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Topic: Day 6 [ 1300hrs. ] Let's Get Physical (Read 10129 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 6 [ 1300hrs. ] Let's Get Physical

[Hirek tr’Aimne | Corridor |  D. 11 | V. 02 |  USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

Hirek was not unaware of his animal magnetism. Back on Romulus, Hirek had been compared to a thrai for his tenaciousness, a raalar  for the times he spoke shameless nonsense, an eelsnake for his venomous insults, a neiirrhs for his ability to hide his true calculating nature behind his natural beauty, and a mogari for the speed with which he could swoop in and out of a relationship, taking his victim’s heart with him. And it seemed many of the innate qualities were drawing the attention of his new “crewmates” as he stalked through the corridor on his way to the medical bay for his official physical.

He had a gilded tongue that knew what to say to cultivate a good conversation, which often danced away from the heart of the matter. An intense stare that stripped away the veneer of his “victim,” leaving them feeling bare beneath his gaze. He’d learned when to hold back and when to press hard, which angle to take to bring out the reaction he desired. He was at least garnering their attention if he wasn’t eliciting looks of curiosity and blatant lust from these new, alien faces. And Hirek always liked attention.

No matter his gilded tongue or natural charm, Hirek had to follow the procedures of this ship if he hoped to protect his family back on Romulus and see an end to the corrupting influence of the Tal Shiar. He had to report for a physical before moving on to a psychological evaluation, yet two more steps to take that would deem him “worthy” of staying aboard this renegade vessel.

A hybrid scientist, with a background in medical knowledge, Hirek was curious how things were done aboard the Theurgy. How this doctor would approach giving him a physical. It would give him added insight into the type of technology they had at hand—not in the hopes of betraying them one day, but to see if he’d worked with anything comparable and had a large or small learning curve. And afford him yet more intimate interactions with crew members, with each conversation lending itself to his assessment of what life would be like aboard this Federation starship.

Swinging round the bend in the corridor Hirek was faced with nearly colliding with the back of a man also journeying in the same direction. Holding his arms out to his side for balance, Hirek pivoted his body at the last second to swerve around the broad shoulders blocking his path. Carrying through the momentum, Hirek paused just in front of the marginally taller man for a second. In that second of pause, he noted the number of pips on the man’s uniform. Hirek offered a cheeky smile as he continued the almost waltzing move around the sandy-haired man.

“It would help if they had mirrors on the corners of these corridors.” He commented once he came to a “stop” at the man’s side. He was heavier in build than Hirek, and handsome in a melancholic way. Hirek pointed to the doors that led into the main sickbay, their presence the apparent reason for the man’s lack of movement and Hirek’s near collision. “I was told to report here before moving on to the psychological evaluation. Would you know if the head doctor is good with his hands, or do you think I’ll need something to calm my nerves when he conducts the physical?”

Hirek was aware of the likelihood that this man was, in fact, the head doctor but couldn’t resist the opportunity to tease and flirt. It was as second nature to him as breathing was to most others.

*A thrai is like wolverine, a raalar is like a hooting ape, a neiirrhs is a poisonous peacock, and mogari is like a falcon, for reference.*

Re: Day 6 [ 1300hrs. ] Let's Get Physical

Reply #1
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | CMO Office | Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz

He was tired. Elro knew most of the department was equally as tired, so he had altered the Medical rosters to allow for more time off by his staff. The crew couldn't just not get injured or ill for at least a day or two. He had just finished some inventory reports and equipment maintenance requests which he was walking out into the main corridor to give to the receptionist to log and submit respectively.

News had filtered around about one of their crewmates being abducted by Romulans on Qo'noS, well the Star Empire would have a spy network on their former allies, and the crewmember happened to be Lieutenant Madsen. Elro was glad she was okay as she had helped him and continues to do so. He had heard a Romulan from the group responsible had joined them, how odd.

As he approached the reception desks and about to hand over the padds a male voice came from the entrance direction. Elro looked over to see a handsome Romulan, he held up his hands as he spoke. "Ah so you are responsible for Lieutenant Madsen's abduction," he sighed. "Then assist in her rescue. However, that is a discussion for another time," Elro gestured to a biobed.

”I do prefer hands-on when executing the physical, as you say,” he offered a smirk of his own at the Romulan. ”May I have your permission to conduct scans on you?” Elro inquired.

OOC: sorry for the delay
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 6 [ 1300hrs. ] Let's Get Physical

Reply #2
[Hirek tr’Aimne | Corridor |  D. 11 | V. 02 |  USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

Hirek smirked at the doctor’s comments, innocently stated but nonetheless amusing to the Romulan. He had been curious about what sort of rumors they attached to his arrival. At least the doctor hadn’t made the correct assumption that in the “rescue” of the good lieutenant, Hirek had shot Madsen to cover his own defection. He didn’t suppose very many members of the crew would take kindly to his walking freely around the ship with that information tucked into their pockets.

“You could say that Lieutenant Madsen was my ticket to freedom,” he drew closer, smile still alighted on his features, “my colleagues on the planet were growing increasingly paranoid, making my job more difficult.” Hirek didn’t relay just what sort of job he was referring to—that of being a plant for King and Starfleet Intelligence. He rather figured that was a need-to-know bit of information, and if the doctor needed to know, he would eventually be informed. “And I grew tired of the food. I hope this ship has more variety than the various forms of gagh I encountered." The Intelligence head had offered Hirek a hand in a Terran greeting and taking his cue from Fisher, Hirek held out his own in doctor's direction. "Hirek tr’Aimne, bioengineer specialist, among other things. I would much rather know your name before you begin the scans, dear doctor. Call it an old-fashioned tradition, but where I come from, you normally exchange names before you get so intimate.”

