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Topic: Day 03 [0530 hrs.] Ca Sau Ham Tieu Xanh (Read 15259 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Day 03 [0530 hrs.] Ca Sau Ham Tieu Xanh

Reply #25
[ Lahkesis Saugn | Steam Room | Gymnasium | Deck 6 | USS Theurgy]

In all of her life Lahkesis had only ever felt as close to her sisters, and it had been many years at that since she had been close to anyone, at least not like that. She felt more at peace in that moment than she could recall having felt in a very long time. With one hand she lazily stroked his engorged member, her loose grip sliding easily over the slick flesh. Her other hand held onto his firm scaled skin, holding herself against him.

"I can take the picture," she breathed lazily. "I can get my medical tricorder to take pictures, if you want." She felt almost as if she were floating well above the ground, as if she were disconnected from the fears and drama of the outside. Like she had fallen into a perfect moment. She wanted to make it last for as long as she could.

As she spoke she continued moving her hand, enjoying the feeling of pulsing blood inside his shaft. It was so slick and smooth under her touch, for a moment she closed her eyes and just worked her hand up and down, her wrist and grip loose allowing her to slide up and down easily.

FInally she pulled herself into a more seated position, looking down at him. Her hand continued to move up and down his erect flesh. "I want to try to perform fellatio on you," she said with a slight smile, the more clinical term being the first to come to mind. She paused, wondering if it would translate well. She searched her mind for a way to explain that did not sound crude. Her mind still buzzed with the pleasure she had just felt, but yet there was some restraint there still. "I want to try to pleasure you with my mouth."

Then she moved, taking her time to move her face down to his loins, shifting her body as to stay leaning against him almost entirely. Her biology was different from a human's, but similar enough that when she run her tongue along the length of the underside of his cock it was all but indistinguishable from that of a humans, save for the fact it was not as warm. In long stroke she ran her tongue over the rigid flesh, her hand continuing to stroke, only a little slower as to not interfere with her tongue bathing of his aroused flesh. Like many things this too was new to her, but she had read about it and she was willing to experiment and take her time, in that moment she was in no rush to do anything at all beyond simply pleasure him.

Re: Day 03 [0530 hrs.] Ca Sau Ham Tieu Xanh

Reply #26
[ PO2 Sithick |  Gymnasium | deck 06 ] Attn:  @Absinthe

Sithick felt comfortable, it was the same feeling he got when he laid on bed in his own humid and hot enviroment. He felt relaxed, hydrated, and at the moment blissful as a beautiful woman rubbed his cock. Considering how he had once viewed all of this as impossible he felt like he was being given a lot by Lahkesis, yet her hand made him relax. The talk about such a photo was unique, and he liked the idea a lot. "I would like that." He said nodding only able to be so open with his desires because of the way the two were currently so entwined.

Than she explained what she wanted to do, and he blinked in confusion. Fellatio was not a word he had ever heard before. As she explained that she wanted to pleasure him with her mouth he nodded slowly comprehending. Though the terms that Vivian had used were different, such as blow job, and oral sex, he hadn't heard it spoken of in such a refined way. It was something that reminded him that Lahkesis was not human, she he could assume that this was different for her than it was for Vivian.

"You mean like how humans breed?" He asked before he got an answer of her tongue lapping at the combined sexual fluids. He wasn't at all sure what that would taste like, as it was coated in thick sexual slimes from both him and her, yet whatever it tasted like did not seem to deter his partner as she licked at him.

Sithick made no movement to stop Lahkesis from pleasuring him. His claws landed lightly on her back, petting her, and her hair as she worked his shaft and slowly lapped at his cock. The feeling was strange, and wonderful and every now and then she would feel his body twitch with anticipation. Sithick's own voice would groan, and his translator would not respond because he wasn't speaking words so much as closing his eyes and moaning in pleasure.

Re: Day 03 [0530 hrs.] Ca Sau Ham Tieu Xanh

Reply #27
[ Lahkesis Saugn | Steam Room | Gymnasium | Deck 6 | USS Theurgy]

After he had spoken, making the point of confusion clear, Lahkesis had to pause her licking for a moment, though she kept her hand moving up and down his eager flesh.

