Star Trek: Theurgy

Star Trek: Theurgy | Season 1 => Episode 05: Courage is Fear | Part 2 => Topic started by: Auctor Lucan on July 28, 2018, 12:15:50 AM

Title: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [D05|2330]
Post by: Auctor Lucan on July 28, 2018, 12:15:50 AM

CHAPTER 02: VANTAGE POINTS [ DAY 05 | 2330 hrs. ]

[ High Chancellor Martok, son of Urthog | Bridge | Negh'Var Heavy Carrier IKC Rotarran | Azure Nebula ] Attn: All
Two days of hunting, and finally, Martok, son of Urthog, had found his quarry. Or, as the sensors revealed to him, a third of it.

Drex, you ignorant fool of a son, see what you have led me to? he thought in ire turned bitter, still hoping the lad was in Sto'vo'kor, and that his future Par'Mach'kai, Zyrao Natauna, fought at his side. She was the one who had contacted him before the IKS Hakkarl was lost. (,2188.msg13320.html#msg13320) She'd told him they had encountered the Theurgy, asked him about its Captain, and he'd told her that the wretched shapeshfter had surprised him when he betrayed his uniform. It seemed Captain Ives had surprised Drex as well, since he hadn't listened to the advice he gave Natauna, that the Hakkarl was no match for the Theurgy, and that he should make a tactical retreat. Instead, either of two things had happened. Captain Ives gave chase and destroyed the Hakkarl nonetheless, or Drex engaged the Theurgy in belief that he would bring honour to the Empire and Federation both by destroying the renegade ship. Either way...

...Martok had to restore the honour of his House. He had taken the Klingon flagship and launched from Q'onoS immediately.

"Chancellor, shall we maintain present course?" bellowed Helmsman Ch'Targh (, whom had agreed to join Martok on this quest for revenge. Though Ch'Targh was a Captain stationed on HuDyuQ, he would never had said no to Martok's request; this chance to relive the days on the old Rotarran, the one designated IKS, which has been a lot smaller back during the Dominion War. Once more, he'd sail Martok's ship into battle.

"Aye, and prepare the Phantoms for launch," said Martok, curling his upper lips in knowing that the sensors of a Federation ship like the Theurgy was more than a match for the cloaking abilities of the Klingon fleet, and there was no element of surprise to find in using the cloak. Rather, he'd ride the Rotarran straight for this enemy of both the Federation and Klingon Empire, and not hide like some frightened petaQ. "Tell Commander Doran, that the Theurgy has already deployed its fighters."

Doran, daughter of W'mar (,_daughter_of_W%27mar), had also served on the old Rotarran, as a wee lass with a lot of promise. Now, she was one of the leading Phantom Commanders in the Klingon Fleet, and she had served on the Negh'Var ( Rotarran since two years ago, when the heavy carrier was commissioned. Under her command were the proud pilots of thirty NIyma raiders, all eager to launch.

"They have already raised shields," said N'Garen, daughter of Tse'Dek (,_daughter_of_Tse%27Dek), her long hair settling around her shoulders when she turned to look at him. "All disruptors and phasers are armed, and we have torpedoes loaded for launch. Shall we open fire?"

Martok, however, didn't look at his weapons and security  officer. He stared at this middle section of the Theurgy on the viewscreen.

"Hail the Hu'tegh 'urwI'," he said in a low voice, and leaned back in his command chair. He would not rise for traitors. "low-band only, since we do not need the A.I. virus that Starfleet Command briefed us about. Yet be ready to fire on my mark. On screen."

Once the channel was open, Martok's quiet glare took in the bridge crew, his one-eyed stare slowly sweeping the faces present. Oh, they knew of him, that much was plain. He supposed his reputation still lingered even long after the war had come to an end. Foe and ally, and now, foe once more... to these traitorous Targs that had taken his son's life.

"This is High Chancellor Martok of the IKC Rotarran, and you will all die in battle this day," he told them all as they met his single eye. "When I have destroyed you, I will continue to hunt for the other two parts of your ship, along with several seasoned Captains of the Empire that follow in my wake. We will not rest... until I face your real Captain, and have him answer for his crimes to his fleet and my House alike."

Curling his lip, Martok's thick fingers whitened around the armrests of his chair. "Because of the Hakkarl, the Klingon Empire has answered the Federation's call for aid, and now... your moronic flight will end. Do you have anything to say... before we begin?"

Martok did not care who this Bajoran in the centre seat on the screen was, and little did it matter.

For he and his crew would know the wrath of a father deprived of his wife and all his children - the last one slain by their hand.

OOC: *grins* Please note that this is a Negh'Var heavy carrier of 2381, and not earlier iterations. I will be setting up a page for it, but sufficed to say, I'd say this will be a tough battle, especially with the IKC Rotarran's complement of 30 Phantom raiders that are about to be deployed. The response time of 7 days begins today for everyone. Here's the bridge crew: [Show/Hide]
Here is the characters in the Fighter Assault Bay and the Lone Wolves Squadron: [Show/Hide]
Primary Surgical Suite, Main Sickbay, CMO Office: Here, Nicander has passed out, and he can either 1) be resuscitated by Maya at the order of Doctor Rez, or 2) the patient stays where he is, still unconscious, or 3) he is moved to the Brig, or a combination of these alternatives. The ranking Security Officer is Varder Ridun, but there is the health of the patient to consider, and the current mission: [Show/Hide]
Again, as previously stated about the current situation, please notice how five hours have passed since the earlier events in this Chapter and 2300 hrs, which is the present time. These five hours are, of course, now available for everyone to use in setting up their own Supplemental threads. The naming convention for such threads belonging to Chapter 04 is still: CH04: S [DXX|YYYY] Insert Title. These should also be posted in the Part 1 board of Epsiode 05!
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Triage on July 28, 2018, 01:54:35 AM
[ Ens. Krystal "Meony" Tancredi (,_callsign_%22Meony%22) | Cockpit | AC-409 Mk III Valkyrie, Sassy Slayer | The Infinite Coffin | Azure Nebula ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @Havenborn, @Jm Von Cat, @Blue Zephyr & @Multificionado
Even as Meony sailed through the vacuum of space, powered only by her manuevering thrusters, automated systems and the original momentum that she had been moving in, the redhead idly wondered if the Borg was holding the crew in suspense. Why didn't they just pop right out on top of them? Not that the pilot wanted that for them, it just seemed to be taking an inordinate amount of time, though Meony was not known for her patience or timing, so she was probably just being impatient, and as she continued to move in formation (facing the direction of the approaching vessel), she began trying to cycle through her options of what she could do with the Sassy Slayer to either boost the sensors.

“What Ah'd give t' get a better look at what's comin'...” she muttered privately to herself, careful to keep her hailing systems off for this. “Maybe if Ah shunt power from the warp...”

The Klingon design was unmistakable, and when the hazel-eyed girl saw it, she blinked, shook her head, idly wondered if the tumour in her head was making her see things, then she decided it couldn't be since her sensors were telling her exactly what she was seeing for certain. “Fuck, now Ah wish Ah didn't see that.” She sighed angrily and opened a hail to Thomas Ravon and Cameron Henshaw, “Ah got confuh-mation on th' Klingon ship, readings say it's packin' a lotta fighters. Orders?”

She maintained her tight formation with the lead and the rest of the Wolves, but she never took her forward facing off from the massive cruiser.

We're so fucked.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Multificionado on July 28, 2018, 06:22:23 AM
[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley | Cockpit | AC-409 Mk III Valkyrie, Winterbourne | Azure Nebula] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @Triage @Nolan @Triton @Havenborn @chXinya @Doc M. @Top Hat

The moment Rawley saw the huge Klingon ship bearing down, she let out a flurry of colorful curses. The Azure Nebula was in Klingon territory; she should’ve expected Klingon ships. But she certainly wasn’t expecting a Klingon flagship. She’d be surprised to see a Negh’Var cruiser that was not a flagship these days. She just could not believe it. She should’ve known to expect a Klingon ship out here; the hullabaloo about the Borg had forced it from mind. But a Klingon flagship? God forbid if they had gotten the attention of some general in the Klingon High Command.

She had been slightly jumpy. She was expecting the Borg. Cor, the sensors were tuned to detect Borg signatures, and her sensors were picking up twenty-seven bloody apertures. She had been taking in the sensor readings when she noted the ship was bearing down on course. She momentarily forgot about it. She looked up and did a double take. She. Should. Have. Bloody. Known.

In a way, it made her feel better that what they run unto was a Klingon ship instead, but those concerns were not alleviated. Much as the Empire and the Federation got along with each other, Rawley had a feeling word about the Theurgy’s “treachery” had spread beyond the Federation borders.

“Lieutenant Rawley to Commander Ducote on the Theurgy. I have a question to pose to the commander of the Endeavour survivors, Commander Ducote, along with the rest of the survivors he commands. That warp signature we’ve been following…I believe you poor buggers about meeting the Borg, but have you, have we all been following the warp trail of a Klingon flagship all the way to the middle of the Azure Nebula?”

As she spoke, and she didn't care if she was telling off a superior officer, guest or otherwise, it occurred to Rawley that, yes, they were following a warp trail from the Borg.

If the warp trail does have a Borg signature, then who are these buggers?

She had just opened a communications link to the Theurgy, was about to have her say, but her words never came.

She heard a channel coming into the Theurgy. And what she heard…few things shocked Evelyn Rawley in the past, but the recent hours have added more and more surprises. First she finds that a practical refugee ship was following the Borg. Then she learns about what happened to Dr. Nicander. And now…THIS!

"This is High Chancellor Martok of the IKC Rotarran, and you will all die in battle this day," he told them all as they met his single eye. "When I have destroyed you, I will continue to hunt for the other two parts of your ship, along with several seasoned Captains of the Empire that follow in my wake. We will not rest... until I face your real Captain, and have him answer for his crimes to his fleet and my House alike. Because of the Hakkarl, the Klingon Empire has answered the Federation's call for aid, and now... your moronic flight will end. Do you have anything to say... before we begin?"

“Oh. Mother. F…”

She stopped herself, merely letting out a “FFFFFFFF…”

The bloody flagship was the Klingon Chancellor’s?!? And he was out for the Theurgy’s blood because of…what was it? The Hakkarl?

“Ghost to Wolves. I’m not sure if you got this…The Theurgy has gotten a transmission from that whopping flagship. It happens to be the bloody Chancellor’s flagship. Martok. THE Martok. He’s personally hunting the Theurgy because he thinks we attacked a Klingon ship named the Hakkarl. Does anybody know what he’s talking about? And what was the hullabaloo about the Hakkarl?”

It must’ve happened while she was in stasis; as such, the other Wolves might know what she’s talking about.

“And is there any way we can talk sense into this old relic? What with the Borg being somewhere around here?”

That was the biggest concern of all. The Borg was in the nebula, that much is certain, and with the Chancellor dissed off and ready to give the Theurgy and the Wolves the brunt of his wrath...she hoped Commander Wenn can talk sense into this old relic before a cube bore down on the lot.

If there came a one-on-one duel, mano a mano, she'll be willing to volunteer. She had kicked arses twice her size, had taken on plenty of wankers in her time as a bouncer, even a Nausicaan. However, a dogfight looked more inevitable. She took in her fighter, which she had rechristened Winterbourne, in honor of her fallen half-brother.

"If we do fight,"  she said to herself, "this is for you, Cale."

OOC: Please let me know if I should make any edits to it, should there be something wrong. Also, the bit with Rawley questioning Commander Ducote is something of a reference to a Far Side cartoon I thought of when I read the boss's twist.

EDIT: Changed things over so that when Rawley transmitted to Commander Ducote, she hear's Martok's threat and she asks about the Hakkarl. It'd make sense, given the Wolves bump into Drex more than a day after she's put in stasis. And Havenborne would know about the Hakkarl. However, if that scene has to go, let me know, as well as what I can change, please. Also, I changed Rawley's perspective so that her line was what she was intending to say, but she never gets it out because when she opens her comm link, she hears Martok's threat (it makes more sense), not to mention that I changed a little so that Rawley's intuition tells her that they really are tracking a Borg trail.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Triton on July 28, 2018, 11:23:06 PM
[ Lt. (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia (,_callsign_%22Angel%22) | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] [size=10]Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @Havenborn, @Jm Von Cat, @Blue Zephyr & @Multificionado[/size]

Angel's eyes couldn't grow wide enough under her TVD (through-vision-display) when Chancellor Martok's flagship crept out of the abyss. Despite the lion in their path, Angel's halo was as ice-cool as ever. It changed nothing. She remained in formation from her aft position. "Fury, get a tactical analysis and forward it to the bridge. Shields, weapon, fighters, weakpoints. Vamos<let's go.>" She didn't say the bridge, but if it came down to it, Alessia's service had taught her to show no quarter against a hostile flagship. Fortunately, she had participated in Klingon War-era CONN simulations in which an attack by peregrines could damage a Negh'var-class, more fortunately, Fury had apparently participated in that simulation as well by indicating the Rotarran's bridge and transmitting them to the Stallion's battle bridge and her SCO.

Angel knew from before the war that the only time Klingons wanted to negotiate was when they were lining up targets, and this was basically an ultimatum unless the CO gave any orders. And the new Rotarran was a Carrier, to say the least, not to mention the Famed Chancellor mention of other Captains in the area to join the glorious hunt. These other Captains were probably here to watch their Chancellor's new toy herald in a new era of war; Or to keep Theurgy from escaping, "Keep talking, Chancellor... whatever happens today, happens for a reason.

Despite Garcia's brave outlook, this was not an ideal situation, on the contrary; when the signature she and the Wolves spotted wound up being a Klingon Flagship instead of a Borg Cube, the situation deteriorated seemingly at once. A key Federation ally, and their only hope of survival and vindication was here with its intentions obvious: Revenge. Alessia didn't the after-action report from the day before. [Angel to Razor. What happened on the last away team mission?] Angel asked Razor on local chatter, citing the prelude to the battle with the Versant. Angel transmitted the comm on a local frequency then clicked off squad chat as she summoned her RIO. "Fury: Maintain visual scanning and Give me manual of all weapons, prepare to power them up and hit from any contact." She manually took those commands at her fingertips but still delegated her RIO to prepare for a necessary vicinity scan.

Alessia had learned not to be flanked by predators in the Dominion War, during Operation Return. "Fury, quick: Use the Project-Eagle class scan configuration, watch for anything warping in at either warp 6 or above." Klingon disruptors were as dangerous as any plasma weapon sported on Borg vessels. Alessia maneuvered her fighter to take two carefully plotted elliptical turns before rejoining the formation as she established a radial scan to pave the space for the Stallion and give the Wolves a chance in spotting cloaked Klingon attack fighters.

For all she knew from the briefing, these parasites could have finally compromised the Klingon Empire. Either way, this was about to take a turn in either direction if the record could be straightened out instead of avoiding a catastrophe. Thinking back to that meeting, she thought she recognized two of the attendees, but she couldn't think about anything else but what needed to be defended against here and now.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Firefox013 on July 29, 2018, 04:25:39 AM
[ Ensign Jaya Thorne | Battle Bridge | Deck 01 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]

Jaya sat at her console, she was aware of the member of the Endeavour’s crew observing her console on his PADD but he had not done anything to compromise her use of the console and seemed only genuinely interested in trying to help so she had simply given him a furtive nod a while back and kept working, observing the ship on approach.

When they detected the multitude of apertures ahead she gave a bit of a start and barely managed not to gasp, eyes wide, thinking. Oh my god, there’s so many, so many ways for those damned beasts from the Delta quadrant to come here or go elsewhere from, this is bad! But she managed to keep her cool and continue working, listening to what people were saying but then her console beeped and she gasped because what was being revealed finally on sensors was not some Borg polygonal shape type ship or some marauding Savi warship. “What in the nine hells!?” She blurted out as what was revealed was none other then the Imperial Klingon Carrier Rotarran, not just any Negh’Var Battlecarrier modification warship, this particular green monstrosity belonged to Chancellor Martok himself. “Sir! It’s the Rotarran!” she said out loudly, turning to LCdr. Cinn.

She took a few deep breaths, attempting to keep calm. “Orders sir?” Was all she said before someone said they were being hailed. She had turned, listening more, hands at the ready on her console in case she was given orders while none other than the well known warrior known as Martok’s face filled the screen and boy did he look like seven kinds of furious.

"This is High Chancellor Martok of the IKC Rotarran, and you will all die in battle this day," he told them all as they met his single eye. "When I have destroyed you, I will continue to hunt for the other two parts of your ship, along with several seasoned Captains of the Empire that follow in my wake. We will not rest... until I face your real Captain, and have him answer for his crimes to his fleet and my House alike."

Curling his lip, Martok's thick fingers whitened around the armrests of his chair. "Because of the Hakkarl, the Klingon Empire has answered the Federation's call for aid, and now... your moronic flight will end. Do you have anything to say... before we begin?"

As the Chancellor went through his diatribe she noticed the incoming comms from their picket line of small craft and swallowed. Oh for Christ’s sake, now we got a bloody swarm of angry ridgehead fighters coming at us! She thought, biting her lower lip. Thankfully Chancellor Martok was sussinct in his message and quite clear about his intent so she wasted no time. “FIGHTER’S SIGNALING WE HAVE INCOMING!” She bellowed out clearly. “I have them on my scopes, multiple launches are due from the Rotarran, looks like it’s entire fighter complement on my end sir!” She said more normally, having hopefully gotten the needed attention. “Shall I pull an Ivan and angle our readied fighters at them for launch sir?” She texted to LCdr. Cinn's console, referring to an ancient earth Soviet era submariner trick called a Crazy Ivan where soviet sub commanders would pull hard to port or starboard and cut their engines so they could check their six for American submarines tailing them in their baffles.

She queued up the maneuver and had only one button left to tap to initiate it if given the order, the Klingons were bad enough but there were probably Borg around too and she was not going to waste time at this point. As she did she sent a text message to the Mission Ops console so only it's Operator saw it, along with a CC of her query to LCdr. Cinn;s console via text so they were on the same page, hoping this would work. Her text to Henshaw read as such. "Cameron, try and get our remaining pilots strapped in and in their launch positions, and i mean all of them, I have a bad feeling we are going to need a lot of fancy flying and to get those birds out and into action like yesterday." She sent it then look to the other Ensign manning the Mission Ops console, the right corner of her lip curling a fraction as she gave the other woman a deadpan, confident look, nodding to her.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: chXinya on July 30, 2018, 04:56:05 AM
[Lt. Commander Wenn Cinn | Battle Bridge | Deck 8 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]

The tension on the Bridge was palpable, but despite it Lt. Commander Wenn sat steady in the command chair trying to exude a calmness that would help the rest keep their centers.  After he gave his orders everyone snapped to them with a sense of professionalism that would make any CO proud.  Ensign Thorne gave everyone a running countdown, with Okafor finishing up his analysis of what the Borg had hidden away in the Azure Nebula.  The Bajoran could barely absorb the findings before the Wolves locked onto the approaching ship, running them out of time.

A Klingon ship wasn’t quite what Cinn had been expecting to see, and he blinked in surprise.  Were they tracking the Borg too? he started to hope, a quiet prayer to the Prophets echoing in his mind that they might have a new ally.  Sadly, as soon as the booming voice of the Klingon head of state echoed off of the rear bulkhead he knew this was not going to be a pleasant meeting.  As Chancellor Martok glared down at the Bajoran in the center seat, daring them for a response, Jaya beat everyone to the punch, yelling out to everyone what their sensors could show the Klingon flagship doing.  Raising a hand in response, Cinn’s voice was clear, calm, and collected.  “Hold for now Ensign.”

Standing, Cinn nodded in greeting to the old ally that he never expected to meet.  “Chancellor Martok, you honor us with your visit.  I’m pleased to see that the latest head of the Empire is willing to lead his men in honorable combat, I remember the days of K’mpec and how he would cower behind his throne.  It heartens me to see the Empire moving on from those dark days."

Lowering his head for a quick moment to collect his next few thoughts, Cinn continued.  “I’m sorry about the loss of the Hakkarl, but we were not the cause of its destruction.  A civilian scavenger guided one of our away teams to SuD Lang,” he stressed that name, gauging Martok’s reaction, “as a source for some desperately needed dilithium.  Somehow, automated defenses left over from the moon’s original inhabitants were triggered, and the captain of the Hakkarl failed to heed the warning issued as soon as the activation became apparent.  We lost one of our own as well Chancellor, and I give you my word that we have no idea how such a tragedy was triggered.  Put simply, we did not destroy your ship, nor kill its crew.  They fell victim to a race long gone.”

Stepping away from the center chair, Cinn strode towards the science station where Okafor and Kaeris were working on safely transferring Nicander.  “Now, as for what Starfleet has been saying about us, we have proof that Starfleet Command has been infected with an extra-dimensional parasitic race bent on destroying all life in the galaxy, possibly beyond.  This is not dissimilar to the old experiences of Changeling infiltration before and during the War, and I’m well aware of your dealing with such things, Chancellor.  We are prepared to present our evidence for your own study.”

Cinn doubted that Martok would believe such a claim on its face, even by Klingon standards he was running on the edge of bloodlust.  He needed to blunt that.  “One other thing, Chancellor.  We didn’t come to this nebula to hide or to slaughter Klingons.  We came to the assistance of another Federation ship that had come across a Borg cube.  Tracking that Cube’s warp trail here, we’ve discovered that they are building some sort of transwarp hub.  Commander Ducote,” Cinn gestured to the human male, “is that ship’s Executive Officer, and can corroborate that.  To put it simply...”

Cinn walked back to his chair and claimed it with a sense of royal pride.  “we came here prepared to fight the Borg.  The Rotarran is a fine ship, but it is no Borg Cube.  And,” he gestured to Henshaw, “you are already surrounded.”
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Top Hat on July 30, 2018, 10:08:36 PM
[ Cmdr Ranaan Ducote | Battle Bridge | Deck 01 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Multificionado @Auctor Lucan @chXinya @trevorvw @steelphoenix @Firefox013 @Nolan

The hybrid ex-XO watched dots on a map hurry through corridors, noting them as they turned from yellow to green as they reported their readiness. Quietly, so as not to interfere with the rest of the bridge operations (he still very much felt an outsider to this crew, and knew exactly how much he'd appreciate a guest speaking over a given watch on the Endeavour while they tried to work), Ducote worked with Akoni to iterate their plans and contingencies, trusting the Security personnel to know their ship and what they were willing to do to it.

After a time that was simultaneously an instant and an eternity, fresh alerts trilled from consoles and a call went up from an Andorian across the bridge. "The unknown vessel. It's right upon us. We have a clear signature now. It's not Borg or Savi. Not even Federation."

Ranaan looked towards the main viewer, watching as the hulking silhouette of a Klingon Negh'Var prowled out of a gas cloud to their port bow. He drew in and released a long breath, unable even to summon the facsimile of relief at it not being a new Borg contact. He decided, in a brief moment of self-pity, that this was all his divine retribution for the terrible things he did on undercover assignments when he was still in Security himself. Let no shipborne crewman tell you that stationbound life is boring, right?

A voice snapped him right out of his waxing philosophical. "Lieutenant Rawley to Commander Ducote on the Theurgy..." Well, so much for opsec, he thought, not quite appreciating the way his name and any other Endeavour crew were now tied to the Theurgy for whoever might be listening. "... have you, have we all been following the warp trail of a Klingon flagship all the way to the middle of the Azure Nebula?"

His fatigue headache returned with a vengeance. "Lieutenant," he replied, the omnipresent gravel in his voice a little sharper than usual. "If you can't tell the difference between a Klingon signature and a Borg one, and you think that no one else on your ship can tell the difference either, I am not sure you are fit to fly."

The Negh'Var hailed them, EM band, and none other than Chancellor Martok stared grimly at them on the viewer. "Ai, enraba-me," he swore softly. As if the man's presence alone wasn't portentous enough, his threat (promise?) and reasoning brought Ducote up cold. The Theurgy had killed Martok's son?

I knew this ship was going to kill me. I fucking knew it.

Commander Wenn launched into another verbose rejoinder, which Ducote was beginning to suspect was a habit of the Bajoran's. There was an information overload problem, by the Brazilian's reckoning, which was compounded by just how outlandish most of this particular information happened to be. He still wasn't sure he believed the parasite allegation, and he had seen a host in person.

But what might work was the final few words. Assuming Martok's cunning outweighed his impatience. But he might also be angry enough to view an unfavourable situation as greater chance for glory.

He typed out a warning to sickbay to prepare for bludgeoning and blade injuries, and updated the Security teams around the ship to place Klingons higher in the order of likelihoods than the Borg. He winced, considering his not-insignificant number of bruises and a couple of fractures from his time in the gym earlier in the evening, and tried not to think about the potential to have to fight a Klingon boarding party - if it came to that.

He shared a look with Kai.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: trevorvw on July 31, 2018, 06:01:02 PM
[ Lt. Kai Akoni | Battle Bridge | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]

It had been a whirlwind of emotions for Kai. The sense of relief that the ship they had found was not Borg and had been Klingon instead. Kai was even happier that it was Chancellor Martok himself instead of some field commander. Kai had met the Chancellor once after the war and found him to be formidable but he had all of Kai’s respect. Martok was a man of honour. Unfortunately for Kai and everyone else aboard the seemingly cursed Theurgy; Martok was pissed. Actually he was beyond pissed, he was in search of retribution; a blood lust. The Theurgy killed his son? Kai rolled his eyes and wondered how the crew was going to explain this one away.

This damn ship and her crew are more dangerous than either the Borg or the Klingons

The Bajoran in command was doing his best at trying to negotiate with Martok. In the end it probably wouldn’t work but at least he’s trying.

Kai snapped out of it and stopped analyzing the situation and went back to his duties. His duties being to ensure that he and the rest of the Endeavour survivors lived through this. As for the Theurgy crew? If they survived, good. If they didn’t, oh well. Kai hated to think that way but he wondered how much this crew has done that he had no idea about. Kai just couldn’t trust the Theurgy crew; however at the moment they were the best of all the bad options.

Kai thought about their security preparations in advance of probably Borg intruders. The choke points, the security fields and the vital areas to protect were all just as appropriate now as they were before the Klingons revealed themselves. The tactics him and Ducote had doled out to the ship’s security officers would work.

Might be easier since the Klingons can’t adapt to phaser modulations

All things considered, the Klingons would be a little easier to deal with. However they’d move quicker, have multiple close combat options and would fight to the last man. Ducote had typed out a warning to sickbay and one to the security teams positioned throughout the ship.

Kai took a look at the display in front of him and Ducote and saw that they were about as ready as they were ever going to be. Ducote looked up from the console and caught Kai’s eyes. The look they shared said it all. Kai had been in precarious positions with Ducote before, just with less impending doom. The look...

Here we go...
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Nolan on August 02, 2018, 10:41:51 AM
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Kestrel | Heart of the Azure Nebula ] Attn: @Triage  , @Triton , @Havenborn ,@Multificionado 

As the ship design became quite apparent to not be Borg, Thomas let out a slight sigh of relief. Granted, the Klingons were worthy adversaries if not masters at warfare. However, the SCO preferred to fight Klingons any day over Borg. The comm channel came to live with his fellow pilots reporting what they saw and requesting orders. The sensor link was severed by the Theurgy and Thomas gave himself a split second to run over the options.

"Keep your heads in the game." he said calmly in the squadron voice channel as he let the scans run over the Rotarran. Seeing what it was packing and realizing that Martok was in charge of the ship didn't phase the pilot as he soberly looked at the situation. They were at a disadvantage for sure as they were packing enough weaponry to blow the Borg to kingdom come, or so they hoped, yet now were faced with a different adversary. Weapons were weapons in the end and Thomas finally relayed his orders "Angel, Salvo, Meony, team up and  make your way over to the far side of the ship. Wait for engagement on my sign. Ghost, you're with me, heading towards the aft section."

In the meantime they could hear the charges they were being accused of and Thomas knew very well what they were on about. Private messages were being received by Razor from various pilots to see if he knew what Martok was on about. Yet he said nothing about it to the squadron as now wasn't the time, nor the place to elaborate upon it. "Henshaw, I need the rest of those fighters out here. Have them set to a defensive posture around Sword." he informed the mission ops controller before he fired off at full speed to the rear of the Klingon flagship.

The situation was tense and the action of the Wolves might be portrayed as hostile or intimidating as they spread out to move around the Klingon ship. Thomas kept a close eye on the beast as he wanted to keep a close eye on any phantom raider taking off. If those fighters got unleashed their predicament would get a whole lot worse.

[ Ens Cameron Henshaw | Battle Bridge | Deck 01 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Doc M.

The chaos on the bridge erupted when they realized they were facing Klingon instead of Borg at this given moment. Had they been following a wrong trail after all? Or were the Klingon out here to examine the same? All of it didn't seem to matter as Martok declared why he was here and what crimes the crew had committed this time. Henshaw started to receive chatter from the Wolves and eventually the request by Thomas to unleash the rest of his pack. She confirmed with a hushed voice to not intervene with Wenn Cinn's speech to Martok. "Terror, you are clear to guide the rest of the squadron out of the fighter bay. You are to take defensive positions around Sword and await further order from the SCO." she looked back at the Klingon chancellor as she typed a message to Ravon [Fighter compliments deployed by Rotarran. Rest of wolves launched.]

Cameron in the meantime also received a message from the helmsman as she smiled a little and replied back to her via text "Remaining fighters are being launched now. This isn't their first dance. Have faith." she gave the woman a nod back as they made eyes contact and Cameron started to work further on a smooth launch of the fighters as they readied up for launch.

[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Kestrel | Heart of the Azure Nebula ]

Just as the message of Henshaw hit Thomas, he could see the raiders departing their carrier as he cursed lowly "Be advised, hostile fighters are out in the open. Do not engage unless you are engaged upon. Try not to be an easy target on their first run." he voiced out on the squadron channel before he pitched a text to Rawley [Care to do our usual shenanigans like we did with Cala? If we get into combat that is.] he smirked a little before he looked at Rawley before he broke away from rotation, counting on it that she'd follow him as they adjusted their course to meet the hostile fighters head on.

[ Amelya Rez| Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy  | 2300 hrs. ] Attn: @Doc M.  @patches , @Auctor Lucan  @Jm Von Cat @CanadianVet

"Doctor Rez, I believe the patient has more to reveal to us; information of a vital nature.  I believe that it is imperative that we receive this knowledge in a timely matter.  Therefore I suggest that we revive the patient as soon as possible."

The request of Maya bring the doctor back to the living was against everything the rest had discussed so far. The blonde physician looking at the green blooded Vulcan as her eyes gazed into hers. Her words held truth as the unconscious man that was strapped to the bed was probably an invaluable source of information. Yet reviving him now whilst the ship was in red alert in a Sickbay that was probably about to get swamped with injured crewmates? The doctor had to weigh the stakes as she moistened her lips and nodded at Maya.

"I understand what you're saying Maya, though I doubt security here is jumping to see Nicander back on his feet." She glanced over at the exosuits and shook her head "I'm not even sure if I'm thrilled to bring him back, considering we'll probably be swamped with injuries sooner or later." She sighed as she rubbed her temples and shook her head "Can you extract any information out of him with a mind meld? While he's unconscious." she asked Maya now, her eyes darting back to her as she rushed her brain for alternatives.

She made her way over to the Vulcan doctor, her friend by all accounts as she placed her hands on her upper arms. "Can you do so without compromising yourself?" she asked softer now, with more concern in her voice. Knowing how Lucan had defiled the little Vulcan in the past, it would be a risky endeavor to expose her once more to the beast inside of him. However this option would be considerably safer than reviving Lucan as a whole.

Awaiting the reply of Maya, Amelya took the inoculation device from her as she placed it on a tray behind her. Should the Vulcan agree to the plan, she'd send her along with Security to the brig. The mind meld could be done there away from all the chaos, hassle and noise that would erupt out of the main sickbay. Elro Kobol  would in that case be present to help Amelya with the incoming casualties along with the rest of the Sickbay crew.

If the mind meld was not an option, than Amelya would have to cut some hard knots...
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Jm Von Cat on August 02, 2018, 03:45:07 PM
[ PO1 Varder Ridun ( | Primary Surgical Suite | Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy  | 2300 hrs. ] Attn: @patches @CanadianVet @Doc M. @Nolan
Ridun had his attention focused upon Nicander, the words of both Bremmer and Rez were being turned over. Considered for how to reply, the reality was only moments of silence, brief seconds. But, as so often happens, one's thoughts and reality seem to operate at entirely separate speeds. A nod towards Doctor Rez, acknowledgement of her words. Sharing the concerns of Bremmer, albeit for different reasons.

But before he could speak, the silently moving form of Doctor Maya made her way past and towards Nicander. Her movement warranted no alarm or cause for concern, she was one of the attending surgeons after all. Then she acted, having reached the side of the surgical bed, the side of Nicander. Her movement was swift, blindingly so. If she had indeed followed through with her plan there would have been nothing he could have done, especially non lethally given his phaser was set to kill.

As she spoke his own rifle was in hand, although held at a low ready. More for if Nicander was to be awoken with that shot than anything else, he was the only threat in the room whom could hurt him or any other officer in their Exosuits at present. Then she handed over the hypo, to which the young Bajoran relaxed, if only slightly. His attention directed towards Rez once more, it was she that Maya directed her words to and it served no purpose to intrude.

"Can you extract any information out of him with a mind meld? While he's unconscious."

An interesting idea, one that might gain results. Perhaps even more about this borg plan, that is if it could be done. Even then Ridun did not want it done here, not in sickbay and he voiced his thoughts and his reasons. "Maya can join us for transportation down to the Brig alongside the named security detail from earlier if she feels capable." Once more he let the Phase rifle hang from its strap, his now free hands gesturing towards the people he was mentioned as a reinforcing action to his words, Maya, Kino, Eliska. Followed by a gesture downwards, all done with a direct and firm purpose behind each movement.

"I doubt the crew down there have their Exo's on and I want nothing to chance, playing dead or not. Kobol  can still come with us should Rez deem it necessary, but one Doc is likely enough. Transport inhibitors are already in place down there, so if anyone wants the bastard they will have to drag him out after one hell of a fight." At this, he threw a quick glance around, his attention falling upon whoever had any sort of reply or words of their own.

Then, regardless of any replies against transportation to the Brig. "Petty Officer Taer, communicate our transportation request. We go on my mark."
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Triage on August 02, 2018, 08:56:45 PM
[ Ens. Krystal "Meony" Tancredi (,_callsign_%22Meony%22) | Cockpit | AC-409 Mk III Valkyrie, Sassy Slayer | The Infinite Coffin | Azure Nebula ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @Havenborn, @Jm Von Cat, @Blue Zephyr & @Multificionado
Keep their heads in the game...sure. Except this was no fucking game. Meony had a brief spell when her life seemed to flash before her eyes. Was her sense of mortality that great that she was already believing she was going to die? She didn't shake her head to clear herself, because there was a subtle throb in the back of her skull and she had the feeling that doing that would make her see triple. She chose instead to forcefully set aside her fears and worries, and as Thomas ordered, get her in the game. Her array of weapons would have been ideal for the Borg, but they were still potent weaponry for anything else.

She was assigned to fly with Alessia and Daniel, which was fine with her. She'd flown with the former during their first engagement with the Savi, and she handled herself like an absolute pro, and as for the latter, they'd spent years flying together, honing their skills and tactics after facing countless dangers on a daily basis. “Acknowledged, Razor. Angel, Salvo, Ah'm raht b'hind ya.” She turned her fighter to follow them, ready to take point if they needed. They were heading to the far side of the massive Klingon cruiser, but Meony's mind was working on the vulnerabilities of the Klingons should it become necessary.

She opened her hailing frequency to address only Daniel and Alessia, “If it comes down to it, Ah teenk th' only tahm that cruiser an' th' fahters are vulnerable's when they lower their shields and open th' bay doors t' let out them li'l devils. Ah know we ain't gunna throw th' first punch, but if they do, and their bay's still unloadin', maht be the fastest way t' end th' fight.”

Almost on cue, Thomas informs them that the fighters were out, which Meony could see for herself as her HUD and radar lit up with a new strategic data stream. “An' technically, th' shit hasn't hit th' fan yet!” She forgot to turn off her communications to her two wingmates.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Triton on August 03, 2018, 03:35:41 AM
[ Lt. JG Alessia "Angel" Garcia (,_callsign_%22Angel%22) | Valravn-Class Intercetor "Chimaera" | Heart of the Azure Nebula ]Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @Havenborn, @Triage @Blue Zephyr & @Multificionado

"Angel, Salvo, Meony, team up and  make your way over to the far side of the ship. Wait for engagement on my sign. Ghost, you're with me, heading towards the aft section."

Angel didn't waste any time as she accelerated into the nebula around the outskirts of the Rotarran's clean spot well on a similar but slightly apart vector from Meony and Salvo, to avoid leaving a predictable trail until she arrived on the Klingon Dreadnought's far side, taking as many scans for the squadron of the impressive warship for analysis. Fury was already inputting his sensor logs on a secure tightbeam frequency to Vector-2's tactical console in her wake. "That's a big ship." Fury observed.

"Why so touchy, Fury?" Alessia smirked under her helmet as she focused on maneuvering her fighter to its position, making particular note of the Hangar bays. Anyone in Starfleet knew that the Klingons' battle plans included as much hand to hand as possible, thus making this vessel have to have a full compliment of Warriors as much as dedicated crewman, everyone down to the ship's cooks were aching for a fight. And this thing was a carrier. She'd known Romulans to have T'less or T'varo warbirds as small but stealthy pocket carriers for their Scorpion-class attack fighters, but never a show of force this... excessive, even for the Klingons.

"Just saying. We could've used that big stick on our side." Fury indicated the ship's arsenal and compared it with that of the original I.K.S. Negh'Var. The vessel was notably more armed and its role as a carrier drove this point home. Fury detected the onboard fighter compliment to inspect and the schematics opened on a screen in Alessia's HUD showing the readouts of the NIyma "Phantom" - class attack fighter. She was ready to contend with those now that she knew what to look for if any contacts decloaked.

Having two extra swivel-turret mounts meant she had comparable armament against these Klingons, with the Valravn's maneuverability advantage she intended to make the most use of. The scans were as yet incomplete as she conducted another series of evasive turns to keep her position as random as possible until she was aft of the Carrier's stern. That bitch has a fat ass. Garcia observed on the craft's broad profile. It was clearly meant to take a beating rather than rely on maneuverability.

"Just keep the big stick in your hands on what's between your ears, Fury." Alessia joked. Time in Tac-Conn aboard their last postings together had included co-ed showers, so a little locker talk between RIO and Pilot was usually par for the course. As the pilot, though, Garcia wore the pants on this craft.

"I'll speak softly then." Vinny retorted, earning a spanglish insult, citing the American president most accredited with defeating Spain in the Spanish-American War. According to her comms traffic, she heard acting captain Wenn's explanation, she knew she and her fellow wolves were the motto's 'big stick'. Her ordnance selection had been varied so as to cover the threat against other fighters via micro-photon torpedoes and an assortment intended to be as diverse as possible to deny the Borg Cube they anticipated a chance to adapt, or so she hoped. The situation had changed.

"If it comes down to it, Ah teenk th' only tahm that cruiser an' th' fahters are vulnerable's when they lower their shields and open th' bay doors t' let out them li'l devils. Ah know we ain't gunna throw th' first punch, but if they do, and their bay's still unloadin', maht be the fastest way t' end th' fight."

Alessia smirked at that familiar voice from Karaoke night. Helped her remember names-to-voices. However, it wasn't just Klingon fighters she was concerned about. It was a larger formation of the Chancellor's Yan'ileth honor guards. The Brotherhood of the Sword were fanatics to the Chancellor's whim. Mindful of the havoc her EMP missiles could cause to the flagship's internal systems, Alessia memorized that vulnerable location as she engaged the voice-to-text feature of her TVD.

[Angel to Salvo & Meony: Klingon tactics favor attacks from above. Watch out. To Klingons, nothing is more honorable than victory. ] Angel texted a warning to her Valkyrie wingmates. [Assume Yan'Isleth. Fanatic die-hard bodyguards. Angel out.]
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Firefox013 on August 03, 2018, 10:29:44 AM
[ Ensign Jaya Thorne | Battle Bridge | Deck 01 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]

Jaya sat there, observing, she couldn’t help but think of all the fighters that were going out, the fact they were also sending everything and she sometimes really wished she’d passed the fighter pilot qualifications so she could be out there with them, it didn’t feel right sometimes, that they had to go out and risk their lives in much smaller and less protected starships than she found herself flying.

Her console beeped softly ad she read Cameron’s reply, keeping to her orders as it seemed the plan had changed, LCdr. Wenn Cinn’s subtle orders to launch the birds were not without notice by the Ensign at the helm but she kept that to herself, doing her best to help maintain the situation as their CO wanted it.

Though, under her apparently calm exterior, the young woman was another thing entirely. Her mind was racing, her heart sang for those out there, risking their hides to protect them as they did what most were truly believing was the right thing. She closed her eyes as she started thinking of then and began a prayer, something from the heart, in her mind the words rang clearly.  Dear lord, please look upon our pilots while your gaze is on all of creation please spare them some time. From your tower out among these heavens as you watch the Eagles soar, you know the Joy all pilots feel as they explore your wonders. From the beginning of our hard journey we have fought to bring the light of truth to reveal all your glorious sights. Please help bring as many of our brave people back safe and sound, let the truth be known and let them help bring it to all those in true need. Give them the courage and strength needed to fight off those who wish us harm and help us clear our path to our goal, so that we may, one day no longer need to fight. The young woman opened her eyes then, steeling herself, eyes focusing on the screen, as they waited for the Chancellors reply to their leader’s diatribe.

Jaya then rested her hands on her console, breathing slowly, steadily, steeling herself fully, focusing, the mantras of strength and focus she had learned to help herself focus so long ago going through her mind, flowing comfortably, like the old friends they were. She was ready, she would do her bit if all hell broke loose and would make their Vector move as if it were upon the wings of death and dancing with the Angels.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Doc M. on August 04, 2018, 12:58:01 AM
[ Maya ( | Primary Surgical Suite | CMO Office | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan @patches, @Mathis @Jm Von Cat @CanadianVet

"I understand what you're saying Maya, though I doubt security here is jumping to see Nicander back on his feet," Amelya Rez commented as her green eyes darted from the little Vulcan to the exosuited security specalists that were eager to lock Doctor Nicander up and delete  the security code that would open his cell.  "I'm not even sure if I'm thrilled to bring him back, considering we'll probably be swamped with injuries sooner or later.  Can you extract any information out of him with a mind meld?  While he's unconscious." she clarified.

Rather than answering, Maya widened her eyes before frowning and looking down at Lucan cin Nicander’s prostate form.  She set down the hypo on the biobed next to his head and began rubbing her hands.  It was hard to tell but there was something in Maya’s large hazel eyes that could be interpreted as fear.

Sensing the greenblooded physician’s distress, Amelya approached Maya and gently touched her upper arms.  Maya stopped rubbing her hands her hands and slowly drew her gaze up to look at Ameyla. 

"Can you do so without compromising yourself? " Ameyla asked quietly. 

“The neurological impulses of the Câroon brain operates at a wavelength my people cannot sense,” Maya replied with the smallest hint of melancholy.  “He doesn’t even register as an empathic presence.  Given his neurological makeup, the only scenario where I could conceivably make contact would be if the eldritch intelligence that has compromised Starfleet was attempting to corrupt me.  But we do have the stimulant,” she offered as she plucked the hypo off the biobed with her long spidery fingers.  “With a sufficient dose, he should awaken.”  It was then that she noticed the exosuited form of Petty Officer Varder Ridun approach them with a gait that almost resembled a swagger.  “There is no cause for alarm Petty Officer.  It is unlikely our enemy could use Doctor Nicander to infest us in his current state and even if he could with the surgical steri-field in place it is unlikely that exosuits are necessary,” she dryly teased.

"I doubt the crew down there have their Exo's on and I want nothing to chance, playing dead or not," Ridun retorted.  "Kobol  can still come with us should Rez deem it necessary, but one Doc is likely enough. Transport inhibitors are already in place down there, so if anyone wants the bastard they will have to drag him out after one hell of a fight."

Maya demurely raised a finger in protest.  “At this juncture, I believe that…”

But Ridun was having none of it.  "Petty Officer Taer, communicate our transportation request. We go on my mark."

Maya placed the hypo against Lucan’s neck and a quiet hissing could be heard.  As his unfocused pale grey eyes flickered open Maya clasped his cheeks with both hands and lowered her face within centimeters of his.  "Collapsing the passageways is the swiftest means of stopping the Borg from invading," the little Vulcan hissed.  "What did you mean by that?  How do we dectect and close the subspace passageways?"

OOC:  I've got to know!  (Of course, with my luck he'll just pass out and get beamed away...)
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: steelphoenix on August 06, 2018, 03:44:11 AM
[Lt. Commander Vael Kaeris | Battle Bridge | Deck 8 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: Anyone on the bridge

Klingons.  Seriously?  He had all but hand fed the data to the crew of this ship and instead of finding the Borg, they stumbled over Klingons.  Klingons intent on killing them, no less.  And not just any haphazard assembly of Klingons... but Martok, veteran of the Dominion War not to mention so many countless battles going back over the years, let alone serving as Chancellor of the High Council.  This was a delicate situation to say the very least and, being outside the chain of command on this vessel, he had to trust that these renegades would find some way to mollify the seeming blood lust they had evoked.

He regarded his PADD for the barest moment, wondering if there might be some way to signal his position as well as those of the Endeavour refugees to the Klingons with an encoded message requesting asylum.  He had to admit that he preferred his chances there rather than here.  Unfortunately, such was not his call to make and Ducote's assignment to deal with potential boarders ensured that there was no way to pass a discreet inquiry to his commander.  Combined with the amount of effort it would take to tag the whole of their crew and transmit coordinates to the Klingons, he doubted it was anything he could manage quickly or discreetly enough to avoid detection.  And this all assumed that Martok was open to such concept.

No, he would have to push such fantasies from his head.  Making use of the nascent transwarp hub they'd discovered wasn't an option either as it could take weeks of trials to find the appropriately keyed energy signatures to trigger a portal to open and that left the very real problem of determining where such a portal would lead them.  In the end, everything rested in the hands of Theurgy's acting commander.

As he listened to the dark skinned Bajoran's words, Vael found himself critiquing each turn of phrase, each wasted opportunity until he came to the concluding taunt, advising Martok that his vessel was already surrounded.  Vael was secretly thankful for the years of practice before the court of his homeworld.  One did not readily maintain so stoic an expression when the standard reaction to such statements would be to gawk and stare.  How was it they had lost at bluffing to this crew?

Vael's lips drew tight as he tossed caution to the wind, setting up a more significant interface to the Theurgy's computer.  Now was not the time to simply monitor.  The Klingons were not so inclined as to back down from battle, surrounded or otherwise, especially if their cause for action was righteous and honorable.  Martok's tone and words implied such a conviction and battle was likely inevitable, all flowered words and veiled threats aside.  On the Endeavour, Vael knew the ship's specs, its features and its limitations.  He had never studied the Theurgy, not even a third of the Theurgy.  He had no clear understanding of its capabilities defensively or offensively and if he was going to ensure the survival of his people, he needed to gain that knowledge quickly.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Havenborn on August 07, 2018, 11:43:49 AM
[[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Cockpit | AC-307 Mark-II Valkyrie “Hellcat”] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @Doc M., @Triage, @Triton, @Multificionado, Other Lone Wolves

As his sensors confirmed that the incoming ship was not a Borg vessel Daniel almost cheered out but he managed to contain his enthusiasm.  He was partly looking forward to facing the Klingons again, this time would be different and he’d have a chance at some revenge.  Hearing the orders from Ravon made Daniel smile a bit, he’d make good use of the other two fighters in their fight against the Klingons.  “Waiting for engagement on your sign aye Razor.”  Daniel responded to Ravon.

“Knight open up a secure channel to Commander Ravon.”  Daniel said as he heard Knight acknowledge him from behind.  “Secure channel open.”  Knight said.  “Salvo to Razor; as I’m sure you’re aware Klingons can be unpredictable, but that being said they also can get lost in their blood lust and make stupid mistakes.  We should use that against them.”  Daniel stated, he understood that Ravon probably already knew that anyway but Daniel figured it couldn’t hurt to offer his opinion, before the shooting started.

As the Klingon ship began launching its fighter complement Daniel decided it was time to give his orders to his fighter element.  Although hearing the advice from Angel about the Klingon pilots being the Chancellor’s bodyguards reminded Daniel of one of his drill instructors growing up on Mars.  ‘Assume that your enemy wants you dead and is willing to use any means to do it.’  He opened up the secure channel to the other two fighters.  “Doesn’t matter who they are, they’re going to try to kill us all the same, so kill them right back.”  Daniel said.

“Salvo to Meony and Angel.  Assuming that we’re going to engage the Klingons; Meony I want you to use your Tetryon cannon against the Klingon vessel, open up a small hole for me to drop my Hellborne torpedoes in.  Angel and I will cover you.  Angel once the shield is down you and Meony will cover me while I drop both Hellborne torpedoes on the target.  Salvo out.”  Daniel said giving out the orders that he expected both of them to follow through with.  Now it was just a matter of time before they were given the word as to whether or not they’d be engaging the Klingon ship.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: BZ on August 07, 2018, 07:39:00 PM
[CPO Eun Sae Ji | Weapons Storage | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]
@Auctor Lucan @Masorin

Liam answered her lips splendidly.  Something that she was getting used to.  The way they could just fall into a heated kiss and push themselves into it completely.  Never once, thinking about the fact that they had jobs to do.  She tried, very hard, to remain professional when she was up on deck.  They both had high ranking jobs but more than that they needed to set an example for the rest of the deck.  She did not need to be seen as less than a boss, and more of a woman.  That would allow the men around her to think they could get away with shit she would never allow them to.  But, when they were facing possible death at the hands of the Borg she found herself wanting to steal every second with Liam that she could.  Her mind drifting back to the moments in Sten’s office not all that long ago where they had enjoyed lunch and then one another for a quick and exciting love making session on his desk.  She had gone back later to make sure nothing was out of place and everything was cleaned up.  Not wanting to get caught, but the thrill of what they had done stuck with her heavily.

She was serious, dead serious, when she whispered against his lips.  Only to find that he promised he wanted her.  But, it wasn’t in the way she had meant.  She knew this the moment his passion for her in the moment redoubled and he began to kiss her hungrily.  His fingers finding the fastening on her suit and beginning to lower the zipper.  She felt the cool air of the weapons storage environmental systems brushing against her now exposed skin.  He was all over her, and she was struggling between trying to figure out how to stop him and the shock of him being so gung-ho after the whole office incident just a couple hours ago. 

Finally, she caught his hands, before he could pull her work suit down.  She was breathing heavily as she looked up at him with those soft big brown eyes of hers.  “Wait.” She whispered softly as she searched the blue orbs that stared back at her with a bit of confusion.  “I.. I didn’t mean.. this.”

She sought for her words, her mind was all jumbled up right now.  As much as she didn’t want it to be, it was all scrambled by the fact that he had been making out with her so fervently right then.  She still had no idea that the Gorn was even in there.  He was not the reason that she stopped Liam, it was more the fact that she had questions that she needed to know about before they went head long into battle with the idiots that decided the Borg sounded like a really fun idea.  She bit her lower lip and then she let it go for a moment.  Her hands slowly let go of Liam’s strong hands and she cupped his face softly.  Brushing her fingers against the apex of his cheek bones for just a moment.  Taking the chance she had to just breathe and refocus on the words that she wanted to say.

“I.. it’s just on the deck… you kept looking over your shoulder.  I wasn’t sure if you were wanting to hide what we are to each other.  I .. I’m not ashamed of dating you and I’m not afraid to show people.  I don’t want to be .. having sex on deck … I mean.. for the most part, but I don’t want to hide what we are either.  I don’t care if they know.  I don’t care if Sten or Ravon knows.  I just… the only person I’m worried about is you.  I would prefer not to have to hide it.  It’s not taboo, as long as we continue to do our jobs so that we aren’t a liability to the whole deck.  I don’t want to hide something really good like this.”

Again, vulnerable in front of a man.  She hated being like this.  Fearing that he would regret what they had done or what they were doing.  She didn’t want to be a side piece, she didn’t want to be a hidden secret, and she certainly didn’t want to go tip-toeing around Sten.  Whether that man decided he could condone or not the relationship it would have no bearing on if she continued to pursue it what so ever.  She needed to know that Liam felt the same way.  She didn’t expect confessions of love or anything, even in this kind of environment where love seemed to develop so quickly merely because of the dangers of life around them… she didn’t expect anything so fast as that.  She didn’t even think she, herself, felt love at the moment.  Yet, she just needed him to say that he was dedicated to her and not afraid of the repercussions of those on Deck finding out.

“I don’t want to be your secret.” She whispered softly, as she uttered those words in a soft voice she resolved that she would never ask things like this from Liam again.  If he confirmed this time that she was what he wanted and he was not ashamed of her she would never question him again.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Triton on August 08, 2018, 12:18:33 PM
[ Lt. JG Alessia "Angel" Garcia (,_callsign_%22Angel%22) | Valravn-Class Intercetor "Chimaera" | Heart of the Azure Nebula ]Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @Havenborn, @Triage @Blue Zephyr & @Multificionado

"Fury, take port-side turret. Cover aft vectors and watch our six, and light up and take out whoever shows up. I'll hold pattern, but be ready to roll in case I'm right."  Alessia commanded, putting her RIO to work, covering for her squad leader's lack of concern for the Chancellor's elites. Just in case the LT was underestimating their adversaries, she put matters into her own hands with the Valravn's weapons; she was more inclined to use warheads instead of phasers for intercept detail. "Phaser charge might give use away, so keep aft phasers offline." No point in giving prey any warning, no matter the size. In this case, it was a hulking bear in the woods against a swarm of lethal killer bees. Or so her friend and mentor had one compared to during the Dominion War. Her fighter could not have been more ready for combat in just under four (steady) heartbeats. Salvo gave orders.

"Salvo to Meony and Angel.  Assuming that we're going to engage the Klingons; Meony I want you to use your Tetryon cannon against the Klingon vessel, open up a small hole for me to drop my Hellborne torpedoes in.  Angel and I will cover you.  Angel once the shield is down you and Meony will cover me while I drop both Hellborne torpedoes on the target.  Salvo out."

"Angel: Aye, Salvo." Alessia acknowledged the Resolve pilot's willingness to... destroy the Rotarran. Despite the order, Alessia considered what she was doing, lest history give her direct notoriety for being the Petaq (Klingons could be quite creative when it came to Human Women during wartime, a practice ever since the 4-Years' War) who slew the single most intstrumental ally the Federation had in the Empire in a century. Yan'Isleth, Borg, Parasites, or even the Savi or Asurians, she would outright terminate without a second thought, but as her HUD indicated all systems were green, bringing the moment of truth that much closer to transpiring. If she could only inflict a miraculous outcome, it had to happen swiftly before the Battle of Armageddon was unleashed. Please, Someone, somewhere out here don't let the worst happen. She internally prayed, her chocolate eyes hardened on her display.

For once, the Spanish war veteran actually wished the Borg were here, so they could team up now and explain when the chaos of their situation could be clear, even to the one-eyed giant. Her scans and targeting infomation had already since been sent to the Sword's battle bridge, and could only wait while the final countdown crept eerily closer to the moment of truth.

"BANDITS! Inbound raiders!" Then the Valravn pilot reported the bearing and mark when that moment presented inbound Klingon fighters; It began.  Every gun she loaded individually and manually targeted the wingmates of the lead craft. but waited for the closest threats to appear.

Vinnie smiled wolfishly as he acquired his targets, ready to fight with the intensity of his callsign. "Today is a good day to die. For them!" Fury waited for the order to engage before his decisive response.

Title: Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 08, 2018, 12:50:13 PM
[ CPO Liam Herrold ( | Weapon Storage Room | Fighter Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Blue Zephyr @Masorin 
Having been convinced that Ji was really into the thrill of avoiding discovery, riling him up like that even though the Gorn was right there, he was not prepared at all when she caught his hands and instead spoke of other things. Well, not exactly other things. It was still about them, only in another way. He did a double take, so much he might have gotten whiplash from the sudden change of pace.

What she asked of him, however, was quite sobering. Evidently, her needs were for public recognition, for some odd reason. Was this why she didn't care that Sithick was a few meters away? It made Liam feel tricked, and his aversions to being open towards the deck crew on the Resolve reminded themselves. He had always maintained a strict and professional facade to the people that reported to him, with good reason. As their Chief, his personal business should be his own. He did not care to flaunt his love-life in front of his crew, especially since there had been a lot of men in the old shift rotations on the Resolve, and with Derik...

"I'm sorry," he said, swallowing, trying to calm himself down as he spoke. He dropped his hands and put them on his hips. He collected his thoughts as he looked towards the deck plating between them. "I am very traditional, I suppose. As their Chief, my personal life should be separate from my professional one. I have always my kept technicians at arm's length. I am not supposed to be their friend. By letting them too close, my authority is undermined. Starfleet protocol states that interpersonal relationships must not interfere with one's duties, and I am afraid that public displays do that. It's also..."

He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's not just the thing, the past with Sten, it's me, always hiding my affections, having been raised to separate myself from the job at hand. It's complicated for me, because I like both men and women. Being of such a minority, despite how recognised such things are in this century, most of the deck crew are men, and I couldn't be open with it. If they learned I liked men too... I feared it might raze a barrier I want to be there, between them and I."

Looking up, Liam sighed, continuing to whisper to her. "As much as these... forbidden moments in public with you entice me, as much as I love them, I have great concerns about what it might cause Sten Covington to do. I do not know the man well enough, and frankly, he terrifies me. And secondly, while you are not a man, I want to keep my love-life and my professional life separate when on-duty. Otherwise, the crews out there might loose focus on what they should be doing. They should not concern themselves with this thing between you, me and Covington."

[ Dr. Nicander ( | Primary Surgical Suite | CMO Office | Main Sickbay | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan @Doc M.  @patches  @CanadianVet  @Jm Von Cat 
When Doctor Lucan cin Nicander came to, he did so with pale eyes opening wide, sucking air into his lungs.

There was a wild rush flowing through him, re-animating him. With oblivion no more, strength coursing through his veins, he tried to focus his sight, and saw the face before him. A woman, holding his head, speaking to him. She spoke of the knowledge imparted to him by his kin, the others of countless cycles before, and yet even more to come. The passageways... The chemicals burned through his veins, lending him greater and greater strength. He felt like he was on fire with energy, and yet he was restrained. He learned this when he tried to raise his hands, the reinforced cuffs around his wrists there - stopping him. His right hand was strange, until he remembered seeing Rez calibrating it, this crude metallic replacement. Without a concept of time, he looked around the room, jumbled memories suggesting the same people were present since last he was awake.

Words. He wet his lips, granting them. He expected the thing inside to wrench control from him, as it almost had when he was weak. "Stay away," he warned them with a thick voice, his eyes afire - a mix of concern and reproach. Maya was in closest proximity, and he snapped to her. "By the winds, stay clear!"

As if he was a leper, he did not want them close to him, in fear for what it might do to them. He knew what it was capable of. He'd been there, below the surface, when he had eviscerated Doctor Saugn. Done horrible things to a helpless Garen Nelis, and almost strangled Nurse Vojona to death. He had made Maya dance like a puppet on strings. "Get away from me!"

Taking a deep breath, he knew the import of his knowledge, and found that he could speak it - the parasite but a insidious whisper in his head. Heather's light had diminished it, and it had only been granted access when it kept his heart beating. It did not want to loose its host body. But now, the present doctors, one whom Lucan didn't recognise, had restored his health. "The passageways..." he grated in his faded Câroon accent, pausing when he saw the looks Maya was given.

He realised that the security officers were on edge, as if caught in mid-operation. Perhaps they had meant to move him somewhere, but he was still there, and able to speak. He flexed his mismatched hands in their restraints. He could barely remember what he had said already. "The apertures, they are here, in the heart of the Azure Nebula. The passages are not exactly Borg in origin, but a remnant from a lost race. The nameless darkness, they know of them already. The Borg, however, have just now learned of their existence, and they might be launching a full scale invasion of the Alpha Quadrant at some point in the near future.From what I have seen... in the abyss... there should already be cubes in the Alpha Quadrant. I know for a fact that Ian Hawthorne didn't only undermine relations between the Praetor and the Federation. He was actively suppressing reports of Borg activity too."

Maya, she had asked how to detect them, how to close them. Lucan bit his teeth together. "The passages are closed. Always closed, but they can be opened with a soliton wave. The right question is how to collapse them. How to destroy all twenty seven of them, and stop the Borg from invading. That being said, they might also serve as an escape route for the Theurgy. It might be our sole means of escape, from the Borg. From the Vigilant of Sa. From Admiral Sankolov's fleet."

Another faction came to mind, having seen it in the abyss just recently. "From the Klingon Empire... who should be answering the call to arms from Starfleet Command soon. I have seen High Chancellor Martok through the eyes of another, him being told the fate of his son." His gaze turning introvert, Lucan frowned, seeing something else. "I have seen... Captain Ives, in captivity. Abused. And... No..."

He saw it now, the image in the darkness. Distorted because of the nature of the Host's eyes. "No! By the winds..."

He saw a concussion in the air, and how she evaporated.

"No!" he screamed, yanking at the restraints. "She can't! Not in this Cycle!" Was the Radiant dead? It wasn't just that she was his tether to sanity. She had been the only only one present on the ship. How were they supposed to weaponize the light? Eyes wide, staring into the abyss inside, Lucan shook his head. "I saved her, only to loose her..."

"Who?" asked the male Doctor, whom he'd heard being called Kobol .

"Heather... Heather McMillan." He closed his eyes, hearing them speak, trying to listen, but he already knew they wanted to know more. "I..." He tried to focus, his thoughts on Heather. "My apologies, it's so much... Too many things to say. What... What is the priority? Where are we? I want to help, but I do not know what's most urgent..."

[ High Chancellor Martok, son of Urthog | Bridge | Negh'Var Heavy Carrier IKC Rotarran | Azure Nebula ] Attn: All
Seated still, Martok had already signalled for the Phantoms to launch. He was listening to the speaking Bajoran, but Doran, daughter of W'mar, would lead the full complement of raiders against the inferior numbers of the Theurgy's warp fighters. Hearing the ridged-nosed, tall man in command, Martok felt very old, weary of all the prattle and diplomacy from years spent on Q'onoS, bartering and mediating between Houses to keep the Empire unified. He had not come to the Azure Nebula for more quibbling.

When the talk about preposterous things was wearing to its end, Martok's patience had run dry, and he curled his upper lip, rising to his full height - the fire in his eye unabated. To the Bajoran's credit, he backed up his far-fetched story with a threat. Perhaps there was some backbone in the man after all. Yet by that time, Martok had already made his decision. SuD Lang was an embarrassment for the Empire, but there was nothing but hook spiders to be found there. Certainly no weapon large enough to destroy a VoD'leh-class carrier. Moreover, he trusted Zyrao Natauna more than the word of this petaQ.

"Ancient weapons..." he growled in his deep voice, chuckling without humour, and each step he made emphasised with the list of shadows the man had cast on the wall, "Changeling parasites. Borg. You insult me by thinking the Empire wouldn't know if the Collective crossed our borders. Do you not think I, as the High Chancellor, wouldn't be informed?"

Martok came to a stop closer to the viewscreen, his browridge low over his stare. "Of course you would mention the Dominion... since that might strike a chord with me. All I hear is the words of a blind apologist, thinking he is more cunning than I." His hands curled into fists at his sides, but his glare was unchanged. "I need no evidence. I have already seen your Captain, heard his words. The message was clear in your broadcast, in how his humanitarian sympathy for all the Galaxy has made him mad, and in opposing the Prime Directive, he must flee to the Romulans since no one else would give him sanctuary. I thought highly of the man, back when he made sense, and fought the Jem'Hadar instead of his own fleet. Also, someone on the Hakkarl contacted me."

Martok looked away, seeing the small warp fighters circling the Rotarran, and he grinned. He felt old, but invigorated now, at the promise of battle. "You should never have come to SuD Lang, yet when you killed my son to hide your petty thievery, you were already dead... and no fairy tales can turn my eye."

He turned his head, gestured to end the hail, and bellowed. "Open fire! Kill these Targs!"

OOC: Have fun! Battle now commences, and its pretty free-form. Needless to say, this should not be an easy fight. No destroying of more than two raiders per post, and I want one NPC pilot/fighter among the Lone Wolves killed off in each post to sustain the plausibility of this battle. First poster next is @chXinya , since Wenn Cinn must decide on the next action. This, except for the scenes in Sickbay and the Fighter Bay. The response time of 7 days begins today for everyone. Here's the bridge crew: [Show/Hide]
Here are the characters in the Fighter Assault Bay and the Lone Wolves Squadron: [Show/Hide]
Primary Surgical Suite, Main Sickbay, CMO Office: [Show/Hide]
Again, as previously stated about the current situation, please notice how five hours have passed since the earlier events in this Chapter and 2300 hrs, which is the present time. These five hours are, of course, now available for everyone to use in setting up their own Supplemental threads. The naming convention for such threads belonging to Chapter 04 is still: CH04: S [DXX|YYYY] Insert Title. These should also be posted in the Part 1 board of Epsiode 05!

Title: Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: BZ on August 08, 2018, 03:42:58 PM
[CPO Eun Sae Ji | Weapons Storage | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]
@Auctor Lucan

The distance was palptable, between them when he pulled back.  He didn’t touch her, didn’t breach the gap, he kept a distance, hands on his hips.  Ji’s heart sunk down into the pit of her stomach, it wasn’t a good sign when he was moving away from her.  She swallowed heavily, she didn’t have a good feeling about this.  Reaching up she crossed her arms over her chest it was subconscious in it’s move, but honestly she didn’t think this was going to go well.  She felt like throwing up.  If only she had kept her mouth shut.  Was this what she really needed on her mind right before a big battle?  They were about to go for the Borg, and here she was asking about relationships. 

The words, ‘I’m sorry’ were like a fist to her guts.  She stared up at him.  Was all of last night, the him picking me… choosing me… was that all a load of hot shit?  He admitted to being very traditional, and her brow rose curiously.  Sten’s office was traditional?  Right here is traditional?  She was probably lucky he didn’t have any kind of mental abilities because the things she was thinking and feeling weren’t particularly nice.  He told her that he liked to keep his personal and work life separate.  That it was important to him there was no intermixing because since he liked both men and women he would find himself being through of in a less than Professional way by those attracted to him.  He wasn’t there to be friends, he was there to be the boss.

