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Topic: Plot Discussion | EP05 True Nature (Read 11929 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH02 The Versant

Reply #25

3. Lt Uhura, By the time of the enterprise D. The Federation had done away with communication officers, the job is litterally done by computers now, but the Savi still think that the Federation is technologically inept so why not put the communications officer from another enterprise onto the enterprise? it seems like it could either be clerical error, or otherwise but it would be kind of funny to see a woman displaced by time in a role that doesn't exist anymore.

They wouldn't get the age that wrong, though, so she'd be grey, but sure, have grandma Uhura on the bridge! :)


Auctor Lucan

OMG yes please pleeeaaase lets have grandma Uhura as the comm officer.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH02 The Versant

Reply #26
New development in Chapter 02: The Versant! :) @Numen @steelphoenix @Fife @SummerDawn @Blue Zephyr @patches @Absinthe are those with characters in Ten Forward right?,2320.msg16640.html#msg16640

Unless it was completely clear from Nerina's end, I will not be hand-holding through whatever development ahead in regard to disruption on the Enterprise. So, Nerina won't be tasking individuals to do this or that. This is all about your creative freedom to come up with something fitting for your characters, since not all of them are willing to risk getting Recycled.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH02 The Versant

Reply #27
With the need for progress in this thread, where big plans await for the abductees on The Versant, all listed writers below has 7 days to post, depicting how the abductees storm Engineering on the Enterprise-E! :)

Here is the new development!

The Versant

So! Again, 7 days response time begins today, where everyone in Cargo Hold 04 must end their post with their characters getting inside Engineering, preferably firing their phasers at the top of the warp core. This is your time to have your characters mow down any opposition, or merely follow in the wake of the combatants if they are not likely to use phasers at all even in this situation. Physical violence against the holograms is another option, of course, but the point is that they need to bring the program offline. Here are image references for Engineering on the Enterprise-E, where your next posts should end up: [Show/Hide]
The reason why I must push for this leap forward in progress is that we're at a standstill and must progress the story to this point now. Take the opportunity to have fun with this next action-filled post of yours! Oh, and the 30 minutes where people gather in the Cargo Hold is open for Supplementary threads, of course, just like any other scenes aboard the Enterprise/Versant up to this point. The naming convention for such threads belonging to Chapter 02 is still: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day XX | XXXX hrs. ] Insert Title.

Here are the characters present in Cargo Hold 04, and if there are significant reunions because of this, it should be handled in Supplemental threads or mid-action as they storm Engineering. If someone wish to have their characters elsewhere on the Enterprise, PM me, otherwise you are expected to post within 7 days. :) :


Nerina @Auctor Lucan
Lin Kae @Auctor Lucan
Zephyr Praise @Blue Zephyr
Khorin Douglas @Numen
Nathaniel Isley @Masorin
K'Ren @SummerDawn
Devyrie Okhala @Auctor Lucan
Deacon @steelphoenix
Hi'Jak @Masorin
Sarresh Morali @Brutus
R'Rori @patches
Laurel Okhala @YasyraTrill
Cross @Fife
Lahkesis Saugn @Absinthe 
Sinead O'Riley @Triage
Hylota Vojona @Zenozine
Vinata Vojona @Zenozine
ThanIda zh'Wann @Auctor Lucan
Kelleshar sh'Zenne @Numen
IrnaShall ch'Xinya @chXinya
Sehl th'Chilnes (NPC)
+ X number of other NPCs

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH02 The Versant

Reply #28
Okay, so I am gonna move forward with the plot I had in mind for Lahkesis. Right now she is way to fucked up to be of much help to anyone in the main plot.

If anyone wants to go and get her I can adapt my plot idea easily enough.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH02 The Versant

Reply #29
Ah, @Absinthe ! Seems like Lahkesis has been moved about some now. Check the ending of Chapter 02, and the new Chapter 06: Insurgency! :)


That goes for everyone, actually. Chapter 02: The Versant has come to an end, so, after you have read the ending, you can check this new Chapter out.

Chapter 06: Insurgency

Please note! Don't read this link above unless you have read the ending pf Chapter 02! :) Here is the link to the finishing post:

Chapter 02: The Versant

Hope you all enjoy the development!


Auctor Lucan

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH02 The Versant

Reply #30
All right! New development in Insurgency! :)

Chapter 06: Insurgency

In the maintenance bays, there are now 6 crates filled with packages. The individual packages are labelled with ranks and names, and they are black boxes containing the infiltration suits and the Starfleet rations. There are also three twinkies in each package, because Tiran mentioned her preference for them to Echtand. The boxes will, of course, be stored in alphabetical order. As for the black infiltration suits, they look identical to the ones the Savi wear (see the image of Echtand, but I might be able to post more images here in the Plot Discussion thread). The suits themselves don't have any features beyond masking sensors.

7 days response time begins now for all listed below! Here are the characters present in Blue Tiran's hideout in the Maintenance Bays, and if there are significant reunions because of this, it should be handled in Supplemental threads or mid-discussion in this thread. The naming convention for such threads belonging to Chapter 06 is: Chapter 06: Supplemental [ Day XX | XXXX hrs. ] Insert Title. Here goes:


Nerina @Auctor Lucan
Blue Tiran @Blue Zephyr
Lin Kae @Auctor Lucan
Zephyr Praise @Blue Zephyr
Khorin Douglas @Numen
Nathaniel Isley @Masorin
K'Ren @SummerDawn
Devyrie Okhala @Auctor Lucan
Deacon @steelphoenix
Hi'Jak @Masorin
Sarresh Morali @Brutus
R'Rori @patches
Laurel Okhala @YasyraTrill
Cross @Fife
Lahkesis Saugn @Absinthe 
Sinead O'Riley @Triage
Hylota Vojona @Zenozine
Vinata Vojona @Zenozine
ThanIda zh'Wann @Auctor Lucan
Kelleshar sh'Zenne @Numen
IrnaShall ch'Xinya @chXinya
Sehl th'Chilnes (NPC)
+ 35 number of other NPCs. They are 57 in total.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH06 Insurgency

