Star Trek: Theurgy

Star Trek: Theurgy Anthologies => Parallel Universes - "What if?" => Topic started by: RyeTanker on December 06, 2022, 06:33:21 PM

Title: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: RyeTanker on December 06, 2022, 06:33:21 PM
[Ensign XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Ens. Zark) | Observation Lounge | USS Voroth]   Attn: @Ellen Fitz

Ensign Zark stared out window and the planetary sphere that was known as Cardassia with a blank face that masked mixed feelings.  This was not how she'd seen her career starting off.  Granted she'd graduated from the Academy with the Security division, but she'd specifically applied to be a medic so she should have been at Starfleet Medical undergoing advanced field training.  This was not at all where she'd found herself.  The Andorian linked her hands behind her as her mind wandered back to that bittersweet moment when the universe suddenly made less sense.  Ens. Zark had tried to hide her disappointment when she'd received the change in orders during her pre-deployment leave.  The main issue was her bondmates knew her too well and they'd tried to make the best of it.  The blank expression smirked for a bit as she remembered a lot of what her husbands and wife had done to cheer her up, and it had been warm and fun, but still.  The war was over, she'd done her bit and was hoping to take some time to do something that involved healing.  She had the basics for healing with several other skills that were the diametric opposite from her Academy undergrad.  The security officer sighed as she thought about this familiar rabbit hole before burying it back in it's box and hoping it wouldn't turn up any time soon.  Beam down was in another half an hour.  No use brooding.

Instead, she turned her mind to the present deployment.  It was a two year stint and she was part of a fifteen person security detachment that was replacing some who were on a short deployment before going home.  There were also several other people, such as administrative, intelligence, and diplomatic staff that were bring brought in to help bring the embassy up to full staffing.  This was particularly important on a war ravaged world that needed the Federation's help to rebuild, and hopefully reduce any future resentment that could lead to a re-opening of the conflict.  The Andorian turned and sat at a table and stared at her PADD for the umpteenth time. Despite the importance of the posting, Ensign Zark hadn't seem much to fill her with a lot of confidence.  She guessed that Starfleet and the Federation's diplomatic corp had scrambled to refill the embassy after the war's end, and that most of the work done seemed to be in the nature of re-establishing old contacts and networks.  The only one that had stood out was a human, one Enyd Isolde Madsen.  A diplomat by training, though not through the Academy.  Not a bad thing, just a different, which also meant different perspectives.  She'd been noticeable because of her project with various civilian groups that seemed to take her into the less well travelled and glamorous areas of the planet to help establish the democratic system.  Most noticeable was she would disappear for days on end with little contact, and she didn't seem to feel the need to take too many people with her.  Especially security personnel.  Zark smirked.  As the human's put it.  A real cowboy, or was it cowgirl?  The moniker especially applied to one from Montana.

Sipping the last of the ketheka 15 minutes later, Ensign Zark went to her quarters and grabbed several bags for her stay on the planet before heading to the transporter room.  Arriving as a transport cycle completed and seeing several people step off, it finally sank in that she was going to be away from home for a while, and now she was really glad she'd taken the tartan patterned bag that held her musical instruments.  She was quite sure a lot of the locals and staff were not going to appreciate the blaring hum it produced, but she'd need it if nothing else to remind her of where home was.  An eyebrow quirked for a moment at the trio of crates that occupied the centre of the transporter pad since it held weapons markings, and the other information said it was the new model phaser rifles. Hm. I guess it's time those got swapped out.  She'd probably have to store those away after she met with the Chief of Security.  As the senior person on the pad when she stepped on, Ensign Zark nodded to the operator after confirming everyone was in place. "Energize."  With a nod and a slide, the world dissolved into a bright shimmering blue and as it disappeared, she found herself into a stylistically identical room, with a Caitan standing behind another console.  Ensign Zark suddenly blinked. That Caitan and the console were normal.  What she had not expected so quickly was to see a human female with green eyes, red lip stick, and well arranged brunette hair waiting to greet the new arrivals.
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: Ellen Fitz on December 30, 2022, 02:59:28 PM
[Ensign Enyd Isolde Madsen | Transporter Room | Cardassia Prime ] Attn: @RyeTanker

The tips of her ears still stung—proverbially speaking—from the dressing down she’d received from the lieutenant. While her efforts on the city's outskirts and on into the ravaged “wilds” of the territory were proving effective, as unorthodox as they were, they weren’t meeting the expected standards for certain brass. Enyd wasn’t trying to make trouble and certainly wasn’t trying to make her superiors look ineffective for “following the book,” it just seemed to come naturally. It was both her greatest strength and her greatest weakness, this outside-the-box thinking, and tendency towards pragmatic creativity in diplomacy. For all her time in officer training, this trait had been part of what set her above many of her peers and directly in the line of fire for her teachers, who found her untraditional methods threatening. And it seemed that this posting would be a continuation of her solving a problem effectively but, in the process, creating more problems for herself with her supposed colleagues.

Glancing at C’Tarr on her way into the transporter room, Enyd offered the Caitan a smile before taking her place just shy of the platform. They’d bonded over a shared love of hoplogy only a few night’s into their posting the year prior, and since then, they’d made it a habit of meeting once a week to train with various bladed weapons. Sometimes they were cultural artifacts bought from the planet’s markets, official ones and not on the black market, and sometimes they were standard issue. C’Tarr had been slightly surprised at Enyd’s enthusiasm for blades, obviously not expecting a diplomat to enjoy anything remotely violent. Enyd had also been surprised to find the Caitan preferred blades, considering most of his people were stalwart pacifists.

The new transfers materialized on the platform a few seconds have her arrival. Enyd first noted the Andorian beauty standing at the forefront, arms filled with her gear. Enyd couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow in a Vulcanoid fashion when she noted the tartan-patterned bag. Instead of commenting on it in front of everyone, Enyd shifted her gaze quickly to meet the eyes of all the newcomers and smiled.

“Welcome to Cardassia Prime. I’m Ensign Madsen, diplomatic corps assisting with the rebuilding efforts. Not to hoist my own petard, but I can guarantee this will be the warmest welcome you receive.” Enyd shifted away from the platform and gestured to C’Tarr. “This is Ensign C’Tarr, our chief transporter. Magic fingers.”

C’Tarr purred out a chuckle, “Only until my chief gets back.”

“Then she has the magic fingers?” Enyd winked at her friend, gleaning added energy from the Caitan’s tail flick of feigned annoyance. Gesturing for the newcomers to follow, Enyd led them to the door, “Don’t worry about the gear,” she’d noted a few glances had been spared for the crates still on the platform, “a few members of security are on the way to store them. C’Tarr will remain with them until the transfer is made. This way.”

Enyd led them from the transporter room and out into the embassy. If it could even be called that. Before the war, this had been a marketplace, ancient by some standards. The materials used were part of the reason why these low-lying buildings had withstood the aerial bombardment better than the more modern buildings, which included the official government buildings. Now this marketplace served as Federation embassy, government headquarters, and, when necessary, brig and hospital all in one. Each kiosk served as a type of office, with the branching hallways and courtyards assisting to connect everything together. Maintaining a secure perimeter was a nightmare, to say the least, and Enyd thanked the security detail every day for their valiant efforts.

“Castellan Ghemor’s offices are down that corridor.” Enyd pointed down the hallway. “Our offices are that way,” she pointed down another hallway, “and our quarters are down this way.” She gestured to yet another hallway situated across a small courtyard. Glancing at the Andorian first and then over to her colleagues, Enyd smiled. “Do you have any questions about the posting? What to expect from the locals? What to expect from the brass?”
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: RyeTanker on January 02, 2023, 07:08:31 AM
[Ensign XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Ens. Zark) | Federation Embassy 'Compound' | Cardassia Prime]   Attn: @Ellen Fitz

Ensign Zark knew that theoretically, diplomats had a sense of humour.  They had to, otherwise how would they be able to adjust their negotiation approach and shmooze with all the various government officials and the self important muckity types that made government and diplomacy possible.  Still, to actually encounter one who actually used it, and on people as lowly as a one of the guards or her own staff was thoroughly unexpected.  Then again, looking at the sole pip on her collar, the fact that she hadn't attended the Academy, and she generally did what she wanted, when she wanted meant that Ensign Madsen was possibly an extreme outlier where diplomats were concerned.  That one pixel at the end of an even distribution chart on the number of diplomatic staff and their personality types.  The main result of all that theory and guessing was to ellicit a snort and a smirk from the Andorian as she hefted her musical instrument bag a bit higher on her shoulder as she followed the local guide out of the transporter room.  A half dozen mustard shirts went into the room after the newly arrived party left while one pushed a hover cart.  They were all armed and stone faced as they went to secure the weapon pallets on the pad.

Ensign Zark shook her head as she followed Ensign Madsen and took in the Embassy compound.  It was highly unusual since most embassies were in a walled building of some sort, but as soon they exited, Zark had to pause as she had a sudden flashback of a different place, not too long ago where death seemed to stalk everyone, just like it had done here.  She couldn't really smell it in the air, but it felt like it since there seemed to have been some sort of psychic gash torn open in the fabric of the universe from the death of several hundred million Cardassians in such a short time.  The air seemed permanently greyed from the smoke of the bombardment and the Andorian's step faltered for only a moment before she mentally shook the feeling and kept going, but the small smile was now long gone. 

The blank faced Security Officer followed the human around and took in the locations as they were pointed out and a snow white eyebrow arched when she heard that the Castellan's office was just down the corridor.  That would make the assignment interesting since it guaranteed that Starfleet Security and the Castellan's body guards would run into each other.  Her mind pulled up a security briefing recalling that the security situation hadn't fully stabilized, and the Andorian cast a measuring glance at the human woman leading them around.  Part of it was the feeling she didn't fully appreciate the gravity of the situation she was in, but that was the initial instinct.  She'd been on planet for a while now and wasn't dead or missing despite the locales she chose to visit, so she probably had other talents the open portion of her dossier hadn't listed. The one bears watching.  Ah!  Our rooms are that way. When she felt the green eyes looking over her, then past her, Zark paid more attention to what was going on.  She quickly discarded the first and third question since what the diplomats had in mind about the posting wouldn't necessarily be what the Security Chief needed, but it never hurt to get the lay of the land, especially from their inhabitants.  Unusually enough, nobody had been waiting for her or had been sent to get her for that particular meeting, so she'd just followed Ensign Madsen out.  On the other hand, they were in a pretty central location, and Ensign Zark knew what her next objective anyway, so she decided it was better to just ask when no one else would. "How are the locals taking our presence here?  Generally friendly? Hostile?  I'm asking because I don't know about the rest of you, but there seems to be, understandably, somewhat of a pall in the air.  Also, sorry, before you begin, which way to Lieutenant Commander Herasin's office?  I didn't see a sign for Security, so is it with the brig?"
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: Ellen Fitz on January 03, 2023, 04:52:29 AM
[Ensign Enyd Isolde Madsen | Embassy | Cardassia Prime ] Attn: @RyeTanker

“The locals are interested in getting to a point where they can be left alone again.” A honeyed voice interrupted, purring from further down the corridor.

Enyd knew without breaking eye contact with Ensign Zark precisely who was heading their way. Not only did she recognize his voice—warm, accented, carrying a rumbling timbre that left her insides wobbly—she could feel his gaze on her. The amber-colored gaze was ever always intense, searching out the secrets of her soul and yet carrying with it a promise. A dangerous, mysterious, illicitly seductive promise. Still without turning to face the taller, lithely muscled Cardassian, Enyd gestured toward his approaching mass with a polite smile.

“This is Javec Praar, one of the castellan’s aides.”

“One of?” Enyd imagined the heat of his body filling hers when he stopped just an arm’s distance from her. She still refused to look at him, afraid, as always, that if she looked at him too much, he’d see her desire to accept his unspoken promise. “I am THE aide for all your department is concerned about. I am the castellan’s liaison with the Federation. I work closely with Ensign Madsen,” as if to punctuate his point, Praar shifted his weight closer for a fraction of a second before settling back onto his heels. “The pall you’re sensing,” his eyes glanced down Zark’s uniform before continuing, “ensign, is the pall of surviving tragedy. Not everyone agrees with the method for rebuilding, nor with the ‘who’ is heading up the rebuilding. Hence, while the official response is one of humble gratitude,” Enyd withheld her snort and somehow managed to keep a neutral expression, “for the Federation’s support, we will not deny there are splinter groups among our people who would rather a different method and a different ‘who’ at the head of our recovery.”

Enyd finally glanced up at Praar, barely hiding the shiver of awareness that slid through her body when they made eye contact. She gave a curt nod and to his credit, Praar returned the gesture before shifting back in a nonverbal move to signal she could resume control of the conversation. How magnanimous of him. Moving her gaze back to rest on Ensign Zark and the others, Enyd nodded more firmly.

“That is where my department comes in. We are working closely with Ghemor’s aides to bridge gaps and break down barriers, doing what we can to unify these splinter groups under the castellan’s banner. And that’s where security comes in as well,” Enyd gave Zark a smile, “Commander Herasin’s office is attached to the brig across the courtyard and down the hall that way,” Enyd pointed out the direction Zark would need to take, “the commander expects to see you and the rest of the new department transfers in about an hour.”

“Speaking of an hour’s time,” Praar again interrupted, “are we not due to attend the castellan’s speech in the south quarter in a little over an hour?” Enyd nodded, unsure where Praar was going with the line of questions. “Will these new transfers be joining us?” His eyes settled warmly on Zark for a moment before he looked back to Enyd, offering a quick, “Merely curious. If so, I will brief the castellan on the new faces.”
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: RyeTanker on January 06, 2023, 08:22:03 PM
[Ensign XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Ens. Zark) | Federation Embassy 'Compound' | Cardassia Prime]   Attn: @Ellen Fitz

Ensign Zark's head swivelled to the new voice, and she quirked a cool eyebrow at the interloper that was answering on behalf of the diplomat. While she did not hold a grudge against the Cardasaians, she was still wary of them, after all, they hadn't stopped being the enemy that long ago. Nope, her reservations were for the Jem'Hadar since she'd spent so much time fighting them. It was with this sense of caution that the security Ensign listened to him, and at the same time watched the diplomat to see her reaction his explanations.

Her antennae literally quivered before they began focusing on the Human and Cardassian.  Her eyes also narrowed slightly in speculation. When someone came out from security, and they were also married to a police officer, this tended to create an environment of jovial suspicion of the household. At home it was balanced off by being open and honest about most things, and choosing to turn a blind eye to everything else. They didn't always get the mixture right, which did produce it's share of spectacular misunderstandings. Still, Ensign Zark wasn't at home, she was on a post war ravaged world, and her war time instincts weren't that dulled yet. It was more of Ensign Madsen's deliberate refusal to look at him that set her antennae off. There was something there, but the words and body language didn't convey disgust, so was it......? Zark filed that tidbit away in the mental Madsen file and continued listening. Praar's subtle shift wasn't entirely missed either and that went into the mental filing cabinet which now held a tenuous, but real thread between the two. It bore watching.

When Praar out forth the question on whether Zark would be attending the speech, the white hair shook a negative. "The Commander is expecting me in his office at that time, so I don't believe so. On the other hand, I would definitely like to see the high lights of the speech. I only have a general idea of what the Federation is doing to support the rebuilding effort, so getting some more details would be fascinating to get a better overall understanding of how things are going." Ensign Zark paused for a moment as she though ahead.  "Well, there is one thing that I would like to know about.  I'll be getting my own briefing on this later for sure, but I'd like a Cardassian perspective on this. We're both very tempting targets with the Castellan just down the door. The security Ensign soon began rattling off her own list of questions since she figured a high placed government aide had a great memory and could organize on the fly.  So, what can you tell me about the various rogue factions and splinter groups?  Are there any in particular that we should worry about in the immediate area, or any in particular that we should keep an eye out for?  Who's got a more violent bent, and who's in it for power?  How much of what's left of the Obsidian Order is mixed into these groups? Aside from weapons and funding, what else do they seek to get?"
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: Ellen Fitz on February 11, 2023, 08:52:55 AM
[Ensign Enyd Isolde Madsen | Transporter Room | Cardassia Prime ] Attn: @RyeTanker

“You must know nothing about Cardassians to presume you never have to worry about some, while you only have to worry about others.” Enyd rolled her eyes at Javec’s poor attempt at humor in response to Zark’s question. “The names change, the faces too, but the hills to die on remain the same, sometimes painted differently or spoken about under different banners.”

Javec’s nonchalant voice may lead some to believe he felt nothing about these splinter groups or didn’t take it seriously, but Enyd knew he very much did take it seriously. It was just one of the ways they spoke of serious things in their culture. If you spoke of it casually, it meant you were in greater control than if the notion of talking about something led to you panic or fear. It was a part of their culture Enyd respected and found she enjoyed. It was, in fact, one of the areas she’d begun building a foundation with Javec over.

Enyd turned to face Zark, interrupting Javec before he could further annoy the Andorian—which Enyd presumed he was doing on purpose just to test the woman’s mettle. “The Directorate is a leading splinter group with a high percentage of former Order members among its ranks. It has been cannibalizing many of the other groups that helped it form in its efforts to create a united front against the rebuilding efforts of the leadership of the present Castellan.”

“What does any top predator wish for?” Javec spoke up immediately after Enyd’s voice died out, his eyes alight with passion though his features remained neutral, if not mildly bemused. “Prey and undisputed territory to hunt it in. Be it the Directorate or this new government, your precious Federation is helping to establish, we Cardassians wish only to steward, protect, and deal out justice as any sentient predator would wish to do within its rightly won territory.” Javec leaned back on his heels, feigning a look of boredom. “Funding and weapons are but tools to the true desire of undisputed power wielded from one’s wished-for ideology.”

“In summary,” Enyd interjected again, drawing attention back to herself and away from Javec’s arrogant smile, “not everyone hates us but not everyone loves us. We are tolerated for as long as we prove useful to the equation of rebuilding.”
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: RyeTanker on February 17, 2023, 04:45:18 PM
[Ensign XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Ens. Zark) | Federation Embassy 'Compound' | Cardassia Prime]   Attn: @Ellen Fitz

Zark frowned hard, which made it look like she was pouting, as she was about to question Javec's choice of literature to describe their current situation.  However, one particular maxim came through in her mind.  The first report is never correct, so Zark held her tongue.  This proved fortuitous as Enyd came through with an actual explanation as to how the Federation was viewed by the populace.  While this was less dire than the poetry the aide had tried to use, it still didn't bode well since tolerated could quickly become intolerant.  It seemed though that the general population was reluctantly backing rebuilding effort despite the aid coming from a former enemy.  That must be humiliating, but on the other hand, few societies, more like only the Federation would be willing to provide that aid without a second thought.  The next best option was the Ferengi, and that would be hideously expensive.

The Andorian munched on the more immediate thought that worried her more in the immediate term than the hostility of the general population, and that was the how The Directorate was targeting it's recruiting from the lethal Obsidian Order.  The order had been virtually annihilated in it's unsanctioned operation against the Founder's home world in 2371, and the dreaded security organization that had emerged during the Dominion War was a pale shadow in terms of skill, but still highly fanatical to the former 'glory' of the Cardassian Union, and just as ruthless.  If these people were made up the core of the Directorate.

Zark shook her head at the implications and she suddenly felt naked as she gripped the strap of her tartan patterned bag, and wishing it was the strap of the new phaser rifle that was being shipped to the armoury. The Ensign was sure Lieutenant Commander Herasin would let her know about any threats that he thought were important, but it never hurt to keep an eye on other factors.  "That sounds ominous." the Andorian started as she turned to Javec first. "What sort of activities seem to have Ditrectorate backing? Intimidation? Kidnapping? Murder, bombings?" The next was more specific to Ensign Madsen as the blue head turned towards the human. "Are they getting any sort of traction with the general public?"
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: Ellen Fitz on February 19, 2023, 01:31:03 PM
[Ensign Enyd Isolde Madsen | Cardassia Prime ] Attn: @RyeTanker

“Ominous is one way of putting it,” Enyd laced her fingers together behind her back and shifted her weight from one foot to another as she listed out the known activities, “coercion and bribes are the lighter sides, kidnapping and ransom demands, theft, intimidation tactics that are often connected to resources disappearing or people being threatened, sometimes body parts being strategically delivered to places of work,” Enyd let go of her hands and shrugged, eyes moving to study Javec a moment before looking back to Zark, “As far as we know, so far, no murders have been linked to them and no bombings. They seem to be keen on toeing the line of what the general public is willing to tolerate and what they aren’t.”

Javec shifted forward, verbally and physically, to add, “The groups that have been bombing and attacking in the streets are smaller, more ‘grassroots’ factions, and these are the groups the Directorate has slowly been overtaking. The average Cardassian is willing to accept the existence of an order that kidnaps or bribes to make a point, but they are less interested in living with a group that attacks directly and without discretion. The last bombing was near the Cardassian War Widows Wing of the hospital compound, and by our last count, at least two dozen widows were killed, with another dozen grievously injured.” Glancing over his shoulder a moment and noticing a colleague motioning him away, Javec was quick to add, “It is worth remembering, however, that it would not be entirely beyond the Directorate, as it is gaining members from the former Obsidian Order, to be creating and then destroying these smaller factions in a grand ploy to win over favor to themselves once more.” Without warning, Javec reached out and snagged Enyd’s hand in his own, bending over it in a formal bow, not quite kissing it but making quite the show nonetheless. “Hope to see you soon,” his eyes darted up to Zark, and his smile grew, “and you as well.”

Only once he left, did Enyd break the silence she’d held with a sigh, “Well, then, right.” Clapping her hands together, she faced Zark and the others once more, cheeks still tinged pink with a blush. “I’ll leave you now to get settled with your department heads while I check in with my own. I’ll be accompanying the Castellon to his speech later and,” she smiled at Zark, “while I know you’ve just arrived, I do hope you’ll join if possible.”

She pointed the newcomers in the directions they needed to go before giving one last polite smile and hurrying off to change into her more formal uniform. She hated wearing the skirt when going out into the streets, always aware that things could turn nasty quickly, but she also knew it was expected of her position to wear that version of the uniform since her department head would be wearing the trousers uniform and together they presented the expected hard and soft measures of the diplomatic corps.
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: RyeTanker on February 23, 2023, 07:08:45 AM
[Ensign XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Ens. Zark) | Federation Embassy 'Compound' | Cardassia Prime]   Attn: @Ellen Fitz

Zark blinked in surprise as she was sure several in the group had as well at the assessment on how successful The Directorate was being and also just how ruthless they were in securing their support. Actively slaughtering ones members in order to gain public supper was an anethema to the Federation culture. Faking ones death was the extreme case, but actually recruiting just so they could be killed? Zark mentally shook her head at the notion. It did present an interesting opportunity, but a very dangerous one if word was getting around about the ultimate fate of some of The Directorate's newest recruits.  This little bit of analysis was filed away as Ensign Madsen brought the introductory meeting to a conclusion and the group began separating into their departments. Zark smiled and nodded in agreement. "I hope so as well and a pleasure to meet you Ensign Madsen." Zark finished as a Security Lieutenant grabbed his duffell and signalled the rest of the group to follow a Petty Officer that had shown up to guide the group to their quarters. 

Ensign Zark hefted her instrument and watched the brunette diplomat walk away with several other uniformed and civilian colleagues and privately thought to herself that her initial assessment was correct that Ensign Enyd Madsen was of the most interesting person in the posting, and she hoped to see more of her at some point.  The Andorian's ruminations were brought to a halt when the Petty Officer touched her arm to get her attention.  Zark raised an eyebrow inquisitively as man indicated to bring her head closer, which she did not that her curiosity was engaged. "Commander Herasin wants you in his office after you drop your stuff in your quarters.  And he says to expedite." Zark's head couldn't quite help but pull back in surprise at the order she'd just received.  She'd only just arrived on planet, what could the head of security possibly want with a new Ensign?  She wasn't in trouble already was she?  Figuring there was only one way to find out, Ensign Zark nodded and followed everyone to their billets.  As the group made its way over, Zark could feel the eyes on her.  No doubt some were staring at her well shaped ass, but there was also the feeling of inquisitiveness as each person tried to suss out the other.  The Petty Officer hadn't  been the most circumspect when he'd brought the news, so other soon began to wonder what was going on with her.  What made her special.  In fact, the one who seemed to be the most curious was the Lieutenant leading the group.  It was hard to define, but he was almost trying to hard to ignore her, but maybe it was the way one of his ears kept aiming in her direction, as if he was trying to eavesdrop on anything being said about her that figuratively twinged her antennae.

Zark shook her head.  Maybe she was being too paranoid.  The PO, pointed out rooms on a PADD with most of the enlisted going two or four to a room, while officers got their own space.  Space was still somewhat limited, so the Zark got the same size room as the Lieutenant.  Punching in the provided door code, it whooshed open to something quite standard issue, a bed, and desk, some shelving, and a sitting area.  The only thing that was missing was a replicator.  She'd have to figure that out later as she changed the door code and quickly looked in a mirror to smooth out any excess wrinkles before tying her hair in a pony tail and quickly exiting to go see Lieutenant Commander Herasin.

Tracing her steps, and following the instructions Madsen had given her in the beginning, Zark made it to the Chief of Security's Office in short order.  There was a name plate beside the door with his name and position.  The Andorian stopped before she entered the door and wondered again why she'd been ordered to hurry to see the boss.  Zark closed her eyes and took a steadying breath.  Opening her eyes, they betrayed nothing as she was determined to find out what was going on first before deciding whether she would have to defend herself.  Pressing a button, she heard the chime along with an unexpectedly higher pitched "Come!"  Ensign Zark stepped though the door and came to attention. "Ensign zh’Ptrell reporting to Lieutenant Commander Herasin as ordered!"  She was looking a regulation 5cm above the Bolian's head, but a general look revealed a tall, somewhat lanky Bolian male with a stern demeanour and more interestingly a scar on his head and another on his bottom lip.  Considering reconstructive technology, the Commander must have chosen to keep the scarring as a reminder of something.  Ensign Zark looked back in her memory, and pulled the open portion of Herasin's file that she'd perused.  A no non-sense Security Chief who'd served with distinction during the war.

The Chief of Security stared back and evaluated his find.  He would freely admit that the Ensign standing in front of him was beyond striking, but there was toughness to her.  He could see it in the way she held herself.  She may have tried to be standing still, but from a professional perspective, she was like a coil that was too tense, ready to pounce at any sort of threat.  He briefly considered making her just stand there to see how long she could hold that pose till she squirmed, but having read her entire file, she could probably choose to stand in that same spot till the local star ran out of fuel.  Seeing that would be a waste of time, he decided to launch into his special briefing for Ensign XamotZark zh’Ptrell.

"Sit Ensign, sit"  he gestured at the chairs on the other side of his desk in a jerky waving motion as if he had too much energy that hadn't quit his body.  He waited for the Andorian to comply before launching into what he needed done.  "Ensign XamotZark zh’Ptrell, or Ensign Zark for short.  Magna Cum Laude from the Academy, Marksman with phaser pistols and rifles, Expert in Hand to Hand, graduate of the Hostile Environment and Advanced Leader course, and supposed to have been headed for Starfleet Medical for field training.  Saw combat time during the war.  Is this all correct?"

Ensign Zark stared at her boss and fought the urge to narrow her eyes into slits to glare at the Bolian, but her antennae gave her away as they peeled back against her head as if she was getting ready to fight.  "I'm not playing power games Ensign.  These are some of the skills I need, so is this information correct?"  Commander Herasin continued.  "Yes sir."  Zark answered. What else was there to say? The Bolian nodded. "Good. Good!"  The man took a breath and settled back into his chair before he continued to give a brief of the situation. "Ensign.  I have fifteen people who are going home.  They deserve it and I'm sad to lose them.  I got 16 replacements."  Zark's eyebrows rose at this.  It was fairly unusual to be told a post was getting more than had been requested.  Commader Herasin could see the gears turning in her head and nodded in confirmation. "That's right Ensign, you're the extra, and you're here for a good reason.  Have you met a human diplomat here? One Ensign Enyd Isolde Madsen?"  Ensign Zark nodded her confirmation. "Yes Sir, she greeted us at the transporter room."  The Bolian nodded again as he cut to the heart of the matter.  "And I can presume you read the dossiers of the embassy staff and hers in particular?"  The Andorian nodded again and began to wonder what Ensign Madsen had to with her assignment to Cardassia. 

Lieutenant Commander Herasin could practically hear the question her mind asked as she nodded her affirmative again.  "Good, I thought her file would make interesting reading at the very least.  Here's the thing, I'm in charge of trying to keep the embassy staff alive, but Ensign Madsen has a penchant for going off to do what she thinks is right and seems to have completely forgotten that this planet was once a war zone."  The Bolian leaned on his desk. "As much as Security has tried, we need someone special to keep an eye on her when she goes off the campus so to speak."  Zark felt her stomach begin to drop as she guessed what her assignment was going to be and all she could was point at herself.  The Bolian Lieutenant Commander nodded.  "That's right Ensign. You're official assignment is to be Ensign's Madsen's partner and keeper as long as she's assigned to this Embassy. Where she goes, you go."

Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: Ellen Fitz on March 11, 2023, 02:23:16 PM
[Ensign Enyd Isolde Madsen | Cardassia Prime ] Attn: @RyeTanker

“You realize those are not exactly standard issued?”

Huffed breath thrusting tufts of hair away from her forehead, Enyd looked up from her fight to secure the second leg holster to see the Bolian quartermaster staring at her with bemused curiosity. Keeping her gaze on the quartermaster’s face, Enyd’s deft fingers moved over and around the numerous buckles and straps.

“I believe leg holsters ARE standard enough in Starfleet.” Enyd knew that was not what the woman was speaking about, but Enyd had learned in her short span of time in the field that volunteering information beyond what someone referenced directly was rarely a good thing.

As expected, the Bolian snorted, rolling her eyes, and walked away, obviously washing her hands of whatever Enyd was up to. With her formal skirt hiked up, barely covering her bum, Enyd had been working to secure two sets of holsters on her things. One pair was for the various vials of antidotes to the known poisons the factions preferred using against enemies. The second pair was for the hyposprays of truth serum and other such concoctions she could use and had used to get information and get out of difficult situations, as well as the throwing knife her uncle had given her for her last birthday before getting stationed here. Her left leg of holsters and their contents were for defense, her right for offense. She’d worn this set-up before, more than once. One would think that by now, not only would she be more skilled with getting the holsters into place, easily hidden under the thicker material of her uniform skirt, but that the quartermaster would stop giving her grief over her requests for the holsters every time she went into the field.

Hair already falling in wisps and tendrils from its intricate pinning, Enyd resumed her work with an amused huff. She still had a few minutes to finish here before meeting with the Castellan and his posse to head toward the district where he’d be giving his speech today. She was so engrossed in getting the holster secured, Enyd didn’t hear him enter, nor did she note his presence until suddenly a pair of scaled hands hovered over hers, inches away from the sensitive skin of her thing. Swallowing her gasp, Enyd tensed, looking up, and finally noticed Javec crouched at her side, poised to assist her efforts, an amused smile gracing his handsome features.

“I always knew you were a diplomat of surprises,” his honeyed voice washed over her nerves like an accelerant teasing the edges of a fire, “I didn’t realize how many. I must say I’m impressed.”

His eyes moved pointedly back to her bare skin, traveling over the holster before looking back to her in question. Enyd swallowed again, not quite finding her voice yet. How many times had she dreamed of him touching her? Too many to count. How often had she rationally thought there’d come a day when he would? Never. She honestly hadn’t thought he would want to. Verbal repartee was one thing, and Cardassians adored it, but physical intimacy was something else entirely. Volunteering to touch her, to help her, like this…Enyd’s mind was racing, and all she could do physically was give him a curt nod and let him push away her hands so he could work the buckles himself.

