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Topic: USS Theurgy: What If...? A Winter Wonderland (Read 5703 times) previous topic - next topic
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USS Theurgy: What If...? A Winter Wonderland


This is an open thread to anyone who wants to drop in. The concept was stolen, again, but too good to refuse. This is very likely to be an NSFW thread, however there is enough to this concept to do a lot of adventuring that isn't about sex. As always this is not to be considered canon in any way shape or form the main RP storyline. It's just all-around fun for anyone, official Theurgy canon characters or not, that wanted to drop into it.

This thread is for fun. As it's not part of the main storyline in any form, just mucking around, the 7 day max doesn't really apply here. Remember to focus on all your actual story posts first and foremost

The Premise
No ship can function without routine maintenance, not even the Theurgy. Theta Sigma is an isolated enough system and completely void of intelligent life, though it's 6th planet does have wide range of flora and fauna. While the ship undergoes a routine maintenance cycle the crew is permitted to take shore leave in shifts on the planet below. Camping supplies and basic ammienties have already been beamed down and the crew has been issued shifts in which to visit the planet and get some much needed down time.

The Planet:
Theta Sigma 6 is a colder planet, however, it is still very much a gorgeous M-class world. For much of the year much of it's surface is covered in a blanket of snow. Though the weather is mild enough for a short shore-leave. It has a variety of natural features and after detailed scans several campsites were selected.

The Campsites
Campsite Alpha
Set near a dense snowy forest, this campsite offers scenic views of the mountains while still being near enough to the forest for hiking. Without a nearby natural water source a water storage unit and reprocessing unit were beamed down. A number of easy to put up cold weather tents and heaters are available as well as enough standard-issue blankets and pillows to keep anyone warm. It is the perfect campsite for a little bit of more rough living for those who enjoy it.

Campsite Beta
Set deeper into a snowy old-growth forest near a slow-moving river this campsite offers the privacy and quiet only snow-covered forest can offer. It's a good place to go for a hike, it's an even better place to stay inside and enjoy the peace and serenity. Due to the nearby water source a water reprocessing unit and pumping system were beamed down. A number of large storage containers have been retrofitted as heated mini cabins complete with a two-person cot and small cooking stove. Additional heaters as well as plenty of standard-issue blankets and pillows are available.

Campsite Gamma
Set higher up in the mountain range, in a small valley, this campsite offers the unique feature of a number of secluded hot water mineral water springs. Hot water is pushed up from deep within the planet through natural springs and has carved out a number of secluded pools. Nearby a number of the same storage containers from Campsite Beta have been set up. Due to the nearby water source a water reprocessing unit and pumping system were beamed down.

Final Thought and Purpose
The idea of this thread is to go an an adventure. Grab a writing partner and go out of the ordinary in a fun way. It can be as friends or something romantic, it's a futuristic camping trip in a place that's actually safe. It may be cold out, but there are plenty of ways to stay warm, even if it does come down to sharing body heat...

[ Petty Officer Artimis Saugn & Petty Officer Anthea Saugn | Transporter Room #3 | Deck 12 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @tongieboi @Juzzie

The transporter room was already crowded when Artimis and Anthea Saugn arrived. Of course it would be, with a ship the size of the Theurgy it was all but guaranteed that it's handful of transporter rooms would be crowded on the day when shore leave was announced. Everyone wanted to go down so it was plotted to be taken in shifts. Shifts we assigned, then promptly traded with others to ensure people went down with who they wanted to, and then campsites were selected so that supplies for the correct number of people would be sent down.

As Artimis looked around the room she noted a few faces who she was all but certain were not assigned to her group. More than likely they were attempting to slip down undetected in all the commotion.

"Are you sure this is the right place to be?" Anthea asked her sister leaning in to try and not have to yell over the sound of everyone else talking.

"Transporter Room 3, this is the place?" Artimis said holding up a slip with their departure time and transporter room number.

"We are beaming down soon, yes?" Anthea asked as she looked around and edged toward the wall, trying to avoid the crowd. While Artimis was meant to be more outgoing and bold, Anthea had been designed to be far more reserved.

"We're a few minutes early," Artimis replied grimly as she moved toward the wall as well to hopefully wait not overly long for their turn.

Though neither of them had been on the ship long, it had been some time since either had gotten any real sunshine, even if it was a snowy world and was set to be quite chilly, there would be hours upon hours of day light for all three of the days they were getting planetside. It was a truly exciting thing and they were both more than happy to get assigned a time slot to go down and get the perfect campsite. Both of them were looking forward to spending some time in real gravity.