Reply #31
As promised, here are images of the suits that the abductees have just been given. Not my best work, being quick pieces, but should serve nonetheless. :)

Sample 01: Devyrie Okhala

Sample 02: Commander Nerina

Sample 03: Xander Maryk / Deacon

Hope these will do for a visual reference! :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH06 Insurgency

Reply #33

All right the new chapter is up! The title might change (since I am in a hurry and I drew a blank), but here it is!,2447.0.html

As you can see, it is now time to post here what your preference is in terms of which mission objective your character(s) should try to accomplish. I will, however, veto against everyone going to save Captain Ives, or Thea etc. We need an even distribution of characters across the objectives. If this can't be handled in an orderly fashion, I will pick where all characters should go.

@BZ posts next where she, obviously, gather people around, and Nerina will be there as well, whom I will write in the gathering.

You all have 3 days to post your preference, then I will have Nerina pick for you In-Character.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 True Nature

Reply #34
Nice! Boss I would like to have a chance to rescue Ives with Sinead. She feels a responsibility to protecting the captain above everything else and thusly blames herself for not doing enough to keep Ives from being abducted.

She did spend many years as a security officer and she fought in the Dominion War, plus she's something of an assassin, so an assassination mission seems ideally suited for her.

Alternatively, if there's too many people clamoring and/or better suited to the task, Sinead, being good and fairly adept at photonics, holograms and transporter technology could be assigned to assist with securing and liberating Thea, or finding escape routes.

Do we each get a rifle and a hand held phaser or do we have to pick one?

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 True Nature

Reply #35
Black seed, eh?

Why do I think I know where the idea is from?

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 True Nature

Reply #36
I'm assuming the circled and/or underlined areas in the starter post are the places to chose?

Given that, I think K'Ren would volunteer to either head for the reaver shuttle (fighter pilot and all that) or assist in recovering the Ovri egg (some sort of possibly broken idea that she's redeeming her own loss by saving this egg)


Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 True Nature

Reply #37
The circled areas with yellow text are the objectives. The underlined areas are only key areas which might come of interest later on. :)

I don't think I understand the comment about the seed or the relevance? It's on the Savi wiki page.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 True Nature

Reply #38
I don't think this needs repeating cause I have mentioned it before, but Jack's plan was to go for the Omega Device. He has literally so many questions about that thing, and he has held it long enough to be able to recognize it at a glance.

I was originally gonna have Nathan sign up for the Ives rescue mission, his line of thinking under me was that he owed Ives a lot, but he is no longer my character so @Auctor Lucan  you do whatever you feel is best for the story there.

I also have some good news, while I wait for news on what is going on with my hands I found an over the counter cream that seems to help with joint pain a lot so I can now type freely.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 True Nature

Reply #39
Well, two characters around so my choices are:

- Khorin: he would be useful with the Semathal assasination / Ives rescue (klingon warrior as he is) or in the shuttle bay being a pilot. He'll volunteer for the heavier fight scenario if he can. If too much characters are in either mission, i left the choose on Nerina.

-Shar is more complicated, so i guess she will go where the rest of andorians (or where the Endeavour crew decided). Being ops, she will prefer a more subtle approach mission

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 True Nature

Reply #40
R'Rori will prefer whichever path has the least amount of violence, but failing that, probably just sticking with familiar faces like Blue.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 True Nature

Reply #41
I've been thinking... Maybe the optimal way to distribute the crew between mission could be:

- At least 1 engineer/ops officer in each time. Just in case the codes to open doors don't work or any technical problem arrive.

-  At least one security officer/fight expert in each group due protection reasons

- Mission specialist/interested in the mision (ex. the Ovri in the egg mission, Blue saving Albert, pilots with the shuttles, etc)

Once all those spots are filled, the rest of the character just could be equally distributed. :)

Indeed I've been thinking that Khorin has no idea about the Ovri egg issue, if i remember correctly but if any of @Zenozine characters ask for his help, he'll go with them :D

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 True Nature

Reply #42
Im not entirely sure how much Sarresh would know about the Omega device. If he hears that location, would it trigger something in his unconscious? So far he's stuck close to Jack out of convenience and vague familiarity. Its about all he has to go on with anyone there, or frankly back on his ship LOL.

Beyond that, the transwarp drive sounds like something he'd enjoy mucking up.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 True Nature

Reply #44
I did put out a late reply at like 4am where I had Vinata announce the situation and ask that if the news came that the egg was aboard that people could volenteer, because he knew no matter what he and his sister would be going for the egg.

Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 True Nature

Reply #45
Two more days to post in True Nature (,2447.msg18269.html#msg18269 ). Here is the status so far:

Nathaniel Isley
Zephyr Praise

Lin Kae
Blue Tiran


Devyrie Okhala
Laurel Okhala
Mickayla MacGregor
Gideon Drake

ThanIda zh'Wann
Irnashall ch'Xinya
Lahkesis Saugn
Sarresh Morali

So, @SummerDawn , @steelphoenix  , @Absinthe , @Brutus , @chXinya and @Masorin, make your pick within 2 days, and only an actual IC-post counts at this point. If there have been no post, I will have Nerina split the characters left between the objectives.

UPDATE: There is also the option to stay behind in the hideout, to protect or help those of the abductees that will stay put there, who are too unwell, unsettled or unable to aid in the mission objectives.


Auctor Lucan

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