in CET (Central European Time), so here is a converter for you all ( Here is the result!

- Week 28, Wednesday, August the 28th, 1500-1600 hrs. (3 - 4 pm) CET

- Week 29, Monday, September the 2nd, 1400-1500 hrs. (2 -3 pm) CET
- Week 30, Wednesday, September the 11th, 1500-1600 hrs. (3 - 4 pm) CET
- Week 31, Monday, September the 16th, 1400-1500 hrs. (2 - 3 pm) CET
- Week 32, Wednesday, September the 25th, 1500-1600 hrs. (3 - 4 pm) CET
- Week 33, Monday, September the 30th, 1400-1500 hrs. (2 - 3 pm) CET

- Week 34, Wednesday, October the 9th, 1500-1600 hrs. (3 - 4 pm) CET
- Week 35, Monday, October the 14th, 1400-1500 hrs. (2 - 3 pm) CET
- Week 36, Wednesday, October the 23rd, 1500-1600 hrs. (3 - 4 pm) CET
- Week 37, Monday, October the 28th, 1400-1500 hrs. (2 - 3 pm) CET

- Week 38, Wednesday, November the 6th, 1500-1600 hrs. (3 - 4 pm) CET
- Week 39, Monday, November the 11th, 1400-1500 hrs. (2 - 3 pm) CET
- Week 40, Wednesday, November the 20th, 1500-1600 hrs. (3 - 4 pm) CET
- Week 41, Monday, November the 25th, 1400-1500 hrs. (2 - 3 pm) CET

- Week 38, Wednesday, December the 4th, 1500-1600 hrs. (3 - 4 pm) CET
- Week 39, Monday, December the 9th, 1400-1500 hrs. (2 - 3 pm) CET
- Week 40, Wednesday, December the 18th, 1500-1600 hrs. (3 - 4 pm) CET

Of course, I might pop in now and then aside from these scheduled times, but it might be while I am on a walk or in the car, so I cannot guarantee that you'll hear me very well.

I will pin these times in the Discord channel as well!  :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on August 29, 2019, 05:14:34 PM
FYI to all my writing partners! I'm running behind on a few threads due to RL commitments. I might be able to get some posts out during the weekend, if not somewhere mid next week I'll probably get the post train up for full effect! Just keeping everyone in the loop ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on August 29, 2019, 08:20:08 PM
Hey guys! I've some IRL shit storming in my Life atm and i'll probably be unable of posting for a couple of days or so. I'll keep you informed

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 30, 2019, 10:48:38 AM

It's time for @AlyFox to add a second character to the story, and this in the form of K'Lara Halliwell!

( Ens. K'Lara Halliwell            Operations Officer (
  - Writer: ( (;u=210)

K'Lara came aboard via the USS Bellerophon, just like Lt Cmdr. Hatev, Scruffy LeBlanc and undercover Syndicate operative Y'Lev. Before the Bellerophon, she served on Starbase 84 for one year. She was transferred to the Bellerophon after the Theurgy and the Resolve visited the starbase, and it was a great surprise to find that it was the Theurgy that actually rescued the Bellerophon crew.

Looking forward to read her story, @AlyFox ! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on August 30, 2019, 11:03:07 AM
Another Bellerophonite! And such a cutie too :P Congrats on the new character @AlyFox !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on August 30, 2019, 11:42:23 AM
More Ops bods! Don't mind the grumpy Hermat, s/he's always like that.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on August 30, 2019, 11:44:45 AM
Congrats on the new character Aly!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on August 30, 2019, 01:11:18 PM
Yay! Welcome to the klingon gang! Enjoy the gagh and the targ fights @AlyFox :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on August 30, 2019, 02:55:17 PM
Congrats on the character @AlyFox !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on August 30, 2019, 04:39:36 PM
Yay! More Bellerophon survivors! Congrats on the new character @AlyFox!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Bastila on August 30, 2019, 09:24:41 PM
Congrats on the new character @AlyFox, I love JPK she's got such an adorable cuteness about her!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: BZ on August 31, 2019, 03:26:26 AM
Just a heads up to all, I have taken on a full time job that is supposed to start next week.  So I'm going to be a bit busier than I have been.  I will be closing out some threads that are probably pretty close to it anyway, and getting everything tied up.  My responses may not be as quick as they have been in the past but I am going to do my best.  Please try to be understanding as I will have to take a little time to get acclimated to the new life/schedule that I will be supporting and still working on getting family time with the kids and stuff.  There is no internet or computer usage where I'll be working so I won't be able to do some posting from there it'll all be evening posts.

Thank you in advance for your patience!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on August 31, 2019, 03:40:31 AM
Congrats on the new job @BZ! That's exciting!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on August 31, 2019, 04:24:42 AM
Congrats on the new job @BZ! That's awesome news!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 03, 2019, 12:01:49 AM


So far, we've had two Voice Chat Sessions on Discord, where we've had a two-parter summary of Episode 05, discussed character subplots, gone over the sim stats and even had discussions on creativity. Furthermore, as @Griff mentioned on Discord, we also touched upon fox pregnancies, alien life and @Brutus ’ love of his bed, lol! The sessions are also an excellent time for Q&A's on the story!

It just so happens that I have an opening for an additional session this Wednesday at 8:30 pm CET (4th of September). One of the topics in mind for the session is a brainstorming for the Aldea Prime Anthology as well as Season 2. The reason this session was added was to allow those unavailable to attend all the regularly scheduled sessions to jump in as well!

If there are any requests for specific topics or story summaries, just PM me in that case! :)


Auctor Lucan

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 03, 2019, 03:50:15 PM

Hi everyone!

We only had 6 replies to the Character Survey, so don't feel bad if you had no PM with suggested pairings from me today. Yet despite the low participation, I still got some stuff to bring up in regard to the Story Objectives and site improvements! :)

Story Objective Suggestions:

1 Diplomatic Council Hmmm how about the creation of a Diplomatic Council of sorts?  As we get information on various political action around the Quadrants, we have experts for specific powers that could advise the command staff... we have klingons, romulans, cardassians, orions etc.  I'm sort of borrowing from Babylon 5 here but it seems reasonable that, denied the full standard resources of the Federation and Starfleet, it might be reasonable to replicate or emulate some of those features.

This is an excellent idea, and I could see this becoming a thing towards the end of the Aldea Prime Anthology or the beginning of Season 2. Good call!

2) Senior Staff Meeting I feel as though it could be helpful to present some sort of 'main plot' thread to help drive the narrative forwards. This could perhaps be achieved through a senior staff meeting following the interrogation of Nicander and weaponizing the light threads. It might aid to get people back on course with the narrative and driving the plot forwards a bit, the departments could perhaps do briefings about the state of their departments and what resources they might need. I feel that the problem with the last senior staff thread was that nobody knew what to mention in reference to the klingon chancellor directly, but if it is a thread more directly related to the individual departments and their running, it may be more easily engaged in. This thread could then in itself open up some departmental tasks to be done in the further two weeks on Aldea.

Agreed, after Captain Ives has returned from the mission on the Allegiant, and the Nicander interrogation is finished, we can have one of these.  ( good )

Site Improvements Suggestions:

1) Don't know if this is viable given the coding or not, but on my forum, I had set up to where a single account could have multiple 'characters' underneath it and when posting in a RP designated area, you could designate which character was posting so it would, for example, say "From:  XX" and have his unique signature and image (although would still have a link somewhere to show it was posted by me).  Not mission critical, just an idea.  You have a good grip on what the forum needs.

I will definitely look into it, but I can't make any guarantees atm since this is a challenging feature to implement without breaking the forum. I'll keep you all posted! :)

2) Only thing in my head atm is a scroll on the news section to see them all (the longest usually i cant read them fully) as it has been proposed at some point. Other thing is, when we drop the simple portal thing, move the lastest post/new post more to the left so it's more easily accesible. I usually forget about it and scroll all the forum to the module of the recent updated post in the bottom. I'm a dork i know, but having it or the new post buttom more handy could be great imo

Duly noted, the News thing can be done in either a hard or easy way, so I'll see what works best. As for moving the button, I'll look into it, but I may be unable to do that since the current top menu has an addon that's a bit unreliable.

3) The only thing that I would like to see in terms of Sim function would be on a personal note of new character introduction. As you know I've been trying to introduce X for almost four months now, and despite my efforts a lot of different avenues have fallen through, most after a significant amount of planning. I am not quite sure how to rectify this, but perhaps a separate message board for the introduction of new characters so people can explain how they wish their character to be introduced and other people can offer assistance if required. I think things like this can easily get drowned out on the main OOC message board and especially after new member the board gets drowned with messages and requests can easily become lost.

I don't think we have that much traffic at all on the Aldea Prime Anthologies OOC board, nor in the #writing_requests channel on Discord, so I think those should be the ones to use, but I can definitely make sure to instruct new writers or those with new characters to use those venues if they have no set plan to start with. Of course I try to help as much as I can too.

4) Yes, a quick link to pages like the Character Survey .  I have a devil of a time trying to find the schedule pages, the Story Objective pages, and so on, particularly when RL issues cut down on my catch up time.  Also I hope you will bring back the practice of putting episodes in PDF form.  It's a real lifesaver to be able to read the events of our adventures in chronological order with a table of contents and search options to enjoy and review past stories.

I will try to make links more available somehow, and I think a News page solution will help a lot as well. As for PDFs, they take an obscene amount of time to make, but they are definitely on the list! :)

5) Not sure if there is such a page, but like the newsletters and updates you send out, having a synopsis or cliff notes page covering roughly what happens in each half-chapter-ish would help keep everyone up to date.

See above, and we also have the Story Archive page to update. @Masorin has been really helpful in making a first draft of the page summarising the Battle of the Apertures, which I mean to finish and announce asap.

That's it for this time! Perhaps we'll have a higher participation the next time we do a character survey, but I am really happy with the input I got nonetheless! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on September 03, 2019, 03:57:24 PM
I think the character surveys were a great idea. I know for me, despite the massive amount of lead time you gave us, I simply did not have the time to sit down and go through it in the way that I wanted to. Mostly because of work + holiday plan.s I thought I'd go to a convention and spend the evenings chilling in a hotel room catching up on posts and story backlog that I wanted to expand upon.

Instead I ended up stumbling back to bed at 1am every night having done copious amounts of liver damage that will haunt me for months to come ;)

My failings aside, the survey is an excellent idea, and I am glad to see the feedback from it. I may be a smidge biased, because Faye would love to get to  diplomacize all these council types in the near future :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TWilkins on September 04, 2019, 01:56:20 PM
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening all,

I know I am a tad of a broken record, but myself, @fiendfall and @Sqweloookle are looking to be launching a thread soon that will involve the introduction of both mine and Fiend's new bois.

If anyone would like to get involved in the thread with one of their characters either send me a PM or reach out on Discord and we can rope you in. We haven't planned out the thread 100% yet, but it will involve pirates and surely carnage will ensue.

Also, a shoutout to the Discord chat this eveing, to remind everyone that we're meeting later at 19:30 GMT for a voice chat on Discord. Any new people aboard who haven't yet logged into Discord I'd really recommend it; you don't need to talk and there's no pressure, but it's a really fun way to get to talk about the story and your characters, as well as hear about what's going on for everyone else!

Hope to hear some of you there!

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on September 05, 2019, 06:04:25 AM
You aren't the only broken record @TWilkins I have been trying to get people for the Objective and getting both your and @fiendfall new bois for weeks now. Okay maybe just the objective but it opened a way for new bois anyway so 2 bois with one stone ( good ).
Thank you to you and fiend and @Numen for being interested :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 05, 2019, 03:14:49 PM

Here is the result of a second Random Encounters lottery, made only for new or newly inherited characters! The writers of these characters can be found in the Crew Manifest (, when you click [Show].

Writers: [Show/Hide]Please bear in mind that while these threads may be posted tomorrow or months from now, both writers have to agree to ditch a Random Encounter. Better yet, it is encouraged that encounters may be traded among yourselves instead. The location (third column) is a part of the challenge, to come up with why they would encounter each other there, but if you can't come up with a reason for the listed location, you can consider the location optional.

Have fun! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on September 05, 2019, 06:48:24 PM

So apologies are in order. I am quite tardy in my replies to things and have not been keeping up with writing as I promised i would when I returned. It's not that i dont want to write, its that i don't want to do anything. Most of the last 4 weeks or so since recovering from my illness ive been sleeping or working and generally just moping about my house. My guess is that i need to go back to my doctor and discuss either a supplement to my antidepressants or a change in medication. I should probably make that phone call.

In the meantime, please bear with me. Im really sorry for not replying. I do like the threads im in and want to finish them. Im just having a hard time because my brain hates me. Depression sucks. I would not wish it upon my worst enemy.  Gonna go crawl under a blanket and hide from the world for a while now.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on September 05, 2019, 08:24:30 PM
@Even Angels Cry take care of yourself, keep fighting the good fight! don't worry about us in the meantime, I'm sure there are plenty of us here who know how the bad brains be  (L) 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on September 05, 2019, 09:21:51 PM
@fiendfall  is wise, take care of yourself and this could be on hold till then, at least in my behalf knowing what you're dealing with

big hugs and cookies @Even Angels Cry   !!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on September 06, 2019, 01:50:07 AM
Thought I’d take a stab at the What if? Story credit for the Niga revisit. I’ve long wanted to show what happened to Shall back then (he was around but I hadn’t joined the simm yet) so this is a perfect opportunity.

Would anyone like to join me? The only requirement is that you have a character that was around for Niga.  I’m not even sure the other character has to be one that we hadn’t seen back in Ep 1, AL, can you comment on that portion?

Cannonically, Shall did get infected and infected others, but I can see him chasing after a target if they run ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on September 06, 2019, 08:20:21 AM
Would the Niga infected know if another person was Niga infected or not?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 06, 2019, 08:30:28 AM
Oh, I can comment allright! :)

Here are the primary characters that were around during the Niga Incident:

Adam Kingston
Amatras Neotin
Amikris Neotin
Arcorn Neotin
Axius vel Onea
Cale Winterbourne
Captain Jien Ives
Connor Matthews
David Grayson
Dr. Amelya Rez
Dr. Lahkesis Saugn
Dr. Lucan cin Nicander
Dr. Maya
Edena Rez
Ester Hamburg
Eun Sae Ji
EVE Program AK-1 DMSA-656
Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost"
Fasha, callsign "Morrigan"
Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers
Garen Nelis
Hannah Slaverton
Heather McMillan
Irnashall ch’Xinya
Kanti MacTavish, callsign "Gun-Shy"
Khorin Douglas
Kino Taer
Lawrence O. Lance
Lillee t'Jellaieu
Lin Kae
Marija Ferik
Miles Renard, callsign "Iron-Fox"
Morgan Song
Natalie Stark
Nathaniel Isley, callsign "Icarus"
Nator 159
Nicole Howard
Nolak Kalmil
Ryuan Sel
Scosche Bellde'side
Simon Tovarek
Sjaandin Fedd
Skye Carver, callsign "Kestrel"
Soo Young Seung, callsign "Oracle"
Sten Covington
Jaru Rel
Tessa May Lance, callsign "Goldeneye"
ThanIda zh'Wann
TharinAlk th'Thane
Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854
Thomas Ravon, callsign "Razor"
Tyreke Okafor
Varder Ridun
Vereyn Kiiz
Wenn Cinn
William "Bill" Regal
William Robert "Billy Bob" O'Connell
Zrinka Agaixot, callsign "Honey Badger"

Now, I am removing 1) those that have no writers 2) where in stasis 3) all those that were already heavily featured, and adding scenes may cause continuity errors, or where their character pages says they were hiding away:

Adam Kingston                               
Dr. Maya
Irnashall ch’Xinya
Marija Ferik
Simon Tovarek
Tessa May Lance, callsign "Goldeneye"
Thomas Ravon, callsign "Razor"
Tyreke Okafor
William Robert "Billy Bob" O'Connell

As for your question @Sqweloookle , Edena Rez deleted the surveillance vids of the Niga Incident in order to protect the crew from themselves. Learning who infected whom would cause more disruption than the incident already caused. Oh, and Adam Kingston was featured in Episode 01, but not heavily so. He just showed up now and again as an infected antagonist since he was the first one Ida infected. He was the first victim after Ida herself, actually. @Lady Nyx , Cir'Cie was also featured in Episode 01, but also as an antagonist that showed up now and again. She was infected on the planet and spread the virus afterwards.

Hope this helps, @chXinya ! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on September 06, 2019, 08:35:39 AM
That's not what I meant AL, I meant would the Niga virus recognise another infected so those infected would prefer to go after uninfected first?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 06, 2019, 08:46:39 AM
That's not what I meant AL, I meant would the Niga virus recognise another infected so those infected would prefer to go after uninfected first?

Ahhh, no, there was actually two instances in which non-infected fooled infected crewmembers, so that is a tactic available. That being said, the infected did give off a very sweet and intoxicating scent, so that is a tell-tale sign that the infected would catch on to in some cases. Depends on the situation, if they could scent the person in question or not.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on September 06, 2019, 09:42:02 AM
That's not what I meant AL, I meant would the Niga virus recognise another infected so those infected would prefer to go after uninfected first?

Ahhh, no, there was actually two instances in which non-infected fooled infected crewmembers, so that is a tactic available. That being said, the infected did give off a very sweet and intoxicating scent, so that is a tell-tale sign that the infected would catch on to in some cases. Depends on the situation, if they could scent the person in question or not.


Auctor Lucan

Ooo not to be confused with Orion pheromones though? Could Orion pheromones be a masking agent for uninfected to fool the infected should Niga ever be reintroduced somehow?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 06, 2019, 11:32:49 AM
The Niga virus will likely never be reintroduced somehow in the story besides in DC. The scent is more floral in nature for those who can even consciously scent pheromones. Very different in origin even though the effect may be somewhat similar.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on September 09, 2019, 10:19:30 AM
Best fellow writers! Starting 10/9 till 18/9 I'll be away on a much needed and earned holiday. As a result of that I'll be unavailable for posting but I probably still should be around on the Discord chat for a talk. So Expect a post black out for a good week on my end! I'll do my best to keep myself up to date prior to my departure.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 09, 2019, 01:31:52 PM

Hi there everyone! Hope this finds you all well out there. :)

I took the time to go over the Aldea Prime and Episode 05 boards and check what the current forum status is, and here are my findings. Use Ctrl+F to find your username?

ThreadLast PostDays AgoNext Poster
Day 02 [1200 hrs.] Memorial Ceremony2019-09-045(Anyone)
Day 05 [1307 hrs.] Tan lines2019-09-080Brutus
Day 01 [1500 hrs.] The Next Chapter2019-09-030FollowTomorrow
Day 03 [1300 hrs.] Holodeck Suited for Repair2019-09-090FollowTomorrow
Day 02 [1330 hrs.] Traitorous Revenant2019-09-090Auctor Lucan
Day 08 [1600 hrs.] Quid Pro Quo between Pilots2019-09-090Argyros
Day 05 [1430 hrs] Sticky Progress2019-09-090Auctor Lucan
Day 06 [1745 hrs] Victuals, Visitors and a View2019-09-090Fife
Day 01 [1000 hrs.] It’s Logical to Ask for Help2019-09-090Doc M.
Day 03 [0800 hrs.] On Solid Ground2019-09-081FollowTomorrow
Day 02 [2317 hrs.] Party In Aldea Prime Baby!2019-09-081Nolan
Day 05 [1500 hrs.] Of Ghosts and Foxes2019-09-081Iron Ferrox
Day 08 [2000 hrs.] The Encumbered Engineer2019-09-081BZ
Day 06 [1548 hrs.] Protect What Is Yours2019-09-081Nolan
Day 13 [0030 hrs.] Shadow Dance | The Silver Shadows Part 052019-09-081BZ
Day 05 [1200 hrs.] Astral Eddy Relay | The Inside Man, Part 42019-09-081All, within 6 days
Day 02 [2115 hrs.] Unintended Baggage2019-09-081Top Hat
Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Meticulously Microscopic2019-09-081Numen
Day 07 [1200 hrs.] Vulcan Hand Jobs2019-09-072BZ
Day 05 [1300 hrs.] Egos, Emotions & Expletives2019-09-072Numen
Day 10 [2034 hrs.] Lads Night Out2019-09-072Fiendfall, HN, Sqweloookle
Day 07 [1100 hrs.] The More Things Change...2019-09-072Bastila
Day 05 [1000 hrs.] The Art of Tactful Candor2019-09-072FollowTomorrow
Day 05 [0900 hrs.] Weaponizing Innocence2019-09-072Arista
Day 11 [0700 hrs.] First Time for Reman Kind?2019-09-063Stegro88
Day 03 [1500 hrs.] A Different Kind Of Therapy2019-09-063Auctor Lucan
Day 04 [2100 hrs.] Hot Rocks and Compromises2019-09-063Auctor Lucan
Day 09 [0130 hrs.] Ghostbusters | The Silver Shadows Part 032019-09-063Stegro88
Day 05 [1707 hrs.] Scrying through the Storm Front2019-09-063Top Hat
Day 04 [1300 hrs.] Castles by the Sea2019-09-063BZ
Day 07 [2000 hrs.] A Horse To Water2019-09-063Fiendfall
Day 05 [0630 hrs.] Fine First Impressions2019-09-063Fiendfall
Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Working at Warp 102019-09-063Doc M.
Day 03 [0900 hrs.] Into Blue Depths2019-09-054BZ
Day 05 [1030 hrs.] Marija's Thaw2019-09-054Aharon
Day 10 [1900 hrs.] Proving A Point2019-09-054Stegro88
Day 03 [0600 hrs.] A Day in the Life of Albert Tiran2019-09-054BZ
Day 10 [1000 hrs.] Material Girls2019-09-054Stegro88
Day 07 [1900 hrs.] Questions In The Steam2019-09-054Auctor Lucan
Day 06 [1410 hrs.] "What Course Shall We Set?"2019-09-054Griff
Day 06 [0910 hrs.] Old And New2019-09-054Top Hat
Day 01 [0955 hrs.] Acting on a Thawt2019-09-054Auctor Lucan
Day 02 [1100 hrs.] Boomerang2019-09-054BZ
Day 02 [1800 hrs.] Butterfly Wings To Hurricane2019-09-054BZ
Day 02 [0900 hrs.] Adjustment Period2019-09-054Stegro88
Day 03 [0900 hrs.] Eye Spy2019-09-045Auctor Lucan
Day 04 [1000 hrs.] Serpentine Atmospherics2019-09-045Fiendfall
Day 12 [0830 hrs.] Hide and Seek in the Beyond2019-09-045Griff
Day 05 [1030 hrs.] Armoury Housekeeping2019-09-045Trevorvw
Day 03 [1015 hrs.] Snakes and Ladders2019-09-045Fiendfall
Day 04 [0900 hrs.] The Terror of Tiran2019-09-045BZ
Day 04 [1600 hrs.] Jubilant Memorialization of Fortuitous Nascency2019-09-045SummerDawn
Day 02 [1230 hrs.] Between Abductees2019-09-045Auctor Lucan
Day 06 [2345 hrs.] Far From the Tree2019-09-036Numen
Day 03 [1907 hrs.] No Honour Among Thieves2019-09-027Carden
Day 03 [1500 hrs.] Room to Breathe2019-09-027SuilverShadow
Day 02 [1920 hrs.] Sphenopalatine Ganglioneuralgia2019-08-319Arista
Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Tranquillity Interrupted2019-08-2911Triage
Day 07 [1730 hrs.] The Edge of Light2019-08-2911Triage
Day 01 [2000 hrs.] Explanations and Reparations2019-08-2812Stegro88
Day 03 [1345 hrs.] Market Manipulations2019-08-2812Arista
Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Is This Seat Taken?2019-08-2812Hastata-Nerada
Day 08 [2130 hrs.] Searching For Ghosts | Silver Shadows Part 022019-08-2713Stegro88
Day 11 [0850 hrs.] Welcome Aboard The Kut'luch | Silver Shadows Part 042019-08-2614Stegro88
Day 07 [1000 hrs.] Devoted Testing2019-08-2614Sqweloookle
Day 01 [1023 hrs.] Intercepting a Flying Mammal2019-08-2317Lisavw
Day 04 [0830 hrs.] Seeking Guidance2019-08-2317Juzzie
Day 05 [0600 hrs.] Scientific Curiosity Killed Them Both2019-08-2119Kinvarus
Day 03 [2100 hrs.] Professionalism2019-08-2119SilverShadow
Day 03 [1200 hrs.] Spiked Coffee & Crew Gazing2019-08-2119Patches
Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Lending A Hand2019-08-1822Triage
Day 05 [0900 hrs.] New Old Faces2019-08-1624Trevorvw
Day 03 [1230 hrs.] Have You Eaten Yet?2019-08-1525Triage
Day 02 [1200 hrs.] Plans2019-08-1525(Solo-thread)
Day 04 [0708 hrs.] The Spirits that Be2019-08-1525Triage
Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight2019-08-1327Havenborn
Day 09 [0900 hrs.] Knight to Wolf-112019-08-1327Triage
Day 03 [1115 hrs.] Market Value2019-08-1228Carden
Day 02 [0805 hrs.] Making Amends2019-08-1129Even Angels Cry
Day 02 [1430 hrs.] Losing One Of Our Own2019-08-0436Any Wolf
Day 05 [2381 hrs.] Breaking the Silence2019-08-0238Griff
Day 04 [1415 hrs.] Once Upon a Time in a Holodeck2019-07-3041Even Angels Cry
Day 01 [2000 hrs.] A Bit of Light Reading2019-07-2645Even Angels Cry
ThreadLast PostDays AgoNext Poster
EPIL: S [D06|1720] Angel's Quarters2019-09-054Griff
EPIL: S [D06|2110] Renewal2019-08-2911Even Angels Cry
CH05: S [D06|1015] On the rocks?2019-08-2119Masorin
EPIL: S [D06|1330] Liaison Discretions2019-08-2020BZ
EPIL: S [D06|2000] New Roommates2019-08-1822Masorin
EPIL: S [D06|1300] Rather On the Nose2019-08-1624Triage
EPIL: S [D06|1800] Seeking Treatment2019-08-1624Masorin/Twilkins
EPIL: S [D06|1700] Stress Relief2019-07-0863BZ
EPIL: S [D06|2100] Shipwide Call2019-07-0467Anyone
Please let me know which of the old threads that won't be continued and should be locked. PM me in that case! :)

In general, we have been very good at informing our writing partners when RL issues are getting in the way, so let's keep doing that! ( good ) Most of the red numbers are from Theurgists who have given a heads up about their absence, and that's perfectly okay. Still, bear in mind that we should always try to reply in our current threads within 7 days, and neglecting to do so breeds more inactivity among other writers - others thinking that its fine to leave writing partners waiting indefinitely.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 10, 2019, 01:56:16 AM

It's time for @DaValle to add a second character to the story, and this in the form of Taa'gur Kolla!

( PO2 Taa'gur Kolla            Weapons Technican (
  - Writer: ( (;u=117)

Taa'gur Kolla came aboard after being contacted by Rear Admiral Joseph Nerva Andersson. Just like many other new recruits!

Looking forward to read his story, @DaValle !


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on September 10, 2019, 05:23:58 AM
That was a very well done backstory. Excellent use of [Show/Hide]
. This is going to be a fun character. I'll have to have Faye walk past at some point. Happy fun telepath time!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on September 10, 2019, 05:35:15 AM
Congrats on the new character @DaValle ! And very creative character backstory at that!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on September 10, 2019, 07:48:23 AM
Congrats on the new character @DaValle!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on September 10, 2019, 09:24:27 AM
Aaa congrats on the character @DaValle !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on September 10, 2019, 09:50:10 AM
Great new character @DaValle !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: DaValle on September 10, 2019, 12:59:53 PM
Thanks folks and a HUGE thank you @Auctor Lucan for your help with the background and images.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on September 11, 2019, 09:41:35 PM
Just a heads up folks, I'm gonna be away without internet from Friday-Sunday this weekend, so you won't be hearing from me for a bit. I'll work to get posts out ASAP but a few might run a little late, sorry!

Also, I'm moving house in a couple weeks, so things might be a little topsy turvy for a bit. Will resume your regularly schedulled programming soon as I can :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on September 11, 2019, 10:00:23 PM
We'll waiting for you (and missing you *insert drama stance here*)

I'll take advantage of this dramatic departure to give a heads up that this weekend i'll be in a Con trying to feed some companies with my drawings so i'll not be around saturday/Sunday either (but wish me luck!)

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 13, 2019, 08:13:47 AM

50 minutes from now, we'll upgrade our forum. Backups of the database and the site have been made as of this post, so please refrain from posting until I announce that it's safe to do so. You have 50 minutes to copy texts from threads you are due to post in, and you can write offline until the upgrade is complete. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 13, 2019, 11:11:28 AM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on September 13, 2019, 11:22:15 AM
this is a test post using the quick post feature
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on September 13, 2019, 11:22:47 AM
this is a saved draft
this is a posted draft
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on September 13, 2019, 11:23:13 AM
this is a test using the reply buttom
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on September 13, 2019, 11:23:49 AM
this is a test using reply after log off and log on
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 13, 2019, 01:02:55 PM

Forum update complete! Bugs and issues fixing underway, but merely in the form of changing links. Posting can now resume!

If you find any issues, please PM me. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: DaValle on September 14, 2019, 05:38:00 PM
Hi folks just to let you know. I was/am during the weekend in a more "rural" area. (It's quite strange to know that you can call the half village your family) and come back at Monday. Oh and then I'll stay at Lissabon for six days or so. I'll try to reply in every Thread I'm in before I'll fly, but I guess I've got Internet there so I should be able to reply and answer, if necessary, there too.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 18, 2019, 02:04:20 AM

I got a PM and a message on Discord from Vox and Aharon respecively, and they've told me they have decided to step away from writing so that they can take care of stuff on their end. Vox got a new job in Hong Kong and will move there and learn the language, which makes him feel like he hasn't the time for writing, and Aharon is taking their Masters degree while working nearly full time. It has proven to be much more time consuming than he anticipated. They might return though!

Quote from: Vox
I do intend to come back again when all that is done and I am settled but I don't know how long that will take. So not only did I want to give you a heads up about that, but also to let you know that since Logan isn't currently active in any threads and I don't have any ideas or plans for him at the moment, I'm happy for him to go up for inheritance in my absence, especially since we only have one other character in there at the moment.

Quote from: Aharon
My education is the top priority I have right now. I hope (when I am done this journey in 1.5 years) that you will take me back in, perhaps even Vinata will be free and I can give him another go. I think you are an amazing GM and you have one of the best groups of writers around.

Thank you for your time writing with us @Vox & @Aharon and like I said in the PM and on Discord, make sure to contact us if you care to return some day. Take care of yourselves!


( Lt. JG Logan Hale              Wolf-16 [Wraith] (NPC) (,_callsign_%22Wraith%22)
  - Former Writer: (,_callsign_%22Wraith%22) @Vox

( Ens. Vinata Vojona            Nurse (NPC) (
  - Former Writer: ( @Aharon

If anyone eligible to take over a character is interested, you can PM me here on the forum about inheriting either of them. Please make sure to read up on the info at the top of this page, in such a case: Available Characters ( In the meantime, I will NPC these as needed. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on September 18, 2019, 02:55:08 AM
Best of the luck to you both @Vox and @Aharon !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on September 18, 2019, 06:56:02 AM
Hey! Just so the folks I owe replies to know, I know I'm usually faster at posting, and I'm just going through an adjustment period in my life right now. It shouldn't take long to adjust, sorry for the delays everyone!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on September 18, 2019, 08:56:03 AM
@Vox and @Aharon - I hope to see you again soon! Fingers crossed that all goes well.

To the people with whom I'm in threads at the moment, I am very sorry but must take a week out due to an unforeseen RL event. I don't think I'm up for a while in Scrying yet, and my individual threads are unfortunately going to have to wait.

Sincere apologies again.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on September 18, 2019, 09:36:41 PM
I owe this sim an apology, well several. I promised to commit myself to writing and i have not managed to do that. I need to give you all an explanation for what has been happening the last few weeks i at the least feel i owe you all that much, but i am also really tired of making excuses for my self and my absence from this sim.

Be warned that the spoiler details some of the darker aspects of my life.


This post is very ranty... but the thing i take away from writing all of this is that i just need to calm down and do the things i enjoy again like writing with all of you.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on September 22, 2019, 04:04:59 AM
Hey everyone,

Heads up that I will be slow in responding to posts from Tuesday the 24th to Oct 5th. I'm going out of town on work, and like the work trip the end of May earlier this year, I'm getting a lot of windshield time, and a very compressed schedule to get the work done in.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on September 25, 2019, 12:24:08 PM
Hi everyone,

I have been quiet lately and for that I am sorry. I have been dealing with some serious stuff that I'm not going to go into here, but I am going to try to catch up to date as soon as possible (ideally within the next couple of days)

I appreciate your patience and just ask for a little bit longer.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on September 26, 2019, 09:53:25 AM
Expect some delays on my posts as work is picking up and pretty much drained any reserve I had since my holiday. That and I might be looking to job hunt for something new so interviews etc are ongoing which also cuts in valuable writing time. But fear not! I shall keep the posts coming be it a tad slower.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TWilkins on September 26, 2019, 01:08:07 PM
Hey Team, I'm afraid I'm having to jump on the bandwagon and say that my posting might be a touch choppy through October. I'm starting a new job next week, which I have been told 'will stop me sleeping at night' so that's gonna be fun.

I'll be fine, but my posting may suffer somewhat. Bare with me and I'll get things out when I can!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 27, 2019, 03:07:01 PM

Some people might recognise this face!

( Lt. JG T'Leia            Wolf-17 [Siren] (,_callsign_%22Siren%22)
  - Writer: (,_callsign_%22Siren%22)Jesaya (;u=225)

The answer to this condundrum can be found if reading the character page, because she does look a bit like T´Less, right? The one who became the Borg Queen ( in the Azure Nebula?

In any case, T'Leia has a previous affiliation with Rear Admiral Andersson and has been sent to the Theurgy to aid in her mission. She'd have to learn how to fly a Valravn, however, so she is a reserve in the squad chart, marked in-training, and takes over Jhoza's warp fighter and RIO, Abigail Sheridan, callsign Trixie. The day in which T'Leia comes to the Theurgy is TBD, preferably being after Jhoza leaves on Day 10, but I look forward to read this new Vulcan's story!

Good luck with your new character, @Jesaya ! :)


Auctor Lucan

PS. Please bear in mind that when writing T´Less' name, you need to use a ´ otherwise it will automatically switch to T'Less, because of the Butterfly Effect that had T'Less take T´Less' role on the Theurgy.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on September 30, 2019, 03:40:52 AM
To those writers involved in the Silver Shadows Arc, please read.

Silver Shadows Announcement (,2688.msg24996.html#msg24996)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on September 30, 2019, 06:09:05 PM
Hello hello!

Just a heads-up. As many of you know, October is an important month for illustrators, we 'celebrate' inktober, a global challenge to improve artistic skills that consists of making 31 traditional ink drawings in 31 days. My goal this year is something more ambitious than ever and, together with my job and some IRL stuff, this month I may have some delay in my posting pace. I've been cutting threads and I think that right now I'm at a fairly manageable level of threads, but I prefer to warn you just in case I delay more than usual. As if anyone fancy to see the progress of my inktober this year, you know where you can watch it, and you'll be very welcome!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on September 30, 2019, 07:49:00 PM
I gave folks a heads up a couple of weeks ago but for a reminder: I've just moved house and am back at uni for postgrad, so my usual schedule is up in the air atm. I'm getting posts out as fast as I can and will find my new rhythm soon! Thanks for being patient in the meantime, I'm sorry to make folks wait
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 03, 2019, 12:59:07 AM

Since RL is demanding a lot of @Masorin 's time, and he has found it exceedingly difficult to come up with any plans for an inherited character (preferring those of his own making), I have put Devyrie Okhala on the list of Available Characters (

( Lt. JG Devyrie Okhala        Wolf-11 [Dragon] (NPC) (,_callsign_%27%27Dragon%27%27)
  - Available for Inheritance (,_callsign_%27%27Dragon%27%27)

Devyrie "Dev" Okhala, who arrived from the USS Orcus during the Battle of Starbase 84, will be available for interested and eligible writers. Since she has yet to be restored to her halfblood Romulan self by V-Nine in the Aldea Prime Anthology, the new writer gets to decide if Devyrie remains human or undergoes the change back to her old appearance.

That's all for now! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Juzzie on October 03, 2019, 08:38:26 PM
Not sure if this is quite the correct place for this, but if its not I am sure people will tell me. I've not currently got any ongoing threads. If someone wants a thread PM me and I will be happy to oblige.

Rhys Williams awaits you with delightful awkwardness.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: lisavw on October 03, 2019, 10:04:48 PM
Hey! Just wondering if anyone from the Cayuga crew would be interested in a reunion thread. PM me if you are! :D If anyone is interested to coming to the party as well let me know too!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 04, 2019, 09:27:18 PM



As requested, I have added a site feature in which you can click the News icon in the top left of the site, and you will be taken to a page that shows the current scrolling news items. When I add an item to the banner there at the top of the forum, I will also add it to the news page as well. Some extra labour, but it turned out pretty good.

Hope this helps and meets the needs of the request in the Character Survey! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 05, 2019, 01:42:24 PM

We have a new Theurgist aboard, namely @Lorelai , who will be taking over Dragon, aka Devyrie Okhala. :)

( Lt. JG Devyrie Okhala        Wolf-15 [Dragon] (,_callsign_%27%27Dragon%27%27)
  - Writer: (,_callsign_%27%27Dragon%27%27)Lorelai (;u=255)

Having read up on all that Devyrie has been through so far, @Lorelai have made some updates to the character page of this Lone Wolf. Having opted to postpone the treatment that V-Nine has offered to the Savi abuctees, mainly because of the trauma she's suffered on the dreadnought, Devyrie might eventually opt to be restored to her hybrid Romulan/Human self, but not right away.

Welcome aboard, @Lorelai ! I look forward to reading the continuation of this characters story. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on October 05, 2019, 01:56:04 PM
Welcome, @Lorelai!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on October 05, 2019, 03:14:41 PM
Welcome @Lorelai looking forward to seeing you continue Dev's story :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on October 05, 2019, 03:16:40 PM
Welcome aboard @Lorelai!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Juzzie on October 05, 2019, 03:25:56 PM
Welcome @Lorelai
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: DaValle on October 05, 2019, 03:32:29 PM
Welcome aboard @Lorelai
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on October 05, 2019, 03:39:42 PM
Hi Lorelai,

Welcome aboard.

I look forward to writing with you.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on October 05, 2019, 03:46:03 PM
Hey hey @Lorelai welcome on board!
Take a sit and enjoy the site, we have cookies if @Revan shares ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on October 05, 2019, 04:08:20 PM
Actually you need to talk to @Numen  since most of my current stash I've given to her to keep her going during inktober :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on October 05, 2019, 04:58:01 PM
Welcome @Lorelai
That's so awesome @Auctor Lucan about the News page.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Lorelai on October 05, 2019, 07:08:29 PM
Hi everybody!

Thanks for the welcomes. I'm happy to be here and looking forward to writing with all of you! :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on October 06, 2019, 12:57:12 AM
I love how Recruitment is closed but like 5 or 6 new writers including me joined using inherited characters lol
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on October 06, 2019, 02:42:20 AM
Well to be fair AL has said it's closed for new characters...or at least that what he's now changed it to :P It is amusing though I agree
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Bastila on October 07, 2019, 12:33:00 PM
Bit late on some of these but Congrats on the new character @Jesaya can't wait to read her story!

And welcome @Lorelai I hope you enjoy your time here and have fun writing Devyrie :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 08, 2019, 11:35:08 PM

After joining the sim as our newest Theurgist, @TheSithChicken has decided to take on the challenge of writing a character that has been with us since Episode 01. This, namely being Nathaniel Isley!

( Ens. Nathaniel Isley          Wolf-06 [Icarus] (,_callsign_%22Icarus%22)
Before Correction:
After Correction:
  - Writer: (,_callsign_%22Icarus%22)TheSithChicken (;u=256)

Above, you see him both as he used to be before the Correction in Episode 05, and after the Savi did their thing on him. Since he is being inherited, the choice is opened for his new writer. It is, however, yet undecided by @TheSithChicken if Isley wishes to undergo surgery for a reversion by V-Nine later on, stay as he is, or just getting cosmetic surgery (like Commander Cross opted to do).

I am really excited to see this dear old character getting a new writer, and I can't wait to read his continued story. Welcome aboard, @TheSithChicken ! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on October 08, 2019, 11:43:31 PM
The Sith Chicken? Hot diggity, I do like that name. Welcome aboard! And welcome aboard Lorelei! Welcome aboard all! 'Tis a jolly Theurgy day!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: DaValle on October 08, 2019, 11:43:39 PM
Welcome aboard @TheSithChicken
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on October 08, 2019, 11:51:44 PM
welcome to the madhouse! I mean, this happy starship. We have cookies, enjoy the place :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on October 08, 2019, 11:55:27 PM
Weclome aboard @TheSithChicken, gotta agree with Griff that's an awesome name :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheSithChicken on October 09, 2019, 12:06:27 AM
Hi everyone, thanks for the welcome! I'm really looking forward to writing Isley and with all of you. And to @Griff and @Revan thanks I'm glad you like the name :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on October 09, 2019, 12:07:19 AM
New faces! Huzzah! Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on October 09, 2019, 12:12:28 AM
Welcome, @TheSithChicken!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Juzzie on October 09, 2019, 08:47:09 PM
Welcome @TheSithChicken
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Lorelai on October 10, 2019, 12:24:01 AM
Welcome @TheSithChicken another newbie! Love the name too :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 10, 2019, 01:23:11 AM

With @Sqweloookle using his artwork request on the Main OOC board (,2261.0.html) to have one image made, and making a second image of his own (middle one), Adam Kingston has a new faceclaim in the form of Channing Tatum.

( Lt. JG Adam Kingston          Master-at-Arms (V3) (
  - Writer: ( (;u=240)

Third image (on the left) is just a googled one, obviously. If you visit the character page, you just hit Shift+F5 in order to clear the image cache of the old images, and the new ones will be there. Hope you'll be happy with the change, @Sqweloookle ! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on October 10, 2019, 06:25:00 AM
I absolutely am in love with these new images @Auctor Lucan
Thank you for doing the small modification with the armour, I would have done it but probably- no I know it would have been very poorly done. Though I think I did nicely on the uniformed one.
Thank you muchly. That handy tip of shift+F5, thank you for that. I take it that only clears the cache for the currently displayed website not all of the stored internet cache on one's computer?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 10, 2019, 04:14:55 PM
Glad to hear! No worries.

I take it that only clears the cache for the currently displayed website not all of the stored internet cache on one's computer?

Correct, only the currently displayed page in the browser.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 11, 2019, 12:47:35 PM

Today, we have a new writer in the form of @Tempest , who will be taking over writing a security officer that's been with us since before Episode 05. He's fought Devoted several times, faced an Infested in the form of Nicander in the Ep 05 prologue, repelled boarding Klingons on the Theurgy and destroyed Borg drones on the Allegiant. In short, he has really earned some shoreleave at Aldea Prime. Indeed, Varder Ridun has a new writer!

( PO1 Varder Ridun              Security Officer ( 
  - Writer: @Tempest (

Having read up on the synopsis now, @Tempest is due to decide on edits to the character page, making the character truly his own.

A warm welcome, @Tempest , and I look forward to read Ridun's new adventures! :)


Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on October 11, 2019, 12:59:45 PM
welcome @Tempest !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on October 11, 2019, 01:03:21 PM
You'll have to fight Numen for the cookies, @Tempest. I think she got them back from Revan.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on October 11, 2019, 01:20:16 PM
Welcome @Tempest. Yes @Numen has all the cookies, I have none of the cookies anymore, please do not seek me for cookies, for I have none.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: DaValle on October 11, 2019, 01:21:50 PM
Welcome aboard @Tempest
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 11, 2019, 03:37:10 PM
I also want cookies!!  =-O

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on October 11, 2019, 03:57:06 PM
Nooooo all of them are mineeeee, i neeeed them!!!!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on October 11, 2019, 04:50:03 PM
Welcome aboard @Tempest! Careful trying to get a cookie from Numen. You might lose a hand...
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on October 13, 2019, 06:56:58 AM
Welcome @Tempest, let me know if you want a Tour of the Security Center? lol or just hang out in the Security Mess?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on October 16, 2019, 01:40:10 AM
Hi everyone,

I just wanted to post this so as to update everyone on my status and when you can all begin to expect replies to the threads that I am in. Most of the major stuff has been moved into the new place. On backup mobile internet at the moment but the cable is supposed to be hooked up Friday. That will be the first day that I am going to be able to sit down and work on posts. Otherwise it will be very sporadic for another week. Sorry all.

I want to say a big, huge, enormous thank you to everyone here but especially to those that have been waiting on me to reply to threads.



Below is a list of threads (in no particular order and with writers tagged) that I owe posts too. If I have forgotten a thread please let me know so that I can add it to my list.

Silver Shadows Part 03 - Ghostbusters (,2793.0.html) - @trevorvw @lisavw @Sqweloookle @Bastila @Masorin @Fife @Revan
Silver Shadows Part 05 - Shadow Dance (,2794.0.html) - @Numen @BZ @fiendfall @Zodiac
Material Girls (,2783.0.html) - @Brutus
Questions In The Steam (,2800.0.html) - @Auctor Lucan
First Time For Reman Kind? (,2803.0.html) - @Argyros
Adjustment Period (,2714.0.html) - @chXinya
Losing One Of Our Own (,2763.0.html) - @Fife
When The Hammer Falls (,2647.0.html) - @Carden
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 16, 2019, 09:08:46 PM

Today, @Iron Ferrox informed me that he feels that his RL situation doesn't allow him the time to actively participate in the story. Thank you for trying to balance your RL with writing and returning to the sim, and I'm sorry it didn't work out.

Quote from: Iron Ferrox
I know there are a few rp’ers that had wanted to play a vulpinian you might want to ask one of them if they want to inherit Miles. I’ll send something personal to @Doc M. since we were planning something,

( Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard        Former Wolf Leader (NPC) (,_call-sign_%22Iron-Fox%22)
  - Former Writer: (,_call-sign_%22Iron-Fox%22)IronFerrox (;u=52)

If anyone is interested in inheriting this Vulpinian Lone Wolf and former SCO, just PM me, otherwise I am sure an Applicant will pick him up eventually. We'll see.

Take care and hope you'll return when RL allows, @Iron Ferrox !


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Tempest on October 18, 2019, 05:02:58 AM
Hey everyone, thanks so much for the very warm welcome. My internet went down on the same day I got approved but now it's back I have been reading your messages and I'm excited to join such an amazing group. :D I'll be looking to join the story immediately after sleep and work!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 19, 2019, 04:45:25 PM

Hello Theurgists! :)

I have added a fresh batch of Story Objectives, so check 'em out!

Story Objectives (

That's the new Story Objectives ( page, which has been separated from the Aldea Prime Calendar ( The Story Objectives ( page can now be found stand-alone under Community in the top menu as well as the Database page and sidemenu on the wiki.

Remember to read the rules at the top of the page when you begin to collect writing partners for one of the objectives! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 21, 2019, 01:20:02 AM

After @Masorin made the initial draft, @Griff finished it, and now, it has been formatted for the wiki. Here it is, the synopsis of the Battle of the Apertures!

Battle of the Apertures (

It's an awesome overview account of events, and besides the grand telling of the battle's development, we also have a mentioning towards the end of it that relays the magnitude of the Omega Device's detonation. If you fancy a read, I do think it will be worth it.

This page summarises the grand finale of Season 1, and all the writing that has led up to it. Reading it, caught myself thinking about how much the CGI budget would have been if it was a real two-parter season ending. :)

Thank you @Masorin and @Griff for the help on this! Excellent work! Now I will be able to update the Story Archive page too, using this.  ( good )

Oh, here's something I finished tonight!


Not only have I updated the Wanted Positions page, I have also updated the Department Pages with some role descriptions!

Wanted Positions (

Among the updated pages are the Command Division ( page, which holds info on several of the departments with red collars, as well as the Operations ( A huge thank you to @Brutus who helped out!

If you are thinking about adding a new character, I would love if they could be made for either of the wanted positions listed on the page above.

That's all for now!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on October 21, 2019, 04:10:40 AM
Thanks guys for your work on those pages!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 22, 2019, 01:46:43 AM

While this may have been a long time coming, due to the infrequent activity and real life commitments, Arista is now in the Inactive Theurgist roster. This, however, in hope that he will be able to return and maintain an active presence, since he will be more than welcome back. It's been a week of silence, but until I hear otherwise, Doctor Parnak is not being put up for inheritance, in the interest that Arista has a character when and if he can return. Parnak will be an NPC in the background for the time being.

As for Captain Ziegler, she was made as a Story NPC for Episode 05 that Arista helped writing, and since I've occasionally written her before when Arista couldn't, I'll take up doing so on a permanent basis whenever it is needed in the story development. Since we have a Cayuga crew that has hijacked a prison transport, I am confident Ziegler will be making a cameo eventually as we progress in the Aldea Prime Anthology and Season 2 of our story.

There are a handful of threads of Arista's that are more than a month overdue, and I will be NPCing Parnak and Ziegler as required to close those threads over the coming week.


I'll take this moment to clarify something that might have been a cause for misunderstanding. The status on the sim called Inactive Theurgist.

The distinction is merely Inactive, so it's not something terminal. Being an Inactive Theurgist is not just when you've stepped away from the sim entirely or your membership has been terminated for some reason. It is also when you are taking an extended hiatus from writing because of Real Life or other reasons. It's a status you ask me to apply, and when things clear up, you ask me to return to active status again.

Not signalling that you are no longer actively writing to your writing partners leaves them wondering, and might even leave them frustrated, and in the end, it might leave them not writing in other threads either. Please communicate your absences here in the Main OOC, this helps in the short term, but if the hiatus might be longer than a month or so, you should ask me to mark you as an Inactive Theurgist. A great example of this is how Vox clearly communicated his extended and planned absence, having his membership suspended, and when things are up and running for him in his new location, he'll just contact me and start up again.

So, preferably, this status should be applied for longer durations of foreseeable non-activeness, and not just over a weekend or week of vacationing. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on October 23, 2019, 05:26:27 PM
As a quick notice to anyone whom I’m writing with: my posts will be slower for a while. I am currently fighting a war with my computer, and the computer is winning (640x480...yay...). I’m going to bite the bullet and start writing on my tablet, but it won’t be as quick.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on October 23, 2019, 07:08:30 PM
Hey all!

Just a heads up for those I'm in threads with that I'll be away from Oct 28th until Nov 4th, and I'm not planning to be online while on vacation. I'll be getting caught up on posting in the next few days before I leave, but posting will likely be nil during that time. (Sandy beach trumps computer! Lol)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on October 23, 2019, 07:15:47 PM
I can't believe you'd abandon me specifically this way, @Fife. </3
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on October 23, 2019, 07:23:36 PM
You mean you'll exchange us for sandy beaches and sunbathing? I call that treason, how you DARE D:
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on October 23, 2019, 08:24:33 PM
If anything, you're the reason I need a vacation, @Top Hat  :p
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on October 23, 2019, 08:27:26 PM
:O I am wounded sir!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 24, 2019, 02:15:54 AM

>> Click For Full Resolution (

Hello everyone! :)

An informal evening senior staff meeting is being held here, starting with this post at about 2000 hrs. on Day 07:

New Hope Rising (,2811.msg25284.html#msg25284)

Check the OOC note for more information! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 25, 2019, 10:49:53 PM

Today, @CTaylor joins us, and they will be writing Vinata Vojona! :)

( Ens. Vinata Vojona            Nurse (
  - Writer: ( (;u=260)

@CTaylor has been reading up on all of Vinata's extensive backstory, and made some edits both to the character page as well as the Ovri species page. Just some fine-tuning, but if you are all curious as to what was done, you can check the edit history of the pages. With this inheritance, @CTaylor continues the Ovri legacy here on Star Trek: Theurgy, and since they have been making and writing species like this before, I really look forward to see what they do with it.

Welcome aboard the Theurgy! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on October 25, 2019, 10:52:24 PM
Welcome @CTaylor !! Can't wait to see what you do with Vinata :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on October 25, 2019, 10:52:53 PM
Welcome aboard, @CTaylor!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on October 25, 2019, 10:56:39 PM
Welcome to the funky sim that is the Theurgy!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hastata-Nerada on October 25, 2019, 10:58:45 PM
Hey, welcome @CTaylor !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on October 25, 2019, 11:08:58 PM
Welcome on board @CTaylor ! Sit comfy and enjoy some cookies!.....
I'll save them for more time.... Yeah....
There is no cookies! Saaaadly, but welcome to the mad house!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CTaylor on October 26, 2019, 02:15:09 AM
Thanks, everyone for the warm welcome. Vinata is a great character concept and I'm honored to take on the role. The Ovri is a great race as well. He is just the type of character that I would have created (indeed I play very similar characters on other sims.)

I'm open to doing joint posts with him, so if anyone wants to do so, just send me a pm here or on Discord. My Discord name is Jonathan Forrest 3285.

I've been simming 10+ years but usually do NOVA. So, it may take me a bit to get used to the Forum style.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on October 26, 2019, 02:45:34 AM
Welcome @CTaylor if you want cookies @Numen is the one you need to speak too, if she tells you I have them, she is a liar :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 26, 2019, 08:14:28 AM

Unfortunately, @FollowTomorrow has decided to leave the sim, having lost interest in writing their characters the story. I'm sorry to see them go but I wish them luck in any future writing endeavours. Asst. Chief Engineer Suq will desert the Theurgy and head home to his family on Efros on Day 13. The decision on who will become the new Asst. Chief Engineer is pending and up for In-Character development.

FollowTomorrow leaves after them two characters that will be available for inheritence though, namely Security Officer Dyan Cardamone and Asst. Chief Counselor Ejek.

( PO1 Dyan Cardamone            Security Officer (NPC) ( 
( (

( Lt. JG Zelosa Ejek            Asst. Chief Counselor (V1) (NPC) ( 
( (

If you would like to inherit either of our available characters, you should contact me over PM and I will be able to provide all information about what the characters have been up to so far in the story, as well as potential development for them. Please consider also how you, as the new writer of the character, has a creative license to change the way s/he is played.

Here are our current available characters, aside from the two above: Available Characters (

EDIT: I will of course NPC all three characters as per the General Rules to resolve unfinished threads. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kinvarus on October 26, 2019, 06:49:47 PM
Welcome all the new people I haven't greeted and also sorry to see FT leave, wish him all the best and hopefully we'll see him again someday
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on October 28, 2019, 12:15:44 AM
So long and best of luck FT! I hope maybe someday you may return.

Welcome @CTaylor and I will have a thread idea for us if you would like to do it, it will be on or just after Day 9 and Day 10. ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 28, 2019, 03:28:23 AM

Please give your warmest welcome to @CorruptedCookie , who will be writing Dyan Cardamone! :)

( PO1 Dyan Cardamone            Security Officer (NPC) ( 
( (
  - Writer: CorruptedCookie (;u=263)

Having been reading our story for over a month, acquainting himself with Episode 05 in particular, @CorruptedCookie will likely have little problem taking up writing Dyan after having been given the synopsis of her earlier adventures. While he still has some reading to do, I do look forward to seeing what he makes of this character and the continued story about the Asurians. Moreover, with the potential of Savi crewmembers - and the one-sided alliance with them during Scion control - I am sure there is plenty to explore in that aspect as well. At least that's what compelled @CorruptedCookie to inherit her!

Welcome aboard, and ironically enough... Numen and/or Revan might have cookies for you! lol


@Hastata-Nerada contacted me and said that because of RL reasons, it has become hard to write and keep up with the story. I do appreciate how he tried a second time despite everything going on for him.

In regard to his characters, he does not want to leave Erev (, his Intelligence Officer, up for Inheritence, even though he was a bit split about it. Instead, he asks that Erev has some kind of accident in Lads Night Out that ends up with him being put into stasis on the Theurgy. If HN decides to return, Erev will then be available to be thawed at a later point.

Tyreke Okafor, however, will go up for inheritance. I will of course NPC both characters as per the General Rules to resolve unfinished threads though. :)

( Lt. Tyreke Okafor            Science Officer (Synthetic Biology) (V02) (
  - Former Writer: ( (;u=21)

If you would like to inherit either of our available characters, you should contact me over PM and I will be able to provide all information about what the characters have been up to so far in the story, as well as potential development for them. Please consider also how you, as the new writer of the character, has a creative license to change the way s/he is played.

Here are our current available characters, aside from the two above: Available Characters (



After @Top Hat and @fiendfall took on the task of setting Carrigan Trent's death in motion, I will be adding a related Story Objective on the morrow that will be about finding the killer. Please read the thread the aforementioned Theurgists started now, though!

Day 10 [1258 hrs.] With Malice Aforethought (,2827.0.html)

I will also be adding two Klingon-related Story Objectives that were brainstormed during the latest Discord session. Hope you will like all three and please check out the rest of the Objectives here!

Story Objectives (

That's all for now though!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on October 28, 2019, 04:26:32 AM
Welcome @CorruptedCookie I hope you enjoy Dyan and look forward to reading her interactions with any Savi crewmembers we get in the future.

With that said sorry to see HN go, hopefully he'll be back once life settles down for him.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on October 28, 2019, 08:10:16 AM
Welcome, @CorruptedCookie! I can't even point you at @Revan or @Numen for the cookies this time.

Sorry to see HN go. I hope you fare well!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on October 28, 2019, 08:24:59 AM
It's a pity HN needed to leave and i hope he will fare well.

Saying this i must say that I've never perform illegal, morally questionable experiments with cookies that has turned them in a new corrupt and sentient form of life. That said, I'll blame @Revan of such iniquitous behavior and welcome the little monstrosity we have created our new theurgist on board, sit comfy with us @CorruptedCookie !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: CorruptedCookie on October 28, 2019, 03:44:37 PM
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone, I look forward to writing with you all. Dyan is a really cool character and like Auctor mentioned, with the potential upcoming Savi crew members and their alliance somewhat in the story she seemed like the perfect character to jump in with.

That being said I look forward to coming with other things to write with anybody interested so let me know either here or on Discord when I get on there :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on October 28, 2019, 03:54:53 PM
OKay I will not have my good name slandered by these blatant lies and false accusations made by then one called @Numen I would never perform illegal, morally questionable experiments on cookies! People sure but never cookies. As a Dark Lord of the...uh former Dark Lord of the Sith I have much better things to do with my time than kitchen experiments.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Lorelai on October 28, 2019, 06:42:18 PM
Welcome to fellow Newbies @CTaylor and @CorruptedCookie I hope you both have a fun time here.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on October 29, 2019, 07:10:06 AM
OKay I will not have my good name slandered by these blatant lies and false accusations made by then one called @Numen I would never perform illegal, morally questionable experiments on cookies! People sure but never cookies. As a Dark Lord of the...uh former Dark Lord of the Sith I have much better things to do with my time than kitchen experiments.

Are you joking?! I saw @Numen in her Cookie Lab yesterday, I didn't believe the excuse Numen used when I was seen. LOL

Welcome @CorruptedCookie and @CTaylor !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 01, 2019, 12:52:37 PM

After having spent four months reading our story, starting from the beginning, @LostInTheForest decided to make the leap and join as a writer when they saw that Zelosa Ejek was available! As a fan, they are excited to continue her story.

( Lt. JG Zelosa Ejek            Asst. Chief Counselor (V1) ( 
( (
Writer: @LostInTheForest

@LostInTheForest has been reading up on all the stuff Ejek has been through so far, only having some threads set during the Aldea Prime Anthology left to read, and I look forward to see what they make of the continuation. :)

Welcome aboard, @LostInTheForest !

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on November 01, 2019, 12:59:50 PM
Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on November 01, 2019, 01:02:28 PM
Welcome aboard.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on November 01, 2019, 01:03:05 PM
Welcome aboard! With the bunch of crazies this ship has it's nice to see Zelosa wasn't on the shelf for too long :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on November 01, 2019, 01:52:10 PM
Welcome on board! Have some cookies (but don't share them with revan or you'll end with none :P)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on November 01, 2019, 02:07:49 PM
Hey! And lock them away while you're at it because @Numen will steal them, she is a notorious cookie thief :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on November 01, 2019, 03:14:41 PM
Welcome @LostInTheForest !!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on November 01, 2019, 04:20:37 PM
Welcome welcome @LostInTheForest ! Hope you enjoy writing Ejek with us :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: LostInTheForest on November 01, 2019, 08:40:33 PM
Thanks for the welcome's everyone! Happy to join you all and be a part of this crazy adventure :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 02, 2019, 12:14:47 AM

After having tried to get a hold of Zodiac for a couple of weeks, I got no replies. After having tried both both PMing and email, it would seem like they might have been caught up in RL stuff and decided to leave us. Therefore, I have decided to put up Zark for inheritance.

( Lt. JG XamotZark zh’Ptrell    Combat Medic (NPC) (
  - Former Writer: ( (;u=221)

I will be taking over writing Zark as an NPC as needed unless others can do it for me. I think she's only on one active thread atm. If someone eligible to inherit a character would be interested, just PM me! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on November 02, 2019, 07:39:39 PM
I feel bad clicking the Like button for something sad like a leaving writer. :(
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on November 02, 2019, 08:15:25 PM
To my knowledge the only thread she's active in is the Silver Shadows Allegiant mission talking with Andersson. Not a bad place for a new writer to jump into. Hopefully Zodiac is okay and they'll pop up again.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on November 02, 2019, 11:04:17 PM
Just a heads up that I wont be able to get to my posts for a few more days. Work has been kicking my ass this past week, with 10-12 hour plus days since basically last sunday. Todays another one and theres every chance tomorrow will be to. Please bare with me on the delays.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on November 03, 2019, 02:24:38 AM
Zarc was also in Shadow Dance (Silver Shadows Part 5).
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on November 03, 2019, 02:45:24 AM
Ah yeah, my bad Steg.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: lisavw on November 04, 2019, 01:52:19 AM
Hey everyone!! @trevorvw and I will be changing cities over the course of the next month! We will do our best to get our posts up but there might be some delays (hopefully not!!). Thank you so much!!! :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 04, 2019, 01:55:50 PM

After having tried for a long time, @Numen has been struggling with making Shar interact with other characters and she felt like the personality of Shar couldn't be played to her full potential in a story situation such as the Theurgy's. While there were options to try and push her out of her shell and change her to something that would fit better, it would have taken away far too much of who she is - and has been - so far in the story.

Here is the thread in which Shar clandestinely leaves the ship:

Day 09 [2355 hrs.] When time stands still (Thus Ends...) (,2831.0.html)

Given her interaction with Ducote and his help, it would be some days later after her departure that it's publicly known she's gone, but she's more or less considered AWOL at the time of Hide & Seek in the Beyond (,2770.0.html), where what she did on the Versant surfaces (some good ol' sabotage).

( Lt. JG Kelleshar sh'Zenne      Former Asst. Chief of Operations, USS Endeavour ( 
  - Formerly Played by Numen (

Of course, @Numen has no kind of intention to leave the sim, nor has she lost any interest in the story, and still wishes to write with you all. She's eager to keep moving through the story with the remaining characters of hers! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on November 04, 2019, 10:55:42 PM
Hi all,

Those on Discord have already been notified but for those that are not, here it is.

I have written the starter for the Yacht Party thread. It is open to all to enjoy and participate in. Details can be found at the bottom of the initial post.

0930 - Yacht Party! (,2835.0.html)

Have fun all.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on November 05, 2019, 04:28:26 PM
Hey folks!

I've started a new thread on the OOC board that we can use to keep track of what plots are going on, and help each other find cool new threads to read. It's 'Thread Updates' here (, Let us know what scenes you're writing!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 07, 2019, 02:53:59 PM

Hi there everyone! Hope this finds you all well out there. :)

I took the time to go over the Aldea Prime and Episode 05 boards and check what the current forum status is, and here are my findings. Use Ctrl+F to find your username?

ThreadLast PostDays AgoNext Poster
Day 07 [1930 hrs.] New Hope Rising3 Days to GoN/ATop Hat/BZ/fiendfall/trevorvw/Argyros/TWilkins/Fife
Day 02 [1200 hrs.] Memorial Ceremony2019-11-040Anyone
Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight2019-11-070Nolan
Day 08 [1600 hrs.] Quid Pro Quo between Pilots2019-11-070Argyros
Day 11 [0700 hrs.] First Time for Reman Kind?2019-11-070Stegro88
Day 06 [0900 hrs.] Free-strokes from New Blokes2019-11-070Sqweloookle
Day 04-30 [Variable hrs.] Brief Encounters ...2019-11-070Nolan
Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Working at Warp 102019-11-070Davalle
Day 16 [0930.] YACHT PARTY!2019-11-070Stegro88/Anyone
Day 07 [1100 hrs.] The More Things Change...2019-11-061Bastila
Day 21 [1800 hrs.] A Toast to the Cayuga2019-11-061Any "Cayuga Writer"
Day 05 [0630 hrs.] Fine First Impressions2019-11-061Fife
Day 12 [0830 hrs.] Hide and Seek in the Beyond2019-11-061Griff/Havenborn
Day 05 [1307 hrs.] Tan lines2019-11-061Brutus
Day 06 [1410 hrs.] "What Course Shall We Set?"2019-11-052Stegro88
Day 13 [2200 hrs.] Muscles, Shiny, and...2019-11-052Sqweloookle
Day 10 [1258 hrs.] With Malice Aforethought2019-11-052Top Hat
Day 06 [2345 hrs.] Far From the Tree2019-11-052Fiendfall
Day 10 [1300 hrs.] Spy Games2019-11-052CorruptedCookie
Day 06 [1147 hrs.] Cell Block Tango2019-11-052Auctor Lucan
Day 18 [1100 hrs.] Polar Vortex2019-11-052Kinvarus
Day 03 [1500 hrs.] Sun, Sea and Sand2019-11-052Lorelai
Day 03 [1907 hrs.] No Honour Among Thieves2019-11-052TWilkins
Day 02 [0900 hrs.] Adjustment Period2019-11-052Stegro88
Day 04 [1600 hrs.] Jubilant Memorialization of...2019-11-052SummerDawn/Anyone
Day 15 [0930 hrs.] Agony, and Red Alert2019-11-052Griff
Day 12 [2100 hrs.] Some Rehabilitation Required2019-11-043Even Angels Cry
Day 15 [2100 hrs.] Hic Sunt Leones2019-11-043Fife
Day 04 [2100 hrs.] Hot Rocks and Compromises2019-11-043Auctor Lucan
Day 03 [0900 hrs.] Eye Spy2019-11-043Auctor Lucan
Day 05 [1030 hrs.] Marija's Thaw2019-11-043Bastila
Day 09 [0600 hrs.] Arrested Development2019-11-043Auctor Lucan
Day 15 [1500 hrs.] Hello Therapy, It's Been...2019-11-043LostInTheForest
Day 05 [0600 hrs.] Scientific Curiosity Killed Them2019-11-043Kinvarus
Day 14 [1300 hrs.] With All Due Respect2019-11-043Auctor Lucan
Day 01 [2000 hrs.] A Bit of Light Reading2019-11-043Numen
Day 09 [0130 hrs.] Ghostbusters2019-11-043Stegro88 (?)
Day 10 [0900 hrs.] Stopping A Stray Bullet2019-11-034BZ
Day 01 [0955 hrs.] Acting on a Thawt2019-11-034Auctor Lucan
Day 10 [1000 hrs.] Material Girls2019-11-034Brutus
Day 09 [1300 hrs.] The Targ House2019-11-025Numen
Day 05 [0900 hrs.] Weaponizing Innocence2019-11-025Triage/BZ?
Day 03 [1115 hrs.] Market Value2019-10-317SummerDawn/Carden/Finished?
Day 06 [1745 hrs.] Victuals, Visitors and a View2019-10-317Fife
Day 09 [0900 hrs.] Knight to Wolf-112019-10-317Havenborn
Day 12 [1515 hrs.] Read The Manual2019-10-308Fife
Day 04 [1400 hrs.] Bones To Pick2019-10-308Fife
Day 02 [2317 hrs.] Party In Aldea Prime Baby!2019-10-308Fife  (Finished?)
Day 10 [2034 hrs.] Lads Night Out2019-10-299Sqweloookle
Day 02 [0805 hrs.] Making Amends2019-10-2810Even Angels Cry
Day 08 [2000 hrs.] The Encumbered Engineer2019-10-2711BZ
Day 02 [1920 hrs.] Sphenopalatine Ganglioneuralgia2019-10-2612Fiendfall
Day 02 [2115 hrs.] Unintended Baggage2019-10-2414Top Hat
Day 04 [1415 hrs.] Once Upon a Time in a Holodeck2019-10-2315Even Angels Cry
Day 05 [1000 hrs.] The Art of Tactful Candor2019-10-1919Steelphoenix
Day 05 [1430 hrs.] Sticky Progress2019-10-1820Alyfox
Day 03 [1500 hrs.] Room to Breathe2019-10-1226SilverShadow
Day 02 [1430 hrs.] Losing One Of Our Own2019-10-0929Lorelai
Day 02 [1030 hrs.] Meet The New Boss...2019-10-0830Alyfox
Day 13 [0030 hrs.] Shadow Dance2019-10-0632Stegro88
Day 03 [2100 hrs.] Professionalism2019-10-0335SilverShadow
Day 07 [1900 hrs.] Questions In The Steam2019-09-2642Stegro88
Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Lending A Hand2019-09-2048Triage
Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Tranquillity Interrupted2019-09-1454Triage
Day 03 [1015 hrs.] Snakes and Ladders2019-09-1157Twilkins
Day 03 [1230 hrs.] Have You Eaten Yet?2019-08-1584Triage
Day 05 [2381 hrs.] Breaking the Silence2019-08-0297Griff
ThreadLast PostDays AgoNext Poster
EPIL: S [D06|2100] Shipwide Call2019-11-043Anyone
EPIL: S [D06|1720] Angel's Quarters2019-11-070Revan
EPIL: S [D06|2000] New Roommates2019-08-1881Lorelai (New Writer)
EPIL: S [D06|1800] Seeking Treatment2019-08-1683Twilkins
EPIL: S [D06|1700] Stress Relief2019-07-08122Stegro/Finished?
Please let me know which of the old threads that won't be continued and should be locked. PM me in that case! :)

In general, we have been very good at informing our writing partners when RL issues are getting in the way, so let's keep doing that! ( good ) Most of the red numbers are from Theurgists who have given a heads up about their absence, and that's perfectly okay. Still, bear in mind that we should always try to reply in our current threads within 7 days, and neglecting to do so breeds more inactivity among other writers - others thinking that its fine to leave writing partners waiting indefinitely.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 08, 2019, 04:56:27 PM

Today, @Arista returns! For those unaware, he writes Parnak, a dear Cardassian in our story:

( Dr. Silim Parnak      Exobiologist/Academic (
( (
- Writer: @Arista

Having plenty of ideas for threads, some of you may expect to hear from him soon in regard to getting things re-started. Glad to have you back!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on November 08, 2019, 05:00:41 PM
Welcome back @Arista!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on November 08, 2019, 05:03:03 PM
Glad to see you back @Arista :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on November 08, 2019, 05:08:59 PM
Welcome back!!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on November 08, 2019, 05:13:45 PM
The prodigal Cardassian returns!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on November 08, 2019, 05:38:19 PM
welcome back @Arista !glad things are better for you ^^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Juzzie on November 08, 2019, 05:43:26 PM
Welcome back @Arista
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Triage on November 08, 2019, 07:41:22 PM
Belcome wack! now let the tea parties commence from morning to evening! Oh and we're using Parnak's lab for this.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on November 09, 2019, 07:26:08 PM
just a quick update on the behalf of @Even Angels Cry

She has no internet for the next two weeks, if she manages to post it will be through various wifi which she only has access to on saturday.

I know this because I have EAC's phone number (she's an RL friend after all) so I figured I would update the site on her behalf.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on November 12, 2019, 08:06:42 AM
Just want to post an update for myself.

I'm going on vacation! it's been in flux for a little while, but I finally got everything sorted, I leave on the 13th, and I will be back on the 18th, and I won't have any internet during that trip.

So I know I just got back to being fully active, but I'm gonna be gone for a week or so, and I need this, it's very much for my personal health, I'm going on retreat to heal for a while.

Have a good time.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on November 12, 2019, 08:55:39 AM
Enjoy the holiday mate.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on November 13, 2019, 07:50:50 PM
hey hey! just a head up, due to a sudden increase in workload my pace may slow down slightly until I tackle a couple of things I have going on. This shouldn't affect my posting rate in theory, but as I'm not very sure about this, and perhaps I have less leisure time, I prefer to warn you guys. In the "worst" scenario, I would continue to post at the same rate as I did during inktober, i.e. with post spam on weekends.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Juzzie on November 14, 2019, 11:51:03 AM
Take care @Numen and @Masorin
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 14, 2019, 01:39:27 PM

After sending several posting reminders, and given the chance to return to active status and post in the threads they were active in, SilverShadow's membership had to be terminated due to inactivity.

( Ens. Mektari Dumral          Asst. Chief CONN Officer (V3) (
  - Former Writer: ( (;u=239)

She played Mektari "Meki" Dumral, who is now available for inheritance, should anyone be interested in her as a character of their own.

If anyone wants me to, I will try to wrap up the threads she was in, namely. Here is more info on Inheritance:

That's all for now!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 17, 2019, 01:12:48 AM

Award season has officially begun!!

These Sim Contribution Awards are handed out by the GM to members who have devoted a lot of time and energy into help building our community in some way. Without further ado, here are the recipients! :)

Awarded to a writer who has recruited at least three writers to the sim. Alternatively, for mentoring five or more Applicants and writing starting threads with them upon joining. Having done this by showing the sim to @BZ , @patches and @fiendfall , this year's recipient is....

Top Hat! (;u=88)

Awarded to a writer in thanks for helping to keep the GM sane. The writer may have taken initiative to play an active role in a project or significant plot, been a helpful posting partner, given OOC administrative assistance, or simply was extra supportive, encouraging, or making the GM laugh. Because of the great focus on creating plotlines for the Aldea Prime Anthology, all the brainstorming on Discord, and perhaps most importantly for initiating The Inside Man storyline with Donna Petterson and Director Joseph Nerva Andersson.... this years recipient is....

Stegro88! (;u=118)

Awarded to a writer who has produced graphics for the sim in a consistent and exemplary manner, be it making character images for applicants or graphics for the site as a whole. With this Theurgist having given us so much eye-candy since she joined, who better to earn this than...

Numen! (;u=128)

Awarded to an writer who goes through extreme, even insane measures to get an administrative project done for the sim, well beyond any kind of expectations from the GM. There are two recipients for this Award, and they get it since they worked together to make sure all the Character Pages got the Academy Class as well as the NCO boot-camp categorisations, Because of these two, you can all click the Academy Class links at the bottom of your character pages to see whom the character graduated with. Here they are!

(;attach=125;type=avatar) (;u=59)  (;attach=264;type=avatar) (;u=123)
Steelphoenix (;u=59) & Fife (;u=123)! 

Awarded to a writer for devoting extraordinary time and energy to create and maintain the Theurgy wiki database for the benefit of the sim and its writers. This medal recognizes these efforts and acknowledge the blood, sweat and tears they pour into facilitating the community and the rich Theurgy lore. In this case, the recipient earns the hammer because not only has he been involved in a few wiki projects over the years, one of them being the Theurgy wiki-page itself, but he also set aside a lot of time to update all character pages with ranks, positions and service records after the Theurgy arrived at Aldea. Well earned! Congrats goes to...

(;attach=289;type=avatar) (;u=14)
Arista! (;u=14)

I will be saving the GM's Commendation Award for later, and there are many more Writing Awards to earn through upcoming nominations, but please congratulate these Theurgists for their achievements!  (L)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Juzzie on November 17, 2019, 01:17:06 AM
Congratulations everyone. All of you deserve the praise
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on November 17, 2019, 01:19:44 AM
Thank you and congratulations to all recipients.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: patches on November 17, 2019, 01:21:06 AM
Congratulations, you all!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on November 17, 2019, 01:48:26 AM
Congrats everyone! Well deserved ^^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on November 17, 2019, 03:21:43 AM
Thanks, and congratulations to all the other recipients!  ( good )
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on November 17, 2019, 04:37:33 AM
Wow, that was very unexpected :D  Thank you very much and congratulations to all the other winners.  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on November 17, 2019, 10:05:07 AM
I want to thank the Academy for this award and.....
Hahaha just joking, thank you so much for this and congratulations for all my fellow awarded, you all deserve it!  (L)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on November 17, 2019, 01:06:52 PM
Congratulations to all the recipients! You all deserve it :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 19, 2019, 03:24:51 PM

Hello everyone! Today, we replace the half-baked Posting Style Guide with this new and expanded Forum Writing Etiquette page!

Forum Writing Etiquette (

This forum writing guide offer information for both beginners and seasoned writers in Star Trek sims, so I recommend you read through it when you have the time, regardless how long you've been a member. :)

The wiki has been updated with a link to the new page, replacing the Style Guide post, but let me know if there are any links missing!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TWilkins on November 22, 2019, 12:41:08 PM
Good Day team.

I was just wondering if people wanted to schedule a voice-chat session at an alternate time to the times that have been scheduled already. Not necessarily for anything formal like AL's sessions, but just to chat and talk characters and junk.

I know that there's no way that we can find universally convenient times, but I always enjoy the VC's so if people are in a like mind, I'd enjoy scheduling something if it proves to be a popular idea. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on November 22, 2019, 12:55:44 PM
Absolutely. If I can be there, I will be.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on November 22, 2019, 01:12:22 PM
I'd be into a more chill VC session! The scheduled sessions are cool with their agendas, and it'd be nice to supplement that with more freeform sessions if folks were into that? Preferably at UK-friendly times haha
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on November 22, 2019, 01:22:28 PM
i would try to join, even if probably i just lurk around to save you all from my spanglish XD
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 22, 2019, 03:54:37 PM


It took me a bit to solve it...

...but now, you can even like posts in Episode 01 if you so like. :)

Indeed, let the liking spree begin, for now you can like any post you want!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Arista on November 23, 2019, 05:34:21 PM


It took me a bit to solve it...

...but now, you can even like posts in Episode 01 if you so like. :)

Indeed, let the liking spree begin, for now you can like any post you want!


Auctor Lucan

Amazing news! Time for a liking spree
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Even Angels Cry on November 25, 2019, 09:20:03 PM
Congratulations to our winners!! And heck yea to the liking of past locked items that need liked!

In my little world, my data has refreshed and i am back to posting. Hurray! With black Friday coming up and my ridiculous work weeks between now and Christmas, i will do my best to stay atop my threads.

Thanks for your patience!

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on November 25, 2019, 09:27:53 PM
Hey everyone, sorry for the absense lately, life has been more busy that I would expect, it's slowly starting to settle down and I will be getting posts out as quickly as I can.

Special apology goes to @TheSithChicken I will get that thread started ASAP
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 26, 2019, 04:23:06 PM

After sending several posting reminders, and given the chance to return to active status and post in the threads they were active in, @TheSithChicken & @Tempest 's memberships had to be terminated due to inactivity.

( PO1 Varder Ridun              Security Officer (NPC) ( 
  - Former Writer: @Tempest (

( Ens. Nathaniel Isley          Wolf-06 [Icarus] (NPC) (,_callsign_%22Icarus%22)
  - Former Writer: (,_callsign_%22Icarus%22)TheSithChicken (;u=256)

They played Isley & Ridun, who are both now available for inheritance, should anyone be interested in them as a character of their own. Here is more info on Inheritance:

No worries though, if anyone wants me to, I will try to wrap up the threads they were in. Just PM me! :) 

That's all for now!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 29, 2019, 11:07:04 AM

Two polls have been posted, so please cast your votes in the Pakled Order (,2856.0.html) and the Inner Light (,2857.0.html) Award polls! :) The polls will run for 3 days respectively, with the Pakled Order started yesterday and the Inner Light coming up today. Those who cast their vote should take a few minutes to read the linked scenes first and the nominee(s) who get the most votes will receive these Writing Awards. If you are a Nominee, you may not vote on your own scene.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 09, 2019, 09:44:33 AM

The results of the census are in, and unfortunately, we've lost one Therurgist in the form of @CTaylor , who joined to write Vinata Vojona not long ago. With only managing to post once with the character, and in failure of responding to the census, their membership has now been terminated.

Another member who failed to answer the census was @Even Angels Cry , but she has clearly communicated her absence here (,1002.msg25756.html#msg25756) in the Main OOC thread, so she's given the benefit of the doubt in how she'll likely return to write with us as soon as she can. Having worked in her line of work myself, I do know what this time of year ought to be like for her leading up to Christmas.


( Ens. Vinata Vojona            Nurse (NPC) (
  - Former Writer: ( (;u=260)

If anyone eligible to take over a character is interested, you can PM me here on the forum about inheriting either of them. Please make sure to read up on the info at the top of this page, in such a case: Available Characters ( In the meantime, I will NPC him as needed. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on December 11, 2019, 04:09:22 AM
Hi all.

Just writing this to let you all know that my posting is probably going to be delayed a few days.

My employer sprung stocktake on us earlier than expected and with a shorter turnaround. I will be trying to post in the evenings but I cannot make any promises.

My apologies to all.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on December 12, 2019, 05:21:59 PM
Just a heads up... I have tomorrow off so I'm hoping to get a bunch of posting done then.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on December 13, 2019, 10:59:26 PM
I kinda went back and forth on if I should seriously post this idea here or in the Aldea anthology or if I just shouldn't post it all cause it's kind of a weird idea, but I settled on OOC because it is a bit of an out of character thing to do.

So what kicked this off is an early christmas gift i was given by a friend was I got the Dragon Heist module for D&D 5e, I don't really have a group that I can play with at the moment and I don't belong to any rp forums where a long term system rpg can survive.

But then I thought, well I have Salem, he's a character whom I made to love nerdy stuff like D&D.

Fantasy RP's on a holodeck is something pretty well established... an RPG inside an RP...

It's weird but I have the book and I kinda wanna use it, and it's not like I can just make my own forum, and I don't have the time or consistency to play it live. Parallel lives board has to exist for some reason this could give it some use, or the directors cut board.

So who's interested in a fantasy gang war?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on December 15, 2019, 06:39:35 PM
Due to a series of personal unforeseen events my internet usage may be limited this week or so. I think I've replied to everything on my queue except one DC, so I'll try that this didn't affect any of you, but maybe a slow-y pace is to be expected. In case of need, my email will be the easiest way to contact me.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 16, 2019, 02:39:20 PM

Today, @Aharon rejoins us, and they will be writing Vinata Vojona again! :)

( Ens. Vinata Vojona            Nurse (
  - Writer: ( (;u=236)

Having followed events in the story and upon Vinata becoming available again, @Aharon returns to us in wish to participate as much as he can. Being a tad busy IRL, he will try to limit himself to 1-2 threads so that he doesn't stretch himself too thin and can keep up with his threads. This, until later this coming year, when he will have a lot more time to write.

Welcome back aboard the Theurgy, @Aharon ! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on December 22, 2019, 04:34:25 AM
Hey Everyone,

I am going to be out of town till the 27th so tags will most likely not happen as fast (or at all possibly) while I am away. I'll play catchup when I get back. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on December 23, 2019, 02:42:05 AM
I do apologise to all those I am in a thread with. My brain has been moosh and family have been at my place a few nights now, so if you can bare with me I'll get replies down on Christmas day for after the initial morning mayhem we all usually disperse after lunch.

I hope you all have a great holiday. Stay safe all of you!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on December 23, 2019, 03:04:07 AM
As a note: my activity will likely suffer in the coming week for numerous reasons. Christmas is a greedy bugger when it comes to free time.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on December 23, 2019, 05:10:17 AM
Just an FYI to those who I have active threads in:

Tomorrow morning I head out on my Christmas vacation.  I will be limited in posting ability through the duration as I'll only have my phone and tablet with me.  I'm trying to get to 100% before I leave (no guarantees sadly), so I should be in a good spot by morning.  I'll see if I can get some posting done while I'm gone if possible, but again, I'll have limited resources.  I'll be back in the afternoon on the 31st, and will have the next day off as well so I can use that time to get caught up some more if needed.

Happy Holidays everyone!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on December 23, 2019, 10:30:13 PM
Things are a little up in the air for me, too. I was hoping to avoid the little delays that have been happening, but I'm just kidding myself. Posting will be sporadic from me for the next... few weeks probably. I'll be around, though.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 24, 2019, 11:16:25 PM
Merry Christmas from Sweden! We celebrate now on Christmas Eve here so I hope the rest of you all have a great day tomorrow! :)

New Award nominations will open up tomorrow or the day after that depending on current guests here. Story progression and artwork is also pending given the same reasons. Take care everyone!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on December 25, 2019, 09:24:07 PM
Merry Christmas everyone!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 30, 2019, 04:55:53 PM


We have another Diplomat en-route from Starbase 82, heading towards the Epsilon Mynos System and Aldea Prime! :) It's L'Nari, @Fife 's newest character!

( Ens. L'Nari        Diplomatic Attaché ( 
( (
  - Played by  @Fife

Awesome read of a backstory, and I think this character have been one of the greatest challenges yet in terms of character artwork. For the record, I hate fur in a photoshop-sense now! lol. It certainly didn't help that I had a long power outage in the house too, delaying the completion of these images more so than Christmas did.

In any case, I do love a challenge, and I'm looking forward to take part in this new character's story! Have fun, @Fife !



