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Topic: [2381] USS Theurgy: Move-In Day (Read 2829 times) previous topic - next topic
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[2381] USS Theurgy: Move-In Day

[Senior Officers' Quarters | VCTR: 1, DECK 7 | USS Theurgy]

[OOC: Continuing on from here basically.]

Kath was tempted, oh so tempted to unzip her jacket as soon as she left the conference room. But just because she wasn't actually on duty didn't mean she should go about with an unzipped uniform at a brand new posting. Another option: take the jacket off entirely then stuff it in bug-out bag. Also not a viable option, then everyone would wonder where her jacket went. And it doesn't look professional to go wandering the corridors in a tank top and uniform slacks.

No, Kath waited until she got to the right place. So much to do, so little fucking time to do it. Good thing (again) that she tended to take very little time to get situated.

As soon as she got to her quarters she dropped her bag onto the bed. Then she glanced around the new place with her fists on her hips. In her mind's eye she imagined what and where things should be. She did not have a lot of time at the moment to go full on decorating but she could make a start.

Of course, before she did that she upended her rucksack on the bed with a thump (well more like thump thump thump thump THUMP thump thump etc.,)

Grabbing the two regular duty uniforms she had in addition to the one she wore, she hung them up in the teeny closet, pants on the hanger inside of the jacket and shirt ensemble. Next was the Class-A dress uniform (classy, Kath half-giggled to herself). She had not bothered with a Type B or the Type C that would have her ribbon rack and the like for ultra important things.

Her medals and awards she picked up then promptly dumped into the lower drawer of the bedside table. Done.

The back-up pair of boots along with the boots that went with her dress uniform were then placed into the closet as well. All her grooming supplies she kept in a dopp bag during travel were slid into a drawer in the bathroom. The only real decoration she kept from post to post was a picture frame that cycled through multiple pictures of her family and her best friend, Sandra. That she put on her desk and activated both the pictures and the magnet to keep it from toppling during 'turbulence' (read: when the ship is under attack or gets bounced around by a subspace eddy like a leaf in a stream).

"Computer, time?" Kath asked as she was pulling out a couple of PADDs, one of which holding a schematic for a model airplane she hoped to replicate at some point. Another held the Technical Manual for the Theurgy-class (without all the changes that had been made to the Theurgy herself since commissioning).

"1245 hours, Lieutenant," a disembodied voice different from the one Kath was used to from Starbase 36 answered. For one thing it was delightfully feminine. "Also, I prefer the name 'Thea'."

Pausing in the middle of double checking the expiry dates on the rations she had also packed in her bug-out bag, Kath looked up as if she could actually see the ship's AI (but Thea had not chosen to visit in hologram form). Sure, she had known about Thea but obviously a few things were missing from the intel she had been given. Not least of which a preferred term of address/name.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Kath said sincerely before she dumped the still viable ration packs back in the bottom of her rucksack. "The tech manual I have didn't tell me you have a preference."

The tactical officer figured because it wasn't seen as something 'important'. AI and holograms were clearly still trying to be seen as sentient beings who might in fact prefer an actual name.  She did feel bad, though, as that could've been a question during 'orientation' but it simply hadn't occurred to her at all to ask if the AI might have a preferred name (or specific pronouns).

"Honest mistake," Thea said and Kath thought she heard a tone of forgiveness-- or indifference.

Kath glanced at the PADD with the said manual downloaded onto it. She then remembered she was supposed to get the supplemental to it and wandered over to her console to start the download on a fresh PADD. After, she returned to her bed to continue her unpacking and repacking ritual she did with every 'change of address'.

"I'll remember from now on," Kath assured the AI as she tossed one of the ration packs in the recycler for being out of date (though she could have sworn she had refreshed all of the rations in her bag before she left Starbase 36).

"I have no doubt you will, Lieutenant."

If that was the voice, what in the hell does the hologram form look like? Kath thought to herself. Likely, she would find out soon enough. But she wasn't about to ask Thea to show her what her holographic body looked like after her little faux pas.

Once her bug-out bag was back in order, she hung it up in the closet with her uniforms.

