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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #25
Hmm, yeah you already have the XO Nerina whom work closely with the Captain (which the Yeoman also well), along with Jovela and William (& Felicity), so I'd rather we wait and see if there are any new members who wish to fill the spot, but I will keep it in mind in case there are no takers. Thanks for understanding and have in mind that I don't shut the door on that completely.



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #26
Right, it's cool. But I do have a way to explain her abscene, if/when it comes up.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #27
Brief Service Announcement:

Felicity Version 2.0 has been installed in Below Decks for your enjoyment. William updated her just prior to the ship's arrival at Niga. See Crew Manifest for more information (click the Spoiler button).

Furthermore, I have noticed that House of Eros has changed around their URLs a bit, so I will make sure to update the links on the Crew manifest as well as other parts of the Board as soon as I can.

That is all. ;)


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #28
I resign it was a pleasure to work with you have fun

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #29
I'm sorry to hear that you feel this way.

If you change your mind, you must know that you are always welcome back. As I said over PM, for the remainder of the Episode, I will NPC your characters in a fashion that will make the story progress, which will enable you to return before it had run its course. By the time of Episode 2, I will substitute your characters with new NPCs for the positions they hold (Amatras foremostly), so you have until then to reconsider.

Yours Sincerely,


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #30
A new top-of-the-head list of positions I wish to be filled (since there are many more available), be it by new applicants or current members of the Group that does not already have a couple of characters running. PM your questions to me! This info is also available in the request thread.


Chief Tactical Officer & Asst. Chief Tactical Officer

The Tactical (TAC) Officer position is responsible for the operation of all defence and weapon systems aboard a starship (shields, phasers, photons, etc.) Tactical also scans and provides data on all encountered vessels.

The Chief Tactical Officer (CTO) on the Bridge must also coordinate with the Cheif Security Officer (CSEC) on duty. In the absence of a CSEC, Tactical handles all intruders and away team security. The Tactical Officer is the backbone of the ship. When ordered to by the Captain he fires weapons, raises shields, and determines damage done to the enemy. He also can handle communications for the ship if necessary.

If at all possible, the CTO will be in charge of the tactical station in time of battle. If this is not possible, then an Asst. CTO will be in charge. If possible, the opposing force shall be disabled before destruction unless the Commanding Officer orders otherwise. Under no circumstances shall the TAC officer fire on a seriously disabled or unarmed vessel with the intent to destroy unless good and provable cause is present or a ranking officer orders it. Unless the enemy is considered superior, or under special circumstances (i.e. the Borg), the object of defence shall not be to kill or destroy, only disable.

The Tactical officer must know the correct balance of damage inflicted to the other ship for each firing of the phasers and photons. Tactical coordinates with OPS in running the Tachyon beam to scan for other cloaked ships. There is much more to tactical than simply overseeing the weapons console on the bridge. Tactical maintains the weapons systems aboard the ship/starbase, maintaining and reloading photons magazines. Tactical planning and current Intelligence analysis [if no Intelligence operatives are aboard] is also overseen by Tactical. Lt. Commander Edena Rez, however, is in charge of Intelligence matters aboard the Theurgy.

Chief CONN Officer / Helmsman  [Due to lack of activity and correspondence from the current Helmsman, this position is now available for any takers. He may return before the end of Episode 01, a last try to establish communication will be made if an applicant comes along.]

The Chief CONN Officer or the Helmsman (HELM), is responsible for all flight control operations of the ship, navigation, course plotting, manual flight, and position verification. The Helmsman may also act as Communications officer if need be. This position is usually filled by the best pilot on the ship and can pilot any shuttles, if necessary, and assault craft.


The Quartermaster trains and supervises crewmen in bridge operations, repairs, and protocols and sets the agenda for instruction in general ship and starbase operations for the different department officers; maintains the vessels/facilities log, the vessels/facilities clock, and watch and duty assignments for all bridge personnel; may assume any bridge [i.e. CONN] or Operations role [i.e. transporter] as required.

The Quartermaster is also responsible for helping any Officer or NCO who has questions regarding any function of the vessel/facility, giving advise on how to obtain the desired information or directing them to the correct individual. In addition, the Quartermaster oversees the various assigned yeoman. Ensuring that they are assigned as required to the various Departments.

Quartermasters ensure that all officers and crew perform their duties consistent with Starfleet directives. The Quartermaster reports to the Executive Officer.

Captain's Yeoman

The Captain's Yeoman position is for NCOs (not Line Officers, see GR and Joining post on this board) who wish to continue as administrators. Use of a Yeoman's services is completely at the discretion of the Commanding Officer. File work, and sensitive message transport are but two examples of the Yeoman's possible duties. In a sense, this position can be translated into being the Captain's secretary.


