Chapter 02: Quantum Frontier [ Day 01 | 1900 hrs. ]
STARDATE: 57650.08
APRIL 16, 2381
1900 HRS.

Captain's Log, stardate 57650.08. Both the Erudite and the Theurgy have dropped out of warp in the Lembatta Cluster, orbiting the uninhabited planet Zaetov 851, so that the Allegiant and its fighter escort can transfer to the Savi dreadnought. Then, it is time for Thea to make her first use of our new quantum slipstream burst drive, to see just how far she can go into Klingon space.
We've been travelling for Qo'nos at warp speed since we left the Epsilon Mynos System, while the Savi delegation aboard has been given tentative access to our subspace communication systems. This, with the sole task to establish a direct link to the Erudite across great distances. Supposedly, this single-purpose subspace transponder does not need a relay network, but can only be used to communicate with the Savi dreadnought. Before the battle with the Borg, Petty Officer Dyan Cardamone used the same technology to contact the Asurian Queen whilst we were inside the Azure Nebula, so I trust the Voice when he claims it will work. It has taken six hours, but now, we will be able to speak with the away team on the Allegiant when it travel into Breen space.
Indeed, Doctor Nicander has revealed what might be the next step in the plans of the Infested: to draw the Breen Confederacy into the war. They will likely do so by some other means than a thalaron bomb, and make it seem like the Federation retaliated against the Breen for helping the Romulans with the bombing of Paris. It is doubtful that this retaliation will be sanctioned by President Bacco, but it's likely to happen nonetheless, and Starfleet Command doesn't even have to claim responsibility for it since there is an Infested among the Breen that can ensure that the guilt squarely falls on the Federation. What will happen in Breen space, exactly, remains unknown, but as soon as we've gathered more intel, we will be able to contact Commander Dewitt, who will be leading the away team.
I do not like how thin our evidence is, and how we act on supposition, but if there is a threat to the Breen, we need to act quickly, lest this pending war will become fact far too soon.
- Captain Jien Ives, USS Theurgy NX-79854
[ Captain Ives | Main Bridge | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ]
Having finished her log in her ready room, Jien stepped out on the Main Bridge after having been notified that they were in orbit of Zaetov 851, alongside the Erudite. The viewscreen showed the large Savi dreadnought, and since long range sensors were clear, it had decloaked for the transfer.
"Incoming hail, Captain, it's the Voice," came from communications.
"On screen," she said as she stepped forward, and the dour face of Echtand appeared before her. "Your engineers says the transponder is tested and operational, and our away team is ready to dock on the Erudite."
[Yes,] said the pale face with the big eyes on the screen, the perpetual frown he wore more dark than usual, [yet we have reservations about the destination. You, especially, should know why, Aspect-Maker. The Code forbids direct contact with the Confederacy.]
Jien had no idea what the Antecedent leader was talking about. Why would she know what their Code said about the Breen? She folded her arms underneath her chest, not giving one whit about Echtand's reservations since the stakes were too high, and time too short. "Our agreement was indirect assistance, and that's all we ask. Our away team will be dealing with the situation, and we merely need to get there. Stay cloaked, and stay in communications. Nicander will learn what he can about what the hosts in the Scion High Council will do next, and we'll relay the intel along with whatever he can learn about Ansirranana."
The capital of the Breen Confederacy, which was the educated guess for where the Infested would attack next. Nicander's vision had suggested a city, and it was the largest one as well as the most important to the Breen.
[Aye, the Code states that agreements are to be kept, and we'll honour our accord,] said the Voice, yet the frown suggested that his reservations remained. [We'll be in orbit above the city within the hour. The Aerodrome is ready. I trust your officers will not make me regret this, Aspect-Maker.]
The hail was ended, And Jien shook her head. "Hail the Allegiant," she said, putting Echtand's perplexing words aside. "Commander Dewitt, are you ready to depart?"