"No, humans breed a little differently," she said gently. She knew so little about Sithick's history, only that she cared strongly for him. For a moment, like a shadow, she felt a pang of doubt, a fear as if she were doing something wrong. She was still very new to sexuality and knew nothing of any ethics about it. She had only ever operated on instinct, going with the moment. She hadn't considered how much Sithick knew about her body and any potential risks. She knew she could not breed, she did not ovulate, so it was biologically impossible for her. Yet she knew that Sithick had been with another woman.

It was all so complicated and in that moment her doubts and concerns played their way through her mind and across her expression. Finally she pushed the them aside. She could explain. She was a medical professional after all, even if she was an intoxicated one.

"When most humanoids reproduce the male puts his penis," she gave his erect member a soft squeeze mid stroke, " inside the females vagina," she took him by the hand and guided his clawed hand to her still very slick folds. She paused only briefly to let out the softest of moans when his clawed fingers came into contact with her most sensitive flesh. "And then when he orgasms into her, if his seed and her ovum meet, he seeds her womb, and a child will grow inside of her womb." She explained all of this in a calm and low tone, her voice gentle and in some way very sensual. All the while her hand continued to stroke his throbbing erection.

"When one engages in any activity of a sexual nature aside from that it is for other purposes than reproduction," she went on. She spoke very plainly, hiding nothing from him, though she did not attempt to make it any more complicated than it needed to be. She wanted him to understand her desire. "I want to do this for you because I want to make you feel good."

And with that she returned to tongue bathing his rigid flesh. Though her tongue would feel like a normal human tongue in such an action, there were many biological differences between her tongue and that of a humans, not the least of which was her lack of any taste buds. As she was not biologically designed to consume nutrients through food, she had no need for them. No teslyliac duplicate needed them and thus even simpler lifeforms when duplicated would lack a sense of taste. Thus to her fellating him was more a about the unique pressure sensitivity of her tongue than any taste. Yet it was his moans and grunts of appreciation that made her happiest.

Re: Day 03 [0530 hrs.] Ca Sau Ham Tieu Xanh

Reply #28
[ PO2 Sithick |  Gymnasium | deck 06 ] Attn:  @Absinthe

Sithick closed his eyes trying to relax at the weird sensation of someone using their hand to pleasure him, at the same time he listened to the very medical explanation that Lahkesis gave him. When she squeezed on his cock he twitched in pain, but a good sort of pain. and when she brought his claw to her pussy he looked at it, and even for a moment explored those bright pink folds of her body. He was more than happy to press himself against her for a moment.

He was learning the difference between what was pleasureful and what was biologically necessasry, he also realized his own error when he had been fucking her ass, however it seemed she derrived pleasure from it, so he didn't mind or care. After a moment he moved and sprawled himself on the floor of the steam room.

"I wish to lick you while you pleasure me." He said opening his maw, his long tongue flicking for a moment. "I wish to make you feel good as well."

He looked at Lahkesis keeping his large mouth open, the way his jaw was he knew she would have to basically straddle his face if he was to eat her out, but it had worked with Martin, and it could work with Lahkesis as well. "Allow me to do this for you."

Re: Day 03 [0530 hrs.] Ca Sau Ham Tieu Xanh

Reply #29
[ Lahkesis Saugn | Steam Room | Gymnasium | Deck 6 | USS Theurgy]

There was a moment of hesitation. She did not need him to recipricate the gesture, but there was something about it, the way he said it. She did not need to consider his proposition long before without another word she moved her body to align her slick and sensitive folds with his maw. She spread her long pale legs to give him easy access to her saturated sex. Just the feel of his breath near her oh so sensitive skin made a shiver run up her spine.

But she was distracting herself. She turned her attention back to the rigid flesh still in held in the loose grip of her hand. She leaned forward and began to run her tongue along it once more. From her new angle it was different to hit the same places, so she began to vary her approach, swirling her tongue around the tip of it, taking a few inches into her mouth to lightly suck. She had no real concept of what she was doing, only a few vague notions she had once read about in a sexual guide and her erotic novels.