"See anyone you recognize?" Artimis asked looking around for any familiar faces.

"Yes, but I've seen all of their crew files, so of course I would," Anthea replied smartly.

Artimis gave her a look. "You... I meant, anyone we might talk to?"

"Why?" Anthea asked with a sigh. She wanted to avoid the crowd and people she didn't know. She liked to do her work by herself and was trained to work best that way. What annoyed her was she often felt lonely despite herself.

"I don't know about you, but I don't intend to not be social on this little adventure," Artimis replied with a broad smile. She looked around the transporter room again and looked for anyone looking at them. "Now, who should we talk to?"

Re: USS Theurgy: What If...? A Winter Wonderland

Reply #1
[ Ens. Joseph Adams | Transporter Room #3 | Deck 12 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @AbsintheDeux @Juzzie ]

Joe had never seen so many people in the transporter room. He was almost grateful that his shift was nearly over and he wouldn't have to deal with the worst of the crowd. Energising the transporter for another six  crewmen, he glanced up and tried to spot his replacement at the door. No luck. At least not yet.

"Alright, next six?"

Preparing the transporter for another use, he brought his gaze back up to the crowds again, energising without even sparing the console a glance. He'd practically memorised the layout of the thing by now, and it would be good to get a break from it for a change. This shore leave promised that much, at least. He'd packed for the colder weather accordingly, something to light a campfire, a tent (in case he didn't feel like sleeping in one of the cabins), a torch and a few isolinear chips, containing libraries of entertainment he'd prepared in advance, mainly books.

The most prominent of his luggage however, was his guitar, which he'd decided to bring to finally fit some practice in. He'd barely picked the thing up since he'd been brought out of sickbay!

He was wearing nice warm apparel, including a jumper and a large coat he'd replicated in advance, and winter boots. His combadge was attached to the jumper he was wearing, the furry winter coat laid strewn over the console. He wasn't going to put it on whilst he was in somewhere with Air Conditioning after all...

He'd made sure that the jumper, like his usual uniform, was yellow. He just hoped nobody would be upset if he'd changed for the planet in advance.

His gaze once again swept around the room and he started grinning when finally, he spotted his replacement.

Without even waiting for them to reach the console, Joe had already picked up his bag, slung it over his shoulder, done the same with his winter coat, and speedwalked to join the throngs of people waiting for transport. Somewhere between a pair of magenta and turqoise haired women and several Engineering crewmen. At least he assumed they were engineers, based solely on the fact one of them seemed to be talking about Impulse Manifolds.

Re: USS Theurgy: What If...? A Winter Wonderland

Reply #2
[ Lt. Rhys Williams | Transporter Room #3 | Deck 12 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @AbsintheDeux @tongieboi

Rhys had checked and double checked and triple checked everything he had. Some basic rations, including a bar of Kendal mint cake. It was a compressed sugar based confection flavoured with peppermint that was favoured by Hikers and climbers in Britain. It was quite an old fashioned thing, Starfleet had designed more efficient items to boost energy, but Rhys was a fan old fashioned confectionary.

In his, pack he had a torch, a heater, his tent, changes of clothing, a book he had been meaning to read for a while and a variety of other things. He was excited, but that did not stop him checking he had everything a fourth time. It seemed an unusual shore leave choice for some, but Rhys had never been a warm weather person. There was something appealing to him about the cold. Maybe growing up in Wales had something to do with it, though where they were landing would be far colder than his home of Angelsey.

When Rhys arrived at the transporter room, he had found it cramped and awkward. Everyone was naturally bundled up and it meant most people took up twice the normal room. He found himself jostled and nudged around but he chose not to say anything. He ended practically falling into a group of people. Two women with brightly coloured hair and a young man with a guitar on his back. It was then that Rhys could have kicked himself. “Shit… sorry I forgot my Guit….” His voice was cut off by the transporter beam.