Chief Flight Deck Operations Officer

The Chief Flight Deck Operations Officer has the primary responsibility of the Fighter Assault Bay. S/he oversees all of the Flight Deck activity, and organises the flight schedules. S/he also personally oversees and guides many launches and landings.

The Chief Flight Deck Operations Officer is a Section Head and reports directly to the SCO and the XO.

SCO - Squadron Commanding Officer & Fighter Pilots [Due to lack of activity and correspondence from the current SCO, this position is now available for any takers. He may return before the end of Episode 01, a last try to establish communication will be made if an applicant comes along.]

The Tactical Conn are the ace pilots of the Theurgy. These are usually comprised of the Chief Flight Operations Officer, the SCO, the Fighter Pilots and the ship's shuttle pilots; however, some Engineering personnel are also assigned specifically to the Tactical Conn personnel which might be stationed on a vessel or base.

The Fighter Pilots are exceptional in their field and are adept at piloting small manoeuvrable craft in dangerous situations. They are the main line of defence on most planetary stations and Federation stations, and have proven useful in close combat whilst serving on a starship as well. The Theurgy, however, have a sole squadron of fighters (12 fighters remaining of the former 16 total). Given their solitary roles, they are designated the Lone Wolves. For more information about Tactical Conn, please read up on the Deptartment on our Group Board.

The SCO has the designation Wolf 01, and the designation Wolf 09 has been taken by Lt.JG Nathaniel Isley. As for how the applicant's character becomes SCO, should that be his/her fancy, please consult the GM in order to learn the circumstances of the new SCO's promotion.


Asst. Chief Medical Officer

The Asst. Chief Medical Officer (CMO) is of course the closest colleague to the Doctor of the ship. The Asst. CMO is responsible for the physical well being of the crew. The Asst. CMO will also perform studies on alien and unknown life forms; and will give medical assistance to anyone or anything that needs it.

In addition, as the senior second medical authority on a vessel, all field related missions will require consultation with the Asst. or CMO. One of the unique powers given to the Chief Medical Officer is the ability to relieve a ship's CO of his or her duty if it is determined he or she is medically unfit. This power is not taken lightly, however, for if the CMO is proven to be out-of-line, he or she will be accountable for putting the crew in possible danger by removing the Commanding Officer.


Chief Engineer & Asst. Chief Engineer [Due to lack of activity and correspondence from the current CENG, this position is now available for any takers. He may return before the end of Episode 01, a last try to establish communication will be made if an applicant comes along.]

The engineering section is run by the Chief Engineer (CENG), who is responsible for all personal within Engineering. Engineering handles nearly all mechanical aspects of the ship, but first and foremost is the warp and impulse engines. They are also responsible for the power requirements of the ship. Engineering also does nearly all the diagnostics and maintenance of the ships systems, and ensure the weapon systems have power to operate at a given moment.

Asst. Chief of Operations

The Asst. COps officer is - all below stated when the COps is off duty - responsible for coordinating ship activities so as to not overload any systems. He/she also handles communications, hailing, ship to ship, away teams, diagnostics, etc. Asst. COps also handles all transporter operations, and monitors away teams status. OPS fills in for Helm when necessary.

In addition, a ship's Asst. COps may be responsible for providing general status information to the computer and to individual departments to inform them of any changes that might affect their normal operations. During alerts, the Asst. COps is also responsible for the allocation of power from the ship's warp reactor and fusion generators to permit the vessel to meet any demands made of it.


Chief Science Officer & Asst. Chief Science Officer [Due to one player leaving the Group, the CSCI position is now available for any takers. She may return before the end of Episode 01, and will be contacted to discuss the matter of stepping aside.]

Science is responsible for all scans, reports, and other types of pertinent data on all types of encountered phenomenon; planetary, stellar, and otherwise. They conduct surveys and studies of same. A science officer will usually accompany away teams. The Chief Science Officer (CSCI) can have a staff of up to two other persons on the bridge.

Temporal Affairs

The Temporal Affairs Officer is basically a scientist who has a speciality in temporal and/or quantum mechanics and spends most of the time studying and cataloguing temporal events. This can include the effect of time travel, time sickness, temporal causalities, and temporal incursions.

In addition the normal Starfleet Directives, the Temporal Officer also has to abide by the Temporal Prime Directives. The Temporal Officer works closely with the Chief Science Officer, but ultimately reports directly to the Captain on events that could drastically affect the ship, it's crew, or the known time-line.

Send your application or note of interest so that I may reserve the position for you!

USS Theurgy GM

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #31
Just FYI: I should have my post up later this evening. Been out and about all morning, and more errands this afternoon. Thnx for the  patience

Sent from my HTC Hero - powered by Sprint

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #32
Hi there everyone!

My muse abandoned me yesterday in means of writing (hangover, quite frankly...) but I feel a bit better today. I'll write posts after I have posted this.

