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Day 02 [2030 hrs.] Meeting in the Myriad

Day 02 [2030 hrs.] Meeting in the Myriad

[ Lt.Com. Vivian Martin & Suq Reylin Efreya-Xan | Martin's Quarters to Nicander's Quarters | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

“So,’s a date, but with...a doctor? Are you sure this isn’t some kind of weird mammogram?” Asked the Efrosian, laying on his back on his best friend’s bed. Suq had come here because Vivian Martin’s quarters was the safest place he could think of, or one of them anyway, only to find that she was going to go on a date with one of the Theurgy’s people. He wasn’t too sure how to feel about it. His gut rumbled with anxiety. His dissociation hadn’t yet worn off, but he was coming back inside his own body again.

”Well,” said Martin, as she pulled on a heeled shoe, ”I don’t know if I would technically call it a date per say…” She was wearing a black blouse with a deep grey skirt, with a pair of stockings on her legs. “I mean it’s just… oh you know, two adults meeting for dinner and uh… dressing nicely and… okay it’s a bit like a date.” She admitted, and reached for a pair of earrings she had replicated.

“Not those heels, girl, you’ll look like a professional prostitute.” He waved his hand. He couldn’t bring himself to smile. Everything still felt chaotic in his mind. He was pretty sure he was actually dead, this was just a nice, pleasant moment his brain cooked up for him to enjoy while in the underworld. When he pushed himself up to a sitting position, his arms and hands shook, he felt his back to be very weak. He let himself fall back  on the bed again. He couldn’t let Viv know just how bad he was, and he was doing pretty good at pretending to not have a mental breakdown in her quarters.

“Are you sure about this guy though? Is he safe?” His voice got quieter. Thea could hear. Thea was listening. Thea. His voice sounded more serious. He’d offered this ‘service’ many times before, but he never offered it in seriousness like this. “If h-he hurts you, and I mean, if he even looks at you funny Viv…Just...just let me know. Honest. I’ll--I’ll make sure he never does again He hiccuped. His voice had wavered again while he talked, like he was hitting puberty and it was just starting to crack. How embarrassing…

”I’m sure it’ll be fine Suq. He’s a nice doctor from what I can tell, and besides, there shouldn’t be anything that’s, you know, too out of the normal boundaries, if that make sense?” Martin said.

“Out of the ordinary? Yeah, makes sense. Try some flats, the little black ones. They’re cute and easy to kick off.” He pointed to the replicator, knowing her actual clothes were incinerated, along with everything they knew and loved. He felt his gut spasm.

“I don’t know Viv. Something is wrong here. She’s...Sh…” He failed to continue his sentence and stared at the ceiling.

”She’s what?” Martin asked, as she meandered over to the replicator in her quarters. She selected from the catalog the aforementioned flats. Suq was right, they were just like her good pair back on the Resolve. They would also be easy to kick… wait a minute. ”Also, ‘easy to kick off’?”

“She’s...listening.” His voice was very tiny. A whisper, but perfectly clear to his ears. Just like that, his voice came right back to normal, like nothing was ever wrong. “Easy to kick off, in case you’re gonna get a little wild. There’s no shame in sex on the first date you know.” He was always so straight faced when he said things like that.

Martin looked at Suq quizzically. ”Get a little wild huh? Sure okay, I mean I doubt it’ll come to that but…” She thought for a second. ”Well, I guess it wouldn’t be so bad if it did.” Martin finished changing her shoes and made sure her outfit was in order. ”Also, when I get back, we need to talk about this ‘she’s listening thing, because it’s worrying me a little but... She checked the time. ”It’s almost time and I don’t think it’ll look good on me if I’m late…”

He grunted. He didn’t want to talk about it. He didn’t want to be left alone either. Maybe he could slip out and find someone else to cling to until he felt better. Maybe not, after all, he wasn’t ever going to be alone anymore. He shuddered.

“Right, well...hug before you go? Listen to your gut. Kick ass, remember, you’re the sexiest thing in the room.” He couldn’t push himself up for the hug like he normally would, but he still wanted something. Something to make sure Viv was still real and so was he.

Martin smiled warmly and walked over to give Suq a hug. ”Sure thing.” she replied, as her arms closed around in an embrace. ”I’ll be fine, don’t worry.” she said.

The upside down hug would be awkward for people not used to breasts in their face, but Suq didn’t mind. For him, it wasn’t sexual. It was just affirmation that he was going to be okay. It made him feel better, for now. ”Well, off you go…” He sighed.

”Thanks, I’m sure it’ll be fine. Worst comes to worst it’ll just be disappointing.” She said, with another smile. And with that she stepped out of her quarters with the woosh of the door opening before her and shutting behind her.

As Martin walked she thought a bit about what she had heard. Who was it that was always listening? Was it Thea? Or was it someone else, or an apparition that was created by Suq’s psyche? Whatever the answer, she had a date- sorry, an appointment to get to and swiftly made her way there. When she arrived at Doctor Nicander’s door she nervously smoothed out any microscopic fold she could find in her outfit and chimed the door, hoping that she didn’t grossly misjudge the situation.

Re: Day 02 [2030 hrs.] Meeting in the Myriad

Reply #1
[ Dr. Nicander | Officers Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada 
The day had finally come to an end, and Doctor Nicander stepped out of the shower to towel his dark hair in front of the mirror. His pale grey eyes were still overcast with the tiredness that came naturally after another long day devoted to three medbays, but at least the outbreak of Virus 117 was wearing out. As if that hadn't been enough, the Devoted had orchestrated more attacks, but even their numbers had to be worn thin by then - the lot of them either dead, injured or in holding cells. Until the final moment, having stayed far longer than the mere hours of the Alpha shift, Lucan was not entirely convinced that the upcoming dinner with the new Chief Science Officer was a good idea. At least not if it would be more duty-related discussions...

...then again, he feared that non-duty discussions might lead to a situation far more dire.

Thinking of his predicament, about the thing inside him that had been diminished in the light of the Radiant, Lucan paused as he met his own gaze in the mirror. Slowly, he put the towel aside and leaned forward on his tattooed hands - looking at the face in the reflection - expecting it to speak back to him like it had after the battle. He remembered another time he had looked into the mirror, more than a week past, and how he had felt a sensation of déjà vu. At first, he hadn't figured it out, but then, the realisation had frightened him... It had been if he'd forgotten his own facial features. His identity had been slipping away.