She then mused a little on Cross's 'advice' to "find a good window to watch the vectors separate". Picking up the PADD now blessed with the most up to date information on the Theurgy, she tapped through it a little until she got to the part about the Multi-Vector Assault Mode (MVAM). Mainly to check that nothing had changed since she had glanced over it on the ride over.

[The ship can be divided into three parts-- all three of which are warp capable. The Ranger: This combination of the second and third sections of the Theurgy is called the Ranger, since it lacks the Helmet and yet has the best propulsion and fighting capabilities of the Theurgy.]

A soft grunt left the Tactical officer. Well, alright then. It was definitely like the Hamburg but on steroids like she had remembered off the top of her head (pun not intended). It should be an interesting enough show to watch the three vectors separate from each other then reconfigure. And she also had her orders to not be on Vector two or three at the time of separation. She had to stay with the Helmet-- Vector One.

After tapping through the rest of the section of the tech manual on the MVAM system, she put the PADD down on her desk. Thea had said it was a quarter 'til the hour. Cross had something about the separation happening within the next hour. She had some time until then.

So she crossed her room to investigate the replicator sitting there. It was relatively smaller than the one she had had on Starbase 36 but she could understand why.

Finding the schematics of the model airplane she had had her heart set on for a while now, she sent the schematic over to the replicator. She watched with barely contained glee as the replicator spat out all the individual parts for the model airplane. Once they were all set, she took the container to the table. She of course didn't have time to build it, but she would at a later time.

Next, after checking the time on the chronometer on the bedside table (not wanting to ask Thea for a second time what the time was because God forbid the sexy voiced AI possibly think even less of her when she could just turn her head a little), she tapped a new command into the replicator. A frown formed on her face however as she looked at the estimated time until completion (110 minutes). Really? Well, she supposed she would be busy with the dinner party and being all secret agent-esque during it.

So, with a shrug, she tapped the confirm command on the replicator so it could start working on the woodworking tools she would need if she wanted to have the ability to carve out a new surfboard in her own time. Why the tools would take longer than the model airplane she wasn't quite sure. But she had to have them and knew it was extremely unlikely anyone on the ship would have the tools she needed. And thus, replicator to the rescue.

The real question would be where was she going to get a big enough piece of wood from? She usually used the holodeck for her woodworking projects but that meant she couldn't keep them. This board she wanted to keep. Maybe the Theurgy would stop by a planet with some unique wood that she would be cleared to bring aboard (always wary of possibly bringing insects along with the wood, she had learned that lesson the hard way back home).

"Hey, Thea?" Kath called out as she pulled her Class-A dress uniform out of the closet.

"Yes, Lieutenant?" Thea answered promptly.

"You can just call me by my first name. But can you do me a different favor while I'm gone?" Kath asked as she changed out of her uniform jacket to put on the Class-A jacket.

"Yes, Katherine?"

The former analyst paused. She hadn't meant her full first name. Ah, well.  So what if the ship called her by her full name? She certainly wasn't about to correct Thea at that juncture.

"I know you have a holographic projection form. Could you pretty please check on my woodworking tools in the replicator in like... an hour? And if I'm not back yet in another hour check them again?" Kath moved on to changing her slacks even though there really wasn't much difference between them, her brain who liked things neat and orderly demanded she swap out the entire outfit, no matter how closely two pieces might look the same.

"There is no wood in your quarters. What do you need woodworking tools for?"

"There will be wood, eventually. You'll see. But can you do this for me? Check on my tools?"

"Very well. I will... check on your woodworking tools."

"Gracias, mi socia!" Kath grabbed up her boots from the closet and pulled them on. She wasn't surprised when she got a '¡De nada!' from the AI.

Fully dressed and with a tiny bit of time to spare, Kath exited her quarters and went to do as Cross had suggested and found a better window placement than she had in her quarters to watch the separation-- and on the second vector.

Once her woodworking tools were done and she had gotten a few shifts under her belt, she would have enough inspiration for decorating her quarters and program them into her replicator. She hoped.

She had just found a nice spot to watch when she realized with a jolt, thanks to a very delayed thought process of: The new manual will probably have pictures of Thea's holographic form!

OOC: Not Kath, chaotic pansexual spook, having a Samantha Traynor moment over the AI.

Mi socia= my friend/associate

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