Flashing the doctor a playful wink, Hirek lithely hoisted himself onto the biobed, “As a Romulan defector aboard a renegade Starfleet vessel, I appreciate that you asked for my permission; however, as I was ordered to report here by your captain as well as the head of Intelligence, I rather figure I don’t have much of a choice in the matter.” He raised his hands in a feigned move of supplication. “I am completely at your mercy, dear doctor. I trust you’ll be gentle. It is my first time, after all.” Dropping his hands to either side of his legs, Hirek cocked a single eyebrow up before adding, “Being scanned by a Starfleet officer, of course.” 

Re: Day 6 [ 1300hrs. ] Let's Get Physical

Reply #3
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz

Freedom. Made his job difficult? What could he be talking about, mused Elro and well a Romulan would say 'freedom' if trapped on the Klingon homeworld for sure. Though Elro couldn't help but feel he was missing some vital piece to the puzzle that was this handsome Romulan, especially the part about the difficulty of his job. Weren't they all there to spy on the Klingons?

Soon Elro became enchanted by the Romulan's flirting or charisma, he wasn't sure which, so he listened to the spy explain how his fellows were growing an unhealthy sense of paranoia; Elro certainly couldn't blame them. Then disgust for Klingon food and hope for better aboard the Theurgy caused a small chuckle from Elro.

Enthralled Elro accepted the Romulan's hand and like all who touch a Betazoid are susceptible to a telepathic probe however unintentional it is, he scanned Hirek's surface thoughts. He almost caught a few details that the Romulan had crossed his mind in the last several hours but realised what he was doing and how wrong it was he quickly let go before he instinctively pushed for the information. He grabbed the nearby medical tricorder to hide the incident but should the Romulan mention it he'd apologise.

He continued to listen as the Romulan introduced himself as Hirek tr’Aimne, a bioengineer specialist. Though what really got Elro's attention was the 'among other things' part. Yeah a spy and all that comes with that profession he was sure Elro mused. Elro was caught off guard when Hirek called him dear doctor and that intimacy was to happen, he blushed as Hirek got onto the biobed and explained that he was grateful for being asked permission yet having been ordered to submit for a physical left him little choice. A gesture of prayer brought Elro further out of Hirek's enchantment that he blinked a few times.

Elro wondered if this bout of submission was genuine or the Romulan simply roleplaying. It was hard to tell with Tal Shiar, former or otherwise not that he'd have much experience there, he'd have to regain his guard. ”I'm Doctor Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer of Theurgy. Welcome aboard.” He said with a smile. ”Yes, Klingon cuisine is an… acquired taste,” he didn't really like it either and the 'ugh' sound he uttered confirmed it. The renegade portion of his mind decided to offer up a few scenic images of them with Hirek being 'at Elro's mercy' and just as they had appeared he banished them for he suddenly had a series of flashbacks of Derik in a second, and he realised some of those were manufactured by his lingering love for the Trill, of them being together. ”No harm will come to you,” Elro remarked smoothly covering himself from that momentary pause.

He began his scans in order to distract himself from Hirek. Every so often those pointed ears continued to draw Elro's focus, the urge to touch them was climbing. It was either spots or pointed ears that always attracted him to others. He found himself thinking of a Medical excuse to actually check them, it made him blush slightly as the Romulan's glamour once again pulled on him.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 6 [ 1300hrs. ] Let's Get Physical

Reply #4
[Hirek tr’Aimne | Corridor |  D. 11 | V. 02 |  USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

“Tell me, good doctor, do you pull that trick when making love?” Hirek tipped his head to the side as he observed the doctor’s intriguing body language.

He’d felt the strange tingling in his mind at their brief touch. Almost as if another presence was touching his thoughts and then retreating as if fire were upon them. Hirek was not telepathic, nor was he particularly empathetic, but he knew himself and his own mental structure to have recognized something was different at their touch. There was also an almost guilty expression on the doctor’s face when he dropped the touch and grabbed the medical instruments as if they could be used as a barrier to his own response.

His smile turned devious before he added, “Or was I just lucky to have experienced the mental probe in addition to whatever physical ones you might have waiting for me later in this visit?”

Doctor Elro Kobol, as Hirek learned his name, seemed at odds with himself. Either he was playing a mental game with himself, or certain aspects of Hirek’s nature were acting as triggers. Regardless, the pink on his cheeks and the tips of his ears were endearing. Kobol remained quiet as he scanned Hirek, moving closer to read the scans but also remaining professional in his movements. The only thing remotely unprofessional about the situation, as far as Hirek could tell—solely based on body language—was the apparent attention Kobol was paying to his ears. Did the doctor find them attractive? Surely he’d worked with Vulcans enough times to have become familiar with the point and curvature unique to the Vulcanoid race. Tipping his head to the side, bringing his ear closer for Kobol’s inspection, Hirek didn’t fight the temptation to tease the poor man further.

“You did say hands-on, did you not? So far, the scans have been done by your machines. But there is so much that can be learned through basic touch.” Hirek’s smile turned almost predatory as he reached out and took hold of Kobol’s hand, pulling it close to rest on the nape of his neck, the doctor’s fingers close enough to Hirek’s ears to satisfy any curiosity he might have if the doctor was bold enough to satiate it. “The captain did order a thorough check, after all.”

Re: Day 6 [ 1300hrs. ] Let's Get Physical

Reply #5
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz

This was getting out of hand, and fast, the Romulan is a shameless flirt Elro began to see. Lucky they were alone for a little while, but another doctor and nurse would be around soon. He quickly got under control after eying the pointy ears for a few moments though suddenly had the idea to 'return the favour'.

Though the moment Elro was about to return Hirek's devilish smile, Hirek took the doctor's hand and put it behind his head. The Romulan didn't let go however, as if encouraging Elro to act on his urges. Oh that devil, Elro mused as this time he managed to match Hirek's predatory grin.