“You really like to be in control, don’t you?” His touch was light whenever his fingers brushed over her skin, yet it was still enough to send a rash of goosebumps up and down her leg, something he likely noticed. However, Enyd wasn’t sure if Javec understood human physiology sufficiently to realize what it meant.

“Diplomats are problem solvers. It isn’t so much we like to be in control as we like to have an element of control, no matter the scenario.” Not knowing where else to put her hands, Enyd crossed her arms over her chest and stared down at the Cardassian as he worked diligently to secure the holster.

“Are you certain you’re in the right field?” Javec didn’t take his gaze from his work as he filled the various compartments on the holster with the vials she’d laid out for it. “It sounds as if you would have made a good operative for Intelligence.”

The other two holsters and their contents lay nearby, obviously beckoning for attention once he finished with this one. Nibbling her lower lip, Enyd was curious if he’d see through her, that her desire for him would be out in the vulnerable open if she asked him to put those on too. Instead, she pushed hair from her face and hid her vulnerability behind information sharing.

“My grandmother would have tanned my hide if I’d joined.” Javec paused, glancing at her with amused questions written clearly across his face. Enyd smiled, “That means she would’ve been very unhappy with my decision. She’s been my guardian ever since my parents died, and she raised me alongside the ranch hands back on Earth. Very traditional methods for discipline and family rearing.”

Enyd knew that culturally speaking Cardassians rarely felt the reciprocal need to share personal information when they had personal information gifted to them by another. Often they came across as rude and inconsiderate to outsiders for the absolute lack of reciprocity they seemed to feel about nearly everything. But having grown up with highly independent ranchers, many who preferred to keep to themselves and doubted overly friendly outsiders, Enyd had never found their seemingly cold nature offensive. If anything, it reminded her of home.

“What is a ranch?” Javec asked his question while also picking up the third holster, letting it dangle between them in a silent question. Enyd breathlessly nodded, surprised that he’d want to continue to help her and continue the conversation.

“It is a large swathe of land where you raise cattle or animals for food or farming. You can also farm on ranches and do any sort of things of that nature. Typically isolated from cities, and far from the hustle and bustle of politics and the like.” Enyd knew this description would likely sound terrible to the average Cardassian and had chosen her words specifically for that reason, curious how Javec would respond, as the response was often telling.

His calm demeanor and simple hum to ensure he was attentive didn’t give her much to go off of, but Enyd was at least satisfied to know Javec didn’t find the description appalling or anything. Even for being coy to a fault, Cardassians were typically open with their disdain. Enyd relaxed her stance further but almost tipped over. Reaching out instinctively, she grabbed his shoulder to steady herself, just as he reached up and wrapped a warm hand around her wrist. Their gazes locked and not for the first time Enyd was curious what his kiss would taste like…
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: RyeTanker on March 13, 2023, 06:24:15 AM
[Ensign XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Ens. Zark) | Federation Embassy 'Compound' | Cardassia Prime]   Attn: @Ellen Fitz

Commander Herasin and Ensign Zark were discussing the current political security situation when his terminal beeped with a priority message and the Bolian held a hand up for a pause while he brought the message up. His eyes moved quickly over its contents, and the corner of his mouth tugged in what could have been considered a grimace. Zark realized at that point that the despite the blunt energy the Chief of Security wielded, he was quite good at having his face shown what he wanted it to show. He turned back to the Andorian and gave her a wry grin. "You're aware the Castellan is going to be giving a speech soon?" The Ensign gave her assent to this question and he nodded back. "Looks like you're going to get an immediate start on your special job for me." Zark clocked her head to one side. "I take it, it involves Ensign Madsen being an attendee?" . The bald blue head nodded. "She's in the armoury at the moment loading up on equipment that frankly has no place at a political speech." The security chief seemed to huff, but that was hard to say, and became irrelevant when he handed her a small PADD. "Here's a requisition form. Fill it out on the way and keep an eye on her."

Ensign Zark took the PADD and nodded before deciding to ask something anyway. "Just so I'm clear sir, you're not ordering me to disarm or restrain her. So you're not against the way she equips herself. " Lieutenant Commander Herasin grinned at the question. "No, I'm not. Despite my rather bleak description of her, she does know how to fend for herself. At the moment. I want to make sure we never go beyond that, especially in light of her interactions with the aide, Javec."

The Andorian quirked an eyebrow at this. "Those two get on remarkably well, and they make a great bridge for building better relations between us and the Cardassians. But that sort of relationship is also a potential vulnerability and liability." Ensign Zark nodded her understanding. Her 'women's' intuition said there was possibly more going on between those two, and if enemies of both the Federation and the current Castellan figured it out, there would be hell to pay all over.

Taking her leave, Zark walked and quickly typed as she though about the equipment that she'd use for asset protection. She made a check of the security code and found that weapons for Starfleet Security had already been authorised. Blue fingers flew. Type 1 and 2 phaser, standard issue combat dagger with concealable belt scabbard. Push blade in boot. No need to mention the spring blade she kept under her boot. Tricorder, battlefield trauma kit. A pair of disc grenades. One explosive, one flash, and a couple of micro smoke grenades to go in her pockets. A length of climbing wire was also useful.  Oof, very heavily loaded. The Andorian thought to herself. 

A couple of plastic fast ties, and a light tac vest went into the order just as Zark arrived at the armoury door and pressed the button to enter.  Looking up, the Andorian stopped and blinked, then smirked as she caught sight of Ensign Madsen with her skirt hiked really high up, one arm around his neck, and the other hand in his hand.  If it wasn't for the fact that the security officer's trained eye had picked out several scabbards and holster, the two could easily have been mistaken for dancing.  The Zhen was married as far as her society went and she knew exactly what she was looking at. Oh Spirits, they have it bad for each other. Mindful of her boss' warning, the Andorian simply cleared her throat as she gave the Human and the Cardassian a measuring glance, then walked passed to the desk and handed the requisition over.  Javec nodded his greeting to the Andorian and continued working to fit the diplomat as if nothing had happened at all.  Miss Madsen on the other hand.  Zark suppressed a snigger as she went to the desk to greet the Bolian armourer and handed over her PADD.

The Bolian looked over the form and looked up at the Andorian. Who was this woman? flashed through her mind at the veritable arsenal.  Her eyes flicked to the human being dressed by the Cardassian, only to be blocked as a smiling Andorian stepped into her field of view.  Ensign Zark cocked her head to one side as her antennae pointed at the Bolian.  "Is there an problem with the requisition?" the security officer asked with cool reassurance and the armourer stopped her speculation as she was brought back to the task at hand. "Uhh. No Sir.  It's just an extensive list.  I have a few questions about the sizing.  The Ensign nodded and the two worked their way through the particulars of the items to make sure they fit.  Ensign Zark could understand the curiosity the two were bringing on themselves, and she was sure this was going to be reported to the Chief of Security anyway, but it would also be reported that the Andorian was pretty much on station.  Hopefully he was going to draw the right conclusion that the Ensign was already at work and keeping and eye on her charge.

The quarter master handed over the phasers, but had to head to the replicator to produce the other items and turned away to get to work.  The Andorian grabbed the energy weapons and walked her way over to where Enyd was still getting herself dressed very slowly and the Zhen put the Type II phaser on the table with a clatter as she stood near the diplomat and began conducting checks on the cricket. Ensign Zark had considered being surreptitious about why she was here, but she didn't see the point in trying subterfuge when she needed Ensign Madsen to trust her.  "And we meet again Ensign Madsen." The Andorian opened with a bright smile. Javec's attention shifted at the Andorian who was inserting herself into their moment, but being a smooth operator, he merely gave the toothy blue woman a calculating glance as he officially waited for the other shoe to drop.  "Since Lieutenant Commander Hersain insists, read orders, me to be your partners, we're going to be seeing each other quite a bit."  Zark offered brightly.  Javec had guessed as much and he grinned.  "I don't see a need for it Ensign.  The speech Ensign Madsen will be attending is hardly the most threatening environment to her health so as to need a body guard. It will also be one of the most heavily guarded locations." Javec offered reasonably in a whisky smooth voice that had generally gotten him the desired result in the past.  Zark merely continued smiling as her gaze shifted to the Type 2 phaser and continued her inspection as the telltale hum of a hover cart could be heard approaching.  "Well, Ensign Madsen seems to think other wise with the knife and other items hiding on her legs underneath that skirt, and I've been ordered to be her partner, I'm gonna have to trust her judgment that something could be a bit amiss about this event."

The cart arrived and Zark thumb printed the PADD confirming receipt of the requested items.  Through long practice, she stripped off her tunic and grabbed the body armour first.  It had a good chance of protecting a person from a kill setting, but it would hurt like the dickens if she got shot.  Next, the Andorian began attaching the the blades, tools, and explosives.  Javec frowned slightly at the display of hardware. "Will Miss Madsen be receiving the armour as well?" The Andorian shrugged as she zipped her tunic jacket back up and began fitting her utility belt with various items. "If she wants." was the only answer Zark could provide since she couldn't order Enyd to wear it as much as she wanted to.  Instead, the Andorian continued talking while he equipped herself.  "Well, Madsen what's this speech about that we're going to attend."  Zark asked with a bit of an emphasis on the joint nature of the trip.
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: Ellen Fitz on March 24, 2023, 08:26:59 AM
[Ensign Enyd Isolde Madsen | Cardassia Prime ] Attn: @RyeTanker

While Javec took in Zark’s abrupt appearance with poise, Enyd jerked with greenhorn surprise. She should’ve expected something or someone like Zark to show up to interrupt the moment with Javec. That was the story of her life, after all. One successive failure after another, always getting to the point of sealing the deal, then something or someone—often her own idiocy—impeding seeing things through to completion. She wasn’t just inexperienced with Cardassians in the ways of making love; she was inexperienced in every way and with all species. Swallowing the sigh of frustration she was oh so tempted to let out, Enyd instead smiled at Zark and gave the Andorian a polite nod of greeting. The woman’s comment had Enyd raising a single eyebrow, glancing down at Javec a moment before narrowing her gaze back on the security personnel working at strapping various articles to her vest.

“Did the lieutenant commander really insist, or did he just read you the orders, and you accepted without question?” she waited until after Javec commented on the speech, and then Zark sarcastically indicated Enyd’s penchant for over-preparation, with a pointed look at Enyd’s thigh holsters and the location of Javec’s hand still pressing warmly over Enyd’s knee. Knowing how much Zark protested, this new posting would go a long way toward knowing how much she could trust or rely on the Andorian.

Enyd gave Javec a half smile at his question about body armor. He was in jest; she recognized that, but based on Zark’s response, the Andorian hadn’t quite caught on to Cardassian humor just yet. Javec thought Enyd’s efforts were overkill and so lumped Zark’s preparations into the same category of “too much.” Still, he was the one who had lived among the underlying tension the entirety of his life, so it was easier for him to note when it was best to bow out and when it was best to stand one’s ground. Enyd was still learning the difference, and her upskirt tricks had already saved lives—her own included—and secured negotiations. She wasn’t about to stop with the overkill preparations if they’d already proven successful, even if the hot Cardassian thought she was an idiot for her efforts.

Javec resumed his assistance without further comment, his movements more professional and less lingering now that they had a could-be audience in Zark and the lurking requisitions officer behind the desk, staring at the pack of them as if they were all mad. Enyd gave Javec the floor to answer, not disappointed when his melodic voice filled the space in explanation.

“The Castellan is giving a speech on overcoming the ghosts of the past to secure the health of our children and the future in the same place where the Changelings detonated a chemical device that killed most of the students in a junior high school, along with the teachers and administrators.” After finishing his work, Javec pushed to the stand, eyes carefully tracking Enyd’s movements as she dropped her skirt back. “Of course, not themselves, but through their misguided Cardassian cohorts in the last days of the war. He secured the financial backing of a few off-world stakeholders who will finance the rebuilding of another school in the same location. While there are some rumors that one of the splinter groups of the Gremor Syndicate may make an appearance during the ceremony, they were not known for doing much more than throwing rotten fruit and setting off tear gas in crowds.”

Enyd rolled her eyes at his flippancy, be it feigned or true, and looked to Zark, “The Federation ambassador will also give a short speech after the Castellan and I am there to hold the plaque that the ambassador will later hand off to the Castellan, you know, to satisfy everyone’s need for pomp and circumstance on the doorsteps of past death and destruction.” Enyd tried not to sound sarcastic, but knew she wasn’t entirely successful in her efforts. Studying the Andorian a moment longer, Enyd smiled and gestured toward the door, “Ready? We will be walking there from here, as it is only a few blocks away and the public transport system still hasn’t returned to normal operating status.”
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: RyeTanker on March 27, 2023, 10:58:25 PM
[Ensign XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Ens. Zark) | Cardassia Prime]   Attn: @Ellen Fitz

"Yep, lead the way local guide." Zark smiled as she waved at the door.  Stuffing a last grenade into one of the pockets, Ensign Zark followed next to Madsen as they left.  It was a short walk to the gate where all three of the party had to sign out.  As Enyd signed out, Zark caught the fulminating look the guard gave Enyd and the sympathetic one he gave her.  Huh. The boss was right.  Been giving everyone the run around. The Andorian thought to herself and it translated into her twisting her lips a bit as she tried not to smile at the gate watchers unhappiness with the diplomat.  After completing her own thumb print, the gate was opened and Zark entered a different world. 

If it hadn't been for her own war service, the Andorian would have been shocked at the destruction she saw.  Usually civilizations that had been around for a while tended to build a sense of history with their architecture, but in this case,  many of the buildings looked very new or were a patch work of various states of repair.  A low three story building just outside the compound was  a case in point as there was a slight discoloration cut diagonally across the building.  It was only by trained eye that the material on the upper half seemed to be a bit lighter and shinier than the rest.  Many people also moved about with a depression borne of the need to not feel as they worked on repairs.  In some cases, stacking debris into trucks for transport to the industrial replicators for reclamation and processing into new materials. 

"Javec, Enyd.  I have a question.  Granted the Federations is also rebuilding, but surely there was more that could be sent?"  Zark knew it was a naive questions, which was quite fair for her under the current conditions.  Javec looked at her for a moment to guage the Andorian, but Zark's face pretty much remained open and honest, and not knowing the woman, he decided to take this one at face value; simple curiosity, and maybe a chance to educate. "True, the Federation could send much more, and there are those who argue they should have.  Between us, when the initial negotiations began on this topic, the Ambassador actually offered much more, but the Castellan whittled down the amount."  Javec grinned and chuckled at that memory.  The look on the Ambassador's face had been priceless.  When he looked at the Andorian one more time, he let out a rich laugh that felt out of place in the street.  Zark's face was almost a mirror with one eye brow arched high, the other low and her mouth looking like she was getting ready to save up spit.  The aide sighed as his amused demeanour softened. "We are a proud people Ensign.  Yes, we make mistakes like any other culture, but nobody likes to be considered a poor beggar."  The light began to dawn on Zark's face as it returned to it's more neutral expression. "Rebuilding one world, while still a massive undertaking, is not all that difficult for space faring civilizations such as ours.  Cardassia would be just one more world.  Look how quickly Bajor was brought back to its natural splendor with Federation assistance."  Zark jerked slightly at that remark since in her mind the Bajorans really really disliked their former overlords and Javec picked up on it. "Just because they were in our thrall at one point doesn't mean they can't be appreciated after we've left Ensign zh’Ptrell."  Zark blushed at being caught out like this, but Javec ignored that as he looked around as a crane held a metal panel in place and several people on scaffolding began welding it in place. "We know we're indebted to the help you've provided, but we have to get our hands dirty to take ownership of process and remind us that this is our home and heart. Even if it means doing things the hard way."  Javec finished rather dramatically with a smile as he lifted both arms up like he was lifting weights and Zark could see the traces of the muscle bulging underneath his tunic.

Zark nodded at this. It made a lot of sense as she digested what Javec told her.  Also nodding along with Madsen's insights, the trio continued walking towards the speech.  The security Ensign suddenly stepped ahead and her arm went up to push the other two back for a moment while her hand went to the phaser on her hip.  There was suddenly a splat a couple of meters ahead of the group and Zark's sense of smell was assailed by rot and fermentation as her antennae began to whirl around like an ancient radar.  "Off world whores!  You especially!" and despite the distance, it definitely felt like the finger was being pointed at Javec.  "Begone from this place foul aliens and Glory for Cardassia!"  The cape flowed as the figure stared his disgust one more time then disappeared into the alleyway.

Zark had stood, leaning and  poised for action, but hadn't drawn her weapon nor moved her head as she interposed her body between the fruit thrower and her now two charges. With her antennae pointed in the direction he disappeared, she subconsciously felt his presence receding as people stared on. Standing up and releasing the phaser's handle, the blue woman turned to the Human and Cardassian. "Well, that was interesting. At least it wasn't a bomb. " The security officer took one more look around and while not happy, was satisfied they were safe for the moment. "Let's keep going." Zark told the other two, making sure to step around the splattered fruit.
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: Ellen Fitz on April 17, 2023, 06:59:28 AM
[Ensign Enyd Isolde Madsen | Cardassia Prime ] Attn: @RyeTanker

Exchanging a look with Javec, catching his matching note of awareness, Enyd nodded to Zark’s suggestion to head out and led the way to the gate. Javec would walk with them to one of the street corners outside the compound, then leave to liaise with the rest of his group who were departing from a different gate—one assigned primarily to Cardassian officials and therefore guarded by Cardassian guards. The guard on duty at the Federation gate seemed off-put by Javec’s presence but had the aide sign out the same as everyone else. Cardassians didn’t often come through the Federation-guarded gate, but they were authorized to do so if a Federation member accompanied them.

Enyd continued to lead the way outside the compound, schooling her features into a placid expression that denoted approachability despite the circumstances. As they moved past buildings leveled from the war, with a populace equally leveled in spirit, Enyd couldn’t help but look over to Zark, curious if the Andorian was shocked at what she saw. In her time on the planet, Enyd had encountered more than a few individuals who, at first arrival, spoke of the Cardassians as if they deserved what had happened to them but, later, upon seeing the extent of the destruction, seemed to swallow their prideful claims. Though Zark had not been vehement in any expressions for or against the Cardassians, it was always telling how someone new responded to the evidence of war. And for Zark, the mixed expressions playing across her blue features told Enyd that the woman had good character.

Javec was the one to answer Zark’s question, giving the Andorian a crash course introduction to Cardassian culture in the process as he walked her through the reason why the Castellan would decline more aid instead of asking for it. Enyd smiled at Javec’s adept ability to read Zark’s body langauge when he also pointed out the silliness of a presumption that Bajor was never much of anything before the Cardassians got ahold of it. The aide was quite the showman—one of his many qualities Enyd found intriguing—and it seemed from the subtle wave of Zark’s antenna at the end of Javec’s flourishing gestures, that the Andorian was not unaware of Javec charm or physical presence.

“We cannot force aid upon any people,” Enyd added at Javec lowered his arms back to his side, “where I come from back on Earth, there’s a phrase that could apply here. You can take a horse to the river but can’t make them drink from it. In this instance, we can maintain a presence here working within the parameters the Castellan indicated, showing a united front, and remain available to adapt to any new circumstances as they arrive.”

As they neared the area where Javec would leave them to join his own people, Zark suddenly raised an arm to bring their small party to a halt. Javec shifted to stand just ahead of Enyd, a move that had Enyd quirking an eyebrow upward, but his shoulders relaxed, as did Enyd’s when none other than Modirt Mit tossed a bit of fruit in their direction and screamed out his common insults at them. Enyd was thankful Zark wasn’t a shoot first ask questions later type guard, otherwise, they’d have even more problems on their hands.

“Modirt Mit is fairly harmless. He lost his family and his unit in the war, and as you can see, most of his mind.” Javec shook his head, voice clouded with the sound of disappointment. “It would have been better if he’d died as well instead of living this half-life.” Before Zark could throw judgment at him, as he presumed she would, Javec continued, “He has moments of clarity in between the madness, and in those moments, he weeps for those he lost and begs for death. I suggested to the Castellan that we formerly charge him with anything to fulfill his lucid wish, but the Castellan has refused me so far. Something about needing even a madman in the remaking of our world.” When Zark suggested they continue, Javec politely shook his head, placing a hand on his chest and giving both Enyd and Zark a semi-formal bow. “I must join up with the rest of the Castellan’s aides down this way,” he pointed to the side road near where they’d paused, “I will see you both at the speech.”

Only once they were alone, moving along what was left of the sidewalk, did Enyd speak up, “What’s your prior experience with civil unrest, Ensign?”
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: RyeTanker on April 24, 2023, 03:34:19 AM
[Ensign XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Ens. Zark) | Cardassia Prime]   Attn: @Ellen Fitz

The fact that Javec knew the pour soul by name spoke volumes of the number of incidents that he'd personally been involved with this individual and Ensign Zark nodded sadly as she felt the husk of a man disappear back into the abyss to be haunted again by his ghosts.  Unfortunately, as much as she wanted to help, it was well outside her jurisdiction, and her skill set as well.  Even if she'd attended Starfleet Medical, this was a job for proper professionals to work on.  As the trio got closer to the speech site, Zark kept her senses alert in case there were any other attempts to disrupt their arrival.  Zark didn't really see how leaving the man in his current state helped, but once again, it wasn't her call.

Nodding as Javec bid his farewell to join the Castellan's party, the Andorian stuck to the human's side.  Zark twisted her lips as she considered Enyd's question.  "Not much in the way of real experience with civil unrest." Noticing the increase in the number of troops up ahead, the security officer allowed herself to relax a bit and turned to face her charge as they talked. "We know to leave the main negotiation up to the diplomats, but at my level, we usually work with forming a cordon and just trying to keep a situation from getting any worse.  That could mean just patrolling the streets to forming a shield wall if things are getting out of hand."  Zark shrugged at this. "I generally prefer patrolling the streets since there are fewer emotions to feed off of, and there's a good chance we could come across something that could help to stabilize the situation.  It's more straight forward police work to be honest.  Most of the times though, we're mainly there to show the flag and stay out of the way of the local authorities till they request assistance."  Zark made a quick sweep of their surroundings. "In most cases though, it's up to someone much higher whether we intervene.  From what I understand it, the main basis for the decision is the saving of lives, so we provide a security presence to protect the medical and engineering crews that are going in to help the injured and restore basic services.  Stabilizing the situation politically is up to the locals to figure out.  As far as I know, the diplomats step in only when it's clear the sides are at an impasse."  Ensign Zark shrugged as she offered a tight smile.  "I guess it makes it easier for everyone to chat when the heat is on and people can still get food on the tables.  Makes the situation look a lot less dire than the fear mongers want."

This view point carried them into the area where the speech was occurring and both had to register themselves with security before going any further.  The apprehension from the guards was palpable when the scanners picked up all the hardware that the two women had on them.  Zark was covered by her COs authorization, while Enyd's body was considered diplomatically sacrosanct.  The guard's simply settled for giving the two of them dirty looks to which Zark returned the look with a blank stare though her antennae had started to angle back against her head as an indication of how annoyed she was.  Nonetheless, they were passed through. 

When the two were out of ear shot, Zark started talking again, but about more immediate concerns. "Well, they're a lovely bunch.  Doing their jobs, but a lovely bunch nonetheless." The Andorian started in a tone so dry it would have turned a lake into a desert.  Having gotten that out of her system, the Andorian continued. "Enyd, I can't be up on the stage with you, but I'll be patrolling along the perimeter.  If there's any trouble, hopefully they'll think a lone guard is easier to take out than the pairs that typically rove about."  Zark knew she sounded as crazy as the plan was foolhardy. "Hopefully nothing untowards happens, but we are living in interesting times."  Before the pair headed their seperate ways, Zark turned and smiled as she offered her hand to Enyd. "Good luck to both of us."
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: Ellen Fitz on April 27, 2023, 04:33:37 AM
[Ensign Enyd Isolde Madsen | Cardassia Prime ] Attn: @RyeTanker

Enyd appreciated the insights Zark shared as they continued to the speech area. The Andorian’s answers were not surprising, and Enyd nodded to many of the statements the woman shared. The crowd was already gathered when they made it to the square and moved through the checkpoint into the secured area nearest the stage. The guards on duty knew Enyd’s zealous nature in remaining prepared for all scenarios. While some found her over-preparedness a nuisance and fairly insulting against their capabilities, others wrote her off as a heretic diplomat and did their best to ignore her.

“I’m sure hell will break loose,” Enyd shook Zark’s offered hand with a shameless look of bemusement, “it always does. And that’s why I always prepare for the worst.”

Enyd took her place along the edge of the stage while Javec escorted the Castellan from the other side. She wasn’t the highest-ranking member of the diplomatic corps here and did not merit a seat close to the Castellan. At least not by Starfleet protocols. However, before Enyd could settle her bum in the uncomfortable chair provided, one of the Cardassian aides she’d forgotten the name of whispered into Enyd’s CDO’s ear, lightly gesturing toward Enyd. The CDO frowned but nodded, glancing toward Enyd and giving a quick head jerk for Enyd to follow the aide.

Stepping close to the CDO, Enyd paused on her path to follow the aide as the man whispered, “Don’t let your guard down, Madsen.”

She responded with a firm nod, following the aide until he gestured for her to sit next to Javec, who sat between her and the Castellan. Using the excuse of getting settled in her chair to lean close, Enyd whispered to Javec, “Your doing, I suppose.” He grunted an affirmative response. “But why?” Enyd leaned against the hard highback of her seat, gaze scanning over the crowd to ascertain why Javec would be so obvious with the protocol break.

“There will be an attack. The Castellan already knows.” Enyd stiffened, gaze immediately moving to grab Zark’s, hoping the Andorian could sense her foreboding. “I figured our odds of survival are higher if we sit together.”

Enyd frowned, “Does my CDO know?”

“It is not my job to inform your officers of everything.” Javec put his hands together in applause as the Castellan bravely took a position at the podium, as if he didn’t know about the threat. Javec leaned down to whisper, “If he doesn’t know by now, that is his own fault.”

Enyd’s hands felt numb as she clapped alongside the others, uncertain if she should make a scene and tell her superiors and colleagues or if it would be safer for everyone just to let things play out. If the Cardassians knew of the attack, they likely already had a contingency plan in place. And if they knew, the CDO likely knew by now, or at least had a suspicion, considering what he’d told her as she passed by. Again searching through the crowd, Enyd kept her eyes peeled for both Zark and any hints of the presumed inevitable attack.
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: RyeTanker on April 28, 2023, 05:51:20 PM
[Ensign XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Ens. Zark) | Cardassia Prime]   Attn: @Ellen Fitz

Ensign Zark strolled the perimeter in a casual looking manner while her antennae made lazy circles above her head. Taking in the sights as she kept an eye out for potential ambushes, the Andorian subconsciously stretched that strange sixth sense that was common to the species. Her war time service had honed that link to a finer edge than was considered normal in any Andorian due to the need to watch out for cloaked Jem'Hadar who would literally appear out of thin air to stab, bludgeon, or shoot the Starfleet and Klingon personnel as they fought across the surface of Kalandra not that long ago.  Thankfully for the moment, there was nothing out of the ordinary, but it was a harder to read a situation unless the threat was directly against her or her general close vicinity. So looking like an armoured tourist, Zark linked her hands behind her and continued strolling.

[Jamar Triatt and Sudraytt Gerre | Terris Prett Garden]

Hidden behind a series of bushes, Jamar kneeled down next to a bag and pulled out the hard Cardassian military uniform.  Taking a final look around, he stripped out of the gardeners overalls that was his actual work uniform.  Off to the side, he could hear Sudraytt dragging a body away into the work shed where they stored their usual gardening tools.  Jamar would have preferred the corpse that Sudraytt was dragging away was a couple of the filthy off worlders, but they were concentrated near the square's entrances and had traitors with them.  Jamar quietly scoffed at the turn coats and figured the two that were dead now were a good down payment for their treason in not actively resisting the invaders like he and Sudraytt were doing.  This job had taken some time and planning, but after the bombing of the War Widows wing, the two former members of the military had understood that eventually it would be rebuilt and as a public relations show case, it was irresistible for high ranking people like the Castellan to show up.  Weak Pandering Politicians Jamar thought to himself.  Truth be told, Jamar had no idea who'd blown up the wing and he found the act disgusting, but he hated politicians even more.  Damar, the weakling, had sold them out when the Eleventh Order had been left to rot then get slaughtered on Septimus III.  Both Jamar and Sudraytt had been injured early in the fighting in the region and had been lucky enough to be evacuated back to Cardassia, just in time to watch it all fall apart.  They'd barely made it out of the military hospital before the Jem'Hadar had stormed in, killing everyone.  A lot of their friends hadn't been as lucky, and that damn Damar was responsible again when he'd turned his coat.  Being a weakling was one thing, but a traitor as well!  Shaking his head, Jamar wondered what would have happened if Dukat hadn't gone down fighting on Terek Nor like a true Cardassian and had survived to keep leading the Union. 

Sudraytt returned, and Jamar set about getting a bottle out and opening the top to add water.  The powder inside the glass vessel began to quickly dissolve when the liquid mixed in and Sudraytt placed another innocuous looking glass bottle on the ground next to him before heading back into the storage shed to get the final piece.  It had taken time to assemble all the seemingly innocent pieces together, but once it was all tied together, Jamar had a powerful and toxic binary explosive.  If the explosion didn't get the Castellan, then the toxins would eventually kill him.

Jamar's head turned when he heard the sound of something hitting metal from the direction of the shed and his brows furrowed in confusion.  Pulling a knife from his boot, he held out as his other hand was ready to deflect any attacks that came his way.  "Sudraytt?" Jamar called out.  Silence was all he received.  Moving cautiously, the Cardassian moved towards the shed where his partner was supposed to be "Sudraytt?" he called again as his heart rate began to climb.  Where was he?  Jamar's head turned left and right when he got to the shed door and saw nothing. Taking a breath, he pressed a button to open the door and slowly moved in.  Suddenly there was pain in his leg as it buckled and twisted sideways as he went down on one knee, then his world blacked out and he saw stars as a leg flashed out of nowhere and smashed into his face.  The knife went flying somewhere behind him and he tried to get his arms up to protect his head. Blinding unbelievable agony roared through his body and he let out an animal roar of pain as a boot slammed down between his legs.  The agony was too much as his hands reached to cover his manhood and he tried to roll over and curl into a ball.  He'd been demolished and dominated so quickly and brutally that tears began to flow as he desperately gasped for breath.

[Ensign XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Ens. Zark)]  

Zark blew a loose hair out of her face as she looked at her victim with only a small trace of satisfaction.  She took one more moment to drive a punch into his head and bounce it off the ground, leaving him stunned before grabbing his unresisting arms and binding them with some gardeners string.  It took a little more effort and a bit of grunting to pull him up against the wall, then bind his feet together.  Zark finished with lashing the two bindings together.  If he tried anything, the force of pulling his own body was going to make it much more difficult.  Pulling up a box, the Andorian waited for his pain to subside and senses to return.

When he was coherent enough, the Cardassian looked shocked at the lithe blue alien calmly watching him.  He thought he'd been beaten by a Klingon! The Starfleet symbols registered and he spat "I'll tell you nothing!"

Zark coldly smiled back.  Once consequence of the war that her family had noted was that the Zhen seemed much more ruthless.  Zark seemed to take more chances than she would have before. It was as if a part of her had become much more merciless after coming face to face with the death and horror.  Starfleet Medical had also noted this in her file, but had added an addendum that she did not seem to use her ruthlessness too willingly.  On the other hand, her ability to use it at a moments notice had eluded the psychiatrists.