Re: USS Theurgy: What If...? A Winter Wonderland

Reply #3
[Ens. Talia “Shadow” Al-Ibrahim | Type-11 Shuttlecraft René Descartes | Low Orbit | Theta Sigma VI] Attn: @AbsintheDeux @tongieboi @Juzzie
Given the chance to breathe real air on a real planet under a real sun, even if some aspects of the weather were a tad undesirable, Shadow leapt at the first opportunity to jump ship – which took a bit longer than she’d liked – mostly due to Janus. Unlike her previous SCO on the Diamondback, the old man seemed to have a natural aversion to anything that even resembled paperwork; she’d chased him down more than once just to sign off on her flight logs – as if getting a signature from the man was like pulling teeth. The look on his face when she finally cornered him about her pass was funny, though: a scowl of confusion, as if he was surprised she’d even bothered to submit one for a few hours off-ship.

Talia smirked at the memory as she pulled the zipper up her back to seal herself in the form-fitting, insulated flight suit; black on gray and carbon fiber plated, it clung to her athletic body with tenacity – a full-body protective layer with a high collar that housed a retractable helm. She stood in the berthing compartment, her back to the cockpit, and took a moment to tie up her mane of dark hair.

“Have to say, y’never fail to impress,” Rawley drawled in her guttural Scottish accent from behind her, up in the cockpit. Talia knew without having to look that the fellow Wolf had been watching her change instead of flying the damn ship, but wasn’t the least bit surprised or bothered by it. Ghost was Ghost, and Shadow knew her well enough to know when she was just playing around. “Could watch that body o’yers all day, lass.”

Talia snorted without turning around. “Yeah, yeah, suits a little tight,” she shook her head. “I know. It’s supposed to be.”

“Gah, is it so hard t’take a bloody compliment? Fuck sakes,” Rawley grumbled; Talia could practically hear her eyes roll. “Sixty seconds. Shake a leg, princess.”

Talia smiled and shook her head again. Once her hair was secured, the pilot pulled on the five-point pack harness for her ruck, which was nearly as big as her chest, and cinched it down for the trip. Her heart-rate bumped up a notch, gloves flexed in anticipation. This is going to be awesome, Shadow grinned, then turned to find Rawley with her ass leaned against the ops console, still watching.

“Good tae see ye finally out and about, y’know,” the veteran Wolf grinned. “Was a’right bitch whe’ I firs’ met ye.”

Talia nodded and shrugged, but kept the dimpled grin in place. “You weren’t exactly an ideal ambassador, either. You should really work on those inspirational speeches, ace. ‘Welcome back, ye be fucked, have fun,’ - not exactly the way I’d have handled things,” she chuckled.

“Ah, well…got it all sorted in th’end, dinna we,” Rawley bounced her brows, then tilted her shaved head with a look of curiosity. “How’d ye talk yer way in tae this stunt anyway?”

Shadow shrugged with a look of feigned innocence. “I didn’t,” she grinned, then tapped a force-field into place with a laugh at Ghost’s expression. “Oh, come on – you’re just butt-hurt because you didn’t think of it.”

“Aye,” Rawley laughed. “Tha’ an’ Janus will throw me inna bloody brig with ye when he find us out.”

Talia had her doubts about that; if the old man could stand the cold, and if she’d told him what she’d planned, he’d probably be first in line to come along. Shadow had played things close to her chest though and left him and everyone else in the dark. Besides, he’s got paperwork to do, the pilot smirked.

Several beeps issued from the computer then, prompting Rawley to lift one butt cheek to glance at the console she was using as a chair nonchalantly. “Holdin’ station at tha’coordinates, 30 angels. Tha’s ye cue,” she snorted, then waved at the exit hatch. “Don’ go an freeze tha’ nooner off, now,” she chuckled.

"Hell yeah, let's do it," Talia pumped a fist as her helm snapped up around her head and tapped a command to depressurize the compartment, then tossed Ghost a lazy two fingered salute while the hatch lowered to reveal the endless curve of a bright blue-and-white world. “Later, ace,” the pilot chuckled without breaking stride as she walked towards it, and leapt head-first out into gravity’s embrace.

Despite the suit, her body instantly felt the chill – but by then, Talia’s adrenaline had spiked so high that it was easily ignored. The first ten seconds she focused on keeping her body relaxed and let gravity do it’s thing; over the roar of the wind in her ears, even with the helmet, her eyes took in the scenery while she accelerated. Speed and distance scrolled away on the glass surface shielding her face; if anyone had been listening, though, all they would have heard is her laughing like a maniac.

For two and a half minutes, Talia owned the sky.

