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Topic: PRO:S[DAY 01][0800]Mixed Communications and Translation Errors (Read 9192 times) previous topic - next topic
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PRO:S[DAY 01][0800]Mixed Communications and Translation Errors

[Kelistina Kavot Drova | Kelistina's 'Camp' | Woods outside City | Qo'noS]
ATTN: @rae

Kelistina had finally finished getting the last piece in place. While it wasn’t an exact fit it would have to do for now until she could find a friendlier place where she might have better luck.  Leaving the hatch open for now so the fresh air could circulate a little while she worked meant that it was a bit humid even inside the ship. There was a sheen of moisture on the walls but not so much that Kelistina even realized how much moisture had accumulated.

She hummed a haunting tune from her homeworld. It made her a little sad that she could not remember the words anymore. She thought to herself that she should have taken the time to write them down in her flight journal, but time for that was past. As it was she was starting to have a hard time remembering a lot of things from home. This realization made her feel sad and alone in the world in which she found herself. She had no friends, no one who she could even talk with.  She was starting to consider going back to where the others had settled, even if she was alone, she would be with people she could talk to.

The small metal piece she had spent hours modifying was finally in place and it was time to see if her repairs were successful. She brought the power on and let out a shout of excitement when the system indicated that all systems were operational for the first time in weeks. She clapped her hands and twirled around happily, “Cit ei Ka!”

Kelistina exited the ship, letting the engines warm up so that she could take off and leave the inhospitable Klin-onz once and for all. She quickly began bring her things into the ship and putting them away in the various rooms.  It was too bad she had not been able to thank the offworlders for their kindness to her. Maybe someday she would meet them once again and learn to speak their tongue. As the Elders would say, “ Hoa ne Tarrit lod eit vea atz-eh.”

Cit ei Ka!- Now I go!
Hoa ne Tarrit lod eit vea atz-eh - not even the Tarrit knows its future path

Tarrit[/i] - name of a beast from her homeworld of  Zarood

Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: PRO:S[DAY 01][0800]Mixed Communications and Translation Errors

Reply #1
[ Lt. JG Nysarisiza “Nysari” zh’Eziarath | Woods outside D’Takka | Qo'noS ] Attn: @Eirual

“We want a rematch, Andorian!” Were it not for the increasing agitation lacing his words, the Klingon would have been repeating himself like a broken record.

“As I have already stated – multiple times – I am not the Andorian-“ Nysari began, keeping her voice as polite as possible, which was not endearing her to any of the small crowd encircling her. She doubted anything would truly sate him, save for her lashing out and punching him. Since that route would likely end with her in the hospital, Nysari was still hoping for a non-violent solution.

“WE WANT A REMATCH, HONORLESS PETA’Q!” He was so close now that the spit accompanying his words hit her face, the angry roar making her ears ring and antennae stand straight up, twitching slightly in shock. From the smell of him, Nysari was certain that he was one of the brawlers from Luyr’s Cart. They all looked different in the morning light, but the aroma of that soup was distinctive. Apparently, he was a regular.

“We cannot have a rematch,” she did raise her voice now, talking over the answering shout, “Because we never fought in the first place! That was a different Andorian.”

“It was you!” At least there was variety now. Finally. “You’re Starfleet,” He glared at the uniform she was wearing. “And you were with a group of Starfleeters last week.”

“There is more than one Andorian in Starfleet! If you want a rematch that badly, I will inform Lieutenant Zark-“ The rest of the words left Nysari’s throat in a gasp of air as he punched her in the chest. The meaty fist felt like someone had hurled a boulder right into her breast. Like the warrior she wasn’t, the diplomat fell back into the ground, hand instinctively reaching for a phaser she hadn’t brought. She settled for laying in the dirt and wheezing instead.

Thankfully, the Klingons decided not to jump her. Most of them were staring in complete confusion. They were looking for an Andorian who fought with deadly grace and speed, and this one had been taken down by the opening parry. It gave Nysari enough time to remember how to speak, though she remained in her undignified position on the ground. “I will inform Lieutenant Zark of your request. I’m sure she’ll be happy to oblige you.” If only she had more information on who exactly wanted the fight. Even if the Theurgy wasn’t leaving in an hour, they’d probably never find him again anyway. Considering how eagerly Zark jumped into a brewing fight, Qo’noS was probably full of Klingons nursing a grudge.

“It’s not the same Andorian!” The leader shouted, coming to the genius conclusion all on his own despite Nysari having told him more than five times. “Let’s get out of here. Fucking aliens all look the same!” He turned and stalked away, muttering obscenities along the same vein as he went. The others followed, though their comments were mainly focused on what a poor excuse for a warrior she was. For her part, Nysari was happy to wait for them to leave before beginning the painful process of standing.

“I am beginning to regret coming down here,” she sighed, every movement radiating pain through her new bruises. She didn’t even want to think of how black and purple her boob would look tonight once she got her uniform off. Of all the places to hit her. “But as long as I’m here, might as well finish what I came to do.”