He decided to answer the first question. ”It is true that Betazoids do share minds as they share their bodies,” he affirmed and he'd forever regret not doing so with Derik, properly. Though he buried that quickly and wondered if this Romulan could be tamed or perhaps simply enjoyed to find pleasure.

Elro blinked at the thought as his hand seemed to drift, caressing as it went, towards the pointed ears and along the curve to the tip. The doctor only for a moment wondered what Derik would have thought of Hirek and if he approved. A passing thought had Elro considering if the two were a couple would they have Hirek join them, he couldn't deny the pleasure that would've been had.

The tip of Hirek's ear brought Elro back to the present and he leaned in close to inspect the ear. His fingertips traced the ear's ridges and curve again. He breathed just a little heavier than normal, his lips opened slightly and then the tip of his tongue was doing the tracing instead. He watched Hirek as he did so, would this catch him by surprise, maybe not, Elro hoped so.

His tricorder still in his other hand, Elro continued to use it. ”My, healthy,” he murmured, ”though since you insist," he added.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 6 [ 1300hrs. ] Let's Get Physical

Reply #6
[Hirek tr’Aimne | Sickbay |  D. 11 | V. 02 |  USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

The doctor was far more compliant than Hirek had expected him to be. So far, his exposure to Federation personnel had led him to believe them far more reserved and reticent towards ostentatious displays, such as his initial come-on with the taller man. However, this man was proving to be unique in his own right which suited Hirek just fine. He’d not been looking forward to months on board a Starfleet vessel secluded from all pleasurable activities merely because Federation members looked upon his kind with concerned reserve. At least with Doctor Kobol, so far, it seemed his options were proving far more diverse than expected.

His head still tipped to the side in a feigned move of submission, Hirek’s smile pulled back into a feral grin when he felt the doctor’s fingers trace along the curve of his ears. It shouldn’t have surprised him, this obvious fascination with a part of his anatomy that was marketable different from everyone else he’d seen on board—the other Vulcanoids aside. Yet, it was still amusing to Hirek that something as simple as an ear shape could elicit such a physical response from a near strange.

A shiver of delighted surprise rippled down Hirek’s back when Elro’s fingers were replaced, albeit briefly, with the tip of his warm tongue. If this doctor really could feel emotions as he’d indicated his kind could do, then he would note the subtle surprise, though outwardly, Hirek’s expression of languid amusement did not change, nor did he adjust his stance on the biobed anymore than to tip his chin up a level more, bringing his ear within better reach for the doctor.

“My kind are known for many things, good doctor,” Hirek’s lilting voice came out on a purred whisper as he both allowed the doctor his own enjoyment of Hirek’s body and enjoyed the attention the doctor rendered him, “and a health sense of insistence is but one aspect. Many of the other aspects, well, I’m afraid, your little device will not do them justice and may rely on the more hands-on approach to medicine.” Shifting enough to give the doctor a level stare, a single eyebrow rose as if challenging the doctor to take this further if he dared.

Re: Day 6 [ 1300hrs. ] Let's Get Physical

Reply #7
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | CMO's Office | Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz A thousand apologies for the long delay.

Shifts in position, and multiple times Elro counted so his tongue actually covered Hirek's whole ear at one time. He had registered the spike of pleasurable surprise from the Romulan at first tongue touch, it brought the Doctor joy. Though this was as far as Elro was willing to go considering their location and that he was conducting Hirek's boarding physical examination which was hardly the time for this foreplay.

His sense of ethics dampened his albedo enough to straighten up at the Romulan's level stare. The little devil, Elro mused, was going to be just what the Doctor ordered. A smirk spread across his lips as he met Hirek's gaze. ”Unfortunately my dear bioengineer specialist, I will have to complete your physical first and assign you to another of my staff, not to mention you will probably have to report back once we are done here to both the Chief Intelligence Officer and the Captain. It is not wise to keep them waiting long. Though,” he paused and quickly finished his scans using the medical tricorder.

He placed it into the biobed cover's interface then tapped at the controls next to it to lower into place and perform an in depth scan. The cover began lower and Elro continued. ”Perhaps after you are given the permission to remain aboard, I could give you a tour and escort you to your quarters.” He offered, his smirk still present. ”Once there I hope you can tell me more about your medical history so my staff and I can take better care of you,” the Betazoid winked before he extracted the beeping tricorder from the interface slot on top of the biobed's cover.

”Don't move too much until the scan is done,” he instructed. Then he walked over to the console just a meter away. He leaned over to place one elbow on the flat part of the console, so Hirek could get an eyeful of his posterior, and using his free hand tapped in a transfer data command into both tricorder and console.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 6 [ 1300hrs. ] Let's Get Physical

Reply #8
[Hirek tr’Aimne | CMO’s Office |  D. 11 | V. 02 |  USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

“Already demanding a second exam and without offering me dinner first?” Hirek purred out the jest with a crooked smile as Elro waved a tricorder over his body. At the doctor’s explanation of the procedure, Hirek chuckled. “As long as your other staff are as good with their tongues as yourself, then you have my full compliance for my each and every visit.”

At the mentioning of Intelligence and the Captain, Hirek schooled his face into a marginally less playful but no less open expression. He’d already spoken with the Captain but his meeting with Intelligence was slated after his medical and emotional evaluations. Hirek had found the Captain handsome and beautiful as both male and female—and he’d been privileged to glimpse both forms. Beyond looks, the Captain thus far seemed competent and efficient and obviously open-minded enough to problem solving to allow the likes of Hirek on his ship. What Foster, the head of Intelligence, would be like remained to be seen.

Hirek’s attention snapped firmly back onto the handsome doctor just in time to catch the not-so-subtle invitation for more time spent together. 