"No need to be so cliche and dramatic. I'll make this easy to start, and you get one chance to tell me what I need to know before I start pulling it from you." 

The Cardassisn scoffed at this.  "You're Starfleet, you don't have the stomach for it." Jamar practically sneered, especially the word Starfleet.

Ensign Zark gave a sad smile.  "You'd be right with a lot other people, but not after what I've seen the Jem'Hadar do. Have you seen their technique for stabbing someone with a bayonet?  It's really like gutting a fish." 

Jamar's eyes widened at this description and the security officer tilted her head.  "You do know what I'm talking about.  Saw it in person I take it?"

Jamar said nothing, but his throat bobbing in fear pretty much confirmed that he had some sort of trauma regarding this, and Zark moral compass warred with itself for a moment to decide if she should take advantage of it.  Mentally nodding to herself, she committed.

The blue woman slowly approached the sitting Cardassian and subtly undulated her hips, then placed a hand on one knee.  "Tell me." she breathed. "Who's the target and what's the plan?"

Jamar didn't want to think that this thing in front of him could be attractive, but she was making a good case for it.  His crotch still hurt though and was letting him know, he didn't need to get excited.  "I will tell you. Nothing"  he gritted out.

Zark's lips twisted into a seductive smile. "You've got nowhere to go and this part of the plan has fallen apart. Surely you can get yourself some leniency by helping me?"  Zark shrugged as she pulled her knife out and began tracing it along his leg before stopping at his aching crotch "Otherwise" and began pressing the point in slightly.

Jamar tried to hold out, but the worsening pointy pressure against his pained manhood broke him as he gasped. The thought of being mutilated in such a fashion was simply too much for a man to bear, especially from the cold eyes of the blue alien over him. Tears rolled down in shame as he knew he broke. "Alright! Alright!  Just please don't, just don't!" The pressure stopped but didn't retreat though. "We're supposed to use this bomb at the speech, but if it doesn't work, we have guards who will go in and kill him.  If we don't show up, he's to be killed when he gets the plaque."

Zark looked at the man.  Read his motions, and emotions, sussing out if he was telling the truth.  Maybe he was a bully at heart, and push come to shove, he'd broken off.  Maybe the thought of being castrated was too much.  It didn't matter, the beaten man seemed to be telling the truth, and Zark's sense of the perverse took over as she cupped his chin and planted a kiss on his lips. "Thank you for not making me brutalize you."  Pulling a hypospray from a pocket, she swapped the vial. "What are you doing?" Asked the confused Cardassian.  "Sleepy time." Zark responded and she injected Jamar as he struggled to get out of his bonds, then fell limply on the floor.

Taking a breath, Zark tapped her combadge.  "Zark to Enyd and Herasin, we have a problem." and the Andorian quickly laid out what she'd found as she made a mad dash back to the Castellan and the speech.

OOC: Jamar rolled a willpower test at disadvantage. Roll results were 17 and 7.
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: Ellen Fitz on May 04, 2023, 08:20:48 AM
[Ensign Enyd Isolde Madsen | Cardassia Prime ] Attn: @RyeTanker

Enyd heard Zark’s muffled voice over the din of the applauding crowd. Glancing at Javec, she gave the aide a pinched look, to which he nodded. Pulling a small PADD from the interior pocket of his uniform jacket, Javec typed in a series of instructions before deftly putting the PADD away. While he’d likely not heard Zark’s warning, he understood the look well enough. Enyd noticed a device on the Castellan’s belt blink and watched as the Castellan’s body tensed, one foot sliding back behind the other in a brace position.

Javec tugged at Enyd’s elbow, guiding her to stand closer to his side, “You might want to cover your ears. You have more sensitive hearing, after all.”

Before Enyd could ask what he meant by the instructions, a series of loud sirens sounded around the courtyard. The crowd tensed and then moved in a panic. They had not heard these sirens since the Dominion had turned their weapons against Cardassia Prime. There was not one among the crowd who had not lost a loved one or precious resources to the Dominion’s destructive force. Without an explanation for the sirens, the crowd was left to stew and festered in their lingering traumatic memories, surging to and fro in an effort to flee the courtyard to somewhere safer.

As this happened, the guards closest to the Castellan pulled him back and shielded him as they led him to the rear exit to the stage. Enyd noted that this exit had not been there moments before, yet now both the Castellan and her CDO were moving down the ramp and into the ruined shell of the building that had been at their backs as if they’d known it was there the whole time.

“What’s going on?” Enyd managed her question once they were inside the building, and the wail of the sirens was at their backs.

Her CDO glared at Javec before answering Enyd, “Fighting fire with fire. They’re using the press of the crowd as their cover to retreat.”

Unlike her CDO, who obviously found this tactic contemptible, Enyd applauded the ingenuity. So long as no one was killed in a panicked trample, it was a good tactic if they could walk away from this without loss of life. Enyd continued through the rubble behind the guards leading point, the Castellan and his security detail directly behind them, her CDO directly in front of her, flanked by his security detail, Javec at her side.

“Should we-“

Enyd’s words were cut off as the bright-colored beams of disruptor fire smashed into the ruined column just before her. The guards and security detail responded instinctively, pushed the Castellan and her CDO down as they took up position, and responded to the ambush. A protective arm draped over our shoulder and pulled Enyd into a crouch close beside Javec.

Her CDO glared again at Javec, “Who knew about this alternative route?”

Javec didn’t bother to respond as another front suddenly opened behind them, nearly taking out the CDO directly if it weren’t for Javec’s rough pull on his uniform sleeve while also pulling out his weapon and taking aim at the new opponents. Reaching under her skirt, Enyd pulled out her weapon and took position alongside the Cardassian aide. Behind her, Enyd heard the CDO call for backup, citing their location, before unholstering his weapon and working alongside his security detail.

“Hold this,” Enyd handed her phaser to Javec before reaching under her skirt again, this time pulling out the flash grenade she’d felt compelled to include in her regular ensemble today, “maybe we can get out from under the fire if we blind them. Do we have an exit route?”

"That depends on when the cavalry arrives," one of the security details gruffly called in response, aiming at one of their attackers and growling when they ducked back into cover before getting the shot.
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: RyeTanker on May 13, 2023, 06:45:10 AM
[Ensign XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Ens. Zark) | Cardassia Prime]   Attn: @Ellen Fitz

The dashing Andorian barely even slowed down as the harsh wail of warning sirens sliced through the air. Then there was the screech of a weapon being fired and a scream pierced the air as pandemoneum took hold. If anything, it just made her go faster knowing a price would be paid later, but in the mean time, there was trouble ahead and her charge was in the thick of it, though certainly not by her choice. Herasin's voice came over the combadge quickly. "Ensign Zark, Herasin here. I'm in the main security room and we've tied into your tricorder. It's chaos ahead of you. I have the ambassador, several other aides, and Madsen bunched together. Okay, there's weapons fire up ahead. Bates! Is the system tracking hostiles? Good. Okay. We're tentatively tagging hostiles and friendlies based on which way the fire is going. Ensign Zark you are authorized to engage under Yellow Alpha. How copy?"

The security officer quickly huffed out an acknowledgement as she ran the last few meters to the speech square. She hadn't really expected any other call  from the Commander when he'd authorized the Rules of Engagement. The Security Chief had pretty much ordered the Ensign to preemptively stun anyone she thought was a threat. If she'd been told to go in under Yellow Beta, she'd be required to be threatened first, which amounted to someone had to point a weapon at her. Red was a blanket kill order, and Green would have required Zark to order someone to drop their weapon or cease and desist first.  In Zark's mind, red was overkill, but acceptable, where as green would have been ignored as non sensible.

Slowing as she got near the fighting, Zark dropped into a crouch and leapord crawled her way to a concrete embankment. Thankfully her garden diversion meant she wasn't part of the regular patrol pattern, and it showed with Cardassian bodies thrown about in various states of cauterized death. Zark had to pause at one point when she saw a pair locked in a death grip with each other, a knife in ones neck, while the other had a blade sticking out of his chest. Whatever was going on was a serious attempt at the Castellan, maybe also the ambassador.

Reaching the embankment, the Andorian gripped the edge and poked her eyes above the edge to get a read on the situation. This was a lot easier since she wasn't getting shot at, but there was certainly quite a bit directed at the stage. "Herasin here. The reaction team hit a roadblock and are taking fire. They're working on getting around. They have one dead so far. Local security forces are enroute to your location, but they're in confusion at the moment. Someone blew up their transporter relay. I also can't reach Linetti or Mgabe. I think the plants got them at the gate. " Zark winced at the news. First day on the job and there were three dead. Her lips curled into a snarl as the killer inside her demanded a blood price. "The Voroth is sending reinforcements, but they'll need some time to assemble. Zark, I'm pulling the reaction team back, find a secure zone that I can beam them in, then you take them in and get our people out."

"Acknowledged" Zark quietly replied as she gripped the cover in front of her and surveyed the scene. While it was chaos, calm observation picked out what looked like a half dozen people in the hard rubber uniforms of the Cardassian military trying to push through the throng towards the stage. A pair had taken up an over watch position on a balcony and we're peppering the stage to cover the attack.  The Andorian happened to be looking in the direction of the stage when one of the Castellan's body guards took a hit and was knocked over.  She had to make a decision quickly before the situation became more dire and the Starfleet party risked capture or death.  The security officer saw a path forward, but it was very high risk and would most likely earn her a disciplinary for being reckless, but she didn't see too much choice.  She was a good shot, but it was easy to be unsure about firing into the crowd.  Pulling her phaser, she set the weapon for level 2, not the highest for the ranges she was thinking of working at.  "Sir, set beam down to my current coordinates, I'm going in." The Andorian gritted her teeth as the reply of "What you do you mean you're going in?!  Ensign, hold!"

The acrobatic Andorian vaulted over her cover and quickly closed with the crowd.  She had a generally very good idea of the threat axis as she pushed her way into the crowd, hunting for her prey.  People of various sizes flashed past in all directions, many dressed in a professional, if plain manner.  Her quarries though, they all looked the same and Zark hunched down a little bit more to make herself less visible.  It helped that she wasn't making a scene and the crowd was running in every direction. She snaked through the crowd, twisting and bending like a blue ethereal huntress, only occasionally being jostled by random on comer, but never losing sight of her prey.  Hard focused eyes tracked the nearest one, but kept a look out in the general direction of the others.  Her quarry had tunnel visioned, oblivious to the hunt being performed on it.  He would never know what hit him.

She was like a snake sliding out of the foliage, phaser close to her chest and ready to strike. She about a meter away and for a moment she had a clear line of sight as she brought her phaser onto her first victim and depressed the trigger.  An orange beam caused pain suddenly overcame his expression before he collapsed to his knees and his head hit the ground. One. Ducking a bit, she dashed towards the second one, and had to wait for a child to run past then shot him in the side.  Surprise was complete as he fell over and rolled away from his attacker, asleep. Two. From hard experience, Zark knew she was within throwing distance of the balcony and the blue wraith reached into her pocket and hurled the smoke grenades at the balcony. The two above had seen something coming and tried to seek cover against what they thought was going to blow them into bits of messy wet flesh. Instead the chemicals reacted with the oxygen and a white cloud billowed about them, concealing their vision.

The Andorian had no time for this as she headed deeper into the rapidly thinning crowd. Number three also never saw the shot that got him, but four had heard it and was turning to face the new threat. He had no idea what was interfering with the plan when his shoulder was knocked back by an orange beam, then another one knocked him out cold. Five and Six realized they had problems on their flank. This was not part of the plan, in fact, none of it was going to how they thought it should. The Castellan's body guards had proven more adept than expected, and the bomb they'd been planning to use was no where in sight. Now something was attacking them from a different direction. So the assailants froze as they tried to decide what to do. Beams came in from the stage and one man yelled as he was struck down by lances of energy. The other one ducked from a near miss and brought his weapon to bear on the strange blue assassin in their midst. Zark sidestepped at the last second and winced as  the yellow beam flew past her and a civilian screamed as a hole was burned into his leg. This shot exacted it's own vengeance when another beam hit the shooter in the head and he fell to the ground like a sack of potatoes.

The Andorian paused for a moment with all six ground level assailants wither dead or incapacitated. She didn't know the situation on the stage, but there were two known baddies she could deal with and her instincts shouted in their direction as she took off towards where she saw them last.

[Lieutenant Commander Herasin | Security Operations | Federation Embassy | Cardassia Prime]

The Bolian crossed his arms in front of his chest and grinned. He'd had his doubts when Chief Foreman's letter had included the details about the little sapphire he was being sent. That beautiful little gem was like an ancient scythe going through wheat as she'd methodically picked her way through the assailants in the crowd. Monitoring the situation, he could see her heading in the direction of the last two attackers in that area and he was about to pass on the information when the Voroth interfered at the worst possible moment when dozen security officers and half a dozen armed medical personnel beaned to the specified location and immediately began looking for orders.  His eyes flicked to Ensign Zark's beacon and it she was almost in contact with the balcony assailants. She was on her own, and Herasin instead began to direct the security team towards the stage.  Eight grim faced, rifle armed people headed in the indicated direction as they shook out into a skirmish line.

[Ensign XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Ens. Zark) | Cardassia Prime]

The Andorian had a little bit of warning that something was coming, but it didn't help as she collided with a Cardassian woman and they both oofed as they hit the ground and both lost their weapons.  Zark acted on instinct and got to her feet as soon as she was free and charged the follower who was trying to bring his weapon to bear.  The Andorian saw this coming and got inside him before he muzzle could track on her and she jumped in mid air and kicked both her feet out at his chest.  There was a crunch as both her boots connected with his ribs and he cried out as his lungs were momentarily rearranged from the rest of his body while Zark fell on her back and jumped up. She war airborne momentarily as she jumped to deliver a round house to the Cardassian man's head that snapped his head to one side and his brain called it quits.

As soon as she landed, the security officer turned to face the Cardassian woman and Zark grunted as her head snapped from a punch to the head.  Another grunt escaped as a punch snapped her head the other way, and a pair punch slammed into her mid section and she doubled over.  A fast rising knee crunched into the blue face and Zark saw stars as she was snapped backwards into a standing position.  The Cardassian woman took a moment to smirk as she threw a punch at the off worlder's bloody head and her world went mad.  Zark had been in far worse beatings and still continued fighting, so despite her apparently dazed state, her mind had numerous options available, and she deflected the punch to the side.  The Andorian yelled as she used the momentum execute a scissors on the woman's neck, then used her body mass to throw her to the ground.  The opponents head bounced off the ground and Zark jumped on top of her then drove her fist into base of her skull smashing her head into the ground and knocking her out.

The Andorian was breathing hard at the beating and exertion and wiped her hand across her face and noticed that is was wet and darker than expected.  Shaking her head at having been hit, Zark made her way to her phaser and bent over to scoop it off the floor before making her way back to the two Cardassians she'd just fought.  The male was starting to stir showing his brain had reset and the security officer checked the setting on her weapon before shooting him and knocking him out.  Turning, she gave the Cardassian woman one final look before stunning her as well.  Sucking in some air and hearing a flutter, Zark looked around to get her bearing before taking off to find Madsen.
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: Ellen Fitz on May 18, 2023, 04:59:54 AM
[Ensign Enyd Isolde Madsen | Cardassia Prime ] Attn: @RyeTanker

With their numbers depleting and little hope for reinforcements to arrive in time, Enyd wasn’t surprised when Javec grabbed the grenade from her grasp, barked orders over his shoulder to his comrades, then threw it. Enyd was then pulled into his arms, head tucked under his chest. Seconds later, they felt the heat of the blast, and as one, they moved—Cardassian and Federation members alike—weapons bared as they rushed from their marginal cover toward the last known exit. They’d made it only a few yards when movement in her peripherals alerted Enyd of a possible attacker. Reaching under her skirt, she grabbed one of her gas canisters, tossing it at the assailant as they first emerged from behind the rubble.

“Move!” She called to those in front, a pair of guards, one Starfleet and one Cardassian, with the Castellan and CDO in the middle, followed by two more guards, and then Javec and herself at the rear.

The gas was not lethal, but it packed a large enough wallop that they’d be vomiting and sneezing uncontrollably for the next five minutes if they didn’t get out of range. The guards up front picked up the pace, though just barely, judging by the acrid scent that still assaulted Enyd’s nostril seconds later, accompanying the retching sounds of the would-be attacker.

“Why don’t you forego the skirt altogether,” Javec grunted at her side, not sparing her a look but keeping his eyes peeled for further attack, “it seems to be slowing you down.”

Under any other circumstances, Enyd would presume he just wanted to see her run around in her underwear and stockings with the dual holsters working double duty, keeping her well-armed and keeping her stockings firmly secured to her thighs. However, she saw merit in his comment and paused long enough to undo the fastenings and wiggle out of the skirt without further preamble. The CDO glanced back just in time to see both the movement and the reason for it, and Enyd caught his gaze just long enough to note the mixture of confusion, appreciation, and concern cross his features before he shook his head and returned his attention forward.

“You’re right,” Enyd resumed her pace at his side, her legs working harder to keep up, “this is much better. Maybe you should try it too.” Unlike Javec’s comment being based on sound logic, Enyd’s was shamelessly based on the desire to see his muscled legs.

Neither of them was left with room to further their verbal or physical repartee. More attacks began, this time from their left flank, sending them behind a series of old crates for cover.
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: RyeTanker on May 21, 2023, 10:30:24 PM
[Ensign XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Ens. Zark) | Cardassia Prime]   Attn: @Ellen Fitz

It wasn't hard to tell where the fighting was going on as the high pitched multi tonal screams of phaser blasts mixed with much more frequent Cardassian disruptors.  As Zark got closer, her hearing began to be able to distinguish the direction the shots were going.  The area was becoming a veritable hellscape as a smattering of Starfleet security fired at targets while they knelt or lay amongst the wreckage next to other Cardassians security forces or military.  Outgoing gold beams of energy fire mixed with outgoing orange pulses of the new phaser rifles, while beams of the traitor weapons spat back their defiance against a situation.  Sparks of energy impacts and small fires burned forcing the living to shy away while they precariously balanced injury and death in the midst of heated battle.  Zark stopped at a pillar corner to assess the situation and she tried to work out how to get to the fire fight to get more intel on the situation.

Someone called out to cover and in less than perfect unison, Starfleet and Cardassian rose and laid down a withering barrage of fire.  While the Voroth's crew had risen closely together, they couldn't lay down fire superiority without their allies and one human screamed as he was hit in the shoulder and tumbled back.  A red headed teal collar ran up and fired his phaser in the direction of the enemy before grabbing the man and dragging into cover. Belatedly, the Cardassians rose up and added their weight of fire to the situation and one yelled for others to rush to the next position.  It was a cold blooded decision, but as soon as Zark saw a pair of of Cardassian break cover to rush, the Andorian took off towards the firing knowing they'd draw the fire away from her avenue of approach.

It worked as the pile of rubble they ran out from was skewered by lances of fire and one of the rushing men stumbled and fell as his leg was blasted from under him.  Zark dashed through the relative safety and slowed down then took a knee as the medic worked on the injured man.  He turned his head in surprise as Zark made her rapid approach and fumbled for his phaser for a moment before realizing he was looking at another Starfleet officer then grimaced as he went back to work patching up the deliriously moaning man.  "Commander Herasin?  I'm at the road block.  What's the situation." Zark asked as soon as she took a knee next to the medic and watched him while he worked to repair the shoulder.  "Not good.  About half a dozen military or police tried to flank around through the alleys to your left, but they ran into a blocking position there and are pinned.  The group your with is also pinned. The bad guys are still fighting towards where the Castellan is, but it's tough slog on all sides.  The ambassador and Castellan are putting up resistance, but look like they're hanging on by their finger nails.  There's chaos on the Cardassian sides chain of command since they're not sure which units are loyal, so no body else is entering the fight for the moment."  Zark grimaced at the assessment.  "The Minister of the Interior has ordered the Voroth not to send down anyone else declaring this a local matter.  The Captain is trying his best to get that overturned, but he's having trouble just getting past the chief of staff now."  Zark groaned at politics getting involved at a time like this as phaser and disruptor fire lashed back and forth in the background. "Sir, shouldn't a direct order from the Castellan summon more help?" "It should, but one of the bodyguards tried to take a shot at Castellan, so their paranoia is high in space right now."

Ensign Zark made her way to the rubble pile and grabbed the man's dropped phaser rifle and got on her belly on the ground.  Taking a moment to lean out the side of cover, she scanned the resistance ahead.  The Andorian took a moment to contemplate the setup while she formed a picture in her mind of the setup.  "Sir, what are those buildings on the left?"  There was a pause. "Mainly more permanent shops.  We've tapped their comms and the flanking party says they're taking fire from the upper floors. it was close quarters so four of them are down that way.  The other two say they're in cover, but it's more like they're cowering.  Can't blame them really.  What do you have in mind?"  Zark thought furiously for a moment and considered asking for permission to kill, but they're was a way around.  "Sir, I'll head through the buildings on the left."  Herasin's reply came back quickly. "Acknowledged.  Good luck."

Zark nodded minutely as she adjusted the scope and made sure it was on maximum stun.  Given her experiences and career route options, Starfleet had seen fit to send her to train with the Starfleet Marines, and they had a much more liberal attitude towards the use of weapons which fit pretty well with the Andorian.  Sighting an enemy position, she waited till he popped his head out and aimed for his lower jaw, then pulled the trigger.  The single bolt screamed out and the max power knockout bolt hit him square in the face and knocked him out cold with not so much as a grunt.  Zark felt bits of debris dig into her clothes as she took cover to see if anyone had spotted her.  Nothing came her way and she leaned out one more time and scanned for another target.  Spotting two, she waited for one to pop out while the other was hiding.  Another single bolt from an expressionless face knocked back another defender.  The other man hid for a moment, stunned at what had happened to the comrade next to him.  Leaning out to see if there was some other force on the battlefield, his head was just a bit too high giving Zark his position.  A pair of eyes peaked out and ate a stun bolt between them knocking him back.

It was impossible to get a complete picture of the battlefield, and Zark scurried back into cover as the area around her exploded in debris and fire as someone saw her shot and suppressed her but couldn't hit her. There was yelling ahead and Zark rolled take take up another position before stopping next to a crewman who also ducked into cover under the fusillade. His face combined equal parts terror and excitement as he hugged his rifle close to him and stared wide eyed at the bloody blue beauty next to him. Zark gave the crewman a smile then lifted her head over her cover. Ducking down to just in case anyway shot in her direction, she took a bated breath then looked over again. Her sniping of the right side had worked as the trapped defenders had thinned themselves to replace the coverage they'd lost.  It was time to play with the heavy artillery and Zark settled herself onto her butt as she pulled out her tricorder and began scanning the area with the cross references with tactical input being provided by Herasin in the security centre.  Taking a moment to mark several locations, the Andorian then closed the tricorder and stowed it.

Patting the crew man and planting a kiss on him, Zark said good luck into his ear and ran towards the shops. It was still a gauntlet of fire, but less than what she would have had to deal with if she hadn't sniped the traitors and caught them in the middle of redeploying. The other shooters were less enthusiastic as the shots that missed the Andorian sizzled past their own heads forcing them to duck, but it did help to expose a few more defenders who were stunned or killed in the process. A shot blew off the building ahead and Zark winced and ducked as she heard a piece of metal flying by but didn't see the whisps of white hair that were separated from her mane.  Slowing to round the corner, she could hear the a different set of disruptors being fired and she turned one of her eyes around the corner.  Sure enough, there was a pair of Cardassian police, more noticeable by their more cloth like over coats cowering behind a street stall and screaming for reinforcements that weren't coming.  Takign aim with the phaser rifle, she measured the distance to where the fire was peppering the police officer's cover. Pulling out the tricorder once more, she marked the spots on the map and decided to use hopefully a technicality quick enough to save everyone.  "Commander Herasin, I'm uploading targeting coordinates.  Contact the Voroth and have them beam phaser grenades and flash bangs to the indicated locations.  I need one grenade pair from target markers one through seven, then two on eight through eleven one meter apart."  There was a pause then "Hold on." came the reply. Zark took the moment to let the flankers know she was here as she aimed around the corner at one man sticking his body out a window to get a better shot.  He never saw the shot coming and Zark nailed him in the chest and he screamed as he fell out to the street below.  There was yelling as the group suddenly wondered what had hit them and another man stuck his head out, only to get knocked back into the room unconscious as he took a bolt to the head.  "Approved.  The Voroth says they need five minutes to prep the grenades."

"Fuck that, cancel targeting on markers 8 through 11, I'm going in."  Zark fast marched into the alley and fired a burst towards the remaining attackers every time her left foot came down.  This carried her to the door where the last group of holdouts was bunkered and she took a moment to give the building an intensive scan to see who was where.  Everyone was located on the upper floor and she hoped that nobody had gear to mess with the tricorder other wise her quad was going to be looking for a new Zhen.  She didn't try to kick the door or blast it open.  Instead, she activated the hack feature on tricorder and pressed herself against the wall, then pressed the admittance button.  There was a whoosh of hydraulics as the door opened and security officer stepped in rifle raised.  Her eyes were wide and breathing intense.  She'd gotten a good layout when she'd made her scan and she could feel something up the stairs ahead of her.  It didn't  help her cause though when her boots thunked against the floor since everyone's senses were wired.  She did have a trick up her sleeve though as she pulled out the flashbang, armed it, counted to three, then tossed it in the general vicinity of the man up top. 

A bright flash and a bang accompanied yelling of a man shouting he couldn't see and Zark charged up the stairs.  She spotted the blinded man and shot him in the chest and ran past his prone form.  Flipping her rifle over she smashed the butt into the face of another man coming out of a room and fell on him as she yelled and drove butt down again breaking bone and skin as she incapacitated him.  Alarms screamed in her head and Zark whirled around as she dropped the rifle and reached for her personal phaser. She was just a fraction too slow and Zark screamed as she felt a hot knife stab her when the third attacker shot her in the chest.  She was already set to depress her own trigger and the nerve command carried through where a stun blast hit the other shooter in the body and he fell over. 

The Andorian lay where she was, whimpering as she raised her head and stared at the smoking hole on her armour while her mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water as she desperately gasped for breath while moaning in pain. "Oh Sprits..." Zark cried out as she pressed the area around the crater and groaned while whimpering, then Herasin's voice cut through the pain.  "Ensign!  Ensign!  Please respond!  Your life signs are fluctuating wildly.  Zark respond!"  Zark coughed but nothing came out, which was a plus since she wasn't bleeding internally, and she struggled to open the mini med kit she'd brought with her.  Her hand pawed at the flap as she struggled with the stabbing heat in her chest, and it finally felt like forever when she gripped the hard alloy device and pressed it into her thigh and injected the pain killer concoction into her.  Her capillaries carried the nerve deadening agents through her body the Andorian's breathing began to settle.  The thrumming hum of grenades going off reminded Zark why she was here and she groaned. "I'm okay." she gritted out though there was a dull yet distant sense of pain that poked at her as she injected herself with a combat stimulant and grabbed the dropped rifle while stumbling to a window to turn her cover fire on the grenade survivors pressing Enyd's position.

Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: Ellen Fitz on May 31, 2023, 11:25:42 AM
[Ensign Enyd Isolde Madsen | Cardassia Prime ] Attn: @RyeTanker

“Hold him down!” Enyd growled as she straddled the struggling Cardassian turncoat.

Javec held the man’s legs while the Castellan secured his arms. The remaining Cardassian guard, loyal to the Castellan and still alive, kept up his rate of fire alongside the remaining Starfleet security personnel, giving them temporary safety for this necessary interrogation. If her CDO had an issue, he kept it to himself, just as he kept his eyes averted, training his gaze on their perimeters as he crouched next to the Castellan. Without a thought for decency or mercy, Enyd grabbed the truth serum from her leg holster and jabbed the hypospray into the man’s neck.

Leaning her forearm against his neck and pressing her weight forward, Enyd hovered over his face as she demanded answers, “Who sent you?”

He prattled off a series of words in his native tongue, a dialect from another continent, coupling the animosity with a spray of spittle in her face. She felt Javec jerk at the man’s legs in response and watched the Castellan frown. She didn’t need to know the language to catch the intent. Leaning more weight on her arm against his windpipe, Enyd repeated her question in standard Cardassi. The man’s eyes were glazing over and the fight in his limbs diminished as the serum took effect. Instead of parsing it out, she’d given him the full treatment and likely they’d have only a few more minutes before he passed out completely.

“ Luske Ontatt.”

Behind her, Javec swore. Her CDO glanced over to the aide, “Who is Ontatt?”

“A war criminal even by Cardassian standards.” The Castellan replied before Javec could, his grip tightening on the drugged turncoat. “I’ve had numerous sets of operatives go missing in pursuit of him. The last we knew of him, he was getting friendly with Jassarac, the Orion leader of a militant sub-faction of the Syndicate. Sometimes they’re officially lauded by the Syndicate and sometimes they’re used as the scapegoats but no matter what, they’re the type to employ if you’re wanting to destabilize a government and ruin chances for reconstruction.” The Castellan looked ready to rip the Cardassian’s head off with his bare hands but, given the audience, he held back, and nodded to Enyd, waiting for her to ask more questions.

“Where is Ontatt?” She had to shake him to get his attention again, “Luske Ontatt, where is he?”

He could no longer focus on anything, his gaze wandering aimlessly as he whispered. “Mador Base.”
While the CDO asked another question of the Castellan or Javec, Enyd pressed on with her own questioning. There wasn’t enough time to go back and forth with explanations.

“Is Jassarac with him?”


 “Who else is with him?” Enyd waved a hand at the men around her to quiet down so she could hear his answer.

“Atha Ono.”

Again she heard Javec swore, her CDO joining in as he also knew of the Bajoran terrorist. Intriguing that three sets of terrorists from three cultures, usually at odds with one another, would join forces to come against the Castellan and the Federation’s efforts to rebuild Cardassia.

“What do they want?” Enyd shook him but the man’s eyes closed, and despite her shaking, the Castellan’s as well, a pitiful snore emitted from his nostrils seconds later. Sighing, Enyd leaned back onto her heels, setting her palms on her bare thighs. “It is almost like a badly written joke, sir,” she directed her attention to her CDO, “A Cardassian war criminal, a militant Orion extremist, and a Bajoran terrorist all gather in Elar.”

“We’ve got to MOVE!’ One of the security personnel called over his shoulder. “They’re pressing our position!”

Rolling off the unconscious Cardassian, Enyd pulled another canister from her leg holster and held it out to the security personnel. At his quizzical look, she smiled. “Plug your nose and toss it. It’s basically another stench grenade. Not going to kill, but it’ll make even the strongest stomachs turn.”

The security personnel did as she indicated as their small group broke cover and beat a hasty retreat toward the entrance to the sewers the Castellan remembered were nearby. He’d grown up in this area, with an apartment a few blocks away, and recalled how these markets had direct access to the grey water sewers. If they could make it there, they might outpace their attackers by going directly under them. Pausing to fire a few shots back toward their pursuers while her CDO hustled the Castellan behind a pillar, Enyd couldn’t help but think they were very unlikely to find out the punch line to the badly written joke they were living.
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: RyeTanker on June 04, 2023, 07:59:36 PM
[Ensign XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Ens. Zark) | Cardassia Prime]   Attn: @Ellen Fitz

Ensign Zark stumbling was a very generous description of what she did as she took two steps then fell Over. The alloy body of the rifle clattered as she dropped it and the Andorian groaned when her face landed in the floor. Precious seconds were wasted as Zark had to let the pain subside while her brain worked to reset itself to something approaching normal operations. The yelling of the advancing Starfleet and Cardassia personnel trickled it's way though to her cerebellum and her eyes focused on the dropped rifle and she grabbed at it while gritting her teeth. At this point, while she was sure she didn't have any internal bleeding, there was good chance her torso exoskeleton had been bruised and any sort of bone injury was painful.

