Episode 02: Cosmic Imperative / Re: Ch 3 : The Meeting of Heroes (or Villains) [ Day 1 | 1500+]
Last post by Nesota Kynnovan -Attn: @Ellen Fitz, @Brutus, @Stegro88, @Dumedion, @P.C. Haring, @JacenSoloDjo, @Juzzie, @GroundPetrel, @Eirual
A cold shiver ran down Jaya’s spine when Kelistina spoke up and said that the turbolift wasn’t responding. Realizing that a similar thing likely happened to Lieutenant Commander Akoni and the others, the brunette Assistant Chief CONN Officer began to feel increasingly affected by the stress that was now placed upon them. After all, if an experienced Chief of Security like Kai Akoni could fall to whatever was down here, even though he was a hulking man and had been the closest thing to siege equipment in the collective arsenals of the Security- and Intelligence Departments, at least as far as she knew, Jaya gave preciously little for their own chances. In fact, she hadn’t even held a Type-II Pulse Phase Pistol in her hands since Basic Training and even then it had only been one hour to supplement the mandatory training she’d received for the standard Type-II Phaser. As such, feeling the unfamiliar weapon in her hands gave her some relief and confidence, but not nearly as much as a normal Type-II Phaser would have given her.
She swallowed against her now increasingly dry throat and took a couple of deep breaths to calm herself, or at least force herself to calm down as much as possible given the circumstances, before rounding the corner and following Kelistina. As she did so, her brown-eyed attention was drawn to a wall console located on the far bulkhead of the hallway; so much, in fact, that she nearly collided into Kelistina when the tall woman suddenly came to a halt. Jaya only prevented hitting the other woman by sidestepping and, while she was on it, taking up a crouched position on the other side of the hallway, directly underneath the console. Jaya turned her attention to Kelistina and was about to speak up but, as she realized the woman was concentrated on something else, the Assistant Chief CONN Officer quickly closed her mouth again.
Jaya’s reasoning was simple though. While it was relatively easy to erect a very localized dampening field to block commbadges or disable the button to call a turbolift, it was an entirely different thing to disable entire wall consoles. After all, wall consoles were directly connected to the main computer system and deliberately tampering with one of those consoles without the proper authorization from the Engineering Department would send out an alert. Jaya knew it all too well because she’d once attempted to tamper with a wall console a couple of years ago, when she was still a Crewman aboard Starbase 10. In her defense, she had been on the receiving end of a dare and had no nefarious intentions whatsoever, but it prompted an Engineer and two Security Officers to show up and they had been less than amused by the situation. Regardless, tampering with the wall consoles on deck 4 would have likely prompted a much stronger response given the diplomatic niceties that were going on just three decks above them so Jaya reasoned that, whoever or whatever was out here, wouldn’t have tampered with the wall consoles and would have taken out everyone before they could get close to one.
If so, that meant that Lieutenant Commander Kai Akoni had possibly wounded whoever was stalking around on this deck to the extent that it now gave them a chance. ”Kelistina!” As she spoke, Jaya’s voice was but a mere whisper. When she was confident that she’d drawn the Zaroodian’s attention, she slid the Type-II Pulse Phase Pistol across the surface of the deck towards the other woman. ”Cover me!”
Confident that Kelistina would pick up the weapon and cover her, Jaya quickly rose to her feet and accessed the wall console. As expected given the ongoing diplomatic niceties, the console was locked out by the Security Department. When Jaya manually entered her access code, despite being a Command-grade Starfleet Officer, only the most basic functions opened up to her while the more advanced controls remained safely locked out for those with higher clearance. ”Come on… come on…” While Jaya navigated through the menu, getting blocked by the security protocols at every turn, she could feel how her stress levels were rising once more. After what felt like an eternity to her but must have been only mere seconds, her brown eyes finally came to rest upon the menu she was looking for; the alarms. It was positioned right on the main display but initially overlooked because she immediately accessed the menu due to a combination of stress and haste. She tapped the alarm button, thankful that it wasn’t locked out to her, and hit the one with the label she was looking for.
Intruder alert.
And that activated it. While it was visual only, likely to not cause unnecessary alarm during the diplomatic niceties, the warning lights on the wall panels immediately began to flash a dim shade of red. ”Oh yes!” As she whispered, Jaya immediately ducked back down and turned her brown-eyed attention back to Kelistina. ”I managed to trigger the intruder alert.”