“Oh, is that the dinner offer necessary to justify the thoroughness of my examination?” Hirek grinned. “In which case, I gladly accept your offer. This is my first foray into the realm of Federation territory, and I find myself sorely lacking a social life already. And as a Romulan, with a curious method for coming aboard the ship, I’ve a notion social dates may be long in coming.”

Hirek found personal delight in playfully inserted innuendos and was curious if the doctor would catch this one. Either way, he enjoyed the view of Elro’s ass as he bent over the console and looked through the data coming onto the screen from the tricorder.

“What do your machines tell you, doctor? Am I going to live?”

Re: Day 6 [ 1300hrs. ] Let's Get Physical

Reply #9
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol CMO's Office | Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz sorry about the delay

Ignoring all the flirting innuendos for now Elro straightened once the download was complete. He left the tricorder on the console and made his way back to Hirek, ”oh dear, looks like you have a month to live. So sorry,” he was struggling to keep a straight face then laughed as the bed chirped indicating the scan was complete. He tapped the control for the biobed to open. A few moments later it was open and the Romulan was free to move.

Elro was pleased as he recalled that he had picked up on Hirek's enjoyment while he was at the console displaying his assets. He checked the results displayed on the bed before making eye contact with Hirek. ”Apologies, I pronounce you a healthy specialist.” Elro continued after another chuckle. ”Well shall I escort you to your next meeting?” He asked as he grinned at Hirek.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 6 [ 1300hrs. ] Let's Get Physical

Reply #10
[Hirek tr’Aimne | CMO’s Office |  D. 11 | V. 02 |  USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

Hirek chuckled at the doctor’s jest, “Hmm, one month? That’s plenty of time to find something, or someone, pleasurable to do and spend my time with.” The constraints on the bed receded, allowing Hirek the freedom to sit up. There were only certain circumstances where he enjoyed being tied up, and a medical exam was not exactly one of them. Glancing up at the doctor, Hirek’s lips pulled back into a lecherous smile. Having a good-looking examiner did take the sting out of the exam, though. “What about you, doctor?” Bracing a hand on the bed near his hip, Hirek leaned over it, keeping his gaze locked on the doctor’s handsome features. “How would you spend your last month?”

Hirek realized that though the question had been asked in jest, it could very easily be taken to a much more serious, perhaps even dark, level. Not wanting to ruin the mood with the complexities of reality-born pain, Hirek pushed off the bed at Elro’s pronouncement of health and immediately angled his body to face the doctor. He reached out and brushed an invisible bit of dust off the doctor’s shoulder, hoping the gesture would continue to keep the focus on the more lighthearted and away from potential angst.

“I report to the counselor’s office at 1700 but have nothing to do until then,” Hirek let his fingers linger on the doctor’s shoulder before drawing them down the man’s chest, only pulling back and letting his hand fall to his side after he’d felt a portion of Elro’s well-formed muscles, sadly hidden beneath his uniform and medical coat. “Unless you care to remedy that.” Hirek briefly tipped forward onto the balls of his feet, closing the gap between himself and the doctor before settling back onto his heels, a movement of contented eagerness. After a moment longer of keeping Elro's gaze, Hirek looked around the office and feigned a pout, "Though I'm not sure if you are free enough to escort me into the sort of pleasurable experience I'd prefer at this time."

Re: Day 6 [ 1300hrs. ] Let's Get Physical

Reply #11
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol CMO's Office | Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz sorry for the delay, um I don't believe the biobed would restrain unless needed, though maybe it was left in restraint mode *grin* from previous use. lol

It was an interesting question, what would he do if he had a month to live? Elro began seriously thinking about it. It was short lived for the Romulan distracted him with a very devious smile and then further with physical contact of a simple brushing gesture. ”I'm not sure what I'd do," he was struggling to resist his body's reactions at being seduced. If the Romulan kept it up Elro wasn't sure when he'd reach his limit.

The fingers touching his shoulder moved and Elro's muscles twitched in pleasure, only slightly since he wore his uniform and lab coat. He was actually glad for the padding, but only because they were in public. At the mention of being invited to a pleasurable encounter, Elro found himself thinking in all honesty considering his lack of sexual experiences he had to agree. However, he felt both excitement at being wanted but fear at his inexperience will turn Hirek away.

From somewhere came the realization that if he didn't just go for it Elro wouldn't gain the knowledge of pleasure he now found he wanted desperately, unless he took Hirek up on his advances. A moral voice told him he had to cover himself from punishment first, so after the Romulan pouted, which was adorable Elro had to admit, he smiled hoping he was convincing. ”Mister Hirek, I'm quite sure that the amount of time left may not be long enough. Though I suppose we could get you settled into quarters, you have been given quarters?” Elro asked, he'd distract the Romulan with a few things so he could log a change in the database.

He missed the pressure of Hirek's touch as he realised it wasn't there anymore and went to his desk. Once there he added Hirek's medical care to another doctor then brought up any entries about quarters assignment for their Romulan guest.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 6 [ 1300hrs. ] Let's Get Physical

Reply #12
[Hirek tr’Aimne | CMO’s Office |  D. 11 | V. 02 |  USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

“Deck 17, near the labs on vector three,” Hirek commented as he followed Elro across the room to his desk, “the captain wasn’t quite sure where to put me at first but my handler, Fisher, suggested I be placed near the labs where I can be the most useful considering my background.”

As Elro tapped out information on his desk console, Hirek reached out and ran a finger along the neckline of the doctor’s lab coat. Though he briefly touched skin, the intent was mostly to exert continued pressure and presence. Judging the doctor’s response to this ever so slight touch, Hirek shifted closer and moved the single digit up to lightly trace over Elro’s rounded ear in a similar fashion to how the doctor had touched Hirek’s earlier in the examination. He liked the quality of the doctor’s skin, and the coloration as well. In his lifetime, Hirek had been with very few non-Romulans intimately and couldn’t help but feel curious about what it might be like to experience someone like Elro. Would it be much different? Could the doctor handle a Romulan's strength and stamina? Hirek smiled. How ‘deviant’ was the doctor in the bedroom? In Hirek’s experience, the most deviant had been those in the medical and science fields, making him doubly curious if this penchant for exploration of physicality ran in Federation members as well as Romulans.