It's the last day to nominate for the Blaze of Glory and Golden Chevron Awards, everyone! :)

Final Award Nominations 2019 (,2870.0.html)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on December 30, 2019, 04:59:48 PM
congratulations @Fife ! I'm eager to see the cat lady join the story :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on December 30, 2019, 05:12:16 PM
The most important question though...does she have wares?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on December 30, 2019, 05:42:21 PM
Well, the Ops department is going to have to up its game in keeping hair balls out of the vent systems ;)

 Congrats, @Fife
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on December 30, 2019, 05:51:47 PM
Nator has already started twitching.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on December 30, 2019, 05:54:30 PM
I'm pretty sure s/he secretly shed as much as the caits :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on December 30, 2019, 09:18:49 PM
Now you know why I made a model for Deacon, AL.  :)  And then... well... Savi.  :D

But welcome aboard L'Nari.  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on December 30, 2019, 10:02:06 PM
Congrats @Fife

Good to see another Cait around here, was lonely being the only one. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on December 31, 2019, 01:51:55 AM
Damn, she is nice. Congrats @Fife and Stellar work as always @Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 01, 2020, 12:51:05 AM
Happy New Year all you dear Theurgists around the globe! :)

Looking forward to a January filled with story progression now that the Aldea Anthology is rounding off. It will still be open, but gradually the focus will shift to Season 2.

Hope you are all well out there!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on January 01, 2020, 08:07:55 PM
Happy new year, folks and folkettes. To those of you whom I owe posts and/or topic starters: sorry about that. Through illness, family shenanigans and other jolly stuff, writing has been difficult lately. I’m still a tad ill, but I should be fully up to date by Saturday.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: trevorvw on January 01, 2020, 10:31:59 PM
Hey all!

Sorry for the delay, but Lisa and I have completed our move, found our computer and have internet access again! We’re looking forward to diving back in!

Hope everyone has a happy new year!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 02, 2020, 02:45:06 AM

Hi there everyone! Hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year's Eve, wherever you are. :)

Two award polls have been posted on the Main OOC board for the Blaze of Glory Award (,2873.0.html) and the Golden Chevron (,2874.0.html), and you all have 3 days to submit your votes. These are the final Writing Awards in this awards season, but I have one last GM award to hand out after that.

Thank you all who submitted your nominations! :)


Furthermore, now that 2020 have started, I took the time to go over the Aldea Prime and Episode 05 boards and check what the current forum status is, and here are my findings. Use Ctrl+F to find your username?

ThreadLast PostDays AgoNext Poster
Day 07 [1930 hrs.] New Hope Rising2019-12-1122Anyone Present (Optional)
Day 13 [0030 hrs.] Shadow Dance | The Silver Shadows Part 052020-01-011BZ
Day 14 [1300 hrs.] The Fox and The Fool2020-01-011Fife
Day 15 [2100 hrs.] Hic Sunt Leones2020-01-011Fife
Day 14 [1235 hrs.] Horticultural Homicide2020-01-011Fife
Day 20 [1500 hrs.] Live Long and Prosper2019-12-312Auctor Lucan
Day 06 [2345 hrs.] Far From the Tree2019-12-312Numen
Day 10 [0900 hrs.] Stopping A Stray Bullet2019-12-303BZ
Day 10 [2000 hrs.] Next to me2019-12-303BZ
Day 05 [0810 hrs.] To Nix the Nanites2019-12-303SummerDawn
Day 04 [2100 hrs.] Hot Rocks and Compromises2019-12-294Auctor Lucan
Day 14 [1300 hrs.] Court Ordered Therapy2019-12-294Masorin
Day 10 [1000 hrs] Material Girls2019-12-294Stegro88
Day 11 [1345 hrs.] Murder, He Wrote2019-12-294Numen
Day 12 [1515 hrs.] Read The Manual2019-12-294Top Hat
Day 02 [1920 hrs.] Sphenopalatine Ganglioneuralgia2019-12-285Arista
Day 22 [2000 hrs.] A Boat, A Duck, We Don't Give a Fuck2019-12-285BZ
Day 08 [1900 hrs.] Knock Knock2019-12-276BZ
Day 14 [1300 hrs.] With All Due Respect2019-12-276Steelphoenix
Day 08 [1900 hrs.] Cross the Sky for You2019-12-276Top Hat
Day 10 [0800 hrs.] Taking Flight2019-12-276SummerDawn
Day 04 [1600 hrs.] Jubilant Memorialization of Fortuitous Nascency2019-12-267Triage (?)
Day 20 [1300 hrs.] Mechanical Malady2019-12-267Top Hat
Day 16 [0930 hrs.] YACHT PARTY!2019-12-267Anyone
Day 10 [2034 hrs.] Lads Night Out2019-12-267Twilkins
Day 07 [1700 hrs.] The Encumbered Engineer2019-12-258Fiendfall
Day 09 [0900 hrs.] Knight to Wolf-112019-12-2310Triage
Day 18 [1100 hrs.] Polar Vortex2019-12-2310Revan
Day 20 [2100 hrs.] Poker Faces2019-12-2112Top Hat
Day 21 [0630 hrs.] Sleeping Dogs2019-12-2013Nolan
Day 09 [0930 hrs.] The Odd Bunch2019-12-2013Stegro88
Day 09 [0600 hrs.] Arrested Development2019-12-1815Revan
Day 21 [1800 hrs.] A Toast to the Cayuga2019-12-1815Anyone fr. the Cayuga
Day 15 [0930 hrs.] Agony, and Red Alert2019-12-1716Griff
Day 12 [2100 hrs.] Some Rehabilitation Required2019-12-1716EvenAngelsCry
Day 06 [1410 hrs.] "What Course Shall We Set?"2019-12-1716Stegro88
Day 02 [2115 hrs.] Unintended Baggage2019-12-1617ch'Xinya
Day 05 [0600 hrs.] Scientific Curiosity Killed Them Both2019-12-1617Masorin
Day 15 - [1500 hrs.] Hello Therapy, It's Been A Long Time Coming2019-12-1617LostInTheForest
Day 10 [1300 hrs.] Spy Games2019-12-1617Revan
Day 08 [1600 hrs.] Quid Pro Quo between Pilots2019-12-1617Havenborn
Day 02 [0900 hrs.] Adjustment Period2019-12-1617Stegro88
Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds2019-12-1518Nolan
Day 06 [0900 hrs.] Free-strokes from New Blokes2019-12-1221Sqweloookle
Day 03 [1500 hrs.] Sun, Sea and Sand2019-12-1221Lorelai
Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Tranquillity Interrupted2019-12-1023Triage
Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight2019-12-1023Havenborn
Day 13 [2200 hrs.] Muscles, Shiny, and Awkwardness, Oh My2019-12-0924Sqweloookle
Day 03 [1230 hrs.] Have You Eaten Yet?2019-12-0825Triage
Day 11 [0700 hrs.] First Time for Reman Kind?2019-12-0825Argyros
Day 09 [0130 hrs.] Ghostbusters | The Silver Shadows Part 032019-11-2538Trevorvw/Lisavw (?)
Day 05 [1430 hrs.] Sticky Progress2019-11-2241Alyfox
Day 07 [1100 hrs.] The More Things Change...2019-11-1944Bastila
Day 03 [1907 hrs.] No Honour Among Thieves2019-11-1152Carden
Day 02 [1030 hrs.] Meet The New Boss...2019-10-0886Alyfox
ThreadLast PostDays AgoNext Poster
EPIL: S [D06|1720] Angel's Quarters2019-12-1914Revan
EPIL: S [D06|1800] Seeking Treatment2019-11-0954Masorin
EPIL: S [D06|2000] New Roommates2019-08-18137Lorelai (?)
It's 3 a.m. here so I want to apologise if I managed to overlook something in compiling this list, lol! Please let me know which of the old threads that won't be continued and should be locked. PM me in that case! :)

Over the Holidays, we have been very good at informing our writing partners, just like when RL issues are getting in the way, so let's keep doing that! ( good ) Bear in mind that we should always try to reply in our current threads within 7 days, and neglecting to do so breeds more inactivity among other writers - others thinking that its fine to leave writing partners waiting indefinitely.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 03, 2020, 02:13:14 AM



This may have been foreshadowed already in Hide & Seek in the Beyond (,2770.0.html), and in the Story Poll held a couple of months back (,2844.0.html), but the time has come to establish the Savi Alliance. This will be done in this thread:

Day 12 [1147 hrs.] An Erstwhile Enemy (,2876.0.html)

All writers with Senior Staff characters are hereby asked to read up on this post above, and to post once or twice in the thread just so that this development can be ironed out properly. I hope you all like the read, and that you have enough to work with in terms of reactions to the news that Ives bring. Please also notice how you have a choice to either have your character come to the conference lounge for this summons, or phone in via vid-link from somewhere else on the three parts of the ship.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 03, 2020, 10:25:52 PM


On and off for the last few weeks, @Fife has taken it upon himself to build us an actual Memorial Wall for the Theurgy, and not just the cutaway image of the terrace:

>> Click for Full Size (

No, that's just an IC reference for what that area of the ship looks like. What @Fife has done, however, was to make this:

>> Link to the New Memorial Wall Page! (

This page lists both Primary Characters and NPCs that have served aboard the Theurgy but died in the line of duty. With this new page, we will also add links to the posts on the forum in which the specific character died, and it will be a gradual development of detective work. Right now, only the death scenes of three characters have been added to the page, namely Eliska Bremmer, Lin Kae and Eboh. Please take your time to help out adding links to this page if you find the time.

What you do then is that you send a PM to @Fife , who needs the hyperlink to the relevant post (not the thread, but the specific post) as well as the name of the dead character. Kindly enough, @Fife has offered to keep this page updated whenever a character dies or a death scene is sent to him via PM, and I have just now added links all over the site to this Memorial Wall ( page. You can now find it underneath Database in the top menu, as well as the wiki side menu and the Database page. You will also be able to reach it from above the Dead Crewmates listings on the Crew Manifest.


In fact.... let's make this interesting. How about the PM with the link and name is sent to both Fife and I, and I will add 1 Story Token to the sender for every 3 death-links and names that are sent to Fife and I? That means you have to collect 3 links and names, and send them all in a batch. Moreover, you need to send a link that hasn't already been submitted, which might become a challenge in itself depending on how many will participate in this challenge.

Sounds like morbid fun? Then go hunt them all down on the boards! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on January 03, 2020, 10:28:34 PM
This looks so cool, great work @Fife !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on January 03, 2020, 10:33:49 PM
Top notch work, @Fife.

Now, who should I kill off to start farming Tokens? :hmm:
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on January 06, 2020, 01:44:39 AM
Just a quick message for all of those involved in Day 09 [0130 hrs.] Ghostbusters | The SIlver Shadows Part 03 (,2793.0.html).

It has now been almost 7 weeks since I posted last in that thread. In that time @Fife is the only writer to have posted. If I could ask @trevorvw, @lisavw, @Masorin, @Sqweloookle, @Bastila, @Revan if they could post within the next week, before Monday 13/01/2020, or let me know otherwise so that I can advance the thread along please.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 06, 2020, 05:52:28 AM

Hi there everyone! :)

Well, in spite of saying they were going to remain and become active again in the census, a few Theurgists have unfortunately neither resumed posting nor communicated their extended absence. Since they ceased replying to messages, they were given a set amount of time to start replying in their threads again, but like it was before the census, I did not receive any replies to my PMs. Therefore, I can but assume RL has consumed their time and that they might return at some point when it's better suited for them.

So the following Theurgists have now been listed as Inactive pending further information or return, and the fates of their characters are mentioned in white:

For all of you who have ongoing threads between these characters above and your own, I may not be available to NPC them all to bring closure to the scenes. Therefore, if possible, I would prefer if you edited the last post you made in the thread to resolve what you need for your characters and added a - FIN to it. Then, please PM me with a notice to have the thread locked.

If there is a crucial need for me to NPC these characters somewhere, however, I'd be happy to! Just PM me in that case and state what you need for your character or the thread in question.

Sad to see these writers got caught up with other things, and I'd love to see them return to full activity, but hopefully they are okay out there.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on January 06, 2020, 02:37:07 PM
Well I know at least hree of those who were just busy with holiday things and should be returning soon so I suspect AL will be hearing from them soon. Specifically @Bastila @Lorelai  and @LostInTheForest not sure about the others but I suspect at least Aly and Jes will be back as well but don't quote me on that.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kinvarus on January 06, 2020, 02:48:52 PM
Yeah I'd be surprised if Aly and Jes stay missing for long, I know I've been busy over the holiday period too. Hopefully @LostInTheForest returns soon as I've enjoyed talking to her about how Zelosa and Vivian's therapy sessions are going to go.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 07, 2020, 09:28:38 AM

Luckily, @LostInTheForest and @Bastila just had a temporary lapse of activity and failed to communicate it. So, they return already, writing their characters Ejek and Ferik respectively. :)

Still no show from the others, but we'll see if they contact me.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 08, 2020, 08:47:33 PM

Hi there!

@Fife just posted on the R&D board with the ongoing Memorial Wall project. Here's the link!

Memorial Wall Project (,2877.0.html)

If you want Story Tokens and like to hunt down specific scenes in our long story, this might be something for you. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 08, 2020, 11:48:39 PM

Wohoo! We have another Theurgist in our midst, and it's @RyeTanker ! He'll be writing XamotZark zh'Ptrell, our Combat Medic:

( Lt. JG XamotZark zh’Ptrell    Combat Medic (
  - Writer: ( (;u=283)

At the moment, Rye has not informed me whether or not he'll be doing any edits to the character page, but he's been reading up on Episode 05 since he registered, and now just have the few Aldea Prime threads to go before he's entirely caught up on Zark's story so far.

Welcome aboard, @RyeTanker ! See you on Discord, and don't forget to PM if you have any questions. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on January 08, 2020, 11:56:12 PM
Welcome aboard @RyeTanker! Great to have you :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on January 09, 2020, 12:18:14 AM
Welcome @RyeTanker

Looking forward to writing with you. Let me know if you need anything.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on January 09, 2020, 12:23:30 AM
Welcome aboard @RyeTanker!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on January 09, 2020, 12:27:09 AM
Welcome aboard @RyeTanker
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on January 09, 2020, 12:34:06 AM
Welcome on board @RyeTanker ! Hope you enjoy the site :) feel free to PM any of us or join discord if you need any help or want to make some brainstorming, i think we share a thread atm and we can help to put you on its track.

I take advantage of this to say i've some IRL things going that are eating more time than planned, so so a slow-ish peace could be expected. I'll take care of the more urgent threads ASAP in any case.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 09, 2020, 01:16:43 AM

Fiendfall adds a fourth character to the fold, and this in manner of Xelia!

( Xelia                        Hacker (
  - Writer: ( (;u=183)

Oh, does she look familiar to you? Perhaps it's because Adisia's real name has been Xelia all along, and she is not even a part of the Orion Syndicate. In fact, Xelia - being a hacker - ran into some trouble with the Syndicate, and to make the spectacular character page rewrite of fiendfall's short, the character assumed the identity of the already assassinated Venator Adisia of the Orion Syndicate to get away. So, she's been on Aldea, acting as a Syndicate Venator, in order to hide from that very organisation she's supposed to be a part of. Right under their noses.

Thank you for this refreshing new angle of this character, @fiendfall , and I look forward to read her continued story! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on January 09, 2020, 01:37:37 AM
Congrats on the new character @fiendfall!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 09, 2020, 01:45:25 AM

Oh, I forgot to add, that @Lorelai make a reappearance, and is writing with us still! :) Membership reactivated, and she continues to write Devyrie Okhala. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on January 09, 2020, 06:05:28 AM
Welcome @RyeTanker and ooo clever character re-write @fiendfall.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on January 09, 2020, 09:24:49 AM
Thanks for the congratulations folks! And thanks AL for the work to redo a bunch of wiki links, you're a hero :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 09, 2020, 04:58:01 PM

After losses in family and overall time-shortages, @Jesaya and @AlyFox have reappeared again, and will be writing actively with us once more. Welcome back, and we hope to see you guys on Discord soon enough. :) Invites have been sent your way.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on January 09, 2020, 05:06:03 PM
Welcome back @Lorelai, @Jesaya, @LostInTheForest, @Bastila and @AlyFox!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RyeTanker on January 09, 2020, 07:19:46 PM
Thank you so much for welcoming me aboard. I'm looking forward to making my first post soon. Still catching up on what's been happening so far.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 10, 2020, 02:42:17 PM

@Top Hat has added his fourth character to the sim today! Here is Valkra. :)

( Lt. Valkra                        Combat Engineer (
  - Writer: ( Hat (;u=88)

She volunteered to serve on the Theurgy because of the parasitic threat, having served on the IKS Qigh'YoD as a member of the Klingon Defence Force. She's a Combat Engineer, and quite resourceful. I recommend the reading of her character page, and it was an absolute pleasure making her images, a fan of Gina Carano as I am. :)

Have fun writing her, @Top Hat !


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on January 10, 2020, 02:44:27 PM
Thank you for the work on her images, AL! Looking forward to letting her loose.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on January 10, 2020, 02:44:41 PM
Yay! i love her already, so eager to see her around @Top Hat
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on January 10, 2020, 02:52:01 PM
aaa congrats @Top Hat!! Looking forward to seeing her in play! & great artwork as always @Auctor Lucan, Valkra looks brilliant
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on January 10, 2020, 03:25:59 PM
Congrats on the new character @Top Hat!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 10, 2020, 03:28:36 PM

I believe we have one final Sim Contribution Award to hand out, and it was quite hard to pick one of you all. There were three names that stood out in particular, so I decided to give it to all three since it was impossible to pick just one.

Awarded by the GM in appreciation for any act or contribution to the sim which is especially supererogatory, rising above and beyond expectations.

In this case, the recipients earn this Award because they did their utmost to nominate other Theurgists for this award season, taking it upon themselves to make the award season as good as it became. Lastly, besides also making nominations, the third recipient just started up a project that doesn't just help preserve the rich detail of our story, in how we can commemorate the fallen characters, but also go back to the scenes of the story in which they met their end. Well earned! Congrats goes to...

(;attach=228;type=avatar) (;u=128)
Numen! (;u=14)
(;attach=311;type=avatar) (;u=183)
Fiendfall! (;u=14)

(;attach=308;type=avatar) (;u=123)
Fife! (;u=14)

Please congratulate these Theurgists on their achievement!  (L)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on January 10, 2020, 03:30:10 PM
So very well deserved on all counts!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on January 10, 2020, 03:44:40 PM
Well deserved @Numen & @Fife! Thank you AL, very unexpected!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on January 10, 2020, 03:53:37 PM
Ok, didn't expect this. Thanks you @Auctor Lucan!

Congratulations to @Numen and @fiendfall!! Very much deserved you two!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on January 10, 2020, 07:05:28 PM
O_o what? Thanks AL!!!
Congrats to @fiendfall for the awards too! (Not to @Fife i still dont forget what he did with Ekon)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on January 13, 2020, 01:56:09 AM
Congrats on the award to Numen, Fife and Fiendfall.

And welcome Valkra. Nice work Top Hat.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on January 14, 2020, 12:54:43 AM
Just a quick message for all of those involved in Day 09 [0130 hrs.] Ghostbusters | The SIlver Shadows Part 03 (,2793.0.html).

It has now been almost 7 weeks since I posted last in that thread. In that time @Fife is the only writer to have posted. If I could ask @trevorvw, @lisavw, @Masorin, @Sqweloookle, @Bastila, @Revan if they could post within the next week, before Monday 13/01/2020, or let me know otherwise so that I can advance the thread along please.

In 24 hours, I will be updating Ghost Busters.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 14, 2020, 02:17:53 PM

Hey! @TheSithChicken made a reappearance, and is writing with us still! :) Membership reactivated, and they continue to write Nathaniel Isley.

Welcome back, SithChicken!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on January 14, 2020, 03:20:52 PM
Welcome back @TheSithChicken
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on January 15, 2020, 08:46:02 PM
My apologies everyone for running a bit behind.  I've recently undertaken a physical art/craft project that is just now mellowing out of the obsessive compulsive stage and the RPG that I run on Wednesday nights is just about to hit a major turning point so they've both been consuming my free time, but I will have updated tags in all threads I'm in by this weekend.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on January 15, 2020, 10:59:19 PM
Hey folks, just a quick heads up that I'm in Assignment Town atm and will be on bare minimum posting for a week or so until deadlines have passed. I'll do my best to stop it from affecting folks too much!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 21, 2020, 07:44:37 PM
Hi all!

Just a quick update, I'm on a conference trip today and tomorrow but I will hopefully be able to post in reply to all threads where I'm due without missing any deadlines. Hope you are all well out there and thanks for the patience! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on January 23, 2020, 10:53:10 AM
hey hey, i've been dealing with some health issues this week, i'm better but updates will come in slow-ish pace.
Sorry guys!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on January 23, 2020, 06:31:35 PM
Get well soon Numen <3

Thanks for your patience everyone, I'm now officially done with deadlines (for now.....) and will be getting all replies owed out asap!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 24, 2020, 09:37:52 AM

Patches has informed me that they have found another creative outlet in form of another sim, not feeling like they can continue writing here because it doesn't feel as rewarding as the other one. I'll honour this request and have R'Rori remain in stasis without the possibility of inheritance, while both Walton and Kino (while also in stasis since the Battle of the Apertures) will be available if some other writer wants to pick them up.

( PO2 Kino Taer                Security Officer (
( (
  - Former Writer: Patches (;u=116)

( CWO3 Liliana Walton          Fighter Pilot (,_callsign_%27%27Meerkat%27%27)
  - Former Writer: (,_callsign_%27%27Meerkat%27%27)Patches (;u=116)

Sorry to see them leave and I have wished them well in all their future writing endeavours. Should they change their mind, they are more than welcome to return. Patches have finished up all their threads already, so there shouldn't be any threads that needs me to NPC Walton.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on January 24, 2020, 11:21:17 AM
Sorry to hear Patches left although I had noticed they hadn't been around in a while. Hopefully they enjoy their time where they are and who knows maybe return one day.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on January 24, 2020, 02:57:21 PM
I hope Patches finds the joy they are looking for and could someday return should they wish it.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 29, 2020, 12:33:52 PM

Today, we have a new writer in the form of @bajor1763 , who will be taking over writing a security officer that's been with us since before Episode 05. He's fought Devoted several times, faced an Infested in the form of Nicander in the Ep 05 prologue, repelled boarding Klingons on the Theurgy and destroyed Borg drones on the Allegiant. In short, he has really earned some shoreleave at Aldea Prime. Indeed, Varder Ridun has a new writer!

( PO1 Varder Ridun              Security Officer ( 
  - Writer: @bajor1763  (

Having read up on the synopsis now, @bajor1763 is due to decide on edits to the character page, making the character truly his own.

A warm welcome, @bajor1763 , and I look forward to read Ridun's new adventures! :)


Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on January 29, 2020, 12:37:49 PM

You'll have to fight @Numen for the cookies. She won't let us have any.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on January 29, 2020, 12:40:39 PM
hey hey! Welcome @bajor1763 ! Nice to see our bajoran guy back, feel free to PM me if you want to write your new boi with my cardassian mongrel (orrrr if you have any doubt or idea for a thread :) )

I'll give you ONE cookie as a welcome gift... just don't share it with @Top Hat ;P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on January 29, 2020, 01:00:30 PM
Welcome to the funhouse @bajor1763 and yes @Numen is usually good for a cookie or two if you ask her real nicely. :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on January 29, 2020, 07:11:00 PM
Welcome welcome @bajor1763, great to have you on board! I also write a Security officer, give me a shout if you'd like to set up a thread :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on January 29, 2020, 07:16:25 PM
Welcome aboard @bajor1763!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Argyros on January 30, 2020, 08:24:07 AM
Howdy Howdy @bajor1763 Welcome to the mad house!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on January 30, 2020, 09:49:49 AM
Welcome to the pack @bajor1763 , hope you enjoy writing with us!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 30, 2020, 11:53:49 PM

Please come and welcome @Rayne ! They'll be taking over Kino Taer!

( PO2 Kino Taer                Security Officer ( 
  - Writer: Patches (

Kino has been in stasis since the Battle of the Apertures ( and will be thawed at a day of her new writer's choosing. @Rayne will be updating Kino's character page soon with some additional information about her early life and some further detail about her career.

Looking forward to reading this one's continued story, and welcome aboard, @Rayne ! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Argyros on January 30, 2020, 11:55:53 PM
Another one joins us on the ship of madness! Welcome @Rayne !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on January 30, 2020, 11:56:30 PM
Yay Kino is back! Enjoy writing her @Rayne
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on January 30, 2020, 11:56:36 PM
Another new face, and another Security officer! Glad to see you @Rayne!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on January 30, 2020, 11:56:45 PM
Welcome to the Theurgy, @Rayne!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on January 31, 2020, 12:07:43 AM
Welcome on board @Rayne !!! Feel comfy around and enjoy ONE cookie ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on January 31, 2020, 12:09:29 AM
Excellent, Kino is back! I'm really looking forward to seeing what you do with her!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on January 31, 2020, 06:02:15 PM
Welcome @Rayne hope you enjoy your time here and writing Kino!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on January 31, 2020, 06:10:18 PM
Welcome @Rayne! Glad to see Kino back.

PM me if you want a reunion between Kino and Ducote; they had a fairly disastrous first meeting ha.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Rayne on February 01, 2020, 12:00:03 PM
Hi everyone!

Thanks for the warm welcome, I look forward to bringing life back to Kino and writing with everyone going forward :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Aharon on February 02, 2020, 04:34:05 AM
A little late - but welcome none the less @Rayne !!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on February 02, 2020, 09:21:13 AM
Welcome @Rayne and @bajor1763 !!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TWilkins on February 02, 2020, 11:46:23 AM
Hey Gang! Apologies for my delay in Erstwhile Enemy, I had my Birthday weekend and then things spiralled and I was busy for about five days straight. It was truely dreadful, would not reccomend, I had to go to a place called 'outside'...

And welcome to our newbies @bajor1763 and @Rayne! I look forward to working with you some time!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on February 02, 2020, 12:39:25 PM
*Gasp* not the dreaded 'outside' @TWilkins you have my sympathies, such a terrible place that.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Aharon on February 02, 2020, 05:05:41 PM
Happy Belated @TWilkins - Hope this next year treats you well!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on February 04, 2020, 07:47:50 PM
Congratulations on leveling up @TWilkins hehe I say that instead of happy belated birthday.  I don't age, I level up.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: bajor1763 on February 06, 2020, 11:17:07 PM
Hi Everyone and thank you for the welcome. Life got ahead of me this past week. I'm looking to delve in and chat with anyone!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on February 09, 2020, 07:13:17 AM
Hi everyone,

Dealing with some housing issues due to the rain bomb that has detonated over Eastern Australia.

I will try to get the group threads out with holding anyone up but there may be a delay with some of my solo threads.

Apologies to all.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 12, 2020, 11:46:20 AM

Unfortunately, since @Masorin has become the sole caregiver of a family member with declining health, he doesn't believe he's in the right headspace for creative writing any more, having struggled for some time with it. Today, he PMed me and told me he'd made the decision to leave the sim, and hopefully return some day in the future when things are more bright on his end.

Thank you for the many years you've spent adding content to this story of ours, and like I wrote you via PM, you are of course welcome back whenever you want. The sim will be here still by that time, and we'll likely be well into Season 2 by then. Take care of yourself and yours, and hope this decision makes things easier for you.


Hi'Jak will not be put up for inheritance, instead due to reappear in the story whenever Masorin might come back. Sithick and Salem Martin, however, are now available for anyone interested and eligible to add another character (check the Joining the Crew ( page's bottom half for more info on that).

( CPO Sithick                  Head of Fighter Weapons & Ordnance
  - Played by Masorin

( Lt. JG Salem Martin            Asst. Chief Tactical Officer (V3) ( 
  - Played by Masorin (

If anyone eligible to take over a character is interested, you can PM me here on the forum about inheriting either of them. Please make sure to read up on the info at the top of this page, in such a case: Available Characters ( In the meantime, I will NPC them both as needed to finish current threads. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on February 13, 2020, 06:36:53 PM
Heads up to all my fellow writers! I will be out for an extended weekend so I won't be around for making posts. I will be available on discord normally from time to time. So apologies on any delays that might arise!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 14, 2020, 11:11:39 PM

Please welcome our newest Theurgist, @Nero , who will be writing Logan Hale! :)

( Lt. JG Logan Hale            Wolf-16 [Wraith] (,_callsign_%22Wraith%22)
  - Writer: (,_callsign_%22Wraith%22)Nero (;u=293)

At the end of the Battle of the Apertures, Wraith was put into medical stasis pending surgery, and I believe he was thawed on March 12 (the second day after arrival to Aldea). He wasn't ready for flight duty until week 2 at Aldea, but Logan Hale will still be available for threads off duty on Day 2 onwards. :)

Welcome to the sim, @Nero !


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on February 14, 2020, 11:18:57 PM
Welcome to the Sim and I hope you enjoy writing Logan, he's a great character.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on February 14, 2020, 11:27:21 PM
Welcome to the Theurgy @Nero!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on February 15, 2020, 01:00:14 AM
@Nero great to have you on board!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: lisavw on February 15, 2020, 05:05:53 AM
Welcome aboard @Nero !!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on February 15, 2020, 02:46:39 PM
Hey all,

Thanks for the welcome. I am looking forward to join you on this adventure.
I had the pleasure to read up on Logan and I think I am ready to get him back at the helm of the Valravn.

See you in the skies
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on February 15, 2020, 06:56:44 PM
I'm a bit late to the party but welcome on board @Nero ! Hope you enjoy your time around here, feel free to have one (1) cookie ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on February 15, 2020, 09:45:09 PM
Also late, but welcome aboard @Nero!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 16, 2020, 10:54:45 PM

Yes, today, two new Theurgist joins us in the form of @Irvun and @AmberStarfyre ! :)

@Irvun will be taking over writing Salem Martin, one of our two Asst. Chief Tactical Officers, and @AmberStarfyre will be writing for Liliana Walton, one of our Lone Wolves and Valravn pilots.

( Lt. JG Salem Martin            Asst. Chief Tactical Officer (V3) ( 
  - Played by @Irvun  (

( CWO3 Liliana Walton          Wolf-13 [Meerkat] (,_callsign_%27%27Meerkat%27%27)
  - Played by @AmberStarfyre  (,_callsign_%27%27Meerkat%27%27)

Right now, both are catching up on the latest development in the story of their new characters, and while there haven't been many edits made to the characters, this is something that might happen eventually. I'm looking forward to reading the continuation of these characters' stories, and a warm welcome to our new writers!

Hope you will have a blast here, @Irvun and @AmberStarfyre ! :) Don't forget to log into our Discord server and say hi should you so wish!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on February 16, 2020, 10:59:00 PM
hi hi @Irvun and @AmberStarfyre ! hope you have fun writting in the story with us! fell free to ask whatever doubt you have :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on February 16, 2020, 11:03:50 PM
Welcome @Irvun and @AmberStarfyre. looking forward to read from you.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on February 16, 2020, 11:07:40 PM
Welcome @Irvun and @AmberStarfyre, you both have inherited great characters. Hope you have fun writing them and being a part of this crazy family. I will direct you to @Numen for a welcome cookie each.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TWilkins on February 16, 2020, 11:21:35 PM
Welcome to the isle of madness @Nero , @Irvun and @AmberStarfyre

It's well known around these parts that @Numen is the source of all cookies, but if it is cake you seek, only my menagerie of herbs and potions can craft what you desire.

I hope you all have a great time here, and when you're caught up @Irvun , Salem and my Doctor had some very mild flirtation in one of our threads that was never addressed, if you're looking for something to start with. I haven't interacted with Lelianna or Logan before, but if either of you want to see a Doctor, I can arrange such a thing.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kinvarus on February 17, 2020, 12:24:20 AM
Welcome @Nero @Irvun and @AmberStarfyre I hope you all enjoy writing your characters :) @Irvun I'm sure we'll be writing together soon, if you want to discuss the siblings Martin before hand feel free to PM me if you have any thoughts :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: AmberStarfyre on February 17, 2020, 02:16:29 AM
Hi everyone! Thanks for the warm welcome's. I look forward to continue Liliana's story and writing with everybody as this story continues :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on February 17, 2020, 07:01:35 AM
Welcome aboard @Irvun and @AmberStarfyre!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on February 17, 2020, 03:25:47 PM
Woah, I go away for three days and swoosh! A flurry of new faces!

Welcome to the sim @Nero , @Irvun and @AmberStarfyre

Hope to read some of your exploits soon enough!
For the rest of you writers, I'm back as you can see and will start to work on the nicely formed backlog.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Irvun on February 18, 2020, 12:29:29 AM
Hi everyone! Thanks for the lovely welcome, I look forward to jumping into the story and writing Salem alongside you all. @Kinvarus I look forward to it :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on February 18, 2020, 07:11:44 AM
Welcome @Irvun @Nero and @AmberStarfyre I hope to have a thread with you some time!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: BZ on February 19, 2020, 01:32:49 AM
Heads up!

I'm about to go back to college to pursue an extra and better degree.  So, I'm going to be closing out some threads and being a bit more selective of the ones I take on and when.  So please take nothing personally, I'm just trying to pair down a bit because I start fast tracking in just a few weeks.  So if I suddenly close a thread (though I'll strive to make it make sense etc) it has nothing to do with anyone and everything to do with trying my best not to be overwhelmed but also being able to keep doing what I love;  writing here.

Thank you for understanding ahead of time.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 22, 2020, 03:59:32 AM


>> Click For Full Resolution (

How do you all feel about Season 2? Think it's due time we start up again? :)

We've written the Aldea Prime Anthology for about a year now, just as long as we've written the Interregnums for. We should likely roll into the next season, but the Aldea Prime Anthology remains open for as long as we need to/like, of course.

Why have we not started Season 2 sooner? Well, primarily, we wanted downtime quite a lot judging by the Sim Poll. I have just followed along with requests, giving what you all wanted. Here are the replies to the Sim Poll in regard to this downtime between seasons, and I have marked the ones fulfilled in green:

Quote from: Sim Poll 2019
14. Name different things the Aldea Prime Anthology should have more and less of.
  • More: Shore leave, seeing the civilian side of life, interesting aliens to meet.  Less: Heavy combat (simple bar/street brawls are prefectly fine) since we've had a lot of that over the past 2 episodes+interregnum.
  • More personal plots and victories on the Infested front! And maybe a little bit less factions involved with the plot, or unify them, because between borg, asurains, savi, klingons, infested, and archeron, I am completely overwhelmed.
  • Less existence-ending do-or-die, more "new worlds and new civilizations"
  • More optimism, less depression. More bikinis and banana hammocks, less moping.
  • I think we should have less in the way of non-stop combat. I know it drives the sim, but I feel as though a number of writers are getting what I can only describe as war weariness due to the never-ending battles of the last chapter. Possibly more exploration or diplomacy? Maybe a rescue mission?
  • More of a chance for the characters to recover/have some serious down time. Less getting killed
  • More interpersonal relationships and exploration/development of characters, Less being hunted and having to be on the run, that should be saved for Season 2.
  • More fun episodic content. An example could be based around the crew on the planet, running afoul of local laws or getting mixed up on the wrong sort of thing. More pairing of two characters that may not interact otherwise. Less constant combat/fighting
  • More opportunity to get off the ship and stretch the legs. I joked about dungeons and dragons in the campaign, but seriously a chance to explore a ruins or an old temple or something would be interesting... maybe it's something the Aldeans can ask us to do in exchange for something... money, resources, etc?  Ives wouldn't necessarily assign a team for it but might instead put it out there as an option for volunteers; or Thea could assign a field project as part of her university teachings, etc. 
  • Civil assignments, helping the Aldean government while they generously let us stay. Starfleety things (Maybe low risk, but high importance.) Chase off Pirates? Small fry stuff for a change of pace.Less mutiny.
  • Having come off of some pretty big battles a little less of that and a little more down time, which it's already looking like it is, although some adventure and fights are always nice.
  • I'm undecided! Maybe a little more time with some people on planet? Not everyone, of course. And some more Klingons but I just think they're neat. As I'm sure you guessed!
  • More of the old Star Trek staples like meeting new people and exploring a new(old?) world. I suspect this will be covered just fine. Less of... for now, just a little less fighting would be fine. Conflict is the fodder of any story, but I think we're due a break!
  • Already getting it. Heap of free time. Time to explore characters without sheer panic and the ship falling apart.
  • Just about everything we haven't been able to do/have since the beginning of Theurgy? I know that's vague as hell, but like, nightclubs, markets, hotels, interactive NPCs, a chance to feel like people again, to do people things who are not at war in a hopeless and bleak situation. See families, and people just doing people things like living, having fun, making friends, falling in love, etc. Petting zoos, some damn peace and quiet, or a little edge for those who still want action, like street races or black markets, or even street fights, I don't know, but just all this, and without more parasite infested people or the oncoming Dark.
  • Lots of time for R&R, and open threads for exploration and fun on the surface.
  • More relaxing and personal time. Less go go go.
  • One thing I would really enjoy to see, are some 'assigned' missions. By this, I mean, providing situations where authors and characters who have less reason to react in the story, can be included in threads together more easily, by having them assigned for 'away missions' together by yourself. Whether it be a group of officers going to one of the markets to obtain supplies, or a shuttle exploration to a neighboring planet, just a few scenarios where we can both work with authors we don't get as much opportunity to work with, as well as characters whom our characters don't get to engage with as often.
  • I feel a bit like we have been in the action genre for a long time, ever since the battle of 84, it would be nice to have a baseball episode, or something like that.  I am always a huge fan of closed doors murder mysteries, basically any genre where the warp core isn't exploding for a turn would be great. Maybe even a holodeck screws up and nearly kills us storyline as it were.
  • Some relaxing time, some silly threads, make some alliances or make the current one stronger. Some science and diplomacy plots. I really want an undercover travel to Qo'noS at some point (i've some ideas, i'll PM them later). For a time, both characters and writers need a rest period without too many battles. They could come back to them later, or some part of the crew could have some skirmishes. But it need to be a more... relaxed period generally speaking.
  • Some large threads & events with lots of characters involved that aren't battles might be fun. Otherwise, I don't think I've been around long enough to really get an idea!
  • Just .. fun!  The ability to have missions, and have fun, and character development.

Now, however, it's time to get the show back on the road, but people want to continue writing the R&R stuff, they still can. :)

That's the thing with communities and progression in sims like this, it's that people want to write different things. Before this anthology time, I've hijacked your characters through the entirety of Episode 05, and not let much IC time pass since Episode 04 either, so the frustration over lack of downtime had come to its head when the Aldea Prime Anthology began, but if any of you have felt understimulated in the sim during this Aldea Prime chapter, please have in mind that you've had the Story Objectives ( to work with too. It's okay to be more of a reactive writer that bounce off from where the story goes, and to be more of a proactive writer who try to make your own plotlines. In my opinion, both needs have been accommodated for depending on interest in the Story Objectives or less such interest.

Of course, when Season 2 starts, we will continue to have the opportunity to write character-based subplots, just like before. The method we use then is to write Supplemental threads which take place around the major plotline threads. So please don't think that you have to restrict your subplots just because we head into Season 2. :)

If you have not posted in the Story Workshop (,2812.0.html) yet, please take some time for it, otherwise I will be drafting a manuscript this weekend without your input.


>> Click For Full Size (Martok's Arrival on the IKS Vor'nak) (

High Chancellor Martok will be arriving to Aldea on Day 28, and I will be posting a starter for that this weekend too. In order to do so, I had great need to know what actually became of Captain Ziegler and the arrested Cayuga crew, and with the lack of progression in the specific Director's Cut thread that was supposed to detail this, the decision has been made that Ensign Inej Avirim ( free Ziegler aboard the prison transport, along with her crew. They hijacked the prison transport, and have now gone into hiding, being fugitives. Given their current status, it's unlikely that they will make an appearance anytime soon in Season 2.

Inej Avirim, however, immediately hitch-hiked his way to Aldea, right after Ziegler and her crew went into hiding, making him one of the earliest arriving officers during the Anthology. Upon arrival, he could inform Captain Ives and the Senior Staff that Ziegler and her crew survived. If your characters have yet to hear this in the story, the information could just have taken some time to trickle down the ranks.

What about the damaged Cayuga? Well, the closest available starbase to the Azure Nebula, besides Starbase 84, is Starbase 234 (, under command of Admiral Owen Paris ( I find it most likely that the carcass of the Cayuga was more or less towed there for repairs, due to get a new Commanding Officer once its space worthy.

Yet what about a new guest ship in Season 2? Being a fan of my Iroquois-class design, we also have the USS Oneida ( deployed to the Beta Quadrant, so I am in favour of incorporating the Oneida as required in the Episodes to come. While I like the Steamrunner-class idea that cropped up in the Story Workshop, there have been plenty of people advocating the Iroquois-class as well. Worth mentioning also is the Theurgy's inherent MVAM capacity, as well as the Allegiant if we need long range deployment.

Furthermore, before Season 2 starts, we'll also have the slipstream burst-drive installed on Thea, which will allow the ship to go places faster, but the cooldown needed still makes Thea vulnerable for sake of plot purposes. :)

This was just a quick update on where we're at, and stay tuned for more! Hope you like the sight of Thea being repaired in the graphics above, lol.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on February 22, 2020, 04:27:04 AM
Wait, wait wait. We've been writing Aldea for nearly a year? Really? *looks around for where the time went.* Fuck me doesn't seem like it's been that long.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on February 22, 2020, 02:14:04 PM
I've given a warning in discord but I wanted to leave a reminder here as well: my weeks have been a bit hectic lately and I reserve the weekends for posting. However, a series of unforeseen events have arisen this weekend that will prevent me from dedicating as much time to writing as I would have liked, so delays should be expected. I will try to update all the threads next week tho, hopefully things will return to normality ASAP.

P.S. I'm ready for season two! I think my next post on sleeping dog will give you some material @Auctor Lucan ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 03, 2020, 05:51:33 AM

We are on a very longed for skiing trip with friends and family, and it just so happened to coincide with the stomach flu. Yaay....

So far I'm healthy but the kids and wife are ill, and the friends we are on the trip with only have the mother left standing atm.

I'll be posting etc as soon as circumstances allow. Hope you're all faring better out there than I am, lol.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on March 03, 2020, 11:13:12 PM
Hi Auctor,

Sorry to hear about the vacation going awry. Hope everyone feels better soonest.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on March 04, 2020, 08:09:16 PM
Just to give some warning: I may not be very active in the next couple of weeks, if at all. The new all-singing all-dancing coronavirus has hit where I live, and things could happen very quickly for me. My mum has developed all the symptoms, which could lead to an interesting time. I don’t think she actually has it given the incubation period of this thing, but I’ll be checking on my parents tomorrow anyway to find out and see if I need to call the folks dealing with this.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 06, 2020, 10:39:30 PM
While not as bad as the Corona virus, hoping you're safe over there Griff, my family has yet to recover and I was down for the count yesterday. Posting will resume asap. Will need another couple of days though.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on March 07, 2020, 12:01:19 AM
*offers heating pads and soft blankets made from love all around*
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: BZ on March 07, 2020, 03:25:42 AM
Hey guys.  Working on catching up, apologies for the silence, some seriously real shit has hit home and surrounding and.. we've been fighting through it.  So I haven't been able to chat, or post, or really have the mind to do anything but watch you tube and fall asleep because my mind is just vacant by the end of the day.  This week upcoming is spring break and I plan to try to get some posting done in between spending time with kids and what not.  But, I'm probably going to be hard pressed to keep up the 7 days thing as school starts for me in a week, plus work, kids, kids sports, kids therapy, other issues and etc, but I'm going to do my best when possible, just bear with me.

Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on March 08, 2020, 08:46:15 PM
Just a heads-up: a close relative is having heart surgery, so I'm going to have a pretty hectic week or weeks. I'm sorry for any delays it may cause.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Argyros on March 10, 2020, 04:11:45 AM
Best wishes to all that are being affected by illness or surgery or what all! Let me know if I can do anything to help :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 11, 2020, 11:48:44 PM

Hi all Theurgists! :)

Now I think all of the sickness is gone from the family and we've returned home after a very... interesting skiing trip, lol. Now, work will feel like a vacation!

Almost midnight here now, but posting will recommence on the morrow.  /;-D


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on March 12, 2020, 12:07:25 AM
welcome back @Auctor Lucan  /;-D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 12, 2020, 03:30:03 PM


Greetings Theurgists! :)

I have now posted Martok's arrival to Aldea, and you can find it here:

Day 28 [1700 hrs.] Right of Vengeance (,2905.0.html)

More to come, but I hope you like the foreshadowing for Season 2 in this post, as well as the tie-ins to old and current threads. With Martok's arrival, any new characters can join the crew as of Day 28. For more info on the details concerning that, check the Wanted Positions page ( An announcement for new recruitment is planned as soon as I can get it together, the backlog being pretty bad after the illness that ran through my family. More posts that I owe are due asap, of course!

Let me know if you guys have any questions. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on March 12, 2020, 08:37:12 PM
Apologies, folks. I know I have some of you waiting on me but I'm under an avalanche at work right now (love being the new guy in role and my one colleague is off in Japan for a fortnight, so, it'll be longer than that before they let him back into the workshop), and my energy is in the pits when I'd normally be sitting down to write.

I haven't forgotten any of you, and thank you dearly for your patience. Normal service will resume!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 18, 2020, 05:10:06 PM


New thread pertaining to the Savi alliance has been posted here:

Day 15 [1500 hrs.] Quantum Slipstream Burst Drive (,2908.0.html)

Anyone interested in being in the delegation can PM me! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 19, 2020, 02:40:54 PM

Hi there everyone! Hope this finds you all well out there. :) With the corona situation freeing up an hour, a meeting of mine being cancelled, I took the time to go over the Aldea Prime board and check what the current forum status is, and here are my findings. Use Ctrl+F to find your username?

ThreadLast PostDays AgoNext Poster
Day 15 [1500 hrs.] Quantum Slipstream Burst Drive2020-03-181Anyone Present
Day 28 [1700 hrs.] Right of Vengeance2020-03-163BZ
Day 05 [0600 hrs.] Scientific Curiosity Killed Them Both2020-03-190Kinvarus
Day 08 [2007 hrs.] Second Chances2020-03-190Auctor Lucan
Day 16 [0930.hrs.] YACHT PARTY!2020-03-181Stegro88
Day 16 [1736 hrs.] Of Minutes And Macarons2020-03-181Top Hat
Day 10 [1000 hrs.] Material Girls2020-03-181Stegro88
Day 12 [0827 hrs.] Stark Contrast2020-03-181Twilkins
Day 06 [0900 hrs.] Free-strokes from New Blokes2020-03-181Argyros
Day 26 [1830 hrs.] Long Overdue2020-03-181Top hat
Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight2020-03-181Havenborn
Day 16 [1600 hrs.] Artistic Values2020-03-181Auctor Lucan
Day 08 [1600 hrs.] Quid Pro Quo between Pilots2020-03-181Havenborn
Day 11 [2225 hrs.] The Thin Ice Swallows All2020-03-181Steelphoenix
Day 19 [2100 hrs.] Oceanside Dress Party2020-03-181Various/Anyone new
Day 20 [1500 hrs.] Live Long and Prosper2020-03-172Doc M.
Day 17 [1600 hrs.] Anyonic Emission Failure2020-03-172BZ
Day 12 [1825 hrs.] The Universe Has Not Abandoned Thee2020-03-172BZ
Day 08 [0700 hrs.] Different Equals2020-03-172Jesaya
Day 13 [0830 hrs.] A Dark Refraction2020-03-172Brutus
Day 14 [1300 hrs.] With All Due Respect2020-03-172Steelphoenix
Day 10 [1900 hrs.] Connections2020-03-172Numen
Day 27 [2135 hrs.] HIq HInob pagh Hegh HInob2020-03-154Numen
Day 10 [2034 hrs.] Lads Night Out2020-03-154Numen/Fiendfall/TWilkins
Day 13 [2200 hrs.] Muscles, Shiny, and Awkwardness, Oh My2020-03-154Juzzie
Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds2020-03-154BZ
Day 05 [0810 hrs.] To Nix the Nanites2020-03-145Steelphoenix
Day 09 [0930 hrs.] The Odd Bunch2020-03-136Stegro88
Day 19 [1535 hrs.] Anxious Arrivals2020-03-136Fife
Day 03 [1907 hrs.] No Honour Among Thieves2020-03-136Fiendfall
Day 20 [2100 hrs.] Poker Faces2020-03-136Top Hat
Day 15 [0930 hrs.] Agony, and Red Alert2020-03-127Griff
Day 18 [1100 hrs.] Polar Vortex2020-03-118Kinvarus
Day 20 [0930 hrs.] Joining The Ranks (Part 02)2020-03-118Top Hat
Day 11 [0700 hrs.] First Time for Reman Kind?2020-03-109Stegro88
Day 20 [1300 hrs.] Mechanical Malady2020-03-0910Fife
Day 21 [0630 hrs.] Sleeping Dogs2020-03-0910Stegro88
Day 27 [1500 hrs.] Conservation of Assets2020-03-0811Top Hat
Day 10 [2000 hrs.] Next to me2020-03-0811Numen
Day 02 [0900 hrs.] Adjustment Period2020-03-0613Stegro88
Day 14 [1300hrs.] The Fox and The Fool2020-03-0613Fiendfall
Day 15 [1935 hrs.] Bad Omens, Worst Business.2020-03-0118BZ
Day 13 [0030 hrs.] Shadow Dance | The Silver Shadows Part 052020-03-0118BZ
Day 11 [1345 hrs.] Murder, He Wrote2020-02-2820Numen/Fiendfall (?)
Day 20 [2100 hrs.] Sibling States Of Mind2020-02-2820Irvun
Day 15 [1500 hrs.] Hello Therapy, It's Been A Long Time Coming2020-02-2820LostInTheForest
Day 09 [0700 hrs.] Spy Games2020-02-2820CorruptedCookie
Day 03 [1500 hrs.] Sun, Sea and Sand2020-02-2820Lorelai
Day 22 [1400 hrs.] R&R2020-02-2820TheSithChicken
Day 17 [2000 hrs.] Joining The Ranks (Part 01)2020-02-2721trevorvw
Day 09 [0130 hrs.] Ghostbusters | The Silver Shadows Part 032020-02-2523Stegro88
Day 06 [1430 hrs.] Matters of The Heart2020-02-2523Aharon
Day 09 [1910 hrs.] Happenstance2020-02-2424TheSithChicken
Day 09 [0900 hrs.] Knight to Wolf-112020-02-2424Triage
Day 09 [0800 hrs.] Can I Move In?2020-02-2424Revan [?) JP underway?
Day 10 [0800 hrs.] Taking Flight2020-02-2127SummerDawn
Day 03 [0930 hrs.] Rise and Shine2020-02-2127Rayne
Day 02 [1200 hrs.] Memorial Ceremony2020-02-1830Anyone
Day 04 [1600 hrs.] Jubilant Memorialization of Fortuitous Nascency2020-02-1830Triage/Juzzie/SummerDawn (?)
Day 05 [1430 hrs.] Sticky Progress2020-01-2356Alyfox
Day 21 [1800 hrs.] A Toast to the Cayuga2020-01-1861Anyone
Please let me know which of the old threads that won't be continued and should be locked. PM me in that case! :)

In general, we have been very good at informing our writing partners when RL issues are getting in the way, so let's keep doing that! ( good ) Most of the red numbers are from Theurgists who have given a heads up about their absence, and that's perfectly okay. Still, bear in mind that we should always try to reply in our current threads within 7 days, and neglecting to do so breeds more inactivity among other writers - others thinking that its fine to leave writing partners waiting indefinitely.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on March 21, 2020, 07:20:02 PM
In this time of weirdness & uncertainty I'm sure I'm not the only one struggling to find brainspace for Theurgy atm. Hopefully as we settle into a new normal things will get easier, but until then just take care of yourselves & be patient with everyone :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on March 22, 2020, 04:42:28 AM
My struggle right now isn't so much the lack of brain space, it's more just lack of energy due to lack of time. Last two weeks have been busy between holding down the fort while my boss was away on vacation, and then getting our head office working from home this past week. It's been busy & stressful enough that Friday I popped a migraine so recovering today.

Hoping to get to my tags tommorow, just not sure at this point.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 24, 2020, 02:38:19 PM


Today, we have to old Theurgists to welcome back. First, we have @SilverShadow , who will resume writing Mektari Dumral. :)

( Ens. Mektari Dumral          Asst. Chief CONN Officer (V3) (
  - Writer: ( (;u=239)

SilverShadow had to leave due to RL stuff but is now interested in returning in full. :)

Next, we have @Masorin , who might just have left us, but given the current Corona situation, he's got a lot of time on his hands again. He will, however, restrict himself to writing just one character - at least to begin with - and this in the form of Hi'Jak. Yes, the very same who Martok just cut down in Right of Vengeance (,2905.0.html). @Masorin also extends a warm thank you to @BZ for writing such an awesome battle scene!

( Hi'Jak          Civilian Scientist (
  - Writer: ( (;u=11)

Hi'Jak will have a brief stint in stasis/sickbay during the end of the Aldea Prime Anthology, and the nature of his service aboard the Theurgy will be detailed organically as the story develops. For the time being, he will be listed as a Civilian Scientist.

Welcome back aboard both of you! :)


After reaching out to @Triage , I learned that she felt it long overdue that she left the sim due to the development for her in RL. She said that with the lockdown, working from home and seeing the army deploying on her streets, she really didn't have much writing muse left in her. After six years, it's really sad to see her go, having given so much time of hers to this story of ours.

Here is a quote that details her request for what will happen to her characters, which will be honoured:

Quote from:  Triage
Cameron was never my creation, so I believe your standard procedure would be to put her back up for adoption.

But as for Heather, Meony and Sinead, I respectfully request that they be turned out to pasture.

I meant to write their resignations and departure from Starfleet and Theurgy, as my own dignified exit from the story, so now, I submit it to you if you will be willing to let them leave, alive.

Sinead's reasons is she wants to return to the Mariposans and Bringloidi to warn them about the developments in Starfleet and the Federation, so she resigns her commission, then finds herself joined by Meony, who, after her brain surgery, is left with twitching hands and shot nerves plus accumulative physical and psychological damage over the years, which makes her unfit for Tactical Conn. Lastly, Heather, acting on her promise to Suq, also resigns her commission to travel with the girls on a civilian transport, to Bringloid V, before she will then make her way to the Efrosian world and find out if there are other Radiants around.

She has submitted all her research as well as all data concerning herself and her race to Thea's databanks. There is enough data to weaponized her light. Her last gift to the surviving Theurgists.

As for Cameron Henshaw - the Captain's Yeoman - we already had an Applicant that wanted to write a specific character, only that character was picked up by yet another Applicant. So, Cameron has been suggested for inheritance instead, and if she's rejected, she'll end up on the Available Characters ( page (which is now completely empty).

As always, I will NPC Cameron Henshaw (, Heather McMillan (, Krystal Tancredi ( and Sinead O'Riley ( as required in current ongoing threads. Just PM me if you have any specific requests in that regard! In the end, I will lace their departures into the narrative somehow. It will likely come up in a thread towards the end of the Aldea stay.

Good bye, @Triage , and many hugs. I hope things will take a turn for the better soon for you.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on March 24, 2020, 03:50:39 PM
Welcome back @Masorin and @SilverShadow

Sorry to see @Triage go :(
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on March 24, 2020, 04:17:12 PM
I am simultaneously happy for our returning writers and crushed for Triage.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on March 24, 2020, 05:28:58 PM
Nooooo Triage :( Good luck in life and hopefully much prosperity when things calm down a little.

Also.... Yaaaay Welcome back Maso and Silver!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on March 24, 2020, 06:27:49 PM
Farewell Triage and welcome (back) to @SilverShadow and @Masorin
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SilverShadow on March 24, 2020, 08:30:42 PM
Hi everybody! Glad to be back!

Welcome to all the newbies and return people too.

Also sorry to see @Triage go :( Hope things ease up for her and all of us given the current situation
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 26, 2020, 11:57:37 AM

Greetings Theurgists,

I wish to express my solidarity with you all - and other people out there - during this outbreak of the pandemic, and to convey my deepest sympathies on the many effects on your lives that have been caused by this disease. I send my best wishes for your continued health, and look forward to writing you whenever creativity finds you in these strange times.

Personally, I need escapism, and will remain both active and driving in the continued narrative of our magnum opus. If you also need escapism, I will be here for you, to discuss, develop and execute ideas of yours. Most importantly, still and always, take care of yourselves and those closest to you.

Yours Sincerely,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on March 26, 2020, 02:28:15 PM
Hi Everyone,

I want to apologise to you all. Recent changes to my circumstances have hit me quite hard and unfortunately, I haven't put my best foot forward in dealing with them. Honestly, I have been terrible. I have wallowed and whined more than was necessary. And it has shown in my tardiness with my writing. And I have let you all down doing that.

But, I have been reminded about one of the reasons that I even began to write here. To escape. So that is what I am going to do. I am going to plant my butt in front of my keyboards and try to focus on getting back up to date. Its been close to 6 months since I have been completely 100% up to date and I want to be that way again.

I'd like to say it will be all done over the weekend, and that is my aim, but I won't promise that. I don't want to break another one.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on March 27, 2020, 08:32:28 AM
Don't worry @Stegro88
RL is and will always come first. I'm sorry to hear that you suffered from some difficults in the recent time and I hope you are and will be okay. Take your time if neccessary. We are all in the middle of some ruff times together.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on March 27, 2020, 12:30:00 PM
So my colleague came back to work on time. Which was great. Unfortunately we work in the health sector, so it's still been wild.

I know I have threads that are coming up on 3 weeks of waiting for me to post, and I'm sorry. I ask for a little more patience (not to imply anyone's been impatient) while I root around looking for my mojo, ha. Thanks folks. Chins up.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on March 27, 2020, 03:13:32 PM
For those waiting on responses from me, I hope to get to everything this weekend.  Last weekend, I was having new flooring installed and painting my office so every computer had to be disconnected and stowed away and they weren't reassembled until late Sunday by which time I was exhausted.  All that's left now (for the most part) is assembling two more book shelves and I should be done (I assemble one per night after work). 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 30, 2020, 02:45:58 PM

Greetings Theurgists!

Today we welcome two new members of the sim, this in the form of @Cleric_Kyan and @jreeves1701 ! :) They will be writing Miles Renard and Sithick respectively.

( Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard        Wolf-05 [Iron Fox] (,_call-sign_%22Iron-Fox%22)
  - Writer: (,_call-sign_%22Iron-Fox%22)Cleric_Kyan (;u=305)

( CPO Sithick                  Head of Fighter Weapons & Ordnance
  - Writer:
( (;u=311)

While @Cleric_Kyan has made no updates yet to Miles in his character page, such edits might come later on, but @jreeves1701 has fleshed out Sithick's backstory with some more detail to his past.

Welcome to you both, and I hope you'll have a great time continuing the stories of these characters! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on March 30, 2020, 02:49:45 PM
G'day and welcome to you both.

Glad to see that someone is writing Mickayla's roommate again.  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on March 30, 2020, 02:51:36 PM
Welcome welcome @Cleric_Kyan and @jreeves1701 !! Great to meet you both, I hope to write with you soon :) Let me know if you need anything settling in!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on March 30, 2020, 02:55:59 PM
Welcome both!

Fight @Revan for cookies.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on March 30, 2020, 03:01:01 PM
Welcome on board! Dont hesitate in pm me if you need something!!
And enjoy ONE (1) cookie each. For more you need to fight for them ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: jreeves1701 on March 30, 2020, 03:07:36 PM
Greetings all,

So excited to be joining this illustrious group!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on March 30, 2020, 03:11:35 PM
Welcome, welcome new blood.

@Top Hat Hey, hey I haven't had the cookies in ages thank you very much @Numen does.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on March 30, 2020, 04:46:33 PM
Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on March 30, 2020, 09:48:11 PM
Welcome aboard @Cleric_Kyan and @jreeves1701!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Cleric_Kyan on March 30, 2020, 11:40:47 PM
Hello all and thank you all for the "welcome aboard". I look forward to writing with my fellow new arrival @jreeves1701 along with the rest of the crew.  I've been reviewing Renard's key points and still have a slight few to read to be fully caught up with the Aldea Yards. So many things have happened to the Theurgy, Thea and her crew. Many things to affect us all and spring board character points. And maybe I'll take a gander at those cookies... ;)

Outside of the Theurgy I run a number of RPGs, work in IT, and amateurishly dabble in A/V editing. I hope that getting involved not only improves my creativity and writing, but also adds to the ongoing service history of the NX-79854 USS Theurgy.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 31, 2020, 03:35:25 PM


I learned that @Even Angels Cry will not be able to participate here for the forseable future. She stated that she's been fighting an illness since January, and with the new changes in her life (new job, new commute, new roommate) she have been unable to post and will continue to be inactive for a while yet. She said she wish health and safety to everyone here on the sim in parting.

She did leave Jaya Thorne available for inheritance though, but we already had an Applicant that wanted to join the sim, only there were no characters left to inherit at the time. Therefore, Thorne has been offered to that Applicant, and if she's rejected, she'll end up on the Available Characters ( (which is still completely empty).

( Ens. Jaya Thorne              Asst. Chief CONN Officer (V2) (
  - Former Writer: ( Angels Cry (;u=20)

As always, I will NPC Jaya Thorne ( as required in current ongoing threads. Just PM me if you have any specific requests in that regard!

Good bye, @Even Angels Cry , hope you'll return to us soon!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on March 31, 2020, 06:14:58 PM
Take care, and better health EAC!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on March 31, 2020, 06:35:31 PM
Sorry to see EAC go, hopefully health wise and everything gets better!

I have a feeling that that character avaliablity page will stay empty for a while barring someone leaving or giving up a character.

Who wants to take bets on how long the page stays empty for? 1 cookie buy in :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TWilkins on April 01, 2020, 04:04:44 PM
Hey Gang!

Just a quick heads up that my posting speed might get hampered in the coming weeks. My company has furloughed half of the staff, not including myself thankfully, but it means I'll be taking on additional workloads.

I'll try not to let it affect me, but I can't promise anything >.<

Stay safe everyone!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 02, 2020, 12:37:46 PM

Today, a new Theurgist joins us! It's @Elaurianpaladin , who inherits my old character in form of Tyreke Okafor. :)

( Lt. Tyreke Okafor            Science Officer (Synthetic Biology) (
  - Writer: ( (;u=300)

It's unknown if he will make any character change atm. Either way, please give a warm welcome to this new writer in our magnum opus. Welcome aboard, @Elaurianpaladin ! :)


Auctor Lucan

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on April 02, 2020, 12:45:04 PM
Welcome @Elaurianpaladin I hope you enjoy writing with us and have a great time here :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on April 02, 2020, 12:50:28 PM
G'day @Elaurianpaladin
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 02, 2020, 03:01:15 PM


>> Click For Full Resolution (

A new board has been added to the forum. It's Episode 01 of Season 2! :)

There will be both an announcement and a Newsletter coming out when the first starting posts have come up there, kicking off the story once more. In the meantime, I hope you all like the cover art for it!

Stay tuned...


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on April 02, 2020, 03:14:25 PM
Welcome aboard all the new crew. Great to see new faces aboard, "Young Minds, Fresh Ideas" is what Kirk said once.  :)

As for this old cat, I'm suffering from a mental blah right now regarding most everything creative. Not sure if it's not getting out enough, or what but I'm not feeling it right now. I owe a couple posts and promise when I get my head in a better space I'll reply.

Trying to get out of the house, wife and I are grabbing coffee's and going for a drive in the car everyday, talking, enjoying the spring weather, walking a bit when we can find places there's few people. Fighting cabin fever as it was once called.

Part of it's maybe adjusting to working from home, don't see the same faces and people everyday, just my desk and screens. Funny part about that is I'm an introvert, and I like it when my office at work is quiet and free of people, but now that I'm at home, the office is quiet and free of people and I'm missing the random intrusions of my co-workers. (laugh)  ^o)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on April 02, 2020, 08:48:26 PM
Well, a lot of new faces and returning faces. Glad to see everyone, and welcome aboard.

Speaking of working from home - I'm on indefinite remote work for the foreseeable future. There has been a lot of up and down on the workload, including when the work is actually hitting. For a little while now, a large chunk of what I do was forbidden to be done between 8am and 8pm during the week. Which meant I was pulling 12 hour days, because the fucks still wanted me on calls during regular work hours. As you can imagine that didnt' sit to well.

Flash forward to this week.  I'm now allowed to do most of my work during regular work hours again. Turns out when i get pissed off people change their tune....even people with fancy ass titles like Executive Vice President.  So I'm kind of exhausted after getting that fixed. There's still some shit that has to wait until after hours. The point of this rambling/horn tooting is that my hours are a bit all over the place (though better than before!), and my posting might be impacted as well. At the moment I'm all caught up! And even plotting a thread or two to boot. But if I suddenly fuck off for a few days, y'all will know why.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Elaurianpaladin on April 03, 2020, 01:24:43 AM
Thanks for the warm welcome! Happy to be here!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Argyros on April 04, 2020, 06:40:59 AM
Howdy Everyone,

I apologize for my lack of involvement in the discord and my current running threads over the past two weeks. Life has been....well it's been a dumpster fire to be honest. I'm about losing my mind.

Work is attempting to infect their employees every day. Despite being under a Shelter-in-place order, our store is allowing 225 (no that is not a joke or exaggeration) customers into the store at any one time. No that number does not include employees in any sense so tack on an extra 50-60 depending on the time of the day. There is no way to maintain social separation. The company also wants us to use gardening gloves now instead of latex (or good alternatives) in an attempt to save money. The back of the gloves are mesh which only makes it worse. No masks are available. At all. For anyone. Several people with pre-existing conditions are at serious risk of dying if they catch the virus and the company keeps denying them leave, which was supposed to be available to any high risk employee. Lies. I'm seriously concerned for some of my coworkers and friends.

On top of all this they are running one of are bigger sales of the year and actually encouraging people to come in. We've already been called out as a place people come to socialize simply to get out of their homes on the local news. It's bad. We've also even had police officers in the store taking pictures and videos of all the people ignoring the city ordinances. Wouldn't be surprised if we get fined or worse for the store's actions.

Right now, there are few things keeping me from just breaking. I adopted a pair of puppies, as most of you know from the pictures on discord, whose energy and love help take the edge off. They are however not trained yet, so I spend a lot of time with them so they dont destroy anything or hurt themselves. Despite the hell at work, my job is stable, leaving me with an income when so many others here have lost their jobs already. There is even a chance at a promotion within the next week or two. I'm also holding onto the small glimmer of hope they will put the city on lockdown for two weeks, which will afford me some long overdue vacation and a chance to unwind.

As I write this on my phone, unable to sleep, laying in bed, I still think of the people here and the positive attitude of our little family. So thank you to each and every one of you for contributions in this rather insane world we all live in.

To those I owe threads to: I'm hoping to steal a little time at work when I can to write. Thank you for your patience and I will get the posts out however I can.

All my best,
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on April 04, 2020, 11:02:09 PM
Welcome onboard @Elaurianpaladin ! Hope you enjoy your time around :)
Also just sending good vibes to everyone struggling with this hectic times around, keep your mind focus on positive stuff, avert fake information, keep yourself safe. And remember, evasion is a good way to deal with this!


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on April 06, 2020, 07:48:56 PM
A bit late to the party, but welcome aboard @Elaurianpaladin!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 08, 2020, 12:01:04 AM


Please welcome a returning member, namely @Vox ! They join the story with Ensign Zrinka Agaixot, callsign "Honey Badger", but she prefers to be called Rini.

( Ens. Zrinka Agaixot          Wolf-XX [Honey Badger] (,_callsign_%22Honey_Badger%22) 
  - Played by Vox (,_callsign_%22Honey_Badger%22)

She was one of the original Lone Wolves - squadmate with Khorin, Renard, Razor, Goldeneye, Rawley and Isley. She was put in stasis after the first battle with the USS Calamity, back in Part 1 of Episode 03, and then went missing in action at the Coreless Moon before Episode 05.

In reality, her Valkyrie had been disabled by the Raiders that pursued her, and she became a prisoner. She suffered captivity for three days, until Martok sided with the Theurgy at the Battle of the Apertures. She was then released from captivity and brought aboard the IKS Vor'nak for the long voyage to Aldea and the Epsilon Mynos System. She will rejoin the crew as of Day 28.

The reason this character became available for inheritance was that the original writer, @Josie , is reading the story and reached out to me, asking to make Rini available. @Vox , also having contacted me and having waited for the right character to show up, accepted the offer to write her, and here we are. Atm, he's not decided to make any edits to her.

Welcome back aboard, @Vox ! :)

PS. The Squad Org Chart is in need of update and writers with pilots will be notified about the changes asap.


After struggling for months with inspiration for this character, @fiendfall has decided to let go of Morgan Song.

( CPO Morgan Song              Maintenance Chief (NPC) ( 
  - NPC, available for inheritance (

@fiendfall says he's such a lovely character and deserves so much more, feeling they are not doing him justice or giving him the attention and opportunities he should be getting. This decision has been put off several times over the last 9+ months, but now with more Applicants than Available Characters, @fiendfall felt they should stop being in denial and let someone else give him a better home.

Please consider also how you, as the new writer of the inherited character, has a creative license to change the way s/he is written. If there is any interest, and you have a posting rate and activity on the sim that permits the adoption of an Available Character or make a new character, please PM me with your interest.

Oh, and recruitment where new members might create characters from the start will be due in a couple of weeks (Covid 19 being merciful to my workload), but it will be for a limited amount of time, just to fill out the vacancies on our Wanted Positions page.

When this happens, there will be an announcement.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on April 08, 2020, 12:06:54 AM
Welcome back buddy! And look at that you lose your original Wolf and gain another what are the odds? :P Looking forward to writing with you dude.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on April 08, 2020, 12:28:33 AM
Welcome back @Vox, good to see you here again!

Much as it pains me to see Morgan go, I'm excited for him to get a better home & see where the character is taken next :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vox on April 08, 2020, 01:07:42 AM
Hey everybody I'm baaaack and hey this time there were no reports of my untimely demise so yay!

Does that mean I get a cookie or are those for new members only? @Revan  give me a cookie. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on April 08, 2020, 01:15:33 AM
For the last time I do not have any cookies, I ate them all, all cookie related inquries need to be directed to @Numen for she is the cookie queen.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on April 08, 2020, 03:04:20 AM
Welcome back @Vox. Glad to see you back.

And I look forward both to Morgan's continuing story and to what you bring forth next @fiendfall.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on April 08, 2020, 10:51:50 AM
Welcome back @Vox Glad to see you haven't been put in the obituary section this time again. :D Good luck writing Zrinka! And I think your scheme to get more cookies is uncalled for  ;)  /;-D

Also welcome to all the new faces I might have missed since my latest post. I look forward to seeing you all in play.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on April 08, 2020, 06:21:06 PM
Hello to the new ones und welcome (back) @Vox .
I have a loot about the cookies and want one, too!
Stop teasing me!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: DaValle on April 12, 2020, 03:22:46 PM
Hello there

For those of you who still remember me and may be confused to hear something from me after this long time, yeah I’m still alive (I’ll not look how long cause then I guess I’ll start becoming depressive). Well alive is probably a little bit to optimistic. Let’s say my vital functions are still working well enough to write some words in English.

So if you may start thinking that the Corona Virus is the cause of my status right now, well then you’re right, but not cause I got infected. Five or four weeks ago the German government declared the quarantine and I didn’t cared about the whole Virus thing at all. It’s not dangerous for me so I stay at home play some Warframe and safes lives with that. At least I’ve thought one day like that till my mum called me and asked if I can help in the hospital. I knew they had to few nurses before and didn’t thought this would change after so I said yes and helped them. The problem was that the numbers of infected rose. The numbers of nurses and helpers didn’t. My working time increased due that after two weeks from seven to ten or eleven hours during a normal day.

(I’ve put this into a spoiler cause what I’m writing about right now was the most depressing experience in my whole life. I’ve mentioned the working time above because this alone would be a good reason for me.) [Show/Hide]

But that’s it. I’m officially free now and from what I know the government is thinking about sending military doctors to hospitals in critical situations as well as flatting the curve shows some sort of effect too. So I guess what I’m trying to imply now is that I’m back and dammit I need something to do now the whole day.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 12, 2020, 08:10:35 PM


Hi there! @Nolan has posted something for new and old pilots in the squad! :)

Day 29 [0800 hrs.] New Wolves Rising (,

Check in and see the new Squad Chart at the bottom of the post. The Wiki and Crew Manifest will be updated asap. Notice also how we have a Vacancy in Wolf-12 for the time being.


Having battled health issues for quite some time, the final decision has come from @Doc M. that he leaves the sim. He writes that it's been an honour and a privilege, but he can barely write a letter right now, let alone an interactive piece of fiction. He claims it's high time he took a medical discharge and said my goodbyes. He might return some day, but until then, he won't be actively writing with us.

@Doc M. would like Maya to leave to join the Klingons, as it has been established in the most recent thread with Ives and Maya. William, O'Connell will vanish back into the NCO ranks from which he came, without any higher responsibilities than Maintenance Chief. He'll be there in case his writer decides to return. As for Tessa May Lance of the Lone Wolves, she will be put up for adoption.

I'm so sorry to see this day come, even though I've been aware of it for some time. With the thread where Maya leaves the ship having come to a close, to tie a bow on it all, I can but say in kind that it's been an honour and a privilege to have you aboard the sim for all these years, Doc, and I hope you recover well enough to return to us one day.


A few current Applicants have dropped out, so we have a longer list of Available Characters atm. Recruitment is still due quite soon, so unless these are picked up, they will be NPCed as Season 2 begins.

( Lt. JG Tessa May Lance            Wolf-07 [Goldeneye] (,_callsign_%22Goldeneye%22) 
  - Former Writer: @Doc M.  (,_callsign_%22Goldeneye%22)

( Ens. Cir'Cie                  Science Officer (Botany) ( 
  - Former Writer: @Lady Nyx (

( Ens. Jaya Thorne              Asst. Chief CONN Officer (V2) (
  - Former Writer: ( Angels Cry (;u=20)

( Ens. Cameron Henshaw          Captain's Yeoman ( 
  - Former Writer: ( (;u=17)

That's all for now!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on April 12, 2020, 10:24:52 PM
I'm so sorry to hear you've had such a difficult time @DaValle ! Just take care of yourself ♡

Also sad to see @Doc M. leaving us! Hope everyone's doing okay out there
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on April 13, 2020, 09:32:43 PM
Sorry to see yet more people leaving!

@Vox no untimely demise this time, though I still maintain that the last one makes you a zombie! Welcome back!!  :)

@DaValle take care of yourself. I hope you're doing alright.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 16, 2020, 12:27:34 AM


Today, a new Theurgist joins us! It's @Artemisia , who inherits Jaya Thorne, one of our two Asst. Chief CONN Officers! :)

( Ens. Jaya Thorne              Asst. Chief CONN Officer (V2) (
  - Writer: ( (;u=316)

Reading Jaya's adventure so far was a fun read, they say, and while they haven't made any edits to her bio yet they would like to add to it in the future when any major developments happen.

Please give a warm welcome to @Artemisia ! :)


Auctor Lucan


I learned that @Arista will not be able to participate here for the foreseeable future. With RL health issues, he lost track of the main threads within the anthology and with the new season starting, he realised that he's not giving the group the time it needs. As such, he has taken the decision to leave Theurgy. Saying that while this group has been a lifeline and one he's been privileged to be a part of it, he also knows we need consistent and committed writers.

In terms of character inheritance, @Arista prefer it that Parnak sneaks off the Theurgy during the downtime on Aldea. He'll charter a ship or hop cargo freighters back to Cardassian space. With Ziegler being a Story NPC, I will be writing her if she'd ever turn up once more.

As always, I will NPC Parnak as required in current ongoing threads. Just PM me if you have any specific requests in that regard!

Good bye, @Arista  , hope you'll return to us when you feel better!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Aharon on April 16, 2020, 12:33:36 AM
Welcome @Artemisia - looking forward to reading your stories!

Wishing you well @Arista - take care!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on April 16, 2020, 12:46:20 AM
Welcome aboard, @Artemisia! Don't believe @Numen's promise of cookies!

Sorry to see @Arista go.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on April 16, 2020, 12:52:18 AM
a warm welcome to @Artemisia welcome to Theurgy we hope you enjoy your time with us.

And sad to see @Arista go.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on April 16, 2020, 01:27:34 AM
@Arista I'd like to thank you for all the great threads and time you've given us and myself. May the future burn brightly for you both personally and professionally!!

Again, for all the new faces! Welcome aboard and enjoy your time here.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: DaValle on April 16, 2020, 01:43:50 AM
Hello there! @Artemisia

But sad to see you leave @Arista and I hope you'll get better very soon.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on April 16, 2020, 01:45:47 AM
Welcome @Artemisia to the family. It's a somewhat disfunctional one but you'll be welcome here. I hope you enjoy writing Jaya and I look forward to seeing her adventures continue with you.

Sorry to see you go @Arista hopefully you'll have a speedy recovery and we'll see you back here one day.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on April 16, 2020, 11:22:19 AM
Hello and welcome @Artemisia and all the new ones.

Wishing you a a goodbye @Arista - and a fast recovery.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Artemisia on April 16, 2020, 03:19:15 PM
Hi everybody, thanks for the warm welcome!

I look forward to getting to know you all and writing with everybody into season 2 and beyond :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on April 16, 2020, 03:35:01 PM
Welcome to the ship, @Artemisia
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Numen on April 16, 2020, 06:56:30 PM
Sorry to see @Arista go! It has been an honour write with you all this time :')

@Artemisia due the general world situation i'm in a full lockdown with all the cookies, so go to @Fife an set a complain of false advertisement.... Just saying ;P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 16, 2020, 11:56:45 PM


Today, another new Theurgist joins us! It's @Tavion , who inherits Tessa May Lance, callsign Goldeneye!  :)

( Lt. JG Tessa May Lance            Wolf-07 [Goldeneye] (,_callsign_%22Goldeneye%22) 
  - Writer: @Tavion  (,_callsign_%22Goldeneye%22)

Tessa is one of the original Lone Wolves, and old squadmates with Ravon, Rawley, Renard and Agaixot. Reading Tessa's long adventure so far, @Tavion will not make any edits to her bio just yet, but might just focus on Tessa's mental health and get her to cope with all the losses she's suffered, ranging from squadmates to father figures like Papa Bear.

Please give @Tavion a warm welcome aboard! :) @Numen says she have no cookies, but I know she's got a secret stash of them somewhere around here...


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on April 17, 2020, 12:02:54 AM
Welcome aboard to all the new members! Keep getting fresh faces; I dig it.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on April 17, 2020, 12:08:39 AM
Welcome aboard @Tavion Enjoy writing Tessa and as a writer of a fellow Wolf welcome to the pack as well :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on April 17, 2020, 12:14:14 AM
Welcome aboard @Tavion!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: DaValle on April 17, 2020, 12:16:50 AM
Welcome to the crew @Tavion
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on April 17, 2020, 12:17:32 AM
@Tavion welcome on board. Looking forward to reading from you - have fun
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on April 17, 2020, 12:23:28 AM
Sad to see @Arista is leaving us, but great we're getting so many new folks on board! Welcome welcome @Artemisia and @Tavion!! Let me know if I can help at all with getting settled in :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Tavion on April 17, 2020, 09:57:14 AM
Hi everybody! I'm very happy to be here writing Tessa and writing with all of you on this crazy adventure :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vox on April 17, 2020, 10:02:40 AM
First of all a big welcome to both @Artemisia and @Tavion hope you both enjoy your time here with us merry band of misfits :P

Finally I'm sorry to see @Arista go. Hopefully he'll have a speedy recovery and return to us one day.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: AlyFox on April 17, 2020, 11:49:41 AM
I'm sorry to see we've lost some people, especially due to health issues. Hopefully they'll all have speedy recoveries and come back soon.

That being said hello to all the new people! I hope you all have a great time here and perhaps our characters will interact with each other at some point. :)

Also *tackles @Vox * Hi Vox! Welcome back! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: AmberStarfyre on April 17, 2020, 12:24:33 PM
Hello to all the new people that have joined us recently, like others have said I hope you enjoy your time here with us :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 17, 2020, 01:20:48 PM

I have the pleasure of annoucing yet another Theurgist today, namely @Jmjs7125 ! They will write Morgan Song. :)

( CPO Morgan Song              Maintenance Chief (V2) (
  - Writer: ( (;u=315)

@Jmjs7125 decided to keep Morgan Song as-is for the time being, only making some minor edits, but they might make some changes later on. They have really enjoyed his characterization so far and I for one look forward to take part in this guy's continued story.

Happy to have you aboard, and welcome to Theurgy! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Aharon on April 17, 2020, 01:24:01 PM
Welcome to you both @Tavion & @Jmjs7125 - Glad to have you here! :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on April 17, 2020, 01:35:32 PM
Great to see you here @Jmjs7125, I can't wait to see what you do with Morgan!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on April 17, 2020, 02:08:20 PM
Hello and welcome @Jmjs7125
Have fun writing here
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: jreeves1701 on April 17, 2020, 02:28:32 PM
Greetings, Welcome aboard.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on April 17, 2020, 02:29:21 PM
Welcome aboard @Jmjs7125!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Jmjs7125 on April 17, 2020, 05:08:37 PM
Thanks for all the warm welcomes! I'm excited to start writing as Morgan and learn more about the forum. I've been a fan of Star Trek for the past few years, but none of my friends or writing partners are, so being able to interact with other fans in a creative space is a dream come true. I can't wait to meet everyone and begin writing!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TWilkins on April 17, 2020, 06:07:00 PM
Wow, I missed a whole bunch of new people to welcome... I guess that's what happens when I have to work too hard :(

But welcome:
and @Jmjs7125

Welcome to all. I'm sure some of you have done so already, but make sure you pop into the discord server. It's the best place to get to know people and to work on thread ideas!

And in other news, things are starting to smooth out again at my work so I should hopefully be back on track for writing schedules.

Stay safe everyone!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vox on April 17, 2020, 07:01:20 PM
Welcome to all the new people.

Also @AlyFox Aww thanks Aly, glad to be back :) 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Jesaya on April 18, 2020, 11:08:48 AM
So many new people! Hello new people! I hope you all have a wonderful time here with us. Despite what @Numen says we all know she has the cookies, that's who you need to see. :P  Also welcome back @Vox

That being said it's also sad to see we've lost some people, especially to health reasons, hope you all have a speedy recovery and that we'll see you all again soon
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on April 25, 2020, 12:24:57 PM
Welcome to all the newbs and returnees.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 28, 2020, 01:46:10 PM


Here it is!

Prologue: Palais de la Concorde (,2925.0.html)

This is the placeholder for the prologue of this new Episode, which is set on Day 37 by Aldea Prime Anthology counting. It's now open to post Supplemental threads for this Prologue post, where you can post one-on-one with other writers in your own IC scenes on this dreadful morning. The limitation of the IC time-span for these Supplemental threads will span from 1000 hrs. to 1100 hrs. on the same day as the attack in Paris (now being designated Day 01 in Season 2, and not to be confused with Day 01 in the Aldea Prime Anthology). The Senior Staff meeting will be held at 1100 hrs. The naming convention for these one-on-one Supplemental threads that belonging to Prologue is: PRO: S [D01|YYYY] Insert Title (YYYY marking the time in the morning).

Of course, anyone can post in reply to this starter as well (perhaps a solo post?), but either via Supplemental thread of not, you should illustrate what your characters were doing at Aldea at the time of the attack. You are all welcome to start incorporating how "something" seem to have happened on Earth, but it's too early to tell what it is. Something about Paris, and then its conflicting hearsay. This ought to come from Aldean and Klingon sources, but with the backdoor made into the Federation database by Director Anderson in Starfleet Intelligence, some FNN media should gradually become accessible aboard the Theurgy as well. A common theme would be the mentioning of a suspected thalaron bomb, and how there is not a living soul left in Paris. Either evacuated, or disintegrated, the place is completely desolate.

Also, at the epicentre was the Palais de la Concorde, and the thalaron radiation would have been carried outwards by a detonation that made the entire building collapse on itself. This method of deployment was different than the kind Tal'aura used in Nemesis, where a cascading biogenic pulse carried the radiation to a safely calculated distance (the insides of the Romulan Senate Chamber).

Next post from me will be a starter for Chapter 01, where Captain Ives adjourn a Senior Staff meeting that doesn't only detail the aftermath of the bomb in Paris (with a news update from Director Andersson), but how Martok's new political opponent has revealed the location of the Theurgy publicly. Subsequently, they've become compromised and need to leave the Epsilon Mynos System. Ives' orders will be dealt, and the story will be set off in multiple trajectories with the Chapter 01 starter. We'll hit the floor running, so to speak, and an opening for more Supplemental threads will be made then.

Looking forward to read how you start up Season 2 with your characters! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on April 28, 2020, 02:25:00 PM
This looks like it'll be brilliant. On top of that, as a Frenchman, the concept of a bomb that gets rid of all the Parisians really hits me hard. I needed cheering up today.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on April 28, 2020, 02:26:06 PM
This looks like it'll be brilliant. On top of that, as a Frenchman, the concept of a bomb that gets rid of all the Parisians really hits me hard. I needed cheering up today.

Well I just cracked up on a conference call reading this
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 30, 2020, 03:58:57 PM


Here goes, for all Senior Staff character writers, but also the opener for coming Supplemental threads!

Chapter 01: Incendiary Prospects (,2928.0.html)

This thread is set on the Main Bridge of the Theurgy, and the posting deadline for those writing Senior Staff members is 7 days  starting from now. It's now open to post Supplemental threads for Chapter 01, where you can post one-on-one with other writers in your own IC scenes during the time while Thea reintegrates and Yellow Alert have everyone on their feet and ready. The limitation of the IC time-span for these Supplemental threads will span from 1100 hrs. to 1200 hrs., where the Theurgy will depart from Aldea. The naming convention for these one-on-one Supplemental threads that belonging to Chapter 01 is: CH01: S [D01|YYYY] Insert Title (YYYY marking the time before 1200 hrs.).

Senior Staff writers, here are the optional Objectives for this thread, which you can all pick and choose from when writing your posts: [Show/Hide]
Looking forward to getting the show rolling! I am open to start other threads for the rest of the crew, if you have ideas for scenes that might involve a lot of characters as they go to Yellow Alert. I have some plans for this here in Chapter 01 already, but PM me!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 03, 2020, 12:24:47 AM


>> Click For Full Size (

Something I overlooked when I posted the starter above. There are two more seats besides the Departmental Heads' in Engineering and Tactical. There is also one more seat in Science, and even though a Chief Intelligence Officer has yet to be named OOC (recruitment opening up very soon, and this character could possibly have arrived together with Martok and introduced in Incendiary Prospects) there is a second seat as well. I believe it has been claimed by Selena Ravenholm already, @chXinya ?