As usual, when I am in yesterday's kind of state, I am far more inclined to do graphics instead. Thus, I decided to do something I did not quite have time for when we started up this RP. As many of you know, we have a non-canon species aboard named the Ash'reem, and my efforts to make graphics for these three character's of Kittykat was... quite rushed and not given the proper time such a challenge would demand. Now, however, in the hopes to convey what this species look like (as well as try and making Kittykat come back some day, heh), I have some new character images for the Ash'reem. Kittykat was fond of them, which was my main priority. Without further a due, here they are:

My Ash'reem Tribute

Amatras: [Show/Hide]

Large workshop drafts: [Show/Hide]

Arcorn: [Show/Hide]

Large workshop drafts: [Show/Hide]

Amikris: [Show/Hide]

Large workshop drafts: [Show/Hide]

Since the URL to the Ash'reem info have been broken with the update of House of Eros, I post the link to the species description here too:

These images will appear in the next version of the promotional trailer too, and hopefully, Kittykat might appear here as well and play them as they originally was meant to - me merely trying to do my best to represent them as best as I can in this Episode. :)

Disclaimer: I have used images of Na'vi (Avatar franchise) I've found online and modified them a great deal, all except in Arcorn Neotin's case, where I had to start from scratch... The real people behind the make-up, so to speak, are Angelina Jolie (Amatras), Lars Burmeister (Arcorn) and... Amikris I do not know. Anyone have a guess? Can't find the name through image-search...

That's all.


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #33
Hey everybody. I'm really sorry for the overdue replies in both Chapter IV and the Prologue. Reality decided to throw me a curveball. But things seem to be back under control, so I should be able to reply in a more timely fashion again.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #34
No worrires, I've still been trying to word my prologue post right. Real life, it screws with ya

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #35
Yeah, no worries on any account. I have personally returned to work after my summer vacation this week so I had a couple of days where I had to get into gear again, but I will also be able to reply in a timely fashion.

I am holding my thumbs for that Ascornfilm will be showing up again (along with WildRanger and MasterRat) but I've decided to move on to Chapter V and start the Senior Staff Briefing tonight. I will still be posting in the Prologue and Chapter IV first though, and get things sorted a bit. I look forward to see what kind of direction the plot takes at the meeting, since I will be giving you guys a lot of creative freedom in directing the course of the story here. I have a manuscript, of course, in case you just wanna roll with that, but I believe that it would be awesome if we could expand on it. :)

Glad to hear you guys are well, and I look forward to see where we end up with this story (even though I have a resolution in mind... *enigmatic smile*)

Best Regards,


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #36
Hey everybody. I am truly sorry for falling off the face of the earth for the past couple weeks or however long it's been. A combination of factors, mostly involving my personal life and some hardware issues with my computer, kept me away. I'm really, really sorry, and I hope I haven't held the game up too much.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #37
No worries man, we all have been a bit busy.

Kitty is about to post later tonight, so if you want, you can beat her too it. Otherwise, Jien is bound to act on Natalie's strong recommendation right in the wake of her shout to him - shutting out (or attempting to do so) the infected from the ship's systems. So, suggested posting order:

- WyteKnyte / Kittykat
- WyteKnyte / Kittykat
- Jien, Lucan, etc...

If you guys don't make it tonight, I will post ahead of you, and you can react upon the progress as of that moment on. :)

Glad to have you back Wyte!

Best Regards,


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #38
no need to feel too bad Wyte . We all get swamped now and then :)
Sent from my  HTC Hero - powered by Sprint

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #39

Hello peeps :)

just getting back into roleplaying on here again. I've been roleplaying on other sites for awhile and I've been kept quite busy on them, but, now things are slowing down a bit.
I saw the link for this in your post in my introduction thread Lord Lucan, and thought, that looks interesting. Saw the promo video too, awesome job btw ;)

I've got to get caught up on what all has happened so far but, that shouldn't be a problem. So, permission to join the USS Theurgy sir!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #40
Permission will be granted once you submit a character application and gets approval, Gladiator. ;)

I will be leaving for Turkey tomorrow morning, back on the 11th. Take your time on the character sheet and to familiarise yourself with the ongoings so far. If you have any questions up-front, today, then I will try to make time and answer them. Most info is available on the board here or in the request thread in the Seeking section of HoE.

If you have any questions while I am gone, I am sure that my fellow co-writers in this story will be able to accommodate you with an answer or two.

I'm very happy that you'd like to join, and I look forward to see what kind of character you come up with!



Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #41
It seems Lord Lucan left us....does anyone want this game to continue or should we let it die?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #43
Understood perhaps we'll have ot discuss how best to do it?

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #45
We are back in business and I got the first new post of the game woot :P

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #47
So am I introing again?  :P

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #48
oh by being savagely raped by Cir'Cie and a dozen security personel? j/k

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #49
Is she the one with the green eyes? I'd tap that.

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