Re: Main OOC Thread Reply #5425 – July 29, 2024, 05:19:43 PM FYI, I am trying to catch up on posts, but a lot I am waiting on others to post before I can reply. That being said, I will be out of town July 31-Aug 11. So expect a delay from me and I'll reply when I return. Going on a much needed vacation to refuel and return to creative avenues on my return. 2 Likes
Re: Main OOC Thread Reply #5426 – August 03, 2024, 11:02:21 PM Hiya -- Most of you already know this because I was sharing my unfortunate airport experiences with the discord in real time, but I'll be on a work trip in Glasgow until Aug 11th. I was supposed to have had a nice long six hour layover where I was going to work on the replies I have left, but... that didn't happen. I've had a really bad few months. Had some health issues, had to make some changes, getting it sorted. Shout out to my twin brother, who had the same symptoms this summer, but his doctor agreed to do all the tests to see if there's an underlying condition because he's a man with a godlike metabolism. Healthcare sucks. 4 Likes
Re: Main OOC Thread Reply #5427 – August 04, 2024, 08:42:41 AM Happy Sunday FolksJust a quick shout out to anybody with a character in Chapter 4 who is free at around 1800 hours, Dume and I are about to tackle one of the story prompts, this one being A Friend Indeed. anyone else is keen to join in on the fun, do let us know. 2 Likes
Re: Main OOC Thread Reply #5428 – August 06, 2024, 03:23:44 PM I wonder which route you guys will take... lolWell if you like Kobol can join you guys in the prompt. @TWilkins @Dumedion Last Edit: August 06, 2024, 03:27:32 PM by Sqweloookle
Re: Main OOC Thread Reply #5429 – August 07, 2024, 08:06:42 PM I've really got nothing else going on. If anyone wants to write w/ Sangtew' and Kath in the Meeting of Heroes and Villains, feel free. Sangtew' isn't going to be a permanent NPC.I'm also available for some non-canon threads and such. (Or, again, there's the possibility for running into Kath at her 4 other previous postings as well as her Academy days). She grew up in San Francisco because her father is a high ranking Starfleet officer posted at HQ. Kath is: 35 years old. A veteran of the Federation-Cardassian War and the Dominion War. A 'retired' spook (you never truly retire from that life). She was on board the Republic for her cadet cruise, then as an official officer of Starfleet: Deep Space 18, Starbase 36, the USS Augusta, and the USS Hamburg (all 4 are things I really just made up but like they aren't forbidden as previous postings or even just someone dropping by one of the bases for whatever. I plan to add them to the wiki eventually). I've tried to give plenty of chances to have encounters with her in the past for a number of reasons. (Unfortunately being 35 when the average seems to be at least five years younger I can't help.) See dossier for more (in signature).Unfortunately Kath literally just came aboard for Ep.2 Chapter 3 and her first real interaction with people aboard the Theurgy itself canon-wise is the party thread. Last Edit: August 07, 2024, 08:07:16 PM by JacenSoloDjo 1 Likes
Re: Main OOC Thread Reply #5430 – August 10, 2024, 03:03:41 AM Sorry for double post but Kath has decided to bring the excitement of Free Climbing to the Holodeck and is inviting one and all to come crawl on things like monkeys in that magical Extra Dimension that is What If.Everything from the previous post still applies, of course. (As I mentioned before, it is almost High Holy Days season so I'm kinda tired Tuesday and Wednesday from it and then tuesdays and thursdays when school starts I have kiddos to educate.) Last Edit: August 10, 2024, 03:04:43 AM by JacenSoloDjo 1 Likes
Re: Main OOC Thread Reply #5431 – August 17, 2024, 02:09:19 PM Hey folks. Sorry to anyone waiting on me. Without going into details, my health is still kicking my bum, so I may be going back to hospital soon. If I vanish for a bit, that'll be why.
Re: Main OOC Thread Reply #5432 – September 04, 2024, 11:52:23 PM Reminder there is holodeck shenanigans for getting to know Kath.There is also: 4 previous postings that people can run into Kath during. 4 years at the Academy. And she literally grew up in San Francisco.