When the reflection did not speak to him, he pushed away and continued his preparations for seeing Vivian Martin. He was not a vain man, but one born with an exotic nature to his Câroon features that few Federation artists had captured. He simply shaved with a traditional blade and soap, and he dressed in his native attire; loose white garments custom to the Wind Region. Barefeet, as his people preferred to be, he had no intention to cover his hands with climbing wraps either since he had no use of such in his own quarters. He couldn't even remember when he wore them last outside a holodeck, climbing the mountains of Envon as he used to do when the bond and the longing for Câroon soil become to strong.

When he was finished, he thought of the ill fate of the Theurgy's crew there in the Azure Nebula. What he once had meant to do was unthinkable to them, back before he had regained sanity, and the woman he was about to see would report him to security the minute she suspected his true nature. Yet as he looked into his own grey eyes, he ascertained for himself that it was the only concern he had.

The chime rang, and his ruminations were brought short. He left the bathroom and opened the door in person, smiling to the Human outside. "Welcome. Please, come in," he said, and realised - as he saw her attire - that she might not have come entirely with duty-related issues at heart. It gave him momentary pause, not knowing if he had any right to entertain the idea of more than a platonic dinner. Then again, a whisper in his mind said, if you was fortunate, Lieutenant Commander Martin would help you remember, to anchor you against the foul winds that rise out of the abyss.

Worst of all was not knowing if the voice was his own... or also came from the same, dark place.

"By the winds you look lovely," he said more cheerfully than he felt and chuckled despite himself, his facade never slipping. He even jested, "You are making me feel like something the gale dropped. Please, have a seat. What can I replicate for you?"

OOC: Lucan's (and also Vivian's) kind of quarters:

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Re: Day 02 [2030 hrs.] Meeting in the Myriad

Reply #2
[ Lt.Com. Vivian Martin | Officer's Quarters | Deck 10 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

"What am I doing?"

The thought played around in her head over and over as Martin considered it. In the time it took for Nicander to reach the door, a multitude of thoughts rushed through Martin's mind, in such volumes that she was barely able to keep track of it all. Most chiefly of all, she was nervous. Almost sick to her stomach in terms of how unsure she was in regards to what she was about to do. But then again, another part of her said that it was silly, that it was simply her mind playing tricks on her when it shouldn't have. After all, it wasn't technically a date, she had said this to herself multiple times, no matter how much like one it seemed to be.  Another part of her mind chimed in, saying that it was foolish to think of it in either of these terms, they were after all just meeting, but wouldn't it be nice to see if she could get into the nice doctor's pants and-

Then the door opened.

"Welcome. Please, come in," Nicander said. "By the winds you look lovely."

Martin looked Nicander up and down before responding. He wasn't so bad himself, although the flowing garments did seem like they would be easy to remove. No, no, why was she thinking of this? "Thank you," she finally replied, a slight smile gracing her lips. A small voice inside told her not to do or say anything stupid, not to- "A friend of mine helped actually, he said the shoes are easy to kick off." -Dammit. With an awkward cough she returned her focus to their meeting. "Uh right, anyway," She continued, "I'm sure whatever you have planned is lovely."

Re: Day 02 [2030 hrs.] Meeting in the Myriad

Reply #3
[ Dr. Nicander | Officers Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada 
Lucan blinked, perplexed at what she had said about her shoes, but since he found footwear contraptions of torture - never having worn any until he'd begun his studies on Aldea - he thought she meant that she wanted to get rid of them, just like him.

"I honestly just stepped out of the shower, so I have not prepared anything. I stepped through the door no more than ten minutes ago," he said, gesturing in a sweeping, inviting gesture towards the sitting area to the left while he stepped towards the replicator. "I really wouldn't mind at all if you removed your shoes. In Envon, the capital of the Wind Region of Câroon, no one wears shoes, and I have yet to learn the benefits of footwear. Ah, and if you trust me to pick a meal, I have given Thea's replicators the recipes of a few common dishes from Envon. Are you allergic to anything?"

What kind of Chief Medical Officer would he be if he didn't take something like that into consideration?

Another thing worth considering how much of a date the human in his company thought this meeting was, and if so, what kind of expectations she had. He might have to disappoint her, since he could hardly trust his intentions to be honest with the parasite - while dormant - still resided inside him. Beyond how attractive she was, Lucan hardly knew her. All he had learned was that she was resourceful and had a stellar intellect, having saved both the crews at Starbase 84, and that she'd been in a yet undefined relationship with the Resolve's Chief Medical Officer. Nothing detailed, of course, just the hearsay overheard in sickbay.

"How are the Theurgy scientists treating you, by the way?" he asked with a warm smile to her, unable to keep himself entirely stoic and professional. "Any 'interpersonal disagreements' yet?"

Re: Day 02 [2030 hrs.] Meeting in the Myriad

Reply #4
[ Lt.Com. Vivian Martin | Officer's Quarters | Deck 10 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

The notion that Nicander just stepped out of the shower seemed to only increase Martin's own nervousness for some reason. Truthfully, she didn't know what to do in this situation. Her inner voices were lost for words as she seemingly stumbled into this dilemma of hers.

Nevertheless, Martin stepped into Nicander's spacious quarters regardless of her own internal conflict and feelings. A part of her still wondered just how much of a date this really was, and whether or not she should expect it to go like one. Martin pushed that notion from her mind as she looked around at the interior of Nicander's quarters. It was much like hers, save for Nicander's personal effects. Despite Nicander's insistence that her footwear was not needed, she elected to keep it on regardless, as it assured her that nothing bad or wild would come of this encounter.

When Nicander asked if she was allergic to anything, she responded, "Allergic... Ah not to very many things to be honest. Mostly various plants native to Kaferia. I tried Kaferian apples when I was younger and had to be hospitalized, so as long as there's none of those, I should be just fine." Although she said it in good spirits, it was true that when she was younger she had discovered an adverse reaction to the biochemical compounds found in most Kaferian fruits, despite how much the insectoid Kaferian trader she met had insisted that they were safe for human consumption. Apparently she had failed to mention to Martin that a good percentage of humans weren't able to eat it.