Many of the Senior Staff don't have stations on the Main Bridge, but have assembled for the summons, like Thomas Ravon, Hathev, Kai Akoni and Elro Kobol . These are standing on the bridge, but there is no room for additional officers in their departments.

So, if your character ought to be able to be on the Main Bridge, just PM me before posting and I'll let you know if there is still room. First to PM me gets the seat! :)


>> Click For Full Resolution (

In Star Trek, Runabouts have traditionally been the kind to have names on the shows, but that gives us 15 unnammed shuttles. Eight Type 9 and Seven Type 11 ( one spent to stop the Borg Invasion). Here is the list as far as I am aware atm:

Auxiliary Craft
- USS Allegiant NX-80978 - Scoutship/Captain’s Yacht
- 8 Type 9 Shuttles
- 7 Type 11 Shuttles
Danube-class Runabouts
- USS Thames (Destroyed in Ep 05)
- USS Niger (Departed at the end of Ep 05)
- USS Tigris
ARGO-type Heavy Transport Shuttle
- The Tesla
Fighter Assault Bay
- 10 (Originally 16) Mk III Valkyries
- 5 Mk I Valravn
- 1 Mk II Valkyrie
Maintenance Craft
- 30 Workbees

Awesome writers that looked into this on Discord found that apparently it's the IC Captain's prerogative to name shuttles, and names should all be in a theme. This might have two shuttles belonging two different starships have the same name, yet all have a unique transponder code and registry number. For shuttles, the registry for the Theurgy would be:

- NX-79854/01
- NX-79854/02
- NX-79854/03

With the lack of focus there is on names for shuttles on the shows, I would prefer if we refrained from focusing too much on naming all the Type 9 and 11 shuttles. If someone writing a CONN pilot and tending to use the same shuttle over time, and having the shuttles' name featured in the story, that's fine, but I don't want to iron out a long list of names since it would just become a headache to track which shuttle is which and whether or not it is available/damaged. So please, don't overthink this since it will just become a nightmare down the road. Even if too many names would accumulate over time organically, despite my recommendation to keep away from naming the shuttles, I would prefer that over making a list now.

As for the theme of names, however, I would like it if Trek or modern day A.I. scientists or researchers were names picked for the shuttles. We all know the Trek ones, but the modern day ones can be googled pretty easily (


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on May 03, 2020, 12:43:25 AM
Well, that question is answered. Thanks!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on May 03, 2020, 12:57:12 AM
Selena doesn't necessarily have to be there on the Bridge during the meeting, especially if someone else should be there more.  The only reasoning I had behind asking about it was because of the short time between when the news from Earth starts tricking in and the meeting that she might still be on the bridge trying to get more information or performing other aspects of her duty.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 04, 2020, 11:44:21 AM



The Joining the Crew ( page has been updated with recruitment details, and announcements have been made on DeviantArt as well as Facebook. :)

We'll see what manner of interest we'll generate with that, but worth knowing is that only positions on the Wanted Positions ( page are available. Same goes for character creation when you're and old member and you're eligible to add another character to the story. Any new characters need to fit a position in the list.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Argyros on May 05, 2020, 08:02:54 AM
Sooooo many positions open!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 05, 2020, 11:16:35 AM

Today, @BipSpoon joins us, wishing to play Cameron Henshaw! :)

( Ens. Cameron Henshaw          Captain's Yeoman & Mission Ops Asst. ( 
  - Writer: ( (;u=327)

After having browsed through everything that's befallen Cam so far in the story, her new writer has made some small edits to her character page. One being that she has an undiagnosed bipolar disorder rather than the previously mentioned ADHD that the character page originally had. Cameron has a few openings suggested for posts in the Anthology, but she is also present on the Main Bridge in Season 2's first Chapter.

Welcome aboard! Looking forward to see where you take her story next, @BipSpoon ! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on May 05, 2020, 11:19:36 AM
Welcome aboard @BipSpoon

I look forward to where you write Cameron next.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on May 05, 2020, 11:32:42 AM
Hello and welcome aboard @BipSpoon
Have fun writing.
I heard someone has cookies for the new ones. That reminds me... Where is my cookie?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on May 05, 2020, 12:18:56 PM
I heard someone has cookies for the new ones. That reminds me... Where is my cookie?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on May 05, 2020, 12:28:37 PM
Good to see Cam's back in the saddle! Enjoy writing her and welcome aboard.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on May 05, 2020, 12:34:01 PM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on May 05, 2020, 01:03:25 PM
Hello and welcome aboard @BipSpoon
Have fun writing.
I heard someone has cookies for the new ones. That reminds me... Where is my cookie?

Mumbles around full mouth “Cookies? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Quickly sweeps cookie wrapper behind me and wipes mouth free of crumbs
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: jreeves1701 on May 05, 2020, 02:38:20 PM
Welcome aboard.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on May 05, 2020, 08:08:20 PM
Welcome aboard @BipSpoon!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on May 05, 2020, 08:17:15 PM
Welcome, hello, bienvenue, all that good stuff!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: BipSpoon on May 05, 2020, 11:04:16 PM
Thank you everyone! Look forward to writing with you all!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Argyros on May 07, 2020, 07:37:06 AM
Welcome @BipSpoon ! Sorry for the delay in the greetings. Hope you are finding everything to your liking so far :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 08, 2020, 12:29:58 PM

Unfortunately, since Irvun has dropped off and doesn't reply to emails or PMs, his membership has been terminated. With no login for over a month, RL has likely claimed his attention entirely.

Luckily, @Masorin has agreed to resume writing Salem again, so contact him if there are any threads that need Maso's attention!

( Lt. JG Salem Martin            Asst. Chief Tactical Officer (V3) ( 
  - Played by Masorin (


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 09, 2020, 08:47:22 PM



A tad delayed, meaning to have included it in a Newsletter instead, I just want to mention how we now have a mentor program to help out integrate new writers in the story. The info can be found on the joining the Crew page!

Joining the Crew (

We might have a bit of an overcapacity with 12 mentors already after I asked for feedback on our Discord server, and we'll see if I'll have to lower the number with some criteria for being a Mentor later on. I'm so thrilled that so many of you wanted to help out with this, and with the recruitment season starting up, it might just be 12 are too few as well. :)

The purpose is to help newly arrived writers, and with the setup we have now, I feel like we have great chances of helping every single one!


Today I heard from @Numen that their RL situation isn't improving and that they have become too disconnected with the story development. Of course I understand if they want to step away with the Corona situation being bad where they are, and I will have the characters left behind as NPCs on the Crew Manifest page in the event of a potential return in a few months.

If a suitable situation comes up wherein Khorin Douglas, Izar Bila and Seren can be put into stasis, and @Numen doesn't return before then, that might happen, but they will merely fall back into the background of events for the time being.

Hopefully things will turn out better for you than you might anticipate now, @Numen and that you'll indeed be able to return sooner rather than later.

If there are any threads up and running in which I have to NPC @Numen 's characters, please PM me and we'll work it out!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on May 09, 2020, 08:50:02 PM
Nooooo Numnum! :( Take care my friend and don't be a stranger!

Also good luck to my fellow mentors and to all those curious to see if they should join or not, we have a great team standing by to help you roll into the story!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on May 09, 2020, 08:51:37 PM
Oh hell. Numen is great. Hopefully she can come back soon. :(
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on May 09, 2020, 08:51:46 PM
Not @Numen nooo. Good luck and hopefully we'll see her again back here soon one day.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on May 09, 2020, 08:55:57 PM
Nooooo! So going to miss you @Numen !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: BZ on May 09, 2020, 09:59:33 PM
Miss you bunches @Numen, take care, don't be a stranger.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Juzzie on May 10, 2020, 01:25:09 AM
Aww numen. Take care keep in touch
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Jesaya on May 12, 2020, 11:21:57 PM
Hi everyone,

Sorry I haven't been around much lately. Being a nurse during COVID is a busy time hence my lack of posting in a while, things are understandably busy. I shall do my best to get posts out when I can. My fellow Wolves I know there's a thread I have to post in.

@Brutus Sorry I haven't got that intro post done that too, I haven't forgotten about it, promise! :)

Also welcome to the newbies, I hope people have been treating you nice. It's a good group of people here.

Also sorry to see @Triage and @Numen having to step away, that makes me sad. Hopefully we'll see them again one day.

I guess this means @Revan has the cookies now? :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Aharon on May 13, 2020, 12:49:05 AM
@Jesaya My thoughts are with you Jesaya! Keep fighting the good fight - I am a Nurse as well in RL. <3

Also - Happy Nurses Week! :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Argyros on May 13, 2020, 08:05:20 AM
No worries @Jesaya ! You keep doing your thing. We're here for you!

Sad to see several people stepping away or getting their accounts terminated tho. Hoping @Triage and @Numen might come back in the future. We'll see I guess.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 13, 2020, 12:55:26 PM

Hi there everyone! We have a new member! Today, @Swift joins us with our new Chief of Intelligence, Lieutenant Commander Andrew Fisher!.

( Lt Cmdr. Andrew Fisher              Chief Intelligence Officer
  - Played by @Swift

Fisher arrives on Day 28, having travelled to the Epsilon Mynos System aboard the IKS Vor'Nak. He'll report to Ives' ready room the same day for an evaluation and briefing, and soon after that - at the recommendations from Rear Admiral Anderson - he will be announced as the new Chief Intelligence Officer. Fisher will also be making an appearance on the bridge in Chapter 01 of Season 2, being seated next to Selena Ravenholm. 

Welcome @Swift and I look forward to writing with you!


After Zaryn Kolari was joined to the Arn symbiont during the Aldea Prime Anthology, this Trill got the adequate experience from his former hosts to fill the role of Fisher's Asst. Chief Intelligence Officer. There is room for one more Asst. given how the ship might operate in MVAM mode in some rare cases, but Arn will be the one Fisher picks for the first Asst. vacancy in the gradually growing Intelligence Department.

( Lt. Zaryn Arn              Asst. Chief Intelligence Officer ( (
  - Writer: ( (;u=212)

Let's hope even more spies joins the fold, so that it will become a proper Department at last. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on May 13, 2020, 12:58:33 PM
Welcome aboard @Swift and congratulation are in order it seems for @Revan

Hope to see you in the story soon Swift and good luck with your new cookie stealing Asst chief Intelligence. :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on May 13, 2020, 01:07:21 PM
Welcome @Swift and congrats @Revan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on May 13, 2020, 01:30:37 PM
Welcome @Swift! @Revan is the cookie guy now. As long as he doesn't eat them all in celebration at his promotion..
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on May 13, 2020, 01:36:35 PM
Welcome Swift!

Looks around at all the empty cookie boxes surrounding himself What cookies? I haven't got any cookies.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on May 13, 2020, 02:15:57 PM
Welcome aboard @Swift! I'm looking forward to seeing Fisher in action!

And congrats to @Revan, I'm sure this intelligence double-act is one to watch  ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on May 13, 2020, 02:27:30 PM
@Jesaya - you focus on being safe, yeah? I'll be around whenever you do get some time, no worries there.

@Swift : welcome aboard the mad house. We've got jack Ryan on our side now, what could possibly go wrong ? ;)

@Revan congrats dude.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on May 13, 2020, 02:33:54 PM
The spooks have come. Looking forward to those cloak and dagger shenanigans!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on May 13, 2020, 02:54:03 PM
@Swift welcome aboard the ship. Have fun writing.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Aharon on May 13, 2020, 04:39:35 PM
@Swift Welcome - looking forward to reading your posts! :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 14, 2020, 12:26:17 AM

I have the pleasure of annoucing yet another Theurgist today, namely @uytrereee ! They will write Frank Arnold, our second Asst. Chief Engineer! :)

( Lt. Frank Arnold            Asst. Chief Engineer (V1) (
  - Writer: ( Arnold)uytreteee (;u=330)

@uytrereee 's character came to Aldea and the Theurgy together with Martok, so he might have learned to know other Starfleet officers voyaging on the IKS Vor'nak to Aldea. Might be a good Director's Cut thread, actually... In any case, with Arnold appearing on Day 28, he will be evaluated for the Asst. Chief Engineer role, being mainly in charge of Vector 01, and has been given the position by Commander Tiran before Season 02 starts.

Happy to have you aboard, and welcome to the Theurgy! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on May 14, 2020, 12:39:13 AM
Welcome to the party! Be gentle with Thea’s antimatter injectors, though. I hear that she’s ticklish.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on May 14, 2020, 12:44:42 AM
Oh-ho, a boxer? Ducote's ears pricked up.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on May 14, 2020, 12:58:49 AM
Welcome aboard @uytrereee
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Aharon on May 14, 2020, 01:01:15 AM
Welcome to the Theurgy @uytrereee! :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: uytrereee on May 14, 2020, 01:44:02 AM
Thank you all for welcoming me. So far I've been very impressed! I look forward to crafting stories with you all. I'll probably take tomorrow to finish my reading, and hopefully start crafting in the following days!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on May 14, 2020, 01:54:10 AM
Welcome welcome @uytrereee!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Argyros on May 14, 2020, 05:38:19 AM
Totes forgot to welcome you @BipSpoon! And you too @uytrereee! Hope both of you are finding the sim to your liking so far!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Argyros on May 14, 2020, 05:39:06 AM
Also welcome @Swift and congrats @Revan!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on May 14, 2020, 11:14:38 AM
Hi All,

I just want to let you all know that some replies to threads will be delayed a few days. I have to make a trip from Sydney to Dubbo tomorrow and then a return trip the following day. That's about 5 hours/1 Way.

I am going to do as many threads tonight and then squeeze in others whenever I can over the next two days but just in case, here is a heads up as to why.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on May 14, 2020, 05:05:40 PM
Hey everyone!

Thank you all very much for your welcome! As Trek fan-fiction/role-play enthusiast and casual lurker of the Database for the better part of a few months, I'm very excited to get to partake in the incredible story that you've created here. Major kudos to @Auctor Lucan for his help during the character application process; his attention to detail and the wealth of information accessible through the Wiki made it far easier to craft a character that I hope fits in well with the Theurgy and it's story. Also, congrats and hello to @uytrereee, my fellow applicant who's now also been accepted into the rank and file. I was following the progress of Frank Arnold's development on the Wiki while simultaneously working on Fisher, and he really seems like a cool character.

Anyways, I'll be hopping on the Discord in a bit and hope to meet the rest of you there.

Thanks again!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: uytrereee on May 14, 2020, 05:17:02 PM
Welcome @Swift yourself, and thanks for the compliment! I love that you picked who you picked for your faceclaim.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on May 14, 2020, 05:24:38 PM
@uytrereee not gonna lie, same here dude. Ron Swanson / Nick Offerman kicks ass.  (laugh)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: BipSpoon on May 14, 2020, 06:29:45 PM
Thank you @Argyros and welcome to @Swift and @uytrereee I hope to write with the both of you sometime soon! Love both the faceclaims! Also glad to see another boxer and a history geek aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Vox on May 15, 2020, 12:33:31 AM
Welcome newbies, hope you all have fun here.

Congrats @Revan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 18, 2020, 02:26:20 PM

Please welcome our newest Theurgist, @GroundPetrel  ! He will be writing an Intelligence Analyst by the name Dantius Thi Anh-Le! :)

( Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le          Intelligence Analyst (
  - Writer: ( @GroundPetrel

Dantius is Vietnamse by Orion parents, whose ancestors immigrated to the Federation. She will be arriving to Aldea incognito via a civilian fraighter from Starbase 82, and she will arrive at the Aldea Prime Shipyards on Day 30, which is after the IKS Vor'nak arrived with other new officers.

Welcome aboard @GroundPetrel !


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on May 18, 2020, 02:30:16 PM
Welcome! Make yourself comfy.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on May 18, 2020, 02:30:54 PM
Welcome @GroundPetrel

And lovely choice on Katrina Law. Wonderful work as always @Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on May 18, 2020, 02:41:57 PM
Hello and welcome aboard @uytrereee and @GroundPetrel
Have fun writing.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on May 18, 2020, 02:42:22 PM
Welcome welcome @GroundPetrel! Come talk to me or @TWilkins about Orion stuff, I'm sure we can get something interesting cooking  ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Argyros on May 18, 2020, 03:33:21 PM
Welcome to the insane asylum @GroundPetrel !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Aharon on May 18, 2020, 03:46:20 PM
Welcome to the Theurgy @GroundPetrel :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on May 18, 2020, 04:10:18 PM
Thank you for the warm welcome!  Being isolated because of COVID is really fraying my nerves, but at least I have plenty of time for things like writing.  XD  I hope that being a part of this story will be a fun experience! 

@fiendfall That sounds great!  The general idea with Anh-Le is that she's dissociated from Orion culture and was raised on Earth, so she might not be up to date on the latest of Orion society outside of anything she may have learned for a potential mission. 

@Stegro88 Honestly, I loved Katrina Law's performances on "Arrow", where I was kinda disappointed by how she was underused after the midpoint of season 3.  (then again, that's when "Arrow" began its slide into the nadir of season 4, so...)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on May 18, 2020, 04:15:10 PM
@GroundPetrel I can agree with observation about Arrow. And about ISO. Thankfully, there are fanfics out there that do her more justice.

Welcome to the sim and if you want to chat, we're all here for ya.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on May 18, 2020, 04:21:06 PM
@GroundPetrel I can agree with observation about Arrow. And about ISO. Thankfully, there are fanfics out there that do her more justice.

Welcome to the sim and if you want to chat, we're all here for ya.
:) Thank you!  I'm reading up on how to properly do an in-character introduction now.  :)

(I should know about those fanfics, I've written some of them.  XD )
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on May 18, 2020, 04:25:18 PM
Welcome to the Theurgy! That should round out a decent Intelligence department, from the looks of it.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on May 18, 2020, 04:29:21 PM
@GroundPetrel I can agree with observation about Arrow. And about ISO. Thankfully, there are fanfics out there that do her more justice.

Welcome to the sim and if you want to chat, we're all here for ya.
:) Thank you!  I'm reading up on how to properly do an in-character introduction now.  :)

(I should know about those fanfics, I've written some of them.  XD )

As have I. Let me know if you want any help. Or simply as either here or on our discord. Someone is usually around to help ya.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on May 18, 2020, 04:45:48 PM
As have I. Let me know if you want any help. Or simply as either here or on our discord. Someone is usually around to help ya.
Thank you!  I think I can figure it out, my only concern is that since Anh-Le is a relatively low-ranking officer, she's going to need to talk to the chief of the intelligence detachment to be assigned a specific role within the department, and I'm not sure if it's polite to just @ somebody in the initial post without PMing them first to ask if they're OK with it and getting confirmation in response. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 18, 2020, 04:53:12 PM
Yes, I recommend PM:ing @Swift ahead of time, perhaps PMing the idea you had. You can contact him via Discord or PM here on the forum. :)


Auctor Lucan

As have I. Let me know if you want any help. Or simply as either here or on our discord. Someone is usually around to help ya.
Thank you!  I think I can figure it out, my only concern is that since Anh-Le is a relatively low-ranking officer, she's going to need to talk to the chief of the intelligence detachment to be assigned a specific role within the department, and I'm not sure if it's polite to just @ somebody in the initial post without PMing them first to ask if they're OK with it and getting confirmation in response.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on May 18, 2020, 04:55:16 PM
Welcome @GroundPetrel

Generally speaking a PM is great also @Swift who is the CIO is planning a post with all the current Intelligence Officers for all of us to get to know one another so I'm sure you'll be included in that when it gets started now too :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on May 18, 2020, 05:03:29 PM
Thank you guys!  I will just have Anh-Le arrive and meet with someone else first, then.  I suppose given the extenuating circumstances of this mission a day or two to get situated is justified. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on May 18, 2020, 08:59:53 PM
Awesome! More spies! More spies!  (laugh)

Welcome @GroundPetrel !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on May 18, 2020, 09:14:25 PM
I'm late to the party, but welcome aboard @GroundPetrel!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 19, 2020, 02:20:56 PM



The time for the next Voice chat session on our Discord Server set at:

Week 21, Wednesday, May the 20th, 1500-1630 hrs. (3 - 4.30 pm) CET (Tomorrow!)

Please send questions that you might have for me to answer ahead of time via PM! :) Here are the topics I had in mind, besides general chat:

Voice Chat Topics

1. Recruitment Status & Wanted Positions
2. Remaining Aldea Story Objectives (delete or keep?)
3. New Story Objectives for Episode 01
4. Sim Questions (Send them in!)
5. Quantum Slipstream Burst Drive Specs
6. Exosuit Specs
7. Character Sub-Plots

Looking forward to talking to you tomorrow, whomever might be able to make it! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on May 22, 2020, 03:05:52 PM
Hey everyone,

Sorry for the absence the last little while. Works had me focused on upgrading phones at several stores, close to 80 workstations these past couple weeks. An incredible amount of planning goes into a project like that, which I'm tackling on top of my regular duties, and assisting a consultant with a second large project. This phase of the project finishs up this weekend with some onsite support next week, once that's done, I should have some time to pound out replies.

Apparently COVID didn't slow me down work wise, it ramped me up. :|  /:|  :^)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 25, 2020, 05:14:02 PM

I have the pleasure of announcing two Theurgists today, namely @Number6 and @JediMaster ! They will write Foval, an Asst. Chief Diplomatic Officer and Akel Isavid, an Asst. Cheif Operations Officer! :)

( Lt. JG Foval            Asst. Chief Diplomatic Officer (V3) (
  - Writer: ( (;u=339)

( Lt. JG Akel Isavid            Asst. Chief of Operations (V3) (
  - Writer: ( (;u=340)

Both characters  came to Aldea and the Theurgy together with Martok, so they might have learned to know other Starfleet officers voyaging on the IKS Vor'nak to Aldea. Also, with both appearing on Day 28, they will be evaluated for their positions IC before Season 02 starts.

Happy to have you both aboard, and welcome to the Theurgy! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on May 25, 2020, 05:17:42 PM
Welcome welcome @Number6 & @JediMaster!! These characters look great, I can't wait to meet them  :)  Give me a shout if you need any help getting settled in!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on May 25, 2020, 05:17:52 PM
Welcome to the Theurgy folks!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: chXinya on May 25, 2020, 05:21:48 PM
Foval looks like he has fun at the spaceport with all the metal bits XD  (then again probably half the crew has cybernetics by this point :P ).

Welcome both of you ^^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Number6 on May 25, 2020, 05:37:30 PM
Thank you very much for the welcome.   Looking forward to getting up to date over the next few days.   
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: uytrereee on May 25, 2020, 05:46:25 PM
Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Aharon on May 25, 2020, 06:02:48 PM
Welcome @Number6 & @JediMaster - Glad to have you here! :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on May 25, 2020, 06:07:40 PM
Hooray, more new people!  I'm pretty new, too, but welcome! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on May 25, 2020, 06:27:16 PM
Welcome aboard @Number6 and @JediMaster
Have fun writing
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: DaValle on May 25, 2020, 06:48:31 PM
Uhh new blood in the engineering stuff, I guess Kaylon would love to meet him, oh and an Ex Borg Diplomat with a pretty nice background. Can't wait to write with you guys.

So welcome aboard the madhouse @JediMaster & @Number6
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: JediMaster on May 25, 2020, 07:59:21 PM
It’s great to be here.  Look forward to getting to know all of you.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on May 25, 2020, 09:39:52 PM
Awesome stuff! Welcome @JediMaster and @Number6 ! You're going to love it here; I'm just about as new as you guys are, and I already am.

Anyway, I look forward to getting to work with you guys and your characters in the Theurgy story sometime.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on May 26, 2020, 12:34:13 AM
Welcome aboard @Swift @GroundPetrel @JediMaster @Number6 @uytrereee @BipSpoon

If you wish to do a thread with me, please do ask! I look forward to writing with you all.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: uytrereee on May 26, 2020, 12:42:55 AM
Of course @Sqweloookle same goes for me for all of our new people! I'm always looking for scenes, and I'm not shy about being approached. Let me know if you have an Engineering itch, or otherwise, always looking for personal connections!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: JediMaster on May 26, 2020, 02:15:01 AM
I have an idea how I want to introduce Akel. Not sure who it would be appropriate to Joint post with.

Akel came on the Klingon cruiser, and has been fixing a few computer issues.  He doesn’t get along very well with Klingons and when he is done finally makes his way to the Theurgy

Since he was delayed getting there he is met with suspicion.  He was involved in Theas programming I was imagining she recognizes him. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on May 26, 2020, 02:34:44 AM
I guess it depends on where you want to start?

You could start on the Klingon ship. Or the point that you arrive on the Theurgy.

One idea could be being met at the transporter pad by a Klingon Security Officer.

P/S. Welcome aboard JediMaster and Number6

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on May 26, 2020, 02:39:36 AM
Would that klingon ship be docked at the shipyard above Aldea?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: JediMaster on May 26, 2020, 02:43:14 AM
I would start in the Klingon ship in there computer core.  Then when I get finished fixing their problem the finally let me leave.

It would be really fun to beam to Theurgy being met by a Klingon security officer.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on May 26, 2020, 02:45:07 AM
Another option could be that the Security officer is sent to 'collect' you from the Klingon Ship. Up to you though.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: JediMaster on May 26, 2020, 02:55:57 AM
A simple question...  maybe. Where would I put the post?  What forum?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on May 26, 2020, 02:59:29 AM
For your character's introduction thread? It would go in the Aldean Anthology as your character is arriving Day 28.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on May 26, 2020, 03:03:17 AM
Welcome to all the new people. I hope you enjoy your time here writing with us. Welcome to our crazy family.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on May 26, 2020, 03:13:03 AM
@JediMaster if you're looking to write a thread with someone make sure to PM them first! If you're not sure who to write with, you could check the Crew Manifest ( (someone in Security, Ops, or possibly Counselling would likely be the first to meet Isavid & get him onboarded), or try speaking to one of our mentors ( -- either they'll write with you themselves or point you in the direction of someone suited :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Argyros on May 26, 2020, 06:05:34 AM
Welcome to the Insane Asylum @JediMaster and @Number6 ! We hope you enjoy your institutionalization stay!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on May 26, 2020, 09:09:25 AM
I am happy to volunteer to help get ya onboard, do we have a way of checking for infestation?

We may have to limit access to test for loyalty, I mean just because an Admiral says these officers can be trusted and aren't infested can be a lie.

I'm speaking In Character view of course. We do have the Radiant light as a tester right?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on May 26, 2020, 09:19:13 AM
Welcome to all the new people!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 26, 2020, 09:25:04 AM
Regarding arrivals and security measures! :) Great that you brought it up, @Sqweloookle !

Here is a thread describing how L'Nari was subjected to anyon emissions in the airlock to the Theurgy. After this featured thread, it could also be that the Klingons have implemented the anyon emission protocols in their transporters so all who beam up to the shipyards are subjected to the emissions, which would kill both a parasite and its host if caught.

Anxious Arrivals (,2878.0.html)

Airlock procedure and the theorised fallout is described in the thread, and if done through the transporters, it's just a slight delay in the beam-up.

Hope this helps!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on May 26, 2020, 10:31:25 AM
@Auctor Lucan

Thanks for that. I'll be sure to include it when Mickayla brings Akel aboard.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Juzzie on May 26, 2020, 05:05:19 PM
Welcome @Number6 and @JediMaster

I hope you have fun on the Sim. Everyone is friendly and happy to answer questions.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 27, 2020, 12:53:42 AM


We finally have a Chief Diplomatic Officer in Lieutenant Commander Samantha Rutherford, written by @stardust , our newest Theurgist! :)

( Lt Cmdr. Samantha Rutherford            Chief Diplomatic Officer ( 
( (
  - Played by @stardust

Samantha will be arriving on Day 28 together with Martok and a lot of other officers, and she takes over the responsibility of the Diplomats on the Theurgy after being assessed and briefed by Captain Ives.

During the Aldea stay, Commander Dewitt has been responsible for the small number of present attachés aboard, but will be resuming command of the Allegiant during Season 02. No other suggestion than her has been put forth In-Character, so it seems the most easy solution atm. Her role as Mission Liaison Officer during the Aldea repairs thus comes to an end, the maintenance of diplomatic relations with the Aldean Defence Council no longer necessary.

Welcome aboard, @stardust ! Your character's page is a lovely read, and it's awesome to see a character that doesn't just have merits but plenty of flaws to balance her into a 3-dimensional persona. Looking forward to reading your post in Chapter 01: Incendiary Prospects (,2928.0.html)! :)


Auctor Lucan

PS. Great work on the character art you made too, me only having done the one on the far right above. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on May 27, 2020, 01:02:41 AM
Welcome @stardust I hope you enjoy being a part of our wacky family and look forward to writing with you in the future :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: DaValle on May 27, 2020, 01:05:09 AM
Welcome aboard @stardust
I'm looking forward to writing with you, even though I don't think that Taa'gur would really see the use in a diplomat. More luck with Kaylon there I guess.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on May 27, 2020, 01:07:56 AM
Hello @stardust !  I'm pretty new too, hope to run into you at some point! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: JediMaster on May 27, 2020, 01:08:50 AM
Welcome, look forward to writing with you.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on May 27, 2020, 01:09:25 AM
Lots of new faces. Welcome aboard

Diplo folks ( @stardust  @Number6  - looking forward to setting up meetings between y'all and Faye, whose been holding down the fort.

For our new ops officer, (  @JediMaster ) , we should have an eval post with your new boss Nat, and probably your Co assistant Chief ( @Top Hat )
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: JediMaster on May 27, 2020, 01:13:00 AM
Sounds fun @Brutus.  Working on getting onboard.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on May 27, 2020, 01:13:43 AM
Welcome @stardust

@JediMaster and @Brutus if you both are in agreement, we could end Stragglers with Mickayla delivering Akel to Natalie. Or would you prefer to do that at another time?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on May 27, 2020, 01:14:31 AM
Sounds fun @Brutus.  Working on getting onboard.

Good luck with it 😁
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: uytrereee on May 27, 2020, 01:15:04 AM
Welcome Aboard! Nice to see so many people coming in!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Aharon on May 27, 2020, 01:15:46 AM
Welcome @stardust - Glad to have you here! :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on May 27, 2020, 01:17:43 AM
And the deluge continues with a top notch character. I’m looking forward to seeing how the new diplomatic department shape up when they get a chance to meet.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on May 27, 2020, 01:18:56 AM
Welcome aboard @stardust!! Great to see a Chief Diplomatic Officer on the ship!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: JediMaster on May 27, 2020, 01:32:05 AM
Welcome @stardust

@JediMaster and @Brutus if you both are in agreement, we could end Stragglers with Mickayla delivering Akel to Natalie. Or would you prefer to do that at another time?

I think the current post where I am being retrieved from the Klingon cruiser could fit perfectly into meeting Natalie.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on May 27, 2020, 01:33:08 AM
Welcome aboard @stardust!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: stardust on May 27, 2020, 01:35:22 AM
Thank you so much everyone for the incredible welcome and warm words. I can‘t wait to jump in and thread with you all :3
Come morning that is, it‘s kind of late but I wanted to let you all know how much I appreciate the welcome and how committed I am <3
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on May 27, 2020, 03:01:53 AM
Hey everyone. I know I've been pretty silent lately. I've been prepping for an entrance exam to go back to school, and also redoing our kitchen at the same time. Because I make poor life choices. Lol

Hoping to get back to posting Friday though. Sorry to anyone I've kept waiting! (I'm looking at you, @fiendfall)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on May 27, 2020, 03:38:05 AM
welcome @stardust
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Argyros on May 27, 2020, 05:06:35 AM
Welcome @stardust ! We hope you find your cell quarters more than acceptable! Let us know if you need any interrogations help!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on May 27, 2020, 05:15:50 AM
Welcome @Stardust! Your character seems pretty awesome, and well crafted. I'm new here too, but you'll get a hang of things in no time. The folk here are really helpful when it comes to that.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: JediMaster on May 27, 2020, 05:27:20 AM
Welcome fellow newbie @stardust
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on May 27, 2020, 09:16:45 AM
Welcome abord @stardust
Have fun writing. Looking forward to reading from you soon.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TWilkins on May 27, 2020, 12:27:39 PM
Oh man, so I didn't realise that all of my Theurgy emails were going into junk, until I checked my junk folder and found like 200,000 new people joined the sim.

A late but still very important welcome to:
@BipSpoon - Welcome welcome, Cameron has always been a lovely character in the sim and I'm really looking forward to seeing where you take her, I hope you're settling in well?

@Swift - As my boy will probably end up lounging around in the intelligence offices, I'm looking forward to Fisher and Y'Lev meeting at some point; I'm sure their contrary opinions on results/means will be a grand topic of discussion.

@uytrereee - Welcome to the sim. Congrats on a great character and I am keen to see him develop. It's lovely to see another parent aboard, definitely an aspect that is interesting to explore.

@GroundPetrel - An Earth raised Orion is making me as a writer very happy, and my character Y'Lev very disappointed... I look forward to seeing what you do with a very well crafted character, and if you ever want her to be insulted by a member of the Syndicate, hit me up! (Also, her birthplace made me chuckle. Good job.)

@Number6 - I have to say, the last ex-Borg on this Theurgy did a number on my boy, but I'm greatly looking forward to seeing how you write Foval and if you ever have any ideas for a thread with one of my mismatched characters. hit me up!

@JediMaster - Huzzah another Betazoid. I'm greatly looking forward to seeing what you do and to working with you some day, always interesting to see how other writers handle their abilities.

@stardust - You've done a great job of crafting a really interesting character, and I'm super excited to seeing you in action! Kudos.

Also, as an offer to all of you: if anyone is looking to do a minimal context thread, I am happy to do some routine medical evaluations with Elro. If you're stuck for ideas, certainly something simple to get the creative juices flowing!

Congratulations on joining and I look forward to seeing you all work!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: stardust on May 27, 2020, 01:20:30 PM
Argh, so I made my very first post, and in the Main Episode no less LOL Since it was urgent I didn't have time to go through all information available yet :/ If I concocted some bs that my character should've known better than it would be nice if someone told me XD
Thanks guys <3
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on May 27, 2020, 01:44:59 PM

Short of being a nit picky grammar and spelling #@%&, your post is great. Reinforces what others have said with her own opinions while expanding on the intelligence available or some that should be searched on. Given the former careers some of the crew have had (I'm looking at you Donna, Isel and all those other Orion Syndicate attachments) finding out who knows what is a good thing.

If they are all of this calibre, you'll fit in wonderfully.  ;)  ( good )
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: stardust on May 27, 2020, 02:15:32 PM

Thank you so much  (L) I was way more anxious than I should've been for this one lol And do not hesitate to PM me to call me out on Grammar and Spelling mistakes if you want! I live to learn :3
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on May 27, 2020, 02:46:31 PM
@stardust not gonna lie, I think it's a damn good first post. Well done.  ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on May 27, 2020, 04:34:36 PM
@GroundPetrel - An Earth raised Orion is making me as a writer very happy, and my character Y'Lev very disappointed... I look forward to seeing what you do with a very well crafted character, and if you ever want her to be insulted by a member of the Syndicate, hit me up! (Also, her birthplace made me chuckle. Good job.)
Thank you!  I'm still feeling Anh-Le out a bit, defining who she is (definitely the most stable character I've written in a while), but I think a confrontation between her and a regular Orion would be fun at some point! 

LOL, thanks, I thought it was a pretty funny backstory bit.  XD
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: uytrereee on May 27, 2020, 06:08:46 PM
Looks good @stardust ! That first post is always super daunting, especially in the main story threads! Good work!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Number6 on May 27, 2020, 11:40:35 PM
Welcome @stardust or should I say, Boss?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: stardust on May 27, 2020, 11:44:35 PM
@Number6 “Mistress of the balancing word“ will be fine :3
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Number6 on May 27, 2020, 11:47:38 PM
Duly noted and recorded.  
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 28, 2020, 02:35:29 PM


Chapter 01: Incendiary Prospects (,2928.msg27766.html#msg27766)

Starting from now, it's open to post more Supplemental threads for Chapter 01, where your characters carry out orders in one-on-one threads of even group threads with other writers. The limitation of the IC time-span for these Supplemental threads will not only span to 1300 hrs. on Day 01, where Martok comes aboard and the Theurgy will depart from Aldea. You can also post threads leading up to the Allegiant leaving the the Theurgy, which will be at 1900 hrs.. The naming convention for these one-on-one Supplemental threads that belonging to Chapter 01 is: CH01: S [D01|YYYY] Insert Title (YYYY marking the time before 1900 hrs.).

My next task is to set up a batch of Story Objectives, some of which will detail scenarios in which officers still down on Aldea will need to be extracted, be it by Security or by superior officers. I will also set up Objectives for the many tasks at hand, so stay tuned for those! Those Objectives, however, should not deter you from making new threads of your own volition, regardless if you write a Senior Officer or not. Consider the upcoming Objectives mere icing on the cake, while you all surely have ideas of your own at this point! :)


Furthermore, I have posted in the Advent of War OOC thread, where you can post your interest in having one or more characters on the Allegiant!

Advent of War OOC thread (,2943.msg27767.html#msg27767)

Remember that the Allegiant might need a few warp fighters as well, since because of their Code, the Savi will not actively assist the scoutship with the Erudite's arsenal, merely giving them a lift.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 28, 2020, 04:39:53 PM


Story Objectives updated, with new additions for Chapter 01 in Advent of War, as well as 1 new Objective in the Aldea Prime Anthology. Needless to say, this is a mere first batch of Story Objectives for Episode 01. :)

Story Objectives (

Remember to read the rules for the Story Objectives if you are unfamiliar with how they work.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on May 28, 2020, 04:50:04 PM
I would love to help out with settling the Klingons on the ship!  I've established that Anh-Le speaks tlhIngan Hol and is competent at Klingon cursing, which should help out.  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on May 28, 2020, 05:32:39 PM
Given the history I'd written for Fisher with the Orion Syndicate, I'd be interested in playing out The Stowaway II: Syndicate Spy ( story objective.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TWilkins on May 28, 2020, 05:42:53 PM
@Swift I am super keen on this one too, it probably makes sense for Y'Lev to be involved somehow. I will PM you in the next hour or so (At work rn)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: stardust on May 28, 2020, 06:50:51 PM
I think our planned Diplomatic Corps meet & greet would be perfectly suited for the „Diplomatic Council - Anthology Objective“. What do my involved colleagues @Brutus , @Number6 , @Fife think? Though we would only be four, which would leave space for another interested party?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on May 28, 2020, 08:41:09 PM
I think our planned Diplomatic Corps meet & greet would be perfectly suited for the „Diplomatic Council - Anthology Objective“. What do my involved colleagues @Brutus , @Number6 , @Fife think? Though we would only be four, which would leave space for another interested party?

Seems to work. Could be that we borrow Ives, Ducote or Dewitt as that extra person? Or any of the civilian characters that might have something to contribute?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: stardust on May 28, 2020, 09:21:02 PM
Also good options! Though Auctor has already opted out of the meet & greet due to understandable time restrictions. Somehow the day only has 24 hours where he lives ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If Ducote wants to join, sure! @Top Hat
Auctor also suggested @steelphoenix , given his background of providing valuable information. Potentially furthering the Kzinit plot line.

The more the merrier, surely :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on May 30, 2020, 06:02:47 PM
This is the weirdest thing i've ever admitted but I have completely lost one of my threads.

My notes say I have 2 ongoing threads with salem martin where I need to post.

One is a post for chapter 01,

And I have lost the other. I can't find a link, or a mention I don't know if it was started or who it was with.

If I was supposed to post for you with Salem Martin please send me a pm, I'm very sorry for this, I just did my inventory and am very confused.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on May 31, 2020, 09:05:42 AM
A quick heads up for all those I'm writing with. I'm changing jobs as of the end of this week. Which means that I'll probably have more erratic posting schedules as my work-home routine will change drastically. I will however keep up to any posts I owed but do expect some delays.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: uytrereee on May 31, 2020, 07:33:52 PM
Good luck with your new job!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on June 01, 2020, 04:41:57 AM
If any objectives want a security officer I'm game for any of them!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 01, 2020, 11:02:47 AM



The time for the next Voice chat session on our Discord Server set at:

Week 23, Wednesday, June 3rd, 1500-1630 hrs. (3 - 4.30 pm) CET

Please send questions that you might have for me to answer ahead of time via PM! :) Here are the topics I had in mind, besides general chat:

Voice Chat Topics

1. Episode 01: Advent of War Status
2. First Batch of Story Objectives in Episode 01
3. Allegiant Mission
4. Random Encounters
5. Missing Events in the Aldea Prime Calendar
6. Sim Questions (Send them in!)
7. Writing Requests/Ideas

Looking forward to talking to you, whomever might be able to make it! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on June 02, 2020, 03:30:09 AM
For anyone waiting on posts from me, I see you, I love you, I thank you for your patience.  This was a ... let's just say this last weekend kinda got to me so I'm doing my best to get posts out to you this week.  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: LostInTheForest on June 03, 2020, 01:40:21 AM
Welcome to all the newbies.

To @Kinvarus and anybody else looking for Ejek sorry I haven't been around much lately, life has been a little crazy. Regular posting and appearance from me will be starting again from now.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: uytrereee on June 03, 2020, 04:40:50 AM
I hope life comes around for you a little! If either of you are looking for casual scenes, or otherwise, feel free to hit me up, I'm always looking.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on June 03, 2020, 05:21:50 AM
Seconding @uytrereee , I'm happy to do a casual scene whenever! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on June 04, 2020, 02:57:40 AM
To all I rp with, no replies will be coming today-tomorrow, my mom fell off her mobility scooter today. It's not good, but it's not the worst case scenario either. She didn't have to go to the hospital yet, but yet is a key word so I can't really get comfortable enough to write while we are all taking turns to monitor her condition.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on June 04, 2020, 09:32:38 AM
Slight update to all whom I'm writing with.

After receiving my work schedule, it would seem that I'll have ample to no time to write on the days that I work. Thus, I'll only be able to reply on my free days which are rather scarce, but I'll do my best to work posts out when able. Should only be the case for June as a new project starts in July with hopefully better hours.

Hope to get back to all of you soon!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 04, 2020, 05:03:28 PM

It is my pleasure to announce our newest member, @UltimaImperatrixia . They will write an old character of ours, who has been in a supporting role since all the way back to Episode 01. As one of the main antagonist during the Niga Incident, and as might be read on her updated character page, she still suffers from the consequences. She is our serene Botanist in hydroponics, Cir'Cie, who has botanic company in the Science Department with @BZ 's Zephyr Praise!

( Ens. Cir'Cie                  Science Officer (Botany) ( 
  - Writer: @UltimaImperatrixia (

Rather new to forum writing, UltimaImperatrixia will be trying this out and see if they like it before committing with a brand new character of their own making. Some minor edits have been made to the character page, with Cir'Cie straying a bit from Botany because of events during the voyage.

Welcome aboard! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on June 04, 2020, 05:07:06 PM
Welcome welcome @UltimaImperatrixia! Great to see Cir'Cie in a good home at last :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on June 04, 2020, 05:08:15 PM
Another new writer and an old face brought back into rotation. That's pretty good news to me . Welcome aboard.

To everyone struggling through with the next few weeks, I feel ya. At the moment I've been blessed with time and motivation to write, but that might change up a bit next week for me. We shall see :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on June 04, 2020, 05:09:05 PM
Welcome to the crew @UltimaImperatrixia

May your stay be long and fulfilling.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: [REDACTED] on June 04, 2020, 05:19:53 PM
Thank you, all of you.

I will do my best to use Cir'Cie in a fulfilling and respectable manner :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on June 04, 2020, 06:02:36 PM
Hello, @UltimaImperatrixia !  I'm pretty new, too, but so far I'm having a great time!  I'm sure you will, too.  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on June 04, 2020, 06:11:32 PM
Hello to @UltimaImperatrixia welcome abord. Have fun writing ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: stardust on June 04, 2020, 06:58:37 PM
@Masorin I hope your mom gets well soon! Don't worry too much :-*

@Nolan You don't stress either, it's just work, and it's just RP ;) remember that

@UltimaImperatrixia Welcome, welcome! I was just down there to get some tomatoes, onions and basil XD Hope you're settling in beautifully ... though actually I have no doubt you will.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: uytrereee on June 04, 2020, 10:08:12 PM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on June 04, 2020, 10:43:23 PM
Welcome @UltimaImperatrixia !

I'm sure the folk around here will be as accommodating and helpful with you, as they were with me. That said, if there's anything I can do to make your stay here easier, please feel free to reach out.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: [REDACTED] on June 04, 2020, 10:51:06 PM
Thank you @Swift and all.

Your encouragement and kind words means a lot to me, all I can do in return is promise to do my best where I can.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Argyros on June 05, 2020, 06:03:06 AM
Welcome @UltimaImperatrixia ! We've prepared you a straight jacket uniform. Please let us know how it fits!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 05, 2020, 12:06:38 PM

I have the pleasure of announcing two Theurgists today, namely @TheFounderIsWise and @Jesse ! They will write Domic Masi, an engineer just out of cryo-prison, and Til Brogan, our second Asst. Chief Diplomatic Officer! :)

( Lt. JG Dominic Masi            Engineering Officer (Off Duty) (
  - Writer: ( Masi)TheFounderIsWise (;u=347)

( Lt. Til Brogan            Asst. Chief Diplomatic Officer (V2) (
  - Writer: ( (;u=337)

Doiminic Masi is handed over to the Theurgy by Martok on Day 32, which is a couple of days after Martok arrived at Aldea and also a few days before Season 02 starts. He will be needing help to reintegrate into his former duties, because he spent quite some time in cryo-prison before a honourable Klingon made sure he could return to a Starfleet ship again.

As for Til Brogan, he was the Asst. Chief Diplomatic Officer in the original delegation aboard the Theurgy, reporting to Lieutenant Commander TharinAlk th'Thane. He served together with, among others, Ensign Fay Eloi-Danvers before he - also - was hurt when the Theurgy flew past Jupiter Station. At Aldea, he finally got the medical attention he needed to rehabilitate and return to service.  All of this means that all original Theurgy crewmebers might have met him, as long as they were aboard the Theurgy from the beginning of the ship's persecution. Til Brogan's surgeries are finished on Day 32 (same day Masi comes aboard), and he wakes up in the recovery ward, unknowing all that has happened since he went into stasis.

Happy to have you both aboard, and welcome to the Theurgy! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TWilkins on June 05, 2020, 12:11:24 PM
A pleasure to meet you both @Jesse and @TheFounderIsWise

I look forward to getting to know you both better, and hope to see you on the Discord channel!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on June 05, 2020, 12:34:02 PM
Welcome, folks!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: DaValle on June 05, 2020, 12:34:55 PM
Welcome aboard @TheFounderIsWise & @Jesse hope you're enjoying the trip and if Masi wants to meet the other engineers Kaylon is definitely available or you can also join the group thread "Suit up and Shake Down" (,2973.msg27867.html#msg27867). Anyway I’m looking forward to writing with both of you.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on June 05, 2020, 12:35:11 PM
Welcome folks, hope you enjoy your time here :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: stardust on June 05, 2020, 12:43:43 PM
Oooh, this is exciting! Soon we will have more diplomats than fighter pilots XD

@TheFounderIsWise & @Jesse welcome! You will have a great time :3
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on June 05, 2020, 01:31:29 PM
Welcome aboard @Jesse and @TheFounderIsWise .
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on June 05, 2020, 01:41:06 PM
Welcome welcome @TheFounderIsWise and @Jesse!! Great to see you both here, your characters look really interesting :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: DaValle on June 05, 2020, 03:38:11 PM
Hey folks a little head up for all those I'm writing with. You may know that I had to work as an volunteer in my local hospital due to the Corona crisis. Guess what, they've called me again and well to make it short. I'm not sure how fast I'm able to reply in my threads while working there 6 hours during the afternoon and studying online during the day. Anyhow I guess I'll manage it somehow and it's just for some weeks and I get paid like a fulltime job so I hope I'm fine.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Argyros on June 05, 2020, 05:42:19 PM
Welcome @TheFounderIsWise and @Jesse ! We hope you find your incarceration tour enjoyable! Loving the new characters from the both of you!

If either of you needs help getting off the ground, please feel free to reach out to myself or any of the other mentors. We dont mind helping with you with threads or answering any questions you might have .
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on June 05, 2020, 05:43:49 PM
Welcome, new people!  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on June 05, 2020, 06:14:55 PM
Hey @TheFounderIsWise and @Jesse
Welcome aboard. Have fun writing :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Jesse on June 05, 2020, 07:33:32 PM
Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone!  I look forward to playing with you all soon.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TheFounderIsWise on June 06, 2020, 09:33:04 AM
I appreciate the welcome. Thanks all! Looking forward to post with you all.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on June 06, 2020, 11:18:12 AM
Welcome @TheFounderIsWise and @Jesse !
Love to do a Meet and Greet with ya both if you interested?
Hehehe the Diplomatic dept is now full, well filled out nicely!!! Nice work @Auctor Lucan !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on June 06, 2020, 07:16:21 PM
Welcome aboard! A time prisoner and a previously unknown survivor at Jupiter station. This'll be fun *grins mischievously*
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: JediMaster on June 06, 2020, 09:29:20 PM
Playing sounds like fun. Welcome aboard.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on June 07, 2020, 04:53:06 PM
Hey folks, just a quick heads up that between deadlines & health shenanigans I'm struggling to find opportunities to write. Doing my best not to let it affect things too badly but I'm definitely slower than usual, apologies. Hopefully won't last long though!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on June 08, 2020, 09:45:03 AM
Sorry for the late welcome, work deadlines were pushed up this week, but anyway... welcome @TheFounderIsWise and @Jesse !

I hope you guys dig your time here the way I, and the other newbs have.  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Kinvarus on June 08, 2020, 09:50:55 AM
Welcome all the newbies that have recently joined our little family. I look forward to reading and writing with all of you at some point down the line. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 10, 2020, 11:10:01 AM

Hi there everyone! Hope this finds you all well out there. :) I took the time to go over the Aldea Prime board and check what the current forum status is, and here are my findings. Use Ctrl+F to find your username?

ThreadLast PostDays AgoNext Poster
Day 15 [1500 hrs.] Quantum Slipstream Burst Drive2020-06-073Auctor Lucan/chXinya
Day 35 [2135 hrs.] Sinking2020-06-100Stardust
Day 33 [1400 hrs.] Spooks Should Be Spooky, Damn It2020-06-100Griff
Day 31 [0800 hrs.] Drinks and dossiers2020-06-100chXinya
Day 30 [0930 hrs.] Doing the Department Run Around2020-06-100Brutus
Day 32 [1330 hrs.] Fly Me Away...To That Comms Relay2020-06-091Brutus
Day 29 [1730 hrs.] Steaming Green Beings2020-06-091jreeves1701
Day 33 [1000 hrs.] nuqneH tlhIngan or Klingon on Deck!2020-06-091jreeves1701
Day 30 [2245 hrs.] Sometimes, you just need a break.2020-06-091Swift
Day 30 [0900 hrs.] Diplomatic Council2020-06-091Number6
Day 31 [2000 hrs.] Of Cocktails and Social Obligations2020-06-091Senior Staff Arriving
Day 26 [1830 hrs.] Long Overdue2020-06-091Top Hat
Day 30 [2235 hrs.] Ain't Misbehavin'2020-06-091fiendfall
Day 12 [2200 hrs.] Reflections and New Beginnings2020-06-082Alyfox
Day 16 [1100 hrs.] Flag Bridge Repair2020-06-082jreeves1701
Day 32 [1800 hrs.] Dor2020-06-082Top Hat
Day 13 [2200 hrs.] Muscles, Shiny, and Awkwardness, Oh My2020-06-082Sqweloookle
Day 11 [1610 hrs.] Aftershocks2020-06-082fiendfall
Day 08 [2007 hrs.] Second Chances2020-06-082Auctor Lucan
Day 06 [1600 hrs.] A Meow To Arms2020-06-082Sqweloookle
Day 11 [2225 hrs.] The Thin Ice Swallows All2020-06-082chXinya
Day 16 [1100 hrs.] Big House Visit2020-06-082Auctor Lucan
Day 29 [1100 hrs.] New Dawn2020-06-073Auctor Lucan
Day 32 [1100 hrs.] Looking Forest and Relaxation2020-06-073BZ
Day 34 [1000 hrs.] Power, Propulsion, Preparedness2020-06-073BZ
Day 16 [1600 hrs.] Artistic Values2020-06-073Nolan
Day 28 [1930 hrs.] “And ye shall know the truth...” | Mitosis Intelligo, P12020-06-073Swift
Day 21 [0930 hrs.] Palliative Measures2020-06-073Auctor Lucan
Day 32 [1300 hrs.] Face to Face With the Past2020-06-064BZ
Day 15 [1000 hrs.] Photonic Cloaks and How Valkyries Wear Them2020-06-064jreeves1701
Day 26 [0930 hrs.] A Freighter Alone2020-06-064Elaurianpaladin
Day 29-30 [Variable hrs.] Mending The Hearts2020-06-064BZ
Day 17 [0900 hrs.] Mission Breakfast Operation2020-06-064BipSpoon
Day 28 [2115 hrs.] Firewall2020-06-064fiendfall
Day 08 [1600 hrs.] Quid Pro Quo between Pilots2020-06-064Argyros
Day 05 [1800 hrs.] The Way You Look Tonight2020-06-064Nolan
Day 30 [0900 hrs.] Martial Play2020-06-064Stegro88
Day 31 [0700 hrs.] Please, No Laser Cutters This Time...2020-06-064Stegro88
Day 17 [1600 hrs.] Anyonic Emission Failure2020-06-055BZ
Day 28 [2200 hrs.] Straggler2020-06-055Stegro88
Day 11 [0700 hrs.] First Time for Reman Kind?2020-06-055Stegro88
Day 36 [1100 hrs.] The Reef2020-06-055Argyros
Day 18 [2100 hrs.] Echoes at Eventide2020-06-055fiendfall
Day 28 [1900 hrs.] Seeing Lizard About a Chassis2020-06-055BZ
Day 20 [1900 hrs.] Diving Deeper2020-06-046Stegro88
Day 30 [1400 hrs.] A Chance Encounter2020-06-046Revan
Day 28 [1300 hrs.] Botanical Bondage2020-06-046fiendfall
Day 25 [1000 hrs.] Washing The Slate Clean2020-06-046Nolan
Day 15 [0930 hrs.] Agony, and Red Alert2020-06-037Masorin (rewrite)
Day 30 [1625 hrs.] Technical Difficulties2020-06-037fiendfall
Day 36 [2046 hrs.] Shadows of the Past2020-06-028Masorin
Day 16 [0930 hrs.] Yacht Party!2020-06-028SummerDawn
Day 29 [0800 hrs.] Packrats and New Neighbors2020-06-028Masorin
Day 30 [1400 hrs.] Waking up from a cold sleep2020-05-3110Masorin
Day 27 [2300 hrs.] Of Shadow and Memory2020-05-3110Fife
Day 13 [0030 hrs.] Shadow Dance | The Silver Shadows Part 052020-05-3011BZ/Jmjs7125/RyeTanker
Day 29 [0900 hrs.] “...shall make you free.” | Mitosis Intelligo, P22020-05-3011Nolan
Day 11 [1000 hrs.] Aldean Cloak Take 22020-05-2813Masorin
Day 17 [2000 hrs.] Joining The Ranks (Part 01)2020-05-2714trevorvw
Day 09 [1910 hrs.] Happenstance2020-05-2615TheSithChicken
Day 34 [1200 hrs.] Of Doctor's and Guards2020-05-2615CorruptedCookie
Day 20 [0900 hrs.] Covert Shuttle Ops2020-05-2417BipSpoon
Day 25 [0427 hrs.] Compromising Allegiances2020-05-2120TWilkins
Day 14 [1300 hrs.] The Fox and The Fool2020-05-1922Fife
Day 18 [1700 hrs.] Holodeck Practice2020-05-1229Masorin
Day 03 [0930 hrs.] Rise and Shine2020-05-1130Rayne
Day 29 [0800 hrs.] New Wolves Rising2020-05-0932Lorelai
Day 20 [2100 hrs.] Sibling States Of Mind2020-05-0932Kinvarus
Day 15 [1500 hrs.] Hello Therapy, It's Been A Long Time Coming2020-05-0833Kinvarus
Day 09 [0700 hrs.] Spy Games2020-05-0833Revan
Day 27 [1730 hrs.] Ghor'Ingan! Ghor'Ingan! Ghor'Ingan!2020-05-0635Anyone (Finished?)
Day 18 [1100 hrs.] Polar Vortex2020-05-0338Kinvarus
Day 05 [0600 hrs.] Scientific Curiosity Killed Them Both2020-05-0239Kinvarus
Day 09 [0130 hrs.] Ghostbusters | The Silver Shadows Part 032020-04-2843lisavw/trevorvw/Bastila
Day 02 [0900 hrs.] Adjustment Period2020-04-2447chXinya
Day 14 [0050 hrs.] Aimless, Insomniac and Alone2020-04-0269Argyros
Day 23 [0630 hrs.] Routine Patrol2020-03-2676Amberstarfyre
Please let me know which of the old threads that won't be continued and should be locked. PM me in that case! :)

In general, we have been very good at informing our writing partners when RL issues are getting in the way, so let's keep doing that! ( good ) Bear in mind that we should always try to reply in our current threads within 7 days, and neglecting to do so breeds more inactivity among other writers - others thinking that its fine to leave writing partners waiting indefinitely. If you can't, post about it in the Main OOC thread or update your signature to that effect, no worries at all.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 10, 2020, 02:06:13 PM

Hi there everyone! I just posted a new group thread for all writers with Lone Wolves or Fighter Bay Ops characters! :)

CHAPTER 01: SUPPLEMENTAL [DAY 01 | 1230 HRS.] THE WOLF DEN (,2985.0.html)

Optional, of course, but it is a great way to introduce your characters in Season 2 with a post or two. Catch you there if you are interested!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 11, 2020, 01:06:56 PM

I have the pleasure of announcing a new Theurgist today, namely @Malkavian and they will write Sara Quinn, a former Chief Engineer during the Domion War who turned to spy work. She'll be the second Asst. Chief Intelligence Officer aboard!

( Lt. Sara Quinn            Asst. Chief Intelligence Officer (V2) (

  - Writer: ( (;u=348)

She arrived together with Martok on the Vor'Nak though she kind of kept to herself during the voyage. Still, she could still be in Director's Cut threads with other officers on the Klingon ship, before she reports to Andrew Fisher the day after arrival.

Happy to have you aboard, and welcome to the Theurgy! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on June 11, 2020, 01:15:07 PM
Welcome @Malkavian
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: DaValle on June 11, 2020, 01:17:57 PM
Welcome aboard @Malkavian
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: stardust on June 11, 2020, 01:19:10 PM
Welcome @Malkavian ! I wanted to be first but these two beat me to it lol

More agents = More information 😄
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: uytrereee on June 11, 2020, 01:25:02 PM
Welcome aboard @Malkavian, a former Assistant chief turned spy sounds awesome! Look forward to seeing you write, and writing with you.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on June 11, 2020, 01:28:05 PM
The spies...their numbers are growing...

Welcome aboard @Malkavian! An shy engineer-turned-spy is an interesting twist for a character. Looking forward to seeing what you do with her.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on June 11, 2020, 01:47:33 PM
We are everywhere Griff....Everywhere :P

Welcome @Malkavian as your fellow Asst. Chief Intel Officer I look forward to writing with you in the future. Hope you enjoy your time here :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on June 11, 2020, 02:46:29 PM
Welcome welcome @Malkavian!  Great to see another lady spy >:3c Look forward to writing with you!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: [REDACTED] on June 11, 2020, 03:44:22 PM
Welcome, @Malkavian. It is a pleasure to have you with us! ^_^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on June 11, 2020, 04:20:34 PM
Welcome!  I am also new, and playing a spy!  This should be fun.  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Argyros on June 11, 2020, 04:58:28 PM
Welcome @Malkavian ! Please enjoy your stay in wonderland aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on June 11, 2020, 05:21:57 PM
Seeing all these long open positions getting filled its surreal. Buty I like it. Welcome aboard :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on June 11, 2020, 08:11:10 PM
Welcome @Malkavian
Have fun writing. I Like the idea of a former engineer turning spy ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Jesse on June 12, 2020, 12:27:57 AM
Welcome aboard, @Malkavian
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on June 12, 2020, 03:04:55 AM
Welcome @Malkavian! Good to have another Intel peep on board.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Malkavian on June 12, 2020, 05:27:49 AM
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!

I'm very happy to be here and looking forward to writing with everyone :)

And thanks Auctor for the amazing artwork!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: BZ on June 13, 2020, 04:55:34 PM
Just a heads up guys, I'm catching up today, but I will not be posting for an entire week or so.  I'm going on vacation with my family and intend to spend as much of that time with my family and kids making memories.  We all need this release, so I'm going to catch up today fully and then probably not reply until I get home.  I hope you all understand, and no rush on replies!  @uytrereee @Number6 @Revan @fiendfall @Auctor Lucan @Nolan @UltimaImperatrixia  and any I missed!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on June 13, 2020, 05:04:27 PM
No worries @BZ, have a great time!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: [REDACTED] on June 13, 2020, 05:24:11 PM
Understood @BZ. In these trying times, we need all the relief we can get. Keep your family safe and hold them close <3.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on June 13, 2020, 05:28:53 PM
Enjoy the time off @BZ see you when you get back :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: uytrereee on June 14, 2020, 02:06:08 AM
Have an amazing time!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Number6 on June 14, 2020, 09:22:10 PM
Just a heads up guys, I'm catching up today, but I will not be posting for an entire week or so.  I'm going on vacation with my family and intend to spend as much of that time with my family and kids making memories.  We all need this release, so I'm going to catch up today fully and then probably not reply until I get home.  I hope you all understand, and no rush on replies!  @uytrereee @Number6 @Revan @fiendfall @Auctor Lucan @Nolan @UltimaImperatrixia  and any I missed!

Have a great time!  
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 15, 2020, 12:15:54 AM


@jreeves1701 and I have been working on the updated starchart for the sim, which will be the basis for Season 2 and the events to come. Instead of the old map, this one is based on CBS's starcharts which have been used for many canon and licensed stuff. Check it out!

>> Click For Full Resolution (

I have also updated the recruitment map to replace the one seen on the Wanted Positions ( page.

>> Click For Full Resolution (

Most importantly, however, this is the missing piece for the Chapter 2 starter, which will show where the Theurgy and the Allegiant will jump in different directions, and where they will be ending up. In the Chapter 2 starter the specs for the Slipstream drive on the Theurgy will be revealed as well, with all the detriments that comes with a warp core instead of the Savi reactors on their ships.

Again, a shout out to @jreeves1701 for the awesome work on this project so far!

The starchart is permanently available here on the wiki (so that you don't have to go to this announcement to find it):

- Starchart (
- Story Archive (
- Star Trek: Theurgy Canon (

Stay tuned for Chapter 2 in Advent of War!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 17, 2020, 12:43:57 PM



Chapter ended!

Chapter 01: Incendiary Prospects [ Day 01 | 1130 hrs. ] (,2928.msg28304.html#msg28304)

It's still open to post more Supplemental threads for Chapter 01, though, where your characters carry out orders in one-on-one threads of even group threads with other writers. :)

Furthermore, the limitation of the IC time-span for these Supplemental threads will not only span to 1300 hrs. on Day 01, where Martok comes aboard and the Theurgy will depart from Aldea. You can also post threads leading up to the Allegiant leaving the the Theurgy, which will be at 1900 hrs.. The naming convention for these one-on-one Supplemental threads that belonging to Chapter 01 is: CH01: S [D01|YYYY] Insert Title (YYYY marking the time before 1900 hrs.).

Chapter 02 starter coming up, in which the Allegiant departs to dock on the Erudite and the Theurgy tries its slipstream engines for the first time! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Revan on June 17, 2020, 12:56:11 PM
The Allegiant leaves at 1900? Uh right then, excuse me for a moment...

Zaryn runs off to pack his bags.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on June 17, 2020, 06:23:30 PM
Welcome @Malkavian !!

Thanks for the map updates @Auctor Lucan and @jreeves1701 !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on June 18, 2020, 12:30:27 PM
Hi Everyone, I had an Idea a while ago for the start of Chapter 2.

Link (,2943.msg28018.html?PHPSESSID=9a885fae345a24ec6c293a09aad7ea37#msg28018)

Its open to anyone and won't be very long. 2-3 posts tops really. It will be set on the outer hull of the Theurgy during the Ships reintegration.

Please let me know either via PM, Discord DM or replying in the thread above that you would like to participate. I will be writing the starter in about 36 hours.
And yes @Sqweloookle I have noted Kingston's attendence.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 19, 2020, 01:54:44 AM


As we're starting up Episode 01 of the new season, and with the Allegiant mission running simultaneously as the main plot where we help Martok unite the Klingon Empire, the need for a Calendar has become paramount, and I have taken the time today to put it together in a way that should help everyone keep track of the space-time continuum. Check it out!

Advent of War Calendar (

As you can see, it is colour-coded by Chapter and the three columns represent the Theurgy, the Allegiant and the Erudite. Please also notice the specs for the Quantum Slipstream Drives of the Theurgy and the Erudite, which should help you all understand the amount of cooldown and regular warp speeds will be taking place.

Episode 01: Advent of War begins on the 16th of April 2381 (known below as Day 01). The Theurgy´s QSD needs 36 hours of cool-down, and can only be used for 1 hours, granting them 60 LY of travel. The Erudite only requires 24 hours cool-down to travel 300 LY in 1 hour. It would need 36 hours if travelling for the maximum duration of QSD flight-time, 3 hours.

As you may notice, we're running a classic Plot A and Plot B set-up, which could oft be seen in many Star Trek episodes, and I hope you like that little homage. As you can surely guess, the calendar view at the moment will be prone to change depending on what happens, so consider this a mere template for how it might theoretically play out.

As for contents in the main plotline, I have a lot of ideas for how the Theurgy can help Martok as he makes his way through the Klingon Empire aboard the Theurgy. It's about rallying support, defending against Gorka's fleet, perhaps even an assassin among the Klingon aboard the Theurgy. There will of course be opportunity for Supplemental one-on-one threads that doesn't have anything directly to do with the Klingon plotline, for all those who wants to devote time to regular character building even after the Aldea Prime Anthology is coming to an end.

There will also be new Story Objectives coming up continually through the Episode. Oh, one of those will likely revolve around the need to obtain new Benamite crystals, since the new QSD that the Theurgy has installed runs on too little power (the three warp cores insufficient compared to the reactor on a Savi dreadnought) so it makes the crystals of the drive deteriorate a lot. That's why the Theurgy will only dare fly one hour at the time (I'll spare you the technobabble for now).

The ambition is to take the story development to the larger political arena, and away from Season 01:s theme of a single ship on the brink of survival and with the crew being more and more harrowed by loses. Also, by allowing the plot development to include factions surrounding the Federation, and working through contacts and assets on Earth via communication, we can set Supplemental threads off the ship as well, writing NPCs on Earth, for example. Food for thought!

Worth keeping in mind, however, is that during Advent of War, the Romulan Civil War is still raging, more so now that Tal'aura has implemented thalaron weaponry in her fleets and thus drive Donatra out of her trenches. Task Force Archeron was last reported close to Starbase 234, where the gutted USS Cayuga was towed for repairs, so Admiral Sankolov is not likely to be directly involved in Episode 01 as it stands now. Oh, and as for the Savi, and the fighting that Echtand's rebels are doing in the Flotilla of theirs, that's something that can rage off-screen for the time being, with Nicander not even knowing that he's helping the good Savi in their battle (aside from the psionic espionage he's doing on other Infested).

I hope it is plain now that the Prologue for Episode 01 isn't just a setting for this Episode alone, but for the entirety of Season 2, with the theme being that the Theurgy tries to prevent a new galactic war.

If you guys have any questions about the Calendar in it's current and very empty state, just PM me! :)


In case you missed it, we have a Story Development Poll (,2992.0.html)posted for Plot B, the Allegiant mission, where we can decide where the Infested have placed the next Thalaron bomb. You have three days to vote! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

PS. The Advent of War Calendar has a link at the top of the Episode 01 board, in the board description, so it's readily at hand when you want to post starters etc.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on June 21, 2020, 09:55:12 AM
Slight update from my end. As time remains to be ample for me to get any writing done, there does seem to be light on the horizon. My next posting will take me much closer to home which will (hopefully) free up writing time. Starts in July so I might be playing catch up till that time before I can actively push threads forward again.

Sorry for any inconvenience to all writers I'm involved with.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 22, 2020, 10:11:52 AM


As I sit here, after a sleepless night of going over logs, IPs and correspondence, and having learned the truth of it all - much in thanks to the invaluable help from @Brutus - I realise I am not entirely sure where to start this disappointing story. I might as well just lead up with what we've learned, and then piece together the full scope:

@Revan was the same writer as all these other writers:
- Kinvarus
- CorruptedCookie
- Bastila
- LostInTheForest
- Lorelai
- Alyfox
- Jesaya
- TheSithChicken
- Rayne
- AmberStarfyre
- SilverShadow
- Vox
- Tavion
- Malkavian
- Dark Wolf (Applicant)

Inactive Accounts:
- Lady Nyx
- Carden

Yes, I used the past tense for the obvious reason, this Theurgist now having been banned from the site. To tell you how I could learn this would be a long tale indeed, and I will happily tell anyone who's interested in it over Voice Chat on Discord. I will host a session today, June the 22nd, 1500-1630 hrs. (3 - 4.30 pm) CET, and if nothing else I'd love some help to sort out this mess that Revan has left us in. The continuity of the story's characters is something that is dear to us, and given the long list of characters that have now become Available below, we have an untold number of character-based sub-plots and positions that we need to sort out.

( (

When confronted and asked to tell the truth, he wasn't ready to tell me everything, instead just confessing to six of these accounts, suggesting that a couple of more writers here were given access to his VPN account, which is quite unlikely, and the IP-searches and comparisons tell the full story. In the unlikely case that any other writers above are real, there is unfortunately no way of telling if they are Revan or not since they are using the same VPN. Therefore, in the interest of keeping Revan off the sim, these writers will have to make contact with me, and barring help from you guys who actually know that these people are not Revan, I may have to use the same method I have to use to make age-verification on writers, and this is by carding them across vid-link. Yes, that's how bad this is. If Revan has allegedly been giving out login to his VPN, then I must verify the existence of any writer above that's actually not him.

Besides how Revan has been collecting characters, stealing them from truthful writers, and having made me do artwork for his creations during this time here - which is pretty shitty all on its own - I was also contacted by one of the Admin on Starbase 118, another writing site in a matter of character theft:

( (

So, to me it's clear in how Revan has been stealing one of his character creations - unless Malkavian is a friend of his that share his VPN as well - so if you all could help me, I would love some help to make sure Logan Hale, T'Leia, K'Lara Halliwell and Zaryn Kolari/Arn are not stolen as well. Those four are the only ones, between all the above writers, that are original creations instead of Inherited characters.

The tipping point, after many months of having felt that something was off (with how all the above writers never replied to PMs and missed replying to threads because Revan never checked the email accounts) was when a new Applicant, Dark Wolf, knew far too much about the joining process than he should, and even supplied a fully character form in wiki markup even if he didn't have any access to that page yet. He happened to log in at the exact same time as Revan, and when I asked Revan, he suggested that it might have been someone that he - for some reason - would send the character form to even before he'd registered on the site....

Long story short.... I feel a bit drained, not having slept tonight as I had to protect the site from this person before he did any damage to the wiki (him understanding I was on to him). I have also closed down recruitment for obvious reasons, since at this point I am not 100% sure how many in the above list are actually real writers, and I don't know how many characters we are left with in the end that needs to be replaced. The Wanted Positions will have to be updated in any case.


- Revan
    Alessia Garcia (,_callsign_%22Angel%22)
    Zaryn Kolari ( (Due to be KIA)

- Kinvarus
    Vivian Martin (

- CorruptedCookie
    Dyan Cardamone (

- Bastila
    Marija Ferik (

- LostInTheForest
    Zelosa Ejek (

- Lorelai
    Devyrie Okhala (,_callsign_%27%27Dragon%27%27)

- Alyfox
    Jovela (
    K'Lara Halliwell ( (Due to be KIA)

- Jesaya
    T'Leia (Character Deleted)
    Vanya (

- TheSithChicken
    Nathaniel Isley (,_callsign_%22Icarus%22)

- Rayne
    Kino Taer (

- AmberStarfyre
    Liliana Walton (,_callsign_%27%27Meerkat%27%27)

- SilverShadow
    Mektari Dumral (

- Vox
    Zrinka Agaixot (,_callsign_%22Honey_Badger%22)

- Tavion
    Tessa May Lance (,_callsign_%22Goldeneye%22)

- Malkavian
    Sara Quinn (Character Deleted)


Well, for one thing I will be vary of Applicants that have IPs anywhere close to the VPN Revan used. I will find a way to trust people again, knowing that this above isn't a normal occurence, but a result of some kind of strange obsession. Do I still have your trust when letting new Applicants through the joining process? I don't know, that's for you guys to tell me, but I do know what to look for now so I will not likely let something like this happen again, that's for sure.

In a way, I feel both relieved that all these hunches and gut feelings I've had actually meant something, and that I wasn't paranoid for thinking something strange was going on. I did the census at the turn of the year because I felt something was strange, and looking at the writers that turned up non-replying in the census were actually one person not checking all his different email accounts.

Have I lost the committment to running a community like this, since it's not the first time I've been played for a fool?

No, I am invested in the Theurgy sim, and I won't let you guys down. You who have come here in earnest intetion of telling a story and not breaking the rules, I still trust you, and I look forward to continuing Episode 01 in the new Season. Let me just do some damage control first, and we'll be back at it asap?

Thank you everyone for your time,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on June 22, 2020, 10:25:03 AM
Good grief. The cookiemeister, a thief. Not cool. And what a tangled web of characters to create for the love of the writing, only to abandon half of them unwritten!

I won't be able to make that voice chat today as I have a work call scheduled for that time. But I'm glad this is mostly sorted.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on June 22, 2020, 10:59:26 AM
I can only imagine the level of anger and stress you are under about this @Auctor Lucan and while there are many out there that do this kind of thing for some unknown reason that unless one has a similar mindset is hard to understand, I believe closing recruitment is a good idea.

I'm not sure how we can secure the joining process against this.

Yes, I myself will wait for the damage control to be done. I'm not sure I can help as I only interacted with Revan on Discord but then how often had those accounts been online at the same time? He'd had to have multiple Discord websites open at the same time logged into each one. I wish Discord could have that information and email addresses and IP records for server admins?

I would like to apply for Nathaniel Isley but under a probationary period to prove I can sustain 2 characters.

Doing this multiple accounts thing seemed to require a lot of energy which peaked when you noted an applicant being knowledgeable about the joining process, as Revan couldn't keep up with the organisation of it all. I'm not sure where I'm going with this but it does seem like eventually the truth would have leaked out as Revan lacked determination to keep up the lies.

I'm glad Emma from Starbase 118 had contacted you and that helped you with this "Revan Debacle".

Let me know if I can help with anything. I'm not sure I can make the voice call.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Jesse on June 22, 2020, 11:14:41 AM
Wow.  That's a serious and upsetting revelation.  I can see how it would be very upsetting and you were wise to secure the site from attempted retaliation by him.  I'm especially shocked he just stole characters wholesale from other sites. 

Get some rest when you can.  Don't let one person have too much negative impact on your day.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: BZ on June 22, 2020, 02:17:49 PM
Wow!  That's a lot of work on you boss, I'm so sorry that this came about.  This sim can be amazing and I can see the lure of finding ways to write more characters and yet still... this is so much!  I'm glad that it was found out, but I'm more upset about character stealing.  That would be so hard for me, to find someone else writing one of my girls.  Carefully cultivated over years to be who they are.  i'm glad it was found out and she was able to reach out to you.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on June 22, 2020, 03:04:50 PM
Man, just the thought of somebody playing around with a ripoff of the protagonist of my STO fic makes me cringe, even the one time my RL buddy tried to write her to make a gift fic for me when I was feeling down it felt just wrong and I didn't have the heart to tell him, and I've been writing her for less than a decade, it has to hurt like hell to see someone rip off a character you poured 18 years of your soul into :( :( :(  I hope that the admin from the Starbase 118 sim is doing OK and has a quarantine buddy to hug and/or cry on as needed. 

I'd be theoretically up for adopting one of those characters (if they're up for adoption and not stolen, of course), especially if they're one that's tied in to someone else's storyline, but I have no idea which one, and I don't want to put too much pressure on @Auctor Lucan while he deals with this, so this isn't a request but just a general "I am here and would be willing to take the reins for one if deemed necessary at some point in the future". 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: steelphoenix on June 22, 2020, 04:19:53 PM
*hugs @Auctor Lucan

This isn't much of a post, but having run my own online forum and my own BBS's back in the day (man, that makes me feel old...), I understand and appreciate the hardship and frustration you've gone through. 

I'm sure I speak of most everyone here when I say that your diligence and commitment is appreciated.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Argyros on June 22, 2020, 04:49:00 PM
@Auctor Lucan,

I cannot begin to imagine the hell this betrayal must be putting you through. It must seem almost Shakespearean and I’m sure you feel like you’ve been played by a fiddle. We’ve all been there at some point or another.

That being said, PLEASE don’t be disheartened! We are here for you, we support you. From my standpoint, I don’t see how you could have known. Why would you check VPNs for new writers? Why would you normally be that paranoid? Sure, hunches and gut feelings can hint at issues your conscious mind might not realize. But we have new writers join and fall off all the time. It was exciting for all of us to have so many “new” people joining. You even created the Mentor Program as a direct result! You were nurturing the sim, and we all were better for it.

If you need help, I ask you to reach out to us, so that we can alleviate some of the burden. Those of us that are Mentors would jump at the chance to support you in other ways. Have a drink, take a deep breath, unwind, and let us help with the cleanup.

So, in summary: Life can suck, people can be dicks, but you’ll always have us :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: [REDACTED] on June 22, 2020, 06:08:24 PM
"Villains who twirl their moustaches are easy to spot. Those who clothe themselves in good deeds are well camouflaged." - Jean-Luc Picard.

I am sorry about what happened with Revan, Auctor :(

We will do our best to fix the damage left behind from this one selfish individual.

I know it may sound presumptuous of me to say this since I am only a new member and not a veteran, but you can count on my support to continue helping this wonderful universe and story you've founded expand and grow.

If you ever want to/get the time, to talk. I'll be more than happy to lend help in anyway I can.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on June 22, 2020, 08:29:26 PM
Right so, this is a bit of a cock up all around, and there are an understandable plethora of emotions bubbling up from everyone here. I myself was more than a little shocked and pissed when Lucan approached me for help sorting out the technical side of what was going on. I've invested heavily in some of the characters run by Revan, and the people I thought were running those accounts. So, grumpy tired old man mood for the day.

A lot of y'all are already stepping up and offering to help, and I think that is great and wonderful. As noted we have a mentor program here, and I think any of us would be willing to help temporarily take on the task of closing out threads with the characters in question to wrap them up in a neat bow. Usually that's something AL does, but like, there are 17 characters so its going to take some time. If folks who have open character slots/meet the requirements/etc want to take up a character for inheritance I think I can speak for the other mentors in saying we'll be happy to help bring you up to speed on them where we can and help with new threads - especially those where our characters were already interacting with the available characters. Once inheritance is opened up.

Which, speaking of - this was covered during the most excellent voice chat session held earlier, but at the moment the general feeling is to allow inheritance for any character that was previously inherited by Revan, and most likely space the characters created by them. This is a simple solution as to the concern that some of the 'original characters' might be copies from other SIMM's but I'm not sure its been set in stone. If there is a character you'd really like to play at some point, probably a good idea to speak up. Along those lines:  the Science and TAC CONN departments just got gutted, y'all.  We're about to have just 1 active counselor. Intel got its head chopped off. All things to keep in mind when looking into future options.

I'm not sure if it helps or not but I have written with the following characters from the list run by Revan, if people have any questions about the characters:
Vivian Martin,
Zelosa Ejek,
Tessa May Lance,
K'Lara Halliwell.

Like others have said, we're all here to support the SIMM and see it continue. Let's put our heads together and work out a path forward :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on June 22, 2020, 08:38:47 PM
Well said. In that vein: I only have one character at present, and not much on my plate. For the short term, I’m happy to write some of those characters temporarily, either to close out ongoing threads or help others write threads that they have planned. Just let me know who, when and where; my brain is hereby available for rent.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 22, 2020, 08:44:45 PM


Thank you all for the kind words and encouragement in the posts above! Much appreciated! :)

Actually, given the current situation where we had someone steal all Available Characters for themselves, and they have now been made available again... I have made a decision to add another Token Reward. Check it out!

Token Rewards (

Don’t worry, I still plan to add more Story Objectives asap, in case you don’t find any that are interesting in the lists at the moment. Either way, there is now a possibility to add a 5th character if you have maxed out at 4, you just joined, or if your posting ratio is a bit low. Should either be the case, this Token Reward might be something for you, if you are interested in taking on a pre-existing character and make him/her your own.

As for Revan’s remaining characters that he made himself, after some consideration after our Discord session...agreed, lets not have them available for inheritance, but to be KIA/in stasis asap. I hope Zaryn. K’Lara and T’Leia aren’t stolen as well, and if Logan turns out stolen @Nero , we’ll figure something out together, don’t you worry. None of us could have foreseen this situation.

Hope this finds you all well out there!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on June 22, 2020, 08:58:17 PM
So, to me it's clear in how Revan has been stealing one of his character creations - unless Malkavian is a friend of his that share his VPN as well - so if you all could help me, I would love some help to make sure Logan Hale, T'Leia, K'Lara Halliwell and Zaryn Kolari/Arn are not stolen as well. Those four are the only ones, between all the above writers, that are original creations instead of Inherited characters.

That's a hard Pill to swallow.
I can't imagine to have my characters stolen, yet to discover it twisted in a matter I would never attempted to go with. A ban is the only logical solution. It's a shame that the convicted is seemingly not willing to help and uncover the whole story but I think together we will be able to plow through that mess.
For me, if it will be uncovered that Logan Hale is stolen as well (wich I certainly hope not) I will immediately stop to write him and help where ever possible to solve this story. I would rather not write at all than a possibly stolen character.

So if anyone will every see something like Logan Hale in other SIMs please let me know, so I/we can figure out something with all responsible persons.

Stealing a Charakter, no matter where it is from, is a NO GO!
As for Revan’s remaining characters that he made himself, after some consideration after our Discord session...agreed, lets not have them available for inheritance, but to be KIA/in stasis asap. I hope Zaryn. K’Lara and T’Leia aren’t stolen as well, and if Logan turns out stolen @Nero , we’ll figure something out together, don’t you worry. None of us could have foreseen this situation.
Sure we will ;) @Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: uytrereee on June 23, 2020, 07:12:26 PM
I forgot to mention it, my dad is in town from overseas for a week from yesterday. So my replies will probably be late, and I might not get to them until Sunday. I'll be back Monday June 30th, and posting like usual. @BZ @UltimaImperatrixia @fiendfall and the rest of the engineering staff I have scenes with. Thanks for understanding!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on June 23, 2020, 07:27:24 PM
No rush my dude! Enjoy your time with your pa :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: [REDACTED] on June 23, 2020, 07:42:03 PM
Acknowledged; take care and looking forward to continuing our thread c:
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: uytrereee on June 24, 2020, 05:00:55 AM
I just saw the big drama, wow, what a fucko. I’ll look at the characters and perhaps pick up the slack with a char when I get back. Stay tough @Auctor Lucan I don’t envy you, thanks for preserving the integrity of the community.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 24, 2020, 03:59:10 PM


Check them out!

Story Objectives (

When Chapter 02 is launched, there will be a larger batch of Objectives added, and many of those will not just grant Tokens, they will also represent a score added in Martok's favour in the story. Kind of like when you assembled fleets for the last battle in Mass Effect 3, and did Loyalty Missions in Mass Effect 2, the total score you gather before the High Chancellor's arrival to the First City of the Klingon Empire will have a big impact on the Episode's outcome. It's a matter of rallying support for Martok, and the Theurgy will be instrumental in 'making it so'.

These five new ones added today, however, are more simplistic in nature, meant for fun and to inspire some creativity! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on June 24, 2020, 04:15:49 PM


Check them out!

Story Objectives (

When Chapter 02 is launched, there will be a larger batch of Objectives added, and many of those will not just grant Tokens, they will also represent a score added in Martok's favour in the story. Kind of like when you assembled fleets for the last battle in Mass Effect 3, and did Loyalty Missions in Mass Effect 2, the total score you gather before the High Chancellor's arrival to the First City of the Klingon Empire will have a big impact on the Episode's outcome. It's a matter of rallying support for Martok, and the Theurgy will be instrumental in 'making it so'.

These five new ones added today, however, are more simplistic in nature, meant for fun and to inspire some creativity! :)


Auctor Lucan
Anh-Le is definitely up for a tlhInSa' game! 

How exactly are casualties of the bomb plotline going to be handled?  Is this a stasis thing or a "kill them off for real" thing? 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 24, 2020, 04:20:18 PM
TBD! :)

It will be determined at that time depending on which characters have been inherited and not, etc. Many factors play into it.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on June 24, 2020, 04:41:39 PM
Klin zha Challenge!

So: anyone want to play? I've already got a Klingon NPC in mind for this, and I'd love to write that NPC. My player character (Lillee) won't be involved, so there's space in the thread for two other writers and their characters to have fun playing against the Klin zha master. If anyone is interested, fire me a PM and we'll get things rolling!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on June 24, 2020, 04:44:02 PM
Klin zha Challenge!