Ji, had another approach all together.  She didn’t mind being the friends of those around her.  They still respected her because she had no problems calling said friends on their shit and they knew it.  She had only had a few problems in her life because of it, and she had only had a couple men try to corner her in the bay to make a move.  They ended up in Sickbay and written up, placed on probation.  She was not about to hide her life or her personality from them.  Everyone did things differently.

“So hold on.  We’re going to have to hide from the whole fucking ship then?” she asked incredulously, oh she was right pissed off at this point, but she was trying to contain herself.  “Because, unless you expect to keep us locked in your Quarters every time we want to have some alone time together, they’re going to find out anyway.” She reminded him.  “I didn’t intend to be a closet relationship.  I don’t expect you to be kissing and hugging on me on Deck.  But I didn’t think holding hands or just touching you would be something you would be so terrified of.  I’m not trying to demean you Liam Herrold, I’m trying to be in your life, fully and completely.  Is it impossible to have a relationship and still remain professional?”

She rose her brow curiously.  When he brought up Sten and what he might do, her face looked as if he had slapped it.  She literally would have taken a step back if she could have, but there was a shelf right behind her and she hadn’t been able to move.  But the color bled from her face as she stood there looking up into the blue eyes that had first attracted her to Liam.  The very ones that could be warm and inviting and caring.  The other day they were bantering and flirting on the job and he hadn’t seemed upset about that.  Today she brought him coffee.. and they had lunch inside Sten’s office.  He hadn’t seemed too broken up about that either.  Yet, now that she was wondering if she could be with him fully and publicly he was having cold feet.  Saying he was terrified of Sten.  Unsure of what the man would do if he found out about them.

Again.  Time and time again, Ji was reminded how insignificant she was in the lives of those she wished to be a bit part of.  Sten had reminded her by sending her off to another ship.  Then sleeping with her again and shunning her.  Now, here was Liam, who she thought understood her.  Asking her to remain absolutely separate from work and home life.  She didn’t think on a ship, even as big as it was, they could hide the fact they were together for long.  People would talk, people would know, they always did. 

Was he Stenn-ing her?  ‘Sorry Ji you’re a great fuck but when it comes to relationships, I just can’t.  Hey how about a fun trip to another ship.  They have lots of sex there.  It’ll be loads of fun,  literally!’

“No, I’m not a man.  But I don’t see what the fuck that has to do with us.  So, what are you saying exactly?  Because I think I need clarification.  Are we going with our relationship only in your Quarters or mine, or is it just that you don’t want to show it on Deck?  Because, those are two very different things.  If we’re going to remain professional and at a distance on the Deck, fine.  But, I won’t be your secret girlfriend that you keep in your Quarters and never go out with.  That’s no relationship, that’s just fucking.  Which I thought.. “ her voice skipped a beat for a moment.  “…I thought we had established we were going to be more than that, last night.”

Dark eyes searched his blue, hoping she was wrong about what he was saying.  Perhaps she was just more invested than him, perhaps he wasn't invested enough, perhaps they were just not understanding one another.  Maybe this was something they'd eventually laugh about but right now this was the most important conversation of their relationship.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: patches on August 09, 2018, 01:37:18 AM
[Ensign Colin McArthur | Security Centre | Work Stations | Deck 7 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Jm Von Cat @CanadianVet @Top Hat @trevorvw @Auctor Lucan

There was something different in the air when the ship was conducting battle operations. The dimmer lighting and red klaxons were a part of it, of course, but it was the way everyone tensed up in anticipation and fear around him that struck Colin when the Sword transitioned from Yellow to Red Alert.

“All hands to battle stations.” Thea’s voice was disconcertingly robotic in the absence of her actual presence on the ship, but the words themselves sparked quite the reaction. “Red Alert is in effect.”

A flurry of activity erupted as Security personnel entered the Centre and the Bolian acting in the position of Master-at-Arms ensured everyone left again properly armed. It was Ensign McArthur himself who made sure everyone leaving was teamed up and sent to the right areas, coordinating all of the action from within the centrally placed work area behind the Security Aide’s desk. He walked from each station manned by crewmen, checking that they were talking with the right people and watching the right sections. He was comfortable here. The role fit him well as long as he didn’t think too much about how he was actually far more than being a high-ranking glorified receptionist right now while Lieutenant Commander Wenn Cinn was commanding the Sword and Ida was MIA. Thankfully, much of the actual planning was being done from the Bridge, as a set of orders came through from there right after the alert sounded. What was being coordinated was the implementation of those orders.

“Sir, we have a site to site transport request from Petty Officer Taer.”

Colin looked over at the Ferengi, whose voice cut through the chatter from the rest to grab his attention. Ferengi were a rare sight in Starfleet uniforms these days, but this one hadn’t prompted any complaints from the others that McArthur could recall. If he had the spare mental processing power at the time, he might have reflected on the enduring power of stereotypes applied to entire species. However, the current crisis demanded his whole attention.

Well, two crises. This Nicander situation makes me uncomfortable, almost more than the fight we're about to be in.

“How many?” He asked as he ambled up to the Ferengi’s screen. On it were miniature displays of the cameras from each of the three exosuits in Sickbay right now, inhabited by three Petty Officers that all excelled in the usage of those suits and the weapons they carried. He couldn’t hear it, but he knew the crewman was listening in on their comms in case shit hit the fan.

“Five. Taer, Bremmer, Varder, Nicander, and Maya,” came the reply. “She just cancelled the request, though.”

The crewman brought up Taer’s camera into fullscreen focus. It wasn’t steady as the Trill rushed up to pull Maya away from the restrained Câroon, complete with an order for both doctors to pull back. Sensors relayed from the exosuit confirmed Taer’s combat readiness, indicating a change. As she pulled back and the scope of her rifle came into view, McArthur saw what triggered it. He suppressed a shudder at the sight of Nicander’s very much living face and listened in silent horror as the disgraced doctor spoke of multiple hidden passageways to be used for a Borg invasion of the Alpha Quadrant, the Klingons coming after them, and the apparent death of a crew member whose name he vaguely recognized. There was something that tugged at his mind about what Nicander said, but a gasp from the Ferengi caught his attention before he could tug at it in return.

“What is it, crewman?”

“Taer just … colorfully pointed out that there’s no way Doctor Nicander could know about the Captain’s abuse in captivity unless he was in contact with someone aboard the alien ship, Sir.” The Ferengi gave Colin a puzzled look. “Haven’t we been under a communications blackout this entire time?”

Colin’s blood froze solid as the implications dawned on him.


“Tell her and the rest of the team to expect transport now. We need him locked down now.”

The crewman nodded as he relayed this to Taer, Bremmer, and Vardur. Colin took the opportunity to open a channel to the Ops station on the bridge from his own combadge.

“Ensign McArthur to Ops. Requesting site-to-site transport of Drs Nicander and Maya, Petty Officers Varder, Bremmer, Taer to the temporary brig ASAP.”

He sent a mental prayer of thanks that the frosted glass would separate him from Nicander and Maya after the message was acknowledged. He then put a hand on the crewman’s shoulder and pointed at one of the other screens the Ferengi was monitoring. "Compose a text message to Bridge Security, exactly as follows: 'Nicander willingly giving intel of presence of multiple apertures, Borg presence, and indicates connection to other infested. It seems as if he can see what they see. Relocating to Brig under heavy escort.' Send."

"Sent, sir."
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: chXinya on August 09, 2018, 02:59:43 AM
[Lt. Commander Wenn Cinn | Battle Bridge | Deck 8 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]

So much for reason. Cinn mused to himself in the brief window they had when Chancellor Martok finished yelling and cut off communications.  He knew it was a long shot the moment he saw the Klingon’s mood, but diplomacy had to be tried.  “Helm evasive maneuvers!” he order almost instantly, but it wasn’t quite fast enough.  The first volley from the Rotarran’s main disruptor banks smashed into the forward shields, nearly kicking Cinn out of his chair.  “Get us out from in front of them!” he yelled over the alarms, knuckles turning white as he fought to stay seated.

The viewer showed absolute chaos in the nebula.  Green disruptor bolts lit up the thin gas giving them a halo effect as they flew through the vacuum to glance across the Sword’s shield bubble.  Thruster flares buzzed around in formations, the colors denoting whether they were Klingon or Federation.  “Alert all fighters, weapons free.  Keep those Reapers off of us and if they get any opportunities on the Rotarran’s weapons and sensors they take them.  Tactical, concentrate fire on shield emitters and nacelles, I want the Chancellor disabled, not destroyed.”

A hard maneuver rocked everyone to one side, inertial dampeners struggling to keep up with Jaya’s wild stick.  The Rotarran may be a massive ship but with her Reapers it was a challenge to get out of the primary firing arcs.  Spotting a cluster of Klingon fighters angling up for a run Cinn snapped an order, “Photon torpedoes, proximity detonation, fire!”  The orange warheads didn’t halo like the Klingon ordinance, but the blasts were still blinding.  Phaser beams lanced out to reveal the extent of the Negh’var carrier’s own shield bubble and Cinn could hear Martok laughing.

May the Prophets preserve us… he prayed.  “Okafor, forget the apertures, find a way through those shields.”  Something exploded out there, a flash of burning oxygen marking the death of some random pilot.  The Sword continued to shake around Cinn and things started to become a blur.  The bridge crew constantly threw out new reports, tactical plots showed the nebula in three dimensions giving everyone a clear picture of just how badly Martok was able to outplay the security officer turned captain.  Primal instincts were telling him to run, leave the Wolves behind if necessary, but his pride kept him in the battle.  He’d fought the Cardassians and won.  He could handle one Klingon ship.

But at this rate they would need a miracle….
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Nolan on August 09, 2018, 11:43:14 AM
[ Amelya Rez | Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy  | 2300 hrs. ] Attn: @Doc M.  @patches  , @Auctor Lucan  @Jm Von Cat  @CanadianVet 

The sudden rash action of Maya had left Rez dumbfounded as she stepped back without needing any more warning from the present security staff. She bumped into Varder as she looked back with a bit of panic in her eyes as she wasn't sure what would come out of the former CMO. The situation changed rapidly as life seemingly got sucked back into the ruff looking man as he fought against his restraints before Security tried to get the upper hand.

The former CMO himself though warned them to stay away from him, which made Amelya feel some sort of hope for him before incoherent nonsense began to get spewed out again. The information about the passageways sounded like they could be correct, sustainable, yet he seemingly lost the rest of his conversation as he spoke of seeing other things. Was he truly in union with all the other parasites? Or were the drugs in his system causing for hallucinations which were causing him to think that he saw certain things?

Amelya swallowed hard before she gazed back at the security forces. It wouldn't take long before the flickering lights of a site to site transport were lighting up the area before the entire circus seemed to have moved away from the surgical suite. The only thing left was the various instruments and garbage from the surgery. Amelya blinked and looked around to see Kobol  and Jovela still present with her. "Jovela... Can you prepare the suite here for any future surgery should we need it?" she brought out with a shaky voice before she closed her eyes to cool her nerves.

"Dr Kobol , will you join me in Sickbay fo-" her sentence cut short as the party got thrown to a side as the first hit of Martok's ship was felt. The lights were flashing red and the claxons could be heard in a more silenced tone throughout Sickbay. When did they switch to Red Alert, how long had the Borg been here? Amelya straightened herself and ran to the door, opening it to gaze at the sickbay. There would be no rest for the wicked. A feeling she seemingly felt all too well...

[ Lt. Simon Tovarek | Battle Bridge | Deck 8 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]

'Chort...' was the first thing that went through the impromptu XO's head as they were staring at a Klingon ship. All these preparations, all this research, all the calibrating to fight a Borg ship. And for what? To rise up against a Klingon legend with a blood vengeance. This ship was a death trap if it ever was anything else. The blaring claxons and the red flashing lights didn't help either as the science officer looked over at Okafor. The man had been burdened with the task to find a way through the Klingon shields.

The eyes shifted from Tovarek over to the helms woman as she did an amazing job at dodging the incoming fire to the best of her abilities. Despite her effort they ere still taking hits, yet the damage would probably be more severe if not for her. Eventually Simon took his place next to Wenn Cinn as the ship rocked and returned fire at the incoming threats and fire.

"Sir.." Tovarek started on a tone so only Cinn could hear him over the cacaphony of situation reports and damage reports. "Are we going to see this through to the bitter end or should we prioritize our main mission objective as called for by Captain Ives?" The number two on the ship didn't want to openly confront the acting captain like he had with the Versant. Valuable lessons had he learned that day yet his mind raced with alternative tactics to fight off the klingon warship.

Perhaps the use of the nebula's volatile elements could be used in their favor. The wolves had mapped quite some data about safe ways to navigate through and marked the high density pockets of explosive gas. A trick perhaps to be played out after hearing the reply of the captain. Retreat would be an equally sound strategy.

[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Kestrel | Heart of the Azure Nebula ]
Attn: @Triage  , @Triton  , @Havenborn  , @Multificionado 

The message Thomas got from Daniel made him nod before he replied back "My thoughts exactly. Let them act like the rabid dogs that they are." The plan was fairly simple as Klingons loved to fight and wouldn't back down easily from an engagement. Sure these were one of the toughest opponents to battle, yet it was something fighter pilots craved for. In a way they were similar to Klingon's mindset. They lived for glory and battle in a way.

As the Rotarran opened fire Thomas had seen enough while he followed the comms traffic from Sword. Receiving a weapons free from Henshaw in a text his lips curled into a lopsided grin "All elements. Weapons free." was the short message he sent out to his pack. "Primary targets on the Rotarran are weapon systems and sensor suites. Once you're out of payload return to Sword for close perimeter defense. Watch your backs and good hunting." he concluded before he made his ship dive into an attack vector as the incoming raiders started to open fire at him. He lead them on a merry chase around the aft section of the Rotarran as he looked over his shoulder to see where Rawley was. He wasn't exactly lining them up for her, yet she'd be able to pick at least one off and distract the others.

He could catch a glimpse of Sword as the Valravns started to move out, he hoped that Tessa would hold up in the battle yet pushed the side away as his ship rumbled as it scored a hit from one of the raiders "Motherfu-" he murmured before he started his run on the aft torpedo launchers of the carrier. "Try and watch my back Ghost. No time to snooze after being de-iced." he teased Rawley.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: steelphoenix on August 09, 2018, 12:22:57 PM
[Lt. Commander Vael Kaeris | Battle Bridge | Deck 8 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: Anyone on the bridge

Vael managed to retain his footing despite the steady bombardment against the shields, his hand steadily darting across the face of his PADD.  While he had no true desire to battel the Klingon Chancellor, he similarly had no desire to lay down his life or the lives of his Endeavour crew mates merely to prove a point.  "If we can find a way to neutralize their sensor array, they'll be restricted to visual reckoning and functionally half-blind," he posited out loud.  "A high data burst might work but they didn't seem overly keen on accepting high levels of communications from us.  That leaves radiation and particle yield, but we want to make sure it sticks to them or we'll be sharing their fate."

He pulled up their own sensor log, reviewing the resonance of the klingon shields from their own phaser strikes.  "If we can find some way to set up a magnetic resonance with their shield, we can detonate a series of modified torpedoes along their sensor array that would be the starship equivalent of sand in the eyes," he added, his gaze shifting among the crew to see if any had the time to pay his recommendations the slightest bit of attention.  It was frustrating to have to rely on those around him to indicate of such suggestions were even an option, but he persisted none-the-less.

"The Voyager was also able to make use of holographic augments along the hull to improve armor and to even simulate artificial escort class vessels to further disperse targeting of prospective adversaries."  It wasn't an ideal. but it would give the klingons more things to shoot at, and combined with a blinding assault, might just give this half-ship a fighting chance to survive.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Multificionado on August 10, 2018, 12:38:33 AM
[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Cockpit | AC-409 Mk III Valkyrie, Winterbourne | Azure Nebula] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @Nolan @Triage @Triton @Havenborn @Doc M. @Top Hat @chXinya


"Lieutenant," Ducote replied, the omnipresent gravel in his voice a little sharper than usual. "If you can't tell the difference between a Klingon signature and a Borg one, and you think that no one else on your ship can tell the difference either, I am not sure you are fit to fly."

Rawley couldn't help but flinch at Ducote's communique, her blood boiling. She was no science officer, she was a pilot, and she was more than fit to fly. But her intuition reminded her that what they were tracking was indeed a Borg signature. She managed to take a moment to send a private communique.

"My apologies, Commander Ducote. The Klingon wankers caught us by surprise and I may have overreacted. The sensor readings do indicate a Borg signature. Sorry I doubted you. However, to say I'm not fit to're new to the Theurgy, so yeh obviously don't know me as well as yeh should. If it came from anybody else on the Theurgy, besides your crew, I'd say 'Up your arse.' We'll have words if and when we get outta this alive."

She had barely finished her apologetic communique when she received orders from Razor.

"Angel, Salvo, Meony, team up and make your way over to the far side of the ship. Wait for engagement on my sign. Ghost, you're with me, heading towards the aft section."

"Acknowledged, Razor," replied Rawley. She followed the Kestrel to the aft section, admiring the design.

"Cor, I ought to get me one of those," she said to herself quietly. She tore her eyes from the Kestrel and stared at the Klingon flagship. She figured she and Razor at aft, and Meony, Salvo and Angel at the far side were positioned to intercept fighters; the bloody thing was a carrier after all. And sure enough, fighters swarmed on out. Razor's orders came on out:

"Be advised, hostile fighters are out in the open. Do not engage unless you are engaged upon. Try not to be an easy target on their first run."

And then Rawley received a text from Razor:

[Care to do our usual shenanigans like we did with Cala? If we get into combat that is.]

Rawley couldn't help but smile. She never forgot the battle against the Calamity and her Reavers. Cor, she remembered nicking a Reaver, and even taking a Reaver out with an isomagnetic disintegrator. Of course, she remembered that she was beamed to sickbay at one point, and Nicander tried to keep her in (and just thinking of Nicander made her blood boil), but she escaped. Overall, she raised not only Cain but also Ahab and Jezebel during that battle. She typed a response.

[You better believe your arse, Razor.]

Seeing Razor adjust his course, Rawley followed. She can see where that course was going and knew an intercept course when she saw one. She honestly didn't want to kill the Klingons, not with the possibilities that at any time, the Borg would catch all their arses by surprise, and she didn't want to leave any of the Klingons, let along Chancellor Martok, at their mercy. But she knew from experience and training that a Klingon regarded an opponent who didn't shoot to kill bloody spineless.

"Well, on their own heads and arses be it," she declared. She was going to show these wankers that you don't mess with a Celt, a bloodthirsty Lone Wolf. Razor chimed in and she received orders.

"All elements. Weapons free. Primary targets on the Rotarran are weapon systems and sensor suites. Once you're out of payload return to Sword for close perimeter defense. Watch your backs and good hunting."

[ Lt. Talidenai zh'Idenna | Cockpit | Valvaran-class fighter | Azure Nebula]

"Terror, you are clear to guide the rest of the squadron out of the fighter bay. You are to take defensive positions around Sword and await further order from the SCO."

"Copy that." Talidenai zh'Idenna, Tali for short, callsign "Terror," was already on the way out, with the rest of the Wolves tailing behind her, glad to hear Ensign Henshaw's signal to move. She was glad the rest of the squadron was deploying; Razor is going to need all the help he can get, especially against an irate Klingon.

"Wolves, this is Terror," Tali called in. "Deploy defensive positions around the Sword." Then she began addressing Tessa directly; the Andorian still hasn't forgotten when she, as pink-skins put it, freaked out. "Goldeneye, I suggest you GET. A. GRIP. Shoot to kill but defend the Sword. Show the Klingons what you're made of."

Seeing the rest of the Wolves in position, Tali opened a channel with Ravon. "Terror to Razor. The rest of the squadron is in position and awaiting your orders."

Just as well; the raiders were already swarming. Tali had her weapons ready, and...

...and the flagship unleashed a barrage of disruptor fire at the Theurgy. And she realized that she and a few Wolves were in its path. Before she even had a chance to blink, the disruptors tore through her beloved Valvaran fighter's shields, and then the fighter itself, blowing everything around her into a fireball.

[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Cockpit | AC-409 Mk III Valkyrie, Winterbourne | Azure Nebula]

Rawley had no idea how much she missed flying. She remembered the shenanigans with the Cala alright. Three hundred years or so ago, it was known as “playing chicken.”

Breaking formation with Ravon, she dived right into the path of the Raider’s flight path, managing a few barrel rolls to avoid the fire from the raiders.

“Okay, you ugly wankers, let’s see who swerves first.”

She held her course. Held it…held it…the Raiders were closing in…

[Kohor of the House of Korath | Cockpit | Phantom Raider Kangar | Azure Nebula]

“This is Lieutenant Kohor! Attack formation! Get ‘em, boys!”

Kohor of the House of Korath was excited at the prospect of a fight, so soon after the end of the war with the Dominion. He had been a mere bekk when he joined the invasion of Cardassia and when that conflict escalated into war with the Dominion. Now, here he was, barely reaching the lower reaches of lieutenant, and they were going to avenge the Son of Martok. Kohor was proud to fight alongside Martok once again.

He led his wing to attack the traitors on the Theurgy, and these flying traitors as well. One of those fighters was flying peculiarly. It seemed to be charging towards them. It was beneath Kohor, and yet it unnerved him. It kept closing in, like…

“Kohor to attack wing! Break formation!”

His wing broke off to avoid colliding into the Theurgy targ. It wasn’t carrying something calamitous, but this one scared him.

“By Kahless, whoever’s flying that thing must be more savage than we are, and we’re Klingons!” he barked in astonishment.

[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Cockpit | AC-409 Mk III Valkyrie, Winterbourne | Azure Nebula]

As it transpired, like with the Reavers when she first did it, the Klingons dove to avoid collision with the Winterbourne. Rawley wondered if she scared them, even for Klingons, but it made her feel better. Thinking quickly, she turned the Winterbourne like a spinning top and began shooting a Raider from behind. And she felt the thrill of it all.

She kept pounding until the raider blew. She let out a throaty laugh just as she was seeing Razor getting chased by some Raiders. She noticed it was making a run for the aft launchers. She heard Razor make a cheeky remark and let out a retort.

“Don’t worry, Razor, I’ll watch it. And raktajino would never make me more awake than I am now.”

A green streak zipped past her, grazing the Winterbourne. That told her a raider was on her arse, too. Well, she'll lead that wanker on a merry little chase of her own. She made her run at the aft launchers and sent some ordinance on it. Then she looped behind the raider faster than a riding in a washing machine on a roller coaster, so fast she hit her face hard against the side of the cockpit, and sent a torpedo right into its arse. In its spinning out of control, it hit the Rotarran with a bang. The shields illuminated from the hit. She hoped like the dickens the impact took out the aft launcher, and even if it didn’t, some shrapnel managed to take out a nearby disruptor cannon. At least there was some compensation; it meant on less weapon for the Klingons, but she would need to work on the launcher and other disruptors before they got that back online.

“Ghost to Razor,” she called in as she covered Razor, “there’s damage to the aft launcher, and a disruptor cannon’s out. And I still got your arse, too.”

She was suddenly aware of wetness under her nose. She must’ve broken it when she hit her face. Well, sod it. It would take a mountain to take down "Ghost" Rawley; a nosebleed wasn’t going to stop her.

OOC: Apologies for lengthiness. Note the new Klingon NPC, of the House of Korath; I've learned there's just 24 Klingon houses, and Korath seems fitting; that house was present in Voyager's series finale. EDIT: Changed the bit of "oversexed big dipper," a "big dipper" referring to an old roller coaster, to something making more sense: a "washing machine on a roller coaster."
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Doc M. on August 10, 2018, 06:32:56 AM
[ Tessa May Lance, callsign:  Goldeneye (,_callsign_%22Goldeneye%22) | Cockpit | AC-409 Mk III Valkyrie ]  Attn: 1) @chXinya 2) @Triton 3) @Nolan 4) @DocReno 5) @Hastata-Nerada 6) @CanadianVet, @Auctor Lucan.

[ Wolves, this is Terror.  Deploy defensive positions around the Sword.  Goldeneye, I suggest you GET. A. GRIP. Shoot to kill but defend the Sword. Show the Klingons what you're made of. ]

“Oh my gosh, this is it,” Tessa muttered to herself.  [ Copy that, Teror, ] she acknowledged as she powered up her AC-409 Mk III Valkyrie and followed the other fighters out of the fighter bay and into the glowing blue haze that was the Azure Nebula.  “We’re launching.  This is it, we’re launching,” she muttered to herself.  “I can’t believe it’s going to end this way.  This is it, we’re finally launching against… the Klingons?” she protested in disbelief when she finally checked her sensor readings.  While waiting in the fighter bay she had ‘zoned out’ into her own little world and hadn’t paid attention to the data being transferred to her fighter from the CIC.  Now she was surprised by the sight of the the IKC Rotarran accompanied by the a horde of three-man IKR NIyma Phantom Raiders.  “The Klingons?  Why are the Klingons trying to kill us?” she asked, completely forgetting or blocking out the memory of the destruction of the IKS Hakkarl and the subsequent shootout in the SuD Lang mining station’s shuttlebay.  “Gosh darn it; is there anybody who's not trying to kill us?”

She was brought out of her musings by the voice of her wingman, Ensign Chrisopher Slayton, callsign “Husker”.  [ Goldeneye, are you okay?  We’re falling behind.  What’s wrong? ]

[ Nothing Husker.  I’m all right.  Just trying to maintain situational awareness. ]

[ It will be okay, Tessa. ] Husker assured her.  [ Just follow Tali.  She’s one of the best pilots in the fleet and nothing can stop her. ]

[ Roger that, Husker, ] Tessa replied as their fighters accelerated.  [ There she is now; preparing to engage.  Let’s go back her up… ] 

Just then the Rotarran fired it’s main guns.  Tali and her wingman T’Zantha didn’t have a chance.  Their Valravns were turned into crimson white fireballs, and it was unlikely that there was enough debris left to fill a cockpit with.

”Aah!” Tessa cried.  A moment of panic was then followed by an uncanny determination as her mind went blank and her training took over.  There was only one thing to do:  engage the raiders at point blank range to make it impossible for the Rotarran to fire at the her and Chris without risking Klingon lives.  So much for staying close to the Sword and running blocker.  Ghost was already engaging them and would need back up.  [ Come on Husker! ] Tessa contacted her wingman, [ We’re going in! ]
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Triton on August 10, 2018, 08:23:53 PM
[ Lt. JG Alessia "Angel" Garcia (,_callsign_%22Angel%22) | Valravn-Class Interceptor "Chimaera" | Engaging Enemy over I.K.S. Rotarran-U.S.S. Theurgy Vector 2 Contested Space | Heart of the Azure Nebula ]Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @Havenborn, @Triage @Blue Zephyr & @Multificionado

"Alert all fighters, weapons free.  Keep those Reapers off of us and if they get any opportunities on the Rotarran's weapons and sensors they take them.  Tactical, concentrate fire on shield emitters and nacelles, I want the Chancellor disabled, not destroyed."

Well, that was that. Alessia maintained her proximity to her target and her squadron as she accelerated into an attack angle against a squadron of raiders peeling out of the Rotarran's hangar bays. Knowing she'd be targeted without pity, owed to Klingon Honor, Alessia held her fire until the enemy was facing her. Fury had done his homework as every turret aboard trained onto that formation without Angel having to lock photons or phasers.

The kinetic weapons' rapid targeting and reactionary arcs were the perfect point defense she needed against those crude but effective Imperial projectiles that her recent posting had made her aware of. Her Valravn already carried more than its fair share of ECM countermeasures and micro-photon torpedoes. Having prepared her hardpoint arsenal for the Borg (to hit them with varying harmonics, ranges and intensity), she carried a single EMP torpedo, which would more than give the Chancellor and his bridge a disadvantage to rival Martok's own wartime injury. Pity; estimates showed that would at least allow for one crippling hit against a Cube. 

Otherwise, the Valravn was an interceptor, and naturally inclined to prevent bombs and other warheads from harming their homebase, rather than inflicting damage against hostile cruisers. Then again, that's what was expected of her back when she flew Peregrines on the Hornet. Alessia manually charged all phaser banks, giving Fury full access to two aft phaser emitters and the anti-fighter warheads.

Hands firmly on their controls, Angel quickly warned Fury to "Hang on!" as she exposed the Chimaera's underbelly to have its aft phasers and kinetic cannons reach onto their painted-- incoming targets. When Salvo gave the order to commence the attack, Angel first steered the elegant twin-hulled fighter into an aileron roll and elliptical thrust that fired its simultaneous arsenal at the incoming raiders as both M-142 RF Mass Driver turrets spewed out lethal kinetic barrages against simultaneous targets in overlapping arcs of fire in beautifully-lethal concert with the Valravn's aft phasers, which fired with Fury's expert moving-target aiming capabilities.

"Splash one! Got a second bandit smokin'!" Fury  cheered briefly as he remained focused, claiming a kill and an injured hit. "Qapla!" he whooped, clenching his facial features as he scanned for targets to the vessel's aft.

"Don't get Klingon on me, vaquero<Cowboy/literally: 'buckaroo'>. If you hit sirillium gas pockets, you won't make it to your own service. -Or- mine, so watch it!" Alessia warned scoldingly but in the same breath, praised him. "Nice shooting, Fury! Keep it to burst-shot and keep your last meal in your guts..." On that remark, Angel banked into the vector but over the path of a second raider, firing a rapid-fire pulse phaser barrage of red-orange hellfire as the Raider passed, tumbled out of its pattern and was slashed by her starboard turret's 4-rounds-per-second projectile fire that combusted the Klingon fighter in a glorious explosion.

Angel maneuvered the craft in an unpredictable, almost erratic approach as the Valravn retrained its forward arsenal against Salvo's coordinates on the fighter. In just a few taps on her tactical screen, she programmed her EMP torpedo to single out the Rotarran's targeting network, in the hopes the chaos that ensued would result in the Sword making use of the Klingon Flagship's blind fire and focus on disarming it and neutralizing its fighters. It would result on the attack run she aligned herself for. 

Wolf Five, Meony, made the first run as Angel aligned up her run to take place just a few moments later.

Title: Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Triage on August 10, 2018, 09:33:37 PM
[ Ens. Krystal "Meony" Tancredi (,_callsign_%22Meony%22) | Cockpit | AC-409 Mk III Valkyrie, Sassy Slayer | The Infinite Coffin | Azure Nebula ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @Havenborn, @Jm Von Cat, @Blue Zephyr & @Multificionado
"Salvo to Meony and Angel. Assuming that we're going to engage the Klingons; Meony I want you to use your Tetryon cannon against the Klingon vessel, open up a small hole for me to drop my Hellbore torpedoes in. Angel and I will cover you. Angel once the shield is down you and Meony will cover me while I drop both Hellbore torpedoes on the target. Salvo out."

“Copy, Salvo.” said Meony. Assuming they were going to engage the Klingons. Pheh. By the redhead's estimate, and knowing Klingons and their tendencies, it was all but guaranteed that they were going to fight. Diplomacy with the Klingon Empire generally involved violence as a demonstration of superiority and the way to earn respect, honour, or just about anything else. It drew a tired, exasperated sigh from her, and made her wish for once to meet with some sweet, gentle and generous aliens that would pop out of warp, offer sympathy and say, “We know it's hard, and we're here to help you. Also, here's lots of chocolate and six million bars of gold-pressed latinum.”

Her vision swam again, and she struggled to force it back into clarity, feeling the pressure in her head building to nearly unpleasant levels.

Thomas Ravon cleared them to go weapons free, and she watched as Alessia break into an attack run, clearing a path for her to make her own run. “Angel, Salvo, Ah'm makin' mah run for th' Rotarran.” said Meony, keying a direct channel to the two of them as she accelerated, setting her mass drivers to automatically target any hostile raiders that got too close to her. She also put her ECM systems to good use, ordering up a higher concentration of anti-targeting software, and scrambling sensors to confuse raider sensors for a while. One raider flew directly into her flight path, and Meony made a corkscrew, firing her pulse phasers and phaser emitters, both fore and aft as it wound around her to avoid collision, to remember her by.

It would live to tell the tale.

The manuever knocked Meony out for a few seconds and her fighter strayed aimlessly long enough for it to be obvious to anyone observing that something was wrong. “Oh God!” Meony came to, her private channel to Alessia and Daniel still open, “Ah'm okay...Ah'm okay...” she quickly pulled her craft back to its original flight path, and extended her tetryon cannon. Her right nostril was getting blocky. She could smell copper and knew she was bleeding again. Not yet, please. Not yet! She set her cannon to manual targeting, not trusting the Sassy Slayer's unwieldly handling of the cannon for what would be a delicate assault plan.

But before that, “Wolf Fahve, Eagle One!” she announced, sending out her first EMP torpedo, she was aiming at the Rotarran. Once the torpedo impacted, she let fly with her Tetryon cannon, using the primary firing mode first, painting a pretty picture for Daniel and Angel to follow up with later, and then switched to the secondary mode after a few shots. Azure blue bolts shot forth in a single stream rain of shield-rupturing splashes against the flagship of Martok, strafing all the way to the aft section, hopefully opening up vulnerabilities that would lead all the way to the ship's engines. It was too late to do anything about the hangar bays, but they could try to disable or even weaken the cruiser's warp capabilities, buy the Sword and the Wolves some respite. It was all they could do now.

Finishing her strafing run, she quickly reported, “Door's open, Salvo. Movin' t' cover ya!” She banked her fighter hard to port, and flanked Daniel once her turn was completed. She readied her cluster bombs and phaser cannons to lay down cover fire for the lead wing.

This is Meony's fighter's current armament
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: trevorvw on August 11, 2018, 03:25:06 AM
[ Lt. Kai Akoni | Battle Bridge | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]

The dark skinned Bajoran in command had tried his best, but Chancellor Martok had other things in mind. Both this part of the Theurgy and the fighters stationed aboard her were under attack. Despite the amount of fighters out there, the Theurgy still took hits. As Kai was reading the display in front of him; which displayed reports from the security teams all over the ship, he realized he was currently, for all intents and purposes, useless. There was literally nothing for him to do other than stare at the screen.

The ship once again rocked violently to the right, even though the inertial dampeners kept the sudden movement from being worse than it could be. Simultaneously, a console a few metres away erupted in a shower of sparks. Kai looked over to see if anyone was injured or needed assistance. The bridge was darkened, with the usual red flashing lights lighting it up more on a regular interval. Kai noticed that a slight haze hung in the air and smelt the acrid smoke as well.

Kai was observing the crew as they responded to the crisis, noticing they were as good as any crew he had served with. This was no surprise as they were Starfleet officers and were well trained. Multiple officers all over the bridge kept yelling out reports to the man in command as the battle ensued. The ship then rocked again, this time to the left as sparks erupted from what was presumably an EPS conduit in the ceiling above his console. Kai instinctively lowered his head and covered the back of his head with his right hand. The sparks showered down onto Kai without causing any injuries or burns. He was left slightly off balance, but quickly resumed his steady stance at the console.

The large man wondered how long the Theurgy would survive this battle; or if they’d actually survive it at all. Kai pondered if it might be a more tactically sound move to withdraw and regroup..but lucky for him, he wasn’t in command.

The console in front of Kai chimed, which interrupted his thoughts. He turned to it and saw displayed a text message reading 'Nicander willingly giving intel of presence of multiple apertures, Borg presence, and indicates connection to other infested. It seems as if he can see what they see. Relocating to Brig under heavy escort.'

Kai immediately took action on this and ordered some of the roving security officers to assist in relocating Nicander to the brig. He sent an extra 4 security personnel to assist; either to escort or to clear the way, was up to the crewmembers down there. Kai almost signed his name on the orders, before remembering and erasing it and just marking it as bridge.

Kai turned from the console and raised his voice to be heard over the commotion, "Captain! Nicander is giving intelligence about multiple aperatures, Borg presence and a possible connection to the other infested. They're moving him to the Brig now".
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Top Hat on August 11, 2018, 06:43:28 PM
[ Lt JG Nator 159 | Battle Bridge | Deck 01 | The Sword ] Attn: @chXinya @Auctor Lucan @steelphoenix 

It had been too much to hope that Wenn would be able to convince Martok of the truth of their escape from the site of the death of his son. The Hermat sighed quietly in hir seat, though not out of any particular exasperation or negative judgement at their captain's attempt, and not even really at the Chancellor's response. Mostly it was a sigh of resignation. Not for the first time, s/he wondered if s/he had been brought out of stasis last week, or if this were some unrousable comatose nightmare.

Straightening in hir seat, s/he set about ensuring damage control teams were on high-standby, ready to go, and adequately supplied. Nator had to brace hirself against the console stanchion as the first salvo from the Rotarran's prodigious forward battery slammed into their shields. S/he swore quietly to hirself as s/he watched the field integrity count down from its not-entirely-brilliant starting number. Wenn barked orders behind hir, while hir fingers flew over the console to balance system priorities in concert with the bridge's Engineering station. Between the heaving manoeuvres and the incoming fire, avoiding mistyping a command was becoming troublesome.

One of the Endeavour crew - mercifully, a quiet one who tended to speak only when he had something useful to say, rather than the more combative example s/he'd seen from the Bactrican's superior so far - spoke up over the new level of noise to make a few suggestions. Nator spared some attention to weigh what he said, not enjoying the prospect of trying to project ship-scale holograms into the Azure given the likely power requirement.

S/he twisted in hir seat to look back at the man who was speaking, and the one in the centre seat.

"Captain, I should be able to modify our deflector to induce such a resonance in the Rotarran's shield array." The briefest of pauses, punctuated by another lurch in the deck as a heavy disruptor bolt found its mark. "I'm less certain about the hologram part."

A small alert (amidst a sea of other alerts) on hir console pulled hir attention back while s/he awaited the final word - shield bleedthrough meant that the last shot had overloaded a section of the EPS grid amidships. Plasma flow was already re-routing, and a damage control team was standing by to get in there as soon as the alpha radiation dropped to a safer level.

Content to let that handle itself, s/he instead scooted to the far half of hir console and wiped that part of it back to standard config before bringing up deflector control. Nator began to program it to generate a shaped-pulse isomagneton burst that should play merry hell with the Rotarran's shield grid. Power allocation would have to come later, pending the Word being given, but there was no sense having a seconds-long lead-up for if they did want to deploy it. A quick simulation indicated better-than-even chances of success. It'll have to do.

Beggars, as the saying went, could hardly be choosers.

Amidst it all, hir badge chirped. [Ensign McArthur to Ops. Requesting site-to-site transport of Drs Nicander and Maya, Petty Officers Varder, Bremmer, Taer to the temporary brig ASAP.]

"Acknowledged, Ensign. Locking on... energising." At least the energy requirement for a five-person site-to-site was trivial compared to that required by even one Vector in active engagement under Red Alert. Hir display showed the five new biosignatures appear in the indicated holding cell in the brig.

[ Cmdr Ranaan Ducote | Battle Bridge | Deck 01 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @trevorvw @patches @Doc M. @Jm Von Cat @CanadianVet

[... We'll have words if and when we get out of this alive.]

A complicated series of expressions chased each other across Ducote's face as Rawley finished her nonpology. At length they settled into a sort of baffled amusement. The lieutenant - who, according to the Starfleet that Ducote still served, was nothing more than a well-trained criminal civilian at the moment - was going to 'have words' with the commander. All right. Sure. It wasn't even the weirdest thing he'd heard today. He glanced over to Kai though, as if to check that he had heard correctly, before shaking his head to himself and looking back at his console. If she hadn't picked up the sarcasm in his barb, maybe she wasn't fit to fly. And wasn't that a sobering thought in their current predicament?

Hell, if we do make it through this, I might even indulge her and head down to the bay for a chat. Probably be good for a laugh. In the meantime, he merely closed the channel to the fighter without comment.

The entertainment he felt quickly faded as he took in the wider situation again, though. Martok was unimpressed with Wenn's speech, as Ranaan had feared. At least when the orders had to go out as the Rotarran opened fire, the Bajoran found a talent for concision after all. Ducote bent his knees to absorb the shudders in the deck that the inertial dampers couldn't catch, and braced himself against the ship's manoeuvres.

Having little to do unless the Klingons decided to get up close and personal, Ducote kept an eye on the holo display to watch the looping movements of the two fighter screens. The pragmatist in him had always questioned the use of manned combat-capable small-craft in this age of computer-predicted firing patterns and supra-lightspeed munitions, but a deeper-set part of his brain did consider them, to use the technical parlance, fucking cool. There was an old romantic air to the aerospace fighter ace that was hard to deny. But given the choice of being caught in a flying tin can between a cruiserweight ship like this part of a dreadnought and whatever flavour of battleship the Rotarran counted as, and not doing that, he would always favour the latter.

Akoni brought his attention back to the room as they received a message. Any remaining shred of his amusement at Rawley's antics faded completely as the implications settled in. He looked up the escort detail assigned to Nicander and composed a return message.

[TO: Security Centre, Dr MAYA, PO1 VARDER, R., PO2 BREMMER, E., PO2 TAER, K.
FROM: Bridge Security
RE: Nicander

Use any means to sedate subject ++immediately++. He is currently a critical risk to operational security. Recommend resuscitation only when under interrogation conditions.]

The last thing they needed was the infested doctor bringing down Archeron on their heads right now. He didn't think it too likely that Martok would call for them out of regard for appearing to need their help, so that left the energy output of their battle acting like a flare in the nebula. With any luck, the nature of the cloud itself stood some chance of masking that too. So the greatest risk of detection lay with their extradimensional mole.

Oh, for the days of boring-ass lunar surveys...
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Firefox013 on August 12, 2018, 10:36:53 PM
[ Ensign Jaya Thorne | Battle Bridge | Deck 01 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]

Jaya sat there, listening, her console beeped, and she grunted. That nosey little… She thought as the officer from the crew of the endeavor seemed to try and gain a stronger hold on her console, that, she wasn’t going to allow and tapped a few keys, sending a message to him that read: Nu-uh sir, you can look, but no touching! As his PADD would shake a bit, his new controls blocked by a feedback code.

That being done, she noticed that the Chancellor was definitely not responding well to LCDr. Wenn’s diatribe and things we’re gonna get hairy any second now. They definitely did get hairy a moment later.

The Klingon fighters began engaging theirs, she was not so worried about them so much, their pilots had proven to be of exceptional caliber and would do well against the Klingon single mindedness and bloodlust if they used it against them. Her hands flew over her console as she quickly “kicked” the vector into action, the large vector surging forwards and to the side, angling itself as it started circling the commencing battle around in a curved flanking maneuver designed to both give them a bit of distance from the fighter generated spaceborne furball as well as a cleaner shot on the Rotarran.

“Sir I’m giving tactical the best angle I can for the largest number of weapons to fire on the Rotarran on our first pass as well as give our fighters some support!” She stated as the “Sword” rapidly gained speed, she was hoping that even just 1/3 of The Theurgy packed enough punch to give the Negh’Var Carrier a run for its money. “Here’s hoping we can make a dent Commander!” She said in a calm, matter of fact statement, eyes cold, focused, hands deftly flying, inputting maneuver sequences at a swift pace, along with secondary and tertiary sequence optionals just in case. Jaya was in the one and would fly this lady like she stole her if she had to.

It was as if all her nervousness and insecurity were both gone, evaporated into the ether and left behind only a focused, ready machine, one designed to fly their vector and help them win this fight, a fight that, yes, LCdr. Wenn had attempted to prevent and failed. Since Chancellor Martok was so determined to fight them, she would give the old warrior as good a show as she could and would do her best to do exactly that.

She furrowed her brow as she maneuvered the Vector around, hoping to take position in a way to help support their fighters with fire from their mothership. “Starboard side weapons should have a good shot now!” She said out loud so the officer manning the weapons console could hear. She kept the ship maneuvering in order to both give fire support and try to get at the Chancellor’s ship for some attacks on it. “Let’s hope we can hold our own.” She stated matter-of-factly as the battle unfolded around them and they were jumping right in to help their Warp Fighters.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Triton on August 14, 2018, 12:37:40 AM
[ Lt. JG Alessia "Angel" Garcia (,_callsign_%22Angel%22) | Valravn-Class Intercetor "Chimaera" | Engaging Enemy over I.K.S. Rotarran-U.S.S. Theurgy Vector 2 Contested Space | Heart of the Azure Nebula ]Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @Havenborn, @Triage @Blue Zephyr & @Multificionado

"Alert all fighters, weapons free.  Keep those Reapers off of us and if they get any opportunities on the Rotarran's weapons and sensors they take them.  Tactical, concentrate fire on shield emitters and nacelles, I want the Chancellor disabled, not destroyed."

"Salvo to Meony and Angel. Assuming that we're going to engage the Klingons; Meony I want you to use your Tetryon cannon against the Klingon vessel, open up a small hole for me to drop my Hellbore torpedoes in. Angel and I will cover you. Angel once the shield is down you and Meony will cover me while I drop both Hellbore torpedoes on the target. Salvo out."

Once those two hostiles were dealt with, Angel and Fury's weapons output sufficient cover fire to do protect Salvo and Meony's fighters from starting their attack run as phasers and turrets continued to turn to face the inbound Klingon Squadron now either breaking off for other fighters, the Sword, or the three of them. Angel turned to face these pursuers, jinking her Valravn in the time it took to bob and weave out of the incoming disruptor fire, which Fury all too eagerly answered to. "Immelman turn!" Alessia warned as her RIO acquired a lock with another microphoton as Alessia fired a diagonally-aimed phaser burst as her fighter pulled up, meters above and behind the fighter she'd crippled, and which Fury's torpedo finished off.

"Copy!" Fury groaned in his seat as his pilot conducted a 'roll-off-the-top- turn which translated as a fancy U-turn that rotated the fighter on its horizontal access, giving the onboard primary weapons an arc to hit any pursuers or would-be enemy torpedoes. At that moment, though, Alessia picked up the attention of one of the Rotarran's gunners, who timed his shot on this interceptor in conjunction with a raider lying in wait. Angel trusted the ECM module pod her fighter packed as well as both hers and Vinnie's turrets only so far. More so as she accelerated into the aft position of her squad. Meony hailed them, conducting a similar evasive maneuver as her fighter skillfully corkscrewed around a bandit.

“Angel, Salvo, Ah'm makin' mah run for th' Rotarran.”

"Angel copies, Meony. I got your six!" Alessia replied. Noticing that the Valkyrie suddenly went stiff on its vector. Angel noticed and feared that if her wingmate didn't keep an unpredictable pattern, any half decent Klingon gunner would blast her out of the stars. "Meony! Carajo!<Dangit!> You're Drifting! Eyes up, Ensign!" Alessia kept her distance a few dozen meters behind and above to stay out of any stray fire that could have hit her instead of Salvo or Meony. Sensing that Something was wrong with Wolf-Five, Alessia armed her EMP missile. She locked on, ready to fulfill her wingmate's role if.... whew. The Tetryon cannon fired

“Oh God!” Meony replied. “Ah'm okay...Ah'm okay...” After a tense moment, Alessia heard an old weapons fire announcement not heard since flight school or the Dominion War. “Wolf Fahve, Eagle One!”

Having a clear path now to follow up, Alessia got tone as she locked on and fired her EMP Missile. Previously, she had scanned and located the Rotarran's targeting systems and the disruptor batteries most likely to deliver energy damage to the Sword and inflict point defense damage against the Wolves. The Bigger they are... she thought as she announced "Wolf 10, Eagle One! EMP Missile away! The missile flew on target as Alessia pulled away, exposing as much of her weapons' hardpoints as she could to inflect as much hardpoint damage as she could during her escape path out away from the carrier in time for hers and Meony's EMP torpedoes to even the odds. The attack hadn't concentrated on the hangar bays, but given the calculus of the Sword's weapon systems and fighters against initially only 2 dozen raiders had been something of a first-round victory. Or it would be once Salvo released his ordnance.

Angel's strafing run didn't go as unopposed as she'd hoped; though the gunner below could no longer fire the round that would've destroyed the Valravn, his ally in space did. She banked reactively in time to veer out of a waiting Raider, whose disruptor bolts had made a bid to avenge the successful attack on the raider's mothership, and threatened to contain Angel within its afterblast. After taking a one-two punch that sounded like a sudden metallic-energetic 'zap!', Angel's fighter took a hit, but Angel reactively made a beeline for the fore of the flagship's bow, crossing the Rotarran's bridge, only to cut downwards, stop her engine enough to let her pursuer follow a ghost vector and summarily wind up in Fury's gunsights. "Light him up, Vinnie. … Fury?" Alessia didn't have time to check her RIO's lifesigns when Fury didn't reply in the heat of the moment. No response out of her RIO was terrifying, and at that moment, avenging against the fighter who'd gotten a hit on her Valravn wasn't at all assuring. Alessia vengefully expended additional phaser bursts to this fighter for all on the bridge to see, before she re-entered the fight.

Not when she had to regroup with her squad and continue to provide overwatch. One more kill thus far and her fighter would be an Ace in a Day, but glory wasn't even close to the top of her priorities. But she did manage to get a menacing glare off at the Bridge of the Chancellor's flagship as she banked forward and trained all weapons to bear in another attack against the fighters themselves, targeting anyone going after either Valravn. Alessia attempted several more times to contact Fury. His vitals were still breathing and her fighter hadn't been breached that she could detect, but something was off; Even a Morse Code hail didn't work. "Angel to Salvo, Razor: My RIO's down, status unknown; likely just incommunicado. Our fighter's intact, plenty of fight in both of us. Confirm and advise?" 


Angel's current Valravn Weaponry
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 16, 2018, 11:57:58 AM
[ CPO Liam Herrold ( | Tactical CONN Briefing Room | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Blue Zephyr  @Masorin
To be honest, Liam hadn't expected the kind of reaction he got, thinking that somehow - somewhere - she was aware about how they were risking their positions in the fighter bay by having sex in public places. He had just wanted her to settle down a bit, tried to make her see how having sex on top of Sten's desk just to spite him was not constructive in that regard. And now, this spectacle, with her chewing him out about wanting to keep a low profile, right in earshot of the Gorn? It was as if she either didn't realise the implications of his request, or she just didn't care about his feelings. Did she want to flaunt him as some kind of trophy in everyone's sight, as if to prove a point?

"Shh, keep your voice down," he whispered in a strained voice, glancing in the direction in which Sithick was working, hoping he wasn't able to hear them, even if the chances were all but gone. Ji had completely dismissed what he'd said about Sten, making him think she knew the risks but didn't want to talk about what she was up to. "I don't want to hide you, that's not the point. I..."

Taking a deep breath, Liam ran both his hands through his hair, and exhaled. "I just meant on the deck, obviously. I am not ashamed of you, but I do think it is impossible to remain professional around you if you go about and... taunt the Chief by wanting to have sex in and around the flight deck, and I can't restrain myself when you do so either. I just... don't want the deck crews and the Chief see us when we're on duty. I think it sends the wrong signals, and it might cause your mechanics and my technicians to loose focus entirely. The Heads of Avionics and Spaceframe, they might start to think I'm giving you favours, covering for you, and they will start to cause us both grief. They begin reporting things to Covington, and he's already transferred you off-ship once because he didn't want you around, thinking it was wrong to be with you. That certainly tells me what he thinks about interpersonal relationships, or having a relationship with one of his subordinates. Don't you think he'll think the same about you and me?"

He reached out, putting his hands on her shoulders, looking her in the eye. He tried to find a smile, but he wasn't sure he succeeded. He still kept his voice down because of he Gorn. "I want to be with you, but while I am worried about us, you take every cha-"

Then, the whole room was cast sideways, throwing them off their feet. Liam didn't cry out, but he tried to grab a hold on the shelf - eyes wide. He merely managed to grab the edge of an emitter housing, and it slid off the shelf in his fall. He landed heavily, the air leaving his lungs, and the emitter casing hit his knee. He cried out, thirty kilos of metal smashing his leg against the deck plating. When one of the casings fell of the shelf, the rest followed, eight more tumbling down in the commotion.

The ship was hit. Is it the Borg? he wondered, fighting down the panic - both Ji and him unaware about the Klingon ship that had just opened fire against the Sword. Regardless the enemy, Liam was stuck, and perhaps his girlfriend as well. "Ji!"

OOC: More posts to come! :)
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 16, 2018, 04:42:37 PM
[ Lt. Tyreke Okafor ( | Battle Bridge | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]
Climbing back to his feet, Tyreke Okafor had a gash from the edge of the science console across his bare head. While the rest o the bridge had descended into instinctual battle operations, which was supposed to keep their fear from taking over as much as effectively fight back against the enemy, the scientist grimaced when he saw the blood on his hand. He heard Wenn Cinn tell him to do something about the Rotarran's shields, to forget about the appertures, and he looked up at the twenty-seven sillouettes on his screen, knowing that while they may have found the way the Borg could enter the Alpha Quadrant, there was nothing they could do about it.

"Aye, Captain," he said in his heavy Beninese accent, clenching his teeth as he closed the sensor screen. The ship shook again, sparks lighting the sweat on his brow, but he defied the stress of the situation in order to think clearly. Head hurting, and still caught up in his earlier findings, and his mind yet to reboot, it was Vael Kaeris that made the suggestion about using a magnetic resonance. Nator 159 supplemented the idea with using the auxiliary deflector mounted at the tip of the Sword. "Good thinking... Nator, do it! When ready, fire the deflector on the Captain's command! As for the photonic distraction... our shield emitters have been calibrated to ward off radiation, and we have even managed to install Ensign ch'Xinya's particle sensors into them." Another hit, and Tyreke clung to the science console. "Mawo! I'm a biologist, but I am certain we can't make them pull triple duties as holo-emitters as well, at least not here and now."

The large man from the Endeavour - Kai Akoni - called out, saying things about Nicander which made Tyreke frown. See what they see? he thought, frowning, eyes darting over the screens as he tried to think, trying to ignore the pain. "Is that how the Klingons could find us? Did Nicander see... No, he was sedated," with a deep frown, he looked towards the Rotarran. Could it be..? "Captain, the Doctor could aid us, yet it might be dangerous."

He looked towards Wenn Cinn in the center seat. Both of them had mixed feelings about Nicander, but Tyreke knew the Bajoran had called the Doctor his friend. As he locked eyes with Captain Wenn, Tyreke reckoned he saw the same thought in the Commanding Officer's eyes. Tyreke would never give such an order himself, not with the stakes involved, but perhaps Wenn Cinn might. Another barrage from the Klingon flagship slammed against the Sword's shields, and Tyreke felt like a moth in a storm.

Ensign Thorne, at the helm, was shouting that tactical was about to get an opportunity to fire, and Keval ch'Rayya might have acknowledged her, and fired as suggested. Only another barrage of disruptor fire hit the Sword, and if Lieutenant ch'Rayya hadn't leapt back in time, he would have been caught in the blast. "Shelat!" he cursed, stepping out to the side. Unfortunately, the deckhead above him gave away, and the edge of the plating caught him at the base of his neck, before he was buried under the weight. Cables were bared, and danced like snakes above the debris, spraying sparks across the deck.

"Aft shields are gone, Captain... and we have Klingon boarding teams on decks eleven, thirteen and sixteen." A female voice, and Tyreke didn't recognise it immediately. "They got aboard before we could regenerate. Current overall shields at thirty percent," added T'Less, who had resorted to using a PADD instead of the broken console. The Vulcan's voice was tight but even, despite how they might have lost the Chief Tactical Officer.

Okafor did a double take, seeing that her hair was short, always having thought her hair was longer. Odd, how he'd notice something like that, given the situation. The Vulcan raised her eyes to Jaya Thorne. "Helm, take us around for another pass. We need attack patterns Beta Two followed by Beta Three (,_Tactical_%26_CONN#Beta-series_Manoeuvres). A full spread of quantum torpedoes readied. Ops, we need more power to forward phasers for this charge, but prioritise shields, else we might not make it all the way."

Tyreke looked away from the Vulcan, wondering how hard he'd hit his head - imagining that she used to have another name.

[ High Chancellor Martok, son of Urthog | Bridge | Negh'Var Heavy Carrier IKC Rotarran | Azure Nebula ] Attn: All
Seated in the center of the Rotarran's bridge, Martok, son of Urthog, felt invigorated by battle at last. For too long, he had been mediating and held the Empire together. Now, he would finally break something apart.

"Take us around for another one," he snarled through his teeth, his glare unflinching as he stared at the viewscreen, having made a full turn and unloaded all their charged disruptor cannons into the hindside of the rogue ship. As for the Rotarran, it's damages were far from critical, and he already felt victorious.

"Aye, Chancellor!" called Helmsman Ch'Targh, who manoeuvred the Negh'Var carrier as if it was as lithe as a Bird of Prey.

"We managed to transport three boarding parties before they got their aft shields back!" his weapons and security officer, N'Garen, called in grim triumph, before continuing to speak. "I suggest we push forth, and fire torpedoes as we go. We should not relent until she is completely adrift! Or better yet... we just watch her get torn apart."

Martok wanted to grant the woman her request, yet his remaining eye espied the efforts of the warp fighters, and how they were coordinating a strike through a hole in the Rotarran's shields, using their unique firing solutions - primed for up-close usage against enemy shielding. Prototype fighters or not, Starfleet Command had kindly enough informed him about what he was up against. "Stand by, N'Garen. We have glob flies to smite." He raised a hand towards seven warp fighters that were closer than the rest. "Inform Doran that those are the priority for her Phantoms... while the Rotarran fire against the unsuspecting flies in the back of their formation. Ready pulse disruptors... and fire at will. Then... we move in for the Theurgy's throat."

"Aye, Chancellor," said N'Garen. "Bridge to Phantom Leader! Concentrate efforts on the fighters closest to the Rotarran!"

[We hear you, bridge! Raiders, follow me!] came the voice from Doran, daughter of W'mar, and on the viewscreen, the green raiders all swivelled and came in hard against the Raiders that were about to try and pierce the Rotarran's shields - green brilliance filing the screen.

Martok's glare remained, carved in stone, as the Rotarran began to target the warp fighters at a distance. One by one, they were caught in the streams of disruptor fire, and when their feeble shields gave away, they detonated - creating yellow flares against the Azure Nebula's backgrop. As he had watched them get destroyed, one by one, Martok had begun to sing under his breath - his lips moving against his fangs.

Qoy qeylIs puqloD.
Qoy puqbe'pu'.
yoHbogh matlhbogh je SuvwI'
Say'moHchu' may' 'Iw.
maSuv manong 'ej maHoHchu'.
nI'be' yInmaj 'ach wovqu'.
batlh maHeghbej 'ej yo' qIjDaq vavpu'ma' DImuv.
pa' reH maSuvtaHqu'.
mamevQo'. maSuvtaH. ma'ov.

By the time he had finished, the rest of the bridge crew had joined him, and they had destroyed three warp fighters.

Meanwhile, the Phantoms were in full engagement with the survivors, and it was time to advance. "Charge her!"

OOC: I will post with Nicander after (Suggested PO) 1) @Doc M. 2) @Jm Von Cat and 3) @CanadianVet have posted, setting the scene in the Security Center. The fighters destroyed (see above) are Wolf-06 (Husker), Wolf-09 (Witch King & Aria), and Wolf-11 (Catscratch & Vagabond). Earlier, when the Rotarran first opened fire, Wolves 07 and 08 were destroyed (Terror, Shocker, Sniper & Bear). Feel free to illustrate their deaths through comm traffic if you feel like it. No destroying of more than two raiders per post, but there are no more NPC fighters to destroy lest you want your primary characters to ETS ( back aboard the Sword (or die). Seven days of posting for all begins today, and on the bridge and among the Lone Wolves, there is no set posting order. Here's the bridge crew: [Show/Hide]
Here are the characters in the Fighter Assault Bay and the Lone Wolves Squadron: [Show/Hide]
Primary Surgical Suite, Main Sickbay, CMO Office: [Show/Hide]
Again, as previously stated about the current situation, please notice how five hours have passed since the earlier events in this Chapter and 2300 hrs, which is the present time. These five hours are, of course, now available for everyone to use in setting up their own Supplemental threads. The naming convention for such threads belonging to Chapter 04 is still: CH04: S [DXX|YYYY] Insert Title. These should also be posted in the Part 1 board of Epsiode 05!
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: trevorvw on August 16, 2018, 09:12:46 PM
[ Lt. Kai Akoni & Cmdr. Ranaan Ducote | Battle Bridge | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Joint post with @Top Hat

Kai and Ducote manned the security station on the bridge as best they could. The ship was taking a beating from the Rotarran, but wasn't out of it yet. With most impacts came a shower of sparks that rained down on various parts of the bridge, a dismayingly-early sign of how stressed their infrastructure was by this assault. Fortunately (depending on viewpoint), the two men had little to do at the moment but spectate. Nicander and the security team had been transported to the security centre, all the areas they had picked to be fortified had been secured, and the security teams throughout the ship were in position. 

As Kai finally had the opportunity to take a breath, fate - or rather, the Klingons - had other ideas. The ship shook violently from a large impact, sending the officer manning the Tactical station recoiling from his seat in time to be laid out flat by a collapsing segment of the deckhead.

The console before them erupted in intruder alerts, as a new voice called out, "Aft shields are gone, Captain... and we have Klingon boarding teams on decks eleven, thirteen and sixteen. They got aboard before we could regenerate. Current overall shields at thirty percent."

Kai tapped a few keys on the console and brought up the plans for those decks in front of them. Ducote ran his finger over the deck listing, reading as fast as he could. Deck eleven held, among other things, sickbay; deck thirteen noted deflector control and deck sixteen contained the fighter assault bay. Kai could see Ducote's gears turning as fast as they could possibly go, a grimace on the older man's face. They had set up for a Borg incursion, not a Klingon one - potentially, a single drone stood a reasonable chance of taking the whole ship if it managed to take charge of any of the places they had reinforced already. Which is why places like 'deflector control' were left to their usual readiness - the Borg wouldn't care too much about it once they started assimilating the crew. But a Klingon boarder would want those shields down to allow for reinforcements... or just to allow their vessel to pound the Theurgy to dust. Ducote's index finger drifted back up the screen and stopped on the listing for deck thirteen before tapping it twice. Kai turned to Ducote, who similarly turned to Kai at the same time, his empathy picking up on the unspoken request.

"This isn't the Endeavour, but our fates are tied. If you want to head down and take charge, I'll send teams to meet you. Arm yourself on the way."

Kai nodded at the Commander, and returned a clipped "Aye, sir," as he made his way to the turbolift.

Ducote watched the large man board the turbolift and then turned back towards the security console. His fingers flew across the flat and smooth console in front of him; issuing orders to any available security personnel to reinforce deflector control. He prioritised any team already in exosuits, or near the lockers.

"Mister Nator," he called forward to Ops. "Do I have power available for internal force fields?"

If he could funnel the Klingons into ambushes, or split the boarding teams into smaller parts to be pinned down and neutralised, all the better.

The turbolift approached deck thirteen and Kai could feel the adrenaline coursing through his veins. His pulse was fast and his breathing was elevated. The turbolift slowed to a halt and the doors hissed open. As Kai looked out into the corridor, he noticed it was darkened. Around the bend he noticed the glow produced from both Starfleet phasers and Klingon disruptors. He heard the screams and yells from Starfleet and Klingons alike. He took his first step out on to the deck plating and started jogging towards the action.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Multificionado on August 17, 2018, 05:56:44 PM
[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Cockpit | AC-409 Mk III Valkyrie, Winterbourne | Azure Nebula] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @Nolan @Havenborn @Triage @Triton @Doc M. @chXinya


Rawley wondered when her neck was going to stiffen up, indication of whiplash. She did make such a sharp turn, after all. Her nose was still bleeding freely, but she didn't care. All that mattered was the battle. She could see she had a limited number of torpedoes, so she diverted some power to the weapons. Her phasers now spewed harder and managed to rip apart a Raider. She heard someone over the comms chatter.

[Witch King to Ghost. Leave some for the rest of us, won't you?] came the call, a male voice with amusement.

"Ghost to Witch King," called Rawley through comms, tasting her flowing blood as she spoke. "Are yeh feeling namby-pamby back there? This party's waiting for yeh, so move yer arse!"

Witch King scoffed over comms and said, [I'll show you namby-pamby, motherf...]

But then he got cut off with a scream...and then nothing.

"Witch King? Hullo, Witch King, come in!" Rawley screamed. A look down at her sensors, past the small pool of blood accumulating on it, and saw that the Rotarran had taken out three fighters at the rear of their formation. Witch King must've been one of them...along with his RIO, considering the new Valravns. Wolves Six, Seven, Eight, Nine and Eleven were gone. That's almost half the pack gone, including most of the new Valravans...Rawley had to scoff. If they were so top-of-the-line, how the bugger did they not stand a chance?

To make matters worse, the Phantom Raiders seemed to be accumulating, and focusing their attacks on the remaining pack.

She knew she was seething, that with all that's been going on. Losing some of the pack, most of which she never had a chance to get to know, meant getting so close to the bloody edge all it took was a gentle tap.

"Hope this will teach yeh not to mess with wolves, yeh wankers," she growled with soft fury. "I am so sorry to do this to yeh, Chancellor."

[ Kohor of the House of Korath | Cockpit | Phantom Raider Kangar | Azure Nebula]

[Raiders, follow me!]

The call came from the Phantom commander, Doran, and Kohor followed along with his wingmate. He can see that the rest of the squadron were coordinating their efforts on the remaining fighters.

That suited Kohor just fine. Because there was one Theurgy fighter that got his attention the most.

Kohor had been keeping a particular eye on that fighter. This one held his attention more than the rest of the traitors. There was something odd about this. This one didn't fight in the usual manner of Federation fighters. Again, he wondered if this pilot would've been worthy of a Klingon.

"Worthy of a Klingon as you may be," he said with intrigue yet indignation, "you still serve the traitors, and it is an honor to fight you in battle."

Now it seemed this fighter was slowing down, within proximity to the Rotarran's shields.

"What in Kahless is that targ doing?" he muttered aloud.

His fellow co-pilots merely shrugged, as curious about this fighter as they were.

After a moment, the fighter dumped a pod which dispersed pieces of...whatever was in it, and took off to rejoin the fight.

"You picked a bad moment to dump your garbage," Kohor scoffed, before opening comms to his wingmate. "Kohor to Phantom Raider Korg. Close ranks around this targ! We'll cut off its retreat!"

As unsportsmanlike as it was, in war, there is nothing more honorable than victory.