Before she’d come to the unwelcome attention of Zark’s unhappy former sparring partners, Nysari had been on a quick mission of her own. Ironically, it was one that had also begun at the same stop on their culinary tour, where they’d met a unique and skittish alien whose language had bewildered the Universal Translator. Understandably, the red skinned woman hadn’t stuck around long for the endless scenes of chaos that had followed the group throughout the night. But Nysari hadn’t forgotten her. Once back on the ship, she’d pulled the language from the combadge’s buffer and let the Theurgy’s main computer work on it until it had developed a suitable translation matrix. Nysari disliked the idea of anyone being stuck without a means of communication, so she’d replicated a civilian model translator with the program to give to the alien. Unfortunately, it had taken until now to find her location, after a chance encounter with Lieutenant Kala in the hallway led to the engineer informing her of the exact place to look. After leaving the party, the Bajoran had escorted the red woman all the way back to her ship.

Nysari knew she was cutting it close, but she had plenty of time. She would give the translator to the alien, introduce herself and her intentions, then call the Theurgy for beam out. Per Kala’s instructions, she should be right near the camp. As though by provenience, that was the exact moment the Andorian came out of the trees and into a clearing. A small ship sat waiting. She didn’t recognize the design, but she knew it wasn’t Klingon in origin.

“Hello?” Friendly or not, she wasn’t about to barge into someone else’s ship. “Is anyone there?”

Behind her, far out of sight now, the crushed remains of a combadge littered the ground in pieces, another victim of a Klingon’s fist.

OOC: Special thanks to @RyeTanker and Zark, who can start a fight without even being on the planet (laugh)

Re: PRO:S[DAY 01][0800]Mixed Communications and Translation Errors

Reply #2
[Kelistina Kavot Drova | Woods outside D’Takka | Qo'noS ]
ATTN: @rae

Kelistina was startled by a voice coming from outside. Other than the off-worlder with blue hair and the brutes that constantly screamed what she could only assume were obscenities at her whenever they saw her, she did not have visitors. But this was a gentler female voice that held a question. Hesitantly she walked to the door and poked her head out to see who it was.

The sun was still rising over the woods, adding an intricate pattern of shadows over the area. There in the midst of that pattern was one of the off-worlders. The gentler blue-skinned one if Kel remembered correctly.  Stepping out of the ship and raising her arm in greeting as she smiled, “alortinatza ve ni’Da! “  She had no idea why this off-worlder would be visiting her, but she was pleased to have a visitor that wasn’t throwing things at her.

Kel bowed slightly to her visitor and repeated her introduction from when they had first met,“Ei Kelistina, Ca Kavot neDroda.” [/color]Placing her hand on her chest in respect.  “Vei zovin ne?” Kelistina waited for a reply from the Blue Off-worlder. 

Once she heard the name she smiled even more. Beckoning her guest towards the ship she excitedly moved with short steps and a lot of head nodding as she invited Ni-sa-ri into her ship, “Kea, ei Vat.”
 She waited to see if Nysari would move forward into the hatch before she followed. Kel waved a hand around the inside of her vessel. It was obvious it was not intended for long travels and many repairs had been made over the past 7 or 8 years of the vessels existance.

The seats behind the two needed for flight had obviously been moved evidenced by the marks on the floor where they had once been. Two of them had been turned into a small table where her repair tool rested. Hand drawn pictures and a couple of photographs covered some of the wall space. Reminders of a world that no longer exited.

Kelistina stood in the middle of the now open area and waited for her guest to look around, excited to be sharing her ‘home’ if even for a moment.

alortinatza ve ni’Da! - You honor me!
Ei Kelistina, Ca Kavot neDroda - I (be/am) Kelistina, out of Kavot in Droda.
Vei zovin ne? - Your name what?
Kea, ei Vat - Come, I show.

OOC: Zark does have that skill!

Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: PRO:S[DAY 01][0800]Mixed Communications and Translation Errors

Reply #3
[ Lt. JG Nysarisiza “Nysari” zh’Eziarath | Campsite | Woods outside D’Takka | Qo'noS ] Attn: @Eirual

Thankfully for her time crunch, it was only moments before the alien she was looking for appeared, purple hair popping out of the hatch. Nysari smiled at her, putting on a calm presence in spite of – or perhaps in defiance of – the ugly encounter she’d just escaped. When the other woman spoke, the Andorian quickly pulled out the translator she’d prepared. It was an older model, not unlike a century old communicator in appearance, lacking the processing power of a Starfleet universal translator and the easy elegance of the current civilian models that were implanted in the inner ear. It fit in the palm of her hand, a small interface for inputs and a speaker grill. Once Nysari activated it, it listened to the sentences and repeated them back in Standard after a slight delay.

“Kelistina,” she repeated with a nod, recognizing the phrasing from last time even as it translated. “My name is Nysari zh’Eziarath,” for simplicity’s sake, she decided on using the shortened version of her name. “From Laikan, on Andoria.” A moment later, the translator worked in reverse, an expressionless computerized voice repeating the words in Kelistina’s language.