Re: Main OOC Thread Reply #5433 – September 06, 2024, 02:30:17 PM Quote from: JacenSoloDjo on September 04, 2024, 11:52:23 PMReminder there is holodeck shenanigans for getting to know Kath.There is also: 4 previous postings that people can run into Kath during. 4 years at the Academy. And she literally grew up in San Francisco. I'll join you in the Holodeck! 1 Likes
Re: Main OOC Thread Reply #5434 – September 16, 2024, 02:08:56 PM I've got some medical things going on and I've kinda lost the muse for Kath. I need to do some meta work with her and fix a few things with her dossier. Maybe that will help. Until then, responses will be slow if not non-existent for a bit while I do some odd version of soul searching (cause it's not MY soul) 2 Likes
Re: Main OOC Thread Reply #5435 – September 25, 2024, 04:08:04 PM LET'S START WITH THE GOOD NEWS!Everyone welcome @joshs1000 's new character, Hassar! Hassar al-Zaheer Civilian - Writer: @Joshs1000 Commander (3rd Rank) Hassar al-Zaheer is a Vaharran, a new species original to the Theurgy universe. The Vaharran history is too long and beautiful to be squeezed into a tiny post, so go read it here! Hassar was part of his people's first contact with the Federation, and has worked closely with Starfleet ever since, first as an exchange officer, then as an observer during the Dominion War. However, when his son went missing on the way to Starfleet Academy, Starfleet refused to help find him, blaming the renegade USS Theurgy instead. With no help coming, Hassar took matters into his own hands, taking a Vaharran ship and crew to find their missing people. Hassar will be entering the story in the chapter 2 thread: Spare TireWelcome aboard!SOME SAD FAREWELLS...Unfortunately, three of our writers have reached out to us and asked to be placed on inactive. So today, we are saying farewell to @BipSpoon , @Juzzie , and @GroundPetrel . We wish them all the best and hope to see them again one day! Due to their time constraints, @Nolan is also putting a character up for adoption. Based on the writers' requests, these characters are going to the following futures: Ens. Cameron Henshaw Captain's Yeoman & Mission Ops Asst. (NPC) - Available for Inheritance Lt. Valyn Amarik Asst. Chief Intelligence Officer (V2) (NPC) - To be Killed in Action (Chapter 1 Thread) Lt. JG Dantius Thi Anh-Le Senior Intelligence Analyst (NPC) - Available for Inheritance Lt Cmdr. Thomas Ravon Wolf-05 [Razor] (NPC) - Available for Inheritance Lt. Amelya Rez Asst. Chief Medical Officer (V1) (NPC) - Available for Inheritance Lt. Rhys Williams Asst. Chief Counselor (V3) (NPC) - Missing in Action (Goes off ship Chapter 3 Thread) 4 Likes
Re: Main OOC Thread Reply #5436 – September 26, 2024, 09:57:31 PM Kids are officially coming to my museum again now that school is in full swing! (Not a lot yet so I won't be too busy with that but busy enough it requires me keeping people updated.)I'm still around for plotting, though. Seriously, I love plotting. Not super detailed, just a general point A to B is good. I like getting a fair idea of something and then letting my characters tell me how things will be reacted to. (I gave up on trying to find a place for Kath in the first big chapter 3 thread.)High Holy Days start October 2nd and end on October 12th. Because of the nature of the holidays and my being in the choir, as I mentioned my attention will be elsewhere and won't be very good at writing and such. But feel free to leave messages and when I have the energy I'll get to them. 1 Likes
Re: Main OOC Thread Reply #5437 – September 28, 2024, 03:03:42 AM Hey just letting everyone know because of the hurricane my power is out and it might be a couple days before it's back online. So I'll be unable to post until then. 1 Likes
Re: Main OOC Thread Reply #5438 – October 07, 2024, 07:07:54 PM Just a quick reminder that we have JP posts on the wiki that folks can participate in to help push the current episode to completion, as well as many outstanding story objectives to wrap up. I am going away for the next week (will be back, active on Sunday the 13th) and will be in a location with limited data signal and no wifi/internet. I may be in and out on the discord but likely will not be able to make updates on the forums. I look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with while I am away. We have an amazing writing base and it continues to be a privilege to collaborate with all of you.