So: anyone want to play? I've already got a Klingon NPC in mind for this, and I'd love to write that NPC. My player character (Lillee) won't be involved, so there's space in the thread for two other writers and their characters to have fun playing against the Klin zha master. If anyone is interested, fire me a PM and we'll get things rolling!
Brilliant, I have some ideas for this already! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on June 24, 2020, 04:51:01 PM
As I mentioned in discord I have a reputation as this ships best murderer. With 8 named characters murdered so far, I'd like to increase my body count. So I'm looking at that bombing mission if anyone wants to join me.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on June 24, 2020, 04:54:08 PM
As I mentioned in discord I have a reputation as this ships best murderer. With 8 named characters murdered so far, I'd like to increase my body count. So I'm looking at that bombing mission if anyone wants to join me.
I'm mildly worried by that, lol.  But there is certainly good reason for Intel to be involved, and I think we're down to...three operatives? 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: fiendfall on June 24, 2020, 05:27:00 PM
Fuelled by sleep-deprived curiosity, I've done some investigating on The Curious Case of Revan & Friends. Possibly some of what I've found might be useful for identifying any future catfish; at the very least it's convinced me that Revan was responsible for all the banned accounts, not just the ones he admitted to (as if the unlikelihood of his VPN story hadn't already done that). In any case, for anyone as morbidly curious as I was, here's the highlights:

So I think these numbers probably tell us two things: 1. the similarities in when the accounts were made and when they went inactive/returned suggests all 18 were made by Revan (already a safe assumption, but good to have it corroborated); and 2. Revan was clearly watching the sim for characters he wanted to grab. He didn't take up every character that became available (he passed on roughly 10 characters), but those he did he usually targeted very quickly.

Obviously none of this is remotely something any of us could've been expected to notice at the time, just interesting for a post mortem. Hopefully nothing like this ever happens again, but if it does at least we'll have more of an idea of what to look for :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Argyros on June 24, 2020, 05:39:24 PM
Excellent investigation Sherlock ( @fiendfall )!

I cannot help but wonder what leads an individual to go to such extremes. Was he wanting to control the story? Did he want all those characters so that he could steal them for other sims? Was he just bored? I wish there was a good answer but I doubt we'll ever have one.  Even so the number of incidents are just too high to ignore. All the various lies for his accounts going silent, the perfect timing to create a new account so he could keep his chars or get new ones, is just malicious. Starting to think they might need help.

Anyway, thanks for sharing! Answers certainly help. NOW GO GET SOME SLEEP :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on June 24, 2020, 05:40:59 PM
  • In a case of artificially perfect timing, Revan joined the sim just in time to "take over" Alessia Garcia when Kinvarus went on leave after his supposed car crash.
Outside of the mind-boggling nature of Revan's actions in general, this last one genuinely confuses me to a nigh-unprecedented degree.  Why would he (they?) "pass" a character between accounts like that? 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Argyros on June 24, 2020, 05:47:52 PM
  • In a case of artificially perfect timing, Revan joined the sim just in time to "take over" Alessia Garcia when Kinvarus went on leave after his supposed car crash.
Outside of the mind-boggling nature of Revan's actions in general, this last one genuinely confuses me to a nigh-unprecedented degree.  Why would he (they?) "pass" a character between accounts like that? 

To save them. If a writer keeps coming back and leaving, they might eventually be asked to give up their character until they can sort out their personal life. A non active character is a dead spot on the story. But if they pass the character back and forth between "new" applicants, it helps throw off suspicion.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on June 24, 2020, 05:53:18 PM
  • In a case of artificially perfect timing, Revan joined the sim just in time to "take over" Alessia Garcia when Kinvarus went on leave after his supposed car crash.
Outside of the mind-boggling nature of Revan's actions in general, this last one genuinely confuses me to a nigh-unprecedented degree.  Why would he (they?) "pass" a character between accounts like that? 

To save them. If a writer keeps coming back and leaving, they might eventually be asked to give up their character until they can sort out their personal life. A non active character is a dead spot on the story. But if they pass the character back and forth between "new" applicants, it helps throw off suspicion.
Ahh, OK, so he was trying to keep control of the characters since they had regular roles in the story.  I get it now. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Argyros on June 24, 2020, 05:55:09 PM
  • In a case of artificially perfect timing, Revan joined the sim just in time to "take over" Alessia Garcia when Kinvarus went on leave after his supposed car crash.
Outside of the mind-boggling nature of Revan's actions in general, this last one genuinely confuses me to a nigh-unprecedented degree.  Why would he (they?) "pass" a character between accounts like that? 

To save them. If a writer keeps coming back and leaving, they might eventually be asked to give up their character until they can sort out their personal life. A non active character is a dead spot on the story. But if they pass the character back and forth between "new" applicants, it helps throw off suspicion.
Ahh, OK, so he was trying to keep control of the characters since they had regular roles in the story.  I get it now. 

And if he "helps" bring in these new "writers" he gets brownie points, only helping to deflect more suspicion on his actions. It looks like he's only trying to help even if the writers fall off. He was playing a long game in an attempt to stay with the story even if he got caught.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on June 25, 2020, 07:34:07 AM
I took the day off to watch an anime, binged over six hours of trash to make myself feel better. My Next Life as a villainess: All paths lead to doom, is an amazing Isekai harem trash and was exactly what I needed to get over some really negative stuff I'd been feeling lately.

Revan's actions really messed with my head so I needed to take some time to process that. For two years I spoke with Kinvarus, wrote with them, talked to them. and considered them a close friend. To find out that they never existed.... put me in a bit of a spiral of anger and pain so I needed a day to just binge some good trash, eat some popcorn, and remember that at the end of the day the power of friendship is a narrative device that can see anyone through the darkest of times. :P

Also I need to post an update that next month, July, I will be going on a vacation from the 21st, to the 29th to go see my fiance. I'm really excited about it, but I might not just be gone till the 29th, because i learned that crossing back into canada I will be forced to shelter in a hotel for up to a couple of weeks. I don't know what that will be like, but I will probably be semi active when I get back to canada, I will at least have discord (I tend to uninstall it when i go to the states because the one time I didn't 400$ roming charges...)

I'll update my signature when we get closer to my vacation, and I will start posting for everyone again, probably Friday, I work tomorrow.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on June 25, 2020, 08:16:17 AM
I took the day off to watch an anime, binged over six hours of trash to make myself feel better. My Next Life as a villainess: All paths lead to doom, is an amazing Isekai harem trash and was exactly what I needed to get over some really negative stuff I'd been feeling lately.

Revan's actions really messed with my head so I needed to take some time to process that. For two years I spoke with Kinvarus, wrote with them, talked to them. and considered them a close friend. To find out that they never existed.... put me in a bit of a spiral of anger and pain so I needed a day to just binge some good trash, eat some popcorn, and remember that at the end of the day the power of friendship is a narrative device that can see anyone through the darkest of times. :P

Also I need to post an update that next month, July, I will be going on a vacation from the 21st, to the 29th to go see my fiance. I'm really excited about it, but I might not just be gone till the 29th, because i learned that crossing back into canada I will be forced to shelter in a hotel for up to a couple of weeks. I don't know what that will be like, but I will probably be semi active when I get back to canada, I will at least have discord (I tend to uninstall it when i go to the states because the one time I didn't 400$ roming charges...)

I'll update my signature when we get closer to my vacation, and I will start posting for everyone again, probably Friday, I work tomorrow.
That's a good solution.  A couple of years ago, when someone I thought was a good online friend turned out to be a TERF, I dealt with the feeling of betrayal by binging ice cream in the cafeteria at my alma mater, then watching Gekkan Shojo Nozaki-Kun until all hours.  Sometimes, you just need some comfort. 

Stay safe on your trip!  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on June 25, 2020, 02:17:53 PM
Also I need to post an update that next month, July, I will be going on a vacation from the 21st, to the 29th to go see my fiance. I'm really excited about it, but I might not just be gone till the 29th, because i learned that crossing back into canada I will be forced to shelter in a hotel for up to a couple of weeks. I don't know what that will be like, but I will probably be semi active when I get back to canada, I will at least have discord (I tend to uninstall it when i go to the states because the one time I didn't 400$ roming charges...)

I thought for Canadians coming back from overseas (or the USA), while there is a mandatory two week self-isolation, there's no requirement to self-isolate in a hotel, home is fine. I was looking into it as wife and I wanted to go visit Alaska this summer (If we can't take a cruise ship, we'll drive darn it, only 3-4 days worth of driving.) with the RV and that was what we'd been told. I know she had a freind who wanted to fly in from Kenya who was stuck with a mandatory self-isolation for two weeks at a hotel, but that because she's a foreigner.

Regardless, I thought the US/Canada border was closed to non-essential travel right now anyways?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on June 25, 2020, 02:43:42 PM
Also I need to post an update that next month, July, I will be going on a vacation from the 21st, to the 29th to go see my fiance. I'm really excited about it, but I might not just be gone till the 29th, because i learned that crossing back into canada I will be forced to shelter in a hotel for up to a couple of weeks. I don't know what that will be like, but I will probably be semi active when I get back to canada, I will at least have discord (I tend to uninstall it when i go to the states because the one time I didn't 400$ roming charges...)

I thought for Canadians coming back from overseas (or the USA), while there is a mandatory two week self-isolation, there's no requirement to self-isolate in a hotel, home is fine. I was looking into it as wife and I wanted to go visit Alaska this summer (If we can't take a cruise ship, we'll drive darn it, only 3-4 days worth of driving.) with the RV and that was what we'd been told. I know she had a freind who wanted to fly in from Kenya who was stuck with a mandatory self-isolation for two weeks at a hotel, but that because she's a foreigner.

Regardless, I thought the US/Canada border was closed to non-essential travel right now anyways?

The land boarder is closed, but you can still fly into the usa and back. It's like a giant loophole.

Normally absolutely I'd be able to shelter at home. However my mother is very I'll and we don't want to run any risk that I might bring it back to my island where there have been 0 cases. So I'll be staying in the big city for a few weeks just to make sure.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 25, 2020, 05:12:20 PM


Hi there everyone! :)

As a consequence of having so many NPCs in the Random Encounter lottery now, given circumstances, I have decided to cancel the result of the past lottery. Not just because of Revan, or because we have new writers who are interested in joining the lottery as well, but also since - during one of the Discord Voice Chat sessions or ours - it was suggested that writers who opt to not participate should be able to tell me in advance of the lottery, and that I can agree with since many are a tad busy and they might feel stressed out about a writing challenge such as the REs being dropped on them too.

So, those who don't wish to participate in the RE lottery should PM me here on the forum, and do so before the 28th of June. The new lottery will be held on the 29th. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on June 27, 2020, 11:14:49 AM
Apologies to those writing with me; RL circumstances have changed a little recently that's left me with minimum bandwidth in the short term. I don't think the delay should be too long, but just to keep folks in the loop.

@Jmjs7125, @jreeves1701, @fiendfall, @Senior Staff for the mixer thread
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 29, 2020, 02:46:48 PM


Here is the result of our new Random Encounters lottery! We did this in the Aldea Prime Anthology too, opening up for opportunities of character interaction one might not expect. Please bear in mind that while these threads may be posted tomorrow or months from now. This is the second iteration of the lottery given the circumstances with a lot of writer-less characters removed from the list.

>> Click For Full Size! (

The gimmick (third column) and the location (fourth column) is a part of the challenge, to come up with how the gimmick might be a factor in the scene and why they would encounter each other there, but if you can't come up with ideas, you can consider the two columns optional. The writer with the character in the left column writes the starter.

Hope you all like the pairings, and if not, you may still like them when you actually come up with an idea and write it out. If you guys want to switch with each other, just PM me about the switch you've made!

Have fun! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on June 29, 2020, 10:11:06 PM
This seems neat!  I'm sure @stardust and I will figure out something fun.  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Juzzie on June 29, 2020, 10:30:32 PM
I've already sent DM's to those i am matched with to see if they want to give it a try. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 01, 2020, 11:16:08 AM


As a part of the damage control I am running after what Revan did to our sim, I have taken steps to make sure we have a solid character line-up in the Senior Staff. So, as I alluded to in the final post I edited (,2832.msg28218.html#msg28218) with Vivan Martin - during a counselling session - she steps down as Chief Science Officer towards the end of the Aldea Prime Anthology.

This means that I have retconned Chapter 01: Incendiary Prospects (,2928.0.html) to this effect, so @steelphoenix has rewritten the post Revan wrote as Vivan Martin in the thread, keeping the dialogue basically the same but with Kaeris as the speaker instead, and I have inserted references to Kaeris in all other posts in the thread where Martin was mentioned.

So, Day 30 - one day before "Of Cocktails and Social Obligations" (,2979.0.html) - Vael Kaeris assumes Vivan Martin's duties as Chief Science Officer, after Martin has gone off duty to focus on re-assembling herself after the personal losses she suffered in the Battle of Starbase 84. She had a relationship with the Chief Medical Officer on the Resolve, a Doctor Lyhn, and it caught up with her once they reached Aldea. Vivan Martin keeps her rank, but is off duty for the foreseeable future.

So, come congratulate @steelphoenix on Vael Kaeris' promotion to Chief Science Officer!

( Lt Cmdr. Vael Kaeris            Chief Science Officer (V1)
- Writer: ( @steelphoenix

Besides being the Asst. Chief Science Officer while Martin held his new position, Kaeris was the Chief Science Officer on the Endeavour, and has earned great merit in how he managed to isolate the anyonic phase variance (,2823.0.html) in which the enemy's existence touches upon reality. This has not only shortened the anyonic emission protocols in the airlocks and transporters on the Theurgy, barely taking any time at all, but it was also a crucial step towards finding a method to separate the parasites and the hosts completely in the future.

Please contact me if this retconn of Vivian Martin stepping down on Day 30 causes any discrepancies in other threads, and I will sort it out asap!


>> Click for Full Resolution! (

With Vael Kaeris assuming his position, we now have a full Senior Staff of actively written characters, and I took the time to finalise this image that I've been working on for some time. Hope you like it! :)


After further investigation and writing prompts, it has become clear that also Artemisia and Irvun were avatars of Revan, so while Irvun is a former Theurgist at this point, Artemisisa's Jaya Thorne has now also become available for inheritance.

( Ens. Jaya Thorne              Asst. Chief CONN Officer (V2) (
  - Former Writer: ( Angels Cry (;u=20)

I will keep you all posted with the further work I spend on fixing the mess we're left with, but one way you could help me would be to start up the Story Objective where there is a bomb detonated in the Spearhead Lounge, so that we can get our house back in order. If anyone have interest in inheriting characters, be it via Token Reward or not, please PM me.

That's all for now!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Juzzie on July 01, 2020, 11:25:27 AM
Wow what a mess but thanks for working hard to fix it Auctor
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on July 01, 2020, 11:34:20 AM
Congrats @steelphoenix on Vael's promotion!


Wow, did that Ship's Senior Staff photo come out nice! Awesome stuff, AL!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: TWilkins on July 01, 2020, 11:56:59 AM
Good job on the sleuthing AL! You're a champion of the people.

Also, kudos on that AMAZING artwork. I dread to think how long that took you! It's absolutely amazing.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on July 01, 2020, 02:51:28 PM
Nice artwork!  Holy crap though, that's a lot of sockpuppets!!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on July 01, 2020, 02:53:18 PM
Well it looks like a busy day for you, AL. Love the art!!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 01, 2020, 04:25:55 PM


Being the first to use the new Token Reward which enables you to write a 5th character, @BZ has inherited Jaya Thorne, one of our Asst. Chief CONN Officers!

( Ens. Jaya Thorne              Asst. Chief CONN Officer (V2) (
  - Writer: ( @BZ

Jaya will be going on the Allegiant mission in Advent of War, flying the scoutship a third time, having already flown it in both the Battle of Starbase 84 as well as the Battle of the Apertures under the command of her old CO from the Black Opal, Jennifer Dewitt. She just hopes the Theurgy won't go into MVAM while she's gone since she'd love to be at the helm of the Sword again, like she were when that Vector fought the IKC Rotarran and Chancellor Martok in the Azure Nebula.

So far, no edits have been made to her characters history, but a Butterfly Effect might have changed some small events in her past, which have no greater bearing on the present story. BZ will be getting into gear with her new character gradually, but I look forward to seeing this familiar face up and about again.

Congratulations on your new character, @BZ ! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on July 01, 2020, 04:30:13 PM
That was fast!  Have fun on the scout-ship, @BZ !  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on July 01, 2020, 04:37:42 PM
Good stuff. Jaya couldn’t be in better hands.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: BZ on July 01, 2020, 04:39:39 PM
Thanks @GroundPetrel  and awwww @Griff  you're very sweet!  Thank you
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: [REDACTED] on July 01, 2020, 04:45:13 PM
A 5th character? Damn @BZ you're on fire, but with that level of talent and dedication, why wouldn't you be? :D Congratulations <3
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on July 01, 2020, 06:14:36 PM
Congrats, @BZ !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on July 02, 2020, 06:27:32 PM

Now that Klingon guests is slowly pulling it's way to a close, we have a lot of people that need to be exploded, with a bomb. An entire spear head lounge worth actually. I have been drawing up a few ideas on how to proceed but I'm hoping to find one more writer. Lisavw was the first person to message me, but I am hoping for one more to help me drag in a few bodies preferably someone with a medical background.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on July 03, 2020, 05:29:59 AM
Heads up for everyone that I'm going to be taking a Two Month LOA as I'm going to be gone five of the next eight weeks on annual vacation. I have banked time and work said I had to burn almost two months of time, or lose it. So we're getting the RV out of storage and going on a week long trip to a usual haunt, take a week off at home, and then in August bugger off for three weeks to go north to Alaska, except Alaska is closed so we'll settle for the Yukon Territory where I have family. The drive each way is 2300km (1500mi) and I'm expecting to burn close to $2000 worth of fuel on the trip. It's planned for, but it's a three week adventure just ambling up and back, spend time touristing, having fun.

I will get online from time to time and hope to get time online every few days at least, but we'll see.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on July 03, 2020, 07:33:25 AM
@SummerDawn enjoy your trip!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 09, 2020, 11:49:41 PM


Today, a new Theurgist joins us! It's @Pierce , who inherits Tessa May Lance, callsign Goldeneye!  :)

( Lt. JG Tessa May Lance            Wolf-07 [Goldeneye] (,_callsign_%22Goldeneye%22) 
  - Writer: @Pierce  (,_callsign_%22Goldeneye%22)

Her new writer has taken the time to acquaint themselves with Tessa's backstory and will be updating the character page somewhat over the coming couple of days, so I recommend checking the page in a bit. Please give @Pierce a warm welcome aboard! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on July 10, 2020, 12:00:52 AM
Hello all!

Glad to be aboard and although I will be modifying Tessa somewhat, I won't be completely changing her. I plan to help her grow up a bit from what I've read and to embrace her past while moving on towards the future.

I look forward to learning and writing with you all!


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on July 10, 2020, 12:01:27 AM
Welcome aboard! Good to see another Wolf get a writer.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on July 10, 2020, 12:09:20 AM
Welcome @Pierce !

You can count on a lot of the peeps around here to help you settle in, the same way they did I, and the other more recent newbies. If there's anything I can do to help you along, please feel free to ask. I hope you find Theurgy to your liking, and look forward to seeing your writing.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Juzzie on July 10, 2020, 01:43:13 AM
Welcome @Pierce feel free to ask any questions. Someone will try to help.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on July 10, 2020, 01:55:18 AM
Thanks everyone! I'm looking forward to writing and building on an existing character as I get used to the writing here. Love the story lines and the way it's written in Episode formats. I'll be sure to ask along the way if I need help.

I've also updated Tessa's page to accommodate the life changes and why her personality will be slightly different.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on July 10, 2020, 03:42:07 AM
Welcome aboard @Pierce

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on July 10, 2020, 05:36:29 AM
Hello and welcome!  :)  I've been here something like a month, it's been fun so far.  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on July 10, 2020, 09:18:00 AM
welcome @Pierce
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on July 10, 2020, 09:51:49 AM
Welcome aboard @Pierce
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 10, 2020, 03:55:15 PM


Hi there everyone!

We need to start up Chapter 02 and 03, but since the Revan situation has forced us to have a bomb go off in the Spearhead Lounge and kill off/put some characters in stasis, I don't have enough meat on my bones for the starter if it is to be set post-bomb. I want to take the story development further, and we also need to deal with the surplus of high ranking officers that used to be played by Revan, along with other characters that hold positions that should be opened up for other characters.

Therefore, I can't wait any further on that bomb to go off before Chapter 02 and 03 starts. So, I am now removing that Objective and use it as fodder for the Chapter 02 starter instead, to kick things off after the Theurgy drops out of Quantum Slipstream the first time.

I will be sending out a Newsletter with the start of Chapter 02 and the Allegiant's first part, which is Chapter 03, as can be seen here ( the Advent of War Calendar. Stay tuned!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on July 10, 2020, 07:08:42 PM
hi @Pierce
Welcome aboard. Have fun writing.

@Auctor Lucan looking forward on what you have planned.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Juzzie on July 11, 2020, 01:23:29 AM
Makes sense @Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on July 11, 2020, 04:43:29 AM
Wish I could take on more but still getting my bearings and haven't proven myself yet.

Looking forward to it!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Top Hat on July 11, 2020, 11:13:46 AM
Late to this, but welcome @Pierce!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on July 11, 2020, 02:07:42 PM
Thanks again everyone!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 12, 2020, 02:40:11 AM


( (

Chapter 02 in Advent of War is up, and make sure you read the OOC note in the end for all the info you need at this point when it comes to new Supplemental threads! :)

Check it out! (,3005.0.html)


Well, the world is an odd place at the moment, and @Fife and @trevorvw are stepping away from the sim. In their words, they say that after much thought, they know they will be inactive for the foreseeable future as they just don't have the time needed to give the sim the attention it requires. Once RL afford more time, they would gladly welcome to the opportunity to participate again.

What's interesting here, especially, is that they write the Chief Tactical Officer and Chief Security Officer respectively, and unless Cross ais picked up by another writer quickly, I will have to put him into stasis so that new writers can take over the CTO Department Head position. @trevorvw , however, has asked Kai Akoni to be put into stasis for later potential return. Between them both, here are the new Available Characters:

Lt Cmdr. Cross (
Isel Nix (,_callsign_%22Foxfire%22)
Scruffy Leblanc (
L'Nari (
Lt. (JG) Annika Van den Berg (

Please consider also how you, as the new writer of the inherited character, has a creative license to change the way s/he is written. If there is any interest, and you have a posting rate and activity on the sim that permits the adoption of an Available Character or make a new character, please PM me with your interest. There is also the new Token Reward to use, if you are not eligible but have Story Tokens to spare.

As always, I will NPC these as required in current ongoing threads. Just PM me if you have any specific requests in that regard!

Thank you both, @Fife and @trevorvw , for your time here, and I really hope you both may return some day! :)


Auctor Lucan

EDIT: @trevorvw reached out with a specific request to not leave Akoni for inheritance post-announcement. :) Kai Akoni will somehow end up in stasis for a potential later return.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on July 12, 2020, 02:47:26 AM
Excellent to see we're making progress in the story! I'm excited to see how this next Chapter goes.

Sorry to lose @Fife and @trevorvw, I hope you both make out alright with everything, and I also hope someday to get to write with you both.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on July 12, 2020, 02:54:20 AM
Well, poop. Those two have done great stuff, but real battlefields are infinitely more important than virtual ones. Hopefully they’ll both be back when the world has gone slightly less bonkers.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on July 12, 2020, 02:56:52 AM
What @Griff said.

I hope you both take care of you and yours. And I hope you can return to us when all is said and done. Be well both of you.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on July 12, 2020, 03:28:11 AM
That's a real shame, I hope that they survive this mess with sanity and health intact!  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on July 12, 2020, 03:31:52 AM
Oh I hope they stay safe and that they can rejoin us.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on July 12, 2020, 06:26:36 AM
Such a bummer to lose out on so many characters. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 13, 2020, 12:05:26 AM

After last night's announcement that @Fife left the sim, @Griff contacted me with the interest of taking over writing Cross. In him meeting the criteria for being eligible, I am stoked to announce that we still have an actively played Chief Tactical Officer after all! :)

( Lt Cmdr. Cross                      Chief Tactical Officer ( 
  - Writer: ( @Griff

After surviving both the destruction of the Endeavour and the Correction preformed on him by the Savi, Cross became the Theurgy's Cheif Tactical Officer at the beginning of the Aldea Prime Anthology. @Griff has informed me he won't be making any edits to the character page or Cross' past, and the former threads are being delved into as I make this announcement.

Hope you'll enjoy writing your new character, @Griff ! :)


While I have known @Aharon has been meaning to leave for some time now, with other commitments rearing their head, I got a PM yesterday with a little message to you all!

To the Theurgy Crew:
That time has come - I must part ways from Theurgy. I had hoped to finish up my current thread in Episode 1 but as some threads do, it has moved at a slower pace. I am very sorry to leave you with it, I had wished to have time to finish it off and not add to your workload.

I regret not being able to take a more active part in Theurgy - it just wasn't meant to be this time around. Thank you for entrusting me with Vinata - who I think it probably one of the most unique characters I've even seen. I hope the next writer will treat him well! I have updated Vinata's BIO for you with links to threads throughout the Anthologies and brief summaries.

I know I have not been the most active participant among you but I did make an effort to read as much of your works as I could. You're an AMAZING bunch of writers and it has been an honour being here with you. I hope each of your keep well in the months to come. Cheers!

@Aharon wrote Vinata Vojona, one of the nurses in sickbay, and its a character that's been around for quite some time. If you are in the mood to write something unique, I really do recommend taking a look at him.

( Ens. Vinata Vojona            Nurse (
  - Former Writer: ( (;u=236)

If anyone eligible to take over a character is interested, you can PM me here on the forum. Please make sure to read up on the info at the top of this page, in such a case: Available Characters ( In the meantime, I will NPC him as needed until he gets a new writer. :)

Thank you for your kind words in regard to this sim @Aharon , and if you feel like you have the time and opportunity, you'll always be welcome back here.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on July 13, 2020, 12:12:07 AM
Congrats @Griff, I'm excited that you'll be taking over Cross.

Also, sorry you lose you @Aharon , I hope life continues to treat you well, and hope that someday you'll return, and we'll get an opportunity to write together. Take care out there!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on July 13, 2020, 02:13:18 AM
Yay, Griff!  A shame that so many people are dealing with burnout and real-life chaos with this COVID thing, though.  :(
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on July 13, 2020, 03:33:27 AM
Sorry to see @Aharon go but Congrats to @Griff for picking up Cross.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Juzzie on July 14, 2020, 12:46:49 AM
Well done @Griff

Sad to see @Aharon but you have to do what is right for you.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 14, 2020, 03:10:25 AM


Ka-boom! (,3009.0.html)

Read up first, and then klick here:

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on July 14, 2020, 03:21:50 AM
Shit... damn, I'm sorry we didn't get to spend time writing together @Top Hat , I emulated a lot of what you put together in your wiki in my own, and also took some pointers from Ducote's interview with Nicander when writing the most recent one. That said, I entirely understand your need to step away, and I hope your situation improves someday soon. Take care.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on July 14, 2020, 04:16:15 AM
I'm going to echo @Swift and say that this is another big shame.  :(  COVID is ruining everything these days.  I hope things improve for you soon @Top Hat .  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 16, 2020, 12:09:56 PM


( (

Here it is!

Chapter 03: Shadows Unknown [ Day 01 | 2030 hrs. ] (,3014.0.html)

Looking forward to getting the Chapter rolling! I am open to start other threads for the rest of the crew, if you have ideas for scenes that might involve a lot of characters as they've entered Breen space, PM me.

Coming up next, new Story Objectives, and a Newsletter with some key pointers for all Departments, and what they should be working with!


Auctor Lucan

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 17, 2020, 02:05:33 AM


Check them out!

Story Objectives (

These new Story Objectives are introduced with a second value aside from the Story Tokens. Namely, Martok Support Points (MSP). The sum total of MSP gained by you all will influence the outcome of the Episode's ending, with Martok's continued chancellery on the line. Needless to say, a new batch of Story Objectives will be added for the Theurgy's voyage to Qo'nos after the second Quantum Slipstream Jump.

Hope you like this new story dynamic, and I leave it up to you if you guys care if Martok remains High Chancellor. :)

Next from me will be a Newsletter that details overall plot points and events of significance that, while not Story Objectives, will help inspire you all towards what should be done at this point to further the story. These will largely be Departmentally-based, but some plot-points may cross over several different Departments. Stay tuned for the Newsletter on the morrow!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on July 17, 2020, 02:34:26 AM
Someone's been reading the Star Trek Online backstory.  XD
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on July 17, 2020, 06:41:40 AM
That's awesome man. I'm very well versed in Star Trek Online too. Good idea. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: JediMaster on July 17, 2020, 07:21:09 AM
Your new objectives sound like a great deal of fun. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on July 17, 2020, 11:37:52 PM
Just checking: is anyone else having issues with Discord?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on July 17, 2020, 11:44:07 PM
@Griff  Discord died. Servers are down everywhere. They posted an update on their Twitter.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 25, 2020, 03:10:47 AM


Oooh, this was an interesting character application. A TOS species, that through some great effort on @jreeves1701 's end has become a viable solution for a character in our story. Regardless if you've seen the TOS episode in which this species were introduced in Star Trek, I think you may have heard of the energy clouds in boxes, which were so ugly that they make people mad? lol  In any case, this is Larrant, a Medusan!

( CWO1 Larrant              Navigational Specialist (
  - Writer: (

A lot has happened since Kirk's time, and in 2381, a new "box" prototype is used by this Medusan. This iteration has holo-emitters which projects a body around the Medusan, allowing for easier crew integration. As a navigational specialist, Larrant will be able to help close range spatial navigation, but is in no way a substitute for Stellar Cartography, which has a longer range than Larrant's abilities (his being roughly 20 LY/closest Sector). In other words, Irnashall is not out of a job, @chXinya ! :)

To boot, Larrant is just starting out using the holographic projection around his box (Mk III EMU, officially), so there is a little bit of a learning curve and disconnect between Larrant and the computer program that translates his output to the EMU, which will allow for some great fun and depth of character. Looking forward to your writing of this character, @jreeves1701 , and he'll be arriving on the IKS Vor'nak!


The biggest reason Fiendfall leaves us is that they have an original writing project they'd like to focus their time on. They have tried to split their time between that and Theurgy, but the decision is to leave her three characters available for Inheritance, and they asked me to pass on their apologies for leaving things unfinished in current threads. I will of course help out finish threads too, as always, so just let me know and I will be there to NPC these characters.

( Lt Cmdr. Hathev                Chief Counselor (NPC) (
  - Former Writer: ( (;u=183)

( Ens. Inej Avirim            Investigations Officer (NPC) ( Inej_Avirim)
  - Former Writer: ( Inej_Avirim)Fiendfall (;u=183)

( Xelia                        Software Engineer (NPC) (
  - Former Writer: ( (;u=183)

Since Seren was put into stasis in the Spearhead Lounge bomb, and because Rhys Williams is off-duty In-Character atm, Hathev will remain an NPC Chief Counselor for the time being, until she is inherited or a new viable candidate comes up for the position. Avirim and Xelia will also remain on their feet but in the background until further notice. If you are interested in either of these characters, just PM me! :)

Thank you so much for your time spent here on the sim, @fiendfall ! Good luck with your writing project and if you would change your mind about original fiction, you are always more than welcome to return to us!


( (

Yesterday, the male versions of the Exosuit were uploaded to Sketchfab, and renders are underway. Check out the 3D models!

Tactical CONN Exosuit | Male | Star Trek: Theurgy (
Security Exosuit | Male | Star Trek: Theurgy (

Here are the female versions, which were uploaded a month or so ago:

Tactical CONN Exosuit | Female | Star Trek: Theurgy (
Security Exosuit | Female | Star Trek: Theurgy (


What is that? Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No... it is...

( (

...the USS Oneida, potentially our next guest ship!

USS Oneida, on Sketchfab (

While it is yet to be decided if and when we introduce a new guest ship, this might just be it. Like the Cayuga, it is an Iroquois-class ship, and it could be that since Gorka has revealed where the Theurgy has been hiding, Starfleet Command has sent the Oneida to track the Theurgy.

Like it's potential introduction in the story, we have neither yet chalked up who is in command of the ship, nor whether or not they doubt Starfleet Command and their orders. It might even be we use the Oneida for writer recruitment purposes, and allow new Applicants to make characters commissioned to this ship, with the OOC preamble that they somehow will end up serving on the Theurgy. I would love to hear your ideas on this, so post in the Advent of War OOC thread (,2943.0.html) about it! :)

For now, the Oneida is on Sketchfab. I have been fiddling with the windows a bit since the Cayuga was introduced, but the Sketchfab model is still a Work-in-Progress. I have even yet to change the "Cayuga" texts on the sides of the lower hull!  (laugh)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on July 25, 2020, 03:28:01 AM
Oh, no!  Fiendfall was so nice when I joined up and needed to get a feel for things, I wish them the best!  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on July 25, 2020, 03:47:48 AM

Congrats @jreeves1701  ! Larrant looks like a pretty badass character. He’s certainly served on a who’s-who list of Starfleet ships in his career! As always great character art @Auctor Lucan  , way to capture the mysterious and somewhat terrifying nature of the Medusans.

Sorry to lose you @fiendfall  ! I wish you all the best in your personal writing endeavors, and greatly appreciate the way you reached out early on when I was just getting started and helped me through the process of getting acclimated to Theurgy! Take care!

...and ooh, I’ve got all sort of ideas now, with this new guest ship. Hmmmmm... could potentially help facilitate my next character.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on July 25, 2020, 04:04:20 AM
Well, poop. I’m really going to miss fiendfall.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: JediMaster on July 25, 2020, 04:21:27 AM
Sorry to hear people leaving.  The new ship presents some great story ideas.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on July 25, 2020, 08:42:03 AM
Congrats @jreeves1701

And Sorry to see @fiendfall leave us. Hopefully they can return when life allows it.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on July 25, 2020, 09:13:35 PM
Hey, cool character concept @jreeves1701
Sorry to hear @fiendfall leaves, but I wish her all the best for her other project
And nice 3D-Models @Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on July 26, 2020, 07:30:18 PM
A small note to interested parties: throughout the next week, I’ll be busy moving to a new place. There are a few unknowns, up to and including having an internet connection plus other issues, so if there aren’t any posts from me for a week or two, don’t worry.

Alternatively everything will be peachy, I’ll continue writing and this is completely irrelevant. I’m hoping for that outcome.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on July 26, 2020, 07:59:02 PM
Coincidentally, I too am moving (from the 28th through the 1st, but I will be packing most of tomorrow) and will have spotty Internet access.  XD  Fingers crossed that I make it safely to Colorado! 

Hope your move goes well @Griff
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on July 27, 2020, 07:01:44 PM
Sorry to hear more writer loss but good luck on your endeavors! As for the ship, I have an idea for an OC once I'm eligible. Would be interesting to see how this comes in to play in the future.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 28, 2020, 12:35:20 AM


Please join me in giving @OrangeTellarite a warm welcome, as they are our newest Theurgist! They will be writing Inej Avirim, who have threads ongoing already and can now be continued.

( Ens. Inej Avirim            Investigations Officer ( Inej_Avirim)
  - Writer: ( Inej_Avirim)OrangeTellarite (;u=364)

@OrangeTellarite has been reading up on past threads and will be wrapping their head around recent events, having received the latest Newsletter and some info on Aldea. Personally, I am looking forward to reading the continuation of this character's story, which might just have become very interesting because of the bomb in the Spearhead Lounge, and Avi being our resident Investigations Officer. :)

Welcome aboard!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on July 28, 2020, 12:38:16 AM
Welcome aboard @OrangeTellarite
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on July 28, 2020, 02:37:50 AM
Awesome! Welcome @OrangeTellarite !

I hope you like Theurgy. If you need help getting settled in, feel free to ask one of esteemed Mentors for some ideas, they helped me and another group of Newbies get settled in just recently. At the same time, if there is anything I can do to help facilitate your inheritance of Avi, let me know!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: [REDACTED] on July 28, 2020, 02:47:31 AM
Greetings @OrangeTellarite. Always great to see new members joining the community. If you ever want to talk or have questions; I'll gladly discuss and answer to the best of my ability. I look forward to writing with you ^^.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Juzzie on July 28, 2020, 03:01:21 AM
Welcome @OrangeTellarite if you have any questions or need any help feel free to ask.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on July 28, 2020, 07:05:57 AM
Welcome aboard!  :) 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: stardust on July 28, 2020, 09:08:05 AM
Welcome @OrangeTellarite ! Have a very prosperous and diplomatic start into the Sim  /;-D looking forward to seeing you around !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: OrangeTellarite on July 28, 2020, 09:30:42 AM
Thanks and hallo there, pleasure's all mine.
And I must say I'm quite excited to be here, finally, as it's a step up from previous experiences with ST RP.

Anyway, I not that good with introducing myself, but I can tell I'm a Dutchie and no, I'm not from Amsterdam. Technically I do come from Holland, the province of North Holland to be precise but that's far too long ago for me to remember. I'll probably be one of the younger people here, being only 20 years old but I can't always really relate to lots of others of my age. For a large part I had been exposed to lots of old stuff, reason why I like TOS and TAS as well, and IMO everything past ENT isn't really much good unless I want to have a laugh at it. AMA if you'd like, and I'll see you around. o7
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: DaValle on July 28, 2020, 09:53:11 AM
Eek barba durkle, we've got a new one aboard. So welcome to the madhouse and as the one who's probably still holding the title "youngest Theurgy writer" I can tell you there's nothing weird about loving TOS even though it's almost thirty years older than you are. Anyhow if you have questions or anything I'm glad to help you.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 29, 2020, 02:19:47 AM


Unfortunately, after careful consideration, @TWilkins steps away, leaving Elro Kobol  for adoption. Given recent absence, and the ties to health care, this was expected, but he says he hopes to return some day. He just don’t have any time to keep up with things at the moment.

He suggested that perhaps Y’Lev can go back to spy on the Syndicate on behalf of the Theurgy (some kind of Intelligence mission?), and Otheusz can easily blend into the background on the ship as he doesn’t have any major presence yet. The suggestion was that perhaps he isn’t deemed able to work to Starfleet standards yet in the thread The Wolf Den and requires lots of training, and I kind of like that. I will sort that out in my post there, and if TWilkins return, Otheusz will be readily available.

( Lt. Elro Kobol                   Chief Medical Officer ( 
  - Former Writer: @TWilkins (

Our current CMO, Doctor Elro Kobol , escaped the Endeavour before its destruction aboard the USS Niger in Episode 05. Being an inherited character, he will go up for adoption again, and unless there are any takers, I may have to put him out of commission so that an active writer can take on the Chief Medical Officer position instead.

Thank you for the time on the sim, @TWilkins , and hope you can return sooner rather than later! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on July 29, 2020, 11:43:57 AM
Sorry to lose you @TWilkins . I hope you do find your way back someday, and I get an opportunity to write with you again. Best of luck!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on July 29, 2020, 07:51:17 PM
@TWilkins take care. Always hard to someone leave. See you soon
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on July 31, 2020, 03:15:28 AM
Update: I am safely in Boulder but will be busy for a few days trying to move in while avoiding covid! 

A shame to lose @TWilkins , I never had the chance to write with you but I hope you stay safe and have a good time! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on July 31, 2020, 04:22:35 PM

While all in person events for GenCon were canceled this year, they are offering quite a few online events. I'll be rather busy through Sunday (8/2) and will likely be sparse with replies. I'll be on discord a lot as all the games I'm involved in use it for voice. But there's a strong chance if y'all're trying to get a hold of me responses will be highly delayed, even if I show up as available. <3
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 01, 2020, 12:05:38 AM
Theurgists!  :)

Unplanned guests have crashed the house but even as I try to be a good host, I do have a window to catch up a bit on things here tomorrow. Pardon the slight delay on replies to PMs.

Please don't try to reach me over Discord with important things, as I've stated countless times, the reasons many but one of the obvious being that I can't have two separate cues and try to reply in order.  /;-D


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on August 02, 2020, 03:33:21 PM
Safely moved in!  Fingers crossed that I do well in graduate school. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: JediMaster on August 02, 2020, 07:18:18 PM
You will do amazing @GroundPetrel.  You have us at your back if you need it.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on August 02, 2020, 07:50:19 PM
Thank you!!!  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: stardust on August 05, 2020, 08:49:17 PM
Hope you're settling well @GroundPetrel and I know it will be awesome :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on August 06, 2020, 08:22:31 AM
Thank you @stardust !  I am settling in, but all my classes are still in "play by ear" mode... :/
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: stardust on August 06, 2020, 10:28:46 AM
@GroundPetrel That was the ark of my whole university experience lol You‘ll be fine 😉
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 08, 2020, 12:16:39 AM
Short update!

Had my mother surprise visit today and she's staying over until tomorrow noon. Thanks for the patience with the update on Chapter 02 (which is about halfway done) and other replies on PMs.  (L)

Hope you all have a great time out there and I think you will like the story progression I have planned.  :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on August 08, 2020, 12:23:15 AM
Enjoy your time with family. That does remind me about one quick thing.

My quarantine officially ends on the 11th. I will be going back to my regular life then, and will have full access to my laptop once I'm home.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 12, 2020, 11:04:45 AM


Being the second Theurgist to use the new Token Reward which enables you to write a 5th character, @Stegro88 has inherited T'Less, one of our Asst. Chief Tactical Officers!

( Lt. T'Less              Asst. Chief Tactical Officer (V2) ('Less)
  - Writer: ('Less) @Stegro88

T'Less is on the Allegiant mission in Advent of War, manning the Tactical station on the scout ship. So far, no edits have been made to the character's history and character page, and Stegro will be getting into gear with his new character gradually. I look forward to seeing this Vulcan being actively written again, since she's been around since Episode 01.

Congratulations on your new character, @Stegro88 ! :)



One of the antagonists in the Advent of War has been introduced, and you can read two scenes concurrent with the Theurgy's first QSD jump here:

Quantum Frontier (,3005.msg29097.html#msg29097)

The last part of the post returns to the bridge of the Theurgy, where new orders are dealt, but Thea also shows up with foreboding words involving Sarresh Morali...

Posts in this thread could be Joint-Posts with another writer, or if you have a character eligible for bridge duty, feel free to post in reaction to Thea's first completed QSD flight. If you have a character in Engineering on the Theurgy, you can illustrate the great difficulty it is to maintain QSD flight in terms of the variance mentioned in the post. Here are some ideas for contents to add in reply to this post or in Supplemental threads, besides whatever you guys can come up with! (It's from the Newsletter) [Show/Hide]
I will eventually be closing this thread now with the hour of QSD travel having come to an end, Thea appearing well within Klingon space. I am open for interactions with Captain Ives on the bridge! :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on August 12, 2020, 11:12:48 AM
Thank you Auctor.

Hopefully I can do T'Less proud for everyone.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 16, 2020, 12:51:41 AM


Today we welcome a new writer in our fold, @Nesota Kynnovan , who will be writing L'Nari!

( Ens. L'Nari        Diplomatic Attaché ( 
( (
  - Played by @Nesota Kynnovan

Our new writer still has a little bit of homework in reading up on past threads, but once that's done, they have plenty of opportunity to develop the character as their own, since L'Nari barely got any screen time in the story so far.

Nesota may be changing their username here on the forum, however, and if that's the case, they will be telling you all here in the Main OOC thread what username they settle on (the current one being temporary.)

Welcome aboard! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: uytrereee on August 16, 2020, 12:57:04 AM
Welcome Aboard! Look forward to writing with you in the future!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on August 16, 2020, 12:57:59 AM
Welcome aboard, @Nesota Kynnovan ! I know L'Nari is a pretty fresh character in general but if you have any questions about her threads so far or about the forum in general, please feel free to hit me or any of the other Mentors up. Looking forward to seeing what you do with the character!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on August 16, 2020, 12:59:07 AM
Yes! Awesome! Welcome aboard @Nesota Kynnovan  !

I hope you enjoy your time here, and if there's anything I can do to help make your acclimation to Theurgy easier, please feel free to ask. Also, make use of the Mentors, they're a wealth of information, and made my own settling in far easier.

Anyways, can't wait to catch you in the SIM!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on August 16, 2020, 01:06:09 AM
Welcome, new person!  I hope you have fun!  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nesota Kynnovan on August 16, 2020, 01:07:30 AM
Thanks for approving me, Auctor!

Hello everyone, I'm Nesota and I really look forward to writing with you all! Please allow me to tell you all a little bit about myself. I'm currently 30 years old (I turn 31 in September, but I'm still coming to terms with 30 so...)  and I live in the Netherlands. I've been writing for roughly twelve years, split between Star Wars- and Star Trek-themed RPGs, and my favourite type of fiction (both to read and to write) is crime noir. There is something about that particularly dark setting which is very entertaining!

This is the first time I'm adopting a pre-made character, but I'll try to live up to your expectations and the intentions of L'Nari's previous writer. Once again, I really look forward to writing with you all, please take good care of me! I hope to run into you all on Discord!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Juzzie on August 16, 2020, 03:00:50 AM
Welcome @Nesota Kynnovan . I hope you enjoy your time. Any questions feel free to ask, someone is always willing to help. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on August 16, 2020, 11:39:13 AM
Welcome aboard @Nesota Kynnovan ! have fun writing!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 16, 2020, 02:21:28 PM

Today, @Number6 reclaims the character they once made for this sim, namely Vanya, one of the two Asst. Chief Science Officers! :)

( Lt. Vanya                    Asst. Chief Science Officer (V2) (
  - Writer: ( (;u=339)

Vanya was first written by Number6 (formerly known as Veridian), later inherited by Cosmos  before he vanished from the sim. Then Revan (Jesaya) hade her in their care for a bit, but I'm happy to see her back where she belonged to begin with. @Number6 has said they wanted to add an explanation here in the Main OOC, so go right ahead!

Looking forward to read Vanya's continued story. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Number6 on August 16, 2020, 02:45:40 PM
Thank you @Auctor Lucan

In light of the problems we’ve had recently with people creating multiple accounts, I thought it prudent to do this little post to explain things. 

I used to post here as Veridian, the original creator of Vanya.  

Two years ago, I was in a job that required an hour’s commute each way.   At times, the work was miserable.   I also had other “hobby” responsibilities that took precedence, and it didn’t leave much time for writing on Theurgy.    My post rate suffered, and there is no excusing that.  

I now have a shorter commute to and from work, which is a generally healthier place for me mentally, and my hobby responsibilities were diminishing even before the Pandemic.   I found myself wanting to rejoin Theurgy, and spoke to AL about this.   Because I had forgotten my original login details, I joined with a new login making it clear to AL from the start, and then because I didn’t want to cause discomfort between myself and the person that inherited Vanya, I chose to keep my history, and my status as Vanya’s first player on the QT.   

Some weeks ago, AL approached me about picking up Vanya again    I must confess I jumped at the chance.    AL put some great work in the art, and creating the character’s history was deeply rewarding.   To right my wrong two years ago, and prevent the work we both did in creating her from being wasted , I decided to take her back.   

Huge thanks to @BZ as well.   Bouncing off her (phrasing) as Foval has been great and long may it continue.   

Rest assured, Number6 is my only account now.   Unless it’s a JP posted by a partner, if it ain’t from this account, it ain’t me.  

Thanks for reading!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on August 16, 2020, 05:19:26 PM
Oh, that's cool!  Welcome back!  I hope we can write something together sometime!  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: stardust on August 16, 2020, 07:17:18 PM
Bruh ... this is quite a bit to digest
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Number6 on August 16, 2020, 07:29:25 PM
Bruh ... this is quite a bit to digest

I totally understand and I've got nothing to hide    I am happy to answer any questions publicly or privately  
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 16, 2020, 07:39:51 PM

Another announcement! Today, @Swift expands our Medical Department with Kate Foster, who will take Doctor Maya's position as Chief Surgeon!

( Lt. JG Kate Foster      Chief Surgeon (
  - Writer: ( (;u=328)

Doctor Maya volunteered for secondment in the KDF during the Aldea Prime Anthology, transferring to the IKS Vor'nak when it arrived at Aldea. On the Vor'nak came Kate Foster, who ended up taking Maya's place. Awesome character write-up and I look forward to having V-Nine - besides others - interact with Doctor Foster in sickbay.

Congrats on the new character, @Swift ! :)

Oh, in additional news, @Swift has also volunteered to become a Mentor, so he is now also listed on the Joining the Crew page, as a helpful writer in the Mentor Program ( Thank you so much for stepping in to help out!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: stardust on August 16, 2020, 07:46:30 PM
Woot woot ( good )
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on August 16, 2020, 07:50:09 PM
That was fast!  Congratulations @Swift , I hope you have fun with your new character! 

EDIT: Unrelated, @Auctor Lucan, can I edit Anh-Le's wiki page?  I think I've been playing her as having ADHD and I think I want to add that in. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on August 19, 2020, 11:00:46 AM
My fellow writers!

After finding some time to look at the Tac Conn squadron list, some adjustment were made after the departure of some writers.
Lucan and myself have puzzled a new chart together and it'll look as follows. Official squadron changes will be implemented soon.


Furthermore @Nero Logan Hale will be drafted as Ravon's wingmate as Rawley has chosen to be part of the Away Mission. The Valravn pilots are missing from this list as they will be put in either stasis or morgue depending on the outcome of the bombing at Spearhead Lounge.

If you have any further questions, feel free to PM/DM me here or on discord.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: jreeves1701 on August 19, 2020, 01:26:13 PM
Since they are the Wolf Squadran are we going to name the elements Alpha and Omega? Like in Alpha Pack and Omega Pack?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 19, 2020, 02:06:59 PM
If they were Flights (with four warp fighters), it would make sense with an Alpha Pack, but now it would be more like... Alpha Pair? :)

I think Alpha Element would be more fitting now, even if I love the Pack idea. Good thinking!

Since they are the Wolf Squadran are we going to name the elements Alpha and Omega? Like in Alpha Pack and Omega Pack?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on August 19, 2020, 05:43:55 PM
So... it's like a promotion :) from Wolf-16 to Wolf-02.
But with 3/4 of his fellow Valravn pilots dead/in stasis and missing Zeke as his RIO he has a lot to cope up.
I now have something to think off, but right now it looks to good to me.
Otherwise as @Nolan already mentioned it, I will let you know if I have any questions.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 20, 2020, 04:18:00 PM


( (

Development for the Allegiant mission!

Chapter 04: Horns of a Dilemma [ Day 02 | 1245 hrs. ] (,3049.0.html)

Instead of a Story Development Poll being posted at this point, I am leaving it to you all to advocate solutions In-Character in this thread. Should more than one viable solution come forth in this thread, then we will post a poll that settles the matter. :) Indeed, this thread is the starter for Chapter 04, and @BZ , @uytrereee , @Number6 , @DaValle , @RyeTanker & @Stegro88 , you all have 7 days to post in reply to this starter to kick the discussion off, the deadline set at the 27th of August. :)

Supplemental threads on the Allegiant/Erudite set before this scene above belong to Chapter 03, with the title convention CH03: S [D01|YYYY] Insert Title. No Supplemental threads may be started set after this scene just yet. This, until after the 28th of August, when we know who stays and who goes! Oh, I have also updated the Advent of War Calendar (, which shows when the Breen will convene in the Hall of Heroes. All they know about the bomb on Andoria is that it is set to detonate somewhere that evening of Day 02, in the heart of the capital.

I am open to start other threads for the rest of the Allegiant crew, and if you have ideas for scenes that might involve a lot of characters, PM me. :)

Next, Chapter 02: Quantum Frontier (,3005.0.html) will be updated, in hopes that a couple of stragglers manages to post there before then. Stay tuned!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: uytrereee on August 20, 2020, 04:53:46 PM
I meant to mention earlier in the week, but it just got away from me. I am working a lot of doubles this week and next, covering day shift and afternoon shift, so my availability will be extremely limited, just due to only having 8 hours of home time each day. I'll have this Sunday off, and I'll try to get caught up on threads. My apologies to everyone I'm writing with right now.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on August 21, 2020, 12:05:49 AM
FYI: I am on short vacation trip this weekend with limited internet access.
Have a nice weekend.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 23, 2020, 11:28:39 PM


So! First of all, @Sqweloookle will be inheriting Elro Kobol , our Chief Medical Officer!

( Lt. Elro Kobol                   Chief Medical Officer ( 
  - Writer: @Sqweloookle (

Kobol  escaped the Endeavour before its destruction by the hand of the Borg aboard the USS Niger and became the CMO on the Theurgy at the beginning of the Aldea Prime Anthology. Sqwee has been sent the synopsis of what this Doctor has been up to so far, and I look forward to reading his continued story! :)

We also have a new Head Nurse, given the death of Jovela in the Spearhead Lounge. Namely...

( Ens. Vinata Vojona            Head Nurse (
  - Writer: ( (;u=236)

With his other writing project falling short of a satisfactory outcome, @Aharon has decided to return to us, and this time it ought to be for good (as he put it), with his time jojo-ing off and on the sim coming to an end.  ;)

Welcome back to the sim, @Aharon , and I look forward to see how Vinata will fare in his new position!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on August 24, 2020, 12:13:29 AM
Thank you Auctor.

Sorry to hear your writing project didn't go as desired @Aharon , however welcome back.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 27, 2020, 05:41:27 PM


Today, @Stardust expands our Counseling team with Stellan Foster, who will take Ejek's position as one of the Asst. Chief Counselors!

( Lt. Stellan Foster      Asst. Chief Counselor (V1) (
  - Writer: ( (;u=345)

With his sister Kate Foster arriving on the IKS Vor'nak, Stellan could be given the medical care he needed to be thawed, and returns to duty after his post-surgery recovery. Upon Ejek being killed in the Spearhead Lounge bomb, he is promoted to Asst. Chief Counselor by Commander Hathev.

Awesome character write-up and congrats on the new character, @Stardust ! :)


With little to no activity or replies, and after being notified, the following Theurgists have been added to the Inactive roster, but might show up again when and if they are ready to resume actively writing with us.

- Jesse
- Lisavw
- TheFounderIsWise

Lisa's character (T'Panu) has the Asst. Chief Medical Officer role and may have to be put into stasis in the Spearhead Lounge bomb thread as well, while neither Jesse's nor TheFounder's characters have been seen in the story yet (only having posted OOC), so those characters will simply be deleted for the time being, and I'll recycle the image material I used to make those characters (Til Brogan and Dominic Masi) when making other character art.

I'm still waiting for replies from a couple more, and I will let you guys no if there are others whom may have drifted off into RL commitments.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on August 27, 2020, 06:19:31 PM

Congrats @stardust ! Thank you @Auctor Lucan for allowing her and I to make this contentious pair of siblings for the SIM, and for putting up with our frustratingly long Character Bios.

Damn excited!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 27, 2020, 07:08:43 PM

Give your warmest welcome to @Shandala , who joins us today as our newest Theurgist. :) He will be taking up Alessia Garcia!

( Lt. JG Alessia Garcia        Wolf-08 [Angel] (,_callsign_%22Angel%22)
  - Writer: (,_callsign_%22Angel%22)Shandala (;u=377)

Alessia has been with us since the battle of Starbase 84, and ought to be a familiar face to all those who write Lone Wolves by now. She didn't come along on the Allegiant mission, so she's available for threads on the Theurgy. With the detonation in the Spearhead Lounge, I am sure there is a story to be told by this surviving White Wolf...

Welcome aboard, @Shandala , and I look forward to seeing you on Discord if you fancy to chat with us there! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on August 27, 2020, 07:14:56 PM
Oh, boy!  A new character for Stardust! 

That reminds me that I need to talk to them and figure out how to work out our characters getting stuck in a lounge with nonfunctional combadges, lol. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on August 27, 2020, 07:19:55 PM
Awesome! New writers! Welcome @Shandala !

If there's anything I can do to help your acclimatization to Theurgy go smoother, feel free to ask; the other writers here, as well as the Mentors are an excellent source of information and guidance, and are more than happy to lend you a hand if you need one.  :)

Hope to catch you in the SIM!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nesota Kynnovan on August 27, 2020, 07:35:56 PM
Welcome @Shandala!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Shandala on August 27, 2020, 08:46:24 PM
Hello Everyone!  I am extremely excited about playing Alessia Garcia and i am looking forward to meeting everyone.  There is a lot of history that i am attempting to absorb; however, Alessia's story is what inspired me to play her to begin with.  Thank you Auctor for allowing me to become a theurgist.
If anyone's character has a story left in the wind, or would like to explore something with Alessia feel free to send me a message.

|-| Alessia Garcia, Angel ...."It's like we are Angels, Sis." |-|
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on August 27, 2020, 11:29:37 PM
Welcome aboard @Shandala
Glad to see the Valravn will survive ;)
Have fun writing. Maybe we can plan something, if you are interested.
@Auctor Lucan if I don't mistake it is a cool Artwork on the MK2 :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on August 28, 2020, 06:38:12 AM
Welcome @Shandala !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 28, 2020, 11:39:33 AM

It's time for @Argyros to add a character of their own making to the story, and this in the form of Jordan Koilos!

( Lt. Jordan Koilos                Asst. Chief Intelligence Officer (V2) (
  - Writer: ( Koilos)Argyros (;u=177)

Recognise the face? Well, @Argyros asked me if he could use the above faceclaim for his future character since that character ("Hats" Smith) was due to be KIA. With this in mind, and with the recent vanishing of TheFounderIsWise, I have instead switched the faceclaim of TheFounder's unused and deleted character to "Hats" instead, so that Argy could use Steven Strait for Jordan Koilos instead. A switcharoo, in short, but I am not referring to the kind in the Urban Dicktionary ( :)

In any case! Jordan Koilos will be appearing in the story after Advent of War began, so he has not been aboard since the Vor'nak came to Aldea. Stay tuned for a new thread, in which new characters may enter the story, set in the late afternoon of Day 02. After coming aboard, he will be given the assignment to serve as Asst. Chief Intelligence Officer, reporting to Andrew Fisher.

Looking forward to read his adventures, @Argyros ! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: stardust on August 28, 2020, 11:54:50 AM
Yay, new intel meat :3 Welcome!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Aharon on August 28, 2020, 12:53:23 PM
Welcome @Shandala! :)

Love the new character(s) @stardust & @Argyros -- Looking forward to reading them in action!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on August 30, 2020, 09:42:07 AM
Yay @Argyros very yummy character. I look forward to reading about how he joins us.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 01, 2020, 02:51:20 PM



While RL has been throwing some g'damn curveballs this past week I am happy to be on top of things once more and getting my writing sessions planned, another one underway just now.

Advent of War (,26.0.html) development by In-Character chronological order (not posting order):

Prologue: Palais de la Concorde (,2925.0.html)
Ending feat. a range of political NPCs

Chapter 01: Incendiary Prospects [ Day 01 | 1130 hrs. ] (,2928.0.html)

Chapter 02: Quantum Frontier [ Day 01 | 1900 hrs. ] (,3005.0.html)
Continuation & time-jump, set after Spearhead Lounge bomb, involving many Departmental aspects including the temporal affairs and the arrival of a mysterious Klingon ship.

Chapter 03: Shadows Unknown [ Day 01 | 2030 hrs. ] (,3014.0.html)
Ending, feat. the Savi development

Chapter 04: Horns of a Dilemma [ Day 02 | 1245 hrs. ] (,3049.0.html)
Continuation and splitting up the team + Breen Bomb plot starting.

Chapter 05!
Starter with Andoria arrival

+ Story Objectives

All these could be posted at once, but I may have to split them up a bit for easier digestion. :smile:


Auctor Lucan

EDIT: After some confusion about the above, no, Chapter 05 won't be the last in this Episode. I feel like we should and very well could tie a nice bow on current Kingon Affairs within this Episode, unless you guys want to prolong the events at the planet way more than I imagine we have to. We have Gorka to deal with, and the part of the Klingon fleets loyal to him. So it will be both a ship-based situation as well as a planet-side situation. I think part of the crew will accompany Martok into the First City and the Grand Hall. It could lead to trying to have the Klingon councillors convinced that Martok is right in supporting the Theurgy's mission. We'll see how you guys spin things on your end!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 02, 2020, 10:39:29 AM

Please come and welcome @Captain Scarlet ! They'll be taking over Kino Taer!

( PO2 Kino Taer                Security Officer ( 
  - Writer: ( @Captain Scarlet

Kino has been in stasis since the Battle of the Apertures ( and will be thawed at a day of her new writer's choosing. @Captain Scarlet might be updating Kino's character page with some additional information.

Looking forward to reading this one's continued story, and welcome aboard, @Captain Scarlet ! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on September 02, 2020, 10:42:56 AM
Welcome to the crew @Captain Scarlet

If you need anything, I or any of the other Mentors are at your service.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Juzzie on September 02, 2020, 10:46:22 AM
Indeed Welcome @Captain Scarlet hope you enjoy writing with us. We are all happy to help if we can. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Aharon on September 02, 2020, 11:13:09 AM
Welcome @Captain Scarlet - Looking forward to reading about Taer! :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Captain Scarlet on September 02, 2020, 04:51:10 PM
Thanks everyone! I've spent a few days getting up to speed on Kino's previous posts and what's been going on around here lately, so will hopefully be able to reintegrate her into the story without it being too jarring. I look forward to getting to know everyone and blowing things up with you!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on September 02, 2020, 05:57:13 PM

Welcome to the SIM @Captain Scarlet ! It's an excellent one, with some truly excellent characters, and writers! I look forward to writing with you, and if there's anything I can do to make your experience better, then please feel free to reach out, and ask!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on September 02, 2020, 06:53:49 PM
Welcome aboard @Captain Scarlet
Have fun writing :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on September 03, 2020, 03:23:41 AM
Welcome aboard! I loved that series as a kid.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Shandala on September 03, 2020, 04:55:20 AM
Welcome @Captain Scarlet (;u=382)

I am not a mentor but if you have any questions feel free to hit me up on discord or send a message.  I'm new also.  Always looking for more friends to make in character.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Number6 on September 03, 2020, 08:43:14 AM
Welcome to Theurgy :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on September 03, 2020, 06:27:33 PM
Welcome to the Theurgy! We have fun here!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 08, 2020, 01:17:14 PM

It is my pleasure to announce our newest member, @Griffinsummoner , who will be writing Petty Officer Scruffy Leblanc in Engineering!

( PO1 Scruffy Leblanc            Systems & Maintenance Engineer (
  - Writer: ( (;u=385)

Scruffy came aboard via the USS Bellerophon, just like Lt Cmdr. Hathev, our Chief Counselor NPC (for now). Scruffy also has some prior experience working with Blue Tiran. As always with inherited characters, @Griffinsummoner has the creative license to rewrite his character page and play him differently than he used to be played. So far, our newest Theurgist has given no indication about edits.

Welcome aboard, @Griffinsummoner ! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on September 08, 2020, 02:32:24 PM
Welcome @Griffinsummoner
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on September 08, 2020, 04:58:44 PM
Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on September 08, 2020, 06:23:01 PM
Another of my species has arrived. Welcome my brother/sister. Together we shall accomplish conquer the entire Theurgyverse!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griffinsummoner on September 08, 2020, 07:06:05 PM
Greetings, everyone, and thanks for the welcome.  I'm not clear on just how involved this character has been in the story (impression is here and there), but I'll be trying to have recent events explain any personality development of the character from how he was played before.  My goal is to have the character grow and mature into my own style, rather than try a rewrite of what is established.  My ST specialty has always been Engineering, so hopefully you'll see a bit more inspired take on the character going forward.

That being said, the more character interactions I have the easier that will be, so feel free to reach out if you have any characters you'd like to run a scene together. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Aharon on September 08, 2020, 09:31:42 PM
Welcome @Griffinsummoner -- Looking forward to reading your Scruffy posts! :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on September 09, 2020, 11:05:06 AM
Welcome @Griffinsummoner now get scruffing on your debut :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Juzzie on September 09, 2020, 07:11:08 PM
Welcome aboard @Griffinsummoner if you ever need any help. There is always a lovely person around happy to assist.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griffinsummoner on September 09, 2020, 10:03:29 PM
Welcome aboard @Griffinsummoner if you ever need any help. There is always a lovely person around happy to assist.

Oh yeah?  And who would that be? :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Shandala on September 11, 2020, 10:15:07 PM
Welcome @Griffinsummoner! (;u=385) I joined about a month ago myself.  Everyone here is very friendly and helpful.  I know what it is like trying to figure out where to start so if you need any assistance just send me a message or catch me on discord.  Recommend finding a mentor which i am not one but always willing to help out.

- Sincerely,
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 12, 2020, 12:49:30 AM


This might have been somewhat expected, the concerns having been raised already since he suddenly became absent in the middle of July. The passing of @steelphoenix  has now been verified through a friend of his that I found on DeviantArt. I went to SteelPhoenix's gallery today (were he was known as Drujitsu), and saw this comment on his profile page:


I contacted this person, who seemed to know more than anyone on Facebook or Discord, and the correspondence went as follows (pardon the size of these mobile phone screencaps):


I am at a loss for words in what to say, other than how I will miss him dearly, with many memories lingering with me now. How he worked so hard on bringing life to his characters. I've spoken at length with him about his ideas around the Kzinti and what he wanted to do with the Bactrican species.

As an artist, he helped me making character art sometimes, and rendered an animation of Deacon for the Episode 05 trailer. He helped render couple of images for the infiltration suits (Starfleet issue and Savi), and his deep knowledge into Star Trek lore helped establish some science that might help separate the Infested from their hosts at a later point in the main story.

As a writer, he entered the sim right in the end of Episode 03, and has been active ever since, with Deacon bringing smiles to many who had their characters go to Below Decks. Just a couple of weeks before his passing, his other character - Vael Kaeris - was named the Theurgy's Chief Science Officer, but unfortunately, he only got to write one post with Vael in that capacity.

As I told SP's friend, with his advise in the matter, I have decided to let Deacon and Kaeris become available for inheritance, and I hope their stories will continue, in honour of a man who'll be sorely missed.

( Deacon                        Lounge Proprietor for Below Decks (NPC) ( 
  - Writer: ( Available for Inheritance

( Lt Cmdr. Vael Kaeris          Chief Science Officer (V1) (NPC) ( 
  - Writer: ( Available for Inheritance

The Kzinti ( Black Priest came aboard the Theurgy during the Battle of Starbase 84 (, and has since then took it upon himself to spread the word of the pending invasion of the Kzinti Empire, and to work as the Lounge Proprietor of Below Decks. Having an adverse reaction to a virus aboard, Doctor Nicander had to manipulate his genome to suppress his Kzin nature, since the dormant human genes could hange the virus better. Already on his way to become human, he was later abducted by the Savi and underwent a nigh full Correction - merely possessing some lingering physical traits of his feline heritage. This, including a long, prehensile feline tail, claws, short fangs and pointed ears not unlike those of a Vulcan. He is the mate of K'Ren - callsign Neko - of the Lone Wolves, and I leave it to @SummerDawn to advise in what might happen with their relationship now.

Vael Kaeris is a Bactrican (, his species looking Asian in nature, and when the Endeavour was destroyed, he ended up on the Runabout USS Niger together with Elro Kobol , Kai Akoni and Ranaan Ducote. The Niger encountered the Theurgy in the Azure Nebula, and after the Battle of the Apertures (, all four of the Endeavour officers came to serve in the Senior Staff on the Theurgy, Vael Kaeris being promoted to Chief Science Officer after Vivian Martin relieved herself from command in order to deal with the mounting grief over the losses on the Resolve.


In other news, after Captain Scarlet just joined us Wednesday last week, I got the PM below this Wednesday.

Hi Auctor, I hate to do this, but I need to table my participation for awhile. I've been pulled into a startup project that's taking all my time, and where I thought I could put some energy into this as a side project, I'm finding my muse is not lining up with my timing, and really don't want to waste your time. Can I step aside and re-apply somewhere down the road? I'd assume the character would be put back up for grabs, and completely agree with that; if she's still available when my schedule frees up I'd still love to write her. If not, there were plenty of other options open.

Thanks, and once again I'm sorry you've expended your energy!

So, hello and goodbye? It means that besides the two above, Kino is available for inheritance once more.

( PO2 Kino Taer                Security Officer (Stasis) ( 
  - Writer: ( Available for Inheritance

Kino has been in stasis since the Battle of the Apertures ( and will remain so until we we have an active writer that wants to take her on.

At least she's got an updated exosuit image now! *chuckles and shakes head*


Somewhat lighter news, I reckon?

After @Swift 's Andrew Fisher found out that the late Carrigan Trent was to blame (,3001.0.html)for Hi'Jak reacting and acting as he did on the Coreless Moon, before Episode 05, Captain Ives has decided to allow him to serve as an Ensign in the Science Department (,3019.0.html). This, after Hi'Jak also asked to have his name changed, as a new beginning, and a convenient means to not have the Klingons aboard the ship realise he's supposed to have been killed in Right of Vengeance (,2905.0.html).

His name?

( Ens. Robert Guthrey          Science Officer (Temporal Mechanics) (
  - Writer: ( (;u=11)

As of Day 01 in Advent of War, this character's face was altered to avoid recognition as well, and I am unsure as I write this if we need to have a change of face claim in the two images to the right, and let Thomas Mison be the face Hi'Jak Robert wears from this point onwards. I'll settle that stuff separately with @Masorin , but this name change and reinstatement as Ensign is effective as of Day 02 in Advent of War. Robert's former identity is on a plausible need-to-know basis, but if known, it is also known in his file that he was misled by the Theurgy's former First Officer, which caused him to betray the away team at the Coreless Moon (check the links for more info on this long subplot conclusion!).

That's all for now. Looking forward to a weekend of writing, and I hope this announcement finds you all well out there.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on September 12, 2020, 01:00:37 AM
Oh no, this is just horribly sad news. I didn't get to know @steelphoenix too well during my time here, but they were very kind during my early time here, and seemed in general to be a kind person.

This truly puts life into perspective, and I can only hope that we all remember how tenuous and fleeting our time on this world is, and cherish the time we do have.

Rest easy, friend.  /:(
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on September 12, 2020, 01:04:45 AM
Oh God. That's awful. I never got the chance to write with him, either. Goddamn this year. :(
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on September 12, 2020, 02:21:53 AM
That's horrible!  I only got to write with him in one thread, but he seemed quite nice.   :(
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on September 12, 2020, 12:43:15 PM
My sincere condolences to the family and friends of @steelphoenix
That are sad news and a loss for all of us. Fare well.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on September 12, 2020, 02:31:22 PM
My condolences to Steel's family and friend's, including my fellow Theurgists that knew them better than I.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griffinsummoner on September 12, 2020, 05:15:43 PM
I know I'm new, but I know well the pain both of having internet friends disappear suddenly, and of finding out a Simm partner has died.  My sympathies.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Number6 on September 12, 2020, 11:45:31 PM
This is truly sad news.  
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on September 14, 2020, 03:46:24 PM
Wow, although I never knew him, that's sad either way. Never easy losing a friend but makes it harder not knowing for months too.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Juzzie on September 15, 2020, 10:44:25 PM
I only got to write with him in a post or two. Seemed like a gifted and fun writer. He will be missed. :(
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: stardust on September 17, 2020, 05:24:27 PM
Alright people, some of you may already know, Stardust is going on vacation to Denmark tomorrow. I was intent on catching up a little beforehand but the last few days, as expected, have been crazy with getting my department into a shape where they can survive without me for 2 weeks :3 Sorry I could not entirely do the same for Theurgy lol

Doesn't necessarily mean I will be totally absent for the coming two weeks, but I don't want to promise anything, vacations are always unexpected. It's supposed to be a quiet time at the sea and I hope that will include some nice writing opportunities <3

Dates are 18.09.20 - 04.10.20

The poor folks are (but not limited to) @Brutus @Shandala @Masorin @Swift @Auctor Lucan @Havenborn @Griff
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on September 17, 2020, 05:26:52 PM
Have a fun vacation! Enjoy it!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on September 17, 2020, 07:06:27 PM
Have fun!  Denmark seems like a nice place.  (It's certainly a lovely beachhead if you want to reform Norse paganism and invade Europe to sacrifice the Pope to Odin in Crusader Kings 2 ;P )
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on September 17, 2020, 07:47:02 PM
Enjoy your holiday @stardust! A seaside holiday sounds amazing. Amusingly enough, I was walking on a street called Rue du Danemark right as I read your post.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Aharon on September 17, 2020, 10:51:44 PM
Safe travels @stardust - Hope it to be a time of relaxation and recharging for you! :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on September 18, 2020, 12:04:52 AM

Dates are 18.09.20 - 04.10.20

The poor folks are (but not limited to) @Brutus @Shandala @Masorin @Swift @Auctor Lucan @Havenborn @Griff

However shall I manage to survive ;) Oh woe is me!

For real though, have a good trip ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Shandala on September 18, 2020, 01:31:09 AM
*points at Brutus and impersonates Chris Jericho from WWE* 'You just made the list!'

Sorry couldn't resist.
Have fun on your vacation Stardust!!!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on September 20, 2020, 10:24:33 AM
Sad news to hear about @steelphoenix he will be missed  /:(

Like Stardust I'm taking some time off! I'll be isolating myself in the forests and recharge my batteries there. I might pop a laptop along in which case I might just be posting along like nothing happened. On the other hand I might not be able to get decent wifi in which case I'll be AWOL for a week.

I should be caught up to all the main threads! Hear you all soon as I'll probably still be around on Discord mobile.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on September 22, 2020, 01:01:55 AM
So that everyone is aware, I will also be taking some time off.

Fear Not, tis only for a weekend. The 8th through 11th of October are the dates and the occasion, for you nosey buggers  :p is my 4th wedding anniversary.

I will have my laptop with me but not sure about internet connectivity at this stage.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Aharon on September 22, 2020, 01:06:51 AM
Hope you enjoy your time in the woods @Nolan!! And happy early 4th anniversary @Stegro88 -- enjoy your celebrations! :)

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Aharon on September 22, 2020, 01:08:19 AM
Hello all. I am hoping to NOT be affected too much by this but we are due to be hit with a Hurricane in the next 48hours. May lose power for a undermined amount of time dependent on the severity of the storm and its track. Fingers crossed! :)

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on September 22, 2020, 01:24:45 AM
Stay safe @Aharon !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on September 22, 2020, 06:18:36 AM
Oh no! Stay safe mate, and what is the name of the Hurricane? @Aharon
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Aharon on September 22, 2020, 11:04:38 AM
@Sqweloookle Hurricane Teddy - thankfully they're saying it will not even be a category 1 when it hits us. However - they said category 1 last year when we had one hit us and it turned out to be a 2... So... Preparing for it to be worse than forecasted of course, just in case!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on September 22, 2020, 12:20:10 PM
Teddy? Seriously lol
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Juzzie on September 24, 2020, 05:29:25 PM
We are all thinking of you @Aharon
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Aharon on September 24, 2020, 11:27:46 PM
Thank you for the well wishes folks. Thankfully -- the storm was  less intense than they were expecting. Had prepped for much worse! Luck was on our side this time.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 25, 2020, 03:18:00 PM


Hi everyone!

Since Yahoo has begun giving me grief with old members marking our notification email address as spam, I have changed the addy to now. So, please mark it as safe when you get your email notifications, and they won't be filtered out any more. This might have become an issue for those not using yahoo mail as well, so just take a moment to make sure that email won't end up in your junk/spam inbox. :)

It took me some time, but I managed to make it work.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on September 29, 2020, 08:02:28 AM
I am a bit busy this week (grad school stuff), but I SHOULD still be able to get posts out within a week.  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 29, 2020, 04:38:19 PM


( (

Quantum Frontier ends here! :)

Chapter 02: Quantum Frontier [ Day 01 | 1900 hrs. ] (,3005.msg29913.html#msg29913) Attn: All

Directly following the events in this thread, the Spearhead Lounge bomb detonates in
CH02: S [D01|2147] Incipient Sabotage (,3009.0.html). Chapter 06 will be posted for the crew on the Theurgy in which Thea will attempt to make another QSD jump, taking them almost to Qo'nos, and parallel with Gorka and his fleets in the race towards the First City. Stay tuned, for the action begins then! Supplementary threads can be made up until 0800 hrs. on Day 03, when the QSD jump will take place!

Please PM me if you have any questions about the above development, and thank you for your patience in waiting for this Joint-Post to be finished. :)


It's time for @Pierce to add a character of their own making to the story, and this in the form of Alana Pierce!

( Lt. Alana Pierce              Intelligence Officer ( (
  - Writer: ( (;u=362)

Lieutenant Alana Pierce will be one of the Asst. Chief Intelligence Officers in due time, but to begin with - since Zaryn Arn has yet to bite the dust - she will be starting out as a new contribution to Andrew Fisher's Intelligence Department when she comes aboard the Theurgy in the middle of Advent of War.

Alana has quite a spectacular background story, to say the least, even if it's not officially known to everyone. She used to be quite different, and was born in past century... Looking forward to read her story, @Pierce !


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griffinsummoner on September 29, 2020, 05:23:30 PM
Looking forward to working alongside Alana @Pierce
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on September 29, 2020, 06:18:32 PM
Thanks everyone! I'm excited for how she'll play in the storyline. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on September 29, 2020, 07:12:13 PM
Cool stuff!  Hope you have fun!  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 03, 2020, 08:46:31 PM


>> Click For Full Resolution (

Here we go! :)

Chapter 06: Battle of the Houses [ Day 03 | 0900 hrs. ] (,3082.0.html)

If you have a character eligible for bridge duty, post away! Orders given in this starter can be carried out in Supplemental threads to keep this thread less cluttered, but all bridge-centred posts should be made here. :) This is also the call for Supplemental threads to be set up by writers who have no bridge officers, so here the Departmental orders and ideas for supplemental threads set before and during Chapter 06!

- Cameron Henshaw got orders above, and if Martok is to be sent ahead on a separate vessel, that means an away-mission to Qo'nos. Stationed at the Mission Ops holo table, Henshaw will have to oversee it and correspond with the bridge crew about the mission development. She is also the link between any forward defence line of warp fighters deployed to protect the Theurgy.

Diplomatic Corps
- Orders above, with Martok needing to know about the outcome of the Unknown Grandson objective. Given the news from FNN (post due from @chXinya ), renewed efforts to try and reach the Federation Council and President Bacco would be in order, trying to set the record straight about the current situation. I am game to NPC for any contact made!

Starfleet Intelligence
- New message from Admiral Anderson incoming, this can happen on the bridge, but I suggest posting a starter for a new conversation with him. This ties directly into current events in this Chapter.
- FNN investigation, with the reporter knowing more than he reasonably should. Besides this, @Swift has been sending PM correspondence about current proceedings.

- @Griff & @BZ ought to be posting with Cross' and Zyrao's estimation of the current tactical situation for the Theurgy, and advise on how to progress.

- Besides the brief orders above, CONN would have a good estimate on what the optimal shuttle would be for sending Martok ahead of the Theurgy, if that becomes the decision at this point. Besides any other input, it might be suggested said shuttle gets an escort of warp fighters as well?
- @jreeves1701 , Larrant could provide additional tactical information to Cross and Zyrao, with hiding places, anomalies and options available.

- K'Tal has provided intel on how to find Rov among Martok's nigh two hundred companions aboard the Theurgy. This preferably before he makes another attempt to commit sabotage or assassinates Martok. Joint venture with Medical and available Counselors that know how to use a medical tricorder!

Tactical CONN
- As the Theurgy's warp capability is diminished due to doing QSD on poor crystals, then it might be the Lone Wolves will be a forward line of defence to a slower Thea, preventing Klingon forces from reaching the Theurgy or thinning out those ships.
- If Martok is to be sent ahead to Qo'nos, the chosen shuttle will need a heavy fighter escort to deliver him safely.

Medical & Counseling
-  Security needs assistance to scan Klingons in order to find the saboteur Rov among those aboard the Theurgy. A joint-venture that might have a dangerous outcome, should Rov be found.
- Counseling should be able to assisting Medical with scans for cosmetic alterations.

- In the thread Another Leg of the Journey (,3079.0.html), the corrosion of the benamite crystals will be revealed, and in this Chapter's development, the aftermath of making a second QSD jump will have to be dealt with - reduced warp speed being a huge factor along with plasma failures and any other imaginative issues you want to add to the table. The most important objective for Engineering and Operations is to plausibly make Thea a bit more vulnerable and slow. This, for sake of heightening suspense. Options to secure new benamite crystals should be discussed too.

- With the second QSD jump using subpar benamite crystals, power issues are abound, dealing with those being a joint-venture with Engineering. See above.

- New science projects should be started up leading up to Chapter 06 given the outcome Chapter 02: Quantum Frontier. This in hope to prevent another incursion by the Infested to come aboard the Theurgy. How can the Theurgy protect itself? Make something plausible up!
- Moreover, with Admiral Anderson expressing how imperative it is that a means to transport the parasites out of their hosts is secured, Vale Kaeris will need help with this project. PM me for more information!
- Lastly, with the knowledge that the Niga virus outbreak is still a fact in the future, preparations should be made for a future mission to the Azurite Station, in the attempt to neutralise the virus before it might leave the secret research facility.

The naming convention for one-on-one Supplemental threads that belong to Chapter 06 is: CH06: S [D0X|YYYY] Insert Title (YYYY marking the time after 0900 hrs., when the Theurgy drops out of QSD). Please be mindful about how the second QSD flight will last between 0800 hrs. and 0900 hrs. on Day 03, during which time there can be no warp fighters or shuttles leaving the Theurgy. Supplemental threads can last no longer than to 1130 hrs., at which point Gorka's forces might reach the Theurgy.

Looking forward to your posts!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 05, 2020, 12:22:55 PM

Hi there everyone! Hope this finds you all well out there. :) I took the time to go over the Aldea Prime and Advent of War boards and check what the current forum status is, and here are my findings. Use Ctrl+F to find your username?

ThreadLast PostDays AgoNext Poster
Day 36 [2000 hrs.] “There are few things better, than...”2020-10-041chXinya
Day 35 [2015 hrs.] Just Some Fighter Girls, Livin' It Loud...2020-10-041Shandala
Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away2020-10-041Number6
Day 30 [0900 hrs.] Martial Play2020-10-041Stegro88
Day 32 [1330 hrs.] Fly Me Away...To That Comms Relay2020-10-041Griff
Day 35 [2000 hrs.] Pulling / Pour a double.2020-10-041Pierce
Day 34 [1100 hrs.] An Unfortunate Mishap2020-10-041Havenborn
Day 35 [1000 hrs.] A Spy walks into the Botany Bay2020-10-041UltimaImperatrixia
Day 33 [1830 hrs.] At the Range2020-10-041Sqweloookle
Day 26 [0930 hrs.] A Freighter Alone2020-10-032Elaurianpaladin
Day 28 [2130 hrs.] Do I get the job?2020-10-032Sqweloookle
Day 35 [1400 hrs.] From above, it will prey. | Rapax Fit Fidelis2020-10-032uytrereee
Day 33 [1500 hrs.] Of Mixed Martial Matters2020-10-032Swift
Day 33 [2100 hrs.] Wrong Ship, Buddy2020-10-023Swift
Day 13 [2200 hrs.] Muscles, Shiny, and Awkwardness, Oh My2020-10-014Sqweloookle
Day 25 [1000 hrs.] Washing The Slate Clean2020-09-305Stegro88
Day 25 [1600 hrs.] Contemplations2020-09-305Havenborn
Day 31 [0800 hrs.] Drinks and dossiers2020-09-305chXinya
Day 26 [1400 hrs.] My Favorite Martians2020-09-296Havenborn
Day 16 [0930 hrs.] Yacht Party!2020-09-287Anyone
Day 28 [1330 hrs.] Hot Pursuit2020-09-287Stegro88
Day 36 [1100 hrs.] The Reef2020-09-278Stardust
Day 20 [1900 hrs.] Diving Deeper2020-09-2510Stegro88
Day 14 [0050 hrs.] Aimless, Insomniac and Alone2020-09-2312Argyros
Day 32 [1300 hrs.] Face to Face With the Past2020-09-2015BZ
Day 33 [1945 hrs.] Girl Interrupted2020-09-1520Stardust
Day 30 [1400 hrs.] Waking up from a cold sleep2020-09-1520Masorin
Day 08 [1600 hrs.] Quid Pro Quo between Pilots2020-09-1520Argyros
Day 36 [1634 hrs.] Into the Belly of the Beast2020-09-1520Stardust
Day 34 [1100 hrs.] Walking through the Valley...2020-09-1421UltimaImperatrixia
Day 33 [1700 hrs.] The Visitor2020-09-1421BipSpoon
Day 01 [0100 hrs.] Theurgic Recovery2020-09-1421Cleric_Kyan
Day 30 [2000 hrs.] A prophesied apology2020-09-1421Stardust
Day 18 [1700 hrs.] Holodeck Practice2020-09-1124BipSpoon
Day 20 [0900 hrs.] Covert Shuttle Ops2020-09-1124BipSpoon
Day 29-30 [Variable hrs.] Mending The Hearts2020-09-0332BZ
Day 17 [0900 hrs.] Mission Breakfast Operation2020-08-3036BipSpoon
Prologue: Palais de la Concorde2020-08-12-Due to be finished
Chapter 01: Incendiary Prospects [ Day 01 | 1130 hrs. ]2020-06-17-Finished
Chapter 02: Quantum Frontier [ Day 01 | 1900 hrs. ]2020-09-29-Finished
Chapter 03: Shadows Unknown [ Day 01 | 2030 hrs. ]2020-08-26-Due to be finished
Chapter 04: Horns of a Dilemma [ Day 02 | 1245 hrs. ]2020-09-305BZ, Stegro88, DaValle & RyeTanker
Chapter 05: Veiled Valiance [ Day 02 | 2000 hrs. ]2020-10-041uytrereee & Stegro
Chapter 06: Battle of the Houses [ Day 03 | 0900 hrs. ]2020-10-041All present officers
CH02: S [D02|0110] Saving the Daqchov2020-10-050Shandala/Argyros
CH02: S [D02|0635] An Impromptu Visitation2020-10-050Auctor Lucan
CH02: S [D02|1600] Daa'maq2020-10-050Masorin
CH02: S [D02|2216] The Days of Punishment have Come2020-10-041Shandala
CH02: S [D03|0700] So, Exactly How Fucked Are We Today?2020-10-041Auctor Lucan/BZ/masorin
CH02: S [D02|0005] QongDaqDaqQotbe' tlhInganpu'2020-10-041Aharon
CH02: S [D01|1920] Invisible Stars2020-10-041chXinya
CH02: S [D01|2015] Klin zha Challenge2020-10-041GroundPetrel
CH02: S [D01|1930] A Reconvened Interest2020-10-023Auctor Lucan
CH04: S [D02|1600] An Explosive Dialogue2020-10-023Auctor Lucan
CH02: S [D03|0600] Another Leg of the Journey2020-10-023DaValle/Jmjs7125
CH02: S [D02|2030] It’s A Date2020-10-014Sqweloookle
CH01: S [D01|1600] Coded Intrusion2020-10-014Griffinsummoner
CH01: S [D01|1230] The Wolf Den2020-10-014Shandala/Nero
CH02: S [D02|0230] A Well Earned Break2020-09-305Sqweloookle
PRO: S [D02|1020] Relieved2020-09-287Juzzie
CH02: S [D02|1038] On The Path...2020-09-287Sqweloookle
CH02: S [D02|0800] Inspective Measures2020-09-287Griffinsummoner
CH02: S [D03|0600] An examination in futility2020-09-287Argyros
CH03: S [D02|0045] Gimme a Helping Hand2020-09-269BZ
CH02: S [D02|1500] An Unknown Grandson?2020-09-269Stardust
CH02: S [D02|1200] “Unto the deaf, secrets remain so.”2020-09-2510chXinya
CH02: S [D02|2130] A Most Furtive Transfer2020-09-2213Argyros
CH02: S [D01|2147] Incipient Sabotage2020-09-2015Anyone/Finished?
CH02: S [D01|1905] I did promise a picnic2020-09-1916BZ
CH02: S [D01|2315] Mending a broken wing.2020-09-1817Shandala
CH02: S [D01|2219] A Sibling Sorrow.2020-09-1817Masorin
CH02: S [D01|1922] The Calm before the Storm2020-09-1520stardust
CH01: S [D01|1730] Only a Fool2020-09-1223stardust
CH01: S [D01|1145] Reintegration Wargames2020-08-2838Sqweloookle
CH02: S [D02|0040] One More Casualty2020-08-2838BZ
CH02: S [D02|0745] Draw Me a Line Across the Stars2020-07-1582chXinya
Please let me know which of the old threads that won't be continued and should be locked. PM me in that case! :)

In general, we have been very good at informing our writing partners when RL issues are getting in the way, like with family situations or vacations, so let's keep doing that! ( good ) Bear in mind that we should always try to reply in our current threads within 7 days, and neglecting to do so breeds more inactivity among other writers - others thinking that its fine to leave writing partners waiting indefinitely. If you can't, post about it in the Main OOC thread or update your signature to that effect, no worries at all.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on October 05, 2020, 01:14:15 PM
@Auctor Lucan you can lock: CH01: S [D01|1145] Reintegration Wargames, thanks.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on October 06, 2020, 03:47:29 PM
Hey everyone, just a heads up and advanced apology to any writers which will be inconvenienced by this, but real world issues have reached the point in which it's affecting my attitude in SIM. I had an unnecessary and unwarranted blow-out with someone on the DIS earlier, and I'm realizing now how affected I am by this nonsense I'm dealing with.