She had people in need and a mission to fulfill though and blue eye lids screwed tight as she worked to harness the pain for her own determination and groaned as she shakily got on all fours. A pair of hands lifted her off the ground and the admiring gaze of the two Cardassian police officers she'd stormed past earlier greeted her. "That was the most amazing thing I've ever seen! I mean the way you ran in and then there was a bang, then shooting..." Ensign Zark couldn't help but grin at the praise, but she really needed to add her skills to the fight. "Officer. I'll sign an autograph later, but just help me get to the window."

The police officer looked slightly flummoxed, but realized he'd been babbling and flushed. "Of course. At once!" and he lifted the Andorian to the window sill while the other one opened the window. The security officer wasn't sure how far she would be able to trust the two officers, but they seemed to be on the same side for the moment. Hopefully nothing would happen, but each passing second gave Zark's body more time to cope with its injury to the point she'd be able to operate normally for a limited duration. Zark pointed at the next window over and the door behind them. "Make sure nobody sneaks up on us while I provide cover." Thee other two nodded and set themselves up as they pulled their pistols and took cover.

Ensign Zark took a moment to pray she'd made the right decision then settled the rifle on the window. Typically she'd hide inside the room as a sniper, but in this case, she judged it better to be seen to relieve any pressure from the Castellan's position. Taking a breath and pulling the rifle into her shoulder, Zark settled her cheek on the butt and laid her other hand over her trigger hand, then peered through the sight. Pressing a few buttons, she adjusted the zoom in the weapon and was dismayed by what she saw. The Castellan, CDO, Javec, Enyd, and one guard were covering while nine or ten uniformed Cardassians pushed towards them. Three or four more were forming a rear guard to hold off the reinforcements making their way from the main thoroughfare and the insurgents were being squeezed. This lent a desperation since their only way out was to get the Castellan.  The Andorian had to make a decision on who to engage.

Taking a deep breath, Zark set her sights on the man furthest in the lead towards the Castellan and gave her body a moment to settle, the applied the most minute pressure to the firing stud and a full power stun bolt slammed into the man's back and knocked him out.  She knew that she should have targeted the lead group from back to front, but they were getting to close and she needed something to check their advance as she shifted slightly and targeted the next man and fired.  Her targets slammed bonelessly against a shop stall and slithered to the ground.  The man next to him was wondering what was going on and looked around for a shooter.  A single bolt hit him in the chest and he fell sitting against the same stall.  Zark walked her fire along the line, and the attackers were so intent on getting to the Castellan that they didn't notice the orange bolts being fired their way. The rear guard had too much to deal with and they were soon overwhelmed and lay comatose on the floor. The insurgents continued to push and try as she might, Zark couldn't get them all as a pair of survivors vaulted over final barricade and the body guard jumped in the way and died as he was hit twice, but he'd done his job as the ambassador ushered the Castellan out of the way and into cover while Javec and Enyd began to struggle with final pair of assassins.

The Andorian tracked unflinching through the scope as the scuffle continued. If those two held out long enough, the team for the Voroth and the local security would be on them. If not, Zark hoped they'd be able to create an opening for her to shoot them.
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: Ellen Fitz on June 22, 2023, 03:44:58 PM
[Ensign Enyd Isolde Madsen | Cardassia Prime ] Attn: @RyeTanker

“Javec!” Enyd tossed her dagger to him just in time for the aide to duck under the incoming attack and stab the weapon into the thin juncture of armor at his shoulder.

The human diplomat didn’t have time to praise his quick reaction or warn him of the counterattack as her assailant renewed his attack. Her early tactic of throwing dusty debris into his face had bought her the seconds necessary to assist Javec but nothing else. Her leg holsters were empty of anything remotely useful against his bludgeoning club. They were both equally motivated to win this fight, however. She, to provide additional support to the fleeing Castellan, who had moments before been unceremoniously shoved through the dark opening of the storm drain system by her CDO. And he, to kill his way through her, Javec, and the CDO to get at the wounded Castellan.

“Hold still,” the larger Cardassian snarled, “and your death will be swift.”

Hearing Javec grunt in the scuffle next to her, Enyd glanced in his direction just long enough to reassure herself that he still lived. But that was all the time her assailant needed to pull back his arm and swing his club hard and heavy at her head. Seeing the movement in her peripheral, Enyd had just enough thought to duck. But her assailant was far more lithe than she gave his stature credit for, and as she ducked, he brought his foot up and jammed it against her chest. Air fled her lungs as her body fell back, head clacking against the remains of a deck, knocking her senses loose.

Her body felt heavy, and her movements were sluggish as she tried to roll to the side to escape the downward arc of the Cardassian’s next attack. The weight of it crashed against her shoulder, and an agonized cry erupted from her throat as she felt her shoulder bone shatter and the joint dislocate under the power of the man’s attack. She continued her rolling scramble, body shaking from pain and exertion. Her back was exposed to her assailant, but she couldn’t will her body to move faster. Determining up from down and left from right was more difficult to discern as her head swam and her shoulder throbbed. Vaguely she felt the grinding cut of debris against her bare knees and calves as she tried to crawl out of harm’s way.

“You die now, human!”

Enyd continued her sluggish crawl, wondering if perhaps his claim was true and death would soon rise up to greet her.
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: RyeTanker on June 26, 2023, 07:33:03 AM
[Ensign XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Ens. Zark) | Cardassia Prime]   Attn: @Ellen Fitz

The blue sniper deliberately worked to keep her breathing shallow as she worked to keep the rifle steady. The digitally magnified image presented as nasty scene as any where hand to hand had broken out in the vicinity of the Castellan. She could clearly see Madsen working to buy herself some time by tossing a hastily grabbed handful of dust at one attacker and it checked his advance for just a moment. If her chest hadn't felt like it was being prodded with needles and nails, she'd have risked the shot, but her eye could make out the slight waver in the reticule and it came perilously close to her charge, so the trigger finger stayed where it was. This was many different kinds of frustrating as the Ambassador pushed the VIP out of the way and into the dubious safety of a storm drain while Madsen tossed something towards Javec and she caught the slight glint of metal as it sailed to his hands. "Oh No!"  The police officer quietly exclaimed. "They're on them!" Ensign Zark could feel the officer turning to her. "Can't you do something??"

Ensign Zark twisted her head slightly to loosen her neck but a hard blue-green eye kept itself focused on the crosshairs and the picture in front of her. "Quiet please."  She told the officer conversationally as she watched the struggle.  Javec appeared to be gaining the upper hand, but Madsen was backing away and the security officer noted something about Madsen's choice of moves that she would have done differently if she were down there. The fight settled and she brought the targeting chevron onto the assassin's back, but he moved as a club smash down on the human's body and Zark grimaced slightly as Enyd expression changed to a scream she could barely make out from where she was.  Zark took a breath and held it as Enyd tried to crawl away and the world slowed as she listened to her own heart beat.  The Cardassian seemed to move slowly as he caught up with the human and flipped her on her back.  There was a subtle shift from her finger, the heart beat, an exhale, one more beat, then the index finger pulled the firing stud.

An orange bolt came screaming at near light speed covering the distance between Zark's rifle and the assassin getting ready to place his foot on Ensign Madsen's broken shoulder to inflict a final indignity on the one that had frustrated his mission to such an immense degree.  But he never got the chance as the orange bolt smashed its way through his armour and penetrated his body.  His lungs and heart were vaporized and his body reached insane temperatures as the energy bled out into him.  Sparks blew out of his back and his chest rippled from the shock.  His eyes widened as his body rapidly failed him and he coughed and as small bit of blood coated his mouth.  Confused eyes stared at the human he'd been about to torture wondering how the situation had changed so quickly, and it was the final thought he had in this life as he fell on his knees, eyes closed, and his head crashed onto the ground beside Madsen's thigh.

Ensign Zark surveyed the scene as Javec pushed the other body off him and rushed to where the human diplomat lay.  All the firing had stopped and an eerie calm settled over the area as the Starfleet and Cardassian security team quickly moved forward, checking the bodies on the ground and applying binders to those they came across.  The Cardassians were noticeably more rough on their prisoners, but Zark didn't care as her body continued to remind her how close her own brush with death had been.

"I think it's over." Zark told the security officers with her.  "I agree, it's over."  "Let's join the others.  You two head out first and I'll bring up the rear." Taking advantage of the martial aura and goodwill, the other two nodded and the Andorian pulled the rifle into a high ready position as she followed them out.  It considerably longer to return to the position where she'd helped the security teams break out and a wave of relief washed over her when she saw several teal collared personnel working on the injured at the makeshift aid station. 

She spotted the red headed medic and while the two security officers moved passed the aid station, Zark elected to stop and gingerly began to sit against a stall as she used her rifle as a crutch to help her sit.  A hiss of pain escaped her clenched teeth as her aching body lowered itself against the wall and just sat there in relief as the medic made his way over and began scanning her as she closed her eyes and let her head rest.  Breathing still hurt and Zark kept her breaths short.  "How are you even moving Ensign?"  Came the final analysis. "I've been through worse."  Zark replied wearily.  "This is bad enough."  The chime of the combadge cut through. "Palmer to Voroth. Can we begin transporting the wounded to the ship?  I have a priority two Human and a priority one Andorian who need surgery."

Uh Oh.  That's not good.  Zark thought to herself as she felt a hiss and her mind started to become soupy while the pain started to go away.  The world was starting to become distant as more chatter went back and forth. "Palmer, stand by.  As soon as security can verify the Castellan is safe, we can begin transport.  Keep em stable."

"Fucking bullshit is what this is.  We got injured who need to go now!"  Palmer vented as his need to save lives crashed into a procedural wall.

Another set of voice cut through. "Hey!  T'Reem!  We need you over here, we got a live one, she looks hurt bad!  Ensign. Hold on!  Help's on the way."

"You're the Ambassador?  That's the Castellan? Cyrus, form a perimeter and let the higher ups know we got the Castellan. He's secure!"

"Ensign Zark, can you hear me?  It's Herasin.  What's going on with her and with Madsen as well?" Wanna respond, but so tired.

As Zark began to pass out, the final thing she heard was the command to energize and the musical chimes of a transporter beam whisking her away to the Voroth's sickbay.
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: Ellen Fitz on July 16, 2023, 12:47:43 PM
[Ensign Enyd Isolde Madsen | Cardassia Prime ] Attn: @RyeTanker

[ The Next Day, Medical Building, Starfleet "Embassy" ]

Enyd knew exactly who she needed to recruit for her hair-brained scheme. Admittedly, she knew it was only a half-baked scheme at the moment, and likely she shouldn’t even be thinking about doing something this drastic while her bones were still healing from the doctor’s magic wand work. The pain meds were out of her system, and technically, she was thinking as clearly as ever. However, her bones literally ached still from how close to death she had come only the day before, and she was uninterested in letting that happen again. To her, to Javec, to the Castellan, and certainly not to Zark. Perhaps her willingness to buck bureaucracy was out of a driven sense of loyalty to her mission—keeping peace with the Cardassian government and ensuring the Castellan was set up strongly to see the planet thrive—alongside an equally driven sense of loyalty to those she considered her closest allies and friends—Javec and now Zark by default for saving her bacon. She refused to stay still while her CDO and other higher-ups handled the paperwork for clearance to Mador Base..

Enyd tossed the chocolate bar bribe to the nurse orderly on duty with a wink and waited until the Betazoid bribe retreated to a plausible deniability distance from the Andorian ensign’s bed. Though the doctor expected a full recovery, she’d been far worse off than Enyd and Javec. That was one reason why she’d been relieved of any hard duties for the next few days, same with Enyd, which meant the planets were aligning in favor of Enyd’s cockamamy scheme. Drawing close to her new friend’s bedside, Enyd hoisted herself onto the edge of it and began drawing lazy circles on the woman’s forearm until she stirred from her slumber.

“A little birdie tells me you are relieved from heavy duty for the next few days. Since I am as well, I was curious if you’d like to join me on a little tour of Elar. We can call it a ‘hurray we survived’ victory tour of the planet if you like, and maybe do some hunting or scavenging for treasures while we are there. It is quite a gathering place, like a melting pot for personalities. When I was thinking about who I’d like to take with me, I couldn’t help but picture you.” Enyd stopped drawing circles on the woman’s blue skin and sobered up from her intentionally vague wordplay. “Thank you for saving my tuckus, by the way. Javec’s too. He’s already out of treatment and back on duty alongside the Castellan, who is also alive and well, thanks much to your tenacious desire to see us alive.” A cough from the corridor alerted Enyd; glancing over her shoulder, she saw the orderly nod their head. It was time. Sighing, Enyd dropped off the edge of the bed and pressed the hand-sized PADD into Zark’s hand, “Take a look at the itinerary. There are a lot of layers to the excursion, so make sure you look through it all. I plan on leaving tonight, around 2200. Taking local transportation from the southside docks.”

Enyd blew a kiss at the Andorian and departed just as a doctor and nurse came into check on Zark. She suspected the woman’s curiosity would be reason enough to get her to the southside docks.
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: RyeTanker on July 20, 2023, 03:48:28 PM
[Caves near Morad | Cardassia Prime] @Ellen Fitz

Javec walked into the scorched and blasted ruins of the cave, grim faced at the destruction the special forces team had wrought.  He quickly strode past military a medical team that was tending to a pair of injured soldiers and a tarp covering the team's sole KIA. Signs of battle were everywhere from the black blast marks on the walls, small fires, and worst of all, the bodies sprawled out in all manners of undignified death. The Castellan's aide found the Ghin commanding the strike team and stood next to him as the man stared at a pair of dead Orions and an older Cardassia.

"Is this them sir?" the SF commander asked.

Javec knelt down and pulled out a tricorder, then cross referenced the faces. One of the Orion's and the Cardassia certainly looked like Ontatt and Jassarac, but a quick scan showed signs of extensive reconstructive surgery. Javec shook his head.

"No, I don't think so. These are probably body doubles. But we'll get the bodies to the coroner's office for a dna scan."

The Ghin frowned and shook his head.

Javec frowned. "It would be nice if the Starfleet vessel was still in orbit."

The Ghin looked at the politician in surprise and Javec smiled back. "We underestimated Starfleet during the war. A people like that doesn't expand as solidly and quickly as they do with out knowing what the problems are ahead of time and having solutions. These are a sophisticated and harder people than we give them credit for."

The Ghin nodded his acceptance but still felt dubious about such a non-militaristic people as he turned to follow the aide out of the cave. On the other hand, at least they were open and honest.

[Ensign XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Ens. Zark) | Cardassia Prime]

[Several days later]

Zark finished zipping up her pants as she stared at the reflection in the mirror.  She sighed and frowned as her hands unconsciously rubbed the spot between her breasts where she’d been shot.  Her mind revisited the moment she had her brush with death again and she felt the urge to smash the mirror, but instead gripped her blouse and balled it in her fist as her lips snarled at the image in her mind’s eye.  The Andorian blinked as she saw her nostrils flaring and chest heaving before shaking her head and commanding her hand to let go then quietly cursed as she realised she’d wrinkled the shirt and turned around to head to the wardrobe and quickly rummaged through to find the clothes presser.  A faint snort of amusement crossed her lips as she took a moment to admonish herself for her trip down that particular black hole, the nasty consequence of being very good at what she did and over a year of fighting the Dominion.  While she looked for the device, her mind mentally wandered to rub her shoulders, back, face, and torso where she’d been battered, bludgeoned, shot, and stabbed over the course of a gruelling year of ground side fighting.  It was fair to say that if Starfleet had decorations for being injured in combat, she’d likely have more than she really cared to think about.

Finding the familiar round alloy device, Zark pulled her mind back to the present and pressed it to the wrinkled area and focused her mind on smoothing out the turquoise sleeveless blouse.  Her mind turned to more pleasant thoughts as she smiled and snorted at the idea of going off to see the city that was being rebuilt with Enyd Madsen.  She’d been in a drug induced haze when she’d been woken up and had some trouble processing what the attache had been saying. When the haze had cleared, she’d looked at the itinerary and giggled at the various venues that Enyd wanted to visit.  It was an extensive list and she wasn’t sure if the human was being overly ambitious for the list was very long.  Any further thoughts about the trip were cut off as a nurse had come over and begun giving her a further examination.  The medical officer had quickly followed to make final pronouncements, then told her to take it easy and she’d be out in a day or so.  Zark had asked about what had happened to Enyd in the meantime, and the medical staff had waxed poetic about her state, but given few specifics aside from the fact she was fine. Though this didn’t entirely assuage the Andorian, and she figured it would have to do as they were insistent that she rest. When the doctor had left, Zark had turned the charm offensive on the hapless nurse to get more information, but she was slightly off her game since she was still recovering, and she quickly learned that the Betazoid had found the prospect enticing, but not with the Zhen in her current state.

Lieutenant Commander Herasin had showed up the next day to debrief her on what had happened and the Ensign had done her best to fill in what she’d seen and done.  There was an admonition to not try so hard and take it easy.  Yes, she was supposed to watch Madsen, but it would work out better if she also tried to keep the wayward diplomat out of trouble as well.  Zark had nodded at this, but short of locking Madsen in a cell, there wasn’t really any hope of curtailing her activities.  Her mind had wandered back to the itinerary after that and she’d hoped this particular outing wouldn’t be something that needed body armour, especially since she’d need a new set after she’d found out the last one had been taken by the Voroth back to Starfleet for routine analysis.  She gathered the engineers would want to know what had gone right with their design.

With her shirt smoothed out and wool gathering done, Zark headed for the door and grabbed her mini back pack that held all the little items that made a trip pleasant.  Stopping by the stand near the door, Zark stuffed her cricket phaser into a pocket, push blade into an ankle scabbard, before bending down to give her modified boots a quick test.  Smiling at a photo of her spouses, she gave each of them a quick kiss, and rushed out the door.  Following a note that had been left on her terminal to meet Enyd at the reception desk, Zark quickly found her charge waiting for her and an eyebrow quirked at the hair arrangement. "Good morning Miss Madsen. Well, I think I’m ready for this little jaunt."  Zark paused as she smiled brightly. "And Thank you for asking me to come with you instead of making me chase you." Zark shrugged away any more thoughts before she began to babble on.  "The itinerary looks great and there’s supposed to be a great hole in the wall near the fish market that I’d really like to check out, then there’s the  fountain park that just got rebuilt..." Zark continued in her excitement before forcing herself to stop.   "Sorry.  You’re the local guide, so where were you thinking of going?" The Andorian asked as the two made their way to the transporter room.
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: Ellen Fitz on August 07, 2023, 04:04:44 PM
[Ensign Enyd Isolde Madsen | Cardassia Prime ] Attn: @RyeTanker

Enyd heard Zark’s greeting as she rolled up the sleeves of her pink pleated button-down blouse. Looking over to the Zhen as the woman approached, Enyd noted the differences in their attire and smiled. Enyd’s mud-brown gaucho pants ended at her calves, though her ankles were well protected by the lace-up knee-high boots she wore on nearly all her non-mission excursions. Her hair had been coiled back into two braided buns, pinned in twin circles at the nape of her neck. In her past adventures, Enyd had come to appreciate the timely use of a hairpin more than once and never ventured off-grid without a dozen or so with her. Her gauchos were also handy in that being so flowing and loose, she could easily hide the two thigh holsters that she, again, stocked with all sorts of what she deemed to be necessary equipment for adventures of the official and especially the non-official type. Long sleeves were also a necessity, at least in Enyd’s opinion, as one never knew when they’d need the extra material for a tourniquet or a gag. But of course, Enyd was trained enough to know that walking around looking like she was prepared for trouble only made trouble come all that much faster, so she opted for the seemingly innocent look, perhaps even juvenile, with how she’d arranged her hair.

“I may not have known you for more than a few hours but considering what we came through together, I rather figured you’d be trailing my bum and then trying to haul me back to headquarters if I dared to leave without you.” Finished with her sleeve-rolling, Enyd paused to reach out and lightly touch Zark’s forearm, “But beyond assuming you’re the type to take your duty deadly serious, with my safety being said duty, I genuinely enjoyed our talk on the way to that bedlam we survived.” Dropping her hand, Enyd gave the Andorian another soft smile before hoisting her pack onto her back. “I think we can hit up that hole in the wall first, now that you mention it. I have a few old friends who frequent the joint I’d like to hit up before we head on out further into the wilds. And, since we’re likely going to get terribly dirty on this venture, how about we stop by the fountain park on the way back? Last I heard, a good number of those fountains are made specifically for people to run through and enjoy.”

Partially leading the way to the transporter room, Enyd suddenly stopped, “Do you have any food allergies I should be aware of? Or any other…quirks that may be either detrimental or providential in a tight spot?” Her cheeks colored pink as she ducked her head and continued on her way again, “I only ask because, as I’m sure you’ve heard from your superiors, I tend to attract a certain type of energy. I didn’t read your personnel file as I thought you’d much rather share what you wanted me to know instead.”
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: RyeTanker on August 17, 2023, 05:58:24 AM
[Ensign XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Ens. Zark) | Cardassia Prime] Attn: @Ellen Fitz

Zark shook her head. "Nothing that I know of.  I usually find food of any sort to be an adventure in itself." The Andorian grinned at a memory of the family that involved some fruits, whipped cream, and no clothes in sight. Shaking her head, Zark grabbed the credit chit and opened a cargo pocket on her pants. Looking at Enyd, Zark shook her head and pouted slightly. "I'm sorry for dressing so drably Enyd.  If it was a world with a better security situation, I usually dress better, but well...."  The statuesque Andorian gestured at violet crop top, a red flannel shirt tied around her waist, a pair of black cargo pants, and to bottom it all out, a pair of calf length leather boots that looked very similar to her duty set, but had been optimised for weight and comfort. "On the other hand, your outfit looks delightful.  Maybe when we have some time, you can help me pick out something similar?"

As was the procedure, the pair signed themselves out with Zark going first and discreetly standing in front of Enyd while she did the same. Smiling as the pair went to the transporter pad, the Caitan transporter Chief gave a fang lined smile."Good to see you two are in good shape.  Madsen, I think that's the worst scare you've given us so far, and dragging our newbie in with you as well." The cat shook his head and tsked before turning to Zark. "You two enjoy your trip and keep an eye out. I'd say something humorously nasty about fate and foreign objects, but I don't want you tying me into a knot for the laughs."

Zark blinked as she thought she heard Enyd sigh or claim it wasn't her fault.  Then again, she could have been imagining it as she became the object of terrified humour.

The Andorian narrowed her eyes before crossing her arms over her chest and giving a theatrically large sniff of disdain. "C'Tarr, I'll have you know that only the most deserving get tied into knots. Is there something that I should know about where a know tying is required."

The Caitan's ears flipped back and forth in amusement. "Hah! I'm not going to say anything that will get me forcefully into your hands. Never!"

The security officer smiled as she leaned forward. "I see. Well, if you all of a sudden find that you start tripping because your shoes are tied together, then you know that I know you did something."

C'Tarr let out a hearty laugh at this. "Our shoes don't have anything to tie together."  He replied smoothly.

Zark simply smiled back. "Not yet. But I have my ways."

"I await your vengeance with trepidation." C'Tarr replied back drily before turning back to his console. "Okay. I have the location of the square locked in.  It says here that they're still working on the area, so some of the fountains aren't done, but the ones that are there are supposed to be quite nice, as are the cafés. Standby to transport."

The Caitan's hands flew over the console then moved to the cycle slider and looked up at Enyd." Remember to turn on your transponder this time Miss Madsen.  Energizing."  He finished before Enyd could get a word out as the musical sound of material transference sounded in the room.

As the pair materialised in a stone and tree covered area, Zark quickly took in her surroundings for any threats and didn't see any.  Someone was yelling loudly near a partially completed statue and someone else was yelling back while gesturing forcefully at something in the ground. "Alright, here we are, so while I could go on and on about the usual, anything specific you’d like to know first?" she asked her travel buddy.
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: Ellen Fitz on August 29, 2023, 02:35:48 PM
[Ensign Enyd Isolde Madsen | Cardassia Prime ] Attn: @RyeTanker

Enyd raised a single eyebrow, tilting her head to the side at Zark’s comment regarding her clothing, “I don’t see anything wrong with your clothing, Zark. We are going on an adventure, not to an evening gala.” Enyd made sure no one was watching before directing Zark’s attention to her left leg as she held it out, toes pointed, and hiked up the gaucho pant-let to show the bottom portion of her hidden-leg strap, as well as the top part of her boot knife. “I just find these pants delightful for hiding things. Certainly not trying to make a fashion statement. But shopping and picking out clothes for each other does sound like a fun time. Maybe intentionally finding things for the other they may not normally wear, to challenge them?” Enyd winked, letting her pant leg fall back in place.

C’Tarr was as snarky as ever when they finally made it to the transporter pad, though Zark dished out as good as he gave, earning further respect and a smile from the diplomat. His last warning, directly at Enyd, earned an eye roll that began on the transport pad and finished as they materialized in the park. Looking around at the park, lower lip sucked in between her teeth, Enyd debated with telling Zark the real reason for coming out here. Should she go ahead and come clean or should she wait until after they were well underway before she let the Andorian know their little excursion had other motives beyond mere enjoyment?

Enyd was lost in thought until Zark's question brought her back. Enyd replied with a smile, "I don't have a particular thing in mind. Not meaning the question to come across as an interrogation.” She adjusted her pack and led the way through the park, pausing here and there to admire some of the more curious designs. “Do you do any type of art?” She gestured to the sculpture directly in front of them, depicting a well-muscled, nude Cardassian male riding one of their equine creatures, reaching down and back for an equally nude and well-muscled Cardassian female.
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: RyeTanker on September 03, 2023, 03:21:10 AM
[Ensign XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Ens. Zark) | Cardassia Prime] Attn: @Ellen Fitz

Zark tossed her head from side to side as she took a good look a the sculpture being put together while the pair approached the work in progress.  It was clear that certain bits of anatomy were missing and from the state of the argument between the two artists, it was clearly over the missing bits.  While a crowd had gathered to see what was going on, several other workers in bright safety clothes looked on in amusement, which seemed to egg on the energetic discussion even further. "Well, there's the usual holo novels, a good thriller, and some movies." The blue skinned woman reached up to brush the tip of her nose as she considered the next point with a trace of hesitation as they got closer. This attracted some curious looks from the gathered crowd and workers, but not much more since the argument between the two artists was much more energetic. "I also play a selection of woodwinds from..."

"It should be like her!" one of the artist's yelled as she cut off Zark's line of discussion and jabbed a long index finger at the Andorian. "The figure being lifted off the ground must represent the motherhood and  bosom of our people on the journey to the future and unknown." The other artists crossed his arms and scoffed loudly while the first one ran up to Zark, and sensing more silliness than danger, was dragged to the centre of the raging discussion. The Andorian bounced along unwillingly like a person who didn't want to be in the conversation but couldn't figure a nice way to get out of what was coming, especially when the first artist started gesturing at her like an museum statue while she stood in a state of shock. "See how the bosom can cradle the future generations..." The other artist made an indignant sound while Zark's cheeks darkened at having her chest so blatantly pointed out and displayed.

"That's proposterous Ziley! No offense madame, but that bosom is an object of gratuitous desire!" The object of desire's blue owner blanched at the insult anyway and crossed her arms over the ample bosom while she worked to step on the urge to kick the other artist in the head. The grinding of her molars was a noticeable vibration inside her skull.

"It is an exaggerated femininity.." He continued.

"Hah! As if you would know anything about femininity Belan!" Ziley retorted.

"More than you do, you churlish hussy!" Belan yelled back before looking around and seeing a young Cardassia woman. "Madam, if you'll forgive me." It was not a question as he dragged the woman into the middle and his hand went up and down. "The platonic definition of feminine grace my dear." Belan declared in a arrogant baritone much to the embarrassment of young woman who was trying to hide her face while working to get away. She was also failing miserably.

"And what about this?" Ziley argued back as she picked up Zark's arm. "Gentle yet powerful....."

"An exaggeration!" Belan haughtily dismissed

"Hey! These exaggerations are all real!" Zark blurted out.

"Hah! See! An example of fiery natural beauty and strength! Not like your excuse for the penile envy you want on the male!" Ziley added to a spluttering Belan while the crowd roared with laughter as the young woman and Zark buried their heads in their hands and hoped someone would intervene to save them from this public spectacle.
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: Ellen Fitz on September 11, 2023, 11:25:56 AM
[Ensign Enyd Isolde Madsen | Cardassia Prime ] Attn: @RyeTanker

Enyd loved art, truly, she did. But she also loved not becoming a diplomatic incident just as much. So, while the crowd gathered around a bewildered Zark, with the argument between the artists Ziley and Belan getting increasingly out of hand, Enyd ducked behind another statue and utilized just one of her numerous doo-hickies in her pack. Recalling her basic Cardassian equivalent of ABC’s, Enyd used the water-soluble chalk to scribble out a quick limerick that spoke of Cardassian artisans and their love of sexual escapades.

“Psst,” Enyd called over a teenage Cardassian boy from the crowd's edge, “How would you like to earn some quick credits?”

Glancing between Enyd and the only other off-worlder present – the buxom Andorian presently on display for all – he quirked his eyebrows but remained silent, though his expression denoted a fellow open to negotiations.

Enyd held out the remainder of her chalk, “Take these and go write something lewd on that stone over there,” she pointed to a raw boulder near their beam-in point, “then grab a few friends and write some other stuff elsewhere in the town? It is water soluble, so it isn’t permanent.” Enyd reached into her pack and pulled out a small purse filled with credits. “You can look inside before you decide. Undoubtedly, you’ll get caught and get in trouble, but you’ll have credits and a reputation to use as fodder when needed.”

It took the boy only a few moments of studious perusal of the purse before he took both purse and chalk. Tossing her a cheeky grin, the boy muttered, “I’d have done it for free,” before running off to do as she’d bid him.

Enyd rolled her eyes, finding him endearingly twerpish, and waited a few more seconds before she rounded the statue she’d been hiding behind and found the artists all but groping Zark with the crowd pressing closer, eager to see the great reveal of globulous bloobs they felt was inevitable. Enyd caught Zark’s frantic gaze and shot her a thumbs up while she counted down from twenty in her head.

Reaching zero, Enyd let out a curse, loud and lewd, catching everyone’s attention, “No one appreciates art anymore! Look!” She stepped back and frantically gestured to the graffitied statue. “I don’t even know what it says, but certainly, it isn’t supposed to be here!”

Ziley pushed past Belan and growled, “What ingrate –“

“There!” A helpful woman pointed toward the Cardassian boy who just finished writing another poem dedicated to cocks and sucking on the boulder. “It’s him!”

Enyd slipped through the crowd in the ensuing furor, grabbed Zark’s wrist, and yanked the Andorian to her side while weaving through the garden in the opposite direction.

“The twit will sell us out immediately once he’s caught. Let’s get out of here!”
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: RyeTanker on September 17, 2023, 07:13:51 AM
[Ensign XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Ens. Zark) | Cardassia Prime] Attn: @Ellen Fitz

While it wasn't the most desperate intervention she'd had, it was certainly one of the most happily well timed ones as Zark felt the urge to tell both bickering artists to shut the hell up and leave her alone before she would have engaged in a diplomatic incident by grabbing the two stubborn sculptors and cracking their heads together.  Possibly multiple times.  As the intensity rose, the Andorian now regretted her earlier outburst seemed to have only added additional hydrogen to the fire as the two had traded insults back and forth as they attempted to out do each other in graphic detail. 

