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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5225
Just FYI, I'll have updates to my threads starting hopefully today or tomorrow but been dealing with life, sicknesses and work. So if I'm late, I apologize and should be caught up by this coming Tuesday.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5226
I've had a relapse and have been struggling with sleep an energy.  I'm hoping I'm on the other side of this.  I'll reply as soon as I can.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5227


Sadly, @Nolan has informed me that real life has pulled him away from the sim entirely at this point.

I hope this message will find you well! I wish you and the other writers the best of time in the upcoming years, sadly, I feel like now is my time to leave. I've not been quite as active as I had wanted to be and the last few months have given me very little time to participate at all.

Sadly, the future will not give me more free time as after my marriage last summer, I'm now expecting to become a father. I feel like this will soak up most if not all of my free time. Hence I see it only to be fair to hand in my active status and perhaps return to the story at a later stage.

Given how many years it's been, and all the writing we've done together, I do hope you'll return some day! :)

PO2 Kythalie Benmual            Security Officer  

  - Available for Inheritance

As according to stated preferences, Kythalie Benmual is now available for inheritance. You can find her bio above if you are interested and eligible for adding another character. To my awareness, the character isn't actively written in any threads at the moment, but should that be the case, I recommend FINing the threads so that I can lock them.


It seems that in the end of the Qo'noS shore leave, one of our Asst. Chief Operations Officers went missing!

Day 19 [0900 hrs.] Unfortunate Timing

This is awesome IC foreshadowing for things afoot in Episode 02, as well as @Pierce not finding any inspiration towards writing Nick Chambers after some deep thought and consideration. @Pierce is not leaving or anything like that, but the character exits the story in the context of an actively written character. If he makes a cameo in Episode 02, it will then be an an NPC.


Now with more hours off a big work thing, I'm looking forward to finishing up the art and last bit of writing for the launch of Episode 02. If you have old threads in the Aldea Prime Anthology or Episode 01: Advent of War, please finish them up as soon as you can so that I can lock down those old boards? Thanks in advance for that!

Of course the Interregnum 01-02 board is going to be open for pre-Episode 02 shenanigans since you guys may come up with thread ideas that would fit better if set before the Theurgy heads for the RNZ.

Hope this message finds you all well out there! :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5229
I hope Nolan has the time to sleep with the new baby!  Obviously the odds of that are low, but still, fingers crossed.  :)
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5230
Hey all.   Just wanted to give a heads up that with the holidays upon us, I'm probably not going to get a post in again until 12/26.   My apologies to @Auctor Lucan  @Griff  and @UltimaImperatrixia to whom I am already late in posting replies.  Further apologies to @rae  and @Ellen Fitz to whom I am late as of today.  

Thats the bad news.  The GOOD news is that next week my office is closed and...with luck I'll be able to catch up. 

Thanks for the patience!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5232


While I mean to use the Holidays to launch Episode 02, I thought I would give you all something in the meantime. Here is the result of our new Random Encounters lottery for Day 15 to 21 during the Qo'nos Shoreleave!


Please bear in mind that the USS Oneida left for Ba'ku to scan its rings on Day 15, so these encounters take place on the Theurgy or on Qo'noS. The previous lottery had Oneida locations listed. These lotteries open up for opportunities of character interaction one might not expect, and if you guys still want to do the pairings of the old lottery, it can be found HERE.

Please bear in mind that these RE threads may be posted tomorrow or months from now so no rush. The gimmick (third column) and the location (fourth column) is a part of the challenge, to come up with how the gimmick might be a factor in the scene and why they would encounter each other there, but if you can't come up with ideas, you can consider the two columns optional. Details about the Qo'nos locations can be found on the linked page. The writer with the character in the left column writes the Starter post after contacting the Replying writer to check if they are available for writing the encounter. If you guys want to switch with each other, just PM me via the forum about the switch you've made and the page will be updated!

Hope you all like the pairings, and if not, you may still like them when you actually come up with an idea and write it out.

Another lottery will be held soon for Episode 02, so if you cannot find inspiration towards this lottery, there is another one coming up as well.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5233


 < Click For Full Resolution >

We have a new board on the forum! Unfortunately, since the forum upgrade I did, it now prevents me from adding basic html formatting so I can't add the new cover image I've made to the board. So I am displaying it here for now. Hope you like it!


As you can see, only a foreshadowing Foreword is up for now, but I will be posting the Prologue in it's many parts as soon as I finish up the writing. I will also try to fix the stupid layout problem with the cover image not showing on the board as soon as I figure out what the problem is.