"It shouldn't be too hard, Lieutenant," said one of his co-pilots. "The fighter is still slowing down."

Kohor looked at him, then looked back...and then he narrowed his eyes. What was this? Was this another trick from the traitors?

"Are you following that fighter through its sensor readings?" he demanded.

"Yes, why?"

"So, care to explain to me why we’re closing ranks on a pile of garbage?"

It was true. He only looked back a second and the fighter was gone. Almost fast enough to go to warp speed. He and his wingmate closed ranks instead on the pile of garbage. Kohor was not as technologically sound as his father Korath, who was as much a tinkerer as he was a warrior, but it didn't take the stupidest of warriors to figure out that the pile of garbage seemed to contain the fighter's signature. He lost his quarry.

[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Cockpit | AC-409 Mk III Valkyrie, Winterbourne | Azure Nebula]

Rawley was feeling sweat as well as blood. Those wankers nearly had her. Fortunately, she knew what took up her ordinance, and she knew an ECM pod when she saw one. At least it was enough of a diversion to scarper from the two Phantoms chasing her. She lost them for the time being. Rawley couldn’t help but wonder if those wankers stuck to her like mosquitos. Maybe because she had taken out the rest of his chums.

“Sod them,” she muttered to herself.

As good as it was to lose them, the battle wasn't over yet.

So far almost half their squadron from the pack was gone. Five bloody fighters. And the odds were still bad. All she had left was the Hellhound cluster bomb and the Micro Torpedoes. Fat chance to unload them all at once. She was saving the Hellhound for last resort. As for the Micro Torpedoes...sod them. Save them for the time being. She'd keep her phaser fire going as much as possible, but the Klingons were still going strong. The odds were still in their bloody favour.

It was going to look like a long bloody night...or a short one.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Doc M. on August 18, 2018, 03:08:30 AM
[ Maya ( | Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy  | 1500 hrs. ] Attn: @Nolan @patches, @Mathis @Jm Von Cat @CanadianVet

"No!  She can't! Not in this Cycle!" Lucan cin Nicander cried out as his attempt to rise made the invisible restraints that held him to the biobed visable.  He collapsed, and stared into a void that onl he could see before shaking his head in disappointment. "I saved her, only to lose her..."

asked Doctor Kobol .

"Heather... Heather McMillan, " he muttered as he closed his eyes.  "I … My apologies, it's so much... Too many things to say. What... What is the priority? Where are we? I want to help, but I do not know what's most urgent... "

Doctor Maya considered that an appropriate question.  What was the priority?  She had done her part in reviving him.  Everything that the infected chief medical officer would say would be recorded.  She had nothing else to add to this exchange, yet she was hesitant to leave.  She remained bending over Lucan, her large hazel eyes staring at his face as if it would melt away if she removed her gaze from him.  As she heard the sound of the transporter and her vision was obscured by a shower of silver sparks it occurred to her that she had remained too close to Lucan.

[ Maya ( | Deck 07 | Temporary Holding Cell | Security Center | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ]   Atten: @Auctor Lucan, @CanadianVet, @Jm Von Cat,  & @patches.

The green blooded physician found herself leaning over one of the bunks/benches in the temporary holding cell in the Security Centre on Deck Seven.  Lucan was lying beneath her just as he was in sickbay.  But was he similarly restrained by invisible fetters here as well?  She stood up straight and peered at the three petty officers that had transported to the security centre with her.  Behind a transparent electrostatic force field she could see Master Chief Petty Officer Jeremy Barton sitting at his security station.  Beyond him was the door that led out to the waiting area, the aide duty station, the rest of the security centre and the door that led to the rest of Deck Seven.  Blocking the view to that door and standing on the other side of the force field were two exosuited security crewmen armed with rifle sized phasers.  Doctor Kobol  was not in attendence.  Apparently Maya had been selected to be the attending physician while Doctor Nicander was questioned.  

She bent over the prosate Câroon.  “Tell us about Captain Ives,” she asked softly.  “Can you give us the captan’s location?”


[ Tessa May Lance, callsign:  Goldeneye (,_callsign_%22Goldeneye%22) | Cockpit | AC-409 Mk III Valkyrie ]  Attn: @chXinya, @Triton, @Nolan, @DocReno, @Hastata-Nerada, @CanadianVet, @Auctor Lucan.

[ Come on Husker!  We’re going in! ]  Goldeneye’s Valkyrie soared through the azure void, it’s freshly replaced twin-tandem ITD-900 series class V impulse drive exceeding expectations.  She spotted a pair of Niyma class raiders moving to intercept her.  Except they weren’t.  At the last moment, they peeled off.  Surely two Valkries weren’t that intimidatiing were they?  Or maybe they didn't want to get caught in their mother ship's next shot.  She forced her Valkrie to catch up, for only proximity to the Klingon raiders would insure that the Rotarran wouldn’t shoot them out of the sky.

[ Goldeneye. ] Husker’s voice sounded defeated.  It was completely unlike him.  [ Give them Hell for me.  Smoke me a kipper; I’ll be back for breakfast. ]   It was a quote from a holonovel they had both enjoyed.  It was the last words of a 22nd century fighter pilot.  Last words!  Checking her scope, Chris was still flying in front of the Sword, acting as a goalie to keep the raiders away.  But he knew that option was a death sentence!   

Tessa gulped as a dreadful realization gripped her:  Husker didn’t care any more.  With both of his paramours dead, Christopher didn’t care if he joined them.  [ Come on Chris get out of there!  Close on any raider you can!  If you don’t you’re toast!  That’s an ord-- ]  

Then there was no time to talk.  The Rotarran fired its guns. Wolf-09 and Wolf-11 vanished in brilliant balls of flame that ignited the sirillium gas around them, easiliy providing enough light to read by.  Witch King, Aria, Catscratch, and Vagabond, they had all been wiped out by firepower designed to take down a Galaxy class’ shields.  The Rotarran’s next shot sent Christopher’s Valkrie to the great beyond, and the shots after that attacked the Sword’s shields. 

[ EEEEEE! ]  With a high pitched shriek, Tessa fired her tetryon pulse phaser cannon at the fleeing raiders, causing their aft shields to become visible.  Focusing her fire at one of them, the raider’s shield weakened enough for Tessa to launch a photon torpedo.

Not once did Tessa reflect on the uncharacteristic retreat of a normally aggressive foe.  At least she didn’t until her heads up display informed her that she had been spiked by multiple targeting locks.  The raiders she was pursuing had friends that were more than happy to launch a torpedo at her.

OOC:  Added a missing section that I wrote first but somehow didn't make it in the first time.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Top Hat on August 18, 2018, 11:12:15 PM
[ Lt JG Nator 159 | Battle Bridge | Deck 01 | The Sword ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @chXinya @steelphoenix 

Nator was finding the increasing number of compartments and system segments marked off in red on hir console... vexing. Before, their hounding across the galaxy had felt almost remote, being able to hide in the Azure as they had been. S/he had known that TFA and the Savi were out there, of course, but now they'd come looking for the Borg as if they'd all gone collectively mad and then Martok had shown up with full intent to kill them, too.

S/he found what felt like an old thought - despite last having come to hir only a couple of days ago - echoing to the fore again: S/he was a predator; why was s/he being hunted? A low growl escaped hir, quiet enough to be hidden by the elevated noise of the bridge.

The scientist came back - "Nator, do it! When ready, fire the deflector on the Captain's command!"

The Hermat scooted back to the end of the console s/he had dedicated to that particular task, and fed the instructions from the simulations into the deflector computers, wincing as another barrage found the ship's shield envelope. "Deflectors ready for the Word, Captain," s/he reported.

Martok's next volley, however, collapsed a whole sector of their shield grid. As s/he scrambled to re-balance the array and intruder alerts were called out, hir brain/mouth filter failed to engage before s/he rhetorically asked the bridge at large, "Well, isn't this about as much fun as a blowjob from a Nausicaan?"

Sometimes, despite (or perhaps because of) hir general lack of interest, hir sense of humour trended towards the explicit in times of stress.

The problem with expended energy, Nator decided, was that you couldn't get it back. Not instantly, anyway, and that was what they needed. Thirty percent shield integrity was not going to stand the combined tender ministrations of the nebula and a Negh'Var. Not to mention the draw of their weapons-

"... Ops, we need more power to forward phasers for this charge, but prioritise shields, else we might not make it all the way."

... Motherfucker. "Working," s/he said aloud in confirmation.

But how? s/he wondered, as s/he glanced up in time to see the sensor returns of the Klingon raiders all turn to pursue their own fighter complement.

Well, there was a thought... the only question was whether or not s/he hirself could keep up with the rate of inputs required. A grim smirk tugged at the corner of hir mouth. S/he cracked hir knuckles and started typing out commands. Nator wouldn't have time to help coordinate the teams in hir department for the foreseeable, but s/he was confident (enough) that they'd take care of themselves under current orders.

Now that they didn't have to worry about an all-around threat, s/he focused what shield power remained into the sectors of the grid facing the Rotarran. Doing the job manually as s/he was, s/he couldn't hope to focus it finely enough to intercept individual shots, but the energy requirements should still drop by an order of magnitude - which gave the Sword the necessary surplus to fulfil the other part of Tactical's request to funnel more power to the forward guns.

"Mister Nator, do I have power available for internal force fields?"

Had s/he the time to spare, s/he might have turned to fix the maniacal XO Endeavour with an incredulous stare. Need me to wipe your arse for you as well? "You'll have to pull from non-essential systems," s/he called back, focusing on hir task. "Your station should have access."
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Havenborn on August 18, 2018, 11:58:45 PM
[[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Cockpit | AC-307 Mark-II Valkyrie “Hellcat”] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @Doc M., @Triage, @Triton, @Multificionado, Other Lone Wolves

‘If your enemy is out for revenge, decimation is the only language that can reason with him.’

~Sergeant Major Aleksander Petrov, Drill Sergeant; Daedalus Academy of Military Science, Neo-ECON, Mars

Daniel smiled, hearing the words of his drill instructor clearly in his mind when they got the weapons free order.  Daniel powered his fighter forwards keeping Meony covered from the Raiders that were coming towards them.  He fired some disruption shots towards them hoping to break their formation and keep them from lining up a short on Meony while she did her work.  However he noticed that she had a slight problem but she managed to recover, that was definitely something that would have to be addressed once this fight was over, but right now he needed to focus.  Daniel cringed when Angel used Meony’s rank over the net, whoever taught her communications discipline should be shot and spaced; you didn’t use ranks and names, they had callsigns for a reason.

Hearing the all clear from Meony Daniel lined up his shot, the painting that she had done earlier helped but Daniel’s coordinates were slightly different from where she had painted.  If this worked the way he hoped it would his torpedoes would strike the warp core of the Klingon vessel.  “Salvo confirming your coordinates for the Hellbores?.”  Knight asked behind him.  “Coordinates confirmed.”  Daniel said, Ravon and Commander Cinn could court martial him if they survived this, at least they’d still be alive.  “Understood Salvo, coordinates are locked and Hellbores are ready.”  Knight replied behind him as Daniel saw them light up on his HUD.  Only a matter of meters now before he was in range to drop his ordnance.

Another Raider had closed in towards Meony, they could obviously tell what they were trying to do, but he suspected that they hadn’t figured out what he was carrying and why their attention should have been focused on him.  He decided to make the Klingons of that Raider regret that decision and as he blasted away their shields with his phasers, his mass drivers ripped into the fighter and tore it to shreds.  One down only a dozen and a half more to go, Daniel thought to himself.

There his red-colored target lock turned green meaning he was in range and could safely drop his ordnance.  “Ordnance dropped.”  Daniel said.  “Ordnance dropped confirmed.”  Knight said from behind him.  He powered his fighter engines upwards away from the Rotarran watching as the two torpedoes locked onto their target towards their intended destination, only a matter of seconds now and there they went penetrating the Rotarran.  Now it’d be another few seconds before the torpedoes detonated and hopefully crippling or even destroying the enemy vessel in front of them.  His drill instructor would be proud of him if this worked as Daniel thought about what he had always said to him growing up.

However hearing about the status of Angel’s RIO, Daniel understood the concern.  “Copy Angel, continue with covering operations for now.”  Daniel said.  Daniel switched his comm-channel to private with Razor.  “Salvo to Razor, I have an injured RIO, Callsign Fury, any chance for a medevac once we reach the Sword?”  He asked, hopefully that’d be no problem.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: CanadianVet on August 19, 2018, 01:09:14 AM
[ PO2 Eliska Bremmer | Security Centre | Work Stations | Deck 7 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Jm Von Cat @patches @Top Hat @trevorvw @Auctor Lucan

Bremmer had been briefed about the parasites, at length.  She had seen the footage of what the one that took over some Ensign Acreth had done.  How strong it was, how merciless.  And if she'd had her druthers, Nicander and that thing within him would have long ago been taken care of like contraband: recycled for something useful.  Or blown out into space.  Or just vaporized in place.  But it wasn't her call. They wanted to hold on to it, put it in the Brig.  Well, so be it..

But that tiny little Vulcan doctor, she had to get in there, and even as Kino pulled her back, Bremmer jumped into action, her rifle snapping from its position pointing at the deck back to being raised towards the monster and she shoved her way forward, putting her armoured self between it and the squishies within Sickbay.  She knew that if it broke loose, it would try to kill her, and well might succeed.  But she was sure she would take some pieces out of it first...

But that hardly had come to pass, between beaming into the Security Center, and the Red Alert... and the intruder alert. 

Information flooded from the Bridge, and from the Security Operations console, and word had come.  Priority for repelling boarders was the ones making for the deflectors.  Well, that made things simple enough, and right there within the nerve center of the ship's security operations, crewmen were arming up, and Varder got the word to take a team in.  But he quickly turned his head towards the armoured Trill.  "Kino, you're better-qualified, you take the lead." 

The young woman didn't waste much time in shaking her head.  "Nope, not me.  I blow shit up, but that's right up Bremmer's alley." 

Eliska's own head snapped towards her old friend.  Well, that much was true.  Kino Taer was a right witch when it came to explosives and demolitions, and EOD come to think of it, making her ordnance do things no one could have thought possible.  Oh, she could hold her own in a straight-up fight but she didn't quite have the head to lead troops into that kind of action.  Bremmer, on the other hand, had come out of ACS specializing as an assaulter.  Close-quarter battle was her bread and butter and her first tour of duty as part of a permanent boarding and inspection team had given her a rare feel for fighting within the confines of a ship.  "Fair enough," the Bajoran replied; if his old shipmate trusted this addition from Resolve, that was good enough for him.  "Bremmer, you're it."

Looking over those personnel assembled, and those who had been detailed to make for the deflector array, she spoke up quickly as the section leader for this particular task.  "Taer, take point; next a fire team, then me, then the remainder.  Varder, you bring up the rear.  We're headed for Deck 13, deflector spaces.  Expect heavy resistance.  Weapons to maximum stun, but remember we're dealing with Klingons here: they might not drop on the spot, and what's worth shooting once is worthy shooting at least 2 or 3 more times just to be sure.  And remember, doors and corners, check your arcs, and don't get shot.  If I buy it, Taer is next in line of the section; if we're both dead it's Varder.  If all three of us are gone, you're in a world of hurt.  Any questions?  No?  Then let's get moving."

As they filed out of Security, Bremmer opened a closed channel to Security Operations, and the Bridge.  "This is Bremmer, taking a section to Deck 13.  Get me a closed channel for my people, one for general security, and one to higher.  And feed me every bit of information you've got on the boarders."

Use of @patches's Kino Taer and @Jm Von Cat's Varder Ridun was as per conversations in Discord
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Triton on August 19, 2018, 02:44:23 AM
[ Lt. JG Alessia "Angel" Garcia (,_callsign_%22Angel%22) | Valravn-Class Intercetor "Chimaera" | Engaging Enemy over I.K.S. Rotarran-U.S.S. Theurgy Vector 2 Contested Space | Heart of the Azure Nebula ]Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @Havenborn, @Triage @Blue Zephyr & @Multificionado

The Rotarran seemed to shrug off the airstrike that Angel's squadron carried out. Throwing in a full barrage might be a complete impact, even against such a large ship, but the decisive hit would come from Salvo. Alessia wished as ever that the Squad Leader's high-yield missiles would stagger the ship even further. It really was only in the heat of the moment for Alessia to express her wingmate back to Reality, lest she be caught in the blast radius. Fortunately, she came out of it. She internally cursed herself, at the lapse but knew it saved her life. and it foreshadowed the next few moments over the wing's channel that things were spiraling out of control.

While her damage output may have disabled one quadrant of the Rotarran's shields and local weapons batteries, the other side of the ship, including its bow and main batteries were working just fine. The wolves were filling a dragon and its wing with a dreadful resolve. The heat was turning Angel's way. She needed Fury.

[ ENS Vinnie "Fury" Ferris | In the Tunnel to the Afterlife | Valravn-Class Intercetor "Chimaera" | Status: Wounded (Electric Shock) | Engaging Enemy over I.K.S. Rotarran-U.S.S. Theurgy Vector 2 Contested Space | Heart of the Azure Nebula ]

Ferris.  Vinnie took some considerable flak for that last name as a child growing up in Atlantic City, New Jersey on Earth; 'Jersey' as it was called. Despite his nickname, though, Vinnie Ferris ‘wheel’ had grown fond of roller coasters and complex machines… it all helped him develop the fondness he had for the thrill of serving in Starfleet Tactical-Conn. In the haze of near-death. Survivors tended to recount their most basic fight-or-flight flashbulb memories to trigger a reaction. In the literal sense of the term, an improvised equivalent to a proverbial slap brought the RIO to his senses. First memories of his parents, his siblings, the rides at amusement centers and beaches they enjoyed. Suddenly, lightning struck the pier of their roller coaster, and Vinnie lost his grip on his safety harness and saw everything around him spin until its lights became a tunnel of brightness. In Vinnie’s imagination, the ferris wheel was about to break, crash and end the ride. Not on his watch. Fury snapped out of it. The last thing he remembered was the EMP launch against the… The Rotarran . Disabling the weapons and sensors through the shield breach he helped accomplish

The neurochemical reaction was abruptly halted by a familiar litany of angry spanish akin to a mother hen's incessant nagging, but when the face of his mother helping the shell-shocked RIO became a HUD-spanning apparition in the form of  Angel Garcia's visibly distraught and visibly angry face yelling Fury's name and callsign. He groggily muttered something when he felt his own fingertips.

Alessia nearly uttered some even more obscene profanity as she realized her hull wasn't exactly spotless in her seemingly-vain attempts to revive Vinny. She' had pulled out of the engagement for the larger part of 20 seconds as she seemingly succeeded. One of the Klingon raiders had left a donut-sized dent, just a few precious inches away from shattering their canopy. It must've been only the maneuvers she was pulling that kept the blast from being a direct hit. [ANGEL TO FURY: PRIORITY CHANNEL TO H.U.D.!!!] Alessia half-hollered into her comms, At her command, her entire visage took a TVD-display spanning projection on her face at several times the recommended volume a Private inter-fighter comms channel could. "WAKE UP, IDIOTA <An un-flattering term for 'Hey, You.' pronounced ee'dhee-yoah-Tahh>!!!" Alessia's features grimaced as she yelled, accelerating and turning at random and to get clear of the bandits she'd acquired. One allied fighter had just buzzed onto the KIA status on the squadron status indicator, but couldn't see who, yet. She still had a hostile trio on her tail.

Evidently, killing four of their fighters caught someone's attention. She had a response to that. But first, Fury needed to release control of his weapons systems so that Angel could fire back her response. A distinct but internal sounding thump became a rhythmic one. Morse. Alessia strained to listen amidst the weapons exchange, but heard the thumps and spaces needed for 'hurt'.  Soon after, her screen lit up with the weapons systems that had been previously grayed out. Alessia thus had more photon torpedoes in both micro and conventional photon form once Fury restored access. Then She didn't hear from him. Systems read a blown console had sent a stunning amount of voltage into the RIO's hardsuit. But Fury saved this fighter by piloting it before. By the grace of God.

[ Lt. JG Alessia "Angel" Garcia (,_callsign_%22Angel%22) | Valravn-Class Intercetor "Chimaera" | Engaging Enemy over I.K.S. Rotarran-U.S.S. Theurgy Vector 2 Contested Space | Heart of the Azure Nebula ]

Dauntlessly, Alessia rediverted power from her phasers to her engines, starting a familiar maneuver Vinnie himself had helped design. Something based off an old carnival ride. Angel’s Comms buzzed with intensifying chatter as her pursuers chose to fight other more vulnerable fighters. More kill for their counts, but it was essential to shake her pursuers. The statistics red-lit as the Engines dashed in a circular vector to get a bird’s eye view of the fight down below before letting them cool and return to the fray with auxiliary power to the shields.

Angel was especially trying to avoid those sirilium gas pockets, even as a bait for her pursuers. Angel noticed something was wrong when the Klingon Carrier’s weapons had charged…. On the opposite side of the ship. It made her feel all the better because her EMP warheads and Havenborn's vengeful torpedo hit its mark and restricted the Klingon's weapons systems…


Not enough. Not enough to save three of her wingmates and some of her own crew.  Orcus Crew. Friends she’d known on a first-name basis, studied with, traded sparring blows and insults with. Only mere months ago, on Luna, she was going to take them all on a tour of Earth’s best places to wingsuit. Tali… she’d almost seen as a blue sister-with-antennae. Gone in an instant. Alessia’s eyes couldn’t get wide enough, nor have a higher heart pulse. Lt. JG T'Zantha. Sniper. Alessia had a very special place in her heart for the albino Vulcan. When the Rotarran’s guns fired and the weapons arced, Alessia knew. It was as if she felt the Vulcan’s katra burn out with that volley. Alessia turned up the volume on the squad channels and expressed no emotion over the comm. Still no word yet from Razor’s group or Havenborn’s ever since she engaged in shaking maneuvers to escape, find a vantage point to avenge her pack. Her Family. 

The screen's piercing rapid-buzzing sound of an allied fighter craft’s destruction. Husker. Oh no. … Alessia’s pain didn’t turn into sorrow, but rather, rage. It was love for him that brought her now-dead and as-yet unavenged sisters to the Theurgy, away from the curse of the alien parasites. It was star-crossed as she heard Ensign Slayton—brother to her own former Captain Slayton—just gave up. “Damn you.” Was all she could whisper as her mind returned to the mission as she now venomously looked for the head of this Klingon snake. If Marcus Alexander Slayton, her own former CO (as early as a week before) lost his brother because of her involvement, it would be the last straw. Slayton the elder would avenge his blood, just as Martok intended to.

But so would she.

 Earlier, she’d passed over the Rotarran’s bridge as she was avoiding the pursuer who incapacitated Vinnie and would have fired a full photon torpedo barrage against orders to knock those nacelles right off the Rotarran's ugly-ass ship, but it would have been a likewise foolhardy decision that would have wiped out the legacy of the Orcus and the trial-by-fire of the Valravn. Instead about 40 seconds after the Hellbores hit their marks, Alessia's exit vector took a charge at the bridge, turned upside down and uttered ‘An Eye for an eye blinds you from the truth.’ <Ojo por ojo te deja ciego.> in her native tongue, wearing an expression that could have blasted through the toughest armor. Now she wished she had fired during her escape to this location some kilometers above the battlespace. Angel purged those wicked thoughts when an opening presented itself. The Negh’var carrier was preparing for another punishing volley; Alessia had her chance now that she wasn’t being pursued, until she aligned for a run aft of the Rotarran’s engines.  Attacking from a strafing run relative to the location of hers, Salvo’s and Meony’s handiwork, Alessia armed her photon torpedoes and manually locked again from her position over Vector-2.

"Copy Angel, continue with covering operations for now." Salvo replied.

Rapid Disruptor fire warnings chirped on her port and starboard indicators, and Angel reverted to her kickboxer’s sense of balance and attunement—an experience shared with the late T’zantha. If anything she felt more attuned to her fighter probably than ever before. Which was why she found an opening while putting all power to shields as she cut her engines and braked abruptly through a relatively 'cloudier' patch of Nebulaic gas. Once near this patch, she began firing her ECMs aft to cover the angle of a right-to-upper left diagonal flatspin to present her microtorpedo thrusters, just outside of the gas pocket's blast radius. If anything, her idea called to tumble the Klingons into the cloud and dare them to leave it.

With her pursuers moving in for a better position to hit Angel’s fighter, Alessia had noticed same trio of raiders who It was a hasty plan and relied on preset commands that she was barking at into her HUD, working up a good sweat, amidst a hoarse throat and fighting to keep dry eyes, but Angel was channeling her rage, aggression and disbelief into a willingness to make these savages pay with an on-the-fly. Fortunately, the move was a preset on Alessia’s and Fury’s datapad and only took its mention to conduct in just 3.8 seconds. The Cannons’ independence from the Valravn’s phaser weapons, while minimal against the shielded craft or their mothership, however, littered the area with impending debris if and when it bounced off the raiders' shields and deflectors.

Saving power on her phaser power, she vengefully unloaded with her kinetic cannons even further, as if feigning desperation once she'd led them around the nebula she designated. Angel grit her teeth and continued to fire, and could almost hear the laugher in the Klingons’ until she manually aimed her microtorpedoes in a full spread to proximity detonate in a left-to-right semi-circle at varying altitudes; essentially forming a demolition wall rather than a direct lock on in the wake of her own ECMs; she was firing a 'shotgun blast'. Seemingly cornered but still in the shadow of the weakened shields, Alessia fully activated her ECM at the same time as her afterburner, pushing her getaway as the Valravn flat-spun on its horizontal axis and sped away from the direction of the debris field of littered and spent casings as the octet of microtorpedoes she detonated. She she growled in nearly Klingon rage, “Hasta Sto’vo’kor.”<A variant of ‘Hasta la Vista’>.[Show/Hide]

On queue the micro-torpedoes set off the improvised ‘nail bomb’ that went off spectacularly, like a string of lit firecrackers. Alessia wordlessly growled at her success, but could still see the fighters’ still intact, but in all likelihood, the crews aboard were wounded from the blast’s overload of their shields, permitting the randomly-scattered kinetic turret projectiles riddling anyone inside with shrapnel or exposure to vacuum. If Klingons didn’t wear comparable Tac-Conn Exo suits.

The hail of disruptor fire reduced itself to just two incoming cannons from Alessia’s aft. She circled down to Vector-2, approaching the  after her brush with death, and as she passed the suspected debris from the Orcus And TheurgyWolves. She heard a faint Groan during one of her evasive maneuvers putting the bogey in relative range of her wingmates.

It was still no time to take a breather. She could now respond to Havenborn-- to Salvo.
"Angel to Bridge & Razor. I can ETS him to sickbay, but he's not responding. Console must've burst, smells like ozone back here."

Upon hearing confirmation, Alessia authorized the Emergency Transport System to beam her RIO to sickbay, and when it was safe, the fire suppression system kicked in and deactivated the compromised console. The electric hum of a Transporter was heard when Alessia veered into the arc of Theurgy's exposed shield quadrant, wishing she could join him against the Klingons. She desired payback, and it was getting less and less favorable out here. Martok was enjoying this war. He was winning.


Angel's current Valravn Weaponry
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Firefox013 on August 20, 2018, 05:50:56 AM
[ Ensign Jaya Thorne | Battle Bridge | Deck 01 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]

Attn: Everyone involved in the bridge part of the battle.

Jaya heard LCdr. Wenn’s orders, hands flying over her console as Disruptor fire began hitting their fighters as well as the Sword. The young woman grit her teeth, consoles around them taking damage from the feedback brought on by the Rotarran’s fire but the Sword was a lot tougher than she looked and still held strong under the barrage. “Initiating maneuvers, aye sir!” was her reply to the Bajoran’s orders.

Her seats safety belts automatically deployed to keep her secured in her seat during combat while she input the new maneuvers and watched their tactical officer returning fire with everything they had as well, a literal barrage of heavy phaser fire, torpedoes and other weaponry was unleashed in a combination of cover fire for their Warp Fighters, sadly too late for three of them, including two of their top of the line Valravn’s. Holy crap, they got three or more of our people, shit, better stay on task! She thought to herself as she almost barrel rolled the Vector over the Rotarran’s main axis, giving their weapons some beautiful firing solution angles as she executed the ordered maneuvers and patterns. “Give them hell tactical, here we go!” She exclaimed, literally grinning as the vector showed its superior maneuverability to the Negh’Var Carrier.

Their Fighters were in the thick of it with the Klingon Warp Fighters attempting to wipe out the Sword’s fighter Cover But now they had a good angle for their weapons to start harassing the enemy fighters as well. “See what you can do about the Klinks harassing our pilots too please!” she said as she initiated the follow up turn to their roll. The ship shaking from more impacts form the Rotarran but the Rotarran was also receiving a good lashing now that they had started really opening fire on the Chancellor’s Flagship, show the Klingons that even a third of the entire Theurgy was no laughing matter, specially this third. “Take that old One eye!” She muttered under her breath while attempting to keep the Klingon tactical officer guessing as to what would happen now, where would his or her target go. Jaya didn’t know who was aboard the Negh’Var and fighting them nor did she care, these people, like everyone else they encountered seemed hellbent on killing them all and she was most definitely not going to fucking let that happen, there was no way in hell they were going down, not even against one of the greatest Klingon warriors of their age, no way at all!

More hits were exchanged, the ship violently shaking and bucking as it rode the hits, she could hear people mentioning Klingon Boarding parties as more damage occurred and a few injuries at the very least. A conduit in the ceiling burst after something hit them hard and Jaya yelped as something hot seared a streak across her left cheek. “Damnit!” She grunted, ignoring the pain and kept maneuvering the Sword to keep them in the fight as crimson fluid ran down her cheek from the gash left behind by a piece of plating that got blown off its mounts. “Got to give it to the Klinks, their weapons still pack a wallop!” Stated the young helmsman as she kept concentrating, ignoring her wound and the fact her hair got loose and was getting in her face a bit. She did her best to keep them going, clinging to her console, hoping to god it didn’t go BOOM on her. She gritted her teeth and continued moving the ship, hoping to give them both good firing solutions on the Rotarran and on it's fighters, wishing for the Klingon Warp Fighters to get vaporized by theirs and by the weapons fire coming from their vector’s quite numerous armaments.

“Whooeh lookit that one go!” She pointed on the screen as one of their Pilots seemed to literally go Beast mode on the Klingons fighting them, maneuvering and opening fire in an impressive display of what seemed like pure rage induced skill. She Moved to try and dive the Sword around the Rotarran, in between their Warp Fighters and the enemy’s, hopefully allowing more weapons fire to back up their Pilots and help prevent any further losses. “Come on Come on girl, hold together, I got you, keep going you beautiful machine!” She said, speaking to Theurgy’s 2nd Vector, a little habit she developed in flight school, some people thought this odd, she never cared what others thought, the act of speaking to the ship she flies was something very comforting to her and she used it then to help her keep flying them in this fight.

Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Nolan on August 20, 2018, 01:03:13 PM
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Kestrel | Heart of the Azure Nebula ] Attn: @Triage  , @Triton  , @Havenborn  , @Multificionado

Avoiding the close defensive fire of the Rotarran and it's fighter complement while he closed in on his target coordinates. He was glancing down to the squadron list as more red began to cover his console. The new arrival of Val'ravns were getting slaughtered by the disruptor cannons. He could hear the comms chatter cease into plain static, those that did try to communicate to him only came through with garbled voices and screams of agony before static just kicked in. The already wounded pack took a beating and even Husker's valkyrie got wiped out in the blue eerie place of the nebula. Thomas could only imagine the fates they'd have gone through as their ships would disintegrate piece by piece, burning consoles and the fire of the disruptor cannons shedding layer after layer before the sharp pain would end their misery.

He gritted his teeth as his ship shocked lightly by a raider's fire. He adjusted his aft phasers and returned fire at his assailant, the ship peeled off and Thomas shook his head. He deployed his Tetryon cannon as he licked his lips "Come on Kestrel..." he whispered to himself. He started to fire at the Rotarran shields, weakening the point before he unleashed his phasers onto it to create a hole. Once he had an opening he smirked as he unloaded his quantom torpedoes "Chew on this!" he screamed as he broke away, not waiting to see the impact on the sensor node of the Rotarran.

He double backed to help Rawley in her fight against the raiders. More pings moving in to their location as he received the messages from Alessia and Havenborn "Salvo, Meony, Angel, work your way back to Sword. Have Fury ETS when possible and stick close to our vector. Lure those fuckers into the defensive close range fire of our ship. Should at least give us an edge." he ordered as he looked around for Rawley "Come on Ghost, where's your Scottish ass at?" he murmured before he spotted the raiders that had been distracted by her ECM pod.

Tessa seemed to be rushing towards them though as he saw the signature beams of the tertyon pulse cannon as it fired on Raiders that were making their way to them. "Fuck sake... Ghost! Wherever you are, fly back to Sword. I'll meet you there. Goldeneye, break your assault and return to Vector 2. Let them come to us and make them pay there." he broadcasted as he barrel rolled his ship into a retreating course. He spotted Rawley not much later as the two raiders that she had lost before were coming back on her trail.

He clenched his jaws together before he dove into them. He targeted them one by one, firing his phasers into them first before finishing up the chasers with his photon torpedoes. If they weren't destroyed they'd surely have felt the heat of the incoming fire and have numerous systems damaged. Razor flew by Rawley's wing now as he looked around, the full raider squadron bearing down onto them now as they chased them like game on a hunt.

"Ravon to Sword, we're bringing raiders in for close fire support. Any help would be much appreciated." he forwarded to Cameron. "Wolves, I need a sound off once you're back at Sword. Make them pay for the losses we suffered, but look alive. I cannot stress this enough, I NEED you all to live through this ordeal. Razor out." He broke off from Rawley's wing to weave the Raiders into chasing him instead of the retreating fire elements. Not too long though as being a hero today would only end up getting yourself killed. The entire thing lasted for less than a minute before he powered his engines to full to make it back to Sword.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: BZ on August 20, 2018, 07:43:33 PM
[CPO Eun Sae Ji | Weapons Storage | Flight Deck | Vector 02 | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy]
@Auctor Lucan @Masorin

She did not appreciate being told to keep her voice down.

Ji's arms crossed over her chest.  The glare that she leveled at Liam right now had taken lesser men down on the Flight Deck.  Most of them knew this glare.  The one that said to tread lightly or else.  The muscles on her forearms stood out where they crossed, her eyes never left the blue hues of the man that stood in front of her but she was definitely not pleased.  She didn't appreciate his wording or the way that he was treating her right now.  She did not know why he feared Sten so much.  She wasn't giving him two thoughts rubbed together on a cold winter day.  She was not going to fucking tip toe around the fucker that sent her to another fucking ship just so he didn't have to deal with the fallout of sleeping with her.

He wasn't ashamed of her.

But he just told her to be quiet.

If her brow could have risen any higher and remained on her face, it would have.

He didn't believe that it was possible to be both professional and in a relationship on the deck.  She didn't agree, not in the least.  She waited, because he had more words to say, but unfortunately for him, so did she.  He told her that taunting Sten was not okay having sex in and around the Flight Deck was something he wasn't comfortable with.  “You seemed pretty fucking comfortable with it a couple hours ago.” she said before she could stop herself.  Her voice was not one that she had used, yet, with Liam.  It was one that proved just how very pissed off she was.  He admitted that when she pushed him into such actions he couldn't stop himself.  Oh, so now I'm responsible for your own inability to say no.  Cool, what else you got for me? she thought to herself as her eyes narrowed just slightly. 

Pissed, at this point, was an under statement.

She had come down here to give him kisses and spend a few minutes alone with him before they had to get down and dirty with the enemies that they were about to go up against.  But, now this had turned into something she was not all that prepared for.  This had gone from a great and wonderful new relationship into a fight that she wasn't sure they could recover from with how different their ideals were when it came to work.  She had no doubts she could remain professional and in a relationship. 

Worst problem was, he wasn't necessarily wrong.  She didn't know what Sten would do if he caught them having a relationship.  She didn't want to rub it in the fuckers face but she didnt think that hiding it was a great idea either.  She didn't think he would take kindly to finding out about some secret relationship.  Couldn't they prove to everyone involved that they could handle it. 

Special treatment?!  Weren't they mother fucking adults?!

His hands lay on her slender but muscular shoulder.  She studied him.  He leaned forward and grimaced or.. something, she wasn't actually sure what it was.  Maybe it was a partial smile trying to placate her but it was really hard to tell.  He wanted to be with her, her heart lifted, slightly, but she still didn't understand his odd obsession with the man upstairs.  He was worried about them though, and her heart sank back down into the pit of her stomach.  However, before he could finish whatever he was going to say the ship was hit, by something. 

The Borg!

Ji grimaced as things flew off the shelves around them.  Something hit Liam, she heard the thunk as he tumbled to the deck plating.  Her eyes followed him and forgot about her own protection.  Something from above, something heavy, apparently, thrust off the shelving in the hit thunk onto the back of her head.  Ji saw stars as her legs gave out from underneath her and she slumped to the deck.  Reaching up she rubbed the back of her head for a moment still rather dazed.  It came back with something wet.  Looking at her hand she found that there was blood, her fingers now stained red.

She stared at the hand.

The blood was red, bright red, and she couldn't help but wonder slightly where it had come from.  In the back of her mind she knew it must have come from her.  Everything still had stars, some of it was a bit blurred, like she wasn't really seeing it.  Maybe she was underwater.  It seemed to be moving, slightly.  She heard her name screamed out. 

Liam..  Liam!

Her mind cleared a bit as it sunk in that he had been in the same room and the same area as her.  She moved and only felt a bit dizzy.  The lunch she had eaten this morning came up all over.. whatever was around her.  Weapons, the deck, luckily, not Liam.  She would likely not live that shit down.  Once her stomach was empty it didn't stop.  Dry heaves took over she felt a cold sweat on her brow.  She couldn't quite seem to hold a thought, but she needed to check on Liam.  They couldn't both be down.  He had to be okay.  He was.. taller than her and had been further away from the shelf than her. 

Crawling over to him, stopping only when she was heaving nothing out of her stomach, she made her way over to him.  Blood trickled down her neck and slid in rivletes down her chest.  Her hair was matted but she didn't notice any of that, she was worried about Liam.  He would be all right, he had to be, and she would be all right.  She just needed a medical officer.  Or five minutes.  Which ever came first.

“Are you o..okay?” she said as she got close to Liam and looked at the metal pinning his leg down.  She got onto her knees and began to shove hoping to get the thing off his leg.  Still unaware that Sithick was in the room and could probably help her.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Masorin on August 20, 2018, 08:40:27 PM
PO2 Sithick ( | Weapons Storage | Flight Deck | Vector 02 | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Blue Zephyr @Auctor Lucan

Did he tell them that he was here? Sithick was finding it more difficult to focus on his task with each passing moment, first it was just the smell of aroused female that had drifted past him. It was sweet, slightly bitter, and for the most part he could ignore it. Then it was followed with their voices. Whispers and sounds of two officers shirking their duties for fraternization.

A memory of VIvi drifted to him when he had done that only a few days ago. He thought he could be content just hanging back focusing on his work letting the humans have their fun. Then came a protest, and he was more curious about what was going on. He tried to claim it was just making sure that everything was consensual. that he didn't want one of the fellow crew to be hurt, so he tried his best to be quiet trying to listen in on some lovers quarel.

The two wanted to be seen together? Was that normal?

Sithick admitted he had very little context for mating habits. He had read some books on the subject, but he had no idea what this would be. He did know from experience that sex rarely happened in ones quarters, it seemed more appropriate to use the floor. The bed was for sleeping after all.

He brushed his muzzle with a claw, was he willing to be a witness to such an act? He supposed it wasn't that bad, he liked the female form enough he didn't suppose it mattered the species of the crew in question. Was he supposed to introduce himself? What was the appropreat measures for watching?

Why does mating need to be so weird?

Thankfully none of these questions needed to be answered. The ship was hit, and hit hard. The announcement of the Borg meant very little to Sithick. He had fought in the Dominion War, and before that he had been in the service of the Orion's the biggest threat there was ironically the Federation. So any enemy that willingly killed them was something to be glazed over, for more present threats, the Borg was simply before his time.

Still the matilic scent of blood reached his nose and he knew he couldn't fake not paying attention to the couple anymore. He had to do something. He arrived turning around the corridor and saw the two. The creature towered over their bodies, he bent down a claw taking the shelving that had pinned down the man, as a clawed foot grabbed the back of the man's leg. Sithick was gentle not to harm him, or put weight on his body for fear that it may be broken, but he needed both hands to move the awkward shelving unit and he needed to move the man out from under it. "Support the neck."

He asked the woman to support the injured mans neck as best as possible as he lifted up the wreckage that had collapsed ontop of him using his foot to gently move his trapped body parts out from under the hull.

He tapped his commlink. "Medical emergency in the weapons bay, please send doctor team."

Sithick bent down but even so his massive green frame came in to Ji's vision as he looked over her, a claw moving her gently his voice urging her to move slowly as he supported her neck, and rolled her down onto the ground. "Stay awake, speak."

"Who you, I am sithick." They had gone over this in the basic field training first aid, keep the person concious move them to a laying position keep them calm, risk no further injury. He could do that much. If the girl or man for that matter made an attempt to raise themselves a sturdy claw would press against the action, and a rather loud growl of disapproval would escape his throat.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Triage on August 20, 2018, 11:01:26 PM
[ Ens. Krystal "Meony" Tancredi (,_callsign_%22Meony%22) | Cockpit | AC-409 Mk III Valkyrie, Sassy Slayer | The Infinite Coffin | Azure Nebula ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @Havenborn, @Jm Von Cat, @Blue Zephyr & @Multificionado
Alarms blarred at Meony warning her of impending danger, and she looked up to her starboard side, lethargic and yet panicked at the approaching Raider, when Daniel lit it up like a Christmas tree, ripping away its shields with phasers, then tearing it apart with mass drivers. She wanted to thank him, but he was already making his attack run. Swinging her craft over him to flank him on his starboard side, she let the momentum of her fighter carry her in the same direction as Daniel's, but twisted around on its axis so that she could bring the full weight of her weapons to bear on any other attackers.

There were plenty.

One Raider approached her like a typical Klingon: Head-on, all weapons blazing. Her ship's shields flared a bright bluish-white against the onslaught, but held, amazingly. Gritting her teeth, against the violent shaking in her cockpit and from the building pain in her skull, she could feel warm fluids trickling out of every orifice, even her eyes, and her vision swam, blurring everything. Unable to recall to switch off her hailing channel, Daniel and Alessia could hear her and everything she said, “Com-putah...l-lock onta th' raider, fa-yah forward phaser arrays, two micro torps...mark!”

Triggering her still extended Tetryon cannon's secondary fire mode, she fired wildly, squeezing the firing button and the ship's computer systems made automated targeting and fired as instructed, sending two micro torpedoes after her energy weapons succeeded in bringing down the raider's shields altogether, and the torpedoes met their mark, blasting through the Klingon fighter's cockpit, ensuring a complete destruction. By the time she finished her firing solution, she estimated that Daniel had sent his payload by now, and she turned, making one last desperate rush toward the Rotarran, and fired her Tetryon again, followed by the cluster bomb, and then her own Hellbore torpedo. She managed to aim it at the warp nacelles. Hopefully the Tetryon cannon weakened the shields enough, then the cluster bomb can rip the rest of it apart, and the hellbore...

...if they could cripple the Klingon battlecruiser, it would prevent pursuit for quite a while.

Once she fired her payloads, she turned her fighter about, and nearly crashed into a Raider. “MOTHAF-!” She dove down and pulled back up, blacking out for a second, her fighter drifted dangerously close to another raider, avoiding death only because the Klingon didn't fancy crashing into her just yet, but they began firing at her shields and the shaking jarred her back to consciousness with a loud gasp, and she juked to the port side, twisting the fighter in a wild and haphazard corkscrew, clearly not prepared for the actions. “Ah'm still heah!” She said, as if worried that a question had been asked and she completely did not hear.

“Lock rear phasers onto any Klingon raider an' fa-yah,” said Meony, as she retracted the Tetryon cannon, and fired wildly at the raiders from her forward-facing array of weaponry, but the fighters easily dodged all her wild attacks, with her rear-facing weapons gaining some more moderate success, coring into the shields of one and reducing the other almost to zero. She drifted her fighter frantically, almost shooting past Daniel at high impulse, before adjusting her speed.

She was almost blind, and her breathing was ragged. She wanted to scream, but she couldn't quite find her voice in favour of focusing on staying conscious and breathing. “Jus'...a li'l...more...” she said huskily. She heard Thomas' voice as if from a murky distance, and she managed somehow to reply with a, “C-copy, Razor.”

This is Meony's fighter's current armament
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Doc M. on August 21, 2018, 01:30:32 PM
[ Tessa May Lance, callsign:  Goldeneye (,_callsign_%22Goldeneye%22) | Cockpit | AC-409 Mk III Valkyrie ]  Attn: @chXinya, @Triton 3) @Nolan 4) @DocReno 5) @Hastata-Nerada 6) @CanadianVet, @Auctor Lucan.

The raider taking fire in front of Tessa lost control as its aft shield buckled.  It had lost power in its impulse drive and was spinning out of control.  But it wasn’t until it careened into a pocket of sirillium gas that it was really in trouble.  An explosion of crimson fire took down the rest of its shields and covered the three man craft in flame.  It burned and spun through the sapphire sky for almost two minutes before it entered another cloud of gas and finally exploded.

Tessa wasn’t admiring her handiwork, because her heads-up display indicated that there were five weapon locks on her Valkyrie at the first moment her shots had any effect.  “EEE!” she screamed as she broke off the attack and activated her countermeasures.  Launching from one of her Valkyrie’s four wing-mounted hard-points were micro torpedoes full of shrapnel and debris with her fighter’s transponder signature and sensor reading. The electronic countermeasures confused the enemy ordinance and caused it to think the cloud of debris was the target.

At the same time, Tessa heard the manly but concerned voice of Thomas Ravon coming in over her communications system:  [ Goldeneye, break your assault and return to Vector Two. Let them come to us and make them pay there. ]

There was only one sure way to do that without getting blasted out of the nebula by the Rotarran’s guns.  Head back to the Sword and go behind it, allowing the vector 02 stardrive sections shields and armor to block any direct fire from the Klingon warship.  Maybe some of the Sword’s aft guns would fire at the raiders that were on her tail as well.  It was an order Tessa was eager to follow; she had been breaking off the attack and fleeing for her life anyway.

“Copy that… Eek!  Whoop!  Whoa…oh!  Ah!  Copy that Razor!” she squeaked, exclaimed and moaned as she flew in an evasive pattern to attempt to lose the raiders that were following her.  She had almost reached the Sword when she heard Thomas’ voice again.

[ Wolves, I need a sound off once you're back at Sword. Make them pay for the losses we suffered, but look alive. I cannot stress this enough, I NEED you all to live through this ordeal. Razor out. ]

“Ah!  Wolf… Eek!  Wolf Three…  Yikes!  In… in position!” she reported unsteadily as she flew over the dorsal side of the Sword, taking care to avoid the curve its deflector shield.  Three raiders were on her tail firing their torpedoes as they went long.  The electric chemical countermeasures from her decoy micro torpedoes created a wake similar to a warp, impulse, or thruster engine's wake, fooling their guided missiles into false locks, but she was starting to run low on her ECM/ECCM decoys.  “I’m back at the Sword as ordered, but can somebody do something about these raiders following me puh-leeze?!” she begged pathetically. 

OOC:  Tessa is using the ECM Pod/ECCM Emitter ( that can be found on the AC-409 Mk III Valkyrie page (

Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: chXinya on August 22, 2018, 05:38:11 AM
[Lt. Commander Wenn Cinn | Battle Bridge | Deck 8 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]

Watching the battle unfold, Commander Wenn could tell they were clearly outmatched in a straight-up fight.  The Rotarran was bigger, had more powerful weapons, was beyond aggressive, and had lots of raiders.  As his crew set up for their main attack run, Cinn could only watch and listen to them work and adjust his plans with the tide of battle.  News came flowing in at a fever pitch, almost too fast to follow.  Some of it went by him, but he caught the most important bits.  The first was a total surprise: Lucan was awake, and apparently he can see what other parasites were doing.  The Bajoran’s eyes met with Okafor’s, the human’s face probably mirroring the shocked look on his own.  “Put me through to the Brig as soon as they’ve beamed him there.”  A horrible idea came to mind, several pieces of an expansive puzzle coming together.

While he waited the ship bounced under a heavy barrage, the Rotarran managing to angle some of their heaviest weapons around as Jaya did her best to keep out from in front of the dreadnought.  Gripping the arms of his chair hard enough to turn his knuckles white, he was focused on the screen when another console exploded, followed by the horrendous rending of metal and arcing power conduits.  By the time he could turn to look the vile stench of burning meat filled his nostrils, and only his memories of similar during the Occupation kept him from emptying his stomach in front of everyone.  “Bypass that conduit!” Cinn yelled as he jumped out of the chair to help pull the torn metal off of ch’Rayya’s charred corpse.

The Vulcan assistant tactical officer, (T'Less was it?  It sounded right but for some reason he couldn’t quite shake the feeling that it wasn’t) stepped up without hesitation and reported the consequences of that latest barrage, freezing Cinn in place.  A single glance from Cinn over to the security station was all Akoni and Ducote needed.  The Lieutenant was off to the turbolift in less than a moment under his commander’s orders.  Knowing the situation was rapidly changing, Cinn returned to his chair as T'Less called out a new attack plan to Jaya.  “Do it.” Cinn confirmed without pause.  “Nator, stand by on the deflector pulse, coordinate with Tactical and Helm.”

On the screen, the Rotarran now turned its attention to the Wolves, swatting several of them out of the sky within seconds.  Seeing the writing on the wall, the Wolves finished their last runs and made for the hangar.  “Cover our fighters’ withdraw, I want the survivors aboard as quickly as possible.  Helm, as soon as all craft are secure execute the attack patterns and prepare to escape to warp.  Tactical, Ops, coordinate and execute at will.”

Lost in the chaos, Cinn nearly forgot that he’d requested to be put through to the Brig, and it was only now that he was made aware that the Brig was standing by.  Face hardening at the thought of what he was about to do, Cinn prayed it wouldn’t condemn his friend to something worse than death.  “Lucan, it’s Cinn.  They said you can link with the other parasites.  I need to know if there’s one on the ship we’re fighting, and if so, can you see their shield frequency?”  It was a long shot, but if by chance they could get that information their escape will be much easier to accomplish.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Jm Von Cat on August 22, 2018, 06:28:33 PM
[ PO1 Varder Ridun ( | Sickbay | Deck 11 |>Security Center | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy  | 2300 hrs. ] Attn: @patches @CanadianVet @Doc M. @Nolan
Ridun had given his instructions, hoped that the action of doing so would in itself halt the alternative ideas of exactly what to do with one Lucan cin Nicander. This turned out to be a vain hope as the Vulcan Doctor took action, the first Ridun knew of it was the distinct sound of hissing from just out of sight as his attention was directed towards another Petty officer. There was a swift hustle of movement, chaotic to the outside eye perhaps but swift and purposeful on the parts of those in yellow.

Ridun himself quickly moved the surprised Doctor Rez behind himself as she backed herself into him, others were moving to distance Maya while the once good doctor threw words of warning? A plea to stay away before he returned to his ramblings on the passageways of the nebula. Then, there was something else, something he had no reason to know. Riduns thoughts were expressed in a very colourful fashion by Kino, how could this thing know what had happened to the captain? Unless... The impossibility of it all was overwhelming. The ramblings changed from then, from one thing to another, some kind of being that had died? One of the crew perhaps but Ridun was having difficulty making much sense of these words.

Then came something else, the strange sensation of being transported, shimmering away only to arrive someplace else entirely.

A thrown look around revealed the location of their unexpected travel, a holding cell just off the Security centre. A familiar location even with the circumstances, a hustle of activity as members of security moved back and forth arming up and forming units to move out. Closer than the general bustle it was clear that others were suiting in exo's or had already done so, creating a picture of what exactly had just happened in the young Bajoran's mind. He knew Kino was not to blame for this, she might be hot-headed most of the time but she was not a loose cannon.

Regardless of the situation before, everything had changed now. Intruders aboard and new orders flashing across his Hud, from one containment duty to another, at least it was far simpler to understand Klingons.

The young Bajoran called out to what was their replacements outside the holding cell, quickly passing what information was needed. "Move Nicander to a cell, the other is questioning him and stood by for any emergency treatment he might need."

Even as he was speaking more and more information was flooding down from up on high, locations of the boarding parties, request for reinforcement and the adjustment of tactical priority. Defences had been set up for the Borg, not a strategic foe. With that thought in mind he turned to Kino, he was well aware that the woman had gone through ACS, meaning she had skills beyond his own for this kind of fighting. However, she turned the duty to Bremmer, an action he accepted immediately. Regardless of what he did not know about this newer addition to the crew it was clear she and Kino were well acquainted, with that in mind it was not a big leap to guess she held similar qualifications.

To say he was not disappointed would be to make an understatement, Bremmer was quick and decisive with clear instruction issued. The organization of additional personnel went quickly, weapons were changed to stun then they were moving. Ridun bringing up the rear as instructed.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Nolan on August 23, 2018, 12:23:07 PM
[ Lt. Simon Tovarek & Ens Cameron Henshaw & Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Battle Bridge | Deck 8 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @chXinya , @Top Hat , @Triage  , @Triton  , @Havenborn  , @Multificionado , @Firefox013 , @Auctor Lucan 

Tovarek braced himself as the Rotarran's disruptor cannons reaped havoc across the ship. New reports came in about boarding parties and hull breaches. Their current CTO Keval ch'Rayya was killed instantly as the ceiling came down on him and the electric systems sparked. He gritted his teeth together as the ship began to admirably move into the desired attack patterns. During Beta Two the ship shook once more due to it's proximity to the Klingon vessel. Simon had to hold on to a station as the ship violently shook more than once and the inertia dampers were working overtime to keep them in place. As the followup Beta Three pattern slammed their weapons into the ship Simon wondered how much effective damage they inflicted onto the ship.

Tovarek walked up to T'Less' station as he looked over her shoulder to see how the weapons would have impacted on the carrier. He sighed lightly as he looked at the damage reports on their behalf once more. He looked up at the viewscreen before glancing back at the console. He stepped back and checked something at a side console before he smirked and walked back over to T'Less as Wenn Cinn ordered the fighters to return to the hangar and to patch him through to the monster that had reawakened.

Simon was curious as to why Cinn wanted to speak to the parasite. He remained silent though as Cinn continued to deal out orders. The first logical words flowing out of his mouth as he told ops and tactical to coordinate as they had to prepare their escape. Simon stepped closer to the console as he placed his hand on T'Less' shoulder "Lieutenant... I have a request for you." he said "Before we warp out of this mess, I want you to fire a concentrated barrage of phaser fire into this specific Sirilium gas pocket. If my estimations are correct it should be on the ventral side of the Rotarran if it chases us. The explosion should cause for some confusion if not damage if we manage to fire through those shields." he looked at the Vulcan to see if she understood his order. He gave her a final nod when she'd confirm on his order before he walked back over to the place where ch'Rayya was, moving away some debris to only see the dusky eyes of the deceased man.

As the new orders were passed through Cameron wished to contact Thomas Ravon yet seen the urgency of the unfolding events, she choose to contact all the remaining fighters at once with a clear message. "Wolf pilots this is Sword control speaking. Proceed to immediate docking as the ship will begin a tactical retreat. It is vital that you're all aboard before we commence final procedures." she awaited to hear their confirmations before she passed the message on to the hangar bay. Alerting all deck hands that the remaining fighters would return at a frantic pace. She received a message from Ravon though as he altered the orders slightly.

"All Wolf elements, Razor here. We're making one quick, final run around Sword. Dash out as much of your ordinance as you can to wipe out the closest threats that would hamper our landing efforts. Proceed to battle landings after." he called out to the pack "You better all be out of ordinance when we land. Razor out."

Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Top Hat on August 23, 2018, 07:58:08 PM
[ Lt T'Less | Battle Bridge | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy | Unfortunate Conflict Of Evidence ] attn: @Auctor Lucan @chXinya @Nolan @Triage @Triton @Doc M. @Multificionado @Havenborn

The short-haired Vulcan spared ch'Rayya a second's evaluation as she stepped away from her dead panel, just long enough to decide that he was not about to walk that particular impact off (with one part of her mind cataloguing the horrendous injuries one by one in much the same way as one might a ship's damage report), before she pulled out a PADD to continue her work. There was no latency, thankfully, but wrestling with the far smaller interface was a layer of challenge she didn't really need.

"Bypass that conduit!"

T'Less tapped at the relevant controls on the neighbouring console, deactivating her erstwhile, sparking station for good before it could catch fire in earnest. As reports and requests went out, she raised an eyebrow at the tone from the Hermat at Ops. Though perhaps it was understandable; this was hardly a leisurely cruise through the Delta Pavonis sector. The Vulcan woman crossed the bridge to the Ops station on the order to coordinate; the helm needed her own space without the (now) Acting Chief Tactical Officer hovering over her shoulder. It wasn't as if she couldn't handle the ship.

Lieutenant Nator was engrossed in hir work deeply enough that s/he startled when s/he noticed T'Less had joined hir. Looking over the console, she saw that the deflector was primed and ready to go, and so the dormant programming controls were now surplus to requirements. "I am going to reconfigure this part of your console, Lieutenant." The PADD was already tiresome.

"Go ahead."

A muscle in T'Less' jaw twitched. "Thank you for your permission," she deadpanned, bringing up a Tactical display as she collapsed the deflector panel into something smaller. The PADD was slipped into a pants pocket so as not to become a flying hazard the next time the ship took a hit.

Speaking of which...

It seemed Nator was manually governing their shield facings, keeping a contiguous layer around the ship to prevent further boarding attempts but ensuring the strongest protection faced their main opponent. The reduction in required draw likewise allowed for the diversion to phasers that she herself had requested. Watching the fighters (mostly) wheel around and head back to base, T'Less decided to borrow from that playbook.

"Time the deflector burst to coincide with detonation," she ordered, already keying up her next round of targets.

"Aye, aye."

The ship came around, and the Rotarran hove back into view. As with most Klingon capital designs, it was an imposing sight - and the multitude of energy weapon batteries bracketing them at the moment did nothing to detract from that, the deck bucking under her feet as they took another series of impacts. Staccato orange pulses screamed back across the intervening space as her firing patterns began - then, a series of thumps sounded through the superstructure as the volley of quantum torpedoes launched, aimed in a flattened cluster at the Rotarran's port nacelle and wing-pylon in order to attempt to disable their engines.

As with their own shields, though, the Rotarran did not currently fill all of her targeting arcs, and there were plenty of phaser capacitors just sitting there, undischarged without their main target. With long practise, her hands played out a grim danse across her borrowed console, and more salvos of pulsed phaser fire streaked out towards the incoming fighter formation... or, more accurately, at the raiders pursuing them. In short order, two Klingon small craft detonated behind the fleeing Federation fighters, and another peeled away trailing drive plasma. The rest took evasive action to avoid being swatted in turn.

"Firing deflector," Nator announced. A sequential trio of toroidal whorls splashed against the Klingon vessel's shields just as the impact flashes of the Sword's quantum torpedo barrage lit up their sensor return. "Scanning," s/he continued. "Nebula gasses are drawing around the Rotarran. Localised synchroton, delta, and thermionic flux up forty percent, seeing some bleedthrough to their crew decks."

Marginally, T'Less' brow furrowed. No matter that the Klingon crew were currently an intractable enemy, being poisoned by any one of the sorts of radiation they currently flew in would be a horrible way to die. Let alone all three. She was distracted from that macabre thought as Tovarek tapped her shoulder. She leaned her head towards him to listen without taking her eyes off the weapon controls as she launched a trail of torpedo pods from their port flank - with split orders to harass the enemy fightercraft and their home vessel with the microtorpedoes they carried.

"... Before we warp out of this mess, I want you to fire a concentrated barrage of phaser fire into this specific Sirilium gas pocket. If my estimations are correct it should be on the ventral side of the Rotarran if it chases us. The explosion should cause for some confusion if not damage if we manage to fire through those shields."

"Pocket marked, acquiring firing solutions. I'll fire when appropriate."

Her commandeered console bleeped a warning; low energy in the phaser capacitors. She backed off the rate of 360-degree fire to allow their overall reserve to recharge and to concentrate on the visible weapon ports and engine exhausts on Martok's ship. Glancing at Nator's panel, their shields yet held. For now.

A warm Hello to you, Martok. Choke on it.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Multificionado on August 23, 2018, 08:26:21 PM
[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Cockpit | AC-409 Mk III Valkyrie, Winterbourne | Azure Nebula] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @Nolan @Triage @Triton @Havenborn @Doc M. @Top Hat @chXinya

"Ghost! Wherever you are, fly back to Sword. I'll meet you there. Goldeneye, break your assault and return to Vector 2. Let them come to us and make them pay there."

"Copy that, Razor," acknowledged Rawley. She wondered when they were going to pull back to the Theurgy's perimeter; this party was getting very nasty. They lost almost half the pack, and there's a risk that at any moment, a sirilium pocket would take everybody out. Maybe they'd disable the Rotarran, but it'd be wise to scarper before it happened.

"Wolves, I need a sound off once you're back at Sword. Make them pay for the losses we suffered, but look alive. I cannot stress this enough, I NEED you all to live through this ordeal. Razor out."

Rawley suddenly saw Razor's fighter diving off. And then some raiders popped up from behind her to chase him. Rawley blinked and then smiled.

"Razor, you smashing bugger," she said with enamored adoration. He was making them chase him in order to let her get away.

Rawley retreated with the rest of the Wolves to the Theurgy's perimeter and sounded off. Time to throw a few more rocks. She pounded her phasers into a Raider and sent a few micro-torpedoes up its arse. She had just targeted a second...make that number six...when she heard from Ensign Henshaw:

"Wolf pilots this is Sword control speaking. Proceed to immediate docking as the ship will begin a tactical retreat. It is vital that you're all aboard before we commence final procedures."

Rawley was about to tell Henshaw to bugger off; she needed a few more minutes to throw some rocks. But then she heard from Razor.

"All Wolf elements, Razor here. We're making one quick, final run around Sword. Dash out as much of your ordinance as you can to wipe out the closest threats that would hamper our landing efforts. Proceed to battle landings after." he called out to the pack "You better all be out of ordinance when we land. Razor out."

"Roger, Razor. Let's chuck a few more rocks, shall we?" acknowledged Rawley. She still had a few micro-torpedoes left, not to mention her Hellhound Cluster. She launched them all towards some incoming Raiders, the ones bearing down on her. Overkill it was, but she hoped it would at least hold them long enough to keep the buggers busy so the rest of the pack could come in.

Time to scarper. Rawley followed the Wolves in formation to land back in the hangar.

[ Kohor of the House of Korath | Cockpit | Phantom Raider Kangar | Azure Nebula]

Kohor was truly admiring the warrior spirit in some of these traitor pilots. First the unusual flying style of one, then the fury of another in one of the Federation's prototype Valvarns. He could admire the designs of the Valvarns all day, the way they looked like one of the ancient weapons of the days of old, in the days of Kahless. And now this third pilot, with undoubtedly so many modifications to his fighter, his father Korath, being the tinkerer as he is, would be all over it like swarms of gagh.

As honorable as their intentions were, they were traitors to the Federation.

He could see that the fighters were retreating to the perimeter of the Theurgy. His Klingon blood boiled; he had barely made use of his ordinance and his fighting spirit was enflamed like a targ in heat. He had just set course to attack the rest of the fighters.

As it so happened, he was facing it when he saw it. He had just been about to catch up with the rest of the Phantoms when a fighter fired the last of its ordinance. The resulting detonation sent a good deal of Phantoms reeling, and at least one Phantom blown to Sto'vo'kor.

Suddenly he realized the danger posed. If that fighter was going to unload all of its ordinance before landing back to its sanctuary, the rest of the fighters could potentially do so. Not to mention his friend and wingmate Kodor from the Korg was warning him:

"Kohor, this is Kodor from the Korg! We have to retreat! We're too far for the Rotarran to cover us! There's no honor in meeting so much death!"

Kohor trusted Kodor's judgement to most. He got along with him the most; nobody took Kohor seriously for being the son of the tinkerer; honor lay in battle, and Korath was too enamored with technology to care to take up the fight, notwithstanding his contributions to the war with the Dominion.

There was also the inevitability of getting in the crossfires of the Theurgy's phasers, now that they were firing at the Phantoms.

"Very well, Kodor," replied Kohor. "We best pull back to the Rotarran. We won't do Chancellor Martok good in Sto'vo'kor."

As he turned around, he leered back at the fighters pulling back into the Theurgy.

"We will meet again, gnats," he spat at them. "You cannot elude the wrath of the chancellor for long. Where Martok goes, so will I. You fight well in battle, but you serve traitors. Make no mistake: We will meet again."
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Triage on August 23, 2018, 10:08:18 PM
[ Ens. Krystal "Meony" Tancredi (,_callsign_%22Meony%22) | Cockpit | AC-409 Mk III Valkyrie, Sassy Slayer | The Infinite Coffin | Azure Nebula ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @Havenborn, @Jm Von Cat, @Blue Zephyr & @Multificionado

Meony's eyes shot open. She could barely see, and her body temperature had risen significantly so that she could feel sweat mixing with the blood oozing down all over her face. The regulation system worked to cool her down to more acceptable levels even as she struggled to comprehend what was happening. She knew that it was bad, and that Thomas, and maybe Daniel were speaking to her at some point or other. Sluggishly, she flipped switches on the console in front of her, then issued voice commands, ignoring the malicious voice yelling at her in her own brain. “Com-putah...r-replay...last message...”

She was able to hear a bit better after she amped the volume up, and Thomas' voice rang more clearly, along with his instructions. She had no hope of manually operating the Valkyrie any longer, and part of her wanted to just set the ship to automated landing immediately. She couldn't really do much more anyhow, and most if not all of her payload was spent, but if she could cover her wingmates, buy them even a second...she owed it to them to try.

“Maintain...course wit' Salvo an-an' Ayn-jehl,” said Meony, her eyes closed, and she leaned back against her backrest, crushing her hat which hung behind her. “rotate angle one-eighty all nearby raiders...release E-C-C-M emitters..mark...then fire all micro torpedoes, l-lay down...suppressing phaser fire, of cannons with beams. Mark.”

