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Re: Theurgy: What If...? Below Decks Lounge

Reply #25
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | Holosuite 01| USS Theurgy] @AbsintheDeux @Dumedion @Juzzie @Dree

Zark didn't quite breathe a sigh of relief, but the sexual tension was definitely running high and as much as she'd tried to leave the ball in Reika's court, she was more interested in jumping the Shen's bones to be honest.  Still, Jeen's interruption was a little inopportune and the Zhen pouted a bit.  She grinned though at the display that Reika had given of her smooth legs and linked her arm around Kino's. "I'd be happy to Reika."  A hand gestured in an airy manner at the white haired Trill.  "This here is Kino Jeen, explosives Petty Officer extraordinaire.  If there's an obstacle in the way and you want to use straight line to get to your destination, you set her to making that straight line through all the impediments."  Zark gave Jeen a smile then took a sip of her sapphire coloured ale.

"She's also a smooth talker, and that comes from having and unfair number of lifetimes stuck inside her in the form of a symbiote. Technically it should give her an advantage in fisticuffs, but like my bruised self, she hasn't managed to best totally best our esteemed boss yet."  Zark shrugged since this was normal. "The closest we could get in an argument is who got closer to getting a tie."  The medic looked at Kino contemplatively for a moment as she rummaged through her memory. "Yeah, hard to say. I think you're technically ahead though. Was there that one time she sent you to sickbay with a broken nose?  I don't think you've been knocked out yet."

The Zhen continued grinning as she took a bigger sip of her drink. "I think we got carried away since I broke her nose that time." Zark rubbed the tip of her nose in embarrassment. "Anyway, that's not genial to the conversation about Kino here. " Zark turned her attention back to the Trill, but also sparing a glance to to see how Rhys was doing in his darts game.  "So, what have you been up to?"

Re: Theurgy: What If...? Below Decks Lounge

Reply #26
[PO2 Kino Jeen | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dree @RyeTanker
Kino smiled crookedly at both Andorians, a lopsided grin that grew ever more cheeky and playful at Zark’s introduction. Quite pleased with the praise and unable to stop herself, a hip cocked with a slight tilt of her head before she stifled a laugh at the thought of anyone besting the Deputy. As far as the Trill was concerned, Ida was and always had been in a league of her own, in and out of the ring. There were plenty of heavy hitters aboard, each with their own particular skill sets; she'd seen most if not all in action, personally – but that was besides the point. A world of difference separated sparring to train, or blow off steam, and the real thing – rules, mostly. Kino had always struggled to abide by the rules in the ring…which was why she got her ass handed to her most of the time; that, and she just couldn’t bring herself to take it seriously.

Didn’t stop her from trying, though.

“Ehh, not usually one to kiss and tell, but…it was a collarbone,” Kino corrected with a grin. “Though she might as well have busted my nose, too,” the non-com shrugged with a smile. “Last time, we was just gettin’ started when I screwed it all up – made the mistake of tryin’ to take it to the mat after I ate her left. Caught a knee meant for my head, next thing I knew she was trying to rip my arm off. Wasn’t a good idea, I know, fun fight while it lasted though. Boss is a beast – but I’ll get her one day,” she added nonchalantly.

A gesture to the bartender brought her another shot of tequila along with another ice-water while Kino’s grin pulled to the side in her typical smirk as she turned her back to the bar, facing them with her elbows propped up behind her – pulling the fabric of her tank top taunt across her chest. Playful pale blues, one obviously brighter than the other, shifted between the two beauties with another tilt of her head.

“Ah, nothin’ much,” the non-com answered Zark’s follow-up, a dimple pinched into being on the side of Kino’s face. “Standin’ around, inventories, weapon maintenance, adjustin’ to everything,” a hand waved at her head in a vague explanation, while the shot glass raised to her lips. “Pretty sure I recalibrated the focus coils on your mark II the other day, actually. Should tighten things up nicely,” she nodded to Zark, then flashed her eyes to Reika. “Be more than happy to assist you with anything that needs attention, by the way.”

Kino let that settle for a few seconds while she held the Andorian’s gaze, lips pursed playfully. Emboldened by the situation and all the factors in play – namely the obvious chemistry she’d just interrupted, along with the comfortable buzz she’d attained, in addition to the fun of it all – the non-com didn’t really stop to think about what she said next, distracted as she was with all the blue skin before her.

“Rather more keen to see what the three of us might get up to,” Kino grinned at them mischievously and downed her shot, then licked the taste from her lips. “Tactically or otherwise,” she winked at Reika, then took a sip of water and did her best to ignore the incredulous looks her boys were giving her off by the darts table. “We haven’t really had a chance to get to know each other like we should,” Kino added to Zark with a confident smile, “and you…well, you should know you caught my attention the moment you walked in,” her brows raised at Reika. “LT here got to ya first, though,” she winked again, then aimed a knowing smile at the medico.