So at least until Monday, October 12th I will be off-SIM.

Catch you all on the flip-side.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: uytrereee on October 15, 2020, 07:21:30 PM
I have been called into work double shifts yesterday, today, and tomorrow. So between shifts I’ll only have 6 1/2 hours to sleep and eat, so I won’t be able to post until Sunday October 18. Sorry for the inconvenience for anyone waiting on me.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 20, 2020, 06:05:26 PM


After Vivian Martin stepped down as Chief Science Officer at Aldea, and Vael Kaeris took her place, Tyreke Okafor was promoted to Asst. Chief Science Officer.

( Lt. Tyreke Okafor            Asst. Chief Science Officer (V3) (
  - Writer: ( (;u=300)

Tyreke Okafor serve alongside Lieutenant Vanya, assisting the (current) NPC Departmental Head we have now in the Science Department, and he has held the position since before Episode 01: Advent of War began.


The below writers have ceased to actively write in the story, RL having claimed their attention entirely:

With JediMaster having stated that school has pulled him away and that he hopes to return, Akel Isavid ( won't be available for Inheritance at this point, but if his demotion from Asst. Chief Operations Officer can be handled In-Character, that would be awesome, since that would open up for new Applicants to take that position when recruitment opens up again, or any current writer in the community create a new character.

As for Inej Avirim and Alessia Garcia, however, they are both now available for Inheritance once more, since neither OrangeTellarite nor Shandala have offered any explanations or signs of wishing to remain.

( Lt. JG Alessia Garcia        Wolf-08 [Angel] (,_callsign_%22Angel%22)
  - Former Writer: (,_callsign_%22Angel%22)Shandala (;u=377)

( Ens. Inej Avirim            Investigations Officer ( Inej_Avirim)
  - Former Writer: ( Inej_Avirim)OrangeTellarite (;u=364)

Recruitment for new writers will open up as soon as the story moves to a point where a new guest ship arrives, which will be rather soon. Still waiting on another reply in Battle of the Houses (,3082.0.html) before that is progressed, but if there are no more replies tomorrow, I will be barging ahead with the main story nonetheless.


Auctor Lucan

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on October 21, 2020, 01:23:54 PM
Update from maso,

Where have I been? Simply put I got played by my manager. A little bit ago I put in for a promotion at work. It caused a bit of a stir and since I had seniority I genuinely thought that I would get the position.

My manager kept saying stuff like "the post needs to be up for x amount of time, but we wanna move up internally." Getting my hopes up. A day or so before final decision management comes to me, and is to take on a ton of extra shifts.

Like I've only got one day off this week and next. Of course I agreed because I thought all those extra shifts would be used to bring me into the new position.

Once my name was signed on all the extra shifts that when they dropped the bomb on me that they were going with someone else. Like literally as soon as I signed off on the last shift she pulled the rug out from under me.

So I've been angry, depressed, I feel like the people at my job don't respect me, and what little free time I have has been spent job hunting.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on October 21, 2020, 04:28:21 PM
Sorry to hear that Maso. That is really crappy of them to do. I've been played in a similar fashion at a previous job and later was laid off from that job. I definitely can see looking for something somewhere else might be beneficial. Hoping something else comes up quickly.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on October 21, 2020, 04:39:21 PM
Oh dude, that really sucks.  That's just a straight-up dirty way to treat an employee.  :(
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on October 21, 2020, 05:48:57 PM
Ouch. Sorry to hear that Maso.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on October 21, 2020, 07:18:37 PM
Yeah that sucks Maso. I hope things get better for you mate. Tell your manager that he or she is an Imposter LOL
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on October 21, 2020, 07:24:38 PM
@Auctor Lucan Sorry to hear about the vanishing of them two writers. I will do a closure to the Wolfs Den Thread asap then.
@Elaurianpaladin congratulations to the promotion. That's another bear Tyreke will owe to Logan ;)
And @Masorin I hope you find yourself well soon enough. I can just imagine how harsh that treatment is. Wish you all the best to your job hunting.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: uytrereee on October 24, 2020, 06:41:01 PM
Sorry to hear that Maso. I'm also on the job hunt, as I'm in a similar situation as you.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on October 30, 2020, 04:43:57 AM
Posting may be delayed this week due to grad school creeping up on me.  I have to pack a few thousand dinosaur eggshell fragments, too, so that will take up most of my weekend.  Sorry in advance!  :(
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on October 30, 2020, 12:53:59 PM
Well, blimey @GroundPetrel. A writing delay due to working with dinosaur eggs has to be one of the coolest reasons for a delay I’ve seen on this site.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: BipSpoon on November 01, 2020, 03:40:04 AM
Hi guys! Quick update! Sorry for those I'm writing with for inconsistent posting speeds! I was working a pretty draining job (still not an excuse) that was really killing me emotionally and I've now transitioned into a new job that I'm doing a lot better in. It's in healthcare however, so it gets a bit crazy sometimes! However, my schedule now is a lot more free and I mentally feel much better and free to write more often! Again, my apologies.

So if anyone wishes to write please let me know!

@Masorin That sounds absolutely awful! Sorry to hear about that.

@GroundPetrel I'm Jealous you get to work with Dino eggs!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on November 01, 2020, 04:34:53 AM
It really is super cool!  They don't look like much but it's super delicate work. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: uytrereee on November 07, 2020, 11:38:58 PM
Just a heads up to the group, I'll be here on and off this week. Mostly off, as my parents are in for a visit. I made a conscious effort to try and minimize my scenes going into the visit, as I don't like keeping anyone waiting, but @Swift and @BZ, I'll have to make you guys wait, until probably wednesday at the earliest. As for the story plot, depending on when it comes out for Chapter 05, it'll probably be Saturday for me.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Masorin on November 08, 2020, 07:27:16 AM
Hey Everyone, The following is going to suck.

what I am about to say probably won't shock anyone. I haven't posted in a little over a month despite telling myself I will, despite having tabs open and saying I will. The last month especially really got to me. As I mentioned in Discord on the 29th of October I had a heart problem. Me and my doctors are still looking into exactly what the details are, but the going theory is Hyper tension. It explains my nose bleeds, my constant fatigue, my irregular heart beat and my extremely high blood pressure, but with no family history and my body being underweight for such a disorder my doctor is hesitant to prescribe to that theory, so more blood work to be done, more visits to be done next week and on into the future.

On top of the medical, I have been under more and more stress dealing with work, and I've been using my free time to try and find a new place to work, but well a new job in this pandemic, on my tiny little island? probably not gonna happen so i have to suck it out at a job with people I have come to really dislike. I am drained, and that just puts more stress on my heart which leads to more fatigue more tension.

My home life isn't great either, my mothers continuing diminishing health, has made 2020 an already uncomfortable year into a hellscape for me.

I haven't posted in a month. When I came back I promised Auctor Lucan that I could handle my personal life, and my posting obligations, I have broken that promise more times than I can count. I hate myself that I can't prioritize this site, that when it comes to this place I am usually too tired and over stressed to think straight. I think I have gotten away with this because Auctor knows my personal life situation and didn't want to put more pressure on me, I thank him for that. I haven't spoken to you Auctor.

This would be the third time I have stepped away from Theurgy, which is why it's beyond difficult to make this choice because it's not fair to all of you, my friends, and this community I love y'all, but I can't at this time commit to make writing my priority. I can't focus on writing when I am struggling to breath for a week and a half going in and out of interviews, and hospital visits.

My doctor is also demanding I do more physical activities, to get my heart working in a better order. Which would again leave less and less time for theurgy.

For me the writing is on the wall. I can't keep the promise I made to stay current and up to date. I'm running myself into an early grave, and I have to let go of a few hobbies.

But the thing is I don't want to leave the discord. I don't want to leave this community. Everyone on this site means a lot to me, many of you have become my friends. I'm not in a healthy space where I can write anymore, but I hope that you all will continue to let me engage with you on the discord. While I haven't been the most active, I assure it's the community i'm the most active in.

For my characters, I offer them up to the inheritance board. Both Robert(Jack), and Salem. Honestly, y'all will probably craft a better story with them then I did.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on November 08, 2020, 05:27:40 PM
My advice is take some time (weeks, months, however long it takes) off, focus on your medical issues, and come back when you feel up to it.  In my view, personal health ALWAYS comes first.  :) 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on November 08, 2020, 05:33:08 PM
We’ll all still be here whenever you feel like returning, whether that’s a matter of months or years. Take care of yourself first and foremost, and remember that you’ll be missed.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on November 08, 2020, 05:45:48 PM
@Masorin Even though we didn't have much contact in the time, as I am allowed to be part of this community now, I want to tell you that I can fully understand you. The situation you describe sounds anything but pleasant and I can imagine that you are very busy right now.
It is definitely not easy to find a job in the pandemic and at the same time not to stress yourself. Something will inevitably fall by the wayside. It's a pity that this is the SIM here, but your health comes first! Always.
I personally have no problem with you remaining part of this community and, while not as an active writer, still participating as a welcome guest and reader.
I wish you and your family all the best for the future and your health. It is important that you first of all regain back your strength. Everything else comes afterwards and I’d like to think that your characters will waiting for you.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 08, 2020, 07:44:34 PM
Hi @Masorin !

Thanks for the great chat on Discord after these news. I simply reiterate that of course you will be welcome whenever you feel better, and while the Discord server is merely available for active writers in the sim, we're all still around.

Take care of yourself and your new diet, and I hope the new advise from the Doctor will lead to improvement and a possible return. You will of course always be welcome back here man so just mind your health and your family first, so that when you have the mind-set and time for escapism, you'll be able to write here again at full capacity.

I'll take a look at your current threads and work something out, putting Salem and Robert on the Inheritance list for the time being.

I have a great feeling you'll swing back soon enough, so catch you when it's time!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 13, 2020, 04:18:27 PM


First off, we have @Solena , who will be writing Xelia!

( Xelia                        Software Engineer (
  - Writer: ( (;area=summary;u=406)

Xelia - being a hacker & software engineer - ran into some trouble with the Syndicate, and to make the story short, the character assumed the identity of the already assassinated Venator Adisia of the Orion Syndicate to get away. So, she's been on Aldea, acting as a Syndicate Venator, in order to hide from that very organisation she's supposed to be a part of. Right under their noses. After getting caught up in business with Y'Lev, another Orion that infiltrated the Theurgy crew, she has come to serve on the ship in a civilian capacity, yet to be fully utilised by Intelligence and perhaps even the Diplomatic Council. With her computer skills, she might even come to serve the mission directly in such capacities as well.

Welcome aboard, @Solena ! :)

Next, we have @Augusteo , who - like me, Nolan, Nero, Davalle, Starduster etc. - isn't a native English speaker, but like the rest of us, he will be doing his utmost to grow as a writer here at Star Trek: Theurgy. He has taken on the challenge to write Isel Nix!

( Ens. Isel Nix                  Fighter Escort 02 [Foxfire] (,_callsign_%22Foxfire%22) 
  - Writer: (,_callsign_%22Foxfire%22)Augusteo (;u=404)

Ensign Isel Nix is a Vulpinian Tactical CONN pilot assigned to the USS Allegiant in Episode 01: Advent of War. Before she joined Starfleet, she used to be a member of the Orion Syndicate. Having exposed all her past accomplices and connections, she has been given a pardon and even funded an orphanage for her savings. On the right side of the law, she has started a new life under a new name, having put her past behind her. She came aboard the Theurgy together with Donna Petterson just before the Battle of the Apertures.

Welcome aboard to you too, @Augusteo !


>> Click For Full Resolution (

@stardust asked me for help in colouring and giving visual layout her fantastic Type-11 shuttle cutaway, which I really enjoyed, but she really deserves all the credit for that awesome thing. A big shout-out to her achievement in making this. My part of the collaboration with her on this was rather minimal in comparison to her efforts.


Two recent works of mine. @BZ & @Nolan pooled some of their Tokens in order to ask for this one to be made! It's Lieutenant Commander Thomas Ravon and Lieutenant Zephyr Praise, who became a couple in April of 2381, serving together on the Theurgy.

>> Click For Full Resolution (

Secondly, here is one @Stegro asked for, and let me surprise him entirely with picking the character and nature of the image!

>> Click For Full Resoltion (

That's all for now. Take care of yourselves out there, Theurgists!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on November 13, 2020, 04:22:27 PM
Welcome to the Theurgy folks!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griffinsummoner on November 13, 2020, 04:26:50 PM
A hearty welcome to our newest crewmates!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on November 13, 2020, 04:49:33 PM
Welcome to the group! Lovely characters you picked up! Hope to see you soon in the sim.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: BipSpoon on November 13, 2020, 05:01:04 PM
Welcome everyone! Looking forward to seeing you guys!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on November 13, 2020, 05:16:36 PM
@Solena @Augusteo welcome on board. Have fun writing!
@Auctor Lucan @stardust that's some top notch pictures/cutouts - well done. Good work.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on November 13, 2020, 05:39:13 PM
Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on November 13, 2020, 06:09:48 PM
Welcome new people!  Hope you guys enjoy!  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Solena on November 13, 2020, 06:27:31 PM
Greetings! Thank you for the warm welcome, it just adds to the excitement factor. I am really excited and looking forward to getting stuck in on this journey with you all, but will control that excitement just a little until I am fully up-to-speed with everything. I admit I am already in awe and so I'll need to find my space legs so to speak. Hopefully it won't take too long! I'll keep this short and sweet and end for now, but love the welcome messages and would pass on my own welcome to Augusteo.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Augusteo on November 13, 2020, 07:00:48 PM
Thanks a lot for your warm welcome! I'm excited to begin this experience with you and see where this journey will lead to. As Auctor Lucan told I'm not a native English speaker but I'll do my best to honour Isel and her profound character.
Now I'm focused on fill up the narration gap and to be ready as soon as possible to start this amazing journey with you all. I take the opportunity to greet Solena as new entry like me (I'm a bit in awe too ahaha).
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on November 13, 2020, 11:18:51 PM
Welcome aboard @Solena and @Augusteo

Good to see Xelia and Isel being written again. Feel free to reach out if you have questions or ideas for threads with any of my characters.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Aharon on November 14, 2020, 02:18:03 AM
Welcome to the Theurgy-fam @Solena & @Augusteo - Looking forward to reading your works! :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on November 15, 2020, 04:23:06 AM
Late to the affair; apologies, but between work, some personal concerns, and a combination of Assassin's Creed: Valhalla and Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, it's been a little difficult to find the time for Theurgy the past few days.

All that said, welcome to the new people @Augusteo and @Solena. Hope you both enjoy your time here, and hope to someday get a chance to write with you. You'd be surprised how helpful people can be around here, and I absolutely recommend asking for help wherever or whenever you feel you need it. At that point, if there's anything I can do to help acclimatize you to Theurgy, please feel free to ask, via DM here or even over on the Discord.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on November 17, 2020, 04:01:55 AM
I would say you console folks are lucky @Swift but I'm trying to avoid Ubisoft games anyway due to deep personal distaste for Yves Guillemot and his business practices. 

Apologies for continued delays in posting, I have a huge group project coming up for grad school, and I still have the biggest and most fragile slab of in situ dinosaur eggs to wrap and pack.  Should be fun. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on November 17, 2020, 03:37:38 PM
Well THAT was a PITA and a half.  So there were basically two squashed halves of a fractured but mostly in situ egg, and when I put in the cushioning foam it was nearly impossible to get the damn box to shut!  Ended up wrapping it in bubble wrap and taping that as tight as possible, lol. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 18, 2020, 04:27:41 PM

Today, @Nesota Kynnovan expands our Counseling Department with Amanda Ashby!

( Lt. JG Amanda Ashby      Counselor & Morale Officer (
  - Writer: ( Kynnovan (;u=376)

Ashby comes aboard during Episode 01: Advent of War, the evening before the Battle of the Houses. Just like Jordan Koilos, she arrived on the IKS Kajunpak't, so this character's inaugural posts will likely be there.

Congrats on the new character, @Nesota Kynnovan ! :)

Oh, in additional news, @Pierce has also volunteered to become a Mentor, so he is now also listed on the Joining the Crew page, as a helpful writer in the Mentor Program ( Thank you so much for stepping in to help out!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griffinsummoner on November 18, 2020, 04:33:49 PM
Yeah, I can see shipboard morale improving already.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on November 18, 2020, 04:51:53 PM
Yes, yes it will  (laugh)

Thanks and half to be of help.

Also congrats on the new character!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on November 18, 2020, 08:27:30 PM
Yay!  Congratulations on the new character, @Nesota Kynnovan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Solena on November 19, 2020, 02:49:26 PM
I thought I had improved ship morale?  :p

In seriousness...congrats on the new character.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griffinsummoner on November 19, 2020, 07:57:14 PM
@Solena  But it isn't your job description. ;P
That being said, plenty of opportunity for a software specialist around here, especially lately. :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Solena on November 19, 2020, 07:58:52 PM
@Griffinsummoner  Thought 'morale' meant something else in Orion  :p

Definitely ample opportunities.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griffinsummoner on November 19, 2020, 11:08:31 PM
Does it mean psychological control? :P
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Solena on November 20, 2020, 09:12:26 AM
@Griffinsummoner  I'l leave that to everyone's imagination.  ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 25, 2020, 02:56:47 PM

Today, @BipSpoon expands our Security Department with Valyn Amarik!

( Lt. Valyn Amarik      Security Officer (
  - Writer: ( (;u=237)

Valyn comes aboard during Episode 01: Advent of War, the evening before the Battle of the Houses. Just like Amanda Ashby and Jordan Koilos, she arrived on the IKS Kajunpak't (,3069.0.html), so this character's inaugural posts will likely be there as well. Given the state of thing in the Security Department, her arrival before the battle is quite welcome indeed.

Congrats on the new character, @BipSpoon ! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on November 25, 2020, 02:59:27 PM
Congrats @BipSpoon !!! Badass new character!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on November 25, 2020, 03:32:57 PM
Congrats @BipSpoon - Awesome choice!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Solena on November 25, 2020, 07:40:03 PM
Congratulations @BipSpoon indeed.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on November 25, 2020, 10:38:10 PM
Cool!  Congratulations @BipSpoon

Grad school is kicking my butt again BUT I've only got two projects to do and then I'm done for the semester!!! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: BZ on November 28, 2020, 10:24:50 PM
Good afternoon all,

I had become readily apparent that I am incapable of keeping up at a respectable pace.  As much as I love and enjoy writing I feel nothing but pressure when I think about the Theurgy.  This is not because of anyone here at all, but due only to the pressures I put on myself to conform to the 7 day time line.  Realizing how fast my days go, how little time I have for writing.  Truthfully, in my real life, things are extremely heavy and stressful.  Personally, I am going through a nasty up hill battle that is just a day-to-day thing that I just try to conquer that one day before even contemplating the next.  It's hard for me to find time to sit down and watch TV, read, and write.  As much as I wish my free time was over flowing as it has been in the past right now the truth of the matter is I just don't have the time and I truly hate leaving people hanging.  I hate being the reason threads stall, I hate having to be prompted to post, but I find that I am just unable to keep up. 

So for now, I think I am going to step back and I have requested of Lucan a Leave of Absence.  I am hoping to be able to spend this next while, focusing on getting some things resolved and in order.  Truthfully, it'll probably get worse before it gets better.  That's just the kind of situation I'm in at the moment.  However, I am hoping to return in January, probably mid-January.  Once things settle in after the holidays again.  Although I am tossing about the idea of taking a couple characters down that is something I will leave the ultimate decision to when I can return.  Right now, I just think I need to concentrate on what's real and what I can try to conquer first.

I will miss you all.  I have left Lucan with instructions for my girls in the interim.  I fully plan to return, I am still available on discord if anyone needs anything.

Thank you all,
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 29, 2020, 03:38:52 AM
Take care of yourself, @BZ ! I really hope you can return to us, but I will be progressing the story with the use of your characters as needed for the time being.

For example, I'll be handling Zyrao's dealings as Klingon Liaison Officer - be it from Thea's eyes on the bridge or not - and I will be controlling Jaya Thorne on the bridge of the Allegiant and Ji down in engineering in Horns of a Dilemma. As required, I'll also pull the weight needed in Engineering with Blue Tiran for the battle in Chapter 06 unless I can get help with that. I'll also make an inventory of your current threads and see how they are either wrapped up, paused or continued depending on what your co-writers want.

I look forward to hearing from you in January and we'll see how you feel then! Since that is rather soon, your characters will not be rendered Inheritable or written out of the story until that point. Please look after yourself over Christmas time!


Yes, today, a new Theurgist joins us in the form of @Scratchrat ! :) He will be taking over writing Salem Martin, one of our two Asst. Chief Tactical Officers.

( Lt. JG Salem Martin            Asst. Chief Tactical Officer (V3) ( 
  - Played by @Scratchrat  (

Right now, he is catching up on the latest development in the story of his new character, and while there haven't been many edits made to the character yet, this is something that might happen eventually. In Chapter 06 of Advent of War, Salem Martin is on the bridge, seated behind Commander Cross, and with his twin sister in stasis after the Spearhead Lounge bomb, we can but hope he'll keep his head in the game...

I'm looking forward to reading the continuation of this character's story, and a warm welcome! Hope you will have a blast here, @Scratchrat ! :) Don't forget to log into our Discord server and say hi should you so wish!



@jreeves1701 has really gone out of his way and created this page, which not only explains what the Houses of the Klingon Empire are, how it all works, but it's also a handy page for Chapter 06: Battle of the Houses! You can see which Houses have sided with Martok and which have thrown their support into Gorka's House!

Klingon Great Houses (

Please take your time to look it over since it will not just help map the situation in the battle when it comes to which Houses might be mentioned, but it also gives some great insight into Klingon Politics!

Thank you so much @jreeves1701 for going out of your way to do this, as I think it will be essential in current and threads to come!  (L)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Scratchrat on November 29, 2020, 06:53:58 PM
Hi guys!

Nice to meet you all. I've joined the Discord so hopefully I'll get to know you all as friends and colleagues.

Looking forward to working alongside you.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on November 29, 2020, 07:45:24 PM
@BZ all the best. Waiting for you to come back!
@Scratchrat welcome on board. Have fun writing!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 02, 2020, 12:52:18 PM

Hi there Theurgists!

Looks like people are starting to catch up with the Battle of the Houses situation and have wrapped their heads around it, and that's awesome. I will be progressing that in reaction to what you guys bring to the table there, and we'll see what happens. That' the beauty of this kind of collaborative writing, in how we all add to the story and we see how we end up resolving things so that the Theurgy has a tomorrow.

Speaking of which, Omardex and I have been in discussions about a project for a couple of weeks now, in which we had a common opinion in how while Thea looks awesome as-is, her 3D model is a bit dated at this time. The Theurgy was the first Starfleet ship Omardex modelled based on my vision of a multivector Odyssey-class seven years ago, but between then and now, Omardex has been involved in a lot of different licensed Star Trek projects, like Star Trek: Timelines. I believe that is game you can play on the phone? (I have obviously not looked into it, since I barely have any time for games) So, sufficied to say, his skills and knowledge making starships have vastly improved since then.

So, since Thea's 3D model is a bit dated, Omardex wanted to work with me on giving her updated textures, along with details that were overlooked. The idea is currently that since Thea were in drydocks at Aldea, that was the time she had a slight aesthetic change to her, so it will be a bit of a retcon when it comes to some of the artwork we've seen so far in Season 2. At this point, we'll see how much of a change there will be, but in all likelihood, some of the artwork in Advent of War doesn't have to be edited to show the refit version of Thea.

Just a FYI on an upcoming 3D project that Omardex has just started to work on, and I also wanted to take the opportunity to let y'all know how exciting it is to have the Theurgy in battle once more, and with the fleet of House Mo'Kai being able to beam some boarding parties unto Thea's vectors, we'll be able to write onboard combat scenes freely. I know I will be having my characters get involved in those, and it also gives us the opportunity to kill off abandoned characters to free up their Departmental positions. This, in perfect timing for the USS Oneida to make an appearance, and have new characters added to the story from that entry-point.

We have a lot of Supplemental threads on-going right now, like the one with the saboteur Rov, son of Pekdal, being singled out in Revealing the Repugnant (,3103.0.html) set before the Battle of the Houses, Loggin’ Into The Danger Zone (,3107.0.html) (concurrent with Battle of the Houses) as well as Operation 'Return to Sender' (,3110.0.html), which will feature a mid-battle infiltration mission on the IKC Ta'rom. The idea with the mission is that Gorka might shoot himself in the foot by sending out incriminatory information to the present ships in the battle, perhaps even making them switch to support Martok, which would be an awesome development.

We also have all the ships that have yet to pick a side that the Theurgy can reach out to directly, so that we have more actions to work with than just the battle aspect on the bridge. The information @jreeves1701 helped compile in the new wiki resource Klingon Great Houses ( will be awesome for that. With BZ stepping away, I will be NPCing Zyrao Natauna to help facilitate that, but I mean for her to be a conduit for the ambitions of the bridge crew.

Given how we collectively are catching up to the time-stamp of the Battle of the Houses, it seems that with the growing number of threads affiliated with Chapter 06:s battle, we might actually want to keep track of those threads specifically, so I am thinking about employing a solution we did in the Battle of the Apertures, in which the concurrent battle-related threads are renamed Battle Logs instead of Supplemental threads. They work basically the same as Supplemental threads, only they will be specified to belong to the battle itself rather than other Chapter 06 threads like Revealing the Repugnant or the Sabine rushing towards Qo'nos in Q'onoS Bound and Down (,3099.0.html). When this edit of thread titles will happen, I will let you all know in a new Newsletter, which will be dedicated to Chapter 06 and the threads and events we are dealing with. :)

I hope this short little update finds you all well!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on December 04, 2020, 01:18:15 AM
Just a small note for anyone affected: my activity may be compromised for a while. It’s possible that I’ll be in hospital from tomorrow and I don’t know what will happen from that point onwards. I’ll update with more when I get the chance, but I wanted to quickly chuck this here in case I can’t access the internet for a while.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on December 04, 2020, 03:36:10 AM
Hope it isn't serious @Griff and I hope you get better ASAP.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: BipSpoon on December 04, 2020, 03:50:07 AM
Hope you get better! Take care the best you are able to @Griff
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on December 04, 2020, 05:10:24 AM
Good luck with you. Get better soon
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on December 04, 2020, 05:40:55 AM
Oh no!  Take care and I hope you stay healthy @Griff
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 04, 2020, 12:58:22 PM
Oh, no. Hope you are okay over there and take care of yourself! Looking forward to hearing from you and I hope it's not something bad. We'll be here when you return.


Auctor Lucan

Just a small note for anyone affected: my activity may be compromised for a while. It’s possible that I’ll be in hospital from tomorrow and I don’t know what will happen from that point onwards. I’ll update with more when I get the chance, but I wanted to quickly chuck this here in case I can’t access the internet for a while.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on December 06, 2020, 10:27:05 AM
Might run behind on some posts, work is picking up like crazy again. Expected to return back to normal posting somewhere in the third week of December. Hopefully  ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on December 06, 2020, 06:29:32 PM
Well, I just got back from hospital. It wasn't as bad as it could've been, thankfully, although I'm still on some funky medication, so writing may be weird. I'll try to write anyway to get my brain working, but my posts might be funky funky. Thanks for the kind words and all that good stuff.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on December 06, 2020, 11:36:35 PM
Get well soon, @Griff !  Hope  the meds don't hit you too hard. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 10, 2020, 12:05:42 AM
Pardon the slight delays in posting everyone! Work is insane right now, but I think I've caught up by tomorrow since I've managed to finish the contracts I've renegotiated tonight. Looking forward to immmersng myself in something else than cranes again. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 12, 2020, 04:32:42 PM

Today, @P.C. Haring joins us to write our Chief Counselor, Lieutenant Commander Hathev!

( Lt Cmdr. Hathev                Counselor (
  - Writer: ( Haring (;u=440)

One of those who survived the Bellerophon's destruction and rescued by the Theurgy, and she became the Chief Counselor of the Theurgy after the Battle of the Apertures. She has yet to make much of an appearance during Advent of War, and her new writer will be catching up with recent In-Character events. He's taken some time to edit her character page a little bit, giving her a slightly wider range of expressed emotion than before. This, wonderfully anchored in the pre-existing relationship she had before she ended up on the Theurgy. A relationship which fate will come up in the story very soon, as the inaugural scene will feature a reaction to Paris being bombed.

Looking forward to read her continued story, @P.C. Haring ! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on December 12, 2020, 05:12:55 PM
Welcome aboard @P.C. Haring to the Theurgy
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griffinsummoner on December 12, 2020, 05:15:43 PM
Welcome aboard @P.C. Haring !  After the current situation, Scruffy will probably end up in need of counseling quite often.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: BipSpoon on December 12, 2020, 05:38:37 PM
Welcome! Look forward to seeing you around!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: P.C. Haring on December 12, 2020, 07:25:21 PM
Hi everyone!  Thanks for the warm welcome!    I look forward to writing with all of you!      I've been spending the past couple of weeks working through the Hathev related threads, talking with @Auctor Lucan and getting familiar with everything. 

As mentioned before, I'm already working on a supplemental thread for Advent of War Chapter 1.  It's titled "Ashes to Ashes" and I'll be putting the starter up in a little bit.  I have a few ideas for other threads I'd like to explore as well.    For the time being, I will probably be keeping Hathev off of the main story threads, just until I have the time to catch up and see where she might be useful (if at all.)   

That said, *please* do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have a thread idea you want to run with Hathev!  Please do not hesitate to pull me into a main story thread if the need arises.   

That's all from me, for now.  Please bear with me as I continue to catch up, and might be asking some seemingly obvious questions.

See you all around!

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: stardust on December 14, 2020, 12:46:59 PM
Hey guys,

sad to say I am even late with my apology for being late :'( I am sure everyone is familiar with the holiday effect, where work just seems to exponentially pile up the closer one gets to that last day before vacation. No matter how hard you try and how soon you start planning, so you don't end up working 14 hours on your last day, there are always 99% of colleagues who do not adhere to such foresight and, eventually, plunge you into the same chaos every - damn - year.

That being said, I know I am long overdue on almost all of my threads and I am sorry for that. I will try to slowly catch up, one post at a time, latest from Saturday on, when my holidays start - granted that I survive /;-D

Have some gifs as a token of my sincere apology:

( (

@Brutus @Havenborn @Juzzie @Nesota Kynnovan @Pierce @Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nesota Kynnovan on December 14, 2020, 02:19:02 PM
No rush, @stardust! We all understand what the holidays can be like. We'll try not to burn down the Diplomatic Offices in your absence, and L'Nari will make sure that Faye cleans every last nook and cranny of that room! :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on December 14, 2020, 06:56:00 PM
No rush. We understand how it goes. Take the time you need @stardust 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on December 14, 2020, 08:10:04 PM
Man, we're all having a rough year, and the holidays are always a bear to deal with.  Take your time and most importantly of all enjoy your holiday! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on December 14, 2020, 11:42:43 PM
Likewise, I'm going to make a poor attempt at copying @stardust 's post, and though I've posted something over on the Discord server, I'll make one here too.

Between an absolutely hectic work schedule in advance of the holiday and getting my home ready for my family to come over, it's been exceedingly difficult to find the time necessary to write and keep up with everything. However, I am finding some time here and there, and will be working to pour through all of the replies that I owe to people.

This is my current queue in order, with how long each thread has been waiting.
11/23/20 - Mitosis Intelligo P3
12/01/20 - Revealing the Repugnant.
12/03/20 - Pulling / Pour a Double.
12/03/20 - A Sibling Sorrow.
12/04/20 - Artibus Intelligo P1
12/04/20 - Operation 'Spark'
12/06/20 - From Above it will Prey.
12/07/20 - Shaken, not Stirred.
12/08/20 - An Unknown Grandson?
12/09/20 - Why do the Heathen Rage
12/11/20 - Operation 'Return to Sender'

...and in keeping, I shall also steal her 'GIFs as an apology' thing too  :p  , though with the added theme of my character's respective reactions to the length of above writing queue...


Anywho, thanks for your patience everyone!  ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on December 15, 2020, 03:04:28 AM
Man, I totally understand.  In between the recently-finished grad school semester, and what I'm calling the Great Gender Confusion Incident of 2020, I'm having a hard time getting ANYTHING done. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: stardust on December 20, 2020, 11:38:15 PM
Thank you everyone for your patience!


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on December 20, 2020, 11:39:24 PM
Welcome back!  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on December 21, 2020, 05:18:57 AM
With an emphasis she returned! Literally eight posts within minutes of each other.  (laugh)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 21, 2020, 04:09:59 PM

A quick update on this end! Hope you are all well out there. :)

This Friday, a kid in my son's class was tested positive for the Covid, so we've been scrambling to save Christmas somehow while quarantining ourselves in the house. This weekend was damage control, but it looks like it will be a digital Christmas even if we're all fine in the family. As best as we tried, we weren't allowed to take up time and space to get Covid-tests for all four of us, since we weren't deemed a priority. Sucks, but it's the right thing to do in case we're infected but completely asymptomatic.

In any case, I will have a couple of hours for writing tonight, starting with Veiled Valiance and Horns of a Dilemma. Thanks for the patience on those threads.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: P.C. Haring on December 21, 2020, 04:12:47 PM
Sorry to hear about the diagnosis.  Hang in there.  We’re all here for you. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on December 21, 2020, 09:13:58 PM
Oh, no!  Stay safe and I hope that the digital celebration goes off OK! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on December 21, 2020, 11:04:09 PM
Hope everyone is fine regardless in all of this.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on December 22, 2020, 05:10:58 AM
Well, my posts are (finally) going out now. Sorry for the delay, folks. It's been hard to find the energy to do anything creative lately, between hospital visits and other things. I was planning on moving back to Britain in January, had everything planned and organised, but recent developments have squashed that idea in very short order. So, ya know. Fun.

Sorry to hear about that AL, by the way. Best of luck to you folks over the holidays.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on December 22, 2020, 02:27:47 PM
Prolonged delays to be expected with the holidays! I'm not getting any progress done so far, will do my best to work the queue down by Christmas, but I'm rather pessimistic about it.

If I do blip off the radar, I should be back in 2021 with some time before work kicks me back in the teeth!

Happy holidays Theurgists!!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 22, 2020, 07:30:44 PM

Please come and welcome @Lathaniel ! They'll be taking over Kino Taer!

( PO2 Kino Taer                Security Officer ( 
  - Writer: ( @Lathaniel

Kino has been in stasis since the Battle of the Apertures ( and will be thawed at a day of her new writer's choosing. It will either be during the Aldea Prime Anthology, or during Advent of War.

Looking forward to reading this one's continued story, and welcome aboard, @Lathaniel ! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on December 22, 2020, 07:37:09 PM
Welcome aboard @Lathaniel ! Enjoy the ride and the craziness aboard the Theurgy. Looking forward to writing with you.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Juzzie on December 22, 2020, 07:47:29 PM
Welcome @Lathaniel and questions? there are lots of very lovely people here happy to help. I hope you enjoy it.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: P.C. Haring on December 22, 2020, 09:01:58 PM
Welcome @Lathaniel. Glad to have you aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Lathaniel on December 22, 2020, 09:25:22 PM
Thank you very much. All of you. I am looking forward to continue Kino's story and enjoy all the great adventures.

Regarding questions @Juzzie , I will have to read through the info package Auctor Lucan provided me with and if any questions pop up, I will gladly remember your offer. Thank you!

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: BipSpoon on December 22, 2020, 10:26:57 PM
Welcome! Looking forward to seeing you around!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Lathaniel on December 22, 2020, 11:46:05 PM
Adding this after reading Auctor's PM and realizing that this is the place to introduce myself, which I will gladly do.

I am 36 years old, married and father of two lovely kids. I live in Northern Germany.

I have been a Star Trek fan since I can remember watching TV and later on started reading some of the novels and playing different Star Trek computer games (Starfleet Academy, Armada II, Bridge Commander, both Elite Force games and Star Trek Online).
I also have almost 20 years worth of playing (and mastering) pen & paper roleplays, including Shadowrun, Vampire: The Masquerade and Das Schwarze Auge. Unfortunately I never found a group playing Star Trek. so lately my wife and I play our own one on one pen & paper, set in the Star Trek universe.

What else is there to say? If you have any questions, just ask. ;-)

I am looking forward to contribute and become a part of this wonderful project!

Yours truly,

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on December 23, 2020, 12:14:36 AM
Hey!  I play STO as well!  I write fic for it sometimes too.  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on December 23, 2020, 12:23:09 AM
Welcome to the SIM, @Lathaniel ! I hope to get a chance to write with you someday, and hope that you enjoy your time here. If you ever need help with something, feel free to ask, as everyone is generally very helpful. It'll take a little while to get acclimatized, which is entirely normal, but eventually you'll get comfortable with everything around here.

Welcome again!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on December 23, 2020, 08:49:42 AM
Hi @Lathaniel welcome to the crew. I hope you have an enjoyable time here. As mentioned by others, if you have any questions or need any help, just ask either here or in Discord and someone will either answer directly or be able to point you to someone who can.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on December 23, 2020, 05:56:40 PM
Hallo @Lathaniel herzlich willkommen an Bord. Wünsche dir viel Spaß beim Schreiben  ;)

(hey, and welcome on aboard. Have fun writing ;))  :p
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: DaValle on December 23, 2020, 08:13:22 PM
Eek barba durkle. Welcome to the mad house @Lathaniel  I hope you enjoy your time here and also hope you’ll have a nice Christmas celebration.
Also what Nero said in German. Just too lazy to find something original in that language now.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 28, 2020, 12:16:26 AM

Please give your warm welcome to Brett620, who will take over writing the character formerly known as Hi'Jak, namely Kyle Jensen!

As I may have mentioned before in regard to this long running character in the story, after @Swift 's Andrew Fisher found out that the late Carrigan Trent was to blame (,3001.0.html)for Hi'Jak reacting and acting as he did on the Coreless Moon, before Episode 05, Captain Ives has decided to allow him to serve as an Ensign in the Science Department (,3019.0.html). This, after Hi'Jak also asked to have his name changed, as a new beginning, and a convenient means to not have the Klingons aboard the ship realise he's supposed to have been killed in Right of Vengeance (,2905.0.html).

The original name change was from Hi'Jak to Robert Guthrey, but I have agreed to @brett620 's request to change the name the character picked to something of his own choosing. So, after I have spent some time editing all the posts in which Hi'Jak was referenced as Robert, Kyle Jensen is the name of this character from here on out. The reason "Kyle" was picked was because that's the name the character thought of during his brief encounter with Chancellor Martok (in Klingon Guests (,2969.0.html)). As for Jensen, it is supposed to be his mothers maiden name.

( Ens. Kyle Jensen         Science Officer (Temporal Mechanics) (
  - Writer: ( (;u=527)

This name change and reinstatement as Ensign is effective as of Day 02 in Advent of War. Kyle Jensen's former identity is on a plausible need-to-know basis In-Character, but if known, it is also known in his file that he was misled by the Theurgy's former First Officer (Carrigan Trent), which caused him to betray the away team at the Coreless Moon (check the links for more info on this long subplot conclusion!).

As of Day 01 in Advent of War, this character's face was altered to avoid recognition as well, looking human but being Klingon below the cosmetic change. The former faceclaim was Zac Efron, but as of Advent of War, it is Thomas Mison. Sorry for all the confusion about the changes this old character has gone through, but hopefully we have something more permanent to look forward to in terms of faces and names now, lol!

Looking forward to reading his continued story, @brett620 ! Welcome aboard!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on December 28, 2020, 12:26:52 AM
Welcome aboard @brett620 if you need any help or have any questions, myself or any of the mentors arebat your service.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on December 28, 2020, 12:31:40 AM
First things first, @DaValle gets a 'LIKE' from me for the fantastic use of a Rick and Morty reference. Bravo, sir!  (laugh)

Secondly, welcome to the SIM @brett620 ! If you need any help getting settled in with things, or if you have any questions feel free to ask. The people around here are generally very welcoming, and can be a wealth of help. Don't be afraid to ask. Other than that, I hope you enjoy it here, and I look forward to getting to write with you sometime!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: P.C. Haring on December 28, 2020, 12:38:06 AM
Welcome aboard @brett620 Glad to have you!   I'm new myself, but I can tell you this crew is a great group of people!   Please don't hesitate to reach out here or on the discord with any questions.  Looking forward to working with you!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: brett620 on December 28, 2020, 12:59:18 AM
Thank you Auctor Lucan for the warm introduction. I look forward to working with all of you to both continue my characters story and that of the USS Theurgy! If you have any questions or are interesting in doing a joint post please feel free to contact me. Just so everyone knows, I am on the East Coast of the US which puts me about 6 hours behind most of you, so don't be surprised to get replies in the middle of the night.

Note: That took entirely too many attempts on my part to pass that verification lol
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: brett620 on December 28, 2020, 01:06:52 AM
I've been out of the SIM game for a few years but do have some experience running my own SIM and playing a part in a Fleet of SIMs. I look forward to working with all of you!

Welcome aboard @brett620 if you need any help or have any questions, myself or any of the mentors arebat your service.

Thanks Stegro for the welcome, I look forward to working with you, hopefully it won't be on a security issue that I have created ;)

First things first, @DaValle gets a 'LIKE' from me for the fantastic use of a Rick and Morty reference. Bravo, sir!  (laugh)

Secondly, welcome to the SIM @brett620 ! If you need any help getting settled in with things, or if you have any questions feel free to ask. The people around here are generally very welcoming, and can be a wealth of help. Don't be afraid to ask. Other than that, I hope you enjoy it here, and I look forward to getting to write with you sometime!

Thank you Swift, I look forward to working with you, perhaps we will see a post in the near future with your two characters and mine.

Welcome aboard @brett620 Glad to have you!   I'm new myself, but I can tell you this crew is a great group of people!   Please don't hesitate to reach out here or on the discord with any questions.  Looking forward to working with you!

Thanks P.C., I already have a few ideas of side posts that you and I could collaborate on in the near future.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on December 28, 2020, 01:27:32 AM
Welcome aboard @brett620 - Looking forward to eventually getting to write with you
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: brett620 on December 28, 2020, 01:28:46 AM
Welcome aboard @brett620 - Looking forward to eventually getting to write with you
Same, thank you all for the warm welcome!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on December 28, 2020, 04:09:37 AM
Welcome aboard!  We're in a bit of a slow stretch right now because of the holiday, but things should pick up soon.  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: brett620 on December 28, 2020, 07:54:52 AM
Welcome aboard!  We're in a bit of a slow stretch right now because of the holiday, but things should pick up soon.  :)
Thanks, I am just reviewing the on going missions and getting all caught up with the current events
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nesota Kynnovan on December 29, 2020, 11:07:21 AM
A little late, but welcome to all the new writers! :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: brett620 on December 30, 2020, 01:38:20 AM
A little late, but welcome to all the new writers! :D
Thanks Nesota!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on December 30, 2020, 08:52:17 AM
Ooooo a temporal mechanics specialist, welcome @brett620
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on December 30, 2020, 10:27:20 AM
Welcome to all the new faces! Enjoy your time with us and happy writing!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Lathaniel on December 30, 2020, 09:40:46 PM
Welcome to the SIM, @brett620
As the second newest member I also am looking forward to soon writing with you.

And thanks to everyone for the welcoming words in here.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on December 30, 2020, 10:20:31 PM
Welcome aboard everyone! If you need any help or jumping on points, plenty of mentors here, myself included, to help.

Have fun once we all get back in the swing of it after New Years'!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 01, 2021, 12:49:12 AM
Happy New Year all dear Theurgists!! :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: brett620 on January 01, 2021, 01:09:48 AM
Remembers at midnight yell Jumanji, should get the new year started off right lol Happy New Years everyone!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 03, 2021, 06:01:05 PM


It is my pleasure to announce @BZ got in touch with me, saying she got things sorted well enough on her end to return to us, and will do so today. Lest you didn't already know, her characters are these:

( Lt Cmdr. Blue Tiran            Chief Engineer ( 
  - Writer: (

( Ens. Jaya Thorne              Asst. Chief CONN Officer (V2) (
  - Writer: (

( Lt. Zephyr Praise              Science Officer (Botany & Medicine) ( 
  - Writer: (

( Zyrao Natauna                Klingon Empire Liaison ( 
  - Writer: (

( CPO Eun Sae Ji                Head of Fighter Power & Propulsion (
  - Writer: (

Currently, @BZ will be catching up on where we're at, and will jump in asap. This first time back will be a bit of an evaluation period she's imposed on herself, during which she'll see if she has enough time and opportunity to write all these characters like she did before. If she decides that she may have to let go of a character or two, she will make sure to speak with those whom she's writing with first. This, pertaining to In-Character affiliations like relationships etc.

Welcome back to the sim!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on January 03, 2021, 07:31:41 PM
Welcome back!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: P.C. Haring on January 03, 2021, 07:40:21 PM
Welcome back @BZ   I'm looking forward to writing with you!   
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: uytrereee on January 03, 2021, 07:44:38 PM
Welcome back!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: BipSpoon on January 03, 2021, 09:12:53 PM
Welcome back!!! Looking forward to writing!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on January 04, 2021, 01:52:31 AM
@BZ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Welcome Back!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: brett620 on January 05, 2021, 07:55:54 AM
Nice to meet you @BZ !!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on January 05, 2021, 08:22:09 AM
Indeed. Welcome back @BZ !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 05, 2021, 02:51:57 PM

I was happy to find a PM from @Fife today, an old Theurgist of ours, in which he asked to return to writing here on the sim! When @Griff learned about this, he was quick to contact Fife, and they have agreed of a transition of a character. So, even if @Griff didn't have to do so, he made the offer, and @Fife will be writing his original character here on the sim, namely Lieutenant Commander Cross, our Chief Tactical Officer!

( Lt Cmdr. Cross                      Chief Tactical Officer ( 
  - Writer: ( @Fife

After surviving both the destruction of the Endeavour and the Correction preformed on him by the Savi, Cross became the Theurgy's Chief Tactical Officer at the beginning of the Aldea Prime Anthology. He's currently on the bridge in Chapter 06: Battle of the Houses, and in a few other threads I will be high-lighting for @Fife . During this transition, in which there is some catching up to do, @Griff might end up posting a couple of times still, but I will let you two work that out to your mutual contentment, lol.

Welcome back to the sim, @Fife ! Excited to have you back!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on January 05, 2021, 02:55:51 PM
Huzzah to @Griff

And welcome back @Fife
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: P.C. Haring on January 05, 2021, 03:17:29 PM
Welcome back @Fife   I look forward to working with you!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on January 05, 2021, 03:54:13 PM
That's very sweet, @Griff !  And welcome back to @BZ and @Fife !  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on January 05, 2021, 04:48:22 PM
Welcome back, @Fife !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on January 05, 2021, 04:49:07 PM
Good times, they’re comin’.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on January 05, 2021, 05:25:27 PM
Yay new people and returning people! Welcome and welcome back!!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Juzzie on January 05, 2021, 08:25:42 PM
Glad to see you back @Fife
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on January 05, 2021, 08:31:23 PM
Thanks for the warm welcome back! I'm excited to be back and looking forward to start writing in the sim again!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: brett620 on January 06, 2021, 03:43:02 AM
Look forward to writing with you @Fife !!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 07, 2021, 02:04:23 PM


Today, Pierce has added another character to our story. This in the form of Lauren Pierce!

( Ens. Lauren Pierce              Flight Control Officer (
  - Writer: ( @Pierce

Lauren was assigned to join the other incoming Starfleet officers aboard the IKS Kajunpak't to replenish the ranks of the lost officers on the Theurgy. She has an affiliation with both of Pierce's other characters, and I look forward to seeing what you take this character! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on January 07, 2021, 02:14:29 PM
Congrats Pierce.

I Look forward to seeing more of her than we already have  (laugh)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on January 07, 2021, 02:22:33 PM
Thanks Auctor and everyone! Love the graphics for her too! Great work as always. I'll be working on her intro thread to the Theurgy soon. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on January 07, 2021, 03:12:18 PM
It's the invasion of the Pierces! Watch out! lol
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 07, 2021, 03:16:57 PM


Right now, and for some while now, our server is experiencing some issues with very delayed email notifications. I have been pushing the server provider's technical team about their outbound server issues when it comes to the email notifications for weeks, having an ongoing correspondence. @SummerDawn was helpful enough in providing some more data to use today, and we'll see if the IT admins on the other end of my complaints manage to sort this out.

A temporary workaround could be to bookmark your threads on the forum and check them in the top menu for the time being. Stay tuned about this issue, and sorry for the inconvenience!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Juzzie on January 09, 2021, 04:20:22 PM
Thats a shame fortunatley I prefered to to use the bookmarks on the top menu anyway.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Juzzie on January 12, 2021, 08:49:03 PM

To everyone I am currently in threads with. I may be a bit slow in responding for a bit. Unfrortunatly my Father died this afternoon.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on January 13, 2021, 12:07:31 AM
Again, sorry to hear that and prayers and condolences going out my friend.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on January 13, 2021, 07:20:28 AM
My condolences to you @Juzzie and your family.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on January 13, 2021, 12:48:16 PM
My condolences to you and your Family @Juzzie
Take your time.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 13, 2021, 01:23:23 PM
Yeah, I am so sorry to hear of your loss, Juzzie. My condolences and take care of yourself and those closest to you.  (L)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on January 13, 2021, 05:12:00 PM
Ah, jeez, I'm sorry to hear that.  :(  Take your time! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on January 13, 2021, 07:30:12 PM
I'm sorry to hear about your loss, Juzzie. Look after yourself and your family.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on January 14, 2021, 12:51:49 AM
@Juzzie My condolences to yourself and your family.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Aharon on January 14, 2021, 02:07:24 AM
Sorry for your loss @Juzzie - wishing you and your family well during this hard time!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on January 14, 2021, 02:28:07 AM
Oh hell @Juzzie, I'm sorry to hear that. Take all the time you need, mate. You've got a few dozen friends here, all supporting you to the hilt.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 14, 2021, 12:30:12 PM


Come say hi to @trevorvw , who returns to us today with his old main character who once served aboard the USS Endeavour. It's Kai Akoni!

( Lt Cmdr. Kai Akoni                  Chief Security Officer ( 
  - Played by Trevorvw (

After the Endeavour was destroyed, Lieutenant Akoni ended up on the shuttle USS Niger together with First Officer Ranaan Ducote Chief Science Officer Vael Kaeris and Chief Medical Officer Elro Kobol . One thing led to another , and after the Battle of the Apertures, Akoni was promoted to Lieutenant Commander and became the Theurgy's Chief of Security.

After Kai Akoni was put into stasis from the bomb in the Spearhead Lounge, his resilience proved good enough for surgery to be preformed on the eve of Day 02 in Episode 01: Advent of War. This means that by the time of the Battle of the Apertures, he could be waking up in the recovery ward, he just might have to pause his recovery to defend Sickbay from boarding parties...

Welcome to back, @trevorvw ! :)


Yesterday, I set out to try and sort out whatever was causing the delays in the email notifications together with my old friend @john74 (my on-and-off companion when it comes to the website), but in the end, we could just determine that it can't be an issue with the forum itself, but rather the outbound server of the domain provider I use. (I expected as much, but it was worth the time to try and isolate the probelm).

I compiled a master-list of findings and old correspondence with the domain provider (a Danish company), made yet another ticket to consolidate the issue in a comprehensive way to help them find what is wrong, and the latest word is this:

Hi there,

Thank you for contacting support.

We have checked the chat transcripts. We are able to check the tickets that have been created by the previous supporters. It has been forwarded to our Technical Team. We are still waiting for their response. We have now follow up this issue and will send a response as soon as we receive an update from them. Apologies for the delay.

If you have any further queries please don't hesitate to contact our chat support. You can find it under Live Help on our homepage. You can also You are welcome, it's our pleasure to help!



So, that's where we stand now, and while notifications are still delayed, it doesn't appear to take days for them to arrive any more. It's a matter of 1 to 3 hours again, as far as I can determine?

Please PM me if you have any input or ideas (instead of posting in this thread), but the advise from earlier still stands. Keep your active threads bookmarked in order to keep track of replies for the time being. Thank you for your patience and pardon the inconvenience with this issue!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: P.C. Haring on January 14, 2021, 01:48:32 PM
Welcome back @trevorvw    I look forward to writing with you.   

In case you're interested in joining the fray, there's an active thread of Klingons invading main sickbay.   You can find it HERE (,3136.0.html)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on January 14, 2021, 02:25:47 PM

Welcome back. I hope you and the Family are doing well.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: trevorvw on January 14, 2021, 04:17:47 PM
Thanks for the welcome back! I look forward to writing with all new (at least to me) and old people once again!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on January 14, 2021, 04:22:43 PM
Welcome back @trevorvw

Thanks for the welcome back! I look forward to writing with all new (at least to me) and old people once again!

Wait... who're you calling old?!?  :p
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: trevorvw on January 14, 2021, 04:48:04 PM
Well obviously you!

Welcome back @trevorvw

Thanks for the welcome back! I look forward to writing with all new (at least to me) and old people once again!

Wait... who're you calling old?!?  :p
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on January 14, 2021, 06:25:36 PM
Yeet yeet! The Rock returns! Welcome back, @trevorvw ! Looking forward to seeing the People's Elbow make a triumphant return to the SIM!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: BipSpoon on January 15, 2021, 07:16:19 AM
Welcome back! Looking forward to writing with you!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 15, 2021, 04:30:08 PM


( (

In the Battle of the Apertures (the finale of Season 1), we successfully picked Supplemental threads that were contemporary with the main Chapter thread, and used those as group threads to illustrate the ongoing battle on different frontlines. In the Battle of the Apertures, we had one thread in which the Allegiant and the Lone Wolves fought the Borg, and another thread illustrated what happened aboard the Theurgy when she was boarded by Borg drones. Yet another as set on the Versant and the main Chapter thread was set on the Main Bridge. Now, we will be doing a similar thing with the Battle of the Houses!

So, Chapter 06: Battle of the Houses (,3082.0.html) is currently showing the development on Thea's bridge, and here are the Battle Logs that we can all use to show the story development in other places:

CH06 Battle Log: Loggin’ Into The Danger Zone [D03|1405] (,3107.0.html)
This thread takes place in the Fighter Assault Bay and it also illustrates the battle from the Lone Wolves' point-of-view. Those writing in the main Chapter 06 thread should take care to keep tabs on the development here since it directly influence the scene for their character, and vice versa.

CH06 Battle Log: Whomever Remains [D03|1410] (,3120.0.html)
This thread is dedicated to the development aboard the Theurgy now that there are Klingon boarders roaming all three Vectors. On Vector 2, there are also a couple of Gorn that slipped out of the Fighter Assault Bay (happened in Loggin' into the Danger Zone above). Please keep in mind that Thea is in MVAM mode and it's not so easy to move between Vectors. Feel free to post how your characters deals with boarders or their duties overall during the battle!

CH06 Battle Log: Triage and Tactics [D03|1425] (,3136.0.html)
Just like Whomever Remains, this takes place aboard Thea, only dedicated to Main Sickbay and what happens there.

CH06 Battle Log: Operation 'Return to Sender' [D03|1340] (,3110.0.html)
This is a mid-battle boarding mission, in which the Reman shuttle Apache will try to get aboard Gorka's Negh'var ship, the IKC Ta'rom. The Lone Wolves have provided an opening for the Apache to slip into the Klingon ship's shuttle bay in the Battle Log Danger Zone, so good luck with the mission! If there is anything writers in the other Battle Logs or in the main Chapter 06 thread needs to know, make sure to tell them when and what happens.

CH06 Battle Log: Q'onoS Bound and Down [D03|1101] (,3099.0.html)
This thread started earlier than the others, but with the travel time, the events in this thread - set on the Sabine - are now concurrent with the Battle of the Houses. If you are curious about how it goes with the ambition to deliver Martok to the First City, I recommend you keep tabs on this one. In fact, with a recent arrival of a ship in this thread, recruitment is about to open up soon, so stay tuned while I make preparations for that announcement. I will need to get some wiki stuff sorted in preparation as well, but I look forward to opening the gates once more.

These Battle Logs are Supplemental threads like the others, only named Battle Logs and pinned to the top of the Advent of War board as of now. If you want to join the fray, go right ahead!

If I missed any thread that should also be a Battle Log, let me know! I look forward to the development, and I will be posting next in Veiled Valiance and in the main Battle of the Houses thread. :)

Hope you all will have a great weekend!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on January 15, 2021, 07:49:53 PM
Welcome back @trevorvw nice to have you back.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 19, 2021, 02:39:01 PM


Unfortunately, @Augusteo fell off the map rather quickly after he joined the sim. Fortunately enough, the creator of Isel Nix has returned to us, and when I asked for preferences, @Fife said he'd be interested to resume writing this character once more. :)

( Ens. Isel Nix                  Fighter Escort 02 [Foxfire] (,_callsign_%22Foxfire%22) 
  - Writer: (,_callsign_%22Foxfire%22)Fife (;u=123)

Ensign Isel Nix is a Vulpinian Tactical CONN pilot assigned to the USS Allegiant in Episode 01: Advent of War. Before she joined Starfleet, she used to be a member of the Orion Syndicate. Having exposed all her past accomplices and connections, she has been given a pardon and even funded an orphanage for her savings. On the right side of the law, she has started a new life under a new name, having put her past behind her. She came aboard the Theurgy together with Donna Petterson just before the Battle of the Apertures. As of this moment, she's been injured in the thread Veiled Valiance, and she might even need Savi medical attention.

Looking forward to reading her continued story, @Fife ! :)


Another couple of writers that have fallen off the map by simply ceasing to write in the sim, not having logged into the forum or replying to PMs are @Cleric_Kyan , @Solena and @Argyros , so they have been marked as Inactive Theurgists and their threads have been wrapped up.

Moreover, since our recruitment policy has changed with the arrival of the USS Oneida in Qo'noS Bound & Down (,3099.0.html), it is time to turn the page and end the long and stuttering character stories in favour of new ones. Indeed, we have had a few NPCs listed in the Crew Manifest for quite some time now that have never been put to good use, holding positions which truly active writers deserve instead, so in the past couple of days, I have asked a few Theurgists to help kill off NPCs in the Battle of the Houses. This, of course, in order to make room for the character creations of new Applicants.

We already have three of them that I am corresponding with, and I look forward to a new recruitment season!

That's all for now. Take care of yourselves out there, Theurgists!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on January 19, 2021, 03:37:28 PM
Sad to see them go, but it happens. Hopefully they may yet return to us.

Congrats to @Fife on picking up Isel Nix once again.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on January 19, 2021, 10:58:16 PM
Sad to see them go as well but it's life. Hopefully they come back.confrats @Fife and looking forward to the new recruits! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on January 20, 2021, 04:29:13 PM
Way to go @Fife
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on January 20, 2021, 04:30:22 PM
Congrats @Fife. Some point here Nix & K'Ren need to meet, both being the same department and all. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 20, 2021, 04:48:22 PM


Email notification delays have been dealt with, and everyone should now be able to get their notifications promptly. It was a long time coming, but finally, this was sorted.  (laugh)

If anyone have continued issues with delayed email notifications, please let me know via PM!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 21, 2021, 10:47:02 AM



New development in the Battle of the Houses! Check it out!

Chapter 06: Battle of the Houses (,3082.msg31333.html#msg31333)

At this juncture in time of the battle, when a certain someone leaves, the crucible of the battle will become one where Martok loyalists and Gorka insurrectionists go head to head. The battle ground for the Battle of the Houses is now to expand as both factions drop out of warp gradually. What began as an attack on the Theurgy in the belief that Martok was on the ship is now to escalate into the first (but perhaps only) battle of a civil war, in which the Klingon Empire is divided and all Houses try to be on the winning side.

Let me explain it on more plain terms, Martok Loyalists are now to arrive in defence of the Theurgy, still believing that the Chancellor is aboard. Ships belonging to House Mo'Kai - and Mo'Kai alone - heard what Gorka said, and follow the orders to destroy the Theurgy. However, other Houses have yet to learn what Gorka has figured out, and remain in the belief Martok is still on the Theurgy. This is where threads like, for example, Return to Sender will play a huge role, in how Gorka's further communication with other Houses that have sworn themselves loyal to him will get another message entirely.

So, now is the time to escalate things by having numerous ships on both sides drop out of warp, and what began as a simple task of trying to destroy the Theurgy will become something much larger. Question is, how can the situation be deescalated before there is too much bad blood between the Houses? The Klingon Empire needs to stand united against Praetor Tal'Aura, and every ship lost is one less ship to halt the Romulan Star Empire at the border in Episode 02.

Looking forward to your posts, and have a great day!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on February 03, 2021, 03:16:53 PM
Attempts will once more be made to post over the weekend.
Please be patient with me as waiting times continue. Blame the pandemic  :|
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on February 03, 2021, 04:03:57 PM
No stress @Nolan

Take it easy.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on February 03, 2021, 04:30:06 PM
Take care of yourself, Nolan!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Juzzie on February 03, 2021, 09:23:10 PM
I'll be thinking of you @Nolan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 05, 2021, 06:54:29 PM

Today, @Luciain joins us, and they will be writing Ensign Katherine Locke! :)

( Ens. Katherine Locke            Nurse Practitioner (
  - Writer: ( (;u=588)

As the first writer out of this new recruitment season, where new writers have an opportunity to join with an original character, @Luciain brings Katherine Locke, a Nurse Practitioner that will come aboard the Theurgy from the Oneida. She will be making her first appearance in Qo'Nos Bound (,3099.0.html), and we'll see where it goes from there.

Welcome aboard the Theurgy! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griffinsummoner on February 05, 2021, 06:57:47 PM
Welcome aboard.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on February 05, 2021, 07:03:02 PM
Welcome!  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on February 05, 2021, 07:34:42 PM
Welcome and congrats with the faceclaim
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on February 05, 2021, 07:46:39 PM
Welcome aboard with a great face and character!
Hope you enjoy your time here.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on February 05, 2021, 07:51:15 PM
Oh wow, fresh meat for the - er, I mean a new recruit! Welcome aboard! Please step through the scanner, right this way, nothing to worry about.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on February 05, 2021, 07:55:47 PM
Welcome to the Theurgy! The ship can certainly use nurses after the current battle. Lots and lots and lots of nurses.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on February 05, 2021, 09:31:22 PM
Congrats @Luciain and welcome aboard! Looking forward  to Kate and Katherine getting a chance to work together! Hope you enjoy your time here at Theurgy!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on February 05, 2021, 11:15:24 PM
Welcome aboard @Luciain,

Looking forward to writing with you, both aboard the Oneida, and afterwards.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: jreeves1701 on February 06, 2021, 12:13:04 AM
Welcome Aboard!!!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Luciain on February 06, 2021, 01:07:18 AM
Hi everyone!

I'm super excited about being here! Thank you all for having me :D

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on February 06, 2021, 04:49:21 AM
I'm a bit late, but welcome aboard @Luciain! Looking forward to writing with you!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on February 06, 2021, 12:26:31 PM
Welcome abord @Luciain Have fun writing.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Luciain on February 06, 2021, 12:27:26 PM
Thank you everyone for the amazing welcome.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Juzzie on February 06, 2021, 05:39:23 PM
Welcome aboard @Luciain if you have any questions, someone will be happy to help. We are a pretty supportive bunch :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on February 06, 2021, 08:45:34 PM
Welcome aboard @Luciain let me know when you'd like to have a meeting of our characters ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 07, 2021, 12:57:44 AM



Now that the Sabine has been picked up by the USS Oneida in Qo'noS Bound, it was time to get this sorted:

USS Oneida NPCs (

Thanks again to those who helped make some of these on the R&D board, and while there might be more NPCs showing up in this list in due time, I think we have enough characters to work with both in regard to driving the development in Episode 01 forward, but also to help orient new writers around the chain-of-command on the Oneida, upon which their characters would serve until they transfer to the Theurgy.


So, @Nolan contacted me and said he believed it was time to sacrifice one of his characters for inheritance. He says he is swamped IRL with work and moving, and that there's no sight of any improvement. So, he will be letting Byrne slip out of his control and hope to keep up with the rest of his characters instead.

( Lt. Jonathan Byrne           Undercover Operative (NPC)
- Former Writer: ( @Nolan

Given that the Intelligence Department has suffered a few recent In-Character losses, not limited to Fisher ending up on the Ta'rom in the Battle of the Houses and two other high ranking officers being KIA, I have decided to borrow this NPC in order to help things along where needed aboard the Theurgy. First off, he'll be accompanying Alana Pierce when talking with Nicander in the brig during the battle, since I will be writing Nicander in that thread anyway.

A sensible call, @Nolan , and I hope things feel less stressful now and that you can enjoy writing your other characters when you have your writing sessions! :)

That's all for now! I will be posting in Qo'noS Bound next since I have finished with the NPCs.

Best Regard,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on February 07, 2021, 01:06:41 AM
Nice work Auctor.

And I hope everything gets better for you soon @Nolan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Luciain on February 07, 2021, 04:00:21 AM
*gets out notebook and starts studying*

These look awesome! Gonna be really helpful!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 09, 2021, 02:49:03 PM

Today, @Hope joins us, and they will be writing Lieutenant Sabrina Lail! :)

( Lt. Sabrina Lail            CONN Officer (
  - Writer: ( (;u=581)

As the second writer out of this new recruitment season, where new writers have an opportunity to join with an original character, @Hope brings a CONN Officer that will come aboard the Theurgy from the Oneida, where she is currently the Asst. Chief CONN Officer. She will be making her first appearance in Qo'Nos Bound (,3099.0.html), being posted at the helm by the time the Oneida encounters the Sabine. For the time being, Oneida crew will be listed here: Non-Crew Listing (

Welcome aboard the Theurgy! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on February 09, 2021, 02:55:27 PM
Welcome aboard @Hope

I look forward to writing with you. One of my characters, Mickayla MacGregor, was also aboard the Enterprise-E during the Battle of Sector 001.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Luciain on February 09, 2021, 03:00:03 PM
Welcome @Hope

Another new writer and Oneida shipmate. I look forward to writing with you soon!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on February 09, 2021, 04:02:14 PM
Welcome aboard and enjoy your time here. Lauren Pierce was on the Enterprise-E in 2374-2375
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on February 09, 2021, 04:06:39 PM
Welcome aboard @Hope!! Looking forward to writing with you!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on February 09, 2021, 06:19:47 PM
Welcome aboard!  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: BipSpoon on February 09, 2021, 06:28:44 PM
Welcome @Hope and @Luciain look forward to writing with you guys!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Aharon on February 09, 2021, 09:24:44 PM
Welcome @Luciain and @Hope - Look forward to reading your posts!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hope on February 09, 2021, 10:36:40 PM
Thank you everyone for the warm welcome. I'm excited to be here and to have the chance to write with all of you!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on February 10, 2021, 01:44:36 AM
Hey folks. Just a quick notice: I'm sending my PC off to get repaired, so my writing is going to slow down dramatically until I get it back. That is likely going to take at least a couple of weeks. So, ya know. Woohoo.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on February 10, 2021, 02:33:08 AM
 :'(  /:(

Poor Griff, thanks for letting us know. Be well.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on February 10, 2021, 09:50:21 PM
I hope it gets dealt with quickly, Griff!  :(
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: P.C. Haring on February 10, 2021, 10:18:23 PM
I'm a little late to the party myself.  Welcome aboard @Luciain and @Hope   Looking forward to writing with both of you!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: P.C. Haring on February 13, 2021, 02:47:02 AM
Hey everyone.  Just wanted to give you all a heads up that I’m going to be buried at work for the next two or three weeks.   Long story short we’re switching over to our new ERP/Accounting software effective 1 March and as a senior member of the accounting department I’m buried.  On top of that we just realized that we had to shorten our timeline by about 4 days in order to accommodate some things.  So yeah.... next week in particular is gonna be hell.

I’m going to do what I can to be around and active, but please bear with me if my posts are either more delayed than usual or shorter in length than usual.      This is one of my creative outlets and in my short time with you all I’ve come to really appreciate this community.   With any luck things will be easing up by 1 March and back to normal by 12 March.   I just may be less available, especially during USA business hours.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on February 15, 2021, 05:53:24 AM
Glorious Comcast, provider of Internet, was out for a whole day.  I will catch up on my current thread ASAP. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 16, 2021, 04:16:53 PM

It is my pleasure to announce our newest member, @Tae . They will be writing an original Theurgy crewmember who was put into stasis just after they fled Earth in November of 2380. Here is the character!

( CPO Victor vanVinter                Mechanic/Enlisted Pilot (
  - Played by Tae (

It's the former Head of Spaceframe & Structure in the Fighter Assault Bay, who reported directly to Sten Covington before his accident. He was also a Test Pilot for Fighter Bay Ops, being a mechanic who actually flew the Mk III Valkyries as a part of the Valkyrie Project, where the prototype warp fighters were being tested. What Victor will end up doing after he has been thawed has yet to be decided.

Welcome aboard, @Tae !

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Luciain on February 16, 2021, 04:20:30 PM

Welcome!! Hope you enjoy it here :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on February 16, 2021, 04:21:03 PM
Welcome aboard and enjoy! If you need any help, ask one of the many mentors!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: DaValle on February 16, 2021, 04:23:30 PM
Welcome aboard @Tae

I totally forgot that we had mister Handsome, Ewan McGregor himself, aboard.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Tae on February 16, 2021, 04:31:54 PM
Come on, of course we did... we HAD Qui-Gon as the Deck Chief... of course you have Obi-Wan serving under them.

Welcome aboard @Tae

I totally forgot that we had mister Handsome, Ewan McGregor himself, aboard.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on February 16, 2021, 04:38:07 PM
Welcome aboard @Tae!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: jreeves1701 on February 16, 2021, 04:40:13 PM
Welcome aboard.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nesota Kynnovan on February 16, 2021, 05:56:39 PM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on February 16, 2021, 06:16:15 PM
Welcome aboard!  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on February 16, 2021, 07:16:46 PM
Hello, welcome aboard, try not to smooch the handsome parasite in the Brig, etc.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hope on February 16, 2021, 08:53:21 PM
Welcome aboard @Tae - enjoy your time here.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Aharon on February 17, 2021, 03:29:22 AM
Welcome @Tae - looking forward to reading your works! :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on February 18, 2021, 10:39:18 PM
Hey everyone, I'm giving you all a heads up that I'm going to be taking a break from the SIM, and the Discord. Between my insomnia acting up, and some issues at work I've just not been able to find the right headspace to write, or socialize in a way that I want to. I apologize for anyone involved in threads with me, especially those waiting on me, and wholly understand if you want to leapfrog me in those threads rather than wait. But I really do need to take a break, and re-clarify my head so that I have the want, and ability to write in Theurgy the way that I used to. I will be taking the rest of this week, an up to Friday the 26th of February to get my mind right.

Again, sorry for the delay in my writing, but it's just not coming to me, and I'm not doing myself any favors by forcing it.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on February 19, 2021, 12:59:15 AM
Take some time, man!  It's a rough time for all of us! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on February 21, 2021, 02:26:03 PM
Welcome @Tae and @Hope
I look forward to our characters interacting.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on March 04, 2021, 11:52:42 PM
Just an FYI, I'm going on vacation tomorrow and gonna be out of town from the 5th until the 11th (technically the 14th) in case anyone is waiting on anything. I will get some time between working remotely from Michigan and visiting family though to check in but might be a bit delayed in any responses so everyone's aware.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 10, 2021, 09:54:46 PM

Today, @Nero expands our Security Department with RraHnam, the current Asst. Chief Security Officer on the ''Oneida''!

( Lt. RraHnam      Asst. Chief Security Officer, USS Oneida (
  - Writer: ( (;u=293)

Eventually, she will likely end up as the Theurgy's Investigations Officer. She will probably be making her first appearance in Qo'Nos Bound (,3099.0.html) or Of Late I Think of Qo'noS (,3154.0.html) after the Oneida encounters the Sabine. For the time being, Oneida crew will be listed here: Non-Crew Listing (

Congrats on the new character, @Nero ! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on March 10, 2021, 10:10:05 PM
Congrats on the new character @Nero!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: trevorvw on March 10, 2021, 10:15:10 PM
Congratulations @Nero
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on March 10, 2021, 10:16:51 PM
Nice one Nero, congrats.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on March 10, 2021, 10:28:29 PM
Thank you @Fife @trevorvw @Stegro88
looking forward to write her :D

And special thanks to @Auctor Lucan for the incredible Artworks! I really appriciate it (L)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on March 10, 2021, 10:51:49 PM
Congratulations Nero!  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hope on March 11, 2021, 03:49:16 AM
Congratulations on the character @Nero :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on March 11, 2021, 05:09:24 AM
Congrats Nero!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Luciain on March 11, 2021, 07:39:50 AM
Awesome job @Auctor Lucan

Excited to see her in play @Nero :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on March 11, 2021, 09:15:17 AM
Thanks again @GroundPetrel @Hope @Pierce @Luciain
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on March 15, 2021, 08:31:57 AM
I apologise for my absence and lack of replies, there's been a few medical appointments I have had and I think I hit a simming burnout. Don't worry I'll work on it this week and weekend.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 23, 2021, 02:01:14 PM

Today, @Eden joins us, and they will be writing Callax Valin, callsign "Archon"! :)

( Lt. JG Callax Valin           Fighter Pilot [Archon] (
  - Writer: ( (;u=600)

As a writer from of this recruitment season, @Eden brings a first - of hopefully many - Tactical CONN officer that will eventually come aboard the Theurgy from the Oneida and join the Lone Wolves. He will probably be making his first appearance in either Qo'Nos Bound (,3099.0.html) or Of Late I Think of Qo'noS (,3154.0.html) after the Oneida encounters the Sabine. For the time being, officers on the Oneida will be listed here: Non-Crew Listing (

Welcome aboard the Theurgy! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Luciain on March 23, 2021, 02:04:25 PM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on March 23, 2021, 03:32:33 PM
Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on March 23, 2021, 03:34:48 PM
Welcome aboard @Eden!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Tae on March 23, 2021, 03:42:33 PM
Happy to have you @Eden !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on March 23, 2021, 04:10:48 PM
Welcome abord @Eden ! Have fun writing!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Eden on March 23, 2021, 04:16:13 PM
Thanks all for the warm welcome! I am looking forward to writing with you!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nesota Kynnovan on March 23, 2021, 04:17:34 PM
Welcome Eden!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on March 23, 2021, 04:19:32 PM
Welcome aboard! :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hope on March 23, 2021, 05:40:58 PM
Welcome, @Eden !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on March 23, 2021, 11:03:02 PM
Welcome aboard @Eden

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out here or on the Discord server.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Aharon on March 25, 2021, 11:57:08 PM
Welcome @Eden - Looking forward to reading Callax's stories. Such a handsome fella! :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: P.C. Haring on March 29, 2021, 02:15:54 AM
Just wanted to give y'all a heads up that I may be a little MIA for the next week or so.   We're gearing up for my daughters baptism on Sunday and my Wife and I will be in high gear on prep work, especitally towards the back end of the week.   I am *not* stepping away.  But I also know I'm behind on a couple of threads, and I am going to work tomorrow and Tuesday to catch those up.  But that might be it for me for the week.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Juzzie on March 30, 2021, 11:50:56 PM
Hi Guys,

I had my COVID vaccination on monday. Its left me feeling a little under the weather, so I may be late on responeses. I apolgoise for this and hope to be posting regularly again soon.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: P.C. Haring on March 30, 2021, 11:58:12 PM
No worries at all!   Glad you got vaccinated!  
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 31, 2021, 12:26:24 PM

Today, @Lathaniel adds another character, now also writing Sorek Morgan, callsign "Chaos"! :)

( Lt. JG Sorek Morgan          Fighter Pilot [Chaos] (
  - Writer: ( (;u=495)

Sorek is a Tactical CONN officer that will eventually come aboard the Theurgy from the Oneida and join the Lone Wolves. He will probably be making his first appearance in either Qo'Nos Bound (,3099.0.html) or Of Late I Think of Qo'noS (,3154.0.html) after the Oneida encounters the Sabine. In New Renegade (,3162.0.html), Sorek and any other upcoming fighter pilots will just barely make it aboard the aerowing before Callax Valin closed the airlock, so that they can be on the small bridge for that battle. Another alternative is to fly a regular shuttle, which is not ideal, even if it is an option.

For the time being, officers on the Oneida will be listed here: Non-Crew Listing (


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Lathaniel on March 31, 2021, 12:32:03 PM
My sincerest thanks, dear @Auctor Lucan

You have - once again - created the most astonishing artwork. I am very happy that I get to write Sorek and I am looking forward to letting him join the adventures with all of you!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on March 31, 2021, 12:51:49 PM
Congratulations @Lathaniel
Logan asked the Oneida for support and the Oneida delivers  ( good )
Looking forward to your postings. Have fun writing him.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Luciain on March 31, 2021, 01:10:46 PM
Exciting new character!

Can't wait to see what you do with him. As always, awesome art!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 01, 2021, 12:13:31 PM

Today, @P.C. Haring adds another character, now also writing Regiene "Reggie" Suder, callsign "Gemini"! :)

( Lt. Regiene Suder          Fighter Pilot [Gemini] (,_callsign_%22Gemini%22)
  - Writer: (,_callsign_%22Gemini%22)P.C. Haring (;u=440)

Like the previously announced fighter pilots, Reggie will eventually come aboard the Theurgy from the Oneida and join the Lone Wolves. She will probably be making her first appearance in either Qo'Nos Bound (,3099.0.html) or Of Late I Think of Qo'noS (,3154.0.html) after the Oneida encounters the Sabine. In New Renegade (,3162.0.html), Reggie and any other upcoming fighter pilots will just barely make it aboard the aerowing before Callax Valin closed the airlock, so that they can be on the small bridge for that battle. Another alternative is to fly a regular shuttle, which is not ideal, even if it is an option.

For the time being, officers on the Oneida will be listed here: Non-Crew Listing (

Looking forward to reading her story! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nesota Kynnovan on April 01, 2021, 02:06:50 PM
Yay, welcome new characters!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: uytrereee on April 01, 2021, 02:28:08 PM
Welcome to a new char, awesome faceclaim choice!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on April 01, 2021, 02:29:57 PM
More Wolves join the pack. Great stuff. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hope on April 01, 2021, 03:17:49 PM
Welcome to the new Wolves! :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on April 01, 2021, 04:26:30 PM
Good stuff!  We're pretty close to a full fighter wing now, right? 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on April 01, 2021, 04:53:02 PM
Yay! Very cool. Congratulations @P.C. Haring
Looking forward to see her fly  ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on April 01, 2021, 07:14:44 PM
Congrats @Lathaniel and @P.C. Haring on your new characters! Nice to see some new blood being added to the wolves!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on April 01, 2021, 09:36:13 PM
Congrats! Can't wait to write with them soon!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 01, 2021, 11:59:49 PM


Well, we seem to have an unfortunate consequence for the story on our hands, in which we are casting a predominant amount of female characters. Looking at the situation now, we have two female characters for every male one. Three, not long ago, and this can't continue.

Therefore, starting today, there will be no more female characters concepts accepted until we are back to an even split ratio.

That's all for now!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on April 02, 2021, 12:09:34 AM
Wow. Yeah my next one was always gonna be male so this works
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on April 02, 2021, 12:15:24 AM
Well, I have a few Male character concepts, but no character slots to put them in as yet. And, oddly enough, for perhaps the first time, no real desire to kill any of my characters, lol.

But noted.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RyeTanker on April 03, 2021, 01:34:11 AM
Couldn't say I have a few concepts, but the next one was going to be male.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 07, 2021, 12:59:31 AM


...and so life returns to normal over here.  :)

A lot of heavy posts are lined up for me but I look forward to this leap ahead in the story.  To keep you all appraised on the development on all fronts I will be sending out a Newsletter afterwards with an easy overview on what's left in the Episode.

I'm hoping the plot twist in regard to the Theurgy and Qo'noS will be a surprise still, and that you'll like the throwback references to TNG and The Undiscovered Country.

Moreover, with that time of year coming around and the Episode almost over, I will be conducting a Character Survey again, and for those who don't know what that is, I'd say that in so many words, it's an awesome means to find writing partners in the sim, where I will be playing matchmaker based on your replies to the survey. More info coming later on that.

Make sure to catch the Star Trek trailers for Picard and Discovery online when you get the chance! (I reckon most of you have already done so by now, lol)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 18, 2021, 10:46:47 PM


>> Click For Full Resolution (

Story Objectives updated, with new additions for Chapter 07 in Advent of War. Needless to say, this is the last batch of Story Objectives for Episode 01. :)

Story Objectives (

Remember to read the rules for the Story Objectives if you are unfamiliar with how they work.

At this stage of the story, I will be very firm with the rule that a writer may only participate in one Story Objective at the time, so that those with many characters can't hog all the fun to themselves. Try to spread these around and write with people you may not have written with before in order to meet the requirements in the Objectives. I will likely not permit participation in multiple Objectives at this stage, even if a writer will only earn Story Tokens from one of the Objectives. This, to stimulate story participation across many writers, so pick any Objective you want to write wisely!

Next, a Newsletter where the situation overall in the last phase of the Episiode will be described, detailing what is left to cover in the story. Chapter 07: All or Nothing (,3160.0.html) will focus on the situation in the Great Hall, while Praxis Crucible (,3169.0.html) will deal with the threat looming off  orbit... The latter will demand cooperation from not just Security, but Engineering and Science as well. Moreover, cooperation with Klingon forces may prove paramount.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on April 18, 2021, 11:26:59 PM
Naturally, I am already moving forward with plans on the mission to recover Fisher, please DM me for details.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on April 22, 2021, 09:35:50 AM
Going to be a couple more days on my next post for the battle log--nearly at the end of semester here in grad school and one of my classes is a complete unmitigated disaster where we've  had no grades, no feedback, no assignments, and are essentially unpaid untrained laborers for a prof's passion project. 

Can you tell I'm a little bit bitter? 

On top of that I'm not sure what gender I am anymore and THAT is a trip and a half, let me tell you. 

Anyway apologies for the delay, will make my next story post as soon as I can think up some witty banter to go with the action. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 26, 2021, 07:38:54 PM



A Character Survey has been sent out in preparation for Interregnum 01-02! Please check your inboxes to make sure you got it and send in your replies before the 2nd of May.