“Well, doctor,” Hirek dropped his hand onto the doctor’s shoulder, rubbing his fingers against the coat’s material as he spoke, “if you aren't available to experience the pleasure of a meal or a drink with me at the moment, are you at least available to guide me to my new home?”

Re: Day 6 [ 1300hrs. ] Let's Get Physical

Reply #13
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | CMO's Office | Sickbay | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz sorry for the delay

Again it was getting difficult to focus on his work at his desk for Hirek's touch, though Elro couldn't help but wonder did the Romulan have any ulterior motives for his current ministrations. His pondering was immediately voided as his empathic and telepathic senses could pick up on the genuine curiosity mixed with desire.

Elro wasn't going to lie, it felt so good to be desired. He slowly turned around and was so close to Hirek, a slow grin appeared on his lips. ”Well if it was simply a meal and drinks, I have plenty of time. It wouldn't be enough if we went into that pleasure you mentioned.” He said with that fake confidence he didn't feel.

He placed his hands on Hirek's biceps and gently massaged them through the clothing. ”Shall we go? I am a little hungry and my break is in a minute.” He said and smiled. ”Then I can guide you to your quarters.”
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 6 [ 1300hrs. ] Let's Get Physical

Reply #14
[Hirek tr’Aimne | CMO’s Office |  D. 11 | V. 02 |  USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

Hirek chuckled, “A shared meal with a good drink in pleasant company can be pleasurable enough for the time being.” He leaned forward, letting the tip of his nose to brush along the edge of Elro’s ear as he inhaled the man’s scent, purring out his next words, “Especially if there is the promise of more pleasure shared later ever present.”

The Romulan beamed in genuine delight when Elro accepted the offer, giving Hirek’s muscles a quick massage for good measure. He loathed to break the proximity between them, but if they were going to make good on the time, they would need to leave the office, and in order to do that, Elro needed to move away from the console where Hirek had intentionally crowded him.

“My quarters are on deck seventeen, near the labs on vector three. I haven’t been there yet. I was told to follow protocol and get assessed first by you before checking into my quarters and later getting the mental check done.” Falling into step with the doctor as the man led them from the office, Hirek chuckled, “In truth, I half expected to be given berth in the cargo bay.”

[ Corridor ]

Hirek nodded to a few passing crewmen who studied him with a mixture of curiosity and trepidation. He was curious about what the crew had been told about the reason for his presence aboard the ship. Fisher had thought it best to keep as little revealed to the general populace best, and the captain had offered no argument to the fact, but Hirek had never been explicitly instructed to lie about how and why he was aboard the ship. For this, Hirek was thankful. Not that Hirek wasn’t skilled at lying—he was a Romulan, after all. But it was always more entertaining to speak the truth in melodic terms and watch others wrestle with it than to dance around the truth altogether.

“Where are your quarters?” Hirek shifted closer to Elro in order to get around a group of crewmen congregated in the corridor, talking animatedly about something. He grinned at the man’s responding expression, “In case I need a late night check up.”

Re: Day 6 [ 1300hrs. ] Let's Get Physical

Reply #15
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | CMO's Office -> Corridors -> Turbolift | Deck 11 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz

Oh that purring sound almost made Elro lose all reason as the desire rose, it was like this particular Romulan had Orion pheromones. He was surprised he had the mental capacity to still resist as Hirek deeply inhaled the back of his ear. It sent a shiver down his spine that morphed into a pulse through his limbs and there was definitely hardness in his lower half he was fighting a war to ignore. Quickly Elro shifted his head in order to do the same to his Romulan guest and breathed deep. Though he heard Hirek's words about promises and pleasures he was focused more on his own exploration of Hirek to respond.

A series of swirling earth, pine, citrus, slight sweet and wood aromas came to him. It was slightly difficult to sort them out but the scent mixture was very grounding which calmed Elro as he realised both men were actually doing foreplay for it was rich and relaxing and enticing all at once. He wasn't one quite able to know what good foreplay was but Elro was now learning as this definitely felt like it. He was missing out on so much.

Eventually Hirek stepped away and that made the Betazoid Doctor moan at the back of his throat a little at the loss of contact and he almost stepped forward to get that closeness back again. Almost, he coughed to cover it as he went about logging Hirek's physical results into the computer.

The promise indeed, Elro mused once he was done, there's no doubt about that promise and he'd follow up on it absolutely. The need to adjust himself as his hardness in his underwear was pulsing every few moments but was now positioned annoyingly Elro had decided to walk over to get his blue lab coat. He quickly adjusted himself as he walked though he was certain Hirek saw it all, a situation that Elro was quite okay to be in he mused as he put the coat on and did a quick spray of his vanilla cologne from a bottle he kept in one of the coat pockets. Upon his return to Hirek's side the Romulan spoke of his assigned quarters being on Deck 17 near the labs he would probably be working which made sense.

Elro heard the assumption he'd be expected to live in a cargobay and frowned. ”Come now, did you really think that Starfleet officers are capable of such disregard for basic living, even for our enemies, who helped us and probably put their life in danger because of it? Of course we'd not throw you in a cargobay. However, I'm surprised you haven't been assigned a security guard, maybe it shows our appreciation and trust in you currently.” He commented and nodded as he wanted to show he understood the position Hirek was now in, probably unable to return to the Star Empire in any capacity as the Tal Shiar probably already discovered their fallen agents by now.

