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Topic: CH01: S [D01|1230] Suit up and Shake Down (Read 4762 times) previous topic - next topic
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CH01: S [D01|1230] Suit up and Shake Down

[ Lieutenant Frank Arnold | Main Engineering | Deck 25 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ @Fife @SummerDawn @DaValle @Jmjs7125
((This Thread is a supplemental for any within the Engineering Department, preparing the ship to depart in line with the Main Story at 1300 on Day 01. I've reached out in DMs to everyone that is @'d here, however if there are people I have missed, please feel free to @ them in your post so all the Engineers who'd like to, get a chance to take part))
Frank had come straight from the bridge, having gone there straight from the shuttle bay. What had started as a perfectly uneventful morning filled with scans and science, had very quickly turned into the day they'd been prepping for. The Ship was at Yellow Alert, so by now he expected most of the Engineers would have taken their Duty Stations, which were here, while the ship was not broken into independent vectors. He carried with him his PADD, which still had his scan results on them, and he'd at least managed to get his toolbelt on his way. If he hadn't had a convenient way to get it without breaking his path, he'd have come without for the moment.

Blue had sent him here, she still had work to do on the bridge, or on the Erudite or the Allegiant, he hadn't stayed there long enough to find out. For now, his place was here, and the task of leading the department fell to him and Kaylon Jeen until Blue could take her station.

He burst into Engineering from the corridor with a serious look on his face, jovial Frank for the moment was put to bed, this was serious Frank, and while serious Frank was still a happy guy, he wasn't all jokes and rants like jovial Frank. He took a deep breath as he pushed into the room and then headed for the Master Situation table while he clipped his belt around his waist, tools dangling from it like a cowboy's colts. To his left a hyperspanner, and his right a micronized welder. Once he got there, he raised his voice to the room, "I need all Engineering staff to the Master Situation Table right away!"

While he waited he was already switching systems displays on the master table. He'd need Kaylon for the propulsion related stuff, that just wasn't his area of expertise. In a pinch he could do it or delegate, but with a second Assistant Chief with skills that complemented his own, he didn't need to bother. He did however begin the upload of his scans data gathered this morning, all nominal. 'Well that checks the first box'.

As various Ensigns, Petty Officers, Crewmen and otherwise, began to gather around the table, he'd just wait, nodding to each as they arrived. When he felt enough had gathered for him to start, he cleared his throat, and said, "The Chief will be with us shortly, in the mean time, you're stuck with my ugly mug. If you don't know me, or we haven't met yet, I am the new Assistant Chief Engineer, Frank Arnold." He paused, and thought, and spoke again in a moment, "For those of you that don't know already, we're expecting to be departing port in short order. Our time here at Aldea has come to a close. That, among other things happening throughout the Federation, is the reason for our Yellow Alert."

He waited a moment, and then continued, "That means we've got a couple hours to make sure this boat is absolutely ready to launch. I know a lot of you have done a lot of good work in the past weeks, to get the Theurgy back into fighting shape, sadly the time for back pats and blow jobs is not now. We're breaking port, which means checklists." He expected a few groans, checklists were a pain, "It's going to feel like we're going over the same work we've been doing for a while now, but that doesn't mean we can PADD-whip it."

He picked up his PADD and offered as he started reading from it, "Hull checks are complete, I did them this morning, and since they're current, we won't need to redo them. But still, we need to check the plasma back-pressure at all main EPS Trunks, full status check on Bio Neural Packs, we need a full efficiency status check on the Main Warp Core, flow check on injector coils and deuterium injector, full review of damage control circuits, shield emitter and deflector array parameter checks, and communications array checks." He paused, "We also need to bring the warp core up to full running status." He crossed his arms and offered, "In short, we've got a lot of work to do, and we're going to work like dogs. But once we're done, the first round's on me."

