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Topic: Day 05 [1430 hrs.] Something in the Ale (Read 11266 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Day - 5 [1430 hrs.] Something in the Ale

Reply #25
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Breshanti Colony | Suspect Brewery | Production Floor]

@Tae @SummerDawn @Pierce @UltimaImperatrixia

The tactical computer operating behind the iced jade eyes was far more merciless than it had ever been in its entire history.  When the grenade went off, it became unfettered by compassion, remorse, civilization or anything that distracted the rifle in the cobalt hands from engaging the ravenous horde charging its position.  Only duty seemed to provide the last vestige of restraint.  The merest fractions of a second were needed to acquire the targets through the sights and for the firing stud to be pulled. Distances to the target were already measured and a targeting queue setup.  The computer worked its way methodically through the list, yet it's very focus had caused it to miss a key fault in the logic, for the operator was still an organic being and violence of combat sang in her veins.  The restraints the computer imposed on the war song were steadily worn down with each target hit, each cry of pain chorused with the war maidens’ choir that lurked in her cultural genetic makeup. 

A Klingon warrior; maybe the leader, who knew? had lagged behind the rest of the horde by a small distance, but it had been enough to provide him with the cover of the mass of blind hungry bodies.  When the last body fell, he was within steps of the frozen green eyes, and he charged, Mek'Leth in hand, already coming down for the decapitating swing.  The computer noted this, and the war maiden's song crashed against the barrier set by the computer.  Automatic combat reactions took over as the rifle was brought up, but not in an aimed manner for there was no time, but now being wielded as a staff.  The first strike was deflected and the sound of metal striking alloy sent an erotic shiver to the choir, a second strike was parried the opposite direction and force of the blow caused the blue hands to let go of the rifle.  It was abandoned from thought as blue figure leaned out of the way and her hand went to the back of the tactical vest and pulled out the ushaan-tor hidden underneath.  There was no change in the holder’s stance to one ready to receive combat for the war maiden in her had detected the final parry had unbalanced her opponent as he'd over committed, and the vicious serrated blade flashed up backed by the full strength of the slender yet muscular arms.  The strike was perfect and the war maiden in her veins shrieked in triumph as the side his head was split open from chin to forehead.  The opponent didn't get a chance to cry in pain as the point of the blade was brought back down and fluid spewed from the back of his neck as it buried into his spine, splashing the blue harbinger with red ichor. 

A familiar voice was asking a question, but it was ignored as unimportant, and the hellish visage of a being once known as Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell licked her lips of the Klingon's blood and shivered with sensual pleasure from the kill.  The explosions going off around her were of no consequence for they were not intended for her.  A feral smile pulled at her lips as her breathing became heavier.  Licking the blood off the blade, her eyes focused on the strange creature that had caused all the pain and torment thus far, and the blue mouth opened in a primal scream of rage before the Andorian leapt into a berserker charge toward the stunned Scion.  In a panic, the Scion raised its graviton pistol, but triggered a shot into the ground causing the floor to buckle, warp, and explode.  The berserker noted this and let out another banshee scream as the Scion’s pistol lined up with her for the second shot.  Vaulting suddenly, the second shot missed, but came close enough for the berserker to feel rumbling of the air where she would have been, making her blood boil more.  Closing the distance, the berserker slashed her blade at the abomination in front of her just missing the back pedalling alien. Its weapon was not as lucky as the blade sliced through the barrel assembly and shattered it. 

The scion dropped the now useless weapon and began flailing about, desperately trying to defend itself and get away as the alien blue banshee hacked, slashed, and danced her way through the pale chittin arms in an attempt to gut her tormentor like a fish.  The berserker traded blows with the sound of metal clanging against carapace as she dodged the sound of arms slicing air and chittering feet. The blue alien soon had an inkling that this was not as easy as she thought it would be as the repeated sounds of bouncing metal singing infuriated and frustrated her. 

As the berserker bent backwards, barely avoiding a strike to her head that was moving nearly too fast, she continued her bend till hands touched ground and her legs came flying up in a kick that nailed the Scion in the head, causing it to stumble backwards, stunned.  Seeing her chance, the blue banshee screamed once more and charged bringing the point of the ushaan-tor towards the Scions head, only to hear a resounding hollow clang as the blade embedded itself in the carapace head and got stuck. The blue alien stared dumbfounded at the blade buried in the Scion’s head.  It should have driven deep into its head, her brain chittered.  The stun of the strike had badly affected the Scion as it swung an arm out at the stationary woman with less than full strength.  Lt. Zark cried out in pain as the badly aimed arm slammed into her torso and sent her flying where she crashed into crates of grains, shattering them, sending cereals and wood in all directions.  The Scion knew it had the advantage and moved towards the prone woman as she lay there trying to regain her senses. 