Hope this finds you all well out there! More to come over the course of the coming days! :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5234


While we celebrated Christmas yesterday here in Sweden (strange as we are), I just wanted to send you all a greeting in hopes thay you are all safe and sound out there! With weather and varying illness causing havoc around the globe, I hope you all still get to celebrate these Holidays as best as you might.

Take care of yourselves and your loved ones!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5235
Merry christmas, all!  Stay safe and sane as the winter storms continue. 
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5236
Health, travel, and holidays have drained time and energy.  Should be back home and settled by the 1st.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5237
I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas.  

I want to apologise for not posting much over the past year.   The deterioration of my eye sight has a lot to do with it.   Even with  bigscreen and  Windows magnifier, even the shortest post was hard work.   Then I moved to working on a Tablet, which was midly better but not my preferred way to write (I like clacky keys dammit).   In general, reading and writing still posed a problem for me.     I hadn’t realised how bad things were until I got my left eye fixed.    Even now I am still noticing intracies in patterns on things I have owned for the better part of 5 years.   

I am back now, I am going to post more regularly (other eye permitting).  

Just wanted to reach out if anyone needs to rub shoulders with Foval, the XB assistant Diplomatic Officer or Vanya, the science officer, the offer is there.   

Heres to 2023
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5238


>> Click For Full Resolution

The three posts linked below all detail events that take place at 0900 hrs on Day 1 in Episode 02: Cosmic Imperative! Hope you enjoy the read!


The next post in that thread, which will be up tomorrow, will jump back an hour and take place at 0800 hrs aboard the Theurgy, initiating the Senior Staff meeting that will launch the events described in the loose Story Workshop manuscript. The starter for the Senior Staff meeting will also open up for Supplemental one-on-one threads for characters not in the Senior Staff.

So stay tuned, and I hope you have enjoyed these three starting scenes, which continuations will be posted later in this thread! :)

Oh, and if you guys want to discuss these three posts on our Discord server, please make sure to do so in the #conference_lounge channel, and use proper spoiler formatting with these: ||Spoilers goes here|| hide any exclamations that may ruin the reading for writers who have yet to read up on the Prologue. That's all for now! :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5239
Status update on me, I'm alive, I know I'm behind. Christmas brought some unexpected suprises to my household that has taken most of my focus.

My middle stepson sort of ran away from home. He was supposed to go spend a week with his aunt in another state. Well, she and he slipped off to visit his biological father who he hasn't seen since he was 2. He ghosted his friends and his mom for two days which raised all sorts of alarms especially when we couldn't reach the aunt either. Of course, this was just the cherry on top as his older brother, also my stepson decided to quit his job at Disney and get engaged to a girl he just met and has known for only two months.

The two are now planning on moving in with the wife and I. No plans to go back to college. No job. No apartment. Her parents are all the way on the other side of the U.S. just as livid. My son is 20, their daughter is 19, technically adults, both stupid. To say we are so upset that we really want to say NO but don't want them living on the streets.

They arrive tomorrow, and my middle son who is now in communication with his mom returns Saturday. I plan to go hiking and relaxing Sunday. I will make a wholehearted effort to catch up on Monday. Sorry, guys, sometimes real life is more dramatic than fantasy.
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5240
Status update on me, I'm alive, I know I'm behind. Christmas brought some unexpected suprises to my household that has taken most of my focus.

My middle stepson sort of ran away from home. He was supposed to go spend a week with his aunt in another state. Well, she and he slipped off to visit his biological father who he hasn't seen since he was 2. He ghosted his friends and his mom for two days which raised all sorts of alarms especially when we couldn't reach the aunt either. Of course, this was just the cherry on top as his older brother, also my stepson decided to quit his job at Disney and get engaged to a girl he just met and has known for only two months.

The two are now planning on moving in with the wife and I. No plans to go back to college. No job. No apartment. Her parents are all the way on the other side of the U.S. just as livid. My son is 20, their daughter is 19, technically adults, both stupid. To say we are so upset that we really want to say NO but don't want them living on the streets.

They arrive tomorrow, and my middle son who is now in communication with his mom returns Saturday. I plan to go hiking and relaxing Sunday. I will make a wholehearted effort to catch up on Monday. Sorry, guys, sometimes real life is more dramatic than fantasy.