Kino couldn’t help but feel a tad silly, knowing that her guys were watching, but it wasn’t all for show; she absolutely meant every word – it was bold, for sure, perhaps a bit reckless – but it was fun, too, and she felt like laughing just like her old self for the briefest of moments. Back when she was just Kino, before she felt the weight of all the lifetimes of memories that had been crammed in her head. Ah, to be young, stupid, carefree; take notes, Jeen, Kino chuckled at herself.
“So ladies, any ideas,” Kino asked with a smirk, hips swaying subtly to the music.

ooc - sorry for delay

Re: Theurgy: What If...? Below Decks Lounge

Reply #27
Lt Reika Sh’laan | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy| attn: @RyeTanker @AbsintheDeux  @Dumedion @Juzzie

Reika watched as Kino started in - mostly talking to Zark at first, but as she took up her position at the bar and her elbows pushed back setting them atop the bar, it revealed even more of the outline of the Trill’s generous bust.  Full and plump.  Reika wondered what her breasts looked like without the fabric stretched taught across them.  It must have been slightly chilly as the elegant Andorian’s nipples pebbled through the fabric.

Reika’s lips curled into a mischievous smile as Kino offered to help her with ‘anything’ that needed attention.  “I’m sure I can think of a few things,” one side of the OPS officer’s lip lifted even higher watching the Trill’s eyes.  There was something in them that evoked emotions in the stately Andorian’s eyes.  “Ya know, you’re welcome to check my phaser anytime.  I’m sure there are a few other things that could be attended to at the same time.”  And still Sh’laan held the Trill’s gaze for a long moment as their spirits seemed to have their own language.

Then at the Kino's suggestion that they should all head off together, the OPS's officer's eyebrow cocked.  “The three of us, huh?” Reika's eyes swept from one to the other.  She’d never had a threesome before - and the thought of sharing her body with two female beauties?  That had a lot of appeal in itself.  Oh, how badly was she kidding herself.  A lot of appeal? That was a fucking understatement.  It would be a damn shame if, as interested as they all seemed, they didn’t hook up.  Even the suggestion had quickened her pulse and caused her breaths to come at a faster pace as her chest heaved a little more with each inhale. 

“I must admit,” Reika tilted her head toward Kino.  “Something about you caught my attention too.  There is, however,” Sh’laan turned her attention back to Zark, “an inexplicable spark between us too.  So, since I have a vote in this - 'tactical or otherwise,' as you, Kino, so wittingly put it, I vote for ‘otherwise’.”  The OPS officer’s antenna wiggled slightly - they wanted to writhe, but she managed to gain control over them toning their statement down.

Reika set her drink down just behind Kino and reached out gently touching each woman’s cheek at the same time.  “What do you say, we quit this joint and go somewhere a little more private so we can … get to know each other a little better and see where this leads?”

Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

Re: Theurgy: What If...? Below Decks Lounge

Reply #28
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | Holosuite 01| USS Theurgy] @AbsintheDeux @Dumedion @Juzzie @Dree

As Kino explained what had been going on in life, she nodded along.  It sounded remarkable like her own experiences so far, except she had been handling the medical side of the inventories by making sure that all the med kits were fully stocked.  As intelligent the people back at Starfleet Medical were though, war field experience had caused the medic to go around re-arranging the kits and adding a few more items.  She gave the armourer a wide grin and a squeeze on the shoulder when it was revealed her sidearm had been tuned.  It was always one of those things that one meant to get to, but there never seemed to be the time for it.  The Andorian did want to make sure that the weapon going to react the way she wanted, and would have to take it to the range at some point.  Another item to add to the endless list of things that always needed to be done.

There was really no denying where this evening was going though as she picked up on the subtle movements in the Shen's antennae.  The subtle swaying of Kino's hips purveyed a subtle trance on the mind, and Reika's gentle and electric touch was more than enough to tip the cosmic scales.  Mentally nodding to herself, Zark looked at drink and considered pounding it back.  A grin turned into a smirk as she took a final sip.  It had been a while since she'd been with multiple partners and maybe it was time to brush up on those skills.  A familiar ache between her legs was starting to build and she unconsciously crossed them as she leaned against the bar for a moment.

The medic was not known for either subtlety or indecisiveness as she moved between the Trill and Shen and linked her arms with theirs.  Giving them a reassuring squeeze that have each of them a chance to sample what they would be playing with later, Zark gracefully whirled her two companions towards the door and guided them towards the exit. Pulling them in so all three hips were connected, the hips swayed in motion, creating a barely audible groan as the magnificent posteriors headed out.  Turning to each person, Zark's smile was positively indecent. "I'm sure we can make both tactical and otherwise work, but I agree that otherwise will be taking precedent tonight.  I'm sure we can work out all the details in your quarters Reika since I'm sure we'll be getting an introduction to tactical as well; and well, we'll definitely need room for all the exercise."  Taking a breath, the lavacious Zhen finished with. "It's been a while, but it's like riding a bicycle, so I should be able to take care of bot of you at the same time."

OOC: And these ladies exit stage right

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