Re: Day - 5 [1430 hrs.] Something in the Ale

Reply #26
[ Lieutenant Nick Chambers | Breshtanti Colony | Spaceport outside Colony Centre ] Attn: @Tae @SummerDawn @RyeTanker @UltimaImperatrixia [Show/Hide]

Cir'Cie's approach was welcome to Chambers' eyes as he took in her glistening form. Phaser in hand and deciphering the situation before them. Her commentary was sound, despite the emotional blips escaping her normally stoic personality. "Agreed." The looks she was bestowing upon him were causing a stir in more than one place for him but he soldiered on in this moment. "Find cover and aim for the rooftops. Let's see if we can land some heavy beams on top of them. Maybe incapacitate them in some way. Only other though I have is if we remote controlled and landed a shuttle on their could work...but no idea if it's possible or if it'd destroy the vessel."

Nick observed the away team acting on their own as they took to their posts. The phaser fire from Arven caused him to dive behind some cover nearby. The bits of glass showering the floor. Unfortunate for anyone going around without shoes right now. But it wasn't just the glass, it was the full beam of the phaser that also caused him alarm. If one of the crew were to get'd be fried crispy Starfleet officer if there was any left. The well done steaks wouldn't look very good either.

"ARVEN! STOP FIRING BEFORE YOU KILL US!" He yelled covering his ears the best he could to shroud them from the high pitched sound and shattering computers and ceiling pieces. Before he could get out however, he saw Zark now battling the Scion. Behind the beautiful blue faced woman, the rage and ballistic energy coming from her was surprising. But he knew that Andorians could hold their own in battle as much as a Klingon. And they were always prepared for it.

The feeling in Chambers' chest was mixed. He had some worry...and some other lingering feelings from the Niga attacking him. It wasn't fun but it could be he thought to himself. Maybe later. The sight of Zark's attack gave the impression that she did not need his least until he saw the Scion throw her with it's arm towards the crates. Clearly stunned she wasn't aware of the Scion approaching her from behind. This was not going to end this way on his watch. Grabbing his phaser rifle, he ran towards her. The distance seemed to take forever but he ran and lept into the air. His landing was less than stellar and on a competition would likely be rated below a 5. Maybe a 4 and a half. He shook his head. The humor in his mind held off the Niga thoughts which was good as he needed the focus.

"I thought Honey I Shrunk the Kids was an ancient Earth movie. Why the fuck am I looking at a giant ant, riding him like a horse and trying to make him sit?" He jabbed his hands on the blade that Zark buried into the Scion's head and hit it clearly stunning the creature more. Holding on for dear life, Nick found a nice gash in the armor plating of this particular Scion. The other clearly hiding in the alcoves nearby to avoid battle as it observed the situation. Something they'd have to deal with shortly. He grabbed his smaller phaser pistol with his remaining hand as the Scion continued to buck beneath him. His thumb slid the setting to overload and he rammed it into the crevasse in its back before jumping off of it. He ran towards Zark, mesmerized by her ample chest momentarily before he reached for her hand and pulled her up. Guiding her to a safe place he dashed about firing his Phaser rifle at it.

The rouse clearly was working as the back of the creature began to glow orange from its back as it ran towards him now. He dove behind an shipping container and covered his head as a huge explosion could be heard. The screams of the Scion and its partner could be heard over the sound. The one ceased however and other other dashed into the foray. He peered up and was astonished at the sight before him.

"Well, extra crispy it is then..." He glanced over to Zark, and swiveled around to look at Arven and Cir'Cie who were all okay. "What say we force feed this fucker a taste of his own medicine. Sound good to you guys?" He smirked as he thought about Kala and hoped that she was doing as well on her part of the mission.

Re: Day - 5 [1430 hrs.] Something in the Ale

Reply #27
[ Ensign Cir'Cie | Breshtanti Colony | Infected/Hostile Brewing Complex ]

During the commotion and chaos of the initial fight, Cir'Cie had taken it upon herself to finally fill her syringe gun with an appropriate substance that could be used to kill. And thankfully, after all the apparent destruction, murder and mayhem - the brewery itself had given her the answer. She was nearing her limit in terms of trying to hold back her libido from overpowering her sense of reason - she could practically hear the old Niga talking in her mind, telling her to try and jump one of the Away Team Members, yet despite this - she had not taken a piece of clothing off of her form just yet, despite having lowered her zip down enough to expose the minimal cleavage she did have, her olive bronzed skin glistening with sweat just as profusely as the rest of the away team members.