Satisfied that it was working, Nysari’s smile widened to something more genuine, then she followed Kelistina into her ship. It was immediately obvious that she’d lived her for a long time, though the ship had never been intended for it. Engineering wasn’t her specialty, so she didn’t recognize much of the work. Instead, she focused on the art, the photographs in particular. Careful not to touch anything, she did a slow circuit of that portion of the wall.

“I brought this for you.” She wanted to ask, but this introduction was more important. Nysari offered the translator as she spoke. Its function should have been readily apparent, but she explained anyway. “A universal translator. I noticed that you didn’t have one before. I’m not sure how accurate it is now, but the more you speak, the better the translation will be.” She didn’t go into detail on how it worked. Kelistina has a space faring ship and she was on a world that was clearly not her own. This technology shouldn’t be beyond her. If it was, then Nysari shouldn’t be giving out translators in the first place.

“Is this Droda?” she asked, turning back to the pictures. “Your planet?”

Re: PRO:S[DAY 01][0800]Mixed Communications and Translation Errors

Reply #4
[Kelistina Kavot Drova | Woods outside D’Takka | Qo'noS ]
ATTN: @rae

Kelistina nodded and smiled when the small device changed words into her own language. Not all of them but enough that she got the idea. She bowed in respect of the gift she had been given and spoke, “alortinatz ei” and a few seconds later new words came from the device, ”I am Honored.”  She watched as Nysari looked at her drawings and old photographs. When she asked about Droda, Kelistina pointed to a small area of the map, “Droda Here, Kavot here.” Kelistinas finger pointed to a tiny pinpoint on the map. Then she moved her hand back and made a circle with her hand to encompass the whole planet, “This Zarood.” She looked at the image with sadness and turned away, “Zarood no more”.

Kelistina placed the device on the nearby table as she went back to work finishing her work on the final piece, making sure it stayed in place with a few fusing strips over it and securing it to the wall around it.  She looked up at Nysari, “I go soon. Not nice here to Kelistina. No like.” She stood once more and tilted her head, “You stay more?”

It was odd hearing the device speaking right after she did and it made her pause more often than she would have normally. Maybe she would be able to learn this language and understand more off-worlders without the device.  As Kelistina listened to her guest she moved over to the controls of the ship and looked over the various instruments. Many were dark as they were used for docking with the now destroyed station back home. She hadn’t bothered to fix any of that. Besides she didn’t have the parts or the right tools for that job. Most of them had been lost when the station had been ripped apart.

Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: PRO:S[DAY 01][0800]Mixed Communications and Translation Errors

Reply #5
[ Lt. JG Nysarisiza “Nysari” zh’Eziarath | Kel’s Ship | Woods outside D’Takka | Qo'noS ] Attn: @Eirual

“Ah, I understand,” she replied as Kelistina pointed out locations on her map. Interested as always in discovering a new culture, but that was quickly replaced by grief at the other woman’s simple declaration. As though any amount of words could make up for the loss of an entire world. Nysari knew an inkling of that pain. The city she’d lived in for years had been wiped off the map mere weeks ago. “I know it means very little in the face of your loss, but I am sorry.” Was this the last member of an entire species? The ship only seemed fit for a single person. But there could be more out there. Other shuttles converted into long term residences. Nysari didn’t dare ask. It was a cruel question, not worth asking to simply assuage her curiosity.

“Yes,” she replied, watching Kelistina continue repairing her ship. The Andorian didn’t know enough about engineering to judge the work, but it all seemed too flimsy for the harsh emptiness of space. “My ship is leaving soon too. More than soon. I wanted to make sure you got the translator before we left.” But it wasn’t like Starfleet, with their massive starships and their thick metal bulkheads, was any safer right now. There was something much more dangerous already inside.

Though she would have dearly liked to stay and talk to this strange alien further, Nysari knew it was time for her to leave. She had made a commitment to the Theurgy, and was already flirting with disaster by coming down here to late. “It was an honor to meet you Kelistina. I hope the next planet you land on has more understanding residents.” Now she was wishing she’d brought a star chart along with the translator, but that would have been too much. It would be up to luck to guide this ship out of Klingon space.

Nysari turned and walked back to the door, raising her hand to lightly tap on her combadge as she went. But all she felt was the fabric of her uniform. Still half inside, Nysari froze, wide eyes looking down at the now empty spot on her breast, vividly remembering being punched earlier. He hadn’t— what was the possibility that the Klingon had hit her in just the right spot… There was no way she was going to have time to get back to town, find a communications system, and hail the Theurgy before they departed.

Normally, Nysari tried to avoid coarser language. But right now she could think of no better way to describe her situation. “Shit.”