The computers kept up with her instructions, and twisted the fighter around, cutting the main thrusters to allow the momentum to keep her on course alongside Daniel and Alessia's ships, while the Sassy Slayer unloaded the last of its payload as instructed by Thomas. Any raider still close enough, found a barrage of phaser beams and bolts tearing apart their shields and then nearly two dozen micro torpedoes careening towards them. Meony's craft itself was hidden by the release of the ECM devices, meant to confuse sensors and reduce target lock effectiveness.

Anyone from among the Lone Wolves watching would note the mechanical movements of Meony's craft, and probably guess that she was relying almost entirely on the computer to do everything now, hinting at the probability that she was physically compromised. Which was true. Her head was spinning, and she saw quintuple, blinking over and over did nothing to improve her sight, and all noise or voices were muffled. She was losing the battle, the coil was rupturing. It felt like someone pressed a palm over her head and smashed in with a hammer. There was a tiny pop and a jarring sensation, and she knew, the tumour was breaking free.

She was probably dead already, the least she could do was bring the Sassy Slayer back in. They'd already lost so much. She only regretted that she couldn't say goodbye to Jimmy in person, or take Sharky out for one last walk around the vector. There was so much she wanted to say to so many people. “Activate automatic...landing sequence...” she barely breathed out. “...mark.”

The Valkyrie sent notifications to Flight Ops, Thomas, Daniel and Alessia, notifying them of the ship's automatic landing procedure, and she was virtually the first craft to make a boarding entry and approach, completely automated. As the Launch Bay shields lowered to allow the Sassy Slayer in, one of the Klingon boarders had managed to storm the bay.

[ K'oh of the House of T'oHoq | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]
He had gotten separated from the rest of his squad, but K'oh was not afraid, and eager to draw blood and fell traitors. He had chased an unarmed man here, though where the coward now hid was going to take some searching. He knew the man couldn't have given him the slip, and he stood before the only way in or out. There would be no escape, and such cowardice would surely earn this traitor nothing but disdain in every form, both here and in whatever form of afterlife humans believed in.

Federation Baktag!” said K'oh loudly, “SHOW YOURSELF! At least die with honour! Or have you forsaken every sense?

Shaking his head, he began to wander in, one eye on the door in case the man tried to sneak out. There was surely others here! He held his Disruptor rifle ready, finger on the trigger, and he fired a few wild shots at potential hiding spots. “WHAT COWARDS! I HAVE NEVER MET SUCH WORTHLESS LIFEFORMS! I WILL GLADLY TAKE YOUR LIVES AND RID THE FEDERATION OF YOU!

As he ranted, he failed to notice the entry of the Valkyrie Mk III, as it passed through the vacuum barrier and made a landing approach. He yelled some more in Klingon, then fired more shots wildly, until he saw a shadow looming over him and turned around. Eyes widening, K'oh turned to fire on the craft, only to realize its proximity and relentless approach, and the pilot's seeming preference to crash into him rather than fire any weapons off. While impressed with such a brazen attempt, he wasn't going to make it that easy, and turned to run, to get to a higher vantage point, and he would take on the ship and it's foolish pilot.

But as he turned, the Valkyrie's forward landing strut extended and with the ship still moving forward under automated guidance, the foot of the strut struck the Klingon warrior in the back of his skull, knocking him to the ground, and before he could even think to rise, he felt the full weight of the fighter press into his back, piercing armour, flesh, spine and internal organs with nearly twenty-eight tons of descending pressure and embedding the foot of the strut right through him. There was no time even to exhale his final breath.

As his spirit made its way to Sto'Vo'Kor, K'oh's last thought was he didn't even get to shoot the stupid man who ran in here in the first place. After that he neither thought nor saw anything, but his eyes remained large and wide open.

[ Ens. Krystal "Meony" Tancredi | Cockpit | AC-409 Mk III Valkyrie, Sassy Slayer | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]

Meony gasped, awakening once more, having passed out during the landing procedure. She frowned as she felt something pop and crunch like her ship had landed on something almost jelly-like for a moment, before settling down firmly. Reaching up with numb hands, she twisted her helmet off as the canopy slid open. Her face was completely covered in blood, her eyes were not only bloodshot, but thin rivulets ran down her face like red tears, blood was slowly oozing out of both ears, her nostrils and her mouth. Carelessly brushing her red-gold hair, her hand smeared the blood further when her fingers accidentally trailed across her face. She rose unsteadily, unable to see, and more by instinct than conscious knowledge, attempted to navigate the climbing ladder.

Her first attempt looked like a drunken keel over, causing her hat to slide off her neck onto the deck near the dead Klingon that now decorated the Sassy Slayer's forward landing strut like a gruesome ornament. Straightening up, she twisted her body around and managed to find the first steps, clambering out of the cockpit of her fighter. She then missed the rest of the steps and unceremoniously flopped to the deck, crushing her hat again, rolled onto her back, with her helmet rolling out of her hand, and her unseeing eyes stared up at the ceiling, unblinking, and unconscious, and the free-flowing blood pooling around her head. She couldn't even hear the malicious voice of the sentient tumour promising pain and death. A simple tricorder scan would tell anyone whatever they needed to know.

Daniel, or anyone else from the Resolve would know what the problem was, and maybe...just maybe...Meony would live to see another day. But either way, she was done flying for a while.

This is Meony's fighter's current armament
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Doc M. on August 24, 2018, 03:26:58 AM
[ Master Chief Petty Officer Jeremy Barton ( | Deck 07 |Temporary Custody | Security Center | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ]   Atten: @Auctor Lucan, @CanadianVet, @Jm Von Cat,  & @patches.

"Move Doctor Nicander to a cell, Maya is questioning him and standing by for any emergency treatment he might need," Petty Officer Varder Ridun ordered the guards standing outside of the temporary holding cell attached to the ship’s Security Center on Deck Seven. 

“You heard the man,” Master Chief Jeremy Barton nodded as he deactivated the electrostatic force field separating himself and the exo-suited  security specialists he was addressing from those in the temporary holding cell.  The temporary holding cell was the only part of the Theurgy’s Security Center that wasn’t shielded against transporter beams, thus every prisoner that was beamed ‘directly to the brig’ really appeared there before being searched and escorted to the brig.

“Aye-aye Master Chief,” one of the exo-suited  figures responded with the voice of Security Specialist Petty Officer First Class David Wyburn.  The second figure waiting outside activated an antigravity stretcher that he moved to Nicander’s bench/bunk as Bremmer, Ridun, and Taer exited the room as if they were on their way to a fire. 

[ Tessa May Lance, callsign:  Goldeneye (,_callsign_%22Goldeneye%22) | Cockpit | AC-409 Mk III Valkyrie ]  Attn: @chXinya, @Triton 3) @Nolan 4) @DocReno 5) @Hastata-Nerada 6) @CanadianVet, @Auctor Lucan.

[ Wolf pilots this is Sword control speaking. Proceed to immediate docking as the ship will begin a tactical retreat. It is vital that you're all aboard before we commence final procedures, ] Cameron Henshaw’s voice ordered.

[ Yes! ] Tessa Lance responded enthusiastically, perhaps too enthusiastically. 

Henshaw’s voice was quickly joined by Thomas Ravon’s:  [ All Wolf elements, Razor here. We're making one quick, final run around Sword. Dash out as much of your ordinance as you can to wipe out the closest threats that would hamper our landing efforts. Proceed to battle landings after.  You better all be out of ordinance when we land. Razor out. ]

“Aw right!“ Tessa grimaced as she sent her Valkyrie into a what Starfleet termed a Delta-2 (,_Tactical_%26_CONN#Delta-series_Manoeuvres_2) maneuver, curving up into a circular barrel roll to go from being in front of its pursuers to above and behind them.  She fired her photon torpedoes at the portside three-man raider that was now in front of her, causing it to veer to starboard, and collide with a second one that had only moments earlier had been behind her.  The portside raider, its shields already compromised by Tessa’s torpedoes, exploded in a burst of orange fire, hurling the starboard raider spinning out of control into the ether.  The lead raider, discovering itself alone veered off before changing course to pursue its out of control counterpart and flew straight into the sights of the Sword’s rear phasers.  The blue tinted sirillium gas in the area made that particular explosion impressively bright.

“Yeah you thought you wuz, buddy!“ Tessa sneered while guiding her fighter around the Sword to reach the open hatchway leading into the Fighter Assault Bay.  “Didn’t think so!“

Battle landings were always rough.  It was completely different than letting the tractor beam guide you in; it was akin to landing a… what did they call them?  Jets?  It was akin to landing jets on a twentieth century aircraft carrier.  You could do it, but it was dangerous and let you know what your fighter’s inertial dampeners were for.  Despite the marvels of 24th century technology she still felt her Valk buck and shudder as it slid into the Fighter Bay and stopped just short of colliding with Meony’s.

“Safe at last.”  Sighing with relief, Tessa removed her helmet and ran her fingers through her hair before opening her cockpit and starting to climb out.  She tripped as she exited the cockpit and tumbled out of her Valkeryie and hit the deck just as a shot from a particle beam weapon blew the cushion off her chair.  Tessa let out a high pitched squeak and scrabbled under her fighter for cover.

OOC:  This post has been edited and modified so many times since I've posted it I've lost count!
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Firefox013 on August 24, 2018, 10:00:48 AM
[ Ensign Jaya Thorne | Battle Bridge | Deck 01 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]
Attn: Bridge personnel, Fighter pilots.

Jaya Shrieked as more conduits and consoles went boom around her, miraculously her own didn’t decide to cash it in but she did get a few nicks and burns here and there from it, making it somewhat more difficult to keep the vector going. “Holy crap them Klink Carriers are tough!” She said as she set up more Maneuvers, trying to both block some shots for their Warp Fighters as well as give them a chance to return to the hangar bay. “Cameron, whatever we do to get them back we gotta be quick about it! We’re taking a Frigging beating here!” She Says as she angles the ship with their hangar’s return bay towards their fighters as best she can without exposing them to the Rotarran too much.

She growled a bit as she vector took more Disruptor hits but she stood fast, keeping her maneuvers primed and sequenced, trying to keep them in the game. “Come on girl! Hold together, please just hold together!” She muttered under her breath and grunted as she had to hang on to her console some more, thinking. For the love of, these damn Klingons, so damn stupid and stubborn, even their great leader can’t bloody listen to friggin reason, bet he’d still try and kill us if we shoved the freaking truth and proof in his damn face! She didn’t say so though.

Jaya groaned and winced after something nearby exploded and looked at her left arm, eyes wide, a piece of plating about an inch wide at its widest and a good seven or eight inches long was skewering her left bicep, there wasn’t a ton of blood seeping out but there was bleeding, oddly, little pain, for now, probably adrenaline and shock. Damn it, that’s going to hurt bad when things wind down! She thought to herself, grimacing at it for a moment, but fought through the injury, she had to, needed to stay on task, stay at her post, she would not let her crew down. “Come on, please, please tell me our fighters are coming back, sir I really do NOT know how long I can keep our girl intact against that Klink barrage!” She had bellowed out, fighting the rising pain, she did her best to keep the vector primed and ready to high tail it out as she shook with Klingon Disruptor fire. All the while she maneuvered in both a way to help the fighters return and to aid their weapons in fighting the Rotarran till they punched it out of there, hoping and praying to every god she could think of to allow them out of there alive, doing her absolute best, injuries not withstanding, to allow their Warp Fighters the best possible combat landing window, to let the Wolves return to their den.

OOC: I hope this is ok, there's a lot going on right now so i might be missing a detail or two, my apologies if i am and please feel free to send me anything i might have missed that would be needed to put in here if need be and for any other posts i make too, i am more than happy to modify my posts to help augment their quality. Thanks!
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Charades [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 24, 2018, 03:53:53 PM
[ Junior Lieutenant Jovela ( | Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Nolan
When the call came from the Fighter Bay, that there were injured there, patients had already begun to arrive in Sickbay. Nurse Jovela was tending to a head wound, and Doctor Kobol  was stabilising an engineer who had third degree plasma burns. The only one without any patient was Doctor Rez, so Jovela saw Elro Kobol  turn towards the Trill.

"You can go, Doctor! We'll manage until you return!" called the Betazoid, while the ship shook once more.

Jovela paused what she was doing to bring a med kit to Doctor Rez, looking the Trill in the eye. It was so strange, to see Amelya in blonde hair, having first met her before the battle at Starbase 84, when she was unjoined. "We'll manage, Doctor. Just let us know if you need anything down there."

The medical transport was made quickly enough, but no sooner had the shimmering image of Doctor Amelya Rez vanished, than there came shouting from outside the ICU. Jovela locked eyes with Elro Kobol , who seemed to have a distant look, using his Betazoid senses to gauge what was happening beyond the bulkheads. "Klingon boarders... They are just outside."

Jovela's eyes widened, and the sliding doors opened. She was thrown back to that fateful day in Starfleet Medical, where Drauc T'Laus had saved her from that Klingon patient. She couldn't help the scream that she made when she saw them, five Klingons with distruptor rifles, opening fire against them and the patients alike.

[ Ensign Colin McArthur ( | Security Center | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Suggested PO: 1) @trevorvw 2) @patches 3) @CanadianVet 4) @Jm Von Cat
(One stunned/killed Klingon each!)
In the middle of the Security Center, Ensign McArthur was coordinating the security personnel aboard to thwart the Klingon boarders, communicating with and taking orders from the bridge, then channelling the relevant information to the teams aboard the Sword. He could see how Sickbay was compromised, and how the closest team would be too late to prevent casualties. "Beta Team, move it! The Klingons are in the ICU!"

One of the present officers called McArthur over, and upon seeing the blips and information on the LCARS screen, Colin swore under his breath. "Security to all available personnel on Deck 13, repel Klingon boarders before we loose our deflector shields!" he said, having seen how there was only one Starfleet officer with a human life-sign left in the corridor outside the Auxillary Delfector access. The communicator identified the man as Lieutenant Kai Akoni, one of those from the Endeavour. There has been three other security officers there, now all dead. and there were still four Klingons still alive. He couldn't imagine what it was like in that corridor, since the Theurgy had no internal surveillance system any more.

He could see, however, how the team including Varder Ridun, Kino Taer and Eliska Bremmer were almost there...

[ CPO Liam Herrold ( | Weapon Storage Room | Fighter Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan @Masorin @Blue Zephyr + Tactical CONN!
"Are you o..okay?" Liam heard soon, the ship tossing and turning below him where he laid. Besides the tumultuous weapons fire that had been heard, he'd heard retching noises, muffled by the metallic clamour of the things that littered the deck.

"I'll live, how about y-you?" he asked, heart beating fast in his chest. Ji began to shove at the emitter housing that pinned him down. In answer, he cried out in pain, feeling the metal casing move against his smashed knee. It was heavy... but not for the Gorn, who soon arrived, making himself heard with his unfiltered, rough voice above them. There were no thoughts lingering on the discussion that had come to an end, Liam now being quite grateful that he was present. The Gorn efficiently took care of them, making sure they didn't injure themselves further before Medical arrived, even making sure Ji - bloodied and likely to have hit her head - would be all right.

Liam might have been the Gorn's superior officer, but he offered no protest, merely concerned for Ji since she almost seemed worse for wear than he was. After a while, there was a shimmer of light behind the Gorn, and a Trill with a teal collar arrived, carrying a med kit. For some reason, Liam almost expected her to do that EMH thing and ask what the medical emergency was.

No more had she arrived, however, until there were Klingon boarders in the Fighter Bay. Two of them entered the weapon storage room, spotting the Trill since she stood outside the shelves. Liam could see them through the shelves with widening eyes. The first one almost fired his disruptor rifle against the Doctor, but the second one slapped the rifle down towards the deck. "There is fighter ordinance here! You will kill us all, you petaQ!"

Sweat trickling his brow, and a pallor of pain to his face, Liam looked at Sithick. "Protect Ji..." he said, swallowing. "Protect us."

Little did they know that there were two more Klingons out in the Fighter Bay, who began to fire against the arriving Tac CONN officers, waiting long enough to begin shooting until they climbed out of their cockpits. They had taken cover behind the transparent blast wall, firing from the openings on the starboard side.

OOC: Another post coming up soon! There are only 4 Klingons left in the Fighter Bay area, so spread the fun around. :)
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: trevorvw on August 24, 2018, 05:10:25 PM
[ Lt. Kai Akoni | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Auctor Lucan @patches @CanadianVet @Jm Von Cat

Kai had jogged, rather sprinted towards the bend in the corridor after stepping off the turbolift. Just before he reached the bend; the large man crouched down next to a fallen security person and relieved their corpse of a phaser. Kai needed it more he figured, as he stood up and started walking forward while manipulating the phaser to set it to its highest stun level.

Kai started to round the bend in the corridor when a disruptor blast impacted the bulkhead less than 30 centimetres beside his head. His initial reaction was surprise and then he felt the residual heat left by the blast flying past his head. Kai then dropped down behind a fallen piece of bulkhead for cover as the disruptor blasts kept flying overhead and into the bulkhead debris he was leaned against. He looked to his right and saw a security crewman taking cover there as well.

"Report Crewman" The ex Chief of Security from the Endeavour ordered the crewman.

"Sir...they're all dead. We're fucked" the fear clearly palpable in the crewman's voice. The young man took a big breath and swallowed his own saliva and perhaps symbolically, his fear. "I think there's 4 Klingons left trying for deflector control, they're slowly advancing.". Kai blindly sent a phaser shot down the hallway to try and keep the Klingons pinned while listening to the report.

"Very good crewman. We'll try to keep them pinned down, we should have backup coming right away" Kai told the only other living security person with him. The young man must not have been thinking, because he stood up to shoot towards where the Klingons were. The disruptor blast hit him right in the centre of the chest, causing his body to crumple to the floor with the darkened and charred area left in the middle of his uniform. Kai looked towards it and noticed that it was still smoking.

Kai turned his attention back towards the Klingons as he kept firing phaser blasts at them to keep the fuckers pinned down until backup came.

Where the hell is my backup, he wondered to himself as he kept firing indiscriminate phaser shots.

Sweat dripped down Kai's brow as he still hid behind cover. The air was being heated up by all of the weapons fire; that and the adrenaline coursing through his veins was causing him to sweat. Kai aimed again downrange and fired, this time rather than a suppressing shot, he hit a Klingon in the abdomen, sending the large invader crumpling forward, unconscious before he hit the deck plating. Kai then went back into cover as the disruptor fire all around him intensified from the remaining 3 Klingons. Kai was back to staying in cover and firing towards the Klingons blindly in an almost futile attempt at suppressing them.

The three remaining boarders were advancing slowly; but were still advancing nonetheless. Kai kept firing as best he could, but it wasn't going to be able to do much if his current position were overrun. Kai quickly pondered his own mortality and figured if he was going down, he'd take as many Klingon's with him as he could. His phaser was almost out of power as the Klingon's closed in.

I hope the backup comes soon...
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Top Hat on August 24, 2018, 10:00:45 PM
[ Cmdr Ranaan Ducote | Bridge | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Auctor Lucan @trevorvw @patches @CanadianVet @Jm Von Cat @Arista @Blue Zephyr

Ducote had never met a Hermat before; they were fairly rare in Starfleet due to their preference for their own kind. As a consequence, he had no idea what 'perpetual irritation' felt like from one until he figured it out through simple logic. The Ops officer radiated an aura of personal affront that managed even to penetrate the traumatic blunting of his talent... not unreasonably, perhaps, given their circumstances, but if that's what it took to get hir motivated then hey, who was he to judge? At any rate, he was set to marry someone who basically functioned the same way, so- No. Not now.

"... Your station should have access."

He resisted the urge to shrug and instead looked down, quickly flicking through LCARS menus until he found the various internal systems listed however he wanted. What could he get away with shutting down? Not that he was particularly concerned at this moment how his reputation might yet sink even further in the aftermath, and there was always room for seeking forgiveness rather than permission...

Every replicator on the Vector powered down except for the ones in sickbay, followed by the holodecks, and every science lab not currently running an experiment listed as 'dangerous if interrupted'. The unoccupied compartments likewise had their environmental controls suspended - technically still inhabitable (temporarily) if they did have to be accessed, but no active maintenance until further notice.

The Brazilian then made half a step to the side to bring up the plans for their boarded decks, superimposing the locations of Theurgy security crew and the signatures of the Klingon intruders. Before much could happen, the Rotarran got off a stinging volley and part of the deckhead crushed the Chief Tac into the deck. Wenn moved to try and help straight away, but Ranaan just looked back at his console. He'd felt ch'Rayya's mental impression be snuffed out with the impact. No time to sympathise.

The markers for the exosuited crew were fewer than he had hoped. At least there were fifty or so security personnel in general; lacking the requisite suit training they may be, but every one of them could hold a weapon and every one of them had better hand-to-hand training than anyone else on the crew. Hobbyists aside, anyway. They just weren't as well-protected. And there's plenty you can get done with a three-to-one advantage on the home field...

One hand pushed his fringe away from his forehead while he accessed the emergency forcefield generators mounted in the arches and junctions of every corridor on the ship. Their most common use was to contain hull breaches or environmental hazards, but they worked just as well to contain people. As long as the power held. He set them so that a Starfleet combadge (attached to a relevant biosign) would drop a field long enough to pass by and reactivate to prevent pursuit.

First order of business: Sickbay. There were a few guards stationed as a matter of course, and there was little honour to be gained in the Klingon code for attacking people who couldn't (or wouldn't) fight back. But whether the motivation was cruelty (as revenge for Martok's son) or ruthless efficiency (denying the enemy an aid asset), the infirmary was likely high on the priority list for the KDF. With a series of buzzing flashes, forcefields snapped into place in all the accesses in a ring around sickbay. He'd have put them all over the three invaded decks if he could, but there were only so many resources to divert. Scrolling the display, he also raised a field in the junction nearest the Klingons that lay between them and the route to the medical ward. He tapped his badge. "Kobol , Ducote. KDF boarders on your deck - I'll warn you if they get close, but they should be contained for now."

[They're already in here!] He was momentarily drowned out by the sound of disruptor fire. [Guards are dead!]

Ducote's blood ran cold. He looked at the schematics for the closest team, and couldn't help the wry huff of almost-amusement at the name he saw. "Taer, Ducote. Get to sickbay immediately - boarders are inside it. Out."

Leaving the qualified to their jobs, despite the kneejerk desire to keep a tunnel-vision eye on the proceedings down there (especially with several of his own crew in that room).. second on his list were the deflectors. There were more than a dozen Security markers converging on deck 13, including most of the exosuits, but there were also several KIA tags. A muscle clenched in his jaw. It felt odd to resent the Klingons for not being Borg - but he couldn't help but feel as if their casualties would (so far) have been lighter if the enemy had had the good courtesy to dance to their plan. These ones, though, he quietly fenced in with fields outside their view in order to box them in with the Starfleet defenders. Cornered Klingons may well fight like demons, but no victim survives an ambush.

Lastly - the launch bay. There were four surviving Klingon signatures on the deck, with two having taken up a firing position behind one of the blast barriers - and quite outside his reach with any given field generator. But there were two moving into a munitions bunker just off the bay, which according to another layer of his display also housed a couple of injured crew at the moment - plus a medic and a.. Gorn? Piss-poor odds on the KDF.

A forcefield snapped into place over the doorway, cutting the snipers in the bay off from the pair in the racks. He couldn't help any more directly from up here, but he could at least dilute the effective strength of the boarders down there. Given that the squadron was landing, though, there were at least some armed reinforcements coming without having to divert any of their stretched Security detachment to help.

Ducote glanced at the pair of officers at Ops. Neither was shouting about failing shields again yet, which he took as a good sign and a relief that there were no (immediate) new boarders to come. In a battle of attrition against a larger, Klingon crew, there would only be one outcome.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 25, 2018, 02:16:06 AM
[ High Chancellor Martok, son of Urthog | Bridge | Negh'Var Heavy Carrier IKC Rotarran | Azure Nebula ] Attn: All
As the battle wore on, the traitorous Targs began to show Martok why they had managed to stay alive for so long; hunted by Starfleet for five months and yet still alive. Having begun the fight with little to show for their infamous name, It seemed they slowly rose to the challenge. So far, Martok had almost pitied the fools, expecting to destroy this part of the Theurgy with ease.

The moment it changed, was when the warp fighters actually did manage to create a couple of gaps in the Rotarran's shielding, and successfully deployed ordinace against the Negh'Var's ship's hull, despite how the Phantom raiders bore down upon them from on high. Martok grabbed the armrests of his chair when the Rotarran shook once, twice, and then three times in close succession. There came warnings from the consoles on the bridge, and conduits gave away when there were plasma overloads through the immense bulk of his ship. His bridge crew were just as filled with ire as he was, even if they also had longed for a proper battle. Yet Martok had never imagined that the small glob flies would have managed to penetrate the heavy shields of his great flagship.

"Chancellor! We have hull breaches. One deep, shy of the warp core!"

Martok bared his fangs, seeing how the warp fighters flew back towards their base ship in retreat. 'The Sword', they called it, and she was charging as well - the battle about to begin in earnest. "Reroute power to shields and structural integrity," he snarled, his remaining eye on the advancing opponent. "Claim it from all non-combat systems... and the cannons that are too damaged."

"One shield emitter is not responding, working to compensate through the others. We have minor damage to warp coils... warp capabilities compromised, extent unknown."

"Then give me full impulse speed!" roared Martok without pause, whilst his eye did not break away from his rogue prey. "ta'mey Dun, bommey Dun!"

'Great deeds, great songs', indeed. With no family left, he might be ready for Sto'Vo'Kor. He did not think this would be the day he died, yet he could still see Sirella's face at the back of his remaining eyelid. He remembered her, as he had the Rotarran charging the Sword, smiting the distance with disruptor fire. He thought of his lost children too. Drex might have been a fool, but he had been his last child. A warrior of House Martok, and a better one with his Par'Mach'kai at his side. This was, however, but one third of this hated adversary that he fought, and he meant to kill the Chameloid Captain himself. Anything less, and the House of Martok would falter in recognition.

In a deadly dance of two bleeding, metal beasts, the two prodigious ships engaged each other in close proximity, rolling and turning as their two charges passed each other in the heart of the Azure Nebula. The Sword preformed a rolling manoeuvre, pulse phasers thundering against the Rotarran's dorsal shields, and the Rotarran answered in kind, turning with the charge to expose the Sword to heavy disruptor bombardment. The monstrous titans nigh collided, whilst the Raiders harried the wolves back into their den - defying the Sword's aft phasers.

"jagh yIbuStaH! I want a full spread of photon torpdeoes!" grated Martok loudly, surging to his feet as the viewscreen followed the ship's movements, being lither than the Rotarran, yet also more fragile. "Fire!"

Yet no more had he uttered the command, before the Sword had finished turning her mass around towards them as well, and from the tip of the sword, came a glaring blast directly from their deflector. The brilliance flooded the viewscreen, and Martok had to close his remaining eye against it, feeling the shudder of the blast against his ships' shields. Yet it grew worse, as the shudder took on a definitive characteristic of a torpedo barrage. The Theurgy had fired before them, and the Rotarran's systems blared in response. Martok managed to keep his balance in his seat, despite the impact, and he didn't care what the shield status was after the hit. "I said, fire!"

"Aye!" said N'Garen, back on her feet and issuing the command. Their torpedoes, however... went astray, just shy of the Sword's hull. "Dal paghjagh... They have polarised our shields! Our targeting sensors are off, and we are drawing the nebula around us! I... we are taking in radiation, through our hull breaches in the aft!"

"Adapt the shield! Realign the sensors! Evacuate the decks!" snarled Martok, surging to his feet and unable to help the toothed grin he wore. His hands were balled into fists. "Switch to manual firing if you need to, and prepare for another charge. Fire as she goes!"

"Aye, Chancellor!"

"Doran!" he bellowed, and was given a commline to the Phantom Leader. "Have your remaining Raiders concentrate all fire on the starboard nacelle! I saw damage done to it already, and her aft shields must still be weary..."

[Aye, Chancellor. wejHeghchughvay', SuvtaHSuvwI'!]

Thus, despite the damage done to the Rotarran, the flagship hardly broke its stride, swinging around for another charge and shedding burning plasma into the nebula, just like the Theurgy was aflame. Their shields were getting dim with particles, yet even still, Martok's flagship was firing from afar - through the whole turn - with the heavier disruptor cannons joining the onslaught once they faced the Sword fully again. Meanwhile, the remaining ten Phantom raiders swept in from the aft, dealing hardpoint barrages against the Sword's hindquarters - specifically the starboard nacelle. It was not the Sword's warp capacity at stake, however... but the impulse engine vanes on the pylon.

"Helm! Rotary charge! Have at her!"

[ Dr. Nicander ( | Temporary Holding Cell | Security Center | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: All
The ship had been shaking violently, Security had been pulled away to deal with boarding parties, and in the end of it all, Nicander was in a temporary holding cell, with Maya next to him where he had been placed - on top of the bunk on the far wall. He had grabbed the edge of the bunk since the ship was shaking, looking around and getting his bearings. His question, his request to help the crew, to know what was the priority, it seemed to have fallen on deaf ears. He didn't know what was most important, and he was left with Maya asking him about Ives, even though he was about to be moved to the proper Brig.

"Ives..." The images in the abyss... It was not like an archive. No database in which you could type what you needed. Over the years, he barely dared look into the darkness, feeling as if he was being swallowed by it. Only lately, before the surgery, the thing inside him had possessed him in full, to keep his heart beating. Now, he knew what awaited there, when you stared beyond the precipice inside. Beyond the edge of darkness awaited the chaos consciousness, and what he saw... It was not for the eyes of sane, rational minds. In the midst of all the horrid imagery, he could glean the reality of the present cycle best, even though the vague understanding of the cycles that were before could be found there as well. To see something in clarity, through another like himself, he had to look for a longer time, trying to remain footed in his own self.

"I see..." he said, frowning, breathing harder, eyes moving as if chasing shadows. "It is a large room, inside a ship. I see... the Azure Nebula, beyond the viewports. It's dark there. Ives... she is held in some kind of energy field, in her female form. The host, it has been... toying with her, freely, without supervision."

Then, his eyes saw something else, which made his pale eyes widen. Slowly, he sat up, climbing to his feet. "I see... It's not just Heather. She's not the only one. No... The host... It has seen, all of them. The abducted. They, they... they are already dead! Liquefied... Pealed away upon a platform. Skin, flesh and bone, shed and fed into some kind of machine. Hylota, Vinata... The Deputy... Lin Kae and Nerina, out of stasis.... Not Ives, but the rest of them. By the winds, they are all dead, all of of them!"

Shutting his eyes, Lucan sucked air into his lungs and pinched the bridge of his nose. He shook his head, in denial, and to clear it from the oily darkness. He felt unclean, not just from what he'd seen. "I have to talk t-"

The ship shook yet again, and now, he saw the security guards that had entered the cell with an anti-grav stretcher. His head felt like it was split in two, but whatever had been in Maya's hypospray was giving him enough strength... to actually stand up, and it had caused the security officers to back away - only Maya remaining at his side. They had their weapons raised, and were shouting. This, while Wenn Cinn's voice was heard over the intercom. That. at least, had the security officers fall quiet. [Lucan, it's Cinn.  They said you can link with the other parasites.  I need to know if there's one on the ship we're fighting, and if so, can you see their shield frequency?]

"Cinn," said Nicander, raising his pale grey eyes to the deckhead, his mind still on the dead. It seemed like there was no time for apologies, or explanations. The Chief of Security - now Commanding Officer - needed answers and options, urgently. There would be time later, Lucan hoped, but right then, he had to gear himself to look into the nameless darkness again. What was asked of him was no small matter, and he couldn't explain it in a way that his old friend would understand. He took a step away from the stretcher. "I'll tr-"

"Take one more step and I'll shoot!" hissed one of the security guards, brandishing his rifle and making Lucan raise his hands a little. The ship shook yet again, and through the intercom link with the bridge, Lucan could hear voices in the background.

[Shields at 7 %. No, 5 %, and we can't regroup long enough to regenerate them! Structural integrity has been compromised, and we have multiple hull breaches!] said someone up there, close to Wenn Cinn. Curt Lucas, the Engineer. [The Rotarran is charging us again! Shields failing!]

Nicander understood, then, the stakes involved. "This is Nicander, I'll... I'll try." With his mismatched hands raised, dressed in a medical gown, he remained still, trying to ignore the ignorant security officers. He hoped that Maya, despite what he'd done to her, would keep them from shooting him. There was little time. Cascading imagery awaited in the nightmarish maelstrom, and he tried to look for Klingon faces amidst it all. Precious seconds wore on, until he saw the back of a imposing Klingon's head. And... beyond it, he saw a viewscreen, and... the Theurgy. The Sword. A battle. It had to be! The darkness was closing in on him, but he saw it!

"There is... By the winds, there is a host there!" he said to the bridge - to Cinn - hardly believing it himself. The host was firing at them, and the timing of the blasts were coinciding with the shaking of the ship. This was no memory. It was happening right then. "She.... No! Dive to port, now! Torpedoes incoming! She is firing now!"

Shields... Shields. The console's screen was a crude thing filled with gibberish! He didn't know Klingon well enough! He had barely learned the basics of it in the Academy, linguistics being far from his forte. Yet... "Shield modulator settings... harmonics... Their shield frequency... Two-Nine-Three Mark Seven MHz!"

OOC: Hope you all like it! Seven days of posting for all begins today, and there is no suggested posting order! Here's the bridge crew: [Show/Hide]
Here are the characters in the Fighter Assault Bay and the Lone Wolves Squadron: [Show/Hide]
Main Sickbay & Security Center: [Show/Hide]
Again, as previously stated about the current situation, please notice how five hours have passed since the earlier events in this Chapter and 2300 hrs, which was the present time when the scene began. These five hours are, of course, still available for everyone to use in setting up their own Supplemental threads. The naming convention for such threads belonging to Chapter 04 is still: CH04: S [DXX|YYYY] Insert Title. These should also be posted in the Part 1 board of Epsiode 05!

Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: patches on August 25, 2018, 09:15:15 AM
[ PO2 Kino Taer ( | Deck 7 | Security Centre to Turbolift | Vector 2 | Theurgy ] @Jm Von Cat @CanadianVet @Top Hat

With Nicander safely secured in a proper Brig cell guarded by a new team, Kino could finally focus on an actual battle coming up. The rearrangement from guards to quick response team was seamless, both in the transfer of command from Varder to Taer to Bremmer and in the physical arrangement as Kino led the squad to the turbolift. Most of the Security accompanying them weren’t in exosuits as such equipment required training and experience that the vast majority of Security officers simply weren’t going to get. They wouldn’t need it. In a sense, Kino admired their willingness to place themselves in combat with apparently minimal protection. She knew the risks they were about to face.

As the group started filing in the turbolift, reports of the boarding parties continued to filter through her comms. Since they were all going to 13 to defend the auxiliary defector systems, Kino had assumed it had already been assigned a team to counter it but it wasn’t until the order for Beta Team to hustle there that she realized what had happened.


Beta Team wasn’t armored and they weren’t going to get there anywhere in time. Nobody could. Hell, three of the department’s best performers were almost at Deck 13 as it was.

“Computer, new destination – Deck 11.”

It looked like she wasn’t the only one who realized what was going on, though, as a now familiar voice rang through the suit’s comms almost before Kino finished speaking.

[Taer, Ducote. Get to sickbay immediately - boarders are inside it. Out.]

“Roger that, Ducote. On my way.”

Her response was quick, her tone professional even though she couldn’t help the smirk on her face. Bremmer’s voice was next, this time on the private channel for the team.

"Fire teams 1 and 2, follow Taer and haul ass to Sickbay."

Verbal affirmatives followed as the doors opened up and Kino exited the turbolift at a quick jog. Four of the rest followed, almost matching the suited NCO’s pace, and leaving the rest for their trip to Deck 13.

[ PO2 Kino Taer | Deck 11 | Sickbay ] @Auctor Lucan

It didn’t take but a minute or two to reach the proximity of Sickbay, given the pace Taer set as well as the placement of turbolifts. The first sign they reached it was the body of two Security officers at the entrance to Sickbay, both marked by the telltale signs of contact with Klingon weapons. One lay slumped against the wall by the door while the other was just inside, his legs holding the door to the main waiting room for Sickbay. Her HUD helpfully informed Kino of their deceased status, so she just nudged him out of the way for the door to close behind the group as they carefully filed in after her.

The ship shook with in time with the Klingon’s unleashed fury. She hadn’t realized just how much until she took a moment to check on each of the officers following her. One of them looked visibly unbalanced, bracing himself with one hand on the wall during the most recent volley. The others seemed to be better, with the other petty officer even imitating Kino’s own unconscious efforts to compensate. The exosuit gave her an inherent advantage, of course, as well as her years of experience in fighting on ships and on ground (and one exhilarating time in microgravity). She almost reached out to the crewman to help him steady better, but the Andorian next to him beat her to it instead and shared a meaningful look with Kino that included nodding at the reception desk.

Righty. It’s been awhile since I’ve lead newbies into combat.

The main reception desk now had the corpse of one of the Medical orderlies slumped over it. It was clear, if it wasn’t already, that the Klingon boarding party had moved fast and brutally, using their speed and superior strength to completely overwhelm the paltry defense that could be mounted against such trained and focused devastation. As Kino peeked around the corner, rifle held ready, her HUD marked the locations of other commbadges on bodies that now lacked any signs of life. The attackers were painted easily enough. The red-lined silhouettes crowded the entrance to the ICU and were firing with abandon. They must have been either incredibly focused or very confident because their backs were turned to the entrance, giving Kino and her squad an excellent opportunity.

“zh’Rasda, Stasny, with me. Wakeman and Yueh, cover us. We need to make some noise, but watch your fire. They’re in the ICU.”

Kino gestured to the walls lining the primary surgical bay around which most of Sickbay was centered. It wasn’t the best cover they could get, but between those walls and the head nurse duty station on the corner between the bay and ICU, the NCO figured they could get close enough to pose a serious threat to the Klingons – enough to draw them from murdering more patients. Maybe they could even kill them as long as they didn’t get too close. Taer had wrestled with Jem’Hadar. She didn’t want to repeat that kind of fight with a Klingon, at least not in this environment and not without Bremmer and Varder backing her up. They were strong and tough, a deadly combination in a melee opponent.

Quickly and relatively silently, the Trill, Andorian, and one of the crewmen rushed from the reception desk to the walls opposite them in the surgery bay. The other petty officer and newer crewman followed them. Kino initiated a nonverbal countdown before rolling into a crouch in the corridor that gave her clearest shot at the nearest pair of Klingons. Wakeman knelt beside her and she knew the others would be peeking out from the wall or similarly crouched in a way to put the enemy into a crossfire. The pull of her trigger signaled the rest to fire as well, felling one Klingon and staggering another before their quarry cottoned on to what was going on and dived for cover. Return fire wasn’t long in coming, forcing the Starfleet officers back to the walls.

“Taer, Stasny’s hit. He needs help.” zh’Rasda called out as she dragged the human behind the wall with her.

“Yeah, about that… Do what you can.” Kino replied grimly. “Taer to Security. Our guests are in the ICU. We’ll keep them busy. Tell Beta Team to come in through the emergency entrance.”

She leaned out during a lull in the counterfire, sensing an opportunity that she then took advantage of to get behind the head nurse’s duty desk before sending out her own reply. Two of the others fired back with her, but with all the equipment in between, it was hard to tell if anything was connecting.

“Taer to Doctor Kobol . What’s your situation?”

OOC: Map used for reference: Main Sickbay (
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Triton on August 25, 2018, 11:35:28 PM
[ Lt. JG Alessia "Angel" Garcia (,_callsign_%22Angel%22) | Valravn-Class Intercetor "Chimaera" --> Fighter Assault Bay | Defensive Maneuvers over U.S.S. Theurgy Vector 2 | Contested Space | Heart of the Azure Nebula ]Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @Havenborn, @Triage @Blue Zephyr & @Multificionado

"Salvo, Meony, Angel, work your way back to Sword. Have Fury ETS when possible and stick close to our vector. Lure those fuckers into the defensive close range fire of our ship. Should at least give us an edge. Wolves, I need a sound off once you're back at Sword. Make them pay for the losses we suffered, but look alive. I cannot stress this enough, I NEED you all to live through this ordeal. Razor out."

"Angel reporting: Fury made it. Go ahead and queue for landing ahead: I'll aid in cover as you land. I still got plenty of spare torpedoes. It's gonna be a hot landing, so I'm gonna have to ETS too. Standing by for a combat landing, but let the others in first." Alessia got the message out. One bit of good news amid everything else that happened. It might have even been worth renaming her ship after its former patron vessel, but now was not the time to give a speech. If Fury could get in through the disruptor damage to the Sword's shields, it was indicative the carrier could simply close in, deal more damage and simply take over the ship. Good. If they had to fight while on the run, Alessia could stand her ground while her fighter renewed itself in the Fighter Assault Bay. If that was the plan. Alessia had her rifle and a sidearm. The Captain's voice distinguished itself in the comms that ensued.

"Wolf pilots this is Sword control speaking. Proceed to immediate docking as the ship will begin a tactical retreat. It is vital that you're all aboard before we commence final procedures."

Orders from the Captain came in. Acting Captain, but to Alessia, whoever was there in the center seat was the Captain, unless a senior officer stepped in. Traditionally, most uses of the word 'retreat' stung the egos of most pilots in psych tests and indeed overall; even hers. But there was no point in sticking around this possible wipe out. Alessia knew a friend on the USS Valiant and kept the word as synonymous with foolhardy as she could. But there were times when the time was needed to be Valiant. Valiente was the Spanish word for Bravery, too.

Alessia made a final pass around the Vector and was about to hail flight ops to prepare for her landing after her flight path had taken her off of the Sword's shield vectors to deposit her precious cargo to sickbay. She spotted the SCO's squad and he responded, thinking exactly what Alessia was hoping to hear:

"All Wolf elements, Razor here. We're making one quick, final run around Sword. Dash out as much of your ordinance as you can to wipe out the closest threats that would hamper our landing efforts. Proceed to battle landings after. You better all be out of ordinance when we land. Razor out."

Alessia intended to fire everything anyway. Reactively, her console's readouts turned from traditional sky-blue to orange (indicating a self-designed heads up display to prepare to unleash explosive hell). Even her T.V.D. was pre-set to polarize against blinding explosions. Alessia rerouted auxiliary power to her engines as her arsenal-- ALL of it was summarily prepared. Swarm-fire missiles to ignite half the battlespace. It was also a good time to demonstrate her previous ingenuity of controlled-demolitions damage, to wound, rather than kill hostile fighters and their pilots. Karma if there was any proverb without offending their one-eyed host.

Almost as an afterthought as she maneuvered into place, her kinetic cannons came online as secondaries, but Alessia still had any phaser power reserved for aft banks in more concentrated blasts. The configuration might redline across the spectrum, but her next pass would take her squarely into the bay once she got a queue after she made sure the Valravn interceptor could live up to its designs. She held her fire on the Kinetic cannons until they were precariously close to the Vector so as to let the Klingons basque in self-confidence. Alessia had grown famous for this maneuver during her tenure as the last line of defense when protecting Hornet during saucer separation while her stardrive was the attack unit. Synchronization for the refit Galaxy all the training they could use, until the Jem'Hadar bastards targeted her and her wing, as the Klingons had done now, and she knew it was only some kind of mercy the last Valravn hadn't been obliterated yet, despite the punishment she was dishing out.

Alessia propelled her fighter into the permitted Queue that Tac-Conn Command had slated her for. The Sword's aft phasers covered her and the rest of the Wolves, and it let Alessia pick up on comm traffic from the Fighter Bay. There were boarders there, as if they hadn't been through enough. She got an idea. "Computer, request beam out from the Theurgy's Ops staff; Stinger protocol!"[/color] Alessia cited a wartime transporter preset pattern to equip armed response teams into a combat ready-and-armed stance, beaming the Chimaera's onboard rifle into her waiting hands upon return to the bay. After some quick correspondence, Alessia dematerialized out of her fighter once the Fighter Bay tractor beam had seized her damaged Valravn.

Once on the Fighter Assault Bay, Alessia appeared in the furthest corner relative to cover and abundance of targets - the location picked with the help of the Transporter officer she'd conversed with. Alessia had to control the battlespace. "Angel, Wolves. I'm aboard the Bay, advice coming in sidearms drawn." She whispered upon arrival, rifle calibrated for maximum stun, but with one hand safely within a wrist-grab away--

Alessia 'smelt' the blade swing before it clove a considerable gash over what one of the parked Vaklkyries. Alessia dodged instinctively, going into the theta stage of combat, throwing all her muay thai and kickboxing training to the supreme test. Angel dove, curling into a Russian acrobatic maneuver her drill instructor, Clancy 'Zim' Zimski had once taught her, kicking out the back of her offender's knees, throwing a stunning left hook to the Klingon's temple, dizzying him-- Ai, a woman. And it wasn't a Bat'leth as she hoped, it was one of those sneaky fuckers-- no, two of them-- Mek'leths. Bitch was a ninja, but Alessia's rifle was quicker. She fired automatic burst fire bolts as the female assailant took advantage of their surroundings and lept atop some cargo crates and was clearly going for a visible weapons pod on one of the Valks. Alessia lowered her setting and fired a steady, but purely-stun beam to heat up the pod for a moment to singe anyone touching it.


Not only being able to exchange curses, insults and kicks to and fro with her opponent, Alessia was also a cunning gun-and-melee fighter; Her rock-steady legs hopped for a moment as she fired, so as not to get a contact. It worked, and with a whoop, Alessia's assailant hopped overhead; Alessia fired and held the beam on her foe as she fired before the warrior's shrieks drew a disruptor bolt her way in support. Alessia responded for a moment, scoring a stun on that klingon but lost contact with hers, until her rifle was unexpectedly kicked out of her hands. Angel responded by spiraling a stab with her survival knife into her assailant's ankle again, forcing the acrobatic Klingon to fight in no uncertain terms against a trained self-defense rated martial artists and downright streetfighter who kept some tricks up her sleeve to evolve into moments like this, where a stray blade could end a pilot's life.

Alessia was fighting a Klingon mirror of herself, despite the advantage of two blades, Alessia only needed one to revert to CQC, of which the Native Americans were so well known for. Alessia could also use her fists, which she did after a heated exchange of blades and extremities. Alessia's helmet shattered in one particular headbutt, but succeeded in stunning her rival in an unintended side effect. This bitch was good, despite half her face ripped off. Alessia's knife had been resheathed once she had manage to out-grapple and use her knee to bluntly impact an injury to the Klingon woman's fist securing one of the Mek'leth's blades.
Angel was much more quick on her feet without an injury to contend with, so when she responded by hiding her temporary blade behind her back as she engaged, so as to emerge from an attack from either side, the Klingon instead charged head-on, but from a downward angle for Alessia to respond to by catching it in her wrist at the same moment both of them decided to go for their daggers, respectively: Her D'ktang and Alessia's survival knife. They caught each other's blades, but Alessia's reaction time made the grievous injury that plunged along the warrior's forearm. Astonishingly, she managed to shrug Alessia off, who fell and rolled into a corner, now without either blade.

The Warrior's shadow cast over Angel and she darkened Alessia momentarily, who was now bleeding from her damaged TVD display, but noting the woman's injuries, she still had her endgame to play. The Conn piece had been translating the Klingon language into Alessia's native spanish, and the warrior was clearly making mundane insults and idle threats as she was making her final steps toward Angel, About to make a fatal stab, Angel fired her pistol which she drew behind her back heartbeats after she lost her knife. She just needed a clear shot away from whoever supported this bitch earlier. The female warrior's head was knocked back like a speedbag at a boxing dojo, but there was no telling if the woman survived the impact, given the extremely close range Alessia merely uttered, "Dodge this." to, before adding "Puta.". Alessia got up after a moment and secured her weapons before moving along, stopping to keep the twin Mek'leths as she joined in on the fight, and tapped her coms to rejoin contact with the squadron, rifle in hand. "This is Angel. Landed. Scratched one more bandit."

GM Note: Section with the pilot Fury in sickbay has been removed for a quick rewrite since it was contradictory to events so far. Stay tuned for Fury's introduction in the Sickbay scene! :) Furthermore, a discrepancy with Alessia's tactics have been fixed, so there is no comm chatter from Alessia on the bridge.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Doc M. on August 26, 2018, 01:40:52 AM
[ Maya ( | Deck 07 | Temporary Holding Cell | Security Center | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ]   Atten: @Auctor Lucan.

After closing his eyes and mustering his strength, Lucan cin Nicander opened his pale grey eyes and started to speak.

"Ives...  I see... It is a large room, inside a ship. I see... the Azure Nebula, beyond the viewports. It's dark there. Ives... she is held in some kind of energy field, in her female form. The host, it has been... toying with her, freely, without supervision."

That answered one question that Maya had never asked out loud.  Why had the Savi attacked them?  The answer was that they were infected as well, but whether there was merely one host aboard the Versant or literally a host of them was unclear.

“And the others?” the little Vulcan murmured.

"I see... It's not just Heather. She's not the only one,” the half-demented and near-delirious doctor muttered.  "No... The host... It has seen, all of them.  The abducted.  They, they... they are already dead!  Liquefied... Pealed away upon a platform. Skin, flesh and bone, shed and fed into some kind of machine. Hylota, Vinata... The Deputy... Lin Kae and Nerina, out of stasis.... Not Ives, but the rest of them. By the winds, they are all dead, all of of them!"

Maya flinched as if she had been slapped in the face and kept her large hazel eyes closed.  Lahekesis, Hylota, Vinata, and with the exception of Captain Ives all of the Savi’s other abductees were all dead.  Pointlessly.  There had been no realistic reason to assume otherwise but Maya had left Vulcan so long ago that a part of her could irrationally hope, but now there was no point entertaining such fantasies.  She made no sound and remained perfectly still. 

Thanks to Maya’s close proximity, she was probably the only one to hear Lucan struggle to continue.  "I have to talk t-"

The ship shook with what long experience informed Maya was the impact of a torpedo hitting the ship’s deflector shields.  Maya opened her eyes in time to see an unsteady Lucan cin Nicander sit up and rise shakily to his feet.  Wyburn and the security crewman who was pushing the anti-grav stretcher immediately stopped their approach and stepped backwards as they pointed their phasers at him. 

“Sit back down Doctor!” Petty Officer First Class David Wyburn barked as he used his leg to push the A-grav strecher out of his way and towards Lucan. 

“Nice and slow!” the one behind the gurney cried.  His voice revealed that he was Petty Officer Third Class Leblan Drolix of Bolarus IX.

Unfortunately, the tension only increased as everyone in the temporary holding cell heard Lieutenant Commander Wenn Cinn’s voice over the communications system:

[ Lucan, it’s Cinn.  They said you can link with the other parasites.  I need to know if there’s one on the ship we’re fighting, and if so, can you see their shield frequency? ]

Maya remained perfectly still, and the two gaurds seemed to have ignorned the acting commanding voice entirely.  The only one who seemed to notice was the prisoner, who ignored the weapons pointed at him and instead struggled heroically to focus on Commander Cinn’s somewhat desperate request.

"Cinn… I'll tr-" Lucan stammered as he took an unsteady step forward to prevent himself from losing his balance.

“Take one more step and I'll shoot!" Petty Officer Wyburn ordered as he pointed his type three rifle shaped phaser at her head.

A side effect of the training Maya had received as a medical surrogate back on Vulcan all of those years ago was the ability to compartmentalize her thoughts.  This allowed her alien conciousness to function on multiple levels and alloweda part of her to pay attention to what sensitive Vulcan ears to clearly perceive the voices coming in over the ship’s communications system:

[ Shields at 7 %. No, 5 %, and we can't regroup long enough to regenerate them! Structural integrity has been compromised, and we have multiple hull breaches! ]

[ The Rotarran is charging us again! Shields failing! ]

Wordlessly, with an eerily smooth yet with a jerky, marionette-like movement, Maya placed herself between the disgraced chief medical officer and the two security specialists.

"This is Nicander, I'll... I'll try," Nicander stammered from behind the little Vulcan.

“Get out of the way Doctor!” Petty Officer Wyburn ordered as he pointed his type three rifle shaped phaser at her head.

“What’s wrong with her?” his Bolian partner muttered as he did likewise.  “Just look at her Dave!  Theres’s something wrong with her!  She’s not right!”

Unfortuneatly, the intense training Maya had received as a youth had conditioned the mesiofrontal cortex in her Vulcan brain to instinctively suppress any intense or violent emotion with equal and opposite intensity.  The more passionate Maya felt about something, the less she was able to experience or express.  This was why in times of stress she acted mechanical, behaving more like an automaton than a flesh and blood person.  Sadly, her demeanor during demanding or emergency situations was uncannily similar to how her aspect appearred when she was under Nicander’s hynotonic control.

Without saying a word, Maya raised her right hand with her palm facing the militant duo and spread her long spidery fingers in a claw like fashioned.  Her large hazel eyes narrowed as she stared at the opaque visor that conscealed Wyburn’s features.

“There is no cause for concern Mister Wyburn,” the little Vulcan announced in a strangely altered voice.  “Everything is under control.”

Wyburn lowered his rife.

“What are you doing?” his partner snarled in alarm.

“There’s no cause for concern, Leblan,” Wyburn assured him.  “Everything is under control.”

“Are you kidding?” the Bolian protested.  “Niether one of them are…”  His voice trailed off as Maya turned her attention to him. 

“All is well Mister Drolix,” she delcared as her open hand began to shake.  “The prisoner poses no threat,” she added her eye narrowed in intense concentration.

"There is... By the winds, there is a host there!" Nicander exclaimed in surprise as his pale grey eyes focused on something that wasn’t in the room.

“What in the name of Zephram Cochrane’s rectum is going on here?” Master Chief Jeremy Barton demanded as he entered the room bearing a rifle shaped phaser of his own.

“All is well Master Chief,” Petty Officer Leblan assured him.  “The prisoner poses no threat.” 

“There’s no cause for concern, Boss,” Wyburn added.  “Everything is under control.”

Lucan cin Nicander seemed to disagree.  "She.... No!  Dive to port, now! Torpedoes incoming!  She is firing now!" he cried in alarm.

“Are you sure about that?” Master Chief Barton asked skeptically.  “Who is he talking to?  Get him to a proper cell right now!”

Maya turned her attention to the new arrival.  Although she maintained the same pose with her hand raised in a claw shaped gesture, her pallid face flushed a sickly green and her short, slender form trembled with visible effort.  “There is no cause for alarm Master Chief,” she began as her brow furrowed in concentration.

"Shield modulator settings... harmonics... Their shield frequency... Two-Nine-Three Mark Seven MHz! " Lucan shouted from behind her.

“The hell there isn’t!” Master Chief Barton cried as he sent the greenblooded physician to the deck with the business end of his riflebutt.  “Whoever he’s talking to, he’s giving them our shield harmonics!  Gawd damn mind control.  I’m not falling for it this time!” 

Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Multificionado on August 26, 2018, 04:07:32 PM
[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @Nolan @Triage @Triton @Havenborn @Doc M. @chXinya @Top Hat

Just when Rawley thought she was safe back in the fighter bay, something had to shatter her illusion of shelter at the last minute. The moment she stood up in the cockpit, a disruptor bolt sent her flying backward, back into the cockpit.

Fortunately, her flight suit was armored enough that it protected her from searing a hole in her, but she knew flight suits never held up long when under fire. The scorching smell was rancid to Rawley. Her neck made that twinge again, indicating whiplash. So much for getting back up to Sickbay.

Disruptor fire could only mean that there's a Klingon boarding party in the fighter bay.

Rawley withdrew her rifle and set to stun, although it was set at enough of a stun level to stop a stampeding mastodon. It was best to leave them alive; the Klingons were still Federation allies, and if the crew of the "Sword" had to subdue the Klingons in order to explain how they weren't traitors to the Federation, so be it.

She leapt out and dove for cover, with a disruptor bolt or two firing her way.

"Didn't I just leave this carfuffle?" she muttered to herself.

Rawley then peeked out, careful to avoid attracting fire, and tried to piece together what was going on. It was turning into a collieshangie out in the bay. She could comprehend only so much at a time. She could see Alessia Garcia, callsign "Angel," taking on a Klingon, a woman warrior with enough ferocity, it makes William Wallace look like a wee lad. Rawley didn't know much about Garcia, but she was just enough of a hard case that she had confidence she can kick that Klingon's arse, even if she's a tough pain in the arse.

Then she saw somebody sprawled on the deck, unconscious. She recognized the hat, and the ginger hair, at once. Meony!

Scrambling from her cover, she ran to the ginger lass and dragged her, wary of disruptor bolts incoming, and dove back for cover with Meony.

Once Rawley had gotten Meony to safety, she got a good look at the ginger cowgirl. She had a sharp intake of breath when she got a good look at her. She looked like shite. Unconscious is enough to worry Rawley, but she was bleeding. EVERYWHERE. What kind of bloody bug did Meony have?

"Meony?!? MEONY! SHITE!!!" she shouted. There was no luck in getting the ginger lass awake. She was comatose. This was bloody serious.

"Razor! Come in, Razor!" she shouted, slapping her combadge in a state of extreme anxiety. "We have a Wolf in critical condition! It's Meony! Something's wrong with her!"

She gritted her teeth, hissing furiously. She may look like a shite of a sight with so much blood, but Meony looked worse. VERY. WORSE.

Of course, the obvious thing to do would be to call in an emergency medical transport.

Rawley resumed firing, but not realizing where the Klingons were. She tossed her helmet into the air and dove for cover to find the origin of the shot. Seeing it, she pinpointed it, and took aim. As she fired at the Klingons, she decided to request an emergency medical transport, because the sooner Meony was away from the carfuffle and into Sickbay, the better.

"Rawley to Sickbay!" she said, slapping her combadge again after diving for cover again. "We have a Wolf in critical condition! Ensign Tancredi, callsign Meony! Requesting emergency medical transport for Ensign Tancredi!"

She kept on shooting, and, hearing no response from Sickbay, slapped the combadge again.

"Come in, Sickbay! COME IN!!!"

Still no response.

"What the shite is going on in bloody Sickbay?!?" shouted Rawley aloud. She hasn't sounded like this in a long time. She needed to get Meony to Sickbay immediately. The Lone Wolves have lost five pilots already, and Rawley was NOT going to let Meony become the sixth.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: CanadianVet on August 27, 2018, 12:47:06 AM
[ PO2 Eliska Bremmer | Deflector Control | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Jm Von Cat @patches  @Top Hat @trevorvw @Auctor Lucan

They were nearing their objective when the channel that had been established with the Bridge sounded off.  Ducote?  Wasn't that one of their prisoners?  Why in the world was he barking orders now?  And stripping Kino from their team to go relieve Sickbay?  Why would they need her for that unless... Unless of course whoever was managing Security right now, obviously not Commander Wenn at this time, was one of those twits who got a frontal lobotomy the same time they got their commission.  But as the Trill went away, Bremmer wasted no time in sending backup with her; whether or not she'd need it was in question, but if she had a team to keep alive she would be less likely to be, well, herself.  And it never hurt to have access to overwhelming force. 

Which meant Bremmer would have less combat power than she'd like.  Sure, if sensors were correct she'd be coming in behind the boarders, and they were outnumbered by her team alone plus whatever resistance was still in there.  But she didn't have the margin of superiority she'd have preferred.  But she did have herself and Varder in armour, all had rifles, and they would come in hard and fast when the time came.  And according to the word from Security Ops and the data that was being fed into her suit, the boarders were just on the other side of the next security door, and they were engaged with a pair of crewmembers including... Akoni?  Another one of the prisoners?  Seriously, what was it with Commander Wenn and putting people they couldn't trust any further than a sickly tribble could torwn them in positions of control, let alone arming them? 

As they neared the door, she beckoned the second man in Fire Team 4 forward, and started him on overriding the door, with clear instructions to disable the safety parameters and have it lock open.  That would turn the sedate regular opening into a much more aggressive one that would not force them to wait with all kinds of time for the Klingons to turn around and get ready to open up. 

And then, she gave her directions.  "Varder, move up right behind me.  I go first, you go second.  I hook right, you go left.  Team 3 with me, Team 4 with Varder.  Go in hot, go in hard.  And remember, what's worth shooting once is worth shooting a whole lot more, so don't stop until you're sure they're all down, and secure them in place.  Ready?  Steady... BREACH!"

On the signal, what normally would have been a sedate hiss was instead an explosive cough, and Bremmer was immediately moving in, her rifle in the shoulder, and no sooner had she turned into the door, the lurid glow and reality-tearing shrieks of weapons fire became audible, the boarders occupied with trying to dislodge the two that were in their way, when they became aware there was a threat on their flank.

And before long, it was over.  Her left pauldron had taken a hit, a good half of it had been sheared off by a disruptor blast.  She didn't know how many she'd taken for sure.  That was the nature of that kind of action, close, fast, furious and vicious, and she knew she'd have to review the take of her suit's camera to be certain of anything later on. She knew she'd had 3 in her sights at one time or another, but she was could only she'd dropped one with any kind of finality. But then again, the two shots he'd taken in the head, one of them at a range of less than four feet, would make sure of that.  And that particular one was at her feet, his own right hand a crushed, broken mess as she'd used a vicious twist of her heel to strip the pistol from his grasp when she'd come to a stop.  "Room clear!" she called out, both on the communications channel and out of her suit's speakers.  "Bremmer to Bridge, Deflector Control is secure."

OOC: @trevorvw, @Jm Von Cat, I left the action pretty vague on purpose so you can write up your people, or the nameless NPCs, being awesome too.

Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: steelphoenix on August 27, 2018, 01:02:35 AM
[Lt. Commander Vael Kaeris | Battle Bridge | Deck 8 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: Anyone on the bridge

Vael turned his eyes towards the bajoran commander as the ship rocked again, his ears picking up the halting conversations being transmitted from the impromptu sickbay at the heart of security.  A shield frequency?  Was it the Rotarran's or their own?  It didn't make sense for it to be their own -- they had been expecting an engagement with the Borg and, as such, their own shields should have been on a randomized frequency rotation, nebula or not.  Anything less merely invited assimilation.

He squared himself as readily as he could under the circumstances, placing his hands neatly behind his back as he spoke.  "Commander Wenn, despite our differences when we came on board, I am not about to allow this ship to be destroyed because a klingon has ferreted out some slight against you.  Grant me access to the power grid... I've spent the last week streamlining a run about that was overtaxed on its resources, I can guarantee I will find some disposable power to spare for the short term."

For a slight moment, he diverted his attention towards the crew around him before adding, "May I recommend we ensure our shields are on a rotating frequency as per Borg engagement protocols and if that frequency is, in fact, the Rotarran's, that we shut down its offensive capabilities as soon as possible.  Recommend helm target the largest area of charged gas and put it between us and the klingons -- if they want us, make them chase us through the briar patch.  And finally, recommend all non-essential personnel be evacuated further into the ship in case we need to minimize our shield profile -- that will allow us to maintain optimal defense against the radiation.  Those crewmen still operating in the sections near the hull should have environmental suits handy just in case."

Taking a breath, he reflected on the last time it was necessary to make recommendations and await the authority to implement his ideas.  With a breath that bordered on a sigh, he added another to his mental list of tasks, even as he spoke it aloud, "And once the current crisis is under control, perhaps we can work on pinpointing klingon life signs that don't correspond to crew members and have them beamed into a secured holodeck with a particularly rigorous calisthenics program running?  Meanwhile, to help with that, if security could find some way to tag any klingon they engage, that might help."

Raising his eyebrow, he stared at Wenn Cinn awaiting authorization.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Triton on August 28, 2018, 12:18:48 AM
[ Lt. JG Alessia "Angel" Garcia (,_callsign_%22Angel%22) | Fighter Assault Bay |  U.S.S. Theurgy Vector 2 | Contested Space | Heart of the Azure Nebula ]Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @Havenborn, @Triage @Blue Zephyr & -@Multificionado- (JOINT POST)


[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]

"Meony?!? MEONY! SHITE!!!" Ghost's Scottish accent was enough to give Alessia a path in this chaos until more good guys came in-- or bad ones. Alessia retracted her helmet and laid low as she made her way through what strategic debris she could make use of, rolling into position then crouching into a shooting stance when she could. In all this time, though she hadn't changed her weapon's output setting yet, still kept on the lowest from her last fight, as Alessia fought her way Rawley's side and joined in on the return fire, forcing their shooters to seek cover or advance around the bay. "Razor! Come in, Razor! We have a Wolf in critical condition! It's Meony! Something's wrong with her!"

Rifle drawn, and helmet discarded to give herself a clean view of the battlespace, Alessia carefully fired suppressive beam fire at low stun setting. It was little more than the effect of a horse's kick, but about as staggering, depending on where it hit Earlier, she'd nicked one but he'd recovered. Alessia hadn't done her share of security assault training, or she might have remembered to up the octane, but getting to Rawley and Meony's location was more important. She took a backstep when she herself came under fire and was steadily being flanked. Alessia spotted one particularly intimidating Klingon who wore war paint that had gotten up from her shot and singled her out. Surviving only because her rifle was already trained on him before he saw her, Alessia fired and held her rifle's trigger as the phaser beam setting held against the Klingon was propelled backward yet again, as if he was being hit with a blast from a fire hose. A sickening reminder, given the pinkish-red pool on one of the fighter's landing struts and smell of it in the area.

"Ghost! What happened! Whiplash? Suit failure? What's her Status!?" Angel called in response to seeing her wingmate look as if she'd been punched in the face, rather than shot. Between exchanging information with Rawley and awaiting Razor's or Havenborn's instructions and felt around for her suit's portable tricorder for Rawley to apply amidst the chaos.

“Whiplash?” she said at her comment about the injuries. “Aye, fer me. Broken nose when I hit the cockpit. It’s Meony I’m worried about. She’s got something, and it looks like a shite-load of bad. How many'd yeh shoot doon?"

In response to an answer and a good taunt, Alessia almost even laughed between their next action. "Bagged Six Raiders. No telling how many smokers." Alessia made sure Meony's vitals were still sound as she cleaned the girl's face and ensured she still had a pulse. "We made a good run. Hope the bastards who did this get hurt. I hope they bleed." Alessia vengefully quipped between phaser and disruptor exchange, momentarily pausing to clean Meony's face of blood. Next, Alessia's features tensed as her aim hardened, varying from prone and crouching shots behind their cover. "The Valravns are gone. It's just me, maybe Fury, if he's in sickbay or ETS buffer, I dunno. My friends, though. They're gone." Alessia snorted and held her fire as she hastily changed her rifle's battery. Plus Mr. Skullface there. I think I shot his par'mach'kai's head off. Now he wants mine." the battery hummed a satisfying sound as the rifle powered back up.