Given that Hirek was not among them or not with them currently, Elro assumed that the Tal Shiar would now consider Hirek a traitor and, given a chance, kill him. The two walked the corridor now and Elro could see the various crewmembers they passed being curious and cautious of their Romulan guest, it was to be expected, Elro hoped his being there escorting Hirek put those crewmembers' fears to rest. ”My quarters are on the deck above, 10. Don't worry you will see them soon, but remember you have to go to Sickbay for genuine medical concerns okay, for ethical reasons I am forbidden from being involved with my patients.” His expression flashed annoyance and then desire again when he smiled. ”Which is why I assigned your medical care to someone else.” He winked as they walked into a turbolift.

”Deck 17,” Elro ordered and the computer chirped, in moments they were on their way. ”Did you catch the name of who will be conducting your mental evaluation?” Elro asked curious, most likely would be Chief Counselor Hathev, he considered since she is a Vulcan and probably could smell Hirek's trickery but maybe, the Betazoid Doctor hoped, that Hirek will stay aboard and help them against the Parasites.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 6 [ 1300hrs. ] Let's Get Physical

Reply #16
[Hirek tr’Aimne | Corridor |  D. 17 | V. 02 |  USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

Chuckling at the blatant surprise in the doctor’s voice, Hirek gave a half-shrug, “Well, Doctor Kobol, considering my method for obtaining a position on your vessel involved the kidnapping of one of your fellow officers and the appearances of violence to maintain my cover for the Tal’Shiar, I didn’t know what to expect. Just because I’ve been working for Starfleet Intelligence as an embedded informant for years doesn’t negate my race or the reputation I may have already created among your crew by my actions.” The comment about trust had Hirek chuckling again, “If I recall, there was some debate regarding a security guard, but in the end, they opted for probationary freedom.” Angling a playful smile at his companion, Hirek added, “I suppose you’ll have to report whether I was a good boy or not.”

Elro explained where his quarters were and both surprised and delighted Hirek with his honest admission of transferring Hirek’s medical care to someone else. He gave Elro a formal head bow, flashing a Cheshire smile of delight at the same time. Elro’s next question was asked as Hirek stood back to his full height. Tipping his head to the side, Hirek went through the name list of all those he’d been told to meet before being fully cleared, musing through them till he found the one he was looking for.

“Lieutenant Rhys Williams.” Looking back to Elro, “Any tips on how to have him report me as a good boy as well?” The turbolift opened and they spilled out into the corridor of the deck he would soon be calling home. Studying the surroundings while keeping Elro's features directly in his peripherals, Hirek added, "As you might imagine, mental evaluations on Romulus are not looked up as voluntary things to do and rarely do individuals come out of the so-called evaluations quite the same as they went in."

Re: Day 6 [ 1300hrs. ] Let's Get Physical

Reply #17
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Corridor | Deck 17 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz sorry for the delay

Elro chuckled as they headed to Hirek's quarters, he was enjoying the Romulan's flirtatious nature, the formal head bow and flashing a Cheshire like smile of delight sealed the deal for the Betazoid, and wanted to keep it all to himself but knew that was probably not going to happen even if he asked. So instead he'd take what he could get while leaving the rest up to hope and opportunity.

Suddenly he realised he'd have to push for what he wanted, though was he sure? Elro would have to think on a few things and then act on his decisions as soon as he felt sure of them. He focused back on Hirek in time to hear Counselor Williams will be interviewing the Romulan.

He hoped that Rhys, by what he knew of the man, wouldn't fall before the power that was a Romulan Tal Shiar spy. ”Well I noted you were a good boy for your boarding Physical,” Elro smiled but his expression went pleading. ”Please don't flirt your way through it, you really have nothing to lose by being honest and I guess you have to really dive into what you want to be and achieve in life. Of course there's the whole Parasite issue to deal with first and that could take a while so you have plenty of time to consider your options.”

Whoa, that was deep. Elro thought with a blink. He smiled. ”Some Food for Thought,” he commented as he looked around. ”Sorry which room did you say?”
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 6 [ 1300hrs. ] Let's Get Physical

Reply #18
[ Hirek tr’Aimne | Corridor |  D. 17 | V. 02 |  USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

"That was most kind of you, good doctor," HIrek demured to Elro, "I hope your good review paves the way for an easy assessment." Pausing, he quirked an eyebrow upward, lips pulled back in a self-assured smirk, "With your encouragement, Elro, are you admitting that I have charmed you so much that you fear for a man, or woman, of a less robust resistance ability?" He feigned a look of shock, followed quickly with a wink. A breath later and his expression sobered ever so slightly before he added, "Where I come from, dear doctor, honesty gets you killed, and centuries of such living circumstances bearing down on your shoulders via your culture and upbringing is not easily set aside. Suffice to say, I will endeavor to play fewer games while I am here."

At Elro's next question, Hirek quickly supplied, "The NCO quarters next to the labs. Seems I won't have far to go before reporting in. Also, as far as I can tell, I have no roommate as of yet, if I ever am assigned one. Perhaps few onboard relish the idea of sharing intimate space with a Romulan." Again quirking an eyebrow upward, Hirek didn't hesitate before asking, "Speaking of intimacy, what about you, Doctor Kobol? Do you find you get more satisfaction in your life and achieve more personal goals, as it were, by playing games or by remaining honest? I have so little experience, at least in person, with cultures that don't reward honesty with potential torture and death, or the destruction of your clan, I find myself curious how honesty has served you."

[Assigned Quarters | Deck 17 | Near Labs | Vector 3 ]

Hirek typed in the code he'd been given to gain access to the room and waited for the door to glide open before he gestured for the doctor to follow. The room was marginally less spartan than its equivalent on a Romulan ship this size, offering a few more creature comforts. It was certainly a step up from his shared quarters when he'd served as a recruit and Uhlan. He commented as such to Elro.