When Nicander asked how Martin had gotten along with the other scientists aboard Theurgy, it struck a sour note within Martin. Just earlier in the morning she had been assaulted by several members of the Theurgy's personnel who wanted her ousted from her position as chief science officer, or something of that sort. "Ah." Martin said. "Yes, well, about that. I've had an interesting day as far as interpersonal relations go with the rest of the science department. This morning I was assaulted by several of them, and had to have a talk with Lieutenant Morali about it." After a slight pause she continued, "But enough about that, I'd hate to ruin the mood. How was your day? Busy I take it?"

Re: Day 02 [2030 hrs.] Meeting in the Myriad

Reply #5
[ Dr. Nicander | Officers Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada 
Chuckling, Lucan looked at the woman in his sitting area, who seemed so innocent when lamenting her experiences with the fruits of Tau Ceti III. She looked young for her age, retaining the unlined complexion and firm body of someone in her twenties, even if she was actually a couple of years older than him. The tell-tale sign of her acumen and age was her position, of course, which Nicander already knew didn't come from provisional promotions aboard the Resolve during her voyage back to the Federation. The winds had blessed this woman, it seemed, in aspects of both mind and body.

"I can assure you of that," he said, looking towards the replicator and running a tattooed hand through his hair, trying to clear his head and stop thinking about the way she had dressed - the way human women did when 'they let their hair down', as they were prone to call it. The darkness coiled, wishing to exploit her body, preferably desecrate it, but even if Lucan was able to quench such ideas before they could fully form, his interest in this extraordinary human didn't just belong to the parasite. "Two meals of Renklamma, please, with Makmyra to drink."

After the chirp and the shimmer of Thea's replicator accommodating his request, he listened to what Martin was saying about her first time, and recalled some of it in reports that had crossed his desk. So, he set down the food native to Câroon, which was a replicated imitation of an indigenous fowl with the flavors of the Wind Region. It had tender meat and an array of different vegetables, fruits and beans grown on the slopes of Envon, some of them mixed into a tangy sauce.

"Well, while I didn't have the unfortunate fate of being a direct target of the Devoted today, I hear they are not impressed with the Phoenix Project and are planning some kind of horrible fate for me as well," he said as he went to get the two drinks for them, putting them down next to their plates and eating utensils. "I have spoken with the Deputy Chief of Security, and she has said that there will be Security officers on patrol around Main Sickbay tomorrow. If I were to require a guard outside the door tonight, I should be calling for one before I go to bed. They are, at least, taking the threat of the Devoted seriously."

Sitting down at an angle from her in the L-shaped couch, he too didn't wish to ruin the mood. "Please, take a bite and tell me what you think," he said, unable to keep his pale grey eyes from venturing over her where she sat. "I'd be happy to replicate something else if Câroon cosine is not for you. The drink is made from fermented olives and grapes from Envon, and you will likely think its a spicy wine. I hear humans think it is good, if a bit high on synthehol."

Letting her have a taste, he remembered something. "Oh, I nearly forgot. I managed to complete the treatment for Virus 117 a couple of hours ago, and the patients are responding well to it. I suspect that tomorrow will be the day where the outbreak comes to an end. Thank you for coming to me today with what you managed to salvage from the Resolve. By the winds, it's the... third time you save this ship now, is it? You are quite extraordinary. But then again, I suppose you hear that all the time."

It was the truth, and while he hadn't meant to... he realised that he was looking at her quite intensely.

Re: Day 02 [2030 hrs.] Meeting in the Myriad

Reply #6
[ Lt.Com. Vivian Martin | Nicander's Quarters | Deck 10 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan 

Nicander's assurance that there were no Kaferian products in the meal, Martin felt relieved, though at the same time felt that she could have easily predicted such a thing. For some reason she couldn't explain, she seemed unable to clear her head thinking about what Nicander was wearing, and what may lie underneath. Little did Martin know that there was a darkness that lay beneath the surface which was eyeing her with a hungry gaze.

Regardless of the part of Martin that was viewing Nicander in such a light, another part of her had her interest piqued by the prospect of these strange food items which Nicander replicated. She had never before heard of renklamma and makmyra, and even only recently heard of the Câroon from which they originated. Martin was eager to try them, to be sure, and it showed on her face as she expectantly gazed at the meals prepared before her. Part of her was aware of what Nicander was saying in the meantime, something about the Devoted and the attack today?

Ah, yes, that was it, the Devoted didn't take kindly to Nicander and the Phoenix Project. As the pair sat down on Nicander's couch, Martin responded off-hand, "I've heard that they. er... the Devoted that is, might have someone in security, but from what I can tell they have already revealed themselves, so I'm fairly certain it's been taken care of." Followed by her response to Nicander's statement about her saving the ship. "Ah, you flatter me too much, I don't hear it that much nor do I really wish to if I'm to be honest."

Despite this, her attention was still rooted on the meal before her, and as she sipped the makmyra an explosion of flavors erupted upon her tongue. "Oh my," She said, after tasting it. "Oh wow, this is quite good, and that's coming from someone who doesn't usually drink." It was only after she had said this that she caught Nicander looking at her rather intensely. A slight smile quirked the edge of her lips, and a mischievous light glimmered in her eyes. "Yes Doctor?" She said. "What's the matter? See something you like?" As soon as the words left her mouth, she immediately felt confused, conflicted. What was the matter with her? This wasn't... It wasn't... A date. Why was she treating it like one?

Re: Day 02 [2030 hrs.] Meeting in the Myriad

Reply #7
[ Dr. Nicander | Officers Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada 
"I'm glad you like it," said Lucan with a smile, still thinking about what she had said about the Devoted while he looked at her. One of them had survived the radiation exposure on the Tigris and was still undergoing intensive treatment. Allegedly, he had been one of the leaders of the Devoted, but even if a lot of them had been confined to quarters or killed during the course of the last couple of days, Lucan was certain there were still more out there - refusing to believe in Morali denouncing them and their faith.

Thus, when she asked her question, he was entirely unprepared.

"I..." he said, realising that he'd been feasting on her form with his eyes, and he didn't even know if he was to blame or the thing that resided inside. "I'm sorry. Yes, you are quite mesmerising. My apologies, I did not mean to stare. That was both rude and unprofessional of me. The winds know it has been a long day."

Just to grant her - or him - a means to avoid the slippery slope of a mutual attraction, where he certainly couldn't trust his intentions anymore, he tried to change the subject. It felt unnatural, strange, to not use the door that the winds had swung open for him. He did continue to smile to her, even though he might be encouraging her by doing so, since he just didn't know how to be awkward and stuttering in the company of other people in a private setting. Sociability and ease of conversation was second nature to him, which made it difficult to suddenly distance himself in the fashion he should be doing.