Joining fire at the next window to return fire after a brief lull in the disruptor gunfire, both wolves fired in concert. "Och, a Red Baron of the Dominion War, and one Klingon sniper proves a tricky bugger."

Alessia cursed about 8 to 10 words in her native tongue when one bolt sent a spark into her hair, the other guy must've gotten up. Suddenly, she remembered to change settings on a type-3 rifle and her output and fire rate matched her will to survive, which was quite powerful. "If we can deal with these Pendejos<Idiots/Assholes> and fight our way to Sickbay, Security or at least an EMH, we can save her. two bolts from two separate combatants made another good point: a more defensible position. "Can we move her?!" Another near-miss grazed the inch over Alessia's head before Ghost could reply.

"Shit!" Alessia didn't dare peer out of cover, lest she take another close call or direct hit. Thinking on adrenaline, she got one of her newly-collected slim but impressive blades and held it up as a makeshift mirror to see how best to respond and her eyes widened.

The other Klingon Warrior decided switching to two pistols for suppressing fire in response to Alessia's automatic bursts. Laughing as he and the war-paint Warrior cornered their prey, though admittedly the one after Alessia was now polishing out some axe-looking weapon that must've weighted as much as a sledgehammer. It looked like it could turn a Gorn into a hundred wallets in this guy's hands.

Rawley was surprised by Garcia, let alone the knife she handed her, but she merely shrugged and kept on going. She would’ve wanted to have been in awe of Angel; after all, she was carving up Jem’Hadar when Rawley was still at the Academy. Real war veteran she is. She would’ve been in awe of Angel…if the circumstances were different.

"Oh shit. Here comes Executioner." Alessia slid over the other blade to Ghost, and it halted the fire of his fellow warrior, a vain hope the other wolf could help take him down. It was barely enough to acquire and get a clean shot as he approached. She hit the disruptor-equipped Klingon repeatedly, for good measure as the war-paint Klingon an Axe disappeared. Alessia may have been out of touch with training in Security holo-programs, but memories of fighting polearm-toting Jem'Hadar wasn't exactly a year most veterans would get. "Angel, Wolves: Watch your heads." It was now when she reverted to increasing her phaser setting to kill, both hands firmly set against her as if to use the rifle in woefully un-matched mano a mano battle; She wished she and Ghost weren't alone now more than usual. She almost even wondered what happened to Vinnie; what the hell was going on up there, and how could she help, Alessia fearfully watched her surroundings.

She also noticed this Klingon's rifle disappeared from where he'd been propelled into earlier. That gave her a hint of his precise whereabouts-- he fell back and was waiting for a chance to strike. More Disruptor fire sent Alessia back to cover. She had no time to wonder if they were warning shots by her new nemesis or bad aim by someone else. "Hope you saw that." Alessia whispered to Ghost, watching everywhere around them, lest Ax-man appeared.

“Cannae believe a lone Klingon is giving us this much trouble,” Rawley said to Angel. “How many Jem’Hadar would that be worth? Three? Four? Half a dozen? Scratch that. Maybe he’s worth a dozen of the backstabbing Cardies who thought the Dominion meant improvement!” she added, referring to the Cardassians who were for joining the Dominion and reminded Alessia of one of Angel's war record, particularly her darkest days in the war. "HT-997, right? This should be a piece of cake for you, aye?"

Mindful of those hellish experiences and days of besieged fighting, Alessia kept her eyes fixxed upwards and foreward watching for any vantage point of location of axe impact. This was not a good day to day, and her steady aim didn't deter her from second-naturedly expressing morale strength by some on-the-feet humor. "Don't let it get to your head, Pelona<Baldy>, or it'd be a slice of cake."

"Buzz off!" Came the retort from Ghost. Alessia chuckled at the reference to a running gag Alessia had mentioned aboard Hornet. Anxiously, Alessia made note of Razor's and Salvo's ships approaching. They were too exposed and Alessia dreaded this brute was a Yan-Isleth honor warrior, on his way to becoming a Dahar Master. And he was pissed.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Firefox013 on August 28, 2018, 12:24:57 AM
[ Ensign Jaya Thorne | Battle Bridge | Deck 01 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]

Attn: bridge crew. (everyone else sorry if this causes owwies)

As the Fighters returned and she set them up for getting out of there with engines set to BOWMAOF (Bug Out With MY Ass On Fire). Jaya couldn’t help but wonder if they would make it at all with the kind of hits they took. The weapon’s fire trade between the two ships was apparently taking its toll on the IKC Rotarran as well, tough as Klingon warships were, they were not infallible and the combined tactical firepower of both The Vector known as The Sword and her Warp Fighters was a non-negligible quantity in this fight as much as the Rotarran’s formidable firepower and her own Warp Fighter’s were.

“What, the?” Stated the young woman as Nicander’s sonorous warning was heard, causing her to check her sensors. “WHOAH NELLIE!” Screamed the young woman as her hands flew over the console. “Hang on to your consoles people, this one’s going to be really interesting!” She stated as the vector’s structure groaned and creaked a bit, her maneuver pushing the gravity plating and Inertial dampening system’s of the ship to their limits, not to mention the thrusters, as the Sword quite literally pulled what, to all those who were history buffs, for all intents and purposes was a literally an old Dogfighting maneuver from the late 20th century through to, well apparently right freaking then!

The infamous Pugachev’s Cobra was performed by a vector belonging to an enormous Starship, agilely gliding over a swarm of Klingon Photonic Warhead equipped Torpedoes, causing them to miss their target and harmlessly self-destruct a few thousand kilometers beyond their intended target. Jaya grinned, raising a fist. “Hah! YOU MISSED YOU BLOODY DUMB RIDGEHEADS!” Exclaimed the young woman triumphantly, still ignoring her injuries as she made sure to keep their ship going, she had to and would not stop till they were on their way, there was no other option in her mind.

The Vector then returned to her escape vector angle as many things happened, boarders were neutralized, Deflector control secured, hopefully medical and the hangar would be soon as well, she  knew that both had signaled Klingon warriors onboard. She had seen enough of their pilots and security force members to know that those lost would only be fuel for the rest acquitting themselves grandly, proving that despite evolutionary differences leading to physically weaker bodies, the training and dedication of their personnel would make it that every life the Klinks took would be paid for dearly

Jaya turned to Cameron Henshaw. “Cameron, do we have them all back and can we execute Lieutenant Commander Wenn’s order to bug out yet?” She said, her tone back to being relatively calm but a bit tired, weary others would say, her blood loss had continued and she was beginning to feel it, she had stopped being able to open her left eye due to that cut bleeding enough to leave half dry blood over it, Jaya looked pretty bad but she had not given up. “Cause… I’m gunna need a medic soon…” She spoke, breathing a bit more laboriously as she waited to press the GO button and get everyone out of there.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Nolan on August 28, 2018, 10:40:23 AM
[ Dr Amelya Rez | Weapon Storage Room | Fighter Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Blue Zephyr  @Auctor Lucan  @Masorin  

After being assured that Kobol  would manage to hold his own on Sickbay, Amelya nodded as she was prepared by him and Jovela to be transported to the Fighter bay as there seemed to be a medical emergency. Her eyes looked at the various injured that began to pour into the main Sickbay. She took her tricorder and placed it on the holder at her hip before she felt the ship shake once more. As it rocked though she could feel the tingling of being materialized and with a flash she was gone.

After re-materializing in the weapon storage room, Amelya looked around as she got her bearings. the shelves would be a risk to work near as the risk of anything else tumbling down from them was a real threat. She was about to take a step forward until she heard it.

"There is fighter ordinance here! You will kill us all, you petaQ!"

The distinct Klingon chatter made her frown as she turned her head right towards the Klingon boarders. Where fear would have gripped her in the moment, an odd sense of awareness ran over her body as she blinked. Her feet guided her forward, towards the Gorn who had seemingly stabilized the two injured crewmen. To the Klingon invaders it would look more like a dash as she vanished between the shelves, their momentum of surprise gone now.

"Two Klingons with rifles were at the entrance." she informed Sithick "I suggest you get help or deal with them. I'll manage with these two." she concluded without a hint of panic or fear in her voice. Amelya herself wondered why that was the case, before her joining she'd be at least anxious, nervous or even fearful of the situation. Yet was it because she had undergone training with Maal to fend for her own, or was it the combination of that and her joining? Perhaps the hosts melted inside of her caused for a new look on things?

She turned her attention first to Liam as he looked worst for wear, she took her tricorder and began to scan him over. The scans made her brow furrow as she nodded and opened the medkit. Preparing an inoculation she smiled faintly at him "Try to not catch heavy objects with your leg next time crewman." she said on a soothing tone before she gave him the shot in his femur. She had given him a high dose of painkillers along with some anesthetic, it would relieve the man from his pain on his leg, yet also relax the muscles around the injury to prevent any further damage. The injury itself would have to be treated soon. There was still blood flowing through to his feet according to the scans, yet it would only need a single muscle spasm to sever his artery. Along with the sharp edgy bone fragments spread out over his knee joint, it would be hell to operate.

After that she turned her attention to Ji as she pushed her blonde hair behind her ears "Alright girl, what's your name?" she asked as she scanned her over. She looked into Ji's eyes and checked for a pupil reaction before giving her a slight painkiller. Amelya began to look for the gash at the back of her head by carefully pushing her fingers against the scalp of the Korean. "What were you two doing here anyway?" she addressed the both of them. Imagining they were probably stocking up the remaining fighters if they were still there. Blissfully unaware of their true reason there. She found the gash which was larger than she expected. Taking the dermal regenerator from her kit, she sprayed it as good as she could on the wound without having to turn her head too much.

She was just finishing up however when she heard the heavy step of a Klingon finding them, the raising of a rifle as he laughed lowly. Amelya looked up at the boarder as she raised her hands slowly.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Top Hat on August 28, 2018, 09:17:20 PM
[ Lt T'Less | Battle Bridge | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy | Lapsed Pacifist ] attn: @Auctor Lucan @steelphoenix @Firefox013 @Triage et al

Her hands didn't stop, even for a second, while she flicked through inventories, tallies, and reports. Power curves, capacitor levels, a colour-graded schematic of the ship to show relative hull integrity under fire - and the most hated single-digit number yet. Five percent shields. Even with Nator (just about) managing to balance the grid to keep their strongest facing towards the enemy, more disruptor blasts were getting through. Chunks of the armour were vaporising, and there were already hull breaches. The Hermat next to her dispatched damage control teams.

Through it all, T'Less maintained her barrage. Sensors, weapon batteries, engine ports, opportunistic shots at the enemy raiders. Even with the emissive nebular gases lighting the battleship up like a flare to make targeting somehow even easier, they just weren't able to defeat the sheer magnitude of their shield array in totality. And then, like sweet music to her (mostly) pointed ears, she heard their erstwhile Doctor struggle his way through the Rotarran's shield frequency. Singular.

The scientist from the Endeavour suggested rotating their own frequencies, and/or disabling Martok's vessel. "I hope you don't mind, sir, but I anticipated such a request," she said, still focused on her console as she re-tuned their phaser cannon.

Thorne at the helm threw the Sword into a groaning nose-up manoeuvre to dodge the volley of torpedoes from the Klingon ship (spoiling the aim of a large part of the accompanying disruptor barrage, too), while T'Less continued writing a firing solution. It promised to be a good one. Nator glanced over, meaning to make some quip about close calls or other, but froze a moment while s/he stared at T'Less' face.

"Lieutenant," s/he said quietly, privately. "You're smiling."

~Calm the ocean, hathain.~

For the briefest instant, her fingers paused in their work, before resuming. Her toothless smile faded somewhat, but not completely. "Helm," she called, "Bring our broadside to bear." To Nator, she added in a quieter tone, "Watch."

One finger pressed the [EXECUTE] button, provoking a double-bleep with a rising inflection in confirmation - and their flank phaser battery switched from its more distributed, diffuse pattern into what looked like a single ray-traced cone, with its tip focused on the port wing of the Negh'Var as it bore down on them. Making as good as her instruction to the Ops officer, she stared unblinking at the results of her command. She drank it in.

I claim that nacelle as rightful salvage. It is mine.

The concentrated bombardment sliced through the Rotarran's shields to blow chunks out of the armour surrounding the colossal warp nacelle, piercing underlying plasma conduits, puncturing the cavernous bussard collector on its nose, and blowing segments of scrapped warp coil out through the lambent radiators to its rear. Gouts of warp plasma engulfed the wingtip of the huge vessel, adding to the radiation problems affecting the rest of it.

Puncturing the mood somewhat, as their opponent continued hammering away at them with disruptors, Nator announced next to her: "Shields failing! Evacuating outer compartments."


"Henshaw, are our pilots aboard yet?" T'Less twisted to get the ensign in view. The quicker they could escape the Rotarran and this particularly-deleterious part of the Azure, the better. Self-evidently.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: trevorvw on August 28, 2018, 10:00:00 PM
[ Lt. Kai Akoni | Deflector Control | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @CanadianVet @Jm Von Cat @patches @Top Hat @Auctor Lucan

Kai had been taking potshots at the remaining Klingons but having no luck in doing anything of substance. He had been alternating between shooting at the Klingons and ducking down to avoid being shot himself. As he took cover again, the door nearest him suddenly opened agressively as the exo-suited security people entered the room as quickly as the door had opened and they came in firing.

The cavalry finally showed!, Kai thought as he popped out of cover to lay down some fire on the Klingons, making sure to stay below the new arrivals line of fire. The room had been lit up with the bright flashes of both disruptor and phaser blasts. He managed to hit one Klingon dead centre of the chest all the while the new arrivals took out the other Klingons.

Just as quickly as it had started, it finished. The crewmembers in exo-suits made sure the room was clear before one of them called the bridge to let them know that deflector control was indeed secure.

Kai approached one of the exo suited people and prepared to hand his phaser to her. He had figured that they wouldn't trust him, and since he wasn't a Theurgy officer, he wasn't technically allowed to be armed.

As he extended his hand with the phaser in it towards the PO2, handle first, he spoke to her.

"PO, since I'm not supposed to be armed, here you are" as he put the handle of the phaser into her hand. 

Kai sighed and looked around the room, "Thanks for saving my ass folks!"
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Havenborn on August 29, 2018, 10:01:08 AM
[[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Cockpit | AC-307 Mark-II Valkyrie “Hellcat”] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @Doc M., @Triage, @Triton, @Multificionado, Other Lone Wolves

Daniel could only grin as he watched his and Meony’s Hellbores do exactly what their name said, they bored right into the Rotarran and after a few moments they detonated and his sensors relayed back to him the information of the damage done.  It wasn’t as severe as he was hoping, his goal was the destruction of the Rotarran but he’d settle for her being damaged and likely unable to create a warp field; which would strand them here for awhile.  “Salvo, enemy Raider six degrees port-side.”  Knight said from behind him.  Daniel adjusted their course and sure enough there it was, all alone going to make a strafing run against the Sword.  Daniel smiled again, he was actually glad that no one could see him smiling.  “Be ready with mass drivers.”  Daniel said as he keyed up his pulse phaser cannons and opened fire in short bursts.  After a few moments and the enemy fighter attempting to lose him his shields popped and he watched as kinetic slugs hit the Raider and ripped it to pieces.

“Find me another target Knight.”  Daniel said as he heard the orders from Ravon to cover the Sword and begin landing.  He was still a few kilometers away from the Sword and there were still plenty of Raiders between him and the Sword.  “Raider at nine degrees starboard-side.”  Knight reported as Daniel turned the fighter towards the Raider and took aim.  He switched weapons to the micro-torpedoes and unleashed a full volley watching as they impacted and as the Raider attempted to turn around the shields flickered and Knight opened up with the mass drivers, Daniel smiled as he watched the Klingon ship get ripped to pieces.  “Two down, I’m detecting a third closing in on the hangar.”  Knight said as Daniel lined up his approach vector, this one would be cutting it close but his fighter was responding far better than it previously had.  The upgrades that had been done to it definitely were worth it.  He fired a mixed burst of pulse phaser and micro-torpedo at the third Klingon Raider but when its shields flickered it managed to juke away causing Daniel to try to re-establish a lock onto it for Knight to make the kill shot.  Daniel was already a quintuple-ace while Knight was only a double-ace, he was hoping that he’d be able to get Knight up to triple but this Raider crew didn’t seem to want to just roll over and die like the others.

Daniel managed to keep his fighter behind the Raider ultimately regaining a lock, he fired one more burst at the Raider and watched his micro-torpedoes impact, the Raider again managed to slip out of the target lock.  This time however Daniel engaged full thrust and began bearing down on the target, he was done playing games with the Klingons, they were going to die here and now and pay for their Chancellor’s ignorance.  He didn’t bother with locking onto the Raider this time as he had a pretty good idea of what the Raider was going to do.  “Knight give me hundred and ten percent power on the pulse phasers.”  He said as he got ever closer to the Klingon Raider, just a few more meters.  “One-ten power.”  Knight said from behind him and with that Daniel lit up the area around the Klingon Raider watching as it attempted to juke away again only to be caught in the burst of pulse phaser fire that rained down upon it, its shields flickered and died and Daniel emptied the remaining micro-torpedo magazine into the Raider causing massive damage to it, but another Raider appeared and began firing at Daniel saving his comrade but withdrawing from the fight as well.

Daniel juked his own fighter and disengaged from the fight.  As much as he wanted to keep going he needed to land as well so he turned his fighter back towards the Sword and upon seeing that he and Ravon were the only two fighters left out in space he engaged full thrust again and after a few short minutes he adjusted his fighter for its landing vector and as he crossed the force-field he saw what could only be described as a battlefield in the hangar bay.  “Out of the fire and into another.”  Knight said behind him.  “Indeed, take over the landing sequence, and toss me your pistol.”  Daniel said, it had been quite some time since he had used two pistols at once but the muscle memory should still be there.  Dual wielding two sidearms wasn’t very common and truth be told Daniel didn’t like it but when you needed to be mobile and need to put shots downrange fast there was no better way than to dual wield.  Daniel felt Knight tap his shoulder with his pulse phase pistol and he took it as he handed control of the landing sequence over to him.  He did a scan of the FAB and detected a single Klingon signature; he uploaded the target to his HUD so that he could track him, it seemed like he had taken a position that was covered well but gave him enough space to take shots at pilots attempting to land.  “Scratch landing, I’m opening the cockpit, stay inside until that Klingon is dealt with.”  Daniel said as he opened the cockpit hatch and taking a breath he jumped from the cockpit down, tucked and rolled and then began running as he heard hatch shut behind him.

The Klingon definitely noticed him and took a shot, he narrowly missed Daniel by an inch and Daniel could feel the heat from the disruptor and he traced the source, he raised both pulse phase pistols and unleashed a flurry of shots, he doubted any of these shots would actually hit the Klingon but at the very least he could keep him pinned or make him break from cover and expose himself so someone else could make the kill shot.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Nolan on August 29, 2018, 11:07:30 AM
[ Lt. Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Azure Nebula -> Fighter Assault Bay |  U.S.S. Theurgy Vector 2 | Heart of the Azure Nebula ] Attn: @NPCs,  @Triton , @Havenborn , @Triage , @Multificionado , @Auctor Lucan , @Blue Zephyr  & @Masorin

The contested space around the Sword began to annoy Ravon as his fighter barreled over the ventral side he could see the fighters return to the fighter bay as the last pockets of Klingon fighters were scrambling back to the Rotarran. Some of them tried their luck still and those who crossed the path of Ravon were met by phaser hails and microtorpedoes. One particular raider seemed to disobey the retreat order as it hung on Ravon's tail. The SCO looked over his shoulder and grinned as a one to one fight was always interesting.

He lead him towards the fighter assault bay and pushed his thrusters up to the limit as their dogfight began fully. For some reason, the three headed crew seemed adamant on taking down this particular fighter. 'Were SCO's meant to be this hounded for?' Thomas thought to himself as he pushed his fighter towards the hull of the second vector. He pulled up just in front of it, making a barrel roll once more which somehow yet effectively brought him on the aft section of the raider. "Good night..." he smiled as his phasers opened up and four microtorpedoes were fired in rapid succession. The explosion could probably be felt to the decks closest to the ship hull yet proved no further damaged.

As the rest of the assailants had seemed to peeled off, he lined his ship for landing and came in at high speed. He knew Sten always hated it when he did so as he'd probably graze over the beloved flight deck and cause minor damages. He had however picked up chatter during his final engagement about Klingons in the bay. He hadn't been able to respond to them yet both Rawley as Allessia had called out to him that Tancredi was in critical condition. He had wondered why they hadn't just beamed her over to Sickbay or called for medical support.

His ship landed into the hangar bay and he could see the sporadic firing of the remaining wolves. His shields powered down and the engines were left on idle as he watched the scenario before him. It took him two seconds to assess the situation before he saw the position Daniel was firing at. He scanned the well fortified position first and identified that well concealed Klingon marksman.

"Heads up, danger close." he simply said through the comms which would inform the remaining people still on the fighter bay deck. His twin drivers rotated to the position as he licked his teeth. With an ear deafening bang his twin mount turrets fired one round each into the position. Sten would probably kill him for firing the heavy ordinance inside the ship, but at least the situation would be dealt with. He powered down his fighter after the debris and smoke cleared up, seeing nothing more of the Klingon on the scans either.

"Ghost and Angel, grab Meony and drag her to somewhere more safe. Keep trying to get medical on the line and provide first aid." he instructed as his canopy opened up and he placed his helmet in his seat. "Salvo, Knight and Lance, fan out and secure the bay. I don't want to have any more welcome home surprises." he ordered as he grabbed his own rifle from the cockpit and powered it up to stun. He tapped his combadge through the flight suit "Henshaw, Razor here, all remaining fighters are accounted for. We're ready when you guys are. Be advised, we neutralized Klingon boarders in the fighter assault bay and we have a pilot in need of urgent medical attention."

He gazed over the rest of the bay before looking over at the empty slots. The sense of rage and defeat coursing through him as he tightened the hold on his pulse rifle. He started to move towards his office, checking if there was anyone else there. His mind wondering where all the deckhands were or where Covington was in all of this.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 29, 2018, 04:59:00 PM
[ Junior Lieutenant Jovela ( | Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @patches @Top Hat @Triton
Jovela had thought, for a moment, that she was about to die. In fact, she was not entirely sure she was still alive.

The Klingons had appeared in the entrance to the ICU, levelling their disruptor rifles at them. Her idle thought, before she'd closed her eyes, was how they could call it honourable to kill the unarmed and the injured? She had accepted her fate, standing right there in their sights of their weapons, and she had closed her eyes, hoping Elro Kobol  could get behind cover in time. She reckoned that after being shot before, spending over a month in stasis, and getting attacked by the Devoted twice, that her luck had finally run out. She was overdue, and given the experiences so far aboard the Theurgy, perhaps it was a relief to leave everything behind?

She heard the first discharge from the Klingons, and the flash made her blink and look. What she saw, she could hardly credit, but she was still standing, and still there.

Then, she spotted the pilot lying on the deck plating before her, dressed in an exosuit, and smoking from his chest. It was one of the new Lone Wolves, the callsign there on his suit. Fury. She had been treating him since he was beamed in. Now, he was groaning, and numb instinct made her crouch down to him - making the Klingons miss her again. Something in her mind kicked in then, and she hardly recognised it. Anger. White hot anger. Indeed. Fury. It was her patient. She was Risian, but these were her patients. Scowling, she took the pulse phase pistol from the Lone Wolf's fingers and screamed, beginning to fire back at the Klingons.

To her surprise, the Klingons had turned away from her, and begun to fire back into the hallway. So, she ended up riddling the one still in the doorway to the ICU with stun bolts. She just couldn't stop shooting, ascending above of her high tolerance, and remembering Drauc T'Laus teachings. She'd asked him to train her to defend herself, and she found herself deciding to make him proud, right then and there. She might only have been given two training sessions, but at that point, something had snapped inside her. "Get out!"

She could hear a voice from somewhere, addressing the new doctor aboard. [Taer to Doctor Kobol . What's your situation?]

Jovela couldn't look away, instead moving to take cover behind a biobed along with the rest of the staff and patients. She ended up next to Doctor Taer, who replied to the voice. "This is Kobol , I am sensing three remaining Klingons!" said the Betazoid, "There is still one inside here, behind a biobed, but the other two must be outside. I can sense them moving away... We're fine, or as fine as we can be, thank you. How... are you?"

Clearly, the Doctor was even more unused to combat than Jovela was. She spoke up, through Kobol 's combadge. "We have a phaser, but some help would really be appreciated. Just don't let the other two get away!" she called, worried what they might do in the rest of sickbay. Then, she began to fire stun bolts towards the biobed that Kobol  indicated, holding the Klingon in position. As grateful as she was for the phaser, and for him saving her life, she hoped the Lone Wolf was okay...

That was when she heard a stampede of running people. Was it more Klingons? She hoped not...

OOC: The arriving people from the emergency entrance is Beta Team, of course.

Another post coming up! Stay tuned. :)
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 29, 2018, 06:00:23 PM
[ Dr. Nicander ( | Temporary Holding Cell | Security Center | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: All
When gazing into the abyss for too long, Lucan felt himself being absorbed by it, and how the sinister whispers of the thing inside grew louder. Still, he couldn't keep himself from gazing through the eyes of the other host on the Klingon ship. He saw Vector 2 diving to port, evading both the hail of incoming torpedoes and the disruptor cannonade. They had listened! The joy was fleeting, since it hardly discouraged the Klingons from just continuing to fire at the Theurgy. As a mere spectator, he couldn't aid further, and yet he lingered, just so that he could make sure they could use what he'd told them.

Then, he was jarred out of his far-seeing by the noise of Maya being struck to the deck by a security officer. Abrubtly yanked back to reality, or rather the room his own body occupied, his pale grey eyes widened at the sight. The security officer had his rifle up, and was about to shoot him. His mind was not completely out of the darkness he had visited upon, and the ire that ignited over Maya being struck down was such a raw emotion... that the parasite could fuel the fire.

"You imbecile!" he thundered, his voice imbued by the parasite's touch, and his eyes lit up with white fire. He struck out with his hand, purely by defensive reflex, channeling air through his zi'naaq. The result was like a giant fist had struck the one with the rifle, along with the two that wore exosuits. They flew backwards, the one without the suit loosing his rifle. He had opened the floodgates, and he couldn't stop his anger over Maya, this Vulcan that had protected him despite what he'd done to her. The nameless darkness animated his movements, the incentive aligned enough with the host's, and before he could restrain himself, Lucan leapt unto the security officers.

The thing inside wanted to crack some eggs, and see the yolk pour out. Desperately, Lucan tried to stop it... to find composure.

But all he could see was what happening on the Klingon ship, and he couldn't completely tear himself away.

[ N'Garen, daughter of Tse'Dek, ( | Bridge | Negh'Var Heavy Carrier IKC Rotarran | Azure Nebula ] Attn: All
Festering madness competed with the rationality of the Klingon host, and N'Garen remained focused on her task, even though she wanted nothing rather than feast on Martok's remaining eye, and toy with him whilst he was blind.

The setbacks on the Rotarran wasn't helping either. She snarled, baring her fangs, and readied another volley since the last one had missed. For a moment, she had thought she'd... sensed someone else inside her. It was a fleeting feeling, and in the middle of battle, she could not focus on the sensation. She was just about to execute her next firing sequence, when the Sword gave them a broadside unlike any she'd seen before. She was thrown off her feet, landing on the deck of the Rotarran's bridge. No one except Martok remained composed after such a hit, and she was bleeding from her temple when she climbed back to her station, sparks raining over her all the way up. "They fired right through our shields, Chancellor!"

"Impossible!" roared Martok, coughing from the smoke that whirled around them.

"We have lost the port nacelle! Yet the Theurgy's shields are depleted too!" continued N'Garen.

"Then fire everything we'v-"

Martok trailed off.

"Chancellor`?" N'Garen raised her eyes.

In contrary to what she was seeing, and the shock on her face, she found herself smiling inside.

[ Dr. Nicander ( | Temporary Holding Cell | Security Center | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: All
Cradling Maya in his lap, Lucan was stroking her hair - his tattooed hands bleeding from the knuckles.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, finding it strange how blurry the sight of her face had become. "I tried. I am sorry."

In front of him lay the twisted bodies of the three security guards, blood leaking out of the joints of the exosuits. There was shouting outside the temporary holding cell, but Lucan couldn't be bothered. Maya had defended him, believed in him, and for what? If he could find redemption in her eyes, after all he had put her through, he had hoped others would as well. Now, it was clear. He remained a monster, unable to overcome his own nature. Heather was gone, so he couldn't hope for her to restore him any more. He'd seen her die, along with the rest of the crew on the Versant.

"I'm so sorry," was all he could mumble.

The eyes of the host still plagued him, even if the visions were receeding. Before they did, however, he saw something that made him lift his eyes from Maya. Just like N'Garen raised her eyes on the Rotarran, Lucan gazed upon the shape that had dropped out of warp.

It was a Borg cube, and he knew what it meant.

The invasion was nigh.

"No," he said, clenching his jaw, shaking his head. His face was contorted in grief. "Not in this cycle too... please..."

The massive bulk of the cube passed over the two combatant ships, dwarfing them both in their feeble struggle. Like an eagle passing over two mice fighting over a bit of cheese, it flew by above them. Fortunately enough, it didn't seem the least interested in the two damaged ships. Instead, it just flew above them, and emitted a blue beam towards its own heading. It struck something in the heart of the nebula, and a massive aperture opened for it. There was neither pause or doubt in the course set by the immense cube, as it continued through the opening it had created.

And just like that...

...the aperture closed behind it.

They are coming, thought Lucan numbly as he stroked Maya's matted hair. Tomorrow.

And N'Garen was arming the Rotarran's weapons again, for she knew it too.

OOC: *grins* Seven days of posting for all begins today, and there is no suggested posting order! Here's the bridge crew: [Show/Hide]
Here are the characters in the Fighter Assault Bay and the Lone Wolves Squadron: [Show/Hide]
Main Sickbay & Security Center: [Show/Hide]
Again, as previously stated about the current situation, please notice how five hours have passed since the earlier events in this Chapter and 2300 hrs, which was the present time when the scene began. These five hours are, of course, still available for everyone to use in setting up their own Supplemental threads. The naming convention for such threads belonging to Chapter 04 is still: CH04: S [DXX|YYYY] Insert Title. These should also be posted in the Part 1 board of Epsiode 05!
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: BZ on August 29, 2018, 06:54:46 PM
[CPO Eun Sae Ji | Weapons Storage Room | Fighter Assault Deck | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]
@Auctor Lucan @Masorin @Nolan

He spoke.  He was all right.  A gush of air left her lungs in a great move.  She had been worried, there was so much in here.  They needed a better system for storing all this shit when this was over with.  Her eyes searched his lovely blue eyes, but her eyes were unfocused and occasionally would just dart over to another side because she was having trouble concentrating on any one thing.

He asked a question, she reminded herself.

“I can't think.” she admitted, it was hard for her to even get those words together, her vision was swimming from time to time.  Her eyes dripped tears, and the warmth of her own blood slid around her neck to her collar bone where it worked it's way down her chest with small droplets as she continued to bleed out from the back of her head.

She had no idea where Sithick had come from.  But, the Gorn was a welcome sight.  Ji's wide brown eyes were a bit dazed, a bit far off looking really.  But, that wasn't going to stop her from helping Liam.  She was glad that he was there, the Gorn, because she wasn't entirely sure that she could move the emitter off of Liam on her own.  She would have put all her effort into it though, because this was Liam.  Whatever may have transpired and yet not exactly been fixed between them she didn't want to see any harm come to the man.  Whether he wanted them to be out in the open or not there was little she could do to sway him.  She understood the grounds of being professional and she understood the fear of Sten.  However, she was not wanting to let one asshole determine her life.

Sithick's gruff voice snapped her out of her thoughts.  Sort of, her mind was in and out and focusing on two thoughts at once seemed like a really piss poor idea at the moment.  He told her to secure the neck, and it took a moment for all the words to sink in.  But while Sithick worked on getting the weight off of Liam and his leg, she slid up to his head and carefully placed her hands gently on his head so that he wouldn't turn it.  She cupped his cheeks gently and held him so that he was looking up at her.  Tears welled in her eyes.  She didn't like him being hurt, and hated the fact that the last thing they had done had been fighting about their very new relationship.

Suddenly, large hands came around her own neck, and she looked up to see the large Gorn.  He was huge, massive.. probably was a better word.  Much taller and larger than her.  He supported her own neck and lay her down next to Laim.  Asking who she was.  It took her a moment to find her words.  Her mouth worked slowly but it didn't want to actually make the sounds.  Her brain was struggling on even the simplest of tasks, and she felt like she could use another puke.

“J..j....Ji.” she finally got out on the third try.

She heard a transport beam and looked over, eyes only, and spied the color teal.  “L..Li..Liam” she tried though she was fairly certain that didn't make any sense what so ever.  She heard something else, sounded like Klingon.  She couldn't quite wrap her head around that.  Another officer...?  Her eyes shifting around like a crazed person as she tried to get some information without actually moving her head.  Not that she could with Sithick holding her in place.  His hands dwarfed her head with their massive size.  She swallowed heavily as Liam said something about protecting her. 

Her eyes stopped moving. 

Protect?  Wait... but.... people are.... things went.....

She struggled to think.  Her eyes began to grow heavy.  She was tired, so tired, and panic was starting to set in.  Then there was the doctor, some one.  Trill.  But, she wasn't sure what her name was.  Ji had only really had any experience with Nicander and that was the kind of experience she didn't need to be having right now.  She worked on Liam first, thank goodness.  The young woman was glad that he wouldn't bleed out.  Whatever work needed to happen probably wouldn't be done right now, but Ji was not going to be as worried.  If he was in the hands of medical that was all that was important, truly.

She called me girl.  That's no … that's bad.  Bad officer, bad!

Ji's eyes swung up to Rez again.  “J... uh.. J... Ji.” she got out around her mouth and her heavy eyes.  The woman began to probe the back of her head and the pain lanced thought back into her brain for the moment.  She hoped that Sithick could hold his own against the Klingon's at least for the moment.  Afterall, Ji would be willing to help if she could, soon, if this woman would quit fucking with her head and just fix her up already. 

The woman asked what they had been doing down here together.  Ji didn't think she could answer that question, other than discussing their future, she wasn't sure that it was all that important.  And it surely had no actual bearing on how to treat the both of them.  Liam needed some serious treatment and getting her brain back to working would be good for all of them.  She swallowed heavily, the pain lessened with the hypo and with the melding of the skin on the back of her head.  That helped a lot.  She wasn't unused to pain but there were moments it was just not helpful.

Right now was one of them.

“I go... gotta get back to the d... to the t.. um... the deck.” she said as she worked on sitting up.  Her stomach heaved but, again, it was empty and there was nothing there.  She didn't have time to get rest or lay down.  The more she moved the better she was going to be.  The better she would not fall asleep anyway, she knew enough to know sleeping during a concussion was about the worst thing you could do.

“Th... uh... the.. “ she winced, she didn't like her words today, her brain and her mouth were not communicating properly today.  “Thanks.. uh... Du.. Doc.. Nic.  Maybe?  Tacos?  Rainbow … Cat.. Parsnips Went to the Sea.”  she said and blinked a moment.  That wasn't what she meant to say.  Her eyes were drooping, one of her pupils had dilated substantially.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Triage on August 29, 2018, 08:46:12 PM
[ Ens. Cameron Henshaw ( | Battle Bridge | Deck 01 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @chXinya, @steelphoenix, @Top Hat, @trevorvw & @Firefox013
It was hard not to twist her head around to look at the main screen, to see what was happening. But Cameron's primary duty was to oversee the strategic overlay of the Lone Wolves adjacent to their proximity and mission parameters per flight. Once all fighters had been engaged with the Rotarran and its own fighters, the Yeoman had her hands full with alerting Thomas Ravon of new updates fed from all the fighters to her Flight Operations screen and console. The data flow giving her new updates by the micro-seconds and she had scant seconds to process the data before sharing it to whomever it was relevant to share with.

She felt strained and exhausted just performing data-relay and strategic updates, but she was also fighting to keep on her feet once the Klingon flagship started doing considerable damage to the shields. Gripping a convenient handlebar near her console, she braced her knees in an awkward position, which helped her to keep steady where she stood, her other hand was clapped over an ear, so she could hear Thomas and the other fighters as they communicated. While they were in mission mode, it helped to reduce audio chatter as much as possible. As it was the bridge was rife with frantic conversation and orders or relaying of information, it had the young woman perpetually frowning as she struggled to stay in control of her end of tasks. She tuned out anything else that wasn't relevant. No use panicking over the fact that they were being boarded and the lives of friends being put at risk.

A violent explosion forced her to her knees and she turned when she heard the strained groan of metal losing cohesion and structural integrity. When she heard him cry out, Cameron saw to her horror, Keval, most certainly dead under the pile of debris from what was once part of the ceiling as she got back on her feet. A single tear found it's way down her cheek as she glanced at the main screen, seeing the Rotarran, seemingly calm, delivering indifferent punishment towards the Sword. “Bastard!” was all she could spare in a soft curse at Martok and his crew, before she turned back to listen to Thomas Ravon and provide his Tactical Display with the newest Raider positions and the Rotarran's.

After giving the recall order, she watched as the surviving Wolves frantically make a fighting retreat, unloading everything they had before hightailing for the Sword's Launch Bay. She updated the systems and Operations stations to lower the Hangar Bay shields once Meony, the first fighter to make a landing approach, was drawing close. She briefly picked up chatter of Klingon boarders and she heard Jaya's query as to whether all the fighters were on board yet, followed shortly by T'Less, as the rest of the remaining squadron made their way in. “Stand by!” she snapped as she watched Daniel and Thomas make their way in. Privately she willed them to hurry the blazes up, and as Thomas spoke, she turned and said, “All fighters accounted for and docked!”

The living ones anyway.

She then turned back to reply to Thomas, “Acknowledged, commander. Good job. Alerting medical. Be advised, there are other boarders, some of whom attacked the sickbay.” That could cause delays in the arrival of medical personnel, assuming they weren't critically injured themselves. Klingons were mean and brutal, to put it nicely.

She quickly updated the data for the situation with the Klingon boarders and added to T'Less, “Sir, boarders in the FAB have been neutralized. Reports of injuries, some severe, are coming in.”
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Doc M. on August 30, 2018, 03:14:26 AM
[ Tessa May Lance, callsign:  Goldeneye (,_callsign_%22Goldeneye%22) | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan, @Auctor Lucan, @Havenborn, @Multificionado, @Even Angels Cry, @Jm Von Cat , @Blue Zephyr, @Masorin@Triage.

She tripped.  Her foot caught on the rim of the cockpit and she had tripped, and tumbled ass over teakettle out of her fighter and onto the deck.  And that was the precise moment the Klingon boarder had fired.  If she hadn’t been so clumsy she would probably be dead.  Now she was hiding her under her Valkyrie, lying flat on the deck and trying to keep her body from trembling as she sought situational awareness so she could take some action, whether it was repelling boarders, rallying with squadmates, or fleeing like a coward. 

It was no use.  Flashbacks of the violence when Dor'GhItlh Squadron attacked the fighter bay last month, roaring into the hangar with their fighter’s guns a blazing.  The sight of shipmates slaying shipmates, packmates killing packmates:  did that really happen just two weeks ago?  Dimly Tessa recalled Sten Covington’s tales of Klingon boarding parties during the brief Federation-Klingon War nine years ago.  Poppa Bear had described the glee of the Klingons who had chafed under the restrictions of peace, finally free to attack and kill just as they had been bred and trained to do.  She heard the cries of Evelyn Rawley and the hissing of thrusters as more and more fighters entered the fighter bay.  She heard the clang of metal on metal and Alessia’s animal grunts as she fought in close quarters combat like a character in a holonovel based on the works of Robert E. Howard.  Finally she some good news from her helmet’s comm gear.

"This is Angel. Landed. Scratched one more bandit."

It was possible to fight back!  That glimmer of hope was the inspiration Tessa needed to help her packmates instead of hiding under her fighter and waiting for the bad guys to find her.  She squirmed awkwardly on the deck as she extracted the combat tricorder hidden in a slender compartment on her outer thigh.  Now to find out where the Klingons were and where they were shooting from. 

Let’s see… The closest Klingon was… right in front of her???

She looked up from her tricorder to see the familiar but ridiculous spiked boots of a Klingon warrior.  She was then pulled out from under her Valkyrie by a large ruddy hand in a fingerless black glove.  She was face to face with a crimson faced Klingon whose hostile visage conveyed contempt rather than naked aggression.  He was both disgusted and disappointed as his fingers closed on her windpipe. 

It was a surprise when he released her, allowing Tessa to tumble backwards into her fighter.  Sten Covington had come up behind the Klingon and seized him, putting one hand behind the head and another on the neck before twisting the intruders head sharply to the right, snapping his neck in the process. 

As the Klingon fell to the deck with his lolling head facing his rear instead of his front, the six foot four inch (1.93 meter) chief of the deck crouched to provide less of a target and said “Are you all right?”

“P-poppa Bear!” Tessa stammered.  "W-where did you come from?”

“Were do yuh think?” he grimaced as he and Tessa crouched low as Alessia and Evelyn shot at the Klingons and Salvo’s and Razor's fighters entered the hangar bay.  “I’ve been keepin’ my head down and trying to get my people out of harm’s way!  I’ve got most of my people to the turbolifts; I just came back to find anybody I missed!”

Daniel Haverborn opened his cockpit and fired a pistol shaped phaser at a Klingon who had managed to get behind a number of storage drums and a torpedo loading dolly.  When Razor secured his landing gear to the deck he took the simple expedient of firing the two dual-mass driver semi-automated turrets into the Klingon’s position and negating the threat in a heartbeat.

The outburst from the deck chief was almost more frightening than the intruders.  “Razor!” Sten roared as he rose to his intimidating height.  “Damn you Thomas!  Save something for the enemy to break!  Damn you!”

“Poppa Bear, get down,” Tessa implored him as she pulled gently on his arm to get him to crouch down behind her fighter.  “You’re too big of a target.”

Sten sat on the deck with his back leading against her Valkyrie, bent his legs and clutched at his forehead with both hands.  “Damn it Razor…” he muttered.

Before she could say anything, Tessa heard the sound of Thomas Ravon’s voice calling across the hangar bay:  "Ghost and Angel, grab Meony and drag her to somewhere more safe. Keep trying to get medical on the line and provide first aid." he instructed as his canopy opened up and he placed his helmet in his seat. "Salvo, Knight and Lance, fan out and secure the bay. I don't want to have any more welcome home surprises."

Tessa gulped as she picked up her combat tricorder and extracted a tiny type one hand phaser from a slender compartment on her exosuit’s hip.  “Later Poppa, gotta go,” she said before she stood up and tapped her combadge.  “Roger that, Razor; I’m on my way.”

OOC:  Sorry for the late post but I've completely lost spatial awareness in this scene.  Where is everybody?  Where are the Klingons?  Is that the last of them or are there more?
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: chXinya on August 30, 2018, 05:36:14 AM
[Lt. Commander Wenn Cinn | Battle Bridge | Deck 8 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]

The battle outside was nothing compared to the storm raging inside of the Sword’s commander.  A part of him beamed with pride as his crew acted without the need for orders, anticipating what was needed and executing on their own initiative.  Still secure in his seat as Jaya reacted faster than he could get an order out, Cinn’s stomach slammed into his throat when the ship suddenly pitched straight up, their impulse thrust carrying them up and over the torpedo barrage Lucan warned them about.  It was such an amazing move that he could forgive her from the outbursts, though he might have to have a word with the helmswoman over the use of such racist terminology.  The cut on her arm was a cause for concern as well.

As soon as the inertial dampeners had caught up to their wild maneuvers Commander Wenn’s hands let go of his chair’s armrests returning the usual dark color to his knuckles.  Please tell me we didn’t just send one of the Wolves into a bulkhead… he prayed to the Prophets, and the lack of screaming from Henshaw’s console told him that they’ve avoided that catastrophe.  Just before the bracing climb, Lt. T'Less threw out a reply to Commander Kaeris about his earlier suggestion and as the Rotarran rose back into the viewscreen Cinn could add his own.  “Get to work on those internal sensors refinements Commander, I want those Klingons found and isolated quickly."  Momentarily distracted like that, another part of Cinn begged to hand the bridge over to Tovarak so that he could join his security teams, but his job was here now.  “What did you have in mind Lieutenant?”

The Vulcan answered in actions, simply tapping a button after working in tandem with Jaya to present their flank to the Rotarran.  His Bajoran heart flew into his throat, the Klingon’s weapons couldn’t miss at this range, not with a target that big.  T'Less’s plan became apparent and bore fruit before Martok could take advantage, and it was a work of beauty.  Every phaser bank that had a line on the Rotarran punched right through the shields, the other half of Lucan’s message coming into play.  Focusing on the port wing, the nacelle was quickly torn apart.  Martok was quick to answer to that however, the disruptor barrage resumed in full as his warp coils turned to slag and the Sword’s shields failed almost instantly.  The disruptors stopped a moment later, bringing an eerie quiet to the Bridge.

“Henshaw, what’s the status on our fighters?”  He was the third to ask that of her, but they needed to know now.  Thankfully the Prophets were still with them as Cameron quickly announced that all of the surviving Wolves were on board.  “Helm, get us out of here, best possible…”

“Sir, there’s a new ship dropping out of warp!” Someone called out.  Before Cinn could demand some identification it moved past the bloodied ships, floating into the viewscreen’s field.  Rising in shock, Cinn visibly paled.  Ignoring them both, the giant cube few right on by, bathing one of the apertures Okafor had found in some blue energy, unlocking the tunnel.  Without pausing, the Borg disappeared into subspace and was gone.  His pagh shivered in fear at the sight, his rational mind struggling to fight back the primal urges to flee.  He was about to re-hail the Rotarran, the proof they needed just waltzed right in front of the Chancellor’s eye, but the fact that Lucan could see what Martok’s ship was doing meant that one of them was on board.  As battered as they were they couldn’t afford to let the parasites take advantage of their weakness.

“Jaya, take us to Rendezvous Point 3, maximum warp.  Afterwards, go see about your wound.”

Settling back into his chair once again, Cinn looked over at Okafor and Vael.  “Go over every byte of data the sensors picked up about how the Borg opened that aperture.  Pull anyone you need to to figure out how they did it.  Commander Ducote.”  He turned to face the security station.  “As soon as the boarding parties are secure I’d like to meet with you and Lt. Tovarek in my ready room.”
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Firefox013 on August 30, 2018, 07:29:36 AM
[ Ensign Jaya Thorne | Battle Bridge | Deck 01 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]
Attn: bridge crew.

Jaya groaned and tried her best to get the ship in position as requested then blinks, eyes going wide as they somehow quite literally shredded a warp nacelle clean off the IKC Rotarran. “Wow! Nice one!” she commented, the ships still shaking from weapons fire. She started feeling dizzier and less focused for a moment but shoot it off, re-aiming the ship to get them out of there then her jaw dropped.

She heard Cameron stating something else had come into view and it wasn’t just some other ship. What they saw on the screen, looming over them was a big honking BORG CUBE. “Holy crap! They are here!” She said, hands on her console, ready to dodge if need be. It was not necessary, the cube simply kept going as both the Sword and the Rotarran sat there, the Borg seemingly not giving any sort of care that a fight was happening right outside their hub.

When She got the word that every fighter was back, she groaned softly, shivering a bit as she reached for her console, hearing the order from their CO. “Y-yes sir, course set… B-best speed!”  Replied the young woman as she slammed her hand on the console, with an audible hum followed by a slight acceleration feeling as the overtaxed dampeners took a little to fully counter the augmentation of speed, the Sword took off at warp, leaving the IKC Rotarran in it’s space dust.

Jaya took a deep breath, smiling a bit as she deactivated her harness, slowly trying to stand. “We’re underway sir… I think I’ll… got to medical now.” She spoke while breathing laboriously and tried to walk to the Turbolift only to faint. Her eyes rolled back as she groaned weakly, legs buckling, hair coming unpinned and flying behind her as her hairpin broke during her fall. She hit the deck with an audible thud, arms splayed out, legs half bent, face sideways against the deck with blood leaking form her head wound onto the gravity plating.

The reason for her loss of consciousness became soon apparent, a half charred cut, unseen as it came from damage hidden under her console, ran along a leg, her blood loss was somewhat more severe than just her arm and she had toughed out a whole fight, probably running on pure adrenaline and her sense of duty, that or she had a lot more of the dad’s pig headed stubborn streak in her than she thought. She groaned softly, semi-regaining consciousness after hitting the deck. “Mmmmh… nghrrhhh I…” She panted softly, in obvious pain. “I’m…sorry.” She said before the abyss once again took her and she passed out completely.

OOC NOTE: She isn't dead or going to die, she is hurt but isn't too badly off considering and i'm hoping shes only out for a few days what with the medical prowess Starfleet has.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Auctor Lucan on August 30, 2018, 09:29:04 AM
[ Lt. Tyreke Okafor ( | Battle Bridge | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: All
Not sure he was all present, Tyreke heard the orders he was given, but the sight of that Borg cube slowly passing overhead had thrown him off, and he was late to react. "Aye, Captain," he said quietly, about to go over the sensor readings they had managed to make at the of the battle. But when he heard Jaya Thorne fall to the deck, he looked around, seeing the helm unmanned and the woman from the Black Opal unconscious. His brown eyes darted around the bridge, seeing someone else go to Thorne. "Mawo... Who's at the wheel?"

The relief CONN officer was no-where in sight, likely in medical as well, and Okafor was closest to take the CONN. He had Academy training, no more, but until there was someone else available, he did as bridge training had taught him and took a seat, confident Vael Kaeris could handle the science station. As soon as he sat down, however, he would realise that he was in over his head.

"We're loosing velocity," he said, or at least that's what he understood from the controls, "Warp 6... Warp 5... The controls say... I think there is something wrong with the starboard nacelle. We're... evening out at warp 4,2. Captain, if we can't go faster, we won't make it to the Rendevouz in time."


Okafor couldn't believe it. He had to check the sensor readings in the edge of the viewscreen to verify. "Tactical, please verify... but I think we have company. I think... it's Phantom raiders in pursuit, and they are faster than us!" They were clearly not out of the woods yet, and Okafor did not feel equal to the task of flying the Sword in combat. Eyes wide, he glanced towards Nator, to see if she could do something about their speed, but Okafor feared that the Klingons had seen the marks of damage to their starboard nacelle since the battle against the Versant, and targeted it specifically.

Rapidly, the remaining six Raiders from the broken Rotarran were closing in on the Sword, and they still hadn't any shields.

Of course, they still had phasers, and Okafor could but hope T'Less could do something before those Raiders dropped their hardpoints. He was so caught up, seeing those weapon signatures and how the Raiders closed the distance... that he almost didn't catch the new signature on the screens.

"We are on a collision course with something!" he said, eyes wide. Then he saw the signature, and he did a double take.

"It's the Allegiant!"

[ Lieutenant Masuda Yukimura ( | Bridge | USS Allegiant NX-80978 ] Attn: @Griff @Fife @Masorin @Numen @Multificionado @lisavw @Triton @trevorvw
When emergency warp speed wasn't enough, you knew you were in a hurry.

"Martin," said Masuda Yukimura, having been told by Eboh about the situation as far as they could determine it on sensors, and already asked t'Jellaieu to set an intercept course. "Protect the Sword. Fire at will!"

The Allegiant was fitted with Defiant-grade pulse phasers, and while Yukimura hadn't thought they'd come to any use during their reckon mission, it seemed he'd been wrong. There were a lot of questions, about why the Klingons were chasing Captain Wenn's ship, but they had only gotten to where they were by following the Borg cube that had followed the same warp trail that the tactical cube had left behind before its destruction. It was clearly the way to go if they were to learn how the Borg had entered the nebula. Only as soon as Eboh had announced what he'd detected, they had set a new course. After all, the ion trail would remain fresh for quite some time.

"t'Jellaieu! After the first pass, swing us around and give chase to these Raiders. Pinch them between the Sword's phasers and our own." Masuda leaned back in his chair. As humorous as the situation might be, Masuda wasn't smiling. He took no pleasure in having to kill Klingons, even in the defence of his fellow crew. It was the Borg that he loathed,. He glanced at the rest of the people on the bridge, standing behind him - Ensign Six included.

"Eboh," he said, pushing the former drone from his thoughts, "could you please message the Sword? Keep it short. Just ask if they need a hand."
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Top Hat on August 30, 2018, 07:56:15 PM
[ Cmdr Ranaan Ducote | Battle Bridge | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @patches @CanadianVet @chXinya

Ranaan found his own tension levels rising in tandem with those of the crew around him, despite his reflexive barriers and general lack of familiarity. Vael, the last of his colleagues with him on the bridge, was a seeming oasis of calm amid the storm, and the hybrid selfishly leaned on the scientist for support from across the compartment. The Bactrican would never know.

On the upside, and about the only thing that seemed to be going relatively well, the number of Klingon intruders was diminishing with every passing moment. The fighter pilots landing in the bay were clearing their own back yard, and between Kai and an exosuit-led team at the deflectors, they were either swept or about to be. "Deck Thirteen, clear," he reported. "Ops, I'm dropping those forcefields. Fields on Sixteen free shortly."

"Acknowledged," came the curt response from the harassed Hermat across the bridge.

He flicked his display back to sickbay, still worried for Kobol  and the other Niger survivors down there. Kino's bunch (one wounded) were still there to pen the KDF boarders in from one end, and another team was coming up from the other end of the deck. He dropped the double-layered arrangement he'd set up there as he checked the field generator arrangement in their medical bay. As if on cue, Taer pinged his station - the Endeavour crew yet to have been granted the use of their commbadges again yet.

[Taer to Ducote. Two of them are trying to run. Lock down Sickbay.]

"Working... done," he replied, not in the least part troubled by acquiescing to what amounted to an order in the circumstance. He'd met officers - commissioned and otherwise - who would not accept any word but their own despite the better vantage offered by people in certain situations compared to a supervisory one. Ducote had many times been in Kino's position, and support that was given when requested was often essential to preserving lives. It was hard to imagine a scenario where that was more poignant than when the firefight in question was literally happening in the infirmary.

Force fields snapped into place at every exit hatch and crawlspace, keyed to admit passage only to Starfleet personnel. For better or worse, the remaining boarders there were now trapped inside with two (almost) entire teams of Security officers. He made sure he had a link to them to guide them in.

The mood on the bridge changed like the tide. Looking up, Ducote could plainly see why - and the sight made his blood alternate between running cold and boiling with a vengeful rage. The Borg.

He watched the display as they fired an energy beam into one of the apertures. "Kaeris; I want every kilobyte of data you can suck out of this thing's sensors," he barked, utterly forgetting that he wasn't on his own bridge any more in his need to know where that Cube was going.

And what they might bring back.

Wenn ordered them to warp. "... Commander Ducote," he said, pulling him out of his fugue. "As soon as the boarding parties are secure I'd like to meet with you and Lieutenant Tovarek in my ready room."

His jaw was beginning to hurt with how tightly clenched it was. Relaxing it, but still not quite trusting himself to speak, he simply nodded once.

There came a call from the Security Centre, concurrent with a new set of alerts - lifesign warnings from deployed staff. "Merda na minha- Bridge. Report."

[Nicander just killed three officers. Two exo's. He's gone back to the doc now, though.]

"She's a hostage?"

[Doesn't appear so, sir. He's, uh.. cradling her, sir. Honestly not sure what I could do about it if she were a hostage.]

Ducote blinked. He skimmed over the roster, frowning. Everyone was fuck-everywhere right now. "That's McArthur, right? Are you secure?"

[Yessir, on both counts. Brig is sealed.]

"Why wasn't he in a proper cell? And sedated as ordered?"

[Medical override on the latter, sir. The former we were getting to.]

He sighed quietly. "Alright, sit tight, Ensign. Cavalry's coming."

[Acknowledged; out.]

"Bremmer, Ducote. Get back to the brig - Nicander got excited and you're three men down. Sensors don't show him moving, but he has Doctor.. Maya with him. Hostage status unclear."
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Fife on August 30, 2018, 08:09:58 PM
[ CPO Ekon Okotie-Eboh | Bridge | USS Allegiant NX-80978 ] Attn: All

First they had encountered the Borg, then the Theurgy and the Asurians. Then they had stumbled upon a debris field containing the remains of eleven Starfleet vessels as well as those of a Borg tactical cube.  They had found a survivor, encountered two more Borg cubes, hid in a debris field littered with the corpses of their fellow Starfleet officers…

And now they found themselves facing off against Klingons.

It has been a strange week… Eboh thought to himself as Yukimura gave t’Jellaieu orders, the events of the last few days leaving his mind at a loss of any other description, inadequate though it may be. Then the Captain ordered him to contact the new vector of the Theurgy they had encountered and offer their assistance.

”Aye, sir.” Eboh acknowledged as he got to work at his console and keyed open an audio-only channel to the Vector.

”Sword, this is the USS Allegiant.” Eboh announced in his deep, accented voice over the comm line, ”Captain Yukimura wishes to know if you require assistance. What is your current status? Where do you need us?” That done, Eboh punched a command into the console muting the audio input form his end and waited for a reply from the Theurgy’s vector.

The fact that they were now engaging a Klingon vessel alongside another portion of a renegade Starfleet vessel, with a Borg cube moving away from the area, hardly surprised the CPO at this point. No... at this point, with how things had been going recently, it all just seemed par for the course. Maybe it was partially do to the fact that they were no longer under a direct threat of being assimilated. Perhaps that had taken the edge off his adrenaline.

A strange week… Eboh thought again, alternating his attention between monitoring the comm line for the Theurgy’s reply and glancing at the viewscreen to see the battle they had just stumbled upon unfolding.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Jm Von Cat on August 30, 2018, 08:36:12 PM
[ PO1 Varder Ridun ( | Security Center > Turbolift > Deflector Control | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy  | 2300 hrs. ] Attn: @patches @CanadianVet @trevorvw
The turbolift was packed, shoulder to shoulder in near sardine-like conditions. It was not designed specifically for the movement of security personnel in any large number, the Bajoran's thoughts flicked back towards the later years of the Cardasian occupation, the final battles where Freedom fighters had used near anything as transportation and were just as tightly packed as he was now.

His thoughts were beaten aside, the reports and requests from sickbay were clear and concerning. The ball had been dropped, someone with the bigger picture had missed a detail and now others were to pay for that mistake. Kino was already responding, altering the turbolifts destination en route to deck 13 when the voice of Ducote came through and issued orders to her action. The fact this man was giving orders was presently something Ridun ignored, save it for the Klingons he thought as a third of the team left the turbo.

As the lift regained its upward momentum to deck 13 Bremmer gave the order to one of fireteam 4's members to change the doors opening sequence from a slow movement to a rapid one, a smart call he made a note to remember. Her own orders to him were clear, he was second stick out after her and doubling left on her flank. His response was a muted nod as she continued to speak.

As he stood behind Bremmer, ready to move, he cast a glance back towards the officers behind him. The hud within his helmet identifying each individual by name as he focused on their faces one by one, taking in their expressions, getting a slight sense of whom they were. It was through experience that Ridun learned that most people about to see combat hide very little within their faces, within their eyes.

Then it came "Ready?  Steady... BREACH!"
The doors opening with surprising vigour and sound.
Bremmer's exo clad frame moving with speed, her weapon already raised, firing.
His own movements, right on her tail, cutting towards the left, firing on the down step in small burst.
The looming, yelling form of a Klingon before him, attempting to pull the phaser rifle from his grip.
The trigger squeezed as bolts of energy impact the warrior's leg, he stumbles, losing his grip.
Another officer behind Ridun sends more shots into the Warrior's form whose face contorts before he falls to the ground.
More movement, more combat, however brief. Seconds in total before the section was secured.

A glance backward from where the fighting had happened, revealed that the encounter had not been casualty free on their own part. An Andorian was down with a nasty looking shoulder wound, however, she was still conscious and doing her best to deal with the injury from the seated position she had against one of the ship's walls. Ridun directed his attention towards her as the others fanned out and Bremmer reported in, taking a knee beside the downed Andorian he began first aid application.

His attention from this self-appointed task was only briefly broken by a big man giving out a call of thanks while surrendering his armament to Bremmer, or at least attempting to do so.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Top Hat on August 30, 2018, 11:19:00 PM
[ Lt JG Nator 159 | Bridge | Deck 08 | The Sword ] @Auctor Lucan @Fife @Pilots

It was a struggle for the Hermat not to feel uncomfortable around this strange Vulcan. S/he felt as if s/he was supposed to know her, but even hir prosopamnesia was rebelling. S/he was certain that the tactical officer's face was supposed to be different, but s/he'd be damned if s/he could think how.

At least she stopped smiling. Creepy as shit.

While the Vector's shields were down, Nator focused on changing their structural integrity field to blocking some of the radiation. With a warp jump imminent, s/he couldn't switch it completely over if they wanted not to crush the hull with the acceleration. Hull breaches, damage from the boarding effort, blown relays, burst tanks... S/he sighed, allowing hirself a small moment of self-pity before getting back to it and sending repair teams to the most pressing concerns.

Conn swapped hands - and s/he had to swallow the unbidden surge of saliva as hir hindbrain registered the smell of a wounded thing. Though given hir task - and some interesting power flow problems as they passed the lightspeed barrier - s/he couldn't really spare a thought as s/he heard the ensign collapse by the lift. The scientist who took her place called out about losing speed.

S/he checked hir panel, then looked across the room to the Engineering station and the despairing engineer manning it.

"Main PTC has a couple of blown constrictors; there isn't enough plasma getting to the coils!" CPO Lucas called out, scrolling through the feeds available to him. Nator watched him for a second as he seemed to fluster at the gaining Raiders. His silence stretched on.

"Helm, reduce power to port nacelle. Even it out with the starboard - the asymmetric warp field is producing subspace drag," Nator provided. Counter-intuitive it might be, but pulling back the throttle should actually let them accelerate again.

The Vulcan spoke up again, still tapping away with gay abandon at her half of the console. "Firing solutions for trailing fighters entered. Torpedoes on proximity fuses. Engaging-"

[Sword, this is the USS Allegiant. Captain Yukimura wishes to know if you require assistance. What is your current status? Where do you need us?]

An audio cue from the Tactical display signalled the firing of the aft battery at their pursuers, as well as feeling half a dozen dull thumps as torpedoes launched. T'Less replied, "Allegiant, this is Sword tactical. The Klingon raiders are hostile, but their carrier has been immobilised. Encrypted tac-link open to coordinate fire."

Nator didn't look over to see whether or not the lieutenant was smiling again. Though her voice seemed calm enough.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Multificionado on August 31, 2018, 02:44:14 PM
[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @Nolan @Triage @Triton @Havenborn @Top Hat @chXinya

"Ghost" Rawley was continuing to lay down fire against the sniper with "Angel" Garcia. She could then see Razor's Kestrel coming in. She blinked in realization that she must've made it in before her commander, but it hardly mattered. The moment it landed, Razor's fighter rotated to face the sniper. She didn't need his warning to know what Razor was going to do.

"Oi! Angel! Take cover!" she shouted, and she looked towards the direction of the action. She could see that Razor had used his fighter's mass drivers to take down that last Klingon sniper. There was likely a crater where the bugger was, and probably a skeleton that will be strewn all around the assault bay in millions of wee splinters. It was an overkill way of dealing with a sniper, but Rawley didn't care, not even if ol' Sten was fuming over the mess. She whooped in delight at the sight.

"Razor, you beautiful bugger!" she called out in joyous acclaim. "THAT is the way to kick arse on the Theurgy!"

When Razor gave his orders, Rawley couldn't help but scoff. Keep trying to get medical on the line? She tried that already, and there wasn't any response. What she can do is get Meony to safety.

"Come on, Angel, yeh heard the man," she said, hauling Meony as much as possible. "We better get Meony to somewhere safer than...SHITE!"

She had looked at the bay doors as they closed and was shocked to see the shape of a cube cruising past and then vanishing. She could barely make it out, seeing the bottom of it, but it definitely was a cube, judging from the shape in passing. But even if it briefly showed, she was absolutely gobsmacked. She remained rooted to the spot even after the warp jump she felt.

"Now the buggers elect to show up? After we've been kicking each other's arses?" she scoffed. Then, realizing she was drawing looks, she gestured at the doors.

"Didnae anybody see that?!?" she sputtered. "There was a bloody genuine cube that just cruised by! It...! Ah, ya wee sod, never the shite mind it all. Our superiors will inform us sooner or later. 'Mon, then, Angel. I'm not hauling this ginger arse all by meself. Let's see how we can manage Meony all the way to Sickbay, or how far we can get."
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Triton on August 31, 2018, 10:32:55 PM
[ Lt. JG Alessia "Angel" Garcia (,_callsign_%22Angel%22) | Fighter Assault Bay | U.S.S. Theurgy | Vector 2 | Contested Space | Heart of the Azure Nebula ]Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @Havenborn, @Triage @Blue Zephyr & @Multificionado

Alessia had combed the area and got clear once the leaders' fighters had landed, and the squadron formed out into combat. "Oi! Angel! Take cover!" came the warning Angel reactively ducked in response to, keeping her rifle aimed upward and ready to fire.

With to the resounding sound effect of artillery and the assuring sights and sounds of returning fighters and additional phaser fire, Alessia squinted in unconvinced regard as she trained her rifle and fired a few kill shots around the area until to her relief, she saw the charred body of her foe fall from the rafters. What was left of him, anyway, letting that feared axe hang from a partially dismembered arm as blood dripped. She pitied whoever had to clean all that up more than the warrior; if only someone was acquiring these weapons.

"Razor, you beautiful bugger! THAT is the way to kick arse on the Theurgy!"

"He gets dibbs on the axe." was Angel's one-liner, pleasant to store her own new blade on her back holster as Alessia nodded at her orders and got to work securing Meony, sharing the load with Ghost, phaser rifle drawn and ready to fire in an arc above and behind her as they made their way to the weapons storage locker. It was the closest thing to a secure area or a trap.

"Computer, locate nearest medical officer." Alessia was about to get a fix on Dr. Rez's position when The Hangar bay Doors began to close. She was glancing towards the rafters to make sure no more party crashers were hiding aboard. The last thing she wanted was to have a nagging fear of this bay. But that was nothing compared to the momentary shadow against the blue backdrop of the Azure Nebula darkening for a moment that seemed to slow down time itself.