"Scions are largely immune to chemical attacks - I don't think an overdose of medicine would work, Lieutenant." her voice answers to Chamber's own jovial statement about pursuing the hostile they had just forced to retreat. Carefully; she would approach the tall and chizled Lieutenant before her, looking up at him. Evidently she had taken his statement very literally - either in a poor attempt at humour or just due to how she was struggling to retain any modicum of focus at all. In her hands she holds the Syringe Gun that she had planned on saving for the Niga - but instead, it was filled with a viscous and sickly looking yellow oil of some kind.

"NMDA. Chemical byproduct from...the brewery...poisonous, carcinogenic...and most importantly... she clicked the canister segment of the Syringe Gun and carefully tooks the glass container out of the gun's frame, and it was clear she intended to use the container of toxic gloop in the next attack to finish the remaining Scion. "Extremely've already made charcoal and tender meat out of the other. Might as well finish the job for when the Targs come snooping around the ruins..." The logic and stoic nature had gone from her voice - in its place, was a cold and visceral rage that was laced with pure venom and utter contempt. She yearned to see this creature die, the age old blood lust and desire to crush, kill, destroy - the primordial rage that had threatened to consume the Vulcan race... she could feel it welling inside of her, and given her only other option of emotion was unbridled sexual arousal. She embraced the anger whole-heartedly, her arms trembling with anger before she exhaled heavily and turned to move away from the team.

Cir'Cie didn't wait for instruction and nor did she seem to care for her own safety. A distinct rage could be seen in her eyes - she wanted out of this facility and off of this planet. Even if it meant returning back to the Theurgy just to go back to her prison like routine of tending to plants, eating dinner, conducting workouts and visiting Counselors on a weekly basis. It'd be better than allowing that...thing...that had tarnished her mind to finally be responsible for her death - or worse yet, to die at the hands of one of the Niga's creators. No - this time it would be her turn to strike back and the others could accompany her or simply watch.

But her intentions were made clear when she drew her Type 2 Phaser Pistol, volatile canister in her other hand she would begin to venture out in the direction where the injured Scion had fled, her hips swaying with a notable level of determination that was further accentuated by how her legs carried her - a sight to see for Arven and Chambers to be sure with how her slacks were now clinging to her and blackened further by the dampness of her sweaty figure.

Having walked past the smoldering corpse of the first Scion and into the wreckage that was littered with debris and the bodies of fallen Klingons. It did not take long for Cir'Cie to find the Scion - as it attempted to strike first, clearly it had hoped that one of the Away Team members would break off and come to find it. As the creature attempted to land a fell swoop upon her with one of its powerful yet lengthy arms, Cir'Cie would instinctively perform a roll as taught by her understanding of Suus Mahna. She was no expert in the field, but she didn't intend to rely on it for too long as time was not a luxury she could afford, especially as the Scion's burns and wounds were regenerating.

Successfully executing and moving out from the roll to gain some distance, she immediately flurried her arm out and fired three bursts of Nadion Particle Energy from the Phaser which was indeed set to kill, but the Scion took the shots; the three bolts landing upon its chest, shoulder and head respectively. It was the head shot that would cause the Scion to reel back in some pain, temporarily blinded and swiping out in defiance, trying to land a hit on the young Vulcan who intuitively did what she could to stay back, dodge and improvise. Weakened or not, she knew this creature would kill her with ease if given the chance, but seeing as it was blinded - she took the chance to throw the canister at the Scion, shooting it in mid-air and causing the chemicals within to ignite as the glass shattered and the contents splashed upon that which she sought to finish. However in making the lunge to throw the canister, the Scion was successful in swiping a claw across the abdomen of her uniform, tearing the fabric aside and leaving cuts within her skin.

If Cir'Cie didn't know any better, she would have deduced her enemy was frightened - perhaps it had not intended to enter a conflict zone at this time when the away team had arrived at the facility. This did not deter her however and neither did the stinging pain she felt across her toned stomach either, the sensation of her green blood lightly trickling down her skin only served to fuel her need to kill this detestable being. She would fire three more shots right into the sternum of the Scion before walking right up to it and delivering a hard kick to the chest, making the timid and weakened Scion fall down, leaving to wrestle within the burning and writhing mess of flesh its body was now finding itself becoming enveloped in.

Cir'Cie simply stood over the body of the wounded and inflamed Scion and proceeded to unload shot after shot after shot into it, her eyes never leaving as she wanted to see the life drain out of it bit by bit. By the time the creature was dead, she realized she owed this kill largely to Zark and Chambers who had provided this opportunity to give her a chance of pure and unadulterated catharsis. Holstering the Phaser Pistol into her belt, she turned and walked back to re-join the main group, her arms and hands visibly shaking as adrenaline and aftershock surged through her and it was hard to tell if the Vulcan was about to scream, lock up or burst into tears.