Re: CH01: S [D01 | 1230 hrs.] Suit up and Shake Down

Reply #1
[Lt. Kaylon Jeen | Deck 25 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] @uytrereee @Fife @SummerDawn @Jmjs7125 

Kaylon has heard that the most seniors have been gathered on the bridge, anyway that’s nothing for him. Not because he hadn’t thought about attending there too, but there’re some reasons why he didn’t attend nonetheless. The most significant at least was that Lieutenant Frank already was there and Kaylon could only imagine how annoyed Blue would be if none of her assistants was at the main engineering during a yellow alert. Why the fuck do I have you fucks anyhow? He heard her in his mind. He could also have missed one or two fucks in that sentence, but he wasn’t quite sure. Nonetheless for Kaylon there was no doubt that his place was at the main engineering and not at the bridge, so he used the last thirty minutes or so to make sure all crewmen who were supposed to be here were here. Well not all of course some were still on Aldea and some others were still crawling around the tubes to secure all kind of unfinished projects that could blast some huge holes in the ship hull if they start the engines.

While the other Lieutenant entered the room Kaylon was still occupied giving some Crewmen a new task for the time being. Just some simple jobs, checking the warp nacelles if they were clean and ready, the last thing they need was some crewmember who still worked there for some reason while they get activated. Kaylon ended his briefing with a fast “You’ve got you orders.” as he heard that the other Lieutenant called the leading officers to the MST. What’s he doing there? I have already gave orders to the most of the senior staff here and we definitely don’t need all of them. And before the Petty Officers he already assigned to some tasks would start to confused turning around in a cycle Kaylon decided to specify the Lieutenants orders a little bit. “Alright, you have heard him. Any leading staff who hasn’t yet received direct orders by me meet us at the MST and all who have…” Kaylon recognized an awkward silence while he spoke so he made the following instruction as clear as rain for them. Raising his voice again he added the next part with his more confident commanding voice. “Well, you’ve already got your orders so what are you waiting for?”

The engineers resumed their work and those who didn’t moved straight to the MST. Nevertheless Kaylon was the first who arrived at the table and used this advance to change some words with the other Lieutenant. “You have to be the new Assistant Chief. I’m Lieutenant Jeen. Is there anything you can tell me from the senior staff meeting that could get important for us?” After he got the response of Frank they waited for the rest of their staff to arrive here too. It weren’t actually many officers, since the most who had a lower rank than ensign had received their orders already. The rest who arrived at the table were either finished with their work or Kaylon had thought they knew how to make themselves useful without him pointing out some obvious ways. They all listened to the Lieutenant while he briefed them and then he mentioned the checklist. Of course he did, he didn’t spoke to Kaylon before to make sure that the other Chief didn’t already started the preparing. Even though Kaylon hadn’t yet checked all parts of the official list he knew that the ship was going to leave the port soon and made therefore some of the necessary preparations that are not on the official list. Still most of what Arnold mentioned hasn’t yet been completed or in some matters even tackled by anyone. The Trill stood there quiet and waited for the Lieutenant to finish his briefing.

As Frank finished Kaylon took over and began with the first assignments: “So folks, now the funny part starts. Mister LeBlanc you’re going to handle the Bio Neural Packs." He gave the man a short gap to reply then he continued: "Ms. Marika take a look on the efficiency of the warp core." Again a short break. "The plasma back-pressure and the control circuits were already assigned by me so the remaining points we need to check are the shield emitters, deflector array, communications, injector coils and the deuterium injectors. The weapon arrays are already checked and ready to leave port, according to Mister Kolla which means that you’re free and therefore you’re going to check the communications array.” He listened to the response of the Petty officer and then turned toward Arnold and added: “If you wouldn’t mind I would simply taking care of the warp core status and let you decide who has to handle the remaining tasks.” Kaylon headed back to others at the table after he received an answer from his new co Lieutenant.

[PO2 T’Kolla | Deck 25 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ]

He has predicated that the captain would start some sort of alert earlier or later after he saw that Paris has gone dark and that the captain summoned the leading staff. Therefore he ordered the crewmen under his command to retract the pulse arrays and close the hatches of the phasers that weren’t in use while the Theurgy didn’t use the MVAM. So the last hour Taa’gur crawled from one junction to the other till he was finished with the last Vector. After that he crawled his way back to the main engineering to see if they need him there for some reason. On half way there the yellow alert finally started and till he arrived at the main engineering the room was already in full preparation mode. The current highest officer was the Trill called Kaylon and he was completely occupied by coordinating the Crewmen and Petty Officers, so T’Kolla simply walked to him and gave him a briefly report about the ship weapons. Afterwards he helped some other Petty Officers.