All the while she worked her tongue and mouth over the tip she began running both of her hands over the remaining length, letting them get covered in the mixture of their various bodily fluids so they would slide easily over his throbbing need and each other with near no resistance. She would hold only loosely, twisting slightly as they slide up and down the length of his shaft.

Re: Day 03 [0530 hrs.] Ca Sau Ham Tieu Xanh

Reply #30
[ PO2 Sithick |  Gymnasium | deck 06 ] Attn:  @Absinthe

When he had laid down he could read there was some hesitation to Lahkesis's movements, but didn't doubt that she would do as he had requested. It wasn't that he felt he had to return the favor, but rather there was a genuine desire to taste her, and for the both of them to bask in mutual pleasure of each others bodies. The more her mouth licked and kissed against his cock the more he was trying to explore her folds with his long tongue.

The only part that he regretted, was that with her body so pressed against him, Sithick could not see her breasts, but rather could feel them pressed against her scales. Compared to the warmth of the room, she was cold, but at the same time she was not an unwelcome thing, she was light against his body, it did not block any kind of motion for him to attack her with his tongue, and yet at the same time he was finding it oddly more difficult to breath as the excitement ran through his body.

His tongue oddly tingled as it flushed over Lahkesis' pussy, finding her clit and flicking his tongue against her. The fluids of her body were sweet like everything else about the woman he had come to admire. But it was almost too sweet, and it burned his tongue from the sugars it was a feeling he wasn't used too, and was vastly different from his experience with Vivian, and he kind of liked that the two women were so completely different.

Re: Day 03 [0530 hrs.] Ca Sau Ham Tieu Xanh

Reply #31
[ Lahkesis Saugn | Steam Room | Gymnasium | Deck 6 | USS Theurgy]

It took some concentration to keep focusing on tongue bathing his throbbing shaft while his tongue worked over her sensitive flesh. She did what she could to stay focused, but his tongue was quite large and her sex was still very sensitive from the bloom she had only a short time before. The amount of narcotic spores in her fluids had decreased, but they were still there. Had she been thinking she might had considered the amount of the narcotic Sithick was consuming, but her mind seemed to have more than a dozen things drifting through it and none of them were that.

No, her mind was in the moment, focused on little things like the feel of his tongue against her swollen cliterous or the smooth feeling of his thick eagerness in her hands. She was so focused on just that moment that it seemed to her as if there was nothing outside of the steam room, as if the whole of the universe was right there.

Her body was responding to his tongue well enough, he fluids flowing as she got and stayed quite moist. She had an almost citrus like flavor, sweet with almost a hind of some acidic flavor. And there was perhaps a bit more, some quiet numb or coolness to the taste. A coolness that would spread to the whole body given time.

Carefully she moved her tongue over the slick flesh of his rigid cock, closing her lips around her head to swirl her tongue around the tip, and lightly suck at it. She wasn't sure what to do, so she tried to simply stimulate the organ with her mouth and hands, hoping to provide pleasure even if she wasn't perhaps the most highly trained on the topic.

Re: Day 03 [0530 hrs.] Ca Sau Ham Tieu Xanh

Reply #32
[ PO2 Sithick |  Gymnasium | deck 06 ] Attn:  @Absinthe

Sithick's clawed feet kept curling and uncurling for a moment as she worked his shaft, his breathing was heavy, it didn't seem like he could get used to the feeling of sex, but it was enjoyable, and Lahkesis's taste was driving him on. While he didn't know about the narcotic effect of her juices he could already feel a slight euphoric high as his tongue danced around the pink flesh.

His tongue invaded her happy to lap at her insides. His long tongue easily invading her pussy it's dexterous length able to wiggle around inside of her as he focused on making the experience as pleasureful as possible for the woman while her tongue bathed his cock. His warm breath puffed around her more sensitive areas.

He retracted his tongue for a moment but due to having her body litterally set into his mouth he could only really garble his words, his movements too impeded for his translator to pick up the meaning behind them.