Re: Day - 5 [1430 hrs.] Something in the Ale

Reply #28
[ Lieutenant j.g. Kala Marika | Breshtanti Colony | Suspect Brewing Complex | Reactor Control Room ]

The plant had learned that in this environment, this prey would react quickly to any attack, strike back viciously so the Niga would need to be swift, strike hard, incapacitate its victim quickly. It would lose limbs, but the limbs could regrow, whereas prey could be fleeting, the lost opportunity a greater cost to the plant then a few limbs.

Kala was focused on the reactor core, trying to think through the steps she needed to do, trying to ignore the burning in her core. She had to pause, had to give herself some control back. Slipping her hand beneath the hem of her uniform skirt, exploring her femininity with a couple fingers worked even better then plain rubbing. Her mind wandered a little, thoughts of Zark and Chambers naked in bed, doing things with her that’d make a Klingon blush.

The distraction was enough, and the plant struck. Tendrils wrapped around Kala’s ankles, pulling back, knocking her off balance, pulling her to the ground. She caught herself before her head contacted the hard ground of the control room, turning to see green tendrils wrapped around her. She screamed but over the noise of the reactors and the firefight above she was unsure if she was heard. Not that she could’ve done mush else as the plant grabbed her arms, green tendrils binding her ability to escape. Kala could only watch and struggle, both scared and aroused as the plant moved closer, a tendril dripping with some form of fluid, sap of some kind, came close to her face, mere inches before several puffs of some white powder came from one puffy tendril, settling around Kala’s nose and mouth.

Kala’s struggling only served to kick the powder up and she inhaled it, quickly stopping her struggles, unable and unwilling now to move. Her body was the plants now, her conscious mind an aroused wreck wanting release, knowing this plant would do just that. Then she would die, but at least she would die with a smile on her lips. She watched the tendrils trace down the bare skin of her chest eliciting moans as the plant, it’s more delicate tendrils, dripping with the slippery sap it produced, formed into what resembled a male humanoid reproductive organ.

She watched, fascinated, aroused, as more tendrils joined these first few, green vines tipped by a ‘phallus’ slipped beneath her skirt. She felt her legs being pulled wider as the plant sought her core, sought entrance to her body. It didn’t take long as what felt like one of her past lovers found purchase and slid inside her, filling her up, giving her the touch and physical pleasure she lusted for. 

Kala moaned, now lost to the world, the mission gone, the team above all but forgotten as the plant started to move inside her, taking her places she’d not been in far too long. She felt the plant move inside her, playing her body like a fiddle, using her for it’s needs. Whatever rational fears she may have had (all of them valid) were lost to the feeling of heat and pleasure deep in her core. She didn’t care that the plant was using her as a host to infect others, preparing to ‘impregnate’ her with its own seedlings, use her as a vessel to spread its kind to other worlds, Kala wanted the release, needed the release this plant offered.

For the plant, once inside the host body, the rhythmic movement of the tendrils mimicking the act of sexual congress would induce the final stages of the victim’s release. When the prey orgasmed around the tendrils, oblivious to the plant, it would plant seedlings deep in the prey’s body, the next generation gestating inside the host body. The seedlings would produce a virus that drove the prey, overwhelmed them to seek out others to lay with and infect, spreading the virus among the population.

Her orgasm washed over her body, convulsions wracking her petite frame. The release felt wonderful, the plant giving her what she so desperately craved in the moment, unawares of what it was doing to her, doing inside her. Had she known she’d be screaming out for help but now, on the reactor room floor, impaled by the plant, infected, Kala was barely conscious of her surrounding, her whole world the feelings inside her body. 

Re: Day - 5 [1430 hrs.] Something in the Ale

Reply #29
 Lt Arven Leux | Breshanti Colony | Suspect Brewery | @Pierce @RyeTanker @UltimaImperatrixia @SummerDawn

Arven never exactly regained control, nor did he cease firing by choice. His hand phaser simply ran out of energy amid his fury. The doctor was trapped inside his own mind and fought against that. The horrors of the war, ones he saw, ones he'd heard about from other prisoners. Arven was a mess right now, and the man couldn't very well gain control of himself, not now, not here.

The ebb and flow of battle had raged around him, with Arven having been caught up in the tumultuous maelstrom that was the brewery. Piece of brick and brewing equipment flying everywhere, his mind nowhere close to being in the suitable space for any functionality now. But what Arven's random firing had managed to create was structural instability in the building.

Slowly at first, bricks and masonry begin to collapse and fall, then like dominos more and more. A fermentation tank collapsed on the floor and went through it, sending waves of the hot malt washing through the lower levels of the brewery—the first tank leading to the collapse and spilling of the others on the brewery floor. Quickly the entire brewery begins to fill with the warm, yeasty fluid spilling forth and frothing upon every surface. TThe rancidity of the Klingon malt was overpowering in its pungency. Thick, steamy juices gushed over the away team, Klingons and Savi alike.