Remember that removing names from the list is just a lack of present ideas for a pairing between that character and yours. Try to come up with specific ideas for each character name you keep there in order to get the exchange of ideas rolling. Make sure to take this opportunity to find new writing partners!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 30, 2021, 11:47:48 AM

Today, @SaraKnight joins us, and they will be writing Amissa, callsign "Emerald"! :)

( Lt. JG Amissa          Security Officer (Temporary Assignment) (
  - Writer: ( (;u=603)

@SaraKnight brings a Tactical CONN officer that will eventually come aboard the Theurgy from the Oneida and join the Lone Wolves. Being on temporary assignment to Security because of what happened to her and her RIO before the Oneida picked her up, Amissa will probably be making her first appearance in either of the current Oneida threads, but she is also a part of the Sabine crew that went to Qo'noS. For the time being, officers on the Oneida will be listed here: Non-Crew Listing (

Welcome aboard the Theurgy! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nesota Kynnovan on April 30, 2021, 11:50:15 AM
Welcome to Theurgy! :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Tae on April 30, 2021, 11:51:31 AM
welcome to have you
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on April 30, 2021, 12:15:39 PM
Welcome aboard! Looking forward to write with you!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on April 30, 2021, 12:46:17 PM
Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on April 30, 2021, 12:54:00 PM
Welcome aboard @SaraKnight ! Have fun writing.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: P.C. Haring on April 30, 2021, 12:59:05 PM
Welcome aboard!   Looking forward to writing with you!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on April 30, 2021, 01:38:46 PM
Another Wolf joins the pack, terrific. I look forward to seeing how Amissa mixes with the squadron and the rest of the crew. Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on April 30, 2021, 01:40:08 PM
Welcome to the crew @SaraKnight

If you have any questions, please reach out to myself, one of the other mentors or to anyone really and we will help out best we can.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on April 30, 2021, 04:09:26 PM
Welcome aboard!   Another Orion, neat! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SaraKnight on April 30, 2021, 04:45:37 PM
Thank you, everyone, for the warm welcome!

I woke up to the message that I had been approved and I am so excited. I will try and get my first post out tonight or tomorrow and I really look forward to writing with all of you. I have been reading through the various stories and they are really exciting reads.

SaraKnight  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griffinsummoner on April 30, 2021, 06:45:16 PM
Really looking forward to it. Welcome aboard :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hope on May 01, 2021, 03:34:45 AM
Welcome aboard! I look forward to writing with you and reading your upcoming post  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on May 01, 2021, 06:51:36 PM
Hey folks. I just want to ask: does anyone have a thread idea in mind that requires a shuttle pilot during the Qo'nos battle? I'm trying to find something for Lillee to do during this timeframe.

EDIT: Welp, I've been drafted (although Lillee will be doing all the hard work, poor lass). Thanks folks.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on May 02, 2021, 12:14:24 AM
Under the conn department ideas in the newsletter, it was suggested that Lille could be at the helm of the Theurgy?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Tae on May 02, 2021, 04:58:05 AM
Hey folks. I just want to ask: does anyone have a thread idea in mind that requires a shuttle pilot during the Qo'nos battle? I'm trying to find something for Lillee to do during this timeframe.

Wanna tag along with Victor and the Hazard Team?

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 02, 2021, 03:50:39 PM



Hi there everyone! Please remember to send in your character surveys if you want my help finding writing partners. It’s also a great chance to let me help you achieve that which you want to happen with your character(s) during Interregnum 01-02. Today is the last day to send it in, but it will take me another couple of days to compile the results and match writers by converging interests for their characters so there is still some time if you can't make it today. So far, I have 13 replies out of 37.

Remember to add a note next to all the names you keep in the list in which you detail what kind of scene/story you want to write in the pairing with your own character, since that will give both you and the other writer something to build upon in your brainstorming. If you forgot to do that in your survey result, there is still time to amend this by submitting an updated version. Also keep in mind that the survey is about opening up for new plans and write with new people rather than some kind of report about plans you already have, but no worries, replies like that will be great to read as well since it creates context overall for future character development. :)

Moreover, the story have a couple of questions about the site and I welcome feedback and suggestions on improvements.

Hope this finds you all well and that you're having a great weekend! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Aharon on May 05, 2021, 03:34:50 AM
Hello all. As some of you know, I am a healthcare worker in RL. Unfortunately I've had my life turned a bit upside down (as with many in the world) dealing with a third COVID wave. I will likely be distant in the coming weeks (possibly longer). Have already fell well behind on keeping up on character posts / threads. If you do need Vinata for any reason, do reach out through PM, and I will certainly try my best to contribute. Hope to be back in action sooner rather than later. Until then - I wish you all good health. Keep safe.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 05, 2021, 12:34:53 PM



Hi there everyone! Sunday was the last day to send in your Character Surveys, but since a couple of writers have let me know they still intend to submit theirs, but can't make it until Friday, there is still a chance to submit yours if you haven't had the time for it. Any replies missing as of Saturday will not be accounted for, any pairings or requests forfeit as the results are sent out to the sim. The results are compiled in an excel sheet and I won't have time to resend the results to the affected recipients. As of now, I am merely missing 14 surveys.

Remember to add a note next to all the names you keep in the list in which you detail what kind of scene/story you want to write in the pairing with your own character, since that will give both you and the other writer something to build upon in your brainstorming. If you forgot to do that in your survey result, there is still time to amend this by submitting an updated version.

Hope you all are having a great day! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 11, 2021, 12:29:37 AM



Greetings Theurgists, new and old!  :)

Speaking of "old", our sim celebrates its 10 year anniversary today, counting from the very first In-Character post (,1005.0.html)!

Well, I spent the better part of the day sending out Personal Messagds to you all with the results of the Character Survey. It took hours, but you should all have messages in your inboxes now in which I've compiled with names and ideas for future threads!  (L)

I've also been handling a couple of Applicants and time ran away from me, so between those messages and work, I couldn't come up with any fancy anniversary art or other idea, but I might squeeze in some kind of celebratory thing soon. I'd hoped to finish the Thea Refit Project by now, but our ship will have to get its new look officially whenever she's complete.

I can give you something, actually, and it's the name of Thea's next XO... though with not so much of a surprise to tie a bow around it. It's Natalie Stark, having shown herself ready and able to lead under duress, proving her merit during the Battle of the Houses. [Show/Hide]

As for Chief of Operations, most won't remember this, but the USS Harbinger had a highly skilled woman (,1044.msg4809.html#msg4809) not just leading the Operations Department but also Engineering at the time before Captain Vasser's hostile takeover. Being an unlikely candidate for such a position to begin with, field promoted with provisional ranks twice in our story because of her unique skillset, she is the logical choice in many respects, but primarily because of her close familiarity and understanding of Thea's systems - herself actually able to digitally tune into the ship with her cybernetic implants. It will be Selena Ravenholm! [Show/Hide]
They will both be getting their promotions after Episode 01: Advent of War is over, likely in the Epilogue, along with other potential shifts in the crew roster.

Congratulatikns are in ordered, and I hope you found the Charactef Survey results worthwhile. Now, I log off. G'night!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on May 11, 2021, 04:51:40 AM
Congrats on the promotions Natalie and Selena.
I hope Brutus and ChXinya enjoy the new opportunities that come with these new roles.

And a massive congratulations to Auctor and Theurgy as a whole. Ten years is a massive achievement. I look forward to being here for the 20 year anniversary.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Lathaniel on May 11, 2021, 05:26:18 AM
Happy Birthday USS Theurgy!

What you all have done here over the years,, especially you @Auctor Lucan , is really an amzing and outstanding example of collborative creativity. I am proud to be a part of it and look forward to many years of fun with all of you!

Congratulations as well to our new XO and our new Chief of Operations. I can't wait to see Natalie and Selena in those positions. Well done!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on May 11, 2021, 08:04:49 PM
Happy Birthday @Thea  (B)

That is some outstanding work and commitment you guys brought up onto yourselfs. I appriciate it and I hope for the next ten year where I'll try my best to be a part of. Keep up the good work and have fun writing.

Also congratilations to @Brutus an @chXinya for your promotions.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: BipSpoon on May 12, 2021, 03:45:09 AM
Wow! Happy Birthday Theurgy!

Pretty awesome milestone! Big congratulations to everyone!  @Auctor Lucan ten years is an incredible achievement, here is to ten more.

Excited to see @Brutus and @chXinya writing Natalie and Selena in their new positions as well!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 12, 2021, 01:00:35 PM

I realised something today, and that's how over the first part of this year, a few members have earned a prestigious Award. Namely, the Ye Olde Mug Badge!


Those who have been actively writing in the sim for over 3 continuous years have earned this badge, and aside from those who already have it, here are the new recipients! :)



Congratulations, Theurgists! Now, it's just two more continuous years until you earn the Ye Olde Mug of the Ancients Badge (;area=membersAwards;a_id=10)! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on May 12, 2021, 01:42:09 PM
We need to write Thea a drunk program. muahahahaha! Happy birthday Thea!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on May 13, 2021, 07:32:23 AM
I am a bit behind due to some emotional issues and a bunch of last minute applications for internships, but will catch up on outstanding threads ASAP!  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 13, 2021, 05:09:43 PM


Today, @Ellen Fitz joins us, and they will be writing Enyd Isolde Madsen, who will eventually end up an Asst. Chief Diplomatic Officer! :)

( Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen              Asst. Chief Diplomatic Officer (V2) (
  - Writer: ( @Ellen Fitz

Enyd comes aboard during Episode 01: Advent of War, the evening before the Battle of the Houses. Just like Valyn Marik and Amanda Ashby, she arrived on the IKS Kajunpak't, so this character's inaugural posts will likely in this thread (,3069.0.html). We'll see what kind of role she's played during the Battle of the Houses, and what she'll later do when the Theurgy has arrived to Qo'noS.

Welcome aboard, @Ellen Fitz ! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on May 13, 2021, 05:11:19 PM
Welcome to the Theurgy! I look forward to seeing how Enyd mixes with the rest of the diplomatic staff.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Tae on May 13, 2021, 05:12:24 PM
Welcome @Ellen Fitz !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Eden on May 13, 2021, 05:13:43 PM
Welcome @Ellen Fitz !!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on May 13, 2021, 05:17:03 PM
Welcome @Ellen Fitz to the sim. If you need help in any threads reach out to any of the mentors. We'd be happy to help!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Luciain on May 13, 2021, 05:20:48 PM
@Ellen Fitz

Welcome Hopefully you have a great time here!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on May 13, 2021, 05:26:12 PM
Welcome abord @Ellen Fitz ! Have fun writing. Looking forward to reading from you soon.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on May 13, 2021, 05:39:42 PM
Welcome to the crew @Ellen Fitz
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SaraKnight on May 13, 2021, 05:47:52 PM
Welcome @Ellen Fitz ! Another new member!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on May 13, 2021, 07:31:18 PM
Congrats and welcome to the SIM @Ellen Fitz! I hope your stay here is a fun one.

If there's anything I can do to help you settle in, please feel free to reach out and ask.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on May 13, 2021, 08:02:43 PM
Hello and welcome!  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griffinsummoner on May 13, 2021, 09:19:22 PM
Welcome aboard @Ellen Fitz .  Definitely an exciting time to be joining the Diplomatic Corps
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nesota Kynnovan on May 13, 2021, 11:21:13 PM
Welcome @Ellen Fitz!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on May 14, 2021, 04:39:48 AM
Welcome aboard @Ellen Fitz!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RyeTanker on May 14, 2021, 04:42:16 AM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Ellen Fitz on May 14, 2021, 10:03:11 AM
@Auctor Lucan , @Griff  , @Tae  , @Eden  , @Pierce , @Luciain  , @Nero  , @Stegro88  , @SaraKnight  , @Swift , @GroundPetrel , @Griffinsummoner , @Nesota Kynnovan , @Fife , @RyeTanker, and all other members of the board:  thank you all for the warm welcome and encouragement. It has been quite a number of years since I was involved in a text-based rpg/sim (which learned today is often referred to as a MUD now...). I already appreciate the thoroughness and dedication exhibited by the GM and players on this board and I look forward to honing my storytelling craft with you all as we our characters together.

Just as a note: I am in the GMT+8 time zone and I'm uncertain how many others are in a similar area, but I'm assuming that may factor into storyboarding and posts, in which case, apologies in advance for any inconvenience. 

Cheers y'all, and jia you (in Mandarin that literally means "add oil" but the English equivalent is "go go")!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hope on May 14, 2021, 12:25:03 PM
Welcome aboard @Ellen Fitz !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on May 15, 2021, 03:43:22 PM
Welcome aboard @Ellen Fitz! Looking forward to see you in story.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on May 16, 2021, 03:42:45 AM
Welcome @Ellen Fitz
Does anyone else find it amusing how there are several new members who have female characters after Auctor said no more female characters? lol I realised that those applicants had been developing their characters way before the announcement, though I still find it amusing.
I wonder what the male to female ratio is now...
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SaraKnight on May 16, 2021, 03:58:35 AM
Oh? I wasn't aware of that. Thankfully, he let me make Amissa, because I am not sure how well I would do starting with a guy. That might be kind of hard for me. A fitting challenge for the future, but thankfully not for my first character.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Ellen Fitz on May 16, 2021, 04:05:47 AM
I missed that announcement, otherwise I would've complied. Writing male characters is indeed a challenge, but a fun one. Maybe if Enyd dies off I'll make a male. Cheers!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on May 16, 2021, 08:15:23 AM
@Sqweloookle did you check the date of that announcement?

Here's the link:,1002.msg32044.html#msg32044
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 17, 2021, 10:37:39 AM
Yep, Stegro has the right of it. It was an April Fool's joke.  (laugh)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 18, 2021, 11:32:07 AM

Today, @Tae adds another character, now also writing Arven Leux, the Oneida's Asst. Chief Medical Officer! :)

( Lt. Arven Leux          Asst. Chief Medical Officer (
  - Writer: ( (;u=593)

Arven is an unjoined Trill that will eventually come aboard the Theurgy from the Oneida and join the Medical Department. He will probably be making his first appearance in Of Late I Think of Qo'noS (,3154.0.html) after the Oneida encounters the Sabine. In New Renegade (,3162.0.html), there is no shortage of patients to deal with, and I look forward to reading his viewpoint in the battle!

For the time being, officers on the Oneida will be listed here: Non-Crew Listing (


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on May 18, 2021, 05:19:23 PM
Congrats on the new character!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on May 18, 2021, 06:36:20 PM
Congrats @Tae ! Have fun writing with the doc  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on May 20, 2021, 02:01:50 PM
I want to let everyone know I'm in and out of service and will be on vacation for the next 10 days. I will try to check in but will catch up on posts when I return.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Lathaniel on May 20, 2021, 05:16:32 PM
Welcome aboard @Ellen Fitz ! I look forward to see your character in action.

Ang congratulation @Tae ! I'm sure Arven and Sorek will have a ton of fun. ;-)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on May 21, 2021, 06:08:26 AM
Congrats on the new character @Tae!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 21, 2021, 04:39:51 PM



We have a lot of In-Character events taking place at the same time, so I figured I'd post a quick overview here so that everyone are up to speed on where we are at. The latest Newsletter brought this up in more detail, pointing towards the Story Objectives that were added, but here is the current status!

CHAPTER 07: ALL OR NOTHING (,3160.0.html)

This Chapter starts with the Sabine leaving the USS Oneida, codenamed Freedom Sentinel, carrying Chancellor Martok and Captain Ives to Qo'noS, as well as the away team that will make sure the Chancellor reaches the Great Hall safely so that he can defend his reign over the Klingon Empire. As it is, they have reached the Great Hall and they are making their way to the Klingon High Council Chamber. During this time, the Theurgy has arrived in orbit over Qo'noS too, and deployed a Type 11 shuttle to assist in the proceedings as best as possible, carrying vital intel that might aid in smoking out an Infested among the Councilors, and since they do not know that the Sabine made it through, having been shot down over the city, they also bear news about Martok having a grandson - the House of Martok not dead yet.

Here is where the Theurgy arrives at Qo'noS, after the Erudite returned to the Theurgy and gave them a soliton wave "push" to close the distance to their destination. The Allegiant docked with the Theurgy before then and the away team that went to Breen returned aboard. Now, as you read this thread, you can see that there are a multitude of problems to deal with. CIO Andrew Fisher has been kidnaped by Gorka and as the Ta'rom reached Qo'noS, he was moved to a planetside facility. If the Theurgy interferes with Gorka's claim on the Chancellery, Gorka has threatened to kill Fisher. The Theurgy was also contacted by K'Tal,  the Head of Imperial Intelligence, a Councillor loyal to Martok, and he suspects that the Infested and/or House Mo'Kai has some kind of contingency plan at play on the destroyed moon Praxis. K'Tal has asked for the Theurgy to investigate, since his spies have not reported back after trying to learn what is happening on the moon.

Just after the Theurgy reached Qo'noS, a Donatra sympathiser working in the Star Navy made contact with her old friend Drauc T'Laus, bearing dire news. After Praetor Tal'Aura declared war on the Federation, the contact, Situka (, revealed her current commissioning, it being on an D'viret-class incursion cruiser belonging to the Tal Shiar... and it was heading for Qo'noS. It would be in orbit over the First City twenty minutes after the Theurgy was alerted, and Situka claimed the cruiser may carry a thalaron bomb akin to the one detonated in Paris. The Lone Wolves have been scrambled already, and it might be the USS Oneida appears in this thread to address this threat too.

Speaking of the Oneida, this thread depicts how it faces House Mo'Kai about one hour before the Theurgy arrives at Qo'noS. Captain Jesse Jackson and his crew is putting up a valiant effort, and if the Oneida makes it, it will limp its way to Qo'noS after the threat of these four birds of prey have been dealt with. It is TBD if the Oneida appears in Praxis Crucible or Hidden Raptor. We'll see what narratively fits best at the time of this thread being concluded.

In this thread, a rescue attempt of Andrew Fisher is being carried out, using the Reman shuttle Apache. The shuttle is about to launch, and it remains to be seen what the fallout will be here. Fortunately enough, the Apache has a Reman cloak, just like the Allegiant, so chances are high that the planetside compound can be approached relatively easy, keeping the element of surprise in the away team's favour.

K'Tal also asked for the Theurgy's help to secure the Sabine's crash site, if nothing else to verify whether or not the crew survived. Martok is missing, and so is Captain Ives and the rest of the away team - comms down. Sera vers Aldnoah is trying to repair the shuttle. The Nav Specialist Larrant has used his pod to project an image of Martok to lure away House Mo'Kai assassins, and the Theurgy has launched the Tesla to try and reach the crash site undetected. The mission is underway, the outcome unknown.

There are still a few battle threads ongoing from Chapter 06: Battle of the Houses, but as soon as those are finished, these threads above as well as any other new Group Threads (Story Objectives or not) will be renamed Battle Logs as well, since they take place at roughly the same time. To avoid confusion between the two different events in the Episode, however, these above remains Supplemental Threads for the time being.

Don't forget to check out the Story Objectives ( listed for Chapter 07!

Hope all this makes sense and make sure to PM me if you have any questions! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on May 22, 2021, 06:54:32 AM
Quick heads up for everyone. I'm taking a weeks vacation this coming week so I'll be around but unsure when and how long. We're hauling our RV trailer (caravan for the europeans) to a private campground we frequent, and I'm looking forward to a week of ignoring work, relaxing, catching up on some writing, and as the schedule says rain most of the week, sitting under my awning enjoying the fresh smell of rain. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Ellen Fitz on May 22, 2021, 07:14:31 AM
@SummerDawn that sounds absolutely delightful and I’m so happy you get to do that! Enjoy!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on May 22, 2021, 05:06:21 PM
@Sqweloookle did you check the date of that announcement?

Here's the link:,1002.msg32044.html#msg32044
No I didn't.

Quick heads up for everyone. I'm taking a weeks vacation this coming week so I'll be around but unsure when and how long. We're hauling our RV trailer (caravan for the europeans) to a private campground we frequent, and I'm looking forward to a week of ignoring work, relaxing, catching up on some writing, and as the schedule says rain most of the week, sitting under my awning enjoying the fresh smell of rain. :)

Have fun @SummerDawn !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on May 23, 2021, 03:22:28 AM
Was a nice drive. Sunny, clear skies (have pics uploading I'll share later), six hour drive roughly. Crossed one mountain range to get here. Now I'm parked in a campsite nestled in the base of the rockies. :) Same place as last year, and he year before, and the year before that. :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 25, 2021, 10:48:56 AM

Today, @Griff expands our Operations Department with Lieutenant Alistair Leavitt, an officer from a temporally displaced USS Eclipse!

( Lt. Alistair Leavitt      Temporal Specialist, USS Eclipse (
  - Writer: ( (;u=114)

Eventually, he will likely end up as an Asst. Chief Operations Officer on the Theurgy. As for how he will appear in Advent of War, and when, it will be revealed eventually. For the time being, future crewmembers who appears at Qo'noS will be listed here: Non-Crew Listing (

Congrats on the new character, @Griff ! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on May 25, 2021, 06:16:06 PM
Congrats @Griff ! Have fun writing  /;-D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on May 25, 2021, 07:03:39 PM
Congratulations @Griff !  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on May 26, 2021, 11:29:57 PM
Congrats on the new character @Griff!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on June 07, 2021, 11:36:18 PM

Today, @Griff expands our Operations Department with Lieutenant Alistair Leavitt, an officer from a temporally displaced USS Eclipse!

( Lt. Alistair Leavitt      Temporal Specialist, USS Eclipse (
  - Writer: ( (;u=114)

Eventually, he will likely end up as an Asst. Chief Operations Officer on the Theurgy. As for how he will appear in Advent of War, and when, it will be revealed eventually. For the time being, future crewmembers who appears at Qo'noS will be listed here: Non-Crew Listing (

Congrats on the new character, @Griff ! :)


Auctor Lucan

Oh thank fuck, more Ops people. Talk about an underserved department! And more fun, the joys of temporal shenanigan's.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Ellen Fitz on June 12, 2021, 02:28:54 AM
I'm terribly late to this party but congratulations @Griff ! Look forward to more mischief and mayhem brought by new characters!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 12, 2021, 10:29:36 AM


Today, @Cheshirewild joins us, and they will be writing Lieutenant Rem Kile, a youthful-looking Field Operative in the Intelligence Department! :)

( Lt. JG Rem Kile              Field Operative (
  - Writer: ( @Cheshirewild

Kile comes aboard during Episode 01: Advent of War, the evening before the Battle of the Houses. Just like Valyn Marik, Amanda Ashby and Enyd Madsen, he arrived on the IKS Kajunpak't, so this character's inaugural posts will likely in this thread (,3069.0.html). We'll see what kind of role he's played during the Battle of the Houses, and what he'll later do when the Theurgy has arrived to Qo'noS.

Welcome aboard, @Cheshirewild ! :)


Auctor Lucan

EDIT: Link correct now. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on June 12, 2021, 10:35:18 AM
Welcome aboard @Cheshirewild
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on June 12, 2021, 10:41:34 AM
Welcome abord @Cheshirewild ! Have fun writing!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Ellen Fitz on June 12, 2021, 11:24:41 AM
Many happy welcome to you @Cheshirewild! I look forward to writing with you!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hope on June 12, 2021, 12:51:21 PM
Welcome aboard @Cheshirewild
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Cheshirewild on June 12, 2021, 01:12:03 PM
Siyo and thanks to everyone for the warm welcome! I've seen many of your bios and I'm tickled to have the opportunity to work with you! I'm still finding my way around so any advice is welcome.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Ellen Fitz on June 12, 2021, 01:33:54 PM
Well @Tae and myself love chaos and mayhem so word of warning when writing with us: things will NOT go as planned, but your character will survive in (mostly) one piece. Many others on the board are game for just about anything just gotta PM them with any ideas you've got up your sleeve. And I find it fun to flex my writing skills in the AU area or the What If area while waiting on replies just to keep occupied, so depending on how many threads you've got going on, there's plenty to keep you busy here. And most importantly: everyone is down for lending a helping hand. I'm a dufus half the time with my headers and tag but so far no one has tarred and feathered me so just wave a white flag of, "I don't know," and more than a few folk will kindly step forward to guide you straight. Cheerio!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Tae on June 12, 2021, 01:57:31 PM
Indeed, happy to have you here @Cheshirewild I am looking forward to the first time chaos ensues.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Cheshirewild on June 12, 2021, 02:29:05 PM
I assume I'm starting out with the Kajunpak't. I understand that was a little while ago in-story so I'm ready to play catch-up. Rem is going to need friends and a good counselor. If you check his bio he requires regular therapy and occasionally neurological treatment due to the toll his work takes on him. I think of him as something like a telepathic bloodhound. Sadly, to be as good as he is, he must open his mind to a great deal of punishment. He can act very"tender" like with a sunburn or more accurately, a migraine. Interacting with others casually can be physically painful. That said, he is at heart a cuddle bunny and he welcomes company even if he winces. He needs it to stay healthy and sane. It's a weird combination some people might understand more than I can describe. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Cheshirewild on June 12, 2021, 02:32:37 PM
Oh, I didn't see him at first. Siyo, Griff! A pleasure to meet you!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on June 12, 2021, 03:00:16 PM
@Cheshirewild if you need any help with anything, you are more than welcome to ask myself or one of the other Mentors for any assistance. Alternatively, you can post here as well.

We also have a Discord server if that is something you would be interested in. Purely voluntary of course.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on June 12, 2021, 04:41:29 PM
Welcome @Cheshirewild - and as @Stegro88 said, if you need any help or mentors, feel free to reach out. There's a lot of us here willing to get you on your feet in the Sim. As @Ellen Fitz said, sometimes scenarios don't go as planned in character, with it though despite that aspect, it's always fun.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Cheshirewild on June 12, 2021, 05:41:38 PM
Welcome @Cheshirewild - and as @Stegro88 said, if you need any help or mentors, feel free to reach out. There's a lot of us here willing to get you on your feet in the Sim. As @Ellen Fitz said, sometimes scenarios don't go as planned in character, with it though despite that aspect, it's always fun.
Siyo Pierce! In fact, I have already sent you a PM since I saw in the newsletter that your character was soon to be Rem's Dept Head. I also saw you in the list of mentors, convenient, no? I look forward to getting to know you better. Thank you again for all of the warm welcomes.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on June 13, 2021, 06:08:33 AM
Welcome aboard!  Currently we have a lot going on XD.  I'm sure you can find something fun to do!  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Cheshirewild on June 13, 2021, 10:02:45 AM
Welcome aboard!  Currently we have a lot going on XD.  I'm sure you can find something fun to do!  :)
Thank you! I'm currently spinning in circles not sure what to pounce. SO. MANY. SHINIES!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on June 13, 2021, 12:04:18 PM
Welcome aboard @Cheshirewild
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Cheshirewild on June 14, 2021, 02:34:58 AM
Welcome aboard @Cheshirewild
Thank you! A pleasure to meet you! I look forward to writing alongside you soon.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Juzzie on June 14, 2021, 10:51:33 AM
welcome @Cheshirewild
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Juzzie on June 14, 2021, 10:51:54 AM
welcome @Cheshirewild
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Cheshirewild on June 14, 2021, 03:22:26 PM
welcome @Cheshirewild

Thank you, Juzzie!  ( good )
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on June 16, 2021, 01:53:29 AM
I'll offer a (very) belated welcome too, @Cheshirewild!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on June 18, 2021, 03:47:11 AM
My apologies for my lack of replies this week. its been one thing after another this week. To top it off,I've now been taken down by the gastro bug both by daughter and wife had. I'm hopefully past the worst of it now and replies will come once my strength returns.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on June 18, 2021, 04:26:47 PM
Feel better soon mate! @Stegro88
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on June 18, 2021, 06:40:15 PM
Seconded, get well soon!  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on July 06, 2021, 03:22:35 PM
Hey guys we are in the process of selling our house so we will be moving soon. Ill be away from pc while we are looking at new homes.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RyeTanker on July 06, 2021, 03:27:09 PM
Good luck. I hope it goes smoothly.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 10, 2021, 12:42:33 AM


Hi there Theurgists!

This last week before my vacation has been hellish since I had a lot of things to wrap up in my contract negotiations. Been working evenings and weekends to get things sorted, but this Friday here, I am off work for 4 very welcome weeks. I may have fallen a bit behind here on the sim to get things sorted, but I have been keeping my eyes on the forum and I love the progress that's happened. I may still be missing posts from some of you in a few threads, but I will be pushing events forward nonetheless since we are so close to the Epilogue being finished now.

Writing sessions due for tomorrow and I look forward to getting some time off work, and I'm really relieved that this intense period of contract deadlines are over at last.

Hope this message finds you all well out there!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 14, 2021, 02:37:26 AM


I got a PM a couple of days ago with a message from @Fife :

Hi Auctor,

I'm sorry I haven't been on much lately, I know I'm behind on a number of threads. Unfortunately, things are crazy for me right now, and I don't foresee myself having more time to spend on Theurgy anytime soon.

Thus, unfortunately, I find myself with little choice but to remove myself from the Sim once more, as it isn't fair to those I'm writing with to be constantly holding things up. I'm sorry to depart once again with little notice or warning, but I can't see any other way moving forward.

I wish you and the other writers all the best, and hope you keep the Theurgy story going for a long time to come.

Take care, and all the best,


I have replied and asked for him to tell me about his preferences in regard to his characters, but it has been silent so far. In lack of a reply, well... We do have the profile function to list one's preferences in regard to Inheritance, and since Fife has left his characters up for adoption when he had to leave the sim the last time, I will go with his listed preference and have both the Chief Tactical Officer, Commander Cross, and the former Lone Wolf, Ensign Nix, available for inheritance.

( Lt Cmdr. Cross                      Chief Tactical Officer (NPC) ( 
  - Former Writer: ( (;u=123)

( Ens. Isel Nix                  Former Lone Wolf (NPC) (,_callsign_%22Foxfire%22) 
  - Former Writer: (,_callsign_%22Foxfire%22)Fife (;u=123)

After surviving both the destruction of the Endeavour and the Correction preformed on him by the Savi, Cross became the Theurgy's Chief Tactical Officer at the beginning of the Aldea Prime Anthology. Ensign Isel Nix is a Vulpinian Tactical CONN pilot assigned to the USS Allegiant in Episode 01: Advent of War. Before she joined Starfleet, she used to be a member of the Orion Syndicate. Having exposed all her past accomplices and connections, she has been given a pardon and even funded an orphanage for her savings. On the right side of the law, she has started a new life under a new name, having put her past behind her. She came aboard the Theurgy together with Donna Petterson just before the Battle of the Apertures. As of this moment, she's been injured and can no longer fly a warp fighter, instead doing light duties on the Allegiant at the moment. In fact, both Cross and Nix are on the Allegiant right now in Praxis Crucible.

If anyone eligible to take over a character is interested, you can PM me here on the forum. Please make sure to read up on the info at the top of this page, in such a case: Available Characters (

In the meantime, I will NPC both characters in Praxis Crucible as needed until they get new writers. I will be backtracking which threads Cross and Nix may be in right now and I will write in those too in order to farther the scenes to their completion. Better yet, if you are one of those waiting on a post from Fife, just PM me and we'll sort it out! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on July 14, 2021, 05:26:01 AM
Sorry to see @Fife leave us again. I hope here is able to return to us as soon as he is able to.

@Fife you will be missed.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on July 14, 2021, 05:26:52 AM
That's a real shame.  :(  I hope they come back soon!  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on July 14, 2021, 06:37:34 PM
We'll miss you and look forward to your return @Fife 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on August 06, 2021, 01:51:13 PM
Hey guys!

I have to apologize to you for my increased inactivity. It is vacation time and I have to cover for two or more jobs lately. This will go on for at least the next 4 weeks. I'll try to reply to you all asap but I can't guarantee it.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 08, 2021, 02:41:56 AM

Hi there Theurgists! @Ellen Fitz contacted me with the interest of taking over writing Cross. In her meeting the criteria for being eligible, I am happy to announce that we have an actively played Chief Tactical Officer! :)

( Lt Cmdr. Cross                      Chief Tactical Officer ( 
  - Writer: ( @Ellen Fitz

After surviving both the destruction of the Endeavour and the Correction preformed on him by the Savi, Cross became the Theurgy's Cheif Tactical Officer at the beginning of the Aldea Prime Anthology. His new writer has a full creative license in writing him and she has updated the character page a great deal even if the overall trajectory and big brush strokes of his past remains the same. Among other things. more detail has been added to his troublesome upbringing among Cardassians.

With Cross having a new writer, anyone who had plans involving Cross with his previous writers should reach out to @Ellen Fitz and check the waters to see if his new writer is interested in continuing any ongoing character sub-plots. Do keep in mind, however, that with the creative license that his new writer have, please understand if there is no interest in those plans, that is their prerogative to say no to them.

Hope you'll enjoy writing your new character, @Ellen Fitz ! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on August 09, 2021, 01:40:23 AM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: stardust on August 09, 2021, 08:41:56 AM
trigger warning: mental health

First off, I want to apologise that I haven't been my usually flamboyant self on Theurgy's OOC channels (including this one, the discord, etc.) but I have been seriously struggling with stress and burnout lately. This might come as a surprise to some, whom I have been inc contact with, but it's been affecting me a good deal in terms of energy level and general capacity for enthusiasm to the point where the things most dear to me are hardly any fun anymore. I sleep a lot and can only manage to deal with one task at a time. I've even come to find social interactions extremely stressful especially if they pertain to responsibilities, even my family.

Now, I don't want to make this a "woe is me" or shock thread. I actually don't really want to talk about the issue extensively because it took me enough courage to even be open about the struggle. I am currently looking into getting professional support so that part should be covered.

I also don't mean for this to imply I am leaving Theurgy or going inactive, as I still enjoy the creative aspect of driving plots and writing posts. It's mainly aimed to be an apology for not being available socially so much anymore for the past half a year or so that my issues have been building up.

So, for the time being, I hope y'all enjoy yourselves and have a lot of fun. And I hope I'll be back to the general Discord and Group activities as a whole. I'll continue to strive for replying in a timely fashion and of course I am still available for individual talks, dm's, pm's, just take it easy on me <3
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on August 10, 2021, 11:55:26 PM
trigger warning: mental health

First off, I want to apologise that I haven't been my usually flamboyant self on Theurgy's OOC channels (including this one, the discord, etc.) but I have been seriously struggling with stress and burnout lately. This might come as a surprise to some, whom I have been inc contact with, but it's been affecting me a good deal in terms of energy level and general capacity for enthusiasm to the point where the things most dear to me are hardly any fun anymore. I sleep a lot and can only manage to deal with one task at a time. I've even come to find social interactions extremely stressful especially if they pertain to responsibilities, even my family.

Now, I don't want to make this a "woe is me" or shock thread. I actually don't really want to talk about the issue extensively because it took me enough courage to even be open about the struggle. I am currently looking into getting professional support so that part should be covered.

I also don't mean for this to imply I am leaving Theurgy or going inactive, as I still enjoy the creative aspect of driving plots and writing posts. It's mainly aimed to be an apology for not being available socially so much anymore for the past half a year or so that my issues have been building up.

So, for the time being, I hope y'all enjoy yourselves and have a lot of fun. And I hope I'll be back to the general Discord and Group activities as a whole. I'll continue to strive for replying in a timely fashion and of course I am still available for individual talks, dm's, pm's, just take it easy on me <3
The way I see it, taking time for mental health should always be priority #1.  You aren't other people's social plaything. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on August 11, 2021, 06:48:32 AM
Totally understand Stardust. I actually just had that conversation with my boss on Monday, hardest conversation I've ever had. I'm still processing the whole thing, making sense of it all, realizing just how long this tailspin has been going on for, the warning signs, everything.

I'm just thankful this came to light before I went full crash & burn. Happens in IT (Information Technology) where guys burn out so hard they wind up quitting the industry altogether, or at best wind up on sick leave for six months while their doctor and counselor puts them back together. We 'caught it early' as it were, and with some changes to my lifestyle and some accommodations at work, we're going to get through this.

I wish and hope for the best for you stardust. Not an easy place to be as I'm learning first hand.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SaraKnight on August 11, 2021, 08:01:29 AM
Hello everyone!

So some of you may have seen my message on Discord, but for those who didn't, I just wanted to say I am sorry for the long absence. Summer time is always hard for me because I have to leave the dorms at my university and my parents have horrible internet service. And what little they do get it usually spent by my dad doing work and other stuff. But once I get back into the dorms, I should be good to go. I am really looking forward to getting back into the writing for Amissa again.

For the stories I have been able to sneak a peek at, they are awesome. Y'all inspire me.

To Stardust: I am sorry that you are having such a hard time right now. Without getting into details about my own history, I do empathize with you. I have been to some terribly dark places in my short life, and I know the feeling. Please take care of yourself and do what you need to do for yourself.

With much love for all,
Sara  (L)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 22, 2021, 01:47:18 AM


With the summer at an end, I did a quick census among those who haven't logged into the forum in quite some time or have ceased posting in their threads, and I think the names in the list above ought not to be too surprising. Their characters will be NPCs until they exit the story somehow, and I will focus on resolving threads they are featured in after we've finished the major events of the story that we're working on now.

Former Writers:

Characters that are now NPCs:


So, the original creator of our Chief Medical Officer reached out and while he won't return to write here, he may wish to write that character at another sim. While the writer offered the character up for adoption when he left, and understands how he can't remove the character belatedly, he has only requested that the character on this sim has a name change on the site.

So, I reached out to @Sqweloookle , and now our Chief Medical Officer has - through a butterfly effect - had another name all along in-character. The Theurgy's Chief Medical Officer is (and has always been):

( Lt. Elro Kobol                  Chief Medical Officer ( 
  - Writer: @Sqweloookle (

I have updated the Wiki and the forum with the name change, so all instances in which the old name has been mentioned should, instead, mention Elro Kobol instead.

End of PSA! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on August 22, 2021, 01:53:02 AM
Sad to see somone leaving. Wish them all the best.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on August 22, 2021, 02:44:30 AM
Poop. Sorry to see everyone go, particularly BZ. She has one of the most vivacious RP styles I've ever seen.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on August 22, 2021, 02:45:41 AM
I'm still in a weird spot in my main mission thread since I can't actually contact the ground team until L'Nari gets comms up.  XD
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on August 22, 2021, 03:23:24 AM
Sad to see so many gone...
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: uytrereee on August 22, 2021, 03:58:47 AM
I hope those people that have left, can divert their energy to other things that make them equally happy! I'm sure that's not an easy decision for anyone who's invested a lot of time here. Always a bummer to lose members of our community however.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SaraKnight on August 22, 2021, 07:01:20 AM
Awww  /:(

I am excited to get going again and people are leaving. But I guess I can understand that life may have other commitments for them. I hope they do well in whatever comes their way next. I do look forward to writing with as many of you as I can. First stop: Sickbay.  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on August 22, 2021, 08:55:41 AM
I'm still in a weird spot in my main mission thread since I can't actually contact the ground team until L'Nari gets comms up.  XD

Perhaps request a mission update from the Apache? Assuming we are talking about 'Dinner Out'.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hope on August 22, 2021, 11:11:17 AM
Sad to see so many go but I wish them well in whatever endeavour is next for them.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on August 22, 2021, 03:28:00 PM
I'm still in a weird spot in my main mission thread since I can't actually contact the ground team until L'Nari gets comms up.  XD

Perhaps request a mission update from the Apache? Assuming we are talking about 'Dinner Out'.
Maybe, but I'm supposed to maintain radio silence until contact is established.  :/
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on August 22, 2021, 04:06:38 PM
You'd be able to visibly track the progress of the other shuttle though, and know when they are over the drop zone? Maybe random information about what else is happening in the area with praxis and the ta'rom, nothing specific but just generalistics. Also the romulan warbird if Hidden Raptor had started by the time we depart?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on August 23, 2021, 06:26:58 AM
Pitty so many have disappeared, they may yet return once life lets them.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: stardust on August 23, 2021, 10:22:48 AM
I'm still in a weird spot in my main mission thread since I can't actually contact the ground team until L'Nari gets comms up.  XD

Perhaps request a mission update from the Apache? Assuming we are talking about 'Dinner Out'.
Maybe, but I'm supposed to maintain radio silence until contact is established.  :/

Hey @GroundPetrel :) I talked to Nesota after reading your plea and they told me that they will definitely post for L'Nari to establish communications as soon as life let's them. So you can go ahead and act as if that has already happened in your "timeline" XD

Hope this helps
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on August 23, 2021, 03:24:02 PM
I'm still in a weird spot in my main mission thread since I can't actually contact the ground team until L'Nari gets comms up.  XD

Perhaps request a mission update from the Apache? Assuming we are talking about 'Dinner Out'.
Maybe, but I'm supposed to maintain radio silence until contact is established.  :/

Hey @GroundPetrel :) I talked to Nesota after reading your plea and they told me that they will definitely post for L'Nari to establish communications as soon as life let's them. So you can go ahead and act as if that has already happened in your "timeline" XD

Hope this helps
Thank you!!!!!  I'll try to post something tonight after class and work.  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on August 31, 2021, 11:21:03 AM
Hey guys, I will be on LOA for maybe 2 weeks. The first and second week of September.

I'll be moving house on the 6th of September, and probably will be busy helping get all our stuff ready to put in our cars and mover truck for on the 6th during the first week of Sept.
I think I will be unavailable until the 3rd week of Sept as we'll be busy getting our new house filled with our stuff lol
I will attempt to answer tags via mobile devices as much as I can.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Lathaniel on September 05, 2021, 09:20:15 PM
Apologies, my fellow Theurigsts

I have been absent from this board for the most part of the past weeks. I have been facing some career challenges (positive ones, but still stressful) as well as some family related difficulties.

I am not writing this to find some sort of excuse. I should have posted here earlier, so that all of you know that my responses might take longer. I did not, and for that I am sorry.

I am hopeful that things will calm down in the coming days, which will give me time and opportunity to get back to writing.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on September 09, 2021, 12:02:03 PM
FYI: I visit some friends this weekend, so I'm not available until next tuesday. Appologies to all who waits for me to post.
@Auctor Lucan @P.C. Haring @Luciain
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 27, 2021, 01:36:08 AM


Our newest writer, @redshift316 , has asked to inherit Jaya Thorne, one of our Asst. Chief CONN Officers!

( Ens. Jaya Thorne              Asst. Chief CONN Officer (V2) (
  - Writer: (

Jaya has been on the Allegiant mission in Advent of War, flying the scoutship a third time, having already flown it in both the Battle of Starbase 84 as well as the Battle of the Apertures under the command of her old CO from the Black Opal, Jennifer Dewitt. She was also at the helm when the Sword fought the IKC Rotarran and Chancellor Martok in the Azure Nebula.

So far, small edits have been made to the character's interests, but a Butterfly Effect might have changed some small events in her past, which have no greater bearing on the present story. @redshift316 will be getting into gear with their new character gradually, but I look forward to seeing this familiar face up and about again.

Congratulations on your character, @redshift316 , and welcome aboard! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Eden on September 27, 2021, 01:37:10 AM
Welcome @redshift316 !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nesota Kynnovan on September 27, 2021, 01:44:44 AM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Tae on September 27, 2021, 01:50:04 AM
Welcome @redshift316
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SaraKnight on September 27, 2021, 01:53:05 AM
Welcome @redshift316
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: uytrereee on September 27, 2021, 01:53:56 AM
Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: BipSpoon on September 27, 2021, 02:41:20 AM
Welcome!!! Looking forward to seeing you IC!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on September 27, 2021, 03:17:26 AM
Welcome aboard! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on September 27, 2021, 03:49:34 AM
Welcome @redshift316
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hope on September 27, 2021, 04:43:41 AM
Welcome @redshift316 !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on September 27, 2021, 07:28:23 AM
Welcome @redshift316 and If you need help, there are many mentors here willing to lend a hand. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on September 27, 2021, 08:08:14 AM
welcome @redshift316 ! Have fun writing :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: redshift316 on September 27, 2021, 10:51:09 PM
Thank you for the warm greetings! Much appreciated!

Just for a quick intro, I've been playing pbem (trek and non trek alike) games for over twenty years. Most of my experience has been with games other than forum based.

I am always looking to improve both my work and interactions with characters.  so please don't hesitate to offer help and suggestions under any circumstances.  I am always open to talking about doing joint posts and discussing interactions with characters. I am looking to be as outgoing with Jaya as possible, so drop me a line if you see some kind of possible interaction.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Ellen Fitz on September 28, 2021, 04:20:45 AM
@redshift316 Welcome to chaos!!!! Looking forward to making mischief with you!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on September 29, 2021, 09:47:36 AM
welcome @redshift316
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on September 30, 2021, 01:35:23 AM
Grad school has been kicking my butt but I'm going to try to post for the rescue mission tonight.  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Lathaniel on September 30, 2021, 06:31:17 AM
Welcome @redshift316

Looking forward to writing with you. ;-)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 01, 2021, 04:54:06 PM


>> Click For Full Resolution (

For all those who missed the Discord announcement, the Epilogue of Advent of War has been posted!

EPILOGUE: HEADCOUNT [ DAY 03 | 1900 HRS. ] (,3209.0.html)

This is the starter for the Epilogue of Advent of War! In the header of the first post, I have listed some writers with present characters, but if you are a writer with a character that is eligible for bridge duty and may be there as well, please let me know via PM!

So, roughly 1 hour has passed for the crew since the Battle of Qo'noS (for lack of a better name), and many of your characters are likely in sickbay, lol! If someone would be willing to start a group thread for general sickbay scenes, set in either of the three sickbays the Theurgy has, that would be awesome! With this Epilogue starter, we open up for Supplemental threads set between 1900 hrs. and 0800 hrs. on the next day (Day 04). After 0800 hrs. on Day 04, the Interregnum begins, and a separate board will be created later this week for those threads. More Group Thread starters besides the sickbay one will be posted over time as needed in both the Epilogue and the Interregnum. The naming convention for all Supplemental threads (Group or One-on-One) in the Epilogue is EPI: S [D0X|YYYY] Insert Title, wherein X marks the day and YYYY marks the time.

This is just the beginning bridge scene of the Epilogue in this thread, since there will be a list of Story Objectives that will be detailed in an upcoming Newsletter, which covers other facets and settings of this last part of Advent of War and missions therein. The Interregnum board will be set up before the Newsletter come out as well, so that you all can either focus on the direct aftermath of the battles (in the Epilogue), or create threads which are set at a time in which your characters have healed up a bit and there is some shoreleave to be had on Qo'noS for example (in the Interregnum).


I have also been a bit of a busy bee today, so here is the list of pages updated in time for the Interregnum board to be launched this weekend!

The Crew Manifest is updated with all the comings and goings of officers, promotions and positions dealt. If you have a character/characters affected by these changes, consider this manifest a goal for your continued writing in the beginning of the Interregnum. Your character assuming the listed position is something you can sort out with superior officers, and keep in mind that the Captain does not personally assign a lab assistant in Science, for example. That would be the job of the closest superior officer in each department respectively. This means Departmental Heads report to the First Officer, whom in turn reports to the Captain. Of course that doesn't mean Ives won't personally hand out Departmental Head roles, but it is not mandatory.

Oh, I have updated all the character pages to reflect these changes as well. Rank and positions and departmental colours should be updated, but please let me know if I have missed anything.

The wolf pack has a new chart! Check it out, and as you can see, we have four vacancies to fill over the Interregnum, either with new writers or old writers creating fighter pilots. This ties into the above mentioned thing, in which your pilot character may need training  in their new warp fighter etc.

This is also freshly updated, so if you are considering to make a new character, you need to pick from this list. Hopefully you'll find something interesting, and if you think some position is missing in the list, just PM me about it here on the forum.

This has also been updated with the old onboarding option of arriving to the Theurgy prior to the Battle of the Houses being replaced with a Qo'noS option instead. Otherwise, this ought to be the same as before.

I did update the Advent of War calendar too, just to make sure it didn't extend into the upcoming Interregnum.

That's all for now, and I wish you all a happy weekend! Keep an eye out for the next announcement here, in which the Interregnum 01-02 board will go live.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 03, 2021, 04:55:13 PM


>> Click For Full Resolution (

This is the starter for Interregnum 01-02! In the header of the inaugural post on the board, I have listed some writers with present characters, but that post illustrates events overall, so it is a Attn: All nonetheless.

INTERREGNUM 01-02 (,27.0.html)

So, the first thread is set the morning after the conclusion of Episode 01: Advent of War. With the Interregnum going live, we open up for Supplemental threads set between Day 1 and Day 7 of the Interregnum. It begins on the 19th of April 2381, known hereby as Day 1, and more days will be added as the weeks are opened up for story development. So, the rest of the 14 days of the Interregnum are N/A for the time being. If you have a scene set before 0800 hrs., it belongs to the Epilogue of Advent of War (,26.0.html), and should be posted on that board instead. The naming convention for all Supplemental threads (Group or One-on-One) in Interregnum 01-02 is Day 0X [YYYY hrs.] Insert Title, wherein X marks the day and YYYY marks the time.

There will be a list of Story Objectives that will be detailed in an upcoming Newsletter, which covers potential missions in this first week of the Interregnum, but this is also a time for R&R. I will be working on wiki information on Qo'noS to offer some detail to the settings planet-side, which I hope will come to inspire some adventures off the ship.

Qo'noS Shore Leave Calendar (

Lastly, at the top of the new board, you will find a link to a new calendar ( that covers this time of Qo'nos shore leave and repairs. This page is for planning events during the Qo'noS shore leave and to show when missions take place. Each day will have a bullet point list of events including the time in which the events occur. This, to aid all writers in orienting themselves around what their characters might be doing before and after each event. Away missions and major events should be listed here, but not every thread posted. For a chronological list of threads, just sort the board by subject.

This Calendar is available to be edited by everyone, so please make sure to add relevant events! Just remember to use past tense, like in the rest of the wiki.

That's all for now!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: P.C. Haring on October 05, 2021, 05:48:16 AM
Hey Everyone! 

If you've been hanging around the Discord, you might have heard some conversating about a Rock Concert night.  Now that the Interregnum is upon us, so to is the concert.   

ALL writers are welcome to join in with their characters that meet the following conditions:

1) The Character is no higher ranked than Lieutenant and
2) The Character is not a department head

This is intended as a fund thread for the 'junior' crew to get out, leave their rank at the door and just enjoy a night of fun!  This is a great opportunities for characters to meet each other, or to put characters who might not interact under normal circumstances into the same room as one another.  Obviously, this is an optional thread so feel free to jump in and participate as you wish.  You can freely assume that your qualifying characters received an invitation on their personal terminals sometime during day 2 of the interregnum, so for those of you looking for in character reasons to know about it... you now have it. 

The link to the thread is here:  I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite... (,3218.msg33062.html#msg33062) 

Looking forward to seeing you all there!  If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to either myself or @Swift

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Lathaniel on October 05, 2021, 06:39:17 PM
Hello everyone!

I just created a thread for day 01 of Interregnum, where all Tactical CONN associated characters can freely meet, socialize and get to know each other. Feel free to join if you have characters of which you think they should be there.,3220.0.html (,3220.0.html)

I'd be happy to meet some of you there.

@P.C. Haring  Thank you for this awesome idea! I will have at least Sorek attend this party!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on October 05, 2021, 07:50:16 PM
@Lathaniel Thanks! I may do that with Tessa since it's been a while.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on October 05, 2021, 08:35:48 PM
A rock concert sounds fun but IDK if Anh-Le will be up for it lol, she got her butt kicked pretty good by Klingons. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: P.C. Haring on October 05, 2021, 08:50:45 PM
@Lathaniel No problem and thank you for the Wolf Pup thread.   It's going to take me a couple of days to get to it in my Queue, but I'll be brining Reggie to it.

@GroundPetrel Completely up to you.   She's welcome, of course but if for character reasons she would stay away, I get that too!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on October 06, 2021, 02:19:42 AM
@Lathaniel Donna won't be in attendance due to being mentally imprisoned by Max.

And Max is currently in the ship's Brig.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 13, 2021, 12:24:57 AM

We have a returning writer in the form of, @Griffinsummoner , who will be writing Petty Officer Scruffy Leblanc again!

( PO1 Scruffy Leblanc            Systems & Maintenance Engineer (
  - Writer: ( (;u=385)

Right now, edits are being made in Praxis Crucible in which Scruffy survives the away mission to Praxis, and will be actively written as of the Epilogue, in which the character is in sickbay for treatment of his injuries. Here is the group thread in which those who have injured characters can illustrate their recovery: EPI: S [D03|1901] Bandaging bruised battered bastards (,3213.0.html)

Welcome back aboard, @Griffinsummoner ! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on October 13, 2021, 12:36:05 AM
Welcome back @Griffinsummoner !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on October 13, 2021, 05:55:54 PM
welcome back @Griffinsummoner
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on October 13, 2021, 06:36:23 PM
Welcome back @Griffinsummoner 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on October 14, 2021, 04:21:04 PM
Welcome back!  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 16, 2021, 02:28:33 AM

Today, a new Theurgist joins us! It's @Scavenger01 , who will write a new Science Officer by the name Asra Tek! :)

( Lt. Asra Tek            Science Officer (Warp Theory) (
  - Writer: ( (;u=631)

Asra will join the Theurgy crew after Rear Admiral Anderson sent her there, having been enlightened about the overall threat the Federation face but still needing a full briefing after she steps aboard the Theurgy. During her time in Starfleet, Asra Tek has been involved in different science projects that the Infested have suppressed for their own benefit. For instance, they have continuously suppressed the development of quantum slipstream technology since the Voyager returned from the Delta Quadrant to facilitate the Borg invasion through the Azure Nebula. This, since by doing so, the ships present to deal with that threat in the Destiny novels never got there. Instead, it was the Theurgy that was encountered the Borg.

In any case, Tek will now be able to have more free reins in her scientific endeavours! She might soon end up as one of the Asst. Chief Science Officers. Welcome aboard, @Scavenger01 , and hope you will have a great time! Looking forward to your inaugural post. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Eden on October 16, 2021, 02:33:25 AM
Welcome! @Scavenger01
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on October 16, 2021, 02:40:19 AM
Welcome @Scavenger01 and if you need help reach out to any mentors! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Tae on October 16, 2021, 02:40:57 AM
Happy to have you @Scavenger01 she'll have to meet Arven...another Trill! Yayyy!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on October 16, 2021, 02:44:57 AM
Another Trill joins the show. Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on October 16, 2021, 02:58:19 AM
Yay for spots!!

Welcome aboard, @Scavenger01
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on October 16, 2021, 03:20:12 AM
Welcome aboard! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hope on October 16, 2021, 03:50:55 AM
Welcome aboard @Scavenger01 !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: redshift316 on October 16, 2021, 04:17:23 AM
Welcome aboard @Scavenger01! We have cookies!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on October 16, 2021, 11:08:08 AM
Welcome abord @Scavenger01 ! Have fun writing :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SaraKnight on October 16, 2021, 11:42:00 AM
Welcome aboard @Scavenger01 !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nesota Kynnovan on October 16, 2021, 11:53:29 AM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Scavenger01 on October 16, 2021, 12:37:06 PM
Hello all, thank you for all the welcomes!

Happy to have you @Scavenger01 she'll have to meet Arven...another Trill! Yayyy!


Another Trill joins the show. Welcome aboard!

Trill are amazing even if it means the distinction must be made between good brain slugs and bad brain slugs ;)

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on October 16, 2021, 02:36:26 PM
G'Day @Scavenger01

Welcome aboard. I hope you settle in easily. If you have any issues or questions, feel free to ask myself or anyone and we will do our best to assist however we can.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 17, 2021, 04:01:18 PM


Hi there! As requested when we did the Character Survey, and some site suggestions came up, I've created our Scuttlebutt Page!

Scuttlebutt Page (

Have at it and add the juicy tattle that you know of, and if you are quick about it, the new entries will be included in the upcoming newsletter. This resource is meant for fun and immersion aboard the ship, as well as help for writers with characters new to the ship, and who doesn't know the rich history of past Episodes.

If you add an entry, you can announce it here, in this new thread:

Scuttlebutt Announcements! (,3230.0.html)

That way, those who want to implement rumours in their writing aboard the Theurgy will know when new ones are available. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 20, 2021, 02:50:31 PM


Greetings Theurgists! While some large events will be handled outside the Story Objectives system, with starters made or prompted by me, I have now added new rules and the first batch of new Story Objectives for Interregnum 01-02! :)


Make sure you read the new rules carefully, and don't forget to scroll down and look at the new In-Character Token Rewards on the page! :)

The events that will be dealt outside of the Story Objectives are (but not limited to), the approach of the Federation Embassy on Qo'noS, the Memorial Ceremony, the Azurite Station mission as well as the development in which the crew work with the Savi to try and isolate the parasites with a secondary containment beam using the anyonic phase variance that they inhibit. The Azurite Station mission will be launched shortly, with an new OOC thread posted in which volunteers can throw their hats into the ring, so to speak. I will also write the starter for the Memorial Ceremony, which will be a group thread available for all writers, as well as the Federation Embassy approach. The latter will be on a volunteer basis as well, with Ives being in charge of that.

As it stands I plan to have the Azurite Mission and the Federation Embassy threads set in Day 1 (the mission to the station perhaps spilling over into Day 2 for your characters) and the Memorial Ceremony will be on Day 2, at noon.

That is all for now, and I hope you guys like the new rules, Objectives and Rewards! If I need to edit something, just let me know. :)


Auctor Lucan

EDIT: Had to change the last of the Story Token Rules:

"- Writers may participate in two (2) Story Objectives at the same time, but as stated above, only one will allow the writer to earn Tokens. Which Objective that is must be clearly specified in the starting post of an Objective in such a case."
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Ellen Fitz on October 20, 2021, 03:13:36 PM
 (L)  (laugh)  ( good )

Bomb diggity this is great!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 20, 2021, 09:23:52 PM


Right now, I have handed out the Advent of War Service Badges to all whom have had characters present during Episode 01 of Season 2. This is officially the beginning of the Awards Season!

Advent of War Service Badge
That means you can now submit your nominations for the Suus Mahna and Pon Farr Awards! Here is the link to the nomination thread with all the relevant information:

All is Fair in Love & War | Award Nominations (,3232.0.html)

Make sure to read up on the nomination rules before writing up your nomination! More Award Nominations will open up after this nomination period for these awards is over. Submit your nominations for these Awards before 27th of October!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on October 21, 2021, 04:23:47 AM
Why is it called a Scuttlebutt?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Ellen Fitz on October 21, 2021, 04:46:31 AM
Merriam Webster

Definition of scuttlebutt

1a: a cask on shipboard to contain fresh water for a day's use

b: a drinking fountain on a ship or at a naval or marine installation


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 21, 2021, 01:52:24 PM


Since we found ourselves in a situation where different groups of writers pulled the same NPCs from our wiki to fill out away teams during Advent of War, it became clear that we needed to update the rules in regard to NPC usage. This has been added to the NPC pages now:

>> Click for Full Resolution (

A huge thanks goes to @jreeves1701 for the added LCARs default images that we now have available if we can't find any fitting faces at Sci-Fi Avatars ( In short, when you use an NPC, write where s/he is at in the story, and if s/he dies, make sure that is registered on the NPC entry as well.

And when you implement a new NPC in the story, and this person might have relevance later on in the story, make sure you add him/her to the NPC pages as well! You may not, however, use the Character Creation Form on the wiki to make NPCs, since that is strictly reserved for our own characters, not for NPCs.


Speaking of @jreeves1701 , btw, he has decided to take on the gargantuan backlog named Zyrao Natauna, and to inherit her as a character of his own!

( Brigadier Zyrao Natauna                Klingon Empire Liaison ( 
  - Writer: ( @jreeves1701

This El-Aurian has a long backstory even before coming aboard the Theurgy, suffering from bad experiences in her long life, but she's quite resourceful too. In the beginning of Interregnum 01-02, after the ordeal with House Mo'Kai settled, Chancellor Martok saw it fitting to give Zyrao Natauna an higher Klingon rank, and this being Brigadier ( A brigadier is essentially a high ranking official who can handle the position of military advisor to the Chancellor, and could speak on behalf of the High Command, which rhymes with her intended role in the story.

So, on the Theurgy story, she functions as the Klingon Empire Liaison for Martok. Moreover, she functions as the Theurgy's representative when dealing with the Klingons in the story, and while Zyrao might not be available for all official dealings with Martok, she serves as a coordinator for KDF movements and communications with the Klingons on the Theurgy's Main Bridge during battle, at such times present in the Support Staff section at the back of the bridge, close to the Mission Ops table behind the CO's chair.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Ellen Fitz on October 21, 2021, 03:30:11 PM
Congrats, whee hoo, have a great time and thanks for all the help @jreeves1701
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on October 21, 2021, 03:38:21 PM
Congrats @jreeves!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: redshift316 on October 21, 2021, 05:02:42 PM
Congratulations @jreeves1701!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on October 21, 2021, 06:23:55 PM
Congrats @jreeves1701 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on October 21, 2021, 09:56:00 PM
Congratulation @jreeves1701 ! Have fun :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on October 22, 2021, 08:25:43 AM
Cool stuff!  Congratulations to @jreeves1701
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 22, 2021, 09:35:56 PM


Here is a dedicated OOC thread for writing ads and requests, allowing you all to plan supplemental threads.

Interregnum 01-02 Thread (,3235.0.html)

Check it out! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 23, 2021, 07:17:59 AM


Let's change the nomenclature a bit to something that better reflects the intention and dynamic pertaining to what used to be called Story Objectives. An Objective is, as pointed out to me yesterday, perhaps too much of a loaded word, the annotation of it suggesting that you must "secure the objective", whereas the intention is strictly them being suggestions for if you have no other ideas about what you want to write.

It was revealed to me that the word "writing prompt" has less of a serious nature to it, and better describes the functionality I intended to begin with.

So, to better signal the intent, we have changed the name from Story Objectives to Story Prompts and Writing Prompts, the latter of which there is no restriction on how many of them you want to write in.

Moreover, the Writing Prompts does not have to be single use either, but can be used for inspiration several times. Like the Group Therapy Session one, which has garnered a lot of interest. More of these less story related kind of Writing Prompts will be added over time, and as always, suggestions for more of these should be PMed to me here on the forum!

Story Prompts (

Don't forget to check out the In-Character Token Rewards that has been added! And speaking of Tokens, they will no longer be called Story Tokens, but just Tokens instead.  This, because earning Tokens is no longer just from doing Story Prompts. The full list is a Work-In-Progress yet to be added, but some wiki updates etc. will be rewarded by Tokens as well. Like adding recent events to your character biography, adding new NPCs and adding your character to a ship s/he served on in the starship database we have on the wiki.

Hope you all like this update and let me hear your Writing Prompts if you have any by PMing me here on the forum. :)


Auctor Lucan

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on October 25, 2021, 05:33:15 AM
Apologies for being basically inactive this weekend, graduate school is kicking my butt again.  Will see if I can post in response to @Swift tomorrow night!  :)  Psyched to finally get Fisher OUT of that cell lol. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 27, 2021, 03:35:35 PM

Hi Theurgists! :)

Please remember to submit your nominations for the Suus Mahna and Pon Farr Awards before tomorrow! Here is the link to the nomination thread with all the relevant information:

All is Fair in Love & War 2021 | Award Nominations (,3232.0.html)

So far, two nominations have been made for the award categories respectively. No extra ones have been submitted via PM to me yet.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 28, 2021, 03:32:19 PM

Today, @Pierce expands our Operations Department with Lieutenant Nick Chambers, an officer from the Oneida!

( Lt. Nick Chambers     Asst. Chief of Operations (V3) (
  - Writer: ( @Pierce

After his transfer to the Theurgy, which would be after the events in Episode 01: Advent of War, he will eventually end up as an Asst. Chief Operations Officer - this development having to run its course In-Character during the beginning of the Interregnum. Looking forward to reading his continued story, and congrats on the new character, @Pierce ! :)


Auctor Lucan

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on October 28, 2021, 04:26:20 PM
Thanks! And great work as always!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on October 28, 2021, 04:34:00 PM
Another one for Ops. Good stuff. With three player characters there, we might actually count as a real department now.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on October 28, 2021, 11:33:17 PM
uh, nice. Oneida one in the team  (laugh) @Pierce
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 29, 2021, 11:25:58 AM

Hello everyone! Thank you to those who took their time to make nominations in the Suus Mahna and Pon Farr award categories. Tokens of appreciation for this have been handed out now that the nomination time has expired, and the two polls have been posted, one for each award category:

Suus Mahna Award Poll 2021 (,3252.0.html)

Pon Farr Award Poll 2021 (,3253.0.html)

The polls will run for 3 days, in which those who cast their votes should take a few minutes to read the linked scenes first. The nominee(s) who get the most votes will receive the Suus Mahna or Pon Farr award respectively. If you are a Nominee, you may not vote on your own scene(s).

Thank you in advance for your voting in these award categories!


Meanwhile the polls run, I have decided to open up for nominations in two new award categories. Nominations for these two Writing Awards are now open until the 5th of November, where two separate polls will be posted on the 6th of November for the two award categories and their nominated scenes respectively. The two polls will be public, and of course, those casting the vote will need to read the scenes nominated before casting their vote in the poll.

The awards? :) This time, they are these:

( (
Awarded to the main contributing writers in a humorous scene or situation that stands out way above the norm in terms of inducing laughter for the readers.

( (
Awarded to the main contributing writers in a dramatic scene or situation that stands out way above the norm in terms of emotional impact, keeping the readers on the edge of their seats and wondering what may come next.

Here is the thread where you post your nominations:

Tears & Laughter 2021 | Award Nominations (,3254.0.html)

You may also submit your nominations anonymously via PM to me. I look forward to read your nominations!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 02, 2021, 12:20:13 PM

Today, @Tae adds another character in the form of Nara Nueva!

( CM1 Nara Nueva            Lab Technician (High Energy Physics) (
  - Writer: ( (;u=593)

Crewman Nara Nueva currently serve at the Federation Embassy on Qo'nos in relative exile, having meddled with thalaron radiation and been demoted for it a couple of years earlier. Naturally, given the development with the Romulan Empire and the opportunity that the Theurgy represent, she believes she could potentially prove her worth once again.

A very interesting character and I look forward to seeing how she finds life on the Theurgy, which is a far cry from her lab at the Embassy, I reckon.  :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on November 02, 2021, 12:45:49 PM
Congrats @Tae ! An interesting concept. Looking forward to read of her.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on November 02, 2021, 06:35:09 PM
Congrats @Tae for the new character!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on November 05, 2021, 04:51:39 PM
Hey guys and girls... good and bad news.

I have my pc back up and running unfortunately I still have my corrupted C drive to sort out. I plan on doing that monday.

The bank sorted out everything.

The bad news is I am away from my pc on the weekend due to a convention. So I'll be unavailable until monday night. I apologise to all my co-authors that I haven't posted yet, I will next week.

I'll check in when back home... Have fun!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 07, 2021, 01:53:52 AM


While the voting for the Inner Light Award (,3270.0.html) and the Pakled Order (,3271.0.html) begin today and last for 3 days, we also open up for nominations for two new Awards!

( (
This is dedicated to a writer who mines Stark Trek canon for technical or cultural details, or built an species that truly stand out in originality. To read posts from this writer is to feel as if one is walking in the shoes of a real person in the Star Trek universe. Details should have long-lasting effects on the Theurgy story as a whole.

( (
This award is bestowed on a writer who demonstrated extraordinary character development and depth of writing. The character's plot goals are long-term with life-altering changes.

Here is the thread where you post your nominations:

Science & Soul 2021 | Award Nominations (,3272.0.html)

You may also submit your nominations anonymously via PM to me. I look forward to read your nominations! :)



I got a message from Aharon the other day, saying he has a new job, a leadership position and is putting in 50 hour work weeks on the regular. He loves the job but is too drained and is no longer able to keep up on his reading and writing. Furthermore, he said Vinata needs someone that can commit to the character and that is not longer him. He said that in no longer being an active enough part of the sim, he cannot write Vinata to their potential.  It is not a decision he's come too lightly and he truly do love the character.

Thank you so much for your time writing in the story, @Aharon , and while it is sad to see you go, it is quite understandable.

As for Vinata Vojona, our last remaining Ovri aboard, I find myself wanting to take up writing him myself for a bit since I have NPCed that character off and on over the years between writers, and with Jennifer Dewitt being in Breen space for the foreseeable future, I'll have Vinata take her place, and I'll see how it goes. There are other reasons too, like in how there is a connection between the Ovri and the Savi that I find worth exploring.

Moreover, Vinata has been a part of the Theurgy story since Episode 03 of Season 1, and the task for successfully convey a synopsis for inheritance is quite a daunting thing all on its own. The character has been through a lot, and with the changes he's undergone personally over the course of the mission, ranging from his sister leaving the ship to what the Savi did to him, and how he might choose to identify himself henceforth, is quite a lot to ask of a new writer, lol.

Wish me luck!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on November 07, 2021, 11:15:24 AM
Sad to see someone go.
Wish you all the best @Aharon
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 10, 2021, 12:40:37 AM

The votes in the two recent polls are in, and here are the results!




lastly, a reminder that there is just four more days to nominate for these:

( (
This is dedicated to a writer who mines Stark Trek canon for technical or cultural details, or built an species that truly stand out in originality. To read posts from this writer is to feel as if one is walking in the shoes of a real person in the Star Trek universe. Details should have long-lasting effects on the Theurgy story as a whole.

( (
This award is bestowed on a writer who demonstrated extraordinary character development and depth of writing. The character's plot goals are long-term with life-altering changes.

Here is the thread where you post your nominations:

Science & Soul 2021 | Award Nominations (,3272.0.html)

You may also submit your nominations anonymously via PM to me. I look forward to read your nominations!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on November 10, 2021, 06:09:17 AM
Congrats, @Griff
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SaraKnight on November 10, 2021, 08:43:42 AM
Congratulations to all the winners of all the awards so far. Great job. I hope I grow up to be as good a writer as all of you someday :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on November 10, 2021, 09:21:44 AM

Seems odd that the researcher's medal has a fed/kdf battle scene on it?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 16, 2021, 10:54:23 AM


The polls for the Researcher's Medal and Depth of Character have been posted, so make sure you go there and vote! :)

Award Poll: The Depth of Character Award 2021 (,3283.0.html)
Award Poll: The Researcher's Medal 2021 (,3284.0.html)

Nominations for two new Writing Awards are now open until the 23rd of November, where two separate polls will be posted soon afterwards for the two Award Categories and their nominated scenes respectively.

This time the awards are these:

( (
Awarded to a writer who through real-life crisis keep current with plot despite an overwhelming level of events occurring or mounting obligations. The player may be only able to post at a minimum level for up to three months, but their contribution is consistent and focused.

( (
Awarded to a player in recognition of their willingness and ability to put their character through extraordinary personal hardship, be it suffering through sickness or personal crisis, through which the writer contributed superb posts relevant to the situation. The writer who gains this award is a master at torturing their character(s) for the enjoyment of others.

Here is the thread where you post your nominations:

Dedication & Suffering 2021 | Award Nominations (,3285.0.html)

You may also submit your nominations anonymously via PM to me. I look forward to read your nominations!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 18, 2021, 09:03:35 PM


First, there's 12 more hours to vote in the polls for the Researcher's Medal and Depth of Character, so make sure you go there and vote! :)

Award Poll: The Depth of Character Award 2021 (,3283.0.html)
Award Poll: The Researcher's Medal 2021 (,3284.0.html)

Moreover, there have been no Nominations made for the two new Writing Awards yet. The awards are these:

( (
Awarded to a writer who through real-life crisis keep current with plot despite an overwhelming level of events occurring or mounting obligations. The player may be only able to post at a minimum level for up to three months, but their contribution is consistent and focused.

( (
Awarded to a player in recognition of their willingness and ability to put their character through extraordinary personal hardship, be it suffering through sickness or personal crisis, through which the writer contributed superb posts relevant to the situation. The writer who gains this award is a master at torturing their character(s) for the enjoyment of others.

If there are no Nominations made, these will unfortunately not be awarded to anyone, so if you can spare the time for someone who fit the Award descriptions, here is the thread where you post your nominations:

Dedication & Suffering 2021 | Award Nominations (,3285.0.html)

You may also submit your nominations anonymously via PM to me if you so prefer. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 19, 2021, 02:52:38 PM


The votes in the two recent polls are in, and here are the results!

Congratulations to you both on your well earned awards!  (L)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Tae on November 19, 2021, 02:53:49 PM
Congrats @Ellen Fitz well deserved. And thanks to everyone that voted for me, I am shocked and amazed.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Ellen Fitz on November 19, 2021, 03:28:28 PM
Oh this is what is happening! 😄 I'm humbled and appreciate the support. This is only possible because of writing partners willing to spare time and creative energy to invest themselves in the character development process as well. Thank you and congrats also to Tae.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on November 19, 2021, 05:58:34 PM
Congratulations to you both! Richly deserved, to be sure.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 23, 2021, 03:24:08 PM


Today is the last day to nominate for these Awards!  :) 

( (
Awarded to a writer who through real-life crisis keep current with plot despite an overwhelming level of events occurring or mounting obligations. The player may be only able to post at a minimum level for up to three months, but their contribution is consistent and focused.

( (
Awarded to a player in recognition of their willingness and ability to put their character through extraordinary personal hardship, be it suffering through sickness or personal crisis, through which the writer contributed superb posts relevant to the situation. The writer who gains this award is a master at torturing their character(s) for the enjoyment of others.

Here is the thread where you post your nominations:

Dedication & Suffering 2021 | Award Nominations (,3285.0.html)

You may also submit your nominations anonymously via PM to me if you so prefer. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 25, 2021, 11:34:56 PM


Happy Thanksgiving for those who celebrate it! The Writer's Heart and Scourge Award polls have been announced, so make sure you go there and vote when you have the time! Voting in the polls are open for 3 days.

Award Poll: The Scourge Award 2021 (,3290.0.html)
Award Poll: The Writer's Heart 2021 (,3291.0.html)

Furthermore, nominations for two new Writing Awards are now open until the 2nd of December, where two separate polls will be posted soon afterwards for the two award categories and their nominated scenes respectively. This time, the awards are these:

( (
Often we see the completion of a character's life; yet this character's story has a beginning, a middle, and an ending. The writer not only willingly self-terminated their character, but did so in a dramatic and/or endearing way. The ending must be in "a blaze of glory" with superior epic or poetic quality.

( (
This award is nominated by anyone, but only handed out once every year to the most outstanding writers in the sim.

Here is the thread where you post your nominations:

Final Award Nominations (,3292.0.html)

You may also submit your nominations anonymously via PM to me. I look forward to read your nominations!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Tae on November 29, 2021, 03:16:03 AM
congrats @Ellen Fitz on winning the writer's heart!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on November 29, 2021, 04:00:36 AM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 29, 2021, 08:08:05 AM

Good morning! :)

The votes in the two recent polls are in, and here are the results.






Nominations for the two last Writing Awards are still open until the 2nd of December, where two separate polls will be posted soon afterwards for the two award categories and their nominated scenes respectively.

This time the awards are these:

( (
Often we see the completion of a character's life; yet this character's story has a beginning, a middle, and an ending. The writer not only willingly self-terminated their character, but did so in a dramatic and/or endearing way. The ending must be in "a blaze of glory" with superior epic or poetic quality.

( (
This award is nominated by anyone, but only handed out once every year to the most outstanding writers in the sim.

Here is the thread where you post your nominations:

Final Award Nominations 2021 (,3292.0.html)

You may also submit your nominations anonymously via PM to me. I look forward to read your nominations!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on November 29, 2021, 08:56:23 AM
Congrats to @Ellen Fitz and @Swift !  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 02, 2021, 02:40:00 PM



It's the last day to nominate for the Blaze of Glory and Golden Chevron Awards, everyone! :)

Final Award Nominations 2021 (,3292.0.html)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on December 02, 2021, 05:07:23 PM
Hey folks. I just want to quickly apologise to those of you who are waiting on me. Suffice to say that life has gotten rather interesting lately, and I've been struggling to spare enough energy to pour into my keyboard. I should (knock on wood) be able to catch up soon, barring an unexpected broken bone, a random meteor strike or a spontaneous nuclear apocalypse.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Swift on December 03, 2021, 02:07:09 AM
Thanks everyone for the recognition! Congratulations to all the other winners, and the nominees!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RyeTanker on December 03, 2021, 06:15:19 PM
Good day Theurgists!

With the recent round of high intensity hostilities over, we take the time to remember those who have fallen.  To that end, the Memorial Wall is being updated.  At this time, the following names have been added.

Commander Ranaan Ducote
Lieutenant Commander Blue Tiran-Ducote
Lieutenant Kaylon Jeen
Lieutenant Zephyr Coral Praise
Lieutenant (JG) Jonas Arisaka (NPC)
Lieutenant (JG) Alessia Garcia
Lieutenant (JG) Derik Veradin
Ensign Kyle Jensen
Chief Petty Officer Amlas Keyah (NPC)
Chief Petty Officer Eun Sae Ji
Chief Petty Officer Morgan Song
Petty Officer First Class Jean Paul Rivard (NPC)
Petty Officer Second Class Taa'gur Kolla

This list is far from complete as the Library and Records Department is currently investigating and compiling data on all those that need to be added to the Wall.

To that end, Library and Records asks that any crewmembers with knowledge of those who have become honoured dead, please PM this account with the name and circumstance (posting) with which that person died, and the Memorial Wall will be updated accordingly.

Thank you.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 05, 2021, 09:30:57 PM


Hello again Theurgists! :)

Thank you to those who took their time to make nominations in the Blaze of Glory and Golden Chevron categories. The two polls have been posted, one for each award category:

The Blaze of Glory Award Poll 2021 (,3296.0.html)

The Golden Chevron Award Poll 2021 (,3297.0.html)

The polls will run for 3 days, in which those who cast their votes should take a few minutes to read any linked scenes first. The nominee(s) who get the most votes will receive the Blaze of Glory or Golden Chevron respectively. If you are a Nominee, you may not vote on yourself, but you are free to vote on your fellow competitors.

Thank you in advance for your voting in these award categories! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SaraKnight on December 07, 2021, 11:03:32 PM
Hello Everyone,

I just want to apologize to everyone who is waiting on me to post. Between school and some issues going on with my family, it has been rather busy on my end. I will hopefully get to some posts in the next few days.

And congratulations to the newest winners of the awards. Y'all are fab!

With Regards,
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 08, 2021, 09:29:28 PM


The votes in the two final polls are in, and here are the results! :)




Congratulations P.C. on this most prestifiois award! Well earned and I look forward to reading more of your work. This is also a great achievement in how you've not been writing with us for that long but still made such a great impression on this community.

Thank you for voting for me for the Blaze of Glory Award too, and while I think the other nominees were more worthy than I, I'm grateful for the recofnition. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on December 09, 2021, 04:40:56 PM
Congratulations to @Auctor and @PC Haring! Very well deserved to you both.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on December 09, 2021, 07:25:55 PM
Congratulations to @Auctor and @PC Haring . Keep up the good work. Looking forward to reading from you soon ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on December 09, 2021, 08:00:27 PM
I'm going to be pretty busy through the 14th with some final papers, but I will respond to threads in my turn if I can. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 15, 2021, 01:28:26 PM



You have all likely noticed the Deprecated messages at the top of the screen in the forum now and again, and while harmless, it is time to update the forum version to one that can handle a higher PHP setting.

For those unaware, and in layman terms, PHP is a general-purpose scripting language suited to web development, and upgraded versions are published on an annual basis. Our domain provider offers support for a current span of different PHP versions, while they stop supporting older ones, and right now the latest upgrade of PHP has come to a point where our forum version is a bit too old. It would have been awesome if all upgraded PHP versions were retro-compatible, but that's not the case. In order for PHP to be quicker and more efficient, some old functions (that our forum rely on) won't work in the future, instead having switched to better ones.

Our current Elkarte forum version is ElkArte 1.0.10 and the new upgrade is ElkArte 1.1, and during the past few weeks, I have been working on an upgraded clone of the forum. I even got help from the staff at Elkarte to upgrade all the Addons we are using, which was a rather long list:
- Bookmarks
- Fancy Box 4 ElkArte   
- Footer Menu
- Inline Attachments   
- Member Awards
- Mentions Droppy
- QRR: Quick Reply Reposition
- Simple Audio Video Embedder
- SimplePortal   
- Topic Solved   
- Ultimate Menu   
- Users online today   
- Word Replacer   

All of these addons have upgrades now, which will be more stable than the older versions we have been using.

So, now that the clone of the forum is working (barring some minor layout kinks that can be worked out eventually) it's time to backup everything on Friday and start the upgrade on the live forum. I will be setting the forum on Maintenance Mode on Friday 17/12 at 09:00 CT / 16:00 CET ). The wiki part of the site will work as usual, but the forum will just show a white screen with some text on it.

You will not be able to post until the upgrade is complete, which will be at some point during the Saturday or Sunday depending on bugs that show up during the re-install on our domain. Even if the forum shows up when you come here at some point during Saturday or Sunday, do not post anything on the forum until I announce that the upgrade is complete. That goes for Personal Messages as well. If you post anything before the announcement, there is a high risk that your writing may be lost. Likewise, try not to post too close to 09:00 CT on Friday either, since if you cut it too close with your post, it may not be in the backup I make.

TLDR: Until Friday at 09:00 CT, business as usual. Then, I activate Maintenance Mode and do the backups of both the database and the webspace. Next, the upgrading process will begin, and I will post here when the process is complete and you can resume posting again. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 19, 2021, 08:52:05 PM


You can all resume posting now! The forum bugs are squashed as far as I can see. But please PM me if you find any lingering issues with this new version of the forum (which doesn't look much different? Haha)

I checked how to optimise the wiki as well, but research into the issue showed that the wiki is a very old version, and it's not even 100% compatible with PHP 7.1... and we're currently running PHP 7.4 right now.  (laugh)

Further research showed that it looks like upgrading to the latest wiki version will be a two step process. I will have to update to an intermediate version, and then to the latest. I don't know if the new version will have compatibility issues with our wiki content, but it is doubtful barring any old addons that may screw things up. Plus, we have a custom wiki theme that would need to be reviewed and updated as needed. This being likely just a big a project as this finished forum one was, so I will look at what may be involved after the holidays and do that project separately.

Happy posting!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Tae on December 19, 2021, 08:57:52 PM
And there was much rejoicing.... yay.


Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on December 19, 2021, 09:20:00 PM
Great job. Thanks for squashing all those pesky bugs!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on December 19, 2021, 09:56:23 PM
It does seem to be running a bit faster for me! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on December 19, 2021, 10:28:57 PM
Works faster and cleaner on mobile for me too
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on December 19, 2021, 11:18:00 PM
It does seem to be running a bit faster for me! 
I have the same feeling. It runs smoother, too.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SummerDawn on December 20, 2021, 02:39:30 AM
It does feel smoother, a lot smoother. Only change I noticed, and maybe just me is the font seems smaller, at least in some places.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hope on December 21, 2021, 08:35:57 AM
It definitely feels smoother and a bit faster. Thanks for the updates!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on December 25, 2021, 11:44:09 AM
Hey all!

I would like to wish you and your families happy holidays and a merrry christmas. I hope that you all will get what you wished for :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on December 25, 2021, 02:25:26 PM
Happy Christmas/Happy Holidays fellow nerds!

The James Webb Space Telescope has launched successfully, which is a wonderful Christmas present, I must say.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on December 25, 2021, 02:43:48 PM
Merry Christmas everyone! Will be back to writing on Tuesday! Have a safe holiday.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RyeTanker on December 25, 2021, 03:00:19 PM
Merry Christmas and a happy holiday season to all! Take care and stay safe! 🎄🎁
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on December 25, 2021, 03:55:35 PM
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Peldor Joi, and may you have a glorious Day of Honor, everyone! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 26, 2021, 12:05:57 AM
Merry Christmas everyone!  (L)

We celebrated yesterday here in Sweden (the 24th) but I know most of you do it today. Hope you all have a great time and take care of yourselves out there!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on December 26, 2021, 12:57:49 AM
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nesota Kynnovan on December 27, 2021, 01:10:58 AM
Merry Christmas everyone!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 27, 2021, 02:21:34 PM

Today, @SarahBerry joins us, and they will be writing Ensign Sarah Bjørge! :)

( Ens. Sarah Bjørge            Nurse (
( (
  - Writer: @SarahBerry

She is a Nurse that will come aboard the Theurgy from the Oneida. She will be making her first appearance in the Interregnum unless there is an opportunity to have her show up in an Epilogue thread, and we'll see where it goes from there.

Welcome aboard the Theurgy! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on December 27, 2021, 02:27:17 PM
Welcome aboard @SarahBerry
If you need anything, let me or any of the other Mentors know and we can sort it out.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Scavenger01 on December 27, 2021, 02:29:41 PM
Welcome to the crew @SarahBerry
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: redshift316 on December 27, 2021, 02:30:19 PM
Hello, nurse!

Welcome aboard, pleased to make your acquaintance!

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RyeTanker on December 27, 2021, 02:31:05 PM
Awesome! Welcome aboard @SarahBerry ! Looking forward to seeing Sarah in action!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Ellen Fitz on December 27, 2021, 02:46:43 PM
Hoo ah welcome to the family! Looking forward to causing mayhem together, or having a quiet time of it too (I am capable of both hehe). Take care!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Tae on December 27, 2021, 02:57:28 PM
Happy to have you @SarahBerry I am going to have a hard time with that sing not getting stuck in my head now.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on December 27, 2021, 04:46:09 PM
Welcome aboard! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on December 27, 2021, 05:03:08 PM
Welcome aboard and if you need any help there are many mentors available
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on December 27, 2021, 05:51:43 PM
Welcome to the sim! If you want to write anything, feel free to PM anyone, even if it's something as basic as "your character is cool, can we write together?". Everyone on the sim is a capable writer and we all want to write, so all you have to do is grab someone and get cracking. May the fun times roll!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hope on December 27, 2021, 08:21:21 PM
Welcome to the crew @SarahBerry - I echo Griff's sentiments.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on December 27, 2021, 11:19:09 PM
And another one from the Oneida :) Welcome abord @SarahBerry ! Have fun writing.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 01, 2022, 01:55:59 AM
 Happy New Year, dear Theurgists!  (L)

Looking forward to a new year of storytelling with you all and take care of yourselves out there!  :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RyeTanker on January 01, 2022, 07:04:10 AM
Happy New Year!!  May the next year be more creative and less crazy! 🎉🥂
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on January 01, 2022, 07:25:28 AM
Happy new year! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on January 01, 2022, 12:21:23 PM
Happy New Year @all!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 08, 2022, 09:00:05 PM


Today, @oberonfrost joins us with FNN reporter Rylan Sil!

( Rylan Sil                FNN Correspondent ( 
( (
  - Writer: @oberonfrost 

Rylan Sil is currently at the Federation Embassy on Qo'nos, and will appear in the group thread depicting the events there during Day 1. A very interesting character and I look forward to seeing how he finds life on the Theurgy! Oh, and since there is a Story Prompt revolving around the FNN, Rylan Sil ought to be able to play a role in those events as well, so those who are working on that Story Prompt should reach out to @oberonfrost .  :)

Welcome aboard the Theurgy!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Scavenger01 on January 08, 2022, 09:04:12 PM
Hi, Welcome to the asylum @oberonfrost
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: redshift316 on January 08, 2022, 09:09:00 PM
Welcome aboard!