"My last berthing was not by choice. Conscripted for the war as a Erei'erein, my quarters were smaller and offered far less comfort but they were still much better than when I was a recruit and an Uhlan." He tipped his head to study Elro. "I wonder, what position was I in the military, or what year was I serving at the College when you were born."

Re: Day 6 [ 1300hrs. ] Let's Get Physical

Reply #19
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Hirek's Quarters | Deck 17 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz

Once they were inside the Romulan's quarters the Betazoid smiled gently. "Your welcome," he said but continued. "It may look that way, and I'd be hard pressed not to admit that your charm could be a factor considering I am a Betazoid, but ultimately you choose to be here for whatever reason, or multiple reasons." Elro said as he took a few steps into the living room of Hirek's quarters. "I appreciate that your culture is far from mine, as we Betazoids pride ourselves on our honesty, and the Federation's ideals. Of course 'habits die hard' as some humans have taught me, so adapting will take time."

He took a quick breath and slightly tilted his head to the left along before a half smile tugged at his lips from his right cheek. "I guess all you have to do is remember that you are not on Romulus nor in the Star Empire anymore, and while we should keep vigilant for the Parasites are far more devious then the Tal Shiar I'd imagine, you can place a little more trust in us then you would normally." Elro said, he brought his hand up to his chin to tap it with his right index finger as he glanced upwards in a contemplative expression.

The Betazoid chuckled at the intimacy statement regarding his fellow crewmates not wanting to bunk with the new addition to their crew. "We only just met you Hirek, like adapting to another culture, it will take time for our crew to get to know you better and before you know it you will be old friends with everyone," Elro winked, though as he was asked about his own lifestyle and how honesty served him the Betazoid's expression went into that an introspective one.

He went a little apprehensive as he was going to have to share personal information. "Let me demonstrate. I only had one previous relationship, before that I was part of a pre-arranged marriage. I never met him as he was killed during the Dominion occupation of my homeworld. So I have never played the 'games' you refer to, is it worth lying or pretending for personal gain and then find out you actually want the relationship but they discover the lies before pushing you out of their life?" Elro asked, "it won't matter if you use and move on. Would you rather hear a lie or the truth for whatever reason in regards to your wellbeing?"

"I have only lived in honesty so I can't compare the two," the Betazoid added after a pause. "It looks like we are opposite sides of the same coin, a two sided small object once used as currency on Earth so it's a human saying." He gestured for Hirek to join him as he sat in one of the chairs. "You who have lived in secrets and lies while I have been in truth and honesty. Perhaps we can learn from each other?" Elro smirked as he liked the idea that one can teach the other new ways of being. It may even help integrate Hirek faster into the crew while giving Elro more ways he could help his crew fight the Parasites.

Elro listened to Hirek's wonderings. "That is a bonus isn't it, better living conditions?" He asked and added. "2354, I was born. I too would like to know."
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 6 [ 1300hrs. ] Let's Get Physical

Reply #20
[Hirek tr’Aimne | Personal Quarters |  D. 17 |  USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

Hirek listened to the doctor with an increasing fascination for the man. He was just as the doctor described, the opposite side of a proverbial coin. He doubted that there had been any Betazoid-Romulan marriage in the history of the galaxy, at least not one that lasted for great lengths of time, for there was more opposite than similar in how they approached life. For most Romulans, at least from what Hirek could gather in between the spoken lines from Elro, Betazoids would be seen as intriguing pets or pests, something to be played with and then set aside. Yet, understanding a bit of the power of an empath, Hirek had no doubt that the Betazoids could just as easily see Romulans in the same fashion.

“It will not be difficult to remember where I am and whom I am among,” Hirek smirked, dropping into the chair opposite the man, “The smells alone are enough to support this, without having to focus on the social nuances that are drastically different.” He shook his head at Elro’s comment about old friends. “I have no hopes for that sort of intimacy with anyone onboard. I do not have that sort of intimacy on Romulas either, save for with a few family members. Known to many, friend to few, is a common phrase on Romulus.”

The doctor’s body language denoted discomfort before he shared some of his past, further intriguing the Romulan. Coming from a culture of absolute honesty and openness, he found it amusing that the Betazoid would feel anything except neutrality towards sharing personal details. Hirek listened without exterior expression aside from attentive nodding.

“Romulus and Betazed have at least that in common. We also have arranged marriages on occasion. I had one. It also ended in death, though not one I particularly regret having happened. Ours was not a…happy union. Though not particularly from that relationship, I believe there are times when comforting lies are preferred over traumatic truths. But both can be weaponized.”

Elro’s suggestion that they learn from one another elicited another smile from the Romulan, his head dipping in a nod of acknowledgment though he uttered no words of promise. However, the doctor’s comment on his date of birth pried a huffed snort of amusement from the Romulan.

“I had just completed my advanced degree and started my lecturing position at the Imperial War College that year. My military service was already completed by that time, at least aside from being conscripted years later. So, compared to my living quarters while at the College and this?” Hirek shook his head. “This is inferior. But, defectors cannot be picky. Tools that we are in the machine of deception, we must accept and move on.”

Noticing the replicator along the wall, Hirek gestured to it, "If you wouldn't mind showing me how this works, I need not take up more of your time if you have other duties to attend to. I will need to report to the counselor later today but would like to show up with a full belly."

Re: Day 6 [ 1300hrs. ] Let's Get Physical

Reply #21
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Hirek's Quarters | Deck 17 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz

He couldn't really argue with anything that Hirek said though Elro hoped with time, not to mention should they survive the Infested, that he was proven correct about the Romulan finding a home with them aboard the Theurgy. Of course the Federation once Starfleet Command was rescued from Infested control. The Betazoid nodded at Hirek's replies, he smiled at the nod of acceptance for them to help each other and chuckled at the huff he made at his birth and wondered just how old the Romulan is.