[A short while later, near outskirts of Campsite Gamma]

She set down gentle enough, but didn’t account for the softness of the snow; her heels dug in, then slipped out from under her. Her ass dug a trench until the chute blew out, then caught the wind – which spun her about as it dragged her along for a few more feet. Talia hissed a curse and popped one of the risers and eventually came to a stop, half panting/half laughing at herself before she stretched her limbs out in the snow.

“Ah, that was fucking amazing,” Shadow roared with jubilation, as her whole body shook with adrenaline. “Who needs a damn transporter,” the pilot laughed, then sat up and slowly got to her feet. A hand slapped her shoulder to trigger the chute to auto-retract while she dropped the pack from its harness to land at her feet. Another tap at her throat stowed her helm which allowed the frigid air to instantly bite against her skin. “Whoo,” she breathed out, “shit that’s cold.”

Hands on her hips, Talia stood for a moment and took in the scenery – then slung her bag over one shoulder and set off towards the camp - boots crunching into the snow. If there wasn't heat, she knew getting that sorted was her top priority; the cold was quickly setting in, but her blood was still too pumped up to really care at the moment.

OOC - y'all feel free to visit and/or wreck her little vacay however. down to clown.

Re: USS Theurgy: What If...? A Winter Wonderland

Reply #4
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) & Lt ThanIda zh'Wann  (Lt. zh'Wann) | near Transporter Room 4 | Deck 12 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @AbsintheDeux @tongieboi @Dumedion

"Oh come on Ida, it's not going to be that bad, and besides, the boss told you to take a break." Lieutenant Zark practically gushed as she pulled another rather reluctant Andorian along towards the Transporter room.  Crew members kitted out for frigid temperatures were headed in the same direction, many had a skis in their hands and matching poles. Other carried wider snow boards.  All were coutured for the colder climes.  Ida zh'Wann matched most of the crew, though being from a cold weather world, her choice of clothing was was a bit thinner appearing, giving the sense that she was going to experience a milder winter than most in a light weight polymer flex clothing in blue and grey.  The companion that was figuratively dragging her along was the opposite in a form fitting high collared white leather ump suit.  A puffy coat was left unzipped as she made her way to the transporter room.

"I'm not disputing going down to the world for a break Zark."  Ida began. "My question was why does this particular location hold so much interest for you?" The Deputy asked as she paused for a moment.  "Why does it have to be with me as well?"

Zark grinned. "Well, there is that hot spring." Zark suggested innocently, to which Ida nodded her consent, but didn't believe was the sole motivation. "And you like to paint."  Ida nodded again, while her eyes narrowed in suspicion at what her hobby had to do with the camp site. "So, wouldn't it be interesting, or maybe a challenge, to paint a subject at the hot spring?"

Ah hah!  The deputy thought to herself while taking a look over the medic for a moment.  Ida had made the assumption that Zark was being her libertine self when she'd left her jacket open and suit unzipped, but there was definitely more at play here since there appeared to be quite a bit of material missing from later closest to the skin. "I see, and you've graciously decided to help me meet this challenge?" Ida asked in tones that practically dripped with mock interest.

Zark beamed as she ignored that attempt at fishing and nodded happily.  "And what will the subject be for this painting I'm doing of you?" Ida asked while also eyeing the rest of the backpack and a long wide carry case over the other Zhen's shoulder.  The medic smiled more and replied with a cryptic "You'll see." Ida's eyes narrowed in shielded frustration at her subordinates evasiveness and she wished for a moment they weren't officially on leave so she could order an answer.  The Deputy shook the thought away since the stubborn medic wasn't likely to answer even when ordered, and she was sure the reply was going to be ridiculous when she found out.  "At least tell me what's in the case."  Ida asked tabling the discussion of artistry for the moment. Zark didn't hesitate to answer. "It's a pair of Ch’chaannes arms hunting rifles."  Ida's arm flashed out and halted the other Zhen in the middle of the hallway as her eyes because serious. "You're taking fire arms down to planet? It's a snowy pleasure planet.  What are you planning on doing with a pair of precision high powered rifles, and why two of them?"  The medic smiled suggestively, a sure sign she was excited. "There's something called a Fetimeenin, it looks like a cross between an alicorne and a makra.  The meat is supposed to be fantastic when roasted."