The other Lieutenant turned up and called the engineers to the MST even though Kaylon called everyone who’s already assigned back T’Kolla made his way up to the table. Well technically he wasn’t really assigned anywhere now, he has just helped them without any further assignment. At the table the older Lieutenant began his briefing after the rest of the engineers arrived there too. He listed some jobs yet to be done and then the other Lieutenant started his assigning including T’Kolla for the communications array, even for a Crewman this task would almost be to easy for. It’s actually nothing more than running the scans and wait for the console till it’s going to give you more or less a yes or no. Anyhow if that’s what the Lieutenant wanted him to do he will. “Yes, Sir. Consider it to be done.” He said after the Lieutenant assigned him to the task.

After the briefing was over he finally made his way to the console and began the scans.
[PO2 T’Kolla]

Oh and if there's anything fundamentally wrong with the text above, then please don't hesitate to point it out to me.

Re: CH01: S [D01 | 1230 hrs.] Suit up and Shake Down

Reply #2
[ CPO Morgan Song | Main Engineering | Deck 25 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @BZ @Fife @SummerDawn @DaValle @uytrereee

Morgan scrambled up and out of the Jefferies Tube when he heard the order to report to Main Engineering. He should have been there almost an hour ago, but one of the drainage systems for the Public Baths had ruptured and began leaking water into the jefferies tubes running beneath Deck 6. It had been an easy fix, but he was now drenched from head to toe after trying to find the source of the leak. With each step his boots squeaked as he tried to jog as quickly as possible through the corridors without bumping into anyone. He probably looked like a mad man who just came out of a deep sea holodeck program.

He finally reached the Turbolift, and luckily this one was empty. He would be spared of the odd stares at least for a few moments. “Main Engineering, ASAP!” he said, taking a minute to catch his breath. He definitely needed to work out more.

While he was alone, he ran through a mental checklist of the things he knew off the top of his head that still needed repairs before they left Aldea. Most of the major damages and issues had been taken care of, but there were still a few small things that needed to be updated or just checked on. The main concern was making sure the Theurgy was ready for being out there away from any planetary resources, and ensuring that the ship would be able to stay together in a fight, the stars forbid that another happen so soon.

He had tried to avoid thinking about it, but as he got closer to engineering the thought rose closer and closer to the surface of his mind. This would be his first big work day after his promotion. Before now it had just been handing out daily orders and running a few additional scans, but it wasn’t out of the realm of possibility for him to be leading a team today. He had never really done that before, just relay orders that had been given to him. But this time, if something on a repair needed to be done, he'd have to know what it was and who to give the assignment to. You can do this. It's not scary, it's just something new, He told himself.

He reached Deck 25 and quickly made his way to Engineering. He wasn’t dripping anymore, but he was still quite damp. Luckily everyone was busy getting to work or receiving orders, so no one really had time to notice him. As he reported to the MST he felt his stomach sink. That's right, today they had a new Assistant Chief Engineer. Lieutenant Arnold. Just his luck that he looked and smelled like a wet Targ when meeting a new commanding officer. Who knows, maybe Lt. Arnold wouldn’t notice. “Chief Petty Officer Song, reporting for duty, Sir!” he said as professionally as possible, doing his best to ignore the water rolling down the side of his face.
"Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. Spectacularly."

Re: CH01: S [D01 | 1230 hrs.] Suit up and Shake Down

Reply #3
[ Lieutenant Frank Arnold | Main Engineering | Deck 25 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ @Fife @SummerDawn @DaValle @Jmjs7125
((Making an advancement post for the group, if you have not posted in yet, please feel free to do so at any time))

Frank waited patiently around the table, about impatiently as someone could do so. He knew there were more staff to arrive, but for now, it was important that he got tasks going that weren't. Once yellow alert had happened, like as not, the lower enlisted crewmen, had their readiness orders. They all did. His style was obviously different to Kaylon's, he liked to make personal touch with all of the seniors regardless, it was just how he was. Sometimes having two Assistants, meant two sets of Orders, but Blue had said to come down here and lead the show for now, so that's what he had come down here to do. Even though, really, it was awkward, he was one of the newest crewers to Main Engineering.