But first things first, he smirked. "Do I smell nice?" Elro asked with a wink as he stood up and approached, though he couldn't quite receive clear thoughts from the Romulan, he left his senses open should he be lucky to. He came around Hirek's chair and placed hands on his shoulders. "That's a pity, I was hoping for some intimacy, considering the display you made back at Sickbay." He said much of the sexual tension from the entire exchange since sickbay coming back and they were in private now.

Elro ignored the request about the replicator as his fingertips gently made contact at the back of Hirek's ears somewhere near the bottom then traced them upwards to the tip. As he brought them down the other side so as to softly guide the Romulan to urge his head to fall backwards so they can make eye contact. He brought their lips closer together but just at the last moment before touching Elro's stomach growled.

Clearly the replicator's mention had registered in his subconscious and that triggered his stomach. Elro chuckled embarrassed as he paused. "Sounds like I need a full belly as well," he said and slowly reversed his previous trail along those pointed ears as he stepped back. "Perhaps you could share a recipe from your people that you enjoy with me and likewise?" He held out his hand glad he got the satisfy that odd pointed ears fetish he somehow developed, though the spots one was still around in the background.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 6 [ 1300hrs. ] Let's Get Physical

Reply #22
[Hirek tr’Aimne | Personal Quarters |  D. 17 |  USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

The doctor’s clearly stated interest in physical intimacy surprised Hirek but not at all in a negative way. Hirek supposed it was naïve of him to presume that all Starfleet personnel would respond to his audacious overtures with the same resigned and collected manners as his handler and the captain had been, as well as those on Madsen’s team who had been among the first he’d met during his defection. It was a welcome difference from his expectations and carried with it the potential for a more pleasurable experience while onboard than what he’d expected.

Letting a hum of satisfaction rumble from his chest as Elro’s fingers traveled the length of Hirek’s ears, he angled a lopsided smile at the man. “Vulcans are not the only ones with sensitive noses, dear doctor. And some species carry a certain ‘under’ scent even if they try to disguise their natural smell with perfumes and colognes. I have not met enough Betazoids to know if your scent correlates with your ‘under’ scent, but yes, you DO smell…delicious.”

Hirek didn’t move as Elro began to close the gap between them, enjoying the moment for what it was, but he did crack a mirthful smile when he heard Elro’s stomach grumble before they could press their lips together. Hirek accepted Elro’s hand and used the momentum of gaining his feet to finish what Elro had started. Stepping into the doctor’s personal space until they were chest-to-chest, hip-to-hip, Hirek lightly brushed his lips over Elro’s lips.

“As I thought,” Hirek licked his lips as he abruptly removed himself from Elro’s warmth, “delicious.” A playful smile played at the muscles of his face. Hirek continued to the replicator, where he stopped and stood staring at it, hands clasped behind his back. “My home is the largest producer of jumbo mollusks on Romulus. If you like seafood, I know a recipe with these mollusks, but I doubt your replicator would know the terms or precise spices. I suppose it will take time to train it, but if there is a way to pair what the replicator knows of mollusks with aromatic herbs and tangy zest over a bed of sweet and sour rice, that could be a close equivalent.” Turning to look over his shoulder at Elro, Hirek cocked another smile. “Perhaps some Romulan ale to go with it?”

Re: Day 6 [ 1300hrs. ] Let's Get Physical

Reply #23
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Hirek's Quarters | Deck 17 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz sorry kinda extending it a little.

Even as he enjoyed the compliment that he was pleasing to the Romulan's senses the two were suddenly pressing their bodies together and Hirek's lips were brushing over his. Elro moaned as he heard Hirek declare that he was indeed 'delicious', a soft chuckle escaped his lips as Hirek stepped away and towards the replicator.

He was up for trying some Romulan cuisine, though he frowned as he walked over to stand by Hirek. "Unfortunately our replicators won't be able to make your Ale, it's against the law. So the programming won't allow it, though if you can find similar ingredients in the database we could see how that goes." Elro said, his tone sad that he couldn't try the forbidden Ale.

A moment later Elro smiled. "I will be happy to try the Mollusks for certain," he added, for several moments he wondered if there was perhaps a beverage from Betazed that they could drink instead. "Oh how about you try Uttaberry wine? That is until we find some Ale in our travels."
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 6 [ 1300hrs. ] Let's Get Physical

Reply #24
[Hirek tr’Aimne | Personal Quarters |  D. 17 |  USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

“Against the law?” Hirek chuckled. “How quaint.” Tipping his head to the side, he grinned, “I’ll make sure you get some. Ale, of course, among other things if you have a desire for it.” He nodded to the suggestion of the wine. While he’d had non-Romulan food and beverages before, his exposure to Federation-based cuisine was quite limited. He commented as such as the food appeared and both men were able to return to the table to eat. “I will find it most amusing if this Uttaberry wine has some sort of adverse effect on me.” He tasted the food, and while it was disappointingly far from what he knew it would do. “If I say or do anything untoward after this, I suppose we can blame the wine.”

Hirek let silence lapse between them as both men tucked into the meal. The physical had been less invasive than if his own people had conducted it, were the roles reversed. He could only assume that the counseling session would likewise be a laughable affair, for a Romulan’s expectations at least.

“Why healing?” Hirek asked after a moment more of silence. “Is it connected to your species’ unique abilities or something else?” Satisfied with what he’d had of the meal, Hirek pushed the plate away and leaned back in his chair. “Growing up on the islands, I’ve always found zoology and botany fascinating, and with the family going back many generations in the ale-making business, chemistry likewise became like second nature to me. My nature being as it is, adjusting, restyling, and engineering systems and things also brings me a sense of purpose. Neither of my parents demanded I become something in particular, except successful at whatever it was I did decide to do.”

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