"Come on, Angel, yeh heard the man," she said, hauling Meony as much as possible. "We better get Meony to somewhere safer than...SHITE!"

Rawley had seen it too. Alessia's gut tightened. She was on Luna at the battle of Sector 0-0-1. Mercifully, she was ordered to evacuate and prepare the base for self-destruct, rather than let the Borg get a foothold in the sector. Better odds than most of the fleet's participants. Unknown now against the wolves in their present state. Despite the misunderstanding with Martok, Alessia feared if the Borg would finish him off or produce a monster to rival Locutus of Borg. Ironic as that terrifying thought was, it was no time for fear at the moment, only duty. Fear would have to say its prayers when all wolves were accounted for. They were becoming an endangered breed.

Alessia put her hand aside and nonverbally ordered Ghost to head a certain way as they took Meony in each arm rifles trained. "Lounge. We can have a medic beamed over there when they become available. There's sofas there to rest her."

Upon their arrival, Alessia fired an arc sweep of the lounge, as if spraying pesticides and scanning for any lurking trespassers. Taking hostages was not the Klingon way, but Martok had most likely ordered no quarter, so no point in implementing founder-seeking beams that would have sent any trespasser tumbling. "Clear." Alessia said, grabbing Meony by her feet and putting her on the nearest available Sofa, scrambling for the nearest first-aid kit as she hailed Medical: [ Pilot lounge to Medical - We've got a pilot with a head injury. Preliminary scans read a... tumor. We've secured the lounge for a makeshift sickbay here, doing what we can, but could really use a house call. Right about now. ] Alessia said, using the medical tricorder and attempted basic first aid.

[ ENS James "Jimmy" Mariner | Transporter Room | USS Allegiant NX-80978 | Defensive Maneuvers over U.S.S. Theurgy |  Contested Space | Heart of the Azure Nebula ]

After that scare with the Vulcan Borg Drone, the Devil-dice Cubes, and the sight of lifeless Starfleet officers of all species, uniforms and states, Jimmy had to keep his focus on their guest with that much more resolve to avoid that fate as the nanoprobe vaccine took its course. All the same, it was until now that he was all too eager to carry out security and reassurance detail to Ms Van der Berg, lest she be a Trojan Horse as he suspected.

All thoughts toward women were rewritten into a single name as soon as Jimmy had received word from the LCARS display about crossing paths and coming to the aid of the Theurgy's Sword vector. Meony's. Not that he wouldn't be happy to see Leon or Sharky either, but good friends were a dying breed, and her, most endangered of all.

Before he could debate further, he was already in his Security-Exo Suit, rifle in hand, pistol and survival knife in holster and a now perfectly-prepared Klingon Yan. "Computer. Display security alerts for Theurgy Vector 2. Status of Fighter Assault Bay. On-screen." It took moments amid the Allegiant's evasive maneuvers and weapons fire that Jimmy prepared a report for the captain, despite the centerpiece image of Meony, seemingly unconscious or wounded. He magnified, almost to the microscopic level to see that she was breathing. Jimmy could think with a clear head as he finalized his report. Jimmy highlighted the presence of a friendly Croc-- err an Starfleet goldshirt Gorn, a doctor, two hostiles and a medical emergency against two Tac-Conn personnel holding their fire, possibly in need of backup and a valid reason to beam to respond. Jimmy listed a tally of bodies on an indicator indicating the medical status of the department as if to explain their situation in a nutshell in the same report. As much as any Klingon, Jimmy wanted to fight.

Moments later, Jimmy reported to the bridge indicating all pertinent security threats: Drs. Lucan and Maya, the reports of small-arms (and fighter) fire in both fighter assault and sickbay and a contained threat in deflector control. Jimmy was determined to make himself useful wherever he was needed. "I'm ready, Skipper. Just put me through to the suits-on-the-ground." Jimmy was good, but not good enough to take on a Parasite. Talk him down and stall, for sure but not rival. But Mariner would be curious to test out maximum setting on that one if ordered to without a second thought about other things aboard until given the all-clear.

Remaining in the transporter room or by Annika's presence at all times otherwise, Jimmy was ready as ever for the Sickbay, in pursuit of Nicander or as he wished- at the assault bay.

((OOC: Edit. Thanks Havenborn and Nolan))
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Masorin on September 01, 2018, 12:38:28 AM
PO2 Sithick ( | Weapons Storage | Flight Deck | Vector 02 | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Blue Zephyr @Auctor Lucan

Looking over his two injured crewmates, he turned towards the ones invading. He saw something strange, something very familiar to him. Klingons, he had been a slave of the empire for years, it had been how he had ended up a member of the Federation.  The shock of seeing Klingon aggressors brought Sithick back to a time when he was a lot smaller, being sold to the empire it felt like it was a life time ago.

The wheels in his mind turned slowly, attack or flee, the fact that the empire was here was giving him some hesitation, but at the same time his crew was in danger.  It was the urging of Liam herald telling him to protect the others that brought him over the edge.

He growled as he stood up to his full height, but he honestly didn't want to charge off with a full frontal assault. He had worked with Klingons before, they worked with Gorn, they would not be shocked like the Savi, a full frontal attack would result in him taking multiple burns, he could win, but not before he himself was damaged. As the two entered and began to sweep the weapons storage bay, Sithick darted behind one of the many shelving units.

Sithick was not usually a quiet creature, his claws ticked against the ground, and so he tried his best to move slowly gently. Moving quietly as he tried his best to stay to the rooms blind spots. Making his way back to the weapon he had been taking apart. The  Asuran gravity weapon was currently connected to a small generator SIthick had brought in on an anti gravity lift he uncoupled the device, and grabbed the lift with the generator on it, opening a panel and connecting the generator back up to the lift.

By now the two of them had split up and one of them had gotten the drop on another crewmate, he had been a little too absorbed in the delicate work he was doing to really notice her plight till he was ready to deploy his plan.  He kicked the anti gravity lift across the room as the generator and battery started to wine. the jolt in the anti gravity lifts power carrying it up directly over top of one of the klingons. "Brace for impact."

He had kept hold of the cable using it like a kite's wire to position the flying lift, and then yanked it hard. the battery decoupled under his strength, the lift lost all power and the four hundred pound hunk of metal fell directly on top of one of the intruders. While the still connected generator whipped around guided by Sithick as he threw it towards the other attacker.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Numen on September 02, 2018, 11:22:38 AM
[ Lt. JG Izar Bila (| Crew Quarters | USS Allegiant NX-80978 ]
Att.: @Auctor Lucan  @Griff  @Masorin  @Fife  @Multificionado  @lisavw  @Triton 

Izar watched the hour displayed on the LCARS screen next to the door of the crew quarters. It was time. He opened one of the inside pockets of his duffel bag and took out a small bottle. He thumbed the label, covering part of the name of the compound that it contained, leaving only the prefix KAYO visible. With great care, as if working with a highly reactive substance, he unscrewed the cap, turned the container and dropped a couple of pills into the palm of his hand. He rolled them with his forefinger and thumb as he studied them. They were round, ivory-colored, with a small slit in the center. They hardly had anything remarkable, the best way to describe them was anodyne. And yet ... However, they were a gateway for their future tranquility. And maybe a door to his past. As so many times since the asurian attack, his hand began to shake and Bila balled his hand to prevent the pills from falling to the floor. Yeah, it was time. With great care he dropped the pills into his mouth and swallowed them. He rubbed his eyes with his two thumbs, to finish the movement pinching his ridged nose. He needed a break. Or caffeine. He got off the cot with the ease of an bicentennial oldman, stretched his slender back and routed his steps to his battle front. To the lab.

[Lt. JG Izar Bila | 20 minutes later | Science Lab | USS Allegiant NX-80978]

"Science Officer's Log, supplemental. So far, the tests with the ORE have been unsuccessful. Given the current situation of the mission, the emission of Omicrons particles had been adjusted to the lower settings and, although the radiation destroyed part of the nanoprobes from the blood samples that I took from the Ensign Six, the degradation speed and sedimentation of the probes isn't fast enough to stop a process of assimilation once past point of contagion NP-33. I'm ready to perform tests increasing by 5% the frequency modulation of the radiation, using Six's blood samples and my own blood samples as control group. If my cross-referenced data with Dr. Phlox's notes are correct, I'll have to force the ORE up to 85% of its current capacity to have the desired results, but I'm afraid that a continued usage using these parameters will cause degradation in the M/A camera's insulating film, reducing the useful life of the device.

Final note: the control samples show traces of a modified nanoprobes vaccine, as well as a 50 mg dose of Kayosegrine. The ORE should act on the first ones in the same way as on the unmodified probes, and the compound is inert to the omicron radiation according to the database of the Starfleet. However the results on the control samples could be biased by these products. Nevertheless, given the precarious circumstances in which I find myself, I don't have a more adequate reference sample and must keep the experiment using what i've on hand. "

Bila tapped the screen of his PADD, verifying that, indeed, the recording of the log was over. He wrote the parameters with which he was going to perform the first round of tests, and activated the recording of data by voice command to report the results of the experiment. The scientist then left the device at one of the laboratory tables, as far as possible from the work area of ​​the ORE. So far, the minimal amounts of omicron radiation with which he had been working hadn't caused any dysfunction in the computer equipment, but every precaution was never enough. He calibrated the ORE before saying it out loud. "Test B-1. Activating ORE. T: 50, result, unsatisfactory. There is an improvement rate over the A-25 test of 0.25% in the main sample. Control sample without changes."

The same ritual was repeated several times, with little improvement. Even with everything, Bila didn't give up on his efforts, and insisted again and again on the process, with the small variations that he had designated. He trusted his theory, he knew it would have a positive result. "Test B-17. Activating ORE. T: 50, result... " A jolt of the inertial dampers shook the entire laboratory, crashing several of the  Petri's dishs into the bulkplates, shattering them. "For Prophets sake!" He shouted more angrily than he wanted to acknowledge, waving a fist towards the general direction of the Bridge. "Keep this junk heap stable, I'm trying to make science here!"
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Griff on September 02, 2018, 02:03:13 PM
[PO1 Lillee t'Jellaieu] ( |  Bridge of USS Allegiant NX-80978]

Attn: @@Auctor Lucan, @@Triton, @@Fife, @@Masorin, @@Numen, @@Multificionado, @@lisavw, @@trevorvw


The pursuit of the Borg Cube had been nerve-wracking, the crew of the Allegiant tense beyond measure in their tiny scout ship, but finally they found something: the Sword, another part of the USS Theurgy, heavily damaged and running for their lives in the opposite direction of the Borg. After seeing the graveyard of thousands of Starfleet officers and the wrecks of dozen starships, it filled Lillee t'Jellaieu's heart with gladness to see the Sword still flying proud as it flew directly at the Allegiant.

Proud, but also without shields and with the blasted Klingons on their tail. The Sword's weapons lashed out at their pursuers but the Klingon fighters were nimble and smart, easily able to evade phasers designed for shooting at larger targets. The Phantoms were in their element now, the squadron hunting wounded prey while the Sword's own Valkyries were either destroyed or in the hangar. Without shields, the Sword would last no more than a couple of minutes before the Klingons got close enough to rip into its hull.

And then the Allegiant came in like an angel of divine wrath. Not bothering with any fancy or conservative maneuvers, Lillee aimed the scout ship directly at the Klingons like a battering ram, skimming the Sword's hull by a scant fifty meters before charging the Klingons directly. She heard the phaser cannons firing at the targets in front, but acting more on instinct than conscious thought, Lillee took the next step as they passed the enemy, bringing the Allegiant out of warp, flipping her around, then accelerating all the way to warp 8, all in the space of a few seconds. The rapid maneuvers strained the inertial dampeners, pushing the crew deep into their chairs at the stress of huge acceleration, but nevertheless, within seconds, the scout ship caught up to the beleaguered Sword...and the Klingons.

Lillee didn't smile, but she nevertheless felt an icy glee deep in her heart as she aimed the Allegiant's bow (and its formidable cannons) directly at the Klingons' aft quarters. The beasts had had no time to react between being charged by an unexpected enemy and having that enemy close on their rear, and even worse, as Lillee knew well, the Klingon fighters weren't designed to fight powerful corvettes like the Allegiant. Such corvettes were the bane of all warp fighters, capable of outgunning and chasing down the smaller craft with contemptuous ease.

The hunters were now the prey, and the Klingons would die like the fools that they were.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Multificionado on September 02, 2018, 02:23:32 PM
[Ensign Six | Bridge | USS Allegiant NX-80978] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @Masorin @Triton @Numen @Triage @Griff @Gadget @Fife @lisavw

Six had been uneasy for the entire trip away from the debris field. She was still thinking about the distress call Masuda had played. So absorbed in thought she was, she never slept. She lost track of time, but it felt like ages ago.

There was screaming heard across the static, along with phaser fire. [Please, if you hear this message, you must know this. When we encountered it... it was not just the Borg telling us we were about to be assimilated.... It was the Borg Queen herself! We saw her.. when we were hailed! She told us the invasion of the Alpha and Beta Quadrant had begun!]

The screaming in the message drove the point home, and the fact that the Borg Queen herself was on the tactical cube that was now scattered in pieces should've reassured her, but it didn't. The Borg would only make a new Queen.

In point of fact, what disturbed her most was that she saw the Queen in a nightmare less than a day and a half previously, in a nightmare, when it seemed that the battle leading to the debris field happened before that.

Thinking about that, and the lone drone that seemed to stare into the souls of those on the Allegiant, and how tempted she had become in the Collective's siren call, she stayed on the bridge, partly because the call of the Collective would provide a means of guiding again, and partly because the shocking news had rooted her in place.

She had felt when Izar had applied the hypospray, but she rubbed it like it was a bee sting, like the Borg pierced her with a dart from the rear. So far, she felt nothing wrong from Izar's inoculation, but even that didn't reassure her. It felt more like…a violation. She could feel like some of her nanoprobes were purged from her own bodily system. Even when she started to feel it wearing off, she couldn’t be reassured. There was something about the drone on the escape pod that irked her so much, and she was sure it irked the rest of the crew, but her uneasiness was worse. Much worse.

What finally took her mind off the shocking events they had encountered was the sudden appearance of the Theurgy's Vector Two, chased by Klingon Phantom Raiders. Six had to blink in surprise at that, like the sudden appearance had brought her out of a trance of horror.

"Klingons?" she sputtered in surprise. "What did the Theurgy do to make them mad?"

Time will tell; in fact, if the Theurgy encountered Klingons recently before the three vectors had to split up, she would've liked to have been brought to speed. More importantly, if the Allegiant docked with the Theurgy, she wondered how long they would be there, because depending on how long they stayed on the "Sword," it would mean setting up another alcove.

She watched, again rooted to her chair, but now, feeling a newer sensation, she watched the action going on. She felt quite a thrill with such flying maneuvers and to be going on a ride. Her horror at the Borg was all drained away by the thrill of the ride, smiling all the way.

"That's excellent flying, t'Jellaieu!" she said. "You could give Tom Paris a run for his money!"

OOC: Much as I would like to put Six and Rawley in the same post, such an opportunity is not achievable yet. After all, the two characters are still in different settings despite the proximity. What goes on in their perspectives will be in separate posts unless they share a setting together.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Masorin on September 02, 2018, 07:00:56 PM
Lt JG Salem Martin ( | Bridge | USS Allegiant NX-80978 ] attn: @Auctor Lucan @Griff @Fife  @Numen  @Multificionado  @lisavw  @Triton n @trevorvw

Fire at will

It is one of those commands you both kind of dread in tactical and yet you can't wait for. It meant there was no backseat shooting from the Captain. They didn't rattle off zone numbers, or an order like; 'fire a torpedo on barring mark  i don't know what i am doing and that won't cause any lasting damage, because I'm a captain and haven't touched a tactical desk in four years.'

No fire at will meant that all firing controls went to Salem, he got to prioritize which of the fighters he shot down, and which of the weapons he used. Of course off in the corner there was a single button that he had put in at the request of the start of the mission. The Tri-cobalt laced torpedo, he had installed the thing from the Cayuga, and frankly he still wanted to fire it, but with the Rotarran left behind and only three raiders to account for well the target was gone, another day, another use perhaps.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Multificionado on September 03, 2018, 08:56:35 PM
[Lieutenant JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | TacCONN Briefing Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @Triton @Triage @Nolan @Havenborn @chXinya @Top Hat

Alessia put her hand aside and nonverbally ordered Ghost to head a certain way as they took Meony in each arm rifles trained. "Lounge. We can have a medic beamed over there when they become available. There's sofas there to rest her."

"I gotcha, Angel," said Ghost. She had to admit, they looked like quite a sight together, Meony held up in each of their arms with their rifles trained on their other arms. It almost seemed something like out of a wartime holo-novel, and especially more so with Ghost's bloody nose and stream of blood.

They had managed to drag Meony into the lounge - safest place possible to be on the deck at the moment - but no sooner had they entered did Angel did a sweep. Ghost realized Angel has done something like this before...then reminded herself that of course she would; Angel must've learned to do something like this in the Dominion War. Angel was a bugger of a professional to be quite a hardened soldier as well as a pilot. In terms of ground combat, Ghost had few experiences. Her favourite had been when she took down Reavers with an isomagnetic disintegrator, but other than that, when it came to ground combat experience, she didn't remember much, apart from her days as a bouncer.

"Clear." Alessia said, grabbing Meony by her feet and putting her on the nearest available Sofa, scrambling for the nearest first-aid kit as she hailed Medical: [ Pilot lounge to Medical - We've got a pilot with a head injury. Preliminary scans read a... tumor. We've secured the lounge for a makeshift sickbay here, doing what we can, but could really use a house call. Right about now. ] Alessia said, using the medical tricorder and attempted basic first aid.

"A tumor?" said Ghost in surprise. "Meony? It's a bugger of a tumor to make Meony like that."

She never knew about the tumor. Did Meony not know her well enough to mention it to her? And, as it just occurred to Ghost, what the bloody shite would she have done if she found out? Obviously to call Sickbay.

"I'm going to see if I can get a chum from Sickbay down here, Angel," she said. "I know her enough that I'm confident she can help Meony."

She was referring to Doctor Maya, and since Ghost had forgiven her, she felt that it would be good to get her in.

Since there was nothing coming in from Sickbay, she may as well just get a fix on Maya and bring her down herself.

"Computer, locate Doctor Maya."

[Doctor Maya is in the Security Center.]

Security? What would Maya be doing there?

OOC: Follow-up to Triton's post in Garcia's perspective. As I previously indicated, posts with Six and Rawley will be separate unless they share the same setting.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: patches on September 03, 2018, 10:52:23 PM
[ PO2 Kino Taer | Deck 11 | Sickbay ] @Auctor Lucan @Top Hat

[This is Kobol , I am sensing three remaining Klingons!] came the Betazoid’s reply, [There is still one inside here, behind a biobed, but the other two must be outside. I can sense them moving away... We're fine, or as fine as we can be, thank you. How... are you?]

Kino suppressed a smirk at the doctor’s clear inexperience with combat. A woman’s voice followed his, one she recognized as Jovela’s.

["We have a phaser, but some help would really be appreciated. Just don't let the other two get away!"]

A phaser? Did one of the guards left here make it inside the ICU or something?

“Roger that. Stay in cover and we’ll take care of them. Taer out.”

She hadn’t seen two of the Klingons running off, but then again, she had been remaining behind the desk for the conversation. The sound of multiple sets of boots on the deck alerted her to new entrants, the source of which quickly identified themselves via her HUD as Kino peeked around the desk for them. Beta Team had finally arrived at the scene and wasted no time getting in position. She opened a channel to Ducote, figuring that he was managing things on the bridge if he was in a position to order her here in the first place.

“Taer to Ducote. Two of them are trying to run. Lock down Sickbay.”

[Working... done]

Good. As stupid as this Borg chase is, at least he knows to trust the people at the scene.

“Hey, Beta Team. There’s one left in the ICU. Two runners. I’ll take my team to hunt them down. Secure the ICU and the rest of Sickbay.”

With an affirmative from the young officer commanding the team, Kino vaulted over the desk and waved at her team to follow her. She gestured to Stasny’s prone body and zh’Rasda shook her head silently, prompting a sigh from the Trill. Maybe he had a fighting chance of recovering somewhat if the doctor could get to him quickly, but who knew at this point. The Klingons were clearly shooting to kill. She took off with the three remaining people in her team in tow, satisfied that Beta Team was already in the ICU with a burst of movement and phaser fire.

Her first direction was the opposite direction of where Beta Team came from, heading towards the Morgue and Recovery Ward marked on her forearm PADD’s map of Sickbay. First was the Recovery Ward. Running in with rifles raised merely alarmed the nurse on staff and those in the biobeds there. The Morgue did have a Klingon at the far end from the door. Thankfully, a burst from Kino and the rest put him down before he could charge or get more than one wild shot off. She closed the distance while firing off another short burst to make sure he stayed down so that she could disarm and cuff him.

“Morgue clear. Took one down. Beta Team?”

“We’ve cleared the ICU and everywhere except the lab and cryo areas.” The Lieutenant junior grade in charge of that team replied. “No additional hostiles yet. I’ve got a fire team heading to cryo.”

“Roger that. I’ll head to the lab area.”

The last Cling-on wasn’t in either lab and Beta Team reported cryo was clear, so that left bathrooms and the supply closets, which Kino was unsure why one would be found there but figured it wasn’t like they were going to be as familiar with a Starfleet Sickbay as she would be.

Hell, I’d probably get lost on their ship.

It was almost a surprise to the Trill when she stepped into the bathroom across from the labs and was immediately tackled by the burly Klingon wielding some sort of blade. She was able to block him from slashing her throat, instead getting scratch on her right forearm armor. He didn’t let up after that, using his strength to force her rifle out of her hands and push her towards the wall. Kino saw an opening and pushed her way out of his reach on the opposite side of the bathroom. She had time enough to pull her plasteel knife out before her opponent turned to close the distance with a battlecry. It was becoming a repeat of her fight with Ducote earlier – strong and relatively slow vs her speed and agility. It was simply more deadly, but at least she had her exosuit to boost her strength.

It ended up making a key difference. Instead of taking deadly cuts or losing limbs, her armor took scratches and the synthetic muscles within it gave her increased strength as she feinted to deliver a sharp kick to his knee. A bellow announced her success and the sound of phaser fire announced her one of her team finally found their way in with a clear shot. Kino took advantage of the surprise and stagger to step back and kick the Klingon’s blade out of his weakening grip before tackling him to the ground. She buried her knife into the flesh of his blade hand and punched him fully unconscious.

“Totally, had him but good shot nonetheless!” Kino said to the crewman as she pulled out restraints from one of her armor’s compartments. “This should be the last. The rest of Sickbay has been cleared, yes?”

“Yup. Beta Team said they’re getting ready to move the Klingons we’ve taken down to one of the empty until we get the all clear from the Security Centre.”

The Trill retrieved her knife before flipping the Klingon enough to tie his hands behind him. She left him unconscious on his side as she stood up. A quick look at her PADD showed her the new alert from the Centre. There was something about the temporary brig and the Centre as a whole locked down due to a hostile prisoner. As she grabbed her rifle and slung it over her shoulder, she spoke over the Security comm channel.

“Taer to Security. Sickbay’s clear.”

It wasn’t a long jog from the now damaged bathroom to the ICU. She nodded to the Security officer at the door and stepped over one of the Klingons that hadn’t been moved yet. “Doctor Kobol , Jovela? We’ve secured the entirety of Sickbay now and all intruders have been accounted for. I have a man down across the hall, but otherwise looks like light injuries. How are you?”

She paused at where the downed pilot was. “Fuck.”
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: CanadianVet on September 03, 2018, 11:44:01 PM
[ PO2 Eliska Bremmer | Security Center | Deck 7 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Jm Von Cat @patches @Top Hat @trevorvw @Auctor Lucan

That kind of close action always left Eliska Bremmer sucking wind.  But then again, it was certainly one thing that could always get the blood pumping, and as she was catching her breath and surveying the scene, that Lieutenant Akoni made his way towards her.  At first, she tensed.  He was at best a passenger, and last she heard he was just one step up from being a prisoner.  But then again, nobody had bothered to pass on that information to the bottom end of the ladder.  But, to his credit, he was handing her his weapon, making it clear he wasn't supposed to be armed.  Did he know she was one of those who was in Security when they were brought in to see Nicander?  The opaque faceplate of her helmet would have hidden her feature, but he might recognize her voice through the suit's synthesizer.  "Yes, I'll be taking that... Sir."  Her armoured hand relieved him of his weapon, which she quickly handed to one of the soft-skin Security types with her.  "You get the Sir to a shelter station, and make sure he stays put until Red Alert is secured."

"Got it, PO", was the crisp reply as the crewman pointed towards a door.  "That way, Sir, if you please."

And, that should have been the end of that.  Until that Ducote character came back on the air, ordering her back to Security.  First of all, why was he the one giving her orders, and not Wenn?  That would need addressing later.  "Bremmer, acknowledged."

One deep breath later, she spoke again.  "Varder, we're back at it.  You and what's left of the team, let's go, to Security we go.  Nicander, big surprise, got uppity and he's got that Vulcan doc and she may or may not be a hostage.  Now, we go lethal.  Level 7 on rifles and sidearms.  We'll try and talk it down and secure it; if that fails, I take the first shot.  If my fire doesn't cut it, Varder is next.  If it gets past both our fire, the three of you open up and keep shooting until the threat is over.  We might lose some folks, but better that than have that thing loose.  Now, let's go."

Back on the turbolift, and right back out where they had started, Bremmer had her detail lined up against the wall, ready to enter Nicander's immediate area.  But first, she had to talk to someone.  "Bremmer to Bridge.  Captain Wenn, I'm here with Varder in a suit, and 3 soft-skins.  We're ready to go and deal with Nicander.  Be advised, we're set to go lethal."
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: steelphoenix on September 04, 2018, 12:50:14 AM
[Lt. Commander Vael Kaeris | Battle Bridge | Deck 8 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: Anyone on the bridge

Vael had to admit that the crew, despite some initial reservations, knew how to handle itself under combat situation as they readily took advantage of the breach in klingon defenses.  He wasn't quite of a mind to question how the patient had managed to secure such mission critical information from his temporary operating theater.  After all, even among his own people, there were those gifted with a certain degree of extrasensory talents.

He braced for another exchange of fire with the Rotarran -- one he fully expected to be among the last as the Theurgy may have bypassed the klingon defenses, but the klingons had, in turn, shattered their own.  And then fate interceded, the final engagement sidelined by some bemused and readily distracted toddler god with a dubious definition of irony.  The borg had appeared, just as his crew had warned.  Sure, Vael felt a certain level of self-satisfaction, a desire to turn to those skeptics among the crew and say "I told you so", but such petty behaviour was frowned on -- hardly the proper response of one raised in amidst a noble household and equally ill-befitting an officer.  But no less tempting. 

What followed was inexplicable.  Where he'd expected the klingons to strike a temporary truce to face off against the clearly greater foe amidst the thundering overtures of the Borg on their comms defining resistance as futile and assimilation as imminent.  Instead, the cube moved, purposefully, almost lazily towards one of the apertures, uninterested in the battle waged on their doorstep, and departed.  A moment later, the Theurgy, too, sought its escape, but via warp rather than the apertures.

Vael's eyes flashed, the ordinary black irises briefly golden, as his disbelief that they had fled the scene conflicted with the acknowledgement that staying meant resuming their fight with the klingons and likely their demise.  No, this was the proper course under the circumstances, he assured himself, regaining his composure as he mentally chastised the momentary lapse, no matter how deserved.  The commander instructed him and the one known as Okafor to review the sensor logs for data regarding how the borg had managed to access the aperture.  In truth, the order was wholly unnecessary as it was the very thing he planned to do himself.

The helmsman rose from her station to depart, he demeanor decidedly unusual, before she collapsed, clearly the victim of a wound she'd suppressed for the sake of the battle.  It was then that Okafor leaped from his place to take the helm.  Vael cast a glance in the direction of the commander before taking the abandoned seat, translating the order to review the sensor logs as tacit authority to seat himself rather than continue with the inefficiencies of his PADD.

He put the outside activities of the bridge out of his mind, affording no opportunity for distraction at the coming vessel, the continuing threat presented by the Rotarran's forces.  His objective was the borg and the sensor logs that had idly watched them pass.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Doc M. on September 04, 2018, 02:35:58 AM
[ Chief Warrant Officer Sten Michael Covington ( | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]

“We’ve got wounded!” Sten Covington called out as he knelt by a fallen deck hand’s side.  “How are you feeling son?” he asked in a quieter tone as he set a first aid kit on the deck beside him.  “Do you think you can walk?”

“Never mind me, Boss.  How’s Thomason?” Petty Officer First Class August De Serres ( groaned as he tried his best to sit up.

“I’m sorry son, Thomsason didn’t make it,” the deck chief shook his head.  “He took it full in the chest.”

“Damn Klingons,” De Serres grunted.  “What did we do to tick them off?”

“I think that Starfleet told them that it was all right to kill us and they just rushed over here to get us before anybody else did,” Sten replied dryly.  “Don’t worry about Suvok,” he said when he saw the wounded man glance blearily at an unconscious young Vulcan who was lying prone on the deck.  “He’s in one of those Vulcan healing trances.  It should keep him stable until help can arrive.  In the meantime, let’s make sure you’re still awake and breathing when they get here,” he added as he opened up his first aid kit.

“Boss why aren’t you contacting sickbay?” De Serres asked as a thought hit him.

“Sorry son, they don’t seem to be answering,” Covington sighed. 

[ Tessa May Lance, callsign:  Goldeneye (,_callsign_%22Goldeneye%22) | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan, @Auctor Lucan, @Havenborn, @Multificionado, @Even Angels Cry, @Jm Von Cat , @Blue Zephyr, @Masorin@Triage.

While Sten was helping the wounded, Tessa had placed herself in an interior corner where she could hide behind a fighter and still get a good view to her left and in front of her.

“Okay,” Tessa sighed as she looked at her combat tricorder. She turned it around to hold it the correct way and did a slow scan, pivoting until she found something.  “Okay, let’s see if there are any Klingons left in the fighter bay.  Let’s see… no Klingons in the fighter bay…  Wait a second!” she gasped as she stepped out of the corner and walked past Razor’s fighter.  “I’m picking up Klingon life signs!  The weapon storage room!  Guys!  They’re in the weapon storage room!  There’s still two more of them!”

[ Maya ( | Deck 07 | Temporary Holding Cell | Security Center | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ]   Atten: @Auctor Lucan.

Maya’s senses returned to her one by one.  The strain of attempting to contact another mind, let alone impart telepathic suggestions to it without skin to skin contact was hard enough, but an attempt to do so with mulitiple minds at once was folly.  Having the telepathic contact abruptly cut off was more than enough to put Maya in shock and cause her Vulcan brain to reboot her nervous system.   Her vision was blurry; the fact that she had vision at all indicated that she had fallen unconscious with her eyes open.

She saw Lucan cin Nicander’s unshaven face looking down at her.  His expression was… crestfallen, gentle, and affectionate.  Despite his dishelvled appearance, he looked like the classmate and superior officer she admired and trusted. 

With her overstrained nervous system resetting itself, the mesiofrontal cortex in her brain was relaxed, allowing Maya to experience her emotions.  Seeing Lucan gazing down at her with the tenderness of a lover, the dazed Vulcan’s normally unreadable countenance relaxed into a gentle smile.

[ Ensign Colin McArthur ( | Deck 07 | Aide Duty Station | Security Center | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ]   Atten: @Auctor Lucan.

Outside the temporary holding cell, things weren’t anywhere near as peaceful. 

“Security to transporter room three,” Ensign Colin MacArthur ( paged.  “Beam Barton, Wyburn, and Drolix out of there.  Make sure that you lock onto their phasers and get them out of there.” he added knowing that the internal sensors in the temporary holding cell were more acute than those in other rooms.  “The prisoner has already taken out three men and I’m seeing my life flash in front of my eyes.  Just a second I'm getting another call.”
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: trevorvw on September 04, 2018, 02:51:37 AM
[ Lt. Kai Akoni | Deflector Control | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]

Kai had surrendered his phaser as a show of good will for the enlisted security personnel that had just helped dispatch the remaining Klingons in deflector control.

”You get the Sir to a shelter station, and make sure he stays put until Red Alert is secured." the Petty Officer directed a security crewman, in regards to Kai.

Fucking what..? Kai thought to himself as the crewman pointed towards the door while Kai only caught the last word please.

Kai stood there for a few seconds, looking around the room before nodding at the crewman and then exiting the door and headed left. A few seconds later, Kai heard the team in deflector control leave and head in the opposite direction.

Kai glanced at the crewman who was escorting him, ”We’re going to the bridge”

The crewman protested, ”I must insist, Sir" all the while resting his hand on the phaser attached to his hip.

It suddenly dawned on Kai that the information probably hadn't been disseminated through the proper lines of communication, due to the shitshow that was currently happening aboard the ship. This helped the large man's state of mind as he offered a measured response to the crewman standing in front of him.

"I am due back on the bridge, as I was ordered to help out in deflector control. You should check with your chain of command. "

The crewman ended up calling someone named McArthur to clarify his orders and the voice on the other end of the comm line confirmed that Kai was due to report back to the bridge after being ordered to assist in deflector control.

Kai then turned around and started walking towards a turbolift in order to get back to the bridge, with the crewman less than 50 centimetres behind him.

Kai tapped his communicator, ”Akoni to Ducote, I’m on my way back to the Bridge, unless you need me elsewhere” he finished saying to one of the only people aboard this ship that he trusted.

Kai kept walking as he waited for Ducote to reply.

OOC: No post for Annika this time around on the Allegiant as she’s drugged up/unconscious :)
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Nolan on September 04, 2018, 10:47:24 AM
[ Dr Amelya Rez | Weapons Storage Room | Fighter Assault Deck | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Blue Zephyr , @Masorin , @Auctor Lucan

Staring eye to eye with a Klingon pointing a disruptor rifle to her face, Amelya swallowed hard as she scooted backwards. Her hands spread with her hands raised as she naturally tried to protect her patients. It was in that moment that she heard the voice of the Gorn "Brace for impact" Her eyes widened as she heard the sound of the anti gravity lift flying through the room before something decoupled. She saw the heavy object crashing down and her eyes followed the Klingon's slow motion look up as he could see the demise of his situation closing in.

With a loud thud and splat the Klingon was no more as the sound of the lift crashing onto the deck plating made the ground shake and tremble. Amelya could feel a warm substance spray onto her face and uniform before it slowly began to ooze down her skin and she could already imagine what it must've looked like. Her breathing was shallow as she regulated her breathing at the horrific scene that had just unfolded before her. She reached up to her face with her hands and smeared open whatever was on her face. As she looked at her fingers she saw them red with blood. She sighed softly as her face and uniform were decorated with a blood splash pattern. Along with minor pieces of Klingon flesh disconnecting from her uniform as it fell to the ground. She used the sleeve of her uniform to clean her face up as good as she could, leaving just some red streaks over her face before she turned around to face her patients.

Her attention went to Ji first as the woman was talking nonsense and it seemed like she was suffering from more than just a concussion. "Steady now... Lay down love." she whispered as she checked her pupils again and noticed the dilation. She had to get both of these people back to Sickbay. She tapped her combadge and hailed Jovela yet there came no response. "Computer, site to site transport to Sickbay ICU." she demanded before Thea's disembodied voice replied "Unable to execute order Doctor. Sickbay is currently in security lockdown." It caused for a frown on the medical officer's brow as she cursed lightly and looked back at Liam "How are you holding up? Is the pain any better?" she asked.

In the meantime she prepared a new inoculation for Ji. One that would make her feel more sleepy and sedated, yet not fully asleep. She needed to know if her situation would deteriorate, yet she couldn't have the human walking around and doing all kinds of crazy things with her brain being overloaded. "Alright, Ji. i'm going to have to sedate you for a bit." she whispered to her as things finally quiet down in the weapons storage room "I think you might've hit your head a bit too hard. Your brain might have a contusion and you need to rest. I can't have you walk around. So just try to rest okay, we'll get you to Sickbay soon enough"  Or so she hoped...

[ Lt. Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | U.S.S. Theurgy ] Attn: @Doc M. , @Havenborn , @Masorin

Garcia and Rawley seemed to not get any joy to get Krystal to medical and instead they hauled her over to the the general direction of the pilot's lounge. Thomas was concerned about the condition of the red haired cowgirl fighter. Yet he knew that at this moment there was nothing he could do for her. He grunted as he looked at the bay and over at the charred and lightly damaged area that he had caused by firing his twin mounts. The damage was considering things okay, yet he knew at least one person who would disagree on the matter.

Thomas looked at Sten Covington as he roamed the deck, it was if the man knew that he had fired upon the Klingon with his bird as he gave him a damned look. Thomas simply nodded at him before continuing with the task at hand. Rooting out any remaining boarders. He watched Knight and Salvo move together as he walked over to Tessa. She was busy with her combat tricorder as she turned around to scan. When he reached her she just shouted out "I'm picking up Klingon life signs!  The weapon storage room!  Guys!  They're in the weapon storage room!  There's still two more of them!"

Thomas looked over her shoulder at the readings of the tricorder. He was about to shout to Salvo and Knight to form up when the signatures simply vanished from the tricorder. "What the..." he mumbled before he looked at Tessa "Lets go, double time!" he said as he tapped her back lightly and made a sprint across the fighter bay. He walked into the corridor that lead up to the weapon's storage room with his rifle raised and he waited for the rest of the squadron before moving up.

Soon enough though, they were met by the Gorn and it seemed the situation was resolved as the Klingons seemed to be nothing more than part of the room's interior. Both smashed and unrecognizable squished to a pulp by the heavy objects that were flung towards them "Salvo, Goldeneye, see what you can do to help the doc." he said when he saw Amelya treating her patients "Doc, I have another pilot in need of your assistance." he said before Amelya looked up at him and nodded "I'll need to tend to these first. They're not stable." Ravon simply nodded, despite now enjoying the given answer.

He turned his attention to the Gorn next "Good job on dispatching these Klingon." he said as he patted his arm "I'd say it was a bit overkill, but I'm not really in a place to say that." he smiled "Do you need medical attention? If not, I think they could use your strength and wits in the fighter bay."
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: chXinya on September 05, 2018, 04:49:54 AM
[Lt. Commander Wenn Cinn | Battle Bridge | Deck 8 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]

Just when it seemed like they had made it, things went wrong again.  Before Cinn could settle into the command chair and try not to interfere in the mop-up down below Jaya dropped to the deck.  Instinct had the Bajoran up and halfway to her instantly.  “Medical team to the Bridge!” he called out, hoping the computer was still able to route the summons, or if not, someone could send it along.  Kneeling next to Jaya and inspecting her wounds his stomach dropped.  Why didn’t she call for a replacement sooner?  These were some serious cuts.  Someone showed up with a medkit and started with the tricorder.  Cinn was ready to assist when Okafor yelled something that snapped his head up so fast that he could feel the twinge in his neck.

The Allegiant? Here?  Before he could get a hail through Ducote said something that caught Cinn’s attention: something happened in the Brig.  Leaving Jaya to the one with the medkit, he returned to his feet and marched for the security station.  “Coordinate with the Allegiant, get those raiders off of our tail, and get us back to the RP on time.  Do anything necessary.”  Nator and T'Less had already proven themselves to be a well-oiled pair, he trusted them to work their magic once again.

Reaching Ducote’s side, Cinn took half of the console without preamble.  “Show me the Security Center.”  A video screen soon appeared showing three lifeless forms piled on the deck and Nicander cradling Maya’s unconscious form in his cell, the forcefield down.  He could hear the security comm chatter despite its low volume as deputies reacted to the two remaining at-large boarding parties.  It didn’t last long though, outnumbered so severely the Klingons had no chance.  Deflector Control already showed green, Sickbay soon reported that they were clear, but the Fighter Assault Bay was a steady yellow.  Sensors didn’t show any unexpected lifesigns, but no one had reported it as clear yet either.

Long trained and experienced in handling shipboard security, Cinn’s dark hands were working on their own with some quick redeployments out of habit.  Looking a bit sheepish, he had to consciously stop them.  “Apologies Commander Ducote, old habit.  Have the teams do a sweep two sections around the boarded areas in case the Klingons found a way around our internal sensors.  As for Nicander, seal off the temporary holding cell and isolate with level 10 forcefields.  Switch it over to independent life support and vent the control room as well.  If that thing takes control of Nicander again I want as much vacuum between it and everything else as we can get.”  As luck would have it, that was Bremmer decided to call in.

“Negative Bremmer, stand to and cover the temporary holding entrance.  It’s about to be vacuum so unless that thing can breathe void it’s not going anywhere even if it manages to punch through multiple max-power forcefields.”  Honestly, Cinn wasn’t sure even that would stop those parasites, but Lucan just saved all of their lives, the poor soul deserved a reprieve from a firing squad.  Something else about this situation was bugging him as well, his pagh itched whenever something was missing from the picture.  What would’ve set Nicander off, only to result in him cradling the Vulcan doctor like a lover?

“Confirm the order Petty Officer: contain the prisoner only.”  Cinn’s voice took a hard tone, he would brook no arguments on this one.  As soon as he got his reply he turned back to Ducote.  “Coordinate with Sickbay, get Maya out of there.  Once our people have been secured activate several cells and beam our Klingon ‘guests’ into their new quarters.”

Internal matters taken care of, Captain Wenn returned to his chair, watching the last of the raiders as they were caught between the Allegiant and the Sword.  He prayed that they would stand down, but being Klingons, he doubted they would, forcing their hand.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Havenborn on September 05, 2018, 08:46:42 AM
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo | Fighter Assault Bay, Deck 16 | USS Theurgy, Vector 2 ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @Doc M., @Blue Zephyr, @Masorin

Hearing the orders from Ravon to secure the rest of the FAB Daniel nodded.  “Knight form up on me.”  He said.  He glanced around and saw Angel and Ghost carrying Meony towards the pilot’s area.  He and Knight made their way over to the nearest door that led into the corridor for the hangar crew.  He waited for Knight to move to the other side of the door and then brought his hand up; on a three count he tapped the door panel and stepped inside, a pistol aimed down both ends of the corridor.  With the corridor clear Daniel motioned for Knight to move in with him.

As soon as Knight had entered Daniel turned left down the corridor, deciding to secure the office and replicator rooms first.  They moved quickly down the corridor, keeping silent.  As they reached the door they stacked up again and then opened the door clearing the room quickly.  Since this room had a second door that lead into the next room Daniel motioned for Knight to stack up there, he then made his way towards the other door and once he was in position he gave a nonverbal command over his intercom to Knight and they cleared the room simultaneously.  It was also clear.  As Daniel motioned for them to regroup outside in the corridor he heard two things, first was a loud clang coming from the weapons storage room, and the second was Ravon coming over their intercoms.

As he and the remaining members of the squadron came inside the corridor Daniel nodded to Ravon.  As the group breached the room what they had found wasn’t what Daniel had really expected to see, a pair of dead Klingons, both killed in a very gruesome way but Daniel found it rather fitting, they had hoped to find some easy prey in here and were met with stiff opposition in the form of a Gorn NCO, Daniel couldn’t help but smile.

"Salvo, Goldeneye, see what you can do to help the doc."

“Understood Commander.”  Daniel said.  “Knight, continue securing the last three rooms.”  He said as he moved his way over to the Doctor.  Knight nodded and made his way out of the room with his rifle in hand.  Daniel figured there weren’t any more Klingons but better safe than sorry and he knew that Knight could handle himself should he run into anymore.  Daniel popped his helmet off and attached it to his waist so as to better help the doctor.  “How can I help Doctor?”  He asked her as he kneeled down next to her.  Her striking blonde hair was not lost on Daniel but this was not the time for socializing, maybe once the situation was contained and things settled a little he’d be able to properly introduce himself.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 05, 2018, 04:56:29 PM
[ Junior Lieutenant Jovela ( | Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @patches
At the time when the woman in the golden exosuit stepped into the ICU, Jovela was kneeling next to the Lone Wolf that had saved her life. She might have heard the reassuring words that Main Sickbay was secure, but her brown eyes were on her medical tricorder, until the point when the security officer noticed what she was doing.

"The suit saved him," she said, looking up and smiling towards the visor that faced her way. "He's just unconscious from an electrical short-circuit in the chest area. He was in a poor condition when he came in too, but he'll make a complete recovery."

Rising from the fighter pilot, Jovela sauntered over to the one who's suit was labelled 'PO2 Taer', and handed the phaser over to her, glad to be rid of it. She smiled. "It's his. He'll want it back when he returns to duty, but sickbay is no place to have those things lying around." As she said this, she remembered how one of the Devoted had nearly killed her, and how a phaser had been hidden in one of the linen closets. It was just two days ago, when Doctor Nicander's true nature had been revealed. Pushing the images of that nightmare from her mind, she made sure to smile warmly to the faceless security officer. "Thank you, Petty Officer Taer..."

Then came a call from the bridge, and Jovela turned her head away, seeing how Doctor Kobol  picked up a medkit. The security lockdown was gone. "I'll go there, but I'll be back as soon as I can. The injured from the battle are still coming in."

"Yes, Doctor. Computer, medical transport to the bridge. Lock on to Doctor Kobol , one to beam there. Authorization Jovela-Beta-Zero-Zero-Beta-Sierra. Energize when ready."

[Transport sequence initiated. Energizing.]

[ Lt. Tyreke Okafor ( | Battle Bridge | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: All
On the bridge, where a Medical Officer finally appeared, Tyreke Okafor was in over his head - trying to make course alterations to avoid Klingon disruptor charges, but he was far too slow. So slow, actually, that the automated evasive manoeuvres he tapped at on the LCARS helm screen made the Sword dodge green energy beams two volleys later than intended. The result remained the same, however, keeping the ship nimble and moving despite the low acceleration.

Lieutenant Nator had came up with an idea, but since he was just as much an engineer as he was a pilot, Okafor had just stared at the Hermat with an incredulous expression. He did as s/he suggested, however, and to his astonishment, the Sword actually accelerated a bit when he pulled the port warp throttle back a little. "We... have warp 5!" he said, but amended his announcement with the obvious. A sector was several light-years across, and it would take them twenty-four hours just to travel a little bit over 0.5 light-years. "Though it's not enough, Captain. The third Rendevouz is three light years away inside the nebula."

Curt Lucas, the Engineer, spoke up next. “We have multple hull breaches, too much damage to count off now, but I will submit a fulll damage report, Captain. between the damages and the boarding parties I am counting fourty seven casualties and twenty injured so far...”

Behind Tyreke, Doctor Kobol  had scanned Miss Thorne, and asked for another transport back to sickbay since he couldn't treat her in the middle of the busy bridge, but at that time, Okafor's focus was entirely on keeping the Sword from becoming more damaged than it already was. He was supposed to coordinate with the Allegiant, but he had no way to talk helm-chatter with the expert that seemed to be flying the smaller ship. He focused on avoiding the fighters, and hoped Lieutenant T'Less and the tactical officer on the Allegiant could handle their current predicament.

[ Lieutenant Masuda Yukimura ( | Bridge | USS Allegiant NX-80978 ] Attn: @Griff @Fife @Masorin @Numen @Multificionado @lisavw @Triton @trevorvw
When giving case to the Klingon warp raiders, Yukimura had stood up from his seat, arms crossed. He compensated for the movements the inertial dampeners couldn't handle with his legs - brown eyes on the elusive green shadows in the streaming nebula lights. Already, two raiders had been pinched between the torpedoes and phasers of the Sword and Martin's expert targeting. When they evaporated, the twirling clouds of plasma and debris vanished out of subspace, leaving just one more.

Yukimura supposed that the small crew of Klingons on the remaining raider wished to go to Sto'vo'kor instead of facing the dishonour of fleeing the battle, for it didn't break off. Instead, it accelerated, overshooting the Sword in order to evade the aft phasers. It riddled the dorsal hull of the Vector with its pulse disruptors, creating more hull-breaches. The next moment, even the last Klingon vanished in a bright flare, and the Allegiant and the Sword were left alone in subspace flight.

"Well done everyone," said Yukimura quietly, a small smile even creasing the corner of his mouth. He turned to glance at Mariner, who seemed keen on returning to the ship. "Since we wish to remain at warp, we can't transport aboard the Sword, so we'll dock in the Fighter Assault Bay. It will be a tight fit, Petty Officer, but I am confident you'll make it. Allegiant to Mission Ops!"

When the reply came, Yukimura seated himself. "If you wouldn't mind, we would like to come aboard? Unless you wish us to wait, would you please alert the fighter bay crew that the Allegiant will need some space at the mouth of the bay? Yet more importantly, we bear news that cannot wait, so I would need to speak with... Captain Wenn Cinn, isn't it?"

He thought he remembered the Continuance Protocol correctly, and that the Second Officer of the Theurgy was in command of the Sword if Captain Ives was gone.

Said and done, the Allegiant soon approached the opening bay doors of the fighter bay. Yukimura would be the last one to leave the small ship once they had set down, letting the others step aboard first. "Crew form the Cayuga, please don't venture too far until I have cleared your names with Security," he said, tapping the message on his armrest and sending it to the bridge, making sure their new passengers were accounted for.

Yet in the back of his mind, he still thought of what had happened to Task Force Archeron.

[ CPO Liam Herrold ( | Weapon Storage Room | Fighter Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan @Masorin @Blue Zephyr + Tactical CONN!
In the fighter bay, more specifically the weapon storage area, Liam Herrold had been given an inoculation by Doctor Rez, and since then, things had been... floating together. He wasn't entirely sure what happened after that. Klingons?

"I thought Ji wanted to..." he began to say in reply to Rez, but he trailed off - light blue eyes widening at the commotion that interrupted him, seeing how Sithick dispatched one in a gruesome way. "Wooah. Freckles? No... That looks like war paint..." There was blood all over the doctor, and Liam tilted his head at the sight. The blonde Trill was pretty, but not as pretty as Ji, who seemed his mirror image in the way she also talked gibberish. What she said made him chuckle.

"Who's Nic? Is he nice? I like nice guys. Not too nice though. No..." He waggled his finger at the ceiling, unable to rise up for some reason. "Just enough nice. That's nice..."

More people arrived. Lone Wolves by the looks of it. He chuckled at the way they all looked the same in those suits. "Wolves Anonymous," he mused with a grin, "You should say 'Hi, my name is Bob, and I am a wolf.' Then, even if you’re humans, we'd all say...'Hi Bob!'"

He paused, expecting others to have said the phrase as well, but no one he could hear joined him in laughing at the joke either. Instead, he heard something about the security lockdown finally having been lifted from sickbay over the intercom, and in short order, both Liam and Ji were transported there. It all happened in a haze, the vertigo of being relocated almost making Liam fall off the biobed, but there was a hand on his shoulder there - catching him.

"All right, you just lay still until we have time for you, okay?" said Nurse Jovela, whom he recognised. There were others present as well. Why was there a security guard in a golden exosuit in sickbay? Nothing made sense any more. There was a brunette with a handsome male doctor standing over her, but his eyes fell on Ji next, who occupied the biobed next to him in Intensive Care. Liam couldn't help the grin he gave her, as if there wasn't a care in the whole world when looking at her.

"What were we talking about again?" he asked Ji with a smile, not sure what was happening anymore.

OOC: Another post coming up with Nicander, but seven days of posting for all begins today, and there is no suggested posting order. Crew of the Allegiant, please have your characters step off the Allegiant in the end of your post. Here's the bridge crew on the Sword: [Show/Hide]
Here are the characters in the Fighter Assault Bay and the Lone Wolves Squadron: [Show/Hide]
Main Sickbay & Security Center: [Show/Hide]
Again, as previously stated about the current situation, please notice how five hours have passed since the earlier events in this Chapter and 2300 hrs, which was the present time when the scene began. These five hours are, of course, still available for everyone to use in setting up their own Supplemental threads. The naming convention for Suppplemental threads leading up to Chapter 04 in Part 1 (Charades) is still: CH04: S [DXX|YYYY] Insert Title. These should also be posted in the Part 1 board of Epsiode 05!

Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Triage on September 05, 2018, 10:53:50 PM
[ Ens. Cameron Henshaw ( | Battle Bridge | Deck 01 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @chXinya, @steelphoenix, @Top Hat, @trevorvw & @Firefox013
They were out of there. Barely intact, but they survived. That would suffice for the time being. Letting go of a breath she didn't even know she had been holding, Cameron turned to look gratefully at Jaya Thorne. Her control at helms took them out of the worst of it, and then the woman collapsed. Eyes widening, the Yeoman darted forward just behind Wenn Cinn, who called for medical assistance after a cursory examination. While she didn't take actual medical courses back in the academy, she hung around doctors and nurses long enough to pick up a thing or two about field triage.

Sadly, without even the basic tricorder, she could only assess the visual signs of injury, but to the unconscious helmsman's luck, the situation in Sickbay had finally settled down, and Jovela beamed directly to the bridge. Leaving the woman to tend to Jaya, Cameron got back to her feet and started when Yukimura's voice sounded in her earpiece, and she pressed a finger to the device as she spoke, “This is Henshaw, go ahead, Allegiant.”

Once the man spoke, Cameron nodded to herself and then replied, “Acknowledged. We'll clear you for landing. I'll patch you to Captain Wenn, stand by.”

Turning to the Bajoran, she said, “Captain, the Allegiant is hailing us. Captain Yukimura says it's urgent.”

Once she alerted the Sword's captain, the Yeoman returned to her station and alerted the Fighter Assault Bay to clear space for the Allegiant. “Be advised,” she said in her usual calm detachment, “the Allegiant is coming in for a landing, repeat, the Allegiant is coming in for a landing. Make space with all due alacrity.”
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Top Hat on September 05, 2018, 11:02:27 PM
[ Cmdr Ranaan Ducote | Battle Bridge | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @trevorvw  @Auctor Lucan  @patches @Jm Von Cat @CanadianVet @chXinya @Doc M. et al

[Akoni to Ducote. I'm on my way back to the Bridge, unless you need me elsewhere.]

Scratching at his stubble, the XO checked over the reports coming in as he compared them with the readings from the internal sensors. There were an unfortunate number of holes in their coverage after the battle and the boarding action, but the tallies of killed and captured Klingons matched the number of detected transporter signatures. He cancelled the forcefields now that they were unnecessary.

Tapping a button on the console to respond, "Head back up here, Kai. Mister Wenn wants a meeting... I hope there's coffee." The reference was both to Ducote's extreme tiredness and to the meetings he himself had held back on the Endeavour - staff or informal meetings were taken over coffee whether he was speaking to officers or enlisted, but a disciplinary meeting was as dry as a bone. He didn't really expect a reprimand, given the tone of the marathon meeting they'd endured after their 'release' from the brig and the task he had just undertaken on their behalf during the battle, but anything was possible with this madcap crew.

The man himself arrived at his side, after calling for a medic for their fallen conn officer, and he commanded the computer to display the scene in the Security Centre. It wasn't pretty, but at least it confirmed that the doctor-they-wanted-to-keep was still alive and mostly unharmed. Afterwards, the Bajoran redeployed some of the remaining security complement - looked as if he was spreading to cover as much ground as possible with their diminished group. Sensible enough-

"Apologies, Commander Ducote; old habit..." Ranaan just blinked at him. Not my ship, not my Fleet, not my problem. Ultimately. "... As for Nicander, seal off the temporary holding cell and isolate-"

He worked as Wenn spoke, trying not to watch the bubbles form in the blood around the mouths of the dead security officers as the pressure dropped in the antechamber. While he managed that, Wenn made sure his enlisted were toeing the line. Briefly, he wondered what Bremmer was used to getting away with, before mentally repeating his Not my ship point. At any rate, between worrying about his own crew in sickbay and the other potential survivors of his ship's destruction, he didn't have much spare energy for their shenanigans.

Aiden Kobol  materialised on the bridge, and it would have been a lie to claim that he wasn't relieved. Though he did know better than to interrupt a current triage to try and ask how the Niger survivors were doing below. Friendly the good doctor may be, but get between him and a patient at your peril.

"Bridge to sickbay," he commed. "Prepare to receive Doctor Maya, site-to-site."

Ducote tapped away at his panel, setting the transporter to harmonise with the oscillation frequency of the force field surrounding the cell. The transport itself might take a little longer, but once the ACB encased her she would be impervious to whatever harm Nicander might attempt to inflict. And ACB confinement was the very second step in a transport process after 'achieve a lock'. However, the console threw up an alert. The usual algorithms couldn't separate Maya from Nicander; they were too close to one another. He sighed, before diving into things a little more thoroughly - making sure to set the lock for a Vulcan biosign only and double-checking that by adding the transponder code of her combadge. A few seconds more, and the lock was confirmed.

In a shower of scintillating light, Maya dissolved from Nicander's embrace.

That done, he moved the surviving Klinks from their disparate positions around the ship into empty cells in the complex, making sure to sterilise their signatures of any energy or bladed weapons on the way. No doubt they would be less than sanguine when they woke up in captivity.

"Transports complete," he reported.

ooc: The above section edited at AL's request.

[ Lt JG Nator 159 | Bridge | Deck 08 | The Sword ]

There was a curious limbo to be found when assigning damage control teams - between the acknowledgement that all work took time, and the desire to have it all done now. Especially given the fact that they had a rather pressing appointment to keep and a damaged nacelle, on top of the depredations heaped upon them by the Rotarran.

And speaking of the hulking warship, s/he wasn't too confident in their being unable to follow the Sword. Federation technology as a whole might well have the marginal edge over the competition in the quadrant (particularly after the accelerated progress during the Borg incursions and the Dominion War), but Klingon engineers knew their own craft extremely well. S/he wouldn't put it past them to be able to salvage their own wrecked nacelle, despite however thorough T'Less had been.

The Vulcan was currently marking up a grim tally as she sandwiched the marauding raiders between the Vector and the Allegiant. Sluggish the Sword might have been compared to the Raiders, but the Allegiant was a barracuda among minnows. The last raider focused chiefly on evading the corvette, which gave her the time she needed to nail the solution down with a terrible finality. More alarms rang out with new impacts against their hull, eliciting a grimace from Nator wide enough to show hir fangs. With a final flourish, like some Cardassian judge signing a death warrant, T'Less fired a pattern from their ventral array that dismantled the enemy fighter by segments before converging on its warp core. A flash, that immediately zipped behind them into their slipstream, and a relative calm at last descended upon the bridge.

The Hermat took a deep breath.

The lieutenant next to hir didn't stop inputting commands, however, as once she verified that their immediate environs were clear she ran a swift diagnostic on their shield generators. "Shunting phaser power to shields," she informed Nator. S/he didn't comment; the quicker they came back up, the better. And if the Vulcan were content to take care of their weapons and defences, s/he could focus on repairs and getting underway.

"We... have warp five! Though it's not enough, Captain. The third rendezvous in three light years away inside the nebula."

A swift piece of mental arithmetic, and 'most of a week' was obviously too long to take to meet the rest of the Theurgy. A clawtip tak-tak-tak'd the edge of hir console while s/he utterly failed to think of a way to speed things up. Repairing the plasma conduits in the pylon would be impossible at warp, let alone inspecting the rest of the nacelle. A full service, reducing the rest of the repair crews to skeleton, could take a couple of days. With obvious reductions in time-needed as they cut stress tests and safety checks along the way. The old fast-safe-good triangle. Pick two.

Fuck's sake, this fu-"-cking galaxy sometimes, I swear-" s/he muttered as s/he stood and stalked over to the Engineering station to where the CPO was flicking through his display. Given that he wasn't sharing it with an apparently psychopathic Vulcan, s/he found it both a professional and social improvement on hir own console.

"What happened to the backups in the pylon?" Nator asked as s/he looked over the system diagrams. There was a depressing amount of red painted across the deck cutaways.

"I can't get them to engage. I sent a team to investigate, but there's a limited amount they can do on the wing." He looked over at Nator. "If we want to get there on time, we have to stop and fix it."

S/he sighed, looking over the displays for a hole in the logic. Ultimately, attempting to modify a warp engine while it was in-use was stupid, no matter how good your intentions were. Nator waited for the flight controller to make her announcement to the captain, before adding hir own.

"We also need to drop to sublight, sir. The starboard nacelle needs repair. We'll never make it to the rendezvous at this speed."
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: trevorvw on September 06, 2018, 12:02:16 AM
[ Lt. Kai Akoni | Enroute to Battle Bridge | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Top Hat @chXinya et al.

As Kai approached the turbolift entrance, Ducote had replied to him.

”Head back up here, Kai. Mister Wenn wants a meeting… I hope there’s coffee”

Kai acknowledged Ducote’s order and boarded the turbolift as the doors had just opened. His escort had let him board the turbolift by himself, as the crewman was staying to maintain security in and around deflector control.

Coffee….oh how I need coffee

As the doors closed on the lift and it started moving, Kai finally found a moment to breathe. He sighed and and looked down at the floor in an effort to stretch his neck. Now with a moment to relax, he felt the enormity and stress of the last little while. Between the original Borg attack, the resistance to the Theurgy when they found the Niger and then the Klingons.

Kai had to chuckle himself as he thought back to the Battle of Betazed during the Dominion War. Somehow, that had been less fast paced then the immediate recent history. He hoped that all of this would be over soon; and hoped Ducote would have at least some of those answers.

The large man sighed again as he thought about Annika; it had been tough to lose her as quickly as had happened. Yet another person lost at the hands of the Borg. Truth of the matter was, she wasn’t just another person. She was one of the most important people in Kai’s life, and now her life was over. Kai’s thoughts then moved to Ducote and how he lost Blue as well from the original attack. He quickly realized that they both hadn’t had time to process the loss, but he was sure they would in the near future. Kai knew that alcohol had to be involved in that, wether it was healthy or not.

Kai then thought about Cross as well; hoping his friend was alive, but knowing that it wasn’t likely.

The turbolift slowed and then came to a gentle stop as it reached the Bridge and the doors swished open. Kai straightened himself and then stepped out onto the bridge and saw Ducote and the dark skinned Bajoran standing there.

He approached the two of them as Ducote had looked up.

”Commanders…Someone said something about coffee?”

Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: lisavw on September 06, 2018, 01:13:37 AM
[ Lt. T’Panu and Ensign Annika Van den Berg | Med Bay | USS Allegiant ] @Auctor Lucan @Fife @Numen @Triton @Masorin @Multificionado @Griff

Joint post with @trevorvw

T’Panu felt as the ship shook, before they made their descent and landed in the Fighter Bay. She wondered what the new ship was going to be like. She knew it would be far larger, and a far nicer ship than what they had become accustomed to.

Anything will be better than that Aerowing Shuttle, T’Panu thought.

She was extremely excited to check out the new medical rooms and meet the other doctors, but also quite nervous.

For being half Vulcan, you’d think the half Betazoid would affect my emotions less, she thought.

T’Panu wondered how Annika would feel knowing she was suddenly about to board yet another foreign ship. She hoped it wouldn’t be long before she started to feel more comfortable and trusting towards their crew. In all due time they would find out the horrors Annika had seen, and also share theirs. They would have to keep a close watch on Annika’s mental state to ensure she wasn’t overloaded with too much information.

T’Panu turned to Annika just as she noticed her starting to move uncomfortably.

”Well good morning, Annika!” T’Panu voiced, excitedly.

Annika slowly blinked her eyes and reached up try and clear her eyes. Her eyelids felt very heavy as she slowly blinked enough to clear her eyesight. She could finally see that a Vulcan doctor stood before her.

”Morning? Where am I?”

”You’re currently on the Allegiant. My name is T’Panu. You’ve been in quite the predicament, by the looks of things. We found your escape pod drifting through the Azure Nebula and rescued it. Do you remember anything that’s happened?”

The young brunette reached up and grabbed her head with her right hand. She slightly shook it from side to side. She tried to process what had just been told to her, but it didn’t make any sense.

The Azure Nebula?

Annika had never heard of it, besides the point though; last thing she remembered was that the Arizona was doing exercises near Betazed. What was going on? Annika was so confused and despite her efforts to try and make any sense of what the Vulcan had said; she couldn’t.

”Tha…That…um..doesn’t make sense to me. I’m sure the Arizona was near Betazed”

The Arizona? That’s interesting. That’s a ship I haven’t heard of in a very long time,T’Panu thought, as she processed what Annika had said.

You were on the Arizona? Near Betazed? That’s a long way from where we are now.

T’Panu grabbed her Medical Tricorder as Annika was trying to grasp her current situation. Her scans came back clear. All her trauma had nicely healed up, vitals were stable, neural function within normal range.

”Well on the plus side, everything is looking good from my end. What do you say we help you sit up and see how you feel?”, T’Panu offered.

Annika nodded slightly at T’Panu’s offer to sit up as she tried to get a handle on what was happening. She sat up slowly with T’Panu’s assistance. Her head felt like a shuttlecraft had landed on it, she also had winced from slight discomfort in her left ribs. She remembered something about the doctor fixing them earlier, but that was slightly hazy.

The woman groaned a bit as she achieved a sitting position on the edge of the bio bed.

”Well…I’m sitting up. That’s a good start”

The ship wide comm line opened just after Annika had spoken.

[This is Yukimura. We have docked aboard the second Vector of the Theurgy. You are free to leave the Allegiant, and it is encouraged, since there might be injured to treat, and repairs to be made. The ship has just been under heavy fire, and we need to help as much as we can. If you have any questions, contact me. More information about the continuation of our mission will come after I have conferred with Captain Wenn Cinn.]

This announcement had confused the Dutch woman even more.

TheurgyTheurgy…The Theurgy….wasn’t she on a diplomatic mission to Romulus? Annika thought as she tried to jog her memory, to no avail.

T’Panu looked up to where the voice was coming from as she prepared for their departure. She could see the confusion on Annika’s face, and sense it as well. Annika appeared to be less confused than she actually was, which was impressive given the current circumstances.

"Here, let me help you up. Tell me if you have any pain or discomfort anywhere. We’ll go nice and slow at your pace; and remember, we’re in no rush. One step at a time,” T’Panu stated, calmly and reassuringly.

As the doctor helped Annika to a standing position, the younger woman felt a little woozy and unsteady on her feet, which had just as quickly disappeared. They took a couple of steps forward and all Annika felt was her headache, but nothing else she could really complain about.

Except for what was actually going on.., she thought to herself as she turned to the doctor.

”Other than a headache, I don’t have much to complain about Doc”

”There will be no headaches allowed in my Med Bay!” T’Panu stated, smiling. She administered Hydrocortilene. ”This should help with your headache. It shouldn’t take long for you to start feeling better!”