"-Ut, iz in, ouh." He groaned not thinking that his words would get picked up, his arms on the other hand were free, and could reach further down. It took some awkward positioning to reach down to Lahkesis's head, grabbing her lightly and pressing her face against his cock trying to put the slimy cock into the womans mouth, but at the same time man handling her too awkwardly end result was just rubbing her face against his precum, and bodily slime.

Re: Day 03 [0530 hrs.] Ca Sau Ham Tieu Xanh

Reply #33
[ Lahkesis Saugn | Steam Room | Gymnasium | Deck 6 | USS Theurgy]

The actual act of sexuality was still very new to Lahkesis, she had very little of a notion what to do or even how to properly perform fellatio on someone. Thus when Sithick's large hand moved to guide her she put up no resistance. Even though his garbled words were all but lost on her, she had neither the mental wherewithal nor focus to really understand, she was able to guess he wanted her to do more with his engorged member. Yet the way he moved her head provided her little insight into what he desired. Instead it simply smeared the viscous fluids which still coated his cock across her face.

And all that was to say nothing of the feeling of his tongue sliding against the entrance to her slick opening. She had never felt anything like it. Though he could not go deep into her, there was a barrier of plant flesh preventing him from going to deep with his tongue. As that she was still very much a virgin in terms of her that place, and as such her maidenhead was still very much intact and quite sensitive to the touch. The pressure of his tongue against it, beginning to stretch it to the point it felt like it could tear made her react almost instantly.

It was as if a sudden bolt of pain shot from her sex to her brain. She cried out in pain and suddenly pushed away from him. She tumbled off of him quite ungracefully. The pain faded quickly, but it had woken her up to the moment she was in, shoving aside the narcotics in her mind and the sexual haze. She was suddenly, at least for a moment, back to herself and aware that he body felt sore, stretched, and unlike anything she had ever felt before.

She tried to push herself up, but instead she simply lay panting and trembling. She felt she should say something, but she found a pang of terror washing over her. She had reacted to the pain on nothing but instinct, as she had done almost everything that morning. And now there was a fear she had done something wrong.

Re: Day 03 [0530 hrs.] Ca Sau Ham Tieu Xanh

Reply #34
[ PO2 Sithick |  Gymnasium | deck 06 ] Attn:  @Absinthe

Sithick had in a moment of passion forgotten what he was. When he had stuck his tongue into Martin's pussy she had simply moaned and enjoyed it. But he was getting the feeling that she was much much more experianced with the whole sex thing than either he or Lahkesis was. Perhaps it would be a good idea to bring Vivian into the bedroom with Lahkesis and himself, she could probably help him to avoid this mistake.

His mind sobered Lahkesis panicked and threw herself from him. He himself darted up at the motion coming to sit up as his lover went prone, she looked scared, and once again he knew why, Monsters didn't deserve to have such a woman in his life. Part of him told his body to run, but he knew that wouldn't accomplish anything.

He didn't know if Lahkesis wanted space from him, she hadn't said a word. He chewed it over, and figured out that if she did anything wrong she would simply push him away again, and he would take the hint not too touch her again, he would probably never touch her again. He pulled himself up, and moved closer to her. His broad claws moved under shoulders, and her knees, lifting her bridal style as he took her back to the bench, sitting down as he he laid Lahkesis over his body, his cock was still hard, still against her body, but he wasn't paying it any mind.

Instead he was focused on holding her for a moment. His breaths were deep, he was hoping they would be helpful or calming. He wasn't going to run this time, he brushed her body with the back of his clawed hand, comforting her.

"I'm sorry." He said after a few moments. "I forgot who I was for a moment. You... made me feel normal, not alone, and I forgot you are delicate flower." Though after how the two of them had gone at first he was thinking that delicate may be the wrong word.

"I can go if you wish. I will make sure you never see me again... all I do is hurt you."