Re: Main OOC Thread Reply #5439 – October 23, 2024, 04:47:31 AM WELCOME TO OUR NEW MEMBER!Everyone welcome our new member, @SomeBunny Ens. Zinnia Shu Software Engineer - Writer: @SomeBunny After a rough childhood, Zinnia Shu found her calling in computer science, eventually following her parent's footsteps and entering Starfleet Academy. As a student, she caught Admiral Anderson's eye for her coding work on docking interface systems, and she continued to impress during her first starship assignment. When he decided that the Theurgy needed another cyber specialist, Anderson covertly contacted Zin and offered her a place on the Theurgy. Soon after, Ensign Shu was sent to join the operations department as a software engineer. And she brought a cute cat along with her!Welcome aboard!ANOTHER SAD FAREWELL...Unfortunately, we say goodbye to another writer today. It has been months since we've heard from EnigmaTales, and after multiple attempts to reach out, we have concluded that they have decided to leave the sim. In accordance with her wishes, V'lana will be put into stasis. Lt. JG V'lana Nurse Practitioner - Former Writer: @EnigmaTales As a reminder, please update the GMs with any real life events that keep you from posting on the sim so we can work something out! 6 Likes
Re: Main OOC Thread Reply #5441 – October 23, 2024, 08:46:56 AM @SomeBunny welcome to the Sim! I hope to see you around the discord sometime, and I look forward to seeing what you do with Zinnia! 1 Likes
Re: Main OOC Thread Reply #5442 – October 23, 2024, 09:00:04 PM Welcome welcome @SomeBunny !! Enjoy the show! 1 Likes
Re: Main OOC Thread Reply #5443 – October 24, 2024, 02:16:39 AM Thanks everyone! I so appreciate the warm welcome, I can't wait to meet everyone and to post and develop Zin! 3 Likes
Re: Main OOC Thread Reply #5444 – October 24, 2024, 08:40:29 PM Welcome aboard @SomeBunny and if you need a mentor to help get you started, there's a great list of them here: with myself, @P.C. Haring and @Griff among them still. 1 Likes
Re: Main OOC Thread Reply #5445 – November 09, 2024, 12:51:59 AM NOTIFICATION OF RULES UDPATE!We've gotten some questions about AI use lately. While we do allow the posting of AI Art (see channels in discord) we are a writing simm at our heart. If you made it in the door here, then you are already more than good enough to write here, and don't need to use AI. As such, we have updated the rules accordingly to include the below.QuoteAI UseAny use of AI writing software is prohibited. This includes any program that writes text for you, or takes your text and rewrites it for you.Editing software like Grammery, Prowriting Aid, and built-in spell check may still be used to check posts for errors.Any posts made with AI will be removed by the GM.We never want to stifle creativity here. But using AI to write for you is stifling your own creativity. AI assisted (or wholly created) writing is jarring, and it's obvious that you didn't write it yourself. Don't use it. A final note: we are not going to call anyone out over past use of AI writing. Anyone who has used it prior to this announcement should go remove the content and replace it with an originally written post instead. 8 Likes
Re: Main OOC Thread Reply #5446 – November 17, 2024, 06:39:51 AM Hey is anybody having issues with Discord right now where it won't load messages?
Re: Main OOC Thread Reply #5447 – February 03, 2025, 01:04:07 AM Just a quick heads up - I appreciate the hard work everyone has been putting into wrapping up the chapter. Much obliged as always. We are working to push things along as well. Please take time to look into the Jps and make any final updates, as well as the new chapter threads.On another note, it has come to the staff's attention that tags are not always generating notifications, and post email notification may be impacted as well. We are looking into it, and I ask y'all bear with as we try and track down any bugs. In the meantime, I recommend using the forum Personal Message system to communicate with writers, or the discord channel, if responses are delayed do to missing notifications. Live long and prosper my friends,Brutus 5 Likes