Annika’s steps starting coming easier as she got used to standing again. T’Panu felt her easing off a bit on her shoulder as she was slowly able to support her own weight again.

The woman was finally able to stand and walk unassisted after a few moments and the medication that the doctor had given her had helped with her headache. She was sore but doing better than she had in the last little bit.

T’Panu and Annika then made their way to the airlock in order to disembark the Allegiant.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: CanadianVet on September 06, 2018, 01:32:41 AM
[ PO2 Eliska Bremmer | Security Center | Deck 7 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Jm Von Cat @patches @Top Hat @trevorvw @Auctor Lucan

Bremmer was ready to go in.  First they'd enter the office outside of secondary holding, which looked like it would serve as a perfectly good drunk tank come to think of it.  Then, they would storm into the holding pen itself, and she'd take Nicander's head off.  One shot, game over.  Or, if all else failed, everyone opens up and they would need medical sterilizing equipment to get the last of him out of the room. 

But that was not to be. 

Contain the prisoner only? Not a takedown?  Not putting it out of their collective misery?  Well, not her call all right. "Acknowledge, contain Nicander in place, and wait for the outer security holding room to decompress."

As she spoke, the telltale warnings of nearby transporter activity showed in the HUD of her faceplate, and she saw Doctor Maya's lifesigns vanish, as well as the transponder codes of the two suits, and the forms with no lifesigns.  "Confirm, all our personnel is out of there.  You can start pumping it out."

But then, an idea dawned upon the Petty Officer.  As an EVA instructor, she had a bloody good idea of how long she could stay conscious in a vacuum; in air pressure that would be half of normal, it wouldn't be much longer, but she also knew just how bloody tough Nicander was with the parasite within him, what with having witnessed him living much longer than he should have with non-trivial parts of its torso missing.  They had to make it longer, somehow.  Or just harder to cross, make it take longer, much longer...

Little air would mean little resistance, but unlike being out in space, there would still be gravity... 

"Bremmer to the Captain.  Sir, we know how tough the bastard is, and even with forcefields I don't like how little standoff we got between secondary holding and the outer door.  How about we make that compartment in vacuum harder to cross, say by cranking up gravity?  No idea how strong he really is, so I'd say going all out to a good 25Gs would be a good place to start?"
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Triton on September 06, 2018, 10:05:56 AM
[ Lt. JG Alessia "Angel" Garcia (,_callsign_%22Angel%22) & ENS James "Jimmy" Mariner | USS Allegiant NX-80978 -> Pilot Lounge | Fighter Assault Bay | U.S.S. Theurgy | Vector 2 | In Quite a Bloody Mess | Heart of the Azure Nebula ]Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @Havenborn, @Triage @Blue Zephyr & @Multificionado

Jimmy could hardly wait to get in on the action, but he could not wait to dash out of the Allegiant to get to Meony's side and inform whoever could render aid what to do. "Doc!" Jimmy summoned T'panu and quickly explained. "Sickbay's been damaged, and we've got a critical WIA in the pilot's lounge." The urgency in his otherwise calm-as-tides speech, "Reports read we lost most pilots, and if we lose one more, we'll be at risk against more Klingon Raiders."

Amid the chaos of maintaining Meony's lifesigns, an announcement from Henshaw on the bridge that transmitted in the lounge's PA. "Be advised the Allegiant is coming in for a landing, repeat, the Allegiant is coming in for a landing. Make space with all due alacrity." The English accent was as calm as Angel wished she could be at the moment.

"We're losing her!" Angel warned frantically, as the tricorder began to make familiarly unpleasant beeping sound effects.  It  was then that Alessia heard the sound of the bay doors opening. The Latina whirled around to the nearest LCARS screen and spotted a friendly shuttlecraft enter per the verbal warning-- The Allegiant. Sexy ship or not, this wasn't the time to make wishful transfer order requests when she spotted a blue uniform emerge among other personnel who debarked. Passion and concern drove Alessia to dash toward the lounge door; nearly kicking it when it didn't open in time as she shouted at Rawley "Keep her alive! I'm getting medical!" The shuttle had barely touched down as a man in amor-suited male greeted Alessia, and there was a modicum of familiarity about that voice. Her TVD was off and she didn't have its display to identify the doctor or the man in armor. There was something familiar about him, she just didn't see past his Security helmet. "We got a pilot going cri-ti-cal!" a female Spanish shout interrupted Mariner's request before the doctor could reply . That voice was surprisingly familiar, but as the Allegiant landed, all Jimmy could think of was getting to the Pilot's lounge where he spotted two female officers -- no doubt the bald one was a lady too -- carry Meony to the Pilot's lounge like a lifeless hulk. Jimmy recognized that much of the other pilot, much as his screen could make out at the time, not that he cared much about anything else. Even someone he'd flown countless hours with eluding Jem'Hadar with.

Mariner had already bounded out of the airlock and was already sprinting toward the lounge, hardly bothering to see if he was being followed, but by the time he'd arrived, the Pilot had already passed him. Under normal circumstances, Jimmy might have made a mental note of the woman's figure while running away but nearly crashing into the doors to the lounge was more reason to justify getting to his partner. Even losing the race to the lounge was forgivable. Under the circumstances; Jimmy didn't like to lose and never more than now.

"Meony! It's Jimmy! I'm Home! Wake up!" Hurried instants passed as Jimmy raced to Meony, past the pilot with the unique hairstyle (or lack of one) and grabbed Meony's hands, Mariner roared for a medic again in time to apologize to the Doc's face. "MEDIC!!! Oh. Shite. Sorry, Doc. Listen: she's got a semi-sentient tumor right... here. She needs a biobed and emergency surgery, or she'll flatline. If you can reconstruct the protective coil keeping it out of her brain, you can save her. If you can get that bloody thing out, you'll get a mention in a documentary." being intimately familiar with the dangerous condition Meony had, this was the best possible report he could give in the precious heartbeats of time he had as the Doctor tended Meony, explaining further, "It was a nasty 'gift' from some hostile aliens looking to experiment on humans and kill us. They didn't like Resolve in their corner of space. Long story, make sure she tells it. Please."  Jimmy stepped back and let the doctor tend her ministrations, kissing her hand and humming into it as if it would make the difference. "Hang in there, Luv."

Now that the officer's security-exo suit had its helm cast off to the side, Alessia realized these two were an item. Ironic, as it was the same new recruit who wolf-whistled at her last week; Wow, the Azure Nebula's initial briefing seemed like an eternity ago. But genuine moments like this transcended all of that, especially since Alessia had no one else now of her former friends, except maybe Fury were still alive. "She helped nuke our attackers. She's a hell of a pilot. She'll pull through." Alessia didn't feel like mentioning this would have explained Meony nearly drifting into fire earlier.  Jimmy seemed intent on being in touch with Meony more than listening to Alessia's reassurance.

Jimmy's world consisted of Meony, her well being and then how he could find out what the hell happened. Not that he wasn't pleased to be here or see Meony alive and in medical hands; or for that matter, in familiar company. "I'll link up with security once I secure the hangar, but keep me posted, Doc. Beam me right in if there's even any a single Croc-head breathing in there--" the Australian's words were cut off by a transporter beam; he had to let go, however begrudgingly, of Meony, lest his hand get caught in the buffer. Jimmy considered that as an excuse for a sickbay visit, but opted against it; whoever did this, still had to pay. Best charge with both hands.

"Mariner! James Mariner!" Alessia realized in final recognition, wearing an expression of recognition as she pointed at him, Jimmy turned to face the Latin woman. Bloody Hell! Leon's lady-dearest during the Dominion War. Wow, that's who she was. "No one else has ever called them 'Croc-heads.' G'day, guero!<blondie>" the astonishment and surprise seemed mutual.

Despite red tear-pregnant eyes, Jimmy's face turned to one of recognition and relief. It was the Latina he wolf-whistled at without looking above her neck when the Bald pilot nearby unveiled a starfighter from the future. When they all joined; Jimmy thought Alessia looked familiar but didn't look twice when the Captain and Officers were giving their welcome-aboard speeches. " Angel. Alessia Garcia. Damn good to see you, again! Jolly good surprise! That was you with the Mek'leths? All those Clancy programs and war games we drilled under really saved your skin, didn't they?"

Alessia gave a brief but tight hug to Jimmy, one of friendship than anything else. A hug like that reserved for Mariner's mentor and mutual friend, if he was aboard. Or alive. She made introductions, "Lieutenant JG 'Ghost' Rawley, meet Jimmy Mariner. From the Hornet. We flew Hoppers in the War together. Well, I flew, he led teams... and apparently he's Meony's stallion." Was Alessia's hunch upon sensing the urgency of Mariner's prior behavior. Meony was a lucky girl, the way Alessia briefly sized up how Jimmy had grown in the last few years and approved; but if he was here, it was likely another officer they both served under likely was aboard.

"I taught Angel how to fight that. But I was a grunt, not a bloody pilot--no offense." Jimmy shook Rawley's hand with just a bit of exaggeration to his claim; Alessia only learned the basics during Hornet Security training and self-taught herself the rest during that ship's wargames and holodeck simulations. Mariner's humor however matched his uncharacteristic mood of dread and vengeance, with an expression of barely-contained fury. "What's the thirty-second version of what happened?"

That was more like the badged ruffian Alessia knew back in the Dominion War. 'Just the facts and where's the front?' Despite the gesture of the hug and formal introduction, the mood of relief passed as soon as it transpired. If not for the gravity of their situation, the bittersweet reunion could have otherwise gone on. Alessia, knowing Jimmy, kept the short-version of recent events as brief as she followed the Security man out the door on his way to the turbolift opposite the bay in an additional sweep for boarders. "We were pursuing a Borg Cube in the Nebula our squad and got bushwhacked by Martok and his new Neg'var Carrier Flagship crewed by those Yan-Isleth crocodrilos <Crocs>. Most of my old shipmates and about half of Wolf squadron... didn't make it." That was about 12 seconds in, following a sigh of intermission. "We got boarded, if you saw security footage, you know more than I do elsewhere on the ship. I hope, at least. Your arrival's some much-needed good news." She about had to test the waters on one of two questions. "By the way, it's 'lieu-oo-tenant' now; I hope you enjoyed being the senior ensign while it lasted, Jaime. <'Hai-Meh', Spanish form of 'James'>" Despite the seriousness of the moment, Alessia almost felt smug outranking her old friend and could theoretically now order him to shut up or turn down his music; at least some times now.

Without knowing what her second question was, or perhaps knowing it, Mariner abruptly responded, as if to derail the moment. "Leon's alive." The one bit of good news Jimmy had to report himself was given back in response; it was the least Jimmy could do was lighten his former crewmate and friend's spirits. Anyone aboard the Hornet knew that it was almost impossible to keep the Hornet XO's relationship with one of his pilots a secret. Alessia was stoic in response to this revelation but she stayed quiet, rifle drawn at a pace as they hustled to the weapons bay. Every spark or buzz from the kinetic cannon fire sent a jumpy rifle aim in that direction. "He was on the Helm Vector when we split. If he knew you were here, well... He's never told anyone else, but he misses you. We'll find him." Alessia's eyes widened for a moment as she recalled the Resolve's destruction at the Orcus's hands; that was probably what triggered her defection.

Mariner bit his lip at the thought of how many lives he could have saved if he could have beamed in to sickbay. There was a thin red line between a warrior and a soldier, and soldiers were often the response to warriors. These bastards must've been out for revenge after Sud Lang and were probably given orders for no mercy. Jimmy didn't take the casualty report lightly as he skimmed the list. It'd take a proper soldier to put these warriors in their place: With others in Sto'vo'kor.

"Ah good. Salvo made it. The good leftenant owes me latinum." On the other side of the bay, somewhat following Garcia, Jimmy spotted Havenborn as they approached the weapons bay, Mariner's own rifle drawn as he glanced inside. "G'day, Salvo. Sorry we're late to the party... Crikey! What you think was the cause of Death, Leftenant? A bloody Kaiju?" Jimmy remarked when he got a better view, nodding at Dan and as if it were no big deal, to the Gorn who had obviously dealt with these party-crashers.

Jimmy almost regarded with an amused regard of attained revenge. Alessia wrinkled her nose and uttered something in Spanish that translated as <UGH! Smells like [some extremely filthy] trash, for goodness sake!>.  Jimmy didn't need the universal translator to understand Alessia.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Numen on September 06, 2018, 01:04:10 PM
[ Lt. JG Izar Bila (| Science Lab | USS Allegiant NX-80978 ]
Att.: @Auctor Lucan  @Griff  @Masorin  @Fife  @Multificionado  @lisavw  @Triton @trevorvw

The lab shook several more times, the inertial dampers unable to completely stop the wobbling of the starship, which responded to the orders of the Romulan pilot with alacrity, but with the delicacy of a neurosurgeon working with boxing gloves. The chemist could only cling to one of the tables in the laboratory, his back against the ORE to prevent it from shattering on the floor, while his hands tried to protect the new vaccine batch in process. For a few terrifying minutes, the only thing he could do was try to keep both countermeasures safe, while the rest of the lab seemed to overcome the effects of a tornado.

After what seemed like an eternity, the starship stabilized, and the only memory left in the laboratory was the ever-present hum of the engines. In addition to a lot of broken glass and delicate devices scattered on the floorplates. A real pity. Bila moved away from the ORE suspiciously, expecting  that the room would shake again at any moment, and throw overboard all the work he had done aboard the Allegiant.  However, the room remained innocently stable. He took that fact with a pinch of salt and hurriedly prepared an isothermal container to preserve the vaccines. The ORE was too big to be stored in any other place that was not a cargo cointaner, but that would prevent him from continuing with his tests …

[This is Yukimura. We have docked aboard the second Vector of the Theurgy. You are free to leave the Allegiant, and it is encouraged, since there might be injured to treat, and repairs to be made. The ship has just been under heavy fire, and we need to help as much as we can. If you have any questions, contact me. More information about the continuation of our mission will come after I have conferred with Captain Wenn Cinn.]

The captain's voice came through the intercom, clearing the shaking to which he had recently been exposed. Wishing to abandon that Prophetsforsaken barge as soon as possible, the hybrid scientist stuffed his datapadds with the records of his research in the vaccines' case, put it under his armpit and embraced the ORE as his life depended on it. Probably it would do, sooner or later. He needed to take a container in the hold to keep the device safe. Nor did it seem a bad idea to recover his duffel bag from the crew quarters, and make sure that he had the Kayo bottle with him too, as well as the dosage instructions provided by the counselor Ejek.

With his mind occupied with these tasks, trying to avoid the ramifications of the attack that Vector 2 and the Allegiant had just endured, Bila left the laboratory. His hurried steps went to the continuous room, and then he left his impedimenta in the airlock before running down the stairs in search of the rest of his belongings. Even if he had to leave the vessel dragging with his teeth his voluminous luggage, he wasn't going to spend a minute more than necessary on board that shuttle.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 06, 2018, 02:29:15 PM
[ Dr. Nicander ( | Temporary Holding Cell | Security Center | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: All
Having seen - through the other Host's eyes - how even this broken cycle would repeat the invasion of the Borg, Lucan cin Nicander couldn't see how there was any hope left. The Radiant was dead, killed by another Host, just like the rest of those abducted. The same Host had seen them become liquefied and absorbed into some kind of machinery. Each cycle had minor changes, this he had learned, but now, when the Theurgy had escaped the Niga virus and continued the fight, Lucan had - in vain - thought that the Borg would not invade, since so much else had been different so far. How could he have been so naive?

Yet in the bleak knowledge of what was to come, and the despair of what the darkness had made him do to the three Starfleet officers just outside the cell... Lucan's pale grey eyes had slowly been drawn to a minute movement in Maya's face. She was looking at him, and smiling, and even though it shouldn't even begin to compare to the magnitude of his regrets, he found himself elated by the fact that she was alive. Stupidly, he found himself smiling back, as per reflex, making the tears that had amassed in his eyes run down his cheeks. "Maya," he whispered, his voice broken. There was so much he wanted to say. He wanted to thank her, to apologise, ask her why she smiled to him, but the sight of her alone, and how she looked at him, it reminded him that there was hope yet, and that even if they knew his true nature, some of them would defend him.

As long as he could remain himself, he could yet help the crew, and perhaps find redemption in the havoc he would cause their enemy... knowing the things he did.

He pursed his lips to speak, yet even as he did, Maya dematerialized in his lap, her smiling face dissolving in shimmering light. His own smile faded then, denied the brittle tether he had on hope. They took Maya away from him, because of what he had done... but he didn't hold it against them. Seeing what he could do - even whilst unarmed and wearing a medical gown - they had to fear what he was capable of. He closed his eyes, and his mismatched hands became fists in his lap. He should not begrudge them their caution...

When he opened his eyes, he saw that the twisted bodies were gone, and the minute shimmer of the forcefield they had raised, and beyond it, another one. It seemed they dared not move him to the proper brig, rather taking every measure to keep him from doing more harm. Prudent. He welcomed it, as long as he could speak with them. All the cells had audio recording, so it was time. He rose from the deck plating, standing tall, and looked out through the two forcefields. The gown he wore was bloodied and askew, but he spoke with the clarity of a lucid man. One resigned to his fate.

"I know you are listening," he said in his deep voice, his faded Câroon accent filling the static, reaching whomever was on the other side. "I have a singular request. Please make sure Doctor Maya gets the treatment she needs, for she is the reason I could give you the Rotarran's shield frequency. She protected me from the Security officers that sought to interfere, and she suffered the consequences for all our sakes. I am a doctor, not a monster, and no words are adequate to describe the regret of how... peering into the abyss of this... nameless darkness inside.... let it take over, and what it made me do to those men."

Taking a deep, shuddering breath, he wiped his face with his whole hand. He had no prospects of them believing him, but he said it nonetheless. "I am 'myself' again, and the healthier and stronger I am physically, the less influence it will have on me. So, when you are ready to listen, I will be here." He paused, not quite sure how much he should tell them. He could not afford to have his words dismissed as lies, now that their trust in him was non-existent. There was one thing they had to be told, lest it would be too late. "Just know this, in the meantime. The Borg will invade the Federation on the morrow, and there is no time. You must return to the apertures, and you must destroy them. Billions of lives hang in the balance. I can make a difference, if you are willing to heed my words."

Having said this, the Doctor resigned himself to the quietude of his new home.

Perhaps he could yet escape, with the kind of access he still had to the Theurgy. He wasn’t sure, but even so, if they thought they couldn’t contain him... he knew they would not keep him alive.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Multificionado on September 06, 2018, 07:18:05 PM
[Lieutenant JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | TacCONN Briefing Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @Nolan @Triage @Triton @Havenborn @chXinya @Top Hat

"Well, then, sod Maya," Ghost said, shrugging. It occurred to Rawley that Maya would be busy in Security and may be tending to that backstabbing bugger Nicander. There was nothing Rawley can do about Nicander; that was a matter for those of higher rank.

"Okay, then, Computer," she added, "identify the nearest physician and give me her location."

[Doctor Amelya Rez is the nearest physician and is currently in the weapons storage room.]

Rez? Sounds good enough for Ghost.

"We're losing her!" Angel warned frantically.

Ghost could see that, the tricorder beeping more and more. Rawley was no medic, but she knew all that beeping was not a good thing.

She whirled around, hearing the bay doors open, and was surprised to see the Allegiant fly in. Angel suddenly dashed to the door; did she see a blue uniform? Rawley could see one, too, must be Rez.

"Keep her alive! I'm getting medical!"

Rawley nodded. She would've done the same thing in Angel's shoes, and her behavior would match hers at any time.

A moment later, Angel returned with the doctor, along with a muscle-bound brute in an exo-suit, almost akin to Rawley's and any other of the Wolves' flight suits, albeit with lots of critical differences. The man rushed to Meony's side at warp speed; Rawley didn't need to be a genius to tell that Meony had a fuck-buddy.

Rawley was further astonished as the man explained Meony's condition.

"A 'semi-sentient tumor?'" she asked in astonishment to no one in particular. She never met a tumor that was alive.

"It was a nasty 'gift' from some hostile aliens looking to experiment on humans and kill us. They didn't like Resolve in their corner of space. Long story, make sure she tells it. Please."

He was explaining more to the doctor, but Rawley was further surprised at that. It's one thing to encounter hostile aliens, but if they were looking to experiment on humans...Rawley shuddered. She'd hate to let that happen to her...or worse, be assimilated by the Borg.

Meony was shortly beamed out, and Rawley smiled. She was going to make it, Rawley was sure of it.

"Get well soon, yeh brilliant ginger lass," she said quietly, and then turned back to Angel and the Aussie, whom Angel recognized as James Mariner.  Angel introduced Rawley a moment later.

"Lieutenant JG 'Ghost' Rawley, meet Jimmy Mariner. From the Hornet. We flew Hoppers in the War together. I flew, he led teams... and apparently he's Meony's stallion."

"Aye?" said Rawley smiling. Stallion, her arse. Jimmy Mariner was both man and stallion, a practical bloody centaur. Meony was a lucky lass to have such a knight in shining armour. And she can easily tell he served in the war; he seemed about as hardened as Angel was, not to mention his age.

"I taught Angel how to fight that. But I was a grunt, not a bloody pilot--no offense." Jimmy shook Rawley's hand.

Rawley's smile only widened further. She was taking a liking to the mek'leth Angel handed her.

"Aye?" she said again. "Yeh will have to teach me sometime, depending on whether or not yeh are needed on the Allegiant."

Angel and Jimmy exchanged news, especially on how their friends were wiped out in the Rotarran attack. It didn't occur to Rawley that a lot of those dead Wolves were friends of Angel's. However bad it was for Rawley to lose fellow Wolves, it must've been worse for Angel.

Rawley left the lounge; there was nothing left to keep here there now that Meony was beamed to Sickbay, and she was curious about the Allegiant, and what was going on. She had just arrived in the airlock when she flinched at the sight of a Borg drone in a uniform. Except she wasn't as pale.

[Ensign Six | Airlock | USS Allegiant NX-80978] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @Masorin @Numen @Gadget @Griff @Fife @lisavw

Upon the Allegiant landing, Six made for the airlock; her speed was partly due to her excitement of checking out the "Sword," and partly to get away from the crew who evidently didn't seem to trust her. She realized she may have to wait for Masuda; she was expecting to escort Masuda to meet the ranking officers of the "Sword," given her value as the Allegiant's guide.

Stepping out of the Allegiant, Six could see a slew of people, probably the squadron pilots attached to the Theurgy, the Lone Wolves. Everybody was staring at Six when she emerged. She looked around, and it occurred to Six that she should've expected this; she should've realized everybody would stare at an ex-drone, but Six could tell there was a heightened sense of apprehension. Did they just encounter the Borg?

Distracted by the Wolves' reactions, Six bumped into somebody. She realized just got in the way of a Lone Wolf. Six blinked in surprise at her appearance. It was one thing to see a bald woman, but her injuries...?

"Good heavens, why aren't you in Sickbay? You look like crap!" Six said to the bald woman. She couldn't help it; the woman was a mess. She had a broken nose and so much blood had streamed down the front of her flightsuit, not to mention one or two bruises on her face.

"Yeh're one to talk, lass," retorted the bald woman, her voice almost rasping in a husky Scottish accent. "Considering we just saw your ol' chums earlier."

Six realized that the bald woman was referring to the Borg; they must've seen a cube, if not the one they were following, and she didn't need the sight of the bloodied bald woman training her rifle at Six to have the feeling of edginess in her once again.

"Look, I realize I may be an ex-drone, but I'm on your side," she said. "In fact, I'm a part of the crew. We're from Theurgy's Vector Three."

"Aye? That a fact?" said the bald woman named Ghost; Six could see it on the side of her flight suit: "Wolf-02, Ghost." But comrade as she may be, Six was realizing she was making a wrong impression. She felt she was making a wrong impression when she saw the Lone Wolves staring apprehensively at her, but the point was driven home, because Ghost only glowered more and bore her bloodstained teeth.

"Well, let me tell yeh this, yeh wee sod, I dinnae care if yeh came from the office of ol' Janeway herself. For all I know, yeh led the Borg here to muck about the galaxy, like we need another backstabbing piece of shite on the 'Sword' a' the moment."

Six flinched at Ghost's words, like she had cracked a whip at her after she had wiped out a village. She had definitely seemed to have made the wrong impression.

Not only that, it was more than her mention of Janeway that brought back memories of Voyager again. Six had met only one other woman who talked smack as much as this woman, and that had been B'Lanna Torres, Voyager's chief engineer. Six had seen B'Lanna chew out Seven of Nine a few times, and now it seemed Six was getting a similar sort of brunt. True, B'Lanna was half-Klingon, but this little woman would easily take on B'Lanna in a chew-out contest.

"Look, Boudicca," retorted Six, feeling the comparison felt appropriate. "I'm not here to be insulted or distrusted. I was attached to the Allegiant as a guide. We were hearing evidence of Borg presence, and as a former drone, I can hear the Collective at times. I would never, EVER, turn to the Collective nor betray the Theurgy, so please, stop chewing me out."

"Aye?" Ghost only answered by extending her fist by the back and extending two fingers. It may look like the trademark Churchill peace gesture, but from the way it was given, it was almost like a gesture of insult. "Up yer arse, drone slut."

OOC: The two characters are written together in that it's the same setting. I would've made it two separate posts and saved Six for later, but that was only for an early concept. Plus, Rawley's reaction to Six is somewhat to show that Six is off on the wrong foot.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Fife on September 07, 2018, 02:13:33 AM
[ CPO Ekon Okotie-Eboh | Bridge | USS Allegiant NX-80978 ] @Auctor Lucan @Numen @Multificionado @lisavw @trevorvw @Griff @Masorin @Triton

As the Allegiant entered the Fighter Assault Bay of Theurgy’s Vector 2 and set down, Eboh let out a slow sigh of relief. PO t’Jellaieu’s graceful landing in the bay almost seemed to move in slow motion after the impressive maneuvering she had pulled off during their engagement with the Klingons, as well as back in the debris field.

Well, we were not blown up, burned alive, sucked into the vacuum or assimilated… Eboh thought to himself, I think we can call this a win.

Eboh raised his hands and placed them behind his head, interlocking his fingers and stretching his shoulder and back, feeling numerous pops as knots of tension released in various muscles and joints. As he stretched, he heard Yukimura make an announcement to the crew of the Allegiant.

“This is Yukimura. We have docked aboard the second Vector of the Theurgy. You are free to leave the Allegiant, and it is encouraged, since there might be injured to treat, and repairs to be made. The ship has just been under heavy fire, and we need to help as much as we can. If you have any questions, contact me. More information about the continuation of our mission will come after I have conferred with Captain Wenn Cinn.”

Hearing the words, Eboh rose to his feet and made his way off the Allegiant’s bridge. He moved down the corridor and hung a left to head down the stairs to the second deck. As he reached the bottom of the stairs, he had to flatten himself against the wall to squeeze past Lieutenant Izar, who was attempting to make his way up the stairs while laden down with the newly constructed ORE, as well as a small case. One of the hands that embraced the ORE barely held the strap of Izar’s duffle, which was hanging down and bumping against his leg as he waddled his way towards the stairs.

After Ekon had squeezed past the Cardassian-Bajoran hybrid, he made his way to the crew’s quarters and scooped up his own duffle, the fabric of the carrier only half-filled. Eboh liked to travel light, having lost most of his personal possessions some 15 years previous on the Saratoga.

His duffle retrieved, he turned and made his way back towards the stairs, only to find them blocked halfway up by Lieutenant Izar’s slow progress.

”Would you like a hand with that, sir?” Eboh asked, unsure if the Cardassian heard him over his struggles to get up the stairs with his heavy burden.

”Oh! My lovely minion Igor, would you mind? I would be so grateful!” Izar replied, shuffling to turn himself to present some of the load for Eboh to take. With a smug grin, Eboh reach out and plucked the small case out from under the scientist’s arm, finding the it to be quite light.

”Happy to help, sir!” Eboh chuckled as he made to squeeze past the confused Izar. ”I would not want you to have to do it all on your own!” He gave the science officer a wink as he finally managed to pass between Izar and the bulkhead, slinging his newly acquired “burden” over his shoulder as he trotted up the stairs. ”I will see you out there, Doctor Frankenspoon!” Eboh called over his shoulder, raising his voice slightly so Izar might hear him over the scientist’s own protests. It felt satisfying to get the scientist back, even in such a small way, after having been called Igor so many times over the past day or so.

Having reached the top of the stairs, Eboh made his way aft towards the airlock. As he exited the Allegiant he passed Ensign Six, who was speaking to a rather worse-for-wear looking pilot.

”Up yer arse, drone slut.” He heard as he passed the two, the bald, bloodied pilot obviously having taken a liking to the former drone.

Making friends already, I see... Eboh thought with a suppressed grin.

The El-Aurian hybrid chuckled to himself as he moved off to the side, waiting for Lieutenant Izar to make his slow, ponderous journey out of the Allegiant to see where he wanted the vaccines taken. Then it would be off to see where the Ops CPO could be helpful. Based on Yukimura’s words, he expected they could use the extra hands.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Doc M. on September 07, 2018, 03:32:18 AM
[ Tessa May Lance, callsign:  Goldeneye (,_callsign_%22Goldeneye%22) | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan, @Auctor Lucan, @Havenborn, @Multificionado, @Even Angels Cry, @Jm Von Cat , @Blue Zephyr, @Masorin@Triage.

"What the..." Lieutenant Commander Thomas Ravon muttered before he looked at Tessa "Lets go, double time!" he ordered as he gave Tessa’s back a light tap and dashed to the other side of the fighter assault hanger bay.  

“Aye-aye sir!” Tessa chirped as she followed close behind.  As Lieutenant Daniel Haverborn and his RIO, Lieutenant (junior grade) JG Uriah Ahern joined them in the portside hallway Tessa checked her combat tricorder. “Okay, I’m reading two Klingon life signs…  No wait, one Klingon life sign…  No Klingon life forms?  How could that be?”

Thomas shot a glance in her direction and opened the door.

Inside was a scene of carnage that came of of the most demented of holonovels.  Chief Petty Officer Liam Herrold was down and and Doctor Amelya Duv, no… Rez, and Chief Petty Officer Eun Sae Ji were trapped in a room with a hulking green reptilian monster.  Two gorey messes that had once been people were crushed under what appeared to be a generator for a tetryon pulse phase Cannon and its batteries.  The huge creature turned its scaley visage to the newcomers.

“Eep! Tessa squeaked.  It was just Petty Officer Sithick.  Everything was all right.  The two remaining Klingons had been dealt with, Cretacious Era style.  Tessa had misread the situation.

Thomas, on the other hand, had ascertained the situation quicker.

"Salvo, Goldeneye, see what you can do to help the doc."

Tessa was surprised when she returned to the Fighter Assault Hangar Bay.  Parking right in the middle of it was the USS Allegiant, the Advanced Multi-Purpose Scout that doubled as a captain’s yacht, and it took up a lot of space.  It completely blocked her view of the starboard side of the hanger.  She was familiar with sight of the Allegiant, but she had never seen in parked in the fighter bay before.  She smiled as she saw the familiar sight of shipmates disembarking from it.  They had made contact with one of the other stardrive sectors; that meant they weren’t alone against the Rotarran.  Maybe they would be reuniting with the other section soon.

GM Note: Brig portion under revision. :)
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Nolan on September 07, 2018, 01:31:24 PM
[ Dr Amelya Rez & Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Weapons Storage Room | Fighter Assault Deck | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Havenborn , @Masorin , @lisavw , @Numen , @Fife

As the exosuited pilots filed Amelya felt relieved to know that the bay was being cleared. She turned her attention back to her patients. One of the pilots came to her to help out. He asked her how he could help her and she smiled as she nodded over to Liam "Just make sure he doesn't move to much. Talk to him to keep him awake. We're just waiting for transport back to Sickbay." she said with a smile as she looked over the pilot briefly before turning her attention to poor Ji. Once she heard that Sickbay was now clear and safe once more she requested the site to site transport. The two patients vanished in a flicker and she got back up on her feet.

"Rez to Sickbay. Beamed over two patients. I'll just check for more wounded down here. If everything is clear, I'll beam back over to Sickbay to help out." she informed before she looked at Daniel "You guys must've had it rough? Are you alright?" she asked as she grabbed the rest of her kit and started to make her way to the exit. She looked around for Sithick and when she found him she gave him a hug before looking up to him "Thanks for saving my life."

After that Rez moved through the corridor and into the fighter bay. The impressive Allegiant taking up most of the space now as it had landed and people were exiting the ship. She looked around and got a report from Sickbay that another pilot had been beamed over from the pilot lounge. Rez figured that she didn't have to go there to check anymore in that case and she made her way over to the lightly and more severely injured deckhands that were scattered on the deck.

Thomas had in the meantime moved away from the weapon storage room. He had been worried about Ji, yet seeing Rez working her, he figured there was little he could do for her. He saw the Allegiant dock and watched the people file out of it. He strapped his rifle on his back as he moved closer to greet some of the familiar faces. He froze in his tracks however when he heard a far to familiar voice. He saw a dark skinned man walking ahead with luggage as he made a cheeky remark about Dr Frankenspoon and Thomas narrowed his eyes as he saw the distinct Bajoran/Cardassian scientist exit the ship. "No fucking way..." he mumbled to himself as his eyes were possibly deceiving him, which was rarely the case.

With a short jog he ran up to the scientist "Don't tell me the Prophets have brought you here just to smite me? Or do my eyes deceive me Ice-man?" he called out from behind him. To see Izar in the flesh was making his heart skip a beat. Despite all the hardship and sadness throughout this trip, it made Thomas feel enthusiastically for once to see an old friend after all that time. Izar and him had always kept in touch and Thomas considered the man to be one of his closest friends. He refrained from giving him a pat on the back, considering the items he was hauling. Knowing his friend he'd probably break a few bones and ruin his research if anything.

Rez had looked over to the pilot and the scientist, giving it a slight smirk before she spotted another medical officer which undoubtedly had disembarked from the Allegiant. She walked up to her as she introduced herself "Welcome aboard the Sword, my name is Doctor Rez." she extended her hand "I'm glad to see another medical officer on board the ship. Do you have any casualties aboard the ship that we need to beam over? If not I'll gladly beam us back to Sickbay, I think we might be shorthanded after the Klingon battle." she spoke with a warm voice and smiled at the Vulcan physician.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Numen on September 07, 2018, 07:18:31 PM
[ Lt. JG Izar Bila (| Fighter Assault Deck | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]
Att.: @Nolan @Fife

Bila's grimance while he endured the bad taste joke about the heavy luggage was quite a sight. That on top of that Eboh added the epithet of Frankespoon which didn't improve his outrage. But he had to admit that he had earned it to a certain extent. The comparison with that Frank' e Stein still eluded him due to his lack of context, but he was fed up to the back teeth with spoon pranks during the Academy years. He would have liked to respond with a scathing comment, but the weight of the ORE and the lack of sleep had consumed all his wit. So he just dedicated a precious insult he had heard in Bajor to a Bajoran soldier. One that he had taken years to fully understand and that, when he did, he wished he didn't understand. The UT wasn't able to translate half of the words. The few it did, sounded gruesome.

In this way he descended from the Allegiant carrying the heavy bulge, short steps until he could leave the container on the ground. He was barely able to see anything from behind the luggage, but when the voice he least expected to hear resonated within the Fighter Assault Deck, Bila opened wide eyes and tried to turn around to see the pilot approaching trotting towards him. "Do not tell me the Prophets have brought you here just to smite me? Or do my eyes deceive me Ice-man?" . The nickname and the glimmering green eyes in the face that protruded above the exosuit could only point to one person. "Glory be to the Prophets, Tom Ravon, flesh and blood!" A grin from ear to ear materialized in his face, the recent offenses forgotten as he saw his best friend appear from nowhere. "And look at you, in your bully armor and everything, you almost look like a real officer ..." he joked as he left the ORE in the floorplates, vaccines and other devices forgotten for a moment.

Without wasting a moment he took the pilot by both arms and studied his face for some minutes, the relief painted on his gray features. "I'm so glad to see you, my friend. Having seen what's out there, I expected you to have been one of the first MIAs, " the scientist whispered with a ease tone on his voice. While looking at the human, his face showed one of his few sincere smiles, far from his usual theatrical and impish behavior. He could almost say that the anguish, the constant fear, the successive attacks and the constant fear for his life had been worth it. Almost. His hands trembled slightly on his friend's shoulders when that thought crossed the chemist's mind, but the Kato did his job and the spasm barely lasted a moment.

The glimpse of sincere joy lasted only a moment, as he looked up and down at his friend. Soon, his smile twisted in a mischivious smirk as he said. "You know, I would give you a hug, but the uniform is new and I don't want to spoil it with peasant filth"
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Havenborn on September 09, 2018, 10:05:15 PM
[ LT Daniel Havenborn, Callsign: Salvo & Lieutenant Amelya Rez | Fighter Assault Bay, Deck 16 | USS Theurgy, Vector 2 ] Attn: @Nolan, + Anyone listening in.

Daniel nodded as he looked over to Liam and placed a hand on his shoulder.  "Everything is going to be alright Chief."  He said to him, although he wasn't quite sure if the man had actually heard him.  A moment later and he and Ji were beamed to Sickbay. As Doctor Rez looked back to him and spoke he nodded.  "I'm fine though one of my pilots is down if you could take a look at her.  I've got a fairly good idea of what it is."  Daniel said. As they began to make their way back out into the FAB proper.  "Lieutenant Daniel Havenborn by the way." He said as he formally greeted her.

"Sure, lead the way." Rez replied as she got up to her feet and straightened her uniform. The blood was still rather wet on her uniform. The red streaks being smeared out and almost gone, yet still observable to the trained eye. As they made their way further out to the bay he introduced himself to her and Amelya looked up to the pilot "Doctor Amelya Rez, nice to meet you. I don't think we've met before have we?" she answered to him as she kept up with the brisk pace "What do you think is wrong with your pilot by the way lieutenant?"

"I don't believe so Lieutenant.  I'm one of the influx from the USS Resolve, Captain Ives allowed us to join after Starfleet declared us traitors as well." Daniel replied, as she asked about Meony's condition Daniel thought back to it. "Long story short she's got an alien tumor inside of her brain that our medical staff wasn't able to remove so a preventative coil was placed around it to keep it in check, I believe that the coil has deteriorated enough that it could kill her." Daniel said.  He, like the other Resolve crewmembers, knew that Captain Kendrick and Lieutenant Lyhn had done their very best to remove it but in the end the Resolve just didn't have the facility to do it.

Amelya stopped dead in her tracks as the pilot began to talk about an alien tumor and preventative coils. The frown on her face probably said enough as she shook her head "How was she authorized to fly!?" she sped up her pace as she tapped her badge "Sickbay, prepare for patient with unknown brain tumor, prepare the surgical suite immediately." she looked at Daniel as they were in the fighter bay by this point "Could you give me a quick rundown of how she contracted it? Anything else I need to know about it before I start poking around in her head?"

"The coil that surrounds the tumor kept it from harming her, she was cleared for duty by our CMO and to be honest I needed all the pilots I could get no matter their condition." Daniel said honestly.  "As for the tumor itself, it's a bioweapon from an hostile semi-aquatic alien species, they kind of look like humanoid octopuses.  The biowewapon grows quickly and latches onto the brain stem, it gradually grows tendrils that snake their way into parts of the brain that cause pain, eventually overwhelming the senses and causing the person to die." Daniel explained. "I'll help out any way that I can Lieutenant, but I only took basic first aid at the Academy."  He said.

"A bioweapon tumor..." she repeated as she seemingly hadn't heard him correctly the first time. She nodded slowly as he explained more of it and she wasn't sure what she could do to save the pilot entirely. Sure she could remove the tumor by radiating it and hoping it wouldn't do more damage. Or she could slice out the tissue that'd be compromised and remove all of it. The latter case would either make the pilot either slightly different than how she was before or turn her into a vegetable plant all together. She would need more hands for this and she spotted a Vulcan officer in the distance. "Thank you lieutenant, I'll do my best, but I'll make no promises about this pilot."

"Understood Lieutenant, let me know her post-op status as soon as possible."  Daniel said as he spotted Knight walking towards him, his rifle lowered.  As she walked towards another medical officer Daniel turned to face Knight.  "Report."  He said.  "The rest of the maintenance side is clear, no traps or hidden hostiles."  Knight reported to Daniel.  "Alright, see what you can do for the injured out here, I'm going to go find Commander Ravon and find get new orders."  He said as Knight nodded and walked towards some of the injured crewmen to help perform first aid.

Daniel walked towards Ravon and waited for him to notice him.  Once he did he spoke up.  "The maintenance side is all clear, no hidden Klingons or traps.  Any new orders Commander?"  Daniel asked.

This Joint-Post brought to you by: Havenborn, Nolan and the letter K.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Doc M. on September 10, 2018, 12:59:01 AM
[ Maya ( | Primary Surgical Suite | CMO Office | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @patches

Maya’s large hazel eyes fluttered open.  She felt strangely disassociated and experienced a numbness that was disconcerting.  It look her a moment to realise that she was lying on the biobed.  Maya blinked again and her long pale face twitched as she frowned, pursed her lips, and tried to will herself awake.  She couldn't feel anything.  Not in an emotional sense.  In the stress filled environment of life aboard the Theurgy, that was normal for the little Vulcan.  She couldn't feel anything in the tactile sense; she didn't seem to have a sense of touch.

She had returned to the same room she had left; the primary surgical suite that was connected to the chief medical officer’s office, and she was lying on the same biobed that Lucan had been on when the two of them had been beamed away.  For Maya to return to his place was understandable.  Patients were often beamed to the primary surgical suite when the Theurgy was engaged in starship combat and then moved to a surgical suit, the intensive care unit, the primary care unit, a medical lab, or cryogenic stasis as needed to make room for the next one.  If the primary surgical suit was in use, patients would be beamed to the intensive care unit there were beds available.  Her presence in the primary surgical suite was no mystery.  The true mystery was what she was still doing there.

Slowly, carefully, Maya sat up to survey her surroundings.  She still didn’t seem to have a sense of touch, so she had to look at what her hands were doing.  She massaged her hands quite intently for a few moments. 

“Doctor Maya, come quickly!” a female voice chirped.  Maya looked up to see Petty Officer Second Class Riley Patterson (, a medical orderly and unregistered nurse who had been serving aboard the Theurgy six months before Captain Ives had made the discovery that had changed their lives forever.  “There’s been an… incident in the ICU,” Patterson stammered.  “There was shooting, but Nurse Jovela and Doctor Kobol  have it under control but now that Doctor Kobol  has beamed to the bridge we need you in the ICU!  We’ve got wounded!  Doctor?  Are you all right?” Patterson asked when Maya didn’t respond.

Maya blinked and simply frowned at the lightblue collared petty officer, tilting her head and studying her as if she was foreign or unfamiliar in someway.  Normally, the little Vulcan’s telepathic senses detected the presence of another sentient being in such a close proximity.  It wasn’t true empathic or telepathic contact; she was simply able to detect the presence of another person in the room.  This made her difficult to sneak up on but if there were multiple people in the room her psychic senses wouldn’t tell her anything that she her eyes and ears didn’t tell her already.  It wasn’t as if she could discern locations or motives or anything.

But right now Maya detected nothing.  Patterson could have been a holodeck character or something.  It was as if she wasn’t in the room at all.  Thanks to the little Vulcan’s tactile numbness, it was as if Maya wasn’t in the room.  It was very disconcerting indeed.

“I am uncertain Nurse,” the little Vulcan admitted.  “Before I return to duty, perhaps we should run a neurological scan on my person.”
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 10, 2018, 08:46:20 AM
[ Lt. Commander Wenn Cinn | Battle Bridge | Deck 8 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Joint-Post by ch'Xinya & Auctor Lucan

Commander Wenn struggled to hide his displeasure at the news from Engineering.  Topping out at warp five was better than warp four but they needed to get to that Rendezvous fast.  The rest of the damage report simply helped drive the point home at just how badly Chancellor Martok had mauled them.  The worst were the casualty reports.  He sent a quick prayer to the Prophets for their sakes, hopefully the departed souls would at last find some measure of peace.  He wondered how many of them came from that last raider’s suicide pass over the dorsal surface.

As usual, Starfleet waited for nothing, the calls came rushing in before Cinn even opened his eyes.  Nator was warning about a need to drop to sublight for repairs, Bremmer pitched an idea to help contain Nicander, and then Akoni appeared out of the turbolift spouting off something about coffee like this was the galley.  “Take the security console Lieutenant.” Cinn barked, perhaps a bit harshly, with more bite than he intended. After hearing about the casualties, he found the comment unfitting. Turning his attention to the situation in the Brig, he tapped his combadge. “Wenn to Bremmer, agreed.  Set it up.”  25G might sound a bit much, but better to pulp a body then risk a parasite getting out.  The Hermat at Ops spoke, and after mulling over Nator’s request for a moment, the Bajoran found himself reluctantly agreeing with hir assessment.  Warp five wouldn't get them to the Rendevouz in time, but they’d still get there. A blown nacelle trapped them where they stand.  “Very well.  Helm, once we’ve gone 100 AU from the Rotarran, and found somewhere safe to conduct the repairs yet remain hidden, drop us to sublight.  I want those repairs done immediately."

Before he could leave, he had to ensure that the situation in the Brig wasn't escalating. He tapped the display in the armrest of his chair, and opened up the live-feed from the temporary holding cell. Nicander was still there, alone, just standing there in his bloodied patient's gown. Someone had managed to extract the Vulcan doctor, to which he was grateful.

Rising from his chair, Cinn stood tall.  Mouth open for some words of encouragement...

...a new voice filled the Bridge instead - emanating from the feed in his Captain's chair.

"I know you are listening. I have a singular request. Please make sure Doctor Maya gets the treatment she needs, for she is the reason I could give you the Rotarran's shield frequency. She protected me from the Security officers that sought to interfere, and she suffered the consequences for all our sakes. I am a doctor, not a monster, and no words are adequate to describe the regret of how... peering into the abyss of this... nameless darkness inside.... let it take over, and what it made me do to those men."

"I am 'myself' again, and the healthier and stronger I am physically, the less influence it will have on me. So, when you are ready to listen, I will be here. Just know this, in the meantime. The Borg will invade the Federation on the morrow, and there is no time. You must return to the apertures, and you must destroy them. Billions of lives hang in the balance. I can make a difference, if you are willing to heed my words."

Far from being encouraging, Nicander managed to turn a simple situational update into a pall of doom.  Somehow, he knew that the Borg would arrive tomorrow, but also claimed to have a way deal with them.  When he was done, the Bridge was as silent as a tomb, all eyes on him.

“Continue with your duties, prioritize on repairs to the warp drive," he said at last, and added, "Commander Ducote, Lt. Tovarek, please accompany me to the Brig.” Without checking to see that they had fallen in behind him, Cinn strode to the turbolift.

Yet as Wenn Cinn stepped up to the door, and they slid open, he found himself face-to-face with Doctor Nicander.

Jumping back in surprise, his dark hand went for the phaser that would normally be on his waist, but it wasn’t there.  Cursing the switch from security to command, he could only fall back and warn everyone else.  “Phasers up!” he yelled, alerting everyone on the Bridge.

Though he was unanswered.

There was not a single motion on the bridge. In fact, the lighting seemed wrong. It seemed like there was a brightness to everything, the smoke from the damages on the bridge lit from beneath. There were no longer any officers behind him. The only motion came from the figure in the doorway, as he stepped unto the bridge.

"The Wenn is confused," said the Câroon doctor, dressed in his scourged and frayed uniform. "The Wenn has been told: With each new consequence made by mortal lives, the existence that mortals occupy take shape."

Of course I’m confused!  You shouldn’t be here, and what happened to my Bridge? ran through his head, but something kept him from saying it out loud.  His pagh itched again... and then it came to him.  Dampening down his thoughts, Wenn Cinn knew this from before his resurrection. He stood in awe... at the presence of the Prophets.

"The Wenn is of Theurgy," said a voice behind him, and when he looked, he saw Tyreke Okafor - the scientist - as he slowly walked past Cinn. "It is where he belong."

"Yet the Theurgy is not one." This time it was Amelya Rez, the new Trill host with the Rez symbiont, who leaned against the broken tactical station. She was Edena Rez no more, even though Cinn knew a part of her still remained. "You must make Theurgy whole again."

He found his voice at last. “You want us to go to the third Rendezvous?  We’re already on our way there, but we won’t make it in time.  Are you saying being late won’t be an issue?”  That was a bit of good news he needed right now, but of course the Prophets weren’t being quite so pleasant.

"The Wenn will fail. The Theurgy will not be whole. The Theurgy will be destroyed," said Ranaan Ducote, standing on the other side of the bridge, his expression as vacant as the others had been. Another figure appeared, stepping through the haze. It was High Chancellor Martok.

"Consequence shape your linear existence. We do not approve of the way the shape is turning out," said the Klingon, his grizzly face cast in garish light. "We want to change the shape."

Damn. It was a weird way to say they wouldn’t reach the rendezvous, but that was normal for the Prophets.  He tried not to take it personally either, They couldn’t really be putting the failure on his shoulders could they?  At least They were willing to give them a solution.  “How do I make the Theurgy whole?  If I can’t get to the other vectors in time, what can I do?”

"The Wenn is of Theurgy. It is where he belongs. For now," said ThanIda zh'Wann, suddenly standing next to Cinn, her blue eyes impassive, antennae angled forth. She was wearing a strange, black suit for some reason, but the reports from the SuD Lang mission suggested she was dead. Why would the Prophets chose to haunt him with his Deputy? "The Wenn will be shown a second path. By taking it, the Wenn will make Theurgy whole again."

“For now?  What does that mean?  And what second path?  Without our warp drive at full capacity we can’t make it in time.  You just said that!”  So to speak, he added silently.  Despite his reverence for the beings surrounding him Cinn couldn’t help but let his frustrations leak through.

There was silence at first, then Nicander spoke again, his mismatched hands folded behind his back, and his unshaven face unreadable. "The concept of time is foreign to us. Yet at one point, the Wenn must leave Theurgy. He must leave it, to save it, and also preserve Bajor, and even our existence. It is the Wenn's purpose. It is the shape we require."

This was the second time They said that.  “Leave where?  And when?  What do I need to do?  Tell me more, please!”  Why in the name of the Prophets did They have to be so cryptic? he wondered, the paradoxical nature of the phrase in this instance catching his attention a moment later.

Simon Tovarek spoke up from behind him, standing in the middle of the bridge. "The Wenn must follow the second path. Lest he will not make Theurgy whole again."

And the next time he blinked, the doorway where Nicader had stood was empty, and Wenn Cinn was as close to it as he had been when the Doctor had appeared. The sounds behind him had returned, and the bridge officers were back. There was no sight of the apparitions he'd seen, and the brightness was gone.

That was when Cinn heard from Ensign Henshaw, that Lietuenant Masuda Yukimura had to speak with him.

“Lt. Yukimura?”  Is this what the Prophets were referring to?  “Patch him through, I’ll talk on the way.”  Blinking away his confusion, Cinn wondered if anyone noticed his sudden change in countenance.  Stepping into the turbolift, “Deck 7.”

[This is Lieutenant Yukimura. I bear news of the Stallion. It encountered USS Cayuga - adrift in the Azure Nebula after being attacked by the Borg - and Captain Stark is lending aid to Captain Anya Ziegler's crew. I believe... you are familiar with her.]

Cinn was. It was his former First Officer. An ally ship?

"Yukimura, meet me in the Brig."

OOC: This has been a Joint-Post between ch'Xinya and I. This Chapter will remain open for more posts a while longer, but the scene in the Brig will be written as a Supplemental thread. When everyone are content with their contributions to this awesome chapter, I will end it with a post from Martok's Point-of-View. :)
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Griff on September 10, 2018, 09:44:54 PM
[PO1 Lillee t'Jellaieu] ( | Fighter Assault Deck | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]

Attn: @Doc M.


Docking the Allegiant inside the Sword was no easy feat. The Fighter Assault Bay was designed to accommodate the small Valkryie fighters, not the far larger Allegiant. Indeed, before all of the recent insanity since leaving Earth, Lillee would've baulked at being ordered to perform such a delicate docking maneuver. She would've spent a good few minutes eyeing the angles, checking the geometry, confirming the dimensions of the bay.

Now, though, after flying the Stallion against the Asurians and then the Allegiant against the Klingons, she didn't even hesitate, feeling that old familiar burn in her blood, that cold battle-rage that still lingered even after the Klingons were beaten. Lillee checked the sensors to confirm there was nothing in the way, called the vector's Ops to confirm that the bay was clear then simply took the corvette in, feathering the warp engine in tiny fractions of a warp factor.

Soon enough, after the Allegiant entered the Sword's warp field, Lillee set the craft down carefully inside the bay. Out the viewport, her mouth opened in horror at the carnage outside. Scorch marks and still smoking debris covered the deck, with the few remaining Valkryies in their dedicated bays, some of them bearing damage. Even worse, though, was the bodies, both Klingon and Federation, that were scattered around the bay. Pools of blood were congealing amidst the carnage, telling the story of a fierce and brutal battle for the Fighter Assault Bay.

Yukimura gave his final order, and so after running the required power-down procedures, Lillee hurried to her quarters, retrieving the honour-blade that was now her only possession to accompany the phaser on her hip. Even if the Theurgy security officers said that they'd finished off the Klingon boarders, she most certainly wasn't taking any risks.

Thus, with her sword slung on her back, Lillee descended down the ramp into the bay, looking around. There was a crowd of people now, many of them dealing with the bodies and discarded weapons and some kind of medical emergency in the lounge. Yet more were reuniting with lost friends. It was an oddly endearing sight, although it left Lillee feeling strangely lonely. She flicked a blonde lock of hair behind her pointed ear, smiling sadly, before her eyes locked on a familiar face.

Perhaps she wasn't entirely alone.

Approaching the female human from across the bay, Lillee bowed her head formally as she got near, still smiling slightly. "Lieutenant Lance," she said politely, "I am Petty Officer t'Jellaieu. We met briefly at Sol, just before the ship was attacked, when I was inspecting the Valkryies. I take it that you shall need help here?"
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Firefox013 on September 12, 2018, 07:56:49 PM
[ Ensign Jaya Thorne | Main Sickbay | Deck 11| Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]
Attn: attending medical officers.

Jaya’s condition was bad but not hopeless, the gashes on her body, on her arm and leg were fairly deep but, miraculously missed any major arteries or veins, though a fair bit of muscular and skin cover reconstruction would be needed. Otherwise, her burns and cuts were not horribly bad, what was the biggest problem as it took a while for medical help to get to her, on top of the stubborn young human not leaving her station till she got them all out of there as safely as she could, was the blood loss.

Her loss of blood was fairly substantial, showing just how determined and focused she was in her duties for having stayed awake, let alone alive so long while losing blood. Jaya looked very place, her breath was slow, weak but steady, her uniform torn and streaked with blood, she looked a fair wreck but the docs probably had seen far worse. The young helmsman had definitely acquitted herself well in the fight and her life, though at a bit of a tipping point right then, could be saved without too much hard work, more, time, to let their tools properly mend her injuries than anything, wasn’t anything they were not ready to deal with.

Inside Jaya’s Mind:
A forest extends in all directions, over hills, gullies, valleys, around rivers, over mountains, it is night and the stars are out, shining brightly in their diamond like speckling of the dark sky, a beautiful full moon shines down, giving the surrounding landscape a soft, bluish night sheen.

Jaya sits alone on a large rock, atop an open outcropping over a large ravine overlooking a lake. Lights from a few houses around the lake can be seen but she’s a good ways away. “So peaceful… so beautiful, heh, not like how my life’s been so far.” She thought to herself in that dreamscape. “heh this must be what it feels like to be dying or something.” She thought and sighed.

“You aren’t dying dear, not yet.” Spoke a voice Jaya hadn’t heard in ages, not since she was still a little girl. She turned, standing there was an older woman yet not old, she looked in her prime and Jaya remembered her well, from pictures and holo’s. “G-Grand-Mother!?” Blurted out the young woman, making the other smile warmly as she walks up and sat next to her Grand-Daughter. “Hello Sweetie, I’m here to sit with you, I think you need the company.” Jaya suddenly lunged over, hugging the other woman.

Her Grand-Mother smiled. “That’s my little Jaya, always the sweetest girl. Oh How I’ve missed you, don’t be afraid, you won’t die, it isn’t your time but we can talk, I am here because I’ve always been here honey, I’ll be here as long as you are.” She said sweetly. “Just relax and be here with me.” To this Jaya smiled, crying a bit, nodding.

OOC: sorry this took a bit, I kinda had trouble figuring out how I wanted to do this, its got a bit of a… personal touch, if anyone wants to ask PM me on discord or message me directly on the forums, I’m happy to speak of it but not in some open everyone can read forum.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: BZ on September 12, 2018, 09:13:44 PM
[CPO Eun Sae Ji | Weapons Storage Locker – To Sickbay | In Transit | Happy Pills]
@Auctor Lucan

Liam laughed.

He had smiles.

He had big smiles.

His teeth were really white.

His hair was really bright.

He had skin.  It was nice skin.  And the tattoo that didn't mean anything.

Liam was funny.

Ji felt like she was swimming.  Weightless, floating in the seat.  The waves rose and fell and she rose and fell with them.  The sun baked down upon her body from the Korean sky.  Somewhere, there was screaming.  Screaming and fighting.  Angrily Ji looked around her, still in a daze, her eyes glassed over as she searched for the source of such horrendous heaven-ending sounds.  This was pretty, and serene, and all hers, and everyone else could just get the fuck out.

“TIMOTHY!  CAT SELFISH BEACH ANGRY BUTT!” she cried out and then swayed just from the sheer effort of saying these words at such a volume.  That'll take care of them.

Suddenly, there were tingles. 

I hope I'm not peeing myself.  That'd be embarassing.  Hey look guys, you can call me Puddles now!  No... I don't think the men would have respect for Puddles.  They would walk all over Puddles!  I can't let that happen!

“I REFRIDGERATE THE CATS OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE!” she cried out in shock, worried she was, indeed peeing herself. 

Then, things changed.  Bright flashes, and more tingles, definitely not pee tingles.  Then she was on a bed.  Oh!  It's nap time!  I like naps.  Naps are awesome, we should schedule nap times more often and make that a thing.  We could all have mats, and curl up with our favorite stuffed animals and sleep for a little while.  Bet that would put some of those asshole mechanics in a better mood! Food and naps!

There was a face over her.  Hello face! she thought to herself, the face swam slightly and Ji tried to focus on it.  “Hello, dear, how are you doing?”


The nurse paused for a moment.  “Do you know you're name?”

“SNUFFALUPAGUS!” she shouted and shot her fist into the air, the nurse dodged it, just barely but managed not to suffer a fancy blow from the woman on the bio bed.

“Can you tell me how many fingers I'm holding up?” she asked.

Ji tried to focus.  Her eyes swam around for a few moments before she closed them.  “Icecream.” she said matter of factly.

“Ho-kay, so this one needs some scans.” she told the Doctor and stepped back to check on others.

Ji looked ovr to her side and saw Liam there.  Aww Liam, his big goofy smile.  His huge big face.  His little voice.  He was so cute.  Like a giant fur-less teddy bear.  He asked her what they were talking about and she thought about it for a moment. 

“Sniffles became car and dogs walk christmas trees on Sundays.” she said as if that made absolute sense.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Jm Von Cat on September 12, 2018, 10:02:18 PM
[ PO1 Varder Ridun ( | Deflector Control > Turbolift > Security Center | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy  | 2300 hrs. ] Attn: @patches @CanadianVet
The young Bajoran may not have been trained in any manner of advanced medical care, but the knowledge to aid a fellow officer was well within the purview of both experience and basic training for security personnel. With that in mind, it took very little time for him to staunch the bleeding in the fallen Andorian's shoulder. A brief enough amount of time that he was able to finish just as Bremmer issued the parties new instructions, the life of security, stand still until your needed to sprint the length of the ship again and again.

Before he stood he pushed his Phase pistol into the Andorians good hand, she had little ability to handle a rifle in her present state and with the situation being what it was at present an armament might still be required. Once he straightened to move in compliance with the instructions to move back to the security centre he picked up both his and the Andorians rifles, one being slung over his shoulder to leave both hands free for effective combat handling.

Once returned to the turbolift he was not disappointed with the team being left in deflector control, moving the fallen and maintaining security. Then the doors slid closed, they were on their way back down to Nicander. Within the lift, he quietly adjusted the setting of the rifle cradled in his arms back up to seven. As the doors slid open and everyone filed out to brace against the wall, ready to enter and end he found himself unwilling or unsure of how or what to speak, what words would hold meaning now? Better to let the job be done as needed. He simply nodded a confirmation of his readiness to Bremmer as she advised of their status to the bridge.

The order was to hold, the order itself providing a strange feeling. Varder had not really applied much thought to it until one of those small, sudden and often irritating realizations occurred. The man, the parasite within the holding cell was the very same as the one whom had returned him to duty, returned him to life more or less. In a way meaning he owed his life to that creature, a being who at this time seemed like he could not decide upon killing them all or helping. The possession of this thought was a confusing and conflicting one, the answers and swirling thoughts of such eluded the young man as he attempted to push them all to the back of his mind with a brief shake of his head.

Think He had an exo, it was capable of so much more than simple form augmentation and protection. Flicking through settings, channels and connections he patched himself into the recording devices within the holding cell. A small vid feed occupied a corner of his heads-up display, a copy of the sound from within that room was fed into his ears, the volume lower than that of more important channels related to command and his team. It was like this, from his position out of sight of Nicander that he was able to witness the measures being put in place to contain him and perhaps more importantly, was able to hear what was said by the former crewmember.

The words of Nicander, in some ways provided answers and logical conclusions. Even if those conclusions only appeared that way after his words, how then was it he found himself trusting those words? To Varder it seemed as if there might be a cycle here within this small corner of the ship. There was little Nicander could reasonably do to prove his word without being given a chance, yet the chance would require trust in him first. Trust that may not be accepted based upon his word...

And yet the Petty officer found himself in a position where it was not his place to make any call, so he would stand and do what his duty called of him. The thoughts he had would remain his own to coil and twist in his mind, unanswered and ignored for now.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: trevorvw on September 13, 2018, 07:48:14 PM
[ Lt. Kai Akoni | Battle Bridge | Deck 8 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]

Kai had arrived at the bridge in hopes of some downtime and especially coffee, however the barked order from the dark skinned Bajoran made Kai realize he should probably remove the foot he had securely placed in his mouth.

"Take the security console Lieutenant."

Well I'm an idiot.., Kai thought to himself as he sheepishly acknowledged the order.

"Aye sir"

Kai nodded slightly and made his way promptly to the security console, lest he incur any more wrath from the man in charge.

The large man stood at the security console, pushing buttons and just generally looking busy. There wasn't much for him to do at the present time, however he made sure that the security people were going where they were supposed to. 

No point in interfering since they seem to know what they're doing, the ex Chief of Security of the Endeavour thought as he noted that the security personnel aboard the Theurgy seemed to be some of the best in the business.

As Lt. Cmdr. Wenn left the bridge without chastising Kai any further, Kai sighed and stared at the console in front of him.

The large Hawaiian had been used to Ducote's meetings and his laid back attitude towards the structure aboard the Endeavour. Kai had been used to joking at certain times, especially in tense situations as a way for him to release the stress of the situation. Apparently, Kai had missed something in his journey back from Deflector Control.

Way to make a good impression Kai, he thought to himself as he rolled his eyes at how dumb he had been. He realized that this clearly wasn't the Endeavour and that he should be on his best behaviour from here on out.

Akoni stood and stared the display in front of him, as a thought popped into his head causing him to grin slightly, imperceptible to anyone but himself. coffee then?
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Top Hat on September 13, 2018, 09:04:03 PM
[ Cmdr Ranaan Ducote | Battle Bridge | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Auctor Lucan @chXinya @trevorvw

Aiden tended to the wounded officer to the point that he seemed less worried about the outcome, at least to Ducote's empathy. Scrolling through status reports on the security console as they came in, he asked after the survivors in sickbay. "What's it like downstairs, Doc?"

"Not ideal... they were shooting people in their beds, sir. Several dead. I was called up here before I could get a complete count."

"And our people?"

"At least two of the civilian scientists were killed. T'Rel and Jeffers."

There didn't seem to be anything to say to that. Though he felt as if he should. Ultimately, Ducote elected to stay quiet and let them both go back to their work.

Kai arrived shortly afterwards, while the bridge crew discussed their prospects. It didn't seem good - and none of it seemed to be conducive to the kidnapped Endeavour officers' release. Perhaps there was some merit in investigating the parasite allegation from outside - at least that way, all he stood to lose was time and a few favours. Here, there was a real risk of death for him and his remaining crew. The importance of keeping them alive seemed to grow in inverse proportion to the number of them left.

"Commanders... Someone said something about coffee?"

One corner of Ducote's mouth quirked into a small smile, but he felt Wenn's mood sour further, an instant before he snapped an order. "Take the security console, Lieutenant."

The Brazilian raised an eyebrow as his gaze tracked around to fix the Bajoran with a second's level stare, before he nodded to Akoni with a glance. All humour had faded from his face. The order may well have been reasonable in any other circumstance, but the delivery left a lot to be desired. As did its propriety in the first place, honestly. Kai was not part of this chain of command, nor was this chain of command any that the Endeavour, or anyone else really, were expected to follow.

"Aye, sir," Kai said. Ranaan could feel the spike of embarrassment from the mountain of a man. Briefly, he weighed the desire to lose his shit against the need to be diplomatic, plus basic decorum and the acknowledgement of the stress Wenn was under. He was saved from the need for a swift decision by the sound of the PA.

Nicander made a... proclamation from the cell in which he'd been trapped. On one hand, a vindication for the decision to dive into the nebula was welcome. On the other, a Borg invasion was never going to be a happy prospect. A handful of Collective vessels had given them merry hell before, and there was no way that could account for the Borg on a true war footing. Despite himself, Ranaan felt goosebumps rise on his arms. He felt quite small.

Assuming, of course, he's telling the truth.

Wenn Cinn brought him back to his ire. "Commander Ducote, Lieutenant Tovarek, please accompany me to the Brig."

Ducote watched Wenn walk past to the turbolift, then looked at Kai. "Duty calls," he deadpanned. "Stay here 'til red alert's over, I get in touch, or you're relieved. Whichever is first. We're still technically under duress; we still need to get off this death trap." He made to step away, then hesitated. "Replicator's over there, don't forget," he added with a twinkle in his eye.