As Kaylon came over, he gave a slow nod then lowly, looking about, and taking this opportunity to have a private word with the other second in command. He lowered his voice to have a private word, he said very lowly to the man, "There's been an attack on Earth. A thalaron device was detonated in Paris, much of the Federation government is likely affected, and basically the whole city population is gone. The Romulans have taken responsibility for the action, and the Federation will likely be at war very soon." He didn't know all the details, he'd only stayed long enough to touch base with Blue, "I don't know how the Chief wants this information handed down, so I was going to wait for her to tell the crew, let them chew on tasks without distractions for a while." He nodded lowly, "Sorry we never got to meet before this." He rolled his shoulders, "And sorry if I just came in and stepped on your toes, pissed in your Wheaties, two assistants is a new thing for me."

He cleared his throat as the table got a bit more crowded, and he listened to Jeen, listening to who he gave assignments to, so in the future, he knew who the best were at certain jobs." He would hear Kaylon ask if he could do the warp core, and he laughed gently, and said lightly, "I believe Propulsion is your Arena Mr. Jeen. I've always been a damage control specialist, so by all means, the warp core is all yours." He gave a nod, and looked down at his PADD, saying idly, "I know I've had Cobb and Kowalski running cabling for me to the Flag Bridge for the Chief Diplomat, perhaps they could start the check on the deflector." He nodded lowly, rolling his shoulders as he thought, looking down his manifest.

Just as he was thinking, another man, damp and a bit smelly, arrived at the table. He only had the briefest moment to look the man head to toe, before he gave a chuckle, and offered, "Thank you for joining us Mr. Song." To Frank, the kid just looked like a guy who'd been doing hard work, and ultimately ended up rushing to his action station. He nodded lightly, "Just in time to be picked for a job Mr. Song. We are going to Yellow Alert, in preparation to depart port. Please run a top to bottom of the shield emitter systems, make sure everything's back online and ready." He didn't feel the need to tell a CPO how to do that, just to do that.

That left two tasks, injector coils, and the deuterium injectors. He cleared his throat then, and said patiently, "I will help handle the deflector, and work with Mr. Song on the shields." He looked around for any new arrivals, before simply assigning the last two tasks to the first person he saw. He would add lightly to Mr. Jeen, "Do you have preferred Engineers for the injector systems, or should I send you the first ones that I get my hands on?" Might as well get some input.

Re: CH01: S [D01 | 1230 hrs.] Suit up and Shake Down

Reply #4
[Lt. Kaylon Jeen | Deck 25 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] @uytrereee @Fife @SummerDawn @Jmjs7125

It were horrific news that Frank had for the Trill. A thalaron bomb that had destroyed Paris was definitely nothing easy to come to terms with and Kaylon completely supported Franks suggestion. It was probably for the best if Blue told the rest of the crew what has happened and till then Kaylon had a whole bunch of ideas of how to keep the remaining engineers busy. Even if he had to let them doing the dusting, he would find something, but now they had to assign the necessary tasks first and after that they could maybe start thinking about cleaning this place.

After Kaylon finished his part of the assigning the other assistant Chief took over till another member of the engineering stuff arrived at the table. It was the CPO Song who introduced himself while some waterdrops rolled down his cheeks. Under different circumstances and in front of a different superior this could have been the most awkward meeting. For Kaylon, anyhow, this would only be in the top two, since the first place was still occupied by their first meeting inside the warp nacelles. Oh and till Morgan didn’t used the next phaser pistol to melt down some more or less critical ship systems and passed out afterwards due to the toxic smokes, this wouldn’t be their weirdest encounter.

After Frank gave Morgan one of the remaining tasks he turned back to Kaylon to ask him if there were any preferred engineers for the injectors. A brief smirk came as a first response of Kaylon. “Hell no. I doubt any Officer would start the self-destruction mode of the ship while checking the injectors, so send me simply the next one you’ll find.”

Since there was apparently no one else who needed some kicks in their asses to do their jobs, Kaylon decided to make his way back to the warp core. At all he had not too much to do there, currently, he only had to make sure that none of the systems would overload. The possibility was almost inexistent, but still it was something he had to cast an eye at.
[PO2 T’Kolla]

Oh and if there's anything fundamentally wrong with the text above, then please don't hesitate to point it out to me.