Re: PRO:S[DAY 01][0800]Mixed Communications and Translation Errors

Reply #6
[Kelistina Kavot Drova | Woods outside D’Takka | Qo'noS ]
ATTN: @rae

Kelistina nodded at the words of sympathy, “So few left, but no home. Not for an unmated female. Even then would be alone.” She sighed and went back to her work to ease the pain she was feeling. Kelistina tried not to think about what had happened and how the others had settled on a planet. It had not escaped her notice that none of them had even tried to convince her to remain. Kelistina nodded as if she was trying to convince herself before she spoke, “better this way.”

Kelistina had bowed in respect as her visitor headed back to the door. She was a little sad that NiSaRi was leaving so soon. She would have liked to learn more about the off-worlder and her friends. Kel was just turning back to her work when the female said something that the translator told her ‘cannot translate’. It was the tone of the word that made Kel understand it’s intent as meaning something was not right. She turned back to see the female still standing in the door way. Kel took several steps towards her new friend, “You see trouble come?” Kel leaned a little to look out the door wondering which sort of trouble was approaching, the young ones, who damaged her ship for fun, or the older ones, who damaged it to ‘punish’ for crashing in the first place.

A confused look crossed over her face when she did not see either. It was peaceful outside, well as peaceful as it can be with her engines running on idle to warm up before she could launch off this horrid planet.  Kelistina stood and looked at Nysari, with a small tilt of her head wondering what was really going on she moved to pick up the talking device and spoke, “Trouble for you is what? I help you, you friend!” Kelistina smiled as she placed her hand over her heart as an indication of a promise she had made that must be kept. 

Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: PRO:S[DAY 01][0800]Mixed Communications and Translation Errors

Reply #7
[ Lt. JG Nysarisiza “Nysari” zh’Eziarath | Kel’s Ship | Woods outside D’Takka | Qo'noS ] Attn: @Eirual

“No.” She’d meant for the word to be soothing. After all, there was no danger coming, just an unlucky Starfleet officer who was going to be left behind. But her voice was laced with frustration, purely directed at herself and her own foolishness. She never should have come down here this close to the ship’s departure. But her companion, new to this region of space and with only a few minutes experience of this language, probably wouldn’t understand those nuances. “No,” she repeated, calmer now. “There is no one coming.”

Though she already knew there was no chance of making it back to town in time to contact the Theurgy, Nysari still found herself trying to plan it. Mentally retracing her route through the town to find any communications terminals she’d seen, estimating the time it would take her to get there, then work her way through the local comm network until she’d be permitted to request a channel with the Federation ship in orbit.

At Kel’s earnest offer of assistance, Nysari offered a wane smile, fully prepared to explain as simply as possible why she couldn’t be helped. A part of her – somewhere deep inside where she always avoided looking – was nearly relieved that it was going to end like this. Her treason cut off before it could truly begin, forced to return to the Federation Embassy like nothing had happened at all. Then she could go back to Federation space. Back to her family and her life.

“Coward,” she whispered. Of course, it wouldn’t be the same, no matter how much she wished it would be. Nysari knew too much now, and the city she wanted to return to no longer existed.

Maybe she’d been too distracted to hear it before – or maybe she simply hadn’t wanted to – but Nysari became aware of the gently humming engines of Kel’s ship. Why go back to town, when everything she needed was right here? “My communications system is broken. I cannot return to my ship in time,” she quickly explained. “Kelistina, you are leaving now? Could you take me with you? Take me to my ship in orbit?”

Re: PRO:S[DAY 01][0800]Mixed Communications and Translation Errors

Reply #8
[Kelistina Kavot Drova | Kelistina's 'Camp' | Woods outside City | Qo'noS]
ATTN: @rae

Kelistina took a deep breath of relief in knowing there were no interlopers nearby, although technically speaking, she was the interloper here. But the tone of her response at first was concerning. She watched for the few moments that her new friend stood at the door and wondered what she could do to help. While Kelistina didn’t understand all of the words, she got the gist of the problem. Her new friend could not speak to her friends and wanted to go to a ship. This she could do. She nodded and bowed slightly, “Yes, I go now. Take you up to meet your friends. I will do this.”  She quickly turned back into her ship and waited for Ni-sa-ri to follow before she closed the outer hatch.  Moving to her control room she waved towards the only other place to sit and nodded. “We go. Yes, but way not... peace maybe.”
Kelistina wasn't concerned with the rough ride for herself, but she wanted to at least warn her new friend it could get a bit rough since she still didn’t have the thrusters completely repaired.
And while flying in space was fairly easy, she was not trained as a pilot so taking off could be less than smooth.  Kelistina sat down in her piloting seat and checked that the inner and outer hatch seals were engaged. She smiled over at Ni-Sa-ri, “Now, we go!” She pushed up the controls for the engine and felt her ship moving forward slightly. She quickly pulled back on another control lever and the nose of the ship started to lift.  Kelistina was concentrating on remembering what she needed to do and said a small prayer to her elders to guide her hands in the right way as the engines grew louder and her ship began it’s ascent. She knew she needed a lot more speed to break away from the planet.  She would need to climb slowly upwards while increasing power to the engine. It would be very nice to finally get back into space, but she still had to break away from the gravity of this hostile place.
Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: PRO:S[DAY 01][0800]Mixed Communications and Translation Errors