The turbulent, tumultuous volumes of processing booze washed through the brewery like the bacchanal of a drunken god. The burning Scion that Cir'Cie's Nadion particle phaser poised over Zark swept up in the flood of drink as well as Zark, and perhaps Cir'Cie as well. The vile alien getting sept up and slammed into a wall by the frothing liquid, one very much in the process of collapse, and a ton of bricks and brewery equipment rain down upon its head.

Kala being so swiftly taken advantage of by the plant and its tentacles became ripped from the tentacled grasp by a wave of malt and ale from nowhere. The acidic beverage freed her from the perfidious pollination, though perhaps slamming the woman into a wall in the process.

The others of the away team, those on their feet or on a catwalk, would have time to get out of the way of the roaring malt but only a few seconds as the yeasty tidal wave rushed towards them filled with brick, pieced of machinery, and who knew what else.

All Arven could do was watch horrorstruck at the chaos that had been unleashed by his chaotic hand and total loss of control. how many more lives had the doctor just ended?

Re: Day - 5 [1430 hrs.] Something in the Ale

Reply #30
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Breshanti Colony | Suspect Brewery]

Attn: @Pierce @SummerDawn @UltimaImperatrixia @Tae 

Lt. Zark's mind would have much preferred to regain their sense at an appropriate pace, but when the nasty, rancid, hot oatmeal washed over her, the survival imperative kicked in hard and what generally saved her from drowning was she sitting up against something.  The Andorian yelped as her adrenaline forced her to full wakefulness in moments and the counter balancing shock prevented her from feeling any pain she should have felt.  The brewery was a sight to be seen as Zark nearly slipped while trying to get up.  Everyone was almost up to their knees in ale ingredients and she was appalled at the amount of breakage the brewery had sustained, holes everywhere, a few fires, so many destroyed vats, but it was the smell that was the worst as her eyes began to water from the alcohol vapours in the air.  As she stood next to Chambers, she saw a bleeding Cir'Cie shakily making her way back from a blasted parody of a Scion, still there was something missing.

Zark's face exploded in shock as she saw the flow of the beer into the basement.  "Marika!!"  The medico screamed in horror after the engineer in the basement. Grabbing a dermal regeneration from a vest pocket, she slapped it onto Chambers, not even checking to see if he really had a grip on it. "Look after Cir'Cie." Zark told the human before she began desperately wading towards the door the engineer had descended, ignoring everything else.  It seemed to take forever as she battled a morass of water and grains, and her legs were burning when she reached the door and began her descent to the echoing sounds of rushing mash.  Zark was going so fast she slipped at one point and got covered in pulverized pulp.  Spitting the disgusting concoction out, she continued her descent as fast as her legs would carry her.  Reaching the bottom, her heart sank as Lt. Kala was face down in the slop with a bunch of drunkenly writhing vines around her.  Discarding her tac vest and tunic, Zark tied her hair into a ponytail and dove into the mess without hesitation.   The various knicks and cuts, not to mention her nostrils burned as her eyes continued to water swimming through the muck, and it was with relief that she reached her Cayuga shipmate.  Turning her over and despairing at her unconscious face, Zark grabbed a hold of her and swam back as fast as she could one armed, ignoring the burning protests from her arms and legs. 

The Andorian managed to pull the Marika towards the platform and pushed the Bajoran onto platform.  In a burst of irrationality, she stopped to grab the demo charge she had in the tac vest and mashed the red arming button before tossing it at the flooding generator where it landed and the magnetic clamps engaged on the console the Bajoran had been working on.  Pulling Lt. Kala into a Fireman's carry, Lt. Zark went up the stairs as quickly, and gingerly as possible.  It didn't take long to find a platform between stairs where the runoff was starting to abate and Zark set the Bajoran woman down before beginning CPR.  She opened the blondes tunic and soaking wet under shirt as she began to desperately deliver chest compressions, and instead of a light touch, Zark mashed her lips into the pale sticky lips and blew everything she had into her compatriots lungs.  By the third round, Zark began to wonder if Lt. Kala was dead, but the pulse remained thready.  All of sudden while blowing air in, Kala coughed hard and blew ale mash out of her mouth into the medicos face. 