Re: CH01: S [D01 | 1230 hrs.] Suit up and Shake Down

Reply #5
[LCdr Blue Tiran | Erudite | Allegiant | Splitting her Deck | Fucking French Fuckers | Romulan Mother Fuckers | Fucking Thalaron | Fucking Assholes | Fucking Can't we Just Fucking Have a Normal Fucking Mission for Once | Fucking Working with Others | Fucking Slipstream Shit Hasn't Been Fully Actualized in Testing Under Stress | FUCK!]
@Jmjs7125 @DaValle @uytrereee @Fife

There were so many things in the mind of Blue Tiran.  So many things that had been brought up on the Bridge and so many fucking things she was going to have to fucking figure out in the time span before they got the fuck on the road.  She was not ready to leave fucking Aldea, they had been here a fucking month and while the fucking ship was a fuck ton better than it had been when she fucking walked onto the dead mother fucker it could most definitely use some more fucking time.  That and there were still some fuckers she would like to space in secret.  ~Oh them, they just abandoned the ship, shocking right, lazy ass mother fuckers.. just stopped coming to work, so fucking out of character for them....~

Stepping onto Engineering, she could see him out of the corner of her eye.  The beautiful AI Owl that she had created and the fucking Savi  had fuckified to the point where he was everything she had fucking dreamed of without all the fucking credit.  Still, she was fucking glad that he was there, and he soared through the deck using his wings to power his direction with the anti-grav panels keeping him up off the ground. 

People would see Albert before they would see Blue, but the thing was usually when Albert was in site, he was either being Blue's fucking errand boy, watching the deck for her, or he was ahead of her and already figured out her destination based on algorithms of her most frequent haunts and where the fuck she went in certain situations.  While Albert's full AI was fairly fucking new, he had actually been with Blue a long time and all the information gathered over the years was put to great use.

So it was no surprise when Albert moved to a small perch imbedded in the side of a console not far from main engineering station and sat there looking at the meeting which was still going on.  Blue stood back a moment watching as Arnold and Jeen began to give out orders, her eyes shifted between her two assistants and knew that Ives had chosen well.  It wasn't easy for Blue to give up some of her control but that was just because she was a control freak when it came to her deck and her ship.  Ives only thought this was his ship, but in actuality, it was Blue's. 

Blue walked with a purpose, her curls moving around her and behind her as she charged towards the central station looking at them.  She wasn't the sort that meandered she walked with purpose and her in your face attitude was evident with every step.  The air on the deck seemed to change with her coming onto it.  She approached the spot where her people were talking and working and figuring shit out and looked at the men that worked with her to control the deck.

“All right people.” she said tossing her PADD on the station in front of her and crossing her arms over her chest.  Sharp blue eyes looked at everyone around the table and her two assistants.  “Shit went down.  France has been attacked by an thalaron bomb.  Right now, we are heading out to figure out what the fuck we can do.  Right now the Romulans are supposedly after this, but some hokey fucky knowledge said this wouldn't be the last of the targets.  We are gearing up suiting up and blowing his fuckball to get out there.”

She looked around for a moment letting that news sink in.  Blue was definitely not the girl you wanted at your bedside when you were about to croak, or when you were about to receive bad news.  She was definitely a tear off the bandaid quickly kinda girl. 

“Now.  More news.  I know fuck.  Lets get past that.  We are requesting the Savi alliance extend to helping us even more.  So those that have issues with the white headed mother fuckers, need to grow a pair and get over it.  The time of letting you guys do whatever you needed on different parts of the ship stops now.  I”m not trying to be a bitch, I'm trying to get this fucker up and running.  I need volunteers to go with...” she looked over at her two assistants.

Jeen has the most report with the crew.  He's been here longer.  Knows them better.  But he's my propulsion specialist and we have a new fucking slipstream baby that I'm going to need his brain for when shit goes bad...

“Arnold to the Allegiant.” she said with a brush of her hair off her shoulder.  “The Allegiant, should my discussions with Echtand go as planned, will be on the Erudite, a Savi first class ride to Earth ahead of the Theurgy because they can get there a fuckton faster than we can.  So, those fuckers that volunteer, you'll be heading off on a cool tour of the planets at the behest of our favorite white headed fuckers.” she said looking around the room.

“So.  Volunteers?  Questions?  Dance numbers?”