"How do you like the renklamma?" he asked, unable to look away from her as he sipped his makmyra - the glass with the amber liquid in his tattooed hand certainly not beneficial in his aim of propriety. Câroon were intense people, and they liked their beverages the same.

Re: Day 02 [2030 hrs.] Meeting in the Myriad

Reply #8
[ Lt.Com. Vivian Martin | Nicander's Quarters | Deck 10 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan 

Martin accepted the apology with gusto, for there was still a part of her which fought against the tide that was this strange fierce attraction to the doctor. For Martin it was already too late, something which she had only just realized. She greatly appreciated Lucan cin Nicander's remarks, that she was mesmerizing, that she had grabbed his attention in a way that wasn't exactly professional. It seemed to Martin that Lucan was fighting something, or at least that was what she had gathered from their scant interactions thus far. For all Martin knew, she could be wrong. In a way, part of her hoped she was wrong, but another part of her hoped that she was right, and the strange duet of thoughts in her head continued to play out.

"Oh, thank you." She said, in response to Nicander. "But I don't really mind so much." She endeavored to laugh in an attempt to disregard the incident which had just befallen them, but it came out disheartened and awkward, stumbling forth like a freshly crippled beast. Martin silently wished that she could avoid being so painfully awkward around people near her, especially when the individuals present were prospective paramours. But nevertheless, she persisted, and closed off the stumbling laughter with a bite of the renklamma. As the flavors met her tongue, and the sensations mixed in her mouth, she remarked to herself within her mind that it reminded her of some dishes she had tried before from New Sevastopol and its windy islands.

"It is very delicious," Martin replied to Nicander. "It is certainly a unique flavor, I quite like the tang of whatever the sauce is that was used in this." She continued. "All-in-all this is quite a nice ensemble you've created here, I'll have to try my own hand at making it some time. It's... called renklamma right?" But just then, something touched the back of her mind, a thought which she had nearly dismissed before she left her quarters. "By the way, I know this is unrelated, but a friend of mine said 'she is always watching' in regards to something on the ship, do you know what that was about?" She asked, as she abruptly remembered Suq's statement from earlier.

Re: Day 02 [2030 hrs.] Meeting in the Myriad

Reply #9
[ Dr. Nicander | Officers Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada 
Doctor Nicander felt both regret and relief when the new Chief Science Officer accepted the apology and moved on to other topics without lingering on the ramifications of both the said... and the unsaid.

You can't trust yourself in her company. You should end this before it has another chance to progress. His conscience talking, trying to keep him level-headed and don't invite potential disaster. He had already risked it, last night, with Vinata Vojona. He liked to believe the sanity Heather McMillan had bestowed upon him had prevailed... but what if it was a brittle, temporary thing? What if it deteriorated over time, and tonight was going to be more difficult? He had sensed it earlier that day, when the Propulsion chief the parasite had wooed before the battle at Starbase 84 had come by to get her ankle checked. He had resisted, but he swore he had felt it then, the darkness welling up at the prospect of her wanting him. Twice, he'd sensed it, since he'd caught himself fantasying about this sweet Vivian Martin when she'd come to him in regard to Virus 117.

Then again... was it truly the touch of the enemy in his mind that caused attraction? Was it not Vinata, Eun Sae Ji and Vivian Martin themselves who were - justifiably - very attractive people? How was he supposed to know the difference between what the parasite wanted... and what he wanted for himself? Should he let doubt about his own motives dictate his every action? Should he deny himself the right to be the man he was supposed to be, the officer that had developed into over the years of doing the right thing? Should he let fear be his guide in the winds of change?

A part of him said yes, the other said no. The question was... which voice was his own?

"I will make sure to give you the recipe for your replicator," he said with a smile, and then raised his eyebrows when she told him the cryptic phrase her friend had uttered, and it took him a moment to take a guess. "This friend of yours might have been referring to Thea, I suppose. I remember the maiden voyage of this ship back in 2378, when the crew was settling in. Many were quite nervous about the whole concept of having a positronic A.I. interface, especially since she had a holographic projection that interacted directly with them, but it didn't take long until she became regarded as the benevolent, digital spirit of the ship they served on. In recent time, she has been upgraded and given less restrictions, but I assure you, she is hard-wired to be unable to access key systems without authorisation, much like us 'organics' don't have clearance to do everything on this ship."

He paused, before his next question came to him, as if out of the blue. As he spoke, his pale grey eyes returned to her, shifting over her seated frame and appreciating the way the Azure Nebula's minute motions cast its light upon her skin. "It has been just over a day, and yet the Resolve crew is gradually settling in. It strikes me how adaptable you all are, but I suppose that must have come from your voyage - the requirement to handle any situation uncharted space threw at you," he said, drinking more from his makmyra, unwittingly studying her over the rim of the glass. "My condolences on loosing your Captain... Then again, I suppose you might have lost others than him. I don't ask you to speak of it, since I can imagine it is difficult, and I am sorry for bringing it up... But I just want to say that I admire your resilience... and your ability to move on."

Re: Day 02 [2030 hrs.] Meeting in the Myriad

Reply #10
[ Lt.Com. Vivian Martin | Nicander’s Quarters | Deck 10 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan 

Martin felt both feelings of intense relief and feelings of intense regret as the conversation continued, unhindered by any growing attraction. Indeed part of her was glad that the conversation appeared to be meandering down more platonic avenues, it gave her more time to decide whether or not she truly wanted to fight the fire growing within her that told her to court the handsome alien doctor. She silently remarked to herself how she should really get out more, and get her libido checked by someone. Anyone from the Resolve could attest that it was a fierce creature, as was evident every time she emerged from officer's quarters reeking of an old Earth confection known as almond joy. Little did Martin know that another war waged within her companion for the night.

"Mm, please do, I would very much appreciate it." Martin replied, as Nicander offered to provide the recipe for Martin's replicator. Martin sipped a bit more on the makmyra as she considered the fascinating dish of the renklamma. The makmyra was fascinating too in turn, and it was an interesting mix of sensations that Martin found she quite enjoyed. Perhaps when the crisis that the Theurgy and her crew sought to combat had passed she could pay a visit to the Câroon homeworld and sample some native cuisine. Yes, that would be a good trip to have indeed.