Lt.Zark was felt relief wash over her as she saw the engineer come back to life, until she began to feel a docility, then desire wash over her.  The medico blinked several times and looked at the Bajoran woman in confusion.  "Wait, wha?"  was all Zark got out as she saw Kala Marika leaning on her arms before sitting up.  The look in her face wasn't one of someone who had just realized they were going to live.  It impossibly transmitted pure seduction and lust, and Zark couldn't resist as the Blonde woman undid her bra and carelessly tossed it away before reaching out to gently grab the Andorian's head.  A part of Zark's mind screamed to resist, but she was powerless as she fell into the tempting sapphire orbs and felt those soft yet hungry lips kiss her own.  Zark returned the kiss without thought as she ran her cobalt hands through the sticky yet undeniably soft blonde hair.  The tantalizing bite of her lower lip surprised the Andorian as it sent a shiver up her spine and the hungry probing of the tongue sent a wave of pleasure across the Andorian's neck that she eagerly returned.  She felt her make out partner reach down for a moment towards her waist, and the Andorian shuddered in the anticipation of what the pearlescent fingers would do to her, but instead they seemed to stay outside Zark's trousers before slowly coming back up.  Zark could only take in Marika's sultry smile as the long fingers reached up to the Andorian's mouth.  Zark accepted the gift and gently sucked on the sweet silvery nectar that coated them before sitting up and taking off her own shirt and bra, baring her full well formed breasts for the world to see.  As Zark's conscious mind began to fade, it noted that she couldn't remember Marika's perfect breasts being that big and what was the liquid leaking from them before her own mouth closed around the erect pink nipples to drink the nectar they provided.

After a short time had passed, Lt. Zark's voice could be heard through the brewery calling for help to retrieve Lt. Kala from the basement.  As Chambers and Cir'Cie approached the door, a single phaser bolt struck the Human, while the Vulcan was hit twice bowling them both over.  From the depths of the brewery, two naked apparitions that looked like Lt.Zark and Lt. Kala climbed out of the darkness and sashayed their way over the two stunned officers with hands fondling each other's breasts.  The two sirens let go of each other and seductively smiled to each other before leaning over the barely conscious officers to squeeze their erotic and deadly loads into their mouths as they lay on the ground.

Re: Day - 5 [1430 hrs.] Something in the Ale

Reply #31
[ Lieutenant Nick Chambers | Breshtanti Colony ] Attn: @Tae @SummerDawn @RyeTanker @UltimaImperatrixia [Show/Hide]

Chambers heard the yell of Zark as she looked for Marika among the confines of the facility. He felt an eerie feeling in his chest and the back of his mind. Something didn't sit well with him. Despite the Niga's capabilities rendering their collective willpowers inert, he knew it was far from over. Deep inside his mind, a voice called to him to just simply let go...

Following the voice of Zark, he ran towards it with Cir'ce close by. As suddenly as the voice found her, the voice stopped, and all was too quiet for his liking. Peering from wall to wall, the shadows closed inward as he approached the doorframe of the room where Marika and supposedly Zark now were present in. Were they still alive? Are they consumed? His mind wandered as he knew this wouldn't look good from a command perspective, but likely would be looked upon favorably knowing the Niga was present.

His chest felt tighter as the pheromones of the room grew stronger with each breath that he took. He felt...desire for the things he knew were coming... His steps growing louder as the machines faded into the background and he stood in the entryway. Before he could speak however, the bright orange of a phaser knocked him on his back, slightly stunned. His eyes caught the visage of two beautiful woman, now lacking uniforms, in the shadows getting closer before he blacked out altogether.

Chambers felt the growing pressure on his chest and other regions of his body as he glanced upward only to have a liquid squirting into his mouth. The relaxing feeling washed over him as he felt the last of his thoughts wash away, replaced by the most primal of instincts. His strength overpowered his arms as the unpure thoughts clamored to the top. He grabbed the closest individual, locking lips as he felt her take him over.

His mind was now empty of thought, and the last thing he hoped before it left him, was that the Theurgy could save them all, or neutralize them before they could infect the universe since they still had a shuttle present nearby.

OOC: Feel free to use Chambers as you see fit in the following posts towards the end of this. I just wanted to keep this moving and didn't have much I wanted to add to this other than the loss of complete control.

Re: Day - 5 [1430 hrs.] Something in the Ale

Reply #32
[ Ensign Cir'Cie | Breshtanti Colony | Infected/Hostile Brewing Complex ]

With the two bolts having rendered her unconscious, Cir'Cie was sent into a dark dream where she found herself running through the hot and humid jungles of Niga. Within her dream she was being chased by the tendrils of concupiscence that had destroyed her mental stability, that had both shown her the true freedom of carnal addiction and emotional instability. The forbidden fruit that had shown her just what it was like to be a Vulcan more than fifteen hundred years ago. As the vison plagued her senses she would twitch and writhe in the real world. Like a patient trying to visibly stave off a virus that had begun to sweep through their body like a raging inferno. The dream culminated with herself finally being ambushed by a hulking bulk of Niga, its vines whipped and slathered and while the purple protrusions of its phallic like vines heaved and pulsated with a sense of triumph.

