Episode 02: Cosmic Imperative / Re: Epi 2 [ D02 | 2300 hrs.] All Squared up at the Triangle
Last post by Dree -They had just boarded the Theurgy in the middle of the battle. The fact that they had been able to dock at all had been no small miracle. She could count at least four times when the fight around them got so heated that it really didn’t look like they were going to make it.
During their trip from the research station back to the triangle, the OPS officer had been given basic medical care on her arm. It was bandaged up well, and she had been admonished not to use it. But as one of the walking wounded, she was on the better side of the equation than many were, so as they were given clearance, she raced as quickly as she could through the deck to the turbolift - hoping that they were still working because she didn’t think her arm could survive another climb of a Jeffries tube.
At her near-sprint pace, she almost knocked over a petty officer in red. “Sorry!” she called over her shoulder as her almost waist-length white hair flew out behind in her rush. With almost everyone at battle stations, she didn’t have to contend with too many others in the corridors. Rounding the corner, she reached the lift. It didn’t open. “Why is it whenever you are in a rush, they take their bloody time! But when you have all the time in the world, they seem to be waiting for you.” Thirty seconds later, the lift arrived, and the stately Andorian scurried onto it catching nearly annoyed glances from at least one of the two other occupants who seemed frustrated that the lift had stopped to admit ‘yet another’ person. “Bridge,” she announced.
Reika took a moment to check her injured arm during the bumpy ride. The hastily dressed wound was covered with a bandage, and while a hint of blood could be seen several layers down, it hadn’t made its way to the outermost layer just yet. If the Theurgy survived the battle, she would survive the wound.
Once, the turbolift stopped briefly on a deck to let the annoyed crewman off on Vector 3 - deck 24. Reika could only guess that they were heading toward Main Engineering, but after only a brief pause, it was on its way again. She had no idea who all would be on the bridge. Had any of her colleagues made it? Were Leavitt and/or Ravenholm even alive any longer? She mentally begged the fates to spare them, but the prayer was short-lived as the turbolift finally began to slow as it approached its destination.
As the doors opened onto the dimly lit bridge set to red alert, this time the whole of the ship was thrown sideways by a volley. Reika was thrown against the opposite bulkhead. She groaned as she had hit her injured arm. A deep cyan began seeping into the uppermost layer of the bandage now. The shuddered as if it might plummet. The Lieutenant in OPS beat a hasty retreat off of the turbolift. “Lieutenant Sh’laan, OPS,” she announced at the checkpoint, but she never broke her stride. As the bridge doors opened, she noted that neither Leavitt nor Ravenholm were at OPS - it was some determined ensign who she had never met before at OPS 1. Upon seeing the Lieutenant, he noiselessly gave up the station and moved to OPS 2.
“Lieutenant Sh’laan reporting at OPS,” she said as she began her assessment of their current situation, power usage, and their anticipated needs. She had some work to do.
[Ensign Sash Kreshkova | Primary Care unit | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 2]
An incessant and deep chant - almost a sort of rhythmic growling. Grum - thrum - growl - purr - whirr - strum - grunt - rumble. All in rhythmic time with the previous and next tones. Over and over a group - was it a pack? - kept in time. Grum - thrum - growl - purr - whirr - strum - grunt - rumble. And again.
The soon-to-be pilot with green hair was still unconscious listening to the somehow familiar chant that played over in her mind, but as the Theurgy was rocked violently during the current altercation, her eyes flew open. As they did, the intonations in her ears died away, and the pain that had so mercifully been numbed when she was unconscious wracked her body so suddenly that she screamed.
She had very little memory - if any - of how she got from the scion lab to here - and she had no idea where here was, but she at least recognized the uniforms of the people bustling around her. Realizing the change in her circumstances, somehow was able to mute her shriek to her loud cry. The pain was almost worse than when the scion had inflicted it - how - she had no idea. Maybe that was part of the torture.
She caught some movement in her periphery, someone in blue was walking toward her with a hypo, and as she opened her mouth to say something, she felt the cold finger of metal pressed against her neck. The last thing she remembered before mercifully drifting back off to obliviousness was the hiss of the medicine penetrating her body.