Ida pinched the bridge of her nose as she closed her eyes for a moment, processing the absurdity of the activity Zark was proposing. "They have replicators and other dining facilities down there." Zark simply nodded and smiled. "Of course, but it's also the kind of challenge you enjoy and I'll need someone to watch my heart shaped ass while looking for this thing."  Ida could feel the headache starting to form. "And if this thing proves dangerous like the makra, how do you plan on dealing with it if it gets close and jumps the presumptive us?"  The medic smiled beatifically. "I wouldn't worry about it, I also packed vibro knives and our phaser pistols, we'll just vaporize it if it gets too close.  Maybe gut it instead, that would save a lot of work, but it is awfully messy."  Ida mentally through her hands in the air and practically stomped off to the transport room with Zark in tow. "It'll be fun, and that beast will make a great addition to dinner!" the trailing Zhen called.

Ida silently fumed as they entered the transporter room just in time to see a group disappear off the pad in a shimmer of light. "I'm kinda surprised you're agreeing to go hunting."  Zark said as she mounted the transporter next to Ida. "I'm not."  The Deputy replied. "I'm hoping you come to your senses and stay at the camp sight." Zark giggled at this. "Yeah. Not happening." Lieutenant zh'Wann rolled her eyes before turning the transporter chief. "Site Gamma, energize."  The room soon disappeared in sparkles of light and was quickly replaced by light flecks of snow as well as a scene of a mountain range.  Ida felt a pang of home sickeness as she felt the cold quickly close in on her as she took in the majestic stone giants that would be their home away from home for a little while.  It was a moment of solitary peace and wonder as she stood in the snow and just drank in the vista.

Zark did the same, except her sense of longing was much stronger since it was very much like her home district.  Blue green eyes glittered as she felt her nostrils inhale the clean mountain air.  The steady gurgle brought an easy grin to her face as she looked around the site. A few prefab units were parked in the snow and quickly gathering a fine layer of white on them as gentle slopes piled against one side. A few other people from the ship were working to get a few fires going the comforting smell of wood smoke began to permeate the air around them.  "Over here Zark, we've got hut five."   Zark waved back. "Got it!" she yelled and turn in the view one more time before trudging her way to the shelter.

It didn't take long to sort out the bunking arrangement before Zark turned towards Ida and helped to grab her easal. "Come on, grab your paints, and we can relax by the pool." Ida did as she was bid, but Zark was pretty sure she grumbled something about bossy nurses. Said medic didn't care though since she was excited at the thought of being a subject in a painting, and it showed in the way she bounced on her feet a few times. When Ida pronounced herself ready, Zark smiled and turned to open the door. It was supposed to a safe place, so Zark really wasn't looking where she was going before she put one foot outside the door and yelped as she crashed into someone where they both went tumbling in the snow.  From the way the two hit, Zark should have ended up on the bottom of the pile, but she rolled a bit harder and finished on top with her legs straddling the person underneath her. The air misted between the two as Zark breathed a bit harder while making out who she'd run into and any apology she was going to offer died In loud squeal of delight. "Eeeeeeeeeh! Talia!! I can't believe you're here!  This is amazing...."  The ecstatic Andorian gushed as she grabbed the Wolf and proceeded to squeeze the dark haired woman to her bosom with endless excitement.

[Somewhere in the woods]

The beast slinked across the snow, it's tongue constantly flicking out, tasting the air. It made nary a sound as it moved though the foliage. It could taste the strange scents and hear some odd noises, but these were not the sounds of its usual prey, so it ignored them. The six legs moved smoothly as it crawled under a felled log and stopped for a moment. It's instinct felt the call of something that might be food, and it stopped for a moment before changing direction to begin the hunt towards the scent.  It didn't snarl, for that may give its position away, but if it had, the curled back lips would have exposed the rows of razor sharp serrated teeth joining the long tusks sticking out of its mouth. Maybe its belly would be full tonight.

Re: USS Theurgy: What If...? A Winter Wonderland

Reply #5
[Ens. Talia "Shadow" Al-Ibrahim | Near Campsite Gamma | Theta Sigma VI] Attn: @RyeTanker @tongieboi @AbsintheDeux
Crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch. Surrounded by the silence of nature, Talia slowly trekked; having paused only once so far to pull a beanie from her pack. The cold had proven too much for the pilot's ears, which even covered still stung a bit (along with her nose and cheeks), but the laborious hike kept the rest warm enough. Talia had never realized – or even considered – how just walking through snow could be such a workout. Snow, she discovered quite quickly, was rather treacherous; at a glance, it appeared quite level, yet Shadow learned that appearance was deceiving. Only a few steps into the hike, she sunk thigh deep into the pure white powder. Of course, in the attempt to recover the balance lost, Talia’s other foot ended up just as stuck, which forced her to crawl her way out with a laugh.