Reply #9
[ Lt. JG Nysarisiza “Nysari” zh’Eziarath | Kel’s Ship ] Attn: @Eirual

Nysari was rather content with her plan, right up to the moment when Kel mentioned peace – or the lack thereof. “Wait, what?” she asked in confusion, right as the ship began to move, the whole thing shaking far too much for Nysari’s comfort. She was used to Starfleet shuttles, so smooth that sometimes one didn’t notice taking off at all. This was… not that. “Are you expecting the Klingons to shoot at you?” She tried to keep the alarm out of her voice, but wasn’t near as successful as she would have liked. It has been obvious during their first meeting that Kelistina wasn’t comfortable or particularly welcome on Qo’noS, but Nysari hadn’t considered that they would try to stop her from leaving. The Klingons weren’t a peaceful people. Had the young alien done something to anger them? If so, why hadn’t they killed her already?

Unfortunately, it was too late to back down now. They were in the air and rapidly gaining speed. Nysari wasn’t a pilot, an engineer, or a scientist. Far from it. Like most people who spent their lives in space, she had an elementary understanding of escape velocity. But again, Starfleet shuttles never made it seem difficult.

From her seat in the chair next to Kel, the diplomat started looking for a communications panel she could use to contact the Theurgy and notify them of her location. They were going to notice this little ship coming their way soon enough, so it would be better if she hailed them first. Unfortunately, she’d given away her translator, and had no other way of figuring out what these controls did. “Is there a way for me to talk to my ship from here?” she asked, hoping she wasn’t distracting the pilot during a critical moment.

Re: PRO:S[DAY 01][0800]Mixed Communications and Translation Errors

Reply #10
[Kelistina Kavot Drova | Kelistina's ship | leaving the planet | Qo'noS]
Attn: @rae

She really hadn’t given Nysari much time before she initiated the engines. She had pointed to the seat beside her and smiled when her new friend had taken up the offer. Kelistina pushed the engine controls up, increasing power and unfortunately the shaking as well.
She gave her new friend a nervous smile, “Shoot? I not think so but no peace till leave planet sky,” She guided the ship into the steeper escape position that was required to break free of gravity.   At Ny-sa-ri’s question about speaking to her ship, she looked at the radio console behind her and pointed over her shoulder, “Speak there, I no use much. Not taught more than fix. And no-one speak back.” Kelistina shrugged her shoulder; maybe it was because she wasn’t trained to operate the communications and had never thought to learn more, “You maybe have good luck to try? “ 

Kelistina focused on getting the shuddering vessel out of Qo’noS’ gravity. Even she was a bit concerned with how much the ship was shaking. Even if Nysari could operate the radio, getting to it right now would be dangerous.  By now the ship was shaking quite a bit and Kelistina was gripping the controls tightly as both passengers were pushed into their seats, “We out planet sky soon. Then you talk ship, Yes?”

Unbeknownst to either of them, several parts of the ship had come free and were now falling back to the planet's surface, several of which were critical to the continued operation of the ship.  Just as they breached the outer atmosphere alarms began to sound. The ship broke free of gravity and seemed to suddenly stop shaking. Kelistina switched the controls from the launch engines to the flight engines. While the momentum kept them moving away from the planet for the moment Kelistina frowned when the expected push did not happen. "You  good speak friends now," she said as she got up and went to look at what alarms had been triggered, "I fix more."
Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: PRO:S[DAY 01][0800]Mixed Communications and Translation Errors

Reply #11
[ Lt. JG Nysarisiza “Nysari” zh’Eziarath | Kel’s Ship ] Attn: @Eirual

When Kel pointed to the communications device behind them, Nysari immediately – stupidly – tried to get up, intending to move over to it. But she couldn’t keep her balance, the deck rocking beneath her feet and quickly off them. Luckily, she fell back into the chair. The inertial dampeners on this ship certainly weren’t inspiring any confidence. Or maybe it was just shaking itself apart. Neither option was comforting. “Should we return to the surface?” she asked, mostly succeeding in keeping her voice calm and unconcerned. Even though her heart was racing. “The ship seems to need a few more repairs.” Being left behind on Qo’noS was preferable to dying trying to return to the Theurgy. At least then she still had a chance of being useful.

And returning home with considerably less guilt.

When everything went still, Nysari was almost sad. Then her rational mind took over, wresting back control from the part of her that longed to go home. She had made her choice weeks ago. She really needed to let it go and get on with things. Like this ship, which was still trying to fall apart. Alarms were fairly standard, constant across spoken languages. However, since Nysari could barely repair Starfleet technology, much less something completely foreign, there was nothing she could do to help Kel except stand in the way and fret. So she took the alien woman’s advice and finally got to communications.