When Nicander clarified that perhaps Suq was referring to Thea, it was like the tumblers of a lock clicking together in her head. Of course that would be what he meant, after all, Martin herself was still getting used to the idea of the ship being a sentient being much like herself. Someone like Suq might after all fear that such a being might prove to be dangerous or outright harmful if allowed to be such, but Nicander quickly clarified that Thea was a benevolent being, and had multiple security interlocks placed on her anyway. "Of course." Martin said, when Nicander was done. "I'll have to inform him later."

But unfortunately, it was Nicander's next statement which struck a sorrowful chord within Martin. "Kendrick is... " No, that wasn't right. "Was..." She corrected herself. "A fine captain, and the likes of which Starfleet could have done with more of." Martin said. She took a large gulp of the makmyra and grimaced, immediately regretting her decision, as the flavors almost overwhelmed her senses. "He will be dearly missed by the Resolve and her former crew." Martin paused slightly, letting her words take weight. "I don't imagine the journey that this vessel has undertaken has been any better though, I can't imagine how many people you must have lost so far." She said, and took another sip.

Re: Day 02 [2030 hrs.] Meeting in the Myriad

Reply #11
[ Dr. Nicander | Officers Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada 
Nicander had a lot to say about the voyage of the Theurgy, but it was not until after Starbase 84 that he could tell it from his own perspective - his opinion not stained by the influence of the parasite. As it were, he was in company of someone who had been out of port for three years before reaching Federation space.

"I could never presume to compare the two voyages of the Theurgy and the Resolve. Whereas this ship has been persecuted by Starfleet for months and we've had to fire on our own fleet, the voyage of the Resolve has lasted for years, and with so much time, the toll must have built. The chance for discovery and exploration might have compelled you to face each new challenge, but by the winds, that long away from home is still a considerable time."

The Makmyra was getting to his head, even if he drank much more slowly than Vivian Martin. He knew it was dangerous, lowering his inhibitions, but he took another sip, for his thoughts were not on his synthehol intake. It was on the time he'd lost to the parasite, and what it had done to undermine the mission of Captain Ives and his crew. Was there any redemption for him?

"Our losses... I can't say one grew numb to it. Not after having served with the majority of them during the Romulan peace talks. We tried to find comfort in each other, celebrating survival with heavy hearts, but it never stopped. If it wasn't us, it was them - our own fellow officers in the fleet. They just wouldn't listen, and we had to survive. It was either them or us, and they wouldn't heed our call."

Lucan trailed off, glancing at Martin. "I am sure we can find better topics of conversation, don't you?" he said wit a quiet chuckle. He raised his glass to her. "To the new crew of the Theurgy, may it hold together seamlessly... Or at least more so than the past couple of days."

After he'd toasted with her, he downed the last of his Makmyra, and set the empty glass down on the table. "Another?" he asked simply, against his better knowledge. He rose to his feet and loosened the collar of his attire, baring the center of his chest and the top of his abdomen - hardly self-conscious about himself. "Did you get to try any alien, new cosine or drinks?"

Re: Day 02 [2030 hrs.] Meeting in the Myriad

Reply #12
[ Lt.Com. Vivian Martin | Nicander's Quarters | Deck 10 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Martin nodded somberly as Nicander said his piece on the length of the Resolve's journey. It was a difficult one to be sure. Three years away from home, on a vessel that was only meant to accommodate them for short journeys. They had lost many, but had managed to persevere, until the battle of Starbase 84, until their ship heaved its last. The thought made Martin feel sick to her stomach, such a dour subject to drink to.

Martin took another sip of the makmyra. It was definitely starting to get to her head. Martin was somewhat of a lightweight when it came to such things, and she could already feel the synthehol in the makmyra start to do its work on her. She could feel her inhibitions slowly slipping away as she continued to drink from it. Before long, she found her glass was in fact empty.

Nicander, meanwhile, continued unabated. It seemed that he hadn't grown numb to the losses that the Theurgy had suffered, and that only through their perseverance and something that they something something. Martin was starting to lose track of the conversation a bit. Her thoughts returned to her as Nicander made the choice to switch to a better topic of conversation. He made a toast, to the new crew of the Theurgy, and may it hold together seamlessly. To this, Martin raised her empty glass and repeated the phrase. "To the new crew of the Theurgy" she said.

When Nicander offered Martin another drink, she gladly accepted, and looked up in time to see Nicander loosen his attire and bare the center of his chest and abdomen. Martin almost lost herself in the sight, looking up at the specimen before her, not as a scientist or out of any professional viewpoint either. No, it was something that she realized after a few seconds, that she had appreciated the sight in a very unprofessional manner. Martin looked away and said, "Can I be honest with you? I don't really know how I feel about being here, I mean if I'm to be honest, is it a date? Is it not a date? If it is, I don't know what to do about it, especially so soon after Jess- er... I mean, Dr. Lyhn died, and here I am with another doctor. I don't even know why I asked you to dinner in the first place." Martin looked down and grumbled. "Probably because you're real attractive and I don't know what to do about it." The synthehol in the makmyra was clearly taking effect, though this thought didn't quite occur to Martin.

Re: Day 02 [2030 hrs.] Meeting in the Myriad

Reply #13
[ Dr. Nicander | Officers Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada 
Having replicated two more glasses of makmyra, Nicander turned his head when she began to speak in a different tone of voice. At first, when she said she didn't know what she felt about being there, Lucan frowned in consternation, returning to the sitting area with the two glasses and putting her glass down in front of her. As he lingered there, she talked about her doubts about the nature of their meeting, and they seemed to mirror his own...

...but then she mentioned the late CMO of the Resolve, and Lucan realised how things had been between Martin and the late Doctor Lyhn. Secondly, of course, he realised that this was an excellent way to end the evening. He didn't trust himself in her presence, so he sat down right next to her and wrapped his arm around her back in a comforting way, about to tell her that it was perfectly all right to grieve and that no one was blaming her for this 'meeting' of theirs. He was just about to tell her that she should take some time to herself and that she had in no way embarrassed herself in asking to eat dinner with him. In short order, he would be able to send her on her way with friendly words and - after she was gone - he could take a deep breath and let out a sigh of relief, glad that she had not tempted him any further.

But then she had to tell him that she found him attractive, and he realised that the arm he had put around her in comfort was a mistake. Should he remove it? In slight panic, he decided that recoiling from her as if she was some kind of mountain snake was not the kindest thing to do if she was in distress. Should he try to jest? Jokes were not ideal either, so he ended up being silent, meeting her eyes once she looked up again. He had to say something! He could already feel the darkness inside coiling at the opportunity presented, or was it his own attraction to her? He had no means to tell the difference, as diminutive as the beast inside had become.