Enyd's outburst stopped the argument in its tracks and set the artists spluttering at the defilement of their work.  Zark had no idea what was going on, but smiled happily at being pulled out of the situation when the human pulled on her to get going so they could make a run for it. "We either look like we're taking advantage of circumstances, or we're guilty as hell."  the Andorian commented before giving in to impulse and grabbing the young woman's arm and dragging her along. "We gotta go or they'll grill you for what ever just happened."

The woman simply nodded and took off with her dress swirling underneath her as the three suspected fugitives made a run for it. As they bolted down the street, Zark felt a tug on her arm and the woman gestured down a road. "Let's go this way, I know a place we can hide." Seeing no better options, Zark ran to catch up to Enyd and yanked her back so they could follow their new local guide. Where she was going, was hard to say since she seemed to feel it was necessary to run down several alley ways that were mostly clear. Mostly being in the sense that it was necessary to the Andorian to vault or jump over some crates, furniture, or some other detritus. A yell of "They went that way could be heard receding in the back ground and people began running after them for an known reason.  "Yep, guilty as hell!" Zark yelled to Enyd as the trio bolted.

The obstacles proved a blessing and curse to all as one of the pursuers misjudged his ability to jump over a crate and face planted into the ground. The person following was expecting solid ground, not a squishy body, so his landing was more of a sideways slide that caused a massive pileup as other followers tried to stop or ended up falling themselves. The fugitives didn't have much easier. When turning a corner, Zark nearly toppled herself over a table, but this was where her training and reflexes came into play when she jumped and rolled over the table in good order, and landing on her feet. Taking a moment to make sure Enyd was still mobile, Zark grabbed Enyd's arm and took off, practically dragging the diplomat along as the yelling receded though it seemed to be replaced by much cursing.

Zark ran where her senses guided her.  She could never really explain it, but she pretty much knew where to go.  She knew it was related to how her brain was connected to her antennae, but beyond that, there wasn't any other additional information.  On the other hand, she'd learned to follow those 'instincts' and they led her through various alleys where she would gather a glimpse of a boot, or a skirt just as it disappeared around the corner.  When Zark rounded the final corner to an open street, she looked one way then the other and saw the young woman waving at her as she pointed at a building.  Deciding there wasn't anything else to be done, she followed the instructions and entered a poorly lit room surrounded by various sacks.  It was then that the smell assailed her nostrils and her whole face crinkled as she coughed and put a finger under her nose.  "What in the damned spirits is that smell?  Never mind that, what spirits are you making?"

"What are you talking about?  We just store grains here."  The young woman replied.

Zark waved a hand in front of her face in a futile attempt to clear the air. "Hun.  Grains make high proof alcohol and I'm surprised the place hasn't torched itself yet.  You took us to a distillery?"

"I just help bring food for the workers.  I don't know anything about what they make here."  The woman answered nervously as she gripped the loaves of bread in her bag.

"Why are you so nervous?  Is making alcohol illegal?"  Zark asked suddenly suspicious.

"It is the way we're doing it here, but out of all this chaos, there's opportunities for fortunes to be made."  A rail thin Cardassian man answered from a platform.  Zark cocked an eyebrow a dozen men filed in after him.  Some had their hands shoved into their pockets.  A few had various tools in their hands including a couple with oversized wrenches.  A sight quite intimidating.

"I'd make an introduction, but I don't know where you sit yet. So tell me, why are you here?"  The thin man asked.

Zark would have groaned at their circumstances, but she wasn't sure if they were facing people who were truly hostile, or just very suspicious.  Turning to Enyd, she had to ask the question that had been brewing in her head since she'd looked at her personnel file. "Enyd, is this sort of thing normal?"
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: Ellen Fitz on September 19, 2023, 10:30:18 AM
[Ensign Enyd Isolde Madsen | Cardassia Prime ] Attn: @RyeTanker

Well, all things considered, at least they were moving in the general direction Enyd wanted them to move. There was still a part of Enyd’s mind that felt guilty for dragging Zark out on this farcical excuse of a fun outing. The poor woman still thought they were mere tourists floating on the wind of chaos. Enyd had a clear goal in mind, and obstacles were just necessary steps to reach her destination.  It shouldn’t have to be a personal mission, but the higher-ups were too busy dotting their i’s and crossing their t’s to get actual work done. And Enyd didn’t want anyone else to die because of the paperwork required to balance the weight of a bureaucracy being rebuilt.

This new development, for example, as seen in the dozen rough at more than the edges Cardassian men arcing out from the narrow-built Cardassian was analyzed as a mere inconvenience to the diplomat. A far cry from an emergency. Zark, being a member of law enforcement within Starfleet, was more surprised by the new development and was looking to Enyd for direction on how to respond. The woman who’d led them there, by design or instinct yet to be determined, looked more than a little grey at the gills now that they seemed to be in a stand-off.

Choosing to answer Zark by way of answering the tall Cardassian, Enyd smiled, “I sit in the corner of I’m not here to stop anything or report anything. We had a little run-in with a few belligerent artists back at the stature park and this beauty,” Enyd winked at the young Cardassian woman before continuing, “helped us get away. We never intended to come here, but now that we’re here,” Enyd used her chin to point toward the closest vat, “is that from Nokar or Drav?”

The Cardassians didn’t look any less suspicious, but the one who’d spoken first gave a non-committal shrug, “What’s it to you where it’s from?”

“I have contacts with a grain supplier in Nokar. Gives decent prices for one-time purchases but great discounts for regulars. Very discrete. If I’m not mistaken, the best spirits are made from the grains of Nokar and Drav.”

The Cardassian man snorted, “Some might argue that. The grain in Elar is sweeter, more sugar to ferment.”

Enyd mimicked his snort and shook her head, “Ah, but Elar grain is worth more because of that, and all the merchants exporting from that region are playing nice with the government, dedicating their supplies to feeding the people instead of sparing any for the spirits. Last I checked, you could get three bushels of Nokar and two bushels of Drav for the price of half an ounce of Elar grain.” It was Enyd’s turn to give a non-committal shrug. “Not my place to tell an expert what he should spend his credits on.”

The Cardassian man looked over his shoulder at one of his comrades before he gave a curt nod, and a smaller, stouter man armed with a PADD stepped closer. Taking the PADD, the Cardassian man closed the distance between them, handing it to Enyd.

“Note your contact. It won’t be difficult to determine if they’re a plant from the government.”

Enyd’s smile was just as wolfish as any native at his remark. “I’d certainly be an idiot to walk in here, show you my face and my associate’s, and feed you wrong information.” She paused long enough to write down the contact, then returned the device. “There aren’t many humans and Andorians on this planet, and given the times, it is very easy for people to disappear.”

The Cardassian snorted, the hint of a genuine smile tugging at the corners of his lips but failing to make a complete appearance. He looked next to their temporary guide and jerked his chin, motioning for her to take the food toward the back of the complex. The woman blushed and nodded, giving Zark and Enyd one last look of almost apology before disappearing in the shadows.

“You best forget how you found your way here on your way out again.”

With that, the man and his fellows melted back among the inner workings of the makeshift distillery. Enyd wasn’t stupid enough to presume they weren’t still being watched or that there weren’t at least two snipers with their sights on each of their forms. Tugging at Zark’s elbow, Enyd walked backward a few steps until they were outside the door before turning and hurrying away from the building. Considering all the alleys they'd twisted down, it wouldn’t be difficult to forget in truth.

Enyd spoke loudly as they continued on their way, in case they were being temporarily tailed, “Hungry? I think I see a tavern up ahead.”
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: RyeTanker on September 27, 2023, 05:32:52 AM
[Ensign XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Ens. Zark) | Cardassia Prime] Attn: @Ellen Fitz

While Enyd negotiated their way out of the tense situation, Zark stood by, bent her knees a bit and folded her hands in front of her.  To the casual observer, she looked like she was casually settling into for the  discussion.  To anyone who knew martial arts, she was in a ready position to cause a raucous if need be. Still, the Andorian listened with her ears while her eyes swept the crowd of moonshiners.  Alcohol really was a lucrative business and on a war ravaged world, it was one of the joys that helped take the edge off the drudgery and misery of rebuilding.

As Zark listened though, she mentally took notes on some of the cereal grains being used to make the spirits and Enyd's notes on them.  If nothing else, it would be good to keep an eye out for them since anything that was used to make spirits, could also be used for bread, noodles, and the like.  This meant there were other alternatives available, of the munchable variety.  On the other hand as she thought about what the diplomat was negotiating, the security officer in her began to wonder what sort of connections the human had established in her time on planet and to what purpose.  This was filed away as Enyd used their open faced logic to explain they really weren't a government sting operation and the two would be easy to track down.  Zark felt the temptation to pull on the diplomats ear to stop giving them ideas and make her job harder; but it seemed to all turn out well as the spirit makers and Enyd came to an agreement.

As the group left, Zark felt herself relax and she took a moment to stretch out her neck and shoulders. Lifting her arms above her head, Zark turned to Enyd and smiled when asked if she was hungry.  "I don't think I'm that hungry at the moment." To which a gurgle could be heard emanating from her mid section that gave lie to that statement.  The hands came down and covered the rebellious stomach at which Zark looked down and glared at her own innards. "Or maybe I am and the black hole in me has decided otherwise.  Never really had a chance to try Cardassian food, so that sounds good."

Following Enyd to the Tavern, Zark immediately noted the metal construction of the place.  It was a lot like the stories she heard from people who'd spent time on Deep Space Nine. It was a contrasting combination of dark materials, oddly coloured dark pastel floors, and really bright white lights.   It must have had something to do with how Cardassian eyes worked since it looked like there was a lot of clashing.  On the other hand, Zark did prefer her blue tones, even in the other colours, so she didn't bother to comment on her preferences. Upon sitting down, Zark did a quick check of their surroundings, keeping sight lines, exits, and measuring the other people in the establishment.  She unconsciously filed away an escape plan in case they had to make a run for it again as she settled down.

A older gentlemen in a robe tunic came by the door quickly and with dignity.  Business was business after all and he didn't have a lot of it before the lunch rush. "Welcome, welcome ladies! It's a wonderful day."  He greeted warmly.  It didn't matter that the two women weren't Cardassians, in fact, it might make his place more appealing two have a couple of noticeable exotic beauties in his restaurant.  Leading the pair to a table near the window, he pulled the chairs out for the two then dropped a couple of menus on the table.  "Propayl's is the word in comfort fare, and you're in luck, the catch this morning was generous so we have a seafood stew with fresh Tefla Broth, and a wonderful pillowy, airy with a great blend of flour from Nokar and Elar."  Zark arched an eyebrow at this and gave a bemused smile as she shook her in acceptance and pulled a small PADD that she used to take a moment to scan and translate the menu before continuing to read.  "I certainly can't argue with that." Propayl nodded delightedly as he took the order down while Zark continued scanning the menu.  "Excellent! Can I get you anything else?"  Zark paused for a moment as she looked down the menu. "Uhmmm, can I also get a Larish pie, a serving of Tuli, uhhh, gotta have the meat roll. some canka nuts."  Propayl's face widened in astonishment as the lithe blue woman rattled off more food than he thought she could eat, but quickly turned back as Zark finally finished with a pot of Ocealeaf Tea and K'Hava Wine. "Ahem, errr, I see, yes. Sounds good." He replied trying to recover before turning to Enyd and getting her order.

When the shocked proprietor left, Zark took a moment to plant her head on her hand as she leaned on the table to admire the view.  Having taken her moment, she turned back to her charge.  "That was certainly an energetic morning.  Not just one potential disaster, but two!"  Smiling, the Andorian crossed her arms on the table and leaned in towards Enyd.  "Thank you for digging me out of that little exposition in the park.  If I'm being showcased like that, I usually prefer it to be in private.  And that negotiation at the distillery was pretty smooth, and I can say that since we didn't have to fight our way out."  The security officer took a moment to tap her chin. "How did you find that sort of information?  Was it part of a previous negotiation somewhere?"
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: Ellen Fitz on October 07, 2023, 05:57:43 PM
[Ensign Enyd Isolde Madsen | Cardassia Prime ] Attn: @RyeTanker

Enyd held a similar expression of amused awe at the lengthy list of dishes Zark ordered. While they weren’t close enough, for Enyd to presume she could just eat off of Zark’s plates any items the Zhen couldn’t finish on her own, she had a building suspicion that, given enough time, they would be that close. When Propayl turned his attention to Enyd, looking almost afraid of what she might order, Enyd calmed his nerves by sticking to a simple soup and bread dish popular in this area, accompanied with a Cardassian mead likewise popular in the region.

Once he was out of earshot, Zark turned the conversation back to their almost scuffle only minutes before. Zark’s department tended to attract a certain theme within its ranks, and while it didn’t seem, so far, that Zark would hand Enyd over to the higher-ups for violating a protocol here or there for the sake of accomplishing a mission, there was always the risk of putting Zark in a difficult position. Did she cough up the information when pressed into a corner and sell Enyd out, or did she remain loyal to Enyd and risk her own career? Not wanting to put the Zhen in that position, Enyd decided on simple and vague terms with generalized summaries.

“You may be surprised to hear me say this but,” Enyd leaned forward to speak conspiratorially, “I don’t always do things by the book.”

She eagerly nodded her head, giving Zark a feigned look of seriousness, even going so far as to press a single digit against her mouth. Propayl returned with their drinks and the first round of food, giving Enyd further time to figure out what she could share without damaging Zark or Enyd’s contacts. With the proprietor away again, to fetch more food for Zark mostly, Enyd continued.

“When I first got here, one of the higher-ups in the department didn’t like me. Surprise, surprise.” Enyd winked, pausing to take a quick sip of the mead, savoring it on her tongue, then continued. “I was given the ‘impossible’ missions in the hopes that after so many failures, I’d either be busted down in rank or assigned to a different planet or, actually, I don’t even know what her reasons were other than she nursed a grudge for the time I had an…interlude with her boyfriend back at officer’s training school.” Enyd held up a hand to stay Zark’s words before they could bubble out. “I didn’t know they were dating, he didn’t tell me, and once I found out, I may or may not have let a few Nausicaan friends of mine know which bar he liked to hang out with his buddies.”

The second round of food arrived, and seeing that their table would be overcrowded with the next round, Propayl hoisted out a smaller side table to angle alongside their current one, shaking his head as he walked back to the kitchen.

“In any case, I admired Admiral Kirk’s take on problem-solving, you know, ‘there’s no such thing as a no-win scenario,’ you just have to change the odds or change the nature of the game?” Enyd shrugged, pausing to take a lengthy sip from her soup. “Needless to say, I’m still here, that higher ranking…female is no longer here, and those ‘impossible’ missions have since been filed under ‘complete with satisfactory results.’” Enyd suddenly stopped, nodding towards the two empty dishes Zark had already powered through, “Did you taste those or just inhale?”
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: RyeTanker on October 12, 2023, 05:53:19 AM
[Ensign XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Ens. Zark) | Cardassia Prime] Attn: @Ellen Fitz

If Zark had been brought onto the planet as just another Security officer, she likely would have started prodding Enyd for more details as to what had happened with the previous senior diplomat.  Taking a moment to pour a glass of pale K'Hava Wine, she took a sip and settled in to listen. If she had chosen to, she could have also started a gently interrogation to get more than the dossier would have provided.  Enyd stuck generally to the facts while admitting her own basic personality.  What was a surprise was the attache had gotten herself into a sordid love triangle.  Given the peculiarities of the locale of Andoria Zark was from, she found the idea of a sordid affair more hilarious and her eyes lit up with unbridled amusement as she flashed white teeth in a wide smile.  She was about to ask a scurrilous question, but Enyd stopped her and she let it sit as more details came out.  Zark did slightly splutter her drink when it turned out the boyfriend had been looking for some extra curricular activities outside his relationship and it was good thing she'd already swallowed when the human had let drop that she was on friendly terms with some Nausicans and they'd had an 'emphatic discussion' with the boyfriend.  This had set the Andorian to laughing and it was a good sound to hear. Propayl  at least enjoyed it as he smiled, though he still looked slightly boggle eyed when he saw a couple of empty dishes in front of the blue one and shook his head before grabbing a towel to clean off some glasses.  This activity ended quickly when a few more people showed up wondering what the sound of laughter was and he greeted them warmly like family.  It worked since the newcomers took seats while giving a surreptitious first glance at the Human and Andorian in the restaurant.

At Enyd's question, Zark looked down to see that the Tuli and the canka nuts were indeed gone and she looked up blankly to focus on her mouth for a moment before giving a goofy grin.  "What can I say?  The food was just that good that I had to devour it.  In faaaact, I think we should keep more of the canka nuts around as snacks."  Propayl timing was impeccable as he was bringing the stew, pie, and meat rolls over. "And we would be very happy to bring those nuts over." Bringing his index finger to his thumb in a recognizable symbol of delicious he continued. "We do switch up the seasoning on the nuts to match the seasons, so we're going to be using Hetera herbs, it's going to be absolutely delicious!"  He was too earnest for Zark to not say no, so she tried to delay instead as she gave him a brilliant smile. "That sounds delicious and I'll be sure to bring it up." If he was non-plussed at being deflected, Propayl gave no sign as he smiled and dropped off Enyd's soup. 

Zark was about to say something regarding Enyd's previous superior but first scooped out some of the stew and placed the spoon in her mouth.  There really wasn't anything quite like it, and for a people that drank fish juice in the morning, it was understandable that they had a masters touch with seafood.  Remembering the jibe that Enyd had made over her ability to vacuum food, the incorrigibly inappropriate side of the Zhen came out as she closed her eyes and planted her hands on the table.  "Mmmmmm, Mhmmmmmmm!" she moaned loudly much to the astonishment of the rest of the patrons.  "Oh Yes!  Spirits!  Ohhhhh! Yeeeesssss!!!!" Having heard herself orgasm often enough, she began yelling in divine ecstasy, or a reasonable facsimile as her feet stamped the floor before pushing herself back into her chair and slumping down.  Breathing heavily, she ran a hand through her white hair and opened her eyes, smiling as she leaned back and sighing.

The shocked patrons sat there wondering what had just happened, but the only conclusion was that the intense experience must have had something to do with the admittedly delicious smelling stew.  Even from where Zark was sitting, she could hear one patron say. "I'll have whatever she's having." Zark gave the tavern staff some time as she lay on the chair like a photo shoot and continued breathing deeply before deciding that was enough time for the orders to be taken.  With that little bit of theatre taken care of, Zark brought herself back to a proper sitting position and casually picked up a meat roll, then arched an eyebrow at her table mate.  "Would you like some?" she asked as her free hand angled the stew and one eye winked.
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: Ellen Fitz on October 13, 2023, 10:47:11 AM
[Ensign Enyd Isolde Madsen | Cardassia Prime ] Attn: @RyeTanker

Enyd got almost as many curious looks as did the outlandishly performing Zhen. She merely smiled and waved in response, continuing to sip at her drink as if it were perfectly normal for Zark to react like this, and if by “this” means exaggerated and shameless, well then perhaps it was normal. Given their brief acquaintance, Enyd was forming the opinion that Zark cared no f’s for public opinion and set out to live life fully and without reservation. Admirable endeavor if it was what she was motivated by, and even if it wasn’t, Enyd was content to let her new friend get the…pleasure out of her system.

“I think I’ll stick with my order,” Enyd laughed at Zark’s offer, disappointing more than a few of the patrons who seemed keen on a further performance from the human, “I’ve never had a robust appetite much to my grandmother’s dismay. Growing up on a ranch and half-raised by the ranch hands, you’d think I’d try out-eat them. But, no, always ate like a bird, she complained.” As if to punctuate her sentence, Enyd popped a seed cluster of one of their dishes into her mouth and gave Zark a humming smile as she savored the taste.

“So, Zark, how did you meet your quad-mates?” Enyd asked after another round of food was delivered and Enyd happily tucked into her meal.
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: RyeTanker on October 23, 2023, 06:28:59 AM
[Ensign XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Ens. Zark) | Cardassia Prime] Attn: @Ellen Fitz

Zark pouted as her performance hadn't elicited any play along from Enyd.  It told her quite about the human, though she did give a nod of approval for keeping her calm in the face of the truly unexpected.   The well manicured eyebrows did bob happily at this though and she shrugged the rest of the event away.  Taking a quick look around the tavern, the security officer noticed several people were quietly hushing to each other while furtively casting glances in their direction.  To a few she dipped her head and winked, which caused them to quickly turn around and find their table a case for serious study.  One man who had come in and had clearly been watching with great interest, she narrowed her eyes suggestively and gave a duck face while waving her finger in admonition.  This confusing set of signals seemed to startle the man as he jolted and he was about to indicate himself when Propayl stopped in front of him and gave an enthusiastic greeting. "Well my friend, you saw how much the Andorian enjoyed the stew, so what say you? Ready to have your senses tantalized the way she did?"

Zark appreciated the interference and gave her attention back to Enyd as she took a much more normal bite.  Her chewing slowed slightly as she had to dig up the information in her head.  Not wanting the delicious food to go to waste, or be rude about eating and talking at the same time, she scooped a few more bites and watched as the phlegmatic diplomat did the same. "How did I get my quad?" she started and her eyes turned dreamy for a moment as the spoon hung from her mouth, then cleared her throat as she pulled the spoon out. "Where to begin?  Let's see.  Somewhere in the mists of time when the the great sky blizzard met the eternal tempest, the seas and the mountains decided they had to see this union, but they were enraptured and became part of a spiritual combining that carries forward to this day." Zark sniggered at this for a moment, then looked at the wine and realized she'd drunk a bit more a bit quicker than she thought.  Pouring a glass of tea, she took a sip while smiling apologetically.

"Sorry, couldn't help myself, but the short answer is that every Andorian gets a blood sample taken when their born and has their names recorded in the fertility database." Zark shrugged. "No sense in calling it anything else since that's what it's used for. Anyway.  We all get our DNA plugged into a computer and then when we reach somewhere around 14, we get told who our bond mates are going to be." Zark shrugged as it was a fairly standard and straightforward process that everyone did.  Not seeing a reason to stop with the Q&A, she ploughed on. "There's different scales on how well the quads work together.  Some see it as nothing more than a genetic pairing, so they'll go through the motions and produce children. Others."  Zark paused for just a moment as she smiled and danced in her seat for a second. "Luck out and enjoy it to the fullest."

The Andorian stopped to grab a drink of tea the leaned in like she was letting Enyd in on a secret. "The Andorian central government likes to pretend the systems works really well, but we don't know all the genetic markers that make some quads work better than others."  Another sip and a few more bites followed.  "It's not a bad system for the most part, but if we weren't suck sticks in the mud, we'd probably get more done on the population front."  The spoon got stuck between blue lips once again and bounced. "On the other hand, I don't think the higher ups would be happy with us changing our image from sturdy stalwart defenders to hedonists that would give Risa a run for their latinum."  Zark paused for another moment and saw her bowl was empty then looked around and her eyes lit up.  "Ooh. Pie!"  Taking a moment to turn the wedge towards Enyd, she tilted the plate "Would you like some?"
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: Ellen Fitz on October 27, 2023, 12:06:36 PM
[Ensign Enyd Isolde Madsen | Cardassia Prime ] Attn: @RyeTanker

“Thank you,” Enyd extended a plate the proprietor had given them for sharing purposes and waited until she had a generous helping before she spoke again, “I actually had a massive crush on one of our Andorian instructors during our cold weather survival training conducted on Andoria. The man’s voice was pure honey, and I swear he could stare a woman into a climax.” She took a bite and stopped long enough to emit her own milder version of the moan of pleasure that Zark had done before. “This is quite good.” Washing down her next bite with some of her drink, Enyd sighed, “I never did anything with the instructor aside from fantasies. I felt there was a barrier we shouldn’t cross during the training process, and then I didn’t quite understand the notion of quads and relationships either. I thought it would be enticing him to cheat on his spouses if I ever said something. Another friend, Andorian, told me that while some quads may view extracurricular mating in that way, most, because of what you just explained, would not.”

She allowed a long enough pause in the conversation to finish off the pie as well as the soup she’d received.

“I think I have a type now that I look back. Strong build, though not necessarily muscular or tall, just strong enough to carry me, I suppose. Good eye contact skills, deep voice, well-spoken.” Enyd sighed, going dreamy-eyed for a moment as she recalled in quick order all the men she’d crushed on over the years. “A large number had facial hair but not all so I guess that’s just a plus.” Giving another hearty sigh, she had to shake herself to look back to Zark. “What are your favorite qualities among your quad? Or, if I may be so bold, your other chosen…participants?
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: RyeTanker on November 06, 2023, 06:03:33 AM
[Ensign XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Ens. Zark) | Cardassia Prime] Attn: @Ellen Fitz

Zark did smile indulgently when Enyd pointed out the practical difference between the official stance on extra-marital relationships versus the reality and decided to elaborate a bit while Enyd finished off her food. "To be fair, I don't think the proportion of quads that do have sex outside the established relationship is the majority, but we're a very significant minority.  I think it's Irinari where it's the de facto rule since we're so far near the polar ice cap, we can't really afford precipitous population drops, so everyone has to do their bit."  Zark took a thin scoop of pie and ate it before continuing.  "I know for a fact that my quad has helped seven or eight others have children, so all the merrier for us." The Andorian smiled.  "I'd like to say that my wife is the one whose doing most of the contributing since she enjoys sex the most.  I'd put money down though that it's Ryn though. He was a bit of a xeno prude, but his sperm have always been strong."

The shapely Andorian gullet was still merrily bouncing her spoon in her mouth to get the last essence of the pie while she listened to Enyd discuss a very dreamy sounding 'male' Andorian that she'd had during her introduction to cold weather.  She did briefly consider if he'd like to have a roll in the snow bank as it were since he did sound much like her Thaan, Shrav.  This comparison did bring up a couple of memories that set her back to dreamily staring, mainly snuggled on a chalet balcony, a couple cups of hot tea, and a spectacular view of the mountains and forests.  There was also the fact that his strong solid hands had been roaming quite a bit, but there was no need to mention that. 

When Enyd asked about her preferred traits, she had to stop and think about it for a moment and realized she was going to spill about Shrav anyway.  "Well, let's see. My Thaan, Shrav, his hands are just amazing.  Gotta have good strong ones as a vet for the farms in the district, but his touch is just so delicate at the same time.  Probably the kindest soul I know."  Her dreamy smile stayed on before it turned to a smirk. "Ryn.  He's got a fantastic mind.  I think he should have been a university professor, but he loves the uncomplicated delight children have, and that smile when he talks about the kids...."  The Zhen trailed off for a moment before her eyes turned mischievous. "I called him the xeno prude since he was okay with the idea of mating outside the quad, but he wasn't too enthused about bringing in non-Andorian's.  That was until my friend from Risa came over and broke him of that notion.  As far as I can tell, she had all the hedonistic values of a Risian, and a first class science brain to go with it.  The way she used her tongue and fingers was well, that's not genial to the discussion.  Where was I?  Right, then there's Ryzit, my insatiable wife."

Zark took a moment to look out the window as her mind's eye carried her off down memory lane for a moment and she sighed contentedly then turned back to her human companion. "She's the one that's the most in tune with all of us. I guess it makes sense since she'd a cop, and a good one.  She's very good at reading all of us and the dynamics of a situation."  The Andorian sighed and ran her hand through her hair and took a sip of tea.  "I think it's the need to be so hard at times that makes it hard on her being so empathic, that need to separate out her emotions while using her ability to read people at the same time.  Manifests itself in a neediness and generosity at home." Zark tapped her spoon for a moment. "I guess the simplest way to describe how I decide if someone is going to be a participant is if they have a good heart and a bit of spice to them."
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: Ellen Fitz on December 19, 2023, 08:05:04 AM
[ Ensign Enyd Isolde Madsen | Cardassia Prime ] Attn: @RyeTanker

Now that all their food had been delivered and Zark was to a sufficiently distracted and appetite-related satiation level, Enyd felt it was a perfectly acceptable time to tell the poor woman the real reason for their excursion. They were so far into it that Zark couldn't back out if she felt it pertinent to do so, but likewise, they weren't so far into it that they couldn't regroup and get better intel than what Enyd was operating on -- which, by now, was at least ten hours old.

"Speaking of geographical deviations," Enyd swirled the contents of her glass as she spoke, "About three hours northeast from here is an old military base, long abandoned. Rumor has it that it's overgrown now with some spectacular flowering vines whose sap can be used for healing purposes, and the nectar from the flowers have been a known aphrodisiac for centuries. I thought we could go explore the area first, once we finish with our food."

She was vaguely curious if Zark remembered the conversation with the Castellan and Javec or if the recovery time from her excessive trauma had somehow knocked it from her short-term memory.

"It is also the last known location of a certain Cardassian war criminal and his Orion and Bajoran associates. I thought we could do the official channels a favor by unofficially checking it out, ascertaining how recently the area may have been vacated, if it had ever been used, or, perhaps, see if anyone was still knocking about who should technically be behind bars." Enyd's gaze darted from the Andorian's face to the food laden table and back again. "Once we finished eating and getting our strength up, of course."
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: RyeTanker on December 31, 2023, 02:46:31 PM
[Ensign XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Ens. Zark) | Cardassia Prime] Attn: @Ellen Fitz

Zark did have the drama to fall on her face as she looked on incredulously at what the junior diplomat was proposing. Long abandoned military bases? Aphrodisiac flowers? Cardassian have that kind of thing?   The Zhen giggled at the idea of the two of them going flower picking then being overwhelmed by the perfume. She was very sure she would come off worse in this escapade since she knew how lavacious she was and this flower would simply force her to toss away her inhibitions. She was also sure that if Enyd only preferred the male figure, her show would probably have the human reconsider her options on the female form.

Such humour quickly faded as Enyd brought up a point that quickly had the Andorian glaring and she had to stop for a moment as she waved a hand in front of her face as if trying to get rid of a horrid smell. "Enyd, granted, I'm in charge of keeping you safe, but we're talking exploration of a what amounts to an unexplored ruin. Isn't this something that should be taken care of by the Cardassian military?

Zark decided to list off the problems they were going to encounter, but then decided that her paranoia was high enough that the restaurant wasn't the best place to be discussing something like this. The security officer went mum after calling for the bill and put on a brilliant smile as the proprietor thanked them profusely and a little pompously for helping to bring in more customers than was the norm. When asked where they were going next, Zark cryptically replied with 'Just seeing the sights.' Looping one blue arm into the human's, the two headed outside and began walking.

Zark smiled as she walked, but her tone was anything but jovial. "You're talking about walking into the equivalent of an unexplored ruin. Ships have teams for that sort of expedition. A passing couple glanced at the alien pair and Zark smiled at them, hoping they didn't notice her antennae practically lying flat on her head in a sign of aggressive discontent. And she huffed as she took Enyd down another street. "At the very least, I need a utility belt with a tricorder, med pack, phaser, maybe a rifle, armour.... You need armour too. Does this place have basements? Do we need climbing equipment? How about schematics and codes?"

Zark whirled the human to face her and while she was smiling, it didn't make it past her nose as her eyes looked like they were ready to poke holes in Enyd's head to see if she had answers. "Please tell me you have access codes and schematics, maybe another dozen people coming along like engineers, doctors, maybe a platoon of marines?" Then another thought crossed her mind. "And how do you expect me to go exploring and ass kicking looking like this?!"
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: Ellen Fitz on January 05, 2024, 07:37:50 AM
[Ensign Enyd Isolde Madsen | Cardassia Prime ] Attn: @RyeTanker

Enyd allowed Zark to steer them around while she verbally processed Enyd’s suggestion. She was half-tempted to merely watch the Andorian’s antennae as they swayed, flattened, and swerved forward as she spoke. But she knew better than to observe one physical quirk when trying to determine someone’s true feelings. Zark’s vocal modulation and other mannerisms seemed to be working in Enyd’s favor, with the longer they aimlessly walked while Zark processed, the more she seemed to be not only resigned to the concept but also, potentially, in favor of it.

