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Topic: Day 27 [2000 hrs.] - Drowning in an Irish Jewel (Read 10804 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Day 27 [2000 hrs.] - Drowning in an Irish Jewel

Reply #25
[ Crewman 3rd Class Samala | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy | Aldea ] Attn: @Lathaniel

“As I said, I had never seen them before today, so I am also no expert on nuts,” Samala reiterated, not understanding why Kino was giggling. Nothing she had said she believed was funny but perhaps she was missing something. It would not have been the first time. Spending an extended portion of her upbringing segregated from others to protect both them and herself from her telepathic abilities was known to cause developmental issues when it came to personal interactions. Samala had overcome it better than most, but even she still struggled from time to time. Being on the Theurgy now, only highlighted those deficiencies.

“I think I will. But first,” Samala responded, reaching for one of the glasses of water that had been set on the countertop nearby. She took several large gulps to clear the taste and feeling of salt in her mouth, grateful for the warning that the small biscuits that the Trill had indicated would also dry her mouth. Quenched, the hybrid set the glass down and reached for a cracker, once again examining it before taking an experimental bite. Rolling the morsel around her mouth for a moment, savouring it, she swallowed it and looked at Kino.

“That was quite nice. Better than the nut,” Samala said with a grin. “But it is missing something. Not a sauce, although that would help. But I think it needs a second part of something, to add some texture and bulk to the biscuit.”

Re: Day 27 [2000 hrs.] - Drowning in an Irish Jewel

Reply #26
[PO2 Kino Taer | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Stegro88


"Wow, that's interesting. You know, it seems like we are on the verge of discovering a new, universal rule here." Kino said jokingly. She had watched Samala taste the cracker while she herself was having some more nuts. And it felt like this conversation - as miniscule as it might seem in the grand scheme of things - was actually taking some weight off her heart. "You know, on earth, humans had the same idea. They had a lot of different things with their crackers. Stuff like cheese, grapes and meat. I think even sweet products like chocolate. She chuckled nodded towards Xenia, who was pretending to be busy polishing the counter, just like a good bartender should. "Xenia, sweetheart, could we have some cheese and grapes to go with these crackers?"

"Of course, Petty Officer. I will replicate a suiting assortment for you." The holographic waitress replied. The slightly scolding tone in which she had spoken to Kino before had vanished and she sounded as friendly and cheerful as always.

"Thanks, honey." Kino replied and turned back towards Samala, picking up her own glass of water on the way. She took a quick sip before speaking. "You know, Samala, I think you are awesome. I'm happy that I get to know you." She nodded, seemingly trying to reinforce her statement. And while she meant every word she said, she also felt awkward and ashamed about the fact, that all this probably came across as if the booze was talking through her. This undelightful feeling of knowing that no matter how much she tried, everything she would say or do would be judged with the background knowledge about her inebriation in mind was bugging her. But at the same time, she knew she would not be able to change anything about that. At least not at this moment.
Lt JG Sorek Morgan
PO2 Kino Taer

Re: Day 27 [2000 hrs.] - Drowning in an Irish Jewel

Reply #27
[ Crewman 3rd Class Samala | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy | Aldea ] Attn: @Lathaniel

Samala, despite her growing comfort, was also keenly aware of the potential life differences that she had with the majority of the Theurgy’s crew. One thing or another had arisen multiple times in the last few weeks that simply highlighted what she already understood. She was different, in both how she was raised and what she had experienced in her short life so far. Only time would help to alleviate some of those differences and in the interim, Samala would have to cope as best she could with being different. Fortunately, she already had a lot of practice at that.

“I believe many cultures will have probably experienced something similar with many of the foods they have developed over the years. Either though need or experimentation,” Samala mused, trying not to allow their conversation to fall flat. She was, if not at ease, then slowly relaxing in the lounge beside the Trill. 

“I am happy I came too,” Samala said, agreeing with Kino’s sentiment. It was nice to be out, amongst her new crewmates and to feel like she was starting to belong, if only a little. “Now, what do we have on this tray?” the hybrid asked as Xenia placed a tray down before them. It would be several hours before the two of them left the lounge.


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