Re: Day 03 [0530 hrs.] Ca Sau Ham Tieu Xanh

Reply #35
[ Lahkesis Saugn | Steam Room | Gymnasium | Deck 6 | USS Theurgy]

As he touched her again, his clawed hands picking her up and moving her close to him, holding her body against his, she could not help but relax a little in his grip. She would have been able to relax more fully if it was not for the words he spoke. She was again aware of how little he most know about her biology or sexuality and how headlong they had simply rushed into all of this. She knew she would need to explain, for both of their sakes.

"No, it's just... I'm a virgin there..." she said softly as she rested her head against his chest. "And my body still has a barrier, called a hymen or a maidenhead. It is meant to stretch or tear when ladies first engage in sexual activity. Because my body is so different from most peoples it has been left alone. It is sensitive to pressure. Your tongue against it caused some pain and it surprised me." She did her best to explain and not place any blame. If there was any blame to be placed it was partially hers. She hadn't told him anything and had simply allowed him access, with no warning or even instruction. It had been foolish.

"I may be delicate, but I am also sturdy. I will not break so easily. I may feel pain and I may feel discomfort, I may not be the best at telling you when I am unsure of something. But I feel safe around you. You have never made me do anything I don't want to do. Any pain you have caused me has been by accident," she went on, reaching up a hand to caress his face.

"You are my protector. My knight in scaly armor," she said with a drowsy sort of smile.

Re: Day 03 [0530 hrs.] Ca Sau Ham Tieu Xanh

Reply #36
[ PO2 Sithick |  Gymnasium | deck 06 ] Attn:  @Absinthe

Sithick nodded at the explanation. It was satisfying to hear in truth. Though She had also been a virgin when it came to her ass, so maybe he had rushed into things far too headstrong. He looked at her still craddled in her arms as he called him her knight. He felt an overwhelming rush of emotions towards Lahkesis for a moment, he turned his head away from her, but something soft and wet fell on her thigh as a hand brushed his eye, he didn't say anything on the matter, the only other time he had cried in his life was when he had been granted into the Federation, and saved from his previous life.

"Lettuce leaf." He said lifting her and returning his vision towards her, his yellow eyes slightly more wet as he held her up, and gently put her back on her feet so that he could look at her taking in the full scope of her body, and just what had been given to him today taking a moment to appreciate it, and then resting his head against her breasts, his breath landing softly against her stomach as he did this.

"We may not be good at speaking, but you are... far kinder to me than I thought possible." As he spoke he moved back to continue sitting. "It was kind of my fault, I was the one who wanted to lick you. You said you wished to do something for me."

He nodded for a moment his cock still errect, still plain to view as he looked at her. It had been pleasureful, and the scent of sex, and what ever had been fueling him on wards were still linguring he was hungry to finish, and knew very little about his own body in that regard, at the same time he was unsure if the moment had passed.

"I want too... let you continue... but I am unsure if the moment has passed us or not." He said looking at her unsure of what would happen next, but his eyes were still devouring her, taking in every naked inch of her body, enjoying her, and lusting for her, but his brain was trying to take back control from the drugs, admittedly it was like trying to pry open a steel bar without a crow bar, he had drank... a lot of it, and his yellow eyes had slight touches of pink as they looked over her.

Re: Day 03 [0530 hrs.] Ca Sau Ham Tieu Xanh

Reply #37
[ Lahkesis Saugn | Steam Room | Gymnasium | Deck 6 | USS Theurgy]

Though her legs were still not overly steady under her, Lahkesis, was able to stand on them when her feet were under her once more. And as he came to rest his head against her chest she loosely wrapped her arms around his head and shoulders. As she held him she began to gently run a hand over his scaled skin, her fingers gently stroking along the ridges of the plates of the individual scales along his head and neck.

Though he had held her a handful of times before, this was the first time she had held him. She had been vulnerable to him and it seemed as if now he was more than a little vulnerable to her. It was perhaps a level of intimacy she had never really felt before, a level of trust she hadn't felt for anyone aside from a very select few.

"You only wanted to pleasure me and I did nothing to stop you, nothing to tell you of my body," she said softly. And then slipping a finger under his maw she did her best to make it so he would look her in the eyes. "You did nothing wrong." And she kissed him on the tip of the snout.