Only once Zark seemed to have exhausted herself verbally, giving her apparently the main issue—lack of resources and attire preparation for such a mission—did Enyd seek to respond.

“My informant in the Cardassian military has assured me that while they’ve stopped by this area, they certainly didn’t scour it as deeply as he felt they should. He fears that there may be some sympathizers in the military who are feeding them misinformation, causing them to chase their tails elsewhere.” Enyd gently looped her arm through Zark’s and tugged her new friend to follow down a series of winding streets that grew increasingly narrow and the turns more obscure as she spoke. “We will need everything you listed, though no engineers, doctors, or marines are sitting on the sidelines waiting for a call. However, I know exactly where to get those supplies, and we won’t be without help.”

At this, Enyd entered in a code on an access panel that a casual observer could easily overlook. The portion of the wall they’d been standing by slid open, revealing the already smiling figure of Javec.

“Hello there,” his eyes traced the length of Enyd before turning warmly to drink in the sight of her Andorian companion similarly, “are you ready for an adventure?”
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: RyeTanker on January 13, 2024, 07:55:40 PM
[Ensign XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Ens. Zark) | Cardassia Prime] Attn: @Ellen Fitz

While Enyd might be happy to see Javec, Zark was more guarded.  The Andorian didn't have an agenda beyond finish her tour and keep this one human alive.  Javec was a politician, there were always angles and schemes to be played out, and she had just fallen into one of them.  Zark glared daggers at Enyd for she knew this particular adventure was going to be no good. Never mind there were wanted criminals that had hired the assassins, but the calibre of the bad guys was going to be tough at the very least.  If Javec was picking the targets, then that made them high priority and very dangerous.  The security officer was going to tap her combadge and get the two of them out when Javec placatingly held up his hand.  "Please Ensign zh’Ptrell, hear me out before you wisk Miss Madsen away."

Zark's hand stopped a mere centimeter away from activation and her glare.  His face actually looked sincere and serious, but the Andorian wasn't sure how genuine it was, still, she let him continue, but didn't move her fingers. "Ensign, nobody just takes a shot at the Castellan's, especially with people on the inside.  We came perilously close to losing the leader of the government, and a moderate who is willing to work to rebuild our society without restoring to the delusion of glory and nostalgia that drove our people before hand."  Javec gave Zark a moment to absorb that and if he was disappointed her finger still wouldn't move away from the communications device, he didn't let it show. "He's a pragmatic man and at the end of the day, the best chance for the peace to hold and be built into something that will last.  He's working to balance the past and future. Losing him would only cause us to look to the past and bring back another round of blood letting."

Zark stared at Javec and she could see the plee for aid not in his face, but it was there in his eyes, and her fingers slowly came down to her side. "You realize I'm only one person and as .... resourceful as Enyd is, it's a tall order for one to three people to be able to traverse a whole underground base on their own."  Javec nodded at this. "We will have some help. A commando team that attacked another hideout nearby will be joining us.  They didn't know we were coming, so we think we got everyone in that cave.  They lost a man in the attack and when they found out it was a false target, they were quite displeased."  Zark quirked an eyebrow at this new piece of information. "They know their lives are there to be risked, but not wasted in operations that have no end and are only designed to get people killed." It was a common feeling that Zark had, and was the main reason there was always so much grief for Intelligence people, since if they got it wrong, or were turned, other people got hurt.

"And you trust them? Vengeance is one thing, but will they be that reliable all the time?  From what I'm seeing, you have problems higher up and they're starting to filter down to the field."  The security officers tasted warily. Javec nodded his acceptance of this point. "This were picked becuase they're reputed to be the most apolitical members of the military I could get my hands on.  When the Jem'Hadar started rampaging across the world, they took to the streets to fight them without orders. The team is actually under strength since those killed in the fighting still haven't been replaced."  Javec shrugged." I apologize Ensign, but it's the best I can do under the circumstances without attracting the attention of people who really want to do us harm."

Zark looked over at Enyd and wondered if any of this was off putting to the attache and if there was going to be an outbreak of sanity that would cause her to decline taking part. Seeing none, the Andorian sighed. "Okay, fine, we'll go hunting, but I'm going to let the embassy know when we start our descent.  It'll be too late for them to stop us, but at the same time, they'll know where to find us if something happens."  Javec considered this and nodded his acceptance and smiled at the way events were unfolding. "Ensign, you're not too bad of a negotiator.  Maybe you should consider joining Miss Madsen as an attache." Zark snorted at this. "At this rate, we're both getting arrested and sent home.  Now point me at the equipment."

Javec nodded and pointed at what amounted to a broom closet for Zark and she took one more moment to glare at Enyd as her tone dropped somewhere below surface of Andoria. "Next time, you try something this underhanded, us having words are going to be the least of your worries."  The Andorian huffed and went into room.  The first thing she spotted was her suit and her face twisted into one of irate exasperation and she took it off the hanger and stormed out. "Javec, what the frozen hells is this?!  We're not going onto a holodeck!" 'This' was a one piece dark suit that had a slight lustre, very similar to the standard Cardassian military uniforms.  This one seemed a lot thinner though and sort of flopped around as Zark waved it at Javec. Turning to Enyd, she held a finger out"There's one in there for you as well. Enyd, so it isn't that funny." Javec grimaced.  Obviously Starfleet had different ideas of what constituted infiltration wear, so he took a shallow breath before giving his explanation. "It's an infiltration suit used by the military. The material is very similar to what our soldiers use, but in this case, it's also been modified for thermal and electromagnetic signature reduction.   It also has some kinetic and energy resistance, so you'll be somewhat protected from things like knives and phasers.

Zark was still miffed by its appearance since it looked like some holonovelists impression of a spy's catsuit.  The only areas that looked somewhat practical were the padding over the torso, back, arms, and legs. That was probably the extra protection. "Fine. I guess it'll be useful then." Zark grumbled out with less than good grace as she stalked back into the room to get changed before adding a veritable haul of equipment for what amounted to a trek, and maybe an assassination. Thinking about it, the question of whether they should be doing, and even the legal position to do so floated into her mind as she secured a knife to her calf before pulling on a pair of combat boots.
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: Ellen Fitz on January 30, 2024, 07:41:41 AM
[Ensign Enyd Isolde Madsen | Cardassia Prime ] Attn: @RyeTanker

“I’ve got you covered on that, zh’Ptrell.” Enyd paused briefly to pull a device from her knapsack. After glancing at Javec a moment, then Zark, Enyd pressed a button on the device, and a consistent blinking light was emitted from it. “I left a beacon of sorts back on base. This is the remote trigger, and now that it’s activated, the beacon will make itself known to the base commander within the next thirty minutes with our basic coordinates and plan. The message on the beacon is triple-encrypted to ensure that only the base commander gets the message. Whether they clap us in irons and send us packing is entirely dependent on how successful we are with what we’re about to do. Yes, we have some hardliners on base who quote regulations even when you can see evidence those same regulations are a part of the present problem. But there are enough pragmatic minds determined to get this bedlam handled on base, including my department head and the base commander, that if we get things done right and get our man, we won’t get medals because that’ll be too embarrassing, but we also won’t be shipped out.”

Enyd laughed when, moments later, Zark waved around the infiltration suit as if it were a joke. If the Andorian had known how much literal blood had been shed to create that piece and knew that it worked, she might have treated it with more respect. But it was Zark, so there was no telling. While Javec left them in some semblance of privacy to suit up while he did the same, Enyd turned to Zark and smiled.

“You were told to keep an eye on me because I do this often. I’ve not yet been shipped out or demoted because I’ve been successful. This won’t be the first time I’ve partnered up with Javec doing something like this, though,” she winced when her elbow got stuck, “this is one of the more complex missions we’ve done together.” Enyd cursed and looked pleadingly at her friend, “My arm’s stuck. Can you help me?”

With the tight suit up her legs and over her hips, Enyd had one arm cocked at an odd angle, causing her chest to thrust up and out, while the other arm continued to flail about behind her in an effort to grab the wayward suit sleeve. Though tight, the suit allowed the wearer to keep on their undergarments if desired and, given present company, Enyd so desired. Her lacey white underwear was still visible due to the whole front of the suit gaping. However, her lacey bra was doing little good as she continued to shimmy and shake in an effort to get untangled and suited properly. While she was not the most well-endowed female, she was well-proportioned for her svelte form. It seemed with every grunted shimmy, her breasts came that much closer to bouncing out of their lacey confines.

“Oh,” Enyd’s eyes widened as her feet got tangled in her discarded clothing on the floor, “fuck me!”

Her body fell backward, one arm still pinned beneath her torso, the other flailed out to the side, hand landing on Javec’s boot. Javec stared down at her with a mixture of emotions working across his features before he broke eye contact and looked to Zark as if he wondered which of them should move first to assist Enyd.
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: RyeTanker on February 04, 2024, 06:40:05 AM
[Ensign XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Ens. Zark) | Cardassia Prime] Attn: @Ellen Fitz

Zark had been grudgingly shimying her own way into the tight one piece and maybe because she'd had more cent training in gymnastics and was willing to endure quite a bit of pain to reach her objective, she was having a smoother time of getting into the suit than Enyd was.  The only main area that was causing both women problems was around their chest and since Zark's was more substantial then Enyd's, her face twisted through various levels of discomfort as she worked to get the material up and she had to jump up and down a few times. Since Zark had chosen comfort over style, her standard issue sports bra had no problems keeping her ample bosom contained.   The material was somewhat conducive to sliding on to her clothing, so perhaps she didn't have it that bad.

This assessment was confirmed when Zark heard swearing and a crash.  Said swearing being distinctly feminine, the Andorian didn't need to guess what had happened and turned to see Enyd bound up by her own suit on the floor. If she wasn't so annoyed with the human, Zark probably would have broke out laughing at the sight.  The temptation to do so did war with her annoyance and it was just enough to slow down her thought process as Javec looked into Zark's eyes to see who was going help the hapless diplomat. It might have been unconscious on the Zhen's part as she raised an eyebrow and smirked. She also made no move to help as she turned her own attention back to getting her suit sealed.

Javec wanted to curse the blue woman for putting him this position as he looked at the tangled woman in front of him and sighed. "Give me a moment here..." It was very short as he reached down and began to undo some of the knots that Enyd had gotten herself into, mainly just enough so that she could stand. Leaning over, his muscles barely strained to grip the human under her arm pits and he began to pull her up. His eyes didn't leave hers, but there was more to vision than what was directly in front.  While the buxom Andorian had put on quite a bit of a show getting into her suit, it didn't quite match the picture right in front of him of Enyd's cleavage with an interesting selection of white neglige underneath. White wasn't the usual colour many on Cardassia chose for their clothing and seeing the slight sheen of a material with some reflective properties, like silk, caught his attention and he looked down anyways. He was still a seasoned politico though and his head snapped back up and he looked into her eyes once more. His strong hands though, moved on their own as they slid down and under Enyd's chest to the tag.  It was a thrill in his own mind though his face betrayed nothing as they brushed under her mounds in the lightest of touches.

Almost too soon it was over as he gave a small grin and gripped the tag, then began to seal the rest of the suit. He may have lost some track of time though as he heard a cough and a heavily smirking Andorian standing in an exaggerated stance of patience with her arms crossed over her chest.  She apparently had finished getting ready with a belt around her waist, a phaser pistol in it's holster, and a rifle on her shoulder.  There was even a coil of rope hung across her body along with a small rucksack. "I take it we're almost ready."   Ensign Zark asked still smirking, "and how are we getting to this base?  Is there a transporter nearby since I have no idea how far it is by walking."

Javec recovered quickly as he smiled smoothly. "Indeed, the base is some ways away, and a transport in that area would be too noticeable.  There's a vehicle outside that I'll drive, though we'll need to walk the rendezvous area so the commando team can get us in."  Zark nodded at this and waited till Enyd was ready before placing one hand on the pistol, but didn't draw as she headed for the door and opened it.  Taking a quick look outside, she made an ostentatious gesture to Javec. "Well, let's get this show on the road, so lead on."
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: Ellen Fitz on February 14, 2024, 08:16:30 AM
[Ensign Enyd Isolde Madsen | Cardassia Prime ] Attn: @RyeTanker

Enyd’s gaze found a particularly interesting spot on the far wall and as Javec had mercy on her and helped her up and assisted in righting the suit’s wrongs, Enyd kept as much attention on the spot as possible. Allowing her mind and body to focus on Javec’s proximity or how delicious the lightest of touches from his fingers felt would only make this moment all the more awkward. Still, her body betrayed her ever so subtly by having her lean closer to his warmth during the interlude, making it all the more obvious when Zark coughed, and they sprung apart like indecent schoolchildren.

She intentionally ignored Zark’s assessing gaze as she finished getting her gear together, half listening to Javec’s response to the Andorian’s question. So intentional about avoiding the woman’s probing stares and unvoiced questions, Enyd was the first out the door and standing by the off-roading vehicle Javec had procured for their mission. As if putting space between them would help her avoid Zark’s questions and the temptation that Javec offered, Enyd jumped into the back seat of the four-seater and made a point of rechecking all her gear and the safety belt of the vehicle instead of watching either the Cardassian or Andorian approach.

Javec was a careful driver, maneuvering through the few narrow streets necessary before they could pass into more open territory. It reminded Enyd of riding on the four-wheelers back on the ranch, and for a brief moment, she half-wished that was what they were doing instead of the fool-hardy mission she’d forced herself and Zark into. Glancing first at Javec, then at Zark, Enyd smiled, easily picturing both individuals enjoying being on Yew Valley Farm, working with the horses and cattle, and enjoying big, home-cooked meals.

The drive was surprisingly relaxing, and without meaning to, Enyd fell asleep. She was so deeply asleep, in fact, that she began to drool and was quite unaware when the vehicle finally stopped some time later.
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: RyeTanker on February 22, 2024, 04:45:42 AM
[Ensign XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Ens. Zark) | Cardassia Prime] Attn: @Ellen Fitz

The Andorian joined in the final equipment check, then hopped in with Enyd and took a quick final look as Javec started the vehicle and took off from the city into the country side.  There were questions on her mind about how they'd ended up in this particular adventure. It was hard to decide if she should start asking questions, or focus more on their security situation.  The latter won out as she kept her eyes peeled to the quickly passing terrain.  Enyd seemed to take the whole thing in stride and she'd passed out.  Instead of heading straight for the abandoned base, Javec took a side road exit and began driving through the trees till he reached a dilapidated cabin.  "Let me go outside first.  They know me."

Zark nodded at this and took a moment to tie her hair into a tighter pony tail before unsnapping the holster of her pistol and pulled it out.  She calmly laid the weapon on her lap as she mentally reached out with her senses.  She couldn't really explain it, and it was something that defied description from the Andorian medical establishment, but her war time experience had increased the sensitivity of her link that came with her antennae, making it difficult for people to sneak up on her.  Quite a few Jem'hadar were fertilizing the ground in Kalandra when they thought they could invisibly approach the Andorian woman.  She was well aware of Javec and Enyd, but there were other figures out there.

It was less of a well defined feeling, and more of a gut one.  This proved true as one of them stepped out and greeted Javec.  Zark tapped Enyd awake as she watched the exchange between the two Cardassians. Zark watched in complete stillness and then it felt like the soldier was staring right at her through the window. She stared right back and she could feel his suspicion.  Javec waved for them to come out as they approached the vehicle, but the Andorian could see that the soldier wasn't really quite relaxing, and she couldn't blame him since she was quite sure she was the source of the wariness. Placing her pistol back in the holster, she stepped out and the trees rustled as four more armed soldiers came out of the foliage with their rifles aimed in their direction, but she could feel mainly at her.

Javec had the sense to look somewhat embarrassed by the whole affair as he worked to explain what was going on while pulling Enyd out of the line of fire. "I'm sorry Ensign, but they're not a group that has survived this long withough being cautious and while they know about Ensign Madsen, they don't know you, and to be frank and honest about it, they need to make sure you're not a, what was that term? A mole here to sell them out."  Zark glared at Javec for this. She hadn't really expected anything else since she would have been equally suspicious. What upset her was that this could not be a rather gentle affair that Starfleet would have likely used. They were Cardassians, and there was a deserved streak of brutality they could use. Her mental scales weighed the likelihood of that occurring and came up with not likely since they'd have to kill her afterwards rather than admit they'd tortured a Starfleet Officer, then Enyd and Javec would also have to disappear as well. A brief glance around her at the solders faces seemed to indicate they also knew this since they hadn't gone any further than keeping weapons pointed at her.

She decided to play it cool for now. "I see, what does this little test involve and what happens if I refuse?" It was the soldier who answered as he grinned though Zark wasn't sure if he was leering. "Not too much. We'll just do a couple of quick non-invasive scans followed by a body search." at this, Zark felt a refusal simmering on her tongue, but her mouth tightened as she waited for the other shoe to drop. "If you refuse, we knock you out and leave you in a nice little cabin. Incommunicado of course. We'll let you go when and if we get out." He shrugged casually and continued in a tone of complete indifference. "and if we don't make it out, well you starve, or get eaten by the wildlife."

Zark looked around again and didn't see much choice if she was going to keep her human alive. "I guess, I don't have much choice in this" The Andorian concluded as she shot a look at Enyd and Javec. "So how do we do this?" The soldier nodded. "I'm Ghin Torlan by the way and it's quite simple.  Place your hands on the hood and we'll give you a quick pat down for anything else."  The Andorian grumbled but complied as she turned to place her hands on the metal and took a moment to place her feet shoulder width apart.  The sounds of boots crunching on the ground, then came the sound of alloy sliding against leather as the pistol was removed.  A slight tug with the same sound let Zark know her knife was gone.  These were placed aside, then a strong and firm hands began gripping and brushing her leg.  That was to be expected, and she clamped down on the humiliation of the moment, having to surrender to the degradation.  This had better be worth it to get these...  "Yeow!!" Zark yelped as she felt a hand grab her crotch and squeeze.  She gave the soldier a dirty look and was given a sneer in reply. "Watch where your hands go mister.." Zark started and was cut off by Torlan. "Be glad the politician here talked us out of stripping you and doing a cavity search sUt’tert."  The Andorian snarled in return.  The search seemed thorough and relatively professional, even when they'd gotten to her chest and had to scrunch and squeeze it which made the Andorian bite her lower lip as she let out a series of grunts at the indignity being inflicted.  With a few final hard brushes and grabs of her hair, she could feel the soldier step away. "She's clean."  "I concur."  The two solders reported and stepped away.

"Good, let's get this over with so I can go back and wash this used targ off me."  Ensign Zark grumped as she stood back up and moved to retrieve her equipment. Ghin Torlan laughed and some of the others chuckled.  "She's got some fire in her Javec.  You should trade up.  Maybe it'll make you less of a stiff shirt." The leader turned his gaze back to the blue woman.  "Doesn't hurt to be paranoid in our business. Keeps people alive, but yes, it's time to move on."  Pulling an old fashioned acetate map, he laid it out on the hood to begin his breifing.  While Zark took in the map, she silently thanked the spirits that no comment had been made about the knife in her boot.  Starfleet Intelligence wasn't the greatest secret service in the galaxy, but they sure knew how to use one of the most advanced technological bases in the quadrant.  "We have a one hour hike to the base iteslf, then we're going to get in through a secondary access chamber here..."

sUt’tert = sex worker
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: Ellen Fitz on February 25, 2024, 11:10:29 AM
[Ensign Enyd Isolde Madsen | Cardassia Prime ] Attn: @RyeTanker

Enyd woke up with an embarrassing snort, swiping her hand against her mouth and the bit of drool that’d started to leak out. Pushing off the seat with both hands, she swiveled her head around to look at the clearing they’d stopped in, quickly spotting Javec standing with one of their contacts outside the building a few yards off. She didn’t have to ask her Andorian “hostage” friend whether she felt nervous or not. Enyd could tell that the woman was, if not nervous, hyper-alert with how quickly her antennae flicked this way and that.

She followed Zark’s example and moved to exit the vehicle. Only, as per the norm for her, did her feet get caught up in the supplies on the vehicle’s floorboard. Where Zark stepped out with the feline grace of a predator, Enyd tripped, bounced, jerked, and finally stood on her own feet, nearly swaying onto her arse. By the time she stood upright, no longer the victim of chaos or gravity—for the time being at least—Javec and the others were closer, with Javec offering an apology to Zark as he gently tugged Enyd to the side by a light grip on her elbow.

Enyd grimaced. When she first met this group, she remembered getting this search and hated that they still needed to do it. She didn’t fault them for doing it, and from how Zark begrudgingly complied, it seemed the Andorian also understood the motive behind the search. She did her best to convey courage to her friend as she leaned around Ghin Torlan standing between them, refraining from a thumbs-up but offering an empathic nod of acknowledgment. With no one else to swat with frustration when one guard was a bit rougher with Zark than they had been with Enyd, she turned to Javec. He merely took the light hit with a smirk.

His smirk twisted into a neutral expression with hardened eyes when Torlan quipped about trading up. Enyd kept her gaze averted, occupying herself with checking her gear for the umpteenth time. She dutifully shuffled forward when Torlan pulled out the map and began discussing their plan. Enyd had already been briefed by Javec when they’d put their devious minds together for this scheme, though at the time, this had been one of a few half-dozen options for investigating the base. Standing next to Zark as Torlan continued on the briefing, she bumped her hip against her friend’s, reaching down and squeezing Zark’s hand in camaraderie. Though what friendship they’d started making at the start of this excursion could come to naught if things went sideways and they were killed or, worse yet, things got dicey but they survived. Enyd doubted the Andorian would let Enyd live it down.

An hour and a half later, Enyd was certain of two things. One, the goddess of chaos really hated her. Two, Zark had excellent reasons for murdering her.

“Do you have anything akin to a lubricant?” She whispered at the blue-skinned fighter, doing her best to keep from wiggling against the discomfort of having the partially closed iris maintenance tunnel door pressing against her waist, thereby making the thing twist further shut. “Or something that can wedge it open more?”

Thankfully, Enyd had been bringing up the rear of their small group, their numbers divided into four main groups upon arrival. Enyd had been placed with Javec, Zark, and Serbi Drasat, and it’d been her damned foot that’d knocked against a hidden trigger in the maintenance tunnel that caused the door to start to iris shut. Now she sat on all four, her upper torso in the same area as the other three, and her lower torso sitting lonely in the tunnel. Despite the hiccup, they were all thankful that no alarms seemed to have been triggered by her oopsy.

“Uh,” Enyd’s eyes grew wide, “I think there’s some sort of creature crawling over my feet.” Fighting panic, she looked between Zark and Javec, Drasat sitting as point at the junction up ahead. “Help?”
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: RyeTanker on March 04, 2024, 07:17:16 PM
[Ensign XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Ens. Zark) | Cardassia Prime] Attn: @Ellen Fitz

Ensign Zark was torn between pulling her hand away and leaving and gripping Enyd's hand when the other had tried to offer her silent apology for the humiliating search.  Not being too good at weighing out diplomatic consequences of actions, her mind had opted to do nothing and instead focused on the briefing.  There was a relief in this since it allowed her to take  her mind off the quandry and mentally prepare herself instead for the mission ahead. Oof, long hike.  On this planet??  Shit, this is gonna be bad." Was the general gist of her train of thought and most Andorians when they had to deal with a warmer and more humid planet.  The suit was going to make things disgusting, so assuming she survived this adventure, a shower was going to be priority one.  With her mind reflecting on it, she realized that whatever the Cardassians preferred for their regular comfort temperature, some major engineering must have gone into the suit since she didn't feel like she was over heating.  At least not yet.

Unless she hated someone, Ensign Zark couldn't really stay mad and relented before squeezing the hand back and returning a small smile of her own.  With the briefing finished, it was clear that they were pretty much in the hands of the commando team as she grabbed her pack and set out towards the supposedly abandoned base.  Her, Enyd, and Javec took the middle of the column as they trudged out.  It was a long hike, but at least the terrain hadn't been too difficult, though Zark did have to resort to opening up her suit at some point that pretty much did expose her cleavage. This had elicited an expected response from one of the troopers of "Hey sUt’tert, cover up, we're not here for you to do a show."  Zark was getting the idea of what that word meant and she retruned a  sweet smile and took the time to push her pony tail up before shaking her chest from side to side.  Her eyes were mean and nasty while she did it.  It was all the more impressive that she didn't lose her balance anywhere.  "I'm blue skinned with white hair dumbass, it's not like I'm not going to stick out any more." Ghin Torlan's voice called from the front. "Serbi, stop ogling and watch your sectors" The trooper snorted in disgust before turning back to the path.  The Andorian thought she heard a grumble of "we should've put black paint on them."

That was the most excitement during the rest of the trip.  Still, Ensign Zark had zipped when they'd gotten closer to the base and she'd joined the belly crawl towards the fence. Having practically the same pack as everyone else, the soldiers had looked at her with some approval as she kept up, and moved a bit quieter then them.  Skill was to be recognized after all.  What she refused to show was that the exercise was definitely on the tiring side.  Breaching the perimeter had been a trivial exercise for the commando team, and she'd recognized when they'd emplaced sensor repeaters to maintain a constant signal while they found a hole.  The base itself had become a target during the Dominion War when the Cardassians had switched sides and they'd raised their own shields.  it was clear the Jem'Hadar had come after the place with a vengeance as there were more than a dozen holes in the wall made by breaching teams.  Whoever had moved in was depending very heavily on stealth as the breaches hadn't been repaired or mined in the interim.  When Zark had pulled her pistol and followed the rest in, it was clear the garrison had put up a hell of a fight with half collapsed buildings and blast marks everywhere. 

The Andorian helped form the perimeter as everyone else was brought up.  Making their way and entering into a maintenance hatch hadn't been too much of an issue for Zark, but she didn't have Enyd's level of chaos and she turned around as soon as the human help and grunted as the access iris tried to crush her.  The Andorian restrained the urge to swear viciously.  If the system had been designed as a real security feature, she was pretty sure she would be watching a bloody half a human gaping as she was split in half.  Brutal as the Cardassians were, they weren't that wasteful of personnel and the Andorian turned herself around to see what she could to do help Enyd out of her predicament. Zark offered Enyd and easy smile and a soothing tone as she held on to her hand, something she'd learned to do as a medic during the war.  It was important the person she was treating didn't panic. "I don't think this is a grease issue Enyd, but I do have few diets you can try afterwards."  Zark waved her free hand in front of her face to indicate she was joking. "Don't try to flick your leg, it might interpret that as a hostile act and chomp on you, so just breathe, in and out, breathe."  Zark repeated the mantra several times as Serbi Drasat made his way back and looked around for a panel.  Looking around, he seemed to find what he was looking for while silently muttering the Cardassian equivalent of 'what a klutz'.  It was straightforward fix as he found the large switch and pulled on it.  Nothing happened.  Cursing some more, he reset the switch and pulled. Again, nothing.  His next action was to remove his knife and he began unlatching the side of the control, all the time, while Zark kept a calming litany to Enyd and rubbed her hand.  The trooper made a few adjustments. When he was done, he began pumping the switch and it began to open.  The Andorian gave the human one last smile and put Enyd's hand down and pulled out her knife as she faced the door with a grin, ready to evicerate whatever came through.

With a final pull, the door opened fully and Javec moved to pull Enyd through.  Whatever had been on the human's leg jumped off, the back away for a moment. Zark spotted it, it was grey and green with flappy ears and big eyes. It chases its tail for a moment then leaned forward on its head. Zark considered for a moment and decided it really was very cute. Drasat on the other hand was unimpressed and found a piece of debris to throw at it. The animal yelped and ran off. "Damn Mintz. Some idiot probably had it as a pet. We need to move. There are numerous energy sources below us. We're going to take a turbolift shaft to get down there."

Zark nodded and pushed the idea of a house pet away. This was neither the time or place for considering a new pet, even though it was awfully cute. The shaft wasn't too far, and despite the Cardassian troopers hostile attitude, he proved adept at rappelling and rendering the various security systems non harmful. When he reached the bottom, he gave the rope a tug and Zark took it as sign to head down. Tying the rope into the various hookup, Zark stood on the edge and gave Enyd a reassuring smile and a wry warning. "Do be careful on the way down." and with that, the Andorian leapt off the edge and glided down to the shaft where she quickly unhooked herself, pulled the rope a couple of times, then drew her pistol to cover the exit for Javec and Enyd to rappel down.

Ghinn = Junior Commissioned Officer
MItz = Cardassian house pet
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: Ellen Fitz on March 09, 2024, 01:22:45 PM
[Ensign Enyd Isolde Madsen | Cardassia Prime ] Attn: @RyeTanker

Enyd barely had a chance to gasp when Javec hoisted her free of the iris while Zark investigated the tunnel.

“You certainly bring a spark of,” Javec’s whispered voice rumbling against her temple tickled and Enyd couldn’t help the quiver of shivers, “life to every excursion.” He dipped his index finger beneath her chin, tipping her head back to peer into her eyes. His lips were tilted upward in a playful smile, the same warm mirth showing in his gaze, which was apparent even in the low lighting of the tunnel. “Don’t you?”

Javec’s head angled down and forward while the arm he’d wrapped under her shoulder pulled her closer. Enyd’s eyes fluttered as her body relaxed further into his arms. Only, then, Drasat threw something down the tunnel at the former pet, and their “private” moment was shattered. Far from appearing chagrined by the interruption, Javec’s expression settled into warm amusement.

“Trade up, I say,” Drasat grumbled as he moved past them, rolling his eyes at Enyd.

Javec gave Enyd’s shoulders a last squeeze of reassurance before letting go and following behind Drasat and Zark. Enyd fought against a girlish bout of petulance as she likewise followed. No one liked being compared to a friend and seen as lacking, especially when said friend was buxom, blue-skinned, and badass. Enyd was none of those, but with an added dose of clumsy good intentions gone wrong. She sighed, nearly walking over the edge into the shaft, only saved by a timely grab from Javec.

Unfortunately, Drasat seemed to have noticed and sent Javec a pitying glance before he leapt over the edge and easily rappelled to the bottom. Zark shot Enyd a reassuring smile before quickly following suit. What galled Enyd, or at least one of the many things that galled her, was that she’d grown up active and competent, and, even now, when stakes were not high, she was still competent. It just seemed that the goddess of chaos chose to shine particular interest on her only when it would be the most untimely and awkward.

“Do you want to go down with me?” Javec asked from the edge of the shaft, hand already extended toward Enyd. "If you hold on tight, we could go down together.”

Enyd narrowed her gaze at the devilishly handsome Cardassian. “Do you say that because you’re afraid I’ll end up falling to my death or getting tangled in the ropes and hanging upside down?”

“No,” Javec suddenly grabbed her hand and jerked her forward, purring out a sigh of delight when her softer flesh melded against his firm curves. “I would merely be a fool to overlook an opportunity to hold you in my arms uninterrupted for a time.”

Her cheeks warmed even as she rolled her eyes. Still, she complied and waited until Javec was hooked up before she wrapped her arms around his neck and jumped up. She then wrapped her legs around his waist and felt the muscles of his torso contract beneath her as he accustomed himself to her weight and form.

“I think you’re lying,” she breathed against his neck, “but I’d also be lying if I didn’t admit to liking the lie.”

Javec chuckled, and Enyd smiled as she felt the vibrations of the noise reverberating in her chest. Her eyes traveled to the ground below as Javec moved over the edge and slowly began the descent. When she caught Zark’s gaze, Enyd gave a little wave, pointing to Javec’s muscular back working to lower them both with a shameless wink.