By the time she re-awakened, she could feel the tendrils in her mind were already gnarling at the heart of her conscious mind and there was nothing she could do to stop it. The voice that been wrestling within her being from all those months ago had finally secured its victory. With a final internal scream; her pupils dilating in internal terror and looking around in a desperate plea for hope, the gaze in her eyes quickly shifted from fear to unadulterated lust as Cir'Cie lost herself to the the demon inside her that she had been battling with.

Surak had failed her. In her mind; the Federation had failed her. But most importantly. She had failed herself.

As her eyes slowly re-focused, she re-directed them to look at the blue beauty who had unclothed both herself and her new victim, her new lover. Without so much as hesitating, Cir'Cie immediately felt connected to the dark instincts that had yearned to consume her and re-take their place as the dominant force within her Chakra. She eagerly pushed back and pressed both her small bust and her supple lips into those of the Azure Andorian atop of her. Bronze and Cobalt grinding and writhing together as Niga saps and feminine sweat culminated in a hot and sticky mess as Fire and Ice clashed together in a steamy and unbridled eruption of lust.

There was nothing she could do...and quite frankly...she didn't care.

Re: Day 05 [1430 hrs.] Something in the Ale

Reply #33
[ Lieutenant j.g. Kala Marika | Breshtanti Colony | Suspect Brewing Complex | Reactor Control Room ]
The whole thing had become a blur in her mind.

Barely conscious for the pleasure coursing through her body, radiating outwards, filling every fiber of her being, Kala hadn't time to react to the wall of mash that came pouring into the basement where she'd been working. She didn't even realize she was in danger until she was swept away by the tsunami of partly brewed beer. Torn from the plant, her mind unable to register danger, she inhaled the frothy foamy brew, choking on it, inhaling even more, slowly drowning, her semi-conscious mind fading fast, losing consciousness as she lay there unable to rescue herself.

The next thing she remembered was the luscious lips of her Andorian crewmate, the taste of another drawing her back to consciousness. She coughed, exhaling the mash, looking up at Zark. The look was one of desire, pure unadulterated lust, and Kala kissed the women, drawing her down, drawing into the lusty pool that was the Bajoran officer. The swirling lust, the desires to find more drove them both to climb up the catwalk, to seek out the others on their team.

She didn't remember much except that after stunning that Andonis Chambers, she climbed on the man, grinning down at him, leaning forward, her hand on one breast massaging the tender flesh as it squirted a milky fluid onto his face, onto his lips and into his mouth. Any semblance of restraint went out the window as she felt the man's hands grip her waist, pulling her closer, lifting her skirt, placing her hips over his.

A quick deft movement of her fingers on the fly of his trousers and the man was free, his turgid member released, only to be enveloped by the aroused Bajoran. A moan escaped her lips as she took Chambers, made him her lover, took his passion and gave her own in return. Their lips mashed together, and the pair were soon lost to lust as clothes rapidly came off, the sounds of two naked lovers going at it with fervent abandon.

Re: Day 05 [1430 hrs.] Something in the Ale

Reply #34
Lt Arven Leux | Breshanti Colony | Suspect Brewery | @Auctor Lucan

Arven was losing his mind, and as all hell broke loose in the brewery. Ale and masonry went everywhere as the building collapsed and the power fritzed and then died. The power going out, and the alien machinery in the control room getting buried among the collapsing building made a single thought go through Arven's addled mind.

Arven slapped his combadge hard enough to leave a bruise on his chest. The Trill shouted into the combadge in a loud, nearly fearful voice.

"Doctor Leux to Shuttlecraft, Emergency automated retrieval, Quarantine Protocol! All Starfleet signatures! Execute!"

The shouted command seemed unheeded, and Arven felt his pulse racing in his ears then. His heart was like a drum inside his chest as he waited a few interminable seconds before the transporter beam took him away from the rubble of the collapsed and collapsing brewery.

The rest of the away team wouldn't be too far behind him. And finding himself in the cockpit, Arven slapped the control panel to seal the cockpit door from the main body of the shuttle. Arven moved to the controls of the shuttlecraft, mind clouded and hands heavy with confusion. Finding the manual controls too cumbersome to manipulate now with the virus from the plants coursing through his system.

"Computer, initiate an emergency return to Theurgy, Maximum Warp. Send a Message to Councillor K'Tall all Frequencies. Sterilize Breshanti Colony from orbit. And destroy ships departing from it. All craft that have departed from Breshanti colony since loss of signal MUST be destroyed. Lockout all controls Medical override Alpha Lima Zero Seven Six Juliett Tango Three Seven Five!"

The final order given to that, the Trill had known what he'd ordered, and was something that his mind wouldn't be able to handle. The guilt of all of that unknown blood on his hand, calling for the sterilization of a colony world was utterly extreme, and it was an act that would break his mind. Arven's mind left him then as the shuttle began the automated take-off It was all Arven could do to stay awake as his mind slowly failed him, and he lost his sense of self and being. Whatever was about to happen to the Away team was not for the eyes of gods or men. Letting out a primal scream hearing the sounds from the crew cabin Arven's mind slowly faded to black.