“Lieutenant zh’Eziarath to Theurgy.” It didn’t look like any subspace transmitter she’d ever seen, eyes glued on the console as she cautiously pressed buttons, trying to get a handle on what everything did. Nysari kept repeating herself as she worked, hoping that whoever was running coms on the ship was better at scanning frequencies than she was. “Lieutenant zh’Eziarath to the USS Theurgy. Can anyone hear me? I’m in a damaged shuttle in Qo’noS orbit.” A large crash sounded from the rear of the shuttle, followed by what could only be crumpling metal.

“Lieutenant zh’Eziarath to Theurgy. I think we’re going to need some help here.”

Re: PRO:S[DAY 01][0800]Mixed Communications and Translation Errors

Reply #12
[Kelistina Kavot Drova | Kelistina's ship | leaving the planet | Qo'noS]
Attn: @rae

Kelistina had rushed towards the rear of the ship knowing the alarms were a sure sign of impending danger. Too many things seemed to not be working right and it would take a well-trained group of mechanics working together to get it all fixed. She was alone in her tasks and definitely not as well-trained on flight system repairs as she would have been if the disaster at home hadn't happened. She breached the door to the main flight engine area and was met with a lot of smoke pouring out. In influx of oxygen turned the smoke into a blazing inferno. She slammed the door shut again, burning her hands in the process. That was the least of her worries right now. 

The sound of the rear of the ship turning in on itself reached her ears in terrifying proximity and she wondered if it would rip away the door and wall that was now the only thing between the fire and the ships inhabitants. Kelistina knew there was nothing she could do. The damage was too great for her skills. They had to get off the ship before the destruction or the fire breached the door, or the planet took them back down. And this time she feared she would not be so lucky to survive. And she had now put her new friend in danger. 

Kelistina ran to the room she had been using for storage and grabbed two large bundles. Her next stop was to her sleeping area where she grabbed a satchel and stuffed some of her personal belongings. Movin towards the front of the ship she closed every hatch between the affected area and the flight control area that she could, hoping to give them more time. She then went back to Nysari at the communication station.

She hurried back to where the smaller female was trying to reach her friends and passed one of the bundles to her. “Is going to be… not good fit.. but maybe keep you safe till friends come,” She said as she dropped the second bundle on the floor and opened it to reveal the Zarodian version of an EVA  and began to put it on, trying to explain to Nysari as she did. Once she was in her suit she grabbed the satchel once more Kel made her way around the room and pulled the pictures from the walls  stuffing them into the bag. 

“You call friends, say we need help big quick, yes?” Kel asked as she came back to Nysari’s side. Looking at the station briefly she pressed two buttons at the same time and a steady signal started to sound. “This is …  ship bad working, send to everyone, yes?  Send help,” Kelistina said as she took Nysari’s arm to help her move in the bulky and ill fitting suit. “We go to door, most safe place now!”
Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: PRO:S[DAY 01][0800]Mixed Communications and Translation Errors

Reply #13
[NPC-Ens. Sovern-Coms officer |Main Bridge |Deck 01|Vector 01 |USS Theurgy
Attn: @rae

Ensign Sovern had been monitoring the communications channels. He was getting tired of hearing Klingon’s yelling through the coms for landing and departures. He wondered if Klingons ever spoke at lower volumes. He was wishing he was anywhere but stuck on the bridge at coms. Then his ears picked up something unexpected over a little used channel.

“Lieutenant zh’Eziarath to the USS Theurgy. Can anyone hear me? I’m in a damaged shuttle in Qo’noS orbit.” A large crash sounded from the rear of the shuttle, followed by what could only be crumpling metal.

“Lieutenant zh’Eziarath to Theurgy. I think we’re going to need some help here.”

Shortly after that what sounded like gibberish to his ears was accompanied by what appeared to be a distress beacon.  Turning to the officer in command he called out, “I’ve got a distress call, from Lt. zh’Eziarath on board an unknow vessel in distress.”

It took a mere few nano-seconds to pinpoint the vessel since it was nearing the Theurgy and could be seen on the forward screen. It was also obviously about to disintegrate.

[NPC – Ens Chase-Tactical ]
“It isn’t going to last long, I read two lifesigns on board, locking onto their signals now,” The tactical officer called as her hands moved over her console. She opened a com to the transporter room, “Transport lock on two individuals, emergency Beam out.

[Kelistina Kavot Drova | Kelistina's ship | leaving the planet | Qo'noS]

The sound of the ship dying around them caused Kelistina to push her new friend down and try to cover her. “Open door, way out only too soon,” she said over the sound of the crumbling ship. She felt a sudden tingling and gasped as a blue-white light enveloped the two of them. “I think we die, me not very good friend.”