“Next time,” Talia huffed and pulled on the second strap to her pack, “bring a sled or something,” she chuckled at herself. Never one to back down from a challenge, Shadow post-holed her way along for a good while, trudging through the rest of the way, arms swinging about for momentum. By the time she reached the edge of the camp-site, a thin haze of vapor drifted from her head – evaporating sweat, mixed with puffs of breath – some of which had frozen to her eyelashes, which the Wolf tried to blink away with watering eyes. Should’ve brought some shades, she kicked herself in hindsight; the glare off the snow was surprisingly bright. “Probably should’ve…thought this through…a bit more, too,” Talia half-laughed/half-grunted with exertion.

Thankfully, someone had cleared out a perimeter around the site, which the pilot promptly slid down on her ass with another laugh. She sat there with her back to the berm for a little while to catch her breath.

Snowflakes drifted in the air.

Talia looked up and caught one on her tongue, as the first wisps of clouds covered the sun; the mountain peaks on either side of the valley had been obscured, all in the short while of her hike. She stood up, and looked back in the direction of her landing; sure enough, a slow roll of clouds had followed her. The scene triggered an oddly clear moment from childhood; Shadow remembered the giant wind-storms of the desert – a massive wall of dust that promised to block out the sun – sometimes for days. The weather that approached wasn’t quite that dramatic, however. She saw no wind or apocalyptic front, only a quiet blanket of snowfall. It was beautiful, in its own way. Talia smirked, then smiled fully, glad that she’d taken the time to experience it.

But the longer Shadow stood there, the more her nose and cheeks stung; the sweat she’d worked up wasn’t helping. “Okay, time to warm up,” the pilot shook herself with an audible brrr, then turned back to camp and made a bee-line for it, nose wrinkled and wiggling, trying to gain some feeling back. When that didn’t work, both gloved hands rose and cupped over her lower face for a few steps, only to come back wet with snot. “Ew, gross,” Talia froze, unsure what to do, then tried to fling most of it off; no feeling apparently gave her nose free reign to leak all over the place. A wet sniff immediately followed, along with several hurried, self-conscious swipes; the Wolf hadn’t even realized she’d been mouth-breathing the entire time. The cold had triggered some reflexive reaction, apparently, which completely negated any hope of air entering or exiting through her nostrils. “Ugh, f-fuck it,” she shivered and took off at a brisk pace.

Fuck it’s cold, it’s cold, it’s cold, it’s cold.

Thus preoccupied, eyes and head lowered against the bite of air she was rushing through, Talia stomped her way up onto the small wooden deck of the closest pre-fab unit, dusted with a thin layer of snow; at least, that’s what her eyes told her it was. Unfortunately, her eyes were wrong. Traction disappeared in an instant, and Talia’s brain misfired in panic as muscle memory failed her at exactly the same time she collided with a body that literally popped out of nowhere. Talia reached out in reflexive instinct to attempt to right herself and the other person, but failed miserably; feet slid out from under her, arms pin wheeled – they hit – the world tumbled – she felt her pack slide off her back. Ass, back, then head, in that order, hit cold, snow covered ground, but momentum rolled them over at least once until she lay pressed into the snow by the weight of whoever she ran into.

“Ow,” Talia winced, then blinked up at a familiar blue face haloed by platinum locks, and stifled a chuckle at the tickling touch of antennae. “Hey Zar – koof,” she grunted into the Andorian’s chest, having been promptly pulled up into a gleeful hug, ear ringing from the medico’s squeal of delight. The pilot returned the embrace, mimicking the excited rocking motion of Zark’s body with an honest laugh. The Andorian’s exuberance was infectious; a testament to her character. Talia genuinely enjoyed her company, even if it mostly involved Zark beating the shit out of her, but those sparring matches always ended with a smile. It was impossible to not love Kali – as Talia liked to call her – the Andorian was just one of those people that everyone liked, and seemed to like everyone just as much.