Re: Day 05 [1430 hrs.] Something in the Ale

Reply #35


The lone shuttle designated Robinson reached the Qo'noS system in the early morning the next day, yet the message sent to the head of House K'Tal had not gone unheard.

The decisions revolving around the sterilisation of Breshanti Colony, as well as the interception and destruction of all outbound freighters, was not made immediately, and certainly not without further inquiry. Since the shuttle did not respond to subspace communications, the inquiry had not stayed contained to those briefed about the mission either. Since the nature of the threat wasn't established, both House K'Tal and Mission Ops aboard the Theurgy took action to investigate further. Two warp fighters of the Lone Wolf squadron were deployed to intercept the shuttle before it reached the Theurgy, and the report back shed some light on what may have occurred. Scans showed that the shuttle was under quarantine protocol and running on auto pilot. With those findings, and given the lack of replies to hails, further scans were required. The sensor suites of the warp fighters weren't updated with the data needed to detect viral contaminations, so Thea had to send a data package that held what the Lone Wolves needed to establish what had happened to the away team - all of which were accounted for aboard the shuttle even though they were not responding.

That was how the Niga contamination was detected, and the report back to the Theurgy - and the subsequent briefing from Captain Ives - was key to make the Klingons act on the instruction given in the message. Houses across the sector were given the order, coming directly from Chancellor Martok, to intercept all shipments from the colony and destroy them. Three of them had already reached their destinations, but luckily enough, suspicions about the freighters being set on auto-pilot had delayed the distribution of the ale aboard. Had the instructions to destroy the shipments come any later, outbreaks would have sprung at all three destinations, and the containment of the virus would have been difficult, if not impossible without drastic measures.

As for the Robinson, the Theurgy crew were mobilised to handle its automated docking in the morning. Through the night, medical and science analysed the sensor readings and conducted trial simulations on how to beam the away team into bio-containment and treat them. Since he had developed the original antidote against the Niga virus, Doctor Nicander was consulted - from his cell - on how the antidote was to be enhanced in order to combat mutated versions of the virus. This was something the Doctor had already been instructed to do in the wake of the mission to the Azurite Station, in which the Theurgy crew had found that the contagion hadn't been restricted to the planet Niga alone. With the scans made, and samples collected from that mission, the Doctor was able to assist Medical and Science to ensure that the away team had a chance of being cured upon arrival. If the findings from the Azurite Station mission had not been available, however, the away team would have been placed in stasis instead.

As it were, the simulations and preparations payed off, so when the Robinson finally docked, the procedure to treat them was carried out without any risk of a new outbreak aboard the Theurgy. Already, after the Niga incident, Thea's internal sensors were tuned to detect the virus, so even if the Lone Wolves hadn't allowed proper preparations, the chances for a new outbreak happening aboard were minimal to begin with. How the away-team had been infected was, at the time, unknown, since the decision had been made to not deploy more teams to investigate the situation at Breshanti Colony. The Klingons had acted as Klingons did, with force, and as the message from the Robinson had instructed, the entire colony had been destroyed from orbit.

Doctor Nicander, aboard the Theurgy, had already warned the Senior Staff of the Theurgy that the Doctor that had arrived aboard the Theurgy after the Battle of the Houses - and escaped the ship aboard an escape pod - carried the Niga virus. Even though his word wasn't trusted by all, he argued it would stand to reason that - since he had already learned that his doppelganger was working with the Scions - the destruction of both the planet Niga and Azurite Station may no longer be enough to prevent the Infested from using the virus to further their own ends. Breshanti Colony was, perhaps, the first incident among more to come, in which the Infested would try to spread the virus across the galaxy.

Since the virus contaminated newly formed memory engrams, and the antidote affected all cells with the contagion, the away team wouldn't remember what they did after they were infected. Even the early stages of airborne contamination would result in partial memory losses, which might have been a blessing for them. Once they woke up in sickbay, and came to terms with the lack of memories from the mission, the away team were commended for their efforts, even if their conduct would remain largely unknown. The continued threat of the Niga virus has been established, and the team had done all they could to prevent another outbreak.

There was a debate as to whether the loss of lives at Breshanti Colony could be avoided, yet with the mission details largely unknown, the away team was not considered accountable. The Klingons had made the judgement call to destroy it given the information available, and any loss of innocent lives were deemed collateral damage, and a tragedy that further cemented the growing hate the Klingons held towards the Infested.

As a result from the away mission to Breshanti, orders were given to immediately devote more time and resources towards antidote dispersal technology, and sensor protocols were further upgraded to detect the virus.


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