She could not help but smile slightly as he inquired about continuing. "Yes, I did not finish what I was doing," she said softly. "But now I want you to lean back and relax. Let me take care of you. Just enjoy the feeling, you need to nothing more."

And using his body as support to lower herself Lahkesis moved to her knees, reaching with one hand to take his engorged flesh into her grasp once more. it was still slick from a combination of her fluids, both those produced by her lower body and her saliva, and his bodily fluids. This time as she moved closer to it, holding him close, she did not begin with her tongue, instead she took him into her mouth. At first only an inch or so, running her tongue against it and sucking at it. The books she had read had contained a description of the act, but she found actually doing it to be a very different sort of thing. Any time her teeth brushed against the warm flesh in her mouth she worried for an instant, quietly reminding herself to be careful. She wanted to only cause him pleasure.

Slowly she began to ease more of him into her mouth, pausing when the tip of his cock reached the back of her mouth and the entrance to her throat. Then she withdrew it until just the very tip was inside her mouth. She would slowly bob a few times, taking him a little deeper each time, until she pushed herself forward, relaxing and allowing him to slide into her throat. It was a unique sensation as not much had ever entered her throat beyond some water from time to time. She lacked a gag reflex and her throat stretched well enough to accommodate his girth, though it was still quite tight. As a plus of her unusual anatomy she did not need to breath quite as often as some and could hold her breath for prolonged periods if she needed too. This made it much easier for her to allow him into her throat without suffocating under him.

She fell into a smooth pattern, taking him all the way into to his hilt, then easing him out until just the tip was in her mouth, at which time she would take a breath, then she would repeat the process again. It might have been her first time trying something like that, but she did have biological advantages and she hoped she could pleasure him.

Re: Day 03 [0530 hrs.] Ca Sau Ham Tieu Xanh

Reply #38
[ PO2 Sithick |  Gymnasium | deck 06 ] Attn:  @Absinthe

Sithick felt odd, as she wrapped herself around him. Her arms pulling him around as he felt like his heart was about to burst out of his chest. He listened to her words with bated breath, and as she confirmed that he did nothing wrong he nodded slowly. He still wasn't entirely sure what this was, but he knew he didn't want it to end suddenly, and thankfully Lahkesis seemed to agree with him about that.

It was heart warming to see that after everything she had been through this was still something that she wanted, because even though his heart was going what must have felt like fourty beats a second, he wanted this more than he could explain.

So when she told him to lean back and relax though he was uncomfortable trying to do so, he did in fact do as much. His yellow eyes trained on Lahkesis watching her as she started to take him into her mouth, something he had originally been trying to request when all of this stuff had begun, and let out a small groan.

That groan grew louder as she started to take him deeper, down, and then put his cock into her throat. He closed his eyes for a moment his legs spreading as he tried his best to lean back, letting the feeling guide his actions as he relaxed. One of his claws landed lightly on Lahkesis's head as she started to suck him down.

Some part of him wished he could start every shift like this, the pleasure of sex easing his thoughts and the movement of her mouth around his member helping him to at least for a moment forget who and what he was. His hips rocked for a moment as low animalistic groans escaped him. All the while his claws ran through Lahkesis soft pink hair.

He breathed and groaned heavily for a moment his hands relaxing, even as he felt a climax approaching, rather than the usual violent climax he had where it shot everywhere because of his tightened motions and stress, his relaxed position and the fact that he was inside of Lahkesis's mouth meant that as he came it was in smaller softer flexes of his muscle, allowing the cum to pool inside of her mouth, one eye opened softly looking down at his lover wondering what she would do with his seed.

Re: Day 03 [0530 hrs.] Ca Sau Ham Tieu Xanh

Reply #39
[ Lahkesis Saugn | Steam Room | Gymnasium | Deck 6 | USS Theurgy]

It was not so much a matter of instinct as it was doing what felt best, what seemed to get a response from him. She had no instinct for this and had to mostly just guess. But she had read the books and they did give her somewhat of a foundation. It was still a very different thing, reading about sexual contact and actually doing it. She found the act of actually doing it full of so much more, the smell, the texture, the sounds. Even if she had no sense of taste, there was still quite a bit to it.

