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Topic: Day 20 [0650 hours] Check-in for a Check-up (Read 7647 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 20 [0650 hours] Check-in for a Check-up

[ Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan | Recovery ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Sqweloookle

Why can't time be 'snoozed' just like we do with our alarms? Reika asked herself while looking into the mirror in her bathroom as blue fingers finished tying back platinum hair.  Stifling a yawn, and looking at her hair this way and then that, a head nodded her approval as she made her way back to her bedroom.  I could have happily put the entire day on pause.   Her eyes glinted with glee as she thought through the ways that the two could have occupied themselves.  But time waits for no one - including - or especially for - lovers.  "And I'd best get a move on," her audible words ended in a sigh.

The bed was all too neat for her taste - neatnik though she was.  I'd rather it be a mess and two of us still in it than have it made and not be wrapped in each other's arms.  One foot, then a second slipped into her uniform shoes.  But she had an appointment with Dr. Kobol - just a check-up to make sure there were no further issues with the genetic unspooling.  And glancing at her chronometer, she was reminded that she needed to hurry.

Kino had left earlier, having her own agenda for her morning way before the two of them began their evening together in the holodeck and finished the night together in the Shen's quarters.  And while the Trill was gone for now, blue lips curled into a smile as Reika was certain it wouldn't be long before she held her lover in her arms once again.

Bypassing the replicator since she was in a hurry, she headed for main sickbay.  "I'll catch breakfast - or at least a cup of coffee or four after this checkup and before my shift."  Five minutes later, placing a hand over her mouth to hide the hideous yawn that could no longer be held back, she practically waltzed into sickbay.   Once her lips closed again, a hummed tune could only have been heard from the keenest of ears.

She wasn't overly familiar with any doctors, but before her summons, Kobol was a name totally foreign to her.   Stepping inside the room to the end-of-shift bustle that accompanied many departments, Reika looked around for this Doctor Kobol, unsure of who he was, where he was, or what he even looked like.
Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 20 [0650 hours] Check-in for a Check-up

Reply #1
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Recovery ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Dree

And he was late, he wasn't sure what exactly was the reason as many things have happened in recent days. One of which is Hirek, other new arrivals and a few departures. That caused him some sadness but he hoped they found a better life away from the Parasites and their influence.

Doctor Elro Kobol entered Main Sickbay and immediately was stared at by the medical officer at the reception desk. He tried a smile but it was absorbed by a few deep breaths. The medical officer smirked, they probably had been late for a shift at least once so could laugh about it with him.

Elro walked over. ”Morning, anything to report?” He asked before a few deep breaths and it seemed to have let his body catch up so his normal breathing returned.

"Nothing of critical importance chief, though Lieutenant Sh'laan has returned for a checkup. I directed her to your office, don't worry she hasn't been here long.” The medical officer replied with a wave of her hand towards his office in front of them.

He nodded. ”Ah thank you,” he said and made his way into his office.

An Andorian woman awaited him. ”Hello Lieutenant, apologies for keeping you waiting, I'm Doctor Elro Kobol, how may I be of assistance?” He asked with a smile.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 20 [0650 hours] Check-in for a Check-up

Reply #2
[ Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan | Recovery ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Sqweloookle

Reika had looked from her chronometer to the door and back on a couple of occasions.  It wasn’t so much that she was impatient, but assuming all went well during her check up, she did want to try to grab some food or at least some coffee before her shift started, and the further the time went on, the less she was sure that was going to happen.

But when the door finally opened, azure eyes turned toward the sound.  Suddenly feeling rather self-conscious - never having been incredibly fond of doctors - she crossed her legs in front of her and set her hands into her lap.  She knew that she was unfamiliar with Dr. Kobol’s name, but she wasn’t sure if she had glimpsed him when she first woke in sickbay those days ago.  But she certainly didn’t recognize the man who entered the office.

Hello Lieutenant, apologies for keeping you waiting, I'm Doctor Elro Kobol, how may I be of assistance?