Once air became needed, however, Talia tapped and gasped, then quickly wiped her face free of snow and anything else with another laugh, then just as quickly fell into an apology. “Are y-you okay? S-sorry, I s-slipped and d-didn’t see you,” she asked through a shivered grin, then noticed another Andorian over Zark’s shoulder step into view that the pilot didn’t recognize. Definitely not Duchess, Talia blinked, but smiled and offered them a quick wave anyway. Once she was sure Zark was okay, the pilot chuckled again and started trying to shrimp her way out from under the Andorian. “Not s-sure how you…always end up on top,” she grunted under her breath, then gave up due to complete lack of traction with a laugh. “M-mind letting me up? I can’t f-feel my b-butt.”

Once on her feet, Talia shook herself visibly and shouldered her pack by a single strap, then adjusted the beanie on her head with an amused thanks. No lump meant no worries – not that she was worried about a little bump to the head anyway. She was more concerned and amused by the facial expression on the mystery Andorian; she’d never met one that looked quite so…serious.

Heh, l-looks like she could use a b-break, Talia thought, the scowl on the other Andorian’sface met with a smirk. Few people frowned at her like that; mostly after she’d done something stupid – namely Janus and Ghost – everyone else had been easy to ignore, though.

“S-sorry again,” Shadow apologized again quietly and smiled at Kali, but tilted her head at the other Andorian, while her hands attempted to brush most of the snow from her ass. “W-who’s your f-friend?”

Re: USS Theurgy: What If...? A Winter Wonderland

Reply #6
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) & Lt ThanIda zh'Wann  (Lt. zh'Wann) | Campsite Gamma | Theta Sigma VI] Attn: @AbsintheDeux @tongieboi @Dumedion

Ida stood there for a moment and looked at her far more outgoing colleague as she gripped the stranger like a child with a stuffed animal and shook her like one as well.  The relationship aspect for the Deputy stood as a stranger for she knew exactly who the pilot was.  Apparently Zark had gotten friendly with this one already and the two were definitely familiar. The pilot's request to get up after being knocked over was reasonable, and the other Zhen did help her up, but she didn't need Zark's help to introduce herself.  "Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann. I work Security....."  Apparently the medic didn't feel their meeting had been quite appropriate as she grabbed the pilot's head, yanked it hard to face her and planted her face on the human's.  Ida wasn't a dike by any means, so she could see from the movement of the Zhen's head she was stuffing her tongue into the human's mouth.  This wasn't enough though as Ida opened her mouth to caution and protest the Zhen's actions as her hand quickly made its way down and grabbed a hand full of ass cheek.  Ida knew that Zark wasn't weak by any means so there was going to be some torsion behind that squeeze.  Ida exhaled and grimaced before shaking her head.  A slight moan of delight let the Deputy know where this was heading quickly, and it likely wouldn't end well for the pilot, like human popsicle badly.

Ida theatrically and loudly cleared her throat making Zark reluctantly pull herself off.  If her knowledge of the medic was correct, she was probably grinning with an insolent leer.  "As I was saying before we were .... interrupted, Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann. I'm in Security as 2IC.  Most people refer to me as the Deputy."

Then Zark was Zark as she linked her arms into the pilot's and Ida's and dragged them to the next shelter over. "Don't let that calm demeanor fool you Shadow, she'd the meanest and toughest bitch on the ship."  Ida felt her eyebrow arch as the friendly insult and she was getting ready to retort when the medic gave an insolent grin and continued. "She's kicked the ass out of everyone who challenger her in single combat and is the personification of the bane of our enemies."  Zark turned her head back to the pilot. "In other words, stay on her good side." Ida didn't quite flush in embarrassment at that introduction. "A base libel Zark."

"Not by much." The medic continued with a jolly serenity. "Remember that time I thought I had you on the ropes, then you turned it around, ah well, never mind cause her we are."  Zark finished suddenly as they arrived at shelter 6.  "Toss your stuff inside Talia and lets head to the fire.  I'm supposed to pose nude next to the pool so Ida can immortalize this amazing figure on canvas."

Ida stared incredulously at the medic. "Is this what you were babbling about when you said to paint?"  The medic smiled back insolently and stuck her tongue out and Ida's eyes narrowed into slits as she tried to figure out if the medic was being serious. She gave it fifty-fifty at this point given her good mood and nature.

Zark shrugged and turned back to Talia. "We'll see, now hurry up Talia.  There's a warm fire and warmer drinks down near the pool.  There's a Betazoid mocha I've been meaning to try for a while, and you can tell Ida about your humble self." the Zhen finished as Ida barely suppressed the urge to roll her eyes.

