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Topic: CH01: S [D01|1400] Klingon Guests (Read 6894 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: CH01: S [D01|1400] Klingon guests

Reply #25
[ High Chancellor Martok, son of Urthog | Below Decks Lounge | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Masorin , @GroundPetrel , @stardust , @steelphoenix 
While Martok was still amused at how his companions had got the wrong idea about the Orion, and learned their lesson from the bite of her fists, his thoughts had lingered on the alien apparition in the doorway. His chuckle and appreciation of strength had slipped from his grizzled mien at the sight of it.

Apparently, one of his men found the female figure quite compelling, and given the how all the present Theurgy officers immediately tried to dissuade his smitten warrior from following the alien, it solidified Martok's understanding that what he'd seen was - in fact - one of the aliens Ives had mentioned. Therefore, after all the different attempts to keep the warrior from leaving had been made, all of it met with a short bark of a laugh, Martok was half of a mind to let the warrior pursue nonetheless. An impulse of spitefulness, since his old friend from the Dominion War had chosen to keep the aliens and their technology a secret from him.

The reason he didn't, was that he knew he had not done right by Ives either. In claiming his Right of Vengeance and killing that petaQ - who in his folly had ended the lineage of his House - he had not honoured his promise to keep the fool alive. Because he had been a crewmember of the Theurgy, and despite having betrayed his uniform, Martok could see how a Starfleet captain would refuse handing someone over for execution. Moreover, if he were to raise his one-eyed glare from his personal stakes, and look at what was best for the Klingon Empire, there was also the fact that Ives had gone through great lengths to not just warn him about these Infested, but stop the Borg Invasion. Martok knew, that to be petty over hidden assets wouldn’t be honourable.

"Stay," he said in the wake of the obvious lie about the alien's nature, spoken by a female diplomat, and turned his remaining eye to the warrior that was already halfway to the door. The male appendix that the blonde woman had grown, this coward of a man who positively reeked of fear, seemed indeed to have seen a ghost. Were this species with their white ships so terrifying? Secretive and resourceful, with weaponry powerful enough to punch holes through a Borg cube. Martok could but hope Ives had found allies which mightn't turn on them.

"This barman offers Chech'tluth, which is more than they kept in the other lounge," he said and turned his stare to the rest of the present companions of his in the large room, "so I reckon we've come to the right place. To drink, and feast, before we set our Empire back in order."

He raised his bloodwine to his companions, but after they cheered, his grizzled face twisted into a cold glare. "Keep your hands away from Ives' crew, however, because I will have none of you sully our honour during this voyage." He set his tankard down loudly, and his proclamation was equally true in regard to the Orion as well as the mysterious alien. "True Klingon respect hospitality, and this ship will carry us to victory in the First City."

Martok paused, having the attention of the companions around him, silence lingering before he spoke anew. "With the enemy infesting their leadership, we all know Starfleet is not the same. Yet this ship, right here, do represent the comrade-in-arms we found when facing the Dominion. It's clear, that whatever may happen to the Federation, the Theurgy's crew will stand with the Empire. You know how they helped us bar the door for the Borg, and despite losses at my hands, they still stand true to their mission, and will help unite us against our common enemy. They are resilient, dedicated, and unwavering in their calling, so treat them as the comrade-in-arms that they are. Anything less... and you answer to me. bIyaj'a?"

Mumbles of yajchu' and came in answer, and Martok turned his attention back to his company in the bar. Whatever they might think of the manner in which he'd dealt with the situation, he really didn't care to discuss it further. "I'd be impressed if you had live Gagh," he told the proprietor, curling his lip as he was tasting it already, "but I'd settle for warm wistan gagh instead, since I reckon your replicators can make something close to Targ blood, correct? Then... I'll have that Chech'tluth."

Having made his order, he drank his bloodwine, and turned his remaining eye towards the scared Human at the bar, squinting at him. Now why is he still afraid?

Re: CH01: S [D01|1400] Klingon guests

Reply #26
[Hi'Jak |  Deck 28|  Below Decks Lounge ]Attn: @Auctor Lucan @stardust @GroundPetrel @steelphoenix

As the chancellor entered, Deacon leaned closely to whisper in 'Kyle's' ear, his tone unmistakable, "The next time I want you to leave, I will simply have security remove you."  The punctuation was the unstated sentiment that should Martok see through the deception laying bare faced before him and take offense, Hi'Jak will find it necessary to clean up his own viscera before Deacon will allow him to Sickbay.

Jack felt the chill of his sins crawl up his back in the form of cold steel and a low growl in his ear thanks to Deacon's words about wanting him gone. He found it kind of rude that the bartender should want him, a fellow civilian with not much else to live for gone from his establishment but he would most certainly think twice about coming back to Below Decks in the future, the Spear Head lounge and the Arboretum Cafe could very well have found him as their regular instead. At the same time he was now dealing with the savi, and The High Chancellor.