"I..." he began, and swallowed, trying not to loose himself in her brown eyes - the light from the Azure Nebula dancing in her irises. "I am so sorry to hear you were close to Doctor Lyhn. I had no idea. Please, don't be too hard on yourself. By the winds, you have lost so much, it is only natural that you try to fill the void inside you with something. I..."

He realised what he was about to say, and came to a halt. Should he truly tell her about Kisane? It was as if he besmirched her memory by saying her name. "I have lost someone too, before Starfleet. Before my studies on Aldea. I still miss her, and I doubt you will forget Doctor Lyhn. What we do is live on... Since we have no other choice... and I like to think that if... that if Kisane was still here in spirit, she would like me to move on. She'd tell me that there is no use holding on to the past, if it disables you to live in the present."

Belatedly, he realised that he might just have enabled Martin with his words, and that had not been his intention. He had merely tried to comfort her in her loss, and yet now it seemed - to himself - that he had used his words to his own advantage. No, that wasn't what I wanted!

Or was it? Looking into those brown eyes, he wasn't sure about anything. He only knew that he might be endangering her life...

Re: Day 02 [2030 hrs.] Meeting in the Myriad

Reply #14
[ Lt.Com. Vivian Martin | Nicander’s Quarters | Deck 10 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Referring to Jessica as Dr. Lyhn felt so impersonal to Vivian, as if she besmirched her name just by doing so. Vivian knew that she shouldn't be attached to Jess anymore, especially after they had broken up, but her death made Vivian miss the good times they had, and she wished there was someone else who could fill that gap for her. Suddenly, Nicander's arm wrapped around her back, in a comforting sort of way despite Vivian's admittance of her own attraction towards him. Vivian still felt somewhat tipsy from the makmyra, but tried not to let it show as she sat there, still ignorant of the beast that stirred within Nicander, or whether or not what the good doctor was dealing with was the beast at all.

Nicander was right, Vivian had lost so much and so it was only natural that she try to fill that void with something, or someone else. Nicander then revealed that he too had lost someone, by the name of Kisane, on Aldea- wait, did he say Aldea? Aldea, the mythical planet which was discovered by the USS Enterprise? Well, one of the Enterprises at least. Regardless, it was a truly impressive resume to have studied on Aldea, the planet of artisans and technologists, the Atlantis of space. But Aldea aside, despite the fact that Vivian did miss Lyhn to quite a degree, there was no use dwelling in the past. Now that Vivian thought about it, this was the same logic that she had used during her tryst with Daniel Havenborn the day prior, when they had slept with each other.

Regardless, Vivian knew that somehow she had to move on, and with that she turned to face Nicander, looked him in the eyes a bit, observed the light of the nebular dancing in his grey pools. "You're right." Vivian said, and then moved forward and planted a kiss upon Nicander's lips. She prayed that she was not making a horrible mistake.

Re: Day 02 [2030 hrs.] Meeting in the Myriad

Reply #15
[ Dr. Nicander | Officers Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada 
Too late, Lucan had realised that he'd gotten too close to the human, and too late, he'd recoil from the touch of her lip upon his own. Then again, 'too late' was a word used with great liberty, since he did not recoil at all.

No, instead he found himself beginning to kiss back, his arm still around the woman's back, and he could not find it in him to deny her that which she wanted, much less himself. Because it was evident that he'd wanted her, right from the start, but it was a matter of private debate as to whether or not the interest was genuinely his own, or if it was the beast inside that craved to exploit her. This, he could not know for certain, and therein was the risk... Dared he take this further, at the risk of her life?

He began to argue that it had worked with the Ovri the night before, so why would it not work now? He had been able to restrain the impulses then, so why not now?

Before he had the presence of mind to stop himself, he had one tattooed hand behind her neck, and the other had nestled itself into her hair. Their kiss had gone from brief and chaste to something much deeper - more profound. His hand strayed from her neck, skirting down her front, as if it had a will of its own. Soon, it palmed the firm swell of her bust, and he knew he was lost...

Re: Day 02 [2030 hrs.] Meeting in the Myriad

Reply #16
[ Lt.Com. Vivian Martin | Nicander’s Quarters | Deck 10 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Vivian was content in the fact that Nicander didn't recoil when she kissed him. She was content in the fact that she hadn't made some gross misjudgment of the situation and make a critical error in her actions. The kiss started as something brief and then Nicander began to kiss back. As he did so, Vivian tilted her head and went deeper into it. It was clear that they wanted each other, though Vivian knew not which beast may have spurred on the doctor. Perhaps Vivian had wanted this since they met? It was unclear to her. What was clear to her was that they were here, in this moment, with their lips locked in each other's.

Nicander's other arm eased up and nestled itself within her hair, while the other made its way downward and found the mounds of flesh upon her chest. Vivian breathed out and closed her eyes as she continued the kiss, tilting her head and losing herself in the sensation. One of her arms slowly made its way upwards to the collar of Nicander's garment and gave a slight tug, in her hope to ease it off his shoulders, and hopefully off of him entirely.

But before she could do anything else, a thought wormed its way into Vivian's mind, a terrible thought that made her pause. Her lips parted from Nicander's and her brown eyes fluttered open. Yet her hands did not stop, they continued to tug on Nicander's garments as Vivian spoke. "Is this right?" She whispered. "Is this the right thing to do?" She paused in her actions for a second, as she considered what she would say. "I mean, I guess... I want this, I know I do, and I feel like you do too, but do you really?" She paused, then shook her head and placed her lips back upon Nicander's. "You know what, never mind." She said. "Forget I said anything."

Re: Day 02 [2030 hrs.] Meeting in the Myriad

Reply #17
[ Dr. Nicander | Officers Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada 
There was no doubt in regard to Vivian Martin's desire towards him, nor her intentions in making sure those desires were met. This was a kind of comfort for Nicander as he kissed her, for he felt her starting to bare his upper body. The garments of the Wind Region were made to not be life-threatening on the mountainsides, parting with ease and not letting the hard winds catch you and make you fall. He let her feel and see what she wanted, and realized his own tattooed hands were making their own quests over her clothed body.