At least his smile seemed genuine, setting Reika a little more at ease than she could have been given the circumstances.  “Nice to meet you, Doctor,” she returned the greeting as she forced a smile onto her formerly stoic lips.  “So, um …” she looked down at her hands before raising her eyes to his once more.  Since he didn’t indicate that he knew why she was there looking down, she faltered for a moment before stumbling on.  “Um, well, in case you were unaware.”  She finally found her tongue.  “I was removed from stasis just four days ago, and because of the nature of the reason I was placed in stasis in the first place, I was told that I should check back in.”  Once again an unsure smile splayed across her face.

Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 20 [0650 hours] Check-in for a Check-up

Reply #3
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Recovery ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Dree

A smile again spread across Elro’s face as he nodded. ”Ah yes, let me just get your medical file.” He said and gestured for her to approach his desk with him walking around it.

He didn’t sit however, only tapped at his terminal and accessed the Lieutenant’s medical file. Inside were w\notes on the awakening from stasis. ”Welcome back to the living.” Elro momentarily glanced up and smiled at the Andorian.

He read the rest of the notes after a moment of pleasantries. ”Yes, Genetic instability, though the attending physician labeled your treatment a success.” Elro said the smile faded.

”Do you feel as if it wasn’t a success, Lieutenant?”
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 20 [0650 hours] Check-in for a Check-up

Reply #4
[ Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan | Recovery ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Sqweloookle

Reika nodded as the doctor walked around his desk.  She followed him in, taking a seat on the near side of the desk. 

Welcome back to the living,” he said. 
Thank you.  It’s,” and a smile wound across her lips, “good to be back.

Genetic Instability, though the attending physician labeled your treatment a success.  Do you feel as if it wasn’t a success, Lieutenant?

I was just told that I should check back in in a couple of days,” Reika said settling back in the chair and crossing her legs. “Not being a doctor, I’m not sure why I was asked to check-in.  I’ve felt fine since being back, except where my scars are, it’s been a bit itchy.”  Reika scooted forward and turned sideways slightly, lifting her uniform shirt just a little to show part of her scarred side.  “It doesn’t look discolored, but it does itch.  I just figured it was normal, but I’ve never been a victim of genetic unspooling before.

She pulled her shirt back down, and as if often did, it snagged slightly on her skin.  “Though that has been as annoying as hell,” she said as she pulled her shirt out a little further before pulling it down once again. 

I’d say if you don’t need me, I could go, but since I’m here, you might as well check things over so that I don’t get in trouble for skipping out on a checkup.
Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 20 [0650 hours] Check-in for a Check-up

Reply #5
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Recovery ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Dree

Elro nodded. ”It is important to keep checking in with us as to how you are doing, I won't bore you with the medical babble.” He saw the Andorian's scarred side as she spoke and it looked like it was healing nicely. ”Don't worry itching is normal for the healing process. If you can't resist, simply rub the area and don't scratch it.” He winked with a smirk.

He pulled out a medical tricorder, Elro opened it up, he gestured for the Lieutenant to go to the biobed. ”If you would please,” once she was comfortable Elro began scanning the Lieutenant. ”Let me run a genetic scan.” He said. Several minutes passed as he ran the scan a few more times to get as much as he could.

There was some indication of stability loss at various areas of Reika Sh’laan's body, though only to a minute degree which he almost missed multiple times as the scan progressed. After what probably felt like an eternity Elro presumed to Reika, he closed his tricorder and set it down. ”It does seem a slight degradation of your genetic sequence has occurred, Lieutenant. Only slightly but that has, in my opinion, warranted a concern and with your permission I'd like to give you a monitor device to wear.”

He smiled but it didn't quite feel genuine, ”it is fairly small and it will alert both you and the closest Sickbay should we need to take action.”
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 20 [0650 hours] Check-in for a Check-up

Reply #6
[ Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan | Recovery ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Sqweloookle

Reika followed and listened as the Doctor explained her current symptoms.  It was good to know that the itchiness was normal and that she could rub it if not scratch it.

