Episode 02: Cosmic Imperative / C3: S [Day 2 19:45] Tis Not Goodbye...
Last post by P.C. Haring -Reggie exited the turbolift and worked her way through the corridors, drawing looks from various crew members who weren't used to seeing someone walking around in only a compression suit. The orders had come in just moments after she had landed that it didn't make any sense to change back into her duty uniform just to have to re-don the exo-suit armor. So, instead she'd left the armor, grabbed a pair of hard soled slip-ons for her feet and gone off in the compression suit.
This, she decided, was too important to wait. Life had gotten far more complicated since the night she had broken into the public baths and despite their best efforts, they never seemed to be able to make the timing work. Reggie supposed that she should take it as a sign that maybe it just wasn't meant to work out. Yet, something within her refused to allow her to simply give up. There were too many unanswered questions, too many loose ends. Maybe it wasn't meant to be, but if that ultimately proved to be true, Reggie would be damned if she didn't do everything she could.
She rounded a corner and found T'Less right where Thea had said she would be. She was talking with another office- and by the look of his demeanor and the PADD in his hand, they were going over a report. Deciding that the conversation couldn't be too sensitive if they were standing in the middle of a corridor talking, Reggie kept herself a respectful distance away and waited them out. Her patience won out after a few minutes when the two parted. T’Less, tuned to walk in the direction opposite Reggie but the Betazoid was quick to react as she pushed off the bulkhead and walked quickly to follow.