“What are you even here for?” Drasat spat at Enyd’s feet once they were on the ground and safely unhooked.

“If shit hits the fan, I’m the diversion.” Enyd rolled her eyes at the surly Cardassian. “Don’t we go that way next?” She pointed to one of the narrow corridors branching off from the shaft. “The first of the major chambers should be about three hundred yards down that tunnel.”

Drasat grunted before moving to the corridor Enyd indicated, unwilling to admit she’d been correct and, therefore, not completely an idiot. Enyd refrained from holding her hand up for a high five from either Zark or Javec, doubting either would understand the gesture or its meaning. Instead she grinned in good humor at Zark while keeping ahead of Javec, the trio falling into line behind Drasat.
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: RyeTanker on March 11, 2024, 08:00:16 PM
[Ensign XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Ens. Zark) | Cardassia Prime] Attn: @Ellen Fitz

Ensign Zark smirked when Enyd had given Drasat the verbal smack on the back of his head after having used the human expression of a thumbs up after she'd landed without relative mishap.  She also did note that Enyd and Javec were quite close as they'd come down.  The Andorian knew that the diplomat was a point of contact for this adventure and had developed some of the intel they were using.  It stood to reason that Javec also had some of the information and the two combined created a more complete picture.  The Andorian didn't quite totally trust either Cardassian, one was a politician, and the other was just flat out hostile.  On the other hand, the politician was interested in keeping Enyd alive, so that made him somewhat more trustworthy, so when Drasat led the way out, Zark automatically followed him as they proceeded down the hall.

The trooper stopped before he hit a junction a third of the way through and Zark stopped with him as the signal chime in her earbud kicked in. "Torlan here, we're encountering a few patrols, but nothing too serious at the moment.  Drasat, look for room R-12-8596.  It was a data node room, and power is flowing through it."  The trooper nodded.  "Acknowledged"  He took out his tricorder and consulted his map for a moment then pointed down a juncture.  "It's going to be a left, then two rights.  Ghinn, this is going to take us some time to sort out."  The Ghinn paused for a moment to see how this affected his tactical plans. "Okay. All other teams hold in place and find a place to hide.  Drasat will signal when we resume for the primary chamber."  The trooper turned back to his party to see if they'd gotten the message and Ensign Zark nodded her affirmative.  Waving some fingers, the party kept going.

It didn't take long for the group to reach the junction for the room, but Drasat held his hand back and Zark bit down on her lower lip as he'd placed his hand on her chest to stop her.  He didn't seem to notice this he peered around the corner, looked around a bit more, then began backing away and pushing against Zark's boob in the process to get everyone to back up.  The Andorian decided there was a good reason for this and moved to separate herself quickly as they headed back the way they came.  When he was sure they were out of earshot, the trooper stopped everyone with tap on the shoulder that Zark repeated down the line.  "It's not much of an issue, but it's still one.  There's a guard outside the room.  It's an Orion.  More of the more brawn then brain types.  Zark didn't understand what the issue was and why they'd been forced to back up, until she gave his kit a once over and mentally cursed.  In Starfleet, if it hadn't been for the development of the TR-116, the idea of a projectile weapon wouldn't have even occurred to someone, but there had been rumours during the war of Special Forces and Black Ops personnel opting to use the ancient technology since it had some very desirable traits, such as the ability to be used silently.  This left them in a conundrum as to how to deal with the guard while getting access to the room.  "There's a ventilation grate near the door, but it's in the middle of the hallway, which gets someone close, but he'll still see them coming.  Shooting his is also right out.  Too noisy and the energy bloom would be noticeable."

The Andorian nodded along with this and then realized there was only really one way to deal with the guard.  "Can I see a map of the ventilation system?" The trooper handed over his tricorder and Zark read the map before grumbling.  "Good thing these ducts doubled as maintenance shafts, there's barely enough room to make this work." she concluded after fiddling with the device to get more information to see if her plan was even viable. Taking a moment check the room, they were next to, Zark pointed at the door.  "Can you get it open?" He looked at her dubiously. "You sure you can do this little girl?"  Zark's eyes narrowed. "Considering what you grabbed, you know I'm not that little and besides, you move like a thundering herd in the bush."  He smiled at her and moved to open the door.  It didn't take long and it was nothing more than an office with nothing of note.  Another quick look found a ventilation grate in the wall and Zark moved a chair underneath so she could open it and climb up.  "Enyd, gimme your knife. I'll give it back after." After receiving the blade, despite trying to jump in, she needed a little help, and this time, she was going to be active in her choice.  "Can someone, preferably Enyd Madsen, help me get up here?" She accepted there was going to be a hand on her ass at some point and paid it no mind as she shimmied her way into the ducts. 

The Andorian moved relatively slowly, but quite quietly, especially after dropping her equipment.  Each movement was controlled and measured to produce as little sound as possible, and if Zark were capable of sweating, she probably would have had some beading on her hairline or steaming down her face.  She slowed down as she got closer to the grate as she worked to bring her breathing low and under control.  Her head poked out over the metal cage to see where her quarry was and he seemed quite oblivious and bored.  Taking a moment to look around, she found the grate controls.  Ever so slowly, the spare knife she got came out of its scabbard and she reversed the grip as she held it one hand.  Thankfully she'd taken gynamsitcs in the Academy and her legs spread across the grate while she pushed herself into the back of wall.  Even with her training, it was a very unconformable position to hold.  A flick of the switch and the grate dropped out into the hallway.  This startled the guard and he pulled his disruptor out while making his way over to investigate the anomaly.  He was more thug than professional as he kept his pistol pointed at the ground while looking more in curiosity than alarm.  He had the brief impression of blue skin covered with white hair and eyes before black clad legs fell down on him.  Zark's legs crossed as they hit his shoulders and her free arm went around his head.  She ignored the pain in her arm as they toppled to the ground, then with lethal precision, she drove the knife into his eye and twisted hard, scooping out the brain in his skull.  Pulling her pistol and tricorder, she gave the room a low power scan and found one life sign inside.  Zark tapped her communicator.  "Enyd, we're clear, but you need to move the body. I'll be inside." Zark killed the line and overrode the door.  It didn't take long to find and subdue the Ompayian tech inside where Zark had her on her knees and hands tied behind her back when everyone else arrived.

OOC: Ompayian = The made up species name for the blue alien in DS9 - A Pale Moonlight
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: Ellen Fitz on March 19, 2024, 11:25:30 AM
[Atha Ono | Mobile Base Near Mador Base | Cardassia Prime ] Attn: @RyeTanker

Atha Ono, the self-proclaimed Bajoran patriot, listened and watched as the Orion “patriots” scrambled to their positions in the stealth mobile artillery unit they’d commandeered some time ago and converted into a movable base of operations. Despite their bulk, the men squeezed their hulking frames into positions tailor-made for Cardassians with little difficulty. Their leader, the goatee-sporting Jassarac, stood on the command dais just below Atha’s perch in one of the jumpseats close to the rear hatch. Atha did not take pride in allying himself with Jassarac, but desperate times called for desperate measures.

Jassarac interrupted Atha’s brief foray into self-pitying resignation with a quick, “Bearing?”

“15 degrees.”

“Mark?” He rolled his massive shoulders, glancing up at Atha.


Atha offered Jassarac a nod of acknowledgment, to which the Orion mercenary grunted before asking, “Range?”

“7000 meters.”

“Fire.” Jassarac braced himself on the dais's railing, while Atha relied on the straps holding him in place to counteract the lurching motion the entire unit made as it expelled an exploding round towards its target. A heartbeat passed before Jassarac called out,  “Report.”

“Round projected to go shallow.”

“Increase the angle and fire another round.” He smirked up at Atha. “Even if we don’t get a direct hit, with these rounds, the concussive force and incendiary shrapnel will be enough to get the point across.”

“Impacts in one minute.” One of the Orion mercenaries interjected.

Atha gave a breathy chuckle, “The Cardassian shit who tortured me in the camp shared some applicable wisdom.” Jassarac quirked his eyebrows upward, waiting with a wry smile already on his green face. “Lasting lessons must be learned the hard way.”

Jassarac’s mirthless laugh joined in with Atha’s chuckle as they both reflected on what their prior Caradassian associate’s face would look like once the rounds exploded in his face.

[Luske Ontatt | Secure Sub-levels of Mador Base | Cardassia Prime ]

“Sir, we have a problem,” Luske Ontatt looked up from the series of charts he’d been studying, frown already creasing his brow at the anxiety-ridden sound of his associate’s voice, “The upper levels near the decoy data noda room seemed to have been infiltrated. Reports are that it is Praar accompanied with some associates, including what look to be Starfleet personnel.”

Luske smiled, “That’s no problem, dear.” Leaning back in his chair, Luske waved a hand as if conducting an orchestra. “Release the paralytic gas on all levels. Our people are immune to it, but any unwelcome guests will not be.” Luske nodded to himself, replacing the pair of archaic-looking glasses on his nose, reading to return to his studies.

“Sir, we have another problem.”

“And that is?” He didn’t bother removing his glasses this time; he merely spoke over his shoulder.

“Sensors are picking up incoming fire.”

“Well, now,” Luske removed his glasses and stood. “That is a bit more of a problem. Has the gas already been released?” His associate gave a meek head nod. “Oh well, send teams to retrieve our ‘guests’ and pull them down to a safer level. They have answers to the mystery of who fired on us and why, and even if they don’t, they still need to answer for intruding without invitation.”

You can presume Enyd's support with knife, boost up, and in dragging the body inside.
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: RyeTanker on March 25, 2024, 01:11:50 PM
[Ensign XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Ens. Zark) | Cardassia Prime] Attn: @Ellen Fitz

Enyd and Drasat had been pumping the Ompayian for information and had gotten a tidbit about a currency transfer that was supposed to head to Cardassia.  Dropping the dead Orion at her feet with a knife still sticking out its eye had terrified the geek sufficiently for her to let slip that the funds were going through a branch of an Andorian bank in the Orion sphere.  It was then that the Andorian noticed something was off as her movements became sluggish and her vision had begun to waver. In holonovels and film cinema, the first sign that a knockout gas had been applied was a dramatic misting that flowed from the vents in picturesque cascades.  There were some gases that still did this, but were generally considered sub optimal unless the user wanted concealment.  Zark let out a strangled cry of "GAS!" and she began clawing at the self contained breather attached to her hip. Zark fell to her knees and watched as everyone else began choking in their desperate attempt to get more air while their bodies suffered the agony of not being able to draw in the minimum amount of oxygen. They were going to die was her final thought as she collapsed to her knees heavily and the breather slipped out of her fingers as the nerve block finally overwhelmed her system.  She tried to grip her throat as it seemed her eyes tried to bug out of their sockets. 

The tech didn't really know what was happening and looked on terrified at the sudden incapacitation of her captors, but it soon dawned what the plan had been and why she'd gotten an injection prior to taking up her post. She slowly got back up with a cautious smile that spoke volumes about her relief. "Looks like the tables have turned."  She taunted.  Zark fell to all fours as the Ompayian made her way over to Enyd and planted a shoe on her side and pushed, causing the human to fall onto her side in an undignified lump.  Drasat was next as she circled around his back.  "Not so scary now are you?"  She told him and used her foot again to push him onto his face.  Zark could only see the floor as she struggled to stay up.  "And you" she said to the downed Andorian. "The way you twisted my arms hurt.  At least they didn't do anything painful to me.  You though."  Zark involuntarily grunted as the geek kicked her in the stomach and barely able to tense her muscles, the hit sank deep as she was knocked over.  Fire raced through Zark's mid section and her body feebly tried to cough.  Darkness was beginning to take her when the geek kicked her again and again with the sound of her own weak grunts as the sound of shoe slamming into flesh seemed to echo through the room.  Thankfully and mercifully, the tech stopped when the door opened and several Cardassians walked in.  The last thing she saw as her eyes closed was being lifted off the ground.

It took some time for Zark to realize that her eyes were open and she could see once more.  This came as a shock as she'd expected to not wake up from being dragged off.  She groaned as her head tried to snap up and her mid section brutally reminded her of its abuse to which there was very little she could do as she found herself tied to the chair by the field expedient of polymer ties.  She'd just have to suffer through it till the counter acting endorphin rush did its job.  This gave her the chance to take in her surroundings.  It seemed they were in a makeshift command centre of some sort.  It was typical Cardassian brick with the beeps of computers going in the back ground.  There also seemed to be quite the hubbub as voices discussed something or other.  There was some yelling going on and Zark mentally winced as she could hear someone having the stuffing beat out of them.  It sounded deeper, more bass, male; so Zark could guess that Enyd wasn't the one being tortured at this point.  The room shook suddenly and a rumbling bang was transmitted into the room causing some dust to tall.  This caused the Andorian to look up a little groggily. 

"I never agreed to this!" a familiar voice yelled out and Zark turned her head to see the Ompayian arguing with another Cardassian. "I was just supposed to arrange the transfer line for the money!..." The tech's whining was cut off as Luske Ontatt back handed her across the face and she hit the ground with blood leaking from a split lip.  "You have a purpose worm, and you are serving it. Keep quiet and stop distracting us, and we may yet live through this." The Ompayian whimpered as she curled up into a call and began sobbing. Zark looked around a bit more and she saw Drasat tied to a chair.  A big Orion gripped the back of his head and yanked back. "Who's shooting at us?!!"  He yelled, practically spitting in the troopers bloodied face. The soldier was a tough man and he glared defiance at the green skin before sucking in and spitting in his face. The Orion roared and threw another punch at the Cardassians face to continue the whole beating process. 

The facility shook again and Zark's movement might have caught his attention as Luske marched over to where she was tied.  The Andorian expected him to go for her, but he went right passed her and her head followed him as he stood in front of Enyd.  "This is your doing Enyd Madsen.  You and your persistent meddling.  Yes, I know you."  He told her in a tone of cold menace as he grabbed her hair and yanked it back so she had to look in his face.  "Tell me!  Who's shooting at me?! Who did you tell and how?!  Where are they?!"  With each question, Luske vented his frustration on Enyd, striking her across the face, punching her nose so it gushed crimson with a crunch, then letting her head loose and throwing a punch that snapped her head the other way.  Zark felt he must have been really on edge as he produced a device with a pair of prongs that arced electricity and jammed it into her chest.

As annoyed as she had been with Enyd, there was no way she could let this happen and the Andorian yelled her impotent rage to as she tried to get out of her chair to strangle the Cardassian with her hands.  This action earned her his ire as a strong pair of green hands pulled her back and Luske Ottase made his way over and pulled the raging Andorian by the chin and glared at her. Zark glared back as he stepped aside so Enyd could see the bound Andorian. "Turn her so she can see her friend."  A pair of burly Cardassians quickly moved to turn the bloodied human to face the Andorian. "She may not care about herself, but let's see what happens when her intransigence has consequences for others." 

Zark knew what was coming and she could only hope she was as tough as she thought she was since she had no clue if anyone was going to help them in this situation. Supposedly the rest of the Special Forces team was in the building.  Zark forgave Enyd for all her idiocies right there.  There wasn't a point in being mad at her if they were going to die. "Enyd, don't tell them a thing!" she yelled and one of the guards cracked a punch across her cheek that made her see stars.  Her head lolled as it tried to reset and in an act of degradation, a guard unzipped Zark's suit and pulled it down as far as it would go before cutting the front of her bra off and tossing it away. Zark could feel the cool rush of air and knew what little ballistic protection she'd had was gone.  She could feel a slight warmth at the corner of her mouth that she was sure was blood.  "Say nothing." Zark croaked out, then blanked her mind as she saw Luske Ottase held Enyd's head steady while nodding at the guards.  She couldn't tell what he was whispering into her ear when she could see, but the security officer was sure, he was inflicting a mental torture on the human to get her to break.  That was the only break Ensign Zark had as the two other guards drove fists into her face and exposed body, leaving nothing off the table as her chest and abdomen were pulverised.  All Zark could do was grunt, bellow, or scream with each hit and take it as saliva and blue blood sprayed around her.  She didn't bother counting how many hits she took since it would imply some sort end to the ordeal.

And suddenly it did end when she felt herself hit the ground and final oof escaped her lips as the Andorian's head bounced off the ground.  The battered security officer opened one bruised eye and noticed blue droplets in front of her.  It was odd since she was on the ground and sideways, but there was yelling all around her as energy beams lanced back and forth over her head.  She must have gotten knocked down in the confusion.  She could see Enyd was on the ground as well and people were charging past them.  One stopped and kneeled next to Enyd and checked her, then looked over at Zark.  "This doesn't look good, but it's not that bad." Ghin Torlan said as he pulled a knife and cut Enyd loose.  "Cut everyone else free Ensign, we got killing to do."
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: Ellen Fitz on April 01, 2024, 08:12:28 AM
[Ens. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Mador Base | Cardassia Prime ] ATTN: @RyeTanker

The wheels on the bus go round and round,
            Round and round
               Round and round
The wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the city.

Pain exploding across the nerve endings of her face interrupted her mental retreat. Enyd’s head jerked left and right, the tendons in her neck working overtime to try to stabilize as Luske Ontatt continued to slap her across each cheek in turn, spewing questions at her all the while as if it was entirely possible to answer in the midst of the slaps. The sudden electric shock sent Enyd’s mind wheeling in and out of present time and her childhood. So disassociated from her body at this point; while she felt the pain and responded to it with noises and flinches, she also felt as if everything was happening to someone else and she was merely an observer.

Thoroughly dissatisfied with Enyd’s lack of cooperation in inflicting pain directly, Luske turned his attention to Zark. Enyd clenched her fists. After the first few blows, she almost snapped back into her mind and body. The temptation to do something, anything, to prevent further injury to Zark nearly choked her. But then Zark yelled at her the encouragement she needed to remain aloof. Keeping her battered face wiped of emotion, Enyd watched the beating with unseeing eyes, falling back into the musical library of her childhood.

O soldier, soldier, won't you marry me with your musket fife and drum?
O no sweet maid, I cannot marry you, for I have no boots to put on.
So up she went to her grandfather's chest, and she got him a pair of the very, very best
she got him a pair of the very, very best   
And the soldier put them on.

Luske’s breath tickled the hairs on her neck. Her mind desired to comprehend, to tune into his words, but Enyd found her mind. She battled her desire, imagining her desire as a slimy lizard creature and an armor-clad warrior, swinging her swords at the lizard and ducking behind rocks to avoid the spit acid her desire shot at her. Her left sword glowed with a brilliant blue light, and her right sword pulsated with a green energy. Her greaves were the color of polished shungite, her cuisses like an auralite…

Enyd was still coloring and designing her armor, almost ready to move on to the ornate inscriptions on her swords when suddenly her mind snapped back into her body at the sudden press of chapped lips against her bloodied ones. Trying to reel back with an instinctive recoil, Enyd’s eyes crossed as she looked down her nose at the man kissing her. When Javec pulled back from the unexpected touch, his lips were colored crimson with her blood.

“Are you there now, Enyd?”

“Wha…” Enyd blinked a few times, looking over Javec’s shoulder to note the rest of their team pouring in and sweeping through the room.

“Here,” he took the knife from Enyd and pivoted to cut Zark loose as Enyd had been earlier instructed to do, “you both look terrible, but you’ll both live.” Javec winked at Zark, “Do you need a recovery kiss, too?”

Behind him, Enyd used the remains of the chair she’d been strapped in to get to her feet. “What happened?”

Javec held out a hand to help Zark up before answering. “Ghin Torlan led us on a counter-offensive. It took us longer than we would’ve liked, thanks to that gas, but thankfully, some of Ghin Torlan’s men had previous inoculation to the gas Ontatt used on us, so they were able to recover us to a defendable position until we regained consciousness. We had a devil of a time finding you two because many of the tunnels have collapsed.”

“Yes,” Enyd stepped over Ontatt's unconscious form, hearing the sounds of continued fighting in an adjacent room. “I vaguely remember Luske asking about those explosions. Any ideas?”

She found the med kit she’d hoped would be in the room and motioned for Zark to come close. They didn’t have time for pretty or thorough work, but hopefully, there’d be something in there to take the edge off the pain. Now that she was “back,” her body was quickly “catching her up” on everything she’d missed in her mental disassociation.

“We’ve found no trace of Ono or Jassarc, so my credits would be on a double-cross of some sort.” Javec kept his gaze moving, monitoring both doors in case anyone unfriendly tried to approach while Zark and Enyd tried to clean up and ready for the next step of this mission.

“Get rid of loose ends that are no longer useful?” Enyd glared at Ontatt. “I suppose we’ll only know if we take him with us. Retreat back to the safe house?”

Javec nodded, using the comm link to relay the message on to Torlan and the others. This very much seemed like a set-up, one against both Ontatt and the rest of them. If it had been orchestrated by Ono and Jassarc, then they’d be better off regrouping elsewhere. Potentially try to flush out the bastards if they were firing on the facility nearby. That was, in fact, exactly what Ghin Torlan responded with. Javec was to take Enyd and Zark to the safe house with Ontatt, interrogate the old Cardassian, and then, potentially, keep him alive and safely hidden if he had anything useful on the Barjoran and Orion until Torlan and his team could rejoin them.

“We need to check in with my CDO in the next hour or so if we don’t want Starfleet descending into this madness,” Enyd added once Javec ended the comm link with Torlan and turned his attention to finding some way to secure Ontatt for their journey. Javec nodded but remained silent as he continued to rummage around. Enyd looked back at Zark and tried to offer a smile, only to immediately wince and let her lips fall back into a grimace. “You okay?”
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: RyeTanker on April 03, 2024, 06:21:19 PM
[Atha Ono | Mobile Base Near Mador Base | Cardassia Prime]

An underling stood nearby.  "It's time sir."  The Bajoran nodded.  The artillery fire was having good effect on the Mador base, but he'd realized that they didn't have any of the ground penetrators that would do real damage at getting at his hated target.  "Fine.  Set everything on automatic."  Looking around, he smiled at the irony of using one of his oppressors machines to harm their own.  This equipment's pyre would be a fine tribute to his hatred of the Cardassians. When the underling confirmed everything was set, they left for the ground vehicles that would carry them to a cave system where the transporter system would beam them to another part of the planet.

[Ensign XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Ens. Zark) | Cardassia Prime] Attn: @Ellen Fitz

With the realization that she wasn’t going to die, Ensign Zark’s mind let itself catch up to the present and the first thing her body did was painfully register its protest at having been mistreated in such a fashion. This was nothing new, but so close after the Dominion War’s end, the Andorian still had a complicated feelings about what had happened. While her senses took in the chaos occurring around her, part of her mind was trying to decide whether this was the worst she had been through during her career so far. The first point of comparison had been the four Academy boxing matches between herself and then Cadet T’Vren. Those matches were something of a legend as power and grace had mixed, and the result had been unusually bloody for these events. What made them more unusual was the aggression that the Vulcan had displayed in her fighting style and she was technically stronger than Zark, but the two were even in terms of wins and losses. Or maybe it was the time she'd been captured on Kalandra while supporting a marine patrol when herself and Corporal Carter Shreiber had been captured by Nausican mercenaries and taken back to their base camp.  Both Starfleet personnel had been forced to fight some of the brutes in the centre of their makeshift camp for the mercenaries entertainment.  The guns for hire hadn't taken kindly when she'd beaten her opponent unconscious, then made her fight two of them at once.  She never saw where the metal bottle had come from that had knocked her to the ground eventually and the two had taken merciless advantage of it.  Her next memory after that had been waking up as the rest of the patrol had turned up after wiping the camp out.  She'd been told it had been several hours later, and Shreiber had gone through the same thing, except the mercs had thrown him in a three on one from the start. 

Those memories of the past didn't really matter though as her body complained while she sucked in air to deaden the pain and replace the air that had been beaten out of her earlier.  Zark was too busy being in pain to acknowledge Javec's jibe and practically oozed off the chair as soon as she'd been let go.  Her beautiful features were now marred with blood, cuts, and bruises; strands of silver hair dripped azure.  Ensign Zark groaned as she tried to get onto her arms and legs, her breathing laboured as pain lanced through her body.  She coughed and a wet blue globule coated the floor.  She had to take a moment to breathe before wiping the blood from her mouth and continued towards Enyd who beckoned her with freedom from the hurt. A strong pair of arms picked her up and laid her against a turned over table.  A chubby looking Cardassian frowned quickly scanned her with disapproving eyes then grabbed the med kit from Enyd began searching through its contents.  "Bruises, contusions, internal bruising of her exoskeleton. In short, they worked her over."  He pulled a vial and hypospray. "Ensign Zark, I'm Trooper Crasytt Eset, the medic.  You're going to be fine. I'm going to give you a pain killer.  Nod if you understand."  Zark weakly nodded and he continued. "I'm going to give you a stim as well.  It's set for Cardassians, so we'll see if it works.  Best option at the moment."  As if to punctuate that statement, his pistol flashed out and a he fired at a target.  Said target screamed and fell backwards. "Get them mobile trooper!" Ghin Torlan yelled as he fired "nade out!"  He suddenly yelled and the Andorian winced as the device exploded and the pressure wave assaulted her antennae.  "Just get me moving."  Zark gritted out as she shifted positions so something didn't quite hurt as much.

The medic nodded and injected her.  The pain soon began to deaden, and with another injection, she felt her vitality begin to return.  "There you go, you should be able to move again soon." Trooper Eset said, then gave her a smile.  "And since we could all still die, might I say that those are some of the most magnificent breasts I've ever seen."  Zark grinned back weakly at the superfluous observation being made at her expense.  "Glad you enjoyed the show lecher, now help me get this thing back on." Eset's reply was interrupted as his pistol snapped up  again and he fired several shots then turned his attention back to her. "Best order a trooper can get." He didn't have time to be too gentle as he helped to pull up her suit and seal it once more. "At least you don't look like a punching bag anymore.  Time to move."  Zark nodded at this.  The team commander's voice came back quickly. "Eset, stop ogling the blue balloons and cover their withdrawal.  Javec, Madsen, get Ontatt out of here."  Zark thought for a moment that the Ghin had forgotten something.  "Where's Drasat?  I saw..."  Eset shook his head.  "He's gone.  Slit his throat."  Despite all the hostility, Zark felt saddened by this since the soldier had been doing his duty and was doing his best to care for his charges in his own strange way."  She shook that aside and nodded, feeling more ready to get up.

"Wait!  Waaiiiitt! Don't leave me please!!" A voice called, and Zark recognized the shrill tone of the Ompayan that had brutalized her first in the terminal room.  There was a moment of indecision as the Andorian wanted vengeance and to leave her to die.  Despite her condition, Zark felt duty win out and she got up mostly smoothly.   "Do you have cuffs or something?"  The medic nodded and produced a set of polymer ties.  Zark took these and the medic's pistol, then took a breath committing herself.  "Cover me." "Javec, Madesen, go!"  The medic yelled as he brought up his rifle and Zark dashed out of cover towards the cowering alien as fire lanced past her.  An Orion popped out to shoot her and his head disintegrated as the medic shot him.  Another one followed and he fared no better as Zark reached the alien and grabbed her by the scruff of her collar.  "Move!" Zark yelled despite the lingering pain and the Ompayan whimpered as she scrambled to get going.  "I'm through sir!"  Someone yelled.  "Finally!"  Ghin Torlan replied. "Fleet command, fleet command, this is Schorl, authenticate 3-5-7-4-5-5-Black-Red-Black.  Priority orbital strike, artillery asset near my location."

This added urgency as the Andorian pushed the alien to her feet and ahead of her, unwillingly shielding the tech's body with her own.  She fired several shots behind her to keep the enemy at bay and maybe lucked out as someone screamed.  "We're leaving" Eset yelled as Zark ran passed him towards the door that led back to the lift shaft and the ropes that would lead them out.  Eset stood and backed away, using his bulk to cover Zark as he fired at targets of opportunity.  Torlan and several others tossed more grenades to cover the medic and when they exploded, they stood up as one advanced by fire, killing everything in their path as Eset turned to follow everyone else to the shaft.  When they reached their exit, he saw that the Andorian had tied the alien's hands behind her. "I'll carry her up on my clamp."  Zark nodded gratefully at this and gave him a bruised smile in thanks.  "Alright, let's go." he finished as he gripped the terrified Ompayan and engaged the clamp that began lifting them upward.
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: Ellen Fitz on April 09, 2024, 10:35:39 AM
[Ens. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Mador Base | Cardassia Prime ] ATTN: @RyeTanker

“Can you handle the climb on your own?” Javec asked immediately after getting her hooked up. Enyd nodded before pushing him towards Zark. It seemed they’d had an unspoken agreement that he would keep an eye on the more heavily injured Andorian, at least as much as the medic allowed.

The climb up was less than easy, especially given the pain still riding like feral cats through her nervous system, and Enyd was panting and covered in a sheen of sweat by the time she reached the top. She didn’t protest when a rough grip hauled her over the edge and all but tossed her aside to make room for the others still coming. Her hands shook, and her grip was slick as Enyd worked to unhook herself.

[ Kurar to Madsen. ]

Enyd groaned. On the one hand, it was a relief that her CDO had gotten the message she’d left, including a personal comms frequency, but given the SNAFU they were still dealing with, the Trill could’ve picked a better time. Continuing her backward bum slide until she was propped against the wall facing where the others continued to crawl up, Enyd responded.

[ Madsen here. Situation is complex. Have Luske Ontatt in custody and have suspicion that our present situation is on account of Ono and Jassarc. ]

There was a pause during which the last of their group made it up the ledge and it was time to haul her ass back up. She gratefully accepted the hand, patting Zark’s shoulder gently as they rapidly filed into the corridor system.

[ Do you have any other witnesses or data to corroborate your theories, or is everything getting blown to bits? ] To his credit, her CDO seemed more interested in dealing with the chaos card he’d been handed and would wait until they made it back to base before he dealt out punishment and reprimand.

[ One witness aside from Ontatt, uncertain on potential intel gathered by the Cardassian infiltration team. Ensign Zark and I were temporarily compromised. ]

She heard the man sigh before he replied. [ We have your signatures. Get to the designated safe house and get what information you can from your ‘witness’ and Ontatt. I will directly discuss the matter with the Castellan to ascertain what we can do regarding Jassarc and Ono. Keep me informed of any changes. Herasin is sending a team of plainclothes commandos to rendezvous with you, ETA three hours. ]

[ Acknowledged. Madsen out. ]

Again, to his credit, Kurar wasn’t wasting time or breath in lecturing or reprimanding her. He knew well enough that would be useless at this point; something better done in person if they survived.

Ghin Torlan held up an arm, signaling the group to halt. Enyd leaned against the wall, catching her breath, and took the brief pause to catch Zark up on her communication with her CDO.

“You’ll want to let Torlan know these details,” Javec leaned forward to comment once she finished and they resumed their trek back to the surface. “Otherwise, you’ll end up with dead security personnel and an even worse diplomatic incident on your hands than this.”
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: RyeTanker on April 16, 2024, 08:30:41 PM
[Ensign XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Ens. Zark) | Cardassia Prime] Attn: @Ellen Fitz

Ensign Zark tried to not groan under the pressure of her ascent back to relative safety as the sound of massed energy fire screamed behind her. It was hard though despite the effects of the pain killer running through her veins and an occasional whimper would escape if her exhaled breath couldn't hold back the pain. Her head was sort of swimming, but not enough to induce nausea as she focused on putting one foot in front of the other while the motorized clamp assisted pulled her up the high tensile polymer rope.