Re: CH01: S [D01|1230] Suit up and Shake Down

Reply #6
[PO2 T’Kolla | Deck 25 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] @BZ @uytrereee @Jmjs7125

Taa’gur listened attentively while standing at the console he worked on when Blue came in the room to gave them the information he already expected. Something had hit Earth and whatever it was it had enough impact to black out the whole Federation news network. Blue further mentioned that the exact target of this assault was France. Again it proved how less Taa’gur knew about the Federation government or at least about the Earth that he didn’t even know what exactly France was, but the only really logical explanation would be that France is either the name for the Federation capitol building or the most dense populated place on Earth.  At least those would be the most reasonable places for the Romulans to assault.

Blue continued her speech and it was exactly the kind of speech that was necessary in this situation. Straight to the point, don’t pussyfoot around just tell them what has happened and what we are now going to do to revenge this. That’s the way a well organised military Officer has to deal with bad news during war. Anything else would only indicate that the Officer had the same level of fear the rest of crew had.  Furthermore Blue told them how exactly the Theurgy is going to response to the Parasite’s other bomb threats. A small and fast strike team was apparently the answer the senior staff had concluded on. There were several reasons why Taa’gur would have joined this team but the – in his opinion – most reasonable option was the one he mentioned as he offered his assistance for the team. “Ma’am, I would join the team. For what it’s worth, the Devore have once experimented with Thalaron technology, even if it was almost antic during the time I was trained at the Academy due to its huge danger for our own ships, I can still remember one thing or two about this stuff. So if the Allegiant should actually encounter another one of those bombs I can maybe help.”

The other reason Taa’gur would have joined the team was less noble and therefore not what he mentioned now. If he was right and France was the location of the Federation parliament then it was close to a place called Luxembourg. Even if Taa’gur didn’t knew how far away it was, the idea wasn’t completely out of his mind that this Thalaron bomb could have killed his old friend Nico. Still he knew basically nothing about Earth. So Nico could have been right in the epicentre or so far away that he didn’t even knew it has happened yet. Who knows. Taa’gur was just used to expect the worst that could have happened is normally also what has happened.
[PO2 T’Kolla]

Oh and if there's anything fundamentally wrong with the text above, then please don't hesitate to point it out to me.


Re: CH01: S [D01|1230] Suit up and Shake Down

Reply #7
[ Lieutenant Frank Arnold | Get in Bed with an Alien? | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ @DaValle

Frank had no good news today, and he didn't feel good delivering it. Maybe it would have been better from someone that Jeen had a working relationship with? Frank couldn't really decide, but he also didn't know if Blue was the gentle type, so, he took his chance. He watched the man process it for a moment, and would then dust himself off, and let Kaylon figure out the other issues. He gave a slow chuckle as the man said to send him the next officer he found, and so he began scanning the bay as he walked towards the shield emitter setup, to start the top to bottom with Mr. Song.

Or he would have, if Blue hadn't come in all fire and Blue hair in that moment. He did however watch Albert join the meeting place, just as he was going. He about faced and headed back, he figured Blue would want to brief them herself, even if they'd handed out the duties. He crossed his arms behind his back, and let Blue deliver the news.

And deliver it she did. He had to restrain a chuckle, it was less than elegant, but it was a direct way of doing it. He looked around at the crew, to gauge their reactions. This was of course, the first almost any of them were hearing about it. He'd heard this morning in a shuttle with two crewers. Depending on the looseness of their lips, half the ship could know by now, but for the moment he assumed it was still quiet....for the moment.

He raised a brow as she ordered him to the Allegiant. He straightened up at the mention of his name, and would give a slow nod. "Yes sir." He'd never worked with the Savi, and honestly they were a little odd in their own way, but now he was going to be getting a crash course it seemed. He would give a nod and figured that was that. He offered, "Shakedown tasks have been assigned by Mr. Jeen and myself. They're registered on the main table, and the officers know to check them off when they're done. Hull, structural integrity, and a few others are already done. Checklist should be complete within an hour." He checked his PADD for the time 12:41, that was an ambitious goal, but these were fighting times.

He looked around, and then offered a bit louder, "Any volunteers, we'll meet at departure, don't dilly dally, we need to be ready to depart as soon as possible. Pack your bags, and meet ninety minutes prior to departure, shuttle bay one!" He gave another nod, and would look to Blue, and Jeen, offering a light, "Unless there's anything else Chief, I better pack and download the technical specs." If he wasn't stopped, he offered a light "Good luck to you both" and turned to exit the deck, given his tasks were assigned, and his scans were done.


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