Before he could stop himself, he'd used his thumb and forefinger to unbutton her black blouse, and the fabric parted like water in his hands. Her arms were yet caught in the sleeves, like his own garments were riding low on his forearms, but her underwear caught the light of the Azure Nebula - accentuated against her skin. One tattooed hand had rode up her grey skirt before she spoke, and he had hooked her panties with his middle finger when he heard her. His pale grey eyes opened a bit wider, hooded - as they had been - with the promise of what may come.

"By the winds, I don't know what's happening," he said in his deep voice against her lips, which was no lie by omission, but rather a confession about how he hadn't expected she'd sway him. Or rather, perhaps more accurately, that their mutual desire was stronger than reason - bridging both loss and fear. "I don't know right from wrong any more."

Which was no untruth either, in many respects.

Martin may have already dismissed the notion, but it lingered with Lucan, knowing her words as a last means to spare her - to keep her from the inherent risk to her life if she made him loose control. Already, his self-restraint was failing him, for the tumescence in his lap was undeniable, touched by cool air after Martin had taken liberties with his Câroon attire. Somehow, he had already tugged her panties down her thighs as well. What gave him pause was that he didn't know if it was his own instincts that made him do it... or the thing within.

Was he such a coward that he couldn't end this because it might raise suspicion? Had he fallen so far?

Re: Day 02 [2030 hrs.] Meeting in the Myriad

Reply #18
[ Lt.Com. Vivian Martin | Nicander’s Quarters | Deck 10 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Just as Vivian had parted Nicander's garments and pulled them down, so too had Nicander with her black blouse. Vivian shivered slightly as the blouse was pulled down and around her and her breasts found themselves partially exposed to the air in Nicander's quarters. She was aware of one of Nicander's gentle hands hiking its way up her leg and hooking a finger around the edge of her undergarments. As Vivian kissed him, she heard him speak, say that he didn't know what was happening either, that he didn't know right from wrong anymore. Vivian became aware of the swelling in Nicnader's lap as her undergarments were pulled down her thighs.

"It's alright" Vivian said, as she pulled away once more. "Here, maybe... maybe I can help things out a bit." She paused and with a nervous yet fluid motion peeled her black blouse from her torso and discarded it, revealing her bra-clad breasts to the light of the Azure Nebula.

"It'll be fine." She continued, with a comforting smile. Already, Vivian could feel her heart beginning to race with anticipation, feel herself begin to awaken down in her nether regions as she thought about what was to come. Vivian's hands returned to Nicander's own garments and continued to pursue her work them, and steadily revealed more of Nicander's body as she did so.

A thought then occurred to her  and her hands stopped, and transitioned to her own underwear beneath her grey skirt and hitched up her knees to her chest, her shoes being discarded in the process. It was unspoken that she was trying to make things easier for the both of them as she hiked her underwear up her thighs, then to her shins and then off of her legs entirely.

Re: Day 02 [2030 hrs.] Meeting in the Myriad

Reply #19
[ Dr. Nicander | Officers Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada 
At that rate, there was very little of Lucan's Câroon attire that remained on his body, more or less completely bared to her eyes where he sat. Focus. Don't let your guard down... Don't let it seize your thoughts. Appreciate her without need to exploit her. Don't relinquish control. Don't let it harm her....

The Chief Science Officer was keen on helping him undress her as well, shedding both her blouse from her arms and her panties from underneath her grey skirt. He caught a pleasant scent of her nether lips in the transition, and it quickened him - making him catch his breath. He could not stop himself from running his tattooed hands over her thighs, hiking that skirt up briefly as they continued their path up her sides. Doing so, he gently guided her closer, pulling her into his lap so that she straddled his thighs. That way, because of their difference in height, they were at eye-level with each other, and he leaned in to kiss her again. It was her taste that compelled him, and he hoped that the taste of her mouth alone would be what he craved. The parasite wanted to taste every bit of her, inside and out, but he would not let it. No, he wanted this to be his own will dictating the outcome, putting faith in what Heather McMillan had done to him - that she had really restored control.

Kissing her, he had reached behind her and undone her bra, which soon fell from her shoulder. His hands cupped her breasts next, his palms running over the hard peaks that had been hidden by her underwear. They were enough to draw his lips from hers, and he found himself kissing her chest instead - taking one of those hardened pebbles inside his warm mouth. One at the time, with his lips traversing the swell of her bust in the light of the nebula.

There was a single image rising out of the abyss of his soul, the notion to choke her, and press her down unto him - to milk his rigid length with her limp body long after it ceased to breathe. He rid the notion from his mind, wary of any other ideas, and continued without pause - not letting the thing inside give him more ideas.

Re: Day 02 [2030 hrs.] Meeting in the Myriad

Reply #20
[ Lt.Com. Vivian Martin | Nicander’s Quarters | Deck 10 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Nicander's gentle hands hiked up Vivian's skirt, her last remaining garment, and exposed her glistening sex to the air around her. He guided her movements to the point in which she now straddled Nicander's thighs, his swollen hardness now pressed against her abdomen. It made her heart race, to the point in which she was afraid it might leap from her chest. They kissed again, now eye-level with each other as they continued their sensual dance. Vivian exhaled softly, blissfully unaware of Nicander's inner turmoil, as she kissed back, greedy to taste more of the good doctor. 

Vivian became dimly aware of Nicander's hand reaching behind her and undoing her plain bra, which fell from her shoulders. His hands cupped the swell of her bust next and his hands ran over the sensitive peaks which were hidden by Vivian's undergarments until now. Nicander's lips withdrew from hers, and his lips turned their attention to her chest instead, taking in the sensitive peaks into his mouth and stimulating them oh so expertly. Vivian gasped gently as color rose to her cheeks. Her head rolled back as the sensation bore its way into her mind, and she found her eyes lingering on the sight of the nebula for a few seconds, its glimmering light entrancing her.

"Oh... Oh my..." She whispered, as Nicander continued his work on her supple breasts. Her head returned to its original position as she looked down at Nicander's scalp, as his mouth worked its way across her chest. As Nicander performed his work, Vivian's hands strayed downwards and loosened what remained of Nicander's Câroon attire, hoping to strip it away entirely. When her work was finished, she found Nicander's exposed manhood and gently stroked her hand upon it.