When they arrived in the main body of sickbay, Reika hoisted herself onto the biobed that Dr. Kobol gestured to.  After she sat on the edge, she pivoted, raising her legs to the end of the bed and lowering herself into a supine position.   Butterflies flitted around in her stomach, so she placed her hands, one atop the other on the flittering stomach. 

She watched the doctor instead of looking over her shoulder at the readouts which would have made her even more nervous.  Instead, she chose to watch the Doctor’s face, but she realized that she didn’t feel any more confident doing that than she did looking at the readouts.  Something about the look on his face didn’t feel right.  It also seemed to take him forever, like he checked and rechecked and rechecked.

And then the news - news she hadn’t expected.  Her condition hadn’t been cured like she had been told.  She lay there for a moment overwhelmed by emotions, trying to take in both the good and the bad information.  And she had to remind herself that there was a positive point here.  It wasn’t all bad news.  But it was hard to focus on that.  What she really wanted to do was to talk things through with Kino, but that wasn’t possible at the moment.

It took her a moment to realize that he had also asked a question.  “Oh….um..monitor?  Yeah…Okay.  Of course.”  The normally unflappable OPS officer was having a hard time putting her thoughts into cohesive words. Once she finally found her voice in earnest the questions poured out.   “What…will it look like?  Where will it go?  How bad will it get before sickbay is notified?  Is there really not a cure for this?”
Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 20 [0650 hours] Check-in for a Check-up

Reply #7
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Recovery ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Dree apologies for the delay, I can change anything if you wish me to.

Sensing the rising emotions from the Andorian, Elro knew this was not the news she hoped for but he didn't want to lie to her. Genetic degradation for most species was not really culturally regarded, but Andorians and Klingons prided themselves on their strong genes. Any warrior cultured species did, so Elro knew that he and his staff would be just as resilient as those warriors to do their best to help Lieutenant Sh'laan.

”Please, Lieutenant, calm yourself, it will do you no good if you start to panic.” He spoke with a calming tone though he was sure if it would help. Elro placed a hand on her shoulder.

He decided to test something. ”Reika, we won't give up on you. We will do what we can to fix you.” He winked again and smiled.

He stayed like that for a moment then patted her shoulder once before he went to get the monitor device from the small console dedicated to the medical alert system and pulled out one that was programmed for genetics. He quickly adjusted its sensitivity and returned to Sh'laan's side.

Elro smiled again. ”Here it is,” he said as he held up a small circular device that was 1.5 centimeters in diameter, though a 0.8 centimeter thick, with a series of lights along one part of its circumference. They were softly green, one would notice them in dim lighting but only slightly in the full light of Sickbay's Recovery ward. ”It will go just behind your right ear and it may tingle a little every so often for it is to make regular deep genetic scans of your body, please remember that and don't be alarmed, it will do so as soon as I put it on you so it has a baseline to compare with.” He said and with his other and patted her shoulder again. Strangely a scent of Vanilla came from Elro as he had reapplied some deodorant while away from his patient, he had gotten a bit sweaty in the emotional turmoil that he sensed from her. Not to mention that it was warmer in the recovery ward then the rest of Sickbay.

”Ready yourself Lieutenant.” Elro said and waited a moment for her to do so then placed the monitor on her behind her right ear and swiveled it so it activated its suction as well as its programming. It would feel cold at the beginning but then soft heat indicated that a scan was in progress of her body. The tingle came as it began to set its baseline which it will compare future scans to and that sensation would spread out like a slow wave. Elro could sense whatever she felt as this was happening and he wondered what it was she would feel.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 20 [0650 hours] Check-in for a Check-up

Reply #8
[ Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan | Recovery ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Sqweloookle

While Reika's body was on the biobed, her mind flashed back to a previous time....

A Vulcan Commander waved Reika up from her position near the end of the group.  She crouched down - her long legs making it harder than it might have been for others.  Steathfully, she made her way up to the Commander’s position.  “Yes, Sir.”