[Aye, Captain,] said the redhaired woman in the command seat, the small bridge of the scoutship seen on the screen, [All hands accounted for, and the fighter escort has reported that they are ready to dock on the Erudite. I've already mentioned this, but we have literally nothing to go in if we're to learn that the enemy will actually do in Ansirranana, so if the Doctor or Director Anderson can give us something - anything - more, it will be welcome. Either way, we'll investigate on site.]
"Godspeed, Commander. Mission Ops will keep you updated through the Savi comm-link."
[Thank you, Captain,] said Dewitt with a lopsided smile, [Allegiant out.]
Within the minute the announcement cam that the Allegiant was launching along with the fighter escort, and on the viewscreen, the scoutship and four warp fighters crossed the relatively short distance from the Theurgy to the Erudite. The sight of members of her crew ending up on a Savi ship didn't give her any ease of mind, and she could but hope the Voice remained as trustworthy as he'd seemed during the time Thea was in drydock over Aldea. The time had come, however, to try the new slipstream drive.
"Resume course towards Qo'nos, Mister Veradin," she ordered, and sat down in her chair. "Engineering, initiate quantum slipstream."
Chief O'Connell, the former Acting Chief Engineer was serving on the bridge at that time, while Commander Tiran was down in Main Engineering to oversee the momentous hour. Ives knew that the phase variance of the quantum field had to be constantly adjusted or the slipstream would collapse, violently throwing the ship back into normal space. The charged gravitons would be projected out in front of the ship through the main and the auxilaly deflector dishes, which created a narrow subspace field. This would split the subspace domain open for the ship to travel through. Yet if the phase variance of the field ever went beyond 0.42, the field would collapse, and there would be a catastrophic failure. Nonetheless, O'Connell seemed rather excited, and relayed the steps to the present bridge crew.
"The graviton particle actuator is stripping gravitons from the benamite crystals," he drawled in his southern accent, "Gravitons charging by the quantum field with quantum energy. Uniform flux state achieved in three, two... one. Particles charged, and now feeding through the graviton transfer conduits... and into the slipstream initiators. Charge complete in three... two... one. Aligning navigational deflectors for graviton projection. Activating slipstream initiators on your command, Captain."
Thea had entered the main bridge at that point, and she'd come to stand next to Ives' chair. Jien glanced up at her and the hologram smiled, giving a nod. Jien looked around at the present faces, knowing that this certainly was a milestone on their voyage. She could but hope the new drive system wouldn't break the ship...
A gaping blackness opened before the Theurgy, and the next moment... they were travelling through a tunnel of blue lights.
"Quantum slipstream initiated," said O'Connell, and after a few seconds of tentative silence, where they all remained on edge...
...Jien rose from her seat. "Steady as she goes," she said with a faint smile, and there were even a couple of claps and shouts from the present officers.
[ Lt Cmdr. Jennifer Dewitt | Bridge | USS Allegiant ]
As they approached the maw of the Erudite's Aerodrome, Jennifer had asked that the viewscreen showed the Theurgy, because she believed they all wanted to see Thea enter quantum slipstream. Seated in her chair, a lock of red hair framed the outline of her jaw, and she smiled when she saw the Theurgy vanish from the planet's orbit.
"Let's hope they make it to Qo'nos in time, and that the Klingons remain our allies," she told the present bridge crew. Ensign Jaya Thorne was at the helm, a fact that she was grateful for, since the old Black Opal officer flew the ship during the battles at Starbase 84 and the Azure Nebula. "Can you patch me through to all ship compartments?"
Once she got the gesture, she spoke to her small crew. "For those who don't know me, I am Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Dewitt, and I will be your Captain during this mission, where the main objective is to find out what the Infested will do to the Breen and stop it. As of this moment, we do not know what will await us when the Erudite reach it's destination, which will be in about sixty minutes. The future of the Federation is at stake, billions of lives may hang in the balance, not to mention the millions of Breen that might be the next target. Whatever it takes - whatever we have to do - we must learn what the Infested have planned, and prevent it, without drawing unneccesary attention. Yet no matter how exposed we might be, and how little the Breen might heed a warning, our first duty remains to the protection of the Federation. In one hour, our mission begins. Dewitt out."