Oh my god!  I'm so sorry that things are such a mess for you.  I hope that you can resolve the situation soon and your son sees sense and either goes back to school or starts looking for work. 
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5241


>> Click For Full Resolution

It's time! As of this new post:

PROLOGUE: EDGE OF CHAOS [DAY 01|0900 HRS.]'s now open to post new Supplemental threads for Episode 02's Prologue, where you can depict one-on-one or group scenes with other writers in your own IC subplots on this morning of Day 01. The limitation of the IC time-span for these Supplemental threads will span from 0500 hrs. to 0900 hrs. This means that the Judicious Journeys broadcast - and its ending - has yet to be aired, and the reactions to that will be reserved for later. The main thread of the Prologue is, however, restricted to the Senior Staff Joint-Posts for the time being.

Important: The naming convention for these one-on-one Supplemental threads that belonging to Prologue is: PRO: S [D01|YYYY] Insert Title (YYYY marking the time in the morning).


We'll be testing something new to lend some speed in compiling a Senior Staff meeting. Instead of a posting order, and a long waiting-game, all writers whom have a Senior Staff member now has 10 days staring from January 1 2023, to contribute a couple of short paragraphs of writing into a Joint-Post. This means that there is no set posting order, and that everyone with Senior Staff characters must post in the Joint-Post before the 11th of January. This Joint-Post is hosted on the wiki, which you all have access to, and the link is HERE. More details about how the Joint-Post is to be created can be found there as well. As for Nicander's report, all the relevant information about the Hobus supernova threat can be read in this thread.


Here are some ideas/themes for Supplemental threads that you all can write with your characters at this point of Episode 02, but I am sure you have plenty of ideas of your own as well, so just consider these to be inspirational towards how you choose to introduce your character in this Episode!
  • Perhaps your characters are working on a science or engineering project that has bearing for the plot in Episode 02, and your character can be featured working on it to foreshadow its implementation in the plot later on?
  • With the Theurgy joining the Klingons at the border to face the Praetor's forces on this day, perhaps your character(s) have chosen to celebrate still being alive while they still can? What would the aftermath be, after such a final night out?
  • Perhaps a more romantic setting, in which two characters wake up together, and you can recount the evening prior in flashbacks?
  • More duty-related, the beginning of alpha-shift may be devoted to final preparations and checks to make sure everything is ready for another battle? Fighter diagnostics to run? Armament profiles to pick? Gear to clean? Weapons maintenance? Prepare to kick some Romulan arse!
  • Perhaps a visit to the Memorial Terrace of the Arboretum, to activate a hologram of a lost loved one and say something they'd meant to say when they were still alive?
  • Perhaps your character(s) wake up down on Qo'noS, realising that they need to get back on the ship before the Theurgy leaves for the RNZ! What if their combadge was lost at some point the evening prior, and they have no means of communicating with the ship, much less transport up there?

Given experience from Episode 01: Advent of War, where some writers neglected to participate in favour of continuing to write in the Aldea Prime Anthology - or not write at all - a character introduction in Episode 02 is to be considered mandatory for active participation in the sim, so please find writing partners and jump into the telling of the main story, because here we go!

The above information is also available in the OOC section of the latest post in the Prologue, for sake of convenience.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5243
Happy New Year! I hope it was better than mine, which involved all the nasty flu symptoms. Apparently you can throw up so hard that tiny blood vessels in your eyes will break, which is something I wish I'd never learned. It looks creepy and is very itchy. I'm feeling better now, and working on replies. But I'm exhausted, so I haven't made much headway. I think things will start being late tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be able to catch up this weekend.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5244


Today, @Dree expands our Operations Department with Lieutenant Reika Sh'laan, an original crewmember of the USS Theurgy, thawed from stasis on Day 16!

Lt. Reika Sh'laan      Asst. Chief of Operations (V3)

  - Writer: @Dree

Just prior to the start of Episode 02, she will end up as an Asst. Chief Operations Officer on the ''Theurgy'', having served in Operations prior to her injury. Welcome to the sim, @Dree ! :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5246
Welcome aboard!
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5249
Thanks, @Auctor Lucan, @Griff, @GroundPetrel, @Eden, and @Pierce!  I'm excited to be here and to get to write with you all. 

For those of you who are interested, I’m a non-fiction author by trade.  I’m married, and I have five kids.  So I’ve got a lot going on in my life, but I’ve been a Trek fan for what feels like forever.  I’ve been involved in another Startrek RPG for quite a while, but sometimes it runs slowly, so I was looking for another game to jump into.   I stumbled across this one while doing some research for a post on that game. 

Hopefully, I’ll get a chance to write with many - if not all of you - soon.

Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

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