OOC: I’ll let you have the fun of reappearing on the Theurgy just as Kel’s vessel explodes. LOL

Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: PRO:S[DAY 01][0800]Mixed Communications and Translation Errors

Reply #14
[ Lt. JG Nysarisiza “Nysari” zh’Eziarath | Kel’s Ship ] Attn: @Eirual

“Is anyone hearing this? We are in a malfunctioning ship and require immediate assistance.” As of yet, she had received no reply whatsoever, so Nysari was continuing to speak, altering her distress signal slightly as she continued to fiddle with the controls. She’d abandoned trying to reach the Theurgy directly a few moments ago and switched to broadband, fully prepared to accept a Klingon’s speech about the dishonor of her predicament as long as they transported her back to the surface first. 

Then Kelistina was back, a flash of bright red behind a mass of luggage, shoving a bulky object into the Andorian’s hands before Nysari even registered what was going on. Kel was gathering her valuables, so obviously they were past the ‘repair the ship’ option now. An identical bundle in the other woman’s hands was revealed as an EVA suit, which was enough to kick Nysari’s brain back into gear as she began unrolling her own. The fit was terrible. Kelistina was at least half a meter taller than her, and based on the design of the space suit, that was a common height for Zaroodians. The suit was comically long on her, creating weird bunches in the arms, legs, and torso where the extra fabric rolled. Like most helmets not specifically made for Andorians, there was nowhere for her antennae to go. The sensitive appendages hurt as they were forced back against her scalp, and she was immediately awash with a dizziness that was not at all helpful in the still shuddering ship.

“I called them, but I don’t know if anyone heard me,” Nysari explained as Kel returned to the communications console. For all she knew, this was a radio, communicating on archaic frequencies that no one was actively scanning at all. Thankfully, Kelistina seemed to understand it, punching in a general distress signal. “Send to everyone,” Nysari agreed.

She stumbled more than once on the way to the door, trying to acclimate without her normal sense of balance. Grabbing awkwardly at the sleeve of the EVA suit, Nysari tried to start up the transmitter inside it to continue broadcasting distress signals. The transporter’s light touch was a relief, elation flowing through her. “We’re saved.”

[ Transporter Room 2 | Deck 5 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ]

A few moments later, the confinement beam released them in the familiar surroundings of the transporter room, a sight she was always far too happy to see at the end of her long chaotic days on the planet below. The first thing she did was pull off the helmet, freeing the tortured antennae beneath. “That’s much better,” she sighed before turning to Kel. “Welcome to the USS Theurgy.”

“You both alright Lieutenant?” the young human behind the transporter console asked. “We barely got you in time. The bridge put medical on alert if you need them.”

“I’m fine thank you,” besides the bruise from earlier, she had survived this incident unscathed. “Are you hurt, Kelistina? What is the status of her ship?” The look on the transporter operator’s face said it all. “Ah. Your ship is…” she paused, trying to think of a polite euphemism that was still simple enough to easily translate. “Gone.”

Then- “Where is the translator? We did bring it with us right?” She certainly wasn’t holding it.

Re: PRO:S[DAY 01][0800]Mixed Communications and Translation Errors

Reply #15
[ Kelistina Kavot Droga | Transporter Room 2 | Deck 5 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy]
Attn: @rae 

Kelistina had closed her eyes so she would not see her new friend die and all because she was not a good enough fixer of ships. The present of ‘speaking’, otherwise known as an old communicator, which she had thrown into her sack just before they ran for the outer door, still could be heard, albeit quietly, as she murmered, “I sorry, friend. I not good to fix it to bring you space.”

Her body tingled in a strange way for a few seconds and then she no longer heard the clamor of her ship collapsing around them. She thought it would hurt to die, but other than the pain from the burns to her hands, she had only felt that tingling but that had already stopped. She heard Ni-sar-ri speaking and someone else responding. Kel snapped open her eyes to a brightly lit room and another of the not-King-onz aliens looking at them. It took her a moment before the shock of not being dead after all passed and she blinked her eyes at the question from the female next to her, “I still alive, yes? But where?” Somehow, she had missed the ‘welcome’ in those first few seconds after she had stopped tingling.

Kelistina knew that her ship was, as Ni-sar-ri said… gone and was translated as ‘no more’ only confirmed that. Kelistina let herself drop to a sitting position on the strange, raised platform. A deep sad sigh escaped her as she wondered what would happen to her now.

“I no ship, no home, where go I now?” She started to put her head in her hands but stopped as  she let out a small gasp of pain. She could not even see her hands as she was still in her EV suit. But it would be quite obvious to anyone watching that her hands had suffered some sort of damage. Kelistina stared at her hidden hands thinking to herself that even if her ship wasn't gone, she could not even fix it if she could not hold any of her tools.

Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: PRO:S[DAY 01][0800]Mixed Communications and Translation Errors

Reply #16
[ Lt. JG Nysarisiza “Nysari” zh’Eziarath | Transporter Room 2 | Deck 5 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Eirual

At least they could still communicate, a small victory. In the face of what her new acquaintance had just lost, it wasn’t something Nysari felt the need to bring up. Watching Kelistina sit on the edge of the platform, Nysari found herself at an uncharacteristic loss for words. Though her current self-inflicted circumstances meant she couldn’t go home, at least she knew Andoria was still there. Her family was still there. Kel had already lost that, and now the universe had seen fit to take more still.