Re: USS Theurgy: What If...? A Winter Wonderland

Reply #7
[Ens. Talia “Shadow" Al-Ibrahim | Campsite Gamma | Theta Sigma VI] Attn: @RyeTanker
Shadow stood shivering as the other Andorian introduced herself and the pilot’s dark eyes widened a bit in recognition of the name. Uh oh, Talia’s mind instantly whispered in worry, mostly because she didn’t have the best reputation with security, but also because she couldn’t be absolutely sure she hadn't literally run into the Deputy during her and Ghost’s drunken romp through the ship. Needless to say, Talia’s nose and cheeks – already rosy and stinging from the cold – turned a shade darker under the Deputy’s scrutinizing gaze. Wonderful, Shadow grimaced mentally, but any further self-chastisement was interrupted by Zark’s hands and mouth, which prompted a muffled moan of surprise, followed by an alarmed blink. Whether the medico mistook said moan as encouragement or was simply being her usual sensual self – Talia couldn’t tell – but her leg raised of its own accord from Kali’s grip on her ass cheek. Physical contact had always been Talia’s weakness, a fact very few people knew; Zark, of course, was one of them.

But even as her body melted into the kiss, which was lovely and reciprocated before Shadow even realized what she was doing, Talia’s mind was screaming in opposition, as always: Not in front of the Deputy! What are you doing?! Control yourself, Talia scolded herself. But Zark’s lips and tongue, effortlessly sensual, overruled her own mental programming; the pilot’s mind blanked, for a brief, blissful moment – she simply responded bodily, as everything else faded away.

Once the brief make-out session was over, it took several blinks for Talia to reorient herself while she licked the taste of Zark from her numb and stinging lips. While the Deputy continued, the pilot looked from Zark to her and back again, relatively sure she'd interrupted something between the Andorians, and also relatively sure the Deputy wasn’t like Zark at all, and didn't approve of her or Zark’s behavior. Talia’s stunted and underdeveloped social intuition deduced that her presence wasn’t entirely welcome, either, which set her mind churning once again, especially after such an amazing greeting from Zark. It was almost comically awkward, and Talia had no idea what to do.

Should I go? Stay? Feel's like I should go, Talia debated internally, but outwardly nodded and opened her mouth to speak; something along the lines of: Well, nice meeting you Deputy, again, or…whatever – I’m going to run away now, but once again, Zark was Zark, and Talia found herself being dragged along as the pair conversed. She hadn’t intended on staying long, and the thought of reserving a cabin had never entered the pilot’s mind; Talia only wanted to breathe some fresh air and enjoy being somewhere other than the ship for a few hours – she certainly didn’t plan on fighting anyone, or swimming for that matter. (She wondered briefly how people got in and out of the spring without freezing, but assumed the Andorians were probably immune). Unsure what to say, Shadow just nodded along and tried to ignore the cold and her own self-conscious thoughts. How am I supposed to stay on her good side, Talia wondered, brow creased. She’s probably waiting for me to screw up and kick my ass straight back to the ship. Talia’s head and attention snapped up at the mention of fire though.

She saw it then, a short walk from a large pool of steaming water. Heat, her body and mind called, oddly in agreement for once.

“W-wait, uhh…I didn’t reserve a cabin,” Talia explained in a shivered whisper. “I d-didn’t plan on staying long, b-because I have to go on duty in a couple hours,” her dark eyes flicked from Zark to the Deputy and back again. “F-fire sounds nice though. I’ll just… w-wait there for awhile while you two do your thing. S-sounds nice, getting painted. I’m sure it’ll be g-great,” the pilot offered a shy but sincere smile to the Deputy as she headed towards the warm glow of the fire; it felt like a good time to leave the two of them to their plans, and not risk the ire of the entire security department.

“N-nice meeting you,” Talia nodded politely as she backed away, then offered Zark her best smirk. “Have f-fun, try to stay still. I’ll b-be around, if you two w-want more company.”

With that, Talia made a bee-line for the fire and promptly began to rotate herself like a rotisserie. Hm. Hot chocolate sounds delicious, she mused, and soaked up the heat. Movement off in the treeline, back the way she’d come caught her eye suddenly – a phantom, really – just a blur of black that flitted between the trees. Talia frowned, then shrugged and went back to spinning herself around, doing her best to avoid the popping embers from the crackling fire.

OOC – just a placeholder post, as I prep for the move. I have every intention of continuing once life has calmed down a bit. (sorry it took so long to reply)

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