Anh-Le's whisper by contrast was far more warm and welcomed than that of Deacon's growl, as she seemed to show some fleeting amount of concern towards him. He couldn't answer her directly, as he was still attatched to Rutherford, but he did nod slowly. "A ghost of a sort, I didn't know that creature was on this ship." He said alluding to the fact that he had dealt with the Savi before, but offering no more explination than that. 'Kyle' had not been around when the Savi alliance had been made, such information was completely unknown to him.

Rutherford's explination that it was a science exparement into genetics earned her another squeeze, this time it was him crushing her hand just a little to steal her attention. He leaned into her to continue this game of 'whisper around the chancellor' trying to pull her in a direction away from the chancellor as the man went to the bar to eat and drink and thankfully stop his man from interacting with that horrific bug creature. "Perhaps, when you come up with a cover story to speak to an ally, the cover story should not break several Federation laws, and invoke something of a past trauma to many a klingon."

So many generations born with smooth heads due to some science experiment born from a genetics improvement program, not to mention the various laws put in place after the Eugenics Wars of the late 1990's of earth's own history. The accusation that the science department tampered with genetic codes of anyone was a hefty crime and frankly someone should have known that before she opened her mouth. Thankfully such an accusation never accosted them.

Thankfully his close proximity and ability to lean on another person actually did help him through the panic attack at seeing the Savi again. Color slowly regained to his human face, and while he was less than comfortable in the presence of his executioner, and wanted to leave the bar... he couldn't help but stand to grab one last glass of Chech'tluth, how could he resist the best the empire had to offer and so he reached out and grabbed one last glass from Deacon. "I'll take this one to go my friend, and leave you to the celebration at large."

Re: CH01: S [D01|1400] Klingon guests

Reply #27
Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le | Deck 28 | Below Decks Lounge Attn: @Auctor Lucan  @stardust  @steelphoenix  @Masorin

Ah.  That explained it.  "Kyle" had been on the ship during First Contact with these Savi assholes.  From what Anh-Le had read, the bastards had subjected the crew to forced DNA alteration on pain of being killed and cannibalized.  Charming people.  We'll make 'em play nice someday, though.  One way or another.  Being an asshole didn't really pay in this universe; the Federation had been on a nonstop upward track up until this point with only minor setbacks, while the Klingons and Romulans hadn't expanded their borders in a long time, and both were beginning to stagnate.  Sooner or later, the Federation would get enough of a coalition together to have a talk with the Savi, and browbeat or sanction them into beginning to change their ways. 

But for now, not-Kyle was the main concern.  "Pretty sure the counselors have spots still open, Mr. Rutherford.  I strongly recommend setting up an appointment."  Somebody flaking out in the middle of nowhere with no backup was bad, better to be proactive. 

The Orion then cleared her throat and turned to Commander Rutherford.  "Actually, sir, I'm an analyst under Commander Fisher.  You want a horny pole-dancer in a patchy bikini, find another Orion."  A woman could only get requests from horny idiots so many times before the stereotypes became a source of reflexive anger. 

She leaned back against the bar, holding the ice to her eye, and nodded respectfully in response to Martok's pronouncement.  Always good when the authority figures are reasonable and sane. 

Then her combadge chimed.  "Lieutenant Dantius and Commander Rutherford to the Intelligence office, please.

 Anh-Le sighed, shoving herself off of the bar and to her feet.  "Duty calls.  Thanks for the ice, Mr. Maryk."  She slapped her combadge with her free hand.  "Dantius here, on my way.
OOC: Hope that helps move towards tying it off.  :)
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: CH01: S [D01|1400] Klingon guests

Reply #28
[ Lt. Cmdr. Rutherford | Below Decks Lounge | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Masorin, @GroundPetrel, @Auctor Lucan (the angry Klingon/Martok), @steelphoenix

And just like that, Jack had turned from a boyfriend into a fiancé, into a husband, within seconds. Mr. Rutherford … good grief. It didn’t help that the moniker came on the coattails of being reprimanded by her ‘significant’ other. Shooting him a deadly glare, she was not going to get into the semantics of emotional vulnerabilities right now, while a horde of Klingons needed to be kept in check, from pursuing the Savi woman like a pack of horny dogs. So her comment had not appealed to their renegade sensibilities?!

Luckily they were saved just in time by a communique, prompting both Anh-Le and Samantha to the intelligence offices. Right after the Orion woman had mentioned Fisher. The blond pricked her head slightly curious after the personal announcement had ended. Dang, he was good. He’d heard someone talk about him and instantly demanded every officer witness to attend a meeting in the intelligence suite. Were they not supposed to use his real name in public? Around the Klingons, maybe?

At any rate, she was not going to leave Jack alone with the Klingons, even though she couldn’t have cared less right now if they turned him into Gagh. It was the avoidance of a diplomatic incident that mattered. “Honey.” She hissed through gritted teeth, squeezing his hand as tightly as she could after he had so brashly pulled her aside. “We should get going.” And with that she gave Deacon and Chancelor Martok a stiff nod before pulling the faux Klingon out of the lounge, following along with Anh-Le.

She couldn’t yet believe that this had not been just a horrible nightmare. But she had been pinched so many times by now, especially by Jack, that it had to be just this bizarre reality they were thrust into. Awesome.


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