With that, he turned away and followed Wenn into the lift. The acting captain was mid-communication with someone else due to meet them below, so he politely waited his turn before speaking.

"Mister Wenn, I would remind you that we did not have to lift a finger to help you in that fight. We are still the victims of a kidnapping under a false pretence, your story is still in dire need of independent verification... and if you speak to one of my officers like that again, we will have a rather more robust disagreement." The doors hissed open; it was only a short journey to the next deck, after all.

"Am I clear, Lieutenant Commander?"
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: patches on September 16, 2018, 05:31:02 AM
[ PO2 Kino Taer | Intensive Care Unit | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Doc M. @Auctor Lucan

"The suit saved him," answered the nurse with a smile to Taer’s soft exclamation. "He's just unconscious from an electrical short-circuit in the chest area. He was in a poor condition when he came in too, but he'll make a complete recovery."

“That’s good. The suit did its job well then.” Kino replied as Jovela approached her with the phaser pistol. Jovela’s comment that the pilot’s pistol didn’t belong there was true enough, the Trill knew, and she also knew most of the medical personnel that were now flooding Sickbay again were uncomfortable with the number of armed goldshirts roaming the halls inside, as well as the dead bodies that were only now being moved to the morgue to be identified and stored for a proper burial. “No worries, Lieutenant, just doing my job. I’ll get out of your way so you can do yours.”

Fucking Klingons. All their talk of honor and glory and they come to kill unarmed wounded and medics. Taer mused to herself as she walked back out of the room, the doorway now clear of bodies both unconscious and dead. In their places on biobeds, those that she couldn’t save in time were being replaced by wounded that needed a high level of medical care, among them the wounded man from her team. Without fully registering the motions, the pistol she was given was deactivated, its power pack removed, and both inserted into the mostly empty compartment meant for mission-specific gear. It would need to be checked into the Armoury later to be returned to the pilot.

The officer command Beta Team greeted her next to the desk outside of the ICU. He was speaking with someone in Security to coordinate the beaming out of their new guests, a task that didn’t take long.

“Hey, Taer.”

“Hello, Ensign. Good job all around, eh? You don’t look familiar.”

“Ah right. I came over from the Harbinger,” he replied as if the ship’s name was supposed to be familiar to Kino. “Anyway, the Klingons are secured in the Centre now. I will be taking my team to clear the neighboring sections per orders from the Bridge. Will you join?”

Kino noticed the telltale shimmer of someone being beamed into the primary surgical suite. The figure looked familiar but it wasn’t until the HUD showed the identity attached to the combadge that she placed it. If she had her helmet off, she would have run her hand through her hair before responding, a nervous habit picked up from the humans she trained with years ago.

“Roger that. I’ve got no orders right this moment so I think I will stay a moment and be useful, sir. If the alert I saw earlier is any indication, I’ll be summoned back to the Centre any moment now anyway.”

After a moment of looking at her curiously, the Security officer nodded in understanding and turned around to leave. The rest of Beta Team filed out after him, leaving just the Petty Officer and the surviving members of her squad as the armed presence in Sickbay. She looked around to note where they were, smiling approvingly as she saw them working with orderlies to move bodies. She would join them in moment, but first….

[ >> Primary Surgical Suite ]

She walked slowly through the doors into the suite as the petite Vulcan finished responding to the nurse. Maya sounded and looked as if she wasn’t quite there, but Kino assumed it was likely shock. Whatever happened with Nicander necessitated a quick lockdown in the Centre and chatter overheard indicated that Bremmer and Varder were already securing the waiting room outside of the temporary brig area. She suppressed the urge to sigh. It had been a long enough day and the faint siren song of sleep was only getting stronger by the minute.

“If you don’t mind, miss. I’d like to ask the good doctor here a question while you run your scans.” Kino said as she stepped fully into Maya’s field of vision, ultimately leaning against the wall opposite of the surgeon. “Doctor Maya, I’m told there’s a serious situation developing in the temporary brig. Do you recall what happened before you were beamed out?”
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: steelphoenix on September 17, 2018, 05:01:27 AM
[Lt. Commander Vael Kaeris | Battle Bridge | Deck 8 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: Anyone on the bridge

It had been a simple matter to isolate the sensor logs for the borg fly by.  Scarcely thirty seconds from their inexplicable arrival to their unceremonious departure.  The active sensors, such as they were, had been otherwise engaged, targeting the Rotarran, tracking hostiles both abroad and within.  In truth, all he had to work with was the navigational sensor array.

He'd locked down the recording and set up a series of algorithmic filters to begin the process of stripping out the background radiation of the nebula and the combating signals of the Theurgy and the klingons.  Some fine tuning would be required to ensure they had identified the proper harmonics, but the computer could handle the brunt of the work for now. 

"I have the sensor log filtering," he stated aloud, ensuring that the local members of the science department were aware of his efforts should they be required to pick up in his place.  "Barring interruptions, it should be ready for clean up in ten minutes."

Standing, he stepped away from the station.  "While that is underway," be began, straightening his uniform, eyes passing over those left on the bridge, "is anyone in need of medical attention that doesn't require a visit to sickbay?"
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: chXinya on September 17, 2018, 06:00:18 AM
[Lt. Commander Wenn Cinn | Turbolift | Between Decks | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Top Hat @Nolan

Standing in the center of the turbolift at parade rest, Cinn pondered the vision the Prophets had blessed him with.  A part of him was annoyed with Them and their lack of plain clarity, but he wasn’t willing to dip that far into sacrilege.  The Prophets spoke the way They did for a reason, it was up to him to determine what They wanted for him.  At least thats what the ranjens and prylars always told him as they taught him the path.

Their surprising proximity to Vector 3 was a boon, and an easy interpretation of what the Prophets had told him to do, or at least as part of the message.  With luck Yukimura would have plenty of details to provide.  As much as he wanted to have Okafor set a course right now, the last thing they needed right now was to fly straight into an ambush.  The biggest unknown at the moment was Nicander.  He couldn’t put a lot of faith into the poor man’s words anymore, not since the parasite came to the fore, but the doctor had just saved them from Chancellor Martok’s misplaced wrath, so at least they could hear him out.

Of course Ducote picked that exact moment to be difficult.

Focusing on the human’s eyes as he expressed his objections to their situation, Cinn listened in silence, waiting for the man to finish.  It took the entirety of the short trip before he was done, and for a moment it looked like he was trying pull rank when the doors opened.  Glancing at his executive officer for a moment, Cinn wondered just what Lt. Tovarek was thinking about this little tirade.  “Computer, close doors, halt turbolift.”  Snapping shut with their usual hydraulic swish, Cinn waited for their privacy to be assured before responding.

“Commander Ducote, be very clear about this point: until I’m relieved by Captain Ives or Commander Trent, this is my ship.  According to regulations I am allowed to utilize all personnel on board however I deem fit.  At the moment, we are working to save the Federation from a clear and present danger that has integrated itself into the highest levels of Starfleet and possibly even the government.  If you refuse to believe the existence of the parasites despite all of the evidence you have been shown, and will see here shortly, that is your issue to work out.”

Cinn continued on without pause, his gaze burning its way into the human’s pagh.  “Irregardless of the parasites, there is no doubt that the Borg are here, and currently have the ability to invade in force.  You yourself have seen this.  So ask yourself this: if we are the renegades that Command claims us to be, why would we still be here?  A dozen different governments would love to have the Theurgy under their flag, their best scientists and engineers studying every bolt and seam to gain an advantage over the Federation while the crew basks in their finest luxuries?

“If you want to continue on your vendetta against the Borg without us, fine.  We’ll put you and anyone else from your crew back onto your runabout and send you on your way down the Borg’s warp trail, right where we found you.  How does that sound, Commander?”
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: lisavw on September 17, 2018, 06:52:31 PM
[Lt. T’Panu | Fighter Assault Bay | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]

T’Panu stood at the exit of the Allegiant, admiring their new ship. She was holding Annika up for support, who was beginning to be able to stand on her own again. After everything she had been through, she couldn’t fathom how this change would affect her. T’Panu hoped she would be able to adjust quickly and trust that she was safe. Regardless, T’Panu was going to be there for her in every way she could to make sure she felt comfortable talking to someone about what happened.

T’Panu noticed a Trill walking up to them from the bay. She noticed her long, blonde hair and obvious Trill spots. She had a very welcoming demeanour as T’Panu noticed she was extending her hand in greeting.

“Welcome aboard the Sword, my name is Doctor Rez. I'm glad to see another medical officer on board the ship. Do you have any casualties aboard the ship that we need to beam over? If not I'll gladly beam us back to Sickbay, I think we might be shorthanded after the Klingon battle.”

T’Panu put out her hand and shook the doctor’s back in welcome, as she explained what had recently happened. ”My name is Doctor T’Panu, it’s nice to meet you Doctor Rez! Our ship has been through quite a lot, as I’m sure you’re well aware. Thankfully, we do not have more wounded aboard our ship. We found Annika’s escape pod amidst the Azure Nebula and rescued her. Judging by her injuries, she’s been through hell and back and is still recovering from her wounds. We can brief each other further in the Sickbay when we arrive.”

T’Panu was both curious and intrigued to hear about what had been going on aboard the Theurgy. She hoped they hadn’t been through too much, but hearing about a Klingon battle didn’t sound very promising. She hoped there hadn’t been too many wounded or killed, but was also trying to be realistic.

She looked forward to working with another doctor and being able to bounce ideas off of each other. The thought of a proper Med Bay, rather than an aft bay (more appropriately a broom closet) was too good to be true! She prepared to be beamed over, still holding Annika up, as she felt herself dematerializing.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Top Hat on September 17, 2018, 10:18:07 PM
[ Cmdr Ranaan Ducote | Turbolift | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @chXinya @Nolan

Ducote looked back at the doors as they hissed closed with a quiet thump, before returning an impassive gaze back to the Bajoran. Partly that was born of a practised polite poker face when in an otherwise-charged interaction, but partly it was also that his tiredness was catching up to him again now his adrenaline high from the battle was wearing off, and his facial expressions were one of the first things to go. His tiredness had affected something else, which was brought into sharp relief as his empathy picked up another spike of cool frustration from Wenn. It seemed obvious in hindsight, and he cursed his earlier attitude immediately... no taking it back now, of course.

He hadn't gone to the effort to be as diplomatic as he should have, given he wanted it in return. Also a combative use of 'you' rather than 'we'... and his general tone. Ah well.

Wenn however neatly danced around the point the Commander had been making - blunt as it may have been. Briefly he considered replying to the scattered points the ACO was throwing at the wall, but he had no interest in being gish-galloped while he was this tired, either - suppressing the wince at 'irregardless' was hard enough. The message Ranaan had intended to send was 'we're not entirely on-board, but you have opened us to being convinced. Please be civil while we unlearn months or years of propaganda.' Obviously, that was not what had been received. Which was fine; that was his error.

He wasn't sure where any of the rest came from, though. Their conversations in the marathon briefing, perhaps? A fair leap of logic somewhere.

The hybrid's black eyes glanced at the man in Science blues sharing the lift car with them, before looking back at Wenn. He was wrapping up. For a moment, using his Human empathy rather than his Betazoid talents, he (belatedly) realised that he couldn't be the only exhausted person in this turbolift, let alone this ship. He took a breath, trying to reset.

Still, he felt a little disappointed. In Wenn's insecurity, in his own ineloquence.

"... How does that sound, Commander?"

Finding the Borg had been the Niger's mission, at his behest. That task was now complete - and while escaping this deathtrap had a certain ineffable appeal to it, he doubted the damaged runabout could withstand the nebula at this depth in order to carry that information to the Federation at large. And then there was the matter that his name had been used on a communication within range of the Rotarran - even if it had been encrypted, it was only a matter of time until the brass associated him with the Theurgy. Parasites or no, that wasn't something he could really afford. He - and all the Endeavour survivors with him - was over a barrel.

Ducote sighed.

"I'll take all that as a 'No'. Shall we, Captain?" he said, bending his arm at the elbow to point at the door.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: CanadianVet on September 18, 2018, 02:01:08 AM
[ PO2 Eliska Bremmer | Security Center | Deck 7 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Jm Von Cat @patches @Top Hat @trevorvw @Auctor Lucan

"Aye Sir, on it!" 

Bremmer had half-expected the Chief - no, the Captain, she had to forcibly remind herself - to shoot down her idea after he had most categorically stopped her from dealing with Nicander in a quick, brutal and effective fashion.  Just as she'd expected that Ducote character to jump her ass for daring to speak directly to the one person whose call it would ultimately be in the end.  But neither rebuke had come, so instead she simply looked at the environmental control panel in front of her.  Already the room showed it was in a vacuum, and she could easily enough tweak the gravity...

Well, it would seem that a local user could not just crank up the gravity plating to 25G from the control panel.  Maybe if she tried her Security override.  No. Maybe under an emergency protocol?  No, not that either.  And a long stream of profanities in her native pidgin of Czech, Polish and German escaped her lips as she tried to find a way around.  If Sinead had been there.  But no, she had been back on the Helmet when the shit hit the fan in such an epic fashion, so that left her with only one option.  "Engineering, this is PO Bremmer in the Security Center.  I need gravity in the room just outside temporary holding cranked up.  Way up, to 25G's."

"Say again?" came the voice at the other end.  "Look, we got a damn parasite in temporary holding, and The Captain wants another barrier in place, and I can't do that from here.  Now, are you planning to do it, or do I need to have you call him instead?" 

There was a short pause, and then the panel by the door flashed and rang in alarm once more, warning of further hazardous conditions on the far side of the door.  Vacuum and a high enough gravity to turn flesh to paste.  Just as was needed.  "Bremmer to the Captain.  Sir, forcefields read steady, you've got vacuum, and deck plating says gravity is 25 times normal just outside secondary holding.  He ain't going nowhere."

And, as she closed the channel, Eliska Bremmer turned about to lean against the wall, and she let herself slump to the deck.  They hadn't yet secured from Red Alert, but she was exhausted.  She had been in that suit all day, and between dealing with Nicander three times, having been on standby all day, and the counter-boarding action, she was more than ready to turn in.  With practiced ease, she pulled her helmet off and let it fall next to her, revealing her face glistening with sweat and her braid dripping with the stuff.  Perhaps the suits were climate-controlled, but it was still stuffy in there, and she was desperately wishing to peel the damn thing off, and the skin-tight long underwear she wore underneath, and let herself dry out a little before taking a shower, preferably a real one.  Maybe a soak in the baths, too, would be an idea...

But for now, she was still on the clock, so to speak, even if she was slumped to the deck.  So, instead she addressed the Bajoran who'd had her back throughout this latest adventure.  "So, Ridun, barring any other immediate need to deal with an active boarding, I suppose you're in charge again." 

And still, she managed a tired grin.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Doc M. on September 18, 2018, 06:07:44 AM
[ Tessa May Lance, callsign:  Goldeneye (,_callsign_%22Goldeneye%22) | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Even Angels Cry, @Griff @Havenborn, @Multificionado, @Nolan, @Jm Von Cat , @Blue Zephyr, @Masorin@Triage.

"Lieutenant Lance, I am Petty Officer t'Jellaieu. We met briefly at Sol, just before the ship was attacked, when I was inspecting the Valkyries. I take it that you shall need help here?"

”Oh!” Tessa blinked innocently, ”Have we met?  You look familiar somehow…”  Her eyes widened in recognition.  ”Oh yeah, Admiral Sobral’s aide… I remember you now.  So how are you?  I love what you’ve done with your hair.  So um… how did you get here?” 

Despite the chaos and confusion surrounding the Theurgy’s escape from the Sol system all those months ago, Tessa still remembered the admiral’s aide who was assisting in an inspection tour of the Lone Wolves’ fighters when the ship was forced to flee the very organization that had ordered its construction.  Tessa hadn’t really seen Petty Officer t'Jellaieu after that; she had assumed that the newcomer had either beamed out or hadn’t survived the first week of their exile. And yet here she was, in the flesh; wearing a baldric and a sword on her back as if she was a character from a Swords and Sorcery holodeck program. 

With all that was happening at the time, and had happened since, Tessa should not have remembered t'Jellaieu at all.  She certainly hadn’t remembered her name.  The only reason she had any recollection of the petty officer was because of the two brow ridges above the bridge of t'Jellaieu’s nose that formed a flattened V-shape on her forehead.  Together with her pointed ears, they really made the petty officer look like a Romulan.

[ Maya ( | Primary Surgical Suite | CMO Office | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @patches

“Completing the scan now,” Petty Officer Riley Patterson said as she operated one of the consoles surrounding the biobed.

“Let us see the results,” Maya of Vulcan replied in a quiet and somewhat empty voice.  “It would seem that I have severely overtaxed my temporal and manual nervous systems.  It must have happened when I was attempting the stel’von.  It would seem to be beyond my current ability.”  Whatever the stel’von was, the universal translator in her combadge wasn’t translating it.

“Hm,” Nurse Patterson grunted as she held a finger before Maya’s large hazel eyes and moved it slowly to the left and the right to see if her eyes would track.

Petty Officer Kino Taer entered the room slowly as if she wanted to make sure there wasn’t a serious medical procedure being conducted before she interrupted.  Patterson turned to look at her but Maya just kept staring vacantly at the screen on the wall that displayed the data from the neurological scan. 

Petty Officer Taer seized her opening:  “If you don’t mind, miss. I’d like to ask the good doctor here a question while you run your scans.” Kino said as she stepped fully into Maya’s field of vision, ultimately leaning against the wall opposite of the surgeon. Maya instinctively leaned to her right in an unconscious effort to peer around the security specialist, but the one-eyed Trill valiantly addressed the little Vulcan regardless.  “Doctor Maya, I’m told there’s a serious situation developing in the temporary brig.  Do you recall what happened before you were beamed out?”

Maya blinked and seemed to notice Taer for the first time.  “Why yes.  Master Chief Petty Officer Barton bludgeoned me with the rifle butt of his phaser and I lost coconsciousness,” she replied conversationally. 

Nurse Patterson allowed herself a small smile of relief.  Doctor Maya was sounding like her old self again.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Auctor Lucan on September 18, 2018, 10:39:23 AM
[ High Chancellor Martok, son of Urthog | Bridge | Negh'Var Heavy Carrier IKC Rotarran | Azure Nebula ] Attn: All
In the aftermath of battle, Martok was ready to kill something with his bare hands.

The Rotarran had lost a warp nacelle, suffered numerous hull breaches, and some of the crew had become irradiated by the nebula. Damage reports were coming in from all sections of the ship, the bridge crew were talking on top of each other, and yet Martok just stood there and glared at the viewscreen, his thoughts split between the defeat he'd suffered, and the sight of the Borg cube that had vanished in the middle of the battlefield. He was silent, because he waited for word from the Phantoms that had gone after the Theurgy's middle hull. He waited, for confirmation of a kill, because he knew that 'the Sword' had no shields left, and that gave his Phantom Leader and her pilots the chance to make this battle a victory nonetheless.

Yet then there was silence, until one survivor on a damaged Phantom reported back, saying that another ship had appeared, and that he was the only survivor. It made Martok take a deep breath, and as if he was a statue come alive, he turned back towards the smoking and burning bridge, his upper lip curled in a bitter snarl.

"Captain," said N'Garen, looking a bit harried with some of her mane of hair melted; a near brush with a plasma leak. "Six of our ships are en-route. They are dropping out of warp now."

"They are late," growled Martok, his hands balled into fists at his sides. The humiliation of it couldn't be helped, but he knew what he would say to the Captains of the Imperial fleet. "Hail them!"

"Aye, Captain."

The flickering viewscreen showed six different bridges, and before either of the Commanding Officers could say something to their High Chancellor, be it in attempt to undermine authority or question him as to the nature of their defeat, Martok raised his voice. "This is the Rotarran, we have engaged the Theurgy, yet they fled without any shields left - hounded by our Phantoms. May Sto'Vo'Kor await them all."

"Shall we give chase?" offered one of the Captains, looking eager enough.

Oh, but Martok would like nothing rather. "The Theurgy is mine," he said, however, and stepped closer to the viewscreen. "And it seems the Klingon Empire's entire fleet has been blind, for an enemy more worthy than the Theurgy have been left to roam right at our borders, and neither of you have sighted it. Your honour is in question, to have failed the Empire."

This stirred the Captains, some of them snarling at having their conduct questioned. Some shouted their objections, asking what enemy this might be, and that if there was a threat to the Klingon borders, they would vanquish this foe.

Martok turned his remaining eye to N'Garen, who understood well enough. She transmitted the sighting of the Borg cube to the viewscreen, showing the arriving Klingon fleet what they had encountered. It made them quit their posturing well enough, and in the silence that dampened them, Martok spoke anew.

"Rally the Empire for war. While we came here to hunt a single, traitorous ship, our battles ahead will be about more than just this one ship. The Borg have come to our border, and there, they shall remain. We will not yield an inch to the Collective, and repel them from Klingon space at all cost. The Federation might be our allies, but we need to protect our own against this threat. I want all Klingon ships back from whatever missions they might be on... to prepare for invasion."

When the image of the Borg cube vanished from the screen, the Captains looked solemn. Martok supposed that he might raise their spirits somewhat, for there was glory to be found, for all those who did not gain the honour of death in the battles to come.

"We know where they will come from," he growled, eyes creasing in promise of triumph, as unlikely as it might be. "So we will fight this enemy at their own gate. We will tear it down on top of them if we can. We will show the Borg... how we welcome its kind in the Beta Quadrant. jaj vIghaj!"

They would own the day, indeed, regardless what might follow in the night.

Behind him N'Garen just smiled, for more reasons than one.

OOC: I will leave this thread open for any loose ends yet to be tied, but I will not be posting again here, since Supplemental threads will be set up for the next phase of the Sword's voyage. One will be in the Brig, and another will deal with the immediate aftermath overall on the Sword. More information will come soon in regard to how much time there will be for new Supplemental threads of your own, but for now, keep new Supplemental threads to the immediately following hour after this battle. Posting titles should be, CH02: S [DXX|YYYY] Insert Title (Day 06 | 0001 hrs. <set time> 0100 hrs.)
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Multificionado on September 18, 2018, 09:32:11 PM
[Ensign Six | Airlock | USS Allegiant NX-80978] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @Masorin @Numen @Nolan @Triton @Triage @Griff @Gadget @Fife @lisavw @chXinya @Top Hat

Ensign Six was, so far, the only crewmember of the Allegiant to have not disembarked. She could see that Izar greeted what was apparently a friend ("Wolf-01, Razor"), but she didn't muster the nerve to actually disembark, what with Ghost glaring daggers at the ex-drone. "Drone slut," she had called her, and it hurt so much.

Ghost, on the other hand, never budged; rifle trained at Six, she stood, as if determined to not let her pass.

Finally, Six spoke.

"Don't you think you need to have that nose treated?"

Ghost continued to glare, but she instinctively raised a hand to her nose. Seeing the blood, she remembered she broke her nose during the battle. She rushed to the nearest reflective surfacing and was gobsmacked to see what a sight she was, the river of blood streamed from her nose all the way down her flight suit.


She rushed out of the bay, but not before she had a parting word at Six.

"Dinnae think this is over, drone."

With Ghost gone, hopefully to Sickbay, Six disembarked from the Allegiant but remained in proximity, wondering what she should do.

With the feeling that she needed to get away from the launch bay, and the Wolves, who intimidated her the more she looked at them, especially with their apparently aggressive callsigns, she paused a moment to think.

What should she do now? It was unlikely Masuda would want her to come along; she presumed her services as a guide was no longer necessary.

She could think of a few possibilities: The first thought to come to her was finding somewhere isolated on the "Sword" to set up an alcove, just like on the "Stallion," but she didn't want to. Much as she can do without an alcove for days at a time, owing to the booster pack embedded in her spine, she needed an alcove all the same, but it would mean a prolonged absence, again like on the "Stallion." She practically missed everything that's happened since the Theurgy hid in the Azure Nebula, missed the abduction of Captain Ives and several crewmembers (though she counted herself lucky to have been absent; she hated the possibility of being a captive along with them) and when the Theurgy split in three to evade their enemies. She missed a LOT in setting up her forensics lab.

Besides, the crew of the "Sword" had just been attacked themselves, and they would be extra jumpy if they came across somebody who caught them by surprise, even if it wasn't a hostile.

No, the best thing to do would be to find some place more comfortable where she can wait; she was still a part of the security department, despite her skills, and it would be entirely possible that she and Mariner would be debriefed by Commander Wenn. After all, the ranking officer of the "Sword" was the Security Chief.

She momentarily wondered if she was in the right department for her skills. She was an excellent hacker; she should've been an intelligence officer. But no, the best thing possible was forensics, despite the security department. She could be stuck an ensign a long time like Harry Kim. Maybe, if and when she got promoted, she'd request a transfer to the Tactical department. She'd look better in red than in yellow, and the more she thought about her hacking skills, the more she thought she was better off in Tactical, close enough to Intelligence, than in Security.

If and when. She wasn't sure if she can request an inter-vessel transfer as an ensign, but it could be possible.

Maybe she'd request a transfer to the "Sword." It was an insane thought, given the greater possibility of people disliking her, but it depended on what Commander Wenn was like. With or without Masuda, meeting Commander Wenn was inevitable.

She suddenly realized how tired she was. She had been going on restlessly. Like everybody else, she needed rest. With the booster pack filling in for her alcove for the time being, she can sleep like anybody else. She went through the first door she saw and was surprised to find herself in the lounge.

"It'll have to do," she muttered with fatigue. She made a note into her own database to remind her when she woke up: Depending on orders she receives, set up an alcove as soon as freaking possible. Just an alcove; there's no time to set up a forensics lab, unless the security center has one already. But all the same, expect to hear a call from Masuda or from Commander Wenn.

She was suddenly so tired she didn't care if any of the Wolves threw her out. She plopped down onto a couch, still dressed in uniform, and surprised herself by falling asleep at once.

OOC: This may likely be the last post for Six in this chapter, or, depending if the chapter continues on, for the current time, given the lateness of the hour. Six's awakening from her rest will serve as the beginning of a supplemental, if somebody has an opening for a supplemental later on. The most obvious case would be somebody from the crew telling her she can't sleep in the lounge, but there can be a wide variety of ideas. Please let me know through DM for any supplemental ideas with such a beginning for Six.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Nolan on September 19, 2018, 05:40:08 PM
[ Lt Simon Tovarek | Battle Bridge -> Turbolift | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn:  @chXinya  @Top Hat

Tovarek hadn't ever been gladder to see the Allegiant show up when they did. A sigh of relief being released by him as they dispatched of the raiders along with T'Less's handy work. He walked over to the science station where Vael Kaeris was as he had announced the data from the Borg cube and the intelligence they had gathered about it. He patted the man on the back "Well done." he simply said with a thick Russian accent as he looked at the raw data and he looked around on the bridge to check if anyone else needed medical attention "If nobody is in need of it, would you process the data yourself?" he asked before he noticed the man he was talking to technically outranked him, unless he still held his title of XO... "Sir." he concluded.

Tovarek's attention however was called away by Cinn as he instructed him to follow him and Ducote to the Brig for the Nicander situation. Tovarek simply nodded as he nodded at Okafor as he'd be the one to be in charge of the bridge once more. Once the trio was inside the elevator Tovarek began to think of options on how to handle the Nicander crisis. It truly was if anything a crisis. Part of their security center had been brought to -25G for God's sake. Yet if that wasn't enough a new crisis developed in front of him, starting with Ducote.

"Mister Wenn, I would remind you that we did not have to lift a finger to help you in that fight. We are still the victims of a kidnapping under a false pretence, your story is still in dire need of independent verification... and if you speak to one of my officers like that again, we will have a rather more robust disagreement."

Tovarek was surprised to hear the tactless remark of the senior officer that technically outranked both of them. He glanced over at Wenn Cinn who simply returned the glance at him before the lift came to a stop entirely. Tovarek leaned back against the wall of the turbolift as Cinn gave a reply of his own.

"Commander Ducote, be very clear about this point: until I'm relieved by Captain Ives or Commander Trent, this is my ship.  According to regulations I am allowed to utilize all personnel on board however I deem fit.  At the moment, we are working to save the Federation from a clear and present danger that has integrated itself into the highest levels of Starfleet and possibly even the government.  If you refuse to believe the existence of the parasites despite all of the evidence you have been shown, and will see here shortly, that is your issue to work out."

"Irregardless of the parasites, there is no doubt that the Borg are here, and currently have the ability to invade in force.  You yourself have seen this.  So ask yourself this: if we are the renegades that Command claims us to be, why would we still be here?  A dozen different governments would love to have the Theurgy under their flag, their best scientists and engineers studying every bolt and seam to gain an advantage over the Federation while the crew basks in their finest luxuries?

"If you want to continue on your vendetta against the Borg without us, fine.  We'll put you and anyone else from your crew back onto your runabout and send you on your way down the Borg's warp trail, right where we found you.  How does that sound, Commander?"

Tovarek looked at both gentlemen now as he licked his lips "Sirs... I think this conversation can be saved for a later date? We have a bigger fish to fry so to speak." As Ducote seemed to agree it didn't take long before the lift moved further to the security center.

[ Lt Cmdr Thomas 'Razor' Ravon | Fighter Assault Deck | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]

"You should know better, I don't easily die." he grinned at his friend as he had to laugh about his bully armor joke. He glanced over at the ORE and the rest of his crap that he was carrying around and he shook his head "Don't tell me you found the time to mooshine aboard the Allegiant?" he said softly with a grin before he bit his tongue about giving the man a hug. "We both know that if I gave you a hug now Izar, that I'd be transporting you right to Sickbay together with the good doctor here." he joked "Aside from the peasant filth, you need vitamins to strengthen those bones of yours. I swear you're made out of jello or something."

He looked back at Daniel as he requested new orders as Amelya Rez and the Allegiant doctor vanished by a site to site transport. "I'll have to leave you for now Izar, but come look me up later alright!" he smiled before he walked to Daniel. "Park the ships back into their slots, work with the deckhands in clearing up the bay. Freshen up after that and prepare for new sorties should the need arise. That means rearming your ships and agreeing with the pups what armament you'd like." he told him as he patted the man on the shoulder "Nice flying out there and I'm impressed by the way you pinned the Klingon down." he said to him as he looked him in the eye.

ravon's eye drifted over to Lance as she was speaking the with the pilot of the Allegiant and he decided to walk over to her to inform her about any further orders like he had with Daniel. Just like with Daniel he personally would tell her that she did a good job out there.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Firefox013 on September 20, 2018, 04:12:01 AM
[ Ensign Jaya Thorne | Main Sickbay | Deck 11| Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]
Attn: attending medical officers.

As Jaya lay there on one of the Biobeds after being evacuated, her body starts to convulse, the blood loss causing a severe shock reaction, she is still unconscious but her body begins thrashing about randomly on the bed, shaking violently. Smacking one of the nurses in the face, startling her but soon the Doc has her calmed down again. “Hmmm must be form the blood loss and adrenaline surge, shock symptoms, stable now… odd her REM state is quite high.” Noted the Doctor as he worked, the nurse blinking at the readings.

“Doctor, this is not beyond the limits but too high for someone who’s simply unconscious, she must be dreaming but its too high for a simple dream, isn’t it?” Dr. Kobol  nodded. “Yes, but her vitals all read stable if low, hmmm, peculiar.” He noted it on his PADD as he grabbed some medical tools. “Okay I am not reading much damage other than muscle tissue and blood loss, no arteries were hit, this is fortuitous. Let’s get to work shall we?” The nurse nodded to him as she handed him a laser scalpel to allow them to cut up and extricate the large piece of metal in the young woman’s arm.

Inside Jaya’s Mind:

She smiled, feeling happier than she had in ages, speaking with her Grandmother had been great. “So, Granma Frances, you said, when we first started speaking, feels like hours ago now, that I am not dying?” She asked quizzically. Frances smiled. “No dear, you aren’t, yes you are quite hurt but they are working on you right now, you’ll be fine in a few days time, just relax here with me while they do, I promise you, you will be fine!” Said the slightly older looking woman as she gently brushed some hair from her Granddaughter’s forehead. “I’m also glad of where you put yourself, the sunrise will begin soon and we’re in the lake lands not far from the family cottage darling, a magnificent choice any proper Thorne would picture when in your position I am sure.”

Jaya nodded, smiling as the sun crested the peaks to the east of them, slowly rising, the snow atop the highest ones shimmering in the rising light. The view was magnificent, reminding her of the ones she saw during her childhood on the Lake during the summer months. “I do hope I make it, there’s so much I feel I still have to do.” Her Grandmother nodded. “Yes, there is dear, so rest, relax and trust me, you will be fine.” She hugged her Granddaughter warmly as they watched the sunrise together.

Back in the Real World:

The medical personnel had been at it for a while, finding more than a little foreign matter in Jayas wounds and a lot of damage, nothing that could not be easily fixed but it would take some time under regenerators and physiostim units to give the ensign her mobility back, not to mention the need to replenish her lost blood. “Ok, that’s it for the big stuff, the wounds are clean, now we need to get her regeneration treatments going.” Said the doctor as he closed the surgical cover over the young woman who was now lying naked under a heating sheet to keep her warm while they worked. “So young, thankfully she has a very good chance of making a full recovery.” Noted the nurse, to which Dr. Kobol  nodded. “Yes, very much so, I took a bit of time to go over her file not long ago, Ensign Thorne, Jaya by her first name, is a fighter and has a good track record, not spotless mind you but good. She apparently, almost single handed, got us out of there alive piloting wise and injured through most of it, I for one am quite impressed at her sheer skill at the helm form what I have heard.” He smiles softly, looking at the unconscious woman's face. “Let us do what we can for her, she deserves our best!”
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: patches on September 20, 2018, 05:11:30 PM
[ PO2 Kino Taer | Primary Surgical Suite | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] @Doc M.

Kino frowned as Maya told her, in that characteristic conversational voice, that Master Chief Petty Officer Jeremy Barton hit her with the butt of his rifle.

“Bullshit.” It came out of her mouth before her brain could process the news enough to stop herself. “The Master Chief wouldn’t do that.”

Barton had been the senior non-commissioned officer in the Security department, an integral link between the enlisted and officer ranks that helped to ensure the department aboard the ship was run efficiently and that conflicts between Security personnel were handled correctly. Starfleet’s training emphasized the core principles that governed its behaviors, which meant Barton would have been the epitome of what the pseudo-militaristic arm of the Federation wanted to see in its NCOs. Hitting Doctor Maya with the butt of his rifle violated the emphasis on non-violent outcomes, put both the Master Chief and the doctor in a situation where both could be severely injured or killed, and would have easily given rise to a crisis like what appeared to be developing in the Security Centre.

It was simply flat out something Kino Taer refused to believe could happen. She might have done something like that early on in her career. Her training and experience now meant there were several other options she’d go through almost instinctively before resorting to hitting people with her rifle. Even with the Klingon, the melee was a last resort forced by the Klingon’s charge in a confined environment. He was literally trying to kill her and she managed to subdue him. Barton’s additional decade+ of experience should have meant a complete avoidance of this.

What the hell really happened in that room? Did Doctor Maya force the situation again? She did inject adrenaline in Nicander despite clear orders not to, placing us all in greater danger.

The Trill shook her head slightly, suddenly thankful that her helmet veiled her facial expressions at this point. The last thing she needed at this point was to start worrying about a possibly rogue Vulcan doctor on top of the soap opera that the Theurgy was already. Barton’s death was going to hit the Security enlisted ranks pretty hard.

“Thank you, Doctor,” Kino finally said after a deep breath. “You’re lucky to have escaped serious injury with a hit to the head like that. I’ll leave you to your duties now.”

With that, she turned to leave the room quickly before changing her mind about questioning Maya more closely. As suspicious as the story sounded, Maya was still the ship’s premier neuroscientist and one of its most experienced surgeons and Sickbay was nearly overflowing with casualties. It was a better use of both of their time to let her do her job at that moment. Besides, nothing she could say or do would change anything at this point and Kino was just really tired with a headache that seemed intent on returning.

She directed the three others that came with her to keep following her. The shift to Yellow meant that Alpha Shift could finally consider resting while Gamma took over the bulk of the work needed at that point. Personnel were now going to be reshuffled to fit different priorities. That meant returning to the Security Centre was the best option for anyone with a rifle right now.

OOC: Kino's off to the Centre now and bowing out of this thread in favor of a new supplemental I'll be writing shortly.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Doc M. on September 21, 2018, 02:48:56 AM
[ Maya ( | Primary Surgical Suite | CMO Office | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Nolan, @patches

“Doctor Maya, I’m told there’s a serious situation developing in the temporary brig.  Do you recall what happened before you were beamed out?”

Maya blinked and seemed to notice Taer for the first time.  “Why yes.  Master Chief Petty Officer Barton bludgeoned me with the rifle butt of his phaser and I lost coconsciousness,” she replied conversationally. 

“Bullshit.  The Master Chief wouldn’t do that.”

“In his defense, he was under the impression that I was once again under Doctor Nicander’s influence and that I was using my people’s telepathic abilities to influence his men,” Doctor Maya continued in a calm and almost casual tone.  “Given this ship’s multiple experiences with mental tampering his actions were quite understandable.” 

Nurse Patterson paled at Maya’s nonchalance.  From her testimony, it was apparant that Maya was ignorant of what had happened after she fell unconscious.  Although Barton, Wyburn, Drolix had been placed in cryosleep capsules after they had been beamed to sickbay it was obvious that their remains were going to be filed under “Organ Donors” rather than “Patients Awaiting Treatment.”  Given Maya’s literally delicate nerves, Riley Patterson decided to let Petty Officer Taer decide whether or not the condition of Barton and the others should be revealed the little Vulcan right now.

Kino Taer seemed to be trying to make up her mind on that issue as well, and when she finally spoke it seemed that she had decided against it.

“Thank you, Doctor.  You’re lucky to have escaped serious injury with a hit to the head like that.  I’ll leave you to your duties now.”

“Any time I can be of assistance Petty Officer,” Maya nodded serenely as the security specialist took her leave.  The little Vulcan then turned her attention back to the screen that displayed her neurological data.  “Nurse, I shall require two milligrams of synaptizine and I need you to fetch four neural transducers.  I will show you the appropriate areas I need them placed on my body."
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: SummerDawn on September 21, 2018, 05:46:05 AM
[ Lt jg Kala Marika | Airlock | USS Allegiant NX-80978] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @Masorin @Numen @Nolan @Triton @Triage @Griff @Gadget @Fife @lisavw @chXinya @Top Hat @ Multificionado

The mission on the Allegiant finally over, Kala could permit herself the smallest sigh of relief as she stepped down onto the gravity plating of the Theurgy. She was alive, and given the week she’d just had, that was in itself, no small miracle. Glancing around the deck, she realized that aside from the others on the allegiant she knew no one on this ship.

To say the week had been the week from hell was beyond an understatement. First the borg, which was bad enough. Watching your shipmates, despite their most valiant efforts, captured and assimilated by drones, sometimes their own shipmates, the look as the borg took over their bodies, turning them mindless, into drones. Then forced to kill them yourself, otherwise you would face the same fate as they did. She'd survived that with barely a scratch, though the mental and emotional scars would last for some time, that she knew even if she didn't fully appreciate what it meant or wouldn't for some time.

Then came those horned devils, like something out of a terran storybook designed scare children into submission. They were far less bad then the borg, though in many ways, with the ship as crippled and wounded as the crew were, these demons did more damage then the borg. The crew of the Cayuga fought them off as best they could, only making headway with the arrival of that ship of the damned, the Theurgy. Whether the Theurgy knew about these beings, or was just there to offer aid, Kala didn't know, and didn't really care to know. A hand out of a pit was a hand.
At least this hand had not only been the Theurgy, but a few familiar faces, and speaking of familiar faces, she noticed one from her ship hanging around the landing area looking rather amused by something. She wandered over to Chief Eboh, “Hey Chief. Any idea what they need us for now? And what shapes the Cayuga in?”
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Numen on September 21, 2018, 01:35:47 PM
[ Lt. JG Izar Bila (| Fighter Assault Deck | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]
Att.: @Nolan @Fife @SummerDawn  @anyone left in the bay

"Moonshine ?, I'm afraid no, not this time ... You're quite needy, are not you?" Bila answered with a laugh, then he raised as much as he could the ORE 's container and trying  call Ravon's attention over it. "No, no, i've been working on this. This little fella may be able to reverse a borg assimilation process in its earlier stages, if the infected is able to reach the lab... That or cause him or her some deep burns unviable with life, depending on the time I've to run some tests and tune it up. So far, the most spectacular result I've achieved has been make a sample of my own blood explode, but I'm confident that it ends up working." He explained shrugging slightly. Then he indicated with his scruffy chin the small briefcase that Eboh carried around. "That thing my helpful minion Eboh is taking care of, are some modified nanoprobes vaccines, they allow normal functioning and delay assimilation if it occurs. It burns when applied and leaves a metallic taste in your mouth, but it works. In the lab test at least." Bila composed his best wise-ass smile, he was proud of his achievements, especially given the limited time he had arranged. Also, questioning safety of what he was experiencing was one of his favorite pastimes when he was around the pilot. He was an expert playing the mad scientist role, even when it was far from reality.

The hybrid had a rebuttal about his jello-bones on the tip of his tongue when Tom apologized, proclaiming he had work to do. Izar dismissed him with a wave of his hand while joking. "Go, go, put some order on your flock, birdman. I'm going to put all this in a safe place and I'll meet you in the lounge or in your nest, just gimme a comm when you have some time to waste with the nerds, bully boy." He patted the other man's back to urge him to leave and watched him go with his arms crossed over his chest, wide smile in his face. Despite the stark contrast between the two men, he had missed Ravon.

Without further ado he turned to Chief Eboh, barely managing to see him above the bulk of the ORE. "Hey, Igor, be a good minion and look for something to carry all this to the labs, maybe to anti-grav sled or something, surely they must have one around to lend us. Put the vaccines in there and bring it in as soon as you find it, if you're so kind." He snorted, the burdensome device was beginning to stagger his weary body and his arms were shaking due the effort. "Contact Ingeneering officer on duty when you are finished, they may need your help with repairs. If there aren't any life or death matter, you are off duty, enjoy some R & R and a nap until Captain Yukimura call for us."

It was then that the half-bajoran noticed the presence of the engineer. During the scout mission he had barely seen her briefly in the docking bay since their posts had kept them at a distance. Despite this, Bila was always grateful to see another ridged nose around. "Liutenant, the same suggestion goes with you. Maybe the repair teams need your services, if not, I think there should be a lounge on one of the decks where you can relax." He said with a softer tone than the one he'd used with Eboh. The chemist smiled tentatively. He knew little about the engineer and the hybrid always took extra double precautions when faced with a member of one of his two species. He stayed where he was waiting for Eboh's return while watching the woman. The weight of the Ore seemed to increase every second that passed.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Fife on September 22, 2018, 12:18:31 AM
[ CPO Ekon Okotie-Eboh | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Numen @SummerDawn

Eboh turned as he heard someone greeting him, finding himself looking at the diminutive figure of the Allegiant’s Engineer, Kala Marika. The El-Aurian hybrid directed a half-smile at the officer as he adjusted the case of vaccines which was held under his arm.

”Hello, ma’am,” the large man said by way of greeting, ”I can’t say where we will be needed, though the ship seems to have taken quite a beating.” Ekon glanced around the mast space of the fighter assault bay as he spoke. ”To be honest, I’ve spent so much of the last few days in Jefferies tubes aboard the Cayuga or on smaller vessels that it feels a bit strange to be in such a large space.” Ekon chuckled as he spoke, the sound coming as a deep rumble.

”If I’m being completely honest, ma’am, I could use a drink after the week we’ve had…” The Ops Chief confided in the shorter woman, ”Though I…”

His words were cut off by the all too familiar voice of the Allegiant’s science officer, who was attempting to peer at him over the bulk of the ORE he struggled to carry. The half-Cardassian called him a minion again and asked him to go find an anti-grav sled for the scientist to transport the ORE on. Ekon could see the man’s arms shaking as they struggled to support the device, the sight of the other man’s discomfort bringing Ekon some small degree of satisfaction.

”Yes, sir.” Ekon replied calmly as the demi-Cardie snorted and continued to speak, more or less repeating the orders Yukimura had already issued. ”Very good, sir.” Eboh acknowledged in a neutral tone, before turning to the Bajoran officer. ”If you’ll excuse me, ma’am. I won’t be long.” With that, Chief Eboh strode off into the vast space of the fighter assault bay in search of an anti-grav sled.

He found one before too long tucked against a wall further along the bay. Retrieving the sled, he placed the case of vaccines on it’s surface and made his way back towards the Allegiant, not moving particularly quickly as he hummed a random tune. He was following the scientist’s orders, though he was in no hurry about it, taking a small amount of joy in the science officer’s discomfort. ”Here you are, sir!” Eboh said as he noted that the Cardassian’s arms were shaking dangerously now, the man seeming as though he might lose hold of the device at any moment. Letting the anti-grav sled come to a halt, Eboh stepped forward and took hold of the device, the large man having a much easier time of it than the scientist had. ”Careful with that, sir. It’s quite heavy, and we don’t want you dropping it!” Eboh said cheerily as he shifted the device onto the sled. He suppressed a smile as he took a moment to enjoy the sight of Lt. Izar sagging with relief, finally free of the heavy burden. ”If there will be nothing else, sir, I think Lieutenant Kala and I should go check in with the repair teams.”

”Seems you’re in need of spending that excess energy you display. I’ll take measures to give you work during the next two shifts, working off some of the raktajinos you’ve been engulfing. You don’t want to grow fat, old man.” With that said, Bila set off, shaking his head as he maneuvered the anti-grav sled. Eboh could only chuckle as he shook his head at the scientist’s retreating back before turning to Lt. Kala.

”Sorry ma’am, I never got a chance to answer you.” The Chief apologised, ”I haven’t heard anything about the Cayuga’s status, though I know one of the engineers sent over from the Theurgy to assist with repairs, and he’s one of the best.” Eboh told the woman, looking down at her and giving her a small smile. ”I suppose we should go check in to see if they need any help before I go get that drink.” He added, giving the small woman a wink as he stepped off to search for someone to check in with, unsure if the engineering officer would follow.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Multificionado on September 22, 2018, 01:43:33 AM
[Lieutenant JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @Doc M. @Nolan @Triage @Triton @Havenborn @chXinya @Top Hat

Much as she had enough trips to Sickbay to last her a lifetime, Rawley felt that she wouldn't be long; a broken nose was a simple matter.

The moment she walked in, however, she had a short intake of breath.

"Shite. What a redecorating job," she muttered. Sickbay almost seemed as much a mess as the fighter bay, and she could see just from the waiting area.

If she had to hazard a guess, she'd presume Klingons.

She sat in the waiting area. There was one doctor still on her mind, and she hoped she had the time. She tapped her combadge.

"Doctor Maya? This is Lieutenant Rawley. If yeh have a mo' I need some work done on me hooter."

She was willing to wait. Besides, now that she had forgiven Maya, at least she didn't mind if Maya took a look at her. She'd rather be around her than the drone slut.

She didn't know when or where the drone slut came from, but inwardly, she felt bad about antagonizing a guest, like she did with Commander Ducote. But she didn't let that thought bother her. The guest was a drone. With Commander Ducote, it was different. She quickly apologized to him, but she had a feeling they'd meet sooner or later, and Ducote was likely to tell her off.

Well, at least she would expect Ducote to tell her off if and when they met.
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: SummerDawn on September 28, 2018, 05:25:20 AM
[ Lt jg Kala Marika | Airlock | USS Allegiant NX-80978] Attn: @Numen @Fife

"I think we've all spent way too much time in Jefferies tubes the last few days. Coming from an engineer I suppose that's saying something." She hadn't gotten much else said when she heard another familiar voice above the noise of the bay, that of one of the Cayuga's scientists, one Lt Bila. "You made it too Bila? Damn it's good to find a few familiar faces. I was getting worried I was the only one aboard the Theurgy." She grinned a little, "After the week we've had, a drink sounds wonderful."

She could feel a little of the awkward tension in the air between them while CPO Eboh went off to find a pallett jack for the load the man was carrying. She wondered if perhaps some of the tension came from him being a child of two worlds, worlds that less then a generation ago were fighting each other. "I don't think we really got a chance to properly meet Lieutenant. I think introductions over drinks would be called for when we're free from this crisis."

She was grateful when CPO Eboh came back with the anti-grav and helped Lt Bila get his stuff squared away. She meant every word about introductions over drinks, and she intended to keep it. But for now, there was still that awkward gap between them, even if she called him by his last name from time to time. She nodded as he told her he wasn't aware of any changes to the Cayuga. "I hope they get squared away, I'd love to help but somehow I doubt we can just waltz back over right now, not while we're unofficially TDY here." She nodded, "Jeen will be grateful for the help, anybody who can turn a hyperspanner would be welcome right now after how badly trashed the systems are aboard ship."

"I'll come with Chief. Might as well keep my hands busy till we get this shit show sorted out." She remarked, smiling a little.

OOC: TDY -> Temporary Duty Assignment
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: TWilkins on September 30, 2018, 10:03:32 PM
[Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] @Firefox013 @Jm Von Cat

Somehow, Elro felt the most relaxed he had for a long time, despite the badly injured human strewn on the biobed in front of him. Things were a little calmer in sickbay; there was a nurse milling about and tending to a few of the other patients, but at this stage, it was damage control rather than triage. Nobody was critical, he didn’t need to run from bed-to-bed diagnosing and treating. He could actually focus on one thing for the first time in a long time.

Ensign Thorne, the ace pilot who had managed to outmanoeuvre the Klingons whilst she had an eight inch piece of metal sticking out of her arm, according to the Sickbay gossip. The nurse working with him was very complimentary about the Ensign, but Elro was being very careful to withhold judgement on anyone who was a part of the Theurgy crew.

After all, it was only a few days ago that he was staunch in his belief that the entire crew of the Theurgy were traitors to the Federation. Since coming aboard, they had informed him of the apparent truth, which the entire crew were convinced about, but Elro still couldn’t be entirely won over. He’d seen a man, a Câroon, with injuries that should have killed him long before he had ended up in Sickbay. He’d been heavily involved in the operation to stabilise the former CMO, but had seen no evidence of a parasite or anything of the like.

What he did believe however, was that the crew of the Theurgy, or at least, the crew of Vector Two, were not traitors or vagabonds like Starfleet Command had described. They respected the chain of command, they had a sense of comradery that escaped people who were prone to dissent and deception, and they trusted him. Trusted him enough to be the only physician in Sickbay for that matter. Yet, he had a sinking suspicion that they had given him the trust because he was a medical officer and they needed his assistance. And possibly his limited assistance in fighting off the Klingon boarding parties with Jovela... He expected that the rest of the Endeavour’s crew may not be on the receiving end of the same level of respect.

Of course, all of that could change very quickly. In either direction.

His pondering thoughts were disrupted as he noticed the young Ensign on the biobed begin convulsing, her limbs thrashing against her control and one of them sharply catching the attending nurse across the cheek. Her blood loss was causing her to go into shock.

“Twenty milligrams of lectrazine.” He directed to the nurse, the hypospray being brought back to him almost instantly. The sickbay crew were certainly proficient. He came over with a melancholy flutter in his gut as he remembered that the people he was comparing the Theurgy nurses to were all unaccounted for, most likely dead or assimilated. Only a few had managed to escape on the Niger. He hoped that at least some of the others had gotten to safety as well; he certainly knew that R’Rori’s talents would be needed in the days to come.

Ensign Thorne reacted well to the medication, calming down almost immediately after he introduced it to her system. Elro's eyes fluttered down to the biobed console as he noted the changes in her vitals.

“Must be from the blood loss and adrenaline surge, shock symptoms.” He pondered aloud. “Stable now…” He continued murmuring as he noted something unusual from the console. “Odd.” Elro established, fetching up a medical tricorder just to double check. “Her REM state is quite high.”

“Doctor,” The nurse began. “This is not beyond the limits, but it’s too high for someone who’s simply unconscious.” He paused, thinking for a second. “She must be dreaming, but it’s too high for a simple dream, isn’t it?”

The nurse was correct in that it was slightly unusual, but from what he was getting from the Ensign, she was having some form of reactive dream involving her Grandmother. Nothing untoward. He tried not to pry too deep into her unconscious thoughts however; he didn’t quite know how the crew of the Theurgy would react if he began fishing around inside their heads any more than passive empathy. After all, Doctor Maya wasn’t far away and the Vulcan could easily misidentify his telepathy as probing the Ensign’s mind for tactical data.

“Yes.” He replied, nodding. “But her vitals all read stable, if low.” He made a noise between curiosity and bafflement. “Peculiar.” He made a few notes on the PADD he was using to keep track of the unfamiliar patients. “I am not reading much damage other than the muscle tissue and the blood loss.” He told the nurse, ready to start working. “No arteries were hit, which is fortuitous. Let’s get to work, shall we?”

The nurse nodded, passing Elro a laser scalpel without so much as a word, trying to anticipating his needs. He would need the scalpel, but he placed it down at first, freeing both of his hands and allowing him to get to work on removing the shard of metal imbedded in her bicep. The Doctor placed a clean piece of gauze against the wound and gave the metal a firm tug. It slid out easily, his hand clamping down on the wound to control the blood loss. He could have considered a transporter, but that would take valuable time and since they’d be using the autosuture regardless, the difference was inconsequential.  However, the nurse looked at him and blanched.

“We’ve got a transporter! Why the hell is he pulling it out like some Klingon ridgehead?” The nurse thought, Elro listening in and trying hard not to chuckle at the result; the nurse didn’t hide his suspicion.

“If you’d be so kind as to use the autosuture on this wound, I’ll get to work on the rest.” He added, collecting the laser scalpel from where he had set it down, and in his other hand retrieving a dermal regenerator, before examining the Ensign’s body and working out exactly where he should begin.

The Ensign was decorated with cuts, scrapes, and singed patches of her dark uniform revealing blistered areas of her flesh. She did have a nasty wound on her forehead that had been heavily bleeding down onto her eye, however it was her leg that was Elro’s primary concern. She had a deep, singed, gouge that would require the use of the autosuture to get it properly closed. He'd need to wait for that. Elro instead, visited her nose in the first instance, which had a rather misshapen lump beginning to form, most likely as a result of her falling down onto the deck plating on her way off of the bridge.

The procedures took a little time, most of her wounds were decorated with foreign debris and some of them would require follow up regeneration before she would be fighting fit. She had also lost a lot of blood, but Elro was confident that some rest would be sufficient for her to recover. A considerable amount, perhaps… But aside from the necessity for future regeneration, he and the nurse had repaired the majority of the damage and she was firmly out of danger. Elro let out a sound of satisfaction.

“That’s it for the big stuff, the wounds are clean.” Elro announced, thinking about the next steps and what would be sufficient to facilitate her future recovery. “Now we just need to get her regeneration treatments going.”

“She’s so young.” The nurse said quietly, looking over at her file on a PADD to input any necessary details from the procedure in case they were needed for later reference. “Thankfully she has a very good chance of making a full recovery.”

“Yes, very much so.” Elro replied. “I took a bit of time to go over her file not long ago.” He replied, turning to look over the nurse’s shoulder. “Ensign Thorne, Jaya by her first name. She’s a fighter and has a good track record.” He paused, tilting his head ever so slightly. “Not spotless mind you, but good.” Elro returned back to his initial station, tidying away the equipment he had used and placing it in the draws of a medial station that he had claimed as his own, rearranging every tray so that it was reminiscent of his station on the Endeavour.

“She apparently, almost single handed, got us out of there alive piloting wise, and injured through most of it.” Elro informed the nurse, who already knew the information, but the Doctor was trying to make a conscious effort to appear that he was trying to assimilate into the crew. “I for one am quite impressed at her sheer skill at the helm, from what I have heard.” And felt. He mentally added, remembering the first jolt that sent he and the other Doctors sprawling.

“Let us do what we can for her, she deserves our best!” The nurse replied with a considerable enthusiasm, making Elro sigh lightly to himself.

“She’s doesn’t have anything to worry about. When she regains consciousness she can return to her quarters to rest, just make sure she’s got a cortical monitor on, just in case there are any unexpected complications.” Elro informed the nurse, knowing that the monitor was not strictly necessary but also well aware that it would not reflect well on him if the young COMM officer had some frightful complication after he’d returned her to her quarters. “I’ll continue on my rounds.” He dismissed himself as he headed to check on the other patients in the other compartments, aware that he had spent a long time with the young Ensign.

As he left the room, he took a moment to glance around sickbay. Things seemed to be running smoothly, especially given that the CMO was currently unavailable. Elro was unsure whether Dr Nicander would even be permitted to step foot outside of the brig again.

Elro himself faced a similar imprisonment… It appeared he was stuck here for the moment. Even if he were permitted to leave the ship, which he highly doubted, and if he could somehow get back to an allied Federation vessel, it didn’t seem a smart idea. If the crew of the Theurgy were right, and the parasites had infested Starfleet, returning to them would put him at great risk. And even should they be wrong, he would still no doubt be painted as either a traitor himself, or be forced to deliver all of the tactical data he knew about the ship.

Elro wasn’t sure he was prepared to do that.

Whilst he mentally deliberated over the status of his future aboard the Theurgy, he felt his stomach groan with a complaint of hunger. It had been a long while since he had eaten, even longer still since he had eaten something other than the accursed Starfleet ‘rations’ which he was convinced were not fit for Betazoid consumption. Whenever one of the other Doctors returned to sickbay, and he handed over his charges, Elro was going to go and get a long overdue bowl of tomato and basil soup.


OOC, sorry for the length again, I promise next time will be less. Let me know if anything is disliked and I can edit it. Feedback always appreciated.

Elro Kobol  - Guest Medical Officer - USS Theurgy - [Show/Hide]
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Firefox013 on October 01, 2018, 01:34:32 AM
[ Ensign Jaya Thorne | Main Sickbay | Deck 11| Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]
Attn: @TWilkins @Jm Von Cat

Inside Jaya’s Mind:

The sun shone bright now over the landscape as they sat there, chatting, enjoying one another’s presence as the mindscape change to a radiant day. Suddenly a slowly swirling blue portal manifested a few feet away from them, making Frances sigh. “Ah it seems it’s time honey, you’re beginning to regain consciousness and I will go back to the beyond dear.”

Jaya blinked, sitting up. “Oh… that’s too bad, I mean I’m happy ill be fine and that I’m waking up but I was really enjoying this time with you…” She said in a soft, melancholy tone to which her grand-mother nodded, caressing her cheek. “You need to go back Jaya, don’t fret, I will always be looking over you, as will everyone else who has passed on before you dear. Now go, be the strong woman we have all seen you become.” She said as they stood and hugged Jaya warmly.

Jaya nodded as they parted, smiling. “I’ll see you when it’s my time then Granma… I miss you a lot.” Frances smiled as Jaya moved through the portal. “I miss you too dear, now wake up!” There was a bright flash of blue as Jaya entered the portal, then darkness.

Back in the Real world:

Jaya groaned softly, eyes fluttering and opening a bit, she looked around, her surroundings slowly coming into focus, she realized she was in sickbay. “Mmmmmh…” She blinked, the lights were somewhat bright and she was aching literally all over. “Wh…what happened!?” She said, groaning softly, trying to move her head, to look around more. She could see a Nurse and a Doctor with Lieutenant’s pips on his collar doing rounds not much further off. “Musta gotten more banged up than I thought.” She mumbled and then coughed a few times. “Ooooh damn, feel like I’ve been run over by a Battlecruiser!”
Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: TWilkins on October 01, 2018, 08:29:29 PM
[Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]
Attn: @Firefox013 @Jm Von Cat

"Doctor Kobol ?"

Elro turned his head slightly, looking back over his shoulder at the Nurse attending to Ensign Thorne, hoping that there wasn't suddenly some unseen complication that had developed in the short while that he had been attending to the other patients in Sickbay. He didn't have an enormous amount to do in that regard however; the Nursing team aboard the Theurgy was more than sufficient to keep their patients well tended. Elro imagined that unlike the Endeavour where a large portion of the medical team were cadets and junior nurses, a ship like the Theurgy was bound to have been offered their choice pick of officers back when it was a Starfleet controlled vessel...

He had yet to see the return of Doctor Rez or Doctor Maya, only assuming that the pair were busy with other responsibilities that he was not privy to. He had contemplated using his telepathy to try and locate them, but Elro didn't know the crew compliment and had no idea who might become aware if he started probing around the ship. He had however been maintaining an active empathic field, which he found refreshing. Despite the constant distraction it proved to some Betazoids, he found that sensing other's emotions was like a gentle breeze. He almost found it refreshing.

Elro glanced over towards Ensign Thorne's biobed in response to the Nurse's calling, noting that there were no alarms or anything of the like that would be indicative of something untoward. Instead, as he turned and began striding over to the patient, he heard the Ensign grumble lightly, saw her body move in a way that was rigid and uncomfortable, but much more comforting to watch than the aggravate thrashing of someone in shock.

Evidently, she was awake.

"W...what happened!?" Thorne groaned, trying to move her head to glance around at her surroundings. Her eyes flickered across and focused on both the nurse, and Elro, before she flopped her head back down with a disgruntled noise. Elro was pleased that she was conscious and talking again so swiftly; it hadn't been so long since her procedure. She was obviously strong, figuratively speaking... In reality she was very weak and would need a good amount of rest before getting back to the helm.

"How're you feeling, Ensign?" Elro asked as he approached, though he wasn't entirely convinced that she heard him; she still seemed half asleep.

"Musta gotten more banged up than I thought." She grumbled, and though it did answer his question, Elro was convinced that it was just her ambient response to the situation; it didn't seem directed at much more than the ceiling. She coughed a few times, which made Elro flick out his medical tricorder to make sure there wasn't any lung damage that he hadn't been aware of. The Ensign made an unusual noise as the coughing subsided, before she spoke again. "Damn, feel like I've been run over by a Battlecruiser."

"Certainly a colourful metaphor." Elro couldn't help but chuckle softly, not loud enough for either the Ensign or nurse to hear him as he did so. His tricorder exams revealed no damage, so he assumed that the Ensign's coughing was down to something as simple as thirst. "Nurse, if you don't mind getting the Ensign a glass of water, I'll make sure she gets back to her quarters for some much needed rest."

Elro stepped away from the biobed and made a move to leave the care unit, taking a double take to ensure that the Nurse had fixed a cortical monitor to the Ensign as requested. He had. Elro folded his medical tricorder back down and returned it to his pocket, walking back out into the Sickbay lobby where he perched himself against the unoccupied Duty Nurse station and lightly tapped his combadge.

"Doctor Kobol  to security." 

"Go ahead." A voice replied after a short pause, sounding almost hesitant to respond to the Doctor.

"Ensign Thorne's injuries have been well tended to, she's awake now but I'd like her to release her to her quarters to get some much needed rest." Elro politely informed the officer on the other end, lightly tapping the sole of his foot against the floor as he spoke. “Unfortunately, since my security clearance on the Theurgy is non-existent, and the other Medical Officers are currently occupied, I'd like to request that you kindly arrange for her transport."

Elro was expecting it to be difficult, for the officer on the other end to tell him to go and talk to transporter room three, who in turn would tell him to go back and talk to Security. However, in reality, the response the Doctor was granted was unexpectedly straightforward, if not a little sharp.

"We'll get it sorted." The voice replied, distantly. Elro felt his eyebrow raise a fraction.

"Thank you." The Doctor replied with a fraction more warmth in his tone than he had been granted by the security officer. Elro had found that the crew of the Theurgy had very mixed dispositions when it came to how welcoming they wished to be, and what they felt about the Endeavour crew. He shrugged to himself.

Right now he didn't want much else than to free up the biobed that Thorne was occupying. Though Sickbay was not at capacity, Elro had a sinking feeling that it wouldn't be long before another medical emergency occured. Between the Borg cube that was in the area, the entirety of task force Archeron, the recent Klingon raiders and not to mention that they may have been in the territory of the elusive Orion Syndicate, who'd probably enjoy claiming a bounty from the Theurgy... At this stage, Elro wasn't going to let himself believe that they could relax. They were not safe.

“Is there anything else, Doctor?” The voice on the other end of the communication asked, reminding Elro that getting lost in thought was an activity best done off of the comm system.

"No, thank you.” He replied softly. “Kobol  out."

Title: Re: Chapter 02: Vantage Points [ Day 05 | 2330 hrs. ]
Post by: Numen on October 02, 2018, 02:54:50 PM
[ Lt. JG Izar Bila (| Fighter Assault Deck | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]
Att.: @SummerDawn @Fife

While waiting for Igor to return with the sled, the Bajoran woman spoke him, emphasizing the unfamiliarity between them and she soon proposed to solve it with introductions over some drinks. He blinked several times looking at her, confused. First, because of the naturalness with which the engineer proposed that future meeting, without an iota of pity or resentment, both sof which he'd used to meet so often  when he was around his mother's people. Secondly, by the careless use of his first name. Although since the accession of Bajor to the Federation and the greater presence of Bajorans in the Fleet had made the misunderstandings more and more infrequent, there were still people who addressed him by his name instead of his surname. So much so that every time his ears caught a 'Lieutenant Bila', his mouth acted automatically, correcting them to 'Lieutenant Izar'. That someone who had just pointed out that he barely knew him directly addressed him with his given name, without the formal 'lieutenant'... such familiarity was doubly strange. Not offensive by any means, but it was... unusual. Usually, it was he who tried to shorten distances with others, not the other way around. Usually, he was the first to drop the courtesy treatments behind, the one that tried to relax the environment around himself. That opposite situation was ... novel.

He stared at the woman a moment before answering. She seemed sincere, with no hidden intentions. Briefly, he noticed the absence of the earing that marked the devotion to the Prophets. Unconsciously, he tried to reach one hand to his own, which caused him to stagger under the weight of the ORE. But his mind was focused on the questions he began to accumulate about the engineer. Bila, first of all, was a scientist. If there were questions, he needed answers. He smiled faintly and gave her a nod. "Then, introductions over drinks we'll have." It was a short and shy answer, far from his usual wit, but he was tired and still a bit puzzled for how the other lieutenant had approached to him.

Still, the hybrid could not confirm a concrete hour for the appointment due Eboh's arrival. The dark-skinned man was ready to tease the scientist, and Izar still kept a couple of rebuttals up his sleeve. The whole situation diverted the scientist's tired mind, who abandoned the dock pushing the sled without saying another word.


GM Note: All events post-battle shall now be posted in the thread Aftermath (link) (,2456.0.html).
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