Running her tongue against his rigid flesh as it slid in and out of her throat, the musky animal smell of him mixed with the fruity floral scent of her, creating a heady aroma that seemed to fill her with each breath she drew in from her nose as her throat opened when she eased him out. She had managed to figure out a decent breathing pattern to breath in, ease him in and then back out, breath out, ease him in and out once more, and then another breath in. She fell into the pattern, moving her tongue and her hands against his member as she moved her head to push him in and out.

And then she felt as his muscles tensed and released, not in the same way she had felt before, even if she had been more focused in her own world of pleasure. No, this was different. He did not so much as spray, but filled her mouth and throat with his seminal fluid. There was enough of it that some spilled out the corners of her mouth and down her pale skin, dripping onto her breasts, and some slide down her throat. It felt thick, yet viscous and slick in her mouth and she found herself rolling it over her tongue as it slid into her body. Not having any instinctual reaction she was able to process it quite clearly, feeling the warmth of it, the slickness of it.

Then it was gone, aside from the trails down her face, which she wiped away with the back of her hand a moment later.

She turned her pale blue pupilless eyes back to him and smiled. “Did that feel good?” she asked as she pulled herself up once more, her fingers trailing up along his member as she moved to climb astride his lap once more, wanting to be held in his strong grasp again.

Re: Day 03 [0530 hrs.] Ca Sau Ham Tieu Xanh

Reply #40
[ PO2 Sithick |  Gymnasium | deck 06 ] Attn:  @Absinthe

Sithick was still drawing deep heavy breaths as she drank his cum. Watching enamored by the experience of watching a woman roll his cum across her tongue. Loving the sensual sight even if he didn't exactly have all the words to express what it was like. He watched as she seemed to swish it around in her mouth before swallowing finding the idea that she enjoyed his texture in some way satisfying considering that she had already told him she couldn't taste him.

His cock was finished. It was limp by round two, all of his energy seemingly drained from him despite the warmth of everything around him. As he felt Lahkesis pull herself into his lap he blinked for a moment focusing on her naked visage for a long while before moving closer, his arms wrapping around her back so he could pull her closer to him in a tight grip. His muzzle brushed affectionately against her head as held her. Her chest landing against his stomach as his  claws brushed her soft pale skin.

He sat for a moment catching his breath as he tried to think of the best words to describe what he was going through right now.

Before no one had even looked at him in a sexual light, now he had a woman who seemingly would do anything for him. He blinked.

"It was wonderful." his communicator spoke out his answer as he breathed warm air onto Lahkesis's hair. He looked around for a long moment. Not wanting to leave, not wanting to have to go and do his shift, just wanting to stay with this young, soft creature holding him.


Re: Day 03 [0530 hrs.] Ca Sau Ham Tieu Xanh

Reply #41
[ Lahkesis Saugn | Steam Room | Gymnasium | Deck 6 | USS Theurgy]

She could not help but hold fast to him, feeling like she could melt against him, his firm arms wrapped around her, holding her close. His warm breath causing her hair to ripple and flutter. She delighted at the feeling of his body held against hers like that, feeling his leathery skin against her own.

But in the back of her mind, she could not escape the impending feeling that this could not last forever. She had to get ready for her shift in sickbay, and now she also had to make sure she got a shower in before she went on that shift. She could hardly go on duty covered in their sexual fluids, even if there was some animalistic delight she felt in being covered in them, as if she had been marked by him in some primitive way.

With a heavy sigh, she pressed her face into his shoulder and breathed in his scent. She did not want to move. She did not want to go anywhere. She wanted to stay like that for the rest of the day, but that was not really an option.

"I need to get ready for my shift," she intoned sadly but made no move to get up or pull away from him. "And you need to get ready for yours..." She held fast to him, pressing her face into his scales, feeling the moisture on them against her skin, melding with the sweat and steam on her body. "And we both could use a shower..." She spoke with no conviction, saying what she knew she was supposed to say, even though she didn't really want to say it, let alone do it.


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