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on January 08, 2022, 09:13:40 PM
@oberonfrost Welcome abord. Have fun writing. Looking forward to reading from you.
Somehow Rylan Sil reminds me of Tim Pennington. I am curious.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on January 08, 2022, 09:53:06 PM
Welcome aboard! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on January 08, 2022, 10:03:11 PM
Welcome aboard
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on January 08, 2022, 10:33:07 PM
Hot diggity, that's an interesting character concept. I can't wait to see what you do with him!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RyeTanker on January 08, 2022, 11:04:05 PM
Amazing! Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: oberonfrost on January 08, 2022, 11:11:03 PM
Thanks for the warm welcome. Looking forward to writing with you very much.

@Nero - who is Tim Pennington?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on January 08, 2022, 11:22:29 PM
Thanks for the warm welcome. Looking forward to writing with you very much.

@Nero - who is Tim Pennington?
Star Trek: Vanguard, he was a Reporter for the FNN back to TOS time and found himself into a huge conspiracy
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on January 08, 2022, 11:35:32 PM
Welcome aboard @oberonfrost
Let us know if I can be of help. And if not me, any of the other mentors (or anyone really) should be either able to help you out or poit you in the right direction.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on January 09, 2022, 02:48:38 PM
Welcome @oberonfrost sexy character, nice jacket!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Ellen Fitz on January 09, 2022, 03:08:18 PM
Hello darling and welcome @oberonfrost , I look forward to mischief-making with you in the future!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on January 09, 2022, 07:52:40 PM
Shouldn't there be a little symbol on his forehead as he is Risian @oberonfrost ? Also what is Jamaharon?
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on January 09, 2022, 08:04:54 PM
Shouldn't there be a little symbol on his forehead as he is Risian @oberonfrost ? Also what is Jamaharon?
Jamaharon, per random Risian resort girl in TNG: "Captain's Holiday" is something that you signal you're interested in by displaying a fertility idol called a horg'ahn. 

i.e. it's a TNG writer's idea of a sex joke. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 10, 2022, 03:53:17 PM
Shouldn't there be a little symbol on his forehead as he is Risian @oberonfrost ?

In TNG the symbol didn't look organic at all, so it is a cultural thing, a little patch, worn by the Risians. In Discovery? It's a tattoo. In our story, we've gone with the TNG patch since it's closer in the timeline. I have always left the symbol off Risians in the character images since they have all been off world. Same with this character as well as Jovela, Rihen Neyah and Inej Avirim.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 15, 2022, 09:56:28 PM


Today, two new Theurgists joins us, @ob2lander961 and @Dumedion , and they will be writing Dixiebee and Shadow, two new Lone Wolves. :)

( Ens. Via WiX          Wolf-16 [DixieBee] (
( (
  - Writer: @ob2lander961

( Ens. Talia Al-Ibrahim          Wolf-04 [Shadow] (
( (
  - Writer: @Dumedion

@ob2lander961 brings Via Vix, callsign DixieBee, a Tactical CONN officer that was hurt at the Omega training centre and whom been in medical recovery aboard the Oneida until Interregnum 02-03. She will be flying a Valravn and have the designation Wolf-16. She is a feisty young woman who grew up on a harsh planet, but whom have adopted Starfleet ideals. She has a cybernetic plate on her chest that she has to wear for one year to help the healing of her lungs, but this won't prevent her from flying her warp fighter now that she has been cleared for duty.

Then, we have @Dumedion , who brings Talia Al-Ibrahim - callsign Shadow - who come from a repressive family situation but found sanctuary in Starfleet, and a passion for resistance training. Talia transferred to the Theurgy on the eve where Starfleet Command gave the order to attack the ship in orbit of Earth. She'd no more reached the Fighter Assault Bay when she was badly wounded and had to be put into stasis, and she couldn't be thawed until the current time in the story, when V-Nine had a chance to take a look at her medical journal and suggest a surgical means to treat her without loosing her in the process. She will be flying a Mk III Valkyrie since she were in simulations for her assignment before reaching Earth, and her designation will be Wolf-04.

Welcome aboard the Theurgy the both of you! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: redshift316 on January 15, 2022, 09:59:22 PM
Welcome to the party! Glad to have you aboard!

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on January 15, 2022, 10:12:46 PM
Welcome aboard! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on January 15, 2022, 10:14:44 PM
And with that, the Wolves are up to full strength. Welcome to the sim, folks! I look forward to writing with you both. Talia and Via look like interesting characters.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on January 15, 2022, 10:16:15 PM
Welcome aboard @ob2lander961 & @Dumedion ! Have fun writing. Looking to fly with you both
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nesota Kynnovan on January 15, 2022, 10:49:22 PM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RyeTanker on January 15, 2022, 11:01:25 PM
Congratulations! Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Scavenger01 on January 15, 2022, 11:43:32 PM
Welcome, always good to have more fighter pilots
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: ob2lander961 on January 16, 2022, 12:18:52 AM
Thank you, guys! I am very excited to rp with y'all lol
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Tae on January 16, 2022, 12:20:28 AM
@ob2lander961 and @Dumedion happy to have two more joining the ranks of our Einherjar.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hope on January 16, 2022, 01:31:07 AM
Welcome aboard @ob2lander961 and @Dumedion
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Dumedion on January 16, 2022, 02:58:34 AM
Hello all :) thanks for the welcome! lets do this, shall we? ;) @Tae Fenrys Hjolda!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on January 16, 2022, 07:03:31 AM
Welcome aboard! if you need any help, we've got a variety of mentors available.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on January 16, 2022, 08:52:43 AM
@Dumedion and @ob2lander961

Welcome aboard the Theurgy. I look forward to writing with you both as time allows.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me or any of the other mentors, or really anyone for that matter.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: oberonfrost on January 16, 2022, 03:07:28 PM
Welcome to @ob2lander961 & @Dumedion!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 18, 2022, 11:29:36 PM
 HI Theurgists!

Covid got to me at last with this last wave. :)

Been gradually getting worse symptoms and I tested positive today. Relatively mild symptoms though and I hope to be fine in a few days. I'll let you all know when I'm back at 100% capacity.


Auctor Lucan

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on January 18, 2022, 11:34:41 PM
Feel better mate.

Hopefully it doesn't get too bad.

Take care of yourself and the family.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on January 18, 2022, 11:36:14 PM
Feel better man. Not fun but hoping you have a quick recovery.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SarahBerry on January 18, 2022, 11:37:41 PM
Oh my god!! Feel better soon, stay hydrated and get so much rest. Hope to hear you back around soon.

Wish you and your family health and a speedy recovery.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: ob2lander961 on January 18, 2022, 11:41:19 PM
Sorry man. Get well soon!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hope on January 19, 2022, 04:09:46 AM
Feel better. I wish you a safe and speedy recovery.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on January 19, 2022, 05:03:38 AM
Covid's no joke.  Get well soon! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nesota Kynnovan on January 19, 2022, 07:01:09 AM
Get well soon!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RyeTanker on January 19, 2022, 06:04:13 PM
Hope this one is easy to fight and that you have a fast recovery!  Rest well in the meantime.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on January 19, 2022, 06:57:43 PM
Get well soon! Stay safe and quarantaine yourself.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Ellen Fitz on January 23, 2022, 02:27:17 PM
Everyone take care and be safe! Many hugs and lots of warm tea to you all!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 23, 2022, 11:41:34 PM
Hi there! Thank you all for the kind words! :)

Quick update on this end: I am more or less 100% recovered by now but I am dealing with the fallout for the rest of the family. My wife is one step behind me in the recovery process and my kids will not be able to return to school just yet.

Hope this finds you all well out there and I hope to catch up on all ends here through the week.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RyeTanker on January 24, 2022, 12:19:38 AM
That is good news! Look forward to hearing about the recovery of the rest of the family and having you back writing with us!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Dumedion on January 24, 2022, 01:03:25 AM
Glad to hear you and yours are okay boss - take care!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 26, 2022, 03:10:15 PM


While I still have a daughter who's ill, I am getting back in gear, so today, @rae joins us with Asst. Chief Engineer Azrin Ryn! :)

( Lt. JG Azrin Ryn                Asst. Chief Engineer ( 
( (
  - Writer: @rae 

Through the story, Azrin Ryn has been in a stasis chamber, having been hurt just after the Theurgy fled Earth. Before she was injured, she was a propulsion engineer, but sometime after she'd been thawed she will become an Asst. Chief Engineer. V-Nine will be preforming the surgery that get her back on her feet, and since V-Nine was out of commission in the first couple of days during the Interregnum, Azryn will be waking up in the Recovery Ward sometime around Day 3 or 4.  :)

Welcome aboard the Theurgy, @rae !


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Scavenger01 on January 26, 2022, 03:19:07 PM
Whoop, Welcome to the sim @rae. Always good to see more spots on board
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on January 26, 2022, 03:19:48 PM
Welcome @rae

If you need any help, feel free to reach out either here or on Discord.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: ob2lander961 on January 26, 2022, 03:22:12 PM
Welcome! @rae Looking forward rping with you lol and I hope your daughter feels better @Auctor
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on January 26, 2022, 03:23:30 PM
Hello and welcome aboard the ship @rae ! Have fun writing.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Ellen Fitz on January 26, 2022, 03:23:57 PM
Howdy and welcome! Everyone here is delightful to plot with, typically keen in crazier the better, so shop around for mayhem partners and have a great time! Cheers!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RyeTanker on January 26, 2022, 03:26:25 PM
Welcome aboard @rae! Have fun writing!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Dumedion on January 26, 2022, 03:28:02 PM
welcome aboard :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on January 26, 2022, 03:56:42 PM
Welcome to the Theurgy @rae !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on January 26, 2022, 04:05:17 PM
Welcome aboard! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on January 26, 2022, 04:10:59 PM
Welcome to Theurgy @rae and if you need any help, feel free to reach out to any of the mentors or really anyone. We're a friendly group!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hope on January 26, 2022, 04:42:44 PM
Welcome to Theurgy @rae !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: redshift316 on January 26, 2022, 04:51:34 PM
A warm welcome for our new arrival! Enjoy the party @rae !

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: rae on January 26, 2022, 05:31:42 PM
Hey hey! Thanks for all the welcomes! I'm excited to start RPing with you guys!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griffinsummoner on January 26, 2022, 06:20:35 PM
Welcome, @rae.  Azrin seems like the type that will get along great with Scruffy.  They've got a lot in common and I'm looking forward to working with you.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on January 27, 2022, 12:09:19 AM
Hey hey! Thanks for all the welcomes! I'm excited to start RPing with you guys!

Gosh, so many new faces. I've a lot of catching up to do on new players.

That said, welcome aboard the ship, @rae  ! we're all excited to have you (and all the other new players) aboard. If you need anything please don't hesitate to ask. If you are having trouble getting threads sorted or looking for ways to include your character I and other mentors are happy to help get you situated :)

And frankly that goes for everyone else around here too. If you're ever having trouble sorting out what you could be doing or finding a thread, reach out!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 28, 2022, 04:36:26 PM


Today, I learned that @SaraKnight will not be able to participate in the sim for the foreseeable future. She stated that she's been too caught up in RL matters to write here, but she said she wish health and safety to everyone here on the sim in parting.

She leaves Amissa available for inheritance though, so she is now on the Available Characters ( page for anyone interested.

( Lt. JG Amissa              Fighter Pilot [Emerald] (NPC) (
( (
  - Former Writer: @SaraKnight

As always, I will NPC Amissa ( as required in current ongoing threads. Just PM me if you have any specific requests in that regard! If there are no writers interested in her, I will eventually have her exit the story somehow so that her slot in the Line Wolves squad chart becomes available for a new Applicant.

Good bye, @SaraKnight , hope you'll return to us soon!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on January 28, 2022, 04:58:12 PM
sad to see someone leave. @SaraKnight take care! See you soon!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griffinsummoner on January 28, 2022, 06:16:42 PM
That's a shame.  I'd hate to lose such a character, but I hope @SaraKnight 's world improves smoothly.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on January 29, 2022, 12:15:44 AM
Sad to see her go but hoping she returns in the future.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on January 29, 2022, 04:21:54 AM
That's a shame, I hope she comes back soon!  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 01, 2022, 05:39:17 PM


Today, @teddyg123 joins us, and they will be writing Andram Obair, callsign "Javert"! :)

( Lt. JG Andram Obair           Wolf-08 [Javert] (
( (
  - Writer: @teddyg123

Having fallen from grace on his old ship, Obair found himself stuck on Qo'noS, having a temporary assignment to Security in wait for transfer to a new carrier and a new squadron. As it were, the Theurgy showed up, and after the truth about Starfleet Command and the state of things is revealed in the Federation Embassy thread ( (where he will be posting first), Obair will request a transfer to the Theurgy, about to serve as Wolf-08 in the Lone Wolves Squadron. He will have to undergo training to fly a Mk III Valkyrie before Episode 02 starts, but he won't be alone in that regard.

Welcome aboard the Theurgy, @teddyg123 ! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Scavenger01 on February 01, 2022, 05:58:06 PM
Welcome Aboard @teddyg123, looking forward to writing with you
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on February 01, 2022, 06:03:22 PM
Welcome abord @teddyg123 ! Have fun writing :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Dumedion on February 01, 2022, 06:07:56 PM
howdy - welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on February 01, 2022, 06:23:18 PM
Welcome aboard! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on February 01, 2022, 07:27:51 PM
Welcome to the Theurgy @teddyg123 !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on February 01, 2022, 07:45:12 PM
Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: rae on February 01, 2022, 07:50:48 PM
Hey hey, welcome!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RyeTanker on February 01, 2022, 08:04:29 PM
Hello!  Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on February 01, 2022, 11:29:00 PM
Welcome @teddyg123
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hope on February 02, 2022, 05:01:14 AM
Welcome aboard @teddyg123 !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 03, 2022, 10:09:44 AM


It is my pleasure to announce our newest member, @Eirual ! They will write the Xenoanthropology Science Officer Mia Dunne!

( Ens. Mia Dunne                  Science Officer (Xenoanthropology) ( 
( (
  - Writer: @Eirual

Ensign Dunne was a part of the original crew of the Theurgy, but she was hurt during the flight from Earth in 2380. She will be thawed on Day 3 after having undergone extensive surgery due to the injured caused her in a lab explosion.

Welcome aboard! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Ellen Fitz on February 03, 2022, 10:23:57 AM
Welcome welcome! Cheers to those newcomers who relish the mischief and mayhem, or the science and technobabble, or a wee bit of both with the spice or romance thrown in, that can be found on this delightful sim!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: redshift316 on February 03, 2022, 11:09:16 AM
Welcome aboard! You're going to have a blast...oh sorry, Mia already had one!

Are we sure Mia is not from Mars? Asking for a friend.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Scavenger01 on February 03, 2022, 11:55:52 AM
Welocme, @Eirual always fun to have more science people here to play with
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nesota Kynnovan on February 03, 2022, 02:08:28 PM
Welcome welcome!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Dumedion on February 03, 2022, 03:21:20 PM
Welcome aboard 😀
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on February 03, 2022, 03:48:22 PM
Welcome aboard! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RyeTanker on February 03, 2022, 03:51:56 PM
Welcome aboard @Eirual!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Eden on February 03, 2022, 04:38:12 PM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: rae on February 03, 2022, 05:08:35 PM
Welcome! Mia and Azrin should have a sickbay party. They both get thawed on day 3  (laugh)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on February 03, 2022, 05:12:04 PM
Welcome aboard @Eirual ! Have fun writing :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on February 03, 2022, 08:53:28 PM
Oh hey, more new people. Welcome aboard @teddyg123  @Eirual ! If y'all need any help with anything please don't hesitate to reach out. We're a pretty fun and easy going bunch. Looking forward to writing with y'all at some point :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Eirual on February 04, 2022, 05:40:38 AM
Thank you all for your warm Welcome.

I have heard great things about the Theurgy and I am thrilled to be here.
I am looking forward to writing with all of you at some point.
A Thaw Day party sounds intriguing!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on February 06, 2022, 08:47:48 AM
Apologies for being late on replies this week, I've had to do a lot of last-minute homework.   I'll get on writing in the morning!  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on February 08, 2022, 08:14:58 AM
Hey guys!

I would like to outsource Rala Nok'va as an NPC in The Runaway (
The Runaway is a Story of a young talented Federation pilot who, after he left Starfleet due to an fatal accident, tries his luck as a Cargo Runner. While this, he and his Crew met Rala Nok'va, a klingon warrior who tries to restore her honor in finding and regain control of the K'tang.

If anyone is interested, please PM me :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on February 20, 2022, 11:56:02 PM
sorry peeps, it seems I have been hit lately with carpel tunnel symptoms in my left hand over the last few weeks and it is getting worse so I will be seeking help for it. It has made typing a problem, if you have any suggestions, they are welcome but I may not be able to get to replies for a time.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nesota Kynnovan on February 21, 2022, 12:01:44 AM
Oh darn, get well soon, Sqwe!

We'll try not to burn down Main Sickbay (again) in your absence! :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Ellen Fitz on February 23, 2022, 01:17:03 PM
Howdy, @Sqweloookle , I have to do A LOT of typing, and the stretches found on this video ( helps me a lot when things start to ache. I also do self-massaged in the forearm area and use a handheld medicine ball to roll over the muscles there and over the fleshy parts of my palm.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 24, 2022, 01:08:08 PM


Today, with intermittent signs that they wished to write but were unable due to RL, I have granted @Lathaniel 's request to leave the sim. They leave Kino Jeen and Sorek Morgan, callsign Chaos, available for inheritance though, so they are now on the Available Characters ( page for anyone interested.

( PO2 Kino Jeen                  Security Officer (NPC) (
( (
  - Former Writer: @Lathaniel

( Lt. JG Sorek Morgan              Wolf-15 [Chaos] (NPC) (
( (
  - Former Writer: @Lathaniel

As always, I will NPC these characters as required in current ongoing threads. Just PM me on the forum if you have any specific requests in that regard, with links to the current threads! If there are no writers interested in them, I will eventually have them exit the story somehow so that, for example, Sorek's slot in the Line Wolves squad chart becomes available for a new Applicant. With Sorek being an Element leader to @ob2lander961 's character, they will also have full latitude to NPC Sorek in any threads in which they fly together until either a new writer picks him up or the characters exits the story.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 24, 2022, 04:50:40 PM


Hi there everyone! Hope this finds you all well out there. :) I took the time to go over the Interregnum 01-02 board and check what the current forum status is, and here are my findings. Use Ctrl+F to find your username?


ThreadLast PostDays AgoNext Poster
Day 01 [0800 hrs.] Active Recovery2022-02-0420Number6
Day 04 [1157 hrs.] Living Out Loud2022-02-240Ellen Fitz
Day 04 [1915 hrs.] Breakout!2022-02-240Eirual
Day 07 [0900 hrs.] Taking Flight2022-02-240Tae
Day 07 [1015 hrs.] Trill, Engines & Baldies2022-02-240Scavenger01
Day 01 [1300 hrs.] A rocky start2022-02-240Tae
Day 05 [0945 hrs.] Furry Fists of Diplomacy2022-02-231Nesota Kynnovan
Day 07 [1400 hrs.] If I'm Gonna Beat Ya, let me teach ya2022-02-231uytrereeee
Day 05 [2315 hrs.] An Unexpected Guide II2022-02-231Pierce
Day 04 [2230 hrs.] Enemies of the Empire2022-02-231Sqweloookle (?)
Day 04 [1800 hrs.] Through the Looking Glass2022-02-222stardust
Day 02 [1745 hrs.] Lost in Translation2022-02-222Ellen Fitz
Day 08 [1445 hrs.] A Simple Request2022-02-222oberonfrost
Day 03 [1600 hrs.] Did we escape?2022-02-222rae
Day 05 [1430 hrs.] Something in the Ale2022-02-222Tae
Day 04 [1755 hrs.] Tesla Gunship: Part 12022-02-222BipSpoon
Day 04 [1200 hrs.] An Unpleasant Bath2022-02-213P.C. Haring
Day 02 [2130 hrs.] Memories and Machines2022-02-213Dumedion
Day 02 [1550 hrs.] A Council of War2022-02-213Griff
Day 02 [1830 hrs.] Who Counsels the Counselors?2022-02-213stardust
Day 04 [0745 hrs.] Welcome to Valhalla2022-02-213Tae
Day 06 [0600 hrs.] CIWS - TNG2022-02-213ob2lander961
Day 04 [1100 hrs.] Valravn Flight2022-02-204ob2lander961 (NPCing Chaos)
Day 06 [0145 hrs.] Seekers of Solace and Good Tea2022-02-204Griff
Day 01 [1000 hrs.] The Federation Embassy2022-02-204jreeves1701
Day 03 [1355 hrs.] Decoding to Distraction2022-02-195Griff
Day 07 [0800 hrs.] We Have The Technology2022-02-195Griffinsummoner
Day 04 [2100 hrs.] La Gloire de Julie d'Aubigny2022-02-177Griff
Day 02 [1000 hrs.] The Commander's Confidant2022-02-168Brutus
Day 06 [0917 hrs.] Raiders of the Lost Crystals2022-02-168redshift316
Day 03 [0830 hrs.] Contact and Negotiation2022-02-159BipSpoon
Day 03 {1000 hrs.] Communal Therapy2022-02-159Sqweloookle
Day 01 [0600 hrs.] Beeline For The Boss2022-02-159SarahBerry
Day 04 [1500 hrs.] First Impressions2022-02-1410teddyg123
Day 06 [1700 hrs.] The Dance2022-02-1113JP Uytre+Ellen (?)
Day 01 [0145 hrs.] Attack of the Coffee Zombies2022-02-1113SarahBerry
Day 02 [1220 hrs.] A Contrast of CONN2022-02-1014Griff
Day 05 [0900 hrs.] Mind Games2022-02-0915Stegro88
Day 01 [2045 hrs.] Resident Niga: Azurite Station2022-02-0915BipSpoon
Day 04 [0800 hrs.] Down the Rabbithole2022-02-0717Stegro88
Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...2022-02-0717redshift316 / Ellen Fitz / Juzzie (?)
Day 07 [1630 hrs.] An Evening in the Big Easy2022-02-0519Tae
Day 07 [2300 hrs.] Reflections2022-02-0519Hope
Day 01 [1911 hrs.] Just a Little Girl Talk2022-02-0420redshift316
Day 03 [2000 hrs.] Grief, so much like Fear2022-02-0420Sqweloookle
Day 02 [1800 hrs.] Reunions2022-02-0321Tae
Day 01 [1430 hrs.] Wolf Cubs, Ahoy!2022-02-0321Eden
Day 02 [1845 hrs.] The forest beings have...2022-02-0321ob2lander961
Day 02 [0745 hrs.] Muffins and radiation2022-02-0222Number6
Day 01 [2200 hrs.] Fluid Reunion2022-02-0123Stegro88
Day 02 [1110 hrs.] A Journey In the Dark2022-01-3025stardust
Day 02 [0800 hrs.] All Nightmares End2022-01-2926Juzzie
Day 02 [1500 hrs.] The Alchemy of Sorrow2022-01-2926P.C. Haring
Day 05 [1800 hrs.] Spice up your Life2022-01-2926BipSpoon
Day 01 [0900 hrs.] Someone's Laughing Somewhere2022-01-2827Stegro88
Day 05 [1600 hrs.] Good Shepherd2022-01-2629Pierce
Day 09 [1830 hrs.] Perspective2022-01-2629oberonfrost
Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Blossoming wavelengths2022-01-2431Tae
Day 01 [1000 hrs.] So Say We Doctors2022-01-2431Nolan
Day 01 [1900 hrs.] New Arrivals2022-01-2332Scavenger01
Day 02 [0900 hrs.] A Forlorn Gorn and Managing Maq'mon2022-01-2332jreeves1701
Day 02 [1930 hrs.] Never Lost at Sea2022-01-2332BipSpoon
Day 05 [1200 hrs.] FNN Exclusive: Theurgy Documentary2022-01-2233redshift316
Day 05 [1400 hrs.] Logical Strategy2022-01-2134UltimaImperatrixia
Day 07 [1800 hrs.] A Most Cordial Excuse to Celebrate Life2022-01-1936Tae
Day 01 [1500 hrs.] 39 Problems2022-01-1738Unknown
Day 07 [0635 hrs.] Door knockers2022-01-1342SummerDawn
Day 06 [0915 hrs.] Close Encounters of the Savi Kind2022-01-1243Luciain
Day 03 [0810 hrs.] Deck 12: Cyborgs, Time Travellers, AI's...2021-11-10106chXinya

Please let me know which of the old threads that won't be continued and should be locked. PM me in that case! :)

In general, we have been very good at informing our writing partners when RL issues are getting in the way, like with family situations , covid or vacations, so let's keep doing that! ( good ) Bear in mind that we should always try to reply in our current threads within 7 days, and neglecting to do so breeds more inactivity among other writers - others getting the erroneous signal that its fine to leave writing partners waiting indefinitely.

I already know that some of you have just missed notifications, but it is important to not signal that it is okay to ignore the General Rules and the deadline we have for replies. As you can understand, for the sake of the story and the sim as a whole, we can't keep inactive writers since their characters hold positions that other writers may want to write instead. If you can't write, post about it in the Main OOC thread or update your signature to that effect, no worries at all, but that can't be a perpetual state of inactivity either.

Stay tuned for the upcoming Newsletter and more Story Prompts! I will be opening up the second week of the Interregnum then as well. I will hopefully be able to post lists like the above for both Advent of War and the Aldea Prime Anthology tomorrow. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: [REDACTED] on February 24, 2022, 05:44:34 PM
I'll work on my post, apologies about that - I just forgot. I'm still awaiting a post from Stardust on "Into the Valley of Death"
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on February 24, 2022, 05:52:36 PM
Thanks for the update.

As for Day 05 [1600 hrs.] Good Shepherd, I have no idea what else to post at this point. She'd already replied in IC, so I don't see anything else to say in this scenario.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 24, 2022, 09:06:00 PM


Hi again! Here are the list for the older boards. Bear in mind that the threads in the Aldea Prime Anthology ought to be wrapped up and that no more threads should be added there. Use Ctrl+F to find your username? :)

ThreadLast PostDays AgoNext Poster
EPI: S [D03|1901] Bandaging bruised battered bastards2022-02-231chXinya
EPI: S [D03|2230] "Remember that you die." | Memento Mori, P12022-02-222Swift
EPI: S [D03|2000] Anomalous Care2022-02-195P.C. Haring
EPI: S [D03|2100] Moving Day2022-02-195P.C. Haring
EPI: S [D03|1930] Two Moons2022-02-195stardust
EPI: S [D04|0200] A Chance Reprieve2022-02-195BipSpoon
EPI: S [D04|0100] Burn2022-02-1113BipSpoon
CH02: S [D03|0200] The Counselor's Counselor2022-01-2431EllenFitz
EPI: S [D04|0600] Beans, Bacon, Whiskey, and Lard2022-01-2134uytrereee
CH02: S [D02|2300] Notesharing and Nightcaps2022-01-0946BipSpoon
ThreadLast PostDays AgoNext Poster
Day 17 [1800 hrs.] Come Sail Away2022-02-0519Brutus
Day 20 [1900 hrs.] Diving Deeper2022-01-2926Stegro88
Day 34 [1100 hrs.] Walking through the Valley of the Shadow of Death2021-11-2987stardust
ThreadLast PostDays AgoNext Poster
[2374] Operation 'Spark' - Betazed2022-02-159Swift
[2370] Survival Training: Final Exam2022-01-3025Stegro88
A Most Cordial Correspondence2022-01-0946Tae
[2377] Whiskey Neat2021-11-08108BipSpoon
Tactical CONN Training Center Omega...2021-09-21156Eden
[2374] | Where Did It All Go Gornish?2021-03-03358jreeves1701
2375 Classified Mission Report: A Spot Of Trouble2020-09-26516Nolan
ThreadLast PostDays AgoNext Poster
USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths2022-02-1113Unknown
Adventures of Daniel Havenborn2021-02-08381SummerDawn
USS Tigris: Planetfall2021-02-06383stardust

Please let me know which of the old threads that won't be continued and should be locked! :)

As you can see, I have removed the solo threads where writers are posting scenes from the past or personal logs. The listed threads are one-on-one or group threads. Bear in mind that the General Rules apply to these as well! I reckon a lot of these ought to be locked though since they are really old and likely forgotten so just PM me about it.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: jreeves1701 on February 25, 2022, 12:12:41 AM
I am getting busy as the school year approaches the end of its 3rd term. But I should be able to catch up this weekend and then Spring Break is almost here. Currently in rehearsals my Spring Theatre Production and have been tagged to run the Public Address Announcements and Press Box for my schools Softball team. Juggling lots of projects but I still have time to write. I just have to make sure that I schedule that writing time and not let it get missed.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hope on March 01, 2022, 12:02:12 AM
I apologize for the delay in my writing as the current geopolitical situation has left me attending emergency meetings. This has, of course, thrown off my writing schedule. I am working on a new schedule and should be getting to my posts in short order. I anticipate that I will have a broader sense of what that will look like this week and will be scheduling my posts to catch up on accordingly.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on March 01, 2022, 03:00:56 AM
Hi Everyone,

First, I want to give thanks to my writing partners who have had to wait on replies from me. I am incredibly appreciative of your patience.
Secondly, I just want to give a heads up that my area is about to get bit#$slapped by a weather system that has left a wake of extreme flooding in it's wake as it has travelled down Australia's Eastern Seaboard. We are in a good place here but with that much water coming down, you just can't know how your house or the terrain around where you live will handle it so I may be out of touch for a few days. I'll be trying to stay at least reachable on Discord but I cannot guarantee anything.\

Stay safe everyone,

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on March 09, 2022, 09:20:37 AM
Hey everyone!

Anyone interested to join @Dumedion (as Ens. Talia Al-ibrahim ( and myself (as Lt. RraHnam ( into working at the Story Prompt Sulphurous Signal?
We are looking for a medic and another security officer or engineer.

If you like to join, please PM me.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Tae on March 12, 2022, 12:34:29 AM
Hey all... uhh so good news! My transfer to Nevada has gone through! The bad news..... My apartment complex probably won't let me out of my lease. so I'm focused on dealing with that bull shit because of These two clauses in my Rental contract.... I had an addendum that got me out of this..... but now i'm looking at the potential of something like 8 thousand dollars in penalty. So uhhh.... My mind is very much elsewhere. I'll get back to posting once I can focus.

22.1 Generally. You may have the right under Texas law to
terminate the Lease early in certain situations involving
family violence, certain sexual oenses, or stalking.
Otherwise, unless you’re entitled to terminate this Lease
under Par. 9, 17, 23, 31, or 36, you won’t be released from
this Lease for any reason—including voluntary or involuntary
school withdrawal or transfer, voluntary or involuntary
job transfer, marriage, separation, divorce, reconciliation,
loss of coresidents, loss of employment, bad health, property
purchase, or death.

Acceleration. Unless we elect not to accelerate rent, all
monthly rent for the rest of the Lease term or renewal period
will be accelerated automatically without notice or
demand (before or after acceleration) and will be immediately
due and delinquent if, without our written consent:
(A) you move out, remove property in preparing to move out, or you or any occupant gives oral or written notice of
intent to move out before the Lease term or renewal period
ends; and (B) you haven’t paid all rent for the entire
Lease term or renewal period. Such conduct is considered
a default for which we need not give you notice. Remaining
rent will also be accelerated if you’re judicially evicted
or move out when we demand because you’ve defaulted.
Acceleration is subject to our mitigation obligations below.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 17, 2022, 12:38:31 AM


Hi there everyone! The hour is late for me, but here it is! :)

Onboarding Page (

I had hoped to finish this onboarding page sooner. My wife has some post covid ailments that lingers, energy low and persistent headaches, so I try to let her rest as much as possible from the regular house upkeep. I have yet to add this to the main menus of the forum and the wiki, or linked it in the Joining the Crew page, but that will happen tomorrow. Happy reading, new writers and old, and please send any feedback and suggestions on improvements to me via PM on the forum!

The page is meant to guide new writers about the current situation in the story, addressing common questions and odd quirks not so plain at first glance. Eventually I will upgrade the scuttlebutt page to allow for entries based on character names, and what kind of general knowledge the crew might have about individual characters. Before that, the Newsletter is next on the list. Stay tuned!


As you may have heard from him already, @uytrereee will not be able to participate in the sim for the foreseeable future. He has stated that he's been too caught up in RL matters to write here, but he leaves Frank Arnold available for inheritance, so he is now on the Available Characters ( page for anyone interested.

( Lt. Frank Arnold            Chief Engineer (NPC) (
( ( Arnold)
  - Former Writer: @uytrereee

As always, I will NPC Frank as required in current ongoing threads unless you can wrap those threads without my involvement. Just PM me if you have any specific requests in that regard! If there are no writers interested in him, I will eventually have him exit the story somehow so that his position as Chief Engineer becomes available for an active writer. In the meantime, since he is an NPC, those writing Engineers can use him indirectly in their posts to make sure Thea has a functional engineering team. :)

Good bye, @uytrereee  , and thank you for the time you've spent writing with us!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 17, 2022, 10:47:04 AM


Greetings Theurgists! After careful consideration, and considering the fact that we have writers that are either very new or very old, the manner in which Character Capacity is determined to grant eligibility to add new characters can be deemed a bit skewed to favour old or new writers depending on overall activity, recent activity or old activity ratios (IC posts/days).

For example, a writer that has been a member for two years, but was a slow to pick up pace and get threads going until the second year, would still have to divide their IC posts over the course of the full two years until now, making it more difficult to reach a Character Capacity number they want. Another example would be a writer that was only hyper-active over the course of the first year, but shows less activity the second year, that writer will now have to start writing more actively again so they show that they still have the Character Capacity to write an additional character. One year was picked since it covers all seasons, including summers, holidays, intense study periods etc. that may pull writers away for a little while. And of course, a writer that has been a member for less than a year will have their IC posts divided by number of days total.

The Joining the Crew ( page's second half has been updated towards this end now, and the new rules apply for all character creation or inheritance requests from here on out.

That's all for now! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on March 17, 2022, 12:47:08 PM


Well, seems we have an actively played Chief Engineer after all! @RyeTanker contacted me and wanted to pick up Frank Arnold as a new character, and that's great news since he has become a great presence in the story. :)

( Lt. Frank Arnold            Chief Engineer (
( ( Arnold)
  - Writer: @RyeTanker

At this point, @RyeTanker has no intentions to update or change the character. The reading of the backlog is underway, and he has the full list of currently active threads to wrap his head around. Please give @RyeTanker some time to catch up on everything, but posts will be coming along. If there were any pre-made plans OOC for the direction some threads are taking, please have in mind that @RyeTanker has the full latitude to change the trajectory of the events in regard to Frank's part in them if he wants to. He is not beholden to the ideas of the previous writer, so be nice and don't expect too much of Frank's new writer in this regard. It is very important that, when a writer inherits a character, they get to fully make them their own.

Good luck with your new character, @RyeTanker ! Looking forward to reading his continued story. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on March 18, 2022, 10:52:18 AM
Always sad to see someone leave. Wish you all the best @uytrereee
And congrats @RyeTanker ! Have fun!
I think we should dm together the other day :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on March 22, 2022, 08:30:49 AM
Going to be a bit late in responding to things, my apologies.  I've got a big project that I had to check some major elements off for and it kicked my butt  today. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on March 25, 2022, 08:26:47 AM
OK.  Mostly caught up on work and I think this final project is somewhere close to being in gear.  Apologies for the delays, I've been absolutely fried by schoolwork, my GA position, and my car breaking down for the 3rd time in a year. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 04, 2022, 04:38:33 PM


>> Click For Full Resolution (

Check it out!


This is the continuation for Interregnum 01-02! In the header I have listed some writers with present characters, but this post introduces a number of coming short missions that will be carried out in the backdrop of other events, so it is a Attn: All nonetheless. 'Tempus Sigillum' will be a theme of stand-alone away-missions and Story Prompts that will continue through the Interregnum as well as the Episode to come. Oh! Remember to post in the Story Workshop ( with your ideas for Episode 02!

So, this is set the morning of Day 8. With this starter, we open up for Supplemental threads set between Day 8 and Day 18 of the Interregnum. The rest of the days of the Interregnum are N/A for the time being. Since the Theurgy has Quantum Slipstream tech, the crew will be able to reach the Klingon border well in time for Donatra's arrival, if that is where the Theurgy goes (again, please post in the Story Workshop if you have ideas!). As for Chancellor Martok, he will leave Qo'noS by Day 10 at 1200 hrs., the Klingon Houses falling in line and gradually making a fleet along the voyage towards the Romulan border.

The naming convention for all Supplemental threads (Group or One-on-One) in Interregnum 01-02 is Day 0X [YYYY hrs.] Insert Title, wherein X marks the day and YYYY marks the time. There will be a list of Story Objectives that will be detailed in an upcoming Newsletter this week, which covers potential missions in the continuation of the Interregnum, but remember that this is also a time for R&R.

That's all for now!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on April 11, 2022, 01:43:20 AM


@Scavenger01 will not be able to participate in the sim for the foreseeable future. He stated that it's going to get busier and that combined with a much reduced access to an actual keyboard it will probably stretch the posting guidelines beyond what would be acceptable. He says this group has been so fun to write with that he don't want to have to leave his writing partners a month between posts.

He leaves Asra Tek available for inheritance though, so she is now on the Available Characters ( page for anyone interested.

( Lt. Asra Tek            Science Officer (Warp Theory) (NPC) (
( (
  - Former Writer: @Scavenger01

As always, I will NPC Asra ( as required in current ongoing threads. Just PM me if you have any specific requests in that regard! If there are no writers interested in her, I will eventually have her exit the story somehow.

Good bye, @Scavenger01 , hope you'll return to us soon!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

PS. Check your inboxes for the latest Newsletter! :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Tae on April 11, 2022, 01:48:50 AM
I'm moving IRL... It's a process... I've done it 21 times. but it's still a fucking process. And this time has Extra stress... see above (my previous post). this time involves LAWYERS....  So my posting will be inconsistent until May 20th or so. @Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Number6 on April 12, 2022, 10:41:25 PM
Hello everyone

I just wanted to reach out to you all and offer my apologies for not posting  much lately.   In the middle of March I came down with COVID, and while my isolation was concluded, it has taken me some weeks to get fully "right" due to issues with a lingering cough and low energy reserves,    Today is the best I have felt in weeks.  

I am back, and I am playing catch up.   
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: stardust on April 20, 2022, 11:50:10 AM
Hey guys, just a small heads that I will be on vacation next week, starting this Sunday. I will definitely post in my group threads before then, so they can move on, but the one on one threads could be delayed by a week. Though I don't think I am terribly behind there :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on April 26, 2022, 08:03:39 AM
I need to focus on finals until the 29th so I might not be able to post until then.  Apologies for the delay, I just had two big presentations and two papers come due at once and I've got to spend thursday writing and recording audio files left and right. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on May 03, 2022, 10:33:37 AM
Just a heads up! I ran into some trouble at work and the result is that some of my fingers are currently taped together. Hence the lack of replies to current posts. Hopefully I'll be able to return in a week or two.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on May 03, 2022, 10:57:50 AM
Just a heads up! I have ran into some trouble at work and the result is that some of my fingers are currently taped together. Hence the lack of replies to current posts. Hopefully I'll be able to return in a week or two.
Oh, no!   Get well soon!!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Tae on May 03, 2022, 12:03:26 PM
Moving week. I won't be doing any sort of posting until I get settled in Reno. Probably the 16th at absolute earliest.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 07, 2022, 12:50:10 AM


With RL preventing them from actively writing their characters, along with a growing detachment in regard to their plotlines and development, @Nolan and @Tae have - after much rumination - asked to give up a couple of characters for inheritance. Namely...

( Lt Cmdr. Thomas Ravon          Wolf-01 [Razor] Wolf Leader (NPC) (,_callsign_"Razor")
( (,_callsign_"Razor")
  - Former Writer: @Nolan

( Lt. Amelya Rez          Asst. Chief Medical Officer (NPC) (
( (
  - Former Writer: @Nolan

( Lt. Arven Leux          Asst. Chief Medical Officer[ (NPC)/color] (
( (
  - Former Writer: @Tae

These characters are now available for inheritance, and if they are not picked up, they will somehow be exiting their position eventually so that another character may take their place in the chain-of-command aboard the Theurgy. We have a few Applicants on the way, so it might be that these positions will be filled soon enough. In that case, the characters above will be resigning their positions or get killed off sooner rather than later. For the time being, the characters above are NPC:s and can be implemented in the capacity of their positions as needed in the Lone Wolves Squadron or in the Medical Department.

I will post in the thread Tempus Sigillum ( with Thomas Ravon in the current posting order, and through his point of view, have Jien Ives answer or comment the questions that have been raised so far by the Senior Staff. Neither Amelya Rez nor Arven Leux ought to be in any active threads at the moment, but if they are, I will post in those threads as required, unless those can be closed up and finished at this point.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 09, 2022, 12:06:42 AM


As you all may have seen on Discord by now, RL has been really tough on me lately. Good news is that my wife believes she has enough energy to help out some more starting from tomorrow, so I will be getting some more help with the family logistics.

Moreover, I have been onboarding a new colleague to take over the ready-mixed concrete category during the past two weeks, which has forced me to catch up on all else I couldn't do while introducing this guy to the negotiations, particulars, twists and turns of the cement crisis in Sweden, but with the onboarding done, my workload will be more manageable starting this coming week.

Pardon the slight delays on posting, but I'll be catching up now that things are looking brighter.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Ellen Fitz on May 09, 2022, 07:48:06 AM
Big giant social distancing friendly hugs to everyone who needs it this week! You got this!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Eden on May 10, 2022, 12:16:36 AM
Hoping the best for everybody.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nesota Kynnovan on May 17, 2022, 11:05:23 AM
I might have let it slip in Discord, but my PC is having some issues lately. It now reached the point where I have to take it in for repairs, so I'll be bound to my phone until it is repaired. :(
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on May 20, 2022, 01:53:16 PM


Today, @Ellen Fitz adds another character, now also writing Hirek tr’Aimne, a Romulan defector and scientist! :)

( Hirek tr’Aimne          Bioengineering Specialist (’Aimne)
( (’Aimne)
  - Writer: @Ellen Fitz

Hirek will be showing up in the story on Day 04, in the Story Prompt Enemies of the Empire (, so keep a lookout there for his appearance! After coming aboard the Theurgy, and given his hidden affiliations with Starfleet Intelligence over the years - along with a recommendation to the Theurgy from the contact named "King" (Rear Admiral Anderson) - he will start working in the Science Department as a Specialist. Not having any Starfleet rank, "Specialist" was picked in reference to the position Burnham had on the ''Discovery'' in Season 1, which worked best for this character.

Have fun writing your new character, @Ellen Fitz , and I look forward to reading his stories! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on May 20, 2022, 02:14:33 PM
Congratulations Ellen.

Lucan, as usual, your work is impeccable.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on May 20, 2022, 02:23:36 PM
Well hot diggity, he looks like a great character! It's great to see an older Romulan, and a scientist to boot. I'm really looking forward to seeing what you do with him.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 10, 2022, 04:27:23 PM


Today, @EnigmaTales joins us as our newest Theurgist! They will be writing Lieutenant Talera Emlott, Asst. Chief Medical Officer, and a character that was hurt aboard the Theurgy when she fled from Earth. :)

( Lt. Talera Emlott          Asst. Chief Medical Officer (
( (
  - Writer: @EnigmaTales

Talera will be waking up after surgery on Day 07 during the Qo'noS shore leave, having been in stasis for six months. She will be resuming her duties tentatively on Day 08, since not only will her body have to regain some strength, she will also have to catch up on what has happened during the mission so far.

In related news, the NPC Lt. Arven Leux ( returns to the USS Oneida on Day 08 - his last appearance in the story being on Day 07. The reason behind his request for a transfer back to the Oneida is unknown, but rumour has it that the CMO of the Oneida personally approached him and asked him to return. Fortunately enough, the request could be granted since Lieutenant Talera Emlott would be ready to assume her previous position as Asst. Chief Medical Officer aboard the Theurgy in his stead.

Arven Leux, like other NPC officers on the Oneida, is now listed here: Non-Crew Listing ( If this Available Character is adopted by a writer, he can easily return to the Theurgy once more. Whether or not he will be Asst. Chief Medical Officer again, however, depends on whether someone either inherits or replaces Lieutenant Amelya Rez, the Theurgy's second Asst. CMO.

Welcome aboard, @EnigmaTales ! Looking forward to read Talera's story! You'll soon get a PM with more info from me. :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on June 10, 2022, 04:56:37 PM
Welcome to the Theurgy @EnigmaTales ! I'm looking forward to seeing your stuff. Talera is an interesting character, to be sure.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: P.C. Haring on June 10, 2022, 05:33:34 PM
Welcome Aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Ellen Fitz on June 10, 2022, 05:35:04 PM
@EnigmaTales : WELCOME! Please let any of us know how we can help get your space legs under ya or what sort of chaos and mayhem you'd like to write.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: rae on June 10, 2022, 06:01:43 PM
Welcome aboard @EnigmaTales! I hoped your character would be a Cardassian when I saw your username XD. Despite Bashir's dislike, Cardassian literature ( is thriving. Hit me up if you want to meet more recently defrosted characters!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on June 10, 2022, 06:56:33 PM
Hello @EnigmaTales ! Welcome on board! Have fun writing
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: redshift316 on June 10, 2022, 07:12:51 PM
Welcome aboard! Cookie on the right, tribbles on the left.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SarahBerry on June 12, 2022, 03:52:28 PM
Welcome on @EnigmaTales! Have fun writing, can't wait to see you post! <3
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 12, 2022, 10:56:23 PM


Today, Rae expands our Diplomatic Corps with Junior Lieutenant Nysarisiza "Nysari" zh’Eziarath!

( Lt. JG Nysarisiza zh’Eziarath                   Diplomatic Attaché (’Eziarath)
( (’Eziarath)
  - Writer: @rae

Nysari was at the Federation Embassy by the time the Theurgy crew came to visit the Ambassador and uncovered the Infested hiding in the basement of the building, and @rae will be introducing this new character in that thread to begin with. After later requesting a transfer to the Theurgy, she will be serving as a Diplomatic Attaché.

Looking forward to reading her story, @rae ! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on June 12, 2022, 11:08:24 PM
Wow. I'm halfway through skimming this bio, and it's superb. You've made a top notch character there. I really look forward to seeing her in action @rae !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Ellen Fitz on June 13, 2022, 02:43:02 AM
Congrats @rae can't wait to find some mayhem with her!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: EnigmaTales on June 13, 2022, 09:12:52 PM
I would have said hi earlier, but the captcha defeated me  /:| 

Thanks for the warm welcome, I'm looking forward to writing with you!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on June 15, 2022, 05:05:29 PM


After both @Hope and @Luciain has been rendered Inactive Theurgists due to lack of posting activity and non-responsiveness to contact, the Theurgy is in need of a new Chief CONN Officer. Looking at it In-Character, and given service record and experience, @jreeves1701 's Larrant is the optimal choice that makes the most sense in the story. So, as of Day 07 - the day before Tempus Sigillum, a message would be circulated that Larrant has been promoted to the billet of Chief CONN Officer. This also means that Larrant is attending the meeting in the thread Tempus Sigillum on Day 08 as his first appearance in a Senior Staff meeting.

( CWO1 Larrant              Chief CONN Officer (V1) (
( (
  - Writer:  @jreeves1701

As for the characters of @Hope and @Luciain , pending a possible return in the future when they are able to actively participate, Sabrina Lail and Katherine Locke both return to serve aboard the USS Oneida at the personal request of Captain Jackson. Lail will be reporting to Lt. Donovan Bridges on the Oneida, and Locke will report to the Oneida's CMO, Dr. Kaneko Aio.

( Ens. Katherine Locke            Nurse Practitioner (NPC) (
( (
  - Former Writer: @Luciain

( Lt. Sabrina Lail            CONN Officer (
( (
  - Former Writer: @Hope

Sabrina Lail is not available for inheritance, but Locke is now listed on the Available Characters Page ( I will NPC these characters as required in current ongoing threads but only if critically needed. Just PM me on the forum if you have any specific requests in that regard, with links to the current threads! Preferably, in group threads, it is better if the character is NPCed by other participants in that thread, and any current one-on-one threads are FIN:ed as soon as possible.


Auctor Lucan

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on June 21, 2022, 12:12:12 PM
As a general heads-up folks: I've fractured a finger and sprained my wrist all in one go. I'll be reduced to one hand for a while, which makes writing a tad tedious. Please bear with me if I'm a tad late with tags.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on June 21, 2022, 04:06:02 PM
Understandable. Hope you heel up soon. Take it easy.

Could always do text to talk and align it later  (laugh)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on June 23, 2022, 01:57:40 PM
@Griff get well soon :)
Take care.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SarahBerry on June 24, 2022, 02:32:07 PM
Feel better @Griff !! Take it easy and get lots of rest. <3
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on June 27, 2022, 05:32:43 AM
As a general heads-up folks: I've fractured a finger and sprained my wrist all in one go. I'll be reduced to one hand for a while, which makes writing a tad tedious. Please bear with me if I'm a tad late with tags.
Ouch!  Take it easy, health comes first! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: jreeves1701 on June 29, 2022, 01:43:53 AM
Sorry for the absence as of late. Spent 3 weeks working Summer Camp. Just now getting my batteries recharged and putting some posts together for those of you waiting with bated breath for my return.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on July 05, 2022, 10:30:13 PM
Hey everyone! So I am going to try to catch up on any threads I am involved in this week (So long as I am next in line). I am going to be on vacation from July 9 thru July 17th so will have little to no access to the internet. Going to Flaming Gorge, Utah camping trip. I will catch up again though after my trip so no rush on the replies :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 10, 2022, 05:02:51 PM

Please come and congratulate @Dumedion , whom will take over writing Kino Jeen! :)

( PO2 Kino Jeen                Security Officer ( 
( (
  - Writer: @Dumedion

Kino was in stasis since the Battle of the Apertures and bust she was thawed in the later half of the Aldea Prime Anthology. During Advent of War, she was fighting the Klingons aboard the Theurgy at the Battle of the Houses. There, she volunteered to take over the Jeen symbiont from Kaylon Jeen, whom was KIA. Given the experiences of her former hosts, Kino Jeen will be undergoing a bit of a transformation, and at the end of it, it is likely she will end up as a Combat Engineer in Security. To begin with, I will NPC Dr. Leux and Dr. Rez in an unfinished thread in Sickbay that Lathaniel left behind when he left the sim, where Kino has woken up and is dealing with the situation immediately after her joining.

Looking forward to reading this one's continued story, @Dumedion ! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on July 10, 2022, 05:18:10 PM
Congrats on the new character!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on July 10, 2022, 06:54:25 PM
Congatulations @Dumedion ! Have fun writing her :D
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on July 10, 2022, 08:21:14 PM
Welcome aboard! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on July 24, 2022, 06:57:54 AM
Sorry all for the delays in posting, work was kicking my rear this past week coming back from vacation. Should be posting normally starting tomorrow/Monday and then get caught up by end of week.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 28, 2022, 12:55:41 AM


Greetings! Hope all is well for you all this summer!

As per the General Rules ( of the sim (Rule X). It states that if you cease to reply to your threads for an extended period of time, even when claiming you mean to do it, some kind of action has to be taken. Unfortunately, after two whole months of inactivity during which they have not posted in-character in the story, these status of these Theurgists has now changed to Inactive Theurgist.
- Oberonfrost
- Swift
- Teddyg123
- Redshift316

Should their life situation significantly change at some point in the future and they'll be able to once more post within the 10 days in all their threads, they may send an email to In this application to rejoin the sim, they must outline what changes have been made, and their application will be taken under advisement.

As for their characters - at this hour - their fates is TBD in accordance with the preferences they have stated, be it that they have no preference for how they are handled, they want them to be KIA, or left available for inheritance. The In-Character positions some of the characters held will need to be overtaken by a new character, be they written by current Theurgists or by new Applicants. An In-Character explanation for their departures or demotions will need to be established as well, and more information will come on that front as soon as possible.


Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on July 28, 2022, 01:17:38 AM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on July 28, 2022, 02:29:41 AM
GDI.  Swift's character is mine's boss and a key character in one of my threads.  :( 

I hope he returns soon so we can stop the assassination! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: jreeves1701 on July 28, 2022, 02:32:08 AM
It is sad to see writers go. For those waiting on me, I am working on my responses and should have them out in the next 48. I have had computer issues the past week and just got back online.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on July 28, 2022, 06:48:00 AM
GDI.  Swift's character is mine's boss and a key character in one of my threads.  :( 

I hope he returns soon so we can stop the assassination! 
Not the assassination for mine but one Pierce is his 2nd in command. So hoping he gets back soon for that and the planned threads with Tessa.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 28, 2022, 04:39:33 PM


Greetings Theurgists!  :)

Fife has contacted me and explained how his life has changed enough to accomodate for writing with us again, so today he returns to write Isel Nix!

( Ens. Isel Nix                 Former Lone Wolf (Medical Leave) (,_callsign_%22Foxfire%22) 
( (,_callsign_%22Foxfire%22)
  - Writer: @Fife

Prior to the mission to Andor during Advent of War, Ensign Isel Nix was a Tactical CONN pilot. Before this Vulpinian joined Starfleet, she used to be a member of the Orion Syndicate. Having exposed all her past accomplices and connections, she has been given a pardon and even funded an orphanage for her savings. On the right side of the law, she has started a new life under a new name, having put her past behind her. She came aboard the Theurgy together with Donna Petterson just before the Battle of the Apertures. As of this point during the Interregnum, in which she will be thawed from stasis for a second time, she's been injured to the degree that she can no longer fly a warp fighter, and time will tell which Department she will end up serving in next in the story.

Welcome back @Fife !! Looking forward to our thread in sickbay.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: rae on July 28, 2022, 06:08:09 PM
Welcome back! Looking forward to meeting you and seeing where Isel ends up!

(Come to engineering, we have coffee.)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on July 30, 2022, 04:10:55 AM
Welcome back @Fife

Has there been any discussion on how Nix is coming back to active duty?

Come to Medical, we have cookies and I have on good authority so does Security!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Tae on July 30, 2022, 07:48:24 AM
Hey all, so I am slowly making a return to posting.... It took a few months. (which I expected due to the nature of my job) I still work 9 and 10 hour days on average, and we're moving into the holiday season with August around the corner. (Yes, Holiday season starts in August). And I am liable to disappear almost entirely starting in November.... But I have begun posting again, so I should be writing with more regularity (until November) than I have been since I moved in May.

Reno is great, love the city and weather. I'm a Union Steward now, so that eats up even more time. All in all things are going mostly ok for me. So sorry to have disappeared. And thanks to @Griff for being insistent about getting me back into it here. Sorry it took so long. I am still working on either continuing or finishing up old threads I am in. I have ideas. so @Auctor Lucan I'll be caught up on the ones I need to close down with departed players shortly.

If I've forgotten about any threads, please ping me here or on discord.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on August 02, 2022, 10:09:47 AM
Hey everyone, so I'm back again. For good this time, hopefully. I'm not planning any more trips down the mental health rabbit hole, and I'm looking forward to writing again!

Sorry to everyone I ended up bailing on threads with the last time I left. I'll make sure it doesn't happen again.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Stegro88 on August 02, 2022, 01:26:55 PM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on August 02, 2022, 09:50:13 PM
Welcome back Fife! Hope you're sticking with us for good, for sure!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on August 02, 2022, 09:51:04 PM
Afternoon folks,
I wanted to give a heads up that I will be on a trip starting tomorrow and won't be back/posting until Monday. I had planned to get some posting done today before I left but due to reasons [Show/Hide]
I have not been in a place where I could focus on writing. I apologize for any delays, and I will work Monday to play catch up on any urgent posts if I have caused a backlog in any of my threads.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: stardust on August 03, 2022, 09:59:15 AM
Sorry to hear this Bru  /:( I hope this trip will give you some helpful distance to deal with it.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 03, 2022, 05:46:59 PM



Part 1 of my reply in the Story Workshop has been posted, so take a look at the skeleton synopsis of Episode 02!


I will post again with PART 2: QUESTIONS, ANSWERS & COMMENTS, which I will address questions and ideas specifically brought up in the Story Workshop. If you have any intermediate comments or questions to bring up prior to Part 2, feel free to post them and I will deal with them as well! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: rae on August 04, 2022, 04:02:47 PM
Hey friends, just wanted to give you a heads up. I'm moving this weekend and starting a new job the week after. Probably couch surfing for a bit until I find a place. Hopefully it all goes smoothly and I will have plenty of time for replies (let a girl dream), but if it all goes to shit I might vanish for a bit. I'm going to try to get my last few replies out today. I'm really sorry in advance if things end up a few days late. Writing here calms my anxiety, so I will make time if possible.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 09, 2022, 12:18:18 AM


It is my pleasure to announce our newest member, @Elyria ! They will write the Chemistry Science Officer Kizra Tos!

( Ens. Kizra Tos                  Science Officer (Chemistry) ( 
( (
  - Writer: @Elyria

Ensign Tos was a part of the original crew of the Theurgy, but she was hurt during the flight from Earth in 2380. She will be thawed on Day 6 after having undergone complicated surgery that allowed both the Trill host and her symbiont to survive the injury they sustained when the Theurgy fled Earth.

Welcome aboard! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Eden on August 09, 2022, 12:23:42 AM
Welcome @Elyria !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Dumedion on August 09, 2022, 12:34:30 AM
Hello there, @Elyria welcome aboard :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Elyria on August 09, 2022, 01:33:42 AM
Thank you!  I look forwarding to writing with everyone!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on August 09, 2022, 03:58:30 AM
Welcome aboard @Elyria‍ and plenty of mentors, present company included to help you get your space bearings. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on August 09, 2022, 07:58:44 PM
Welcome on board @Elyria ! Have fun writing!

To all waiting for me to post next, I have to apologise to you. Vacation time is kicking hard in our company and I have to work over hours. I am working on the posts but I'll need some extra time at the moment. Sorry!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: SarahBerry on August 15, 2022, 05:07:07 PM
Hi good morning!

I'm going to have to take an LOA for a bit to get my mental health, work, and family life in order. We are struggling a bit to make things work on one income and it's pulling all the strings kinda tight. I am sorry for the long wait, and I thank ya'll for being so patient with me.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Elyria on August 15, 2022, 05:57:43 PM
I'm sorry I haven't had the chance to really get to know you, but I wish you the best SarahBerry!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 16, 2022, 04:13:08 PM


Hi there! :)

With Andrew Fisher being KIA on Day 09 of the Interregnum (see below), Captain Ives will approach Alana Pierce on Day 11 and ask if she wishes to take up the position of Chief Intelligence Officer after Fisher's passing. With Alana having held the position of Lieutenant Commander before, she will be field-promoted to her old rank, and serve in the Theurgy's Senior Staff.

( Lt Cmdr. Alana Pierce              Chief Intelligence Officer (
( (
  - Writer: @Pierce

Looking at the Intelligence Department, it would make best sense rank-wise if the NPC Lieutenant Jonathan Byrne ( is promoted to Asst. Chief Intelligence Officer in order to replace Pierce's former position for the time being, and if Byrne isn't inherited, he will end up KIA or MIA eventually to open up the position for a new Applicant or a new character creation. So, one of Pierce's first tasks would be to get that sorted so that all Vectors have a ranking Intelligence Officer aboard before Episode 2.

I will send you the link to the upcoming Ives and Alana thread, @Pierce , and congrats! :)


Today, @SummerDawn and @SarahBerry has asked to step away for a bit due to RL stuff, but with hopes of returning eventually. They have made specific requests in regard to their characters, and I take the opportunity to detail the fate of all the recent characters that are abandoned in the list below:

Lt Cmdr. Andrew Fisher (
In accordance with the writer's wishes about the fate of his characters, Andrew Fisher will be KIA during the thread Day 09 [1400 hrs.] Starlight, and Alana Pierce is approached by Ives on Day 11 and asked if she wants to take up Andrew's position as Chief Intelligence Officer.

Kate Foster (
Unless I am missing a thread somewhere, Kate Foster's latest appearance in the story is in the thread Day 08 [0200 hrs.] Operation Remnant Vengeance, during which she will be KIA, and the position of Chief Surgeon will be made available to new Applicants. If there are no interested writers for this position, I will have V-Nine take up the role before Episode 02.

Andram Obair (
This Lone Wolf is, as teddyg123 stated on his profile in regard to his wishes, made available for inheritance by a new or old writer. This Lone Wolf can be NPC:ed as needed in any relevant threads for the time being, and if there is no one adopting him, he will be KIA during Episode 02 in some way.

Rylan Sil (
This FNN reporter is not available for Inheritance, as per the writer's request, so with his latest appearance being in Day 09 [1830 hrs.] Perspective, Rylan Sil goes MIA down on Qo'noS on Day 10. Reason unknown. If there is some other thread he was meant to be in and where he is crucial, he can be NPC:ed for it.

Jaya Thorne (
This character is available for inheritance by a new or old writer, and if there is no one interested in her, she will be KIA or MIA eventually to open up the position of Asst. Chief CONN Officer. For the time being, she can be NPC:ed as needed.

K'Ren (
SummerDawn requested that this Lone Wolf survives, but that she goes AWOL. So, she will vanish in the streets of Qo'noS on Day 07 - her latest in-character appearance being on Day 1 of the Interregnum. She will be searched for in the week following Day 7, but with her fate unknown, she is stated MIA on Day 14.

Kala Marika (
This character is available for inheritance by a new or old writer, as per SummerDawn's request, but if there is no one interested in her, she will be KIA or MIA eventually. For the time being, she can be NPC:ed as needed.

Sarah Bjørge (
As SarahBerry has asked that her characters are KIA rather than being inherited, she will not be made available for inheritance. She will be marked as "To Be KIA" for the time being, in the hopes that SarahBerry can return to us eventually. She is not to be NPC:ed in new threads unless explicitly approved by the GM, but that latitude is given for old threads in order to resolve unfinished scenes wherein Nurse Sarah Bjørge is featured.

Overall, for any threads in where these characters are featured and wherein the other writers are waiting for replies, the next one in the posting order may NPC the writer-less character in order to progress the scene to its conclusion! I may be able to help in one or two threads, but I can't NPC these characters in all of them at once, so PM me if you have extraordinary needs for me to step in and NPC some character.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on August 16, 2022, 06:01:48 PM
Thanks for the promotion. Looking forward to filling some big shoes. And for Alana to lead the department into the coming episodes. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: rae on August 17, 2022, 02:03:40 AM
My internet has been installed! I'm working on my backlog of replies now. As expected, a few of them are going to be late.

Congrats Pierce! Hope things get better for you soon SarahBerry!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on August 19, 2022, 08:50:27 AM
Apologies for not posting these past couple of days, was moving back home to Boulder.  Also having some nasty computer crash issues ("unexpected kernel mode trap") that have repeatedly caused me to lose in-progress post drafts.  Will catch up asap, sorry! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Elyria on August 19, 2022, 06:31:29 PM
We're heading out of town tomorrow and I have to pack for 3.5 people, plus all the stuff that entails which is a lot.  So I'll reply asap!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Dumedion on August 19, 2022, 06:36:45 PM
Will be spending most of the next couple weeks in the woods cutting firewood...winter is coming. :) Think I'm good on replies tho and will check in when time/energy allows.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on August 25, 2022, 06:30:40 AM
Still having computer issues but I think I have a workaround for tonight.  Will update. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on August 25, 2022, 09:12:53 PM
OK, FINALLY got the damn thing halfway functional.  Will catch up on everything ASAP. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on August 25, 2022, 09:14:15 PM
I mentioned this yesterday in chat but for those that aren't on there or didn't see it, I tested positive for covid yesterday. Feeling like other crap I tried to write and failed. I'm hoping a few more days on medication will help clear the symptoms enough for me to actually be able to focus on the idea of creating a plot. Cheers
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on August 25, 2022, 09:52:07 PM
@Brutus That really sucks. Hope you feel better soon.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Fife on August 26, 2022, 04:20:35 AM
Feel better @Brutus! Hopefully it's not being too rough on you!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 27, 2022, 08:52:25 AM
My sympathies @Brutus !

Here, in this family, Covid tests are negative but 3 out of 4 are down with a severe cold and a light fever atm.  We'll see if things take a turn for the worse but so far it's not too bad.

Hope other Theurgists out there are feeling better!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 30, 2022, 04:29:49 PM


Sadly I got this PM from one of our new members, @EnigmaTales , who only got to write in one thread before having to leave us:

Quote from: EnigmaTales
Hey there,
unfortunately, my personal situation has changed and I am currently not able to invest any time into the game. I hope to be able to return sooner rather than later, but the current economic situation isn't great and the work I have to put into maintaining my job has pretty much tripled.

Talera can be inherited or just vanish behind the scenes.

I hope they get to return sooner rather than later, but in the meantime, their character will be made available for inheritance:

( Lt. Talera Emlott          Asst. Chief Medical Officer (NPC) (
( (
  - Former Writer: @EnigmaTales

After Doctor Rez preformed her surgery and she later woke up in this thread Day 07 [15479] Alive (, Talera Emlott became Asst. Chief Medical Officer alongside Rez. Unless Talera is inherited prior to Episode 02, she will exit the story in some way. This, in order to free up her position for an active writer.


.... @BipSpoon has cashed in a Token Reward in order to inherit her!

( Lt. Amelya Rez          Asst. Chief Medical Officer (
( (
  - Writer: @BipSpoon

This character, along with her former host - Edena Rez - has a lot of background story in the sim, and I will be compiling a synopsis for @BipSpoon that will detail all the current and bygone subplots revolving around her. I very much look forward to seeing Rez' story continuing, since Rez has been a part of Star Trek: Theurgy since Episode 01 of Season 1. Full latitude has been given to her new writer to change and build upon this character's story so that she can be made her own, and I hope she will be a joy to write.

Congratulations on your new character, @BipSpoon !  (L)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on August 30, 2022, 04:39:00 PM
@BipSpoon‍ Congrats on inheriting the character!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: stardust on September 01, 2022, 04:17:52 PM
So, guys, I will be on vacation from this Saturday Sept. 02 until Sept 18. :) I hope to catch up more tonight and tomorrow but also still have to pack two weeks worth of luggage lol

And you know how this goes, you think to yourself: On vacation you will have even more time to write and then you can't get a single second to commit to it. So, I should not promise anything!

But I will do my best /;-D

Take care peeps!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 01, 2022, 08:35:41 PM
Hi there Theurgists!

Posted in the Story Workshop, for those interested in the next Episode! :)



Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on September 02, 2022, 09:58:43 AM
Apologies again, but my computer crapped out again.  Should be fixed some time tomorrow.  @RyeTanker @BipSpoon apologies for the delay. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: jreeves1701 on September 04, 2022, 10:51:19 PM
Sorry for the absence guys. It has been a very hectic few months getting back up and running with school and then catching Covid again. But sitting at home for 5 days recouping has given me plenty of catch up time. Setting aside time once a week to put toward writing. So lets bring on the fun.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 17, 2022, 07:26:31 AM


My domain provider is forcing an upgrade to PHP 8.0 on the 28th of November and I know from previous testing that our wiki version can't handle that. Therefore I'll be working on the wiki this weekend to either upgrade it or just ascertain what needs to be done. It is so old that I suspect it may have to be upgraded in two phases. First, to an intermediate version and then once more to a version that can handle PHP 8.0.

As long as MediaWiki did not change the markup code then it should be a similar process to the forum upgrade we did last year. I'll make a backup, upgrade (twice) and then update all the extensions.

This means if you do a wiki edit this weekend it may be lost. Moreover, the wiki might become inaccessible at times.

I will announce when it is free to edit the wiki again. The forum will be left alone so you can write and post unhindered in the meantime. :)

That's all for now!


Auctor Lucan

PS. Oh, @Pierce spent some Tokens to unlock a holo-pet privilege for one of his characters so you may spot a new critter aboard in upcoming posts!  (L)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 19, 2022, 08:44:12 PM


Great progress over the weekend! I believe all of the theme edits have been found and incorporated into a new version of the wiki. As this is a much newer version of MediaWiki, there are going to be some areas that have wrong or missing styling. Some style names changed, some were added, etc etc. Those will need to be addressed as they are found and reported.  What has been found has been updated in a local copy (not the online version).

The majority of the work is completed locally, but next weekend (24th and 25th of September), the real update will be made. Unfortunately, both the forum and wiki need to be down during the update. The site is setup with a single database that both the forum and wiki use. As such, to do the wiki update, we need the database to be limits since with a backup made Friday evening, there is no guarantee that posts made over the weekend will be retained in case I need to restore that backup.

Once the update is done I will be able to set the site to PHP version 8.0, and the forced PHP update will not render our wiki defunct.


Today I got a PM wherein stardust asked for a leave of absence, and she has therefore been listed as Inactive Theurgist. The reason she cited was the difficulty of dealing with the In-Character fallout of Swift's characters being KIA, and what it led to for her own, highly affiliated characters. Stellan was Kate Foster's sister and Andrew Fisher was the love interest of Samantha Rutherford. She said she needed time to figure things out .

I have come to the conclusion, that I want to ask you for the permission to take an extended leave of absence, while my characters are being put into stasis. Samantha obviously for the injuries sustained in the shuttle attack that killed Andrew and Stellan can get injured in the writing prompt I have with Juzzie, where they have to blow up the holodeck. All this so I can take the time to set my priorities straight and focus on the fun things in life ... while also figuring out what these are ... and hopefully coming back to the SIM with more energy and muse to tackle the aftermath of all this at a later point in the story.

In the interest of finding a new Chief Diplomatic Officer prior to Episode 02, this is effective immediately.

As for the fate of her two characters, as per her request, Samantha Rutherford will have been put into stasis aboard the Theurgy following the very same shuttle incident in which Andrew Fisher was KIA, on Day 9. Therefore, the thread named Welcome to Caaaaasssaaaa Diplomatico! ( has been moved to Day 09. If there are any problematic In-Character complications by moving this thread to Day 09, please PM me and we'll sort it out somehow. As for Stellan Fisher, as she wrote, he is to end up in stasis following a holodeck malfunction on Day 5 of the Interregnum, which can either happen off screen or illustrated in the unfinished Writing Prompt thread.

A solution for replacing the vacant seat in in the Senior Staff will be announced as soon as possible, and if Rutherford has been referenced as CDO In-Character post Day 09 somewhere, edits will have to be made to reflect the outcome when the chain-of-command has been sorted out.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on September 19, 2022, 09:06:32 PM
Sucks to hear but I get it. It left a few of us in a weird position once his characters were KIA.

Hope @stardust comes back to us soon though.

Looking forward to the edits on Wiki, etc.

Thanks for the hard work and looking forward to who the next CDO is in story since they'll likely have to work with Intel.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 24, 2022, 12:29:15 AM


As mentioned in the last announcement, the site needs an update this weekend so any posting or edits may be lost. Save your replies offline for the time being.

Site available again as soon as another announcement is made!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 25, 2022, 01:51:12 PM



There we go, Theurgists! Aside from some minor differences, you will generally find that the sim looks and behaves like it used to before Friday last week. What you all ought to find, however, is that both the forum and the wiki should be much snappier when it comes to response time.

While some colour edits to the wiki aren't done, and our sim's new landing page ( isn't operating yet, there is no further work needing to be done that may compromise the database and thus needing a reboot from Friday's backup. Thus, please resume your writing at your leisure with the following precaution and request:

Hope you are all having a great weekend, everyone, and take care of yourselves!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on September 28, 2022, 12:15:42 AM
I feel like we're getting close to another newsletter soon. And where can I find that random encounters doc to attempt to use it in some way. Or at least peruse it. EDIT: Found in PM's but half the characters are KIA or MIA or NPC lol

Also would it be easier to use a Google Sheet? I can put one together if that is helpful. I have an idea to give it the Theurgy look and still allow text scanning. I have a hard time narrowing down information on the random encounters images as I can't search it and my eyes don't focus well.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 28, 2022, 12:36:27 AM
I think a wiki page would be a better alternative since then we keep it on the official site, but I love the idea! Of course I can make it into a wiki page instead of an image. It's just an edit to the excel sheet in order to give it wiki markup formatting, followed by pasting it into the wiki page. Good idea! :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on September 28, 2022, 12:42:27 AM
Awesome, yeah the wiki idea never hit my radar lol. But then we can scan it more readily for use. I use screen text search often so it helps me find things on the site easier.

Hope it helps. Granted some of these are gone. But I have several if people want to do them. I have dates on the calendar free I believe for any of these interactions. Only two I cannot do is the crossed out ones due to the writer being gone.

Random Encounters:
L. Pierce vs Kythalie Benmual - Alien Joke - Spearhead Lounge
A. Pierce vs V-Nine - Holodeck Malfunction - Security Center
Amarik vs Chambers - Klingon Reference - Lower Shuttle bay
Tessa vs Henshaw - Pike reference - Recovery Ward
Kate vs Tessa - X is irrelevant - Hydroponics
Nicander vs A. Pierce - Laceration - Jeffries Tube
Marika va L. Pierce - Spock ref - Mess Hall
Chambers vs Amanda Ashby - PADD malfunction - Sickbay

But realistically any of these work if people want to do them. If not I'm good for the next round. Good either way on it.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 29, 2022, 12:25:31 AM


Before Episode 02 starts up, I would like to take the opportunity to hand out the Sim Contribution Awards. These are handed out by the GM to members who have devoted a lot of time and energy into help building our community in some way. I have been waiting to find someone eligible for the Open Hand Award (;area=membersAwards;a_id=11), but to the best of my knowledge, we don't have anyone that meet the criteria, so I will be saving that for some point in the future when a Theurgist does qualify for it.

Yet without further ado, here are the recipients of the other awards! :)

"Awarded to a writer in thanks for helping to keep the GM sane. The writer may have taken initiative to play an active role in a project or significant plot, been a helpful posting partner, given OOC administrative assistance, or simply was extra supportive, encouraging, or making the GM laugh."

(;attach=432;type=avatar) (;u=658;area=summary)(;attach=429;type=avatar) (;u=609)(;attach=436;type=avatar) (;u=327;area=summary)(;attach=411;type=avatar) (;u=362;area=summary)

This one is arguably the hardest one to give out, since the entire community is deserving of praise and gratitude. Giving it to everyone would devalue the award, however, so while I refuse to just give it to one Theurgist, I have to be conservative. After much thought, I had to go with four recipients of this award this time around. Their individual merits and contributions are disparate but all having made things easier for me somehow. From taking up vacant positions and loose-end-plotlines when needed, to facilitating story development for the path ahead, and making me laugh at in-character shenanigans and disasters, they have all helped in some way, and I want this award to to show how grateful I am for it. Thank you so much for making me smile and making the GM tasks that much easier to carry out.

"Awarded to a writer who has produced graphics for the sim in a consistent and exemplary manner, be it making character images for applicants or graphics for the site as a whole."

(;attach=431;type=avatar) (;u=659;area=summary) (;attach=436;type=avatar) (;u=327;area=summary)

While perhaps not made for Applicants, but for their own characters and affiliated family NPCs, these two writers have shown exceptional skill development in the crafting of character images. I have been thoroughly impressed with the character art shared by them on the Discord server, and it's especially inspiring to see when you know how much time and effort goes into photomanipulation. Thank you for sharing your passions with the community, and inspiring others to try it out as well. Given enough interest, perhaps we can arrange streaming sessions in which we can show the community how it is done. Keep it up!

"Awarded to an writer who goes through extreme, even insane measures to get an administrative project done for the sim, well beyond any kind of expectations from the GM."

(;attach=437;type=avatar) (;u=593;area=summary)( (;u=114;area=summary)(;attach=435;type=avatar) (;u=118;area=summary)


Well, there were three gentlemen that lent time, thought and determination to see a big project through, and the result was our Theurgy-lore IRF Stalker-class warp fighter. Unless you have already seen it, here it is (! We started with an idea, and a wish to create a Romulan fighter for the story, and we began with no more than conceptual drawings from an old PS1 game named Star Trek: Invasion. There were zero details to work with beyond those barebone drawings, the images grainy and with no rhyme or reason as to what kind of armament it had, much less how they would fit on the depicted fuselage. We had to brainstorm virtually everything about the fighter and settle on some kind of solution that would work alongside the craft we already had in the story. @Kalashnikov 3D worked with us to make the 3D model, and gradually, the Stalker became a reality. Weeks after we said the project was finished, updates were still made on the wiki page, which is a sign of true passion.

Gentlemen. Thank you, and I hope this award is a small token of appreciation for your time.

"Awarded to a writer for devoting extraordinary time and energy to create and maintain the Theurgy wiki database for the benefit of the sim and its writers. This medal recognizes these efforts and acknowledge the blood, sweat and tears they pour into facilitating the community and the rich Theurgy lore."

(;attach=408;type=avatar) (;u=311;area=summary)


Despite his RL commitments, jreeves1701 has devoted an extraordinary amount of time updating and adding to our wiki database. This, not just in the form of our upgraded Starchart (, but copious amount of information that helped support the writing of Advent of War and the Battle of the Houses. We have placeholder NPC artwork for NPCs that don't have images, and all the Klingon Houses have been detailed. Since then, his ambitions for the wiki have never deteriorated, and he even overreached a bit to the point where I have to step in and stop him! lol

Truly, thank you jreeves for building upon our database, and while I sometimes have to step in and lower your ambitions to the scope of just our story and not the entirety of Star Trek lore, I truly do appreciate your efforts. I hope this award will serve as a token of that appreciation.


I believe we have one final Sim Contribution Award to hand out, and it was quite hard to pick one of you all. There were a few names that stood out in particular, but I decided to give it to someone who's contribution to the story itself stands out the most.

"Awarded by the GM in appreciation for any act or contribution to the sim which is especially supererogatory, rising above and beyond expectations."

( (;u=114;area=summary)

I wish to commend Griff in great gratitude for the inspiration he gave towards Episode 01: Advent of War and the overall story theme of Season 2. It was Griff who proposed, in the previous Story Workshop, that since the plan of the Infested to use the Borg Invasion had been thwarted by the Theurgy in the Azure Nebula, our story's antagonists would give dire retribution. That the Infested Praetor would bomb Paris, striking at the heart of the Federation, in trying to incite war. Not only did this inspire us and take us where we are today, Griff also gave the community a lot of his time to detail the events and the fallout of the Battle of the Apertures ( There, newer writers can find an excellent synopsis of the season finale, Part 1 and 2 of Episode 05: Courage is Fear. It summarises the devastation of the Omega Device detonation in the Azure Nebula, and explains how the Theurgy used a subspace aperture to reach Aldea.

Beyond this, Griff has done his utmost to not just respect the old and rich Theurgy lore that we have established over the course of the past twelve years, he also build on it. This, in how he chose to create a character in Alistar Leavitt who didn't just further facilitate the role that the USS Relativity can play in our story, but also gave us a glimpse into what the future might be like if the Infested would win. In his Director's Cut story about Leavitt, and in his biography, he encapsulates the threat of our enemy, expanding upon our lore by taking us to a timeline we fight to undo.

Thank you, Griff, for the time, effort and inspiration.

Please congratulate these Theurgists on their achievements!  (L)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Eden on September 29, 2022, 12:27:35 AM
Congrats, all!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Tae on September 29, 2022, 12:31:18 AM
congrats to everybody!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on September 29, 2022, 12:31:57 AM
Congrats folks! This community is downright amazing!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on September 29, 2022, 12:36:43 AM
Congrats everyone!!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on September 29, 2022, 01:11:03 AM
Congratulations, folks! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Eirual on September 29, 2022, 01:19:26 AM
Congratulations to all the winners!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nesota Kynnovan on September 29, 2022, 02:17:01 AM
Congrats everyone!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Elyria on September 29, 2022, 03:37:45 AM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nolan on September 29, 2022, 09:14:51 AM
Congratulations to all winners
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 29, 2022, 05:16:13 PM


This is likely expected news, but as of this thread, set on Day 13 at 0800 hrs. (, Captain Ives received the news from V-Nine that - after four days of pre-surgery evaluation - Sickbay has deemed Lieutenant Commander Rutherford to be beyond post-stasis surgical intervention. It means that if a surgical or medicinal method of saving her life once she is thawed does exist, it isn't readily available aboard the Theurgy.

Therefore, as the highest ranking Diplomat, Lieutenant Madsen has already served as Acting Chief Diplomatic Officer since Day 09, and on Day 13, Captain Ives - after receiving the news about Rutherford - summons her to his ready room in order to give her the position on a permanent basis.

( Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen              Chief Diplomatic Officer (V1) (
( (
  - Writer: @Ellen Fitz

One of Lieutenant Madsen's first tasks will be to re-establish the chain-of-command in the Diplomatic Corps, and name a new Asst. Chief Diplomatic Officer. The obvious choice here is Lt. JG Nysarisiza zh’Eziarath, whom has the rank for it, and I encourage that this promotion play out In-Character  in a thread set after the one linked above. So congrats to @rae as well! I ask you all to take this In-Character development into account in all relevant threads set following Day 13, and make the necessary edits to the extent that you believe it merited in the context of each scene.


I also want to take the opportunity to address a specific request made to have Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Dewitt return to the Theurgy from Breen in order to take over as Chief Diplomatic Officer. While I would love to write Dewitt again, I feel like it would be remiss of me to take over a Department when there are so many capable writers there already. Moreover, the plot gymnastics of having Dewitt pulled out of Breen and brought all the way to the Theurgy is more than just a little shoe-horned plausibility-wise. Sure, the Savi could taxi her back home if asking the Voice nicely (and ignoring the fact that the Savi rebels are fighting for their survival against the Scions), but if so, what was even the purpose of Dewitt staying behind in the Breen Confederacy? The idea is that she is there for sake of keeping the Breen appraised about the real enemy and aiding them in clearing their ranks from Infested influence - to keep them from joining the pending war. Perhaps, in the next Episode, even making the Breen allies?

So, Dewitt might make a cameo via subspace comms at some point, but it would be really forced in the story to have her return to the Theurgy at this point.


Next, I also want to address the fact that @Ellen Fitz will end up writing both the Chief Tactical Officer (Cross) and the Chief Diplomatic Officer (Enyd Madsen) aboard the Theurgy. As most of you know, because of old experiences, I aim to restrict writers to only writing one Departmental Head at the time, so that if RL happens and the writer has to leave, we are in less bad of a situation. I was, however, reminded by some of our older writers that there have been successful exceptions made before, like when @Nolan wrote both the Chief Science Officer (Simon Tovarek) and the Squadron Commanding Officer (Thomas Ravon). Another example is when @Brutus wrote both the Chief of Operations (Natalie Stark) and the Acting Chief Diplomatic Officer (Faye Eloi-Danvers). Granted, in the latter example, Faye was the only Diplomat aboard, lol. Before that, @Iron Ferrox (who left us during the Aldea Prime Anthology) wrote the Squadron Commanding Officer and also Selena Ravenholm, who had a dual role as the USS Harbinger's Chief Engineer and Chief of Operations.

So, I am making a rare exception in this case based on @Ellen Fitz 's writing, her posting frequency, adherence to posting deadlines, and post count average/day, all of which gives me great faith in that she can write both these Departmental Heads. Furthermore, as Enyd is the highest ranking officer in the Diplomatic Corps, it makes the most sense In-Character as well, which is also a big factor.

Congratulations, @Ellen Fitz ! (and @rae ! lol)  :)


I realised that on top of yesterday's Sim Contributions Awards, two Theurgists have earned another prestigious Award. Namely, the Ye Olde Mug Badge! Those who have been actively writing in the sim for over three continuous years have earned this badge, and aside from those who already have it, here are the new recipients! :)


(;attach=358;type=avatar) (;u=240;area=summary)(;attach=126;type=avatar) (;u=139;area=summary)

Congratulations, @Juzzie and @Sqweloookle ! Now, it's just two more continuous years until you earn the Ye Olde Mug of the Ancients Badge (;area=membersAwards;a_id=10)! :)


Unless you have already seen it, I recommend you take a look at the base version of our new landing page, which is featuring some Thea and warp fighter art work. This would be the first impression for new visitors visiting (


But today, I got an awesome idea how to make the landing page truly epic. See, you have all watched the old trailer on the front page right, which is really dated and has a lot of dead characters featured. The problem with making trailers such as that is that it carves out an extraordinary amount of time making them, and as soon as some writers comes and goes, all that effort amounts to the fact that the trailer quickly becomes inaccurate in regard to character presence. This, after spending hours and hours on collecting video and image material, video editing, matching the development in the vid with the music, and then rendering all of it and uploading it to vimeo. Unless you have done something similar before, it's hard to relay just how time-consuming the endeavour of making such a trailer is.

So, how can we make a character reel that is immensely more easy to update, requiring just a single image of the character made, and then editing a javascript file? Well, doing that, we can have this kind of slideshow instead as a landing page! Check it out! [Show/Hide]

While it may take a little bit of time to make images such as this, its nowhere near the amount of time and challenge it would be to make a trailer. I have hundreds of stock art space images to superimpose present character art unto, so the process of making these images for the landing page will be a far easier process, and I already have the material I need. The result, as you may envision when looking at the image behind the [ spoiler ] button, is that we can have a pre-credit sequence just like a Star Trek show, generated by html, java and php scripts. The amount of time updating it will be minimal, and new writers will get to see their character in the pre-credits immediately upon joining.

Let me know what you guys think!



So. if we remove the presence of characters in a new version of the trailer, what do we have instead? We have an opportunity to create a narrated onboarding info video, which will serve to tell the story and details about our story in an far more easily-digestible manner than reading tons and tons of text. Of course the information on the site have to be there for easy access, but what if the trailer functions like a story introduction, detailing the voyage so far and ending where the current development is at? New Applicants can listen to/watch the video and get a grasp on what's going on and what has happened before. While the narration goes on, I can even fill the visuals of the video with fitting stuff, be it images or video material showing settings and characters.