“Are you ready to disarm the locking mechanism, Ensign.” his voice was barely a whisper. 

During Advanced Tactical Training school, the group had been preparing for a month to infiltrate a smuggling ring comprised of mostly Klingons, Romulans, and some Orions near the Gorn Hegemeny.  Many of the group had practiced various techniques in breaching their ‘backdoor,’ so to speak, without being detected.  But it was Reika that he called on to disarm the security protocols and breach the door.

“Of course Sir,” was her hushed reply.

The Commander gave her a single nod.  She was about twenty meters from the large rock outcropping that hid the medium sized aperture by which they would enter.  The problem was that there was Kemocite in the surrounding area making their tricorders of no affect, so while Reika took a visual assessment of the circumstances and situation, she couldn’t be certain that she would go undiscovered.  But that was part of her job.  Skirting just inside the brush line until she got as close as she could, after checking for hostiles - and not seeing any - she made a dash for the door.

She unslung her pack from her back and crouched down next to the access panel.  Extracting her equipment silently from the bag, Reika went to work.  Just as she initiated the program she had designed to bypass the alarm and unlock the door, she could hear minute noises coming closer.  The program would take 30 seconds to unlock the door, and if she disengaged it, it would trigger the alarm instead of disabling it.  She tried tucking the device into a crevice in the rock and grabbed her backpack, turning to try to make an exit before she was caught, she came face to face with a tall lanky Romulan holding a disruptor in her face. 

The Andorian stood from her crouched position and never once blinked.  Facing the man down even as he shoved his weapon hard into her chest.  “Just what do you think you’re doing?” His face was scrunched into a snear and his tone was filled with revulsion.  “I was looking for the bathroom,” blue lips answered nonchalantly. 

“Like hell, you were.”  His finger left it’s position alongside the disruptor and started for trigger, but before he could pull it, he crumpled as the Commander had used a Vulcan neck pinch to lay the Romulan out.


Reika sat there on the biobed recalling the situation she had been in.  And somehow she had felt less unsettled staring down the barrel of that weapon than she did here, being told that something was physically wrong with her or that her condition could continue to deteriorate. 

Maybe it was that she had faced death once and now, so much better, understood her own mortality.  Was this something else new that she was going to have to deal with - panicking in the face of trouble or potential trouble?  It wasn’t something she had experienced much before being thawed.

But Kobol stopped her in her blustering tracks. “Please, Lieutenant, calm yourself.  It will do you no good if you start to panic.”

Reika knew he was right.  She also knew that this wasn’t like her.  Maybe that was something she could talk over with the counselor tomorrow because she certainly didn’t like this disconcerted feeling that roiled in the pit of her stomach.

After a slow breath, she nodded her head in acknowledgement. “You’re right,” she said forcing a slight smile.  “Nothing to be gained by it.”

When he turned his back to get the device that would monitor her genetics to make sure that the genetic unspooling wouldn’t continue to increase. Reika took a moment and used some of hte deep breathing techniques that she had learned in Xi’for’al to center herself again.  She could feel it working when she noticed something different…a scent.. Vanilla?  She opened her eyes trying to figure out what caused the scent.  But as Kobol was making his way back to her at that moment, she could only ascertain that he was the origin of the scent and she wondered what that was about. As he approached, she saw the device in his hand. 

Reika listened as he explained where the device would go and what she would likely feel from time to time.  She tilted her head away from him and pulled the hair that fell beside and right behind her ear up, giving him access to the spot he indicated. 

“Ready yourself, Lieutenant,” he said.

Reika closed her eyes and while nothing on her outwardly flinched, she steeled herself for the minute needles that would hold the device in place and monitor her condition.  As he pressed the device into place, Reika felt a tingle which lead to a warm sensation that spread from behind her ear down across her shoulders and beyond.  She took a minute to let her body acclimate to the device. 

“Is a warm sensation normal?” she asked. “Or is it something that just Andorians experience as we’re more at home in the cold?”

