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Topic: Day 6 [ 1300hrs. ] Let's Get Physical (Read 11314 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Day 6 [ 1300hrs. ] Let's Get Physical

Reply #25
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Hirek's Quarters | Deck 17 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz I think a fade to black situation would be a great end this thread ;)

Elro laughed at the implication that the wine would be the cause of any debauchery that suddenly happened between them. Like either of them wouldn't embrace the effects wholeheartedly. He smirked at Hirek a few times the two made eye contact during their eating. Mostly during swallowing and not the actual eating which Elro was glad for, the mix of food and pleasure is not something he knew how to merge with any degree of sensuality.

Though a few times tongue swirling and lip licking had been swapped between the two men at times when using the cutlery, Elro seemed to be getting better at the flirting side of things. Soon things got quiet then Hirek asked why Elro had become a healer, it was pretty much his entire life since his parents were healers and so felt like an obligation. Or maybe it was that he found the medical subjects interesting enough as a few did plug into Sciences. He'd probably be into Sciences if not Medical. It was hard to see his life in other directions then it was now.

He mulled over the question and truly many Betazoids do go into psychology since empathy and or telepathy are a great asset for such a career. Perhaps that did play a somewhat unconscious factor in his family going into medical fields. He couldn't say for sure. "I'm glad to hear your parents didn't force any direction on you, I don't think I was able to be anything else but a Healer. My parents are healers and so I've always been exposed to all things Medical my whole life. My extrasensory abilities were one of those highly observed cases and so I guess I wanted to learn all about everything biological." Elro spoke as he stared at his plate, not really focusing on the plate but off in memory.

After a moment he looked up, he smiled. "I had a talent for it and so after the Dominion War and losses I threw myself into the career more to help me deal with the pain. I'm proud of what I have accomplished and glad I could save those I did." Elro frowned but it disappeared as he stared at Hirek. "Perhaps when all things are done and said I might look into doing something else." He laughed and smiled again. "Afterall you did just that, you're a bioengineer now from a spy, well officially I guess which is like your dream profession right? So anything is possible. I may just have to borrow you for a few chemistry projects in the future."

Elro leaned back in his chair after a few more mouthfuls of his meal and he sighed, contently filled. Well only for now that is, soon a new hunger will probably be back in full force, aided by the wine of course.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 6 [ 1300hrs. ] Let's Get Physical

Reply #26
[Hirek tr’Aimne | Personal Quarters |  D. 17 |  USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

Hirek swirled the contents of his glass, gaze switching between watching the liquid swirl and the good doctor’s handsome features. This was pleasant. A conversation that appeared without motive aside from growing acquainted and one that bore little chance of having Tal’Shiar influence. While he listened to Elro share from his past, Hirek couldn’t help but marvel at how out of place something as simple as this moment would be in the average Romulan household, and all thanks to the Tal’Shiar. Of course, his island home was one of a few exceptions, but that exception had not come without sacrifice. And continued hardship.

The upward tilt in the doctor’s voice alerted Hirek to a question being posed and he cued back in, away from his pensive thoughts regarding the future of his homeworld. He mimicked Elro’s posture after taking a long draw from his glass.

“Much as circumstances, such as they were, seemingly required you to take the route of a healer, my foray into espionage was not deliberate. In truth, above all things, I much prefer the simple life on my island home. Tending to my garden and my animals, creating new mixtures in my lab for the ales my clan has long been known for, accepting the occasional contract to bioengineer something to support someone’s healing or enrich the community, some light traveling for lectures.” It surprised Hirek just how truthful he was being with Elro and yet he got the distinct feel that, bearing much on the doctor’s abilities, he would’ve denoted a lie if Hirek had opted to try. “A man without profession and yet not a man without responsibility, if you will.”

Re: Day 6 [ 1300hrs. ] Let's Get Physical

Reply #27
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Hirek's Quarters | Deck 17 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz

He listened to the Romulan and in his mind he imagined himself with Hirek standing amongst the vineyard, holding hands, and the weather was perfect. Life on an island home as Hirek described it sounded like a dream, it made Elro want to see this come true and be there even for a moment. He smiled at the Romulan, he found his attachment to the outcast growing more and more.

As if the deities were nudging him away from the daydreaming of things that may not come to pass, Elro suddenly thought about what animals Hirek's island had, the urge to ask was great but he mused that it would be better to see for himself in that future he hoped for earlier.

He raised one eyebrow at Hirek's last statement, Elro knew for a fact that considering he was aware of Hirek's thoughts, not actually reading, just skimming over them with the occasional glance down and got a flash of surprise embedded in those thoughts.

Elro wondered what the surprise was for, there wasn't any real reason he could tell for it but perhaps at some point he can ask Hirek about it someday. "That does sound nice." Just then the computer interrupted.

"Specialist Hirek tr'Aimne, you are requested to meet with the Denobulan Counselor Doctor Vanik Polmar, he expects you in 6 minutes, unfortunately Lieutenant Williams is unavailable, so you were reassigned to Doctor Polmar."

"Shall I escort you?" Elro asked, "as I do have to go back that way."

They both stood at the same time. "Very well computer, on my way." Hirek replied and turned to Elro. With a smirk he added. "Yes," soon the two were out in the corridor on their way to the Counselor's office.

Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

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