Catching the transporter operator’s eye, Nysari jerked her head slightly towards the door, silently suggesting that he take a few minutes break. He nodded, tapped the console to lock the system, then slipped into the hallway. Nysari went to sit by Kel, an uncomfortable position in the ill-fitting environmental suit. She was going to need to take that off sooner than later.

“You are alive. This is the USS Theurgy,” she explained, repeating the name slower to help with pronunciation. “It’s my- it’s the ship I work on.” As for the next question, Nysari hesitated, not sure how to answer. Were this a normal Starfleet vessel, the answer would be simple. She could stay here, be taken to a nearby starbase, and delivered safely into the Federation’s hands for resettlement. Unfortunately, the Theurgy was so far from normal. Outcasts, renegades, traitors. The words changed depending on the news program, but none of them were kind. Kel would be much better off if they sent her back to Qo’noS and let her apply for asylum at the Federation Embassy there. That option wasn’t available either, since the Theurgy was schedule to depart any moment now, taking Kel into a war zone.

“I’m sorry Kelistina,” she said quietly. An explanation would have to come later, but for now, Nysari left it at that. “Can you walk?” She put a hand under the Zaroodian’s elbow to help her stand. “I will take you to a doctor. They can fix your hands. Then we’ll talk to the Captain.” Or Commander Stark, most likely. “We’ll find a place for you.” For Kel's sake, she hoped it wasn't here.

Nysari was going to have so much explaining to do.

OOC: Would you like to go to sickbay, or fin it here?

Re: PRO:S[DAY 01][0800]Mixed Communications and Translation Errors

Reply #17
[ Kelistina Kavot Droga | Transporter Room 2 | Deck 5 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy]
Attn: @rae 

Kel repeated the name of the ship, finding the pronunciation slightly awkward to her tongue, but she nodded. “You work with the other non-kling-onz from before on planet,“ she was still staring at her gloved hands as she spoke slowly and softly. The apology from Ni-Sa-ri was barely noticed and she felt a hand on her elbow and the query if she was able to walk. With a heavy sigh she nodded her head and rose to her feet, ducking to avoid hitting her head on the ceiling she replied, “I walk most good. I will go to healer, yes.”  She was a little concerned about speaking to a Captain, or as the translator referred to them, high leader. 

“I sorry, friend,”
Kelistina said sadly, “I not mean to make bad for you. High leader will not be happy me here?” Kel couldn’t help but wonder what would happen next. She should not be here, and even though she was brought by their device, the high leader may decide to send her back where she was, even though the King-onz did not want her on their planet.

Kelistina let herself by guided out into the corridor, a maneuver that forced her to duck even further to get through the door way.  The ceilings were low enough that she could not stand properly, so she had to walk stopped over as they traversed  the decks to see the healer.

OCC I figure here is as good a place to stop as any. We can even start a new post with medical and the CO if that works for you.
Ensign Mia Dunne   [Show/Hide]

  Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droga   [Show/Hide]

Re: PRO:S[DAY 01][0800]Mixed Communications and Translation Errors

Reply #18
[ Lt. JG Nysarisiza “Nysari” zh’Eziarath | Transporter Room 2 | Deck 5 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Eirual

“I work with the other non-Klingons you met on the planet, yes.” Though considering how that night on Qo’noS had gone, that was a terrible introduction to Starfleet, its officers, and the Federation as a whole. She’d left early for a trip to sickbay, having almost been strangled by a coworker under the influence of a unique Klingon liquor that encouraged violence. If that was the only other experience Kelistina had with them, it was a wonder she wasn’t clinging to the transporter pad and begging to be let off. A diplomatic disaster, through and through. “They are typically better behaved.”

They walked slowly. Nysari had intended to keep the pace slow to account for Kel’s injuries, but what really seemed to hamper the alien was her height, which exceeded what Starfleet built for. It was one thing to duck through doorways, but in the corridor? She’d known Kelistina was tall, but the Theurgy made her look like a giant. Another, smaller space in the turbolift sent them down to a lower deck. “Main Sickbay.”

It took her a moment to understand who the ‘high leader’ was referring to. The translator, with all its quirks, had done the best it could with ‘captain’ but had failed to repeat the process in reverse, keeping the phrase as a direct translation.

“I will not be in trouble,” she explained. “Helping people in need is part of our mission.” Or at least it was on a normal mission, on a normal Starfleet vessel. “The Captain – high leader – will want to meet you to determine the best way to do that.” Truthfully, she mused as they entered sickbay, whether Kelistina stayed or went wouldn’t be up to anyone. Fate was taking them all where it willed.

“Lieutenant zh’Eziarath to Commander Stark. Could you please join me in sickbay. We have an unexpected guest on board.”


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