Even better, when we make progress, we can simply add a couple of minutes of narration to the end of the video, and thus keeping it up to date bit by added bit! That way, the time invested into the video-making will have a permanent worth for the sim.

You already know that I have enlisted the aid of two voice narrators in our old trailer, one being a Patrick Stewart impersonator, and the other being someone playing the role of Thea (at the end of the trailer). You can hear them here:

So, if we go with this idea, and we make a completely different kind of video with a longer narration, divided into chapters for each Episode so far, we can have a poll about who should be narrating it! Either Captain Picard, as if reading the reports about what actually happened to the Theurgy, or Thea, making a personal log about the voyage so far.

Too early to make a poll for that now, since I have to compile the text that is to be narrated from the material we already have on the site. I will be asking the voice-over narrators for samples, picking a selection of different narrators for Thea's voice, and then we can hold a poll about whom we go with. Be it Picard or either of the Theas in the sample selection.

First, I am keen to hear what you guys think about it, so let me know!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on September 29, 2022, 05:32:44 PM
Congrats to @Ellen Fitz , @Sqweloookle and @Juzzie ! Enyd is going to be, unusual boss, methinks. I also like the idea of the slideshow, absolutely. It retains some of the cinematic feeling.

Regarding the voiceover: how about AL writes a brief script, then leaves it open for for various writers to try their hand at it? We have dozens of writers, after all, some of whom might just have wonderful voices. The quality of recording equipment might be an issue, admittedly. If there are no good submissions, the option is still open to have a professional VA do it, but it doesn't hurt to try it this way. Probably. Hopefully.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on September 29, 2022, 05:35:15 PM
Well, I love these new developments. Makes it all a lot easier to work with. Also like the slideshow for the cast on the homepage!

As for the narrations, that too would be good for the site. I listened to the Picard impersonator and while I think it's decent, it still doesn't sound enough like Picard to me. I like the idea of going with Thea narrating as she is actually interacting with the plot whereas Picard is not.

Either way, I am happy for the new ideas and developments!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Eden on September 29, 2022, 05:46:37 PM
Congrats all! (Again)

I'd echo the sentiments of others in going a non-Picard route for a trailer. Having Thea narrate it would be more relevant to the story and allow for more voice possibilities.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: rae on September 29, 2022, 06:06:37 PM
Congrats @Ellen Fitz! Nysari would be honored to be your assistant. However the chaos wants me to nominate L'Nari.  (laugh)

Congrats to everyone else who won an award as well!

I love the idea for the landing page. I would squee very loudly to see my characters on there. And Thea should narrate. Definitely Thea. I like Griff's idea of having one of the players do it. Saves money and adds to a sim created by it's players.

Given enough interest, perhaps we can arrange streaming sessions in which we can show the community how it is done. Keep it up!
I'm super down for this. I'm a disaster, but I want to watch @Auctor Lucan at work.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Dumedion on September 29, 2022, 06:19:13 PM
Congrats to everyone! Loading page looks awesome, and I'm throwing in with everyone else for Thea to do the VO :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: [REDACTED] on September 29, 2022, 07:01:27 PM
Congratulations to all. Here's to more stellar adventures across the stars with this fine ship and its even finer crew ^^
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Elyria on September 29, 2022, 07:12:37 PM
Congratulations!  Well done and I look forward to interacting with the characters at some point. :) 

I'd be glad to help with narration!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: jreeves1701 on September 29, 2022, 11:09:28 PM
This is all awesome stuff. I really like the idea of Picard Narrating.

In my brainstorming of how to blend Theurgy's temporal thread among the Trek multi-verse, I was looking at the Picard timeline and having him become an Admiral about the current story point we are on. It would be great having a newly minted Admiral Picard narrate the introduction for our story.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Eirual on September 30, 2022, 02:45:54 AM
I Love the idea of the slide show as it will allow for a much easier process of updating over the long run.

As for the voice over... I sort of think it might be nice to have some of the writers, if they are up to it and can record a decent VO, to share in the intro. Yes, someone could do Thea.. but we also have lots of other characters that could possibly add to the feel of a ship filled with various races. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: jreeves1701 on September 30, 2022, 03:09:29 AM
I am a PA announcer, theatrically trained, I do voices, and have done some radio work, nothing professional
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on September 30, 2022, 03:50:25 AM
I'm in a children's audio drama as characters and have done podcasting and voiceover since 2005. Some professionally, some for fun.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on September 30, 2022, 06:02:31 AM
My voice sucks, I wouldn't be good at that unfortunately. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Ellen Fitz on September 30, 2022, 12:23:37 PM
Congrats @Juzzie and @Sqweloookle !!! Thank you for all the hard work, @Auctor Lucan.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Juzzie on October 03, 2022, 05:31:15 PM
Thanks everyone.

I do Amateur dramatics and have appeared on a DnD podcast doing some limited Voice acting haha. So i'd give it a go.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 13, 2022, 03:28:19 PM


Through a Butterfly Effect Change (, the original squad leader of the Lone Wolves was never Tayl¤r Lucas, callsign Ice-man (, but Jaru Rel (, @rae 's third character!

( Lt Cmdr. Jaru Rel          Wolf-01 [Janus] Wolf Leader (
( (
  - Writer: @rae

So, in all of the original crew of the Theurgy's memories, Jaru Rel was the original Wolf Leader, serving aboard the Theurgy from its commissioning in 2378 and up until the Niga Incident in 2381, where he was put into stasis, and Miles Renard took over his position as squad leader of our Tactical CONN officers. After Miles was lost at the Battle of Starbase 84, Thomas Ravon became the new squad leader, but after loosing his girlfriend Zephyr Praise in the Battle of the Houses, Ravon has been struggling with his role as the leader of the Lone Wolves. In events that will be played out in a couple of threads at the end of the Interregnum, set after Day 15 when V-Nine has managed to thaw and save Jaru Rel from stasis, Thomas will step aside for his old squad leader, whereas Thomas will become a Flight Leader instead.

In related news, Donna Petterson will be returning to the Lone Wolves after a Vulcan has "exorcised" the identity that took over her body during Advent of War (named Maxine). Donna has been in the brig during the Interregnum, and while the Vulcan may have cured her mental affliction, Donna will be having to earn back the trust of the other Lone Wolves during Episode 02. The Squadron Organisational Chart has been updated ( to this effect. If you write a Lone Wolf, please check it out, since the linked version will be the one in effect when Episode 02 starts. Since we have some NPCs in the squad, they might be killed off during the battles, so please consider the Squad Chart for what it is, being in transition depending on new and leaving characters.

Anyway, thank you for the privilege to work with you in the creation of Jaru Rel, @rae , and I look forward to reading the "continued" story of the first squad leader of the Lone Wolves. I will be making some updated to the forum in which Jaru Rel will be mentioned at all times Tayl¤r Lucas was (hence the ¤ format in this post), so that the butterfly effect takes effect through all of the story. I will also be cutting out events in which Tayl¤r Lucas was featured in Episode 02 that doesn't work with this replacement character. As for the fate of Tayl¤r Lucas in this timeline? His altered service record in Starfleet remains an unknown, likely not having served with any of the current Lone Wolves.


After much rumination, @Nesota Kynnovan has asked to give up L'Nari for inheritance. It has been a on-and-off discussion for some time, but the decision is now made.

( Ens. L'Nari        Diplomatic Attaché ( 
( (
  - Formerly written by @Nesota Kynnovan

This characters is now available for inheritance, and if she is not picked up, she will somehow be exiting the story at some point. Hopefully she will get a new writer since she's an awesome character!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on October 13, 2022, 03:31:50 PM
Congrats to @rae and sorry to hear from @Nesota Kynnovan but I get it.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Elyria on October 13, 2022, 05:37:55 PM
I look forward to interacting with him! :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on October 14, 2022, 11:59:51 AM


It is my pleasure to announce our newest member, @tongieboi ! They will write the Transporter Officer Joseph Adams!

( Ens. Joseph Adams                  Transporter Officer ( 
( (
  - Writer: @tongieboi

Ensign Adams was a part of the original crew of the Theurgy, but he was hurt during the flight from Earth in 2380, just when they passed Jupiter Station. He will be thawed on Day 8 after having undergone lengthy surgery to treat his head force trauma, after which a portion of his cranium now consists of synthetic bone. All the pieces of his broken skull were successfully extracted without damaging the brain, and all diagnostics show no lingering effects from shrapnel damage - the care of which the pieces were removed requiring a five hour surgery session.

Welcome aboard, @tongieboi ! Looking forward to read this young man's story. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on October 14, 2022, 12:29:29 PM
Welcome to the Theurgy @tongieboi !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on October 14, 2022, 01:51:30 PM
Weclome aboard @tongieboi ! have fun writing!
And congratulations to all the winners :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Juzzie on October 14, 2022, 04:34:35 PM
Welcome @tongieboi if you have any questions feel free to ask. People are friendly and helpful here :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on October 14, 2022, 08:50:28 PM
Welcome aboard! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Elyria on October 15, 2022, 07:47:48 AM
Welcome @tongieboi!  I look forward to writing with you!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Dumedion on October 16, 2022, 02:24:03 AM
Grats on the new char @rae - excellent choice of callsign, btw :) and welcome aboard @tongieboi
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Tae on October 20, 2022, 08:29:32 PM
Having serious issue IRL. I've been having problems relating to work lately and I am focusing on resolving those. Sadly, those are a priority for me right now, so I'll start posting once those issues are resolved. tagging @Auctor Lucan so you see this.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Number6 on November 02, 2022, 11:01:33 PM
I'm going to be offline after tomorrow for 2 weeks Following surgery- @Ellen Fitz has permission to use Foval and @brutus has permission to use Vanya

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on November 04, 2022, 10:55:39 PM
I have a monster project due tonight and I'm freaking out so I am going to be a bit delayed on posting in the long-delayed Tempus Sigilium thread.  @RyeTanker @BipSpoon , it WILL get done, I will post as soon as I don't have 30 pages to crank out.  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: P.C. Haring on November 05, 2022, 02:04:10 AM
HI All -

For those of you who don't know my wife is going in on Monday (US) to have a our second baby.  Given the nature of things I expect we will be in (the) hospital for probably 3-4 days to say nothing of the transition once we get home.   I am planning to keep writing and keep active, but if I fall behind the 10 day deadline I humbly beg your understanding and forgiveness.   I am going to try and clear my queue as much as possible in the next day and a half or so.  As always I'll be available on Discord if you need me.  If you're not on the discord, please feel free to hit me up here on the forums or in a DM.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Tae on November 05, 2022, 04:47:41 AM
Hey all, it's me again. so Good news, I'm working again! and having something to do, and not having to worry about income is huge. So my mental state has massively improved.

 Bad news...

Reno Nevada in Christmas time/holiday season/ election season is an entirely new circle of hell. Every day is a Sisyphean task to complete, and then we do it again the next day.  The only expectation of actual days off I have until January are November 11th (Veterans day(MAYBE), November 24th (US Thanksgiving) and December 25th, Christmas (Maybe). No actual guarantee of getting any of those days off. This is hell.... I'll try to get posts out on my next day off, but that might not be until January.

14 hour days with no days off have become my new normal. At least the money is good, and I'm doing a job that I need to be be doing.

@Auctor Lucan If you need to mark me as "inactive" do so, but know that this Kris Kringle fucking me with his candy cane cock. This isn't my choice.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 06, 2022, 10:54:48 AM
All right, no worries. Since you haven't posted in your threads for almost 2 months I will mark you as Inactive. I will not put your characters up for inheritance for the time being, even though you marked that as you preference when you registered.

Everyone waiting on Tae in threads, be it Story Prompts and others, you may NPC Victor and/or Nara in those threads in order to progress the scenes to their conclusion. It is advisable to have the characters removed from the scene if the thread(s) have just been started. This can be accomplished by a summon via his or her combadge, forcing them to leave, for example.

Best of luck!


Auctor Lucan

Hey all, it's me again. so Good news, I'm working again! and having something to do, and not having to worry about income is huge. So my mental state has massively improved.

 Bad news...

Reno Nevada in Christmas time/holiday season/ election season is an entirely new circle of hell. Every day is a Sisyphean task to complete, and then we do it again the next day.  The only expectation of actual days off I have until January are November 11th (Veterans day(MAYBE), November 24th (US Thanksgiving) and December 25th, Christmas (Maybe). No actual guarantee of getting any of those days off. This is hell.... I'll try to get posts out on my next day off, but that might not be until January.

14 hour days with no days off have become my new normal. At least the money is good, and I'm doing a job that I need to be be doing.

@Auctor Lucan If you need to mark me as "inactive" do so, but know that this Kris Kringle fucking me with his candy cane cock. This isn't my choice.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 06, 2022, 07:20:48 PM


All writers with Lone Wolves whom are available should attend this briefing...

Day 18 [0800 hrs.] Returning Wolf Leader ( which Lieutenant Commander Jaru Rel takes over the squad and shows the new Squad Org Chart. You can post in this thread at any given point, without a set posting order unless set at a later time. The next poster there, unless anyone beats her to it, is @rae !

As you will be able to read in the post, Jaru Rel takes over the Lone Wolves Squadron at this day and time, and the briefing is held in the Tac CONN briefing room in the Fighter Assault Bay.

Have fun!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: P.C. Haring on November 06, 2022, 07:54:44 PM
I’ll get a short reply in today. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: jreeves1701 on November 18, 2022, 05:22:12 PM
Sorry everyone for the past few weeks' absences. Real life took over with work, holidays, and scouting. I was called out to join the Scouts honor society 3 weeks ago and I have been preparing to complete my initiation ordeal this weekend. Work is always crazy after Halloween as students are sugared up and excited about the coming of Christmas. Next week is US Thanksgiving Break. I will be off of work for the week and will explode the forum with posts from my 3 misfits.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 19, 2022, 01:01:32 AM
Yeah, dealing with a family catching the flu these past few days so I am a tad late on a few threads as sell, but I hope to catch up asap.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Elyria on November 19, 2022, 03:42:48 PM
Recovering from surgery and have use o only one hand til Monday.  Will add more replies when I can.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Juzzie on November 19, 2022, 04:12:38 PM
@Elyria hope you get better soon
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on November 20, 2022, 04:00:41 AM
Get well soon @Elyria
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: rae on November 21, 2022, 03:53:18 AM
I think I'm pushing lateness on a few things too. I was sick for most of last week and though I am physically much improved now, my brain still feels like mush. Sorry friends. Hopefully I'll get everything out this week.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Eirual on November 23, 2022, 12:07:32 AM
I hope all are feeling better soon. My lateness is mostly due to dealing with family issues recently. I will do my best to get caught up this week.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Elyria on November 23, 2022, 07:44:14 PM
Still dealing with pain in my arm.  Goal is to get through Thanksgiving and get back in gear.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 25, 2022, 04:43:42 PM


Introducing the Zaroodian species to our story, @Eirual has created this poor refugee that finds her way aboard the Theurgy, taking up whatever minor duty she can preform!

( Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droda                Zaroodian Refugee ( 
( (
  - Writer: @Eirual

During Day 15, and the Culinary tour, this young woman will approach the Theurgy officers and eventually find her place among the crew. It is as of yet uncertain exactly what she will be doing, but time will tell. Thank you for the opportunity to re-work some of my unused old artwork into this awesome species creation, and I look forward to reading her continued story!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: tongieboi on November 25, 2022, 05:38:13 PM
They certainly look interesting! Looking forward to seeing them about!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on November 30, 2022, 09:08:52 AM


@Tae has informed me that his RL situation has improved significantly and that he'll be able to participate actively again!  :)


So, welcome back @Tae , and besides the new Lone Wolves thread announced a bit earlier in this Main OOC thread, you can resume posting in the threads where your characters are still present. I believe a couple of them may have been wrapped up, like the Benamite Crystals prompt. Glad to hear things sorted itself out work-wise in the end!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Elyria on December 01, 2022, 05:07:13 AM
welcome back @Tae!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on December 01, 2022, 06:17:23 AM
Welcome back, @Tae

In other news, I need to be busting ass in the lab these next couple of weeks to make up for getting sick and having to put my thesis on hold.  Hopefully this won't delay anything on my end. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on December 05, 2022, 01:50:39 AM
And I got taken down for a couple days by another head cold.  Lovely.  Trying to catch up tonight, apologies again for the delays. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Tae on December 05, 2022, 03:09:20 AM

Glad to hear things sorted itself out work-wise in the end!


Auctor Lucan

Oh how I wish this were the case! This year I'm turning 34, and I got Arthritis for my Birthday! I am 6'7", come form a tall family, and have had physical jobs almost all of my working life, on top of military service.

So It isn't that work let up, it's that my body cannot physically do what they want me to do at work. 6-7 day weeks and 14+ hour days. So I have a medical waiver due to Arthritis. I cherish the writing time, but good gravy do I wish that I could return my Birthday gift this year. Work is still hell, it's just.... not as bad for me because I cannot physically tolerate it. FUN!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Number6 on December 05, 2022, 11:35:24 PM
Hey I’m back guys!     

The surgery only fixed my left eye, another operation awaits in 2023.     But lefty has been doing most of the work all my life.    Things are better than they have been in years.     

I’ll be easing back in in the next few days.    
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on December 07, 2022, 04:30:49 PM
Just FYI, I'll have updates to my threads starting hopefully today or tomorrow but been dealing with life, sicknesses and work. So if I'm late, I apologize and should be caught up by this coming Tuesday.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Elyria on December 12, 2022, 07:24:57 PM
I've had a relapse and have been struggling with sleep an energy.  I'm hoping I'm on the other side of this.  I'll reply as soon as I can.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 16, 2022, 12:17:41 AM


Sadly, @Nolan has informed me that real life has pulled him away from the sim entirely at this point.

I hope this message will find you well! I wish you and the other writers the best of time in the upcoming years, sadly, I feel like now is my time to leave. I've not been quite as active as I had wanted to be and the last few months have given me very little time to participate at all.

Sadly, the future will not give me more free time as after my marriage last summer, I'm now expecting to become a father. I feel like this will soak up most if not all of my free time. Hence I see it only to be fair to hand in my active status and perhaps return to the story at a later stage.

Given how many years it's been, and all the writing we've done together, I do hope you'll return some day! :)

( PO2 Kythalie Benmual            Security Officer (  
  - Available for Inheritance (

As according to stated preferences, Kythalie Benmual is now available for inheritance. You can find her bio above if you are interested and eligible for adding another character. To my awareness, the character isn't actively written in any threads at the moment, but should that be the case, I recommend FINing the threads so that I can lock them.


It seems that in the end of the Qo'noS shore leave, one of our Asst. Chief Operations Officers went missing!

Day 19 [0900 hrs.] Unfortunate Timing (

This is awesome IC foreshadowing for things afoot in Episode 02, as well as @Pierce not finding any inspiration towards writing Nick Chambers after some deep thought and consideration. @Pierce is not leaving or anything like that, but the character exits the story in the context of an actively written character. If he makes a cameo in Episode 02, it will then be an an NPC.


Now with more hours off a big work thing, I'm looking forward to finishing up the art and last bit of writing for the launch of Episode 02. If you have old threads in the Aldea Prime Anthology or Episode 01: Advent of War, please finish them up as soon as you can so that I can lock down those old boards? Thanks in advance for that!

Of course the Interregnum 01-02 board is going to be open for pre-Episode 02 shenanigans since you guys may come up with thread ideas that would fit better if set before the Theurgy heads for the RNZ.

Hope this message finds you all well out there! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on December 16, 2022, 12:24:59 AM
I really hope that Nolan returns to us at some point, but the news about his marriage and impending fatherhood is great.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on December 16, 2022, 02:28:09 AM
I hope Nolan has the time to sleep with the new baby!  Obviously the odds of that are low, but still, fingers crossed.  :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: P.C. Haring on December 20, 2022, 06:52:43 PM
Hey all.   Just wanted to give a heads up that with the holidays upon us, I'm probably not going to get a post in again until 12/26.   My apologies to @Auctor Lucan  @Griff  and @UltimaImperatrixia to whom I am already late in posting replies.  Further apologies to @rae  and @Ellen Fitz to whom I am late as of today.  

Thats the bad news.  The GOOD news is that next week my office is closed and...with luck I'll be able to catch up. 

Thanks for the patience!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on December 20, 2022, 06:59:06 PM
I will actually catch up this week and then be out of commission from 12/25 until 01/01 as I go on vacation to Michigan.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 21, 2022, 04:54:31 PM



While I mean to use the Holidays to launch Episode 02, I thought I would give you all something in the meantime. Here is the result of our new Random Encounters lottery for Day 15 to 21 during the Qo'nos Shoreleave!


Please bear in mind that the USS Oneida left for Ba'ku to scan its rings on Day 15, so these encounters take place on the Theurgy or on Qo'noS. The previous lottery had Oneida locations listed. These lotteries open up for opportunities of character interaction one might not expect, and if you guys still want to do the pairings of the old lottery, it can be found HERE (

Please bear in mind that these RE threads may be posted tomorrow or months from now so no rush. The gimmick (third column) and the location (fourth column) is a part of the challenge, to come up with how the gimmick might be a factor in the scene and why they would encounter each other there, but if you can't come up with ideas, you can consider the two columns optional. Details about the Qo'nos locations can be found on the linked page. The writer with the character in the left column writes the Starter post after contacting the Replying writer to check if they are available for writing the encounter. If you guys want to switch with each other, just PM me via the forum about the switch you've made and the page will be updated!

Hope you all like the pairings, and if not, you may still like them when you actually come up with an idea and write it out.

Another lottery will be held soon for Episode 02, so if you cannot find inspiration towards this lottery, there is another one coming up as well.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 22, 2022, 12:34:54 AM


 < Click For Full Resolution > (

We have a new board on the forum! Unfortunately, since the forum upgrade I did, it now prevents me from adding basic html formatting so I can't add the new cover image I've made to the board. So I am displaying it here for now. Hope you like it!


As you can see, only a foreshadowing Foreword ( is up for now, but I will be posting the Prologue in it's many parts as soon as I finish up the writing. I will also try to fix the stupid layout problem with the cover image not showing on the board as soon as I figure out what the problem is.

Hope this finds you all well out there! More to come over the course of the coming days! :)


Auctor Lucan

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 26, 2022, 12:39:18 AM


While we celebrated Christmas yesterday here in Sweden (strange as we are), I just wanted to send you all a greeting in hopes thay you are all safe and sound out there! With weather and varying illness causing havoc around the globe, I hope you all still get to celebrate these Holidays as best as you might.

Take care of yourselves and your loved ones!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on December 26, 2022, 12:47:05 AM
Merry christmas, all!  Stay safe and sane as the winter storms continue. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Elyria on December 27, 2022, 06:31:50 AM
Health, travel, and holidays have drained time and energy.  Should be back home and settled by the 1st.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Number6 on December 27, 2022, 08:16:04 PM
I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas.  

I want to apologise for not posting much over the past year.   The deterioration of my eye sight has a lot to do with it.   Even with  bigscreen and  Windows magnifier, even the shortest post was hard work.   Then I moved to working on a Tablet, which was midly better but not my preferred way to write (I like clacky keys dammit).   In general, reading and writing still posed a problem for me.     I hadn’t realised how bad things were until I got my left eye fixed.    Even now I am still noticing intracies in patterns on things I have owned for the better part of 5 years.   

I am back now, I am going to post more regularly (other eye permitting).  

Just wanted to reach out if anyone needs to rub shoulders with Foval, the XB assistant Diplomatic Officer or Vanya, the science officer, the offer is there.   

Heres to 2023
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 30, 2022, 12:45:24 AM


>> Click For Full Resolution (

The three posts linked below all detail events that take place at 0900 hrs on Day 1 in Episode 02: Cosmic Imperative! Hope you enjoy the read!


The next post in that thread, which will be up tomorrow, will jump back an hour and take place at 0800 hrs aboard the Theurgy, initiating the Senior Staff meeting that will launch the events described in the loose Story Workshop manuscript ( The starter for the Senior Staff meeting will also open up for Supplemental one-on-one threads for characters not in the Senior Staff.

So stay tuned, and I hope you have enjoyed these three starting scenes, which continuations will be posted later in this thread! :)

Oh, and if you guys want to discuss these three posts on our Discord server, please make sure to do so in the #conference_lounge channel, and use proper spoiler formatting with these: ||Spoilers goes here|| hide any exclamations that may ruin the reading for writers who have yet to read up on the Prologue. That's all for now! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: jreeves1701 on December 30, 2022, 01:48:41 AM
Status update on me, I'm alive, I know I'm behind. Christmas brought some unexpected suprises to my household that has taken most of my focus.

My middle stepson sort of ran away from home. He was supposed to go spend a week with his aunt in another state. Well, she and he slipped off to visit his biological father who he hasn't seen since he was 2. He ghosted his friends and his mom for two days which raised all sorts of alarms especially when we couldn't reach the aunt either. Of course, this was just the cherry on top as his older brother, also my stepson decided to quit his job at Disney and get engaged to a girl he just met and has known for only two months.

The two are now planning on moving in with the wife and I. No plans to go back to college. No job. No apartment. Her parents are all the way on the other side of the U.S. just as livid. My son is 20, their daughter is 19, technically adults, both stupid. To say we are so upset that we really want to say NO but don't want them living on the streets.

They arrive tomorrow, and my middle son who is now in communication with his mom returns Saturday. I plan to go hiking and relaxing Sunday. I will make a wholehearted effort to catch up on Monday. Sorry, guys, sometimes real life is more dramatic than fantasy.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on December 30, 2022, 04:11:37 AM
Status update on me, I'm alive, I know I'm behind. Christmas brought some unexpected suprises to my household that has taken most of my focus.

My middle stepson sort of ran away from home. He was supposed to go spend a week with his aunt in another state. Well, she and he slipped off to visit his biological father who he hasn't seen since he was 2. He ghosted his friends and his mom for two days which raised all sorts of alarms especially when we couldn't reach the aunt either. Of course, this was just the cherry on top as his older brother, also my stepson decided to quit his job at Disney and get engaged to a girl he just met and has known for only two months.

The two are now planning on moving in with the wife and I. No plans to go back to college. No job. No apartment. Her parents are all the way on the other side of the U.S. just as livid. My son is 20, their daughter is 19, technically adults, both stupid. To say we are so upset that we really want to say NO but don't want them living on the streets.

They arrive tomorrow, and my middle son who is now in communication with his mom returns Saturday. I plan to go hiking and relaxing Sunday. I will make a wholehearted effort to catch up on Monday. Sorry, guys, sometimes real life is more dramatic than fantasy.

Oh my god!  I'm so sorry that things are such a mess for you.  I hope that you can resolve the situation soon and your son sees sense and either goes back to school or starts looking for work. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on December 31, 2022, 02:08:38 AM


>> Click For Full Resolution (

It's time! As of this new post:

PROLOGUE: EDGE OF CHAOS [DAY 01|0900 HRS.] ('s now open to post new Supplemental threads for Episode 02's Prologue, where you can depict one-on-one or group scenes with other writers in your own IC subplots on this morning of Day 01. The limitation of the IC time-span for these Supplemental threads will span from 0500 hrs. to 0900 hrs. This means that the Judicious Journeys broadcast - and its ending - has yet to be aired, and the reactions to that will be reserved for later. The main thread of the Prologue is, however, restricted to the Senior Staff Joint-Posts for the time being.

Important: The naming convention for these one-on-one Supplemental threads that belonging to Prologue is: PRO: S [D01|YYYY] Insert Title (YYYY marking the time in the morning).


We'll be testing something new to lend some speed in compiling a Senior Staff meeting. Instead of a posting order, and a long waiting-game, all writers whom have a Senior Staff member now has 10 days staring from January 1 2023, to contribute a couple of short paragraphs of writing into a Joint-Post. This means that there is no set posting order, and that everyone with Senior Staff characters must post in the Joint-Post before the 11th of January. This Joint-Post is hosted on the wiki, which you all have access to, and the link is HERE ( More details about how the Joint-Post is to be created can be found there as well. As for Nicander's report, all the relevant information about the Hobus supernova threat can be read in this thread (


Here are some ideas/themes for Supplemental threads that you all can write with your characters at this point of Episode 02, but I am sure you have plenty of ideas of your own as well, so just consider these to be inspirational towards how you choose to introduce your character in this Episode!

Given experience from Episode 01: Advent of War, where some writers neglected to participate in favour of continuing to write in the Aldea Prime Anthology - or not write at all - a character introduction in Episode 02 is to be considered mandatory for active participation in the sim, so please find writing partners and jump into the telling of the main story, because here we go!

The above information is also available in the OOC section of the latest post in the Prologue, for sake of convenience.


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on January 04, 2023, 03:41:21 PM
Just getting back and all from vacation and other issues so I am playing catchup guys :) Please bare with me.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: rae on January 05, 2023, 04:42:21 AM
Happy New Year! I hope it was better than mine, which involved all the nasty flu symptoms. Apparently you can throw up so hard that tiny blood vessels in your eyes will break, which is something I wish I'd never learned. It looks creepy and is very itchy. I'm feeling better now, and working on replies. But I'm exhausted, so I haven't made much headway. I think things will start being late tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be able to catch up this weekend.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 06, 2023, 01:31:13 AM


Today, @Dree expands our Operations Department with Lieutenant Reika Sh'laan, an original crewmember of the USS Theurgy, thawed from stasis on Day 16!

( Lt. Reika Sh'laan      Asst. Chief of Operations (V3) (
( (
  - Writer: @Dree

Just prior to the start of Episode 02, she will end up as an Asst. Chief Operations Officer on the ''Theurgy'', having served in Operations prior to her injury. Welcome to the sim, @Dree ! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on January 06, 2023, 03:27:41 AM
Welcome to the Theurgy @Dree ! I'm looking forward to writing with you.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on January 06, 2023, 05:09:51 AM
Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on January 06, 2023, 07:13:57 AM
Welcome @Dree‍ 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Eden on January 06, 2023, 06:11:42 PM
Welcome @Dree !!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Dree on January 07, 2023, 03:30:09 AM
Thanks, @Auctor Lucan, @Griff, @GroundPetrel, @Eden, and @Pierce!  I'm excited to be here and to get to write with you all. 

For those of you who are interested, I’m a non-fiction author by trade.  I’m married, and I have five kids.  So I’ve got a lot going on in my life, but I’ve been a Trek fan for what feels like forever.  I’ve been involved in another Startrek RPG for quite a while, but sometimes it runs slowly, so I was looking for another game to jump into.   I stumbled across this one while doing some research for a post on that game. 

Hopefully, I’ll get a chance to write with many - if not all of you - soon.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Ellen Fitz on January 08, 2023, 01:15:04 PM
Howdy all,

Some of you already know this but I fly out today for a month-long speaking tour in the States and will return to Taiwan at the beginning of February. This is mostly for work but towards the end of it I will thankfully be able to see my family for the first time in three years. Needless to say, I will do what I can to stay active in the numerous in-between moments. Thank you in advance for your patience and consideration. Take care and keep smiling!

P.S. Welcome Dree!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on January 08, 2023, 02:17:15 PM
@Dree welcome on bord! Have fun writing :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Juzzie on January 09, 2023, 01:00:41 PM
Welcome @Dree  I hope you have fun.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on January 09, 2023, 04:28:10 PM
Howdy all,

Some of you already know this but I fly out today for a month-long speaking tour in the States and will return to Taiwan at the beginning of February. This is mostly for work but towards the end of it I will thankfully be able to see my family for the first time in three years. Needless to say, I will do what I can to stay active in the numerous in-between moments. Thank you in advance for your patience and consideration. Take care and keep smiling!

P.S. Welcome Dree!
Have a fun trip!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on January 10, 2023, 01:03:49 PM news. I've been feeling rather awful for the past few days, and it turns out that an old friend (read: evil bugger) of an illness has come calling. Without going into details, now that I have the medication, it'll take a few days to get over it. Until then, I likely won't be writing or doing much of anything except a lot of swearing. Sorry to the folks who are waiting on me.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Juzzie on January 10, 2023, 01:36:50 PM
@Griff  thats ok buddy, you get better. If you need to chat or anything you know where to find me. <3
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on January 10, 2023, 02:26:17 PM news. I've been feeling rather awful for the past few days, and it turns out that an old friend (read: evil bugger) of an illness has come calling. Without going into details, now that I have the medication, it'll take a few days to get over it. Until then, I likely won't be writing or doing much of anything except a lot of swearing. Sorry to the folks who are waiting on me.
Oh, no!  It's good that you have medicine at least.  Get well soon! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Elyria on January 11, 2023, 04:04:07 AM
Welcome @Dree!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on January 13, 2023, 03:36:44 AM
Bare with me everyone. Still getting my bearings on time and what not with looking for work with the sudden loss in one. Will be back to writing on Monday to catch up.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Dree on January 13, 2023, 03:45:47 AM
Best of luck to you,  Pierce!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on January 13, 2023, 04:08:10 AM
Best of luck to you,  Pierce!
Thanks! Gonna need it!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 14, 2023, 01:02:10 AM


Here is the link to the new post:


With the success of using the wiki for a JP Senior Staff meeting, we'll continue with that format! All writers whom have a Senior Staff member now has 10 days staring from January 13 to contribute the next segment of the meeting. Like before, no set posting order, but everyone with Senior Staff characters must post in the Joint-Post before the 23rd of January. This second Joint-Post is also hosted on the wiki, and the link is THE SAME AS BEFORE (, now holding a new segment for the proposed mission to Romulus. More details about how the Joint-Post is to be created can still be found there as well.

It's still open to post new Supplemental threads for this Prologue, where you can depict one-on-one or group scenes with other writers in your own IC subplots on this morning of Day 01. The limitation of the IC time-span for these Supplemental threads still span from 0500 hrs. to 0900 hrs. This means, as stated before, that the Judicious Journeys broadcast - and its ending - has yet to be aired, and the reactions to that will be reserved for later. The naming convention for these one-on-one Supplemental threads that belonging to Prologue is: PRO: S [D01|YYYY] Insert Title (YYYY marking the time in the morning). This main thread of the Prologue is still restricted to the Senior Staff Joint-Posts for the time being.

Remember that a character introduction in Episode 02 is to be considered mandatory for active participation in the sim, so please find writing partners and jump into the telling of the main story. Some suggestions on what to write was posted earlier in this Main OOC thread. If you are unsure what to write for your characters, you can also PM me on the forum. I plan to send out a Newsletter as well, but there is no need to wait for that before posting on this board with your character introductions!


It's time for @RyeTanker to add a character, and this in the form of CPO Dominic Lau!

( CPO Dominic Lau              Intelligence Operative ( ( (
  - Writer: @RyeTanker

Joining the crew in the late days of the Interregnum, Dominic Lau has been briefed about what is happening in Starfleet by Rear Admiral Joseph Nerva Anderson - codename King - before he comes aboard, and he joins the Intelligence Department as an Intelligence Operative. With a long background in Security and having fought in the Dominion War, Lau is a field agent through and through, and he comes aboard with two NPC operatives that served under him during his latest mission in Romulan space. These NPCs' names are TBD, but will also be serving in Intelligence.

Looking forward to read his story, @RyeTanker ! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on January 24, 2023, 05:02:42 PM


Here is the link to the new post:


Needless to say, the mission input from the USS Relativity for "CHAPTER 02: EXTRACTING REVAD BEYOND THE RNZ" (check the Story Workshop synopsis ( has yet to appear in the story. That will happen later in the Prologue, forcing the Theurgy to leave the Helmet section behind with Martok and Donatra in order to cross the RNZ.

It's still open to post new Supplemental threads for this Prologue, where you can depict one-on-one or group scenes with other writers in your own IC subplots on this morning of Day 01. With the orders dealt in this post, all Departments should have something to work with duty-wise up until 0900 hrs, so have at it!

The limitation of the IC time-span for these Supplemental threads still span from 0500 hrs. to 0900 hrs. This means, as stated before, that the Judicious Journeys broadcast - and its ending - has yet to be aired, and the reactions to that will be reserved for later. The naming convention for these one-on-one Supplemental threads that belonging to Prologue is: PRO: S [D01|YYYY] Insert Title (YYYY marking the time in the morning). This main thread of the Prologue is still restricted to the Senior Staff Joint-Posts for the time being.

The Prologue will soon be updated with the continuation of the scenes started in the beginning of the prologue, and after Part 2 of those are up, another post will have the Theurgy use the Quantum Slipstream drive and head for the rendezvous point at the RNZ, and also have Ives address the whole crew via the intercom. The wiki JP project for that post will be announced here in the Main OOC as soon as it is made available. :)

Stay tuned for a Newsletter, which I hope to send out before the end of this week asap, given current RL work burdens!


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on January 27, 2023, 11:56:50 AM
Gonna be a bit delayed this week.  Thesis work is rough, so @Fife I have zero objections to you going ahead of me in Rollcall (if you were waiting on me). 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Juzzie on February 16, 2023, 04:49:00 PM
Sorry to everyone I am in threads with I forgot to mention that I am in a play this week and have been busy with it. I'll be working on replies next week.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 16, 2023, 10:49:28 PM


Hello there Theurgists!

I got a PM from @Elyria the other day about some health relates issues.

Hey Lucan, I've come down with a secondary infection and my daughter has also developed some health issues.  I may need to go on an LOA, but I have every intention of coming back.  Could she simply fade in the background?  I'm looking at 3 months max, to figure out what's going on and deal with it.

So, Science Officer Kizra Tos will not be inheritable as a character and will instead remain in the bg of scenes as needed to progress the story. In all threads where Tos is represented, you have my permission in accordance with our General Rules to NPC that character to the extent which accomplishes the intention of research and story development etc.

Take care of yourself @Elyria , and we hope for your swift recovery!  (L)


On a more personal note, I just wanted to add that the reason I updated the previous announcement about the timing of the Newsletter is simply that work is being hellish at this point, with many of my suppliers wanting to raise their prices due to rising costs, so pardon if I have missed any replies and my lack of presence on Discord. I am here, and best available via PM on the forum. The Prologue progression and the Newsletter is still in the works on this end, so I can but ask for some further patience.

Hope this finds you all well out there! :)


Auctor Lucan

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Tae on February 16, 2023, 10:57:06 PM
Speaking of breaks and stuff. Not going anywhere. but I'll be travellingf or 3 (non consecutive) weeks out of March. I'll get caught up on posts before I leave for San Diego, in addition to doing any writing I'm due on now.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on February 16, 2023, 11:10:37 PM
I've been very busy as well due to some life stuff that jumped me.  I'm sorry for not being around and I will get back to posting asap (I need to check to see where it's my turn, at that). 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Auctor Lucan on February 17, 2023, 10:25:50 PM


Great news! @Nolan has reached out and wishes to return to write with us again! He'll be writing Thomas Ravon once more, thus returning with one of his old characters. :)

( Lt Cmdr. Thomas Ravon          Wolf-05 [Razor] Wolf Leader (,_callsign_"Razor")
( (,_callsign_"Razor")
  - Writer: @Nolan

Having caught up on reading about the development in the Lone Wolves Squadron as well as Episode 02, @Nolan is up to speed with recent events, but if there is ought you feel would be pertinent to know for him, don't hesitate to reach out to him. Nolan's other writerless character, Kythalie Benmual, remains available for inheritance.

Welcome back, @Nolan ! :)


Auctor Lucan
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on February 17, 2023, 10:28:13 PM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Ellen Fitz on February 19, 2023, 04:00:53 AM
Many huzzahs to be had! @RyeTanker with delicious Donnie! @Dree for Reika! @Nolan for a happy return! And @Juzzie for the play!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on February 25, 2023, 02:32:31 AM
OK, got mugged by the thesis again but I should (finally) be able to catch up on stuff this weekend. 

Also, pro tip to those who have not been as dumb as me: Walking up a hill in a blizzard in Colorado in pajama pants is Not Fun. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on February 25, 2023, 10:09:28 PM
Had a rough week guys but catching up Monday and Tuesday. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: rae on March 06, 2023, 05:05:22 AM
Long story short- someone stole a lot of money from my work and we've been in a mad scramble ever since trying to save our jobs. I think we finally did, but it's been a really stressful experience. I keep trying to write (I have half finished drafts for a lot of replies), but I've been in a really bad headspace and it's hard to concentrate. Hopefully I'll get stuff out this week. All I was good for last week was random art projects while watching cartoons.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on March 06, 2023, 05:26:39 AM
JFC!  That sounds terrible.  :(  Hope things are fixed soon! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on March 06, 2023, 05:37:27 AM
By all means, @rae , focus on your own well-being first and foremost. If that means binging cartoons for another week (Dragon Prince, maybe?), then go nuts. We're not going anywhere.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Juzzie on March 06, 2023, 12:13:28 PM
Take your time @rae
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on March 23, 2023, 10:17:33 AM
in relation to the recent update:
Take care @Auctor Lucan ! Real life comes first. Always! I wish your family all the best and your wife a speedy recovery. Again, take care!

@BipSpoon sad to see you leave but as mentioned before, Real life comes first. See you later.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: jreeves1701 on March 23, 2023, 01:29:27 PM
I feel you @Auctor Lucan , I have bitten off more than I can chew personally and professionally. I am playing catch-up on both ends but still alive and working on getting some time free.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on March 24, 2023, 09:25:17 AM
Apologies to those I've promised updates to.  I had a work emergency (another gd leak in collections) that needed a lot of time and energy.  Now awake WAY too late, but I will try to get to stuff tomorrow. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on March 26, 2023, 01:12:28 PM
Hey folks. This is just a notice that I may be slow to respond to posts for a while, if at all. I'm currently down to one working hand, and even using that is becoming painful. This is temporary (hopefully I'll be getting surgery in May), but for the short-term, typing is becoming more and more difficult.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Dree on March 26, 2023, 02:05:25 PM
Take care of yourself,  Griff.  I hope things get better for you sooner rather than later.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RyeTanker on March 26, 2023, 02:10:23 PM
Sorry to hear that! Rest well and we look forward to hearing about you being in better shape soon.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Ellen Fitz on March 26, 2023, 03:21:35 PM
@Griff and @GroundPetrel , please take care! @BipSpoon, you're loved and missed! @Auctor Lucan keep on keeping on!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on March 26, 2023, 04:19:06 PM
We're with you all guys! Hopefully we can all be back soon. I'll be back to full force this week for catching up but been working a little at a time. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on March 26, 2023, 06:01:58 PM
Hey folks. This is just a notice that I may be slow to respond to posts for a while, if at all. I'm currently down to one working hand, and even using that is becoming painful. This is temporary (hopefully I'll be getting surgery in May), but for the short-term, typing is becoming more and more difficult.
Oh no!  I hope that the surgery goes well and that you recover quickly! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: P.C. Haring on March 30, 2023, 04:48:05 AM
Hi All -

Just a quick note that Im going to be out of town from April 3 through April 8.  We'll be coming home and going right into Easter festivities so I won't realistically be posting again until Monday the 10th. 

I WILL be taking my laptop with me while we're out of town, but I can't promise posts.  Based on my current posting queue here's what I'm looking at - 

My one on one threads with @Pierce @rae @ob2lander961 @Tae and @Griff will be updated before I leave town.

My group thread with @rae @Pierce and @RyeTanker  will also be updated before I leave town

My one on one threads with @Nero @Ellen Fitz and @RyeTanker‍   as well the Ensemble thread  "Upon Waking"  with @Dree , @Auctor Lucan  and others (all of which I've previously tagged)  will not be updated before I leave, but I'm taking it with me  so I can work on them offline as time allows. 

See you on the flip side y'all!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on April 03, 2023, 09:50:56 AM
I will be off for easter vacation from 6th of April until 16th of April.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on April 19, 2023, 08:33:06 PM
Hey all, a bit delayed with the schedule but will reply this week and next to catch up. Apologies on the delay.

Bright side, got some good job prospects :) 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Ellen Fitz on May 14, 2023, 11:09:38 AM
A shout out of encouragement to @Auctor Lucan and anyone else fighting the good fight and putting one foot in front of the other, saying eff you to difficult circumstances by keeping on!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on May 14, 2023, 12:59:33 PM
Welp, I finally got the breakthrough case of COVID I'd been hoping I wouldn't get.  Shame.  I was on a roll on my thesis, too.  :(

I'm medicated, vaxxed, and boosted multiple times, so based on how it hit my parents a few months back I'm expecting a couple of days of absolute misery followed by a weak of cruddy recovery. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on May 14, 2023, 01:14:29 PM
Oh heck. Take care @GroundPetrel !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on May 14, 2023, 03:04:46 PM
Sorry @GroundPetrel‍ and hope you have a fast recovery.

As for me, I'll be catching up again this week. Been weird transitioning back to a work schedule this coming week too. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on May 14, 2023, 07:54:14 PM
Thanks folks.  I have a cheap dO2 sensor and a bunch of general "sick supplies" (gatorade, saltines, cough drops, decongestant, ibuprofen, etc.), so I'm going to hunker down and hope it ends quickly.  The vaccine's doing its job, at least, it's "flu" bad, not "hospital" bad right now. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on May 17, 2023, 02:55:08 PM
Hey folks, as a general notice: for the next six weeks, perhaps more, I'm going to be a tad distracted. Between medical fun times, helping my parents move, emptying a rather large house effectively alone, my own impending homelessness (got to love my landlord's timing) and other factors, my life has been chucked into a blender. Everything will work out in the long run (good things are happening) but in the short-term...yeah, it's a nightmare.

Please excuse me if I'm (very) late on posts, inactive on Discord or generally a bit off. Normal service will resume eventually.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RyeTanker on May 17, 2023, 03:05:46 PM
Good luck @Griff and we look forward to seeing you when you can pop in.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on May 23, 2023, 11:30:51 PM
Hey guys, going to get caught up over the next week and maybe later this one. Been crazy training schedule but looking forward to writing with you all more. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on May 24, 2023, 01:25:00 AM
Thankfully, the 'Rona was partially ameliorated by my vaccine.  Wasn't much worse than the flu.  On the mend and glad I remembered to get boosted. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: rae on May 25, 2023, 03:14:22 AM
Hey guys, just as a heads up- I'm leaving for a work trip tomorrow, so I'll be super busy next week. Then, because my work is footing the bill for an international flight and the return trip price is the same no matter when I use it, I'm going to hang in Europe for a few weeks for vacation and remote work until my friend's wedding in Denmark (not a crazy destination wedding, they're both Danish). I wanted to catch up on replies before I left... but yeah, that failed. Highly doubt I'll have time to write during the actual business trip part, but I'm sure I'll find some down time afterwards!

I made a list of all the replies I still owe. Special apologies to Nolan, because I'm pretty sure I've owed you a starter for months.

p.s. Last time I was in Copenhagen, I saw Sweden multiple times. Totally gonna wave and makes faces at you, @Auctor Lucan.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Ellen Fitz on May 25, 2023, 09:57:43 AM
This is on behalf of @Tae: He's joined the Imperium of Man and will be off conquering the evil arachnids of Grid 8472 in their cutting star destroyers, with potential explorations in Galileo shuttlecraft for the next week. And somehow finding time to move and get set up in a new apartment in the process.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: rae on June 06, 2023, 09:15:29 PM
Heyo Wolves (fly people, errant children, cubs?, puppies!),

This is your final warning to reply in Returning Wolf Leader ( before I end it and send everyone off for some real work.

Feat: some wolf puppies. Tag yourselves. [Show/Hide]
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on June 07, 2023, 02:39:02 AM
Heyo Wolves (fly people, errant children, cubs?, puppies!),

This is your final warning to reply in Returning Wolf Leader ( before I end it and send everyone off for some real work.

Feat: some wolf puppies. Tag yourselves. [Show/Hide]
Thanks! I made one post but honestly didn't see much else to post there.

Side note my delay with posting will be over come tomorrow night 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Juzzie on June 09, 2023, 04:51:14 PM
Hi All  this coming week there will in all likely hood be delays in my posting. I am appearing in another play. "Carrie's War" by Nina Bawden.

I'll catch up as soon as possible.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on June 09, 2023, 05:28:22 PM
Hi All  this coming week there will in all likely hood be delays in my posting. I am appearing in another play. "Carrie's War" by Nina Bawden.

I'll catch up as soon as possible.
Hey!  That sounds awesome!  Have fun!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: ob2lander961 on June 14, 2023, 03:33:02 AM
Hey guys! So like I said on Discord Im going somewhere with no wifi access for the rest of the month. Ill be back by July 1st though so it shouldn't be long. Just wanted to let you know incase I don't respond for a while :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nero on July 03, 2023, 10:35:29 AM
That are some bitter news. As I said multiple times: Real life comes first, always. Even if it means to let something like this come to an end. It is sad and it hurts. It carries years of passion and work. A legacy. Something that shaped Star Trek Fandom. Over ten years of ongoing collaboration. That is an impressive achievement no one can take away from you @Auctor Lucan .

T h a n k   y o u.

Thank you for letting us participate in this sim and be part of something bigger. You not only created a sim and managed to plot and bundle some story plot lines. You created a community with dozens of people around the world connecting via the need to create and write their own stories based of a science fiction tv series. You created a community for people who loved the universe and enjoyed the possibilities and the creative room you provided. I can imagine that some of these people you met here became your friends which is something special in its own way.

Spock once said: “The Needs of the Many Outweigh the Needs of the Few” which is clearly an altruistic and logical view of things and made sense in The Wrath of Khan but sadly life is no feature film and, in the newsletter, you explained your reasoning. I think everyone here can understand where you were coming from. I for myself can and I wish you all the best for you and your family. I hope we can stay connected, and that the sim will stay in pleasant memory.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on July 09, 2023, 06:53:35 PM
Forum Copy (

If anyone wants it, this is a copy of every board, thread and post of the Theurgy story up to this exact moment, not including the OOC board, just because the OOC board is a monster. The process isn't perfect, to be sure. The formatting hasn't been preserved, and there may be errors. Regardless, it exists. No matter what happens to this site, we'll have a copy of the entire Theurgy story.

Of course, feel free to download the folder and do what you like with it. I'll run the script again in December and update the folder, assuming nothing changes.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on July 10, 2023, 05:54:28 AM
Thank you! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on July 10, 2023, 05:57:04 AM
That's awesome, Griff! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on July 24, 2023, 01:32:23 PM
Hey folks. Just as a note: for a while, maybe a month or two, events in my life will make it difficult to write. I've been struggling to be creative lately even before this (sorry!), and that is unlikely to change soon. I'm going to try to catch up this week, but that may be the last you hear from me for a while in terms of Theurgy posts. Activity on Discord may fluctuate as well, depending on what's happening.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Nesota Kynnovan on July 24, 2023, 05:17:04 PM
Stay safe Griff! We'll be here for you if you need us!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on July 28, 2023, 03:45:41 AM
Hey folks, just a reminder that we have another poll up, deadline is the 31st. Would love as much input as possible:
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on July 28, 2023, 03:55:22 AM
Apologies for being out of all the discussions, I have been horribly busy with my thesis. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: rae on August 04, 2023, 02:18:48 PM
Hey hey

For everyone who would like to make some changes to their character, we created a form for Butterfly Effect Changes ( This is not for new characters and not for removing characters, just requesting changes to already existing characters. Then we can work down the list and make sure we get to everyone.

If you already mentioned it to me in discord, please fill this out anyway so you can get on the spreadsheet!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on August 07, 2023, 04:58:09 PM
Over the last week or so there has been a lot of interest in understanding what the policy regarding characters for writers will be going forward, given all the changes that we are processing. This is perfectly understandable. After some deliberation and consideration, our intent is to stick with the current path we have been using (successfully) over these many years. Currently, folks can have a maximum of 4 player characters (provided they keep to a posting rate over a period of time to earn eligibility for each new character past their initial), and can, through the expenditure of story points, gain a 5th character (generally this is adopting a previously created character currently being NPC'd by the staff or in stasis and up for inheritance). As this system has been put in place to keep writers from over extending themselves and has mostly worked without major hitch, it is the system that we will keep in place going forward.

That said, given the amount of change, it is understandable that folks might feel detached from current characters that they write. We all grow and change after all and sometimes distance develops between a writer and their characters. Given that we are rolling out a ton of changes and settling on our course forward, it seems reasonable to allow folks to rotate characters they are no longer connecting with for either an existing character in stasis/up for inheritance, or submit an application for a new character to be reviewed by the application team and the admin staff (once the former is set up and we have a process lined out - I know, a lot of planning to still do!).

In addition, we are entertaining the use of the Butterfly Effect to roll out changes to characters you want to keep. I'm not letting any of you become Q's or the like so don't ask (no one seriously has). But otherwise we did set up a form for butterfly effect requests. If you don't ask, we can't give feedback, so please submit through the Butterfly Effect Change Request Form (

Wordy announcement, but TL;DR - character limits and earning character slots stays the same. We will be willing to play Character Musical Chairs to a degree.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Dumedion on August 10, 2023, 10:02:32 PM
Hey guys. I'm gonna be unplugged for awhile, probably the next couple of weeks. Yall take care, see ya when I get back.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on August 27, 2023, 10:57:45 PM


Everyone please congratulate @Dumedion  on inheriting Arven Leux.

( Lt. Arven Leux         Asst. Chief Medical Officer (
( (
  - Writer:  

@Dumedion has maintained a posting rate well enough to qualify for a new character and has chosen to inherit one of our available doctors.

Lt. Leux transferred over the from the USS Oneida ( and has taken up one of the Assistant Chief Medical officers aboard the USS Theurgy ( Born and raised in Starfleet, a former Cardassian POW and an avid player of chess, Arven has been thrown into the thick of it since learning the truth of the infestation of Starfleet Command. @Dumedion has inherited the character and made some updates to his background. Anyone in need of a Doctor should feel free to reach out!

Congratulations on your new character, @Dumedion  ! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on August 27, 2023, 10:59:17 PM
Congrats @Dumedion !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Eirual on August 28, 2023, 07:44:31 PM
Congrats @Dumedion!

On a totally different front:  AL has several NPCs. Might it be possible to leave those in place should he find time to participate in the sim? I hate to just shut him out. And TY Griff for the Backup of the forums. Let us hope we can migrate everything over with too much difficulty but it's good to have JIC.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on August 28, 2023, 07:46:04 PM
Congrats @Dumedion‍!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on August 29, 2023, 08:19:26 AM
Yay @Dumedion welcome to mighty medical!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on September 09, 2023, 05:35:40 AM


Everyone please welcome back @BipSpoon  who has returned to the SIMM. They were looking to come back prior to our pausing general activities and we have been able to restore their access. They will be rejoining the story in progress as we exit the Prologue of Episode 2 and roll into the meat of the upcoming events.

Which brings me to the next announcement:


Working with AL, we have transferred site ownership and administration over to my account. This includes the Forum, the Wiki, the backend database and the domain hosting. For now, we will not be switching hosts. When the renewal window with our current host comes up in January I'll make the payment and the site will continue without interruption. So y'all don't need to worry about backing up each individual post (unless you want to - redundancy is good, redundancy is good). In short, we don't have to worry about the plug being pulled in 4 months time.

Related to the above transition of ownership, AL continues to have full admin access so that he can (when able) assist in helping me with any technical aspects as we continue forward. Star Trek Theurgy wouldn't have gotten this far without Auctor Lucan and it is my hope that we can continue the story in his honor.


As you will be seeing over the next few days, more posts will be dropped into the Prologue: Edge of Chaos [Day 01|0900 hrs.] ( thread. Be sure to keep an eye on it for the unfolding updates as we get ready to launch the mission. The crew will be split up across multiple episodes, and there should be PM threads going now on the boards to help coordinate across departments and objectives. Please check those if you haven't already.


Lastly, it feels fitting to note that today is Star Trek Day, the 57th anniversary of the premier of the Original Series. It is also the 50th anniversary of Star Trek: The Animated Series. As we look back on more than half a century of Star Trek, it feels only right to look forward to continuing our own story and its new chapter. May we continue to explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, and bodly go where no one has gone before.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: P.C. Haring on September 17, 2023, 11:17:10 PM
Hey all- I will be on vacation from September 21 through October 1.   I am taking my laptop but internet connection will be spotty at best and opportunities to log in will be spottier. 

That said, I’m planning on doing a bit of offline writing so if I owe anyone posts when I leave.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on September 28, 2023, 08:49:08 PM
Hello, Theurgy!


Chapter starters have been posted up for the new episode. Writers have been tagged in their respective threads, and all the new main chapter threads are now pinned for ease of finding. Threads are as follows:

Chapter 1: Outside Looking In [ Day 1 | 1345 ] (
Chapter 2: DIS Engage [ Day 1 | 1259 ] (
Chapter 3: Stand and Deliver [ Day 1 | 1258 ] (
Chapter 4: When you wish upon a star [ Day 1 | 1400 ] (
Chapter 5: And so it begins [ Day 1 | 1355 ] (

As noted in the bottom of each thread, there will be optional side game quests within each chapter that particpants in the main thread can try and work into their posts at some point. These are secret and handed out to individual players if they are interested. No pressure, but if you're up for it, please reach out to GMs.


At 0900, as the Theurgy enters slipstream, the Butterfly Effect Changes take place. Aside from Sarresh and his migraine, everyone will think the universe has always been this way, and will not notice the changes.


Finally we come to the matter of new characters available for inheritance. Based on internal conversations within the Admin team, as well as with various users, the following characters are up for inheritance:

Please note that this means the rest of AL's characters are, for the time being, going to be run as NPC's by the Admin staff as based on story needs. Their fates will be revealed as the story progresses.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on September 28, 2023, 08:50:08 PM
And on a personal note, I have family coming into town this weekend, and the weekend of the 13th. I'll be pretty much out of contact both of those weekends, Thursday Nights, through Sunday evenings each time.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on September 28, 2023, 09:02:46 PM
Congrats folks! @rae did a fantastic job.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on September 28, 2023, 09:54:00 PM
Sounds good and congrats to @rae‍ on the graphics work.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: rae on September 30, 2023, 02:28:12 AM
Thanks guys :) The real trick is figuring out how AL did it so fast!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: P.C. Haring on October 02, 2023, 08:03:22 PM
Hi all!   I’m back!   Thanks for putting up with my absence the past two weeks or so.  I’ll be working to catch up on posts over the coming days.  Looking forward to touching base with everyone and getting my parts in the chapters written up

@rae the art on the new FCs is fantastic!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on October 04, 2023, 06:21:54 PM


Through our last Butterfly Effect Change (, Reggie Suder's (,_callsign_%22Gemini%22) twin sister Kestra Pren joins the Theurgy's security department.

(   Lt. Kestra Pren                                    Rapid Response Field Commander (
( (
  - Writer: @P.C. Haring

Abducted at a young age by mysterious aliens and subjected to a process that would one day become known as The Correction, a young Betazoid/Trill hybrid was unknowingly split into two girls, one Trill and one Betazoid. The Trill, Kestra, was discovered by her parents and taken home, while the Betazoid, Reggie, woke up with no memory on another world and was eventually adopted by the Suders.

After discovering the existence of Betazoid woman who looks exactly like her, Kestra Pren's investigation eventually gets Admiral Anderson's attention. He sends her to the neutral zone to meet up with Dominic Lau ('s team, which will lead them all the the Theurgy. Once on board, she will build a Rapid Response Team, a group of elite first responders.

Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: jreeves1701 on October 04, 2023, 06:59:58 PM
Hey guys, sorry I have been away....... New School Calendar, lots of changes, and my work load has been overwhelming. But I am ready to jump back in and need a quick catch up and direction as to where my three misfits are needed most.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Eirual on October 05, 2023, 09:50:49 PM
CongratsP.C. !!

And welcome back Jreeves!! Just in time to get sent off in three different places at once!   ;)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on October 11, 2023, 03:33:26 AM


(   Lt. JG Ashley Kerina                                Science Officer (Cybernetics) (
( (
  - Writer: @Pierce

While searching for information about her birth parents and heritage on the Romulan home world, Starfleet scientist Ashley Kerina is swept up into the chaos when she meets the Theurgy away team in Chapter 5. Eventually she will make her way to the Theurgy, to lend her cybernetics expertise to the science department and make prostheses for injured crewmembers.

Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Eirual on October 11, 2023, 03:36:06 AM
Congrats and Welcome aboard, Ashley!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RyeTanker on October 11, 2023, 07:51:39 AM
Due to the large number of NPCs and to try to avoid duplication use, here's a document for you to fill in where they are in Episode 2.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on October 11, 2023, 04:42:59 PM
Hey folks. From tomorrow morning to at least Saturday, possibly longer, I'll be away. I have no idea if I'll have internet access (hoping that I do), so if nobody can reach me for a while, don't worry about it.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on October 19, 2023, 04:13:37 AM


(   P03 Valerii Anhel Arkhipiv                                      Propulsion Chief (
( (
  - Writer: @Tae

In 1961, cosmonaut Valerii Anhel Arkhipiv climbed aboard his rocket with the goal of becoming the first man in space. He succeed, though it would be centuries before the world knew. In orbit he encountered a mysterious alien ship and disappeared, only to be discovered in a long abandoned stasis pod by Starfleet in 2368. Since then he's been studying the technology of the future, eventually joining Starfleet engineering. As a technician on the USS Oneida, he made the last minute decision to transfer to the Theurgy to become Vector 1's propulsion chief.

He came aboard on Day 14 of the Interregnum, right before the Oneida left for the rings of Ba'Ku.

Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on October 19, 2023, 05:12:19 AM


(   Ens. Sashenka Kreshkova                                             Wolf Trainee (
( (
  - Writer: @Dree

On her way to the Tactical Conn Academy, newly minted Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova was kidnapped by the Tal Shiar and held at ransom in an attempt to gain intelligence from Sash's father, Admiral Dmitri Kreshkova of Starfleet's Tactical Conn. After her rescue by the USS Cayuga, Sash only experienced a few days of freedom before being captured again.

Sash will enter the story in chapter 4, where she is being held prisoner on the Savi Scion ship with the surviving members of the Cayuga's crew. Hopefully she'll be rescued before meeting the same fate as Captain Anya Ziegler. Once on board the Theurgy she'll finish her training and officially join the Lone Wolves.

Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: rae on October 19, 2023, 05:36:00 AM
Also congrats to @Dumedion for making a few great pieces of art for Sash!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on October 19, 2023, 02:50:29 PM
Congrats @Tae‍ and @Dree‍ on the new characters. Feel like Tessa and Lauren would relate to Ensign Kreshkova and Alana would relate to Arkhipiv on the time travel. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Tae on October 20, 2023, 03:12:16 AM
Congrats @Tae‍ and @Dree‍ on the new characters. Feel like Tessa and Lauren would relate to Ensign Kreshkova and Alana would relate to Arkhipiv on the time travel.
Happy to have a scene with alana.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Dree on November 03, 2023, 05:10:28 AM
Hey everyone!

The timing of this sucks - with the advent of a new character and all - but some RL issues have come to the forefront, and I'm going to have to bow out of Theurgy.  I've messaged several people privately, but please know that I've thoroughly enjoyed my time here, and writing with you all has been a blast.   I will be leaving the Theurgy Discord server, but feel free to PM me if you ever get the itch.  I wish you all - all the best.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Dumedion on November 03, 2023, 03:22:12 PM
Had a lot of fun writing with you, too. Take good care Dree. You are missed.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Dree on November 03, 2023, 06:11:09 PM
I will miss writing with everyone,  but I will miss writing with you most of all.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Tae on November 05, 2023, 06:57:50 PM
I think my Discord account got hacked. No one accept any messaged from me until you you hear from me on here.

I created a new account Please add me @Brutus 

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on November 07, 2023, 08:36:02 PM
Just wanted to give a heads up on a personal note, while I was thinking about it - ive got family coming into town tomorrow, through the 12th. Immediately after which, I will be Out of town on vacation from the 13th through the 17th. I wont have my computer with me while I'm gone. And the week after that is Thanksgiving, here in the states. I may be slow to reply over the next few weeks (especially while I'm out of state 13th-17th), but I'll be trying to keep an eye on things. I encourage everyone, in  the mean time, if they have not yet done so, to establish their characters in the threads in which they are assigned for Episode 2. And then have some fun with it!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on December 14, 2023, 12:29:12 AM


Everyone please congratulate @Nesota Kynnovan  on inheriting Jaya Thorne.

( Ens Jaya Thorne        Asst. Chief CONN Officer (
( (
  - Writer: Neosta Kynnovan  

@Neosta Kynnovan has cashed in their story points to inherit Jaya and take over the character and her role as Asst. Chief CONN Officer

Jaya Thorne was a CONN Officer on the USS Theurgy, previously commissioned to the Black Opal. As of the battle at Starbase 84, she was the designated pilot for the USS Allegiant, the Theurgy's auxiliary scoutship and Captain's yacht, but as of the first encounter with the Savi, she had been promoted to Ensign and Asst. Chief CONN Officer on the Theurgy.

Congratulations on your new character, @Nesota Kynnovan  ! 


( Ens Sashenka Kreshkova        Fighter Pilot Trainee (
( (
  - Former Writer: Dree  

Unfortunately as many know, @Dree has had to depart the SIMM. While we hope that their situation eventually improves and that they might be able to return, in the meantime, their newer character, Ens Sashenka Kreshkova is available to be inherited.

Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova graduated from the Academy, but before she could begin her next assignment - Tactical Conn Academy, she was kidnapped and held by the Tal Shiar before being rescued by the USS Cayuga. But that was short-lived as the Cayuga was captured by the Infested.


@Nero has had to go on LOA due to family health concerns. We hope that things will improve soon and that they will be able to rejoin Theurgy once again. Please keep them in your thoughts. In the meanwhile, their character RraHnam will be NPC'd by the GM team on an as needed basis.

( LT RraHnam        Investigation Officer (
( (
  - Former Writer: Nero  


Please take the opportunity to review all the characters available for inheritance ( Especially before @Ellen Fitz gets to fulfill of murderous dreams.


Lastly, as we approach the holiday season and some of us find ourselves with more time on our hands (and some of us, even less time!) a small reminder that there are a slew of story prompts for the current episode that are available to take on for interested parties. Please take a look and review the Cosmic Imperative Story Prompts ( and sign up for one if it catches your eye.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on December 14, 2023, 12:33:24 AM
Congrats @Nesota Kynnovan‍ and sad to see the others go.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on December 19, 2023, 04:05:55 AM


We know this has been a strange year for the sim, and as a result, we as a group, and as an admin staff, have been lax on activity checks. So what follows is a few reminders:

You should be replying to all threads within 10 days. Everyone needs to establish their characters in Episode 2.

Writers who haven’t posted in more than 6 months, you have two weeks to make an RP post, or you will be marked inactive on Jan 1, 2024. Anyone on this list will be receiving a PM.

We understand that life happens, and sometimes you’re going to be late. But there is a limit, and we all need to do better on it.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on December 19, 2023, 04:20:52 AM
I'm sorry, I've been crazy busy on my thesis.  I believe that there is one thread where I was the most recent reply and one where I was waiting to see if anyone else was going to reply, but I can take the turn asap on the latter. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on December 20, 2023, 03:43:00 AM


(   Lt. JG V'lana                                                  Nurse Practitioner ('lana)
( ('lana)
  - Writer: @EnigmaTales

Join us in welcoming @EnigmaTales back to the sim, with her new character V'lana! V'lana is Elsarian, an original species made for Theurgy, hailing from a rogue planet in the Betazed sector. She served on the Theurgy as a nurse practitioner, but was injured and placed into stasis during the ship's flight from Earth. Thanks to V-Nine, she's ready to rejoin the crew at the beginning of episode 2!

Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Eirual on December 20, 2023, 03:51:37 AM
Welcome Back @EnigmaTales ! Looking forward to writing with you!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on December 27, 2023, 04:56:11 AM


(   PO1 Artimis Saugn                                          Intelligence Operative (
( (
  - Writer: @AbsintheDeux
Join us in welcoming @AbsintheDeux back to the sim, with their new character Artimis Saugn! Petty Officer Saugn is a Teslyliac duplicate, another original species in the Theurgy universe. She was created to infiltrate the USS Theurgy and learn the secrets of the disappearance of her kin, Dr. Lahkesis Saugn ( After a bit of convincing, Admiral Anderson agreed to send Artimis to the Theurgy with the promise that she'd be an asset to him as well.
Artimis will be joining the crew of the Helmet in Chapter 3, having been picked up near the Klingon border by the IKS Vask'at ('at), a Klingon ship coming to join with Martok's forces at the Triangle. She'll then join the intelligence department as an operative, having been implanted with years of knowledge and training during her creation.
 Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on January 06, 2024, 07:58:57 AM
Welcome back @EnigmaTales and @AbsintheDeux !!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on January 09, 2024, 12:36:35 PM
Apologies for promising to post and then vanishing.  I'd planned to write something up while on new year's vacation with the family, but I came down with a nasty stomach bug.  :(  Gonna try to get something workable done tomorrow. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RyeTanker on January 09, 2024, 12:49:00 PM
Hope you feel better soon.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on January 11, 2024, 11:48:47 AM
OK, wow, screw me I guess.  I've got a massive pair of leaks in my apartment and maintenance is dragging their feet.  Apologies AGAIN. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on January 13, 2024, 10:15:14 AM
oh no, well then you will have to leak your fury onto them!! I hope they get to it real soon!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on January 13, 2024, 05:16:53 PM
oh no, well then you will have to leak your fury onto them!! I hope they get to it real soon!
They managed to get me hot water back at least, and before the 2 feet of snow too.  That was for the whole building, though, still waiting on my call.  Apologies for continued delays. 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on January 21, 2024, 03:52:11 AM


First off, as I am sure many folks have realized, we have been suffering from some technical difficulties for roughly the last week. While the root cause of the issue is something we are still looking into and something I will have address with the domain hosts, in regards to avaialbe resources (even after we got an upgrade in the package we use which should have provided much more resources across the board...) we were able to restore services. My personal thanks goes out to all the users that reached out about the issues being encountered, providing feedback and further insight, as well as everyone that listened to me as I pulled a few hairs out over this. And most especially, my thanks to the support community on the Elkarte community forums. Great folks, very helpful.

With that cleared up, we are live again and I look forward to seeing everyones posts in the coming days.

Oh, and before I forget


(   PO2 Francis Lee Knox                                              Combat Engineer (
( (
  - Writer: @Hans Applegate

Join us in welcoming new member @Hans Applegate to the sim! They are taking over the NPC Francis Lee Knox, a changeling operative of Dominic Lau ('s intelligence team. This is normally the part where we describe the character a little... but in this case it's best to do it in Knox's own words:

"PO2 Francis Lee Knox was a Starfleet Intelligence Operative formerly assigned to an ongoing mission to the USS Griffin during the Dominion War – details redacted (because the solid got her ass killed). In 2378, the new and improved Knox (bias noted) was personally recruited by Admiral Anderson for assignment and was later placed under CPO Dominic Lao’s direction. In 2381, Anderson dispatched CPO Lao's team to rendezvous with a mission in progress launched by the supposedly renegade USS Theurgy. Having learned the truth of the Infested threat, while PO2 Knox could give nay a fuck about the Infested, he nonetheless aided in the opposition against the parasites that compromised Starfleet Command at the end of the 24th century because he had nothing better to do."

You can find Knox in Chapter 1: S [D01|[0940] - Shipping Out (, ready for their new writer to take over!

Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on January 21, 2024, 04:45:34 AM
Welcome aboard! 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Eirual on January 21, 2024, 05:13:05 AM
Welcome Hans!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Eden on January 22, 2024, 05:04:11 PM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hans Applegate on January 24, 2024, 12:29:58 PM


First off, as I am sure many folks have realized, we have been suffering from some technical difficulties for roughly the last week. While the root cause of the issue is something we are still looking into and something I will have address with the domain hosts, in regards to avaialbe resources (even after we got an upgrade in the package we use which should have provided much more resources across the board...) we were able to restore services. My personal thanks goes out to all the users that reached out about the issues being encountered, providing feedback and further insight, as well as everyone that listened to me as I pulled a few hairs out over this. And most especially, my thanks to the support community on the Elkarte community forums. Great folks, very helpful.

With that cleared up, we are live again and I look forward to seeing everyones posts in the coming days.

Oh, and before I forget


(   PO2 Francis Lee Knox                                              Combat Engineer (
( (
  - Writer: @Hans Applegate

Join us in welcoming new member @Hans Applegate to the sim! They are taking over the NPC Francis Lee Knox, a changeling operative of Dominic Lau ('s intelligence team. This is normally the part where we describe the character a little... but in this case it's best to do it in Knox's own words:

"PO2 Francis Lee Knox was a Starfleet Intelligence Operative formerly assigned to an ongoing mission to the USS Griffin during the Dominion War – details redacted (because the solid got her ass killed). In 2378, the new and improved Knox (bias noted) was personally recruited by Admiral Anderson for assignment and was later placed under CPO Dominic Lao’s direction. In 2381, Anderson dispatched CPO Lao's team to rendezvous with a mission in progress launched by the supposedly renegade USS Theurgy. Having learned the truth of the Infested threat, while PO2 Knox could give nay a fuck about the Infested, he nonetheless aided in the opposition against the parasites that compromised Starfleet Command at the end of the 24th century because he had nothing better to do."

You can find Knox in Chapter 1: S [D01|[0940] - Shipping Out (, ready for their new writer to take over!

Welcome aboard!

Hi everyone! Glad to be here!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Ellen Fitz on January 24, 2024, 01:27:13 PM

Parting with sweet sorrow...

The following writers have been shifted to Inactive Status (though they have also been given directions on how to change this back to Active should the time arrive in the future they have the ability to write again). Some of their characters are now listed as Inheritable, while others are slated to be KIA, as indicated by their writers. The list is as follows:

With this said, some updates
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on January 24, 2024, 01:27:41 PM
welcome @Hans Applegate
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on January 24, 2024, 10:12:16 PM
Hey folks. To those whom I'm writing with: my activity is likely to decline for a time, especially if I end up in hospital, as now appears likely. I'm dealing with a medical condition which isn't life threatening, but is debilitating. If I vanish for a while, that'll be the reason, and there's no need to worry.

Hopefully this mess gets sorted soon.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RyeTanker on January 24, 2024, 10:40:30 PM
I hope it gets resolved soon. Stay healthy friend.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: GroundPetrel on January 25, 2024, 12:53:42 AM
Get well soon, Griff!  <3
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: rae on January 25, 2024, 02:23:47 AM
I hope it's sorted quickly so you feel better!  (L)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on January 29, 2024, 11:57:25 PM


Today, @Galaxymind joins us as Verena Pax AND @joshs1000 joins as Avandar Lok, as the two original Theurgy crewmembers are revived from stasis.

(   Lt. Verena Pax                                                      Chief Surgeon (
( (
- Writer: @Galaxymind

Verena served for a year as the Theurgy's original chief surgeon before she was injured pushing another crewmember out of the way of an exploding console. Her varied and extensive injuries, the most worrying being the one to her symbiont, meant she needed to be placed in stasis until she could receive proper treatment. Eventually, our incumbent chief surgeon, V-Nine, was able to repair her damaged organs and the connection to the symbiont. With a suitable replacement now back in sickbay, V-Nine will decide to relinquish the Chief Surgeon post so she can fully focus on her work.

(   CPO Avandar Lok      Head of Fighter Propulsion & Asst. COD (
( (
- Writer: @joshs1000

Long serving NCO Avandar Lok received a transfer to an excellent posting as the Head of Fighter Power & Propulsion on the USS Theurgy, only to be branded a fugitive the next day as the ship was attacked by Starfleet and forced to flee Earth. To add injury to insult, not long after he was trapped in a breached compartment and sustained a serious headwound before the emergency forcefields kicked in. He required sophisticated neurosurgery that was only possible on a Starbase, so Lok was placed in stasis until V-Nine developed a workaround.

Now that they're both fully healed, Verena and Lok will both be returning to duty at the start of Episode 2.

Welcome aboard! And have fun!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on January 30, 2024, 03:06:14 PM
Welcome aboard 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on February 01, 2024, 06:42:02 PM
Welcome @Galaxymind and @joshs1000
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on February 13, 2024, 02:57:46 PM


(   Lt. JG Dominic Winters                      Wolf-10 [Atlas] (
( (
- Writer: @Krajin

Dominic is a Kzinti hybrid of many of many talents and dedication.  He first started in security, before earning distinction during the Dominion War flying Peregrines.  Quite headstrong and aggressive despite a cool outer shell, he used his mixed training to infiltrate one of the plethora of pirate groups that sprang up after the war.  The evidence he gathered was instrumental in the arrests that followed. However, instead of returning to Starfleet, he was contacted by a highly placed member of Starfleet Intelligence and picked up by a Klingon vessel to join USS Theurgy in her mission, adding another pilot to the Lone Wolves squadron.

Dominic will be joining the crew at the beginning of Episode 2, when he transfers over from the IKS Vaskat, a Klingon ship joining Martok's fleet who were kind enough (ordered) to pick up replacement crew while they were near Federation space.

Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: joshs1000 on February 13, 2024, 03:26:24 PM
Woot!!!!!!!!!!!! Another Kzinti!

Welcome @Krajin hope to see you around the forum. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on February 13, 2024, 03:55:36 PM
Welcome @Krajin‍ 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: rae on February 13, 2024, 05:20:06 PM
Cardassians are held at an extreme arms length and barely tolerated.
Janus, cold blooded lizard man, basking in the hatred of every Dominion War vet (himself included) to keep warm.

Welcome @Krajin!  (laugh)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on February 13, 2024, 06:57:55 PM
Welcome @Krajin
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on February 24, 2024, 10:58:22 PM


(   Ens. Caitlyn Murphy                                           Engineering Officer (
( (
- Writer: @Relatively Insane

Give a warm welcome to @Relatively Insane  as they come aboard with their character, Caitlyn Murphy! A young engineer from Ireland, Caitlyn joined Starfleet to see the galaxy, only to spend most of her career thus far at Spacedock 1 in Earth's orbit. She finally got a transfer to the USS Theurgy, traveling with the ship to Romulus and back. During the Theurgy's original escape from Earth, Caitlyn's spine was severely injured and she was placed into stasis. Now she's back in action as they... return to Romulus. Life is circular that way. I'm sure she'll see more of the galaxy eventually.

Caitlyn will be awoken from stasis at the beginning of Episode 2!

Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: joshs1000 on February 24, 2024, 11:01:51 PM
Welcome @Damian2022  !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Krajin on February 24, 2024, 11:02:58 PM
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Ellen Fitz on February 25, 2024, 06:47:22 AM
@EnigmaTales  @AbsintheDeux  @Hans Applegate  @Galaxymind  @joshs1000  @Krajin @Relatively Insane

WELCOME again!

Something that was great fun for me when I first came was scanning through the crew manifest at every active writer and looking at training, hobbies, Starfleet graduation dates, etc., and then contacting the writers directly via PM on here with an invitation to write about something, even if obscure, that our characters could bond (or fight) over. It granted me the wonderful opportunity to write with almost everyone on the board, though a few threads are yet to be made with some (I haven't forgotten!).

I mention this as if you ever feel like your jets are cooling on main threads, or you're waiting your turn on supplementals, and/or the Director's Cut area or AU area doesn't quite appeal, this is a way of reaching out and connecting. As you know, we are a community of writers, and as far as I know from my time here, there has never been a case of someone not wanting to write.

Needless to say, don't be shy! This is also a great way of getting into the posting flow (and all the eccentric ins and outs of formatting and personalizing posts, etc).

Also, anytime you have what seems like a hair-brained scheme for the main plotline or even side plots, speak up! The bedlam is more fun when shared, nourished in the chaotic minds of the many.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on February 25, 2024, 07:15:27 AM
What @Ellen Fitz‍ said 😂
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on March 04, 2024, 12:22:45 AM
Battle of the Houses (

For anyone who wants a primer on this, I did a thing. Hope it helps.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on March 07, 2024, 03:12:51 AM
You did a great thing, @Griff
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on March 07, 2024, 03:13:46 AM


Everyone welcome @Dree back to the sim! She will be returning with her two characters, Reika sh'Laan and Sashenka Kreshkova!

(   Lt. Reika Sh'laan                                  Asst. Chief of Operations (V3) ('laan)
( ('laan)
  - Writer: @Dree

Reika, one of our assistant chiefs of operations, will be rejoining the crew aboard the Apache in Chapter 1 of Episode 2.

(   Ens. Sashenka Kreshkova                                              Wolf Trainee (
( (
  - Writer: @Dree

On her way to the Tactical Conn Academy, newly minted Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova was kidnapped by the Tal Shiar and held at ransom in an attempt to gain intelligence from Sash's father, Admiral Dmitri Kreshkova of Starfleet's Tactical Conn. After her rescue by the USS Cayuga, Sash only experienced a few days of freedom before being captured again. Sash never got to start, so she will enter the story in chapter 4, where she is being held prisoner on the Savi Scion ship with the surviving members of the Cayuga's crew. Hopefully she'll be rescued before meeting the same fate as Captain Anya Ziegler. Once on board the Theurgy she'll finish her training and officially join the Lone Wolves.

Welcome back Dree!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: tongieboi on March 07, 2024, 03:17:16 AM
Welcome back @Dree !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Eden on March 07, 2024, 03:18:53 AM
Welcome back!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RyeTanker on March 07, 2024, 03:25:56 AM
Welcome back @Dree!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on March 07, 2024, 03:31:39 AM
Welcome back @Dree‍ 
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on March 07, 2024, 03:32:50 AM
Well bend me over and call me a donkey, that's welcome news. You've been missed @Dree !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: rae on March 07, 2024, 03:45:07 AM
We don't have to kill Sash anymore! I'm incredibly excited for the little pilot to join us (laugh)

Welcome back @Dree !
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Eirual on March 07, 2024, 04:14:39 AM
Welcome back to the fold, Dree!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Hans Applegate on March 07, 2024, 05:36:55 AM
Welcome back!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Dree on March 07, 2024, 07:38:12 AM
Awww!  Thanks for the warm welcome back, guys!  I've missed you all very much.  Hit me up for a thread if the situation fits.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Sqweloookle on March 07, 2024, 08:41:06 AM
Welcome @Relatively Insane and welcome back @Dree
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Juzzie on March 07, 2024, 04:39:44 PM
Welcome back @Dree  and also welcome @Relatively Insane hope you have fun :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Griff on April 16, 2024, 07:48:47 PM
Apologies to people waiting on me. I'm dealing with an illness that, to be frank, is kicking my arse, and makes it extremely difficult to stay on the computer for any length of time. I'm scheduled for a hospital stay in June, where the doctors will hopefully work some magic.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: RyeTanker on April 16, 2024, 07:49:55 PM
We hope you get better soon!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Dree on April 16, 2024, 07:59:04 PM
Wow!  I'm so sorry!  Hoping and praying that you get better quickly.  If, in the meantime, there's anything that we can do, don't hesitate to let us know.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Juzzie on April 17, 2024, 10:18:44 AM
Get better soon @Griff . Let me know if you want to talk <3
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: joshs1000 on May 04, 2024, 03:37:43 AM
Hey guys, just letting you know ahead of time I will be out of town from May 11th to the 17th.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on May 04, 2024, 05:04:01 AM
I'm on a work trip the 12th thru 16th and don't post typically on Fri thru Sun. But should get some written during the work trip.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on May 14, 2024, 04:03:51 AM


(   Ens. Cameron Henshaw                                           Captain's Yeoman (
( (
- Writer: @BipSpoon

(   Lt. Valyn Amarik                                           Asst. Chief Intelligence Officer (
( (
- Writer: @BipSpoon

(   LT. Amelya Rez                                           Asst. Chief Medical Officer (
( (
- Writer: @BipSpoon

Please welcome back to the fold @BipSpoon  they return with their characters, Cameron Henshaw, Valyn Amarik and Amelya Rez. Each character has an enticing and deep background and all have played key parts in the story of the USS Theurgy and we look forward to seeing more of their journey in the coming chapters ahead! Glad to have you back, @BipSpoon


One other minor note - I'll be out of town while I make sure my brothers wedding goes off without a hitch starting the morning of May 15th. I'll be back by Monday the 20th. In the meantime I hope everyone continues to have fun and I look forward to seeing what everyone has written and come up with while I'm gone.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Brutus on May 24, 2024, 09:37:48 PM


(   Lt. Katherine MacFarlane                             Asst. Chief Tactical Officer (
( (
- Writer: @JacenSoloDjo

Give a warm welcome to @JacenSoloDjo and our new assistant chief tactical officer, Katherine MacFarlane! A proud Starfleet brat, who's family has served since in Starfleet since it's founding, Kath always knew that she would follow the tradition. She's had a wide ranging career, starting off as a security officer in the Federation-Cardassian War, doing a stint in Starfleet Intelligence, then moving into the tactical department. While serving on Starbase 36, she received a covert message from Admiral Anderson with orders to join our crew. She made her way to the Theurgy via the IKS Vask'at, and will arrive during the prologue of episode 2.

Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: P.C. Haring on May 24, 2024, 10:00:32 PM
Welcome aboard!   Looking forward to writing with you!   Fantastic face claim, by the way!!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: joshs1000 on May 24, 2024, 10:27:46 PM
Welcome! Hope to see you around the board. :)
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Pierce on May 25, 2024, 12:58:06 AM
Welcome aboard @JacenSoloDjo‍ - Let any of the mentors know if you'd like to write and glad to have to with us!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Ellen Fitz on May 25, 2024, 02:02:58 AM
@JacenSoloDjo hoo ah let's get some! Welcome to the (space) jungle!
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: JacenSoloDjo on May 25, 2024, 07:17:20 AM
Thanks, everyone! My little SF brat is ready to kick ass. She'll kick her own ass. 

 Fantastic face claim, by the way!!

Thanks! When I first made her (as a retired MARSOC and current bounty hunter in the modern day), she was actually played by Laurie Holden lol which is almost the exact opposite in appearance. But now ~14 years later it's Cote.
Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: Dree on May 29, 2024, 03:51:20 AM
Hey @JacenSoloDjo!  It's great to have you aboard.  I play one of the myraid of Andorians - and a newbie pilot who hasn't actually showed up yet.  I look forward to getting to write together.

Title: Re: Main OOC Thread
Post by: JacenSoloDjo on June 01, 2024, 06:38:50 AM

So apparently Kath is an outlier with her Academy Class lmao but if anyone is interested in already having a connection w/ Kath pre-Theurgy please let me know. c: I'm so into that kind of thing.
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