The battered Andorian also didn't mind when she reached the lip at the top and was pulled over the side onto nice safe flat ground. A pat on her shoulder instinctually told her it was Enyd, and she gave the hand a solid grip as she reached it. Her mind wondered at the feeling of just lying there for a bit, but she had to roll over to relieve the pressure from her abused front.  Lying there for a moment, she breathed of a moment, enjoying the few seconds of tranquility she had, then set to painfully coughing as smoke and dust hung in the air.  This was soon lost a crying rogue tech was carried up and unceremoniously dumped on the ground. "This would go a lot faster if you untied me and let me walk." Trooper Eset snorted his disdain of this idea. "And give you some tools to escape, hardly."  The chubby looking soldier gripped the back of the alien's shirt and picked her up.  "That's enough relaxation, time to go." He took a moment to look at the laid out Andorian. "Sorry sir, but that goes for you too. No time to waste." Ensign Zark nodded at this and summoned her strength to get moving as more Cardassian commandos made their way up the lift shaft. The sound of fighting was definitely getting closer, so Ghin Tolran's counter attack hadn't quite broken the will of the enemy into a full retreat. Said officer soon came up, and looked back down.  "Come on Sevet!! I'll cover you!" He unsung his rifle to get ready. Zark took off with everyone else, but there was a muted scream from the bottom of the shaft and the Ghin let out a stream of invective. "You can still make it!" Zark didn't hear the reply, but a short while afterwards, a loud pair of explosions reverberated from the direction of the lift, and Zark said a silent prayer for the man who'd blown himself up to cover their withdrawal.

The group quickly made their way out of the building, being delayed briefly as they discovered their original exit route had been collapsed from a hit that got close enough.  It was still a relief then they reached the exit and were treated to the sight of a wrecked base that was once again smoking and burning. Several had collapsed and new craters dotted the moonscape with some smoking while others had set other bits of detritus on fire.  "Enough gawking, let's go!"  Ghin Torlan commanded and the group rushed out.  Ensign Zark was unsure if artillery was still going to fall on the base, but she needn't have worried as a bright lance of fire descended from the sky and smashed a location not too far off in the forest.  Whatever fireball would have erupted from the target was lost in the space grade explosion over the tops of the trees that signalled the annihilation of their tormentor that had set the entire fiasco in motion.  A massive pressure wave roared over the forest, shaking leaves to the ground in great sheets while animals bolted in every direction in terror.  Zark felt herself get buffeted by the blast and her body complained eliciting a grunt of protest a she held up one arm in front of her face and gritted her teeth waiting for the pressure wave to pass.  Lowering her arm for a moment, she saw the rising fireball turn itself into a mushroom cloud and her lips twisted into a grimace at whatever had been on the receiving end.

Shaking her head, the group ran into the tree line as fast as their legs could carry them. This was not that easy since they now had a couple of reluctant prisoners, one of which who was actively trying to free himself from the two big troopers dragging him bodily, letting his feet create tracks in the ground. The Ompayan was mostly trying, but it was hard with her hands tied behind her back. Ensign Zark was trying, but having gone through the equivalent of a one sided boxing round versus male heavy weights left her panting and coughing. About three quarters of the way, she could feel the pain killer and stim start to wear off and she collided with a tree in an attempt to catch her breath. Her body wretched a few times as her head swam for moment, and the sound of her being violently ill followed. She was on her knees, hanging onto the wood, breathing putrid bile, a string of mucous stubbornly clung to her before she snorted a bloddy glob and spat it off. Wiping her mouth, someone helped her up, and she groaned as her torso and neck sent throbs of pain through her nervous system. Thus it was a relief when they reached the vehicles and she threw herself into the seat and buckled the safety harness. Zark gritted her teeth when the straps pressed against her body and she tried to steel herself one more time for the bumpy ride ahead.
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: Ellen Fitz on April 26, 2024, 02:03:42 PM
[Ens. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Safe House | Cardassia Prime ] ATTN: @RyeTanker

The journey through the wilds back to the safe house was mostly without event, aside from when Ontatt woke up and was promptly rendered unconscious again. Upon their arrival, the first order of business was ensuring the safe house was indeed still safe, then it was securing the prisoners, and then it was seeing to the wounded. It was during the latter that Enyd waited until she was relatively alone with Zark before she opened up.

“I don’t think this will please you any to hear this, but, technically, this isn’t the worst situation I’ve been through since coming to Cardassia.” Enyd grimaced as she hoisted herself onto the table, making it easier for the Cardassian medic to see her wounds once finished with Zark’s. “I had a phaser to the head about three weeks back, held by a corrupt Starfleet officer turned war profiteer. And about a week before that, I was buried alive alongside a Cardassian archeologist when we unearthed an antiquities smuggling ring.”

A breathy snort from the room’s entrance drew Enyd’s attention. It was Javec, leaning against the doorframe, looking as calm and unfluffed as ever. It should be illegal how comfortable he looked in nearly every situation.

“What little I know of Terran myths has brought me to the conclusion that in a past life, you were a cat, Ensign Madsen. You are rapidly spending all of your so-called lives in your efforts to solve Cardassian problems.” He strode forward and took up the unused med kit, starting to work on Enyd while the medic continued with Zark’s more extensive ones. “Now, why is that? Would you be so passionate about solving Ferengi or Bolian problems? Or do you have a special affinity for us Cardassians?”

Enyd sucked in her lower lip, chewing on it in thought. She could try to be evasive and let him continue to play this game. Or she could be blunt, even with witnesses, and potentially throw him off guard in doing so. Considering what they’d just lived through, Enyd opted for the latter.

“I have a strong work ethic instilled in me from my parents and grandmother, so yes, I would be just as tenacious for the Ferengi and Bolians. But I wouldn’t be as attracted to them as I am to you. That’s not to say I’m doing all this in the hopes of getting into your bed or your affections but working alongside someone I respect and find attractive is indeed a perk.” She maintained eye contact a moment longer before glancing at Zark. “And having a badass friend to keep me alive despite myself is also a perk. Even if said friend is likely to punish me later for getting her into this mess.”
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: RyeTanker on May 03, 2024, 08:28:46 PM
[Ensign XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Ens. Zark) | Cardassia Prime] Attn: @Ellen Fitz

The ride back had been as unpleasant as expected with the straps tugging into what was certainly going to be a spectacular set of bruises for Zark.  For the battered security officer, at least that was the main problem, and the pain did help to keep her awake.  On the other hand, it was becoming hard to see as an eye was pretty much sealed shut from the swelling.  It also didn't help that she was occasionally spitting out saliva and blood while coughing.  Ensign Zark went ahead and sighed in relief when they reached the safe house and she undid the restraints.  She could kind of see Ghin Torlan and another trooper dragging the unconscious Ontatt into the building while Eset came around and offered his arm and shoulder for the Andorian to get out of the vehicle.  She'd groaned with a few of the steps and bumps despite her best efforts to keep her suffering quiet and let out another sigh of relief when she was laid out on a couch. 

After checking to make sure the house was clean, the team commander signalled for a pair of troopers to drag the stirring Ontatt into another room.  The Ompayan was led to a different room and both doors were closed. Ensign Zark had only gotten the briefest look inside the room that Ontatt had been taken into, and she got a glimpse of what looked like a chair that a dentist would use and she had to wonder what was going to happen next.  Whatever it was, it seemed like a sound dampening system had kicked in as a slight hum could be heard from the room, but nothing else.  Eset came by with a med kit and gave a wry smile. "Not going to complain, but it's time to repair all the breakage, so I'm going to have to open your suit and give you a few anesthetics.  You good to proceed?"  Zark gave a wan smile and nodded.  There was only the faintest complaint as her body was exposed again, but at least this time, the person doing it meant well.  "It looks much better when it's one colour." Zark joked through gummy lips.  Trooper Eset chuckled. "I'm sure, now just lie there and relax."  Zark did as she was told and a hiss caused the pain to lessen before tingling sensation began over her body as the dermal regenerator went to work. "Wonderful thing about peace, this model came from a tech transfer from your side.  A very generous people, especially since we just recently stopped killing each other."  The medic observed as he worked.

A shadow crossed the bruised Andorian's face and she looked up to see Enyd sitting nearby.  She offered a crooked grin and listened as the diplomat.  Zark didn't quite agree that this situation was not as bad, and still being in pain, she'd replied acidly with "That still doesn't mean you got the absolute shit beaten out of in any of these cases.".  Zark waved a hand in front of her face quickly afterwards with a quick "Sorry.  Yeah. It could have been worse."  Eset pushed the hand back down with and admonition of "Stop moving, I'm working here."  Zark sighed and listened to the back and forth while staying as still as possible.

Sighing, the steadily cleaned up Andorian listened to the banter between Enyd and Javec, and she had to grin.  Enyd had just confessed something she wasn't willing to voice and out of the corner of her eye she watched to see what the Cardassian politicos response was going to be.  She couldn't see what his tells were, but the Security Officer could have sworn she saw him stiffen at the admission coming into the open suddenly.  It was so hard to say.  Even looking at the grin he gave back was difficult to determine was it genuine affection? or a politicians response?  Zark hoped it was the former since playing with someone's emotions was guaranteed to cause issues and create problems later in life.  Her musings were brought to a halt with the announcement of "Done, now lie down for a bit..."  Eset announced, but Zark didn't listen as she groaned a bit to get up. The Andorian stretched slowly then turned to place a hand on Enyd's shoulder. "That's right, I will keep you alive so if nothing else, I can see you squirm like a school girl later." Zark winked a long white lash at Enyd then turned to place a kiss on Eset's head.  "Thanks sweetie."

Turning to the Ompayan, Zark smiled evilly. "If you'll give me a moment, I have some questions."  She walked over and lifted the alien by the arm, giving it a good twist that elicited another wimper before frog marching her towards another door.  Javec perhaps divined the Andorian's purpose and gripped her arm for a moment before looking into her eyes and he could see the danger in them.  "Are you sure you want to do this?"  Zark looked back. "I have questions, she's going to answer them." The Zhen smirked. "I'll be gentle with her."  Javec didn't quite believe her, but let the arm go anyway.  Maybe there was something to be gained from this, and they were in a secure location anyway. Zark nodded and turned to give Enyd a measuring look. It was possible this was going to be nasty and she didn't know the diplomat had the stomach for what could follow especially since she was no longer in a charitable mood anymore. The Cardassian medic had a good idea of what she was up to and grabbed the other arm of the bound tech and helped drag her into the room. It was bad timing in a way as the other door opened as the Ghin walked out with his hair in a mess and using a  rag to wipe his hands.  Splotches of black blood covered his hands and the leader's breathing was slightly elevated. "He's a tough one, I'll give him that.  Must have been from his Obsidian order training.  I could swear he was a masochist the way he responded to us beating him.  Seemed to get even more euphoric after I stabbed his thigh." The leader shrugged. "I'm going to have to use a different route.  Maybe drugs would be better." He took a moment to look in the room and saw a couple of people were missing. "Where's blue fun bags?"

Zark and Eset sat the Ompayan down in the chair heavily and secured her arms and legs to a chair that was essentially bolted to the floor. Eset his a few buttons and a hum sounded. "The room should be dampened to sound. Zark nodded at this and slowly stretched her arms, hands, and neck. "As I said earlier, I have questions and you're going to answer them."  Zark walked around the back of the Ompayan and grabbed the back of her neck, pulling it back hard so she could see the ceiling while whispering into her ear. "I'm going to be generous and overlook the fact that I got some new bruises thanks to you kicking me earlier, and in exchange for my leniency, you're going to first tell me who that money was for."  It was an obvious answer, but this acted more as a control question to establish how truthful the interrogated was going to be. Maybe the tech had thought that the sign of leniency was a point she could exploit. "I'll be happy to tell you, but what do I get out of this?"

Zark smiled as she walked around the front of the alien, leaned over and placed and arm on her shoulder. The Andorian simply stared into the Ompayan's eyes and waited.  The tech grew more nervous as she waited.   Nervously she asked. " Something? Anything?" Zark's smile grew more fierce for a second and she drove a fist into the alien's gut that set her to coughing and wheezing.
When she had some breath back in her,  she croaked out in disbelief. "But, but, you're Starfleet, you don't..... " The tech grunted again as Zark drove another hammer into her.

"This is now repaying you for making my life  much more difficult. I'm in the mood to keep this up, so if you don't want me to start smashing in your face, answer my questions." The Andorian gripped the tech's chin hard and raised her head as she glared into the frightened eyes. "Who is the money going to?!"  "Ontatt!!" The tech wailed in terror and Zark nodded. "See, not so bad, and the truth didn't even hurt."  The Andorian turned around and sat on the edge of a table while Eset leaned against the door frame and looked bored. "So now you're going to tell me who set up the transfer and where it was coming from." Zark only cracked the tech once more across the face during the rest of questioning.
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: Ellen Fitz on May 08, 2024, 08:10:09 AM
[Ens. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Safe House | Cardassia Prime ] ATTN: @RyeTanker

While Zark occupied herself with the tech, Enyd caught the gaze of the Ghin and Javec. “Let me try my hand at Luske Ontatt.”

The Ghin laughed, “You?” He nearly doubled over in laughter. “You think you can get more information out of him than me?”

“It depends on the information,” Enyd remained calm in the face of his mockery, “some information doesn’t require brutality. And as you said, he basically delights in the more brutal tactics because it allows him to build up mental and physical barriers.” She gave a noncommittal shrug. “Doesn’t seem to be a reason why I can’t try.”

Javec mimicked her earlier shrug, looking over to the Ghin until the hardened man grumbled his agreement. Enyd hopped off the table, immediately shorter than both men. She sashayed past them, confident that she could get something from Ontatt, even if only from his body language and non-answers.

She found him tied to a chair in a pool of his own blood. The Ghin stood in the doorway behind her and signaled the rest of his men out, though he intentionally left the door open. Ontatt’s breathing was a shuddering rasp at this point, and from his hunched-over stance, Enyd deduced he’d retreated someplace else mentally. Much as she’d done when he’d been having a go at her.

“Hello again,” Enyd kept her voice even when she spoke, moving over to the table where the Cardassians kept their interrogation tools. Further back on the table was a med kit, which Enyd snagged before grabbing the only other chair in the room and dragging it across the floor until it was just beside Ontatt’s. “You’re looking a bit worse than when we last spoke.”

Ontatt said nothing and made no exterior movement, signaling that he even recognized her presence. Enyd took this as a good sign and hummed to herself. She opened the kit and removed the cleaning paraphernalia necessary to prevent infection while prepping his wounds for further treatment.

“The nice thing about rebuilding a civilization after such a massive reset is that even the most seemingly insignificant of people can make quite a big mark.” Unsurprisingly, Ontatt didn’t flinch when she began, still sitting catatonic and leaving Enyd to continue her babbling. “In a way, there’s more profit to be made the longer things remain unstable. Off-planet do-gooders continue to pump resources into the system that can be tapped into. It is really quite a profitable set-up. One even the Ferengi would delight in.”
The latter comment got a marginal snort from the older Cardassian but nothing else. Enyd stood from the chair and shifted to the man’s side, rolling his head upward and back, cradling it against her stomach as she worked to clean the various cuts on his face.

“Even so, there comes a time when the one making all this profit may think about legacy, either their own or for the ones they consider family. What will it be? And who will safeguard it?” She got the first flinch, but again, he remained quiet, his gaze focused on the distance. “Instability for too long risks another reset, and another, and another, and there’s no guarantee that those who profited from the first reset will survive to profit from the subsequent ones.” She let go of his head and returned to the med kit, switching out for the dermal regenerator. She started on his hands. “Civilisations that last the longest all have a necessary underbelly, and while there is the figurehead of power that is seen by all neighboring worlds, that figurehead is only given their power by the one who controls the underbelly. This is true even of the Federation, though the fanatical higher-ups would deny it.”

She began working on his neck, pausing only when she heard the door open and new voices filling the exterior room. Those must be the plainclothes her CDO had sent.

“If someone asked my opinion, which rarely happens surprisingly enough, I’d advocate for withdrawal from Cardassia as soon as possible. Let Cardassia jockey amongst their own factions for who will be the next in control, both officially and unofficially. Ideally, we’d be good neighbors and not have to repeat the mistakes of our past, but we don’t necessarily have to be best friends. And neither would Cardassia have to join the Federation. There are plenty of reasons not to, and anyone who says otherwise is a nincompoop.”

“Nincompoop?” Ontatt’s raspy voice interrupted her words and her work. Enyd paused, dermal regenerator hovering over his cheek. Her gaze collided with his as he spoke again. “I’ve never heard that term before.”

Enyd laughed, “Oh, that’s something my grandmother always said. I was raised by her mostly after my parents died on away missions. She was very old-fashioned and, well, rather influential on the terms I use. It is a fun word to say, isn’t it?”

Ontatt merely hummed acknowledgment before falling silent. There was a knock at the door before Enyd could push further, both with her healing efforts and coaxing. It was one of the men from the CDO.

“We have an update we’d like to share out here when you’re available.”

Enyd nodded, waiting until he backed away again before she looked back to Ontatt. They studied each other for a few silent moments, Enyd wordlessly pleading with him to share.

“Do I have anything to share with them?” She set aside the dermal regenerator.

“What guarantees do I have from the likes of you and Starfleet? You just said, ideally, you’d pull out and leave the planet to wrestle itself back into some semblance of normalcy. Why should I share anything with you when you have no interest or loyalty to the Cardassian people?”

Enyd gave a breathy snort, “And making a profit off the backs of those very Cardassians, allowing them to continue in misery and instability instead of using your channels to pump in more opportunities for growth, is loyalty to Cardassia?” Enyd shook her head at the man. “No, sir, you cannot make excuses for remaining silent when you’ve been the villain to your own story long enough. We are neither villain nor hero here. Apathetic bystanders at worst, or over-involved and enthusiastic pragmatics at best. You’re looking at the enthusiastic pragmatic. I think you are a good person to have on the side of rebuilding. You have connections to the underbelly that the Federation would balk at and that the new propped-up leader would have to officially balk at as well, but we both know the leadership of this planet cannot and will not stand without power, true power, coming in from all sides. The question is whether you have a creative enough mindset to visualize your part of the future of this planet or if you’ll continue to play hard to get and make yourself obsolete. And quite dead if that’s the case.”

Giving him an archaic salute, Enyd backed away, “I don’t think I have to tell you that your decision should be made soon. Pretty sure you’re only going to be alive for as long as any of us Starfleet personnel are around unless you start making yourself more useful.” Enyd blew him a kiss for good measure before turning on her heel and joining the others outside.

Enyd moved to stand next to Zark as the report was made. The confirmation that Atha Ono and Jassarac had been sighted nearby earlier that day, according to scans, was an unsurprising update. Enyd had already presumed the Bajoran terrorist and Orion brute no longer saw Ontatt as useful and had sought to end their business relationship in a particularly spectacular way. The news from the tech that the transfer had been set up by a Ferengi middleman and the numerous droplets of evidence that pointed toward a heavier Bajoran involvement in recent violence and upheaval on the planet were more surprising.

“Have there been recent promotions or transfers in the Bajoran government? Anyone with ties to the old resistance cells?” Enyd asked once the report was finished. “If ever there was a time to ensure an old enemy stayed down, it would be now.”
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: RyeTanker on May 16, 2024, 07:55:25 PM
[Ensign XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Ens. Zark) | Cardassia Prime] Attn: @Ellen Fitz

Ensign Zark missed the fact that Trooper Eset had pulled up the security feed and saw the increase in the population of the safe house. Seeing they weren't Cardassians, he stopped the Andorian as she was about to walk out of the room.  The medic stopped her and gave her a smile. "That was some good work. I'd be happy to have you with us any time."  The Andorian gave a small smile and flushed a bit at the compliment, the stiffened as he leaned in as if he was going to kiss her. She tried to back away, but the arm held her in place as he went for her ear. "It looks like more of your people have shown up and I know how soft you Federation types are. Let me handle this." Ensign Zark stared at the Cardassian for a moment in confusion then looked down at her hands and realized what she'd done. She looked back at the Ompayan who wore a look of terror on her face and she could see the blood leaking from a split lip where Zark had hit her. Her head turned back around and her eyes were wide as she looked at her hands again and they flexed unconsciously. "Oh. I uhhhhh....."  Ensign Zark stumbled as she tried to figure what to say next and the medic shook his head. "I'll take care of it. They can't do anything to me anyway."

Ensign Zark swallowed as her mind raced with what had happened.  It had all been so easy.  One wrong indicator, then another one, and the beating had started.  She mentally shook her head.  Time had been of the essence. They needed answers. She thought to herself, but it still rounded somewhat hollow despite the attempt at justification. She chopped off any more thoughts as Eset picked up the still protesting alien an opened the door to lead her out. Enyd had gone and the plain clothes looked at the bound alien in displeasure. Eset jerked her up and looked at his superior. "Sir, we got some information about the funds transfer. It looks like the transfer originated from Bajor of all places, but was routed through several other banks in the Federation before heading through other non Federation species. We can get more out of her with proper facilities."  That drew the attention of the plain clothes who were plainly more interested in the fact that several Federation worlds were involved in the recent round of violence on the war torn planet. "We'd like to question this woman..." Ghin Torlan jumped in quickly. "You can question nothing. One of your member worlds that we have a bad history with is involved.  You can't be trusted not to launch a cover up to protect them."  The officer practically sneered while the plain clothes leader looked on aghast before recovering. "That's not how we work and if one of our member worlds is involved, we need to start an investigation. It would go a long way to bringing justice to those who have been hurt here today."

The Ompayan looked like she wanted to chime in and Zark was sure she looking to see if she could cut a deal.  Eset silenced her by pushing the prisoner against the wall.  This seemed to raise the tension in the room while Zark watched the whole thing unfold.  Ghin Torlan and the plain clothes were yelling back and forth while Javec was trying to step in to intervene on why this was now a Cardassian matter and the Federation had no jurisdiction in it. This was a bit surprising to the Andorian, and she looked to Enyd for a moment. "Uhmmm, I get their point over who gets control of the prisoner, but surely there's a more equitable way for everyone to benefit from this?
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: Ellen Fitz on May 20, 2024, 09:46:15 AM
[Ens. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Safe House | Cardassia Prime ] ATTN: @RyeTanker

“When everyone wants a pound of flesh,” Enyd dryly commented to Zark as they watched the argument continue to bounce back and forth between the Federation personnel and Cardassian.

A tap on Enyd’s shoulder had her looking away, eyebrows rising to find one of the Cardassian soldiers who’d been guarding Ontatt, motioning for her to return to the adjacent room where he was being held. Tugging on Zark’s wrist, Enyd silently retreated, knowing the Andorian was on her heels.

“The bastard said he wanted to tell you something and wouldn’t let me relay the message.” The soldier pushed the door open and Enyd inwardly sighed to find him more roughened up since she’d last seen him literally moments before. “The door stays open.”

Enyd gave the soldier a faux salute, earning a sneer in response, before sauntering past him into the room. Looking over her shoulder to catch his gaze, she forced a grin as she picked up the med kit again and once more approached Ontatt, intending to undo their handiwork. The soldier rolled his eyes.

“You truly enjoy stirring up trouble, don’t you, Starfleet?”

Enyd made an exaggerated gesture of tossing her hair over her shoulder as she closed the distance between her position and his chair. “What would make you say that, Ontatt? I’m merely here at your request and figured I could kiss some of your boo-boos in the process.”

The Cardassian looked to Zark for aid in understanding whatever the hell it was Enyd had just said but, not finding any answers with the blue-skinned Amazonian beauty, he sighed.

“I want to be held at the Federation camp, guarded by Federation personnel, and given an audience with the Castellan.”

“In exchange for?” Enyd carefully began running the dermal regenerator over the newer bruises and cuts.

Ontatt pulled his head away to make direct eye contact. “I can tell you where the next bank rolling meeting will be, where the financiers of this type of hit and others like it gather to bid on new…investments. Though,” he let his gaze travel the length of both Enyd and Zark, “you’ll have to doll up significantly more if you’re to pass as someone worth their time to talk to.”

“Oh, so it’s fancy dress!” Enyd grinned. “I love fancy dress!”

Ontatt blinked, a look of bewilderment crossing his features before he shook his head and continued. “I will only share this information once I am secure within the Federation compound.”

“You understand the Castellan himself may want some Cardassians present during this whole transport and stay, a concession of sorts. I can’t promise you’ll be entirely without Cardassian companionship.” Before he could argue, Enyd snapped the dermal regenerator back into its holster and tossed it back into the med kit. “But, I’ll see what I can do. Ensign Zark, would you mind keeping Ontatt company while I relay his demands to the others? It seems he's quite accident prone even when strapped to a chair.”
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: RyeTanker on May 25, 2024, 07:36:26 AM
[Ensign XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Ens. Zark) | Cardassia Prime] Attn: @Ellen Fitz

As Enyd walked out of the room to present Ontatt's conditions, Ensign Zark stayed back and kept an eye on the prisoner.  The eye was somewhat figurative as she mostly kept watch out the door to see what sort of deal Enyd was going to work on brokering.  Her focus was distracted when Ontatt spoke. "An absolutely fascinating creature that human." Zark was still sore over her beating and the one she'd just administered, so she turned and glared at the Cardassian.

Ontatt smiled at the blue skinned woman. "Still upset over your treatment?" He inquired in a smarmy tone. "It really is unprofessional of you, it was just business. There was nothing personal in it." He continued in tones of profound indifference. Zark's teeth ground against each other and she crossed her arms under her chest and turned back to the facing the discussion that was on going. "Still, you held up quite well, maybe good enough for a recruit of the Obsidian Order, of course that sort of test is really something elementary for an Order agent, so it's hard to say whether you have the fortitude and intelligence to handle the more challenging tests."

Despite being restrained, the former agent seemed to give a shrug as he looked away as in contemplation. "Perhaps, one day, you won't feel so passionately about everything."  He looked at her once more, dark eyes looking to pierce the blue green ones practically glaring at him before she looked away. "Then maybe you'll actually be able to handle business properly."  He chuckled loudly and it was irritating since Zark had the urge to wipe the smirk off his face with her fist. "Even professionally." Zark whirled on him and closed the distance to grab his collar. "I could professionally re-arrange your face."  If he was surprised at her reaction, he didn't show it as he smirked again.  "An admirable objective Andorian."  He whispered.

Zark's nostrils flared as she stared into his eyes and she felt anger boiling in side her. "You're working hard to get yourself harmed for someone who wants our protection." Ontatt smirked again before seeming to lean back and relax. "Indeed, that is that is the question.  You have potential, and not just for violence."  Zark blinked at this, her confusion starting to grow. "You're testing me? Why?"  His shoulder moved, however minutely. "Occupational hazard.  Good assets are always hard to come by.  You should watch your 'friend'; she moves with agendas and plots despite that innocent face.  You'd be wary to get caught up in them."  Ensign Zark blinked again and scrunched his collar tighter, getting ready to shake the meaning of the insinuation out of him.

"Ensign, let him go."  The senior plain clothes called.  Ensign Zark stared into his eyes for a few moments more blowing air out of her lips in disbelief.  Roughly letting go of his clothes, the Andorian stood up and faced everyone.  "So, is there an arrangement for this miscreant?."
Title: Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Post by: Ellen Fitz on June 03, 2024, 06:49:30 AM
[Ens. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Safe House | Cardassia Prime ] ATTN: @RyeTanker

Enyd refrained from rubbing her temples as the Cardassian and Starfleet personnel argued around her. She’d given them Ontatt’s requirements, and, as expected, an argument broke out. Superiors were contacted and put on audio to likewise join the argument. Leaning against the wall adjacent to the door leading to Zark and Ontatt, Enyd sighed. If they could just stop measuring penile lengths, they could actually accomplish something.

“Very well,” Ghin Torlan’s gruff voice tinged with finality pulled Enyd from her thoughts, “we agree to these new terms.” The ghin glanced at Javec, waiting until the aide mirrored his action of giving a firm nod before gesturing toward Ontatt’s door. “The fucker is held at a neutral location, guarded by Starfleet and Cardassian forces; the security code to enter the location is kept only by the Castellan and the head of Starfleet stationed on Cardassia.”

Before Enyd could move to convey the information to Zark or Ontatt, a plain clothes officer left to do that very thing. She nibbled her lower lip, thinking over Ontatt’s intel so far before raising her hand in an old-fashioned manner to get attention.

“So then the mission to infiltrate the financiers will likewise be a joint operation?” She made eye contact with all those present though her question was directed towards her CDO, still currently on the line.

[ Yes, once Ontatt is sufficiently secured and made ‘happy’ enough to give us the rest of the intel, a joint operation will be conducted between the Castellan’s choice operative and our own. ]

Enyd frowned. She didn’t like the sounds of that, if only because it sounded like she was getting grounded. Now was not the time to argue with her superior, though, and while Javec gave her a look that made her think he was getting the same feeling, he wisely kept his mouth shut and remained on his side of the room.

The plain clothes officer returned to the main room then, Ontatt in tow, Zark close behind. Enyd caught the Andorians gaze and shook her head. They had much to talk about later, in a more private setting. A few more arrangements were made before a few plain clothes departed alongside Torlan’s men, Ontatt and the disgruntled Ompayan, in tow. Enyd, Zark, Javec, and the remaining members of the original team and the plain clothes were left behind, awaiting transport vehicles to take them to their species correct bases.

Still not feeling they had enough privacy to offer Zark apologies or explanations, Enyd sat beside her new friend, occasionally reaching out, brushing her hair away from a bruised cheek and offering other little physical affections.

[ Some hours later ]

Showered, cleared by medical, and dressed once more in her normal uniform, Enyd was not at all surprised when the CDO called her into his office. The glare he gave her was a bit of a surprise, considering they’d been successful in apprehending Ontatt and, apparently through Ontatt, had uncovered a deeper plot that still threatened the Cardassian rebuilding efforts.

“Why are you even a diplomat, Madsen?” When he spoke, the officer sounded older than his physical age. “Your shenanigans reek of Intelligence efforts. Were you rejected from Intelligence and opted for diplomacy as a backup? Figured you could talk your way out of a galactic incident using diplomacy only after you used your wiley ways to gain access to information otherwise best handled by Intelligence operatives?”

Enyd smiled despite the man’s frustration, “You’re not far off base, sir. My grandmother forbade me to enter Intelligence after both my parents died in the line of duty. Figured diplomacy was the other side of the same coin, with a lot of overlap occurring for mutual success.”

“You’re not in the least bit sorry for what’s happened, are you?” He stared at her, nearly gape-mouthed. “How have I managed to overlook your audacious nature until now?”

“I AM sorry for the loss of life, sir. Many good Cardassians died getting this information and in getting Ontatt. But as I see it, sir, many more may have been given another lease on life now that we have these leads to follow-up on. If I’m not mistaken, sir, my job as a diplomat is to represent and protect Starfleet interests and Federation citizens through facilitating strategic agreements, promoting trade, and fostering alliances. Within these parameters, I believe it is necessary to step out on occasion to create negotiation opportunities.” Enyd shifted her weight onto her heels a moment. “And I do not wish Ensign Zark to be penalized for assisting me, sir. She was assigned to keep an eye on me, as we both know, and I misled her into joining me on this last mission. She is a professional and should not be held back on account of my actions.”

Her CDO groaned, breaking eye contact long enough to scrub both hands over his tired-looking features.

“I don’t know what galls me more, that you somehow continue to get things accomplished that do, in fact, benefit Starfleet and the Cardassian efforts to rebuild, or that I can’t force you to sit out this next misssion.” Enyd’s eyes widened and she actively fought the urge to beam. Her CDO caught the subtle emotional tell and glared. “Before you get too excited, listen to what I have to say…”

[ Corridor outside Ensign Zark’s quarters ]

Enyd gave an old-school hand knock against the door. She’d already checked with medical and Zark should be in her quarters by now. However, considering the woman hadn’t answered her console chimes and now the banging, Enyd wondered if she was passed out from pain meds or off on her own mission.

“Zark! I’ve got news! Let me in!”
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