Re: Day 02 [2030 hrs.] Meeting in the Myriad

Reply #21
[ Dr. Nicander | Officers Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada 
Loosing himself in the appreciation of the scientist's body, Lucan still couldn't let down his guard completely - expecting the parasite to try and take control at any given moment. Yet since Heather had shone her light unto him in sickbay, things had been very different, and he hoped he would have a semblance of control - like he'd had last night - when he let himself be massaged by Vinata Vojona. He could but hope his sanity wasn't going to deteriorate with time, that this time in control of his body again wasn't fleeting and due to slip from his fingers. If that was the case, if there was any such indication, he'd had no choice but to tell the crew about his true nature. He could not afford to let himself roam free, if he might slip away again, could he?

His train of thought was lost, however, when he felt Vivian's fingers graze his sensitive length. He groaned quietly against her chest in answer, feeling his hardness twitch in answer to her touch. The anticipation surmounted his caution, and with fingers lightly trembling in expectation of what was to come, he unclasped her skirt, and brushed it off her body with his tattooed hands. He cupped her bottom in his hands, and resumed his ministrations with her breasts, only flicking his tongue against the peaks - each in turn - whilst they were inside his warm mouth. In the end, he even sucked on them too.

Below, one hand had spanned the curve of her buttock, reaching further, and he could feel her dewy lips against his fingertips. Caressing her, his fingers traversed the damp crevice between her legs, delving into her moist folds, but never truly visiting her - not probing her passage just yet. He wanted her to feel his phallus there, only teasing her sex about what was to come, should she opt to shift in her seat and bring herself down unto him. He wanted her to, and as much was clear when he leaned his head back and looked on her in the nebula's light, his desire for her plain in his pale grey eyes.

Re: Day 02 [2030 hrs.] Meeting in the Myriad

Reply #22
[ Lt.Com. Vivian Martin | Nicander’s Quarters | Deck 10 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Vivian slowly lost herself in the sensation, as Nicander sucked upon the sensitive peaks of her breasts. How could she know what battle Nicander was waging all this time? How could she know what occupied Nicander's thoughts as he continued his work on her sensitive and supple chest. Vivian's hands brushed against Nicander's hard member, and as she did so, Nicander's hands reached, trembling, and unclasped and removed her skirt, rendering her now fully naked. His hands cupped her rear, and another hand brushed against the glistening lips of her nether regions.

Vivian gave a soft and short moan as Nicander caressed her soft folds, and she could feel his phallus pressed against them, ready to enter them at a moment's notice. Vivian's eyes opened up and looked at Nicander's pale grey eyes, the light of the nebula reflected in them. wordlessly, while she held eye contact the whole time, she eased herself forward and against Nicander's twitching member, and began slowly rocking her hips back and forth against its length, grinding her soft nether folds against his cock. When she had done this for a few seconds she exhaled and looked down at his large member, and slowly eased her way down onto it, feeling it penetrate her sensitive vaginal folds and enter her warm and moist passage.

Vivian paused, let out a small moan of pleasure at the sensation, and then looked Nicander in the eye as she wordlessly moved herself down onto his shaft, and then up again, and began to quicken her pace.

Re: Day 02 [2030 hrs.] Meeting in the Myriad

Reply #23
[ Dr. Nicander | Officers Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada 
Oh, she slight undulation of her hips, and the tantalising way in which she teased his length, it made Lucan's breath hitch in his throat. This human knew how to mesmerise a man, to make him fight the urge to just embrace her and push her down unto himself. The thing in the abyss of his soul wanted him to do far worse. This, he sensed, but he pushed the notions away. Suppressing the images of what he might do to her. Before, those nightmarish visions of the parasite's imagination would arouse him, but now, they were a vile distraction.

When Vivian Martin finally did bring herself down unto him, a slight noise escaped his throat - the tight warmth almost making him loose control. The way they looked into each others eyes made the moment more intense. The sexual tension between them heightened, even if his tattooed hands had merely come to rest on her hips when their bodies finally joined. Oh, but how she squeezed his thick girth with each rise and fall, rendering his breath quick and shallow whilst her pace picked up.

He did not wish to speak. Didn't want to ruin the moment they shared, because for all his experience and exploits, this was an instance where he was sane, and could appreciate the intimate affection of the human with his mind intact - not a spectator seeing the world through a darkened lens.

What he did, eventually, was to run his tenacious arms underneath her legs, and to stand up - not leaving her slick passage in the transition from seated to standing. He carried her thus in his arms, holding her suspended in the nebula's light, and took the initiative from her. No longer could she ride him, but he began to buck his hips whilst she hung suspended in his arms, and made sure she had to fit the whole of him inside her with each thrust he made. She might have had to hold on to his shoulders, or run her arms around his neck, but his lips still found their way to her skin, to her lips and his tongue even sought hers if she let him.

Re: Day 02 [2030 hrs.] Meeting in the Myriad

Reply #24
[ Lt.Com. Vivian Martin | Nicander’s Quarters | Deck 10 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Vivian's voice was lost with her. She did not expect Nicander to be so girthy and endowed. Nevertheless, she had taken more than this, but something about the tension, the moment shared between them, crystallized into a perfect instance of warm bodies and shallow breaths. Slight, small gasps came from Vivian as she rode Nicander's member in the pale blue light of the nebula. The two stared each other in the eyes, as a silent understanding of what this moment meant seemed to cross between them, the moment where their bodies were finally joined.

Vivian did not speak, simply uttered a small and quiet moan of pleasure as Nicander's arms swept beneath Vivian's rear and hoisted her up, his prodigious hardness not leaving the slicked passageway that was Martin's nether regions. From there, Nicander took the initiative, and began to buck his hips, thrusting the whole of his member into Vivian with each movement. Vivian let out another moan of pleasure as she wrapped her arms around Nicander's neck for support. It was bliss, the feeling of his girth filling her with every movement that Nicander made, the unspoken nature of what they now shared, it was certainly an experience that Vivian wouldn't forget any time soon. Before long, Nicander's lips had found their way back into Vivian's, and his tongue in her mouth. Her's joined his in a sensual dance, as she sighed in pleasure through the physical bond.

Throughout the whole experience, she did not speak, she did not wish to ruin the moment in which they now shared, only wished to continue until they both lay back, sweaty and exhausted. Already she could feel the heat burning within her, feel something down below building as she reared her head back and let out a pleasured gasp. Vivian knew not what she should do, only that she let it happen, she let Nicander do as he would with her, taking her in such a fashion. She closed her eyes and immersed herself in the pleasure coursing through her body.

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