One hour spent on the Erudite. Dewitt wasn't even sure she wanted to step off the scoutship and onto the Savi deck, but she had a mind to invite the pilots in the fighter escort. She might even take the time to catch up with Arnold, whom was a face from the past she hadn't expected to see again, much less have under her command. Anything to take her mind off the fact that they were crossing a hundred light-years of distance in a mere hour...
...and end up where few from the Federation had even dared tread.
OOC: This thread is the starter for Chapter 02, which begins with 1 hour of QSD travel for both the Theurgy and the Erudite. It's now open to post Supplemental threads for Chapter 02, where you can post one-on-one with other writers in your own IC scenes during the time Thea crosses 60 light-years into Klingon space, and the first cool-down period of 36 hours. So, the limitation of the IC time-span for these Supplemental threads will span from 1900 hrs. to 0800 hrs. on Day 03, which is when the second QSD burst will happen. Check this calendar! During the intermediate time, the Theurgy will be at Warp Factor 6 to conserve energy for the next burst. This means that Tactical CONN can patrol ahead of the Theurgy's trajectory towards Qo'nos.
The naming convention for these one-on-one Supplemental threads that belong to Chapter 02 is: CH02: S [D0X|YYYY] Insert Title (YYYY marking the time after 1900 hrs.). Please be mindful about how the QSD burst will last between 1900 hrs. and 2000 hrs., during which time there can be no warp fighters or shuttles leaving the Theurgy, and the bomb in the Spearhead Lounge (above) goes off at 2147 hrs. on Day 01 (stay tuned for that starter).
As for the Allegiant, since Chapter 03 will be dedicated to the Allegiant and starts after the Erudite drops out of QSD, supplemental Chapter 02 threads on the Allegiant during the time on the Erudite is limited to 1 hour (between 1900 hrs and 2000 hrs.). The names of the selected crew can be seen below, but more names will be added/changed when writers volunteer their characters.
CO: Captain Jennifer Dewitt
CONN: Ensign Jaya Thornee
Operations: Ens. Klara Halliwell (NPC, due KIA)
Tactical: Lt. T'Less
Science: Lt. Vanya (NPC)
Comms/Advisor: Lt. Zaryn Arn (NPC, due KIA)
Engineers: Lieutenant Frank Arnold, CPO Eun Sae Ji, PO2 Taa'gur Kolla
Medical: Doctor George Hernandez (NPC) & Lt. JG XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Combat Medic)
Security: Deputy ThanIda zh'Wann, PO3 Lorad & Sogh (Lt.) Valkra
Fighter Escort 01: Lt. JG Evelyn "Ghost" Rawley
Fighter Escort 02: Ens. Isel Nix (NPC)
Fighter Escort 03: Lt. JG Donna "Chance" Petterson
Fighter Escort 04: Ens. Nathaniel Isley (NPC)
Everyone, posts in this thread could be Joint-Posts with another writer, or if you have a character eligable for bridge duty, feel free to post in reaction to Thea's first QSD initiation (above!). If you have a character in Engineering on the Theurgy, you can illustrate the great difficulty it is to maintain QSD flight in terms of the variance mentioned in the post. Otherwise, I will eventually be closing this thread with the hour of QSD travel coming to an end, and Thea appearing well within Klingon space. I am open for interractions with Captain Ives on the bridge, but Commander Dewitt on the Allegiant is best available in Supplemental threads.
Looking forward to getting the Chapter rolling! I am open to start other threads for the rest of the crew, if you have ideas for scenes that might involve a lot of characters as they've entered Klingon space, PM me. Bomb in the Spearhead Lounge starter (Day 01, 2147 hrs.), coming up next, along with Chapter 03 and new Story Objectives!