But before he could answer, she quirked her head to the side a bit and looked at him.  “How long do I have to wear this?” she rubbed at the area around the device trying not to unsettle it.  “It is rather…large.”
Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 20 [0650 hours] Check-in for a Check-up

Reply #9
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Recovery ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Dree 

It was an interesting question as Elro realised that Andorians were used to and evolved in the cold. He nodded. ”It is possible that you would feel it more keenly then warmer blooded species,” he said and smiled as he came to what might be bad news for her. ”I will need you to wear this monitor for at least a week,” Elro said his smile had vanished but appeared again a few moments later.

”Don't worry,” he said with a chuckle, ”you can take it off when you sleep.” Elro smiled.

His expression went concerned, ”though while you sleep your body does semi hibernate so it is possible that monitoring during that time could help us learn more about what is going on, I believe at least 3 nights would give enough data but I leave which 3 nights you wear it for.” Elro explained and gestured for Reika to sit up.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 20 [0650 hours] Check-in for a Check-up

Reply #10
[ Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan | Recovery ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Sqweloookle

Reika listened as the doctor gave her directions for the use of the device.  She had planned on telling Kino about what she had learned today, but somehow this device made the possibility of the recurrence.  Reika was concerned that Kino would worry.

But the question wasn’t would Kino worry, the question was in all honesty was Reika worried?  She paused for a moment considering the question.  Worried was the wrong adjective…uneasy maybe, but not worried.  And even if she had been worried, no one would ever have known - maybe with the exception of Kino.  It was uncanny how well the Trill was already attuned to her girlfriend. 

Reika fingered the device.  It felt large and unwieldy, and Kino would most certainly find it, especially if she held the Andorian’s face as they kissed.  That was already a regular occurrence.

Once the doctor gestured for Reika to move into a sitting position, she easily went from supine to upright.  “I have to admit,” Reika said, “While I don’t prefer it, I will of course adhere to your directive.”  Meeting the doctor’s gaze, she asked, “What do we do if the unspooling begins again?  Do we have any kind of alternate treatment other than putting me back on ice?”  Despite the fact that her stomach was knotted at the though of already going back into stasis, her look didn’t betray this new fear.  “The thought of going back into stasis after less than a week of being out, is less than appealing, as I think you’d likely agree.”
Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 20 [0650 hours] Check-in for a Check-up

Reply #11
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Recovery ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn:

Elro sympathized with Reika's situation and usually genetic issues were quite easily dealt with but sometimes there might be a few that Federation medical technology and or knowledge may not be able to solve at their current level. He nodded, ”indeed, I too dislike Stasis but it is better than dying.” He said then instantly regretted it, he should be more comforting.

He smiled to cover it. ”Let's see how we go with the monitor, there is a magneton scan option to do a deep dive into your body though I cannot guarantee it will not hurt but it may lead us to further understanding your condition. It is up to you of course Lieutenant.” Elro offered then gestured to his patient. ”If I may make a suggestion, proceed with the monitoring for now for the duration I've laid out and if nothing comes of it we will go onto the magneton scan.”

Gently he put his hands on the Andorian's underarm and shoulder closest to him to guide her up and off the bed. Once she was standing Elro smiled. ”The minute the monitor alerts you and us, or you feel unable to continue your duties, report back to the nearest sickbay and we will reassess the situation before immediately escalating to other investigative procedures and treatment options, I suggest you focus on your duties and let us worry about your health, do we have a deal?”

That seemed to help, Elro wasn't quite sure but they had far too much to do and until they had data, investigated it, examined it, cross-referenced it with whatever connections they still had, ran many tests on any possible corrective methods and so on all they could do was trial and error things. It wasn't the best way but it seemed the only way, so far. Genetics was a very sensitive science that as history has shown should be treated with ultimate care, he wished he could at least consult the Savi about this situation.

After a moment Elro saw, after coming back to himself, that Reika was thanking him and had already begun her exit. He gave her his best wishes and gave a small wave before heading out to his office to check on the day's agenda.

Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

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